Codebase list deepin-picker / bec95c5
Update translation. Andy Stewart 6 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 12 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4343 // Init attributes.
4444 const char *descriptionText = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("MainWindow",
45 "Deepin Picker is color picker tools for deepin"
45 "Deepin picker is a small, easy-to-use screen picker."
4646 );
4848 const QString acknowledgementLink = "";
5252 app.loadTranslator();
5454 app.setOrganizationName("deepin");
55 app.setApplicationName(QObject::tr("deepin-picker"));
55 app.setApplicationName("deepin-picker");
5656 app.setApplicationVersion("1.0");
5858 app.setProductIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(QImage(Utils::getQrcPath("logo_96.svg"))));
33 <context>
44 <name>Clipboard</name>
55 <message>
6 <source>Has copied the color %1 to the clipboard</source>
6 <source>Copy color %1 to clipboard</source>
77 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
88 </message>
99 </context>
1010 <context>
1111 <name>MainWindow</name>
1212 <message>
13 <source>Deepin Picker is color picker tools for deepin</source>
13 <source>Deepin Picker</source>
1414 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1515 </message>
1616 <message>
17 <source>Deepin Picker</source>
18 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19 </message>
20 </context>
21 <context>
22 <name>QObject</name>
23 <message>
24 <source>deepin-picker</source>
17 <source>Deepin picker is a small, easy-to-use screen picker.</source>
2518 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2619 </message>
2720 </context>