Codebase list dnsdbq / e5b5a17
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.6.4' Update to upstream version '2.6.4' with Debian dir da9119aae2230c5cc7749947925dbfee678cd6e6 Sascha Steinbiss 1 year, 8 months ago
2 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
11291129 /* dispense with extra spaces and tabs (empty fields). */
11301130 if (*tok == '\0')
11311131 continue;
1132 *opt++ = tok;
1132 *opt++ = strdup(tok);
11331133 }
11341134 tokstr_last(&ts);
11751175 qparam_debug("batch", options);
11761176 }
11771177 /* done. */
1179 for (int i = 0; i < opt - optv; i++)
1180 free(optv[i]);
11781181 DESTROY(optv);
11791182 return msg;
11801183 }
3333 #endif
3535 EXTERN const char id_swclient[] INIT("dnsdbq");
36 EXTERN const char id_version[] INIT("2.6.3");
36 EXTERN const char id_version[] INIT("2.6.4");
3737 EXTERN const char *program_name INIT(NULL);
3838 EXTERN const char path_sort[] INIT("/usr/bin/sort");
3939 EXTERN const char json_header[] INIT("Accept: application/json");