Codebase list dillo / upstream/0.8.6 src / plain.c

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 * File: plain.c
 * Copyright (C) 1997 Raph Levien <>
 * Copyright (C) 1999 James McCollough <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

 * Module for decoding a text/plain object into a gtk_page widget.

#include <string.h>     /* for memcpy and memmove */
#include <math.h>       /* for rint() */
#include <gtk/gtk.h>

#include "prefs.h"
#include "dw_page.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "browser.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "progressbar.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "nav.h"
#include "menu.h"

typedef struct _DilloPlain {
   DwWidget *dw;
   size_t Start_Ofs;    /* Offset of where to start reading next */
   DwStyle *style;
   BrowserWindow *bw;
   gint state;
} DilloPlain;

/* FSM states */
enum {

 * Forward declarations
static void Plain_write(DilloPlain *plain, void *Buf, guint BufSize, gint Eof);
static void Plain_callback(int Op, CacheClient_t *Client);

/* exported function */
DwWidget* a_Plain_text(const char *type, void *P, CA_Callback_t *Call,
                       void **Data);

 * Popup the page menu ("button_press_event" callback of the viewport)
static int Plain_page_menu(GtkWidget *viewport, GdkEventButton *event,
                           BrowserWindow *bw)
   if (event->button == 3) {
      a_Menu_popup_set_url(bw, a_History_get_url(NAV_TOP(bw)));
      gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(bw->menu_popup.over_page), NULL, NULL,
                     NULL, NULL, event->button, event->time);
      return TRUE;
   } else
      return FALSE;

 * Create and initialize a new DilloPlain structure.
static DilloPlain *Plain_new(BrowserWindow *bw)
   DilloPlain *plain;
   DwPage *page;
   DwStyle style_attrs;
   DwStyleFont font_attrs;

   plain = g_new(DilloPlain, 1);
   plain->state = ST_SeekingEol;
   plain->Start_Ofs = 0;
   plain->bw = bw;
   plain->dw = a_Dw_page_new();
   page = (DwPage *) plain->dw;

   /* Create the font and attribute for the page. */ = prefs.fw_fontname;
   font_attrs.size = rint(12.0 * prefs.font_factor);
   font_attrs.weight = 400; = DW_STYLE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;

   a_Dw_style_init_values (&style_attrs, plain->bw->main_window->window);
   style_attrs.font = a_Dw_style_font_new (&font_attrs);
   style_attrs.color = a_Dw_style_color_new (prefs.text_color,
   plain->style = a_Dw_style_new (&style_attrs,
   /* a_Dw_widget_set_style (plain->dw, plain->style); */

   /* The context menu */
       GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(Plain_page_menu), (gpointer)plain->bw,
       GTK_OBJECT (page));

   return plain;

 * Set callback function and callback data for "text/" MIME major-type.
DwWidget* a_Plain_text(const char *type, void *P, CA_Callback_t *Call,
                       void **Data)
   DilloWeb *web = P;
   DilloPlain *plain = Plain_new(web->bw);

   *Call = (CA_Callback_t)Plain_callback;
   *Data = (void*)plain;

   return plain->dw;

 * This function is a cache client
static void Plain_callback(int Op, CacheClient_t *Client)
   DilloPlain *plain= Client->CbData;
   DwPage *page = (DwPage *)plain->dw;

   if ( Op ) {
      /* Do the last line: */
      if (plain->Start_Ofs < Client->BufSize)
         Plain_write(plain, Client->Buf, Client->BufSize, 1);
      /* remove this client from our active list */
      a_Interface_close_client(plain->bw, Client->Key);
      /* set progress bar insensitive */
      a_Progressbar_update(plain->bw->progress, NULL, 0);

      a_Dw_style_unref (plain->style);
   } else {
      Plain_write(plain, Client->Buf, Client->BufSize, 0);


 * Here we parse plain text and put it into the page structure.
 * (This function is called by Plain_callback whenever there's new data)
static void Plain_write(DilloPlain *plain, void *Buf, guint BufSize, gint Eof)
   DwPage *page = (DwPage *)plain->dw;
   char *Start;
   char *data;
   guint i, len, MaxBytes;

   Start = (char*)Buf + plain->Start_Ofs;
   MaxBytes = BufSize - plain->Start_Ofs;
   i = len = 0;
   while ( i < MaxBytes ) {
      switch ( plain->state ) {
      case ST_SeekingEol:
         if ( Start[i] == '\n' || Start[i] == '\r' )
            plain->state = ST_Eol;
         else {
            ++i; ++len;
      case ST_Eol:
         data = g_strndup(Start + i - len, len);
         a_Dw_page_add_text(page, a_Misc_expand_tabs(data), plain->style);
         a_Dw_page_add_parbreak(page, 0, plain->style);
         if ( Start[i] == '\r' && Start[i + 1] == '\n' ) ++i;
         if ( i < MaxBytes ) ++i;
         plain->state = ST_SeekingEol;
         len = 0;
   plain->Start_Ofs += i - len;
   if ( Eof && len ) {
      data = g_strndup(Start + i - len, len);
      a_Dw_page_add_text(page, a_Misc_expand_tabs(data), plain->style);
      a_Dw_page_add_parbreak(page, 0, plain->style);
      plain->Start_Ofs += len;

   if ( plain->bw ) {
      gchar completestr[32];
         completestr, 32, "%s%.1f Kb",
         PBAR_PSTR(prefs.panel_size == 1),
      a_Progressbar_update(plain->bw->progress, completestr, 1);