Codebase list dart / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

# ![DART: Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit](

## Build Status

| Item              | Status                                                                                                                                 |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Build Status      | [![CI Ubuntu](]( [![CI macOS](]( [![CI Windows](]( |
| API Documentation | [![API Documentation](]( |
| Coverage          | [![codecov](]( |
| Static Analysis   | [![Codacy Badge](]( |

## Resources

Visit the [DART website]( for more information
* [Gallery](
* Installation
  * C++: [Ubuntu]( | [macOS]( | [Archlinux]( | [FreeBSD]( | [Windows](
  * Python: [Ubuntu]( | [macOS](
* [Tutorials (C++)](
* [API Documentation (C++)](
* [Forum](
* Python bindings: [dartpy](, [pydart2]( (deprecated)
* OpenAI Gym with DART support: [gym-dart]( (dartpy based), [DartEnv]( (pydart2 based, deprecated)
* If you use DART in an academic publication, please consider citing this [JOSS Paper]( [[BibTeX](]