Codebase list designate / b0e8308
Fix grenade upgrade API check URL path Previously, the grenade API started check during the upgrade was checking if the root of the web server was functioning. In this job that is testing the horizon endpoint and not the designate API. This patch fixes this to have the check run against the designate endpoint under apache. This prevents false failures when horizon has an issue. Change-Id: Idbfec1adca2024cd5f352017a7c9319dcec65d42 Michael Johnson 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
8888 fi
90 if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! wget --no-proxy -q -O- $DESIGNATE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$DESIGNATE_SERVICE_HOST:$DESIGNATE_SERVICE_PORT; do sleep 1; done"; then
90 if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! wget --no-proxy -q -O- $DESIGNATE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$DESIGNATE_SERVICE_HOST:$DESIGNATE_SERVICE_PORT/dns; do sleep 1; done"; then
9191 die $LINENO "Designate did not start"
9292 fi