Codebase list cura / 0c67481
New upstream version 2.6.0 Gregor Riepl 6 years ago
492 changed file(s) with 42440 addition(s) and 10984 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
99 resources/firmware
1010 resources/materials
12 .cache
13 *.qmlc
15 #MacOS
16 .DS_Store
1318 # Editors and IDEs.
1419 *kdev*
1722 *~
1823 *.qm
1924 .idea
25 cura.desktop
2127 # Eclipse+PyDev
2228 .project
3137 plugins/GodMode
3238 plugins/PostProcessingPlugin
3339 plugins/X3GWriter
40 plugins/FlatProfileExporter
41 plugins/ProfileFlattener
42 plugins/cura-god-mode-plugin
43 plugins/cura-big-flame-graph
45 #Build stuff
46 CMakeCache.txt
47 CMakeFiles
48 CPackSourceConfig.cmake
49 Testing/
50 CTestTestfile.cmake
51 Makefile*
52 junit-pytest-*
54 cmake_install.cmake
56 #Debug
57 *.gcode
00 project(cura NONE)
11 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
36 include(GNUInstallDirs)
5 set(URANIUM_SCRIPTS_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../uranium/scripts" CACHE DIRECTORY "The location of the scripts directory of the Uranium repository")
8 set(URANIUM_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../Uranium" CACHE DIRECTORY "The location of the Uranium repository")
9 set(URANIUM_SCRIPTS_DIR "${URANIUM_DIR}/scripts" CACHE DIRECTORY "The location of the scripts directory of the Uranium repository")
711 # Tests
8 # Note that we use exit 0 here to not mark the build as a failure on test failure
9 add_custom_target(tests)
10 add_custom_command(TARGET tests POST_BUILD COMMAND "PYTHONPATH=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../Uranium/:${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m pytest -r a --junitxml=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/junit.xml ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} || exit 0)
12 include(CuraTests)
1214 option(CURA_DEBUGMODE "Enable debug dialog and other debug features" OFF)
2325 set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${URANIUM_DIR}/cmake")
2426 endif()
2629 include(UraniumTranslationTools)
2730 # Extract Strings
2831 add_custom_target(extract-messages ${URANIUM_SCRIPTS_DIR}/extract-messages ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} cura)
6366 install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/
6467 DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}/site-packages/cura)
6568 endif()
67 include(CPackConfig.cmake)
CPackConfig.cmake less more
0 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Ultimaker B.V.")
1 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "Arjen Hiemstra <>")
2 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "Cura application to drive the CuraEngine")
10 "uranium (>= 15.05.93)"
11 )
12 string(REPLACE ";" ", " DEB_DEPENDS "${DEB_DEPENDS}")
15 include(CPack)
0 parallel_nodes(['linux && cura', 'windows && cura']) {
1 // Prepare building
2 stage('Prepare') {
3 // Ensure we start with a clean build directory.
4 step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
6 // Checkout whatever sources are linked to this pipeline.
7 checkout scm
8 }
10 // If any error occurs during building, we want to catch it and continue with the "finale" stage.
11 catchError {
12 // Building and testing should happen in a subdirectory.
13 dir('build') {
14 // Perform the "build". Since Uranium is Python code, this basically only ensures CMake is setup.
15 stage('Build') {
16 // Ensure CMake is setup. Note that since this is Python code we do not really "build" it.
17 def uranium_dir = get_workspace_dir("Ultimaker/Uranium/master")
19 }
21 // Try and run the unit tests. If this stage fails, we consider the build to be "unstable".
22 stage('Unit Test') {
23 try {
24 make('test')
25 } catch(e) {
26 currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 }
32 // Perform any post-build actions like notification and publishing of unit tests.
33 stage('Finalize') {
34 // Publish the test results to Jenkins.
35 junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: 'build/junit*.xml'
37 notify_build_result(env.CURA_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, '#cura-dev', ['master', '2.'])
38 }
39 }
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 enable_testing()
4 include(CMakeParseArguments)
6 find_package(PythonInterp 3.5.0 REQUIRED)
8 function(cura_add_test)
10 cmake_parse_arguments("" "" "${_single_args}" "" ${ARGN})
12 if(NOT _NAME)
13 message(FATAL_ERROR "cura_add_test requires a test name argument")
14 endif()
17 message(FATAL_ERROR "cura_add_test requires a directory to test")
18 endif()
22 endif()
24 if(WIN32)
25 string(REPLACE "|" "\\;" _PYTHONPATH ${_PYTHONPATH})
26 else()
28 endif()
30 add_test(
31 NAME ${_NAME}
32 COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m pytest --junitxml=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/junit-${_NAME}.xml ${_DIRECTORY}
33 )
34 set_tests_properties(${_NAME} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT LANG=C)
36 endfunction()
40 file(GLOB_RECURSE _plugins plugins/*/
41 foreach(_plugin ${_plugins})
42 get_filename_component(_plugin_directory ${_plugin} DIRECTORY)
43 if(EXISTS ${_plugin_directory}/tests)
44 get_filename_component(_plugin_name ${_plugin_directory} NAME)
45 cura_add_test(NAME pytest-${_plugin_name} DIRECTORY ${_plugin_directory} PYTHONPATH "${_plugin_directory}|${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}|${URANIUM_DIR}")
46 endif()
47 endforeach()
0 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
1 from UM.Logger import Logger
2 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
3 from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
4 from cura import ZOffsetDecorator
6 from collections import namedtuple
8 import numpy
9 import copy
12 ## Return object for bestSpot
13 LocationSuggestion = namedtuple("LocationSuggestion", ["x", "y", "penalty_points", "priority"])
16 ## The Arrange classed is used together with ShapeArray. Use it to find
17 # good locations for objects that you try to put on a build place.
18 # Different priority schemes can be defined so it alters the behavior while using
19 # the same logic.
20 class Arrange:
21 build_volume = None
23 def __init__(self, x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale= 1.0):
24 self.shape = (y, x)
25 self._priority = numpy.zeros((x, y), dtype=numpy.int32)
26 self._priority_unique_values = []
27 self._occupied = numpy.zeros((x, y), dtype=numpy.int32)
28 self._scale = scale # convert input coordinates to arrange coordinates
29 self._offset_x = offset_x
30 self._offset_y = offset_y
31 self._last_priority = 0
33 ## Helper to create an Arranger instance
34 #
35 # Either fill in scene_root and create will find all sliceable nodes by itself,
36 # or use fixed_nodes to provide the nodes yourself.
37 # \param scene_root Root for finding all scene nodes
38 # \param fixed_nodes Scene nodes to be placed
39 @classmethod
40 def create(cls, scene_root = None, fixed_nodes = None, scale = 0.5):
41 arranger = Arrange(220, 220, 110, 110, scale = scale)
42 arranger.centerFirst()
44 if fixed_nodes is None:
45 fixed_nodes = []
46 for node_ in DepthFirstIterator(scene_root):
47 # Only count sliceable objects
48 if node_.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
49 fixed_nodes.append(node_)
51 # Place all objects fixed nodes
52 for fixed_node in fixed_nodes:
53 vertices = fixed_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
54 points = copy.deepcopy(vertices._points)
55 shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromPolygon(points, scale = scale)
56, 0, shape_arr)
58 # If a build volume was set, add the disallowed areas
59 if Arrange.build_volume:
60 disallowed_areas = Arrange.build_volume.getDisallowedAreas()
61 for area in disallowed_areas:
62 points = copy.deepcopy(area._points)
63 shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromPolygon(points, scale = scale)
64, 0, shape_arr)
65 return arranger
67 ## Find placement for a node (using offset shape) and place it (using hull shape)
68 # return the nodes that should be placed
69 # \param node
70 # \param offset_shape_arr ShapeArray with offset, used to find location
71 # \param hull_shape_arr ShapeArray without offset, for placing the shape
72 def findNodePlacement(self, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr, step = 1):
73 new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
74 best_spot = self.bestSpot(
75 offset_shape_arr, start_prio = self._last_priority, step = step)
76 x, y = best_spot.x, best_spot.y
78 # Save the last priority.
79 self._last_priority = best_spot.priority
81 # Ensure that the object is above the build platform
82 new_node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator)
83 if new_node.getBoundingBox():
84 center_y = new_node.getWorldPosition().y - new_node.getBoundingBox().bottom
85 else:
86 center_y = 0
88 if x is not None: # We could find a place
89 new_node.setPosition(Vector(x, center_y, y))
90 found_spot = True
91, y, hull_shape_arr) # place the object in arranger
92 else:
93 Logger.log("d", "Could not find spot!"),
94 found_spot = False
95 new_node.setPosition(Vector(200, center_y, 100))
96 return new_node, found_spot
98 ## Fill priority, center is best. Lower value is better
99 # This is a strategy for the arranger.
100 def centerFirst(self):
101 # Square distance: creates a more round shape
102 self._priority = numpy.fromfunction(
103 lambda i, j: (self._offset_x - i) ** 2 + (self._offset_y - j) ** 2, self.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
104 self._priority_unique_values = numpy.unique(self._priority)
105 self._priority_unique_values.sort()
107 ## Fill priority, back is best. Lower value is better
108 # This is a strategy for the arranger.
109 def backFirst(self):
110 self._priority = numpy.fromfunction(
111 lambda i, j: 10 * j + abs(self._offset_x - i), self.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
112 self._priority_unique_values = numpy.unique(self._priority)
113 self._priority_unique_values.sort()
115 ## Return the amount of "penalty points" for polygon, which is the sum of priority
116 # None if occupied
117 # \param x x-coordinate to check shape
118 # \param y y-coordinate
119 # \param shape_arr the ShapeArray object to place
120 def checkShape(self, x, y, shape_arr):
121 x = int(self._scale * x)
122 y = int(self._scale * y)
123 offset_x = x + self._offset_x + shape_arr.offset_x
124 offset_y = y + self._offset_y + shape_arr.offset_y
125 occupied_slice = self._occupied[
126 offset_y:offset_y + shape_arr.arr.shape[0],
127 offset_x:offset_x + shape_arr.arr.shape[1]]
128 try:
129 if numpy.any(occupied_slice[numpy.where(shape_arr.arr == 1)]):
130 return None
131 except IndexError: # out of bounds if you try to place an object outside
132 return None
133 prio_slice = self._priority[
134 offset_y:offset_y + shape_arr.arr.shape[0],
135 offset_x:offset_x + shape_arr.arr.shape[1]]
136 return numpy.sum(prio_slice[numpy.where(shape_arr.arr == 1)])
138 ## Find "best" spot for ShapeArray
139 # Return namedtuple with properties x, y, penalty_points, priority
140 # \param shape_arr ShapeArray
141 # \param start_prio Start with this priority value (and skip the ones before)
142 # \param step Slicing value, higher = more skips = faster but less accurate
143 def bestSpot(self, shape_arr, start_prio = 0, step = 1):
144 start_idx_list = numpy.where(self._priority_unique_values == start_prio)
145 if start_idx_list:
146 start_idx = start_idx_list[0][0]
147 else:
148 start_idx = 0
149 for priority in self._priority_unique_values[start_idx::step]:
150 tryout_idx = numpy.where(self._priority == priority)
151 for idx in range(len(tryout_idx[0])):
152 x = tryout_idx[0][idx]
153 y = tryout_idx[1][idx]
154 projected_x = x - self._offset_x
155 projected_y = y - self._offset_y
157 # array to "world" coordinates
158 penalty_points = self.checkShape(projected_x, projected_y, shape_arr)
159 if penalty_points is not None:
160 return LocationSuggestion(x = projected_x, y = projected_y, penalty_points = penalty_points, priority = priority)
161 return LocationSuggestion(x = None, y = None, penalty_points = None, priority = priority) # No suitable location found :-(
163 ## Place the object.
164 # Marks the locations in self._occupied and self._priority
165 # \param x x-coordinate
166 # \param y y-coordinate
167 # \param shape_arr ShapeArray object
168 def place(self, x, y, shape_arr):
169 x = int(self._scale * x)
170 y = int(self._scale * y)
171 offset_x = x + self._offset_x + shape_arr.offset_x
172 offset_y = y + self._offset_y + shape_arr.offset_y
173 shape_y, shape_x = self._occupied.shape
175 min_x = min(max(offset_x, 0), shape_x - 1)
176 min_y = min(max(offset_y, 0), shape_y - 1)
177 max_x = min(max(offset_x + shape_arr.arr.shape[1], 0), shape_x - 1)
178 max_y = min(max(offset_y + shape_arr.arr.shape[0], 0), shape_y - 1)
179 occupied_slice = self._occupied[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]
180 # we use a slice of shape because it can be out of bounds
181 occupied_slice[numpy.where(shape_arr.arr[
182 min_y - offset_y:max_y - offset_y, min_x - offset_x:max_x - offset_x] == 1)] = 1
184 # Set priority to low (= high number), so it won't get picked at trying out.
185 prio_slice = self._priority[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]
186 prio_slice[numpy.where(shape_arr.arr[
187 min_y - offset_y:max_y - offset_y, min_x - offset_x:max_x - offset_x] == 1)] = 999
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from UM.Job import Job
4 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
5 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
6 from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
7 from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
8 from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
9 from UM.Logger import Logger
10 from UM.Message import Message
11 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
12 i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
14 from cura.ZOffsetDecorator import ZOffsetDecorator
15 from cura.Arrange import Arrange
16 from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
18 from typing import List
21 class ArrangeObjectsJob(Job):
22 def __init__(self, nodes: List[SceneNode], fixed_nodes: List[SceneNode], min_offset = 8):
23 super().__init__()
24 self._nodes = nodes
25 self._fixed_nodes = fixed_nodes
26 self._min_offset = min_offset
28 def run(self):
29 status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Finding new location for objects"), lifetime = 0, dismissable=False, progress = 0)
31 arranger = Arrange.create(fixed_nodes = self._fixed_nodes)
33 # Collect nodes to be placed
34 nodes_arr = [] # fill with (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)
35 for node in self._nodes:
36 offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(node, min_offset = self._min_offset)
37 nodes_arr.append((offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[0] * offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[1], node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr))
39 # Sort the nodes with the biggest area first.
40 nodes_arr.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
41 nodes_arr.reverse()
43 # Place nodes one at a time
44 start_priority = 0
45 last_priority = start_priority
46 last_size = None
47 grouped_operation = GroupedOperation()
48 found_solution_for_all = True
49 for idx, (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr) in enumerate(nodes_arr):
50 # For performance reasons, we assume that when a location does not fit,
51 # it will also not fit for the next object (while what can be untrue).
52 # We also skip possibilities by slicing through the possibilities (step = 10)
53 if last_size == size: # This optimization works if many of the objects have the same size
54 start_priority = last_priority
55 else:
56 start_priority = 0
57 best_spot = arranger.bestSpot(offset_shape_arr, start_prio=start_priority, step=10)
58 x, y = best_spot.x, best_spot.y
59 node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator)
60 if node.getBoundingBox():
61 center_y = node.getWorldPosition().y - node.getBoundingBox().bottom
62 else:
63 center_y = 0
64 if x is not None: # We could find a place
65 last_size = size
66 last_priority = best_spot.priority
68, y, hull_shape_arr) # take place before the next one
70 grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(x, center_y, y), set_position = True))
71 else:
72 Logger.log("d", "Arrange all: could not find spot!")
73 found_solution_for_all = False
74 grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(200, center_y, - idx * 20), set_position = True))
76 status_message.setProgress((idx + 1) / len(nodes_arr) * 100)
77 Job.yieldThread()
79 grouped_operation.push()
81 status_message.hide()
83 if not found_solution_for_all:
84 no_full_solution_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"))
2222 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
2424 import numpy
25 import copy
2625 import math
27 from typing import List
2829 # Setting for clearance around the prime
112113 new_scene_objects = set(node for node in BreadthFirstIterator(root) if node.callDecoration("isSliceable"))
113114 if new_scene_objects != self._scene_objects:
114115 for node in new_scene_objects - self._scene_objects: #Nodes that were added to the scene.
115 self._onNodeDecoratorChanged(node)
116 node.decoratorsChanged.connect(self._onNodeDecoratorChanged) # Make sure that decoration changes afterwards also receive the same treatment
116 self._updateNodeListeners(node)
117 node.decoratorsChanged.connect(self._updateNodeListeners) # Make sure that decoration changes afterwards also receive the same treatment
117118 for node in self._scene_objects - new_scene_objects: #Nodes that were removed from the scene.
118119 per_mesh_stack = node.callDecoration("getStack")
119120 if per_mesh_stack:
121122 active_extruder_changed = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderChangedSignal")
122123 if active_extruder_changed is not None:
123124 node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderChangedSignal").disconnect(self._updateDisallowedAreasAndRebuild)
124 node.decoratorsChanged.disconnect(self._onNodeDecoratorChanged)
125 node.decoratorsChanged.disconnect(self._updateNodeListeners)
126127 self._scene_objects = new_scene_objects
127128 self._onSettingPropertyChanged("print_sequence", "value") # Create fake event, so right settings are triggered.
129130 ## Updates the listeners that listen for changes in per-mesh stacks.
130131 #
131132 # \param node The node for which the decorators changed.
132 def _onNodeDecoratorChanged(self, node):
133 def _updateNodeListeners(self, node: SceneNode):
133134 per_mesh_stack = node.callDecoration("getStack")
134135 if per_mesh_stack:
135136 per_mesh_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
139140 self._updateDisallowedAreasAndRebuild()
141142 def setWidth(self, width):
142 if width: self._width = width
143 if width is not None:
144 self._width = width
144146 def setHeight(self, height):
145 if height: self._height = height
147 if height is not None:
148 self._height = height
147150 def setDepth(self, depth):
148 if depth: self._depth = depth
150 def setShape(self, shape):
151 if shape: self._shape = shape
153 def getDisallowedAreas(self):
151 if depth is not None:
152 self._depth = depth
154 def setShape(self, shape: str):
155 if shape:
156 self._shape = shape
158 def getDisallowedAreas(self) -> List[Polygon]:
154159 return self._disallowed_areas
156 def setDisallowedAreas(self, areas):
161 def setDisallowedAreas(self, areas: List[Polygon]):
157162 self._disallowed_areas = areas
159164 def render(self, renderer):
178183 backface_cull=True, sort=-8)
180185 return True
187 ## For every sliceable node, update node._outside_buildarea
188 #
189 def updateNodeBoundaryCheck(self):
190 root = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
191 nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))
192 group_nodes = []
194 build_volume_bounding_box = self.getBoundingBox()
195 if build_volume_bounding_box:
196 # It's over 9000!
197 build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(bottom=-9001)
198 else:
199 # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
200 # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
201 return
203 for node in nodes:
204 # Need to check group nodes later
205 if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
206 group_nodes.append(node) # Keep list of affected group_nodes
208 if node.callDecoration("isSliceable") or node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
209 node._outside_buildarea = False
210 bbox = node.getBoundingBox()
212 # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
213 if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(bbox) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
214 node._outside_buildarea = True
215 continue
217 convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
218 if convex_hull:
219 if not convex_hull.isValid():
220 return
221 # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
222 for area in self.getDisallowedAreas():
223 overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
224 if overlap is None:
225 continue
226 node._outside_buildarea = True
227 continue
229 # Group nodes should override the _outside_buildarea property of their children.
230 for group_node in group_nodes:
231 for child_node in group_node.getAllChildren():
232 child_node._outside_buildarea = group_node._outside_buildarea
182234 ## Recalculates the build volume & disallowed areas.
183235 def rebuild(self):
363415 Application.getInstance().getController().getScene()._maximum_bounds = scale_to_max_bounds
365 def getBoundingBox(self):
417 self.updateNodeBoundaryCheck()
419 def getBoundingBox(self) -> AxisAlignedBox:
366420 return self._volume_aabb
368 def getRaftThickness(self):
422 def getRaftThickness(self) -> float:
369423 return self._raft_thickness
371425 def _updateRaftThickness(self):
378432 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_interface_thickness", "value") +
379433 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_surface_layers", "value") *
380434 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_surface_thickness", "value") +
381 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_airgap", "value"))
435 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_airgap", "value") -
436 self._global_container_stack.getProperty("layer_0_z_overlap", "value"))
383438 # Rounding errors do not matter, we check if raft_thickness has changed at all
384439 if old_raft_thickness != self._raft_thickness:
442497 self._engine_ready = True
443498 self.rebuild()
445 def _onSettingPropertyChanged(self, setting_key, property_name):
500 def _onSettingPropertyChanged(self, setting_key: str, property_name: str):
446501 if property_name != "value":
447502 return
475530 if rebuild_me:
476531 self.rebuild()
478 def hasErrors(self):
533 def hasErrors(self) -> bool:
479534 return self._has_errors
481536 ## Calls _updateDisallowedAreas and makes sure the changes appear in the
507562 used_extruders = [self._global_container_stack]
509564 result_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasStatic(disallowed_border_size, used_extruders) #Normal machine disallowed areas can always be added.
510 prime_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrime(disallowed_border_size, used_extruders)
565 prime_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrimeBlob(disallowed_border_size, used_extruders)
511566 prime_disallowed_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasStatic(0, used_extruders) #Where the priming is not allowed to happen. This is not added to the result, just for collision checking.
513568 #Check if prime positions intersect with disallowed areas.
545600 result_areas[extruder_id].append(polygon) #Don't perform the offset on these.
547602 # Add prime tower location as disallowed area.
548 prime_tower_collision = False
549 prime_tower_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrinted(used_extruders)
550 for extruder_id in prime_tower_areas:
551 for prime_tower_area in prime_tower_areas[extruder_id]:
552 for area in result_areas[extruder_id]:
553 if prime_tower_area.intersectsPolygon(area) is not None:
554 prime_tower_collision = True
603 if len(used_extruders) > 1: #No prime tower in single-extrusion.
604 prime_tower_collision = False
605 prime_tower_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrinted(used_extruders)
606 for extruder_id in prime_tower_areas:
607 for prime_tower_area in prime_tower_areas[extruder_id]:
608 for area in result_areas[extruder_id]:
609 if prime_tower_area.intersectsPolygon(area) is not None:
610 prime_tower_collision = True
611 break
612 if prime_tower_collision: #Already found a collision.
555613 break
556 if prime_tower_collision: #Already found a collision.
557 break
558 if not prime_tower_collision:
559 result_areas[extruder_id].extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
560 else:
561 self._error_areas.extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
614 if not prime_tower_collision:
615 result_areas[extruder_id].extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
616 else:
617 self._error_areas.extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
563619 self._has_errors = len(self._error_areas) > 0
603659 return result
605 ## Computes the disallowed areas for the prime locations.
661 ## Computes the disallowed areas for the prime blobs.
606662 #
607663 # These are special because they are not subject to things like brim or
608664 # travel avoidance. They do get a dilute with the border size though
613669 # \param used_extruders The extruder stacks to generate disallowed areas
614670 # for.
615671 # \return A dictionary with for each used extruder ID the prime areas.
616 def _computeDisallowedAreasPrime(self, border_size, used_extruders):
672 def _computeDisallowedAreasPrimeBlob(self, border_size, used_extruders):
617673 result = {}
619675 machine_width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
620676 machine_depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
621677 for extruder in used_extruders:
678 prime_blob_enabled = extruder.getProperty("prime_blob_enable", "value")
622679 prime_x = extruder.getProperty("extruder_prime_pos_x", "value")
623680 prime_y = - extruder.getProperty("extruder_prime_pos_y", "value")
625 #Ignore extruder prime position if it is not set
626 if prime_x == 0 and prime_y == 0:
682 #Ignore extruder prime position if it is not set or if blob is disabled
683 if (prime_x == 0 and prime_y == 0) or not prime_blob_enabled:
627684 result[extruder.getId()] = []
628685 continue
894951 return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
896953 _skirt_settings = ["adhesion_type", "skirt_gap", "skirt_line_count", "skirt_brim_line_width", "brim_width", "brim_line_count", "raft_margin", "draft_shield_enabled", "draft_shield_dist"]
897 _raft_settings = ["adhesion_type", "raft_base_thickness", "raft_interface_thickness", "raft_surface_layers", "raft_surface_thickness", "raft_airgap"]
954 _raft_settings = ["adhesion_type", "raft_base_thickness", "raft_interface_thickness", "raft_surface_layers", "raft_surface_thickness", "raft_airgap", "layer_0_z_overlap"]
898955 _extra_z_settings = ["retraction_hop_enabled", "retraction_hop"]
899 _prime_settings = ["extruder_prime_pos_x", "extruder_prime_pos_y", "extruder_prime_pos_z"]
956 _prime_settings = ["extruder_prime_pos_x", "extruder_prime_pos_y", "extruder_prime_pos_z", "prime_blob_enable"]
900957 _tower_settings = ["prime_tower_enable", "prime_tower_size", "prime_tower_position_x", "prime_tower_position_y"]
901958 _ooze_shield_settings = ["ooze_shield_enabled", "ooze_shield_dist"]
902959 _distance_settings = ["infill_wipe_dist", "travel_avoid_distance", "support_offset", "support_enable", "travel_avoid_other_parts"]
903 _extruder_settings = ["support_enable", "support_interface_enable", "support_infill_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "support_interface_extruder_nr", "brim_line_count", "adhesion_extruder_nr", "adhesion_type"] #Settings that can affect which extruders are used.
960 _extruder_settings = ["support_enable", "support_bottom_enable", "support_roof_enable", "support_infill_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "support_bottom_extruder_nr", "support_roof_extruder_nr", "brim_line_count", "adhesion_extruder_nr", "adhesion_type"] #Settings that can affect which extruders are used.
5858 hull = self._compute2DConvexHull()
6060 if self._global_stack and self._node:
61 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
61 # Parent can be None if node is just loaded.
62 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and (self._node.getParent() is None or not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")):
6263 hull = hull.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon(numpy.array(self._global_stack.getProperty("machine_head_polygon", "value"), numpy.float32)))
6364 hull = self._add2DAdhesionMargin(hull)
6465 return hull
7879 return None
8081 if self._global_stack:
81 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
82 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and (self._node.getParent() is None or not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")):
8283 head_with_fans = self._compute2DConvexHeadMin()
8384 head_with_fans_with_adhesion_margin = self._add2DAdhesionMargin(head_with_fans)
8485 return head_with_fans_with_adhesion_margin
9293 return None
9495 if self._global_stack:
95 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
96 if self._global_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and (self._node.getParent() is None or not self._node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")):
9797 # Printing one at a time and it's not an object in a group
9898 return self._compute2DConvexHull()
9999 return None
257257 # influences the collision area.
258258 def _offsetHull(self, convex_hull):
259259 horizontal_expansion = self._getSettingProperty("xy_offset", "value")
260 if horizontal_expansion != 0:
260 mold_width = 0
261 if self._getSettingProperty("mold_enabled", "value"):
262 mold_width = self._getSettingProperty("mold_width", "value")
263 hull_offset = horizontal_expansion + mold_width
264 if hull_offset != 0:
261265 expansion_polygon = Polygon(numpy.array([
262 [-horizontal_expansion, -horizontal_expansion],
263 [-horizontal_expansion, horizontal_expansion],
264 [horizontal_expansion, horizontal_expansion],
265 [horizontal_expansion, -horizontal_expansion]
266 [-hull_offset, -hull_offset],
267 [-hull_offset, hull_offset],
268 [hull_offset, hull_offset],
269 [hull_offset, -hull_offset]
266270 ], numpy.float32))
267271 return convex_hull.getMinkowskiHull(expansion_polygon)
268272 else:
293297 self._onChanged()
295299 ## Private convenience function to get a setting from the correct extruder (as defined by limit_to_extruder property).
296 def _getSettingProperty(self, setting_key, property="value"):
300 def _getSettingProperty(self, setting_key, property = "value"):
297301 per_mesh_stack = self._node.callDecoration("getStack")
298302 if per_mesh_stack:
299303 return per_mesh_stack.getProperty(setting_key, property)
309313 extruder_stack_id = ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds["0"]
310314 extruder_stack = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = extruder_stack_id)[0]
311315 return extruder_stack.getProperty(setting_key, property)
312 else: #Limit_to_extruder is set. Use that one.
313 extruder_stack_id = ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds[str(extruder_index)]
314 stack = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = extruder_stack_id)[0]
315 return stack.getProperty(setting_key, property)
316 else: #Limit_to_extruder is set. The global stack handles this then.
317 return self._global_stack.getProperty(setting_key, property)
317319 ## Returns true if node is a descendant or the same as the root node.
318320 def __isDescendant(self, root, node):
323325 return self.__isDescendant(root, node.getParent())
325327 _affected_settings = [
326 "adhesion_type", "raft_base_thickness", "raft_interface_thickness", "raft_surface_layers",
327 "raft_surface_thickness", "raft_airgap", "raft_margin", "print_sequence",
328 "adhesion_type", "raft_margin", "print_sequence",
328329 "skirt_gap", "skirt_line_count", "skirt_brim_line_width", "skirt_distance", "brim_line_count"]
330331 ## Settings that change the convex hull.
331332 #
332333 # If these settings change, the convex hull should be recalculated.
333 _influencing_settings = {"xy_offset"}
334 _influencing_settings = {"xy_offset", "mold_enabled", "mold_width"}
99 from UM.View.GL.OpenGL import OpenGL
1112 class ConvexHullNode(SceneNode):
13 shader = None # To prevent the shader from being re-built over and over again, only load it once.
1215 ## Convex hull node is a special type of scene node that is used to display an area, to indicate the
1316 # location an object uses on the buildplate. This area (or area's in case of one at a time printing) is
1417 # then displayed as a transparent shadow. If the adhesion type is set to raft, the area is extruded
1922 self.setCalculateBoundingBox(False)
21 self._shader = None
2324 self._original_parent = parent
2526 # Color of the drawn convex hull
26 self._color = None
27 self._color = Color(*Application.getInstance().getTheme().getColor("convex_hull").getRgb())
2829 # The y-coordinate of the convex hull mesh. Must not be 0, to prevent z-fighting.
2930 self._mesh_height = 0.1
5859 return self._node
6061 def render(self, renderer):
61 if not self._shader:
62 self._shader = OpenGL.getInstance().createShaderProgram(Resources.getPath(Resources.Shaders, "transparent_object.shader"))
63 self._shader.setUniformValue("u_diffuseColor", self._color)
64 self._shader.setUniformValue("u_opacity", 0.6)
62 if not ConvexHullNode.shader:
63 ConvexHullNode.shader = OpenGL.getInstance().createShaderProgram(Resources.getPath(Resources.Shaders, "transparent_object.shader"))
64 ConvexHullNode.shader.setUniformValue("u_diffuseColor", self._color)
65 ConvexHullNode.shader.setUniformValue("u_opacity", 0.6)
6667 if self.getParent():
6768 if self.getMeshData():
68 renderer.queueNode(self, transparent = True, shader = self._shader, backface_cull = True, sort = -8)
69 renderer.queueNode(self, transparent = True, shader = ConvexHullNode.shader, backface_cull = True, sort = -8)
6970 if self._convex_hull_head_mesh:
70 renderer.queueNode(self, shader = self._shader, transparent = True, mesh = self._convex_hull_head_mesh, backface_cull = True, sort = -8)
71 renderer.queueNode(self, shader = ConvexHullNode.shader, transparent = True, mesh = self._convex_hull_head_mesh, backface_cull = True, sort = -8)
7273 return True
7475 def _onNodeDecoratorsChanged(self, node):
75 self._color = Color(*Application.getInstance().getTheme().getColor("convex_hull").getRgb())
7776 convex_hull_head = self._node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
7877 if convex_hull_head:
7978 convex_hull_head_builder = MeshBuilder()
11 import platform
22 import traceback
33 import webbrowser
4 import faulthandler
5 import tempfile
6 import os
47 import urllib
69 from PyQt5.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, Qt, QCoreApplication
4750 dialog = QDialog()
4851 dialog.setMinimumWidth(640)
4952 dialog.setMinimumHeight(640)
50 dialog.setWindowTitle(catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Oops!"))
53 dialog.setWindowTitle(catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Crash Report"))
5255 layout = QVBoxLayout(dialog)
54 label = QLabel(dialog)
55 pixmap = QPixmap()
57 try:
58 data = urllib.request.urlopen("").read()
59 pixmap.loadFromData(data)
60 except:
61 try:
62 from UM.Resources import Resources
63 path = Resources.getPath(Resources.Images, "kitten.jpg")
64 pixmap.load(path)
65 except:
66 pass
68 pixmap = pixmap.scaled(150, 150)
69 label.setPixmap(pixmap)
70 label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
71 layout.addWidget(label)
57 #label = QLabel(dialog)
58 #pixmap = QPixmap()
59 #try:
60 # data = urllib.request.urlopen("").read()
61 # pixmap.loadFromData(data)
62 #except:
63 # try:
64 # from UM.Resources import Resources
65 # path = Resources.getPath(Resources.Images, "kitten.jpg")
66 # pixmap.load(path)
67 # except:
68 # pass
69 #pixmap = pixmap.scaled(150, 150)
70 #label.setPixmap(pixmap)
71 #label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
72 #layout.addWidget(label)
7374 label = QLabel(dialog)
7475 layout.addWidget(label)
7677 #label.setScaledContents(True)
7778 label.setText(catalog.i18nc("@label", """<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>
78 <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>
7979 <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>
8080 """))
9393 crash_info = "Version: {0}\nPlatform: {1}\nQt: {2}\nPyQt: {3}\n\nException:\n{4}"
9494 crash_info = crash_info.format(version, platform.platform(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, trace)
96 tmp_file_fd, tmp_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = "cura-crash", text = True)
97 os.close(tmp_file_fd)
98 with open(tmp_file_path, "w") as f:
99 faulthandler.dump_traceback(f, all_threads=True)
100 with open(tmp_file_path, "r") as f:
101 data =
103 msg = "-------------------------\n"
104 msg += data
105 crash_info += "\n\n" + msg
96107 textarea.setText(crash_info)
98109 buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close, dialog)
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
03 from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QUrl
14 from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices
25 from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
47 from UM.Event import CallFunctionEvent
58 from UM.Application import Application
9 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
10 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
11 from UM.Scene.Iterator.BreadthFirstIterator import BreadthFirstIterator
12 from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
13 from UM.Operations.RemoveSceneNodeOperation import RemoveSceneNodeOperation
14 from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
16 from cura.SetParentOperation import SetParentOperation
17 from cura.MultiplyObjectsJob import MultiplyObjectsJob
18 from cura.Settings.SetObjectExtruderOperation import SetObjectExtruderOperation
19 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
821 class CuraActions(QObject):
922 def __init__(self, parent = None):
2235 event = CallFunctionEvent(self._openUrl, [QUrl("")], {})
2336 Application.getInstance().functionEvent(event)
38 ## Center all objects in the selection
39 @pyqtSlot()
40 def centerSelection(self) -> None:
41 operation = GroupedOperation()
42 for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():
43 current_node = node
44 while current_node.getParent() and current_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
45 current_node = current_node.getParent()
47 center_operation = SetTransformOperation(current_node, Vector())
48 operation.addOperation(center_operation)
49 operation.push()
51 ## Multiply all objects in the selection
52 #
53 # \param count The number of times to multiply the selection.
54 @pyqtSlot(int)
55 def multiplySelection(self, count: int) -> None:
56 job = MultiplyObjectsJob(Selection.getAllSelectedObjects(), count, 8)
57 job.start()
59 ## Delete all selected objects.
60 @pyqtSlot()
61 def deleteSelection(self) -> None:
62 if not Application.getInstance().getController().getToolsEnabled():
63 return
65 removed_group_nodes = []
66 op = GroupedOperation()
67 nodes = Selection.getAllSelectedObjects()
68 for node in nodes:
69 op.addOperation(RemoveSceneNodeOperation(node))
70 group_node = node.getParent()
71 if group_node and group_node.callDecoration("isGroup") and group_node not in removed_group_nodes:
72 remaining_nodes_in_group = list(set(group_node.getChildren()) - set(nodes))
73 if len(remaining_nodes_in_group) == 1:
74 removed_group_nodes.append(group_node)
75 op.addOperation(SetParentOperation(remaining_nodes_in_group[0], group_node.getParent()))
76 op.addOperation(RemoveSceneNodeOperation(group_node))
77 op.push()
79 ## Set the extruder that should be used to print the selection.
80 #
81 # \param extruder_id The ID of the extruder stack to use for the selected objects.
82 @pyqtSlot(str)
83 def setExtruderForSelection(self, extruder_id: str) -> None:
84 operation = GroupedOperation()
86 nodes_to_change = []
87 for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():
88 # Do not change any nodes that already have the right extruder set.
89 if node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruder") == extruder_id:
90 continue
92 # If the node is a group, apply the active extruder to all children of the group.
93 if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
94 for grouped_node in BreadthFirstIterator(node):
95 if grouped_node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruder") == extruder_id:
96 continue
98 if grouped_node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
99 continue
101 nodes_to_change.append(grouped_node)
102 continue
104 nodes_to_change.append(node)
106 if not nodes_to_change:
107 # If there are no changes to make, we still need to reset the selected extruders.
108 # This is a workaround for checked menu items being deselected while still being
109 # selected.
110 ExtruderManager.getInstance().resetSelectedObjectExtruders()
111 return
113 for node in nodes_to_change:
114 operation.addOperation(SetObjectExtruderOperation(node, extruder_id))
115 operation.push()
25117 def _openUrl(self, url):
26 QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)
118 QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)
1515 from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob
1616 from UM.Logger import Logger
1717 from UM.Preferences import Preferences
18 from UM.JobQueue import JobQueue
1918 from UM.SaveFile import SaveFile
2019 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
2120 from UM.Scene.GroupDecorator import GroupDecorator
2423 from UM.Settings.Validator import Validator
2524 from UM.Message import Message
2625 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
26 from UM.Workspace.WorkspaceReader import WorkspaceReader
2727 from UM.Platform import Platform
28 from UM.Decorators import deprecated
2930 from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
3031 from UM.Operations.RemoveSceneNodeOperation import RemoveSceneNodeOperation
3132 from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
3233 from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
34 from cura.Arrange import Arrange
35 from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
36 from cura.ConvexHullDecorator import ConvexHullDecorator
3337 from cura.SetParentOperation import SetParentOperation
3438 from cura.SliceableObjectDecorator import SliceableObjectDecorator
3539 from cura.BlockSlicingDecorator import BlockSlicingDecorator
41 from cura.ArrangeObjectsJob import ArrangeObjectsJob
42 from cura.MultiplyObjectsJob import MultiplyObjectsJob
3744 from UM.Settings.SettingDefinition import SettingDefinition, DefinitionPropertyType
3845 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
6168 from cura.Settings.MaterialSettingsVisibilityHandler import MaterialSettingsVisibilityHandler
6269 from cura.Settings.QualitySettingsModel import QualitySettingsModel
6370 from cura.Settings.ContainerManager import ContainerManager
71 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
72 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
6574 from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, QEvent, Q_ENUMS
6675 from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
8796 CuraVersion = "master" # [CodeStyle: Reflecting imported value]
8897 CuraBuildType = ""
90100 class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
101 # SettingVersion represents the set of settings available in the machine/extruder definitions.
102 # You need to make sure that this version number needs to be increased if there is any non-backwards-compatible
103 # changes of the settings.
104 SettingVersion = 1
91106 class ResourceTypes:
92107 QmlFiles = Resources.UserType + 1
93108 Firmware = Resources.UserType + 2
97112 UserInstanceContainer = Resources.UserType + 6
98113 MachineStack = Resources.UserType + 7
99114 ExtruderStack = Resources.UserType + 8
115 DefinitionChangesContainer = Resources.UserType + 9
101117 Q_ENUMS(ResourceTypes)
103119 def __init__(self):
120 # this list of dir names will be used by UM to detect an old cura directory
121 for dir_name in ["extruders", "machine_instances", "materials", "plugins", "quality", "user", "variants"]:
122 Resources.addExpectedDirNameInData(dir_name)
105124 Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(QtApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "share", "cura", "resources"))
106125 if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
118137 # From which stack the setting would inherit if not defined per object (handled in the engine)
119138 # AND for settings which are not settable_per_mesh:
120139 # which extruder is the only extruder this setting is obtained from
121 SettingDefinition.addSupportedProperty("limit_to_extruder", DefinitionPropertyType.Function, default = "-1")
140 SettingDefinition.addSupportedProperty("limit_to_extruder", DefinitionPropertyType.Function, default = "-1", depends_on = "value")
123142 # For settings which are not settable_per_mesh and not settable_per_extruder:
124143 # A function which determines the glabel/meshgroup value by looking at the values of the setting in all (used) extruders
139158 Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer, "user")
140159 Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack, "extruders")
141160 Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, "machine_instances")
161 Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.DefinitionChangesContainer, "definition_changes")
143163 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer)
144164 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.VariantInstanceContainer)
146166 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer)
147167 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack)
148168 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack)
169 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.DefinitionChangesContainer)
150171 ## Initialise the version upgrade manager with Cura's storage paths.
151172 import UM.VersionUpgradeManager #Needs to be here to prevent circular dependencies.
153174 UM.VersionUpgradeManager.VersionUpgradeManager.getInstance().setCurrentVersions(
154175 {
155 ("quality", InstanceContainer.Version): (self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer, "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer"),
176 ("quality_changes", InstanceContainer.Version * 1000000 + self.SettingVersion): (self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer, "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer"),
156177 ("machine_stack", ContainerStack.Version): (self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, "application/x-uranium-containerstack"),
157178 ("extruder_train", ContainerStack.Version): (self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack, "application/x-uranium-extruderstack"),
158179 ("preferences", Preferences.Version): (Resources.Preferences, "application/x-uranium-preferences"),
159 ("user", InstanceContainer.Version): (self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer, "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer")
180 ("user", InstanceContainer.Version * 1000000 + self.SettingVersion): (self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer, "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer"),
181 ("definition_changes", InstanceContainer.Version * 1000000 + self.SettingVersion): (self.ResourceTypes.DefinitionChangesContainer, "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer"),
160182 }
161183 )
181203 "SelectionTool",
182204 "CameraTool",
183205 "GCodeWriter",
184 "LocalFileOutputDevice"
206 "LocalFileOutputDevice",
207 "TranslateTool",
208 "FileLogger",
209 "XmlMaterialProfile"
185210 ])
186211 self._physics = None
187212 self._volume = None
200225 self._message_box_callback = None
201226 self._message_box_callback_arguments = []
227 self._preferred_mimetype = ""
203228 self._i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
205230 self.getController().getScene().sceneChanged.connect(self.updatePlatformActivity)
206231 self.getController().toolOperationStopped.connect(self._onToolOperationStopped)
232 self.getController().contextMenuRequested.connect(self._onContextMenuRequested)
208234 Resources.addType(self.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles, "qml")
209235 Resources.addType(self.ResourceTypes.Firmware, "firmware")
237263 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().load()
239265 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/active_mode", "simple")
240 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/recent_files", "")
241267 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/categories_expanded", "")
242268 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/jobname_prefix", True)
243269 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("view/center_on_select", False)
246272 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/dialog_on_project_save", True)
247273 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/asked_dialog_on_project_save", False)
248274 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/choice_on_profile_override", "always_ask")
275 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/choice_on_open_project", "always_ask")
250277 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/currency", "€")
251278 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/material_settings", "{}")
280 Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("view/invert_zoom", False)
253282 for key in [
254283 "dialog_load_path", # dialog_save_path is in LocalFileOutputDevicePlugin
270299 z_seam_y
271300 infill
272301 infill_sparse_density
302 gradual_infill_steps
273303 material
274304 material_print_temperature
275305 material_bed_temperature
307337 blackmagic
308338 print_sequence
309339 infill_mesh
340 cutting_mesh
310341 experimental
311342 """.replace("\n", ";").replace(" ", ""))
313 JobQueue.getInstance().jobFinished.connect(self._onJobFinished)
315344 self.applicationShuttingDown.connect(self.saveSettings)
316345 self.engineCreatedSignal.connect(self._onEngineCreated)
317 self._recent_files = []
318 files = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/recent_files").split(";")
319 for f in files:
320 if not os.path.isfile(f):
321 continue
323 self._recent_files.append(QUrl.fromLocalFile(f))
347 self.globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onGlobalContainerChanged)
348 self._onGlobalContainerChanged()
325350 def _onEngineCreated(self):
326351 self._engine.addImageProvider("camera", CameraImageProvider.CameraImageProvider())
400425 elif instance_type == "variant":
401426 path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.VariantInstanceContainer, file_name)
402427 elif instance_type == "definition_changes":
403 path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, file_name)
428 path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.DefinitionChangesContainer, file_name)
405430 if path:
406431 instance.setPath(path)
424449 mime_type = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(type(stack))
425450 file_name = urllib.parse.quote_plus(stack.getId()) + "." + mime_type.preferredSuffix
426 stack_type = stack.getMetaDataEntry("type", None)
427452 path = None
428 if not stack_type or stack_type == "machine":
453 if isinstance(stack, GlobalStack):
429454 path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, file_name)
430 elif stack_type == "extruder_train":
455 elif isinstance(stack, ExtruderStack):
431456 path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack, file_name)
432 if path:
433 stack.setPath(path)
434 with SaveFile(path, "wt") as f:
435 f.write(data)
457 else:
458 path = Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.ContainerStacks, file_name)
460 stack.setPath(path)
461 with SaveFile(path, "wt") as f:
462 f.write(data)
438465 @pyqtSlot(str, result = QUrl)
462489 self._plugin_registry.loadPlugins()
464 if self.getBackend() == None:
491 if self.getBackend() is None:
465492 raise RuntimeError("Could not load the backend plugin!")
467494 self._plugins_loaded = True
585612 # The platform is a child of BuildVolume
586613 self._volume = BuildVolume.BuildVolume(root)
615 # Set the build volume of the arranger to the used build volume
616 Arrange.build_volume = self._volume
588618 self.getRenderer().setBackgroundColor(QColor(245, 245, 245))
590620 self._physics = PlatformPhysics.PlatformPhysics(controller, self._volume)
595625 camera.lookAt(Vector(0, 0, 0))
596626 controller.getScene().setActiveCamera("3d")
598 self.getController().getTool("CameraTool").setOrigin(Vector(0, 100, 0))
628 camera_tool = self.getController().getTool("CameraTool")
629 camera_tool.setOrigin(Vector(0, 100, 0))
630 camera_tool.setZoomRange(0.1, 200000)
600632 self._camera_animation = CameraAnimation.CameraAnimation()
601633 self._camera_animation.setCameraTool(self.getController().getTool("CameraTool"))
659691 #
660692 # \param engine The QML engine.
661693 def registerObjects(self, engine):
694 super().registerObjects(engine)
662695 engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Printer", self)
663696 engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("CuraApplication", self)
664697 self._print_information = PrintInformation.PrintInformation()
692725 if type_name in ("Cura", "Actions"):
693726 continue
728 # Ignore anything that is not a QML file.
729 if not path.endswith(".qml"):
730 continue
695732 qmlRegisterType(QUrl.fromLocalFile(path), "Cura", 1, 0, type_name)
697 ## Get the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting).
698 # The backend is also a QObject, which can be used from qml.
699 # \returns Backend \type{Backend}
700 @pyqtSlot(result = "QObject*")
701 def getBackend(self):
702 return self._backend
704734 def onSelectionChanged(self):
705735 if Selection.hasSelection():
733763 self._camera_animation.setTarget(Selection.getSelectedObject(0).getWorldPosition())
734764 self._camera_animation.start()
766 def _onGlobalContainerChanged(self):
767 if self._global_container_stack is not None:
768 machine_file_formats = [file_type.strip() for file_type in self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("file_formats").split(";")]
769 new_preferred_mimetype = ""
770 if machine_file_formats:
771 new_preferred_mimetype = machine_file_formats[0]
773 if new_preferred_mimetype != self._preferred_mimetype:
774 self._preferred_mimetype = new_preferred_mimetype
775 self.preferredOutputMimetypeChanged.emit()
736777 requestAddPrinter = pyqtSignal()
737778 activityChanged = pyqtSignal()
738779 sceneBoundingBoxChanged = pyqtSignal()
780 preferredOutputMimetypeChanged = pyqtSignal()
740782 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activityChanged)
741783 def platformActivity(self):
742784 return self._platform_activity
786 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=preferredOutputMimetypeChanged)
787 def preferredOutputMimetype(self):
788 return self._preferred_mimetype
744790 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = sceneBoundingBoxChanged)
745791 def getSceneBoundingBoxString(self):
780826 # Remove all selected objects from the scene.
781827 @pyqtSlot()
828 @deprecated("Moved to CuraActions", "2.6")
782829 def deleteSelection(self):
783830 if not self.getController().getToolsEnabled():
784831 return
799846 ## Remove an object from the scene.
800847 # Note that this only removes an object if it is selected.
801848 @pyqtSlot("quint64")
849 @deprecated("Use deleteSelection instead", "2.6")
802850 def deleteObject(self, object_id):
803851 if not self.getController().getToolsEnabled():
804852 return
822870 op.push()
824872 ## Create a number of copies of existing object.
873 # \param object_id
874 # \param count number of copies
875 # \param min_offset minimum offset to other objects.
825876 @pyqtSlot("quint64", int)
826 def multiplyObject(self, object_id, count):
877 @deprecated("Use CuraActions::multiplySelection", "2.6")
878 def multiplyObject(self, object_id, count, min_offset = 8):
827879 node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(object_id)
829 if not node and object_id != 0: # Workaround for tool handles overlapping the selected object
880 if not node:
830881 node = Selection.getSelectedObject(0)
832 if node:
833 current_node = node
834 # Find the topmost group
835 while current_node.getParent() and current_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
836 current_node = current_node.getParent()
838 op = GroupedOperation()
839 for _ in range(count):
840 new_node = copy.deepcopy(current_node)
841 op.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node, current_node.getParent()))
842 op.push()
883 while node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
884 node = node.getParent()
886 job = MultiplyObjectsJob([node], count, min_offset)
887 job.start()
888 return
844890 ## Center object on platform.
845891 @pyqtSlot("quint64")
892 @deprecated("Use CuraActions::centerSelection", "2.6")
846893 def centerObject(self, object_id):
847894 node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(object_id)
848895 if not node and object_id != 0: # Workaround for tool handles overlapping the selected object
9571004 op.addOperation(SetTransformOperation(node, Vector(0, center_y, 0), Quaternion(), Vector(1, 1, 1)))
9581005 op.push()
1007 ## Arrange all objects.
1008 @pyqtSlot()
1009 def arrangeAll(self):
1010 nodes = []
1011 for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
1012 if type(node) is not SceneNode:
1013 continue
1014 if not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
1015 continue # Node that doesnt have a mesh and is not a group.
1016 if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
1017 continue # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
1018 if not node.isSelectable():
1019 continue # i.e. node with layer data
1020 # Skip nodes that are too big
1021 if node.getBoundingBox().width < self._volume.getBoundingBox().width or node.getBoundingBox().depth < self._volume.getBoundingBox().depth:
1022 nodes.append(node)
1023 self.arrange(nodes, fixed_nodes = [])
1025 ## Arrange Selection
1026 @pyqtSlot()
1027 def arrangeSelection(self):
1028 nodes = Selection.getAllSelectedObjects()
1030 # What nodes are on the build plate and are not being moved
1031 fixed_nodes = []
1032 for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
1033 if type(node) is not SceneNode:
1034 continue
1035 if not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
1036 continue # Node that doesnt have a mesh and is not a group.
1037 if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
1038 continue # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
1039 if not node.isSelectable():
1040 continue # i.e. node with layer data
1041 if node in nodes: # exclude selected node from fixed_nodes
1042 continue
1043 fixed_nodes.append(node)
1044 self.arrange(nodes, fixed_nodes)
1046 ## Arrange a set of nodes given a set of fixed nodes
1047 # \param nodes nodes that we have to place
1048 # \param fixed_nodes nodes that are placed in the arranger before finding spots for nodes
1049 def arrange(self, nodes, fixed_nodes):
1050 job = ArrangeObjectsJob(nodes, fixed_nodes)
1051 job.start()
9601053 ## Reload all mesh data on the screen from file.
9611054 @pyqtSlot()
9621055 def reloadAll(self):
9931086 return log
995 recentFilesChanged = pyqtSignal()
997 @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = recentFilesChanged)
998 def recentFiles(self):
999 return self._recent_files
10011088 @pyqtSlot("QStringList")
10021089 def setExpandedCategories(self, categories):
10031090 categories = list(set(categories))
11041191 pass
11061193 fileLoaded = pyqtSignal(str)
1108 def _onJobFinished(self, job):
1109 if type(job) is not ReadMeshJob or not job.getResult():
1110 return
1112 f = QUrl.fromLocalFile(job.getFileName())
1113 if f in self._recent_files:
1114 self._recent_files.remove(f)
1116 self._recent_files.insert(0, f)
1117 if len(self._recent_files) > 10:
1118 del self._recent_files[10]
1120 pref = ""
1121 for path in self._recent_files:
1122 pref += path.toLocalFile() + ";"
1124 Preferences.getInstance().setValue("cura/recent_files", pref)
1125 self.recentFilesChanged.emit()
11271195 def _reloadMeshFinished(self, job):
11281196 # TODO; This needs to be fixed properly. We now make the assumption that we only load a single mesh!
12181286 filename = job.getFileName()
12191287 self._currently_loading_files.remove(filename)
1289 root = self.getController().getScene().getRoot()
1290 arranger = Arrange.create(scene_root = root)
1291 min_offset = 8
1293 self.fileLoaded.emit(filename)
12211295 for node in nodes:
12221296 node.setSelectable(True)
12231297 node.setName(os.path.basename(filename))
12391313 scene = self.getController().getScene()
1315 # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
1316 if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):
1317 node.addDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator())
1318 for child in node.getAllChildren():
1319 if not child.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):
1320 child.addDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator())
1322 if node.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
1323 # Only check position if it's not already blatantly obvious that it won't fit.
1324 if node.getBoundingBox().width < self._volume.getBoundingBox().width or node.getBoundingBox().depth < self._volume.getBoundingBox().depth:
1325 # Find node location
1326 offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(node, min_offset = min_offset)
1328 # Step is for skipping tests to make it a lot faster. it also makes the outcome somewhat rougher
1329 node, _ = arranger.findNodePlacement(node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr, step = 10)
12411331 op = AddSceneNodeOperation(node, scene.getRoot())
12421332 op.push()
12441333 scene.sceneChanged.emit(node)
12461335 def addNonSliceableExtension(self, extension):
12471336 self._non_sliceable_extensions.append(extension)
1338 @pyqtSlot(str, result=bool)
1339 def checkIsValidProjectFile(self, file_url):
1340 """
1341 Checks if the given file URL is a valid project file.
1342 """
1343 try:
1344 file_path = QUrl(file_url).toLocalFile()
1345 workspace_reader = self.getWorkspaceFileHandler().getReaderForFile(file_path)
1346 if workspace_reader is None:
1347 return False # non-project files won't get a reader
1349 result = workspace_reader.preRead(file_path, show_dialog=False)
1350 return result == WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted
1351 except Exception as e:
1352 Logger.log("e", "Could not check file %s: %s", file_url, e)
1353 return False
1355 def _onContextMenuRequested(self, x: float, y: float) -> None:
1356 # Ensure we select the object if we request a context menu over an object without having a selection.
1357 if not Selection.hasSelection():
1358 node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(self.getRenderer().getRenderPass("selection").getIdAtPosition(x, y))
1359 if node:
1360 while(node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")):
1361 node = node.getParent()
1363 Selection.add(node)
0 from .LayerPolygon import LayerPolygon
2 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
30 from UM.Mesh.MeshBuilder import MeshBuilder
52 import numpy
75 class Layer:
86 def __init__(self, layer_id):
7977 else:
8078 for polygon in self._polygons:
8179 line_count += polygon.jumpCount
8481 # Reserve the neccesary space for the data upfront
8582 builder.reserveFaceAndVertexCount(2 * line_count, 4 * line_count)
9390 # Line types of the points we want to draw
9491 line_types = polygon.types[index_mask]
96 # Shift the z-axis according to previous implementation.
93 # Shift the z-axis according to previous implementation.
9794 if make_mesh:
9895 points[polygon.isInfillOrSkinType(line_types), 1::3] -= 0.01
9996 else:
105102 # Scale all normals by the line width of the current line so we can easily offset.
106103 normals *= (polygon.lineWidths[index_mask.ravel()] / 2)
108 # Create 4 points to draw each line segment, points +- normals results in 2 points each. Reshape to one point per line
105 # Create 4 points to draw each line segment, points +- normals results in 2 points each.
106 # After this we reshape to one point per line.
109107 f_points = numpy.concatenate((points-normals, points+normals), 1).reshape((-1, 3))
110 # __index_pattern defines which points to use to draw the two faces for each lines egment, the following linesegment is offset by 4
109 # __index_pattern defines which points to use to draw the two faces for each lines egment, the following linesegment is offset by 4
111110 f_indices = ( self.__index_pattern + numpy.arange(0, 4 * len(normals), 4, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1, 1)) ).reshape((-1, 3))
112111 f_colors = numpy.repeat(polygon.mapLineTypeToColor(line_types), 4, 0)
114113 builder.addFacesWithColor(f_points, f_indices, f_colors)
117115 return
00 # Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
22 from UM.Mesh.MeshData import MeshData
45 ## Class to holds the layer mesh and information about the layers.
56 # Immutable, use LayerDataBuilder to create one of these.
67 class LayerData(MeshData):
78 def __init__(self, vertices = None, normals = None, indices = None, colors = None, uvs = None, file_name = None,
8 center_position = None, layers=None, element_counts=None, attributes=None):
9 center_position = None, layers=None, element_counts=None, attributes=None):
910 super().__init__(vertices=vertices, normals=normals, indices=indices, colors=colors, uvs=uvs,
1011 file_name=file_name, center_position=center_position, attributes=attributes)
1112 self._layers = layers
66 from .LayerData import LayerData
88 import numpy
1011 ## Builder class for constructing a LayerData object
1112 class LayerDataBuilder(MeshBuilder):
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from UM.Job import Job
4 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
5 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
6 from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
7 from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
8 from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
9 from UM.Logger import Logger
10 from UM.Message import Message
11 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
12 i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
14 from cura.ZOffsetDecorator import ZOffsetDecorator
15 from cura.Arrange import Arrange
16 from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
18 from typing import List
20 from UM.Application import Application
21 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
22 from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
25 class MultiplyObjectsJob(Job):
26 def __init__(self, objects, count, min_offset = 8):
27 super().__init__()
28 self._objects = objects
29 self._count = count
30 self._min_offset = min_offset
32 def run(self):
33 status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Multiplying and placing objects"), lifetime=0,
34 dismissable=False, progress=0)
36 scene = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene()
38 total_progress = len(self._objects) * self._count
39 current_progress = 0
41 root = scene.getRoot()
42 arranger = Arrange.create(scene_root=root)
43 nodes = []
44 for node in self._objects:
45 # If object is part of a group, multiply group
46 current_node = node
47 while current_node.getParent() and current_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
48 current_node = current_node.getParent()
50 node_too_big = False
51 if node.getBoundingBox().width < 300 or node.getBoundingBox().depth < 300:
52 offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(current_node, min_offset=self._min_offset)
53 else:
54 node_too_big = True
56 found_solution_for_all = True
57 for i in range(self._count):
58 # We do place the nodes one by one, as we want to yield in between.
59 if not node_too_big:
60 node, solution_found = arranger.findNodePlacement(current_node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)
61 if node_too_big or not solution_found:
62 found_solution_for_all = False
63 new_location = node.getPosition()
64 new_location = new_location.set(z = 100 - i * 20)
65 node.setPosition(new_location)
67 nodes.append(node)
68 current_progress += 1
69 status_message.setProgress((current_progress / total_progress) * 100)
70 Job.yieldThread()
72 Job.yieldThread()
74 if nodes:
75 op = GroupedOperation()
76 for new_node in nodes:
77 op.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node, current_node.getParent()))
78 op.push()
79 status_message.hide()
81 if not found_solution_for_all:
82 no_full_solution_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"))
33 from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
5 from UM.Application import Application
56 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
67 from UM.Scene.Iterator.BreadthFirstIterator import BreadthFirstIterator
78 from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
8 from UM.Math.AxisAlignedBox import AxisAlignedBox
99 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
1010 from UM.Preferences import Preferences
5050 # same direction.
5151 transformed_nodes = []
53 group_nodes = []
5453 # We try to shuffle all the nodes to prevent "locked" situations, where iteration B inverts iteration A.
5554 # By shuffling the order of the nodes, this might happen a few times, but at some point it will resolve.
5655 nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))
57 # Only check nodes inside build area.
58 nodes = [node for node in nodes if (hasattr(node, "_outside_buildarea") and not node._outside_buildarea)]
5760 random.shuffle(nodes)
5861 for node in nodes:
5962 if node is root or type(node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:
6063 continue
6265 bbox = node.getBoundingBox()
64 # Ignore intersections with the bottom
65 build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox()
66 if build_volume_bounding_box:
67 # It's over 9000!
68 build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(bottom=-9001)
69 else:
70 # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
71 # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
72 return
73 node._outside_buildarea = False
75 # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
76 if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(bbox) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
77 node._outside_buildarea = True
79 if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
80 group_nodes.append(node) # Keep list of affected group_nodes
8267 # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
8368 move_vector = Vector()
144129 # Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
145130 overlap = None
147 convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
148 if convex_hull:
149 if not convex_hull.isValid():
150 return
151 # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
152 for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
153 overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
154 if overlap is None:
155 continue
156 node._outside_buildarea = True
158132 if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
159133 transformed_nodes.append(node)
160134 op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(node, move_vector)
161135 op.push()
163 # Group nodes should override the _outside_buildarea property of their children.
164 for group_node in group_nodes:
165 for child_node in group_node.getAllChildren():
166 child_node._outside_buildarea = group_node._outside_buildarea
137 # After moving, we have to evaluate the boundary checks for nodes
138 build_volume = Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume()
139 build_volume.updateNodeBoundaryCheck()
169141 def _onToolOperationStarted(self, tool):
170142 self._enabled = False
2222 def mergeWith(self, other):
2323 group = GroupedOperation()
25 group.addOperation(other)
2526 group.addOperation(self)
26 group.addOperation(other)
2828 return group
3030 # - This triggers a new slice with the current settings - this is the "current settings pass".
3131 # - When the slice is done, we update the current print time and material amount.
3232 # - If the source of the slice was not a Setting change, we start the second slice pass, the "low quality settings pass". Otherwise we stop here.
33 # - When that is done, we update the minimum print time and start the final slice pass, the "high quality settings pass".
34 # - When the high quality pass is done, we update the maximum print time.
33 # - When that is done, we update the minimum print time and start the final slice pass, the "Extra Fine settings pass".
34 # - When the Extra Fine pass is done, we update the maximum print time.
3535 #
3636 # This class also mangles the current machine name and the filename of the first loaded mesh into a job name.
3737 # This job name is requested by the JobSpecs qml file.
5151 super().__init__(parent)
5353 self._current_print_time = Duration(None, self)
54 self._print_times_per_feature = {
55 "none": Duration(None, self),
56 "inset_0": Duration(None, self),
57 "inset_x": Duration(None, self),
58 "skin": Duration(None, self),
59 "support": Duration(None, self),
60 "skirt": Duration(None, self),
61 "infill": Duration(None, self),
62 "support_infill": Duration(None, self),
63 "travel": Duration(None, self),
64 "retract": Duration(None, self),
65 "support_interface": Duration(None, self)
66 }
5568 self._material_lengths = []
5669 self._material_weights = []
92105 def currentPrintTime(self):
93106 return self._current_print_time
108 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = currentPrintTimeChanged)
109 def printTimesPerFeature(self):
110 return self._print_times_per_feature
95112 materialLengthsChanged = pyqtSignal()
97114 @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = materialLengthsChanged)
110127 def materialCosts(self):
111128 return self._material_costs
113 def _onPrintDurationMessage(self, total_time, material_amounts):
114 if total_time != total_time: # Check for NaN. Engine can sometimes give us weird values.
115 Logger.log("w", "Received NaN for print duration message")
116 self._current_print_time.setDuration(0)
117 else:
118 self._current_print_time.setDuration(total_time)
130 def _onPrintDurationMessage(self, time_per_feature, material_amounts):
131 total_time = 0
132 for feature, time in time_per_feature.items():
133 if time != time: # Check for NaN. Engine can sometimes give us weird values.
134 self._print_times_per_feature[feature].setDuration(0)
135 Logger.log("w", "Received NaN for print duration message")
136 continue
137 total_time += time
138 self._print_times_per_feature[feature].setDuration(time)
139 self._current_print_time.setDuration(total_time)
120141 self.currentPrintTimeChanged.emit()
183204 def _onActiveMaterialChanged(self):
184205 if self._active_material_container:
185 self._active_material_container.metaDataChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialMetaDataChanged)
206 try:
207 self._active_material_container.metaDataChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialMetaDataChanged)
208 except TypeError: #pyQtSignal gives a TypeError when disconnecting from something that is already disconnected.
209 pass
187211 active_material_id = Application.getInstance().getMachineManager().activeMaterialId
188212 active_material_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id=active_material_id)
33 # This collects a lot of quality and quality changes related code which was split between ContainerManager
44 # and the MachineManager and really needs to usable from both.
5 from typing import List
5 from typing import List, Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
77 from UM.Application import Application
88 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
1010 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
1111 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
14 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
15 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
16 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainerInterface
1418 class QualityManager:
1620 ## Get the singleton instance for this class.
1721 @classmethod
18 def getInstance(cls):
22 def getInstance(cls) -> "QualityManager":
1923 # Note: Explicit use of class name to prevent issues with inheritance.
20 if QualityManager.__instance is None:
24 if not QualityManager.__instance:
2125 QualityManager.__instance = cls()
2226 return QualityManager.__instance
2630 ## Find a quality by name for a specific machine definition and materials.
2731 #
2832 # \param quality_name
29 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{ContainerInstance} If nothing is
33 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{DefinitionContainerInterface} If nothing is
3034 # specified then the currently selected machine definition is used.
31 # \param material_containers (Optional) \type{List[ContainerInstance]} If nothing is specified then
35 # \param material_containers (Optional) \type{List[InstanceContainer]} If nothing is specified then
3236 # the current set of selected materials is used.
33 # \return the matching quality container \type{ContainerInstance}
34 def findQualityByName(self, quality_name, machine_definition=None, material_containers=None):
37 # \return the matching quality container \type{InstanceContainer}
38 def findQualityByName(self, quality_name: str, machine_definition: Optional["DefinitionContainerInterface"] = None, material_containers: List[InstanceContainer] = None) -> Optional[InstanceContainer]:
3539 criteria = {"type": "quality", "name": quality_name}
3640 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, material_containers, **criteria)
4549 ## Find a quality changes container by name.
4650 #
4751 # \param quality_changes_name \type{str} the name of the quality changes container.
48 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{ContainerInstance} If nothing is
49 # specified then the currently selected machine definition is used.
50 # \param material_containers (Optional) \type{List[ContainerInstance]} If nothing is specified then
51 # the current set of selected materials is used.
52 # \return the matching quality changes containers \type{List[ContainerInstance]}
53 def findQualityChangesByName(self, quality_changes_name, machine_definition=None):
54 criteria = {"type": "quality_changes", "name": quality_changes_name}
55 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, [], **criteria)
52 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{DefinitionContainer} If nothing is
53 # specified then the currently selected machine definition is used..
54 # \return the matching quality changes containers \type{List[InstanceContainer]}
55 def findQualityChangesByName(self, quality_changes_name: str, machine_definition: Optional["DefinitionContainerInterface"] = None):
56 if not machine_definition:
57 global_stack = Application.getGlobalContainerStack()
58 if not global_stack:
59 return [] #No stack, so no current definition could be found, so there are no quality changes either.
60 machine_definition = global_stack.definition
62 result = self.findAllQualityChangesForMachine(machine_definition)
63 for extruder in self.findAllExtruderDefinitionsForMachine(machine_definition):
64 result.extend(self.findAllQualityChangesForExtruder(extruder))
65 result = [quality_change for quality_change in result if quality_change.getName() == quality_changes_name]
5766 return result
5968 ## Fetch the list of available quality types for this combination of machine definition and materials.
6170 # \param machine_definition \type{DefinitionContainer}
6271 # \param material_containers \type{List[InstanceContainer]}
6372 # \return \type{List[str]}
64 def findAllQualityTypesForMachineAndMaterials(self, machine_definition, material_containers):
73 def findAllQualityTypesForMachineAndMaterials(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface", material_containers: List[InstanceContainer]) -> List[str]:
6574 # Determine the common set of quality types which can be
6675 # applied to all of the materials for this machine.
6776 quality_type_dict = self.__fetchQualityTypeDictForMaterial(machine_definition, material_containers[0])
7584 ## Fetches a dict of quality types names to quality profiles for a combination of machine and material.
7685 #
7786 # \param machine_definition \type{DefinitionContainer} the machine definition.
78 # \param material \type{ContainerInstance} the material.
79 # \return \type{Dict[str, ContainerInstance]} the dict of suitable quality type names mapping to qualities.
80 def __fetchQualityTypeDictForMaterial(self, machine_definition, material):
87 # \param material \type{InstanceContainer} the material.
88 # \return \type{Dict[str, InstanceContainer]} the dict of suitable quality type names mapping to qualities.
89 def __fetchQualityTypeDictForMaterial(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface", material: InstanceContainer) -> Dict[str, InstanceContainer]:
8190 qualities = self.findAllQualitiesForMachineMaterial(machine_definition, material)
8291 quality_type_dict = {}
8392 for quality in qualities:
8796 ## Find a quality container by quality type.
8897 #
8998 # \param quality_type \type{str} the name of the quality type to search for.
90 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{ContainerInstance} If nothing is
99 # \param machine_definition (Optional) \type{InstanceContainer} If nothing is
91100 # specified then the currently selected machine definition is used.
92 # \param material_containers (Optional) \type{List[ContainerInstance]} If nothing is specified then
101 # \param material_containers (Optional) \type{List[InstanceContainer]} If nothing is specified then
93102 # the current set of selected materials is used.
94 # \return the matching quality container \type{ContainerInstance}
95 def findQualityByQualityType(self, quality_type, machine_definition=None, material_containers=None, **kwargs):
103 # \return the matching quality container \type{InstanceContainer}
104 def findQualityByQualityType(self, quality_type: str, machine_definition: Optional["DefinitionContainerInterface"] = None, material_containers: List[InstanceContainer] = None, **kwargs) -> InstanceContainer:
96105 criteria = kwargs
97106 criteria["type"] = "quality"
98107 if quality_type:
99108 criteria["quality_type"] = quality_type
100109 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, material_containers, **criteria)
102110 # Fall back to using generic materials and qualities if nothing could be found.
103111 if not result and material_containers and len(material_containers) == 1:
104112 basic_materials = self._getBasicMaterials(material_containers[0])
105 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, basic_materials, **criteria)
113 if basic_materials:
114 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, basic_materials, **criteria)
107115 return result[0] if result else None
109117 ## Find all suitable qualities for a combination of machine and material.
110118 #
111119 # \param machine_definition \type{DefinitionContainer} the machine definition.
112 # \param material_container \type{ContainerInstance} the material.
113 # \return \type{List[ContainerInstance]} the list of suitable qualities.
114 def findAllQualitiesForMachineMaterial(self, machine_definition, material_container):
120 # \param material_container \type{InstanceContainer} the material.
121 # \return \type{List[InstanceContainer]} the list of suitable qualities.
122 def findAllQualitiesForMachineMaterial(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface", material_container: InstanceContainer) -> List[InstanceContainer]:
115123 criteria = {"type": "quality" }
116124 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, [material_container], **criteria)
117125 if not result:
118126 basic_materials = self._getBasicMaterials(material_container)
119 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, basic_materials, **criteria)
127 if basic_materials:
128 result = self._getFilteredContainersForStack(machine_definition, basic_materials, **criteria)
121130 return result
124133 #
125134 # \param machine_definition \type{DefinitionContainer} the machine definition.
126135 # \return \type{List[InstanceContainer]} the list of quality changes
127 def findAllQualityChangesForMachine(self, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> List[InstanceContainer]:
136 def findAllQualityChangesForMachine(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface") -> List[InstanceContainer]:
128137 if machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
129138 definition_id = machine_definition.getId()
130139 else:
134143 quality_changes_list = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**filter_dict)
135144 return quality_changes_list
146 def findAllExtruderDefinitionsForMachine(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface") -> List["DefinitionContainerInterface"]:
147 filter_dict = { "machine": machine_definition.getId() }
148 return ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(**filter_dict)
150 ## Find all quality changes for a given extruder.
151 #
152 # \param extruder_definition The extruder to find the quality changes for.
153 # \return The list of quality changes for the given extruder.
154 def findAllQualityChangesForExtruder(self, extruder_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface") -> List[InstanceContainer]:
155 filter_dict = {"type": "quality_changes", "extruder": extruder_definition.getId()}
156 return ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**filter_dict)
137158 ## Find all usable qualities for a machine and extruders.
138159 #
139160 # Finds all of the qualities for this combination of machine and extruders.
140161 # Only one quality per quality type is returned. i.e. if there are 2 qualities with quality_type=normal
141162 # then only one of then is returned (at random).
142163 #
143 # \param global_container_stack \type{ContainerStack} the global machine definition
144 # \param extruder_stacks \type{List[ContainerStack]} the list of extruder stacks
164 # \param global_container_stack \type{GlobalStack} the global machine definition
165 # \param extruder_stacks \type{List[ExtruderStack]} the list of extruder stacks
145166 # \return \type{List[InstanceContainer]} the list of the matching qualities. The quality profiles
146167 # return come from the first extruder in the given list of extruders.
147 def findAllUsableQualitiesForMachineAndExtruders(self, global_container_stack, extruder_stacks):
168 def findAllUsableQualitiesForMachineAndExtruders(self, global_container_stack: "GlobalStack", extruder_stacks: List["ExtruderStack"]) -> List[InstanceContainer]:
148169 global_machine_definition = global_container_stack.getBottom()
150171 if extruder_stacks:
151172 # Multi-extruder machine detected.
152 materials = [stack.findContainer(type="material") for stack in extruder_stacks]
173 materials = [stack.material for stack in extruder_stacks]
153174 else:
154175 # Machine with one extruder.
155 materials = [global_container_stack.findContainer(type="material")]
176 materials = [global_container_stack.material]
157178 quality_types = self.findAllQualityTypesForMachineAndMaterials(global_machine_definition, materials)
169190 # This tries to find a generic or basic version of the given material.
170191 # \param material_container \type{InstanceContainer} the material
171192 # \return \type{List[InstanceContainer]} a list of the basic materials or an empty list if one could not be found.
172 def _getBasicMaterials(self, material_container):
193 def _getBasicMaterials(self, material_container: InstanceContainer):
173194 base_material = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("material")
174195 material_container_definition = material_container.getDefinition()
175196 if material_container_definition and material_container_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
176197 definition_id = material_container.getDefinition().getMetaDataEntry("quality_definition", material_container.getDefinition().getId())
177198 else:
178199 definition_id = "fdmprinter"
180200 if base_material:
181201 # There is a basic material specified
182202 criteria = { "type": "material", "name": base_material, "definition": definition_id }
191211 def _getFilteredContainers(self, **kwargs):
192212 return self._getFilteredContainersForStack(None, None, **kwargs)
194 def _getFilteredContainersForStack(self, machine_definition=None, material_containers=None, **kwargs):
214 def _getFilteredContainersForStack(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface" = None, material_containers: List[InstanceContainer] = None, **kwargs):
195215 # Fill in any default values.
196216 if machine_definition is None:
197217 machine_definition = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getBottom()
199219 if quality_definition_id is not None:
200220 machine_definition = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id=quality_definition_id)[0]
222 # for convenience
202223 if material_containers is None:
224 material_containers = []
226 if not material_containers:
203227 active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks()
204 material_containers = [stack.findContainer(type="material") for stack in active_stacks]
228 if active_stacks:
229 material_containers = [stack.material for stack in active_stacks]
206231 criteria = kwargs
207232 filter_by_material = False
217242 criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
219244 # Stick the material IDs in a set
220 if material_containers is None or len(material_containers) == 0:
221 filter_by_material = False
222 else:
223 material_ids = set()
224 for material_instance in material_containers:
225 if material_instance is not None:
226 # Add the parent material too.
227 for basic_material in self._getBasicMaterials(material_instance):
228 material_ids.add(basic_material.getId())
229 material_ids.add(material_instance.getId())
245 material_ids = set()
247 for material_instance in material_containers:
248 if material_instance is not None:
249 # Add the parent material too.
250 for basic_material in self._getBasicMaterials(material_instance):
251 material_ids.add(basic_material.getId())
252 material_ids.add(material_instance.getId())
231253 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**criteria)
233255 result = []
234256 for container in containers:
235257 # If the machine specifies we should filter by material, exclude containers that do not match any active material.
236 if filter_by_material and container.getMetaDataEntry("material") not in material_ids and not "global_quality" in kwargs:
258 if filter_by_material and container.getMetaDataEntry("material") not in material_ids and "global_quality" not in kwargs:
237259 continue
238260 result.append(container)
239262 return result
241264 ## Get the parent machine definition of a machine definition.
244267 # an extruder definition.
245268 # \return \type{DefinitionContainer} the parent machine definition. If the given machine
246269 # definition doesn't have a parent then it is simply returned.
247 def getParentMachineDefinition(self, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> DefinitionContainer:
270 def getParentMachineDefinition(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface") -> "DefinitionContainerInterface":
248271 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
250273 machine_entry = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("machine")
273296 #
274297 # \param machine_definition \type{DefinitionContainer} This may be a normal machine definition or
275298 # an extruder definition.
276 # \return \type{DefinitionContainer}
277 def getWholeMachineDefinition(self, machine_definition):
299 # \return \type{DefinitionContainerInterface}
300 def getWholeMachineDefinition(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface") -> "DefinitionContainerInterface":
278301 machine_entry = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("machine")
279302 if machine_entry is None:
280303 # This already is a 'global' machine definition.
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 import os.path
44 import urllib
5 import uuid
56 from typing import Dict, Union
78 from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QUrl, QVariant
89 from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
910 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
11 from UM.Util import parseBool
1113 from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
1214 from UM.SaveFile import SaveFile
233235 return True
237 ## Set a setting property value of the specified container.
238 #
239 # This will set the specified property of the specified setting of the container
240 # and all containers that share the same base_file (if any). The latter only
241 # happens for material containers.
242 #
243 # \param container_id \type{str} The ID of the container to change.
244 # \param setting_key \type{str} The key of the setting.
245 # \param property_name \type{str} The name of the property, eg "value".
246 # \param property_value \type{str} The new value of the property.
247 #
248 # \return True if successful, False if not.
249 @pyqtSlot(str, str, str, str, result = bool)
250 def setContainerProperty(self, container_id, setting_key, property_name, property_value):
251 containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
252 if not containers:
253 Logger.log("w", "Could not set properties of container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
254 return False
256 container = containers[0]
258 if container.isReadOnly():
259 Logger.log("w", "Cannot set properties of read-only container %s.", container_id)
260 return False
262 container.setProperty(setting_key, property_name, property_value)
264 basefile = container.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", container_id)
265 for sibbling_container in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile):
266 if sibbling_container != container:
267 sibbling_container.setProperty(setting_key, property_name, property_value)
269 return True
235271 ## Set the name of the specified container.
236272 @pyqtSlot(str, str, result = bool)
237273 def setContainerName(self, container_id, new_name):
429465 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
430466 # Find the quality_changes container for this stack and merge the contents of the top container into it.
431 quality_changes = stack.findContainer(type = "quality_changes")
467 quality_changes = stack.qualityChanges
432468 if not quality_changes or quality_changes.isReadOnly():
433469 Logger.log("e", "Could not update quality of a nonexistant or read only quality profile in stack %s", stack.getId())
434470 continue
481517 # Go through the active stacks and create quality_changes containers from the user containers.
482518 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
483519 user_container = stack.getTop()
484 quality_container = stack.findContainer(type = "quality")
485 quality_changes_container = stack.findContainer(type = "quality_changes")
520 quality_container = stack.quality
521 quality_changes_container = stack.qualityChanges
486522 if not quality_container or not quality_changes_container:
487523 Logger.log("w", "No quality or quality changes container found in stack %s, ignoring it", stack.getId())
488524 continue
524560 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
525561 if not global_stack or not quality_name:
526562 return ""
527 machine_definition = global_stack.getBottom()
563 machine_definition = QualityManager.getInstance().getParentMachineDefinition(global_stack.getBottom())
529565 for container in QualityManager.getInstance().findQualityChangesByName(quality_name, machine_definition):
530566 containers_found = True
603639 machine_definition = global_stack.getBottom()
605641 active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks()
606 material_containers = [stack.findContainer(type="material") for stack in active_stacks]
642 material_containers = [stack.material for stack in active_stacks]
608644 result = self._duplicateQualityOrQualityChangesForMachineType(quality_name, base_name,
609645 QualityManager.getInstance().getParentMachineDefinition(machine_definition),
671707 return new_change_instances
709 ## Create a duplicate of a material, which has the same GUID and base_file metadata
710 #
711 # \return \type{str} the id of the newly created container.
673712 @pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
674713 def duplicateMaterial(self, material_id: str) -> str:
675714 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id=material_id)
692731 duplicated_container.deserialize(
693732 duplicated_container.setDirty(True)
694733 self._container_registry.addContainer(duplicated_container)
734 return self._getMaterialContainerIdForActiveMachine(new_id)
736 ## Create a new material by cloning Generic PLA for the current material diameter and setting the GUID to something unqiue
737 #
738 # \return \type{str} the id of the newly created container.
739 @pyqtSlot(result = str)
740 def createMaterial(self) -> str:
741 # Ensure all settings are saved.
742 Application.getInstance().saveSettings()
744 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
745 if not global_stack:
746 return ""
748 approximate_diameter = str(round(global_stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
749 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = "generic_pla*", approximate_diameter = approximate_diameter)
750 if not containers:
751 Logger.log("d", "Unable to create a new material by cloning Generic PLA, because it cannot be found for the material diameter for this machine.")
752 return ""
754 base_file = containers[0].getMetaDataEntry("base_file")
755 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = base_file)
756 if not containers:
757 Logger.log("d", "Unable to create a new material by cloning Generic PLA, because the base file for Generic PLA for this machine can not be found.")
758 return ""
760 # Create a new ID & container to hold the data.
761 new_id = self._container_registry.uniqueName("custom_material")
762 container_type = type(containers[0]) # Always XMLMaterialProfile, since we specifically clone the base_file
763 duplicated_container = container_type(new_id)
765 # Instead of duplicating we load the data from the basefile again.
766 # This ensures that the inheritance goes well and all "cut up" subclasses of the xmlMaterial profile
767 # are also correctly created.
768 with open(containers[0].getPath(), encoding="utf-8") as f:
769 duplicated_container.deserialize(
771 duplicated_container.setMetaDataEntry("GUID", str(uuid.uuid4()))
772 duplicated_container.setMetaDataEntry("brand", catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom"))
773 # We're defaulting to PLA, as machines with material profiles don't like material types they don't know.
774 # TODO: This is a hack, the only reason this is in now is to bandaid the problem as we're close to a release!
775 duplicated_container.setMetaDataEntry("material", "PLA")
776 duplicated_container.setName(catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom Material"))
778 self._container_registry.addContainer(duplicated_container)
779 return self._getMaterialContainerIdForActiveMachine(new_id)
781 ## Find the id of a material container based on the new material
782 # Utilty function that is shared between duplicateMaterial and createMaterial
783 #
784 # \param base_file \type{str} the id of the created container.
785 def _getMaterialContainerIdForActiveMachine(self, base_file):
786 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
787 if not global_stack:
788 return base_file
790 has_machine_materials = parseBool(global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials", default = False))
791 has_variant_materials = parseBool(global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_variant_materials", default = False))
792 has_variants = parseBool(global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants", default = False))
793 if has_machine_materials or has_variant_materials:
794 if has_variants:
795 materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", base_file = base_file, definition = global_stack.getBottom().getId(), variant = self._machine_manager.activeVariantId)
796 else:
797 materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", base_file = base_file, definition = global_stack.getBottom().getId())
799 if materials:
800 return materials[0].getId()
802 Logger.log("w", "Unable to find a suitable container based on %s for the current machine .", base_file)
803 return "" # do not activate a new material if a container can not be found
805 return base_file
807 ## Get a list of materials that have the same GUID as the reference material
808 #
809 # \param material_id \type{str} the id of the material for which to get the linked materials.
810 # \return \type{list} a list of names of materials with the same GUID
811 @pyqtSlot(str, result = "QStringList")
812 def getLinkedMaterials(self, material_id: str):
813 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id=material_id)
814 if not containers:
815 Logger.log("d", "Unable to find materials linked to material with id %s, because it doesn't exist.", material_id)
816 return []
818 material_container = containers[0]
819 material_base_file = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", "")
820 material_guid = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("GUID", "")
821 if not material_guid:
822 Logger.log("d", "Unable to find materials linked to material with id %s, because it doesn't have a GUID.", material_id)
823 return []
825 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", GUID = material_guid)
826 linked_material_names = []
827 for container in containers:
828 if container.getId() in [material_id, material_base_file] or container.getMetaDataEntry("base_file") != container.getId():
829 continue
831 linked_material_names.append(container.getName())
832 return linked_material_names
834 ## Unlink a material from all other materials by creating a new GUID
835 # \param material_id \type{str} the id of the material to create a new GUID for.
836 @pyqtSlot(str)
837 def unlinkMaterial(self, material_id: str):
838 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id=material_id)
839 if not containers:
840 Logger.log("d", "Unable to make the material with id %s unique, because it doesn't exist.", material_id)
841 return ""
843 containers[0].setMetaDataEntry("GUID", str(uuid.uuid4()))
696846 ## Get the singleton instance for this class.
697847 @classmethod
814964 quality_changes.setDefinition(self._container_registry.findContainers(id = "fdmprinter")[0])
815965 else:
816966 quality_changes.setDefinition(QualityManager.getInstance().getParentMachineDefinition(machine_definition))
968 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
969 quality_changes.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
817970 return quality_changes
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 import os
44 import os.path
55 import re
7 from typing import Optional
69 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
11 from UM.Decorators import override
812 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
913 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
1014 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
1519 from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry #For getting the possible profile writers to write with.
1620 from UM.Util import parseBool
18 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
19 from cura.Settings.ContainerManager import ContainerManager
22 from . import ExtruderStack
23 from . import GlobalStack
24 from .ContainerManager import ContainerManager
25 from .ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
27 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
2129 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
2230 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
2432 class CuraContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistry):
2533 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
2634 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
36 ## Overridden from ContainerRegistry
37 #
38 # Adds a container to the registry.
39 #
40 # This will also try to convert a ContainerStack to either Extruder or
41 # Global stack based on metadata information.
42 @override(ContainerRegistry)
43 def addContainer(self, container):
44 # Note: Intentional check with type() because we want to ignore subclasses
45 if type(container) == ContainerStack:
46 container = self._convertContainerStack(container)
48 if isinstance(container, InstanceContainer) and type(container) != type(self.getEmptyInstanceContainer()):
49 #Check against setting version of the definition.
50 required_setting_version = CuraApplication.SettingVersion
51 actual_setting_version = int(container.getMetaDataEntry("setting_version", default = 0))
52 if required_setting_version != actual_setting_version:
53 Logger.log("w", "Instance container {container_id} is outdated. Its setting version is {actual_setting_version} but it should be {required_setting_version}.".format(container_id = container.getId(), actual_setting_version = actual_setting_version, required_setting_version = required_setting_version))
54 return #Don't add.
56 super().addContainer(container)
2858 ## Create a name that is not empty and unique
2959 # \param container_type \type{string} Type of the container (machine, quality, ...)
171201 new_name = self.uniqueName(name_seed)
172202 if type(profile_or_list) is not list:
173203 profile = profile_or_list
174 self._configureProfile(profile, name_seed, new_name)
175 return { "status": "ok", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Successfully imported profile {0}", profile.getName()) }
205 result = self._configureProfile(profile, name_seed, new_name)
206 if result is not None:
207 return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>", file_name, result)}
209 return {"status": "ok", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Successfully imported profile {0}", profile.getName())}
176210 else:
177211 profile_index = -1
178212 global_profile = None
202236 global_profile = profile
203237 profile_id = (global_container_stack.getBottom().getId() + "_" + name_seed).lower().replace(" ", "_")
205 self._configureProfile(profile, profile_id, new_name)
239 result = self._configureProfile(profile, profile_id, new_name)
240 if result is not None:
241 return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>", file_name, result)}
207243 profile_index += 1
211247 # If it hasn't returned by now, none of the plugins loaded the profile successfully.
212248 return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted.", file_name)}
214 def _configureProfile(self, profile, id_seed, new_name):
250 @override(ContainerRegistry)
251 def load(self):
252 super().load()
253 self._fixupExtruders()
255 ## Update an imported profile to match the current machine configuration.
256 #
257 # \param profile The profile to configure.
258 # \param id_seed The base ID for the profile. May be changed so it does not conflict with existing containers.
259 # \param new_name The new name for the profile.
260 #
261 # \return None if configuring was successful or an error message if an error occurred.
262 def _configureProfile(self, profile: InstanceContainer, id_seed: str, new_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
215263 profile.setReadOnly(False)
216264 profile.setDirty(True) # Ensure the profiles are correctly saved
224272 else:
225273 profile.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
275 quality_type = profile.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
276 if not quality_type:
277 return catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Profile is missing a quality type.")
279 quality_type_criteria = {"quality_type": quality_type}
227280 if self._machineHasOwnQualities():
228281 profile.setDefinition(self._activeQualityDefinition())
229282 if self._machineHasOwnMaterials():
230 profile.addMetaDataEntry("material", self._activeMaterialId())
283 active_material_id = self._activeMaterialId()
284 if active_material_id: # only update if there is an active material
285 profile.addMetaDataEntry("material", active_material_id)
286 quality_type_criteria["material"] = active_material_id
288 quality_type_criteria["definition"] = profile.getDefinition().getId()
231290 else:
232291 profile.setDefinition(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id="fdmprinter")[0])
292 quality_type_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
294 # Check to make sure the imported profile actually makes sense in context of the current configuration.
295 # This prevents issues where importing a "draft" profile for a machine without "draft" qualities would report as
296 # successfully imported but then fail to show up.
297 qualities = self.findInstanceContainers(**quality_type_criteria)
298 if not qualities:
299 return catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration.", quality_type)
234301 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(profile)
303 return None
236305 ## Gets a list of profile writer plugins
237306 # \return List of tuples of (plugin_id, meta_data).
283352 if global_container_stack:
284353 return parseBool(global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality", False))
285354 return False
356 ## Convert an "old-style" pure ContainerStack to either an Extruder or Global stack.
357 def _convertContainerStack(self, container):
358 assert type(container) == ContainerStack
360 container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
361 if container_type not in ("extruder_train", "machine"):
362 # It is not an extruder or machine, so do nothing with the stack
363 return container
365 Logger.log("d", "Converting ContainerStack {stack} to {type}", stack = container.getId(), type = container_type)
367 new_stack = None
368 if container_type == "extruder_train":
369 new_stack = ExtruderStack.ExtruderStack(container.getId())
370 else:
371 new_stack = GlobalStack.GlobalStack(container.getId())
373 container_contents = container.serialize()
374 new_stack.deserialize(container_contents)
376 # Delete the old configuration file so we do not get double stacks
377 if os.path.isfile(container.getPath()):
378 os.remove(container.getPath())
380 return new_stack
382 # Fix the extruders that were upgraded to ExtruderStack instances during addContainer.
383 # The stacks are now responsible for setting the next stack on deserialize. However,
384 # due to problems with loading order, some stacks may not have the proper next stack
385 # set after upgrading, because the proper global stack was not yet loaded. This method
386 # makes sure those extruders also get the right stack set.
387 def _fixupExtruders(self):
388 extruder_stacks = self.findContainers(ExtruderStack.ExtruderStack)
389 for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
390 if extruder_stack.getNextStack():
391 # Has the right next stack, so ignore it.
392 continue
394 machines = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id=extruder_stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine", ""))
395 if machines:
396 extruder_stack.setNextStack(machines[0])
397 else:
398 Logger.log("w", "Could not find machine {machine} for extruder {extruder}", machine = extruder_stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine"), extruder = extruder_stack.getId())
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import os.path
5 from typing import Any, Optional
7 from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, QObject
8 from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
10 from UM.Decorators import override
11 from UM.Logger import Logger
12 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack, InvalidContainerStackError
13 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
14 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
15 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
16 from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface
18 from . import Exceptions
21 ## Base class for Cura related stacks that want to enforce certain containers are available.
22 #
23 # This class makes sure that the stack has the following containers set: user changes, quality
24 # changes, quality, material, variant, definition changes and finally definition. Initially,
25 # these will be equal to the empty instance container.
26 #
27 # The container types are determined based on the following criteria:
28 # - user: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "user".
29 # - quality changes: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "quality_changes".
30 # - quality: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "quality".
31 # - material: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "material".
32 # - variant: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "variant".
33 # - definition changes: An InstanceContainer with the metadata entry "type" set to "definition_changes".
34 # - definition: A DefinitionContainer.
35 #
36 # Internally, this class ensures the mentioned containers are always there and kept in a specific order.
37 # This also means that operations on the stack that modifies the container ordering is prohibited and
38 # will raise an exception.
39 class CuraContainerStack(ContainerStack):
40 def __init__(self, container_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
41 super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
43 self._empty_instance_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
45 self._containers = [self._empty_instance_container for i in range(len(_ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap))]
47 self.containersChanged.connect(self._onContainersChanged)
49 # This is emitted whenever the containersChanged signal from the ContainerStack base class is emitted.
50 pyqtContainersChanged = pyqtSignal()
52 ## Set the user changes container.
53 #
54 # \param new_user_changes The new user changes container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "user".
55 def setUserChanges(self, new_user_changes: InstanceContainer) -> None:
56 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges, new_user_changes)
58 ## Get the user changes container.
59 #
60 # \return The user changes container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
61 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setUserChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
62 def userChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
63 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges]
65 ## Set the quality changes container.
66 #
67 # \param new_quality_changes The new quality changes container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality_changes".
68 def setQualityChanges(self, new_quality_changes: InstanceContainer, postpone_emit = False) -> None:
69 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges, new_quality_changes, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
71 ## Set the quality changes container by an ID.
72 #
73 # This will search for the specified container and set it. If no container was found, an error will be raised.
74 #
75 # \param new_quality_changes_id The ID of the new quality changes container.
76 #
77 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
78 def setQualityChangesById(self, new_quality_changes_id: str) -> None:
79 quality_changes = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_quality_changes_id)
80 if quality_changes:
81 self.setQualityChanges(quality_changes[0])
82 else:
83 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_quality_changes_id))
85 ## Get the quality changes container.
86 #
87 # \return The quality changes container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
88 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setQualityChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
89 def qualityChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
90 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges]
92 ## Set the quality container.
93 #
94 # \param new_quality The new quality container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality".
95 def setQuality(self, new_quality: InstanceContainer, postpone_emit = False) -> None:
96 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Quality, new_quality, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
98 ## Set the quality container by an ID.
99 #
100 # This will search for the specified container and set it. If no container was found, an error will be raised.
101 # There is a special value for ID, which is "default". The "default" value indicates the quality should be set
102 # to whatever the machine definition specifies as "preferred" container, or a fallback value. See findDefaultQuality
103 # for details.
104 #
105 # \param new_quality_id The ID of the new quality container.
106 #
107 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
108 def setQualityById(self, new_quality_id: str) -> None:
109 quality = self._empty_instance_container
110 if new_quality_id == "default":
111 new_quality = self.findDefaultQuality()
112 if new_quality:
113 quality = new_quality
114 else:
115 qualities = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_quality_id)
116 if qualities:
117 quality = qualities[0]
118 else:
119 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_quality_id))
121 self.setQuality(quality)
123 ## Get the quality container.
124 #
125 # \return The quality container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
126 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setQuality, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
127 def quality(self) -> InstanceContainer:
128 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Quality]
130 ## Set the material container.
131 #
132 # \param new_quality_changes The new material container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality_changes".
133 def setMaterial(self, new_material: InstanceContainer, postpone_emit = False) -> None:
134 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Material, new_material, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
136 ## Set the material container by an ID.
137 #
138 # This will search for the specified container and set it. If no container was found, an error will be raised.
139 # There is a special value for ID, which is "default". The "default" value indicates the quality should be set
140 # to whatever the machine definition specifies as "preferred" container, or a fallback value. See findDefaultMaterial
141 # for details.
142 #
143 # \param new_quality_changes_id The ID of the new material container.
144 #
145 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
146 def setMaterialById(self, new_material_id: str) -> None:
147 material = self._empty_instance_container
148 if new_material_id == "default":
149 new_material = self.findDefaultMaterial()
150 if new_material:
151 material = new_material
152 else:
153 materials = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_material_id)
154 if materials:
155 material = materials[0]
156 else:
157 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_material_id))
159 self.setMaterial(material)
161 ## Get the material container.
162 #
163 # \return The material container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
164 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setMaterial, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
165 def material(self) -> InstanceContainer:
166 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Material]
168 ## Set the variant container.
169 #
170 # \param new_quality_changes The new variant container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality_changes".
171 def setVariant(self, new_variant: InstanceContainer) -> None:
172 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Variant, new_variant)
174 ## Set the variant container by an ID.
175 #
176 # This will search for the specified container and set it. If no container was found, an error will be raised.
177 # There is a special value for ID, which is "default". The "default" value indicates the quality should be set
178 # to whatever the machine definition specifies as "preferred" container, or a fallback value. See findDefaultVariant
179 # for details.
180 #
181 # \param new_quality_changes_id The ID of the new variant container.
182 #
183 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
184 def setVariantById(self, new_variant_id: str) -> None:
185 variant = self._empty_instance_container
186 if new_variant_id == "default":
187 new_variant = self.findDefaultVariant()
188 if new_variant:
189 variant = new_variant
190 else:
191 variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_variant_id)
192 if variants:
193 variant = variants[0]
194 else:
195 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_variant_id))
197 self.setVariant(variant)
199 ## Get the variant container.
200 #
201 # \return The variant container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
202 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setVariant, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
203 def variant(self) -> InstanceContainer:
204 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Variant]
206 ## Set the definition changes container.
207 #
208 # \param new_quality_changes The new definition changes container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality_changes".
209 def setDefinitionChanges(self, new_definition_changes: InstanceContainer) -> None:
210 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.DefinitionChanges, new_definition_changes)
212 ## Set the definition changes container by an ID.
213 #
214 # \param new_quality_changes_id The ID of the new definition changes container.
215 #
216 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
217 def setDefinitionChangesById(self, new_definition_changes_id: str) -> None:
218 new_definition_changes = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_definition_changes_id)
219 if new_definition_changes:
220 self.setDefinitionChanges(new_definition_changes[0])
221 else:
222 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_definition_changes_id))
224 ## Get the definition changes container.
225 #
226 # \return The definition changes container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
227 @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setDefinitionChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
228 def definitionChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
229 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.DefinitionChanges]
231 ## Set the definition container.
232 #
233 # \param new_quality_changes The new definition container. It is expected to have a "type" metadata entry with the value "quality_changes".
234 def setDefinition(self, new_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> None:
235 self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Definition, new_definition)
237 ## Set the definition container by an ID.
238 #
239 # \param new_quality_changes_id The ID of the new definition container.
240 #
241 # \throws Exceptions.InvalidContainerError Raised when no container could be found with the specified ID.
242 def setDefinitionById(self, new_definition_id: str) -> None:
243 new_definition = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = new_definition_id)
244 if new_definition:
245 self.setDefinition(new_definition[0])
246 else:
247 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_definition_id))
249 ## Get the definition container.
250 #
251 # \return The definition container. Should always be a valid container, but can be equal to the empty InstanceContainer.
252 @pyqtProperty(QObject, fset = setDefinition, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
253 def definition(self) -> DefinitionContainer:
254 return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Definition]
256 @override(ContainerStack)
257 def getBottom(self) -> "DefinitionContainer":
258 return self.definition
260 @override(ContainerStack)
261 def getTop(self) -> "InstanceContainer":
262 return self.userChanges
264 ## Check whether the specified setting has a 'user' value.
265 #
266 # A user value here is defined as the setting having a value in either
267 # the UserChanges or QualityChanges container.
268 #
269 # \return True if the setting has a user value, False if not.
270 @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
271 def hasUserValue(self, key: str) -> bool:
272 if self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges].hasProperty(key, "value"):
273 return True
275 if self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges].hasProperty(key, "value"):
276 return True
278 return False
280 ## Set a property of a setting.
281 #
282 # This will set a property of a specified setting. Since the container stack does not contain
283 # any settings itself, it is required to specify a container to set the property on. The target
284 # container is matched by container type.
285 #
286 # \param key The key of the setting to set.
287 # \param property_name The name of the property to set.
288 # \param new_value The new value to set the property to.
289 # \param target_container The type of the container to set the property of. Defaults to "user".
290 def setProperty(self, key: str, property_name: str, new_value: Any, target_container: str = "user") -> None:
291 container_index = _ContainerIndexes.TypeIndexMap.get(target_container, -1)
292 if container_index != -1:
293 self._containers[container_index].setProperty(key, property_name, new_value)
294 else:
295 raise IndexError("Invalid target container {type}".format(type = target_container))
297 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
298 #
299 # Since we have a fixed order of containers in the stack and this method would modify the container
300 # ordering, we disallow this operation.
301 @override(ContainerStack)
302 def addContainer(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> None:
303 raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot add a container to Global stack")
305 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
306 #
307 # Since we have a fixed order of containers in the stack and this method would modify the container
308 # ordering, we disallow this operation.
309 @override(ContainerStack)
310 def insertContainer(self, index: int, container: ContainerInterface) -> None:
311 raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot insert a container into Global stack")
313 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
314 #
315 # Since we have a fixed order of containers in the stack and this method would modify the container
316 # ordering, we disallow this operation.
317 @override(ContainerStack)
318 def removeContainer(self, index: int = 0) -> None:
319 raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot remove a container from Global stack")
321 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
322 #
323 # Replaces the container at the specified index with another container.
324 # This version performs checks to make sure the new container has the expected metadata and type.
325 #
326 # \throws Exception.InvalidContainerError Raised when trying to replace a container with a container that has an incorrect type.
327 @override(ContainerStack)
328 def replaceContainer(self, index: int, container: ContainerInterface, postpone_emit: bool = False) -> None:
329 expected_type = _ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap[index]
330 if expected_type == "definition":
331 if not isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer):
332 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Cannot replace container at index {index} with a container that is not a DefinitionContainer".format(index = index))
333 elif container != self._empty_instance_container and container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != expected_type:
334 raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Cannot replace container at index {index} with a container that is not of {type} type, but {actual_type} type.".format(index = index, type = expected_type, actual_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")))
336 super().replaceContainer(index, container, postpone_emit)
338 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
339 #
340 # This deserialize will make sure the internal list of containers matches with what we expect.
341 # It will first check to see if the container at a certain index already matches with what we
342 # expect. If it does not, it will search for a matching container with the correct type. Should
343 # no container with the correct type be found, it will use the empty container.
344 #
345 # \throws InvalidContainerStackError Raised when no definition can be found for the stack.
346 @override(ContainerStack)
347 def deserialize(self, contents: str) -> None:
348 super().deserialize(contents)
350 new_containers = self._containers.copy()
351 while len(new_containers) < len(_ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap):
352 new_containers.append(self._empty_instance_container)
354 # Validate and ensure the list of containers matches with what we expect
355 for index, type_name in _ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap.items():
356 try:
357 container = new_containers[index]
358 except IndexError:
359 container = None
361 if type_name == "definition":
362 if not container or not isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer):
363 definition = self.findContainer(container_type = DefinitionContainer)
364 if not definition:
365 raise InvalidContainerStackError("Stack {id} does not have a definition!".format(id = self._id))
367 new_containers[index] = definition
368 continue
370 if not container or container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != type_name:
371 actual_container = self.findContainer(type = type_name)
372 if actual_container:
373 new_containers[index] = actual_container
374 else:
375 new_containers[index] = self._empty_instance_container
377 self._containers = new_containers
379 ## Find the variant that should be used as "default" variant.
380 #
381 # This will search for variants that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
382 # if specified by the machine definition.
383 #
384 # The following criteria are used to find the default variant:
385 # - If the machine definition does not have a metadata entry "has_variants" set to True, return None
386 # - The definition of the variant should be the same as the machine definition for this stack.
387 # - The container should have a metadata entry "type" with value "variant".
388 # - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "preferred_variant", filter the variant IDs based on that.
389 #
390 # \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found or the machine does not use variants.
391 #
392 # \note This method assumes the stack has a valid machine definition.
393 def findDefaultVariant(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
394 definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
395 if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
396 # If the machine does not use variants, we should never set a variant.
397 return None
399 # First add any variant. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
400 variant = None
401 definition_id = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
402 variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
403 if variants:
404 variant = variants[0]
406 preferred_variant_id = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant")
407 if preferred_variant_id:
408 preferred_variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = preferred_variant_id, definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
409 if preferred_variants:
410 variant = preferred_variants[0]
411 else:
412 Logger.log("w", "The preferred variant \"{variant}\" of stack {stack} does not exist or is not a variant.", variant = preferred_variant_id, stack =
413 # And leave it at the default variant.
415 if variant:
416 return variant
418 Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid default variant for stack {stack}", stack =
419 return None
421 ## Find the material that should be used as "default" material.
422 #
423 # This will search for materials that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
424 # if specified by the machine definition.
425 #
426 # The following criteria are used to find the default material:
427 # - If the machine definition does not have a metadata entry "has_materials" set to True, return None
428 # - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "has_machine_materials", the definition of the material should
429 # be the same as the machine definition for this stack. Otherwise, the definition should be "fdmprinter".
430 # - The container should have a metadata entry "type" with value "material".
431 # - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "has_variants" and set to True, the "variant" metadata entry of
432 # the material should be the same as the ID of the variant in the stack. Only applies if "has_machine_materials" is also True.
433 # - If the stack currently has a material set, try to find a material that matches the current material by name.
434 # - Otherwise, if the machine definition has a metadata entry "preferred_material", try to find a material that matches the specified ID.
435 #
436 # \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found or the machine does not use materials.
437 def findDefaultMaterial(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
438 definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
439 if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
440 # Machine does not use materials, never try to set it.
441 return None
443 search_criteria = {"type": "material"}
444 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
445 search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
447 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
448 search_criteria["variant"] =
449 else:
450 search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
452 if self.material != self._empty_instance_container:
453 search_criteria["name"] =
454 else:
455 preferred_material = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
456 if preferred_material:
457 search_criteria["id"] = preferred_material
459 materials = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
460 if not materials:
461 Logger.log("w", "The preferred material \"{material}\" could not be found for stack {stack}", material = preferred_material, stack =
462 # We failed to find any materials matching the specified criteria, drop some specific criteria and try to find
463 # a material that sort-of matches what we want.
464 search_criteria.pop("variant", None)
465 search_criteria.pop("id", None)
466 search_criteria.pop("name", None)
467 materials = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
469 if materials:
470 return materials[0]
472 Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid material for stack {stack}", stack =
473 return None
475 ## Find the quality that should be used as "default" quality.
476 #
477 # This will search for qualities that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
478 # if specified by the machine definition.
479 #
480 # \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found.
481 def findDefaultQuality(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
482 definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
483 registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
484 material_container = self.material if self.material != self._empty_instance_container else None
486 search_criteria = {"type": "quality"}
488 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
489 search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
491 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials") and material_container:
492 search_criteria["material"] =
493 else:
494 search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
496 if self.quality != self._empty_instance_container:
497 search_criteria["name"] =
498 else:
499 preferred_quality = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
500 if preferred_quality:
501 search_criteria["id"] = preferred_quality
503 containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
504 if containers:
505 return containers[0]
507 if "material" in search_criteria:
508 # First check if we can solve our material not found problem by checking if we can find quality containers
509 # that are assigned to the parents of this material profile.
510 try:
511 inherited_files = material_container.getInheritedFiles()
512 except AttributeError: # Material_container does not support inheritance.
513 inherited_files = []
515 if inherited_files:
516 for inherited_file in inherited_files:
517 # Extract the ID from the path we used to load the file.
518 search_criteria["material"] = os.path.basename(inherited_file).split(".")[0]
519 containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
520 if containers:
521 return containers[0]
523 # We still weren't able to find a quality for this specific material.
524 # Try to find qualities for a generic version of the material.
525 material_search_criteria = {"type": "material", "material": material_container.getMetaDataEntry("material"), "color_name": "Generic"}
526 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
527 if self.material != self._empty_instance_container:
528 material_search_criteria["definition"] = material_container.getDefinition().id
530 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
531 material_search_criteria["variant"] = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("variant")
532 else:
533 material_search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
535 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and self.variant != self._empty_instance_container:
536 material_search_criteria["variant"] =
537 else:
538 material_search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
539 material_containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**material_search_criteria)
540 # Try all materials to see if there is a quality profile available.
541 for material_container in material_containers:
542 search_criteria["material"] = material_container.getId()
544 containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
545 if containers:
546 return containers[0]
548 if "name" in search_criteria or "id" in search_criteria:
549 # If a quality by this name can not be found, try a wider set of search criteria
550 search_criteria.pop("name", None)
551 search_criteria.pop("id", None)
553 containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
554 if containers:
555 return containers[0]
557 return None
559 ## protected:
561 # Helper to make sure we emit a PyQt signal on container changes.
562 def _onContainersChanged(self, container: Any) -> None:
563 self.pyqtContainersChanged.emit()
565 # Helper that can be overridden to get the "machine" definition, that is, the definition that defines the machine
566 # and its properties rather than, for example, the extruder. Defaults to simply returning the definition property.
567 def _getMachineDefinition(self) -> DefinitionContainer:
568 return self.definition
570 ## Find the ID that should be used when searching for instance containers for a specified definition.
571 #
572 # This handles the situation where the definition specifies we should use a different definition when
573 # searching for instance containers.
574 #
575 # \param machine_definition The definition to find the "quality definition" for.
576 #
577 # \return The ID of the definition container to use when searching for instance containers.
578 @classmethod
579 def _findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(cls, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> str:
580 quality_definition = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("quality_definition")
581 if not quality_definition:
582 return
584 definitions = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = quality_definition)
585 if not definitions:
586 Logger.log("w", "Unable to find parent definition {parent} for machine {machine}", parent = quality_definition, machine =
587 return
589 return cls._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definitions[0])
591 ## private:
593 # Private helper class to keep track of container positions and their types.
594 class _ContainerIndexes:
595 UserChanges = 0
596 QualityChanges = 1
597 Quality = 2
598 Material = 3
599 Variant = 4
600 DefinitionChanges = 5
601 Definition = 6
603 # Simple hash map to map from index to "type" metadata entry
604 IndexTypeMap = {
605 UserChanges: "user",
606 QualityChanges: "quality_changes",
607 Quality: "quality",
608 Material: "material",
609 Variant: "variant",
610 DefinitionChanges: "definition_changes",
611 Definition: "definition",
612 }
614 # Reverse lookup: type -> index
615 TypeIndexMap = dict([(v, k) for k, v in IndexTypeMap.items()])
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from UM.Logger import Logger
5 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
6 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
7 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
9 from .GlobalStack import GlobalStack
10 from .ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
11 from typing import Optional
14 ## Contains helper functions to create new machines.
15 class CuraStackBuilder:
16 ## Create a new instance of a machine.
17 #
18 # \param name The name of the new machine.
19 # \param definition_id The ID of the machine definition to use.
20 #
21 # \return The new global stack or None if an error occurred.
22 @classmethod
23 def createMachine(cls, name: str, definition_id: str) -> Optional[GlobalStack]:
24 registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
25 definitions = registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = definition_id)
26 if not definitions:
27 Logger.log("w", "Definition {definition} was not found!", definition = definition_id)
28 return None
30 machine_definition = definitions[0]
31 name = registry.createUniqueName("machine", "", name,
33 new_global_stack = cls.createGlobalStack(
34 new_stack_id = name,
35 definition = machine_definition,
36 quality = "default",
37 material = "default",
38 variant = "default",
39 )
41 for extruder_definition in registry.findDefinitionContainers(machine =
42 position = extruder_definition.getMetaDataEntry("position", None)
43 if not position:
44 Logger.log("w", "Extruder definition %s specifies no position metadata entry.",
46 new_extruder_id = registry.uniqueName(
47 new_extruder = cls.createExtruderStack(
48 new_extruder_id,
49 definition = extruder_definition,
50 machine_definition = machine_definition,
51 quality = "default",
52 material = "default",
53 variant = "default",
54 next_stack = new_global_stack
55 )
57 return new_global_stack
59 ## Create a new Extruder stack
60 #
61 # \param new_stack_id The ID of the new stack.
62 # \param definition The definition to base the new stack on.
63 # \param machine_definition The machine definition to use for the user container.
64 # \param kwargs You can add keyword arguments to specify IDs of containers to use for a specific type, for example "variant": "0.4mm"
65 #
66 # \return A new Global stack instance with the specified parameters.
67 @classmethod
68 def createExtruderStack(cls, new_stack_id: str, definition: DefinitionContainer, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer, **kwargs) -> ExtruderStack:
69 stack = ExtruderStack(new_stack_id)
70 stack.setName(definition.getName())
71 stack.setDefinition(definition)
72 stack.addMetaDataEntry("position", definition.getMetaDataEntry("position"))
74 user_container = InstanceContainer(new_stack_id + "_user")
75 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
76 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_stack_id)
77 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
78 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
79 user_container.setDefinition(machine_definition)
81 stack.setUserChanges(user_container)
83 if "next_stack" in kwargs:
84 stack.setNextStack(kwargs["next_stack"])
86 # Important! The order here matters, because that allows the stack to
87 # assume the material and variant have already been set.
88 if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
89 stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
91 if "variant" in kwargs:
92 stack.setVariantById(kwargs["variant"])
94 if "material" in kwargs:
95 stack.setMaterialById(kwargs["material"])
97 if "quality" in kwargs:
98 stack.setQualityById(kwargs["quality"])
100 if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
101 stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
103 # Only add the created containers to the registry after we have set all the other
104 # properties. This makes the create operation more transactional, since any problems
105 # setting properties will not result in incomplete containers being added.
106 registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
107 registry.addContainer(stack)
108 registry.addContainer(user_container)
110 return stack
112 ## Create a new Global stack
113 #
114 # \param new_stack_id The ID of the new stack.
115 # \param definition The definition to base the new stack on.
116 # \param kwargs You can add keyword arguments to specify IDs of containers to use for a specific type, for example "variant": "0.4mm"
117 #
118 # \return A new Global stack instance with the specified parameters.
119 @classmethod
120 def createGlobalStack(cls, new_stack_id: str, definition: DefinitionContainer, **kwargs) -> GlobalStack:
121 stack = GlobalStack(new_stack_id)
122 stack.setDefinition(definition)
124 user_container = InstanceContainer(new_stack_id + "_user")
125 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
126 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("machine", new_stack_id)
127 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
128 user_container.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
129 user_container.setDefinition(definition)
131 stack.setUserChanges(user_container)
133 # Important! The order here matters, because that allows the stack to
134 # assume the material and variant have already been set.
135 if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
136 stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
138 if "variant" in kwargs:
139 stack.setVariantById(kwargs["variant"])
141 if "material" in kwargs:
142 stack.setMaterialById(kwargs["material"])
144 if "quality" in kwargs:
145 stack.setQualityById(kwargs["quality"])
147 if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
148 stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
150 registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
151 registry.addContainer(stack)
152 registry.addContainer(user_container)
154 return stack
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
4 ## Raised when trying to perform an operation like add on a stack that does not allow that.
5 class InvalidOperationError(Exception):
6 pass
9 ## Raised when trying to replace a container with a container that does not have the expected type.
10 class InvalidContainerError(Exception):
11 pass
14 ## Raised when trying to add an extruder to a Global stack that already has the maximum number of extruders.
15 class TooManyExtrudersError(Exception):
16 pass
19 ## Raised when an extruder has no next stack set.
20 class NoGlobalStackError(Exception):
21 pass
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, QObject, QVariant #For communicating data and events to Qt.
66 from UM.Application import Application #To get the global container stack to find the current machine.
77 from UM.Logger import Logger
8 from UM.Decorators import deprecated
89 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
910 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
11 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
12 from UM.Scene.Iterator.BreadthFirstIterator import BreadthFirstIterator
1013 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry #Finding containers by ID.
1114 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
1215 from UM.Settings.SettingFunction import SettingFunction
1316 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
14 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
15 from typing import Optional
17 from UM.Settings.Interfaces import DefinitionContainerInterface
18 from typing import Optional, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
21 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
22 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
1725 ## Manages all existing extruder stacks.
1826 #
3139 ## Registers listeners and such to listen to changes to the extruders.
3240 def __init__(self, parent = None):
3341 super().__init__(parent)
34 self._extruder_trains = { } #Per machine, a dictionary of extruder container stack IDs.
42 self._extruder_trains = { } #Per machine, a dictionary of extruder container stack IDs. Only for separately defined extruders.
3543 self._active_extruder_index = 0
44 self._selected_object_extruders = []
3645 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self.__globalContainerStackChanged)
3746 self._global_container_stack_definition_id = None
3847 self._addCurrentMachineExtruders()
49 Selection.selectionChanged.connect(self.resetSelectedObjectExtruders)
4051 ## Gets the unique identifier of the currently active extruder stack.
4152 #
6273 except KeyError:
6374 return 0
65 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify=extrudersChanged)
76 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = extrudersChanged)
6677 def extruderIds(self):
6778 map = {}
68 for position in self._extruder_trains[Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()]:
69 map[position] = self._extruder_trains[Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()][position].getId()
79 global_stack_id = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()
80 for position in self._extruder_trains[global_stack_id]:
81 map[position] = self._extruder_trains[global_stack_id][position].getId()
7082 return map
7284 @pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
7486 for position in self._extruder_trains[Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()]:
7587 extruder = self._extruder_trains[Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()][position]
7688 if extruder.getId() == id:
77 return extruder.findContainer(type = "quality_changes").getId()
89 return extruder.qualityChanges.getId()
7991 ## The instance of the singleton pattern.
8092 #
116128 except IndexError:
117129 return ""
119 def getActiveExtruderStack(self) -> ContainerStack:
131 ## Emitted whenever the selectedObjectExtruders property changes.
132 selectedObjectExtrudersChanged = pyqtSignal()
134 ## Provides a list of extruder IDs used by the current selected objects.
135 @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = selectedObjectExtrudersChanged)
136 def selectedObjectExtruders(self) -> List[str]:
137 if not self._selected_object_extruders:
138 object_extruders = set()
140 # First, build a list of the actual selected objects (including children of groups, excluding group nodes)
141 selected_nodes = []
142 for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():
143 if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
144 for grouped_node in BreadthFirstIterator(node):
145 if grouped_node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
146 continue
148 selected_nodes.append(grouped_node)
149 else:
150 selected_nodes.append(node)
152 # Then, figure out which nodes are used by those selected nodes.
153 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
154 current_extruder_trains = self._extruder_trains.get(global_stack.getId())
155 for node in selected_nodes:
156 extruder = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruder")
157 if extruder:
158 object_extruders.add(extruder)
159 elif current_extruder_trains:
160 object_extruders.add(current_extruder_trains["0"].getId())
162 self._selected_object_extruders = list(object_extruders)
164 return self._selected_object_extruders
166 ## Reset the internal list used for the selectedObjectExtruders property
167 #
168 # This will trigger a recalculation of the extruders used for the
169 # selection.
170 def resetSelectedObjectExtruders(self) -> None:
171 self._selected_object_extruders = []
172 self.selectedObjectExtrudersChanged.emit()
174 def getActiveExtruderStack(self) -> Optional["ExtruderStack"]:
120175 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
122177 if global_container_stack:
126181 return None
128183 ## Get an extruder stack by index
129 def getExtruderStack(self, index):
184 def getExtruderStack(self, index) -> Optional["ExtruderStack"]:
130185 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
131186 if global_container_stack:
132187 if global_container_stack.getId() in self._extruder_trains:
135190 return None
137192 ## Get all extruder stacks
138 def getExtruderStacks(self):
193 def getExtruderStacks(self) -> List["ExtruderStack"]:
139194 result = []
140195 for i in range(self.extruderCount):
141196 result.append(self.getExtruderStack(i))
146201 #
147202 # \param machine_definition The machine definition to add the extruders for.
148203 # \param machine_id The machine_id to add the extruders for.
149 def addMachineExtruders(self, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer, machine_id: str) -> None:
204 @deprecated("Use CuraStackBuilder", "2.6")
205 def addMachineExtruders(self, machine_definition: DefinitionContainerInterface, machine_id: str) -> None:
150206 changed = False
151207 machine_definition_id = machine_definition.getId()
152208 if machine_id not in self._extruder_trains:
180236 if machine_id not in self._extruder_trains:
181237 self._extruder_trains[machine_id] = {}
182238 changed = True
240 # do not register if an extruder has already been registered at the position on this machine
241 if any(item.getId() == extruder_train.getId() for item in self._extruder_trains[machine_id].values()):
242 Logger.log("w", "Extruder [%s] has already been registered on machine [%s], not doing anything",
243 extruder_train.getId(), machine_id)
244 return
183246 if extruder_train:
184247 self._extruder_trains[machine_id][extruder_train.getMetaDataEntry("position")] = extruder_train
185248 changed = True
198261 # \param machine_definition The machine that the extruder train belongs to.
199262 # \param position The position of this extruder train in the extruder slots of the machine.
200263 # \param machine_id The id of the "global" stack this extruder is linked to.
201 def createExtruderTrain(self, extruder_definition: DefinitionContainer, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer,
264 @deprecated("Use CuraStackBuilder::createExtruderStack", "2.6")
265 def createExtruderTrain(self, extruder_definition: DefinitionContainerInterface, machine_definition: DefinitionContainerInterface,
202266 position, machine_id: str) -> None:
203267 # Cache some things.
204268 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
243307 material = materials[0]
244308 preferred_material_id = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
245309 if preferred_material_id:
246 search_criteria = { "type": "material", "id": preferred_material_id}
310 global_stack = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = machine_id)
311 if global_stack:
312 approximate_material_diameter = str(round(global_stack[0].getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
313 else:
314 approximate_material_diameter = str(round(machine_definition.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
316 search_criteria = { "type": "material", "id": preferred_material_id, "approximate_diameter": approximate_material_diameter}
247317 if machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
248318 search_criteria["definition"] = machine_definition_id
300370 user_profile = InstanceContainer(extruder_stack_id + "_current_settings") # Add an empty user profile.
301371 user_profile.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
302372 user_profile.addMetaDataEntry("extruder", extruder_stack_id)
373 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
374 user_profile.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
303375 user_profile.setDefinition(machine_definition)
304376 container_registry.addContainer(user_profile)
305377 container_stack.addContainer(user_profile)
339411 # list.
340412 #
341413 # \return A list of extruder stacks.
342 def getUsedExtruderStacks(self):
414 def getUsedExtruderStacks(self) -> List["ContainerStack"]:
343415 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
344416 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
351423 #Get the extruders of all meshes in the scene.
352424 support_enabled = False
353 support_interface_enabled = False
425 support_bottom_enabled = False
426 support_roof_enabled = False
354427 scene_root = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
355428 meshes = [node for node in DepthFirstIterator(scene_root) if type(node) is SceneNode and node.isSelectable()] #Only use the nodes that will be printed.
356429 for mesh in meshes:
363436 per_mesh_stack = mesh.callDecoration("getStack")
364437 if per_mesh_stack:
365438 support_enabled |= per_mesh_stack.getProperty("support_enable", "value")
366 support_interface_enabled |= per_mesh_stack.getProperty("support_interface_enable", "value")
439 support_bottom_enabled |= per_mesh_stack.getProperty("support_bottom_enable", "value")
440 support_roof_enabled |= per_mesh_stack.getProperty("support_roof_enable", "value")
367441 else: #Take the setting from the build extruder stack.
368442 extruder_stack = container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = extruder_stack_id)[0]
369443 support_enabled |= extruder_stack.getProperty("support_enable", "value")
370 support_interface_enabled |= extruder_stack.getProperty("support_enable", "value")
444 support_bottom_enabled |= extruder_stack.getProperty("support_bottom_enable", "value")
445 support_roof_enabled |= extruder_stack.getProperty("support_roof_enable", "value")
372447 #The support extruders.
373448 if support_enabled:
374449 used_extruder_stack_ids.add(self.extruderIds[str(global_stack.getProperty("support_infill_extruder_nr", "value"))])
375450 used_extruder_stack_ids.add(self.extruderIds[str(global_stack.getProperty("support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "value"))])
376 if support_interface_enabled:
377 used_extruder_stack_ids.add(self.extruderIds[str(global_stack.getProperty("support_interface_extruder_nr", "value"))])
451 if support_bottom_enabled:
452 used_extruder_stack_ids.add(self.extruderIds[str(global_stack.getProperty("support_bottom_extruder_nr", "value"))])
453 if support_roof_enabled:
454 used_extruder_stack_ids.add(self.extruderIds[str(global_stack.getProperty("support_roof_extruder_nr", "value"))])
379456 #The platform adhesion extruder. Not used if using none.
380457 if global_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value") != "none":
388465 ## Removes the container stack and user profile for the extruders for a specific machine.
389466 #
390467 # \param machine_id The machine to remove the extruders for.
391 def removeMachineExtruders(self, machine_id):
468 def removeMachineExtruders(self, machine_id: str):
392469 for extruder in self.getMachineExtruders(machine_id):
393 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(type = "user", extruder = extruder.getId())
394 for container in containers:
395 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(container.getId())
470 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(extruder.userChanges.getId())
396471 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(extruder.getId())
472 if machine_id in self._extruder_trains:
473 del self._extruder_trains[machine_id]
398475 ## Returns extruders for a specific machine.
399476 #
400477 # \param machine_id The machine to get the extruders of.
401 def getMachineExtruders(self, machine_id):
478 def getMachineExtruders(self, machine_id: str):
402479 if machine_id not in self._extruder_trains:
403 Logger.log("w", "Tried to get the extruder trains for machine %s, which doesn't exist.", machine_id)
404480 return []
405481 return [self._extruder_trains[machine_id][name] for name in self._extruder_trains[machine_id]]
408484 #
409485 # The first element is the global container stack, followed by any extruder stacks.
410486 # \return \type{List[ContainerStack]}
411 def getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks(self):
487 def getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks(self) -> Optional[List[Union["ExtruderStack", "GlobalStack"]]]:
412488 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
413489 if not global_stack:
414490 return None
420496 ## Returns the list of active extruder stacks.
421497 #
422498 # \return \type{List[ContainerStack]} a list of
423 def getActiveExtruderStacks(self):
499 def getActiveExtruderStacks(self) -> List["ExtruderStack"]:
424500 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
426502 result = []
427 if global_stack:
503 if global_stack and global_stack.getId() in self._extruder_trains:
428504 for extruder in sorted(self._extruder_trains[global_stack.getId()]):
429505 result.append(self._extruder_trains[global_stack.getId()][extruder])
430506 return result
432508 def __globalContainerStackChanged(self) -> None:
433 self._addCurrentMachineExtruders()
434509 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
435510 if global_container_stack and global_container_stack.getBottom() and global_container_stack.getBottom().getId() != self._global_container_stack_definition_id:
436511 self._global_container_stack_definition_id = global_container_stack.getBottom().getId()
437512 self.globalContainerStackDefinitionChanged.emit()
438513 self.activeExtruderChanged.emit()
515 self.resetSelectedObjectExtruders()
440517 ## Adds the extruders of the currently active machine.
441518 def _addCurrentMachineExtruders(self) -> None:
442519 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
447524 #
448525 # This is exposed to SettingFunction so it can be used in value functions.
449526 #
450 # \param key The key of the setting to retieve values for.
527 # \param key The key of the setting to retrieve values for.
451528 #
452529 # \return A list of values for all extruders. If an extruder does not have a value, it will not be in the list.
453530 # If no extruder has the value, the list will contain the global value.
458535 result = []
459536 for extruder in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(global_stack.getId()):
537 # only include values from extruders that are "active" for the current machine instance
538 if int(extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position")) >= global_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value"):
539 continue
460541 value = extruder.getRawProperty(key, "value")
462543 if value is None:
515596 @staticmethod
516597 def getResolveOrValue(key):
517598 global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
519 resolved_value = global_stack.getProperty(key, "resolve")
520 if resolved_value is not None:
521 user_container = global_stack.findContainer({"type": "user"})
522 quality_changes_container = global_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
523 if user_container.hasProperty(key, "value") or quality_changes_container.hasProperty(key, "value"):
524 # Normal case
525 value = global_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
526 else:
527 # We have a resolved value and we're using it because of no user and quality_changes value
528 value = resolved_value
529 else:
530 value = global_stack.getRawProperty(key, "value")
532 return value
599 resolved_value = global_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
601 return resolved_value
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
5 from UM.Decorators import override
6 from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeType, MimeTypeDatabase
7 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
8 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
9 from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface
11 from . import Exceptions
12 from .CuraContainerStack import CuraContainerStack
13 from .ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
16 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
18 ## Represents an Extruder and its related containers.
19 #
20 #
21 class ExtruderStack(CuraContainerStack):
22 def __init__(self, container_id, *args, **kwargs):
23 super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
25 self.addMetaDataEntry("type", "extruder_train") # For backward compatibility
27 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
28 #
29 # This will set the next stack and ensure that we register this stack as an extruder.
30 @override(ContainerStack)
31 def setNextStack(self, stack: ContainerStack) -> None:
32 super().setNextStack(stack)
33 stack.addExtruder(self)
34 self.addMetaDataEntry("machine",
36 # For backward compatibility: Register the extruder with the Extruder Manager
37 ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(self,
39 @override(ContainerStack)
40 def getNextStack(self) -> Optional["GlobalStack"]:
41 return super().getNextStack()
43 @classmethod
44 def getLoadingPriority(cls) -> int:
45 return 3
47 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
48 #
49 # It will perform a few extra checks when trying to get properties.
50 #
51 # The two extra checks it currently does is to ensure a next stack is set and to bypass
52 # the extruder when the property is not settable per extruder.
53 #
54 # \throws Exceptions.NoGlobalStackError Raised when trying to get a property from an extruder without
55 # having a next stack set.
56 @override(ContainerStack)
57 def getProperty(self, key: str, property_name: str) -> Any:
58 if not self._next_stack:
59 raise Exceptions.NoGlobalStackError("Extruder {id} is missing the next stack!".format(id =
61 if not super().getProperty(key, "settable_per_extruder"):
62 return self.getNextStack().getProperty(key, property_name)
64 limit_to_extruder = super().getProperty(key, "limit_to_extruder")
65 if (limit_to_extruder is not None and limit_to_extruder != "-1") and self.getMetaDataEntry("position") != str(limit_to_extruder):
66 if str(limit_to_extruder) in self.getNextStack().extruders:
67 result = self.getNextStack().extruders[str(limit_to_extruder)].getProperty(key, property_name)
68 if result is not None:
69 return result
71 return super().getProperty(key, property_name)
73 @override(CuraContainerStack)
74 def _getMachineDefinition(self) -> ContainerInterface:
75 if not self.getNextStack():
76 raise Exceptions.NoGlobalStackError("Extruder {id} is missing the next stack!".format(id =
78 return self.getNextStack()._getMachineDefinition()
80 @override(CuraContainerStack)
81 def deserialize(self, contents: str) -> None:
82 super().deserialize(contents)
83 stacks = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id=self.getMetaDataEntry("machine", ""))
84 if stacks:
85 self.setNextStack(stacks[0])
87 extruder_stack_mime = MimeType(
88 name = "application/x-cura-extruderstack",
89 comment = "Cura Extruder Stack",
90 suffixes = ["extruder.cfg"]
91 )
93 MimeTypeDatabase.addMimeType(extruder_stack_mime)
94 ContainerRegistry.addContainerTypeByName(ExtruderStack, "extruder_stack",
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty
3 from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, QTimer
4 from typing import Iterable
56 import UM.Qt.ListModel
67 from UM.Application import Application
8 import UM.FlameProfiler
89 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
10 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack #To listen to changes on the extruders.
11 from cura.Settings.MachineManager import MachineManager #To listen to changes on the extruders of the currently active machine.
1013 ## Model that holds extruders.
1114 #
3235 # The ID of the definition of the extruder.
3336 DefinitionRole = Qt.UserRole + 5
38 # The material of the extruder.
39 MaterialRole = Qt.UserRole + 6
41 # The variant of the extruder.
42 VariantRole = Qt.UserRole + 7
3544 ## List of colours to display if there is no material or the material has no known
3645 # colour.
3746 defaultColors = ["#ffc924", "#86ec21", "#22eeee", "#245bff", "#9124ff", "#ff24c8"]
4857 self.addRoleName(self.ColorRole, "color")
4958 self.addRoleName(self.IndexRole, "index")
5059 self.addRoleName(self.DefinitionRole, "definition")
60 self.addRoleName(self.MaterialRole, "material")
61 self.addRoleName(self.VariantRole, "variant")
63 self._update_extruder_timer = QTimer()
64 self._update_extruder_timer.setInterval(100)
65 self._update_extruder_timer.setSingleShot(True)
66 self._update_extruder_timer.timeout.connect(self.__updateExtruders)
5268 self._add_global = False
5369 self._simple_names = False
55 self._active_extruder_stack = None
71 self._active_machine_extruders = [] # type: Iterable[ExtruderStack]
5773 #Listen to changes.
58 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._updateExtruders)
59 manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
61 self._updateExtruders()
63 manager.activeExtruderChanged.connect(self._onActiveExtruderChanged)
64 self._onActiveExtruderChanged()
74 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._extrudersChanged) #When the machine is swapped we must update the active machine extruders.
75 ExtruderManager.getInstance().extrudersChanged.connect(self._extrudersChanged) #When the extruders change we must link to the stack-changed signal of the new extruder.
76 self._extrudersChanged() #Also calls _updateExtruders.
6678 def setAddGlobal(self, add):
6779 if add != self._add_global:
90102 def simpleNames(self):
91103 return self._simple_names
93 def _onActiveExtruderChanged(self):
94 manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
95 active_extruder_stack = manager.getActiveExtruderStack()
96 if self._active_extruder_stack != active_extruder_stack:
97 if self._active_extruder_stack:
98 self._active_extruder_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onExtruderStackContainersChanged)
100 if active_extruder_stack:
101 # Update the model when the material container is changed
102 active_extruder_stack.containersChanged.connect(self._onExtruderStackContainersChanged)
103 self._active_extruder_stack = active_extruder_stack
105 ## Links to the stack-changed signal of the new extruders when an extruder
106 # is swapped out or added in the current machine.
107 #
108 # \param machine_id The machine for which the extruders changed. This is
109 # filled by the ExtruderManager.extrudersChanged signal when coming from
110 # that signal. Application.globalContainerStackChanged doesn't fill this
111 # signal; it's assumed to be the current printer in that case.
112 def _extrudersChanged(self, machine_id = None):
113 if machine_id is not None:
114 if Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack() is None:
115 return #No machine, don't need to update the current machine's extruders.
116 if machine_id != Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId():
117 return #Not the current machine.
118 #Unlink from old extruders.
119 for extruder in self._active_machine_extruders:
120 extruder.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onExtruderStackContainersChanged)
122 #Link to new extruders.
123 self._active_machine_extruders = []
124 extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
125 for extruder in extruder_manager.getExtruderStacks():
126 extruder.containersChanged.connect(self._onExtruderStackContainersChanged)
127 self._active_machine_extruders.append(extruder)
129 self._updateExtruders() #Since the new extruders may have different properties, update our own model.
106131 def _onExtruderStackContainersChanged(self, container):
107 # The ExtrudersModel needs to be updated when the material-name or -color changes, because the user identifies extruders by material-name
108 self._updateExtruders()
132 # Update when there is an empty container or material change
133 if container.getMetaDataEntry("type") == "material" or container.getMetaDataEntry("type") is None:
134 # The ExtrudersModel needs to be updated when the material-name or -color changes, because the user identifies extruders by material-name
135 self._updateExtruders()
110138 modelChanged = pyqtSignal()
140 def _updateExtruders(self):
141 self._update_extruder_timer.start()
112143 ## Update the list of extruders.
113144 #
114145 # This should be called whenever the list of extruders changes.
115 def _updateExtruders(self):
146 @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
147 def __updateExtruders(self):
116148 changed = False
118150 if self.rowCount() != 0:
119151 changed = True
121153 items = []
123154 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
124155 if global_container_stack:
125156 if self._add_global:
126 material = global_container_stack.findContainer({ "type": "material" })
157 material = global_container_stack.material
127158 color = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code", default = self.defaultColors[0]) if material else self.defaultColors[0]
128159 item = {
129160 "id": global_container_stack.getId(),
135166 items.append(item)
136167 changed = True
169 machine_extruder_count = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value")
138170 manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
139171 for extruder in manager.getMachineExtruders(global_container_stack.getId()):
140 extruder_name = extruder.getName()
141 material = extruder.findContainer({ "type": "material" })
142172 position = extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position", default = "0") # Get the position
143173 try:
144174 position = int(position)
145175 except ValueError: #Not a proper int.
146176 position = -1
177 if position >= machine_extruder_count:
178 continue
179 extruder_name = extruder.getName()
180 material = extruder.material
181 variant = extruder.variant
147183 default_color = self.defaultColors[position] if position >= 0 and position < len(self.defaultColors) else self.defaultColors[0]
148184 color = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code", default = default_color) if material else default_color
149185 item = { #Construct an item with only the relevant information.
151187 "name": extruder_name,
152188 "color": color,
153189 "index": position,
154 "definition": extruder.getBottom().getId()
190 "definition": extruder.getBottom().getId(),
191 "material": material.getName() if material else "",
192 "variant": variant.getName() if variant else "",
155193 }
156194 items.append(item)
157195 changed = True
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from typing import Any, Dict
5 from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtProperty
7 from UM.Decorators import override
9 from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeType, MimeTypeDatabase
10 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
11 from UM.Settings.SettingInstance import InstanceState
12 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
13 from UM.Logger import Logger
15 from . import Exceptions
16 from .CuraContainerStack import CuraContainerStack
18 ## Represents the Global or Machine stack and its related containers.
19 #
20 class GlobalStack(CuraContainerStack):
21 def __init__(self, container_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
22 super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
24 self.addMetaDataEntry("type", "machine") # For backward compatibility
26 self._extruders = {}
28 # This property is used to track which settings we are calculating the "resolve" for
29 # and if so, to bypass the resolve to prevent an infinite recursion that would occur
30 # if the resolve function tried to access the same property it is a resolve for.
31 self._resolving_settings = set()
33 ## Get the list of extruders of this stack.
34 #
35 # \return The extruders registered with this stack.
36 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap")
37 def extruders(self) -> Dict[str, "ExtruderStack"]:
38 return self._extruders
40 @classmethod
41 def getLoadingPriority(cls) -> int:
42 return 2
44 ## Add an extruder to the list of extruders of this stack.
45 #
46 # \param extruder The extruder to add.
47 #
48 # \throws Exceptions.TooManyExtrudersError Raised when trying to add an extruder while we
49 # already have the maximum number of extruders.
50 def addExtruder(self, extruder: ContainerStack) -> None:
51 extruder_count = self.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value")
52 if extruder_count and len(self._extruders) + 1 > extruder_count:
53 Logger.log("w", "Adding extruder {meta} to {id} but its extruder count is {count}".format(id =, count = extruder_count, meta = str(extruder.getMetaData())))
54 return
56 position = extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position")
57 if position is None:
58 Logger.log("w", "No position defined for extruder {extruder}, cannot add it to stack {stack}", extruder =, stack =
59 return
61 if any(item.getId() == for item in self._extruders.values()):
62 Logger.log("w", "Extruder [%s] has already been added to this stack [%s]",, self._id)
63 return
64 self._extruders[position] = extruder
66 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
67 #
68 # This will return the value of the specified property for the specified setting,
69 # unless the property is "value" and that setting has a "resolve" function set.
70 # When a resolve is set, it will instead try and execute the resolve first and
71 # then fall back to the normal "value" property.
72 #
73 # \param key The setting key to get the property of.
74 # \param property_name The property to get the value of.
75 #
76 # \return The value of the property for the specified setting, or None if not found.
77 @override(ContainerStack)
78 def getProperty(self, key: str, property_name: str) -> Any:
79 if not self.definition.findDefinitions(key = key):
80 return None
82 # Handle the "resolve" property.
83 if self._shouldResolve(key, property_name):
84 self._resolving_settings.add(key)
85 resolve = super().getProperty(key, "resolve")
86 self._resolving_settings.remove(key)
87 if resolve is not None:
88 return resolve
90 # Handle the "limit_to_extruder" property.
91 limit_to_extruder = super().getProperty(key, "limit_to_extruder")
92 if limit_to_extruder is not None and limit_to_extruder != "-1" and limit_to_extruder in self._extruders:
93 if super().getProperty(key, "settable_per_extruder"):
94 result = self._extruders[str(limit_to_extruder)].getProperty(key, property_name)
95 if result is not None:
96 return result
97 else:
98 Logger.log("e", "Setting {setting} has limit_to_extruder but is not settable per extruder!", setting = key)
100 return super().getProperty(key, property_name)
102 ## Overridden from ContainerStack
103 #
104 # This will simply raise an exception since the Global stack cannot have a next stack.
105 @override(ContainerStack)
106 def setNextStack(self, next_stack: ContainerStack) -> None:
107 raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Global stack cannot have a next stack!")
109 # protected:
111 # Determine whether or not we should try to get the "resolve" property instead of the
112 # requested property.
113 def _shouldResolve(self, key: str, property_name: str) -> bool:
114 if property_name is not "value":
115 # Do not try to resolve anything but the "value" property
116 return False
118 if key in self._resolving_settings:
119 # To prevent infinite recursion, if getProperty is called with the same key as
120 # we are already trying to resolve, we should not try to resolve again. Since
121 # this can happen multiple times when trying to resolve a value, we need to
122 # track all settings that are being resolved.
123 return False
125 setting_state = super().getProperty(key, "state")
126 if setting_state is not None and setting_state != InstanceState.Default:
127 # When the user has explicitly set a value, we should ignore any resolve and
128 # just return that value.
129 return False
131 return True
134 ## private:
135 global_stack_mime = MimeType(
136 name = "application/x-cura-globalstack",
137 comment = "Cura Global Stack",
138 suffixes = ["global.cfg"]
139 )
141 MimeTypeDatabase.addMimeType(global_stack_mime)
142 ContainerRegistry.addContainerTypeByName(GlobalStack, "global_stack",
1414 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
1515 from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
1616 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
17 from UM.Settings.SettingDefinition import SettingDefinition
1817 from UM.Settings.SettingFunction import SettingFunction
19 from UM.Settings.Validator import ValidatorState
20 from UM.Signal import postponeSignals
18 from UM.Signal import postponeSignals, CompressTechnique
19 import UM.FlameProfiler
2221 from cura.QualityManager import QualityManager
2322 from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import PrinterOutputDevice
2423 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
25 from .CuraStackBuilder import CuraStackBuilder
2627 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
2728 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
30 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
33 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
34 from cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack import CuraContainerStack
35 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
2937 import os
3140 class MachineManager(QObject):
3241 def __init__(self, parent = None):
3342 super().__init__(parent)
35 self._active_container_stack = None # type: ContainerStack
36 self._global_container_stack = None # type: ContainerStack
44 self._active_container_stack = None # type: CuraContainerStack
45 self._global_container_stack = None # type: GlobalStack
47 self._error_check_timer = QTimer()
48 self._error_check_timer.setInterval(250)
49 self._error_check_timer.setSingleShot(True)
50 self._error_check_timer.timeout.connect(self._updateStacksHaveErrors)
52 self._instance_container_timer = QTimer()
53 self._instance_container_timer.setInterval(250)
54 self._instance_container_timer.setSingleShot(True)
55 self._instance_container_timer.timeout.connect(self.__onInstanceContainersChanged)
3857 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onGlobalContainerChanged)
3958 ## When the global container is changed, active material probably needs to be updated.
4261 self.globalContainerChanged.connect(self.activeQualityChanged)
4463 self._stacks_have_errors = None
45 self._empty_variant_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id="empty_variant")[0]
46 self._empty_material_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id="empty_material")[0]
47 self._empty_quality_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id="empty_quality")[0]
48 self._empty_quality_changes_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id="empty_quality_changes")[0]
65 self._empty_variant_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
66 self._empty_material_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
67 self._empty_quality_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
68 self._empty_quality_changes_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
4970 self._onGlobalContainerChanged()
5172 ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self._onActiveExtruderStackChanged)
82103 self._material_incompatible_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status",
83104 "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."))
85 self._error_check_timer = QTimer()
86 self._error_check_timer.setInterval(250)
87 self._error_check_timer.setSingleShot(True)
88 self._error_check_timer.timeout.connect(self._updateStacksHaveErrors)
90106 globalContainerChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever the global stack is changed (ie: when changing between printers, changing a global profile, but not when changing a value)
91107 activeMaterialChanged = pyqtSignal()
92108 activeVariantChanged = pyqtSignal()
122138 return self._printer_output_devices
124140 @pyqtProperty(int, constant=True)
125 def totalNumberOfSettings(self):
141 def totalNumberOfSettings(self) -> int:
126142 return len(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id="fdmprinter")[0].getAllKeys())
128144 def _onHotendIdChanged(self, index: Union[str, int], hotend_id: str) -> None:
146162 else:
147163 Logger.log("w", "No variant found for printer definition %s with id %s" % (self._global_container_stack.getBottom().getId(), hotend_id))
149 def _onMaterialIdChanged(self, index, material_id):
165 def _onMaterialIdChanged(self, index: Union[str, int], material_id: str):
150166 if not self._global_container_stack:
151167 return
204220 if old_index is not None:
205221 extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(old_index)
222 self._auto_materials_changed = {} #Processed all of them now.
207224 def _autoUpdateHotends(self):
208225 extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
220237 if old_index is not None:
221238 extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(old_index)
239 self._auto_hotends_changed = {} #Processed all of them now.
223241 def _onGlobalContainerChanged(self):
224242 if self._global_container_stack:
225 self._global_container_stack.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMachineNameChanged)
226 self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
227 self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onPropertyChanged)
229 material = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
243 try:
244 self._global_container_stack.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMachineNameChanged)
245 except TypeError: #pyQtSignal gives a TypeError when disconnecting from something that was already disconnected.
246 pass
247 try:
248 self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
249 except TypeError:
250 pass
251 try:
252 self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onPropertyChanged)
253 except TypeError:
254 pass
255 material = self._global_container_stack.material
230256 material.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
232 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
258 quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
233259 quality.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
235261 if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
252278 # For multi-extrusion machines, we do not want variant or material profiles in the stack,
253279 # because these are extruder specific and may cause wrong values to be used for extruders
254280 # that did not specify a value in the extruder.
255 global_variant = self._global_container_stack.findContainer(type = "variant")
281 global_variant = self._global_container_stack.variant
256282 if global_variant != self._empty_variant_container:
257 self._global_container_stack.replaceContainer(self._global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(global_variant), self._empty_variant_container)
259 global_material = self._global_container_stack.findContainer(type = "material")
283 self._global_container_stack.setVariant(self._empty_variant_container)
285 global_material = self._global_container_stack.material
260286 if global_material != self._empty_material_container:
261 self._global_container_stack.replaceContainer(self._global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(global_material), self._empty_material_container)
287 self._global_container_stack.setMaterial(self._empty_material_container)
263289 for extruder_stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks(): #Listen for changes on all extruder stacks.
264290 extruder_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onPropertyChanged)
265291 extruder_stack.containersChanged.connect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
267293 else:
268 material = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
294 material = self._global_container_stack.material
269295 material.nameChanged.connect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
271 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
297 quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
272298 quality.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
274 self._updateStacksHaveErrors()
299 self._error_check_timer.start()
276301 ## Update self._stacks_valid according to _checkStacksForErrors and emit if change.
277302 def _updateStacksHaveErrors(self):
288313 if not self._active_container_stack:
289314 self._active_container_stack = self._global_container_stack
291 self._updateStacksHaveErrors()
316 self._error_check_timer.start()
293318 if old_active_container_stack != self._active_container_stack:
294319 # Many methods and properties related to the active quality actually depend
295320 # on _active_container_stack. If it changes, then the properties change.
296321 self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
298 def _onInstanceContainersChanged(self, container):
299 container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
323 def __onInstanceContainersChanged(self):
324 self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
301325 self.activeVariantChanged.emit()
302326 self.activeMaterialChanged.emit()
303 self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
305 self._updateStacksHaveErrors()
307 def _onPropertyChanged(self, key, property_name):
327 self._error_check_timer.start()
329 def _onInstanceContainersChanged(self, container):
330 self._instance_container_timer.start()
332 def _onPropertyChanged(self, key: str, property_name: str):
308333 if property_name == "value":
309334 # Notify UI items, such as the "changed" star in profile pull down menu.
310335 self.activeStackValueChanged.emit()
322347 @pyqtSlot(str, str)
323348 def addMachine(self, name: str, definition_id: str) -> None:
324 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
325 definitions = container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = definition_id)
326 if definitions:
327 definition = definitions[0]
328 name = self._createUniqueName("machine", "", name, definition.getName())
329 new_global_stack = ContainerStack(name)
330 new_global_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "machine")
331 container_registry.addContainer(new_global_stack)
333 variant_instance_container = self._updateVariantContainer(definition)
334 material_instance_container = self._updateMaterialContainer(definition, variant_instance_container)
335 quality_instance_container = self._updateQualityContainer(definition, variant_instance_container, material_instance_container)
337 current_settings_instance_container = InstanceContainer(name + "_current_settings")
338 current_settings_instance_container.addMetaDataEntry("machine", name)
339 current_settings_instance_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
340 current_settings_instance_container.setDefinition(definitions[0])
341 container_registry.addContainer(current_settings_instance_container)
343 new_global_stack.addContainer(definition)
344 if variant_instance_container:
345 new_global_stack.addContainer(variant_instance_container)
346 if material_instance_container:
347 new_global_stack.addContainer(material_instance_container)
348 if quality_instance_container:
349 new_global_stack.addContainer(quality_instance_container)
351 new_global_stack.addContainer(self._empty_quality_changes_container)
352 new_global_stack.addContainer(current_settings_instance_container)
354 ExtruderManager.getInstance().addMachineExtruders(definition, new_global_stack.getId())
356 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(new_global_stack)
349 new_stack = CuraStackBuilder.createMachine(name, definition_id)
350 if new_stack:
351 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(new_stack)
352 else:
353 Logger.log("w", "Failed creating a new machine!")
359355 ## Create a name that is not empty and unique
360356 # \param container_type \type{string} Type of the container (machine, quality, ...)
417413 ## Delete a user setting from the global stack and all extruder stacks.
418414 # \param key \type{str} the name of the key to delete
419415 @pyqtSlot(str)
420 def clearUserSettingAllCurrentStacks(self, key):
416 def clearUserSettingAllCurrentStacks(self, key: str):
421417 if not self._global_container_stack:
422418 return
474470 return ""
472 @pyqtProperty(QObject, notify = globalContainerChanged)
473 def activeMachine(self) -> "GlobalStack":
474 return self._global_container_stack
476476 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeStackChanged)
477477 def activeStackId(self) -> str:
478478 if self._active_container_stack:
483483 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeMaterialChanged)
484484 def activeMaterialName(self) -> str:
485485 if self._active_container_stack:
486 material = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type":"material"})
486 material = self._active_container_stack.material
487487 if material:
488488 return material.getName()
494494 result = []
495495 if ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks() is not None:
496496 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
497 variant_container = stack.variant
498 if variant_container and variant_container != self._empty_variant_container:
499 result.append(variant_container.getName())
501 return result
503 @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = activeVariantChanged)
504 def activeMaterialIds(self):
505 result = []
506 if ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks() is not None:
507 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
497508 variant_container = stack.findContainer({"type": "variant"})
498509 if variant_container and variant_container != self._empty_variant_container:
499 result.append(variant_container.getName())
510 result.append(variant_container.getId())
501512 return result
505516 result = []
506517 if ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks() is not None:
507518 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
508 material_container = stack.findContainer(type="material")
519 material_container = stack.material
509520 if material_container and material_container != self._empty_material_container:
510521 result.append(material_container.getName())
511522 return result
513524 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeMaterialChanged)
514525 def activeMaterialId(self) -> str:
515526 if self._active_container_stack:
516 material = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
527 material = self._active_container_stack.material
517528 if material:
518529 return material.getId()
520531 return ""
533 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = activeVariantChanged)
534 def allActiveVariantIds(self):
535 if not self._global_container_stack:
536 return {}
538 result = {}
540 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
541 variant_container = stack.variant
542 if not variant_container:
543 continue
545 result[stack.getId()] = variant_container.getId()
547 return result
522549 @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = activeMaterialChanged)
523550 def allActiveMaterialIds(self):
527554 result = {}
529556 for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
530 material_container = stack.findContainer(type = "material")
557 material_container = stack.material
531558 if not material_container:
532559 continue
542569 # \return The layer height of the currently active quality profile. If
543570 # there is no quality profile, this returns 0.
544571 @pyqtProperty(float, notify=activeQualityChanged)
545 def activeQualityLayerHeight(self):
572 def activeQualityLayerHeight(self) -> float:
546573 if not self._global_container_stack:
547574 return 0
549 quality_changes = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
576 quality_changes = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
550577 if quality_changes:
551578 value = self._global_container_stack.getRawProperty("layer_height", "value", skip_until_container = quality_changes.getId())
552579 if isinstance(value, SettingFunction):
553580 value = value(self._global_container_stack)
554581 return value
555 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
582 quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
556583 if quality:
557584 value = self._global_container_stack.getRawProperty("layer_height", "value", skip_until_container = quality.getId())
558585 if isinstance(value, SettingFunction):
559586 value = value(self._global_container_stack)
560587 return value
562 return 0 #No quality profile.
589 return 0 # No quality profile.
564591 ## Get the Material ID associated with the currently active material
565592 # \returns MaterialID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
566593 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
567594 def activeQualityMaterialId(self) -> str:
568595 if self._active_container_stack:
569 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
596 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
570597 if quality:
571598 material_id = quality.getMetaDataEntry("material")
572599 if material_id:
581608 return ""
583610 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
584 def activeQualityName(self):
611 def activeQualityName(self) -> str:
585612 if self._active_container_stack and self._global_container_stack:
586 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
587 if quality and quality != self._empty_quality_changes_container:
613 quality = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
614 if quality and not isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
588615 return quality.getName()
589 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
616 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
590617 if quality:
591618 return quality.getName()
592619 return ""
594621 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
595 def activeQualityId(self):
622 def activeQualityId(self) -> str:
596623 if self._active_container_stack:
597 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
598 if quality and quality != self._empty_quality_changes_container:
624 quality = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
625 if quality and not isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
599626 return quality.getId()
600 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
627 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
601628 if quality:
602629 return quality.getId()
603630 return ""
605632 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
606 def globalQualityId(self):
607 if self._global_container_stack:
608 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
609 if quality and quality != self._empty_quality_changes_container:
633 def globalQualityId(self) -> str:
634 if self._global_container_stack:
635 quality = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
636 if quality and not isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
610637 return quality.getId()
611 quality = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
638 quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
612639 if quality:
613640 return quality.getId()
614641 return ""
616643 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
617 def activeQualityType(self):
644 def activeQualityType(self) -> str:
618645 if self._active_container_stack:
619 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer(type = "quality")
646 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
620647 if quality:
621648 return quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
622649 return ""
624651 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activeQualityChanged)
625 def isActiveQualitySupported(self):
652 def isActiveQualitySupported(self) -> bool:
626653 if self._active_container_stack:
627 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer(type = "quality")
654 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
628655 if quality:
629656 return Util.parseBool(quality.getMetaDataEntry("supported", True))
630657 return False
636663 # \todo Ideally, this method would be named activeQualityId(), and the other one
637664 # would be named something like activeQualityOrQualityChanges() for consistency
638665 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
639 def activeQualityContainerId(self):
666 def activeQualityContainerId(self) -> str:
640667 # We're using the active stack instead of the global stack in case the list of qualities differs per extruder
641668 if self._global_container_stack:
642 quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer(type = "quality")
669 quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
643670 if quality:
644671 return quality.getId()
645672 return ""
647674 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
648 def activeQualityChangesId(self):
675 def activeQualityChangesId(self) -> str:
649676 if self._active_container_stack:
650 changes = self._active_container_stack.findContainer(type = "quality_changes")
651 if changes:
677 changes = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
678 if changes and changes.getId() != "empty":
652679 return changes.getId()
653680 return ""
655682 ## Check if a container is read_only
656683 @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
657 def isReadOnly(self, container_id) -> bool:
684 def isReadOnly(self, container_id: str) -> bool:
658685 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
659686 if not containers or not self._active_container_stack:
660687 return True
663690 ## Copy the value of the setting of the current extruder to all other extruders as well as the global container.
664691 @pyqtSlot(str)
665 def copyValueToExtruders(self, key):
692 def copyValueToExtruders(self, key: str):
666693 if not self._active_container_stack or self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") <= 1:
667694 return
676703 ## Set the active material by switching out a container
677704 # Depending on from/to material+current variant, a quality profile is chosen and set.
678705 @pyqtSlot(str)
679 def setActiveMaterial(self, material_id):
680 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = True):
706 def setActiveMaterial(self, material_id: str):
707 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
681708 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = material_id)
682709 if not containers or not self._active_container_stack:
683710 return
686713 Logger.log("d", "Attempting to change the active material to %s", material_id)
688 old_material = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
689 old_quality = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality"})
690 old_quality_changes = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
715 old_material = self._active_container_stack.material
716 old_quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
717 old_quality_changes = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
691718 if not old_material:
692719 Logger.log("w", "While trying to set the active material, no material was found to replace it.")
693720 return
695 if old_quality_changes.getId() == "empty_quality_changes":
722 if old_quality_changes and isinstance(old_quality_changes, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
696723 old_quality_changes = None
698725 self.blurSettings.emit()
699726 old_material.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
701 material_index = self._active_container_stack.getContainerIndex(old_material)
702 self._active_container_stack.replaceContainer(material_index, material_container)
728 self._active_container_stack.material = material_container
703729 Logger.log("d", "Active material changed")
705731 material_container.nameChanged.connect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
726752 candidate_quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type,
727753 quality_manager.getWholeMachineDefinition(machine_definition),
728754 [material_container])
729 if not candidate_quality or candidate_quality.getId() == "empty_quality":
756 if not candidate_quality or isinstance(candidate_quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
757 Logger.log("d", "Attempting to find fallback quality")
730758 # Fall back to a quality (which must be compatible with all other extruders)
731759 new_qualities = quality_manager.findAllUsableQualitiesForMachineAndExtruders(
732760 self._global_container_stack, ExtruderManager.getInstance().getExtruderStacks())
734761 if new_qualities:
735762 new_quality_id = new_qualities[0].getId() # Just pick the first available one
736763 else:
742769 self.setActiveQuality(new_quality_id)
744771 @pyqtSlot(str)
745 def setActiveVariant(self, variant_id):
746 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = True):
772 def setActiveVariant(self, variant_id: str):
773 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
747774 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = variant_id)
748775 if not containers or not self._active_container_stack:
749776 return
750777 Logger.log("d", "Attempting to change the active variant to %s", variant_id)
751 old_variant = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "variant"})
752 old_material = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
778 old_variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
779 old_material = self._active_container_stack.material
753780 if old_variant:
754781 self.blurSettings.emit()
755 variant_index = self._active_container_stack.getContainerIndex(old_variant)
756 self._active_container_stack.replaceContainer(variant_index, containers[0])
757 Logger.log("d", "Active variant changed")
758 preferred_material = None
782 self._active_container_stack.variant = containers[0]
783 Logger.log("d", "Active variant changed to {active_variant_id}".format(active_variant_id = containers[0].getId()))
784 preferred_material_name = None
759785 if old_material:
760786 preferred_material_name = old_material.getName()
762 self.setActiveMaterial(self._updateMaterialContainer(self._global_container_stack.getBottom(), containers[0], preferred_material_name).id)
788 self.setActiveMaterial(self._updateMaterialContainer(self._global_container_stack.getBottom(), self._global_container_stack, containers[0], preferred_material_name).id)
763789 else:
764790 Logger.log("w", "While trying to set the active variant, no variant was found to replace.")
766792 ## set the active quality
767793 # \param quality_id The quality_id of either a quality or a quality_changes
768794 @pyqtSlot(str)
769 def setActiveQuality(self, quality_id):
770 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = True):
795 def setActiveQuality(self, quality_id: str):
796 with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
771797 self.blurSettings.emit()
773799 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = quality_id)
804830 name_changed_connect_stacks.append(stack_quality)
805831 name_changed_connect_stacks.append(stack_quality_changes)
806 self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality)
807 self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality_changes)
832 self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality, postpone_emit=True)
833 self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality_changes, postpone_emit=True)
809835 # Send emits that are postponed in replaceContainer.
810836 # Here the stacks are finished replacing and every value can be resolved based on the current state.
824850 #
825851 # \param quality_name \type{str} the name of the quality.
826852 # \return \type{List[Dict]} with keys "stack", "quality" and "quality_changes".
827 def determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityType(self, quality_type):
853 @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
854 def determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityType(self, quality_type: str):
828855 quality_manager = QualityManager.getInstance()
829856 result = []
830857 empty_quality_changes = self._empty_quality_changes_container
840867 stacks = [global_container_stack]
842869 for stack in stacks:
843 material = stack.findContainer(type="material")
870 material = stack.material
844871 quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material])
845872 if not quality: #No quality profile is found for this quality type.
846873 quality = self._empty_quality_container
861888 #
862889 # \param quality_changes_name \type{str} the name of the quality changes.
863890 # \return \type{List[Dict]} with keys "stack", "quality" and "quality_changes".
864 def _determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityChanges(self, quality_changes_name):
891 def _determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityChanges(self, quality_changes_name: str):
865892 result = []
866893 quality_manager = QualityManager.getInstance()
877904 else:
878905 Logger.log("e", "Could not find the global quality changes container with name %s", quality_changes_name)
879906 return None
880 material = global_container_stack.findContainer(type="material")
907 material = global_container_stack.material
882909 # For the global stack, find a quality which matches the quality_type in
883910 # the quality changes profile and also satisfies any material constraints.
900927 else:
901928 quality_changes = global_quality_changes
903 material = stack.findContainer(type="material")
930 material = stack.material
904931 quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material])
905932 if not quality: #No quality profile found for this quality type.
906933 quality = self._empty_quality_container
918945 return result
920 def _replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(self, stack, container, postpone_emit = False):
947 def _replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(self, stack: "CuraContainerStack", container: "InstanceContainer", postpone_emit = False):
921948 # Disconnect the signal handling from the old container.
922 old_container = stack.findContainer(type=container.getMetaDataEntry("type"))
923 if old_container:
924 old_container.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
925 else:
926 Logger.log("e", "Could not find container of type %s in stack %s while replacing quality (changes) with container %s", container.getMetaDataEntry("type"), stack.getId(), container.getId())
927 return
929 # Swap in the new container into the stack.
930 stack.replaceContainer(stack.getContainerIndex(old_container), container, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
932 # Attach the needed signal handling.
933 container.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
949 container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
950 if container_type == "quality":
951 stack.quality.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
952 stack.setQuality(container, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
953 stack.qualityChanges.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
954 elif container_type == "quality_changes" or container_type is None:
955 # If the container is an empty container, we need to change the quality_changes.
956 # Quality can never be set to empty.
957 stack.qualityChanges.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
958 stack.setQualityChanges(container, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
959 stack.qualityChanges.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
960 self._onQualityNameChanged()
935962 def _askUserToKeepOrClearCurrentSettings(self):
936963 Application.getInstance().discardOrKeepProfileChanges()
938965 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
939 def activeVariantName(self):
966 def activeVariantName(self) -> str:
940967 if self._active_container_stack:
941 variant = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "variant"})
968 variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
942969 if variant:
943970 return variant.getName()
945972 return ""
947974 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
948 def activeVariantId(self):
975 def activeVariantId(self) -> str:
949976 if self._active_container_stack:
950 variant = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "variant"})
977 variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
951978 if variant:
952979 return variant.getId()
954981 return ""
956983 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
957 def activeDefinitionId(self):
984 def activeDefinitionId(self) -> str:
958985 if self._global_container_stack:
959986 definition = self._global_container_stack.getBottom()
960987 if definition:
963990 return ""
965992 @pyqtProperty(str, notify=globalContainerChanged)
966 def activeDefinitionName(self):
993 def activeDefinitionName(self) -> str:
967994 if self._global_container_stack:
968995 definition = self._global_container_stack.getBottom()
969996 if definition:
9751002 # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
9761003 # \sa getQualityDefinitionId
9771004 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
978 def activeQualityDefinitionId(self):
1005 def activeQualityDefinitionId(self) -> str:
9791006 if self._global_container_stack:
9801007 return self.getQualityDefinitionId(self._global_container_stack.getBottom())
9811008 return ""
9841011 # This is normally the id of the definition itself, but machines can specify a different definition to inherit qualities from
9851012 # \param definition (DefinitionContainer) machine definition
9861013 # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
987 def getQualityDefinitionId(self, definition):
1014 def getQualityDefinitionId(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer") -> str:
9881015 return QualityManager.getInstance().getParentMachineDefinition(definition).getId()
9901017 ## Get the Variant ID to use to select quality profiles for the currently active variant
9911018 # \returns VariantID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
9921019 # \sa getQualityVariantId
9931020 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
994 def activeQualityVariantId(self):
1021 def activeQualityVariantId(self) -> str:
9951022 if self._active_container_stack:
996 variant = self._active_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "variant"})
1023 variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
9971024 if variant:
9981025 return self.getQualityVariantId(self._global_container_stack.getBottom(), variant)
9991026 return ""
10021029 # This is normally the id of the variant itself, but machines can specify a different definition
10031030 # to inherit qualities from, which has consequences for the variant to use as well
10041031 # \param definition (DefinitionContainer) machine definition
1005 # \param variant (DefinitionContainer) variant definition
1032 # \param variant (InstanceContainer) variant definition
10061033 # \returns VariantID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
1007 def getQualityVariantId(self, definition, variant):
1034 def getQualityVariantId(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer", variant: "InstanceContainer") -> str:
10081035 variant_id = variant.getId()
10091036 definition_id = definition.getId()
10101037 quality_definition_id = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
10161043 ## Gets how the active definition calls variants
10171044 # Caveat: per-definition-variant-title is currently not translated (though the fallback is)
10181045 @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
1019 def activeDefinitionVariantsName(self):
1046 def activeDefinitionVariantsName(self) -> str:
10201047 fallback_title = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle")
10211048 if self._global_container_stack:
10221049 return self._global_container_stack.getBottom().getMetaDataEntry("variants_name", fallback_title)
10241051 return fallback_title
10261053 @pyqtSlot(str, str)
1027 def renameMachine(self, machine_id, new_name):
1054 def renameMachine(self, machine_id: str, new_name: str):
10281055 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = machine_id)
10291056 if containers:
10301057 new_name = self._createUniqueName("machine", containers[0].getName(), new_name, containers[0].getBottom().getName())
10321059 self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
10341061 @pyqtSlot(str)
1035 def removeMachine(self, machine_id):
1062 def removeMachine(self, machine_id: str):
10361063 # If the machine that is being removed is the currently active machine, set another machine as the active machine.
10371064 activate_new_machine = (self._global_container_stack and self._global_container_stack.getId() == machine_id)
1066 # activate a new machine before removing a machine because this is safer
1067 if activate_new_machine:
1068 machine_stacks = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(type = "machine")
1069 other_machine_stacks = [s for s in machine_stacks if s.getId() != machine_id]
1070 if other_machine_stacks:
1071 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(other_machine_stacks[0])
10391073 ExtruderManager.getInstance().removeMachineExtruders(machine_id)
10411074 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(type = "user", machine = machine_id)
10421075 for container in containers:
10431076 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(container.getId())
10441077 ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(machine_id)
1046 if activate_new_machine:
1047 stacks = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(type = "machine")
1048 if stacks:
1049 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(stacks[0])
10521079 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
1053 def hasMaterials(self):
1080 def hasMaterials(self) -> bool:
10541081 if self._global_container_stack:
10551082 return bool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False))
10571084 return False
10591086 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
1060 def hasVariants(self):
1087 def hasVariants(self) -> bool:
10611088 if self._global_container_stack:
10621089 return bool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants", False))
10661093 ## Property to indicate if a machine has "specialized" material profiles.
10671094 # Some machines have their own material profiles that "override" the default catch all profiles.
10681095 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
1069 def filterMaterialsByMachine(self):
1096 def filterMaterialsByMachine(self) -> bool:
10701097 if self._global_container_stack:
10711098 return bool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials", False))
10751102 ## Property to indicate if a machine has "specialized" quality profiles.
10761103 # Some machines have their own quality profiles that "override" the default catch all profiles.
10771104 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
1078 def filterQualityByMachine(self):
1105 def filterQualityByMachine(self) -> bool:
10791106 if self._global_container_stack:
10801107 return bool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality", False))
10811108 return False
10841111 # \param machine_id string machine id to get the definition ID of
10851112 # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, None otherwise
10861113 @pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
1087 def getDefinitionByMachineId(self, machine_id):
1114 def getDefinitionByMachineId(self, machine_id: str) -> str:
10881115 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id=machine_id)
10891116 if containers:
10901117 return containers[0].getBottom().getId()
10931120 def createMachineManager(engine=None, script_engine=None):
10941121 return MachineManager()
1096 def _updateVariantContainer(self, definition):
1097 if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
1098 return self._empty_variant_container
1099 machine_definition_id = Application.getInstance().getMachineManager().getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
1100 containers = []
1101 preferred_variant = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant")
1102 if preferred_variant:
1103 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(type = "variant", definition = machine_definition_id, id = preferred_variant)
1104 if not containers:
1105 containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(type = "variant", definition = machine_definition_id)
1107 if containers:
1108 return containers[0]
1110 return self._empty_variant_container
1112 def _updateMaterialContainer(self, definition, variant_container = None, preferred_material_name = None):
1123 def _updateMaterialContainer(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer", stack: "ContainerStack", variant_container: Optional["InstanceContainer"] = None, preferred_material_name: Optional[str] = None):
11131124 if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
11141125 return self._empty_material_container
1116 search_criteria = { "type": "material" }
1127 approximate_material_diameter = str(round(stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
1128 search_criteria = { "type": "material", "approximate_diameter": approximate_material_diameter }
11181130 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
11191131 search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
11451157 Logger.log("w", "Unable to find a material container with provided criteria, returning an empty one instead.")
11461158 return self._empty_material_container
1148 def _updateQualityContainer(self, definition, variant_container, material_container = None, preferred_quality_name = None):
1149 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
1150 search_criteria = { "type": "quality" }
1152 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
1153 search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
1155 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials") and material_container:
1156 search_criteria["material"] =
1157 else:
1158 search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
1160 if preferred_quality_name and preferred_quality_name != "empty":
1161 search_criteria["name"] = preferred_quality_name
1162 else:
1163 preferred_quality = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
1164 if preferred_quality:
1165 search_criteria["id"] = preferred_quality
1167 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1168 if containers:
1169 return containers[0]
1171 if "material" in search_criteria:
1172 # First check if we can solve our material not found problem by checking if we can find quality containers
1173 # that are assigned to the parents of this material profile.
1174 try:
1175 inherited_files = material_container.getInheritedFiles()
1176 except AttributeError: # Material_container does not support inheritance.
1177 inherited_files = []
1179 if inherited_files:
1180 for inherited_file in inherited_files:
1181 # Extract the ID from the path we used to load the file.
1182 search_criteria["material"] = os.path.basename(inherited_file).split(".")[0]
1183 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1184 if containers:
1185 return containers[0]
1186 # We still weren't able to find a quality for this specific material.
1187 # Try to find qualities for a generic version of the material.
1188 material_search_criteria = { "type": "material", "material": material_container.getMetaDataEntry("material"), "color_name": "Generic"}
1189 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
1190 if material_container:
1191 material_search_criteria["definition"] = material_container.getDefinition().id
1193 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
1194 material_search_criteria["variant"] = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("variant")
1195 else:
1196 material_search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
1198 if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and variant_container:
1199 material_search_criteria["variant"] = self.getQualityVariantId(definition, variant_container)
1200 else:
1201 material_search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
1202 material_containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**material_search_criteria)
1203 # Try all materials to see if there is a quality profile available.
1204 for material_container in material_containers:
1205 search_criteria["material"] = material_container.getId()
1207 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1208 if containers:
1209 return containers[0]
1211 if "name" in search_criteria or "id" in search_criteria:
1212 # If a quality by this name can not be found, try a wider set of search criteria
1213 search_criteria.pop("name", None)
1214 search_criteria.pop("id", None)
1216 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1217 if containers:
1218 return containers[0]
1220 # Notify user that we were unable to find a matching quality
1221 message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."))
1223 return self._empty_quality_container
1225 ## Finds a quality-changes container to use if any other container
1226 # changes.
1227 #
1228 # \param quality_type The quality type to find a quality-changes for.
1229 # \param preferred_quality_changes_name The name of the quality-changes to
1230 # pick, if any such quality-changes profile is available.
1231 def _updateQualityChangesContainer(self, quality_type, preferred_quality_changes_name = None):
1232 container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance() # Cache.
1233 search_criteria = { "type": "quality_changes" }
1235 search_criteria["quality"] = quality_type
1236 if preferred_quality_changes_name:
1237 search_criteria["name"] = preferred_quality_changes_name
1239 # Try to search with the name in the criteria first, since we prefer to have the correct name.
1240 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1241 if containers: # Found one!
1242 return containers[0]
1244 if "name" in search_criteria:
1245 del search_criteria["name"] # Not found, then drop the name requirement (if we had one) and search again.
1246 containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
1247 if containers:
1248 return containers[0]
1250 return self._empty_quality_changes_container # Didn't find anything with the required quality_type.
12521160 def _onMachineNameChanged(self):
12531161 self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
3232 ## Get the singleton instance for this class.
3333 @classmethod
34 def getInstance(cls):
34 def getInstance(cls) -> "ProfilesModel":
3535 # Note: Explicit use of class name to prevent issues with inheritance.
36 if ProfilesModel.__instance is None:
36 if not ProfilesModel.__instance:
3737 ProfilesModel.__instance = cls()
3838 return ProfilesModel.__instance
4040 # Filter the quality_change by the list of available quality_types
4141 quality_type_set = set([x.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") for x in quality_list])
42 filtered_quality_changes = [qc for qc in quality_changes_list if qc.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") in quality_type_set]
42 filtered_quality_changes = [qc for qc in quality_changes_list if qc.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") in quality_type_set and qc.getMetaDataEntry("extruder") is None]
4444 return quality_list + filtered_quality_changes
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
4 from UM.Operations.Operation import Operation
6 from cura.Settings.SettingOverrideDecorator import SettingOverrideDecorator
8 ## Simple operation to set the extruder a certain object should be printed with.
9 class SetObjectExtruderOperation(Operation):
10 def __init__(self, node: SceneNode, extruder_id: str) -> None:
11 self._node = node
12 self._extruder_id = extruder_id
13 self._previous_extruder_id = None
14 self._decorator_added = False
16 def undo(self):
17 if self._previous_extruder_id:
18 self._node.callDecoration("setActiveExtruder", self._previous_extruder_id)
20 def redo(self):
21 stack = self._node.callDecoration("getStack") #Don't try to get the active extruder since it may be None anyway.
22 if not stack:
23 self._node.addDecorator(SettingOverrideDecorator())
25 self._previous_extruder_id = self._node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruder")
26 self._node.callDecoration("setActiveExtruder", self._extruder_id)
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal
3434 ## Get the keys of all children settings with an override.
3535 @pyqtSlot(str, result = "QStringList")
3636 def getChildrenKeysWithOverride(self, key):
37 definitions = self._global_container_stack.getBottom().findDefinitions(key=key)
37 definitions = self._global_container_stack.definition.findDefinitions(key=key)
3838 if not definitions:
3939 Logger.log("w", "Could not find definition for key [%s]", key)
4040 return []
5454 Logger.log("w", "Unable to find extruder for current machine with index %s", extruder_index)
5555 return []
57 definitions = self._global_container_stack.getBottom().findDefinitions(key=key)
57 definitions = self._global_container_stack.definition.findDefinitions(key=key)
5858 if not definitions:
5959 Logger.log("w", "Could not find definition for key [%s] (2)", key)
6060 return []
9393 def _onPropertyChanged(self, key, property_name):
9494 if (property_name == "value" or property_name == "enabled") and self._global_container_stack:
95 definitions = self._global_container_stack.getBottom().findDefinitions(key = key)
95 definitions = self._global_container_stack.definition.findDefinitions(key = key)
9696 if not definitions:
9797 return
108108 self._settings_with_inheritance_warning.remove(key)
109109 settings_with_inheritance_warning_changed = True
111 parent = definitions[0].parent
111112 # Find the topmost parent (Assumed to be a category)
112 parent = definitions[0].parent
113 while parent.parent is not None:
114 parent = parent.parent
113 if parent is not None:
114 while parent.parent is not None:
115 parent = parent.parent
116 else:
117 parent = definitions[0] # Already at a category
116119 if parent.key not in self._settings_with_inheritance_warning and has_overwritten_inheritance:
117120 # Category was not in the list yet, so needs to be added now.
194197 def _update(self):
195198 self._settings_with_inheritance_warning = [] # Reset previous data.
200 # Make sure that the GlobalStack is not None. sometimes the globalContainerChanged signal gets here late.
201 if self._global_container_stack is None:
202 return
197204 # Check all setting keys that we know of and see if they are overridden.
198205 for setting_key in self._global_container_stack.getAllKeys():
199206 override = self._settingIsOverwritingInheritance(setting_key)
201208 self._settings_with_inheritance_warning.append(setting_key)
203210 # Check all the categories if any of their children have their inheritance overwritten.
204 for category in self._global_container_stack.getBottom().findDefinitions(type = "category"):
211 for category in self._global_container_stack.definition.findDefinitions(type = "category"):
205212 if self._recursiveCheck(category):
206213 self._settings_with_inheritance_warning.append(category.key)
108108 def setActiveExtruder(self, extruder_stack_id):
109109 self._extruder_stack = extruder_stack_id
110110 self._updateNextStack()
111 ExtruderManager.getInstance().resetSelectedObjectExtruders()
111112 self.activeExtruderChanged.emit()
113114 def getStack(self):
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
22 from UM.Application import Application
3232 quality_type_set = set([x.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") for x in quality_list])
3333 filtered_quality_changes = [qc for qc in quality_changes_list if qc.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") in quality_type_set]
35 #Only display the global quality changes.
36 #Otherwise you get multiple copies of every quality changes profile.
37 #The actual profile switching goes by profile name (not ID), and as long as the names are consistent, switching to any of the profiles will cause all stacks to switch.
38 filtered_quality_changes = list(filter(lambda quality_changes: quality_changes.getMetaDataEntry("extruder") is None, filtered_quality_changes))
3540 return filtered_quality_changes
0 import numpy
1 import copy
3 from UM.Math.Polygon import Polygon
6 ## Polygon representation as an array for use with Arrange
7 class ShapeArray:
8 def __init__(self, arr, offset_x, offset_y, scale = 1):
9 self.arr = arr
10 self.offset_x = offset_x
11 self.offset_y = offset_y
12 self.scale = scale
14 ## Instantiate from a bunch of vertices
15 # \param vertices
16 # \param scale scale the coordinates
17 @classmethod
18 def fromPolygon(cls, vertices, scale = 1):
19 # scale
20 vertices = vertices * scale
21 # flip y, x -> x, y
22 flip_vertices = numpy.zeros((vertices.shape))
23 flip_vertices[:, 0] = vertices[:, 1]
24 flip_vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 0]
25 flip_vertices = flip_vertices[::-1]
26 # offset, we want that all coordinates have positive values
27 offset_y = int(numpy.amin(flip_vertices[:, 0]))
28 offset_x = int(numpy.amin(flip_vertices[:, 1]))
29 flip_vertices[:, 0] = numpy.add(flip_vertices[:, 0], -offset_y)
30 flip_vertices[:, 1] = numpy.add(flip_vertices[:, 1], -offset_x)
31 shape = [int(numpy.amax(flip_vertices[:, 0])), int(numpy.amax(flip_vertices[:, 1]))]
32 arr = cls.arrayFromPolygon(shape, flip_vertices)
33 return cls(arr, offset_x, offset_y)
35 ## Instantiate an offset and hull ShapeArray from a scene node.
36 # \param node source node where the convex hull must be present
37 # \param min_offset offset for the offset ShapeArray
38 # \param scale scale the coordinates
39 @classmethod
40 def fromNode(cls, node, min_offset, scale = 0.5):
41 transform = node._transformation
42 transform_x = transform._data[0][3]
43 transform_y = transform._data[2][3]
44 hull_verts = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
45 # For one_at_a_time printing you need the convex hull head.
46 hull_head_verts = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead") or hull_verts
48 offset_verts = hull_head_verts.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(min_offset))
49 offset_points = copy.deepcopy(offset_verts._points) # x, y
50 offset_points[:, 0] = numpy.add(offset_points[:, 0], -transform_x)
51 offset_points[:, 1] = numpy.add(offset_points[:, 1], -transform_y)
52 offset_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromPolygon(offset_points, scale = scale)
54 hull_points = copy.deepcopy(hull_verts._points)
55 hull_points[:, 0] = numpy.add(hull_points[:, 0], -transform_x)
56 hull_points[:, 1] = numpy.add(hull_points[:, 1], -transform_y)
57 hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromPolygon(hull_points, scale = scale) # x, y
59 return offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr
61 ## Create np.array with dimensions defined by shape
62 # Fills polygon defined by vertices with ones, all other values zero
63 # Only works correctly for convex hull vertices
64 # Originally from:
65 # \param shape numpy format shape, [x-size, y-size]
66 # \param vertices
67 @classmethod
68 def arrayFromPolygon(cls, shape, vertices):
69 base_array = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=float) # Initialize your array of zeros
71 fill = numpy.ones(base_array.shape) * True # Initialize boolean array defining shape fill
73 # Create check array for each edge segment, combine into fill array
74 for k in range(vertices.shape[0]):
75 fill = numpy.all([fill, cls._check(vertices[k - 1], vertices[k], base_array)], axis=0)
77 # Set all values inside polygon to one
78 base_array[fill] = 1
80 return base_array
82 ## Return indices that mark one side of the line, used by arrayFromPolygon
83 # Uses the line defined by p1 and p2 to check array of
84 # input indices against interpolated value
85 # Returns boolean array, with True inside and False outside of shape
86 # Originally from:
87 # \param p1 2-tuple with x, y for point 1
88 # \param p2 2-tuple with x, y for point 2
89 # \param base_array boolean array to project the line on
90 @classmethod
91 def _check(cls, p1, p2, base_array):
92 if p1[0] == p2[0] and p1[1] == p2[1]:
93 return
94 idxs = numpy.indices(base_array.shape) # Create 3D array of indices
96 p1 = p1.astype(float)
97 p2 = p2.astype(float)
99 if p2[0] == p1[0]:
100 sign = numpy.sign(p2[1] - p1[1])
101 return idxs[1] * sign
103 if p2[1] == p1[1]:
104 sign = numpy.sign(p2[0] - p1[0])
105 return idxs[1] * sign
107 # Calculate max column idx for each row idx based on interpolated line between two points
109 max_col_idx = (idxs[0] - p1[0]) / (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) + p1[1]
110 sign = numpy.sign(p2[0] - p1[0])
111 return idxs[1] * sign <= max_col_idx * sign
22 ## A decorator that stores the amount an object has been moved below the platform.
33 class ZOffsetDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
44 def __init__(self):
5 super().__init__()
56 self._z_offset = 0
78 def setZOffset(self, offset):
00 [Desktop Entry]
1 Version=1
21 Name=Cura
32 Name[de]=Cura
43 GenericName=3D Printing Software
4949 # first seems to prevent Sip from going into a state where it
5050 # tries to create PyQt objects on a non-main thread.
5151 import Arcus #@UnusedImport
52 from UM.Platform import Platform
5352 import cura.CuraApplication
5453 import cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
03 from UM.Workspace.WorkspaceReader import WorkspaceReader
14 from UM.Application import Application
1417 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
1619 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
20 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
21 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
23 from configparser import ConfigParser
1824 import zipfile
1925 import io
2026 import configparser
3036 self._dialog = WorkspaceDialog()
3137 self._3mf_mesh_reader = None
3238 self._container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
33 self._definition_container_suffix = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(DefinitionContainer).preferredSuffix
40 # suffixes registered with the MineTypes don't start with a dot '.'
41 self._definition_container_suffix = "." + ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(DefinitionContainer).preferredSuffix
3442 self._material_container_suffix = None # We have to wait until all other plugins are loaded before we can set it
35 self._instance_container_suffix = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(InstanceContainer).preferredSuffix
36 self._container_stack_suffix = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(ContainerStack).preferredSuffix
43 self._instance_container_suffix = "." + ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(InstanceContainer).preferredSuffix
44 self._container_stack_suffix = "." + ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(ContainerStack).preferredSuffix
45 self._extruder_stack_suffix = "." + ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(ExtruderStack).preferredSuffix
46 self._global_stack_suffix = "." + ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(GlobalStack).preferredSuffix
48 # Certain instance container types are ignored because we make the assumption that only we make those types
49 # of containers. They are:
50 # - quality
51 # - variant
52 self._ignored_instance_container_types = {"quality", "variant"}
3854 self._resolve_strategies = {}
4662 self._id_mapping[old_id] = self._container_registry.uniqueName(old_id)
4763 return self._id_mapping[old_id]
49 def preRead(self, file_name):
65 ## Separates the given file list into a list of GlobalStack files and a list of ExtruderStack files.
66 #
67 # In old versions, extruder stack files have the same suffix as container stack files ".stack.cfg".
68 #
69 def _determineGlobalAndExtruderStackFiles(self, project_file_name, file_list):
70 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(project_file_name, "r")
72 global_stack_file_list = [name for name in file_list if name.endswith(self._global_stack_suffix)]
73 extruder_stack_file_list = [name for name in file_list if name.endswith(self._extruder_stack_suffix)]
75 # separate container stack files and extruder stack files
76 files_to_determine = [name for name in file_list if name.endswith(self._container_stack_suffix)]
77 for file_name in files_to_determine:
79 # We need to know the type of the stack file, but we can only know it if we deserialize it.
80 # The default ContainerStack.deserialize() will connect signals, which is not desired in this case.
81 # Since we know that the stack files are INI files, so we directly use the ConfigParser to parse them.
82 serialized ="utf-8")
83 stack_config = ConfigParser()
84 stack_config.read_string(serialized)
86 # sanity check
87 if not stack_config.has_option("metadata", "type"):
88 Logger.log("e", "%s in %s doesn't seem to be valid stack file", file_name, project_file_name)
89 continue
91 stack_type = stack_config.get("metadata", "type")
92 if stack_type == "extruder_train":
93 extruder_stack_file_list.append(file_name)
94 elif stack_type == "machine":
95 global_stack_file_list.append(file_name)
96 else:
97 Logger.log("w", "Unknown container stack type '%s' from %s in %s",
98 stack_type, file_name, project_file_name)
100 if len(global_stack_file_list) != 1:
101 raise RuntimeError("More than one global stack file found: [%s]" % str(global_stack_file_list))
103 return global_stack_file_list[0], extruder_stack_file_list
105 ## read some info so we can make decisions
106 # \param file_name
107 # \param show_dialog In case we use preRead() to check if a file is a valid project file, we don't want to show a dialog.
108 def preRead(self, file_name, show_dialog=True, *args, **kwargs):
50109 self._3mf_mesh_reader = Application.getInstance().getMeshFileHandler().getReaderForFile(file_name)
51110 if self._3mf_mesh_reader and self._3mf_mesh_reader.preRead(file_name) == WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted:
52111 pass
58117 machine_type = ""
59118 variant_type_name = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle")
61 num_extruders = 0
62120 # Check if there are any conflicts, so we can ask the user.
63121 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r")
64122 cura_file_names = [name for name in archive.namelist() if name.startswith("Cura/")]
65 container_stack_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._container_stack_suffix)]
66 self._resolve_strategies = {"machine": None, "quality_changes": None, "material": None}
67 machine_conflict = False
68 quality_changes_conflict = False
69 for container_stack_file in container_stack_files:
70 container_id = self._stripFileToId(container_stack_file)
71 serialized ="utf-8")
72 if machine_name == "":
73 machine_name = self._getMachineNameFromSerializedStack(serialized)
74 stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id=container_id)
75 if stacks:
76 # Check if there are any changes at all in any of the container stacks.
77 id_list = self._getContainerIdListFromSerialized(serialized)
78 for index, container_id in enumerate(id_list):
79 if stacks[0].getContainer(index).getId() != container_id:
80 machine_conflict = True
81 Job.yieldThread()
124 # A few lists of containers in this project files.
125 # When loading the global stack file, it may be associated with those containers, which may or may not be
126 # in Cura already, so we need to provide them as alternative search lists.
127 definition_container_list = []
128 instance_container_list = []
129 material_container_list = []
131 #
132 # Read definition containers
133 #
134 machine_definition_container_count = 0
135 extruder_definition_container_count = 0
83136 definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
84 for definition_container_file in definition_container_files:
85 container_id = self._stripFileToId(definition_container_file)
137 for each_definition_container_file in definition_container_files:
138 container_id = self._stripFileToId(each_definition_container_file)
86139 definitions = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id=container_id)
88141 if not definitions:
89142 definition_container = DefinitionContainer(container_id)
90 definition_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
143 definition_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
92145 else:
93146 definition_container = definitions[0]
95 if definition_container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != "extruder":
147 definition_container_list.append(definition_container)
149 definition_container_type = definition_container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
150 if definition_container_type == "machine":
96151 machine_type = definition_container.getName()
97152 variant_type_name = definition_container.getMetaDataEntry("variants_name", variant_type_name)
154 machine_definition_container_count += 1
155 elif definition_container_type == "extruder":
156 extruder_definition_container_count += 1
98157 else:
99 num_extruders += 1
158 Logger.log("w", "Unknown definition container type %s for %s",
159 definition_container_type, each_definition_container_file)
100160 Job.yieldThread()
102 if num_extruders == 0:
103 num_extruders = 1 # No extruder stacks found, which means there is one extruder
105 extruders = num_extruders * [""]
161 # sanity check
162 if machine_definition_container_count != 1:
163 msg = "Expecting one machine definition container but got %s" % machine_definition_container_count
164 Logger.log("e", msg)
165 raise RuntimeError(msg)
107167 material_labels = []
108168 material_conflict = False
118178 if materials and not materials[0].isReadOnly(): # Only non readonly materials can be in conflict
119179 material_conflict = True
120180 Job.yieldThread()
121182 # Check if any quality_changes instance container is in conflict.
122183 instance_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._instance_container_suffix)]
123184 quality_name = ""
124185 quality_type = ""
125186 num_settings_overriden_by_quality_changes = 0 # How many settings are changed by the quality changes
187 num_settings_overriden_by_definition_changes = 0 # How many settings are changed by the definition changes
126188 num_user_settings = 0
127 for instance_container_file in instance_container_files:
128 container_id = self._stripFileToId(instance_container_file)
189 quality_changes_conflict = False
190 definition_changes_conflict = False
192 for each_instance_container_file in instance_container_files:
193 container_id = self._stripFileToId(each_instance_container_file)
129194 instance_container = InstanceContainer(container_id)
131196 # Deserialize InstanceContainer by converting read data from bytes to string
132 instance_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
197 instance_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
198 instance_container_list.append(instance_container)
133200 container_type = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
134201 if container_type == "quality_changes":
135202 quality_name = instance_container.getName()
140207 # Check if there really is a conflict by comparing the values
141208 if quality_changes[0] != instance_container:
142209 quality_changes_conflict = True
143 elif container_type == "quality":
144 # If the quality name is not set (either by quality or changes, set it now)
145 # Quality changes should always override this (as they are "on top")
146 if quality_name == "":
147 quality_name = instance_container.getName()
148 quality_type = instance_container.getName()
210 elif container_type == "definition_changes":
211 definition_name = instance_container.getName()
212 num_settings_overriden_by_definition_changes += len(instance_container._instances)
213 definition_changes = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = container_id)
214 if definition_changes:
215 if definition_changes[0] != instance_container:
216 definition_changes_conflict = True
149217 elif container_type == "user":
150218 num_user_settings += len(instance_container._instances)
219 elif container_type in self._ignored_instance_container_types:
220 # Ignore certain instance container types
221 Logger.log("w", "Ignoring instance container [%s] with type [%s]", container_id, container_type)
222 continue
152224 Job.yieldThread()
226 # Load ContainerStack files and ExtruderStack files
227 global_stack_file, extruder_stack_files = self._determineGlobalAndExtruderStackFiles(
228 file_name, cura_file_names)
229 self._resolve_strategies = {"machine": None, "quality_changes": None, "material": None}
230 machine_conflict = False
231 for container_stack_file in [global_stack_file] + extruder_stack_files:
232 container_id = self._stripFileToId(container_stack_file)
233 serialized ="utf-8")
234 if machine_name == "":
235 machine_name = self._getMachineNameFromSerializedStack(serialized)
236 stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = container_id)
237 if stacks:
238 # Check if there are any changes at all in any of the container stacks.
239 id_list = self._getContainerIdListFromSerialized(serialized)
240 for index, container_id in enumerate(id_list):
241 if stacks[0].getContainer(index).getId() != container_id:
242 machine_conflict = True
243 Job.yieldThread()
153245 num_visible_settings = 0
154246 try:
155247 temp_preferences = Preferences()
166258 Logger.log("w", "File %s is not a valid workspace.", file_name)
167259 return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.failed
261 # In case we use preRead() to check if a file is a valid project file, we don't want to show a dialog.
262 if not show_dialog:
263 return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted
265 # prepare data for the dialog
266 num_extruders = extruder_definition_container_count
267 if num_extruders == 0:
268 num_extruders = 1 # No extruder stacks found, which means there is one extruder
270 extruders = num_extruders * [""]
169272 # Show the dialog, informing the user what is about to happen.
170273 self._dialog.setMachineConflict(machine_conflict)
171274 self._dialog.setQualityChangesConflict(quality_changes_conflict)
275 self._dialog.setDefinitionChangesConflict(definition_changes_conflict)
172276 self._dialog.setMaterialConflict(material_conflict)
173277 self._dialog.setNumVisibleSettings(num_visible_settings)
174278 self._dialog.setQualityName(quality_name)
191295 return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.cancelled
193297 self._resolve_strategies = self._dialog.getResult()
298 #
299 # There can be 3 resolve strategies coming from the dialog:
300 # - new: create a new container
301 # - override: override the existing container
302 # - None: There is no conflict, which means containers with the same IDs may or may not be there already.
303 # If they are there, there is no conflict between the them.
304 # In this case, you can either create a new one, or safely override the existing one.
305 #
306 # Default values
307 for k, v in self._resolve_strategies.items():
308 if v is None:
309 self._resolve_strategies[k] = "new"
195311 return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted
313 ## Overrides an ExtruderStack in the given GlobalStack and returns the new ExtruderStack.
314 def _overrideExtruderStack(self, global_stack, extruder_file_content):
315 # get extruder position first
316 extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
317 extruder_config.read_string(extruder_file_content)
318 if not extruder_config.has_option("metadata", "position"):
319 msg = "Could not find 'metadata/position' in extruder stack file"
320 Logger.log("e", "Could not find 'metadata/position' in extruder stack file")
321 raise RuntimeError(msg)
322 extruder_position = extruder_config.get("metadata", "position")
324 extruder_stack = global_stack.extruders[extruder_position]
326 # override the given extruder stack
327 extruder_stack.deserialize(extruder_file_content)
329 # return the new ExtruderStack
330 return extruder_stack
332 ## Read the project file
333 # Add all the definitions / materials / quality changes that do not exist yet. Then it loads
334 # all the stacks into the container registry. In some cases it will reuse the container for the global stack.
335 # It handles old style project files containing .stack.cfg as well as new style project files
336 # containing global.cfg / extruder.cfg
337 #
338 # \param file_name
197339 def read(self, file_name):
198340 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r")
226368 # We don't add containers right away, but wait right until right before the stack serialization.
227369 # We do this so that if something goes wrong, it's easier to clean up.
228370 containers_to_add = []
372 global_stack_file, extruder_stack_files = self._determineGlobalAndExtruderStackFiles(file_name, cura_file_names)
374 global_stack = None
375 extruder_stacks = []
376 extruder_stacks_added = []
377 container_stacks_added = []
379 containers_added = []
381 global_stack_id_original = self._stripFileToId(global_stack_file)
382 global_stack_id_new = global_stack_id_original
383 global_stack_need_rename = False
385 extruder_stack_id_map = {} # new and old ExtruderStack IDs map
386 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
387 # We need a new id if the id already exists
388 if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original):
389 global_stack_id_new = self.getNewId(global_stack_id_original)
390 global_stack_need_rename = True
392 for each_extruder_stack_file in extruder_stack_files:
393 old_container_id = self._stripFileToId(each_extruder_stack_file)
394 new_container_id = old_container_id
395 if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = old_container_id):
396 # get a new name for this extruder
397 new_container_id = self.getNewId(old_container_id)
399 extruder_stack_id_map[old_container_id] = new_container_id
230401 # TODO: For the moment we use pretty naive existence checking. If the ID is the same, we assume in quite a few
231402 # TODO: cases that the container loaded is the same (most notable in materials & definitions).
235406 definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
236407 for definition_container_file in definition_container_files:
237408 container_id = self._stripFileToId(definition_container_file)
238 definitions = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id=container_id)
409 definitions = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = container_id)
239410 if not definitions:
240411 definition_container = DefinitionContainer(container_id)
241412 definition_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
252423 material_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._material_container_suffix)]
253424 for material_container_file in material_container_files:
254425 container_id = self._stripFileToId(material_container_file)
255 materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id=container_id)
426 materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
256428 if not materials:
257429 material_container = xml_material_profile(container_id)
258430 material_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
259431 containers_to_add.append(material_container)
260432 else:
261 if not materials[0].isReadOnly(): # Only create new materials if they are not read only.
433 material_container = materials[0]
434 if not material_container.isReadOnly(): # Only create new materials if they are not read only.
262435 if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "override":
263 materials[0].deserialize("utf-8"))
436 material_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
264437 elif self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
265438 # Note that we *must* deserialize it with a new ID, as multiple containers will be
266439 # auto created & added.
267440 material_container = xml_material_profile(self.getNewId(container_id))
268441 material_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
269442 containers_to_add.append(material_container)
270 material_containers.append(material_container)
444 material_containers.append(material_container)
271445 Job.yieldThread()
273447 Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking instance containers...")
274448 # Get quality_changes and user profiles saved in the workspace
275449 instance_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._instance_container_suffix)]
276450 user_instance_containers = []
277 quality_changes_instance_containers = []
451 quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers = []
278452 for instance_container_file in instance_container_files:
279453 container_id = self._stripFileToId(instance_container_file)
454 serialized ="utf-8")
456 # HACK! we ignore "quality" and "variant" instance containers!
457 parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
458 parser.read_string(serialized)
459 if not parser.has_option("metadata", "type"):
460 Logger.log("w", "Cannot find metadata/type in %s, ignoring it", instance_container_file)
461 continue
462 if parser.get("metadata", "type") in self._ignored_instance_container_types:
463 continue
280465 instance_container = InstanceContainer(container_id)
282467 # Deserialize InstanceContainer by converting read data from bytes to string
283 instance_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
468 instance_container.deserialize(serialized)
284469 container_type = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
285470 Job.yieldThread()
286 if container_type == "user":
472 #
474 # If an instance container (or maybe other type of container) exists, and user chooses "Create New",
475 # we need to rename this container and all references to it, and changing those references are VERY
476 # HARD.
477 #
478 if container_type in self._ignored_instance_container_types:
479 # Ignore certain instance container types
480 Logger.log("w", "Ignoring instance container [%s] with type [%s]", container_id, container_type)
481 continue
482 elif container_type == "user":
287483 # Check if quality changes already exists.
288 user_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id=container_id)
484 user_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
289485 if not user_containers:
290486 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
291487 else:
292488 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override" or self._resolve_strategies["machine"] is None:
293 user_containers[0].deserialize("utf-8"))
489 instance_container = user_containers[0]
490 instance_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
491 instance_container.setDirty(True)
294492 elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
295493 # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
296 extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
297 if extruder_id:
298 new_id = self.getNewId(extruder_id) + "_current_settings"
494 old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
495 if old_extruder_id:
496 new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
497 new_id = new_extruder_id + "_current_settings"
299498 instance_container._id = new_id
300499 instance_container.setName(new_id)
301 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", self.getNewId(extruder_id))
500 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)
302501 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
304503 machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
305504 if machine_id:
306 new_id = self.getNewId(machine_id) + "_current_settings"
505 new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
506 new_id = new_machine_id + "_current_settings"
307507 instance_container._id = new_id
308508 instance_container.setName(new_id)
309 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", self.getNewId(machine_id))
509 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)
310510 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
311511 user_instance_containers.append(instance_container)
312 elif container_type == "quality_changes":
512 elif container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
313513 # Check if quality changes already exists.
314 quality_changes = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
315 if not quality_changes:
514 changes_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
515 if not changes_containers:
516 # no existing containers with the same ID, so we can safely add the new one
316517 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
317518 else:
318 if self._resolve_strategies["quality_changes"] == "override":
319 quality_changes[0].deserialize("utf-8"))
320 elif self._resolve_strategies["quality_changes"] is None:
519 # we have found existing container with the same ID, so we need to resolve according to the
520 # selected strategy.
521 if self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "override":
522 instance_container = changes_containers[0]
523 instance_container.deserialize("utf-8"))
524 instance_container.setDirty(True)
526 elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "new":
527 # TODO: how should we handle the case "new" for quality_changes and definition_changes?
529 instance_container.setName(self._container_registry.uniqueName(instance_container.getName()))
530 new_changes_container_id = self.getNewId(instance_container.getId())
531 instance_container._id = new_changes_container_id
533 # TODO: we don't know the following is correct or not, need to verify
535 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
536 # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
537 old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
538 if old_extruder_id:
539 new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
540 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)
542 machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
543 if machine_id:
544 new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
545 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)
547 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
549 elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] is None:
321550 # The ID already exists, but nothing in the values changed, so do nothing.
322551 pass
323 quality_changes_instance_containers.append(instance_container)
552 quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers.append(instance_container)
324553 else:
325 continue
554 existing_container = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
555 if not existing_container:
556 containers_to_add.append(instance_container)
557 if global_stack_need_rename:
558 if instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine"):
559 instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)
327561 # Add all the containers right before we try to add / serialize the stack
328562 for container in containers_to_add:
329563 self._container_registry.addContainer(container)
330564 container.setDirty(True)
565 containers_added.append(container)
332567 # Get the stack(s) saved in the workspace.
333568 Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking stacks containers...")
334 container_stack_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._container_stack_suffix)]
335 global_stack = None
336 extruder_stacks = []
337 container_stacks_added = []
570 # --
571 # load global stack file
338572 try:
339 for container_stack_file in container_stack_files:
340 container_id = self._stripFileToId(container_stack_file)
342 # Check if a stack by this ID already exists;
343 container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id=container_id)
573 # Check if a stack by this ID already exists;
574 container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original)
575 if container_stacks:
576 stack = container_stacks[0]
578 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
579 # TODO: HACK
580 # There is a machine, check if it has authentication data. If so, keep that data.
581 network_authentication_id = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
582 network_authentication_key = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
583 container_stacks[0].deserialize("utf-8"))
584 if network_authentication_id:
585 container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", network_authentication_id)
586 if network_authentication_key:
587 container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", network_authentication_key)
588 elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
589 stack = GlobalStack(global_stack_id_new)
590 stack.deserialize("utf-8"))
592 # Ensure a unique ID and name
593 stack._id = global_stack_id_new
595 # Extruder stacks are "bound" to a machine. If we add the machine as a new one, the id of the
596 # bound machine also needs to change.
597 if stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None):
598 stack.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)
600 # Only machines need a new name, stacks may be non-unique
601 stack.setName(self._container_registry.uniqueName(stack.getName()))
602 container_stacks_added.append(stack)
603 self._container_registry.addContainer(stack)
604 else:
605 Logger.log("w", "Resolve strategy of %s for machine is not supported", self._resolve_strategies["machine"])
606 else:
607 # no existing container stack, so we create a new one
608 stack = GlobalStack(global_stack_id_new)
609 # Deserialize stack by converting read data from bytes to string
610 stack.deserialize("utf-8"))
611 container_stacks_added.append(stack)
612 self._container_registry.addContainer(stack)
613 containers_added.append(stack)
615 global_stack = stack
616 Job.yieldThread()
617 except:
618 Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
619 # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added.
620 for container in containers_added:
621 self._container_registry.removeContainer(container.getId())
622 return
624 # --
625 # load extruder stack files
626 try:
627 for index, extruder_stack_file in enumerate(extruder_stack_files):
628 container_id = self._stripFileToId(extruder_stack_file)
629 extruder_file_content =, "r").read().decode("utf-8")
631 container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = container_id)
344632 if container_stacks:
633 # this container stack already exists, try to resolve
345634 stack = container_stacks[0]
346636 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
347 # TODO: HACK
348 # There is a machine, check if it has authenticationd data. If so, keep that data.
349 network_authentication_id = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
350 network_authentication_key = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
351 container_stacks[0].deserialize("utf-8"))
352 if network_authentication_id:
353 container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", network_authentication_id)
354 if network_authentication_key:
355 container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", network_authentication_key)
637 # NOTE: This is the same code as those in the lower part
638 # deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
639 stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, extruder_file_content)
356641 elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
357 new_id = self.getNewId(container_id)
358 stack = ContainerStack(new_id)
359 stack.deserialize("utf-8"))
642 # create a new extruder stack from this one
643 new_id = extruder_stack_id_map[container_id]
644 stack = ExtruderStack(new_id)
646 # HACK: the global stack can have a new name, so we need to make sure that this extruder stack
647 # references to the new name instead of the old one. Normally, this can be done after
648 # deserialize() by setting the metadata, but in the case of ExtruderStack, deserialize()
649 # also does addExtruder() to its machine stack, so we have to make sure that it's pointing
650 # to the right machine BEFORE deserialization.
651 extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
652 extruder_config.read_string(extruder_file_content)
653 extruder_config.set("metadata", "machine", global_stack_id_new)
654 tmp_string_io = io.StringIO()
655 extruder_config.write(tmp_string_io)
656 extruder_file_content = tmp_string_io.getvalue()
658 stack.deserialize(extruder_file_content)
361660 # Ensure a unique ID and name
362661 stack._id = new_id
364 # Extruder stacks are "bound" to a machine. If we add the machine as a new one, the id of the
365 # bound machine also needs to change.
366 if stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None):
367 stack.setMetaDataEntry("machine", self.getNewId(stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine")))
369 if stack.getMetaDataEntry("type") != "extruder_train":
370 # Only machines need a new name, stacks may be non-unique
371 stack.setName(self._container_registry.uniqueName(stack.getName()))
372 container_stacks_added.append(stack)
373663 self._container_registry.addContainer(stack)
664 extruder_stacks_added.append(stack)
665 containers_added.append(stack)
666 else:
667 # No extruder stack with the same ID can be found
668 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
669 # deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
670 stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, extruder_file_content)
672 elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
673 # container not found, create a new one
674 stack = ExtruderStack(container_id)
676 # HACK: the global stack can have a new name, so we need to make sure that this extruder stack
677 # references to the new name instead of the old one. Normally, this can be done after
678 # deserialize() by setting the metadata, but in the case of ExtruderStack, deserialize()
679 # also does addExtruder() to its machine stack, so we have to make sure that it's pointing
680 # to the right machine BEFORE deserialization.
681 extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
682 extruder_config.read_string(extruder_file_content)
683 extruder_config.set("metadata", "machine", global_stack_id_new)
684 tmp_string_io = io.StringIO()
685 extruder_config.write(tmp_string_io)
686 extruder_file_content = tmp_string_io.getvalue()
688 stack.deserialize(extruder_file_content)
689 self._container_registry.addContainer(stack)
690 extruder_stacks_added.append(stack)
691 containers_added.append(stack)
374692 else:
375 Logger.log("w", "Resolve strategy of %s for machine is not supported", self._resolve_strategies["machine"])
376 else:
377 stack = ContainerStack(container_id)
378 # Deserialize stack by converting read data from bytes to string
379 stack.deserialize("utf-8"))
380 container_stacks_added.append(stack)
381 self._container_registry.addContainer(stack)
383 if stack.getMetaDataEntry("type") == "extruder_train":
384 extruder_stacks.append(stack)
385 else:
386 global_stack = stack
387 Job.yieldThread()
693 Logger.log("w", "Unknown resolve strategy: %s" % str(self._resolve_strategies["machine"]))
695 extruder_stacks.append(stack)
388696 except:
389697 Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
390698 # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added.
391 for container in containers_to_add:
392 self._container_registry.getInstance().removeContainer(container.getId())
394 for container in container_stacks_added:
395 self._container_registry.getInstance().removeContainer(container.getId())
397 return None
699 for container in containers_added:
700 self._container_registry.removeContainer(container.getId())
701 return
703 #
704 # Replacing the old containers if resolve is "new".
705 # When resolve is "new", some containers will get renamed, so all the other containers that reference to those
706 # MUST get updated too.
707 #
399708 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
400709 # A new machine was made, but it was serialized with the wrong user container. Fix that now.
401710 for container in user_instance_containers:
711 # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the extruders
402712 extruder_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
403713 if extruder_id:
404714 for extruder in extruder_stacks:
405715 if extruder.getId() == extruder_id:
406 extruder.replaceContainer(0, container)
716 extruder.userChanges = container
407717 continue
719 # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the machine
408720 machine_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
409721 if machine_id:
410722 if global_stack.getId() == machine_id:
411 global_stack.replaceContainer(0, container)
723 global_stack.userChanges = container
412724 continue
414 if self._resolve_strategies["quality_changes"] == "new":
415 # Quality changes needs to get a new ID, added to registry and to the right stacks
416 for container in quality_changes_instance_containers:
417 old_id = container.getId()
418 container.setName(self._container_registry.uniqueName(container.getName()))
419 # We're not really supposed to change the ID in normal cases, but this is an exception.
420 container._id = self.getNewId(container.getId())
422 # The container was not added yet, as it didn't have an unique ID. It does now, so add it.
423 self._container_registry.addContainer(container)
425 # Replace the quality changes container
426 old_container = global_stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
427 if old_container.getId() == old_id:
428 quality_changes_index = global_stack.getContainerIndex(old_container)
429 global_stack.replaceContainer(quality_changes_index, container)
726 for changes_container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
727 if self._resolve_strategies[changes_container_type] == "new":
728 # Quality changes needs to get a new ID, added to registry and to the right stacks
729 for each_changes_container in quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers:
730 # NOTE: The renaming and giving new IDs are possibly redundant because they are done in the
731 # instance container loading part.
732 new_id = each_changes_container.getId()
734 # Find the old (current) changes container in the global stack
735 if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
736 old_container = global_stack.qualityChanges
737 elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
738 old_container = global_stack.definitionChanges
740 # sanity checks
741 # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
742 if not old_container:
743 Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the global stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
744 changes_container_type, global_stack.getId())
746 # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in the GlobalStack
747 # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
748 # so this comparison is fine.
749 if self._id_mapping.get(old_container.getId()) == new_id:
750 if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
751 global_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
752 elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
753 global_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container
754 continue
756 # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in one of the ExtruderStacks
757 for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
758 changes_container = None
759 if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
760 changes_container = each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges
761 elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
762 changes_container = each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges
764 # sanity checks
765 # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
766 if not changes_container:
767 Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the extruder stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
768 changes_container_type, each_extruder_stack.getId())
770 # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
771 # so this comparison is fine.
772 if self._id_mapping.get(changes_container.getId()) == new_id:
773 if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
774 each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
775 elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
776 each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container
778 if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
779 for each_material in material_containers:
780 old_material = global_stack.material
782 # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
783 # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
784 new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
785 if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():
430786 continue
432 for stack in extruder_stacks:
433 old_container = stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
434 if old_container.getId() == old_id:
435 quality_changes_index = stack.getContainerIndex(old_container)
436 stack.replaceContainer(quality_changes_index, container)
438 if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
439 for material in material_containers:
440 old_material = global_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
441788 if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
442 material_index = global_stack.getContainerIndex(old_material)
443 global_stack.replaceContainer(material_index, material)
444 continue
446 for stack in extruder_stacks:
447 old_material = stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
789 global_stack.material = each_material
791 for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
792 old_material = each_extruder_stack.material
794 # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
795 # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
796 new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
797 if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():
798 continue
448800 if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
449 material_index = stack.getContainerIndex(old_material)
450 stack.replaceContainer(material_index, material)
451 continue
453 for stack in extruder_stacks:
454 ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(stack, global_stack.getId())
801 each_extruder_stack.material = each_material
803 if extruder_stacks:
804 for stack in extruder_stacks:
805 ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(stack, global_stack.getId())
455806 else:
456807 # Machine has no extruders, but it needs to be registered with the extruder manager.
457808 ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(None, global_stack.getId())
459810 Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is notifying rest of the code of changes...")
812 if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
813 for stack in extruder_stacks:
814 stack.setNextStack(global_stack)
815 stack.containersChanged.emit(stack.getTop())
817 # Actually change the active machine.
818 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(global_stack)
461820 # Notify everything/one that is to notify about changes.
462821 global_stack.containersChanged.emit(global_stack.getTop())
464 for stack in extruder_stacks:
465 stack.setNextStack(global_stack)
466 stack.containersChanged.emit(stack.getTop())
468 # Actually change the active machine.
469 Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(global_stack)
471823 # Load all the nodes / meshdata of the workspace
472824 nodes =
00 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, pyqtSignal, QObject, pyqtProperty, QCoreApplication
3 from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, pyqtSignal, QObject, pyqtProperty, QCoreApplication
44 from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
55 from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlComponent, QQmlContext
66 from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
2828 self._default_strategy = "override"
2929 self._result = {"machine": self._default_strategy,
3030 "quality_changes": self._default_strategy,
31 "definition_changes": self._default_strategy,
3132 "material": self._default_strategy}
3233 self._visible = False
3334 self.showDialogSignal.connect(self.__show)
3536 self._has_quality_changes_conflict = False
37 self._has_definition_changes_conflict = False
3638 self._has_machine_conflict = False
3739 self._has_material_conflict = False
3840 self._num_visible_settings = 0
5153 machineConflictChanged = pyqtSignal()
5254 qualityChangesConflictChanged = pyqtSignal()
55 definitionChangesConflictChanged = pyqtSignal()
5356 materialConflictChanged = pyqtSignal()
5457 numVisibleSettingsChanged = pyqtSignal()
5558 activeModeChanged = pyqtSignal()
184187 def qualityChangesConflict(self):
185188 return self._has_quality_changes_conflict
190 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify=definitionChangesConflictChanged)
191 def definitionChangesConflict(self):
192 return self._has_definition_changes_conflict
187194 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify=materialConflictChanged)
188195 def materialConflict(self):
189196 return self._has_material_conflict
212219 if self._has_quality_changes_conflict != quality_changes_conflict:
213220 self._has_quality_changes_conflict = quality_changes_conflict
214221 self.qualityChangesConflictChanged.emit()
223 def setDefinitionChangesConflict(self, definition_changes_conflict):
224 if self._has_definition_changes_conflict != definition_changes_conflict:
225 self._has_definition_changes_conflict = definition_changes_conflict
226 self.definitionChangesConflictChanged.emit()
216228 def getResult(self):
217229 if "machine" in self._result and not self._has_machine_conflict:
218230 self._result["machine"] = None
219231 if "quality_changes" in self._result and not self._has_quality_changes_conflict:
220232 self._result["quality_changes"] = None
233 if "definition_changes" in self._result and not self._has_definition_changes_conflict:
234 self._result["definition_changes"] = None
221235 if "material" in self._result and not self._has_material_conflict:
222236 self._result["material"] = None
223237 return self._result
239253 # Reset the result
240254 self._result = {"machine": self._default_strategy,
241255 "quality_changes": self._default_strategy,
256 "definition_changes": self._default_strategy,
242257 "material": self._default_strategy}
243258 self._visible = True
244259 self.showDialogSignal.emit()
1111 {
1212 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Open Project")
14 width: 550
15 minimumWidth: 550
16 maximumWidth: 550
14 width: 500
1815 height: 400
19 minimumHeight: 400
20 maximumHeight: 400
2117 property int comboboxHeight: 15
2218 property int spacerHeight: 10
2320 onClosing: manager.notifyClosed()
2421 onVisibleChanged:
2522 {
3229 }
3330 Item
3431 {
36 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
37 anchors.left: parent.left
38 anchors.right: parent.right
40 anchors.topMargin: 20
41 anchors.bottomMargin: 20
42 anchors.leftMargin:20
43 anchors.rightMargin: 20
32 anchors.fill: parent
33 anchors.margins: 20
4535 UM.I18nCatalog
4636 {
47 id: catalog;
48 name: "cura";
37 id: catalog
38 name: "cura"
39 }
40 SystemPalette
41 {
42 id: palette
4943 }
5145 ListModel
6963 {
7064 id: titleLabel
7165 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:title", "Summary - Cura Project")
72 font.pixelSize: 22
66 font.pointSize: 18
7367 }
7468 Rectangle
7569 {
7670 id: separator
77 color: "black"
71 color: palette.text
7872 width: parent.width
7973 height: 1
8074 }
9286 {
9387 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Printer settings")
9488 font.bold: true
95 width: parent.width /3
89 width: parent.width / 3
9690 }
9791 Item
9892 {
359353 height: width
361355 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("notice")
362 color: "black"
356 color: palette.text
364358 }
365359 Label
378372 enabled: true
379373 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
380374 anchors.right: ok_button.left
381 anchors.bottomMargin: - 0.5 * height
382375 anchors.rightMargin:2
383376 }
384377 Button
386379 id: ok_button
387380 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Open");
388381 onClicked: { manager.closeBackend(); manager.onOkButtonClicked() }
389 anchors.bottomMargin: - 0.5 * height
390382 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
391383 anchors.right: parent.right
392384 }
393385 }
394 }
386 }
00 # Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
22 from typing import Dict
3 import sys
4 from . import ThreeMFReader
5 from UM.Logger import Logger
6 try:
7 from . import ThreeMFReader
8 except ImportError:
9 Logger.log("w", "Could not import ThreeMFReader; libSavitar may be missing")
511 from . import ThreeMFWorkspaceReader
613 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
714 from UM.Platform import Platform
815 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
1320 workspace_extension = "3mf"
1421 else:
1522 workspace_extension = "curaproject.3mf"
16 return {
24 metaData = {
1725 "plugin": {
1826 "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "3MF Reader"),
1927 "author": "Ultimaker",
2028 "version": "1.0",
2129 "description": catalog.i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Provides support for reading 3MF files."),
2230 "api": 3
23 },
24 "mesh_reader": [
31 }
32 }
33 if "3MFReader.ThreeMFReader" in sys.modules:
34 metaData["mesh_reader"] = [
2535 {
2636 "extension": "3mf",
2737 "description": catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "3MF File")
2838 }
29 ],
30 "workspace_reader":
31 [
39 ]
40 metaData["workspace_reader"] = [
3241 {
3342 "extension": workspace_extension,
3443 "description": catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "3MF File")
3544 }
3645 ]
37 }
47 return metaData
4050 def register(app):
41 return {"mesh_reader": ThreeMFReader.ThreeMFReader(),
42 "workspace_reader": ThreeMFWorkspaceReader.ThreeMFWorkspaceReader()}
51 if "3MFReader.ThreeMFReader" in sys.modules:
52 return {"mesh_reader": ThreeMFReader.ThreeMFReader(),
53 "workspace_reader": ThreeMFWorkspaceReader.ThreeMFWorkspaceReader()}
54 else:
55 return {}
66 import zipfile
77 from io import StringIO
88 import copy
9 import configparser
1112 class ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter(WorkspaceWriter):
4748 Preferences.getInstance().writeToFile(preferences_string)
4849 archive.writestr(preferences_file, preferences_string.getvalue())
51 # Save Cura version
52 version_file = zipfile.ZipInfo("Cura/version.ini")
53 version_config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
54 version_config_parser.add_section("versions")
55 version_config_parser.set("versions", "cura_version", Application.getStaticVersion())
57 version_file_string = StringIO()
58 version_config_parser.write(version_file_string)
59 archive.writestr(version_file, version_file_string.getvalue())
5061 # Close the archive & reset states.
5162 archive.close()
5263 mesh_writer.setStoreArchive(False)
00 # Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Uranium is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
2 import sys
4 from UM.Logger import Logger
5 try:
6 from . import ThreeMFWriter
7 except ImportError:
8 Logger.log("w", "Could not import ThreeMFWriter; libSavitar may be missing")
9 from . import ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter
311 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
4 from . import ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter
5 from . import ThreeMFWriter
713 i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("uranium")
915 def getMetaData():
10 return {
16 metaData = {
1117 "plugin": {
1218 "name": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@label", "3MF Writer"),
1319 "author": "Ultimaker",
1420 "version": "1.0",
1521 "description": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Provides support for writing 3MF files."),
1622 "api": 3
17 },
18 "mesh_writer": {
23 }
24 }
26 if "3MFWriter.ThreeMFWriter" in sys.modules:
27 metaData["mesh_writer"] = {
1928 "output": [{
2029 "extension": "3mf",
2130 "description": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "3MF file"),
2231 "mime_type": "application/",
2332 "mode": ThreeMFWriter.ThreeMFWriter.OutputMode.BinaryMode
2433 }]
25 },
26 "workspace_writer": {
34 }
35 metaData["workspace_writer"] = {
2736 "output": [{
2837 "extension": "curaproject.3mf",
2938 "description": i18n_catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Cura Project 3MF file"),
3140 "mode": ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter.ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter.OutputMode.BinaryMode
3241 }]
3342 }
34 }
44 return metaData
3646 def register(app):
37 return {"mesh_writer": ThreeMFWriter.ThreeMFWriter(), "workspace_writer": ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter.ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter()}
47 if "3MFWriter.ThreeMFWriter" in sys.modules:
48 return {"mesh_writer": ThreeMFWriter.ThreeMFWriter(),
49 "workspace_writer": ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter.ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter()}
50 else:
51 return {}
0 [2.6.0]
1 *Cura versions
2 Cura 2.6 beta has local version folders, which means the new version won’t overwrite the existing configuration and profiles from older versions, but can create a new folder instead. You can now safely check out new beta versions and, if necessary, start up an older version without the danger of losing your profiles.
4 *Better support adhesion
5 We’ve added extra support settings to allow the creation of improved support profiles with better PVA/PLA adhesion. The Support Interface settings, such as speed and density, are now split up into Support Roof and Support Floor settings.
7 *Multi-extrusion support for custom FDM printers
8 Custom third-party printers and Ultimaker modifications now have multi-extrusion support. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
10 *Model auto-arrange
11 We’ve improved placing multiple models or multiplying the same ones, making it easier to arrange your build plate. If there’s not enough build plate space or the model is placed beyond the build plate, you can rectify this by selecting ‘Arrange all models’ in the context menu or by pressing Command+R (MacOS) or Ctrl+R (Windows and Linux). Cura 2.6 beta will then find a better solution for model positioning.
13 *Gradual infill
14 You can now find the Gradual Infill button in Recommended mode. This setting makes the infill concentrated near the top of the model – so that we can save time and material for the lower parts of the model. This functionality is especially useful when printing with flexible materials.
16 *Support meshes
17 It’s now possible to load an extra model that will be used as a support structure.
19 *Mold
20 This is a bit of an experimental improvement. Users can use it to print a mold from a 3D model, which can be cast afterwards with the material that you would like your model to have.
22 *Towers for tiny overhangs
23 We’ve added a new support option allowing users to achieve more reliable results by creating towers to support even the smallest overhangs.
25 *Cutting meshes
26 Easily transform any model into a dual-extrusion print by applying a pattern for the second extruder. All areas of the original model, which also fall inside the pattern model, will be printed by the extruder selected for the pattern.
28 *Extruder per model selection via the context menu or extruder buttons
29 You can now select the necessary extruder in the right-click menu or extruder buttons. This is a quicker and more user-friendly process. The material color for each extruder will also be represented in the extruder icons.
31 *Custom toggle
32 We have made the interface a little bit cleaner and more user-friendly for switching from Recommended to Custom mode.
34 *Plugin installer
35 It used to be fairly tricky to install new plugins. We have now added a button to select and install new plugins with ease – you will find it in Preferences.
37 *Project-based menu
38 It’s a lot simpler to save and open files, and Cura will know if it’s a project, model, or gcode.
40 *Theme picker
41 If you have a custom theme, you can now apply it more easily in the preferences screen.
43 *Time estimates per feature
44 You can hover over the print time estimate in the lower right corner to see how the printing time is divided over the printing features (walls, infill, etc.). Thanks to 14bitVoid for this feature.
46 *Invert the direction of camera zoom
47 We’ve added an option to invert mouse direction for a better user experience.
49 *Olsson block upgrade
50 Ultimaker 2 users can now specify if they have the Olsson block installed on their machine. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
52 *OctoPrint plugin
53 Cura 2.6 beta allows users to send prints to OctoPrint. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
55 *Bug fixes
56 - Post Processing plugin
57 - Font rendering
58 - Progress bar
59 - Support Bottom Distance issues
61 *3rd party printers
63 - Alya
64 - Peopoly Moai
65 - Rigid3D Zero
66 - 3D maker
068 [2.5.0]
169 *Improved speed
270 We’ve made changing printers, profiles, materials, and print cores even faster. 3MF processing is also much faster now. Opening a 3MF file now takes one tenth of the time.
78146 Initial and final printing temperature settings have been tuned for higher quality results. For all materials the initial print temperature is 5 degrees above the default value.
80148 *Printing temperature of the materials
81 The printing temperature of the materials in the material profiles is now the same as the printing temperature for the Normal Quality profile.
149 The printing temperature of the materials in the material profiles is now the same as the printing temperature for the Fine profile.
83151 *Improved PLA-PVA layer adhesion
84152 The PVA jerk and acceleration have been optimized to improve the layer adhesion between PVA and PLA.
8989 }
92 message PrintTimeMaterialEstimates { // The print time for the whole print and material estimates for the extruder
93 float time = 1; // Total time estimate
94 repeated MaterialEstimates materialEstimates = 2; // materialEstimates data
92 message PrintTimeMaterialEstimates { // The print time for each feature and material estimates for the extruder
93 // Time estimate in each feature
94 float time_none = 1;
95 float time_inset_0 = 2;
96 float time_inset_x = 3;
97 float time_skin = 4;
98 float time_support = 5;
99 float time_skirt = 6;
100 float time_infill = 7;
101 float time_support_infill = 8;
102 float time_travel = 9;
103 float time_retract = 10;
104 float time_support_interface = 11;
106 repeated MaterialEstimates materialEstimates = 12; // materialEstimates data
95107 }
97109 message MaterialEstimates {
120132 }
122134 message SlicingFinished {
123 }
135 }
1212 from UM.Settings.Validator import ValidatorState #To find if a setting is in an error state. We can't slice then.
1313 from UM.Platform import Platform
1414 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
15 from UM.Qt.Duration import DurationFormat
1516 from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot
1818 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
1919 from . import ProcessSlicedLayersJob
186186 Logger.log("w", "Slice unnecessary, nothing has changed that needs reslicing.")
187187 return
189 self.printDurationMessage.emit(0, [0])
189 self.printDurationMessage.emit({
190 "none": 0,
191 "inset_0": 0,
192 "inset_x": 0,
193 "skin": 0,
194 "support": 0,
195 "skirt": 0,
196 "infill": 0,
197 "support_infill": 0,
198 "travel": 0,
199 "retract": 0,
200 "support_interface": 0
201 }, [0])
191203 self._stored_layer_data = []
192204 self._stored_optimized_layer_data = []
272284 if not extruders:
273285 error_keys = self._global_container_stack.getErrorKeys()
274286 error_labels = set()
275 definition_container = self._global_container_stack.getBottom()
276287 for key in error_keys:
277 error_labels.add(definition_container.findDefinitions(key = key)[0].label)
288 for stack in [self._global_container_stack] + extruders: #Search all container stacks for the definition of this setting. Some are only in an extruder stack.
289 definitions = stack.getBottom().findDefinitions(key = key)
290 if definitions:
291 break #Found it! No need to continue search.
292 else: #No stack has a definition for this setting.
293 Logger.log("w", "When checking settings for errors, unable to find definition for key: {key}".format(key = key))
294 continue
295 error_labels.add(definitions[0].label)
279297 error_labels = ", ".join(error_labels)
280298 self._error_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}".format(error_labels)))
441459 self.backendStateChange.emit(BackendState.Done)
442460 self.processingProgress.emit(1.0)
462 for line in self._scene.gcode_list:
463 replaced = line.replace("{print_time}", str(Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().currentPrintTime.getDisplayString(DurationFormat.Format.ISO8601)))
464 replaced = replaced.replace("{filament_amount}", str(Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().materialLengths))
465 replaced = replaced.replace("{filament_weight}", str(Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().materialWeights))
466 replaced = replaced.replace("{filament_cost}", str(Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().materialCosts))
467 replaced = replaced.replace("{jobname}", str(Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().jobName))
469 self._scene.gcode_list[self._scene.gcode_list.index(line)] = replaced
444471 self._slicing = False
445472 self._need_slicing = False
446473 Logger.log("d", "Slicing took %s seconds", time() - self._slice_start_time )
466493 ## Called when a print time message is received from the engine.
467494 #
468 # \param message The protobuff message containing the print time and
495 # \param message The protobuf message containing the print time per feature and
469496 # material amount per extruder
470497 def _onPrintTimeMaterialEstimates(self, message):
471498 material_amounts = []
472499 for index in range(message.repeatedMessageCount("materialEstimates")):
473500 material_amounts.append(message.getRepeatedMessage("materialEstimates", index).material_amount)
474 self.printDurationMessage.emit(message.time, material_amounts)
501 feature_times = {
502 "none": message.time_none,
503 "inset_0": message.time_inset_0,
504 "inset_x": message.time_inset_x,
505 "skin": message.time_skin,
506 "support": message.time_support,
507 "skirt": message.time_skirt,
508 "infill": message.time_infill,
509 "support_infill": message.time_support_infill,
510 "travel": message.time_travel,
511 "retract": message.time_retract,
512 "support_interface": message.time_support_interface
513 }
514 self.printDurationMessage.emit(feature_times, material_amounts)
476516 ## Creates a new socket connection.
477517 def _createSocket(self):
3030 #
3131 # \param color_code html color code, i.e. "#FF0000" -> red
3232 def colorCodeToRGBA(color_code):
33 if color_code is None:
34 Logger.log("w", "Unable to convert color code, returning default")
35 return [0, 0, 0, 1]
3336 return [
3437 int(color_code[1:3], 16) / 255,
3538 int(color_code[3:5], 16) / 255,
171174 for extruder in extruders:
172175 material = extruder.findContainer({"type": "material"})
173176 position = int(extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position", default="0")) # Get the position
174 color_code = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code")
177 color_code = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code", default="#e0e000")
175178 color = colorCodeToRGBA(color_code)
176179 material_color_map[position, :] = color
177180 else:
178181 # Single extruder via global stack.
179182 material_color_map = numpy.zeros((1, 4), dtype=numpy.float32)
180183 material = global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
181 color_code = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code")
182 if color_code is None: # not all stacks have a material color
183 color_code = "#e0e000"
184 color_code = "#e0e000"
185 if material:
186 if material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code") is not None:
187 color_code = material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code")
184188 color = colorCodeToRGBA(color_code)
185189 material_color_map[0, :] = color
33 import numpy
44 from string import Formatter
55 from enum import IntEnum
6 import time
78 from UM.Job import Job
89 from UM.Application import Application
229230 keys = stack.getAllKeys()
230231 settings = {}
231232 for key in keys:
232 # Use resolvement value if available, or take the value
233 resolved_value = stack.getProperty(key, "resolve")
234 if resolved_value is not None:
235 # There is a resolvement value. Check if we need to use it.
236 user_container = stack.findContainer({"type": "user"})
237 quality_changes_container = stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
238 if user_container.hasProperty(key,"value") or quality_changes_container.hasProperty(key,"value"):
239 # Normal case
240 settings[key] = stack.getProperty(key, "value")
241 else:
242 settings[key] = resolved_value
243 else:
244 # Normal case
245 settings[key] = stack.getProperty(key, "value")
233 settings[key] = stack.getProperty(key, "value")
246234 Job.yieldThread()
248236 start_gcode = settings["machine_start_gcode"]
249 settings["material_bed_temp_prepend"] = "{material_bed_temperature}" not in start_gcode #Pre-compute material material_bed_temp_prepend and material_print_temp_prepend
250 settings["material_print_temp_prepend"] = "{material_print_temperature}" not in start_gcode
237 #Pre-compute material material_bed_temp_prepend and material_print_temp_prepend
238 bed_temperature_settings = {"material_bed_temperature", "material_bed_temperature_layer_0"}
239 settings["material_bed_temp_prepend"] = all(("{" + setting + "}" not in start_gcode for setting in bed_temperature_settings))
240 print_temperature_settings = {"material_print_temperature", "material_print_temperature_layer_0", "default_material_print_temperature", "material_initial_print_temperature", "material_final_print_temperature", "material_standby_temperature"}
241 settings["material_print_temp_prepend"] = all(("{" + setting + "}" not in start_gcode for setting in print_temperature_settings))
243 settings["print_bed_temperature"] = settings["material_bed_temperature"]
244 settings["print_temperature"] = settings["material_print_temperature"]
246 settings["time"] = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
247 settings["date"] = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
248 settings["day"] = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][int(time.strftime('%w'))]
252250 for key, value in settings.items(): #Add all submessages for each individual setting.
253251 setting_message = self._slice_message.getMessage("global_settings").addRepeatedMessage("settings")
5555 # TODO: Consider moving settings to the start?
5656 serialized = "" # Will be filled with the serialized profile.
5757 try:
58 with open(file_name) as f:
58 with open(file_name, "r") as f:
5959 for line in f:
6060 if line.startswith(prefix):
6161 # Remove the prefix and the newline from the line and add it to the rest.
6565 return None
6767 serialized = unescapeGcodeComment(serialized)
68 Logger.log("i", "Serialized the following from %s: %s" %(file_name, repr(serialized)))
70 json_data = json.loads(serialized)
69 # serialized data can be invalid JSON
70 try:
71 json_data = json.loads(serialized)
72 except Exception as e:
73 Logger.log("e", "Could not parse serialized JSON data from GCode %s, error: %s", file_name, e)
74 return None
7276 profiles = []
7377 global_profile = readQualityProfileFromString(json_data["global_quality"])
3737 self._message = None
3838 self._layer_number = 0
3939 self._extruder_number = 0
4140 self._clearValues()
4241 self._scene_node = None
4342 self._position = namedtuple('Position', ['x', 'y', 'z', 'e'])
155154 path.append([x, y, z, LayerPolygon.MoveCombingType])
156155 return self._position(x, y, z, e)
157 # G0 and G1 should be handled exactly the same.
158 _gCode1 = _gCode0
160 ## Home the head.
158161 def _gCode28(self, position, params, path):
159162 return self._position(
160163 params.x if params.x is not None else position.x,
162165 0,
163166 position.e)
168 ## Reset the current position to the values specified.
169 # For example: G92 X10 will set the X to 10 without any physical motion.
165170 def _gCode92(self, position, params, path):
166171 if params.e is not None:
167172 position.e[self._extruder_number] = params.e
171176 params.z if params.z is not None else position.z,
172177 position.e)
174 _gCode1 = _gCode0
176179 def _processGCode(self, G, line, position, path):
177180 func = getattr(self, "_gCode%s" % G, None)
181 line = line.split(";", 1)[0] # Remove comments (if any)
178182 if func is not None:
179183 s = line.upper().split(" ")
180184 x, y, z, e = None, None, None, None
267271 Job.yieldThread()
268272 if len(line) == 0:
269273 continue
270275 if line.find(self._type_keyword) == 0:
271276 type = line[len(self._type_keyword):].strip()
272277 if type == "WALL-INNER":
281286 self._layer_type = LayerPolygon.SupportType
282287 elif type == "FILL":
283288 self._layer_type = LayerPolygon.InfillType
289 else:
290 Logger.log("w", "Encountered a unknown type (%s) while parsing g-code.", type)
285292 if self._is_layers_in_file and line[:len(self._layer_keyword)] == self._layer_keyword:
286293 try:
303310 if current_position.z > last_z and abs(current_position.z - last_z) < 2:
304311 if self._createPolygon(self._current_layer_thickness, current_path, self._extruder_offsets.get(self._extruder_number, [0, 0])):
305312 current_path.clear()
307313 if not self._is_layers_in_file:
308314 self._layer_number += 1
8585 for key in instance_container1.getAllKeys():
8686 flat_container.setProperty(key, "value", instance_container1.getProperty(key, "value"))
8788 return flat_container
99100 prefix = ";SETTING_" + str(GCodeWriter.version) + " " # The prefix to put before each line.
100101 prefix_length = len(prefix)
102 container_with_profile = stack.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
103 container_with_profile = stack.qualityChanges
103104 if not container_with_profile:
104105 Logger.log("e", "No valid quality profile found, not writing settings to GCode!")
105106 return ""
107108 flat_global_container = self._createFlattenedContainerInstance(stack.getTop(), container_with_profile)
109 # If the quality changes is not set, we need to set type manually
110 if flat_global_container.getMetaDataEntry("type", None) is None:
111 flat_global_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
109113 # Ensure that quality_type is set. (Can happen if we have empty quality changes).
110114 if flat_global_container.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type", None) is None:
114118 data = {"global_quality": serialized}
116120 for extruder in sorted(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(stack.getId()), key = lambda k: k.getMetaDataEntry("position")):
117 extruder_quality = extruder.findContainer({"type": "quality_changes"})
121 extruder_quality = extruder.qualityChanges
118122 if not extruder_quality:
119123 Logger.log("w", "No extruder quality profile found, not writing quality for extruder %s to file!", extruder.getId())
120124 continue
121125 flat_extruder_quality = self._createFlattenedContainerInstance(extruder.getTop(), extruder_quality)
126 # If the quality changes is not set, we need to set type manually
127 if flat_extruder_quality.getMetaDataEntry("type", None) is None:
128 flat_extruder_quality.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
123130 # Ensure that extruder is set. (Can happen if we have empty quality changes).
124131 if flat_extruder_quality.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None) is None:
2020 self._supported_extensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".png"]
2121 self._ui = ImageReaderUI(self)
23 def preRead(self, file_name):
23 def preRead(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs):
2424 img = QImage(file_name)
2626 if img.isNull():
66 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
88 import UM 1.0 as UM
9 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
1011 Item
1112 {
4142 property bool show_helpers: UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/show_helpers")
4243 property bool show_skin: UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/show_skin")
4344 property bool show_infill: UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/show_infill")
44 property bool show_legend: UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode || UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type") == 1
45 // if we are in compatibility mode, we only show the "line type"
46 property bool show_legend: UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode ? 1 : UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type") == 1
4547 property bool only_show_top_layers: UM.Preferences.getValue("view/only_show_top_layers")
4648 property int top_layer_count: UM.Preferences.getValue("view/top_layer_count")
5759 anchors.left: parent.left
5860 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","View Mode: Layers")
5961 font.bold: true
62 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
6063 }
6265 Label
7477 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Color scheme")
7578 visible: !UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode
7679 Layout.fillWidth: true
80 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
7781 }
7983 ListModel // matches
101105 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
102106 model: layerViewTypes
103107 visible: !UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode
105 property int layer_view_type: UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type")
106 currentIndex: layer_view_type // index matches type_id
107 onActivated: {
108 // Combobox selection
109 var type_id = index;
110 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/layer_view_type", type_id);
111 updateLegend(type_id);
112 }
113 onModelChanged: {
114 updateLegend(UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type"));
115 }
117 // Update visibility of legend.
118 function updateLegend(type_id) {
119 if (UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode || (type_id == 1)) {
120 // Line type
121 view_settings.show_legend = true;
122 } else {
123 view_settings.show_legend = false;
124 }
125 }
108 style: UM.Theme.styles.combobox
110 onActivated:
111 {
112 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/layer_view_type", index);
113 }
115 Component.onCompleted:
116 {
117 currentIndex = UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode ? 1 : UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type");
118 updateLegends(currentIndex);
119 }
121 function updateLegends(type_id)
122 {
123 // update visibility of legends
124 view_settings.show_legend = UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode || (type_id == 1);
125 }
126127 }
128129 Label
148149 target: UM.Preferences
149150 onPreferenceChanged:
150151 {
151 layerTypeCombobox.layer_view_type = UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type");
152 layerTypeCombobox.currentIndex = UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode ? 1 : UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/layer_view_type");
153 layerTypeCombobox.updateLegends(layerTypeCombobox.currentIndex);
152154 view_settings.extruder_opacities = UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/extruder_opacities").split("|");
153155 view_settings.show_travel_moves = UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/show_travel_moves");
154156 view_settings.show_helpers = UM.Preferences.getValue("layerview/show_helpers");
160162 }
162164 Repeater {
163 model: UM.LayerView.extruderCount
165 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel{}
164166 CheckBox {
165167 checked: view_settings.extruder_opacities[index] > 0.5 || view_settings.extruder_opacities[index] == undefined || view_settings.extruder_opacities[index] == ""
166168 onClicked: {
167169 view_settings.extruder_opacities[index] = checked ? 1.0 : 0.0
168170 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/extruder_opacities", view_settings.extruder_opacities.join("|"));
169171 }
170 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Extruder %1").arg(index + 1)
172 text:
171173 visible: !UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode
172174 enabled: index + 1 <= 4
175 Rectangle {
176 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
177 anchors.right: parent.right
178 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
179 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
180 color: model.color
181 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
182 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
183 visible: !view_settings.show_legend
184 }
173185 Layout.fillWidth: true
174 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
186 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
175187 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
176 }
177 }
179 CheckBox {
180 checked: view_settings.show_travel_moves
181 onClicked: {
182 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/show_travel_moves", checked);
183 }
184 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Travels")
185 Rectangle {
187 anchors.topMargin: 2
188 anchors.right: parent.right
189 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
190 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
191 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_move_combing")
192 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
193 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
194 visible: view_settings.show_legend
195 }
196 Layout.fillWidth: true
197 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
198 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
199 }
200 CheckBox {
201 checked: view_settings.show_helpers
202 onClicked: {
203 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/show_helpers", checked);
204 }
205 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Helpers")
206 Rectangle {
208 anchors.topMargin: 2
209 anchors.right: parent.right
210 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
211 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
212 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_support")
213 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
214 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
215 visible: view_settings.show_legend
216 }
217 Layout.fillWidth: true
218 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
219 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
220 }
221 CheckBox {
222 checked: view_settings.show_skin
223 onClicked: {
224 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/show_skin", checked);
225 }
226 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Shell")
227 Rectangle {
229 anchors.topMargin: 2
230 anchors.right: parent.right
231 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
232 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
233 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_inset_0")
234 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
235 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
236 visible: view_settings.show_legend
237 }
238 Layout.fillWidth: true
239 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
240 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
241 }
242 CheckBox {
243 checked: view_settings.show_infill
244 onClicked: {
245 UM.Preferences.setValue("layerview/show_infill", checked);
246 }
247 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Infill")
248 Rectangle {
250 anchors.topMargin: 2
251 anchors.right: parent.right
252 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
253 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
254 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_infill")
255 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
256 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
257 visible: view_settings.show_legend
258 }
259 Layout.fillWidth: true
260 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
261 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
262 }
188 style: UM.Theme.styles.checkbox
189 }
190 }
192 Repeater {
193 model: ListModel {
194 id: typesLegenModel
195 Component.onCompleted:
196 {
197 typesLegenModel.append({
198 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Travels"),
199 initialValue: view_settings.show_travel_moves,
200 preference: "layerview/show_travel_moves",
201 colorId: "layerview_move_combing"
202 });
203 typesLegenModel.append({
204 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Helpers"),
205 initialValue: view_settings.show_helpers,
206 preference: "layerview/show_helpers",
207 colorId: "layerview_support"
208 });
209 typesLegenModel.append({
210 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Shell"),
211 initialValue: view_settings.show_skin,
212 preference: "layerview/show_skin",
213 colorId: "layerview_inset_0"
214 });
215 typesLegenModel.append({
216 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show Infill"),
217 initialValue: view_settings.show_infill,
218 preference: "layerview/show_infill",
219 colorId: "layerview_infill"
220 });
221 }
222 }
224 CheckBox {
225 checked: model.initialValue
226 onClicked: {
227 UM.Preferences.setValue(model.preference, checked);
228 }
229 text: label
230 Rectangle {
231 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
232 anchors.right: parent.right
233 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
234 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
235 color: UM.Theme.getColor(model.colorId)
236 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
237 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
238 visible: view_settings.show_legend
239 }
240 Layout.fillWidth: true
241 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
242 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
243 style: UM.Theme.styles.checkbox
244 }
245 }
263247 CheckBox {
264248 checked: view_settings.only_show_top_layers
265249 onClicked: {
267251 }
268252 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Only Show Top Layers")
269253 visible: UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode
254 style: UM.Theme.styles.checkbox
270255 }
271256 CheckBox {
272257 checked: view_settings.top_layer_count == 5
275260 }
276261 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top")
277262 visible: UM.LayerView.compatibilityMode
278 }
280 Label
281 {
282 id: topBottomLabel
283 anchors.left: parent.left
284 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Top / Bottom")
285 Rectangle {
287 anchors.topMargin: 2
288 anchors.right: parent.right
289 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
290 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
291 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_skin")
292 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
293 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
294 }
295 Layout.fillWidth: true
296 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
297 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
298 visible: view_settings.show_legend
299 }
301 Label
302 {
303 id: innerWallLabel
304 anchors.left: parent.left
305 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Inner Wall")
306 Rectangle {
308 anchors.topMargin: 2
309 anchors.right: parent.right
310 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
311 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
312 color: UM.Theme.getColor("layerview_inset_x")
313 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
314 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
263 style: UM.Theme.styles.checkbox
264 }
266 Repeater {
267 model: ListModel {
268 id: typesLegenModelNoCheck
269 Component.onCompleted:
270 {
271 typesLegenModelNoCheck.append({
272 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Top / Bottom"),
273 colorId: "layerview_skin",
274 });
275 typesLegenModelNoCheck.append({
276 label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Inner Wall"),
277 colorId: "layerview_inset_x",
278 });
279 }
280 }
282 Label {
283 text: label
315284 visible: view_settings.show_legend
316 }
317 Layout.fillWidth: true
318 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height
319 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
320 visible: view_settings.show_legend
321 }
285 Rectangle {
286 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
287 anchors.right: parent.right
288 width: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").width
289 height: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_legend_size").height
290 color: UM.Theme.getColor(model.colorId)
291 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
292 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining")
293 visible: view_settings.show_legend
294 }
295 Layout.fillWidth: true
296 Layout.preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
297 Layout.preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("layerview_row").width
298 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
299 }
300 }
323301 }
325303 Item
350328 property bool roundValues: true
352330 property var activeHandle: upperHandle
353 property bool layersVisible: UM.LayerView.layerActivity && Printer.platformActivity ? true : false
331 property bool layersVisible: UM.LayerView.layerActivity && CuraApplication.platformActivity ? true : false
355333 function getUpperValueFromHandle()
356334 {
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal
66 from cura.MachineAction import MachineAction
88 from UM.Application import Application
9 from UM.Preferences import Preferences
910 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
1011 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
1112 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
13 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
1214 from UM.Logger import Logger
14 from cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry import CuraContainerRegistry
16 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
17 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
1619 import UM.i18n
1720 catalog = UM.i18n.i18nCatalog("cura")
2427 super().__init__("MachineSettingsAction", catalog.i18nc("@action", "Machine Settings"))
2528 self._qml_url = "MachineSettingsAction.qml"
30 self._global_container_stack = None
2731 self._container_index = 0
32 self._extruder_container_index = 0
2934 self._container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
3035 self._container_registry.containerAdded.connect(self._onContainerAdded)
36 self._container_registry.containerRemoved.connect(self._onContainerRemoved)
37 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onGlobalContainerChanged)
38 ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self._onActiveExtruderStackChanged)
40 self._backend = Application.getInstance().getBackend()
42 def _onContainerAdded(self, container):
43 # Add this action as a supported action to all machine definitions
44 if isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer) and container.getMetaDataEntry("type") == "machine":
45 Application.getInstance().getMachineActionManager().addSupportedAction(container.getId(), self.getKey())
47 def _onContainerRemoved(self, container):
48 # Remove definition_changes containers when a stack is removed
49 if container.getMetaDataEntry("type") in ["machine", "extruder_train"]:
50 definition_changes_container = container.findContainer({"type": "definition_changes"})
51 if not definition_changes_container:
52 return
54 self._container_registry.removeContainer(definition_changes_container.getId())
3256 def _reset(self):
33 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
34 if not global_container_stack:
57 if not self._global_container_stack:
3558 return
3760 # Make sure there is a definition_changes container to store the machine settings
38 definition_changes_container = global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "definition_changes"})
61 definition_changes_container = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "definition_changes"})
3962 if not definition_changes_container:
40 definition_changes_container = self._createDefinitionChangesContainer(global_container_stack)
63 definition_changes_container = self._createDefinitionChangesContainer(self._global_container_stack, self._global_container_stack.getName() + "_settings")
4265 # Notify the UI in which container to store the machine settings data
43 container_index = global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(definition_changes_container)
66 container_index = self._global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(definition_changes_container)
4467 if container_index != self._container_index:
4568 self._container_index = container_index
4669 self.containerIndexChanged.emit()
48 def _createDefinitionChangesContainer(self, global_container_stack, container_index = None):
49 definition_changes_container = InstanceContainer(global_container_stack.getName() + "_settings")
50 definition = global_container_stack.getBottom()
71 # Disable auto-slicing while the MachineAction is showing
72 if self._backend: # This sometimes triggers before backend is loaded.
73 self._backend.disableTimer()
75 @pyqtSlot()
76 def onFinishAction(self):
77 # Restore autoslicing when the machineaction is dismissed
78 if self._backend.determineAutoSlicing():
79 self._backend.tickle()
81 def _onActiveExtruderStackChanged(self):
82 extruder_container_stack = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStack()
83 if not self._global_container_stack or not extruder_container_stack:
84 return
86 # Make sure there is a definition_changes container to store the machine settings
87 definition_changes_container = extruder_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "definition_changes"})
88 if not definition_changes_container:
89 definition_changes_container = self._createDefinitionChangesContainer(extruder_container_stack, extruder_container_stack.getId() + "_settings")
91 # Notify the UI in which container to store the machine settings data
92 container_index = extruder_container_stack.getContainerIndex(definition_changes_container)
93 if container_index != self._extruder_container_index:
94 self._extruder_container_index = container_index
95 self.extruderContainerIndexChanged.emit()
97 def _createDefinitionChangesContainer(self, container_stack, container_name, container_index = None):
98 definition_changes_container = InstanceContainer(container_name)
99 definition = container_stack.getBottom()
51100 definition_changes_container.setDefinition(definition)
52101 definition_changes_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "definition_changes")
102 definition_changes_container.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
54104 self._container_registry.addContainer(definition_changes_container)
55 # Insert definition_changes between the definition and the variant
56 global_container_stack.insertContainer(-1, definition_changes_container)
105 container_stack.definitionChanges = definition_changes_container
58107 return definition_changes_container
63112 def containerIndex(self):
64113 return self._container_index
66 def _onContainerAdded(self, container):
67 # Add this action as a supported action to all machine definitions
68 if isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer) and container.getMetaDataEntry("type") == "machine":
69 if container.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
70 # Multiextruder printers are not currently supported
71 Logger.log("d", "Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to %s; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported", container.getId())
72 return
74 Application.getInstance().getMachineActionManager().addSupportedAction(container.getId(), self.getKey())
115 extruderContainerIndexChanged = pyqtSignal()
117 @pyqtProperty(int, notify = extruderContainerIndexChanged)
118 def extruderContainerIndex(self):
119 return self._extruder_container_index
122 def _onGlobalContainerChanged(self):
123 self._global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
125 # This additional emit is needed because we cannot connect a UM.Signal directly to a pyqtSignal
126 self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
128 globalContainerChanged = pyqtSignal()
130 @pyqtProperty(int, notify = globalContainerChanged)
131 def definedExtruderCount(self):
132 if not self._global_container_stack:
133 return 0
135 return len(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine_extruder_trains"))
137 @pyqtSlot(int)
138 def setMachineExtruderCount(self, extruder_count):
139 machine_manager = Application.getInstance().getMachineManager()
140 extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
142 definition_changes_container = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "definition_changes"})
143 if not self._global_container_stack or not definition_changes_container:
144 return
146 previous_extruder_count = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value")
147 if extruder_count == previous_extruder_count:
148 return
150 extruder_material_id = None
151 extruder_variant_id = None
152 if extruder_count == 1:
153 # Get the material and variant of the first extruder before setting the number extruders to 1
154 if machine_manager.hasMaterials:
155 extruder_material_id = machine_manager.allActiveMaterialIds[extruder_manager.extruderIds["0"]]
156 if machine_manager.hasVariants:
157 extruder_variant_id = machine_manager.allActiveVariantIds[extruder_manager.extruderIds["0"]]
159 # Copy any settable_per_extruder setting value from the extruders to the global stack
160 extruder_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
161 extruder_stacks.reverse() # make sure the first extruder is done last, so its settings override any higher extruder settings
163 global_user_container = self._global_container_stack.getTop()
164 for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
165 extruder_index = extruder_stack.getMetaDataEntry("position")
166 extruder_user_container = extruder_stack.getTop()
167 for setting_instance in extruder_user_container.findInstances():
168 setting_key = setting_instance.definition.key
169 settable_per_extruder = self._global_container_stack.getProperty(setting_key, "settable_per_extruder")
170 if settable_per_extruder:
171 limit_to_extruder = self._global_container_stack.getProperty(setting_key, "limit_to_extruder")
173 if limit_to_extruder == "-1" or limit_to_extruder == extruder_index:
174 global_user_container.setProperty(setting_key, "value", extruder_user_container.getProperty(setting_key, "value"))
175 extruder_user_container.removeInstance(setting_key)
177 # Check to see if any features are set to print with an extruder that will no longer exist
178 for setting_key in ["adhesion_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "support_infill_extruder_nr", "support_interface_extruder_nr"]:
179 if int(self._global_container_stack.getProperty(setting_key, "value")) > extruder_count - 1:
180 Logger.log("i", "Lowering %s setting to match number of extruders", setting_key)
181 self._global_container_stack.getTop().setProperty(setting_key, "value", extruder_count - 1)
183 # Check to see if any objects are set to print with an extruder that will no longer exist
184 root_node = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
185 for node in DepthFirstIterator(root_node):
186 if node.getMeshData():
187 extruder_nr = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderPosition")
189 if extruder_nr is not None and int(extruder_nr) > extruder_count - 1:
190 node.callDecoration("setActiveExtruder", extruder_manager.getExtruderStack(extruder_count - 1).getId())
192 definition_changes_container.setProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value", extruder_count)
193 self.forceUpdate()
195 if extruder_count > 1:
196 # Multiextrusion
198 # Make sure one of the extruder stacks is active
199 if extruder_manager.activeExtruderIndex == -1:
200 extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(0)
202 # Move settable_per_extruder values out of the global container
203 if previous_extruder_count == 1:
204 extruder_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
205 global_user_container = self._global_container_stack.getTop()
207 for setting_instance in global_user_container.findInstances():
208 setting_key = setting_instance.definition.key
209 settable_per_extruder = self._global_container_stack.getProperty(setting_key, "settable_per_extruder")
210 if settable_per_extruder:
211 limit_to_extruder = int(self._global_container_stack.getProperty(setting_key, "limit_to_extruder"))
212 extruder_stack = extruder_stacks[max(0, limit_to_extruder)]
213 extruder_stack.getTop().setProperty(setting_key, "value", global_user_container.getProperty(setting_key, "value"))
214 global_user_container.removeInstance(setting_key)
215 else:
216 # Single extrusion
218 # Make sure the machine stack is active
219 if extruder_manager.activeExtruderIndex > -1:
220 extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(-1)
222 # Restore material and variant on global stack
223 # MachineManager._onGlobalContainerChanged removes the global material and variant of multiextruder machines
224 if extruder_material_id or extruder_variant_id:
225 # Prevent the DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog from popping up (twice) if there are user changes
226 # The dialog is not relevant here, since we're restoring the previous situation as good as possible
227 preferences = Preferences.getInstance()
228 choice_on_profile_override = preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override")
229 preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override", "always_keep")
231 if extruder_material_id:
232 machine_manager.setActiveMaterial(extruder_material_id)
233 if extruder_variant_id:
234 machine_manager.setActiveVariant(extruder_variant_id)
236 preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override", choice_on_profile_override)
76239 @pyqtSlot()
77240 def forceUpdate(self):
82245 @pyqtSlot()
83246 def updateHasMaterialsMetadata(self):
84247 # Updates the has_materials metadata flag after switching gcode flavor
85 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
86 if global_container_stack:
87 definition = global_container_stack.getBottom()
88 if definition.getProperty("machine_gcode_flavor", "value") == "UltiGCode" and not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False):
89 has_materials = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_gcode_flavor", "value") != "UltiGCode"
91 material_container = global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
92 material_index = global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(material_container)
94 if has_materials:
95 if "has_materials" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
96 global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("has_materials", True)
97 else:
98 global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("has_materials", True)
100 # Set the material container to a sane default
101 if material_container.getId() == "empty_material":
102 search_criteria = { "type": "material", "definition": "fdmprinter", "id": "*pla*" }
103 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
104 if containers:
105 global_container_stack.replaceContainer(material_index, containers[0])
248 if not self._global_container_stack:
249 return
251 definition = self._global_container_stack.getBottom()
252 if definition.getProperty("machine_gcode_flavor", "value") == "UltiGCode" and not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False):
253 has_materials = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_gcode_flavor", "value") != "UltiGCode"
255 material_container = self._global_container_stack.material
256 material_index = self._global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(material_container)
258 if has_materials:
259 if "has_materials" in self._global_container_stack.getMetaData():
260 self._global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("has_materials", True)
106261 else:
107 # The metadata entry is stored in an ini, and ini files are parsed as strings only.
108 # Because any non-empty string evaluates to a boolean True, we have to remove the entry to make it False.
109 if "has_materials" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
110 global_container_stack.removeMetaDataEntry("has_materials")
112 empty_material = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = "empty_material")[0]
113 global_container_stack.replaceContainer(material_index, empty_material)
115 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.emit()
262 self._global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("has_materials", True)
264 # Set the material container to a sane default
265 if material_container.getId() == "empty_material":
266 search_criteria = { "type": "material", "definition": "fdmprinter", "id": "*pla*"}
267 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
268 if containers:
269 self._global_container_stack.replaceContainer(material_index, containers[0])
270 else:
271 # The metadata entry is stored in an ini, and ini files are parsed as strings only.
272 # Because any non-empty string evaluates to a boolean True, we have to remove the entry to make it False.
273 if "has_materials" in self._global_container_stack.getMetaData():
274 self._global_container_stack.removeMetaDataEntry("has_materials")
276 self._global_container_stack.material = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
278 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.emit()
1212 Cura.MachineAction
1313 {
14 id: base
15 property var extrudersModel: Cura.ExtrudersModel{}
16 property int extruderTabsCount: 0
18 Connections
19 {
20 target: base.extrudersModel
21 onModelChanged:
22 {
23 var extruderCount = base.extrudersModel.rowCount();
24 base.extruderTabsCount = extruderCount > 1 ? extruderCount : 0;
25 }
26 }
28 Connections
29 {
30 target: dialog ? dialog : null
31 ignoreUnknownSignals: true
32 // Any which way this action dialog is dismissed, make sure it is properly finished
33 onNextClicked: manager.onFinishAction()
34 onBackClicked: manager.onFinishAction()
35 onAccepted: manager.onFinishAction()
36 onRejected: manager.onFinishAction()
37 onClosing: manager.onFinishAction()
38 }
1440 anchors.fill: parent;
1541 Item
1642 {
2753 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
2854 font.pointSize: 18;
2955 }
30 Label
57 TabView
3158 {
32 id: pageDescription
59 id: settingsTabs
60 height: parent.height - y
61 width: parent.width
62 anchors.left: parent.left
3363 pageTitle.bottom
3464 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
35 width: parent.width
36 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
37 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:")
38 }
40 Column
41 {
42 height: parent.height - y
43 width: parent.width - UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
44 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
46 anchors.left: parent.left
47 pageDescription.bottom
48 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
50 Row
66 property real columnWidth: Math.floor((width - 3 * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width) / 2)
68 Tab
5169 {
52 width: parent.width
53 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
70 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:tab", "Printer");
71 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
5573 Column
5674 {
57 width: parent.width / 2
5875 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
60 Label
77 Row
6178 {
62 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Printer Settings")
63 font.bold: true
79 width: parent.width
80 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
82 Column
83 {
84 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
85 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
87 Label
88 {
89 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Printer Settings")
90 font.bold: true
91 }
93 Grid
94 {
95 columns: 2
96 columnSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
97 rowSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
99 Label
100 {
101 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X (Width)")
102 }
103 Loader
104 {
105 id: buildAreaWidthField
106 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
107 property var propertyProvider: machineWidthProvider
108 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
109 property bool forceUpdateOnChange: true
110 }
112 Label
113 {
114 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y (Depth)")
115 }
116 Loader
117 {
118 id: buildAreaDepthField
119 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
120 property var propertyProvider: machineDepthProvider
121 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
122 property bool forceUpdateOnChange: true
123 }
125 Label
126 {
127 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Z (Height)")
128 }
129 Loader
130 {
131 id: buildAreaHeightField
132 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
133 property var propertyProvider: machineHeightProvider
134 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
135 property bool forceUpdateOnChange: true
136 }
137 }
139 Column
140 {
141 Row
142 {
143 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
145 Label
146 {
147 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Build Plate Shape")
148 }
150 ComboBox
151 {
152 id: shapeComboBox
153 model: ListModel
154 {
155 id: shapesModel
156 Component.onCompleted:
157 {
158 // Options come in as a string-representation of an OrderedDict
159 var options =^OrderedDict\(\[\((.*)\)\]\)$/);
160 if(options)
161 {
162 options = options[1].split("), (")
163 for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
164 {
165 var option = options[i].substring(1, options[i].length - 1).split("', '")
166 shapesModel.append({text: option[1], value: option[0]});
167 }
168 }
169 }
170 }
171 currentIndex:
172 {
173 var currentValue =;
174 var index = 0;
175 for(var i = 0; i < shapesModel.count; i++)
176 {
177 if(shapesModel.get(i).value == currentValue) {
178 index = i;
179 break;
180 }
181 }
182 return index
183 }
184 onActivated:
185 {
186 if( != shapesModel.get(index).value)
187 {
188 machineShapeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", shapesModel.get(index).value);
189 manager.forceUpdate();
190 }
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 CheckBox
195 {
196 id: centerIsZeroCheckBox
197 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Machine Center is Zero")
198 checked: String( != 'false'
199 onClicked:
200 {
201 machineCenterIsZeroProvider.setPropertyValue("value", checked);
202 manager.forceUpdate();
203 }
204 }
205 CheckBox
206 {
207 id: heatedBedCheckBox
208 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Heated Bed")
209 checked: String( != 'false'
210 onClicked: machineHeatedBedProvider.setPropertyValue("value", checked)
211 }
212 }
214 Row
215 {
216 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
218 Label
219 {
220 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "GCode Flavor")
221 }
223 ComboBox
224 {
225 model: ListModel
226 {
227 id: flavorModel
228 Component.onCompleted:
229 {
230 // Options come in as a string-representation of an OrderedDict
231 var options =^OrderedDict\(\[\((.*)\)\]\)$/);
232 if(options)
233 {
234 options = options[1].split("), (")
235 for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
236 {
237 var option = options[i].substring(1, options[i].length - 1).split("', '")
238 flavorModel.append({text: option[1], value: option[0]});
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 currentIndex:
244 {
245 var currentValue =;
246 var index = 0;
247 for(var i = 0; i < flavorModel.count; i++)
248 {
249 if(flavorModel.get(i).value == currentValue) {
250 index = i;
251 break;
252 }
253 }
254 return index
255 }
256 onActivated:
257 {
258 machineGCodeFlavorProvider.setPropertyValue("value", flavorModel.get(index).value);
259 manager.updateHasMaterialsMetadata();
260 }
261 }
262 }
263 }
265 Column
266 {
267 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
268 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
270 Label
271 {
272 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Printhead Settings")
273 font.bold: true
274 }
276 Grid
277 {
278 columns: 2
279 columnSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
280 rowSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
282 Label
283 {
284 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X min")
285 }
286 TextField
287 {
288 id: printheadXMinField
289 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("x", "min")
290 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
291 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
292 }
294 Label
295 {
296 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y min")
297 }
298 TextField
299 {
300 id: printheadYMinField
301 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("y", "min")
302 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
303 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
304 }
306 Label
307 {
308 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X max")
309 }
310 TextField
311 {
312 id: printheadXMaxField
313 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("x", "max")
314 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
315 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
316 }
318 Label
319 {
320 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y max")
321 }
322 TextField
323 {
324 id: printheadYMaxField
325 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("y", "max")
326 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
327 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
328 }
330 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
331 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
333 Label
334 {
335 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Gantry height")
336 }
337 Loader
338 {
339 id: gantryHeightField
340 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
341 property var propertyProvider: gantryHeightProvider
342 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
343 }
345 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
346 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
348 Label
349 {
350 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Number of Extruders")
351 visible: extruderCountComboBox.visible
352 }
354 ComboBox
355 {
356 id: extruderCountComboBox
357 visible: manager.definedExtruderCount > 1
358 model: ListModel
359 {
360 id: extruderCountModel
361 Component.onCompleted:
362 {
363 for(var i = 0; i < manager.definedExtruderCount; i++)
364 {
365 extruderCountModel.append({text: String(i + 1), value: i});
366 }
367 }
368 }
369 currentIndex: - 1
370 onActivated:
371 {
372 manager.setMachineExtruderCount(index + 1);
373 }
374 }
376 Label
377 {
378 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Material Diameter")
379 }
380 Loader
381 {
382 id: materialDiameterField
383 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
384 property var propertyProvider: materialDiameterProvider
385 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
386 }
387 Label
388 {
389 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle size")
390 visible: nozzleSizeField.visible
391 }
392 Loader
393 {
394 id: nozzleSizeField
395 visible: !Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants && == 1
396 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
397 property var propertyProvider: machineNozzleSizeProvider
398 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
399 }
400 }
401 }
64402 }
66 Grid
404 Row
67405 {
68 columns: 3
69 columnSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
406 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
407 anchors.left: parent.left
408 anchors.right: parent.right
409 height: parent.height - y
410 Column
411 {
412 height: parent.height
413 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
414 Label
415 {
416 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Start Gcode")
417 font.bold: true
418 }
419 TextArea
420 {
421 id: machineStartGcodeField
422 width: parent.width
423 height: parent.height - y
424 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
425 text:
426 onActiveFocusChanged:
427 {
428 if(!activeFocus)
429 {
430 machineStartGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", machineStartGcodeField.text)
431 }
432 }
433 Component.onCompleted:
434 {
435 wrapMode = TextEdit.NoWrap;
436 }
437 }
438 }
440 Column {
441 height: parent.height
442 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
443 Label
444 {
445 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "End Gcode")
446 font.bold: true
447 }
448 TextArea
449 {
450 id: machineEndGcodeField
451 width: parent.width
452 height: parent.height - y
453 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
454 text:
455 onActiveFocusChanged:
456 {
457 if(!activeFocus)
458 {
459 machineEndGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", machineEndGcodeField.text)
460 }
461 }
462 Component.onCompleted:
463 {
464 wrapMode = TextEdit.NoWrap;
465 }
466 }
467 }
468 }
470 function getHeadPolygonCoord(axis, minMax)
471 {
472 var polygon = JSON.parse(;
473 var item = (axis == "x") ? 0 : 1
474 var result = polygon[0][item];
475 for(var i = 1; i < polygon.length; i++) {
476 if (minMax == "min") {
477 result = Math.min(result, polygon[i][item]);
478 } else {
479 result = Math.max(result, polygon[i][item]);
480 }
481 }
482 return Math.abs(result);
483 }
485 function setHeadPolygon()
486 {
487 var polygon = [];
488 polygon.push([-parseFloat(printheadXMinField.text), parseFloat(printheadYMaxField.text)]);
489 polygon.push([-parseFloat(printheadXMinField.text),-parseFloat(printheadYMinField.text)]);
490 polygon.push([ parseFloat(printheadXMaxField.text), parseFloat(printheadYMaxField.text)]);
491 polygon.push([ parseFloat(printheadXMaxField.text),-parseFloat(printheadYMinField.text)]);
492 var polygon_string = JSON.stringify(polygon);
493 if(polygon !=
494 {
495 machineHeadPolygonProvider.setPropertyValue("value", polygon_string);
496 manager.forceUpdate();
497 }
498 }
499 }
500 }
502 onCurrentIndexChanged:
503 {
504 if(currentIndex > 0)
505 {
506 contentItem.forceActiveFocus();
507 ExtruderManager.setActiveExtruderIndex(currentIndex - 1);
508 }
509 }
511 Repeater
512 {
513 id: extruderTabsRepeater
514 model: base.extruderTabsCount
516 Tab
517 {
518 title: base.extrudersModel.getItem(index).name
519 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
521 Column
522 {
523 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
71525 Label
72526 {
73 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X (Width)")
74 }
75 TextField
527 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle Settings")
528 font.bold: true
529 }
531 Grid
76532 {
77 id: buildAreaWidthField
78 text:
79 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
80 onEditingFinished: { machineWidthProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text); manager.forceUpdate() }
81 }
82 Label
83 {
84 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
85 }
87 Label
88 {
89 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y (Depth)")
90 }
91 TextField
92 {
93 id: buildAreaDepthField
94 text:
95 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
96 onEditingFinished: { machineDepthProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text); manager.forceUpdate() }
97 }
98 Label
99 {
100 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
101 }
103 Label
104 {
105 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Z (Height)")
106 }
107 TextField
108 {
109 id: buildAreaHeightField
110 text:
111 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
112 onEditingFinished: { machineHeightProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text); manager.forceUpdate() }
113 }
114 Label
115 {
116 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
117 }
118 }
120 Column
121 {
533 columns: 2
534 columnSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
535 rowSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
537 Label
538 {
539 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle size")
540 visible: extruderNozzleSizeField.visible
541 }
542 Loader
543 {
544 id: extruderNozzleSizeField
545 visible: !Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants
546 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
547 property var propertyProvider: extruderNozzleSizeProvider
548 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
549 }
551 Label
552 {
553 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle offset X")
554 }
555 Loader
556 {
557 id: extruderOffsetXField
558 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
559 property var propertyProvider: extruderOffsetXProvider
560 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
561 property bool forceUpdateOnChange: true
562 property bool allowNegative: true
563 }
564 Label
565 {
566 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle offset Y")
567 }
568 Loader
569 {
570 id: extruderOffsetYField
571 sourceComponent: numericTextFieldWithUnit
572 property var propertyProvider: extruderOffsetYProvider
573 property string unit: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
574 property bool forceUpdateOnChange: true
575 property bool allowNegative: true
576 }
577 }
122579 Row
123580 {
124581 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
126 Label
127 {
128 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Build Plate Shape")
129 }
131 ComboBox
132 {
133 id: shapeComboBox
134 model: ListModel
135 {
136 id: shapesModel
582 anchors.left: parent.left
583 anchors.right: parent.right
584 height: parent.height - y
585 Column
586 {
587 height: parent.height
588 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
589 Label
590 {
591 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Extruder Start Gcode")
592 font.bold: true
593 }
594 TextArea
595 {
596 id: extruderStartGcodeField
597 width: parent.width
598 height: parent.height - y
599 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
600 text: ( ? : ""
601 onActiveFocusChanged:
602 {
603 if(!activeFocus)
604 {
605 extruderStartGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", extruderStartGcodeField.text)
606 }
607 }
137608 Component.onCompleted:
138609 {
139 // Options come in as a string-representation of an OrderedDict
140 var options =^OrderedDict\(\[\((.*)\)\]\)$/);
141 if(options)
610 wrapMode = TextEdit.NoWrap;
611 }
612 }
613 }
614 Column {
615 height: parent.height
616 width: settingsTabs.columnWidth
617 Label
618 {
619 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Extruder End Gcode")
620 font.bold: true
621 }
622 TextArea
623 {
624 id: extruderEndGcodeField
625 width: parent.width
626 height: parent.height - y
627 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
628 text: ( ? : ""
629 onActiveFocusChanged:
630 {
631 if(!activeFocus)
142632 {
143 options = options[1].split("), (")
144 for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
145 {
146 var option = options[i].substring(1, options[i].length - 1).split("', '")
147 shapesModel.append({text: option[1], value: option[0]});
148 }
633 extruderEndGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", extruderEndGcodeField.text)
149634 }
150635 }
151 }
152 currentIndex:
153 {
154 var currentValue =;
155 var index = 0;
156 for(var i = 0; i < shapesModel.count; i++)
157 {
158 if(shapesModel.get(i).value == currentValue) {
159 index = i;
160 break;
161 }
162 }
163 return index
164 }
165 onActivated:
166 {
167 machineShapeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", shapesModel.get(index).value);
168 manager.forceUpdate();
169 }
170 }
171 }
172 CheckBox
173 {
174 id: centerIsZeroCheckBox
175 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Machine Center is Zero")
176 checked: String( != 'false'
177 onClicked:
178 {
179 machineCenterIsZeroProvider.setPropertyValue("value", checked);
180 manager.forceUpdate();
181 }
182 }
183 CheckBox
184 {
185 id: heatedBedCheckBox
186 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Heated Bed")
187 checked: String( != 'false'
188 onClicked: machineHeatedBedProvider.setPropertyValue("value", checked)
189 }
190 }
192 Row
193 {
194 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
196 Label
197 {
198 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "GCode Flavor")
199 }
201 ComboBox
202 {
203 model: ListModel
204 {
205 id: flavorModel
206 Component.onCompleted:
207 {
208 // Options come in as a string-representation of an OrderedDict
209 var options =^OrderedDict\(\[\((.*)\)\]\)$/);
210 if(options)
211 {
212 options = options[1].split("), (")
213 for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
214 {
215 var option = options[i].substring(1, options[i].length - 1).split("', '")
216 flavorModel.append({text: option[1], value: option[0]});
217 }
218 }
219 }
220 }
221 currentIndex:
222 {
223 var currentValue =;
224 var index = 0;
225 for(var i = 0; i < flavorModel.count; i++)
226 {
227 if(flavorModel.get(i).value == currentValue) {
228 index = i;
229 break;
230 }
231 }
232 return index
233 }
234 onActivated:
235 {
236 machineGCodeFlavorProvider.setPropertyValue("value", flavorModel.get(index).value);
237 manager.updateHasMaterialsMetadata();
238 }
239 }
240 }
241 }
243 Column
244 {
245 width: parent.width / 2
246 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
248 Label
249 {
250 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Printhead Settings")
251 font.bold: true
252 }
254 Grid
255 {
256 columns: 3
257 columnSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
259 Label
260 {
261 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X min")
262 }
263 TextField
264 {
265 id: printheadXMinField
266 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("x", "min")
267 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
268 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
269 }
270 Label
271 {
272 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
273 }
275 Label
276 {
277 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y min")
278 }
279 TextField
280 {
281 id: printheadYMinField
282 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("y", "min")
283 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
284 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
285 }
286 Label
287 {
288 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
289 }
291 Label
292 {
293 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X max")
294 }
295 TextField
296 {
297 id: printheadXMaxField
298 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("x", "max")
299 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
300 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
301 }
302 Label
303 {
304 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
305 }
307 Label
308 {
309 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y max")
310 }
311 TextField
312 {
313 id: printheadYMaxField
314 text: getHeadPolygonCoord("y", "max")
315 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
316 onEditingFinished: setHeadPolygon()
317 }
318 Label
319 {
320 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
321 }
323 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
324 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
325 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
327 Label
328 {
329 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Gantry height")
330 }
331 TextField
332 {
333 id: gantryHeightField
334 text:
335 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
336 onEditingFinished: { gantryHeightProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text) }
337 }
338 Label
339 {
340 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
341 }
343 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
344 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
345 Item { width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
347 Label
348 {
349 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle size")
350 visible: !Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants
351 }
352 TextField
353 {
354 id: nozzleSizeField
355 text:
356 visible: !Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants
357 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
358 onEditingFinished: { machineNozzleSizeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text) }
359 }
360 Label
361 {
362 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm")
363 visible: !Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants
364 }
365 }
366 }
367 }
369 Row
370 {
371 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
372 anchors.left: parent.left
373 anchors.right: parent.right
374 height: parent.height - y
375 Column
376 {
377 height: parent.height
378 width: parent.width / 2
379 Label
380 {
381 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Start Gcode")
382 }
383 TextArea
384 {
385 id: machineStartGcodeField
386 width: parent.width
387 height: parent.height - y
388 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
389 wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
390 text:
391 onActiveFocusChanged:
392 {
393 if(!activeFocus)
394 {
395 machineStartGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", machineStartGcodeField.text)
396 }
397 }
398 }
399 }
400 Column {
401 height: parent.height
402 width: parent.width / 2
403 Label
404 {
405 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "End Gcode")
406 }
407 TextArea
408 {
409 id: machineEndGcodeField
410 width: parent.width
411 height: parent.height - y
412 font: UM.Theme.getFont("fixed")
413 wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
414 text:
415 onActiveFocusChanged:
416 {
417 if(!activeFocus)
418 {
419 machineEndGcodeProvider.setPropertyValue("value", machineEndGcodeField.text)
636 Component.onCompleted:
637 {
638 wrapMode = TextEdit.NoWrap;
639 }
640 }
420641 }
421642 }
422643 }
425646 }
426647 }
428 function getHeadPolygonCoord(axis, minMax)
429 {
430 var polygon = JSON.parse(;
431 var item = (axis == "x") ? 0 : 1
432 var result = polygon[0][item];
433 for(var i = 1; i < polygon.length; i++) {
434 if (minMax == "min") {
435 result = Math.min(result, polygon[i][item]);
436 } else {
437 result = Math.max(result, polygon[i][item]);
649 Component
650 {
651 id: numericTextFieldWithUnit
652 Item {
653 height: textField.height
654 width: textField.width
656 property bool _allowNegative: (typeof(allowNegative) === 'undefined') ? false : allowNegative
657 property bool _forceUpdateOnChange: (typeof(forceUpdateOnChange) === 'undefined') ? false: forceUpdateOnChange
659 TextField
660 {
661 id: textField
662 text: ( ? : ""
663 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: _allowNegative ? /-?[0-9\.]{0,6}/ : /[0-9\.]{0,6}/ }
664 onEditingFinished:
665 {
666 if (propertyProvider && text !=
667 {
668 propertyProvider.setPropertyValue("value", text);
669 if(_forceUpdateOnChange)
670 {
671 var extruderIndex = ExtruderManager.activeExtruderIndex;
672 manager.forceUpdate();
673 if(ExtruderManager.activeExtruderIndex != extruderIndex)
674 {
675 ExtruderManager.setActiveExtruderIndex(extruderIndex)
676 }
677 }
678 }
679 }
680 }
682 Label
683 {
684 text: unit
685 anchors.right: textField.right
686 anchors.rightMargin: y - textField.y
687 anchors.verticalCenter: textField.verticalCenter
438688 }
439689 }
440 return Math.abs(result);
441 }
443 function setHeadPolygon()
444 {
445 var polygon = [];
446 polygon.push([-parseFloat(printheadXMinField.text), parseFloat(printheadYMaxField.text)]);
447 polygon.push([-parseFloat(printheadXMinField.text),-parseFloat(printheadYMinField.text)]);
448 polygon.push([ parseFloat(printheadXMaxField.text), parseFloat(printheadYMaxField.text)]);
449 polygon.push([ parseFloat(printheadXMaxField.text),-parseFloat(printheadYMinField.text)]);
450 machineHeadPolygonProvider.setPropertyValue("value", JSON.stringify(polygon));
451 manager.forceUpdate();
452690 }
454692 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
524762 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
525763 {
764 id: materialDiameterProvider
766 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
767 key: "material_diameter"
768 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
769 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
770 }
772 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
773 {
526774 id: machineNozzleSizeProvider
528776 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
534782 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
535783 {
784 id: machineExtruderCountProvider
786 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
787 key: "machine_extruder_count"
788 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
789 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
790 }
792 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
793 {
536794 id: gantryHeightProvider
538796 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
572830 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
573831 }
833 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
834 {
835 id: extruderNozzleSizeProvider
837 containerStackId: settingsTabs.currentIndex > 0 ? Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId : ""
838 key: "machine_nozzle_size"
839 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
840 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
841 }
843 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
844 {
845 id: extruderOffsetXProvider
847 containerStackId: settingsTabs.currentIndex > 0 ? Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId : ""
848 key: "machine_nozzle_offset_x"
849 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
850 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
851 }
853 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
854 {
855 id: extruderOffsetYProvider
857 containerStackId: settingsTabs.currentIndex > 0 ? Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId : ""
858 key: "machine_nozzle_offset_y"
859 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
860 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
861 }
863 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
864 {
865 id: extruderStartGcodeProvider
867 containerStackId: settingsTabs.currentIndex > 0 ? Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId : ""
868 key: "machine_extruder_start_code"
869 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
870 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
871 }
873 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
874 {
875 id: extruderEndGcodeProvider
877 containerStackId: settingsTabs.currentIndex > 0 ? Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId : ""
878 key: "machine_extruder_end_code"
879 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
880 storeIndex: manager.containerIndex
881 }
575882 }
6262 stack_nr = -1
6363 stack = None
6464 # Check from what stack we should copy the raw property of the setting from.
65 if definition.limit_to_extruder != "-1" and self._stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
66 # A limit to extruder function was set and it's a multi extrusion machine. Check what stack we do need to use.
67 stack_nr = str(int(round(float(self._stack.getProperty(item, "limit_to_extruder")))))
65 if self._stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
66 if definition.limit_to_extruder != "-1":
67 # A limit to extruder function was set and it's a multi extrusion machine. Check what stack we do need to use.
68 stack_nr = str(int(round(float(self._stack.getProperty(item, "limit_to_extruder")))))
69 # Check if the found stack_number is in the extruder list of extruders.
70 if stack_nr not in ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds and self._stack.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value") is not None:
71 stack_nr = -1
70 # Check if the found stack_number is in the extruder list of extruders.
71 if stack_nr not in ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds and self._stack.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value") is not None:
72 stack_nr = -1
73 # Use the found stack number to get the right stack to copy the value from.
74 if stack_nr in ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds:
75 stack = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds[stack_nr])[0]
74 # Use the found stack number to get the right stack to copy the value from.
75 if stack_nr in ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds:
76 stack = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = ExtruderManager.getInstance().extruderIds[stack_nr])[0]
77 else:
78 stack = self._stack
7780 # Use the raw property to set the value (so the inheritance doesn't break)
7881 if stack is not None:
2424 anchors.left: parent.left;
2626 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
28 Row
29 {
30 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
31 Label
32 {
33 text: catalog.i18nc("@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down.", "Print model with")
34 anchors.verticalCenter: extruderSelector.verticalCenter
36 color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text")
37 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
38 visible: extruderSelector.visible
39 }
40 ComboBox
41 {
42 id: extruderSelector
44 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel
45 {
46 id: extrudersModel
47 onModelChanged: extruderSelector.color = extrudersModel.getItem(extruderSelector.currentIndex).color
48 }
49 property string color: extrudersModel.getItem(extruderSelector.currentIndex).color
50 visible: > 1
51 textRole: "name"
52 width: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").width
53 height: UM.Theme.getSize("section").height
54 MouseArea
55 {
56 anchors.fill: parent
57 acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
58 onWheel: wheel.accepted = true;
59 }
61 style: ComboBoxStyle
62 {
63 background: Rectangle
64 {
65 color:
66 {
67 if(extruderSelector.hovered || base.activeFocus)
68 {
69 return UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_highlight");
70 }
71 else
72 {
73 return UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control");
74 }
75 }
76 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
77 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
78 }
79 label: Item
80 {
81 Rectangle
82 {
83 id: swatch
84 height: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").height / 2
85 width: height
86 anchors.left: parent.left
87 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
88 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
90 color: extruderSelector.color
91 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
92 border.color: !enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_border") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
93 }
94 Label
95 {
96 anchors.left: swatch.right
97 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
98 anchors.right: downArrow.left
99 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
100 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
102 text: extruderSelector.currentText
103 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
104 color: !enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_text") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text")
106 elide: Text.ElideRight
107 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
108 }
110 UM.RecolorImage
111 {
112 id: downArrow
113 anchors.right: parent.right
114 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width * 2
115 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
117 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("arrow_bottom")
118 width: UM.Theme.getSize("standard_arrow").width
119 height: UM.Theme.getSize("standard_arrow").height
120 sourceSize.width: width + 5
121 sourceSize.height: width + 5
123 color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text")
124 }
125 }
126 }
128 onActivated:
129 {
130 UM.ActiveTool.setProperty("SelectedActiveExtruder", extrudersModel.getItem(index).id);
131 extruderSelector.color = extrudersModel.getItem(index).color;
132 }
133 onModelChanged: updateCurrentIndex();
135 function updateCurrentIndex()
136 {
137 for(var i = 0; i < extrudersModel.rowCount(); ++i)
138 {
139 if(extrudersModel.getItem(i).id =="SelectedActiveExtruder"))
140 {
141 extruderSelector.currentIndex = i;
142 extruderSelector.color = extrudersModel.getItem(i).color;
143 return;
144 }
145 }
146 extruderSelector.currentIndex = -1;
147 }
148 }
149 }
15128 Column
15229 {
263140 storeIndex: 0
264141 removeUnusedValue: false
265142 }
267 // If the extruder by which the object needs to be printed is changed, ensure that the
268 // display is also notified of the fact.
269 Connections
270 {
271 target: extruderSelector
272 onActivated: provider.forcePropertiesChanged()
273 }
274143 }
275144 }
276145 }
111111 self._single_model_selected = False # Group is selected, so tool needs to be disabled
112112 else:
113113 self._single_model_selected = True
114 Application.getInstance().getController().toolEnabledChanged.emit(self._plugin_id, (self._advanced_mode or self._multi_extrusion) and self._single_model_selected)
114 Application.getInstance().getController().toolEnabledChanged.emit(self._plugin_id, self._advanced_mode and self._single_model_selected)
3636 # meshes.
3737 # \param limit_mimetypes Should we limit the available MIME types to the
3838 # MIME types available to the currently active machine?
39 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None):
39 #
40 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None, **kwargs):
4041 filter_by_machine = True # This plugin is indended to be used by machine (regardless of what it was told to do)
4142 if self._writing:
4243 raise OutputDeviceError.DeviceBusyError()
9091 self.writeStarted.emit(self)
92 job._message = message
93 job.setMessage(message)
9394 self._writing = True
9495 job.start()
9596 except PermissionError as e:
116117 raise OutputDeviceError.WriteRequestFailedError("Could not find a file name when trying to write to {device}.".format(device = self.getName()))
118119 def _onProgress(self, job, progress):
119 if hasattr(job, "_message"):
120 job._message.setProgress(progress)
121120 self.writeProgress.emit(self, progress)
123122 def _onFinished(self, job):
125124 # Explicitly closing the stream flushes the write-buffer
126125 self._stream.close()
127126 self._stream = None
129 if hasattr(job, "_message"):
130 job._message.hide()
131 job._message = None
133128 self._writing = False
134129 self.writeFinished.emit(self)
3434 @pyqtSlot()
3535 def startDiscovery(self):
3636 if not self._network_plugin:
37 Logger.log("d", "Starting printer discovery.")
3738 self._network_plugin = Application.getInstance().getOutputDeviceManager().getOutputDevicePlugin("UM3NetworkPrinting")
3839 self._network_plugin.printerListChanged.connect(self._onPrinterDiscoveryChanged)
3940 self.printersChanged.emit()
4142 ## Re-filters the list of printers.
4243 @pyqtSlot()
4344 def reset(self):
45 Logger.log("d", "Reset the list of found printers.")
4446 self.printersChanged.emit()
4648 @pyqtSlot()
9597 @pyqtSlot(str)
9698 def setKey(self, key):
99 Logger.log("d", "Attempting to set the network key of the active machine to %s", key)
97100 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
98101 if global_container_stack:
99102 meta_data = global_container_stack.getMetaData()
100103 if "um_network_key" in meta_data:
101104 global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("um_network_key", key)
102105 # Delete old authentication data.
106 Logger.log("d", "Removing old authentication id %s for device %s", global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", None), key)
103107 global_container_stack.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
104108 global_container_stack.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
105109 else:
1111 anchors.fill: parent;
1212 property var selectedPrinter: null
1313 property bool completeProperties: true
14 property var connectingToPrinter: null
1615 Connections
1716 {
3231 if(base.selectedPrinter && base.completeProperties)
3332 {
3433 var printerKey = base.selectedPrinter.getKey()
35 if(connectingToPrinter != printerKey) {
36 // prevent an infinite loop
37 connectingToPrinter = printerKey;
34 if(manager.getStoredKey() != printerKey)
35 {
3836 manager.setKey(printerKey);
3937 completed();
4038 }
341339 {
342340 regExp: /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]*/
343341 }
343 onAccepted: btnOk.clicked()
344344 }
345345 }
354354 }
355355 },
356356 Button {
357 id: btnOk
357358 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Ok")
358359 onClicked:
359360 {
200200 def _onAuthenticationRequired(self, reply, authenticator):
201201 if self._authentication_id is not None and self._authentication_key is not None:
202 Logger.log("d", "Authentication was required. Setting up authenticator with ID %s",self._authentication_id )
202 Logger.log("d", "Authentication was required. Setting up authenticator with ID %s and key %s", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
203203 authenticator.setUser(self._authentication_id)
204204 authenticator.setPassword(self._authentication_key)
205205 else:
206 Logger.log("d", "No authentication was required. The ID is: %s", self._authentication_id)
206 Logger.log("d", "No authentication is available to use, but we did got a request for it.")
208208 def getProperties(self):
209209 return self._properties
282282 #
283283 # /param temperature The new target temperature of the bed.
284284 def _setTargetBedTemperature(self, temperature):
285 if self._target_bed_temperature == temperature:
285 if not self._updateTargetBedTemperature(temperature):
286286 return
287 self._target_bed_temperature = temperature
288 self.targetBedTemperatureChanged.emit()
290288 url = QUrl("http://" + self._address + self._api_prefix + "printer/bed/temperature/target")
291289 data = str(temperature)
293291 put_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, "application/json")
294292 self._manager.put(put_request, data.encode())
294 ## Updates the target bed temperature from the printer, and emit a signal if it was changed.
295 #
296 # /param temperature The new target temperature of the bed.
297 # /return boolean, True if the temperature was changed, false if the new temperature has the same value as the already stored temperature
298 def _updateTargetBedTemperature(self, temperature):
299 if self._target_bed_temperature == temperature:
300 return False
301 self._target_bed_temperature = temperature
302 self.targetBedTemperatureChanged.emit()
303 return True
296305 def _stopCamera(self):
297306 self._camera_timer.stop()
298307 if self._image_reply:
299 self._image_reply.abort()
300 self._image_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onStreamDownloadProgress)
308 try:
309 self._image_reply.abort()
310 self._image_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onStreamDownloadProgress)
311 except RuntimeError:
312 pass # It can happen that the wrapped c++ object is already deleted.
301313 self._image_reply = None
302314 self._image_request = None
527539 bed_temperature = self._json_printer_state["bed"]["temperature"]["current"]
528540 self._setBedTemperature(bed_temperature)
529541 target_bed_temperature = self._json_printer_state["bed"]["temperature"]["target"]
530 self._setTargetBedTemperature(target_bed_temperature)
542 self._updateTargetBedTemperature(target_bed_temperature)
532544 head_x = self._json_printer_state["heads"][0]["position"]["x"]
533545 head_y = self._json_printer_state["heads"][0]["position"]["y"]
600612 # This is ignored.
601613 # \param filter_by_machine Whether to filter MIME types by machine. This
602614 # is ignored.
603 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None):
615 # \param kwargs Keyword arguments.
616 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None, **kwargs):
604617 if self._printer_state != "idle":
605618 self._error_message = Message(
606619 i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s.") % self._printer_state)
627640 if self._json_printer_state["heads"][0]["extruders"][index]["hotend"]["id"] == "":
628641 Logger.log("e", "No cartridge loaded in slot %s, unable to start print", index + 1)
629642 self._error_message = Message(
630 i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}".format(index + 1)))
643 i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}".format(index + 1)))
632645 return
633646 if self._json_printer_state["heads"][0]["extruders"][index]["active_material"]["guid"] == "":
715728 ## Start requesting data from printer
716729 def connect(self):
717 self.close() # Ensure that previous connection (if any) is killed.
730 if self.isConnected():
731 self.close() # Close previous connection
719733 self._createNetworkManager()
727741 ## Check if this machine was authenticated before.
728742 self._authentication_id = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", None)
729743 self._authentication_key = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", None)
730 Logger.log("d", "Loaded authentication id %s from the metadata entry", self._authentication_id)
745 if self._authentication_id is None and self._authentication_key is None:
746 Logger.log("d", "No authentication found in metadata.")
747 else:
748 Logger.log("d", "Loaded authentication id %s and key %s from the metadata entry", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
731750 self._update_timer.start()
733752 ## Stop requesting data from printer
866885 ## Check if the authentication request was allowed by the printer.
867886 def _checkAuthentication(self):
868 Logger.log("d", "Checking if authentication is correct for id %s", self._authentication_id)
887 Logger.log("d", "Checking if authentication is correct for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
869888 self._manager.get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("http://" + self._address + self._api_prefix + "auth/check/" + str(self._authentication_id))))
871890 ## Request a authentication key from the printer so we can be authenticated
946965 if status_code == 200:
947966 if self._connection_state == ConnectionState.connecting:
948967 self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.connected)
949 self._json_printer_state = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
968 try:
969 self._json_printer_state = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
970 except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
971 Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid printer state message: Not valid JSON.")
972 return
950973 self._spliceJSONData()
952975 # Hide connection error message if the connection was restored
958981 pass # TODO: Handle errors
959982 elif "print_job" in reply_url: # Status update from print_job:
960983 if status_code == 200:
961 json_data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
984 try:
985 json_data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
986 except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
987 Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid print job state message: Not valid JSON.")
988 return
962989 progress = json_data["progress"]
963990 ## If progress is 0 add a bit so another print can't be sent.
964991 if progress == 0:
10361063 else:
10371064 global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", self._authentication_id)
10381065 Application.getInstance().saveStack(global_container_stack) # Force save so we are sure the data is not lost.
1039 Logger.log("i", "Authentication succeeded for id %s", self._authentication_id)
1066 Logger.log("i", "Authentication succeeded for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
10401067 else: # Got a response that we didn't expect, so something went wrong.
10411068 Logger.log("e", "While trying to authenticate, we got an unexpected response: %s", reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute))
10421069 self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.NotAuthenticated)
10441071 elif "auth/check" in reply_url: # Check if we are authenticated (user can refuse this!)
1045 data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
1072 try:
1073 data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
1074 except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
1075 Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid authentication check from printer: Not valid JSON.")
1076 return
10461077 if data.get("message", "") == "authorized":
10471078 Logger.log("i", "Authentication was approved")
10481079 self._verifyAuthentication() # Ensure that the verification is really used and correct.
10551086 elif reply.operation() == QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation:
10561087 if "/auth/request" in reply_url:
10571088 # We got a response to requesting authentication.
1058 data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
1089 try:
1090 data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
1091 except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
1092 Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid authentication request reply from printer: Not valid JSON.")
1093 return
10591094 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
10601095 if global_container_stack: # Remove any old data.
10611096 Logger.log("d", "Removing old network authentication data as a new one was requested.")
10661101 self._authentication_key = data["key"]
10671102 self._authentication_id = data["id"]
1068 Logger.log("i", "Got a new authentication ID. Waiting for authorization: %s", self._authentication_id )
1103 Logger.log("i", "Got a new authentication ID (%s) and KEY (%s). Waiting for authorization.", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
10701105 # Check if the authentication is accepted.
10711106 self._checkAuthentication()
11351170 icon=QMessageBox.Question,
11361171 callback=callback
11371172 )
1174 ## Convenience function to "blur" out all but the last 5 characters of the auth key.
1175 # This can be used to debug print the key, without it compromising the security.
1176 def _getSafeAuthKey(self):
1177 if self._authentication_key is not None:
1178 result = self._authentication_key[-5:]
1179 result = "********" + result
1180 return result
1181 return self._authentication_key
157157 for key in self._printers:
158158 if key == active_machine.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key"):
159 Logger.log("d", "Connecting [%s]..." % key)
160 self._printers[key].connect()
161 self._printers[key].connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
159 if not self._printers[key].isConnected():
160 Logger.log("d", "Connecting [%s]..." % key)
161 self._printers[key].connect()
162 self._printers[key].connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
162163 else:
163164 if self._printers[key].isConnected():
164165 Logger.log("d", "Closing connection [%s]..." % key)
165166 self._printers[key].close()
167 self._printers[key].connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
167169 ## Because the model needs to be created in the same thread as the QMLEngine, we use a signal.
168170 def addPrinter(self, name, address, properties):
180182 printer = self._printers.pop(name, None)
181183 if printer:
182184 if printer.isConnected():
185 printer.disconnect()
183186 printer.connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
184187 Logger.log("d", "removePrinter, disconnecting [%s]..." % name)
185 printer.disconnect()
186188 self.printerListChanged.emit()
188190 ## Handler for when the connection state of one of the detected printers changes
1818 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
1919 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
2122 class USBPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
2323 def __init__(self, serial_port):
2424 super().__init__(serial_port)
2525 self.setName(catalog.i18nc("@item:inmenu", "USB printing"))
147147 ## Start a print based on a g-code.
148148 # \param gcode_list List with gcode (strings).
149149 def printGCode(self, gcode_list):
150 Logger.log("d", "Started printing g-code")
150151 if self._progress or self._connection_state != ConnectionState.connected:
151152 self._error_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."))
183184 ## Private function (threaded) that actually uploads the firmware.
184185 def _updateFirmware(self):
186 Logger.log("d", "Attempting to update firmware")
185187 self._error_code = 0
186188 self.setProgress(0, 100)
187189 self._firmware_update_finished = False
201203 try:
202204 programmer.connect(self._serial_port)
203205 except Exception:
206 programmer.close()
204207 pass
206209 # Give programmer some time to connect. Might need more in some cases, but this worked in all tested cases.
311314 programmer.connect(self._serial_port) # Connect with the serial, if this succeeds, it's an arduino based usb device.
312315 self._serial = programmer.leaveISP()
313316 except ispBase.IspError as e:
317 programmer.close()
314318 Logger.log("i", "Could not establish connection on %s: %s. Device is not arduino based." %(self._serial_port,str(e)))
315319 except Exception as e:
320 programmer.close()
316321 Logger.log("i", "Could not establish connection on %s, unknown reasons. Device is not arduino based." % self._serial_port)
318323 # If the programmer connected, we know its an atmega based version.
442447 # This is ignored.
443448 # \param filter_by_machine Whether to filter MIME types by machine. This
444449 # is ignored.
445 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None):
450 # \param kwargs Keyword arguments.
451 def requestWrite(self, nodes, file_name = None, filter_by_machine = False, file_handler = None, **kwargs):
446452 container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
448454 if container_stack.getProperty("machine_gcode_flavor", "value") == "UltiGCode":
531537 self._sendNextGcodeLine()
532538 elif b"resend" in line.lower() or b"rs" in line: # Because a resend can be asked with "resend" and "rs"
533539 try:
540 Logger.log("d", "Got a resend response")
534541 self._gcode_position = int(line.replace(b"N:",b" ").replace(b"N",b" ").replace(b":",b" ").split()[-1])
535542 except:
536543 if b"rs" in line:
557564 if ";" in line:
558565 line = line[:line.find(";")]
559566 line = line.strip()
568 # Don't send empty lines. But we do have to send something, so send
569 # m105 instead.
570 # Don't send the M0 or M1 to the machine, as M0 and M1 are handled as
571 # an LCD menu pause.
572 if line == "" or line == "M0" or line == "M1":
573 line = "M105"
560574 try:
561 if line == "M0" or line == "M1":
562 line = "M105" # Don't send the M0 or M1 to the machine, as M0 and M1 are handled as an LCD menu pause.
563575 if ("G0" in line or "G1" in line) and "Z" in line:
564576 z = float("Z([0-9\.]*)", line).group(1))
565577 if self._current_z != z:
566578 self._current_z = z
567579 except Exception as e:
568 Logger.log("e", "Unexpected error with printer connection: %s" % e)
580 Logger.log("e", "Unexpected error with printer connection, could not parse current Z: %s: %s" % (e, line))
569581 self._setErrorState("Unexpected error: %s" %e)
570582 checksum = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, "N%d%s" % (self._gcode_position, line)))
664676 def cancelPreheatBed(self):
665677 Logger.log("i", "Cancelling pre-heating of the bed.")
666678 self._setTargetBedTemperature(0)
667 self.preheatBedRemainingTimeChanged.emit()
679 self.preheatBedRemainingTimeChanged.emit()
235235 self.getOutputDeviceManager().removeOutputDevice(serial_port)
236236 self.connectionStateChanged.emit()
237237 except KeyError:
238 pass # no output device by this device_id found in connection list.
238 Logger.log("w", "Connection state of %s changed, but it was not found in the list")
241240 @pyqtProperty(QObject , notify = connectionStateChanged)
242241 def connectedPrinterList(self):
259258 i = 0
260259 while True:
261260 values = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
262 if not only_list_usb or "USBSER" in values[0]:
261 if not only_list_usb or "USBSER" or "VCP" in values[0]:
263262 base_list += [values[1]]
264263 i += 1
265264 except Exception as e:
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Uranium is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
4 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
5 from cura.MachineAction import MachineAction
6 from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty
8 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
9 from UM.Application import Application
10 from UM.Util import parseBool
11 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
13 import UM.Settings.InstanceContainer
16 ## The Ultimaker 2 can have a few revisions & upgrades.
17 class UM2UpgradeSelection(MachineAction):
18 def __init__(self):
19 super().__init__("UM2UpgradeSelection", catalog.i18nc("@action", "Select upgrades"))
20 self._qml_url = "UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml"
22 self._container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
24 def _reset(self):
25 self.hasVariantsChanged.emit()
27 hasVariantsChanged = pyqtSignal()
29 @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = hasVariantsChanged)
30 def hasVariants(self):
31 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
32 if global_container_stack:
33 return parseBool(global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants", "false"))
35 @pyqtSlot(bool)
36 def setHasVariants(self, has_variants = True):
37 global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
38 if global_container_stack:
39 variant_container = global_container_stack.variant
40 variant_index = global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(variant_container)
42 if has_variants:
43 if "has_variants" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
44 global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("has_variants", True)
45 else:
46 global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("has_variants", True)
48 # Set the variant container to a sane default
49 empty_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
50 if type(variant_container) == type(empty_container):
51 search_criteria = { "type": "variant", "definition": "ultimaker2", "id": "*0.4*" }
52 containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
53 if containers:
54 global_container_stack.variant = containers[0]
55 else:
56 # The metadata entry is stored in an ini, and ini files are parsed as strings only.
57 # Because any non-empty string evaluates to a boolean True, we have to remove the entry to make it False.
58 if "has_variants" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
59 global_container_stack.removeMetaDataEntry("has_variants")
61 # Set the variant container to an empty variant
62 global_container_stack.variant = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
64 Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.emit()
0 // Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
5 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
6 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
8 import UM 1.2 as UM
9 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
12 Cura.MachineAction
13 {
14 anchors.fill: parent;
15 Item
16 {
17 id: upgradeSelectionMachineAction
18 anchors.fill: parent
20 Label
21 {
22 id: pageTitle
23 width: parent.width
24 text: catalog.i18nc("@title", "Select Printer Upgrades")
25 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
26 font.pointSize: 18;
27 }
29 Label
30 {
31 id: pageDescription
32 pageTitle.bottom
33 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
34 width: parent.width
35 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
36 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2.");
37 }
39 CheckBox
40 {
41 pageDescription.bottom
42 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
44 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Olsson Block")
45 checked: manager.hasVariants
46 onClicked: manager.setHasVariants(checked)
47 }
49 UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog; name: "cura"; }
50 }
51 }
1010 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
1212 import UM.Settings.InstanceContainer
13 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
1515 ## The Ultimaker Original can have a few revisions & upgrades. This action helps with selecting them, so they are added
1616 # as a variant.
4848 definition = global_container_stack.getBottom()
4949 definition_changes_container.setDefinition(definition)
5050 definition_changes_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "definition_changes")
51 definition_changes_container.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
5253 UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(definition_changes_container)
53 # Insert definition_changes between the definition and the variant
54 global_container_stack.insertContainer(-1, definition_changes_container)
54 global_container_stack.definitionChanges = definition_changes_container
5656 return definition_changes_container
44 from . import UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction
55 from . import UMOCheckupMachineAction
66 from . import UMOUpgradeSelection
7 from . import UM2UpgradeSelection
89 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
910 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
2021 }
2223 def register(app):
23 return { "machine_action": [BedLevelMachineAction.BedLevelMachineAction(), UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction(), UMOCheckupMachineAction.UMOCheckupMachineAction(), UMOUpgradeSelection.UMOUpgradeSelection()]}
24 return { "machine_action": [
25 BedLevelMachineAction.BedLevelMachineAction(),
26 UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction(),
27 UMOCheckupMachineAction.UMOCheckupMachineAction(),
28 UMOUpgradeSelection.UMOUpgradeSelection(),
29 UM2UpgradeSelection.UM2UpgradeSelection()
30 ]}
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 import configparser #To get version numbers from config files.
248248 def getCfgVersion(self, serialised):
249249 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
250250 parser.read_string(serialised)
251 return int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
251 format_version = int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
252 setting_version = int(parser.get("metadata", "setting_version", fallback = 0))
253 return format_version * 1000000 + setting_version
253255 ## Gets the fallback quality to use for a specific machine-variant-material
254256 # combination.
1717 "api": 3
1818 },
1919 "version_upgrade": {
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("profile", 1): ("quality", 2, upgrade.upgradeProfile),
22 ("machine_instance", 1): ("machine_stack", 2, upgrade.upgradeMachineInstance),
23 ("preferences", 2): ("preferences", 3, upgrade.upgradePreferences)
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("profile", 1000000): ("quality", 2000000, upgrade.upgradeProfile),
22 ("machine_instance", 1000000): ("machine_stack", 2000000, upgrade.upgradeMachineInstance),
23 ("preferences", 2000000): ("preferences", 3000000, upgrade.upgradePreferences)
2424 },
2525 "sources": {
2626 "profile": {
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 import configparser #To get version numbers from config files.
7676 with open(variant_path, "r") as fhandle:
7777 variant_config.read_file(fhandle)
79 config_name = "Unknown Variant"
7980 if variant_config.has_section("general") and variant_config.has_option("general", "name"):
8081 config_name = variant_config.get("general", "name")
8182 if config_name.endswith("_variant"):
140141 config.write(output)
141142 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
144 def upgradeQuality(self, serialised, filename):
145 config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
146 config.read_string(serialised) # Read the input string as config file.
147 config.set("metadata", "type", "quality_changes") # Update metadata/type to quality_changes
148 config.set("general", "version", "2") # Just bump the version number. That is all we need for now.
150 output = io.StringIO()
151 config.write(output)
152 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
143154 def getCfgVersion(self, serialised):
144155 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
145156 parser.read_string(serialised)
146 return int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
157 format_version = int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
158 setting_version = int(parser.get("metadata", "setting_version", fallback = 0))
159 return format_version * 1000000 + setting_version
1717 "api": 3
1818 },
1919 "version_upgrade": {
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("machine_instance", 2): ("machine_stack", 3, upgrade.upgradeMachineInstance),
22 ("extruder_train", 2): ("extruder_train", 3, upgrade.upgradeExtruderTrain),
23 ("preferences", 3): ("preferences", 4, upgrade.upgradePreferences)
25 },
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("machine_instance", 2000000): ("machine_stack", 3000000, upgrade.upgradeMachineInstance),
22 ("extruder_train", 2000000): ("extruder_train", 3000000, upgrade.upgradeExtruderTrain),
23 ("preferences", 3000000): ("preferences", 4000000, upgrade.upgradePreferences),
24 ("quality", 2000000): ("quality_changes", 2000000, upgrade.upgradeQuality),
25 },
2626 "sources": {
2727 "machine_stack": {
2828 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/ less more
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import configparser #To parse the files we need to upgrade and write the new files.
4 import io #To serialise configparser output to a string.
6 from UM.VersionUpgrade import VersionUpgrade
8 _removed_settings = { #Settings that were removed in 2.5.
9 "start_layers_at_same_position"
10 }
12 ## A collection of functions that convert the configuration of the user in Cura
13 # 2.4 to a configuration for Cura 2.5.
14 #
15 # All of these methods are essentially stateless.
16 class VersionUpgrade24to25(VersionUpgrade):
17 ## Gets the version number from a CFG file in Uranium's 2.4 format.
18 #
19 # Since the format may change, this is implemented for the 2.4 format only
20 # and needs to be included in the version upgrade system rather than
21 # globally in Uranium.
22 #
23 # \param serialised The serialised form of a CFG file.
24 # \return The version number stored in the CFG file.
25 # \raises ValueError The format of the version number in the file is
26 # incorrect.
27 # \raises KeyError The format of the file is incorrect.
28 def getCfgVersion(self, serialised):
29 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
30 parser.read_string(serialised)
31 return int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
33 ## Upgrades the preferences file from version 2.4 to 2.5.
34 #
35 # \param serialised The serialised form of a preferences file.
36 # \param filename The name of the file to upgrade.
37 def upgradePreferences(self, serialised, filename):
38 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
39 parser.read_string(serialised)
41 #Remove settings from the visible_settings.
42 if parser.has_section("general") and "visible_settings" in parser["general"]:
43 visible_settings = parser["general"]["visible_settings"].split(";")
44 visible_settings = filter(lambda setting: setting not in _removed_settings, visible_settings)
45 parser["general"]["visible_settings"] = ";".join(visible_settings)
47 #Change the version number in the file.
48 if parser.has_section("general"): #It better have!
49 parser["general"]["version"] = "5"
51 #Re-serialise the file.
52 output = io.StringIO()
53 parser.write(output)
54 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
56 ## Upgrades an instance container from version 2.4 to 2.5.
57 #
58 # \param serialised The serialised form of a quality profile.
59 # \param filename The name of the file to upgrade.
60 def upgradeInstanceContainer(self, serialised, filename):
61 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
62 parser.read_string(serialised)
64 #Remove settings from the [values] section.
65 if parser.has_section("values"):
66 for removed_setting in (_removed_settings & parser["values"].keys()): #Both in keys that need to be removed and in keys present in the file.
67 del parser["values"][removed_setting]
69 #Change the version number in the file.
70 if parser.has_section("general"):
71 parser["general"]["version"] = "3"
73 #Re-serialise the file.
74 output = io.StringIO()
75 parser.write(output)
76 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/ less more
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from . import VersionUpgrade24to25
5 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
6 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
8 upgrade = VersionUpgrade24to25.VersionUpgrade24to25()
10 def getMetaData():
11 return {
12 "plugin": {
13 "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"),
14 "author": "Ultimaker",
15 "version": "1.0",
16 "description": catalog.i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."),
17 "api": 3
18 },
19 "version_upgrade": {
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("preferences", 4): ("preferences", 5, upgrade.upgradePreferences),
22 ("quality", 2): ("quality", 3, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer),
23 ("variant", 2): ("variant", 3, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer), #We can re-use upgradeContainerStack since there is nothing specific to quality, variant or user profiles being changed.
24 ("user", 2): ("user", 3, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer)
25 },
26 "sources": {
27 "quality": {
28 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
29 "location": {"./quality"}
30 },
31 "preferences": {
32 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
33 "location": {"."}
34 },
35 "user": {
36 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
37 "location": {"./user"}
38 }
39 }
40 }
42 def register(app):
43 return {}
44 return { "version_upgrade": upgrade }
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import configparser #To parse the files we need to upgrade and write the new files.
4 import io #To serialise configparser output to a string.
6 from UM.VersionUpgrade import VersionUpgrade
7 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
9 _removed_settings = { #Settings that were removed in 2.5.
10 "start_layers_at_same_position",
11 "sub_div_rad_mult"
12 }
14 _split_settings = { #These settings should be copied to all settings it was split into.
15 "support_interface_line_distance": {"support_roof_line_distance", "support_bottom_line_distance"}
16 }
18 ## A collection of functions that convert the configuration of the user in Cura
19 # 2.5 to a configuration for Cura 2.6.
20 #
21 # All of these methods are essentially stateless.
22 class VersionUpgrade25to26(VersionUpgrade):
23 ## Gets the version number from a CFG file in Uranium's 2.5 format.
24 #
25 # Since the format may change, this is implemented for the 2.5 format only
26 # and needs to be included in the version upgrade system rather than
27 # globally in Uranium.
28 #
29 # \param serialised The serialised form of a CFG file.
30 # \return The version number stored in the CFG file.
31 # \raises ValueError The format of the version number in the file is
32 # incorrect.
33 # \raises KeyError The format of the file is incorrect.
34 def getCfgVersion(self, serialised):
35 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
36 parser.read_string(serialised)
37 format_version = int(parser.get("general", "version")) #Explicitly give an exception when this fails. That means that the file format is not recognised.
38 setting_version = int(parser.get("metadata", "setting_version", fallback = 0))
39 return format_version * 1000000 + setting_version
41 ## Upgrades the preferences file from version 2.5 to 2.6.
42 #
43 # \param serialised The serialised form of a preferences file.
44 # \param filename The name of the file to upgrade.
45 def upgradePreferences(self, serialised, filename):
46 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
47 parser.read_string(serialised)
49 #Remove settings from the visible_settings.
50 if parser.has_section("general") and "visible_settings" in parser["general"]:
51 visible_settings = parser["general"]["visible_settings"].split(";")
52 new_visible_settings = []
53 for setting in visible_settings:
54 if setting in _removed_settings:
55 continue #Skip.
56 if setting in _split_settings:
57 for replaced_setting in _split_settings[setting]:
58 new_visible_settings.append(replaced_setting)
59 continue #Don't add the original.
60 new_visible_settings.append(setting) #No special handling, so just add the original visible setting back.
61 parser["general"]["visible_settings"] = ";".join(new_visible_settings)
63 #Change the version number in the file.
64 if parser.has_section("general"): #It better have!
65 parser["general"]["version"] = "5"
67 #Re-serialise the file.
68 output = io.StringIO()
69 parser.write(output)
70 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
72 ## Upgrades an instance container from version 2.5 to 2.6.
73 #
74 # \param serialised The serialised form of a quality profile.
75 # \param filename The name of the file to upgrade.
76 def upgradeInstanceContainer(self, serialised, filename):
77 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
78 parser.read_string(serialised)
80 #Remove settings from the [values] section.
81 if parser.has_section("values"):
82 for removed_setting in (_removed_settings & parser["values"].keys()): #Both in keys that need to be removed and in keys present in the file.
83 del parser["values"][removed_setting]
84 for replaced_setting in (_split_settings.keys() & parser["values"].keys()):
85 for replacement in _split_settings[replaced_setting]:
86 parser["values"][replacement] = parser["values"][replaced_setting] #Copy to replacement before removing the original!
87 del replaced_setting
89 for each_section in ("general", "metadata"):
90 if not parser.has_section(each_section):
91 parser.add_section(each_section)
93 # Change the version number in the file.
94 parser["metadata"]["setting_version"] = str(CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
96 # Update version
97 parser["general"]["version"] = "2"
99 #Re-serialise the file.
100 output = io.StringIO()
101 parser.write(output)
102 return [filename], [output.getvalue()]
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 from . import VersionUpgrade25to26
5 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
6 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
8 upgrade = VersionUpgrade25to26.VersionUpgrade25to26()
10 def getMetaData():
11 return {
12 "plugin": {
13 "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"),
14 "author": "Ultimaker",
15 "version": "1.0",
16 "description": catalog.i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."),
17 "api": 3
18 },
19 "version_upgrade": {
20 # From To Upgrade function
21 ("preferences", 4000000): ("preferences", 4000001, upgrade.upgradePreferences),
22 # NOTE: All the instance containers share the same general/version, so we have to update all of them
23 # if any is updated.
24 ("quality_changes", 2000000): ("quality_changes", 2000001, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer),
25 ("user", 2000000): ("user", 2000001, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer),
26 ("quality", 2000000): ("quality", 2000001, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer),
27 ("definition_changes", 2000000): ("definition_changes", 2000001, upgrade.upgradeInstanceContainer),
28 },
29 "sources": {
30 "quality_changes": {
31 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
32 "location": {"./quality"}
33 },
34 "preferences": {
35 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
36 "location": {"."}
37 },
38 "user": {
39 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
40 "location": {"./user"}
41 },
42 "definition_changes": {
43 "get_version": upgrade.getCfgVersion,
44 "location": {"./machine_instances"}
45 }
46 }
47 }
49 def register(app):
50 return { "version_upgrade": upgrade }
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import configparser #To check whether the appropriate exceptions are raised.
4 import pytest #To register tests with.
6 import VersionUpgrade25to26 #The module we're testing.
8 ## Creates an instance of the upgrader to test with.
9 @pytest.fixture
10 def upgrader():
11 return VersionUpgrade25to26.VersionUpgrade25to26()
13 test_cfg_version_good_data = [
14 {
15 "test_name": "Simple",
16 "file_data": """[general]
17 version = 1
18 """,
19 "version": 1000000
20 },
21 {
22 "test_name": "Other Data Around",
23 "file_data": """[nonsense]
24 life = good
26 [general]
27 version = 3
29 [values]
30 layer_height = 0.12
31 infill_sparse_density = 42
32 """,
33 "version": 3000000
34 },
35 {
36 "test_name": "Negative Version", #Why not?
37 "file_data": """[general]
38 version = -20
39 """,
40 "version": -20000000
41 },
42 {
43 "test_name": "Setting Version",
44 "file_data": """[general]
45 version = 1
46 [metadata]
47 setting_version = 1
48 """,
49 "version": 1000001
50 },
51 {
52 "test_name": "Negative Setting Version",
53 "file_data": """[general]
54 version = 1
55 [metadata]
56 setting_version = -3
57 """,
58 "version": 999997
59 }
60 ]
62 ## Tests the technique that gets the version number from CFG files.
63 #
64 # \param data The parametrised data to test with. It contains a test name
65 # to debug with, the serialised contents of a CFG file and the correct
66 # version number in that CFG file.
67 # \param upgrader The instance of the upgrade class to test.
68 @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_cfg_version_good_data)
69 def test_cfgVersionGood(data, upgrader):
70 version = upgrader.getCfgVersion(data["file_data"])
71 assert version == data["version"]
73 test_cfg_version_bad_data = [
74 {
75 "test_name": "Empty",
76 "file_data": "",
77 "exception": configparser.Error #Explicitly not specified further which specific error we're getting, because that depends on the implementation of configparser.
78 },
79 {
80 "test_name": "No General",
81 "file_data": """[values]
82 layer_height = 0.1337
83 """,
84 "exception": configparser.Error
85 },
86 {
87 "test_name": "No Version",
88 "file_data": """[general]
89 true = false
90 """,
91 "exception": configparser.Error
92 },
93 {
94 "test_name": "Not a Number",
95 "file_data": """[general]
96 version = not-a-text-version-number
97 """,
98 "exception": ValueError
99 },
100 {
101 "test_name": "Setting Value NaN",
102 "file_data": """[general]
103 version = 4
104 [metadata]
105 setting_version = latest_or_something
106 """,
107 "exception": ValueError
108 },
109 {
110 "test_name": "Major-Minor",
111 "file_data": """[general]
112 version = 1.2
113 """,
114 "exception": ValueError
115 }
116 ]
118 ## Tests whether getting a version number from bad CFG files gives an
119 # exception.
120 #
121 # \param data The parametrised data to test with. It contains a test name
122 # to debug with, the serialised contents of a CFG file and the class of
123 # exception it needs to throw.
124 # \param upgrader The instance of the upgrader to test.
125 @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_cfg_version_bad_data)
126 def test_cfgVersionBad(data, upgrader):
127 with pytest.raises(data["exception"]):
128 upgrader.getCfgVersion(data["file_data"])
130 test_upgrade_preferences_removed_settings_data = [
131 {
132 "test_name": "Removed Setting",
133 "file_data": """[general]
134 visible_settings = baby;you;know;how;I;like;to;start_layers_at_same_position
135 """,
136 },
137 {
138 "test_name": "No Removed Setting",
139 "file_data": """[general]
140 visible_settings = baby;you;now;how;I;like;to;eat;chocolate;muffins
141 """
142 },
143 {
144 "test_name": "No Visible Settings Key",
145 "file_data": """[general]
146 cura = cool
147 """
148 },
149 {
150 "test_name": "No General Category",
151 "file_data": """[foos]
152 foo = bar
153 """
154 }
155 ]
157 ## Tests whether the settings that should be removed are removed for the 2.6
158 # version of preferences.
159 @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_upgrade_preferences_removed_settings_data)
160 def test_upgradePreferencesRemovedSettings(data, upgrader):
161 #Get the settings from the original file.
162 original_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
163 original_parser.read_string(data["file_data"])
164 settings = set()
165 if original_parser.has_section("general") and "visible_settings" in original_parser["general"]:
166 settings = set(original_parser["general"]["visible_settings"].split(";"))
168 #Perform the upgrade.
169 _, upgraded_preferences = upgrader.upgradePreferences(data["file_data"], "<string>")
170 upgraded_preferences = upgraded_preferences[0]
172 #Find whether the removed setting is removed from the file now.
173 settings -= VersionUpgrade25to26._removed_settings
174 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
175 parser.read_string(upgraded_preferences)
176 assert (parser.has_section("general") and "visible_settings" in parser["general"]) == (len(settings) > 0) #If there are settings, there must also be a preference.
177 if settings:
178 assert settings == set(parser["general"]["visible_settings"].split(";"))
180 test_upgrade_instance_container_removed_settings_data = [
181 {
182 "test_name": "Removed Setting",
183 "file_data": """[values]
184 layer_height = 0.1337
185 start_layers_at_same_position = True
186 """
187 },
188 {
189 "test_name": "No Removed Setting",
190 "file_data": """[values]
191 oceans_number = 11
192 """
193 },
194 {
195 "test_name": "No Values Category",
196 "file_data": """[general]
197 type = instance_container
198 """
199 }
200 ]
202 ## Tests whether the settings that should be removed are removed for the 2.6
203 # version of instance containers.
204 @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_upgrade_instance_container_removed_settings_data)
205 def test_upgradeInstanceContainerRemovedSettings(data, upgrader):
206 #Get the settings from the original file.
207 original_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
208 original_parser.read_string(data["file_data"])
209 settings = set()
210 if original_parser.has_section("values"):
211 settings = set(original_parser["values"])
213 #Perform the upgrade.
214 _, upgraded_container = upgrader.upgradeInstanceContainer(data["file_data"], "<string>")
215 upgraded_container = upgraded_container[0]
217 #Find whether the forbidden setting is still in the container.
218 settings -= VersionUpgrade25to26._removed_settings
219 parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
220 parser.read_string(upgraded_container)
221 assert parser.has_section("values") == (len(settings) > 0) #If there are settings, there must also be the values category.
222 if settings:
223 assert settings == set(parser["values"])
33 import copy
44 import io
5 from typing import Optional
56 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
78 from UM.Resources import Resources
1011 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
1213 import UM.Dictionary
13 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
14 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer, InvalidInstanceError
1415 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
16 from cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry import CuraContainerRegistry
1619 ## Handles serializing and deserializing material containers from an XML file
1720 class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
21 CurrentFdmMaterialVersion = "1.3"
22 Version = 1
1824 def __init__(self, container_id, *args, **kwargs):
1925 super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
2026 self._inherited_files = []
28 ## Translates the version number in the XML files to the setting_version
29 # metadata entry.
30 #
31 # Since the two may increment independently we need a way to say which
32 # versions of the XML specification are compatible with our setting data
33 # version numbers.
34 #
35 # \param xml_version: The version number found in an XML file.
36 # \return The corresponding setting_version.
37 def xmlVersionToSettingVersion(self, xml_version: str) -> int:
38 if xml_version == "1.3":
39 return 1
40 return 0 #Older than 1.3.
2242 def getInheritedFiles(self):
2343 return self._inherited_files
3555 def setMetaDataEntry(self, key, value):
3656 if self.isReadOnly():
3757 return
38 if self.getMetaDataEntry(key, None) == value:
39 # Prevent recursion caused by for loop.
40 return
4259 super().setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
4461 basefile = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", self._id) #if basefile is, this is a basefile.
45 # Update all containers that share GUID and basefile
62 # Update all containers that share basefile
4663 for container in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile):
47 container.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
64 if container.getMetaDataEntry(key, None) != value: # Prevent recursion
65 container.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
4967 ## Overridden from InstanceContainer, similar to setMetaDataEntry.
5068 # without this function the setName would only set the name of the specific nozzle / material / machine combination container
90108 # container.setDirty(True)
92110 ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
93 # base file: global settings + supported machines
111 # base file: common settings + supported machines
94112 # machine / variant combination: only changes for itself.
95113 def serialize(self):
96114 registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
105123 builder = ET.TreeBuilder()
107 root = builder.start("fdmmaterial", { "xmlns": ""})
125 root = builder.start("fdmmaterial",
126 {"xmlns": "",
127 "version": self.CurrentFdmMaterialVersion})
109129 ## Begin Metadata Block
110130 builder.start("metadata")
117137 metadata.pop("variant", "")
118138 metadata.pop("type", "")
119139 metadata.pop("base_file", "")
140 metadata.pop("approximate_diameter", "")
121142 ## Begin Name Block
122143 builder.start("name")
143164 for key, value in metadata.items():
144165 builder.start(key)
145 # Normally value is a string.
146 # Nones get handled well.
147 if isinstance(value, bool):
148 value = str(value) # parseBool in deserialize expects 'True'.
166 if value is not None: #Nones get handled well by the builder.
167 #Otherwise the builder always expects a string.
168 #Deserialize expects the stringified version.
169 value = str(value)
150171 builder.end(key)
368389 self._dirty = False
369390 self._path = ""
392 def getConfigurationTypeFromSerialized(self, serialized: str) -> Optional[str]:
393 return "materials"
395 def getVersionFromSerialized(self, serialized: str) -> Optional[int]:
396 data = ET.fromstring(serialized)
398 version = 1
399 # get setting version
400 if "version" in data.attrib:
401 setting_version = self.xmlVersionToSettingVersion(data.attrib["version"])
402 else:
403 setting_version = self.xmlVersionToSettingVersion("1.2")
405 return version * 1000000 + setting_version
371407 ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
372408 def deserialize(self, serialized):
373 data = ET.fromstring(serialized)
409 # update the serialized data first
410 from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface
411 serialized = ContainerInterface.deserialize(self, serialized)
413 try:
414 data = ET.fromstring(serialized)
415 except:
416 Logger.logException("e", "An exception occured while parsing the material profile")
417 return
375419 # Reset previous metadata
376420 self.clearData() # Ensure any previous data is gone.
379423 meta_data["base_file"] =
380424 meta_data["status"] = "unknown" # TODO: Add material verfication
426 common_setting_values = {}
382428 inherits = data.find("./um:inherits", self.__namespaces)
383429 if inherits is not None:
384430 inherited = self._resolveInheritance(inherits.text)
385431 data = self._mergeXML(inherited, data)
433 if "version" in data.attrib:
434 meta_data["setting_version"] = self.xmlVersionToSettingVersion(data.attrib["version"])
435 else:
436 meta_data["setting_version"] = self.xmlVersionToSettingVersion("1.2") #1.2 and lower didn't have that version number there yet.
387437 metadata = data.iterfind("./um:metadata/*", self.__namespaces)
388438 for entry in metadata:
389439 tag_name = _tag_without_namespace(entry)
404454 continue
405455 meta_data[tag_name] = entry.text
407 if not "description" in meta_data:
457 if tag_name in self.__material_metadata_setting_map:
458 common_setting_values[self.__material_metadata_setting_map[tag_name]] = entry.text
460 if "description" not in meta_data:
408461 meta_data["description"] = ""
410 if not "adhesion_info" in meta_data:
463 if "adhesion_info" not in meta_data:
411464 meta_data["adhesion_info"] = ""
413466 property_values = {}
416469 tag_name = _tag_without_namespace(entry)
417470 property_values[tag_name] = entry.text
419 diameter = float(property_values.get("diameter", 2.85)) # In mm
420 density = float(property_values.get("density", 1.3)) # In g/cm3
472 if tag_name in self.__material_properties_setting_map:
473 common_setting_values[self.__material_properties_setting_map[tag_name]] = entry.text
475 meta_data["approximate_diameter"] = str(round(float(property_values.get("diameter", 2.85)))) # In mm
421476 meta_data["properties"] = property_values
423478 self.setDefinition(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = "fdmprinter")[0])
425 global_compatibility = True
426 global_setting_values = {}
480 common_compatibility = True
427481 settings = data.iterfind("./um:settings/um:setting", self.__namespaces)
428482 for entry in settings:
429483 key = entry.get("key")
430 if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
431 global_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
484 if key in self.__material_settings_setting_map:
485 common_setting_values[self.__material_settings_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
432486 elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
433487 if key == "hardware compatible":
434 global_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
488 common_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
435489 else:
436490 Logger.log("d", "Unsupported material setting %s", key)
437 self._cached_values = global_setting_values
439 meta_data["compatible"] = global_compatibility
491 self._cached_values = common_setting_values # from InstanceContainer ancestor
493 meta_data["compatible"] = common_compatibility
440494 self.setMetaData(meta_data)
441495 self._dirty = False
443497 machines = data.iterfind("./um:settings/um:machine", self.__namespaces)
444498 for machine in machines:
445 machine_compatibility = global_compatibility
499 machine_compatibility = common_compatibility
446500 machine_setting_values = {}
447501 settings = machine.iterfind("./um:setting", self.__namespaces)
448502 for entry in settings:
449503 key = entry.get("key")
450 if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
451 machine_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
504 if key in self.__material_settings_setting_map:
505 machine_setting_values[self.__material_settings_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
452506 elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
453507 if key == "hardware compatible":
454508 machine_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
455509 else:
456510 Logger.log("d", "Unsupported material setting %s", key)
458 cached_machine_setting_properties = global_setting_values.copy()
512 cached_machine_setting_properties = common_setting_values.copy()
459513 cached_machine_setting_properties.update(machine_setting_values)
461515 identifiers = machine.iterfind("./um:machine_identifier", self.__namespaces)
502556 variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(definition =, name = hotend_id)
504558 if not variant_containers:
505 Logger.log("d", "No variants found with ID or name %s for machine %s", hotend_id,
559 #Logger.log("d", "No variants found with ID or name %s for machine %s", hotend_id,
506560 continue
508562 hotend_compatibility = machine_compatibility
510564 settings = hotend.iterfind("./um:setting", self.__namespaces)
511565 for entry in settings:
512566 key = entry.get("key")
513 if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
514 hotend_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
567 if key in self.__material_settings_setting_map:
568 hotend_setting_values[self.__material_settings_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
515569 elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
516570 if key == "hardware compatible":
517571 hotend_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
542596 def _addSettingElement(self, builder, instance):
543597 try:
544 key = UM.Dictionary.findKey(self.__material_property_setting_map, instance.definition.key)
598 key = UM.Dictionary.findKey(self.__material_settings_setting_map, instance.definition.key)
545599 except ValueError:
546600 return
556610 return material_name
558612 # Map XML file setting names to internal names
559 __material_property_setting_map = {
613 __material_settings_setting_map = {
560614 "print temperature": "default_material_print_temperature",
561615 "heated bed temperature": "material_bed_temperature",
562616 "standby temperature": "material_standby_temperature",
568622 __unmapped_settings = [
569623 "hardware compatible"
570624 ]
625 __material_properties_setting_map = {
626 "diameter": "material_diameter"
627 }
628 __material_metadata_setting_map = {
629 "GUID": "material_guid"
630 }
572632 # Map XML file product names to internal ids
573633 # TODO: Move this to definition's metadata
580640 "Ultimaker 2 Extended": "ultimaker2_extended",
581641 "Ultimaker 2 Extended+": "ultimaker2_extended_plus",
582642 "Ultimaker Original": "ultimaker_original",
583 "Ultimaker Original+": "ultimaker_original_plus"
643 "Ultimaker Original+": "ultimaker_original_plus",
644 "IMADE3D JellyBOX": "imade3d_jellybox"
584645 }
586647 # Map of recognised namespaces with a proper prefix.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
5 from UM.VersionUpgrade import VersionUpgrade
8 class XmlMaterialUpgrader(VersionUpgrade):
9 def getXmlVersion(self, serialized):
10 data = ET.fromstring(serialized)
12 version = 1
13 # get setting version
14 if "version" in data.attrib:
15 setting_version = self._xmlVersionToSettingVersion(data.attrib["version"])
16 else:
17 setting_version = self._xmlVersionToSettingVersion("1.2")
19 return version * 1000000 + setting_version
21 def _xmlVersionToSettingVersion(self, xml_version: str) -> int:
22 if xml_version == "1.3":
23 return 1
24 return 0 #Older than 1.3.
26 def upgradeMaterial(self, serialised, filename):
27 data = ET.fromstring(serialised)
29 # update version
30 metadata = data.iterfind("./um:metadata/*", {"um": ""})
31 for entry in metadata:
32 if _tag_without_namespace(entry) == "version":
33 entry.text = "2"
34 break
36 data.attrib["version"] = "1.3"
38 # this makes sure that the XML header states encoding="utf-8"
39 new_serialised = ET.tostring(data, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8")
41 return [filename], [new_serialised]
44 def _tag_without_namespace(element):
45 return element.tag[element.tag.rfind("}") + 1:]
0 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 from . import XmlMaterialProfile
4 from . import XmlMaterialUpgrader
56 from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeType, MimeTypeDatabase
67 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
710 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
11 upgrader = XmlMaterialUpgrader.XmlMaterialUpgrader()
914 def getMetaData():
1015 return {
1823 "settings_container": {
1924 "type": "material",
2025 "mimetype": "application/x-ultimaker-material-profile"
26 },
27 "version_upgrade": {
28 ("materials", 1000000): ("materials", 1000001, upgrader.upgradeMaterial),
29 },
30 "sources": {
31 "materials": {
32 "get_version": upgrader.getXmlVersion,
33 "location": {"./materials"}
34 },
2135 }
2236 }
2439 def register(app):
40 # add Mime type
2541 mime_type = MimeType(
2642 name = "application/x-ultimaker-material-profile",
2743 comment = "Ultimaker Material Profile",
2844 suffixes = [ "xml.fdm_material" ]
2945 )
3046 MimeTypeDatabase.addMimeType(mime_type)
31 return { "settings_container": XmlMaterialProfile.XmlMaterialProfile("default_xml_material_profile") }
48 # add upgrade version
49 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
50 from UM.VersionUpgradeManager import VersionUpgradeManager
51 VersionUpgradeManager.getInstance().registerCurrentVersion(
52 ("materials", XmlMaterialProfile.XmlMaterialProfile.Version * 1000000 + CuraApplication.SettingVersion),
53 (CuraApplication.ResourceTypes.MaterialInstanceContainer, "application/x-ultimaker-material-profile")
54 )
56 return {"version_upgrade": upgrader,
57 "settings_container": XmlMaterialProfile.XmlMaterialProfile("default_xml_material_profile"),
58 }
0 {
1 "id": "alya3dp",
2 "name": "ALYA",
3 "version": 2,
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "ALYA",
8 "manufacturer": "ALYA",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode"
11 },
13 "overrides": {
14 "machine_width": {
15 "default_value": 100
16 },
17 "machine_height": {
18 "default_value": 133
19 },
20 "machine_depth": {
21 "default_value": 100
22 },
23 "machine_center_is_zero": {
24 "default_value": false
25 },
26 "machine_nozzle_size": {
27 "default_value": 0.4
28 },
29 "machine_head_shape_min_x": {
30 "default_value": 75
31 },
32 "machine_head_shape_min_y": {
33 "default_value": 18
34 },
35 "machine_head_shape_max_x": {
36 "default_value": 18
37 },
38 "machine_head_shape_max_y": {
39 "default_value": 35
40 },
41 "machine_nozzle_gantry_distance": {
42 "default_value": 55
43 },
44 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
45 "default_value": "RepRap"
46 },
47 "machine_start_gcode": {
48 "default_value": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\n;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to max endstops\nG1 Z115.0 F{travel_speed} ;move th e platform up 20mm\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to max endstop\nG1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{travel_speed}\nM301 H1 P26.38 I2.57 D67.78\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Printing..."
49 },
50 "machine_end_gcode": {
51 "default_value": ";End GCode\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG28 Z0\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\n;{profile_string}"
52 }
53 }
54 }
88 "manufacturer": "Cartesio bv",
99 "category": "Other",
1010 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
12 "has_machine_quality": true,
13 "has_materials": true,
1114 "has_machine_materials": true,
15 "has_variant_materials": true,
1216 "has_variants": true,
1318 "variants_name": "Nozzle size",
19 "preferred_variant": "*0.8*",
20 "preferred_material": "*pla*",
21 "preferred_quality": "*normal*",
1423 "machine_extruder_trains":
1524 {
1625 "0": "cartesio_extruder_0",
1928 "3": "cartesio_extruder_3"
2029 },
2130 "platform": "cartesio_platform.stl",
22 "platform_offset": [ -120, -1.5, 130],
31 "platform_offset": [ -220, -5, 150],
2332 "first_start_actions": ["MachineSettingsAction"],
2433 "supported_actions": ["MachineSettingsAction"]
2534 },
2736 "overrides": {
28 "machine_extruder_count": { "default_value": 4 },
37 "machine_extruder_count": { "default_value": 2 },
38 "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
2939 "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true },
3040 "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false },
41 "gantry_height": { "default_value": 35 },
3142 "machine_height": { "default_value": 400 },
3243 "machine_depth": { "default_value": 270 },
3344 "machine_width": { "default_value": 430 },
3445 "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
46 "material_print_temp_wait": { "default_value": false },
47 "material_bed_temp_wait": { "default_value": false },
48 "prime_tower_enable": { "default_value": true },
49 "prime_tower_wall_thickness": { "resolve": 0.7 },
50 "prime_tower_position_x": { "default_value": 50 },
51 "prime_tower_position_y": { "default_value": 150 },
3552 "machine_start_gcode": {
36 "default_value": "M92 E159\nG21\nG90\nM42 S255 P13;chamber lights\nM42 S255 P12;fume extraction\nM140 S{material_bed_temperature}\n\nM117 Homing Y ......\nG28 Y\nM117 Homing X ......\nG28 X\nM117 Homing Z ......\nG28 Z F100\nG1 Z10 F600\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000;go to wipe point\n\nM190 S{material_bed_temperature}\nM104 S120 T1\nM109 S{material_print_temperature} T0\nM104 S21 T1\n\nM117 purging nozzle....\n\nT0\nG92 E0;set E\nG1 E10 F100\nG92 E0\nG1 E-{retraction_amount} F600\nG92 E0\n\nM117 wiping nozzle....\n\nG1 X1 Y24 F3000\nG1 X70 F9000\n\nM117 Printing .....\n\nG1 E1 F100\nG92 E-1\n"
53 "default_value": "\nM104 S120 T1\nM104 S120 T2\nM104 S120 T3\n\nM92 E159\n\nG21\nG90\nM42 S255 P13;chamber lights\nM42 S255 P12;fume extraction\n\nM117 Homing Y ......\nG28 Y\nM117 Homing X ......\nG28 X\nM117 Homing Z ......\nG28 Z F100\nG1 Z10 F600\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000;go to wipe point\n\nM190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}\n\nM117 Heating for 50 sec.\nG4 S20\nM117 Heating for 30 sec.\nG4 S20\nM117 Heating for 10 sec.\nM300 S1200 P1000\nG4 S9\n\nM117 purging nozzle....\nT0\nG92 E0;set E\nG1 E10 F100\nG92 E0\nG1 E-1 F600\n\nM117 wiping nozzle....\nG1 X1 Y24 F3000\nG1 X70 F9000\nG1 Z10 F900\n\nM104 S21 T1\nM104 S21 T2\nM104 S21 T3\n\nM117 Printing .....\n"
3754 },
3855 "machine_end_gcode": {
39 "default_value": "; -- END GCODE --\nM106 S255\nM140 S5\nM104 S5 T0\nM104 S5 T1\nG1 X20.0 Y260.0 F6000\nG4 S7\nM84\nG4 S90\nM107\nM42 P12 S0\nM42 P13 S0\nM84\n; -- end of END GCODE --"
56 "default_value": "; -- END GCODE --\nM106 S255\nM140 S5\nM104 S5 T0\nM104 S5 T1\nM104 S5 T2\nM104 S5 T3\n\nG91\nG1 Z1 F900\nG90\n\nG1 X20.0 Y260.0 F6000\nG4 S7\nM84\nG4 S90\nM107\nM42 P12 S0\nM42 P13 S0\nM84\nT0\n; -- end of GCODE --"
4057 },
58 "layer_height": { "maximum_value": "(0.8 * min(extruderValues('machine_nozzle_size')))" },
59 "layer_height_0": { "maximum_value": "(0.8 * min(extruderValues('machine_nozzle_size')))" },
4160 "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {"default_value": 20},
4261 "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {"default_value": 20},
4362 "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window": {"default_value": 5}
99 "category": "Custom",
1010 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
1111 "has_materials": true,
12 "machine_extruder_trains":
13 {
14 "0": "custom_extruder_1",
15 "1": "custom_extruder_2",
16 "2": "custom_extruder_3",
17 "3": "custom_extruder_4",
18 "4": "custom_extruder_5",
19 "5": "custom_extruder_6",
20 "6": "custom_extruder_7",
21 "7": "custom_extruder_8"
22 },
1223 "first_start_actions": ["MachineSettingsAction"]
1324 }
1425 }
1313 },
1414 "overrides": {
1515 "machine_name": { "default_value": "Delta Go" },
16 "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
16 "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
17 "default_material_print_temperature": { "default_value": 210 },
1718 "speed_travel": { "default_value": 150 },
18 "prime_tower_size": { "default_value": 8.66 },
19 "infill_sparse_density": { "default_value": 10 },
19 "prime_tower_size": { "default_value": 8.66 },
20 "infill_sparse_density": { "default_value": 10 },
2021 "speed_wall_x": { "default_value": 30 },
2122 "speed_wall_0": { "default_value": 30 },
2223 "speed_topbottom": { "default_value": 20 },
23 "layer_height": { "default_value": 0.2 },
24 "layer_height": { "default_value": 0.15 },
2425 "speed_print": { "default_value": 30 },
25 "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": false },
26 "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": true },
27 "machine_height": { "default_value": 127 },
28 "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
26 "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": false },
27 "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": true },
28 "machine_height": { "default_value": 154 },
29 "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
2930 "machine_depth": { "default_value": 115 },
3031 "machine_width": { "default_value": 115 },
31 "retraction_amount": { "default_value": 4.2 },
32 "retraction_speed": { "default_value": 400 },
33 "machine_shape": { "default_value": "elliptic"}
32 "raft_airgap": { "default_value": 0.15 },
33 "retraction_hop_enabled": { "value": "True" },
34 "retraction_amount": { "default_value": 4.1 },
35 "retraction_speed": { "default_value": 500 },
36 "retraction_hop": { "value": "0.2" },
37 "retraction_hop_only_when_collides": { "value": "True" },
38 "brim_width": { "value": "5" },
39 "machine_shape": { "default_value": "elliptic"}
3440 }
3541 }
66 "type": "extruder",
77 "author": "Ultimaker B.V.",
88 "manufacturer": "Ultimaker",
9 "setting_version": 1,
910 "visible": false
1011 },
1112 "settings":
2425 "type": "extruder",
2526 "default_value": "0",
2627 "settable_per_mesh": true,
27 "settable_per_extruder": false,
28 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
29 "settable_globally": false
28 "settable_per_extruder": true,
29 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
30 "settable_globally": false
31 },
32 "machine_nozzle_size":
33 {
34 "label": "Nozzle Diameter",
35 "description": "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size.",
36 "unit": "mm",
37 "type": "float",
38 "default_value": 0.4,
39 "minimum_value": "0.001",
40 "maximum_value_warning": "10",
41 "settable_per_mesh": false,
42 "settable_per_extruder": true
3043 },
3144 "machine_nozzle_offset_x":
3245 {
77 "author": "Ultimaker B.V.",
88 "category": "Ultimaker",
99 "manufacturer": "Ultimaker",
10 "setting_version": 1,
1011 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode;application/x-stl-ascii;application/x-stl-binary;application/x-wavefront-obj;application/x3g",
1112 "visible": false,
1213 "has_materials": true,
745746 "support_interface_line_width":
746747 {
747748 "label": "Support Interface Line Width",
748 "description": "Width of a single support interface line.",
749 "description": "Width of a single line of support roof or floor.",
749750 "unit": "mm",
750751 "default_value": 0.4,
751752 "minimum_value": "0.001",
756757 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
757758 "value": "line_width",
758759 "settable_per_mesh": false,
759 "settable_per_extruder": true
760 "settable_per_extruder": true,
761 "children":
762 {
763 "support_roof_line_width":
764 {
765 "label": "Support Roof Line Width",
766 "description": "Width of a single support roof line.",
767 "unit": "mm",
768 "default_value": 0.4,
769 "minimum_value": "0.001",
770 "minimum_value_warning": "0.4 * machine_nozzle_size",
771 "maximum_value_warning": "2 * machine_nozzle_size",
772 "type": "float",
773 "enabled": "support_enable and support_roof_enable",
774 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
775 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_line_width')",
776 "settable_per_mesh": false,
777 "settable_per_extruder": true
778 },
779 "support_bottom_line_width":
780 {
781 "label": "Support Floor Line Width",
782 "description": "Width of a single support floor line.",
783 "unit": "mm",
784 "default_value": 0.4,
785 "minimum_value": "0.001",
786 "minimum_value_warning": "0.4 * machine_nozzle_size",
787 "maximum_value_warning": "2 * machine_nozzle_size",
788 "type": "float",
789 "enabled": "support_enable and support_bottom_enable",
790 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
791 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_line_width')",
792 "settable_per_mesh": false,
793 "settable_per_extruder": true
794 }
795 }
760796 },
761797 "prime_tower_line_width":
762798 {
11221158 "enabled": "infill_pattern != 'concentric' and infill_pattern != 'concentric_3d' and infill_pattern != 'cubicsubdiv'",
11231159 "settable_per_mesh": true
11241160 },
1125 "sub_div_rad_mult":
1126 {
1127 "label": "Cubic Subdivision Radius",
1128 "description": "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes.",
1129 "unit": "%",
1130 "type": "float",
1131 "default_value": 100,
1132 "minimum_value": "0",
1133 "minimum_value_warning": "100",
1134 "maximum_value_warning": "200",
1135 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and infill_pattern == 'cubicsubdiv'",
1136 "settable_per_mesh": true
1137 },
11381161 "sub_div_rad_add":
11391162 {
11401163 "label": "Cubic Subdivision Shell",
12281251 "default_value": 0.1,
12291252 "minimum_value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
12301253 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * machine_nozzle_size",
1231 "maximum_value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height') * 8",
1254 "maximum_value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height') * (1.45 if spaghetti_infill_enabled else 8)",
12321255 "value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
1233 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0",
1256 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and not spaghetti_infill_enabled",
12341257 "settable_per_mesh": true
12351258 },
12361259 "gradual_infill_steps":
12401263 "default_value": 0,
12411264 "type": "int",
12421265 "minimum_value": "0",
1243 "maximum_value_warning": "4",
1244 "maximum_value": "(20 - math.log(infill_line_distance) / math.log(2)) if infill_line_distance > 0 else 0",
1245 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and infill_pattern != 'cubicsubdiv'",
1266 "maximum_value_warning": "5",
1267 "maximum_value": "0 if spaghetti_infill_enabled else (999999 if infill_line_distance == 0 else (20 - math.log(infill_line_distance) / math.log(2)))",
1268 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and infill_pattern != 'cubicsubdiv' and not spaghetti_infill_enabled",
12461269 "settable_per_mesh": true
12471270 },
12481271 "gradual_infill_step_height":
12511274 "description": "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density.",
12521275 "unit": "mm",
12531276 "type": "float",
1254 "default_value": 5.0,
1277 "default_value": 1.5,
12551278 "minimum_value": "0.0001",
12561279 "minimum_value_warning": "3 * resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
12571280 "maximum_value_warning": "100",
12881311 {
12891312 "expand_upper_skins":
12901313 {
1291 "label": "Expand Upper Skins",
1292 "description": "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above.",
1314 "label": "Expand Top Skins Into Infill",
1315 "description": "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above.",
12931316 "type": "bool",
12941317 "default_value": false,
12951318 "value": "expand_skins_into_infill",
12971320 },
12981321 "expand_lower_skins":
12991322 {
1300 "label": "Expand Lower Skins",
1301 "description": "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below.",
1323 "label": "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill",
1324 "description": "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below.",
13021325 "type": "bool",
13031326 "default_value": false,
13041327 "settable_per_mesh": true
18631886 "speed_support_interface":
18641887 {
18651888 "label": "Support Interface Speed",
1866 "description": "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality.",
1889 "description": "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality.",
18671890 "unit": "mm/s",
18681891 "type": "float",
18691892 "default_value": 40,
18701893 "minimum_value": "0.1",
18711894 "maximum_value": "math.sqrt(machine_max_feedrate_x ** 2 + machine_max_feedrate_y ** 2)",
18721895 "maximum_value_warning": "150",
1873 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
1896 "enabled": "support_interface_enable and support_enable",
18741897 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
18751898 "value": "speed_support / 1.5",
18761899 "settable_per_mesh": false,
1877 "settable_per_extruder": true
1900 "settable_per_extruder": true,
1901 "children":
1902 {
1903 "speed_support_roof":
1904 {
1905 "label": "Support Roof Speed",
1906 "description": "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality.",
1907 "unit": "mm/s",
1908 "type": "float",
1909 "default_value": 40,
1910 "minimum_value": "0.1",
1911 "maximum_value": "math.sqrt(machine_max_feedrate_x ** 2 + machine_max_feedrate_y ** 2)",
1912 "maximum_value_warning": "150",
1913 "enabled": "support_roof_enable and support_enable",
1914 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
1915 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'speed_support_interface')",
1916 "settable_per_mesh": false,
1917 "settable_per_extruder": true
1918 },
1919 "speed_support_bottom":
1920 {
1921 "label": "Support Floor Speed",
1922 "description": "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model.",
1923 "unit": "mm/s",
1924 "type": "float",
1925 "default_value": 40,
1926 "minimum_value": "0.1",
1927 "maximum_value": "math.sqrt(machine_max_feedrate_x ** 2 + machine_max_feedrate_y ** 2)",
1928 "maximum_value_warning": "150",
1929 "enabled": "support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
1930 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
1931 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'speed_support_interface')",
1932 "settable_per_mesh": false,
1933 "settable_per_extruder": true
1934 }
1935 }
18781936 }
18791937 }
18801938 },
21492207 "acceleration_support_interface":
21502208 {
21512209 "label": "Support Interface Acceleration",
2152 "description": "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality.",
2210 "description": "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality.",
21532211 "unit": "mm/s²",
21542212 "type": "float",
21552213 "default_value": 3000,
21572215 "minimum_value": "0.1",
21582216 "minimum_value_warning": "100",
21592217 "maximum_value_warning": "10000",
2160 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('acceleration_enabled') and extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
2218 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('acceleration_enabled') and support_interface_enable and support_enable",
21612219 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
21622220 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2163 "settable_per_extruder": true
2221 "settable_per_extruder": true,
2222 "children":
2223 {
2224 "acceleration_support_roof":
2225 {
2226 "label": "Support Roof Acceleration",
2227 "description": "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality.",
2228 "unit": "mm/s²",
2229 "type": "float",
2230 "default_value": 3000,
2231 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'acceleration_support_interface')",
2232 "minimum_value": "0.1",
2233 "minimum_value_warning": "100",
2234 "maximum_value_warning": "10000",
2235 "enabled": "acceleration_enabled and support_roof_enable and support_enable",
2236 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
2237 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2238 "settable_per_extruder": true
2239 },
2240 "acceleration_support_bottom":
2241 {
2242 "label": "Support Floor Acceleration",
2243 "description": "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model.",
2244 "unit": "mm/s²",
2245 "type": "float",
2246 "default_value": 3000,
2247 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'acceleration_support_interface')",
2248 "minimum_value": "0.1",
2249 "minimum_value_warning": "100",
2250 "maximum_value_warning": "10000",
2251 "enabled": "acceleration_enabled and support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
2252 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
2253 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2254 "settable_per_extruder": true
2255 }
2256 }
21642257 }
21652258 }
21662259 },
23802473 "jerk_support_interface":
23812474 {
23822475 "label": "Support Interface Jerk",
2383 "description": "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed.",
2476 "description": "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed.",
23842477 "unit": "mm/s",
23852478 "type": "float",
23862479 "default_value": 20,
23872480 "value": "jerk_support",
23882481 "minimum_value": "0.1",
23892482 "maximum_value_warning": "50",
2390 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('jerk_enabled') and extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
2483 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('jerk_enabled') and support_interface_enable and support_enable",
23912484 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
23922485 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2393 "settable_per_extruder": true
2486 "settable_per_extruder": true,
2487 "children":
2488 {
2489 "jerk_support_roof":
2490 {
2491 "label": "Support Roof Jerk",
2492 "description": "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed.",
2493 "unit": "mm/s",
2494 "type": "float",
2495 "default_value": 20,
2496 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'jerk_support_interface')",
2497 "minimum_value": "0.1",
2498 "maximum_value_warning": "50",
2499 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('jerk_enabled') and support_roof_enable and support_enable",
2500 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
2501 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2502 "settable_per_extruder": true
2503 },
2504 "jerk_support_bottom":
2505 {
2506 "label": "Support Floor Jerk",
2507 "description": "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed.",
2508 "unit": "mm/s",
2509 "type": "float",
2510 "default_value": 20,
2511 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'jerk_support_interface')",
2512 "minimum_value": "0.1",
2513 "maximum_value_warning": "50",
2514 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('jerk_enabled') and support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
2515 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
2516 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2517 "settable_per_extruder": true
2518 }
2519 }
23942520 }
23952521 }
23962522 },
27762902 {
27772903 "support_enable":
27782904 {
2779 "label": "Enable Support",
2780 "description": "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs.",
2905 "label": "Generate Support",
2906 "description": "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing.",
27812907 "type": "bool",
27822908 "default_value": false,
27832909 "settable_per_mesh": true,
28182944 "support_interface_extruder_nr":
28192945 {
28202946 "label": "Support Interface Extruder",
2821 "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
2947 "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
28222948 "type": "extruder",
28232949 "default_value": "0",
28242950 "value": "support_extruder_nr",
28252951 "enabled": "support_enable and machine_extruder_count > 1",
28262952 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2827 "settable_per_extruder": false
2953 "settable_per_extruder": false,
2954 "children":
2955 {
2956 "support_roof_extruder_nr":
2957 {
2958 "label": "Support Roof Extruder",
2959 "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
2960 "type": "extruder",
2961 "default_value": "0",
2962 "value": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
2963 "enabled": "support_enable and machine_extruder_count > 1",
2964 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2965 "settable_per_extruder": false
2966 },
2967 "support_bottom_extruder_nr":
2968 {
2969 "label": "Support Floor Extruder",
2970 "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
2971 "type": "extruder",
2972 "default_value": "0",
2973 "value": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
2974 "enabled": "support_enable and machine_extruder_count > 1",
2975 "settable_per_mesh": false,
2976 "settable_per_extruder": false
2977 }
2978 }
28282979 }
28292980 }
28302981 },
28543005 "maximum_value": "90",
28553006 "maximum_value_warning": "80",
28563007 "default_value": 50,
2857 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr if support_interface_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
3008 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr if support_roof_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
28583009 "enabled": "support_enable",
28593010 "settable_per_mesh": true
28603011 },
29453096 "default_value": 0.1,
29463097 "type": "float",
29473098 "enabled": "support_enable",
2948 "value": "extruderValue(support_extruder_nr, 'support_z_distance')",
2949 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr if support_interface_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
3099 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr if support_roof_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_z_distance')",
3100 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr if support_roof_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
29503101 "settable_per_mesh": true
29513102 },
29523103 "support_bottom_distance":
29573108 "minimum_value": "0",
29583109 "maximum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size",
29593110 "default_value": 0.1,
2960 "value": "extruderValue(support_extruder_nr, 'support_z_distance') if resolveOrValue('support_type') == 'everywhere' else 0",
2961 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr if support_interface_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
3111 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr if support_bottom_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_z_distance') if support_type == 'everywhere' else 0",
3112 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr if support_bottom_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
29623113 "type": "float",
29633114 "enabled": "support_enable and resolveOrValue('support_type') == 'everywhere'",
29643115 "settable_per_mesh": true
30003151 "unit": "mm",
30013152 "type": "float",
30023153 "minimum_value": "0",
3003 "maximum_value_warning": "extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_xy_distance')",
3154 "maximum_value_warning": "support_xy_distance",
30043155 "default_value": 0.2,
30053156 "value": "machine_nozzle_size / 2",
30063157 "limit_to_extruder": "support_infill_extruder_nr",
3007 "enabled": "support_enable and extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_xy_overrides_z') == 'z_overrides_xy'",
3158 "enabled": "support_enable and support_xy_overrides_z == 'z_overrides_xy'",
30083159 "settable_per_mesh": true
30093160 },
30103161 "support_bottom_stair_step_height":
30113162 {
30123163 "label": "Support Stair Step Height",
3013 "description": "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures.",
3164 "description": "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour.",
30143165 "unit": "mm",
30153166 "type": "float",
30163167 "default_value": 0.3,
3168 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr if support_bottom_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
3169 "minimum_value": "0",
3170 "maximum_value_warning": "1.0",
3171 "enabled": "support_enable",
3172 "settable_per_mesh": true
3173 },
3174 "support_bottom_stair_step_width":
3175 {
3176 "label": "Support Stair Step Maximum Width",
3177 "description": "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures.",
3178 "unit": "mm",
3179 "type": "float",
3180 "default_value": 5.0,
30173181 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr if support_interface_enable else support_infill_extruder_nr",
30183182 "minimum_value": "0",
3019 "maximum_value_warning": "1.0",
3183 "maximum_value_warning": "10.0",
30203184 "enabled": "support_enable",
30213185 "settable_per_mesh": true
30223186 },
30543218 "default_value": false,
30553219 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
30563220 "enabled": "support_enable",
3057 "settable_per_mesh": true
3221 "settable_per_mesh": true,
3222 "children":
3223 {
3224 "support_roof_enable":
3225 {
3226 "label": "Enable Support Roof",
3227 "description": "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.",
3228 "type": "bool",
3229 "default_value": false,
3230 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable')",
3231 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
3232 "enabled": "support_enable",
3233 "settable_per_mesh": true
3234 },
3235 "support_bottom_enable":
3236 {
3237 "label": "Enable Support Floor",
3238 "description": "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.",
3239 "type": "bool",
3240 "default_value": false,
3241 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable')",
3242 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
3243 "enabled": "support_enable",
3244 "settable_per_mesh": true
3245 }
3246 }
30583247 },
30593248 "support_interface_height":
30603249 {
30643253 "type": "float",
30653254 "default_value": 1,
30663255 "minimum_value": "0",
3067 "minimum_value_warning": "0.2 + resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
3256 "minimum_value_warning": "0.2 + layer_height",
30683257 "maximum_value_warning": "10",
30693258 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3070 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3259 "enabled": "support_interface_enable and support_enable",
30713260 "settable_per_mesh": true,
30723261 "children":
30733262 {
30793268 "type": "float",
30803269 "default_value": 1,
30813270 "minimum_value": "0",
3082 "minimum_value_warning": "0.2 + resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
3271 "minimum_value_warning": "0.2 + layer_height",
30833272 "maximum_value_warning": "10",
3084 "value": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_height')",
3085 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3086 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3273 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_height')",
3274 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
3275 "enabled": "support_roof_enable and support_enable",
30873276 "settable_per_mesh": true
30883277 },
30893278 "support_bottom_height":
30903279 {
3091 "label": "Support Bottom Thickness",
3092 "description": "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests.",
3280 "label": "Support Floor Thickness",
3281 "description": "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests.",
30933282 "unit": "mm",
30943283 "type": "float",
30953284 "default_value": 1,
3096 "value": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_height')",
3285 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_height')",
30973286 "minimum_value": "0",
3098 "minimum_value_warning": "min(0.2 + resolveOrValue('layer_height'), extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_bottom_stair_step_height'))",
3287 "minimum_value_warning": "min(0.2 + layer_height, support_bottom_stair_step_height)",
30993288 "maximum_value_warning": "10",
3100 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3101 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3289 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
3290 "enabled": "support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
31023291 "settable_per_mesh": true
31033292 }
31043293 }
31053294 },
3106 "support_interface_skip_height":
3107 {
3295 "support_interface_skip_height": {
31083296 "label": "Support Interface Resolution",
3109 "description": "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface.",
3297 "description": "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface.",
31103298 "unit": "mm",
31113299 "type": "float",
31123300 "default_value": 0.3,
31133301 "minimum_value": "0",
31143302 "maximum_value_warning": "support_interface_height",
31153303 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3116 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3304 "enabled": "support_interface_enable and support_enable",
31173305 "settable_per_mesh": true
31183306 },
31193307 "support_interface_density":
31203308 {
31213309 "label": "Support Interface Density",
3122 "description": "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove.",
3310 "description": "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove.",
31233311 "unit": "%",
31243312 "type": "float",
31253313 "default_value": 100,
31263314 "minimum_value": "0",
31273315 "maximum_value_warning": "100",
31283316 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3129 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3317 "enabled": "support_interface_enable and support_enable",
31303318 "settable_per_mesh": false,
31313319 "settable_per_extruder": true,
31323320 "children":
31333321 {
3134 "support_interface_line_distance":
3135 {
3136 "label": "Support Interface Line Distance",
3137 "description": "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately.",
3138 "unit": "mm",
3139 "type": "float",
3140 "default_value": 0.4,
3322 "support_roof_density":
3323 {
3324 "label": "Support Roof Density",
3325 "description": "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove.",
3326 "unit": "%",
3327 "type": "float",
3328 "default_value": 100,
31413329 "minimum_value": "0",
3142 "minimum_value_warning": "support_interface_line_width - 0.0001",
3143 "value": "0 if support_interface_density == 0 else (support_interface_line_width * 100) / support_interface_density * (2 if support_interface_pattern == 'grid' else (3 if support_interface_pattern == 'triangles' else 1))",
3144 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3145 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3330 "maximum_value": "100",
3331 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
3332 "enabled": "support_roof_enable and support_enable",
3333 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_density')",
31463334 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3147 "settable_per_extruder": true
3335 "settable_per_extruder": true,
3336 "children":
3337 {
3338 "support_roof_line_distance":
3339 {
3340 "label": "Support Roof Line Distance",
3341 "description": "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately.",
3342 "unit": "mm",
3343 "type": "float",
3344 "default_value": 0.4,
3345 "minimum_value": "0",
3346 "minimum_value_warning": "support_roof_line_width - 0.0001",
3347 "value": "0 if support_roof_density == 0 else (support_roof_line_width * 100) / support_roof_density * (2 if support_roof_pattern == 'grid' else (3 if support_roof_pattern == 'triangles' else 1))",
3348 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
3349 "enabled": "support_roof_enable and support_enable",
3350 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3351 "settable_per_extruder": true
3352 }
3353 }
3354 },
3355 "support_bottom_density":
3356 {
3357 "label": "Support Floor Density",
3358 "description": "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model.",
3359 "unit": "%",
3360 "type": "float",
3361 "default_value": 100,
3362 "minimum_value": "0",
3363 "maximum_value": "100",
3364 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
3365 "enabled": "support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
3366 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_density')",
3367 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3368 "settable_per_extruder": true,
3369 "children":
3370 {
3371 "support_bottom_line_distance":
3372 {
3373 "label": "Support Floor Line Distance",
3374 "description": "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately.",
3375 "unit": "mm",
3376 "type": "float",
3377 "default_value": 0.4,
3378 "minimum_value": "0",
3379 "minimum_value_warning": "support_bottom_line_width - 0.0001",
3380 "value": "0 if support_bottom_density == 0 else (support_bottom_line_width * 100) / support_bottom_density * (2 if support_bottom_pattern == 'grid' else (3 if support_bottom_pattern == 'triangles' else 1))",
3381 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
3382 "enabled": "support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
3383 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3384 "settable_per_extruder": true
3385 }
3386 }
31483387 }
31493388 }
31503389 },
31643403 },
31653404 "default_value": "concentric",
31663405 "limit_to_extruder": "support_interface_extruder_nr",
3167 "enabled": "extruderValue(support_interface_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_enable') and support_enable",
3168 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3169 "settable_per_extruder": true
3406 "enabled": "support_interface_enable and support_enable",
3407 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3408 "settable_per_extruder": true,
3409 "children":
3410 {
3411 "support_roof_pattern":
3412 {
3413 "label": "Support Roof Pattern",
3414 "description": "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed.",
3415 "type": "enum",
3416 "options":
3417 {
3418 "lines": "Lines",
3419 "grid": "Grid",
3420 "triangles": "Triangles",
3421 "concentric": "Concentric",
3422 "concentric_3d": "Concentric 3D",
3423 "zigzag": "Zig Zag"
3424 },
3425 "default_value": "concentric",
3426 "value": "extruderValue(support_roof_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_pattern')",
3427 "limit_to_extruder": "support_roof_extruder_nr",
3428 "enabled": "support_roof_enable and support_enable",
3429 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3430 "settable_per_extruder": true
3431 },
3432 "support_bottom_pattern":
3433 {
3434 "label": "Support Floor Pattern",
3435 "description": "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed.",
3436 "type": "enum",
3437 "options":
3438 {
3439 "lines": "Lines",
3440 "grid": "Grid",
3441 "triangles": "Triangles",
3442 "concentric": "Concentric",
3443 "concentric_3d": "Concentric 3D",
3444 "zigzag": "Zig Zag"
3445 },
3446 "default_value": "concentric",
3447 "value": "extruderValue(support_bottom_extruder_nr, 'support_interface_pattern')",
3448 "limit_to_extruder": "support_bottom_extruder_nr",
3449 "enabled": "support_bottom_enable and support_enable",
3450 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3451 "settable_per_extruder": true
3452 }
3453 }
31703454 },
31713455 "support_use_towers":
31723456 {
31893473 "minimum_value": "0",
31903474 "minimum_value_warning": "2 * machine_nozzle_size",
31913475 "maximum_value_warning": "20",
3192 "enabled": "support_enable and extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_use_towers')",
3476 "enabled": "support_enable and support_use_towers",
31933477 "settable_per_mesh": true
31943478 },
31953479 "support_minimal_diameter":
32033487 "minimum_value": "0",
32043488 "minimum_value_warning": "2 * machine_nozzle_size",
32053489 "maximum_value_warning": "20",
3206 "maximum_value": "extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_tower_diameter')",
3207 "enabled": "support_enable and extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_use_towers')",
3490 "maximum_value": "support_tower_diameter",
3491 "enabled": "support_enable and support_use_towers",
32083492 "settable_per_mesh": true
32093493 },
32103494 "support_tower_roof_angle":
32173501 "maximum_value": "90",
32183502 "default_value": 65,
32193503 "limit_to_extruder": "support_infill_extruder_nr",
3220 "enabled": "support_enable and extruderValue(support_infill_extruder_nr, 'support_use_towers')",
3504 "enabled": "support_enable and support_use_towers",
32213505 "settable_per_mesh": true
32223506 }
32233507 }
32303514 "description": "Adhesion",
32313515 "children":
32323516 {
3517 "prime_blob_enable":
3518 {
3519 "label": "Enable Prime Blob",
3520 "description": "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time.",
3521 "type": "bool",
3522 "resolve": "any(extruderValues('prime_blob_enable'))",
3523 "default_value": true,
3524 "settable_per_mesh": false,
3525 "settable_per_extruder": true,
3526 "enabled": false
3527 },
32333528 "extruder_prime_pos_x":
32343529 {
32353530 "label": "Extruder Prime X Position",
32693564 "none": "None"
32703565 },
32713566 "default_value": "brim",
3272 "resolve": "'raft' if 'raft' in extruderValues('adhesion_type') else ('brim' if 'brim' in extruderValues('adhesion_type') else 'skirt')",
3567 "resolve": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'adhesion_type')",
32733568 "settable_per_mesh": false,
32743569 "settable_per_extruder": false
32753570 },
34323727 "value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height')",
34333728 "minimum_value": "0.001",
34343729 "minimum_value_warning": "0.04",
3435 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size')",
3730 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * machine_nozzle_size",
34363731 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
34373732 "settable_per_mesh": false,
34383733 "settable_per_extruder": true,
34473742 "default_value": 0.4,
34483743 "value": "line_width",
34493744 "minimum_value": "0.001",
3450 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 0.1",
3451 "maximum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 2",
3745 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 0.1",
3746 "maximum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 2",
34523747 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
34533748 "settable_per_mesh": false,
34543749 "settable_per_extruder": true,
34623757 "type": "float",
34633758 "default_value": 0.4,
34643759 "minimum_value": "0",
3465 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'raft_surface_line_width')",
3466 "maximum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'raft_surface_line_width') * 3",
3760 "minimum_value_warning": "raft_surface_line_width",
3761 "maximum_value_warning": "raft_surface_line_width * 3",
34673762 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
34683763 "value": "raft_surface_line_width",
34693764 "settable_per_mesh": false,
34803775 "value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height') * 1.5",
34813776 "minimum_value": "0.001",
34823777 "minimum_value_warning": "0.04",
3483 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size')",
3778 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * machine_nozzle_size",
34843779 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
34853780 "settable_per_mesh": false,
34863781 "settable_per_extruder": true,
34953790 "default_value": 0.7,
34963791 "value": "line_width * 2",
34973792 "minimum_value": "0.001",
3498 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 0.5",
3499 "maximum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 3",
3793 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 0.5",
3794 "maximum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 3",
35003795 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
35013796 "settable_per_mesh": false,
35023797 "settable_per_extruder": true,
35113806 "default_value": 0.9,
35123807 "value": "raft_interface_line_width + 0.2",
35133808 "minimum_value": "0",
3514 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'raft_interface_line_width')",
3809 "minimum_value_warning": "raft_interface_line_width",
35153810 "maximum_value_warning": "15.0",
35163811 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
35173812 "settable_per_mesh": false,
35283823 "value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height_0') * 1.2",
35293824 "minimum_value": "0.001",
35303825 "minimum_value_warning": "0.04",
3531 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'raft_base_line_width')",
3826 "maximum_value_warning": "0.75 * raft_base_line_width",
35323827 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
35333828 "settable_per_mesh": false,
35343829 "settable_per_extruder": true,
35423837 "type": "float",
35433838 "default_value": 0.8,
35443839 "minimum_value": "0.001",
3545 "value": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 2",
3546 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 0.5",
3547 "maximum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'machine_nozzle_size') * 3",
3840 "value": "machine_nozzle_size * 2",
3841 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 0.5",
3842 "maximum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size * 3",
35483843 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
35493844 "settable_per_mesh": false,
35503845 "settable_per_extruder": true,
35593854 "default_value": 1.6,
35603855 "value": "raft_base_line_width * 2",
35613856 "minimum_value": "0",
3562 "minimum_value_warning": "extruderValue(adhesion_extruder_nr, 'raft_base_line_width')",
3857 "minimum_value_warning": "raft_base_line_width",
35633858 "maximum_value_warning": "100",
35643859 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('adhesion_type') == 'raft'",
35653860 "settable_per_mesh": false,
38494144 "type": "float",
38504145 "unit": "mm",
38514146 "enabled": "resolveOrValue('prime_tower_enable')",
3852 "default_value": 15,
4147 "default_value": 20,
38534148 "resolve": "max(extruderValues('prime_tower_size'))",
38544149 "minimum_value": "0",
38554150 "maximum_value": "min(0.5 * machine_width, 0.5 * machine_depth)",
38794174 "unit": "mm",
38804175 "type": "float",
38814176 "default_value": 2,
3882 "value": "round(max(2 * min(extruderValues('prime_tower_line_width')), 0.5 * (resolveOrValue('prime_tower_size') - math.sqrt(max(0, resolveOrValue('prime_tower_size') ** 2 - max(extruderValues('prime_tower_min_volume')) / resolveOrValue('layer_height'))))), 3)",
4177 "value": "round(max(2 * max(extruderValues('prime_tower_line_width')), 0.5 * (resolveOrValue('prime_tower_size') - math.sqrt(max(0, resolveOrValue('prime_tower_size') ** 2 - max(extruderValues('prime_tower_min_volume')) / resolveOrValue('layer_height'))))), 3)",
38834178 "resolve": "max(extruderValues('prime_tower_wall_thickness'))",
38844179 "minimum_value": "0.001",
38854180 "minimum_value_warning": "2 * min(extruderValues('prime_tower_line_width')) - 0.0001",
41204415 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
41214416 "settable_globally": false
41224417 },
4418 "cutting_mesh":
4419 {
4420 "label": "Cutting Mesh",
4421 "description": "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder.",
4422 "type": "bool",
4423 "default_value": false,
4424 "settable_per_mesh": true,
4425 "settable_per_extruder": false,
4426 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
4427 "settable_globally": false
4428 },
4429 "mold_enabled":
4430 {
4431 "label": "Mold",
4432 "description": "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate.",
4433 "type": "bool",
4434 "default_value": false,
4435 "settable_per_mesh": true
4436 },
4437 "mold_width":
4438 {
4439 "label": "Minimal Mold Width",
4440 "description": "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model.",
4441 "unit": "mm",
4442 "type": "float",
4443 "minimum_value_warning": "wall_line_width_0 * 2",
4444 "maximum_value_warning": "100",
4445 "default_value": 5,
4446 "settable_per_mesh": true,
4447 "enabled": "mold_enabled"
4448 },
4449 "mold_roof_height":
4450 {
4451 "label": "Mold Roof Height",
4452 "description": "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold.",
4453 "unit": "mm",
4454 "type": "float",
4455 "minimum_value": "0",
4456 "maximum_value_warning": "5",
4457 "default_value": 0.5,
4458 "settable_per_mesh": true,
4459 "enabled": "mold_enabled"
4460 },
4461 "mold_angle":
4462 {
4463 "label": "Mold Angle",
4464 "description": "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model.",
4465 "unit": "°",
4466 "type": "float",
4467 "minimum_value": "-89",
4468 "minimum_value_warning": "0",
4469 "maximum_value_warning": "support_angle",
4470 "maximum_value": "90",
4471 "default_value": 40,
4472 "settable_per_mesh": true,
4473 "enabled": "mold_enabled"
4474 },
41234475 "support_mesh":
41244476 {
41254477 "label": "Support Mesh",
41264478 "description": "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure.",
41274479 "type": "bool",
41284480 "default_value": false,
4481 "settable_per_mesh": true,
4482 "settable_per_extruder": false,
4483 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
4484 "settable_globally": false
4485 },
4486 "support_mesh_drop_down":
4487 {
4488 "label": "Drop Down Support Mesh",
4489 "description": "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh.",
4490 "type": "bool",
4491 "default_value": true,
4492 "enabled": "support_mesh",
41294493 "settable_per_mesh": true,
41304494 "settable_per_extruder": false,
41314495 "settable_per_meshgroup": false,
41594523 "magic_spiralize":
41604524 {
41614525 "label": "Spiralize Outer Contour",
4162 "description": "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions.",
4526 "description": "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part.",
41634527 "type": "bool",
41644528 "default_value": false,
4165 "settable_per_mesh": true
4529 "settable_per_mesh": false,
4530 "settable_per_extruder": false
4531 },
4532 "smooth_spiralized_contours":
4533 {
4534 "label": "Smooth Spiralized Contours",
4535 "description": "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details.",
4536 "type": "bool",
4537 "default_value": true,
4538 "enabled": "magic_spiralize",
4539 "settable_per_mesh": false,
4540 "settable_per_extruder": false
41664541 }
41674542 }
41684543 },
43134688 "enabled": "top_bottom_pattern != 'concentric'",
43144689 "settable_per_mesh": true
43154690 },
4691 "spaghetti_infill_enabled":
4692 {
4693 "label": "Spaghetti Infill",
4694 "description": "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable.",
4695 "type": "bool",
4696 "default_value": false,
4697 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0",
4698 "settable_per_mesh": true
4699 },
4700 "spaghetti_max_infill_angle":
4701 {
4702 "label": "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle",
4703 "description": "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer.",
4704 "unit": "°",
4705 "type": "float",
4706 "default_value": 10,
4707 "minimum_value": "0",
4708 "maximum_value": "90",
4709 "maximum_value_warning": "45",
4710 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and spaghetti_infill_enabled",
4711 "settable_per_mesh": true
4712 },
4713 "spaghetti_max_height":
4714 {
4715 "label": "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height",
4716 "description": "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top.",
4717 "unit": "mm",
4718 "type": "float",
4719 "default_value": 2.0,
4720 "minimum_value": "layer_height",
4721 "maximum_value_warning": "10.0",
4722 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and spaghetti_infill_enabled",
4723 "settable_per_mesh": true
4724 },
4725 "spaghetti_inset":
4726 {
4727 "label": "Spaghetti Inset",
4728 "description": "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed.",
4729 "unit": "mm",
4730 "type": "float",
4731 "default_value": 0.2,
4732 "minimum_value_warning": "0",
4733 "maximum_value_warning": "5.0",
4734 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and spaghetti_infill_enabled",
4735 "settable_per_mesh": true
4736 },
4737 "spaghetti_flow":
4738 {
4739 "label": "Spaghetti Flow",
4740 "description": "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill.",
4741 "unit": "%",
4742 "type": "float",
4743 "default_value": 20,
4744 "minimum_value": "0",
4745 "maximum_value_warning": "100",
4746 "enabled": "infill_sparse_density > 0 and spaghetti_infill_enabled",
4747 "settable_per_mesh": true
4748 },
43164749 "support_conical_enabled":
43174750 {
43184751 "label": "Enable Conical Support",
0 {
1 "id": "imade3d_jellybox",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "IMADE3D JellyBOX",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "IMADE3D",
8 "manufacturer": "IMADE3D",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "platform": "imade3d_jellybox_platform.stl",
11 "platform_offset": [ 0, -0.3, 0],
12 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
13 "preferred_variant": "*0.4*",
14 "preferred_material": "*generic_pla*",
15 "preferred_quality": "*fast*",
16 "has_materials": true,
17 "has_variants": true,
18 "has_machine_materials": true,
19 "has_machine_quality": true
20 },
22 "overrides": {
23 "machine_head_with_fans_polygon": { "default_value": [[ 0, 0 ],[ 0, 0 ],[ 0, 0 ],[ 0, 0 ]]},
24 "machine_name": { "default_value": "IMADE3D JellyBOX" },
25 "machine_width": { "default_value": 170 },
26 "machine_height": { "default_value": 145 },
27 "machine_depth": { "default_value": 160 },
28 "machine_nozzle_size": { "default_value": 0.4 },
29 "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
30 "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true },
31 "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false },
32 "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
33 "machine_start_gcode": {
34 "default_value": ";---------------------------------------\n; ; ; Jellybox Start Script Begin ; ; ;\n;_______________________________________\n; M92 E140 ;optionally adjust steps per mm for your filament\n\n; Print Settings Summary\n; (leave these alone: this is only a list of the slicing settings)\n; (overwriting these values will NOT change your printer's behavior)\n; sliced for : {machine_name}\n; nozzle diameter : {machine_nozzle_size}\n; filament diameter : {material_diameter}\n; layer height : {layer_height}\n; 1st layer height : {layer_height_0}\n; line width : {line_width}\n; outer wall wipe dist. : {wall_0_wipe_dist}\n; infill line width : {infill_line_width}\n; wall thickness : {wall_thickness}\n; top thickness : {top_thickness}\n; bottom thickness : {bottom_thickness}\n; infill density : {infill_sparse_density}\n; infill pattern : {infill_pattern}\n; print temperature : {material_print_temperature}\n; 1st layer print temp. : {material_print_temperature_layer_0}\n; heated bed temperature : {material_bed_temperature}\n; 1st layer bed temp. : {material_bed_temperature_layer_0}\n; regular fan speed : {cool_fan_speed_min}\n; max fan speed : {cool_fan_speed_max}\n; retraction amount : {retraction_amount}\n; retr. retract speed : {retraction_retract_speed}\n; retr. prime speed : {retraction_prime_speed}\n; build plate adhesion : {adhesion_type}\n; support ? {support_enable}\n; spiralized ? {magic_spiralize}\n\nM117 Preparing ;write Preparing\nM140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;set bed temperature and move on\nM109 S{material_print_temperature} ; wait for the extruder to reach desired temperature\nM206 X10.0 Y0.0 ;set x homing offset for default bed leveling\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nG28 ;home all axes\nM203 Z4 ;slow Z speed down for greater accuracy when probing\nG29 ;auto bed leveling procedure\nM203 Z7 ;pick up z speed again for printing\nM190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;wait for the bed to reach desired temperature\nM109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;wait for the extruder to reach desired temperature\nG92 E0 ;reset the extruder position\nG1 F1500 E15 ;extrude 15mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;reset the extruder position again\nM117 Print starting ;write Print starting\n;---------------------------------------------\n; ; ; Jellybox Printer Start Script End ; ; ;\n;_____________________________________________\n"
35 },
36 "machine_end_gcode": {
37 "default_value": "\n;---------------------------------\n;;; Jellybox End Script Begin ;;;\n;_________________________________\nM117 Finishing Up ;write Finishing Up\n\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nG28 X ;home x, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y100 ;move Y forward, so the print is more accessible\nM84 ;steppers off\n\nM117 Print finished ;write Print finished\n;---------------------------------------\n;;; Jellybox End Script End ;;;\n;_______________________________________"
38 }
39 }
40 }
4242 },
4343 "gantry_height": {
4444 "default_value": 82.3
45 },
46 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": {
47 "default_value": 0
48 },
49 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": {
50 "default_value": 15
5145 },
5246 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
5347 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
resources/definitions/jellybox.def.json less more
0 {
1 "id": "jellybox",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "JellyBOX",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "IMADE3D",
8 "manufacturer": "IMADE3D",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "platform": "jellybox_platform.stl",
11 "platform_offset": [ 0, -0.3, 0],
12 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
13 "has_materials": true,
14 "has_machine_materials": true
15 },
17 "overrides": {
18 "machine_name": { "default_value": "IMADE3D JellyBOX" },
19 "machine_width": { "default_value": 170 },
20 "machine_height": { "default_value": 145 },
21 "machine_depth": { "default_value": 160 },
22 "machine_nozzle_size": { "default_value": 0.4 },
23 "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
24 "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true },
25 "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false },
26 "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
27 "machine_start_gcode": {
28 "default_value": ";---------------------------------------\n; ; ; Jellybox Start Script Begin ; ; ;\n;_______________________________________\n; M92 E140 ;optionally adjust steps per mm for your filament\n\n; Print Settings Summary\n; (overwriting these values will NOT change your printer's behavior)\n; sliced for: {machine_name}\n; nozzle diameter: {machine_nozzle_size}\n; filament diameter: {material_diameter}\n; layer height: {layer_height}\n; 1st layer height: {layer_height_0}\n; line width: {line_width}\n; wall thickness: {wall_thickness}\n; infill density: {infill_sparse_density}\n; infill pattern: {infill_pattern}\n; print temperature: {material_print_temperature}\n; heated bed temperature: {material_bed_temperature}\n; regular fan speed: {cool_fan_speed_min}\n; max fan speed: {cool_fan_speed_max}\n; support? {support_enable}\n; spiralized? {magic_spiralize}\n\nM117 Preparing ;write Preparing\nM140 S{material_bed_temperature} ;set bed temperature and move on\nM104 S{material_print_temperature} ;set extruder temperature and move on\nM206 X10.0 Y0.0 ;set x homing offset for default bed leveling\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nG28 ;home all axes\nM203 Z5 ;slow Z speed down for greater accuracy when probing\nG29 ;auto bed leveling procedure\nM203 Z7 ;pick up z speed again for printing\nM190 S{material_bed_temperature} ;wait for the bed to reach desired temperature\nM109 S{material_print_temperature} ;wait for the extruder to reach desired temperature\nG92 E0 ;reset the extruder position\nG1 F200 E5 ;extrude 5mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;reset the extruder position again\nM117 Print starting ;write Print starting\n;---------------------------------------------\n; ; ; Jellybox Printer Start Script End ; ; ;\n;_____________________________________________"
29 },
30 "machine_end_gcode": {
31 "default_value": "\n;---------------------------------\n;;; Jellybox End Script Begin ;;;\n;_________________________________\nM117 Finishing Up ;write Finishing Up\n\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nG28 X ;home x, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y100 ;move Y forward, so the print is more accessible\nM84 ;steppers off\n\nM117 Print finished ;write Print finished\n;---------------------------------------\n;;; Jellybox End Script End ;;;\n;_______________________________________"
32 }
33 }
34 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeR_pegasus",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "makeR Pegasus",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "makeR",
8 "manufacturer": "makeR",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
11 "icon": "icon_ultimaker2",
12 "platform": "makeR_pegasus_platform.stl",
13 "platform_offset": [-200,-10,200]
14 },
16 "overrides": {
17 "machine_name": { "default_value": " makeR Pegasus" },
18 "machine_heated_bed": {
19 "default_value": true
20 },
21 "machine_width": {
22 "default_value": 400
23 },
24 "machine_height": {
25 "default_value": 400
26 },
27 "machine_depth": {
28 "default_value": 400
29 },
30 "machine_center_is_zero": {
31 "default_value": false
32 },
33 "machine_nozzle_size": {
34 "default_value": 0.4
35 },
36 "material_diameter": {
37 "default_value": 2.85
38 },
39 "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {
40 "default_value": 2
41 },
42 "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {
43 "default_value": 2
44 },
45 "machine_head_polygon": {
46 "default_value": [
47 [-75, -18],
48 [-75, 35],
49 [18, 35],
50 [18, -18]
51 ]
52 },
53 "gantry_height": {
54 "default_value": -25
55 },
56 "machine_platform_offset":{
57 "default_value":-25
58 },
59 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
60 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
61 },
62 "machine_start_gcode": {
63 "default_value": "G1 Z15;\nG28;Home\nG29;Auto Level\nG1 Z5 F5000;Move the platform down 15mm"
64 },
65 "machine_end_gcode": {
66 "default_value": "M104 S0;Turn off temperature\nG28 X0; Home X\nM84; Disable Motors"
67 }
68 }
69 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeR_prusa_tairona_i3",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "makeR Prusa Tairona i3",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "makeR",
8 "manufacturer": "makeR",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
11 "icon": "icon_ultimaker2",
12 "platform": "makeR_prusa_tairona_i3_platform.stl",
13 "platform_offset": [-2,0,0]
14 },
16 "overrides": {
17 "machine_name": { "default_value": "makeR Prusa Tairona I3" },
18 "machine_heated_bed": {
19 "default_value": true
20 },
21 "machine_width": {
22 "default_value": 200
23 },
24 "machine_height": {
25 "default_value": 200
26 },
27 "machine_depth": {
28 "default_value": 200
29 },
30 "machine_center_is_zero": {
31 "default_value": false
32 },
33 "machine_nozzle_size": {
34 "default_value": 0.4
35 },
36 "material_diameter": {
37 "default_value": 1.75
38 },
39 "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {
40 "default_value": 2
41 },
42 "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {
43 "default_value": 2
44 },
45 "machine_head_polygon": {
46 "default_value": [
47 [-75, -18],
48 [-75, 35],
49 [18, 35],
50 [18, -18]
51 ]
52 },
53 "gantry_height": {
54 "default_value": 55
55 },
56 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
57 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
58 },
59 "machine_start_gcode": {
60 "default_value": "G1 Z15;\nG28;Home\nG29;Auto Level\nG1 Z5 F5000;Move the platform down 15mm"
61 },
62 "machine_end_gcode": {
63 "default_value": "M104 S0;Turn off temperature\nG28 X0; Home X\nM84; Disable Motors"
64 }
65 }
66 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_pro_l",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "MAKEiT Pro-L",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "NA",
8 "manufacturer": "NA",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
11 "has_materials": false,
12 "supported_actions": [ "MachineSettingsAction", "UpgradeFirmware" ],
13 "machine_extruder_trains":
14 {
15 "0": "makeit_l_dual_1st",
16 "1": "makeit_l_dual_2nd"
17 }
18 },
20 "overrides": {
21 "machine_name": { "default_value": "MAKEiT Pro-L" },
22 "machine_width": {
23 "default_value": 305
24 },
25 "machine_height": {
26 "default_value": 330
27 },
28 "machine_depth": {
29 "default_value": 254
30 },
31 "machine_center_is_zero": {
32 "default_value": false
33 },
34 "machine_nozzle_size": {
35 "default_value": 0.4
36 },
37 "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {
38 "default_value": 2
39 },
40 "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {
41 "default_value": 2
42 },
43 "machine_head_with_fans_polygon":
44 {
45 "default_value": [
46 [ -305, 28 ],
47 [ -305, -28 ],
48 [ 305, 28 ],
49 [ 305, -28 ]
50 ]
51 },
52 "gantry_height": {
53 "default_value": 330
54 },
55 "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords": {
56 "default_value": true
57 },
58 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
59 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
60 },
61 "machine_start_gcode": {
62 "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG28 ;home\nG1 F200 E30 ;extrude 30 mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E-5 ;retract 5 mm\nG28 SC ;Do homeing, clean nozzles and let printer to know that printing started\nG92 X-6 ;Sets Curas checker board to match printers heated bed coordinates\nG1 F{speed_travel}\nM117 Printing..."
63 },
64 "machine_end_gcode": {
65 "default_value": "M104 T0 S0 ;1st extruder heater off\nM104 T1 S0 ;2nd extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-5 F9000 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+5 X+20 Y+20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit\nM117 MAKEiT Pro@Done\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM81"
66 },
67 "machine_extruder_count": {
68 "default_value": 2
69 },
70 "print_sequence": {
71 "enabled": true
72 },
73 "prime_tower_position_x": {
74 "default_value": 185
75 },
76 "prime_tower_position_y": {
77 "default_value": 160
78 },
79 "material_diameter": {
80 "default_value": 1.75
81 },
82 "layer_height": {
83 "default_value": 0.2
84 },
85 "retraction_speed": {
86 "default_value": 180
87 },
88 "infill_sparse_density": {
89 "default_value": 20
90 },
91 "retraction_amount": {
92 "default_value": 6
93 },
94 "retraction_min_travel": {
95 "default_value": 1.5
96 },
97 "speed_travel": {
98 "default_value": 150
99 },
100 "speed_print": {
101 "default_value": 60
102 },
103 "wall_thickness": {
104 "default_value": 1.2
105 },
106 "bottom_thickness": {
107 "default_value": 0.2
108 },
109 "speed_layer_0": {
110 "default_value": 20
111 },
112 "speed_print_layer_0": {
113 "default_value": 20
114 },
115 "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": {
116 "default_value": 5
117 },
118 "adhesion_type": {
119 "default_value": "skirt"
120 },
121 "machine_heated_bed": {
122 "default_value": true
123 },
124 "machine_heat_zone_length": {
125 "default_value": 20
126 }
127 }
128 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_pro_m",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "MAKEiT Pro-M",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "NA",
8 "manufacturer": "NA",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
11 "has_materials": false,
12 "supported_actions": [ "MachineSettingsAction", "UpgradeFirmware" ],
13 "machine_extruder_trains":
14 {
15 "0": "makeit_dual_1st",
16 "1": "makeit_dual_2nd"
17 }
18 },
20 "overrides": {
21 "machine_name": { "default_value": "MAKEiT Pro-M" },
22 "machine_width": {
23 "default_value": 200
24 },
25 "machine_height": {
26 "default_value": 200
27 },
28 "machine_depth": {
29 "default_value": 240
30 },
31 "machine_center_is_zero": {
32 "default_value": false
33 },
34 "machine_nozzle_size": {
35 "default_value": 0.4
36 },
37 "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {
38 "default_value": 2
39 },
40 "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {
41 "default_value": 2
42 },
43 "machine_head_with_fans_polygon":
44 {
45 "default_value": [
46 [ -200, 240 ],
47 [ -200, -32 ],
48 [ 200, 240 ],
49 [ 200, -32 ]
50 ]
51 },
52 "gantry_height": {
53 "default_value": 200
54 },
55 "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords": {
56 "default_value": true
57 },
58 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
59 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
60 },
61 "machine_start_gcode": {
62 "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG28 ;home\nG1 F200 E30 ;extrude 30 mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E-5 ;retract 5 mm\nG28 SC ;Do homeing, clean nozzles and let printer to know that printing started\nG92 X-6 ;Sets Curas checker board to match printers heated bed coordinates\nG1 F{speed_travel}\nM117 Printing..."
63 },
64 "machine_end_gcode": {
65 "default_value": "M104 T0 S0 ;1st extruder heater off\nM104 T1 S0 ;2nd extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-5 F9000 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+5 X+20 Y+20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit\nM117 MAKEiT Pro@Done\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM81"
66 },
67 "machine_extruder_count": {
68 "default_value": 2
69 },
70 "print_sequence": {
71 "enabled": false
72 },
73 "prime_tower_position_x": {
74 "default_value": 185
75 },
76 "prime_tower_position_y": {
77 "default_value": 160
78 },
79 "material_diameter": {
80 "default_value": 1.75
81 },
82 "layer_height": {
83 "default_value": 0.2
84 },
85 "retraction_speed": {
86 "default_value": 180
87 },
88 "infill_sparse_density": {
89 "default_value": 20
90 },
91 "retraction_amount": {
92 "default_value": 6
93 },
94 "retraction_min_travel": {
95 "default_value": 1.5
96 },
97 "speed_travel": {
98 "default_value": 150
99 },
100 "speed_print": {
101 "default_value": 60
102 },
103 "wall_thickness": {
104 "default_value": 1.2
105 },
106 "bottom_thickness": {
107 "default_value": 0.2
108 },
109 "speed_layer_0": {
110 "default_value": 20
111 },
112 "speed_print_layer_0": {
113 "default_value": 20
114 },
115 "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": {
116 "default_value": 5
117 },
118 "adhesion_type": {
119 "default_value": "skirt"
120 },
121 "machine_heated_bed": {
122 "default_value": true
123 }
124 }
125 }
33 "name": "3DMaker Starter",
44 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
55 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
67 "author": "tvlgiao",
78 "manufacturer": "3DMaker",
89 "category": "Other",
0 {
1 "id": "peopoly_moai",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Peopoly Moai",
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "fieldOfView",
8 "manufacturer": "Peopoly",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
11 "has_machine_quality": true,
12 "has_materials": false
13 },
15 "overrides": {
16 "machine_name": {
17 "default_value": "Moai"
18 },
19 "machine_width": {
20 "default_value": 130
21 },
22 "machine_height": {
23 "default_value": 180
24 },
25 "machine_depth": {
26 "default_value": 130
27 },
28 "machine_nozzle_size": {
29 "default_value": 0.067
30 },
31 "machine_head_with_fans_polygon":
32 {
33 "default_value": [
34 [ -20, 10 ],
35 [ -20, -10 ],
36 [ 10, 10 ],
37 [ 10, -10 ]
38 ]
39 },
40 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
41 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
42 },
43 "machine_start_gcode": {
44 "default_value": "G28 ;Home"
45 },
46 "machine_end_gcode": {
47 "default_value": "M104 S0\nM140 S0\nG28 X0 Y0\nM84"
48 },
50 "line_width": {
51 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
52 },
53 "wall_line_width": {
54 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
55 },
56 "wall_line_width_x": {
57 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
58 },
59 "skin_line_width": {
60 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
61 },
62 "infill_line_width": {
63 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
64 },
65 "skirt_brim_line_width": {
66 "minimum_value_warning": "machine_nozzle_size"
67 },
68 "layer_height": {
69 "maximum_value_warning": "0.5",
70 "minimum_value_warning": "0.02"
71 },
72 "layer_height_0": {
73 "maximum_value_warning": "0.5",
74 "minimum_value_warning": "0.02",
75 "value": "0.1"
76 },
77 "top_bottom_thickness": {
78 "minimum_value_warning": "0.1"
79 },
80 "infill_sparse_thickness": {
81 "maximum_value_warning": "0.5"
82 },
83 "speed_print": {
84 "maximum_value_warning": "300"
85 },
86 "speed_infill": {
87 "maximum_value_warning": "300"
88 },
89 "speed_wall": {
90 "maximum_value_warning": "300",
91 "value": "speed_print"
92 },
93 "speed_wall_0": {
94 "maximum_value_warning": "300"
95 },
96 "speed_wall_x": {
97 "maximum_value_warning": "300",
98 "value": "speed_print"
99 },
100 "speed_topbottom": {
101 "maximum_value_warning": "300",
102 "value": "speed_print"
103 },
104 "speed_travel": {
105 "value": "300"
106 },
107 "speed_travel_layer_0": {
108 "value": "300"
109 },
110 "speed_layer_0": {
111 "value": "5"
112 },
113 "speed_slowdown_layers": {
114 "value": "2"
115 },
117 "acceleration_enabled": {
118 "value": "False"
119 },
120 "print_sequence": {
121 "enabled": false
122 },
123 "support_enable": {
124 "enabled": false
125 },
126 "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled": {
127 "value": "False"
128 },
129 "material_bed_temperature": {
130 "enabled": false
131 },
132 "material_diameter": {
133 "enabled": false,
134 "value": "1.75"
135 },
136 "cool_fan_enabled": {
137 "enabled": false,
138 "value": "False"
139 },
140 "retraction_enable": {
141 "enabled": false,
142 "value": "False"
143 },
144 "retraction_combing": {
145 "enabled": false,
146 "value": "'off'"
147 },
148 "retract_at_layer_change": {
149 "enabled": false
150 },
151 "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": {
152 "enabled": false
153 },
154 "cool_fan_full_at_height": {
155 "enabled": false
156 },
157 "cool_fan_full_layer": {
158 "enabled": false
159 }
160 }
161 }
5757 "value": "100"
5858 },
5959 "machine_end_gcode": {
60 "default_value": ";End GCode\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{speed_travel} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning"
60 "default_value": ";End GCode\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 E-5 X-20 Y-20 ;retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG0 Z{machine_height} ;move the platform all the way down\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM117 Done"
6161 },
6262 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
6363 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
6969 "default_value": "Renkforce RF100"
7070 },
7171 "machine_start_gcode": {
72 "default_value": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15.0 F{speed_travel} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{speed_travel}\nM117 Printing..."
72 "default_value": ";Start GCode\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15.0 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Printing..."
7373 },
7474 "machine_width": {
7575 "value": "100"
0 {
1 "id": "rigid3d_zero2",
2 "name": "Rigid3D Zero2",
3 "version": 2,
4 "inherits": "fdmprinter",
5 "metadata": {
6 "visible": true,
7 "author": "Rigid3D",
8 "manufacturer": "Rigid3D",
9 "category": "Other",
10 "has_materials": false,
11 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
12 "platform": "rigid3d_zero2_platform.stl",
13 "platform_offset": [ 5, 0, -35]
14 },
15 "overrides": {
16 "machine_name": { "default_value": "Rigid3D Zero2" },
17 "machine_head_with_fans_polygon": {
18 "default_value": [[ 30, 30], [ 30, 70], [ 30, 70], [ 30, 30]]
19 },
20 "z_seam_type": {
21 "default_value": "random"
22 },
23 "machine_heated_bed": {
24 "default_value": true
25 },
26 "layer_height": {
27 "default_value": 0.2
28 },
29 "layer_height_0": {
30 "default_value": 0.2
31 },
32 "wall_thickness": {
33 "default_value": 0.8
34 },
35 "top_bottom_thickness": {
36 "default_value": 0.8
37 },
38 "xy_offset": {
39 "default_value": -0.2
40 },
41 "material_print_temperature": {
42 "value": 235
43 },
44 "material_bed_temperature": {
45 "default_value": 100
46 },
47 "material_diameter": {
48 "default_value": 1.75
49 },
50 "speed_print": {
51 "default_value": 40
52 },
53 "speed_layer_0": {
54 "value": 15
55 },
56 "speed_travel": {
57 "value": 100
58 },
59 "support_enable": {
60 "default_value": false
61 },
62 "infill_sparse_density": {
63 "default_value": 15
64 },
65 "infill_pattern": {
66 "default_value": "lines",
67 "value": "lines"
68 },
69 "retraction_amount": {
70 "default_value": 1
71 },
72 "machine_width": {
73 "default_value": 200
74 },
75 "machine_height": {
76 "default_value": 200
77 },
78 "machine_depth": {
79 "default_value": 200
80 },
81 "machine_center_is_zero": {
82 "default_value": false
83 },
84 "machine_nozzle_size": {
85 "default_value": 0.4
86 },
87 "gantry_height": {
88 "default_value": 25
89 },
90 "machine_gcode_flavor": {
91 "default_value": "RepRap"
92 },
93 "cool_fan_enabled": {
94 "default_value": false
95 },
96 "cool_fan_speed": {
97 "default_value": 50,
98 "value": 50
99 },
100 "cool_fan_speed_min": {
101 "default_value": 0
102 },
103 "cool_fan_full_at_height": {
104 "default_value": 1.0,
105 "value": 1.0
106 },
107 "support_z_distance": {
108 "default_value": 0.2
109 },
110 "support_interface_enable": {
111 "default_value": true
112 },
113 "support_interface_height": {
114 "default_value": 0.8
115 },
116 "support_interface_density": {
117 "default_value": 70
118 },
119 "support_interface_pattern": {
120 "default_value": "grid"
121 },
122 "machine_start_gcode": {
123 "default_value": "G21\nG28 ; Home extruder\nM107 ; Turn off fan\nG91 ; Relative positioning\nG1 Z5 F180;\nG1 X100 Y100 F3000;\nG1 Z-5 F180;\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\nM82 ; Extruder in absolute mode\nG92 E0 ; Reset extruder position\n"
124 },
125 "machine_end_gcode": {
126 "default_value": "G1 X0 Y180 ; Get extruder out of way.\nM107 ; Turn off fan\nG91 ; Relative positioning\nG0 Z20 ; Lift extruder up\nT0\nG1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure\nM104 T0 S0 ; Turn extruder heater off\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\nG92 E0 ; Reset extruder position\nM140 S0 ; Disable heated bed\nM84 ; Turn steppers off\n"
127 }
128 }
129 }
3838 "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
3939 },
4040 "machine_start_gcode": {
41 "default_value": ";Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_sparse_density}\n;M190 S{material_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{material_print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{speed_travel} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{speed_travel}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
41 "default_value": ";Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_sparse_density}\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{speed_travel} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{speed_travel}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
4242 },
4343 "machine_end_gcode": {
4444 "default_value": ";End GCode\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+10 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F{speed_travel} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y230 F3000 ;move Y so the head is out of the way and Plate is moved forward\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning"
1414 "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2backplate.png",
1515 "platform_offset": [9, 0, 0],
1616 "has_materials": false,
17 "supported_actions":["UpgradeFirmware"]
17 "first_start_actions": ["UM2UpgradeSelection"],
18 "supported_actions":["UM2UpgradeSelection", "UpgradeFirmware"]
1819 },
1920 "overrides": {
2021 "machine_name": { "default_value": "Ultimaker 2" },
1010 "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
1111 "icon": "icon_ultimaker2.png",
1212 "platform": "ultimaker2_platform.obj",
13 "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2Extendedbackplate.png",
14 "supported_actions": ["UpgradeFirmware"]
13 "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2Extendedbackplate.png"
1514 },
1716 "overrides": {
1212 "platform": "ultimaker2go_platform.obj",
1313 "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2Gobackplate.png",
1414 "platform_offset": [0, 0, 0],
15 "first_start_actions": [],
1516 "supported_actions":["UpgradeFirmware"]
1617 },
1515 "has_materials": true,
1616 "has_machine_materials": true,
1717 "has_machine_quality": true,
18 "first_start_actions": [],
1819 "supported_actions":["UpgradeFirmware"]
1920 },
6969 "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "" },
7070 "machine_end_gcode": { "default_value": "" },
7171 "prime_tower_position_x": { "default_value": 175 },
72 "prime_tower_position_y": { "default_value": 178 },
72 "prime_tower_position_y": { "default_value": 177 },
7373 "prime_tower_wipe_enabled": { "default_value": false },
75 "prime_blob_enable": { "enabled": true },
7577 "acceleration_enabled": { "value": "True" },
7678 "acceleration_layer_0": { "value": "acceleration_topbottom" },
102104 "layer_height_0": { "value": "round(machine_nozzle_size / 1.5, 2)" },
103105 "layer_start_x": { "value": "sum(extruderValues('machine_extruder_start_pos_x')) / len(extruderValues('machine_extruder_start_pos_x'))" },
104106 "layer_start_y": { "value": "sum(extruderValues('machine_extruder_start_pos_y')) / len(extruderValues('machine_extruder_start_pos_y'))" },
105 "line_width": { "value": "machine_nozzle_size * 0.875" },
107 "line_width": { "value": "round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.875, 3)" },
106108 "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window": { "value": "15" },
107109 "default_material_print_temperature": { "value": "200" },
108110 "material_print_temperature_layer_0": { "value": "material_print_temperature + 5" },
110112 "material_bed_temperature_layer_0": { "maximum_value": "115" },
111113 "material_standby_temperature": { "value": "100" },
112114 "multiple_mesh_overlap": { "value": "0" },
113 "prime_tower_enable": { "value": "True" },
115 "prime_tower_enable": { "default_value": true },
114116 "raft_airgap": { "value": "0" },
115117 "raft_base_thickness": { "value": "0.3" },
116118 "raft_interface_line_spacing": { "value": "0.5" },
1515 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
1616 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
1717 "machine_extruder_start_code": {
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_0\nM117 Heating nozzles....\nM104 S190 T0\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000\nM109 S190 T0\n\nM117 purging nozzle\nG92 E0\nG1 E6 F90\nG92 E0\nG1 E-2 F300\nG92 E0\nM117 wiping nozzle\nG1 X1 Y28 F3000\nG1 X70 F6000\n\nM117 printing\n"
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_0\n\nM117 printing\n"
1919 },
2020 "machine_extruder_end_code": {
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T0 S155\n;end extruder_0\nM117 temp is {material_print_temp}"
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T0 S160\nG91\nG1 Z5 F900\nG90\nG1 X1 Y260 F9000\n;end extruder_0\nM117 temp is {material_print_temp}"
2222 }
2323 }
2424 }
1515 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 24.0 },
1616 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
1717 "machine_extruder_start_code": {
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_1\nM117 Heating nozzles....\nM104 S190 T1\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000\nM109 S190 T1\n\nM117 purging nozzle\nG92 E0\nG1 E6 F90\nG92 E0\nG1 E-2 F300\nG92 E0\n\nM117 wiping nozzle\nG1 X1 Y28 F3000\nG1 X70 F6000\n\nM117 printing\n"
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_1\n\nM117 printing\n"
1919 },
2020 "machine_extruder_end_code": {
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T1 S155\n;end extruder_1\n"
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T1 S160\nG91\nG1 Z5 F900\nG90\nG1 X1 Y260 F9000\n;end extruder_1\n"
2222 }
2323 }
2424 }
1515 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
1616 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 60.0 },
1717 "machine_extruder_start_code": {
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_2\nM117 Heating nozzles....\nM104 S190 T2\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000\nM109 S190 T2\n\nM117 purging nozzle\nG92 E0\nG1 E6 F90\nG92 E0\nG1 E-2 F300\nG92 E0\n\nM117 wiping nozzle\nG1 X1 Y28 F3000\nG1 X70 F6000\n\nM117 printing\n"
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_2\n\nM117 printing\n"
1919 },
2020 "machine_extruder_end_code": {
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T2 S155\n;end extruder_2\n"
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T2 S160\nG91\nG1 Z5 F900\nG90\nG1 X1 Y260 F9000\n;end extruder_2\n"
2222 }
2323 }
2424 }
1515 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 24.0 },
1616 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 60.0 },
1717 "machine_extruder_start_code": {
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_3\nM117 Heating nozzles....\nM104 S190 T3\nG1 X70 Y20 F9000\nM109 S190 T3\n\nM117 purging nozzle\nG92 E0\nG1 E6 F90\nG92 E0\nG1 E-2 F300\nG92 E0\n\nM117 wiping nozzle\nG1 X1 Y28 F3000\nG1 X70 F6000\n\nM117 printing\n"
18 "default_value": "\n;start extruder_3\n\nM117 printing\n"
1919 },
2020 "machine_extruder_end_code": {
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T3 S155\n;end extruder_3\n"
21 "default_value": "\nM104 T3 S160\nG91\nG1 Z5 F900\nG90\nG1 X1 Y260 F9000\n;end extruder_3\n"
2222 }
2323 }
2424 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_1",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 1",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "0"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 0,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_2",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 2",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "1"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 1,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_3",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 3",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "2"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 2,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_4",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 4",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "3"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 3,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_5",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 5",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "4"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 4,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_6",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 6",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "5"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 5,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_7",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 7",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "6"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 6,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "custom_extruder_8",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "Extruder 8",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "custom",
7 "position": "7"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 7,
13 "maximum_value": "7"
14 }
15 }
16 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_dual_1st",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "1st Extruder",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "makeit_pro_m",
7 "position": "0"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 0,
13 "maximum_value": "1"
14 },
15 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
16 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
18 "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
19 "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
20 "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" },
21 "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
22 "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
23 "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" }
24 }
25 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_dual_2nd",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "2nd Extruder",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "makeit_pro_m",
7 "position": "1"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 1,
13 "maximum_value": "1"
14 },
15 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
16 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
18 "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
19 "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
20 "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" },
21 "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
22 "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
23 "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" }
24 }
25 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_l_dual_1st",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "1st Extruder",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "makeit_pro_l",
7 "position": "0"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 0,
13 "maximum_value": "1"
14 },
15 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
16 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
18 "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
19 "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
20 "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" },
21 "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
22 "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
23 "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" }
24 }
25 }
0 {
1 "id": "makeit_l_dual_2nd",
2 "version": 2,
3 "name": "2nd Extruder",
4 "inherits": "fdmextruder",
5 "metadata": {
6 "machine": "makeit_pro_l",
7 "position": "1"
8 },
10 "overrides": {
11 "extruder_nr": {
12 "default_value": 1,
13 "maximum_value": "1"
14 },
15 "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default_value": 0.0 },
16 "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default_value": 0.0 },
18 "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
19 "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
20 "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" },
21 "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default_value": true },
22 "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "value": "prime_tower_position_x" },
23 "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "value": "prime_tower_position_y" }
24 }
25 }
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
0 # Cura
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
44 #
5 #, fuzzy
6 msgid ""
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8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
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13 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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2930 "size, etc)"
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32 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
33 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3334 msgctxt "@action"
3435 msgid "Machine Settings"
3536 msgstr ""
130131 msgid "Show Changelog"
131132 msgstr ""
134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
135 msgctxt "@label"
136 msgid "Profile flatener"
137 msgstr ""
139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
140 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
141 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
142 msgstr ""
144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
145 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
146 msgid "Flatten active settings"
147 msgstr ""
149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
150 msgctxt "@info:status"
151 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
152 msgstr ""
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164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165186 msgctxt "@info:status"
166187 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
167188 msgstr ""
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170191 msgctxt "@info:status"
171192 msgid ""
172193 "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
173194 msgstr ""
175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
176197 msgctxt "@info:status"
177198 msgid ""
178199 "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
210231 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
211232 msgstr ""
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214235 #, python-brace-format
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217238 msgstr ""
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
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224245 msgstr ""
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247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
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228249 msgctxt "@info:status"
229250 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
230251 msgstr ""
232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
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258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
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241262 msgstr ""
243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
244265 #, python-brace-format
245266 msgctxt "@info:status"
246267 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
247268 msgstr ""
249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
250271 #, python-brace-format
251272 msgctxt "@info:status"
252273 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
253274 msgstr ""
255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
256277 #, python-brace-format
257278 msgctxt "@info:status"
258279 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
333354 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
334355 msgstr ""
336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
337358 msgctxt "@info:status"
338359 msgid ""
339360 "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
340361 msgstr ""
342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
343364 msgctxt "@info:status"
344365 msgid "Connected over the network."
345366 msgstr ""
347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
348369 msgctxt "@info:status"
349370 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
350371 msgstr ""
352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
353374 msgctxt "@info:status"
354375 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
355376 msgstr ""
357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
358379 msgctxt "@info:status"
359380 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
360381 msgstr ""
362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
363384 msgctxt "@info:status"
364385 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
365386 msgstr ""
367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
368389 msgctxt "@info:status"
369390 msgid ""
370391 "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is "
371392 "connected."
372393 msgstr ""
374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375396 #, python-format
376397 msgctxt "@info:status"
377398 msgid ""
379400 "%s."
380401 msgstr ""
382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
383404 #, python-brace-format
384405 msgctxt "@info:status"
385 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
386 msgstr ""
388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
407 msgstr ""
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
389410 #, python-brace-format
390411 msgctxt "@info:status"
391412 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
392413 msgstr ""
394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395416 #, python-brace-format
396417 msgctxt "@label"
397418 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
398 msgstr ""
400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
401 #, python-brace-format
402 msgctxt "@label"
403 msgid ""
404 "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
405419 msgstr ""
407421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
408422 #, python-brace-format
409423 msgctxt "@label"
424 msgid ""
425 "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
426 msgstr ""
428 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
429 #, python-brace-format
430 msgctxt "@label"
410431 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
411432 msgstr ""
413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
414435 #, python-brace-format
415436 msgctxt "@label"
416437 msgid ""
418439 "performed on the printer."
419440 msgstr ""
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
422443 msgctxt "@label"
423444 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
424445 msgstr ""
426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427448 msgctxt "@label"
428449 msgid ""
429450 "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer "
431452 "that are inserted in your printer."
432453 msgstr ""
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
435456 msgctxt "@window:title"
436457 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
437458 msgstr ""
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
440461 msgctxt "@info:status"
441462 msgid "Sending data to printer"
442463 msgstr ""
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
445466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
446467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
447468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
448469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
452473 msgctxt "@action:button"
453474 msgid "Cancel"
454475 msgstr ""
456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
457478 msgctxt "@info:status"
458479 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
459480 msgstr ""
461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
463484 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
464485 msgid "Aborting print..."
465486 msgstr ""
467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
468489 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
469490 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
470491 msgstr ""
472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
473494 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
474495 msgid "Pausing print..."
475496 msgstr ""
477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
478499 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
479500 msgid "Resuming print..."
480501 msgstr ""
482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
503 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
483504 msgctxt "@window:title"
484505 msgid "Sync with your printer"
485506 msgstr ""
487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
508 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
488509 msgctxt "@label"
489510 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
490511 msgstr ""
492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
513 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
493514 msgctxt "@label"
494515 msgid ""
495516 "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within "
548569 msgid "Dismiss"
549570 msgstr ""
551 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
572 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
552573 msgctxt "@label"
553574 msgid "Material Profiles"
554575 msgstr ""
556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
577 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
557578 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
558579 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
559580 msgstr ""
604625 msgid "Layers"
605626 msgstr ""
607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
608629 msgctxt "@info:status"
609630 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
610631 msgstr ""
612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
613 msgctxt "@label"
614 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
615 msgstr ""
617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
634 msgctxt "@label"
635 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
636 msgstr ""
638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
618639 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
619 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
640 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
620641 msgstr ""
622643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
674695 msgid "GIF Image"
675696 msgstr ""
677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
678 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
698 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
679700 msgctxt "@info:status"
680701 msgid ""
681702 "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or "
682703 "configuration."
683704 msgstr ""
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
706 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686707 #, python-brace-format
687708 msgctxt "@info:status"
688709 msgid ""
690711 "errors: {0}"
691712 msgstr ""
693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
694715 msgctxt "@info:status"
695716 msgid ""
696717 "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
697718 msgstr ""
699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
700721 msgctxt "@info:status"
701722 msgid ""
702723 "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please "
713734 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
714735 msgstr ""
716 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
737 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
738 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
718739 msgctxt "@info:status"
719740 msgid "Processing Layers"
720741 msgstr ""
739760 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
740761 msgstr ""
742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
743 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
763 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
764 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
744765 msgctxt "@title:tab"
745766 msgid "Recommended"
746767 msgstr ""
748 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
749 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
769 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
750771 msgctxt "@title:tab"
751772 msgid "Custom"
752773 msgstr ""
754 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755776 msgctxt "@label"
756777 msgid "3MF Reader"
757778 msgstr ""
759 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
780 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
760781 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
761782 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
762783 msgstr ""
764 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
765 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
785 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
766787 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
767788 msgid "3MF File"
768789 msgstr ""
770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
771 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
791 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
772793 msgctxt "@label"
773794 msgid "Nozzle"
774795 msgstr ""
803824 msgid "G File"
804825 msgstr ""
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
807828 msgctxt "@info:status"
808829 msgid "Parsing G-code"
830 msgstr ""
832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
833 msgctxt "@info:generic"
834 msgid ""
835 "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration "
836 "before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
809837 msgstr ""
811839 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
824852 msgid "Cura Profile"
825853 msgstr ""
827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828856 msgctxt "@label"
829857 msgid "3MF Writer"
830858 msgstr ""
832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
860 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833861 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
834862 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
835863 msgstr ""
837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
865 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838866 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
839867 msgid "3MF file"
840868 msgstr ""
842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
870 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
843871 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
844872 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
845873 msgstr ""
847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
848 msgctxt "@label"
849 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
850 msgstr ""
852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
853 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
854 msgid ""
855 "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling "
856 "wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr ""
875 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
859876 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
860877 msgctxt "@action"
861878 msgid "Select upgrades"
862879 msgstr ""
881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
882 msgctxt "@label"
883 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
884 msgstr ""
886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
887 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
888 msgid ""
889 "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling "
890 "wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
891 msgstr ""
864893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
865894 msgctxt "@action"
866895 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
886915 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
887916 msgstr ""
889 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
890919 #, python-brace-format
891920 msgctxt "@label"
892921 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
902931 msgid "Unknown material"
903932 msgstr ""
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
935 msgctxt "@info:status"
936 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
937 msgstr ""
939 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
940 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
941 msgctxt "@info:status"
942 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
943 msgstr ""
945 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
907947 msgctxt "@title:window"
908948 msgid "File Already Exists"
909949 msgstr ""
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
913953 #, python-brace-format
914954 msgctxt "@label"
915955 msgid ""
917957 "overwrite it?"
918958 msgstr ""
920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
921 msgctxt "@info:status"
922 msgid ""
923 "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will "
924 "be used instead."
925 msgstr ""
927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
960 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
962 msgctxt "@label"
963 msgid "Custom"
964 msgstr ""
966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
967 msgctxt "@label"
968 msgid "Custom Material"
969 msgstr ""
971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
928972 #, python-brace-format
929973 msgctxt "@info:status"
930974 msgid ""
931975 "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
932976 msgstr ""
934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
935979 #, python-brace-format
936980 msgctxt "@info:status"
937981 msgid ""
939983 "failure."
940984 msgstr ""
942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
943987 #, python-brace-format
944988 msgctxt "@info:status"
945989 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
946990 msgstr ""
948 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
949 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
993 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
994 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
950996 #, python-brace-format
951997 msgctxt "@info:status"
952998 msgid ""
9541000 "message>"
9551001 msgstr ""
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
9581003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
1004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
9591005 #, python-brace-format
9601006 msgctxt "@info:status"
9611007 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
9621008 msgstr ""
964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
9651011 #, python-brace-format
9661012 msgctxt "@info:status"
9671013 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
9681014 msgstr ""
970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
9711017 msgctxt "@label"
9721018 msgid "Custom profile"
9731019 msgstr ""
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
1022 msgctxt "@info:status"
1023 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
1027 #, python-brace-format
1028 msgctxt "@info:status"
1029 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9761033 msgctxt "@info:status"
9771034 msgid ""
9781035 "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print "
9791036 "Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
9801037 msgstr ""
982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 msgctxt "@info:status"
1041 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
1042 msgstr ""
1044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9831045 msgctxt "@title:window"
984 msgid "Oops!"
985 msgstr ""
987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 msgid "Crash Report"
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9881050 msgctxt "@label"
9891051 msgid ""
9901052 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
991 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock."
992 "</p>\n"
9931053 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href="
9941054 "\"\">"
9951055 "issues</a></p>\n"
9961056 " "
9971057 msgstr ""
999 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10001060 msgctxt "@action:button"
10011061 msgid "Open Web Page"
10021062 msgstr ""
1004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10051065 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10061066 msgid "Loading machines..."
10071067 msgstr ""
1009 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10101070 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10111071 msgid "Setting up scene..."
10121072 msgstr ""
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10151075 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10161076 msgid "Loading interface..."
10171077 msgstr ""
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10201080 #, python-format
10211081 msgctxt "@info"
10221082 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
10231083 msgstr ""
1025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10261086 #, python-brace-format
10271087 msgctxt "@info:status"
10281088 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
10291089 msgstr ""
1031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10321092 #, python-brace-format
10331093 msgctxt "@info:status"
10341094 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
10351095 msgstr ""
1037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
10381098 msgctxt "@title"
10391099 msgid "Machine Settings"
10401100 msgstr ""
1042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1043 msgctxt "@label"
1044 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1045 msgstr ""
1047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1103 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1104 msgid "Printer"
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10481108 msgctxt "@label"
10491109 msgid "Printer Settings"
10501110 msgstr ""
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10531113 msgctxt "@label"
10541114 msgid "X (Width)"
10551115 msgstr ""
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1121 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10661126 msgctxt "@label"
10671127 msgid "mm"
10681128 msgstr ""
1070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10711131 msgctxt "@label"
10721132 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10731133 msgstr ""
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10761136 msgctxt "@label"
10771137 msgid "Z (Height)"
10781138 msgstr ""
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10811141 msgctxt "@label"
10821142 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10831143 msgstr ""
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10861146 msgctxt "@option:check"
10871147 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10881148 msgstr ""
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10911151 msgctxt "@option:check"
10921152 msgid "Heated Bed"
10931153 msgstr ""
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10961156 msgctxt "@label"
10971157 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10981158 msgstr ""
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
11011161 msgctxt "@label"
11021162 msgid "Printhead Settings"
11031163 msgstr ""
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
11061166 msgctxt "@label"
11071167 msgid "X min"
11081168 msgstr ""
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
11111171 msgctxt "@label"
11121172 msgid "Y min"
11131173 msgstr ""
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
11161176 msgctxt "@label"
11171177 msgid "X max"
11181178 msgstr ""
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
11211181 msgctxt "@label"
11221182 msgid "Y max"
11231183 msgstr ""
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
11261186 msgctxt "@label"
11271187 msgid "Gantry height"
11281188 msgstr ""
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1191 msgctxt "@label"
1192 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1193 msgstr ""
1195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1196 msgctxt "@label"
1197 msgid "Material Diameter"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
11311202 msgctxt "@label"
11321203 msgid "Nozzle size"
11331204 msgstr ""
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
11361207 msgctxt "@label"
11371208 msgid "Start Gcode"
11381209 msgstr ""
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
11411212 msgctxt "@label"
11421213 msgid "End Gcode"
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1217 msgctxt "@label"
1218 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1222 msgctxt "@label"
1223 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1227 msgctxt "@label"
1228 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1232 msgctxt "@label"
1233 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1237 msgctxt "@label"
1238 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
11431239 msgstr ""
11451241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11481244 msgstr ""
11501246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11521248 msgctxt "@action:button"
11531249 msgid "Save"
11541250 msgstr ""
11871283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11881284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11891285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1286 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11911287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11921288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11931289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12401336 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12411337 msgstr ""
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12441340 msgctxt "@title:window"
12451341 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12461342 msgstr ""
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12491345 msgctxt "@label"
12501346 msgid ""
12511347 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your "
12571353 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12581354 msgstr ""
1260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12611357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12621358 msgctxt "@action:button"
12631359 msgid "Add"
12641360 msgstr ""
1266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12671363 msgctxt "@action:button"
12681364 msgid "Edit"
12691365 msgstr ""
1271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12721368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12731369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12751371 msgctxt "@action:button"
12761372 msgid "Remove"
12771373 msgstr ""
1279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12801376 msgctxt "@action:button"
12811377 msgid "Refresh"
12821378 msgstr ""
1284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12851381 msgctxt "@label"
12861382 msgid ""
12871383 "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing "
12881384 "troubleshooting guide</a>"
12891385 msgstr ""
1291 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12921388 msgctxt "@label"
12931389 msgid "Type"
12941390 msgstr ""
1296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12971393 msgctxt "@label"
12981394 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12991395 msgstr ""
1301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
13021398 msgctxt "@label"
13031399 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
13041400 msgstr ""
1306 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
13071403 msgctxt "@label"
13081404 msgid "Unknown"
13091405 msgstr ""
1311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
13121408 msgctxt "@label"
13131409 msgid "Firmware version"
13141410 msgstr ""
1316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
13171413 msgctxt "@label"
13181414 msgid "Address"
13191415 msgstr ""
1321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
13221418 msgctxt "@label"
13231419 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
13241420 msgstr ""
1326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
13271423 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
13281424 msgctxt "@action:button"
13291425 msgid "Connect"
13301426 msgstr ""
1332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1428 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
13331429 msgctxt "@title:window"
13341430 msgid "Printer Address"
13351431 msgstr ""
1337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13381434 msgctxt "@alabel"
13391435 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13401436 msgstr ""
1342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13431439 msgctxt "@action:button"
13441440 msgid "Ok"
13451441 msgstr ""
13841480 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13851481 msgstr ""
1387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13881484 msgctxt "@label"
13891485 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13901486 msgstr ""
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13931489 msgctxt "@label"
13941490 msgid "Color scheme"
13951491 msgstr ""
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13981494 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13991495 msgid "Material Color"
14001496 msgstr ""
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
14031499 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
14041500 msgid "Line Type"
14051501 msgstr ""
1407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1503 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
14081504 msgctxt "@label"
14091505 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
14101506 msgstr ""
1412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1413 msgctxt "@label"
1414 msgid "Extruder %1"
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1508 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
14181509 msgctxt "@label"
14191510 msgid "Show Travels"
14201511 msgstr ""
1422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1513 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
14231514 msgctxt "@label"
14241515 msgid "Show Helpers"
14251516 msgstr ""
1427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1518 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
14281519 msgctxt "@label"
14291520 msgid "Show Shell"
14301521 msgstr ""
1432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1523 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
14331524 msgctxt "@label"
14341525 msgid "Show Infill"
14351526 msgstr ""
1437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14381529 msgctxt "@label"
14391530 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14401531 msgstr ""
1533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
1534 msgctxt "@label"
1535 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1536 msgstr ""
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
1539 msgctxt "@label"
1540 msgid "Top / Bottom"
1541 msgstr ""
14421543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1443 msgctxt "@label"
1444 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1445 msgstr ""
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1448 msgctxt "@label"
1449 msgid "Top / Bottom"
1450 msgstr ""
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
14531544 msgctxt "@label"
14541545 msgid "Inner Wall"
14551546 msgstr ""
15291620 msgstr ""
15311622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
15331623 msgctxt "@action:button"
15341624 msgid "OK"
15351625 msgstr ""
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1538 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1539 msgid "Print model with"
1540 msgstr ""
1542 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15431628 msgctxt "@action:button"
15441629 msgid "Select settings"
15451630 msgstr ""
1547 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15481633 msgctxt "@title:window"
15491634 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15501635 msgstr ""
1552 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15531638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15551639 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15561640 msgid "Filter..."
15571641 msgstr ""
1559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15601644 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15611645 msgid "Show all"
15621646 msgstr ""
15661650 msgid "Open Project"
15671651 msgstr ""
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15701654 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15711655 msgid "Update existing"
15721656 msgstr ""
1574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15751659 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15761660 msgid "Create new"
15771661 msgstr ""
1579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1664 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15811665 msgctxt "@action:title"
15821666 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15831667 msgstr ""
1585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1669 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15871671 msgctxt "@action:label"
15881672 msgid "Printer settings"
15891673 msgstr ""
1591 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15921676 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15931677 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15941678 msgstr ""
1596 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15981682 msgctxt "@action:label"
15991683 msgid "Type"
16001684 msgstr ""
1602 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1689 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1690 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
16071691 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081692 msgid "Name"
16091693 msgstr ""
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1695 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1696 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
16131697 msgctxt "@action:label"
16141698 msgid "Profile settings"
16151699 msgstr ""
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1701 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
16181702 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16191703 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
16201704 msgstr ""
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1706 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
16241708 msgctxt "@action:label"
16251709 msgid "Not in profile"
16261710 msgstr ""
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
16301714 msgctxt "@action:label"
16311715 msgid "%1 override"
16321716 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
16331717 msgstr[0] ""
16341718 msgstr[1] ""
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
16371721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16381722 msgid "Derivative from"
16391723 msgstr ""
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16421726 msgctxt "@action:label"
16431727 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16441728 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16451729 msgstr[0] ""
16461730 msgstr[1] ""
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16491733 msgctxt "@action:label"
16501734 msgid "Material settings"
16511735 msgstr ""
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1737 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16541738 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16551739 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16561740 msgstr ""
1658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1743 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16601744 msgctxt "@action:label"
16611745 msgid "Setting visibility"
16621746 msgstr ""
1664 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1748 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16651749 msgctxt "@action:label"
16661750 msgid "Mode"
16671751 msgstr ""
1669 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1753 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1754 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16711755 msgctxt "@action:label"
16721756 msgid "Visible settings:"
16731757 msgstr ""
1675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1759 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1760 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16771761 msgctxt "@action:label"
16781762 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16791763 msgstr ""
1681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1765 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16821766 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16831767 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16841768 msgstr ""
1686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16871771 msgctxt "@action:button"
16881772 msgid "Open"
1773 msgstr ""
1775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1776 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1777 msgctxt "@title"
1778 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1779 msgstr ""
1781 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1782 msgctxt "@label"
1783 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1784 msgstr ""
1786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1787 msgctxt "@label"
1788 msgid "Olsson Block"
16891789 msgstr ""
16911791 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
17521852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.qml:83
17531853 msgctxt "@title:window"
17541854 msgid "Select custom firmware"
1755 msgstr ""
1757 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1758 msgctxt "@title"
1759 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
17601855 msgstr ""
17621857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
18751970 msgstr ""
18771972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1973 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18791974 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18801975 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18811976 msgstr ""
18861981 msgstr ""
18881983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1889 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18901985 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18911986 msgid "Printing..."
18921987 msgstr ""
18941989 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1895 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18961991 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18971992 msgid "Paused"
18981993 msgstr ""
19001995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
19021997 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
19031998 msgid "Preparing..."
19041999 msgstr ""
19332028 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
19342029 msgstr ""
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
2031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
19372032 msgctxt "@title:window"
19382033 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
19392034 msgstr ""
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
2036 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
19422037 msgctxt "@text:window"
19432038 msgid ""
19442039 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
19452040 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
19462041 msgstr ""
1948 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
19492044 msgctxt "@title:column"
19502045 msgid "Profile settings"
19512046 msgstr ""
1953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
19542049 msgctxt "@title:column"
19552050 msgid "Default"
19562051 msgstr ""
1958 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19592054 msgctxt "@title:column"
19602055 msgid "Customized"
19612056 msgstr ""
1963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19652060 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19662061 msgid "Always ask me this"
19672062 msgstr ""
1969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19712066 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19722067 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19732068 msgstr ""
1975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2071 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19772072 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19782073 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19792074 msgstr ""
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19822077 msgctxt "@action:button"
19832078 msgid "Discard"
19842079 msgstr ""
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19872082 msgctxt "@action:button"
19882083 msgid "Keep"
19892084 msgstr ""
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2086 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19922087 msgctxt "@action:button"
19932088 msgid "Create New Profile"
19942089 msgstr ""
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19972092 msgctxt "@title"
19982093 msgid "Information"
19992094 msgstr ""
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2096 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
20022097 msgctxt "@label"
20032098 msgid "Display Name"
20042099 msgstr ""
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2101 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
20072102 msgctxt "@label"
20082103 msgid "Brand"
20092104 msgstr ""
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2106 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
20122107 msgctxt "@label"
20132108 msgid "Material Type"
20142109 msgstr ""
2016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2111 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
20172112 msgctxt "@label"
20182113 msgid "Color"
20192114 msgstr ""
2021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2116 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
20222117 msgctxt "@label"
20232118 msgid "Properties"
20242119 msgstr ""
2026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2121 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
20272122 msgctxt "@label"
20282123 msgid "Density"
20292124 msgstr ""
2031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2126 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
20322127 msgctxt "@label"
20332128 msgid "Diameter"
20342129 msgstr ""
2036 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
20372132 msgctxt "@label"
20382133 msgid "Filament Cost"
20392134 msgstr ""
2041 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
20422137 msgctxt "@label"
20432138 msgid "Filament weight"
20442139 msgstr ""
2046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
20472142 msgctxt "@label"
20482143 msgid "Filament length"
20492144 msgstr ""
2051 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
20522147 msgctxt "@label"
20532148 msgid "Cost per Meter"
20542149 msgstr ""
2056 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2152 msgctxt "@label"
2153 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2154 msgstr ""
2156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2157 msgctxt "@label"
2158 msgid "Unlink Material"
2159 msgstr ""
2161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20572162 msgctxt "@label"
20582163 msgid "Description"
20592164 msgstr ""
2061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20622167 msgctxt "@label"
20632168 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20642169 msgstr ""
2066 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20672172 msgctxt "@label"
20682173 msgid "Print settings"
20692174 msgstr ""
20992204 msgstr ""
21012206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
21032208 msgctxt "@title:tab"
21042209 msgid "General"
21052210 msgstr ""
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
21082213 msgctxt "@label"
21092214 msgid "Interface"
21102215 msgstr ""
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
21132218 msgctxt "@label"
21142219 msgid "Language:"
21152220 msgstr ""
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
21182223 msgctxt "@label"
21192224 msgid "Currency:"
21202225 msgstr ""
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2123 msgctxt "@label"
2124 msgid ""
2125 "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2126 msgstr ""
2128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2227 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2228 msgctxt "@label"
2229 msgid "Theme:"
2230 msgstr ""
2232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2233 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2234 msgid "Ultimaker"
2235 msgstr ""
2237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2238 msgctxt "@label"
2239 msgid ""
2240 "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2241 msgstr ""
2243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
21292244 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21302245 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
21312246 msgstr ""
2133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
21342249 msgctxt "@option:check"
21352250 msgid "Slice automatically"
21362251 msgstr ""
2138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
21392254 msgctxt "@label"
21402255 msgid "Viewport behavior"
21412256 msgstr ""
2143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
21442259 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21452260 msgid ""
21462261 "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas "
21472262 "will not print properly."
21482263 msgstr ""
2150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
21512266 msgctxt "@option:check"
21522267 msgid "Display overhang"
21532268 msgstr ""
2155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
21562271 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21572272 msgid ""
2158 "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is "
2273 "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is "
21592274 "selected"
21602275 msgstr ""
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2277 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21632278 msgctxt "@action:button"
21642279 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21652280 msgstr ""
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2282 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
21682283 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2284 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2285 msgstr ""
2287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2288 msgctxt "@action:button"
2289 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2290 msgstr ""
2292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
2293 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21692294 msgid ""
21702295 "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21712296 msgstr ""
2173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21742299 msgctxt "@option:check"
21752300 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21762301 msgstr ""
2178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21792304 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21802305 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21812306 msgstr ""
2183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21842309 msgctxt "@option:check"
21852310 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21862311 msgstr ""
2188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2314 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2315 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2316 msgstr ""
2318 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2319 msgctxt "@option:check"
2320 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2321 msgstr ""
2323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21892324 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21902325 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21912326 msgstr ""
2193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21942329 msgctxt "@option:check"
21952330 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21962331 msgstr ""
2198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21992334 msgctxt "@label"
22002335 msgid "Opening and saving files"
22012336 msgstr ""
2203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
22042339 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22052340 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
22062341 msgstr ""
2208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
22092344 msgctxt "@option:check"
22102345 msgid "Scale large models"
22112346 msgstr ""
2213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
22142349 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22152350 msgid ""
22162351 "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters "
22172352 "rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
22182353 msgstr ""
2220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
22212356 msgctxt "@option:check"
22222357 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
22232358 msgstr ""
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
22262361 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22272362 msgid ""
22282363 "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name "
22292364 "automatically?"
22302365 msgstr ""
2232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
22332368 msgctxt "@option:check"
22342369 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
22352370 msgstr ""
2237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
22382373 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22392374 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
22402375 msgstr ""
2242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
22432378 msgctxt "@option:check"
22442379 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
22452380 msgstr ""
2247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2383 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2384 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2385 msgstr ""
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2388 msgctxt "@window:text"
2389 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2390 msgstr ""
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2393 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2394 msgid "Always ask"
2395 msgstr ""
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2398 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2399 msgid "Always open as a project"
2400 msgstr ""
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2403 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2404 msgid "Always import models"
2405 msgstr ""
2407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
22482408 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22492409 msgid ""
22502410 "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a "
22522412 "not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
22532413 msgstr ""
2255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
22562416 msgctxt "@label"
22572417 msgid "Override Profile"
22582418 msgstr ""
2260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
22612421 msgctxt "@label"
22622422 msgid "Privacy"
22632423 msgstr ""
2265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
22662426 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22672427 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22682428 msgstr ""
2270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22712431 msgctxt "@option:check"
22722432 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22732433 msgstr ""
2275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2435 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22762436 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22772437 msgid ""
22782438 "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no "
22802440 "stored."
22812441 msgstr ""
2283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22842444 msgctxt "@option:check"
22852445 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22862446 msgstr ""
22882448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22902450 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22912451 msgid "Printers"
22922452 msgstr ""
22942454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22952455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22972457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22982458 msgid "Activate"
22992459 msgstr ""
23092469 msgid "Printer type:"
23102470 msgstr ""
2312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
23132473 msgctxt "@label"
23142474 msgid "Connection:"
23152475 msgstr ""
2317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
23182478 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
23192479 msgctxt "@info:status"
23202480 msgid "The printer is not connected."
23212481 msgstr ""
2323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
23242484 msgctxt "@label"
23252485 msgid "State:"
23262486 msgstr ""
2328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
23292489 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
23302490 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
23312491 msgstr ""
2333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
23342494 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
23352495 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
23362496 msgstr ""
23382498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
23402500 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23412501 msgid "Profiles"
23422502 msgstr ""
23622522 msgstr ""
23642524 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
23662526 msgctxt "@action:button"
23672527 msgid "Import"
23682528 msgstr ""
23702530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2531 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23722532 msgctxt "@action:button"
23732533 msgid "Export"
23742534 msgstr ""
24362596 msgstr ""
24382598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
24402600 msgctxt "@title:tab"
24412601 msgid "Materials"
24422602 msgstr ""
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
24452605 msgctxt ""
24462606 "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 "
24472607 "is variant name"
24482608 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
24492609 msgstr ""
2451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
24522612 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
24532613 msgid "Printer: %1"
24542614 msgstr ""
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2617 msgctxt "@action:button"
2618 msgid "Create"
2619 msgstr ""
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
24572622 msgctxt "@action:button"
24582623 msgid "Duplicate"
24592624 msgstr ""
2461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
24632628 msgctxt "@title:window"
24642629 msgid "Import Material"
24652630 msgstr ""
2467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
24682633 msgctxt "@info:status"
24692634 msgid ""
24702635 "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24712636 msgstr ""
2473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
24742639 msgctxt "@info:status"
24752640 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24762641 msgstr ""
2478 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24802645 msgctxt "@title:window"
24812646 msgid "Export Material"
24822647 msgstr ""
2484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24852650 msgctxt "@info:status"
24862651 msgid ""
24872652 "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24882653 msgstr ""
2490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24912656 msgctxt "@info:status"
24922657 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24932658 msgstr ""
24952660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24972662 msgctxt "@title:window"
24982663 msgid "Add Printer"
24992664 msgstr ""
25082673 msgid "Add Printer"
25092674 msgstr ""
2676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2677 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2678 msgid "Outer Wall"
2679 msgstr ""
25112681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2682 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2683 msgid "Inner Walls"
2684 msgstr ""
2686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2687 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2688 msgid "Skin"
2689 msgstr ""
2691 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2692 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2693 msgid "Infill"
2694 msgstr ""
2696 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2697 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2698 msgid "Support Infill"
2699 msgstr ""
2701 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2702 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2703 msgid "Support Interface"
2704 msgstr ""
2706 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2707 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2708 msgid "Support"
2709 msgstr ""
2711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2712 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2713 msgid "Travel"
2714 msgstr ""
2716 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2717 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2718 msgid "Retractions"
2719 msgstr ""
2721 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2722 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2723 msgid "Other"
2724 msgstr ""
2726 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
25122727 msgctxt "@label"
25132728 msgid "00h 00min"
25142729 msgstr ""
2516 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2731 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
25172732 msgctxt "@label"
25182733 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
25192734 msgstr ""
2521 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
25222737 msgctxt "@label"
25232738 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25242739 msgstr ""
26302845 msgid "SVG icons"
26312846 msgstr ""
2633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2848 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2849 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2850 msgid "Search..."
2851 msgstr ""
2853 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
26342854 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26352855 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
26362856 msgstr ""
2638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
26392859 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26402860 msgid "Hide this setting"
26412861 msgstr ""
2643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2863 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
26442864 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26452865 msgid "Don't show this setting"
26462866 msgstr ""
2648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2868 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
26492869 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26502870 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
26512871 msgstr ""
2653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
26542874 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26552875 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
26562876 msgstr ""
27292949 "G-code files cannot be modified"
27302950 msgstr ""
2732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
27332953 msgctxt "@tooltip"
27342954 msgid ""
27352955 "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings "
27362956 "for the selected printer, material and quality."
27372957 msgstr ""
2739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2959 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
27402960 msgctxt "@tooltip"
27412961 msgid ""
27422962 "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every "
27432963 "last bit of the slicing process."
27442964 msgstr ""
2746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
27472967 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
27482968 msgid "Automatic: %1"
27492969 msgstr ""
27582978 msgid "Automatic: %1"
27592979 msgstr ""
2981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2982 msgctxt "@label"
2983 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2984 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2985 msgstr[0] ""
2986 msgstr[1] ""
2988 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2989 msgctxt "@title:window"
2990 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2991 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2992 msgstr[0] ""
2993 msgstr[1] ""
2995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2996 msgctxt "@label"
2997 msgid "Number of Copies"
2998 msgstr ""
27613000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
27623001 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
27633002 msgid "Open &Recent"
28533092 msgid "Estimated time left"
28543093 msgstr ""
2856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
28573096 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28583097 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
28593098 msgstr ""
2861 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
28623101 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28633102 msgid "&Undo"
28643103 msgstr ""
2866 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
28673106 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28683107 msgid "&Redo"
28693108 msgstr ""
2871 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
28723111 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28733112 msgid "&Quit"
28743113 msgstr ""
2876 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
28773116 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28783117 msgid "Configure Cura..."
28793118 msgstr ""
2881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
28823121 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28833122 msgid "&Add Printer..."
28843123 msgstr ""
2886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
28873126 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28883127 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
28893128 msgstr ""
2891 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
28923131 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28933132 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28943133 msgstr ""
2896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28973136 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28983137 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28993138 msgstr ""
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
29023141 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29033142 msgid "&Discard current changes"
29043143 msgstr ""
2906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
29073146 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29083147 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
29093148 msgstr ""
2911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
29123151 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29133152 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
29143153 msgstr ""
2916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
29173156 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29183157 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
29193158 msgstr ""
2921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
29223161 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29233162 msgid "Report a &Bug"
29243163 msgstr ""
2926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
29273166 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29283167 msgid "&About..."
29293168 msgstr ""
2931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
29323171 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2933 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2934 msgstr ""
2936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3172 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3173 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3174 msgstr[0] ""
3175 msgstr[1] ""
3177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3178 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3179 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3180 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3181 msgstr[0] ""
3182 msgstr[1] ""
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3185 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3186 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3187 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3188 msgstr[0] ""
3189 msgstr[1] ""
3191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
29373192 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29383193 msgid "Delete Model"
29393194 msgstr ""
2941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
29423197 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29433198 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
29443199 msgstr ""
2946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
29473202 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29483203 msgid "&Group Models"
29493204 msgstr ""
2951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
29523207 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29533208 msgid "Ungroup Models"
29543209 msgstr ""
2956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
29573212 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29583213 msgid "&Merge Models"
29593214 msgstr ""
2961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
29623217 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29633218 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
29643219 msgstr ""
2966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
29673222 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29683223 msgid "&Select All Models"
29693224 msgstr ""
2971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
29723227 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29733228 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
29743229 msgstr ""
2976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
29773232 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29783233 msgid "Re&load All Models"
29793234 msgstr ""
2981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3237 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3238 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3239 msgstr ""
3241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3242 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3243 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3244 msgstr ""
3246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
29823247 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29833248 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
29843249 msgstr ""
2986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
29873252 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29883253 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
29893254 msgstr ""
2991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
29923257 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2993 msgid "&Open File..."
2994 msgstr ""
2996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3258 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3259 msgstr ""
3261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29973262 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2998 msgid "&Open Project..."
2999 msgstr ""
3001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3263 msgid "&New Project..."
3264 msgstr ""
3266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
30023267 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
30033268 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
30043269 msgstr ""
3006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
30073272 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
30083273 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
30093274 msgstr ""
3011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
30123277 msgctxt "@action:menu"
30133278 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
3014 msgstr ""
3016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
3017 msgctxt "@title:window"
3018 msgid "Multiply Model"
30193279 msgstr ""
30213281 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
30483308 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
30493309 msgstr ""
3051 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
30523312 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
30533313 msgid "Prepare"
30543314 msgstr ""
3056 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
30573317 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
30583318 msgid "Cancel"
30593319 msgstr ""
3061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
30623322 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
30633323 msgid "Select the active output device"
3324 msgstr ""
3326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3328 msgctxt "@title:window"
3329 msgid "Open file(s)"
3330 msgstr ""
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3333 msgctxt "@text:window"
3334 msgid ""
3335 "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have "
3336 "selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only "
3337 "import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3338 msgstr ""
3340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3341 msgctxt "@action:button"
3342 msgid "Import all as models"
30643343 msgstr ""
30663345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
30733352 msgid "&File"
30743353 msgstr ""
3076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
30773356 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
30783357 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
30793358 msgstr ""
30813360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
30823361 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3083 msgid "Save &All"
3084 msgstr ""
3086 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3362 msgid "Save &As..."
3363 msgstr ""
3365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
30873366 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
30883367 msgid "Save project"
30893368 msgstr ""
3091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
30923371 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30933372 msgid "&Edit"
30943373 msgstr ""
3096 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30973376 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30983377 msgid "&View"
30993378 msgstr ""
3101 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
31023381 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31033382 msgid "&Settings"
31043383 msgstr ""
3106 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
31073386 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31083387 msgid "&Printer"
31093388 msgstr ""
3111 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3390 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
31133392 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31143393 msgid "&Material"
31153394 msgstr ""
3117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3396 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
31193398 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31203399 msgid "&Profile"
31213400 msgstr ""
3123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
31243403 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
31253404 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
31263405 msgstr ""
3128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
31293408 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31303409 msgid "E&xtensions"
31313410 msgstr ""
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
3413 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
3414 msgid "P&references"
3415 msgstr ""
31333417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
31343418 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
3135 msgid "P&references"
3136 msgstr ""
3138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3139 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31403419 msgid "&Help"
31413420 msgstr ""
3143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
31443423 msgctxt "@action:button"
31453424 msgid "Open File"
31463425 msgstr ""
3148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
31493428 msgctxt "@action:button"
31503429 msgid "View Mode"
31513430 msgstr ""
3153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
31543433 msgctxt "@title:tab"
31553434 msgid "Settings"
31563435 msgstr ""
3158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
31593438 msgctxt "@title:window"
3160 msgid "Open file"
3161 msgstr ""
3163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3439 msgid "New project"
3440 msgstr ""
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3443 msgctxt "@info:question"
3444 msgid ""
3445 "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build "
3446 "plate and any unsaved settings."
3447 msgstr ""
3449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
31643450 msgctxt "@title:window"
3165 msgid "Open workspace"
3451 msgid "Open File(s)"
3452 msgstr ""
3454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3455 msgctxt "@text:window"
3456 msgid ""
3457 "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. "
3458 "You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code "
3459 "file, please just select only one."
31663460 msgstr ""
31683462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
31703464 msgid "Save Project"
31713465 msgstr ""
3173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
31743468 msgctxt "@action:label"
31753469 msgid "Extruder %1"
31763470 msgstr ""
3178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
31793473 msgctxt "@action:label"
31803474 msgid "%1 & material"
31813475 msgstr ""
3183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
31843478 msgctxt "@action:label"
31853479 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
31863480 msgstr ""
3188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
31893483 msgctxt "@label"
31903484 msgid "Infill"
31913485 msgstr ""
3193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3194 msgctxt "@label"
3195 msgid "Hollow"
3196 msgstr ""
31983487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31993488 msgctxt "@label"
3200 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3201 msgstr ""
3203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3204 msgctxt "@label"
3205 msgid "Light"
3206 msgstr ""
3208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3209 msgctxt "@label"
3210 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3211 msgstr ""
3213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3214 msgctxt "@label"
3215 msgid "Dense"
3216 msgstr ""
3218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3219 msgctxt "@label"
3220 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3221 msgstr ""
3223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3224 msgctxt "@label"
3225 msgid "Solid"
3226 msgstr ""
3228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3229 msgctxt "@label"
3230 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3231 msgstr ""
3233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3234 msgctxt "@label"
3235 msgid "Enable Support"
3236 msgstr ""
3238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3239 msgctxt "@label"
3240 msgid ""
3241 "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with "
3242 "severe overhangs."
3243 msgstr ""
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3489 msgid "0%"
3490 msgstr ""
3492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3493 msgctxt "@label"
3494 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3495 msgstr ""
3497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3498 msgctxt "@label"
3499 msgid "20%"
3500 msgstr ""
3502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3503 msgctxt "@label"
3504 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3505 msgstr ""
3507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3508 msgctxt "@label"
3509 msgid "50%"
3510 msgstr ""
3512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3513 msgctxt "@label"
3514 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3515 msgstr ""
3517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3518 msgctxt "@label"
3519 msgid "100%"
3520 msgstr ""
3522 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3523 msgctxt "@label"
3524 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3525 msgstr ""
3527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3528 msgctxt "@label"
3529 msgid "Gradual"
3530 msgstr ""
3532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3533 msgctxt "@label"
3534 msgid ""
3535 "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3536 msgstr ""
3538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3539 msgctxt "@label"
3540 msgid "Generate Support"
3541 msgstr ""
3543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3544 msgctxt "@label"
3545 msgid ""
3546 "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. "
3547 "Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3548 msgstr ""
3550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
32463551 msgctxt "@label"
32473552 msgid "Support Extruder"
32483553 msgstr ""
3250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
32513556 msgctxt "@label"
32523557 msgid ""
32533558 "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting "
32553560 "mid air."
32563561 msgstr ""
3258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
32593564 msgctxt "@label"
32603565 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
32613566 msgstr ""
3263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
32643569 msgctxt "@label"
32653570 msgid ""
32663571 "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under "
32673572 "your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
32683573 msgstr ""
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3271 msgctxt "@label"
3272 msgid ""
3273 "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker "
3575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3576 msgctxt "@label"
3577 msgid ""
3578 "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker "
32743579 "Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3580 msgstr ""
3582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3583 msgctxt "@label"
3584 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3585 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3586 msgstr[0] ""
3587 msgstr[1] ""
3589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3590 msgctxt "@title:window"
3591 msgid "Open project file"
3592 msgstr ""
3594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3595 msgctxt "@text:window"
3596 msgid ""
3597 "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or "
3598 "import the models from it?"
3599 msgstr ""
3601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3602 msgctxt "@text:window"
3603 msgid "Remember my choice"
3604 msgstr ""
3606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3607 msgctxt "@action:button"
3608 msgid "Open as project"
3609 msgstr ""
3611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3612 msgctxt "@action:button"
3613 msgid "Import models"
32753614 msgstr ""
32773616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
32853624 msgid "Material"
32863625 msgstr ""
3288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3628 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3629 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3630 msgstr ""
3632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
32893633 msgctxt "@label"
32903634 msgid "Profile:"
32913635 msgstr ""
3293 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
32943638 msgctxt "@tooltip"
32953639 msgid ""
32963640 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the "
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: de\n"
12 "Language-Team: German\n"
13 "Language: German\n"
14 "Lang-Code: de\n"
15 "Country-Code: DE\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Beschreibt die Durchführung der Geräteeinstellung (z. B. Druckabmessung, Düsengröße usw.)"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Geräteeinstellungen"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Änderungsprotokoll anzeigen"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Profilglättfunktion"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Erstellt eine geglättete Qualität, verändert das Profil."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Einstellungen Glätten aktiv"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Das Profil wurde geglättet und aktiviert"
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Über USB verbunden"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Auftrag gestartet werden, da der Drucker beschäftigt oder nicht angeschlossen ist."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "Der Drucker unterstützt keinen USB-Druck, da er die UltiGCode-Variante verwendet."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Auftrag gestartet werden, da der Drucker keinen Druck über USB unterstützt."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Auf Wechseldatenträger speichern {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Wird auf Wechseldatenträger gespeichert <filename>{0}</filename>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "Konnte nicht als <filename>{0}</filename> gespeichert werden: <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Auf Wechseldatenträger {0} gespeichert als {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Auswerfen"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Wechseldatenträger auswerfen {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Konnte nicht auf dem Wechseldatenträger gespeichert werden {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Ausgeworfen {0}. Sie können den Datenträger jetzt sicher entfernen."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Zugriffsanforderung für den Drucker senden"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Über Netzwerk verbunden. Geben Sie die Zugriffsanforderung für den Drucker frei."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Über Netzwerk verbunden."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Über Netzwerk verbunden. Kein Zugriff auf die Druckerverwaltung."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Zugriffsanforderung auf den Drucker wurde abgelehnt."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Zugriffsanforderungen aufgrund von Zeitüberschreitung fehlgeschlagen."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "Die Verbindung zum Netzwerk ist verlorengegangen."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "Die Verbindung zum Drucker ist verlorengegangen. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Drucker, um festzustellen, ob er verbunden ist."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Druckauftrag gestartet werden, da der Drucker beschäftigt ist. Der aktuelle Druckerstatus lautet %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
373 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Druckauftrag gestartet werden. Kein PrinterCore in Steckplatz {0} geladen."
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
395 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Druckauftrag gestartet werden. Kein PrintCore in Steckplatz {0} geladen."
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Druckauftrag gestartet werden. Kein Material in Steckplatz {0} geladen."
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Material für Spule {0} unzureichend."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "Abweichender Druckkopf (Cura: {0}, Drucker: {1}) für Extruder {2} gewählt"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Abweichendes Material (Cura: {0}, Drucker: {1}) für Extruder {2} gewählt"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "Druckkern {0} ist nicht korrekt kalibriert. XY-Kalibrierung muss auf dem Drucker ausgeführt werden."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich mit der gewählten Konfiguration drucken?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "Anforderungen zwischen der Druckerkonfiguration oder -kalibrierung und Cura stimmen nicht überein. Für optimale Ergebnisse schneiden Sie stets für die PrintCores und Materialien, die in Ihren Drucker eingelegt wurden."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Konfiguration nicht übereinstimmend"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Daten werden zum Drucker gesendet"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Abbrechen"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Daten können nicht zum Drucker gesendet werden. Ist noch ein weiterer Auftrag in Bearbeitung?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Drucken wird abgebrochen..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Drucken wurde abgebrochen. Den Drucker überprüfen"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Drucken wird pausiert..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Drucken wird fortgesetzt..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Synchronisieren Ihres Druckers"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Möchten Sie Ihre aktuelle Druckerkonfiguration in Cura verwenden?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "Die PrintCores und/oder Materialien auf Ihrem Drucker unterscheiden sich von denen Ihres aktuellen Projekts. Für optimale Ergebnisse schneiden Sie stets für die PrintCores und Materialien, die in Ihren Drucker eingelegt wurden."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Verwerfen"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Materialprofile"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Bietet Möglichkeiten, um XML-basierte Materialprofile zu lesen und zu schreiben."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Schichten"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Cura zeigt die Schichten nicht akkurat an, wenn Wire Printing aktiviert ist."
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Upgrade von Version 2.4 auf 2.5"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Upgrade von Version 2.5 auf 2.6"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Aktualisiert Konfigurationen von Cura 2.4 auf Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Aktualisiert Konfigurationen von Cura 2.5 auf Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "GIF-Bilddatei"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Das gewählte Material ist mit der gewählten Maschine oder Konfiguration nicht kompatibel."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Die aktuellen Einstellungen lassen kein Schneiden (Slicing) zu. Die folgenden Einstellungen sind fehlerhaft:{0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "Schneiden (Slicing) ist nicht möglich, da der Einzugsturm oder die Einzugsposition(en) ungültig ist (sind)."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Es ist kein Objekt zum Schneiden vorhanden, da keines der Modelle der Druckabmessung entspricht. Bitte die Modelle passend skalieren oder drehen."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Stellt die Verbindung zum Slicing-Backend der CuraEngine her."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Schichten werden verarbeitet"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Pro Objekteinstellungen konfigurieren"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Empfohlen"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Benutzerdefiniert"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "3MF-Reader"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Ermöglicht das Lesen von 3MF-Dateien."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "3MF-Datei"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Düse"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "G-Datei"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "G-Code parsen"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der G-Code für Ihren Drucker und Ihre Druckerkonfiguration geeignet ist, bevor Sie die Datei senden. Der Darstellung des G-Codes ist möglicherweise nicht korrekt."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Cura-Profil"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "3MF-Writer"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Bietet Unterstützung für das Schreiben von 3MF-Dateien."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "3MF-Datei"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Cura-Projekt 3MF-Datei"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Ultimaker Maschinenabläufe"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Ermöglicht Maschinenabläufe für Ultimaker Maschinen (z. B. Assistent für Bettnivellierung, Auswahl von Upgrades usw.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Upgrades wählen"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Ultimaker Maschinenabläufe"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Ermöglicht Maschinenabläufe für Ultimaker Maschinen (z. B. Assistent für Bettnivellierung, Auswahl von Upgrades usw.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Ermöglicht das Importieren von Cura-Profilen."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Unbekanntes Material"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Neue Position für Objekte finden"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Innerhalb der Druckabmessung für alle Objekte konnte keine Position gefunden werden"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Datei bereits vorhanden"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Die Datei <filename>{0}</filename> ist bereits vorhanden. Soll die Datei wirklich überschrieben werden?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Für diese Kombination konnte kein Qualitätsprofil gefunden werden. Daher werden die Standardeinstellungen verwendet."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Benutzerdefiniert"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Material"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Export des Profils nach <filename>{0}</filename> fehlgeschlagen: <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Export des Profils nach <filename>{0}</filename> fehlgeschlagen: Fehlermeldung von Writer-Plugin"
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Profil wurde nach <filename>{0}</filename> exportiert"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Import des Profils aus Datei <filename>{0}</filename> fehlgeschlagen: <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Profil erfolgreich importiert {0}"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Profil {0} hat einen unbekannten Dateityp oder ist beschädigt."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Profil"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Für das Profil fehlt eine Qualitätsangabe."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Es konnte keine Qualitätsangabe {0} für die vorliegende Konfiguration gefunden werden."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "Die Höhe der Druckabmessung wurde aufgrund des Wertes der Einstellung „Druckreihenfolge“ reduziert, um eine Kollision der Brücke mit den gedruckten Modellen zu verhindern."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Objekte vervielfältigen und platzieren"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Hoppla!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Crash-Bericht"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Ein schwerer Ausnahmezustand ist aufgetreten, den wir nicht beseitigen konnten!</p>\n <p>Wir hoffen, dass dieses Bild eines Kätzchens Ihren Schock etwas abschwächt.</p>\n <p>Verwenden Sie bitte die nachstehenden Informationen, um einen Fehlerbericht an folgende URL zu senden: <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Ein schwerer Ausnahmezustand ist aufgetreten, den wir nicht beseitigen konnten!</p>\n <p>Bitte senden Sie einen Fehlerbericht an folgende URL <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Webseite öffnen"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Geräte werden geladen..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Die Szene wird eingerichtet..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Die Benutzeroberfläche wird geladen..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Es kann nur jeweils ein G-Code gleichzeitig geladen werden. Wichtige {0} werden übersprungen."
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "Wenn G-Code geladen wird, kann keine weitere Datei geöffnet werden. Wichtige {0} werden übersprungen."
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Geräteeinstellungen"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Geben Sie nachfolgend bitte die korrekten Einstellungen für Ihren Drucker an:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Drucker"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Druckereinstellungen"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (Breite)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (Tiefe)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (Höhe)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Druckbettform"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Maschinenmitte ist Null"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Heizbares Bett"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "G-Code-Variante"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Druckkopfeinstellungen"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X min."
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y min."
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X max."
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y max."
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Brückenhöhe"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Anzahl Extruder"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Materialdurchmesser"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Düsengröße"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "G-Code starten"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "G-Code beenden"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Düseneinstellungen"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "X-Versatz Düse"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Y-Versatz Düse"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "G-Code Extruder-Start"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "G-Code Extruder-Ende"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Doodle3D-Einstellungen"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Speichern"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Unbekannter Fehlercode: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Anschluss an vernetzten Drucker"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Um über das Netzwerk direkt auf Ihrem Drucker zu drucken, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass der Drucker mit dem Netzwerkkabel verbunden ist oder verbinden Sie Ihren Drucker mit Ihrem WLAN-Netzwerk. Wenn Sie Cura nicht mit Ihrem Drucker verbinden, können Sie dennoch ein USB-Laufwerk für die Übertragung von G-Code-Dateien auf Ihren Drucker verwenden.\n\nWählen Sie Ihren Drucker aus der folgenden Liste:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Hinzufügen"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Bearbeiten"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Entfernen"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Aktualisieren"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Wenn Ihr Drucker nicht aufgeführt ist, lesen Sie die <a href=‘%1‘>Anleitung für Fehlerbehebung für Netzwerkdruck</a>"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Typ"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Unbekannt"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Firmware-Version"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Adresse"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "Der Drucker unter dieser Adresse hat nicht reagiert."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Verbinden"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Druckeradresse"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Geben Sie die IP-Adresse oder den Hostnamen Ihres Druckers auf dem Netzwerk ein."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "Ok"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Aktive Skripts Nachbearbeitung ändern"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Ansichtsmodus: Schichten"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Farbschema"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Materialfarbe"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Linientyp"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Kompatibilitätsmodus"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Extruder %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Bewegungen anzeigen"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Helfer anzeigen"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Gehäuse anzeigen"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Füllung anzeigen"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Nur obere Schichten anzeigen"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "5 detaillierte Schichten oben anzeigen"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Oben/Unten"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Innenwand"
14871580 msgstr "Glättung"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "OK"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Modell drucken mit"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Einstellungen wählen"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Einstellungen für die benutzerdefinierte Anpassung dieses Modells wählen"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filtern..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Alle anzeigen"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Projekt öffnen"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Vorhandenes aktualisieren"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Neu erstellen"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Zusammenfassung – Cura-Projekt"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Druckereinstellungen"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Wie soll der Konflikt im Gerät gelöst werden?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Typ"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Name"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Profileinstellungen"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Wie soll der Konflikt im Profil gelöst werden?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Nicht im Profil"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 überschreiben"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 überschreibt"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Ableitung von"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 überschreiben"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 überschreibt"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Materialeinstellungen"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Wie soll der Konflikt im Material gelöst werden?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Sichtbarkeit einstellen"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Modus"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Sichtbare Einstellungen:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 von %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Das Laden eines Projekts entfernt alle Modelle von der Druckplatte"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Öffnen"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Drucker-Upgrades wählen"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Wählen Sie bitte alle durchgeführten Upgrades für diesen Ultimaker 2."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Olsson-Block"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Firmware wählen"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Drucker-Upgrades wählen"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "Drucker nimmt keine Befehle an"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "In Wartung. Den Drucker überprüfen"
18311928 msgstr "Verbindung zum Drucker wurde unterbrochen"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Es wird gedruckt..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "Pausiert"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Vorbereitung läuft..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Soll das Drucken wirklich abgebrochen werden?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Änderungen verwerfen oder übernehmen"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Sie haben einige Profileinstellungen angepasst.\nMöchten Sie diese Einstellungen übernehmen oder verwerfen?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Profileinstellungen"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Standard"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Angepasst"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Stets nachfragen"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Verwerfen und zukünftig nicht mehr nachfragen"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Übernehmen und zukünftig nicht mehr nachfragen"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Verwerfen"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Übernehmen"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Neues Profil erstellen"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Informationen"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Namen anzeigen"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Marke"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Materialtyp"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Farbe"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Eigenschaften"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Dichte"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Durchmesser"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Filamentkosten"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Filamentgewicht"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Filamentlänge"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Kosten pro Meter"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Dieses Material ist mit %1 verknüpft und teilt sich damit einige seiner Eigenschaften"
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Material trennen"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Beschreibung"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Haftungsinformationen"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Druckeinstellungen"
20442151 msgstr "Einheit"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Allgemein"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Schnittstelle"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Sprache:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Währung:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Die Anwendung muss neu gestartet werden, um die Spracheinstellungen zu übernehmen."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Thema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Die Anwendung muss neu gestartet werden, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Bei Änderung der Einstellungen automatisch schneiden."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Automatisch schneiden"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Viewport-Verhalten"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Nicht gestützte Bereiche des Modells in rot hervorheben. Ohne Support werden diese Bereiche nicht korrekt gedruckt."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Überhang anzeigen"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2100 msgstr "Bewegen Sie die Kamera bis sich das Modell im Mittelpunkt der Ansicht befindet, wenn ein Modell ausgewählt ist"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2217 msgstr "Bewegt die Kamera, bis sich das Modell im Mittelpunkt der Ansicht befindet, wenn ein Modell ausgewählt wurde"
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Zentrieren Sie die Kamera, wenn das Element ausgewählt wurde"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Soll das standardmäßige Zoom-Verhalten von Cura umgekehrt werden?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Kehren Sie die Richtung des Kamera-Zooms um."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "Sollen Modelle auf der Plattform so verschoben werden, dass sie sich nicht länger überschneiden?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Modelle getrennt gehalten werden"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "Sollen Modelle auf der Plattform so nach unten verschoben werden, dass sie die Druckplatte berühren?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Setzt Modelle automatisch auf der Druckplatte ab"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Warnmeldung im G-Code-Reader anzeigen."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Warnmeldung in G-Code-Reader"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "Soll die Schicht in den Kompatibilitätsmodus gezwungen werden?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Schichtenansicht Kompatibilitätsmodus erzwingen (Neustart erforderlich)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Dateien öffnen und speichern"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "Sollen Modelle an das Erstellungsvolumen angepasst werden, wenn sie zu groß sind?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Große Modelle anpassen"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Ein Modell kann extrem klein erscheinen, wenn seine Maßeinheit z. B. in Metern anstelle von Millimetern angegeben ist. Sollen diese Modelle hoch skaliert werden?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Extrem kleine Modelle skalieren"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Soll ein Präfix anhand des Druckernamens automatisch zum Namen des Druckauftrags hinzugefügt werden?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Geräte-Präfix zu Auftragsnamen hinzufügen."
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Soll beim Speichern einer Projektdatei eine Zusammenfassung angezeigt werden?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Dialog Zusammenfassung beim Speichern eines Projekts anzeigen"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Standardverhalten beim Öffnen einer Projektdatei"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Standardverhalten beim Öffnen einer Projektdatei: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Immer nachfragen"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Immer als Projekt öffnen"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Modelle immer importieren"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Wenn Sie Änderungen für ein Profil vorgenommen haben und zu einem anderen Profil gewechselt sind, wird ein Dialog angezeigt, der hinterfragt, ob Sie Ihre Änderungen beibehalten möchten oder nicht; optional können Sie ein Standardverhalten wählen, sodass dieser Dialog nicht erneut angezeigt wird."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Profil überschreiben"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Privatsphäre"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Soll Cura bei Programmstart nach Updates suchen?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Bei Start nach Updates suchen"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "Sollen anonyme Daten über Ihren Druck an Ultimaker gesendet werden? Beachten Sie, dass keine Modelle, IP-Adressen oder andere personenbezogene Daten gesendet oder gespeichert werden."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "(Anonyme) Druckinformationen senden"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Drucker"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Aktivieren"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Druckertyp:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Verbindung:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "Der Drucker ist nicht verbunden."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Status:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "Warten auf Räumen des Druckbeets"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "Warten auf einen Druckauftrag"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profile"
22912453 msgstr "Duplizieren"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Import"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Export"
23632525 msgstr "Profil exportieren"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Materialien"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Drucker: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Drucker: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Erstellen"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Duplizieren"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Material importieren"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Material konnte nicht importiert werden <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Material wurde erfolgreich importiert <filename>%1</filename>"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Material exportieren"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Exportieren des Materials nach <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message> schlug fehl"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Material erfolgreich nach <filename>%1</filename> exportiert"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Drucker hinzufügen"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Drucker hinzufügen"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Außenwand"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Innenwände"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Außenhaut"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Füllung"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Stützstruktur-Füllung"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Stützstruktur-Schnittstelle"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Stützstruktur"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Bewegungen"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Einzüge"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Sonstige"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00 Stunden 00 Minuten"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "SVG-Symbole"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Suchen..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Werte für alle Extruder kopieren"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Diese Einstellung ausblenden"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Diese Einstellung ausblenden"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Diese Einstellung weiterhin anzeigen"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Sichtbarkeit der Einstellung wird konfiguriert..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Druckeinrichtung deaktiviert\nG-Code-Dateien können nicht geändert werden"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Empfohlene Druckeinrichtung</b><br/><br/>Drucken mit den empfohlenen Einstellungen für den gewählten Drucker, das gewählte Material und die gewählte Qualität."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Benutzerdefinierte Druckeinrichtung</b><br/><br/>Druck mit Feineinstellung über jedem einzelnen Bereich des Schneidvorgangs."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automatisch: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automatisch: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Ausgewähltes Modell drucken mit:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Modelle drucken mit:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Ausgewähltes Modell multiplizieren"
2906 msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Modelle multiplizieren"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Anzahl Kopien"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Umschalten auf Vo&llbild-Modus"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "&Rückgängig machen"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "&Wiederholen"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Beenden"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Cura konfigurieren..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "&Drucker hinzufügen..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Dr&ucker verwalten..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Materialien werden verwaltet..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Profil mit aktuellen Einstellungen/Überschreibungen aktualisieren"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Aktuelle Änderungen verwerfen"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Profil von aktuellen Einstellungen/Überschreibungen erstellen..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Profile verwalten..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Online-&Dokumentation anzeigen"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "&Fehler melden"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "&Über..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "&Auswahl löschen"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "&Ausgewähltes Modell löschen"
3083 msgstr[1] "&Ausgewählte Modelle löschen"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Ausgewähltes Modell zentrieren"
3090 msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Modelle zentrieren"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Ausgewähltes Modell multiplizieren"
3097 msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Modelle multiplizieren"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Modell löschen"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Modell auf Druckplatte ze&ntrieren"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "Modelle &gruppieren"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Gruppierung für Modelle aufheben"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "Modelle &zusammenführen"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "Modell &multiplizieren"
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "Alle Modelle &wählen"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "Druckplatte &reinigen"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "Alle Modelle neu &laden"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Alle Modelle anordnen"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Anordnung auswählen"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Alle Modellpositionen zurücksetzen"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Alle Modell&transformationen zurücksetzen"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "&Datei öffnen..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Datei(en) öffnen..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "&Projekt öffnen..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Neues Projekt..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "Engine-&Protokoll anzeigen..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Konfigurationsordner anzeigen"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Sichtbarkeit einstellen wird konfiguriert..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Modell multiplizieren"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Slicing ist nicht verfügbar"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Vorbereiten"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Abbrechen"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Wählen Sie das aktive Ausgabegerät"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Datei(en) öffnen"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Es wurden eine oder mehrere Projektdatei(en) innerhalb der von Ihnen gewählten Dateien gefunden. Sie können nur eine Projektdatei auf einmal öffnen. Es wird empfohlen, nur Modelle aus diesen Dateien zu importieren. Möchten Sie fortfahren?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Alle als Modelle importieren"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Datei"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "Auswahl als Datei &speichern"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "&Alles speichern"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Speichern &Als"
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Projekt speichern"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Bearbeiten"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Ansicht"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "&Einstellungen"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "Dr&ucker"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Material"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profil"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Als aktiven Extruder festlegen"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "Er&weiterungen"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "E&instellungen"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Hilfe"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Datei öffnen"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Ansichtsmodus"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Einstellungen"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Datei öffnen"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Neues Projekt"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich ein neues Projekt beginnen? Damit werden das Druckbett und alle nicht gespeicherten Einstellungen gelöscht."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Arbeitsbereich öffnen"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Datei(en) öffnen"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Es wurden eine oder mehrere G-Code-Datei(en) innerhalb der von Ihnen gewählten Dateien gefunden. Sie können nur eine G-Code-Datei auf einmal öffnen. Wenn Sie eine G-Code-Datei öffnen möchten wählen Sie bitte nur eine Datei."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Projekt speichern"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Extruder %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 & Material"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Projektzusammenfassung beim Speichern nicht erneut anzeigen"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Füllung"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Hohl"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Bei keiner (0 %) Füllung bleibt Ihr Modell hohl, was allerdings eine niedrige Festigkeit zur Folge hat"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Dünn"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Eine dünne (20 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine durchschnittliche Festigkeit"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Dicht"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Eine dichte (50 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine überdurchschnittliche Festigkeit"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Solide"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Eine solide (100 %) Füllung macht Ihr Modell vollständig massiv"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Stützstruktur aktivieren"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Aktivierung von Stützstrukturen. Diese Strukturen stützen Teile des Modells mit großen Überhängen."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0 %"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Bei fehlender Füllung bleibt Ihr Modell hohl, mit einer geringen Festigkeit."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20 %"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Eine dünne (20 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine durchschnittliche Festigkeit."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50 %"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Eine dichte (50 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine überdurchschnittliche Festigkeit"
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100 %"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Eine solide (100 %) Füllung macht Ihr Modell vollständig massiv."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Graduell"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Die graduelle Füllung steigert die Menge der Füllung nach oben hin schrittweise."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Stützstruktur generieren"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Damit werden Strukturen zur Unterstützung von Modellteilen mit Überhängen generiert. Ohne diese Strukturen würden solche Teile während des Druckvorgangs zusammenfallen."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Extruder für Stützstruktur"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Wählen Sie, welcher Extruder für die Unterstützung verwendet wird. Dient zum Konstruieren von Stützstrukturen unter dem Modell, damit dieses nicht absinkt oder frei schwebend gedruckt wird."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Druckplattenhaftung"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Drucken eines Brim- oder Raft-Elements aktivieren. Es wird ein flacher Bereich rund um oder unter Ihrem Objekt hinzugefügt, das im Anschluss leicht abgeschnitten werden kann. "
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Sie benötigen Hilfe für Ihre Drucke? Lesen Sie die <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Anleitung für Fehlerbehebung</a>"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Sie benötigen Hilfe für Ihre Drucke?<br>Lesen Sie die <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Anleitungen für Fehlerbehebung</a>>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Ausgewähltes Modell drucken mit %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Modelle drucken mit %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Projektdatei öffnen"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Dies ist eine Cura-Projektdatei. Möchten Sie diese als Projekt öffnen oder die Modelle hieraus importieren?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Meine Auswahl merken"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Als Projekt öffnen"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Modelle importieren"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Material"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Klicken Sie, um die Materialkompatibilität auf zu prüfen."
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profil:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Einige Einstellungs-/Überschreibungswerte unterscheiden sich von den im Profil gespeicherten Werten.\n\nKlicken Sie, um den Profilmanager zu öffnen."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Es kann kein neuer Druckauftrag gestartet werden. Kein PrinterCore in Steckplatz {0} geladen."
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Upgrade von Version 2.4 auf 2.5"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Aktualisiert Konfigurationen von Cura 2.4 auf Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Für diese Kombination konnte kein Qualitätsprofil gefunden werden. Daher werden die Standardeinstellungen verwendet."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Hoppla!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Ein schwerer Ausnahmezustand ist aufgetreten, den wir nicht beseitigen konnten!</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Wir hoffen, dass dieses Bild eines Kätzchens Ihren Schock etwas abschwächt.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Verwenden Sie bitte die nachstehenden Informationen, um einen Fehlerbericht an folgende URL zu senden: <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3563 #~ " "
3565 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3566 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3567 #~ msgstr "Geben Sie nachfolgend bitte die korrekten Einstellungen für Ihren Drucker an:"
3569 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3570 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3571 #~ msgstr "Extruder %1"
3573 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3574 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3575 #~ msgstr "Modell drucken mit"
3577 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3578 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3579 #~ msgstr "Die Anwendung muss neu gestartet werden, um die Spracheinstellungen zu übernehmen."
3581 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3582 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3583 #~ msgstr "Bewegen Sie die Kamera bis sich das Modell im Mittelpunkt der Ansicht befindet, wenn ein Modell ausgewählt ist"
3585 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3586 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3587 #~ msgstr "&Auswahl löschen"
3589 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3590 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3591 #~ msgstr "&Datei öffnen..."
3593 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3594 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3595 #~ msgstr "&Projekt öffnen..."
3597 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3598 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3599 #~ msgstr "Modell multiplizieren"
3601 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3602 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3603 #~ msgstr "&Alles speichern"
3605 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3606 #~ msgid "Open file"
3607 #~ msgstr "Datei öffnen"
3609 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3610 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3611 #~ msgstr "Arbeitsbereich öffnen"
3613 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3614 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3615 #~ msgstr "Hohl"
3617 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3618 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3619 #~ msgstr "Bei keiner (0 %) Füllung bleibt Ihr Modell hohl, was allerdings eine niedrige Festigkeit zur Folge hat"
3621 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3622 #~ msgid "Light"
3623 #~ msgstr "Dünn"
3625 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3626 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3627 #~ msgstr "Eine dünne (20 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine durchschnittliche Festigkeit"
3629 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3630 #~ msgid "Dense"
3631 #~ msgstr "Dicht"
3633 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3634 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3635 #~ msgstr "Eine dichte (50 %) Füllung gibt Ihrem Modell eine überdurchschnittliche Festigkeit"
3637 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3638 #~ msgid "Solid"
3639 #~ msgstr "Solide"
3641 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3642 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3643 #~ msgstr "Eine solide (100 %) Füllung macht Ihr Modell vollständig massiv"
3645 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3646 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3647 #~ msgstr "Stützstruktur aktivieren"
3649 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3650 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3651 #~ msgstr "Aktivierung von Stützstrukturen. Diese Strukturen stützen Teile des Modells mit großen Überhängen."
3653 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3654 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3655 #~ msgstr "Sie benötigen Hilfe für Ihre Drucke? Lesen Sie die <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Anleitung für Fehlerbehebung</a>"
3657 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993658 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003659 #~ msgstr "Über Netzwerk verbunden mit {0}. Geben Sie die Zugriffsanforderung für den Drucker frei."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: de\n"
12 "Language-Team: German\n"
13 "Language: German\n"
14 "Lang-Code: de\n"
15 "Country-Code: DE\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "Die für das Drucken verwendete Extruder-Einheit. Diese wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Düsendurchmesser"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Der Innendurchmesser der Düse. Verwenden Sie diese Einstellung, wenn Sie eine Düse einer Nicht-Standardgröße verwenden."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: de\n"
12 "Language-Team: German\n"
13 "Language: German\n"
14 "Lang-Code: de\n"
15 "Country-Code: DE\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Die Breite einer Linienbreite einer einzelnen Stützstruktur-Schnittstelle."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Die Breite einer einzelnen Stützdach- oder Bodenlinie."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Breite der Stützdachlinie"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Die Breite einer einzelnen Stützdachlinie."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Stützstruktur Boden Linienbreite"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Die Breite einer Linienbreite eines einzelnen Bodens."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Eine Liste von Ganzzahl-Linienrichtungen für die Verwendung. Elemente aus der Liste werden während des Aufbaus der Schichten sequentiell verwendet und wenn das Listenende erreicht wird, beginnt die Liste von vorne. Die Listenobjekte werden durch Kommas getrennt und die gesamte Liste ist in eckige Klammern gesetzt. Standardmäßig ist eine leere Liste vorhanden, was bedeutet, dass herkömmliche Standardwinkel (45- und 135-Grad für die Linien- und Zickzack-Muster und 45-Grad für alle anderen Muster) verwendet werden."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Radius Würfel-Unterbereich"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Ein Multiplikator des Radius von der Mitte jedes Würfels, um die Modellbegrenzungen zu überprüfen und um zu entscheiden, ob dieser Würfel unterteilt werden sollte. Höhere Werte führen zu mehr Unterbereichen, d. h. mehr kleinen Würfeln."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Spaghetti-Füllung"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Drucken Sie die Füllung hier und da, sodass sich das Filament innerhalb des Objekts „chaotisch“ ringelt. Das reduziert die Druckdauer, allerdings ist das Verhalten eher unabsehbar."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Maximaler Spaghetti-Füllungswinkel"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "Der maximale Winkel bezüglich der Z-Achse im Druckinnenbereich für Bereiche, die anschließend mit Spaghetti-Füllung zu füllen sind. Die Reduzierung dieses Wertes für dazu, dass stärker gewinkelte Teile in Ihrem Modell in jeder Schicht gefüllt werden."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Maximale Höhe der Spaghetti-Füllung"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "Die maximale Höhe des Innenraums, die kombiniert und von oben gefüllt werden kann."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Spaghetti-Einfügung"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Der Versatz von den Wänden, von denen aus die Spaghetti-Füllung gedruckt wird."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Spaghetti-Durchfluss"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Justiert die Dichte der Spathetti-Füllung. Beachten Sie, dass die Fülldichte nur die Linienabstände des Füllmusters steuert und nicht die Menge der Extrusion für die Spaghetti-Füllung."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Obere Außenhaut expandieren"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Außenhaut oben in Füllung expandieren"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
12211282 msgstr "Expandiert die oberen Außenhautbereiche (Bereiche mit Luft darüber), sodass sie die Füllung darüber stützen."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Untere Außenhaut expandieren"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Außenhaut unten in Füllung expandieren"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1231 msgstr "Expandiert die unteren Außenhautbereiche (Bereiche mit Luft darunter), sodass sie durch die Füllungsschichten darüber und darunter verankert werden."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1292 msgstr "Expandiert die Außenhautbodenbereiche (Bereiche mit Luft darunter), sodass sie durch die Füllungsschichten darüber und darunter verankert werden."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12341295 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt wird. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit, kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Stützdachgeschwindigkeit"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Dächer der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Geschwindigkeit Bodenstruktur"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit kann die Haftung des Stützdachs Ihres Modells verbessert werden."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Die Beschleunigung, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt wird. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "Die Beschleunigung, mit der die Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt wird. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Beschleunigung kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Beschleunigung Dachstruktur"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "Die Beschleunigung, mit der die Dächer der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Beschleunigung kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Beschleunigung Bodenstruktur"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "Die Beschleunigung, mit der die Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Beschleunigung kann die Haftung des Stützdachs verbessert werden."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
20012102 msgstr "Die maximale unmittelbare Geschwindigkeitsänderung, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Ruckfunktion für Dachstruktur"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Die maximale unmittelbare Geschwindigkeitsänderung, mit der die Dächer der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Ruckfunktion für Bodenstruktur"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Die maximale unmittelbare Geschwindigkeitsänderung, mit der die Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Stützstruktur aktivieren"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Stützstruktur generieren"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Es werden Stützstrukturen aktiviert. Diese Strukturen stützen Teile des Modells mit großen Überhängen."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Damit werden Strukturen zur Unterstützung von Modellteilen mit Überhängen generiert. Ohne diese Strukturen würden solche Teile während des Druckvorgangs zusammenfallen."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "Das für das Drucken der Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur verwendete Extruder-Element. Diese wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "Das für das Drucken der Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur verwendete Extruder-Element. Dieses wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Extruder für Dachstruktur"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "Das für das Drucken der Stützdachstruktur verwendete Extruder-Element. Dieses wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Extruder für Bodenstruktur"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "Das für das Drucken der Stützstruktur der Böden verwendete Extruder-Element. Dieses wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Die Höhe der Stufen der treppenförmigen Unterlage für die Stützstruktur des Modells. Ein niedriger Wert kann das Entfernen der Stützstruktur erschweren, ein zu hoher Wert kann jedoch zu instabilen Stützstrukturen führen."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "Die Höhe der Stufen der treppenförmigen Unterlage für die Stützstruktur des Modells. Ein niedriger Wert kann das Entfernen der Stützstruktur erschweren, ein zu hoher Wert kann jedoch zu instabilen Stützstrukturen führen. Auf Null einstellen, um das Stufenverhalten zu deaktivieren."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Max. Stufenhöhe der Stützstruktur"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "Die maximale Breite der Stufen der treppenförmigen Unterlage für die Stützstruktur des Modells. Ein niedriger Wert kann das Entfernen der Stützstruktur erschweren, ein zu hoher Wert kann jedoch zu instabilen Stützstrukturen führen."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Es wird eine dichte Schnittstelle zwischen dem Modell und der Stützstruktur generiert. Das erstellt eine Außenhaut oben auf der Stützstruktur, auf der das Modell gedruckt wird, und unten auf der Stützstruktur, wo diese auf dem Modell ruht."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Stützdach aktivieren"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Es wird eine dichte Materialschicht zwischen der Stützdachstruktur und dem Modell generiert. Das erstellt eine Außenhaut zwischen dem Modell und der Stützstruktur."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Stützboden aktivieren"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Es wird eine dichte Materialschicht zwischen dem Boden der Stützstruktur und dem Modell generiert. Das erstellt eine Außenhaut zwischen dem Modell und der Stützstruktur."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Dicke der Stützstrukturschnittstelle"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Dicke des Stützbodens"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Dicke der Bodenstruktur"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Die Dicke des Stützbodens. Dies steuert die Anzahl der dichten Schichten, die oben an einem Modell gedruckt werden, auf dem die Stützstruktur aufsitzt."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "Die Dicke der Stützböden. Dies steuert die Anzahl der dichten Schichten, die oben an einem Modell gedruckt werden, auf dem die Stützstruktur aufsitzt."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Bei der Überprüfung, wo sich das Modell über der Stützstruktur befindet, verwenden Sie Schritte der entsprechenden Höhe. Niedrigere Werte schneiden langsamer, während höhere Werte dazu führen können, dass die normale Stützstruktur an einigen Stellen gedruckt wird, wo sie als Stützstrukturschnittstelle gedruckt werden sollte."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Bei der Überprüfung, wo sich das Modell über und unter der Stützstruktur befindet, verwenden Sie Schritte der entsprechenden Höhe. Niedrigere Werte schneiden langsamer, während höhere Werte dazu führen können, dass die normale Stützstruktur an einigen Stellen gedruckt wird, wo sie als Stützstrukturschnittstelle gedruckt werden sollte."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Die Dichte des Stützstrukturdachs und -bodens wird eingestellt. Ein höherer Wert führt zu besseren Überhängen, aber die Stützstrukturen sind schwieriger zu entfernen."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Stützstrukturschnittstelle Linienlänge"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Der Abstand zwischen den gedruckten Stützstrukturschnittstellenlinien. Diese Einstellung wird anhand der Dichte der Stützstrukturschnittstelle berechnet, kann aber auch separat eingestellt werden."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Die Dichte der Stützstrukturdächer und -böden wird eingestellt. Ein höherer Wert führt zu besseren Überhängen, aber die Stützstrukturen sind schwieriger zu entfernen."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Dichte der Dachstruktur"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "Die Dichte der Stützstrukturdächer wird eingestellt. Ein höherer Wert führt zu besseren Überhängen, aber die Stützstrukturen sind schwieriger zu entfernen."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Linienabstand der Dachstruktur"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Der Abstand zwischen den gedruckten Stützdachlinien. Diese Einstellung wird anhand der Dichte der Stützstruktur berechnet, kann aber auch separat eingestellt werden."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Dichte der Bodenstruktur"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "Die Dichte der Stützstrukturböden wird eingestellt. Ein höherer Wert führt zu einer besseren Haftung der Stützstruktur oben am Modell."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Linienabstand der Bodenstruktur"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Der Abstand zwischen den gedruckten Stützstrukturbodenlinien. Diese Einstellung wird anhand der Dichte des Stützstrukturboden berechnet, kann aber auch separat eingestellt werden."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zickzack"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Muster des Stützdachs"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Das Muster, mit dem die Dächer der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Linien"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Gitter"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Dreiecke"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Konzentrisch"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Konzentrisch 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zickzack"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Muster der Bodenstruktur"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Das Muster, mit dem die Unterseiten der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Linien"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Gitter"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Dreiecke"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Konzentrisch"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Konzentrisch 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zickzack"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Verwendung von Pfeilern"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Haftung"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Einzugstropfen aktivieren"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Diese Funktion legt fest, ob das Filament vor dem Drucken mit einem Tropfen eingezogen wird. Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, stellt der Extruder vor dem Drucken an der Düse Material bereit. Der Brim- oder Skirt-Druck kann ebenfalls als Einzug wirken; in diesem Fall kann das Ausschalten dieser Funktion Zeit einsparen."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Hier wird festgelegt, welche Mesh-Füllung in der Füllung einer anderen Mesh-Füllung ist. Eine Mesh-Füllung mit einer höheren Reihenfolge ändert die Füllung der Mesh-Füllungen mit niedrigerer Reihenfolge und normalen Meshes."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Mesh beschneiden"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Beschränkt die Menge dieses Meshs innerhalb der anderen Meshes. Sie können diese Funktion verwenden, um bestimmte Bereiche eines Mesh-Drucks mit unterschiedlichen Einstellungen und einem völlig anderen Extruder zu produzieren."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Form"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Damit werden Modelle als Form gedruckt, die gegossen werden kann, um ein Modell zu erhalten, das den Modellen des Druckbetts ähnelt."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Mindestbreite der Form"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "Der Mindestabstand zwischen der Außenseite der Form und der Außenseite des Modells."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Dachhöhe der Form"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "Bezeichnet die Höhe über horizontalen Teilen Ihres Modell, in der die Form gedruckt wird."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Formwinkel"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "Dies bezeichnet den Winkel des Überhangs der für die Form erstellten Außenwände. 0 Grad ergibt eine vertikale Außenhaut der Form, während 90 Grad dazu führt, dass die Außenseite des Modells der Modellkontur folgt."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Stütznetz"
34183759 msgstr "Dieses Netz wird verwendet, um festzulegen, welche Bereiche gestützt werden sollen. Dies kann verwendet werden, um eine Stützstruktur zu errichten."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Stütznetz ablegen"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Sorgt für Unterstützung überall unterhalb des Stütznetzes, sodass kein Überhang im Stütznetz vorhanden ist."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Anti-Überhang-Netz"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Durch Spiralisieren wird die Z-Bewegung der äußeren Kante geglättet. Dies führt zu einem konstanten Z-Anstieg des gesamten Drucks. Diese Funktion wandelt ein solides Modell in einen Druck mit Einzelwänden und einem soliden Boden um. Diese Funktion wurde bei den Vorversionen „Joris“ genannt."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Durch Spiralisieren wird die Z-Bewegung der äußeren Kante geglättet. Dies führt zu einem konstanten Z-Anstieg des gesamten Drucks. Diese Funktion wandelt ein solides Modell in einen Druck mit Einzelwänden und einem soliden Boden um. Diese Funktion sollte nur aktiviert werden, wenn jede Schicht nur ein einzelnes Teil enthält."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Spiralisieren der äußeren Konturen glätten"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Glättet die spiralförmigen Konturen, um die Sichtbarkeit der Z-Naht zu reduzieren (die Z-Naht sollte auf dem Druck kaum sichtbar sein, ist jedoch in der Schichtenansicht erkennbar). Beachten Sie, dass das Glätten dazu neigt, feine Oberflächendetails zu verwischen."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Transformationsmatrix, die beim Laden aus der Datei auf das Modell angewandt wird."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Die Breite einer Linienbreite einer einzelnen Stützstruktur-Schnittstelle."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Radius Würfel-Unterbereich"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Ein Multiplikator des Radius von der Mitte jedes Würfels, um die Modellbegrenzungen zu überprüfen und um zu entscheiden, ob dieser Würfel unterteilt werden sollte. Höhere Werte führen zu mehr Unterbereichen, d. h. mehr kleinen Würfeln."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Obere Außenhaut expandieren"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Expandiert die oberen Außenhautbereiche (Bereiche mit Luft darüber), sodass sie die Füllung darüber stützen."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Untere Außenhaut expandieren"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Expandiert die unteren Außenhautbereiche (Bereiche mit Luft darunter), sodass sie durch die Füllungsschichten darüber und darunter verankert werden."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt wird. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit, kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "Die Beschleunigung, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt wird. Durch das Drucken bei einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit kann die Qualität der Überhänge verbessert werden."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Die maximale unmittelbare Geschwindigkeitsänderung, mit der die Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur gedruckt werden."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Stützstruktur aktivieren"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Es werden Stützstrukturen aktiviert. Diese Strukturen stützen Teile des Modells mit großen Überhängen."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "Das für das Drucken der Dächer und Böden der Stützstruktur verwendete Extruder-Element. Diese wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "Die Höhe der Stufen der treppenförmigen Unterlage für die Stützstruktur des Modells. Ein niedriger Wert kann das Entfernen der Stützstruktur erschweren, ein zu hoher Wert kann jedoch zu instabilen Stützstrukturen führen."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Dicke des Stützbodens"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "Die Dicke des Stützbodens. Dies steuert die Anzahl der dichten Schichten, die oben an einem Modell gedruckt werden, auf dem die Stützstruktur aufsitzt."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Bei der Überprüfung, wo sich das Modell über der Stützstruktur befindet, verwenden Sie Schritte der entsprechenden Höhe. Niedrigere Werte schneiden langsamer, während höhere Werte dazu führen können, dass die normale Stützstruktur an einigen Stellen gedruckt wird, wo sie als Stützstrukturschnittstelle gedruckt werden sollte."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Die Dichte des Stützstrukturdachs und -bodens wird eingestellt. Ein höherer Wert führt zu besseren Überhängen, aber die Stützstrukturen sind schwieriger zu entfernen."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Stützstrukturschnittstelle Linienlänge"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Der Abstand zwischen den gedruckten Stützstrukturschnittstellenlinien. Diese Einstellung wird anhand der Dichte der Stützstrukturschnittstelle berechnet, kann aber auch separat eingestellt werden."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Durch Spiralisieren wird die Z-Bewegung der äußeren Kante geglättet. Dies führt zu einem konstanten Z-Anstieg des gesamten Drucks. Diese Funktion wandelt ein solides Modell in einen Druck mit Einzelwänden und einem soliden Boden um. Diese Funktion wurde bei den Vorversionen „Joris“ genannt."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "Die Temperatur, die für das Drucken verwendet wird. Wählen Sie hier 0, um das Vorheizen manuell durchzuführen."
0 # Cura
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
0 # English translations for PACKAGE package.
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
3 # Automatically generated, 2017.
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: none\n"
1313 "Language: en\n"
1414 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1515 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
2626 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2727 msgstr "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
29 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
29 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3030 msgctxt "@action"
3131 msgid "Machine Settings"
3232 msgstr "Machine Settings"
127127 msgid "Show Changelog"
128128 msgstr "Show Changelog"
130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
131 msgctxt "@label"
132 msgid "Profile flatener"
133 msgstr "Profile flatener"
135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
136 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
137 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
138 msgstr "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
141 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
142 msgid "Flatten active settings"
143 msgstr "Flatten active settings"
145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
146 msgctxt "@info:status"
147 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
148 msgstr "Profile has been flattened & activated."
130150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
131151 msgctxt "@label"
132152 msgid "USB printing"
157177 msgid "Connected via USB"
158178 msgstr "Connected via USB"
160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
161181 msgctxt "@info:status"
162182 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
163183 msgstr "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
166186 msgctxt "@info:status"
167187 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
168188 msgstr "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
171191 msgctxt "@info:status"
172192 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
173193 msgstr "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
204224 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
205225 msgstr "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
227 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
208228 #, python-brace-format
209229 msgctxt "@info:progress"
210230 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
211231 msgstr "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
215235 #, python-brace-format
216236 msgctxt "@info:status"
217237 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
218238 msgstr "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
221241 #, python-brace-format
222242 msgctxt "@info:status"
223243 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
224244 msgstr "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
227247 msgctxt "@action:button"
228248 msgid "Eject"
229249 msgstr "Eject"
231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
232252 #, python-brace-format
233253 msgctxt "@action"
234254 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
235255 msgstr "Eject removable device {0}"
237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
238258 #, python-brace-format
239259 msgctxt "@info:status"
240260 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
241261 msgstr "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
244264 #, python-brace-format
245265 msgctxt "@info:status"
246266 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
247267 msgstr "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
250270 #, python-brace-format
251271 msgctxt "@info:status"
252272 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
326346 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
327347 msgstr "Send access request to the printer"
329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
330350 msgctxt "@info:status"
331351 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
332352 msgstr "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
335355 msgctxt "@info:status"
336356 msgid "Connected over the network."
337357 msgstr "Connected over the network."
339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
340360 msgctxt "@info:status"
341361 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
342362 msgstr "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
345365 msgctxt "@info:status"
346366 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
347367 msgstr "Access request was denied on the printer."
349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350370 msgctxt "@info:status"
351371 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
352372 msgstr "Access request failed due to a timeout."
354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355375 msgctxt "@info:status"
356376 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
357377 msgstr "The connection with the network was lost."
359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360380 msgctxt "@info:status"
361381 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
362382 msgstr "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365385 #, python-format
366386 msgctxt "@info:status"
367387 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
368388 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
390 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
371391 #, python-brace-format
372392 msgctxt "@info:status"
373 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
374 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
393 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
394 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
396 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
377397 #, python-brace-format
378398 msgctxt "@info:status"
379399 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
380400 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
383403 #, python-brace-format
384404 msgctxt "@label"
385405 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
386406 msgstr "Not enough material for spool {0}."
388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
389409 #, python-brace-format
390410 msgctxt "@label"
391411 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
392412 msgstr "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395415 #, python-brace-format
396416 msgctxt "@label"
397417 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
398418 msgstr "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
401421 #, python-brace-format
402422 msgctxt "@label"
403423 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
404424 msgstr "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
407427 msgctxt "@label"
408428 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
409429 msgstr "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
412432 msgctxt "@label"
413433 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
414434 msgstr "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
417437 msgctxt "@window:title"
418438 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
419439 msgstr "Mismatched configuration"
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
441 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
422442 msgctxt "@info:status"
423443 msgid "Sending data to printer"
424444 msgstr "Sending data to printer"
426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
428448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
429449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
430450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
434454 msgctxt "@action:button"
435455 msgid "Cancel"
436456 msgstr "Cancel"
438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
439459 msgctxt "@info:status"
440460 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
441461 msgstr "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
445465 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
446466 msgid "Aborting print..."
447467 msgstr "Aborting print..."
449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
450470 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
451471 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
452472 msgstr "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
455475 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
456476 msgid "Pausing print..."
457477 msgstr "Pausing print..."
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
460480 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
461481 msgid "Resuming print..."
462482 msgstr "Resuming print..."
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465485 msgctxt "@window:title"
466486 msgid "Sync with your printer"
467487 msgstr "Sync with your printer"
469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470490 msgctxt "@label"
471491 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
472492 msgstr "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475495 msgctxt "@label"
476496 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
477497 msgstr "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
525545 msgid "Dismiss"
526546 msgstr "Dismiss"
528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
529549 msgctxt "@label"
530550 msgid "Material Profiles"
531551 msgstr "Material Profiles"
533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
534554 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
535555 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
536556 msgstr "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
581601 msgid "Layers"
582602 msgstr "Layers"
584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
585605 msgctxt "@info:status"
586606 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
587607 msgstr "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
590 msgctxt "@label"
591 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
592 msgstr "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
609 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
610 msgctxt "@label"
611 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
612 msgstr "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
614 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
595615 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
596 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
597 msgstr "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
616 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
617 msgstr "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
599619 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
600620 msgctxt "@label"
651671 msgid "GIF Image"
652672 msgstr "GIF Image"
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
674 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
656676 msgctxt "@info:status"
657677 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
658678 msgstr "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
661681 #, python-brace-format
662682 msgctxt "@info:status"
663683 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
664684 msgstr "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
667687 msgctxt "@info:status"
668688 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
669689 msgstr "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
671 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
691 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
672692 msgctxt "@info:status"
673693 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
674694 msgstr "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
683703 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
684704 msgstr "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
706 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688708 msgctxt "@info:status"
689709 msgid "Processing Layers"
690710 msgstr "Processing Layers"
709729 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
710730 msgstr "Configure Per Model Settings"
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
714734 msgctxt "@title:tab"
715735 msgid "Recommended"
716736 msgstr "Recommended"
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
738 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
720740 msgctxt "@title:tab"
721741 msgid "Custom"
722742 msgstr "Custom"
724 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
744 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
725745 msgctxt "@label"
726746 msgid "3MF Reader"
727747 msgstr "3MF Reader"
729 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
749 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
730750 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
731751 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
732752 msgstr "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
754 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
736756 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
737757 msgid "3MF File"
738758 msgstr "3MF File"
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
760 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
742762 msgctxt "@label"
743763 msgid "Nozzle"
744764 msgstr "Nozzle"
773793 msgid "G File"
774794 msgstr "G File"
776 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
777797 msgctxt "@info:status"
778798 msgid "Parsing G-code"
779799 msgstr "Parsing G-code"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
802 msgctxt "@info:generic"
803 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
804 msgstr "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
781806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
782807 msgctxt "@label"
794819 msgid "Cura Profile"
795820 msgstr "Cura Profile"
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
798823 msgctxt "@label"
799824 msgid "3MF Writer"
800825 msgstr "3MF Writer"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
803828 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
804829 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
805830 msgstr "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
808833 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
809834 msgid "3MF file"
810835 msgstr "3MF file"
812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
813838 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
814839 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
815840 msgstr "Cura Project 3MF file"
817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
818 msgctxt "@label"
819 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
820 msgstr "Ultimaker machine actions"
822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
823 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
824 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
825 msgstr "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
828844 msgctxt "@action"
829845 msgid "Select upgrades"
830846 msgstr "Select upgrades"
848 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
849 msgctxt "@label"
850 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
851 msgstr "Ultimaker machine actions"
853 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
854 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
855 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
856 msgstr "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
832858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
833859 msgctxt "@action"
834860 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
854880 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
855881 msgstr "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
883 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
858884 #, python-brace-format
859885 msgctxt "@label"
860886 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
870896 msgid "Unknown material"
871897 msgstr "Unknown material"
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
899 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
900 msgctxt "@info:status"
901 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
902 msgstr "Finding new location for objects"
904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 msgctxt "@info:status"
907 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
908 msgstr "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
875912 msgctxt "@title:window"
876913 msgid "File Already Exists"
877914 msgstr "File Already Exists"
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
881918 #, python-brace-format
882919 msgctxt "@label"
883920 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
884921 msgstr "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
887 msgctxt "@info:status"
888 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
889 msgstr "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
891 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 msgctxt "@label"
926 msgid "Custom"
927 msgstr "Custom"
929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
930 msgctxt "@label"
931 msgid "Custom Material"
932 msgstr "Custom Material"
934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
892935 #, python-brace-format
893936 msgctxt "@info:status"
894937 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
895938 msgstr "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
940 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
898941 #, python-brace-format
899942 msgctxt "@info:status"
900943 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
901944 msgstr "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
904947 #, python-brace-format
905948 msgctxt "@info:status"
906949 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
907950 msgstr "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
911956 #, python-brace-format
912957 msgctxt "@info:status"
913958 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
914959 msgstr "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918963 #, python-brace-format
919964 msgctxt "@info:status"
920965 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
921966 msgstr "Successfully imported profile {0}"
923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924969 #, python-brace-format
925970 msgctxt "@info:status"
926971 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
927972 msgstr "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
974 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
930975 msgctxt "@label"
931976 msgid "Custom profile"
932977 msgstr "Custom profile"
934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
979 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
980 msgctxt "@info:status"
981 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
982 msgstr "Profile is missing a quality type."
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
985 #, python-brace-format
986 msgctxt "@info:status"
987 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
988 msgstr "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
935991 msgctxt "@info:status"
936992 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
937993 msgstr "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
939 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 msgctxt "@info:status"
997 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
998 msgstr "Multiplying and placing objects"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9401001 msgctxt "@title:window"
941 msgid "Oops!"
942 msgstr "Oops!"
944 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1002 msgid "Crash Report"
1003 msgstr "Crash Report"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9451006 msgctxt "@label"
9461007 msgid ""
9471008 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
948 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9491009 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9501010 " "
9511011 msgstr ""
9521012 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
953 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9541013 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9551014 " "
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581017 msgctxt "@action:button"
9591018 msgid "Open Web Page"
9601019 msgstr "Open Web Page"
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631022 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641023 msgid "Loading machines..."
9651024 msgstr "Loading machines..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681027 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691028 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9701029 msgstr "Setting up scene..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731032 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9741033 msgid "Loading interface..."
9751034 msgstr "Loading interface..."
977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1036 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9781037 #, python-format
9791038 msgctxt "@info"
9801039 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9811040 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9841043 #, python-brace-format
9851044 msgctxt "@info:status"
9861045 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9871046 msgstr "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
989 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9901049 #, python-brace-format
9911050 msgctxt "@info:status"
9921051 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9931052 msgstr "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9961055 msgctxt "@title"
9971056 msgid "Machine Settings"
9981057 msgstr "Machine Settings"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1001 msgctxt "@label"
1002 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1003 msgstr "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1060 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1061 msgid "Printer"
1062 msgstr "Printer"
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10061065 msgctxt "@label"
10071066 msgid "Printer Settings"
10081067 msgstr "Printer Settings"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10111070 msgctxt "@label"
10121071 msgid "X (Width)"
10131072 msgstr "X (Width)"
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10241083 msgctxt "@label"
10251084 msgid "mm"
10261085 msgstr "mm"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10291088 msgctxt "@label"
10301089 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10311090 msgstr "Y (Depth)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10341093 msgctxt "@label"
10351094 msgid "Z (Height)"
10361095 msgstr "Z (Height)"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10391098 msgctxt "@label"
10401099 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10411100 msgstr "Build Plate Shape"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10441103 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451104 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10461105 msgstr "Machine Center is Zero"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10491108 msgctxt "@option:check"
10501109 msgid "Heated Bed"
10511110 msgstr "Heated Bed"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10541113 msgctxt "@label"
10551114 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10561115 msgstr "GCode Flavor"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10591118 msgctxt "@label"
10601119 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10611120 msgstr "Printhead Settings"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10641123 msgctxt "@label"
10651124 msgid "X min"
10661125 msgstr "X min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10691128 msgctxt "@label"
10701129 msgid "Y min"
10711130 msgstr "Y min"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10741133 msgctxt "@label"
10751134 msgid "X max"
10761135 msgstr "X max"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10791138 msgctxt "@label"
10801139 msgid "Y max"
10811140 msgstr "Y max"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10841143 msgctxt "@label"
10851144 msgid "Gantry height"
10861145 msgstr "Gantry height"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1148 msgctxt "@label"
1149 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1150 msgstr "Number of Extruders"
1152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1153 msgctxt "@label"
1154 msgid "Material Diameter"
1155 msgstr "Material Diameter"
1157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10891159 msgctxt "@label"
10901160 msgid "Nozzle size"
10911161 msgstr "Nozzle size"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10941164 msgctxt "@label"
10951165 msgid "Start Gcode"
10961166 msgstr "Start Gcode"
1098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10991169 msgctxt "@label"
11001170 msgid "End Gcode"
11011171 msgstr "End Gcode"
1173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1174 msgctxt "@label"
1175 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1176 msgstr "Nozzle Settings"
1178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1179 msgctxt "@label"
1180 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1181 msgstr "Nozzle offset X"
1183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1184 msgctxt "@label"
1185 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1186 msgstr "Nozzle offset Y"
1188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1189 msgctxt "@label"
1190 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1191 msgstr "Extruder Start Gcode"
1193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1194 msgctxt "@label"
1195 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1196 msgstr "Extruder End Gcode"
11031198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11041199 msgctxt "@title:window"
11061201 msgstr "Doodle3D Settings"
11081203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11101205 msgctxt "@action:button"
11111206 msgid "Save"
11121207 msgstr "Save"
11451240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11461241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11471242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11491244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11501245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11511246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
11981293 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
11991294 msgstr "Unknown error code: %1"
1201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12021297 msgctxt "@title:window"
12031298 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12041299 msgstr "Connect to Networked Printer"
1206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12071302 msgctxt "@label"
12081303 msgid ""
12091304 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12141309 "\n"
12151310 "Select your printer from the list below:"
1217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12181313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12191314 msgctxt "@action:button"
12201315 msgid "Add"
12211316 msgstr "Add"
1223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1318 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12241319 msgctxt "@action:button"
12251320 msgid "Edit"
12261321 msgstr "Edit"
1228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12291324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12301325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12321327 msgctxt "@action:button"
12331328 msgid "Remove"
12341329 msgstr "Remove"
1236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1331 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12371332 msgctxt "@action:button"
12381333 msgid "Refresh"
12391334 msgstr "Refresh"
1241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12421337 msgctxt "@label"
12431338 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12441339 msgstr "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
1246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12471342 msgctxt "@label"
12481343 msgid "Type"
12491344 msgstr "Type"
1251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12521347 msgctxt "@label"
12531348 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12541349 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12571352 msgctxt "@label"
12581353 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12591354 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12621357 msgctxt "@label"
12631358 msgid "Unknown"
12641359 msgstr "Unknown"
1266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12671362 msgctxt "@label"
12681363 msgid "Firmware version"
12691364 msgstr "Firmware version"
1271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12721367 msgctxt "@label"
12731368 msgid "Address"
12741369 msgstr "Address"
1276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12771372 msgctxt "@label"
12781373 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12791374 msgstr "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
1281 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12821377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12831378 msgctxt "@action:button"
12841379 msgid "Connect"
12851380 msgstr "Connect"
1287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12881383 msgctxt "@title:window"
12891384 msgid "Printer Address"
12901385 msgstr "Printer Address"
1292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
12931388 msgctxt "@alabel"
12941389 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
12951390 msgstr "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
1297 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
12981393 msgctxt "@action:button"
12991394 msgid "Ok"
13001395 msgstr "Ok"
13391434 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13401435 msgstr "Change active post-processing scripts"
1342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13431438 msgctxt "@label"
13441439 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13451440 msgstr "View Mode: Layers"
1347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13481443 msgctxt "@label"
13491444 msgid "Color scheme"
13501445 msgstr "Color scheme"
1352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13531448 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13541449 msgid "Material Color"
13551450 msgstr "Material Color"
1357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13581453 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13591454 msgid "Line Type"
13601455 msgstr "Line Type"
1362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13631458 msgctxt "@label"
13641459 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13651460 msgstr "Compatibility Mode"
1367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1368 msgctxt "@label"
1369 msgid "Extruder %1"
1370 msgstr "Extruder %1"
1372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13731463 msgctxt "@label"
13741464 msgid "Show Travels"
13751465 msgstr "Show Travels"
1377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13781468 msgctxt "@label"
13791469 msgid "Show Helpers"
13801470 msgstr "Show Helpers"
1382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13831473 msgctxt "@label"
13841474 msgid "Show Shell"
13851475 msgstr "Show Shell"
1387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13881478 msgctxt "@label"
13891479 msgid "Show Infill"
13901480 msgstr "Show Infill"
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
13931483 msgctxt "@label"
13941484 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
13951485 msgstr "Only Show Top Layers"
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
13981488 msgctxt "@label"
13991489 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14001490 msgstr "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14031493 msgctxt "@label"
14041494 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14051495 msgstr "Top / Bottom"
1407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14081498 msgctxt "@label"
14091499 msgid "Inner Wall"
14101500 msgstr "Inner Wall"
14801570 msgstr "Smoothing"
14821572 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14841573 msgctxt "@action:button"
14851574 msgid "OK"
14861575 msgstr "OK"
1488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1489 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1490 msgid "Print model with"
1491 msgstr "Print model with"
1493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1577 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
14941578 msgctxt "@action:button"
14951579 msgid "Select settings"
14961580 msgstr "Select settings"
1498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
14991583 msgctxt "@title:window"
15001584 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15011585 msgstr "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
1503 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15041588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15061589 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15071590 msgid "Filter..."
15081591 msgstr "Filter..."
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15111594 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15121595 msgid "Show all"
15131596 msgstr "Show all"
15171600 msgid "Open Project"
15181601 msgstr "Open Project"
1520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15211604 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15221605 msgid "Update existing"
15231606 msgstr "Update existing"
1525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1608 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15261609 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15271610 msgid "Create new"
15281611 msgstr "Create new"
1530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1531 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1614 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15321615 msgctxt "@action:title"
15331616 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15341617 msgstr "Summary - Cura Project"
1536 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1619 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15381621 msgctxt "@action:label"
15391622 msgid "Printer settings"
15401623 msgstr "Printer settings"
1542 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15431626 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15441627 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15451628 msgstr "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
1547 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15491632 msgctxt "@action:label"
15501633 msgid "Type"
15511634 msgstr "Type"
1553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1557 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15581641 msgctxt "@action:label"
15591642 msgid "Name"
15601643 msgstr "Name"
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1645 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15641647 msgctxt "@action:label"
15651648 msgid "Profile settings"
15661649 msgstr "Profile settings"
1568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15691652 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15701653 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15711654 msgstr "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
1573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15751658 msgctxt "@action:label"
15761659 msgid "Not in profile"
15771660 msgstr "Not in profile"
1579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15811664 msgctxt "@action:label"
15821665 msgid "%1 override"
15831666 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15841667 msgstr[0] "%1 override"
15851668 msgstr[1] "%1 overrides"
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15881671 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891672 msgid "Derivative from"
15901673 msgstr "Derivative from"
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
15931676 msgctxt "@action:label"
15941677 msgid "%1, %2 override"
15951678 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
15961679 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 override"
15971680 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 overrides"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1682 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16001683 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011684 msgid "Material settings"
16021685 msgstr "Material settings"
1604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16051688 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16061689 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16071690 msgstr "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
1609 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16111694 msgctxt "@action:label"
16121695 msgid "Setting visibility"
16131696 msgstr "Setting visibility"
1615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1698 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16161699 msgctxt "@action:label"
16171700 msgid "Mode"
16181701 msgstr "Mode"
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16221705 msgctxt "@action:label"
16231706 msgid "Visible settings:"
16241707 msgstr "Visible settings:"
1626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1710 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16281711 msgctxt "@action:label"
16291712 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16301713 msgstr "%1 out of %2"
1632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1715 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16331716 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16341717 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16351718 msgstr "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16381721 msgctxt "@action:button"
16391722 msgid "Open"
16401723 msgstr "Open"
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1726 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1727 msgctxt "@title"
1728 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1729 msgstr "Select Printer Upgrades"
1731 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1732 msgctxt "@label"
1733 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1734 msgstr "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1737 msgctxt "@label"
1738 msgid "Olsson Block"
1739 msgstr "Olsson Block"
16421741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16431742 msgctxt "@title"
16931792 msgctxt "@title:window"
16941793 msgid "Select custom firmware"
16951794 msgstr "Select custom firmware"
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1698 msgctxt "@title"
1699 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1700 msgstr "Select Printer Upgrades"
17021796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17031797 msgctxt "@label"
18131907 msgstr "Printer does not accept commands"
18151909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18171911 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18181912 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18191913 msgstr "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18241918 msgstr "Lost connection with the printer"
18261920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18281922 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18291923 msgid "Printing..."
18301924 msgstr "Printing..."
18321926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18341928 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18351929 msgid "Paused"
18361930 msgstr "Paused"
18381932 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1839 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18401934 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18411935 msgid "Preparing..."
18421936 msgstr "Preparing..."
18711965 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18721966 msgstr "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
1874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18751969 msgctxt "@title:window"
18761970 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18771971 msgstr "Discard or Keep changes"
1879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1973 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18801974 msgctxt "@text:window"
18811975 msgid ""
18821976 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18851979 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18861980 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
1888 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18891983 msgctxt "@title:column"
18901984 msgid "Profile settings"
18911985 msgstr "Profile settings"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18941988 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951989 msgid "Default"
18961990 msgstr "Default"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
1992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
18991993 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001994 msgid "Customized"
19011995 msgstr "Customized"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
1997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
1998 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19051999 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19062000 msgid "Always ask me this"
19072001 msgstr "Always ask me this"
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19112005 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19122006 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19132007 msgstr "Discard and never ask again"
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2009 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19172011 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19182012 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19192013 msgstr "Keep and never ask again"
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19222016 msgctxt "@action:button"
19232017 msgid "Discard"
19242018 msgstr "Discard"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19272021 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282022 msgid "Keep"
19292023 msgstr "Keep"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19322026 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332027 msgid "Create New Profile"
19342028 msgstr "Create New Profile"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19372031 msgctxt "@title"
19382032 msgid "Information"
19392033 msgstr "Information"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19422036 msgctxt "@label"
19432037 msgid "Display Name"
19442038 msgstr "Display Name"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19472041 msgctxt "@label"
19482042 msgid "Brand"
19492043 msgstr "Brand"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19522046 msgctxt "@label"
19532047 msgid "Material Type"
19542048 msgstr "Material Type"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19572051 msgctxt "@label"
19582052 msgid "Color"
19592053 msgstr "Color"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19622056 msgctxt "@label"
19632057 msgid "Properties"
19642058 msgstr "Properties"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19672061 msgctxt "@label"
19682062 msgid "Density"
19692063 msgstr "Density"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19722066 msgctxt "@label"
19732067 msgid "Diameter"
19742068 msgstr "Diameter"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19772071 msgctxt "@label"
19782072 msgid "Filament Cost"
19792073 msgstr "Filament Cost"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19822076 msgctxt "@label"
19832077 msgid "Filament weight"
19842078 msgstr "Filament weight"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19872081 msgctxt "@label"
19882082 msgid "Filament length"
19892083 msgstr "Filament length"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19922086 msgctxt "@label"
19932087 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19942088 msgstr "Cost per Meter"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2091 msgctxt "@label"
2092 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2093 msgstr "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2096 msgctxt "@label"
2097 msgid "Unlink Material"
2098 msgstr "Unlink Material"
2100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
19972101 msgctxt "@label"
19982102 msgid "Description"
19992103 msgstr "Description"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20022106 msgctxt "@label"
20032107 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20042108 msgstr "Adhesion Information"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20072111 msgctxt "@label"
20082112 msgid "Print settings"
20092113 msgstr "Print settings"
20392143 msgstr "Unit"
20412145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20432147 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20442148 msgid "General"
20452149 msgstr "General"
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20482152 msgctxt "@label"
20492153 msgid "Interface"
20502154 msgstr "Interface"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20532157 msgctxt "@label"
20542158 msgid "Language:"
20552159 msgstr "Language:"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20582162 msgctxt "@label"
20592163 msgid "Currency:"
20602164 msgstr "Currency:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2063 msgctxt "@label"
2064 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2065 msgstr "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2167 msgctxt "@label"
2168 msgid "Theme:"
2169 msgstr "Theme:"
2171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2172 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2173 msgid "Ultimaker"
2174 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2177 msgctxt "@label"
2178 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2179 msgstr "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20682182 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20692183 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20702184 msgstr "Slice automatically when changing settings."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20732187 msgctxt "@option:check"
20742188 msgid "Slice automatically"
20752189 msgstr "Slice automatically"
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20782192 msgctxt "@label"
20792193 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20802194 msgstr "Viewport behavior"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20832197 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20842198 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20852199 msgstr "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20882202 msgctxt "@option:check"
20892203 msgid "Display overhang"
20902204 msgstr "Display overhang"
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20932207 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2094 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2095 msgstr "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2208 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2209 msgstr "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
20982212 msgctxt "@action:button"
20992213 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21002214 msgstr "Center camera when item is selected"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2217 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2218 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2219 msgstr "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2222 msgctxt "@action:button"
2223 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2224 msgstr "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21032227 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21042228 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21052229 msgstr "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21082232 msgctxt "@option:check"
21092233 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21102234 msgstr "Ensure models are kept apart"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21132237 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21142238 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21152239 msgstr "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21182242 msgctxt "@option:check"
21192243 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21202244 msgstr "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2247 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2248 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2249 msgstr "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2252 msgctxt "@option:check"
2253 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2254 msgstr "Caution message in gcode reader"
2256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21232257 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21242258 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21252259 msgstr "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21282262 msgctxt "@option:check"
21292263 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21302264 msgstr "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21332267 msgctxt "@label"
21342268 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21352269 msgstr "Opening and saving files"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21382272 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21392273 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21402274 msgstr "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21432277 msgctxt "@option:check"
21442278 msgid "Scale large models"
21452279 msgstr "Scale large models"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2281 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21482282 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21492283 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21502284 msgstr "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2286 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21532287 msgctxt "@option:check"
21542288 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21552289 msgstr "Scale extremely small models"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2291 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21582292 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21592293 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21602294 msgstr "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21632297 msgctxt "@option:check"
21642298 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21652299 msgstr "Add machine prefix to job name"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21682302 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21692303 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21702304 msgstr "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2306 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21732307 msgctxt "@option:check"
21742308 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21752309 msgstr "Show summary dialog when saving project"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2312 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2313 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2314 msgstr "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2317 msgctxt "@window:text"
2318 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2319 msgstr "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2322 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2323 msgid "Always ask"
2324 msgstr "Always ask"
2326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2327 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2328 msgid "Always open as a project"
2329 msgstr "Always open as a project"
2331 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2332 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2333 msgid "Always import models"
2334 msgstr "Always import models"
2336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21782337 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21792338 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21802339 msgstr "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21832342 msgctxt "@label"
21842343 msgid "Override Profile"
21852344 msgstr "Override Profile"
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21882347 msgctxt "@label"
21892348 msgid "Privacy"
21902349 msgstr "Privacy"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21932352 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21942353 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
21952354 msgstr "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
21982357 msgctxt "@option:check"
21992358 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22002359 msgstr "Check for updates on start"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22032362 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22042363 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22052364 msgstr "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22082367 msgctxt "@option:check"
22092368 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22102369 msgstr "Send (anonymous) print information"
22122371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22142373 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22152374 msgid "Printers"
22162375 msgstr "Printers"
22182377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22192378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22212380 msgctxt "@action:button"
22222381 msgid "Activate"
22232382 msgstr "Activate"
22332392 msgid "Printer type:"
22342393 msgstr "Printer type:"
2236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22372396 msgctxt "@label"
22382397 msgid "Connection:"
22392398 msgstr "Connection:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22422401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22432402 msgctxt "@info:status"
22442403 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22452404 msgstr "The printer is not connected."
2247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22482407 msgctxt "@label"
22492408 msgid "State:"
22502409 msgstr "State:"
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22532412 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22542413 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22552414 msgstr "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22582417 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592418 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22602419 msgstr "Waiting for a printjob"
22622421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22642423 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22652424 msgid "Profiles"
22662425 msgstr "Profiles"
22862445 msgstr "Duplicate"
22882447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22902449 msgctxt "@action:button"
22912450 msgid "Import"
22922451 msgstr "Import"
22942453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
22962455 msgctxt "@action:button"
22972456 msgid "Export"
22982457 msgstr "Export"
23582517 msgstr "Export Profile"
23602519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23622521 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23632522 msgid "Materials"
23642523 msgstr "Materials"
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23672526 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23682527 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23692528 msgstr "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23722531 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23732532 msgid "Printer: %1"
23742533 msgstr "Printer: %1"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2535 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2536 msgctxt "@action:button"
2537 msgid "Create"
2538 msgstr "Create"
2540 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23772541 msgctxt "@action:button"
23782542 msgid "Duplicate"
23792543 msgstr "Duplicate"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2545 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2546 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23832547 msgctxt "@title:window"
23842548 msgid "Import Material"
23852549 msgstr "Import Material"
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2551 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23882552 msgctxt "@info:status"
23892553 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23902554 msgstr "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23932557 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942558 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
23952559 msgstr "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
23992563 msgctxt "@title:window"
24002564 msgid "Export Material"
24012565 msgstr "Export Material"
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2567 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24042568 msgctxt "@info:status"
24052569 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24062570 msgstr "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2572 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24092573 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102574 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24112575 msgstr "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24132577 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2578 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24152579 msgctxt "@title:window"
24162580 msgid "Add Printer"
24172581 msgstr "Add Printer"
24262590 msgid "Add Printer"
24272591 msgstr "Add Printer"
2593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2594 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2595 msgid "Outer Wall"
2596 msgstr "Outer Wall"
24292598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2599 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2600 msgid "Inner Walls"
2601 msgstr "Inner Walls"
2603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2604 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2605 msgid "Skin"
2606 msgstr "Skin"
2608 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2609 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2610 msgid "Infill"
2611 msgstr "Infill"
2613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2614 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2615 msgid "Support Infill"
2616 msgstr "Support Infill"
2618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2619 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2620 msgid "Support Interface"
2621 msgstr "Support Interface"
2623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2624 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2625 msgid "Support"
2626 msgstr "Support"
2628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2629 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2630 msgid "Travel"
2631 msgstr "Travel"
2633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2634 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2635 msgid "Retractions"
2636 msgstr "Retractions"
2638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2639 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2640 msgid "Other"
2641 msgstr "Other"
2643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24302644 msgctxt "@label"
24312645 msgid "00h 00min"
24322646 msgstr "00h 00min"
2434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24352649 msgctxt "@label"
24362650 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24372651 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24402654 msgctxt "@label"
24412655 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24422656 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25502764 msgid "SVG icons"
25512765 msgstr "SVG icons"
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2768 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2769 msgid "Search..."
2770 msgstr "Search..."
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25542773 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25552774 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25562775 msgstr "Copy value to all extruders"
2558 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25592778 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25602779 msgid "Hide this setting"
25612780 msgstr "Hide this setting"
2563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25642783 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25652784 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25662785 msgstr "Don't show this setting"
2568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25692788 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25702789 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25712790 msgstr "Keep this setting visible"
2573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25742793 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25752794 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25762795 msgstr "Configure setting visiblity..."
26522871 "Print Setup disabled\n"
26532872 "G-code files cannot be modified"
2655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26562875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26572876 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26582877 msgstr "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
2660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26612880 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26622881 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26632882 msgstr "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
2665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26662885 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26672886 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26682887 msgstr "Automatic: %1"
26772896 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26782897 msgstr "Automatic: %1"
2899 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2900 msgctxt "@label"
2901 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2902 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2903 msgstr[0] "Print Selected Model With:"
2904 msgstr[1] "Print Selected Models With:"
2906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2907 msgctxt "@title:window"
2908 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2909 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2910 msgstr[0] "Multiply Selected Model"
2911 msgstr[1] "Multiply Selected Models"
2913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2914 msgctxt "@label"
2915 msgid "Number of Copies"
2916 msgstr "Number of Copies"
26802918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26812919 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26822920 msgid "Open &Recent"
27673005 msgid "Estimated time left"
27683006 msgstr "Estimated time left"
2770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27713009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27723010 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27733011 msgstr "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
2775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27763014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27773015 msgid "&Undo"
27783016 msgstr "&Undo"
2780 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27813019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27823020 msgid "&Redo"
27833021 msgstr "&Redo"
2785 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27863024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27873025 msgid "&Quit"
27883026 msgstr "&Quit"
2790 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27913029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27923030 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27933031 msgstr "Configure Cura..."
2795 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27963034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27973035 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27983036 msgstr "&Add Printer..."
2800 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
28013039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28023040 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
28033041 msgstr "Manage Pr&inters..."
2805 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
28063044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28073045 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28083046 msgstr "Manage Materials..."
2810 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28113049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28123050 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28133051 msgstr "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
2815 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28163054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28173055 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28183056 msgstr "&Discard current changes"
2820 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28213059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28223060 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28233061 msgstr "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
2825 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28263064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28273065 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28283066 msgstr "Manage Profiles..."
2830 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28313069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28323070 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28333071 msgstr "Show Online &Documentation"
2835 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28363074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28373075 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28383076 msgstr "Report a &Bug"
2840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28413079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28423080 msgid "&About..."
28433081 msgstr "&About..."
2845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28463084 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2847 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2848 msgstr "Delete &Selection"
2850 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3085 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3086 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3087 msgstr[0] "Delete &Selected Model"
3088 msgstr[1] "Delete &Selected Models"
3090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3091 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3092 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3093 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3094 msgstr[0] "Center Selected Model"
3095 msgstr[1] "Center Selected Models"
3097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3098 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3099 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3100 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3101 msgstr[0] "Multiply Selected Model"
3102 msgstr[1] "Multiply Selected Models"
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28513105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28523106 msgid "Delete Model"
28533107 msgstr "Delete Model"
2855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28563110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28573111 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28583112 msgstr "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
2860 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28613115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28623116 msgid "&Group Models"
28633117 msgstr "&Group Models"
2865 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28663120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28673121 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28683122 msgstr "Ungroup Models"
2870 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28713125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28723126 msgid "&Merge Models"
28733127 msgstr "&Merge Models"
2875 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28763130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28773131 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28783132 msgstr "&Multiply Model..."
2880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28813135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28823136 msgid "&Select All Models"
28833137 msgstr "&Select All Models"
2885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28863140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28873141 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28883142 msgstr "&Clear Build Plate"
2890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28913145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28923146 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28933147 msgstr "Re&load All Models"
2895 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3152 msgstr "Arrange All Models"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3156 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3157 msgstr "Arrange Selection"
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28963160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28973161 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28983162 msgstr "Reset All Model Positions"
2900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
29013165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29023166 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
29033167 msgstr "Reset All Model &Transformations"
2905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
29063170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2907 msgid "&Open File..."
2908 msgstr "&Open File..."
2910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3171 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3172 msgstr "&Open File(s)..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29113175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2912 msgid "&Open Project..."
2913 msgstr "&Open Project..."
2915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3176 msgid "&New Project..."
3177 msgstr "&New Project..."
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29163180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29173181 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29183182 msgstr "Show Engine &Log..."
2920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29213185 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29223186 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29233187 msgstr "Show Configuration Folder"
2925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29263190 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29273191 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29283192 msgstr "Configure setting visibility..."
2930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2931 msgctxt "@title:window"
2932 msgid "Multiply Model"
2933 msgstr "Multiply Model"
29353194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29363195 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29623221 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29633222 msgstr "Slicing unavailable"
2965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29663225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29673226 msgid "Prepare"
29683227 msgstr "Prepare"
2970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29713230 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29723231 msgid "Cancel"
29733232 msgstr "Cancel"
2975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29763235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29773236 msgid "Select the active output device"
29783237 msgstr "Select the active output device"
3239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3241 msgctxt "@title:window"
3242 msgid "Open file(s)"
3243 msgstr "Open file(s)"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3246 msgctxt "@text:window"
3247 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3248 msgstr "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3251 msgctxt "@action:button"
3252 msgid "Import all as models"
3253 msgstr "Import all as models"
29803255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29813256 msgctxt "@title:window"
29873262 msgid "&File"
29883263 msgstr "&File"
2990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29913266 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29923267 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29933268 msgstr "&Save Selection to File"
29953270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29963271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2997 msgid "Save &All"
2998 msgstr "Save &All"
3000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3272 msgid "Save &As..."
3273 msgstr "Save &As..."
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
30013276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
30023277 msgid "Save project"
30033278 msgstr "Save project"
3005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
30063281 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30073282 msgid "&Edit"
30083283 msgstr "&Edit"
3010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30113286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30123287 msgid "&View"
30133288 msgstr "&View"
3015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30163291 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30173292 msgid "&Settings"
30183293 msgstr "&Settings"
3020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30213296 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30223297 msgid "&Printer"
30233298 msgstr "&Printer"
3025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30273302 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30283303 msgid "&Material"
30293304 msgstr "&Material"
3031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3306 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30333308 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30343309 msgid "&Profile"
30353310 msgstr "&Profile"
3037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30383313 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30393314 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30403315 msgstr "Set as Active Extruder"
3042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30433318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30443319 msgid "E&xtensions"
30453320 msgstr "E&xtensions"
3047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30483323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30493324 msgid "P&references"
30503325 msgstr "P&references"
3052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30533328 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30543329 msgid "&Help"
30553330 msgstr "&Help"
3057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30583333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30593334 msgid "Open File"
30603335 msgstr "Open File"
3062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30633338 msgctxt "@action:button"
30643339 msgid "View Mode"
30653340 msgstr "View Mode"
3067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30683343 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30693344 msgid "Settings"
30703345 msgstr "Settings"
3072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30733348 msgctxt "@title:window"
3074 msgid "Open file"
3075 msgstr "Open file"
3077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3349 msgid "New project"
3350 msgstr "New project"
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3353 msgctxt "@info:question"
3354 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3355 msgstr "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30783358 msgctxt "@title:window"
3079 msgid "Open workspace"
3080 msgstr "Open workspace"
3359 msgid "Open File(s)"
3360 msgstr "Open File(s)"
3362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3363 msgctxt "@text:window"
3364 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3365 msgstr "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
30823367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30833368 msgctxt "@title:window"
30843369 msgid "Save Project"
30853370 msgstr "Save Project"
3087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30883373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30893374 msgid "Extruder %1"
30903375 msgstr "Extruder %1"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30933378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30943379 msgid "%1 & material"
30953380 msgstr "%1 & material"
3097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30983383 msgctxt "@action:label"
30993384 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
31003385 msgstr "Don't show project summary on save again"
3102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
31033388 msgctxt "@label"
31043389 msgid "Infill"
31053390 msgstr "Infill"
3107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3108 msgctxt "@label"
3109 msgid "Hollow"
3110 msgstr "Hollow"
31123392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31133393 msgctxt "@label"
3114 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3115 msgstr "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3118 msgctxt "@label"
3119 msgid "Light"
3120 msgstr "Light"
3122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3123 msgctxt "@label"
3124 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3125 msgstr "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3128 msgctxt "@label"
3129 msgid "Dense"
3130 msgstr "Dense"
3132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3133 msgctxt "@label"
3134 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3135 msgstr "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3138 msgctxt "@label"
3139 msgid "Solid"
3140 msgstr "Solid"
3142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3143 msgctxt "@label"
3144 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3145 msgstr "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3148 msgctxt "@label"
3149 msgid "Enable Support"
3150 msgstr "Enable Support"
3152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3153 msgctxt "@label"
3154 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3155 msgstr "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3394 msgid "0%"
3395 msgstr "0%"
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3400 msgstr "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "20%"
3405 msgstr "20%"
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3410 msgstr "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "50%"
3415 msgstr "50%"
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3420 msgstr "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "100%"
3425 msgstr "100%"
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3430 msgstr "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual"
3435 msgstr "Gradual"
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3440 msgstr "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate Support"
3445 msgstr "Generate Support"
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3448 msgctxt "@label"
3449 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3450 msgstr "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31583453 msgctxt "@label"
31593454 msgid "Support Extruder"
31603455 msgstr "Support Extruder"
3162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31633458 msgctxt "@label"
31643459 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31653460 msgstr "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
3167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31683463 msgctxt "@label"
31693464 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31703465 msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion"
3172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31733468 msgctxt "@label"
31743469 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31753470 msgstr "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
3177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3178 msgctxt "@label"
3179 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3180 msgstr "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3475 msgstr "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3478 msgctxt "@label"
3479 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3480 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3481 msgstr[0] "Print Selected Model with %1"
3482 msgstr[1] "Print Selected Models With %1"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3485 msgctxt "@title:window"
3486 msgid "Open project file"
3487 msgstr "Open project file"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3492 msgstr "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3495 msgctxt "@text:window"
3496 msgid "Remember my choice"
3497 msgstr "Remember my choice"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Open as project"
3502 msgstr "Open as project"
3504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3505 msgctxt "@action:button"
3506 msgid "Import models"
3507 msgstr "Import models"
31823509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31833510 msgctxt "@title:window"
31903517 msgid "Material"
31913518 msgstr "Material"
3193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3521 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3522 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3523 msgstr "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31943526 msgctxt "@label"
31953527 msgid "Profile:"
31963528 msgstr "Profile:"
3198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31993531 msgctxt "@tooltip"
32003532 msgid ""
32013533 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: es\n"
12 "Language-Team: Spanish\n"
13 "Language: Spanish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: es\n"
15 "Country-Code: ES\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Permite cambiar los ajustes de la máquina (como el volumen de impresión, el tamaño de la tobera, etc.)."
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Ajustes de la máquina"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Mostrar registro de cambios"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Aplanador de perfil"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Crear un perfil de cambios de calidad aplanado."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Aplanar ajustes activos"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "El perfil se ha aplanado y activado."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Conectado mediante USB"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo porque la impresora está ocupada o no está conectada."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "Esta impresora no es compatible con la impresión USB porque utiliza el tipo UltiGCode."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo porque la impresora no es compatible con la impresión USB."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Guardar en unidad extraíble {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Guardando en unidad extraíble <filename>{0}</filename>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "No se pudo guardar en <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Guardado en unidad extraíble {0} como {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Expulsar"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Expulsar dispositivo extraíble {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "No se pudo guardar en unidad extraíble {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Expulsado {0}. Ahora puede retirar de forma segura la unidad."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Envía la solicitud de acceso a la impresora."
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Conectado a través de la red. Apruebe la solicitud de acceso en la impresora."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Conectado a través de la red."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Conectado a través de la red. No hay acceso para controlar la impresora."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Solicitud de acceso denegada en la impresora."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Se ha producido un error al solicitar acceso porque se ha agotado el tiempo de espera."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "Se ha perdido la conexión de red."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "Se ha perdido la conexión con la impresora. Compruebe que la impresora está conectada."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo de impresión, la impresora está ocupada. El estado actual de la impresora es %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
373395 msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo de impresión. No se ha cargado ningún PrintCore en la ranura {0}."
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo de impresión. No se ha cargado material en la ranura {0}."
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "No hay suficiente material para la bobina {0}."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "Print core distinto (Cura: {0}, impresora: {1}) seleccionado para extrusor {2}"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Material distinto (Cura: {0}, impresora: {1}) seleccionado para extrusor {2}"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "El PrintCore {0} no está calibrado correctamente. Debe llevarse a cabo una calibración XY de la impresora."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "¿Seguro que desea imprimir con la configuración seleccionada?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "La configuración o calibración de la impresora y de Cura no coinciden. Para obtener el mejor resultado, segmente siempre los PrintCores y los materiales que se insertan en la impresora."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Configuración desajustada"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Enviando datos a la impresora"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Cancelar"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "No se puede enviar datos a la impresora. ¿Hay otro trabajo que todavía esté activo?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Cancelando impresión..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Impresión cancelada. Compruebe la impresora."
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Pausando impresión..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Reanudando impresión..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Sincronizar con la impresora"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "¿Desea utilizar la configuración actual de su impresora en Cura?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "Los print cores o los materiales de la impresora difieren de los del proyecto actual. Para obtener el mejor resultado, segmente siempre los print cores y materiales que se hayan insertado en la impresora."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Descartar"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Perfiles de material"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Permite leer y escribir perfiles de material basados en XML."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Capas"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Cura no muestra correctamente las capas si la impresión de alambre está habilitada."
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Actualización de la versión 2.4 a la 2.5"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Actualización de la versión 2.5 a la 2.6"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Actualiza la configuración de Cura 2.4 a Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Actualiza la configuración de Cura 2.5 a Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "Imagen GIF"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "El material seleccionado no es compatible con la máquina o la configuración seleccionada."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Los ajustes actuales no permiten la segmentación. Los siguientes ajustes contienen errores: {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "No se puede segmentar porque la torre auxiliar o la posición o posiciones de preparación no son válidas."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "No hay nada que segmentar porque ninguno de los modelos se adapta al volumen de impresión. Escale o rote los modelos para que se adapten."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Proporciona el vínculo para el backend de segmentación de CuraEngine."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Procesando capas"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Configurar ajustes por modelo"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Recomendado"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Personalizado"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "Lector de 3MF"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Proporciona asistencia para leer archivos 3MF."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "Archivo 3MF"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Tobera"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "Archivo G"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "Analizar GCode"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Asegúrese de que el GCode es adecuado para la impresora y para su configuración antes de enviar el archivo a la misma. Es posible que la representación del GCode no sea precisa."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Perfil de cura"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "Escritor de 3MF"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Proporciona asistencia para escribir archivos 3MF."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "Archivo 3MF"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Archivo 3MF del proyecto de Cura"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Acciones de la máquina Ultimaker"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Proporciona las acciones de la máquina de las máquinas Ultimaker (como un asistente para la nivelación de la plataforma, la selección de actualizaciones, etc.)."
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Seleccionar actualizaciones"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Acciones de la máquina Ultimaker"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Proporciona las acciones de la máquina de las máquinas Ultimaker (como un asistente para la nivelación de la plataforma, la selección de actualizaciones, etc.)."
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Proporciona asistencia para la importación de perfiles de Cura."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Material desconocido"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Buscando nueva ubicación para los objetos"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "No se puede encontrar una ubicación dentro del volumen de impresión para todos los objetos"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "El archivo ya existe"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "El archivo <filename>{0}</filename> ya existe. ¿Está seguro de que desea sobrescribirlo?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "No se puede encontrar el perfil de calidad de esta combinación. Se utilizarán los ajustes predeterminados."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Personalizado"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Material personalizado"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Error al exportar el perfil a <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Error al exportar el perfil a <filename>{0}</filename>: Error en el complemento de escritura."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Perfil exportado a <filename>{0}</filename>"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Error al importar el perfil de <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Perfil {0} importado correctamente"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "El perfil {0} tiene un tipo de archivo desconocido o está corrupto."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Perfil personalizado"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Al perfil le falta un tipo de calidad."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "No se ha podido encontrar un tipo de calidad {0} para la configuración actual."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "La altura del volumen de impresión se ha reducido debido al valor del ajuste «Secuencia de impresión» para evitar que el caballete colisione con los modelos impresos."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Multiplicar y colocar objetos"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "¡Vaya!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Informe del accidente"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Se ha producido una excepción fatal de la que no podemos recuperarnos.</p>\n <p>Esperamos que la imagen de este gatito le ayude a recuperarse del shock.</p>\n <p>Use la siguiente información para enviar un informe de error a <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Se ha producido una excepción fatal de la que no podemos recuperarnos.</p>\n <p>Use la siguiente información para enviar un informe de error a <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Abrir página web"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Cargando máquinas..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Configurando escena..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Cargando interfaz..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Solo se puede cargar un archivo GCode a la vez. Se omitió la importación de {0}"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "No se puede abrir ningún archivo si se está cargando un archivo GCode. Se omitió la importación de {0}"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Ajustes de la máquina"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Introduzca los ajustes correctos de la impresora a continuación:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Impresora"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Ajustes de la impresora"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (anchura)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (profundidad)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (altura)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Forma de la placa de impresión"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "El centro de la máquina es cero."
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Plataforma caliente"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "Tipo de GCode"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Ajustes del cabezal de impresión"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X mín."
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y mín."
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X máx."
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y máx."
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Altura del caballete"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Número de extrusores"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Diámetro del material"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Tamaño de la tobera"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Iniciar GCode"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Finalizar GCode"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Ajustes de la tobera"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Desplazamiento de la tobera sobre el eje X"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Desplazamiento de la tobera sobre el eje Y"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "GCode inicial del extrusor"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "GCode final del extrusor"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Ajustes de Doodle3D"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Guardar"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Código de error desconocido: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Conectar con la impresora en red"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Para imprimir directamente en la impresora a través de la red, asegúrese de que esta está conectada a la red utilizando un cable de red o conéctela a la red wifi. Si no conecta Cura con la impresora, también puede utilizar una unidad USB para transferir archivos GCode a la impresora.\n\nSeleccione la impresora de la siguiente lista:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Agregar"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Editar"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Eliminar"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Actualizar"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Si la impresora no aparece en la lista, lea la <a href='%1'>guía de solución de problemas de impresión y red</a>"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Tipo"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Desconocido"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Versión de firmware"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Dirección"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "La impresora todavía no ha respondido en esta dirección."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Conectar"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Dirección de la impresora"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Introduzca la dirección IP o el nombre de host de la impresora en red."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "Aceptar"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Cambia las secuencias de comandos de posprocesamiento."
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Ver modo: Capas"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Combinación de colores"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Color del material"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Tipo de línea"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Modo de compatibilidad"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Extrusor %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Mostrar desplazamientos"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Mostrar asistentes"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Mostrar perímetro"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Mostrar relleno"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Mostrar solo capas superiores"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "Mostrar cinco capas detalladas en la parte superior"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Superior o inferior"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Pared interior"
14871580 msgstr "Suavizado"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "Aceptar"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Imprimir modelo con"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Seleccionar ajustes"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Seleccionar ajustes o personalizar este modelo"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filtrar..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Mostrar todo"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Abrir proyecto"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Actualizar existente"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Crear nuevo"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Resumen: proyecto de Cura"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Ajustes de la impresora"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "¿Cómo debería solucionarse el conflicto en la máquina?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Tipo"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Nombre"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Ajustes del perfil"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "¿Cómo debería solucionarse el conflicto en el perfil?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "No está en el perfil"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 sobrescrito"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 sobrescritos"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Derivado de"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 sobrescrito"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 sobrescritos"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Ajustes del material"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "¿Cómo debería solucionarse el conflicto en el material?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Visibilidad de los ajustes"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Modo"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Ajustes visibles:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 de un total de %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Si carga un proyecto, se borrarán todos los modelos de la placa de impresión."
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Abrir"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Seleccionar actualizaciones de impresora"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Seleccione cualquier actualización de este Ultimaker 2."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Bloque Olsson"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Seleccionar firmware personalizado"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Seleccionar actualizaciones de impresora"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "La impresora no acepta comandos."
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "En mantenimiento. Compruebe la impresora."
18311928 msgstr "Se ha perdido la conexión con la impresora."
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Imprimiendo..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "En pausa"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Preparando..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar la impresión?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Descartar o guardar cambios"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Ha personalizado parte de los ajustes del perfil.\n¿Desea descartar los cambios o guardarlos?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Ajustes del perfil"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Valor predeterminado"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Valor personalizado"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Preguntar siempre"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Descartar y no volver a preguntar"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Guardar y no volver a preguntar"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Descartar"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Guardar"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Crear nuevo perfil"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Información"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Mostrar nombre"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Marca"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Tipo de material"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Color"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Propiedades"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Densidad"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Diámetro"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Coste del filamento"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Anchura del filamento"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Longitud del filamento"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Coste por metro"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Este material está vinculado a %1 y comparte alguna de sus propiedades."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Desvincular material"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Descripción"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Información sobre adherencia"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Ajustes de impresión"
20442151 msgstr "Unidad"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "General"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Interfaz"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Idioma:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Moneda:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Tendrá que reiniciar la aplicación para que tengan efecto los cambios del idioma."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Tema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Tendrá que reiniciar la aplicación para que estos cambios tengan efecto."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Segmentar automáticamente al cambiar los ajustes."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Segmentar automáticamente"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Comportamiento de la ventanilla"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Resaltar en rojo las áreas del modelo sin soporte. Sin soporte, estas áreas no se imprimirán correctamente."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Mostrar voladizos"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
21002217 msgstr "Mueve la cámara de manera que el modelo se encuentre en el centro de la vista cuando se selecciona un modelo."
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Centrar cámara cuando se selecciona elemento"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "¿Se debería invertir el comportamiento predeterminado del zoom de cura?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Invertir la dirección del zoom de la cámara."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "¿Deben moverse los modelos en la plataforma de modo que no se crucen?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Asegúrese de que lo modelos están separados."
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "¿Deben moverse los modelos del área de impresión de modo que no toquen la placa de impresión?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Arrastrar modelos a la placa de impresión de forma automática"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Mostrar mensaje de advertencia en el lector de GCode."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Mensaje de advertencia en el lector de GCode"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "¿Debe forzarse el modo de compatibilidad de la capa?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Forzar modo de compatibilidad de la vista de capas (necesario reiniciar)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Abrir y guardar archivos"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "¿Deben ajustarse los modelos al volumen de impresión si son demasiado grandes?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Escalar modelos de gran tamaño"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Un modelo puede mostrarse demasiado pequeño si su unidad son metros en lugar de milímetros, por ejemplo. ¿Deben escalarse estos modelos?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Escalar modelos demasiado pequeños"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "¿Debe añadirse automáticamente un prefijo basado en el nombre de la impresora al nombre del trabajo de impresión?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Agregar prefijo de la máquina al nombre del trabajo"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "¿Mostrar un resumen al guardar un archivo de proyecto?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Mostrar un cuadro de diálogo de resumen al guardar el proyecto"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Comportamiento predeterminado al abrir un archivo del proyecto"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Comportamiento predeterminado al abrir un archivo del proyecto: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Preguntar siempre"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Abrir siempre como un proyecto"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Importar modelos siempre"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Si ha realizado cambios en un perfil y, a continuación, ha cambiado a otro, aparecerá un cuadro de diálogo que le preguntará si desea guardar o descartar los cambios. También puede elegir el comportamiento predeterminado, así ese cuadro de diálogo no volverá a aparecer."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Anular perfil"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Privacidad"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "¿Debe Cura buscar actualizaciones cuando se abre el programa?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Buscar actualizaciones al iniciar"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "¿Deben enviarse datos anónimos sobre la impresión a Ultimaker? Tenga en cuenta que no se envían ni almacenan modelos, direcciones IP ni otra información de identificación personal."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "Enviar información (anónima) de impresión"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Impresoras"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Activar"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Tipo de impresora:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Conexión:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "La impresora no está conectada."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Estado:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "Esperando a que alguien limpie la placa de impresión..."
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "Esperando un trabajo de impresión..."
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Perfiles"
22912453 msgstr "Duplicado"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Importar"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Exportar"
23632525 msgstr "Exportar perfil"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Materiales"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Impresora: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Impresora: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Crear"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Duplicado"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Importar material"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "No se pudo importar el material en <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>: <mensaje>%2</mensaje>."
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "El material se ha importado correctamente en <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>."
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Exportar material"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Se ha producido un error al exportar el material a <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>: <mensaje>%2</mensaje>."
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "El material se ha exportado correctamente a <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>."
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Agregar impresora"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Agregar impresora"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Pared exterior"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Paredes interiores"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Forro"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Relleno"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Relleno de soporte"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Interfaz de soporte"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Soporte"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Desplazamiento"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Retracciones"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Otro"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00h 00min"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m/~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "Iconos SVG"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Buscar..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Copiar valor en todos los extrusores"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Ocultar este ajuste"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "No mostrar este ajuste"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Mostrar este ajuste"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Configurar la visibilidad de los ajustes..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Ajustes de impresión deshabilitados\nNo se pueden modificar los archivos GCode"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Configuración de impresión recomendada</b><br/><br/>Imprimir con los ajustes recomendados para la impresora, el material y la calidad seleccionados."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Configuración de impresión personalizada</b><br/><br/>Imprimir con un control muy detallado del proceso de segmentación."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automático: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automático: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Imprimir modelo seleccionado con:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Imprimir modelos seleccionados con:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Multiplicar modelo seleccionado"
2906 msgstr[1] "Multiplicar modelos seleccionados"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Número de copias"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Tiempo restante estimado"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "A&lternar pantalla completa"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "Des&hacer"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "&Rehacer"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Salir"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Configurar Cura..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "&Agregar impresora..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Adm&inistrar impresoras ..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Administrar materiales..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Actualizar perfil con ajustes o sobrescrituras actuales"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Descartar cambios actuales"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Crear perfil a partir de ajustes o sobrescrituras actuales..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Administrar perfiles..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Mostrar &documentación en línea"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Informar de un &error"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "&Acerca de..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "Eliminar &selección"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "Eliminar modelo &seleccionado"
3083 msgstr[1] "Eliminar modelos &seleccionados"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Centrar modelo seleccionado"
3090 msgstr[1] "Centrar modelos seleccionados"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Multiplicar modelo seleccionado"
3097 msgstr[1] "Multiplicar modelos seleccionados"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Eliminar modelo"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Ce&ntrar modelo en plataforma"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "A&grupar modelos"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Desagrupar modelos"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "Co&mbinar modelos"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "&Multiplicar modelo..."
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "&Seleccionar todos los modelos"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Borrar placa de impresión"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "&Recargar todos los modelos"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Organizar todos los modelos"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Organizar selección"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Restablecer las posiciones de todos los modelos"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Restablecer las &transformaciones de todos los modelos"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "&Abrir archivo..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Abrir archivo(s)..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "A&brir proyecto..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Nuevo proyecto..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "&Mostrar registro del motor..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Mostrar carpeta de configuración"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Configurar visibilidad de los ajustes..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Multiplicar modelo"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "No se puede segmentar"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Preparar"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Cancelar"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Seleccione el dispositivo de salida activo"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Abrir archivo(s)"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Hemos encontrado uno o más archivos del proyecto entre los archivos que ha seleccionado. Solo puede abrir los archivos de proyecto de uno en uno. Le recomendamos que solo importe modelos de esos archivos. ¿Desea continuar?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Importar todos como modelos"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Archivo"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "Guardar &selección en archivo"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "Guardar &todo"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Guardar &como..."
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Guardar proyecto"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Edición"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Ver"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "A&justes"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "&Impresora"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Material"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Perfil"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Definir como extrusor activo"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "E&xtensiones"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "Pre&ferencias"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "A&yuda"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Abrir archivo"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Ver modo"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Ajustes"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Abrir archivo"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Nuevo proyecto"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "¿Está seguro de que desea iniciar un nuevo proyecto? Esto borrará la placa de impresión y cualquier ajuste no guardado."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Abrir área de trabajo"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Abrir archivo(s)"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Hemos encontrado uno o más archivos de GCode entre los archivos que ha seleccionado. Solo puede abrir los archivos GCode de uno en uno. Si desea abrir un archivo GCode, seleccione solo uno."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Guardar proyecto"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Extrusor %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 y material"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "No mostrar resumen de proyecto al guardar de nuevo"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Relleno"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Hueco"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Ningún (0%) relleno, lo que dejará hueco el modelo a costa de baja resistencia"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Ligero"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Un relleno ligero (20%) dará al modelo de una resistencia media"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Denso"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Un relleno denso (50%) dará al modelo de una resistencia por encima de la media"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Sólido"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Un relleno sólido (100%) hará que el modelo sea completamente macizo"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Habilitar el soporte"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Habilita las estructuras del soporte. Estas estructuras soportan partes del modelo con voladizos severos."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0 %"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Un relleno vacío dejará hueco el modelo con baja resistencia."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20 %"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Un relleno ligero (20 %) dará al modelo una resistencia media."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50 %"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Un relleno denso (50 %) dará al modelo una resistencia por encima de la media."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100 %"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Un relleno sólido (100 %) hará que el modelo sea completamente macizo."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Gradual"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Un relleno gradual aumentará gradualmente la cantidad de relleno hacia arriba."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Generar soporte"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Generar estructuras para soportar piezas del modelo que tengan voladizos. Sin estas estructuras, estas piezas se romperían durante la impresión."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Extrusor del soporte"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Seleccione qué extrusor se utilizará como soporte. Esta opción formará estructuras de soporte por debajo del modelo para evitar que éste se combe o la impresión se haga en el aire."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Adherencia de la placa de impresión"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Habilita la impresión de un borde o una balsa. Esta opción agregará un área plana alrededor del objeto, que es fácil de cortar después."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "¿Necesita mejorar sus impresiones? Lea las <a href=”%1”>Guías de solución de problemas de Ultimaker</a>."
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "¿Necesita ayuda para mejorar sus impresiones?<br>Lea las <a href='%1'>Guías de solución de problemas de Ultimaker</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Imprimir modelo seleccionado con %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Imprimir modelos seleccionados con %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Abrir archivo de proyecto"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Este es un archivo de proyecto Cura. ¿Le gustaría abrirlo como un proyecto o importar sus modelos?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Recordar mi selección"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Abrir como proyecto"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Importar modelos"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Material"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Haga clic para comprobar la compatibilidad de los materiales en"
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Perfil:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Algunos valores de los ajustes o sobrescrituras son distintos a los valores almacenados en el perfil.\n\nHaga clic para abrir el administrador de perfiles."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "No se puede iniciar un trabajo nuevo de impresión. No se ha cargado ningún PrintCore en la ranura {0}."
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Actualización de la versión 2.4 a la 2.5"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Actualiza la configuración de Cura 2.4 a Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "No se puede encontrar el perfil de calidad de esta combinación. Se utilizarán los ajustes predeterminados."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "¡Vaya!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Se ha producido una excepción fatal de la que no podemos recuperarnos.</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Esperamos que la imagen de este gatito le ayude a recuperarse del shock.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Use la siguiente información para enviar un informe de error a <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3563 #~ " "
3565 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3566 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3567 #~ msgstr "Introduzca los ajustes correctos de la impresora a continuación:"
3569 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3570 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3571 #~ msgstr "Extrusor %1"
3573 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3574 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3575 #~ msgstr "Imprimir modelo con"
3577 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3578 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3579 #~ msgstr "Tendrá que reiniciar la aplicación para que tengan efecto los cambios del idioma."
3581 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3582 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3583 #~ msgstr "Mueve la cámara de manera que el modelo se encuentre en el centro de la vista cuando se selecciona un modelo."
3585 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3586 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3587 #~ msgstr "Eliminar &selección"
3589 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3590 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3591 #~ msgstr "&Abrir archivo..."
3593 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3594 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3595 #~ msgstr "A&brir proyecto..."
3597 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3598 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3599 #~ msgstr "Multiplicar modelo"
3601 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3602 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3603 #~ msgstr "Guardar &todo"
3605 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3606 #~ msgid "Open file"
3607 #~ msgstr "Abrir archivo"
3609 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3610 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3611 #~ msgstr "Abrir área de trabajo"
3613 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3614 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3615 #~ msgstr "Hueco"
3617 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3618 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3619 #~ msgstr "Ningún (0%) relleno, lo que dejará hueco el modelo a costa de baja resistencia"
3621 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3622 #~ msgid "Light"
3623 #~ msgstr "Ligero"
3625 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3626 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3627 #~ msgstr "Un relleno ligero (20%) dará al modelo de una resistencia media"
3629 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3630 #~ msgid "Dense"
3631 #~ msgstr "Denso"
3633 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3634 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3635 #~ msgstr "Un relleno denso (50%) dará al modelo de una resistencia por encima de la media"
3637 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3638 #~ msgid "Solid"
3639 #~ msgstr "Sólido"
3641 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3642 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3643 #~ msgstr "Un relleno sólido (100%) hará que el modelo sea completamente macizo"
3645 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3646 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3647 #~ msgstr "Habilitar el soporte"
3649 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3650 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3651 #~ msgstr "Habilita las estructuras del soporte. Estas estructuras soportan partes del modelo con voladizos severos."
3653 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3654 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3655 #~ msgstr "¿Necesita mejorar sus impresiones? Lea las <a href=”%1”>Guías de solución de problemas de Ultimaker</a>."
3657 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993658 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003659 #~ msgstr "Conectado a través de la red a {0}. Apruebe la solicitud de acceso en la impresora."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: es\n"
12 "Language-Team: Spanish\n"
13 "Language: Spanish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: es\n"
15 "Country-Code: ES\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Diámetro de la tobera"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Diámetro interior de la tobera. Cambie este ajuste cuando utilice un tamaño de tobera no estándar."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: es\n"
12 "Language-Team: Spanish\n"
13 "Language: Spanish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: es\n"
15 "Country-Code: ES\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Ancho de una sola línea de la interfaz de soporte."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Ancho de una sola línea de techo o suelo de soporte."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Ancho de línea del techo de soporte"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Ancho de una sola línea de techo de soporte."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Ancho de línea del suelo de soporte"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Ancho de una sola línea de suelo de soporte."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Una lista de los valores enteros de las direcciones de línea. Los elementos de esta lista se utilizan de forma secuencial a medida que las capas se utilizan y, cuando se alcanza el final, la lista vuelve a comenzar desde el principio. Los elementos de la lista están separados por comas y toda la lista aparece entre corchetes. El valor predeterminado es una lista vacía que utiliza los ángulos predeterminados típicos (45 y 135 grados para las líneas y los patrones en zigzag y 45 grados para el resto de patrones)."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Radio de la subdivisión cúbica"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Un multiplicador del radio desde el centro de cada cubo cuyo fin es comprobar el contorno del modelo para decidir si este cubo debería subdividirse. Cuanto mayor sea su valor, más subdivisiones habrá, es decir, mayor cantidad de cubos pequeños."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Relleno spaghetti"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Imprima el relleno cada cierto tiempo para que el filamento se enrosque caóticamente dentro del objeto. Esto reduce el tiempo de impresión, pero el comportamiento es más bien impredecible."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Ángulo máximo de relleno spaghetti"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "Ángulo máximo con respecto al eje Z de dentro de la impresora para áreas que se deben rellenar con relleno spaghetti más tarde. Reducir este valor produce que las piezas con más ángulos del modelo se rellenen en cada capa."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Altura máxima de relleno spaghetti"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "Altura máxima del espacio interior se puede combinar y rellenar desde arriba."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Entrante spaghetti"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Desplazamiento de las paredes desde las que se va a imprimir el relleno spaghetti."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Flujo spaghetti"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Ajusta la densidad del relleno spaghetti. Tenga en cuenta que la densidad de relleno solo controla el espaciado entre líneas del patrón de relleno, no la cantidad de extrusión del relleno spaghetti."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Expandir los forros superiores"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Expandir forros superiores en el relleno"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1221 msgstr "Expanda las áreas del forro superior (áreas con aire por encima) para que soporte el relleno que tiene arriba."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1282 msgstr "Expanda las áreas del forro superior (áreas con aire por encima) para que soporten el relleno que tiene arriba."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Expandir los forros inferiores"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Expandir forros inferiores en el relleno"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
12311292 msgstr "Expanda las áreas del forro inferior (áreas con aire por debajo) para que queden sujetas por las capas de relleno superiores e inferiores."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Velocidad a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte. Imprimirlos a una velocidad inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "Velocidad a la que se imprimen los techos y suelos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una velocidad inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Velocidad del techo del soporte"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "Velocidad a la que se imprimen los techos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una velocidad inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Velocidad del suelo del soporte"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "Velocidad a la que se imprimen los suelos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una velocidad inferior puede mejorar la adhesión del soporte en la parte superior del modelo."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Aceleración a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte. Imprimirlos a aceleraciones inferiores puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "Aceleración a la que se imprimen los techos y suelos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una aceleración inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Aceleración del techo del soporte"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "Aceleración a la que se imprimen los techos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una aceleración inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Aceleración del suelo del soporte"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "Aceleración a la que se imprimen los suelos del soporte. Imprimirlos a una aceleración inferior puede mejorar la adhesión de soporte en la parte superior del modelo."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "Cambio en la velocidad instantánea máxima a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2102 msgstr "Cambio en la velocidad instantánea máxima a la que se imprimen los techos y suelos del soporte."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Impulso del techo del soporte"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Cambio en la velocidad instantánea máxima a la que se imprimen los techos del soporte."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Impulso del suelo del soporte"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Cambio en la velocidad instantánea máxima a la que se imprimen los suelos del soporte."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Habilitar el soporte"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Generar soporte"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Habilita las estructuras del soporte. Estas estructuras soportan partes del modelo con voladizos severos."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Generar estructuras para soportar piezas del modelo que tengan voladizos. Sin estas estructuras, estas piezas se romperían durante la impresión."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir los techos y partes inferiores del soporte. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir los techos y suelos del soporte. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Extrusor del techo del soporte"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir los techos del soporte. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Extrusor del suelo del soporte"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir los suelos del soporte. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Altura de los escalones de la parte inferior de la escalera del soporte que descansa sobre el modelo. Un valor más bajo hace que el soporte sea difícil de retirar pero valores demasiado altos pueden producir estructuras del soporte inestables."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "Altura de los escalones de la parte inferior de la escalera del soporte que descansa sobre el modelo. Un valor más bajo hace que el soporte sea difícil de retirar pero valores demasiado altos pueden producir estructuras del soporte inestables. Configúrelo en cero para desactivar el comportamiento de escalera."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Ancho máximo del escalón de la escalera del soporte"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "Ancho máximo de los escalones de la parte inferior de la escalera del soporte que descansa sobre el modelo. Un valor más bajo hace que el soporte sea difícil de retirar pero valores demasiado altos pueden producir estructuras del soporte inestables."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Genera una gruesa interfaz entre el modelo y el soporte. De esta forma, se crea un forro en la parte superior del soporte, donde se imprime el modelo, y en la parte inferior del soporte, donde se apoya el modelo."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Habilitar techo del soporte"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Genere una placa densa de material entre la parte superior del soporte y el modelo. Esto creará un forro entre el modelo y el soporte."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Habilitar suelo del soporte"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Genere una placa densa de material entre la parte inferior del soporte y el modelo. Esto creará un forro entre el modelo y el soporte."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Grosor de la interfaz del soporte"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Grosor inferior del soporte"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Grosor del suelo del soporte"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Grosor de las partes inferiores del soporte. Este valor controla el número de capas densas que se imprimen en las partes superiores de un modelo, donde apoya el soporte."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "Grosor de los suelos del soporte. Este valor controla el número de capas densas que se imprimen en las partes superiores de un modelo, donde apoya el soporte."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "A la hora de comprobar si existe un modelo por encima del soporte, tome las medidas de la altura determinada. Reducir los valores hará que se segmente más despacio, mientras que valores más altos pueden provocar que el soporte normal se imprima en lugares en los que debería haber una interfaz de soporte."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "A la hora de comprobar si existe un modelo por encima y por debajo del soporte, tome las medidas de la altura determinada. Reducir los valores hará que se segmente más despacio, mientras que valores más altos pueden provocar que el soporte normal se imprima en lugares en los que debería haber una interfaz de soporte."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Ajusta la densidad de los techos y partes inferiores de la estructura de soporte. Un valor superior da como resultado mejores voladizos pero los soportes son más difíciles de retirar."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Distancia de línea de la interfaz de soporte"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Distancia entre las líneas de la interfaz de soporte impresas. Este ajuste se calcula según la Densidad de la interfaz de soporte, pero se puede ajustar de forma independiente."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Ajusta la densidad de los techos y suelos de la estructura de soporte. Un valor superior da como resultado mejores voladizos pero los soportes son más difíciles de retirar."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Densidad del techo del soporte"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "Densidad de los techos de la estructura de soporte. Un valor superior da como resultado mejores voladizos pero los soportes son más difíciles de retirar."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Distancia de línea del techo del soporte"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Distancia entre las líneas de techo de soporte impresas. Este ajuste se calcula por la densidad del techo del soporte pero se puede ajustar de forma independiente."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Densidad del suelo del soporte"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "Densidad de los suelos de la estructura de soporte. Un valor superior da como resultado una mejor adhesión del soporte en la parte superior del modelo."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Distancia de línea del suelo de soporte"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Distancia entre las líneas de suelo de soporte impresas. Este ajuste se calcula por la densidad del suelo del soporte pero se puede ajustar de forma independiente."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zigzag"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Patrón del techo del soporte"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Patrón con el que se imprimen los techos del soporte."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Líneas"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Rejilla"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Triángulos"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Concéntrico"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Concéntrico 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zigzag"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Patrón del suelo del soporte"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Patrón con el que se imprimen los suelos del soporte."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Líneas"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Rejilla"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Triángulos"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Concéntrico"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Concéntrico 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zigzag"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Usar torres"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Adherencia"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Activar gotas de cebado"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Si cebar el filamento con una gota antes de imprimir. Al activar este ajuste se garantiza que el extrusor tendrá material listo en la tobera antes de imprimir. La impresión de borde o falda puede actuar como cebado también, en este caso ahorrará tiempo al desactivar este ajuste."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Determina qué malla de relleno está dentro del relleno de otra malla de relleno. Una malla de relleno de orden superior modificará el relleno de las mallas de relleno con un orden inferior y mallas normales."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Cortar malla"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Limite el volumen de esta malla a lo que está dentro de otras mallas. Puede usar esto para hacer que determinadas áreas de una malla se impriman con ajustes diferentes y con un extrusor totalmente diferente."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Molde"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Imprimir modelos como un molde que se pueden fundir para obtener un modelo que se parezca a los modelos de la placa de impresión."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Ancho de molde mínimo"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "Distancia mínima entre la parte exterior del molde y la parte exterior del modelo."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Altura del techo del molde"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "Altura por encima de las piezas horizontales del modelo del que imprimir el molde."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Ángulo del molde"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "Ángulo del voladizo de las paredes exteriores creado para el molde. 0º hará el perímetro exterior del molde vertical, mientras que 90º hará el exterior del modelo seguido del contorno del modelo."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Malla de soporte"
34183759 msgstr "Utilice esta malla para especificar las áreas de soporte. Esta opción puede utilizarse para generar estructuras de soporte."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Malla de soporte desplegable"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Disponga un soporte en todas partes por debajo de la malla de soporte, para que no haya voladizo en la malla de soporte."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Malla antivoladizo"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "La opción de espiralizar suaviza el movimiento en Z del borde exterior. Esto creará un incremento en Z constante durante toda la impresión. Esta función convierte un modelo sólido en una impresión de una sola pared con una parte inferior sólida. Esta función se denominaba Joris en versiones anteriores."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "La opción de espiralizar suaviza el movimiento en Z del borde exterior. Esto creará un incremento en Z constante durante toda la impresión. Esta función convierte un modelo sólido en una impresión de una sola pared con una parte inferior sólida. Esta función solo se debería habilitar cuando cada capa contenga una única pieza."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Contornos espiralizados suaves"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Suavice los contornos espiralizados para reducir la visibilidad de la costura Z (la costura Z debería ser apenas visible en la impresora pero seguirá siendo visible en la vista de capas). Tenga en cuenta que la suavización tenderá a desdibujar detalles finos de la superficie."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Matriz de transformación que se aplicará al modelo cuando se cargue desde el archivo."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Ancho de una sola línea de la interfaz de soporte."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Radio de la subdivisión cúbica"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Un multiplicador del radio desde el centro de cada cubo cuyo fin es comprobar el contorno del modelo para decidir si este cubo debería subdividirse. Cuanto mayor sea su valor, más subdivisiones habrá, es decir, mayor cantidad de cubos pequeños."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Expandir los forros superiores"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Expanda las áreas del forro superior (áreas con aire por encima) para que soporte el relleno que tiene arriba."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Expandir los forros inferiores"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Expanda las áreas del forro inferior (áreas con aire por debajo) para que queden sujetas por las capas de relleno superiores e inferiores."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "Velocidad a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte. Imprimirlos a una velocidad inferior puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "Aceleración a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte. Imprimirlos a aceleraciones inferiores puede mejorar la calidad del voladizo."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Cambio en la velocidad instantánea máxima a la que se imprimen los techos y las partes inferiores del soporte."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Habilitar el soporte"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Habilita las estructuras del soporte. Estas estructuras soportan partes del modelo con voladizos severos."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir los techos y partes inferiores del soporte. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "Altura de los escalones de la parte inferior de la escalera del soporte que descansa sobre el modelo. Un valor más bajo hace que el soporte sea difícil de retirar pero valores demasiado altos pueden producir estructuras del soporte inestables."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Grosor inferior del soporte"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "Grosor de las partes inferiores del soporte. Este valor controla el número de capas densas que se imprimen en las partes superiores de un modelo, donde apoya el soporte."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "A la hora de comprobar si existe un modelo por encima del soporte, tome las medidas de la altura determinada. Reducir los valores hará que se segmente más despacio, mientras que valores más altos pueden provocar que el soporte normal se imprima en lugares en los que debería haber una interfaz de soporte."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Ajusta la densidad de los techos y partes inferiores de la estructura de soporte. Un valor superior da como resultado mejores voladizos pero los soportes son más difíciles de retirar."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Distancia de línea de la interfaz de soporte"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Distancia entre las líneas de la interfaz de soporte impresas. Este ajuste se calcula según la Densidad de la interfaz de soporte, pero se puede ajustar de forma independiente."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "La opción de espiralizar suaviza el movimiento en Z del borde exterior. Esto creará un incremento en Z constante durante toda la impresión. Esta función convierte un modelo sólido en una impresión de una sola pared con una parte inferior sólida. Esta función se denominaba Joris en versiones anteriores."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "Temperatura que se usa para la impresión. Se ajusta a 0 para precalentar la impresora de forma manual."
0 #, fuzzy
1 msgid ""
2 msgstr ""
3 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
610 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
711 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
8 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
12 "Language-Team: TEAM\n"
13 "Language: LANGUAGE\n"
14 "Lang-Code: xx\n"
15 "Country-Code: XX\n"
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1118 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3138 msgstr ""
3340 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr ""
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid ""
48 "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-"
49 "standard nozzle size."
50 msgstr ""
52 #: fdmextruder.def.json
3453 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
3554 msgid "Nozzle X Offset"
3655 msgstr ""
0 #, fuzzy
1 msgid ""
2 msgstr ""
3 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
610 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
711 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
8 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
12 "Language-Team: TEAM\n"
13 "Language: LANGUAGE\n"
14 "Lang-Code: xx\n"
15 "Country-Code: XX\n"
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1017 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1118 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
724731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
725732 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
726 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
733 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
734 msgstr ""
736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
737 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
738 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
739 msgstr ""
741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
742 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
743 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
744 msgstr ""
746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
747 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
748 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
749 msgstr ""
751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
752 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
753 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
727754 msgstr ""
729756 #: fdmprinter.def.json
11931220 msgstr ""
11951222 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1196 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1197 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1201 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1202 msgid ""
1203 "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the "
1204 "boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. "
1205 "Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1223 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1224 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1228 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1229 msgid ""
1230 "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up "
1231 "chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is "
1232 "rather unpredictable."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1236 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1237 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1241 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1242 msgid ""
1243 "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas "
1244 "which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value "
1245 "causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1246 msgstr ""
1248 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1249 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1250 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1251 msgstr ""
1253 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1254 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1255 msgid ""
1256 "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the "
1257 "top."
1258 msgstr ""
1260 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1261 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1262 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1263 msgstr ""
1265 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1266 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1267 msgid ""
1268 "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1272 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1273 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1277 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1278 msgid ""
1279 "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density "
1280 "only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of "
1281 "extrusion for spaghetti infill."
12061282 msgstr ""
12081284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
13581434 #: fdmprinter.def.json
13591435 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1360 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1436 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
13611437 msgstr ""
13631439 #: fdmprinter.def.json
13641440 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
13651441 msgid ""
1366 "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill "
1442 "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill "
13671443 "above."
13681444 msgstr ""
13701446 #: fdmprinter.def.json
13711447 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1372 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1448 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
13731449 msgstr ""
13751451 #: fdmprinter.def.json
13761452 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
13771453 msgid ""
1378 "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by "
1379 "the infill layers above and below."
1454 "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are "
1455 "anchored by the infill layers above and below."
13801456 msgstr ""
13821458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18561932 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18571933 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
18581934 msgid ""
1859 "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing "
1860 "the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1935 "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing "
1936 "them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1937 msgstr ""
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1941 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1942 msgstr ""
1944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1945 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1946 msgid ""
1947 "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower "
1948 "speeds can improve overhang quality."
1949 msgstr ""
1951 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1952 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1953 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1954 msgstr ""
1956 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1957 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1958 msgid ""
1959 "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower "
1960 "speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
18611961 msgstr ""
18631963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20842184 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20852185 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
20862186 msgid ""
2087 "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. "
2088 "Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
2187 "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. "
2188 "Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
2189 msgstr ""
2191 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2192 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
2193 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
2194 msgstr ""
2196 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2197 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
2198 msgid ""
2199 "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them "
2200 "at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
2201 msgstr ""
2203 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2204 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
2205 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
2206 msgstr ""
2208 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2209 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
2210 msgid ""
2211 "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them "
2212 "at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
20892213 msgstr ""
20912215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
22632387 #: fdmprinter.def.json
22642388 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
22652389 msgid ""
2266 "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms "
2267 "of support are printed."
2390 "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of "
2391 "support are printed."
2392 msgstr ""
2394 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2395 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2396 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2397 msgstr ""
2399 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2400 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2401 msgid ""
2402 "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support "
2403 "are printed."
2404 msgstr ""
2406 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2407 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2408 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2409 msgstr ""
2411 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2412 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2413 msgid ""
2414 "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support "
2415 "are printed."
22682416 msgstr ""
22702418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26592807 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26602808 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2661 msgid "Enable Support"
2809 msgid "Generate Support"
26622810 msgstr ""
26642812 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26652813 msgctxt "support_enable description"
26662814 msgid ""
2667 "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with "
2668 "severe overhangs."
2815 "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. "
2816 "Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
26692817 msgstr ""
26712819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27122860 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27132861 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
27142862 msgid ""
2715 "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. "
2863 "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. "
27162864 "This is used in multi-extrusion."
2865 msgstr ""
2867 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2868 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2869 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2870 msgstr ""
2872 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2873 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2874 msgid ""
2875 "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is "
2876 "used in multi-extrusion."
2877 msgstr ""
2879 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2880 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2881 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2882 msgstr ""
2884 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2885 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2886 msgid ""
2887 "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is "
2888 "used in multi-extrusion."
27172889 msgstr ""
27192891 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29173089 msgid ""
29183090 "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the "
29193091 "model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values "
2920 "can lead to unstable support structures."
3092 "can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-"
3093 "like behaviour."
3094 msgstr ""
3096 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3097 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
3098 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
3099 msgstr ""
3101 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3102 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
3103 msgid ""
3104 "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting "
3105 "on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high "
3106 "values can lead to unstable support structures."
29213107 msgstr ""
29233109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29593145 msgstr ""
29613147 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3148 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
3149 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
3150 msgstr ""
3152 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3153 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
3154 msgid ""
3155 "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. "
3156 "This will create a skin between the model and support."
3157 msgstr ""
3159 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3160 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
3161 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
3162 msgstr ""
3164 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3165 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
3166 msgid ""
3167 "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the "
3168 "model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
3169 msgstr ""
3171 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29623172 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
29633173 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
29643174 msgstr ""
29853195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29863196 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2987 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
3197 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
29883198 msgstr ""
29903200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29913201 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
29923202 msgid ""
2993 "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense "
2994 "layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
3203 "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense "
3204 "layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
29953205 msgstr ""
29973207 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30023212 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30033213 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
30043214 msgid ""
3005 "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given "
3006 "height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal "
3007 "support to be printed in some places where there should have been support "
3008 "interface."
3215 "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of "
3216 "the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may "
3217 "cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have "
3218 "been support interface."
30093219 msgstr ""
30113221 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30163226 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30173227 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
30183228 msgid ""
3019 "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A "
3229 "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A "
30203230 "higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to "
30213231 "remove."
30223232 msgstr ""
30243234 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
3026 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
3027 msgstr ""
3029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3030 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
3031 msgid ""
3032 "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is "
3033 "calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
3235 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
3236 msgid "Support Roof Density"
3237 msgstr ""
3239 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3240 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
3241 msgid ""
3242 "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in "
3243 "better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
3244 msgstr ""
3246 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3247 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
3248 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
3249 msgstr ""
3251 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3252 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
3253 msgid ""
3254 "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated "
3255 "by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
3256 msgstr ""
3258 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3259 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
3260 msgid "Support Floor Density"
3261 msgstr ""
3263 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3264 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
3265 msgid ""
3266 "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results "
3267 "in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
3268 msgstr ""
3270 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3271 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
3272 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
3273 msgstr ""
3275 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3276 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
3277 msgid ""
3278 "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated "
3279 "by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
30343280 msgstr ""
30363282 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30733319 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30743320 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
3321 msgid "Zig Zag"
3322 msgstr ""
3324 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3325 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
3326 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
3327 msgstr ""
3329 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3330 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
3331 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
3332 msgstr ""
3334 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3335 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
3336 msgid "Lines"
3337 msgstr ""
3339 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3340 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
3341 msgid "Grid"
3342 msgstr ""
3344 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3345 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
3346 msgid "Triangles"
3347 msgstr ""
3349 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3350 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
3351 msgid "Concentric"
3352 msgstr ""
3354 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3355 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
3356 msgid "Concentric 3D"
3357 msgstr ""
3359 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3360 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
3361 msgid "Zig Zag"
3362 msgstr ""
3364 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3365 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
3366 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
3367 msgstr ""
3369 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3370 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
3371 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
3372 msgstr ""
3374 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3375 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
3376 msgid "Lines"
3377 msgstr ""
3379 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3380 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
3381 msgid "Grid"
3382 msgstr ""
3384 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3385 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
3386 msgid "Triangles"
3387 msgstr ""
3389 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3390 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
3391 msgid "Concentric"
3392 msgstr ""
3394 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3395 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
3396 msgid "Concentric 3D"
3397 msgstr ""
3399 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3400 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
30753401 msgid "Zig Zag"
30763402 msgstr ""
31303456 #: fdmprinter.def.json
31313457 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
31323458 msgid "Adhesion"
3459 msgstr ""
3461 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3462 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3463 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3464 msgstr ""
3466 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3467 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3468 msgid ""
3469 "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this "
3470 "setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the "
3471 "nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in "
3472 "which case turning this setting off saves some time."
31333473 msgstr ""
31353475 #: fdmprinter.def.json
39184258 msgstr ""
39204260 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4261 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
4262 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
4263 msgstr ""
4265 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4266 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
4267 msgid ""
4268 "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to "
4269 "make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a "
4270 "whole different extruder."
4271 msgstr ""
4273 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4274 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
4275 msgid "Mold"
4276 msgstr ""
4278 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4279 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
4280 msgid ""
4281 "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which "
4282 "resembles the models on the build plate."
4283 msgstr ""
4285 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4286 msgctxt "mold_width label"
4287 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
4288 msgstr ""
4290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4291 msgctxt "mold_width description"
4292 msgid ""
4293 "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the "
4294 "model."
4295 msgstr ""
4297 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4298 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
4299 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
4300 msgstr ""
4302 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4303 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
4304 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
4305 msgstr ""
4307 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4308 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
4309 msgid "Mold Angle"
4310 msgstr ""
4312 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4313 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
4314 msgid ""
4315 "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make "
4316 "the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the "
4317 "model follow the contour of the model."
4318 msgstr ""
4320 #: fdmprinter.def.json
39214321 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
39224322 msgid "Support Mesh"
39234323 msgstr ""
39274327 msgid ""
39284328 "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support "
39294329 "structure."
4330 msgstr ""
4332 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4333 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
4334 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
4335 msgstr ""
4337 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4338 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
4339 msgid ""
4340 "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang "
4341 "in the support mesh."
39304342 msgstr ""
39324344 #: fdmprinter.def.json
39814393 msgid ""
39824394 "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a "
39834395 "steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model "
3984 "into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be "
3985 "called Joris in older versions."
4396 "into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be "
4397 "enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
4398 msgstr ""
4400 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4401 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
4402 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
4403 msgstr ""
4405 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4406 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
4407 msgid ""
4408 "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-"
4409 "seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the "
4410 "layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
39864411 msgstr ""
39884413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: fi\n"
12 "Language-Team: Finnish\n"
13 "Language: Finnish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fi\n"
15 "Country-Code: FI\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Toiminnon avulla voidaan vaihtaa laitteen asetuksia (esim. tulostustilavuus, suuttimen koko yms.)"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Laitteen asetukset"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Näytä muutosloki"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Profiilin tasoitus"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Luo tasoitettu laatumuutosten profiili."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Aktivoitujen asetusten tasoitus"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Profiili on tasoitettu ja aktivoitu."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Yhdistetty USB:n kautta"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Uuden työn aloittaminen ei onnistu, koska tulostin on varattu tai sitä ei ole yhdistetty."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "Tämä tulostin ei tue USB-tulostusta, koska se käyttää UltiGCode-tyyppiä."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Uuden työn aloittaminen ei onnistu, koska tulostin ei tue USB-tulostusta."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Tallenna siirrettävälle asemalle {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Tallennetaan siirrettävälle asemalle <filename>{0}</filename>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "Ei voitu tallentaa tiedostoon <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Tallennettu siirrettävälle asemalle {0} nimellä {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Poista"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Poista siirrettävä asema {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Ei voitu tallentaa siirrettävälle asemalle {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Poistettu {0}. Voit nyt poistaa aseman turvallisesti."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Lähetä tulostimen käyttöoikeuspyyntö"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Yhdistetty verkon kautta. Hyväksy tulostimen käyttöoikeuspyyntö."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Yhdistetty verkon kautta tulostimeen."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Yhdistetty verkon kautta tulostimeen. Ei käyttöoikeutta tulostimen hallintaan."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Tulostimen käyttöoikeuspyyntö hylättiin."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Käyttöoikeuspyyntö epäonnistui aikakatkaisun vuoksi."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "Yhteys verkkoon menetettiin."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "Yhteys tulostimeen menetettiin. Tarkista, onko tulostin yhdistetty."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Uuden tulostustyön aloittaminen ei onnistu, koska tulostin on varattu. Nykyinen tulostimen tila on %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
373 msgstr "Uuden tulostustyön aloittaminen ei onnistu. PrinterCorea ei ole ladattu aukkoon {0}"
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
395 msgstr "Uuden tulostustyön aloittaminen ei onnistu. PrintCorea ei ole ladattu aukkoon {0}"
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Uuden tulostustyön aloittaminen ei onnistu. Materiaalia ei ole ladattu aukkoon {0}"
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Kelalle {0} ei ole tarpeeksi materiaalia."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "Eri PrintCore-tulostusydin (Cura: {0}, tulostin: {1}) valittu suulakkeelle {2}"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Eri materiaali (Cura: {0}, tulostin: {1}) valittu suulakkeelle {2}"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "Print Core -tulostusydintä {0} ei ole kalibroitu oikein. Tulostimen XY-kalibrointi tulee suorittaa."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Haluatko varmasti tulostaa valitulla määrityksellä?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "Tulostimen ja Curan määrityksen tai kalibroinnin välillä on ristiriita. Parhaat tulokset saavutetaan viipaloimalla aina tulostimeen asetetuille PrintCoreille ja materiaaleille."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Ristiriitainen määritys"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Lähetetään tietoja tulostimeen"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Peruuta"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Tietojen lähetys tulostimeen ei onnistu. Onko toinen työ yhä aktiivinen?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Keskeytetään tulostus..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Tulostus keskeytetty. Tarkista tulostin"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Tulostus pysäytetään..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Tulostusta jatketaan..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Synkronoi tulostimen kanssa"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Haluatko käyttää nykyistä tulostimen määritystä Curassa?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "Tulostimen PrintCoret tai materiaalit eivät vastaa tulostettavan projektin asetuksia. Parhaat tulokset saavutetaan viipaloimalla aina tulostimeen asetetuille PrintCoreille ja materiaaleille."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Ohita"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Materiaaliprofiilit"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Mahdollistaa XML-pohjaisten materiaaliprofiilien lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Kerrokset"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Cura ei näytä kerroksia täsmällisesti, kun rautalankatulostus on käytössä"
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Päivitys versiosta 2.4 versioon 2.5"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Päivitys versiosta 2.5 versioon 2.6"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Päivittää kokoonpanon versiosta Cura 2.4 versioon Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Päivittää kokoonpanon versiosta Cura 2.5 versioon Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "GIF-kuva"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Valittu materiaali ei sovellu käytettäväksi valitun laitteen tai kokoonpanon kanssa."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Viipalointi ei onnistu nykyisten asetuksien ollessa voimassa. Seuraavissa asetuksissa on virheitä: {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "Viipalointi ei onnistu, koska esitäyttötorni tai esitäytön sijainti tai sijainnit eivät kelpaa."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Ei viipaloitavaa, koska mikään malleista ei sovellu tulostustilavuuteen. Skaalaa tai pyöritä mallia, kunnes se on sopiva."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Linkki CuraEngine-viipalointiin taustalla."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Käsitellään kerroksia"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Määritä mallikohtaiset asetukset"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Suositeltu"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Mukautettu"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "3MF-lukija"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Tukee 3MF-tiedostojen lukemista."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "3MF-tiedosto"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Suutin"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "G File -tiedosto"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "G-coden jäsennys"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Varmista, että G-code on tulostimelle ja sen tulostusasetuksille soveltuva, ennen kuin lähetät tiedoston siihen. G-coden esitys ei välttämättä ole tarkka."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Cura-profiili"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "3MF-kirjoitin"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Tukee 3MF-tiedostojen kirjoittamista."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "3MF-tiedosto"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Cura-projektin 3MF-tiedosto"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Ultimaker-laitteen toiminnot"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Ultimaker-laitteiden toimintojen käyttö (esim. pöydän tasaaminen, päivitysten valinta yms.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Valitse päivitykset"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Ultimaker-laitteen toiminnot"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Ultimaker-laitteiden toimintojen käyttö (esim. pöydän tasaaminen, päivitysten valinta yms.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Tukee Cura-profiilien tuontia."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Tuntematon materiaali"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Uusien paikkojen etsiminen kappaleille"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Kaikille kappaleille ei löydy paikkaa tulostustilavuudessa."
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Tiedosto <filename>{0}</filename> on jo olemassa. Haluatko varmasti kirjoittaa sen päälle?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Tälle yhdistelmälle ei löytynyt laadukasta profiilia. Käytetään oletusasetuksia."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Mukautettu"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Mukautettu materiaali"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Profiilin vienti epäonnistui tiedostoon <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Profiilin vienti epäonnistui tiedostoon <filename>{0}</filename>: Kirjoitin-lisäosa ilmoitti virheestä."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Profiili viety tiedostoon <filename>{0}</filename>"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Profiilin tuonti epäonnistui tiedostosta <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Onnistuneesti tuotu profiili {0}"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Profiililla {0} on tuntematon tiedostotyyppi tai se on vioittunut."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Mukautettu profiili"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Profiilista puuttuu laatutyyppi."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Laatutyyppiä {0} ei löydy nykyiselle kokoonpanolle."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "Tulostustilavuuden korkeutta on vähennetty tulostusjärjestysasetuksen vuoksi, jotta koroke ei osuisi tulostettuihin malleihin."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Kappaleiden kertominen ja sijoittelu"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Hups!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Kaatumisraportti"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Tapahtui vakava poikkeus, josta palautuminen ei onnistunut!</p>\n <p>Toivottavasti tämä kissanpentukuva lieventää hiukan järkytystä.</p>\n <p>Tee virheraportti alla olevien tietojen perusteella osoitteessa <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Tapahtui vakava poikkeus, josta palautuminen ei onnistunut!</p>\n <p>Tee virheraportti alla olevien tietojen perusteella osoitteessa <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Avaa verkkosivu"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Ladataan laitteita..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Asetetaan näkymää..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Ladataan käyttöliittymää..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Vain yksi G-code-tiedosto voidaan ladata kerralla. Tiedoston {0} tuonti ohitettiin."
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "Muita tiedostoja ei voida ladata, kun G-code latautuu. Tiedoston {0} tuonti ohitettiin."
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Laitteen asetukset"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Anna tulostimen asetukset alla:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Tulostin"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Tulostimen asetukset"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (leveys)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (syvyys)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (korkeus)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Alustan muoto"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Laitteen keskus on nolla"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Lämmitettävä pöytä"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "GCode-tyyppi"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Tulostuspään asetukset"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X väh."
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y väh."
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X enint."
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y enint."
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Korokkeen korkeus"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Suulakkeiden määrä"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Materiaalin halkaisija"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Suuttimen koko"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Aloita GCode"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Lopeta GCode"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Suutinasetukset"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Suuttimen X-siirtymä"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Suuttimen Y-siirtymä"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "Suulake – aloita Gcode"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "Suulake – lopeta Gcode"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Doodle3D-asetukset"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Tallenna"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Tuntemattoman virheen koodi: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Yhdistä verkkotulostimeen"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Tulosta suoraan tulostimeen verkon kautta yhdistämällä tulostin verkkoon verkkokaapelilla tai yhdistämällä tulostin Wi-Fi-verkkoon. Jos Curaa ei yhdistetä tulostimeen, GCode-tiedostot voidaan silti siirtää tulostimeen USB-aseman avulla.\n\nValitse tulostin alla olevasta luettelosta:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Lisää"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Muokkaa"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Poista"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Päivitä"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Jos tulostinta ei ole luettelossa, lue <a href='%1'>verkkotulostuksen vianetsintäopas</a>"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Tyyppi"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Tuntematon"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Laiteohjelmistoversio"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Osoite"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "Tämän osoitteen tulostin ei ole vielä vastannut."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Yhdistä"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Tulostimen osoite"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Anna verkon tulostimen IP-osoite tai isäntänimi."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "OK"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Muuta aktiivisia jälkikäsittelykomentosarjoja"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Näyttötapa: Kerrokset"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Värimalli"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Materiaalin väri"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Linjojen tyyppi"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Yhteensopivuustila"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Suulake %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Näytä siirtoliikkeet"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Näytä avustimet"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Näytä kuori"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Näytä täyttö"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Näytä vain yläkerrokset"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "Näytä 5 yksityiskohtaista kerrosta ylhäällä"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Yläosa/alaosa"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Sisäseinämä"
14871580 msgstr "Tasoitus"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "OK"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Tulosta malli seuraavalla:"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Valitse asetukset"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Valitse tätä mallia varten mukautettavat asetukset"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Suodatin..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Näytä kaikki"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Avaa projekti"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Päivitä nykyinen"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Luo uusi"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Yhteenveto – Cura-projekti"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Tulostimen asetukset"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Miten laitteen ristiriita pitäisi ratkaista?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Tyyppi"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Nimi"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Profiilin asetukset"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Miten profiilin ristiriita pitäisi ratkaista?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Ei profiilissa"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 ohitus"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 ohitusta"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Johdettu seuraavista"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 ohitus"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 ohitusta"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Materiaaliasetukset"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Miten materiaalin ristiriita pitäisi ratkaista?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Asetusten näkyvyys"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Tila"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Näkyvät asetukset:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1/%2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Projektin lataaminen poistaa kaikki alustalla olevat mallit"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Avaa"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Valitse tulostimen päivitykset"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Valitse tähän Ultimaker 2 -laitteeseen tehdyt päivitykset."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Olsson Block -lämmitysosa"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Valitse mukautettu laiteohjelmisto"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Valitse tulostimen päivitykset"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "Tulostin ei hyväksy komentoja"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "Huolletaan. Tarkista tulostin"
18311928 msgstr "Yhteys tulostimeen menetetty"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Tulostetaan..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "Keskeytetty"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Valmistellaan..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Haluatko varmasti keskeyttää tulostuksen?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Hylkää tai säilytä muutokset"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Olet mukauttanut profiilin asetuksia.\nHaluatko säilyttää vai hylätä nämä asetukset?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Profiilin asetukset"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Oletusarvo"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Mukautettu"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Kysy aina"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Hylkää äläkä kysy uudelleen"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Säilytä äläkä kysy uudelleen"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Hylkää"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Säilytä"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Luo uusi profiili"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Tiedot"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Näytä nimi"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Merkki"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Materiaalin tyyppi"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Väri"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Ominaisuudet"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Tiheys"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Läpimitta"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Tulostuslangan hinta"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Tulostuslangan paino"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Tulostuslangan pituus"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Hinta metriä kohden"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Materiaali on linkitetty kohteeseen %1 ja niillä on joitain samoja ominaisuuksia."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Poista materiaalin linkitys"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Kuvaus"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Tarttuvuustiedot"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Tulostusasetukset"
20442151 msgstr "Yksikkö"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Yleiset"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Käyttöliittymä"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Kieli:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Valuutta:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta kielimuutokset tulevat voimaan."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Teema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta nämä muutokset tulevat voimaan."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Viipaloi automaattisesti, kun asetuksia muutetaan."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Viipaloi automaattisesti"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Näyttöikkunan käyttäytyminen"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Korosta mallin vailla tukea olevat alueet punaisella. Ilman tukea nämä alueet eivät tulostu kunnolla."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Näytä uloke"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2100 msgstr "Siirtää kameraa siten, että malli on näkymän keskellä, kun malli on valittu"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2217 msgstr "Siirtää kameraa siten, että valittuna oleva malli on näkymän keskellä."
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Keskitä kamera kun kohde on valittu"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Pitääkö Curan oletusarvoinen zoom-toimintatapa muuttaa päinvastaiseksi?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Käännä kameran zoomin suunta päinvastaiseksi."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "Pitäisikö alustalla olevia malleja siirtää niin, etteivät ne enää leikkaa toisiaan?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Varmista, että mallit ovat erillään"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "Pitäisikö tulostusalueella olevia malleja siirtää alas niin, että ne koskettavat tulostusalustaa?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Pudota mallit automaattisesti alustalle"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Näytä varoitusviesti gcode-lukijassa."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Gcode-lukijan varoitusviesti"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "Pakotetaanko kerros yhteensopivuustilaan?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Pakota kerrosnäkymän yhteensopivuustila (vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Tiedostojen avaaminen ja tallentaminen"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "Pitäisikö mallit skaalata tulostustilavuuteen, jos ne ovat liian isoja?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Skaalaa suuret mallit"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Malli voi vaikuttaa erittäin pieneltä, jos sen koko on ilmoitettu esimerkiksi metreissä eikä millimetreissä. Pitäisikö nämä mallit suurentaa?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Skaalaa erittäin pienet mallit"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Pitäisikö tulostustyön nimeen lisätä automaattisesti tulostimen nimeen perustuva etuliite?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Lisää laitteen etuliite työn nimeen"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Näytetäänkö yhteenveto, kun projektitiedosto tallennetaan?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Näytä yhteenvetoikkuna, kun projekti tallennetaan"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Projektitiedoston avaamisen oletustoimintatapa"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Projektitiedoston avaamisen oletustoimintatapa: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Kysy aina"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Avaa aina projektina"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Tuo mallit aina"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Kun olet tehnyt muutokset profiiliin ja vaihtanut toiseen, näytetään valintaikkuna, jossa kysytään, haluatko säilyttää vai hylätä muutokset. Tässä voit myös valita oletuskäytöksen, jolloin valintaikkunaa ei näytetä uudelleen."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Kumoa profiili"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Tietosuoja"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Pitäisikö Curan tarkistaa saatavilla olevat päivitykset, kun ohjelma käynnistetään?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Tarkista päivitykset käynnistettäessä"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "Pitäisikö anonyymejä tietoja tulosteesta lähettää Ultimakerille? Huomaa, että malleja, IP-osoitteita tai muita henkilökohtaisia tietoja ei lähetetä eikä tallenneta."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "Lähetä (anonyymit) tulostustiedot"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Tulostimet"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Aktivoi"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Tulostimen tyyppi:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Yhteys:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "Tulostinta ei ole yhdistetty."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Tila:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "Odotetaan tulostusalustan tyhjennystä"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "Odotetaan tulostustyötä"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profiilit"
22912453 msgstr "Jäljennös"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Tuo"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Vie"
23632525 msgstr "Profiilin vienti"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Materiaalit"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Tulostin: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Tulostin: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Luo"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Jäljennös"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Tuo materiaali"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Materiaalin tuominen epäonnistui: <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Materiaalin tuominen onnistui: <filename>%1</filename>"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Vie materiaali"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Materiaalin vieminen epäonnistui kohteeseen <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Materiaalin vieminen onnistui kohteeseen <filename>%1</filename>"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Lisää tulostin"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Lisää tulostin"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Ulkoseinämä"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Sisäseinämät"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Pintakalvo"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Täyttö"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Tuen täyttö"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Tukiliittymä"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Tuki"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Siirtoliike"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Takaisinvedot"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Muu"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00 h 00 min"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "SVG-kuvakkeet"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Haku…"
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Kopioi arvo kaikkiin suulakepuristimiin"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Piilota tämä asetus"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Älä näytä tätä asetusta"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Pidä tämä asetus näkyvissä"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Määritä asetusten näkyvyys..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Tulostuksen asennus ei käytössä\nG-code-tiedostoja ei voida muokata"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Suositeltu tulostuksen asennus</b><br/><br/>Tulosta valitun tulostimen, materiaalin ja laadun suositelluilla asetuksilla."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Mukautettu tulostuksen asennus</b><br/><br/>Tulosta hallitsemalla täysin kaikkia viipalointiprosessin vaiheita."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automaattinen: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automaattinen: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Tulosta valittu malli asetuksella:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Tulosta valitut mallit asetuksella:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Kerro valittu malli"
2906 msgstr[1] "Kerro valitut mallit"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Kopioiden määrä"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Aikaa jäljellä arviolta"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Vaihda &koko näyttöön"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "&Kumoa"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "Tee &uudelleen"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Lopeta"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Määritä Curan asetukset..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "L&isää tulostin..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Tulostinten &hallinta..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Hallitse materiaaleja..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Päivitä nykyiset asetukset tai ohitukset profiiliin"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Hylkää tehdyt muutokset"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Luo profiili nykyisten asetusten tai ohitusten perusteella..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Profiilien hallinta..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Näytä sähköinen &dokumentaatio"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Ilmoita &virheestä"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "Ti&etoja..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "&Poista valinta"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "Poista &valittu malli"
3083 msgstr[1] "Poista &valitut mallit"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Keskitä valittu malli"
3090 msgstr[1] "Keskitä valitut mallit"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Kerro valittu malli"
3097 msgstr[1] "Kerro valitut mallit"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Poista malli"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Ke&skitä malli alustalle"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "&Ryhmittele mallit"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Poista mallien ryhmitys"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "&Yhdistä mallit"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "&Kerro malli..."
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "&Valitse kaikki mallit"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Tyhjennä tulostusalusta"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "&Lataa kaikki mallit uudelleen"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Järjestä kaikki mallit"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Järjestä valinta"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Määritä kaikkien mallien positiot uudelleen"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Määritä kaikkien mallien &muutokset uudelleen"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "&Avaa tiedosto..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Avaa tiedosto(t)..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "&Avaa projekti..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Uusi projekti..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "Näytä moottorin l&oki"
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Näytä määrityskansio"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Määritä asetusten näkyvyys..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Monista malli"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Viipalointi ei käytettävissä"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Valmistele"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Peruuta"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Valitse aktiivinen tulostusväline"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Avaa tiedosto(t)"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Löysimme vähintään yhden projektitiedoston valitsemiesi tiedostojen joukosta. Voit avata vain yhden projektitiedoston kerrallaan. Suosittelemme, että tuot vain malleja niistä tiedostoista. Haluatko jatkaa?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Tuo kaikki malleina"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Tiedosto"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "&Tallenna valinta tiedostoon"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "Tallenna &kaikki"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Tallenna &nimellä…"
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Tallenna projekti"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Muokkaa"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Näytä"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "&Asetukset"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "&Tulostin"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Materiaali"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profiili"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Aseta aktiiviseksi suulakepuristimeksi"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "Laa&jennukset"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "L&isäasetukset"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Ohje"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Avaa tiedosto"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Näyttötapa"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Asetukset"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Avaa tiedosto"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Uusi projekti"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Haluatko varmasti aloittaa uuden projektin? Se tyhjentää alustan ja kaikki tallentamattomat asetukset."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Avaa työtila"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Avaa tiedosto(t)"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Löysimme vähintään yhden Gcode-tiedoston valitsemiesi tiedostojen joukosta. Voit avata vain yhden Gcode-tiedoston kerrallaan. Jos haluat avata Gcode-tiedoston, valitse vain yksi."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Tallenna projekti"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Suulake %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 & materiaali"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Älä näytä projektin yhteenvetoa tallennettaessa"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Täyttö"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Ontto"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Ei (0 %) täyttöä jättää mallin ontoksi ja lujuudeltaan alhaiseksi"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Harva"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Harva (20 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräisen lujuuden"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Tiheä"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Tiheä (50 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräistä paremman lujuuden"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Kiinteä"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Kiinteä (100 %) täyttö tekee mallista täysin umpinaisen"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Ota tuki käyttöön"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Ota tukirakenteet käyttöön. Nämä rakenteet tukevat mallin osia, joissa on merkittäviä ulokkeita."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0 %"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Ei täyttöä jättää mallin ontoksi ja lujuudeltaan alhaiseksi."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20 %"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Harva (20 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräisen lujuuden."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50 %"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Tiheä (50 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräistä paremman lujuuden."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100 %"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Kiinteä (100 %) täyttö tekee mallista täysin umpinaisen."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Asteittainen"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Asteittainen täyttö lisää täytön tiheyttä vähitellen yläosaa kohti."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Muodosta tuki"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Muodosta rakenteita, jotka tukevat mallin ulokkeita sisältäviä osia. Ilman tukirakenteita kyseiset osat luhistuvat tulostuksen aikana."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Tuen suulake"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Valitse tukena käytettävä suulakepuristin. Näin mallin alle rakennetaan tukirakenteita estämään mallin painuminen tai tulostuminen ilmaan."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Alustan tarttuvuus"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Ota reunuksen tai pohjaristikon tulostus käyttöön. Tämä lisää kappaleen ympärille tai alle tasaisen alueen, joka on helppo leikata pois myöhemmin."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Tarvitsetko apua tulosteiden parantamiseen? Lue <a href=’%1’>Ultimakerin vianetsintäoppaat</a>"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Tarvitsetko apua tulosteiden parantamiseen?<br>Lue <a href='%1'>Ultimakerin vianmääritysoppaat</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Tulosta valittu malli asetuksella %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Tulosta valitut mallit asetuksella %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Avaa projektitiedosto"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Tämä on Cura-projektitiedosto. Haluatko avata sen projektina vai tuoda siinä olevat mallit?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Muista valintani"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Avaa projektina"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Tuo mallit"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Materiaali"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Napsauta ja tarkista materiaalin yhteensopivuus sivustolla"
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profiili:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Jotkut asetusten ja ohitusten arvot eroavat profiiliin tallennetuista arvoista.\n\nAvaa profiilin hallinta napsauttamalla."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Uuden tulostustyön aloittaminen ei onnistu. PrinterCorea ei ole ladattu aukkoon {0}"
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Päivitys versiosta 2.4 versioon 2.5"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Päivittää kokoonpanon versiosta Cura 2.4 versioon Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Tälle yhdistelmälle ei löytynyt laadukasta profiilia. Käytetään oletusasetuksia."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Hups!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Tapahtui vakava poikkeus, josta palautuminen ei onnistunut!</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Toivottavasti tämä kissanpentukuva lieventää hiukan järkytystä.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Tee virheraportti alla olevien tietojen perusteella osoitteessa <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3563 #~ " "
3565 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3566 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3567 #~ msgstr "Anna tulostimen asetukset alla:"
3569 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3570 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3571 #~ msgstr "Suulake %1"
3573 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3574 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3575 #~ msgstr "Tulosta malli seuraavalla:"
3577 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3578 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3579 #~ msgstr "Sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta kielimuutokset tulevat voimaan."
3581 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3582 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3583 #~ msgstr "Siirtää kameraa siten, että malli on näkymän keskellä, kun malli on valittu"
3585 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3586 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3587 #~ msgstr "&Poista valinta"
3589 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3590 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3591 #~ msgstr "&Avaa tiedosto..."
3593 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3594 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3595 #~ msgstr "&Avaa projekti..."
3597 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3598 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3599 #~ msgstr "Monista malli"
3601 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3602 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3603 #~ msgstr "Tallenna &kaikki"
3605 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3606 #~ msgid "Open file"
3607 #~ msgstr "Avaa tiedosto"
3609 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3610 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3611 #~ msgstr "Avaa työtila"
3613 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3614 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3615 #~ msgstr "Ontto"
3617 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3618 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3619 #~ msgstr "Ei (0 %) täyttöä jättää mallin ontoksi ja lujuudeltaan alhaiseksi"
3621 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3622 #~ msgid "Light"
3623 #~ msgstr "Harva"
3625 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3626 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3627 #~ msgstr "Harva (20 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräisen lujuuden"
3629 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3630 #~ msgid "Dense"
3631 #~ msgstr "Tiheä"
3633 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3634 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3635 #~ msgstr "Tiheä (50 %) täyttö antaa mallille keskimääräistä paremman lujuuden"
3637 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3638 #~ msgid "Solid"
3639 #~ msgstr "Kiinteä"
3641 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3642 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3643 #~ msgstr "Kiinteä (100 %) täyttö tekee mallista täysin umpinaisen"
3645 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3646 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3647 #~ msgstr "Ota tuki käyttöön"
3649 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3650 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3651 #~ msgstr "Ota tukirakenteet käyttöön. Nämä rakenteet tukevat mallin osia, joissa on merkittäviä ulokkeita."
3653 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3654 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3655 #~ msgstr "Tarvitsetko apua tulosteiden parantamiseen? Lue <a href=’%1’>Ultimakerin vianetsintäoppaat</a>"
3657 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993658 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003659 #~ msgstr "Yhdistetty verkon kautta tulostimeen {0}. Hyväksy tulostimen käyttöoikeuspyyntö."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: fi\n"
12 "Language-Team: Finnish\n"
13 "Language: Finnish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fi\n"
15 "Country-Code: FI\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "Tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Suuttimen halkaisija"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Suuttimen sisähalkaisija. Muuta tätä asetusta, kun käytössä on muu kuin vakiokokoinen suutin."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: fi\n"
12 "Language-Team: Finnish\n"
13 "Language: Finnish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fi\n"
15 "Country-Code: FI\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Yhden tukiliittymän linjan leveys."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Tukikaton tai -lattian yhden linjan leveys."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Tukikaton linjaleveys"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Tukikaton yhden linjan leveys."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Tukilattian linjaleveys"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Tukilattian yhden linjan leveys."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Luettelo käytettävistä linjojen kokonaislukusuunnista. Tämän luettelon elementtejä käytetään järjestyksessä kerrosten edetessä, ja kun luettelon loppu saavutetaan, aloitetaan taas alusta. Luettelon kohteet on erotettu pilkuilla, ja koko luettelo on hakasulkeiden sisällä. Oletusarvo on tyhjä luettelo, jolloin käytetään perinteisiä oletuskulmia (45 ja 135 astetta linja- ja siksak-kuvioille ja 45 astetta muille kuvioille)."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Kuution alajaon säde"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Säteen kerroin kunkin kuution keskipisteestä mallin rajojen tarkistamiseksi. Näin määritetään, tuleeko kuutioon tehdä alajako. Suuremmat arvot tuottavat enemmän alajakoja eli enemmän pieniä kuutioita."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Spagettitäyttö"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Tulostaa täytön silloin tällöin, niin että tulostuslanka kiertyy sattumanvaraisesti kappaleen sisälle. Tämä lyhentää tulostusaikaa, mutta toimintatapa on melko arvaamaton."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Spagettitäytön enimmäiskulma"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "Tulosteen sisustan suurin mahdollinen kulma Z-akseliin nähden alueilla, jotka täytetään myöhemmin spagettitäytöllä. Tämän arvon alentaminen johtaa siihen, että useampia mallin vinottaisia osia täytetään jokaisessa kerroksessa."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Spagettitäytön enimmäiskorkeus"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "Yhdistettävän ja yläpuolelta täytettävän sisätilan enimmäiskorkeus."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Spagettiliitos"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Siirtymä seinämistä, joista spagettitäyttö tulostetaan."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Spagettivirtaus"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Säätää spagettitäytön tiheyttä. Huomaa, että täyttötiheys hallitsee vain täyttökuvion linjojen välien suuruutta, ei spagettitäytön pursotusmäärää."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Laajenna ylemmät pintakalvot"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Ylimpien pintakalvojen laajennus täyttöalueelle"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1221 msgstr "Laajenna ylemmät pintakalvot (alueet, joiden yläpuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ne tukevat yläpuolista täyttöaluetta."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1282 msgstr "Laajenna ylimmät pintakalvot (alueet, joiden yläpuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ne tukevat yläpuolista täyttöaluetta."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Laajenna alemmat pintakalvot"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Alimpien pintakalvojen laajennus täyttöalueelle"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1231 msgstr "Laajenna alemmat pintakalvot (alueet, joiden alapuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ylä- ja alapuoliset täyttökerrokset ankkuroivat ne."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1292 msgstr "Laajenna alimmat pintakalvot (alueet, joiden alapuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ylä- ja alapuoliset täyttökerrokset ankkuroivat ne."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12341295 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Nopeus, jolla tuen katot ja alaosat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla nopeuksilla voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "Nopeus, jolla tuen katot ja lattiat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla nopeuksilla voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Tukikaton nopeus"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "Nopeus, jolla tuen katot tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla nopeuksilla voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Tukilattian nopeus"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "Nopeus, jolla tuen lattiat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla nopeuksilla voi parantaa mallin yläosan tuen kiinnittymistä."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Kiihtyvyys, jolla tuen katot ja alaosat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla kiihtyvyyksillä voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "Kiihtyvyys, jolla tuen katot ja lattiat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammalla kiihtyvyydellä voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Tukikaton kiihtyvyys"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "Kiihtyvyys, jolla tuen katot tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammalla kiihtyvyydellä voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Tukilattian kiihtyvyys"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "Kiihtyvyys, jolla tuen lattiat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammalla kiihtyvyydellä voi parantaa mallin yläosan tuen kiinnittymistä."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja alaosien tulostuksen nopeuden hetkellinen maksimimuutos."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2102 msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja lattioiden tulostuksen nopeuden hetkellinen maksimimuutos."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Tukikaton nykäisy"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Tuen kattojen tulostuksen nopeuden hetkellinen maksimimuutos."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Tukilattian nykäisy"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Tuen lattioiden tulostuksen nopeuden hetkellinen maksimimuutos."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Ota tuki käyttöön"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Muodosta tuki"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Ota tukirakenteet käyttöön. Nämä rakenteet tukevat mallin osia, joissa on merkittäviä ulokkeita."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Muodosta rakenteita, jotka tukevat mallin ulokkeita sisältäviä osia. Ilman tukirakenteita kyseiset osat luhistuvat tulostuksen aikana."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja alaosien tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja lattioiden tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Tukikaton suulake"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "Tuen kattojen tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Tukilattian suulake"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "Tuen lattioiden tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Mallin päällä olevan porrasmaisen tuen pohjan portaiden korkeus. Matala arvo tekee tuesta vaikeamman poistaa, mutta liian korkeat arvot voivat johtaa epävakaisiin tukirakenteisiin."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "Mallin päällä olevan porrasmaisen tuen pohjan portaiden korkeus. Matala arvo tekee tuesta vaikeamman poistaa, mutta liian korkeat arvot voivat johtaa epävakaisiin tukirakenteisiin. Poista porrasmainen ominaisuus käytöstä valitsemalla asetukseksi nolla."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Tukiportaiden askelman enimmäisleveys"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "Mallin päällä olevan porrasmaisen tuen pohjan portaiden enimmäisleveys. Matala arvo tekee tuesta vaikeamman poistaa, mutta liian korkeat arvot voivat johtaa epävakaisiin tukirakenteisiin."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Muodostaa tiheän liittymän mallin ja tuen väliin. Tällä luodaan pintakalvo tulostettavan mallin tuen yläosaan ja alaosaan, jossa se lepää mallin päällä."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Ota tukikatto käyttöön"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Muodosta tiheä materiaalilaatta tuen yläosan ja mallin välille. Se luo pintakalvon mallin ja tuen välille."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Ota tukilattia käyttöön"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Muodosta tiheä materiaalilaatta tuen alaosan ja mallin välille. Se luo pintakalvon mallin ja tuen välille."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Tukiliittymän paksuus"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Tuen alaosan paksuus"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Tukilattian paksuus"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Tuen alaosien paksuus. Tällä hallitaan sellaisten tiheiden kerrosten määrää, jotka tulostetaan mallin tukea kannattelevien kohtien päälle."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "Tuen lattioiden paksuus. Tällä hallitaan sellaisten tiheiden kerrosten määrää, jotka tulostetaan mallin tukea kannattelevien kohtien päälle."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Kun tarkistat mallia tuen päällä, toimi annetun korkeuden mukaisesti. Pienemmillä arvoilla viipalointi tapahtuu hitaammin, ja korkeammat arvot saattavat aiheuttaa normaalin tuen tulostumisen paikkoihin, joissa olisi pitänyt olla tukiliittymä."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Kun tarkistat tuen päällä ja alla olevaa mallia, toimi annetun korkeuden mukaisesti. Pienemmillä arvoilla viipalointi tapahtuu hitaammin, ja korkeammat arvot saattavat aiheuttaa normaalin tuen tulostumisen paikkoihin, joissa olisi pitänyt olla tukiliittymä."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Säätää tukirakenteen kattojen ja alaosien tiheyttä. Korkeammat arvot tuottavat parempia ulokkeita, mutta tuet on vaikeampi poistaa."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Tukiliittymän linjaetäisyys"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Tulostettujen tukiliittymän linjojen välinen etäisyys. Tämä asetus lasketaan tukiliittymän tiheysarvosta, mutta sitä voidaan säätää erikseen."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Säätää tukirakenteen kattojen ja lattioiden tiheyttä. Korkeammat arvot tuottavat parempia ulokkeita, mutta tuet on vaikeampi poistaa."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Tukikaton tiheys"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "Tukirakenteen lattian tiheys. Korkeammat arvot tuottavat parempia ulokkeita, mutta tuet on vaikeampi poistaa."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Tukikaton linjaetäisyys"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Tulostettujen tukikattolinjojen välinen etäisyys. Tämä asetus lasketaan tukikaton tiheysarvosta, mutta sitä voidaan säätää erikseen."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Tukilattian tiheys"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "Tukirakenteen lattioiden tiheys. Korkeammalla arvolla mallin yläosan tuki kiinnittyy paremmin."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Tukilattian linjaetäisyys"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Tulostettujen tukilattialinjojen välinen etäisyys. Tämä asetus lasketaan tukilattian tiheysarvosta, mutta sitä voidaan säätää erikseen."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Siksak"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Tukikaton kuvio"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Tuen kattojen tulostuskuvio."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Linjat"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Ristikko"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Kolmiot"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Samankeskinen"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Samankeskinen 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Siksak"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Tukilattian kuvio"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Tuen lattioiden tulostuskuvio."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Linjat"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Ristikko"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Kolmiot"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Samankeskinen"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Samankeskinen 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Siksak"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Käytä torneja"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Tarttuvuus"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Ota esitäyttöpisara käyttöön"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Tulostuslangan esitäyttö materiaalipisaralla ennen tulostusta. Tämän asetuksen käyttöönotolla varmistat, että suulakkeen suuttimessa on materiaalia valmiina ennen tulostusta. Myös helman tai reunuksen tulostaminen voi toimia esitäyttönä, jolloin tämän asetuksen käytöstä poisto säästää hieman aikaa."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Määrittää, mikä täyttöverkko on toisen täyttöverkon täytön sisällä. Korkeamman järjestyksen täyttöverkko muokkaa pienemmän järjestyksen täyttöverkkojen ja normaalien verkkojen täyttöä."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Leikkaava verkko"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Rajoita tämän verkon laajuus muiden verkkojen alueelle. Tällä voit määrittää tietyt yhden verkon alueet tulostumaan eri asetuksilla ja täysin eri suulakkeella."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Muotti"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Tulosta malleja muotteina, jotka voidaan valaa niin, että saadaan alustalla olevia malleja muistuttava malli."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Muotin vähimmäisleveys"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "Muotin ulkoseinän ja mallin ulkoseinän välinen vähimmäisetäisyys."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Muotin katon korkeus"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "Mallin vaakasuuntaisten osien yläpuolinen korkeus, jonka mukaan muotti tulostetaan."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Muotin kulma"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "Muottia varten luotujen ulkoseinämien ulokkeiden kulma. 0° tekee muotin ulkokuoresta pystysuoran ja 90° saa muotin ulkopuolen seuraamaan mallin muotoja."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Tukiverkko"
34183759 msgstr "Käytä tätä verkkoa tukialueiden valintaan. Sen avulla voidaan luoda tukirakenne."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Tukiverkon pudottaminen alaspäin"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Muodosta tukea kaikkialle tukiverkon alla, niin ettei tukiverkossa ole ulokkeita."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Verkko ulokkeiden estoon"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Kierukointi pehmentää ulkoreunan Z-liikettä. Se muodostaa tasaisen Z-lisän koko tulosteelle. Tämä toiminto muuttaa umpinaisen mallin yksiseinäiseksi tulosteeksi, jossa on umpinainen pohja. Vanhemmissa versioissa tätä toimintoa kutsuttiin nimellä Joris."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Kierukointi pehmentää ulkoreunan Z-liikettä. Se muodostaa tasaisen Z-lisän koko tulosteelle. Tämä toiminto muuttaa umpinaisen mallin yksiseinäiseksi tulosteeksi, jossa on umpinainen pohja. Tämä toiminto kannattaa ottaa käyttöön vain, jos jokaisessa kerroksessa on vain yksi osa."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Kierukoitujen ääriviivojen tasoittaminen"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Vähennä Z-sauman näkyvyyttä tasoittamalla kierukoidut ääriviivat (Z-sauman pitäisi olla lähes näkymätön tulosteessa, mutta kerrosnäkymässä sen voi edelleen havaita). Ota huomioon, että tasoittaminen usein sumentaa pinnan pieniä yksityiskohtia."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Mallissa käytettävä muunnosmatriisi, kun malli ladataan tiedostosta."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Yhden tukiliittymän linjan leveys."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Kuution alajaon säde"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Säteen kerroin kunkin kuution keskipisteestä mallin rajojen tarkistamiseksi. Näin määritetään, tuleeko kuutioon tehdä alajako. Suuremmat arvot tuottavat enemmän alajakoja eli enemmän pieniä kuutioita."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Laajenna ylemmät pintakalvot"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Laajenna ylemmät pintakalvot (alueet, joiden yläpuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ne tukevat yläpuolista täyttöaluetta."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Laajenna alemmat pintakalvot"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Laajenna alemmat pintakalvot (alueet, joiden alapuolella on ilmaa) niin, että ylä- ja alapuoliset täyttökerrokset ankkuroivat ne."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "Nopeus, jolla tuen katot ja alaosat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla nopeuksilla voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "Kiihtyvyys, jolla tuen katot ja alaosat tulostetaan. Niiden tulostus hitaammilla kiihtyvyyksillä voi parantaa ulokkeen laatua."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja alaosien tulostuksen nopeuden hetkellinen maksimimuutos."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Ota tuki käyttöön"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Ota tukirakenteet käyttöön. Nämä rakenteet tukevat mallin osia, joissa on merkittäviä ulokkeita."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "Tuen kattojen ja alaosien tulostukseen käytettävä suulakeryhmä. Tätä käytetään monipursotuksessa."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "Mallin päällä olevan porrasmaisen tuen pohjan portaiden korkeus. Matala arvo tekee tuesta vaikeamman poistaa, mutta liian korkeat arvot voivat johtaa epävakaisiin tukirakenteisiin."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Tuen alaosan paksuus"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "Tuen alaosien paksuus. Tällä hallitaan sellaisten tiheiden kerrosten määrää, jotka tulostetaan mallin tukea kannattelevien kohtien päälle."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Kun tarkistat mallia tuen päällä, toimi annetun korkeuden mukaisesti. Pienemmillä arvoilla viipalointi tapahtuu hitaammin, ja korkeammat arvot saattavat aiheuttaa normaalin tuen tulostumisen paikkoihin, joissa olisi pitänyt olla tukiliittymä."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Säätää tukirakenteen kattojen ja alaosien tiheyttä. Korkeammat arvot tuottavat parempia ulokkeita, mutta tuet on vaikeampi poistaa."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Tukiliittymän linjaetäisyys"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Tulostettujen tukiliittymän linjojen välinen etäisyys. Tämä asetus lasketaan tukiliittymän tiheysarvosta, mutta sitä voidaan säätää erikseen."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Kierukointi pehmentää ulkoreunan Z-liikettä. Se muodostaa tasaisen Z-lisän koko tulosteelle. Tämä toiminto muuttaa umpinaisen mallin yksiseinäiseksi tulosteeksi, jossa on umpinainen pohja. Vanhemmissa versioissa tätä toimintoa kutsuttiin nimellä Joris."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "Tulostuksessa käytettävä lämpötila. Aseta arvoon 0 esilämmittääksesi tulostimen manuaalisesti."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: fr\n"
12 "Language-Team: French\n"
13 "Language: French\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fr\n"
15 "Country-Code: FR\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Permet de modifier les paramètres de la machine (tels que volume d'impression, taille de buse, etc.)"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Paramètres de la machine"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Afficher le récapitulatif des changements"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Aplatisseur de profil"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Créer un profil de changements de qualité aplati."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Aplatir les paramètres actifs"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Le profil a été aplati et activé."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Connecté via USB"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche car l'imprimante est occupée ou n'est pas connectée."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "L'imprimante ne prend pas en charge l'impression par USB car elle utilise UltiGCode parfum."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche car l'imprimante ne prend pas en charge l'impression par USB."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Enregistrer sur un lecteur amovible {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Enregistrement sur le lecteur amovible <nomfichier>{0}</nomfichier>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer <filename>{0}</filename> : <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Enregistré sur le lecteur amovible {0} sous {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Ejecter"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Ejecter le lecteur amovible {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer sur le lecteur {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Lecteur {0} éjecté. Vous pouvez maintenant le retirer en tout sécurité."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Envoyer la demande d'accès à l'imprimante"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Connecté sur le réseau. Veuillez approuver la demande d'accès sur l'imprimante."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Connecté sur le réseau."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Connecté sur le réseau. Pas d'accès pour commander l'imprimante."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "La demande d'accès a été refusée sur l'imprimante."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Échec de la demande d'accès à cause de la durée limite."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "La connexion avec le réseau a été perdue."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "La connexion avec l'imprimante a été perdue. Vérifiez que votre imprimante est connectée."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche d'impression car l'imprimante est occupée. L'état actuel de l'imprimante est %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
373 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche d'impression car l'imprimante est occupée. Pas de PrinterCore inséré dans la fente {0}."
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
395 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche d'impression. Pas de PrintCore inséré dans la fente {0}."
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche d'impression car l'imprimante est occupée. Pas de matériau chargé dans la fente {0}."
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Pas suffisamment de matériau pour bobine {0}."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "PrintCore différent (Cura : {0}, Imprimante : {1}) sélectionné pour l'extrudeuse {2}"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Matériau différent (Cura : {0}, Imprimante : {1}) sélectionné pour l'extrudeuse {2}"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "Le PrintCore {0} n'est pas correctement calibré. Le calibrage XY doit être effectué sur l'imprimante."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir imprimer avec la configuration sélectionnée ?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "Problème de compatibilité entre la configuration ou l'étalonnage de l'imprimante et Cura. Pour un résultat optimal, découpez toujours pour les PrintCores et matériaux insérés dans votre imprimante."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Configuration différente"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Envoi des données à l'imprimante"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Annuler"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer les données à l'imprimante. Une autre tâche est-elle toujours active ?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Abandon de l'impression..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Abandon de l'impression. Vérifiez l'imprimante"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Mise en pause de l'impression..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Reprise de l'impression..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Synchroniser avec votre imprimante"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Voulez-vous utiliser votre configuration d'imprimante actuelle dans Cura ?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "Les PrintCores et / ou matériaux sur votre imprimante diffèrent de ceux de votre projet actuel. Pour un résultat optimal, découpez toujours pour les PrintCores et matériaux insérés dans votre imprimante."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Ignorer"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Profils matériels"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Offre la possibilité de lire et d'écrire des profils matériels basés sur XML."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Couches"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Cura n'affiche pas les couches avec précision lorsque l'impression filaire est activée"
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Mise à niveau de 2.4 vers 2.5"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Mise à niveau de 2.5 vers 2.6"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Configurations des mises à niveau de Cura 2.4 vers Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Configurations des mises à niveau de Cura 2.5 vers Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "Image GIF"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Le matériau sélectionné est incompatible avec la machine ou la configuration sélectionnée."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Impossible de couper avec les paramètres actuels. Les paramètres suivants contiennent des erreurs : {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "Impossible de couper car la tour primaire ou la (les) position(s) d'amorçage ne sont pas valides."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Rien à couper car aucun des modèles ne convient au volume d'impression. Mettez à l'échelle ou faites pivoter les modèles pour les faire correspondre."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Fournit le lien vers l'arrière du système de découpage CuraEngine."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Traitement des couches"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Configurer les paramètres par modèle"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Recommandé"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Personnalisé"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "Lecteur 3MF"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Fournit la prise en charge de la lecture de fichiers 3MF."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "Fichier 3MF"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Buse"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "Fichier G"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "Analyse du G-Code"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Assurez-vous que le g-code est adapté à votre imprimante et à la configuration de l'imprimante avant d'y envoyer le fichier. La représentation du g-code peut ne pas être exacte."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Profil Cura"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "Générateur 3MF"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Permet l'écriture de fichiers 3MF"
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "Fichier 3MF"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Projet Cura fichier 3MF"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Actions de la machine Ultimaker"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Fournit les actions de la machine pour les machines Ultimaker (telles que l'assistant de calibration du plateau, sélection des mises à niveau, etc.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Sélectionner les mises à niveau"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Actions de la machine Ultimaker"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Fournit les actions de la machine pour les machines Ultimaker (telles que l'assistant de calibration du plateau, sélection des mises à niveau, etc.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Fournit la prise en charge de l'importation de profils Cura."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Matériau inconnu"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Recherche d'un nouvel emplacement pour les objets"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Impossible de trouver un emplacement dans le volume d'impression pour tous les objets"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Le fichier existe déjà"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Le fichier <filename>{0}</filename> existe déjà. Êtes vous sûr de vouloir le remplacer ?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Impossible de trouver un profil de qualité pour cette combinaison. Les paramètres par défaut seront utilisés à la place."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Personnalisé"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Matériau personnalisé"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Échec de l'exportation du profil vers <filename>{0}</filename> : <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Échec de l'exportation du profil vers <filename>{0}</filename> : Le plug-in du générateur a rapporté une erreur."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Profil exporté vers <filename>{0}</filename>"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Échec de l'importation du profil depuis le fichier <filename>{0}</filename> : <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Importation du profil {0} réussie"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Le profil {0} est un type de fichier inconnu ou est corrompu."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Personnaliser le profil"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Il manque un type de qualité au profil."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Impossible de trouver un type de qualité {0} pour la configuration actuelle."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "La hauteur du volume d'impression a été réduite en raison de la valeur du paramètre « Séquence d'impression » afin d'éviter que le portique ne heurte les modèles imprimés."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Multiplication et placement d'objets"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Oups !"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Rapport d'incident"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Une erreur fatale que nous ne pouvons résoudre s'est produite !</p>\n <p>Nous espérons que cette image d'un chaton vous aidera à vous remettre du choc.</p>\n <p>Veuillez utiliser les informations ci-dessous pour envoyer un rapport d'erreur à <a href=\"\"></a></p>"
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Une erreur fatale que nous ne pouvons résoudre s'est produite !</p>\n <p>Veuillez utiliser les informations ci-dessous pour envoyer un rapport d'erreur à <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Ouvrir la page Web"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Chargement des machines..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Préparation de la scène..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Chargement de l'interface..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Un seul fichier G-Code peut être chargé à la fois. Importation de {0} sautée"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir un autre fichier si le G-Code est en cours de chargement. Importation de {0} sautée"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Paramètres de la machine"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Indiquez les bons paramètres pour votre imprimante ci-dessous :"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Imprimante"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Paramètres de l'imprimante"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (Largeur)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (Profondeur)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (Hauteur)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Forme du plateau"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Le centre de la machine est zéro"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Plateau chauffant"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "GCode Parfum"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Paramètres de la tête d'impression"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X min"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X max"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y max"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Hauteur du portique"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Nombre d'extrudeuses"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Diamètre du matériau"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Taille de la buse"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Début Gcode"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Fin Gcode"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Paramètres de la buse"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Décalage buse X"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Décalage buse Y"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "Extrudeuse Gcode de démarrage"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "Extrudeuse Gcode de fin"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Paramètres Doodle3D"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Enregistrer"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Code erreur inconnue : %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Connecter à l'imprimante en réseau"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Pour imprimer directement sur votre imprimante sur le réseau, assurez-vous que votre imprimante est connectée au réseau via un câble réseau ou en connectant votre imprimante à votre réseau Wi-Fi. Si vous ne connectez pas Cura avec votre imprimante, vous pouvez utiliser une clé USB pour transférer les fichiers g-code sur votre imprimante.\n\nSélectionnez votre imprimante dans la liste ci-dessous :"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Ajouter"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Modifier"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Supprimer"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Rafraîchir"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Si votre imprimante n'apparaît pas dans la liste, lisez le <a href='%1'>guide de dépannage de l'impression en réseau</a>"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Type"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Inconnu"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Version du firmware"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Adresse"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "L'imprimante à cette adresse n'a pas encore répondu."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Connecter"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Adresse de l'imprimante"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Saisissez l'adresse IP ou le nom d'hôte de votre imprimante sur le réseau."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "Ok"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Modifier les scripts de post-traitement actifs"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Mode d’affichage : couches"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Modèle de couleurs"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Couleur du matériau"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Type de ligne"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Mode de compatibilité"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Extrudeur %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Afficher les déplacements"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Afficher les aides"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Afficher la coque"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Afficher le remplissage"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Afficher uniquement les couches supérieures"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "Afficher 5 niveaux détaillés en haut"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Haut / bas"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Paroi interne"
14871580 msgstr "Lissage"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "OK"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Imprimer le modèle avec"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Sélectionner les paramètres"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Sélectionner les paramètres pour personnaliser ce modèle"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filtrer..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Afficher tout"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Ouvrir un projet"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Mettre à jour l'existant"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Créer"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Résumé - Projet Cura"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Paramètres de l'imprimante"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Comment le conflit de la machine doit-il être résolu ?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Type"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Nom"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Paramètres de profil"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Comment le conflit du profil doit-il être résolu ?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Absent du profil"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 écrasent"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 écrase"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Dérivé de"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 écrasent"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 écrase"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Paramètres du matériau"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Comment le conflit du matériau doit-il être résolu ?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Visibilité des paramètres"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Mode"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Paramètres visibles :"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 sur %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Le chargement d'un projet effacera tous les modèles sur le plateau"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Ouvrir"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Sélectionner les mises à niveau de l'imprimante"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Sélectionnez les mises à niveau disponibles pour cet Ultimaker 2."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Blocage Olsson"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Sélectionner le firmware personnalisé"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Sélectionner les mises à niveau de l'imprimante"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "L'imprimante n'accepte pas les commandes"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "En maintenance. Vérifiez l'imprimante"
18311928 msgstr "Connexion avec l'imprimante perdue"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Impression..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "En pause"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Préparation..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir abandonner l'impression ?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Annuler ou conserver les modifications"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Vous avez personnalisé certains paramètres du profil.\nSouhaitez-vous conserver ces changements, ou les annuler ?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Paramètres du profil"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Par défaut"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Personnalisé"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Toujours me demander"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Annuler et ne plus me demander"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Conserver et ne plus me demander"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Annuler"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Conserver"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Informations"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Afficher le nom"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Marque"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Type de matériau"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Couleur"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Propriétés"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Densité"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Diamètre"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Coût du filament"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Poids du filament"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Longueur du filament"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Coût au mètre"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Ce matériau est lié à %1 et partage certaines de ses propriétés."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Délier le matériau"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Description"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Informations d'adhérence"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Paramètres d'impression"
20442151 msgstr "Unité"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Général"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Interface"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Langue :"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Devise :"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour que les changements de langue prennent effet."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Thème :"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour que ces changements prennent effet."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Découper automatiquement si les paramètres sont modifiés."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Découper automatiquement"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Comportement Viewport"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Surligne les parties non supportées du modèle en rouge. Sans ajouter de support, ces zones ne s'imprimeront pas correctement."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Mettre en surbrillance les porte-à-faux"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2100 msgstr "Bouge la caméra afin que le modèle sélectionné se trouve au centre de la vue."
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2217 msgstr "Déplace la caméra afin que le modèle sélectionné se trouve au centre de la vue."
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Centrer la caméra lorsqu'un élément est sélectionné"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Le comportement de zoom par défaut de Cura doit-il être inversé ?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Inverser la direction du zoom de la caméra."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "Les modèles dans la zone d'impression doivent-ils être déplacés afin de ne plus se croiser ?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Veillez à ce que les modèles restent séparés"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "Les modèles dans la zone d'impression doivent-ils être abaissés afin de toucher le plateau ?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Abaisser automatiquement les modèles sur le plateau"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Afficher le message d'avertissement dans le lecteur gcode."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Message d'avertissement dans lecteur gcode."
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "La couche doit-elle être forcée en mode de compatibilité ?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Forcer l'affichage de la couche en mode de compatibilité (redémarrage requis)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Ouvrir et enregistrer des fichiers"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "Les modèles doivent-ils être mis à l'échelle du volume d'impression s'ils sont trop grands ?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Réduire la taille des modèles trop grands"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Un modèle peut apparaître en tout petit si son unité est par exemple en mètres plutôt qu'en millimètres. Ces modèles doivent-ils être agrandis ?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle les modèles extrêmement petits"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Un préfixe basé sur le nom de l'imprimante doit-il être automatiquement ajouté au nom de la tâche d'impression ?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Ajouter le préfixe de la machine au nom de la tâche"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Un résumé doit-il être affiché lors de l'enregistrement d'un fichier de projet ?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Afficher la boîte de dialogue du résumé lors de l'enregistrement du projet"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Comportement par défaut lors de l'ouverture d'un fichier de projet"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Comportement par défaut lors de l'ouverture d'un fichier de projet : "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Toujours demander"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Toujours ouvrir comme projet"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Toujours importer les modèles"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Lorsque vous apportez des modifications à un profil puis passez à un autre profil, une boîte de dialogue apparaît, vous demandant si vous souhaitez conserver les modifications. Vous pouvez aussi choisir une option par défaut, et le dialogue ne s'affichera plus."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Écraser le profil"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Confidentialité"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Cura doit-il vérifier les mises à jour au démarrage du programme ?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Vérifier les mises à jour au démarrage"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "Les données anonymes de votre impression doivent-elles être envoyées à Ultimaker ? Notez qu'aucun modèle, aucune adresse IP ni aucune autre information permettant de vous identifier personnellement ne seront envoyés ou stockés."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "Envoyer des informations (anonymes) sur l'impression"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Imprimantes"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Activer"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Type d'imprimante :"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Connexion :"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "L'imprimante n'est pas connectée."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "État :"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "En attente du dégagement du plateau"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "En attente d'une tâche d'impression"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profils"
22912453 msgstr "Dupliquer"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Importer"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Exporter"
23632525 msgstr "Exporter un profil"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Matériaux"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Imprimante : %1, %2 : %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Imprimante : %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Créer"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Dupliquer"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Importer un matériau"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Impossible d'importer le matériau <nomfichier>%1</nomfichier> : <message>%2</message>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Matériau <nomfichier>%1</nomfichier> importé avec succès"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Exporter un matériau"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Échec de l'export de matériau vers <nomfichier>%1</nomfichier> : <message>%2</message>"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Matériau exporté avec succès vers <nomfichier>%1</nomfichier>"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Ajouter une imprimante"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Ajouter une imprimante"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Paroi externe"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Parois internes"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Couche extérieure"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Remplissage"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Remplissage du support"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Interface du support"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Support"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Déplacement"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Rétractions"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Autre"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00 h 00 min"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "Icônes SVG"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Rechercher..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Copier la valeur vers tous les extrudeurs"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Masquer ce paramètre"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Masquer ce paramètre"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Afficher ce paramètre"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Configurer la visibilité des paramètres..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Configuration de l'impression désactivée\nLes fichiers G-Code ne peuvent pas être modifiés"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Configuration de l'impression recommandée</b><br/><br/>Imprimer avec les paramètres recommandés pour l'imprimante, le matériau et la qualité sélectionnés."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Configuration de l'impression personnalisée</b><br/><br/>Imprimer avec un contrôle fin de chaque élément du processus de découpe."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automatique : %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automatique : %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Imprimer le modèle sélectionné avec :"
2899 msgstr[1] "Imprimer les modèles sélectionnés avec :"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Multiplier le modèle sélectionné"
2906 msgstr[1] "Multiplier les modèles sélectionnés"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Nombre de copies"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Durée restante estimée"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Passer en P&lein écran"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "&Annuler"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "&Rétablir"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Quitter"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Configurer Cura..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "&Ajouter une imprimante..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Gérer les &imprimantes..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Gérer les matériaux..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Mettre à jour le profil à l'aide des paramètres / forçages actuels"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Ignorer les modifications actuelles"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Créer un profil à partir des paramètres / forçages actuels..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Gérer les profils..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Afficher la &documentation en ligne"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Notifier un &bug"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "&À propos de..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "&Supprimer la sélection"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "Supprimer le modèle &sélectionné"
3083 msgstr[1] "Supprimer les modèles &sélectionnés"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Centrer le modèle sélectionné"
3090 msgstr[1] "Centrer les modèles sélectionnés"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Multiplier le modèle sélectionné"
3097 msgstr[1] "Multiplier les modèles sélectionnés"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Supprimer le modèle"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Ce&ntrer le modèle sur le plateau"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "&Grouper les modèles"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Dégrouper les modèles"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "&Fusionner les modèles"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "&Multiplier le modèle..."
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "&Sélectionner tous les modèles"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Supprimer les objets du plateau"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "Rechar&ger tous les modèles"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Réorganiser tous les modèles"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Réorganiser la sélection"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Réinitialiser toutes les positions des modèles"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Réinitialiser tous les modèles et transformations"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "&Ouvrir un fichier..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Ouvrir le(s) fichier(s)..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "&Ouvrir un projet..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Nouveau projet..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "Afficher le &journal du moteur..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Afficher le dossier de configuration"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Configurer la visibilité des paramètres..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Multiplier le modèle"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Découpe indisponible"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Préparer"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Annuler"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Sélectionner le périphérique de sortie actif"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Ouvrir le(s) fichier(s)"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Nous avons trouvé au moins un fichier de projet parmi les fichiers que vous avez sélectionnés. Vous ne pouvez ouvrir qu'un seul fichier de projet à la fois. Nous vous conseillons de n'importer que les modèles de ces fichiers. Souhaitez-vous continuer ?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Importer tout comme modèles"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Fichier"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "Enregi&strer la sélection dans un fichier"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "Enregistrer &tout"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Enregistrer &sous..."
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Enregistrer le projet"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Modifier"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Visualisation"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "&Paramètres"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "Im&primante"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Matériau"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profil"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Définir comme extrudeur actif"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "E&xtensions"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "P&références"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Aide"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Mode d’affichage"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Paramètres"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Nouveau projet"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de souhaiter lancer un nouveau projet ? Cela supprimera les objets du plateau ainsi que tous paramètres non enregistrés."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Ouvrir l'espace de travail"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Ouvrir le(s) fichier(s)"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Nous avons trouvé au moins un fichier G-Code parmi les fichiers que vous avez sélectionné. Vous ne pouvez ouvrir qu'un seul fichier G-Code à la fois. Si vous souhaitez ouvrir un fichier G-Code, veuillez ne sélectionner qu'un seul fichier de ce type."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Enregistrer le projet"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Extrudeuse %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 & matériau"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Ne pas afficher à nouveau le résumé du projet lors de l'enregistrement"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Remplissage"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Creux"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "L'absence de remplissage (0 %) laissera votre modèle creux pour une solidité faible"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Clairsemé"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Un remplissage clairsemé (20 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité moyenne"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Dense"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Un remplissage dense (50 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité supérieure à la moyenne"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Solide"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Un remplissage solide (100 %) rendra votre modèle vraiment résistant"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Activer les supports"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Active les structures de support. Ces structures soutiennent les modèles présentant d'importants porte-à-faux."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0 %"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Un remplissage vide laissera votre modèle creux pour une solidité faible."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20 %"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Un remplissage clairsemé (20 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité moyenne."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50 %"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Un remplissage dense (50 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité supérieure à la moyenne."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100 %"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Un remplissage solide (100 %) rendra votre modèle vraiment résistant."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Graduel"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Un remplissage graduel augmentera la quantité de remplissage vers le haut."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Générer les supports"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Générer des structures pour soutenir les parties du modèle qui possèdent des porte-à-faux. Sans ces structures, ces parties s'effondreront durant l'impression."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Extrudeuse de soutien"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Sélectionnez l'extrudeur à utiliser comme support. Cela créera des structures de support sous le modèle afin de l'empêcher de s'affaisser ou de s'imprimer dans les airs."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Adhérence au plateau"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Activez l'impression d'une bordure ou plaquette (Brim/Raft). Cela ajoutera une zone plate autour de ou sous votre objet qui est facile à découper par la suite."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Besoin d'aide pour améliorer vos impressions ? Lisez les <a href='%1'>Guides de dépannage Ultimaker</a>"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Besoin d'aide pour améliorer vos impressions ?<br>Lisez les <a href='%1'>Guides de dépannage Ultimaker</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Imprimer le modèle sélectionné avec %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Imprimer les modèles sélectionnés avec %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier de projet"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Ceci est un fichier de projet Cura. Souhaitez-vous l'ouvrir comme projet ou en importer les modèles ?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Se souvenir de mon choix"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Ouvrir comme projet"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Importer les modèles"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Matériau"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Cliquez ici pour vérifier la compatibilité des matériaux sur"
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profil :"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Certaines valeurs de paramètre / forçage sont différentes des valeurs enregistrées dans le profil. \n\nCliquez pour ouvrir le gestionnaire de profils."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Impossible de démarrer une nouvelle tâche d'impression car l'imprimante est occupée. Pas de PrinterCore inséré dans la fente {0}."
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Mise à niveau de 2.4 vers 2.5"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Configurations des mises à niveau de Cura 2.4 vers Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Impossible de trouver un profil de qualité pour cette combinaison. Les paramètres par défaut seront utilisés à la place."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Oups !"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Une erreur fatale que nous ne pouvons résoudre s'est produite !</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Nous espérons que cette image d'un chaton vous aidera à vous remettre du choc.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Veuillez utiliser les informations ci-dessous pour envoyer un rapport d'erreur à <a href=\"\"></a></p>"
3564 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3565 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3566 #~ msgstr "Indiquez les bons paramètres pour votre imprimante ci-dessous :"
3568 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3569 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3570 #~ msgstr "Extrudeur %1"
3572 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3573 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3574 #~ msgstr "Imprimer le modèle avec"
3576 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3577 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3578 #~ msgstr "Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour que les changements de langue prennent effet."
3580 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3581 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3582 #~ msgstr "Bouge la caméra afin que le modèle sélectionné se trouve au centre de la vue."
3584 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3585 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3586 #~ msgstr "&Supprimer la sélection"
3588 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3589 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3590 #~ msgstr "&Ouvrir un fichier..."
3592 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3593 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3594 #~ msgstr "&Ouvrir un projet..."
3596 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3597 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3598 #~ msgstr "Multiplier le modèle"
3600 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3601 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3602 #~ msgstr "Enregistrer &tout"
3604 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3605 #~ msgid "Open file"
3606 #~ msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"
3608 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3609 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3610 #~ msgstr "Ouvrir l'espace de travail"
3612 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3613 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3614 #~ msgstr "Creux"
3616 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3617 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3618 #~ msgstr "L'absence de remplissage (0 %) laissera votre modèle creux pour une solidité faible"
3620 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3621 #~ msgid "Light"
3622 #~ msgstr "Clairsemé"
3624 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3625 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3626 #~ msgstr "Un remplissage clairsemé (20 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité moyenne"
3628 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3629 #~ msgid "Dense"
3630 #~ msgstr "Dense"
3632 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3633 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3634 #~ msgstr "Un remplissage dense (50 %) donnera à votre modèle une solidité supérieure à la moyenne"
3636 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3637 #~ msgid "Solid"
3638 #~ msgstr "Solide"
3640 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3641 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3642 #~ msgstr "Un remplissage solide (100 %) rendra votre modèle vraiment résistant"
3644 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3645 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3646 #~ msgstr "Activer les supports"
3648 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3649 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3650 #~ msgstr "Active les structures de support. Ces structures soutiennent les modèles présentant d'importants porte-à-faux."
3652 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3653 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3654 #~ msgstr "Besoin d'aide pour améliorer vos impressions ? Lisez les <a href='%1'>Guides de dépannage Ultimaker</a>"
3656 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993657 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003658 #~ msgstr "Connecté sur le réseau à {0}. Veuillez approuver la demande d'accès sur l'imprimante."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: fr\n"
12 "Language-Team: French\n"
13 "Language: French\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fr\n"
15 "Country-Code: FR\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "Le train d'extrudeuse utilisé pour l'impression. Cela est utilisé en multi-extrusion."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Diamètre de la buse"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Le diamètre intérieur de la buse. Modifiez ce paramètre si vous utilisez une taille de buse non standard."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: fr\n"
12 "Language-Team: French\n"
13 "Language: French\n"
14 "Lang-Code: fr\n"
15 "Country-Code: FR\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Largeur d'une seule ligne d'interface de support."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Largeur d'une seule ligne de plafond ou de bas de support."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Largeur de ligne de plafond de support"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Largeur d'une seule ligne de plafond de support."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Largeur de ligne de bas de support"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Largeur d'une seule ligne de bas de support."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Une liste de sens de ligne (exprimés en nombres entiers) à utiliser. Les éléments de la liste sont utilisés de manière séquentielle à mesure de l'avancement des couches. La liste reprend depuis le début lorsque la fin est atteinte. Les éléments de la liste sont séparés par des virgules et la liste entière est encadrée entre crochets. La valeur par défaut est une liste vide, ce qui signifie que les angles traditionnels par défaut seront utilisés (45 et 135 degrés pour les motifs en lignes et en zig zag et 45 degrés pour tout autre motif)."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Rayon de la subdivision cubique"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Un multiplicateur du rayon à partir du centre de chaque cube pour vérifier la bordure du modèle, afin de décider si ce cube doit être subdivisé. Des valeurs plus importantes entraînent plus de subdivisions et donc des cubes plus petits."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Remplissage en spaghettis"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Imprime régulièrement le remplissage afin que les filaments s'enroulent de manière chaotique à l'intérieur de l'objet. Cela permet de réduire le temps d'impression, mais le comportement sera assez imprévisible."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Angle maximal de remplissage en spaghettis"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "L'angle maximal pour l'axe Z de l'intérieur de l'impression pour les zones à remplir ensuite par remplissage en spaghettis. Le fait de réduire cette valeur entraînera le remplissage de plus de parties inclinées sur chaque couche dans votre modèle."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Hauteur maximale du remplissage en spaghettis"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "La hauteur maximale de l'espace intérieur qui peut être combiné et rempli depuis le haut."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Insert en spaghettis"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Le décalage à partir des parois depuis lesquelles le remplissage en spaghettis sera imprimé."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Flux en spaghettis"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Ajuste la densité du remplissage en spaghettis. Veuillez noter que la densité de remplissage ne contrôle que l'espacement de ligne du motif de remplissage, et non le montant d'extrusion du remplissage en spaghettis."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures supérieures"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures supérieures dans le remplissage"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1221 msgstr "Étendre les zones de couches extérieures supérieures (zones ayant de l'air au-dessus d'elles) de sorte que le remplissage au-dessus repose sur elles."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1282 msgstr "Étendre les zones de couches extérieures supérieures (zones ayant de l'air au-dessus d'elles) de sorte à ce que le remplissage au-dessus repose sur elles."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures inférieures"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures inférieures dans le remplissage"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
12311292 msgstr "Étendre les zones de couches extérieures inférieures (zones ayant de l'air en-dessous d'elles) de sorte à ce qu'elles soient ancrées par les couches de remplissage au-dessus et en-dessous."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
16411702 msgstr "La vitesse à laquelle les plafonds et bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer à de plus faibles vitesses améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Vitesse d'impression des plafonds de support"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "La vitesse à laquelle les plafonds de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer à de plus faibles vitesses améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Vitesse d'impression des bas de support"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "La vitesse à laquelle le bas de support est imprimé. L'impression à une vitesse plus faible permet de renforcer l'adhésion du support au-dessus de votre modèle."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "L'accélération selon laquelle les plafonds et bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer avec des accélérations plus faibles améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "L'accélération selon laquelle les plafonds et bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer avec une accélération plus faible améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Accélération des plafonds de support"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "L'accélération selon laquelle les plafonds de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer avec une accélération plus faible améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Accélération des bas de support"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "L'accélération selon laquelle les bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer avec une accélération plus faible renforce l'adhésion du support au-dessus du modèle."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
20012102 msgstr "Le changement instantané maximal de vitesse selon lequel les plafonds et bas sont imprimés."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Saccade des plafonds de support"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Le changement instantané maximal de vitesse selon lequel les plafonds de support sont imprimés."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Saccade des bas de support"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Le changement instantané maximal de vitesse selon lequel les bas de support sont imprimés."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Activer les supports"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Générer les supports"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Active les supports. Ces supports soutiennent les modèles présentant d'importants porte-à-faux."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Générer des structures pour soutenir les parties du modèle qui possèdent des porte-à-faux. Sans ces structures, ces parties s'effondreront durant l'impression."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
23762497 msgstr "Le train d'extrudeuse à utiliser pour l'impression des plafonds et bas du support. Cela est utilisé en multi-extrusion."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Extrudeuse des plafonds de support"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "Le train d'extrudeuse à utiliser pour l'impression des plafonds du support. Cela est utilisé en multi-extrusion."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Extrudeuse des bas de support"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "Le train d'extrudeuse à utiliser pour l'impression des bas du support. Cela est utilisé en multi-extrusion."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "La hauteur de la marche du support en forme d'escalier reposant sur le modèle. Une valeur faible rend le support plus difficile à enlever, mais des valeurs trop élevées peuvent entraîner des supports instables."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "La hauteur de la marche du support en forme d'escalier reposant sur le modèle. Une valeur faible rend le support plus difficile à enlever, mais des valeurs trop élevées peuvent entraîner des supports instables. Définir la valeur sur zéro pour désactiver le comportement en forme d'escalier."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Largeur maximale de la marche de support"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "La largeur maximale de la marche du support en forme d'escalier reposant sur le modèle. Une valeur faible rend le support plus difficile à enlever, mais des valeurs trop élevées peuvent entraîner des supports instables."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Générer une interface dense entre le modèle et le support. Cela créera une couche sur le dessus du support sur lequel le modèle est imprimé et sur le dessous du support sur lequel le modèle repose."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Activer les plafonds de support"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Générer une plaque dense de matériau entre le plafond du support et le modèle. Cela créera une couche extérieure entre le modèle et le support."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Activer les bas de support"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Générer une plaque dense de matériau entre le bas du support et le modèle. Cela créera une couche extérieure entre le modèle et le support."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Épaisseur de l'interface de support"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
26112782 msgstr "Épaisseur du bas de support"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
26162787 msgstr "L'épaisseur des bas de support. Cela contrôle le nombre de couches denses imprimées sur le dessus des endroits d'un modèle sur lequel le support repose."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Lors de la vérification de l'emplacement d'un modèle au-dessus du support, effectue des étapes de la hauteur définie. Des valeurs plus faibles découperont plus lentement, tandis que des valeurs plus élevées peuvent causer l'impression d'un support normal à des endroits où il devrait y avoir une interface de support."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Lors de la vérification de l'emplacement d'un modèle au-dessus et en-dessous du support, effectuer des étapes de la hauteur définie. Des valeurs plus faibles découperont plus lentement, tandis que des valeurs plus élevées peuvent causer l'impression d'un support normal à des endroits où il devrait y avoir une interface de support."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
26362807 msgstr "Ajuste la densité des plafonds et bas de la structure de support. Une valeur plus élevée résulte en de meilleurs porte-à-faux, mais les supports sont plus difficiles à enlever."
26382809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Distance d'écartement de ligne d'interface de support"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Distance entre les lignes d'interface de support imprimées. Ce paramètre est calculé par la densité de l'interface de support mais peut également être défini séparément."
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Densité du plafond de support"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "La densité des plafonds de la structure de support. Une valeur plus élevée résulte en de meilleurs porte-à-faux, mais les supports sont plus difficiles à enlever."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Distance d'écartement de ligne du plafond de support"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Distance entre les lignes du plafond de support imprimées. Ce paramètre est calculé par la densité du plafond de support mais peut également être défini séparément."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Densité du bas de support"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "La densité des bas de la structure de support. Une valeur plus élevée résulte en une meilleure adhésion du support au-dessus du modèle."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Distance d'écartement de ligne de bas de support"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Distance entre les lignes du bas de support imprimées. Ce paramètre est calculé par la densité du bas de support mais peut également être défini séparément."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zig Zag"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Motif du plafond de support"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Le motif d'impression pour les plafonds de support."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Lignes"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Grille"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Triangles"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Concentrique"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Concentrique 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Motif du bas de support"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Le motif d'impression pour les bas de support."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Lignes"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Grille"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Triangles"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Concentrique"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Concentrique 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Utilisation de tours"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Adhérence"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Activer la goutte de préparation"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Préparer les filaments avec une goutte avant l'impression. Ce paramètre permet d'assurer que l'extrudeuse disposera de matériau prêt au niveau de la buse avant l'impression. La jupe/bordure d'impression peut également servir de préparation, auquel cas le fait de laisser ce paramètre désactivé permet de gagner un peu de temps."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Détermine quelle maille de remplissage se trouve à l'intérieur du remplissage d'une autre maille de remplissage. Une maille de remplissage possédant un ordre plus élevé modifiera le remplissage des mailles de remplissage ayant un ordre plus bas et des mailles normales."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Maille de coupe"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Limiter le volume de ce maillage à celui des autres maillages. Cette option permet de faire en sorte que certaines zones d'un maillage s'impriment avec des paramètres différents et avec une extrudeuse entièrement différente."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Moule"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Imprimer les modèles comme moule, qui peut être coulé afin d'obtenir un modèle ressemblant à ceux présents sur le plateau."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Largeur minimale de moule"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "La distance minimale entre l'extérieur du moule et l'extérieur du modèle."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Hauteur du plafond de moule"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "La hauteur au-dessus des parties horizontales dans votre modèle pour laquelle imprimer le moule."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Angle du moule"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "L'angle de porte-à-faux des parois externes créées pour le moule. La valeur 0° rendra la coque externe du moule verticale, alors que 90° fera que l'extérieur du modèle suive les contours du modèle."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Maillage de support"
34183759 msgstr "Utiliser ce maillage pour spécifier des zones de support. Cela peut être utilisé pour générer une structure de support."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Maillage de support descendant"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Inclure du support à tout emplacement sous le maillage de support, de sorte à ce qu'il n'y ait pas de porte-à-faux dans le maillage de support."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Maillage anti-surplomb"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Cette fonction ajuste le déplacement en Z sur le bord extérieur. Cela va créer une augmentation stable de Z sur toute l’impression. Cette fonction transforme un modèle solide en une impression à paroi unique avec une base solide. Dans les versions précédentes, cette fonction s’appelait « Joris »."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Cette fonction ajuste le déplacement en Z sur le bord extérieur. Cela va créer une augmentation stable de Z sur toute l’impression. Cette fonction transforme un modèle solide en une impression à paroi unique avec une base solide. Cette fonctionnalité doit être activée seulement lorsque chaque couche contient uniquement une seule partie."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Lisser les contours spiralisés"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Lisser les contours spiralisés pour réduire la visibilité de la jointure en Z (la jointure en Z doit être à peine visible sur l'impression mais sera toujours visible dans la vue en couches). Veuillez remarquer que le lissage aura tendance à estomper les détails fins de la surface."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Matrice de transformation à appliquer au modèle lors de son chargement depuis le fichier."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Largeur d'une seule ligne d'interface de support."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Rayon de la subdivision cubique"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Un multiplicateur du rayon à partir du centre de chaque cube pour vérifier la bordure du modèle, afin de décider si ce cube doit être subdivisé. Des valeurs plus importantes entraînent plus de subdivisions et donc des cubes plus petits."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures supérieures"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Étendre les zones de couches extérieures supérieures (zones ayant de l'air au-dessus d'elles) de sorte que le remplissage au-dessus repose sur elles."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Étendre les couches extérieures inférieures"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Étendre les zones de couches extérieures inférieures (zones ayant de l'air en-dessous d'elles) de sorte à ce qu'elles soient ancrées par les couches de remplissage au-dessus et en-dessous."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "La vitesse à laquelle les plafonds et bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer à de plus faibles vitesses améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "L'accélération selon laquelle les plafonds et bas de support sont imprimés. Les imprimer avec des accélérations plus faibles améliore la qualité des porte-à-faux."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Le changement instantané maximal de vitesse selon lequel les plafonds et bas sont imprimés."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Activer les supports"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Active les supports. Ces supports soutiennent les modèles présentant d'importants porte-à-faux."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "Le train d'extrudeuse à utiliser pour l'impression des plafonds et bas du support. Cela est utilisé en multi-extrusion."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "La hauteur de la marche du support en forme d'escalier reposant sur le modèle. Une valeur faible rend le support plus difficile à enlever, mais des valeurs trop élevées peuvent entraîner des supports instables."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Épaisseur du bas de support"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "L'épaisseur des bas de support. Cela contrôle le nombre de couches denses imprimées sur le dessus des endroits d'un modèle sur lequel le support repose."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Lors de la vérification de l'emplacement d'un modèle au-dessus du support, effectue des étapes de la hauteur définie. Des valeurs plus faibles découperont plus lentement, tandis que des valeurs plus élevées peuvent causer l'impression d'un support normal à des endroits où il devrait y avoir une interface de support."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Ajuste la densité des plafonds et bas de la structure de support. Une valeur plus élevée résulte en de meilleurs porte-à-faux, mais les supports sont plus difficiles à enlever."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Distance d'écartement de ligne d'interface de support"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Distance entre les lignes d'interface de support imprimées. Ce paramètre est calculé par la densité de l'interface de support mais peut également être défini séparément."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Cette fonction ajuste le déplacement en Z sur le bord extérieur. Cela va créer une augmentation stable de Z sur toute l’impression. Cette fonction transforme un modèle solide en une impression à paroi unique avec une base solide. Dans les versions précédentes, cette fonction s’appelait « Joris »."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "La température utilisée pour l'impression. Définissez-la sur 0 pour préchauffer manuellement l'imprimante."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: es\n"
12 "Language-Team: Italian\n"
13 "Language: Italian\n"
14 "Lang-Code: it\n"
15 "Country-Code: IT\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Fornisce un modo per modificare le impostazioni della macchina (come il volume di stampa, la dimensione ugello, ecc.)"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Impostazioni macchina"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Visualizza registro modifiche"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Appiattitore di profilo"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Crea un profilo appiattito."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Impostazioni attive profilo appiattito"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Il profilo è stato appiattito e attivato."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Connesso tramite USB"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa perché la stampante è occupata o non collegata."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "Questa stampante non supporta la stampa tramite USB in quanto utilizza la versione UltiGCode."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa perché la stampante non supporta la stampa tramite USB."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Salva su unità rimovibile {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Salvataggio su unità rimovibile <filename>{0}</filename>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "Impossibile salvare <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Salvato su unità rimovibile {0} come {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Rimuovi"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Rimuovi il dispositivo rimovibile {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Impossibile salvare su unità rimovibile {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Espulso {0}. È ora possibile rimuovere in modo sicuro l'unità."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Invia la richiesta di accesso alla stampante"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Collegato alla rete. Si prega di approvare la richiesta di accesso sulla stampante."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Collegato alla rete."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Collegato alla rete. Nessun accesso per controllare la stampante."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Richiesta di accesso negata sulla stampante."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Richiesta di accesso non riuscita per superamento tempo."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "Il collegamento con la rete si è interrotto."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "Il collegamento con la stampante si è interrotto. Controllare la stampante per verificare se è collegata."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa perché la stampante è occupata. Stato stampante corrente %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
373 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa. Nessun PrinterCore caricato nello slot {0}"
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
395 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa. Nessun Printcore caricato nello slot {0}"
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa. Nessun materiale caricato nello slot {0}"
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Materiale per la bobina insufficiente {0}."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "PrintCore diverso (Cura: {0}, Stampante: {1}) selezionato per l’estrusore {2}"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Materiale diverso (Cura: {0}, Stampante: {1}) selezionato per l’estrusore {2}"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "Print core {0} non correttamente calibrato. Eseguire la calibrazione XY sulla stampante."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler stampare con la configurazione selezionata?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "Le configurazioni o la calibrazione della stampante e di Cura non corrispondono. Per ottenere i migliori risultati, sezionare sempre per i PrintCore e i materiali inseriti nella stampante utilizzata."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Mancata corrispondenza della configurazione"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Invio dati alla stampante in corso"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Annulla"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Impossibile inviare i dati alla stampante. Altro processo ancora attivo?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Interruzione stampa in corso..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Stampa interrotta. Controllare la stampante"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Messa in pausa stampa..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Ripresa stampa..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Sincronizzazione con la stampante"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Desideri utilizzare la configurazione corrente della tua stampante in Cura?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "I PrintCore e/o i materiali della stampante sono diversi da quelli del progetto corrente. Per ottenere i migliori risultati, sezionare sempre per i PrintCore e i materiali inseriti nella stampante utilizzata."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Ignora"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Profili del materiale"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Offre la possibilità di leggere e scrivere profili di materiali basati su XML."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Strati"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Cura non visualizza in modo accurato gli strati se la funzione Wire Printing è abilitata"
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Aggiornamento della versione da 2.4 a 2.5"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Aggiornamento della versione da 2.5 a 2.6"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Aggiorna le configurazioni da Cura 2.4 a Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Aggiorna le configurazioni da Cura 2.5 a Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "Immagine GIF"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Il materiale selezionato è incompatibile con la macchina o la configurazione selezionata."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il sezionamento con le impostazioni attuali. Le seguenti impostazioni presentano errori: {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il sezionamento perché la torre di innesco o la posizione di innesco non sono valide."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Nulla da sezionare in quanto nessuno dei modelli corrisponde al volume di stampa. Ridimensionare o ruotare i modelli secondo necessità."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Fornisce il collegamento al back-end di sezionamento CuraEngine."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Elaborazione dei livelli"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Configura impostazioni per modello"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Consigliata"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Personalizzata"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "Lettore 3MF"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Fornisce il supporto per la lettura di file 3MF."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "File 3MF"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Ugello"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "File G"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "Parsing codice G"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Verifica che il codice G sia idoneo alla tua stampante e alla sua configurazione prima di trasmettere il file. La rappresentazione del codice G potrebbe non essere accurata."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Profilo Cura"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "Writer 3MF"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Fornisce il supporto per la scrittura di file 3MF."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "File 3MF"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "File 3MF Progetto Cura"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Azioni della macchina Ultimaker"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Fornisce azioni macchina per le macchine Ultimaker (come la procedura guidata di livellamento del piano di stampa, la selezione degli aggiornamenti, ecc.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Seleziona aggiornamenti"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Azioni della macchina Ultimaker"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Fornisce azioni macchina per le macchine Ultimaker (come la procedura guidata di livellamento del piano di stampa, la selezione degli aggiornamenti, ecc.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Fornisce supporto per l'importazione dei profili Cura."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Materiale sconosciuto"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Ricerca nuova posizione per gli oggetti"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Impossibile individuare una posizione nel volume di stampa per tutti gli oggetti"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Il file esiste già"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Il file <filename>{0}</filename> esiste già. Sei sicuro di voler sovrascrivere?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Impossibile trovare un profilo di qualità per questa combinazione. Saranno utilizzate le impostazioni predefinite."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Personalizzata"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Materiale personalizzato"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Impossibile esportare profilo su <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Impossibile esportare profilo su <filename>{0}</filename>: Errore di plugin writer."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Profilo esportato su <filename>{0}</filename>"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Impossibile importare profilo da <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Profilo importato correttamente {0}"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Il profilo {0} ha un tipo di file sconosciuto o corrotto."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Profilo personalizzato"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Il profilo è privo del tipo di qualità."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Impossibile trovare un tipo qualità {0} per la configurazione corrente."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "L’altezza del volume di stampa è stata ridotta a causa del valore dell’impostazione \"Sequenza di stampa” per impedire la collisione del gantry con i modelli stampati."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Moltiplicazione e collocazione degli oggetti"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Oops!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Rapporto su crash"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Si è verificata un'eccezione fatale impossibile da ripristinare!</p>\n <p>Ci auguriamo che l’immagine di questo gattino vi aiuti a superare lo shock.</p>\n <p>Utilizzare le informazioni riportate di seguito per pubblicare una segnalazione errori all'indirizzo <a href=\"\"></a></p>"
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Si è verificata un'eccezione fatale che non stato possibile superare!</p>\n <p>Utilizzare le informazioni sotto riportate per inviare un rapporto sull'errore a <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Apri pagina Web"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Caricamento macchine in corso..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Impostazione scena in corso..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Caricamento interfaccia in corso..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "È possibile caricare un solo file codice G per volta. Importazione saltata {0}"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "Impossibile aprire altri file durante il caricamento del codice G. Importazione saltata {0}"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Impostazioni macchina"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Inserire le impostazioni corrette per la stampante:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Stampante"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Impostazioni della stampante"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (Larghezza)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (Profondità)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (Altezza)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Forma del piano di stampa"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Centro macchina a zero"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Piano riscaldato"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "Versione GCode"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Impostazioni della testina di stampa"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X min"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X max"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y max"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Altezza gantry"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Numero di estrusori"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Diametro materiale"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Dimensione ugello"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Avvio GCode"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Fine GCode"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Impostazioni ugello"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Scostamento X ugello"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Scostamento Y ugello"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "Codice G avvio estrusore"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "Codice G fine estrusore"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Impostazioni Doodle3D"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Salva"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Codice errore sconosciuto: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Collega alla stampante in rete"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Per stampare direttamente sulla stampante in rete, verificare che la stampante desiderata sia collegata alla rete mediante un cavo di rete o mediante collegamento alla rete WIFI. Se si collega Cura alla stampante, è comunque possibile utilizzare una chiavetta USB per trasferire i file codice G alla stampante.\n\nSelezionare la stampante dall’elenco seguente:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Aggiungi"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Modifica"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Rimuovi"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Aggiorna"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Se la stampante non è nell’elenco, leggere la <a href=’%1’>guida alla ricerca guasti per la stampa in rete</a>"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Tipo"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Sconosciuto"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Versione firmware"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Indirizzo"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "La stampante a questo indirizzo non ha ancora risposto."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Collega"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Indirizzo stampante"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Inserire l’indirizzo IP o l’hostname della stampante sulla rete."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "Ok"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Modifica script di post-elaborazione attivi"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Modalità di visualizzazione: strati"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Schema colori"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Colore materiale"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Tipo di linea"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Modalità di compatibilità"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Estrusore %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Mostra spostamenti"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Mostra helper"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Mostra guscio"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Mostra riempimento"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Mostra solo strati superiori"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "Mostra 5 strati superiori in dettaglio"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Superiore / Inferiore"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Parete interna"
14871580 msgstr "Smoothing"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "OK"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Modello di stampa con"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Seleziona impostazioni"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Seleziona impostazioni di personalizzazione per questo modello"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filtro..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Mostra tutto"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Apri progetto"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Aggiorna esistente"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Crea nuovo"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Riepilogo - Progetto Cura"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Impostazioni della stampante"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Come può essere risolto il conflitto nella macchina?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Tipo"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Nome"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Impostazioni profilo"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Come può essere risolto il conflitto nel profilo?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Non nel profilo"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 override"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 override"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Derivato da"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 override"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 override"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Impostazioni materiale"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Come può essere risolto il conflitto nel materiale?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Impostazione visibilità"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Modalità"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Impostazioni visibili:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 su %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Il caricamento di un modello annulla tutti i modelli sul piano di stampa"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Apri"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Seleziona gli aggiornamenti della stampante"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Seleziona qualsiasi aggiornamento realizzato per questa Ultimaker 2."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Blocco Olsson"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Seleziona il firmware personalizzato"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Seleziona gli aggiornamenti della stampante"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "La stampante non accetta comandi"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "In manutenzione. Controllare la stampante"
18311928 msgstr "Persa connessione con la stampante"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Stampa in corso..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "In pausa"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Preparazione in corso..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler interrompere la stampa?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Elimina o mantieni modifiche"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Sono state personalizzate alcune impostazioni del profilo.\nMantenere o eliminare tali impostazioni?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Impostazioni profilo"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Valore predefinito"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Valore personalizzato"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Chiedi sempre"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Elimina e non chiedere nuovamente"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Mantieni e non chiedere nuovamente"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Elimina"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Mantieni"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Crea nuovo profilo"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Informazioni"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Visualizza nome"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Marchio"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Tipo di materiale"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Colore"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Proprietà"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Densità"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Diametro"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Costo del filamento"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Peso del filamento"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Lunghezza del filamento"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Costo al metro"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Questo materiale è collegato a %1 e condivide alcune delle sue proprietà."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Scollega materiale"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Descrizione"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Informazioni sull’aderenza"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Impostazioni di stampa"
20442151 msgstr "Unità"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Generale"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Interfaccia"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Lingua:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Valuta:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Riavviare l'applicazione per rendere effettive le modifiche della lingua."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Tema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Riavviare l'applicazione per rendere effettive le modifiche."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Seziona automaticamente alla modifica delle impostazioni."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Seziona automaticamente"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Comportamento del riquadro di visualizzazione"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Evidenzia in rosso le zone non supportate del modello. In assenza di supporto, queste aree non saranno stampate in modo corretto."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Visualizza sbalzo"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
21002217 msgstr "Sposta la fotocamera in modo che il modello si trovi al centro della visualizzazione quando è selezionato"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Centratura fotocamera alla selezione dell'elemento"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Il comportamento dello zoom predefinito di Cura dovrebbe essere invertito?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Inverti la direzione dello zoom della fotocamera."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "I modelli sull’area di stampa devono essere spostati per evitare intersezioni?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Assicurarsi che i modelli siano mantenuti separati"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "I modelli sull’area di stampa devono essere portati a contatto del piano di stampa?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Rilascia automaticamente i modelli sul piano di stampa"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Visualizza il messaggio di avvertimento sul lettore codice G."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Messaggio di avvertimento sul lettore codice G"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "Lo strato deve essere forzato in modalità di compatibilità?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Forzare la modalità di compatibilità visualizzazione strato (riavvio necessario)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Apertura e salvataggio file"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "I modelli devono essere ridimensionati al volume di stampa, se troppo grandi?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Ridimensiona i modelli troppo grandi"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Un modello può apparire eccessivamente piccolo se la sua unità di misura è espressa in metri anziché in millimetri. Questi modelli devono essere aumentati?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Ridimensiona i modelli eccessivamente piccoli"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Al nome del processo di stampa deve essere aggiunto automaticamente un prefisso basato sul nome della stampante?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Aggiungi al nome del processo un prefisso macchina"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Quando si salva un file di progetto deve essere visualizzato un riepilogo?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Visualizza una finestra di riepilogo quando si salva un progetto"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Comportamento predefinito all'apertura di un file progetto"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Comportamento predefinito all'apertura di un file progetto: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Chiedi sempre"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Apri sempre come progetto"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Importa sempre i modelli"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Dopo aver modificato un profilo ed essere passati a un altro, si apre una finestra di dialogo che chiede se mantenere o eliminare le modifiche oppure se scegliere un comportamento predefinito e non visualizzare più tale finestra di dialogo."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Override profilo"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Privacy"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Cura deve verificare la presenza di eventuali aggiornamenti all’avvio del programma?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Controlla aggiornamenti all’avvio"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "I dati anonimi sulla stampa devono essere inviati a Ultimaker? Nota, non sono trasmessi o memorizzati modelli, indirizzi IP o altre informazioni personali."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "Invia informazioni di stampa (anonime)"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Stampanti"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Attiva"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Tipo di stampante:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Collegamento:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "La stampante non è collegata."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Stato:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "In attesa di qualcuno che cancelli il piano di stampa"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "In attesa di un processo di stampa"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profili"
22912453 msgstr "Duplica"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Importa"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Esporta"
23632525 msgstr "Esporta profilo"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Materiali"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Stampante: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Stampante: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Crea"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Duplica"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Importa materiale"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Impossibile importare materiale <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Materiale importato correttamente <filename>%1</filename>"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Esporta materiale"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Impossibile esportare materiale su <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Materiale esportato correttamente su <filename>%1</filename>"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Aggiungi stampante"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Aggiungi stampante"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Parete esterna"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Pareti interne"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Rivestimento esterno"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Riempimento"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Riempimento del supporto"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Interfaccia supporto"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Supporto"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Spostamenti"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Retrazioni"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Altro"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00h 00min"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "Icone SVG"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Ricerca..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Copia valore su tutti gli estrusori"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Nascondi questa impostazione"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Nascondi questa impostazione"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Mantieni visibile questa impostazione"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Configurazione visibilità delle impostazioni in corso..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Impostazione di stampa disabilitata\nI file codice G non possono essere modificati"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Impostazione di stampa consigliata</b><br/><br/>Stampa con le impostazioni consigliate per la stampante, il materiale e la qualità selezionati."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Impostazione di stampa personalizzata</b><br/><br/>Stampa con il controllo grana fine su ogni sezione finale del processo di sezionamento."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automatico: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automatico: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Stampa modello selezionato con:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Stampa modelli selezionati con:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Moltiplica modello selezionato"
2906 msgstr[1] "Moltiplica modelli selezionati"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Numero di copie"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Tempo residuo stimato"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Att&iva/disattiva schermo intero"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "&Annulla"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "Ri&peti"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "E&sci"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Configura Cura..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "A&ggiungi stampante..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "&Gestione stampanti..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Gestione materiali..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Aggiorna il profilo con le impostazioni/esclusioni correnti"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Elimina le modifiche correnti"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Crea profilo dalle impostazioni/esclusioni correnti..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Gestione profili..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Mostra documentazione &online"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Se&gnala un errore"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "I&nformazioni..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "&Elimina selezione"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "Cancella &modello selezionato"
3083 msgstr[1] "Cancella modelli &selezionati"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Centra modello selezionato"
3090 msgstr[1] "Centra modelli selezionati"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Moltiplica modello selezionato"
3097 msgstr[1] "Moltiplica modelli selezionati"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Elimina modello"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "C&entra modello su piattaforma"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "&Raggruppa modelli"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Separa modelli"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "&Unisci modelli"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "Mo&ltiplica modello"
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "Sel&eziona tutti i modelli"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Cancellare piano di stampa"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "R&icarica tutti i modelli"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Sistema tutti i modelli"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Sistema selezione"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Reimposta tutte le posizioni dei modelli"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Reimposta tutte le &trasformazioni dei modelli"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "Apr&i file..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Apri file..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "&Apri progetto..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Nuovo Progetto..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "M&ostra log motore..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Mostra cartella di configurazione"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Configura visibilità delle impostazioni..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Moltiplica modello"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Sezionamento non disponibile"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Prepara"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Annulla"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Seleziona l'unità di uscita attiva"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Apri file"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Rilevata la presenza di uno o più file progetto tra i file selezionati. È possibile aprire solo un file progetto alla volta. Si suggerisce di importare i modelli solo da tali file. Vuoi procedere?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Importa tutto come modelli"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&File"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "&Salva selezione su file"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "S&alva tutto"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Salva &come..."
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Salva progetto"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Modifica"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Visualizza"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "&Impostazioni"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "S&tampante"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "Ma&teriale"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profilo"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Imposta come estrusore attivo"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "Es&tensioni"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "P&referenze"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Help"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Apri file"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Modalità di visualizzazione"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Impostazioni"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Nuovo progetto"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler aprire un nuovo progetto? Questo cancellerà il piano di stampa e tutte le impostazioni non salvate."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
3353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
30673355 msgstr "Apri file"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3070 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Apri spazio di lavoro"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Rilevata la presenza di uno o più file codice G tra i file selezionati. È possibile aprire solo un file codice G alla volta. Se desideri aprire un file codice G, selezionane uno solo. "
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Salva progetto"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Estrusore %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 & materiale"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Non mostrare il riepilogo di progetto alla ripetizione di salva"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Riempimento"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Cavo"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Nessun (0%) riempimento lascerà il tuo cavo modello a scapito della resistenza (bassa resistenza)"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Leggero"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Un riempimento leggero (20%) fornirà al modello una resistenza media"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Denso"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Un riempimento denso (50%) fornirà al modello una resistenza superiore alla media"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Solido"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Un riempimento solido (100%) renderà il modello completamente pieno"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Abilita supporto"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Abilita le strutture di supporto. Queste strutture supportano le parti del modello con sbalzi rigidi."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0%"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Un riempimento vuoto lascerà il modello cavo e poco resistente."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20%"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Un riempimento leggero (20%) fornirà al modello una resistenza media."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50%"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Un riempimento denso (50%) fornirà al modello una resistenza superiore alla media."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100%"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Un riempimento solido (100%) renderà il modello completamente pieno."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Graduale"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Un riempimento graduale aumenterà gradualmente la quantità di riempimento verso l'alto."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Generazione supporto"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Genera strutture per supportare le parti del modello a sbalzo. Senza queste strutture, queste parti collasserebbero durante la stampa."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Estrusore del supporto"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Seleziona l’estrusore da utilizzare per la stampa di strutture di supporto. Ciò consentirà di costruire strutture di supporto sotto il modello per evitare cedimenti del modello o di stampare a mezz'aria."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Adesione piano di stampa"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Abilita stampa di brim o raft. Questa funzione aggiunge un’area piana attorno o sotto l’oggetto, facile da tagliare successivamente."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Serve aiuto per migliorare le tue stampe? Leggi la <a href='%1'>Guida alla ricerca e riparazione guasti Ultimaker</a>"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Serve aiuto per migliorare le tue stampe? <br>Leggi <a href='%1'>la Guida alla ricerca e riparazione guasti Ultimaker</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Stampa modello selezionato con %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Stampa modelli selezionati con %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Apri file progetto"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Questo è un file progetto Cura. Vuoi aprirlo come progetto o importarne i modelli?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Ricorda la scelta"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Apri come progetto"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Importa i modelli"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Materiale"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Fai clic per verificare la compatibilità del materiale su"
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profilo:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Alcuni valori di impostazione/esclusione sono diversi dai valori memorizzati nel profilo.\n\nFare clic per aprire la gestione profili."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Impossibile avviare un nuovo processo di stampa. Nessun PrinterCore caricato nello slot {0}"
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Aggiornamento della versione da 2.4 a 2.5"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Aggiorna le configurazioni da Cura 2.4 a Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Impossibile trovare un profilo di qualità per questa combinazione. Saranno utilizzate le impostazioni predefinite."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Oops!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Si è verificata un'eccezione fatale impossibile da ripristinare!</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Ci auguriamo che l’immagine di questo gattino vi aiuti a superare lo shock.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Utilizzare le informazioni riportate di seguito per pubblicare una segnalazione errori all'indirizzo <a href=\"\"></a></p>"
3564 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3565 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3566 #~ msgstr "Inserire le impostazioni corrette per la stampante:"
3568 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3569 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3570 #~ msgstr "Estrusore %1"
3572 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3573 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3574 #~ msgstr "Modello di stampa con"
3576 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3577 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3578 #~ msgstr "Riavviare l'applicazione per rendere effettive le modifiche della lingua."
3580 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3581 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3582 #~ msgstr "Sposta la fotocamera in modo che il modello si trovi al centro della visualizzazione quando è selezionato"
3584 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3585 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3586 #~ msgstr "&Elimina selezione"
3588 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3589 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3590 #~ msgstr "Apr&i file..."
3592 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3593 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3594 #~ msgstr "&Apri progetto..."
3596 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3597 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3598 #~ msgstr "Moltiplica modello"
3600 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3601 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3602 #~ msgstr "S&alva tutto"
3604 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3605 #~ msgid "Open file"
3606 #~ msgstr "Apri file"
3608 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3609 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3610 #~ msgstr "Apri spazio di lavoro"
3612 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3613 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3614 #~ msgstr "Cavo"
3616 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3617 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3618 #~ msgstr "Nessun (0%) riempimento lascerà il tuo cavo modello a scapito della resistenza (bassa resistenza)"
3620 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3621 #~ msgid "Light"
3622 #~ msgstr "Leggero"
3624 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3625 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3626 #~ msgstr "Un riempimento leggero (20%) fornirà al modello una resistenza media"
3628 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3629 #~ msgid "Dense"
3630 #~ msgstr "Denso"
3632 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3633 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3634 #~ msgstr "Un riempimento denso (50%) fornirà al modello una resistenza superiore alla media"
3636 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3637 #~ msgid "Solid"
3638 #~ msgstr "Solido"
3640 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3641 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3642 #~ msgstr "Un riempimento solido (100%) renderà il modello completamente pieno"
3644 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3645 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3646 #~ msgstr "Abilita supporto"
3648 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3649 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3650 #~ msgstr "Abilita le strutture di supporto. Queste strutture supportano le parti del modello con sbalzi rigidi."
3652 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3653 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3654 #~ msgstr "Serve aiuto per migliorare le tue stampe? Leggi la <a href='%1'>Guida alla ricerca e riparazione guasti Ultimaker</a>"
3656 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993657 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003658 #~ msgstr "Collegato alla rete a {0}. Si prega di approvare la richiesta di accesso sulla stampante."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: it\n"
12 "Language-Team: Italian\n"
13 "Language: Italian\n"
14 "Lang-Code: it\n"
15 "Country-Code: IT\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "Treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Diametro ugello"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Diametro interno dell'ugello. Modificare questa impostazione quando si utilizza un ugello di dimensioni non standard."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: it\n"
12 "Language-Team: Italian\n"
13 "Language: Italian\n"
14 "Lang-Code: it\n"
15 "Country-Code: IT\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Indica la larghezza di una singola linea dell’interfaccia di supporto."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Indica la larghezza di una singola linea di supporto superiore o inferiore."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Larghezza delle linee di supporto superiori"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Indica la larghezza di una singola linea di supporto superiore."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Larghezza della linea di supporto inferiore"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Indica la larghezza di una singola linea di supporto inferiore."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Un elenco di direzioni linee intere. Gli elementi dall’elenco sono utilizzati in sequenza con il progredire degli strati e, al raggiungimento della fine dell’elenco, la sequenza ricomincia dall’inizio. Le voci elencate sono separate da virgole e l’intero elenco è racchiuso tra parentesi quadre. L’elenco predefinito è vuoto, vale a dire che utilizza i valori angolari predefiniti (45 e 135 gradi per le linee e la configurazione zig zag e 45 gradi per tutte le altre configurazioni)."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Raggio suddivisione in cubi"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Un moltiplicatore sul raggio dal centro di ciascun cubo per controllare il contorno del modello, per decidere se questo cubo deve essere suddiviso. Valori maggiori comportano più suddivisioni, vale a dire più cubi piccoli."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Riempimento a spaghetti"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Stampa il riempimento di tanto in tanto, in modo che il filamento si avvolga in modo casuale all'interno dell'oggetto. Questo riduce il tempo di stampa, ma il comportamento rimane imprevedibile."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Angolo di riempimento massimo a spaghetti"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "Angolo massimo attorno all'asse Z dell'interno stampa per le aree da riempire successivamente con riempimento a spaghetti. La riduzione di questo valore causa la formazione di un maggior numero di parti angolate nel modello da riempire su ogni strato."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Altezza massima riempimento a spaghetti"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "Indica l'altezza massima dello spazio interno che può essere combinato e riempito a partire dall'alto."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Inserto spaghetti"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Distanza dalle pareti dalla quale il riempimento a spaghetti verrà stampato."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Flusso spaghetti"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Regola la densità del riempimento a spaghetti. Notare che la densità del riempimento controlla solo la spaziatura lineare del percorso di riempimento, non la quantità di estrusione per il riempimento a spaghetti."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni superiori"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni superiori nel riempimento"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
12211282 msgstr "Prolunga le aree di rivestimento esterno superiori (aree con aria al di sopra) in modo che supportino il riempimento sovrastante."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni inferiori"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni inferiori nel riempimento"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
12311292 msgstr "Prolunga aree rivestimento esterno inferiori (aree con aria al di sotto) in modo che siano ancorate dagli strati di riempimento sovrastanti e sottostanti."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Indica la velocità alla quale sono stampate le parti superiori (tetto) e inferiori del supporto. La stampa di queste parti a velocità inferiori può ottimizzare la qualità delle parti a sbalzo."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "Velocità alla quale vengono stampate le parti superiori e inferiori del supporto. La loro stampa a velocità inferiori può migliorare la qualità dello sbalzo."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Velocità di stampa della parte superiore (tetto) del supporto"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "Velocità alla quale vengono stampate le parti superiori del supporto. La loro stampa a velocità inferiori può migliorare la qualità dello sbalzo."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Velocità di stampa della parte inferiore del supporto"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "Velocità alla quale viene stampata la parte inferiore del supporto. La stampa ad una velocità inferiore può migliorare l'adesione del supporto nella parte superiore del modello."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Indica l’accelerazione alla quale sono stampate le parti superiori (tetto) e inferiori del supporto. La stampa di queste parti ad accelerazioni inferiori può ottimizzare la qualità delle parti a sbalzo."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "Accelerazione alla quale vengono stampate le parti superiori e inferiori del supporto. La loro stampa ad un'accelerazione inferiore può migliorare la qualità dello sbalzo."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Accelerazione parte superiore del supporto"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "Accelerazione alla quale vengono stampate le parti superiori del supporto. La loro stampa ad un'accelerazione inferiore può migliorare la qualità dello sbalzo."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Accelerazione parte inferiore del supporto"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "Accelerazione alla quale vengono stampate le parti inferiori del supporto. La stampa ad una accelerazione inferiore può migliorare l'adesione del supporto nella parte superiore del modello."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "Indica il cambio della velocità istantanea massima con cui vengono stampate le parti superiori e inferiori."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2102 msgstr "Indica la variazione della velocità istantanea massima con cui vengono stampate le parti superiori e inferiori."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Jerk parte superiore del supporto"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Indica la variazione della velocità istantanea massima con cui vengono stampate le parti superiori."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Jerk parte inferiore del supporto"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Indica la variazione della velocità istantanea massima con cui vengono stampate le parti inferiori."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Abilitazione del supporto"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Generazione supporto"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Abilita le strutture di supporto. Queste strutture supportano le parti del modello con sbalzi rigidi."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Genera strutture per supportare le parti del modello a sbalzo. Senza queste strutture, queste parti collasserebbero durante la stampa."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "Il treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa delle parti superiori e inferiori del supporto. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "Treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa delle parti superiori e inferiori del supporto. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Estrusore parte superiore del supporto"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "Treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa delle parti superiori del supporto. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Estrusore parte inferiore del supporto"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "Treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa delle parti inferiori del supporto. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Indica l'altezza dei gradini della parte inferiore del supporto (a guisa di scala) in appoggio sul modello. Un valore basso rende difficoltosa la rimozione del supporto, ma un valore troppo alto può comportare strutture di supporto instabili."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "Altezza dei gradini della parte inferiore del supporto a scala che appoggia sul modello. Un valore inferiore rende il supporto più difficile da rimuovere, ma valori troppo elevati possono rendere instabili le strutture di supporto. Impostare a zero per disabilitare il profilo a scala."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Larghezza massima gradino supporto"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "Larghezza massima dei gradini della parte inferiore del supporto a scala che appoggia sul modello. Un valore inferiore rende il supporto più difficile da rimuovere, ma valori troppo elevati possono rendere instabili le strutture di supporto."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Genera un’interfaccia densa tra il modello e il supporto. Questo crea un rivestimento esterno sulla sommità del supporto su cui viene stampato il modello e al fondo del supporto, dove appoggia sul modello."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Abilitazione irrobustimento parte superiore (tetto) del supporto"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Genera una spessa lastra di materiale tra la parte superiore del supporto e il modello. Questo crea un rivestimento tra modello e supporto."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Abilitazione parte inferiore supporto"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Genera una spessa lastra di materiale tra la parte inferiore del supporto e il modello. Questo crea un rivestimento tra modello e supporto."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Spessore interfaccia supporto"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Spessore degli strati inferiori del supporto"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Spessore parte inferiore del supporto"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Indica lo spessore degli strati inferiori del supporto. Questo controlla il numero di strati fitti stampati sulla sommità dei punti di un modello su cui appoggia un supporto."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "Indica lo spessore delle parti inferiori del supporto. Questo controlla il numero di strati fitti stampati sulla sommità dei punti di un modello su cui appoggia un supporto."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Quando si controlla la presenza di un modello sopra il supporto, adottare gradini di una data altezza. Valori inferiori generano un sezionamento più lento, mentre valori superiori possono causare la stampa del supporto normale in punti in cui avrebbe dovuto essere presente un’interfaccia supporto."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Quando si controlla dove si trova il modello sopra e sotto il supporto, procedere ad intervalli di altezza prestabilita. Valori inferiori causeranno un sezionamento più lento, mentre valori più alti potrebbero causare la stampa del supporto normale in alcuni punti in cui dovrebbe esserci un'interfaccia di supporto."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Regola la densità delle parti superiori e inferiori della struttura del supporto. Un valore superiore genera sbalzi migliori, ma i supporti sono più difficili da rimuovere."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Distanza della linea di interfaccia supporto"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Indica la distanza tra le linee di interfaccia del supporto stampato. Questa impostazione viene calcolata mediante la densità dell’interfaccia del supporto, ma può essere regolata separatamente."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Regola la densità delle parti superiori e inferiori della struttura di supporto. Un valore superiore genera sbalzi migliori, ma i supporti sono più difficili da rimuovere."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Densità parte superiore (tetto) del supporto"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "Densità delle parti superiori della struttura di supporto. Un valore superiore genera sbalzi migliori, ma i supporti sono più difficili da rimuovere."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Distanza tra le linee della parte superiore (tetto) del supporto"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Distanza tra le linee della parte superiore del supporto stampate. Questa impostazione viene calcolata dalla densità della parte superiore del supporto, ma può essere regolata separatamente."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Densità parte inferiore del supporto"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "Densità delle parti inferiori della struttura di supporto. Un valore più alto comporta una migliore adesione del supporto alla parte superiore del modello."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Distanza della linea di supporto inferiore"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Distanza tra le linee della parte inferiore del supporto stampate. Questa impostazione viene calcolata dalla densità della parte inferiore del supporto, ma può essere regolata separatamente."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zig Zag"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Configurazione della parte superiore (tetto) del supporto"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "È la configurazione (o pattern) con cui vengono stampate le parti superiori del supporto."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Linee"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Griglia"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Triangoli"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Concentriche"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "3D concentrica"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Configurazione della parte inferiore del supporto"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "È la configurazione (o pattern) con cui vengono stampate le parti inferiori del supporto."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Linee"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Griglia"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Triangoli"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Concentriche"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "3D concentrica"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Utilizzo delle torri"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Adesione"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Abilitazione blob di innesco"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Eventuale innesco del filamento con un blob prima della stampa. L'attivazione di questa impostazione garantisce che l'estrusore avrà il materiale pronto all'ugello prima della stampa. Anche la stampa Brim o Skirt può funzionare da innesco, nel qual caso la disabilitazione di questa impostazione consente di risparmiare tempo."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Determina quale maglia di riempimento è all’interno del riempimento di un’altra maglia di riempimento. Una maglia di riempimento con un ordine superiore modifica il riempimento delle maglie con maglie di ordine inferiore e normali."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Ritaglio maglia"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Limita il volume di questa maglia all'interno di altre maglie. Questo può essere utilizzato per stampare talune aree di una maglia con impostazioni diverse e con un diverso estrusore."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Stampo"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Stampa i modelli come uno stampo, che può essere fuso per ottenere un modello che assomigli ai modelli sul piano di stampa."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Larghezza minimo dello stampo"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "Distanza minima tra l'esterno dello stampo e l'esterno del modello."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Altezza parte superiore dello stampo"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "Altezza sopra le parti orizzontali del modello che stampano lo stampo."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Angolo stampo"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "Angolo dello sbalzo delle pareti esterne creato per il modello. 0° rende il guscio esterno dello stampo verticale, mentre 90° fa in modo che il guscio esterno dello stampo segua il profilo del modello."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Supporto maglia"
34183759 msgstr "Utilizzare questa maglia per specificare le aree di supporto. Può essere usata per generare una struttura di supporto."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Maglia supporto di discesa"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Rappresenta il supporto ovunque sotto la maglia di supporto, in modo che in questa non vi siano punti a sbalzo."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Maglia anti-sovrapposizione"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Questa funzione regolarizza il movimento dell'asse Z del bordo esterno. Questo creerà un costante aumento di Z su tutta la stampa. Questa funzione trasforma un modello solido in una stampa a singola parete con un fondo solido. Nelle versioni precedenti questa funzione era denominata Joris."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Appiattisce il contorno esterno attorno all'asse Z con movimento spiraliforme. Questo crea un aumento costante lungo l'asse Z durante tutto il processo di stampa. Questa caratteristica consente di ottenere un modello pieno in una singola stampata con fondo solido. Questa caratteristica deve essere abilitata solo quando ciascuno strato contiene solo una singola parte."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Levigazione dei profili con movimento spiraliforme"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Leviga i profili con movimento spiraliforme per ridurre la visibilità della giunzione Z (la giunzione Z dovrebbe essere appena visibile sulla stampa, ma rimane visibile nella vista dello strato). Notare che la levigatura tende a rimuovere le bavature fini della superficie."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Matrice di rotazione da applicare al modello quando caricato dal file."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Indica la larghezza di una singola linea dell’interfaccia di supporto."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Raggio suddivisione in cubi"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Un moltiplicatore sul raggio dal centro di ciascun cubo per controllare il contorno del modello, per decidere se questo cubo deve essere suddiviso. Valori maggiori comportano più suddivisioni, vale a dire più cubi piccoli."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni superiori"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Prolunga le aree di rivestimento esterno superiori (aree con aria al di sopra) in modo che supportino il riempimento sovrastante."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Prolunga rivestimenti esterni inferiori"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Prolunga aree rivestimento esterno inferiori (aree con aria al di sotto) in modo che siano ancorate dagli strati di riempimento sovrastanti e sottostanti."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "Indica la velocità alla quale sono stampate le parti superiori (tetto) e inferiori del supporto. La stampa di queste parti a velocità inferiori può ottimizzare la qualità delle parti a sbalzo."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "Indica l’accelerazione alla quale sono stampate le parti superiori (tetto) e inferiori del supporto. La stampa di queste parti ad accelerazioni inferiori può ottimizzare la qualità delle parti a sbalzo."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Indica il cambio della velocità istantanea massima con cui vengono stampate le parti superiori e inferiori."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Abilitazione del supporto"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Abilita le strutture di supporto. Queste strutture supportano le parti del modello con sbalzi rigidi."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "Il treno estrusore utilizzato per la stampa delle parti superiori e inferiori del supporto. Utilizzato nell’estrusione multipla."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "Indica l'altezza dei gradini della parte inferiore del supporto (a guisa di scala) in appoggio sul modello. Un valore basso rende difficoltosa la rimozione del supporto, ma un valore troppo alto può comportare strutture di supporto instabili."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Spessore degli strati inferiori del supporto"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "Indica lo spessore degli strati inferiori del supporto. Questo controlla il numero di strati fitti stampati sulla sommità dei punti di un modello su cui appoggia un supporto."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Quando si controlla la presenza di un modello sopra il supporto, adottare gradini di una data altezza. Valori inferiori generano un sezionamento più lento, mentre valori superiori possono causare la stampa del supporto normale in punti in cui avrebbe dovuto essere presente un’interfaccia supporto."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Regola la densità delle parti superiori e inferiori della struttura del supporto. Un valore superiore genera sbalzi migliori, ma i supporti sono più difficili da rimuovere."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Distanza della linea di interfaccia supporto"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Indica la distanza tra le linee di interfaccia del supporto stampato. Questa impostazione viene calcolata mediante la densità dell’interfaccia del supporto, ma può essere regolata separatamente."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Questa funzione regolarizza il movimento dell'asse Z del bordo esterno. Questo creerà un costante aumento di Z su tutta la stampa. Questa funzione trasforma un modello solido in una stampa a singola parete con un fondo solido. Nelle versioni precedenti questa funzione era denominata Joris."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "Indica la temperatura usata per la stampa. Impostare a 0 per pre-riscaldare la stampante manualmente."
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-03 10:30+1000\n"
11 "Last-Translator: Ultimaker's Japanese Sales Partner <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Ultimaker's Japanese Sales Partner <>\n"
13 "Language: jp\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Japanese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ja\n"
15 "Country-Code: JP\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2628 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2729 msgstr "設定を変更する方法 (例としてビルトボリューム, ノズルサイズ, その他)"
29 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
31 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3032 msgctxt "@action"
3133 msgid "Machine Settings"
3234 msgstr "Machine Settings"
127129 msgid "Show Changelog"
128130 msgstr "Show Changelog"
132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
133 msgctxt "@label"
134 msgid "Profile flatener"
135 msgstr ""
137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
138 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
139 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
140 msgstr ""
142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
143 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
144 msgid "Flatten active settings"
145 msgstr ""
147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
148 msgctxt "@info:status"
149 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
150 msgstr ""
130152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
131153 msgctxt "@label"
132154 msgid "USB printing"
157179 msgid "Connected via USB"
158180 msgstr "Connected via USB"
160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
161183 msgctxt "@info:status"
162184 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
163185 msgstr "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
166188 msgctxt "@info:status"
167189 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
168190 msgstr "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
171193 msgctxt "@info:status"
172194 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
173195 msgstr "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
204226 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
205227 msgstr "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
208230 #, python-brace-format
209231 msgctxt "@info:progress"
210232 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
211233 msgstr "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
215237 #, python-brace-format
216238 msgctxt "@info:status"
217239 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
218240 msgstr "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
221243 #, python-brace-format
222244 msgctxt "@info:status"
223245 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
224246 msgstr "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
227249 msgctxt "@action:button"
228250 msgid "Eject"
229251 msgstr "Eject"
231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
232254 #, python-brace-format
233255 msgctxt "@action"
234256 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
235257 msgstr "Eject removable device {0}"
237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
238260 #, python-brace-format
239261 msgctxt "@info:status"
240262 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
241263 msgstr "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
244266 #, python-brace-format
245267 msgctxt "@info:status"
246268 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
247269 msgstr "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
250272 #, python-brace-format
251273 msgctxt "@info:status"
252274 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
326348 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
327349 msgstr "Send access request to the printer"
329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
330352 msgctxt "@info:status"
331353 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
332354 msgstr "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
335357 msgctxt "@info:status"
336358 msgid "Connected over the network."
337359 msgstr "Connected over the network."
339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
340362 msgctxt "@info:status"
341363 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
342364 msgstr "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
345367 msgctxt "@info:status"
346368 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
347369 msgstr "Access request was denied on the printer."
349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350372 msgctxt "@info:status"
351373 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
352374 msgstr "Access request failed due to a timeout."
354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355377 msgctxt "@info:status"
356378 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
357379 msgstr "The connection with the network was lost."
359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360382 msgctxt "@info:status"
361383 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
362384 msgstr "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365387 #, python-format
366388 msgctxt "@info:status"
367389 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
368390 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
371393 #, python-brace-format
372394 msgctxt "@info:status"
373 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
374 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
396 msgstr ""
398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
377399 #, python-brace-format
378400 msgctxt "@info:status"
379401 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
380402 msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
383405 #, python-brace-format
384406 msgctxt "@label"
385407 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
386408 msgstr "Not enough material for spool {0}."
388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
389411 #, python-brace-format
390412 msgctxt "@label"
391413 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
392414 msgstr "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395417 #, python-brace-format
396418 msgctxt "@label"
397419 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
398420 msgstr "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
401423 #, python-brace-format
402424 msgctxt "@label"
403425 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
404426 msgstr "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
428 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
407429 msgctxt "@label"
408430 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
409431 msgstr "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
412434 msgctxt "@label"
413435 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
414436 msgstr "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
417439 msgctxt "@window:title"
418440 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
419441 msgstr "Mismatched configuration"
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
422444 msgctxt "@info:status"
423445 msgid "Sending data to printer"
424446 msgstr "Sending data to printer"
426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
430452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
434456 msgctxt "@action:button"
435457 msgid "Cancel"
436458 msgstr "Cancel"
438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
439461 msgctxt "@info:status"
440462 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
441463 msgstr "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
445467 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
446468 msgid "Aborting print..."
447469 msgstr "Aborting print..."
449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
450472 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
451473 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
452474 msgstr "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
455477 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
456478 msgid "Pausing print..."
457479 msgstr "Pausing print..."
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
481 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
460482 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
461483 msgid "Resuming print..."
462484 msgstr "Resuming print..."
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
486 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465487 msgctxt "@window:title"
466488 msgid "Sync with your printer"
467489 msgstr "Sync with your printer"
469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
491 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470492 msgctxt "@label"
471493 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
472494 msgstr "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475497 msgctxt "@label"
476498 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
477499 msgstr "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
525547 msgid "Dismiss"
526548 msgstr "Dismiss"
528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
529551 msgctxt "@label"
530552 msgid "Material Profiles"
531553 msgstr "Material Profiles"
533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
534556 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
535557 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
536558 msgstr "XML-ベース マテリアル プロファイルを読みこみ書き出すことができる。"
581603 msgid "Layers"
582604 msgstr "Layers"
584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
585607 msgctxt "@info:status"
586608 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
587609 msgstr "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
590 msgctxt "@label"
591 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
592 msgstr "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
612 msgctxt "@label"
613 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
614 msgstr ""
616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
595617 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
596 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
597 msgstr "Cura 2.4からCura 2.5へ設定をアップグレードする。"
618 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
619 msgstr ""
599621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
600622 msgctxt "@label"
651673 msgid "GIF Image"
652674 msgstr "GIF Image"
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
656678 msgctxt "@info:status"
657679 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
658680 msgstr "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
682 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
661683 #, python-brace-format
662684 msgctxt "@info:status"
663685 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
664686 msgstr "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
667689 msgctxt "@info:status"
668690 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
669691 msgstr "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
671 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
672694 msgctxt "@info:status"
673695 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
674696 msgstr "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
683705 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
684706 msgstr "裏画面のCuraEngineスライシングのリンクを与える。"
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688710 msgctxt "@info:status"
689711 msgid "Processing Layers"
690712 msgstr "Processing Layers"
709731 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
710732 msgstr "モデルごとの設定を構成する"
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
714736 msgctxt "@title:tab"
715737 msgid "Recommended"
716738 msgstr "Recommended"
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
720742 msgctxt "@title:tab"
721743 msgid "Custom"
722744 msgstr "Custom"
724 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
725747 msgctxt "@label"
726748 msgid "3MF Reader"
727749 msgstr "3MF Reader"
729 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
730752 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
731753 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
732754 msgstr "3MFファイルを読む。"
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
757 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
736758 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
737759 msgid "3MF File"
738760 msgstr "3MF File"
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
763 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
742764 msgctxt "@label"
743765 msgid "Nozzle"
744766 msgstr "Nozzle"
773795 msgid "G File"
774796 msgstr "G File"
776 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
777799 msgctxt "@info:status"
778800 msgid "Parsing G-code"
779801 msgstr "Parsing G-code"
803 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
804 msgctxt "@info:generic"
805 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
806 msgstr ""
781808 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
782809 msgctxt "@label"
794821 msgid "Cura Profile"
795822 msgstr "Cura Profile"
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
824 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
798825 msgctxt "@label"
799826 msgid "3MF Writer"
800827 msgstr "3MF Writer"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
829 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
803830 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
804831 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
805832 msgstr "3MF filesを編集する。"
807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
808835 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
809836 msgid "3MF file"
810837 msgstr "3MF file"
812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
839 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
813840 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
814841 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
815842 msgstr "Cura Project 3MF file"
817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
818 msgctxt "@label"
819 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
820 msgstr "Ultimaker machine actions"
822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
823 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
824 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
825 msgstr "Ultimakerの機械行動 (ベッドレベリングウィザード, アップグレード選択, その他)"
844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
828846 msgctxt "@action"
829847 msgid "Select upgrades"
830848 msgstr "Select upgrades"
850 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
851 msgctxt "@label"
852 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
853 msgstr "Ultimaker machine actions"
855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
856 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
857 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
858 msgstr "Ultimakerの機械行動 (ベッドレベリングウィザード, アップグレード選択, その他)"
832860 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
833861 msgctxt "@action"
834862 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
854882 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
855883 msgstr "Curaのプロファイルをインポートする。"
857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
858886 #, python-brace-format
859887 msgctxt "@label"
860888 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
870898 msgid "Unknown material"
871899 msgstr "Unknown material"
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
902 msgctxt "@info:status"
903 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
904 msgstr ""
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
908 msgctxt "@info:status"
909 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
910 msgstr ""
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
875914 msgctxt "@title:window"
876915 msgid "File Already Exists"
877916 msgstr "File Already Exists"
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
881920 #, python-brace-format
882921 msgctxt "@label"
883922 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
884923 msgstr "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
887 msgctxt "@info:status"
888 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
889 msgstr "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
891 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
927 msgctxt "@label"
928 msgid "Custom"
929 msgstr ""
931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
932 msgctxt "@label"
933 msgid "Custom Material"
934 msgstr ""
936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
892937 #, python-brace-format
893938 msgctxt "@info:status"
894939 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
895940 msgstr "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
898943 #, python-brace-format
899944 msgctxt "@info:status"
900945 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
901946 msgstr "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
948 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
904949 #, python-brace-format
905950 msgctxt "@info:status"
906951 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
907952 msgstr "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
911958 #, python-brace-format
912959 msgctxt "@info:status"
913960 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
914961 msgstr "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918965 #, python-brace-format
919966 msgctxt "@info:status"
920967 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
921968 msgstr "Successfully imported profile {0}"
923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924971 #, python-brace-format
925972 msgctxt "@info:status"
926973 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
927974 msgstr "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
930977 msgctxt "@label"
931978 msgid "Custom profile"
932979 msgstr "Custom profile"
934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
982 msgctxt "@info:status"
983 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
984 msgstr ""
986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
987 #, python-brace-format
988 msgctxt "@info:status"
989 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
990 msgstr ""
992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
935993 msgctxt "@info:status"
936994 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
937995 msgstr "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
939 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
998 msgctxt "@info:status"
999 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9401003 msgctxt "@title:window"
941 msgid "Oops!"
942 msgstr "Oops!"
944 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1004 msgid "Crash Report"
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9451008 msgctxt "@label"
9461009 msgid ""
9471010 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
948 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9491011 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9501012 " "
9511013 msgstr ""
952 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
953 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
954 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
955 " "
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581016 msgctxt "@action:button"
9591017 msgid "Open Web Page"
9601018 msgstr "Open Web Page"
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631021 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641022 msgid "Loading machines..."
9651023 msgstr "Loading machines..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681026 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691027 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9701028 msgstr "Setting up scene..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731031 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9741032 msgid "Loading interface..."
9751033 msgstr "Loading interface..."
977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9781036 #, python-format
9791037 msgctxt "@info"
9801038 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9811039 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1041 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9841042 #, python-brace-format
9851043 msgctxt "@info:status"
9861044 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9871045 msgstr "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
989 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9901048 #, python-brace-format
9911049 msgctxt "@info:status"
9921050 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9931051 msgstr "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9961054 msgctxt "@title"
9971055 msgid "Machine Settings"
9981056 msgstr "Machine Settings"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1001 msgctxt "@label"
1002 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1003 msgstr "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1059 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1060 msgid "Printer"
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10061064 msgctxt "@label"
10071065 msgid "Printer Settings"
10081066 msgstr "Printer Settings"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10111069 msgctxt "@label"
10121070 msgid "X (Width)"
10131071 msgstr "X (Width)"
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10241082 msgctxt "@label"
10251083 msgid "mm"
10261084 msgstr "mm"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1086 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10291087 msgctxt "@label"
10301088 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10311089 msgstr "Y (Depth)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10341092 msgctxt "@label"
10351093 msgid "Z (Height)"
10361094 msgstr "Z (Height)"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1096 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10391097 msgctxt "@label"
10401098 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10411099 msgstr "Build Plate Shape"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1101 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10441102 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451103 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10461104 msgstr "Machine Center is Zero"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1106 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10491107 msgctxt "@option:check"
10501108 msgid "Heated Bed"
10511109 msgstr "Heated Bed"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1111 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10541112 msgctxt "@label"
10551113 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10561114 msgstr "GCode Flavor"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1116 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10591117 msgctxt "@label"
10601118 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10611119 msgstr "Printhead Settings"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1121 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10641122 msgctxt "@label"
10651123 msgid "X min"
10661124 msgstr "X min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1126 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10691127 msgctxt "@label"
10701128 msgid "Y min"
10711129 msgstr "Y min"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10741132 msgctxt "@label"
10751133 msgid "X max"
10761134 msgstr "X max"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10791137 msgctxt "@label"
10801138 msgid "Y max"
10811139 msgstr "Y max"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10841142 msgctxt "@label"
10851143 msgid "Gantry height"
10861144 msgstr "Gantry height"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1147 msgctxt "@label"
1148 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1149 msgstr ""
1151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1152 msgctxt "@label"
1153 msgid "Material Diameter"
1154 msgstr ""
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10891158 msgctxt "@label"
10901159 msgid "Nozzle size"
10911160 msgstr "Nozzle size"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10941163 msgctxt "@label"
10951164 msgid "Start Gcode"
10961165 msgstr "Start Gcode"
1098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10991168 msgctxt "@label"
11001169 msgid "End Gcode"
11011170 msgstr "End Gcode"
1172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1173 msgctxt "@label"
1174 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1178 msgctxt "@label"
1179 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1183 msgctxt "@label"
1184 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1188 msgctxt "@label"
1189 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1190 msgstr ""
1192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1193 msgctxt "@label"
1194 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1195 msgstr ""
11031197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11041198 msgctxt "@title:window"
11061200 msgstr "Doodle3D Settings"
11081202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11101204 msgctxt "@action:button"
11111205 msgid "Save"
11121206 msgstr "Save"
11451239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11461240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11471241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11491243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11501244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11511245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
11981292 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
11991293 msgstr "Unknown error code: %1"
1201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12021296 msgctxt "@title:window"
12031297 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12041298 msgstr "Connect to Networked Printer"
1206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12071301 msgctxt "@label"
12081302 msgid ""
12091303 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12141308 "\n"
12151309 "Select your printer from the list below:"
1217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12181312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12191313 msgctxt "@action:button"
12201314 msgid "Add"
12211315 msgstr "Add"
1223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12241318 msgctxt "@action:button"
12251319 msgid "Edit"
12261320 msgstr "Edit"
1228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12291323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12301324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12321326 msgctxt "@action:button"
12331327 msgid "Remove"
12341328 msgstr "Remove"
1236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12371331 msgctxt "@action:button"
12381332 msgid "Refresh"
12391333 msgstr "Refresh"
1241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12421336 msgctxt "@label"
12431337 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12441338 msgstr "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
1246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12471341 msgctxt "@label"
12481342 msgid "Type"
12491343 msgstr "Type"
1251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12521346 msgctxt "@label"
12531347 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12541348 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12571351 msgctxt "@label"
12581352 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12591353 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12621356 msgctxt "@label"
12631357 msgid "Unknown"
12641358 msgstr "Unknown"
1266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12671361 msgctxt "@label"
12681362 msgid "Firmware version"
12691363 msgstr "Firmware version"
1271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12721366 msgctxt "@label"
12731367 msgid "Address"
12741368 msgstr "Address"
1276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12771371 msgctxt "@label"
12781372 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12791373 msgstr "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
1281 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12821376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12831377 msgctxt "@action:button"
12841378 msgid "Connect"
12851379 msgstr "Connect"
1287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12881382 msgctxt "@title:window"
12891383 msgid "Printer Address"
12901384 msgstr "Printer Address"
1292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
12931387 msgctxt "@alabel"
12941388 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
12951389 msgstr "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
1297 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
12981392 msgctxt "@action:button"
12991393 msgid "Ok"
13001394 msgstr "Ok"
13391433 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13401434 msgstr "Change active post-processing scripts"
1342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13431437 msgctxt "@label"
13441438 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13451439 msgstr "View Mode: Layers"
1347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1441 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13481442 msgctxt "@label"
13491443 msgid "Color scheme"
13501444 msgstr "Color scheme"
1352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13531447 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13541448 msgid "Material Color"
13551449 msgstr "Material Color"
1357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13581452 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13591453 msgid "Line Type"
13601454 msgstr "Line Type"
1362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13631457 msgctxt "@label"
13641458 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13651459 msgstr "Compatibility Mode"
1367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1368 msgctxt "@label"
1369 msgid "Extruder %1"
1370 msgstr "Extruder %1"
1372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13731462 msgctxt "@label"
13741463 msgid "Show Travels"
13751464 msgstr "Show Travels"
1377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13781467 msgctxt "@label"
13791468 msgid "Show Helpers"
13801469 msgstr "Show Helpers"
1382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13831472 msgctxt "@label"
13841473 msgid "Show Shell"
13851474 msgstr "Show Shell"
1387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13881477 msgctxt "@label"
13891478 msgid "Show Infill"
13901479 msgstr "Show Infill"
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1481 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
13931482 msgctxt "@label"
13941483 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
13951484 msgstr "Only Show Top Layers"
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1486 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
13981487 msgctxt "@label"
13991488 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14001489 msgstr "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1491 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14031492 msgctxt "@label"
14041493 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14051494 msgstr "Top / Bottom"
1407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14081497 msgctxt "@label"
14091498 msgid "Inner Wall"
14101499 msgstr "Inner Wall"
14801569 msgstr "Smoothing"
14821571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14841572 msgctxt "@action:button"
14851573 msgid "OK"
14861574 msgstr "OK"
1488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1489 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1490 msgid "Print model with"
1491 msgstr "Print model with"
1493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
14941577 msgctxt "@action:button"
14951578 msgid "Select settings"
14961579 msgstr "Select settings"
1498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
14991582 msgctxt "@title:window"
15001583 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15011584 msgstr "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
1503 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15041587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15061588 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15071589 msgid "Filter..."
15081590 msgstr "Filter..."
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15111593 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15121594 msgid "Show all"
15131595 msgstr "Show all"
15171599 msgid "Open Project"
15181600 msgstr "Open Project"
1520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1602 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15211603 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15221604 msgid "Update existing"
15231605 msgstr "Update existing"
1525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15261608 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15271609 msgid "Create new"
15281610 msgstr "Create new"
1530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1531 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15321614 msgctxt "@action:title"
15331615 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15341616 msgstr "Summary - Cura Project"
1536 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1619 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15381620 msgctxt "@action:label"
15391621 msgid "Printer settings"
15401622 msgstr "Printer settings"
1542 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15431625 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15441626 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15451627 msgstr "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
1547 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15491631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15501632 msgid "Type"
15511633 msgstr "Type"
1553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1557 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15581640 msgctxt "@action:label"
15591641 msgid "Name"
15601642 msgstr "Name"
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1645 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15641646 msgctxt "@action:label"
15651647 msgid "Profile settings"
15661648 msgstr "Profile settings"
1568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15691651 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15701652 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15711653 msgstr "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
1573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15751657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15761658 msgid "Not in profile"
15771659 msgstr "Not in profile"
1579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15811663 msgctxt "@action:label"
15821664 msgid "%1 override"
15831665 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15841666 msgstr[0] "%1 override"
15851667 msgstr[1] "%1 overrides"
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1669 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15881670 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891671 msgid "Derivative from"
15901672 msgstr "Derivative from"
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1674 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
15931675 msgctxt "@action:label"
15941676 msgid "%1, %2 override"
15951677 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
15961678 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 override"
15971679 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 overrides"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16001682 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011683 msgid "Material settings"
16021684 msgstr "Material settings"
1604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16051687 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16061688 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16071689 msgstr "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
1609 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1691 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16111693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16121694 msgid "Setting visibility"
16131695 msgstr "Setting visibility"
1615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16161698 msgctxt "@action:label"
16171699 msgid "Mode"
16181700 msgstr "Mode"
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16221704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16231705 msgid "Visible settings:"
16241706 msgstr "Visible settings:"
1626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16281710 msgctxt "@action:label"
16291711 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16301712 msgstr "%1 out of %2"
1632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16331715 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16341716 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16351717 msgstr "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16381720 msgctxt "@action:button"
16391721 msgid "Open"
16401722 msgstr "Open"
1724 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1726 msgctxt "@title"
1727 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1728 msgstr "Select Printer Upgrades"
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1731 msgctxt "@label"
1732 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1733 msgstr ""
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1736 msgctxt "@label"
1737 msgid "Olsson Block"
1738 msgstr ""
16421740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16431741 msgctxt "@title"
16931791 msgctxt "@title:window"
16941792 msgid "Select custom firmware"
16951793 msgstr "Select custom firmware"
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1698 msgctxt "@title"
1699 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1700 msgstr "Select Printer Upgrades"
17021795 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17031796 msgctxt "@label"
18131906 msgstr "Printer does not accept commands"
18151908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18171910 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18181911 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18191912 msgstr "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18241917 msgstr "Lost connection with the printer"
18261919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18281921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18291922 msgid "Printing..."
18301923 msgstr "Printing..."
18321925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18341927 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18351928 msgid "Paused"
18361929 msgstr "Paused"
18381931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1839 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1932 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18401933 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18411934 msgid "Preparing..."
18421935 msgstr "Preparing..."
18711964 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18721965 msgstr "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
1874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18751968 msgctxt "@title:window"
18761969 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18771970 msgstr "Discard or Keep changes"
1879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18801973 msgctxt "@text:window"
18811974 msgid ""
18821975 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18851978 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18861979 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
1888 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18891982 msgctxt "@title:column"
18901983 msgid "Profile settings"
18911984 msgstr "Profile settings"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18941987 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951988 msgid "Default"
18961989 msgstr "Default"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
18991992 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001993 msgid "Customized"
19011994 msgstr "Customized"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
1997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19051998 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19061999 msgid "Always ask me this"
19072000 msgstr "Always ask me this"
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19112004 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19122005 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19132006 msgstr "Discard and never ask again"
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1916 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2009 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19172010 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19182011 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19192012 msgstr "Keep and never ask again"
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19222015 msgctxt "@action:button"
19232016 msgid "Discard"
19242017 msgstr "Discard"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19272020 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282021 msgid "Keep"
19292022 msgstr "Keep"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19322025 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332026 msgid "Create New Profile"
19342027 msgstr "Create New Profile"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19372030 msgctxt "@title"
19382031 msgid "Information"
19392032 msgstr "Information"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19422035 msgctxt "@label"
19432036 msgid "Display Name"
19442037 msgstr "Display Name"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19472040 msgctxt "@label"
19482041 msgid "Brand"
19492042 msgstr "Brand"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19522045 msgctxt "@label"
19532046 msgid "Material Type"
19542047 msgstr "Material Type"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19572050 msgctxt "@label"
19582051 msgid "Color"
19592052 msgstr "Color"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19622055 msgctxt "@label"
19632056 msgid "Properties"
19642057 msgstr "Properties"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19672060 msgctxt "@label"
19682061 msgid "Density"
19692062 msgstr "Density"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19722065 msgctxt "@label"
19732066 msgid "Diameter"
19742067 msgstr "Diameter"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19772070 msgctxt "@label"
19782071 msgid "Filament Cost"
19792072 msgstr "Filament Cost"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19822075 msgctxt "@label"
19832076 msgid "Filament weight"
19842077 msgstr "Filament weight"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19872080 msgctxt "@label"
19882081 msgid "Filament length"
19892082 msgstr "Filament length"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19922085 msgctxt "@label"
19932086 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19942087 msgstr "Cost per Meter"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2090 msgctxt "@label"
2091 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2092 msgstr ""
2094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2095 msgctxt "@label"
2096 msgid "Unlink Material"
2097 msgstr ""
2099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
19972100 msgctxt "@label"
19982101 msgid "Description"
19992102 msgstr "Description"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20022105 msgctxt "@label"
20032106 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20042107 msgstr "Adhesion Information"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20072110 msgctxt "@label"
20082111 msgid "Print settings"
20092112 msgstr "Print settings"
20392142 msgstr "Unit"
20412144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20432146 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20442147 msgid "General"
20452148 msgstr "General"
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20482151 msgctxt "@label"
20492152 msgid "Interface"
20502153 msgstr "Interface"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20532156 msgctxt "@label"
20542157 msgid "Language:"
20552158 msgstr "Language:"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20582161 msgctxt "@label"
20592162 msgid "Currency:"
20602163 msgstr "Currency:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2063 msgctxt "@label"
2064 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2065 msgstr "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2166 msgctxt "@label"
2167 msgid "Theme:"
2168 msgstr ""
2170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2171 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2172 msgid "Ultimaker"
2173 msgstr ""
2175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2176 msgctxt "@label"
2177 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2178 msgstr ""
2180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20682181 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20692182 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20702183 msgstr "Slice automatically when changing settings."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20732186 msgctxt "@option:check"
20742187 msgid "Slice automatically"
20752188 msgstr "Slice automatically"
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20782191 msgctxt "@label"
20792192 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20802193 msgstr "Viewport behavior"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20832196 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20842197 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20852198 msgstr "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20882201 msgctxt "@option:check"
20892202 msgid "Display overhang"
20902203 msgstr "Display overhang"
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20932206 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2094 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2095 msgstr "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2207 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2208 msgstr ""
2210 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
20982211 msgctxt "@action:button"
20992212 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21002213 msgstr "Center camera when item is selected"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2215 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2216 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2217 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2218 msgstr ""
2220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2221 msgctxt "@action:button"
2222 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2223 msgstr ""
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21032226 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21042227 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21052228 msgstr "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21082231 msgctxt "@option:check"
21092232 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21102233 msgstr "Ensure models are kept apart"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21132236 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21142237 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21152238 msgstr "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21182241 msgctxt "@option:check"
21192242 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21202243 msgstr "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2246 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2247 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2248 msgstr ""
2250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2251 msgctxt "@option:check"
2252 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2253 msgstr ""
2255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21232256 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21242257 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21252258 msgstr "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21282261 msgctxt "@option:check"
21292262 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21302263 msgstr "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21332266 msgctxt "@label"
21342267 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21352268 msgstr "Opening and saving files"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21382271 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21392272 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21402273 msgstr "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21432276 msgctxt "@option:check"
21442277 msgid "Scale large models"
21452278 msgstr "Scale large models"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21482281 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21492282 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21502283 msgstr "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21532286 msgctxt "@option:check"
21542287 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21552288 msgstr "Scale extremely small models"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21582291 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21592292 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21602293 msgstr "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21632296 msgctxt "@option:check"
21642297 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21652298 msgstr "Add machine prefix to job name"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21682301 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21692302 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21702303 msgstr "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2305 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21732306 msgctxt "@option:check"
21742307 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21752308 msgstr "Show summary dialog when saving project"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2310 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2311 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2312 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2313 msgstr ""
2315 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2316 msgctxt "@window:text"
2317 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2318 msgstr ""
2320 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2321 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2322 msgid "Always ask"
2323 msgstr ""
2325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2326 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2327 msgid "Always open as a project"
2328 msgstr ""
2330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2331 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2332 msgid "Always import models"
2333 msgstr ""
2335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21782336 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21792337 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21802338 msgstr "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21832341 msgctxt "@label"
21842342 msgid "Override Profile"
21852343 msgstr "Override Profile"
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21882346 msgctxt "@label"
21892347 msgid "Privacy"
21902348 msgstr "Privacy"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21932351 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21942352 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
21952353 msgstr "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
21982356 msgctxt "@option:check"
21992357 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22002358 msgstr "Check for updates on start"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22032361 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22042362 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22052363 msgstr "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22082366 msgctxt "@option:check"
22092367 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22102368 msgstr "Send (anonymous) print information"
22122370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22142372 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22152373 msgid "Printers"
22162374 msgstr "Printers"
22182376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22192377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22212379 msgctxt "@action:button"
22222380 msgid "Activate"
22232381 msgstr "Activate"
22332391 msgid "Printer type:"
22342392 msgstr "Printer type:"
2236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22372395 msgctxt "@label"
22382396 msgid "Connection:"
22392397 msgstr "Connection:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22422400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22432401 msgctxt "@info:status"
22442402 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22452403 msgstr "The printer is not connected."
2247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22482406 msgctxt "@label"
22492407 msgid "State:"
22502408 msgstr "State:"
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22532411 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22542412 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22552413 msgstr "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22582416 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592417 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22602418 msgstr "Waiting for a printjob"
22622420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22642422 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22652423 msgid "Profiles"
22662424 msgstr "Profiles"
22862444 msgstr "Duplicate"
22882446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22902448 msgctxt "@action:button"
22912449 msgid "Import"
22922450 msgstr "Import"
22942452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
22962454 msgctxt "@action:button"
22972455 msgid "Export"
22982456 msgstr "Export"
23582516 msgstr "Export Profile"
23602518 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23622520 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23632521 msgid "Materials"
23642522 msgstr "Materials"
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2524 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23672525 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23682526 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23692527 msgstr "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2529 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23722530 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23732531 msgid "Printer: %1"
23742532 msgstr "Printer: %1"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2534 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2535 msgctxt "@action:button"
2536 msgid "Create"
2537 msgstr ""
2539 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23772540 msgctxt "@action:button"
23782541 msgid "Duplicate"
23792542 msgstr "Duplicate"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2545 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23832546 msgctxt "@title:window"
23842547 msgid "Import Material"
23852548 msgstr "Import Material"
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23882551 msgctxt "@info:status"
23892552 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23902553 msgstr "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23932556 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942557 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
23952558 msgstr "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
23992562 msgctxt "@title:window"
24002563 msgid "Export Material"
24012564 msgstr "Export Material"
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24042567 msgctxt "@info:status"
24052568 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24062569 msgstr "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24092572 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102573 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24112574 msgstr "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24132576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2577 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24152578 msgctxt "@title:window"
24162579 msgid "Add Printer"
24172580 msgstr "Add Printer"
24262589 msgid "Add Printer"
24272590 msgstr "Add Printer"
2592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2593 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2594 msgid "Outer Wall"
2595 msgstr ""
24292597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2598 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2599 msgid "Inner Walls"
2600 msgstr ""
2602 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2603 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2604 msgid "Skin"
2605 msgstr ""
2607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2608 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2609 msgid "Infill"
2610 msgstr ""
2612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2613 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2614 msgid "Support Infill"
2615 msgstr ""
2617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2618 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2619 msgid "Support Interface"
2620 msgstr ""
2622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2623 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2624 msgid "Support"
2625 msgstr ""
2627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2628 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2629 msgid "Travel"
2630 msgstr ""
2632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2633 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2634 msgid "Retractions"
2635 msgstr ""
2637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2638 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2639 msgid "Other"
2640 msgstr ""
2642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24302643 msgctxt "@label"
24312644 msgid "00h 00min"
24322645 msgstr "00h 00min"
2434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24352648 msgctxt "@label"
24362649 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24372650 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24402653 msgctxt "@label"
24412654 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24422655 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25502763 msgid "SVG icons"
25512764 msgstr "SVG icons"
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2766 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2767 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2768 msgid "Search..."
2769 msgstr ""
2771 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25542772 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25552773 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25562774 msgstr "Copy value to all extruders"
2558 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2776 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25592777 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25602778 msgid "Hide this setting"
25612779 msgstr "Hide this setting"
2563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2781 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25642782 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25652783 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25662784 msgstr "Don't show this setting"
2568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25692787 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25702788 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25712789 msgstr "Keep this setting visible"
2573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2791 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25742792 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25752793 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25762794 msgstr "Configure setting visiblity..."
26522870 "Print Setup disabled\n"
26532871 "G-code files cannot be modified"
2655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26562874 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26572875 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26582876 msgstr "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
2660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26612879 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26622880 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26632881 msgstr "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
2665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2883 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26662884 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26672885 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26682886 msgstr "Automatic: %1"
26772895 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26782896 msgstr "Automatic: %1"
2898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2899 msgctxt "@label"
2900 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2901 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2902 msgstr[0] ""
2903 msgstr[1] ""
2905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2906 msgctxt "@title:window"
2907 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2908 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2909 msgstr[0] ""
2910 msgstr[1] ""
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2913 msgctxt "@label"
2914 msgid "Number of Copies"
2915 msgstr ""
26802917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26812918 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26822919 msgid "Open &Recent"
27673004 msgid "Estimated time left"
27683005 msgstr "Estimated time left"
2770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27713008 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27723009 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27733010 msgstr "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
2775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27763013 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27773014 msgid "&Undo"
27783015 msgstr "&Undo"
2780 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27813018 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27823019 msgid "&Redo"
27833020 msgstr "&Redo"
2785 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27863023 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27873024 msgid "&Quit"
27883025 msgstr "&Quit"
2790 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3027 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27913028 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27923029 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27933030 msgstr "Configure Cura..."
2795 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27963033 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27973034 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27983035 msgstr "&Add Printer..."
2800 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
28013038 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28023039 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
28033040 msgstr "Manage Pr&inters..."
2805 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
28063043 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28073044 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28083045 msgstr "Manage Materials..."
2810 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28113048 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28123049 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28133050 msgstr "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
2815 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28163053 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28173054 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28183055 msgstr "&Discard current changes"
2820 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28213058 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28223059 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28233060 msgstr "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
2825 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28263063 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28273064 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28283065 msgstr "Manage Profiles..."
2830 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28313068 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28323069 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28333070 msgstr "Show Online &Documentation"
2835 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28363073 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28373074 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28383075 msgstr "Report a &Bug"
2840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28413078 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28423079 msgid "&About..."
28433080 msgstr "&About..."
2845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28463083 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2847 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2848 msgstr "Delete &Selection"
2850 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3084 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3085 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3086 msgstr[0] ""
3087 msgstr[1] ""
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3090 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3091 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3092 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3093 msgstr[0] ""
3094 msgstr[1] ""
3096 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3097 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3098 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3099 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3100 msgstr[0] ""
3101 msgstr[1] ""
3103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28513104 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28523105 msgid "Delete Model"
28533106 msgstr "Delete Model"
2855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28563109 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28573110 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28583111 msgstr "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
2860 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28613114 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28623115 msgid "&Group Models"
28633116 msgstr "&Group Models"
2865 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28663119 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28673120 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28683121 msgstr "Ungroup Models"
2870 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28713124 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28723125 msgid "&Merge Models"
28733126 msgstr "&Merge Models"
2875 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28763129 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28773130 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28783131 msgstr "&Multiply Model..."
2880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28813134 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28823135 msgid "&Select All Models"
28833136 msgstr "&Select All Models"
2885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28863139 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28873140 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28883141 msgstr "&Clear Build Plate"
2890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28913144 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28923145 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28933146 msgstr "Re&load All Models"
2895 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3149 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3150 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3151 msgstr ""
3153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3154 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3155 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3156 msgstr ""
3158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28963159 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28973160 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28983161 msgstr "Reset All Model Positions"
2900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
29013164 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29023165 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
29033166 msgstr "Reset All Model &Transformations"
2905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
29063169 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2907 msgid "&Open File..."
2908 msgstr "&Open File..."
2910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3170 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3171 msgstr ""
3173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29113174 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2912 msgid "&Open Project..."
2913 msgstr "&Open Project..."
2915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3175 msgid "&New Project..."
3176 msgstr ""
3178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29163179 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29173180 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29183181 msgstr "Show Engine &Log..."
2920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29213184 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29223185 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29233186 msgstr "Show Configuration Folder"
2925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29263189 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29273190 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29283191 msgstr "Configure setting visibility..."
2930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2931 msgctxt "@title:window"
2932 msgid "Multiply Model"
2933 msgstr "Multiply Model"
29353193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29363194 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29623220 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29633221 msgstr "Slicing unavailable"
2965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29663224 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29673225 msgid "Prepare"
29683226 msgstr "Prepare"
2970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29713229 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29723230 msgid "Cancel"
29733231 msgstr "Cancel"
2975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29763234 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29773235 msgid "Select the active output device"
29783236 msgstr "Select the active output device"
3238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3240 msgctxt "@title:window"
3241 msgid "Open file(s)"
3242 msgstr ""
3244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3245 msgctxt "@text:window"
3246 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3247 msgstr ""
3249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3250 msgctxt "@action:button"
3251 msgid "Import all as models"
3252 msgstr ""
29803254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29813255 msgctxt "@title:window"
29873261 msgid "&File"
29883262 msgstr "&File"
2990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29913265 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29923266 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29933267 msgstr "&Save Selection to File"
29953269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29963270 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2997 msgid "Save &All"
2998 msgstr "Save &All"
3000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3271 msgid "Save &As..."
3272 msgstr ""
3274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
30013275 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
30023276 msgid "Save project"
30033277 msgstr "Save project"
3005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
30063280 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30073281 msgid "&Edit"
30083282 msgstr "&Edit"
3010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30113285 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30123286 msgid "&View"
30133287 msgstr "&View"
3015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30163290 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30173291 msgid "&Settings"
30183292 msgstr "&Settings"
3020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30213295 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30223296 msgid "&Printer"
30233297 msgstr "&Printer"
3025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30273301 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30283302 msgid "&Material"
30293303 msgstr "&Material"
3031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3305 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3306 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30333307 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30343308 msgid "&Profile"
30353309 msgstr "&Profile"
3037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30383312 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30393313 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30403314 msgstr "Set as Active Extruder"
3042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30433317 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30443318 msgid "E&xtensions"
30453319 msgstr "E&xtensions"
3047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30483322 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30493323 msgid "P&references"
30503324 msgstr "P&references"
3052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30533327 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30543328 msgid "&Help"
30553329 msgstr "&Help"
3057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3331 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30583332 msgctxt "@action:button"
30593333 msgid "Open File"
30603334 msgstr "Open File"
3062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30633337 msgctxt "@action:button"
30643338 msgid "View Mode"
30653339 msgstr "View Mode"
3067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30683342 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30693343 msgid "Settings"
30703344 msgstr "Settings"
3072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30733347 msgctxt "@title:window"
3074 msgid "Open file"
3075 msgstr "Open file"
3077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3348 msgid "New project"
3349 msgstr ""
3351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3352 msgctxt "@info:question"
3353 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3354 msgstr ""
3356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30783357 msgctxt "@title:window"
3079 msgid "Open workspace"
3080 msgstr "Open workspace"
3358 msgid "Open File(s)"
3359 msgstr ""
3361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3362 msgctxt "@text:window"
3363 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3364 msgstr ""
30823366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30833367 msgctxt "@title:window"
30843368 msgid "Save Project"
30853369 msgstr "Save Project"
3087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30883372 msgctxt "@action:label"
30893373 msgid "Extruder %1"
30903374 msgstr "Extruder %1"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30933377 msgctxt "@action:label"
30943378 msgid "%1 & material"
30953379 msgstr "%1 & material"
3097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30983382 msgctxt "@action:label"
30993383 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
31003384 msgstr "Don't show project summary on save again"
3102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
31033387 msgctxt "@label"
31043388 msgid "Infill"
31053389 msgstr "Infill"
3107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3108 msgctxt "@label"
3109 msgid "Hollow"
3110 msgstr "Hollow"
31123391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31133392 msgctxt "@label"
3114 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3115 msgstr "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3118 msgctxt "@label"
3119 msgid "Light"
3120 msgstr "Light"
3122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3123 msgctxt "@label"
3124 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3125 msgstr "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3128 msgctxt "@label"
3129 msgid "Dense"
3130 msgstr "Dense"
3132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3133 msgctxt "@label"
3134 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3135 msgstr "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3138 msgctxt "@label"
3139 msgid "Solid"
3140 msgstr "Solid"
3142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3143 msgctxt "@label"
3144 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3145 msgstr "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3148 msgctxt "@label"
3149 msgid "Enable Support"
3150 msgstr "Enable Support"
3152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3153 msgctxt "@label"
3154 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3155 msgstr "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3393 msgid "0%"
3394 msgstr ""
3396 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3397 msgctxt "@label"
3398 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3399 msgstr ""
3401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3402 msgctxt "@label"
3403 msgid "20%"
3404 msgstr ""
3406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3407 msgctxt "@label"
3408 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3409 msgstr ""
3411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3412 msgctxt "@label"
3413 msgid "50%"
3414 msgstr ""
3416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3417 msgctxt "@label"
3418 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3419 msgstr ""
3421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3422 msgctxt "@label"
3423 msgid "100%"
3424 msgstr ""
3426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3427 msgctxt "@label"
3428 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3429 msgstr ""
3431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3432 msgctxt "@label"
3433 msgid "Gradual"
3434 msgstr ""
3436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3437 msgctxt "@label"
3438 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3439 msgstr ""
3441 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3442 msgctxt "@label"
3443 msgid "Generate Support"
3444 msgstr ""
3446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3447 msgctxt "@label"
3448 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3449 msgstr ""
3451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31583452 msgctxt "@label"
31593453 msgid "Support Extruder"
31603454 msgstr "Support Extruder"
3162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31633457 msgctxt "@label"
31643458 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31653459 msgstr "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
3167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31683462 msgctxt "@label"
31693463 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31703464 msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion"
3172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31733467 msgctxt "@label"
31743468 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31753469 msgstr "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
3177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3178 msgctxt "@label"
3179 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3180 msgstr "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3472 msgctxt "@label"
3473 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3474 msgstr ""
3476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3477 msgctxt "@label"
3478 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3479 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3480 msgstr[0] ""
3481 msgstr[1] ""
3483 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3484 msgctxt "@title:window"
3485 msgid "Open project file"
3486 msgstr ""
3488 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3489 msgctxt "@text:window"
3490 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3491 msgstr ""
3493 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3494 msgctxt "@text:window"
3495 msgid "Remember my choice"
3496 msgstr ""
3498 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3499 msgctxt "@action:button"
3500 msgid "Open as project"
3501 msgstr ""
3503 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3504 msgctxt "@action:button"
3505 msgid "Import models"
3506 msgstr ""
31823508 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31833509 msgctxt "@title:window"
31903516 msgid "Material"
31913517 msgstr "Material"
3193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3520 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3521 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3522 msgstr ""
3524 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31943525 msgctxt "@label"
31953526 msgid "Profile:"
31963527 msgstr "Profile:"
3198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3529 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31993530 msgctxt "@tooltip"
32003531 msgid ""
32013532 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
32053536 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
32063537 "\n"
32073538 "Click to open the profile manager."
3540 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3541 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3542 #~ msgstr "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3544 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3545 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3546 #~ msgstr "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3548 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3549 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3550 #~ msgstr "Cura 2.4からCura 2.5へ設定をアップグレードする。"
3552 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3553 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3554 #~ msgstr "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3556 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3557 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3558 #~ msgstr "Oops!"
3560 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3561 #~ msgid ""
3562 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3563 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3564 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3565 #~ " "
3566 #~ msgstr ""
3567 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3568 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3569 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3570 #~ " "
3572 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3573 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3574 #~ msgstr "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3576 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3577 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3578 #~ msgstr "Extruder %1"
3580 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3581 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3582 #~ msgstr "Print model with"
3584 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3585 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3586 #~ msgstr "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3588 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3589 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3590 #~ msgstr "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3592 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3593 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3594 #~ msgstr "Delete &Selection"
3596 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3597 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3598 #~ msgstr "&Open File..."
3600 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3601 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3602 #~ msgstr "&Open Project..."
3604 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3605 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3606 #~ msgstr "Multiply Model"
3608 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3609 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3610 #~ msgstr "Save &All"
3612 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3613 #~ msgid "Open file"
3614 #~ msgstr "Open file"
3616 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3617 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3618 #~ msgstr "Open workspace"
3620 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3621 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3622 #~ msgstr "Hollow"
3624 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3625 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3626 #~ msgstr "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3628 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3629 #~ msgid "Light"
3630 #~ msgstr "Light"
3632 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3633 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3634 #~ msgstr "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3636 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3637 #~ msgid "Dense"
3638 #~ msgstr "Dense"
3640 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3641 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3642 #~ msgstr "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3644 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3645 #~ msgid "Solid"
3646 #~ msgstr "Solid"
3648 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3649 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3650 #~ msgstr "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3652 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3653 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3654 #~ msgstr "Enable Support"
3656 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3657 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3658 #~ msgstr "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3660 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3661 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3662 #~ msgstr "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Japanese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ja\n"
15 "Country-Code: JP\n"
16 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
17 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
18 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
20 #: fdmextruder.def.json
21 msgctxt "machine_settings label"
22 msgid "Machine"
23 msgstr ""
25 #: fdmextruder.def.json
26 msgctxt "machine_settings description"
27 msgid "Machine specific settings"
28 msgstr ""
30 #: fdmextruder.def.json
31 msgctxt "extruder_nr label"
32 msgid "Extruder"
33 msgstr ""
35 #: fdmextruder.def.json
36 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
37 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
38 msgstr ""
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr ""
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr ""
50 #: fdmextruder.def.json
51 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
52 msgid "Nozzle X Offset"
53 msgstr ""
55 #: fdmextruder.def.json
56 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x description"
57 msgid "The x-coordinate of the offset of the nozzle."
58 msgstr ""
60 #: fdmextruder.def.json
61 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_y label"
62 msgid "Nozzle Y Offset"
63 msgstr ""
65 #: fdmextruder.def.json
66 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_y description"
67 msgid "The y-coordinate of the offset of the nozzle."
68 msgstr ""
70 #: fdmextruder.def.json
71 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_code label"
72 msgid "Extruder Start G-Code"
73 msgstr ""
75 #: fdmextruder.def.json
76 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_code description"
77 msgid "Start g-code to execute whenever turning the extruder on."
78 msgstr ""
80 #: fdmextruder.def.json
81 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs label"
82 msgid "Extruder Start Position Absolute"
83 msgstr ""
85 #: fdmextruder.def.json
86 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs description"
87 msgid "Make the extruder starting position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
88 msgstr ""
90 #: fdmextruder.def.json
91 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_x label"
92 msgid "Extruder Start Position X"
93 msgstr ""
95 #: fdmextruder.def.json
96 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_x description"
97 msgid "The x-coordinate of the starting position when turning the extruder on."
98 msgstr ""
100 #: fdmextruder.def.json
101 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_y label"
102 msgid "Extruder Start Position Y"
103 msgstr ""
105 #: fdmextruder.def.json
106 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_y description"
107 msgid "The y-coordinate of the starting position when turning the extruder on."
108 msgstr ""
110 #: fdmextruder.def.json
111 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_code label"
112 msgid "Extruder End G-Code"
113 msgstr ""
115 #: fdmextruder.def.json
116 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_code description"
117 msgid "End g-code to execute whenever turning the extruder off."
118 msgstr ""
120 #: fdmextruder.def.json
121 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs label"
122 msgid "Extruder End Position Absolute"
123 msgstr ""
125 #: fdmextruder.def.json
126 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs description"
127 msgid "Make the extruder ending position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
128 msgstr ""
130 #: fdmextruder.def.json
131 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_x label"
132 msgid "Extruder End Position X"
133 msgstr ""
135 #: fdmextruder.def.json
136 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_x description"
137 msgid "The x-coordinate of the ending position when turning the extruder off."
138 msgstr ""
140 #: fdmextruder.def.json
141 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_y label"
142 msgid "Extruder End Position Y"
143 msgstr ""
145 #: fdmextruder.def.json
146 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_y description"
147 msgid "The y-coordinate of the ending position when turning the extruder off."
148 msgstr ""
150 #: fdmextruder.def.json
151 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
152 msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
153 msgstr ""
155 #: fdmextruder.def.json
156 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
157 msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
158 msgstr ""
160 #: fdmextruder.def.json
161 msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
162 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
163 msgstr ""
165 #: fdmextruder.def.json
166 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
167 msgid "Adhesion"
168 msgstr ""
170 #: fdmextruder.def.json
171 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
172 msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
173 msgstr ""
175 #: fdmextruder.def.json
176 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
177 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
178 msgstr ""
180 #: fdmextruder.def.json
181 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
182 msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
183 msgstr ""
185 #: fdmextruder.def.json
186 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
187 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
188 msgstr ""
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Japanese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ja\n"
15 "Country-Code: JP\n"
16 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
17 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
18 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
19 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
20 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
22 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23 msgctxt "machine_settings label"
24 msgid "Machine"
25 msgstr "Machine"
27 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28 msgctxt "machine_settings description"
29 msgid "Machine specific settings"
30 msgstr "マシーン固有設定"
32 #: fdmprinter.def.json
33 msgctxt "machine_name label"
34 msgid "Machine Type"
35 msgstr "Machine Type"
37 #: fdmprinter.def.json
38 msgctxt "machine_name description"
39 msgid "The name of your 3D printer model."
40 msgstr "3Dプリンタのモデル"
42 #: fdmprinter.def.json
43 msgctxt "machine_show_variants label"
44 msgid "Show machine variants"
45 msgstr "Show machine variants"
47 #: fdmprinter.def.json
48 msgctxt "machine_show_variants description"
49 msgid "Whether to show the different variants of this machine, which are described in separate json files."
50 msgstr "このマシーンの形式を表示するかどうかは、別のjsonファイルに記述されています。"
52 #: fdmprinter.def.json
53 msgctxt "machine_start_gcode label"
54 msgid "Start GCode"
55 msgstr "Start GCode"
57 #: fdmprinter.def.json
58 msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
59 msgid ""
60 "Gcode commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
61 "."
62 msgstr "開始時に実行されるGcodeのコマンドは −で区切られています。"
64 #: fdmprinter.def.json
65 msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
66 msgid "End GCode"
67 msgstr "End GCode"
69 #: fdmprinter.def.json
70 msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
71 msgid ""
72 "Gcode commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
73 "."
74 msgstr ""
75 "開始時に実行されるGcodeのコマンドは \n"
76 "で区切られています。"
78 #: fdmprinter.def.json
79 msgctxt "material_guid label"
80 msgid "Material GUID"
81 msgstr "Material GUID"
83 #: fdmprinter.def.json
84 msgctxt "material_guid description"
85 msgid "GUID of the material. This is set automatically. "
86 msgstr "マテリアルのGUID。これは自動的に設定されます。"
88 #: fdmprinter.def.json
89 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait label"
90 msgid "Wait for build plate heatup"
91 msgstr "Wait for build plate heatup"
93 #: fdmprinter.def.json
94 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait description"
95 msgid "Whether to insert a command to wait until the build plate temperature is reached at the start."
96 msgstr "開始時にビルドプレートが温度に達するまで待つコマンドを挿入するかどうか。"
98 #: fdmprinter.def.json
99 msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait label"
100 msgid "Wait for nozzle heatup"
101 msgstr "Wait for nozzle heatup"
103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
104 msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait description"
105 msgid "Whether to wait until the nozzle temperature is reached at the start."
106 msgstr "開始時にノズルの温度が達するまで待つかどうか。"
108 #: fdmprinter.def.json
109 msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend label"
110 msgid "Include material temperatures"
111 msgstr "Include material temperatures"
113 #: fdmprinter.def.json
114 msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend description"
115 msgid "Whether to include nozzle temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains nozzle temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
116 msgstr "gcodeの開始時にノズル温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のgcodeにノズル温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
118 #: fdmprinter.def.json
119 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend label"
120 msgid "Include build plate temperature"
121 msgstr "Include build plate temperature"
123 #: fdmprinter.def.json
124 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend description"
125 msgid "Whether to include build plate temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains build plate temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
126 msgstr "gcodeの開始時にビルドプレート温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のgcodeにビルドプレート温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
128 #: fdmprinter.def.json
129 msgctxt "machine_width label"
130 msgid "Machine width"
131 msgstr "Machine width"
133 #: fdmprinter.def.json
134 msgctxt "machine_width description"
135 msgid "The width (X-direction) of the printable area."
136 msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
138 #: fdmprinter.def.json
139 msgctxt "machine_depth label"
140 msgid "Machine depth"
141 msgstr "Machine depth"
143 #: fdmprinter.def.json
144 msgctxt "machine_depth description"
145 msgid "The depth (Y-direction) of the printable area."
146 msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
148 #: fdmprinter.def.json
149 msgctxt "machine_shape label"
150 msgid "Build plate shape"
151 msgstr "Build plate shape"
153 #: fdmprinter.def.json
154 msgctxt "machine_shape description"
155 msgid "The shape of the build plate without taking unprintable areas into account."
156 msgstr "造形不能領域を考慮しないビルドプレートの形状。"
158 #: fdmprinter.def.json
159 msgctxt "machine_shape option rectangular"
160 msgid "Rectangular"
161 msgstr "Rectangular"
163 #: fdmprinter.def.json
164 msgctxt "machine_shape option elliptic"
165 msgid "Elliptic"
166 msgstr "Elliptic"
168 #: fdmprinter.def.json
169 msgctxt "machine_height label"
170 msgid "Machine height"
171 msgstr "Machine height"
173 #: fdmprinter.def.json
174 msgctxt "machine_height description"
175 msgid "The height (Z-direction) of the printable area."
176 msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
178 #: fdmprinter.def.json
179 msgctxt "machine_heated_bed label"
180 msgid "Has heated build plate"
181 msgstr "Has heated build plate"
183 #: fdmprinter.def.json
184 msgctxt "machine_heated_bed description"
185 msgid "Whether the machine has a heated build plate present."
186 msgstr "マシーンに加熱式ビルドプレートが付属しているかどうか。"
188 #: fdmprinter.def.json
189 msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero label"
190 msgid "Is center origin"
191 msgstr "Is center origin"
193 #: fdmprinter.def.json
194 msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero description"
195 msgid "Whether the X/Y coordinates of the zero position of the printer is at the center of the printable area."
196 msgstr "プリンタのゼロポジションのX / Y座標が印刷可能領域の中心にあるかどうか。"
198 #: fdmprinter.def.json
199 msgctxt "machine_extruder_count label"
200 msgid "Number of Extruders"
201 msgstr "Number of Extruders"
203 #: fdmprinter.def.json
204 msgctxt "machine_extruder_count description"
205 msgid "Number of extruder trains. An extruder train is the combination of a feeder, bowden tube, and nozzle."
206 msgstr "エクストルーダーの数。エクストルーダーの数は、フィーダー、ボーデンチューブ、およびノズルの組合せである。"
208 #: fdmprinter.def.json
209 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter label"
210 msgid "Outer nozzle diameter"
211 msgstr "Outer nozzle diameter"
213 #: fdmprinter.def.json
214 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter description"
215 msgid "The outer diameter of the tip of the nozzle."
216 msgstr "ノズルの外径。"
218 #: fdmprinter.def.json
219 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance label"
220 msgid "Nozzle length"
221 msgstr "Nozzle length"
223 #: fdmprinter.def.json
224 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance description"
225 msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the lowest part of the print head."
226 msgstr "ノズル先端とプリントヘッドの最下部との高さの差。"
228 #: fdmprinter.def.json
229 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle label"
230 msgid "Nozzle angle"
231 msgstr "Nozzle angle"
233 #: fdmprinter.def.json
234 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle description"
235 msgid "The angle between the horizontal plane and the conical part right above the tip of the nozzle."
236 msgstr "水平面とノズルの真上の円錐部分との間の角度。"
238 #: fdmprinter.def.json
239 msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length label"
240 msgid "Heat zone length"
241 msgstr "Heat zone length"
243 #: fdmprinter.def.json
244 msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length description"
245 msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle in which heat from the nozzle is transferred to the filament."
246 msgstr "ノズルからの熱がフィラメントに伝達される距離。"
248 #: fdmprinter.def.json
249 msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance label"
250 msgid "Filament Park Distance"
251 msgstr "Filament Park Distance"
253 #: fdmprinter.def.json
254 msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance description"
255 msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle where to park the filament when an extruder is no longer used."
256 msgstr "エクストルーダーが使用していない時、フィラメントを留めている場所からノズルまでの距離。"
258 #: fdmprinter.def.json
259 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled label"
260 msgid "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
261 msgstr "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
263 #: fdmprinter.def.json
264 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled description"
265 msgid "Whether to control temperature from Cura. Turn this off to control nozzle temperature from outside of Cura."
266 msgstr "Curaから温度を制御するかどうか。これをオフにして、Cura外からノズル温度を制御することで無効化。"
268 #: fdmprinter.def.json
269 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed label"
270 msgid "Heat up speed"
271 msgstr "Heat up speed"
273 #: fdmprinter.def.json
274 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed description"
275 msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle heats up averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
276 msgstr "ノズルが加熱する速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷時温度とスタンバイ時温度にて平均化されています。"
278 #: fdmprinter.def.json
279 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed label"
280 msgid "Cool down speed"
281 msgstr "Cool down speed"
283 #: fdmprinter.def.json
284 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed description"
285 msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle cools down averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
286 msgstr "ノズルが冷却される速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷温度とスタンバイ温度のウィンドウにわたって平均化されています。"
288 #: fdmprinter.def.json
289 msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window label"
290 msgid "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
291 msgstr "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
293 #: fdmprinter.def.json
294 msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window description"
295 msgid "The minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. Only when an extruder is not used for longer than this time will it be allowed to cool down to the standby temperature."
296 msgstr "ノズルが冷却される前にエクストルーダーが静止しなければならない最短時間。この時間より長時間エクストルーダーを使用しない場合にのみ、スタンバイ温度に冷却することができます。"
298 #: fdmprinter.def.json
299 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor label"
300 msgid "Gcode flavour"
301 msgstr "Gcode flavour"
303 #: fdmprinter.def.json
304 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor description"
305 msgid "The type of gcode to be generated."
306 msgstr "生成するGコードの種類"
308 #: fdmprinter.def.json
309 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
310 msgid "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
311 msgstr "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
313 #: fdmprinter.def.json
314 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Volumatric)"
315 msgid "RepRap (Volumetric)"
316 msgstr "RepRap (Volumetric)"
318 #: fdmprinter.def.json
319 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option UltiGCode"
320 msgid "Ultimaker 2"
321 msgstr "Ultimaker 2"
323 #: fdmprinter.def.json
324 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Griffin"
325 msgid "Griffin"
326 msgstr "Griffin"
328 #: fdmprinter.def.json
329 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Makerbot"
330 msgid "Makerbot"
331 msgstr "Makerbot"
333 #: fdmprinter.def.json
334 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option BFB"
335 msgid "Bits from Bytes"
336 msgstr "Bits from Bytes"
338 #: fdmprinter.def.json
339 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option MACH3"
340 msgid "Mach3"
341 msgstr "Mach3"
343 #: fdmprinter.def.json
344 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Repetier"
345 msgid "Repetier"
346 msgstr "Repetier"
348 #: fdmprinter.def.json
349 msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas label"
350 msgid "Disallowed areas"
351 msgstr "Disallowed areas"
353 #: fdmprinter.def.json
354 msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas description"
355 msgid "A list of polygons with areas the print head is not allowed to enter."
356 msgstr "プリントヘッドの領域を持つポリゴンのリストは入力できません。"
358 #: fdmprinter.def.json
359 msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas label"
360 msgid "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
361 msgstr "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
363 #: fdmprinter.def.json
364 msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas description"
365 msgid "A list of polygons with areas the nozzle is not allowed to enter."
366 msgstr "ノズルが入ることができない領域を持つポリゴンのリスト。"
368 #: fdmprinter.def.json
369 msgctxt "machine_head_polygon label"
370 msgid "Machine head polygon"
371 msgstr "Machine head polygon"
373 #: fdmprinter.def.json
374 msgctxt "machine_head_polygon description"
375 msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps excluded)."
376 msgstr "プリントヘッドの2Dシルエット(ファンキャップは除く)。"
378 #: fdmprinter.def.json
379 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon label"
380 msgid "Machine head & Fan polygon"
381 msgstr "Machine head & Fan polygon"
383 #: fdmprinter.def.json
384 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
385 msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
386 msgstr "プリントヘッドの2Dシルエット(ファンキャップが含まれています)。"
388 #: fdmprinter.def.json
389 msgctxt "gantry_height label"
390 msgid "Gantry height"
391 msgstr "Gantry height"
393 #: fdmprinter.def.json
394 msgctxt "gantry_height description"
395 msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the gantry system (X and Y axes)."
396 msgstr "ノズルの先端とガントリーシステムの高さの差(X軸とY軸)。"
398 #: fdmprinter.def.json
399 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
400 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
401 msgstr "Nozzle Diameter"
403 #: fdmprinter.def.json
404 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
405 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
406 msgstr "ノズルの内径。標準以外のノズルを使用する場合は、この設定を変更してください。"
408 #: fdmprinter.def.json
409 msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords label"
410 msgid "Offset With Extruder"
411 msgstr "Offset With Extruder"
413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
414 msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
415 msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system."
416 msgstr "エクストルーダーのオフセットを座標システムに適用します。"
418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
419 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
420 msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
421 msgstr "Extruder Prime Z Position"
423 #: fdmprinter.def.json
424 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
425 msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
426 msgstr "印刷開始時にノズルがポジションを確認するZ座標。"
428 #: fdmprinter.def.json
429 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs label"
430 msgid "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
431 msgstr "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
433 #: fdmprinter.def.json
434 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs description"
435 msgid "Make the extruder prime position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
436 msgstr "最後のヘッドの既知位置からではなく、エクストルーダー現在位置を絶対位置にします。"
438 #: fdmprinter.def.json
439 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x label"
440 msgid "Maximum Speed X"
441 msgstr "Maximum Speed X"
443 #: fdmprinter.def.json
444 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x description"
445 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the X-direction."
446 msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度。"
448 #: fdmprinter.def.json
449 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y label"
450 msgid "Maximum Speed Y"
451 msgstr "Maximum Speed Y"
453 #: fdmprinter.def.json
454 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y description"
455 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Y-direction."
456 msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大速度。"
458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
459 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z label"
460 msgid "Maximum Speed Z"
461 msgstr "Maximum Speed Z"
463 #: fdmprinter.def.json
464 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z description"
465 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction."
466 msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大速度。"
468 #: fdmprinter.def.json
469 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
470 msgid "Maximum Feedrate"
471 msgstr "Maximum Feedrate"
473 #: fdmprinter.def.json
474 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e description"
475 msgid "The maximum speed of the filament."
476 msgstr "フィラメントの最大速度。"
478 #: fdmprinter.def.json
479 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x label"
480 msgid "Maximum Acceleration X"
481 msgstr "Maximum Acceleration X"
483 #: fdmprinter.def.json
484 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x description"
485 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the X-direction"
486 msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度。"
488 #: fdmprinter.def.json
489 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y label"
490 msgid "Maximum Acceleration Y"
491 msgstr "Maximum Acceleration Y"
493 #: fdmprinter.def.json
494 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y description"
495 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Y-direction."
496 msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
498 #: fdmprinter.def.json
499 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z label"
500 msgid "Maximum Acceleration Z"
501 msgstr "Maximum Acceleration Z"
503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
504 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z description"
505 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Z-direction."
506 msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
509 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e label"
510 msgid "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
511 msgstr "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
513 #: fdmprinter.def.json
514 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e description"
515 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the filament."
516 msgstr "フィラメントのモーターの最大加速度。"
518 #: fdmprinter.def.json
519 msgctxt "machine_acceleration label"
520 msgid "Default Acceleration"
521 msgstr "Default Acceleration"
523 #: fdmprinter.def.json
524 msgctxt "machine_acceleration description"
525 msgid "The default acceleration of print head movement."
526 msgstr "プリントヘッド移動のデフォルトの加速度。"
528 #: fdmprinter.def.json
529 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy label"
530 msgid "Default X-Y Jerk"
531 msgstr "Default X-Y Jerk"
533 #: fdmprinter.def.json
534 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy description"
535 msgid "Default jerk for movement in the horizontal plane."
536 msgstr "水平面内での移動のデフォルトジャーク。"
538 #: fdmprinter.def.json
539 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z label"
540 msgid "Default Z Jerk"
541 msgstr "Default Z Jerk"
543 #: fdmprinter.def.json
544 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z description"
545 msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the Z-direction."
546 msgstr "Z方向のモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
548 #: fdmprinter.def.json
549 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e label"
550 msgid "Default Filament Jerk"
551 msgstr "Default Filament Jerk"
553 #: fdmprinter.def.json
554 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e description"
555 msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the filament."
556 msgstr "フィラメントのモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
558 #: fdmprinter.def.json
559 msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate label"
560 msgid "Minimum Feedrate"
561 msgstr "Minimum Feedrate"
563 #: fdmprinter.def.json
564 msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate description"
565 msgid "The minimal movement speed of the print head."
566 msgstr "プリントヘッドの最小移動速度。"
568 #: fdmprinter.def.json
569 msgctxt "resolution label"
570 msgid "Quality"
571 msgstr "Quality"
573 #: fdmprinter.def.json
574 msgctxt "resolution description"
575 msgid "All settings that influence the resolution of the print. These settings have a large impact on the quality (and print time)"
576 msgstr "プリントの解像度に影響を与えるすべての設定。これらの設定は、品質(および印刷時間)に大きな影響を与えます。"
578 #: fdmprinter.def.json
579 msgctxt "layer_height label"
580 msgid "Layer Height"
581 msgstr "Layer Height"
583 #: fdmprinter.def.json
584 msgctxt "layer_height description"
585 msgid "The height of each layer in mm. Higher values produce faster prints in lower resolution, lower values produce slower prints in higher resolution."
586 msgstr "各レイヤーの高さ(mm)。値を大きくすると早く印刷しますが荒くなり、小さくすると印刷が遅くなりますが造形が綺麗になります。"
588 #: fdmprinter.def.json
589 msgctxt "layer_height_0 label"
590 msgid "Initial Layer Height"
591 msgstr "Initial Layer Height"
593 #: fdmprinter.def.json
594 msgctxt "layer_height_0 description"
595 msgid "The height of the initial layer in mm. A thicker initial layer makes adhesion to the build plate easier."
596 msgstr "初期レイヤーの高さ(mm)。厚い初期層はビルドプレートへの接着を容易にする。"
598 #: fdmprinter.def.json
599 msgctxt "line_width label"
600 msgid "Line Width"
601 msgstr "Line Width"
603 #: fdmprinter.def.json
604 msgctxt "line_width description"
605 msgid "Width of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints."
606 msgstr "1ラインの幅。一般に、各ラインの幅は、ノズルの幅に対応する必要があります。ただし、この値を少し小さくすると、より良い造形が得られます。"
608 #: fdmprinter.def.json
609 msgctxt "wall_line_width label"
610 msgid "Wall Line Width"
611 msgstr "Wall Line Width"
613 #: fdmprinter.def.json
614 msgctxt "wall_line_width description"
615 msgid "Width of a single wall line."
616 msgstr "ウォールラインの幅。"
618 #: fdmprinter.def.json
619 msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 label"
620 msgid "Outer Wall Line Width"
621 msgstr "Outer Wall Line Width"
623 #: fdmprinter.def.json
624 msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 description"
625 msgid "Width of the outermost wall line. By lowering this value, higher levels of detail can be printed."
626 msgstr "最も外側のウォールラインの幅。この値を下げると、より詳細な印刷できます。"
628 #: fdmprinter.def.json
629 msgctxt "wall_line_width_x label"
630 msgid "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
631 msgstr "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
633 #: fdmprinter.def.json
634 msgctxt "wall_line_width_x description"
635 msgid "Width of a single wall line for all wall lines except the outermost one."
636 msgstr "一番外側のウォールラインを除くすべてのウォールラインのラインの幅。"
638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
639 msgctxt "skin_line_width label"
640 msgid "Top/Bottom Line Width"
641 msgstr "Top/Bottom Line Width"
643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
644 msgctxt "skin_line_width description"
645 msgid "Width of a single top/bottom line."
646 msgstr "上辺/底辺線のライン幅。"
648 #: fdmprinter.def.json
649 msgctxt "infill_line_width label"
650 msgid "Infill Line Width"
651 msgstr "Infill Line Width"
653 #: fdmprinter.def.json
654 msgctxt "infill_line_width description"
655 msgid "Width of a single infill line."
656 msgstr "インフィル線の幅。"
658 #: fdmprinter.def.json
659 msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width label"
660 msgid "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
661 msgstr "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
663 #: fdmprinter.def.json
664 msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width description"
665 msgid "Width of a single skirt or brim line."
666 msgstr "単一のスカートまたはブリムラインの幅。"
668 #: fdmprinter.def.json
669 msgctxt "support_line_width label"
670 msgid "Support Line Width"
671 msgstr "Support Line Width"
673 #: fdmprinter.def.json
674 msgctxt "support_line_width description"
675 msgid "Width of a single support structure line."
676 msgstr "単一のサポート構造のライン幅。"
678 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width label"
680 msgid "Support Interface Line Width"
681 msgstr "Support Interface Line Width"
683 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
685 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
686 msgstr ""
688 #: fdmprinter.def.json
689 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
690 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
691 msgstr ""
693 #: fdmprinter.def.json
694 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
695 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
696 msgstr ""
698 #: fdmprinter.def.json
699 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
700 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
701 msgstr ""
703 #: fdmprinter.def.json
704 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
705 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
706 msgstr ""
708 #: fdmprinter.def.json
709 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
710 msgid "Prime Tower Line Width"
711 msgstr "Prime Tower Line Width"
713 #: fdmprinter.def.json
714 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
715 msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
716 msgstr "単一のプライムタワーラインの幅。"
718 #: fdmprinter.def.json
719 msgctxt "shell label"
720 msgid "Shell"
721 msgstr "Shell"
723 #: fdmprinter.def.json
724 msgctxt "shell description"
725 msgid "Shell"
726 msgstr "外郭"
728 #: fdmprinter.def.json
729 msgctxt "wall_thickness label"
730 msgid "Wall Thickness"
731 msgstr "Wall Thickness"
733 #: fdmprinter.def.json
734 msgctxt "wall_thickness description"
735 msgid "The thickness of the outside walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls."
736 msgstr "水平方向の外壁厚さ この値をウォールライン幅で割ることで、ウォール数を定義します。"
738 #: fdmprinter.def.json
739 msgctxt "wall_line_count label"
740 msgid "Wall Line Count"
741 msgstr "Wall Line Count"
743 #: fdmprinter.def.json
744 msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
745 msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
746 msgstr "ウォールの数。厚さから計算された場合、この値は整数になります。"
748 #: fdmprinter.def.json
749 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
750 msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
751 msgstr "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
753 #: fdmprinter.def.json
754 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
755 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
756 msgstr "外壁の後に挿入された移動の距離はZシームをよりよく隠します。"
758 #: fdmprinter.def.json
759 msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
760 msgid "Top/Bottom Thickness"
761 msgstr "Top/Bottom Thickness"
763 #: fdmprinter.def.json
764 msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness description"
765 msgid "The thickness of the top/bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top/bottom layers."
766 msgstr "プリント時の最上面、最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面、最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
768 #: fdmprinter.def.json
769 msgctxt "top_thickness label"
770 msgid "Top Thickness"
771 msgstr "Top Thickness"
773 #: fdmprinter.def.json
774 msgctxt "top_thickness description"
775 msgid "The thickness of the top layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top layers."
776 msgstr "プリント時の最上面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
778 #: fdmprinter.def.json
779 msgctxt "top_layers label"
780 msgid "Top Layers"
781 msgstr "Top Layers"
783 #: fdmprinter.def.json
784 msgctxt "top_layers description"
785 msgid "The number of top layers. When calculated by the top thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
786 msgstr "最上面のレイヤー数。トップの厚さを計算する場合、この値は整数になります。"
788 #: fdmprinter.def.json
789 msgctxt "bottom_thickness label"
790 msgid "Bottom Thickness"
791 msgstr "Bottom Thickness"
793 #: fdmprinter.def.json
794 msgctxt "bottom_thickness description"
795 msgid "The thickness of the bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of bottom layers."
796 msgstr "プリント時の最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
798 #: fdmprinter.def.json
799 msgctxt "bottom_layers label"
800 msgid "Bottom Layers"
801 msgstr "Bottom Layers"
803 #: fdmprinter.def.json
804 msgctxt "bottom_layers description"
805 msgid "The number of bottom layers. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
806 msgstr "最底面のレイヤー数。下の厚さで計算すると、この値は整数に変換されます。"
808 #: fdmprinter.def.json
809 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern label"
810 msgid "Top/Bottom Pattern"
811 msgstr "Top/Bottom Pattern"
813 #: fdmprinter.def.json
814 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern description"
815 msgid "The pattern of the top/bottom layers."
816 msgstr "上層/底層のパターン。"
818 #: fdmprinter.def.json
819 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option lines"
820 msgid "Lines"
821 msgstr "Lines"
823 #: fdmprinter.def.json
824 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option concentric"
825 msgid "Concentric"
826 msgstr "Concentric"
828 #: fdmprinter.def.json
829 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
830 msgid "Zig Zag"
831 msgstr "Zig Zag"
833 #: fdmprinter.def.json
834 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 label"
835 msgid "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
836 msgstr "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
838 #: fdmprinter.def.json
839 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 description"
840 msgid "The pattern on the bottom of the print on the first layer."
841 msgstr "第1層のプリントの底部のパターン。"
843 #: fdmprinter.def.json
844 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option lines"
845 msgid "Lines"
846 msgstr "Lines"
848 #: fdmprinter.def.json
849 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option concentric"
850 msgid "Concentric"
851 msgstr "Concentric"
853 #: fdmprinter.def.json
854 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option zigzag"
855 msgid "Zig Zag"
856 msgstr "Zig Zag"
858 #: fdmprinter.def.json
859 msgctxt "skin_angles label"
860 msgid "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
861 msgstr "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
863 #: fdmprinter.def.json
864 msgctxt "skin_angles description"
865 msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top/bottom layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
866 msgstr "上/下のレイヤーが線またはジグザグパターンを使う際の整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、層が進行するにつれて順番に使用され、リストの終わりに達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは、従来のデフォルト角度(45度と135度)を使用する空のリストです。"
868 #: fdmprinter.def.json
869 msgctxt "wall_0_inset label"
870 msgid "Outer Wall Inset"
871 msgstr "Outer Wall Inset"
873 #: fdmprinter.def.json
874 msgctxt "wall_0_inset description"
875 msgid "Inset applied to the path of the outer wall. If the outer wall is smaller than the nozzle, and printed after the inner walls, use this offset to get the hole in the nozzle to overlap with the inner walls instead of the outside of the model."
876 msgstr "外壁の経路にはめ込む。外壁がノズルよりも小さく、内壁の後に造形されている場合は、オフセットを使用して、ノズルの穴をモデルの外側ではなく内壁と重なるようにします。"
878 #: fdmprinter.def.json
879 msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
880 msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
881 msgstr "Outer Before Inner Walls"
883 #: fdmprinter.def.json
884 msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
885 msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
886 msgstr "有効にすると、壁は外側から内側に順番に印刷します。これは、ABSのような高粘度のプラスチックを使用する際、XとYの寸法精度を改善するのに役立ちます。しかし、特にオーバーハング時に、外面の印刷品質を低下させる可能性があります。"
888 #: fdmprinter.def.json
889 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
890 msgid "Alternate Extra Wall"
891 msgstr "Alternate Extra Wall"
893 #: fdmprinter.def.json
894 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter description"
895 msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught between these extra walls, resulting in stronger prints."
896 msgstr "すべてのレイヤーごとに予備の壁を印刷します。このようにして、インフィルは余分な壁の間に挟まれ、より強い印刷物が得られる。"
898 #: fdmprinter.def.json
899 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
900 msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
901 msgstr "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
903 #: fdmprinter.def.json
904 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
905 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
906 msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている部品の壁の流れを補正します。"
908 #: fdmprinter.def.json
909 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
910 msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
911 msgstr "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
913 #: fdmprinter.def.json
914 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
915 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
916 msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている場所にプリントされている外壁の部分の流れを補う。"
918 #: fdmprinter.def.json
919 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
920 msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
921 msgstr "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
923 #: fdmprinter.def.json
924 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
925 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
926 msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている場所にプリントされている内壁の部分の流れを補正します。"
928 #: fdmprinter.def.json
929 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
930 msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
931 msgstr "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
933 #: fdmprinter.def.json
934 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
935 msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
936 msgstr "壁が入らない壁の隙間を埋める。"
938 #: fdmprinter.def.json
939 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
940 msgid "Nowhere"
941 msgstr "Nowhere"
943 #: fdmprinter.def.json
944 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
945 msgid "Everywhere"
946 msgstr "Everywhere"
948 #: fdmprinter.def.json
949 msgctxt "xy_offset label"
950 msgid "Horizontal Expansion"
951 msgstr "Horizontal Expansion"
953 #: fdmprinter.def.json
954 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
955 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
956 msgstr "各レイヤーのすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は大きすぎる穴を補うことができます。負の値は小さすぎる穴を補うことができます。"
958 #: fdmprinter.def.json
959 msgctxt "z_seam_type label"
960 msgid "Z Seam Alignment"
961 msgstr "Z Seam Alignment"
963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
964 msgctxt "z_seam_type description"
965 msgid "Starting point of each path in a layer. When paths in consecutive layers start at the same point a vertical seam may show on the print. When aligning these near a user specified location, the seam is easiest to remove. When placed randomly the inaccuracies at the paths' start will be less noticeable. When taking the shortest path the print will be quicker."
966 msgstr "レイヤーの経路始点。連続するレイヤー経路が同じポイントで開始すると、縦のシームが印刷に表示されることがあります。ユーザーが指定した場所の近くでこれらを整列させる場合、継ぎ目は最も簡単に取り除くことができます。無作為に配置すると、経路開始時の粗さが目立たなくなります。最短経路をとると、印刷が速くなります。"
968 #: fdmprinter.def.json
969 msgctxt "z_seam_type option back"
970 msgid "User Specified"
971 msgstr "User Specified"
973 #: fdmprinter.def.json
974 msgctxt "z_seam_type option shortest"
975 msgid "Shortest"
976 msgstr "Shortest"
978 #: fdmprinter.def.json
979 msgctxt "z_seam_type option random"
980 msgid "Random"
981 msgstr "Random"
983 #: fdmprinter.def.json
984 msgctxt "z_seam_x label"
985 msgid "Z Seam X"
986 msgstr "Z Seam X"
988 #: fdmprinter.def.json
989 msgctxt "z_seam_x description"
990 msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
991 msgstr ""
992 "レイヤー内の各印刷を開始するX座\n"
993 "標の位置。"
995 #: fdmprinter.def.json
996 msgctxt "z_seam_y label"
997 msgid "Z Seam Y"
998 msgstr "Z Seam Y"
1000 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1001 msgctxt "z_seam_y description"
1002 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
1003 msgstr "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
1005 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1006 msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
1007 msgid "Ignore Small Z Gaps"
1008 msgstr "Ignore Small Z Gaps"
1010 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1011 msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic description"
1012 msgid "When the model has small vertical gaps, about 5% extra computation time can be spent on generating top and bottom skin in these narrow spaces. In such case, disable the setting."
1013 msgstr "モデルに垂直方向のギャップが小さくある場合、これらの狭いスペースにおいて上部および下部スキンを生成するために、約5%の計算時間が追加されます。そのような場合は、設定を無効にしてください。"
1015 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1016 msgctxt "infill label"
1017 msgid "Infill"
1018 msgstr "Infill"
1020 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1021 msgctxt "infill description"
1022 msgid "Infill"
1023 msgstr "インフィル"
1025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1026 msgctxt "infill_sparse_density label"
1027 msgid "Infill Density"
1028 msgstr "Infill Density"
1030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1031 msgctxt "infill_sparse_density description"
1032 msgid "Adjusts the density of infill of the print."
1033 msgstr "プリントのインフィルの密度を調整します。"
1035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1036 msgctxt "infill_line_distance label"
1037 msgid "Infill Line Distance"
1038 msgstr "Infill Line Distance"
1040 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1041 msgctxt "infill_line_distance description"
1042 msgid "Distance between the printed infill lines. This setting is calculated by the infill density and the infill line width."
1043 msgstr "造形されたインフィルラインの距離。この設定は、インフィル密度およびライン幅によって計算される。"
1045 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1046 msgctxt "infill_pattern label"
1047 msgid "Infill Pattern"
1048 msgstr "Infill Pattern"
1050 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1051 msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
1052 msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, cubic, tetrahedral and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Cubic and tetrahedral infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction."
1053 msgstr "印刷物のインフィルのパターン。ラインとジグザグのインフィルは交互のレイヤー方向をずらし、材料費を削減します。グリッド、三角形、キュービック、四面体、同心円のパターンは、各レイヤーに完全に印刷されます。立方体および四面体のインフィルは各層ごとに変化し、各方向に沿ってより均等な強度分布を提供する。"
1055 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1056 msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
1057 msgid "Grid"
1058 msgstr "Grid"
1060 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1061 msgctxt "infill_pattern option lines"
1062 msgid "Lines"
1063 msgstr "Lines"
1065 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1066 msgctxt "infill_pattern option triangles"
1067 msgid "Triangles"
1068 msgstr "Triangles"
1070 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1071 msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubic"
1072 msgid "Cubic"
1073 msgstr "Cubic"
1075 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1076 msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubicsubdiv"
1077 msgid "Cubic Subdivision"
1078 msgstr "Cubic Subdivision"
1080 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1081 msgctxt "infill_pattern option tetrahedral"
1082 msgid "Tetrahedral"
1083 msgstr "Tetrahedral"
1085 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1086 msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric"
1087 msgid "Concentric"
1088 msgstr "Concentric"
1090 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1091 msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric_3d"
1092 msgid "Concentric 3D"
1093 msgstr "Concentric 3D"
1095 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1096 msgctxt "infill_pattern option zigzag"
1097 msgid "Zig Zag"
1098 msgstr "Zig Zag"
1100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1101 msgctxt "infill_angles label"
1102 msgid "Infill Line Directions"
1103 msgstr "Infill Line Directions"
1105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1106 msgctxt "infill_angles description"
1107 msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
1108 msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストです。これは、従来のデフォルト角度(線とジグザグのパターンでは45と135度、他のすべてのパターンでは45度)を使用することを意味します。"
1110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1111 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1112 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1116 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1117 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1121 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1122 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1126 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1127 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1131 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1132 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1136 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1137 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1141 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1142 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1146 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1147 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1151 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1152 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1156 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1157 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1161 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
1162 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
1163 msgstr "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
1165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1166 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add description"
1167 msgid "An addition to the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to a thicker shell of small cubes near the boundary of the model."
1168 msgstr "この立方体を細分するかどうかを決定するために、各立方体の中心から半径に加えてモデルの境界を調べます。値を大きくすると、モデルの境界付近に小さな立方体のより厚いシェルができます。"
1170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1171 msgctxt "infill_overlap label"
1172 msgid "Infill Overlap Percentage"
1173 msgstr "Infill Overlap Percentage"
1175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1176 msgctxt "infill_overlap description"
1177 msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
1178 msgstr "インフィルと壁が交差する量、わずかな交差によって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
1180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1181 msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm label"
1182 msgid "Infill Overlap"
1183 msgstr "Infill Overlap"
1185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1186 msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm description"
1187 msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
1188 msgstr "インフィルと壁が交差する量、わずかな交差によって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
1190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1191 msgctxt "skin_overlap label"
1192 msgid "Skin Overlap Percentage"
1193 msgstr "Skin Overlap Percentage"
1195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1196 msgctxt "skin_overlap description"
1197 msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
1198 msgstr "スキンと壁の間のオーバーラップ量 わずかなオーバーラップによって壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。"
1200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1201 msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm label"
1202 msgid "Skin Overlap"
1203 msgstr "Skin Overlap"
1205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1206 msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm description"
1207 msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
1208 msgstr "スキンと壁の間の交差した量 わずかなオーバーラップによって壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。"
1210 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1211 msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist label"
1212 msgid "Infill Wipe Distance"
1213 msgstr "Infill Wipe Distance"
1215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1216 msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
1217 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
1218 msgstr "インフィルラインごとに挿入された移動距離は壁のインフィルへの接着をより良くします。このオプションは、インフィルオーバーラップに似ていますが、押出なく、インフィルラインの片側にのみあります。"
1220 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1221 msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
1222 msgid "Infill Layer Thickness"
1223 msgstr "Infill Layer Thickness"
1225 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1226 msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness description"
1227 msgid "The thickness per layer of infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
1228 msgstr "インフィルマテリアルの層ごとの厚さ。この値は常にレイヤーの高さの倍数でなければなりません。"
1230 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1231 msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps label"
1232 msgid "Gradual Infill Steps"
1233 msgstr "Gradual Infill Steps"
1235 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1236 msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps description"
1237 msgid "Number of times to reduce the infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Infill Density."
1238 msgstr "天井面の表面に近づく際にインフィル密度が半減する回数。天井面に近い領域ほど高い密度となり、インフィル密度まで達します。"
1240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1241 msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height label"
1242 msgid "Gradual Infill Step Height"
1243 msgstr "Gradual Infill Step Height"
1245 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1246 msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height description"
1247 msgid "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
1248 msgstr "密度が半分に切り替える前の所定のインフィルの高さ。"
1250 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1251 msgctxt "infill_before_walls label"
1252 msgid "Infill Before Walls"
1253 msgstr "Infill Before Walls"
1255 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1256 msgctxt "infill_before_walls description"
1257 msgid "Print the infill before printing the walls. Printing the walls first may lead to more accurate walls, but overhangs print worse. Printing the infill first leads to sturdier walls, but the infill pattern might sometimes show through the surface."
1258 msgstr ""
1259 "壁より前にインフィルをプリントします はじめに壁をプリントするとより精密な壁になりますが、オーバーハングのプリントは悪化します\n"
1260 "はじめにインフィルをプリントすると丈夫な壁になりますが、インフィルの模様が時折表面から透けて表れます"
1262 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1263 msgctxt "min_infill_area label"
1264 msgid "Minimum Infill Area"
1265 msgstr "Minimum Infill Area"
1267 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1268 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
1269 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
1270 msgstr "これより小さいインフィルの領域を生成しないでください (代わりにスキンを使用してください)。"
1272 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1273 msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill label"
1274 msgid "Expand Skins Into Infill"
1275 msgstr "Expand Skins Into Infill"
1277 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1278 msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill description"
1279 msgid "Expand skin areas of top and/or bottom skin of flat surfaces. By default, skins stop under the wall lines that surround infill but this can lead to holes appearing when the infill density is low. This setting extends the skins beyond the wall lines so that the infill on the next layer rests on skin."
1280 msgstr "平らな面の上部または底部のスキン部の及びその領域を展開します。既定では、スキンインフィルの周りの壁の線で停止しますが、これはインフィル密度が低いときに現れる穴につながることがあります。この設定は、次の層の面材が皮膚にかかっているので、壁の線を超えてスキンを拡張します。"
1282 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1283 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1284 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1288 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1289 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1293 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1294 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1295 msgstr ""
1297 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1298 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1299 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1300 msgstr ""
1302 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1303 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
1304 msgid "Skin Expand Distance"
1305 msgstr "Skin Expand Distance"
1307 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1308 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance description"
1309 msgid "The distance the skins are expanded into the infill. The default distance is enough to bridge the gap between the infill lines and will stop holes appearing in the skin where it meets the wall when the infill density is low. A smaller distance will often be sufficient."
1310 msgstr "スキンがインフィルに展開される距離。デフォルトの距離は、インフィルの密度が低いときにスキンに現れる穴とインフィルの行間とギャップを埋めるのにに十分です。大抵の場合、距離は小さくても問題ありません。"
1312 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1313 msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion label"
1314 msgid "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
1315 msgstr "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
1317 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1318 msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion description"
1319 msgid "Top and/or bottom surfaces of your object with an angle larger than this setting, won't have their top/bottom skin expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a near vertical slope. An angle of 0° is horizontal, while an angle of 90° is vertical."
1320 msgstr "この設定より大きい角を持つオブジェクトの上部または底部の表面、その表面のスキンはを拡大しません。これは、モデルのサーフェスに近い垂直斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避します。0 ° の角度は水平方向、90 ° の角度が垂直方向です。"
1322 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1323 msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion label"
1324 msgid "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
1325 msgstr "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
1327 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1328 msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion description"
1329 msgid "Skin areas narrower than this are not expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a slope close to the vertical."
1330 msgstr "これより狭いスキン領域は展開されません。モデル表面に、垂直に近い斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避するためです。"
1332 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1333 msgctxt "material label"
1334 msgid "Material"
1335 msgstr "Material"
1337 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1338 msgctxt "material description"
1339 msgid "Material"
1340 msgstr "マテリアル"
1342 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1343 msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature label"
1344 msgid "Auto Temperature"
1345 msgstr "Auto Temperature"
1347 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1348 msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature description"
1349 msgid "Change the temperature for each layer automatically with the average flow speed of that layer."
1350 msgstr "その画層の平均流速で自動的にレイヤーごとに温度を変更します。"
1352 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1353 msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature label"
1354 msgid "Default Printing Temperature"
1355 msgstr "Default Printing Temperature"
1357 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1358 msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature description"
1359 msgid "The default temperature used for printing. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a material. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
1360 msgstr "印刷中のデフォルトの温度。これはマテリアルの基本温度となります。他のすべての造形温度はこの値に基づいてオフセットする必要があります。"
1362 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1363 msgctxt "material_print_temperature label"
1364 msgid "Printing Temperature"
1365 msgstr "Printing Temperature"
1367 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1368 msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
1369 msgid "The temperature used for printing."
1370 msgstr "印刷中の温度。"
1372 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1373 msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 label"
1374 msgid "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
1375 msgstr "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
1377 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1378 msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 description"
1379 msgid "The temperature used for printing the first layer. Set at 0 to disable special handling of the initial layer."
1380 msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する温度。初期レイヤーのみ特別設定が必要ない場合は 0 に設定します。"
1382 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1383 msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature label"
1384 msgid "Initial Printing Temperature"
1385 msgstr "Initial Printing Temperature"
1387 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1388 msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature description"
1389 msgid "The minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start."
1390 msgstr "加熱中、印刷を開始することができる最低の温度。"
1392 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1393 msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature label"
1394 msgid "Final Printing Temperature"
1395 msgstr "Final Printing Temperature"
1397 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1398 msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature description"
1399 msgid "The temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing."
1400 msgstr "印刷終了直前に冷却を開始する温度。"
1402 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1403 msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph label"
1404 msgid "Flow Temperature Graph"
1405 msgstr "Flow Temperature Graph"
1407 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1408 msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph description"
1409 msgid "Data linking material flow (in mm3 per second) to temperature (degrees Celsius)."
1410 msgstr "マテリアルフロー(毎秒 3mm) と温度 (° c) をリンクします。"
1412 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1413 msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed label"
1414 msgid "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
1415 msgstr "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
1417 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1418 msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed description"
1419 msgid "The extra speed by which the nozzle cools while extruding. The same value is used to signify the heat up speed lost when heating up while extruding."
1420 msgstr "印刷中にノズルが冷える際の速度。同じ値が、加熱する際の加熱速度に割当られます。"
1422 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1423 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature label"
1424 msgid "Build Plate Temperature"
1425 msgstr "Build Plate Temperature"
1427 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1428 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature description"
1429 msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the bed will not heat up for this print."
1430 msgstr "加熱式ビルドプレート温度。これが 0 の場合、ベッドは加熱しません。"
1432 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1433 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 label"
1434 msgid "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
1435 msgstr "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
1437 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1438 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 description"
1439 msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer."
1440 msgstr "最初のレイヤー印刷時のビルドプレートの温度。"
1442 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1443 msgctxt "material_diameter label"
1444 msgid "Diameter"
1445 msgstr "Diameter"
1447 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1448 msgctxt "material_diameter description"
1449 msgid "Adjusts the diameter of the filament used. Match this value with the diameter of the used filament."
1450 msgstr "使用するフィラメントの太さの調整 この値を使用するフィラメントの太さと一致させてください。"
1452 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1453 msgctxt "material_flow label"
1454 msgid "Flow"
1455 msgstr "Flow"
1457 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1458 msgctxt "material_flow description"
1459 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
1460 msgstr "流れの補修: 押出されるマテリアルの量は、この値から乗算されます。"
1462 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1463 msgctxt "retraction_enable label"
1464 msgid "Enable Retraction"
1465 msgstr "Enable Retraction"
1467 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1468 msgctxt "retraction_enable description"
1469 msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area. "
1470 msgstr "ノズルが印刷しないで良い領域を移動する際にフィラメントを引き戻す。"
1472 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1473 msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change label"
1474 msgid "Retract at Layer Change"
1475 msgstr "Retract at Layer Change"
1477 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1478 msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change description"
1479 msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving to the next layer."
1480 msgstr "ノズルは次の層に移動するときフィラメントを引き戻します。"
1482 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1483 msgctxt "retraction_amount label"
1484 msgid "Retraction Distance"
1485 msgstr "Retraction Distance"
1487 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1488 msgctxt "retraction_amount description"
1489 msgid "The length of material retracted during a retraction move."
1490 msgstr "引き戻されるマテリアルの長さ"
1492 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1493 msgctxt "retraction_speed label"
1494 msgid "Retraction Speed"
1495 msgstr "Retraction Speed"
1497 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1498 #, fuzzy
1499 msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
1500 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
1501 msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
1503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1504 msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
1505 msgid "Retraction Retract Speed"
1506 msgstr "Retraction Retract Speed"
1508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1509 #, fuzzy
1510 msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed description"
1511 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a retraction move."
1512 msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
1514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1515 msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed label"
1516 msgid "Retraction Prime Speed"
1517 msgstr "Retraction Prime Speed"
1519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1520 #, fuzzy
1521 msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
1522 msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
1523 msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
1525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1526 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
1527 msgid "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
1528 msgstr "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
1530 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1531 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
1532 msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
1533 msgstr "マテリアルによっては、移動中に滲み出てきてしまうときがあり、ここで調整することができます。"
1535 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1536 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
1537 msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
1538 msgstr "Retraction Minimum Travel"
1540 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1541 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
1542 msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
1543 msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す際に必要な最小移動距離。これは、短い距離内での引き戻しの回数を減らすために役立ちます。"
1545 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1546 msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
1547 msgid "Maximum Retraction Count"
1548 msgstr "Maximum Retraction Count"
1550 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1551 msgctxt "retraction_count_max description"
1552 msgid "This setting limits the number of retractions occurring within the minimum extrusion distance window. Further retractions within this window will be ignored. This avoids retracting repeatedly on the same piece of filament, as that can flatten the filament and cause grinding issues."
1553 msgstr "この設定は、決められた距離の中で起こる引き戻しの回数を制限します。制限数以上の引き戻しは無視されます。これによりフィーダーでフィラメントを誤って削ってしまう問題を軽減させます。"
1555 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1556 msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window label"
1557 msgid "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
1558 msgstr "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
1560 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1561 msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window description"
1562 msgid "The window in which the maximum retraction count is enforced. This value should be approximately the same as the retraction distance, so that effectively the number of times a retraction passes the same patch of material is limited."
1563 msgstr "最大の引き戻し回数。この値は引き戻す距離と同じであることで、引き戻しが効果的に行われます。"
1565 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1566 msgctxt "material_standby_temperature label"
1567 msgid "Standby Temperature"
1568 msgstr "Standby Temperature"
1570 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1571 msgctxt "material_standby_temperature description"
1572 msgid "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing."
1573 msgstr "印刷していないノズルの温度(もう一方のノズルが印刷中)"
1575 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1576 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount label"
1577 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
1578 msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
1580 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1581 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount description"
1582 msgid "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone."
1583 msgstr "引き込み量:引き込みを行わない場合は0に設定します。これは通常、ヒートゾーンの長さと同じに設定します。"
1585 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1586 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds label"
1587 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
1588 msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
1590 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1591 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds description"
1592 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding."
1593 msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す速度。速度が早い程良いが早すぎるとフィラメントを削ってしまう可能性があります。"
1595 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1596 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed label"
1597 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
1598 msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
1600 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1601 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed description"
1602 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract."
1603 msgstr "ノズル切り替え中のフィラメントの引き込み速度。"
1605 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1606 msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed label"
1607 msgid "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
1608 msgstr "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
1610 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1611 msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
1612 msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
1613 msgstr "ノズル スイッチ後にフィラメントが押し戻される速度。"
1615 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1616 msgctxt "speed label"
1617 msgid "Speed"
1618 msgstr "Speed"
1620 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1621 msgctxt "speed description"
1622 msgid "Speed"
1623 msgstr "スピード"
1625 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1626 msgctxt "speed_print label"
1627 msgid "Print Speed"
1628 msgstr "Print Speed"
1630 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1631 msgctxt "speed_print description"
1632 msgid "The speed at which printing happens."
1633 msgstr "印刷スピード"
1635 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1636 msgctxt "speed_infill label"
1637 msgid "Infill Speed"
1638 msgstr "Infill Speed"
1640 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1641 msgctxt "speed_infill description"
1642 msgid "The speed at which infill is printed."
1643 msgstr "インフィルを印刷する速度"
1645 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1646 msgctxt "speed_wall label"
1647 msgid "Wall Speed"
1648 msgstr "Wall Speed"
1650 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1651 msgctxt "speed_wall description"
1652 msgid "The speed at which the walls are printed."
1653 msgstr "ウォールを印刷する速度"
1655 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1656 msgctxt "speed_wall_0 label"
1657 msgid "Outer Wall Speed"
1658 msgstr "Outer Wall Speed"
1660 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1661 msgctxt "speed_wall_0 description"
1662 msgid "The speed at which the outermost walls are printed. Printing the outer wall at a lower speed improves the final skin quality. However, having a large difference between the inner wall speed and the outer wall speed will affect quality in a negative way."
1663 msgstr "最も外側のウォールをプリントする速度。外側の壁を低速でプリントすると表面の質が改善しますが、内壁と外壁のプリント速度の差が大きすぎると、印刷の質が悪化します。"
1665 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1666 msgctxt "speed_wall_x label"
1667 msgid "Inner Wall Speed"
1668 msgstr "Inner Wall Speed"
1670 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1671 msgctxt "speed_wall_x description"
1672 msgid "The speed at which all inner walls are printed. Printing the inner wall faster than the outer wall will reduce printing time. It works well to set this in between the outer wall speed and the infill speed."
1673 msgstr "内側のウォールをプリントする速度 外壁より内壁を高速でプリントすると、印刷時間の短縮になります。外壁のプリント速度とインフィルのプリント速度の中間に設定するのが適切です。"
1675 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1676 msgctxt "speed_topbottom label"
1677 msgid "Top/Bottom Speed"
1678 msgstr "Top/Bottom Speed"
1680 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1681 msgctxt "speed_topbottom description"
1682 msgid "The speed at which top/bottom layers are printed."
1683 msgstr "トップ/ボトムのレイヤーのプリント速度"
1685 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1686 msgctxt "speed_support label"
1687 msgid "Support Speed"
1688 msgstr "Support Speed"
1690 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1691 msgctxt "speed_support description"
1692 msgid "The speed at which the support structure is printed. Printing support at higher speeds can greatly reduce printing time. The surface quality of the support structure is not important since it is removed after printing."
1693 msgstr "サポート材をプリントする速度です。高速でサポートをプリントすると、印刷時間を大幅に短縮できます。サポート材は印刷後に削除されますので、サポート構造の品質はそれほど重要ではありません。"
1695 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1696 msgctxt "speed_support_infill label"
1697 msgid "Support Infill Speed"
1698 msgstr "Support Infill Speed"
1700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1701 msgctxt "speed_support_infill description"
1702 msgid "The speed at which the infill of support is printed. Printing the infill at lower speeds improves stability."
1703 msgstr "サポート材のインフィルをプリントする速度 低速でプリントすると安定性が向上します。"
1705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1706 msgctxt "speed_support_interface label"
1707 msgid "Support Interface Speed"
1708 msgstr "Support Interface Speed"
1710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1711 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1712 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1713 msgstr ""
1715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1716 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1717 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1718 msgstr ""
1720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1721 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1722 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1723 msgstr ""
1725 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1726 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1727 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1728 msgstr ""
1730 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1731 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1732 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1733 msgstr ""
1735 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1736 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
1737 msgid "Prime Tower Speed"
1738 msgstr "Prime Tower Speed"
1740 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1741 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower description"
1742 msgid "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal."
1743 msgstr "プライムタワーをプリントする速度です。異なるフィラメントの印刷で密着性が最適ではない場合、低速にてプライム タワーをプリントすることでより安定させることができます。"
1745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1746 msgctxt "speed_travel label"
1747 msgid "Travel Speed"
1748 msgstr "Travel Speed"
1750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1751 msgctxt "speed_travel description"
1752 msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
1753 msgstr "移動中のスピード"
1755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1756 msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
1757 msgid "Initial Layer Speed"
1758 msgstr "Initial Layer Speed"
1760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1761 msgctxt "speed_layer_0 description"
1762 msgid "The speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
1763 msgstr "一層目での速度。ビルトプレートへの接着を向上するため低速を推奨します"
1765 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1766 msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 label"
1767 msgid "Initial Layer Print Speed"
1768 msgstr "Initial Layer Print Speed"
1770 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1771 msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 description"
1772 msgid "The speed of printing for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
1773 msgstr "一層目をプリントする速度 ビルトプレートへの接着を向上するため低速を推奨します"
1775 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1776 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
1777 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
1778 msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
1780 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1781 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
1782 msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
1783 msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する際のトラベルスピード。低速の方が、ビルドプレート剥がれるリスクを軽減することができます。この設定の値は、移動速度と印刷速度の比から自動的に計算されます。"
1785 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1786 msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
1787 msgid "Skirt/Brim Speed"
1788 msgstr "Skirt/Brim Speed"
1790 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1791 msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed description"
1792 msgid "The speed at which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done at the initial layer speed, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different speed."
1793 msgstr "スカートとブリムのプリント速度 通常は一層目のスピードと同じですが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムをプリントしたい場合に設定してください。"
1795 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1796 msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override label"
1797 msgid "Maximum Z Speed"
1798 msgstr "Maximum Z Speed"
1800 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1801 msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override description"
1802 msgid "The maximum speed with which the build plate is moved. Setting this to zero causes the print to use the firmware defaults for the maximum z speed."
1803 msgstr "ビルトプレートが移動する最高速度 この値を0に設定すると、ファームウェアのデフォルト値のZの最高速度が適用されます。"
1805 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1806 msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers label"
1807 msgid "Number of Slower Layers"
1808 msgstr "Number of Slower Layers"
1810 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1811 msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers description"
1812 msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to get better adhesion to the build plate and improve the overall success rate of prints. The speed is gradually increased over these layers."
1813 msgstr "最初の数層は印刷失敗の可能性を軽減させるために、設定した印刷スピードよりも遅く印刷されます。"
1815 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1816 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
1817 msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
1818 msgstr "Equalize Filament Flow"
1820 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1821 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
1822 msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
1823 msgstr "通常より細いラインを高速プリントするので、時間当たりのフィラメント押出量は同じです。薄いモデル部品は、設定よりも細い線幅でプリントすることが要求される場合があり、本設定はそのような線の速度を変更します。"
1825 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1826 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
1827 msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
1828 msgstr "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
1830 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1831 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
1832 msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
1833 msgstr "吐出を均一にするための調整時の最高スピード"
1835 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1836 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
1837 msgid "Enable Acceleration Control"
1838 msgstr "Enable Acceleration Control"
1840 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1841 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled description"
1842 msgid "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
1843 msgstr "プリントヘッドのスピード調整の有効化 加速度の増加は印刷時間を短縮しますが印刷の質を損ねます。"
1845 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1846 msgctxt "acceleration_print label"
1847 msgid "Print Acceleration"
1848 msgstr "Print Acceleration"
1850 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1851 msgctxt "acceleration_print description"
1852 msgid "The acceleration with which printing happens."
1853 msgstr "印刷の加速スピードです。"
1855 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1856 msgctxt "acceleration_infill label"
1857 msgid "Infill Acceleration"
1858 msgstr "Infill Acceleration"
1860 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1861 msgctxt "acceleration_infill description"
1862 msgid "The acceleration with which infill is printed."
1863 msgstr "インフィルの印刷の加速スピード。"
1865 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1866 msgctxt "acceleration_wall label"
1867 msgid "Wall Acceleration"
1868 msgstr "Wall Acceleration"
1870 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1871 msgctxt "acceleration_wall description"
1872 msgid "The acceleration with which the walls are printed."
1873 msgstr "ウォールをプリントする際の加速度。"
1875 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1876 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 label"
1877 msgid "Outer Wall Acceleration"
1878 msgstr "Outer Wall Acceleration"
1880 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1881 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 description"
1882 msgid "The acceleration with which the outermost walls are printed."
1883 msgstr "最も外側の壁をプリントする際の加速度"
1885 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1886 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x label"
1887 msgid "Inner Wall Acceleration"
1888 msgstr "Inner Wall Acceleration"
1890 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1891 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x description"
1892 msgid "The acceleration with which all inner walls are printed."
1893 msgstr "内側のウォールがが出力される際のスピード。"
1895 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1896 msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom label"
1897 msgid "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
1898 msgstr "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
1900 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1901 msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom description"
1902 msgid "The acceleration with which top/bottom layers are printed."
1903 msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーの印刷加速度。"
1905 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1906 msgctxt "acceleration_support label"
1907 msgid "Support Acceleration"
1908 msgstr "Support Acceleration"
1910 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1911 msgctxt "acceleration_support description"
1912 msgid "The acceleration with which the support structure is printed."
1913 msgstr "サポート材プリント時の加速スピード"
1915 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1916 msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill label"
1917 msgid "Support Infill Acceleration"
1918 msgstr "Support Infill Acceleration"
1920 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1921 msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill description"
1922 msgid "The acceleration with which the infill of support is printed."
1923 msgstr "インフィルのサポート材のプリント時の加速度。"
1925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1926 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface label"
1927 msgid "Support Interface Acceleration"
1928 msgstr "Support Interface Acceleration"
1930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1931 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1932 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1933 msgstr ""
1935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1936 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1937 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1938 msgstr ""
1940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1941 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1942 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1943 msgstr ""
1945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1946 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1947 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1948 msgstr ""
1950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1951 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1952 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1953 msgstr ""
1955 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1956 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
1957 msgid "Prime Tower Acceleration"
1958 msgstr "Prime Tower Acceleration"
1960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1961 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower description"
1962 msgid "The acceleration with which the prime tower is printed."
1963 msgstr "プライムタワーの印刷時のスピード。"
1965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1966 msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
1967 msgid "Travel Acceleration"
1968 msgstr "Travel Acceleration"
1970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1971 msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
1972 msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
1973 msgstr "移動中の加速度。"
1975 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1976 msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
1977 msgid "Initial Layer Acceleration"
1978 msgstr "Initial Layer Acceleration"
1980 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1981 msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 description"
1982 msgid "The acceleration for the initial layer."
1983 msgstr "初期レイヤーの加速度。"
1985 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1986 msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 label"
1987 msgid "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
1988 msgstr "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
1990 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1991 msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 description"
1992 msgid "The acceleration during the printing of the initial layer."
1993 msgstr "初期レイヤーの印刷中の加速度。"
1995 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1996 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
1997 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
1998 msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
2000 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2001 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
2002 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
2003 msgstr "最初のレイヤー時の加速度"
2005 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2006 msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
2007 msgid "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
2008 msgstr "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
2010 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2011 msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim description"
2012 msgid "The acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration."
2013 msgstr "スカートとブリム印刷時の加速度。通常、初期レイヤーの印刷スピードにて適用されるが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムを印刷したい場合使用できる。"
2015 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2016 msgctxt "jerk_enabled label"
2017 msgid "Enable Jerk Control"
2018 msgstr "Enable Jerk Control"
2020 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2021 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
2022 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
2023 msgstr "X または Y 軸の速度が変更する際、プリントヘッドのジャークを調整することができます。ジャークを増やすことは、印刷時間を短縮できますがプリントの質を損ねます。"
2025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2026 msgctxt "jerk_print label"
2027 msgid "Print Jerk"
2028 msgstr "Print Jerk"
2030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2031 msgctxt "jerk_print description"
2032 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change of the print head."
2033 msgstr "プリントヘッドの最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2036 msgctxt "jerk_infill label"
2037 msgid "Infill Jerk"
2038 msgstr "Infill Jerk"
2040 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2041 msgctxt "jerk_infill description"
2042 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which infill is printed."
2043 msgstr "インフィルの印刷時の瞬間速度の変更。"
2045 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2046 msgctxt "jerk_wall label"
2047 msgid "Wall Jerk"
2048 msgstr "Wall Jerk"
2050 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2051 msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
2052 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
2053 msgstr "ウォールのプリント時の最大瞬間速度を変更。"
2055 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2056 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
2057 msgid "Outer Wall Jerk"
2058 msgstr "Outer Wall Jerk"
2060 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2061 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
2062 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
2063 msgstr "外側のウォールが出力される際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2065 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2066 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
2067 msgid "Inner Wall Jerk"
2068 msgstr "Inner Wall Jerk"
2070 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2071 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
2072 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
2073 msgstr "内側のウォールがプリントされれう際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2075 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2076 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
2077 msgid "Top/Bottom Jerk"
2078 msgstr "Top/Bottom Jerk"
2080 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2081 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
2082 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
2083 msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーを印刷する際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2085 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2086 msgctxt "jerk_support label"
2087 msgid "Support Jerk"
2088 msgstr "Support Jerk"
2090 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2091 msgctxt "jerk_support description"
2092 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
2093 msgstr "サポート材の印刷時の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2095 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2096 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
2097 msgid "Support Infill Jerk"
2098 msgstr "Support Infill Jerk"
2100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2101 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
2102 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
2103 msgstr "サポート材の印刷時、最大瞬間速度の変更。"
2105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2106 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
2107 msgid "Support Interface Jerk"
2108 msgstr "Support Interface Jerk"
2110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2111 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2112 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2113 msgstr ""
2115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2116 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2117 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2118 msgstr ""
2120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2121 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2122 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2123 msgstr ""
2125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2126 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2127 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2128 msgstr ""
2130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2131 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2132 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2133 msgstr ""
2135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2136 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
2137 msgid "Prime Tower Jerk"
2138 msgstr "Prime Tower Jerk"
2140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2141 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower description"
2142 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the prime tower is printed."
2143 msgstr "プライムタワーがプリントされる際の最大瞬間速度を変更します。"
2145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2146 msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
2147 msgid "Travel Jerk"
2148 msgstr "Travel Jerk"
2150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2151 msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
2152 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
2153 msgstr "移動する際の最大瞬時速度の変更。"
2155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2156 msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
2157 msgid "Initial Layer Jerk"
2158 msgstr "Initial Layer Jerk"
2160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2161 msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 description"
2162 msgid "The print maximum instantaneous velocity change for the initial layer."
2163 msgstr "初期レイヤーの最大瞬時速度の変更。"
2165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2166 msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 label"
2167 msgid "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
2168 msgstr "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
2170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2171 msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 description"
2172 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change during the printing of the initial layer."
2173 msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷中の最大瞬時速度の変化。"
2175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2176 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
2177 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
2178 msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
2180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2181 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
2182 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
2183 msgstr "移動加速度は最初のレイヤーに適用されます。"
2185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2186 msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
2187 msgid "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
2188 msgstr "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
2190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2191 msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim description"
2192 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the skirt and brim are printed."
2193 msgstr "スカートとブリムがプリントされる最大瞬時速度の変更。"
2195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2196 msgctxt "travel label"
2197 msgid "Travel"
2198 msgstr "Travel"
2200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2201 msgctxt "travel description"
2202 msgid "travel"
2203 msgstr "移動"
2205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2206 msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
2207 msgid "Combing Mode"
2208 msgstr "Combing Mode"
2210 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2211 msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
2212 msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas by combing within the infill only."
2213 msgstr "コーミングは、走行時にすでに印刷された領域内にノズルを保ちます。その結果、移動距離はわずかに長くなりますが、引き込みの必要性は減ります。コーミングがオフの場合、フィラメントの引き戻しを行い、ノズルは次のポイントまで直線移動します。また、インフィルのみにてコーミングすることにより、トップとボトムのスキン領域上での櫛通りを回避します。"
2215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2216 msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
2217 msgid "Off"
2218 msgstr "Off"
2220 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2221 msgctxt "retraction_combing option all"
2222 msgid "All"
2223 msgstr "All"
2225 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2226 msgctxt "retraction_combing option noskin"
2227 msgid "No Skin"
2228 msgstr "No Skin"
2230 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2231 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
2232 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
2233 msgstr "Retract Before Outer Wall"
2235 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2236 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
2237 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
2238 msgstr "移動して外側のウォールをプリントする際、毎回引き戻しをします。"
2240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2241 msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts label"
2242 msgid "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
2243 msgstr "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
2245 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2246 msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
2247 msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
2248 msgstr "ノズルは、移動時に既に印刷されたパーツを避けます。このオプションは、コーミングが有効な場合にのみ使用できます。"
2250 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2251 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
2252 msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
2253 msgstr "Travel Avoid Distance"
2255 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2256 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
2257 msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
2258 msgstr "ノズルが既に印刷された部分を移動する際の間隔"
2260 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2261 msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position label"
2262 msgid "Start Layers with the Same Part"
2263 msgstr "Start Layers with the Same Part"
2265 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2266 #, fuzzy
2267 msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position description"
2268 msgid "In each layer start with printing the object near the same point, so that we don't start a new layer with printing the piece which the previous layer ended with. This makes for better overhangs and small parts, but increases printing time."
2269 msgstr "各レイヤーの印刷は決まった場所近い距離のポイントにて印刷を始めます。そのため、前のレイヤーが終わった部分から新しいレイヤーのプリントを開始しません。これによりオーバーハングや小さなパーツの印刷改善されますが、その代わり印刷時間が長くなります。"
2271 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2272 msgctxt "layer_start_x label"
2273 msgid "Layer Start X"
2274 msgstr "Layer Start X"
2276 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2277 msgctxt "layer_start_x description"
2278 msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
2279 msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすX座標。"
2281 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2282 msgctxt "layer_start_y label"
2283 msgid "Layer Start Y"
2284 msgstr "Layer Start Y"
2286 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2287 msgctxt "layer_start_y description"
2288 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
2289 msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすY座標。"
2291 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2292 msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled label"
2293 msgid "Z Hop When Retracted"
2294 msgstr "Z Hop When Retracted"
2296 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2297 msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
2298 msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
2299 msgstr "引き戻しが完了すると、ビルドプレートが下降してノズルとプリントの間に隙間ができます。ノズルの走行中に造形物に当たるのを防ぎ、造形物をビルドプレートから剥がしてしまう現象を減らします。"
2301 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2302 msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
2303 msgid "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
2304 msgstr "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
2306 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2307 msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides description"
2308 msgid "Only perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling."
2309 msgstr "走行時に印刷部品への衝突を避けるため、水平移動で回避できない造形物上を移動するときは、Zホップを実行します。"
2311 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2312 msgctxt "retraction_hop label"
2313 msgid "Z Hop Height"
2314 msgstr "Z Hop Height"
2316 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2317 msgctxt "retraction_hop description"
2318 msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
2319 msgstr "Zホップを実行するときの高さ。"
2321 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2322 msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch label"
2323 msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
2324 msgstr "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
2326 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2327 msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch description"
2328 msgid "After the machine switched from one extruder to the other, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. This prevents the nozzle from leaving oozed material on the outside of a print."
2329 msgstr "マシーンが1つのエクストルーダーからもう一つのエクストルーダーに切り替えられた際、ビルドプレートが下降して、ノズルと印刷物との間に隙間が形成される。これによりノズルが造形物の外側にはみ出たマテリアルを残さないためである。"
2331 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2332 msgctxt "cooling label"
2333 msgid "Cooling"
2334 msgstr "Cooling"
2336 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2337 msgctxt "cooling description"
2338 msgid "Cooling"
2339 msgstr "冷却"
2341 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2342 msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled label"
2343 msgid "Enable Print Cooling"
2344 msgstr "Enable Print Cooling"
2346 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2347 msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled description"
2348 msgid "Enables the print cooling fans while printing. The fans improve print quality on layers with short layer times and bridging / overhangs."
2349 msgstr "印刷中の冷却ファンを有効にします。ファンは、短いレイヤープリントやブリッジ/オーバーハングのレイヤーがある印刷物の品質を向上させます。"
2351 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2352 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed label"
2353 msgid "Fan Speed"
2354 msgstr "Fan Speed"
2356 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2357 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed description"
2358 msgid "The speed at which the print cooling fans spin."
2359 msgstr "冷却ファンが回転する速度。"
2361 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2362 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min label"
2363 msgid "Regular Fan Speed"
2364 msgstr "Regular Fan Speed"
2366 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2367 #, fuzzy
2368 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min description"
2369 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin before hitting the threshold. When a layer prints faster than the threshold, the fan speed gradually inclines towards the maximum fan speed."
2370 msgstr "しきい値に達する前のファンの回転スピード。プリント速度がしきい値より速くなると、ファンの速度は上がっていきます。"
2372 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2373 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max label"
2374 msgid "Maximum Fan Speed"
2375 msgstr "Maximum Fan Speed"
2377 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2378 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max description"
2379 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin on the minimum layer time. The fan speed gradually increases between the regular fan speed and maximum fan speed when the threshold is hit."
2380 msgstr "最小積層時間でファンが回転する速度。しきい値に達すると、通常のファンの速度と最速の間でファン速度が徐々に加速しはじめます。"
2382 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2383 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max label"
2384 msgid "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
2385 msgstr "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
2387 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2388 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max description"
2389 msgid "The layer time which sets the threshold between regular fan speed and maximum fan speed. Layers that print slower than this time use regular fan speed. For faster layers the fan speed gradually increases towards the maximum fan speed."
2390 msgstr "通常速度と最速の間でしきい値を設定する積層時間。この時間よりも遅く印刷する積層は、通常速度を使用します。より速い層の場合、ファンは最高速度に向かって徐々に加速します。"
2392 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2393 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 label"
2394 msgid "Initial Fan Speed"
2395 msgstr "Initial Fan Speed"
2397 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2398 #, fuzzy
2399 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 description"
2400 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin at the start of the print. In subsequent layers the fan speed is gradually increased up to the layer corresponding to Regular Fan Speed at Height."
2401 msgstr "プリント開始時にファンが回転する速度。後続のレイヤーでは、ファン速度は、高さに応じて早くなります。"
2403 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2404 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height label"
2405 msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
2406 msgstr "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
2408 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2409 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height description"
2410 msgid "The height at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. At the layers below the fan speed gradually increases from Initial Fan Speed to Regular Fan Speed."
2411 msgstr "通常速度でファンが回転するときの高さ。ここより下層レイヤーでは初期ファンのスピードから通常の速度まで徐々に増加します。"
2413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2414 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer label"
2415 msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
2416 msgstr "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
2418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2419 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer description"
2420 msgid "The layer at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. If regular fan speed at height is set, this value is calculated and rounded to a whole number."
2421 msgstr "ファンが通常の速度で回転する時のレイヤー。通常速度のファンの高さが設定されている場合、この値が計算され、整数に変換されます。"
2423 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2424 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time label"
2425 msgid "Minimum Layer Time"
2426 msgstr "Minimum Layer Time"
2428 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2429 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time description"
2430 msgid "The minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated."
2431 msgstr "一つのレイヤーに最低限費やす時間。1つの層に必ず設定された時間を費やすため、場合によってはプリントに遅れが生じます。しかしこれにより、次の層をプリントする前に造形物を適切に冷却することができます。 Lift Headが無効になっていて、最小速度を下回った場合、最小レイヤー時間よりも短くなる場合があります。"
2433 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2434 msgctxt "cool_min_speed label"
2435 msgid "Minimum Speed"
2436 msgstr "Minimum Speed"
2438 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2439 msgctxt "cool_min_speed description"
2440 msgid "The minimum print speed, despite slowing down due to the minimum layer time. When the printer would slow down too much, the pressure in the nozzle would be too low and result in bad print quality."
2441 msgstr "最遅印刷速度。印刷の速度が遅すぎると、ノズル内の圧力が低すぎて印刷品質が低下します。"
2443 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2444 msgctxt "cool_lift_head label"
2445 msgid "Lift Head"
2446 msgstr "Lift Head"
2448 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2449 msgctxt "cool_lift_head description"
2450 msgid "When the minimum speed is hit because of minimum layer time, lift the head away from the print and wait the extra time until the minimum layer time is reached."
2451 msgstr "レイヤーの最小プリント時間より早く印刷が終わった場合、ヘッド部分を持ち上げてレイヤーの最小プリント時間に到達するまで待機します"
2453 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2454 msgctxt "support label"
2455 msgid "Support"
2456 msgstr "Support"
2458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2459 msgctxt "support description"
2460 msgid "Support"
2461 msgstr "サポート"
2463 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2464 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2465 msgid "Generate Support"
2466 msgstr ""
2468 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2469 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2470 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2471 msgstr ""
2473 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2474 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
2475 msgid "Support Extruder"
2476 msgstr "Support Extruder"
2478 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2479 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
2480 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2481 msgstr "サポート材を印刷するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
2483 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2484 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
2485 msgid "Support Infill Extruder"
2486 msgstr "Support Infill Extruder"
2488 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2489 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
2490 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2491 msgstr "サポート材のインフィルを印刷に使用するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
2493 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2494 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
2495 msgid "First Layer Support Extruder"
2496 msgstr "First Layer Support Extruder"
2498 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2499 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
2500 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2501 msgstr "サポートのインフィルの最初の層を印刷に使用するエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
2503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2504 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
2505 msgid "Support Interface Extruder"
2506 msgstr "Support Interface Extruder"
2508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2509 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2510 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2511 msgstr ""
2513 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2514 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2515 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2516 msgstr ""
2518 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2519 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2520 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2521 msgstr ""
2523 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2524 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2525 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2526 msgstr ""
2528 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2529 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2530 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2531 msgstr ""
2533 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2534 msgctxt "support_type label"
2535 msgid "Support Placement"
2536 msgstr "Support Placement"
2538 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2539 msgctxt "support_type description"
2540 msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
2541 msgstr "サポート材の配置を調整します。配置はTouching BuildplateまたはEveryWhereに設定することができます。EveryWhereに設定した場合、サポート材がモデルの上にもプリントされます。"
2543 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2544 msgctxt "support_type option buildplate"
2545 msgid "Touching Buildplate"
2546 msgstr "Touching Buildplate"
2548 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2549 msgctxt "support_type option everywhere"
2550 msgid "Everywhere"
2551 msgstr "Everywhere"
2553 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2554 msgctxt "support_angle label"
2555 msgid "Support Overhang Angle"
2556 msgstr "Support Overhang Angle"
2558 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2559 msgctxt "support_angle description"
2560 msgid "The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support."
2561 msgstr "サポート材がつくオーバーハングの最小角度。0° のときはすべてのオーバーハングにサポートが生成され、90° ではサポートが生成されません。"
2563 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2564 msgctxt "support_pattern label"
2565 msgid "Support Pattern"
2566 msgstr "Support Pattern"
2568 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2569 msgctxt "support_pattern description"
2570 msgid "The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support."
2571 msgstr "サポート材の形。サポート材の除去の方法を頑丈または容易にする設定が可能です。"
2573 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2574 msgctxt "support_pattern option lines"
2575 msgid "Lines"
2576 msgstr "Lines"
2578 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2579 msgctxt "support_pattern option grid"
2580 msgid "Grid"
2581 msgstr "Grid"
2583 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2584 msgctxt "support_pattern option triangles"
2585 msgid "Triangles"
2586 msgstr "Triangles"
2588 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2589 msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric"
2590 msgid "Concentric"
2591 msgstr "Concentric"
2593 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2594 msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric_3d"
2595 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2596 msgstr "Concentric 3D"
2598 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2599 msgctxt "support_pattern option zigzag"
2600 msgid "Zig Zag"
2601 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2603 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2604 msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags label"
2605 msgid "Connect Support ZigZags"
2606 msgstr "Connect Support ZigZags"
2608 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2609 msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags description"
2610 msgid "Connect the ZigZags. This will increase the strength of the zig zag support structure."
2611 msgstr "ジグザグを接続します。ジグザグ形のサポート材の強度が上がります。"
2613 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2614 msgctxt "support_infill_rate label"
2615 msgid "Support Density"
2616 msgstr "Support Density"
2618 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2619 msgctxt "support_infill_rate description"
2620 msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2621 msgstr "サポート材の密度を調整します。大きな値ではオーバーハングが良くなりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります。"
2623 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2624 msgctxt "support_line_distance label"
2625 msgid "Support Line Distance"
2626 msgstr "Support Line Distance"
2628 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2629 msgctxt "support_line_distance description"
2630 msgid "Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
2631 msgstr "印刷されたサポート材の間隔。この設定は、サポート材の密度によって算出されます。"
2633 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2634 msgctxt "support_z_distance label"
2635 msgid "Support Z Distance"
2636 msgstr "Support Z Distance"
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_z_distance description"
2640 msgid "Distance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. This value is rounded up to a multiple of the layer height."
2641 msgstr "サポート材のトップ/ボトム部分と印刷物との距離。この幅がプリント後のサポート材を除去する隙間を作ります。値は積層ピッチの倍数にて計算されます。"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_top_distance label"
2645 msgid "Support Top Distance"
2646 msgstr "Support Top Distance"
2648 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2649 msgctxt "support_top_distance description"
2650 msgid "Distance from the top of the support to the print."
2651 msgstr "サポートの上部から印刷物までの距離。"
2653 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2654 msgctxt "support_bottom_distance label"
2655 msgid "Support Bottom Distance"
2656 msgstr "Support Bottom Distance"
2658 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2659 msgctxt "support_bottom_distance description"
2660 msgid "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support."
2661 msgstr "印刷物とサポート材底部までの距離。"
2663 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2664 msgctxt "support_xy_distance label"
2665 msgid "Support X/Y Distance"
2666 msgstr "Support X/Y Distance"
2668 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2669 msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
2670 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
2671 msgstr "印刷物からX/Y方向へのサポート材との距離"
2673 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2674 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z label"
2675 msgid "Support Distance Priority"
2676 msgstr "Support Distance Priority"
2678 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2679 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z description"
2680 msgid "Whether the Support X/Y Distance overrides the Support Z Distance or vice versa. When X/Y overrides Z the X/Y distance can push away the support from the model, influencing the actual Z distance to the overhang. We can disable this by not applying the X/Y distance around overhangs."
2681 msgstr "X /Y方向のサポートの距離がZ方向のサポートの距離を上書きしようとする時やまたその逆も同様。X または Y がZを上書きする際、X Y 方向の距離は印刷物からオーバーハングする Z 方向の距離に影響を及ぼしながらサポートを押しのけようとします。オーバー ハング周りのX Yの距離を無効にすることで、無効にできる。"
2683 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2684 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option xy_overrides_z"
2685 msgid "X/Y overrides Z"
2686 msgstr "X/Y overrides Z"
2688 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2689 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option z_overrides_xy"
2690 msgid "Z overrides X/Y"
2691 msgstr "Z overrides X/Y"
2693 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2694 msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang label"
2695 msgid "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
2696 msgstr "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
2698 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2699 msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang description"
2700 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions. "
2701 msgstr "X/Y方向におけるオーバーハングからサポートまでの距離"
2703 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2704 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height label"
2705 msgid "Support Stair Step Height"
2706 msgstr "Support Stair Step Height"
2708 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2709 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2710 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2711 msgstr ""
2713 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2714 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2715 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2716 msgstr ""
2718 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2719 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2720 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2721 msgstr ""
2723 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2724 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
2725 msgid "Support Join Distance"
2726 msgstr "Support Join Distance"
2728 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2729 msgctxt "support_join_distance description"
2730 msgid "The maximum distance between support structures in the X/Y directions. When seperate structures are closer together than this value, the structures merge into one."
2731 msgstr "X/Y方向のサポート構造間の最大距離。別の構造がこの値より近づいた場合、構造は 1 つにマージします。"
2733 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2734 msgctxt "support_offset label"
2735 msgid "Support Horizontal Expansion"
2736 msgstr "Support Horizontal Expansion"
2738 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2739 msgctxt "support_offset description"
2740 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support."
2741 msgstr "各レイヤーのサポート用ポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値はサポート領域を円滑にし、より丈夫なサポートにつながります。"
2743 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2744 msgctxt "support_interface_enable label"
2745 msgid "Enable Support Interface"
2746 msgstr "Enable Support Interface"
2748 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2749 msgctxt "support_interface_enable description"
2750 msgid "Generate a dense interface between the model and the support. This will create a skin at the top of the support on which the model is printed and at the bottom of the support, where it rests on the model."
2751 msgstr "モデルとサポートの間に密なインターフェースを生成します。これにより、モデルが印刷されているサポートの上部、モデル上のサポートの下部にスキンが作成されます。"
2753 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2754 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2755 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2756 msgstr ""
2758 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2759 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2760 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2761 msgstr ""
2763 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2764 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2765 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2766 msgstr ""
2768 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2769 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2770 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2771 msgstr ""
2773 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2774 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
2775 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
2776 msgstr "Support Interface Thickness"
2778 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2779 msgctxt "support_interface_height description"
2780 msgid "The thickness of the interface of the support where it touches with the model on the bottom or the top."
2781 msgstr "底面または上部のモデルと接触するサポートのインターフェイスの厚さ。"
2783 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2784 msgctxt "support_roof_height label"
2785 msgid "Support Roof Thickness"
2786 msgstr "Support Roof Thickness"
2788 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2789 msgctxt "support_roof_height description"
2790 msgid "The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests."
2791 msgstr "サポートの屋根の厚さ。これは、モデルの下につくサポートの上部にある密度の量を制御します。"
2793 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2794 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2795 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2796 msgstr ""
2798 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2799 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2800 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2801 msgstr ""
2803 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2804 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
2805 msgid "Support Interface Resolution"
2806 msgstr "Support Interface Resolution"
2808 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2809 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2810 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2811 msgstr ""
2813 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2814 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
2815 msgid "Support Interface Density"
2816 msgstr "Support Interface Density"
2818 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2819 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2820 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2821 msgstr ""
2823 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2824 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2825 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2826 msgstr ""
2828 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2829 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2830 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2831 msgstr ""
2833 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2834 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2835 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2836 msgstr ""
2838 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2839 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2840 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2841 msgstr ""
2843 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2844 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2845 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2846 msgstr ""
2848 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2849 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2850 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2851 msgstr ""
2853 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2854 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2855 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2856 msgstr ""
2858 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2859 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2860 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2861 msgstr ""
2863 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2864 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
2865 msgid "Support Interface Pattern"
2866 msgstr "Support Interface Pattern"
2868 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2869 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern description"
2870 msgid "The pattern with which the interface of the support with the model is printed."
2871 msgstr "モデルとサポートのインタフェースが印刷されるパターン。"
2873 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2874 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option lines"
2875 msgid "Lines"
2876 msgstr "Lines"
2878 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2879 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option grid"
2880 msgid "Grid"
2881 msgstr "Grid"
2883 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2884 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option triangles"
2885 msgid "Triangles"
2886 msgstr "Triangles"
2888 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2889 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric"
2890 msgid "Concentric"
2891 msgstr "Concentric"
2893 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2894 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric_3d"
2895 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2896 msgstr "Concentric 3D"
2898 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2899 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
2900 msgid "Zig Zag"
2901 msgstr "Zig Zag"
2903 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2904 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2905 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2906 msgstr ""
2908 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2909 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2910 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2911 msgstr ""
2913 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2914 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2915 msgid "Lines"
2916 msgstr ""
2918 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2919 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2920 msgid "Grid"
2921 msgstr ""
2923 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2924 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2925 msgid "Triangles"
2926 msgstr ""
2928 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2929 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2930 msgid "Concentric"
2931 msgstr ""
2933 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2934 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2935 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2936 msgstr ""
2938 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2939 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2940 msgid "Zig Zag"
2941 msgstr ""
2943 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2944 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2945 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2946 msgstr ""
2948 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2949 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2950 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2951 msgstr ""
2953 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2954 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2955 msgid "Lines"
2956 msgstr ""
2958 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2959 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2960 msgid "Grid"
2961 msgstr ""
2963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2964 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2965 msgid "Triangles"
2966 msgstr ""
2968 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2969 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2970 msgid "Concentric"
2971 msgstr ""
2973 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2974 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2975 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2976 msgstr ""
2978 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2979 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2980 msgid "Zig Zag"
2981 msgstr ""
2983 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2984 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
2985 msgid "Use Towers"
2986 msgstr "Use Towers"
2988 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2989 msgctxt "support_use_towers description"
2990 msgid "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof."
2991 msgstr "特殊なタワーを使用して、小さなオーバーハングしているエリアをサポートします。これらの塔は、サポートできる領域より大きな直径を支えれます。オーバーハング付近では塔の直径が減少し、屋根を形成します。"
2993 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2994 msgctxt "support_tower_diameter label"
2995 msgid "Tower Diameter"
2996 msgstr "Tower Diameter"
2998 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2999 msgctxt "support_tower_diameter description"
3000 msgid "The diameter of a special tower."
3001 msgstr "特別な塔の直径。"
3003 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3004 msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter label"
3005 msgid "Minimum Diameter"
3006 msgstr "Minimum Diameter"
3008 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3009 msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter description"
3010 msgid "Minimum diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower."
3011 msgstr "特殊なサポート塔によって支持される小さな領域のX / Y方向の最小直径。"
3013 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3014 msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle label"
3015 msgid "Tower Roof Angle"
3016 msgstr "Tower Roof Angle"
3018 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3019 msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle description"
3020 msgid "The angle of a rooftop of a tower. A higher value results in pointed tower roofs, a lower value results in flattened tower roofs."
3021 msgstr "タワーの屋上の角度。値が高いほど尖った屋根が得られ、値が低いほど屋根が平らになります。"
3023 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3024 msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
3025 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
3026 msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion"
3028 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3029 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
3030 msgid "Adhesion"
3031 msgstr "密着性"
3033 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3034 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3035 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3036 msgstr ""
3038 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3039 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3040 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3041 msgstr ""
3043 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3044 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
3045 msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
3046 msgstr "Extruder Prime X Position"
3048 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3049 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
3050 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
3051 msgstr "プリント開始時のノズルの位置を表すX座標。"
3053 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3054 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
3055 msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
3056 msgstr "Extruder Prime Y Position"
3058 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3059 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
3060 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
3061 msgstr "プリント開始時にノズル位置を表すY座標。"
3063 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3064 msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
3065 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
3066 msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
3068 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3069 msgctxt "adhesion_type description"
3070 msgid "Different options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model."
3071 msgstr "エクストルーダーとビルドプレートへの接着両方を改善するのに役立つさまざまなオプション。 Brimは、モデルのベースの周りに単一レイヤーを平面的に追加して、ワーピングを防止します。 Raftは、モデルの下に太いグリッドを追加します。スカートはモデルの周りに印刷されたラインですが、モデルには接続されていません。"
3073 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3074 msgctxt "adhesion_type option skirt"
3075 msgid "Skirt"
3076 msgstr "Skirt"
3078 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3079 msgctxt "adhesion_type option brim"
3080 msgid "Brim"
3081 msgstr "Brim"
3083 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3084 msgctxt "adhesion_type option raft"
3085 msgid "Raft"
3086 msgstr "Raft"
3088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3089 msgctxt "adhesion_type option none"
3090 msgid "None"
3091 msgstr "None"
3093 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3094 msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr label"
3095 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
3096 msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
3098 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3099 msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
3100 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3101 msgstr "スカート/ブリム/ラフトをプリントする際のエクストルーダー。これはマルチエクストルージョン時に使用されます。"
3103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3104 msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
3105 msgid "Skirt Line Count"
3106 msgstr "Skirt Line Count"
3108 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3109 msgctxt "skirt_line_count description"
3110 msgid "Multiple skirt lines help to prime your extrusion better for small models. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt."
3111 msgstr "複数のスカートラインを使用すると、小さなモデル形成時の射出をより良く行うことができます。これを0に設定するとスカートが無効になります。"
3113 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3114 msgctxt "skirt_gap label"
3115 msgid "Skirt Distance"
3116 msgstr "Skirt Distance"
3118 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3119 msgctxt "skirt_gap description"
3120 msgid ""
3121 "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\n"
3122 "This is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance."
3123 msgstr "スカートとプリントの最初のレイヤーの間の水平距離。これが最小距離であり、複数のスカートラインがこの距離から外側に延びている。"
3125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3126 msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length label"
3127 msgid "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
3128 msgstr "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
3130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3131 msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length description"
3132 msgid "The minimum length of the skirt or brim. If this length is not reached by all skirt or brim lines together, more skirt or brim lines will be added until the minimum length is reached. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored."
3133 msgstr "スカートまたはブリム最短の長さ。この長さにすべてのスカートまたはブリムが達していない場合は、最小限の長さに達するまで、スカートまたはブリムラインが追加されます。注:行数が0に設定されている場合、これは無視されます。"
3135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3136 msgctxt "brim_width label"
3137 msgid "Brim Width"
3138 msgstr "Brim Width"
3140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3141 msgctxt "brim_width description"
3142 msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
3143 msgstr "モデルから最外線のブリムまでの距離。大きなブリムは、ビルドプレートへの接着を高めますが、有効な印刷面積も減少させます。"
3145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3146 msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
3147 msgid "Brim Line Count"
3148 msgstr "Brim Line Count"
3150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3151 msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
3152 msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
3153 msgstr "ブリムに使用される線数。ブリムの線数は、ビルドプレートへの接着性を向上させるだけでなく、有効な印刷面積を減少させる。"
3155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3156 msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
3157 msgid "Brim Only on Outside"
3158 msgstr "Brim Only on Outside"
3160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3161 msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
3162 msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
3163 msgstr "モデルの外側のみにブリムを印刷します。これにより、後で取り除くブリムの量が減少します。またプレートへの接着力はそれほど低下しません。"
3165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3166 msgctxt "raft_margin label"
3167 msgid "Raft Extra Margin"
3168 msgstr "Raft Extra Margin"
3170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3171 msgctxt "raft_margin description"
3172 msgid "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
3173 msgstr "ラフトが有効になっている場合、モデルの周りに余分なラフト領域ができます。値を大きくするとより強力なラフトができますが、多くの材料を使用し、造形範囲は少なくなります。"
3175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3176 msgctxt "raft_airgap label"
3177 msgid "Raft Air Gap"
3178 msgstr "Raft Air Gap"
3180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3181 msgctxt "raft_airgap description"
3182 msgid "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the model. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the model. Makes it easier to peel off the raft."
3183 msgstr "モデルの第一層のラフトと最終ラフト層の隙間。この値で第1層のみを上げることで、ラフトとモデルとの間の結合を低下させる。結果ラフトを剥がしやすくします。"
3185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3186 msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap label"
3187 msgid "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
3188 msgstr "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
3190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3191 msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
3192 msgid "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount."
3193 msgstr "エアギャップ内で失われたフィラメントを補うために、モデルの第1層と第2層をZ方向にオーバーラップさせます。この値によって、最初のモデルレイヤーがシフトダウンされます。"
3195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3196 msgctxt "raft_surface_layers label"
3197 msgid "Raft Top Layers"
3198 msgstr "Raft Top Layers"
3200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3201 msgctxt "raft_surface_layers description"
3202 msgid "The number of top layers on top of the 2nd raft layer. These are fully filled layers that the model sits on. 2 layers result in a smoother top surface than 1."
3203 msgstr "第2ラフト層の上の最上層の数。これらは、モデルが置かれる完全に塗りつぶされた積層です。 2つの層は、1よりも滑らかな上面をもたらす。"
3205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3206 msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness label"
3207 msgid "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
3208 msgstr "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
3210 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3211 msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness description"
3212 msgid "Layer thickness of the top raft layers."
3213 msgstr "トップラフト層の層厚。"
3215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3216 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width label"
3217 msgid "Raft Top Line Width"
3218 msgstr "Raft Top Line Width"
3220 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3221 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width description"
3222 msgid "Width of the lines in the top surface of the raft. These can be thin lines so that the top of the raft becomes smooth."
3223 msgstr "ラフトの上面の線の幅。これらは細い線で、ラフトの頂部が滑らかになります。"
3225 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3226 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing label"
3227 msgid "Raft Top Spacing"
3228 msgstr "Raft Top Spacing"
3230 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3231 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
3232 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
3233 msgstr "上のラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。間隔は線の幅と同じにして、サーフェスがソリッドになるようにします。"
3235 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3236 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
3237 msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
3238 msgstr "Raft Middle Thickness"
3240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3241 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness description"
3242 msgid "Layer thickness of the middle raft layer."
3243 msgstr "中間のラフト層の層の厚さ。"
3245 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3246 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width label"
3247 msgid "Raft Middle Line Width"
3248 msgstr "Raft Middle Line Width"
3250 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3251 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width description"
3252 msgid "Width of the lines in the middle raft layer. Making the second layer extrude more causes the lines to stick to the build plate."
3253 msgstr "中間ラフト層の線の幅。第2層をより押し出すと、ラインがビルドプレートに固着します。"
3255 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3256 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing label"
3257 msgid "Raft Middle Spacing"
3258 msgstr "Raft Middle Spacing"
3260 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3261 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing description"
3262 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the middle raft layer. The spacing of the middle should be quite wide, while being dense enough to support the top raft layers."
3263 msgstr "中間ラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。中央の間隔はかなり広くなければならず、トップラフト層を支えるために十分な密度でなければならない。"
3265 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3266 msgctxt "raft_base_thickness label"
3267 msgid "Raft Base Thickness"
3268 msgstr "Raft Base Thickness"
3270 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3271 msgctxt "raft_base_thickness description"
3272 msgid "Layer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate."
3273 msgstr "ベースラフト層の層厚さ。プリンタのビルドプレートにしっかりと固着する厚い層でなければなりません。"
3275 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3276 msgctxt "raft_base_line_width label"
3277 msgid "Raft Base Line Width"
3278 msgstr "Raft Base Line Width"
3280 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3281 msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
3282 msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
3283 msgstr "ベースラフト層の線幅。ビルドプレートの接着のため太い線でなければなりません。"
3285 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3286 msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
3287 msgid "Raft Line Spacing"
3288 msgstr "Raft Line Spacing"
3290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3291 msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing description"
3292 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the base raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
3293 msgstr "ベースラフト層のラフトライン間の距離。広い間隔は、ブルドプレートからのラフトの除去を容易にする。"
3295 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3296 msgctxt "raft_speed label"
3297 msgid "Raft Print Speed"
3298 msgstr "Raft Print Speed"
3300 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3301 msgctxt "raft_speed description"
3302 msgid "The speed at which the raft is printed."
3303 msgstr "ラフトが印刷される速度。"
3305 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3306 msgctxt "raft_surface_speed label"
3307 msgid "Raft Top Print Speed"
3308 msgstr "Raft Top Print Speed"
3310 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3311 msgctxt "raft_surface_speed description"
3312 msgid "The speed at which the top raft layers are printed. These should be printed a bit slower, so that the nozzle can slowly smooth out adjacent surface lines."
3313 msgstr "トップラフト層が印刷される速度。この値はノズルが隣接するサーフェスラインをゆっくりと滑らかにするために、少し遅く印刷する必要があります。"
3315 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3316 msgctxt "raft_interface_speed label"
3317 msgid "Raft Middle Print Speed"
3318 msgstr "Raft Middle Print Speed"
3320 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3321 msgctxt "raft_interface_speed description"
3322 msgid "The speed at which the middle raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
3323 msgstr "ミドルラフト層が印刷される速度。ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
3325 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3326 msgctxt "raft_base_speed label"
3327 msgid "Raft Base Print Speed"
3328 msgstr "Raft Base Print Speed"
3330 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3331 msgctxt "raft_base_speed description"
3332 msgid "The speed at which the base raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
3333 msgstr "ベースラフト層が印刷される速度。これは、ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
3335 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3336 msgctxt "raft_acceleration label"
3337 msgid "Raft Print Acceleration"
3338 msgstr "Raft Print Acceleration"
3340 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3341 msgctxt "raft_acceleration description"
3342 msgid "The acceleration with which the raft is printed."
3343 msgstr "ラフト印刷時の加速度。"
3345 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3346 msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration label"
3347 msgid "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
3348 msgstr "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
3350 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3351 msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration description"
3352 msgid "The acceleration with which the top raft layers are printed."
3353 msgstr "ラフトのトップ印刷時の加速度"
3355 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3356 msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration label"
3357 msgid "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
3358 msgstr "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
3360 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3361 msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration description"
3362 msgid "The acceleration with which the middle raft layer is printed."
3363 msgstr "ラフトの中間層印刷時の加速度"
3365 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3366 msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration label"
3367 msgid "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
3368 msgstr "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
3370 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3371 msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration description"
3372 msgid "The acceleration with which the base raft layer is printed."
3373 msgstr "ラフトの底面印刷時の加速度"
3375 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3376 msgctxt "raft_jerk label"
3377 msgid "Raft Print Jerk"
3378 msgstr "Raft Print Jerk"
3380 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3381 msgctxt "raft_jerk description"
3382 msgid "The jerk with which the raft is printed."
3383 msgstr "ラフトが印刷時のジャーク。"
3385 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3386 msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk label"
3387 msgid "Raft Top Print Jerk"
3388 msgstr "Raft Top Print Jerk"
3390 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3391 msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk description"
3392 msgid "The jerk with which the top raft layers are printed."
3393 msgstr "トップラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
3395 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3396 msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk label"
3397 msgid "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
3398 msgstr "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
3400 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3401 msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk description"
3402 msgid "The jerk with which the middle raft layer is printed."
3403 msgstr "ミドルラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
3405 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3406 msgctxt "raft_base_jerk label"
3407 msgid "Raft Base Print Jerk"
3408 msgstr "Raft Base Print Jerk"
3410 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3411 msgctxt "raft_base_jerk description"
3412 msgid "The jerk with which the base raft layer is printed."
3413 msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
3415 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3416 msgctxt "raft_fan_speed label"
3417 msgid "Raft Fan Speed"
3418 msgstr "Raft Fan Speed"
3420 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3421 msgctxt "raft_fan_speed description"
3422 msgid "The fan speed for the raft."
3423 msgstr "ラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
3425 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3426 msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed label"
3427 msgid "Raft Top Fan Speed"
3428 msgstr "Raft Top Fan Speed"
3430 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3431 msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed description"
3432 msgid "The fan speed for the top raft layers."
3433 msgstr "トップラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
3435 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3436 msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed label"
3437 msgid "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
3438 msgstr "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
3440 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3441 msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed description"
3442 msgid "The fan speed for the middle raft layer."
3443 msgstr "ミドルラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
3445 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3446 msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed label"
3447 msgid "Raft Base Fan Speed"
3448 msgstr "Raft Base Fan Speed"
3450 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3451 msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed description"
3452 msgid "The fan speed for the base raft layer."
3453 msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のファン速度"
3455 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3456 msgctxt "dual label"
3457 msgid "Dual Extrusion"
3458 msgstr "Dual Extrusion"
3460 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3461 msgctxt "dual description"
3462 msgid "Settings used for printing with multiple extruders."
3463 msgstr "デュアルエクストルーダーで印刷するための設定"
3465 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3466 msgctxt "prime_tower_enable label"
3467 msgid "Enable Prime Tower"
3468 msgstr "Enable Prime Tower"
3470 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3471 msgctxt "prime_tower_enable description"
3472 msgid "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch."
3473 msgstr "印刷物の横にタワーを造形して、ノズル交換後にフィラメントの調整をします"
3475 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3476 msgctxt "prime_tower_size label"
3477 msgid "Prime Tower Size"
3478 msgstr "Prime Tower Size"
3480 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3481 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
3482 msgid "The width of the prime tower."
3483 msgstr "プライムタワーの幅。"
3485 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3486 msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume label"
3487 msgid "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
3488 msgstr "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
3490 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3491 msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume description"
3492 msgid "The minimum volume for each layer of the prime tower in order to purge enough material."
3493 msgstr "プライムタワーの各層の最小容積"
3495 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3496 msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness label"
3497 msgid "Prime Tower Thickness"
3498 msgstr "Prime Tower Thickness"
3500 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3501 msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness description"
3502 msgid "The thickness of the hollow prime tower. A thickness larger than half the Prime Tower Minimum Volume will result in a dense prime tower."
3503 msgstr "中空プライムタワーの厚さ。プライムタワーの半分を超える厚さは、密集したプライムタワーになります。"
3505 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3506 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x label"
3507 msgid "Prime Tower X Position"
3508 msgstr "Prime Tower X Position"
3510 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3511 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x description"
3512 msgid "The x coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
3513 msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のx座標。"
3515 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3516 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y label"
3517 msgid "Prime Tower Y Position"
3518 msgstr "Prime Tower Y Position"
3520 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3521 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y description"
3522 msgid "The y coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
3523 msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のy座標。"
3525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3526 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
3527 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
3528 msgstr "Prime Tower Flow"
3530 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3531 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow description"
3532 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
3533 msgstr "吐出量: マテリアルの吐出量はこの値の乗算で計算されます"
3535 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3536 msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled label"
3537 msgid "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
3538 msgstr "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
3540 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3541 msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled description"
3542 msgid "After printing the prime tower with one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower."
3543 msgstr "1本のノズルでプライムタワーを印刷した後、もう片方のノズルから滲み出した材料をプライムタワーが拭き取ります。"
3545 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3546 msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe label"
3547 msgid "Wipe Nozzle After Switch"
3548 msgstr "Wipe Nozzle After Switch"
3550 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3551 msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe description"
3552 msgid "After switching extruder, wipe the oozed material off of the nozzle on the first thing printed. This performs a safe slow wipe move at a place where the oozed material causes least harm to the surface quality of your print."
3553 msgstr "エクストルーダーを切り替えた後、最初に印刷したものの上にあるノズルから滲み出したマテリアルを拭き取ってください。余分に出たマテリアルがプリントの表面品質に与える影響が最も少ない場所で、ゆっくりと払拭を行います。"
3555 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3556 msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled label"
3557 msgid "Enable Ooze Shield"
3558 msgstr "Enable Ooze Shield"
3560 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3561 msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
3562 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
3563 msgstr "モデルの周りに壁(ooze shield)を作る。これを生成することで、一つ目のノズルの高さと2つ目のノズルが同じ高さであったとき、2つ目のノズルを綺麗にします。"
3565 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3566 msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle label"
3567 msgid "Ooze Shield Angle"
3568 msgstr "Ooze Shield Angle"
3570 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3571 msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle description"
3572 msgid "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material."
3573 msgstr "壁(ooze shield)作成時の最大の角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度を小さくすると、壁が少なくなりますが、より多くの材料が使用されます。"
3575 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3576 msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist label"
3577 msgid "Ooze Shield Distance"
3578 msgstr "Ooze Shield Distance"
3580 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3581 msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist description"
3582 msgid "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
3583 msgstr "壁(ooze shield)の造形物からの距離"
3585 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3586 msgctxt "meshfix label"
3587 msgid "Mesh Fixes"
3588 msgstr "Mesh Fixes"
3590 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3591 msgctxt "meshfix description"
3592 msgid "category_fixes"
3593 msgstr "category_fixes"
3595 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3596 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all label"
3597 msgid "Union Overlapping Volumes"
3598 msgstr "Union Overlapping Volumes"
3600 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3601 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all description"
3602 msgid "Ignore the internal geometry arising from overlapping volumes within a mesh and print the volumes as one. This may cause unintended internal cavities to disappear."
3603 msgstr "メッシュ内の重なり合うボリュームから生じる内部ジオメトリを無視し、ボリュームを1つとして印刷します。これにより、意図しない内部空洞が消えることがあります。"
3605 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3606 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes label"
3607 msgid "Remove All Holes"
3608 msgstr "Remove All Holes"
3610 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3611 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes description"
3612 msgid "Remove the holes in each layer and keep only the outside shape. This will ignore any invisible internal geometry. However, it also ignores layer holes which can be viewed from above or below."
3613 msgstr "各レイヤーの穴を消し、外形のみを保持します。これにより、見えない部分の不要な部分が無視されますが、表面上にある穴も全て造形されなくなります。"
3615 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3616 msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching label"
3617 msgid "Extensive Stitching"
3618 msgstr "Extensive Stitching"
3620 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3621 msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching description"
3622 msgid "Extensive stitching tries to stitch up open holes in the mesh by closing the hole with touching polygons. This option can introduce a lot of processing time."
3623 msgstr "強めのスティッチングは、穴をメッシュで塞いでデータを作成します。このオプションは、長い処理時間が必要となります。"
3625 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3626 msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons label"
3627 msgid "Keep Disconnected Faces"
3628 msgstr "Keep Disconnected Faces"
3630 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3631 msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons description"
3632 msgid "Normally Cura tries to stitch up small holes in the mesh and remove parts of a layer with big holes. Enabling this option keeps those parts which cannot be stitched. This option should be used as a last resort option when everything else fails to produce proper GCode."
3633 msgstr "通常、Curaはメッシュ内の小さな穴をスティッチし、大きな穴のあるレイヤーの部分を削除しようとします。このオプションを有効にすると、スティッチできない部分が保持されます。このオプションは、他のすべてが適切なGCodeを生成できない場合の最後の手段として使用する必要があります。"
3635 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3636 msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap label"
3637 msgid "Merged Meshes Overlap"
3638 msgstr "Merged Meshes Overlap"
3640 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3641 msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap description"
3642 msgid "Make meshes which are touching each other overlap a bit. This makes them bond together better."
3643 msgstr "触れているメッシュを少し重ねてください。これによって、より良い接着をします。"
3645 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3646 msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes label"
3647 msgid "Remove Mesh Intersection"
3648 msgstr "Remove Mesh Intersection"
3650 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3651 msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes description"
3652 msgid "Remove areas where multiple meshes are overlapping with each other. This may be used if merged dual material objects overlap with each other."
3653 msgstr "複数のメッシュが重なっている領域を削除します。これは、結合された2つのマテリアルのオブジェクトが互いに重なっている場合に使用されます。"
3655 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3656 msgctxt "alternate_carve_order label"
3657 msgid "Alternate Mesh Removal"
3658 msgstr "Alternate Mesh Removal"
3660 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3661 msgctxt "alternate_carve_order description"
3662 msgid "Switch to which mesh intersecting volumes will belong with every layer, so that the overlapping meshes become interwoven. Turning this setting off will cause one of the meshes to obtain all of the volume in the overlap, while it is removed from the other meshes."
3663 msgstr "交差するメッシュがどのレイヤーに属しているかを切り替えることで、オーバーラップしているメッシュを絡み合うようにします。この設定をオフにすると、一方のメッシュはオーバーラップ内のすべてのボリュームを取得し、他方のメッシュは他から削除されます。"
3665 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3666 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
3667 msgid "Special Modes"
3668 msgstr "Special Modes"
3670 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3671 msgctxt "blackmagic description"
3672 msgid "category_blackmagic"
3673 msgstr "category_blackmagic"
3675 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3676 msgctxt "print_sequence label"
3677 msgid "Print Sequence"
3678 msgstr "Print Sequence"
3680 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3681 msgctxt "print_sequence description"
3682 msgid "Whether to print all models one layer at a time or to wait for one model to finish, before moving on to the next. One at a time mode is only possible if all models are separated in such a way that the whole print head can move in between and all models are lower than the distance between the nozzle and the X/Y axes."
3683 msgstr "すべてのモデルをレイヤーごとに印刷するか、1つのモデルがプリント完了するのを待ち次のモデルに移動するかどうか。造形物の間にヘッドが通るだけのスペースがある場合のみ、一つずつ印刷する事が出来ます。"
3685 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3686 msgctxt "print_sequence option all_at_once"
3687 msgid "All at Once"
3688 msgstr "All at Once"
3690 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3691 msgctxt "print_sequence option one_at_a_time"
3692 msgid "One at a Time"
3693 msgstr "One at a Time"
3695 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3696 msgctxt "infill_mesh label"
3697 msgid "Infill Mesh"
3698 msgstr "Infill Mesh"
3700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3701 msgctxt "infill_mesh description"
3702 msgid "Use this mesh to modify the infill of other meshes with which it overlaps. Replaces infill regions of other meshes with regions for this mesh. It's suggested to only print one Wall and no Top/Bottom Skin for this mesh."
3703 msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、重なる他のメッシュのインフィルを変更します。他のメッシュのインフィル領域を改なメッシュに置き換えます。これを利用する場合、1つのWallだけを印刷しTop / Bottom Skinは使用しないことをお勧めします。"
3705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3706 msgctxt "infill_mesh_order label"
3707 msgid "Infill Mesh Order"
3708 msgstr "Infill Mesh Order"
3710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3711 msgctxt "infill_mesh_order description"
3712 msgid "Determines which infill mesh is inside the infill of another infill mesh. An infill mesh with a higher order will modify the infill of infill meshes with lower order and normal meshes."
3713 msgstr "他のインフィルメッシュのインフィル内にあるインフィルメッシュを決定します。優先度の高いのインフィルメッシュは、低いメッシュと通常のメッシュのインフィルを変更します"
3715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3716 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3717 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3718 msgstr ""
3720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3721 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3722 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3723 msgstr ""
3725 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3726 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3727 msgid "Mold"
3728 msgstr ""
3730 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3731 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3732 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3733 msgstr ""
3735 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3736 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3737 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3738 msgstr ""
3740 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3741 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3742 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3743 msgstr ""
3745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3746 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3747 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3748 msgstr ""
3750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3751 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3752 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3753 msgstr ""
3755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3756 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3757 msgid "Mold Angle"
3758 msgstr ""
3760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3761 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3762 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3763 msgstr ""
3765 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3766 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
3767 msgid "Support Mesh"
3768 msgstr "Support Mesh"
3770 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3771 msgctxt "support_mesh description"
3772 msgid "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure."
3773 msgstr "このメッシュを使用してサポート領域を指定します。これは、サポート構造を生成するために使用できます。"
3775 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3776 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3777 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3778 msgstr ""
3780 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3781 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3782 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3783 msgstr ""
3785 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3786 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
3787 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
3788 msgstr "Anti Overhang Mesh"
3790 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3791 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh description"
3792 msgid "Use this mesh to specify where no part of the model should be detected as overhang. This can be used to remove unwanted support structure."
3793 msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、モデルのどの部分をオーバーハングとして検出する必要がないかを指定します。これは、不要なサポート構造を削除するために使用できます。"
3795 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3796 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode label"
3797 msgid "Surface Mode"
3798 msgstr "Surface Mode"
3800 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3801 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode description"
3802 msgid "Treat the model as a surface only, a volume, or volumes with loose surfaces. The normal print mode only prints enclosed volumes. \"Surface\" prints a single wall tracing the mesh surface with no infill and no top/bottom skin. \"Both\" prints enclosed volumes like normal and any remaining polygons as surfaces."
3803 msgstr "モデルを表面のみ、ボリューム、または緩い表面のボリュームとして扱います。通常の印刷モードでは、囲まれた内部が印刷されます。 「Surface」は表面のみ印刷をして、インフィルもトップもボトムも印刷しません。 \"Both\"は通常と同様に囲まれた内部を印刷し残りのポリゴンをサーフェスとして印刷します。"
3805 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3806 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option normal"
3807 msgid "Normal"
3808 msgstr "Normal"
3810 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3811 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option surface"
3812 msgid "Surface"
3813 msgstr "Surface"
3815 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3816 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option both"
3817 msgid "Both"
3818 msgstr "Both"
3820 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3821 msgctxt "magic_spiralize label"
3822 msgid "Spiralize Outer Contour"
3823 msgstr "Spiralize Outer Contour"
3825 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3826 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3827 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3828 msgstr ""
3830 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3831 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3832 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3833 msgstr ""
3835 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3836 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3837 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3838 msgstr ""
3840 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3841 msgctxt "experimental label"
3842 msgid "Experimental"
3843 msgstr "Experimental"
3845 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3846 msgctxt "experimental description"
3847 msgid "experimental!"
3848 msgstr "実験的"
3850 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3851 msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
3852 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
3853 msgstr "Enable Draft Shield"
3855 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3856 msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled description"
3857 msgid "This will create a wall around the model, which traps (hot) air and shields against exterior airflow. Especially useful for materials which warp easily."
3858 msgstr "これにより、モデルの周囲に壁ができ、熱を閉じ込め、外気の流れを遮蔽します。特に反りやすい材料に有効です。"
3860 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3861 msgctxt "draft_shield_dist label"
3862 msgid "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
3863 msgstr "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
3865 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3866 msgctxt "draft_shield_dist description"
3867 msgid "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
3868 msgstr "ドラフトシールドと造形物のX / Y方向の距離"
3870 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3871 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation label"
3872 msgid "Draft Shield Limitation"
3873 msgstr "Draft Shield Limitation"
3875 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3876 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation description"
3877 msgid "Set the height of the draft shield. Choose to print the draft shield at the full height of the model or at a limited height."
3878 msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さを設定します。ドラフトシールドは、モデルの全高、または限られた高さで印刷するように選択します。"
3880 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3881 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option full"
3882 msgid "Full"
3883 msgstr "Full"
3885 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3886 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option limited"
3887 msgid "Limited"
3888 msgstr "Limited"
3890 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3891 msgctxt "draft_shield_height label"
3892 msgid "Draft Shield Height"
3893 msgstr "Draft Shield Height"
3895 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3896 msgctxt "draft_shield_height description"
3897 msgid "Height limitation of the draft shield. Above this height no draft shield will be printed."
3898 msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さ制限。この高さを超えるとドラフトシールドが印刷されません。"
3900 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3901 msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled label"
3902 msgid "Make Overhang Printable"
3903 msgstr "Make Overhang Printable"
3905 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3906 msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled description"
3907 msgid "Change the geometry of the printed model such that minimal support is required. Steep overhangs will become shallow overhangs. Overhanging areas will drop down to become more vertical."
3908 msgstr "最小限のサポートが必要となるように印刷モデルのジオメトリを変更します。急なオーバーハングは浅いオーバーハングになります。オーバーハングした領域は、より垂直になるように下がります。"
3910 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3911 msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle label"
3912 msgid "Maximum Model Angle"
3913 msgstr "Maximum Model Angle"
3915 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3916 msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
3917 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
3918 msgstr "印刷可能になったオーバーハングの最大角度。 0°の値では、すべてのオーバーハングがビルドプレートに接続されたモデルの一部に置き換えられます。90°では、モデルは決して変更されません。"
3920 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3921 msgctxt "coasting_enable label"
3922 msgid "Enable Coasting"
3923 msgstr "Enable Coasting"
3925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3926 msgctxt "coasting_enable description"
3927 msgid "Coasting replaces the last part of an extrusion path with a travel path. The oozed material is used to print the last piece of the extrusion path in order to reduce stringing."
3928 msgstr "コースティングは、それぞれの造形ラインの最後の部分をトラベルパスで置き換えます。はみ出た材料は、糸引きを減らすために造形ライン最後の部分を印刷するために使用される。"
3930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3931 msgctxt "coasting_volume label"
3932 msgid "Coasting Volume"
3933 msgstr "Coasting Volume"
3935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3936 msgctxt "coasting_volume description"
3937 msgid "The volume otherwise oozed. This value should generally be close to the nozzle diameter cubed."
3938 msgstr "はみ出るフィラメントのボリューム。この値は、一般に、ノズル直径の3乗に近い値でなければならない。"
3940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3941 msgctxt "coasting_min_volume label"
3942 msgid "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
3943 msgstr "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
3945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3946 msgctxt "coasting_min_volume description"
3947 msgid "The smallest volume an extrusion path should have before allowing coasting. For smaller extrusion paths, less pressure has been built up in the bowden tube and so the coasted volume is scaled linearly. This value should always be larger than the Coasting Volume."
3948 msgstr "コースティングに必要な最小の容積。より小さい押出経路の場合、ボーデンチューブにはより少ない圧力しか蓄積されないので、コースティングの容積は比例する。この値は、常に、コースティングのボリュームよりも大きな必要があります。"
3950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3951 msgctxt "coasting_speed label"
3952 msgid "Coasting Speed"
3953 msgstr "Coasting Speed"
3955 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3956 msgctxt "coasting_speed description"
3957 msgid "The speed by which to move during coasting, relative to the speed of the extrusion path. A value slightly under 100% is advised, since during the coasting move the pressure in the bowden tube drops."
3958 msgstr "コースティング中の移動速度。印刷時の経路の速度設定に比例します。ボーデンチューブの圧力が低下するので、100%よりわずかに低い値が推奨される。"
3960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3961 msgctxt "skin_outline_count label"
3962 msgid "Extra Skin Wall Count"
3963 msgstr "Extra Skin Wall Count"
3965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3966 msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
3967 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
3968 msgstr "上部/下部パターンの最も外側の部分を同心円の線で置き換えます。 1つまたは2つの線を使用すると、トップ部分の造形が改善されます。"
3970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3971 msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation label"
3972 msgid "Alternate Skin Rotation"
3973 msgstr "Alternate Skin Rotation"
3975 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3976 msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation description"
3977 msgid "Alternate the direction in which the top/bottom layers are printed. Normally they are printed diagonally only. This setting adds the X-only and Y-only directions."
3978 msgstr "トップ/ボトムのレイヤーが印刷される方向を変更します。通常、それらは斜めに印刷されます。この設定では、X方向のみとY方向のみが追加されます。"
3980 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3981 msgctxt "support_conical_enabled label"
3982 msgid "Enable Conical Support"
3983 msgstr "Enable Conical Support"
3985 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3986 msgctxt "support_conical_enabled description"
3987 msgid "Experimental feature: Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang."
3988 msgstr "実験的機能:オーバーハング部分よりも底面のサポート領域を小さくする。"
3990 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3991 msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
3992 msgid "Conical Support Angle"
3993 msgstr "Conical Support Angle"
3995 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3996 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
3997 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
3998 msgstr "円錐形のサポートの傾きの角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度が小さいと、サポートはより頑丈になりますが、より多くのマテリアルが必要になります。負の角度は、サポートのベースがトップよりも広くなります。"
4000 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4001 msgctxt "support_conical_min_width label"
4002 msgid "Conical Support Minimum Width"
4003 msgstr "Conical Support Minimum Width"
4005 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4006 msgctxt "support_conical_min_width description"
4007 msgid "Minimum width to which the base of the conical support area is reduced. Small widths can lead to unstable support structures."
4008 msgstr "円錐形のサポート領域のベースが縮小される最小幅。幅が狭いと、サポートが不安定になる可能性があります。"
4010 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4011 msgctxt "infill_hollow label"
4012 msgid "Hollow Out Objects"
4013 msgstr "Hollow Out Objects"
4015 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4016 msgctxt "infill_hollow description"
4017 msgid "Remove all infill and make the inside of the object eligible for support."
4018 msgstr "すべてのインフィルを取り除き、オブジェクトの内部をサポート可能にします。"
4020 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4021 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled label"
4022 msgid "Fuzzy Skin"
4023 msgstr "Fuzzy Skin"
4025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4026 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled description"
4027 msgid "Randomly jitter while printing the outer wall, so that the surface has a rough and fuzzy look."
4028 msgstr "外壁を印刷する際に振動が起こり、表面が粗くてぼやける。"
4030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4031 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness label"
4032 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
4033 msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
4035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4036 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness description"
4037 msgid "The width within which to jitter. It's advised to keep this below the outer wall width, since the inner walls are unaltered."
4038 msgstr "振動が起こる幅。内壁は変更されていないので、これを外壁の幅より小さく設定することをお勧めします。"
4040 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4041 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density label"
4042 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Density"
4043 msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Density"
4045 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4046 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density description"
4047 msgid "The average density of points introduced on each polygon in a layer. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a low density results in a reduction of the resolution."
4048 msgstr "レイヤー内の各ポリゴンに導入されたポイントの平均密度。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるため、密度が低いと解像度が低下します。"
4050 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4051 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist label"
4052 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
4053 msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
4055 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4056 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist description"
4057 msgid "The average distance between the random points introduced on each line segment. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a high smoothness results in a reduction of the resolution. This value must be higher than half the Fuzzy Skin Thickness."
4058 msgstr "各線分に導入されたランダム点間の平均距離。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるので、積層の値を低くすることで、なめらかな仕上がりになります。この値は、ファジースキンの厚さの半分よりも大きくなければなりません。"
4060 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4061 msgctxt "wireframe_enabled label"
4062 msgid "Wire Printing"
4063 msgstr "Wire Printing"
4065 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4066 msgctxt "wireframe_enabled description"
4067 msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
4068 msgstr "薄い空気中に印刷し、疎なウエブ構造で外面のみを印刷します。これは、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線を介して接続された所定のZ間隔でモデルの輪郭を水平に印刷することによって実現される。"
4070 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4071 msgctxt "wireframe_height label"
4072 msgid "WP Connection Height"
4073 msgstr "WP Connection Height"
4075 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4076 msgctxt "wireframe_height description"
4077 msgid "The height of the upward and diagonally downward lines between two horizontal parts. This determines the overall density of the net structure. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4078 msgstr "2つの水平なパーツ間の、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線の高さ。これは、ネット構造の全体密度を決定します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4080 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4081 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset label"
4082 msgid "WP Roof Inset Distance"
4083 msgstr "WP Roof Inset Distance"
4085 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4086 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
4087 msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4088 msgstr "屋根から内側に輪郭を描くときの距離。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4090 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4091 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed label"
4092 msgid "WP Speed"
4093 msgstr "WP Speed"
4095 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4096 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
4097 msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4098 msgstr "マテリアルを押し出すときにノズルが動く速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4101 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom label"
4102 msgid "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
4103 msgstr "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
4105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4106 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom description"
4107 msgid "Speed of printing the first layer, which is the only layer touching the build platform. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4108 msgstr "ブルドプラットフォームに接触する第1層の印刷速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4111 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up label"
4112 msgid "WP Upward Printing Speed"
4113 msgstr "WP Upward Printing Speed"
4115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4116 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up description"
4117 msgid "Speed of printing a line upward 'in thin air'. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4118 msgstr "薄い空気の中で上向きに線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4121 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down label"
4122 msgid "WP Downward Printing Speed"
4123 msgstr "WP Downward Printing Speed"
4125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4126 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down description"
4127 msgid "Speed of printing a line diagonally downward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4128 msgstr "斜め下方に線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4131 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat label"
4132 msgid "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
4133 msgstr "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
4135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4136 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat description"
4137 msgid "Speed of printing the horizontal contours of the model. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4138 msgstr "モデルの水平輪郭を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4141 msgctxt "wireframe_flow label"
4142 msgid "WP Flow"
4143 msgstr "WP Flow"
4145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4146 msgctxt "wireframe_flow description"
4147 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4148 msgstr "流れ補正:押出されたマテリアルの量はこの値の乗算になります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4151 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection label"
4152 msgid "WP Connection Flow"
4153 msgstr "WP Connection Flow"
4155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4156 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection description"
4157 msgid "Flow compensation when going up or down. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4158 msgstr "上下に動くときの吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4161 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat label"
4162 msgid "WP Flat Flow"
4163 msgstr "WP Flat Flow"
4165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4166 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat description"
4167 msgid "Flow compensation when printing flat lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4168 msgstr "フラットラインを印刷する際の吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4171 msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay label"
4172 msgid "WP Top Delay"
4173 msgstr "WP Top Delay"
4175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4176 msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay description"
4177 msgid "Delay time after an upward move, so that the upward line can harden. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4178 msgstr "上向きの線が硬くなるように、上向きの動きの後の時間を遅らせる。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4181 msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
4182 msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
4183 msgstr "WP Bottom Delay"
4185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4186 msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay description"
4187 msgid "Delay time after a downward move. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4188 msgstr "下降後の遅延時間。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4191 msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay label"
4192 msgid "WP Flat Delay"
4193 msgstr "WP Flat Delay"
4195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4196 msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay description"
4197 msgid "Delay time between two horizontal segments. Introducing such a delay can cause better adhesion to previous layers at the connection points, while too long delays cause sagging. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4198 msgstr "2つの水平セグメント間の遅延時間。このような遅延を挿入すると、前のレイヤーとの接着性が向上することがありますが、遅延が長すぎると垂れ下がりが発生します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4201 msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed label"
4202 msgid "WP Ease Upward"
4203 msgstr "WP Ease Upward"
4205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4206 msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed description"
4207 msgid ""
4208 "Distance of an upward move which is extruded with half speed.\n"
4209 "This can cause better adhesion to previous layers, while not heating the material in those layers too much. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4210 msgstr "半分の速度で押出される上方への移動距離。過度にマテリアルを加熱することなく、前の層とのより良い接着を作ります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4212 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4213 msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump label"
4214 msgid "WP Knot Size"
4215 msgstr "WP Knot Size"
4217 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4218 msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump description"
4219 msgid "Creates a small knot at the top of an upward line, so that the consecutive horizontal layer has a better chance to connect to it. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4220 msgstr "上向きの線の上端に小さな結び目を作成し、連続する水平レイヤーを接着力を高めます。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4222 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4223 msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down label"
4224 msgid "WP Fall Down"
4225 msgstr "WP Fall Down"
4227 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4228 msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down description"
4229 msgid "Distance with which the material falls down after an upward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4230 msgstr "上向き押出後にマテリアルが落下する距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4232 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4233 msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along label"
4234 msgid "WP Drag Along"
4235 msgstr "WP Drag Along"
4237 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4238 msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along description"
4239 msgid "Distance with which the material of an upward extrusion is dragged along with the diagonally downward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4240 msgstr "斜め下方への押出に伴い上向き押出しているマテリアルが引きずられる距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
4242 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4243 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy label"
4244 msgid "WP Strategy"
4245 msgstr "WP Strategy"
4247 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4248 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy description"
4249 msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
4250 msgstr "各接続ポイントで2つの連続したレイヤーが密着していることを確認するためのストラテジー。収縮すると上向きの線が正しい位置で硬化しますが、フィラメントの研削が行われる可能性があります。上向きの線の終わりに結び目をつけて接続する機会を増やし、線を冷やすことができます。ただし、印刷速度が遅くなることがあります。別の方法は、上向きの線の上端のたるみを補償することである。しかし、予測どおりにラインが必ずしも落ちるとは限りません。"
4252 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4253 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
4254 msgid "Compensate"
4255 msgstr "Compensate"
4257 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4258 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
4259 msgid "Knot"
4260 msgstr "Knot"
4262 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4263 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
4264 msgid "Retract"
4265 msgstr "Retract"
4267 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4268 msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down label"
4269 msgid "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
4270 msgstr "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
4272 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4273 msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down description"
4274 msgid "Percentage of a diagonally downward line which is covered by a horizontal line piece. This can prevent sagging of the top most point of upward lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4275 msgstr "水平方向の直線部分で覆われた斜めに下降線の割合です。これは上向きラインのほとんどのポイント、上部のたるみを防ぐことができます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
4277 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4278 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down label"
4279 msgid "WP Roof Fall Down"
4280 msgstr "WP Roof Fall Down"
4282 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4283 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down description"
4284 msgid "The distance which horizontal roof lines printed 'in thin air' fall down when being printed. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4285 msgstr "水平屋根が ”薄い空気”に印刷され落ちる距離。この距離は補正されています。ワイヤ印刷に適用されます。"
4287 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4288 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along label"
4289 msgid "WP Roof Drag Along"
4290 msgstr "WP Roof Drag Along"
4292 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4293 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along description"
4294 msgid "The distance of the end piece of an inward line which gets dragged along when going back to the outer outline of the roof. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4295 msgstr "屋根の外側の輪郭に戻る際に引きずる内側ラインの終わり部分の距離。この距離は補正されていてワイヤ印刷のみ適用されます。"
4297 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4298 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay label"
4299 msgid "WP Roof Outer Delay"
4300 msgstr "WP Roof Outer Delay"
4302 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4303 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay description"
4304 msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4305 msgstr "トップレイヤーにある穴の外側に掛ける時間。長い時間の方はより良い密着を得られます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
4307 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4308 msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance label"
4309 msgid "WP Nozzle Clearance"
4310 msgstr "WP Nozzle Clearance"
4312 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4313 msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance description"
4314 msgid "Distance between the nozzle and horizontally downward lines. Larger clearance results in diagonally downward lines with a less steep angle, which in turn results in less upward connections with the next layer. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4315 msgstr "ノズルと水平方向に下向きの線間の距離。大きな隙間がある場合、急な角度で斜め下方線となり、次の層が上方接続しずらくなる。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
4317 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4318 msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
4319 msgid "Command Line Settings"
4320 msgstr "Command Line Settings"
4322 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4323 msgctxt "command_line_settings description"
4324 msgid "Settings which are only used if CuraEngine isn't called from the Cura frontend."
4325 msgstr "CuraエンジンがCuraフロントエンドから呼び出されない場合のみ使用される設定。"
4327 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4328 msgctxt "center_object label"
4329 msgid "Center object"
4330 msgstr "Center object"
4332 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4333 msgctxt "center_object description"
4334 msgid "Whether to center the object on the middle of the build platform (0,0), instead of using the coordinate system in which the object was saved."
4335 msgstr "オブジェクトが保存された座標系を使用する代わりにビルドプラットフォームの中間(0,0)にオブジェクトを配置するかどうか。"
4337 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4338 msgctxt "mesh_position_x label"
4339 msgid "Mesh position x"
4340 msgstr "Mesh position x"
4342 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4343 msgctxt "mesh_position_x description"
4344 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the x direction."
4345 msgstr "オブジェクトの x 方向に適用されたオフセット。"
4347 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4348 msgctxt "mesh_position_y label"
4349 msgid "Mesh position y"
4350 msgstr "Mesh position y"
4352 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4353 msgctxt "mesh_position_y description"
4354 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the y direction."
4355 msgstr "オブジェクトのY 方向適用されたオフセット。"
4357 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4358 msgctxt "mesh_position_z label"
4359 msgid "Mesh position z"
4360 msgstr "Mesh position z"
4362 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4363 msgctxt "mesh_position_z description"
4364 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the z direction. With this you can perform what was used to be called 'Object Sink'."
4365 msgstr "オブジェクトの z 方向に適用されたオフセット。この 'オブジェクト シンク' と呼ばれていたものを再現できます。"
4367 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4368 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix label"
4369 msgid "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
4370 msgstr "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
4372 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4373 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
4374 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
4375 msgstr "ファイルから読み込むときに、モデルに適用するトランスフォーメーションマトリックス。"
4377 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4378 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4379 #~ msgstr "単一のサポートインタフェースラインの幅。"
4381 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4382 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4383 #~ msgstr "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4385 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4386 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4387 #~ msgstr "各立方体の中心からの半径上の乗数で、モデルの境界をチェックし、この立方体を細分するかどうかを決定します。値を大きくすると細分化が増えます。つまり、より小さなキューブになります。"
4389 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4390 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4391 #~ msgstr "Expand Upper Skins"
4393 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4394 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4395 #~ msgstr "上部のインフィルをサポートするので、スキン面 (上記の空気を含んだ領域) を展開します。"
4397 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4398 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4399 #~ msgstr "Expand Lower Skins"
4401 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4402 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4403 #~ msgstr "彼らは上と下の面材のレイヤーによって固定されますので、低い肌の部分 (空気を含んだ領域) を展開します。"
4405 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4406 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4407 #~ msgstr "天井と底面のサポート材をプリントする速度 これらを低速でプリントするとオーバーハング部分の品質を向上できます。"
4409 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4410 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4411 #~ msgstr "サポート材の上面と底面が印刷されるスピード 低速度で印刷するとオーバーハングの品質が向上します。"
4413 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4414 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4415 #~ msgstr "サポート材の屋根とボトムのプリント時、最大瞬間速度の変更。"
4417 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4418 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4419 #~ msgstr "Enable Support"
4421 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4422 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4423 #~ msgstr "サポート材を印刷可能にします。これは、モデル上のオーバーハング部分にサポート材を構築します。"
4425 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4426 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4427 #~ msgstr "サポートの天井とボトム部分を印刷する際のエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用される。"
4429 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4430 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4431 #~ msgstr "モデルにかかる階段形サポートの下部の高さです。低い値のサポートの除去は難しく、高すぎる値は不安定なサポート構造につながります。"
4433 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4434 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4435 #~ msgstr "Support Bottom Thickness"
4437 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4438 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4439 #~ msgstr "サポート材の底部の厚さ。これは、サモデルの上に印刷されるサポートの積層密度を制御します。"
4441 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4442 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4443 #~ msgstr "サポート上にモデルがあることを確認するときは、指定された高さのステップを実行します。値が小さいほどスライスが遅くなりますが、値が大きくなるとサポートインターフェイスが必要な場所で通常のサポートが印刷されることがあります。"
4445 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4446 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4447 #~ msgstr "サポート材の屋根と底部の密度を調整します 大きな値ではオーバーハングでの成功率があがりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります"
4449 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4450 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4451 #~ msgstr "Support Interface Line Distance"
4453 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4454 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4455 #~ msgstr "印刷されたサポートインタフェースラインの間隔。この設定はSupport Interface Densityで計算されますが、個別に調整することができます。"
4457 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4458 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4459 #~ msgstr "Spiralizeは外縁のZ移動を平滑化します。これにより、プリント全体にわたって安定したZ値が得られます。この機能は、ソリッドモデルを単一のウォールプリントに変換し、底面と側面のみ印刷します。この機能は以前のバージョンではJorisと呼ばれていました。"
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 22:05+0900\n"
11 "Last-Translator: Ultimaker's Korean Sales Partner <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Ultimaker's Korean Sales Partner <>\n"
13 "Language: ko\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Korean\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ko\n"
15 "Country-Code: KR\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2628 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
27 msgid ""
28 "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle "
29 "size, etc)"
29 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
3030 msgstr "빌드볼륨, 노즐 사이즈 등, 장비 셋팅의 방법을 제공합니다. "
32 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
32 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3333 msgctxt "@action"
3434 msgid "Machine Settings"
3535 msgstr ""
130130 msgid "Show Changelog"
131131 msgstr ""
133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
134 msgctxt "@label"
135 msgid "Profile flatener"
136 msgstr ""
138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
139 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
140 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
141 msgstr ""
143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
144 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
145 msgid "Flatten active settings"
146 msgstr ""
148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
149 msgctxt "@info:status"
150 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
151 msgstr ""
133153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
134154 msgctxt "@label"
135155 msgid "USB printing"
138158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
139159 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
140 msgid ""
141 "Accepts G-Code and sends them to a printer. Plugin can also update firmware."
142 msgstr ""
143 "G-Code를 생성하고 이를 프린터로 보냅니다. 프러그인이 펌웨어를 업데이트 합니"
144 "다. "
160 msgid "Accepts G-Code and sends them to a printer. Plugin can also update firmware."
161 msgstr "G-Code를 생성하고 이를 프린터로 보냅니다. 프러그인이 펌웨어를 업데이트 합니다. "
146163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
147164 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
163180 msgid "Connected via USB"
164181 msgstr ""
166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
167184 msgctxt "@info:status"
168185 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
169186 msgstr ""
171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
172 msgctxt "@info:status"
173 msgid ""
174 "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
175 msgstr ""
177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
178 msgctxt "@info:status"
179 msgid ""
180 "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
189 msgctxt "@info:status"
190 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
191 msgstr ""
193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
194 msgctxt "@info:status"
195 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
181196 msgstr ""
183198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
212227 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
213228 msgstr ""
215 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
216231 #, python-brace-format
217232 msgctxt "@info:progress"
218233 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
219234 msgstr ""
221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
223238 #, python-brace-format
224239 msgctxt "@info:status"
225240 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
226241 msgstr ""
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
229244 #, python-brace-format
230245 msgctxt "@info:status"
231246 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
232247 msgstr ""
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235250 msgctxt "@action:button"
236251 msgid "Eject"
237252 msgstr ""
239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
240255 #, python-brace-format
241256 msgctxt "@action"
242257 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
243258 msgstr ""
245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
246261 #, python-brace-format
247262 msgctxt "@info:status"
248263 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
249264 msgstr ""
251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252267 #, python-brace-format
253268 msgctxt "@info:status"
254269 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
255270 msgstr ""
257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258273 #, python-brace-format
259274 msgctxt "@info:status"
260275 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
293308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
294309 msgctxt "@info:status"
295 msgid ""
296 "Access to the printer requested. Please approve the request on the printer"
310 msgid "Access to the printer requested. Please approve the request on the printer"
297311 msgstr ""
299313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
300314 #, fuzzy
301 #| msgid ""
302315 msgctxt "@info:status"
303316 msgid ""
304317 msgstr ""
346359 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
347360 msgstr ""
349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 msgctxt "@info:status"
351 msgid ""
352 "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
353 msgstr ""
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
363 msgctxt "@info:status"
364 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
365 msgstr ""
367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
356368 msgctxt "@info:status"
357369 msgid "Connected over the network."
358370 msgstr ""
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
361373 msgctxt "@info:status"
362374 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
363375 msgstr ""
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
366378 msgctxt "@info:status"
367379 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
368380 msgstr ""
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
371383 msgctxt "@info:status"
372384 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
373385 msgstr ""
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376388 msgctxt "@info:status"
377389 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
378390 msgstr ""
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
381 msgctxt "@info:status"
382 msgid ""
383 "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is "
384 "connected."
385 msgstr ""
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
393 msgctxt "@info:status"
394 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
395 msgstr ""
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388398 #, python-format
389399 msgctxt "@info:status"
390 msgid ""
391 "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is "
392 "%s."
393 msgstr ""
395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
401 msgstr ""
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
396404 #, python-brace-format
397405 msgctxt "@info:status"
398 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
399 msgstr ""
401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
407 msgstr ""
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
402410 #, python-brace-format
403411 msgctxt "@info:status"
404412 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
405413 msgstr ""
407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
408416 #, python-brace-format
409417 msgctxt "@label"
410418 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
411 msgstr ""
413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
414 #, python-brace-format
415 msgctxt "@label"
416 msgid ""
417 "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
418419 msgstr ""
420421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421422 #, python-brace-format
422423 msgctxt "@label"
424 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
425 msgstr ""
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
428 #, python-brace-format
429 msgctxt "@label"
423430 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
424431 msgstr ""
426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427434 #, python-brace-format
428435 msgctxt "@label"
429 msgid ""
430 "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be "
431 "performed on the printer."
432 msgstr ""
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
436 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
437 msgstr ""
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
435440 msgctxt "@label"
436441 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
437442 msgstr ""
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
440 msgctxt "@label"
441 msgid ""
442 "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer "
443 "and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials "
444 "that are inserted in your printer."
445 msgstr ""
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
445 msgctxt "@label"
446 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
447 msgstr ""
449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
448450 msgctxt "@window:title"
449451 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
450452 msgstr ""
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
453455 msgctxt "@info:status"
454456 msgid "Sending data to printer"
455457 msgstr ""
457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
458460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
459461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
460462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
461463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
465467 msgctxt "@action:button"
466468 msgid "Cancel"
467469 msgstr ""
469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470472 msgctxt "@info:status"
471473 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
472474 msgstr ""
474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
476478 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
477479 msgid "Aborting print..."
478480 msgstr ""
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
481483 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
482484 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
483485 msgstr ""
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
486488 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
487489 msgid "Pausing print..."
488490 msgstr ""
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
491493 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
492494 msgid "Resuming print..."
493495 msgstr ""
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
496498 msgctxt "@window:title"
497499 msgid "Sync with your printer"
498500 msgstr ""
500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
501503 msgctxt "@label"
502504 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
503505 msgstr ""
505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
506 msgctxt "@label"
507 msgid ""
508 "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within "
509 "your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores "
510 "and materials that are inserted in your printer."
507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
508 msgctxt "@label"
509 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
511510 msgstr ""
513512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
547546 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/SliceInfoPlugin/
548547 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
549548 msgid "Submits anonymous slice info. Can be disabled through preferences."
550 msgstr ""
551 "익명 슬라이스 정보를 제출합니다. 환경 설정을 통해 비활성화 할 수 있습니다. "
549 msgstr "익명 슬라이스 정보를 제출합니다. 환경 설정을 통해 비활성화 할 수 있습니다. "
553551 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/SliceInfoPlugin/
554552 msgctxt "@info"
555 msgid ""
556 "Cura collects anonymised slicing statistics. You can disable this in "
557 "preferences"
553 msgid "Cura collects anonymised slicing statistics. You can disable this in preferences"
558554 msgstr ""
560556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/SliceInfoPlugin/
562558 msgid "Dismiss"
563559 msgstr ""
565 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
566562 msgctxt "@label"
567563 msgid "Material Profiles"
568564 msgstr ""
570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
571567 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
572568 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
573569 msgstr "읽기 및 XML 기반의 물질 프로파일을 작성하는 기능을 제공합니다. "
618614 msgid "Layers"
619615 msgstr ""
621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
622618 msgctxt "@info:status"
623619 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
624620 msgstr ""
626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
627 msgctxt "@label"
628 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
629 msgstr ""
631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
623 msgctxt "@label"
624 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
625 msgstr ""
627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
632628 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
633 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
634 msgstr "큐라 2.4 구성을 큐라 2.5 구성으로 업그레이드합니다. "
629 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
630 msgstr ""
636632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
637633 msgctxt "@label"
661657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/
662658 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
663659 msgid "Enables ability to generate printable geometry from 2D image files."
664 msgstr ""
665 "2D 이미지 파일에서 인쇄 가능한 지오메트리를 생성 할 수있는 기능을 활성화합니"
666 "다. "
660 msgstr "2D 이미지 파일에서 인쇄 가능한 지오메트리를 생성 할 수있는 기능을 활성화합니다. "
668662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/
669663 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
690684 msgid "GIF Image"
691685 msgstr ""
693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
694 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
695 msgctxt "@info:status"
696 msgid ""
697 "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or "
698 "configuration."
699 msgstr ""
701 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
689 msgctxt "@info:status"
690 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
691 msgstr ""
693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
702694 #, python-brace-format
703695 msgctxt "@info:status"
704 msgid ""
705 "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have "
706 "errors: {0}"
707 msgstr ""
709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
710 msgctxt "@info:status"
711 msgid ""
712 "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
713 msgstr ""
715 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
716 msgctxt "@info:status"
717 msgid ""
718 "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please "
719 "scale or rotate models to fit."
696 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
697 msgstr ""
699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
700 msgctxt "@info:status"
701 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
702 msgstr ""
704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
705 msgctxt "@info:status"
706 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
720707 msgstr ""
722709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
729716 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
730717 msgstr "큐라엔진 슬라이싱 백엔드에 대한 링크를 제공합니다. "
732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
734721 msgctxt "@info:status"
735722 msgid "Processing Layers"
736723 msgstr ""
755742 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
756743 msgstr ""
758 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
759 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
760747 msgctxt "@title:tab"
761748 msgid "Recommended"
762749 msgstr ""
764 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
765 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
752 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
766753 msgctxt "@title:tab"
767754 msgid "Custom"
768755 msgstr ""
770 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
757 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
771758 msgctxt "@label"
772759 msgid "3MF Reader"
773760 msgstr ""
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
776763 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
777764 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
778765 msgstr "3MF 파일을 읽기위한 지원을 제공합니다. "
780 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
781 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
768 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
782769 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
783770 msgid "3MF File"
784771 msgstr ""
786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
774 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
788775 msgctxt "@label"
789776 msgid "Nozzle"
790777 msgstr ""
819806 msgid "G File"
820807 msgstr ""
822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
809 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
823810 msgctxt "@info:status"
824811 msgid "Parsing G-code"
812 msgstr ""
814 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
815 msgctxt "@info:generic"
816 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
825817 msgstr ""
827819 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
840832 msgid "Cura Profile"
841833 msgstr ""
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
835 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
844836 msgctxt "@label"
845837 msgid "3MF Writer"
846838 msgstr ""
848 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
849841 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
850842 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
851843 msgstr "3MF 파일을 작성하기 위한 지원을 제공합니다. "
853 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
854846 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
855847 msgid "3MF file"
856848 msgstr ""
858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
850 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
859851 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
860852 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
861853 msgstr ""
863 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
864 msgctxt "@label"
865 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
866 msgstr ""
868 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
869 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
870 msgid ""
871 "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling "
872 "wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
873 msgstr ""
874 "베드레벨링, 마법사, 선택적인 업그레이드 등의 Ultimaker 장비에 대한 기계적인 "
875 "액션을 제공합니다. "
855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
877856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
878857 msgctxt "@action"
879858 msgid "Select upgrades"
880859 msgstr ""
861 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
862 msgctxt "@label"
863 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
864 msgstr ""
866 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
867 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
868 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
869 msgstr "베드레벨링, 마법사, 선택적인 업그레이드 등의 Ultimaker 장비에 대한 기계적인 액션을 제공합니다. "
882871 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
883872 msgctxt "@action"
904893 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
905894 msgstr "큐라 프로파일을 가져 오기 위한 지원을 제공합니다. "
907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
908897 #, python-brace-format
909898 msgctxt "@label"
910899 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
920909 msgid "Unknown material"
921910 msgstr ""
923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
913 msgctxt "@info:status"
914 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
915 msgstr ""
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
919 msgctxt "@info:status"
920 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
921 msgstr ""
923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925925 msgctxt "@title:window"
926926 msgid "File Already Exists"
927927 msgstr ""
929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 #, python-brace-format
932 msgctxt "@label"
933 msgid ""
934 "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to "
935 "overwrite it?"
936 msgstr ""
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
939 msgctxt "@info:status"
940 msgid ""
941 "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will "
942 "be used instead."
943 msgstr ""
929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
945930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
946931 #, python-brace-format
947 msgctxt "@info:status"
948 msgid ""
949 "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
950 msgstr ""
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
932 msgctxt "@label"
933 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
934 msgstr ""
936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
938 msgctxt "@label"
939 msgid "Custom"
940 msgstr ""
942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
943 msgctxt "@label"
944 msgid "Custom Material"
945 msgstr ""
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953948 #, python-brace-format
954949 msgctxt "@info:status"
955 msgid ""
956 "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported "
957 "failure."
958 msgstr ""
960 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
950 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
951 msgstr ""
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
961954 #, python-brace-format
962955 msgctxt "@info:status"
956 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
957 msgstr ""
959 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
960 #, python-brace-format
961 msgctxt "@info:status"
963962 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
964963 msgstr ""
966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
968969 #, python-brace-format
969970 msgctxt "@info:status"
970 msgid ""
971 "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</"
972 "message>"
973 msgstr ""
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
971 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
972 msgstr ""
976974 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
977976 #, python-brace-format
978977 msgctxt "@info:status"
979978 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
980979 msgstr ""
982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
983982 #, python-brace-format
984983 msgctxt "@info:status"
985984 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
986985 msgstr ""
988 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
989988 msgctxt "@label"
990989 msgid "Custom profile"
991990 msgstr ""
993 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
994 msgctxt "@info:status"
995 msgid ""
996 "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print "
997 "Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
998 msgstr ""
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
993 msgctxt "@info:status"
994 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
995 msgstr ""
997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
998 #, python-brace-format
999 msgctxt "@info:status"
1000 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1004 msgctxt "@info:status"
1005 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1009 msgctxt "@info:status"
1010 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10011014 msgctxt "@title:window"
1002 msgid "Oops!"
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1015 msgid "Crash Report"
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10061019 msgctxt "@label"
10071020 msgid ""
10081021 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
1009 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock."
1010 "</p>\n"
1011 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href="
1012 "\"\">"
1013 "issues</a></p>\n"
1022 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
10141023 " "
10151024 msgstr ""
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10181027 msgctxt "@action:button"
10191028 msgid "Open Web Page"
10201029 msgstr ""
1022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10231032 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10241033 msgid "Loading machines..."
10251034 msgstr ""
1027 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1036 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10281037 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10291038 msgid "Setting up scene..."
10301039 msgstr ""
1032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1041 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10331042 msgctxt "@info:progress"
10341043 msgid "Loading interface..."
10351044 msgstr ""
1037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10381047 #, python-format
10391048 msgctxt "@info"
10401049 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
10411050 msgstr ""
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10441053 #, python-brace-format
10451054 msgctxt "@info:status"
10461055 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
10471056 msgstr ""
1049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
10501059 #, python-brace-format
10511060 msgctxt "@info:status"
10521061 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
10531062 msgstr ""
1055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
10561065 msgctxt "@title"
10571066 msgid "Machine Settings"
10581067 msgstr ""
1060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1061 msgctxt "@label"
1062 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1070 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1071 msgid "Printer"
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10661075 msgctxt "@label"
10671076 msgid "Printer Settings"
10681077 msgstr ""
1070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10711080 msgctxt "@label"
10721081 msgid "X (Width)"
10731082 msgstr ""
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1086 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10841093 msgctxt "@label"
10851094 msgid "mm"
10861095 msgstr ""
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10891098 msgctxt "@label"
10901099 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10911100 msgstr ""
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10941103 msgctxt "@label"
10951104 msgid "Z (Height)"
10961105 msgstr ""
1098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10991108 msgctxt "@label"
11001109 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
11011110 msgstr ""
1103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
11041113 msgctxt "@option:check"
11051114 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
11061115 msgstr ""
1108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
11091118 msgctxt "@option:check"
11101119 msgid "Heated Bed"
11111120 msgstr ""
1113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
11141123 msgctxt "@label"
11151124 msgid "GCode Flavor"
11161125 msgstr ""
1118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
11191128 msgctxt "@label"
11201129 msgid "Printhead Settings"
11211130 msgstr ""
1123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
11241133 msgctxt "@label"
11251134 msgid "X min"
11261135 msgstr ""
1128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
11291138 msgctxt "@label"
11301139 msgid "Y min"
11311140 msgstr ""
1133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
11341143 msgctxt "@label"
11351144 msgid "X max"
11361145 msgstr ""
1138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
11391148 msgctxt "@label"
11401149 msgid "Y max"
11411150 msgstr ""
1143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
11441153 msgctxt "@label"
11451154 msgid "Gantry height"
11461155 msgstr ""
1148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1158 msgctxt "@label"
1159 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1163 msgctxt "@label"
1164 msgid "Material Diameter"
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
11491169 msgctxt "@label"
11501170 msgid "Nozzle size"
11511171 msgstr ""
1153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
11541174 msgctxt "@label"
11551175 msgid "Start Gcode"
11561176 msgstr ""
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
11591179 msgctxt "@label"
11601180 msgid "End Gcode"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1184 msgctxt "@label"
1185 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1189 msgctxt "@label"
1190 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1191 msgstr ""
1193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1194 msgctxt "@label"
1195 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1196 msgstr ""
1198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1199 msgctxt "@label"
1200 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1201 msgstr ""
1203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1204 msgctxt "@label"
1205 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
11611206 msgstr ""
11631208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11661211 msgstr ""
11681213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11701215 msgctxt "@action:button"
11711216 msgid "Save"
11721217 msgstr ""
11841229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11851230 #, fuzzy
1186 #| msgid ""
11871231 msgctxt "@label"
11881232 msgid ""
11891233 msgstr ""
12161260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
12171261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
12181262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
12201264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
12211265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
12221266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12691313 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12701314 msgstr ""
1272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12731317 msgctxt "@title:window"
12741318 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12751319 msgstr ""
1277 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12781322 msgctxt "@label"
12791323 msgid ""
1280 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your "
1281 "printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting "
1282 "your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your "
1283 "printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your "
1284 "printer.\n"
1324 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12851325 "\n"
12861326 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12871327 msgstr ""
1289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12901330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12911331 msgctxt "@action:button"
12921332 msgid "Add"
12931333 msgstr ""
1295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12961336 msgctxt "@action:button"
12971337 msgid "Edit"
12981338 msgstr ""
1300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
13011341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
13021342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
13041344 msgctxt "@action:button"
13051345 msgid "Remove"
13061346 msgstr ""
1308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
13091349 msgctxt "@action:button"
13101350 msgid "Refresh"
13111351 msgstr ""
1313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1314 msgctxt "@label"
1315 msgid ""
1316 "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing "
1317 "troubleshooting guide</a>"
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
1354 msgctxt "@label"
1355 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
13211359 msgctxt "@label"
13221360 msgid "Type"
13231361 msgstr ""
1325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
13261364 msgctxt "@label"
13271365 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
13281366 msgstr ""
1330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
13311369 msgctxt "@label"
13321370 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
13331371 msgstr ""
1335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
13361374 msgctxt "@label"
13371375 msgid "Unknown"
13381376 msgstr ""
1340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
13411379 msgctxt "@label"
13421380 msgid "Firmware version"
13431381 msgstr ""
1345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
13461384 msgctxt "@label"
13471385 msgid "Address"
13481386 msgstr ""
1350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
13511389 msgctxt "@label"
13521390 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
13531391 msgstr ""
1355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
13561394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
13571395 msgctxt "@action:button"
13581396 msgid "Connect"
13591397 msgstr ""
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
13621400 msgctxt "@title:window"
13631401 msgid "Printer Address"
13641402 msgstr ""
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13671405 msgctxt "@alabel"
13681406 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13691407 msgstr ""
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13721410 msgctxt "@action:button"
13731411 msgid "Ok"
13741412 msgstr ""
14131451 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
14141452 msgstr ""
1416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
14171455 msgctxt "@label"
14181456 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
14191457 msgstr ""
1421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
14221460 msgctxt "@label"
14231461 msgid "Color scheme"
14241462 msgstr ""
1426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
14271465 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
14281466 msgid "Material Color"
14291467 msgstr ""
1431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
14321470 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
14331471 msgid "Line Type"
14341472 msgstr ""
1436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
14371475 msgctxt "@label"
14381476 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
14391477 msgstr ""
1441 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1442 msgctxt "@label"
1443 msgid "Extruder %1"
1444 msgstr ""
1446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
14471480 msgctxt "@label"
14481481 msgid "Show Travels"
14491482 msgstr ""
1451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
14521485 msgctxt "@label"
14531486 msgid "Show Helpers"
14541487 msgstr ""
1456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
14571490 msgctxt "@label"
14581491 msgid "Show Shell"
14591492 msgstr ""
1461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
14621495 msgctxt "@label"
14631496 msgid "Show Infill"
14641497 msgstr ""
1466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14671500 msgctxt "@label"
14681501 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14691502 msgstr ""
1504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
1505 msgctxt "@label"
1506 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1507 msgstr ""
1509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
1510 msgctxt "@label"
1511 msgid "Top / Bottom"
1512 msgstr ""
14711514 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1472 msgctxt "@label"
1473 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
1474 msgstr ""
1476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1477 msgctxt "@label"
1478 msgid "Top / Bottom"
1479 msgstr ""
1481 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
14821515 msgctxt "@label"
14831516 msgid "Inner Wall"
14841517 msgstr ""
15311564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:126
15321565 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
1533 msgid ""
1534 "By default, white pixels represent high points on the mesh and black pixels "
1535 "represent low points on the mesh. Change this option to reverse the behavior "
1536 "such that black pixels represent high points on the mesh and white pixels "
1537 "represent low points on the mesh."
1566 msgid "By default, white pixels represent high points on the mesh and black pixels represent low points on the mesh. Change this option to reverse the behavior such that black pixels represent high points on the mesh and white pixels represent low points on the mesh."
15381567 msgstr ""
15401569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:139
15581587 msgstr ""
15601589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
15621590 msgctxt "@action:button"
15631591 msgid "OK"
15641592 msgstr ""
1566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1567 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1568 msgid "Print model with"
1569 msgstr ""
1571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15721595 msgctxt "@action:button"
15731596 msgid "Select settings"
15741597 msgstr ""
1576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15771600 msgctxt "@title:window"
15781601 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15791602 msgstr ""
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15821605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15841606 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15851607 msgid "Filter..."
15861608 msgstr ""
1588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15891611 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15901612 msgid "Show all"
15911613 msgstr ""
15951617 msgid "Open Project"
15961618 msgstr ""
1598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15991621 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
16001622 msgid "Update existing"
16011623 msgstr ""
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
16041626 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
16051627 msgid "Create new"
16061628 msgstr ""
1608 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1609 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
16101632 msgctxt "@action:title"
16111633 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
16121634 msgstr ""
1614 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
16161638 msgctxt "@action:label"
16171639 msgid "Printer settings"
16181640 msgstr ""
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
16211643 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16221644 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
16231645 msgstr ""
1625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
16271649 msgctxt "@action:label"
16281650 msgid "Type"
16291651 msgstr ""
1631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
16361658 msgctxt "@action:label"
16371659 msgid "Name"
16381660 msgstr ""
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
16421664 msgctxt "@action:label"
16431665 msgid "Profile settings"
16441666 msgstr ""
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1668 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
16471669 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16481670 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
16491671 msgstr ""
1651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1674 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
16531675 msgctxt "@action:label"
16541676 msgid "Not in profile"
16551677 msgstr ""
1657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1679 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
16591681 msgctxt "@action:label"
16601682 msgid "%1 override"
16611683 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
16621684 msgstr[0] ""
16631685 msgstr[1] ""
1665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
16661688 msgctxt "@action:label"
16671689 msgid "Derivative from"
16681690 msgstr ""
1670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16711693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16721694 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16731695 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16741696 msgstr[0] ""
16751697 msgstr[1] ""
1677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16781700 msgctxt "@action:label"
16791701 msgid "Material settings"
16801702 msgstr ""
1682 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16831705 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16841706 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16851707 msgstr ""
1687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1710 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16891711 msgctxt "@action:label"
16901712 msgid "Setting visibility"
16911713 msgstr ""
1693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1715 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16941716 msgctxt "@action:label"
16951717 msgid "Mode"
16961718 msgstr ""
1698 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1721 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
17001722 msgctxt "@action:label"
17011723 msgid "Visible settings:"
17021724 msgstr ""
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1705 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1726 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1727 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
17061728 msgctxt "@action:label"
17071729 msgid "%1 out of %2"
17081730 msgstr ""
1710 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
17111733 msgctxt "@action:warning"
17121734 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
17131735 msgstr ""
1715 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1737 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
17161738 msgctxt "@action:button"
17171739 msgid "Open"
1740 msgstr ""
1742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1743 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1744 msgctxt "@title"
1745 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1746 msgstr ""
1748 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1749 msgctxt "@label"
1750 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1751 msgstr ""
1753 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1754 msgctxt "@label"
1755 msgid "Olsson Block"
17181756 msgstr ""
17201758 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
17251763 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:38
17261764 msgctxt "@label"
1727 msgid ""
1728 "To make sure your prints will come out great, you can now adjust your "
1729 "buildplate. When you click 'Move to Next Position' the nozzle will move to "
1730 "the different positions that can be adjusted."
1765 msgid "To make sure your prints will come out great, you can now adjust your buildplate. When you click 'Move to Next Position' the nozzle will move to the different positions that can be adjusted."
17311766 msgstr ""
17331768 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:47
17341769 msgctxt "@label"
1735 msgid ""
1736 "For every position; insert a piece of paper under the nozzle and adjust the "
1737 "print build plate height. The print build plate height is right when the "
1738 "paper is slightly gripped by the tip of the nozzle."
1770 msgid "For every position; insert a piece of paper under the nozzle and adjust the print build plate height. The print build plate height is right when the paper is slightly gripped by the tip of the nozzle."
17391771 msgstr ""
17411773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:62
17561788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.qml:38
17571789 msgctxt "@label"
1758 msgid ""
1759 "Firmware is the piece of software running directly on your 3D printer. This "
1760 "firmware controls the step motors, regulates the temperature and ultimately "
1761 "makes your printer work."
1790 msgid "Firmware is the piece of software running directly on your 3D printer. This firmware controls the step motors, regulates the temperature and ultimately makes your printer work."
17621791 msgstr ""
17641793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.qml:48
17651794 msgctxt "@label"
1766 msgid ""
1767 "The firmware shipping with new printers works, but new versions tend to have "
1768 "more features and improvements."
1795 msgid "The firmware shipping with new printers works, but new versions tend to have more features and improvements."
17691796 msgstr ""
17711798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UpgradeFirmwareMachineAction.qml:62
17831810 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17841811 msgstr ""
1786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1787 msgctxt "@title"
1788 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1789 msgstr ""
17911813 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17921814 msgctxt "@label"
17931815 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker Original"
18061828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOCheckupMachineAction.qml:39
18071829 msgctxt "@label"
1808 msgid ""
1809 "It's a good idea to do a few sanity checks on your Ultimaker. You can skip "
1810 "this step if you know your machine is functional"
1830 msgid "It's a good idea to do a few sanity checks on your Ultimaker. You can skip this step if you know your machine is functional"
18111831 msgstr ""
18131833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOCheckupMachineAction.qml:53
19041924 msgstr ""
19061926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
19081928 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
19091929 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
19101930 msgstr ""
19151935 msgstr ""
19171937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
19191939 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
19201940 msgid "Printing..."
19211941 msgstr ""
19231943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1944 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
19251945 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
19261946 msgid "Paused"
19271947 msgstr ""
19291949 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1950 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
19311951 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
19321952 msgid "Preparing..."
19331953 msgstr ""
19621982 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
19631983 msgstr ""
1965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
19661986 msgctxt "@title:window"
19671987 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
19681988 msgstr ""
1970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
19711991 msgctxt "@text:window"
19721992 msgid ""
19731993 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
19741994 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
19751995 msgstr ""
1977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
19781998 msgctxt "@title:column"
19791999 msgid "Profile settings"
19802000 msgstr ""
1982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
2002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
19832003 msgctxt "@title:column"
19842004 msgid "Default"
19852005 msgstr ""
1987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19882008 msgctxt "@title:column"
19892009 msgid "Customized"
19902010 msgstr ""
1992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1993 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19942014 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19952015 msgid "Always ask me this"
19962016 msgstr ""
1998 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1999 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
20002020 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
20012021 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
20022022 msgstr ""
2004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
20062026 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
20072027 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
20082028 msgstr ""
2010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
20112031 msgctxt "@action:button"
20122032 msgid "Discard"
20132033 msgstr ""
2015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
20162036 msgctxt "@action:button"
20172037 msgid "Keep"
20182038 msgstr ""
2020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
20212041 msgctxt "@action:button"
20222042 msgid "Create New Profile"
20232043 msgstr ""
2025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
20262046 msgctxt "@title"
20272047 msgid "Information"
20282048 msgstr ""
2030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
20312051 msgctxt "@label"
20322052 msgid "Display Name"
20332053 msgstr ""
2035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
20362056 msgctxt "@label"
20372057 msgid "Brand"
20382058 msgstr ""
2040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
20412061 msgctxt "@label"
20422062 msgid "Material Type"
20432063 msgstr ""
2045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
20462066 msgctxt "@label"
20472067 msgid "Color"
20482068 msgstr ""
2050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
20512071 msgctxt "@label"
20522072 msgid "Properties"
20532073 msgstr ""
2055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
20562076 msgctxt "@label"
20572077 msgid "Density"
20582078 msgstr ""
2060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
20612081 msgctxt "@label"
20622082 msgid "Diameter"
20632083 msgstr ""
2065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
20662086 msgctxt "@label"
20672087 msgid "Filament Cost"
20682088 msgstr ""
2070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
20712091 msgctxt "@label"
20722092 msgid "Filament weight"
20732093 msgstr ""
2075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
20762096 msgctxt "@label"
20772097 msgid "Filament length"
20782098 msgstr ""
2080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
20812101 msgctxt "@label"
20822102 msgid "Cost per Meter"
20832103 msgstr ""
2085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2106 msgctxt "@label"
2107 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2108 msgstr ""
2110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2111 msgctxt "@label"
2112 msgid "Unlink Material"
2113 msgstr ""
2115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20862116 msgctxt "@label"
20872117 msgid "Description"
20882118 msgstr ""
2090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20912121 msgctxt "@label"
20922122 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20932123 msgstr ""
2095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20962126 msgctxt "@label"
20972127 msgid "Print settings"
20982128 msgstr ""
21282158 msgstr ""
21302160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
21322162 msgctxt "@title:tab"
21332163 msgid "General"
21342164 msgstr ""
2136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
21372167 msgctxt "@label"
21382168 msgid "Interface"
21392169 msgstr ""
2141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
21422172 msgctxt "@label"
21432173 msgid "Language:"
21442174 msgstr ""
2146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
21472177 msgctxt "@label"
21482178 msgid "Currency:"
21492179 msgstr ""
2151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2152 msgctxt "@label"
2153 msgid ""
2154 "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2155 msgstr ""
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2182 msgctxt "@label"
2183 msgid "Theme:"
2184 msgstr ""
2186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2187 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2188 msgid "Ultimaker"
2189 msgstr ""
2191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2192 msgctxt "@label"
2193 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2194 msgstr ""
2196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
21582197 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21592198 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
21602199 msgstr ""
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
21632202 msgctxt "@option:check"
21642203 msgid "Slice automatically"
21652204 msgstr ""
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
21682207 msgctxt "@label"
21692208 msgid "Viewport behavior"
21702209 msgstr ""
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
21732212 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2174 msgid ""
2175 "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas "
2176 "will not print properly."
2177 msgstr ""
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2213 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
2214 msgstr ""
2216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
21802217 msgctxt "@option:check"
21812218 msgid "Display overhang"
21822219 msgstr ""
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
21852222 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2186 msgid ""
2187 "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is "
2188 "selected"
2189 msgstr ""
2191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2223 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2224 msgstr ""
2226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21922227 msgctxt "@action:button"
21932228 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21942229 msgstr ""
2196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
21972232 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2198 msgid ""
2199 "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
2200 msgstr ""
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2233 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2234 msgstr ""
2236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2237 msgctxt "@action:button"
2238 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2239 msgstr ""
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
2242 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2243 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
2244 msgstr ""
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
22032247 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042248 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
22052249 msgstr ""
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2251 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
22082252 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092253 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
22102254 msgstr ""
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
22132257 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142258 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
22152259 msgstr ""
2217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2262 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2263 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2264 msgstr ""
2266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2267 msgctxt "@option:check"
2268 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2269 msgstr ""
2271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
22182272 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22192273 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
22202274 msgstr ""
2222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
22232277 msgctxt "@option:check"
22242278 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
22252279 msgstr ""
2227 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2281 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
22282282 msgctxt "@label"
22292283 msgid "Opening and saving files"
22302284 msgstr ""
2232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2286 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
22332287 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22342288 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
22352289 msgstr ""
2237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2291 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
22382292 msgctxt "@option:check"
22392293 msgid "Scale large models"
22402294 msgstr ""
2242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
22432297 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2244 msgid ""
2245 "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters "
2246 "rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
2247 msgstr ""
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2298 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
2299 msgstr ""
2301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
22502302 msgctxt "@option:check"
22512303 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
22522304 msgstr ""
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2306 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
22552307 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid ""
2257 "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name "
2258 "automatically?"
2259 msgstr ""
2261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2308 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
2309 msgstr ""
2311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
22622312 msgctxt "@option:check"
22632313 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
22642314 msgstr ""
2266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
22672317 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22682318 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
22692319 msgstr ""
2271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
22722322 msgctxt "@option:check"
22732323 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
22742324 msgstr ""
2276 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
22772327 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2278 msgid ""
2279 "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a "
2280 "dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or "
2281 "not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
2282 msgstr ""
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2328 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2329 msgstr ""
2331 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2332 msgctxt "@window:text"
2333 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2334 msgstr ""
2336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2337 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2338 msgid "Always ask"
2339 msgstr ""
2341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2342 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2343 msgid "Always open as a project"
2344 msgstr ""
2346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2347 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2348 msgid "Always import models"
2349 msgstr ""
2351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
2352 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2353 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
2354 msgstr ""
2356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
22852357 msgctxt "@label"
22862358 msgid "Override Profile"
22872359 msgstr ""
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
22902362 msgctxt "@label"
22912363 msgid "Privacy"
22922364 msgstr ""
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
22952367 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22962368 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22972369 msgstr ""
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
23002372 msgctxt "@option:check"
23012373 msgid "Check for updates on start"
23022374 msgstr ""
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
23052377 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2306 msgid ""
2307 "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no "
2308 "models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or "
2309 "stored."
2310 msgstr ""
2312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2378 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
2379 msgstr ""
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
23132382 msgctxt "@option:check"
23142383 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
23152384 msgstr ""
23172386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2318 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
23192388 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23202389 msgid "Printers"
23212390 msgstr ""
23232392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
23242393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
23262395 msgctxt "@action:button"
23272396 msgid "Activate"
23282397 msgstr ""
23382407 msgid "Printer type:"
23392408 msgstr ""
2341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
23422411 msgctxt "@label"
23432412 msgid "Connection:"
23442413 msgstr ""
2346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
23472416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
23482417 msgctxt "@info:status"
23492418 msgid "The printer is not connected."
23502419 msgstr ""
2352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
23532422 msgctxt "@label"
23542423 msgid "State:"
23552424 msgstr ""
2357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
23582427 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
23592428 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
23602429 msgstr ""
2362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
23632432 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
23642433 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
23652434 msgstr ""
23672436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
23692438 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23702439 msgid "Profiles"
23712440 msgstr ""
23912460 msgstr ""
23932462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
23952464 msgctxt "@action:button"
23962465 msgid "Import"
23972466 msgstr ""
23992468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
24012470 msgctxt "@action:button"
24022471 msgid "Export"
24032472 msgstr ""
24202489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:190
24212490 msgctxt "@action:label"
2422 msgid ""
2423 "This profile uses the defaults specified by the printer, so it has no "
2424 "settings/overrides in the list below."
2491 msgid "This profile uses the defaults specified by the printer, so it has no settings/overrides in the list below."
24252492 msgstr ""
24272494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:197
24652532 msgstr ""
24672534 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2535 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
24692536 msgctxt "@title:tab"
24702537 msgid "Materials"
24712538 msgstr ""
2473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2474 msgctxt ""
2475 "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 "
2476 "is variant name"
2540 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
2541 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
24772542 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
24782543 msgstr ""
2480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2545 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
24812546 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
24822547 msgid "Printer: %1"
24832548 msgstr ""
2485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2551 msgctxt "@action:button"
2552 msgid "Create"
2553 msgstr ""
2555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
24862556 msgctxt "@action:button"
24872557 msgid "Duplicate"
24882558 msgstr ""
2490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2491 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
24922562 msgctxt "@title:window"
24932563 msgid "Import Material"
24942564 msgstr ""
2496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2497 msgctxt "@info:status"
2498 msgid ""
2499 "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2500 msgstr ""
2502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
2567 msgctxt "@info:status"
2568 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2569 msgstr ""
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
25032572 msgctxt "@info:status"
25042573 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
25052574 msgstr ""
2507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2508 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2577 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
25092578 msgctxt "@title:window"
25102579 msgid "Export Material"
25112580 msgstr ""
2513 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2514 msgctxt "@info:status"
2515 msgid ""
2516 "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2517 msgstr ""
2519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
2583 msgctxt "@info:status"
2584 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2585 msgstr ""
2587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
25202588 msgctxt "@info:status"
25212589 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
25222590 msgstr ""
25242592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
25262594 msgctxt "@title:window"
25272595 msgid "Add Printer"
25282596 msgstr ""
25372605 msgid "Add Printer"
25382606 msgstr ""
2608 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2609 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2610 msgid "Outer Wall"
2611 msgstr ""
25402613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2614 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2615 msgid "Inner Walls"
2616 msgstr ""
2618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2619 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2620 msgid "Skin"
2621 msgstr ""
2623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2624 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2625 msgid "Infill"
2626 msgstr ""
2628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2629 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2630 msgid "Support Infill"
2631 msgstr ""
2633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2634 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2635 msgid "Support Interface"
2636 msgstr ""
2638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2639 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2640 msgid "Support"
2641 msgstr ""
2643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2644 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2645 msgid "Travel"
2646 msgstr ""
2648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2649 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2650 msgid "Retractions"
2651 msgstr ""
2653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2654 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2655 msgid "Other"
2656 msgstr ""
2658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
25412659 msgctxt "@label"
25422660 msgid "00h 00min"
25432661 msgstr ""
2545 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
25462664 msgctxt "@label"
25472665 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
25482666 msgstr ""
2550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2668 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
25512669 msgctxt "@label"
25522670 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532671 msgstr ""
26592777 msgid "SVG icons"
26602778 msgstr ""
2662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2780 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2781 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2782 msgid "Search..."
2783 msgstr ""
2785 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
26632786 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26642787 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
26652788 msgstr ""
2667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2790 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
26682791 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26692792 msgid "Hide this setting"
26702793 msgstr ""
2672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2795 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
26732796 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26742797 msgid "Don't show this setting"
26752798 msgstr ""
2677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2800 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
26782801 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26792802 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
26802803 msgstr ""
2682 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2805 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
26832806 msgctxt "@action:menu"
26842807 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
26852808 msgstr ""
26872810 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingCategory.qml:93
26882811 msgctxt "@label"
26892812 msgid ""
2690 "Some hidden settings use values different from their normal calculated "
2691 "value.\n"
2813 "Some hidden settings use values different from their normal calculated value.\n"
26922814 "\n"
26932815 "Click to make these settings visible."
26942816 msgstr ""
27062828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:155
27072829 msgctxt "@label"
2708 msgid ""
2709 "This setting is always shared between all extruders. Changing it here will "
2710 "change the value for all extruders"
2830 msgid "This setting is always shared between all extruders. Changing it here will change the value for all extruders"
27112831 msgstr ""
27132833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:158
27262846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:282
27272847 msgctxt "@label"
27282848 msgid ""
2729 "This setting is normally calculated, but it currently has an absolute value "
2730 "set.\n"
2849 "This setting is normally calculated, but it currently has an absolute value set.\n"
27312850 "\n"
27322851 "Click to restore the calculated value."
27332852 msgstr ""
27352854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:185
27362855 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2737 msgid ""
2738 "<b>Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Edit or review the settings for the active print "
2739 "job."
2856 msgid "<b>Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Edit or review the settings for the active print job."
27402857 msgstr ""
27422859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:284
27432860 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2744 msgid ""
2745 "<b>Print Monitor</b><br/><br/>Monitor the state of the connected printer and "
2746 "the print job in progress."
2861 msgid "<b>Print Monitor</b><br/><br/>Monitor the state of the connected printer and the print job in progress."
27472862 msgstr ""
27492864 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:337
27582873 "G-code files cannot be modified"
27592874 msgstr ""
2761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2876 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
27622877 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2763 msgid ""
2764 "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings "
2765 "for the selected printer, material and quality."
2766 msgstr ""
2768 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2878 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
2879 msgstr ""
2881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
27692882 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2770 msgid ""
2771 "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every "
2772 "last bit of the slicing process."
2773 msgstr ""
2775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2883 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
2884 msgstr ""
2886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
27762887 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
27772888 msgid "Automatic: %1"
27782889 msgstr ""
27872898 msgid "Automatic: %1"
27882899 msgstr ""
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2902 msgctxt "@label"
2903 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2904 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2905 msgstr[0] ""
2906 msgstr[1] ""
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2909 msgctxt "@title:window"
2910 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2911 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2912 msgstr[0] ""
2913 msgstr[1] ""
2915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2916 msgctxt "@label"
2917 msgid "Number of Copies"
2918 msgstr ""
27902920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
27912921 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
27922922 msgid "Open &Recent"
28302960 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:278
28312961 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2832 msgid ""
2833 "The target temperature of the heated bed. The bed will heat up or cool down "
2834 "towards this temperature. If this is 0, the bed heating is turned off."
2962 msgid "The target temperature of the heated bed. The bed will heat up or cool down towards this temperature. If this is 0, the bed heating is turned off."
28352963 msgstr ""
28372965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:310
28572985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:600
28582986 msgctxt "@tooltip of pre-heat"
2859 msgid ""
2860 "Heat the bed in advance before printing. You can continue adjusting your "
2861 "print while it is heating, and you won't have to wait for the bed to heat up "
2862 "when you're ready to print."
2987 msgid "Heat the bed in advance before printing. You can continue adjusting your print while it is heating, and you won't have to wait for the bed to heat up when you're ready to print."
28632988 msgstr ""
28652990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:633
28823007 msgid "Estimated time left"
28833008 msgstr ""
2885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
28863011 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28873012 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
28883013 msgstr ""
2890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
28913016 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28923017 msgid "&Undo"
28933018 msgstr ""
2895 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
28963021 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28973022 msgid "&Redo"
28983023 msgstr ""
2900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
29013026 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29023027 msgid "&Quit"
29033028 msgstr ""
2905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
29063031 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29073032 msgid "Configure Cura..."
29083033 msgstr ""
2910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
29113036 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
29123037 msgid "&Add Printer..."
29133038 msgstr ""
2915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
29163041 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
29173042 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
29183043 msgstr ""
2920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
29213046 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29223047 msgid "Manage Materials..."
29233048 msgstr ""
2925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
29263051 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29273052 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
29283053 msgstr ""
2930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
29313056 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29323057 msgid "&Discard current changes"
29333058 msgstr ""
2935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
29363061 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29373062 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
29383063 msgstr ""
2940 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
29413066 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
29423067 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
29433068 msgstr ""
2945 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
29463071 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29473072 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
29483073 msgstr ""
2950 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
29513076 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29523077 msgid "Report a &Bug"
29533078 msgstr ""
2955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
29563081 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29573082 msgid "&About..."
29583083 msgstr ""
2960 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
29613086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2962 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2963 msgstr ""
2965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3087 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] ""
3090 msgstr[1] ""
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] ""
3097 msgstr[1] ""
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3101 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3102 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3103 msgstr[0] ""
3104 msgstr[1] ""
3106 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
29663107 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29673108 msgid "Delete Model"
29683109 msgstr ""
2970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3111 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
29713112 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29723113 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
29733114 msgstr ""
2975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3116 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
29763117 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29773118 msgid "&Group Models"
29783119 msgstr ""
2980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3121 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
29813122 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29823123 msgid "Ungroup Models"
29833124 msgstr ""
2985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3126 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
29863127 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29873128 msgid "&Merge Models"
29883129 msgstr ""
2990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
29913132 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
29923133 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
29933134 msgstr ""
2995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
29963137 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29973138 msgid "&Select All Models"
29983139 msgstr ""
3000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
30013142 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
30023143 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
30033144 msgstr ""
3005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
30063147 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
30073148 msgid "Re&load All Models"
30083149 msgstr ""
3010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3152 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3153 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3154 msgstr ""
3156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3157 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3158 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3159 msgstr ""
3161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
30113162 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
30123163 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
30133164 msgstr ""
3015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
30163167 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
30173168 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
30183169 msgstr ""
3020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
30213172 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3022 msgid "&Open File..."
3023 msgstr ""
3025 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3173 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3174 msgstr ""
3176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
30263177 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3027 msgid "&Open Project..."
3028 msgstr ""
3030 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3178 msgid "&New Project..."
3179 msgstr ""
3181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
30313182 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
30323183 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
30333184 msgstr ""
3035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
30363187 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
30373188 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
30383189 msgstr ""
3040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
30413192 msgctxt "@action:menu"
30423193 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
3043 msgstr ""
3045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
3046 msgctxt "@title:window"
3047 msgid "Multiply Model"
30483194 msgstr ""
30503196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
30773223 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
30783224 msgstr ""
3080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3226 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
30813227 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
30823228 msgid "Prepare"
30833229 msgstr ""
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3231 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
30863232 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
30873233 msgid "Cancel"
30883234 msgstr ""
3090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
30913237 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
30923238 msgid "Select the active output device"
3239 msgstr ""
3241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3243 msgctxt "@title:window"
3244 msgid "Open file(s)"
3245 msgstr ""
3247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3248 msgctxt "@text:window"
3249 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3250 msgstr ""
3252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3253 msgctxt "@action:button"
3254 msgid "Import all as models"
30933255 msgstr ""
30953257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
31023264 msgid "&File"
31033265 msgstr ""
3105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3267 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
31063268 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
31073269 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
31083270 msgstr ""
31103272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
31113273 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3112 msgid "Save &All"
3113 msgstr ""
3115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3274 msgid "Save &As..."
3275 msgstr ""
3277 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
31163278 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
31173279 msgid "Save project"
31183280 msgstr ""
3120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3282 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
31213283 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31223284 msgid "&Edit"
31233285 msgstr ""
3125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
31263288 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31273289 msgid "&View"
31283290 msgstr ""
3130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
31313293 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31323294 msgid "&Settings"
31333295 msgstr ""
3135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3297 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
31363298 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31373299 msgid "&Printer"
31383300 msgstr ""
3140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
31423304 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31433305 msgid "&Material"
31443306 msgstr ""
3146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
31483310 msgctxt "@title:menu"
31493311 msgid "&Profile"
31503312 msgstr ""
3152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
31533315 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
31543316 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
31553317 msgstr ""
3157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
31583320 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31593321 msgid "E&xtensions"
31603322 msgstr ""
3324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
3325 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
3326 msgid "P&references"
3327 msgstr ""
31623329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
31633330 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
3164 msgid "P&references"
3165 msgstr ""
3167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3168 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
31693331 msgid "&Help"
31703332 msgstr ""
3172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
31733335 msgctxt "@action:button"
31743336 msgid "Open File"
31753337 msgstr ""
3177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
31783340 msgctxt "@action:button"
31793341 msgid "View Mode"
31803342 msgstr ""
3182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
31833345 msgctxt "@title:tab"
31843346 msgid "Settings"
31853347 msgstr ""
3187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
31883350 msgctxt "@title:window"
3189 msgid "Open file"
3190 msgstr ""
3192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3351 msgid "New project"
3352 msgstr ""
3354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3355 msgctxt "@info:question"
3356 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3357 msgstr ""
3359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
31933360 msgctxt "@title:window"
3194 msgid "Open workspace"
3361 msgid "Open File(s)"
3362 msgstr ""
3364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3365 msgctxt "@text:window"
3366 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
31953367 msgstr ""
31973369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
31993371 msgid "Save Project"
32003372 msgstr ""
3202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
32033375 msgctxt "@action:label"
32043376 msgid "Extruder %1"
32053377 msgstr ""
3207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
32083380 msgctxt "@action:label"
32093381 msgid "%1 & material"
32103382 msgstr ""
3212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
32133385 msgctxt "@action:label"
32143386 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
32153387 msgstr ""
3217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
32183390 msgctxt "@label"
32193391 msgid "Infill"
32203392 msgstr ""
3222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3223 msgctxt "@label"
3224 msgid "Hollow"
3225 msgstr ""
32273394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
32283395 msgctxt "@label"
3229 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3230 msgstr ""
3232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3233 msgctxt "@label"
3234 msgid "Light"
3235 msgstr ""
3237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3238 msgctxt "@label"
3239 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3240 msgstr ""
3242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3243 msgctxt "@label"
3244 msgid "Dense"
3245 msgstr ""
3247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3248 msgctxt "@label"
3249 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3250 msgstr ""
3252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3253 msgctxt "@label"
3254 msgid "Solid"
3255 msgstr ""
3257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3258 msgctxt "@label"
3259 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3260 msgstr ""
3262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3263 msgctxt "@label"
3264 msgid "Enable Support"
3265 msgstr ""
3267 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3268 msgctxt "@label"
3269 msgid ""
3270 "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with "
3271 "severe overhangs."
3272 msgstr ""
3274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3396 msgid "0%"
3397 msgstr ""
3399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3400 msgctxt "@label"
3401 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3402 msgstr ""
3404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3405 msgctxt "@label"
3406 msgid "20%"
3407 msgstr ""
3409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3410 msgctxt "@label"
3411 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3412 msgstr ""
3414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3415 msgctxt "@label"
3416 msgid "50%"
3417 msgstr ""
3419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3420 msgctxt "@label"
3421 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3422 msgstr ""
3424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3425 msgctxt "@label"
3426 msgid "100%"
3427 msgstr ""
3429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3430 msgctxt "@label"
3431 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3432 msgstr ""
3434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3435 msgctxt "@label"
3436 msgid "Gradual"
3437 msgstr ""
3439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3440 msgctxt "@label"
3441 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3442 msgstr ""
3444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3445 msgctxt "@label"
3446 msgid "Generate Support"
3447 msgstr ""
3449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3450 msgctxt "@label"
3451 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3452 msgstr ""
3454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
32753455 msgctxt "@label"
32763456 msgid "Support Extruder"
32773457 msgstr ""
3279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3280 msgctxt "@label"
3281 msgid ""
3282 "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting "
3283 "structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in "
3284 "mid air."
3285 msgstr ""
3287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
3460 msgctxt "@label"
3461 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
3462 msgstr ""
3464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
32883465 msgctxt "@label"
32893466 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
32903467 msgstr ""
3292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3293 msgctxt "@label"
3294 msgid ""
3295 "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under "
3296 "your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
3297 msgstr ""
3299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3300 msgctxt "@label"
3301 msgid ""
3302 "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker "
3303 "Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
3470 msgctxt "@label"
3471 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
3472 msgstr ""
3474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3475 msgctxt "@label"
3476 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3477 msgstr ""
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3480 msgctxt "@label"
3481 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3482 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3483 msgstr[0] ""
3484 msgstr[1] ""
3486 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3487 msgctxt "@title:window"
3488 msgid "Open project file"
3489 msgstr ""
3491 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3492 msgctxt "@text:window"
3493 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3494 msgstr ""
3496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3497 msgctxt "@text:window"
3498 msgid "Remember my choice"
3499 msgstr ""
3501 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3502 msgctxt "@action:button"
3503 msgid "Open as project"
3504 msgstr ""
3506 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3507 msgctxt "@action:button"
3508 msgid "Import models"
33043509 msgstr ""
33063511 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
33143519 msgid "Material"
33153520 msgstr ""
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3522 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3523 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3524 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3525 msgstr ""
3527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
33183528 msgctxt "@label"
33193529 msgid "Profile:"
33203530 msgstr ""
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
33233533 msgctxt "@tooltip"
33243534 msgid ""
3325 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the "
3326 "profile.\n"
3535 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
33273536 "\n"
33283537 "Click to open the profile manager."
33293538 msgstr ""
3540 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3541 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3542 #~ msgstr "큐라 2.4 구성을 큐라 2.5 구성으로 업그레이드합니다. "
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Korean\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ko\n"
15 "Country-Code: KR\n"
16 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
17 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
18 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
19 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
21 #: fdmextruder.def.json
22 msgctxt "machine_settings label"
23 msgid "Machine"
24 msgstr ""
26 #: fdmextruder.def.json
27 msgctxt "machine_settings description"
28 msgid "Machine specific settings"
29 msgstr ""
31 #: fdmextruder.def.json
32 msgctxt "extruder_nr label"
33 msgid "Extruder"
34 msgstr ""
36 #: fdmextruder.def.json
37 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
38 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
39 msgstr ""
41 #: fdmextruder.def.json
42 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
43 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
44 msgstr ""
46 #: fdmextruder.def.json
47 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
48 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
49 msgstr ""
51 #: fdmextruder.def.json
52 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
53 msgid "Nozzle X Offset"
54 msgstr ""
56 #: fdmextruder.def.json
57 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x description"
58 msgid "The x-coordinate of the offset of the nozzle."
59 msgstr ""
61 #: fdmextruder.def.json
62 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_y label"
63 msgid "Nozzle Y Offset"
64 msgstr ""
66 #: fdmextruder.def.json
67 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_y description"
68 msgid "The y-coordinate of the offset of the nozzle."
69 msgstr ""
71 #: fdmextruder.def.json
72 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_code label"
73 msgid "Extruder Start G-Code"
74 msgstr ""
76 #: fdmextruder.def.json
77 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_code description"
78 msgid "Start g-code to execute whenever turning the extruder on."
79 msgstr ""
81 #: fdmextruder.def.json
82 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs label"
83 msgid "Extruder Start Position Absolute"
84 msgstr ""
86 #: fdmextruder.def.json
87 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs description"
88 msgid "Make the extruder starting position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
89 msgstr ""
91 #: fdmextruder.def.json
92 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_x label"
93 msgid "Extruder Start Position X"
94 msgstr ""
96 #: fdmextruder.def.json
97 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_x description"
98 msgid "The x-coordinate of the starting position when turning the extruder on."
99 msgstr ""
101 #: fdmextruder.def.json
102 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_y label"
103 msgid "Extruder Start Position Y"
104 msgstr ""
106 #: fdmextruder.def.json
107 msgctxt "machine_extruder_start_pos_y description"
108 msgid "The y-coordinate of the starting position when turning the extruder on."
109 msgstr ""
111 #: fdmextruder.def.json
112 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_code label"
113 msgid "Extruder End G-Code"
114 msgstr ""
116 #: fdmextruder.def.json
117 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_code description"
118 msgid "End g-code to execute whenever turning the extruder off."
119 msgstr ""
121 #: fdmextruder.def.json
122 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs label"
123 msgid "Extruder End Position Absolute"
124 msgstr ""
126 #: fdmextruder.def.json
127 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs description"
128 msgid "Make the extruder ending position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
129 msgstr ""
131 #: fdmextruder.def.json
132 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_x label"
133 msgid "Extruder End Position X"
134 msgstr ""
136 #: fdmextruder.def.json
137 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_x description"
138 msgid "The x-coordinate of the ending position when turning the extruder off."
139 msgstr ""
141 #: fdmextruder.def.json
142 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_y label"
143 msgid "Extruder End Position Y"
144 msgstr ""
146 #: fdmextruder.def.json
147 msgctxt "machine_extruder_end_pos_y description"
148 msgid "The y-coordinate of the ending position when turning the extruder off."
149 msgstr ""
151 #: fdmextruder.def.json
152 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
153 msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
154 msgstr ""
156 #: fdmextruder.def.json
157 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
158 msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
159 msgstr ""
161 #: fdmextruder.def.json
162 msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
163 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
164 msgstr ""
166 #: fdmextruder.def.json
167 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
168 msgid "Adhesion"
169 msgstr ""
171 #: fdmextruder.def.json
172 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
173 msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
174 msgstr ""
176 #: fdmextruder.def.json
177 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
178 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
179 msgstr ""
181 #: fdmextruder.def.json
182 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
183 msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
184 msgstr ""
186 #: fdmextruder.def.json
187 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
188 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
189 msgstr ""
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "Last-Translator: None\n"
12 "Language-Team: None\n"
13 "Language: Korean\n"
14 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
15 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
16 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
17 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
19 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20 msgctxt "machine_settings label"
21 msgid "Machine"
22 msgstr ""
24 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25 msgctxt "machine_settings description"
26 msgid "Machine specific settings"
27 msgstr ""
29 #: fdmprinter.def.json
30 msgctxt "machine_name label"
31 msgid "Machine Type"
32 msgstr ""
34 #: fdmprinter.def.json
35 msgctxt "machine_name description"
36 msgid "The name of your 3D printer model."
37 msgstr ""
39 #: fdmprinter.def.json
40 msgctxt "machine_show_variants label"
41 msgid "Show machine variants"
42 msgstr ""
44 #: fdmprinter.def.json
45 msgctxt "machine_show_variants description"
46 msgid "Whether to show the different variants of this machine, which are described in separate json files."
47 msgstr ""
49 #: fdmprinter.def.json
50 msgctxt "machine_start_gcode label"
51 msgid "Start GCode"
52 msgstr ""
54 #: fdmprinter.def.json
55 msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
56 msgid ""
57 "Gcode commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
58 "."
59 msgstr ""
61 #: fdmprinter.def.json
62 msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
63 msgid "End GCode"
64 msgstr ""
66 #: fdmprinter.def.json
67 msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
68 msgid ""
69 "Gcode commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
70 "."
71 msgstr ""
73 #: fdmprinter.def.json
74 msgctxt "material_guid label"
75 msgid "Material GUID"
76 msgstr ""
78 #: fdmprinter.def.json
79 msgctxt "material_guid description"
80 msgid "GUID of the material. This is set automatically. "
81 msgstr ""
83 #: fdmprinter.def.json
84 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait label"
85 msgid "Wait for build plate heatup"
86 msgstr ""
88 #: fdmprinter.def.json
89 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait description"
90 msgid "Whether to insert a command to wait until the build plate temperature is reached at the start."
91 msgstr ""
93 #: fdmprinter.def.json
94 msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait label"
95 msgid "Wait for nozzle heatup"
96 msgstr ""
98 #: fdmprinter.def.json
99 msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait description"
100 msgid "Whether to wait until the nozzle temperature is reached at the start."
101 msgstr ""
103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
104 msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend label"
105 msgid "Include material temperatures"
106 msgstr ""
108 #: fdmprinter.def.json
109 msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend description"
110 msgid "Whether to include nozzle temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains nozzle temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
111 msgstr ""
113 #: fdmprinter.def.json
114 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend label"
115 msgid "Include build plate temperature"
116 msgstr ""
118 #: fdmprinter.def.json
119 msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend description"
120 msgid "Whether to include build plate temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains build plate temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
121 msgstr ""
123 #: fdmprinter.def.json
124 msgctxt "machine_width label"
125 msgid "Machine width"
126 msgstr ""
128 #: fdmprinter.def.json
129 msgctxt "machine_width description"
130 msgid "The width (X-direction) of the printable area."
131 msgstr ""
133 #: fdmprinter.def.json
134 msgctxt "machine_depth label"
135 msgid "Machine depth"
136 msgstr ""
138 #: fdmprinter.def.json
139 msgctxt "machine_depth description"
140 msgid "The depth (Y-direction) of the printable area."
141 msgstr ""
143 #: fdmprinter.def.json
144 msgctxt "machine_shape label"
145 msgid "Build plate shape"
146 msgstr ""
148 #: fdmprinter.def.json
149 msgctxt "machine_shape description"
150 msgid "The shape of the build plate without taking unprintable areas into account."
151 msgstr ""
153 #: fdmprinter.def.json
154 msgctxt "machine_shape option rectangular"
155 msgid "Rectangular"
156 msgstr ""
158 #: fdmprinter.def.json
159 msgctxt "machine_shape option elliptic"
160 msgid "Elliptic"
161 msgstr ""
163 #: fdmprinter.def.json
164 msgctxt "machine_height label"
165 msgid "Machine height"
166 msgstr ""
168 #: fdmprinter.def.json
169 msgctxt "machine_height description"
170 msgid "The height (Z-direction) of the printable area."
171 msgstr ""
173 #: fdmprinter.def.json
174 msgctxt "machine_heated_bed label"
175 msgid "Has heated build plate"
176 msgstr ""
178 #: fdmprinter.def.json
179 msgctxt "machine_heated_bed description"
180 msgid "Whether the machine has a heated build plate present."
181 msgstr ""
183 #: fdmprinter.def.json
184 msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero label"
185 msgid "Is center origin"
186 msgstr ""
188 #: fdmprinter.def.json
189 msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero description"
190 msgid "Whether the X/Y coordinates of the zero position of the printer is at the center of the printable area."
191 msgstr ""
193 #: fdmprinter.def.json
194 msgctxt "machine_extruder_count label"
195 msgid "Number of Extruders"
196 msgstr ""
198 #: fdmprinter.def.json
199 msgctxt "machine_extruder_count description"
200 msgid "Number of extruder trains. An extruder train is the combination of a feeder, bowden tube, and nozzle."
201 msgstr ""
203 #: fdmprinter.def.json
204 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter label"
205 msgid "Outer nozzle diameter"
206 msgstr ""
208 #: fdmprinter.def.json
209 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter description"
210 msgid "The outer diameter of the tip of the nozzle."
211 msgstr ""
213 #: fdmprinter.def.json
214 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance label"
215 msgid "Nozzle length"
216 msgstr ""
218 #: fdmprinter.def.json
219 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance description"
220 msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the lowest part of the print head."
221 msgstr ""
223 #: fdmprinter.def.json
224 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle label"
225 msgid "Nozzle angle"
226 msgstr ""
228 #: fdmprinter.def.json
229 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle description"
230 msgid "The angle between the horizontal plane and the conical part right above the tip of the nozzle."
231 msgstr ""
233 #: fdmprinter.def.json
234 msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length label"
235 msgid "Heat zone length"
236 msgstr ""
238 #: fdmprinter.def.json
239 msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length description"
240 msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle in which heat from the nozzle is transferred to the filament."
241 msgstr ""
243 #: fdmprinter.def.json
244 msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance label"
245 msgid "Filament Park Distance"
246 msgstr ""
248 #: fdmprinter.def.json
249 msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance description"
250 msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle where to park the filament when an extruder is no longer used."
251 msgstr ""
253 #: fdmprinter.def.json
254 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled label"
255 msgid "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
256 msgstr ""
258 #: fdmprinter.def.json
259 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled description"
260 msgid "Whether to control temperature from Cura. Turn this off to control nozzle temperature from outside of Cura."
261 msgstr ""
263 #: fdmprinter.def.json
264 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed label"
265 msgid "Heat up speed"
266 msgstr ""
268 #: fdmprinter.def.json
269 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed description"
270 msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle heats up averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
271 msgstr ""
273 #: fdmprinter.def.json
274 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed label"
275 msgid "Cool down speed"
276 msgstr ""
278 #: fdmprinter.def.json
279 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed description"
280 msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle cools down averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
281 msgstr ""
283 #: fdmprinter.def.json
284 msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window label"
285 msgid "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
286 msgstr ""
288 #: fdmprinter.def.json
289 msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window description"
290 msgid "The minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. Only when an extruder is not used for longer than this time will it be allowed to cool down to the standby temperature."
291 msgstr ""
293 #: fdmprinter.def.json
294 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor label"
295 msgid "Gcode flavour"
296 msgstr ""
298 #: fdmprinter.def.json
299 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor description"
300 msgid "The type of gcode to be generated."
301 msgstr ""
303 #: fdmprinter.def.json
304 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
305 msgid "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
306 msgstr ""
308 #: fdmprinter.def.json
309 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Volumatric)"
310 msgid "RepRap (Volumetric)"
311 msgstr ""
313 #: fdmprinter.def.json
314 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option UltiGCode"
315 msgid "Ultimaker 2"
316 msgstr ""
318 #: fdmprinter.def.json
319 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Griffin"
320 msgid "Griffin"
321 msgstr ""
323 #: fdmprinter.def.json
324 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Makerbot"
325 msgid "Makerbot"
326 msgstr ""
328 #: fdmprinter.def.json
329 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option BFB"
330 msgid "Bits from Bytes"
331 msgstr ""
333 #: fdmprinter.def.json
334 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option MACH3"
335 msgid "Mach3"
336 msgstr ""
338 #: fdmprinter.def.json
339 msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Repetier"
340 msgid "Repetier"
341 msgstr ""
343 #: fdmprinter.def.json
344 msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas label"
345 msgid "Disallowed areas"
346 msgstr ""
348 #: fdmprinter.def.json
349 msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas description"
350 msgid "A list of polygons with areas the print head is not allowed to enter."
351 msgstr ""
353 #: fdmprinter.def.json
354 msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas label"
355 msgid "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
356 msgstr ""
358 #: fdmprinter.def.json
359 msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas description"
360 msgid "A list of polygons with areas the nozzle is not allowed to enter."
361 msgstr ""
363 #: fdmprinter.def.json
364 msgctxt "machine_head_polygon label"
365 msgid "Machine head polygon"
366 msgstr ""
368 #: fdmprinter.def.json
369 msgctxt "machine_head_polygon description"
370 msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps excluded)."
371 msgstr ""
373 #: fdmprinter.def.json
374 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon label"
375 msgid "Machine head & Fan polygon"
376 msgstr ""
378 #: fdmprinter.def.json
379 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
380 msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
381 msgstr ""
383 #: fdmprinter.def.json
384 msgctxt "gantry_height label"
385 msgid "Gantry height"
386 msgstr ""
388 #: fdmprinter.def.json
389 msgctxt "gantry_height description"
390 msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the gantry system (X and Y axes)."
391 msgstr ""
393 #: fdmprinter.def.json
394 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
395 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
396 msgstr ""
398 #: fdmprinter.def.json
399 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
400 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
401 msgstr ""
403 #: fdmprinter.def.json
404 msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords label"
405 msgid "Offset With Extruder"
406 msgstr ""
408 #: fdmprinter.def.json
409 msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
410 msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system."
411 msgstr ""
413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
414 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
415 msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
416 msgstr ""
418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
419 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
420 msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
421 msgstr ""
423 #: fdmprinter.def.json
424 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs label"
425 msgid "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
426 msgstr ""
428 #: fdmprinter.def.json
429 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs description"
430 msgid "Make the extruder prime position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
431 msgstr ""
433 #: fdmprinter.def.json
434 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x label"
435 msgid "Maximum Speed X"
436 msgstr ""
438 #: fdmprinter.def.json
439 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x description"
440 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the X-direction."
441 msgstr ""
443 #: fdmprinter.def.json
444 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y label"
445 msgid "Maximum Speed Y"
446 msgstr ""
448 #: fdmprinter.def.json
449 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y description"
450 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Y-direction."
451 msgstr ""
453 #: fdmprinter.def.json
454 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z label"
455 msgid "Maximum Speed Z"
456 msgstr ""
458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
459 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z description"
460 msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction."
461 msgstr ""
463 #: fdmprinter.def.json
464 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
465 msgid "Maximum Feedrate"
466 msgstr ""
468 #: fdmprinter.def.json
469 msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e description"
470 msgid "The maximum speed of the filament."
471 msgstr ""
473 #: fdmprinter.def.json
474 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x label"
475 msgid "Maximum Acceleration X"
476 msgstr ""
478 #: fdmprinter.def.json
479 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x description"
480 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the X-direction"
481 msgstr ""
483 #: fdmprinter.def.json
484 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y label"
485 msgid "Maximum Acceleration Y"
486 msgstr ""
488 #: fdmprinter.def.json
489 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y description"
490 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Y-direction."
491 msgstr ""
493 #: fdmprinter.def.json
494 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z label"
495 msgid "Maximum Acceleration Z"
496 msgstr ""
498 #: fdmprinter.def.json
499 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z description"
500 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Z-direction."
501 msgstr ""
503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
504 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e label"
505 msgid "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
506 msgstr ""
508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
509 msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e description"
510 msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the filament."
511 msgstr ""
513 #: fdmprinter.def.json
514 msgctxt "machine_acceleration label"
515 msgid "Default Acceleration"
516 msgstr ""
518 #: fdmprinter.def.json
519 msgctxt "machine_acceleration description"
520 msgid "The default acceleration of print head movement."
521 msgstr ""
523 #: fdmprinter.def.json
524 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy label"
525 msgid "Default X-Y Jerk"
526 msgstr ""
528 #: fdmprinter.def.json
529 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy description"
530 msgid "Default jerk for movement in the horizontal plane."
531 msgstr ""
533 #: fdmprinter.def.json
534 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z label"
535 msgid "Default Z Jerk"
536 msgstr ""
538 #: fdmprinter.def.json
539 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z description"
540 msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the Z-direction."
541 msgstr ""
543 #: fdmprinter.def.json
544 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e label"
545 msgid "Default Filament Jerk"
546 msgstr ""
548 #: fdmprinter.def.json
549 msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e description"
550 msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the filament."
551 msgstr ""
553 #: fdmprinter.def.json
554 msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate label"
555 msgid "Minimum Feedrate"
556 msgstr ""
558 #: fdmprinter.def.json
559 msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate description"
560 msgid "The minimal movement speed of the print head."
561 msgstr ""
563 #: fdmprinter.def.json
564 msgctxt "resolution label"
565 msgid "Quality"
566 msgstr ""
568 #: fdmprinter.def.json
569 msgctxt "resolution description"
570 msgid "All settings that influence the resolution of the print. These settings have a large impact on the quality (and print time)"
571 msgstr ""
573 #: fdmprinter.def.json
574 msgctxt "layer_height label"
575 msgid "Layer Height"
576 msgstr ""
578 #: fdmprinter.def.json
579 msgctxt "layer_height description"
580 msgid "The height of each layer in mm. Higher values produce faster prints in lower resolution, lower values produce slower prints in higher resolution."
581 msgstr ""
583 #: fdmprinter.def.json
584 msgctxt "layer_height_0 label"
585 msgid "Initial Layer Height"
586 msgstr ""
588 #: fdmprinter.def.json
589 msgctxt "layer_height_0 description"
590 msgid "The height of the initial layer in mm. A thicker initial layer makes adhesion to the build plate easier."
591 msgstr ""
593 #: fdmprinter.def.json
594 msgctxt "line_width label"
595 msgid "Line Width"
596 msgstr ""
598 #: fdmprinter.def.json
599 msgctxt "line_width description"
600 msgid "Width of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints."
601 msgstr ""
603 #: fdmprinter.def.json
604 msgctxt "wall_line_width label"
605 msgid "Wall Line Width"
606 msgstr ""
608 #: fdmprinter.def.json
609 msgctxt "wall_line_width description"
610 msgid "Width of a single wall line."
611 msgstr ""
613 #: fdmprinter.def.json
614 msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 label"
615 msgid "Outer Wall Line Width"
616 msgstr ""
618 #: fdmprinter.def.json
619 msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 description"
620 msgid "Width of the outermost wall line. By lowering this value, higher levels of detail can be printed."
621 msgstr ""
623 #: fdmprinter.def.json
624 msgctxt "wall_line_width_x label"
625 msgid "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
626 msgstr ""
628 #: fdmprinter.def.json
629 msgctxt "wall_line_width_x description"
630 msgid "Width of a single wall line for all wall lines except the outermost one."
631 msgstr ""
633 #: fdmprinter.def.json
634 msgctxt "skin_line_width label"
635 msgid "Top/Bottom Line Width"
636 msgstr ""
638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
639 msgctxt "skin_line_width description"
640 msgid "Width of a single top/bottom line."
641 msgstr ""
643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
644 msgctxt "infill_line_width label"
645 msgid "Infill Line Width"
646 msgstr ""
648 #: fdmprinter.def.json
649 msgctxt "infill_line_width description"
650 msgid "Width of a single infill line."
651 msgstr ""
653 #: fdmprinter.def.json
654 msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width label"
655 msgid "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
656 msgstr ""
658 #: fdmprinter.def.json
659 msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width description"
660 msgid "Width of a single skirt or brim line."
661 msgstr ""
663 #: fdmprinter.def.json
664 msgctxt "support_line_width label"
665 msgid "Support Line Width"
666 msgstr ""
668 #: fdmprinter.def.json
669 msgctxt "support_line_width description"
670 msgid "Width of a single support structure line."
671 msgstr ""
673 #: fdmprinter.def.json
674 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width label"
675 msgid "Support Interface Line Width"
676 msgstr ""
678 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
681 msgstr ""
683 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
685 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
686 msgstr ""
688 #: fdmprinter.def.json
689 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
690 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
691 msgstr ""
693 #: fdmprinter.def.json
694 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
695 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
696 msgstr ""
698 #: fdmprinter.def.json
699 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
700 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
701 msgstr ""
703 #: fdmprinter.def.json
704 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
705 msgid "Prime Tower Line Width"
706 msgstr ""
708 #: fdmprinter.def.json
709 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
710 msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
711 msgstr ""
713 #: fdmprinter.def.json
714 msgctxt "shell label"
715 msgid "Shell"
716 msgstr ""
718 #: fdmprinter.def.json
719 msgctxt "shell description"
720 msgid "Shell"
721 msgstr ""
723 #: fdmprinter.def.json
724 msgctxt "wall_thickness label"
725 msgid "Wall Thickness"
726 msgstr ""
728 #: fdmprinter.def.json
729 msgctxt "wall_thickness description"
730 msgid "The thickness of the outside walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls."
731 msgstr ""
733 #: fdmprinter.def.json
734 msgctxt "wall_line_count label"
735 msgid "Wall Line Count"
736 msgstr ""
738 #: fdmprinter.def.json
739 msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
740 msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
741 msgstr ""
743 #: fdmprinter.def.json
744 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
745 msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
746 msgstr ""
748 #: fdmprinter.def.json
749 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
750 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
751 msgstr ""
753 #: fdmprinter.def.json
754 msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
755 msgid "Top/Bottom Thickness"
756 msgstr ""
758 #: fdmprinter.def.json
759 msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness description"
760 msgid "The thickness of the top/bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top/bottom layers."
761 msgstr ""
763 #: fdmprinter.def.json
764 msgctxt "top_thickness label"
765 msgid "Top Thickness"
766 msgstr ""
768 #: fdmprinter.def.json
769 msgctxt "top_thickness description"
770 msgid "The thickness of the top layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top layers."
771 msgstr ""
773 #: fdmprinter.def.json
774 msgctxt "top_layers label"
775 msgid "Top Layers"
776 msgstr ""
778 #: fdmprinter.def.json
779 msgctxt "top_layers description"
780 msgid "The number of top layers. When calculated by the top thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
781 msgstr ""
783 #: fdmprinter.def.json
784 msgctxt "bottom_thickness label"
785 msgid "Bottom Thickness"
786 msgstr ""
788 #: fdmprinter.def.json
789 msgctxt "bottom_thickness description"
790 msgid "The thickness of the bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of bottom layers."
791 msgstr ""
793 #: fdmprinter.def.json
794 msgctxt "bottom_layers label"
795 msgid "Bottom Layers"
796 msgstr ""
798 #: fdmprinter.def.json
799 msgctxt "bottom_layers description"
800 msgid "The number of bottom layers. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
801 msgstr ""
803 #: fdmprinter.def.json
804 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern label"
805 msgid "Top/Bottom Pattern"
806 msgstr ""
808 #: fdmprinter.def.json
809 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern description"
810 msgid "The pattern of the top/bottom layers."
811 msgstr ""
813 #: fdmprinter.def.json
814 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option lines"
815 msgid "Lines"
816 msgstr ""
818 #: fdmprinter.def.json
819 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option concentric"
820 msgid "Concentric"
821 msgstr ""
823 #: fdmprinter.def.json
824 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
825 msgid "Zig Zag"
826 msgstr ""
828 #: fdmprinter.def.json
829 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 label"
830 msgid "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
831 msgstr ""
833 #: fdmprinter.def.json
834 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 description"
835 msgid "The pattern on the bottom of the print on the first layer."
836 msgstr ""
838 #: fdmprinter.def.json
839 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option lines"
840 msgid "Lines"
841 msgstr ""
843 #: fdmprinter.def.json
844 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option concentric"
845 msgid "Concentric"
846 msgstr ""
848 #: fdmprinter.def.json
849 msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option zigzag"
850 msgid "Zig Zag"
851 msgstr ""
853 #: fdmprinter.def.json
854 msgctxt "skin_angles label"
855 msgid "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
856 msgstr ""
858 #: fdmprinter.def.json
859 msgctxt "skin_angles description"
860 msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top/bottom layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
861 msgstr ""
863 #: fdmprinter.def.json
864 msgctxt "wall_0_inset label"
865 msgid "Outer Wall Inset"
866 msgstr ""
868 #: fdmprinter.def.json
869 msgctxt "wall_0_inset description"
870 msgid "Inset applied to the path of the outer wall. If the outer wall is smaller than the nozzle, and printed after the inner walls, use this offset to get the hole in the nozzle to overlap with the inner walls instead of the outside of the model."
871 msgstr ""
873 #: fdmprinter.def.json
874 msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
875 msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
876 msgstr ""
878 #: fdmprinter.def.json
879 msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
880 msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
881 msgstr ""
883 #: fdmprinter.def.json
884 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
885 msgid "Alternate Extra Wall"
886 msgstr ""
888 #: fdmprinter.def.json
889 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter description"
890 msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught between these extra walls, resulting in stronger prints."
891 msgstr ""
893 #: fdmprinter.def.json
894 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
895 msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
896 msgstr ""
898 #: fdmprinter.def.json
899 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
900 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
901 msgstr ""
903 #: fdmprinter.def.json
904 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
905 msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
906 msgstr ""
908 #: fdmprinter.def.json
909 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
910 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
911 msgstr ""
913 #: fdmprinter.def.json
914 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
915 msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
916 msgstr ""
918 #: fdmprinter.def.json
919 msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
920 msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
921 msgstr ""
923 #: fdmprinter.def.json
924 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
925 msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
926 msgstr ""
928 #: fdmprinter.def.json
929 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
930 msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
931 msgstr ""
933 #: fdmprinter.def.json
934 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
935 msgid "Nowhere"
936 msgstr ""
938 #: fdmprinter.def.json
939 msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
940 msgid "Everywhere"
941 msgstr ""
943 #: fdmprinter.def.json
944 msgctxt "xy_offset label"
945 msgid "Horizontal Expansion"
946 msgstr ""
948 #: fdmprinter.def.json
949 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
950 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
951 msgstr ""
953 #: fdmprinter.def.json
954 msgctxt "z_seam_type label"
955 msgid "Z Seam Alignment"
956 msgstr ""
958 #: fdmprinter.def.json
959 msgctxt "z_seam_type description"
960 msgid "Starting point of each path in a layer. When paths in consecutive layers start at the same point a vertical seam may show on the print. When aligning these near a user specified location, the seam is easiest to remove. When placed randomly the inaccuracies at the paths' start will be less noticeable. When taking the shortest path the print will be quicker."
961 msgstr ""
963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
964 msgctxt "z_seam_type option back"
965 msgid "User Specified"
966 msgstr ""
968 #: fdmprinter.def.json
969 msgctxt "z_seam_type option shortest"
970 msgid "Shortest"
971 msgstr ""
973 #: fdmprinter.def.json
974 msgctxt "z_seam_type option random"
975 msgid "Random"
976 msgstr ""
978 #: fdmprinter.def.json
979 msgctxt "z_seam_x label"
980 msgid "Z Seam X"
981 msgstr ""
983 #: fdmprinter.def.json
984 msgctxt "z_seam_x description"
985 msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
986 msgstr ""
988 #: fdmprinter.def.json
989 msgctxt "z_seam_y label"
990 msgid "Z Seam Y"
991 msgstr ""
993 #: fdmprinter.def.json
994 msgctxt "z_seam_y description"
995 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
996 msgstr ""
998 #: fdmprinter.def.json
999 msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
1000 msgid "Ignore Small Z Gaps"
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1004 msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic description"
1005 msgid "When the model has small vertical gaps, about 5% extra computation time can be spent on generating top and bottom skin in these narrow spaces. In such case, disable the setting."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1009 msgctxt "infill label"
1010 msgid "Infill"
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1014 msgctxt "infill description"
1015 msgid "Infill"
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1019 msgctxt "infill_sparse_density label"
1020 msgid "Infill Density"
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1024 msgctxt "infill_sparse_density description"
1025 msgid "Adjusts the density of infill of the print."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1029 msgctxt "infill_line_distance label"
1030 msgid "Infill Line Distance"
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1034 msgctxt "infill_line_distance description"
1035 msgid "Distance between the printed infill lines. This setting is calculated by the infill density and the infill line width."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1039 msgctxt "infill_pattern label"
1040 msgid "Infill Pattern"
1041 msgstr ""
1043 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1044 msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
1045 msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, cubic, tetrahedral and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Cubic and tetrahedral infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction."
1046 msgstr ""
1048 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1049 msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
1050 msgid "Grid"
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1054 msgctxt "infill_pattern option lines"
1055 msgid "Lines"
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1059 msgctxt "infill_pattern option triangles"
1060 msgid "Triangles"
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1064 msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubic"
1065 msgid "Cubic"
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1069 msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubicsubdiv"
1070 msgid "Cubic Subdivision"
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1074 msgctxt "infill_pattern option tetrahedral"
1075 msgid "Tetrahedral"
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1079 msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric"
1080 msgid "Concentric"
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric_3d"
1085 msgid "Concentric 3D"
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "infill_pattern option zigzag"
1090 msgid "Zig Zag"
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1094 msgctxt "infill_angles label"
1095 msgid "Infill Line Directions"
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1099 msgctxt "infill_angles description"
1100 msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1104 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1105 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1109 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1110 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1114 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1115 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1119 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1120 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1124 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1125 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1129 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1130 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1134 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1135 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1136 msgstr ""
1138 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1139 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1140 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1141 msgstr ""
1143 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1144 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1145 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1149 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1150 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1154 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
1155 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1159 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add description"
1160 msgid "An addition to the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to a thicker shell of small cubes near the boundary of the model."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1164 msgctxt "infill_overlap label"
1165 msgid "Infill Overlap Percentage"
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1169 msgctxt "infill_overlap description"
1170 msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1174 msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm label"
1175 msgid "Infill Overlap"
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1179 msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm description"
1180 msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1184 msgctxt "skin_overlap label"
1185 msgid "Skin Overlap Percentage"
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1189 msgctxt "skin_overlap description"
1190 msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1194 msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm label"
1195 msgid "Skin Overlap"
1196 msgstr ""
1198 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1199 msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm description"
1200 msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
1201 msgstr ""
1203 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1204 msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist label"
1205 msgid "Infill Wipe Distance"
1206 msgstr ""
1208 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1209 msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
1210 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
1211 msgstr ""
1213 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1214 msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
1215 msgid "Infill Layer Thickness"
1216 msgstr ""
1218 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1219 msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness description"
1220 msgid "The thickness per layer of infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
1221 msgstr ""
1223 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1224 msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps label"
1225 msgid "Gradual Infill Steps"
1226 msgstr ""
1228 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1229 msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps description"
1230 msgid "Number of times to reduce the infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Infill Density."
1231 msgstr ""
1233 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1234 msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height label"
1235 msgid "Gradual Infill Step Height"
1236 msgstr ""
1238 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1239 msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height description"
1240 msgid "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
1241 msgstr ""
1243 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1244 msgctxt "infill_before_walls label"
1245 msgid "Infill Before Walls"
1246 msgstr ""
1248 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1249 msgctxt "infill_before_walls description"
1250 msgid "Print the infill before printing the walls. Printing the walls first may lead to more accurate walls, but overhangs print worse. Printing the infill first leads to sturdier walls, but the infill pattern might sometimes show through the surface."
1251 msgstr ""
1253 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1254 msgctxt "min_infill_area label"
1255 msgid "Minimum Infill Area"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1259 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
1260 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1264 msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill label"
1265 msgid "Expand Skins Into Infill"
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1269 msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill description"
1270 msgid "Expand skin areas of top and/or bottom skin of flat surfaces. By default, skins stop under the wall lines that surround infill but this can lead to holes appearing when the infill density is low. This setting extends the skins beyond the wall lines so that the infill on the next layer rests on skin."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1274 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1275 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1279 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1280 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1284 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1285 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1289 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1290 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1294 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
1295 msgid "Skin Expand Distance"
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1299 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance description"
1300 msgid "The distance the skins are expanded into the infill. The default distance is enough to bridge the gap between the infill lines and will stop holes appearing in the skin where it meets the wall when the infill density is low. A smaller distance will often be sufficient."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1304 msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion label"
1305 msgid "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1309 msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion description"
1310 msgid "Top and/or bottom surfaces of your object with an angle larger than this setting, won't have their top/bottom skin expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a near vertical slope. An angle of 0° is horizontal, while an angle of 90° is vertical."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1314 msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion label"
1315 msgid "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1319 msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion description"
1320 msgid "Skin areas narrower than this are not expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a slope close to the vertical."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1324 msgctxt "material label"
1325 msgid "Material"
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1329 msgctxt "material description"
1330 msgid "Material"
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1334 msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature label"
1335 msgid "Auto Temperature"
1336 msgstr ""
1338 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1339 msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature description"
1340 msgid "Change the temperature for each layer automatically with the average flow speed of that layer."
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1344 msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature label"
1345 msgid "Default Printing Temperature"
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1349 msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature description"
1350 msgid "The default temperature used for printing. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a material. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1354 msgctxt "material_print_temperature label"
1355 msgid "Printing Temperature"
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1359 msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
1360 msgid "The temperature used for printing."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1364 msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 label"
1365 msgid "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1369 msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 description"
1370 msgid "The temperature used for printing the first layer. Set at 0 to disable special handling of the initial layer."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1374 msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature label"
1375 msgid "Initial Printing Temperature"
1376 msgstr ""
1378 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1379 msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature description"
1380 msgid "The minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start."
1381 msgstr ""
1383 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1384 msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature label"
1385 msgid "Final Printing Temperature"
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1389 msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature description"
1390 msgid "The temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing."
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1394 msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph label"
1395 msgid "Flow Temperature Graph"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1399 msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph description"
1400 msgid "Data linking material flow (in mm3 per second) to temperature (degrees Celsius)."
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1404 msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed label"
1405 msgid "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1409 msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed description"
1410 msgid "The extra speed by which the nozzle cools while extruding. The same value is used to signify the heat up speed lost when heating up while extruding."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1414 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature label"
1415 msgid "Build Plate Temperature"
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1419 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature description"
1420 msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the bed will not heat up for this print."
1421 msgstr ""
1423 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1424 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 label"
1425 msgid "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
1426 msgstr ""
1428 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1429 msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 description"
1430 msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer."
1431 msgstr ""
1433 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1434 msgctxt "material_diameter label"
1435 msgid "Diameter"
1436 msgstr ""
1438 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1439 msgctxt "material_diameter description"
1440 msgid "Adjusts the diameter of the filament used. Match this value with the diameter of the used filament."
1441 msgstr ""
1443 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1444 msgctxt "material_flow label"
1445 msgid "Flow"
1446 msgstr ""
1448 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1449 msgctxt "material_flow description"
1450 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
1451 msgstr ""
1453 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1454 msgctxt "retraction_enable label"
1455 msgid "Enable Retraction"
1456 msgstr ""
1458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1459 msgctxt "retraction_enable description"
1460 msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area. "
1461 msgstr ""
1463 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1464 msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change label"
1465 msgid "Retract at Layer Change"
1466 msgstr ""
1468 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1469 msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change description"
1470 msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving to the next layer."
1471 msgstr ""
1473 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1474 msgctxt "retraction_amount label"
1475 msgid "Retraction Distance"
1476 msgstr ""
1478 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1479 msgctxt "retraction_amount description"
1480 msgid "The length of material retracted during a retraction move."
1481 msgstr ""
1483 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1484 msgctxt "retraction_speed label"
1485 msgid "Retraction Speed"
1486 msgstr ""
1488 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1489 msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
1490 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
1491 msgstr ""
1493 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1494 msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
1495 msgid "Retraction Retract Speed"
1496 msgstr ""
1498 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1499 msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed description"
1500 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a retraction move."
1501 msgstr ""
1503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1504 msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed label"
1505 msgid "Retraction Prime Speed"
1506 msgstr ""
1508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1509 msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
1510 msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
1511 msgstr ""
1513 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1514 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
1515 msgid "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
1516 msgstr ""
1518 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1519 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
1520 msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
1521 msgstr ""
1523 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1524 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
1525 msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
1526 msgstr ""
1528 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1529 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
1530 msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
1531 msgstr ""
1533 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1534 msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
1535 msgid "Maximum Retraction Count"
1536 msgstr ""
1538 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1539 msgctxt "retraction_count_max description"
1540 msgid "This setting limits the number of retractions occurring within the minimum extrusion distance window. Further retractions within this window will be ignored. This avoids retracting repeatedly on the same piece of filament, as that can flatten the filament and cause grinding issues."
1541 msgstr ""
1543 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1544 msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window label"
1545 msgid "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
1546 msgstr ""
1548 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1549 msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window description"
1550 msgid "The window in which the maximum retraction count is enforced. This value should be approximately the same as the retraction distance, so that effectively the number of times a retraction passes the same patch of material is limited."
1551 msgstr ""
1553 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1554 msgctxt "material_standby_temperature label"
1555 msgid "Standby Temperature"
1556 msgstr ""
1558 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1559 msgctxt "material_standby_temperature description"
1560 msgid "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing."
1561 msgstr ""
1563 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1564 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount label"
1565 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
1566 msgstr ""
1568 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1569 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount description"
1570 msgid "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone."
1571 msgstr ""
1573 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1574 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds label"
1575 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
1576 msgstr ""
1578 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1579 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds description"
1580 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding."
1581 msgstr ""
1583 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1584 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed label"
1585 msgid "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
1586 msgstr ""
1588 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1589 msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed description"
1590 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract."
1591 msgstr ""
1593 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1594 msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed label"
1595 msgid "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
1596 msgstr ""
1598 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1599 msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
1600 msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
1601 msgstr ""
1603 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1604 msgctxt "speed label"
1605 msgid "Speed"
1606 msgstr ""
1608 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1609 msgctxt "speed description"
1610 msgid "Speed"
1611 msgstr ""
1613 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1614 msgctxt "speed_print label"
1615 msgid "Print Speed"
1616 msgstr ""
1618 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1619 msgctxt "speed_print description"
1620 msgid "The speed at which printing happens."
1621 msgstr ""
1623 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1624 msgctxt "speed_infill label"
1625 msgid "Infill Speed"
1626 msgstr ""
1628 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1629 msgctxt "speed_infill description"
1630 msgid "The speed at which infill is printed."
1631 msgstr ""
1633 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1634 msgctxt "speed_wall label"
1635 msgid "Wall Speed"
1636 msgstr ""
1638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1639 msgctxt "speed_wall description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the walls are printed."
1641 msgstr ""
1643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1644 msgctxt "speed_wall_0 label"
1645 msgid "Outer Wall Speed"
1646 msgstr ""
1648 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1649 msgctxt "speed_wall_0 description"
1650 msgid "The speed at which the outermost walls are printed. Printing the outer wall at a lower speed improves the final skin quality. However, having a large difference between the inner wall speed and the outer wall speed will affect quality in a negative way."
1651 msgstr ""
1653 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1654 msgctxt "speed_wall_x label"
1655 msgid "Inner Wall Speed"
1656 msgstr ""
1658 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1659 msgctxt "speed_wall_x description"
1660 msgid "The speed at which all inner walls are printed. Printing the inner wall faster than the outer wall will reduce printing time. It works well to set this in between the outer wall speed and the infill speed."
1661 msgstr ""
1663 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1664 msgctxt "speed_topbottom label"
1665 msgid "Top/Bottom Speed"
1666 msgstr ""
1668 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1669 msgctxt "speed_topbottom description"
1670 msgid "The speed at which top/bottom layers are printed."
1671 msgstr ""
1673 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1674 msgctxt "speed_support label"
1675 msgid "Support Speed"
1676 msgstr ""
1678 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1679 msgctxt "speed_support description"
1680 msgid "The speed at which the support structure is printed. Printing support at higher speeds can greatly reduce printing time. The surface quality of the support structure is not important since it is removed after printing."
1681 msgstr ""
1683 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1684 msgctxt "speed_support_infill label"
1685 msgid "Support Infill Speed"
1686 msgstr ""
1688 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1689 msgctxt "speed_support_infill description"
1690 msgid "The speed at which the infill of support is printed. Printing the infill at lower speeds improves stability."
1691 msgstr ""
1693 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1694 msgctxt "speed_support_interface label"
1695 msgid "Support Interface Speed"
1696 msgstr ""
1698 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1699 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1700 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1701 msgstr ""
1703 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1704 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1705 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1706 msgstr ""
1708 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1709 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1710 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1711 msgstr ""
1713 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1714 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1715 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1716 msgstr ""
1718 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1719 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1720 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1721 msgstr ""
1723 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1724 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
1725 msgid "Prime Tower Speed"
1726 msgstr ""
1728 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1729 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower description"
1730 msgid "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal."
1731 msgstr ""
1733 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1734 msgctxt "speed_travel label"
1735 msgid "Travel Speed"
1736 msgstr ""
1738 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1739 msgctxt "speed_travel description"
1740 msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
1741 msgstr ""
1743 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1744 msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
1745 msgid "Initial Layer Speed"
1746 msgstr ""
1748 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1749 msgctxt "speed_layer_0 description"
1750 msgid "The speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
1751 msgstr ""
1753 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1754 msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 label"
1755 msgid "Initial Layer Print Speed"
1756 msgstr ""
1758 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1759 msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 description"
1760 msgid "The speed of printing for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
1761 msgstr ""
1763 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1764 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
1765 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
1766 msgstr ""
1768 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1769 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
1770 msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
1771 msgstr ""
1773 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1774 msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
1775 msgid "Skirt/Brim Speed"
1776 msgstr ""
1778 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1779 msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed description"
1780 msgid "The speed at which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done at the initial layer speed, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different speed."
1781 msgstr ""
1783 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1784 msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override label"
1785 msgid "Maximum Z Speed"
1786 msgstr ""
1788 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1789 msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override description"
1790 msgid "The maximum speed with which the build plate is moved. Setting this to zero causes the print to use the firmware defaults for the maximum z speed."
1791 msgstr ""
1793 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1794 msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers label"
1795 msgid "Number of Slower Layers"
1796 msgstr ""
1798 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1799 msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers description"
1800 msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to get better adhesion to the build plate and improve the overall success rate of prints. The speed is gradually increased over these layers."
1801 msgstr ""
1803 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1804 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
1805 msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
1806 msgstr ""
1808 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1809 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
1810 msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
1811 msgstr ""
1813 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1814 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
1815 msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
1816 msgstr ""
1818 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1819 msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
1820 msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
1821 msgstr ""
1823 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1824 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
1825 msgid "Enable Acceleration Control"
1826 msgstr ""
1828 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1829 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled description"
1830 msgid "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
1831 msgstr ""
1833 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1834 msgctxt "acceleration_print label"
1835 msgid "Print Acceleration"
1836 msgstr ""
1838 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1839 msgctxt "acceleration_print description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which printing happens."
1841 msgstr ""
1843 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1844 msgctxt "acceleration_infill label"
1845 msgid "Infill Acceleration"
1846 msgstr ""
1848 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1849 msgctxt "acceleration_infill description"
1850 msgid "The acceleration with which infill is printed."
1851 msgstr ""
1853 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1854 msgctxt "acceleration_wall label"
1855 msgid "Wall Acceleration"
1856 msgstr ""
1858 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1859 msgctxt "acceleration_wall description"
1860 msgid "The acceleration with which the walls are printed."
1861 msgstr ""
1863 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1864 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 label"
1865 msgid "Outer Wall Acceleration"
1866 msgstr ""
1868 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1869 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 description"
1870 msgid "The acceleration with which the outermost walls are printed."
1871 msgstr ""
1873 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1874 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x label"
1875 msgid "Inner Wall Acceleration"
1876 msgstr ""
1878 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1879 msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x description"
1880 msgid "The acceleration with which all inner walls are printed."
1881 msgstr ""
1883 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1884 msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom label"
1885 msgid "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
1886 msgstr ""
1888 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1889 msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom description"
1890 msgid "The acceleration with which top/bottom layers are printed."
1891 msgstr ""
1893 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1894 msgctxt "acceleration_support label"
1895 msgid "Support Acceleration"
1896 msgstr ""
1898 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1899 msgctxt "acceleration_support description"
1900 msgid "The acceleration with which the support structure is printed."
1901 msgstr ""
1903 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1904 msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill label"
1905 msgid "Support Infill Acceleration"
1906 msgstr ""
1908 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1909 msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill description"
1910 msgid "The acceleration with which the infill of support is printed."
1911 msgstr ""
1913 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1914 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface label"
1915 msgid "Support Interface Acceleration"
1916 msgstr ""
1918 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1919 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1920 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1921 msgstr ""
1923 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1924 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1925 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1926 msgstr ""
1928 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1929 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1930 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1931 msgstr ""
1933 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1934 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1935 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1936 msgstr ""
1938 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1939 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1940 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1941 msgstr ""
1943 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1944 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
1945 msgid "Prime Tower Acceleration"
1946 msgstr ""
1948 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1949 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower description"
1950 msgid "The acceleration with which the prime tower is printed."
1951 msgstr ""
1953 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1954 msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
1955 msgid "Travel Acceleration"
1956 msgstr ""
1958 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1959 msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
1960 msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
1961 msgstr ""
1963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1964 msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
1965 msgid "Initial Layer Acceleration"
1966 msgstr ""
1968 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1969 msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 description"
1970 msgid "The acceleration for the initial layer."
1971 msgstr ""
1973 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1974 msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 label"
1975 msgid "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
1976 msgstr ""
1978 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1979 msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 description"
1980 msgid "The acceleration during the printing of the initial layer."
1981 msgstr ""
1983 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1984 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
1985 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
1986 msgstr ""
1988 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1989 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
1990 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
1991 msgstr ""
1993 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1994 msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
1995 msgid "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
1996 msgstr ""
1998 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1999 msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim description"
2000 msgid "The acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration."
2001 msgstr ""
2003 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2004 msgctxt "jerk_enabled label"
2005 msgid "Enable Jerk Control"
2006 msgstr ""
2008 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2009 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
2010 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
2011 msgstr ""
2013 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2014 msgctxt "jerk_print label"
2015 msgid "Print Jerk"
2016 msgstr ""
2018 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2019 msgctxt "jerk_print description"
2020 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change of the print head."
2021 msgstr ""
2023 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2024 msgctxt "jerk_infill label"
2025 msgid "Infill Jerk"
2026 msgstr ""
2028 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2029 msgctxt "jerk_infill description"
2030 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which infill is printed."
2031 msgstr ""
2033 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2034 msgctxt "jerk_wall label"
2035 msgid "Wall Jerk"
2036 msgstr ""
2038 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2039 msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
2040 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
2041 msgstr ""
2043 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2044 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
2045 msgid "Outer Wall Jerk"
2046 msgstr ""
2048 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2049 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
2050 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
2051 msgstr ""
2053 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2054 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
2055 msgid "Inner Wall Jerk"
2056 msgstr ""
2058 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2059 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
2060 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
2061 msgstr ""
2063 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2064 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
2065 msgid "Top/Bottom Jerk"
2066 msgstr ""
2068 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2069 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
2070 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
2071 msgstr ""
2073 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2074 msgctxt "jerk_support label"
2075 msgid "Support Jerk"
2076 msgstr ""
2078 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2079 msgctxt "jerk_support description"
2080 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
2081 msgstr ""
2083 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2084 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
2085 msgid "Support Infill Jerk"
2086 msgstr ""
2088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2089 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
2090 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
2091 msgstr ""
2093 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2094 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
2095 msgid "Support Interface Jerk"
2096 msgstr ""
2098 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2099 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2100 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2101 msgstr ""
2103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2104 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2105 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2106 msgstr ""
2108 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2109 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2110 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2111 msgstr ""
2113 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2114 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2115 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2116 msgstr ""
2118 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2119 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2120 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2121 msgstr ""
2123 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2124 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
2125 msgid "Prime Tower Jerk"
2126 msgstr ""
2128 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2129 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower description"
2130 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the prime tower is printed."
2131 msgstr ""
2133 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2134 msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
2135 msgid "Travel Jerk"
2136 msgstr ""
2138 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2139 msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
2140 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
2141 msgstr ""
2143 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2144 msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
2145 msgid "Initial Layer Jerk"
2146 msgstr ""
2148 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2149 msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 description"
2150 msgid "The print maximum instantaneous velocity change for the initial layer."
2151 msgstr ""
2153 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2154 msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 label"
2155 msgid "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
2156 msgstr ""
2158 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2159 msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 description"
2160 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change during the printing of the initial layer."
2161 msgstr ""
2163 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2164 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
2165 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
2166 msgstr ""
2168 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2169 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
2170 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
2171 msgstr ""
2173 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2174 msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
2175 msgid "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
2176 msgstr ""
2178 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2179 msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim description"
2180 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the skirt and brim are printed."
2181 msgstr ""
2183 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2184 msgctxt "travel label"
2185 msgid "Travel"
2186 msgstr ""
2188 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2189 msgctxt "travel description"
2190 msgid "travel"
2191 msgstr ""
2193 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2194 msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
2195 msgid "Combing Mode"
2196 msgstr ""
2198 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2199 msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
2200 msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas by combing within the infill only."
2201 msgstr ""
2203 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2204 msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
2205 msgid "Off"
2206 msgstr ""
2208 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2209 msgctxt "retraction_combing option all"
2210 msgid "All"
2211 msgstr ""
2213 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2214 msgctxt "retraction_combing option noskin"
2215 msgid "No Skin"
2216 msgstr ""
2218 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2219 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
2220 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
2221 msgstr ""
2223 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2224 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
2225 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
2226 msgstr ""
2228 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2229 msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts label"
2230 msgid "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
2231 msgstr ""
2233 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2234 msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
2235 msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
2236 msgstr ""
2238 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2239 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
2240 msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
2241 msgstr ""
2243 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2244 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
2245 msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
2246 msgstr ""
2248 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2249 msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position label"
2250 msgid "Start Layers with the Same Part"
2251 msgstr ""
2253 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2254 msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position description"
2255 msgid "In each layer start with printing the object near the same point, so that we don't start a new layer with printing the piece which the previous layer ended with. This makes for better overhangs and small parts, but increases printing time."
2256 msgstr ""
2258 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2259 msgctxt "layer_start_x label"
2260 msgid "Layer Start X"
2261 msgstr ""
2263 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2264 msgctxt "layer_start_x description"
2265 msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
2266 msgstr ""
2268 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2269 msgctxt "layer_start_y label"
2270 msgid "Layer Start Y"
2271 msgstr ""
2273 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2274 msgctxt "layer_start_y description"
2275 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
2276 msgstr ""
2278 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2279 msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled label"
2280 msgid "Z Hop When Retracted"
2281 msgstr ""
2283 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2284 msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
2285 msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
2286 msgstr ""
2288 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2289 msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
2290 msgid "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
2291 msgstr ""
2293 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2294 msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides description"
2295 msgid "Only perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling."
2296 msgstr ""
2298 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2299 msgctxt "retraction_hop label"
2300 msgid "Z Hop Height"
2301 msgstr ""
2303 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2304 msgctxt "retraction_hop description"
2305 msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
2306 msgstr ""
2308 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2309 msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch label"
2310 msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
2311 msgstr ""
2313 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2314 msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch description"
2315 msgid "After the machine switched from one extruder to the other, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. This prevents the nozzle from leaving oozed material on the outside of a print."
2316 msgstr ""
2318 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2319 msgctxt "cooling label"
2320 msgid "Cooling"
2321 msgstr ""
2323 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2324 msgctxt "cooling description"
2325 msgid "Cooling"
2326 msgstr ""
2328 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2329 msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled label"
2330 msgid "Enable Print Cooling"
2331 msgstr ""
2333 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2334 msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled description"
2335 msgid "Enables the print cooling fans while printing. The fans improve print quality on layers with short layer times and bridging / overhangs."
2336 msgstr ""
2338 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2339 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed label"
2340 msgid "Fan Speed"
2341 msgstr ""
2343 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2344 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed description"
2345 msgid "The speed at which the print cooling fans spin."
2346 msgstr ""
2348 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2349 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min label"
2350 msgid "Regular Fan Speed"
2351 msgstr ""
2353 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2354 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min description"
2355 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin before hitting the threshold. When a layer prints faster than the threshold, the fan speed gradually inclines towards the maximum fan speed."
2356 msgstr ""
2358 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2359 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max label"
2360 msgid "Maximum Fan Speed"
2361 msgstr ""
2363 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2364 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max description"
2365 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin on the minimum layer time. The fan speed gradually increases between the regular fan speed and maximum fan speed when the threshold is hit."
2366 msgstr ""
2368 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2369 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max label"
2370 msgid "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
2371 msgstr ""
2373 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2374 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max description"
2375 msgid "The layer time which sets the threshold between regular fan speed and maximum fan speed. Layers that print slower than this time use regular fan speed. For faster layers the fan speed gradually increases towards the maximum fan speed."
2376 msgstr ""
2378 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2379 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 label"
2380 msgid "Initial Fan Speed"
2381 msgstr ""
2383 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2384 msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 description"
2385 msgid "The speed at which the fans spin at the start of the print. In subsequent layers the fan speed is gradually increased up to the layer corresponding to Regular Fan Speed at Height."
2386 msgstr ""
2388 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2389 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height label"
2390 msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
2391 msgstr ""
2393 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2394 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height description"
2395 msgid "The height at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. At the layers below the fan speed gradually increases from Initial Fan Speed to Regular Fan Speed."
2396 msgstr ""
2398 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2399 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer label"
2400 msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
2401 msgstr ""
2403 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2404 msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer description"
2405 msgid "The layer at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. If regular fan speed at height is set, this value is calculated and rounded to a whole number."
2406 msgstr ""
2408 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2409 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time label"
2410 msgid "Minimum Layer Time"
2411 msgstr ""
2413 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2414 msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time description"
2415 msgid "The minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated."
2416 msgstr ""
2418 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2419 msgctxt "cool_min_speed label"
2420 msgid "Minimum Speed"
2421 msgstr ""
2423 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2424 msgctxt "cool_min_speed description"
2425 msgid "The minimum print speed, despite slowing down due to the minimum layer time. When the printer would slow down too much, the pressure in the nozzle would be too low and result in bad print quality."
2426 msgstr ""
2428 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2429 msgctxt "cool_lift_head label"
2430 msgid "Lift Head"
2431 msgstr ""
2433 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2434 msgctxt "cool_lift_head description"
2435 msgid "When the minimum speed is hit because of minimum layer time, lift the head away from the print and wait the extra time until the minimum layer time is reached."
2436 msgstr ""
2438 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2439 msgctxt "support label"
2440 msgid "Support"
2441 msgstr ""
2443 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2444 msgctxt "support description"
2445 msgid "Support"
2446 msgstr ""
2448 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2449 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2450 msgid "Generate Support"
2451 msgstr ""
2453 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2454 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2455 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2456 msgstr ""
2458 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2459 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
2460 msgid "Support Extruder"
2461 msgstr ""
2463 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2464 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
2465 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2466 msgstr ""
2468 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2469 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
2470 msgid "Support Infill Extruder"
2471 msgstr ""
2473 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2474 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
2475 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2476 msgstr ""
2478 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2479 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
2480 msgid "First Layer Support Extruder"
2481 msgstr ""
2483 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2484 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
2485 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2486 msgstr ""
2488 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2489 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
2490 msgid "Support Interface Extruder"
2491 msgstr ""
2493 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2494 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2495 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2496 msgstr ""
2498 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2499 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2500 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2501 msgstr ""
2503 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2504 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2505 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2506 msgstr ""
2508 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2509 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2510 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2511 msgstr ""
2513 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2514 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2515 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2516 msgstr ""
2518 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2519 msgctxt "support_type label"
2520 msgid "Support Placement"
2521 msgstr ""
2523 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2524 msgctxt "support_type description"
2525 msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
2526 msgstr ""
2528 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2529 msgctxt "support_type option buildplate"
2530 msgid "Touching Buildplate"
2531 msgstr ""
2533 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2534 msgctxt "support_type option everywhere"
2535 msgid "Everywhere"
2536 msgstr ""
2538 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2539 msgctxt "support_angle label"
2540 msgid "Support Overhang Angle"
2541 msgstr ""
2543 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2544 msgctxt "support_angle description"
2545 msgid "The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support."
2546 msgstr ""
2548 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2549 msgctxt "support_pattern label"
2550 msgid "Support Pattern"
2551 msgstr ""
2553 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2554 msgctxt "support_pattern description"
2555 msgid "The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support."
2556 msgstr ""
2558 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2559 msgctxt "support_pattern option lines"
2560 msgid "Lines"
2561 msgstr ""
2563 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2564 msgctxt "support_pattern option grid"
2565 msgid "Grid"
2566 msgstr ""
2568 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2569 msgctxt "support_pattern option triangles"
2570 msgid "Triangles"
2571 msgstr ""
2573 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2574 msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric"
2575 msgid "Concentric"
2576 msgstr ""
2578 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2579 msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric_3d"
2580 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2581 msgstr ""
2583 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2584 msgctxt "support_pattern option zigzag"
2585 msgid "Zig Zag"
2586 msgstr ""
2588 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2589 msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags label"
2590 msgid "Connect Support ZigZags"
2591 msgstr ""
2593 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2594 msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags description"
2595 msgid "Connect the ZigZags. This will increase the strength of the zig zag support structure."
2596 msgstr ""
2598 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2599 msgctxt "support_infill_rate label"
2600 msgid "Support Density"
2601 msgstr ""
2603 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2604 msgctxt "support_infill_rate description"
2605 msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2606 msgstr ""
2608 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2609 msgctxt "support_line_distance label"
2610 msgid "Support Line Distance"
2611 msgstr ""
2613 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2614 msgctxt "support_line_distance description"
2615 msgid "Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
2616 msgstr ""
2618 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2619 msgctxt "support_z_distance label"
2620 msgid "Support Z Distance"
2621 msgstr ""
2623 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2624 msgctxt "support_z_distance description"
2625 msgid "Distance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. This value is rounded up to a multiple of the layer height."
2626 msgstr ""
2628 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2629 msgctxt "support_top_distance label"
2630 msgid "Support Top Distance"
2631 msgstr ""
2633 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2634 msgctxt "support_top_distance description"
2635 msgid "Distance from the top of the support to the print."
2636 msgstr ""
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_bottom_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Bottom Distance"
2641 msgstr ""
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_bottom_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support."
2646 msgstr ""
2648 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2649 msgctxt "support_xy_distance label"
2650 msgid "Support X/Y Distance"
2651 msgstr ""
2653 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2654 msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
2655 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
2656 msgstr ""
2658 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2659 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z label"
2660 msgid "Support Distance Priority"
2661 msgstr ""
2663 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2664 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z description"
2665 msgid "Whether the Support X/Y Distance overrides the Support Z Distance or vice versa. When X/Y overrides Z the X/Y distance can push away the support from the model, influencing the actual Z distance to the overhang. We can disable this by not applying the X/Y distance around overhangs."
2666 msgstr ""
2668 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2669 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option xy_overrides_z"
2670 msgid "X/Y overrides Z"
2671 msgstr ""
2673 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2674 msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option z_overrides_xy"
2675 msgid "Z overrides X/Y"
2676 msgstr ""
2678 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2679 msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang label"
2680 msgid "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
2681 msgstr ""
2683 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2684 msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang description"
2685 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions. "
2686 msgstr ""
2688 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2689 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height label"
2690 msgid "Support Stair Step Height"
2691 msgstr ""
2693 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2694 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2695 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2696 msgstr ""
2698 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2699 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2700 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2701 msgstr ""
2703 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2704 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2705 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2706 msgstr ""
2708 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2709 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
2710 msgid "Support Join Distance"
2711 msgstr ""
2713 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2714 msgctxt "support_join_distance description"
2715 msgid "The maximum distance between support structures in the X/Y directions. When seperate structures are closer together than this value, the structures merge into one."
2716 msgstr ""
2718 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2719 msgctxt "support_offset label"
2720 msgid "Support Horizontal Expansion"
2721 msgstr ""
2723 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2724 msgctxt "support_offset description"
2725 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support."
2726 msgstr ""
2728 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2729 msgctxt "support_interface_enable label"
2730 msgid "Enable Support Interface"
2731 msgstr ""
2733 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2734 msgctxt "support_interface_enable description"
2735 msgid "Generate a dense interface between the model and the support. This will create a skin at the top of the support on which the model is printed and at the bottom of the support, where it rests on the model."
2736 msgstr ""
2738 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2739 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2740 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2741 msgstr ""
2743 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2744 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2745 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2746 msgstr ""
2748 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2749 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2750 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2751 msgstr ""
2753 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2754 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2755 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2756 msgstr ""
2758 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2759 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
2760 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
2761 msgstr ""
2763 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2764 msgctxt "support_interface_height description"
2765 msgid "The thickness of the interface of the support where it touches with the model on the bottom or the top."
2766 msgstr ""
2768 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2769 msgctxt "support_roof_height label"
2770 msgid "Support Roof Thickness"
2771 msgstr ""
2773 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2774 msgctxt "support_roof_height description"
2775 msgid "The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests."
2776 msgstr ""
2778 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2779 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2780 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2781 msgstr ""
2783 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2784 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2785 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2786 msgstr ""
2788 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2789 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
2790 msgid "Support Interface Resolution"
2791 msgstr ""
2793 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2794 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2795 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2796 msgstr ""
2798 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2799 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
2800 msgid "Support Interface Density"
2801 msgstr ""
2803 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2804 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2805 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2806 msgstr ""
2808 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2809 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2810 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2811 msgstr ""
2813 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2814 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2815 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2816 msgstr ""
2818 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2819 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2820 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2821 msgstr ""
2823 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2824 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2825 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2826 msgstr ""
2828 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2829 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2830 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2831 msgstr ""
2833 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2834 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2835 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2836 msgstr ""
2838 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2839 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2840 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2841 msgstr ""
2843 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2844 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2845 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2846 msgstr ""
2848 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2849 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
2850 msgid "Support Interface Pattern"
2851 msgstr ""
2853 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2854 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern description"
2855 msgid "The pattern with which the interface of the support with the model is printed."
2856 msgstr ""
2858 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2859 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option lines"
2860 msgid "Lines"
2861 msgstr ""
2863 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2864 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option grid"
2865 msgid "Grid"
2866 msgstr ""
2868 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2869 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option triangles"
2870 msgid "Triangles"
2871 msgstr ""
2873 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2874 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric"
2875 msgid "Concentric"
2876 msgstr ""
2878 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2879 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric_3d"
2880 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2881 msgstr ""
2883 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2884 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
2885 msgid "Zig Zag"
2886 msgstr ""
2888 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2889 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2890 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2891 msgstr ""
2893 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2894 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2895 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2896 msgstr ""
2898 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2899 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2900 msgid "Lines"
2901 msgstr ""
2903 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2904 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2905 msgid "Grid"
2906 msgstr ""
2908 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2909 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2910 msgid "Triangles"
2911 msgstr ""
2913 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2914 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2915 msgid "Concentric"
2916 msgstr ""
2918 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2919 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2920 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2921 msgstr ""
2923 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2924 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2925 msgid "Zig Zag"
2926 msgstr ""
2928 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2929 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2930 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2931 msgstr ""
2933 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2934 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2935 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2936 msgstr ""
2938 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2939 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2940 msgid "Lines"
2941 msgstr ""
2943 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2944 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2945 msgid "Grid"
2946 msgstr ""
2948 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2949 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2950 msgid "Triangles"
2951 msgstr ""
2953 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2954 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2955 msgid "Concentric"
2956 msgstr ""
2958 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2959 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2960 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2961 msgstr ""
2963 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2964 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2965 msgid "Zig Zag"
2966 msgstr ""
2968 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2969 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
2970 msgid "Use Towers"
2971 msgstr ""
2973 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2974 msgctxt "support_use_towers description"
2975 msgid "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof."
2976 msgstr ""
2978 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2979 msgctxt "support_tower_diameter label"
2980 msgid "Tower Diameter"
2981 msgstr ""
2983 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2984 msgctxt "support_tower_diameter description"
2985 msgid "The diameter of a special tower."
2986 msgstr ""
2988 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2989 msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter label"
2990 msgid "Minimum Diameter"
2991 msgstr ""
2993 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2994 msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter description"
2995 msgid "Minimum diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower."
2996 msgstr ""
2998 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2999 msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle label"
3000 msgid "Tower Roof Angle"
3001 msgstr ""
3003 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3004 msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle description"
3005 msgid "The angle of a rooftop of a tower. A higher value results in pointed tower roofs, a lower value results in flattened tower roofs."
3006 msgstr ""
3008 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3009 msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
3010 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
3011 msgstr ""
3013 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3014 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
3015 msgid "Adhesion"
3016 msgstr ""
3018 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3019 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3020 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3021 msgstr ""
3023 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3024 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3025 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3026 msgstr ""
3028 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3029 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
3030 msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
3031 msgstr ""
3033 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3034 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
3035 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
3036 msgstr ""
3038 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3039 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
3040 msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
3041 msgstr ""
3043 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3044 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
3045 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
3046 msgstr ""
3048 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3049 msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
3050 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
3051 msgstr ""
3053 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3054 msgctxt "adhesion_type description"
3055 msgid "Different options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model."
3056 msgstr ""
3058 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3059 msgctxt "adhesion_type option skirt"
3060 msgid "Skirt"
3061 msgstr ""
3063 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3064 msgctxt "adhesion_type option brim"
3065 msgid "Brim"
3066 msgstr ""
3068 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3069 msgctxt "adhesion_type option raft"
3070 msgid "Raft"
3071 msgstr ""
3073 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3074 msgctxt "adhesion_type option none"
3075 msgid "None"
3076 msgstr ""
3078 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3079 msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr label"
3080 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
3081 msgstr ""
3083 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3084 msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
3085 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3086 msgstr ""
3088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3089 msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
3090 msgid "Skirt Line Count"
3091 msgstr ""
3093 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3094 msgctxt "skirt_line_count description"
3095 msgid "Multiple skirt lines help to prime your extrusion better for small models. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt."
3096 msgstr ""
3098 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3099 msgctxt "skirt_gap label"
3100 msgid "Skirt Distance"
3101 msgstr ""
3103 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3104 msgctxt "skirt_gap description"
3105 msgid ""
3106 "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\n"
3107 "This is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance."
3108 msgstr ""
3110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3111 msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length label"
3112 msgid "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
3113 msgstr ""
3115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3116 msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length description"
3117 msgid "The minimum length of the skirt or brim. If this length is not reached by all skirt or brim lines together, more skirt or brim lines will be added until the minimum length is reached. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored."
3118 msgstr ""
3120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3121 msgctxt "brim_width label"
3122 msgid "Brim Width"
3123 msgstr ""
3125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3126 msgctxt "brim_width description"
3127 msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
3128 msgstr ""
3130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3131 msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
3132 msgid "Brim Line Count"
3133 msgstr ""
3135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3136 msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
3137 msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
3138 msgstr ""
3140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3141 msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
3142 msgid "Brim Only on Outside"
3143 msgstr ""
3145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3146 msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
3147 msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
3148 msgstr ""
3150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3151 msgctxt "raft_margin label"
3152 msgid "Raft Extra Margin"
3153 msgstr ""
3155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3156 msgctxt "raft_margin description"
3157 msgid "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
3158 msgstr ""
3160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3161 msgctxt "raft_airgap label"
3162 msgid "Raft Air Gap"
3163 msgstr ""
3165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3166 msgctxt "raft_airgap description"
3167 msgid "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the model. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the model. Makes it easier to peel off the raft."
3168 msgstr ""
3170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3171 msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap label"
3172 msgid "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
3173 msgstr ""
3175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3176 msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
3177 msgid "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount."
3178 msgstr ""
3180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3181 msgctxt "raft_surface_layers label"
3182 msgid "Raft Top Layers"
3183 msgstr ""
3185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3186 msgctxt "raft_surface_layers description"
3187 msgid "The number of top layers on top of the 2nd raft layer. These are fully filled layers that the model sits on. 2 layers result in a smoother top surface than 1."
3188 msgstr ""
3190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3191 msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness label"
3192 msgid "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
3193 msgstr ""
3195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3196 msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness description"
3197 msgid "Layer thickness of the top raft layers."
3198 msgstr ""
3200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3201 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width label"
3202 msgid "Raft Top Line Width"
3203 msgstr ""
3205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3206 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width description"
3207 msgid "Width of the lines in the top surface of the raft. These can be thin lines so that the top of the raft becomes smooth."
3208 msgstr ""
3210 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3211 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing label"
3212 msgid "Raft Top Spacing"
3213 msgstr ""
3215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3216 msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
3217 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
3218 msgstr ""
3220 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3221 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
3222 msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
3223 msgstr ""
3225 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3226 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness description"
3227 msgid "Layer thickness of the middle raft layer."
3228 msgstr ""
3230 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3231 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width label"
3232 msgid "Raft Middle Line Width"
3233 msgstr ""
3235 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3236 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width description"
3237 msgid "Width of the lines in the middle raft layer. Making the second layer extrude more causes the lines to stick to the build plate."
3238 msgstr ""
3240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3241 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing label"
3242 msgid "Raft Middle Spacing"
3243 msgstr ""
3245 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3246 msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing description"
3247 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the middle raft layer. The spacing of the middle should be quite wide, while being dense enough to support the top raft layers."
3248 msgstr ""
3250 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3251 msgctxt "raft_base_thickness label"
3252 msgid "Raft Base Thickness"
3253 msgstr ""
3255 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3256 msgctxt "raft_base_thickness description"
3257 msgid "Layer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate."
3258 msgstr ""
3260 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3261 msgctxt "raft_base_line_width label"
3262 msgid "Raft Base Line Width"
3263 msgstr ""
3265 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3266 msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
3267 msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
3268 msgstr ""
3270 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3271 msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
3272 msgid "Raft Line Spacing"
3273 msgstr ""
3275 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3276 msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing description"
3277 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the base raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
3278 msgstr ""
3280 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3281 msgctxt "raft_speed label"
3282 msgid "Raft Print Speed"
3283 msgstr ""
3285 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3286 msgctxt "raft_speed description"
3287 msgid "The speed at which the raft is printed."
3288 msgstr ""
3290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3291 msgctxt "raft_surface_speed label"
3292 msgid "Raft Top Print Speed"
3293 msgstr ""
3295 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3296 msgctxt "raft_surface_speed description"
3297 msgid "The speed at which the top raft layers are printed. These should be printed a bit slower, so that the nozzle can slowly smooth out adjacent surface lines."
3298 msgstr ""
3300 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3301 msgctxt "raft_interface_speed label"
3302 msgid "Raft Middle Print Speed"
3303 msgstr ""
3305 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3306 msgctxt "raft_interface_speed description"
3307 msgid "The speed at which the middle raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
3308 msgstr ""
3310 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3311 msgctxt "raft_base_speed label"
3312 msgid "Raft Base Print Speed"
3313 msgstr ""
3315 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3316 msgctxt "raft_base_speed description"
3317 msgid "The speed at which the base raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
3318 msgstr ""
3320 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3321 msgctxt "raft_acceleration label"
3322 msgid "Raft Print Acceleration"
3323 msgstr ""
3325 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3326 msgctxt "raft_acceleration description"
3327 msgid "The acceleration with which the raft is printed."
3328 msgstr ""
3330 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3331 msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration label"
3332 msgid "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
3333 msgstr ""
3335 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3336 msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration description"
3337 msgid "The acceleration with which the top raft layers are printed."
3338 msgstr ""
3340 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3341 msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration label"
3342 msgid "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
3343 msgstr ""
3345 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3346 msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration description"
3347 msgid "The acceleration with which the middle raft layer is printed."
3348 msgstr ""
3350 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3351 msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration label"
3352 msgid "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
3353 msgstr ""
3355 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3356 msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration description"
3357 msgid "The acceleration with which the base raft layer is printed."
3358 msgstr ""
3360 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3361 msgctxt "raft_jerk label"
3362 msgid "Raft Print Jerk"
3363 msgstr ""
3365 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3366 msgctxt "raft_jerk description"
3367 msgid "The jerk with which the raft is printed."
3368 msgstr ""
3370 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3371 msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk label"
3372 msgid "Raft Top Print Jerk"
3373 msgstr ""
3375 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3376 msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk description"
3377 msgid "The jerk with which the top raft layers are printed."
3378 msgstr ""
3380 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3381 msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk label"
3382 msgid "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
3383 msgstr ""
3385 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3386 msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk description"
3387 msgid "The jerk with which the middle raft layer is printed."
3388 msgstr ""
3390 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3391 msgctxt "raft_base_jerk label"
3392 msgid "Raft Base Print Jerk"
3393 msgstr ""
3395 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3396 msgctxt "raft_base_jerk description"
3397 msgid "The jerk with which the base raft layer is printed."
3398 msgstr ""
3400 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3401 msgctxt "raft_fan_speed label"
3402 msgid "Raft Fan Speed"
3403 msgstr ""
3405 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3406 msgctxt "raft_fan_speed description"
3407 msgid "The fan speed for the raft."
3408 msgstr ""
3410 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3411 msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed label"
3412 msgid "Raft Top Fan Speed"
3413 msgstr ""
3415 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3416 msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed description"
3417 msgid "The fan speed for the top raft layers."
3418 msgstr ""
3420 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3421 msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed label"
3422 msgid "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
3423 msgstr ""
3425 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3426 msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed description"
3427 msgid "The fan speed for the middle raft layer."
3428 msgstr ""
3430 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3431 msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed label"
3432 msgid "Raft Base Fan Speed"
3433 msgstr ""
3435 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3436 msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed description"
3437 msgid "The fan speed for the base raft layer."
3438 msgstr ""
3440 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3441 msgctxt "dual label"
3442 msgid "Dual Extrusion"
3443 msgstr ""
3445 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3446 msgctxt "dual description"
3447 msgid "Settings used for printing with multiple extruders."
3448 msgstr ""
3450 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3451 msgctxt "prime_tower_enable label"
3452 msgid "Enable Prime Tower"
3453 msgstr ""
3455 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3456 msgctxt "prime_tower_enable description"
3457 msgid "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch."
3458 msgstr ""
3460 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3461 msgctxt "prime_tower_size label"
3462 msgid "Prime Tower Size"
3463 msgstr ""
3465 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3466 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
3467 msgid "The width of the prime tower."
3468 msgstr ""
3470 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3471 msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume label"
3472 msgid "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
3473 msgstr ""
3475 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3476 msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume description"
3477 msgid "The minimum volume for each layer of the prime tower in order to purge enough material."
3478 msgstr ""
3480 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3481 msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness label"
3482 msgid "Prime Tower Thickness"
3483 msgstr ""
3485 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3486 msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness description"
3487 msgid "The thickness of the hollow prime tower. A thickness larger than half the Prime Tower Minimum Volume will result in a dense prime tower."
3488 msgstr ""
3490 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3491 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x label"
3492 msgid "Prime Tower X Position"
3493 msgstr ""
3495 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3496 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x description"
3497 msgid "The x coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
3498 msgstr ""
3500 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3501 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y label"
3502 msgid "Prime Tower Y Position"
3503 msgstr ""
3505 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3506 msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y description"
3507 msgid "The y coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
3508 msgstr ""
3510 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3511 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
3512 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
3513 msgstr ""
3515 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3516 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow description"
3517 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
3518 msgstr ""
3520 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3521 msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled label"
3522 msgid "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
3523 msgstr ""
3525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3526 msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled description"
3527 msgid "After printing the prime tower with one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower."
3528 msgstr ""
3530 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3531 msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe label"
3532 msgid "Wipe Nozzle After Switch"
3533 msgstr ""
3535 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3536 msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe description"
3537 msgid "After switching extruder, wipe the oozed material off of the nozzle on the first thing printed. This performs a safe slow wipe move at a place where the oozed material causes least harm to the surface quality of your print."
3538 msgstr ""
3540 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3541 msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled label"
3542 msgid "Enable Ooze Shield"
3543 msgstr ""
3545 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3546 msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
3547 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
3548 msgstr ""
3550 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3551 msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle label"
3552 msgid "Ooze Shield Angle"
3553 msgstr ""
3555 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3556 msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle description"
3557 msgid "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material."
3558 msgstr ""
3560 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3561 msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist label"
3562 msgid "Ooze Shield Distance"
3563 msgstr ""
3565 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3566 msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist description"
3567 msgid "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
3568 msgstr ""
3570 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3571 msgctxt "meshfix label"
3572 msgid "Mesh Fixes"
3573 msgstr ""
3575 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3576 msgctxt "meshfix description"
3577 msgid "category_fixes"
3578 msgstr ""
3580 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3581 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all label"
3582 msgid "Union Overlapping Volumes"
3583 msgstr ""
3585 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3586 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all description"
3587 msgid "Ignore the internal geometry arising from overlapping volumes within a mesh and print the volumes as one. This may cause unintended internal cavities to disappear."
3588 msgstr ""
3590 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3591 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes label"
3592 msgid "Remove All Holes"
3593 msgstr ""
3595 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3596 msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes description"
3597 msgid "Remove the holes in each layer and keep only the outside shape. This will ignore any invisible internal geometry. However, it also ignores layer holes which can be viewed from above or below."
3598 msgstr ""
3600 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3601 msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching label"
3602 msgid "Extensive Stitching"
3603 msgstr ""
3605 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3606 msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching description"
3607 msgid "Extensive stitching tries to stitch up open holes in the mesh by closing the hole with touching polygons. This option can introduce a lot of processing time."
3608 msgstr ""
3610 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3611 msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons label"
3612 msgid "Keep Disconnected Faces"
3613 msgstr ""
3615 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3616 msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons description"
3617 msgid "Normally Cura tries to stitch up small holes in the mesh and remove parts of a layer with big holes. Enabling this option keeps those parts which cannot be stitched. This option should be used as a last resort option when everything else fails to produce proper GCode."
3618 msgstr ""
3620 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3621 msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap label"
3622 msgid "Merged Meshes Overlap"
3623 msgstr ""
3625 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3626 msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap description"
3627 msgid "Make meshes which are touching each other overlap a bit. This makes them bond together better."
3628 msgstr ""
3630 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3631 msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes label"
3632 msgid "Remove Mesh Intersection"
3633 msgstr ""
3635 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3636 msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes description"
3637 msgid "Remove areas where multiple meshes are overlapping with each other. This may be used if merged dual material objects overlap with each other."
3638 msgstr ""
3640 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3641 msgctxt "alternate_carve_order label"
3642 msgid "Alternate Mesh Removal"
3643 msgstr ""
3645 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3646 msgctxt "alternate_carve_order description"
3647 msgid "Switch to which mesh intersecting volumes will belong with every layer, so that the overlapping meshes become interwoven. Turning this setting off will cause one of the meshes to obtain all of the volume in the overlap, while it is removed from the other meshes."
3648 msgstr ""
3650 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3651 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
3652 msgid "Special Modes"
3653 msgstr ""
3655 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3656 msgctxt "blackmagic description"
3657 msgid "category_blackmagic"
3658 msgstr ""
3660 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3661 msgctxt "print_sequence label"
3662 msgid "Print Sequence"
3663 msgstr ""
3665 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3666 msgctxt "print_sequence description"
3667 msgid "Whether to print all models one layer at a time or to wait for one model to finish, before moving on to the next. One at a time mode is only possible if all models are separated in such a way that the whole print head can move in between and all models are lower than the distance between the nozzle and the X/Y axes."
3668 msgstr ""
3670 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3671 msgctxt "print_sequence option all_at_once"
3672 msgid "All at Once"
3673 msgstr ""
3675 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3676 msgctxt "print_sequence option one_at_a_time"
3677 msgid "One at a Time"
3678 msgstr ""
3680 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3681 msgctxt "infill_mesh label"
3682 msgid "Infill Mesh"
3683 msgstr ""
3685 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3686 msgctxt "infill_mesh description"
3687 msgid "Use this mesh to modify the infill of other meshes with which it overlaps. Replaces infill regions of other meshes with regions for this mesh. It's suggested to only print one Wall and no Top/Bottom Skin for this mesh."
3688 msgstr ""
3690 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3691 msgctxt "infill_mesh_order label"
3692 msgid "Infill Mesh Order"
3693 msgstr ""
3695 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3696 msgctxt "infill_mesh_order description"
3697 msgid "Determines which infill mesh is inside the infill of another infill mesh. An infill mesh with a higher order will modify the infill of infill meshes with lower order and normal meshes."
3698 msgstr ""
3700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3701 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3702 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3703 msgstr ""
3705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3706 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3707 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3708 msgstr ""
3710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3711 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3712 msgid "Mold"
3713 msgstr ""
3715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3716 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3717 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3718 msgstr ""
3720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3721 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3722 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3723 msgstr ""
3725 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3726 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3727 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3728 msgstr ""
3730 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3731 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3732 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3733 msgstr ""
3735 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3736 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3737 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3738 msgstr ""
3740 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3741 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3742 msgid "Mold Angle"
3743 msgstr ""
3745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3746 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3747 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3748 msgstr ""
3750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3751 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
3752 msgid "Support Mesh"
3753 msgstr ""
3755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3756 msgctxt "support_mesh description"
3757 msgid "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure."
3758 msgstr ""
3760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3761 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3762 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3763 msgstr ""
3765 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3766 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3767 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3768 msgstr ""
3770 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3771 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
3772 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
3773 msgstr ""
3775 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3776 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh description"
3777 msgid "Use this mesh to specify where no part of the model should be detected as overhang. This can be used to remove unwanted support structure."
3778 msgstr ""
3780 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3781 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode label"
3782 msgid "Surface Mode"
3783 msgstr ""
3785 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3786 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode description"
3787 msgid "Treat the model as a surface only, a volume, or volumes with loose surfaces. The normal print mode only prints enclosed volumes. \"Surface\" prints a single wall tracing the mesh surface with no infill and no top/bottom skin. \"Both\" prints enclosed volumes like normal and any remaining polygons as surfaces."
3788 msgstr ""
3790 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3791 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option normal"
3792 msgid "Normal"
3793 msgstr ""
3795 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3796 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option surface"
3797 msgid "Surface"
3798 msgstr ""
3800 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3801 msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option both"
3802 msgid "Both"
3803 msgstr ""
3805 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3806 msgctxt "magic_spiralize label"
3807 msgid "Spiralize Outer Contour"
3808 msgstr ""
3810 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3811 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3812 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3813 msgstr ""
3815 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3816 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3817 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3818 msgstr ""
3820 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3821 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3822 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3823 msgstr ""
3825 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3826 msgctxt "experimental label"
3827 msgid "Experimental"
3828 msgstr ""
3830 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3831 msgctxt "experimental description"
3832 msgid "experimental!"
3833 msgstr ""
3835 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3836 msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
3837 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
3838 msgstr ""
3840 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3841 msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled description"
3842 msgid "This will create a wall around the model, which traps (hot) air and shields against exterior airflow. Especially useful for materials which warp easily."
3843 msgstr ""
3845 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3846 msgctxt "draft_shield_dist label"
3847 msgid "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
3848 msgstr ""
3850 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3851 msgctxt "draft_shield_dist description"
3852 msgid "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
3853 msgstr ""
3855 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3856 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation label"
3857 msgid "Draft Shield Limitation"
3858 msgstr ""
3860 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3861 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation description"
3862 msgid "Set the height of the draft shield. Choose to print the draft shield at the full height of the model or at a limited height."
3863 msgstr ""
3865 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3866 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option full"
3867 msgid "Full"
3868 msgstr ""
3870 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3871 msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option limited"
3872 msgid "Limited"
3873 msgstr ""
3875 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3876 msgctxt "draft_shield_height label"
3877 msgid "Draft Shield Height"
3878 msgstr ""
3880 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3881 msgctxt "draft_shield_height description"
3882 msgid "Height limitation of the draft shield. Above this height no draft shield will be printed."
3883 msgstr ""
3885 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3886 msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled label"
3887 msgid "Make Overhang Printable"
3888 msgstr ""
3890 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3891 msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled description"
3892 msgid "Change the geometry of the printed model such that minimal support is required. Steep overhangs will become shallow overhangs. Overhanging areas will drop down to become more vertical."
3893 msgstr ""
3895 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3896 msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle label"
3897 msgid "Maximum Model Angle"
3898 msgstr ""
3900 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3901 msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
3902 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
3903 msgstr ""
3905 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3906 msgctxt "coasting_enable label"
3907 msgid "Enable Coasting"
3908 msgstr ""
3910 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3911 msgctxt "coasting_enable description"
3912 msgid "Coasting replaces the last part of an extrusion path with a travel path. The oozed material is used to print the last piece of the extrusion path in order to reduce stringing."
3913 msgstr ""
3915 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3916 msgctxt "coasting_volume label"
3917 msgid "Coasting Volume"
3918 msgstr ""
3920 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3921 msgctxt "coasting_volume description"
3922 msgid "The volume otherwise oozed. This value should generally be close to the nozzle diameter cubed."
3923 msgstr ""
3925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3926 msgctxt "coasting_min_volume label"
3927 msgid "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
3928 msgstr ""
3930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3931 msgctxt "coasting_min_volume description"
3932 msgid "The smallest volume an extrusion path should have before allowing coasting. For smaller extrusion paths, less pressure has been built up in the bowden tube and so the coasted volume is scaled linearly. This value should always be larger than the Coasting Volume."
3933 msgstr ""
3935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3936 msgctxt "coasting_speed label"
3937 msgid "Coasting Speed"
3938 msgstr ""
3940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3941 msgctxt "coasting_speed description"
3942 msgid "The speed by which to move during coasting, relative to the speed of the extrusion path. A value slightly under 100% is advised, since during the coasting move the pressure in the bowden tube drops."
3943 msgstr ""
3945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3946 msgctxt "skin_outline_count label"
3947 msgid "Extra Skin Wall Count"
3948 msgstr ""
3950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3951 msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
3952 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
3953 msgstr ""
3955 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3956 msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation label"
3957 msgid "Alternate Skin Rotation"
3958 msgstr ""
3960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3961 msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation description"
3962 msgid "Alternate the direction in which the top/bottom layers are printed. Normally they are printed diagonally only. This setting adds the X-only and Y-only directions."
3963 msgstr ""
3965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3966 msgctxt "support_conical_enabled label"
3967 msgid "Enable Conical Support"
3968 msgstr ""
3970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3971 msgctxt "support_conical_enabled description"
3972 msgid "Experimental feature: Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang."
3973 msgstr ""
3975 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3976 msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
3977 msgid "Conical Support Angle"
3978 msgstr ""
3980 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3981 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
3982 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
3983 msgstr ""
3985 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3986 msgctxt "support_conical_min_width label"
3987 msgid "Conical Support Minimum Width"
3988 msgstr ""
3990 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3991 msgctxt "support_conical_min_width description"
3992 msgid "Minimum width to which the base of the conical support area is reduced. Small widths can lead to unstable support structures."
3993 msgstr ""
3995 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3996 msgctxt "infill_hollow label"
3997 msgid "Hollow Out Objects"
3998 msgstr ""
4000 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4001 msgctxt "infill_hollow description"
4002 msgid "Remove all infill and make the inside of the object eligible for support."
4003 msgstr ""
4005 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4006 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled label"
4007 msgid "Fuzzy Skin"
4008 msgstr ""
4010 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4011 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled description"
4012 msgid "Randomly jitter while printing the outer wall, so that the surface has a rough and fuzzy look."
4013 msgstr ""
4015 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4016 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness label"
4017 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
4018 msgstr ""
4020 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4021 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness description"
4022 msgid "The width within which to jitter. It's advised to keep this below the outer wall width, since the inner walls are unaltered."
4023 msgstr ""
4025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4026 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density label"
4027 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Density"
4028 msgstr ""
4030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4031 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density description"
4032 msgid "The average density of points introduced on each polygon in a layer. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a low density results in a reduction of the resolution."
4033 msgstr ""
4035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4036 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist label"
4037 msgid "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
4038 msgstr ""
4040 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4041 msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist description"
4042 msgid "The average distance between the random points introduced on each line segment. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a high smoothness results in a reduction of the resolution. This value must be higher than half the Fuzzy Skin Thickness."
4043 msgstr ""
4045 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4046 msgctxt "wireframe_enabled label"
4047 msgid "Wire Printing"
4048 msgstr ""
4050 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4051 msgctxt "wireframe_enabled description"
4052 msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
4053 msgstr ""
4055 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4056 msgctxt "wireframe_height label"
4057 msgid "WP Connection Height"
4058 msgstr ""
4060 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4061 msgctxt "wireframe_height description"
4062 msgid "The height of the upward and diagonally downward lines between two horizontal parts. This determines the overall density of the net structure. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4063 msgstr ""
4065 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4066 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset label"
4067 msgid "WP Roof Inset Distance"
4068 msgstr ""
4070 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4071 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
4072 msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4073 msgstr ""
4075 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4076 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed label"
4077 msgid "WP Speed"
4078 msgstr ""
4080 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4081 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
4082 msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4083 msgstr ""
4085 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4086 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom label"
4087 msgid "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
4088 msgstr ""
4090 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4091 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom description"
4092 msgid "Speed of printing the first layer, which is the only layer touching the build platform. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4093 msgstr ""
4095 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4096 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up label"
4097 msgid "WP Upward Printing Speed"
4098 msgstr ""
4100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4101 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up description"
4102 msgid "Speed of printing a line upward 'in thin air'. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4103 msgstr ""
4105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4106 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down label"
4107 msgid "WP Downward Printing Speed"
4108 msgstr ""
4110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4111 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down description"
4112 msgid "Speed of printing a line diagonally downward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4113 msgstr ""
4115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4116 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat label"
4117 msgid "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
4118 msgstr ""
4120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4121 msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat description"
4122 msgid "Speed of printing the horizontal contours of the model. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4123 msgstr ""
4125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4126 msgctxt "wireframe_flow label"
4127 msgid "WP Flow"
4128 msgstr ""
4130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4131 msgctxt "wireframe_flow description"
4132 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4133 msgstr ""
4135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4136 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection label"
4137 msgid "WP Connection Flow"
4138 msgstr ""
4140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4141 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection description"
4142 msgid "Flow compensation when going up or down. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4143 msgstr ""
4145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4146 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat label"
4147 msgid "WP Flat Flow"
4148 msgstr ""
4150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4151 msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat description"
4152 msgid "Flow compensation when printing flat lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4153 msgstr ""
4155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4156 msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay label"
4157 msgid "WP Top Delay"
4158 msgstr ""
4160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4161 msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay description"
4162 msgid "Delay time after an upward move, so that the upward line can harden. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4163 msgstr ""
4165 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4166 msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
4167 msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
4168 msgstr ""
4170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4171 msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay description"
4172 msgid "Delay time after a downward move. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4173 msgstr ""
4175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4176 msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay label"
4177 msgid "WP Flat Delay"
4178 msgstr ""
4180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4181 msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay description"
4182 msgid "Delay time between two horizontal segments. Introducing such a delay can cause better adhesion to previous layers at the connection points, while too long delays cause sagging. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4183 msgstr ""
4185 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4186 msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed label"
4187 msgid "WP Ease Upward"
4188 msgstr ""
4190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4191 msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed description"
4192 msgid ""
4193 "Distance of an upward move which is extruded with half speed.\n"
4194 "This can cause better adhesion to previous layers, while not heating the material in those layers too much. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4195 msgstr ""
4197 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4198 msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump label"
4199 msgid "WP Knot Size"
4200 msgstr ""
4202 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4203 msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump description"
4204 msgid "Creates a small knot at the top of an upward line, so that the consecutive horizontal layer has a better chance to connect to it. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4205 msgstr ""
4207 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4208 msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down label"
4209 msgid "WP Fall Down"
4210 msgstr ""
4212 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4213 msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down description"
4214 msgid "Distance with which the material falls down after an upward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4215 msgstr ""
4217 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4218 msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along label"
4219 msgid "WP Drag Along"
4220 msgstr ""
4222 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4223 msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along description"
4224 msgid "Distance with which the material of an upward extrusion is dragged along with the diagonally downward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4225 msgstr ""
4227 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4228 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy label"
4229 msgid "WP Strategy"
4230 msgstr ""
4232 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4233 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy description"
4234 msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
4235 msgstr ""
4237 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4238 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
4239 msgid "Compensate"
4240 msgstr ""
4242 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4243 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
4244 msgid "Knot"
4245 msgstr ""
4247 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4248 msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
4249 msgid "Retract"
4250 msgstr ""
4252 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4253 msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down label"
4254 msgid "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
4255 msgstr ""
4257 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4258 msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down description"
4259 msgid "Percentage of a diagonally downward line which is covered by a horizontal line piece. This can prevent sagging of the top most point of upward lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4260 msgstr ""
4262 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4263 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down label"
4264 msgid "WP Roof Fall Down"
4265 msgstr ""
4267 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4268 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down description"
4269 msgid "The distance which horizontal roof lines printed 'in thin air' fall down when being printed. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4270 msgstr ""
4272 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4273 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along label"
4274 msgid "WP Roof Drag Along"
4275 msgstr ""
4277 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4278 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along description"
4279 msgid "The distance of the end piece of an inward line which gets dragged along when going back to the outer outline of the roof. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4280 msgstr ""
4282 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4283 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay label"
4284 msgid "WP Roof Outer Delay"
4285 msgstr ""
4287 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4288 msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay description"
4289 msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4290 msgstr ""
4292 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4293 msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance label"
4294 msgid "WP Nozzle Clearance"
4295 msgstr ""
4297 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4298 msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance description"
4299 msgid "Distance between the nozzle and horizontally downward lines. Larger clearance results in diagonally downward lines with a less steep angle, which in turn results in less upward connections with the next layer. Only applies to Wire Printing."
4300 msgstr ""
4302 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4303 msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
4304 msgid "Command Line Settings"
4305 msgstr ""
4307 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4308 msgctxt "command_line_settings description"
4309 msgid "Settings which are only used if CuraEngine isn't called from the Cura frontend."
4310 msgstr ""
4312 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4313 msgctxt "center_object label"
4314 msgid "Center object"
4315 msgstr ""
4317 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4318 msgctxt "center_object description"
4319 msgid "Whether to center the object on the middle of the build platform (0,0), instead of using the coordinate system in which the object was saved."
4320 msgstr ""
4322 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4323 msgctxt "mesh_position_x label"
4324 msgid "Mesh position x"
4325 msgstr ""
4327 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4328 msgctxt "mesh_position_x description"
4329 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the x direction."
4330 msgstr ""
4332 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4333 msgctxt "mesh_position_y label"
4334 msgid "Mesh position y"
4335 msgstr ""
4337 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4338 msgctxt "mesh_position_y description"
4339 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the y direction."
4340 msgstr ""
4342 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4343 msgctxt "mesh_position_z label"
4344 msgid "Mesh position z"
4345 msgstr ""
4347 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4348 msgctxt "mesh_position_z description"
4349 msgid "Offset applied to the object in the z direction. With this you can perform what was used to be called 'Object Sink'."
4350 msgstr ""
4352 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4353 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix label"
4354 msgid "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
4355 msgstr ""
4357 #: fdmprinter.def.json
4358 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
4359 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
4360 msgstr ""
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: nl\n"
12 "Language-Team: Dutch\n"
13 "Language: Dutch\n"
14 "Lang-Code: nl\n"
15 "Country-Code: NL\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Biedt een manier om de machine-instellingen (zoals bouwvolume, maat nozzle enz.) te wijzigen"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Machine-instellingen"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Wijzigingenlogboek Weergeven"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Profielvlakker"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Hiermee maakt u een afgevlakte versie van het gewijzigde profiel."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Actieve instellingen vlakken"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Profiel is gevlakt en geactiveerd."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "Aangesloten via USB"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart omdat de printer bezig is of niet aangesloten is."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "De printer biedt geen ondersteuning voor USB-printen omdat deze de codeversie UltiGCode gebruikt."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart omdat de printer geen ondersteuning biedt voor USB-printen."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Opslaan op Verwisselbaar Station {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Opslaan op Verwisselbaar Station <filename>{0}</filename>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "Kan niet opslaan als <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Opgeslagen op Verwisselbaar Station {0} als {1}"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Uitwerpen"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Verwisselbaar station {0} uitwerpen"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Kan niet opslaan op verwisselbaar station {0}: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "{0} is uitgeworpen. U kunt het station nu veilig verwijderen."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Toegangsaanvraag naar de printer verzenden"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Via het netwerk verbonden. Keur de aanvraag goed op de printer."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Via het netwerk verbonden."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Via het netwerk verbonden. Kan de printer niet beheren."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Toegang is op de printer geweigerd."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "De toegangsaanvraag is mislukt vanwege een time-out."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "De verbinding met het netwerk is verbroken."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "De verbinding met de printer is verbroken. Controleer of de printer nog is aangesloten."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart omdat de printer bezig is. De huidige printerstatus is %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
373395 msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart. Er is geen PrintCore geladen in de sleuf {0}."
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart. Er is geen materiaal geladen in de sleuf {0}."
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Er is onvoldoende materiaal voor de spool {0}."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "Afwijkende PrintCore (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) geselecteerd voor de extruder {2}"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Afwijkend materiaal (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) geselecteerd voor de extruder {2}"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "De PrintCore {0} is niet correct gekalibreerd. Op de printer moet XY-kalibratie worden uitgevoerd."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u met de geselecteerde configuratie wilt printen?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "De configuratie of kalibratie van de printer komt niet overeen met de configuratie van Cura. Slice voor het beste resultaat altijd voor de PrintCores en materialen die in de printer zijn ingevoerd."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "De configuratie komt niet overeen"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "De gegevens worden naar de printer verzonden"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "Annuleren"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Kan geen gegevens naar de printer verzenden. Is er nog een andere taak actief?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Printen afbreken..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Print afgebroken. Controleer de printer"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Print onderbreken..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Print hervatten..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Synchroniseren met de printer"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Wilt u uw huidige printerconfiguratie gebruiken in Cura?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "De PrintCores en/of materialen in de printer wijken af van de PrintCores en/of materialen in uw huidige project. Slice voor het beste resultaat altijd voor de PrintCores en materialen die in de printer zijn ingevoerd."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Verwijderen"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Materiaalprofielen"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "Biedt mogelijkheden om materiaalprofielen op XML-basis te lezen en te schrijven."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Lagen"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Als draadprinten is ingeschakeld, geeft Cura lagen niet nauwkeurig weer"
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "Versie-upgrade van 2.4 naar 2.5."
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "Versie-upgrade van 2.5 naar 2.6."
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Werkt configuraties bij van Cura 2.4 naar Cura 2.5."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Hiermee worden configuraties bijgewerkt van Cura 2.5 naar Cura 2.6."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "GIF-afbeelding"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Het geselecteerde materiaal is niet compatibel met de geselecteerde machine of configuratie."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Met de huidige instellingen is slicing niet mogelijk. De volgende instellingen bevatten fouten: {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "Slicen is niet mogelijk omdat de terugduwpijler of terugduwpositie(s) ongeldig zijn."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Er valt niets te slicen omdat geen van de modellen in het bouwvolume past. Schaal of roteer de modellen totdat deze passen."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "Voorziet in de koppeling naar het slicing-back-end van de CuraEngine."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Lagen verwerken"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Instellingen per Model configureren"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Aanbevolen"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Aangepast"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "3MF-lezer"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "Biedt ondersteuning voor het lezen van 3MF-bestanden."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "3MF-bestand"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Nozzle"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "G-bestand"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "G-code parseren"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Zorg ervoor dat de G-code geschikt is voor uw printer en de printerconfiguratie voordat u het bestand verzendt. Mogelijk is de weergave van de G-code niet nauwkeurig."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Cura-profiel"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "3MF-schrijver"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "Deze optie biedt ondersteuning voor het schrijven van 3MF-bestanden."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "3MF-bestand"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Cura-project 3MF-bestand"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Acties Ultimaker-machines"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Biedt machine-acties voor Ultimaker-machines (zoals wizard voor bedkalibratie, selecteren van upgrades enz.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Upgrades selecteren"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Acties Ultimaker-machines"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Biedt machine-acties voor Ultimaker-machines (zoals wizard voor bedkalibratie, selecteren van upgrades enz.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Biedt ondersteuning bij het importeren van Cura-profielen."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Onbekend materiaal"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Nieuwe locatie vinden voor objecten"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Kan binnen het werkvolume niet voor alle objecten een locatie vinden"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Het Bestand Bestaat Al"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Het bestand <filename>{0}</filename> bestaat al. Weet u zeker dat u dit bestand wilt overschrijven?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Kan geen kwaliteitsprofiel vinden voor deze combinatie. In plaats daarvan worden de standaardinstellingen gebruikt."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Aangepast"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Aangepast materiaal"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Kan het profiel niet exporteren als <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Kan het profiel niet exporteren als <filename>{0}</filename>: de invoegtoepassing voor de schrijver heeft een fout gerapporteerd."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Het profiel is geëxporteerd als <filename>{0}</filename>"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "Kan het profiel niet importeren uit <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Het profiel {0} is geïmporteerd"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Het profiel {0} heeft een onbekend bestandstype of is beschadigd."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Aangepast profiel"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Er ontbreekt een kwaliteitstype in het profiel."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Kan geen kwaliteitstype {0} vinden voor de huidige configuratie."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "De hoogte van het bouwvolume is verminderd wegens de waarde van de instelling “Printvolgorde”, om te voorkomen dat de rijbrug tegen geprinte modellen botst."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Objecten verveelvoudigen en plaatsen"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Oeps!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Crashrapport"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Er is een fatale fout opgetreden die niet kan worden hersteld!</p>\n <p>Hopelijk komt u met de afbeelding van deze kitten wat bij van de schrik.</p>\n <p>Gebruik de onderstaande informatie om een bugrapport te plaatsen op <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Er is een fatale fout opgetreden die niet kan worden hersteld!</p>\n <p>Gebruik de onderstaande informatie om een bugrapport te plaatsen op <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Webpagina openen"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Machines laden..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Scene instellen..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Interface laden..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Er kan slechts één G-code-bestand tegelijkertijd worden geladen. Het importeren van {0} is overgeslagen"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "Kan geen ander bestand openen als G-code wordt geladen. Het importeren van {0} is overgeslagen"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Machine-instellingen"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Voer hieronder de juiste instellingen voor uw printer in:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Printer"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Printerinstellingen"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (Breedte)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (Diepte)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (Hoogte)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Vorm van het platform"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Midden van Machine is Nul"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Verwarmd bed"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "Versie G-code"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Instellingen Printkop"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X min"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X max"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y max"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Hoogte rijbrug"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Aantal extruders"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Materiaaldiameter"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Maat nozzle"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Start G-code"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Eind G-code"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Nozzle-instellingen"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Nozzle-offset X"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Nozzle-offset Y"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "Start-G-code van extruder"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "Eind-G-code van extruder"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Doodle3D-instellingen"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Opslaan"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Onbekende foutcode: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Verbinding Maken met Printer in het Netwerk"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Als u rechtstreeks via het netwerk wilt printen naar de printer, moet u ervoor zorgen dat de printer met een netwerkkabel is verbonden met het netwerk of moet u verbinding maken met de printer via het wifi-netwerk. Als u geen verbinding maakt tussen Cura en de printer, kunt u een USB-station gebruiken om g-code-bestanden naar de printer over te zetten.\n\nSelecteer uw printer in de onderstaande lijst:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Toevoegen"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Bewerken"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Verwijderen"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Vernieuwen"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Raadpleeg de <a href='%1'>handleiding voor probleemoplossing bij printen via het netwerk</a> als uw printer niet in de lijst wordt vermeld"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Type"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Onbekend"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Firmwareversie"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Adres"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "De printer op dit adres heeft nog niet gereageerd."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Verbinden"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Printeradres"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "Voer het IP-adres of de hostnaam van de printer in het netwerk in."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "OK"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Actieve scripts voor nabewerking wijzigen"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Weergavemodus: lagen"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Kleurenschema"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Materiaalkleur"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Lijntype"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Compatibiliteitsmodus"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Extruder %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Bewegingen weergeven"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Helpers weergeven"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Shell weergeven"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Vulling weergeven"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Alleen bovenlagen weergegeven"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "5 gedetailleerde lagen bovenaan weergeven"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Boven-/onderkant"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "Binnenwand"
14871580 msgstr "Effenen"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "OK"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "Model printen met"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Instellingen selecteren"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Instellingen Selecteren om Dit Model Aan te Passen"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filteren..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Alles weergeven"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Project openen"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Bestaand(e) bijwerken"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Nieuw maken"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Samenvatting - Cura-project"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Printerinstellingen"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Hoe dient het conflict in de machine te worden opgelost?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Type"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "Naam"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Profielinstellingen"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Hoe dient het conflict in het profiel te worden opgelost?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Niet in profiel"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 overschrijving"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 overschrijvingen"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Afgeleide van"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 overschrijving"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 overschrijvingen"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Materiaalinstellingen"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Hoe dient het materiaalconflict te worden opgelost?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Zichtbaarheid instellen"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Modus"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Zichtbare instellingen:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 van %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Als u een project laadt, worden alle modellen van het platform gewist"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Openen"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Printerupgrades Selecteren"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Selecteer eventuele upgrades die op deze Ultimaker 2 zijn uitgevoerd"
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Olsson-blok"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Aangepaste firmware selecteren"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Printerupgrades Selecteren"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "Printer accepteert geen opdrachten"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "In onderhoud. Controleer de printer"
18311928 msgstr "Verbinding met de printer is verbroken"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Printen..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "Gepauzeerd"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Voorbereiden..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u het printen wilt afbreken?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Wijzigingen verwijderen of behouden"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "U hebt enkele profielinstellingen aangepast.\nWilt u deze instellingen behouden of verwijderen?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Profielinstellingen"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Standaard"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Aangepast"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Altijd vragen"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "Verwijderen en nooit meer vragen"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Behouden en nooit meer vragen"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "Verwijderen"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Behouden"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Nieuw profiel maken"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Informatie"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Naam Weergeven"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Merk"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Type Materiaal"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Kleur"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Eigenschappen"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Dichtheid"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Diameter"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Kostprijs Filament"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Gewicht filament"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Lengte filament"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Kostprijs per meter"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Dit materiaal is gekoppeld aan %1 en deelt hiermee enkele eigenschappen."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Materiaal ontkoppelen"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Beschrijving"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Gegevens Hechting"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Instellingen voor printen"
20442151 msgstr "Eenheid"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Algemeen"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Interface"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Taal:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Valuta:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "U moet de toepassing opnieuw opstarten voordat de taalwijzigingen van kracht worden."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Thema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "U moet de toepassing opnieuw starten voordat deze wijzigingen van kracht worden."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Automatisch slicen bij wijzigen van instellingen."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Automatisch slicen"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Gedrag kijkvenster"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Geef niet-ondersteunde gedeelten van het model een rode markering. Zonder ondersteuning zullen deze gedeelten niet goed worden geprint."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Overhang weergeven"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
21002217 msgstr "Verplaatst de camera zodanig dat wanneer een model wordt geselecteerd, het model in het midden van het beeld wordt weergegeven"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Camera centreren wanneer een item wordt geselecteerd"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Moet het standaard zoomgedrag van Cura worden omgekeerd?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Keer de richting van de camerazoom om."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "Moeten modellen op het platform zodanig worden verplaatst dat ze elkaar niet meer doorsnijden?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Modellen gescheiden houden"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "Moeten modellen in het printgebied omlaag worden gebracht zodat ze het platform raken?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Modellen automatisch op het platform laten vallen"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Toon het waarschuwingsbericht in de G-code-lezer."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Waarschuwingsbericht in de G-code-lezer"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "Moet de laag in de compatibiliteitsmodus worden geforceerd?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Compatibiliteitsmodus voor laagweergave forceren (opnieuw opstarten vereist)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Bestanden openen en opslaan"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "Moeten modellen worden geschaald naar het werkvolume als ze te groot zijn?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Grote modellen schalen"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Een model wordt mogelijk extreem klein weergegeven als de eenheden bijvoorbeeld in meters zijn in plaats van in millimeters. Moeten dergelijke modellen worden opgeschaald?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Extreem kleine modellen schalen"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Moet er automatisch een op de printernaam gebaseerde voorvoegsel aan de naam van de printtaak worden toegevoegd?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Machinevoorvoegsel toevoegen aan taaknaam"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Dient er een samenvatting te worden weergegeven wanneer een projectbestand wordt opgeslagen?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Dialoogvenster voor samenvatting weergeven tijdens het opslaan van een project"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Standaardgedrag tijdens het openen van een projectbestand"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Standaardgedrag tijdens het openen van een projectbestand: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Altijd vragen"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Altijd als project openen"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Altijd modellen importeren"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Wanneer u wijzigingen hebt aangebracht aan een profiel en naar een ander profiel wisselt, wordt een dialoogvenster weergegeven waarin u wordt gevraagd of u de aanpassingen wilt behouden. U kunt ook een standaardgedrag kiezen en het dialoogvenster nooit meer laten weergeven."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Profiel overschrijven"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Privacy"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Moet Cura op updates controleren wanneer het programma wordt gestart?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Bij starten op updates controleren"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "Mogen anonieme gegevens over uw print naar Ultimaker worden verzonden? Opmerking: er worden geen modellen, IP-adressen of andere persoonlijk identificeerbare gegevens verzonden of opgeslagen."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "(Anonieme) printgegevens verzenden"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Printers"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Activeren"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Type printer:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Verbinding:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "Er is geen verbinding met de printer."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Status:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "Wachten totdat iemand het platform leegmaakt"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "Wachten op een printtaak"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profielen"
22912453 msgstr "Dupliceren"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "Importeren"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Exporteren"
23632525 msgstr "Profiel exporteren"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Materialen"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Printer: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Maken"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Dupliceren"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Materiaal Importeren"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Kon materiaal <filename>%1</filename> niet importeren: <message>%2</message>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Materiaal <filename>%1</filename> is geïmporteerd"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Materiaal Exporteren"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Exporteren van materiaal naar <filename>%1</filename> is mislukt: <message>%2</message>"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Materiaal is geëxporteerd naar <filename>%1</filename>"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Printer Toevoegen"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Printer Toevoegen"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Buitenwand"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "Binnenwanden"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Skin"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Vulling"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Supportvulling"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Verbindingsstructuur"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Supportstructuur"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Beweging"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Intrekkingen"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Overig(e)"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00u 00min"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "SVG-pictogrammen"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Zoeken..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Waarde naar alle extruders kopiëren"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Deze instelling verbergen"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Deze instelling verbergen"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Deze instelling zichtbaar houden"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Zichtbaarheid van instelling configureren..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Instelling voor printen uitgeschakeld\nG-code-bestanden kunnen niet worden aangepast"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Aanbevolen instellingen voor printen</b><br/><br/>Print met de aanbevolen instellingen voor de geselecteerde printer en kwaliteit, en het geselecteerde materiaal."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Aangepaste instellingen voor printen</b><br/><br/>Print met uiterst precieze controle over elk detail van het slice-proces."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Automatisch: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Automatisch: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Geselecteerd model printen met:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Geselecteerde modellen printen met:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Geselecteerd model verveelvoudigen"
2906 msgstr[1] "Geselecteerde modellen verveelvoudigen"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Aantal exemplaren"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Geschatte resterende tijd"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Vo&lledig Scherm In-/Uitschakelen"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "Ongedaan &Maken"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "&Opnieuw"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Afsluiten"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Cura Configureren..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "&Printer Toevoegen..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Pr&inters Beheren..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Materialen Beheren..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "Profiel bijwerken met h&uidige instellingen/overschrijvingen"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "Hui&dige wijzigingen verwijderen"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "Profiel maken op basis van huidige instellingen/overs&chrijvingen..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Profielen Beheren..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Online &Documentatie Weergeven"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Een &Bug Rapporteren"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "&Over..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "&Selectie Verwijderen"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "Ge&selecteerd model verwijderen"
3083 msgstr[1] "Ge&selecteerde modellen verwijderen"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Geselecteerd model centreren"
3090 msgstr[1] "Geselecteerde modellen centreren"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Geselecteerd model verveelvoudigen"
3097 msgstr[1] "Geselecteerde modellen verveelvoudigen"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Model Verwijderen"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Model op Platform Ce&ntreren"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "Modellen &Groeperen"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Groeperen van Modellen Opheffen"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "Modellen Samen&voegen"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "&Model verveelvoudigen..."
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "Alle Modellen &Selecteren"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Platform Leegmaken"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "Alle Modellen Opnieuw &Laden"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Alle modellen schikken"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Selectie schikken"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Alle Modelposities Herstellen"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Alle Model&transformaties Herstellen"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "Bestand &Openen..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "Bestand(en) &openen..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "Project &openen..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Nieuw project..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "Engine-&logboek Weergeven..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Open Configuratiemap"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Zichtbaarheid Instelling Configureren..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Model verveelvoudigen"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Slicen is niet beschikbaar"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Voorbereiden"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "Annuleren"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Actief Uitvoerapparaat Selecteren"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Bestand(en) openen"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Binnen de door u geselecteerde bestanden zijn een of meer projectbestanden aangetroffen. U kunt slechts één projectbestand tegelijk openen. Het wordt aangeraden alleen modellen uit deze bestanden te importeren. Wilt u verdergaan?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Allemaal als model importeren"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Bestand"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "&Selectie Opslaan naar Bestand"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "A&lles Opslaan"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "Opslaan &als..."
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Project opslaan"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "B&ewerken"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "Beel&d"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "In&stellingen"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "&Printer"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Materiaal"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profiel"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Instellen als Actieve Extruder"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "E&xtensies"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "Voo&rkeuren"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Help"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Bestand Openen"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Weergavemodus"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Instellingen"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Bestand openen"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Nieuw project"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u een nieuw project wilt starten? Hiermee wordt het platform leeggemaakt en worden eventuele niet-opgeslagen instellingen verwijderd."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Werkruimte openen"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Bestand(en) openen"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Binnen de door u geselecteerde bestanden zijn een of meer G-code-bestanden aangetroffen. U kunt maximaal één G-code-bestand tegelijk openen. Selecteer maximaal één bestand als u dit wilt openen als G-code-bestand."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Project opslaan"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Extruder %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 &materiaal"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Bij opnieuw opslaan projectsamenvatting niet weergeven"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Vulling"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Hol"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Zonder vulling (0%) blijft uw model hol, wat ten koste gaat van de sterkte"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Licht"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Met lichte vulling (20%) krijgt uw model een gemiddelde sterkte"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Dicht"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Met een dichte vulling (50%) krijgt uw model een bovengemiddelde sterkte"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Solide"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Met solide vulling (100%) is uw model volledig massief"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Supportstructuur inschakelen"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Schakel het printen van een supportstructuur in. Een supportstructuur ondersteunt delen van het model met een zeer grote overhang."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "0%"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Zonder vulling blijft uw model hol en heeft deze weinig sterkte."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "20%"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Met lichte vulling (20%) krijgt uw model een gemiddelde sterkte."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "50%"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Met een dichte vulling (50%) krijgt uw model een bovengemiddelde sterkte."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "100%"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Met solide vulling (100%) is uw model volledig massief."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Geleidelijk"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Met geleidelijke vulling neemt de hoeveelheid vulling naar boven toe."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Support genereren"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Genereer structuren om delen van het model met overhang te ondersteunen. Zonder deze structuren zakken dergelijke delen in tijdens het printen."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Extruder voor supportstructuur"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Selecteren welke extruder voor support wordt gebruikt. Deze optie zorgt ervoor dat onder het model ondersteuning wordt geprint, om te voorkomen dat dit doorzakt of dat er midden in de lucht moet worden geprint."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Hechting aan platform"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Het printen van een brim of raft inschakelen. Deze optie zorgt ervoor dat er extra materiaal rondom of onder het object wordt neergelegd, dat er naderhand eenvoudig kan worden afgesneden."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Hulp nodig om betere prints te krijgen? Lees de <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a> (handleiding voor probleemoplossing)"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Hebt u hulp nodig om betere prints te krijgen?<br>Lees de <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a> (Handleiding voor probleemoplossing)"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Geselecteerd model printen met %1"
3477 msgstr[1] "Geselecteerde modellen printen met %1"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Projectbestand openen"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Dit is een Cura-projectbestand. Wilt u dit openen als project of de modellen eruit importeren?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Mijn keuze onthouden"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Openen als project"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Modellen importeren"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Materiaal"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Klik om de materiaalcompatibiliteit te controleren op"
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profiel:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Sommige waarden voor instellingen/overschrijvingen zijn anders dan de waarden die in het profiel zijn opgeslagen.\n\nKlik om het profielbeheer te openen."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Er kan geen nieuwe taak worden gestart. Er is geen PrintCore geladen in de sleuf {0}."
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "Versie-upgrade van 2.4 naar 2.5."
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Werkt configuraties bij van Cura 2.4 naar Cura 2.5."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Kan geen kwaliteitsprofiel vinden voor deze combinatie. In plaats daarvan worden de standaardinstellingen gebruikt."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Oeps!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Er is een fatale fout opgetreden die niet kan worden hersteld!</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Hopelijk komt u met de afbeelding van deze kitten wat bij van de schrik.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Gebruik de onderstaande informatie om een bugrapport te plaatsen op <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3563 #~ " "
3565 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3566 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3567 #~ msgstr "Voer hieronder de juiste instellingen voor uw printer in:"
3569 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3570 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3571 #~ msgstr "Extruder %1"
3573 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3574 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3575 #~ msgstr "Model printen met"
3577 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3578 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3579 #~ msgstr "U moet de toepassing opnieuw opstarten voordat de taalwijzigingen van kracht worden."
3581 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3582 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3583 #~ msgstr "Verplaatst de camera zodanig dat wanneer een model wordt geselecteerd, het model in het midden van het beeld wordt weergegeven"
3585 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3586 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3587 #~ msgstr "&Selectie Verwijderen"
3589 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3590 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3591 #~ msgstr "Bestand &Openen..."
3593 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3594 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3595 #~ msgstr "Project &openen..."
3597 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3598 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3599 #~ msgstr "Model verveelvoudigen"
3601 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3602 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3603 #~ msgstr "A&lles Opslaan"
3605 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3606 #~ msgid "Open file"
3607 #~ msgstr "Bestand openen"
3609 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3610 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3611 #~ msgstr "Werkruimte openen"
3613 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3614 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3615 #~ msgstr "Hol"
3617 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3618 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3619 #~ msgstr "Zonder vulling (0%) blijft uw model hol, wat ten koste gaat van de sterkte"
3621 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3622 #~ msgid "Light"
3623 #~ msgstr "Licht"
3625 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3626 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3627 #~ msgstr "Met lichte vulling (20%) krijgt uw model een gemiddelde sterkte"
3629 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3630 #~ msgid "Dense"
3631 #~ msgstr "Dicht"
3633 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3634 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3635 #~ msgstr "Met een dichte vulling (50%) krijgt uw model een bovengemiddelde sterkte"
3637 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3638 #~ msgid "Solid"
3639 #~ msgstr "Solide"
3641 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3642 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3643 #~ msgstr "Met solide vulling (100%) is uw model volledig massief"
3645 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3646 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3647 #~ msgstr "Supportstructuur inschakelen"
3649 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3650 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3651 #~ msgstr "Schakel het printen van een supportstructuur in. Een supportstructuur ondersteunt delen van het model met een zeer grote overhang."
3653 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3654 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3655 #~ msgstr "Hulp nodig om betere prints te krijgen? Lees de <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a> (handleiding voor probleemoplossing)"
3657 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993658 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003659 #~ msgstr "Via het netwerk verbonden met {0}. Keur de toegangsaanvraag goed op de printer."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: nl\n"
12 "Language-Team: Dutch\n"
13 "Language: Dutch\n"
14 "Lang-Code: nl\n"
15 "Country-Code: NL\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "De extruder train die voor het printen wordt gebruikt. Deze wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Nozzlediameter"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "De binnendiameter van de nozzle. Wijzig deze instelling wanneer u een nozzle gebruikt die geen standaardformaat heeft."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
144155 #: fdmextruder.def.json
145156 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
146157 msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
147 msgstr "De Z-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimet aan het begin van het printen."
158 msgstr "De Z-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimed aan het begin van het printen."
149160 #: fdmextruder.def.json
150161 msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
164175 #: fdmextruder.def.json
165176 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
166177 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
167 msgstr "De X-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimet aan het begin van het printen."
178 msgstr "De X-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimed aan het begin van het printen."
169180 #: fdmextruder.def.json
170181 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
174185 #: fdmextruder.def.json
175186 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
176187 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
177 msgstr "De Y-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimet aan het begin van het printen."
188 msgstr "De Y-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimed aan het begin van het printen."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: nl\n"
12 "Language-Team: Dutch\n"
13 "Language: Dutch\n"
14 "Lang-Code: nl\n"
15 "Country-Code: NL\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Breedte van een enkele lijn van de verbindingsstructuur."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Breedte van een enkele lijn van het supportdak of de supportvloer."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Lijnbreedte supportdak"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Breedte van een enkele lijn van het supportdak."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Lijnbreedte supportvloer"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Breedte van een enkele lijn van de supportvloer."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Een lijst met gehele getallen voor lijnrichtingen die moet worden gebruikt. Elementen uit de lijst worden tijdens het printen van de lagen opeenvolgend gebruikt. Wanneer het einde van de lijst bereikt is, wordt deze weer van voren af aan gestart. De lijstitems zijn gescheiden door komma's en de hele lijst is binnen vierkante haken geplaatst. Standaard wordt een lege lijst gebruikt, wat inhoudt dat de traditionele standaardhoeken (45 en 135 graden voor het lijn- en zigzagpatroon en 45 voor alle andere patronen) worden gebruikt."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Kubische onderverdeling straal"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Een vermenigvuldiging van de straal vanuit het midden van elk blok om de rand van het model te detecteren, om te bepalen of het blok moet worden onderverdeeld. Een hogere waarde leidt tot meer onderverdelingen en dus tot kleinere blokken."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Spaghettivulling"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Print af en toe een deel vulling zodat het filament willekeurig opkrult binnen het object. Hiermee wordt de printtijd verkort. Het gedrag is echter nogal onvoorspelbaar."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Maximale hoek spaghettivulling"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "De maximale hoek ten opzichte van de Z-as van de binnenzijde van de print voor gedeelten die naderhand met spaghettivulling moeten worden gevuld. Wanneer deze waarde wordt verlaagd, worden er op elke laag meer hoekdelen gevuld."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Maximale hoogte spaghettivulling"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "De maximale hoogte van binnenruimte die kan worden gecombineerd en van bovenaf kan worden gevuld."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Spaghetti-uitsparing"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "De offset van de wanden van waaruit de spaghettivulling wordt geprint."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Spaghettidoorvoer"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Past de dichtheid van de spaghettivulling aan. Houd er rekening mee dat de vuldichtheid alleen invloed heeft op de ruimte tussen de lijnen van het vulpatroon, niet op de hoeveelheid doorvoer voor spaghettivulling."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Bovenskin uitbreiden"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Bovenskin uitbreiden naar vulling"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
12211282 msgstr "Breid bovenskingebieden (gebieden waarboven zich lucht bevindt) uit, zodat deze de bovenliggende vulling ondersteunen."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Onderskin uitbreiden"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Onderskin uitbreiden naar vulling"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
12311292 msgstr "Breid onderskingebieden (gebieden waaronder zich lucht bevindt) uit, zodat deze worden verankerd door de boven- en onderliggende vullagen."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14281489 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14291490 msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
14301491 msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
1431 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging wordt ingetrokken en geprimet."
1492 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging wordt ingetrokken en geprimed."
14331494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14341495 msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
14481509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14491510 msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
14501511 msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
1451 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging wordt geprimet."
1512 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging wordt geprimed."
14531514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14541515 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
15381599 #: fdmprinter.def.json
15391600 msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
15401601 msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
1541 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging na het wisselen van de nozzles wordt geprimet."
1602 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee het filament tijdens een intrekbeweging na het wisselen van de nozzles wordt geprimed."
15431604 #: fdmprinter.def.json
15441605 msgctxt "speed label"
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee de supportdaken en -bodems worden geprint. Als u deze langzamer print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee de supportdaken en -vloeren worden geprint. Als u deze langzamer print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Snelheid supportdak"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee de supportdaken worden geprint. Als u deze langzamer print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Snelheid supportvloer"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "De snelheid waarmee de supportvloer wordt geprint. Als u deze langzamer print, hecht het supportmateriaal beter aan de bovenzijde van het model."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "De acceleratie tijdens het printen van de supportdaken en -bodems. Als u deze met een lagere acceleratie print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "De acceleratie tijdens het printen van de supportdaken en -vloeren. Als u deze met een lagere acceleratie print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Acceleratie supportdak"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "De acceleratie tijdens het printen van de supportdaken. Als u deze met een lagere acceleratie print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Acceleratie supportvloer"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "De acceleratie tijdens het printen van de supportvloeren. Als u deze met een lagere acceleratie print, hecht het supportmateriaal beter aan de bovenzijde van het model."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "De maximale onmiddellijke snelheidsverandering tijdens het printen van de supportdaken- en bodems."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2102 msgstr "De maximale onmiddellijke snelheidsverandering tijdens het printen van de supportdaken en -vloeren."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Schok supportdak"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "De maximale onmiddellijke snelheidsverandering tijdens het printen van de supportdaken."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Schok supportvloer"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "De maximale onmiddellijke snelheidsverandering tijdens het printen van de supportvloeren."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Supportstructuur Inschakelen"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Support genereren"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Schakel het printen van een supportstructuur in. Een supportstructuur ondersteunt delen van het model met een zeer grote overhang."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Genereer structuren om delen van het model met overhang te ondersteunen. Zonder deze structuren zakken dergelijke delen in tijdens het printen."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "De extruder train die wordt gebruikt voor het printen van de daken en bodems van de supportstructuur. Deze optie wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "De extruder train die wordt gebruikt voor het printen van de daken en vloeren van de supportstructuur. Deze optie wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Extruder supportdak"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "De extruder train die wordt gebruikt voor het printen van de supportdaken. Deze optie wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Extruder supportvloer"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "De extruder train die wordt gebruikt voor het printen van de supportvloeren. Deze optie wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "De hoogte van de treden van het trapvormige grondvlak van de supportstructuur die op het model rust. Wanneer u een lage waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur minder gemakkelijk worden verwijderd. Wanneer u echter een te hoge waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur instabiel worden."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "De hoogte van de treden van het trapvormige grondvlak van de supportstructuur die op het model rust. Wanneer u een lage waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur minder gemakkelijk worden verwijderd. Wanneer u echter een te hoge waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur instabiel worden. Stel deze waarde in op nul om het trapvormige gedrag uit te schakelen."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Maximale breedte traptreden supportstructuur"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "De maximale breedte van de treden van het trapvormige grondvlak van de supportstructuur die op het model rust. Wanneer u een lage waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur minder gemakkelijk worden verwijderd. Wanneer u echter een te hoge waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur instabiel worden."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Hiermee maakt u een dichte verbindingsstructuur tussen het model en de supportstructuur. Er wordt een skin gemaakt aan de bovenkant van de supportstructuur waarop het model wordt geprint en op de bodem van de supportstructuur waar dit op het model rust."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Supportdak inschakelen"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Genereer een dichte materiaallaag tussen de bovenzijde van de supportstructuur en het model. Hierdoor wordt een skin gemaakt tussen het model en de supportstructuur."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Supportvloer inschakelen"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Genereer een dichte materiaallaag tussen de onderzijde van de supportstructuur en het model. Hierdoor wordt een skin gemaakt tussen het model en de supportstructuur."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Dikte Verbindingsstructuur"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Dikte Supportbodem"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Dikte supportvloer"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "De dikte van de supportbodems. Hiermee wordt het aantal dichte lagen bepaald dat wordt geprint op plekken van een model waarop een supportstructuur rust."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "De dikte van de supportvloeren. Hiermee wordt het aantal dichte lagen bepaald dat wordt geprint op plekken van een model waarop een supportstructuur rust."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Maak, tijdens het controleren waar zich boven de supportstructuur delen van het model bevinden, treden van de opgegeven hoogte. Lagere waarden slicen lager, terwijl door hogere waarden mogelijk normale supportstructuur wordt geprint op plekken waar een verbindingsstructuur had moeten zijn."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Maak treden van de opgegeven hoogte tijdens het controleren waar zich boven en onder de supportstructuur delen van het model bevinden. Lagere waarden slicen lager, terwijl door hogere waarden mogelijk normale supportstructuur wordt geprint op plekken waar een verbindingsstructuur had moeten zijn."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Hiermee past u de dichtheid van de daken en bodems van de supportstructuur aan. Met een hogere waarde krijgt u een betere overhang, maar is de supportstructuur moeilijker te verwijderen."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Lijnafstand Verbindingsstructuur"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "De afstand tussen de geprinte lijnen van de verbindingsstructuur. Deze instelling wordt berekend op basis van de dichtheid van de verbindingsstructuur, maar kan onafhankelijk worden aangepast."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Past de dichtheid van de daken en vloeren van de supportstructuur aan. Met een hogere waarde krijgt u een betere overhang, maar is de supportstructuur moeilijker te verwijderen."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Dichtheid supportdak"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "De dichtheid van de daken van de supportstructuur. Met een hogere waarde krijgt u een betere overhang, maar is de supportstructuur moeilijker te verwijderen."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Lijnafstand supportdak"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "De afstand tussen de geprinte lijnen van het supportdak. Deze instelling wordt berekend op basis van de dichtheid van het supportdak, maar kan onafhankelijk worden aangepast."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Dichtheid supportvloer"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "De dichtheid van de vloeren van de supportstructuur. Met een hogere waarde hecht het supportmateriaal beter aan de bovenzijde van het model."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Lijnafstand supportvloer"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "De afstand tussen de geprinte lijnen van de supportvloer. Deze instelling wordt berekend op basis van de dichtheid van de supportvloer, maar kan onafhankelijk worden aangepast."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zigzag"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Patroon supportdak"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Het patroon waarmee de daken van de supportstructuur worden geprint."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Lijnen"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Raster"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Driehoeken"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Concentrisch"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Concentrisch 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zigzag"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Patroon supportvloer"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Het patroon waarmee de vloeren van de supportstructuur worden geprint."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Lijnen"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Raster"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Driehoeken"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Concentrisch"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Concentrisch 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zigzag"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Pijlers Gebruiken"
27363017 msgstr "Hechting"
27383019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "Primeblob inschakelen"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Hiermee bepaalt u of het filament voor het printen met een blob wordt geprimed. Met het inschakelen van deze instelling wordt verzekerd dat er vanuit de extruder materiaal bij de nozzle beschikbaar is voordat het printen start. Het printen van een brim of skirt kan tevens fungeren als primen. In dat geval kan door het uitschakelen van deze instelling tijd worden bespaard."
3029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
27403031 msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
27413032 msgstr "X-positie voor Primen Extruder"
27433034 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27443035 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
27453036 msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
2746 msgstr "De X-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimet aan het begin van het printen."
3037 msgstr "De X-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimed aan het begin van het printen."
27483039 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27493040 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
27533044 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27543045 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
27553046 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
2756 msgstr "De Y-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimet aan het begin van het printen."
3047 msgstr "De Y-coördinaat van de positie waar filament in de nozzle wordt geprimed aan het begin van het printen."
27583049 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27593050 msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
34083699 msgstr "Hiermee wordt bepaald welk vulraster wordt gebruikt binnen de vulling van een ander vulraster. Met een vulraster dat voorrang heeft, wordt de vulling van andere vulrasters en normale rasters aangepast."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Snijdend raster"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Beperk het volume van dit raster binnen andere rasters. U kunt dit gebruiken om bepaalde delen van een raster met andere instellingen en met een andere extruder te printen."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Matrijs"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Print modellen als matrijs, die vervolgens kan worden gegoten om een model te krijgen dat lijkt op de modellen op het platform."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Minimale matrijsbreedte"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "De minimale afstand tussen de buitenzijde van de matrijs en de buitenzijde van het model."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Dakhoogte matrijs"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "De hoogte die in de matrijs moet worden geprint boven de horizontale delen in het model."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Matrijshoek"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "De hoek van de overhang van de buitenwanden die voor de matrijs worden gemaakt. Met 0° is de buitenshell van de matrijs verticaal, terwijl met 90° de buitenzijde van de matrijs de contouren van het model volgt."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Supportstructuur raster"
34183759 msgstr "Gebruik dit raster om steunvlakken op te geven. Deze functie kan worden gebruikt om supportstructuur te genereren."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Supportraster verlagen"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Maak overal onder het supportraster support zodat er in het supportraster geen overhang is."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Raster tegen overhang"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Met spiraliseren wordt de Z-beweging van de buitenrand vloeiender. Hierdoor ontstaat een geleidelijke Z-verhoging over de hele print. Met deze functie maakt u van een massief model een enkelwandige print met een solide bodem. In oudere versies heet deze functie 'Joris'."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Met spiraliseren wordt de Z-beweging van de buitenrand vloeiender. Hierdoor ontstaat een geleidelijke Z-verhoging over de hele print. Met deze functie maakt u van een massief model een enkelwandige print met een solide bodem. Deze functie dient alleen te worden ingeschakeld wanneer elke laag uit een enkel deel bestaat."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Gespiraliseerde contouren effenen"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Maak de gespiraliseerde contouren vlak om de zichtbaarheid van de Z-naad te verminderen (de Z-naad mag in de print nauwelijks zichtbaar zijn, maar is nog wel zichtbaar in de laagweergave). Houd er rekening mee dat fijne oppervlaktedetails worden vervaagd door het effenen."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Omzettingsmatrix die moet worden toegepast op het model wanneer dit wordt geladen vanuit een bestand."
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Breedte van een enkele lijn van de verbindingsstructuur."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Kubische onderverdeling straal"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Een vermenigvuldiging van de straal vanuit het midden van elk blok om de rand van het model te detecteren, om te bepalen of het blok moet worden onderverdeeld. Een hogere waarde leidt tot meer onderverdelingen en dus tot kleinere blokken."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Bovenskin uitbreiden"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Breid bovenskingebieden (gebieden waarboven zich lucht bevindt) uit, zodat deze de bovenliggende vulling ondersteunen."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Onderskin uitbreiden"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Breid onderskingebieden (gebieden waaronder zich lucht bevindt) uit, zodat deze worden verankerd door de boven- en onderliggende vullagen."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "De snelheid waarmee de supportdaken en -bodems worden geprint. Als u deze langzamer print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "De acceleratie tijdens het printen van de supportdaken en -bodems. Als u deze met een lagere acceleratie print, wordt de kwaliteit van de overhang verbeterd."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "De maximale onmiddellijke snelheidsverandering tijdens het printen van de supportdaken- en bodems."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Supportstructuur Inschakelen"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Schakel het printen van een supportstructuur in. Een supportstructuur ondersteunt delen van het model met een zeer grote overhang."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "De extruder train die wordt gebruikt voor het printen van de daken en bodems van de supportstructuur. Deze optie wordt gebruikt in meervoudige doorvoer."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "De hoogte van de treden van het trapvormige grondvlak van de supportstructuur die op het model rust. Wanneer u een lage waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur minder gemakkelijk worden verwijderd. Wanneer u echter een te hoge waarde invoert, kan de supportstructuur instabiel worden."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Dikte Supportbodem"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "De dikte van de supportbodems. Hiermee wordt het aantal dichte lagen bepaald dat wordt geprint op plekken van een model waarop een supportstructuur rust."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Maak, tijdens het controleren waar zich boven de supportstructuur delen van het model bevinden, treden van de opgegeven hoogte. Lagere waarden slicen lager, terwijl door hogere waarden mogelijk normale supportstructuur wordt geprint op plekken waar een verbindingsstructuur had moeten zijn."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Hiermee past u de dichtheid van de daken en bodems van de supportstructuur aan. Met een hogere waarde krijgt u een betere overhang, maar is de supportstructuur moeilijker te verwijderen."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Lijnafstand Verbindingsstructuur"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "De afstand tussen de geprinte lijnen van de verbindingsstructuur. Deze instelling wordt berekend op basis van de dichtheid van de verbindingsstructuur, maar kan onafhankelijk worden aangepast."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Met spiraliseren wordt de Z-beweging van de buitenrand vloeiender. Hierdoor ontstaat een geleidelijke Z-verhoging over de hele print. Met deze functie maakt u van een massief model een enkelwandige print met een solide bodem. In oudere versies heet deze functie 'Joris'."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "De temperatuur waarmee wordt geprint. Stel deze optie in op 0 om de printer handmatig voor te verwarmen."
0 # Portuguese translation for Cura.
1 # Copyright (C) 2016, 2017
0 # Cura
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # FIRST AUTHOR <>, 2016.
4 # SECOND AUTHOR <>, 2017.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
54 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-09 18:00-0300\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-13 18:20-0300\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Cláudio Sampaio <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
14 "Language: ptbr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Cláudio Sampaio <> and CoderSquirrel <>\n"
13 "Language: Brazillian Portuguese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: pt\n"
15 "Country-Code: BR\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2728 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2829 msgstr "Permite mudar ajustes da máquina (tais como volume de construção, tamanho do bico, etc)"
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
31 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3132 msgctxt "@action"
3233 msgid "Machine Settings"
3334 msgstr "Ajustes da Máquina"
128129 msgid "Show Changelog"
129130 msgstr "Mostrar registro de alterações"
132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
133 msgctxt "@label"
134 msgid "Profile flatener"
135 msgstr "Achatador de Perfil"
137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
138 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
139 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
140 msgstr "Faz um perfil plano com as mudanças de qualidade."
142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
143 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
144 msgid "Flatten active settings"
145 msgstr "Achatar os ajustes ativos"
147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
148 msgctxt "@info:status"
149 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
150 msgstr "O perfil foi achatado & ativado."
131152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
132153 msgctxt "@label"
133154 msgid "USB printing"
158179 msgid "Connected via USB"
159180 msgstr "Conectado via USB"
161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
162183 msgctxt "@info:status"
163184 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
164185 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar novo trabalho porque a impressora está ocupada ou não conectada."
166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
167188 msgctxt "@info:status"
168189 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
169190 msgstr "Esta impressora não suporta impressão USB porque usa G-Code UltiGCode."
171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
172193 msgctxt "@info:status"
173194 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
174195 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho porque a impressora não suporta impressão USB."
205226 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
206227 msgstr "Salvar em Unidade Removível {0}"
208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
209230 #, python-brace-format
210231 msgctxt "@info:progress"
211232 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
212233 msgstr "Salvando em Unidade Removível <filename>{0}</filename>"
214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
215 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
216237 #, python-brace-format
217238 msgctxt "@info:status"
218239 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219240 msgstr "Incapaz de salvar para <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
222243 #, python-brace-format
223244 msgctxt "@info:status"
224245 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
225246 msgstr "Salvo em Unidade Removível {0} como {1}"
227 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228249 msgctxt "@action:button"
229250 msgid "Eject"
230251 msgstr "Ejetar"
232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
233254 #, python-brace-format
234255 msgctxt "@action"
235256 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
236257 msgstr "Ejetar dispositivo removível {0}"
238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
239260 #, python-brace-format
240261 msgctxt "@info:status"
241262 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
242263 msgstr "Não foi possível salvar em unidade removível {0}: {1}"
244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
245266 #, python-brace-format
246267 msgctxt "@info:status"
247268 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
248269 msgstr "{0} ejetado. A unidade agora pode ser removida de forma segura."
250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
271 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
251272 #, python-brace-format
252273 msgctxt "@info:status"
253274 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
327348 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
328349 msgstr "Envia pedido de acesso à impressora"
330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
331352 msgctxt "@info:status"
332353 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
333354 msgstr "Conectado pela rede. Por favor aprove a requisição de acesso na impressora."
335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
336357 msgctxt "@info:status"
337358 msgid "Connected over the network."
338359 msgstr "Conectado pela rede."
340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
341362 msgctxt "@info:status"
342363 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
343364 msgstr "Conectado pela rede. Sem acesso para controlar a impressora."
345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
346367 msgctxt "@info:status"
347368 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
348369 msgstr "Pedido de acesso foi negado na impressora."
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
351372 msgctxt "@info:status"
352373 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
353374 msgstr "Pedido de acesso falhou devido a tempo esgotado."
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
356377 msgctxt "@info:status"
357378 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
358379 msgstr "A conexão à rede foi perdida."
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
361382 msgctxt "@info:status"
362383 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
363384 msgstr "A conexão com a impressora foi perdida. Verifique se sua impressora está conectada."
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
366387 #, python-format
367388 msgctxt "@info:status"
368389 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
369390 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho de impressão, a impressora está ocupada. O estado atual da impressora é %s."
371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
372393 #, python-brace-format
373394 msgctxt "@info:status"
374 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
375 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho de impressão. Não há PrinterCore carregado no slot {0}"
377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
395 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
396 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho de impressão. Nenhum Printcore carregado no slot {0}"
398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
378399 #, python-brace-format
379400 msgctxt "@info:status"
380401 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
381402 msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho de impressão. Não há material carregado no slot {0}"
383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
384405 #, python-brace-format
385406 msgctxt "@label"
386407 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
387408 msgstr "Não há material suficiente para o carretel {0}."
389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
390411 #, python-brace-format
391412 msgctxt "@label"
392413 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
393414 msgstr "PrintCore diferente (Cura: {0}, Impressora: {1}) selecionado para o extrusor {2}"
395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
396417 #, python-brace-format
397418 msgctxt "@label"
398419 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
399420 msgstr "Material diferente (Cura: {0}, Impressora: {1}) selecionado para o extrusor {2}"
401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
402423 #, python-brace-format
403424 msgctxt "@label"
404425 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
405426 msgstr "PrintCore {0} não está calibrado corretamente. A calibração XY precisa ser executada na impressora."
407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
428 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
408429 msgctxt "@label"
409430 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
410431 msgstr "Tem certeza que quer imprimir com a configuração selecionada?"
412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
413434 msgctxt "@label"
414435 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
415436 msgstr "Há divergências entre a configuração ou calibração da impressora e do Cura. Para melhores resultados, sempre fatie com os PrintCores e materiais que estão carregados em sua impressora."
417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
418439 msgctxt "@window:title"
419440 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
420441 msgstr "Configuração divergente"
422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
423444 msgctxt "@info:status"
424445 msgid "Sending data to printer"
425446 msgstr "Enviando dados à impressora"
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
428449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
429450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
430451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
431452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
435456 msgctxt "@action:button"
436457 msgid "Cancel"
437458 msgstr "Cancelar"
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
440461 msgctxt "@info:status"
441462 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
442463 msgstr "Incapaz de enviar dados à impressora. Há outro trabalho de impressão ativo?"
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
445 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
446467 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
447468 msgid "Aborting print..."
448469 msgstr "Abortando impressão..."
450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
451472 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
452473 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
453474 msgstr "Impressão abortada. Por favor verifique a impressora"
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
456477 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
457478 msgid "Pausing print..."
458479 msgstr "Pausando impressão..."
460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
481 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
461482 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
462483 msgid "Resuming print..."
463484 msgstr "Continuando impressão..."
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
486 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
466487 msgctxt "@window:title"
467488 msgid "Sync with your printer"
468489 msgstr "Sincronizar com a impressora"
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
491 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
471492 msgctxt "@label"
472493 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
473494 msgstr "Deseja usar a configuração atual de sua impressora no Cura?"
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
496 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
476497 msgctxt "@label"
477498 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
478499 msgstr "Os PrintCores e/ou materiais na sua impressora divergem dos de seu projeto atual. Para melhores resultados, sempre fatie para os PrintCores e materiais que estão carregados em sua impressora."
526547 msgid "Dismiss"
527548 msgstr "Fechar"
529 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
530551 msgctxt "@label"
531552 msgid "Material Profiles"
532553 msgstr "Perfis de Material"
534 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
535556 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
536557 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
537558 msgstr "Permite ler e escrever perfis de material baseado em XML."
582603 msgid "Layers"
583604 msgstr "Camadas"
585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
586607 msgctxt "@info:status"
587608 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
588609 msgstr "O Cura não mostra as camadas corretamente quando Impressão em Arame estiver habilitada"
590 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
591 msgctxt "@label"
592 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
593 msgstr "Atualizar versão 2.4 para 2.5"
595 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
612 msgctxt "@label"
613 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
614 msgstr "Atualização de Versão de 2.5 para 2.6"
616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
596617 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
597 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
598 msgstr "Atualiza as configurações do Cura 2.4 para o Cura 2.5"
618 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
619 msgstr "Atualiza configurações do Cura 2.5 para Cura 2.6."
600621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
601622 msgctxt "@label"
610631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade22to24/
611632 msgctxt "@label"
612633 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.2 to 2.4"
613 msgstr "Atualização de versão do 2.2 para 2.4"
634 msgstr "Atualização de versão de 2.2 para 2.4"
615636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade22to24/
616637 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
652673 msgid "GIF Image"
653674 msgstr "Imagem GIF"
655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
657678 msgctxt "@info:status"
658679 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
659680 msgstr "O material selecionado é incompatível com a máquina ou configuração selecionada."
661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
682 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
662683 #, python-brace-format
663684 msgctxt "@info:status"
664685 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
665686 msgstr "Incapaz de fatiar com os ajustes atuais. Os seguintes ajustes têm erros: {0}"
667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
668689 msgctxt "@info:status"
669690 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
670691 msgstr "Incapaz de fatiar porque a torre de purga ou posição de purga são inválidas."
672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
693 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
673694 msgctxt "@info:status"
674695 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
675696 msgstr "Nada a fatiar porque nenhum dos modelos cabe no volume de impressão. Por favor redimensione ou rotacione os modelos para caberem."
684705 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
685706 msgstr "Proporciona a ligação da interface com o backend de fatiamento CuraEngine."
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
689710 msgctxt "@info:status"
690711 msgid "Processing Layers"
691712 msgstr "Processando Camadas"
710731 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
711732 msgstr "Configurar ajustes por Modelo"
713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
715736 msgctxt "@title:tab"
716737 msgid "Recommended"
717738 msgstr "Recomendado"
719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
721742 msgctxt "@title:tab"
722743 msgid "Custom"
723744 msgstr "Personalizado"
725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
726747 msgctxt "@label"
727748 msgid "3MF Reader"
728749 msgstr "Leitor de 3MF"
730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
731752 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
732753 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
733754 msgstr "Provê suporte à leitura de arquivos 3MF."
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
757 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
737758 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
738759 msgid "3MF File"
739760 msgstr "Arquivo 3MF"
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
763 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
743764 msgctxt "@label"
744765 msgid "Nozzle"
745766 msgstr "Bico"
774795 msgid "G File"
775796 msgstr "Arquivo G"
777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
778799 msgctxt "@info:status"
779800 msgid "Parsing G-code"
780801 msgstr "Interpretando G-Code"
803 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
804 msgctxt "@info:generic"
805 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
806 msgstr "Assegure que o g-code é adequado para sua impressora e configuração antes de enviar o arquivo. A representação de g-code pode não ser acurada."
782808 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
783809 msgctxt "@label"
795821 msgid "Cura Profile"
796822 msgstr "Perfil do Cura"
798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
824 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
799825 msgctxt "@label"
800826 msgid "3MF Writer"
801827 msgstr "Gerador 3MF"
803 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
829 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
804830 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
805831 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
806832 msgstr "Provê suporte para escrever arquivos 3MF."
808 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
809835 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
810836 msgid "3MF file"
811837 msgstr "Arquivo 3MF"
813 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
839 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
814840 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
815841 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
816842 msgstr "Arquivo de Projeto 3MF do Cura"
818 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
819 msgctxt "@label"
820 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
821 msgstr "Ações de máquina Ultimaker"
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
824 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
825 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
826 msgstr "Provê ações de máquina para impressoras Ultimaker (tais como assistente de nivelamento de mesa, seleção de atualizações, etc.)"
844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
828845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
829846 msgctxt "@action"
830847 msgid "Select upgrades"
831848 msgstr "Selecionar Atualizações"
850 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
851 msgctxt "@label"
852 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
853 msgstr "Ações de máquina Ultimaker"
855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
856 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
857 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
858 msgstr "Provê ações de máquina para impressoras Ultimaker (tais como assistente de nivelamento de mesa, seleção de atualizações, etc.)"
833860 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
834861 msgctxt "@action"
835862 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
855882 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
856883 msgstr "Provê suporte para importar perfis do Cura."
858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
859886 #, python-brace-format
860887 msgctxt "@label"
861888 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
871898 msgid "Unknown material"
872899 msgstr "Material desconhecido"
874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
875 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
902 msgctxt "@info:status"
903 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
904 msgstr "Achando novos lugares para objetos"
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
908 msgctxt "@info:status"
909 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
910 msgstr "Incapaz de achar um lugar dentro do volume de construção para todos os objetos"
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
876914 msgctxt "@title:window"
877915 msgid "File Already Exists"
878916 msgstr "O Arquivo Já Existe"
880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
882920 #, python-brace-format
883921 msgctxt "@label"
884922 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
885923 msgstr "O arquivo <filename>{0}</filename> já existe. Tem certeza que quer sobrescrevê-lo?"
887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
888 msgctxt "@info:status"
889 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
890 msgstr "Incapaz de encontrar um perfil de qualidade para esta combinação. Ajustes default serão usados no lugar."
892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
927 msgctxt "@label"
928 msgid "Custom"
929 msgstr "Personalizado"
931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
932 msgctxt "@label"
933 msgid "Custom Material"
934 msgstr "Material Personalizado"
936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
893937 #, python-brace-format
894938 msgctxt "@info:status"
895939 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896940 msgstr "Falha na exportação de perfil para <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
899943 #, python-brace-format
900944 msgctxt "@info:status"
901945 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
902946 msgstr "Falha na exportação de perfil para <filename>{0}</filename>: Complemento de gravação acusou falha."
904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
948 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
905949 #, python-brace-format
906950 msgctxt "@info:status"
907951 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
908952 msgstr "Perfil exportado para <filename>{0}</filename>"
910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912958 #, python-brace-format
913959 msgctxt "@info:status"
914960 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915961 msgstr "Falha na importação de perfil de <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
919965 #, python-brace-format
920966 msgctxt "@info:status"
921967 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
922968 msgstr "Perfil {0} importado com sucesso"
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
970 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925971 #, python-brace-format
926972 msgctxt "@info:status"
927973 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
928974 msgstr "O Perfil {0} tem tipo de arquivo desconhecido ou está corrompido."
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931977 msgctxt "@label"
932978 msgid "Custom profile"
933979 msgstr "Perfil personalizado"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
982 msgctxt "@info:status"
983 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
984 msgstr "Falta um tipo de qualidade ao Perfil."
986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
987 #, python-brace-format
988 msgctxt "@info:status"
989 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
990 msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar tipo de qualidade {0} para a configuração atual."
992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
936993 msgctxt "@info:status"
937994 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
938995 msgstr "A altura do volume de impressão foi reduzida para que o valor da \"Sequência de Impressão\" impeça o eixo de colidir com os modelos impressos."
940 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
998 msgctxt "@info:status"
999 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
1000 msgstr "Multiplicando e colocando objetos"
1002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9411003 msgctxt "@title:window"
942 msgid "Oops!"
943 msgstr "Oops!"
945 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1004 msgid "Crash Report"
1005 msgstr "Relatório de Quebra"
1007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9461008 msgctxt "@label"
9471009 msgid ""
9481010 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
949 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9501011 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9511012 " "
9521013 msgstr ""
953 "<p>Uma exceção fatal ocorreu e não foi possível a recuperação deste estado!</p>\n"
954 " <p>Esperamos que esta figura de um gatinho te ajude a se recuperar do choque.</p>\n"
955 " <p>Por favor use a informação abaixo para postar um relatório de bug em <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
1014 "<p>Uma exceção fatal ocorreu e não foi possível haver recuperação!</p>\n"
1015 " <p>Por favor use a informação abaixo para publicar um relatório de erro em <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9561016 " "
958 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9591019 msgctxt "@action:button"
9601020 msgid "Open Web Page"
9611021 msgstr "Abrir Página Web"
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9641024 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9651025 msgid "Loading machines..."
9661026 msgstr "Carregando máquinas..."
968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9691029 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9701030 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9711031 msgstr "Configurando cena..."
973 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9741034 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9751035 msgid "Loading interface..."
9761036 msgstr "Carregando interface..."
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791039 #, python-format
9801040 msgctxt "@info"
9811041 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9821042 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851045 #, python-brace-format
9861046 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871047 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9881048 msgstr "Somente um arquivo G-Code pode ser carregado por vez. Pulando importação de {0}"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9911051 #, python-brace-format
9921052 msgctxt "@info:status"
9931053 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9941054 msgstr "Não é possível abrir nenhum outro arquivo se G-Code estiver sendo carregado. Pulando importação de {0}"
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1056 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9971057 msgctxt "@title"
9981058 msgid "Machine Settings"
9991059 msgstr "Ajustes da Máquina"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1002 msgctxt "@label"
1003 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1004 msgstr "Por favor introduza os ajustes corretos para sua impressora abaixo:"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1062 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1063 msgid "Printer"
1064 msgstr "Impressora"
1066 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10071067 msgctxt "@label"
10081068 msgid "Printer Settings"
10091069 msgstr "Ajustes da Impressora"
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1071 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10121072 msgctxt "@label"
10131073 msgid "X (Width)"
10141074 msgstr "X (anchura)"
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10251085 msgctxt "@label"
10261086 msgid "mm"
10271087 msgstr "mm"
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10301090 msgctxt "@label"
10311091 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10321092 msgstr "Y (Profundidade)"
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10351095 msgctxt "@label"
10361096 msgid "Z (Height)"
10371097 msgstr "Z (Altura)"
1039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10401100 msgctxt "@label"
10411101 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10421102 msgstr "Forma da Mesa"
1044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10451105 msgctxt "@option:check"
10461106 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10471107 msgstr "Centro da Mesa é Zero"
1049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10501110 msgctxt "@option:check"
10511111 msgid "Heated Bed"
10521112 msgstr "Mesa Aquecida"
1054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10551115 msgctxt "@label"
10561116 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10571117 msgstr "Tipo de G-Code"
1059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10601120 msgctxt "@label"
10611121 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10621122 msgstr "Ajustes da Cabeça de Impressão"
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10651125 msgctxt "@label"
10661126 msgid "X min"
10671127 msgstr "X mín."
1069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10701130 msgctxt "@label"
10711131 msgid "Y min"
10721132 msgstr "Y mín."
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10751135 msgctxt "@label"
10761136 msgid "X max"
10771137 msgstr "X máx."
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10801140 msgctxt "@label"
10811141 msgid "Y max"
10821142 msgstr "Y máx."
1084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10851145 msgctxt "@label"
10861146 msgid "Gantry height"
10871147 msgstr "Altura do eixo"
1089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1150 msgctxt "@label"
1151 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1152 msgstr "Número de Extrusores"
1154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1155 msgctxt "@label"
1156 msgid "Material Diameter"
1157 msgstr "Diâmetro do Material"
1159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10901161 msgctxt "@label"
10911162 msgid "Nozzle size"
10921163 msgstr "Tamanho do bico"
1094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10951166 msgctxt "@label"
10961167 msgid "Start Gcode"
10971168 msgstr "G-Code Inicial"
1099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
11001171 msgctxt "@label"
11011172 msgid "End Gcode"
11021173 msgstr "G-Code Final"
1175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1176 msgctxt "@label"
1177 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1178 msgstr "Ajustes do Bico"
1180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1181 msgctxt "@label"
1182 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1183 msgstr "Deslocamento X do Bico"
1185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1186 msgctxt "@label"
1187 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1188 msgstr "Deslocamento Y do Bico"
1190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1191 msgctxt "@label"
1192 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1193 msgstr "G-Code Inicial do Extrusor"
1195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1196 msgctxt "@label"
1197 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1198 msgstr "G-Code Final do Extrusor"
11041200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11051201 msgctxt "@title:window"
11071203 msgstr "Ajustes de Doodle3D"
11091205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11111207 msgctxt "@action:button"
11121208 msgid "Save"
11131209 msgstr "Salvar"
11341230 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
11351231 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
11361232 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-23 10:41-0300\n"
1137 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-23 13:30-0300\n"
1233 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-12 18:30-0300\n"
11381234 "Last-Translator: Cláudio Sampaio <>\n"
11391235 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
11401236 "Language: ptbr\n"
11611257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11621258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11631259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11651261 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11661262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11671263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12141310 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12151311 msgstr "Código de erro desconhecido: %1"
1217 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12181314 msgctxt "@title:window"
12191315 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12201316 msgstr "Conectar a Impressora de Rede"
1222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1318 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12231319 msgctxt "@label"
12241320 msgid ""
12251321 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12301326 "\n"
12311327 "Selecione sua impressora da lista abaixo:"
1233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12341330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12351331 msgctxt "@action:button"
12361332 msgid "Add"
12371333 msgstr "Adicionar"
1239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12401336 msgctxt "@action:button"
12411337 msgid "Edit"
12421338 msgstr "Editar"
1244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12451341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12461342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12481344 msgctxt "@action:button"
12491345 msgid "Remove"
12501346 msgstr "Remover"
1252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12531349 msgctxt "@action:button"
12541350 msgid "Refresh"
12551351 msgstr "Atualizar"
1257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12581354 msgctxt "@label"
12591355 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12601356 msgstr "Se a sua impressora não está listada, leia o <a href='%1'>guia de resolução de problemas em impressão de rede</a>"
1262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12631359 msgctxt "@label"
12641360 msgid "Type"
12651361 msgstr "Tipo"
1267 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12681364 msgctxt "@label"
12691365 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12701366 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12731369 msgctxt "@label"
12741370 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12751371 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
1277 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12781374 msgctxt "@label"
12791375 msgid "Unknown"
12801376 msgstr "Desconhecido"
1282 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12831379 msgctxt "@label"
12841380 msgid "Firmware version"
12851381 msgstr "Versão do firmware"
1287 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12881384 msgctxt "@label"
12891385 msgid "Address"
12901386 msgstr "Endereço"
1292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12931389 msgctxt "@label"
12941390 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12951391 msgstr "A impressora neste endereço ainda não respondeu."
1297 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12981394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12991395 msgctxt "@action:button"
13001396 msgid "Connect"
13011397 msgstr "Conectar"
1303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
13041400 msgctxt "@title:window"
13051401 msgid "Printer Address"
13061402 msgstr "Endereço da Impressora"
1308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13091405 msgctxt "@alabel"
13101406 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13111407 msgstr "Introduza o endereço IP ou hostname da sua impressora na rede."
1313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13141410 msgctxt "@action:button"
13151411 msgid "Ok"
13161412 msgstr "Ok"
13551451 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13561452 msgstr "Troca os scripts de pós-processamento ativos"
1358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13591455 msgctxt "@label"
13601456 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13611457 msgstr "Modo de Visão: Camadas"
1363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13641460 msgctxt "@label"
13651461 msgid "Color scheme"
13661462 msgstr "Esquema de Cores"
1368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13691465 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13701466 msgid "Material Color"
13711467 msgstr "Cor do Material"
1373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13741470 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13751471 msgid "Line Type"
13761472 msgstr "Tipo de Linha"
1378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13791475 msgctxt "@label"
13801476 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13811477 msgstr "Modo de Compatibilidade"
1383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1384 msgctxt "@label"
1385 msgid "Extruder %1"
1386 msgstr "Extrusor %1"
1388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13891480 msgctxt "@label"
13901481 msgid "Show Travels"
13911482 msgstr "Mostrar Viagens"
1393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13941485 msgctxt "@label"
13951486 msgid "Show Helpers"
13961487 msgstr "Mostrar Assistentes"
1398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13991490 msgctxt "@label"
14001491 msgid "Show Shell"
14011492 msgstr "Mostrar Perímetro"
1403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
14041495 msgctxt "@label"
14051496 msgid "Show Infill"
14061497 msgstr "Mostrar Preenchimento"
1408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14091500 msgctxt "@label"
14101501 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14111502 msgstr "Somente Mostrar Camadas Superiores"
1413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14141505 msgctxt "@label"
14151506 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14161507 msgstr "Mostrar 5 Camadas Superiores Detalhadas"
1418 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14191510 msgctxt "@label"
14201511 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14211512 msgstr "Topo / Base"
1423 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1514 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14241515 msgctxt "@label"
14251516 msgid "Inner Wall"
14261517 msgstr "Parede Interna"
14961587 msgstr "Suavização"
14981589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
15001590 msgctxt "@action:button"
15011591 msgid "OK"
15021592 msgstr "Ok"
1504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1505 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1506 msgid "Print model with"
1507 msgstr "Imprimir modelo com"
1509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15101595 msgctxt "@action:button"
15111596 msgid "Select settings"
15121597 msgstr "Selecionar ajustes"
1514 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15151600 msgctxt "@title:window"
15161601 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15171602 msgstr "Selecionar Ajustes a Personalizar para este modelo"
1519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1604 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15201605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1521 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15221606 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15231607 msgid "Filter..."
15241608 msgstr "Filtrar..."
1526 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15271611 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15281612 msgid "Show all"
15291613 msgstr "Mostrar tudo"
15331617 msgid "Open Project"
15341618 msgstr "Abrir Projeto"
1536 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15371621 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15381622 msgid "Update existing"
15391623 msgstr "Atualizar existente"
1541 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15421626 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15431627 msgid "Create new"
15441628 msgstr "Criar novo"
1546 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1547 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15481632 msgctxt "@action:title"
15491633 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15501634 msgstr "Resumo - Projeto do Cura"
1552 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15541638 msgctxt "@action:label"
15551639 msgid "Printer settings"
15561640 msgstr "Ajustes da impressora"
1558 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15591643 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15601644 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15611645 msgstr "Como o conflito na máquina deve ser resolvido?"
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15651649 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661650 msgid "Type"
15671651 msgstr "Tipo"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1572 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15741658 msgctxt "@action:label"
15751659 msgid "Name"
15761660 msgstr "Nome"
1578 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1662 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15801664 msgctxt "@action:label"
15811665 msgid "Profile settings"
15821666 msgstr "Ajustes de perfil"
1584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1668 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15851669 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15861670 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15871671 msgstr "Como o conflito no perfil deve ser resolvido?"
1589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1590 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1674 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15911675 msgctxt "@action:label"
15921676 msgid "Not in profile"
1593 msgstr "Não no perfil"
1595 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1596 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1677 msgstr "Ausente no perfil"
1679 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15971681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15981682 msgid "%1 override"
15991683 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
16001684 msgstr[0] "%1 sobrepujança"
16011685 msgstr[1] "%1 sobrepujanças"
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
16041688 msgctxt "@action:label"
16051689 msgid "Derivative from"
16061690 msgstr "Derivado de"
1608 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16091693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16101694 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16111695 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16121696 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 sobrepujança"
16131697 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 sobrepujanças"
1615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1699 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16161700 msgctxt "@action:label"
16171701 msgid "Material settings"
16181702 msgstr "Ajustes de material"
1620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16211705 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16221706 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16231707 msgstr "Como o conflito no material deve ser resolvido?"
1625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1710 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16271711 msgctxt "@action:label"
16281712 msgid "Setting visibility"
16291713 msgstr "Visibilidade dos ajustes"
1631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1715 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16321716 msgctxt "@action:label"
16331717 msgid "Mode"
16341718 msgstr "Modo"
1636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1721 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16381722 msgctxt "@action:label"
16391723 msgid "Visible settings:"
16401724 msgstr "Ajustes visíveis:"
1642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1643 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1726 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1727 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16441728 msgctxt "@action:label"
16451729 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16461730 msgstr "%1 de %2"
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1732 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16491733 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16501734 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16511735 msgstr "Carregar um projeto removerá todos os modelos da mesa de impressão"
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1737 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16541738 msgctxt "@action:button"
16551739 msgid "Open"
16561740 msgstr "Abrir"
1742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1743 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1744 msgctxt "@title"
1745 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1746 msgstr "Seleccionar Atualizações da Impressora"
1748 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1749 msgctxt "@label"
1750 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1751 msgstr "Por favor selecione quaisquer atualizações feitas nesta Ultimaker 2."
1753 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1754 msgctxt "@label"
1755 msgid "Olsson Block"
1756 msgstr "Bloco Olsson"
16581758 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16591759 msgctxt "@title"
17091809 msgctxt "@title:window"
17101810 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17111811 msgstr "Selecionar firmware personalizado"
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1714 msgctxt "@title"
1715 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1716 msgstr "Seleccionar Atualizações da Impressora"
17181813 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17191814 msgctxt "@label"
18291924 msgstr "A impressora não aceita comandos"
18311926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18331928 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18341929 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18351930 msgstr "Em manutenção. Por favor verifique a impressora"
18401935 msgstr "A conexão à impressora foi perdida"
18421937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18441939 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18451940 msgid "Printing..."
18461941 msgstr "Imprimindo..."
18481943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1944 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18501945 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18511946 msgid "Paused"
18521947 msgstr "Pausado"
18541949 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1855 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1950 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18561951 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18571952 msgid "Preparing..."
18581953 msgstr "Preparando..."
18871982 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18881983 msgstr "Tem certeza que deseja abortar a impressão?"
1890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18911986 msgctxt "@title:window"
18921987 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18931988 msgstr "Descartar ou Manter alterações"
1895 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18961991 msgctxt "@text:window"
18971992 msgid ""
18981993 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
19011996 "Você personalizou alguns ajustes de perfil.\n"
19021997 "Gostaria de manter ou descartar estes ajustes?"
1904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1999 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
19052000 msgctxt "@title:column"
19062001 msgid "Profile settings"
19072002 msgstr "Ajustes de perfil"
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
2004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
19102005 msgctxt "@title:column"
19112006 msgid "Default"
19122007 msgstr "Default"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2009 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19152010 msgctxt "@title:column"
19162011 msgid "Customized"
19172012 msgstr "Personalizado"
1919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19212016 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19222017 msgid "Always ask me this"
19232018 msgstr "Sempre perguntar"
1925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19272022 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19282023 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19292024 msgstr "Descartar e não perguntar novamente"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1932 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2027 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19332028 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19342029 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19352030 msgstr "Manter e não perguntar novamente"
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19382033 msgctxt "@action:button"
19392034 msgid "Discard"
19402035 msgstr "Descartar"
1942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19432038 msgctxt "@action:button"
19442039 msgid "Keep"
19452040 msgstr "Manter"
1947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2042 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19482043 msgctxt "@action:button"
19492044 msgid "Create New Profile"
19502045 msgstr "Criar Novo Perfil"
1952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19532048 msgctxt "@title"
19542049 msgid "Information"
19552050 msgstr "Informação"
1957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19582053 msgctxt "@label"
19592054 msgid "Display Name"
19602055 msgstr "Mostrar Nome"
1962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19632058 msgctxt "@label"
19642059 msgid "Brand"
19652060 msgstr "Marca"
1967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19682063 msgctxt "@label"
19692064 msgid "Material Type"
19702065 msgstr "Tipo de Material"
1972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19732068 msgctxt "@label"
19742069 msgid "Color"
19752070 msgstr "Cor"
1977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19782073 msgctxt "@label"
19792074 msgid "Properties"
19802075 msgstr "Propriedades"
1982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19832078 msgctxt "@label"
19842079 msgid "Density"
19852080 msgstr "Densidade"
1987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19882083 msgctxt "@label"
19892084 msgid "Diameter"
19902085 msgstr "Diâmetro"
1992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19932088 msgctxt "@label"
19942089 msgid "Filament Cost"
19952090 msgstr "Custo do Filamento"
1997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19982093 msgctxt "@label"
19992094 msgid "Filament weight"
20002095 msgstr "Peso do Filamento"
2002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
20032098 msgctxt "@label"
20042099 msgid "Filament length"
20052100 msgstr "Comprimento do Filamento"
2007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
20082103 msgctxt "@label"
20092104 msgid "Cost per Meter"
20102105 msgstr "Custo por Metro"
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2108 msgctxt "@label"
2109 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2110 msgstr "Este material está vinculado a %1 e compartilha algumas de suas propriedades."
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2113 msgctxt "@label"
2114 msgid "Unlink Material"
2115 msgstr "Desvincular Material"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20132118 msgctxt "@label"
20142119 msgid "Description"
20152120 msgstr "Descrição"
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20182123 msgctxt "@label"
20192124 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20202125 msgstr "Informação sobre Aderência"
2022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20232128 msgctxt "@label"
20242129 msgid "Print settings"
20252130 msgstr "Ajustes de impressão"
20552160 msgstr "Unidade"
20572162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20592164 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20602165 msgid "General"
20612166 msgstr "Geral"
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20642169 msgctxt "@label"
20652170 msgid "Interface"
20662171 msgstr "Interface"
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20692174 msgctxt "@label"
20702175 msgid "Language:"
20712176 msgstr "Idioma:"
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20742179 msgctxt "@label"
20752180 msgid "Currency:"
20762181 msgstr "Moeda:"
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2079 msgctxt "@label"
2080 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2081 msgstr "A aplicação deverá ser reiniciada para que as alterações de idioma tenham efeito."
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2184 msgctxt "@label"
2185 msgid "Theme:"
2186 msgstr "Tema:"
2188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2189 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2190 msgid "Ultimaker"
2191 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2194 msgctxt "@label"
2195 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2196 msgstr "Você precisará reiniciar a aplicação para que essas mudanças tenham efeito."
2198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20842199 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20852200 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20862201 msgstr "Fatiar automaticamente quando mudar ajustes."
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20892204 msgctxt "@option:check"
20902205 msgid "Slice automatically"
20912206 msgstr "Fatiar automaticamente"
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20942209 msgctxt "@label"
20952210 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20962211 msgstr "Comportamento da área de visualização"
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20992214 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21002215 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
21012216 msgstr "Ressaltar áreas sem suporte do modelo em vermelho. Sem suporte, estas áreas não serão impressas corretamente."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
21042219 msgctxt "@option:check"
21052220 msgid "Display overhang"
21062221 msgstr "Exibir seções pendentes"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
21092224 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2110 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2111 msgstr "Move a câmera de modo que o modelo esteja no centro da visão quando estiver selecionado"
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2225 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2226 msgstr "Move a câmera de modo que o modelo fique no centro da visão quando for selecionado."
2228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21142229 msgctxt "@action:button"
21152230 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21162231 msgstr "Centralizar câmera quanto o item é selecionado"
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2234 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2235 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2236 msgstr "O comportamento default de zoom deve ser invertido?"
2238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2239 msgctxt "@action:button"
2240 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2241 msgstr "Inverter a direção do zoom de câmera."
2243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21192244 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21202245 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21212246 msgstr "Os modelos devem ser movidos na plataforma de modo que não se sobreponham?"
2123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21242249 msgctxt "@option:check"
21252250 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21262251 msgstr "Assegurar que os modelos sejam mantidos separados"
2128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21292254 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21302255 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21312256 msgstr "Os modelos devem ser movidos pra baixo pra se assentar na plataforma de impressão?"
2133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21342259 msgctxt "@option:check"
21352260 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21362261 msgstr "Automaticamente fazer os modelos caírem na mesa de impressão."
2138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2264 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2265 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2266 msgstr "Mostrar mensagem de advertência no leitor de g-code."
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2269 msgctxt "@option:check"
2270 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2271 msgstr "Mensagem de advertência no leitor de g-code"
2273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21392274 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21402275 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21412276 msgstr "A Visão de Camada deve ser forçada a ficar em modo de compatibilidade?"
2143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21442279 msgctxt "@option:check"
21452280 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21462281 msgstr "Forçar modo de compatibilidade da visão de camadas (requer reinício)"
2148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21492284 msgctxt "@label"
21502285 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21512286 msgstr "Abrindo e salvando arquivos"
2153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21542289 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21552290 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21562291 msgstr "Os modelos devem ser redimensionados dentro do volume de impressão se forem muito grandes?"
2158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2293 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21592294 msgctxt "@option:check"
21602295 msgid "Scale large models"
21612296 msgstr "Redimensionar modelos grandes"
2163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21642299 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21652300 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21662301 msgstr "Um modelo pode ser carregado diminuto se sua unidade for por exemplo em metros ao invés de milímetros. Devem esses modelos ser redimensionados?"
2168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21692304 msgctxt "@option:check"
21702305 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21712306 msgstr "Redimensionar modelos diminutos"
2173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21742309 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21752310 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21762311 msgstr "Um prefixo baseado no nome da impressora deve ser adicionado ao nome do trabalho de impressão automaticamente?"
2178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21792314 msgctxt "@option:check"
21802315 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21812316 msgstr "Adicionar prefixo de máquina ao nome do trabalho"
2183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2318 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21842319 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21852320 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21862321 msgstr "Um resumo deve ser exibido ao salvar um arquivo de projeto?"
2188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21892324 msgctxt "@option:check"
21902325 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21912326 msgstr "Mostrar diálogo de resumo ao salvar projeto"
2193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2329 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2330 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2331 msgstr "Comportamento default ao abrir um arquivo de projeto"
2333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2334 msgctxt "@window:text"
2335 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2336 msgstr "Comportamento default ao abrir um arquivo de projeto"
2338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2339 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2340 msgid "Always ask"
2341 msgstr "Sempre perguntar"
2343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2344 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2345 msgid "Always open as a project"
2346 msgstr "Sempre abrir como projeto"
2348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2349 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2350 msgid "Always import models"
2351 msgstr "Sempre importar modelos"
2353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21942354 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21952355 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21962356 msgstr "Quando você faz alterações em um perfil e troca para um diferent, um diálogo aparecerá perguntando se você quer manter ou aplicar suas modificações, ou você pode forçar um comportamento default e não ter o diálogo."
2198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21992359 msgctxt "@label"
22002360 msgid "Override Profile"
22012361 msgstr "Sobrepujar Perfil"
2203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
22042364 msgctxt "@label"
22052365 msgid "Privacy"
22062366 msgstr "Privacidade"
2208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
22092369 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22102370 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22112371 msgstr "O Cura deve verificar novas atualizações quando o programa for iniciado?"
2213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22142374 msgctxt "@option:check"
22152375 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22162376 msgstr "Verificar atualizações na inicialização"
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22192379 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22202380 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22212381 msgstr "Dados anônimos sobre sua impressão podem ser enviados para a Ultimaker? Nota: nenhuma informação pessoalmente identificável, modelos ou endereços IP são enviados ou armazenados."
2223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22242384 msgctxt "@option:check"
22252385 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22262386 msgstr "Enviar informação (anônima) de impressão."
22282388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22302390 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22312391 msgid "Printers"
22322392 msgstr "Impressoras"
22342394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22352395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2396 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22372397 msgctxt "@action:button"
22382398 msgid "Activate"
22392399 msgstr "Ativar"
22492409 msgid "Printer type:"
22502410 msgstr "Tipo de impressora:"
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22532413 msgctxt "@label"
22542414 msgid "Connection:"
22552415 msgstr "Conexão:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22582418 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22592419 msgctxt "@info:status"
22602420 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22612421 msgstr "A impressora não está conectada."
2263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2423 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22642424 msgctxt "@label"
22652425 msgid "State:"
22662426 msgstr "Estado:"
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2428 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22692429 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22702430 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22712431 msgstr "Esperando que alguém esvazie a mesa de impressão"
2273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22742434 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22752435 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22762436 msgstr "Esperando um trabalho de impressão"
22782438 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22802440 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22812441 msgid "Profiles"
22822442 msgstr "Perfis"
23022462 msgstr "Duplicar"
23042464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2305 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
23062466 msgctxt "@action:button"
23072467 msgid "Import"
23082468 msgstr "Importar"
23102470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2311 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23122472 msgctxt "@action:button"
23132473 msgid "Export"
23142474 msgstr "Exportar"
23742534 msgstr "Exportar Perfil"
23762536 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23782538 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23792539 msgid "Materials"
23802540 msgstr "Materiais"
2382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2542 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23832543 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23842544 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23852545 msgstr "Impressora: %1, %2: %3"
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2547 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23882548 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23892549 msgid "Printer: %1"
23902550 msgstr "Impressora: %1"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2552 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2553 msgctxt "@action:button"
2554 msgid "Create"
2555 msgstr "Criar"
2557 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23932558 msgctxt "@action:button"
23942559 msgid "Duplicate"
23952560 msgstr "Duplicar"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23992564 msgctxt "@title:window"
24002565 msgid "Import Material"
24012566 msgstr "Importar Material"
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2568 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
24042569 msgctxt "@info:status"
24052570 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24062571 msgstr "Não foi possível importar material<nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>: <mensaje>%2</mensaje>"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2573 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
24092574 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102575 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24112576 msgstr "Material <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo> importado com sucesso"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2578 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24152580 msgctxt "@title:window"
24162581 msgid "Export Material"
24172582 msgstr "Exportar Material"
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24202585 msgctxt "@info:status"
24212586 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24222587 msgstr "Falha ao exportar material para <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo>: <mensaje>%2</mensaje>"
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24252590 msgctxt "@info:status"
24262591 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24272592 msgstr "Material <nombrearchivo>%1</nombrearchivo> exportado com sucesso"
24292594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2595 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24312596 msgctxt "@title:window"
24322597 msgid "Add Printer"
24332598 msgstr "Adicionar Impressora"
24422607 msgid "Add Printer"
24432608 msgstr "Adicionar Impressora"
2610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2611 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2612 msgid "Outer Wall"
2613 msgstr "Parede Externa"
24452615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2616 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2617 msgid "Inner Walls"
2618 msgstr "Paredes Internas"
2620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2621 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2622 msgid "Skin"
2623 msgstr "Contorno"
2625 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2626 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2627 msgid "Infill"
2628 msgstr "Preenchimento"
2630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2631 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2632 msgid "Support Infill"
2633 msgstr "Preenchimento de Suporte"
2635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2636 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2637 msgid "Support Interface"
2638 msgstr "Interface de Suporte"
2640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2641 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2642 msgid "Support"
2643 msgstr "Suporte"
2645 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2646 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2647 msgid "Travel"
2648 msgstr "Percurso"
2650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2651 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2652 msgid "Retractions"
2653 msgstr "Retrações"
2655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2656 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2657 msgid "Other"
2658 msgstr "Outros"
2660 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24462661 msgctxt "@label"
24472662 msgid "00h 00min"
24482663 msgstr "00h 00min"
2450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24512666 msgctxt "@label"
24522667 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24532668 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24562671 msgctxt "@label"
24572672 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24582673 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25662781 msgid "SVG icons"
25672782 msgstr "Ícones SVG"
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2784 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2785 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2786 msgid "Search..."
2787 msgstr "Buscar..."
2789 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25702790 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25712791 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25722792 msgstr "Copiar valor para todos os extrusores"
2574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2794 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25752795 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25762796 msgid "Hide this setting"
25772797 msgstr "Ocultar este ajuste"
2579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2799 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25802800 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25812801 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25822802 msgstr "Não exibir este ajuste"
2584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2804 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25852805 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25862806 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25872807 msgstr "Manter este ajuste visível"
2589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2809 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25902810 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25912811 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25922812 msgstr "Configurar a visibilidade dos ajustes..."
26642884 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26652885 msgstr ""
2667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26682888 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26692889 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26702890 msgstr "<b>Configuração Recomendada de Impressão</b><br/><br/>Imprimir com os ajustes recomendados para a impressora, material e qualidade selecionados."
2672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26732893 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26742894 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26752895 msgstr "<b>Configuração de Impressão Personalizada</b><br/><br/>Imprimir com controle fino sobre cada parte do processo de fatiamento."
2677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26782898 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26792899 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26802900 msgstr "Automático: %1"
26892909 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26902910 msgstr "Automático: %1"
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2913 msgctxt "@label"
2914 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2915 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2916 msgstr[0] "Imprimir Modelo Selecionado Com:"
2917 msgstr[1] "Imprimir Modelos Selecionados Com:"
2919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2920 msgctxt "@title:window"
2921 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2922 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2923 msgstr[0] "Multiplicar Modelo Selecionado"
2924 msgstr[1] "Multiplicar Modelos Selecionados"
2926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2927 msgctxt "@label"
2928 msgid "Number of Copies"
2929 msgstr "Número de Cópias"
26922931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26932932 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26942933 msgid "Open &Recent"
27422981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:379
27432982 msgctxt "@tooltip of temperature input"
27442983 msgid "The temperature to pre-heat the bed to."
2745 msgstr "A temperatura à qual pré-aquecer a mesa."
2984 msgstr "A temperatura em que pré-aquecer a mesa."
27472986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:573
27482987 msgctxt "@button Cancel pre-heating"
27793018 msgid "Estimated time left"
27803019 msgstr "Tempo restante estimado"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27833022 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843023 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27853024 msgstr "A&lternar Tela Cheia"
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3026 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27883027 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27893028 msgid "&Undo"
27903029 msgstr "Des&fazer"
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3031 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27933032 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27943033 msgid "&Redo"
27953034 msgstr "&Refazer"
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3036 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27983037 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27993038 msgid "&Quit"
28003039 msgstr "&Sair"
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3041 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
28033042 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28043043 msgid "Configure Cura..."
28053044 msgstr "Configurar Cura..."
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
28083047 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28093048 msgid "&Add Printer..."
28103049 msgstr "&Adicionar Impressora..."
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3051 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
28133052 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28143053 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
28153054 msgstr "Adm&inistrar Impressoras..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3056 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
28183057 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28193058 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28203059 msgstr "Administrar Materiais..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28233062 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28243063 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28253064 msgstr "&Atualizar perfil com valores e sobrepujanças atuais"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3066 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28283067 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28293068 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28303069 msgstr "&Descartar ajustes atuais"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3071 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28333072 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28343073 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28353074 msgstr "&Criar perfil a partir de ajustes atuais..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28383077 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28393078 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28403079 msgstr "Administrar perfis..."
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28433082 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28443083 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28453084 msgstr "Exibir &Documentação Online"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3086 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28483087 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28493088 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28503089 msgstr "Relatar um &Bug"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3091 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28533092 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28543093 msgid "&About..."
28553094 msgstr "S&obre..."
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3096 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28583097 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2859 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2860 msgstr "Eliminar &Seleção"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3098 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3099 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3100 msgstr[0] "Remover Modelo &Selecionado"
3101 msgstr[1] "Remover Modelos &Selecionados"
3103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3104 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3105 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3106 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3107 msgstr[0] "Centralizar Modelo Selecionado"
3108 msgstr[1] "Centralizar Modelos Selecionados"
3110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3111 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3112 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3113 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3114 msgstr[0] "Multiplicar Modelo Selecionado"
3115 msgstr[1] "Multiplicar Modelos Selecionados"
3117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28633118 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28643119 msgid "Delete Model"
2865 msgstr "Eliminar Modelo"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3120 msgstr "Remover Modelo"
3122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28683123 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693124 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28703125 msgstr "Ce&ntralizar Modelo na Mesa"
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28733128 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743129 msgid "&Group Models"
28753130 msgstr "A&grupar Modelos"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28783133 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793134 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28803135 msgstr "Desagrupar Modelos"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28833138 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28843139 msgid "&Merge Models"
28853140 msgstr "Co&mbinar Modelos"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28883143 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28893144 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28903145 msgstr "&Multiplicar Modelo..."
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28933148 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943149 msgid "&Select All Models"
28953150 msgstr "&Selecionar Todos Os Modelos"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28983153 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28993154 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
29003155 msgstr "&Esvaziar a mesa de impressão"
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
29033158 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29043159 msgid "Re&load All Models"
29053160 msgstr "&Recarregar Todos Os Modelos"
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3163 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3164 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3165 msgstr "Posicionar Todos os Modelos"
3167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3168 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3169 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3170 msgstr "Posicionar Seleção"
3172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
29083173 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29093174 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
29103175 msgstr "Reestabelecer as Posições de Todos Os Modelos"
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
29133178 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29143179 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
29153180 msgstr "Remover as &Transformações de Todos Os Modelos"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
29183183 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2919 msgid "&Open File..."
2920 msgstr "&Abrir Arquivo..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3184 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3185 msgstr "Abrir Arquiv&os(s)..."
3187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29233188 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2924 msgid "&Open Project..."
2925 msgstr "&Abrir Projeto..."
2927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3189 msgid "&New Project..."
3190 msgstr "&Novo Projeto..."
3192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29283193 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29293194 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29303195 msgstr "&Exibir o Registro do Motor de Fatiamento..."
2932 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29333198 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29343199 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29353200 msgstr "Exibir Pasta de Configuração"
2937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29383203 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29393204 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29403205 msgstr "Configurar a visibilidade dos ajustes..."
2942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2943 msgctxt "@title:window"
2944 msgid "Multiply Model"
2945 msgstr "Multiplicar Modelo"
29473207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29483208 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29743234 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29753235 msgstr "Fatiamento indisponível"
2977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29783238 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29793239 msgid "Prepare"
29803240 msgstr "Preparar"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29833243 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29843244 msgid "Cancel"
29853245 msgstr "Cancelar"
2987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29883248 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29893249 msgid "Select the active output device"
29903250 msgstr "Selecione o dispositivo de saída ativo"
3252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3254 msgctxt "@title:window"
3255 msgid "Open file(s)"
3256 msgstr "Abrir arquivo(s)"
3258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3259 msgctxt "@text:window"
3260 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3261 msgstr "Encontramos um ou mais arquivo(s) de projeto entre os arquivos que você selecionou. Você só pode abrir um arquivo de projeto por vez. Sugerimos que somente importe modelos destes arquivos. Gostaria de prosseguir?"
3263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3264 msgctxt "@action:button"
3265 msgid "Import all as models"
3266 msgstr "Importar todos como modelos"
29923268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29933269 msgctxt "@title:window"
29993275 msgid "&File"
30003276 msgstr "&Arquivo"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
30033279 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
30043280 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
30053281 msgstr "Salvar &Seleção em Arquivo"
30073283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
30083284 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3009 msgid "Save &All"
3010 msgstr "Salvar &Tudo"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3285 msgid "Save &As..."
3286 msgstr "S&alvar Como..."
3288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
30133289 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
30143290 msgid "Save project"
30153291 msgstr "Salvar projeto"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3293 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
30183294 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30193295 msgid "&Edit"
30203296 msgstr "&Editar"
3022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30233299 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30243300 msgid "&View"
30253301 msgstr "&Ver"
3027 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30283304 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30293305 msgid "&Settings"
3030 msgstr "A&justes"
3032 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3306 msgstr "Aju&stes"
3308 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30333309 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30343310 msgid "&Printer"
3035 msgstr "&Impressora"
3037 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3311 msgstr "Im&pressora"
3313 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30393315 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30403316 msgid "&Material"
30413317 msgstr "&Material"
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3320 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30453321 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30463322 msgid "&Profile"
30473323 msgstr "&Perfil"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30503326 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30513327 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30523328 msgstr "Definir Como Extrusor Ativo"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30553331 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30563332 msgid "E&xtensions"
30573333 msgstr "E&xtensões"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30603336 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30613337 msgid "P&references"
3062 msgstr "Pre&ferências"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3338 msgstr "P&referências"
3340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30653341 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30663342 msgid "&Help"
30673343 msgstr "A&juda"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30703346 msgctxt "@action:button"
30713347 msgid "Open File"
30723348 msgstr "Abrir arquivo"
3074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30753351 msgctxt "@action:button"
30763352 msgid "View Mode"
30773353 msgstr "Modo de Visualização"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30803356 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30813357 msgid "Settings"
30823358 msgstr "Ajustes"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30853361 msgctxt "@title:window"
3086 msgid "Open file"
3087 msgstr "Abrir arquivo"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3362 msgid "New project"
3363 msgstr "Novo projeto"
3365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3366 msgctxt "@info:question"
3367 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3368 msgstr "Tem certeza que quer iniciar novo projeto? Isto esvaziará a mesa de impressão e quaisquer ajustes não salvos."
3370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30903371 msgctxt "@title:window"
3091 msgid "Open workspace"
3092 msgstr "Abrir espaço de trabalho"
3372 msgid "Open File(s)"
3373 msgstr "Abrir Arquivo(s)"
3375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3376 msgctxt "@text:window"
3377 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3378 msgstr "Encontramos um ou mais arquivos de G-Code entre os arquivos que você selecionou. Você só pode abrir um arquivo de G-Code por vez. Se você quiser abrir um arquivo de G-Code, por favor selecione somente um."
30943380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30953381 msgctxt "@title:window"
30963382 msgid "Save Project"
30973383 msgstr "Salvar Projeto"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
31003386 msgctxt "@action:label"
31013387 msgid "Extruder %1"
31023388 msgstr "Extrusor %1"
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3390 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
31053391 msgctxt "@action:label"
31063392 msgid "%1 & material"
31073393 msgstr "%1 & material"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
31103396 msgctxt "@action:label"
31113397 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
31123398 msgstr "Não exibir resumo do projeto ao salvar novamente"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
31153401 msgctxt "@label"
31163402 msgid "Infill"
31173403 msgstr "Preenchimento:"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Hollow"
3122 msgstr "Oco"
31243405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31253406 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3127 msgstr "Preenchimento zero (0%) deixará seu modelo oco ao custo de baixa resistência"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Light"
3132 msgstr "Leve"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3137 msgstr "Preenchimento leve (20%) dará ao seu modelo resistência média"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Dense"
3142 msgstr "Denso"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3147 msgstr "Preenchimento denso (50%) dará ao seu modelo resistência acima da média"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3150 msgctxt "@label"
3151 msgid "Solid"
3152 msgstr "Sólido"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3155 msgctxt "@label"
3156 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3157 msgstr "Preenchimento sólido (100%) fará seu modelo ficar totalmente maciço."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3160 msgctxt "@label"
3161 msgid "Enable Support"
3162 msgstr "Habilitar Suporte"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3165 msgctxt "@label"
3166 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3167 msgstr "Habilitar estruturas de suporte. Estas estruturas apóiam partes do modelo que tenham seções pendentes."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3407 msgid "0%"
3408 msgstr "0%"
3410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3411 msgctxt "@label"
3412 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3413 msgstr "Preenchimento vazio deixará seu modelo oco e com baixa resistência."
3415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3416 msgctxt "@label"
3417 msgid "20%"
3418 msgstr "20%"
3420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3421 msgctxt "@label"
3422 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3423 msgstr "Preenchimento leve (20%) dará ao seu modelo uma resistência média."
3425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3426 msgctxt "@label"
3427 msgid "50%"
3428 msgstr "50%"
3430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3431 msgctxt "@label"
3432 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3433 msgstr "Preenchimento denso (50%) dará ao seu modelo uma resistência acima da média."
3435 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3436 msgctxt "@label"
3437 msgid "100%"
3438 msgstr "100%"
3440 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3441 msgctxt "@label"
3442 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3443 msgstr "Preenchimento sólido (100%) fará seu modelo completamente sólido."
3445 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3446 msgctxt "@label"
3447 msgid "Gradual"
3448 msgstr "Gradual"
3450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3451 msgctxt "@label"
3452 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3453 msgstr "Preenchimento gradual aumentará gradualmente a quantidade de preenchimento em direção ao topo."
3455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3456 msgctxt "@label"
3457 msgid "Generate Support"
3458 msgstr "Gerar Suportes"
3460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3461 msgctxt "@label"
3462 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3463 msgstr "Gera estrutura que suportarão partes do modelo que têm seções pendentes. Sem estas estruturas, tais partes desabariam durante a impressão."
3465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31703466 msgctxt "@label"
31713467 msgid "Support Extruder"
31723468 msgstr "Extrusor do Suporte"
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31753471 msgctxt "@label"
31763472 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
3177 msgstr "Selecione qual extrusor a usar para o suporte. Isto construirá estruturas de suportes abaixo do modelo para prevenir que o modelo caia ou seja impresso no ar."
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3473 msgstr "Selecione qual extrusor a usar para o suporte. Isto construirá estruturas de suportes abaixo do modelo para prevenir que o modelo desabe ou seja impresso no ar."
3475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31803476 msgctxt "@label"
31813477 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31823478 msgstr "Aderência à Mesa de Impressão"
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31853481 msgctxt "@label"
31863482 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31873483 msgstr "Habilita imprimir um brim (bainha) ou raft (jangada). Adicionará uma área chata em volta ou sob o objeto que é fácil de remover após a impressão ter finalizado."
3189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3190 msgctxt "@label"
3191 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3192 msgstr "Precisa de ajuda para melhorar suas impressões? Leia o <a href=”%1”>Guia de Solução de Problemas da Ultimaker</a>."
3485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3486 msgctxt "@label"
3487 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3488 msgstr "Precisa de ajuda para melhorar sua impressões?<br>Leia os <a href='%1'>Guias de Resolução de Problema da Ultimaker</a>"
3490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3491 msgctxt "@label"
3492 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3493 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3494 msgstr[0] "Imprimir Modelo Selecionado com %1"
3495 msgstr[1] "Imprimir Modelos Selecionados Com %1"
3497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3498 msgctxt "@title:window"
3499 msgid "Open project file"
3500 msgstr "Abrir arquivo de projeto"
3502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3503 msgctxt "@text:window"
3504 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3505 msgstr "Este é um arquivo de projeto do Cura. Gostaria de abri-lo como um projeto ou importar os modelos dele?"
3507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3508 msgctxt "@text:window"
3509 msgid "Remember my choice"
3510 msgstr "Lembrar de minha escolha"
3512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3513 msgctxt "@action:button"
3514 msgid "Open as project"
3515 msgstr "Abrir como projeto"
3517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3518 msgctxt "@action:button"
3519 msgid "Import models"
3520 msgstr "Importar modelos"
31943522 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31953523 msgctxt "@title:window"
32023530 msgid "Material"
32033531 msgstr "Material"
3205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3534 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3535 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3536 msgstr "Clique para verificar a compatibilidade do material em"
3538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
32063539 msgctxt "@label"
32073540 msgid "Profile:"
32083541 msgstr "Perfil:"
3210 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
32113544 msgctxt "@tooltip"
32123545 msgid ""
32133546 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
32193552 "Clique para abrir o gerenciador de perfis."
32213554 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3555 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3556 #~ msgstr "Incapaz de iniciar um novo trabalho de impressão. Não há PrinterCore carregado no slot {0}"
3558 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3559 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3560 #~ msgstr "Atualizar versão 2.4 para 2.5"
3562 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3563 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3564 #~ msgstr "Atualiza as configurações do Cura 2.4 para o Cura 2.5"
3566 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3567 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3568 #~ msgstr "Incapaz de encontrar um perfil de qualidade para esta combinação. Ajustes default serão usados no lugar."
3570 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3571 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3572 #~ msgstr "Oops!"
3574 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3575 #~ msgid ""
3576 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3577 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3578 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3579 #~ " "
3580 #~ msgstr ""
3581 #~ "<p>Uma exceção fatal ocorreu e não foi possível a recuperação deste estado!</p>\n"
3582 #~ " <p>Esperamos que esta figura de um gatinho te ajude a se recuperar do choque.</p>\n"
3583 #~ " <p>Por favor use a informação abaixo para postar um relatório de bug em <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3584 #~ " "
3586 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3587 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3588 #~ msgstr "Por favor introduza os ajustes corretos para sua impressora abaixo:"
3590 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3591 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3592 #~ msgstr "Extrusor %1"
3594 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3595 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3596 #~ msgstr "Imprimir modelo com"
3598 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3599 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3600 #~ msgstr "A aplicação deverá ser reiniciada para que as alterações de idioma tenham efeito."
3602 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3603 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3604 #~ msgstr "Move a câmera de modo que o modelo esteja no centro da visão quando estiver selecionado"
3606 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3607 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3608 #~ msgstr "Eliminar &Seleção"
3610 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3611 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3612 #~ msgstr "&Abrir Arquivo..."
3614 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3615 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3616 #~ msgstr "&Abrir Projeto..."
3618 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3619 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3620 #~ msgstr "Multiplicar Modelo"
3622 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3623 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3624 #~ msgstr "Salvar &Tudo"
3626 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3627 #~ msgid "Open file"
3628 #~ msgstr "Abrir arquivo"
3630 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3631 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3632 #~ msgstr "Abrir espaço de trabalho"
3634 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3635 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3636 #~ msgstr "Oco"
3638 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3639 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3640 #~ msgstr "Preenchimento zero (0%) deixará seu modelo oco ao custo de baixa resistência"
3642 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3643 #~ msgid "Light"
3644 #~ msgstr "Leve"
3646 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3647 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3648 #~ msgstr "Preenchimento leve (20%) dará ao seu modelo resistência média"
3650 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3651 #~ msgid "Dense"
3652 #~ msgstr "Denso"
3654 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3655 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3656 #~ msgstr "Preenchimento denso (50%) dará ao seu modelo resistência acima da média"
3658 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3659 #~ msgid "Solid"
3660 #~ msgstr "Sólido"
3662 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3663 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3664 #~ msgstr "Preenchimento sólido (100%) fará seu modelo ficar totalmente maciço."
3666 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3667 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3668 #~ msgstr "Habilitar Suporte"
3670 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3671 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3672 #~ msgstr "Habilitar estruturas de suporte. Estas estruturas apóiam partes do modelo que tenham seções pendentes."
3674 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3675 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3676 #~ msgstr "Precisa de ajuda para melhorar suas impressões? Leia o <a href=”%1”>Guia de Solução de Problemas da Ultimaker</a>."
3678 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
32223679 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32233680 #~ msgstr "Conectado pela rede a {0}. Por favor aprove o pedido de acesso na impressora."
0 #, fuzzy
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
15 msgid ""
26 msgstr ""
3 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-10 09:05-0300\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-11 12:00-0300\n"
711 "Last-Translator: Cláudio Sampaio <>\n"
8 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
9 "Language: ptbr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Cláudio Sampaio <> and CoderSquirrel <>\n"
13 "Language: Brazillian Portuguese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: pt\n"
15 "Country-Code: BR\n"
1016 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1117 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1218 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3137 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3238 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3339 msgstr "O extrusor usado para impressão. Isto é usado em multi-extrusão."
41 #: fdmextruder.def.json
42 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
43 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
44 msgstr "Diâmetro do Bico"
46 #: fdmextruder.def.json
47 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
48 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
49 msgstr "O diâmetro interno do bico. Altere este ajuste se usar um tamanho de bico fora do padrão."
3551 #: fdmextruder.def.json
3652 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
05 msgid ""
16 msgstr ""
2 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
3 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
4 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
5 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-10 19:00-0300\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-13 14:00-0300\n"
611 "Last-Translator: Cláudio Sampaio <>\n"
7 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
8 "Language: ptbr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Cláudio Sampaio <> and CoderSquirrel <>\n"
13 "Language: Brazillian Portuguese\n"
14 "Lang-Code: pt\n"
15 "Country-Code: BR\n"
916 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1017 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1118 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678685 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679686 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Largura de extrusão de um filete usado na interface da estrutura de suporte com o modelo."
687 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
688 msgstr "Largura de um filete usado no teto ou base do suporte."
690 #: fdmprinter.def.json
691 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
692 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
693 msgstr "Largura de Extrusão do Teto do Suporte"
695 #: fdmprinter.def.json
696 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
697 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
698 msgstr "Largura de um filete usado no teto do suporte."
700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
701 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
702 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
703 msgstr "Largura de Extrusão da Base do Suporte"
705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
706 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
707 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
708 msgstr "Largura de um filete usado na base do suporte."
683710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684711 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
688715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
689716 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
690717 msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
691 msgstr "Largura de extrusão de um filete usado na torre de purga."
718 msgstr "Largura de um filete usado na torre de purga."
693720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
694721 msgctxt "shell label"
728755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
729756 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
730757 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
731 msgstr "Distância de um movimento de viagem inserido após a parede externa para esconder melhor a costura em Z."
758 msgstr "Distância do percurso inserido após a parede externa para esconder melhor a costura em Z."
733760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
734761 msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
10731100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10741101 msgctxt "infill_angles label"
10751102 msgid "Infill Line Directions"
1076 msgstr ""
1103 msgstr "Direções de Filetes de Preenchimento"
10781105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10791106 msgctxt "infill_angles description"
10801107 msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Raio de Subdivisão Cúbica"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Um multiplicador do raio do centro de cada cubo para verificar a borda do modelo, de modo a decidir se este cubo deve ser subdividido. Valores maiores levam a maiores subdivisões, isto é, mais cubos pequenos."
1108 msgstr "Uma lista de direções de filetes em números inteiros a usar. Elementos da lista são usados sequencialmente de acordo com o progresso das camadas e quando o fim da lista é alcançado, ela volta ao começo. Os itens da lista são separados por vírgula e a lista inteira é contida em colchetes. O default é uma lista vazia que implica em usar os ângulos default tradicionais (45 e 135 graus para os padrões linha e ziguezague e 45 graus para todos os outros padrões)."
1110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1111 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1112 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1113 msgstr "Preenchimento em Espaguete"
1115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1116 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1117 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1118 msgstr "Imprime o preenchimento intermitentemente de modo que o filamento se enrole caoticamente dentro do objeto. Isto reduz o tempo de impressão, mas tem comportamento bem imprevisível."
1120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1121 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1122 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1123 msgstr "Ângulo de Preenchimento Máximo do Espaguete"
1125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1126 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1127 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1128 msgstr "O ângulo máximo em relação ao Z do interior da impressão para áreas que serão preenchidas com espaguete no final. Abaixar este valor faz com que mais partes anguladas do seu modelo sejam preenchidas a cada camada."
1130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1131 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1132 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1133 msgstr "Altura Máxima do Preenchimento Espaguete"
1135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1136 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1137 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1138 msgstr "A altura máxima do espaço interior que pode ser combinado e preenchido a partir do topo."
1140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1141 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1142 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1143 msgstr "Penetração do Espaguete"
1145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1146 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1147 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1148 msgstr "O deslocamento a partir das paredes de onde o preenchimento espaguete será impresso."
1150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1151 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1152 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1153 msgstr "Fluxo de Espaguete"
1155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1156 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1157 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1158 msgstr "Ajusta a densidade do preenchimento espaguete. Note que a Densidade de Preenchimento controla somente o espaçamento entre linhas do padrão de preenchimento, não a quantidade de extrusão para o preenchimento espaguete."
10931160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941161 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
11481215 #: fdmprinter.def.json
11491216 msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
11501217 msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
1151 msgstr "Distância de um movimento de viagem inserido após cada linha de preenchimento, para fazer o preenchimento aderir melhor às paredes. Esta opção é similar à sobreposição de preenchimento mas sem extrusão e somente em uma extremidade do filete de preenchimento."
1218 msgstr "Distância do percurso inserido após cada linha de preenchimento, para fazer o preenchimento aderir melhor às paredes. Esta opção é similar à sobreposição de preenchimento mas sem extrusão e somente em uma extremidade do filete de preenchimento."
11531220 #: fdmprinter.def.json
11541221 msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
12131280 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141281 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Expandir Contornos Superiores"
1282 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1283 msgstr "Expandir Contorno do Topo Para Preenchimento"
12181285 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191286 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1221 msgstr "Expandir as áreas de contorno superiores (áreas com ar acima) de modo que suportem o preenchimento acima."
1287 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1288 msgstr "Expande as áreas de perímetro do topo (áreas com ar acima delas) de modo que suportem o preenchimento de cima."
12231290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241291 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Expandir Contornos Inferiores"
1292 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1293 msgstr "Expande Contorno da Base Para Preenchimento"
12281295 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291296 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1231 msgstr "Expandir as áreas de contorno inferiores (áreas com ar abaixo) de modo que fiquem ancoradas pelas camadas de preenchimento acima e abaixo."
1297 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1298 msgstr "Expande as áreas de perímetro da base (áreas com ar abaixo delas) de modo que se ancorem nas camadas de preenchimento embaixo e acima."
12331300 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12341301 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
14581525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14591526 msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
14601527 msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
1461 msgstr "Alguns materiais podem escorrer um pouco durante um movimento de viagem, o que pode ser compensando neste ajuste."
1528 msgstr "Alguns materiais podem escorrer um pouco durante o percurso, o que pode ser compensando neste ajuste."
14631530 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14641531 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
14651532 msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
1466 msgstr "Viagem Mínima para Retração"
1533 msgstr "Percurso Mínimo para Retração"
14681535 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14691536 msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
14701537 msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
1471 msgstr "A distância mínima de viagem necessária para que uma retração aconteça. Isto ajuda a ter menos retrações em uma área pequena."
1538 msgstr "A distância mínima de percurso necessária para que uma retração aconteça. Isto ajuda a ter menos retrações em uma área pequena."
14731540 #: fdmprinter.def.json
14741541 msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
16381705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391706 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "A velocidade em que o topo e base dos suportes são impressos. Imprimi-lo a menores velocidade pode melhor a qualidade das seções pendentes."
1707 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1708 msgstr "A velocidade com que os tetos e bases do suporte são impressos. Imprimi-los em velocidades mais baixas pode melhorar a qualidade de seções pendentes."
1710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1711 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1712 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1713 msgstr "Velocidade do Teto de Suporte"
1715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1716 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1717 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1718 msgstr "A velocidade em que os tetos dos suportes são impressos. Imprimi-los em velocidade mais baixas pode melhorar a qualidade de seções pendentes."
1720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1721 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1722 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1723 msgstr "Velocidade de Base do Suporte"
1725 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1726 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1727 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1728 msgstr "A velocidade em que a base do suporte é impressa. Imprimi-la em velocidade mais baixa pode melhorar a aderência do suporte no topo da superfície."
16431730 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441731 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
16531740 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16541741 msgctxt "speed_travel label"
16551742 msgid "Travel Speed"
1656 msgstr "Velocidade de Viagem"
1743 msgstr "Velocidade de Percurso"
16581745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16591746 msgctxt "speed_travel description"
16601747 msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
1661 msgstr "Velocidade em que ocorrem os movimentos de viagem (movimentação do extrusor sem extrudar)."
1748 msgstr "Velocidade em que ocorrem os movimentos de percurso."
16631750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16641751 msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
16831770 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16841771 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
16851772 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
1686 msgstr "Velocidade de Viagem da Camada Inicial"
1773 msgstr "Velocidade de Percurso da Camada Inicial"
16881775 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16891776 msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
16901777 msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
1691 msgstr "A velocidade dos movimentos de viagem da camada inicial. Um valor mais baixo que o normal é aconselhado para prevenir o puxão de partes impressas da mesa de impressão. O valor deste ajuste pode ser automaticamente calculado do raio entre a Velocidade de Viagem e a Velocidade de Impressão."
1778 msgstr "A velocidade dos percursos da camada inicial. Um valor mais baixo que o normal é aconselhado para prevenir o puxão de partes impressas da mesa de impressão. O valor deste ajuste pode ser automaticamente calculado do raio entre a Velocidade de Percurso e a Velocidade de Impressão."
16931780 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16941781 msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
18381925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391926 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Aceleração com que o topo e base dos suportes são impressos. Imprimi-lo a menores acelerações pode aprimorar a qualidade das seções pendentes."
1927 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1928 msgstr "A aceleração com que os tetos e bases de suporte são impressos. Imprimi-los em aceleração menor pode melhorar a qualidade das seções pendentes."
1930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1931 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1932 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1933 msgstr "Aceleração do Teto de Suporte"
1935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1936 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1937 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1938 msgstr "A aceleração com que os tetos de suporte são impressos. Imprimi-los em aceleração menor pode melhorar a qualidade das seções pendentes."
1940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1941 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1942 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1943 msgstr "Aceleração da Base do Suporte"
1945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1946 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1947 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1948 msgstr "A aceleração com que as bases do suporte são impressas. Imprimi-las em aceleração menor pode melhorar aderência dos suportes no topo da superfície."
18431950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441951 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
18531960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18541961 msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
18551962 msgid "Travel Acceleration"
1856 msgstr "Aceleração de Viagem"
1963 msgstr "Aceleração de Percurso"
18581965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18591966 msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
18601967 msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
1861 msgstr "Aceleração com que se realizam os movimentos de viagem."
1968 msgstr "Aceleração com que se realizam os percursos."
18631970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18641971 msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
18831990 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18841991 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
18851992 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
1886 msgstr "Aceleração de Viagem da Camada Inicial"
1993 msgstr "Aceleração de Percurso da Camada Inicial"
18881995 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18891996 msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
18901997 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
1891 msgstr "Aceleração para movimentos de viagem na camada inicial."
1998 msgstr "Aceleração para percursos na camada inicial."
18932000 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18942001 msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
19382045 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19392046 msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
19402047 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
1941 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que as paredes são impressas."
2048 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que as paredes são impressas."
19432050 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19442051 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
19482055 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19492056 msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
19502057 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
1951 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que a parede externa é impressa."
2058 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que a parede externa é impressa."
19532060 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19542061 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
19582065 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19592066 msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
19602067 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
1961 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que as paredes internas são impressas."
2068 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que as paredes internas são impressas."
19632070 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19642071 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
19682075 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19692076 msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
19702077 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
1971 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que as camadas superiores e inferiores são impressas."
2078 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que as camadas superiores e inferiores são impressas."
19732080 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19742081 msgctxt "jerk_support label"
19782085 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19792086 msgctxt "jerk_support description"
19802087 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
1981 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que as estruturas de suporte são impressas."
2088 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que as estruturas de suporte são impressas."
19832090 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19842091 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
19882095 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19892096 msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
19902097 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
1991 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que o preenchimento do suporte é impresso."
2098 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea em uma direção com que o preenchimento do suporte é impresso."
19932100 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19942101 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
19982105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992106 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que a base e o topo dos suporte é impresso."
2107 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2108 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea com a qual os tetos e bases dos suportes são impressos."
2110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2111 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2112 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2113 msgstr "Jerk do Teto de Suporte"
2115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2116 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2117 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2118 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea com que os tetos dos suportes são impressos."
2120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2121 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2122 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2123 msgstr "Jerk da Base do Suporte"
2125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2126 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2127 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2128 msgstr "A máxima mudança de velocidade instantânea com que as bases dos suportes são impressas."
20032130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042131 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
20132140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20142141 msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
20152142 msgid "Travel Jerk"
2016 msgstr "Jerk de Viagem"
2143 msgstr "Jerk de Percurso"
20182145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20192146 msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
20202147 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
2021 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que os movimentos de viagem são feitos."
2148 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que os percursos são feitos."
20232150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20242151 msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
20432170 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20442171 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
20452172 msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
2046 msgstr "Jerk de Viagem da Camada Inicial"
2173 msgstr "Jerk de Percurso da Camada Inicial"
20482175 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20492176 msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
20502177 msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
2051 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção nos movimentos de viagem da camada inicial."
2178 msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção nos percursos da camada inicial."
20532180 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20542181 msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
20632190 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20642191 msgctxt "travel label"
20652192 msgid "Travel"
2066 msgstr "Viagem"
2193 msgstr "Percurso"
20682195 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20692196 msgctxt "travel description"
20702197 msgid "travel"
2071 msgstr "viagem"
2198 msgstr "percurso"
20732200 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20742201 msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
20782205 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20792206 msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
20802207 msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas by combing within the infill only."
2081 msgstr "O Combing, ou penteamento, mantém o bico dentro de áreas já impressas quando viaja. Isso resulta em movimentos de viagem ligeiramente mais longos mas reduz a necessidade de retrações. Se o penteamento estiver desligado, o material sofrerá retração e o bico se moverá em linha reta para o próximo ponto. É também possível evitar o penteamento em área de contornos superiores e inferiores habilitando o penteamento no preenchimento somente."
2208 msgstr "O Combing, ou penteamento, mantém o bico dentro de áreas já impressas quando se movimenta. Isso resulta em percursos ligeiramente mais longos mas reduz a necessidade de retrações. Se o penteamento estiver desligado, o material sofrerá retração e o bico se moverá em linha reta para o próximo ponto. É também possível evitar o penteamento em área de contornos superiores e inferiores habilitando o penteamento no preenchimento somente."
20832210 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20842211 msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
21132240 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21142241 msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
21152242 msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
2116 msgstr "O bico evita partes já impressas quando está em uma viagem. Esta opção está disponível somente quando combing (penteamento) está habilitado."
2243 msgstr "O bico evita partes já impressas quando está em uma percurso. Esta opção está disponível somente quando combing (penteamento) está habilitado."
21182245 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21192246 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
21202247 msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
2121 msgstr "Distância de Desvio na Viagem"
2248 msgstr "Distância de Desvio de Percurso"
21232250 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21242251 msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
21252252 msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
2126 msgstr "A distância entre o bico e as partes já impressas quando evitadas durante movimentos de viagem."
2253 msgstr "A distância entre o bico e as partes já impressas quando evitadas durante o percurso."
21282255 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21292256 msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position label"
21632290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21642291 msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
21652292 msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
2166 msgstr "Sempre que uma retração é feita, sobe-se um pouco em Z para criar um espaço entre o bico e a impressão. Isso evita que o bico fique batendo nas impressões durante os movimentos de viagem, reduzindo a chance de chutar a peça para fora da mesa."
2293 msgstr "Sempre que uma retração é feita, sobe-se um pouco em Z para criar um espaço entre o bico e a impressão. Isso evita que o bico fique batendo nas impressões durante o percurso, reduzindo a chance de chutar a peça para fora da mesa."
21682295 #: fdmprinter.def.json
21692296 msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
23282455 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292456 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Habilitar Suportes"
2457 msgid "Generate Support"
2458 msgstr "Gerar Suporte"
23332460 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342461 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Habilita as estruturas de suporte. Essas estruturas apóiam partes do modelo que tenham seções pendentes."
2462 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2463 msgstr "Gerar estrutura que suportem partes do modelo que tenham seções pendentes. Sem estas estruturas, tais partes desabariam durante a impressão."
23382465 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392466 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23432470 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23442471 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
23452472 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2346 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir os suportes. Este ajuste é usado quando se tem multi-extrusão."
2473 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir os suportes. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
23482475 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23492476 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
23532480 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23542481 msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
23552482 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2356 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir o preenchimento do suporte. Este ajuste é usado quando se tem multi-extrusão."
2483 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir o preenchimento do suporte. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
23582485 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23592486 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
23632490 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23642491 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
23652492 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2366 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir a primeira camada de preenchimento de suporte. Isto é usado em multi-extrusão."
2493 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir a primeira camada de preenchimento de suporte. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
23682495 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23692496 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
23732500 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742501 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir o topo e base dos suportes. Isto é usado em multi-extrusão."
2502 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2503 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir os tetos e bases dos suportes. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
2505 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2506 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2507 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2508 msgstr "Extrusor do Teto do Suporte"
2510 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2511 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2512 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2513 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir o teto do suporte. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
2515 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2516 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2517 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2518 msgstr "Extrusor da Base do Suporte"
2520 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2521 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2522 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2523 msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir as bases dos suportes. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
23782525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792526 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542701 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "A altura dos passos da base tipo escada do suporte em cima do modelo. Um valor baixo faz o suporte ser mais difícil de remover, mas valores muito altos podem criar estruturas de suporte instáveis."
2702 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2703 msgstr "A altura dos degraus da base estilo escada do suporte em cima do modelo. Um valor baixo faz o suporte mais difícil de remover, mas valores muito altos podem levar a estruturas de suporte instáveis. Deixe em zero para desligar o comportamento de escada."
2705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2706 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2707 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2708 msgstr "Largura Máxima do Passo de Escada de Suporte"
2710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2711 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2712 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2713 msgstr "A largura máxima dos passos da base estilo escada do suporte em cima do modelo. Um valor baixo faz o suporte mais difícil de remover, mas valores muito altos podem levar a estruturas de suporte instáveis."
25582715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592716 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862743 msgstr "Gera uma interface densa entre o modelo e o suporte. Isto criará um contorno no topo do suporte em que o modelo é impresso e na base do suporte, onde ele fica sobre o modelo."
25882745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2746 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2747 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2748 msgstr "Habilitar Teto de Suporte"
2750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2751 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2752 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2753 msgstr "Gera um bloco denso de material entre o topo do suporte e o modelo. Isto criará uma divisória entre o modelo e o suporte."
2755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2756 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2757 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2758 msgstr "Habilitar Base de Suporte"
2760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2761 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2762 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2763 msgstr "Gera um bloco denso de material entre a base do suporte e o modelo. Isto criará uma divisória entre o modelo e o suporte."
2765 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892766 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902767 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912768 msgstr "Espessura da Interface de Suporte"
26082785 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092786 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Espessura da Base do Suporte"
2787 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2788 msgstr "Espessura da Base de Suporte"
26132790 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142791 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "A espessura da base do suporte. Isto controla o número de camadas densas que são impressas no topo de lugares do modelo em que o suporte se assenta."
2792 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2793 msgstr "A espessura das bases de suporte. Isto controla o número de camadas densas que são impressas no topo dos pontos do modelo em que o suporte se assenta."
26182795 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192796 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232800 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242801 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Quando se verificar onde há modelo sobre suporte, use passos da altura dada. Valores baixos vão fatiar mais lentamente, enquanto valores altos podem fazer o suporte normal ser impresso em lugares onde deveria haver interface de suporte."
2802 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2803 msgstr "Quando verificar se há partes do modelo abaixo e acima do suporte, usar passos de dada altura. Valores baixos fatiarão mais lentamente, enquanto que valores altos farão com que suporte convencional seja impresso em lugares em que deveria haver interface de suporte."
26282805 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292806 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332810 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342811 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Ajusta a densidade dos topos e bases das estruturas de suporte. Um valor mais alto resulta em seções pendentes melhores, mas os suportes são mais difíceis de remover."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Distância entre Linhas da Interface de Suporte"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Distância entre as linhas impressas da interface de suporte. Este ajuste é calculado pela Densidade de Interface de Suporte, mas pode ser ajustado separadamente."
2812 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2813 msgstr "Ajusta a densidade dos topos e bases da estrutura de suporte. Um valor maior resulta em seções pendentes melhores, mas os suportes são mais difíceis de remover."
2815 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2816 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2817 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2818 msgstr "Densidade do Teto de Suporte"
2820 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2821 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2822 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2823 msgstr "A densidade dos tetos da estrutura de suporte. Um valor maior resulta em seções pendentes melhores, mas os suportes são mais difíceis de remover."
2825 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2826 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2827 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2828 msgstr "Distância de Filetes do Teto de Suporte"
2830 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2831 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2832 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2833 msgstr "Distância entre os filetes de impressão do teto de suporte. Este ajuste é calculado pela Densidade do Teto de Suporte mas pode ser ajustado separadamente."
2835 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2836 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2837 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2838 msgstr "Densidade da Base do Suporte"
2840 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2841 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2842 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2843 msgstr "A densidade das bases da estrutura de suporte. Um valor maior resulta em melhor aderência do suporte no topo da superfície"
2845 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2846 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2847 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2848 msgstr "Distância de Filetes da Base de Suporte"
2850 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2851 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2852 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2853 msgstr "Distância entre os filetes de impressão da base de suporte. Este ajuste é calculado pela densidade da Base de Suporte, mas pode ser ajustado separadamente."
26482855 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492856 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862893 msgstr "Ziguezague"
26882895 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2896 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2897 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2898 msgstr "Padrão de Teto de Suporte"
2900 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2901 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2902 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2903 msgstr "O padrão com o qual o teto do suporte é impresso."
2905 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2906 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2907 msgid "Lines"
2908 msgstr "Linhas"
2910 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2911 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2912 msgid "Grid"
2913 msgstr "Grade"
2915 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2916 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2917 msgid "Triangles"
2918 msgstr "Triângulos"
2920 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2921 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2922 msgid "Concentric"
2923 msgstr "Concêntrico"
2925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2926 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2927 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2928 msgstr "Concêntrico 3D"
2930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2931 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2932 msgid "Zig Zag"
2933 msgstr "Ziguezague"
2935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2936 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2937 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2938 msgstr "Padrão de Base de Suporte"
2940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2941 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2942 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2943 msgstr "O padrão com o qual as bases do suporte são impressas."
2945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2946 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2947 msgid "Lines"
2948 msgstr "Linhas"
2950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2951 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2952 msgid "Grid"
2953 msgstr "Grade"
2955 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2956 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2957 msgid "Triangles"
2958 msgstr "Triângulo"
2960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2961 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2962 msgid "Concentric"
2963 msgstr "Concêntrico"
2965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2966 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2967 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2968 msgstr "Concêntrico 3D"
2970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2971 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2972 msgid "Zig Zag"
2973 msgstr "Ziguezague"
2975 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892976 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902977 msgid "Use Towers"
26912978 msgstr "Usar Torres"
27343021 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353022 msgid "Adhesion"
27363023 msgstr "Aderência"
3025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3026 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3027 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3028 msgstr "Habilitar Massa de Purga"
3030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3031 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3032 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3033 msgstr "Indica se é preciso descarregar o filamento com uma massa de purga antes de imprimir. Ligar este ajuste assegurará que o extrusor tenha material pronto no bico antes de imprimir. Imprimir um Brim ou Skirt pode funcionar como purga também, em cujo caso desligar esse ajuste faz ganhar algum tempo."
27383035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393036 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
28373134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28383135 msgctxt "brim_width description"
28393136 msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
2840 msgstr "A distância do modelo à linha mais externa do brim. Um brim mais largo aumenta a adesão à mesa, mas também reduz a área efetiva de impressão."
3137 msgstr "A distância do modelo à linha mais externa do brim. Um brim mais largo aumenta a aderência à mesa, mas também reduz a área efetiva de impressão."
28423139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28433140 msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
28473144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28483145 msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
28493146 msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
2850 msgstr "O número de linhas usada para o brim. Mais linhas de brim melhoram a adesão à mesa, mas também reduzem a área efetiva de impressão."
3147 msgstr "O número de linhas usada para o brim. Mais linhas de brim melhoram a aderência à mesa, mas também reduzem a área efetiva de impressão."
28523149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28533150 msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
28573154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28583155 msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
28593156 msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
2860 msgstr "Imprimir o Brim somente no lado de fora do modelo. Isto reduz a quantidade de brim a ser removida no final, e não reduz tanto a adesão à mesa."
3157 msgstr "Imprimir o Brim somente no lado de fora do modelo. Isto reduz a quantidade de brim a ser removida no final, e não reduz tanto a aderência à mesa."
28623159 #: fdmprinter.def.json
28633160 msgctxt "raft_margin label"
29773274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29783275 msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
29793276 msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
2980 msgstr "Largura das linhas na camada de base do raft. Devem ser grossas para auxiliar na adesão à mesa."
3277 msgstr "Largura das linhas na camada de base do raft. Devem ser grossas para auxiliar na aderência à mesa."
29823279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
29833280 msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
34103707 msgstr "Determina que malha de preenchimento está dentro do preenchimento de outra malha de preenchimento. Uma malha de preenchimento com ordem mais alta modificará o preenchimento de malhas de preenchimento com ordem mais baixa e malhas normais."
34123709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3710 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3711 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3712 msgstr "Malha de Corte"
3714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3715 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3716 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3717 msgstr "Limitar o volume desta malha para dentro de outras malhas. Você pode usar isto para fazer certas áreas de uma malha imprimirem com ajustes diferentes, incluindo extrusor diferente."
3719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3720 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3721 msgid "Mold"
3722 msgstr "Molde"
3724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3725 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3726 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3727 msgstr "Imprimir modelos como moldes com o negativo das peças de modo que se possa encher de resina para as gerar."
3729 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3730 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3731 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3732 msgstr "Largura Mínima do Molde"
3734 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3735 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3736 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3737 msgstr "A distância mínima entre o exterior do molde e do modelo."
3739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3740 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3741 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3742 msgstr "Altura de Teto do Molde"
3744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3745 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3746 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3747 msgstr "A altura acima das partes horizontais do modelo onde criar o molde."
3749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3750 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3751 msgid "Mold Angle"
3752 msgstr "Ângulo do Molde"
3754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3755 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3756 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3757 msgstr "O ângulo de seção pendente das paredes externas criadas para o molde. 0° fará a superfície externa do molde vertical, enquanto 90° fará a superfície externa do molde seguir o contorno do modelo."
3759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34133760 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34143761 msgid "Support Mesh"
34153762 msgstr "Malha de Suporte"
34203767 msgstr "Use esta malha para especificar áreas obrigatoriamente suportadas. Isto será usado para gerar estruturas de suporte."
34223769 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3770 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3771 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3772 msgstr "Malha de Suporte Abaixo"
3774 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3775 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3776 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3777 msgstr "Cria suport em todo lugar abaixo da malha de suporte de modo que não haja seções pendentes nela."
3779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34233780 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34243781 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34253782 msgstr "Malha Anti-Pendente"
34623819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34633820 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3464 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3465 msgstr "Este modo, também chamado de Modo Vaso ou Joris, transforma a trajetória do filete de plástico de impressão em uma espiral ascendente, com o Z lentamente subindo. Para isso, torna um modelo sólido em uma casca de parede única com a base sólida. Nem toda forma funciona corretamente com o modo vaso."
3821 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3822 msgstr "'Espiralizar' faz com que o movimento vertical (em Z) seja contínuo e gradual seguindo o contorno da peça. Este recurso transforma um modelo sólido em uma simples linha contínua em espiral partindo de uma base sólida. O recurso só deve ser habilitado quando cada camada horizontal contiver somente um contorno."
3824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3825 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3826 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3827 msgstr "Suavizar Contornos Espiralizados"
3829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3830 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3831 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3832 msgstr "Suaviza os contornos espiralizados para reduzir a visibilidade da costura em Z (esta costura será quase invisível na impressão mas ainda pode ser vista na visão de camadas). Note que suavizar tenderá a remover detalhes finos de superfície."
34673834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34683835 msgctxt "experimental label"
40034370 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40044371 msgstr "Matriz de transformação a ser aplicada ao modelo após o carregamento do arquivo."
4373 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4374 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4375 #~ msgstr "Largura de extrusão de um filete usado na interface da estrutura de suporte com o modelo."
4377 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4378 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4379 #~ msgstr "Raio de Subdivisão Cúbica"
4381 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4382 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4383 #~ msgstr "Um multiplicador do raio do centro de cada cubo para verificar a borda do modelo, de modo a decidir se este cubo deve ser subdividido. Valores maiores levam a maiores subdivisões, isto é, mais cubos pequenos."
4385 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4386 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4387 #~ msgstr "Expandir Contornos Superiores"
4389 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4390 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4391 #~ msgstr "Expandir as áreas de contorno superiores (áreas com ar acima) de modo que suportem o preenchimento acima."
4393 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4394 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4395 #~ msgstr "Expandir Contornos Inferiores"
4397 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4398 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4399 #~ msgstr "Expandir as áreas de contorno inferiores (áreas com ar abaixo) de modo que fiquem ancoradas pelas camadas de preenchimento acima e abaixo."
4401 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4402 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4403 #~ msgstr "A velocidade em que o topo e base dos suportes são impressos. Imprimi-lo a menores velocidade pode melhor a qualidade das seções pendentes."
4405 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4406 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4407 #~ msgstr "Aceleração com que o topo e base dos suportes são impressos. Imprimi-lo a menores acelerações pode aprimorar a qualidade das seções pendentes."
4409 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4410 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4411 #~ msgstr "A mudança instantânea máxima de velocidade em uma direção com que a base e o topo dos suporte é impresso."
4413 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4414 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4415 #~ msgstr "Habilitar Suportes"
4417 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4418 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4419 #~ msgstr "Habilita as estruturas de suporte. Essas estruturas apóiam partes do modelo que tenham seções pendentes."
4421 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4422 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4423 #~ msgstr "O extrusor a usar para imprimir o topo e base dos suportes. Isto é utilizado em multi-extrusão."
4425 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4426 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4427 #~ msgstr "A altura dos passos da base tipo escada do suporte em cima do modelo. Um valor baixo faz o suporte ser mais difícil de remover, mas valores muito altos podem criar estruturas de suporte instáveis."
4429 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4430 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4431 #~ msgstr "Espessura da Base do Suporte"
4433 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4434 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4435 #~ msgstr "A espessura da base do suporte. Isto controla o número de camadas densas que são impressas no topo de lugares do modelo em que o suporte se assenta."
4437 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4438 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4439 #~ msgstr "Quando se verificar onde há modelo sobre suporte, use passos da altura dada. Valores baixos vão fatiar mais lentamente, enquanto valores altos podem fazer o suporte normal ser impresso em lugares onde deveria haver interface de suporte."
4441 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4442 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4443 #~ msgstr "Ajusta a densidade dos topos e bases das estruturas de suporte. Um valor mais alto resulta em seções pendentes melhores, mas os suportes são mais difíceis de remover."
4445 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4446 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4447 #~ msgstr "Distância entre Linhas da Interface de Suporte"
4449 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4450 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4451 #~ msgstr "Distância entre as linhas impressas da interface de suporte. Este ajuste é calculado pela Densidade de Interface de Suporte, mas pode ser ajustado separadamente."
4453 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4454 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4455 #~ msgstr "Este modo, também chamado de Modo Vaso ou Joris, transforma a trajetória do filete de plástico de impressão em uma espiral ascendente, com o Z lentamente subindo. Para isso, torna um modelo sólido em uma casca de parede única com a base sólida. Nem toda forma funciona corretamente com o modo vaso."
40064457 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40074458 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40084459 #~ msgstr "Temperatura usada para a impressão. COloque em '0' para pré-aquecer a impressora manualmente."
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
0 # Cura
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 12:10+0300\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-02 23:56+0300\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Ruslan Popov <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: \n"
12 "Language-Team: Ruslan Popov\n"
1313 "Language: ru\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ru\n"
15 "Country-Code: RU\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2729 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2830 msgstr "Предоставляет возможность изменения параметров принтера (такие как рабочий объём, диаметр сопла и так далее)"
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
32 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
3133 msgctxt "@action"
3234 msgid "Machine Settings"
3335 msgstr "Параметры принтера"
128130 msgid "Show Changelog"
129131 msgstr "Показать журнал изменений"
133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
134 msgctxt "@label"
135 msgid "Profile flatener"
136 msgstr "Нормализация профиля"
138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
139 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
140 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
141 msgstr "Создаёт профиль со стандартными настройками."
143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
144 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
145 msgid "Flatten active settings"
146 msgstr "Сбросить текущие параметры к стандартным значениям"
148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
149 msgctxt "@info:status"
150 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
151 msgstr "Профиль был нормализован и активирован."
131153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
132154 msgctxt "@label"
133155 msgid "USB printing"
158180 msgid "Connected via USB"
159181 msgstr "Подключено через USB"
161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
162184 msgctxt "@info:status"
163185 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
164186 msgstr "Невозможно запустить новое задание, потому что принтер занят или не подключен."
166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
167189 msgctxt "@info:status"
168190 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
169191 msgstr "Данный принтер не поддерживает печать через USB, потому что он использует UltiGCode диалект."
171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
172194 msgctxt "@info:status"
173195 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
174196 msgstr "Невозможно запустить новую задачу, так как принтер не поддерживает печать через USB."
205227 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
206228 msgstr "Сохранить на внешний носитель {0}"
208 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
209231 #, python-brace-format
210232 msgctxt "@info:progress"
211233 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
212234 msgstr "Сохранение на внешний носитель <filename>{0}</filename>"
214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
215 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
216238 #, python-brace-format
217239 msgctxt "@info:status"
218240 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
219241 msgstr "Не могу сохранить <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
221 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
222244 #, python-brace-format
223245 msgctxt "@info:status"
224246 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
225247 msgstr "Сохранено на внешний носитель {0} как {1}"
227 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228250 msgctxt "@action:button"
229251 msgid "Eject"
230252 msgstr "Извлечь"
232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
233255 #, python-brace-format
234256 msgctxt "@action"
235257 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
236258 msgstr "Извлекает внешний носитель {0}"
238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
239261 #, python-brace-format
240262 msgctxt "@info:status"
241263 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
242264 msgstr "Невозможно сохранить на внешний носитель {0}: {1}"
244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
245267 #, python-brace-format
246268 msgctxt "@info:status"
247269 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
248270 msgstr "Извлечено {0}. Вы можете теперь безопасно извлечь носитель."
250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
251273 #, python-brace-format
252274 msgctxt "@info:status"
253275 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
327349 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
328350 msgstr "Отправить запрос на доступ к принтеру"
330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
331353 msgctxt "@info:status"
332354 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
333355 msgstr "Подключен по сети. Пожалуйста, подтвердите запрос на принтере."
335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
336358 msgctxt "@info:status"
337359 msgid "Connected over the network."
338360 msgstr "Подключен по сети."
340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
341363 msgctxt "@info:status"
342364 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
343365 msgstr "Подключен по сети. Нет доступа к управлению принтером."
345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
346368 msgctxt "@info:status"
347369 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
348370 msgstr "Запрос доступа к принтеру был отклонён."
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
351373 msgctxt "@info:status"
352374 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
353375 msgstr "Запрос доступа был неудачен из-за таймаута."
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
356378 msgctxt "@info:status"
357379 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
358380 msgstr "Соединение с сетью было потеряно."
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
361383 msgctxt "@info:status"
362384 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
363385 msgstr "Соединение с принтером было потеряно. Проверьте свой принтер, подключен ли он."
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
366388 #, python-format
367389 msgctxt "@info:status"
368390 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
369391 msgstr "Невозможно запустить новую задачу на печать, принтер занят. Текущий статус принтера %s."
371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
372394 #, python-brace-format
373395 msgctxt "@info:status"
374 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
396 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
375397 msgstr "Невозможно запустить новую задачу на печать. PrinterCore не был загружен в слот {0}"
377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
378400 #, python-brace-format
379401 msgctxt "@info:status"
380402 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
381403 msgstr "Невозможно запустить новую задачу на печать. Материал не загружен в слот {0}"
383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
384406 #, python-brace-format
385407 msgctxt "@label"
386408 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
387409 msgstr "Недостаточно материала в катушке {0}."
389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
390412 #, python-brace-format
391413 msgctxt "@label"
392414 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
393415 msgstr "Разные PrintCore (Cura: {0}, Принтер: {1}) выбраны для экструдера {2}"
395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
396418 #, python-brace-format
397419 msgctxt "@label"
398420 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
399421 msgstr "Разный материал (Cura: {0}, Принтер: {1}) выбран для экструдера {2}"
401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
423 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
402424 #, python-brace-format
403425 msgctxt "@label"
404426 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
405427 msgstr "PrintCore {0} не откалибровано. Необходимо выполнить XY калибровку для принтера."
407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
408430 msgctxt "@label"
409431 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
410432 msgstr "Вы уверены, что желаете печатать с использованием выбранной конфигурации?"
412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
413435 msgctxt "@label"
414436 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
415437 msgstr "Есть несовпадение между конфигурацией или калибровкой принтера и Cura. Для лучшего результата, всегда производите слайсинг для PrintCore и материала, которые установлены в вашем принтере."
417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
418440 msgctxt "@window:title"
419441 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
420442 msgstr "Несовпадение конфигурации"
422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
423445 msgctxt "@info:status"
424446 msgid "Sending data to printer"
425447 msgstr "Отправка данных на принтер"
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
430452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
431453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
433 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
434 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
435457 msgctxt "@action:button"
436458 msgid "Cancel"
437459 msgstr "Отмена"
439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
440462 msgctxt "@info:status"
441463 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
442464 msgstr "Невозможно отправить данные на принтер. Другая задача всё ещё активна?"
444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
445 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
446468 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
447469 msgid "Aborting print..."
448470 msgstr "Прерывание печати…"
450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
451473 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
452474 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
453475 msgstr "Печать прервана. Пожалуйста, проверьте принтер"
455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
456478 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
457479 msgid "Pausing print..."
458480 msgstr "Печать приостановлена..."
460 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
461483 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
462484 msgid "Resuming print..."
463485 msgstr "Печать возобновлена..."
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
466488 msgctxt "@window:title"
467489 msgid "Sync with your printer"
468490 msgstr "Синхронизация с вашим принтером"
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
471493 msgctxt "@label"
472494 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
473495 msgstr "Желаете использовать текущую конфигурацию принтера в Cura?"
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
476498 msgctxt "@label"
477499 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
478500 msgstr "Модуль PrintCore и/или материал в вашем принтере отличается от тех, что вы используете в текущем проекте. Для наилучшего результата всегда указывайте правильный модуль PrintCore и материалы, которые вставлены в ваш принтер."
519541 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/SliceInfoPlugin/
520542 msgctxt "@info"
521543 msgid "Cura collects anonymised slicing statistics. You can disable this in preferences"
522 msgstr "Cura собирает анонимную статистику о нарезке модели. Вы можете отключить это в настройках."
544 msgstr "Cura собирает анонимную статистику о нарезке модели. Вы можете отключить это в настройках"
524546 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/SliceInfoPlugin/
525547 msgctxt "@action:button"
526548 msgid "Dismiss"
527549 msgstr "Отменить"
529 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
551 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
530552 msgctxt "@label"
531553 msgid "Material Profiles"
532554 msgstr "Профили материалов"
534 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
535557 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
536558 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
537559 msgstr "Предоставляет возможности по чтению и записи профилей материалов в виде XML."
582604 msgid "Layers"
583605 msgstr "Слои"
585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
586608 msgctxt "@info:status"
587609 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
588610 msgstr "Cura не аккуратно отображает слои при использовании печати через кабель"
590 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
591 msgctxt "@label"
592 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
593 msgstr "Обновление версии 2.4 до 2.5"
595 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
613 msgctxt "@label"
614 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
615 msgstr "Обновление версии с 2.5 до 2.6"
617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
596618 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
597 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
598 msgstr "Обновление конфигурации Cura 2.4 до Cura 2.5."
619 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
620 msgstr "Обновляет конфигурацию Cura 2.5 до Cura 2.6."
600622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
601623 msgctxt "@label"
615637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade22to24/
616638 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
617639 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.2 to Cura 2.4."
618 msgstr "Обновляет конфигурации Cura 2.2 до Cura 2.4"
640 msgstr "Обновляет конфигурации Cura 2.2 до Cura 2.4."
620642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/
621643 msgctxt "@label"
652674 msgid "GIF Image"
653675 msgstr "GIF изображение"
655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
677 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
678 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
657679 msgctxt "@info:status"
658680 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
659681 msgstr "Выбранный материал несовместим с выбранным принтером или конфигурацией."
661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
683 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
662684 #, python-brace-format
663685 msgctxt "@info:status"
664686 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
665687 msgstr "Не могу выполнить слайсинг на текущих настройках. Проверьте следующие настройки: {0}"
667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
689 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
668690 msgctxt "@info:status"
669691 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
670692 msgstr "Слайсинг невозможен так как черновая башня или её позиция неверные."
672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
694 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
673695 msgctxt "@info:status"
674696 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
675697 msgstr "Нечего нарезать, так как ни одна модель не попадает в объём принтера. Пожалуйста, отмасштабируйте или поверните модель."
684706 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
685707 msgstr "Предоставляет интерфейс к движку CuraEngine."
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
688 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
709 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
710 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
689711 msgctxt "@info:status"
690712 msgid "Processing Layers"
691713 msgstr "Обработка слоёв"
710732 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
711733 msgstr "Правка параметров модели"
713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
715737 msgctxt "@title:tab"
716738 msgid "Recommended"
717739 msgstr "Рекомендованная"
719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
721743 msgctxt "@title:tab"
722744 msgid "Custom"
723745 msgstr "Своя"
725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
747 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
726748 msgctxt "@label"
727749 msgid "3MF Reader"
728750 msgstr "Чтение 3MF"
730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
752 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
731753 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
732754 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
733755 msgstr "Предоставляет поддержку для чтения 3MF файлов."
735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
757 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
758 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
737759 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
738760 msgid "3MF File"
739761 msgstr "Файл 3MF"
741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
742 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
763 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
764 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
743765 msgctxt "@label"
744766 msgid "Nozzle"
745767 msgstr "Сопло"
774796 msgid "G File"
775797 msgstr "Файл G"
777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
799 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
778800 msgctxt "@info:status"
779801 msgid "Parsing G-code"
780802 msgstr "Обработка G-code"
804 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
805 msgctxt "@info:generic"
806 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
807 msgstr "Перед отправкой G-code на принтер удостоверьтесь в его соответствии вашему принтеру и его настройкам. Возможны неточности в G-code."
782809 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
783810 msgctxt "@label"
795822 msgid "Cura Profile"
796823 msgstr "Профиль Cura"
798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
825 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
799826 msgctxt "@label"
800827 msgid "3MF Writer"
801828 msgstr "Запись 3MF"
803 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
830 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
804831 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
805832 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
806833 msgstr "Предоставляет возможность записи 3MF файлов."
808 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
835 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
809836 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
810837 msgid "3MF file"
811838 msgstr "3MF файл"
813 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
814841 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
815842 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
816843 msgstr "3MF файл проекта Cura"
818 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
819 msgctxt "@label"
820 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
821 msgstr "Дополнительные возможности Ultimaker"
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
824 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
825 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
826 msgstr "Предоставляет дополнительные возможности для принтеров Ultimaker (такие как мастер выравнивания стола, выбора обновления и так далее)"
845 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
828846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
829847 msgctxt "@action"
830848 msgid "Select upgrades"
831849 msgstr "Выбор обновлений"
851 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
852 msgctxt "@label"
853 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
854 msgstr "Дополнительные возможности Ultimaker"
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
857 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
858 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
859 msgstr "Предоставляет дополнительные возможности для принтеров Ultimaker (такие как мастер выравнивания стола, выбора обновления и так далее)"
833861 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
834862 msgctxt "@action"
835863 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
855883 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
856884 msgstr "Предоставляет поддержку для импорта профилей Cura."
858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
859887 #, python-brace-format
860888 msgctxt "@label"
861889 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
871899 msgid "Unknown material"
872900 msgstr "Неизвестный материал"
874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
875 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
903 msgctxt "@info:status"
904 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
905 msgstr "Поиск места для новых объектов"
907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
909 msgctxt "@info:status"
910 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
911 msgstr "Невозможно разместить все объекты внутри печатаемого объёма"
913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
876915 msgctxt "@title:window"
877916 msgid "File Already Exists"
878917 msgstr "Файл уже существует"
880 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
882921 #, python-brace-format
883922 msgctxt "@label"
884923 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
885924 msgstr "Файл <filename>{0}</filename> уже существует. Вы желаете его перезаписать?"
887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
888 msgctxt "@info:status"
889 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
890 msgstr "Невозможно найти профиль качества для этой комбинации. Будут использованы параметры по умолчанию."
892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
927 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
928 msgctxt "@label"
929 msgid "Custom"
930 msgstr "Своё"
932 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
933 msgctxt "@label"
934 msgid "Custom Material"
935 msgstr "Собственный материал"
937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
893938 #, python-brace-format
894939 msgctxt "@info:status"
895940 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
896941 msgstr "Невозможно экспортировать профиль в <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
899944 #, python-brace-format
900945 msgctxt "@info:status"
901946 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
902947 msgstr "Невозможно экспортировать профиль в <filename>{0}</filename>: Плагин записи уведомил об ошибке."
904 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
949 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
905950 #, python-brace-format
906951 msgctxt "@info:status"
907952 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
908953 msgstr "Экспортирование профиля в <filename>{0}</filename>"
910 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
958 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912959 #, python-brace-format
913960 msgctxt "@info:status"
914961 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
915962 msgstr "Невозможно импортировать профиль из <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
965 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
919966 #, python-brace-format
920967 msgctxt "@info:status"
921968 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
922969 msgstr "Успешно импортирован профиль {0}"
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925972 #, python-brace-format
926973 msgctxt "@info:status"
927974 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
928975 msgstr "Профиль {0} имеет неизвестный тип файла или повреждён."
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931978 msgctxt "@label"
932979 msgid "Custom profile"
933980 msgstr "Собственный профиль"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
983 msgctxt "@info:status"
984 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
985 msgstr "У профайла отсутствует тип качества."
987 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
988 #, python-brace-format
989 msgctxt "@info:status"
990 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
991 msgstr "Невозможно найти тип качества {0} для текущей конфигурации."
993 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
936994 msgctxt "@info:status"
937995 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
938996 msgstr "Высота печатаемого объёма была уменьшена до значения параметра \"Последовательность печати\", чтобы предотвратить касание портала за напечатанные детали."
940 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
998 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
999 msgctxt "@info:status"
1000 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
1001 msgstr "Размножение и размещение объектов"
1003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9411004 msgctxt "@title:window"
942 msgid "Oops!"
943 msgstr "Ой!"
945 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1005 msgid "Crash Report"
1006 msgstr "Отчёт о сбое"
1008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9461009 msgctxt "@label"
9471010 msgid ""
9481011 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
949 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9501012 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9511013 " "
9521014 msgstr ""
953 "<p>Произошла неожиданная ошибка и мы не смогли её обработать!</p>\n"
954 " <p>Мы надеемся, что картинка с котёнком поможет вам оправиться от шока.</p>\n"
955 " <p>Пожалуйста, используйте информацию ниже для создания отчёта об ошибке на <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
956 " "
958 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1015 "<p>Произошла неожиданная ошибка и мы не смогли её исправить!</p>\n"
1016 " <p>Пожалуйста, используйте информацию ниже для создания отчёта об ошибке на <a href=\"\"></a></p>"
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9591019 msgctxt "@action:button"
9601020 msgid "Open Web Page"
9611021 msgstr "Открыть веб страницу"
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9641024 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9651025 msgid "Loading machines..."
9661026 msgstr "Загрузка принтеров..."
968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9691029 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9701030 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9711031 msgstr "Настройка сцены..."
973 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9741034 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9751035 msgid "Loading interface..."
9761036 msgstr "Загрузка интерфейса..."
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791039 #, python-format
9801040 msgctxt "@info"
9811041 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9821042 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f мм"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851045 #, python-brace-format
9861046 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871047 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9881048 msgstr "Только один G-code файла может быть загружен в момент времени. Пропускаю импортирование {0}"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9911051 #, python-brace-format
9921052 msgctxt "@info:status"
9931053 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9941054 msgstr "Невозможно открыть любой другой файл, если G-code файл уже загружен. Пропускаю импортирование {0}"
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1056 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9971057 msgctxt "@title"
9981058 msgid "Machine Settings"
9991059 msgstr "Параметры принтера"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
1002 msgctxt "@label"
1003 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
1004 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите правильные параметры для вашего принтера:"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1061 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1062 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1063 msgid "Printer"
1064 msgstr "Принтер"
1066 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10071067 msgctxt "@label"
10081068 msgid "Printer Settings"
10091069 msgstr "Параметры принтера"
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1071 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10121072 msgctxt "@label"
10131073 msgid "X (Width)"
10141074 msgstr "X (Ширина)"
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1020 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1021 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1022 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1081 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10251085 msgctxt "@label"
10261086 msgid "mm"
10271087 msgstr "мм"
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10301090 msgctxt "@label"
10311091 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10321092 msgstr "Y (Глубина)"
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10351095 msgctxt "@label"
10361096 msgid "Z (Height)"
10371097 msgstr "Z (Высота)"
1039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10401100 msgctxt "@label"
10411101 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10421102 msgstr "Форма стола"
1044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10451105 msgctxt "@option:check"
10461106 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10471107 msgstr "Ноль в центре стола"
1049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10501110 msgctxt "@option:check"
10511111 msgid "Heated Bed"
10521112 msgstr "Нагреваемый стол"
1054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10551115 msgctxt "@label"
10561116 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10571117 msgstr "Вариант G-кода"
1059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10601120 msgctxt "@label"
10611121 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10621122 msgstr "Параметры головы"
1064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10651125 msgctxt "@label"
10661126 msgid "X min"
10671127 msgstr "X минимум"
1069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10701130 msgctxt "@label"
10711131 msgid "Y min"
10721132 msgstr "Y минимум"
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10751135 msgctxt "@label"
10761136 msgid "X max"
10771137 msgstr "X максимум"
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10801140 msgctxt "@label"
10811141 msgid "Y max"
10821142 msgstr "Y максимум"
1084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10851145 msgctxt "@label"
10861146 msgid "Gantry height"
10871147 msgstr "Высота портала"
1089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1150 msgctxt "@label"
1151 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1152 msgstr "Количество экструдеров"
1154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1155 msgctxt "@label"
1156 msgid "Material Diameter"
1157 msgstr "Диаметр материала"
1159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10901161 msgctxt "@label"
10911162 msgid "Nozzle size"
10921163 msgstr "Диаметр сопла"
1094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10951166 msgctxt "@label"
10961167 msgid "Start Gcode"
10971168 msgstr "Начало G-кода"
1099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
11001171 msgctxt "@label"
11011172 msgid "End Gcode"
11021173 msgstr "Конец G-кода"
1175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1176 msgctxt "@label"
1177 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1178 msgstr "Параметры сопла"
1180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1181 msgctxt "@label"
1182 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1183 msgstr "Смещение сопла по оси X"
1185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1186 msgctxt "@label"
1187 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1188 msgstr "Смещение сопла по оси Y"
1190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1191 msgctxt "@label"
1192 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1193 msgstr "G-код старта экструдера"
1195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1196 msgctxt "@label"
1197 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1198 msgstr "G-код завершения экструдера"
11041200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
11051201 msgctxt "@title:window"
11071203 msgstr "Настройки Doodle3D"
11091205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11111207 msgctxt "@action:button"
11121208 msgid "Save"
11131209 msgstr "Сохранить"
11461242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11471243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11481244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11501246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11511247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11521248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
11991295 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12001296 msgstr "Неизвестный код ошибки: %1"
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12031299 msgctxt "@title:window"
12041300 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12051301 msgstr "Подключение к сетевому принтеру"
1207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1303 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12081304 msgctxt "@label"
12091305 msgid ""
12101306 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12151311 "\n"
12161312 "Укажите ваш принтер в списке ниже:"
1218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12191315 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12201316 msgctxt "@action:button"
12211317 msgid "Add"
12221318 msgstr "Добавить"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1320 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12251321 msgctxt "@action:button"
12261322 msgid "Edit"
12271323 msgstr "Правка"
1229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12301326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12311327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1232 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12331329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12341330 msgid "Remove"
12351331 msgstr "Удалить"
1237 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12381334 msgctxt "@action:button"
12391335 msgid "Refresh"
12401336 msgstr "Обновить"
1242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12431339 msgctxt "@label"
12441340 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12451341 msgstr "Если ваш принтер отсутствует в списке, обратитесь к <a href='%1'>руководству по решению проблем с сетевой печатью</a>"
1247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12481344 msgctxt "@label"
12491345 msgid "Type"
12501346 msgstr "Тип"
1252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12531349 msgctxt "@label"
12541350 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12551351 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12581354 msgctxt "@label"
12591355 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12601356 msgstr "Ultimaker 3 Расширенный"
1262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12631359 msgctxt "@label"
12641360 msgid "Unknown"
12651361 msgstr "Неизвестный"
1267 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12681364 msgctxt "@label"
12691365 msgid "Firmware version"
12701366 msgstr "Версия прошивки"
1272 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12731369 msgctxt "@label"
12741370 msgid "Address"
12751371 msgstr "Адрес"
1277 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12781374 msgctxt "@label"
12791375 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12801376 msgstr "Принтер по этому адресу ещё не отвечал."
1282 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12831379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12841380 msgctxt "@action:button"
12851381 msgid "Connect"
12861382 msgstr "Подключить"
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12891385 msgctxt "@title:window"
12901386 msgid "Printer Address"
12911387 msgstr "Адрес принтера"
1293 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
12941390 msgctxt "@alabel"
12951391 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
12961392 msgstr "Введите IP адрес принтера или его имя в сети."
1298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
12991395 msgctxt "@action:button"
13001396 msgid "Ok"
13011397 msgstr "Ok"
13401436 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13411437 msgstr "Изменить активные скрипты пост-обработки"
1343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13441440 msgctxt "@label"
13451441 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13461442 msgstr "Режим просмотра: Слои"
1348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13491445 msgctxt "@label"
13501446 msgid "Color scheme"
13511447 msgstr "Цветовая схема"
1353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13541450 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13551451 msgid "Material Color"
13561452 msgstr "Цвет материала"
1358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13591455 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13601456 msgid "Line Type"
13611457 msgstr "Тип линии"
1363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13641460 msgctxt "@label"
13651461 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13661462 msgstr "Режим совместимости"
1368 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1369 msgctxt "@label"
1370 msgid "Extruder %1"
1371 msgstr "Экструдер %1"
1373 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13741465 msgctxt "@label"
13751466 msgid "Show Travels"
13761467 msgstr "Показать движения"
1378 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1469 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13791470 msgctxt "@label"
13801471 msgid "Show Helpers"
13811472 msgstr "Показать поддержку"
1383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1474 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13841475 msgctxt "@label"
13851476 msgid "Show Shell"
13861477 msgstr "Показать стенки"
1388 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13891480 msgctxt "@label"
13901481 msgid "Show Infill"
13911482 msgstr "Показать заполнение"
1393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
13941485 msgctxt "@label"
13951486 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
13961487 msgstr "Показать только верхние слои"
1398 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
13991490 msgctxt "@label"
14001491 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14011492 msgstr "Показать 5 детализированных слоёв сверху"
1403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14041495 msgctxt "@label"
14051496 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14061497 msgstr "Дно / крышка"
1408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14091500 msgctxt "@label"
14101501 msgid "Inner Wall"
14111502 msgstr "Внутренняя стенка"
14181509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:33
14191510 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
14201511 msgid "The maximum distance of each pixel from \"Base.\""
1421 msgstr "Максимальная дистанция каждого пикселя от \"Основания\"."
1512 msgstr "Максимальная дистанция каждого пикселя от \"Основания.\""
14231514 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:38
14241515 msgctxt "@action:label"
14811572 msgstr "Сглаживание"
14831574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14851575 msgctxt "@action:button"
14861576 msgid "OK"
14871577 msgstr "OK"
1489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1490 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1491 msgid "Print model with"
1492 msgstr "Печатать модель экструдером"
1494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1579 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
14951580 msgctxt "@action:button"
14961581 msgid "Select settings"
14971582 msgstr "Выберите параметры"
1499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1584 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15001585 msgctxt "@title:window"
15011586 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15021587 msgstr "Выберите параметр для изменения этой модели"
1504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15051590 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1506 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15071591 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15081592 msgid "Filter..."
15091593 msgstr "Фильтр..."
1511 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1595 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15121596 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15131597 msgid "Show all"
15141598 msgstr "Показать всё"
15181602 msgid "Open Project"
15191603 msgstr "Открытие проекта"
1521 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15221606 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15231607 msgid "Update existing"
15241608 msgstr "Обновить существующий"
1526 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15271611 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15281612 msgid "Create new"
15291613 msgstr "Создать новый"
1531 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15331617 msgctxt "@action:title"
15341618 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15351619 msgstr "Сводка - Проект Cura"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15391623 msgctxt "@action:label"
15401624 msgid "Printer settings"
15411625 msgstr "Параметры принтера"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15441628 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15451629 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15461630 msgstr "Как следует решать конфликт в принтере?"
1548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15501634 msgctxt "@action:label"
15511635 msgid "Type"
15521636 msgstr "Тип"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1557 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1558 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1638 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15591643 msgctxt "@action:label"
15601644 msgid "Name"
15611645 msgstr "Название"
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15651649 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661650 msgid "Profile settings"
15671651 msgstr "Параметры профиля"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15701654 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15711655 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15721656 msgstr "Как следует решать конфликт в профиле?"
1574 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15761660 msgctxt "@action:label"
15771661 msgid "Not in profile"
15781662 msgstr "Вне профиля"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1664 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15821666 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831667 msgid "%1 override"
15841668 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15861670 msgstr[1] "%1 перекрыто"
15871671 msgstr[2] "%1 перекрыто"
1589 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15901674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15911675 msgid "Derivative from"
15921676 msgstr "Производное от"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1678 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
15951679 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961680 msgid "%1, %2 override"
15971681 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
15991683 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 перекрыто"
16001684 msgstr[2] "%1, %2 перекрыто"
1602 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16031687 msgctxt "@action:label"
16041688 msgid "Material settings"
16051689 msgstr "Параметры материала"
1607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1691 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16081692 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16091693 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16101694 msgstr "Как следует решать конфликт в материале?"
1612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1696 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16141698 msgctxt "@action:label"
16151699 msgid "Setting visibility"
16161700 msgstr "Видимость параметров"
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16191703 msgctxt "@action:label"
16201704 msgid "Mode"
16211705 msgstr "Режим"
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16251709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16261710 msgid "Visible settings:"
16271711 msgstr "Видимые параметры:"
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16311715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16321716 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16331717 msgstr "%1 из %2"
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16361720 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16371721 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16381722 msgstr "Загрузка проекта уберёт все модели со стола"
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1724 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16411725 msgctxt "@action:button"
16421726 msgid "Open"
16431727 msgstr "Открыть"
1729 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1731 msgctxt "@title"
1732 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1733 msgstr "Выбор обновлённых частей"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1736 msgctxt "@label"
1737 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1738 msgstr "Пожалуйста, укажите любые изменения, внесённые в Ultimaker 2."
1740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1741 msgctxt "@label"
1742 msgid "Olsson Block"
1743 msgstr "Блок Олссона"
16451745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16461746 msgctxt "@title"
16961796 msgctxt "@title:window"
16971797 msgid "Select custom firmware"
16981798 msgstr "Выбрать собственную прошивку"
1700 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1701 msgctxt "@title"
1702 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1703 msgstr "Выбор обновлённых частей"
17051800 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17061801 msgctxt "@label"
18161911 msgstr "Принтер не принимает команды"
18181913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1819 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18201915 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18211916 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18221917 msgstr "В режиме обслуживания. Пожалуйста, проверьте принтер"
18271922 msgstr "Потеряно соединение с принтером"
18291924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1830 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18311926 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18321927 msgid "Printing..."
18331928 msgstr "Печать..."
18351930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1836 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18371932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18381933 msgid "Paused"
18391934 msgstr "Приостановлен"
18411936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18431938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18441939 msgid "Preparing..."
18451940 msgstr "Подготовка..."
18741969 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18751970 msgstr "Вы уверены, что желаете прервать печать?"
1877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18781973 msgctxt "@title:window"
18791974 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18801975 msgstr "Сбросить или сохранить изменения"
1882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1977 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18831978 msgctxt "@text:window"
18841979 msgid ""
18851980 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18881983 "Вы изменили некоторые параметры профиля.\n"
18891984 "Желаете сохранить их или вернуть к прежним значениям?"
1891 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18921987 msgctxt "@title:column"
18931988 msgid "Profile settings"
18941989 msgstr "Параметры профиля"
1896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18971992 msgctxt "@title:column"
18981993 msgid "Default"
18991994 msgstr "По умолчанию"
1901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19021997 msgctxt "@title:column"
19031998 msgid "Customized"
19041999 msgstr "Свой"
1906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19082003 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19092004 msgid "Always ask me this"
19102005 msgstr "Всегда спрашивать меня"
1912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19142009 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19152010 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19162011 msgstr "Сбросить и никогда больше не спрашивать"
1918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19202015 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19212016 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19222017 msgstr "Сохранить и никогда больше не спрашивать"
1924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19252020 msgctxt "@action:button"
19262021 msgid "Discard"
19272022 msgstr "Сбросить"
1929 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19302025 msgctxt "@action:button"
19312026 msgid "Keep"
19322027 msgstr "Сохранить"
1934 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19352030 msgctxt "@action:button"
19362031 msgid "Create New Profile"
19372032 msgstr "Создать новый профиль"
1939 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19402035 msgctxt "@title"
19412036 msgid "Information"
19422037 msgstr "Информация"
1944 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19452040 msgctxt "@label"
19462041 msgid "Display Name"
19472042 msgstr "Отображаемое имя"
1949 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19502045 msgctxt "@label"
19512046 msgid "Brand"
19522047 msgstr "Брэнд"
1954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19552050 msgctxt "@label"
19562051 msgid "Material Type"
19572052 msgstr "Тип материала"
1959 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19602055 msgctxt "@label"
19612056 msgid "Color"
19622057 msgstr "Цвет"
1964 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19652060 msgctxt "@label"
19662061 msgid "Properties"
19672062 msgstr "Свойства"
1969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19702065 msgctxt "@label"
19712066 msgid "Density"
19722067 msgstr "Плотность"
1974 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19752070 msgctxt "@label"
19762071 msgid "Diameter"
19772072 msgstr "Диаметр"
1979 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19802075 msgctxt "@label"
19812076 msgid "Filament Cost"
19822077 msgstr "Стоимость материала"
1984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19852080 msgctxt "@label"
19862081 msgid "Filament weight"
19872082 msgstr "Вес материала"
1989 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19902085 msgctxt "@label"
19912086 msgid "Filament length"
19922087 msgstr "Длина материала"
1994 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19952090 msgctxt "@label"
19962091 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19972092 msgstr "Стоимость метра"
1999 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2095 msgctxt "@label"
2096 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2097 msgstr "Данный материал привязан к %1 и имеет ряд его свойств."
2099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2100 msgctxt "@label"
2101 msgid "Unlink Material"
2102 msgstr "Отвязать материал"
2104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20002105 msgctxt "@label"
20012106 msgid "Description"
20022107 msgstr "Описание"
2004 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20052110 msgctxt "@label"
20062111 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20072112 msgstr "Информация об адгезии"
2009 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20102115 msgctxt "@label"
20112116 msgid "Print settings"
20122117 msgstr "Параметры печати"
20422147 msgstr "Единица"
20442149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20462151 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20472152 msgid "General"
20482153 msgstr "Общее"
2050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20512156 msgctxt "@label"
20522157 msgid "Interface"
20532158 msgstr "Интерфейс"
2055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20562161 msgctxt "@label"
20572162 msgid "Language:"
20582163 msgstr "Язык:"
2060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20612166 msgctxt "@label"
20622167 msgid "Currency:"
20632168 msgstr "Валюта:"
2065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2066 msgctxt "@label"
2067 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2068 msgstr "Вам потребуется перезапустить приложение для переключения интерфейса на выбранный язык."
2070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2171 msgctxt "@label"
2172 msgid "Theme:"
2173 msgstr "Тема:"
2175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2176 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2177 msgid "Ultimaker"
2178 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2181 msgctxt "@label"
2182 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2183 msgstr "Для применения данных изменений вам потребуется перезапустить приложение."
2185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20712186 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20722187 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20732188 msgstr "Нарезать автоматически при изменении настроек."
2075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20762191 msgctxt "@option:check"
20772192 msgid "Slice automatically"
20782193 msgstr "Нарезать автоматически"
2080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20812196 msgctxt "@label"
20822197 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20832198 msgstr "Поведение окна"
2085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20862201 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20872202 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20882203 msgstr "Подсвечивать красным области модели, требующие поддержек. Без поддержек эти области не будут напечатаны правильно."
2090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20912206 msgctxt "@option:check"
20922207 msgid "Display overhang"
20932208 msgstr "Отобразить нависания"
2095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2210 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20962211 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2097 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2098 msgstr "Перемещать камеру так, чтобы модель при выборе помещалась в центр экрана"
2100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2212 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2213 msgstr "Перемещать камеру так, чтобы выбранная модель помещалась в центр экрана"
2215 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21012216 msgctxt "@action:button"
21022217 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21032218 msgstr "Центрировать камеру на выбранном объекте"
2105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2220 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2221 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2222 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2223 msgstr "Следует ли инвертировать стандартный способ увеличения в Cura?"
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2226 msgctxt "@action:button"
2227 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2228 msgstr "Инвертировать направление увеличения камеры."
2230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21062231 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21072232 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
2108 msgstr "Следует ли размещать модели на столе так, чтобы они больше не пересекались."
2110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2233 msgstr "Следует ли размещать модели на столе так, чтобы они больше не пересекались?"
2235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21112236 msgctxt "@option:check"
21122237 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21132238 msgstr "Удостовериться, что модели размещены рядом"
2115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21162241 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21172242 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21182243 msgstr "Следует ли опустить модели на стол?"
2120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21212246 msgctxt "@option:check"
21222247 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21232248 msgstr "Автоматически опускать модели на стол"
2125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2251 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2252 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2253 msgstr "Показывать важное сообщение при чтении G-кода."
2255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2256 msgctxt "@option:check"
2257 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2258 msgstr "Важное сообщение при чтении G-кода"
2260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21262261 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21272262 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21282263 msgstr "Должен ли слой быть переведён в режим совместимости?"
2130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21312266 msgctxt "@option:check"
21322267 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21332268 msgstr "Просматривать слои в режиме совместимости (требуется перезапуск)"
2135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21362271 msgctxt "@label"
21372272 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21382273 msgstr "Открытие и сохранение файлов"
2140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21412276 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21422277 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21432278 msgstr "Масштабировать ли модели для размещения внутри печатаемого объёма, если они не влезают в него?"
2145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21462281 msgctxt "@option:check"
21472282 msgid "Scale large models"
21482283 msgstr "Масштабировать большие модели"
2150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21512286 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21522287 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21532288 msgstr "Модель может показаться очень маленькой, если её размерность задана в метрах, а не миллиметрах. Следует ли масштабировать такие модели?"
2155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21562291 msgctxt "@option:check"
21572292 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21582293 msgstr "Масштабировать очень маленькие модели"
2160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21612296 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21622297 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21632298 msgstr "Надо ли автоматически добавлять префикс, основанный на имени принтера, к названию задачи на печать?"
2165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21662301 msgctxt "@option:check"
21672302 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21682303 msgstr "Добавить префикс принтера к имени задачи"
2170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2305 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21712306 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21722307 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21732308 msgstr "Показывать сводку при сохранении файла проекта?"
2175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2310 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21762311 msgctxt "@option:check"
21772312 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21782313 msgstr "Показывать сводку при сохранении проекта"
2180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2315 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2316 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2317 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2318 msgstr "Стандартное поведение при открытии файла проекта"
2320 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2321 msgctxt "@window:text"
2322 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2323 msgstr "Стандартное поведение при открытии файла проекта: "
2325 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2326 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2327 msgid "Always ask"
2328 msgstr "Всегда спрашивать"
2330 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2331 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2332 msgid "Always open as a project"
2333 msgstr "Всегда открывать как проект"
2335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2336 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2337 msgid "Always import models"
2338 msgstr "Всегда импортировать модели"
2340 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21812341 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21822342 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21832343 msgstr "При внесении изменений в профиль и переключении на другой, будет показан диалог, запрашивающий ваше решение о сохранении ваших изменений, или вы можете указать стандартное поведение и не показывать такой диалог."
2185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2345 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21862346 msgctxt "@label"
21872347 msgid "Override Profile"
21882348 msgstr "Переопределение профиля"
2190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21912351 msgctxt "@label"
21922352 msgid "Privacy"
21932353 msgstr "Приватность"
2195 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21962356 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21972357 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
21982358 msgstr "Должна ли Cura проверять обновления программы при старте?"
2200 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22012361 msgctxt "@option:check"
22022362 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22032363 msgstr "Проверять обновления при старте"
2205 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22062366 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22072367 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22082368 msgstr "Можно ли отправлять анонимную информацию о вашей печати в Ultimaker? Следует отметить, что ни модели, ни IP адреса и никакая другая персональная информация не будет отправлена или сохранена."
2210 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22112371 msgctxt "@option:check"
22122372 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22132373 msgstr "Отправлять (анонимно) информацию о печати"
22152375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22172377 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22182378 msgid "Printers"
22192379 msgstr "Принтеры"
22212381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22222382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2223 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2383 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22242384 msgctxt "@action:button"
22252385 msgid "Activate"
22262386 msgstr "Активировать"
22362396 msgid "Printer type:"
22372397 msgstr "Тип принтера:"
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22402400 msgctxt "@label"
22412401 msgid "Connection:"
22422402 msgstr "Соединение:"
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22452405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22462406 msgctxt "@info:status"
22472407 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22482408 msgstr "Принтер не подключен."
2250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22512411 msgctxt "@label"
22522412 msgid "State:"
22532413 msgstr "Состояние:"
2255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22562416 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22572417 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22582418 msgstr "Ожидаем, чтобы кто-нибудь освободил стол"
2260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22612421 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22622422 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22632423 msgstr "Ожидаем задание на печать"
22652425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2266 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22672427 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22682428 msgid "Profiles"
22692429 msgstr "Профили"
22892449 msgstr "Дублировать"
22912451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2292 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22932453 msgctxt "@action:button"
22942454 msgid "Import"
22952455 msgstr "Импорт"
22972457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2298 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
22992459 msgctxt "@action:button"
23002460 msgid "Export"
23012461 msgstr "Экспорт"
23612521 msgstr "Экспортировать профиль"
23632523 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2524 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23652525 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23662526 msgid "Materials"
23672527 msgstr "Материалы"
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2529 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23702530 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23712531 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23722532 msgstr "Принтер: %1, %2: %3"
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2534 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23752535 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23762536 msgid "Printer: %1"
23772537 msgstr "Принтер: %1"
2379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2539 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2540 msgctxt "@action:button"
2541 msgid "Create"
2542 msgstr "Создать"
2544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23802545 msgctxt "@action:button"
23812546 msgid "Duplicate"
23822547 msgstr "Дублировать"
2384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2550 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23862551 msgctxt "@title:window"
23872552 msgid "Import Material"
23882553 msgstr "Импортировать материал"
2390 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23912556 msgctxt "@info:status"
23922557 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23932558 msgstr "Не могу импортировать материал <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2395 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23962561 msgctxt "@info:status"
23972562 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
23982563 msgstr "Успешно импортированный материал <filename>%1</filename>"
2400 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2565 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24022567 msgctxt "@title:window"
24032568 msgid "Export Material"
24042569 msgstr "Экспортировать материал"
2406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24072572 msgctxt "@info:status"
24082573 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24092574 msgstr "Не могу экспортировать материал <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
2411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24122577 msgctxt "@info:status"
24132578 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24142579 msgstr "Материал успешно экспортирован в <filename>%1</filename>"
24162581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24182583 msgctxt "@title:window"
24192584 msgid "Add Printer"
24202585 msgstr "Добавление принтера"
24292594 msgid "Add Printer"
24302595 msgstr "Добавить принтер"
2597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2598 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2599 msgid "Outer Wall"
2600 msgstr "Внешняя стенка"
24322602 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2603 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2604 msgid "Inner Walls"
2605 msgstr "Внутренние стенки"
2607 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2608 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2609 msgid "Skin"
2610 msgstr "Покрытие"
2612 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2613 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2614 msgid "Infill"
2615 msgstr "Заполнение"
2617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2618 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2619 msgid "Support Infill"
2620 msgstr "Заполнение поддержек"
2622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2623 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2624 msgid "Support Interface"
2625 msgstr "Связующий слой поддержек"
2627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2628 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2629 msgid "Support"
2630 msgstr "Поддержки"
2632 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2633 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2634 msgid "Travel"
2635 msgstr "Перемещение"
2637 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2638 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2639 msgid "Retractions"
2640 msgstr "Откаты"
2642 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2643 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2644 msgid "Other"
2645 msgstr "Другое"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24332648 msgctxt "@label"
24342649 msgid "00h 00min"
24352650 msgstr "00ч 00мин"
2437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24382653 msgctxt "@label"
24392654 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24402655 msgstr "%1 м / ~ %2 гр / ~ %4 %3"
2442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24432658 msgctxt "@label"
24442659 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24452660 msgstr "%1 м / ~ %2 г"
25112726 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:128
25122727 msgctxt "@label"
25132728 msgid "Support library for scientific computing "
2514 msgstr "Вспомогательная библиотека для научных вычислений"
2729 msgstr "Вспомогательная библиотека для научных вычислений "
25162731 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:129
25172732 msgctxt "@label"
25532768 msgid "SVG icons"
25542769 msgstr "Иконки SVG"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2771 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2772 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2773 msgid "Search..."
2774 msgstr "Поиск..."
2776 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572777 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582778 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592779 msgstr "Скопировать значение для всех экструдеров"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2781 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622782 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632783 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642784 msgstr "Спрятать этот параметр"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2786 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672787 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682788 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692789 msgstr "Не показывать этот параметр"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2791 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722792 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732793 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742794 msgstr "Оставить этот параметр видимым"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772797 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782798 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792799 msgstr "Настроить видимость параметров..."
26022822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:155
26032823 msgctxt "@label"
26042824 msgid "This setting is always shared between all extruders. Changing it here will change the value for all extruders"
2605 msgstr "Этот параметр всегда действует на все экструдеры. Его изменение повлияет на все экструдеры."
2825 msgstr "Этот параметр всегда действует на все экструдеры. Его изменение повлияет на все экструдеры"
26072827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:158
26082828 msgctxt "@label"
26552875 "Настройка принтера отключена\n"
26562876 "G-code файлы нельзя изменять"
2658 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26592879 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26602880 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26612881 msgstr "<b>Рекомендованные параметры печати</b><br/><br/>Печатайте с рекомендованными параметрами для выбранных принтера, материала и качества."
2663 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2883 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26642884 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26652885 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26662886 msgstr "<b>Свои параметры печати</b><br/><br/>Печатайте с полным контролем над каждой особенностью процесса слайсинга."
2668 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2888 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26692889 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26702890 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26712891 msgstr "Автоматически: %1"
26802900 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26812901 msgstr "Автоматически: %1"
2903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2904 msgctxt "@label"
2905 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2906 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2907 msgstr[0] "Печать выбранной модели:"
2908 msgstr[1] "Печать выбранных моделей:"
2909 msgstr[2] "Печать выбранных моделей:"
2911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2912 msgctxt "@title:window"
2913 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2914 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2915 msgstr[0] "Размножить выбранную модель"
2916 msgstr[1] "Размножить выбранные модели"
2917 msgstr[2] "Размножить выбранные моделей"
2919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2920 msgctxt "@label"
2921 msgid "Number of Copies"
2922 msgstr "Количество копий"
26832924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26842925 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26852926 msgid "Open &Recent"
27703011 msgid "Estimated time left"
27713012 msgstr "Осталось примерно"
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27743015 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27753016 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27763017 msgstr "Полный экран"
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27793020 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27803021 msgid "&Undo"
27813022 msgstr "Отмена"
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27843025 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27853026 msgid "&Redo"
27863027 msgstr "Возврат"
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27893030 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27903031 msgid "&Quit"
27913032 msgstr "Выход"
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27943035 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27953036 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27963037 msgstr "Настроить Cura…"
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27993040 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28003041 msgid "&Add Printer..."
28013042 msgstr "Добавить принтер..."
2803 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
28043045 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
28053046 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
28063047 msgstr "Управление принтерами..."
2808 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
28093050 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28103051 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28113052 msgstr "Управление материалами…"
2813 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28143055 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28153056 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28163057 msgstr "Обновить профиль, используя текущие параметры"
2818 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28193060 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28203061 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28213062 msgstr "Сбросить текущие параметры"
2823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28243065 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28253066 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28263067 msgstr "Создать профиль из текущих параметров…"
2828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28293070 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28303071 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28313072 msgstr "Управление профилями..."
2833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28343075 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28353076 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28363077 msgstr "Показать онлайн документацию"
2838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28393080 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28403081 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28413082 msgstr "Отправить отчёт об ошибке"
2843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28443085 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28453086 msgid "&About..."
2846 msgstr "О Cura"
2848 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3087 msgstr "О Cura..."
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28493090 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2850 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2851 msgstr "Удалить выделенное"
2853 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3091 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3092 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3093 msgstr[0] "Удалить выбранную модель"
3094 msgstr[1] "Удалить выбранные модели"
3095 msgstr[2] "Удалить выбранные модели"
3097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3098 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3099 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3100 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3101 msgstr[0] "Центрировать выбранную модель"
3102 msgstr[1] "Центрировать выбранные модели"
3103 msgstr[2] "Центрировать выбранные модели"
3105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3106 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3107 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3108 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3109 msgstr[0] "Размножить выбранную модель"
3110 msgstr[1] "Размножить выбранные модели"
3111 msgstr[2] "Размножить выбранные модели"
3113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28543114 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28553115 msgid "Delete Model"
28563116 msgstr "Удалить модель"
2858 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28593119 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28603120 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28613121 msgstr "Поместить модель по центру"
2863 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3123 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28643124 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28653125 msgid "&Group Models"
28663126 msgstr "Сгруппировать модели"
2868 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3128 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28693129 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28703130 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28713131 msgstr "Разгруппировать модели"
2873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3133 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28743134 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28753135 msgid "&Merge Models"
28763136 msgstr "Объединить модели"
2878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3138 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28793139 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28803140 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28813141 msgstr "Дублировать модель..."
2883 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3143 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28843144 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28853145 msgid "&Select All Models"
28863146 msgstr "Выбрать все модели"
2888 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3148 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28893149 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28903150 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28913151 msgstr "Очистить стол"
2893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28943154 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28953155 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28963156 msgstr "Перезагрузить все модели"
2898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3159 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3160 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3161 msgstr "Выровнять все модели"
3163 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3164 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3165 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3166 msgstr "Выровнять выбранные"
3168 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28993169 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29003170 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
29013171 msgstr "Сбросить позиции всех моделей"
2903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3173 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
29043174 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
29053175 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
29063176 msgstr "Сбросить преобразования всех моделей"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3178 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
29093179 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2910 msgid "&Open File..."
2911 msgstr "Открыть файл..."
2913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3180 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3181 msgstr "Открыть файл(ы)..."
3183 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29143184 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2915 msgid "&Open Project..."
2916 msgstr "Открыть проект..."
2918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3185 msgid "&New Project..."
3186 msgstr "Новый проект..."
3188 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29193189 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29203190 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29213191 msgstr "Показать журнал движка..."
2923 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3193 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29243194 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29253195 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29263196 msgstr "Показать конфигурационный каталог"
2928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3198 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29293199 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29303200 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29313201 msgstr "Видимость параметров…"
2933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2934 msgctxt "@title:window"
2935 msgid "Multiply Model"
2936 msgstr "Дублировать модель"
29383203 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29393204 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29653230 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29663231 msgstr "Нарезка недоступна"
2968 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3233 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29693234 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29703235 msgid "Prepare"
29713236 msgstr "Подготовка"
2973 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29743239 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29753240 msgid "Cancel"
29763241 msgstr "Отмена"
2978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29793244 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29803245 msgid "Select the active output device"
29813246 msgstr "Выберите активное целевое устройство"
3248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3250 msgctxt "@title:window"
3251 msgid "Open file(s)"
3252 msgstr "Открыть файл(ы)"
3254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3255 msgctxt "@text:window"
3256 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3257 msgstr "Мы нашли один или более проектных файлов среди выбранных вами. Вы можете открыть только один файл проекта. Мы предлагаем импортировать только модели их этих файлов. Желаете продолжить?"
3259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3260 msgctxt "@action:button"
3261 msgid "Import all as models"
3262 msgstr "Импортировать всё как модели"
29833264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29843265 msgctxt "@title:window"
29903271 msgid "&File"
29913272 msgstr "Файл"
2993 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29943275 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29953276 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29963277 msgstr "Сохранить выделенное в файл"
29983279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29993280 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3000 msgid "Save &All"
3001 msgstr "Сохранить всё"
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3281 msgid "Save &As..."
3282 msgstr "Сохранить как..."
3284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
30043285 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
30053286 msgid "Save project"
30063287 msgstr "Сохранить проект"
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
30093290 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30103291 msgid "&Edit"
30113292 msgstr "Правка"
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30143295 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30153296 msgid "&View"
30163297 msgstr "Вид"
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30193300 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203301 msgid "&Settings"
30213302 msgstr "Параметры"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30243305 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30253306 msgid "&Printer"
30263307 msgstr "Принтер"
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3310 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30303311 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30313312 msgid "&Material"
30323313 msgstr "Материал"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3035 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3315 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3316 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30363317 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30373318 msgid "&Profile"
30383319 msgstr "Профиль"
3040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3321 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30413322 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30423323 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30433324 msgstr "Установить как активный экструдер"
3045 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3326 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30463327 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30473328 msgid "E&xtensions"
30483329 msgstr "Расширения"
3050 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3331 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30513332 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30523333 msgid "P&references"
30533334 msgstr "Настройки"
3055 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30563337 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30573338 msgid "&Help"
30583339 msgstr "Справка"
3060 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30613342 msgctxt "@action:button"
30623343 msgid "Open File"
30633344 msgstr "Открыть файл"
3065 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30663347 msgctxt "@action:button"
30673348 msgid "View Mode"
30683349 msgstr "Режим просмотра"
3070 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30713352 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30723353 msgid "Settings"
30733354 msgstr "Параметры"
3075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30763357 msgctxt "@title:window"
3077 msgid "Open file"
3078 msgstr "Открыть файл"
3080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3358 msgid "New project"
3359 msgstr "Новый проект"
3361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3362 msgctxt "@info:question"
3363 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3364 msgstr "Вы действительно желаете начать новый проект? Это действие очистит область печати и сбросит все несохранённые настройки."
3366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30813367 msgctxt "@title:window"
3082 msgid "Open workspace"
3083 msgstr "Открыть рабочее пространство"
3368 msgid "Open File(s)"
3369 msgstr "Открыть файл(ы)"
3371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3372 msgctxt "@text:window"
3373 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3374 msgstr "Среди выбранных файлов мы нашли несколько файлов с G-кодом. Вы можете открыть только один файл за раз. Измените свой выбор, пожалуйста."
30853376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30863377 msgctxt "@title:window"
30873378 msgid "Save Project"
30883379 msgstr "Сохранить проект"
3090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30913382 msgctxt "@action:label"
30923383 msgid "Extruder %1"
30933384 msgstr "Экструдер %1"
3095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30963387 msgctxt "@action:label"
30973388 msgid "%1 & material"
30983389 msgstr "%1 и материал"
3100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
31013392 msgctxt "@action:label"
31023393 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
31033394 msgstr "Больше не показывать сводку по проекту"
3105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3396 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
31063397 msgctxt "@label"
31073398 msgid "Infill"
31083399 msgstr "Заполнение"
3110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3111 msgctxt "@label"
3112 msgid "Hollow"
3113 msgstr "Пустота"
31153401 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31163402 msgctxt "@label"
3117 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3118 msgstr "Отсутствие (0%) заполнения сделает вашу модель полой и минимально прочной"
3120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3121 msgctxt "@label"
3122 msgid "Light"
3123 msgstr "Лёгкое"
3125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3126 msgctxt "@label"
3127 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3128 msgstr "Лёгкое (20%) заполнение придаст вашей модели среднюю прочность"
3130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3131 msgctxt "@label"
3132 msgid "Dense"
3133 msgstr "Плотное"
3135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3136 msgctxt "@label"
3137 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3138 msgstr "Плотное (50%) заполнение придаст вашей модели прочность выше среднего"
3140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3141 msgctxt "@label"
3142 msgid "Solid"
3143 msgstr "Твёрдое"
3145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3146 msgctxt "@label"
3147 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3148 msgstr "Твёрдое (100%) заполнение сделает вашу модель полностью твёрдой."
3150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3151 msgctxt "@label"
3152 msgid "Enable Support"
3153 msgstr "Разрешить поддержки"
3155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3156 msgctxt "@label"
3157 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3158 msgstr "Разрешить печать поддержек. Такие структуры поддерживают части моделей со значительными нависаниями."
3160 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3403 msgid "0%"
3404 msgstr "0%"
3406 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3407 msgctxt "@label"
3408 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3409 msgstr "Пустое заполнение сделает вашу модель полой и хрупкой."
3411 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3412 msgctxt "@label"
3413 msgid "20%"
3414 msgstr "20%"
3416 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3417 msgctxt "@label"
3418 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3419 msgstr "Слабое (20%) заполнение сделает вашу модель менее хрупкой."
3421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3422 msgctxt "@label"
3423 msgid "50%"
3424 msgstr "50%"
3426 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3427 msgctxt "@label"
3428 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3429 msgstr "Плотное (50%) заполнение придаст вашей модели прочность выше среднего."
3431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3432 msgctxt "@label"
3433 msgid "100%"
3434 msgstr "100%"
3436 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3437 msgctxt "@label"
3438 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3439 msgstr "Сплошное (100%) заполнение сделает вашу модель крепкой."
3441 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3442 msgctxt "@label"
3443 msgid "Gradual"
3444 msgstr "Постепенное"
3446 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3447 msgctxt "@label"
3448 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3449 msgstr "Постепенное заполнение будет постепенно увеличивать объём заполнения по направлению вверх."
3451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3452 msgctxt "@label"
3453 msgid "Generate Support"
3454 msgstr "Генерация поддержек"
3456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3457 msgctxt "@label"
3458 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3459 msgstr "Генерация структур для поддержки нависающих частей модели. Без этих структур такие части будут складываться во время печати."
3461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31613462 msgctxt "@label"
31623463 msgid "Support Extruder"
31633464 msgstr "Экструдер поддержек"
3165 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3466 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31663467 msgctxt "@label"
31673468 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31683469 msgstr "Выбирает какой экструдер следует использовать для поддержек. Будут созданы поддерживающие структуры под моделью для предотвращения проседания краёв или печати в воздухе."
3170 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3471 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31713472 msgctxt "@label"
31723473 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31733474 msgstr "Тип прилипания к столу"
3175 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3476 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31763477 msgctxt "@label"
31773478 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31783479 msgstr "Разрешает печать каймы или подложки. Это добавляет плоскую область вокруг или под вашим объектом, которую легко удалить после печати."
3180 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3181 msgctxt "@label"
3182 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3183 msgstr "Нужна помощь с улучшением качества печати? Прочитайте <a href='%1'>Руководства Ultimaker по решению проблем</a>"
3481 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3482 msgctxt "@label"
3483 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3484 msgstr "Требуется помощь в улучшении вашей печати?<br>Обратитесь к <a href='%1'>Руководству Ultimaker по решению проблем</a>"
3486 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3487 msgctxt "@label"
3488 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3489 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3490 msgstr[0] "Распечатать выбранную модель на %1"
3491 msgstr[1] "Распечатать выбранные модели на %1"
3492 msgstr[2] "Распечатать выбранные моделей на %1"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3495 msgctxt "@title:window"
3496 msgid "Open project file"
3497 msgstr "Открыть файл проекта"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3500 msgctxt "@text:window"
3501 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3502 msgstr "Это проект Cura. Следует открыть его как проект или просто импортировать из него модели?"
3504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3505 msgctxt "@text:window"
3506 msgid "Remember my choice"
3507 msgstr "Запомнить мой выбор"
3509 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3510 msgctxt "@action:button"
3511 msgid "Open as project"
3512 msgstr "Открыть как проект"
3514 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3515 msgctxt "@action:button"
3516 msgid "Import models"
3517 msgstr "Импортировать модели"
31853519 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31863520 msgctxt "@title:window"
31933527 msgid "Material"
31943528 msgstr "Материал"
3196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3530 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3531 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3532 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3533 msgstr "Нажмите для проверки совместимости материала на"
3535 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31973536 msgctxt "@label"
31983537 msgid "Profile:"
31993538 msgstr "Профиль:"
3201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3540 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
32023541 msgctxt "@tooltip"
32033542 msgid ""
32043543 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
32103549 "Нажмите для открытия менеджера профилей."
32123551 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3552 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3553 #~ msgstr "Невозможно запустить новую задачу на печать. PrinterCore не был загружен в слот {0}"
3555 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3556 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3557 #~ msgstr "Обновление версии 2.4 до 2.5"
3559 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3560 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3561 #~ msgstr "Обновление конфигурации Cura 2.4 до Cura 2.5."
3563 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3564 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3565 #~ msgstr "Невозможно найти профиль качества для этой комбинации. Будут использованы параметры по умолчанию."
3567 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3568 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3569 #~ msgstr "Ой!"
3571 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3572 #~ msgid ""
3573 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3574 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3575 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3576 #~ " "
3577 #~ msgstr ""
3578 #~ "<p>Произошла неожиданная ошибка и мы не смогли её обработать!</p>\n"
3579 #~ " <p>Мы надеемся, что картинка с котёнком поможет вам оправиться от шока.</p>\n"
3580 #~ " <p>Пожалуйста, используйте информацию ниже для создания отчёта об ошибке на <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3581 #~ " "
3583 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3584 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3585 #~ msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите правильные параметры для вашего принтера:"
3587 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3588 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3589 #~ msgstr "Экструдер %1"
3591 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3592 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3593 #~ msgstr "Печатать модель экструдером"
3595 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3596 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3597 #~ msgstr "Вам потребуется перезапустить приложение для переключения интерфейса на выбранный язык."
3599 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3600 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3601 #~ msgstr "Перемещать камеру так, чтобы модель при выборе помещалась в центр экрана"
3603 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3604 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3605 #~ msgstr "Удалить выделенное"
3607 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3608 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3609 #~ msgstr "Открыть файл..."
3611 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3612 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3613 #~ msgstr "Открыть проект..."
3615 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3616 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3617 #~ msgstr "Дублировать модель"
3619 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3620 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3621 #~ msgstr "Сохранить всё"
3623 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3624 #~ msgid "Open file"
3625 #~ msgstr "Открыть файл"
3627 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3628 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3629 #~ msgstr "Открыть рабочее пространство"
3631 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3632 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3633 #~ msgstr "Пустота"
3635 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3636 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3637 #~ msgstr "Отсутствие (0%) заполнения сделает вашу модель полой и минимально прочной"
3639 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3640 #~ msgid "Light"
3641 #~ msgstr "Лёгкое"
3643 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3644 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3645 #~ msgstr "Лёгкое (20%) заполнение придаст вашей модели среднюю прочность"
3647 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3648 #~ msgid "Dense"
3649 #~ msgstr "Плотное"
3651 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3652 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3653 #~ msgstr "Плотное (50%) заполнение придаст вашей модели прочность выше среднего"
3655 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3656 #~ msgid "Solid"
3657 #~ msgstr "Твёрдое"
3659 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3660 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3661 #~ msgstr "Твёрдое (100%) заполнение сделает вашу модель полностью твёрдой."
3663 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3664 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3665 #~ msgstr "Разрешить поддержки"
3667 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3668 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3669 #~ msgstr "Разрешить печать поддержек. Такие структуры поддерживают части моделей со значительными нависаниями."
3671 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3672 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3673 #~ msgstr "Нужна помощь с улучшением качества печати? Прочитайте <a href='%1'>Руководства Ultimaker по решению проблем</a>"
3675 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
32133676 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32143677 #~ msgstr "Подключен через сеть к {0}. Пожалуйста, подтвердите запрос доступа к принтеру."
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
05 msgid ""
16 msgstr ""
2 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
3 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
4 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
510 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-08 04:33+0300\n"
611 "Last-Translator: Ruslan Popov <>\n"
7 "Language-Team: \n"
8 "Language: ru_RU\n"
12 "Language-Team: Ruslan Popov\n"
13 "Language: Russian\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ru\n"
15 "Country-Code: RU\n"
916 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1017 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1118 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3340 msgstr "Экструдер, который используется для печати. Имеет значение при использовании нескольких экструдеров."
3542 #: fdmextruder.def.json
43 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
44 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
45 msgstr "Диаметр сопла"
47 #: fdmextruder.def.json
48 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
49 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
50 msgstr "Внутренний диаметр сопла. Измените эту настройку при использовании сопла нестандартного размера."
52 #: fdmextruder.def.json
3653 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
3754 msgid "Nozzle X Offset"
3855 msgstr "X смещение сопла"
171188 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
172189 msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
173190 msgstr "Y координата позиции, в которой сопло начинает печать."
175 #~ msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
176 #~ msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
177 #~ msgstr "Диаметр сопла"
179 #~ msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
180 #~ msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
181 #~ msgstr "Внутренний диаметр сопла. Измените эту настройку при использовании сопла нестандартного размера."
183192 #~ msgctxt "resolution label"
184193 #~ msgid "Quality"
0 # Cura JSON setting files
1 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
3 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
05 msgid ""
16 msgstr ""
2 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
3 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
4 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
5 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 15:05+0300\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-05 08:51+0300\n"
611 "Last-Translator: Ruslan Popov <>\n"
7 "Language-Team: \n"
8 "Language: ru_RU\n"
12 "Language-Team: Ruslan Popov\n"
13 "Language: ru\n"
14 "Lang-Code: ru\n"
15 "Country-Code: RU\n"
916 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1017 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1118 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678685 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679686 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Ширина одной линии поддерживающей крыши."
687 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
688 msgstr "Ширина одной линии поддержки крышки или дна."
690 #: fdmprinter.def.json
691 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
692 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
693 msgstr "Ширина линии крыши поддержки"
695 #: fdmprinter.def.json
696 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
697 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
698 msgstr "Ширина одной линии крыши поддержки."
700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
701 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
702 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
703 msgstr "Ширина линии дна поддержки"
705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
706 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
707 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
708 msgstr "Ширина одной линии дна поддержки."
683710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684711 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811108 msgstr "Список направлений линии при печати слоёв. Элементы списка используются последовательно по мере печати слоёв и когда конец списка будет достигнут, он начнётся сначала. Элементы списка отделяются запятыми и сам список заключён в квадратные скобки. По умолчанию, он пустой, что означает использование стандартных углов (45 и 135 градусов для линий из зигзага и 45 градусов для всех остальных шаблонов)."
10831110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Радиус динамического куба"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Коэффициент для радиуса от центра каждого куба для проверки границ модели, используется для принятия решения о разделении куба. Большие значения приводят к увеличению делений, т.е. к более мелким кубам."
1111 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1112 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1113 msgstr "Спагетти"
1115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1116 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1117 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1118 msgstr "Печатает заполнение так часто, что филамент хаотически заполняет внутренность объекта. Это сокращает время печати, но выражается в непредсказуемом поведении."
1120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1121 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1122 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1123 msgstr "Максимальный угол спагетти заполнения"
1125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1126 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1127 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1128 msgstr "Максимальный угол по отношению к оси Z внутри печатаемого объёма для заполняемых областей. Уменьшение этого значения приводит к тому, что более наклонённый части вашей модели будут заполнены на каждом слое."
1130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1131 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1132 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1133 msgstr "Максимальная высота спагетти заполнения"
1135 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1136 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1137 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1138 msgstr "Максимальная высота внутри пространства которое может быть объединено и заполнено сверху."
1140 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1141 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1142 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1143 msgstr "Спагетти вставка"
1145 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1146 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1147 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1148 msgstr "Смещение от стенок внутри которых должно быть использовано спагетти заполнение."
1150 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1151 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1152 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1153 msgstr "Спагетти поток"
1155 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1156 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1157 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1158 msgstr "Управляет плотностью спагетти заполнения. Следует отметить, что плотность заполнения только контролирует расстояние между линиями шаблона заполнения, а не объёмом выдавливаемого материала."
10931160 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941161 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131280 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141281 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Расширять верхние оболочки"
1282 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1283 msgstr "Расширять верхнюю оболочку в заполнение"
12181285 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191286 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1287 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
12211288 msgstr "Расширять области верхней оболочки (над ними будет воздух) так, что они поддерживают заполнение над ними."
12231290 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241291 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Расширять нижние оболочки"
1292 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1293 msgstr "Расширять нижнюю оболочку в заполнение"
12281295 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291296 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1297 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
12311298 msgstr "Расширять области нижней оболочки (под ними будет воздух) так, что они сцепляются с слоями заполнения сверху и снизу."
12331300 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16381705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391706 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Скорость, на которой происходит печать верха и низа поддержек. Печать верха поддержек на пониженных скоростях может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
1707 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1708 msgstr "Скорость, на которой происходит печать верха и низа поддержек. Печать поддержек на пониженных скоростях может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
1710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1711 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1712 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1713 msgstr "Скорость печати крыши поддержек"
1715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1716 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1717 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1718 msgstr "Скорость, на которой происходит печать верха поддержек. Печать поддержек на пониженных скоростях может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
1720 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1721 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1722 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1723 msgstr "Скорость печати низа поддержек"
1725 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1726 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1727 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1728 msgstr "Скорость, на которой происходит печать низа поддержек. Печать поддержек на пониженных скоростях может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
16431730 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441731 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391926 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1927 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
18411928 msgstr "Ускорение, с которым печатаются верх и низ поддержек. Их печать с пониженными ускорениями может улучшить качество печати нависающих частей."
1930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1931 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1932 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1933 msgstr "Ускорение крыши поддержек"
1935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1936 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1937 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1938 msgstr "Ускорение, с которым происходит печать верха поддержек. Печать поддержек с пониженными ускорениями может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
1940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1941 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1942 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1943 msgstr "Ускорение низа поддержек"
1945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1946 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1947 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1948 msgstr "Ускорение, с которым происходит печать низа поддержек. Печать поддержек с пониженными ускорениями может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
18431950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441951 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982105 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992106 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "Изменение максимальной мгновенной скорости, с которой печатается связующие слои поддержек."
2107 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2108 msgstr "Максимальное изменение мгновенной скорости, с которым напечатаны крыши и низ поддержек."
2110 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2111 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2112 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2113 msgstr "Рывок крыши поддержек"
2115 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2116 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2117 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2118 msgstr "Максимальное изменение мгновенной скорости, с которым напечатаны крыши поддержек."
2120 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2121 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2122 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2123 msgstr "Рывок низа поддержек"
2125 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2126 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2127 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2128 msgstr "Максимальное изменение мгновенной скорости, с которым напечатаны низ поддержек."
20032130 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042131 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282455 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292456 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Разрешить поддержки"
2457 msgid "Generate Support"
2458 msgstr "Генерация поддержек"
23332460 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342461 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Разрешить печать поддержек. Такие структуры поддерживают части моделей со значительными навесаниями."
2462 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2463 msgstr "Генерация структур для поддержки нависающих частей модели. Без этих структур такие части будут складываться во время печати."
23382465 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392466 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732500 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742501 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2502 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
23762503 msgstr "Этот экструдер используется для печати верха и низа поддержек. Используется при наличии нескольких экструдеров."
2505 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2506 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2507 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2508 msgstr "Экструдер крыши поддержек"
2510 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2511 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2512 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2513 msgstr "Этот экструдер используется для печати крыши поддержек. Используется при наличии нескольких экструдеров."
2515 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2516 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2517 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2518 msgstr "Экструдер низа поддержек"
2520 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2521 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2522 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2523 msgstr "Этот экструдер используется для печати низа поддержек. Используется при наличии нескольких экструдеров."
23782525 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792526 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532700 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542701 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Высота шагов лестнично-подобного низа поддержек, лежащих на модели. Малое значение усложняет последующее удаление поддержек, но слишком большое значение может сделать структуру поддержек нестабильной."
2702 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2703 msgstr "Высота в шагах низа лестничной поддержки, лежащей на модели. Малые значения усложняют удаление поддержки, а большие значения могут сделать структуру поддержек нестабильной. Установите ноль для выключения лестничной поддержки."
2705 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2706 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2707 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2708 msgstr "Максимальная ширина шага лестничной поддержки"
2710 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2711 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2712 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2713 msgstr "Максимальная ширина шагов низа лестничной поддержки, располагающейся на модели. Малые значения усложняют удаление поддержки, а большие значения могут сделать структуру поддержек нестабильной."
25582715 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592716 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862743 msgstr "Генерирует плотный слой между моделью и поддержкой. Создаёт поверхность сверху поддержек, на которой печатается модель, и снизу, при печати поддержек на модели."
25882745 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2746 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2747 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2748 msgstr "Разрешить крышу поддержек"
2750 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2751 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2752 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2753 msgstr "Генерирует плотный слой материала между крышей поддержки и моделью. Создаёт поверхность между моделью и поддержкой."
2755 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2756 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2757 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2758 msgstr "Разрешить дно поддержек"
2760 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2761 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2762 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2763 msgstr "Генерирует плотный слой материала между низом поддержки и моделью. Создаёт поверхность между моделью и поддержкой."
2765 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892766 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902767 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912768 msgstr "Толщина связующего слоя поддержки"
26082785 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092786 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Толщина низа поддержек"
2787 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2788 msgstr "Толщина низа поддержки"
26132790 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142791 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Толщина низа поддержек. Управляет количеством плотных слоёв, которые будут напечатаны на верхних частях модели, где располагаются поддержки."
2792 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2793 msgstr "Толщина низа поддержки. Управляет количеством плотных слоёв, которые печатаются поверх модели для последующего построения поддержек."
26182795 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192796 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232800 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242801 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Если выбрано, то поддержки печатаются с учётом указанной высоты шага. Меньшие значения нарезаются дольше, в то время как большие значения могут привести к печати обычных поддержек в таких местах, где должен быть связующий слой."
2802 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2803 msgstr "Если выбрано в случае, когда модель находится под и над поддержкой, принимает шаги данной высоты. Малые значения замедляют просчёт, а большие - могут привести к генерации поддержек в некоторых местах, где лучше бы печатать интерфейс поддержек."
26282805 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292806 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332810 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342811 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2812 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
26362813 msgstr "Настройте плотность верха и низа структуры поддержек. Большее значение приведёт к улучшению нависаний, но такие поддержки будет труднее удалять."
26382815 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Дистанция между линиями связующего слоя"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Расстояние между линиями связующего слоя поддержки. Этот параметр вычисляется из \"Плотности связующего слоя\", но также может быть указан самостоятельно."
2816 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2817 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2818 msgstr "Плотность крыши поддержек"
2820 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2821 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2822 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2823 msgstr "Плотность крыши структуры поддержек. Большее значение приведёт к улучшению нависаний, но такие поддержки будет труднее удалять."
2825 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2826 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2827 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2828 msgstr "Дистанция линии крыши поддержек"
2830 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2831 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2832 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2833 msgstr "Дистанция между линиями крыши поддержек. Этот параметр вычисляется из Плотности крыши поддержек, но может быть указан отдельно."
2835 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2836 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2837 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2838 msgstr "Плотность низа поддержек"
2840 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2841 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2842 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2843 msgstr "Плотность низа структуры поддержек. Большее значение приведёт к улучшению прилипания поддержек к модели."
2845 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2846 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2847 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2848 msgstr "Дистанция линии низа поддержек"
2850 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2851 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2852 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2853 msgstr "Дистанция между линиями низа поддержек. Этот параметр вычисляется из Плотности низа поддержек, но может быть указан отдельно."
26482855 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492856 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862893 msgstr "Зигзаг"
26882895 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2896 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2897 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2898 msgstr "Шаблон крыши поддержек"
2900 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2901 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2902 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2903 msgstr "Шаблон, который будет использоваться для печати верхней части поддержек."
2905 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2906 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2907 msgid "Lines"
2908 msgstr "Линии"
2910 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2911 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2912 msgid "Grid"
2913 msgstr "Сетка"
2915 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2916 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2917 msgid "Triangles"
2918 msgstr "Треугольники"
2920 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2921 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2922 msgid "Concentric"
2923 msgstr "Концентрический"
2925 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2926 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2927 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2928 msgstr "Концентрический 3D"
2930 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2931 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2932 msgid "Zig Zag"
2933 msgstr "Зигзаг"
2935 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2936 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2937 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2938 msgstr "Шаблон низа поддержек"
2940 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2941 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2942 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2943 msgstr "Шаблон, который будет использоваться для печати нижней части поддержек."
2945 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2946 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2947 msgid "Lines"
2948 msgstr "Линии"
2950 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2951 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2952 msgid "Grid"
2953 msgstr "Сетка"
2955 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2956 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2957 msgid "Triangles"
2958 msgstr "Треугольники"
2960 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2961 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2962 msgid "Concentric"
2963 msgstr "Концентрический"
2965 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2966 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2967 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2968 msgstr "Концентрический 3D"
2970 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2971 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2972 msgid "Zig Zag"
2973 msgstr "Зигзаг"
2975 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892976 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902977 msgid "Use Towers"
26912978 msgstr "Использовать башни"
27343021 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353022 msgid "Adhesion"
27363023 msgstr "Прилипание"
3025 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3026 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3027 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3028 msgstr "Разрешить наполнение материалом"
3030 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3031 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3032 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3033 msgstr "Следует ли выдавливать материал перед началом печати. Активация этого параметра обеспечивает наполнение материалом сопла экструдера перед началом печати. Печать каймы или юбки может выполнять такое же действие, тогда выключения этого параметра экономит некоторое время."
27383035 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393036 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34103707 msgstr "Определяет какой заполняющий объект находится внутри заполнения другого заполняющего объекта. Заполняющий объект с более высоким порядком будет модифицировать заполнение объектов с более низким порядком или обычных объектов."
34123709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3710 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3711 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3712 msgstr "Ограничивающий объект"
3714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3715 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3716 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3717 msgstr "Ограничивает объём объекта внутри других объектов. Вы можете использовать это для печати определённых областей одного объекта, применяя различные параметры печати и даже другой экструдер."
3719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3720 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3721 msgid "Mold"
3722 msgstr "Форма"
3724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3725 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3726 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3727 msgstr "Печатать модель в виде формы, которая может использоваться для отливки оригинальной модели."
3729 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3730 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3731 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3732 msgstr "Минимальная ширина формы"
3734 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3735 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3736 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3737 msgstr "Минимальное расстояние между внешними сторонами формы и модели."
3739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3740 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3741 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3742 msgstr "Высота крыши формы"
3744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3745 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3746 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3747 msgstr "Высота над горизонтальными частями вашей модели, по которой создаётся форма."
3749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3750 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3751 msgid "Mold Angle"
3752 msgstr "Угол формы"
3754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3755 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3756 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3757 msgstr "Угол нависания внешних стенок создаваемой формы. 0° приведёт к вертикальным стенкам формы, а 90° - заставит следовать контурам модели."
3759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34133760 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34143761 msgid "Support Mesh"
34153762 msgstr "Поддерживающий объект"
34203767 msgstr "Используйте этот объект для указания области поддержек. Может использоваться при генерации структуры поддержек."
34223769 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3770 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3771 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3772 msgstr "Объект поддержки нависаний"
3774 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3775 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3776 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3777 msgstr "Будет поддерживать всё ниже объекта, никаких нависаний не будет."
3779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34233780 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34243781 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34253782 msgstr "Блокиратор поддержек"
34623819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34633820 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3464 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3465 msgstr "Спирально сглаживать движение по оси Z, печатая внешний контур. Приводит к постоянному увеличению Z координаты во время печати. Этот параметр превращает сплошной объект в одностенную модель с твёрдым дном. Раньше этот параметр назывался Joris."
3821 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3822 msgstr "Спирально сглаживает движение по оси Z. Во время печати происходит постоянное увеличение по оси Z. Этот параметр превращает модель в одностенный объект с крепким дном. Параметр можно использовать только когда каждый слой состоит из одной части модели."
3824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3825 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3826 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3827 msgstr "Сглаживать спиральные контуры"
3829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3830 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3831 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3832 msgstr "Сглаживает спиральные контуры для уменьшения видимости шва по оси Z (такой шов должен быть едва виден при печати, но по-прежнему виден при послойном просмотре). Следует отметить, что сглаживание ведёт к размыванию мелких деталей поверхности."
34673834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34683835 msgctxt "experimental label"
40034370 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40044371 msgstr "Матрица преобразования, применяемая к модели при её загрузки из файла."
4373 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4374 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4375 #~ msgstr "Ширина одной линии поддерживающей крыши."
4377 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4378 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4379 #~ msgstr "Радиус динамического куба"
4381 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4382 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4383 #~ msgstr "Коэффициент для радиуса от центра каждого куба для проверки границ модели, используется для принятия решения о разделении куба. Большие значения приводят к увеличению делений, т.е. к более мелким кубам."
4385 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4386 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4387 #~ msgstr "Расширять верхние оболочки"
4389 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4390 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4391 #~ msgstr "Расширять области верхней оболочки (над ними будет воздух) так, что они поддерживают заполнение над ними."
4393 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4394 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4395 #~ msgstr "Расширять нижние оболочки"
4397 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4398 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4399 #~ msgstr "Расширять области нижней оболочки (под ними будет воздух) так, что они сцепляются с слоями заполнения сверху и снизу."
4401 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4402 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4403 #~ msgstr "Скорость, на которой происходит печать верха и низа поддержек. Печать верха поддержек на пониженных скоростях может улучшить качество печати нависающих краёв модели."
4405 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4406 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4407 #~ msgstr "Ускорение, с которым печатаются верх и низ поддержек. Их печать с пониженными ускорениями может улучшить качество печати нависающих частей."
4409 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4410 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4411 #~ msgstr "Изменение максимальной мгновенной скорости, с которой печатается связующие слои поддержек."
4413 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4414 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4415 #~ msgstr "Разрешить поддержки"
4417 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4418 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4419 #~ msgstr "Разрешить печать поддержек. Такие структуры поддерживают части моделей со значительными навесаниями."
4421 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4422 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4423 #~ msgstr "Этот экструдер используется для печати верха и низа поддержек. Используется при наличии нескольких экструдеров."
4425 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4426 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4427 #~ msgstr "Высота шагов лестнично-подобного низа поддержек, лежащих на модели. Малое значение усложняет последующее удаление поддержек, но слишком большое значение может сделать структуру поддержек нестабильной."
4429 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4430 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4431 #~ msgstr "Толщина низа поддержек"
4433 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4434 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4435 #~ msgstr "Толщина низа поддержек. Управляет количеством плотных слоёв, которые будут напечатаны на верхних частях модели, где располагаются поддержки."
4437 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4438 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4439 #~ msgstr "Если выбрано, то поддержки печатаются с учётом указанной высоты шага. Меньшие значения нарезаются дольше, в то время как большие значения могут привести к печати обычных поддержек в таких местах, где должен быть связующий слой."
4441 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4442 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4443 #~ msgstr "Настройте плотность верха и низа структуры поддержек. Большее значение приведёт к улучшению нависаний, но такие поддержки будет труднее удалять."
4445 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4446 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4447 #~ msgstr "Дистанция между линиями связующего слоя"
4449 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4450 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4451 #~ msgstr "Расстояние между линиями связующего слоя поддержки. Этот параметр вычисляется из \"Плотности связующего слоя\", но также может быть указан самостоятельно."
4453 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4454 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4455 #~ msgstr "Спирально сглаживать движение по оси Z, печатая внешний контур. Приводит к постоянному увеличению Z координаты во время печати. Этот параметр превращает сплошной объект в одностенную модель с твёрдым дном. Раньше этот параметр назывался Joris."
40064457 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40074458 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40084459 #~ msgstr "Температура при печати. Установите 0 для предварительного разогрева вручную."
41074558 #~ msgid "Line Distance"
41084559 #~ msgstr "Дистанция заполнения"
4110 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
4111 #~ msgid "Support Roof Speed"
4112 #~ msgstr "Скорость печати крыши поддержек"
41144561 #~ msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
41154562 #~ msgid "Enable Combing"
41164563 #~ msgstr "Разрешить комбинг"
41474594 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support roofs."
41484595 #~ msgstr "Толщина поддерживающей крыши."
4150 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
4151 #~ msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
4152 #~ msgstr "Дистанция линии крыши"
4154 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
4155 #~ msgid "Lines"
4156 #~ msgstr "Линии"
4158 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
4159 #~ msgid "Grid"
4160 #~ msgstr "Сетка"
4162 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
4163 #~ msgid "Triangles"
4164 #~ msgstr "Треугольники"
4166 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
4167 #~ msgid "Concentric"
4168 #~ msgstr "Концентрический"
4170 #~ msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
4171 #~ msgid "Zig Zag"
4172 #~ msgstr "Зигзаг"
41744597 #~ msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
41754598 #~ msgid "Cone Angle"
41764599 #~ msgstr "Угол конуса"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:26+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0200\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
12 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language: fr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Turkish\n"
13 "Language: Turkish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: tr\n"
15 "Country-Code: TR\n"
1416 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1517 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1618 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2527 msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc)"
2628 msgstr "Makine ayarlarını değiştirilmesini sağlar (yapı hacmi, nozül boyutu vb.)"
28 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
30 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/
2931 msgctxt "@action"
3032 msgid "Machine Settings"
3133 msgstr "Makine Ayarları"
126128 msgid "Show Changelog"
127129 msgstr "Değişiklik Günlüğünü Göster"
131 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
132 msgctxt "@label"
133 msgid "Profile flatener"
134 msgstr "Profil düzleştirici"
136 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
137 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
138 msgid "Create a flattend quality changes profile."
139 msgstr "Düzleştirilmiş kalitede değiştirilmiş bir profil oluşturun."
141 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
142 msgctxt "@item:inmenu"
143 msgid "Flatten active settings"
144 msgstr "Düzleştirme aktif ayarları"
146 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ProfileFlattener/
147 msgctxt "@info:status"
148 msgid "Profile has been flattened & activated."
149 msgstr "Profil düzleştirilmiş ve aktifleştirilmiştir."
129151 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
130152 msgctxt "@label"
131153 msgid "USB printing"
156178 msgid "Connected via USB"
157179 msgstr "USB ile bağlı"
159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
160182 msgctxt "@info:status"
161183 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer is busy or not connected."
162184 msgstr "Yazıcı meşgul veya bağlı olmadığı için yeni bir işlem başlatılamıyor."
164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
165187 msgctxt "@info:status"
166188 msgid "This printer does not support USB printing because it uses UltiGCode flavor."
167189 msgstr "Yazıcı, UltiGCode türü kullandığı için USB yazdırmayı desteklemiyor."
169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/
170192 msgctxt "@info:status"
171193 msgid "Unable to start a new job because the printer does not support usb printing."
172194 msgstr "Yazıcı USB ile yazdırmayı desteklemediği için yeni bir işlem başlatılamıyor."
203225 msgid "Save to Removable Drive {0}"
204226 msgstr "Çıkarılabilir Sürücüye Kaydediliyor {0}"
206 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
228 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
207229 #, python-brace-format
208230 msgctxt "@info:progress"
209231 msgid "Saving to Removable Drive <filename>{0}</filename>"
210232 msgstr "Çıkarılabilir Sürücüye Kaydediliyor <dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>"
212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
213 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
214236 #, python-brace-format
215237 msgctxt "@info:status"
216238 msgid "Could not save to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
217239 msgstr "<dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>na kaydedilemedi: <ileti>{1}</ileti>"
219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
220242 #, python-brace-format
221243 msgctxt "@info:status"
222244 msgid "Saved to Removable Drive {0} as {1}"
223245 msgstr "Çıkarılabilir Sürücüye {0}, {1} olarak kaydedildi"
225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
247 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
226248 msgctxt "@action:button"
227249 msgid "Eject"
228250 msgstr "Çıkar"
230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
231253 #, python-brace-format
232254 msgctxt "@action"
233255 msgid "Eject removable device {0}"
234256 msgstr "Çıkarılabilir aygıtı çıkar {0}"
236 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
237259 #, python-brace-format
238260 msgctxt "@info:status"
239261 msgid "Could not save to removable drive {0}: {1}"
240262 msgstr "Çıkarılabilir aygıta {0} kaydedilemedi: {1}"
242 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
243265 #, python-brace-format
244266 msgctxt "@info:status"
245267 msgid "Ejected {0}. You can now safely remove the drive."
246268 msgstr "Çıkarıldı {0}. Şimdi sürücüyü güvenle kaldırabilirsiniz."
248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/
249271 #, python-brace-format
250272 msgctxt "@info:status"
251273 msgid "Failed to eject {0}. Another program may be using the drive."
325347 msgid "Send access request to the printer"
326348 msgstr "Yazıcıya erişim talebi gönder"
328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
350 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
329351 msgctxt "@info:status"
330352 msgid "Connected over the network. Please approve the access request on the printer."
331353 msgstr "Ağ üzerinden bağlandı. Lütfen yazıcıya erişim isteğini onaylayın."
333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
355 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
334356 msgctxt "@info:status"
335357 msgid "Connected over the network."
336358 msgstr "Ağ üzerinden bağlandı."
338 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
360 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
339361 msgctxt "@info:status"
340362 msgid "Connected over the network. No access to control the printer."
341363 msgstr "Ağ üzerinden bağlandı. Yazıcıyı kontrol etmek için erişim yok."
343 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
365 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
344366 msgctxt "@info:status"
345367 msgid "Access request was denied on the printer."
346368 msgstr "Yazıcıya erişim talebi reddedildi."
348 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
349371 msgctxt "@info:status"
350372 msgid "Access request failed due to a timeout."
351373 msgstr "Erişim talebi zaman aşımı nedeniyle başarısız oldu."
353 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
354376 msgctxt "@info:status"
355377 msgid "The connection with the network was lost."
356378 msgstr "Ağ bağlantısı kaybedildi."
358 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
359381 msgctxt "@info:status"
360382 msgid "The connection with the printer was lost. Check your printer to see if it is connected."
361383 msgstr "Yazıcı bağlantısı kaybedildi. Yazıcınızın bağlı olup olmadığını kontrol edin."
363 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
364386 #, python-format
365387 msgctxt "@info:status"
366388 msgid "Unable to start a new print job, printer is busy. Current printer status is %s."
367389 msgstr "Yazıcı meşgul, yeni bir yazdırma başlatılamıyor. Geçerli yazıcı durumu: %s."
369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
391 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
370392 #, python-brace-format
371393 msgctxt "@info:status"
372 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
373 msgstr "Yeni bir yazdırma başlatılamıyor. {0} yuvasına PrinterCore yüklenmedi"
375 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No Printcore loaded in slot {0}"
395 msgstr "Yeni yazdırma işi başlatılamıyor. {0} yuvasına PrintCore yüklenmedi."
397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
376398 #, python-brace-format
377399 msgctxt "@info:status"
378400 msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No material loaded in slot {0}"
379401 msgstr "Yeni bir yazdırma başlatılamıyor. {0} yuvasına Malzeme yüklenmedi"
381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
382404 #, python-brace-format
383405 msgctxt "@label"
384406 msgid "Not enough material for spool {0}."
385407 msgstr "Biriktirme {0} için yeterli malzeme yok."
387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
388410 #, python-brace-format
389411 msgctxt "@label"
390412 msgid "Different print core (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
391413 msgstr "Ekstrüder {2} için farklı bir PrintCore (Cura: {0}, Yazıcı: {1}) seçildi"
393 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
394416 #, python-brace-format
395417 msgctxt "@label"
396418 msgid "Different material (Cura: {0}, Printer: {1}) selected for extruder {2}"
397419 msgstr "Farklı malzeme (Cura: {0}, Yazıcı: {1}), ekstrüder {2} için seçildi"
399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
400422 #, python-brace-format
401423 msgctxt "@label"
402424 msgid "Print core {0} is not properly calibrated. XY calibration needs to be performed on the printer."
403425 msgstr "PrintCore {0} düzgün bir şekilde ayarlanmadı. XY ayarının yazıcıda yapılması gerekiyor."
405 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
406428 msgctxt "@label"
407429 msgid "Are you sure you wish to print with the selected configuration?"
408430 msgstr "Seçilen yapılandırma ile yazdırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
410 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
411433 msgctxt "@label"
412434 msgid "There is a mismatch between the configuration or calibration of the printer and Cura. For the best result, always slice for the PrintCores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
413435 msgstr "Yazıcı yapılandırması veya kalibrasyonu ile Cura arasında eşleşme sorunu var. En iyi sonucu almak istiyorsanız her zaman PrintCore ve yazıcıya eklenen malzemeler için dilimleme yapın."
415 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
416438 msgctxt "@window:title"
417439 msgid "Mismatched configuration"
418440 msgstr "Uyumsuz yapılandırma"
420 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
421443 msgctxt "@info:status"
422444 msgid "Sending data to printer"
423445 msgstr "Veriler yazıcıya gönderiliyor"
425 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
426448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:46
427449 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:73
428450 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:350
429451 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:188
430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:377
431 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:61
432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:258
452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:374
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:87
454 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:251
433455 msgctxt "@action:button"
434456 msgid "Cancel"
435457 msgstr "İptal et"
437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
438460 msgctxt "@info:status"
439461 msgid "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?"
440462 msgstr "Veriler yazıcıya gönderilemedi. Hala etkin olan başka bir iş var mı?"
442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
443 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
464 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
465 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:198
444466 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
445467 msgid "Aborting print..."
446468 msgstr "Yazdırma durduruluyor..."
448 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
470 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
449471 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
450472 msgid "Print aborted. Please check the printer"
451473 msgstr "Yazdırma durduruldu. Lütfen yazıcıyı kontrol edin"
453 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
475 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
454476 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
455477 msgid "Pausing print..."
456478 msgstr "Yazdırma duraklatılıyor..."
458 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
480 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
459481 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
460482 msgid "Resuming print..."
461483 msgstr "Yazdırma devam ediyor..."
463 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
485 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
464486 msgctxt "@window:title"
465487 msgid "Sync with your printer"
466488 msgstr "Yazıcınız ile eşitleyin"
468 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
469491 msgctxt "@label"
470492 msgid "Would you like to use your current printer configuration in Cura?"
471493 msgstr "Cura’da geçerli yazıcı yapılandırmanızı kullanmak istiyor musunuz?"
473 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/
474496 msgctxt "@label"
475497 msgid "The print cores and/or materials on your printer differ from those within your current project. For the best result, always slice for the print cores and materials that are inserted in your printer."
476498 msgstr "PrintCore ve/veya yazıcınızdaki malzemeler mevcut projenizden farklıdır. En iyi sonucu almak istiyorsanız, her zaman PrintCore ve yazıcıya eklenen malzemeler için dilimleme yapın."
524546 msgid "Dismiss"
525547 msgstr "Son Ver"
527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
528550 msgctxt "@label"
529551 msgid "Material Profiles"
530552 msgstr "Malzeme Profilleri"
532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/XmlMaterialProfile/
533555 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
534556 msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
535557 msgstr "XML tabanlı malzeme profillerini okuma ve yazma olanağı sağlar."
580602 msgid "Layers"
581603 msgstr "Katmanlar"
583 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
605 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/
584606 msgctxt "@info:status"
585607 msgid "Cura does not accurately display layers when Wire Printing is enabled"
586608 msgstr "Tel Yazma etkinleştirildiğinde, Cura katmanları doğru olarak görüntülemez."
588 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
589 msgctxt "@label"
590 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
591 msgstr "2.4’ten 2.5’e Sürüm Yükseltme"
593 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade24to25/
610 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
611 msgctxt "@label"
612 msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
613 msgstr "2.5’ten 2.6’ya Sürüm Yükseltme"
615 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade25to26/
594616 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
595 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
596 msgstr "Cura 2.4’ten Cura 2.5’e yükseltme yapılandırmaları."
617 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
618 msgstr "Cura 2.5’ten Cura 2.6’ya yükseltme yapılandırmaları."
598620 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/VersionUpgrade/VersionUpgrade21to22/
599621 msgctxt "@label"
650672 msgid "GIF Image"
651673 msgstr "GIF Resmi"
653 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
654 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
675 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
676 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
655677 msgctxt "@info:status"
656678 msgid "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."
657679 msgstr "Seçilen malzeme, seçilen makine veya yapılandırma ile uyumlu değil."
659 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
681 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
660682 #, python-brace-format
661683 msgctxt "@info:status"
662684 msgid "Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: {0}"
663685 msgstr "Geçerli ayarlarla dilimlenemiyor. Şu ayarlarda hata var: {0}"
665 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
666688 msgctxt "@info:status"
667689 msgid "Unable to slice because the prime tower or prime position(s) are invalid."
668690 msgstr "İlk direk veya ilk konum(lar) geçersiz olduğu için dilimlenemiyor."
670 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
671693 msgctxt "@info:status"
672694 msgid "Nothing to slice because none of the models fit the build volume. Please scale or rotate models to fit."
673695 msgstr "Modeller yapı hacmine sığmadığı için dilimlenecek bir şey yok. Lütfen sığdırmak için modelleri ölçeklendirin veya döndürün."
682704 msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
683705 msgstr "CuraEngine arka dilimleme ucuna bağlantı sağlar."
685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
686 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
707 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraEngineBackend/
687709 msgctxt "@info:status"
688710 msgid "Processing Layers"
689711 msgstr "Katmanlar İşleniyor"
708730 msgid "Configure Per Model Settings"
709731 msgstr "Model Başına Ayarları Yapılandır"
711 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
712 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:571
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:643
713735 msgctxt "@title:tab"
714736 msgid "Recommended"
715737 msgstr "Önerilen Ayarlar"
717 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
718 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:577
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:648
719741 msgctxt "@title:tab"
720742 msgid "Custom"
721743 msgstr "Özel"
723 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
745 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
724746 msgctxt "@label"
725747 msgid "3MF Reader"
726748 msgstr "3MF Okuyucu"
728 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
750 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
729751 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
730752 msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
731753 msgstr "3MF dosyalarının okunması için destek sağlar."
733 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
734 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
755 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
756 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
735757 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
736758 msgid "3MF File"
737759 msgstr "3MF Dosyası"
739 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
740 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
761 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/
762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
741763 msgctxt "@label"
742764 msgid "Nozzle"
743765 msgstr "Nozül"
772794 msgid "G File"
773795 msgstr "G Dosyası"
775 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
776798 msgctxt "@info:status"
777799 msgid "Parsing G-code"
778800 msgstr "G-code ayrıştırma"
802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/GCodeReader/
803 msgctxt "@info:generic"
804 msgid "Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate."
805 msgstr "Dosya göndermeden önce g-code’un yazıcınız ve yazıcı yapılandırmanız için uygun olduğundan emin olun. G-code temsili doğru olmayabilir."
780807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/CuraProfileWriter/
781808 msgctxt "@label"
793820 msgid "Cura Profile"
794821 msgstr "Cura Profili"
796 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
797824 msgctxt "@label"
798825 msgid "3MF Writer"
799826 msgstr "3MF Yazıcı"
801 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
828 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
802829 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
803830 msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
804831 msgstr "3MF dosyalarının yazılması için destek sağlar."
806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
833 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
807834 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
808835 msgid "3MF file"
809836 msgstr "3MF dosyası"
811 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
838 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFWriter/
812839 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
813840 msgid "Cura Project 3MF file"
814841 msgstr "Cura Projesi 3MF dosyası"
816 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
817 msgctxt "@label"
818 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
819 msgstr "Ultimaker makine eylemleri"
821 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
822 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
823 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
824 msgstr "Ultimaker makineleri için makine eylemleri sunar (yatak dengeleme sihirbazı, yükseltme seçme vb.)"
843 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
826844 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
827845 msgctxt "@action"
828846 msgid "Select upgrades"
829847 msgstr "Yükseltmeleri seçin"
849 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
850 msgctxt "@label"
851 msgid "Ultimaker machine actions"
852 msgstr "Ultimaker makine eylemleri"
854 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
855 msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
856 msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc)"
857 msgstr "Ultimaker makineleri için makine eylemleri sunar (yatak dengeleme sihirbazı, yükseltme seçme vb.)"
831859 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/
832860 msgctxt "@action"
833861 msgid "Upgrade Firmware"
853881 msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
854882 msgstr "Cura profillerinin içe aktarılması için destek sağlar."
856 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
884 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
857885 #, python-brace-format
858886 msgctxt "@label"
859887 msgid "Pre-sliced file {0}"
869897 msgid "Unknown material"
870898 msgstr "Bilinmeyen malzeme"
872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
873 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
900 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
901 msgctxt "@info:status"
902 msgid "Finding new location for objects"
903 msgstr "Nesneler için yeni konum bulunuyor"
905 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
906 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
907 msgctxt "@info:status"
908 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
909 msgstr "Yapılan hacim içinde tüm nesneler için konum bulunamadı"
911 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
874913 msgctxt "@title:window"
875914 msgid "File Already Exists"
876915 msgstr "Dosya Zaten Mevcut"
878 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
918 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
880919 #, python-brace-format
881920 msgctxt "@label"
882921 msgid "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
883922 msgstr "Dosya <dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı> zaten mevcut. Üstüne yazmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
885 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
886 msgctxt "@info:status"
887 msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
888 msgstr "Bu birleşim için uygun bir profil bulunamadı. Bunun yerine varsayılan ayarlar kullanılacak."
890 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
924 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
925 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
926 msgctxt "@label"
927 msgid "Custom"
928 msgstr "Özel"
930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
931 msgctxt "@label"
932 msgid "Custom Material"
933 msgstr "Özel Malzeme"
935 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
891936 #, python-brace-format
892937 msgctxt "@info:status"
893938 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
894939 msgstr "Profilin <dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>na aktarımı başarısız oldu: <ileti>{1}</ileti>"
896 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
897942 #, python-brace-format
898943 msgctxt "@info:status"
899944 msgid "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure."
900945 msgstr "Profilin <dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>na aktarımı başarısız oldu: Yazıcı uzantı hata bildirdi."
902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
947 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
903948 #, python-brace-format
904949 msgctxt "@info:status"
905950 msgid "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>"
906951 msgstr "Profil <Dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>na aktarıldı"
908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
953 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
954 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
955 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
910957 #, python-brace-format
911958 msgctxt "@info:status"
912959 msgid "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: <message>{1}</message>"
913960 msgstr "<dosya adı>{0}</dosya adı>dan profil içe aktarımı başarısız oldu: <ileti>{1}</ileti>"
915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
916962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
963 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
917964 #, python-brace-format
918965 msgctxt "@info:status"
919966 msgid "Successfully imported profile {0}"
920967 msgstr "Profil başarıyla içe aktarıldı {0}"
922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
969 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
923970 #, python-brace-format
924971 msgctxt "@info:status"
925972 msgid "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted."
926973 msgstr "Profil {0} öğesinde bilinmeyen bir dosya türü var veya profil bozuk."
928 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
975 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
929976 msgctxt "@label"
930977 msgid "Custom profile"
931978 msgstr "Özel profil"
933 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
980 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
981 msgctxt "@info:status"
982 msgid "Profile is missing a quality type."
983 msgstr "Profilde eksik bir kalite tipi var."
985 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/Settings/
986 #, python-brace-format
987 msgctxt "@info:status"
988 msgid "Could not find a quality type {0} for the current configuration."
989 msgstr "Mevcut yapılandırma için bir kalite tipi {0} bulunamıyor."
991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
934992 msgctxt "@info:status"
935993 msgid "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding with printed models."
936994 msgstr "Portalın yazdırılan modeller ile çarpışmasını önlemek için yapı hacmi yüksekliği “Sıralamayı Yazdır” ayarı nedeniyle azaltıldı."
938 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
997 msgctxt "@info:status"
998 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
999 msgstr "Nesneler çoğaltılıyor ve yerleştiriliyor"
1001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9391002 msgctxt "@title:window"
940 msgid "Oops!"
941 msgstr "Hay aksi!"
943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1003 msgid "Crash Report"
1004 msgstr "Çökme Raporu"
1006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9441007 msgctxt "@label"
9451008 msgid ""
9461009 "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
947 " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
9481010 " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
9491011 " "
950 msgstr "<p>Düzeltemediğimiz önemli bir özel durum oluştu!</p>\n <p>Umarız bu yavru kedi resmi şoku atlatmanıza yardımcı olur.</p>\n <p>Bir hata raporu göndermek için aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanın: <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n "
952 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1012 msgstr "<p>Kurtulunamayan ciddi bir olağanüstü durum oluştu!</p>\n <p>Yazılım hatası raporunu <a href=\"\"></a></p> adresine gönderirken aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanınız\n "
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9531015 msgctxt "@action:button"
9541016 msgid "Open Web Page"
9551017 msgstr "Web Sayfasını Aç"
957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1019 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9581020 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9591021 msgid "Loading machines..."
9601022 msgstr "Makineler yükleniyor..."
962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9631025 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9641026 msgid "Setting up scene..."
9651027 msgstr "Görünüm ayarlanıyor..."
967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9681030 msgctxt "@info:progress"
9691031 msgid "Loading interface..."
9701032 msgstr "Arayüz yükleniyor..."
972 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9731035 #, python-format
9741036 msgctxt "@info"
9751037 msgid "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
9761038 msgstr "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm"
978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1040 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9791041 #, python-brace-format
9801042 msgctxt "@info:status"
9811043 msgid "Only one G-code file can be loaded at a time. Skipped importing {0}"
9821044 msgstr "Aynı anda yalnızca bir G-code dosyası yüklenebilir. {0} içe aktarma atlandı"
984 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
1046 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/cura/
9851047 #, python-brace-format
9861048 msgctxt "@info:status"
9871049 msgid "Can't open any other file if G-code is loading. Skipped importing {0}"
9881050 msgstr "G-code yüklenirken başka bir dosya açılamaz. {0} içe aktarma atlandı"
990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:27
1052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:53
9911053 msgctxt "@title"
9921054 msgid "Machine Settings"
9931055 msgstr "Makine Ayarları"
995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:38
996 msgctxt "@label"
997 msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
998 msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki yazıcınız için doğru ayarları girin:"
1000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:63
1057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:71
1058 msgctxt "@title:tab"
1059 msgid "Printer"
1060 msgstr "Yazıcı"
1062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
10011063 msgctxt "@label"
10021064 msgid "Printer Settings"
10031065 msgstr "Yazıcı Ayarları"
1005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:74
1067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:102
10061068 msgctxt "@label"
10071069 msgid "X (Width)"
10081070 msgstr "X (Genişlik)"
1010 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:85
1011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:101
1012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:117
1013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
1014 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:289
1015 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:305
1016 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
1017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:341
1018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:363
1072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:109
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:122
1074 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:135
1075 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:343
1076 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:386
1077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:399
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:549
1079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:561
1080 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:574
10191081 msgctxt "@label"
10201082 msgid "mm"
10211083 msgstr "mm"
1023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:90
1085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:115
10241086 msgctxt "@label"
10251087 msgid "Y (Depth)"
10261088 msgstr "Y (Derinlik)"
1028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:106
1090 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:128
10291091 msgctxt "@label"
10301092 msgid "Z (Height)"
10311093 msgstr "Z (Yükseklik)"
1033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:129
1095 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:148
10341096 msgctxt "@label"
10351097 msgid "Build Plate Shape"
10361098 msgstr "Yapı Levhası Şekli"
1038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:176
1100 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:198
10391101 msgctxt "@option:check"
10401102 msgid "Machine Center is Zero"
10411103 msgstr "Makine Merkezi Sıfırda"
1043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:187
1105 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:209
10441106 msgctxt "@option:check"
10451107 msgid "Heated Bed"
10461108 msgstr "Isıtılmış Yatak"
1048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:199
1110 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:221
10491111 msgctxt "@label"
10501112 msgid "GCode Flavor"
10511113 msgstr "GCode Türü"
1053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:251
1115 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:273
10541116 msgctxt "@label"
10551117 msgid "Printhead Settings"
10561118 msgstr "Yazıcı Başlığı Ayarları"
1058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:262
1120 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:285
10591121 msgctxt "@label"
10601122 msgid "X min"
10611123 msgstr "X min"
1063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:278
1125 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:297
10641126 msgctxt "@label"
10651127 msgid "Y min"
10661128 msgstr "Y min"
1068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:294
1130 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:309
10691131 msgctxt "@label"
10701132 msgid "X max"
10711133 msgstr "X maks"
1073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:310
1135 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:321
10741136 msgctxt "@label"
10751137 msgid "Y max"
10761138 msgstr "Y maks"
1078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:330
1140 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:336
10791141 msgctxt "@label"
10801142 msgid "Gantry height"
10811143 msgstr "Portal yüksekliği"
1083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:350
1145 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:351
1146 msgctxt "@label"
1147 msgid "Number of Extruders"
1148 msgstr "Ekstrüder Sayısı"
1150 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:379
1151 msgctxt "@label"
1152 msgid "Material Diameter"
1153 msgstr "Malzeme Çapı"
1155 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:390
1156 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:540
10841157 msgctxt "@label"
10851158 msgid "Nozzle size"
10861159 msgstr "Nozzle boyutu"
1088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:382
1161 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:417
10891162 msgctxt "@label"
10901163 msgid "Start Gcode"
10911164 msgstr "Gcode’u başlat"
1093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:406
1166 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:446
10941167 msgctxt "@label"
10951168 msgid "End Gcode"
10961169 msgstr "Gcode’u sonlandır"
1171 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:528
1172 msgctxt "@label"
1173 msgid "Nozzle Settings"
1174 msgstr "Nozül Ayarları"
1176 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:554
1177 msgctxt "@label"
1178 msgid "Nozzle offset X"
1179 msgstr "Nozül X ofseti"
1181 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:567
1182 msgctxt "@label"
1183 msgid "Nozzle offset Y"
1184 msgstr "Nozül Y ofseti"
1186 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:592
1187 msgctxt "@label"
1188 msgid "Extruder Start Gcode"
1189 msgstr "Ekstrüder Gcode’u başlat"
1191 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsAction.qml:620
1192 msgctxt "@label"
1193 msgid "Extruder End Gcode"
1194 msgstr "Ekstrüder Gcode’u sonlandır"
10981196 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:20
10991197 msgctxt "@title:window"
11011199 msgstr "Doodle3D Ayarları"
11031201 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/SettingsWindow.qml:53
1104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:244
1202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:262
11051203 msgctxt "@action:button"
11061204 msgid "Save"
11071205 msgstr "Kaydet"
11211219 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
1123 #
1221 #
11241222 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin/ControlWindow.qml:45
11251223 msgctxt "@label"
11261224 msgid ""
11551253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/USBPrinting/FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml:105
11561254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:55
11571255 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/PostProcessingPlugin.qml:446
1158 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:435
1256 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:304
11591257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:125
11601258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AboutDialog.qml:146
11611259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:38
12081306 msgid "Unknown error code: %1"
12091307 msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata kodu: %1"
1211 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:57
1309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:55
12121310 msgctxt "@title:window"
12131311 msgid "Connect to Networked Printer"
12141312 msgstr "Ağ Yazıcısına Bağlan"
1216 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:67
1314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:65
12171315 msgctxt "@label"
12181316 msgid ""
12191317 "To print directly to your printer over the network, please make sure your printer is connected to the network using a network cable or by connecting your printer to your WIFI network. If you don't connect Cura with your printer, you can still use a USB drive to transfer g-code files to your printer.\n"
12211319 "Select your printer from the list below:"
12221320 msgstr "Yazıcınıza ağ üzerinden doğrudan bağlamak için, lütfen yazıcınızın ağ kablosu kullanan bir ağa bağlı olduğundan emin olun veya yazıcınızı WiFi ağına bağlayın. Cura'ya yazıcınız ile bağlanamıyorsanız g-code dosyalarını yazıcınıza aktarmak için USB sürücüsü kullanabilirsiniz.\n\nAşağıdaki listeden yazıcınızı seçin:"
1224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:77
1322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:75
12251323 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:44
12261324 msgctxt "@action:button"
12271325 msgid "Add"
12281326 msgstr "Ekle"
1230 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:87
1328 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:85
12311329 msgctxt "@action:button"
12321330 msgid "Edit"
12331331 msgstr "Düzenle"
1235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:98
1333 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:96
12361334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:50
12371335 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:95
1238 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:159
1336 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:187
12391337 msgctxt "@action:button"
12401338 msgid "Remove"
12411339 msgstr "Kaldır"
1243 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:106
1341 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:104
12441342 msgctxt "@action:button"
12451343 msgid "Refresh"
12461344 msgstr "Yenile"
1248 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:198
1346 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:196
12491347 msgctxt "@label"
12501348 msgid "If your printer is not listed, read the <a href='%1'>network-printing troubleshooting guide</a>"
12511349 msgstr "Yazıcınız listede yoksa <a href=’%1’>ağ yazdırma sorun giderme kılavuzunu</a> okuyun"
1253 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:225
1351 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:223
12541352 msgctxt "@label"
12551353 msgid "Type"
12561354 msgstr "Tür"
1258 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:237
1356 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:235
12591357 msgctxt "@label"
12601358 msgid "Ultimaker 3"
12611359 msgstr "Ultimaker 3"
1263 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:240
1361 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:238
12641362 msgctxt "@label"
12651363 msgid "Ultimaker 3 Extended"
12661364 msgstr "Genişletilmiş Ultimaker 3"
1268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:243
1366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:241
12691367 msgctxt "@label"
12701368 msgid "Unknown"
12711369 msgstr "Bilinmiyor"
1273 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:256
1371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:254
12741372 msgctxt "@label"
12751373 msgid "Firmware version"
12761374 msgstr "Üretici yazılımı sürümü"
1278 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:268
1376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:266
12791377 msgctxt "@label"
12801378 msgid "Address"
12811379 msgstr "Adres"
1283 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:282
1381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:280
12841382 msgctxt "@label"
12851383 msgid "The printer at this address has not yet responded."
12861384 msgstr "Bu adresteki yazıcı henüz yanıt vermedi."
1288 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:287
1386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:285
12891387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/UM3InfoComponents.qml:38
12901388 msgctxt "@action:button"
12911389 msgid "Connect"
12921390 msgstr "Bağlan"
1294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:301
1392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:299
12951393 msgctxt "@title:window"
12961394 msgid "Printer Address"
12971395 msgstr "Yazıcı Adresi"
1299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:331
1397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:329
13001398 msgctxt "@alabel"
13011399 msgid "Enter the IP address or hostname of your printer on the network."
13021400 msgstr "IP adresini veya yazıcınızın ağ üzerindeki ana bilgisayar adını girin."
1304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:358
1402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/DiscoverUM3Action.qml:359
13051403 msgctxt "@action:button"
13061404 msgid "Ok"
13071405 msgstr "Tamam"
13461444 msgid "Change active post-processing scripts"
13471445 msgstr "Etkin son işleme dosyalarını değiştir"
1349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:59
1447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:61
13501448 msgctxt "@label"
13511449 msgid "View Mode: Layers"
13521450 msgstr "Görüntüleme Modu: Katmanlar"
1354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:75
1452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:78
13551453 msgctxt "@label"
13561454 msgid "Color scheme"
13571455 msgstr "Renk şeması"
1359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:88
1457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
13601458 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13611459 msgid "Material Color"
13621460 msgstr "Malzeme Rengi"
1364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:92
1462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:96
13651463 msgctxt "@label:listbox"
13661464 msgid "Line Type"
13671465 msgstr "Çizgi Tipi"
1369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:133
1467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:134
13701468 msgctxt "@label"
13711469 msgid "Compatibility Mode"
13721470 msgstr "Uyumluluk Modu"
1374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:171
1375 msgctxt "@label"
1376 msgid "Extruder %1"
1377 msgstr "Ekstruder %1"
1379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:185
1472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:199
13801473 msgctxt "@label"
13811474 msgid "Show Travels"
13821475 msgstr "Geçişleri Göster"
1384 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:206
1477 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:205
13851478 msgctxt "@label"
13861479 msgid "Show Helpers"
13871480 msgstr "Yardımcıları Göster"
1389 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:227
1482 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:211
13901483 msgctxt "@label"
13911484 msgid "Show Shell"
13921485 msgstr "Kabuğu Göster"
1394 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:248
1487 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:217
13951488 msgctxt "@label"
13961489 msgid "Show Infill"
13971490 msgstr "Dolguyu Göster"
1399 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:269
1492 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:253
14001493 msgctxt "@label"
14011494 msgid "Only Show Top Layers"
14021495 msgstr "Yalnızca Üst Katmanları Göster"
1404 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
1497 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:262
14051498 msgctxt "@label"
14061499 msgid "Show 5 Detailed Layers On Top"
14071500 msgstr "En Üstteki 5 Ayrıntılı Katmanı Göster"
1409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:285
1502 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:273
14101503 msgctxt "@label"
14111504 msgid "Top / Bottom"
14121505 msgstr "Üst / Alt"
1414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:306
1507 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/LayerView/LayerView.qml:277
14151508 msgctxt "@label"
14161509 msgid "Inner Wall"
14171510 msgstr "İç Duvar"
14871580 msgstr "Düzeltme"
14891582 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/ImageReader/ConfigUI.qml:181
1490 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:55
14911583 msgctxt "@action:button"
14921584 msgid "OK"
14931585 msgstr "TAMAM"
1495 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:34
1496 msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
1497 msgid "Print model with"
1498 msgstr "........... İle modeli yazdır"
1500 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:286
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:155
15011588 msgctxt "@action:button"
15021589 msgid "Select settings"
15031590 msgstr "Ayarları seçin"
1505 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:326
1592 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:195
15061593 msgctxt "@title:window"
15071594 msgid "Select Settings to Customize for this model"
15081595 msgstr "Bu modeli Özelleştirmek için Ayarları seçin"
1510 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:350
1597 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:219
15111598 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/SettingVisibilityPage.qml:91
1512 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:73
15131599 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
15141600 msgid "Filter..."
15151601 msgstr "Filtrele..."
1517 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:374
1603 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/PerObjectSettingsTool/PerObjectSettingsPanel.qml:243
15181604 msgctxt "@label:checkbox"
15191605 msgid "Show all"
15201606 msgstr "Tümünü göster"
15241610 msgid "Open Project"
15251611 msgstr "Proje Aç"
1527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:60
1613 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:57
15281614 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15291615 msgid "Update existing"
15301616 msgstr "Var olanları güncelleştir"
1532 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:61
1618 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:58
15331619 msgctxt "@action:ComboBox option"
15341620 msgid "Create new"
15351621 msgstr "Yeni oluştur"
1537 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:72
1538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:77
1623 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:69
1624 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:70
15391625 msgctxt "@action:title"
15401626 msgid "Summary - Cura Project"
15411627 msgstr "Özet - Cura Projesi"
1543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:94
1544 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:95
1629 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:91
1630 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:88
15451631 msgctxt "@action:label"
15461632 msgid "Printer settings"
15471633 msgstr "Yazıcı ayarları"
1549 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:110
1635 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:107
15501636 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15511637 msgid "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?"
15521638 msgstr "Makinedeki çakışma nasıl çözülmelidir?"
1554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:130
1555 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:104
1640 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:127
1641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:97
15561642 msgctxt "@action:label"
15571643 msgid "Type"
15581644 msgstr "Tür"
1560 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:146
1561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:203
1562 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:295
1563 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:119
1564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:195
1646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:143
1647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:200
1648 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:292
1649 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:112
1650 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:188
15651651 msgctxt "@action:label"
15661652 msgid "Name"
15671653 msgstr "İsim"
1569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:167
1570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:171
1655 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:164
1656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:164
15711657 msgctxt "@action:label"
15721658 msgid "Profile settings"
15731659 msgstr "Profil ayarları"
1575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:183
1661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:180
15761662 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
15771663 msgid "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?"
15781664 msgstr "Profildeki çakışma nasıl çözülmelidir?"
1580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:218
1581 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:179
1666 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:215
1667 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:172
15821668 msgctxt "@action:label"
15831669 msgid "Not in profile"
15841670 msgstr "Profilde değil"
1586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:223
1587 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:184
1672 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:220
1673 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:177
15881674 msgctxt "@action:label"
15891675 msgid "%1 override"
15901676 msgid_plural "%1 overrides"
15911677 msgstr[0] "%1 geçersiz kılma"
15921678 msgstr[1] "%1 geçersiz kılmalar"
1594 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:234
1680 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:231
15951681 msgctxt "@action:label"
15961682 msgid "Derivative from"
15971683 msgstr "Kaynağı"
1599 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:239
1685 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:236
16001686 msgctxt "@action:label"
16011687 msgid "%1, %2 override"
16021688 msgid_plural "%1, %2 overrides"
16031689 msgstr[0] "%1, %2 geçersiz kılma"
16041690 msgstr[1] "%1, %2 geçersiz kılmalar"
1606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:255
1692 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:252
16071693 msgctxt "@action:label"
16081694 msgid "Material settings"
16091695 msgstr "Malzeme ayarları"
1611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:271
1697 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:268
16121698 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
16131699 msgid "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?"
16141700 msgstr "Malzemedeki çakışma nasıl çözülmelidir?"
1616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:314
1617 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:214
1702 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:311
1703 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:207
16181704 msgctxt "@action:label"
16191705 msgid "Setting visibility"
16201706 msgstr "Görünürlük ayarı"
1622 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:323
1708 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:320
16231709 msgctxt "@action:label"
16241710 msgid "Mode"
16251711 msgstr "Mod"
1627 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:338
1628 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:223
1713 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:335
1714 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:216
16291715 msgctxt "@action:label"
16301716 msgid "Visible settings:"
16311717 msgstr "Görünür ayarlar:"
1633 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:343
1634 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:228
1719 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:340
1720 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:221
16351721 msgctxt "@action:label"
16361722 msgid "%1 out of %2"
16371723 msgstr "%1 / %2"
1639 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:369
1725 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:366
16401726 msgctxt "@action:warning"
16411727 msgid "Loading a project will clear all models on the buildplate"
16421728 msgstr "Bir projenin yüklenmesi, yapı levhasındaki tüm modelleri silecektir"
1644 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:388
1730 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/3MFReader/WorkspaceDialog.qml:385
16451731 msgctxt "@action:button"
16461732 msgid "Open"
16471733 msgstr "Aç"
1735 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1736 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1737 msgctxt "@title"
1738 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1739 msgstr "Yazıcı Yükseltmelerini seçin"
1741 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
1742 msgctxt "@label"
1743 msgid "Please select any upgrades made to this Ultimaker 2."
1744 msgstr "Ultimaker 2 için yapılan herhangi bir yükseltmeyi seçiniz."
1746 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UM2UpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:45
1747 msgctxt "@label"
1748 msgid "Olsson Block"
1749 msgstr "Olsson Bloku"
16491751 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/BedLevelMachineAction.qml:27
16501752 msgctxt "@title"
17001802 msgctxt "@title:window"
17011803 msgid "Select custom firmware"
17021804 msgstr "Özel aygıt yazılımı seçin"
1704 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:25
1705 msgctxt "@title"
1706 msgid "Select Printer Upgrades"
1707 msgstr "Yazıcı Yükseltmelerini seçin"
17091806 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/plugins/UltimakerMachineActions/UMOUpgradeSelectionMachineAction.qml:37
17101807 msgctxt "@label"
18201917 msgstr "Yazıcı komutları kabul etmiyor"
18221919 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:97
1823 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:194
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:196
18241921 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18251922 msgid "In maintenance. Please check the printer"
18261923 msgstr "Bakımda. Lütfen yazıcıyı kontrol edin"
18311928 msgstr "Yazıcı bağlantısı koptu"
18331930 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:104
1834 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:184
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
18351932 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18361933 msgid "Printing..."
18371934 msgstr "Yazdırılıyor..."
18391936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:107
1840 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:186
1937 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
18411938 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18421939 msgid "Paused"
18431940 msgstr "Duraklatıldı"
18451942 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MonitorButton.qml:110
1846 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:188
1943 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
18471944 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
18481945 msgid "Preparing..."
18491946 msgstr "Hazırlanıyor..."
18781975 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort the print?"
18791976 msgstr "Yazdırmayı iptal etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
1881 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:14
1978 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:15
18821979 msgctxt "@title:window"
18831980 msgid "Discard or Keep changes"
18841981 msgstr "Değişiklikleri iptal et veya kaydet"
1886 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:59
1983 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:57
18871984 msgctxt "@text:window"
18881985 msgid ""
18891986 "You have customized some profile settings.\n"
18901987 "Would you like to keep or discard those settings?"
18911988 msgstr "Bazı profil ayarlarını özelleştirdiniz.\nBu ayarları kaydetmek veya iptal etmek ister misiniz?"
1893 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:108
1990 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:110
18941991 msgctxt "@title:column"
18951992 msgid "Profile settings"
18961993 msgstr "Profil ayarları"
1898 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:115
1995 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:117
18991996 msgctxt "@title:column"
19001997 msgid "Default"
19011998 msgstr "Varsayılan"
1903 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:122
2000 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:124
19042001 msgctxt "@title:column"
19052002 msgid "Customized"
19062003 msgstr "Özelleştirilmiş"
1908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:152
1909 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:391
2005 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:157
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:564
19102007 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19112008 msgid "Always ask me this"
19122009 msgstr "Her zaman sor"
1914 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:153
1915 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:392
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:158
2012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:565
19162013 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19172014 msgid "Discard and never ask again"
19182015 msgstr "İptal et ve bir daha sorma"
1920 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:154
1921 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:393
2017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:159
2018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:566
19222019 msgctxt "@option:discardOrKeep"
19232020 msgid "Keep and never ask again"
19242021 msgstr "Kaydet ve bir daha sorma"
1926 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:189
2023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:196
19272024 msgctxt "@action:button"
19282025 msgid "Discard"
19292026 msgstr "İptal"
1931 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:202
2028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:209
19322029 msgctxt "@action:button"
19332030 msgid "Keep"
19342031 msgstr "Kaydet"
1936 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:215
2033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:222
19372034 msgctxt "@action:button"
19382035 msgid "Create New Profile"
19392036 msgstr "Yeni Profil Oluştur"
1941 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:29
2038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:44
19422039 msgctxt "@title"
19432040 msgid "Information"
19442041 msgstr "Bilgi"
1946 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:53
2043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:68
19472044 msgctxt "@label"
19482045 msgid "Display Name"
19492046 msgstr "Görünen Ad"
1951 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:63
2048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:78
19522049 msgctxt "@label"
19532050 msgid "Brand"
19542051 msgstr "Marka"
1956 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:73
2053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:92
19572054 msgctxt "@label"
19582055 msgid "Material Type"
19592056 msgstr "Malzeme Türü"
1961 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:82
2058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:105
19622059 msgctxt "@label"
19632060 msgid "Color"
19642061 msgstr "Renk"
1966 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:116
2063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:139
19672064 msgctxt "@label"
19682065 msgid "Properties"
19692066 msgstr "Özellikler"
1971 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:118
2068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:141
19722069 msgctxt "@label"
19732070 msgid "Density"
19742071 msgstr "Yoğunluk"
1976 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:133
2073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:156
19772074 msgctxt "@label"
19782075 msgid "Diameter"
19792076 msgstr "Çap"
1981 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:148
2078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:171
19822079 msgctxt "@label"
19832080 msgid "Filament Cost"
19842081 msgstr "Filaman masrafı"
1986 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:164
2083 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:187
19872084 msgctxt "@label"
19882085 msgid "Filament weight"
19892086 msgstr "Filaman ağırlığı"
1991 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:181
2088 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:204
19922089 msgctxt "@label"
19932090 msgid "Filament length"
19942091 msgstr "Filaman uzunluğu"
1996 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:190
2093 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:213
19972094 msgctxt "@label"
19982095 msgid "Cost per Meter"
19992096 msgstr "Metre başına maliyet"
2001 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:201
2098 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:227
2099 msgctxt "@label"
2100 msgid "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties."
2101 msgstr "Bu malzeme %1’e bağlıdır ve özelliklerinden bazılarını paylaşır."
2103 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:234
2104 msgctxt "@label"
2105 msgid "Unlink Material"
2106 msgstr "Malzemeyi Ayır"
2108 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:245
20022109 msgctxt "@label"
20032110 msgid "Description"
20042111 msgstr "Tanım"
2006 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:214
2113 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:258
20072114 msgctxt "@label"
20082115 msgid "Adhesion Information"
20092116 msgstr "Yapışma Bilgileri"
2011 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:238
2118 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialView.qml:284
20122119 msgctxt "@label"
20132120 msgid "Print settings"
20142121 msgstr "Yazdırma ayarları"
20442151 msgstr "Birim"
20462153 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:14
2047 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:502
2154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:461
20482155 msgctxt "@title:tab"
20492156 msgid "General"
20502157 msgstr "Genel"
2052 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:92
2159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:126
20532160 msgctxt "@label"
20542161 msgid "Interface"
20552162 msgstr "Arayüz"
2057 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:101
2164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:137
20582165 msgctxt "@label"
20592166 msgid "Language:"
20602167 msgstr "Dil:"
2062 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:157
2169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:194
20632170 msgctxt "@label"
20642171 msgid "Currency:"
20652172 msgstr "Para Birimi:"
2067 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:173
2068 msgctxt "@label"
2069 msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
2070 msgstr "Dil değişikliklerinin tamamlanması için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekecektir."
2072 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:190
2174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:208
2175 msgctxt "@label"
2176 msgid "Theme:"
2177 msgstr "Tema:"
2179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2180 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
2181 msgid "Ultimaker"
2182 msgstr "Ultimaker"
2184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:263
2185 msgctxt "@label"
2186 msgid "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect."
2187 msgstr "Bu değişikliklerinin geçerli olması için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekecektir."
2189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:280
20732190 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20742191 msgid "Slice automatically when changing settings."
20752192 msgstr "Ayarlar değiştirilirken otomatik olarak dilimle."
2077 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:199
2194 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:288
20782195 msgctxt "@option:check"
20792196 msgid "Slice automatically"
20802197 msgstr "Otomatik olarak dilimle"
2082 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:213
2199 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:302
20832200 msgctxt "@label"
20842201 msgid "Viewport behavior"
20852202 msgstr "Görünüm şekli"
2087 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:221
2204 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
20882205 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
20892206 msgid "Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly."
20902207 msgstr "Modelin desteklenmeyen alanlarını kırmızı ile gösterin. Destek alınmadan bu alanlar düzgün bir şekilde yazdırılmayacaktır."
2092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:230
2209 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
20932210 msgctxt "@option:check"
20942211 msgid "Display overhang"
20952212 msgstr "Dışarıda kalan alanı göster"
2097 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:237
2214 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:326
20982215 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2099 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
2100 msgstr "Kamerayı hareket ettirir, bu şekilde model seçimi yapıldığında model görüntünün ortasında bulunur"
2102 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:242
2216 msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected"
2217 msgstr "Bir model seçildiğinde bu model görüntünün ortasında kalacak şekilde kamera hareket eder."
2219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:331
21032220 msgctxt "@action:button"
21042221 msgid "Center camera when item is selected"
21052222 msgstr "Öğeyi seçince kamerayı ortalayın"
2107 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:251
2224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:341
2225 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2226 msgid "Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?"
2227 msgstr "Cura’nın varsayılan yakınlaştırma davranışı tersine çevrilsin mi?"
2229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:346
2230 msgctxt "@action:button"
2231 msgid "Invert the direction of camera zoom."
2232 msgstr "Kamera yakınlaştırma yönünü ters çevir."
2234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:355
21082235 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21092236 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?"
21102237 msgstr "Platformun üzerindeki öğeler kesişmemeleri için hareket ettirilmeli mi?"
2112 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:256
2239 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:360
21132240 msgctxt "@option:check"
21142241 msgid "Ensure models are kept apart"
21152242 msgstr "Modellerin birbirinden ayrı olduğundan emin olduğundan emin olun"
2117 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:264
2244 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:368
21182245 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21192246 msgid "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?"
21202247 msgstr "Platformun üzerindeki modeller yapı levhasına değmeleri için indirilmeli mi?"
2122 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:269
2249 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:373
21232250 msgctxt "@option:check"
21242251 msgid "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
21252252 msgstr "Modelleri otomatik olarak yapı tahtasına indirin"
2127 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:278
2254 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:385
2255 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2256 msgid "Show caution message in gcode reader."
2257 msgstr "Gcode okuyucuda uyarı mesajı göster."
2259 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:394
2260 msgctxt "@option:check"
2261 msgid "Caution message in gcode reader"
2262 msgstr "Gcode okuyucuda uyarı mesajı"
2264 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:401
21282265 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21292266 msgid "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?"
21302267 msgstr "Katman, uyumluluk moduna zorlansın mı?"
2132 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:283
2269 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:406
21332270 msgctxt "@option:check"
21342271 msgid "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"
21352272 msgstr "Katman görünümünü uyumluluk moduna zorla (yeniden başlatma gerekir)"
2137 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:299
2274 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:422
21382275 msgctxt "@label"
21392276 msgid "Opening and saving files"
21402277 msgstr "Dosyaların açılması ve kaydedilmesi"
2142 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:305
2279 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:428
21432280 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21442281 msgid "Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?"
21452282 msgstr "Modeller çok büyükse yapı hacmine göre ölçeklendirilmeli mi?"
2147 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:310
2284 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:433
21482285 msgctxt "@option:check"
21492286 msgid "Scale large models"
21502287 msgstr "Büyük modelleri ölçeklendirin"
2152 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:319
2289 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:442
21532290 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21542291 msgid "An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?"
21552292 msgstr "Bir modelin birimi milimetre değil de metre ise oldukça küçük görünebilir. Bu modeller ölçeklendirilmeli mi?"
2157 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:324
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:447
21582295 msgctxt "@option:check"
21592296 msgid "Scale extremely small models"
21602297 msgstr "Çok küçük modelleri ölçeklendirin"
2162 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:333
2299 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:456
21632300 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21642301 msgid "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?"
21652302 msgstr "Yazıcı adına bağlı bir ön ek otomatik olarak yazdırma işinin adına eklenmeli mi?"
2167 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:338
2304 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:461
21682305 msgctxt "@option:check"
21692306 msgid "Add machine prefix to job name"
21702307 msgstr "Makine ön ekini iş adına ekleyin"
2172 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:347
2309 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:470
21732310 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21742311 msgid "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?"
21752312 msgstr "Bir proje dosyasını kaydederken özet gösterilmeli mi?"
2177 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:351
2314 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:474
21782315 msgctxt "@option:check"
21792316 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
21802317 msgstr "Projeyi kaydederken özet iletişim kutusunu göster"
2182 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:369
2319 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:483
2320 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
2321 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file"
2322 msgstr "Bir proje dosyası açıldığında varsayılan davranış"
2324 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:491
2325 msgctxt "@window:text"
2326 msgid "Default behavior when opening a project file: "
2327 msgstr "Bir proje dosyası açıldığında varsayılan davranış: "
2329 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:504
2330 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2331 msgid "Always ask"
2332 msgstr "Her zaman sor"
2334 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:505
2335 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2336 msgid "Always open as a project"
2337 msgstr "Her zaman proje olarak aç"
2339 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:506
2340 msgctxt "@option:openProject"
2341 msgid "Always import models"
2342 msgstr "Her zaman modelleri içe aktar"
2344 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:542
21832345 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21842346 msgid "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again."
21852347 msgstr "Bir profil üzerinde değişiklik yapıp farklı bir profile geçtiğinizde, değişikliklerin kaydedilmesini isteyip istemediğinizi soran bir iletişim kutusu açılır. Alternatif olarak bu işleve yönelik varsayılan bir davranış seçebilir ve bu iletişim kutusunun bir daha görüntülenmemesini tercih edebilirsiniz."
2187 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:378
2349 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:551
21882350 msgctxt "@label"
21892351 msgid "Override Profile"
21902352 msgstr "Profilin Üzerine Yaz"
2192 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:427
2354 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:600
21932355 msgctxt "@label"
21942356 msgid "Privacy"
21952357 msgstr "Gizlilik"
2197 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:434
2359 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:607
21982360 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
21992361 msgid "Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?"
22002362 msgstr "Cura, program başladığında güncellemeleri kontrol etmeli mi?"
2202 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:439
2364 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:612
22032365 msgctxt "@option:check"
22042366 msgid "Check for updates on start"
22052367 msgstr "Başlangıçta güncellemeleri kontrol edin"
2207 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:449
2369 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:622
22082370 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
22092371 msgid "Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored."
22102372 msgstr "Yazdırmanızdaki anonim veriler Ultimaker’a gönderilmeli mi? Unutmayın; hiçbir model, IP adresi veya diğer kişiye özgü bilgiler gönderilmez veya saklanmaz."
2212 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:454
2374 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/GeneralPage.qml:627
22132375 msgctxt "@option:check"
22142376 msgid "Send (anonymous) print information"
22152377 msgstr "(Anonim) yazdırma bilgisi gönder"
22172379 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:15
2218 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:507
2380 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:466
22192381 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22202382 msgid "Printers"
22212383 msgstr "Yazıcılar"
22232385 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:37
22242386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:51
2225 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:128
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:137
22262388 msgctxt "@action:button"
22272389 msgid "Activate"
22282390 msgstr "Etkinleştir"
22382400 msgid "Printer type:"
22392401 msgstr "Yazıcı türü:"
2241 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:159
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:160
22422404 msgctxt "@label"
22432405 msgid "Connection:"
22442406 msgstr "Bağlantı:"
2246 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:164
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:166
22472409 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/PrintMonitor.qml:52
22482410 msgctxt "@info:status"
22492411 msgid "The printer is not connected."
22502412 msgstr "Yazıcı bağlı değil."
2252 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:170
2414 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:172
22532415 msgctxt "@label"
22542416 msgid "State:"
22552417 msgstr "Durum:"
2257 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:190
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:192
22582420 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22592421 msgid "Waiting for someone to clear the build plate"
22602422 msgstr "Yapı levhasının temizlenmesi bekleniyor"
2262 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:199
2424 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MachinesPage.qml:201
22632425 msgctxt "@label:MonitorStatus"
22642426 msgid "Waiting for a printjob"
22652427 msgstr "Yazdırma işlemi bekleniyor"
22672429 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:15
2268 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:511
2430 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:470
22692431 msgctxt "@title:tab"
22702432 msgid "Profiles"
22712433 msgstr "Profiller"
22912453 msgstr "Çoğalt"
22932455 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:113
2294 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
2456 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:194
22952457 msgctxt "@action:button"
22962458 msgid "Import"
22972459 msgstr "İçe aktar"
22992461 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/ProfilesPage.qml:119
2300 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:173
2462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:201
23012463 msgctxt "@action:button"
23022464 msgid "Export"
23032465 msgstr "Dışa aktar"
23632525 msgstr "Profili Dışa Aktar"
23652527 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:15
2366 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:509
2528 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:468
23672529 msgctxt "@title:tab"
23682530 msgid "Materials"
23692531 msgstr "Malzemeler"
2371 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:107
2533 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:116
23722534 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name, %2 is how this printer names variants, %3 is variant name"
23732535 msgid "Printer: %1, %2: %3"
23742536 msgstr "Yazıcı: %1, %2: %3"
2376 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:111
2538 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:120
23772539 msgctxt "@action:label %1 is printer name"
23782540 msgid "Printer: %1"
23792541 msgstr "Yazıcı: %1"
2381 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:139
2543 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:148
2544 msgctxt "@action:button"
2545 msgid "Create"
2546 msgstr "Oluştur"
2548 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:166
23822549 msgctxt "@action:button"
23832550 msgid "Duplicate"
23842551 msgstr "Çoğalt"
2386 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:261
2387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:269
2553 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:295
2554 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:303
23882555 msgctxt "@title:window"
23892556 msgid "Import Material"
23902557 msgstr "Malzemeyi İçe Aktar"
2392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:270
2559 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:304
23932560 msgctxt "@info:status"
23942561 msgid "Could not import material <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
23952562 msgstr "Malzeme aktarılamadı<dosya adı>%1</dosya adı>: <ileti>%2</ileti>"
2397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:274
2564 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
23982565 msgctxt "@info:status"
23992566 msgid "Successfully imported material <filename>%1</filename>"
24002567 msgstr "Malzeme başarıyla aktarıldı <dosya adı>%1</dosya adı>"
2402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:293
2403 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:308
2569 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:327
2570 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:342
24042571 msgctxt "@title:window"
24052572 msgid "Export Material"
24062573 msgstr "Malzemeyi Dışa Aktar"
2408 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:312
2575 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:346
24092576 msgctxt "@info:status"
24102577 msgid "Failed to export material to <filename>%1</filename>: <message>%2</message>"
24112578 msgstr "Malzemenin dışa aktarımı başarısız oldu <dosya adı>%1</dosya adı>: <ileti>%2</ileti>"
2413 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:318
2580 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Preferences/MaterialsPage.qml:352
24142581 msgctxt "@info:status"
24152582 msgid "Successfully exported material to <filename>%1</filename>"
24162583 msgstr "Malzeme başarıyla dışa aktarıldı <dosya adı>%1</dosya adı>"
24182585 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AddMachineDialog.qml:18
2419 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:821
2586 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:783
24202587 msgctxt "@title:window"
24212588 msgid "Add Printer"
24222589 msgstr "Yazıcı Ekle"
24312598 msgid "Add Printer"
24322599 msgstr "Yazıcı Ekle"
2601 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:179
2602 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2603 msgid "Outer Wall"
2604 msgstr "Dış Duvar"
24342606 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:180
2607 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2608 msgid "Inner Walls"
2609 msgstr "İç Duvarlar"
2611 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:181
2612 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2613 msgid "Skin"
2614 msgstr "Yüzey Alanı"
2616 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:182
2617 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2618 msgid "Infill"
2619 msgstr "Dolgu"
2621 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:183
2622 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2623 msgid "Support Infill"
2624 msgstr "Destek Dolgusu"
2626 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:184
2627 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2628 msgid "Support Interface"
2629 msgstr "Destek Arayüzü"
2631 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:185
2632 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2633 msgid "Support"
2634 msgstr "Destek"
2636 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:186
2637 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2638 msgid "Travel"
2639 msgstr "Hareket"
2641 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:187
2642 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2643 msgid "Retractions"
2644 msgstr "Geri Çekmeler"
2646 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:188
2647 msgctxt "@tooltip"
2648 msgid "Other"
2649 msgstr "Diğer"
2651 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:215
24352652 msgctxt "@label"
24362653 msgid "00h 00min"
24372654 msgstr "00sa 00dk"
2439 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:231
2656 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:268
24402657 msgctxt "@label"
24412658 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
24422659 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g / ~ %4 %3"
2444 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:236
2661 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/JobSpecs.qml:273
24452662 msgctxt "@label"
24462663 msgid "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
24472664 msgstr "%1 m / ~ %2 g"
25532770 msgid "SVG icons"
25542771 msgstr "SVG simgeleri"
2556 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:350
2773 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:60
2774 msgctxt "@label:textbox"
2775 msgid "Search..."
2776 msgstr "Ara..."
2778 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:337
25572779 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25582780 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
25592781 msgstr "Değeri tüm ekstruderlere kopyala"
2561 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:365
2783 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:352
25622784 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25632785 msgid "Hide this setting"
25642786 msgstr "Bu ayarı gizle"
2566 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:375
2788 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:362
25672789 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25682790 msgid "Don't show this setting"
25692791 msgstr "Bu ayarı gösterme"
2571 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:379
2793 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:366
25722794 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25732795 msgid "Keep this setting visible"
25742796 msgstr "Bu ayarı görünür yap"
2576 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:398
2798 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Settings/SettingView.qml:385
25772799 msgctxt "@action:menu"
25782800 msgid "Configure setting visiblity..."
25792801 msgstr "Görünürlük ayarını yapılandır..."
26442866 "G-code files cannot be modified"
26452867 msgstr "Yazdırma Ayarı devre dışı\nG-code dosyaları üzerinde değişiklik yapılamaz"
2647 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:572
2869 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:644
26482870 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26492871 msgid "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."
26502872 msgstr "<b>Önerilen Yazıcı Ayarları</b><br/><br/>Seçilen yazıcı, malzeme ve kalite için önerilen ayarları kullanarak yazdırın."
2652 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:578
2874 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Sidebar.qml:649
26532875 msgctxt "@tooltip"
26542876 msgid "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."
26552877 msgstr "<b>Özel Yazıcı Ayarları</b><br/><br/>Dilimleme işleminin her bir bölümünü detaylıca kontrol ederek yazdırın."
2657 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:26
2879 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:35
26582880 msgctxt "@title:menuitem %1 is the automatically selected material"
26592881 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26602882 msgstr "Otomatik: %1"
26692891 msgid "Automatic: %1"
26702892 msgstr "Otomatik: %1"
2894 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:25
2895 msgctxt "@label"
2896 msgid "Print Selected Model With:"
2897 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With:"
2898 msgstr[0] "Seçili Modeli Şununla Yazdır:"
2899 msgstr[1] "Seçili Modelleri Şununla Yazdır:"
2901 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:82
2902 msgctxt "@title:window"
2903 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
2904 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
2905 msgstr[0] "Seçili Modeli Çoğalt"
2906 msgstr[1] "Seçili Modelleri Çoğalt"
2908 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/ContextMenu.qml:109
2909 msgctxt "@label"
2910 msgid "Number of Copies"
2911 msgstr "Kopya Sayısı"
26722913 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Menus/RecentFilesMenu.qml:13
26732914 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
26742915 msgid "Open &Recent"
27593000 msgid "Estimated time left"
27603001 msgstr "Kalan tahmini süre"
2762 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:63
3003 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:67
27633004 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27643005 msgid "Toggle Fu&ll Screen"
27653006 msgstr "Tam Ekrana Geç"
2767 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:70
3008 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:74
27683009 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27693010 msgid "&Undo"
27703011 msgstr "&Geri Al"
2772 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:80
3013 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:84
27733014 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
27743015 msgid "&Redo"
27753016 msgstr "&Yinele"
2777 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:90
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:94
27783019 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
27793020 msgid "&Quit"
27803021 msgstr "&Çıkış"
2782 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:98
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:102
27833024 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27843025 msgid "Configure Cura..."
27853026 msgstr "Cura’yı yapılandır..."
2787 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:105
3028 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:109
27883029 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27893030 msgid "&Add Printer..."
27903031 msgstr "&Yazıcı Ekle..."
2792 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:111
3033 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:115
27933034 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:printer"
27943035 msgid "Manage Pr&inters..."
27953036 msgstr "Yazıcıları Yönet..."
2797 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:118
3038 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:122
27983039 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
27993040 msgid "Manage Materials..."
28003041 msgstr "Malzemeleri Yönet..."
2802 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:126
3043 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:130
28033044 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28043045 msgid "&Update profile with current settings/overrides"
28053046 msgstr "&Profili geçerli ayarlar/geçersiz kılmalar ile güncelle"
2807 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:134
3048 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:138
28083049 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28093050 msgid "&Discard current changes"
28103051 msgstr "&Geçerli değişiklikleri iptal et"
2812 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:146
3053 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:150
28133054 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28143055 msgid "&Create profile from current settings/overrides..."
28153056 msgstr "&Geçerli ayarlardan/geçersiz kılmalardan profil oluştur..."
2817 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:152
3058 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:156
28183059 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:profile"
28193060 msgid "Manage Profiles..."
28203061 msgstr "Profilleri Yönet..."
2822 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:159
3063 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:163
28233064 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28243065 msgid "Show Online &Documentation"
28253066 msgstr "Çevrimiçi Belgeleri Göster"
2827 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:167
3068 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:171
28283069 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28293070 msgid "Report a &Bug"
28303071 msgstr "Hata Bildir"
2832 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:175
3073 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:179
28333074 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
28343075 msgid "&About..."
28353076 msgstr "&Hakkında..."
2837 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:182
3078 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:186
28383079 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
2839 msgid "Delete &Selection"
2840 msgstr "Seçimi Sil"
2842 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:192
3080 msgid "Delete &Selected Model"
3081 msgid_plural "Delete &Selected Models"
3082 msgstr[0] "&Seçili Modeli Sil"
3083 msgstr[1] "&Seçili Modelleri Sil"
3085 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:196
3086 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3087 msgid "Center Selected Model"
3088 msgid_plural "Center Selected Models"
3089 msgstr[0] "Seçili Modeli Ortala"
3090 msgstr[1] "Seçili Modelleri Ortala"
3092 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:205
3093 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3094 msgid "Multiply Selected Model"
3095 msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
3096 msgstr[0] "Seçili Modeli Çoğalt"
3097 msgstr[1] "Seçili Modelleri Çoğalt"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:214
28433100 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28443101 msgid "Delete Model"
28453102 msgstr "Modeli Sil"
2847 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:200
3104 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:222
28483105 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28493106 msgid "Ce&nter Model on Platform"
28503107 msgstr "Modeli Platformda Ortala"
2852 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:206
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:228
28533110 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28543111 msgid "&Group Models"
28553112 msgstr "Modelleri Gruplandır"
2857 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:216
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:238
28583115 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28593116 msgid "Ungroup Models"
28603117 msgstr "Model Grubunu Çöz"
2862 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:226
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:248
28633120 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28643121 msgid "&Merge Models"
28653122 msgstr "&Modelleri Birleştir"
2867 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:236
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:258
28683125 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
28693126 msgid "&Multiply Model..."
28703127 msgstr "&Modeli Çoğalt..."
2872 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:243
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:265
28733130 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28743131 msgid "&Select All Models"
28753132 msgstr "&Tüm modelleri Seç"
2877 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:253
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:275
28783135 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28793136 msgid "&Clear Build Plate"
28803137 msgstr "&Yapı Levhasını Temizle"
2882 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:263
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:285
28833140 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
28843141 msgid "Re&load All Models"
28853142 msgstr "Tüm Modelleri Yeniden Yükle"
2887 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:272
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3145 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3146 msgid "Arrange All Models"
3147 msgstr "Tüm Modelleri Düzenle"
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:302
3150 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3151 msgid "Arrange Selection"
3152 msgstr "Seçimi Düzenle"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:309
28883155 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28893156 msgid "Reset All Model Positions"
28903157 msgstr "Tüm Model Konumlarını Sıfırla"
2892 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:279
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:316
28933160 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
28943161 msgid "Reset All Model &Transformations"
28953162 msgstr "Tüm Model ve Dönüşümleri Sıfırla"
2897 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:286
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:323
28983165 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2899 msgid "&Open File..."
2900 msgstr "&Dosyayı Aç..."
2902 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:294
3166 msgid "&Open File(s)..."
3167 msgstr "&Dosya Aç..."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:331
29033170 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
2904 msgid "&Open Project..."
2905 msgstr "&Proje Aç..."
2907 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:300
3171 msgid "&New Project..."
3172 msgstr "&Yeni Proje..."
3174 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:338
29083175 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29093176 msgid "Show Engine &Log..."
29103177 msgstr "Motor Günlüğünü Göster..."
2912 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:308
3179 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:346
29133180 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:help"
29143181 msgid "Show Configuration Folder"
29153182 msgstr "Yapılandırma Klasörünü Göster"
2917 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:315
3184 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml:353
29183185 msgctxt "@action:menu"
29193186 msgid "Configure setting visibility..."
29203187 msgstr "Görünürlük ayarını yapılandır..."
2922 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml:15
2923 msgctxt "@title:window"
2924 msgid "Multiply Model"
2925 msgstr "Modeli Çoğalt"
29273189 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:27
29283190 msgctxt "@label:PrintjobStatus"
29543216 msgid "Slicing unavailable"
29553217 msgstr "Dilimleme kullanılamıyor"
2957 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3219 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29583220 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29593221 msgid "Prepare"
29603222 msgstr "Hazırla"
2962 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:136
3224 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:148
29633225 msgctxt "@label:Printjob"
29643226 msgid "Cancel"
29653227 msgstr "İptal Et"
2967 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:276
3229 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SaveButton.qml:288
29683230 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
29693231 msgid "Select the active output device"
29703232 msgstr "Etkin çıkış aygıtını seçin"
3234 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:19
3235 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:618
3236 msgctxt "@title:window"
3237 msgid "Open file(s)"
3238 msgstr "Dosya aç"
3240 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:64
3241 msgctxt "@text:window"
3242 msgid "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?"
3243 msgstr "Seçtiğiniz dosyalar arasında bir veya daha fazla proje dosyası bulduk. Tek seferde sadece bir proje dosyası açabilirsiniz. Sadece bu dosyalarda bulunan modelleri içe aktarmanızı öneririz. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
3245 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.qml:99
3246 msgctxt "@action:button"
3247 msgid "Import all as models"
3248 msgstr "Tümünü model olarak içe aktar"
29723250 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:19
29733251 msgctxt "@title:window"
29793257 msgid "&File"
29803258 msgstr "&Dosya"
2982 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:86
3260 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:85
29833261 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
29843262 msgid "&Save Selection to File"
29853263 msgstr "&Seçimi Dosyaya Kaydet"
29873265 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:94
29883266 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
2989 msgid "Save &All"
2990 msgstr "Tümünü Kaydet"
2992 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:114
3267 msgid "Save &As..."
3268 msgstr "&Farklı Kaydet"
3270 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:105
29933271 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
29943272 msgid "Save project"
29953273 msgstr "Projeyi kaydet"
2997 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:137
3275 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:128
29983276 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
29993277 msgid "&Edit"
30003278 msgstr "&Düzenle"
3002 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:153
3280 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:145
30033281 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30043282 msgid "&View"
30053283 msgstr "&Görünüm"
3007 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:158
3285 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:150
30083286 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30093287 msgid "&Settings"
30103288 msgstr "&Ayarlar"
3012 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:160
3290 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:152
30133291 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30143292 msgid "&Printer"
30153293 msgstr "&Yazıcı"
3017 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:170
3018 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:182
3295 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:162
3296 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:174
30193297 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30203298 msgid "&Material"
30213299 msgstr "&Malzeme"
3023 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:171
3024 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:183
3301 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:163
3302 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
30253303 msgctxt "@title:menu"
30263304 msgid "&Profile"
30273305 msgstr "&Profil"
3029 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:175
3307 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:167
30303308 msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
30313309 msgid "Set as Active Extruder"
30323310 msgstr "Etkin Ekstruder olarak ayarla"
3034 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:193
3312 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:185
30353313 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30363314 msgid "E&xtensions"
30373315 msgstr "Uzantılar"
3039 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
3317 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:218
30403318 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30413319 msgid "P&references"
30423320 msgstr "Tercihler"
3044 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:234
3322 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:226
30453323 msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:toplevel"
30463324 msgid "&Help"
30473325 msgstr "&Yardım"
3049 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:337
3327 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:296
30503328 msgctxt "@action:button"
30513329 msgid "Open File"
30523330 msgstr "Dosya Aç"
3054 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:410
3332 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:369
30553333 msgctxt "@action:button"
30563334 msgid "View Mode"
30573335 msgstr "Görüntüleme Modu"
3059 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:505
3337 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:464
30603338 msgctxt "@title:tab"
30613339 msgid "Settings"
30623340 msgstr "Ayarlar"
3064 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:724
3342 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:500
30653343 msgctxt "@title:window"
3066 msgid "Open file"
3067 msgstr "Dosya aç"
3069 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:759
3344 msgid "New project"
3345 msgstr "Yeni proje"
3347 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:501
3348 msgctxt "@info:question"
3349 msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings."
3350 msgstr "Yeni bir proje başlatmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlem yapı levhasını ve kaydedilmemiş tüm ayarları silecektir."
3352 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:718
30703353 msgctxt "@title:window"
3071 msgid "Open workspace"
3072 msgstr "Çalışma alanını aç"
3354 msgid "Open File(s)"
3355 msgstr "Dosya Aç"
3357 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:721
3358 msgctxt "@text:window"
3359 msgid "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one."
3360 msgstr "Seçtiğiniz dosyalar arasında bir veya daha fazla G-code dosyası bulduk. Tek seferde sadece bir G-code dosyası açabilirsiniz. Bir G-code dosyası açmak istiyorsanız, sadece birini seçiniz."
30743362 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:14
30753363 msgctxt "@title:window"
30763364 msgid "Save Project"
30773365 msgstr "Projeyi Kaydet"
3079 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:141
3367 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:134
30803368 msgctxt "@action:label"
30813369 msgid "Extruder %1"
30823370 msgstr "Ekstruder %1"
3084 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:151
3372 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:144
30853373 msgctxt "@action:label"
30863374 msgid "%1 & material"
30873375 msgstr "%1 & malzeme"
3089 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:235
3377 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/WorkspaceSummaryDialog.qml:240
30903378 msgctxt "@action:label"
30913379 msgid "Don't show project summary on save again"
30923380 msgstr "Kaydederken proje özetini bir daha gösterme"
3094 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:40
3382 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:41
30953383 msgctxt "@label"
30963384 msgid "Infill"
30973385 msgstr "Dolgu"
3099 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:184
3100 msgctxt "@label"
3101 msgid "Hollow"
3102 msgstr "Boş"
31043387 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:188
31053388 msgctxt "@label"
3106 msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3107 msgstr "Düşük dayanıklılık pahasına hiçbir (%0) dolgu modelinizde boşluk bırakmayacak"
3109 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:192
3110 msgctxt "@label"
3111 msgid "Light"
3112 msgstr "Hafif"
3114 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:196
3115 msgctxt "@label"
3116 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3117 msgstr "Hafif (%20) dolgu modelinize ortalama bir dayanıklılık getirecek"
3119 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:200
3120 msgctxt "@label"
3121 msgid "Dense"
3122 msgstr "Yoğun"
3124 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:204
3125 msgctxt "@label"
3126 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3127 msgstr "Yoğun (%50) dolgu modelinize ortalamanın üstünde bir dayanıklılık kazandıracak"
3129 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:208
3130 msgctxt "@label"
3131 msgid "Solid"
3132 msgstr "Katı"
3134 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:212
3135 msgctxt "@label"
3136 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3137 msgstr "Katı (%100) dolgu modelinizi tamamen katı bir hale getirecek"
3139 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:235
3140 msgctxt "@label"
3141 msgid "Enable Support"
3142 msgstr "Desteği etkinleştir"
3144 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:266
3145 msgctxt "@label"
3146 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3147 msgstr "Destek yapılarını etkinleştir. Bu yapılar sert çıkıntıları olan model parçalarını destekler."
3149 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:283
3389 msgid "0%"
3390 msgstr "%0"
3392 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:195
3393 msgctxt "@label"
3394 msgid "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."
3395 msgstr "Boş dolgu, modelinizin içinin boş ve düşük dayanımlı olmasına neden olacaktır."
3397 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:199
3398 msgctxt "@label"
3399 msgid "20%"
3400 msgstr "%20"
3402 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:206
3403 msgctxt "@label"
3404 msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."
3405 msgstr "Hafif (%20) dolgu, modelinize ortalama bir dayanıklılık verecektir."
3407 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:210
3408 msgctxt "@label"
3409 msgid "50%"
3410 msgstr "%50"
3412 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:217
3413 msgctxt "@label"
3414 msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."
3415 msgstr "Yoğun (%50) dolgu, modelinize ortalamanın üstünde bir dayanıklılık verecektir."
3417 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:221
3418 msgctxt "@label"
3419 msgid "100%"
3420 msgstr "%100"
3422 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:228
3423 msgctxt "@label"
3424 msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."
3425 msgstr "Katı (%100) dolgu, modelinizi tamamen katı bir hale getirecektir."
3427 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:232
3428 msgctxt "@label"
3429 msgid "Gradual"
3430 msgstr "Kademeli"
3432 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:240
3433 msgctxt "@label"
3434 msgid "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."
3435 msgstr "Kademeli dolgu, yukarıya doğru dolgu miktarını kademeli olarak yükselecektir."
3437 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:263
3438 msgctxt "@label"
3439 msgid "Generate Support"
3440 msgstr "Oluşturma Desteği"
3442 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:296
3443 msgctxt "@label"
3444 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
3445 msgstr "Modellerin askıda kalan kısımlarını destekleyen yapılar oluşturun. Bu yapılar olmadan, yazdırma sırasında söz konusu kısımlar düşebilir."
3447 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:313
31503448 msgctxt "@label"
31513449 msgid "Support Extruder"
31523450 msgstr "Destek Ekstrüderi"
3154 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:357
3452 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:387
31553453 msgctxt "@label"
31563454 msgid "Select which extruder to use for support. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air."
31573455 msgstr "Destek için kullanacağınız ekstruderi seçin. Bu, modelin havadayken düşmesini veya yazdırılmasını önlemek için modelin altındaki destekleyici yapıları güçlendirir."
3159 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:382
3457 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:412
31603458 msgctxt "@label"
31613459 msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
31623460 msgstr "Yapı Levhası Yapıştırması"
3164 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:428
3462 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:458
31653463 msgctxt "@label"
31663464 msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
31673465 msgstr "Bir kenar veya radye yazdırın. Bu nesnenizin etrafına veya altına daha sonra kesilmesi kolay olan düz bir alan sağlayacak."
3169 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:481
3170 msgctxt "@label"
3171 msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3172 msgstr "Yazdırmanızı geliştirmek için yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var? <a href=’%1’>Ultimaker Sorun Giderme Kılavuzlarını</a> okuyun"
3467 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:511
3468 msgctxt "@label"
3469 msgid "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3470 msgstr "Yazıcı çıktılarınızı iyileştirmek için yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var?<br><a href='%1'>Ultimaker Sorun Giderme Kılavuzlarını okuyun</a>"
3472 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/ExtruderButton.qml:16
3473 msgctxt "@label"
3474 msgid "Print Selected Model with %1"
3475 msgid_plural "Print Selected Models With %1"
3476 msgstr[0] "Seçili Modeli %1 ile Yazdır"
3477 msgstr[1] "Seçili Modelleri %1 ile Yazdır"
3479 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:20
3480 msgctxt "@title:window"
3481 msgid "Open project file"
3482 msgstr "Proje dosyası aç"
3484 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:71
3485 msgctxt "@text:window"
3486 msgid "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?"
3487 msgstr "Bu bir Cura proje dosyasıdır. Bir proje olarak açmak mı yoksa içindeki modelleri içe aktarmak mı istiyorsunuz?"
3489 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:81
3490 msgctxt "@text:window"
3491 msgid "Remember my choice"
3492 msgstr "Seçimimi hatırla"
3494 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:95
3495 msgctxt "@action:button"
3496 msgid "Open as project"
3497 msgstr "Proje olarak aç"
3499 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.qml:114
3500 msgctxt "@action:button"
3501 msgid "Import models"
3502 msgstr "Modelleri içe aktar"
31743504 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/EngineLog.qml:15
31753505 msgctxt "@title:window"
31823512 msgid "Material"
31833513 msgstr "Malzeme"
3185 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:278
3515 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:234
3516 msgctxt "@tooltip"
3517 msgid "Click to check the material compatibility on"
3518 msgstr "Malzemenin uyumluluğunu üzerinden kontrol etmek için tıklayın."
3520 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:321
31863521 msgctxt "@label"
31873522 msgid "Profile:"
31883523 msgstr "Profil:"
3190 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:329
3525 #: /home/ruben/Projects/Cura/resources/qml/SidebarHeader.qml:372
31913526 msgctxt "@tooltip"
31923527 msgid ""
31933528 "Some setting/override values are different from the values stored in the profile.\n"
31963531 msgstr "Bazı ayar/geçersiz kılma değerleri profilinizde saklanan değerlerden farklıdır.\n\nProfil yöneticisini açmak için tıklayın."
31983533 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3534 #~ msgid "Unable to start a new print job. No PrinterCore loaded in slot {0}"
3535 #~ msgstr "Yeni bir yazdırma başlatılamıyor. {0} yuvasına PrinterCore yüklenmedi"
3537 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3538 #~ msgid "Version Upgrade 2.4 to 2.5"
3539 #~ msgstr "2.4’ten 2.5’e Sürüm Yükseltme"
3541 #~ msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
3542 #~ msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5."
3543 #~ msgstr "Cura 2.4’ten Cura 2.5’e yükseltme yapılandırmaları."
3545 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
3546 #~ msgid "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."
3547 #~ msgstr "Bu birleşim için uygun bir profil bulunamadı. Bunun yerine varsayılan ayarlar kullanılacak."
3549 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3550 #~ msgid "Oops!"
3551 #~ msgstr "Hay aksi!"
3553 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3554 #~ msgid ""
3555 #~ "<p>A fatal exception has occurred that we could not recover from!</p>\n"
3556 #~ " <p>We hope this picture of a kitten helps you recover from the shock.</p>\n"
3557 #~ " <p>Please use the information below to post a bug report at <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3558 #~ " "
3559 #~ msgstr ""
3560 #~ "<p>Düzeltemediğimiz önemli bir özel durum oluştu!</p>\n"
3561 #~ " <p>Umarız bu yavru kedi resmi şoku atlatmanıza yardımcı olur.</p>\n"
3562 #~ " <p>Bir hata raporu göndermek için aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanın: <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n"
3563 #~ " "
3565 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3566 #~ msgid "Please enter the correct settings for your printer below:"
3567 #~ msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki yazıcınız için doğru ayarları girin:"
3569 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3570 #~ msgid "Extruder %1"
3571 #~ msgstr "Ekstruder %1"
3573 #~ msgctxt "@label Followed by extruder selection drop-down."
3574 #~ msgid "Print model with"
3575 #~ msgstr "........... İle modeli yazdır"
3577 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3578 #~ msgid "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect."
3579 #~ msgstr "Dil değişikliklerinin tamamlanması için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekecektir."
3581 #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
3582 #~ msgid "Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected"
3583 #~ msgstr "Kamerayı hareket ettirir, bu şekilde model seçimi yapıldığında model görüntünün ortasında bulunur"
3585 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
3586 #~ msgid "Delete &Selection"
3587 #~ msgstr "Seçimi Sil"
3589 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3590 #~ msgid "&Open File..."
3591 #~ msgstr "&Dosyayı Aç..."
3593 #~ msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:file"
3594 #~ msgid "&Open Project..."
3595 #~ msgstr "&Proje Aç..."
3597 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3598 #~ msgid "Multiply Model"
3599 #~ msgstr "Modeli Çoğalt"
3601 #~ msgctxt "@title:menu menubar:file"
3602 #~ msgid "Save &All"
3603 #~ msgstr "Tümünü Kaydet"
3605 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3606 #~ msgid "Open file"
3607 #~ msgstr "Dosya aç"
3609 #~ msgctxt "@title:window"
3610 #~ msgid "Open workspace"
3611 #~ msgstr "Çalışma alanını aç"
3613 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3614 #~ msgid "Hollow"
3615 #~ msgstr "Boş"
3617 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3618 #~ msgid "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"
3619 #~ msgstr "Düşük dayanıklılık pahasına hiçbir (%0) dolgu modelinizde boşluk bırakmayacak"
3621 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3622 #~ msgid "Light"
3623 #~ msgstr "Hafif"
3625 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3626 #~ msgid "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"
3627 #~ msgstr "Hafif (%20) dolgu modelinize ortalama bir dayanıklılık getirecek"
3629 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3630 #~ msgid "Dense"
3631 #~ msgstr "Yoğun"
3633 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3634 #~ msgid "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"
3635 #~ msgstr "Yoğun (%50) dolgu modelinize ortalamanın üstünde bir dayanıklılık kazandıracak"
3637 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3638 #~ msgid "Solid"
3639 #~ msgstr "Katı"
3641 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3642 #~ msgid "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"
3643 #~ msgstr "Katı (%100) dolgu modelinizi tamamen katı bir hale getirecek"
3645 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3646 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
3647 #~ msgstr "Desteği etkinleştir"
3649 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3650 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
3651 #~ msgstr "Destek yapılarını etkinleştir. Bu yapılar sert çıkıntıları olan model parçalarını destekler."
3653 #~ msgctxt "@label"
3654 #~ msgid "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>"
3655 #~ msgstr "Yazdırmanızı geliştirmek için yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var? <a href=’%1’>Ultimaker Sorun Giderme Kılavuzlarını</a> okuyun"
3657 #~ msgctxt "@info:status"
31993658 #~ msgid "Connected over the network to {0}. Please approve the access request on the printer."
32003659 #~ msgstr "Ağ üzerinden şuraya bağlandı: {0}. Lütfen yazıcıya erişim isteğini onaylayın."
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: tr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Turkish\n"
13 "Language: Turkish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: tr\n"
15 "Country-Code: TR\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
3536 msgctxt "extruder_nr description"
3637 msgid "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion."
3738 msgstr "Yazdırma için kullanılan ekstruder dişli çark. Çoklu ekstrüzyon işlemi için kullanılır."
40 #: fdmextruder.def.json
41 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
42 msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
43 msgstr "Nozül Çapı"
45 #: fdmextruder.def.json
46 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
47 msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
48 msgstr "Nozülün iç çapı. Standart olmayan boyutta bir nozül kullanırken bu ayarı değiştirin."
3950 #: fdmextruder.def.json
4051 msgctxt "machine_nozzle_offset_x label"
11 # Copyright (C) 2017 Ultimaker
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
33 # Ruben Dulek <>, 2017.
4 #
5 #, fuzzy
4 #
65 msgid ""
76 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.5\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 11:27+0200\n"
7 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 2.6\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-30 15:32+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-07 16:04+0200\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Bothof <>\n"
14 "Language: tr\n"
12 "Language-Team: Turkish\n"
13 "Language: Turkish\n"
14 "Lang-Code: tr\n"
15 "Country-Code: TR\n"
1516 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1617 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1718 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
678679 #: fdmprinter.def.json
679680 msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
680 msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
681 msgstr "Tek bir destek arayüz hattının genişliği."
681 msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
682 msgstr "Destek çatısı veya zemininin tek çizgi genişliği."
684 #: fdmprinter.def.json
685 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
686 msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
687 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Çizgi Genişliği"
689 #: fdmprinter.def.json
690 msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
691 msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
692 msgstr "Tek bir destek çatısının çizgi genişliği."
694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
695 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
696 msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
697 msgstr "Destek Zemini Çizgi Genişliği"
699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
700 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
701 msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
702 msgstr "Tek bir destek zemininin çizgi genişliği."
683704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
684705 msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
10811102 msgstr "Kullanılacak tam sayı hat yönü listesi. Listedeki öğeler, katmanlar ilerledikçe sıralı olarak kullanılır. Listenin sonuna ulaşıldığında baştan başlanır. Liste öğeleri virgülle ayrılır ve tüm liste köşeli parantez içine alınır. Varsayılan ayar boş listedir ve geleneksel varsayılan açılar kullanılır (çizgiler ve zikzak şekiller için 45 ve 135 derece; diğer tüm şekiller için 45 derece)."
10831104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1084 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
1085 msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
1086 msgstr "Kübik Alt Bölüm Yarıçapı"
1088 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1089 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
1090 msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
1091 msgstr "Bu küpün bölünüp bölünmemesine karar vermek için modelin sınırını kontrol eden ve her bir küpün merkezinden alınan yarıçaptaki çarpan. Büyük değerler, daha küçük küpler gibi daha fazla alt bölüm oluşmasına neden olur."
1105 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled label"
1106 msgid "Spaghetti Infill"
1107 msgstr "Spagetti Dolgu"
1109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1110 msgctxt "spaghetti_infill_enabled description"
1111 msgid "Print the infill every so often, so that the filament will curl up chaotically inside the object. This reduces print time, but the behaviour is rather unpredictable."
1112 msgstr "Filamanın nesnenin içinde düzensiz bir şekilde yukarı doğru kıvrılması için dolguyu arada sırada yazdırın. Böylece yazdırma süresi azalır, ancak davranış önceden kestirilemez."
1114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1115 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle label"
1116 msgid "Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle"
1117 msgstr "Spagetti Maksimum Dolgu Açısı"
1119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1120 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_infill_angle description"
1121 msgid "The maximum angle w.r.t. the Z axis of the inside of the print for areas which are to be filled with spaghetti infill afterwards. Lowering this value causes more angled parts in your model to be filled on each layer."
1122 msgstr "Daha sonradan spagetti dolgu uygulanacak alanlar için yazdırmanın içindeki Z ekseninin maksimum açısı. Bu değerin düşürülmesi, modelinize yapılan her bir dolgu katmanında daha fazla açılı kısımlara neden olur."
1124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1125 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height label"
1126 msgid "Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height"
1127 msgstr "Spagetti Dolgu Maksimum Yüksekliği"
1129 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1130 msgctxt "spaghetti_max_height description"
1131 msgid "The maximum height of inside space which can be combined and filled from the top."
1132 msgstr "Birleştirilebilecek ve üstten dolgu yapılabilecek iç alanın maksimum yüksekliği."
1134 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1135 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset label"
1136 msgid "Spaghetti Inset"
1137 msgstr "Spagetti İç Dolgusu"
1139 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1140 msgctxt "spaghetti_inset description"
1141 msgid "The offset from the walls from where the spaghetti infill will be printed."
1142 msgstr "Spagetti dolgunun yazdırılacağı yerin duvarlardan ofset değeri."
1144 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1145 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow label"
1146 msgid "Spaghetti Flow"
1147 msgstr "Spagetti Debisi"
1149 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1150 msgctxt "spaghetti_flow description"
1151 msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
1152 msgstr "Spagetti dolgusunun yoğunluğunu ayarlar. Dolgu yoğunluğunun spagetti dolgu için ekstrüzyon miktarını değil, sadece dolgu deseni çizgi boşluğunu kontrol ettiğini unutmayın."
10931154 #: fdmprinter.def.json
10941155 msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
12131274 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12141275 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
1215 msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
1216 msgstr "Üst Yüzeyleri Genişlet"
1276 msgid "Expand Top Skins Into Infill"
1277 msgstr "Üst Yüzey Alanını Dolguya Genişlet"
12181279 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12191280 msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
1220 msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1221 msgstr "Üst yüzey alanlarını (üzerinde hava bulunan alanları), üstteki dolguyu destekleyecek şekilde genişletin."
1281 msgid "Expand the top skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
1282 msgstr "Dolguyu yukarıdan desteklemeleri için üst yüzey alanlarını (üzerinde hava bulunan alanları) genişletin."
12231284 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12241285 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
1225 msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
1226 msgstr "Alt Yüzeyleri Genişlet"
1286 msgid "Expand Bottom Skins Into Infill"
1287 msgstr "Alt Yüzey Alanını Dolguya Genişlet"
12281289 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12291290 msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
1230 msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1231 msgstr "Alt yüzey alanlarını (altında hava bulunan alanları), üstteki ve alttaki dolgu katmanlarıyla sabitlenecek şekilde genişletin."
1291 msgid "Expand the bottom skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
1292 msgstr "Dolgu katmanlarını yukarıdan ve aşağıdan desteklemeleri için alt yüzey alanlarını (altında hava bulunan alanları) genişletin."
12331294 #: fdmprinter.def.json
12341295 msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
16381699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16391700 msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
1640 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1641 msgstr "Destek tavan ve tabanının yazdırıldığı hız. Bunları daha düşük hızda yazdırmak çıkıntı kalitesini artırabilir."
1701 msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1702 msgstr "Destek çatıları ve zeminlerinin yazdırılma hızı. Daha düşük hızlarda yazdırma, askıda kalan kısımların kalitesini iyileştirebilir."
1704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1705 msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
1706 msgid "Support Roof Speed"
1707 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Hızı"
1709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1710 msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
1711 msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
1712 msgstr "Destek çatısının yazdırılma hızı. Daha düşük hızlarda yazdırma, askıda kalan kısımların kalitesini iyileştirebilir."
1714 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1715 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
1716 msgid "Support Floor Speed"
1717 msgstr "Destek Zemini Hızı"
1719 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1720 msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
1721 msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1722 msgstr "Destek zemininin yazdırılma hızı. Daha düşük hızlarda yazdırma, desteğin modelin üzerine yapışmasını iyileştirebilir."
16431724 #: fdmprinter.def.json
16441725 msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
18381919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18391920 msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
1840 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
1841 msgstr "Destek tavanı ve tabanının yazdırıldığı ivme. Bunları daha düşük ivmelerde yazdırmak çıkıntı kalitesini artırabilir."
1921 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1922 msgstr "Destek çatıları ve zeminlerinin yazdırıldığı ivme. Daha düşük ivmelerle yazdırma, askıda kalan kısımların kalitesini iyileştirebilir."
1924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1925 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
1926 msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
1927 msgstr "Destek Çatısı İvmesi"
1929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1930 msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
1931 msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
1932 msgstr "Destek çatısının yazdırıldığı ivme. Daha düşük ivmelerle yazdırma, askıda kalan kısımların kalitesini iyileştirebilir."
1934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1935 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
1936 msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
1937 msgstr "Destek Zemini İvmesi"
1939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
1940 msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
1941 msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
1942 msgstr "Destek zemininin yazdırıldığı ivme. Daha düşük ivmelerle yazdırma, desteğin modelin üzerine yapışmasını iyileştirebilir."
18431944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
18441945 msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
19982099 #: fdmprinter.def.json
19992100 msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
2000 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
2001 msgstr "Desteğin tavan ve tabanlarının yazdırıldığı maksimum anlık hız değişimi."
2101 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
2102 msgstr "Desteğin çatıları ve zeminlerinin yazdırıldığı maksimum anlık hız değişimi."
2104 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2105 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
2106 msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
2107 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Sarsıntısı"
2109 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2110 msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
2111 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
2112 msgstr "Desteğin çatılarının yazdırıldığı maksimum anlık hız değişimi."
2114 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2115 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
2116 msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
2117 msgstr "Destek Zemini Sarsıntısı"
2119 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2120 msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
2121 msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
2122 msgstr "Desteğin zeminlerinin yazdırıldığı maksimum anlık hız değişimi."
20032124 #: fdmprinter.def.json
20042125 msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
23282449 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23292450 msgctxt "support_enable label"
2330 msgid "Enable Support"
2331 msgstr "Desteği etkinleştir"
2451 msgid "Generate Support"
2452 msgstr "Oluşturma Desteği"
23332454 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23342455 msgctxt "support_enable description"
2335 msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
2336 msgstr "Destek yapılarını etkinleştir. Bu yapılar sert çıkıntıları olan model parçalarını destekler."
2456 msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
2457 msgstr "Modellerin askıda kalan kısımlarını destekleyen yapılar oluşturun. Bu yapılar olmadan, yazdırma sırasında söz konusu kısımlar düşebilir."
23382459 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23392460 msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
23732494 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23742495 msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
2375 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2376 msgstr "Destek dolgusunun tavan ve tabanları için kullanılacak ekstruder Çoklu ekstrüzyon işlemi için kullanılır."
2496 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2497 msgstr "Desteğin çatıları ve zeminlerinin yazdırılması için kullanılacak ekstrüder dizisi. Çoklu ekstrüzyon sırasında kullanılır."
2499 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2500 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
2501 msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
2502 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Ekstrüderi"
2504 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2505 msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
2506 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2507 msgstr "Desteğin çatısının yazdırılması için kullanılacak ekstrüder dizisi. Çoklu ekstrüzyon sırasında kullanılır."
2509 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2510 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
2511 msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
2512 msgstr "Destek Zemini Ekstrüderi"
2514 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2515 msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
2516 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
2517 msgstr "Desteğin zemininin yazdırılması için kullanılacak ekstrüder dizisi. Çoklu ekstrüzyon sırasında kullanılır."
23782519 #: fdmprinter.def.json
23792520 msgctxt "support_type label"
25532694 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25542695 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
2555 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2556 msgstr "Model üzerindeki desteğin merdivene benzeyen alt kısmındaki basamakların yüksekliği. Düşük bir değer desteğin çıkarılmasını zorlaştırırken yüksek değerler destek yapılarının sağlam olmamasına neden olabilir."
2696 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
2697 msgstr "Modelin üzerinde sabit duran desteğin merdiven benzeri alt kısmının basamak yüksekliği. Daha düşük bir değer desteğin hareket ettirilmesini zorlaştırırken, daha yüksek bir değer kararsız destek yapılarına yol açabilir. Merdiven benzeri davranışı kapatmak için sıfır değerine ayarlayın."
2699 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2700 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
2701 msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
2702 msgstr "Destek Merdiveni Maksimum Basamak Genişliği"
2704 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2705 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
2706 msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
2707 msgstr "Modelin üzerinde sabit duran desteğin merdiven benzeri alt kısmının maksimum basamak genişliği. Daha düşük bir değer desteğin hareket ettirilmesini zorlaştırırken, daha yüksek bir değer kararsız destek yapılarına yol açabilir."
25582709 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25592710 msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
25862737 msgstr "Model ve destek arasında yoğun bir arayüz oluştur. Modelin yazdırıldığı desteğin üstünde ve modelin üzerinde durduğu desteğin altında bir yüzey oluşturur."
25882739 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2740 msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
2741 msgid "Enable Support Roof"
2742 msgstr "Destek Çatısını Etkinleştir"
2744 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2745 msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
2746 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2747 msgstr "Desteğin üst kısmı ile model arasında yoğun bir levha oluşturur. Bu işlem, model ile destek arasında bir yüzey alanı oluşturacaktır."
2749 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2750 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
2751 msgid "Enable Support Floor"
2752 msgstr "Destek Zeminini Etkinleştir"
2754 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2755 msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
2756 msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
2757 msgstr "Desteğin alt kısmı ile model arasında yoğun bir levha oluşturur. Bu işlem, model ile destek arasında bir yüzey alanı oluşturacaktır."
2759 #: fdmprinter.def.json
25892760 msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
25902761 msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
25912762 msgstr "Destek Arayüzü Kalınlığı"
26082779 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26092780 msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
2610 msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
2611 msgstr "Destek Taban Kalınlığı"
2781 msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
2782 msgstr "Destek Zemini Kalınlığı"
26132784 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26142785 msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
2615 msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2616 msgstr "Destek tabanlarının kalınlığı. Desteğin bulunduğu modelin üst kısımlarına yazdırılan yoğun katmanların sayısını kontrol eder."
2786 msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
2787 msgstr "Destek zeminlerinin kalınlığı. Desteğin üzerinde durduğu modelin üst kısımlarına yazdırılan yoğun katmanların sayısını kontrol eder."
26182789 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26192790 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
26232794 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26242795 msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
2625 msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2626 msgstr "Destek üzerinde modelin olduğu yeri kontrol ederken belirtilen yükselin adımlarını izleyin. Daha yüksek değerler, destek arayüzü olması gereken yerlerde yazdırılacak normal destek oluştururken daha düşük değerler daha yavaş dilimler."
2796 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
2797 msgstr "Desteğin üstünde ve altında model bulunduğunda, kontrol sırasında verilen yükseklikte adımlar uygulayın. Daha yüksek değerler, destek arayüzü olması gereken yerlerde yazdırılacak normal destek oluştururken daha düşük değerler daha yavaş dilimler."
26282799 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26292800 msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
26332804 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26342805 msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
2635 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2636 msgstr "Destek yapısının tavan ve tabanlarının yoğunluğunu ayarlar. Daha yüksek bir değer daha iyi çıkıntılar ortaya çıkarırken desteklerin kaldırılmasını zorlaştırır."
2638 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2639 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
2640 msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
2641 msgstr "Destek Arayüz Hattı Mesafesi"
2643 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2644 msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
2645 msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2646 msgstr "Yazdırılan destek arayüz hatları arasındaki mesafe. Bu ayar, Destek Arayüz Yoğunluğu ile hesaplanır ama ayrı ayrı ayarlanabilir."
2806 msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2807 msgstr "Destek yapısının çatılarının ve zeminlerinin yoğunluğunu ayarlar. Daha yüksek bir değer daha iyi çıkıntılar ortaya çıkarırken, desteklerin kaldırılmasını zorlaştırır."
2809 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2810 msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
2811 msgid "Support Roof Density"
2812 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Yoğunluğu"
2814 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2815 msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
2816 msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
2817 msgstr "Destek yapısı çatılarının yoğunluğu. Daha yüksek bir değer daha iyi çıkıntılar ortaya çıkarırken, desteklerin kaldırılmasını zorlaştırır."
2819 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2820 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
2821 msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
2822 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Çizgi Mesafesi"
2824 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2825 msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
2826 msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2827 msgstr "Yazdırılan destek çatısı çizgileri arasındaki mesafe. Bu ayar Destek Çatısı Yoğunluğu ile hesaplanır, ancak ayrıca ayarlanabilir."
2829 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2830 msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
2831 msgid "Support Floor Density"
2832 msgstr "Destek Zemini Yoğunluğu"
2834 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2835 msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
2836 msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
2837 msgstr "Destek yapısı zeminlerinin yoğunluğu. Daha yüksek bir değer, desteğin modelin üzerine daha iyi yapışmasını sağlar."
2839 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2840 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
2841 msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
2842 msgstr "Destek Zemini Çizgi Mesafesi"
2844 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2845 msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
2846 msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
2847 msgstr "Yazdırılan destek zemini çizgileri arasındaki mesafe. Bu ayar Destek Zemini Yoğunluğu ile hesaplanır, ancak ayrıca ayarlanabilir."
26482849 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26492850 msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
26862887 msgstr "Zik Zak"
26882889 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2890 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
2891 msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
2892 msgstr "Destek Çatısı Deseni"
2894 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2895 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
2896 msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
2897 msgstr "Destek çatısının yazdırıldığı desen."
2899 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2900 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
2901 msgid "Lines"
2902 msgstr "Çizgiler"
2904 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2905 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
2906 msgid "Grid"
2907 msgstr "Izgara"
2909 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2910 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
2911 msgid "Triangles"
2912 msgstr "Üçgenler"
2914 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2915 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
2916 msgid "Concentric"
2917 msgstr "Eş Merkezli"
2919 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2920 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric_3d"
2921 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2922 msgstr "Eş Merkezli 3D"
2924 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2925 msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
2926 msgid "Zig Zag"
2927 msgstr "Zikzak"
2929 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2930 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
2931 msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
2932 msgstr "Destek Zemini Deseni"
2934 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2935 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
2936 msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
2937 msgstr "Destek zeminlerinin yazdırıldığı desen."
2939 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2940 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
2941 msgid "Lines"
2942 msgstr "Çizgiler"
2944 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2945 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
2946 msgid "Grid"
2947 msgstr "Izgara"
2949 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2950 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
2951 msgid "Triangles"
2952 msgstr "Üçgenler"
2954 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2955 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
2956 msgid "Concentric"
2957 msgstr "Eş Merkezli"
2959 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2960 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric_3d"
2961 msgid "Concentric 3D"
2962 msgstr "Eş Merkezli 3D"
2964 #: fdmprinter.def.json
2965 msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
2966 msgid "Zig Zag"
2967 msgstr "Zikzak"
2969 #: fdmprinter.def.json
26892970 msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
26902971 msgid "Use Towers"
26912972 msgstr "Direkleri kullan"
27343015 msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
27353016 msgid "Adhesion"
27363017 msgstr "Yapıştırma"
3019 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3020 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
3021 msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
3022 msgstr "İlk Damlayı Etkinleştir"
3024 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3025 msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
3026 msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
3027 msgstr "Yazdırma öncesinde bir damla ile filamanın astarlanıp astarlanmayacağı. Bu ayar açık olarak ayarlandığında, yazdırma öncesinde ekstrüder nozülünde malzeme hazır olacaktır. Kenar veya Etek Yazdırma da astarlama etkisi yapabilir; bu durumda bu ayarın kapatılmasıyla biraz zaman kazanılabilir."
27383029 #: fdmprinter.def.json
27393030 msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
34083699 msgstr "Hangi dolgu birleşiminin diğer dolgu birleşiminin içinde olacağını belirler. Yüksek düzeyli bir dolgu birleşimi, dolgu birleşimlerinin dolgusunu daha düşük düzey ve normal birleşimler ile düzeltir."
34103701 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3702 msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
3703 msgid "Cutting Mesh"
3704 msgstr "Kesme Örgüsü"
3706 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3707 msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
3708 msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
3709 msgstr "Bu örgünün hacmini diğer örgülere göre sınırlandırın. Bir örgünün belirli alanlarını farklı ayarlarla ve tamamen farklı bir ekstrüder ile yazdırmak için bunu kullanabilirsiniz."
3711 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3712 msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
3713 msgid "Mold"
3714 msgstr "Kalıp"
3716 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3717 msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
3718 msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
3719 msgstr "Yapı levhası üzerinde modelleri toplayan bir model elde etmek amacıyla döküm olabilecek modelleri kalıp olarak yazdırır."
3721 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3722 msgctxt "mold_width label"
3723 msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
3724 msgstr "Minimum Kalıp Genişliği"
3726 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3727 msgctxt "mold_width description"
3728 msgid "The minimal distance between the ouside of the mold and the outside of the model."
3729 msgstr "Kalıbın dış tarafı ile modelin dış tarafı arasındaki minimum mesafe."
3731 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3732 msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
3733 msgid "Mold Roof Height"
3734 msgstr "Kalıp Çatı Yüksekliği"
3736 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3737 msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
3738 msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
3739 msgstr "Kalıp yazdıracak modelinizin yatay kısımlarının üzerindeki yükseklik."
3741 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3742 msgctxt "mold_angle label"
3743 msgid "Mold Angle"
3744 msgstr "Kalıp Açısı"
3746 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3747 msgctxt "mold_angle description"
3748 msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
3749 msgstr "Kalıp için oluşturulan dış duvarların çıkıntı açısı. 0° kalıbın dış kovanını dikey hale getirirken, 90° ise modelin dış kısmının model konturunu takip etmesini sağlayacaktır."
3751 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34113752 msgctxt "support_mesh label"
34123753 msgid "Support Mesh"
34133754 msgstr "Destek Örgüsü"
34183759 msgstr "Destek alanlarını belirlemek için bu örgüyü kullanın. Bu örgü, destek yapısını oluşturmak için kullanılabilir."
34203761 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3762 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
3763 msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
3764 msgstr "Alçalan Destek Örgüsü"
3766 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3767 msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
3768 msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
3769 msgstr "Destek örgüsünde askıda kalan herhangi bir kısım olmaması için destek örgüsünün altındaki her yere destek yapın."
3771 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34213772 msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
34223773 msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
34233774 msgstr "Çıkıntı Önleme Örgüsü"
34603811 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34613812 msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
3462 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
3463 msgstr "Dış kenarın Z hareketini pürüzsüzleştirir. Bu şekilde yazdırma boyunca sabit bir Z artışı oluşur. Bu özellik, katı bir modeli katı bir tabanı olan tek duvarlı bir modele dönüştürür. Özellik, diğer sürümlerde Joris olarak adlandırılmıştır."
3813 msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
3814 msgstr "Dış kenarın Z hareketini helezon şeklinde düzeltir. Böylece yazdırmanın tamamında sabit bir Z artışı oluşur. Bu özellik katı bir modeli, tabanı katı tek bir duvar yazdırmasına dönüştürür. Bu özelliğin sadece tek bir parça içeren tüm tabakalarda etkinleştirilmesi gerekir."
3816 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3817 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
3818 msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
3819 msgstr "Helezon Şeklinde Düzeltme"
3821 #: fdmprinter.def.json
3822 msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
3823 msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z-seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
3824 msgstr "Z dikişinin görünürlüğünü azaltmak için helezon şeklinde konturları düzeltin (Z-dikişi yazdırma durumunda çok az görünür olmalı, ancak tabaka görünümünde halen görünür olmalıdır). Düzeltme işleminin ince yüzey detaylarında bulanıklığa neden olabileceğini unutmayınız."
34653826 #: fdmprinter.def.json
34663827 msgctxt "experimental label"
39994360 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
40004361 msgstr "Modeli dosyadan indirirken modele uygulanacak olan dönüşüm matrisi"
4363 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
4364 #~ msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
4365 #~ msgstr "Tek bir destek arayüz hattının genişliği."
4367 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
4368 #~ msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
4369 #~ msgstr "Kübik Alt Bölüm Yarıçapı"
4371 #~ msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
4372 #~ msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
4373 #~ msgstr "Bu küpün bölünüp bölünmemesine karar vermek için modelin sınırını kontrol eden ve her bir küpün merkezinden alınan yarıçaptaki çarpan. Büyük değerler, daha küçük küpler gibi daha fazla alt bölüm oluşmasına neden olur."
4375 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
4376 #~ msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
4377 #~ msgstr "Üst Yüzeyleri Genişlet"
4379 #~ msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
4380 #~ msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
4381 #~ msgstr "Üst yüzey alanlarını (üzerinde hava bulunan alanları), üstteki dolguyu destekleyecek şekilde genişletin."
4383 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
4384 #~ msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
4385 #~ msgstr "Alt Yüzeyleri Genişlet"
4387 #~ msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
4388 #~ msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
4389 #~ msgstr "Alt yüzey alanlarını (altında hava bulunan alanları), üstteki ve alttaki dolgu katmanlarıyla sabitlenecek şekilde genişletin."
4391 #~ msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
4392 #~ msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
4393 #~ msgstr "Destek tavan ve tabanının yazdırıldığı hız. Bunları daha düşük hızda yazdırmak çıkıntı kalitesini artırabilir."
4395 #~ msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
4396 #~ msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
4397 #~ msgstr "Destek tavanı ve tabanının yazdırıldığı ivme. Bunları daha düşük ivmelerde yazdırmak çıkıntı kalitesini artırabilir."
4399 #~ msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
4400 #~ msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
4401 #~ msgstr "Desteğin tavan ve tabanlarının yazdırıldığı maksimum anlık hız değişimi."
4403 #~ msgctxt "support_enable label"
4404 #~ msgid "Enable Support"
4405 #~ msgstr "Desteği etkinleştir"
4407 #~ msgctxt "support_enable description"
4408 #~ msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
4409 #~ msgstr "Destek yapılarını etkinleştir. Bu yapılar sert çıkıntıları olan model parçalarını destekler."
4411 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
4412 #~ msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
4413 #~ msgstr "Destek dolgusunun tavan ve tabanları için kullanılacak ekstruder Çoklu ekstrüzyon işlemi için kullanılır."
4415 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
4416 #~ msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
4417 #~ msgstr "Model üzerindeki desteğin merdivene benzeyen alt kısmındaki basamakların yüksekliği. Düşük bir değer desteğin çıkarılmasını zorlaştırırken yüksek değerler destek yapılarının sağlam olmamasına neden olabilir."
4419 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
4420 #~ msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
4421 #~ msgstr "Destek Taban Kalınlığı"
4423 #~ msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
4424 #~ msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
4425 #~ msgstr "Destek tabanlarının kalınlığı. Desteğin bulunduğu modelin üst kısımlarına yazdırılan yoğun katmanların sayısını kontrol eder."
4427 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
4428 #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
4429 #~ msgstr "Destek üzerinde modelin olduğu yeri kontrol ederken belirtilen yükselin adımlarını izleyin. Daha yüksek değerler, destek arayüzü olması gereken yerlerde yazdırılacak normal destek oluştururken daha düşük değerler daha yavaş dilimler."
4431 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
4432 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
4433 #~ msgstr "Destek yapısının tavan ve tabanlarının yoğunluğunu ayarlar. Daha yüksek bir değer daha iyi çıkıntılar ortaya çıkarırken desteklerin kaldırılmasını zorlaştırır."
4435 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
4436 #~ msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
4437 #~ msgstr "Destek Arayüz Hattı Mesafesi"
4439 #~ msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
4440 #~ msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
4441 #~ msgstr "Yazdırılan destek arayüz hatları arasındaki mesafe. Bu ayar, Destek Arayüz Yoğunluğu ile hesaplanır ama ayrı ayrı ayarlanabilir."
4443 #~ msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
4444 #~ msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
4445 #~ msgstr "Dış kenarın Z hareketini pürüzsüzleştirir. Bu şekilde yazdırma boyunca sabit bir Z artışı oluşur. Bu özellik, katı bir modeli katı bir tabanı olan tek duvarlı bir modele dönüştürür. Özellik, diğer sürümlerde Joris olarak adlandırılmıştır."
40024447 #~ msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
40034448 #~ msgid "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat the printer manually."
40044449 #~ msgstr "Yazdırma için kullanılan sıcaklık. Yazıcıyı elle önceden ısıtmak için 0’a ayarlayın."
resources/meshes/jellybox_platform.stl less more
Binary diff not shown
1313 //: About dialog title
1414 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window","About Cura")
16 minimumWidth: 450 * Screen.devicePixelRatio
17 minimumHeight: 550 * Screen.devicePixelRatio
16 minimumWidth: 500
17 minimumHeight: 650
1818 width: minimumWidth
1919 height: minimumHeight
1010 Item
1111 {
12 property alias newProject: newProjectAction;
1213 property alias open: openAction;
13 property alias loadWorkspace: loadWorkspaceAction;
1414 property alias quit: quitAction;
1616 property alias undo: undoAction;
1717 property alias redo: redoAction;
1919 property alias deleteSelection: deleteSelectionAction;
20 property alias centerSelection: centerSelectionAction;
21 property alias multiplySelection: multiplySelectionAction;
2123 property alias deleteObject: deleteObjectAction;
2224 property alias centerObject: centerObjectAction;
3032 property alias selectAll: selectAllAction;
3133 property alias deleteAll: deleteAllAction;
3234 property alias reloadAll: reloadAllAction;
35 property alias arrangeAll: arrangeAllAction;
36 property alias arrangeSelection: arrangeSelectionAction;
3337 property alias resetAllTranslation: resetAllTranslationAction;
3438 property alias resetAll: resetAllAction;
178182 Action
179183 {
180184 id: deleteSelectionAction;
181 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:edit","Delete &Selection");
182 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled;
185 text: catalog.i18ncp("@action:inmenu menubar:edit", "Delete &Selected Model", "Delete &Selected Models", UM.Selection.selectionCount);
186 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled && UM.Selection.hasSelection;
183187 iconName: "edit-delete";
184188 shortcut: StandardKey.Delete;
185 onTriggered: Printer.deleteSelection();
189 onTriggered: CuraActions.deleteSelection();
190 }
192 Action
193 {
194 id: centerSelectionAction;
195 text: catalog.i18ncp("@action:inmenu menubar:edit", "Center Selected Model", "Center Selected Models", UM.Selection.selectionCount);
196 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled && UM.Selection.hasSelection;
197 iconName: "align-vertical-center";
198 onTriggered: CuraActions.centerSelection();
199 }
201 Action
202 {
203 id: multiplySelectionAction;
204 text: catalog.i18ncp("@action:inmenu menubar:edit", "Multiply Selected Model", "Multiply Selected Models", UM.Selection.selectionCount);
205 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled && UM.Selection.hasSelection;
206 iconName: "edit-duplicate";
207 shortcut: "Ctrl+M"
186208 }
188210 Action
206228 enabled: UM.Scene.numObjectsSelected > 1 ? true: false
207229 iconName: "object-group"
208230 shortcut: "Ctrl+G";
209 onTriggered: Printer.groupSelected();
231 onTriggered: CuraApplication.groupSelected();
210232 }
212234 Action
216238 enabled: UM.Scene.isGroupSelected
217239 iconName: "object-ungroup"
218240 shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+G";
219 onTriggered: Printer.ungroupSelected();
241 onTriggered: CuraApplication.ungroupSelected();
220242 }
222244 Action
226248 enabled: UM.Scene.numObjectsSelected > 1 ? true: false
227249 iconName: "merge";
228250 shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+G";
229 onTriggered: Printer.mergeSelected();
251 onTriggered: CuraApplication.mergeSelected();
230252 }
232254 Action
243265 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled;
244266 iconName: "edit-select-all";
245267 shortcut: "Ctrl+A";
246 onTriggered: Printer.selectAll();
268 onTriggered: CuraApplication.selectAll();
247269 }
249271 Action
253275 enabled: UM.Controller.toolsEnabled;
254276 iconName: "edit-delete";
255277 shortcut: "Ctrl+D";
256 onTriggered: Printer.deleteAll();
278 onTriggered: CuraApplication.deleteAll();
257279 }
259281 Action
262284 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file","Re&load All Models");
263285 iconName: "document-revert";
264286 shortcut: "F5"
265 onTriggered: Printer.reloadAll();
287 onTriggered: CuraApplication.reloadAll();
288 }
290 Action
291 {
292 id: arrangeAllAction;
293 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:edit","Arrange All Models");
294 onTriggered: Printer.arrangeAll();
295 shortcut: "Ctrl+R";
296 }
298 Action
299 {
300 id: arrangeSelectionAction;
301 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:edit","Arrange Selection");
302 onTriggered: Printer.arrangeSelection();
266303 }
268305 Action
269306 {
270307 id: resetAllTranslationAction;
271308 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:edit","Reset All Model Positions");
272 onTriggered: Printer.resetAllTranslation();
309 onTriggered: CuraApplication.resetAllTranslation();
273310 }
275312 Action
276313 {
277314 id: resetAllAction;
278315 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:edit","Reset All Model &Transformations");
279 onTriggered: Printer.resetAll();
316 onTriggered: CuraApplication.resetAll();
280317 }
282319 Action
283320 {
284321 id: openAction;
285 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file","&Open File...");
322 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file","&Open File(s)...");
286323 iconName: "document-open";
287324 shortcut: StandardKey.Open;
288325 }
290327 Action
291328 {
292 id: loadWorkspaceAction
293 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file","&Open Project...");
329 id: newProjectAction
330 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file","&New Project...");
331 shortcut: StandardKey.New
294332 }
296334 Action
0 // Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
5 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
7 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
8 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
10 import UM 1.3 as UM
11 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
14 UM.Dialog
15 {
16 // This dialog asks the user whether he/she wants to open a project file as a project or import models.
17 id: base
19 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Open project file")
20 width: 450
21 height: 150
23 maximumHeight: height
24 maximumWidth: width
25 minimumHeight: maximumHeight
26 minimumWidth: maximumWidth
28 modality: UM.Application.platform == "linux" ? Qt.NonModal : Qt.WindowModal;
30 property var fileUrl
32 function loadProjectFile(projectFile)
33 {
34 UM.WorkspaceFileHandler.readLocalFile(projectFile);
36 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(projectFile.toString());
37 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName));
38 }
40 function loadModelFiles(fileUrls)
41 {
42 for (var i in fileUrls)
43 {
44 CuraApplication.readLocalFile(fileUrls[i]);
45 }
47 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(fileUrls[0].toString());
48 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName));
49 }
51 onVisibleChanged:
52 {
53 if (visible)
54 {
55 var rememberMyChoice = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project") != "always_ask";
56 rememberChoiceCheckBox.checked = rememberMyChoice;
57 }
58 }
60 Column
61 {
62 anchors.fill: parent
63 anchors.leftMargin: 20
64 anchors.rightMargin: 20
65 anchors.bottomMargin: 20
66 spacing: 10
68 Label
69 {
70 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "This is a Cura project file. Would you like to open it as a project or import the models from it?")
71 anchors.left: parent.left
72 anchors.right: parent.right
73 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
74 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
75 }
77 CheckBox
78 {
79 id: rememberChoiceCheckBox
80 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "Remember my choice")
81 checked: UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project") != "always_ask"
82 }
84 // Buttons
85 Item
86 {
87 anchors.right: parent.right
88 anchors.left: parent.left
89 height: childrenRect.height
91 Button
92 {
93 id: openAsProjectButton
94 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Open as project");
95 anchors.right: importModelsButton.left
96 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
97 isDefault: true
98 onClicked:
99 {
100 // update preference
101 if (rememberChoiceCheckBox.checked)
102 UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_open_project", "open_as_project");
104 // load this file as project
105 base.hide();
106 loadProjectFile(base.fileUrl);
107 }
108 }
110 Button
111 {
112 id: importModelsButton
113 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Import models");
114 anchors.right: parent.right
115 onClicked:
116 {
117 // update preference
118 if (rememberChoiceCheckBox.checked)
119 UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_open_project", "open_as_model");
121 // load models from this project file
122 base.hide();
123 loadModelFiles([base.fileUrl]);
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 }
2020 property bool monitoringPrint: false
2121 Component.onCompleted:
2222 {
23 Printer.setMinimumWindowSize(UM.Theme.getSize("window_minimum_size"))
23 CuraApplication.setMinimumWindowSize(UM.Theme.getSize("window_minimum_size"))
2424 // Workaround silly issues with QML Action's shortcut property.
2525 //
2626 // Currently, there is no way to define shortcuts as "Application Shortcut".
6565 {
6666 id: fileMenu
6767 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel","&File");
6968 MenuItem
7069 {
70 action: Cura.Actions.newProject;
71 }
73 MenuItem
74 {
7175 action:;
7276 }
7478 RecentFilesMenu { }
76 MenuItem
77 {
78 action: Cura.Actions.loadWorkspace
79 }
8180 MenuSeparator { }
8584 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:inmenu menubar:file", "&Save Selection to File");
8685 enabled: UM.Selection.hasSelection;
8786 iconName: "document-save-as";
88 onTriggered: UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteSelectionToDevice("local_file", PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": false });
89 }
90 Menu
91 {
92 id: saveAllMenu
93 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:file","Save &All")
94 iconName: "document-save-all";
95 enabled: devicesModel.rowCount() > 0 && UM.Backend.progress > 0.99;
97 Instantiator
87 onTriggered: UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteSelectionToDevice("local_file", PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": false, "preferred_mimetype": "application/"});
88 }
90 MenuItem
91 {
92 id: saveAsMenu
93 text: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:file", "Save &As...")
94 onTriggered:
9895 {
99 model: UM.OutputDevicesModel { id: devicesModel; }
101 MenuItem
102 {
103 text: model.description;
104 onTriggered: UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteToDevice(, PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": false });
105 }
106 onObjectAdded: saveAllMenu.insertItem(index, object)
107 onObjectRemoved: saveAllMenu.removeItem(object)
96 var localDeviceId = "local_file";
97 UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteToDevice(localDeviceId, PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": false, "preferred_mimetype": "application/"});
10898 }
10999 }
110101 MenuItem
111102 {
112103 id: saveWorkspaceMenu
139130 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.redo; }
140131 MenuSeparator { }
141132 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.selectAll; }
133 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.arrangeAll; }
142134 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteSelection; }
143135 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteAll; }
144136 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAllTranslation; }
267259 {
268260 if (drop.urls.length > 0)
269261 {
270 // Import models
271 var imported_model = -1;
272 for (var i in drop.urls)
273 {
274 // There is no endsWith in this version of JS...
275 if ((drop.urls[i].length <= 12) || (drop.urls[i].substring(drop.urls[i].length-12) !== ".curaprofile")) {
276 // Drop an object
277 Printer.readLocalFile(drop.urls[i]);
278 if (imported_model == -1)
279 {
280 imported_model = i;
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 // Import profiles
286 var import_result = Cura.ContainerManager.importProfiles(drop.urls);
287 if (import_result.message !== "") {
288 messageDialog.text = import_result.message
289 if (import_result.status == "ok")
290 {
291 messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information
292 }
293 else
294 {
295 messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Critical
296 }
298 }
299 if (imported_model != -1)
300 {
301 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(drop.urls[imported_model].toString())
302 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName))
303 }
262 openDialog.handleOpenFileUrls(drop.urls);
304263 }
305264 }
306265 }
533492 onTriggered: preferences.visible = true
534493 }
495 MessageDialog
496 {
497 id: newProjectDialog
498 modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
499 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "New project")
500 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:question", "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings.")
501 standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No
502 icon: StandardIcon.Question
503 onYes:
504 {
505 CuraApplication.deleteAll();
506 Cura.Actions.resetProfile.trigger();
507 }
508 }
510 Connections
511 {
512 target: Cura.Actions.newProject
513 onTriggered:
514 {
515 if(Printer.platformActivity || Cura.MachineManager.hasUserSettings)
516 {
517 newProjectDialog.visible = true
518 }
519 }
520 }
536522 Connections
537523 {
538524 target: Cura.Actions.addProfile
607593 }
608594 }
610 Menu
611 {
612 id: objectContextMenu;
614 property variant objectId: -1;
615 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.centerObject; }
616 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteObject; }
617 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.multiplyObject; }
618 MenuSeparator { }
619 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.selectAll; }
620 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteAll; }
621 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.reloadAll; }
622 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAllTranslation; }
623 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAll; }
624 MenuSeparator { }
625 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.groupObjects; }
626 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.mergeObjects; }
627 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.unGroupObjects; }
629 Connections
630 {
631 target: Cura.Actions.deleteObject
632 onTriggered:
633 {
634 if(objectContextMenu.objectId != 0)
635 {
636 Printer.deleteObject(objectContextMenu.objectId);
637 objectContextMenu.objectId = 0;
638 }
639 }
640 }
642 MultiplyObjectOptions
643 {
644 id: multiplyObjectOptions
645 }
647 Connections
648 {
649 target: Cura.Actions.multiplyObject
650 onTriggered:
651 {
652 if(objectContextMenu.objectId != 0)
653 {
654 multiplyObjectOptions.objectId = objectContextMenu.objectId;
655 multiplyObjectOptions.visible = true;
656 multiplyObjectOptions.reset();
657 objectContextMenu.objectId = 0;
658 }
659 }
660 }
662 Connections
663 {
664 target: Cura.Actions.centerObject
665 onTriggered:
666 {
667 if(objectContextMenu.objectId != 0)
668 {
669 Printer.centerObject(objectContextMenu.objectId);
670 objectContextMenu.objectId = 0;
671 }
672 }
673 }
674 }
676 Menu
677 {
678 id: contextMenu;
679 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.selectAll; }
680 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteAll; }
681 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.reloadAll; }
682 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAllTranslation; }
683 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAll; }
684 MenuSeparator { }
685 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.groupObjects; }
686 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.mergeObjects; }
687 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.unGroupObjects; }
688 }
690 Connections
691 {
692 target: UM.Controller
693 onContextMenuRequested:
694 {
695 if(objectId == 0)
696 {
697 contextMenu.popup();
698 } else
699 {
700 objectContextMenu.objectId = objectId;
701 objectContextMenu.popup();
702 }
703 }
596 ContextMenu {
597 id: contextMenu
704598 }
706600 Connections
720614 id: openDialog;
722616 //: File open dialog title
723 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window","Open file")
617 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window","Open file(s)")
724618 modality: UM.Application.platform == "linux" ? Qt.NonModal : Qt.WindowModal;
725619 selectMultiple: true
726620 nameFilters: UM.MeshFileHandler.supportedReadFileTypes;
727621 folder: CuraApplication.getDefaultPath("dialog_load_path")
728622 onAccepted:
729623 {
730 //Because several implementations of the file dialog only update the folder
731 //when it is explicitly set.
624 // Because several implementations of the file dialog only update the folder
625 // when it is explicitly set.
732626 var f = folder;
733627 folder = f;
735629 CuraApplication.setDefaultPath("dialog_load_path", folder);
737 for(var i in fileUrls)
738 {
739 Printer.readLocalFile(fileUrls[i])
740 }
742 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(fileUrls[0].toString())
743 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName))
631 handleOpenFileUrls(fileUrls);
632 }
634 // Yeah... I know... it is a mess to put all those things here.
635 // There are lots of user interactions in this part of the logic, such as showing a warning dialog here and there,
636 // etc. This means it will come back and forth from time to time between QML and Python. So, separating the logic
637 // and view here may require more effort but make things more difficult to understand.
638 function handleOpenFileUrls(fileUrlList)
639 {
640 // look for valid project files
641 var projectFileUrlList = [];
642 var hasGcode = false;
643 var nonGcodeFileList = [];
644 for (var i in fileUrlList)
645 {
646 var endsWithG = /\.g$/;
647 var endsWithGcode = /\.gcode$/;
648 if (endsWithG.test(fileUrlList[i]) || endsWithGcode.test(fileUrlList[i]))
649 {
650 continue;
651 }
652 else if (CuraApplication.checkIsValidProjectFile(fileUrlList[i]))
653 {
654 projectFileUrlList.push(fileUrlList[i]);
655 }
656 nonGcodeFileList.push(fileUrlList[i]);
657 }
658 hasGcode = nonGcodeFileList.length < fileUrlList.length;
660 // show a warning if selected multiple files together with Gcode
661 var hasProjectFile = projectFileUrlList.length > 0;
662 var selectedMultipleFiles = fileUrlList.length > 1;
663 if (selectedMultipleFiles && hasGcode)
664 {
665 infoMultipleFilesWithGcodeDialog.selectedMultipleFiles = selectedMultipleFiles;
666 infoMultipleFilesWithGcodeDialog.hasProjectFile = hasProjectFile;
667 infoMultipleFilesWithGcodeDialog.fileUrls = nonGcodeFileList.slice();
668 infoMultipleFilesWithGcodeDialog.projectFileUrlList = projectFileUrlList.slice();
670 }
671 else
672 {
673 handleOpenFiles(selectedMultipleFiles, hasProjectFile, fileUrlList, projectFileUrlList);
674 }
675 }
677 function handleOpenFiles(selectedMultipleFiles, hasProjectFile, fileUrlList, projectFileUrlList)
678 {
679 // we only allow opening one project file
680 if (selectedMultipleFiles && hasProjectFile)
681 {
682 openFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.fileUrls = fileUrlList.slice();
684 return;
685 }
687 if (hasProjectFile)
688 {
689 var projectFile = projectFileUrlList[0];
691 // check preference
692 var choice = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project");
693 if (choice == "open_as_project")
694 {
695 openFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.loadProjectFile(projectFile);
696 }
697 else if (choice == "open_as_model")
698 {
699 openFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.loadModelFiles([projectFile].slice());
700 }
701 else // always ask
702 {
703 // ask whether to open as project or as models
704 askOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.fileUrl = projectFile;
706 }
707 }
708 else
709 {
710 openFilesIncludingProjectsDialog.loadModelFiles(fileUrlList.slice());
711 }
712 }
713 }
715 MessageDialog {
716 id: infoMultipleFilesWithGcodeDialog
717 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Open File(s)")
718 icon: StandardIcon.Information
719 standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
720 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "We have found one or more G-Code files within the files you have selected. You can only open one G-Code file at a time. If you want to open a G-Code file, please just select only one.")
722 property var selectedMultipleFiles
723 property var hasProjectFile
724 property var fileUrls
725 property var projectFileUrlList
727 onAccepted:
728 {
729 openDialog.handleOpenFiles(selectedMultipleFiles, hasProjectFile, fileUrls, projectFileUrlList);
744730 }
745731 }
750736 onTriggered:
751737 }
753 FileDialog
754 {
755 id: openWorkspaceDialog;
757 //: File open dialog title
758 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window","Open workspace")
759 modality: UM.Application.platform == "linux" ? Qt.NonModal : Qt.WindowModal;
760 selectMultiple: false
761 nameFilters: UM.WorkspaceFileHandler.supportedReadFileTypes;
762 folder: CuraApplication.getDefaultPath("dialog_load_path")
763 onAccepted:
764 {
765 //Because several implementations of the file dialog only update the folder
766 //when it is explicitly set.
767 var f = folder;
768 folder = f;
770 CuraApplication.setDefaultPath("dialog_load_path", folder);
772 for(var i in fileUrls)
773 {
774 UM.WorkspaceFileHandler.readLocalFile(fileUrls[i])
775 }
776 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(fileUrls[0].toString())
777 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName))
778 }
779 }
781 Connections
782 {
783 target: Cura.Actions.loadWorkspace
784 onTriggered:
739 OpenFilesIncludingProjectsDialog
740 {
741 id: openFilesIncludingProjectsDialog
742 }
744 AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog
745 {
746 id: askOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog
785747 }
787749 EngineLog
823785 function start(id)
824786 {
825 var actions = Cura.MachineActionManager.getFirstStartActions(id)
787 var actions = Cura.MachineActionManager.getFirstStartActions(id)
826788 resetPages() // Remove previous pages
828790 for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++)
844806 {
845807 id: messageDialog
846808 modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
847 onAccepted: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
848 onApply: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
849 onDiscard: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
850 onHelp: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
851 onNo: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
852 onRejected: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
853 onReset: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
854 onYes: Printer.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
809 onAccepted: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
810 onApply: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
811 onDiscard: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
812 onHelp: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
813 onNo: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
814 onRejected: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
815 onReset: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
816 onYes: CuraApplication.messageBoxClosed(clickedButton)
855817 }
857819 Connections
881843 {
883845 }
885846 }
887848 Connections
931892 }
932893 }
933894 }
33 import QtQuick 2.1
44 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
55 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
6 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
78 import UM 1.2 as UM
89 import Cura 1.1 as Cura
3435 }
3536 }
37 Column
38 {
39 anchors.fill: parent
38 Row
39 {
40 id: infoTextRow
41 height: childrenRect.height
42 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
43 anchors.left: parent.left
44 anchors.right: parent.right
4046 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
4248 UM.I18nCatalog
4551 name: "cura"
4652 }
48 Row
49 {
50 height: childrenRect.height
54 Label
55 {
56 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "You have customized some profile settings.\nWould you like to keep or discard those settings?")
5157 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
52 anchors.left: parent.left
53 anchors.right: parent.right
54 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
56 Label
57 {
58 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "You have customized some profile settings.\nWould you like to keep or discard those settings?")
59 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
60 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
61 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
62 }
63 }
58 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
59 }
60 }
62 Item
63 {
64 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
65 infoTextRow.bottom
66 anchors.bottom:
67 anchors.left: parent.left
68 anchors.right: parent.right
6569 TableView
6670 {
67 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
68 anchors.left: parent.left
69 anchors.right: parent.right
71 anchors.fill: parent
7072 height: base.height - 150
7173 id: tableView
7274 Component
131133 model: base.changesModel
132134 }
134 Item
135 {
135 }
137 Item
138 {
139 id: optionRow
140 anchors.bottom:
141 anchors.right: parent.right
142 anchors.left: parent.left
143 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
144 height: childrenRect.height
146 ComboBox
147 {
148 id: discardOrKeepProfileChangesDropDownButton
149 width: 300
151 model: ListModel
152 {
153 id: discardOrKeepProfileListModel
155 Component.onCompleted: {
156 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Always ask me this"), code: "always_ask" })
157 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Discard and never ask again"), code: "always_discard" })
158 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Keep and never ask again"), code: "always_keep" })
159 }
160 }
162 onActivated:
163 {
164 var code = model.get(index).code;
165 UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override", code);
167 if (code == "always_keep") {
168 keepButton.enabled = true;
169 discardButton.enabled = false;
170 }
171 else if (code == "always_discard") {
172 keepButton.enabled = false;
173 discardButton.enabled = true;
174 }
175 else {
176 keepButton.enabled = true;
177 discardButton.enabled = true;
178 }
179 }
180 }
181 }
183 Item
184 {
185 id: buttonsRow
186 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
187 anchors.right: parent.right
188 anchors.left: parent.left
189 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
190 height: childrenRect.height
192 Button
193 {
194 id: discardButton
195 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Discard");
136196 anchors.right: parent.right
197 onClicked:
198 {
199 CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("discard")
200 base.hide()
201 }
202 isDefault: true
203 }
205 Button
206 {
207 id: keepButton
208 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Keep");
209 anchors.right: discardButton.left
210 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
211 onClicked:
212 {
213 CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("keep")
214 base.hide()
215 }
216 }
218 Button
219 {
220 id: createNewProfileButton
221 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Create New Profile");
137222 anchors.left: parent.left
138 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
139 height:childrenRect.height
141 ComboBox
142 {
143 id: discardOrKeepProfileChangesDropDownButton
144 width: 300
146 model: ListModel
147 {
148 id: discardOrKeepProfileListModel
150 Component.onCompleted: {
151 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Always ask me this"), code: "always_ask" })
152 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Discard and never ask again"), code: "always_discard" })
153 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Keep and never ask again"), code: "always_keep" })
154 }
155 }
157 onActivated:
158 {
159 var code = model.get(index).code;
160 UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override", code);
162 if (code == "always_keep") {
163 keepButton.enabled = true;
164 discardButton.enabled = false;
165 }
166 else if (code == "always_discard") {
167 keepButton.enabled = false;
168 discardButton.enabled = true;
169 }
170 else {
171 keepButton.enabled = true;
172 discardButton.enabled = true;
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 }
178 Item
179 {
180 anchors.right: parent.right
181 anchors.left: parent.left
182 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
183 height: childrenRect.height
185 Button
186 {
187 id: discardButton
188 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Discard");
189 anchors.right: parent.right
190 onClicked:
191 {
192 Printer.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("discard")
193 base.hide()
194 }
195 isDefault: true
196 }
198 Button
199 {
200 id: keepButton
201 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Keep");
202 anchors.right: discardButton.left
203 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
204 onClicked:
205 {
206 Printer.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("keep")
207 base.hide()
208 }
209 }
211 Button
212 {
213 id: createNewProfileButton
214 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Create New Profile");
215 anchors.left: parent.left
216 action: Cura.Actions.addProfile
217 onClicked: base.hide()
218 }
223 action: Cura.Actions.addProfile
224 onClicked: base.hide()
219225 }
220226 }
221227 }
2626 interval: 1000;
2727 running: false;
2828 repeat: true;
29 onTriggered: textArea.text = Printer.getEngineLog();
29 onTriggered: textArea.text = CuraApplication.getEngineLog();
3030 }
3131 UM.I18nCatalog{id: catalog; name:"cura"}
3232 }
4242 {
4343 if(visible)
4444 {
45 textArea.text = Printer.getEngineLog();
45 textArea.text = CuraApplication.getEngineLog();
4646 updateTimer.start();
4747 } else
4848 {
0 // Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
6 import UM 1.2 as UM
7 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
9 Button
10 {
11 id: base
13 property var extruder;
15 text: catalog.i18ncp("@label", "Print Selected Model with %1", "Print Selected Models With %1", UM.Selection.selectionCount).arg(
17 style: UM.Theme.styles.tool_button;
18 iconSource: checked ? UM.Theme.getIcon("material_selected") : UM.Theme.getIcon("material_not_selected");
20 checked: ExtruderManager.selectedObjectExtruders.indexOf( != -1
21 enabled: UM.Selection.hasSelection
23 property color customColor: base.hovered ? UM.Theme.getColor("button_hover") : UM.Theme.getColor("button");
25 Rectangle
26 {
27 anchors.fill: parent
28 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width;
30 color: "transparent"
32 border.width: base.checked ? UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width : 0;
33 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("button_text")
34 }
36 Item
37 {
38 anchors
39 {
40 right: parent.right;
41 top:;
42 margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width * 3
43 }
44 width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
45 height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
47 Text
48 {
49 anchors.centerIn: parent;
50 text: index + 1;
51 color: parent.enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("button_text") : UM.Theme.getColor("button_disabled_text")
52 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default_bold");
53 }
54 }
56 Rectangle
57 {
58 anchors
59 {
60 left: parent.left;
61 top:;
62 margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width * 3
63 }
65 color: model.color
67 width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
68 height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
70 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
71 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining");
72 }
74 onClicked:
75 {
76 forceActiveFocus() //First grab focus, so all the text fields are updated
77 CuraActions.setExtruderForSelection(;
78 }
79 }
1111 Item {
1212 id: base
14 property bool activity: Printer.platformActivity
14 property bool activity: CuraApplication.platformActivity
1515 property string fileBaseName
1616 property variant activeMachineName: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineName
2323 UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog; name:"cura"}
2525 property variant printDuration: PrintInformation.currentPrintTime
26 property variant printDurationPerFeature: PrintInformation.printTimesPerFeature
2627 property variant printMaterialLengths: PrintInformation.materialLengths
2728 property variant printMaterialWeights: PrintInformation.materialWeights
2829 property variant printMaterialCosts: PrintInformation.materialCosts
131132 }
132133 }
134 Label
135 Text
135136 {
136137 id: boundingSpec
137138 jobNameRow.bottom
140141 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
141142 font: UM.Theme.getFont("small")
142143 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_subtext")
143 text: Printer.getSceneBoundingBoxString
144 text: CuraApplication.getSceneBoundingBoxString
144145 }
146147 Rectangle
158159 UM.RecolorImage
159160 {
160161 id: timeIcon
161 anchors.right: timeSpec.left
162 anchors.right: timeSpecPerFeatureTooltipArea.left
162163 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width/2
163164 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
164165 width: UM.Theme.getSize("save_button_specs_icons").width
168169 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_subtext")
169170 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("print_time")
170171 }
171 Label
172 {
173 id: timeSpec
172 UM.TooltipArea
173 {
174 id: timeSpecPerFeatureTooltipArea
175 text: {
176 var order = ["inset_0", "inset_x", "skin", "infill", "support_infill", "support_interface", "support", "travel", "retract", "none"];
177 var visible_names = {
178 "inset_0": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Outer Wall"),
179 "inset_x": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Inner Walls"),
180 "skin": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Skin"),
181 "infill": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Infill"),
182 "support_infill": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Support Infill"),
183 "support_interface": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Support Interface"),
184 "support": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Support"),
185 "travel": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Travel"),
186 "retract": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Retractions"),
187 "none": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Other")
188 };
189 var result = "";
190 for(var feature in order)
191 {
192 feature = order[feature];
193 if(base.printDurationPerFeature[feature] && base.printDurationPerFeature[feature].totalSeconds > 0)
194 {
195 result += "<br/>" + visible_names[feature] + ": " + base.printDurationPerFeature[feature].getDisplayString(UM.DurationFormat.Short);
196 }
197 }
198 result = result.replace(/^\<br\/\>/, ""); // remove newline before first item
199 return result;
200 }
201 width: childrenRect.width
202 height: childrenRect.height
174203 anchors.right: lengthIcon.left
175204 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
176205 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
177 font: UM.Theme.getFont("small")
178 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_subtext")
179 text: (!base.printDuration || !base.printDuration.valid) ? catalog.i18nc("@label", "00h 00min") : base.printDuration.getDisplayString(UM.DurationFormat.Short)
207 Text
208 {
209 id: timeSpec
210 anchors.left: parent.left
212 font: UM.Theme.getFont("small")
213 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_subtext")
214 text: (!base.printDuration || !base.printDuration.valid) ? catalog.i18nc("@label", "00h 00min") : base.printDuration.getDisplayString(UM.DurationFormat.Short)
215 }
180216 }
181217 UM.RecolorImage
182218 {
191227 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_subtext")
192228 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("category_material")
193229 }
194 Label
230 Text
195231 {
196232 id: lengthSpec
197233 anchors.right: parent.right
211247 {
212248 lengths.push(base.printMaterialLengths[index].toFixed(2));
213249 weights.push(String(Math.floor(base.printMaterialWeights[index])));
214 costs.push(base.printMaterialCosts[index].toFixed(2));
215 if(base.printMaterialCosts[index] > 0)
250 var cost = base.printMaterialCosts[index] == undefined ? 0 : base.printMaterialCosts[index].toFixed(2);
251 costs.push(cost);
252 if(cost > 0)
216253 {
217254 someCostsKnown = true;
218255 }
0 // Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
5 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
6 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
8 import UM 1.2 as UM
9 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
11 Menu
12 {
13 id: base
15 property bool shouldShowExtruders: > 1;
17 // Selection-related actions.
18 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.centerSelection; }
19 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteSelection; }
20 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.multiplySelection; }
22 // Extruder selection - only visible if there is more than 1 extruder
23 MenuSeparator { visible: base.shouldShowExtruders }
24 MenuItem { id: extruderHeader; text: catalog.i18ncp("@label", "Print Selected Model With:", "Print Selected Models With:", UM.Selection.selectionCount); enabled: false; visible: base.shouldShowExtruders }
25 Instantiator
26 {
27 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel { id: extrudersModel }
28 MenuItem {
29 text: "%1: %2 - %3".arg(
30 visible: base.shouldShowExtruders
31 enabled: UM.Selection.hasSelection
32 checkable: true
33 checked: ExtruderManager.selectedObjectExtruders.indexOf( != -1
34 onTriggered: CuraActions.setExtruderForSelection(
35 shortcut: "Ctrl+" + (model.index + 1)
36 }
37 onObjectAdded: base.insertItem(index, object)
38 onObjectRemoved: base.removeItem(object)
39 }
41 // Global actions
42 MenuSeparator {}
43 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.selectAll; }
44 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.arrangeAll; }
45 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteAll; }
46 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.reloadAll; }
47 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAllTranslation; }
48 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAll; }
50 // Group actions
51 MenuSeparator {}
52 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.groupObjects; }
53 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.mergeObjects; }
54 MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.unGroupObjects; }
56 Connections
57 {
58 target: UM.Controller
59 onContextMenuRequested: base.popup();
60 }
62 Connections
63 {
64 target: Cura.Actions.multiplySelection
65 onTriggered:
66 }
68 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
69 {
70 id: machineExtruderCount
72 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
73 key: "machine_extruder_count"
74 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
75 }
77 Dialog
78 {
79 id: multiplyDialog
81 title: catalog.i18ncp("@title:window", "Multiply Selected Model", "Multiply Selected Models", UM.Selection.selectionCount)
84 onAccepted: CuraActions.multiplySelection(copiesField.value)
86 signal reset()
87 onReset:
88 {
89 copiesField.value = 1;
90 copiesField.focus = true;
91 }
93 onVisibleChanged:
94 {
95 copiesField.forceActiveFocus();
96 }
98 standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel
100 Row
101 {
102 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
104 Label
105 {
106 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Number of Copies")
107 anchors.verticalCenter: copiesField.verticalCenter
108 }
110 SpinBox
111 {
112 id: copiesField
113 focus: true
114 minimumValue: 1
115 maximumValue: 99
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 // Find the index of an item in the list of child items of this menu.
121 //
122 // This is primarily intended as a helper function so we do not have to
123 // hard-code the position of the extruder selection actions.
124 //
125 // \param item The item to find the index of.
126 //
127 // \return The index of the item or -1 if it was not found.
128 function findItemIndex(item)
129 {
130 for(var i in base.items)
131 {
132 if(base.items[i] == item)
133 {
134 return i;
135 }
136 }
137 return -1;
138 }
140 UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog; name: "cura" }
141 }
1414 property int extruderIndex: 0
1515 property bool printerConnected: Cura.MachineManager.printerOutputDevices.length != 0
17 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
18 {
19 id: materialDiameterProvider
21 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
22 key: "material_diameter"
23 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
24 }
1726 MenuItem
1827 {
141150 function materialFilter()
142151 {
143 var result = { "type": "material" };
152 var result = { "type": "material", "approximate_diameter": Math.round( };
144153 if(Cura.MachineManager.filterMaterialsByMachine)
145154 {
146155 result.definition = Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityDefinitionId;
1818 {
1919 text: + " - " + model.layer_height
2020 checkable: true
21 checked: Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityChangesId == "empty_quality_changes" && Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityType == model.metadata.quality_type
21 checked: Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityChangesId == "" && Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityType == model.metadata.quality_type
2222 exclusiveGroup: group
2323 onTriggered: Cura.MachineManager.setActiveQuality(
2424 }
33 import QtQuick 2.2
44 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
6 import UM 1.2 as UM
6 import UM 1.3 as UM
77 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
99 Menu
1212 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:file", "Open &Recent")
1313 iconName: "document-open-recent";
15 enabled: Printer.recentFiles.length > 0;
15 enabled: CuraApplication.recentFiles.length > 0;
1717 Instantiator
1818 {
19 model: Printer.recentFiles
19 model: CuraApplication.recentFiles
2020 MenuItem
2121 {
2222 text:
2424 var path = modelData.toString()
2525 return (index + 1) + ". " + path.slice(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
2626 }
27 onTriggered: {
28 Printer.readLocalFile(modelData);
27 onTriggered:
28 {
29 var toShowDialog = false;
30 var toOpenAsProject = false;
31 var toOpenAsModel = false;
33 if (CuraApplication.checkIsValidProjectFile(modelData)) {
34 // check preference
35 var choice = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project");
37 if (choice == "open_as_project")
38 {
39 toOpenAsProject = true;
40 }else if (choice == "open_as_model"){
41 toOpenAsModel = true;
42 }else{
43 toShowDialog = true;
44 }
45 }
46 else {
47 toOpenAsModel = true;
48 }
50 if (toShowDialog) {
51 askOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog.fileUrl = modelData;
53 return;
54 }
56 // open file in the prefered way
57 if (toOpenAsProject)
58 {
59 UM.WorkspaceFileHandler.readLocalFile(modelData);
60 }
61 else if (toOpenAsModel)
62 {
63 CuraApplication.readLocalFile(modelData);
64 }
2965 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(modelData.toString())
3066 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName))
3167 }
3369 onObjectAdded: menu.insertItem(index, object)
3470 onObjectRemoved: menu.removeItem(object)
3571 }
73 Cura.AskOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog
74 {
75 id: askOpenAsProjectOrModelsDialog
76 }
3677 }
7979 }
8080 }
82 property bool activity: Printer.platformActivity;
82 property bool activity: CuraApplication.platformActivity;
8383 property int totalHeight: childrenRect.height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
8484 property string fileBaseName
8585 property string statusText:
204204 onAdditionalComponentsChanged:
205205 {
206206 if(areaId == "monitorButtons") {
207 for (var component in Printer.additionalComponents["monitorButtons"]) {
208 Printer.additionalComponents["monitorButtons"][component].parent = additionalComponentsRow
207 for (var component in CuraApplication.additionalComponents["monitorButtons"]) {
208 CuraApplication.additionalComponents["monitorButtons"][component].parent = additionalComponentsRow
209209 }
210210 }
211211 }
resources/qml/MultiplyObjectOptions.qml less more
0 // Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
5 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
7 import UM 1.1 as UM
9 UM.Dialog
10 {
11 id: base
13 //: Dialog title
14 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Multiply Model")
16 minimumWidth: 400 * Screen.devicePixelRatio
17 minimumHeight: 80 * Screen.devicePixelRatio
18 width: minimumWidth
19 height: minimumHeight
21 property var objectId: 0;
22 onAccepted: Printer.multiplyObject(base.objectId, parseInt(copiesField.text))
24 property variant catalog: UM.I18nCatalog { name: "cura" }
26 signal reset()
27 onReset: {
28 copiesField.text = "1";
29 copiesField.selectAll();
30 copiesField.focus = true;
31 }
33 Row
34 {
35 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
37 Label {
38 text: "Number of copies:"
39 anchors.verticalCenter: copiesField.verticalCenter
40 }
42 TextField {
43 id: copiesField
44 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /^\d{0,2}/ }
45 maximumLength: 2
46 }
47 }
50 rightButtons:
51 [
52 Button
53 {
54 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","OK")
55 onClicked: base.accept()
56 enabled: base.objectId != 0 && parseInt(copiesField.text) > 0
57 },
58 Button
59 {
60 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Cancel")
61 onClicked: base.reject()
62 }
63 ]
64 }
0 // Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import QtQuick 2.2
4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
5 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
7 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
8 import QtQuick.Window 2.1
10 import UM 1.3 as UM
11 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
13 UM.Dialog
14 {
15 // This dialog asks the user whether he/she wants to open the project file we have detected or the model files.
16 id: base
18 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Open file(s)")
19 width: 420
20 height: 170
22 maximumHeight: height
23 maximumWidth: width
24 minimumHeight: height
25 minimumWidth: width
27 modality: UM.Application.platform == "linux" ? Qt.NonModal : Qt.WindowModal;
29 property var fileUrls: []
30 property int spacerHeight: 10
32 function loadProjectFile(projectFile)
33 {
34 UM.WorkspaceFileHandler.readLocalFile(projectFile);
36 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(projectFile.toString());
37 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName));
38 }
40 function loadModelFiles(fileUrls)
41 {
42 for (var i in fileUrls)
43 {
44 CuraApplication.readLocalFile(fileUrls[i]);
45 }
47 var meshName = backgroundItem.getMeshName(fileUrls[0].toString());
48 backgroundItem.hasMesh(decodeURIComponent(meshName));
49 }
51 Column
52 {
53 anchors.fill: parent
54 anchors.leftMargin: 20
55 anchors.rightMargin: 20
56 anchors.bottomMargin: 20
57 anchors.left: parent.left
58 anchors.right: parent.right
59 spacing: 10
61 Text
62 {
63 text: catalog.i18nc("@text:window", "We have found one or more project file(s) within the files you have selected. You can open only one project file at a time. We suggest to only import models from those files. Would you like to proceed?")
64 anchors.left: parent.left
65 anchors.right: parent.right
66 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
67 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
68 }
70 Item // Spacer
71 {
72 height: base.spacerHeight
73 width: height
74 }
76 // Buttons
77 Item
78 {
79 anchors.right: parent.right
80 anchors.left: parent.left
81 height: childrenRect.height
83 Button
84 {
85 id: cancelButton
86 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Cancel");
87 anchors.right: importAllAsModelsButton.left
88 onClicked:
89 {
90 // cancel
91 base.hide();
92 }
93 }
95 Button
96 {
97 id: importAllAsModelsButton
98 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Import all as models");
99 anchors.right: parent.right
100 isDefault: true
101 onClicked:
102 {
103 // load models from all selected file
104 loadModelFiles(base.fileUrls);
106 base.hide();
107 }
108 }
109 }
110 }
111 }
2424 }
2525 }
27 function setDefaultTheme(defaultThemeCode)
28 {
29 for(var i = 0; i < themeList.count; i++)
30 {
31 if (themeComboBox.model.get(i).code == defaultThemeCode)
32 {
33 themeComboBox.currentIndex = i
34 }
35 }
36 }
2738 function setDefaultDiscardOrKeepProfile(code)
2839 {
2940 for (var i = 0; i < choiceOnProfileOverrideDropDownButton.model.count; i++)
3647 }
3748 }
50 function setDefaultOpenProjectOption(code)
51 {
52 for (var i = 0; i < choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.model.count; ++i)
53 {
54 if (choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.model.get(i).code == code)
55 {
56 choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.currentIndex = i
57 break;
58 }
59 }
60 }
3962 function reset()
4063 {
4164 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("general/language")
4265 var defaultLanguage = UM.Preferences.getValue("general/language")
4366 setDefaultLanguage(defaultLanguage)
68 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("general/theme")
69 var defaultTheme = UM.Preferences.getValue("general/theme")
70 setDefaultTheme(defaultTheme)
4572 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("physics/automatic_push_free")
4673 pushFreeCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"))
5683 showOverhangCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/show_overhang"))
5784 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/center_on_select");
5885 centerOnSelectCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/center_on_select"))
86 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/invert_zoom");
87 invertZoomCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/invert_zoom"))
5988 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/top_layer_count");
6089 topLayerCountCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/top_layer_count"))
6291 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("cura/choice_on_profile_override")
6392 setDefaultDiscardOrKeepProfile(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override"))
94 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("cura/choice_on_open_project")
95 setDefaultOpenProjectOption(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project"))
6597 if (plugins.find("id", "SliceInfoPlugin") > -1) {
6698 UM.Preferences.resetPreference("info/send_slice_info")
77109 width: parent.width
78110 height: parent.height
112 flickableItem.flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick;
80114 Column
81115 {
82116 //: Model used to check if a plugin exists
91125 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Interface")
92126 }
94 Row
95 {
96 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
128 GridLayout
129 {
130 id: interfaceGrid
131 columns: 4
97133 Label
98134 {
99135 id: languageLabel
115151 append({ text: "Suomi", code: "fi" })
116152 append({ text: "Français", code: "fr" })
117153 append({ text: "Italiano", code: "it" })
154 //append({ text: "日本語", code: "jp" })
155 //append({ text: "한국어", code: "ko" })
118156 append({ text: "Nederlands", code: "nl" })
119157 append({ text: "Português do Brasil", code: "ptbr" })
120158 append({ text: "Русский", code: "ru" })
154192 {
155193 id: currencyLabel
156194 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Currency:")
157 anchors.verticalCenter: languageComboBox.verticalCenter
158 }
195 anchors.verticalCenter: currencyField.verticalCenter
196 }
159198 TextField
160199 {
161200 id: currencyField
162201 text: UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/currency")
163202 onTextChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/currency", text)
164203 }
165 }
167 Label
205 Label
206 {
207 id: themeLabel
208 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Theme:")
209 anchors.verticalCenter: themeComboBox.verticalCenter
210 }
212 ComboBox
213 {
214 id: themeComboBox
216 model: ListModel
217 {
218 id: themeList
220 Component.onCompleted: {
221 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Ultimaker"), code: "cura" })
222 }
223 }
225 currentIndex:
226 {
227 var code = UM.Preferences.getValue("general/theme");
228 for(var i = 0; i < themeList.count; ++i)
229 {
230 if(model.get(i).code == code)
231 {
232 return i
233 }
234 }
235 }
236 onActivated: UM.Preferences.setValue("general/theme", model.get(index).code)
238 Component.onCompleted:
239 {
240 // Because ListModel is stupid and does not allow using qsTr() for values.
241 for(var i = 0; i < themeList.count; ++i)
242 {
243 themeList.setProperty(i, "text", catalog.i18n(themeList.get(i).text));
244 }
246 // Glorious hack time. ComboBox does not update the text properly after changing the
247 // model. So change the indices around to force it to update.
248 currentIndex += 1;
249 currentIndex -= 1;
250 }
252 }
253 }
258 Label
168259 {
169260 id: languageCaption
171262 //: Language change warning
172 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect.")
263 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "You will need to restart the application for these changes to have effect.")
173264 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
174265 font.italic: true
175266 }
191282 CheckBox
192283 {
193284 id: autoSliceCheckbox
195285 checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("general/auto_slice"))
196286 onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("general/auto_slice", checked)
198288 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Slice automatically");
199289 }
200290 }
202292 Item
203293 {
204294 //: Spacer
233323 UM.TooltipArea {
234324 width: childrenRect.width;
235325 height: childrenRect.height;
236 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected")
326 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when a model is selected")
238328 CheckBox
239329 {
246336 }
248338 UM.TooltipArea {
339 width: childrenRect.width;
340 height: childrenRect.height;
341 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?")
343 CheckBox
344 {
345 id: invertZoomCheckbox
346 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Invert the direction of camera zoom.");
347 checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/invert_zoom"))
348 onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("view/invert_zoom", checked)
349 }
350 }
352 UM.TooltipArea {
249353 width: childrenRect.width
250354 height: childrenRect.height
251355 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?")
370474 text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Show summary dialog when saving project")
371475 checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/dialog_on_project_save"))
372476 onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/dialog_on_project_save", checked)
477 }
478 }
480 UM.TooltipArea {
481 width: childrenRect.width
482 height: childrenRect.height
483 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Default behavior when opening a project file")
485 Column
486 {
487 spacing: 4
489 Label
490 {
491 text: catalog.i18nc("@window:text", "Default behavior when opening a project file: ")
492 }
494 ComboBox
495 {
496 id: choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton
497 width: 200
499 model: ListModel
500 {
501 id: openProjectOptionModel
503 Component.onCompleted: {
504 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always ask"), code: "always_ask" })
505 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always open as a project"), code: "open_as_project" })
506 append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always import models"), code: "open_as_model" })
507 }
508 }
510 currentIndex:
511 {
512 var index = 0;
513 var currentChoice = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project");
514 for (var i = 0; i < model.count; ++i)
515 {
516 if (model.get(i).code == currentChoice)
517 {
518 index = i;
519 break;
520 }
521 }
522 return index;
523 }
525 onActivated: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_open_project", model.get(index).code)
526 }
373527 }
374528 }
4242 {
4343 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Add");
4444 iconName: "list-add";
45 onClicked: Printer.requestAddPrinter()
45 onClicked: CuraApplication.requestAddPrinter()
4646 },
4747 Button
4848 {
6565 visible: base.currentItem != null
6666 anchors.fill: parent
68 Label
68 Text
6969 {
7070 id: machineName
7171 text: base.currentItem && ? : ""
111111 {
112112 id: actionDialog
113113 property var content
114 minimumWidth: 350 * Screen.devicePixelRatio;
115 minimumHeight: 350 * Screen.devicePixelRatio;
114 minimumWidth: 350
115 minimumHeight: 350
116116 onContentChanged:
117117 {
118118 contents = content;
145145 property var connectedPrinter: printerConnected ? Cura.MachineManager.printerOutputDevices[0] : null
146146 property bool printerAcceptsCommands: printerConnected && Cura.MachineManager.printerOutputDevices[0].acceptsCommands
148 Label
148 Text
149149 {
150150 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Printer type:")
151151 visible: base.currentItem && "definition_name" in base.currentItem.metadata
152152 }
153 Label {
153 Text
154 {
154155 text: (base.currentItem && "definition_name" in base.currentItem.metadata) ? base.currentItem.metadata.definition_name : ""
155156 }
156 Label
157 Text
157158 {
158159 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Connection:")
159160 visible: base.currentItem && == Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
160161 }
161 Label {
162 Text
163 {
162164 width: parent.width * 0.7
163165 text: machineInfo.printerConnected ? machineInfo.connectedPrinter.connectionText : catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "The printer is not connected.")
164166 visible: base.currentItem && == Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
165167 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
166168 }
167 Label
169 Text
168170 {
169171 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "State:")
170172 visible: base.currentItem && == Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId && machineInfo.printerAcceptsCommands
216218 Component.onCompleted:
217219 {
218 for (var component in Printer.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"]) {
219 Printer.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"][component].parent = additionalComponentsColumn
220 for (var component in CuraApplication.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"]) {
221 CuraApplication.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"][component].parent = additionalComponentsColumn
220222 }
221223 }
222224 }
226228 onAdditionalComponentsChanged:
227229 {
228230 if(areaId == "machinesDetailPane") {
229 for (var component in Printer.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"]) {
230 Printer.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"][component].parent = additionalComponentsColumn
231 for (var component in CuraApplication.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"]) {
232 CuraApplication.additionalComponents["machinesDetailPane"][component].parent = additionalComponentsColumn
231233 }
232234 }
233235 }
254256 UM.RenameDialog
255257 {
256258 id: renameDialog;
259 width: 300
260 height: 150
257261 object: base.currentItem && ? : "";
258262 property var machine_name_validator: Cura.MachineNameValidator { }
259263 validName: renameDialog.newName.match(renameDialog.machine_name_validator.machineNameRegex) != null;
2323 property double spoolLength: calculateSpoolLength()
2424 property real costPerMeter: calculateCostPerMeter()
26 property bool reevaluateLinkedMaterials: false
27 property string linkedMaterialNames:
28 {
29 if (reevaluateLinkedMaterials)
30 {
31 reevaluateLinkedMaterials = false;
32 }
33 if(!base.containerId || !base.editingEnabled)
34 {
35 return ""
36 }
37 var linkedMaterials = Cura.ContainerManager.getLinkedMaterials(base.containerId);
38 return linkedMaterials.join(", ");
39 }
2641 Tab
2742 {
2843 title: catalog.i18nc("@title","Information")
30 anchors
31 {
32 leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
33 topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
34 bottomMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
35 rightMargin: 0
36 }
45 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
3847 ScrollView
3948 {
49 id: scrollView
4050 anchors.fill: parent
4151 horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
4252 flickableItem.flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
53 frameVisible: true
55 property real columnWidth: Math.floor(viewport.width * 0.5) - UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
4457 Flow
4558 {
4659 id: containerGrid
48 width: base.width;
50 property real rowHeight: textField.height;
52 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Display Name") }
61 x: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
62 y: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
64 width: base.width
65 property real rowHeight: textField.height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
67 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Display Name") }
5368 ReadOnlyTextField
5469 {
5570 id: displayNameTextField;
56 width: base.secondColumnWidth;
71 width: scrollView.columnWidth;
5772 text:;
5873 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled;
5974 onEditingFinished: base.setName(, text)
6075 }
62 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Brand") }
77 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Brand") }
6378 ReadOnlyTextField
6479 {
6580 id: textField;
66 width: base.secondColumnWidth;
81 width: scrollView.columnWidth;
6782 text: properties.supplier;
6883 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled;
69 onEditingFinished: base.setMetaDataEntry("brand", properties.supplier, text)
70 }
72 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Material Type") }
84 onEditingFinished:
85 {
86 base.setMetaDataEntry("brand", properties.supplier, text);
87 pane.objectList.currentIndex = pane.getIndexById(base.containerId);
88 }
89 }
91 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Material Type") }
7392 ReadOnlyTextField
7493 {
75 width: base.secondColumnWidth;
94 width: scrollView.columnWidth;
7695 text: properties.material_type;
7796 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled;
78 onEditingFinished: base.setMetaDataEntry("material", properties.material_type, text)
79 }
81 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Color") }
97 onEditingFinished:
98 {
99 base.setMetaDataEntry("material", properties.material_type, text);
100 pane.objectList.currentIndex = pane.getIndexById(base.containerId)
101 }
102 }
104 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Color") }
83106 Row
84107 {
85 width: base.secondColumnWidth;
108 width: scrollView.columnWidth;
86109 height: parent.rowHeight;
87110 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width/2
115138 Label { width: parent.width; height: parent.rowHeight; font.bold: true; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Properties") }
117 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Density") }
140 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Density") }
118141 ReadOnlySpinBox
119142 {
120143 id: densitySpinBox
121 width: base.secondColumnWidth
144 width: scrollView.columnWidth
122145 value: properties.density
123146 decimals: 2
124147 suffix: " g/cm³"
129152 onValueChanged: updateCostPerMeter()
130153 }
132 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Diameter") }
155 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Diameter") }
133156 ReadOnlySpinBox
134157 {
135158 id: diameterSpinBox
136 width: base.secondColumnWidth
159 width: scrollView.columnWidth
137160 value: properties.diameter
138161 decimals: 2
139162 suffix: " mm"
140163 stepSize: 0.01
141164 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled
143 onEditingFinished: base.setMetaDataEntry("properties/diameter", properties.diameter, value)
166 onEditingFinished:
167 {
168 // This does not use a SettingPropertyProvider, because we need to make the change to all containers
169 // which derive from the same base_file
170 base.setMetaDataEntry("approximate_diameter", properties.approximate_diameter, Math.round(value).toString());
171 base.setMetaDataEntry("properties/diameter", properties.diameter, value);
172 Cura.ContainerManager.setContainerProperty(base.containerId, "material_diameter", "value", value);
173 }
144174 onValueChanged: updateCostPerMeter()
145175 }
147 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament Cost") }
177 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament Cost") }
148178 SpinBox
149179 {
150180 id: spoolCostSpinBox
151 width: base.secondColumnWidth
181 width: scrollView.columnWidth
152182 value: base.getMaterialPreferenceValue(properties.guid, "spool_cost")
153183 prefix: base.currency + " "
154184 decimals: 2
160190 }
161191 }
163 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament weight") }
193 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament weight") }
164194 SpinBox
165195 {
166196 id: spoolWeightSpinBox
167 width: base.secondColumnWidth
197 width: scrollView.columnWidth
168198 value: base.getMaterialPreferenceValue(properties.guid, "spool_weight")
169199 suffix: " g"
170200 stepSize: 100
177207 }
178208 }
180 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament length") }
210 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Filament length") }
181211 Label
182212 {
183 width: base.secondColumnWidth
213 width: scrollView.columnWidth
184214 text: "~ %1 m".arg(Math.round(base.spoolLength))
185215 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
186216 height: parent.rowHeight
187217 }
189 Label { width: base.firstColumnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Cost per Meter") }
219 Label { width: scrollView.columnWidth; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Cost per Meter") }
190220 Label
191221 {
192 width: base.secondColumnWidth
222 width: scrollView.columnWidth
193223 text: "~ %1 %2/m".arg(base.costPerMeter.toFixed(2)).arg(base.currency)
194224 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
195225 height: parent.rowHeight
196226 }
228 Item { width: parent.width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height; visible: unlinkMaterialButton.visible }
229 Label
230 {
231 width: 2 * scrollView.columnWidth
232 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
233 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "This material is linked to %1 and shares some of its properties.").arg(base.linkedMaterialNames)
234 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
235 visible: unlinkMaterialButton.visible
236 }
237 Button
238 {
239 id: unlinkMaterialButton
240 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Unlink Material")
241 visible: base.linkedMaterialNames != ""
242 onClicked:
243 {
244 Cura.ContainerManager.unlinkMaterial(base.containerId)
245 base.reevaluateLinkedMaterials = true
246 }
247 }
198249 Item { width: parent.width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
200251 Label { width: parent.width; height: parent.rowHeight; verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter; text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Description") }
202253 ReadOnlyTextArea
203254 {
204255 text: properties.description;
205 width: base.firstColumnWidth + base.secondColumnWidth
256 width: 2 * scrollView.columnWidth
206257 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
208259 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled;
215266 ReadOnlyTextArea
216267 {
217268 text: properties.adhesion_info;
218 width: base.firstColumnWidth + base.secondColumnWidth
269 width: 2 * scrollView.columnWidth
219270 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
221272 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled;
223274 onEditingFinished: base.setMetaDataEntry("adhesion_info", properties.adhesion_info, text)
224275 }
277 Item { width: parent.width; height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height }
225278 }
227280 function updateCostPerMeter()
265318 {
266319 id: label
267320 width: base.firstColumnWidth;
268 height: spinBox.height
321 height: spinBox.height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").height
269322 text: model.label
323 elide: Text.ElideRight
324 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
270325 }
271326 ReadOnlySpinBox
272327 {
273328 id: spinBox
274329 anchors.left: label.right
275 value: parseFloat(;
276 width: base.secondColumnWidth;
330 value: {
331 if (!isNaN(parseFloat(
332 {
333 return parseFloat(;
334 }
335 if (!isNaN(parseFloat(
336 {
337 return parseFloat(;
338 }
339 return 0;
340 }
341 width: base.secondColumnWidth
277342 readOnly: !base.editingEnabled
278 suffix: model.unit
343 suffix: " " + model.unit
279344 maximumValue: 99999
280345 decimals: model.unit == "mm" ? 2 : 0
282 onEditingFinished: provider.setPropertyValue("value", value)
283 }
285 UM.ContainerPropertyProvider { id: provider; containerId: base.containerId; watchedProperties: [ "value" ]; key: model.key }
347 onEditingFinished: materialPropertyProvider.setPropertyValue("value", value)
348 }
350 UM.ContainerPropertyProvider { id: materialPropertyProvider; containerId: base.containerId; watchedProperties: [ "value" ]; key: model.key }
351 UM.ContainerPropertyProvider { id: machinePropertyProvider; containerId: Cura.MachineManager.activeDefinitionId; watchedProperties: [ "value" ]; key: model.key }
286352 }
287353 }
288354 }
368434 Cura.ContainerManager.setContainerName(base.containerId, new_value);
369435 // update material name label. not so pretty, but it works
370436 = new_value;
437 pane.objectList.currentIndex = pane.getIndexById(base.containerId)
371438 }
372439 }
373440 }
1414 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:tab", "Materials");
16 Component.onCompleted:
17 {
18 // Workaround to make sure all of the items are visible
19 objectList.positionViewAtBeginning();
20 }
1622 model: UM.InstanceContainersModel
1723 {
1824 filter:
1925 {
20 var result = { "type": "material" }
26 var result = { "type": "material", "approximate_diameter": Math.round( }
2127 if(Cura.MachineManager.filterMaterialsByMachine)
2228 {
2329 result.definition = Cura.MachineManager.activeQualityDefinitionId;
8086 anchors.fill: parent;
8187 onClicked:
8288 {
89 forceActiveFocus();
8390 if(!parent.ListView.isCurrentItem)
8491 {
8592 parent.ListView.view.currentIndex = index;
9097 }
9299 activeId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMaterialId
93 activeIndex: {
100 activeIndex: getIndexById(activeId)
101 function getIndexById(material_id)
102 {
94103 for(var i = 0; i < model.rowCount(); i++) {
95 if (model.getItem(i).id == Cura.MachineManager.activeMaterialId) {
104 if (model.getItem(i).id == material_id) {
96105 return i;
97106 }
98107 }
135144 },
136145 Button
137146 {
147 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Create")
148 iconName: "list-add"
149 onClicked:
150 {
151 var material_id = Cura.ContainerManager.createMaterial()
152 if(material_id == "")
153 {
154 return
155 }
156 if(Cura.MachineManager.hasMaterials)
157 {
158 Cura.MachineManager.setActiveMaterial(material_id)
159 }
160 base.objectList.currentIndex = base.getIndexById(material_id);
161 }
162 },
163 Button
164 {
138165 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Duplicate");
139166 iconName: "list-add";
140167 enabled: base.currentItem != null
151178 {
152179 Cura.MachineManager.setActiveMaterial(material_id)
153180 }
181 base.objectList.currentIndex = base.getIndexById(material_id);
154182 }
155183 },
156184 Button
206234 properties: materialProperties
207235 containerId: base.currentItem != null ? : ""
237 property alias pane: base
208238 }
210240 QtObject
223253 property real density: 0.0;
224254 property real diameter: 0.0;
255 property string approximate_diameter: "0";
226257 property real spool_cost: 0.0;
227258 property real spool_weight: 0.0;
249280 for(var i in containers)
250281 {
251282 Cura.ContainerManager.removeContainer(containers[i])
283 }
284 if(base.objectList.currentIndex > 0)
285 {
286 base.objectList.currentIndex--;
252287 }
253288 currentItem = base.model.getItem(base.objectList.currentIndex) // Refresh the current item.
254289 }
326361 id: messageDialog
327362 }
364 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
365 {
366 id: materialDiameterProvider
368 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
369 key: "material_diameter"
370 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
371 }
329373 UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog; name: "cura"; }
330374 SystemPalette { id: palette }
331375 }
353397 {
354398 materialProperties.density = ? : 0.0;
355399 materialProperties.diameter = ? : 0.0;
400 materialProperties.approximate_diameter = currentItem.metadata.approximate_diameter ? currentItem.metadata.approximate_diameter : "0";
356401 }
357402 else
358403 {
359404 materialProperties.density = 0.0;
360405 materialProperties.diameter = 0.0;
406 materialProperties.approximate_diameter = "0";
361407 }
363409 }
4444 }
4545 }
4646 }
48 Label
49 {
50 visible: base.readOnly
51 text: textArea.text
53 anchors.fill: parent
54 anchors.margins: textArea.__style ? textArea.__style.textMargin : 4
56 color: palette.buttonText
57 }
59 SystemPalette { id: palette }
6047 }
2626 height: childrenRect.height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height * 2
2727 color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_category")
29 Label
29 Text
3030 {
3131 id: connectedPrinterNameLabel
3232 text: connectedPrinter != null ? : catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "No printer connected")
3737 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
3838 }
39 Label
39 Text
4040 {
4141 id: connectedPrinterAddressLabel
4242 text: (connectedPrinter != null && connectedPrinter.address != null) ? connectedPrinter.address : ""
4646 anchors.right: parent.right
4747 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
4848 }
49 Label
49 Text
5050 {
5151 text: connectedPrinter != null ? connectedPrinter.connectionText : catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "The printer is not connected.")
5252 color: connectedPrinter != null && connectedPrinter.acceptsCommands ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_text")
8484 width: index == - 1 && index % 2 == 0 ? extrudersGrid.width : extrudersGrid.width / 2 - UM.Theme.getSize("sidebar_lining_thin").width / 2
8585 height: UM.Theme.getSize("sidebar_extruder_box").height
87 Label //Extruder name.
87 Text //Extruder name.
8888 {
8989 text: ExtruderManager.getExtruderName(index) != "" ? ExtruderManager.getExtruderName(index) : catalog.i18nc("@label", "Hotend")
9090 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
9494 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
9595 }
96 Label //Temperature indication.
96 Text //Temperature indication.
9797 {
9898 id: extruderTemperature
9999 text: (connectedPrinter != null && connectedPrinter.hotendIds[index] != null && connectedPrinter.hotendTemperatures[index] != null) ? Math.round(connectedPrinter.hotendTemperatures[index]) + "°C" : ""
160160 }
161161 }
162162 }
163 Label //Material name.
163 Text //Material name.
164164 {
165165 id: materialName
166166 text: (connectedPrinter != null && connectedPrinter.materialNames[index] != null && connectedPrinter.materialIds[index] != "") ? connectedPrinter.materialNames[index] : ""
192192 }
193193 }
194194 }
195 Label //Variant name.
195 Text //Variant name.
196196 {
197197 id: variantName
198198 text: (connectedPrinter != null && connectedPrinter.hotendIds[index] != null) ? connectedPrinter.hotendIds[index] : ""
243243 height: == "True" ? UM.Theme.getSize("sidebar_extruder_box").height : 0
244244 visible: == "True"
246 Label //Build plate label.
246 Text //Build plate label.
247247 {
248248 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Build plate")
249249 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
253253 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
254254 }
255 Label //Target temperature.
255 Text //Target temperature.
256256 {
257257 id: bedTargetTemperature
258258 text: connectedPrinter != null ? connectedPrinter.targetBedTemperature + "°C" : ""
284284 }
285285 }
286286 }
287 Label //Current temperature.
287 Text //Current temperature.
288288 {
289289 id: bedCurrentTemperature
290290 text: connectedPrinter != null ? connectedPrinter.bedTemperature + "°C" : ""
352352 color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_highlight")
353353 opacity: preheatTemperatureControl.hovered ? 1.0 : 0
354354 }
355 Label //Maximum temperature indication.
355 Text //Maximum temperature indication.
356356 {
357357 text: ( != "None" ? : "") + "°C"
358358 color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_unit")
451451 }
452452 }
453453 }
454 Label
454 Text
455455 {
456456 id: preheatCountdown
457457 text: connectedPrinter != null ? connectedPrinter.preheatBedRemainingTime : ""
545545 }
546546 }
548 Label
548 Text
549549 {
550550 id: actualLabel
551551 anchors.centerIn: parent
648648 sourceComponent: monitorItem
649649 property string label: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Estimated time left")
650650 property string value: connectedPrinter != null ? getPrettyTime(connectedPrinter.timeTotal - connectedPrinter.timeElapsed) : ""
651 visible: connectedPrinter != null && (connectedPrinter.jobState == "printing" || connectedPrinter.jobState == "resuming" || connectedPrinter.jobState == "pausing" || connectedPrinter.jobState == "paused")
651652 }
653654 Component
661662 anchors.left: parent.left
662663 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
664 Label
665 Text
665666 {
666667 width: parent.width * 0.4
667668 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
670671 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
671672 elide: Text.ElideRight
672673 }
673 Label
674 Text
674675 {
675676 width: parent.width * 0.6
676677 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
691692 width: base.width
692693 height: UM.Theme.getSize("section").height
694 Label
695 Text
695696 {
696697 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
697698 anchors.left: parent.left
1515 property int backendState: UM.Backend.state;
1717 property var backend: CuraApplication.getBackend();
18 property bool activity: Printer.platformActivity;
18 property bool activity: CuraApplication.platformActivity;
2020 property int totalHeight: childrenRect.height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
2121 property string fileBaseName
4343 }
4444 }
46 Label {
46 Text {
4747 id: statusLabel
4848 width: parent.width - 2 * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
7575 }
7676 }
78 // Shortcut for "save as/print/..."
79 Action {
80 shortcut: "Ctrl+P"
81 onTriggered:
82 {
83 // only work when the button is enabled
84 if (saveToButton.enabled) {
85 saveToButton.clicked();
86 }
87 }
88 }
7890 Item {
7991 id: saveRow
8092 width: base.width
97109 onAdditionalComponentsChanged:
98110 {
99111 if(areaId == "saveButton") {
100 for (var component in Printer.additionalComponents["saveButton"]) {
101 Printer.additionalComponents["saveButton"][component].parent = additionalComponentsRow
112 for (var component in CuraApplication.additionalComponents["saveButton"]) {
113 CuraApplication.additionalComponents["saveButton"][component].parent = additionalComponentsRow
102114 }
103115 }
104116 }
214226 text: UM.OutputDeviceManager.activeDeviceShortDescription
215227 onClicked:
216228 {
217 UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteToDevice(UM.OutputDeviceManager.activeDevice, PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": true })
229 UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteToDevice(UM.OutputDeviceManager.activeDevice, PrintInformation.jobName, { "filter_by_machine": true, "preferred_mimetype":Printer.preferredOutputMimetype })
218230 }
220232 style: ButtonStyle {
9494 value:
9595 {
9696 // FIXME this needs to go away once 'resolve' is combined with 'value' in our data model.
97 var value;
98 if ((base.resolve != "None") && (base.stackLevel != 0) && (base.stackLevel != 1)) {
97 var value = undefined;
98 if ((base.resolve != "None") && (base.stackLevel != 0) && (base.stackLevel != 1))
99 {
99100 // We have a resolve function. Indicates that the setting is not settable per extruder and that
100101 // we have to choose between the resolved value (default) and the global value
101102 // (if user has explicitly set this).
102103 value = base.resolve;
103 } else {
104 }
106 if (value == undefined)
107 {
104108 value =;
105109 }
1414 contents: ComboBox
1515 {
1616 id: control
17 anchors.fill: parent
18 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel
19 {
20 id: extruders_model
21 onModelChanged: control.color = extruders_model.getItem(control.currentIndex).color
22 }
23 property string color:
24 {
25 var model_color = extruders_model.getItem(control.currentIndex).color;
26 return (model_color) ? model_color : "";
27 }
19 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel { onModelChanged: control.color = getItem(control.currentIndex).color }
2921 textRole: "name"
31 anchors.fill: parent
32 onCurrentIndexChanged: updateCurrentColor();
23 onActivated:
24 {
25 forceActiveFocus();
26 propertyProvider.setPropertyValue("value", model.getItem(index).index);
27 }
29 currentIndex:
3431 MouseArea
3532 {
3633 anchors.fill: parent
3734 acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
3835 onWheel: wheel.accepted = true;
36 }
38 property string color: "#fff"
40 Binding
41 {
42 // We override the color property's value when the ExtruderModel changes. So we need to use an
43 // explicit binding here otherwise we do not handle value changes after the model changes.
44 target: control
45 property: "color"
46 value: control.currentText != "" ? control.model.getItem(control.currentIndex).color : ""
3947 }
4149 style: ComboBoxStyle
5866 }
5967 }
6068 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
61 border.color: !enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_border") : control.hovered ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border_highlight") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
69 border.color:
70 {
71 if(!enabled)
72 {
73 return UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_border");
74 }
75 if(control.hovered || base.activeFocus)
76 {
77 UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border_highlight")
78 }
80 return UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
81 }
6282 }
6383 label: Item
6484 {
6787 id: swatch
6888 height: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").height / 2
6989 width: height
70 anchors.left: parent.left
71 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
7291 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
93 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
94 border.color: enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_border")
7496 color: control.color
75 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
76 border.color: !enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_border") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
7797 }
7898 Label
7999 {
80 anchors.left: swatch.right
81 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
82 anchors.right: downArrow.left
83 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
84 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
100 anchors
101 {
102 left: swatch.right;
103 right: arrow.left;
104 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
105 margins: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
106 }
107 width: parent.width - swatch.width;
86109 text: control.currentText
87110 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
88 color: !enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_text") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text")
111 color: enabled ? UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text") : UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_disabled_text")
90113 elide: Text.ElideRight
91114 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
92115 }
94116 UM.RecolorImage
95117 {
96 id: downArrow
118 id: arrow
97119 anchors.right: parent.right
98 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width * 2
99120 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
101122 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("arrow_bottom")
108129 }
109130 }
110131 }
112 onActivated:
113 {
114 forceActiveFocus();
115 propertyProvider.setPropertyValue("value", extruders_model.getItem(index).index);
116 control.color = extruders_model.getItem(index).color;
117 }
119 onModelChanged: updateCurrentIndex();
121 Binding
122 {
123 target: control
124 property: "currentIndex"
125 value:
126 {
127 for(var i = 0; i < extruders_model.rowCount(); ++i)
128 {
129 if(extruders_model.getItem(i).index ==
130 {
131 return i;
132 }
133 }
134 return -1;
135 }
136 }
138 // In some cases we want to update the current color without updating the currentIndex, so it's a seperate function.
139 function updateCurrentColor()
140 {
141 for(var i = 0; i < extruders_model.rowCount(); ++i)
142 {
143 if(extruders_model.getItem(i).index == currentIndex)
144 {
145 control.color = extruders_model.getItem(i).color;
146 return;
147 }
148 }
149 }
151 function updateCurrentIndex()
152 {
153 for(var i = 0; i < extruders_model.rowCount(); ++i)
154 {
155 if(extruders_model.getItem(i).index ==
156 {
157 control.currentIndex = i;
158 return;
159 }
160 }
161 currentIndex = -1;
162 }
163132 }
164133 }
139139 {
140140 id: linkedSettingIcon;
142 visible: Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId != Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId && (!definition.settable_per_extruder || definition.limit_to_extruder != "-1") && base.showLinkedSettingIcon
142 visible: Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId != Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId && (!definition.settable_per_extruder || != "-1") && base.showLinkedSettingIcon
144144 height: parent.height;
145145 width: height;
9898 selectByMouse: true;
100 maximumLength: (definition.type == "[int]") ? 20 : 10;
100 maximumLength: (definition.type == "[int]") ? 20 : (definition.type == "str") ? -1 : 10;
102 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: (definition.type == "[int]") ? /^\[?(\s*-?[0-9]{0,9}\s*,)*(\s*-?[0-9]{0,9})\s*\]?$/ : (definition.type == "int") ? /^-?[0-9]{0,10}$/ : /^-?[0-9]{0,9}[.,]?[0-9]{0,10}$/ } // definition.type property from parent loader used to disallow fractional number entry
102 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: (definition.type == "[int]") ? /^\[?(\s*-?[0-9]{0,9}\s*,)*(\s*-?[0-9]{0,9})\s*\]?$/ : (definition.type == "int") ? /^-?[0-9]{0,10}$/ : (definition.type == "float") ? /^-?[0-9]{0,9}[.,]?[0-9]{0,10}$/ : /^.*$/ } // definition.type property from parent loader used to disallow fractional number entry
104104 Binding
105105 {
1717 signal showTooltip(Item item, point location, string text);
1818 signal hideTooltip();
20 function toggleFilterField()
21 {
22 filterContainer.visible = !filterContainer.visible
23 if(filterContainer.visible)
24 {
25 filter.forceActiveFocus();
26 }
27 else
28 {
29 filter.text = "";
30 }
31 }
3320 Rectangle
3421 {
3522 id: filterContainer
36 visible: false
23 visible: true
3825 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
3926 border.color:
6956 anchors.right: clearFilterButton.left
7057 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
72 placeholderText: catalog.i18nc("@label:textbox", "Filter...")
59 placeholderText: catalog.i18nc("@label:textbox", "Search...")
7461 style: TextFieldStyle
7562 {
166153 id: definitionsModel;
167154 containerId: Cura.MachineManager.activeDefinitionId
168155 visibilityHandler: UM.SettingPreferenceVisibilityHandler { }
169 exclude: ["machine_settings", "command_line_settings", "infill_mesh", "infill_mesh_order", "support_mesh", "anti_overhang_mesh"] // TODO: infill_mesh settigns are excluded hardcoded, but should be based on the fact that settable_globally, settable_per_meshgroup and settable_per_extruder are false.
170 expanded: Printer.expandedCategories
156 exclude: ["machine_settings", "command_line_settings", "infill_mesh", "infill_mesh_order", "cutting_mesh", "support_mesh", "anti_overhang_mesh"] // TODO: infill_mesh settigns are excluded hardcoded, but should be based on the fact that settable_globally, settable_per_meshgroup and settable_per_extruder are false.
157 expanded: CuraApplication.expandedCategories
171158 onExpandedChanged:
172159 {
173160 if(!findingSettings)
174161 {
175162 // Do not change expandedCategories preference while filtering settings
176163 // because all categories are expanded while filtering
177 Printer.setExpandedCategories(expanded)
164 CuraApplication.setExpandedCategories(expanded)
178165 }
179166 }
180167 onVisibilityChanged: Cura.SettingInheritanceManager.forceUpdate()
191178 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 100 } }
192179 enabled:
193180 {
194 if(!ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId && ExtruderManager.extruderCount > 0)
181 if(!ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId && > 1)
195182 {
196183 // disable all controls on the global tab, except categories
197184 return model.type == "category"
331331 }
332332 }
334 Label {
334 Text {
335335 id: settingsModeLabel
336336 text: !hideSettings ? catalog.i18nc("@label:listbox", "Print Setup") : catalog.i18nc("@label:listbox","Print Setup disabled\nG-code files cannot be modified");
337337 anchors.left: parent.left
348348 Rectangle {
349349 id: settingsModeSelection
350 color: "transparent"
350351 width: parent.width * 0.55
351352 height: UM.Theme.getSize("sidebar_header_mode_toggle").height
352353 anchors.right: parent.right
361362 anchors.left: parent.left
362363 anchors.leftMargin: model.index * (settingsModeSelection.width / 2)
363364 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
364 width: 0.5 * parent.width - (model.showFilterButton ? toggleFilterButton.width : 0)
365 width: 0.5 * parent.width
365366 text: model.text
366367 exclusiveGroup: modeMenuGroup;
367368 checkable: true;
406407 }
407408 }
408409 ExclusiveGroup { id: modeMenuGroup; }
409 ListView{
410 id: modesList
411 property var index: 0
412 model: modesListModel
413 delegate: wizardDelegate
415 anchors.left: parent.left
416 width: parent.width
417 }
418 }
420 Button
421 {
422 id: toggleFilterButton
424 anchors.right: parent.right
425 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
426 headerSeparator.bottom
427 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
429 height: settingsModeSelection.height
430 width: visible ? height : 0
432 visible: !monitoringPrint && !hideSettings && modesListModel.get(base.currentModeIndex) != undefined && modesListModel.get(base.currentModeIndex).showFilterButton
433 opacity: visible ? 1 : 0
435 onClicked: sidebarContents.currentItem.toggleFilterField()
437 style: ButtonStyle
438 {
439 background: Rectangle
440 {
441 border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
442 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("toggle_checked_border")
443 color: visible ? UM.Theme.getColor("toggle_checked") : UM.Theme.getColor("toggle_hovered")
444 Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 50; } }
445 }
446 label: UM.RecolorImage
447 {
448 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
449 anchors.right: parent.right
450 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width / 2
452 source: UM.Theme.getIcon("search")
453 color: UM.Theme.getColor("toggle_checked_text")
411 Label
412 {
413 id: toggleLeftText
414 anchors.right: modeToggleSwitch.left
415 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
416 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
417 text: ""
418 color:
419 {
420 if(toggleLeftTextMouseArea.containsMouse)
421 {
422 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text_hover");
423 }
424 else if(!modeToggleSwitch.checked)
425 {
426 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text_checked");
427 }
428 else
429 {
430 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text");
431 }
432 }
433 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
435 MouseArea
436 {
437 id: toggleLeftTextMouseArea
438 hoverEnabled: true
439 anchors.fill: parent
440 onClicked:
441 {
442 modeToggleSwitch.checked = false;
443 }
445 Component.onCompleted:
446 {
447 clicked.connect(modeToggleSwitch.clicked)
448 }
449 }
450 }
452 Switch
453 {
454 id: modeToggleSwitch
455 checked: false
456 anchors.right: toggleRightText.left
457 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
458 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
460 property bool _hovered: modeToggleSwitchMouseArea.containsMouse || toggleLeftTextMouseArea.containsMouse || toggleRightTextMouseArea.containsMouse
462 MouseArea
463 {
464 id: modeToggleSwitchMouseArea
465 anchors.fill: parent
466 hoverEnabled: true
467 acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
468 }
470 onCheckedChanged:
471 {
472 var index = 0;
473 if (checked)
474 {
475 index = 1;
476 }
477 updateActiveMode(index);
478 }
480 function updateActiveMode(index)
481 {
482 base.currentModeIndex = index;
483 UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/active_mode", index);
484 }
486 style: UM.Theme.styles.mode_switch
487 }
489 Label
490 {
491 id: toggleRightText
492 anchors.right: parent.right
493 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
494 text: ""
495 color:
496 {
497 if(toggleRightTextMouseArea.containsMouse)
498 {
499 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text_hover");
500 }
501 else if(modeToggleSwitch.checked)
502 {
503 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text_checked");
504 }
505 else
506 {
507 return UM.Theme.getColor("mode_switch_text");
508 }
509 }
510 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
512 MouseArea
513 {
514 id: toggleRightTextMouseArea
515 hoverEnabled: true
516 anchors.fill: parent
517 onClicked:
518 {
519 modeToggleSwitch.checked = true;
520 }
522 Component.onCompleted:
523 {
524 clicked.connect(modeToggleSwitch.clicked)
525 }
454526 }
455527 }
456528 }
569641 modesListModel.append({
570642 text: catalog.i18nc("@title:tab", "Recommended"),
571643 tooltipText: catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "<b>Recommended Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with the recommended settings for the selected printer, material and quality."),
572 item: sidebarSimple,
573 showFilterButton: false
644 item: sidebarSimple
574645 })
575646 modesListModel.append({
576647 text: catalog.i18nc("@title:tab", "Custom"),
577648 tooltipText: catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "<b>Custom Print Setup</b><br/><br/>Print with finegrained control over every last bit of the slicing process."),
578 item: sidebarAdvanced,
579 showFilterButton: true
649 item: sidebarAdvanced
580650 })
581651 sidebarContents.push({ "item": modesListModel.get(base.currentModeIndex).item, "immediate": true });
583 var index = parseInt(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/active_mode"))
584 if(index)
653 toggleLeftText.text = modesListModel.get(0).text;
654 toggleRightText.text = modesListModel.get(1).text;
656 var index = parseInt(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/active_mode"));
657 if (index)
585658 {
586659 currentModeIndex = index;
660 modeToggleSwitch.checked = index > 0;
587661 }
588662 }
606680 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
607681 storeIndex: 0
608682 }
609 }
683 }
0 // Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
0 // Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
11 // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
33 import QtQuick 2.2
127127 border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_border")
128128 }
130 Label
130 Text
131131 {
132132 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
133133 anchors.left: swatch.visible ? swatch.right : parent.left
158158 visible: !extruderSelectionRow.visible
159159 }
161 Row
161 Item
162162 {
163163 id: variantRow
165165 height: UM.Theme.getSize("sidebar_setup").height
166166 visible: (Cura.MachineManager.hasVariants || Cura.MachineManager.hasMaterials) && !sidebar.monitoringPrint && !sidebar.hideSettings
173173 rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
174174 }
176 Label
176 Text
177177 {
178178 id: variantLabel
179 width: parent.width * 0.30
181 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
182 anchors.left: variantRow.left
184 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default");
185 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text");
179187 text:
180188 {
181189 var label;
193201 }
194202 return "%1:".arg(label);
195203 }
204 }
206 Button
207 {
208 id: materialInfoButton
209 height: parent.height * 0.60
210 width: height
212 anchors.right: materialVariantContainer.left
213 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
197214 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
198 width: parent.width * 0.45 - UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
199 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default");
200 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text");
216 visible: extrudersList.visible
218 text: "i"
219 style: UM.Theme.styles.info_button
221 onClicked:
222 {
223 // open the material URL with web browser
224 var version = UM.Application.version;
225 var machineName =;
227 var url = "" + version + "/" + machineName;
228 Qt.openUrlExternally(url);
229 }
231 onHoveredChanged:
232 {
233 if (hovered)
234 {
235 var content = catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Click to check the material compatibility on");
236 base.showTooltip(
237 extruderSelectionRow, Qt.point(0, extruderSelectionRow.height + variantRow.height / 2), catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", content)
238 );
239 }
240 else
241 {
242 base.hideTooltip();
243 }
244 }
201245 }
203247 Item
204248 {
249 id: materialVariantContainer
205251 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
252 anchors.right: parent.right
207254 width: parent.width * 0.55 + UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
208255 height: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").height
271318 }
274 Label
321 Text
275322 {
276323 id: globalProfileLabel
277324 text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Profile:");
1818 property Action configureSettings;
1919 property variant minimumPrintTime: PrintInformation.minimumPrintTime;
2020 property variant maximumPrintTime: PrintInformation.maximumPrintTime;
21 property bool settingsEnabled: ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId || ExtruderManager.extruderCount == 0
21 property bool settingsEnabled: ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId || == 1
2323 Component.onCompleted: PrintInformation.enabled = true
2424 Component.onDestruction: PrintInformation.enabled = false
2929 id: infillCellLeft
3131 anchors.left: parent.left
32 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
3233 width: base.width * .45 - UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
3334 height: childrenRect.height
35 Label
36 Text
3637 {
3738 id: infillLabel
3839 //: Infill selection label
4647 }
4748 }
49 Flow
50 Row
5051 {
5152 id: infillCellRight
5354 height: childrenRect.height;
5455 width: base.width * .55
5557 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
5759 anchors.left: infillCellLeft.right
6264 id: infillListView
6365 property int activeIndex:
6466 {
65 var density = parseInt(
67 var density = parseInt(;
68 var steps = parseInt(;
6669 for(var i = 0; i < infillModel.count; ++i)
6770 {
68 if(density > infillModel.get(i).percentageMin && density <= infillModel.get(i).percentageMax )
71 if(density > infillModel.get(i).percentageMin && density <= infillModel.get(i).percentageMax && steps > infillModel.get(i).stepsMin && steps <= infillModel.get(i).stepsMax)
6972 {
7073 return i;
7174 }
8487 {
8588 id: infillIconLining
87 width: (infillCellRight.width - 3 * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width) / 4;
90 width: (infillCellRight.width - ((infillModel.count - 1) * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width)) / (infillModel.count);
8891 height: width
9093 border.color:
121124 {
122125 id: infillIcon
123126 anchors.fill: parent;
124 anchors.margins: UM.Theme.getSize("infill_button_margin").width
127 anchors.margins: 2
126129 sourceSize.width: width
127130 sourceSize.height: width
149152 if (infillListView.activeIndex != index)
150153 {
151154 infillDensity.setPropertyValue("value", model.percentage)
155 infillSteps.setPropertyValue("value", model.steps)
152156 }
153157 }
154158 onEntered:
161165 }
162166 }
163167 }
164 Label
168 Text
165169 {
166170 id: infillLabel
171 width: (infillCellRight.width - ((infillModel.count - 1) * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width)) / (infillModel.count);
172 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
173 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
174 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
167175 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
168176 infillIconLining.bottom
169177 anchors.horizontalCenter: infillIconLining.horizontalCenter
180188 Component.onCompleted:
181189 {
182190 infillModel.append({
183 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Hollow"),
191 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "0%"),
184192 percentage: 0,
193 steps: 0,
185194 percentageMin: -1,
186195 percentageMax: 0,
187 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "No (0%) infill will leave your model hollow at the cost of low strength"),
196 stepsMin: -1,
197 stepsMax: 0,
198 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Empty infill will leave your model hollow with low strength."),
188199 icon: "hollow"
189200 })
190201 infillModel.append({
191 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Light"),
202 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "20%"),
192203 percentage: 20,
204 steps: 0,
193205 percentageMin: 0,
194206 percentageMax: 30,
195 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength"),
207 stepsMin: -1,
208 stepsMax: 0,
209 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Light (20%) infill will give your model an average strength."),
196210 icon: "sparse"
197211 })
198212 infillModel.append({
199 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Dense"),
213 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "50%"),
200214 percentage: 50,
215 steps: 0,
201216 percentageMin: 30,
202217 percentageMax: 70,
203 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength"),
218 stepsMin: -1,
219 stepsMax: 0,
220 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Dense (50%) infill will give your model an above average strength."),
204221 icon: "dense"
205222 })
206223 infillModel.append({
207 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Solid"),
224 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "100%"),
208225 percentage: 100,
226 steps: 0,
209227 percentageMin: 70,
210 percentageMax: 100,
211 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid"),
228 percentageMax: 9999999999,
229 stepsMin: -1,
230 stepsMax: 0,
231 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Solid (100%) infill will make your model completely solid."),
212232 icon: "solid"
213233 })
234 infillModel.append({
235 name: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Gradual"),
236 percentage: 90,
237 steps: 5,
238 percentageMin: 0,
239 percentageMax: 9999999999,
240 stepsMin: 0,
241 stepsMax: 9999999999,
242 infill_layer_height: 1.5,
243 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Gradual infill will gradually increase the amount of infill towards the top."),
244 icon: "gradual"
245 })
214246 }
215247 }
216248 }
219251 {
220252 id: helpersCell
221253 infillCellRight.bottom
222 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
254 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height * 2
223255 anchors.left: parent.left
224256 anchors.right: parent.right
225257 height: childrenRect.height
227 Label
259 Text
228260 {
229261 id: enableSupportLabel
230262 anchors.left: parent.left
231263 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
232264 anchors.verticalCenter: enableSupportCheckBox.verticalCenter
233265 width: parent.width * .45 - 3 * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
234 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Enable Support");
266 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Generate Support");
235267 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default");
236268 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text");
237269 }
239271 CheckBox
240272 {
241273 id: enableSupportCheckBox
274 property alias _hovered: enableSupportMouseArea.containsMouse
243277 anchors.left: enableSupportLabel.right
244278 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
262296 onEntered:
263297 {
264298 base.showTooltip(enableSupportCheckBox, Qt.point(-enableSupportCheckBox.x, 0),
265 catalog.i18nc("@label", "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."));
299 catalog.i18nc("@label", "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."));
266300 }
267301 onExited:
268302 {
271305 }
272306 }
274 Label
308 Text
275309 {
276310 id: supportExtruderLabel
277311 visible: ( == "True") && ( > 1)
372406 }
374 Label
408 Text
375409 {
376410 id: adhesionHelperLabel
377411 anchors.left: parent.left
389423 property alias _hovered: adhesionMouseArea.containsMouse
391425 supportExtruderCombobox.bottom
392 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
426 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height * 2
393427 anchors.left: adhesionHelperLabel.right
394428 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
464498 {
465499 id: tipsCell
466500 helpersCell.bottom
467 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
501 anchors.topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height * 2
468502 anchors.left: parent.left
469503 width: parent.width
470504 height: childrenRect.height
472 Label
506 Text
473507 {
474508 anchors.left: parent.left
475509 anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
477511 anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
478512 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
479513 //: Tips label
480 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Need help improving your prints? Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>").arg("");
514 text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Need help improving your prints?<br>Read the <a href='%1'>Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guides</a>").arg("");
481515 font: UM.Theme.getFont("default");
482516 color: UM.Theme.getColor("text");
483517 linkColor: UM.Theme.getColor("text_link")
498532 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
499533 {
534 id: infillSteps
536 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeStackId
537 key: "gradual_infill_steps"
538 watchedProperties: [ "value" ]
539 storeIndex: 0
540 }
542 UM.SettingPropertyProvider
543 {
500544 id: platformAdhesionType
502546 containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
4242 base.opacity = 0;
4343 }
45 Label {
45 Text {
4646 id: label;
4747 anchors {
4848 top:;
55 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
66 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
8 import UM 1.0 as UM
8 import UM 1.2 as UM
9 import Cura 1.0 as Cura
10 Item {
11 Item
12 {
1113 id: base;
1315 width: buttons.width;
1416 height: buttons.height
1517 property int activeY
17 ColumnLayout {
19 Column
20 {
1821 id: buttons;
2023 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom;
2124 anchors.left: parent.left;
2225 spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("button_lining").width
24 Repeater {
27 Repeater
28 {
2529 id: repeat
2731 model: UM.ToolModel { }
29 Button {
33 Button
34 {
3035 text:
3136 iconSource: UM.Theme.getIcon(model.icon);
4449 }
4550 //Workaround since using ToolButton"s onClicked would break the binding of the checked property, instead
4651 //just catch the click so we do not trigger that behaviour.
47 MouseArea {
52 MouseArea
53 {
4854 anchors.fill: parent;
49 onClicked: {
55 onClicked:
56 {
5057 forceActiveFocus() //First grab focus, so all the text fields are updated
5158 if(parent.checked)
5259 {
6067 }
6168 }
6269 }
71 Item { height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height; width: 1; visible: extruders.count > 0 }
73 Repeater
74 {
75 id: extruders
76 model: Cura.ExtrudersModel { id: extrudersModel }
77 ExtruderButton { extruder: model }
78 }
6379 }
65 UM.PointingRectangle {
81 UM.PointingRectangle
82 {
6683 id: panelBorder;
6885 anchors.left: parent.right;
7491 target: Qt.point(parent.right, base.activeY + UM.Theme.getSize("button").height/2)
7592 arrowSize: UM.Theme.getSize("default_arrow").width
77 width: {
94 width:
95 {
7896 if (panel.item && panel.width > 0){
7997 return Math.max(panel.width + 2 * UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width)
8098 }
90108 color: UM.Theme.getColor("lining");
92 UM.PointingRectangle {
110 UM.PointingRectangle
111 {
93112 id: panelBackground;
95114 color: UM.Theme.getColor("tool_panel_background");
104123 }
105124 }
107 Loader {
126 Loader
127 {
108128 id: panel
110130 x: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width;
115135 }
116136 }
138 // This rectangle displays the information about the current angle etc. when
139 // dragging a tool handle.
118140 Rectangle
119141 {
120142 x: -base.x + base.mouseX + UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
1212 {
1313 title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Save Project")
15 width: 550
16 minimumWidth: 550
18 height: 350
19 minimumHeight: 350
15 width: 500
16 height: 400
2118 property int spacerHeight: 10
4138 Item
4239 {
44 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
45 anchors.left: parent.left
46 anchors.right: parent.right
48 anchors.topMargin: 20
49 anchors.bottomMargin: 20
50 anchors.leftMargin:20
51 anchors.rightMargin: 20
40 anchors.fill: parent
5342 UM.SettingDefinitionsModel
5443 {
6251 }
6352 UM.I18nCatalog
6453 {
65 id: catalog;
66 name: "cura";
54 id: catalog
55 name: "cura"
56 }
57 SystemPalette
58 {
59 id: palette
6760 }
6962 Column
7467 {
7568 id: titleLabel
7669 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:title", "Summary - Cura Project")
77 font.pixelSize: 22
70 font.pointSize: 18
7871 }
7972 Rectangle
8073 {
8174 id: separator
82 color: "black"
75 color: palette.text
8376 width: parent.width
8477 height: 1
8578 }
228221 width: parent.width / 3
229222 }
230223 }
231 CheckBox
232 {
233 id: dontShowAgainCheckbox
234 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Don't show project summary on save again")
235 checked: dontShowAgain
236 }
237 }
225 Item // Spacer
226 {
227 height: spacerHeight
228 width: height
229 }
230 }
233 CheckBox
234 {
235 id: dontShowAgainCheckbox
236 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
237 anchors.left: parent.left
239 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Don't show project summary on save again")
240 checked: dontShowAgain
241 }
240243 Button
241244 {
245 id: cancel_button
246 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
247 anchors.right: ok_button.left
248 anchors.rightMargin: 2
250 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Cancel");
251 enabled: true
252 onClicked: close()
253 }
255 Button
256 {
242257 id: ok_button
258 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
259 anchors.right: parent.right
243261 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Save");
244262 enabled: true
245263 onClicked: {
246264 close()
247265 yes()
248266 }
249 anchors.bottomMargin: - 0.5 * height
250 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
251 anchors.right: parent.right
252 }
254 Button
255 {
256 id: cancel_button
257 text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Cancel");
258 enabled: true
259 onClicked: close()
261 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
262 anchors.right: ok_button.left
263 anchors.bottomMargin: - 0.5 * height
264 anchors.rightMargin:2
266267 }
267268 }
268269 }
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_pri3
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
43 definition = abax_pri3
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 1
109 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.1
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_pri3
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_pri5
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
43 definition = abax_pri5
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 1
109 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.1
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_pri5
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_titan
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
43 definition = abax_titan
54 [metadata]
65 type = quality
76 material = generic_pla
87 weight = 1
98 quality_type = high
9 setting_version = 1
1111 [values]
1212 layer_height = 0.1
10 [general]
21 version = 2
3 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
43 definition = abax_titan
65 [metadata]
87 material = generic_pla
98 weight = 0
109 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1212 [values]
1313 layer_height = 0.2
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_abs_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = dsm_arnitel2045_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 2
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
43 speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
44 speed_equalize_flow_max = =speed_print
46 acceleration_enabled = True
47 acceleration_print = 100
48 acceleration_travel = 300
49 jerk_print = 5
51 retraction_hop_enabled = True
52 retraction_hop = 1
54 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
55 cool_min_layer_time = 20
57 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
59 coasting_enable = True
60 coasting_volume = 0.1
61 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
62 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = dsm_arnitel2045_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 2
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
43 speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
44 speed_equalize_flow_max = =speed_print
46 acceleration_enabled = True
47 acceleration_print = 100
48 acceleration_travel = 300
49 jerk_print = 5
51 retraction_hop_enabled = True
52 retraction_hop = 1
54 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
55 cool_min_layer_time = 20
57 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
59 coasting_enable = True
60 coasting_volume = 0.1
61 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
62 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.4
14 layer_height_0 = =layer_height
16 skin_angles = [0,90]
18 infill_before_walls = False
19 infill_angles = [0,90]
21 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
23 retraction_combing = off
25 support_z_distance = 0
26 support_xy_distance = 1
27 support_join_distance = 10
28 support_interface_enable = True
29 support_interface_pattern = lines
31 adhesion_type = skirt
32 skirt_gap = 1
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.6
14 layer_height_0 = =layer_height
16 skin_angles = [0,90]
18 infill_before_walls = False
19 infill_angles = [0,90]
21 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
23 retraction_combing = off
25 support_z_distance = 0
26 support_xy_distance = 1
27 support_join_distance = 10
28 support_interface_enable = True
29 support_interface_pattern = lines
31 adhesion_type = skirt
32 skirt_gap = 1
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.1
14 layer_height_0 = =0.2 if min(extruderValues('machine_nozzle_size')) < 0.3 else 0.3
16 skin_angles = [0,90]
18 infill_before_walls = False
19 infill_angles = [0,90]
21 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
23 retraction_combing = off
25 support_z_distance = 0
26 support_xy_distance = 1
27 support_join_distance = 10
28 support_interface_enable = True
29 support_interface_height = 0.5
30 support_interface_pattern = lines
32 adhesion_type = skirt
33 skirt_gap = 1
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.2
14 layer_height_0 = =0.2 if min(extruderValues('machine_nozzle_size')) < 0.3 else 0.3
16 skin_angles = [0,90]
18 infill_before_walls = False
19 infill_angles = [0,90]
21 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
23 retraction_combing = off
25 support_z_distance = 0
26 support_xy_distance = 1
27 support_join_distance = 10
28 support_interface_enable = True
29 support_interface_pattern = lines
31 adhesion_type = skirt
32 skirt_gap = 1
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_hips_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_nylon_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pc_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 50
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_petg_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 10
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.25_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.4_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.5
15 wall_thickness = 1.2
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 30
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = extra coarse
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 3
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 25
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = cartesio
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = normal
8 material = generic_pva_175_cartesio_0.8_mm
9 weight = 2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 40
22 infill_pattern = grid
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =material_print_temperature + 5
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
26 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature
27 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
28 retraction_prime_speed = 8
29 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
30 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = =retraction_speed
31 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =retraction_prime_speed
33 speed_print = 50
34 speed_infill = =speed_print
35 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
36 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
37 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
38 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
40 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
41 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_travel
42 speed_support_interface = =speed_topbottom
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop = 1
47 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = =cool_min_layer_time
48 cool_min_layer_time = 20
50 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
52 coasting_enable = True
53 coasting_volume = 0.1
54 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
55 coasting_speed = 90
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse Quality
3 definition = fdmprinter
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = coarse
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.4
1 [general]
2 version = 2
3 name = Draft Quality
4 definition = fdmprinter
6 [metadata]
7 type = quality
8 quality_type = draft
9 global_quality = True
10 weight = -2
11 setting_version = 1
13 [values]
14 layer_height = 0.2
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Coarse Quality
3 definition = fdmprinter
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = Extra coarse
8 global_quality = True
9 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 layer_height = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = fdmprinter
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_petg_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = -1
9 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 1.2
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 60
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.3
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_bed_temperature = 50
32 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
33 material_flow = 100
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 25
40 retraction_retract_speed = 35
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 25
45 skirt_line_count = 2
46 speed_layer_0 = 14
47 speed_print = 40
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 20
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = =top_bottom_thickness
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_petg_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = -1
9 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 1.2
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 40
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.3
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_bed_temperature = 50
32 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
33 material_flow = 100
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 25
40 retraction_retract_speed = 35
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 25
45 skirt_line_count = 2
46 speed_layer_0 = 14
47 speed_print = 40
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 20
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = =top_bottom_thickness
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Medium
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_petg_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = 0
9 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 1.2
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 60
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 7
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.2
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_bed_temperature = 50
32 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
33 material_flow = 100
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 25
40 retraction_retract_speed = 35
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 25
45 skirt_line_count = 2
46 speed_layer_0 = 14
47 speed_print = 40
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 20
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = =top_bottom_thickness
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Medium
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_petg_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = 0
9 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 1.2
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 40
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.2
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_bed_temperature = 50
32 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
33 material_flow = 100
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 25
40 retraction_retract_speed = 35
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 25
45 skirt_line_count = 2
46 speed_layer_0 = 14
47 speed_print = 40
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 20
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = =top_bottom_thickness
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = -1
9 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 50
20 cool_min_layer_time = 7
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.3
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 meshfix_union_all = False
33 retraction_amount = 1.3
34 retraction_combing = all
35 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
36 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
37 retraction_prime_speed = 30
38 retraction_retract_speed = 70
39 retraction_speed = 70
40 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
41 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
42 skirt_brim_speed = 20
43 skirt_line_count = 3
44 speed_layer_0 = 20
45 speed_print = 45
46 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
47 speed_topbottom = 25
48 speed_travel = 120
49 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
50 speed_wall = 25
51 speed_wall_x = 35
52 top_thickness = 0.8
53 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Coarse
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = -1
9 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.3
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 meshfix_union_all = False
33 retraction_amount = 1.3
34 retraction_combing = all
35 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
36 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
37 retraction_prime_speed = 30
38 retraction_retract_speed = 70
39 retraction_speed = 70
40 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
41 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
42 skirt_brim_speed = 20
43 skirt_line_count = 3
44 speed_layer_0 = 20
45 speed_print = 45
46 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
47 speed_topbottom = 25
48 speed_travel = 120
49 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
50 speed_wall = 25
51 speed_wall_x = 35
52 top_thickness = 0.8
53 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = 1
9 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 50
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.1
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 material_print_temperature = 205
33 meshfix_union_all = False
34 retraction_amount = 1.3
35 retraction_combing = all
36 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
37 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
38 retraction_prime_speed = 30
39 retraction_retract_speed = 70
40 retraction_speed = 70
41 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
42 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
43 skirt_brim_speed = 20
44 skirt_line_count = 3
45 speed_layer_0 = 20
46 speed_print = 45
47 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
48 speed_topbottom = 25
49 speed_travel = 120
50 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
51 speed_wall = 25
52 speed_wall_x = 35
53 top_thickness = 0.8
54 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = 1
9 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.1
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 material_print_temperature = 205
33 meshfix_union_all = False
34 retraction_amount = 1.3
35 retraction_combing = all
36 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
37 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
38 retraction_prime_speed = 30
39 retraction_retract_speed = 70
40 retraction_speed = 70
41 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
42 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
43 skirt_brim_speed = 20
44 skirt_line_count = 3
45 speed_layer_0 = 20
46 speed_print = 45
47 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
48 speed_topbottom = 25
49 speed_travel = 120
50 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
51 speed_wall = 25
52 speed_wall_x = 35
53 top_thickness = 0.8
54 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Medium
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = 0
9 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 50
20 cool_min_layer_time = 7
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.2
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 meshfix_union_all = False
33 retraction_amount = 1.3
34 retraction_combing = all
35 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
36 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
37 retraction_prime_speed = 30
38 retraction_retract_speed = 70
39 retraction_speed = 70
40 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
41 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
42 skirt_brim_speed = 20
43 skirt_line_count = 3
44 speed_layer_0 = 20
45 speed_print = 45
46 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
47 speed_topbottom = 25
48 speed_travel = 120
49 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
50 speed_wall = 25
51 speed_wall_x = 35
52 top_thickness = 0.8
53 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Medium
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = 0
9 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.2
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 meshfix_union_all = False
33 retraction_amount = 1.3
34 retraction_combing = all
35 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
36 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
37 retraction_prime_speed = 30
38 retraction_retract_speed = 70
39 retraction_speed = 70
40 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
41 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
42 skirt_brim_speed = 20
43 skirt_line_count = 3
44 speed_layer_0 = 20
45 speed_print = 45
46 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
47 speed_topbottom = 25
48 speed_travel = 120
49 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
50 speed_wall = 25
51 speed_wall_x = 35
52 top_thickness = 0.8
53 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = UltraFine
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm
8 weight = 2
9 quality_type = ultrahigh
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 50
20 cool_min_layer_time = 5
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.05
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 material_print_temperature = 202
33 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = 210
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 30
40 retraction_retract_speed = 70
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 20
45 skirt_line_count = 3
46 speed_layer_0 = 20
47 speed_print = 45
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 25
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = 0.8
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = UltraFine
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 material = generic_pla_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans
8 weight = 2
9 quality_type = ultrahigh
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 adhesion_type = skirt
14 bottom_thickness = 0.6
15 coasting_enable = True
16 coasting_speed = 95
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.65
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
19 cool_fan_speed_min = 20
20 cool_min_layer_time = 4
21 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 10
22 cool_min_speed = 10
23 infill_before_walls = False
24 infill_line_width = 0.6
25 infill_overlap = 15
26 infill_pattern = zigzag
27 infill_sparse_density = 20
28 layer_height = 0.05
29 layer_height_0 = 0.3
30 line_width = 0.4
31 material_flow = 90
32 material_print_temperature = 202
33 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = 210
34 meshfix_union_all = False
35 retraction_amount = 1.3
36 retraction_combing = all
37 retraction_hop_enabled = 0.1
38 retraction_min_travel = 1.2
39 retraction_prime_speed = 30
40 retraction_retract_speed = 70
41 retraction_speed = 70
42 skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
43 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 100
44 skirt_brim_speed = 20
45 skirt_line_count = 3
46 speed_layer_0 = 20
47 speed_print = 45
48 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
49 speed_topbottom = 25
50 speed_travel = 120
51 speed_travel_layer_0 = 60
52 speed_wall = 25
53 speed_wall_x = 35
54 top_thickness = 0.8
55 wall_thickness = 0.8
77 quality_type = low
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 infill_sparse_density = 10
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = fdmprinter
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = peopoly_moai
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 weight = 1
8 quality_type = high
9 setting_version = 1
11 [values]
12 infill_sparse_density = 70
13 layer_height = 0.05
14 top_bottom_thickness = 0.4
15 wall_thickness = 0.4
16 speed_print = 150
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Maximum Quality
3 definition = peopoly_moai
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 weight = 2
8 quality_type = extra_high
9 setting_version = 1
11 [values]
12 infill_sparse_density = 70
13 layer_height = 0.025
14 top_bottom_thickness = 0.4
15 wall_thickness = 0.4
16 speed_print = 200
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fine
3 definition = peopoly_moai
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 weight = 0
8 quality_type = normal
9 setting_version = 1
11 [values]
12 infill_sparse_density = 70
13 layer_height = 0.1
14 top_bottom_thickness = 0.4
15 wall_thickness = 0.4
16 speed_print = 100
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pla_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pla_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pla_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pla_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.1
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 type = quality
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 type = quality
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.2
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.1
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_abs_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.2
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.1
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.2
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -2
99 quality_type = draft
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_wall_x = 25
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_wall_x = 30
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = -2
99 quality_type = draft
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = -2
99 quality_type = draft
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.26
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.26
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.7
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.7
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = -2
99 quality_type = draft
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.75
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.75
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.19
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.19
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_wall_x = 30
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_wall_x = 30
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_travel = 150
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 speed_travel = 150
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = -2
99 quality_type = draft
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.26
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_pc_ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_z_distance = 0.26
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm
88 weight = 1
99 quality_type = high
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.6
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm
88 weight = 0
99 quality_type = normal
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.65
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker2_plus
55 [metadata]
77 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm
88 weight = -1
99 quality_type = fast
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 support_xy_distance = 0.7
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
1415 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
1516 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1617 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
17 prime_tower_size = 16
18 prime_tower_enable = False
1819 skin_overlap = 20
1920 speed_print = 60
2021 speed_layer_0 = 20
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_min_speed = 7
1617 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1718 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1819 material_standby_temperature = 100
19 prime_tower_size = 16
20 prime_tower_enable = False
2021 speed_print = 60
2122 speed_layer_0 = 20
2223 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 60)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_min_speed = 12
1617 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature - 5
1718 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1819 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
19 prime_tower_size = 16
20 prime_tower_enable = False
2021 speed_print = 50
2122 speed_layer_0 = 20
2223 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 50)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
1415 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1516 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1617 material_standby_temperature = 100
17 prime_tower_size = 16
18 prime_tower_enable = False
1819 speed_print = 55
1920 speed_layer_0 = 20
2021 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 55)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
2829 material_standby_temperature = 100
2930 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3031 prime_tower_enable = True
31 prime_tower_size = 17
3232 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
3333 retraction_combing = off
3434 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4444 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 40 / 50)
4545 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
4646 support_z_distance = =layer_height
47 travel_avoid_distance = 3
4847 wall_0_inset = 0
4948 wall_thickness = 1
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
2829 material_standby_temperature = 100
2930 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3031 prime_tower_enable = True
31 prime_tower_size = 17
3232 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
3333 retraction_combing = off
3434 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4444 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 35 / 45)
4545 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
4646 support_z_distance = =layer_height
47 travel_avoid_distance = 3
4847 wall_0_inset = 0
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
3031 material_standby_temperature = 100
3132 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3233 prime_tower_enable = True
33 prime_tower_size = 17
3434 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
3535 retraction_combing = off
3636 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4646 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 30 / 35)
4747 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
4848 support_z_distance = =layer_height
49 travel_avoid_distance = 3
5049 wall_0_inset = 0
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
2930 material_standby_temperature = 100
3031 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3132 prime_tower_enable = True
32 prime_tower_size = 17
3333 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
3434 retraction_combing = off
3535 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4545 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 30 / 35)
4646 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
4747 support_z_distance = =layer_height
48 travel_avoid_distance = 3
4948 wall_0_inset = 0
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
1314 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1415 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1516 material_standby_temperature = 100
16 prime_tower_size = 17
1717 skin_overlap = 20
1818 speed_print = 60
1919 speed_layer_0 = 20
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_min_speed = 7
1415 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1516 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1617 material_standby_temperature = 100
17 prime_tower_size = 17
1818 speed_print = 60
1919 speed_layer_0 = 20
2020 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 60)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_min_speed = 12
1617 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1718 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1819 material_standby_temperature = 100
19 prime_tower_size = 17
2020 speed_print = 50
2121 speed_layer_0 = 20
2222 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 50)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
1415 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
1516 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1617 material_standby_temperature = 100
17 prime_tower_size = 17
1818 speed_print = 55
1919 speed_layer_0 = 20
2020 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 55)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 adhesion_type = brim
1920 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
2021 material_standby_temperature = 100
2122 ooze_shield_angle = 40
22 prime_tower_enable = False
2323 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2424 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2525 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 adhesion_type = brim
1920 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
2021 material_standby_temperature = 100
2122 ooze_shield_angle = 40
22 prime_tower_enable = False
2323 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2424 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2525 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 adhesion_type = brim
1819 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1920 material_standby_temperature = 100
2021 ooze_shield_angle = 40
21 prime_tower_enable = False
2222 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2323 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2424 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 adhesion_type = brim
1819 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
1920 material_standby_temperature = 100
2021 ooze_shield_angle = 40
21 prime_tower_enable = False
2222 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2323 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2424 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = draft
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = -2
11 [values]
12 acceleration_enabled = True
13 acceleration_print = 4000
14 adhesion_type = raft
15 brim_width = 20
16 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
17 cool_fan_speed_max = 90
18 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
19 cool_min_speed = 6
20 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
21 infill_overlap = 0
22 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
23 infill_pattern = triangles
24 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
25 jerk_enabled = True
26 jerk_print = 25
27 layer_height = 0.2
28 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
29 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
30 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
31 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
32 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
33 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
34 material_standby_temperature = 100
35 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
36 ooze_shield_angle = 40
37 prime_tower_enable = True
38 prime_tower_size = 16
39 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
40 raft_airgap = 0.25
41 retraction_count_max = 80
42 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
43 retraction_hop = 2
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
46 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
47 retraction_prime_speed = 15
48 skin_overlap = 30
49 speed_layer_0 = 25
50 speed_print = 50
51 speed_topbottom = 25
52 speed_travel = 250
53 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
54 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
55 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
56 support_interface_density = 87.5
57 support_interface_pattern = lines
58 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
59 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
60 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
61 travel_avoid_distance = 3
62 wall_0_inset = 0
63 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
64 wall_thickness = 1.2
65 xy_offset = -0.15
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fast
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = draft
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 acceleration_enabled = True
14 acceleration_print = 4000
15 adhesion_type = raft
16 brim_width = 20
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 90
19 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
20 cool_min_speed = 6
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
22 infill_overlap = 0
23 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
24 infill_pattern = triangles
25 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
26 jerk_enabled = True
27 jerk_print = 25
28 layer_height = 0.2
29 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
30 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
31 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
32 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
33 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
34 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
35 material_standby_temperature = 100
36 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
37 ooze_shield_angle = 40
38 prime_tower_enable = True
39 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
40 raft_airgap = 0.25
41 raft_interface_thickness = =max(layer_height * 1.5, 0.225)
42 retraction_count_max = 80
43 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
44 retraction_hop = 2
45 retraction_hop_enabled = True
46 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
47 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
48 retraction_prime_speed = 15
49 skin_overlap = 30
50 speed_layer_0 = 25
51 speed_print = 50
52 speed_topbottom = 25
53 speed_travel = 250
54 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
55 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
56 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
57 support_interface_density = 87.5
58 support_interface_pattern = lines
59 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
60 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
61 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
62 wall_0_inset = 0
63 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
64 wall_thickness = 1.2
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = fast
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = -1
11 [values]
12 acceleration_enabled = True
13 acceleration_print = 4000
14 adhesion_type = raft
15 brim_width = 20
16 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
17 cool_fan_speed_max = 85
18 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
19 cool_min_speed = 7
20 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
21 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
22 infill_pattern = triangles
23 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
24 jerk_enabled = True
25 jerk_print = 25
26 layer_height = 0.15
27 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
28 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
29 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
30 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
31 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
32 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
33 material_standby_temperature = 100
34 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
35 ooze_shield_angle = 40
36 prime_tower_enable = True
37 prime_tower_size = 16
38 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
39 raft_airgap = 0.25
40 retraction_count_max = 80
41 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
42 retraction_hop = 2
43 retraction_hop_enabled = True
44 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
45 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
46 retraction_prime_speed = 15
47 skin_overlap = 30
48 speed_layer_0 = 25
49 speed_print = 50
50 speed_topbottom = 25
51 speed_travel = 250
52 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
53 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
54 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
55 support_interface_density = 87.5
56 support_interface_pattern = lines
57 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
58 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
59 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
60 travel_avoid_distance = 3
61 wall_0_inset = 0
62 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
63 wall_thickness = 1.2
64 xy_offset = -0.15
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Normal
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = fast
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 acceleration_enabled = True
14 acceleration_print = 4000
15 adhesion_type = raft
16 brim_width = 20
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 85
19 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
20 cool_min_speed = 7
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
22 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
23 infill_pattern = triangles
24 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
25 jerk_enabled = True
26 jerk_print = 25
27 layer_height = 0.15
28 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
29 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
30 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
31 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
32 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
33 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
34 material_standby_temperature = 100
35 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
36 ooze_shield_angle = 40
37 prime_tower_enable = True
38 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
39 raft_airgap = 0.25
40 raft_interface_thickness = =max(layer_height * 1.5, 0.225)
41 retraction_count_max = 80
42 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
43 retraction_hop = 2
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
46 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
47 retraction_prime_speed = 15
48 skin_overlap = 30
49 speed_layer_0 = 25
50 speed_print = 50
51 speed_topbottom = 25
52 speed_travel = 250
53 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
54 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
55 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
56 support_interface_density = 87.5
57 support_interface_pattern = lines
58 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
59 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
60 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
61 wall_0_inset = 0
62 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
63 wall_thickness = 1.2
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = 1
11 [values]
12 acceleration_enabled = True
13 acceleration_print = 4000
14 adhesion_type = raft
15 brim_width = 20
16 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
17 cool_fan_speed_max = 50
18 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
19 cool_min_speed = 8
20 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
21 infill_overlap = 0
22 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
23 infill_pattern = triangles
24 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
25 jerk_enabled = True
26 jerk_print = 25
27 layer_height = 0.06
28 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
29 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
30 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
31 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
32 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
33 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature - 10
34 material_standby_temperature = 100
35 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
36 ooze_shield_angle = 40
37 prime_tower_enable = True
38 prime_tower_size = 16
39 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
40 raft_airgap = 0.25
41 retraction_count_max = 80
42 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
43 retraction_hop = 2
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
45 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
46 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
47 retraction_prime_speed = 15
48 skin_overlap = 30
49 speed_layer_0 = 25
50 speed_print = 50
51 speed_topbottom = 25
52 speed_travel = 250
53 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
54 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
55 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
56 support_interface_density = 87.5
57 support_interface_pattern = lines
58 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
59 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
60 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
61 travel_avoid_distance = 3
62 wall_0_inset = 0
63 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
64 wall_thickness = 1.2
65 xy_offset = -0.15
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fine
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = high
8 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
9 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 acceleration_enabled = True
14 acceleration_print = 4000
15 adhesion_type = raft
16 brim_width = 20
17 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + layer_height
18 cool_fan_speed_max = 50
19 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 5
20 cool_min_speed = 8
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
22 infill_overlap = 0
23 infill_overlap_mm = 0.05
24 infill_pattern = triangles
25 infill_wipe_dist = 0.1
26 jerk_enabled = True
27 jerk_print = 25
28 layer_height = 0.06
29 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
30 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.85
31 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
32 material_final_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 10
33 material_initial_print_temperature = =material_print_temperature - 5
34 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature - 10
35 material_standby_temperature = 100
36 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
37 ooze_shield_angle = 40
38 prime_tower_enable = True
39 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
40 raft_airgap = 0.25
41 raft_interface_thickness = =max(layer_height * 1.5, 0.225)
42 retraction_count_max = 80
43 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
44 retraction_hop = 2
45 retraction_hop_enabled = True
46 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
47 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
48 retraction_prime_speed = 15
49 skin_overlap = 30
50 speed_layer_0 = 25
51 speed_print = 50
52 speed_topbottom = 25
53 speed_travel = 250
54 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 50)
55 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 40)
56 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
57 support_interface_density = 87.5
58 support_interface_pattern = lines
59 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
60 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
61 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
62 wall_0_inset = 0
63 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
64 wall_thickness = 1.2
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
3233 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3334 ooze_shield_angle = 40
3435 prime_tower_enable = True
35 prime_tower_size = 16
3636 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
3737 raft_airgap = 0.25
38 raft_interface_thickness = =max(layer_height * 1.5, 0.225)
3839 retraction_count_max = 80
3940 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4041 retraction_hop = 2
5556 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
5657 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
5758 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
58 travel_avoid_distance = 3
5959 wall_0_inset = 0
6060 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
6161 wall_thickness = 1.2
62 xy_offset = -0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
88 quality_type = normal
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
3738 material_standby_temperature = 100
3839 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3940 prime_tower_enable = True
40 prime_tower_size = 16
4141 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
4242 retraction_count_max = 12
4343 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.8
4444 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4545 retraction_hop = 2
46 retraction_hop_enabled = True
46 retraction_hop_enabled = False
4747 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
4848 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
4949 retraction_prime_speed = 15
5555 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 25)
5656 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 25)
5757 support_angle = 50
58 skin_overlap = 5
5859 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
5960 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
6061 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
6162 top_bottom_thickness = 0.7
62 travel_avoid_distance = 3
63 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
6364 wall_0_inset = 0
6465 wall_line_width_x = =line_width
6566 wall_thickness = 0.76
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
3738 material_standby_temperature = 100
3839 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3940 prime_tower_enable = True
40 prime_tower_size = 16
4141 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
4242 retraction_amount = 7
4343 retraction_count_max = 12
4444 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.8
4545 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4646 retraction_hop = 2
47 retraction_hop_enabled = True
47 retraction_hop_enabled = False
4848 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
4949 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
5050 retraction_prime_speed = 15
51 skin_overlap = 5
5152 speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
5253 speed_layer_0 = 18
5354 speed_print = 25
6061 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
6162 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
6263 top_bottom_thickness = 0.7
63 travel_avoid_distance = 3
64 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
6465 wall_0_inset = 0
6566 wall_line_width_x = =line_width
6667 wall_thickness = 0.76
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.4
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 acceleration_enabled = True
3536 material_standby_temperature = 100
3637 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3738 prime_tower_enable = True
38 prime_tower_size = 16
3939 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
4040 retraction_count_max = 12
4141 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.8
4242 retraction_extrusion_window = 1
4343 retraction_hop = 2
44 retraction_hop_enabled = True
44 retraction_hop_enabled = False
4545 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
4646 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
4747 retraction_prime_speed = 15
48 skin_overlap = 5
4849 speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
4950 speed_layer_0 = 18
5051 speed_print = 25
5758 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
5859 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 35
5960 top_bottom_thickness = 0.7
60 travel_avoid_distance = 3
61 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
6162 wall_0_inset = 0
6263 wall_line_width_x = =line_width
6364 wall_thickness = 0.76
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.875
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Print
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.4
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Print
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.3
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 15
1314 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.875
1415 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 15
1516 material_standby_temperature = 100
17 prime_tower_enable = True
1618 speed_print = 40
1719 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 40)
1820 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 40)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Print
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 15
1415 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.875
1516 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 20
1617 material_standby_temperature = 100
18 prime_tower_enable = True
1719 speed_print = 45
1820 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 45)
1921 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 40 / 45)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Print
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 15
1415 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.875
1516 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 17
1617 material_standby_temperature = 100
18 prime_tower_enable = True
1719 speed_print = 40
1820 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 40)
1921 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 40)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 5.6
1819 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.4
1920 material_standby_temperature = 100
2021 ooze_shield_angle = 40
21 prime_tower_size = 15
22 prime_tower_enable = True
2223 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2324 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2425 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Print
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 5.6
1920 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.4
2021 material_standby_temperature = 100
2122 ooze_shield_angle = 40
22 prime_tower_size = 15
23 prime_tower_enable = True
2324 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2425 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2526 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Print
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 brim_width = 5.6
1920 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.4
2021 material_standby_temperature = 100
2122 ooze_shield_angle = 40
22 prime_tower_size = 15
23 prime_tower_enable = True
2324 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
2425 raft_airgap = =round(layer_height_0 * 0.85, 2)
2526 raft_interface_thickness = =round(machine_nozzle_size * 0.3 / 0.4, 2)
88 quality_type = normal
99 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 quality_type = superdraft
99 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
1314 cool_fan_speed_max = =100
1415 cool_min_speed = 2
1516 gradual_infill_step_height = =3 * layer_height
16 gradual_infill_steps = 4
1717 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.535 / 0.75, 2)
1818 infill_pattern = cubic
19 infill_sparse_density = 80
2019 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.9375
2120 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.75
2221 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.6
2423 material_initial_print_temperature = =max(-273.15, material_print_temperature - 10)
2524 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
2625 material_standby_temperature = 100
27 prime_tower_size = 15
26 prime_tower_enable = True
2827 support_angle = 70
2928 support_line_width = =line_width * 0.75
3029 support_pattern = ='triangles'
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Print
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
1314 cool_fan_speed_max = =100
1415 cool_min_speed = 2
1516 gradual_infill_step_height = =3 * layer_height
16 gradual_infill_steps = 4
1717 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.535 / 0.75, 2)
1818 infill_pattern = cubic
19 infill_sparse_density = 80
2019 layer_height = 0.4
2120 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.9375
2221 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.75
2524 material_initial_print_temperature = =max(-273.15, material_print_temperature - 10)
2625 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 15
2726 material_standby_temperature = 100
28 prime_tower_size = 15
27 prime_tower_enable = True
2928 raft_margin = 10
3029 support_angle = 70
3130 support_line_width = =line_width * 0.75
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Print
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
99 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 cool_fan_full_at_height = =layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height
1314 cool_fan_speed_max = =100
1415 cool_min_speed = 2
1516 gradual_infill_step_height = =3 * layer_height
16 gradual_infill_steps = 4
1717 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.535 / 0.75, 2)
1818 infill_pattern = cubic
19 infill_sparse_density = 80
2019 layer_height = 0.3
2120 line_width = =machine_nozzle_size * 0.9375
2221 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.75
2524 material_initial_print_temperature = =max(-273.15, material_print_temperature - 10)
2625 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
2726 material_standby_temperature = 100
28 prime_tower_size = 15
27 prime_tower_enable = True
2928 support_angle = 70
3029 support_line_width = =line_width * 0.75
3130 support_pattern = ='triangles'
88 quality_type = normal
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 quality_type = superdraft
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Fast
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = draft
8 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
9 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 brim_width = 8.75
14 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 6
15 expand_skins_expand_distance = =line_width * 2
16 expand_skins_into_infill = True
17 expand_upper_skins = True
18 gradual_infill_step_height = =4 * layer_height
19 gradual_infill_steps = 5
20 infill_before_walls = True
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
22 infill_pattern = tetrahedral
23 infill_sparse_density = 80
24 jerk_prime_tower = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
25 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
26 jerk_wall_0 = =math.ceil(jerk_wall * 15 / 25)
27 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 0
28 material_flow = 105
29 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature - 2
30 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =default_material_print_temperature + 2
31 material_standby_temperature = 100
32 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0.2
33 prime_tower_enable = True
34 prime_tower_flow = 100
35 prime_tower_wall_thickness = =prime_tower_line_width * 2
36 retract_at_layer_change = False
37 retraction_count_max = 12
38 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.5
39 retraction_hop = 0.5
40 retraction_hop_enabled = False
41 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = False
42 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
43 retraction_prime_speed = 15
44 skin_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.78 / 0.8, 2)
45 speed_print = 30
46 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 30)
47 speed_travel = 300
48 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 30)
49 speed_wall_x = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 30 / 30)
50 support_angle = 50
51 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
52 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
53 support_offset = =line_width
54 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
55 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
56 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 45
57 top_bottom_thickness = 1.2
58 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
59 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled = False
60 wall_0_wipe_dist = =line_width * 2
61 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.6 / 0.8, 2)
62 wall_thickness = 1.3
resources/quality/ultimaker3/um3_aa0.8_TPU_Not_Supported_Quality.inst.cfg less more
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Not Supported
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 weight = 0
7 type = quality
8 quality_type = normal
9 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
10 supported = False
12 [values]
resources/quality/ultimaker3/um3_aa0.8_TPU_Not_Supported_Superdraft_Quality.inst.cfg less more
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Not Supported
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 weight = 0
7 type = quality
8 quality_type = superdraft
9 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
10 supported = False
12 [values]
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Sprint
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = superdraft
8 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
9 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 brim_width = 8.75
14 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 6
15 expand_skins_expand_distance = =line_width * 2
16 expand_skins_into_infill = True
17 expand_upper_skins = True
18 gradual_infill_step_height = =4 * layer_height
19 gradual_infill_steps = 5
20 infill_before_walls = True
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
22 infill_pattern = tetrahedral
23 infill_sparse_density = 80
24 jerk_prime_tower = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
25 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
26 jerk_wall_0 = =math.ceil(jerk_wall * 15 / 25)
27 layer_height = 0.4
28 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 0
29 material_flow = 105
30 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 2
31 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =default_material_print_temperature + 2
32 material_standby_temperature = 100
33 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0.2
34 prime_tower_enable = True
35 prime_tower_flow = 100
36 prime_tower_wall_thickness = =prime_tower_line_width * 2
37 retract_at_layer_change = False
38 retraction_count_max = 12
39 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.5
40 retraction_hop = 0.5
41 retraction_hop_enabled = False
42 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = False
43 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
44 retraction_prime_speed = 15
45 skin_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.78 / 0.8, 2)
46 speed_print = 30
47 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 20 / 30)
48 speed_travel = 300
49 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 30)
50 speed_wall_x = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 30 / 30)
51 support_angle = 50
52 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
53 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
54 support_offset = =line_width
55 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
56 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
57 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 45
58 top_bottom_thickness = 1.2
59 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
60 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled = False
61 wall_0_wipe_dist = =line_width * 2
62 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.6 / 0.8, 2)
63 wall_thickness = 1.3
0 [general]
1 version = 2
2 name = Extra Fast
3 definition = ultimaker3
5 [metadata]
6 type = quality
7 quality_type = verydraft
8 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_AA_0.8
9 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
12 [values]
13 brim_width = 8.75
14 cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 6
15 expand_skins_expand_distance = =line_width * 2
16 expand_skins_into_infill = True
17 expand_upper_skins = True
18 gradual_infill_step_height = =4 * layer_height
19 gradual_infill_steps = 5
20 infill_before_walls = True
21 infill_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
22 infill_pattern = tetrahedral
23 infill_sparse_density = 80
24 jerk_prime_tower = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
25 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 25 / 25)
26 jerk_wall_0 = =math.ceil(jerk_wall * 15 / 25)
27 layer_height = 0.3
28 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 0
29 material_flow = 105
30 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =default_material_print_temperature + 2
31 material_standby_temperature = 100
32 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0.2
33 prime_tower_enable = True
34 prime_tower_flow = 100
35 prime_tower_wall_thickness = =prime_tower_line_width * 2
36 retract_at_layer_change = False
37 retraction_count_max = 12
38 retraction_extra_prime_amount = 0.5
39 retraction_hop = 0.5
40 retraction_hop_enabled = False
41 retraction_hop_only_when_collides = False
42 retraction_min_travel = 0.8
43 retraction_prime_speed = 15
44 skin_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.78 / 0.8, 2)
45 speed_print = 30
46 speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 23 / 30)
47 speed_travel = 300
48 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 30)
49 speed_wall_x = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 30 / 30)
50 support_angle = 50
51 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance
52 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.7 / 0.8, 2)
53 support_offset = =line_width
54 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
55 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
56 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 45
57 top_bottom_thickness = 1.2
58 travel_avoid_distance = 0.5
59 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled = False
60 wall_0_wipe_dist = =line_width * 2
61 wall_line_width_x = =round(line_width * 0.6 / 0.8, 2)
62 wall_thickness = 1.3
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 weight = -2
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
12 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 500 / 4000)
13 acceleration_support_infill = =acceleration_support
14 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 5 / 25)
15 jerk_support_infill = =jerk_support
1613 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 10
1714 material_standby_temperature = 100
15 prime_tower_enable = False
1816 skin_overlap = 20
1917 support_interface_height = 0.8
20 prime_tower_enable = False
21 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
22 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 1 / 5)
23 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 100 / 500 )
24 support_xy_distance = =round(line_width * 1.5, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Print
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 type = quality
88 quality_type = fast
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
12 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 500 / 4000)
13 acceleration_support_infill = =acceleration_support
14 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 5 / 25)
15 jerk_support_infill = =jerk_support
1613 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 5
1714 material_standby_temperature = 100
15 prime_tower_enable = False
1816 skin_overlap = 15
1917 support_interface_height = 0.8
20 prime_tower_enable = False
21 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
22 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 1 / 5)
23 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 100 / 500 )
24 support_xy_distance = =round(line_width * 1.5, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
6 weight = 0
6 weight = 1
77 type = quality
88 quality_type = high
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
12 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 500 / 4000)
13 acceleration_support_infill = =acceleration_support
14 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 5 / 25)
15 jerk_support_infill = =jerk_support
13 material_standby_temperature = 100
14 prime_tower_enable = False
1615 support_infill_rate = 25
1716 support_interface_height = 0.8
18 material_standby_temperature = 100
19 prime_tower_enable = False
20 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
21 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 1 / 5)
22 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 100 / 500 )
23 support_xy_distance = =round(line_width * 1.5, 2)
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 type = quality
88 quality_type = normal
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
12 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 500 / 4000)
13 acceleration_support_infill = =acceleration_support
14 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 5 / 25)
15 jerk_support_infill = =jerk_support
13 material_standby_temperature = 100
14 prime_tower_enable = False
1615 support_infill_rate = 25
1716 support_interface_height = 0.8
18 material_standby_temperature = 100
19 prime_tower_enable = False
20 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
21 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 1 / 5)
22 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 100 / 500 )
23 support_xy_distance = =round(line_width * 1.5, 2)
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_BB_0.4
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_abs_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_plus_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_cpe_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_nylon_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pc_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_pla_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Print
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 weight = -2
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 material_print_temperature = =default_material_print_temperature + 5
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Print
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 weight = -4
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.4
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Print
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 weight = -3
99 material = generic_pva_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.3
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
88 material = generic_tpu_ultimaker3_BB_0.8
99 weight = 0
1010 supported = False
11 setting_version = 1
1213 [values]
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Draft Quality
2 name = Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = draft
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = -2
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.2
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Fast Quality
2 name = Normal
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = fast
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = -1
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.15
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = High Quality
2 name = Extra Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = high
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.06
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Normal Quality
2 name = Fine
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
77 quality_type = normal
88 global_quality = True
99 weight = 0
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.1
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Superdraft Quality
2 name = Sprint
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
66 type = quality
77 quality_type = superdraft
88 global_quality = True
9 weight = -2
9 weight = -4
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.4
00 [general]
11 version = 2
2 name = Verydraft Quality
2 name = Extra Fast
33 definition = ultimaker3
55 [metadata]
66 type = quality
77 quality_type = verydraft
88 global_quality = True
9 weight = -2
9 weight = -3
10 setting_version = 1
1112 [values]
1213 layer_height = 0.3
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55 [metadata]
66 author = Cartesio
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.25
1112 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.05
13 infill_line_width = 0.3
15 wall_thickness = 1
16 wall_0_inset = -0.05
17 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
18 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
20 infill_sparse_density = 25
21 infill_overlap = -50
22 skin_overlap = -40
24 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =round(material_print_temperature)
25 material_initial_print_temperature = =round(material_print_temperature)
26 material_diameter = 1.75
27 retraction_amount = 1
28 retraction_speed = 40
29 retraction_prime_speed = =round(retraction_speed / 4)
30 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
31 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
32 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 40
33 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =round(switch_extruder_retraction_speeds / 4)
35 speed_print = =50 if layer_height < 0.4 else 30
36 speed_infill = =round(speed_print)
37 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
38 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
39 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
40 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
41 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
42 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
43 speed_travel_layer_0 = =round(speed_travel)
44 speed_support_interface = =round(speed_topbottom)
46 retraction_combing = off
47 retraction_hop_enabled = True
48 retraction_hop = 1
50 support_z_distance = 0
51 support_xy_distance = 0.5
52 support_join_distance = 10
53 support_interface_enable = True
55 adhesion_type = skirt
56 skirt_gap = 0.5
57 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
59 coasting_enable = True
60 coasting_volume = 0.1
61 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
62 coasting_speed = 90
10 [general]
21 name = 0.4 mm
32 version = 2
43 definition = cartesio
65 [metadata]
7 author = Scheepers
6 author = Cartesio
87 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
1010 [values]
1111 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
1212 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 0.8
14 infill_line_width = 0.5
16 wall_thickness = 1.2
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 25
22 infill_overlap = -50
23 skin_overlap = -40
25 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =round(material_print_temperature)
26 material_initial_print_temperature = =round(material_print_temperature)
27 material_diameter = 1.75
28 retraction_amount = 1
29 retraction_speed = 40
30 retraction_prime_speed = =round(retraction_speed /4)
31 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
32 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
33 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 40
34 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =round(switch_extruder_retraction_speeds /4)
36 speed_print = 50
37 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
38 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2, 1)
39 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
40 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
41 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
42 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
43 speed_travel_layer_0 = =round(speed_travel)
44 speed_support_interface = =round(speed_topbottom)
46 retraction_combing = off
47 retraction_hop_enabled = True
48 retraction_hop = 1
50 support_z_distance = 0
51 support_xy_distance = 0.5
52 support_join_distance = 10
53 support_interface_enable = True
55 adhesion_type = skirt
56 skirt_gap = 0.5
57 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
59 coasting_enable = True
60 coasting_volume = 0.1
61 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
62 coasting_speed = 90
55 [metadata]
66 author = Cartesio
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.8
1112 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.05
13 infill_line_width = 0.9
15 wall_thickness = 2.4
16 top_bottom_thickness = =0.8 if layer_height < 0.3 else (layer_height * 3)
17 wall_0_inset = -0.05
18 fill_perimeter_gaps = nowhere
19 travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled =
21 infill_sparse_density = 15
22 infill_overlap = -50
23 skin_overlap = -40
25 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = =round(material_print_temperature)
26 material_initial_print_temperature = =round(material_print_temperature)
27 material_diameter = 1.75
28 retraction_amount = 1.5
29 retraction_speed = 40
30 retraction_prime_speed = =round(retraction_speed / 4)
31 retraction_min_travel = =round(line_width * 10)
32 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 2
33 switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 40
34 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =round(switch_extruder_retraction_speeds / 4)
36 speed_print = =50 if layer_height < 0.4 else 30
37 speed_infill = =round(speed_print)
38 speed_layer_0 = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
39 speed_wall = =round(speed_print / 2)
40 speed_wall_0 = =10 if speed_wall < 11 else (speed_print / 5 *3)
41 speed_topbottom = =round(speed_print / 5 * 4)
42 speed_slowdown_layers = 1
43 speed_travel = =round(speed_print if magic_spiralize else 150)
44 speed_travel_layer_0 = =round(speed_travel)
45 speed_support_interface = =round(speed_topbottom)
47 retraction_combing = off
48 retraction_hop_enabled = True
49 retraction_hop = 1
51 support_z_distance = 0
52 support_xy_distance = 0.5
53 support_join_distance = 10
54 support_interface_enable = True
56 adhesion_type = skirt
57 skirt_gap = 0.5
58 skirt_brim_minimal_length = 50
60 coasting_enable = True
61 coasting_volume = 0.1
62 coasting_min_volume = 0.17
63 coasting_speed = 90
14 prime_tower_line_width = 0.69
0 [general]
1 name = 0.4 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 author = IMADE3D
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
0 [general]
1 name = 0.4 mm 2-fans
2 version = 2
3 definition = imade3d_jellybox
5 [metadata]
6 author = IMADE3D
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
0 [general]
1 name = 0.25 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.25
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 0.8
0 [general]
1 name = 0.4 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.05
0 [general]
1 name = 0.6 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.6
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.25
0 [general]
1 name = 0.8 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.8
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.35
0 [general]
1 name = 0.25 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2_extended
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.25
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 0.8
0 [general]
1 name = 0.4 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2_extended
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.05
0 [general]
1 name = 0.6 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2_extended
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.6
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.25
0 [general]
1 name = 0.8 mm
2 version = 2
3 definition = ultimaker2_extended
5 [metadata]
6 author = Ultimaker
7 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
10 [values]
11 machine_nozzle_size = 0.8
12 machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter = 1.35
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.25
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.6
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.8
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.25
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.6
55 [metadata]
66 author = Ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 machine_nozzle_size = 0.8
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 acceleration_enabled = True
3637 material_standby_temperature = 100
3738 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3839 prime_tower_enable = False
39 prime_tower_size = 16
4040 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
4141 retract_at_layer_change = True
4242 retraction_amount = 6.5
5959 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 20
6060 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 16.5
6161 top_bottom_thickness = 1.4
62 travel_avoid_distance = 3
6362 wall_0_inset = 0
6463 wall_line_width_x = =wall_line_width
6564 wall_thickness = 2
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 brim_width = 7
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 acceleration_enabled = True
1112 acceleration_print = 4000
12 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_topbottom * 100 / 500)
13 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 2000 / 4000)
14 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 1500 / 2000)
15 acceleration_support_bottom = =math.ceil(acceleration_support_interface * 100 / 1500)
1316 brim_width = 3
1417 cool_fan_speed = 50
1518 cool_min_speed = 5
1922 infill_wipe_dist = 0
2023 jerk_enabled = True
2124 jerk_print = 25
22 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_topbottom * 1 / 5)
25 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 15 / 25)
26 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 10 / 15)
27 jerk_support_bottom = =math.ceil(jerk_support_interface * 1 / 10)
2328 layer_height = 0.2
2429 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
2530 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
5257 skin_overlap = 5
5358 speed_layer_0 = 20
5459 speed_print = 35
55 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_topbottom * 15 / 20)
60 speed_support = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 35)
61 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
62 speed_support_bottom = =math.ceil(speed_support_interface * 10 / 20)
5663 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 30)
5764 support_angle = 60
5865 support_bottom_height = =layer_height * 2
66 support_bottom_pattern = zigzag
5967 support_bottom_stair_step_height = =layer_height
6068 support_infill_rate = 25
6169 support_interface_enable = True
6270 support_interface_height = =layer_height * 5
71 support_interface_skip_height = =layer_height
6372 support_join_distance = 3
6473 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
6574 support_offset = 1.5
6675 support_pattern = triangles
6776 support_use_towers = False
68 support_xy_distance = =wall_line_width_0 / 2
77 support_xy_distance = =round(wall_line_width_0 * 0.75, 2)
6978 support_xy_distance_overhang = =wall_line_width_0 / 4
7079 support_z_distance = 0
7180 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
7281 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 12
7382 top_bottom_thickness = 1
74 travel_avoid_distance = 3
7583 wall_0_inset = 0
7684 wall_line_width_x = =wall_line_width
7785 wall_thickness = 1
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
11 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 2000 / 4000)
12 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 1500 / 2000)
13 acceleration_support_bottom = =math.ceil(acceleration_support_interface * 100 / 1500)
1014 cool_fan_speed_max = =cool_fan_speed
15 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 15 / 25)
16 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 10 / 15)
17 jerk_support_bottom = =math.ceil(jerk_support_interface * 1 / 10)
1118 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
1219 material_print_temperature = 215
20 raft_base_speed = 20
21 raft_interface_speed = 20
22 raft_speed = 25
1323 retraction_extrusion_window = =retraction_amount
1424 speed_layer_0 = 20
25 speed_support = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 35)
26 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
27 speed_support_bottom = =math.ceil(speed_support_interface * 10 / 20)
1528 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 30)
1629 support_bottom_height = =layer_height * 2
30 support_bottom_pattern = zigzag
1731 support_bottom_stair_step_height = =layer_height
18 raft_interface_speed = 20
19 raft_base_speed = 20
2032 support_infill_rate = 25
2133 support_interface_enable = True
34 support_interface_skip_height = =layer_height
2235 support_join_distance = 3
2336 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
2437 support_offset = 3
25 support_xy_distance = =wall_line_width_0 * 3
38 support_xy_distance = =round(wall_line_width_0 * 0.75, 2)
2639 support_xy_distance_overhang = =wall_line_width_0 / 2
27 raft_speed = 25
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 acceleration_enabled = True
3637 material_standby_temperature = 100
3738 multiple_mesh_overlap = 0
3839 prime_tower_enable = False
39 prime_tower_size = 16
4040 prime_tower_wipe_enabled = True
4141 retract_at_layer_change = True
4242 retraction_amount = 6.5
5959 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 20
6060 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 16.5
6161 top_bottom_thickness = 1.4
62 travel_avoid_distance = 3
6362 wall_0_inset = 0
6463 wall_line_width_x = =wall_line_width
6564 wall_thickness = 2
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 brim_width = 7
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
1011 acceleration_enabled = True
1112 acceleration_print = 4000
12 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_topbottom * 100 / 500)
13 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 2000 / 4000)
14 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 1500 / 2000)
15 acceleration_support_bottom = =math.ceil(acceleration_support_interface * 100 / 1500)
1316 brim_width = 3
1417 cool_fan_speed = 50
1518 cool_min_speed = 5
1922 infill_wipe_dist = 0
2023 jerk_enabled = True
2124 jerk_print = 25
22 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_topbottom * 1 / 5)
25 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 15 / 25)
26 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 10 / 15)
27 jerk_support_bottom = =math.ceil(jerk_support_interface * 1 / 10)
2328 layer_height = 0.2
2429 machine_min_cool_heat_time_window = 15
2530 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
5257 skin_overlap = 5
5358 speed_layer_0 = 20
5459 speed_print = 35
55 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_topbottom * 15 / 20)
60 speed_support = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 35)
61 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
62 speed_support_bottom = =math.ceil(speed_support_interface * 10 / 20)
5663 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 30)
5764 support_angle = 60
5865 support_bottom_height = =layer_height * 2
66 support_bottom_pattern = zigzag
5967 support_bottom_stair_step_height = =layer_height
6068 support_infill_rate = 25
6169 support_interface_enable = True
6270 support_interface_height = =layer_height * 5
71 support_interface_skip_height = =layer_height
6372 support_join_distance = 3
6473 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
6574 support_offset = 1.5
6675 support_pattern = triangles
6776 support_use_towers = False
68 support_xy_distance = =wall_line_width_0 / 2
77 support_xy_distance = =round(wall_line_width_0 * 0.75, 2)
6978 support_xy_distance_overhang = =wall_line_width_0 / 4
7079 support_z_distance = 0
7180 switch_extruder_prime_speed = 15
7281 switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 12
7382 top_bottom_thickness = 1
74 travel_avoid_distance = 3
7583 wall_0_inset = 0
7684 wall_line_width_x = =wall_line_width
7785 wall_thickness = 1
55 [metadata]
66 author = ultimaker
77 type = variant
8 setting_version = 1
910 [values]
10 cool_fan_speed_max = 100
11 acceleration_support = =math.ceil(acceleration_print * 2000 / 4000)
12 acceleration_support_interface = =math.ceil(acceleration_support * 1500 / 2000)
13 acceleration_support_bottom = =math.ceil(acceleration_support_interface * 100 / 1500)
14 cool_fan_speed_max = =cool_fan_speed
15 jerk_support = =math.ceil(jerk_print * 15 / 25)
16 jerk_support_interface = =math.ceil(jerk_support * 10 / 15)
17 jerk_support_bottom = =math.ceil(jerk_support_interface * 1 / 10)
1118 machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed = 1.5
12 machine_nozzle_size = 0.4
13 material_bed_temperature = 60
1419 material_print_temperature = 215
15 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_layer_0
16 raft_jerk = =jerk_layer_0
20 raft_base_speed = 20
21 raft_interface_speed = 20
22 raft_speed = 25
1723 retraction_extrusion_window = =retraction_amount
24 speed_layer_0 = 20
25 speed_support = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 35)
26 speed_support_interface = =math.ceil(speed_support * 20 / 25)
27 speed_support_bottom = =math.ceil(speed_support_interface * 10 / 20)
1828 speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 30)
1929 support_bottom_height = =layer_height * 2
30 support_bottom_pattern = zigzag
2031 support_bottom_stair_step_height = =layer_height
32 support_infill_rate = 25
2133 support_interface_enable = True
34 support_interface_skip_height = =layer_height
35 support_join_distance = 3
2236 support_line_width = =round(line_width * 0.4 / 0.35, 2)
23 support_pattern = triangles
24 support_use_towers = False
25 support_xy_distance = =wall_line_width_0 * 3
37 support_offset = 3
38 support_xy_distance = =round(wall_line_width_0 * 0.75, 2)
2639 support_xy_distance_overhang = =wall_line_width_0 / 2
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import os #To find the directory with test files and find the test files.
4 import pytest #This module contains unit tests.
5 import shutil #To copy files to make a temporary file.
6 import unittest.mock #To mock and monkeypatch stuff.
7 import urllib.parse
9 from cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry import CuraContainerRegistry #The class we're testing.
10 from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack #Testing for returning the correct types of stacks.
11 from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack #Testing for returning the correct types of stacks.
12 from UM.Resources import Resources #Mocking some functions of this.
13 import UM.Settings.InstanceContainer #Creating instance containers to register.
14 import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry #Making empty container stacks.
15 import UM.Settings.ContainerStack #Setting the container registry here properly.
16 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
18 ## Gives a fresh CuraContainerRegistry instance.
19 @pytest.fixture()
20 def container_registry():
21 registry = CuraContainerRegistry()
22 UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.setContainerRegistry(registry)
23 UM.Settings.ContainerStack.setContainerRegistry(registry)
24 return registry
26 ## Gives an arbitrary definition container.
27 @pytest.fixture()
28 def definition_container():
29 return DefinitionContainer(container_id = "Test Definition")
31 def teardown():
32 #If the temporary file for the legacy file rename test still exists, remove it.
33 temporary_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "stacks", "temporary.stack.cfg")
34 if os.path.isfile(temporary_file):
35 os.remove(temporary_file)
37 ## Tests whether addContainer properly converts to ExtruderStack.
38 def test_addContainerExtruderStack(container_registry, definition_container):
39 container_registry.addContainer(definition_container)
41 container_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack(stack_id = "Test Container Stack") #A container we're going to convert.
42 container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "extruder_train") #This is now an extruder train.
43 container_stack.insertContainer(0, definition_container) #Add a definition to it so it doesn't complain.
45 mock_super_add_container = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Takes the role of the Uranium-ContainerRegistry where the resulting containers get registered.
46 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.addContainer", mock_super_add_container):
47 container_registry.addContainer(container_stack)
49 assert len(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list) == 1 #Called only once.
50 assert len(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list[0][0]) == 1 #Called with one parameter.
51 assert type(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list[0][0][0]) == ExtruderStack
53 ## Tests whether addContainer properly converts to GlobalStack.
54 def test_addContainerGlobalStack(container_registry, definition_container):
55 container_registry.addContainer(definition_container)
57 container_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack(stack_id = "Test Container Stack") #A container we're going to convert.
58 container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "machine") #This is now a global stack.
59 container_stack.insertContainer(0, definition_container) #Must have a definition.
61 mock_super_add_container = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Takes the role of the Uranium-ContainerRegistry where the resulting containers get registered.
62 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.addContainer", mock_super_add_container):
63 container_registry.addContainer(container_stack)
65 assert len(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list) == 1 #Called only once.
66 assert len(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list[0][0]) == 1 #Called with one parameter.
67 assert type(mock_super_add_container.call_args_list[0][0][0]) == GlobalStack
69 def test_addContainerGoodSettingVersion(container_registry, definition_container):
70 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
71 definition_container.getMetaData()["setting_version"] = CuraApplication.SettingVersion
72 container_registry.addContainer(definition_container)
74 instance = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.InstanceContainer(container_id = "Test Instance")
75 instance.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
76 instance.setDefinition(definition_container)
78 mock_super_add_container = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Take the role of the Uranium-ContainerRegistry where the resulting containers get registered.
79 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.addContainer", mock_super_add_container):
80 container_registry.addContainer(instance)
82 mock_super_add_container.assert_called_once_with(instance) #The instance must have been registered now.
84 def test_addContainerNoSettingVersion(container_registry, definition_container):
85 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
86 definition_container.getMetaData()["setting_version"] = CuraApplication.SettingVersion
87 container_registry.addContainer(definition_container)
89 instance = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.InstanceContainer(container_id = "Test Instance")
90 #Don't add setting_version metadata.
91 instance.setDefinition(definition_container)
93 mock_super_add_container = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Take the role of the Uranium-ContainerRegistry where the resulting container should not get registered.
94 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.addContainer", mock_super_add_container):
95 container_registry.addContainer(instance)
97 mock_super_add_container.assert_not_called() #Should not get passed on to UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer, because the setting_version is interpreted as 0!
99 def test_addContainerBadSettingVersion(container_registry, definition_container):
100 from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
101 definition_container.getMetaData()["setting_version"] = CuraApplication.SettingVersion
102 container_registry.addContainer(definition_container)
104 instance = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.InstanceContainer(container_id = "Test Instance")
105 instance.addMetaDataEntry("setting_version", 9001) #Wrong version!
106 instance.setDefinition(definition_container)
108 mock_super_add_container = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Take the role of the Uranium-ContainerRegistry where the resulting container should not get registered.
109 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.addContainer", mock_super_add_container):
110 container_registry.addContainer(instance)
112 mock_super_add_container.assert_not_called() #Should not get passed on to UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer, because the setting_version doesn't match its definition!
114 ## Tests whether loading gives objects of the correct type.
115 @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename, output_class", [
116 ("ExtruderLegacy.stack.cfg", ExtruderStack),
117 ("MachineLegacy.stack.cfg", GlobalStack),
118 ("Left.extruder.cfg", ExtruderStack),
119 ("", GlobalStack),
120 ("Global.stack.cfg", GlobalStack)
121 ])
122 def test_loadTypes(filename, output_class, container_registry):
123 #Mock some dependencies.
124 Resources.getAllResourcesOfType = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "stacks", filename)]) #Return just this tested file.
126 def findContainers(container_type = 0, id = None):
127 if id == "some_instance":
128 return [UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry._EmptyInstanceContainer(id)]
129 elif id == "some_definition":
130 return [DefinitionContainer(container_id = id)]
131 else:
132 return []
134 container_registry.findContainers = findContainers
136 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.GlobalStack.GlobalStack.findContainer"):
137 with unittest.mock.patch("os.remove"):
138 container_registry.load()
140 #Check whether the resulting type was correct.
141 stack_id = filename.split(".")[0]
142 for container in container_registry._containers: #Stupid ContainerRegistry class doesn't expose any way of getting at this except by prodding the privates.
143 if container.getId() == stack_id: #This is the one we're testing.
144 assert type(container) == output_class
145 break
146 else:
147 assert False #Container stack with specified ID was not loaded.
149 ## Tests whether loading a legacy file moves the upgraded file properly.
150 def test_loadLegacyFileRenamed(container_registry):
151 #Create a temporary file for the registry to load.
152 stacks_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "stacks")
153 temp_file = os.path.join(stacks_folder, "temporary.stack.cfg")
154 temp_file_source = os.path.join(stacks_folder, "MachineLegacy.stack.cfg")
155 shutil.copyfile(temp_file_source, temp_file)
157 #Mock some dependencies.
158 UM.Settings.ContainerStack.setContainerRegistry(container_registry)
159 Resources.getAllResourcesOfType = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = [temp_file]) #Return a temporary file that we'll make for this test.
161 def findContainers(container_type = 0, id = None):
162 if id == "MachineLegacy":
163 return None
165 container = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry._EmptyInstanceContainer(id)
166 container.getNextStack = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
167 return [container]
169 old_find_containers = container_registry.findContainers
170 container_registry.findContainers = findContainers
172 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.GlobalStack.GlobalStack.findContainer"):
173 container_registry.load()
175 container_registry.findContainers = old_find_containers
177 container_registry.saveAll()
178 print("all containers in registry", container_registry._containers)
179 assert not os.path.isfile(temp_file)
180 mime_type = container_registry.getMimeTypeForContainer(GlobalStack)
181 file_name = urllib.parse.quote_plus("MachineLegacy") + "." + mime_type.preferredSuffix
182 path = Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.ContainerStacks, file_name)
183 assert os.path.isfile(path)
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import pytest #This module contains automated tests.
4 import unittest.mock #For the mocking and monkeypatching functionality.
6 import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry #To create empty instance containers.
7 import UM.Settings.ContainerStack #To set the container registry the container stacks use.
8 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer #To check against the class of DefinitionContainer.
9 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer #To check against the class of InstanceContainer.
10 import cura.Settings.ExtruderStack #The module we're testing.
11 from cura.Settings.Exceptions import InvalidContainerError, InvalidOperationError #To check whether the correct exceptions are raised.
13 from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
15 ## Fake container registry that always provides all containers you ask of.
16 @pytest.yield_fixture()
17 def container_registry():
18 registry = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
19 registry.return_value = unittest.mock.NonCallableMagicMock()
20 registry.findInstanceContainers = lambda *args, registry = registry, **kwargs: [registry.return_value]
21 registry.findDefinitionContainers = lambda *args, registry = registry, **kwargs: [registry.return_value]
23 UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry._ContainerRegistry__instance = registry
24 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = registry
26 yield registry
28 UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry._ContainerRegistry__instance = None
29 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = None
31 ## An empty extruder stack to test with.
32 @pytest.fixture()
33 def extruder_stack() -> cura.Settings.ExtruderStack.ExtruderStack:
34 return cura.Settings.ExtruderStack.ExtruderStack("TestStack")
36 ## Gets an instance container with a specified container type.
37 #
38 # \param container_type The type metadata for the instance container.
39 # \return An instance container instance.
40 def getInstanceContainer(container_type) -> InstanceContainer:
41 container = InstanceContainer(container_id = "InstanceContainer")
42 container.addMetaDataEntry("type", container_type)
43 return container
45 class DefinitionContainerSubClass(DefinitionContainer):
46 def __init__(self):
47 super().__init__(container_id = "SubDefinitionContainer")
49 class InstanceContainerSubClass(InstanceContainer):
50 def __init__(self, container_type):
51 super().__init__(container_id = "SubInstanceContainer")
52 self.addMetaDataEntry("type", container_type)
54 #############################START OF TEST CASES################################
56 ## Tests whether adding a container is properly forbidden.
57 def test_addContainer(extruder_stack):
58 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
59 extruder_stack.addContainer(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
61 #Tests setting user changes profiles to invalid containers.
62 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
63 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
64 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
65 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
66 ])
67 def test_constrainUserChangesInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
68 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
69 extruder_stack.userChanges = container
71 #Tests setting user changes profiles.
72 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
73 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "user"),
74 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "user")
75 ])
76 def test_constrainUserChangesValid(container, extruder_stack):
77 extruder_stack.userChanges = container #Should not give an error.
79 #Tests setting quality changes profiles to invalid containers.
80 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
81 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
82 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
83 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
84 ])
85 def test_constrainQualityChangesInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
86 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
87 extruder_stack.qualityChanges = container
89 #Test setting quality changes profiles.
90 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
91 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality_changes"),
92 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "quality_changes")
93 ])
94 def test_constrainQualityChangesValid(container, extruder_stack):
95 extruder_stack.qualityChanges = container #Should not give an error.
97 #Tests setting quality profiles to invalid containers.
98 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
99 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
100 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
101 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
102 ])
103 def test_constrainQualityInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
104 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
105 extruder_stack.quality = container
107 #Test setting quality profiles.
108 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
109 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality"),
110 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "quality")
111 ])
112 def test_constrainQualityValid(container, extruder_stack):
113 extruder_stack.quality = container #Should not give an error.
115 #Tests setting materials to invalid containers.
116 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
117 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
118 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
119 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
120 ])
121 def test_constrainMaterialInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
122 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
123 extruder_stack.material = container
125 #Test setting materials.
126 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
127 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"),
128 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "material")
129 ])
130 def test_constrainMaterialValid(container, extruder_stack):
131 extruder_stack.material = container #Should not give an error.
133 #Tests setting variants to invalid containers.
134 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
135 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
136 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
137 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
138 ])
139 def test_constrainVariantInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
140 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
141 extruder_stack.variant = container
143 #Test setting variants.
144 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
145 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "variant"),
146 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "variant")
147 ])
148 def test_constrainVariantValid(container, extruder_stack):
149 extruder_stack.variant = container #Should not give an error.
151 #Tests setting definitions to invalid containers.
152 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
153 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong class"),
154 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong class.
155 ])
156 def test_constrainVariantInvalid(container, extruder_stack):
157 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
158 extruder_stack.definition = container
160 #Test setting definitions.
161 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
162 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "DefinitionContainer"),
163 DefinitionContainerSubClass()
164 ])
165 def test_constrainDefinitionValid(container, extruder_stack):
166 extruder_stack.definition = container #Should not give an error.
168 ## Tests whether deserialising completes the missing containers with empty
169 # ones.
170 @pytest.mark.skip #The test currently fails because the definition container doesn't have a category, which is wrong but we don't have time to refactor that right now.
171 def test_deserializeCompletesEmptyContainers(extruder_stack: cura.Settings.ExtruderStack):
172 extruder_stack._containers = [DefinitionContainer(container_id = "definition")] #Set the internal state of this stack manually.
174 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
175 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
177 assert len(extruder_stack.getContainers()) == len(cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap) #Needs a slot for every type.
178 for container_type_index in cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap:
179 if container_type_index == cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition: #We're not checking the definition.
180 continue
181 assert extruder_stack.getContainer(container_type_index).getId() == "empty" #All others need to be empty.
183 ## Tests whether an instance container with the wrong type gets removed when
184 # deserialising.
185 def test_deserializeRemovesWrongInstanceContainer(extruder_stack):
186 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong type")
187 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
189 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
190 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
192 assert extruder_stack.quality == extruder_stack._empty_instance_container #Replaced with empty.
194 ## Tests whether a container with the wrong class gets removed when
195 # deserialising.
196 def test_deserializeRemovesWrongContainerClass(extruder_stack):
197 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
198 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
200 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
201 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
203 assert extruder_stack.quality == extruder_stack._empty_instance_container #Replaced with empty.
205 ## Tests whether an instance container in the definition spot results in an
206 # error.
207 def test_deserializeWrongDefinitionClass(extruder_stack):
208 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "definition") #Correct type but wrong class.
210 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
211 with pytest.raises(UM.Settings.ContainerStack.InvalidContainerStackError): #Must raise an error that there is no definition container.
212 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
214 ## Tests whether an instance container with the wrong type is moved into the
215 # correct slot by deserialising.
216 def test_deserializeMoveInstanceContainer(extruder_stack):
217 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material") #Not in the correct spot.
218 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
220 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
221 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
223 assert extruder_stack.quality.getId() == "empty"
224 assert extruder_stack.material.getId() != "empty"
226 ## Tests whether a definition container in the wrong spot is moved into the
227 # correct spot by deserialising.
228 @pytest.mark.skip #The test currently fails because the definition container doesn't have a category, which is wrong but we don't have time to refactor that right now.
229 def test_deserializeMoveDefinitionContainer(extruder_stack):
230 extruder_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Material] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition") #Not in the correct spot.
232 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
233 extruder_stack.deserialize("")
235 assert extruder_stack.material.getId() == "empty"
236 assert extruder_stack.definition.getId() != "empty"
238 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = None
240 ## Tests whether getProperty properly applies the stack-like behaviour on its
241 # containers.
242 def test_getPropertyFallThrough(extruder_stack):
243 # ExtruderStack.setNextStack calls registerExtruder for backward compatibility, but we do not need a complete extruder manager
244 ExtruderManager._ExtruderManager__instance = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
246 #A few instance container mocks to put in the stack.
247 mock_layer_heights = {} #For each container type, a mock container that defines layer height to something unique.
248 mock_no_settings = {} #For each container type, a mock container that has no settings at all.
249 container_indices = cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes #Cache.
250 for type_id, type_name in container_indices.IndexTypeMap.items():
251 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
252 # Return type_id when asking for value and -1 when asking for limit_to_extruder
253 container.getProperty = lambda key, property, type_id = type_id: type_id if (key == "layer_height" and property == "value") else (None if property != "limit_to_extruder" else "-1") #Returns the container type ID as layer height, in order to identify it.
254 container.hasProperty = lambda key, property: key == "layer_height"
255 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = type_name)
256 mock_layer_heights[type_id] = container
258 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
259 container.getProperty = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = None) #Has no settings at all.
260 container.hasProperty = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = False)
261 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = type_name)
262 mock_no_settings[type_id] = container
264 extruder_stack.userChanges = mock_no_settings[container_indices.UserChanges]
265 extruder_stack.qualityChanges = mock_no_settings[container_indices.QualityChanges]
266 extruder_stack.quality = mock_no_settings[container_indices.Quality]
267 extruder_stack.material = mock_no_settings[container_indices.Material]
268 extruder_stack.variant = mock_no_settings[container_indices.Variant]
269 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
270 extruder_stack.definition = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.Definition] #There's a layer height in here!
271 extruder_stack.setNextStack(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
273 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.Definition
274 extruder_stack.variant = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.Variant]
275 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.Variant
276 extruder_stack.material = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.Material]
277 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.Material
278 extruder_stack.quality = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.Quality]
279 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.Quality
280 extruder_stack.qualityChanges = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.QualityChanges]
281 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.QualityChanges
282 extruder_stack.userChanges = mock_layer_heights[container_indices.UserChanges]
283 assert extruder_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indices.UserChanges
285 ## Tests whether inserting a container is properly forbidden.
286 def test_insertContainer(extruder_stack):
287 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
288 extruder_stack.insertContainer(0, unittest.mock.MagicMock())
290 ## Tests whether removing a container is properly forbidden.
291 def test_removeContainer(extruder_stack):
292 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
293 extruder_stack.removeContainer(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
295 ## Tests setting definitions by specifying an ID of a definition that exists.
296 def test_setDefinitionByIdExists(extruder_stack, container_registry):
297 container_registry.return_value = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some_definition")
298 extruder_stack.setDefinitionById("some_definition")
299 assert extruder_stack.definition.getId() == "some_definition"
301 ## Tests setting definitions by specifying an ID of a definition that doesn't
302 # exist.
303 def test_setDefinitionByIdDoesntExist(extruder_stack):
304 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
305 extruder_stack.setDefinitionById("some_definition") #Container registry is empty now.
307 ## Tests setting materials by specifying an ID of a material that exists.
308 def test_setMaterialByIdExists(extruder_stack, container_registry):
309 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material")
310 extruder_stack.setMaterialById("InstanceContainer")
311 assert extruder_stack.material.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
313 ## Tests setting materials by specifying an ID of a material that doesn't
314 # exist.
315 def test_setMaterialByIdDoesntExist(extruder_stack):
316 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
317 extruder_stack.setMaterialById("some_material") #Container registry is empty now.
319 ## Tests setting properties directly on the extruder stack.
320 @pytest.mark.parametrize("key, property, value", [
321 ("layer_height", "value", 0.1337),
322 ("foo", "value", 100),
323 ("support_enabled", "value", True),
324 ("layer_height", "default_value", 0.1337),
325 ("layer_height", "is_bright_pink", "of course")
326 ])
327 def test_setPropertyUser(key, property, value, extruder_stack):
328 user_changes = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
329 user_changes.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "user")
330 extruder_stack.userChanges = user_changes
332 extruder_stack.setProperty(key, property, value) #The actual test.
334 extruder_stack.userChanges.setProperty.assert_called_once_with(key, property, value) #Make sure that the user container gets a setProperty call.
336 ## Tests setting properties on specific containers on the global stack.
337 @pytest.mark.parametrize("target_container, stack_variable", [
338 ("user", "userChanges"),
339 ("quality_changes", "qualityChanges"),
340 ("quality", "quality"),
341 ("material", "material"),
342 ("variant", "variant")
343 ])
344 def test_setPropertyOtherContainers(target_container, stack_variable, extruder_stack):
345 #Other parameters that don't need to be varied.
346 key = "layer_height"
347 property = "value"
348 value = 0.1337
349 #A mock container in the right spot.
350 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
351 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = target_container)
352 setattr(extruder_stack, stack_variable, container) #For instance, set global_stack.qualityChanges = container.
354 extruder_stack.setProperty(key, property, value, target_container = target_container) #The actual test.
356 getattr(extruder_stack, stack_variable).setProperty.assert_called_once_with(key, property, value) #Make sure that the proper container gets a setProperty call.
358 ## Tests setting qualities by specifying an ID of a quality that exists.
359 def test_setQualityByIdExists(extruder_stack, container_registry):
360 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality")
361 extruder_stack.setQualityById("InstanceContainer")
362 assert extruder_stack.quality.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
364 ## Tests setting qualities by specifying an ID of a quality that doesn't exist.
365 def test_setQualityByIdDoesntExist(extruder_stack):
366 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
367 extruder_stack.setQualityById("some_quality") #Container registry is empty now.
369 ## Tests setting quality changes by specifying an ID of a quality change that
370 # exists.
371 def test_setQualityChangesByIdExists(extruder_stack, container_registry):
372 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality_changes")
373 extruder_stack.setQualityChangesById("InstanceContainer")
374 assert extruder_stack.qualityChanges.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
376 ## Tests setting quality changes by specifying an ID of a quality change that
377 # doesn't exist.
378 def test_setQualityChangesByIdDoesntExist(extruder_stack):
379 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
380 extruder_stack.setQualityChangesById("some_quality_changes") #Container registry is empty now.
382 ## Tests setting variants by specifying an ID of a variant that exists.
383 def test_setVariantByIdExists(extruder_stack, container_registry):
384 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "variant")
385 extruder_stack.setVariantById("InstanceContainer")
386 assert extruder_stack.variant.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
388 ## Tests setting variants by specifying an ID of a variant that doesn't exist.
389 def test_setVariantByIdDoesntExist(extruder_stack):
390 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
391 extruder_stack.setVariantById("some_variant") #Container registry is empty now.
0 # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
1 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
3 import pytest #This module contains unit tests.
4 import unittest.mock #To monkeypatch some mocks in place of dependencies.
6 import cura.Settings.GlobalStack #The module we're testing.
7 import cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack #To get the list of container types.
8 from cura.Settings.Exceptions import TooManyExtrudersError, InvalidContainerError, InvalidOperationError #To test raising these errors.
9 from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer #To test against the class DefinitionContainer.
10 from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer #To test against the class InstanceContainer.
11 from UM.Settings.SettingInstance import InstanceState
12 import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry
13 import UM.Settings.ContainerStack
15 ## Fake container registry that always provides all containers you ask of.
16 @pytest.yield_fixture()
17 def container_registry():
18 registry = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
19 registry.return_value = unittest.mock.NonCallableMagicMock()
20 registry.findInstanceContainers = lambda *args, registry = registry, **kwargs: [registry.return_value]
21 registry.findDefinitionContainers = lambda *args, registry = registry, **kwargs: [registry.return_value]
23 UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry._ContainerRegistry__instance = registry
24 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = registry
26 yield registry
28 UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry._ContainerRegistry__instance = None
29 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = None
31 #An empty global stack to test with.
32 @pytest.fixture()
33 def global_stack() -> cura.Settings.GlobalStack.GlobalStack:
34 return cura.Settings.GlobalStack.GlobalStack("TestStack")
36 ## Gets an instance container with a specified container type.
37 #
38 # \param container_type The type metadata for the instance container.
39 # \return An instance container instance.
40 def getInstanceContainer(container_type) -> InstanceContainer:
41 container = InstanceContainer(container_id = "InstanceContainer")
42 container.addMetaDataEntry("type", container_type)
43 return container
45 class DefinitionContainerSubClass(DefinitionContainer):
46 def __init__(self):
47 super().__init__(container_id = "SubDefinitionContainer")
49 class InstanceContainerSubClass(InstanceContainer):
50 def __init__(self, container_type):
51 super().__init__(container_id = "SubInstanceContainer")
52 self.addMetaDataEntry("type", container_type)
54 #############################START OF TEST CASES################################
56 ## Tests whether adding a container is properly forbidden.
57 def test_addContainer(global_stack):
58 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
59 global_stack.addContainer(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
61 ## Tests adding extruders to the global stack.
62 def test_addExtruder(global_stack):
63 mock_definition = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
64 mock_definition.getProperty = lambda key, property: 2 if key == "machine_extruder_count" and property == "value" else None
66 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock):
67 global_stack.definition = mock_definition
69 assert len(global_stack.extruders) == 0
70 first_extruder = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
71 first_extruder.getMetaDataEntry = lambda key: 0 if key == "position" else None
72 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock):
73 global_stack.addExtruder(first_extruder)
74 assert len(global_stack.extruders) == 1
75 assert global_stack.extruders[0] == first_extruder
76 second_extruder = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
77 second_extruder.getMetaDataEntry = lambda key: 1 if key == "position" else None
78 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock):
79 global_stack.addExtruder(second_extruder)
80 assert len(global_stack.extruders) == 2
81 assert global_stack.extruders[1] == second_extruder
82 # Disabled for now for Custom FDM Printer
83 # with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock):
84 # with pytest.raises(TooManyExtrudersError): #Should be limited to 2 extruders because of machine_extruder_count.
85 # global_stack.addExtruder(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
86 assert len(global_stack.extruders) == 2 #Didn't add the faulty extruder.
88 #Tests setting user changes profiles to invalid containers.
89 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
90 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
91 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
92 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
93 ])
94 def test_constrainUserChangesInvalid(container, global_stack):
95 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
96 global_stack.userChanges = container
98 #Tests setting user changes profiles.
99 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
100 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "user"),
101 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "user")
102 ])
103 def test_constrainUserChangesValid(container, global_stack):
104 global_stack.userChanges = container #Should not give an error.
106 #Tests setting quality changes profiles to invalid containers.
107 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
108 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
109 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
110 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
111 ])
112 def test_constrainQualityChangesInvalid(container, global_stack):
113 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
114 global_stack.qualityChanges = container
116 #Test setting quality changes profiles.
117 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
118 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality_changes"),
119 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "quality_changes")
120 ])
121 def test_constrainQualityChangesValid(container, global_stack):
122 global_stack.qualityChanges = container #Should not give an error.
124 #Tests setting quality profiles to invalid containers.
125 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
126 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
127 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
128 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
129 ])
130 def test_constrainQualityInvalid(container, global_stack):
131 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
132 global_stack.quality = container
134 #Test setting quality profiles.
135 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
136 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality"),
137 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "quality")
138 ])
139 def test_constrainQualityValid(container, global_stack):
140 global_stack.quality = container #Should not give an error.
142 #Tests setting materials to invalid containers.
143 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
144 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
145 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
146 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
147 ])
148 def test_constrainMaterialInvalid(container, global_stack):
149 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
150 global_stack.material = container
152 #Test setting materials.
153 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
154 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"),
155 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "material")
156 ])
157 def test_constrainMaterialValid(container, global_stack):
158 global_stack.material = container #Should not give an error.
160 #Tests setting variants to invalid containers.
161 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
162 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
163 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
164 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
165 ])
166 def test_constrainVariantInvalid(container, global_stack):
167 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
168 global_stack.variant = container
170 #Test setting variants.
171 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
172 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "variant"),
173 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "variant")
174 ])
175 def test_constrainVariantValid(container, global_stack):
176 global_stack.variant = container #Should not give an error.
178 #Tests setting definition changes profiles to invalid containers.
179 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
180 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),
181 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong type.
182 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
183 ])
184 def test_constrainDefinitionChangesInvalid(container, global_stack):
185 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
186 global_stack.definitionChanges = container
188 #Test setting definition changes profiles.
189 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
190 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "definition_changes"),
191 InstanceContainerSubClass(container_type = "definition_changes")
192 ])
193 def test_constrainDefinitionChangesValid(container, global_stack):
194 global_stack.definitionChanges = container #Should not give an error.
196 #Tests setting definitions to invalid containers.
197 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
198 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong class"),
199 getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material"), #Existing, but still wrong class.
200 ])
201 def test_constrainVariantInvalid(container, global_stack):
202 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Invalid container, should raise an error.
203 global_stack.definition = container
205 #Test setting definitions.
206 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
207 DefinitionContainer(container_id = "DefinitionContainer"),
208 DefinitionContainerSubClass()
209 ])
210 def test_constrainDefinitionValid(container, global_stack):
211 global_stack.definition = container #Should not give an error.
213 ## Tests whether deserialising completes the missing containers with empty
214 # ones.
215 @pytest.mark.skip #The test currently fails because the definition container doesn't have a category, which is wrong but we don't have time to refactor that right now.
216 def test_deserializeCompletesEmptyContainers(global_stack: cura.Settings.GlobalStack):
217 global_stack._containers = [DefinitionContainer(container_id = "definition")] #Set the internal state of this stack manually.
219 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
220 global_stack.deserialize("")
222 assert len(global_stack.getContainers()) == len(cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap) #Needs a slot for every type.
223 for container_type_index in cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap:
224 if container_type_index == cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition: #We're not checking the definition.
225 continue
226 assert global_stack.getContainer(container_type_index).getId() == "empty" #All others need to be empty.
228 ## Tests whether an instance container with the wrong type gets removed when
229 # deserialising.
230 def test_deserializeRemovesWrongInstanceContainer(global_stack):
231 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong type")
232 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
234 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
235 global_stack.deserialize("")
237 assert global_stack.quality == global_stack._empty_instance_container #Replaced with empty.
239 ## Tests whether a container with the wrong class gets removed when
240 # deserialising.
241 def test_deserializeRemovesWrongContainerClass(global_stack):
242 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "wrong class")
243 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
245 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
246 global_stack.deserialize("")
248 assert global_stack.quality == global_stack._empty_instance_container #Replaced with empty.
250 ## Tests whether an instance container in the definition spot results in an
251 # error.
252 def test_deserializeWrongDefinitionClass(global_stack):
253 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "definition") #Correct type but wrong class.
255 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
256 with pytest.raises(UM.Settings.ContainerStack.InvalidContainerStackError): #Must raise an error that there is no definition container.
257 global_stack.deserialize("")
259 ## Tests whether an instance container with the wrong type is moved into the
260 # correct slot by deserialising.
261 def test_deserializeMoveInstanceContainer(global_stack):
262 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Quality] = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material") #Not in the correct spot.
263 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Definition] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition")
265 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
266 global_stack.deserialize("")
268 assert global_stack.quality.getId() == "empty"
269 assert global_stack.material.getId() != "empty"
271 ## Tests whether a definition container in the wrong spot is moved into the
272 # correct spot by deserialising.
273 @pytest.mark.skip #The test currently fails because the definition container doesn't have a category, which is wrong but we don't have time to refactor that right now.
274 def test_deserializeMoveDefinitionContainer(global_stack):
275 global_stack._containers[cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes.Material] = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some definition") #Not in the correct spot.
277 with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Settings.ContainerStack.ContainerStack.deserialize", unittest.mock.MagicMock()): #Prevent calling super().deserialize.
278 global_stack.deserialize("")
280 assert global_stack.material.getId() == "empty"
281 assert global_stack.definition.getId() != "empty"
283 UM.Settings.ContainerStack._containerRegistry = None
285 ## Tests whether getProperty properly applies the stack-like behaviour on its
286 # containers.
287 def test_getPropertyFallThrough(global_stack):
288 #A few instance container mocks to put in the stack.
289 mock_layer_heights = {} #For each container type, a mock container that defines layer height to something unique.
290 mock_no_settings = {} #For each container type, a mock container that has no settings at all.
291 container_indexes = cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes #Cache.
292 for type_id, type_name in container_indexes.IndexTypeMap.items():
293 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
294 container.getProperty = lambda key, property, type_id = type_id: type_id if (key == "layer_height" and property == "value") else None #Returns the container type ID as layer height, in order to identify it.
295 container.hasProperty = lambda key, property: key == "layer_height"
296 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = type_name)
297 mock_layer_heights[type_id] = container
299 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
300 container.getProperty = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = None) #Has no settings at all.
301 container.hasProperty = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = False)
302 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = type_name)
303 mock_no_settings[type_id] = container
305 global_stack.userChanges = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.UserChanges]
306 global_stack.qualityChanges = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.QualityChanges]
307 global_stack.quality = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.Quality]
308 global_stack.material = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.Material]
309 global_stack.variant = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.Variant]
310 global_stack.definitionChanges = mock_no_settings[container_indexes.DefinitionChanges]
311 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
312 global_stack.definition = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.Definition] #There's a layer height in here!
314 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.Definition
315 global_stack.definitionChanges = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.DefinitionChanges]
316 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.DefinitionChanges
317 global_stack.variant = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.Variant]
318 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.Variant
319 global_stack.material = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.Material]
320 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.Material
321 global_stack.quality = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.Quality]
322 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.Quality
323 global_stack.qualityChanges = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.QualityChanges]
324 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.QualityChanges
325 global_stack.userChanges = mock_layer_heights[container_indexes.UserChanges]
326 assert global_stack.getProperty("layer_height", "value") == container_indexes.UserChanges
328 ## In definitions, test whether having no resolve allows us to find the value.
329 def test_getPropertyNoResolveInDefinition(global_stack):
330 value = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Just sets the value for bed temperature.
331 value.getProperty = lambda key, property: 10 if (key == "material_bed_temperature" and property == "value") else None
333 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
334 global_stack.definition = value
335 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 10 #No resolve, so fall through to value.
337 ## In definitions, when the value is asked and there is a resolve function, it
338 # must get the resolve first.
339 def test_getPropertyResolveInDefinition(global_stack):
340 resolve_and_value = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Sets the resolve and value for bed temperature.
341 resolve_and_value.getProperty = lambda key, property: (7.5 if property == "resolve" else 5) if (key == "material_bed_temperature" and property in ("resolve", "value")) else None #7.5 resolve, 5 value.
343 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
344 global_stack.definition = resolve_and_value
345 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 7.5 #Resolve wins in the definition.
347 ## In instance containers, when the value is asked and there is a resolve
348 # function, it must get the value first.
349 def test_getPropertyResolveInInstance(global_stack):
350 container_indices = cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack._ContainerIndexes
351 instance_containers = {}
352 for container_type in container_indices.IndexTypeMap:
353 instance_containers[container_type] = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Sets the resolve and value for bed temperature.
354 instance_containers[container_type].getProperty = lambda key, property: (7.5 if property == "resolve" else (InstanceState.User if property == "state" else (5 if property != "limit_to_extruder" else "-1"))) if (key == "material_bed_temperature") else None #7.5 resolve, 5 value.
355 instance_containers[container_type].getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = container_indices.IndexTypeMap[container_type]) #Make queries for the type return the desired type.
356 instance_containers[container_indices.Definition].getProperty = lambda key, property: 10 if (key == "material_bed_temperature" and property == "value") else None #Definition only has value.
357 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
358 global_stack.definition = instance_containers[container_indices.Definition] #Stack must have a definition.
360 #For all instance container slots, the value reigns over resolve.
361 global_stack.definitionChanges = instance_containers[container_indices.DefinitionChanges]
362 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
363 global_stack.variant = instance_containers[container_indices.Variant]
364 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
365 global_stack.material = instance_containers[container_indices.Material]
366 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
367 global_stack.quality = instance_containers[container_indices.Quality]
368 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
369 global_stack.qualityChanges = instance_containers[container_indices.QualityChanges]
370 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
371 global_stack.userChanges = instance_containers[container_indices.UserChanges]
372 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 5
374 ## Tests whether the value in instances gets evaluated before the resolve in
375 # definitions.
376 def test_getPropertyInstancesBeforeResolve(global_stack):
377 value = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Sets just the value.
378 value.getProperty = lambda key, property: (10 if property == "value" else (InstanceState.User if property != "limit_to_extruder" else "-1")) if key == "material_bed_temperature" else None
379 value.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "quality")
380 resolve = unittest.mock.MagicMock() #Sets just the resolve.
381 resolve.getProperty = lambda key, property: 7.5 if (key == "material_bed_temperature" and property == "resolve") else None
383 with unittest.mock.patch("cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack.DefinitionContainer", unittest.mock.MagicMock): #To guard against the type checking.
384 global_stack.definition = resolve
385 global_stack.quality = value
387 assert global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value") == 10
389 ## Tests whether the hasUserValue returns true for settings that are changed in
390 # the user-changes container.
391 def test_hasUserValueUserChanges(global_stack):
392 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
393 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "user")
394 container.hasProperty = lambda key, property: key == "layer_height" #Only have the layer_height property set.
395 global_stack.userChanges = container
397 assert global_stack.hasUserValue("layer_height")
398 assert not global_stack.hasUserValue("infill_sparse_density")
399 assert not global_stack.hasUserValue("")
401 ## Tests whether the hasUserValue returns true for settings that are changed in
402 # the quality-changes container.
403 def test_hasUserValueQualityChanges(global_stack):
404 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
405 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "quality_changes")
406 container.hasProperty = lambda key, property: key == "layer_height" #Only have the layer_height property set.
407 global_stack.qualityChanges = container
409 assert global_stack.hasUserValue("layer_height")
410 assert not global_stack.hasUserValue("infill_sparse_density")
411 assert not global_stack.hasUserValue("")
413 ## Tests whether a container in some other place on the stack is correctly not
414 # recognised as user value.
415 def test_hasNoUserValue(global_stack):
416 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
417 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "quality")
418 container.hasProperty = lambda key, property: key == "layer_height" #Only have the layer_height property set.
419 global_stack.quality = container
421 assert not global_stack.hasUserValue("layer_height") #However this container is quality, so it's not a user value.
423 ## Tests whether inserting a container is properly forbidden.
424 def test_insertContainer(global_stack):
425 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
426 global_stack.insertContainer(0, unittest.mock.MagicMock())
428 ## Tests whether removing a container is properly forbidden.
429 def test_removeContainer(global_stack):
430 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
431 global_stack.removeContainer(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
433 ## Tests setting definitions by specifying an ID of a definition that exists.
434 def test_setDefinitionByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
435 container_registry.return_value = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "some_definition")
436 global_stack.setDefinitionById("some_definition")
437 assert global_stack.definition.getId() == "some_definition"
439 ## Tests setting definitions by specifying an ID of a definition that doesn't
440 # exist.
441 def test_setDefinitionByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
442 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
443 global_stack.setDefinitionById("some_definition") #Container registry is empty now.
445 ## Tests setting definition changes by specifying an ID of a container that
446 # exists.
447 def test_setDefinitionChangesByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
448 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "definition_changes")
449 global_stack.setDefinitionChangesById("InstanceContainer")
450 assert global_stack.definitionChanges.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
452 ## Tests setting definition changes by specifying an ID of a container that
453 # doesn't exist.
454 def test_setDefinitionChangesByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
455 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
456 global_stack.setDefinitionChangesById("some_definition_changes") #Container registry is empty now.
458 ## Tests setting materials by specifying an ID of a material that exists.
459 def test_setMaterialByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
460 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "material")
461 global_stack.setMaterialById("InstanceContainer")
462 assert global_stack.material.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
464 ## Tests setting materials by specifying an ID of a material that doesn't
465 # exist.
466 def test_setMaterialByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
467 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
468 global_stack.setMaterialById("some_material") #Container registry is empty now.
470 ## Tests whether changing the next stack is properly forbidden.
471 def test_setNextStack(global_stack):
472 with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
473 global_stack.setNextStack(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
475 ## Tests setting properties directly on the global stack.
476 @pytest.mark.parametrize("key, property, value", [
477 ("layer_height", "value", 0.1337),
478 ("foo", "value", 100),
479 ("support_enabled", "value", True),
480 ("layer_height", "default_value", 0.1337),
481 ("layer_height", "is_bright_pink", "of course")
482 ])
483 def test_setPropertyUser(key, property, value, global_stack):
484 user_changes = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
485 user_changes.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = "user")
486 global_stack.userChanges = user_changes
488 global_stack.setProperty(key, property, value) #The actual test.
490 global_stack.userChanges.setProperty.assert_called_once_with(key, property, value) #Make sure that the user container gets a setProperty call.
492 ## Tests setting properties on specific containers on the global stack.
493 @pytest.mark.parametrize("target_container, stack_variable", [
494 ("user", "userChanges"),
495 ("quality_changes", "qualityChanges"),
496 ("quality", "quality"),
497 ("material", "material"),
498 ("variant", "variant"),
499 ("definition_changes", "definitionChanges")
500 ])
501 def test_setPropertyOtherContainers(target_container, stack_variable, global_stack):
502 #Other parameters that don't need to be varied.
503 key = "layer_height"
504 property = "value"
505 value = 0.1337
506 #A mock container in the right spot.
507 container = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
508 container.getMetaDataEntry = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = target_container)
509 setattr(global_stack, stack_variable, container) #For instance, set global_stack.qualityChanges = container.
511 global_stack.setProperty(key, property, value, target_container = target_container) #The actual test.
513 getattr(global_stack, stack_variable).setProperty.assert_called_once_with(key, property, value) #Make sure that the proper container gets a setProperty call.
515 ## Tests setting qualities by specifying an ID of a quality that exists.
516 def test_setQualityByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
517 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality")
518 global_stack.setQualityById("InstanceContainer")
519 assert global_stack.quality.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
521 ## Tests setting qualities by specifying an ID of a quality that doesn't exist.
522 def test_setQualityByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
523 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
524 global_stack.setQualityById("some_quality") #Container registry is empty now.
526 ## Tests setting quality changes by specifying an ID of a quality change that
527 # exists.
528 def test_setQualityChangesByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
529 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "quality_changes")
530 global_stack.setQualityChangesById("InstanceContainer")
531 assert global_stack.qualityChanges.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
533 ## Tests setting quality changes by specifying an ID of a quality change that
534 # doesn't exist.
535 def test_setQualityChangesByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
536 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
537 global_stack.setQualityChangesById("some_quality_changes") #Container registry is empty now.
539 ## Tests setting variants by specifying an ID of a variant that exists.
540 def test_setVariantByIdExists(global_stack, container_registry):
541 container_registry.return_value = getInstanceContainer(container_type = "variant")
542 global_stack.setVariantById("InstanceContainer")
543 assert global_stack.variant.getId() == "InstanceContainer"
545 ## Tests setting variants by specifying an ID of a variant that doesn't exist.
546 def test_setVariantByIdDoesntExist(global_stack):
547 with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
548 global_stack.setVariantById("some_variant") #Container registry is empty now.
550 ## Smoke test for findDefaultVariant
551 def test_smoke_findDefaultVariant(global_stack):
552 global_stack.findDefaultVariant()
554 ## Smoke test for findDefaultMaterial
555 def test_smoke_findDefaultMaterial(global_stack):
556 global_stack.findDefaultMaterial()
558 ## Smoke test for findDefaultQuality
559 def test_smoke_findDefaultQuality(global_stack):
560 global_stack.findDefaultQuality()
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Complete
3 id = Complete
5 [containers]
6 0 = some_user_changes
7 1 = some_quality_changes
8 2 = some_quality
9 3 = some_material
10 4 = some_variant
11 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Complete
3 id = Complete
5 [containers]
6 0 = some_user_changes
7 1 = some_quality_changes
8 2 = some_quality
9 3 = some_material
10 4 = some_variant
11 5 = some_definition_changes
12 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Legacy Extruder Stack
3 id = ExtruderLegacy
5 [metadata]
6 type = extruder_train
8 [containers]
9 3 = some_instance
10 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Global
3 id = Global
5 [containers]
6 3 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Global
3 id = Global
5 [metadata]
6 type = machine
8 [containers]
9 3 = some_instance
10 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Left
3 id = Left
5 [containers]
6 3 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Legacy Global Stack
3 id = MachineLegacy
5 [metadata]
6 type = machine
8 [containers]
9 3 = some_instance
10 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Definition
3 id = OnlyDefinition
5 [containers]
6 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Definition
3 id = OnlyDefinition
5 [containers]
6 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Definition Changes
3 id = OnlyDefinitionChanges
5 [containers]
6 5 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Material
3 id = OnlyMaterial
5 [containers]
6 3 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Material
3 id = OnlyMaterial
5 [containers]
6 3 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Quality
3 id = OnlyQuality
5 [containers]
6 2 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Quality
3 id = OnlyQuality
5 [containers]
6 2 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Quality Changes
3 id = OnlyQualityChanges
5 [containers]
6 1 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Quality Changes
3 id = OnlyQualityChanges
5 [containers]
6 1 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only User
3 id = OnlyUser
5 [containers]
6 0 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only User
3 id = OnlyUser
5 [containers]
6 0 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Variant
3 id = OnlyVariant
5 [containers]
6 4 = some_instance
7 5 = some_definition
0 [general]
1 version = 3
2 name = Only Variant
3 id = OnlyVariant
5 [containers]
6 4 = some_instance
7 6 = some_definition
0 import pytest
1 import numpy
2 import time
4 from cura.Arrange import Arrange
5 from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
8 def gimmeShapeArray():
9 vertices = numpy.array([[-3, 1], [3, 1], [0, -3]])
10 shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromPolygon(vertices)
11 return shape_arr
14 ## Smoke test for Arrange
15 def test_smoke_arrange():
16 ar = Arrange.create(fixed_nodes = [])
19 ## Smoke test for ShapeArray
20 def test_smoke_ShapeArray():
21 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
24 ## Test centerFirst
25 def test_centerFirst():
26 ar = Arrange(300, 300, 150, 150)
27 ar.centerFirst()
28 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[170][150]
29 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[150][170]
30 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[170][170]
31 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[130][150]
32 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[150][130]
33 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[130][130]
36 ## Test backFirst
37 def test_backFirst():
38 ar = Arrange(300, 300, 150, 150)
39 ar.backFirst()
40 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[150][170]
41 assert ar._priority[150][150] < ar._priority[170][170]
42 assert ar._priority[150][150] > ar._priority[150][130]
43 assert ar._priority[150][150] > ar._priority[130][130]
46 ## See if the result of bestSpot has the correct form
47 def test_smoke_bestSpot():
48 ar = Arrange(30, 30, 15, 15)
49 ar.centerFirst()
51 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
52 best_spot = ar.bestSpot(shape_arr)
53 assert hasattr(best_spot, "x")
54 assert hasattr(best_spot, "y")
55 assert hasattr(best_spot, "penalty_points")
56 assert hasattr(best_spot, "priority")
59 ## Try to place an object and see if something explodes
60 def test_smoke_place():
61 ar = Arrange(30, 30, 15, 15)
62 ar.centerFirst()
64 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
66 assert not numpy.any(ar._occupied)
67, 0, shape_arr)
68 assert numpy.any(ar._occupied)
71 ## See of our center has less penalty points than out of the center
72 def test_checkShape():
73 ar = Arrange(30, 30, 15, 15)
74 ar.centerFirst()
76 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
77 points = ar.checkShape(0, 0, shape_arr)
78 points2 = ar.checkShape(5, 0, shape_arr)
79 points3 = ar.checkShape(0, 5, shape_arr)
80 assert points2 > points
81 assert points3 > points
84 ## Check that placing an object on occupied place returns None.
85 def test_checkShape_place():
86 ar = Arrange(30, 30, 15, 15)
87 ar.centerFirst()
89 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
90 points = ar.checkShape(3, 6, shape_arr)
91, 6, shape_arr)
92 points2 = ar.checkShape(3, 6, shape_arr)
94 assert points2 is None
97 ## Test the whole sequence
98 def test_smoke_place_objects():
99 ar = Arrange(20, 20, 10, 10)
100 ar.centerFirst()
101 shape_arr = gimmeShapeArray()
103 for i in range(5):
104 best_spot_x, best_spot_y, score, prio = ar.bestSpot(shape_arr)
105, best_spot_y, shape_arr)
108 ## Polygon -> array
109 def test_arrayFromPolygon():
110 vertices = numpy.array([[-3, 1], [3, 1], [0, -3]])
111 array = ShapeArray.arrayFromPolygon([5, 5], vertices)
112 assert numpy.any(array)
115 ## Polygon -> array
116 def test_arrayFromPolygon2():
117 vertices = numpy.array([[-3, 1], [3, 1], [2, -3]])
118 array = ShapeArray.arrayFromPolygon([5, 5], vertices)
119 assert numpy.any(array)
122 ## Line definition -> array with true/false
123 def test_check():
124 base_array = numpy.zeros([5, 5], dtype=float)
125 p1 = numpy.array([0, 0])
126 p2 = numpy.array([4, 4])
127 check_array = ShapeArray._check(p1, p2, base_array)
128 assert numpy.any(check_array)
129 assert check_array[3][0]
130 assert not check_array[0][3]
133 ## Line definition -> array with true/false
134 def test_check2():
135 base_array = numpy.zeros([5, 5], dtype=float)
136 p1 = numpy.array([0, 3])
137 p2 = numpy.array([4, 3])
138 check_array = ShapeArray._check(p1, p2, base_array)
139 assert numpy.any(check_array)
140 assert not check_array[3][0]
141 assert check_array[3][4]
2929 machine_manager.addMachineAction(test_action)
3131 # Check that the machine has no supported actions yet.
32 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == set()
32 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == list()
3434 # Check if adding a supported action works.
3535 machine_manager.addSupportedAction(test_machine, "test_action")
36 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == {test_action}
36 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == [test_action, ]
3838 # Check that adding a unknown action doesn't change anything.
3939 machine_manager.addSupportedAction(test_machine, "key_that_doesnt_exist")
40 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == {test_action}
40 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == [test_action, ]
4242 # Check if adding multiple supported actions works.
4343 machine_manager.addSupportedAction(test_machine, "test_action_2")
44 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == {test_action, test_action_2}
44 assert machine_manager.getSupportedActions(test_machine) == [test_action, test_action_2]
4646 # Check that the machine has no required actions yet.
4747 assert machine_manager.getRequiredActions(test_machine) == set()
5353 ## Check if adding single required action works
5454 machine_manager.addRequiredAction(test_machine, "test_action")
55 assert machine_manager.getRequiredActions(test_machine) == {test_action}
55 assert machine_manager.getRequiredActions(test_machine) == [test_action, ]
5757 # Check if adding multiple required actions works.
5858 machine_manager.addRequiredAction(test_machine, "test_action_2")
59 assert machine_manager.getRequiredActions(test_machine) == {test_action, test_action_2}
59 assert machine_manager.getRequiredActions(test_machine) == [test_action, test_action_2]
6161 # Ensure that firstStart actions are empty by default.
6262 assert machine_manager.getFirstStartActions(test_machine) == []