Codebase list debian-goodies / e5700e7
Add dpkg-info: shows pkg info in a nice, colourful, human-readable way Marcel Partap authored 3 years ago Axel Beckert committed 1 year, 10 months ago
3 changed file(s) with 53 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2929 sensible-utils,
3030 whiptail | dialog | zenity
3131 Suggests: apt-file,
32 ccze,
33 debsums,
3234 konqueror,
3335 lsb-release,
3436 lsof,
8585 2017-2018 Axel Beckert <>
8686 2018 Jakub Wilk <>
8787 License: GPL-2+
89 Files: dpkg-info
90 Copyright: 2020 Marcel Partap <>
91 License: GPL-3+
8993 Files: find-dbgsym-packages.pod find-dbgsym-packages-templates/*
9094 Copyright: 2017 Axel Beckert <>
0 #!/bin/bash
1 # convenience script to show information about debian
2 # packages in a nice, colourful, human-readable way
4 { type dpkg-query && type apt-cache; } >/dev/null || { echo "this mechanism needs dpkg and apt. You even on debian?"; exit 1; }
5 { type ccze && type sed && type du && type less; } >/dev/null || { echo "this mechanism needs ccze, sed, coreutils and less."; exit 1; }
7 dpkg-info()
8 {
9 for pkg in ${@};
10 do
11 {
12 {
13 apt-cache policy ${pkg} 2>&1 && echo
14 dpkg-query -s ${pkg} 2>/dev/null && echo
15 } | ccze -A -o nolookups && {
16 IFS=${IFS/ /}
17 list=($(dpkg -L ${pkg} 3>/dev/null | sed "s|^[^/]*||"|tail --lines=+2)) &&
18 [ ${#list[*]} -gt 0 ] &&
19 for item in ${list[@]};
20 do
21 {
22 [ -L "${item}" ] && [ ! -d $(realpath "${item}" 2>/dev/null) ] &&
23 links=("${links[@]}" "${item}") ||
24 [ -f "${item}" ] &&
25 files=("${files[@]}" "${item}") ||
26 dirs=("${dirs[@]}" "${item}")
27 }
28 done
29 [ ${#files[@]} -gt 0 ] &&
30 echo -ne "package ${pkg} contains:\t " &&
31 { echo -n "$(LANG=C du -hc ${files[@]} | sed -nr "s/(.*)\s+total/\1iB/p") in ${#files[@]} $(ngettext 'file' 'files' ${#files[@]})" &&
32 { [ ${#links[@]} -eq 0 ] || echo -n " and ${#links[@]} $(ngettext 'symbolic link' 'symbolic links' ${#links[@]})"; } &&
33 echo " within ${#dirs[@]} $(ngettext 'directory' 'directories' ${#dirs[@]})"; } | ccze -A -o nolookups && echo &&
34 ls --color=always -lahd --time-style=+" %^a %F %R" "${list[@]}"
35 debsums -s ${pkg}
36 } 2>&1
37 echo
38 {
39 apt-cache show ${pkg}
40 apt-cache showsrc ${pkg}
41 } | ccze -A -o nolookups
42 } | less -SRiM~ --shift 1 -PM"debian package info\: ${pkg}, ?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L.:byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END)"
43 done
44 }
46 dpkg-info ${@}