Codebase list dnsviz / 67168ce
New upstream version 0.8.0 Robert Edmonds 5 years ago
43 changed file(s) with 3572 addition(s) and 2197 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
6 Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio.
88 DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
99 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1 include requirements.txt
12 include dnsviz/
3 exclude dnsviz/
24 include doc/COPYRIGHT
35 include doc/Makefile
46 include doc/src/*dot
00 Metadata-Version: 1.1
11 Name: dnsviz
2 Version: 0.6.6
2 Version: 0.8.0
33 Summary: DNS analysis and visualization tool suite
44 Home-page:
55 Author: Casey Deccio
1818 Classifier: Natural Language :: English
1919 Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
2020 Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
21 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
2221 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
2322 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
2423 Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: Name Service (DNS)
2726 Requires: pygraphviz (>=1.1)
2827 Requires: m2crypto (>=0.24.0)
2928 Requires: dnspython (>=1.11)
29 Requires: libnacl
99 ## Installation
11 DNSViz packages are available in repositories for popular operating systems,
12 such as Debian, Ubuntu, and FreeBSD. DNSViz can also be installed on Mac OS X
13 via Homebrew or MacPorts.
15 The remainer of this section covers other methods of installation, including a
16 list of [dependencies](#dependencies), installation to a
17 [virtual environment](#installation-in-a-virtual-environment), and installation
18 on [Fedora](#fedora-rpm-build-and-install) and
19 [RHEL6 or RHEL7](#rhel6rhel7-rpm-build-and-install).
21 Instructions for running in a Docker container are also available
22 [later in this document](#docker-container).
1225 ### Dependencies
14 * python (2.6/2.7/3.4) -
16 python 2.6, 2.7, or 3.4 is required. For python 3.4 the other third-party
17 dependencies must also support python 3.4. Note that for python 2.6 the
18 importlib ( and ordereddict
19 ( packages are also required.
21 * dnspython (1.11.0 or later) -
23 dnspython is required. Version 1.10.0 is sufficient if you're not issuing
24 TLSA queries, but more generally version 1.11.0 or greater is required.
26 * pygraphviz (1.1 or later) -
28 pygraphviz is required for most functionality. `dnsviz probe` and `dnsviz grok`
29 (without the -t option) can be used without pygraphviz installed. Version 1.1
30 or greater is required because of the support for unicode names and HTML-like
31 labels, both of which are utilized in the visual output.
33 * M2Crypto (0.24.0 or later) -
35 M2Crypto is required if cryptographic validation of signatures and digests is
36 desired (and thus is highly recommended). The current code will display
37 warnings if the cryptographic elements cannot be verified.
39 Note that M2Crypto version 0.21.1 or later can be used to validate some
40 DNSSEC algorithms, but support for the following DNSSEC algorithms is not
41 available in releases of M2Crypto prior to 0.24.0 without a patch:
42 3 (DSA-SHA1), 6 (DSA-NSEC3-SHA1), 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001),
43 13 (ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256), 14 (ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384).
44 There are two patches included in the `contrib` directory that can be
45 applied to pre-0.24.0 versions to get this functionality:
46 `contrib/m2crypto-pre0.23.patch` or `contrib/m2crypto-0.23.patch`. For
47 example:
49 ```
50 $ patch -p1 < /path/to/dnsviz-source/contrib/m2crypto-pre0.23.patch
51 ```
53 * (optional) ISC BIND -
55 When calling `dnsviz probe` if the `-N` option is used or if a zone file is
56 used in conjunction with the `-x` option, `named(8)` is looked for in PATH
57 and invoked to serve the zone file. ISC BIND is only needed in this specific
58 case, and `named(8)` does not need to be running.
61 ### Generic Build and Install
63 A generic build and install is performed with the following commands:
65 ```
66 $ python build
67 $ sudo python install
68 ```
70 To see all installation options, run the following:
72 ```
73 $ python --help
74 ```
77 ### RPM Build and Install (RHEL6 or RHEL7)
27 * python (2.7/3.4/3.5/3.6) -
29 * dnspython (1.13.0 or later) -
31 * pygraphviz (1.4 or later) -
33 * M2Crypto (0.28.0 or later) -
35 * libnacl -
37 Note that the software versions listed above are known to work with the current
38 version of DNSViz. Other versions might also work well together, but might
39 have some caveats. For example, while the current version of DNSViz works with
40 python 2.6, the importlib ( and
41 ordereddict ( packages are
42 additionally required. Also for python 2.6, pygraphviz version 1.1 or 1.2 is
43 required (pygraphviz version 1.3 dropped support for python 2.6).
46 ### Optional Software
48 * OpenSSL GOST Engine -
50 With OpenSSL version 1.1.0 and later, the OpenSSL GOST Engine is necessary to
51 validate DNSSEC signatures with algorithm 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001) and create
52 digests of type 3 (GOST R 34.11-94).
54 * ISC BIND -
56 When using DNSViz for [pre-deployment testing](#pre-deployment-dns-testing)
57 by specifying zone files and/or alternate delegation information on the
58 command line (i.e., with `-N`, `-x`, or `-D`), `named(8)` is invoked to serve
59 one or more zones. ISC BIND is only needed in this case, and `named(8)` does
60 not need to be running (i.e., as a server).
62 Note that default AppArmor policies for Debian are known to cause issues when
63 invoking `named(8)` from DNSViz for pre-deployment testing. Two solutions to
64 this problem are to either: 1) create a local policy for AppArmor that allows
65 `named(8)` to run with fewer restrictions; or 2) disable AppArmor completely.
68 ### Installation in a Virtual Environment
70 To install DNSViz to a virtual environment, first create and activate a virtual
71 environment, and install the dependencies:
72 ```
73 $ virtualenv ~/myenv
74 $ source ~/myenv/bin/activate
75 (myenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
76 ```
77 (Note that this installs the dependencies that are python packages, but some of
78 these packages have non-python dependecies, such as Graphviz (required for
79 pygraphviz) and libsodium (required for libnacl), that are not installed
80 automatically.)
82 Next download and install DNSViz from the Python Package Index (PyPI):
83 ```
84 (myenv) $ pip install dnsviz
85 ```
86 or locally, from a downloaded copy of DNSViz:
87 ```
88 (myenv) $ pip install .
89 ```
92 ### Fedora RPM Build and Install
94 A Fedora RPM can be built for either python2 or python3. However, note that
95 with Fedora releases after 29, python2 packages are being removed, so python3
96 is preferred.
98 The value of ${PY_VERS} is either 2 or 3, corresponding to python2 or python3.
100 Install the tools for building an RPM, and set up the rpmbuild tree.
101 ```
102 $ sudo dnf install rpm-build rpmdevtools python${PY_VERS}-devel
103 $ rpmdev-setuptree
104 ```
106 From within the DNSViz source directory, create a source distribution tarball
107 and copy it and the DNSViz spec file to the appropriate rpmbuild
108 subdirectories.
109 ```
110 $ python sdist
111 $ cp dist/dnsviz-*.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
112 $ cp contrib/dnsviz-py${PY_VERS}.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/dnsviz.spec
113 ```
115 Install dnspython, pygraphviz, M2Crypto, and libnacl.
116 ```
117 $ sudo dnf install python${PY_VERS}-dns python${PY_VERS}-pygraphviz python${PY_VERS}-libnacl
118 ```
119 For python2:
120 ```
121 $ sudo dnf install m2crypto
122 ```
123 For python3:
124 ```
125 $ sudo dnf install python3-m2crypto
126 ```
128 Build and install the DNSViz RPM.
129 ```
130 $ rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/dnsviz.spec
131 $ sudo rpm -iv rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/dnsviz-*-1.*.noarch.rpm
132 ```
135 ### RHEL6/RHEL7 RPM Build and Install
79137 Install pygraphviz and M2Crypto, after installing their build dependencies.
80138 ```
81139 $ sudo yum install python-setuptools gcc python-devel graphviz-devel openssl-devel
82140 $ sudo easy_install pbr
83 $ sudo easy_install m2crypto pygraphviz
141 $ sudo easy_install m2crypto pygraphviz==1.2
84142 ```
86144 (RHEL6 only) Install the EPEL repository, and the necessary python libraries
457515 -D \
459517 ```
520 ## Docker Container
522 A ready-to-use docker container is available for use.
524 ```
525 docker pull dnsviz/dnsviz
526 ```
528 This section only covers Docker-related examples, for more information see the
529 [Usage](#usage) section.
532 ### Simple Usage
534 ```
535 $ docker run dnsviz/dnsviz help
536 $ docker run dnsviz/dnsviz query
537 ```
540 ### Working with Files
542 It might be useful to mount a local working directory into the container,
543 especially when combining multiple commands or working with zone files.
545 ```
546 $ docker run -v "$PWD:/data:rw" dnsviz/dnsviz probe > probe.json
547 $ docker run -v "$PWD:/data:rw" dnsviz/dnsviz graph -r probe.json -T png -O
548 ```
551 ### Using a Host Network
553 When running authoritative queries, a host network is recommended.
555 ```
556 $ docker run --network host dnsviz/dnsviz probe -4 -A > example.json
557 ```
559 Otherwise, you're likely to encounter the following error:
560 `dnsviz.query.SourceAddressBindError: Unable to bind to local address (EADDRNOTAVAIL)`
563 ### Interactive Mode
565 When performing complex analyses, where you need to combine multiple DNSViz
566 commands, use bash redirection, etc., it might be useful to run the container
567 interactively:
569 ```
570 $ docker run --network host -v "$PWD:/data:rw" --entrypoint /bin/sh -ti dnsviz/dnsviz
571 /data # dnsviz --help
572 ```
44 # Created by Casey Deccio (
55 #
66 # Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
7 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
79 #
810 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
911 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2224 from __future__ import unicode_literals
26 import getopt
2427 import importlib
2528 import sys
3740 err += '\n\n'
3841 else:
3942 err = ''
40 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz <command> [args]
43 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz [options] <command> [args]
44 Options:
45 -p <path> - Add path to the python path.
4146 Commands:
42 probe - issue diagnostic DNS queries
43 grok - assess diagnostic DNS queries
44 graph - graph the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries
45 print - process diagnostic DNS queries to textual output
46 query - assess a DNS query
47 probe - Issue diagnostic DNS queries.
48 grok - Assess diagnostic DNS queries.
49 graph - Graph the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries.
50 print - Process diagnostic DNS queries to textual output.
51 query - Assess a DNS query.
4752 help [<command>]
48 - show usage for a command
53 - Show usage for a command.
4954 ''' % (err))
5156 def main():
5257 check_deps()
54 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
59 try:
60 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:')
61 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
62 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(e))
63 sys.exit(1)
65 opts = dict(opts)
67 if len(args) < 1:
5568 usage()
5669 sys.exit(0)
58 if sys.argv[1] == 'help':
59 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
71 if args[0] == 'help':
72 if len(args) < 2:
6073 usage()
6174 sys.exit(0)
63 command = sys.argv[2]
76 command = args[1]
6477 else:
65 command = sys.argv[1]
78 command = args[0]
80 if '-p' in opts:
81 sys.path.insert(0, opts['-p'])
6783 # first try importing just the commands module to make sure
6884 # dnsviz is properly reachable with the current path
7995 if exc_frame.tb_next.tb_next is not None:
8096 raise
82 usage('Invalid command: %s' % command)
98 sys.stderr.write('Invalid command: %s\n' % command)
8399 sys.exit(1)
85 if sys.argv[1] == 'help':
101 if args[0] == 'help':
86102 mod.usage()
87103 else:
88 mod.main(sys.argv[1:])
104 mod.main(args)
90106 if __name__ == "__main__":
91107 main()
55 #
66 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2727 import errno
2828 import socket
2929 import sys
31 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
32 try:
33 import urllib.parse
34 except ImportError:
35 import urlparse
36 else:
37 urlparse = urllib.parse
3139 import dns.flags, dns.exception,, dns.opcode, dns.rdataclass, dns.rdatatype
9199 self.trusted_keys = ()
92100 self.show_ttl = True
93101 self.lg_url = None
102 self.lg_factory = None
95104 def process_query_options(self, global_options):
96105 for arg in global_options + self.query_options:
192201 elif arg == '+nomultiline':
193202 self.multiline = False
194203 #TODO +ndots=D
195 #TODO +[no]nsid
204 elif arg == '+nsid':
205 if self.edns < 0:
206 self.edns = 0
207 if not [x for x in filter(lambda x: x.otype == dns.edns.NSID, self.edns_options)]:
208 self.edns_options.append(dns.edns.GenericOption(dns.edns.NSID, b''))
209 elif arg == '+nonsid':
210 l = [x for x in filter(lambda x: x.otype == dns.edns.NSID, self.edns_options)]
211 self.edns_options.remove(dns.edns.GenericOption(dns.edns.NSID, b''))
196212 #TODO +[no]nssearch
197213 #TODO +[no]onesoa
198214 #TODO +[no]qr
303319 self.nameservers = nameservers + processed_nameservers
321 def process_looking_glass(self, looking_glass_cache):
322 if self.lg_url is None:
323 return
325 if self.lg_url not in looking_glass_cache:
326 # check that version is >= 2.7.9 if HTTPS is requested
327 if self.lg_url.startswith('https'):
328 vers0, vers1, vers2 = sys.version_info[:3]
329 if (2, 7, 9) > (vers0, vers1, vers2):
330 sys.stderr.write('python version >= 2.7.9 is required to use a DNS looking glass with HTTPS.\n')
331 sys.exit(1)
333 url = urlparse.urlparse(self.lg_url)
334 if url.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
335 fact = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPFactory(self.lg_url, insecure=options['insecure'])
336 elif url.scheme == 'ws':
337 if url.hostname is not None:
338 usage('WebSocket URL must designate a local UNIX domain socket.')
339 sys.exit(1)
340 fact = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerFactory(url.path)
341 elif url.scheme == 'ssh':
342 fact = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmdFactory(self.lg_url)
343 else:
344 usage('Unsupported URL scheme: "%s"' % self.lg_url)
345 sys.exit(1)
346 looking_glass_cache[self.lg_url] = fact
347 self.lg_factory = looking_glass_cache[self.lg_url]
305349 def _get_resolver(self, options):
306350 class CustomQuery(Q.DNSQueryFactory):
307351 flags = self.flags
312356 tcp = self.tcp
313357 response_handlers = self.handlers
315 if self.lg_url is not None:
316 th_factories = (transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPFactory(self.lg_url),)
359 if self.lg_factory is not None:
360 th_factories = (self.lg_factory,)
317361 else:
318362 th_factories = None
390434 if response.message.edns >= 0:
391435 s += ';; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:\n'
392436 s += '; EDNS: version: %d, flags: %s; udp: %d\n' % (response.message.edns, dns.flags.edns_to_text(response.message.ednsflags).lower(), response.message.payload)
438 for opt in response.message.options:
439 chars = []
440 if opt.otype == dns.edns.NSID:
441 s += '; NSID:'
442 for b in
443 s += ' %02x' % b
444 chars.append(chr(b))
445 for c in chars:
446 s += ' (%s)' % c
447 s += '\n'
394449 if response.message.question and self.show_question:
395450 if self.show_comments:
425480 return s
428 return ';; connection timed out; no servers could be reached'
430 else:
431 return ';; the response from %s was malformed' % server
483 return ';; connection timed out; no servers could be reached\n'
485 else:
486 return ';; the response from %s was malformed\n' % server
433488 def query_and_display(self, options, filehandle):
434489 try:
452507 'use_ipv6': None,
453508 'client_ipv4': None,
454509 'client_ipv6': None,
510 'insecure': None,
455511 'port': 53,
456512 }
467523 if not self.queries:
468524 self.queries.append(DigCommandLineQuery('.', dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN))
526 looking_glass_cache = {}
470527 for q in self.queries:
471528 q.process_nameservers(self.nameservers, self.options['use_ipv4'], self.options['use_ipv6'])
472529 q.process_query_options(self.global_query_options)
530 q.process_looking_glass(looking_glass_cache)
474532 if not q.nameservers:
475533 raise SemanticException('No nameservers to query')
625683 elif self.args[self.arg_index].startswith('-4'):
626684 self._get_arg(False)
627685 self.options['use_ipv4'] = True
686 elif self.args[self.arg_index].startswith('-k'):
687 self._get_arg(False)
688 self.options['insecure'] = True
628689 else:
629690 raise CommandLineException('Option "%s" not recognized.' % self.args[self.arg_index][:2])
0 Name: dnsviz
1 Version: 0.8.0
2 Release: 1%{?dist}
3 Summary: Tools for analyzing and visualizing DNS and DNSSEC behavior
5 License: GPLv2+
6 URL:
7 Source0:{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
9 BuildArch: noarch
10 BuildRequires: python2-devel
11 BuildRequires: graphviz
12 BuildRequires: make
13 # python2-pygraphviz should be >= 1.4
14 Requires: python2-pygraphviz >= 1.3
15 Requires: m2crypto >= 0.28.0
16 Requires: python2-dns >= 1.13
17 Requires: python2-libnacl
19 %description
20 DNSViz is a tool suite for analysis and visualization of Domain Name System
21 (DNS) behavior, including its security extensions (DNSSEC). This tool suite
22 powers the Web-based analysis available at
24 %prep
25 %autosetup
27 %build
28 %py2_build
30 %install
31 #XXX Normally the py2_install macro would be used here,
32 # but dnsviz/ is build with the install command,
33 # so install MUST call the build subcommand, so
34 # will be proplerly placed. With py2_install, the
35 # --skip-build argument is used.
36 %{__python2} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install -O1 --root %{buildroot} %{?*}
38 #XXX no checks yet
39 #%check
40 #%{__python2} test
42 %clean
43 rm -rf %{buildroot}
45 %files
46 %license LICENSE
47 %doc
48 %{python2_sitelib}/%{name}/*
49 %{python2_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}-py2.7.egg-info/*
50 %{_bindir}/%{name}
51 %{_datadir}/%{name}/*
52 %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/dnsviz-graph.html
53 %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/images/*png
54 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1*
55 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-probe.1*
56 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-graph.1*
57 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-grok.1*
58 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-print.1*
59 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-query.1*
61 %changelog
62 * Fri Jan 25 2019 Casey Deccio
63 0.8.0 release
0 Name: dnsviz
1 Version: 0.8.0
2 Release: 1%{?dist}
3 Summary: Tools for analyzing and visualizing DNS and DNSSEC behavior
5 License: GPLv2+
6 URL:
7 Source0:{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
9 BuildArch: noarch
10 BuildRequires: python3-devel
11 BuildRequires: graphviz
12 BuildRequires: make
13 # python3-pygraphviz should be >= 1.4
14 Requires: python3-pygraphviz >= 1.3
15 Requires: python3-m2crypto >= 0.28.0
16 Requires: python3-dns >= 1.13
17 Requires: python3-libnacl
19 %description
20 DNSViz is a tool suite for analysis and visualization of Domain Name System
21 (DNS) behavior, including its security extensions (DNSSEC). This tool suite
22 powers the Web-based analysis available at
24 %prep
25 %autosetup
27 %build
28 %py3_build
30 %install
31 #XXX Normally the py3_install macro would be used here,
32 # but dnsviz/ is build with the install command,
33 # so install MUST call the build subcommand, so
34 # will be proplerly placed. With py3_install, the
35 # --skip-build argument is used.
36 %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install -O1 --root %{buildroot} %{?*}
38 #XXX no checks yet
39 #%check
40 #%{__python3} test
42 %clean
43 rm -rf %{buildroot}
45 %files
46 %license LICENSE
47 %doc
48 %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/*
49 %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}-py3.7.egg-info/*
50 %{_bindir}/%{name}
51 %{_datadir}/%{name}/*
52 %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/dnsviz-graph.html
53 %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/images/*png
54 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1*
55 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-probe.1*
56 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-graph.1*
57 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-grok.1*
58 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-print.1*
59 %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-query.1*
61 %changelog
62 * Fri Jan 25 2019 Casey Deccio
63 0.8.0 release
contrib/m2crypto-0.23.patch less more
0 diff --git a/M2Crypto/ b/M2Crypto/
1 index 57d123b..325e418 100644
2 --- a/M2Crypto/
3 +++ b/M2Crypto/
4 @@ -396,6 +396,29 @@ def load_key_bio(bio, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
5 raise DSAError('problem loading DSA key pair')
6 return DSA(dsa, 1)
8 +def pub_key_from_params(p, q, g, pub):
9 + """
10 + Factory function that instantiates a DSA_pub object using
11 + the parameters and public key specified.
12 +
13 + @type p: str
14 + @param p: value of p, a "byte string"
15 + @type q: str
16 + @param q: value of q, a "byte string"
17 + @type g: str
18 + @param g: value of g, a "byte string"
19 + @type pub: str
20 + @param pub: value of the public key, a "byte string"
21 + @rtype: DSA_pub
22 + @return: instance of DSA_pub.
23 + """
24 + dsa = m2.dsa_new()
25 + m2.dsa_set_p(dsa, p)
26 + m2.dsa_set_q(dsa, q)
27 + m2.dsa_set_g(dsa, g)
28 + m2.dsa_set_pub(dsa, pub)
29 + return DSA_pub(dsa, 1)
30 +
32 def load_pub_key(file, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
33 """
34 diff --git a/M2Crypto/ b/M2Crypto/
35 index a4a9faf..800a705 100644
36 --- a/M2Crypto/
37 +++ b/M2Crypto/
38 @@ -254,6 +254,13 @@ class EC_pub(EC):
39 self.der = m2.ec_key_get_public_der(
40 return self.der
42 + def get_key(self):
43 + """
44 + Returns the public key as a byte string.
45 + """
46 + assert self.check_key(), 'key is not initialised'
47 + return m2.ec_key_get_public_key(
48 +
49 save_key = EC.save_pub_key
51 save_key_bio = EC.save_pub_key_bio
52 @@ -333,3 +340,9 @@ def pub_key_from_der(der):
53 Create EC_pub from DER.
54 """
55 return EC_pub(m2.ec_key_from_pubkey_der(der), 1)
56 +
57 +def pub_key_from_params(curve, bytes):
58 + """
59 + Create EC_pub from curve name and octet string.
60 + """
61 + return EC_pub(m2.ec_key_from_pubkey_params(curve, bytes), 1)
62 diff --git a/M2Crypto/ b/M2Crypto/
63 index 12618a2..28303bd 100644
64 --- a/M2Crypto/
65 +++ b/M2Crypto/
66 @@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ class MessageDigest:
67 def __init__(self, algo):
68 md = getattr(m2, algo, None)
69 if md is None:
70 - raise ValueError('unknown algorithm', algo)
71 - = md()
72 + # if the digest algorithm isn't found as an attribute of the m2
73 + # module, try to look up the digest using get_digestbyname()
74 + = m2.get_digestbyname(algo)
75 + if is None:
76 + raise ValueError('unknown algorithm', algo)
77 + else:
78 + = md()
79 self.ctx = m2.md_ctx_new()
80 m2.digest_init(self.ctx,
82 @@ -389,6 +394,25 @@ def load_key_bio(bio, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
83 raise EVPError(Err.get_error())
84 return PKey(cptr, 1)
86 +def load_key_bio_pubkey(bio, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
87 + """
88 + Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a public key as a M2Crypto.BIO object.
89 +
90 + @type bio: M2Crypto.BIO
91 + @param bio: M2Crypto.BIO object containing the key in PEM format.
92 +
93 + @type callback: Python callable
94 + @param callback: A Python callable object that is invoked
95 + to acquire a passphrase with which to protect the key.
96 +
97 + @rtype: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey
98 + @return: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey object.
99 + """
100 + cptr = m2.pkey_read_pem_pubkey(bio._ptr(), callback)
101 + if cptr is None:
102 + raise EVPError(Err.get_error())
103 + return PKey(cptr, 1)
104 +
105 def load_key_string(string, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
106 """
107 Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a string.
108 @@ -405,3 +429,20 @@ def load_key_string(string, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
109 """
110 bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(string)
111 return load_key_bio(bio, callback)
112 +
113 +def load_key_string_pubkey(string, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
114 + """
115 + Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a public key as a string.
116 +
117 + @type string: string
118 + @param string: String containing the key in PEM format.
119 +
120 + @type callback: Python callable
121 + @param callback: A Python callable object that is invoked
122 + to acquire a passphrase with which to protect the key.
123 +
124 + @rtype: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey
125 + @return: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey object.
126 + """
127 + bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(string)
128 + return load_key_bio_pubkey(bio, callback)
129 diff --git a/SWIG/_dsa.i b/SWIG/_dsa.i
130 index a35dd88..a6da42d 100644
131 --- a/SWIG/_dsa.i
132 +++ b/SWIG/_dsa.i
133 @@ -153,6 +153,25 @@ PyObject *dsa_set_g(DSA *dsa, PyObject *value) {
134 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
135 return Py_None;
136 }
137 +
138 +PyObject *dsa_set_pub(DSA *dsa, PyObject *value) {
139 + BIGNUM *bn;
140 + const void *vbuf;
141 + int vlen;
142 +
143 + if (m2_PyObject_AsReadBufferInt(value, &vbuf, &vlen) == -1)
144 + return NULL;
145 +
146 + if (!(bn = BN_mpi2bn((unsigned char *)vbuf, vlen, NULL))) {
147 + PyErr_SetString(_dsa_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
148 + return NULL;
149 + }
150 + if (dsa->pub_key)
151 + BN_free(dsa->pub_key);
152 + dsa->pub_key = bn;
153 + Py_INCREF(Py_None);
154 + return Py_None;
155 +}
156 %}
158 %inline %{
159 diff --git a/SWIG/_ec.i b/SWIG/_ec.i
160 index f0e52bd..9065c10 100644
161 --- a/SWIG/_ec.i
162 +++ b/SWIG/_ec.i
163 @@ -189,6 +189,43 @@ PyObject *ec_key_get_public_der(EC_KEY *key) {
165 return pyo;
166 }
167 +
168 +PyObject *ec_key_get_public_key(EC_KEY *key) {
169 +
170 + unsigned char *src=NULL;
171 + void *dst=NULL;
172 + int src_len=0;
173 + Py_ssize_t dst_len=0;
174 + PyObject *pyo=NULL;
175 + int ret=0;
176 +
177 + /* Convert to binary */
178 + src_len = i2o_ECPublicKey(key, &src);
179 + if (src_len < 0)
180 + {
181 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
182 + return NULL;
183 + }
184 +
185 + /* Create a PyBuffer containing a copy of the binary,
186 + * to simplify memory deallocation
187 + */
188 + pyo = PyBuffer_New( src_len );
189 + ret = PyObject_AsWriteBuffer( pyo, &dst, &dst_len );
190 + assert( src_len == dst_len );
191 + if (ret < 0)
192 + {
193 + Py_DECREF(pyo);
194 + OPENSSL_free(src);
195 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, "cannot get write buffer");
196 + return NULL;
197 + }
198 + memcpy( dst, src, src_len );
199 + OPENSSL_free(src);
200 +
201 + return pyo;
202 +}
203 +
204 %}
206 %threadallow ec_key_read_pubkey;
207 @@ -404,6 +441,32 @@ EC_KEY* ec_key_from_pubkey_der(PyObject *pubkey) {
208 return keypair;
209 }
211 +EC_KEY* ec_key_from_pubkey_params(int nid, PyObject *pubkey) {
212 + const void *keypairbuf;
213 + Py_ssize_t keypairbuflen;
214 + const unsigned char *tempBuf;
215 + EC_KEY *keypair;
216 +
217 + if (PyObject_AsReadBuffer(pubkey, &keypairbuf, &keypairbuflen) == -1)
218 + {
219 + return NULL;
220 + }
221 +
222 + keypair = ec_key_new_by_curve_name(nid);
223 + if (!keypair) {
224 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
225 + return NULL;
226 + }
227 +
228 + tempBuf = (const unsigned char *)keypairbuf;
229 + if ((o2i_ECPublicKey( &keypair, &tempBuf, keypairbuflen)) == 0)
230 + {
231 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
232 + return NULL;
233 + }
234 + return keypair;
235 +}
236 +
238 // According to [SEC2] the degree of the group is defined as EC key length
239 int ec_key_keylen(EC_KEY *key) {
240 diff --git a/SWIG/_evp.i b/SWIG/_evp.i
241 index 85382db..033897b 100644
242 --- a/SWIG/_evp.i
243 +++ b/SWIG/_evp.i
244 @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ extern const EVP_MD *EVP_sha512(void);
245 %rename(digest_init) EVP_DigestInit;
246 extern int EVP_DigestInit(EVP_MD_CTX *, const EVP_MD *);
248 +%rename(get_digestbyname) EVP_get_digestbyname;
249 +extern EVP_MD *EVP_get_digestbyname(const char * name);
250 +
251 %rename(des_ecb) EVP_des_ecb;
252 extern const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ecb(void);
253 %rename(des_ede_ecb) EVP_des_ede;
254 @@ -519,6 +522,17 @@ EVP_PKEY *pkey_read_pem(BIO *f, PyObject *pyfunc) {
255 return pk;
256 }
258 +EVP_PKEY *pkey_read_pem_pubkey(BIO *f, PyObject *pyfunc) {
259 + EVP_PKEY *pk;
260 +
261 + Py_INCREF(pyfunc);
263 + pk = PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(f, NULL, passphrase_callback, (void *)pyfunc);
265 + Py_DECREF(pyfunc);
266 + return pk;
267 +}
268 +
269 int pkey_assign_rsa(EVP_PKEY *pkey, RSA *rsa) {
270 return EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, rsa);
271 }
272 diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
273 index 27d1f61..c224a53 100644
274 --- a/tests/
275 +++ b/tests/
276 @@ -99,6 +99,19 @@ class DSATestCase(unittest.TestCase):
277 r, s = dsa2.sign(
278 assert dsa2.verify(, r, s)
280 + def test_pub_key_from_params(self):
281 + dsa = DSA.gen_params(1024, self.callback)
282 + dsa.gen_key()
283 + assert len(dsa) == 1024
284 + p = dsa.p
285 + q = dsa.q
286 + g = dsa.g
287 + pub =
288 + dsa2 = DSA.pub_key_from_params(p,q,g,pub)
289 + assert dsa2.check_key()
290 + r,s = dsa.sign(
291 + assert dsa2.verify(, r, s)
292 +
293 def suite():
294 return unittest.makeSuite(DSATestCase)
296 diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
297 index d6c75d1..d28be96 100644
298 --- a/tests/
299 +++ b/tests/
300 @@ -70,6 +70,16 @@ class ECDSATestCase(unittest.TestCase):
301 ec = EC.gen_params(EC.NID_sect233k1)
302 self.assertEqual(len(ec), 233)
304 + def test_pub_key_from_params(self):
305 + curve = EC.NID_X9_62_prime256v1
306 + ec = EC.gen_params(curve)
307 + ec.gen_key()
308 + ec_pub =
309 + k = ec_pub.get_key()
310 + ec2 = EC.pub_key_from_params(curve, k)
311 + assert ec2.check_key()
312 + r, s = ec.sign_dsa(
313 + assert ec2.verify_dsa(, r, s)
315 def suite():
316 return unittest.makeSuite(ECDSATestCase)
317 diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
318 index 8cf7d12..bddec84 100644
319 --- a/tests/
320 +++ b/tests/
321 @@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ class EVPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
322 # A quick but not thorough sanity check
323 self.assertEqual(len(der_blob), 160)
325 + def test_get_digestbyname(self):
326 + self.assertEqual(m2.get_digestbyname('sha513'), None)
327 + self.assertNotEqual(m2.get_digestbyname('sha1'), None)
329 def test_MessageDigest(self):
330 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
331 @@ -66,6 +69,19 @@ class EVPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
332 self.assertEqual(md.update('Hello'), 1)
333 self.assertEqual(util.octx_to_num(, 1415821221623963719413415453263690387336440359920)
335 + # temporarily remove sha1 from m2
336 + old_sha1 = m2.sha1
337 + del m2.sha1
338 +
339 + # now run the same test again, relying on EVP.MessageDigest() to call
340 + # get_digestbyname() under the hood
341 + md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
342 + self.assertEqual(md.update('Hello'), 1)
343 + self.assertEqual(util.octx_to_num(, 1415821221623963719413415453263690387336440359920)
344 +
345 + # put sha1 back in place
346 + m2.sha1 = old_sha1
347 +
348 def test_as_der_capture_key(self):
349 """
350 Test DER encoding the PKey instance after assigning
351 @@ -140,6 +156,26 @@ class EVPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
352 rsa3 = RSA.gen_key(1024, 3, callback=self._gen_callback)
353 self.assertNotEqual(rsa.sign(digest), rsa3.sign(digest))
355 + def test_load_key_string_pubkey(self):
356 + """
357 + Testing creating a PKey instance from PEM string.
358 + """
359 + rsa = RSA.gen_key(1024, 3, callback=self._gen_callback)
360 + self.assertIsInstance(rsa, RSA.RSA)
361 +
362 + rsa_pem = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
363 + rsa.save_pub_key_bio(rsa_pem)
364 + pkey = EVP.load_key_string_pubkey(
365 + rsa2 = pkey.get_rsa()
366 + self.assertIsInstance(rsa2, RSA.RSA_pub)
367 + self.assertEqual(rsa.e, rsa2.e)
368 + self.assertEqual(rsa.n, rsa2.n)
369 + pem = rsa.as_pem(callback=self._pass_callback)
370 + pem2 = rsa2.as_pem()
371 + assert pem
372 + assert pem2
373 + self.assertNotEqual(pem, pem2)
374 +
375 def test_get_rsa_fail(self):
376 """
377 Testing trying to retrieve the RSA key from the PKey instance
contrib/m2crypto-pre0.23.patch less more
0 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/
1 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
2 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
3 @@ -394,6 +394,29 @@
4 raise DSAError('problem loading DSA key pair')
5 return DSA(dsa, 1)
7 +def pub_key_from_params(p, q, g, pub):
8 + """
9 + Factory function that instantiates a DSA_pub object using
10 + the parameters and public key specified.
11 +
12 + @type p: str
13 + @param p: value of p, a "byte string"
14 + @type q: str
15 + @param q: value of q, a "byte string"
16 + @type g: str
17 + @param g: value of g, a "byte string"
18 + @type pub: str
19 + @param pub: value of the public key, a "byte string"
20 + @rtype: DSA_pub
21 + @return: instance of DSA_pub.
22 + """
23 + dsa = m2.dsa_new()
24 + m2.dsa_set_p(dsa, p)
25 + m2.dsa_set_q(dsa, q)
26 + m2.dsa_set_g(dsa, g)
27 + m2.dsa_set_pub(dsa, pub)
28 + return DSA_pub(dsa, 1)
29 +
31 def load_pub_key(file, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
32 """
33 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/
34 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
35 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
36 @@ -254,6 +254,13 @@
37 self.der = m2.ec_key_get_public_der(
38 return self.der
40 + def get_key(self):
41 + """
42 + Returns the public key as a byte string.
43 + """
44 + assert self.check_key(), 'key is not initialised'
45 + return m2.ec_key_get_public_key(
46 +
47 save_key = EC.save_pub_key
49 save_key_bio = EC.save_pub_key_bio
50 @@ -333,3 +340,9 @@
51 Create EC_pub from DER.
52 """
53 return EC_pub(m2.ec_key_from_pubkey_der(der), 1)
54 +
55 +def pub_key_from_params(curve, bytes):
56 + """
57 + Create EC_pub from curve name and octet string.
58 + """
59 + return EC_pub(m2.ec_key_from_pubkey_params(curve, bytes), 1)
60 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/
61 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/M2Crypto/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
62 +++ 2016-01-12 21:11:36.000000000 -0500
63 @@ -40,8 +40,13 @@
64 def __init__(self, algo):
65 md = getattr(m2, algo, None)
66 if md is None:
67 - raise ValueError, ('unknown algorithm', algo)
68 -
69 + # if the digest algorithm isn't found as an attribute of the m2
70 + # module, try to look up the digest using get_digestbyname()
71 + = m2.get_digestbyname(algo)
72 + if is None:
73 + raise ValueError('unknown algorithm', algo)
74 + else:
75 + = md()
76 self.ctx=m2.md_ctx_new()
77 m2.digest_init(self.ctx,
79 @@ -389,6 +394,25 @@
80 raise EVPError(Err.get_error())
81 return PKey(cptr, 1)
83 +def load_key_bio_pubkey(bio, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
84 + """
85 + Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a public key as a M2Crypto.BIO object.
86 +
87 + @type bio: M2Crypto.BIO
88 + @param bio: M2Crypto.BIO object containing the key in PEM format.
89 +
90 + @type callback: Python callable
91 + @param callback: A Python callable object that is invoked
92 + to acquire a passphrase with which to protect the key.
93 +
94 + @rtype: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey
95 + @return: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey object.
96 + """
97 + cptr = m2.pkey_read_pem_pubkey(bio._ptr(), callback)
98 + if cptr is None:
99 + raise EVPError(Err.get_error())
100 + return PKey(cptr, 1)
101 +
102 def load_key_string(string, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
103 """
104 Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a string.
105 @@ -406,3 +430,19 @@
106 bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(string)
107 return load_key_bio( bio, callback)
109 +def load_key_string_pubkey(string, callback=util.passphrase_callback):
110 + """
111 + Load an M2Crypto.EVP.PKey from a public key as a string.
112 +
113 + @type string: string
114 + @param string: String containing the key in PEM format.
115 +
116 + @type callback: Python callable
117 + @param callback: A Python callable object that is invoked
118 + to acquire a passphrase with which to protect the key.
119 +
120 + @rtype: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey
121 + @return: M2Crypto.EVP.PKey object.
122 + """
123 + bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(string)
124 + return load_key_bio_pubkey(bio, callback)
125 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_dsa.i
126 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_dsa.i 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
127 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
128 @@ -153,6 +153,25 @@
129 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
130 return Py_None;
131 }
132 +
133 +PyObject *dsa_set_pub(DSA *dsa, PyObject *value) {
134 + BIGNUM *bn;
135 + const void *vbuf;
136 + int vlen;
137 +
138 + if (m2_PyObject_AsReadBufferInt(value, &vbuf, &vlen) == -1)
139 + return NULL;
140 +
141 + if (!(bn = BN_mpi2bn((unsigned char *)vbuf, vlen, NULL))) {
142 + PyErr_SetString(_dsa_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
143 + return NULL;
144 + }
145 + if (dsa->pub_key)
146 + BN_free(dsa->pub_key);
147 + dsa->pub_key = bn;
148 + Py_INCREF(Py_None);
149 + return Py_None;
150 +}
151 %}
153 %inline %{
154 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_ec.i
155 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_ec.i 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
156 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
157 @@ -189,6 +189,43 @@
159 return pyo;
160 }
161 +
162 +PyObject *ec_key_get_public_key(EC_KEY *key) {
163 +
164 + unsigned char *src=NULL;
165 + void *dst=NULL;
166 + int src_len=0;
167 + Py_ssize_t dst_len=0;
168 + PyObject *pyo=NULL;
169 + int ret=0;
170 +
171 + /* Convert to binary */
172 + src_len = i2o_ECPublicKey(key, &src);
173 + if (src_len < 0)
174 + {
175 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
176 + return NULL;
177 + }
178 +
179 + /* Create a PyBuffer containing a copy of the binary,
180 + * to simplify memory deallocation
181 + */
182 + pyo = PyBuffer_New( src_len );
183 + ret = PyObject_AsWriteBuffer( pyo, &dst, &dst_len );
184 + assert( src_len == dst_len );
185 + if (ret < 0)
186 + {
187 + Py_DECREF(pyo);
188 + OPENSSL_free(src);
189 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, "cannot get write buffer");
190 + return NULL;
191 + }
192 + memcpy( dst, src, src_len );
193 + OPENSSL_free(src);
194 +
195 + return pyo;
196 +}
197 +
198 %}
200 %threadallow ec_key_read_pubkey;
201 @@ -404,6 +441,32 @@
202 return keypair;
203 }
205 +EC_KEY* ec_key_from_pubkey_params(int nid, PyObject *pubkey) {
206 + const void *keypairbuf;
207 + Py_ssize_t keypairbuflen;
208 + const unsigned char *tempBuf;
209 + EC_KEY *keypair;
210 +
211 + if (PyObject_AsReadBuffer(pubkey, &keypairbuf, &keypairbuflen) == -1)
212 + {
213 + return NULL;
214 + }
215 +
216 + keypair = ec_key_new_by_curve_name(nid);
217 + if (!keypair) {
218 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
219 + return NULL;
220 + }
221 +
222 + tempBuf = (const unsigned char *)keypairbuf;
223 + if ((o2i_ECPublicKey( &keypair, &tempBuf, keypairbuflen)) == 0)
224 + {
225 + PyErr_SetString(_ec_err, ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
226 + return NULL;
227 + }
228 + return keypair;
229 +}
230 +
232 // According to [SEC2] the degree of the group is defined as EC key length
233 int ec_key_keylen(EC_KEY *key) {
234 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_evp.i
235 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/SWIG/_evp.i 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
236 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
237 @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
238 %rename(digest_init) EVP_DigestInit;
239 extern int EVP_DigestInit(EVP_MD_CTX *, const EVP_MD *);
241 +%rename(get_digestbyname) EVP_get_digestbyname;
242 +extern EVP_MD *EVP_get_digestbyname(const char * name);
243 +
244 %rename(des_ecb) EVP_des_ecb;
245 extern const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ecb(void);
246 %rename(des_ede_ecb) EVP_des_ede;
247 @@ -506,6 +509,17 @@
248 return pk;
249 }
251 +EVP_PKEY *pkey_read_pem_pubkey(BIO *f, PyObject *pyfunc) {
252 + EVP_PKEY *pk;
253 +
254 + Py_INCREF(pyfunc);
256 + pk = PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(f, NULL, passphrase_callback, (void *)pyfunc);
258 + Py_DECREF(pyfunc);
259 + return pk;
260 +}
261 +
262 int pkey_assign_rsa(EVP_PKEY *pkey, RSA *rsa) {
263 return EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, rsa);
264 }
265 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/
266 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
267 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
268 @@ -87,6 +87,19 @@
269 r,s = dsa2.sign(
270 assert dsa2.verify(, r, s)
272 + def test_pub_key_from_params(self):
273 + dsa = DSA.gen_params(1024, self.callback)
274 + dsa.gen_key()
275 + assert len(dsa) == 1024
276 + p = dsa.p
277 + q = dsa.q
278 + g = dsa.g
279 + pub =
280 + dsa2 = DSA.pub_key_from_params(p,q,g,pub)
281 + assert dsa2.check_key()
282 + r,s = dsa.sign(
283 + assert dsa2.verify(, r, s)
284 +
285 def suite():
286 return unittest.makeSuite(DSATestCase)
288 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/
289 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
290 +++ 2016-01-12 19:25:07.000000000 -0500
291 @@ -63,6 +63,16 @@
292 ec = EC.gen_params(EC.NID_sect233k1)
293 assert len(ec) == 233
295 + def test_pub_key_from_params(self):
296 + curve = EC.NID_X9_62_prime256v1
297 + ec = EC.gen_params(curve)
298 + ec.gen_key()
299 + ec_pub =
300 + k = ec_pub.get_key()
301 + ec2 = EC.pub_key_from_params(curve, k)
302 + assert ec2.check_key()
303 + r, s = ec.sign_dsa(
304 + assert ec2.verify_dsa(, r, s)
306 def suite():
307 return unittest.makeSuite(ECDSATestCase)
308 diff -ur M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/
309 --- M2Crypto-0.22.3/tests/ 2014-01-22 14:37:01.000000000 -0500
310 +++ 2016-01-12 21:05:53.000000000 -0500
311 @@ -52,13 +52,25 @@
312 #A quick but not thorough sanity check
313 assert len(der_blob) == 160
315 -
316 def test_MessageDigest(self):
317 self.assertRaises(ValueError, EVP.MessageDigest, 'sha513')
318 md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
319 assert md.update('Hello') == 1
320 assert util.octx_to_num( == 1415821221623963719413415453263690387336440359920
322 + # temporarily remove sha1 from m2
323 + old_sha1 = m2.sha1
324 + del m2.sha1
325 +
326 + # now run the same test again, relying on EVP.MessageDigest() to call
327 + # get_digestbyname() under the hood
328 + md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
329 + self.assertEqual(md.update('Hello'), 1)
330 + self.assertEqual(util.octx_to_num(, 1415821221623963719413415453263690387336440359920)
331 +
332 + # put sha1 back in place
333 + m2.sha1 = old_sha1
334 +
335 def test_as_der_capture_key(self):
336 """
337 Test DER encoding the PKey instance after assigning
338 @@ -92,6 +104,9 @@
340 self.assertRaises(ValueError, EVP.hmac, 'key', 'data', algo='sha513')
342 + def test_get_digestbyname(self):
343 + self.assertEqual(m2.get_digestbyname('sha513'), None)
344 + self.assertNotEqual(m2.get_digestbyname('sha1'), None)
346 def test_get_rsa(self):
347 """
348 @@ -117,7 +132,27 @@
350 rsa3 = RSA.gen_key(1024, 3, callback=self._gen_callback)
351 assert rsa.sign(digest) != rsa3.sign(digest)
352 -
353 +
354 + def test_load_key_string_pubkey(self):
355 + """
356 + Testing creating a PKey instance from PEM string.
357 + """
358 + rsa = RSA.gen_key(1024, 3, callback=self._gen_callback)
359 + self.assertIsInstance(rsa, RSA.RSA)
360 +
361 + rsa_pem = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
362 + rsa.save_pub_key_bio(rsa_pem)
363 + pkey = EVP.load_key_string_pubkey(
364 + rsa2 = pkey.get_rsa()
365 + self.assertIsInstance(rsa2, RSA.RSA_pub)
366 + self.assertEqual(rsa.e, rsa2.e)
367 + self.assertEqual(rsa.n, rsa2.n)
368 + pem = rsa.as_pem(callback=self._pass_callback)
369 + pem2 = rsa2.as_pem()
370 + assert pem
371 + assert pem2
372 + self.assertNotEqual(pem, pem2)
373 +
374 def test_get_rsa_fail(self):
375 """
376 Testing trying to retrieve the RSA key from the PKey instance
0 from .online import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, Analyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, PrivateAnalyst, RecursiveAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
0 from .online import COOKIE_STANDIN, WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, Analyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, PrivateAnalyst, RecursiveAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
11 from .offline import OfflineDomainNameAnalysis, TTLAgnosticOfflineDomainNameAnalysis, DNS_PROCESSED_VERSION
44 #
55 # Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
66 #
7 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
7 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
88 #
99 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1010 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2323 from __future__ import unicode_literals
25 import cgi
2625 import datetime
2827 # minimal support for python2.6
3029 from collections import OrderedDict
3130 except ImportError:
3231 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
33 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
34 try:
35 from html import escape
36 except ImportError:
37 from cgi import escape
3439 import dns.dnssec
5762 except KeyError:
5863 raise TypeError('The "%s" keyword argument is required for instantiation.' % param)
65 def __hash__(self):
66 return id(self)
6068 def __str__(self):
6169 return self.code
8391 @property
8492 def html_description(self):
85 description_template_escaped = cgi.escape(self.description_template, True)
93 description_template_escaped = escape(self.description_template, True)
8694 template_kwargs_escaped = {}
8795 for n, v in self.template_kwargs.items():
8896 if isinstance(v, int):
8997 template_kwargs_escaped[n] = v
9098 else:
9199 if isinstance(v, str):
92 template_kwargs_escaped[n] = cgi.escape(v)
100 template_kwargs_escaped[n] = escape(v)
93101 else:
94 template_kwargs_escaped[n] = cgi.escape(str(v))
102 template_kwargs_escaped[n] = escape(str(v))
95103 return description_template_escaped % template_kwargs_escaped
97105 def add_server_client(self, server, client, response):
300308 '''
301309 >>> e = InceptionWithinClockSkew(inception=datetime.datetime(2015,1,10,0,0,0), reference_time=datetime.datetime(2015,1,10,0,0,1))
302310 >>> e.description
303 'The value of the Signature Inception field of the RRSIG RR (2015-01-10 00:00:00) is within possible clock skew range of the current time (2015-01-10 00:00:01)'.
311 'The value of the Signature Inception field of the RRSIG RR (2015-01-10 00:00:00) is within possible clock skew range (1 second) of the current time (2015-01-10 00:00:01).'
304312 '''
306314 _abstract = False
318326 '''
319327 >>> e = ExpirationWithinClockSkew(expiration=datetime.datetime(2015,1,10,0,0,1), reference_time=datetime.datetime(2015,1,10,0,0,0))
320328 >>> e.description
321 'The value of the Signature Expiration field of the RRSIG RR (2015-01-10 00:00:01) is within possible clock skew range of the current time (2015-01-10 00:00:00)'.
329 'The value of the Signature Expiration field of the RRSIG RR (2015-01-10 00:00:01) is within possible clock skew range (1 second) of the current time (2015-01-10 00:00:00).'
322330 '''
324332 _abstract = False
344352 description_template = "The cryptographic signature of the RRSIG RR does not properly validate."
345353 references = ['RFC 4035, Sec. 5.3.3']
346354 required_params = []
356 class RRSIGBadLength(RRSIGError):
357 pass
359 class RRSIGBadLengthGOST(RRSIGBadLength):
360 '''
361 >>> e = RRSIGBadLengthGOST(length=500)
362 >>> e.description
363 'The length of the signature is 500 bits, but a GOST signature (DNSSEC algorithm 12) must be 512 bits long.'
364 '''
365 _abstract = False
366 description_template = 'The length of the signature is %(length)d bits, but a GOST signature (DNSSEC algorithm 12) must be 512 bits long.'
368 references = ['RFC 5933, Sec. 5.2']
369 required_params = ['length']
371 class RRSIGBadLengthECDSA(RRSIGBadLength):
372 curve = None
373 algorithm = None
374 correct_length = None
375 description_template = 'The length of the signature is %(length)d bits, but an ECDSA signature made with Curve %(curve)s (DNSSEC algorithm %(algorithm)d) must be %(correct_length)d bits long.'
376 references = ['RFC 6605, Sec. 4']
377 required_params = ['length']
379 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
380 super(RRSIGBadLengthECDSA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
381 self.template_kwargs['curve'] = self.curve
382 self.template_kwargs['algorithm'] = self.algorithm
383 self.template_kwargs['correct_length'] = self.correct_length
385 class RRSIGBadLengthECDSA256(RRSIGBadLengthECDSA):
386 '''
387 >>> e = RRSIGBadLengthECDSA256(length=500)
388 >>> e.description
389 'The length of the signature is 500 bits, but an ECDSA signature made with Curve P-256 (DNSSEC algorithm 13) must be 512 bits long.'
390 '''
391 curve = 'P-256'
392 algorithm = 13
393 correct_length = 512
394 _abstract = False
395 code = 'RRSIG_BAD_LENGTH_ECDSA256'
397 class RRSIGBadLengthECDSA384(RRSIGBadLengthECDSA):
398 '''
399 >>> e = RRSIGBadLengthECDSA384(length=500)
400 >>> e.description
401 'The length of the signature is 500 bits, but an ECDSA signature made with Curve P-384 (DNSSEC algorithm 14) must be 768 bits long.'
402 '''
403 curve = 'P-384'
404 algorithm = 14
405 correct_length = 768
406 _abstract = False
407 code = 'RRSIG_BAD_LENGTH_ECDSA384'
409 class RRSIGBadLengthEdDSA(RRSIGBadLength):
410 curve = None
411 algorithm = None
412 correct_length = None
413 description_template = 'The length of the signature is %(length)d bits, but an %(curve)s signature (DNSSEC algorithm %(algorithm)d) must be %(correct_length)d bits long.'
414 references = ['RFC 8080, Sec. 4']
415 required_params = ['length']
417 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
418 super(RRSIGBadLengthEdDSA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
419 self.template_kwargs['curve'] = self.curve
420 self.template_kwargs['algorithm'] = self.algorithm
421 self.template_kwargs['correct_length'] = self.correct_length
423 class RRSIGBadLengthEd25519(RRSIGBadLengthEdDSA):
424 '''
425 >>> e = RRSIGBadLengthEd25519(length=500)
426 >>> e.description
427 'The length of the signature is 500 bits, but an Ed25519 signature (DNSSEC algorithm 15) must be 512 bits long.'
428 '''
429 curve = 'Ed25519'
430 algorithm = 15
431 correct_length = 512
432 _abstract = False
433 code = 'RRSIG_BAD_LENGTH_ED25519'
435 class RRSIGBadLengthEd448(RRSIGBadLengthEdDSA):
436 '''
437 >>> e = RRSIGBadLengthEd448(length=500)
438 >>> e.description
439 'The length of the signature is 500 bits, but an Ed448 signature (DNSSEC algorithm 16) must be 912 bits long.'
440 '''
441 curve = 'Ed448'
442 algorithm = 16
443 correct_length = 912
444 _abstract = False
445 code = 'RRSIG_BAD_LENGTH_ED448'
348447 class DSError(DomainNameAnalysisError):
349448 pass
11661265 references = ['RFC 6891, Sec. 6.1.4']
11671266 required_params = ['flags']
1268 class DNSCookieError(ResponseError):
1269 pass
1271 class GratuitousCookie(DNSCookieError):
1272 '''
1273 >>> e = GratuitousCookie()
1274 >>> e.description
1275 'The server sent a COOKIE option when none was sent by the client.'
1276 '''
1278 _abstract = False
1280 description_template = 'The server sent a COOKIE option when none was sent by the client.'
1281 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.1']
1283 class MalformedCookieWithoutFORMERR(DNSCookieError):
1284 '''
1285 >>> e = MalformedCookieWithoutFORMERR()
1286 >>> e.description
1287 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a FORMERR status when issued a malformed COOKIE option.'
1288 '''
1290 _abstract = False
1292 description_template = 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a FORMERR status when issued a malformed COOKIE option.'
1293 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.2']
1295 class NoCookieOption(DNSCookieError):
1296 '''
1297 >>> e = NoCookieOption()
1298 >>> e.description
1299 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a COOKIE option.'
1300 '''
1302 _abstract = False
1303 code = 'NO_COOKIE_OPTION'
1304 description_template = 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a COOKIE option.'
1305 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.3']
1307 class NoServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE(DNSCookieError):
1308 '''
1309 >>> e = NoServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE()
1310 >>> e.description
1311 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a BADCOOKIE status when no server cookie was sent.'
1312 '''
1314 _abstract = False
1316 description_template = 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a BADCOOKIE status when no server cookie was sent.'
1317 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.3']
1319 class InvalidServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE(DNSCookieError):
1320 '''
1321 >>> e = InvalidServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE()
1322 >>> e.description
1323 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a BADCOOKIE status when an invalid server cookie was sent.'
1324 '''
1326 _abstract = False
1328 description_template = 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a BADCOOKIE status when an invalid server cookie was sent.'
1329 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.4']
1331 class NoServerCookie(DNSCookieError):
1332 '''
1333 >>> e = NoServerCookie()
1334 >>> e.description
1335 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a server cookie with its COOKIE option.'
1336 '''
1338 _abstract = False
1339 code = 'NO_SERVER_COOKIE'
1340 description_template = 'The server appears to support DNS cookies but did not return a server cookie with its COOKIE option.'
1341 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.2.3']
1343 class ClientCookieMismatch(DNSCookieError):
1344 '''
1345 >>> e = ClientCookieMismatch()
1346 >>> e.description
1347 'The client cookie returned by the server did not match what was sent.'
1348 '''
1350 _abstract = False
1352 description_template = 'The client cookie returned by the server did not match what was sent.'
1353 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.3']
1355 class CookieInvalidLength(DNSCookieError):
1356 '''
1357 >>> e = CookieInvalidLength(length=61)
1358 >>> e.description
1359 'The cookie returned by the server had an invalid length of 61 bytes.'
1360 '''
1362 _abstract = False
1364 description_template = 'The cookie returned by the server had an invalid length of %(length)d bytes.'
1365 references = ['RFC 7873, Sec. 5.3']
1366 required_params = ['length']
11691368 class UnableToRetrieveDNSSECRecords(ResponseError):
11701369 '''
11711370 >>> e = UnableToRetrieveDNSSECRecords()
14021601 self.template_kwargs['description'] = 'No response was received until the UDP payload size was decreased, indicating that the server might be attempting to send a payload that exceeds the path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) size.'
14031602 if self.template_kwargs['pmtu_lower_bound'] is not None and self.template_kwargs['pmtu_upper_bound'] is not None:
14041603 self.template_kwargs['description'] += ' The PMTU was bounded between %(pmtu_lower_bound)d and %(pmtu_upper_bound)d bytes.' % self.template_kwargs
1605 class ForeignClassData(ResponseError):
1606 section = None
1607 description_template = 'Data of class %(cls)s was found in the %(section)s section of the response.'
1608 references = ['RFC 1034', 'RFC 1035']
1609 required_params = ['cls']
1611 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
1612 super(ForeignClassData, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1613 self.template_kwargs['section'] = self.section
1615 class ForeignClassDataAnswer(ForeignClassData):
1616 '''
1617 >>> e = ForeignClassDataAnswer(cls='CH')
1618 >>> e.description
1619 'Data of class CH was found in the Answer section of the response.'
1620 '''
1621 section = 'Answer'
1622 _abstract = False
1625 class ForeignClassDataAuthority(ForeignClassData):
1626 '''
1627 >>> e = ForeignClassDataAuthority(cls='CH')
1628 >>> e.description
1629 'Data of class CH was found in the Authority section of the response.'
1630 '''
1631 section = 'Authority'
1632 _abstract = False
1635 class ForeignClassDataAdditional(ForeignClassData):
1636 '''
1637 >>> e = ForeignClassDataAdditional(cls='CH')
1638 >>> e.description
1639 'Data of class CH was found in the Additional section of the response.'
1640 '''
1641 section = 'Additional'
1642 _abstract = False
1645 class CasePreservationError(ResponseError):
1646 '''
1647 >>> e = CasePreservationError(qname='ExAmPlE.CoM')
1648 >>> e.description
1649 'The case of the query name (ExAmPlE.CoM) was not preserved in the Question section of the response.'
1650 '''
1652 _abstract = False
1653 code = 'CASE_NOT_PRESERVED'
1654 description_template = '%(description)s'
1655 description_template = 'The case of the query name (%(qname)s) was not preserved in the Question section of the response.'
1656 required_params = ['qname']
14061658 class DelegationError(DomainNameAnalysisError):
14071659 pass
17552007 code = 'DNSKEY_NOT_AT_ZONE_APEX'
17562008 required_params = ['zone', 'name']
2010 class DNSKEYBadLength(DNSKEYError):
2011 pass
2013 class DNSKEYBadLengthGOST(DNSKEYBadLength):
2014 '''
2015 >>> e = DNSKEYBadLengthGOST(length=500)
2016 >>> e.description
2017 'The length of the key is 500 bits, but a GOST public key (DNSSEC algorithm 12) must be 512 bits long.'
2018 '''
2019 _abstract = False
2020 description_template = 'The length of the key is %(length)d bits, but a GOST public key (DNSSEC algorithm 12) must be 512 bits long.'
2022 references = ['RFC 5933, Sec. 5.1']
2023 required_params = ['length']
2025 class DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA(DNSKEYBadLength):
2026 curve = None
2027 algorithm = None
2028 correct_length = None
2029 description_template = 'The length of the key is %(length)d bits, but an ECDSA public key using Curve %(curve)s (DNSSEC algorithm %(algorithm)d) must be %(correct_length)d bits long.'
2030 references = ['RFC 6605, Sec. 4']
2031 required_params = ['length']
2033 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
2034 super(DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
2035 self.template_kwargs['curve'] = self.curve
2036 self.template_kwargs['algorithm'] = self.algorithm
2037 self.template_kwargs['correct_length'] = self.correct_length
2039 class DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA256(DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA):
2040 '''
2041 >>> e = DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA256(length=500)
2042 >>> e.description
2043 'The length of the key is 500 bits, but an ECDSA public key using Curve P-256 (DNSSEC algorithm 13) must be 512 bits long.'
2044 '''
2045 curve = 'P-256'
2046 algorithm = 13
2047 correct_length = 512
2048 _abstract = False
2049 code = 'DNSKEY_BAD_LENGTH_ECDSA256'
2051 class DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA384(DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA):
2052 '''
2053 >>> e = DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA384(length=500)
2054 >>> e.description
2055 'The length of the key is 500 bits, but an ECDSA public key using Curve P-384 (DNSSEC algorithm 14) must be 768 bits long.'
2056 '''
2057 curve = 'P-384'
2058 algorithm = 14
2059 correct_length = 768
2060 _abstract = False
2061 code = 'DNSKEY_BAD_LENGTH_ECDSA384'
2063 class DNSKEYBadLengthEdDSA(DNSKEYBadLength):
2064 curve = None
2065 algorithm = None
2066 correct_length = None
2067 description_template = 'The length of the key is %(length)d bits, but an %(curve)s public key (DNSSEC algorithm %(algorithm)d) must be %(correct_length)d bits long.'
2068 references = ['RFC 8080, Sec. 3']
2069 required_params = ['length']
2071 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
2072 super(DNSKEYBadLengthEdDSA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
2073 self.template_kwargs['curve'] = self.curve
2074 self.template_kwargs['algorithm'] = self.algorithm
2075 self.template_kwargs['correct_length'] = self.correct_length
2077 class DNSKEYBadLengthEd25519(DNSKEYBadLengthEdDSA):
2078 '''
2079 >>> e = DNSKEYBadLengthEd25519(length=500)
2080 >>> e.description
2081 'The length of the key is 500 bits, but an Ed25519 public key (DNSSEC algorithm 15) must be 256 bits long.'
2082 '''
2083 curve = 'Ed25519'
2084 algorithm = 15
2085 correct_length = 256
2086 _abstract = False
2087 code = 'DNSKEY_BAD_LENGTH_ED25519'
2089 class DNSKEYBadLengthEd448(DNSKEYBadLengthEdDSA):
2090 '''
2091 >>> e = DNSKEYBadLengthEd448(length=500)
2092 >>> e.description
2093 'The length of the key is 500 bits, but an Ed448 public key (DNSSEC algorithm 16) must be 456 bits long.'
2094 '''
2095 curve = 'Ed448'
2096 algorithm = 16
2097 correct_length = 456
2098 _abstract = False
2099 code = 'DNSKEY_BAD_LENGTH_ED448'
17582101 class TrustAnchorError(DomainNameAnalysisError):
17592102 pass
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3735 except ImportError:
3836 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
40 import dns.flags, dns.rdataclass, dns.rdatatype
38 import dns.flags, dns.rcode, dns.rdataclass, dns.rdatatype
4240 from dnsviz import crypto
4341 import dnsviz.format as fmt
5654 #XXX (this needs to be updated if new specification ever updates
5755 # RFC 6891)
5856 EDNS_DEFINED_FLAGS = dns.flags.DO
59 12: 512, 13: 512, 14: 768, 15: 256, 16: 456,
60 }
62 12: Errors.DNSKEYBadLengthGOST, 13: Errors.DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA256,
63 14: Errors.DNSKEYBadLengthECDSA384, 15: Errors.DNSKEYBadLengthEd25519,
64 16: Errors.DNSKEYBadLengthEd448,
65 }
6067 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
8693 QUERY_CLASS = Q.TTLDistinguishingMultiQueryAggregateDNSResponse
8895 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
97 self._strict_cookies = kwargs.pop('strict_cookies', False)
8999 super(OfflineDomainNameAnalysis, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
91101 if self.analysis_type != ANALYSIS_TYPE_AUTHORITATIVE:
293303 if not hasattr(self, '_response_info') or self._response_info is None:
294304 self._response_info = {}
295305 if (name, rdtype) not in self._response_info:
306 self._response_info[(name, rdtype)] = None
296307 self._response_info[(name, rdtype)] = self._get_response_info(name, rdtype)
297308 return self._response_info[(name, rdtype)]
559570 tup.append(name_tup)
561572 for response_info in response_info_list:
562 if (response_info.qname, response_info.rdtype) in processed:
563 continue
564 processed.add((response_info.qname, response_info.rdtype))
566573 # if we've already done this one (above) then just move along.
567574 # These were only done if the name is a zone.
568575 if response_info.name_obj.is_zone() and \
720727 elif action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_ADD_EDNS_OPTION:
721728 return self._server_responsive_with_condition(server, client, tcp,
722729 lambda x: x.effective_edns >= 0 and \
723 not [x for x in x.effective_edns_options if action_arg == x.otype] and \
730 not [y for y in x.effective_edns_options if action_arg == y.otype] and \
725732 ((x.effective_tcp and x.tcp_responsive) or \
726733 (not x.effective_tcp and x.udp_responsive)) and \
729736 elif action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_REMOVE_EDNS_OPTION:
730737 return self._server_responsive_with_condition(server, client, tcp,
731738 lambda x: x.effective_edns >= 0 and \
732 [x for x in x.effective_edns_options if action_arg == x.otype] and \
739 [y for y in x.effective_edns_options if action_arg == y.otype] and \
734741 ((x.effective_tcp and x.tcp_responsive) or \
735742 (not x.effective_tcp and x.udp_responsive)) and \
878885 for server in query1.responses:
879886 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(server, default_bailiwick)
880887 for client in query1.responses[server]:
881 if query1.responses[server][client].is_referral(, rdtype, bailiwick, proper=True):
888 if query1.responses[server][client].is_referral(, rdtype, query.rdclass, bailiwick, proper=True):
882889 self.yxdomain.add(
883890 raise FoundYXDOMAIN
884891 except FoundYXDOMAIN:
908915 self.status = Status.NAME_STATUS_NXDOMAIN
909916 break
911 def _populate_response_errors(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
918 def _populate_responsiveness_errors(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
912919 # if we had to make some change to elicit a response, find out why that
913920 # was
914921 change_err = None
915 edns_errs = []
916922 if response.responsive_cause_index is not None:
917923 retry = response.history[response.responsive_cause_index]
973979 retry.action_arg == dns.flags.CD:
974980 pass
982 # or if the RCODE was BADCOOKIE, and the COOKIE opt we sent
983 # contained only a client cookie or an invalid server cookie,
984 # then this was a reasonable response from a server that
985 # supports cookies
986 elif retry.cause_arg == 23 and \
987 response.server_cookie_status in (Q.DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY, Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD) and \
989 pass
992 # or if the RCODE was FORMERR, and the COOKIE opt we sent
993 # contained a malformed cookie, then this was a reasonable
994 # response from a server that supports cookies
995 if retry.cause_arg == dns.rcode.FORMERR and \
996 (retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_DISABLE_EDNS or \
997 (retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_REMOVE_EDNS_OPTION and retry.action_arg == 10)):
998 pass
9761000 # otherwise, set the error class and instantiation kwargs
9771001 # appropriately
9781002 else:
10871111 group = warnings
10881112 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(change_err, group, server, client, response)
1114 def _populate_edns_errors(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
10901116 # if we actually got a message response (as opposed to timeout, network
10911117 # error, form error, etc.)
1092 if response.message is not None:
1094 # if the effective request used EDNS
1095 if response.effective_edns >= 0:
1096 # if the message response didn't use EDNS, then create an error
1097 if response.message.edns < 0:
1098 # if there were indicators that the server supported EDNS
1099 # (e.g., by RRSIGs in the answer), then report it as such
1100 if [x for x in response.message.answer if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RRSIG]:
1101 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSSupportNoOpt())
1102 # otherwise, simply report it as a server not responding
1103 # properly to EDNS requests
1104 else:
1105 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSIgnored())
1107 # the message response did use EDNS
1118 if response.message is None:
1119 return
1121 edns_errs = []
1123 # if the effective request used EDNS
1124 if response.effective_edns >= 0:
1125 # if the message response didn't use EDNS, then create an error
1126 if response.message.edns < 0:
1127 # if there were indicators that the server supported EDNS
1128 # (e.g., by RRSIGs in the answer), then report it as such
1129 if [x for x in response.message.answer if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RRSIG]:
1130 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSSupportNoOpt())
1131 # otherwise, simply report it as a server not responding
1132 # properly to EDNS requests
11081133 else:
1109 if response.message.rcode() == dns.rcode.BADVERS:
1110 # if the message response code was BADVERS, then the EDNS
1111 # version in the response should have been less than
1112 # that of the request
1113 if response.message.edns >= response.effective_edns:
1114 edns_errs.append(Errors.ImplementedEDNSVersionNotProvided(request_version=response.effective_edns, response_version=response.message.edns))
1116 # if the message response used a version of EDNS other than
1117 # that requested, then create an error (should have been
1118 # answered with BADVERS)
1119 elif response.message.edns != response.effective_edns:
1120 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSVersionMismatch(request_version=response.effective_edns, response_version=response.message.edns))
1122 # check that all EDNS flags are all zero, except for DO
1123 undefined_edns_flags_set = (response.message.ednsflags & 0xffff) & ~EDNS_DEFINED_FLAGS
1124 if undefined_edns_flags_set:
1125 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSUndefinedFlagsSet(flags=undefined_edns_flags_set))
1134 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSIgnored())
1136 # the message response did use EDNS
11271137 else:
1128 # if the effective request didn't use EDNS, and we got a
1129 # message response with an OPT record
1130 if response.message.edns >= 0:
1131 edns_errs.append(Errors.GratuitousOPT())
1138 if response.message.rcode() == dns.rcode.BADVERS:
1139 # if the message response code was BADVERS, then the EDNS
1140 # version in the response should have been less than
1141 # that of the request
1142 if response.message.edns >= response.effective_edns:
1143 edns_errs.append(Errors.ImplementedEDNSVersionNotProvided(request_version=response.effective_edns, response_version=response.message.edns))
1145 # if the message response used a version of EDNS other than
1146 # that requested, then create an error (should have been
1147 # answered with BADVERS)
1148 elif response.message.edns != response.effective_edns:
1149 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSVersionMismatch(request_version=response.effective_edns, response_version=response.message.edns))
1151 # check that all EDNS flags are all zero, except for DO
1152 undefined_edns_flags_set = (response.message.ednsflags & 0xffff) & ~EDNS_DEFINED_FLAGS
1153 if undefined_edns_flags_set:
1154 edns_errs.append(Errors.EDNSUndefinedFlagsSet(flags=undefined_edns_flags_set))
1156 else:
1157 # if the effective request didn't use EDNS, and we got a
1158 # message response with an OPT record
1159 if response.message.edns >= 0:
1160 edns_errs.append(Errors.GratuitousOPT())
11331162 for edns_err in edns_errs:
11341163 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(edns_err, warnings, server, client, response)
1165 def _populate_cookie_errors(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
1167 if response.message is None:
1168 return
1170 cookie_errs = []
1172 try:
1173 cookie_opt = [o for o in response.effective_edns_options if o.otype == 10][0]
1174 except IndexError:
1175 cookie_opt = None
1177 try:
1178 cookie_opt_from_server = [o for o in response.message.options if o.otype == 10][0]
1179 except IndexError:
1180 cookie_opt_from_server = None
1182 # supports_cookies is a boolean value that indicates whether the server
1183 # supports DNS cookies. Note that we are not looking for the value of
1184 # the server cookie itself, only whether the server supports cookies,
1185 # so we don't need to use get_cookie_jar_mapping().
1186 supports_cookies = qname_obj is not None and server in qname_obj.cookie_jar
1188 # RFC 7873: 5.2.1. No OPT RR or No COOKIE Option
1189 if response.query.edns < 0 or cookie_opt is None: # response.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE
1190 if cookie_opt_from_server is not None:
1191 cookie_errs.append(Errors.GratuitousCookie())
1193 elif supports_cookies:
1194 # The following are scenarios for DNS cookies.
1196 # RFC 7873: 5.2.2. Malformed COOKIE Option
1197 if response.server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_IMPROPER_LENGTH:
1199 issued_formerr = False
1200 if response.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_IMPROPER_LENGTH:
1201 if response.message.rcode() == dns.rcode.FORMERR:
1202 # The query resulting in the response we got was sent
1203 # with a COOKIE option with improper length, and the
1204 # return code for the response was FORMERR.
1205 issued_formerr = True
1206 elif response.responsive_cause_index is not None:
1207 retry = response.history[response.responsive_cause_index]
1208 if retry.cause == Q.RETRY_CAUSE_RCODE and \
1209 retry.cause_arg == dns.rcode.FORMERR and \
1210 (retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_DISABLE_EDNS or \
1211 (retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_REMOVE_EDNS_OPTION and retry.action_arg == 10)):
1212 # We started with a COOKIE opt with improper length,
1213 # and, in response to FORMERR, from the server, we
1214 # changed EDNS behavior either by disabling EDNS or
1215 # removing the DNS COOKIE OPT, which resulted in us
1216 # getting a legitimate response.
1217 issued_formerr = True
1218 if not issued_formerr:
1219 cookie_errs.append(Errors.MalformedCookieWithoutFORMERR())
1221 # RFC 7873: 5.2.3. Only a Client Cookie
1222 # RFC 7873: 5.2.4. A Client Cookie and an Invalid Server Cookie
1223 if response.server_cookie_status in (Q.DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY, Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD):
1224 if response.server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY:
1225 err_cls = Errors.NoServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE
1226 else:
1227 err_cls = Errors.InvalidServerCookieWithoutBADCOOKIE
1229 issued_badcookie = False
1230 if response.effective_server_cookie_status in (Q.DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY, Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD):
1231 # The query resulting in the response we got was sent with
1232 # a bad server cookie.
1233 if cookie_opt_from_server is None:
1234 cookie_errs.append(Errors.NoCookieOption())
1235 elif len( == 8:
1236 cookie_errs.append(Errors.NoServerCookie())
1238 if response.message.rcode() == 23:
1239 # The query resulting in the response we got was sent
1240 # with an invalid server cookie, and the result was
1242 issued_badcookie = True
1244 elif response.responsive_cause_index is not None:
1245 retry = response.history[response.responsive_cause_index]
1246 if retry.cause == Q.RETRY_CAUSE_RCODE and \
1247 retry.cause_arg == 23 and \
1248 retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_UPDATE_DNS_COOKIE:
1249 # We started with a COOKIE opt with an invalid server
1250 # cookie, and, in response to a BADCOOKIE response from
1251 # the server, we updated to a fresh DNS server cookie,
1252 # which resulted in us getting a legitimate response.
1253 issued_badcookie = True
1255 if self._strict_cookies and not issued_badcookie:
1256 cookie_errs.append(err_cls())
1258 # RFC 7873: 5.2.5. A Client Cookie and a Valid Server Cookie
1259 if response.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH:
1260 # The query resulting in the response we got was sent with only
1261 # a client cookie.
1262 if cookie_opt_from_server is None:
1263 cookie_errs.append(Errors.NoCookieOption())
1264 elif len( == 8:
1265 cookie_errs.append(Errors.NoServerCookie())
1267 if cookie_opt is not None and cookie_opt_from_server is not None:
1268 # RFC 7873: 5.3. Client cookie does not match
1269 if len( >= 8 and \
1270[:8] !=[:8]:
1271 cookie_errs.append(Errors.ClientCookieMismatch())
1273 # RFC 7873: 5.3. Client cookie has and invalid length
1274 if len( < 8 or \
1275 len( > 40:
1276 cookie_errs.append(Errors.CookieInvalidLength(length=len(
1278 for cookie_err in cookie_errs:
1279 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(cookie_err, warnings, server, client, response)
1281 def _populate_response_errors(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
11361282 if qname_obj is not None:
11371283 # if the response was complete (not truncated), then mark any
11381284 # response flag issues as errors. Otherwise, mark them as
11511297 # check for NOERROR, inconsistent with NXDOMAIN in ancestor
11521298 if response.is_complete_response() and response.message.rcode() == dns.rcode.NOERROR and qname_obj.nxdomain_ancestor is not None:
11531299 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(Errors.InconsistentNXDOMAINAncestry(qname=fmt.humanize_name(response.query.qname), ancestor_qname=fmt.humanize_name(, errors, server, client, response)
1301 def _populate_foreign_class_warnings(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
1302 query = response.query
1303 cls = query.rdclass
1305 if response.message is None:
1306 return
1308 # if there was foriegn class data, then warn about it
1309 ans_cls = [r.rdclass for r in response.message.answer if r.rdclass != cls]
1310 auth_cls = [r.rdclass for r in response.message.authority if r.rdclass != cls]
1311 add_cls = [r.rdclass for r in response.message.additional if r.rdclass != cls]
1312 if ans_cls:
1313 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(Errors.ForeignClassDataAnswer(cls=dns.rdataclass.to_text(ans_cls[0])), warnings, server, client, response)
1314 if auth_cls:
1315 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(Errors.ForeignClassDataAuthority(cls=dns.rdataclass.to_text(auth_cls[0])), warnings, server, client, response)
1316 if add_cls:
1317 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(Errors.ForeignClassDataAdditional(cls=dns.rdataclass.to_text(add_cls[0])), warnings, server, client, response)
1319 def _populate_case_preservation_warnings(self, qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors):
1320 query = response.query
1321 msg = response.message
1323 # if there was a case mismatch, then warn about it
1324 if msg.question and query.qname.to_text() != msg.question[0].name.to_text():
1325 Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(Errors.CasePreservationError(qname=fmt.humanize_name(query.qname, canonicalize=False)), warnings, server, client, response)
11551327 def _populate_wildcard_status(self, query, rrset_info, qname_obj, supported_algs):
11561328 for wildcard_name in rrset_info.wildcard_info:
13571529 if populate_response_errors:
13581530 for server,client in rrset_info.servers_clients:
13591531 for response in rrset_info.servers_clients[(server,client)]:
1532 self._populate_responsiveness_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
13601533 self._populate_response_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
1534 self._populate_edns_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
1535 self._populate_cookie_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
1536 self._populate_foreign_class_warnings(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
1537 self._populate_case_preservation_warnings(qname_obj, response, server, client, self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info], self.rrset_errors[rrset_info])
13621539 def _populate_invalid_response_status(self, query):
13631540 self.response_errors[query] = []
14051582 for truncated_info in query.truncated_info:
14061583 for server, client in truncated_info.servers_clients:
14071584 for response in truncated_info.servers_clients[(server, client)]:
1585 self._populate_responsiveness_errors(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
14081586 self._populate_response_errors(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
1587 self._populate_edns_errors(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
1588 self._populate_cookie_errors(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
1589 self._populate_foreign_class_warnings(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
1590 self._populate_case_preservation_warnings(self, response, server, client, self.response_warnings[query], self.response_errors[query])
14101592 def _populate_rrsig_status_all(self, supported_algs):
14111593 self.rrset_warnings = {}
16781860 else:
16791861 return
1863 ds_rrset_exists = False
16811864 secure_path = False
16831866 bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick = self.get_bailiwick_mapping()
16981881 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(server, default_bailiwick)
16991882 for client in dnskey_query.responses[server]:
17001883 response = dnskey_query.responses[server][client]
1701 if response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response() and not response.is_referral(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, bailiwick):
1884 if response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response() and not response.is_referral(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, dnskey_query.rdclass, bailiwick):
17021885 dnskey_server_client_responses.add((server,client,response))
17041887 for ds_rrset_info in ds_rrset_answer_info:
17051888 # there are CNAMEs that show up here...
17061889 if not ( == name and ds_rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == rdtype):
17071890 continue
1891 ds_rrset_exists = True
17091893 # for each set of DS records provided by one or more servers,
17101894 # identify the set of DNSSEC algorithms and the set of digest
18212005 if self.delegation_status[rdtype] is None:
18222006 if ds_rrset_answer_info:
1823 if secure_path:
2007 if ds_rrset_exists:
2008 # DS RRs exist
2009 if secure_path:
2010 # If any DNSSEC algorithms are supported, then status
2011 # is bogus because there should have been matching KSK.
2012 self.delegation_status[rdtype] = Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_BOGUS
2013 else:
2014 # If no algorithsm are supported, then this is a
2015 # provably insecure delegation.
2016 self.delegation_status[rdtype] = Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_INSECURE
2017 else:
2018 # Only CNAME returned for DS query. With no DS records and
2019 # no valid non-existence proof, the delegation is bogus.
18242020 self.delegation_status[rdtype] = Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_BOGUS
1825 else:
1826 self.delegation_status[rdtype] = Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_INSECURE
18272021 elif self.parent.signed:
18282022 self.delegation_status[rdtype] = Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_BOGUS
18292023 for nsec_status_list in [self.nxdomain_status[n] for n in self.nxdomain_status if n.qname == name and n.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DS] + \
19622156 servers_without_soa.add((server, client, response))
19632157 servers_missing_nsec.add((server, client, response))
2159 self._populate_responsiveness_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
19652160 self._populate_response_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
2161 self._populate_edns_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
2162 self._populate_cookie_errors(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
2163 self._populate_foreign_class_warnings(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
2164 self._populate_case_preservation_warnings(qname_obj, response, server, client, warnings, errors)
19672166 for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
19682167 soa_owner_name =
21752374 for (server,client,response) in servers_clients_without:
21762375 err.add_server_client(server, client, response)
2377 if dnskey.rdata.algorithm in DNSSEC_KEY_LENGTHS_BY_ALGORITHM and \
2378 dnskey.key_len != DNSSEC_KEY_LENGTHS_BY_ALGORITHM[dnskey.rdata.algorithm]:
2379 dnskey.errors.append(DNSSEC_KEY_LENGTH_ERRORS[dnskey.rdata.algorithm](length=dnskey.key_len))
21782381 if trusted_keys_rdata and not trusted_keys_self_signing:
21792382 self.zone_errors.append(Errors.NoTrustAnchorSigning(zone=fmt.humanize_name(
22802483 self.response_component_status = response_component_status
2282 def _serialize_rrset_info(self, rrset_info, consolidate_clients=False, show_servers=True, loglevel=logging.DEBUG, html_format=False):
2485 def _serialize_rrset_info(self, rrset_info, consolidate_clients=False, show_servers=True, show_server_meta=True, loglevel=logging.DEBUG, html_format=False):
22832486 d = OrderedDict()
22852488 rrsig_list = []
23462549 if loglevel <= logging.INFO and show_servers:
23472550 servers = tuple_to_dict(rrset_info.servers_clients)
2551 server_list = list(servers)
2552 server_list.sort()
23482553 if consolidate_clients:
2349 servers = list(servers)
2350 servers.sort()
2554 servers = server_list
23512555 d['servers'] = servers
2353 tags = set()
2354 for server,client in rrset_info.servers_clients:
2355 for response in rrset_info.servers_clients[(server,client)]:
2356 tags.add(response.effective_query_tag())
2357 d['query_options'] = list(tags)
2358 d['query_options'].sort()
2557 if show_server_meta:
2558 tags = set()
2559 cookie_tags = {}
2560 for server,client in rrset_info.servers_clients:
2561 for response in rrset_info.servers_clients[(server,client)]:
2562 tags.add(response.effective_query_tag())
2563 cookie_tags[server] = OrderedDict((
2564 ('request', response.request_cookie_tag()),
2565 ('response', response.response_cookie_tag()),
2566 ))
2567 d['query_options'] = list(tags)
2568 d['query_options'].sort()
2570 cookie_tag_mapping = OrderedDict()
2571 for server in server_list:
2572 cookie_tag_mapping[server] = cookie_tags[server]
2573 d['cookie_status'] = cookie_tag_mapping
23602575 if self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info] and loglevel <= logging.WARNING:
23612576 d['warnings'] = [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=html_format) for w in self.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]]
23772592 soa_list = []
23782593 for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
2379 rrset_serialized = self._serialize_rrset_info(soa_rrset_info, consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, loglevel=loglevel, html_format=html_format)
2594 rrset_serialized = self._serialize_rrset_info(soa_rrset_info, consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, show_server_meta=False, loglevel=loglevel, html_format=html_format)
23802595 if rrset_serialized:
23812596 soa_list.append(rrset_serialized)
24002615 if loglevel <= logging.INFO:
24012616 servers = tuple_to_dict(neg_response_info.servers_clients)
2617 server_list = list(servers)
2618 server_list.sort()
24022619 if consolidate_clients:
2403 servers = list(servers)
2404 servers.sort()
2620 servers = server_list
24052621 d['servers'] = servers
24072623 tags = set()
2624 cookie_tags = {}
24082625 for server,client in neg_response_info.servers_clients:
24092626 for response in neg_response_info.servers_clients[(server,client)]:
24102627 tags.add(response.effective_query_tag())
2628 cookie_tags[server] = OrderedDict((
2629 ('request', response.request_cookie_tag()),
2630 ('response', response.response_cookie_tag()),
2631 ))
24112632 d['query_options'] = list(tags)
24122633 d['query_options'].sort()
2635 cookie_tag_mapping = OrderedDict()
2636 for server in server_list:
2637 cookie_tag_mapping[server] = cookie_tags[server]
2638 d['cookie_status'] = cookie_tag_mapping
24142640 if warnings[neg_response_info] and loglevel <= logging.WARNING:
24152641 d['warnings'] = [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=html_format) for w in warnings[neg_response_info]]
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
97 # certain rights in this software.
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
10 #
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1212 #
1313 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1414 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2727 from __future__ import unicode_literals
29 import binascii
2930 import datetime
3031 import logging
3132 import random
5556 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
5960 class NetworkConnectivityException(Exception):
6061 pass
7879 PROTO_LABEL_RE = re.compile(r'^_(tcp|udp|sctp)$')
83 COOKIE_STANDIN = binascii.unhexlify('cccccccccccccccc')
84 COOKIE_BAD = binascii.unhexlify('bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb')
97101 class OnlineDomainNameAnalysis(object):
98102 QUERY_CLASS = Q.MultiQuery
100 def __init__(self, name, stub=False, analysis_type=ANALYSIS_TYPE_AUTHORITATIVE):
104 def __init__(self, name, stub=False, analysis_type=ANALYSIS_TYPE_AUTHORITATIVE, cookie_standin=None, cookie_bad=None):
102106 ##################################################
103107 # General attributes
108112 self.analysis_type = analysis_type
109113 self.stub = stub
115 # Attributes related to DNS cookie
116 if cookie_standin is None:
117 cookie_standin = COOKIE_STANDIN
118 self.cookie_standin = cookie_standin
119 if cookie_bad is None:
120 cookie_bad = COOKIE_BAD
121 self.cookie_bad = cookie_bad
111123 # a class for constructing the queries
112124 self._query_cls = self.QUERY_CLASS
118130 self.analysis_start = None
119131 self.analysis_end = None
121 # The record type queried with the name when eliciting a referral.
133 # The record types queried with the name when eliciting a referral,
134 # eliciting authority section NS records, and eliciting DNS cookies
122135 # (serialized).
123136 self.referral_rdtype = None
137 self.auth_rdtype = None
138 self.cookie_rdtype = None
125140 # Whether or not the delegation was specified explicitly or learned
126141 # by delegation. This is for informational purposes more than
181196 self._auth_servers_clients = set()
182197 self._valid_servers_clients_udp = set()
183198 self._valid_servers_clients_tcp = set()
200 # A mapping of server to server-provided DNS cookie
201 self.cookie_jar = {}
185203 def __repr__(self):
186204 return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())
286304 self._bailiwick_mapping = dict([(s,self.parent_name()) for s in self.parent.get_auth_or_designated_servers()]),
287305 return self._bailiwick_mapping
307 def get_cookie_jar_mapping(self):
308 if not hasattr(self, '_cookie_jar_mapping') or self._cookie_jar_mapping is None:
309 if self.parent is None:
310 self._cookie_jar_mapping = {}, self.cookie_jar
311 else:
312 self._cookie_jar_mapping = dict([(s,self.parent.cookie_jar) for s in self.parent.get_auth_or_designated_servers()]), self.cookie_jar
313 return self._cookie_jar_mapping
289315 def _add_glue_ip_mapping(self, response):
290316 '''Extract a mapping of NS targets to IP addresses from A and AAAA
291317 records in the additional section of a referral.'''
334360 return
335361 for ns in self.get_ns_names_in_child().difference(self.get_ns_names_in_parent()):
336362 self.ns_dependencies[ns] = None
364 def _set_server_cookies(self, response, server):
365 server_cookie = response.get_server_cookie()
366 if server_cookie is not None and server not in self.cookie_jar:
367 self.cookie_jar[server] = server_cookie
338369 def _process_response_answer_rrset(self, rrset, query, response):
339370 if query.qname in (, self.dlv_name):
363394 if rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
364395 self._handle_cname_response(rrset)
366 def _process_response(self, response, server, client, query, bailiwick, detect_ns):
397 def _process_response(self, response, server, client, query, bailiwick, detect_ns, detect_cookies):
367398 '''Process a DNS response from a query, setting and updating instance
368399 variables appropriately, and calling helper methods as necessary.'''
370401 if response.message is None:
371402 return
404 if detect_cookies:
405 self._set_server_cookies(response, server)
373407 is_authoritative = response.is_authoritative()
414448 # look for SOA in authority section, in the case of negative responses
415449 try:
416 soa_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA][0]
450 soa_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA and x.rdclass == query.rdclass][0]
417451 if ==
418452 self.has_soa = True
419453 except IndexError:
422456 if query.qname == and detect_ns:
423457 # if this is a referral, also grab the referral information, if it
424458 # pertains to this name (could alternatively be a parent)
425 if response.is_referral(query.qname, query.rdtype, bailiwick):
459 if response.is_referral(query.qname, query.rdtype, query.rdclass, bailiwick):
426460 try:
427 rrset = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.authority,, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.NS)
461 rrset = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.authority,, query.rdclass, dns.rdatatype.NS)
428462 except KeyError:
429463 pass
430464 else:
434468 # if it is an (authoritative) answer that has authority information, then add it
435469 else:
436470 try:
437 rrset = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.authority, query.qname, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.NS)
471 rrset = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.authority, query.qname, query.rdclass, dns.rdatatype.NS)
438472 self._handle_ns_response(rrset, is_authoritative and not self.explicit_delegation)
439473 except KeyError:
440474 pass
450484 if ip is not None:
451485 self._auth_ns_ip_mapping[name].add(ip)
453 def add_query(self, query, detect_ns):
487 def add_query(self, query, detect_ns, detect_cookies):
454488 '''Process a DNS query and its responses, setting and updating instance
455489 variables appropriately, and calling helper methods as necessary.'''
486520 if response.tcp_responsive:
487521 self._responsive_servers_clients_tcp.add((server, client))
489 self._process_response(query.responses[server][client], server, client, query, bailiwick, detect_ns)
523 self._process_response(query.responses[server][client], server, client, query, bailiwick, detect_ns, detect_cookies)
491525 def get_glue_ip_mapping(self):
492526 '''Return a reference to the mapping of targets of delegation records
766800 d[name_str] = OrderedDict()
767801 d[name_str]['type'] = analysis_types[self.analysis_type]
768802 d[name_str]['stub'] = self.stub
803 if self.cookie_standin is not None:
804 d[name_str]['cookie_standin'] = lb2s(binascii.hexlify(self.cookie_standin))
805 if self.cookie_bad is not None:
806 d[name_str]['cookie_bad'] = lb2s(binascii.hexlify(self.cookie_bad))
769807 d[name_str]['analysis_start'] = fmt.datetime_to_str(self.analysis_start)
770808 d[name_str]['analysis_end'] = fmt.datetime_to_str(self.analysis_end)
771809 if not self.stub:
780818 d[name_str]['nxdomain_ancestor'] = lb2s(self.nxdomain_ancestor_name().canonicalize().to_text())
781819 if self.referral_rdtype is not None:
782820 d[name_str]['referral_rdtype'] = dns.rdatatype.to_text(self.referral_rdtype)
821 if self.auth_rdtype is not None:
822 d[name_str]['auth_rdtype'] = dns.rdatatype.to_text(self.auth_rdtype)
823 if self.cookie_rdtype is not None:
824 d[name_str]['cookie_rdtype'] = dns.rdatatype.to_text(self.cookie_rdtype)
783825 d[name_str]['explicit_delegation'] = self.explicit_delegation
784826 if self.nxdomain_name is not None:
785827 d[name_str]['nxdomain_name'] = lb2s(self.nxdomain_name.to_text())
829871 mx_obj.serialize(d, meta_only, trace=trace + [self])
831873 @classmethod
832 def deserialize(cls, name, d1, cache=None):
874 def deserialize(cls, name, d1, cache=None, **kwargs):
833875 if cache is None:
834876 cache = {}
845887 if 'parent' in d:
846888 parent_name =['parent'])
847 parent = cls.deserialize(parent_name, d1, cache=cache)
889 parent = cls.deserialize(parent_name, d1, cache=cache, **kwargs)
848890 else:
849891 parent = None
851893 if name != and 'dlv_parent' in d:
852894 dlv_parent_name =['dlv_parent'])
853 dlv_parent = cls.deserialize(dlv_parent_name, d1, cache=cache)
895 dlv_parent = cls.deserialize(dlv_parent_name, d1, cache=cache, **kwargs)
854896 else:
855897 dlv_parent_name = None
856898 dlv_parent = None
858900 if 'nxdomain_ancestor' in d:
859901 nxdomain_ancestor_name =['nxdomain_ancestor'])
860 nxdomain_ancestor = cls.deserialize(nxdomain_ancestor_name, d1, cache=cache)
902 nxdomain_ancestor = cls.deserialize(nxdomain_ancestor_name, d1, cache=cache, **kwargs)
861903 else:
862904 nxdomain_ancestor_name = None
863905 nxdomain_ancestor = None
907 if 'cookie_standin' in d:
908 cookie_standin = binascii.unhexlify(d['cookie_standin'])
909 else:
910 cookie_standin = None
911 if 'cookie_bad' in d:
912 cookie_bad = binascii.unhexlify(d['cookie_bad'])
913 else:
914 cookie_bad = None
865916'Loading %s' % fmt.humanize_name(name))
867 cache[name] = a = cls(name, stub=stub, analysis_type=analysis_type)
918 cache[name] = a = cls(name, stub=stub, analysis_type=analysis_type, cookie_standin=cookie_standin, cookie_bad=cookie_bad, **kwargs)
868919 a.parent = parent
869920 if dlv_parent is not None:
870921 a.dlv_parent = dlv_parent
876927 if not a.stub:
877928 if 'referral_rdtype' in d:
878929 a.referral_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(d['referral_rdtype'])
930 if 'auth_rdtype' in d:
931 a.auth_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(d['auth_rdtype'])
932 if 'cookie_rdtype' in d:
933 a.cookie_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(d['cookie_rdtype'])
879934 a.explicit_delegation = d['explicit_delegation']
880935 if 'nxdomain_name' in d:
881936 a.nxdomain_name =['nxdomain_name'])
899954 return
901956 bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick = self.get_bailiwick_mapping()
957 cookie_jar_map, default_cookie_jar = self.get_cookie_jar_mapping()
958 cookie_standin = self.cookie_standin
959 cookie_bad = self.cookie_bad
903961 query_map = {}
904962 #XXX backwards compatibility with previous version
905963 if isinstance(d['queries'], list):
906964 for query in d['queries']:
907 key = (['qname']), dns.rdatatype.from_text(query['qtype']), dns.rdataclass.from_text(query['qclass']))
965 key = (['qname']), dns.rdatatype.from_text(query['qtype']))
908966 if key not in query_map:
909967 query_map[key] = []
910968 query_map[key].append(query)
913971 vals = query_str.split('/')
914972 qname ='/'.join(vals[:-2]))
915973 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(vals[-1])
916 rdclass = dns.rdataclass.from_text(vals[-2])
917 key = (qname, rdtype, rdclass)
918 query_map[key] = []
974 key = (qname, rdtype)
975 if key not in query_map:
976 query_map[key] = []
919977 for query in d['queries'][query_str]:
920978 query_map[key].append(query)
922 # import delegation NS queries first
923 delegation_types = set([dns.rdatatype.NS])
980 # Import the following first, in this order:
981 # - Queries used to detect delegation (NS and referral_rdtype)
982 # - Queries used to detect NS records from authority section (auth_rdtype)
983 # - Queries used to detect server cookies (cookie_rdtype)
984 delegation_types = OrderedDict(((dns.rdatatype.NS, None),))
924985 if self.referral_rdtype is not None:
925 delegation_types.add(self.referral_rdtype)
986 delegation_types[self.referral_rdtype] = None
987 if self.auth_rdtype is not None:
988 delegation_types[self.auth_rdtype] = None
989 if self.cookie_rdtype is not None:
990 delegation_types[self.cookie_rdtype] = None
926991 for rdtype in delegation_types:
927992 # if the query has already been imported, then
928993 # don't re-import
929994 if (, rdtype) in self.queries:
930995 continue
931 key = (, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN)
996 key = (, rdtype)
932997 if key in query_map:
933998 _logger.debug('Importing %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype)))
934999 for query in query_map[key]:
935 self.add_query(Q.DNSQuery.deserialize(query, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick), True)
1000 detect_ns = rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.NS, self.referral_rdtype, self.auth_rdtype)
1001 detect_cookies = rdtype == self.cookie_rdtype
1002 self.add_query(Q.DNSQuery.deserialize(query, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick, cookie_jar_map, default_cookie_jar, cookie_standin, cookie_bad), detect_ns, detect_cookies)
9361004 # set the NS dependencies for the name
9371005 if self.is_zone():
9381006 self.set_ns_dependencies()
9401008 for key in query_map:
941 qname, rdtype, rdclass = key
1009 qname, rdtype = key
9421010 # if the query has already been imported, then
9431011 # don't re-import
9441012 if (qname, rdtype) in self.queries:
9451013 continue
946 if rdtype in delegation_types:
1014 if qname == and rdtype in delegation_types:
9471015 continue
9481016 if (qname, rdtype) == (self.nxdomain_name, self.nxdomain_rdtype):
9491017 extra = ' (NXDOMAIN)'
9501018 elif (qname, rdtype) == (self.nxrrset_name, self.nxrrset_rdtype):
951 extra = ' (No data)'
1019 extra = ' (NODATA)'
9521020 else:
9531021 extra = ''
9541022 _logger.debug('Importing %s/%s%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(qname), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), extra))
9551023 for query in query_map[key]:
956 self.add_query(Q.DNSQuery.deserialize(query, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick), False)
1024 self.add_query(Q.DNSQuery.deserialize(query, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick, cookie_jar_map, default_cookie_jar, cookie_standin, cookie_bad), False, False)
9581026 def _deserialize_dependencies(self, d, cache):
9591027 if self.stub:
9811049 class Analyst(object):
9821050 analysis_model = ActiveDomainNameAnalysis
9831051 _simple_query = Q.SimpleDNSQuery
1052 _quick_query = Q.QuickDNSSECQuery
9841053 _diagnostic_query = Q.DiagnosticQuery
9851054 _tcp_diagnostic_query = Q.TCPDiagnosticQuery
9861055 _pmtu_diagnostic_query = Q.PMTUDiagnosticQuery
9941063 qname_only = True
9951064 analysis_type = ANALYSIS_TYPE_AUTHORITATIVE
997 clone_attrnames = ['dlv_domain', 'try_ipv4', 'try_ipv6', 'client_ipv4', 'client_ipv6', 'query_class_mixin', 'logger', 'ceiling', 'edns_diagnostics', 'follow_ns', 'explicit_delegations', 'stop_at_explicit', 'odd_ports', 'analysis_cache', 'cache_level', 'analysis_cache_lock', 'transport_manager', 'th_factories', 'resolver']
999 def __init__(self, name, dlv_domain=None, try_ipv4=True, try_ipv6=True, client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, query_class_mixin=None, logger=_logger, ceiling=None, edns_diagnostics=False,
1066 clone_attrnames = ['rdclass', 'dlv_domain', 'try_ipv4', 'try_ipv6', 'client_ipv4', 'client_ipv6', 'query_class_mixin', 'logger', 'ceiling', 'edns_diagnostics', 'follow_ns', 'explicit_delegations', 'stop_at_explicit', 'odd_ports', 'analysis_cache', 'cache_level', 'analysis_cache_lock', 'transport_manager', 'th_factories', 'resolver']
1068 def __init__(self, name, rdclass=dns.rdataclass.IN, dlv_domain=None, try_ipv4=True, try_ipv6=True, client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, query_class_mixin=None, logger=_logger, ceiling=None, edns_diagnostics=False,
10001069 follow_ns=False, follow_mx=False, trace=None, explicit_delegations=None, stop_at_explicit=None, odd_ports=None, extra_rdtypes=None, explicit_only=False,
10011070 analysis_cache=None, cache_level=None, analysis_cache_lock=None, th_factories=None, transport_manager=None, resolver=None):
1072 self.simple_query = self._simple_query
1073 self.quick_query = self._quick_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
1074 self.diagnostic_query_no_server_cookie = self._diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin)
1075 self.diagnostic_query_bad_server_cookie = self._diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_BAD)
1076 self.diagnostic_query = self._diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
1077 self.tcp_diagnostic_query = self._tcp_diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).remove_cookie_option()
1078 self.pmtu_diagnostic_query = self._pmtu_diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
1079 self.truncation_diagnostic_query = self._truncation_diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
1080 self.edns_version_diagnostic_query = self._edns_version_diagnostic_query
1081 self.edns_flag_diagnostic_query = self._edns_flag_diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
1082 self.edns_opt_diagnostic_query = self._edns_opt_diagnostic_query.add_mixin(query_class_mixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
10031084 self.query_class_mixin = query_class_mixin
1004 self.simple_query = self._get_query_class(self._simple_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1005 self.diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1006 self.tcp_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._tcp_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1007 self.pmtu_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._pmtu_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1008 self.truncation_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._truncation_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1009 self.edns_version_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._edns_version_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1010 self.edns_flag_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._edns_flag_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
1011 self.edns_opt_diagnostic_query = self._get_query_class(self._edns_opt_diagnostic_query, self.query_class_mixin)
10131086 if transport_manager is None:
10141087 self.transport_manager = transport.DNSQueryTransportManager()
10231096 self.allow_private_query = not bool([x for x in self.th_factories if not x.cls.allow_private_query])
10251098 = name
1099 self.rdclass = rdclass
10261100 self.dlv_domain = dlv_domain
10281102 if explicit_delegations is None:
10801154 self.edns_diagnostics = edns_diagnostics
1156 cookie_opt = self.diagnostic_query.get_cookie_opt()
1157 self.dns_cookies = cookie_opt is not None
10821159 self.follow_ns = follow_ns
10831160 self.follow_mx = follow_mx
11061183 hints = util.get_root_hints()
11071184 for key in self.explicit_delegations:
11081185 hints[key] = self.explicit_delegations[key]
1109 return Resolver.FullResolver(hints, odd_ports=self.odd_ports, transport_manager=self.transport_manager)
1111 def _get_query_class(self, cls, mixin):
1112 if mixin is None:
1113 return cls
1114 class _foo(mixin, cls):
1115 pass
1116 return _foo
1186 return Resolver.FullResolver(hints, query_cls=(self.quick_query, self.diagnostic_query), odd_ports=self.odd_ports, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN, transport_manager=self.transport_manager)
11181188 def _detect_cname_chain(self):
11191189 self._cname_chain = []
11301200 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.A
11321202 try:
1133 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, allow_noanswer=True)
1203 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(, rdtype, self.rdclass, allow_noanswer=True)
11341204 except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.exception.DNSException):
11351205 return
11371207 cname =
11381208 for i in range(Resolver.MAX_CNAME_REDIRECTION):
11391209 try:
1140 cname = ans.response.find_rrset(ans.response.answer, cname, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)[0].target
1210 cname = ans.response.find_rrset(ans.response.answer, cname, self.rdclass, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)[0].target
11411211 self._cname_chain.append(cname)
11421212 except KeyError:
11431213 return
11591229 ceiling =
11611231 try:
1162 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(ceiling, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN)
1232 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(ceiling, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass)
11631233 try:
1164 ans.response.find_rrset(ans.response.answer, ceiling, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.NS)
1234 ans.response.find_rrset(ans.response.answer, ceiling, self.rdclass, dns.rdatatype.NS)
11651235 return ceiling, False
11661236 except KeyError:
11671237 pass
13421412 return False
13431413 return True
1345 def _add_query(self, name_obj, query, detect_ns=False, iterative=False):
1415 def _add_query(self, name_obj, query, detect_ns, detect_cookies, iterative=False):
13461416 # if this query is empty (i.e., nothing was actually asked, e.g., due
13471417 # to client-side connectivity failure), then raise a connectivity
13481418 # failure
13491419 if not query.responses and not iterative:
13501420 self._raise_connectivity_error_local(query.servers)
1352 name_obj.add_query(query, detect_ns)
1422 name_obj.add_query(query, detect_ns, detect_cookies)
13541424 def _filter_servers_network(self, servers):
13551425 if not self.try_ipv6:
13771447 name_obj = self.analysis_cache[name]
13781448 except KeyError:
13791449 if lock:
1380 name_obj = self.analysis_cache[name] = self.analysis_model(name, stub=stub, analysis_type=self.analysis_type)
1450 name_obj = self.analysis_cache[name] = self.analysis_model(name, stub=stub, analysis_type=self.analysis_type, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
13811451 return name_obj
13821452 # if not locking, then return None
13831453 else:
14881558 self._handle_explicit_delegations(name_obj)
14891559 if not name_obj.explicit_delegation:
14901560 try:
1491 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(name, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN)
1561 ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(name, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass)
14931563 # resolve every name in the NS RRset
14941564 query_tuples = []
14951565 for rr in ans.rrset:
1496 query_tuples.extend([(, dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdataclass.IN), (, dns.rdatatype.AAAA, dns.rdataclass.IN)])
1566 query_tuples.extend([(, dns.rdatatype.A, self.rdclass), (, dns.rdatatype.AAAA, self.rdclass)])
14971567 answer_map = self.resolver.query_multiple_for_answer(*query_tuples)
14981568 for query_tuple in answer_map:
14991569 a = answer_map[query_tuple]
16351705 servers =
16371707 odd_ports = dict([(s, self.odd_ports[(n, s)]) for n, s in self.odd_ports if n ==])
1708 cookie_jar =
16391710 servers = self._filter_servers(servers)
16401711 exclude_no_answer = set()
16431714 # if there are responsive servers to query...
16441715 if servers:
1717 # If 1) this is a zone, 2) DNS cookies are supported, and
1718 # 3) cookies have not yet been elicited, then issue queries now to
1719 # elicit DNS cookies.
1720 if name_obj.is_zone() and self.dns_cookies and name_obj.cookie_rdtype is None:
1721 self.logger.debug('Querying for DNS server cookies %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.SOA)))
1722 query = self.diagnostic_query_no_server_cookie(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1723 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
1724 self._add_query(name_obj, query, False, True)
1726 name_obj.cookie_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.SOA
16461728 # queries specific to zones for which non-delegation-related
16471729 # queries are being issued
16481730 if name_obj.is_zone() and self._ask_non_delegation_queries( and not self.explicit_only:
16501732 # EDNS diagnostic queries
16511733 if self.edns_diagnostics:
16521734 self.logger.debug('Preparing EDNS diagnostic queries %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.SOA)))
1653 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+100))] = self.edns_version_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1654 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+101))] = self.edns_opt_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1655 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+102))] = self.edns_flag_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1735 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+100))] = self.edns_version_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1736 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+101))] = self.edns_opt_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
1737 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+102))] = self.edns_flag_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
1739 # Query with a mixed-case name for 0x20, if possible
1740 mixed_case_name = self._mix_case(
1741 if mixed_case_name is not None:
1742 self.logger.debug('Preparing 0x20 query %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(mixed_case_name, canonicalize=False), dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.SOA)))
1743 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+103))] = self.diagnostic_query(mixed_case_name, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
1745 # DNS cookies diagnostic queries
1746 if self.dns_cookies:
1747 self.logger.debug('Preparing DNS cookie diagnostic query %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.SOA)))
1748 queries[(, -(dns.rdatatype.SOA+104))] = self.diagnostic_query_bad_server_cookie(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_bad=COOKIE_BAD)
16571750 # negative queries for all zones
16581751 self._set_negative_queries(name_obj)
16591752 if name_obj.nxdomain_name is not None:
16601753 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/%s (NXDOMAIN)...' % (fmt.humanize_name(name_obj.nxdomain_name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(name_obj.nxdomain_rdtype)))
1661 queries[(name_obj.nxdomain_name, name_obj.nxdomain_rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(name_obj.nxdomain_name, name_obj.nxdomain_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1754 queries[(name_obj.nxdomain_name, name_obj.nxdomain_rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(name_obj.nxdomain_name, name_obj.nxdomain_rdtype, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16621755 if name_obj.nxrrset_name is not None:
1663 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/%s (No data)...' % (fmt.humanize_name(name_obj.nxrrset_name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype)))
1664 queries[(name_obj.nxrrset_name, name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(name_obj.nxrrset_name, name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1756 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/%s (NODATA)...' % (fmt.humanize_name(name_obj.nxrrset_name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype)))
1757 queries[(name_obj.nxrrset_name, name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(name_obj.nxrrset_name, name_obj.nxrrset_rdtype, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16661759 # if the name is SLD or lower, then ask MX and TXT
16671760 if self._is_sld_or_lower(
16681761 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/MX...' % fmt.humanize_name(
16691762 # note that we use a PMTU diagnostic query here, to simultaneously test PMTU
1670 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.MX)] = self.pmtu_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.MX, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1763 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.MX)] = self.pmtu_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.MX, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16711764 # we also do a query with small UDP payload to elicit and test a truncated response
1672 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.MX)] = self.truncation_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.MX, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1765 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.MX)] = self.truncation_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.MX, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16741767 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/TXT...' % fmt.humanize_name(
1675 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.TXT)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.TXT, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1768 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.TXT)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.TXT, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16771770 # for zones and for (non-zone) names which have DNSKEYs referenced
16781771 if name_obj.is_zone() or self._force_dnskey_query(
16811774 if servers:
16821775 if self._ask_non_delegation_queries( and not self.explicit_only:
16831776 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/SOA...' % fmt.humanize_name(
1684 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.SOA)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1777 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.SOA)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16861779 if name_obj.is_zone():
16871780 # for zones we also use a TCP diagnostic query here, to simultaneously test TCP connectivity
1688 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.SOA)] = self.tcp_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1781 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.SOA)] = self.tcp_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.SOA, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16891782 else:
16901783 # for non-zones we don't need to keey the (UDP) SOA query, if there is no positive response
16911784 exclude_no_answer.add((, dns.rdatatype.SOA))
16931786 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/DNSKEY...' % fmt.humanize_name(
16941787 # note that we use a PMTU diagnostic query here, to simultaneously test PMTU
1695 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY)] = self.pmtu_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1788 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY)] = self.pmtu_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
16971790 # we also do a query with small UDP payload to elicit and test a truncated response
1698 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY)] = self.truncation_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1791 queries[(, -dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY)] = self.truncation_diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17001793 # query for DS/DLV
17011794 if name_obj.parent is not None:
17141807 parent_servers = self._filter_servers(parent_servers)
17161809 parent_odd_ports = dict([(s, self.odd_ports[(n, s)]) for n, s in self.odd_ports if n ==])
1810 parent_cookie_jar =
17181812 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/DS...' % fmt.humanize_name(
1719 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.DS)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DS, dns.rdataclass.IN, parent_servers, name_obj.parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=parent_odd_ports)
1813 queries[(, dns.rdatatype.DS)] = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DS, self.rdclass, parent_servers, name_obj.parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=parent_odd_ports, cookie_jar=parent_cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17211815 if name_obj.dlv_parent is not None and self.dlv_domain !=
17221816 dlv_servers = name_obj.dlv_parent.get_responsive_auth_or_designated_servers()
17241818 dlv_name = name_obj.dlv_name
17251819 if dlv_servers:
17261820 dlv_odd_ports = dict([(s, self.odd_ports[(n, s)]) for n, s in self.odd_ports if n ==])
1821 dlv_cookie_jar = name_obj.dlv_parent.cookie_jar
17281823 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/DLV...' % fmt.humanize_name(dlv_name))
1729 queries[(dlv_name, dns.rdatatype.DLV)] = self.diagnostic_query(dlv_name, dns.rdatatype.DLV, dns.rdataclass.IN, dlv_servers, name_obj.dlv_parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=dlv_odd_ports)
1824 queries[(dlv_name, dns.rdatatype.DLV)] = self.diagnostic_query(dlv_name, dns.rdatatype.DLV, self.rdclass, dlv_servers, name_obj.dlv_parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=dlv_odd_ports, cookie_jar=dlv_cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17301825 exclude_no_answer.add((dlv_name, dns.rdatatype.DLV))
17321827 # get rid of any queries already asked
17391834 for rdtype in self._rdtypes_to_query(
17401835 if (, rdtype) not in all_queries:
17411836 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype)))
1742 queries[(, rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1837 queries[(, rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17441839 # if no default queries were identified (e.g., empty non-terminal in
17451840 # space), then add a backup.
17461841 if not (queries or name_obj.queries):
17471842 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.A
17481843 self.logger.debug('Preparing query %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype)))
1749 queries[(, rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1844 queries[(, rdtype)] = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, self.rdclass, servers, bailiwick, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17511846 # actually execute the queries, then store the results
17521847 self.logger.debug('Executing queries...')
17531848 Q.ExecutableDNSQuery.execute_queries(*list(queries.values()), tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
17541849 for key, query in queries.items():
17551850 if query.is_answer_any() or key not in exclude_no_answer:
1756 self._add_query(name_obj, query)
1851 self._add_query(name_obj, query, False, False)
17581853 def _analyze_delegation(self, name_obj):
17591854 if name_obj.parent is None:
17691864 parent_auth_servers = set(self._filter_servers(parent_auth_servers))
17711866 odd_ports = dict([(s, self.odd_ports[(n, s)]) for n, s in self.odd_ports if n ==])
1867 cookie_jar =
17731869 if not parent_auth_servers:
17741870 return False
17941890 name_obj.referral_rdtype = rdtype
17961892 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/%s (referral)...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype)))
1797 query = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, parent_auth_servers, name_obj.parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
1893 query = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, self.rdclass, parent_auth_servers, name_obj.parent_name(), self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
17981894 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
17991895 referral_queries[rdtype] = query
18701966 # add remaining queries
18711967 for query in referral_queries.values():
1872 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True)
1968 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, False)
18741970 # return a positive response only if not nxdomain
18751971 return not is_nxdomain
1877 # add any queries made
1973 if self.dns_cookies:
1974 # An NS query to authoritative servers will always be used to
1975 # elicit a server query.
1976 name_obj.cookie_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.NS
1977 cookie_jar = name_obj.cookie_jar
1978 cookie_str = ', detecting cookies'
1979 else:
1980 name_obj.cookie_rdtype = None
1981 cookie_jar = None
1982 cookie_str = ''
1985 # Add any queries made. At this point, at least one of the queries is
1986 # for type NS. If there is a second, it is because the first resulted
1987 # in NXDOMAIN, and the type for the second query is secondary_rdtype.
18781988 for query in referral_queries.values():
1879 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True)
1881 # now identify the authoritative NS RRset from all servers, resolve all
1882 # names referred to in the NS RRset(s), and query each corresponding
1883 # server, until all names have been queried
1989 detect_cookies = query.rdtype == name_obj.cookie_rdtype
1990 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, detect_cookies)
1992 # Identify auth_rdtype, the rdtype used to query the authoritative
1993 # servers to retrieve NS records in the authority section.
1994 name_obj.auth_rdtype = secondary_rdtype
1996 # Now identify the authoritative NS RRset from all servers, both by
1997 # querying the authoritative servers for NS and by querying them for
1998 # another type and looking for NS in the authority section. Resolve
1999 # all names referred to in the NS RRset(s), and query each
2000 # corresponding server, until all names have been resolved and all
2001 # corresponding addresses queried..
18842002 names_resolved = set()
1885 names_not_resolved = name_obj.get_ns_names().difference(names_resolved)
2003 names_not_resolved = name_obj.get_ns_names()
18862004 while names_not_resolved:
18872005 # resolve every name in the NS RRset
18882006 query_tuples = []
18892007 for name in names_not_resolved:
1890 query_tuples.extend([(name, dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdataclass.IN), (name, dns.rdatatype.AAAA, dns.rdataclass.IN)])
2008 query_tuples.extend([(name, dns.rdatatype.A, self.rdclass), (name, dns.rdatatype.AAAA, self.rdclass)])
18912009 answer_map = self.resolver.query_multiple_for_answer(*query_tuples)
18922010 for query_tuple in answer_map:
18932011 name = query_tuple[0]
19112029 servers_queried[dns.rdatatype.NS].update(servers)
19122030 servers = self._filter_servers(servers, no_raise=True)
19132031 if servers:
1914 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/NS (auth)...' % fmt.humanize_name(
1915 queries.append(self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers,, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports))
2032 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/NS (auth%s)...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, cookie_str))
2033 query = self.diagnostic_query_no_server_cookie(, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass, servers,, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
2034 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
2035 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, True, True)
19172037 # secondary query
19182038 if secondary_rdtype is not None and self._ask_non_delegation_queries(
19212041 servers = self._filter_servers(servers, no_raise=True)
19222042 if servers:
19232043 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(secondary_rdtype)))
1924 queries.append(self.diagnostic_query(, secondary_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers,, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports))
1926 # actually execute the queries, then store the results
1927 Q.ExecutableDNSQuery.execute_queries(*queries, tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
1928 for query in queries:
1929 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, True)
2044 query = self.diagnostic_query(, secondary_rdtype, self.rdclass, servers,, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
2045 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
2046 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, False, True)
19312048 names_not_resolved = name_obj.get_ns_names().difference(names_resolved)
19812098 for name, exc_info in errors[1:]:
19822099 self.logger.error('Error analyzing %s' % name, exc_info=exc_info)
19832100 raise errors[0][1][0].with_traceback(errors[0][1][2])
2102 def _mix_case(self, name):
2103 name = name.to_text().lower()
2104 name_len = len(name)
2105 rnd = random.getrandbits((name_len + 8) - (name_len % 8))
2106 new_name = ''
2107 changed = False
2108 for i, c in enumerate(name):
2109 # If the character is a lower case letter, mix it up randomly.
2110 # Always make the first letter upper case, to ensure that it isn't
2111 # completely lower case.
2112 if ord('a') <= ord(c) <= ord('z') and ((rnd & (1 << i)) or not changed):
2113 new_name += chr(ord(c) - 32)
2114 changed = True
2115 else:
2116 new_name += c
2117 if not changed:
2118 return None
2119 return
19852121 def _set_negative_queries(self, name_obj):
19862122 random_label = ''.join(random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890', 10))
20492185 servers = list(self._root_servers(proto))
20502186 checker = Resolver.Resolver(servers, self.simple_query, max_attempts=1, shuffle=True, transport_manager=self.transport_manager)
20512187 try:
2052 checker.query_for_answer(, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN)
2188 checker.query_for_answer(, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass)
20532189 return True
20542190 except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
20552191 return None
21602296 resolver = Resolver.Resolver(list(servers), Q.StandardRecursiveQueryCD, transport_manager=self.transport_manager)
21622298 try:
2163 ans = resolver.query_for_answer(name, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN)
2299 ans = resolver.query_for_answer(name, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass)
21642300 except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN):
21652301 name_obj.parent = self._analyze_stub(name.parent()).zone
21662302 except dns.exception.DNSException:
22712407 raise NoNameservers('No resolvers available to query!')
22732409 odd_ports = dict([(s, self.odd_ports[(n, s)]) for n, s in self.odd_ports if n ==])
2410 cookie_jar =
22752412 # make common query first to prime the cache
22892426 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.A
22912428 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype)))
2292 query = self.diagnostic_query(, rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
2429 query = self.diagnostic_query_no_server_cookie(, rdtype, self.rdclass, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
22932430 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
2294 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True)
2431 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, True)
2433 if self.dns_cookies:
2434 name_obj.cookie_rdtype = rdtype
2435 else:
2436 name_obj.cookie_rdtype = None
22962438 # if there were no valid responses, then exit out early
22972439 if not query.is_valid_complete_response_any() and not self.explicit_only:
23112453 # make DS queries (these won't be included in the above mix
23122454 # because there is no parent on the name_obj)
23132455 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.DS)))
2314 query = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DS, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
2456 query = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.DS, self.rdclass, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
23152457 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
2316 self._add_query(name_obj, query)
2458 self._add_query(name_obj, query, False, False)
23182460 # for non-TLDs make NS queries after all others
23192461 if len( > 2:
23202462 # ensure these weren't already queried for (e.g., as part of extra_rdtypes)
23212463 if (, dns.rdatatype.NS) not in name_obj.queries:
23222464 self.logger.debug('Querying %s/%s...' % (fmt.humanize_name(, dns.rdatatype.to_text(dns.rdatatype.NS)))
2323 query = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports)
2465 query = self.diagnostic_query(, dns.rdatatype.NS, self.rdclass, servers, None, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_jar=cookie_jar, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN)
23242466 query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
2325 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True)
2467 self._add_query(name_obj, query, True, False)
23272469 return name_obj
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
97 # certain rights in this software.
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
10 #
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1212 #
1313 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1414 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2727 from __future__ import unicode_literals
2929 import base64
30 import cgi
3130 import datetime
3231 import logging
3635 from collections import OrderedDict
3736 except ImportError:
3837 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
39 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
40 try:
41 from html import escape
42 except ImportError:
43 from cgi import escape
4045 import, dns.rdatatype
153158 }
161 12: 512, 13: 512, 14: 768, 15: 512, 16: 912,
162 }
164 12: Errors.RRSIGBadLengthGOST, 13: Errors.RRSIGBadLengthECDSA256,
165 14: Errors.RRSIGBadLengthECDSA384, 15: Errors.RRSIGBadLengthEd25519,
166 16: Errors.RRSIGBadLengthEd448,
167 }
155169 class RRSIGStatus(object):
156170 def __init__(self, rrset, rrsig, dnskey, zone_name, reference_ts, supported_algs):
157171 self.rrset = rrset
205219 if self.validation_status == RRSIG_STATUS_VALID:
206220 self.validation_status = RRSIG_STATUS_INVALID
222 sig_len = len(self.rrsig.signature) << 3
223 if self.rrsig.algorithm in RRSIG_SIG_LENGTHS_BY_ALGORITHM and \
224 sig_len != RRSIG_SIG_LENGTHS_BY_ALGORITHM[self.rrsig.algorithm]:
225 self.errors.append(RRSIG_SIG_LENGTH_ERRORS[self.rrsig.algorithm](length=sig_len))
208227 if self.reference_ts < self.rrsig.inception:
209228 if self.validation_status == RRSIG_STATUS_VALID:
210229 self.validation_status = RRSIG_STATUS_PREMATURE
242261 erroneous_status
244263 if html_format:
245 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
264 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
246265 else:
247266 formatter = lambda x: x
381400 erroneous_status
383402 if html_format:
384 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
403 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
385404 else:
386405 formatter = lambda x: x
534553 (erroneous_status or nsec_list)
536555 if html_format:
537 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
556 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
538557 else:
539558 formatter = lambda x: x
785804 (erroneous_status or nsec_list)
787806 if html_format:
788 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
807 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
789808 else:
790809 formatter = lambda x: x
9981017 (erroneous_status or nsec3_list)
10001019 if html_format:
1001 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
1020 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
10021021 else:
10031022 formatter = lambda x: x
13491368 (erroneous_status or nsec3_list)
13511370 if html_format:
1352 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
1371 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
13531372 else:
13541373 formatter = lambda x: x
14831502 (erroneous_status or dname_serialized)
14851504 if html_format:
1486 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
1505 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
14871506 else:
14881507 formatter = lambda x: x
55 #
66 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3131 import os
3232 import re
3333 import sys
35 # minimal support for python2.6
36 try:
37 from collections import OrderedDict
38 except ImportError:
39 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
3541 import dns.exception,
5561 DNSSEC_TEMPLATE_FILE = os.path.join(DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH, 'html', 'dnssec-template.html')
57 logger = logging.getLogger('dnsviz.analysis.offline')
63 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(message)s')
64 logger = logging.getLogger()
5966 def usage(err=None):
6067 if err is not None:
6168 err += '\n\n'
6269 else:
6370 err = ''
64 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz graph [options] [domain name...]
71 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: %s %s [options] [domain_name...]
73 Graph the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries.
6575 Options:
66 -f <filename> - read names from a file
67 -r <filename> - read diagnostic queries from a file
68 -t <filename> - specify file containing trusted keys
76 -f <filename> - Read names from a file.
77 -r <filename> - Read diagnostic queries from a file.
78 -t <filename> - Use trusted keys from the designated file.
79 -C - Enforce DNS cookies strictly.
6980 -R <type>[,<type>...]
70 - Process queries of only the specified type(s)
71 -O - derive the filename(s) from the format and domain name(s)
72 -o <filename> - save the output to the specified file
73 -T <format> - specify the format of the output
74 -h - display the usage and exit
75 ''' % (err))
77 def finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, filename):
81 - Process queries of only the specified type(s).
82 -e - Do not remove redundant RRSIG edges from the graph.
83 -O - Derive the filename(s) from the format and domain name(s).
84 -o <filename> - Save the output to the specified file.
85 -T <format> - Use the specified output format.
86 -h - Display the usage and exit.
87 ''' % (err, sys.argv[0], __name__.split('.')[-1]))
89 def finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, filename, remove_edges):
7890 G.add_trust(trusted_keys)
79 G.remove_extra_edges()
92 if remove_edges:
93 G.remove_extra_edges()
8195 if fmt == 'html':
8296 try:
86100 sys.exit(3)
88102 try:
89 template_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
103 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
104 template_str =
90105 except IOError as e:
91106 logger.error('Error reading template file "%s": %s' % (DNSSEC_TEMPLATE_FILE, e.strerror))
92107 sys.exit(3)
118133 logger.error(str(e))
119134 sys.exit(3)
121 def test_m2crypto():
122 try:
123 import M2Crypto
124 except ImportError:
125 sys.stderr.write('''Warning: M2Crypto is not installed; cryptographic validation of signatures and digests will not be available.\n''')
127136 def test_pygraphviz():
128137 try:
129138 from pygraphviz import release
132141 major = int(major)
133142 minor = int(re.sub(r'(\d+)[^\d].*', r'\1', minor))
134143 if (major, minor) < (1,1):
135 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
144 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
136145 sys.exit(2)
137146 except ValueError:
138 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
147 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
139148 sys.exit(2)
140149 except ImportError:
141 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.\n''')
150 logger.error('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.''')
142151 sys.exit(2)
144153 def main(argv):
145154 try:
146 test_m2crypto()
147155 test_pygraphviz()
149157 try:
150 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:R:t:Oo:T:h')
158 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:R:et:COo:T:h')
151159 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
152 usage(str(e))
160 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(e))
153161 sys.exit(1)
155163 # collect trusted keys
157165 for opt, arg in opts:
158166 if opt == '-t':
159167 try:
160 tk_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
168 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
169 tk_str =
161170 except IOError as e:
162 sys.stderr.write('%s: "%s"\n' % (e.strerror, arg))
171 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, arg))
163172 sys.exit(3)
164173 try:
165174 trusted_keys.extend(get_trusted_keys(tk_str))
166175 except dns.exception.DNSException:
167 sys.stderr.write('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"\n' % arg)
176 logger.error('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"' % arg)
168177 sys.exit(3)
170179 opts = dict(opts)
173182 sys.exit(0)
175184 if '-f' in opts and args:
176 usage('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.')
185 sys.stderr.write('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.\n')
177186 sys.exit(1)
179188 if '-R' in opts:
180189 try:
181190 rdtypes = opts['-R'].split(',')
182191 except ValueError:
183 usage('The list of types was invalid: "%s"' % opts['-R'])
192 sys.stderr.write('The list of types was invalid: "%s"\n' % opts['-R'])
184193 sys.exit(1)
185194 try:
186195 rdtypes = [dns.rdatatype.from_text(x) for x in rdtypes]
187196 except dns.rdatatype.UnknownRdatatype:
188 usage('The list of types was invalid: "%s"' % opts['-R'])
197 sys.stderr.write('The list of types was invalid: "%s"\n' % opts['-R'])
189198 sys.exit(1)
190199 else:
191200 rdtypes = None
202 strict_cookies = '-C' in opts
204 remove_edges = '-e' not in opts
193206 if '-T' in opts:
194207 fmt = opts['-T']
197210 else:
198211 fmt = 'dot'
199212 if fmt not in ('dot','png','jpg','svg','html'):
200 usage('Image format unrecognized: "%s"' % fmt)
213 sys.stderr.write('Image format unrecognized: "%s"\n' % fmt)
201214 sys.exit(1)
203216 if '-o' in opts and '-O' in opts:
204 usage('The -o and -O options may not be used together.')
217 sys.stderr.write('The -o and -O options may not be used together.\n')
205218 sys.exit(1)
207 handler = logging.StreamHandler()
208 handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
209 logger.addHandler(handler)
210 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
212220 if '-r' not in opts or opts['-r'] == '-':
213221 opt_r = sys.stdin.fileno()
214222 else:
215223 opt_r = opts['-r']
216224 try:
217 analysis_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
225 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
226 analysis_str =
218227 except IOError as e:
219228 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, opts.get('-r', '-')))
220229 sys.exit(3)
230 if not analysis_str:
231 if opt_r != sys.stdin.fileno():
232 logger.error('No input.')
233 sys.exit(3)
221234 try:
222235 analysis_structured = json.loads(analysis_str)
223236 except ValueError:
224 logger.error('There was an error parsing the json input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
237 logger.error('There was an error parsing the JSON input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
225238 sys.exit(3)
227240 # check version
240253 logger.error('Version %d.%d of JSON input is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers))
241254 sys.exit(3)
243 names = []
256 names = OrderedDict()
244257 if '-f' in opts:
245258 if opts['-f'] == '-':
246259 opts['-f'] = sys.stdin.fileno()
258271 except dns.exception.DNSException:
259272 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
260273 else:
261 names.append(name)
274 if name not in names:
275 names[name] = None
262276 f.close()
263277 else:
264278 if args:
269283 try:
270284 args = analysis_structured['_meta._dnsviz.']['names']
271285 except KeyError:
272 logger.error('No names found in json input!')
286 logger.error('No names found in JSON input!')
273287 sys.exit(3)
274288 for name in args:
275289 try:
279293 except dns.exception.DNSException:
280294 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
281295 else:
282 names.append(name)
296 if name not in names:
297 names[name] = None
284299 latest_analysis_date = None
285300 name_objs = []
289304 if name_str not in analysis_structured or analysis_structured[name_str].get('stub', True):
290305 logger.error('The analysis of "%s" was not found in the input.' % lb2s(name.to_text()))
291306 continue
292 name_obj = OfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache)
307 name_obj = OfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache, strict_cookies=strict_cookies)
293308 name_objs.append(name_obj)
295310 if latest_analysis_date is None or latest_analysis_date > name_obj.analysis_end:
327342 name = 'root'
328343 else:
329344 name = lb2s('.')
330 finish_graph(G, [name_obj], rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, '%s.%s' % (name, fmt))
345 finish_graph(G, [name_obj], rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, '%s.%s' % (name, fmt), remove_edges)
331346 G = DNSAuthGraph()
333348 if '-O' not in opts:
334349 if '-o' not in opts or opts['-o'] == '-':
335 finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, None)
350 finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, None, remove_edges)
336351 else:
337 finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, opts['-o'])
352 finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, opts['-o'], remove_edges)
339354 except KeyboardInterrupt:
340355 logger.error('Interrupted.')
55 #
66 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5656 else:
5757 raise
59 logger = logging.getLogger('dnsviz.analysis.offline')
59 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(message)s')
60 logger = logging.getLogger()
6263 'BOLD': '\033[1m',
9798 err += '\n\n'
9899 else:
99100 err = ''
100 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz grok [options] [domain name...]
101 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: %s %s [options] [domain_name...]
103 Assess diagnostic DNS queries.
101105 Options:
102 -f <filename> - read names from a file
103 -r <filename> - read diagnostic queries from a file
104 -t <filename> - specify file containing trusted keys
105 -o <filename> - save the output to the specified file
106 -c - make json output minimal instead of pretty
107 -l <loglevel> - set log level to one of: error, warning, info, debug
108 -h - display the usage and exit
109 ''' % (err))
106 -f <filename> - Read names from a file.
107 -r <filename> - Read diagnostic queries from a file.
108 -t <filename> - Use trusted keys from the designated file.
109 -C - Enforce DNS cookies strictly.
110 -o <filename> - Save the output to the specified file.
111 -c - Format JSON output minimally, instead of "pretty".
112 -l <loglevel> - Log at the specified level: error, warning, info, debug.
113 -h - Display the usage and exit.
114 ''' % (err, sys.argv[0], __name__.split('.')[-1]))
111116 def color_json(s):
112117 error = None
145150 return s1.rstrip()
147 def test_m2crypto():
148 try:
149 import M2Crypto
150 except ImportError:
151 sys.stderr.write('''Warning: M2Crypto is not installed; cryptographic validation of signatures and digests will not be available.\n''')
153152 def test_pygraphviz():
154153 try:
155154 from pygraphviz import release
158157 major = int(major)
159158 minor = int(re.sub(r'(\d+)[^\d].*', r'\1', minor))
160159 if (major, minor) < (1,1):
161 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
160 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
162161 sys.exit(2)
163162 except ValueError:
164 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
163 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
165164 sys.exit(2)
166165 except ImportError:
167 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.\n''')
166 logger.error('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.''')
168167 sys.exit(2)
170169 def main(argv):
171170 try:
172 test_m2crypto()
174 #TODO remove -p option (it is now the default, and -c is used to change it)
175 try:
176 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:t:o:cpl:h')
171 try:
172 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:t:Co:cl:h')
177173 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
178 usage(str(e))
174 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(e))
179175 sys.exit(1)
181177 # collect trusted keys
183179 for opt, arg in opts:
184180 if opt == '-t':
185181 try:
186 tk_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
182 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
183 tk_str =
187184 except IOError as e:
188 sys.stderr.write('%s: "%s"\n' % (e.strerror, arg))
185 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, arg))
189186 sys.exit(3)
190187 try:
191188 trusted_keys.extend(get_trusted_keys(tk_str))
192189 except dns.exception.DNSException:
193 sys.stderr.write('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"\n' % arg)
190 logger.error('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"' % arg)
194191 sys.exit(3)
196193 opts = dict(opts)
199196 sys.exit(0)
201198 if '-f' in opts and args:
202 usage('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.')
199 sys.stderr.write('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.\n')
203200 sys.exit(1)
205202 if '-l' in opts:
212209 elif opts['-l'] == 'debug':
213210 loglevel = logging.DEBUG
214211 else:
215 usage('Invalid log level: "%s"' % opts['-l'])
212 sys.stderr.write('Invalid log level: "%s"\n' % opts['-l'])
216213 sys.exit(1)
217214 else:
218215 loglevel = logging.DEBUG
219 handler = logging.StreamHandler()
220 handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
221 logger.addHandler(handler)
222 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
217 strict_cookies = '-C' in opts
224219 if '-r' not in opts or opts['-r'] == '-':
225220 opt_r = sys.stdin.fileno()
226221 else:
227222 opt_r = opts['-r']
228223 try:
229 analysis_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
224 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
225 analysis_str =
230226 except IOError as e:
231227 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, opts.get('-r', '-')))
232228 sys.exit(3)
229 if not analysis_str:
230 if opt_r != sys.stdin.fileno():
231 logger.error('No input.')
232 sys.exit(3)
233233 try:
234234 analysis_structured = json.loads(analysis_str)
235235 except ValueError:
236 logger.error('There was an error parsing the json input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
236 logger.error('There was an error parsing the JSON input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
237237 sys.exit(3)
239239 # check version
252252 logger.error('Version %d.%d of JSON input is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers))
253253 sys.exit(3)
255 names = []
255 names = OrderedDict()
256256 if '-f' in opts:
257257 if opts['-f'] == '-':
258258 opts['-f'] = sys.stdin.fileno()
270270 except dns.exception.DNSException:
271271 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
272272 else:
273 names.append(name)
273 if name not in names:
274 names[name] = None
274275 f.close()
275276 else:
276277 if args:
281282 try:
282283 args = analysis_structured['_meta._dnsviz.']['names']
283284 except KeyError:
284 logger.error('No names found in json input!')
285 logger.error('No names found in JSON input!')
285286 sys.exit(3)
286287 for name in args:
287288 try:
291292 except dns.exception.DNSException:
292293 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
293294 else:
294 names.append(name)
295 if name not in names:
296 names[name] = None
296298 if '-o' not in opts or opts['-o'] == '-':
297299 opts['-o'] = sys.stdout.fileno()
317319 if name_str not in analysis_structured or analysis_structured[name_str].get('stub', True):
318320 logger.error('The analysis of "%s" was not found in the input.' % lb2s(name.to_text()))
319321 continue
320 name_obj = OfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache)
322 name_obj = OfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache, strict_cookies=strict_cookies)
321323 name_objs.append(name_obj)
323325 if not name_objs:
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 #
2 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
3 # analysis, and visualization.
4 # Created by Casey Deccio (
5 #
6 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
7 #
8 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
12 #
13 # DNSViz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 #
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
19 # with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
20 #
22 from __future__ import unicode_literals
24 import codecs
25 import io
26 import json
27 import threading
28 import sys
30 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
31 try:
32 import queue
33 except ImportError:
34 import Queue as queue
36 from dnsviz import transport
38 class RemoteQueryError(Exception):
39 pass
41 def main(argv):
42 sock = transport.ReaderWriter(, 'rb'),, 'wb'))
43 sock.lock = threading.Lock()
44 qth_reader = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClientReader(sock)
45 qth_writer = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClientWriter(sock)
47 response_queue = queue.Queue()
48 queries_in_waiting = set()
49 th_factory = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNSFactory()
50 tm = transport.DNSQueryTransportManager()
51 try:
52 while True:
53 try:
54 qth_writer.qtms = []
56 tm.handle_msg(qth_reader)
57 qth_reader.finalize()
59 if len(qth_reader.msg_recv) == 0:
60 break
62 # load the json content
63 try:
64 content = json.loads(codecs.decode(qth_reader.msg_recv, 'utf-8'))
65 except ValueError:
66 raise RemoteQueryError('JSON decoding of request failed: %s' % qth_reader.msg_recv)
68 if 'version' not in content:
69 raise RemoteQueryError('No version information in request.')
70 try:
71 major_vers, minor_vers = [int(x) for x in str(content['version']).split('.', 1)]
72 except ValueError:
73 raise RemoteQueryError('Version of JSON input in request is invalid: %s' % content['version'])
75 # ensure major version is a match and minor version is no greater
76 # than the current minor version
77 curr_major_vers, curr_minor_vers = [int(x) for x in str(transport.DNS_TRANSPORT_VERSION).split('.', 1)]
78 if major_vers != curr_major_vers or minor_vers > curr_minor_vers:
79 raise RemoteQueryError('Version %d.%d of JSON input in request is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers))
81 if 'requests' not in content:
82 raise RemoteQueryError('No request information in request.')
84 for i, qtm_serialized in enumerate(content['requests']):
85 try:
86 qtm = transport.DNSQueryTransportMeta.deserialize_request(qtm_serialized)
87 except transport.TransportMetaDeserializationError as e:
88 raise RemoteQueryError('Error deserializing request information: %s' % e)
90 qth_writer.add_qtm(qtm)
91 th =
92 th.add_qtm(qtm)
93 th.init_req()
94 tm.handle_msg_nowait(th)
95 queries_in_waiting.add(th)
97 while queries_in_waiting:
98 th = response_queue.get()
99 th.finalize()
100 queries_in_waiting.remove(th)
102 qth_writer.init_req()
104 except RemoteQueryError as e:
105 qth_writer.init_err_send(str(e))
107 tm.handle_msg(qth_writer)
109 except EOFError:
110 pass
111 finally:
112 tm.close()
114 if __name__ == '__main__':
115 main()
55 #
66 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3131 import os
3232 import re
3333 import sys
35 # minimal support for python2.6
36 try:
37 from collections import OrderedDict
38 except ImportError:
39 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
3541 import dns.exception,
5056 else:
5157 raise
53 logger = logging.getLogger('dnsviz.analysis.offline')
59 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(message)s')
60 logger = logging.getLogger()
5562 def usage(err=None):
5663 if err is not None:
5764 err += '\n\n'
5865 else:
5966 err = ''
60 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz print [options] [domain name...]
67 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: %s %s [options] [domain_name...]
69 Print the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries.
6171 Options:
62 -f <filename> - read names from a file
63 -r <filename> - read diagnostic queries from a file
64 -t <filename> - specify file containing trusted keys
72 -f <filename> - Read names from a file.
73 -r <filename> - Read diagnostic queries from a file.
74 -t <filename> - Use trusted keys from the designated file.
75 -C - Enforce DNS cookies strictly.
6576 -R <type>[,<type>...]
66 - Process queries of only the specified type(s)
67 -O - derive the filename(s) from domain name(s)
68 -o <filename> - save the output to the specified file
69 -h - display the usage and exit
70 ''' % (err))
77 - Process queries of only the specified type(s).
78 -O - Derive the filename(s) from domain name(s).
79 -o <filename> - Save the output to the specified file.
80 -h - Display the usage and exit.
81 ''' % (err, sys.argv[0], __name__.split('.')[-1]))
7283 def finish_graph(G, name_objs, rdtypes, trusted_keys, filename):
7384 G.add_trust(trusted_keys)
279290 return s
281 def test_m2crypto():
282 try:
283 import M2Crypto
284 except ImportError:
285 sys.stderr.write('''Warning: M2Crypto is not installed; cryptographic validation of signatures and digests will not be available.\n''')
287292 def test_pygraphviz():
288293 try:
289294 from pygraphviz import release
292297 major = int(major)
293298 minor = int(re.sub(r'(\d+)[^\d].*', r'\1', minor))
294299 if (major, minor) < (1,1):
295 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
300 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
296301 sys.exit(2)
297302 except ValueError:
298 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.\n''' % release.version)
303 logger.error('''pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version %s is installed.''' % release.version)
299304 sys.exit(2)
300305 except ImportError:
301 sys.stderr.write('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.\n''')
306 logger.error('''pygraphviz is required, but not installed.''')
302307 sys.exit(2)
304309 def main(argv):
305310 try:
306 test_m2crypto()
307311 test_pygraphviz()
309313 try:
310 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:R:t:Oo:h')
314 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:r:R:t:COo:h')
311315 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
312 usage(str(e))
316 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(e))
313317 sys.exit(1)
315319 # collect trusted keys
317321 for opt, arg in opts:
318322 if opt == '-t':
319323 try:
320 tk_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
324 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
325 tk_str =
321326 except IOError as e:
322 sys.stderr.write('%s: "%s"\n' % (e.strerror, arg))
327 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, arg))
323328 sys.exit(3)
324329 try:
325330 trusted_keys.extend(get_trusted_keys(tk_str))
326331 except dns.exception.DNSException:
327 sys.stderr.write('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"\n' % arg)
332 logger.error('There was an error parsing the trusted keys file: "%s"' % arg)
328333 sys.exit(3)
330335 opts = dict(opts)
333338 sys.exit(0)
335340 if '-f' in opts and args:
336 usage('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.')
341 sys.stderr.write('If -f is used, then domain names may not supplied as command line arguments.\n')
337342 sys.exit(1)
339344 if '-R' in opts:
340345 try:
341346 rdtypes = opts['-R'].split(',')
342347 except ValueError:
343 usage('The list of types was invalid: "%s"' % opts['-R'])
348 sys.stderr.write('The list of types was invalid: "%s"\n' % opts['-R'])
344349 sys.exit(1)
345350 try:
346351 rdtypes = [dns.rdatatype.from_text(x) for x in rdtypes]
347352 except dns.rdatatype.UnknownRdatatype:
348 usage('The list of types was invalid: "%s"' % opts['-R'])
353 sys.stderr.write('The list of types was invalid: "%s"\n' % opts['-R'])
349354 sys.exit(1)
350355 else:
351356 rdtypes = None
358 strict_cookies = '-C' in opts
353360 if '-o' in opts and '-O' in opts:
354 usage('The -o and -O options may not be used together.')
361 sys.stderr.write('The -o and -O options may not be used together.\n')
355362 sys.exit(1)
357 handler = logging.StreamHandler()
358 handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
359 logger.addHandler(handler)
360 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
362364 if '-r' not in opts or opts['-r'] == '-':
363365 opt_r = sys.stdin.fileno()
364366 else:
365367 opt_r = opts['-r']
366368 try:
367 analysis_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
369 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
370 analysis_str =
368371 except IOError as e:
369372 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, opts.get('-r', '-')))
373 sys.exit(3)
374 if not analysis_str:
375 if opt_r != sys.stdin.fileno():
376 logger.error('No input.')
370377 sys.exit(3)
371378 try:
372379 analysis_structured = json.loads(analysis_str)
373380 except ValueError:
374 logger.error('There was an error parsing the json input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
381 logger.error('There was an error parsing the JSON input: "%s"' % opts.get('-r', '-'))
375382 sys.exit(3)
377384 # check version
390397 logger.error('Version %d.%d of JSON input is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers))
391398 sys.exit(3)
393 names = []
400 names = OrderedDict()
394401 if '-f' in opts:
395402 if opts['-f'] == '-':
396403 opts['-f'] = sys.stdin.fileno()
408415 except dns.exception.DNSException:
409416 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
410417 else:
411 names.append(name)
418 if name not in names:
419 names[name] = None
412420 f.close()
413421 else:
414422 if args:
419427 try:
420428 args = analysis_structured['_meta._dnsviz.']['names']
421429 except KeyError:
422 logger.error('No names found in json input!')
430 logger.error('No names found in JSON input!')
423431 sys.exit(3)
424432 for name in args:
425433 try:
429437 except dns.exception.DNSException:
430438 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
431439 else:
432 names.append(name)
440 if name not in names:
441 names[name] = None
434443 latest_analysis_date = None
435444 name_objs = []
439448 if name_str not in analysis_structured or analysis_structured[name_str].get('stub', True):
440449 logger.error('The analysis of "%s" was not found in the input.' % lb2s(name.to_text()))
441450 continue
442 name_obj = TTLAgnosticOfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache)
451 name_obj = TTLAgnosticOfflineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache, strict_cookies=strict_cookies)
443452 name_objs.append(name_obj)
445454 if latest_analysis_date is None or latest_analysis_date > name_obj.analysis_end:
55 #
66 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2424 from __future__ import unicode_literals
2626 import atexit
27 import binascii
2728 import codecs
2829 import errno
2930 import getopt
3031 import io
3132 import json
3233 import logging
34 import multiprocessing
35 import multiprocessing.managers
3336 import os
37 import random
3438 import re
39 import shutil
3540 import signal
3641 import socket
37 import sys
38 import multiprocessing
39 import multiprocessing.managers
40 import signal
41 import shutil
4242 import struct
4343 import subprocess
44 import sys
4445 import tempfile
4546 import threading
4647 import time
6263 import dns.edns, dns.exception, dns.message,, dns.rdata, dns.rdataclass, dns.rdatatype, dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS, dns.rdtypes.IN.A, dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA, dns.resolver, dns.rrset
64 from dnsviz.analysis import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, PrivateAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
65 from dnsviz.analysis import COOKIE_STANDIN, WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, PrivateAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
6566 import dnsviz.format as fmt
6667 from dnsviz.ipaddr import IPAddr
67 from dnsviz.query import StandardRecursiveQueryCD
68 from dnsviz.query import DiagnosticQuery, QuickDNSSECQuery, StandardRecursiveQueryCD
6869 from dnsviz.resolver import DNSAnswer, Resolver, PrivateFullResolver
6970 from dnsviz import transport
7071 from dnsviz.util import get_client_address, get_root_hints
7172 lb2s = fmt.latin1_binary_to_string
73 logger = logging.getLogger('')
74 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(message)s')
75 logger = logging.getLogger()
7577 # this needs to be global because of multiprocessing
7678 tm = None
79 th_factories = None
7780 resolver = None
7881 bootstrap_resolver = None
7982 explicit_delegations = None
117120 def _init_full_resolver():
118121 global resolver
123 quick_query = QuickDNSSECQuery.add_mixin(CustomQueryMixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
124 diagnostic_query = DiagnosticQuery.add_mixin(CustomQueryMixin).add_server_cookie(COOKIE_STANDIN)
120126 # now that we have the hints, make resolver a full resolver instead of a stub
121127 hints = get_root_hints()
122128 for key in explicit_delegations:
123129 hints[key] = explicit_delegations[key]
124 resolver = PrivateFullResolver(hints, odd_ports=odd_ports, transport_manager=tm)
130 resolver = PrivateFullResolver(hints, query_cls=(quick_query, diagnostic_query), odd_ports=odd_ports, cookie_standin=COOKIE_STANDIN, transport_manager=tm)
126132 def _init_interrupt_handler():
127133 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _raise_eof)
135141 _init_interrupt_handler()
137143 def _analyze(args):
138 (cls, name, dlv_domain, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, \
139 stop_at_explicit, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, cache, cache_level, cache_lock, th_factories) = args
144 (cls, name, rdclass, dlv_domain, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, \
145 stop_at_explicit, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, cache, cache_level, cache_lock) = args
140146 if ceiling is not None and name.is_subdomain(ceiling):
141147 c = ceiling
142148 else:
143149 c = name
144150 try:
145 a = cls(name, dlv_domain=dlv_domain, try_ipv4=try_ipv4, try_ipv6=try_ipv6, client_ipv4=client_ipv4, client_ipv6=client_ipv6, query_class_mixin=query_class_mixin, ceiling=c, edns_diagnostics=edns_diagnostics, explicit_delegations=explicit_delegations, stop_at_explicit=stop_at_explicit, odd_ports=odd_ports, extra_rdtypes=extra_rdtypes, explicit_only=explicit_only, analysis_cache=cache, cache_level=cache_level, analysis_cache_lock=cache_lock, transport_manager=tm, th_factories=th_factories, resolver=resolver)
151 a = cls(name, rdclass=rdclass, dlv_domain=dlv_domain, try_ipv4=try_ipv4, try_ipv6=try_ipv6, client_ipv4=client_ipv4, client_ipv6=client_ipv6, query_class_mixin=query_class_mixin, ceiling=c, edns_diagnostics=edns_diagnostics, explicit_delegations=explicit_delegations, stop_at_explicit=stop_at_explicit, odd_ports=odd_ports, extra_rdtypes=extra_rdtypes, explicit_only=explicit_only, analysis_cache=cache, cache_level=cache_level, analysis_cache_lock=cache_lock, transport_manager=tm, th_factories=th_factories, resolver=resolver)
146152 return a.analyze()
147153 # re-raise a KeyboardInterrupt, as this means we've been interrupted
148154 except KeyboardInterrupt:
158164 logger.exception('Error analyzing %s' % fmt.humanize_name(name))
159165 return None
161 class CustomQueryMixin(object):
162 pass
164167 class BulkAnalyst(object):
165168 analyst_cls = PrivateAnalyst
166169 use_full_resolver = True
168 def __init__(self, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, th_factories):
171 def __init__(self, rdclass, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain):
172 self.rdclass = rdclass
169173 self.try_ipv4 = try_ipv4
170174 self.try_ipv6 = try_ipv6
171175 self.client_ipv4 = client_ipv4
178182 self.extra_rdtypes = extra_rdtypes
179183 self.explicit_only = explicit_only
180184 self.dlv_domain = dlv_domain
181 self.th_factories = th_factories
183186 self.cache = {}
184187 self.cache_lock = threading.Lock()
186189 def _name_to_args_iter(self, names):
187190 for name in names:
188 yield (self.analyst_cls, name, self.dlv_domain, self.try_ipv4, self.try_ipv6, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, self.query_class_mixin, self.ceiling, self.edns_diagnostics, self.stop_at_explicit, self.extra_rdtypes, self.explicit_only, self.cache, self.cache_level, self.cache_lock, self.th_factories)
191 yield (self.analyst_cls, name, self.rdclass, self.dlv_domain, self.try_ipv4, self.try_ipv6, self.client_ipv4, self.client_ipv6, self.query_class_mixin, self.ceiling, self.edns_diagnostics, self.stop_at_explicit, self.extra_rdtypes, self.explicit_only, self.cache, self.cache_level, self.cache_lock)
190193 def analyze(self, names, flush_func=None):
191194 name_objs = []
275278 analyst_cls = MultiProcessAnalyst
276279 use_full_resolver = None
278 def __init__(self, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, th_factories, processes):
279 super(ParallelAnalystMixin, self).__init__(try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, th_factories)
281 def __init__(self, rdclass, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, processes):
282 super(ParallelAnalystMixin, self).__init__(rdclass, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, extra_rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain)
280283 self.manager = multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager()
281284 self.manager.start()
341344 if require_name:
342345 mappings_from_file = []
343346 try:
344 s =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
347 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
348 s =
345349 except IOError as e:
346350 usage('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, mapping))
347351 sys.exit(3)
506510 # if the value is actually a path, then check it as a zone file
507511 if os.path.isfile(ds):
508512 try:
509 s =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
513 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
514 s =
510515 except IOError as e:
511516 usage('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, ds))
512517 sys.exit(3)
561566 def _serve_zone(zone, zone_file, port):
562567 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dnsviz')
568 env = { 'PATH': '%s:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin' % (os.environ.get('PATH', '')) }
563569 pid = None
565571'%s/named.conf' % tmpdir, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write('''
566572 options {
567 directory "%s";
573 directory "%s";
568574 pid-file "";
569575 listen-on port %s { localhost; };
570576 listen-on-v6 port %s { localhost; };
584590 ''' % (tmpdir, port, port, lb2s(zone.to_text()), os.path.abspath(zone_file), tmpdir))
586592 try:
587 p = subprocess.Popen(['named-checkconf', '-z', '%s/named.conf' % tmpdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
593 p = subprocess.Popen(['named-checkconf', '-z', '%s/named.conf' % tmpdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
588594 except OSError as e:
589595 usage('This option requires executing named-checkconf. Please ensure that it is installed and in PATH (%s).' % e)
590596 _cleanup_process(tmpdir, pid)
597603 sys.exit(1)
599605 try:
600 p = subprocess.Popen(['named', '-L', '%s/named.log' % tmpdir, '-c', '%s/named.conf' % tmpdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
606 p = subprocess.Popen(['named', '-c', '%s/named.conf' % tmpdir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
601607 except OSError as e:
602608 usage('This option requires executing named. Please ensure that it is installed and in PATH (%s).' % e)
603609 _cleanup_process(tmpdir, pid)
606612 (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
607613 if p.returncode != 0:
608614 try:
609 log ='%s/named.log' % tmpdir, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
615 with'%s/named.log' % tmpdir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
616 log =
610617 except IOError as e:
611618 log = ''
612619 if not log:
616623 sys.exit(1)
618625 try:
619 pid = int('%s/' % tmpdir, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read())
626 with'%s/' % tmpdir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
627 pid = int(
620628 except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
621629 usage('There was an error detecting the process ID for named: %s' % e)
622630 _cleanup_process(tmpdir, pid)
627635 def _get_ecs_option(s):
628636 try:
629 addr, prefix = s.split('/', 1)
637 addr, prefix_len = s.split('/', 1)
630638 except ValueError:
631639 addr = s
632 prefix = None
640 prefix_len = None
634642 try:
635643 addr = IPAddr(addr)
644652 addrlen = 16
645653 family = 2
647 if prefix is None:
648 prefix = addrlen << 3
655 if prefix_len is None:
656 prefix_len = addrlen << 3
649657 else:
650658 try:
651 prefix = int(prefix)
659 prefix_len = int(prefix_len)
652660 except ValueError:
653 usage('The mask length was invalid: "%s"' % prefix)
654 sys.exit(1)
656 if prefix < 0 or prefix > (addrlen << 3):
657 usage('The mask length was invalid: "%d"' % prefix)
658 sys.exit(1)
660 bytes_masked, remainder = divmod(prefix, 8)
661 usage('The mask length was invalid: "%s"' % prefix_len)
662 sys.exit(1)
664 if prefix_len < 0 or prefix_len > (addrlen << 3):
665 usage('The mask length was invalid: "%d"' % prefix_len)
666 sys.exit(1)
668 bytes_masked, remainder = divmod(prefix_len, 8)
661669 if remainder:
662670 bytes_masked += 1
664 wire = struct.pack('!H', family)
665 wire += struct.pack('!B', prefix)
666 wire += struct.pack('!B', 0)
672 wire = struct.pack(b'!H', family)
673 wire += struct.pack(b'!B', prefix_len)
674 wire += struct.pack(b'!B', 0)
667675 wire += addr._ipaddr_bytes[:bytes_masked]
669677 return dns.edns.GenericOption(8, wire)
671679 def _get_nsid_option():
673681 return dns.edns.GenericOption(dns.edns.NSID, b'')
683 def _get_dns_cookie_option(cookie=None):
684 if cookie is None:
685 r = random.getrandbits(64)
686 cookie = struct.pack(b'Q', r)
687 else:
688 try:
689 cookie = binascii.unhexlify(cookie)
690 except TypeError:
691 usage('The DNS cookie provided was not valid hexadecimal: "%s"' % cookie)
692 sys.exit(1)
694 if len(cookie) != 8:
695 usage('The DNS client cookie provided had a length of %d, but only a length of %d is valid .' % (len(cookie), 8))
696 sys.exit(1)
698 return dns.edns.GenericOption(10, cookie)
700 class CustomQueryMixin(object):
701 edns_options = []
675703 def usage(err=None):
676704 if err is not None:
677705 err += '\n\n'
678706 else:
679707 err = ''
680 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz probe [options] [domain_name...]
708 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: %s %s [options] [domain_name...]
710 Issue diagnostic DNS queries.
681712 Options:
682 -f <filename> - read names from a file
683 -d <level> - set debug level
684 -r <filename> - read diagnostic queries from a file
685 -t <threads> - specify number of threads to use for parallel queries
686 -4 - use IPv4 only
687 -6 - use IPv6 only
688 -b - specify a source IPv4 or IPv6 address for queries
689 -u <url> - URL for DNS looking glass
690 -k - Do not verify TLS cert for DNS looking glass using HTTPS
691 -a <ancestor> - query the ancestry of each domain name through ancestor
713 -f <filename> - Read names from a file.
714 -d <level> - Set debug level.
715 -r <filename> - Read diagnostic queries from a file.
716 -t <threads> - Use the specified number of threads for parallel queries.
717 -4 - Use IPv4 only.
718 -6 - Use IPv6 only.
719 -b <addr> - Use the specified source IPv4 or IPv6 address for queries.
720 -u <url> - Issue queries through the DNS looking glass at the
721 specified URL.
722 -k - Do not verify the TLS certificate for a DNS looking glass
723 using HTTPS.
724 -a <ancestor> - Query the ancestry of each domain name through the
725 specified ancestor.
692726 -R <type>[,<type>...]
693 - perform analysis using only the specified type(s)
727 - Issue queries for only the specified type(s) during analysis.
694728 -s <server>[,<server>...]
695 - designate servers for recursive analysis
696 -A - query analysis against authoritative servers
729 - Query the specified recursive server(s).
730 -A - Query authoritative servers, instead of recursive servers.
697731 -x <domain>[+]:<server>[,<server>...]
698 - designate authoritative servers explicitly for a domain
732 - Query the specified authoritative servers for a domain.
699733 -N <domain>:<server>[,<server>...]
700 - specify delegation information for a domain
734 - Use the specified delegation information for a domain.
701735 -D <domain>:"<ds>"[,"<ds>"...]
702 - specify DS records for a domain
703 -n - use the NSID EDNS option
704 -e <subnet>[:<prefix>]
705 - use the EDNS client subnet option with subnet/prefix
706 -E - include EDNS compatibility diagnostics
707 -p - make json output pretty instead of minimal
708 -o <filename> - write the analysis to the specified file
709 -h - display the usage and exit
710 ''' % (err))
736 - Use the specified DS records for a domain.
737 -n - Use the NSID EDNS option in queries.
738 -e <subnet>[:<prefix_len>]
739 - Use the DNS client subnet option with the specified subnet
740 and prefix length in queries.
741 -c <cookie> - Use the specified DNS cookie value in queries.
742 -E - Issue queries to check EDNS compatibility.
743 -o <filename> - Write the analysis to the specified file.
744 -p - Format JSON output with indentation and newlines.
745 -h - Display the usage and exit.
746 ''' % (err, sys.argv[0], __name__.split('.')[-1]))
712748 def main(argv):
713749 global tm
750 global th_factories
714751 global resolver
715752 global bootstrap_resolver
716753 global explicit_delegations
720757 try:
721758 try:
722 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:d:l:c:r:t:64b:u:kmpo:a:R:x:N:D:ne:EAs:Fh')
759 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'f:d:l:C:r:t:64b:u:kmpo:a:R:x:N:D:ne:c:EAs:Fh')
723760 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
724761 usage(str(e))
725762 sys.exit(1)
731768 explicit_delegations = {}
732769 odd_ports = {}
733770 stop_at_explicit = {}
771 rdclass = dns.rdataclass.IN
734772 client_ipv4 = None
735773 client_ipv6 = None
736774 delegation_info = {}
958996 if opts['-u'].startswith('https'):
959997 vers0, vers1, vers2 = sys.version_info[:3]
960998 if (2, 7, 9) > (vers0, vers1, vers2):
961 sys.stderr.write('python version >= 2.7.9 is required to use a DNS looking glass with HTTPS.\n')
999 logger.error('python version >= 2.7.9 is required to use a DNS looking glass with HTTPS.')
9621000 sys.exit(1)
9641002 url = urlparse.urlparse(opts['-u'])
9681006 if url.hostname is not None:
9691007 usage('WebSocket URL must designate a local UNIX domain socket.')
9701008 sys.exit(1)
971 th_factories = (transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketFactory(url.path),)
1009 th_factories = (transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerFactory(url.path),)
1010 elif url.scheme == 'ssh':
1011 th_factories = (transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmdFactory(opts['-u']),)
9721012 else:
9731013 usage('Unsupported URL scheme: "%s"' % opts['-u'])
9741014 sys.exit(1)
9871027 # the following option is not documented in usage, as it doesn't
9881028 # apply to most users
9891029 try:
990 cache_level = int(opts['-c'])
1030 cache_level = int(opts['-C'])
9911031 except (KeyError, ValueError):
9921032 cache_level = None
10171057 debug_level = logging.WARNING
10181058 else:
10191059 debug_level = logging.ERROR
1020 handler = logging.StreamHandler()
1021 handler.setLevel(debug_level)
1022 logger.addHandler(handler)
10231060 logger.setLevel(debug_level)
10251062 if '-A' in opts:
10341071 else:
10351072 opt_r = opts['-r']
10361073 try:
1037 analysis_str =, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
1074 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
1075 analysis_str =
10381076 except IOError as e:
10391077 logger.error('%s: "%s"' % (e.strerror, opts.get('-r', '-')))
10401078 sys.exit(3)
1079 if not analysis_str:
1080 if opt_r != sys.stdin.fileno():
1081 logger.error('No input.')
1082 sys.exit(3)
10411083 try:
10421084 analysis_structured = json.loads(analysis_str)
10431085 except ValueError:
1044 logger.error('There was an error parsing the json input: "%s"' % opts['-r'])
1086 logger.error('There was an error parsing the JSON input: "%s"' % opts['-r'])
10451087 sys.exit(3)
10471089 # check version
10601102 logger.error('Version %d.%d of JSON input is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers))
10611103 sys.exit(3)
1063 names = []
1105 names = OrderedDict()
10641106 if '-f' in opts:
10651107 if opts['-f'] == '-':
10661108 opts['-f'] = sys.stdin.fileno()
10781120 except dns.exception.DNSException:
10791121 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
10801122 else:
1081 names.append(name)
1123 if name not in names:
1124 names[name] = None
10821125 f.close()
10831126 else:
10841127 if args:
10891132 try:
10901133 args = analysis_structured['_meta._dnsviz.']['names']
10911134 except KeyError:
1092 logger.error('No names found in json input!')
1135 logger.error('No names found in JSON input!')
10931136 sys.exit(3)
10941137 for name in args:
10951138 try:
10991142 except dns.exception.DNSException:
11001143 logger.error('The domain name was invalid: "%s"' % name)
11011144 else:
1102 names.append(name)
1145 if name not in names:
1146 names[name] = None
11041148 if '-p' in opts:
11051149 kwargs = { 'indent': 4, 'separators': (',', ': ') }
11291173 flush = '-F' in opts
1131 if '-n' in opts or '-e' in opts:
1132 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options = []
1133 if '-e' in opts:
1134 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_ecs_option(opts['-e']))
1135 if '-n' in opts:
1136 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_nsid_option())
1137 query_class_mixin = CustomQueryMixin
1138 else:
1139 query_class_mixin = None
1175 query_class_mixin = CustomQueryMixin
1176 if '-e' in opts:
1177 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_ecs_option(opts['-e']))
1178 if '-n' in opts:
1179 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_nsid_option())
1180 if '-c' in opts:
1181 if opts['-c']:
1182 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_dns_cookie_option(opts['-c']))
1183 else:
1184 # No cookie option was specified, so generate one
1185 CustomQueryMixin.edns_options.append(_get_dns_cookie_option())
11411187 name_objs = []
11421188 if '-r' in opts:
11481194 name_objs.append(OnlineDomainNameAnalysis.deserialize(name, analysis_structured, cache))
11491195 else:
11501196 if '-t' in opts:
1151 a = cls(try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, th_factories, processes)
1197 a = cls(rdclass, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, processes)
11521198 else:
11531199 if cls.use_full_resolver:
11541200 _init_full_resolver()
11551201 else:
11561202 _init_stub_resolver()
1157 a = cls(try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain, th_factories)
1203 a = cls(rdclass, try_ipv4, try_ipv6, client_ipv4, client_ipv6, query_class_mixin, ceiling, edns_diagnostics, stop_at_explicit, cache_level, rdtypes, explicit_only, dlv_domain)
11581204 if flush:
11591205 fh.write('{')
11601206 a.analyze(names, _flush)
55 #
66 # Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
77 #
8 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
8 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
99 #
1010 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1111 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4949 err += '\n\n'
5050 else:
5151 err = ''
52 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: dnsviz query [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt}
52 sys.stderr.write('''%sUsage: %s %s [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt}
5353 {global-d-opt} host [@local-server] {local-d-opt}
5454 [ host [@local-server] {local-d-opt} [...]]
5555 Where: domain is in the Domain Name System
6969 global d-opts and servers (before host name) affect all queries.
7070 local d-opts and servers (after host name) affect only that lookup.
7171 -h (print help and exit)
72 ''' % (err))
72 ''' % (err, sys.argv[0], __name__.split('.')[-1]))
7474 class DVCommandLineQuery:
7575 def __init__(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass):
9696 if not arg:
9797 raise ValueError()
9898 except ValueError:
99 usage('+trusted-key requires a filename argument.')
99 sys.stderr.write('+trusted-key requires a filename argument.\n')
100100 sys.exit(1)
101101 else:
102102 self.trusted_keys_file = arg
103103 else:
104 usage('Option "%s" not recognized.' % arg)
104 sys.stderr.write('Option "%s" not recognized.\n' % arg)
105105 sys.exit(1)
107107 def process_nameservers(self, nameservers, use_ipv4, use_ipv6):
215215 try:
216216 if len(self.args[self.arg_index]) > 2:
217217 if not has_arg:
218 usage('"%s" option does not take arguments' % self.args[self.arg_index][:2])
218 sys.stderr.write('"%s" option does not take arguments\n' % self.args[self.arg_index][:2])
219219 sys.exit(1)
220220 return self.args[self.arg_index][2:]
221221 else:
224224 else:
225225 self.arg_index += 1
226226 if self.arg_index >= len(self.args):
227 usage('"%s" option requires an argument' % self.args[self.arg_index - 1])
227 sys.stderr.write('"%s" option requires an argument\n' % self.args[self.arg_index - 1])
228228 sys.exit(1)
229229 return self.args[self.arg_index]
230230 finally:
351351 self._get_arg(False)
352352 self.options['use_ipv4'] = True
353353 else:
354 usage('Option "%s" not recognized.' % self.args[self.arg_index][:2])
354 sys.stderr.write('Option "%s" not recognized.\n' % self.args[self.arg_index][:2])
355355 sys.exit(1)
357357 def _add_query_option(self, query):
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
22 # analysis, and visualization.
3 # Author: Casey Deccio (
3 # Created by Casey Deccio (
44 #
55 # Copyright 2014-2016 Verisign, Inc.
6 #
7 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 #
79 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2123 from __future__ import unicode_literals
2325 import os
24 DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH = os.path.join('__DNSVIZ_INSTALL_PREFIX__', 'share', 'dnsviz')
26 import sys
28 if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
30 else:
32 DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH = os.path.join(DNSVIZ_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share', 'dnsviz')
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3129 import atexit
3230 import base64
31 import binascii
32 import logging
3333 import struct
3434 import hashlib
3535 import os
3636 import re
38 from . import format as fmt
39 lb2s = fmt.latin1_binary_to_string
41 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
48 'algorithm',
49 'digest algorithm',
50 'NSEC3 algorithm',
51 ]
53 _crypto_sources = {
54 'M2Crypto >= 0.21.1': (set([1,5,7,8,10]), set([1,2,4]), set([1])),
55 'M2Crypto >= 0.24.0': (set([3,6,13,14]), set(), set()),
56 'M2Crypto >= 0.24.0 and either openssl < 1.1.0 or openssl >= 1.1.0 plus the OpenSSL GOST Engine': (set([12]), set([3]), set()),
57 'libnacl': (set([15]), set(), set()),
58 }
59 _logged_modules = set()
61 _supported_algs = set()
62 _supported_digest_algs = set()
63 _supported_nsec3_algs = set([1])
3864 try:
3965 from M2Crypto import EVP, RSA
4066 from M2Crypto.m2 import hex_to_bn, bn_to_mpi
4167 except:
42 _supported_algs = set()
43 _supported_digest_algs = set()
68 pass
4469 else:
45 _supported_algs = set([1,5,7,8,10])
46 _supported_digest_algs = set([1,2,4])
48 _supported_nsec3_algs = set([1])
70 _supported_algs.update(set([1,5,7,8,10]))
71 _supported_digest_algs.update(set([1,2,4]))
73 try:
74 from libnacl.sign import Verifier as ed25519Verifier
75 except ImportError:
76 pass
77 else:
78 _supported_algs.add(15)
5080 GOST_PREFIX = b'\x30\x63\x30\x1c\x06\x06\x2a\x85\x03\x02\x02\x13\x30\x12\x06\x07\x2a\x85\x03\x02\x02\x23\x01\x06\x07\x2a\x85\x03\x02\x02\x1e\x01\x03\x43\x00\x04\x40'
81 GOST_ENGINE_NAME = b'gost'
5182 GOST_DIGEST_NAME = b'GOST R 34.11-94'
84 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
85 if not isinstance(GOST_ENGINE_NAME, str):
5389 EC_NOCOMPRESSION = b'\x04'
5592 def _init_dynamic():
5693 try:
95132 def nsec3_alg_is_supported(alg):
96133 return alg in _supported_nsec3_algs
135 def _log_unsupported_alg(alg, alg_type):
136 for mod in _crypto_sources:
137 if alg in _crypto_sources[mod][alg_type]:
138 if mod not in _logged_modules:
139 _logged_modules.add(mod)
140 logger.warning('Warning: Without the installation of %s, cryptographic validation of DNSSEC %s %d (and possibly others) is not supported.' % (mod, ALG_TYPE_DNSSEC_TEXT[alg_type], alg))
141 return
98143 def _gost_init():
99144 try:
100 gost = Engine.Engine(b'gost')
145 gost = Engine.Engine(GOST_ENGINE_NAME)
101146 gost.init()
102147 gost.set_default()
103148 except ValueError:
106151 def _gost_cleanup():
107152 from M2Crypto import Engine
108153 try:
109 gost = Engine.Engine(b'gost')
154 gost = Engine.Engine(GOST_ENGINE_NAME)
110155 except ValueError:
111156 pass
112157 else:
137182 def validate_ds_digest(digest_alg, digest, dnskey_msg):
138183 if not digest_alg_is_supported(digest_alg):
184 _log_unsupported_alg(digest_alg, ALG_TYPE_DIGEST)
139185 return None
141187 if digest_alg == 1:
162208 def _dnskey_to_dsa(key):
163209 # get T
164 t, = struct.unpack(b'B',key[0])
210 t = key[0]
211 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
212 if not isinstance(t, int):
213 t = ord(t)
165214 offset = 1
167216 # get Q
168217 new_offset = offset+20
169 q = b''
170 for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
171 q += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
172 q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(q))
218 q = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
173219 offset = new_offset
175221 # get P
176222 new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
177 p = b''
178 for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
179 p += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
180 p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(p))
223 p = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
181224 offset = new_offset
183226 # get G
184227 new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
185 g = b''
186 for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
187 g += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
188 g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(g))
228 g = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
189229 offset = new_offset
191231 # get Y
192232 new_offset = offset+64+(t<<3)
193 y = b''
194 for c in key[offset:new_offset]:
195 y += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
196 y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(y))
233 y = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:new_offset])))
197234 offset = new_offset
199236 # create the DSA public key
202239 def _dnskey_to_rsa(key):
203240 try:
204241 # get the exponent length
205 e_len, = struct.unpack(b'B',key[0])
242 e_len = key[0]
206243 except IndexError:
207244 return None
245 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
246 if not isinstance(e_len, int):
247 e_len = ord(e_len)
209249 offset = 1
210250 if e_len == 0:
212252 offset = 3
214254 # get the exponent
215 e = b''
216 for c in key[offset:offset+e_len]:
217 e += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
218 e = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(e))
255 e = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:offset+e_len])))
219256 offset += e_len
221258 # get the modulus
222 n = b''
223 for c in key[offset:]:
224 n += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
225 n = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(n))
259 n = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(key[offset:])))
227261 # create the RSA public key
228262 rsa = RSA.new_pub_key((e,n))
234268 def _dnskey_to_gost(key):
235269 der = GOST_PREFIX + key
236 pem = bytes('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n'+base64.encodestring(der)+'-----END PUBLIC KEY-----')
270 pem = b'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n'+base64.encodestring(der)+b'-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
238272 return EVP.load_key_string_pubkey(pem)
275309 pubkey = _dnskey_to_dsa(key)
277311 # get T
278 t, = struct.unpack(b'B',sig[0])
312 t = sig[0]
313 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
314 if not isinstance(t, int):
315 t = ord(t)
279316 offset = 1
281318 # get R
282319 new_offset = offset+20
283 r = b''
284 for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
285 r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
286 r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
320 r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
287321 offset = new_offset
289323 # get S
290324 new_offset = offset+20
291 s = b''
292 for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
293 s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
294 s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
325 s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
295326 offset = new_offset
297328 md = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1')
339370 # get R
340371 new_offset = offset+sigsize//2
341 r = b''
342 for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
343 r += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
344 r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(r))
372 r = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
345373 offset = new_offset
347375 # get S
348376 new_offset = offset+sigsize//2
349 s = b''
350 for c in sig[offset:new_offset]:
351 s += b'%02x' % struct.unpack(b'B',c)[0]
352 s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(s))
377 s = bn_to_mpi(hex_to_bn(binascii.hexlify(sig[offset:new_offset])))
353378 offset = new_offset
355380 md = EVP.MessageDigest(alg)
359384 return pubkey.verify_dsa(digest, r, s) == 1
386 def _validate_rrsig_ed25519(alg, sig, msg, key):
387 try:
388 verifier = ed25519Verifier(binascii.hexlify(key))
389 return verifier.verify(sig + msg) == msg
390 except ValueError:
391 return False
361393 def validate_rrsig(alg, sig, msg, key):
362394 if not alg_is_supported(alg):
395 _log_unsupported_alg(alg, ALG_TYPE_DNSSEC)
363396 return None
365398 # create an RSA key object for RSA keys
371404 return _validate_rrsig_gost(alg, sig, msg, key)
372405 elif alg in (13,14):
373406 return _validate_rrsig_ec(alg, sig, msg, key)
407 elif alg in (15,):
408 return _validate_rrsig_ed25519(alg, sig, msg, key)
375410 def get_digest_for_nsec3(val, salt, alg, iterations):
376411 if not nsec3_alg_is_supported(alg):
412 _log_unsupported_alg(alg, ALG_TYPE_NSEC3)
377413 return None
379415 if alg == 1:
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3937 DNSKEY_FLAGS = {'ZONE': 0x0100, 'SEP': 0x0001, 'revoke': 0x0080}
4139 DNSKEY_ALGORITHMS = { 1: 'RSA/MD5', 2: 'Diffie-Hellman', 3: 'DSA/SHA1', 5: 'RSA/SHA-1', 6: 'DSA-NSEC3-SHA1', 7: 'RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1', \
42 8: 'RSA/SHA-256', 10: 'RSA/SHA-512', 12: 'GOST R 34.10-2001', 13: 'ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256', 14: 'ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384' }
40 8: 'RSA/SHA-256', 10: 'RSA/SHA-512', 12: 'GOST R 34.10-2001', 13: 'ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256', 14: 'ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384',
41 15: 'Ed25519', 16: 'Ed448' }
4342 DS_DIGEST_TYPES = { 1: 'SHA-1', 2: 'SHA-256', 3: 'GOST 34.11-94', 4: 'SHA-384' }
4544 NSEC3_FLAGS = {'OPTOUT': 0x01}
156155 def format_nsec3_rrset_text(nsec3_rrset_text):
157156 return re.sub(r'^(\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+)([0-9a-zA-Z]+)', lambda x: '%s%s' % (,, nsec3_rrset_text).rstrip('.')
159 def humanize_name(name, idn=False):
158 def humanize_name(name, idn=False, canonicalize=True):
159 if canonicalize:
160 name = name.canonicalize()
160161 if idn:
161162 try:
162 name = name.canonicalize().to_unicode()
163 name = name.to_unicode()
163164 except UnicodeError:
164 name = lb2s(name.canonicalize().to_text())
165 name = lb2s(name.to_text())
165166 else:
166 name = lb2s(name.canonicalize().to_text())
167 name = lb2s(name.to_text())
167168 if name == '.':
168169 return name
169170 return name.rstrip('.')
0 #
01 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
12 # analysis, and visualization.
23 # Created by Casey Deccio (
34 #
45 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
56 #
6 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
7 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
78 #
89 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
910 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2927 from __future__ import unicode_literals
31 import base64
29 import binascii
3230 import bisect
31 import copy
3332 import errno
3433 import io
3534 import socket
112112 retry_actions = {
126127 }
127128 retry_action_codes = {
141143 }
143152 MIN_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 0.1
397406 class RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(DNSResponseHandler):
398407 '''Remove EDNS option after a given number of timeouts.'''
400 def __init__(self, otype, timeouts):
401 self._otype = otype
409 def __init__(self, timeouts):
402410 self._timeouts = timeouts
404412 def handle(self, response_wire, response, response_time):
405413 timeouts = self._get_num_timeouts(response)
406 filtered_options = [x for x in self._request.options if self._otype == x.otype]
407 if not self._params['tcp'] and timeouts >= self._timeouts and filtered_options:
408 self._request.options.remove(filtered_options[0])
409 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_REMOVE_EDNS_OPTION, self._otype)
414 try:
415 opt = self._request.options[0]
416 except IndexError:
417 opt = None
418 if not self._params['tcp'] and timeouts >= self._timeouts and opt is not None:
419 self._request.options.remove(opt)
420 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_REMOVE_EDNS_OPTION, opt.otype)
411422 class DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(DNSResponseHandler):
412423 '''Disable EDNS after a given number of timeouts. Some servers don't
443454 if isinstance(response, dns.message.Message) and response.rcode() in (dns.rcode.NOTIMP, dns.rcode.FORMERR, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL) and self._request.edns >= 0:
444455 self._request.use_edns(False)
445456 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_RCODE, response.rcode(), RETRY_ACTION_DISABLE_EDNS, None)
458 class AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(DNSResponseHandler):
459 '''Update the DNS Cookie EDNS option with the server cookie when a
460 BADCOOKIE rcode is received.'''
462 def _add_server_cookie(self, response):
463 try:
464 client_opt = [o for o in self._request.options if o.otype == 10][0]
465 except IndexError:
466 return False
467 try:
468 server_opt = [o for o in response.options if o.otype == 10][0]
469 except IndexError:
470 return False
471 client_cookie =[:8]
472 server_cookie1 =[8:]
473 server_cookie2 =[8:]
474 if server_cookie1 == server_cookie2:
475 return False
476 = client_cookie + server_cookie2
477 return True
479 def handle(self, response_wire, response, response_time):
480 if isinstance(response, dns.message.Message) and response.rcode() == 23:
481 if self._add_server_cookie(response):
482 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_RCODE, response.rcode(), RETRY_ACTION_UPDATE_DNS_COOKIE, None)
447484 class UseUDPOnTimeoutHandler(DNSResponseHandler):
448485 '''Revert to UDP if TCP connectivity fails.'''
513550 TCP_FINAL = 7
514551 INVALID = 8
516 def __init__(self, reduced_payload, initial_timeouts, bounding_timeout, subhandlers):
553 def __init__(self, reduced_payload, initial_timeouts, max_timeouts, bounding_timeout):
517554 self._reduced_payload = reduced_payload
518555 self._initial_timeouts = initial_timeouts
556 self._max_timeouts = max_timeouts
519557 self._bounding_timeout = bounding_timeout
521 self._subhandlers = [ for h in subhandlers]
523559 self._lower_bound = None
524560 self._upper_bound = None
525561 self._water_mark = None
526562 self._state = self.START
528 def set_context(self, params, history, request):
529 '''Set local parameters pertaining to DNS query.'''
531 super(PMTUBoundingHandler, self).set_context(params, history, request)
532 for handler in self._subhandlers:
533 handler.set_context(params, history, request)
535 def handle_sub(self, response_wire, response, response_time):
536 for handler in self._subhandlers:
537 handler.handle(response_wire, response, response_time)
539564 def handle(self, response_wire, response, response_time):
540 timeouts = self._get_num_timeouts(response)
541 is_timeout = isinstance(response, dns.exception.Timeout)
542 is_valid = isinstance(response, dns.message.Message) and response.rcode() in (dns.rcode.NOERROR, dns.rcode.NXDOMAIN)
565 if self._state == self.INVALID:
566 return
544568 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
545569 if isinstance(response_wire, str):
547571 else:
548572 map_func = lambda x: x
550 if self._request.edns < 0 or not (self._request.ednsflags & dns.flags.DO):
574 timeouts = self._get_num_timeouts(response)
575 is_timeout = isinstance(response, dns.exception.Timeout)
576 is_valid = isinstance(response, dns.message.Message) and response.rcode() in (dns.rcode.NOERROR, dns.rcode.NXDOMAIN)
577 is_truncated = response_wire is not None and map_func(response_wire[2]) & 0x02
578 if response_wire is not None:
579 response_len = len(response_wire)
580 else:
581 response_len = None
583 if self._request.edns >= 0 and \
584 (is_timeout or is_valid or is_truncated):
585 pass
586 else:
551587 self._state = self.INVALID
553 if self._state == self.INVALID:
554 self.handle_sub(response_wire, response, response_time)
556 elif self._state == self.START:
557 self.handle_sub(response_wire, response, response_time)
588 return
590 if self._state == self.START:
558591 if timeouts >= self._initial_timeouts:
559592 self._lower_bound = self._reduced_payload
560593 self._upper_bound = self._request.payload - 1
563596 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, self._reduced_payload)
565598 elif self._state == self.REDUCED_PAYLOAD:
566 self.handle_sub(response_wire, response, response_time)
599 if timeouts >= self._max_timeouts:
600 self._state == self.INVALID
601 return None
567603 if not is_timeout:
568 if (response_wire is not None and map_func(response_wire[2]) & 0x02) or is_valid:
569 self._lower_bound = self._water_mark = len(response_wire)
604 if is_truncated or is_valid:
605 self._lower_bound = self._water_mark = response_len
570606 self._params['timeout'] = self._bounding_timeout
571607 self._params['tcp'] = True
572608 self._state = self.USE_TCP
573 if response_wire is not None and map_func(response_wire[2]) & 0x02:
574 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
609 if is_truncated:
610 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
575611 else:
576 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
612 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
578614 elif self._state == self.USE_TCP:
579615 if not is_timeout and is_valid:
580616 #XXX this is cheating because we're not reporting the change to UDP
581617 self._params['tcp'] = False
582 payload = len(response_wire) - 1
618 payload = response_len - 1
583619 self._request.payload = payload
584620 self._state = self.TCP_MINUS_ONE
585 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
621 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
587623 elif self._state == self.TCP_MINUS_ONE:
588624 if is_timeout:
592628 self._state = self.PICKLE
593629 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
594630 # if the size of the message is less than the watermark, then perhaps we were rate limited
595 elif response_wire is not None and len(response_wire) < self._water_mark:
631 elif response_wire is not None and response_len < self._water_mark:
596632 # but if this isn't the first time, just quit. it could be that
597633 # the server simply has some wonky way of determining how/where to truncate.
598634 if self._history[-1].cause == RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC and self._history[-1].action == RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_SPORT:
604640 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, None, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_SPORT, None)
605641 # if the response was truncated, then the size of the payload
606642 # received via TCP is the largest we can receive
607 elif response_wire is not None and map_func(response_wire[2]) & 0x02:
643 elif is_truncated:
608644 self._params['tcp'] = True
609645 self._state = self.TCP_FINAL
610 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
646 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
612648 elif self._state == self.PICKLE:
613649 if self._upper_bound - self._lower_bound <= 1:
614650 self._params['tcp'] = True
615651 self._state = self.TCP_FINAL
616 if response_wire is not None and map_func(response_wire[2]) & 0x02:
617 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
652 if is_truncated:
653 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TC_SET, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
618654 elif is_timeout:
619655 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_USE_TCP, None)
620656 elif not is_valid:
625661 self._request.payload = payload
626662 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_TIMEOUT, None, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
627663 # if the size of the message is less than the watermark, then perhaps we were rate limited
628 elif len(response_wire) < self._water_mark:
664 elif response_len < self._water_mark:
629665 # but if this isn't the first time, just quit. it could be that
630666 # the server simply has some wonky way of determining how/where to truncate.
631667 if self._history[-1].cause == RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC and self._history[-1].action == RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_SPORT:
639675 self._lower_bound = self._request.payload
640676 payload = self._lower_bound + (self._upper_bound + 1 - self._lower_bound)//2
641677 self._request.payload = payload
642 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, len(response_wire), RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
678 return DNSQueryRetryAttempt(response_time, RETRY_CAUSE_DIAGNOSTIC, response_len, RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD, payload)
644680 elif self._state == self.TCP_FINAL:
681 pass
683 elif self._state == self.INVALID:
645684 pass
647686 class ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(ActionIndependentDNSResponseHandler):
702741 class DNSQueryHandler:
703742 '''A handler associated with a DNS query to a server.'''
705 def __init__(self, query, request, params, response_handlers, server, client):
744 def __init__(self, query, request, server_cookie, server_cookie_status, params, response_handlers, server, client):
706745 self.query = query
707746 self.request = request
708747 self.params = params
748 self.server_cookie = server_cookie
749 self.server_cookie_status = server_cookie_status
709750 self._response_handlers = response_handlers
710751 self.history = []
711752 self._server = server
800841 self.truncated_info = []
801842 self.error_info = []
803 def _aggregate_response(self, server, client, response, qname, rdtype, bailiwick):
844 def _aggregate_response(self, server, client, response, qname, rdtype, rdclass, bailiwick):
804845 if response.is_valid_response():
805846 if response.is_complete_response():
806 is_referral = response.is_referral(qname, rdtype, bailiwick)
807 self._aggregate_answer(server, client, response, is_referral, qname, rdtype)
847 is_referral = response.is_referral(qname, rdtype, rdclass, bailiwick)
848 self._aggregate_answer(server, client, response, is_referral, qname, rdtype, rdclass)
808849 else:
809850 truncated_info = TruncatedResponse(response.message.to_wire())
810851 DNSResponseComponent.insert_into_list(truncated_info, self.truncated_info, server, client, response)
812853 else:
813854 self._aggregate_error(server, client, response)
815 def _aggregate_answer(self, server, client, response, referral, qname, rdtype):
856 def _aggregate_answer(self, server, client, response, referral, qname, rdtype, rdclass):
816857 msg = response.message
818859 # sort with the most specific DNAME infos first
819 dname_rrsets = [x for x in msg.answer if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNAME]
860 dname_rrsets = [x for x in msg.answer if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass]
820861 dname_rrsets.sort(reverse=True)
822863 qname_sought = qname
832873 break
834875 try:
835 rrset_info = self._aggregate_answer_rrset(server, client, response, qname_sought, rdtype, referral)
876 rrset_info = self._aggregate_answer_rrset(server, client, response, qname_sought, rdtype, rdclass, referral)
837878 # if there was a synthesized CNAME, add it to the rrset_info
838 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and synthesized_cname_info is not None:
839 synthesized_cname_info = rrset_info.create_or_update_cname_from_dname_info(synthesized_cname_info, server, client, response)
840 synthesized_cname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, referral)
879 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and rrset_info.rrset.rdclass == rdclass and synthesized_cname_info is not None:
880 synthesized_cname_info = rrset_info.create_or_update_cname_from_dname_info(synthesized_cname_info, server, client, response, rdclass)
881 synthesized_cname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, rdclass, referral)
842883 except KeyError:
843884 if synthesized_cname_info is None:
844885 raise
845886 synthesized_cname_info = DNSResponseComponent.insert_into_list(synthesized_cname_info, self.answer_info, server, client, response)
846 synthesized_cname_info.dname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, referral)
887 synthesized_cname_info.dname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, rdclass, referral)
847888 rrset_info = synthesized_cname_info
849 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
890 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and rrset_info.rrset.rdclass == rdclass:
850891 qname_sought = rrset_info.rrset[0].target
851892 else:
852893 break
855896 if referral and rdtype != dns.rdatatype.DS:
856897 # add referrals
857898 try:
858 rrset = [x for x in msg.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS][0]
899 rrset = [x for x in msg.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
859900 except IndexError:
860901 pass
861902 else:
878919 neg_response_info = NegativeResponseInfo(qname_sought, rdtype, self.ttl_cmp)
879920 neg_response_info = DNSResponseComponent.insert_into_list(neg_response_info, neg_response_info_list, server, client, response)
880 neg_response_info.create_or_update_nsec_info(server, client, response, referral)
881 neg_response_info.create_or_update_soa_info(server, client, response, referral)
883 def _aggregate_answer_rrset(self, server, client, response, qname, rdtype, referral):
921 neg_response_info.create_or_update_nsec_info(server, client, response, rdclass, referral)
922 neg_response_info.create_or_update_soa_info(server, client, response, rdclass, referral)
924 def _aggregate_answer_rrset(self, server, client, response, qname, rdtype, rdclass, referral):
884925 msg = response.message
886927 try:
887 rrset = msg.find_rrset(msg.answer, qname, dns.rdataclass.IN, rdtype)
928 rrset = msg.find_rrset(msg.answer, qname, rdclass, rdtype)
888929 except KeyError:
889 rrset = msg.find_rrset(msg.answer, qname, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)
930 rrset = msg.find_rrset(msg.answer, qname, rdclass, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)
891932 rrset_info = RRsetInfo(rrset, self.ttl_cmp)
892933 rrset_info = DNSResponseComponent.insert_into_list(rrset_info, self.answer_info, server, client, response)
894 rrset_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, referral)
935 rrset_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, msg.answer, rdclass, referral)
896937 return rrset_info
944985 if not (isinstance(query, DNSQuery)):
945986 raise ValueError('A DNSQuery instance can only be joined with another DNSQuery instance.')
947 if not (self.qname == query.qname and self.rdtype == query.rdtype and \
988 if not (self.qname.to_text() == query.qname.to_text() and self.rdtype == query.rdtype and \
948989 self.rdclass == query.rdclass and self.flags == query.flags and \
949990 self.edns == query.edns and self.edns_max_udp_payload == query.edns_max_udp_payload and \
950991 self.edns_flags == query.edns_flags and self.edns_options == query.edns_options and \
10581099 for server in self.responses:
10591100 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(server, default_bailiwick)
10601101 for client, response in self.responses[server].items():
1061 if response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response() and not response.is_referral(self.qname, self.rdtype, bailiwick):
1102 if response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response() and not response.is_referral(self.qname, self.rdtype, self.rdclass, bailiwick):
10621103 servers_clients.add((server, client))
10631104 return servers_clients
10881129 for o in self.edns_options:
10891130 s = io.BytesIO()
10901131 o.to_wire(s)
1091 d['options']['edns_options'].append((o.otype, lb2s(base64.b64encode(s.getvalue()))))
1132 d['options']['edns_options'].append((o.otype, lb2s(binascii.hexlify(s.getvalue()))))
10921133 d['options']['tcp'] = self.tcp
10941135 d['responses'] = OrderedDict()
11071148 return d
11091150 @classmethod
1110 def deserialize(self, d, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick):
1151 def deserialize(self, d, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick, cookie_jar_map, default_cookie_jar, cookie_standin, cookie_bad):
11111152 qname =['qname'])
11121153 rdclass = dns.rdataclass.from_text(d['qclass'])
11131154 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(d['qtype'])
11211162 edns_flags = d1['edns_flags']
11221163 edns_options = []
11231164 for otype, data in d1['edns_options']:
1124 edns_options.append(dns.edns.GenericOption(otype, base64.b64decode(data)))
1165 edns_options.append(dns.edns.GenericOption(otype, binascii.unhexlify(data)))
11251166 else:
11261167 edns = None
11271168 edns_max_udp_payload = None
11331174 q = DNSQuery(qname, rdtype, rdclass,
11341175 flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, tcp)
1177 server_cookie = None
1178 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE
1179 if edns >= 0:
1180 try:
1181 cookie_opt = [o for o in edns_options if o.otype == 10][0]
1182 except IndexError:
1183 pass
1184 else:
1185 if len( == 8:
1186 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY
1187 elif len( >= 16 and len( <= 40:
1188 if[8:] == cookie_standin:
1189 # initially assume that there is a cookie for the server;
1190 # change the value later if there isn't
1191 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH
1192 elif[8:] == cookie_bad:
1193 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD
1194 else:
1195 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_STATIC
1196 else:
1197 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_IMPROPER_LENGTH
11361199 for server in d['responses']:
1137 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(IPAddr(server), default_bailiwick)
1200 server_ip = IPAddr(server)
1201 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(server_ip, default_bailiwick)
1202 cookie_jar = cookie_jar_map.get(server_ip, default_cookie_jar)
1203 server_cookie = cookie_jar.get(server_ip, None)
1204 status = server_cookie_status
1205 if status == DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH and server_cookie is None:
11381207 for client in d['responses'][server]:
1139 q.add_response(IPAddr(server), IPAddr(client), DNSResponse.deserialize(d['responses'][server][client], q), bailiwick)
1208 q.add_response(server_ip, IPAddr(client), DNSResponse.deserialize(d['responses'][server][client], q, server_cookie, status), bailiwick)
11401209 return q
11421211 class DNSQueryAggregateDNSResponse(DNSQuery, AggregateDNSResponse):
11491218 def add_response(self, server, client, response, bailiwick):
11501219 super(DNSQueryAggregateDNSResponse, self).add_response(server, client, response, bailiwick)
1151 self._aggregate_response(server, client, response, self.qname, self.rdtype, bailiwick)
1220 self._aggregate_response(server, client, response, self.qname, self.rdtype, self.rdclass, bailiwick)
11531222 class MultiQuery(object):
11541223 '''An simple DNS Query and its responses.'''
11691238 s = io.BytesIO()
11701239 o.to_wire(s)
11711240 edns_options_str += struct.pack(b'!H', o.otype) + s.getvalue()
1172 params = (query.flags, query.edns, query.edns_max_udp_payload, query.edns_flags, edns_options_str, query.tcp)
1241 params = (query.qname.to_text(), query.flags, query.edns, query.edns_max_udp_payload, query.edns_flags, edns_options_str, query.tcp)
11731242 if params in self.queries:
11741243 self.queries[params] = self.queries[params].join(query, bailiwick_map, default_bailiwick)
11751244 else:
12041273 for server in query.responses:
12051274 bailiwick = bailiwick_map.get(server, default_bailiwick)
12061275 for client, response in query.responses[server].items():
1207 self._aggregate_response(server, client, response, self.qname, self.rdtype, bailiwick)
1276 self._aggregate_response(server, client, response, self.qname, self.rdtype, self.rdclass, bailiwick)
12091278 class TTLDistinguishingMultiQueryAggregateDNSResponse(MultiQueryAggregateDNSResponse):
12101279 ttl_cmp = True
12151284 default_th_factory = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNSPrivateFactory()
12171286 def __init__(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass, servers, bailiwick,
1218 client_ipv4, client_ipv6, port, odd_ports,
1287 client_ipv4, client_ipv6, port, odd_ports, cookie_jar, cookie_standin, cookie_bad,
12191288 flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, tcp,
12201289 response_handlers, query_timeout, max_attempts, lifetime):
12381307 if odd_ports is None:
12391308 odd_ports = {}
12401309 self.odd_ports = odd_ports
1310 if cookie_jar is None:
1311 cookie_jar = {}
1312 self.cookie_jar = cookie_jar
1313 self.cookie_standin = cookie_standin
1314 self.cookie_bad = cookie_bad
12411315 self.response_handlers = response_handlers
12431317 self.query_timeout = query_timeout
12501324 self._executed = False
12521326 def get_query_handler(self, server):
1327 edns_options = copy.deepcopy(self.edns_options)
1328 server_cookie = None
1329 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE
1331 if self.edns >= 0:
1332 try:
1333 cookie_opt = [o for o in edns_options if o.otype == 10][0]
1334 except IndexError:
1335 pass
1336 else:
1337 if len( == 8:
1338 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY
1339 elif len( >= 16 and len( <= 40:
1340 if[8:] == self.cookie_standin:
1341 if server in self.cookie_jar:
1342 # if there is a cookie for this server,
1343 # then add it
1344 server_cookie = self.cookie_jar[server]
1345 =[:8] + server_cookie
1346 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH
1347 else:
1348 # otherwise, send just the client cookie.
1349 =[:8]
1350 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY
1351 elif[8:] == self.cookie_bad:
1352 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD
1353 else:
1354 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_STATIC
1355 else:
1356 server_cookie_status = DNS_COOKIE_IMPROPER_LENGTH
12531358 request = dns.message.Message()
12541359 request.flags = self.flags
12551360 request.find_rrset(request.question, self.qname, self.rdclass, self.rdtype, create=True, force_unique=True)
1256 request.use_edns(self.edns, self.edns_flags, self.edns_max_udp_payload, options=self.edns_options[:])
1361 request.use_edns(self.edns, self.edns_flags, self.edns_max_udp_payload, options=edns_options)
12581363 if server.version == 6:
12591364 client = self.client_ipv6
12701375 if self.lifetime is not None:
12711376 response_handlers.append(LifetimeHandler(self.lifetime).build())
1273 return DNSQueryHandler(self, request, params, response_handlers, server, client)
1378 return DNSQueryHandler(self, request, server_cookie, server_cookie_status, params, response_handlers, server, client)
12751380 @classmethod
12761381 def execute_queries(cls, *queries, **kwargs):
13311436 while query_handlers:
13321437 while request_list and time.time() >= request_list[0][0]:
1333 tm.query_nowait(request_list.pop(0)[1])
1438 tm.handle_msg_nowait(request_list.pop(0)[1])
13351440 t = time.time()
13361441 if request_list and t < request_list[0][0]:
14061511 errno1 = response.errno
14071512 else:
14081513 errno1 = None
1409 response_obj = DNSResponse(msg, msg_size, err, errno1, qh.history, response_time, query)
1514 response_obj = DNSResponse(msg, msg_size, err, errno1, qh.history, response_time, query, qh.server_cookie, qh.server_cookie_status)
14111516 # if client IP is not specified, and there is a socket
14121517 # failure, then src might be None
15011606 response_handlers = []
15031608 def __new__(cls, qname, rdtype, rdclass, servers, bailiwick=None,
1504 client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, port=53, odd_ports=None,
1609 client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, port=53, odd_ports=None, cookie_jar=None, cookie_standin=None, cookie_bad=None,
15051610 query_timeout=None, max_attempts=None, lifetime=None,
15061611 executable=True):
15151620 if executable:
15161621 return ExecutableDNSQuery(qname, rdtype, rdclass, servers, bailiwick,
1517 client_ipv4, client_ipv6, port, odd_ports,
1622 client_ipv4, client_ipv6, port, odd_ports, cookie_jar, cookie_standin, cookie_bad,
15181623 cls.flags, cls.edns, cls.edns_max_udp_payload, cls.edns_flags, cls.edns_options, cls.tcp,
15191624 cls.response_handlers, query_timeout, max_attempts, lifetime)
15251630 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
15261631 raise NotImplemented()
1633 @classmethod
1634 def add_mixin(cls, mixin_cls):
1635 class _foo(cls):
1636 flags = cls.flags | getattr(mixin_cls, 'flags', 0)
1637 edns_flags = cls.edns_flags | getattr(mixin_cls, 'edns_flags', 0)
1638 edns_options = cls.edns_options + copy.deepcopy(getattr(mixin_cls, 'edns_options', []))
1639 return _foo
1641 @classmethod
1642 def get_cookie_opt(cls):
1643 try:
1644 return [o for o in cls.edns_options if o.otype == 10][0]
1645 except IndexError:
1646 return None
1648 @classmethod
1649 def add_server_cookie(cls, server_cookie):
1650 cookie_opt = cls.get_cookie_opt()
1651 if cookie_opt is not None:
1652 if len( != 8:
1653 raise TypeError('COOKIE option must have length of 8.')
1654 += server_cookie
1655 return cls
1657 @classmethod
1658 def remove_cookie_option(cls):
1659 cookie_opt = cls.get_cookie_opt()
1660 if cookie_opt is not None:
1661 cls.edns_options.remove(cookie_opt)
1662 return cls
15291664 class SimpleDNSQuery(DNSQueryFactory):
15301665 '''A simple query, no frills.'''
15391674 class StandardQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
15401675 '''A standard old-school DNS query that handles truncated packets.'''
1542 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + [UseTCPOnTCFlagHandler()]
1677 response_handlers = \
1678 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1679 [UseTCPOnTCFlagHandler()]
15441681 class StandardRecursiveQuery(StandardQuery, RecursiveDNSQuery):
15451682 '''A standard old-school recursive DNS query that handles truncated packets.'''
15501687 '''A recursive DNS query that retries with checking disabled if the
15511688 response code is SERVFAIL.'''
1553 response_handlers = StandardRecursiveQuery.response_handlers + [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL)]
1690 response_handlers = \
1691 StandardRecursiveQuery.response_handlers + \
1692 [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL)]
15551694 class EDNS0Query(StandardQuery):
15561695 '''A standard query with EDNS0.'''
15761715 '''A standard DNSSEC query, designed for quick turnaround.'''
15781717 response_handlers = DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1579 [DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler()]
1718 [
1719 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1720 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1721 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler()
1722 ]
15811724 query_timeout = 1.0
15821725 max_attempts = 1
15831726 lifetime = 3.0
1585 class RobustDNSSECQuery(DNSSECQuery):
1586 '''A robust query with a number of handlers, designed to get a response,
1587 in the midst of compatibility and connectivity issues.'''
1589 response_handlers = DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1590 [DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1591 ReduceUDPMaxPayloadOnTimeoutHandler(512, 3),
1592 DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(4)]
1594 # For timeouts:
1595 # 1 - no change
1596 # 2 - no change
1597 # 3 - reduce udp max payload to 512; change timeout to 1 second
1598 # 4 - disable EDNS
1599 # 5 - return
1601 query_timeout = 1.0
1602 max_attempts = 5
1603 lifetime = 7.0
16051728 class DiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery):
16061729 '''A robust query with a number of handlers, designed to detect common DNS
16071730 compatibility and connectivity issues.'''
16091732 response_handlers = DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1610 [DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1611 ReduceUDPMaxPayloadOnTimeoutHandler(512, 4),
1612 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 6), DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(7),
1613 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1614 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1615 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4),
1616 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5)]
1733 [
1734 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1735 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1736 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1737 ReduceUDPMaxPayloadOnTimeoutHandler(512, 4),
1738 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(6),
1739 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 10),
1740 DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(11),
1741 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1742 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4),
1743 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5),
1744 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 6),
1745 ]
16171746 # For timeouts:
16181747 # 1 - no change
16191748 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1620 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
1749 # 3 - no change
16211750 # 4 - reduce udp max payload to 512; change timeout to 1 second
16221751 # 5 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1623 # 6 - clear DO flag
1624 # 7 - disable EDNS
1625 # 8 - return
1752 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
1753 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1754 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1755 # 9 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1756 # 10 - clear DO flag;
1757 # 11 - disable EDNS
1758 # 12 - return (give up)
16271760 query_timeout = 1.0
1628 max_attempts = 8
1629 lifetime = 18.0
1761 max_attempts = 12
1762 lifetime = 16.0
16311764 class RecursiveDiagnosticQuery(RecursiveDNSSECQuery):
16321765 '''A robust query to a cache with a number of handlers, designed to detect
16331766 common DNS compatibility and connectivity issues.'''
16351768 response_handlers = DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1636 [DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1637 ReduceUDPMaxPayloadOnTimeoutHandler(512, 5),
1638 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 7), DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(8),
1639 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1640 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1641 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1642 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5),
1643 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 6)]
1769 [
1770 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1771 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1772 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1773 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1774 ReduceUDPMaxPayloadOnTimeoutHandler(512, 5),
1775 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(7),
1776 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 11),
1777 DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(12),
1778 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1779 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1780 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1781 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5),
1782 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 6),
1783 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 7),
1784 ]
16441785 # For timeouts:
16451786 # 1 - no change
16461787 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
16481789 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
16491790 # 5 - reduce udp max payload to 512; change timeout to 1 second
16501791 # 6 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1651 # 7 - clear DO flag
1652 # 8 - disable EDNS
1653 # 9 - return
1792 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
1793 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1794 # 9 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1795 # 10 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1796 # 11 - clear DO flag
1797 # 12 - disable EDNS
1798 # 13 - return (give up)
16551800 query_timeout = 1.0
1656 max_attempts = 9
1657 lifetime = 25.0
1801 max_attempts = 13
1802 lifetime = 26.0
16591804 class TCPDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery):
16601805 '''A robust query with a number of handlers, designed to detect common DNS
16631808 tcp = True
1665 response_handlers = [
1666 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1667 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 2)]
1810 response_handlers = \
1811 [
1812 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1813 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1814 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 2)
1815 ]
16681816 # For timeouts:
16691817 # 1 - no change
16701818 # 2 - change timeout to 4 seconds
16811829 tcp = True
1683 response_handlers = [
1684 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1685 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 2),
1686 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 3)]
1831 response_handlers = \
1832 [
1833 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1834 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1835 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1836 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 2),
1837 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 3)
1838 ]
16871839 # For timeouts:
16881840 # 1 - no change
16891841 # 2 - change timeout to 4 seconds
16971849 class PMTUDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery):
1699 response_handlers = [PMTUBoundingHandler(512, 4, 1.0,
1700 (MaxTimeoutsHandler(8),
1701 LifetimeHandler(18.0),
1702 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1703 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1704 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4),
1705 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5))),
1706 UseTCPOnTCFlagHandler(),
1707 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1708 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 6), DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(7)]
1710 query_timeout = 1.0
1711 max_attempts = 15
1712 lifetime = 18.0
1714 class RecursivePMTUDiagnosticQuery(RecursiveDNSSECQuery):
1716 response_handlers = [PMTUBoundingHandler(512, 5, 1.0,
1717 (MaxTimeoutsHandler(8),
1718 LifetimeHandler(25.0),
1719 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1720 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1721 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1722 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5),
1723 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 6))),
1724 UseTCPOnTCFlagHandler(),
1725 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(), SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL), DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1726 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 7), DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(8)]
1728 query_timeout = 1.0
1729 max_attempts = 15
1730 lifetime = 25.0
1732 class TruncationDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery):
1733 '''A simple query to test the results of a query with capabilities of only
1734 receiving back a small (512 byte) payload.'''
1736 response_handlers = [ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2), ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3)]
1851 response_handlers = \
1852 [PMTUBoundingHandler(512, 4, 6, 1.0)] + \
1853 DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1854 [
1855 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1856 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1857 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1858 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(6),
1859 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 10),
1860 DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(11),
1861 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1862 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4),
1863 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5),
1864 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 6),
1865 ]
17371866 # For timeouts:
17381867 # 1 - no change
17391868 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1740 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
1742 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1869 # 3 - no change
1870 # 4 - reduce udp max payload to 512; change timeout to 1 second
1871 # 5 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1872 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
1873 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1874 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1875 # 9 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1876 # 10 - clear DO flag;
1877 # 11 - disable EDNS
1878 # 12 - return (give up)
17441880 query_timeout = 1.0
1745 max_attempts = 4
1746 lifetime = 8.0
1748 class RecursiveTruncationDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery, RecursiveDNSQuery):
1749 '''A simple recursive query to test the results of a query with
1750 capabilities of only receiving back a small (512 byte) payload.'''
1752 response_handlers = [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1753 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1754 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1755 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4)]
1881 max_attempts = 12
1882 lifetime = 22.0 # set this a little longer due to pickle stage
1884 class RecursivePMTUDiagnosticQuery(RecursiveDNSSECQuery):
1886 response_handlers = \
1887 [PMTUBoundingHandler(512, 5, 7, 1.0)] + \
1888 DNSSECQuery.response_handlers + \
1889 [
1890 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1891 DisableEDNSOnFormerrHandler(),
1892 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1893 DisableEDNSOnRcodeHandler(),
1894 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(7),
1895 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(dns.flags.DO, 11),
1896 DisableEDNSOnTimeoutHandler(12),
1897 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1898 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1899 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1900 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5),
1901 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 6),
1902 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 7),
1903 ]
17561904 # For timeouts:
17571905 # 1 - no change
17581906 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
17591907 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
17601908 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
1762 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1909 # 5 - reduce udp max payload to 512; change timeout to 1 second
1910 # 6 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1911 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
1912 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1913 # 9 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1914 # 10 - remove EDNS option (if any)
1915 # 11 - clear DO flag
1916 # 12 - disable EDNS
1917 # 13 - return (give up)
17641919 query_timeout = 1.0
1765 max_attempts = 5
1766 lifetime = 18.0
1768 class EDNSVersionDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1769 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS version compatibility.'''
1771 edns = 100
1772 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1774 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1775 [ChangeEDNSVersionOnTimeoutHandler(0, 4),
1776 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1777 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1778 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 4)]
1920 max_attempts = 13
1921 lifetime = 32.0 # set this a little longer due to pickle stage
1923 class TruncationDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery):
1924 '''A simple query to test the results of a query with capabilities of only
1925 receiving back a small (512 byte) payload.'''
1927 response_handlers = \
1928 [
1929 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1930 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1931 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3)
1932 ]
17791933 # For timeouts:
17801934 # 1 - no change
17811935 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
17821936 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
1783 # 4 - change EDNS version to 0; change timeout to 2 seconds
1784 # 5 - return
1938 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
17861940 query_timeout = 1.0
1787 max_attempts = 5
1788 lifetime = 15.0
1790 class EDNSOptDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1791 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS option compatibility.'''
1793 edns = 0
1794 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1795 edns_options = [dns.edns.GenericOption(100, b'')]
1797 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1798 [RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(100, 4),
1799 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1800 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1801 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 4)]
1803 # For timeouts:
1804 # 1 - no change
1805 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1806 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
1807 # 4 - remove EDNS option; change timeout to 2 seconds
1808 # 5 - return
1810 query_timeout = 1.0
1811 max_attempts = 5
1812 lifetime = 15.0
1814 class EDNSFlagDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1815 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS flag compatibility.'''
1817 edns = 0
1818 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1819 edns_flags = SimpleDNSQuery.edns_flags | 0x80
1821 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1822 [ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(0x80, 4),
1823 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1824 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1825 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 4)]
1827 # For timeouts:
1828 # 1 - no change
1829 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1830 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
1831 # 4 - clear EDNS flag; change timeout to 2 seconds
1832 # 5 - return
1834 query_timeout = 1.0
1835 max_attempts = 5
1836 lifetime = 15.0
1838 class RecursiveEDNSVersionDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1839 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS version compatibility on recursive
1840 servers.'''
1842 flags = dns.flags.RD
1843 edns = 100
1844 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1846 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1847 [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1848 ChangeEDNSVersionOnTimeoutHandler(0, 5),
1849 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1850 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1851 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1852 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5)]
1941 max_attempts = 4
1942 lifetime = 8.0
1944 class RecursiveTruncationDiagnosticQuery(DNSSECQuery, RecursiveDNSQuery):
1945 '''A simple recursive query to test the results of a query with
1946 capabilities of only receiving back a small (512 byte) payload.'''
1948 response_handlers = \
1949 [
1950 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
1951 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1952 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1953 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1954 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4)
1955 ]
18531956 # For timeouts:
18541957 # 1 - no change
18551958 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
18561959 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
18571960 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
1858 # 5 - change EDNS version to 0; change timeout to 2 seconds
1859 # 6 - return
1962 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
18611964 query_timeout = 1.0
1862 max_attempts = 6
1863 lifetime = 25.0
1865 class RecursiveEDNSOptDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1866 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS option compatibility on recursive
1867 servers.'''
1869 flags = dns.flags.RD
1965 max_attempts = 5
1966 lifetime = 18.0
1968 class EDNSVersionDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1969 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS version compatibility.'''
1971 edns = 100
1972 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1974 response_handlers = \
1975 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1976 [
1977 ChangeEDNSVersionOnTimeoutHandler(0, 4),
1978 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1979 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4)
1980 ]
1981 # For timeouts:
1982 # 1 - no change
1983 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
1984 # 3 - no change
1985 # 4 - change EDNS version to 0; change timeout to 1 second
1986 # 5 - return
1988 query_timeout = 1.0
1989 max_attempts = 5
1990 lifetime = 7.0
1992 class EDNSOptDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1993 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS option compatibility.'''
18701995 edns = 0
18711996 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
18721997 edns_options = [dns.edns.GenericOption(100, b'')]
1874 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1875 [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1876 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(100, 5),
1877 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1878 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1879 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1880 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5)]
1999 response_handlers = \
2000 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
2001 [
2002 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
2003 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(4),
2004 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
2005 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4)
2006 ]
2008 # For timeouts:
2009 # 1 - no change
2010 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
2011 # 3 - no change
2012 # 4 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
2013 # 5 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2014 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2015 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2016 # 8 - return
2018 query_timeout = 1.0
2019 max_attempts = 8
2020 lifetime = 11.0
2022 class EDNSFlagDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
2023 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS flag compatibility.'''
2025 edns = 0
2026 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
2027 edns_flags = SimpleDNSQuery.edns_flags | 0x80
2029 response_handlers = \
2030 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
2031 [
2032 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
2033 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(4),
2034 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(0x80, 8),
2035 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
2036 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 4)
2037 ]
2039 # For timeouts:
2040 # 1 - no change
2041 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
2042 # 3 - no change
2043 # 4 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
2044 # 5 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2045 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2046 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2047 # 8 - clear EDNS flag
2048 # 9 - return
2050 query_timeout = 1.0
2051 max_attempts = 9
2052 lifetime = 12.0
2054 class RecursiveEDNSVersionDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
2055 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS version compatibility on recursive
2056 servers.'''
2058 flags = dns.flags.RD
2059 edns = 100
2060 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
2062 response_handlers = \
2063 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
2064 [
2065 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
2066 ChangeEDNSVersionOnTimeoutHandler(0, 5),
2067 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
2068 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
2069 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
2070 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5)
2071 ]
18822072 # For timeouts:
18832073 # 1 - no change
18842074 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
18852075 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
18862076 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
1887 # 5 - remove EDNS option; change timeout to 2 seconds
2077 # 5 - change EDNS version to 0; change timeout to 1 second
18882078 # 6 - return
18902080 query_timeout = 1.0
18912081 max_attempts = 6
1892 lifetime = 25.0
1894 class RecursiveEDNSFlagDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
1895 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS flag compatibility on recursive
2082 lifetime = 18.0
2084 class RecursiveEDNSOptDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
2085 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS option compatibility on recursive
18962086 servers.'''
18982088 flags = dns.flags.RD
18992089 edns = 0
19002090 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
1901 edns_flags = SimpleDNSQuery.edns_flags | 0x80
1903 response_handlers = SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
1904 [SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
1905 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(0x80, 5),
1906 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
1907 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
1908 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
1909 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 5)]
2091 edns_options = [dns.edns.GenericOption(100, b'')]
2093 response_handlers = \
2094 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
2095 [
2096 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
2097 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
2098 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(5),
2099 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
2100 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
2101 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
2102 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5)
2103 ]
19112105 # For timeouts:
19122106 # 1 - no change
19132107 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
19142108 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
19152109 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
1916 # 5 - clear EDNS flag; change timeout to 2 seconds
1917 # 6 - return
2110 # 5 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
2111 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2112 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2113 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2114 # 9 - return
19192116 query_timeout = 1.0
1920 max_attempts = 6
1921 lifetime = 25.0
2117 max_attempts = 9
2118 lifetime = 21.0
2120 class RecursiveEDNSFlagDiagnosticQuery(SimpleDNSQuery):
2121 '''A query designed to test unknown EDNS flag compatibility on recursive
2122 servers.'''
2124 flags = dns.flags.RD
2125 edns = 0
2126 edns_max_udp_payload = 512
2127 edns_flags = SimpleDNSQuery.edns_flags | 0x80
2129 response_handlers = \
2130 SimpleDNSQuery.response_handlers + \
2131 [
2132 AddServerCookieOnBADCOOKIE(),
2133 SetFlagOnRcodeHandler(dns.flags.CD, dns.rcode.SERVFAIL),
2134 RemoveEDNSOptionOnTimeoutHandler(5),
2135 ClearEDNSFlagOnTimeoutHandler(0x80, 9),
2136 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(2.0, 2),
2137 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(4.0, 3),
2138 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(8.0, 4),
2139 ChangeTimeoutOnTimeoutHandler(1.0, 5)
2140 ]
2142 # For timeouts:
2143 # 1 - no change
2144 # 2 - change timeout to 2 seconds
2145 # 3 - change timeout to 4 seconds
2146 # 4 - change timeout to 8 seconds
2147 # 5 - remove EDNS option (if any); change timeout to 1 second
2148 # 6 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2149 # 7 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2150 # 8 - remove EDNS option (if any)
2151 # 9 - clear EDNS flag
2152 # 10 - return
2154 query_timeout = 1.0
2155 max_attempts = 10
2156 lifetime = 22.0
19232158 def main():
19242159 import json
33 # Created by Casey Deccio (
44 #
55 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 #
7 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 #
79 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
294296 default_th_factory = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNSFactory()
296 def __init__(self, hints=util.get_root_hints(), query_cls=(query.QuickDNSSECQuery, query.RobustDNSSECQuery), client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, odd_ports=None, transport_manager=None, th_factories=None, max_ttl=None):
298 def __init__(self, hints=util.get_root_hints(), query_cls=(query.QuickDNSSECQuery, query.DiagnosticQuery), client_ipv4=None, client_ipv6=None, odd_ports=None, cookie_standin=None, transport_manager=None, th_factories=None, max_ttl=None):
298300 self._hints = hints
299301 self._query_cls = query_cls
313315 self._max_ttl = max_ttl
317 self._cookie_standin = cookie_standin
318 self._cookie_jar = {}
315319 self._cache = {}
316320 self._expirations = []
317321 self._cache_lock = threading.Lock()
444448 responses[query_tuple] = self.query(query_tuple[0], query_tuple[1], query_tuple[2])
445449 return responses
447 def _query(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass, level, max_source, starting_domain=None):
448 self.expire_cache()
450 # check for max chain length
451 if level > self.MAX_CHAIN:
452 raise ServFail('SERVFAIL - resolution chain too long')
451 def _get_answer(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass, max_source):
454452 # first check cache for answer
455453 entry = self.cache_get(qname, rdtype)
456454 if entry is not None and entry.source <= max_source:
460458 if self.SRC_ADDITIONAL <= max_source and (qname, rdtype) in self._hints:
461459 return [self._hints[(qname, rdtype)], dns.rcode.NOERROR]
461 return None
463 def _query(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass, level, max_source, starting_domain=None):
464 self.expire_cache()
466 # check for max chain length
467 if level > self.MAX_CHAIN:
468 raise ServFail('SERVFAIL - resolution chain too long')
470 ans = self._get_answer(qname, rdtype, rdclass, max_source)
471 if ans:
472 return ans
463474 # next check cache for alias
464 entry = self.cache_get(qname, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)
465 if entry is not None and entry.rrset is not None:
466 return [entry.rrset] + self._query(entry.rrset[0].target, rdtype, rdclass, level + 1, max_source)
475 ans = self._get_answer(qname, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, rdclass, max_source)
476 if ans:
477 return [ans[0]] + self._query(entry.rrset[0].target, rdtype, rdclass, level + 1, max_source)
468479 # now check for closest enclosing NS, DNAME, or hint
469480 closest_zone = qname
487498 return [entry.rrset, cname_rrset] + self._query(cname_rrset[0].target, rdtype, rdclass, level + 1, max_source)
489500 # look for NS records in cache
490 entry = self.cache_get(closest_zone, dns.rdatatype.NS)
491 if entry is not None:
492 if entry.rrset is not None:
493 ns_rrset = entry.rrset
494 for rdata in entry.rrset:
495 ns_names[] = None
497 # look for NS records in hints
498 else:
499 try:
500 ns_rrset = self._hints[(closest_zone, dns.rdatatype.NS)]
501 except KeyError:
502 pass
503 else:
504 for rdata in ns_rrset:
505 ns_names[] = None
501 ans = self._get_answer(closest_zone, dns.rdatatype.NS, rdclass, self.SRC_ADDITIONAL)
502 if ans and ans[0] is not None:
503 ns_rrset = ans[0]
504 for ns_rdata in ans[0]:
505 addrs = set()
506 for a_rdtype in dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA:
507 ans1 = self._get_answer(, a_rdtype, rdclass, self.SRC_ADDITIONAL)
508 if ans1 and ans1[0]:
509 for a_rdata in ans1[0]:
510 addrs.add(IPAddr(a_rdata.address))
511 if addrs:
512 ns_names[] = addrs
513 else:
514 ns_names[] = None
507516 # if there were NS records associated with the names, then
508517 # no need to continue
530539 ns_names_without_addresses = list(set(ns_names).difference(ns_names_with_addresses))
531540 random.shuffle(ns_names_without_addresses)
532541 all_ns_names = ns_names_with_addresses + ns_names_without_addresses
542 previous_valid_answer = set()
534544 for query_cls in self._query_cls:
535545 # query each server until we get a match
554564 for rdata in a_rrset:
555565 ns_names[ns_name].add(IPAddr(rdata.address))
557 for server in ns_names[ns_name]:
567 for server in ns_names[ns_name].difference(previous_valid_answer):
558568 # server disallowed by policy
559569 if not self._allow_server(server):
560570 continue
562 q = query_cls(qname, rdtype, rdclass, (server,), bailiwick, self._client_ipv4, self._client_ipv6, self._odd_ports.get((bailiwick, server), 53))
572 q = query_cls(qname, rdtype, rdclass, (server,), bailiwick, self._client_ipv4, self._client_ipv6, self._odd_ports.get((bailiwick, server), 53), cookie_jar=self._cookie_jar, cookie_standin=self._cookie_standin)
563573 q.execute(tm=self._transport_manager, th_factories=self._th_factories)
564574 is_referral = False
570580 server1, client_response = list(q.responses.items())[0]
571581 client, response = list(client_response.items())[0]
573 if response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response():
574 soa_rrset = None
575 rcode = response.message.rcode()
577 # response is acceptable
583 server_cookie = response.get_server_cookie()
584 if server_cookie is not None:
585 self._cookie_jar[server1] = server_cookie
587 if not (response.is_valid_response() and response.is_complete_response()):
588 continue
590 previous_valid_answer.add(server)
592 soa_rrset = None
593 rcode = response.message.rcode()
595 # response is acceptable
596 try:
597 # first check for exact match
598 ret = [[x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == rdtype and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]]
599 except IndexError:
578600 try:
579 # first check for exact match
580 ret = [[x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == rdtype and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]]
601 # now look for DNAME
602 dname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if qname.is_subdomain( and qname != and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
581603 except IndexError:
582604 try:
583 # now look for DNAME
584 dname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if qname.is_subdomain( and qname != and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
605 # now look for CNAME
606 cname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
585607 except IndexError:
608 ret = [None]
609 # no answer
586610 try:
587 # now look for CNAME
588 cname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
611 soa_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA][0]
589612 except IndexError:
590 ret = [None]
591 # no answer
613 pass
614 # cache the NS RRset
615 else:
616 cname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
617 ret = [cname_rrset]
618 else:
619 # handle DNAME: return the DNAME, CNAME and (recursively) its chain
620 cname_rrset = Response.cname_from_dname(qname, dname_rrset)
621 ret = [dname_rrset, cname_rrset]
623 if response.is_referral(qname, rdtype, rdclass, bailiwick):
624 is_referral = True
625 a_rrsets = {}
626 min_ttl = None
627 ret = None
629 # if response is referral, then we follow it
630 ns_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS][0]
631 ns_names = response.ns_ip_mapping_from_additional(, bailiwick)
632 for ns_name in ns_names:
633 if not ns_names[ns_name]:
634 ns_names[ns_name] = None
635 else: # name is in bailiwick
636 for a_rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA):
592637 try:
593 soa_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA][0]
594 except IndexError:
638 a_rrsets[a_rdtype] = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.additional, ns_name, a_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN)
639 except KeyError:
595640 pass
596 # cache the NS RRset
597 else:
598 cname_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME and x.rdclass == rdclass][0]
599 ret = [cname_rrset]
600 else:
601 # handle DNAME: return the DNAME, CNAME and (recursively) its chain
602 cname_rrset = Response.cname_from_dname(qname, dname_rrset)
603 ret = [dname_rrset, cname_rrset]
605 if response.is_referral(qname, rdtype, bailiwick):
606 is_referral = True
607 a_rrsets = {}
608 min_ttl = None
609 ret = None
611 # if response is referral, then we follow it
612 ns_rrset = [x for x in response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS][0]
641 else:
642 if min_ttl is None or a_rrsets[a_rdtype].ttl < min_ttl:
643 min_ttl = a_rrsets[a_rdtype].ttl
645 for a_rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA):
646 if a_rdtype in a_rrsets:
647 a_rrsets[a_rdtype].update_ttl(min_ttl)
648 self.cache_put(ns_name, a_rdtype, a_rrsets[a_rdtype], self.SRC_ADDITIONAL, dns.rcode.NOERROR, None, None)
649 else:
650 self.cache_put(ns_name, a_rdtype, None, self.SRC_ADDITIONAL, dns.rcode.NOERROR, None, min_ttl)
652 if min_ttl is not None:
653 ns_rrset.update_ttl(min_ttl)
655 # cache the NS RRset
656 self.cache_put(, dns.rdatatype.NS, ns_rrset, self.SRC_NONAUTH_AUTH, rcode, None, None)
657 break
659 elif response.is_authoritative():
660 terminal = True
661 a_rrsets = {}
662 min_ttl = None
664 # if response is authoritative (and not a referral), then we return it
665 try:
666 ns_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer + response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS][0]
667 except IndexError:
668 pass
669 else:
613671 ns_names = response.ns_ip_mapping_from_additional(, bailiwick)
614672 for ns_name in ns_names:
615673 if not ns_names[ns_name]:
634692 if min_ttl is not None:
635693 ns_rrset.update_ttl(min_ttl)
637 # cache the NS RRset
638 self.cache_put(, dns.rdatatype.NS, ns_rrset, self.SRC_NONAUTH_AUTH, rcode, None, None)
639 break
641 elif response.is_authoritative():
642 terminal = True
643 a_rrsets = {}
644 min_ttl = None
646 # if response is authoritative (and not a referral), then we return it
647 try:
648 ns_rrset = [x for x in response.message.answer + response.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS][0]
649 except IndexError:
650 pass
651 else:
653 ns_names = response.ns_ip_mapping_from_additional(, bailiwick)
654 for ns_name in ns_names:
655 if not ns_names[ns_name]:
656 ns_names[ns_name] = None
657 else: # name is in bailiwick
658 for a_rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA):
659 try:
660 a_rrsets[a_rdtype] = response.message.find_rrset(response.message.additional, ns_name, a_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN)
661 except KeyError:
662 pass
663 else:
664 if min_ttl is None or a_rrsets[a_rdtype].ttl < min_ttl:
665 min_ttl = a_rrsets[a_rdtype].ttl
667 for a_rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA):
668 if a_rdtype in a_rrsets:
669 a_rrsets[a_rdtype].update_ttl(min_ttl)
670 self.cache_put(ns_name, a_rdtype, a_rrsets[a_rdtype], self.SRC_ADDITIONAL, dns.rcode.NOERROR, None, None)
671 else:
672 self.cache_put(ns_name, a_rdtype, None, self.SRC_ADDITIONAL, dns.rcode.NOERROR, None, min_ttl)
674 if min_ttl is not None:
675 ns_rrset.update_ttl(min_ttl)
677 self.cache_put(, dns.rdatatype.NS, ns_rrset, self.SRC_AUTH_AUTH, rcode, None, None)
679 if ret[-1] == None:
680 self.cache_put(qname, rdtype, None, self.SRC_AUTH_ANS, rcode, soa_rrset, None)
682 else:
683 for rrset in ret:
684 self.cache_put(, rrset.rdtype, rrset, self.SRC_AUTH_ANS, rcode, None, None)
686 if ret[-1].rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
687 ret += self._query(ret[-1][0].target, rdtype, rdclass, level + 1, self.SRC_NONAUTH_ANS)
688 terminal = False
690 if terminal:
691 ret.append(rcode)
692 return ret
695 self.cache_put(, dns.rdatatype.NS, ns_rrset, self.SRC_AUTH_AUTH, rcode, None, None)
697 if ret[-1] == None:
698 self.cache_put(qname, rdtype, None, self.SRC_AUTH_ANS, rcode, soa_rrset, None)
700 else:
701 for rrset in ret:
702 self.cache_put(, rrset.rdtype, rrset, self.SRC_AUTH_ANS, rcode, None, None)
704 if ret[-1].rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
705 ret += self._query(ret[-1][0].target, rdtype, rdclass, level + 1, self.SRC_NONAUTH_ANS)
706 terminal = False
708 if terminal:
709 ret.append(rcode)
710 return ret
694712 # if referral, then break
695713 if is_referral:
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
97 # certain rights in this software.
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
10 #
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1212 #
1313 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1414 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2727 from __future__ import unicode_literals
2929 import base64
30 import binascii
31 import copy
3032 import errno
31 import cgi
3233 import codecs
3334 import datetime
3435 import hashlib
4445 except ImportError:
4546 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
48 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
49 try:
50 from html import escape
51 except ImportError:
52 from cgi import escape
4754 import dns.flags, dns.message, dns.rcode, dns.rdataclass, dns.rdatatype, dns.rrset
4956 from . import base32
5663 class DNSResponse:
5764 '''A DNS response, including meta information'''
59 def __init__(self, message, msg_size, error, errno1, history, response_time, query, review_history=True):
66 def __init__(self, message, msg_size, error, errno1, history, response_time, query, server_cookie, server_cookie_status, review_history=True):
6067 self.message = message
6168 self.msg_size = msg_size
6269 self.error = error
6572 self.response_time = response_time
6774 self.query = query
75 self.server_cookie = server_cookie
76 self.server_cookie_status = server_cookie_status
6978 self.effective_flags = None
7079 self.effective_edns = None
7281 self.effective_edns_flags = None
7382 self.effective_edns_options = None
7483 self.effective_tcp = None
84 self.effective_server_cookie_status = None
7686 self.udp_attempted = None
7787 self.udp_responsive = None
92102 def __repr__(self):
93103 return '<%s: "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
105 @classmethod
106 def _query_tag_bind(cls, tcp, flags, edns, edns_flags, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_options, qname):
107 s = []
108 if flags & dns.flags.RD:
109 s.append('+')
110 else:
111 s.append('-')
112 if edns >= 0:
113 s.append('E(%d)' % (edns))
114 if tcp:
115 s.append('T')
116 if edns >= 0 and edns_flags & dns.flags.DO:
117 s.append('D')
118 if flags & dns.flags.CD:
119 s.append('C')
120 # Flags other than the ones commonly seen in queries
121 if flags & dns.flags.AD:
122 s.append('A')
123 if flags & dns.flags.AA:
124 s.append('a')
125 if flags & dns.flags.TC:
126 s.append('t')
127 if flags & dns.flags.RA:
128 s.append('r')
129 if edns >= 0:
130 # EDNS max UDP payload
131 s.append('P(%d)' % edns_max_udp_payload)
132 # EDNS flags other than DO
133 if edns_flags & ~dns.flags.DO:
134 s.append('F(0x%x)' % edns_flags)
135 # other options
136 for opt in edns_options:
137 if opt.otype == 3:
138 # NSID
139 s.append('N')
140 elif opt.otype == 8:
141 # EDNS Client Subnet
142 s.append('s')
143 elif opt.otype == 10:
144 # DNS cookies
145 s.append('K')
146 if qname.to_text() != qname.to_text().lower():
147 s.append('X')
148 return s
150 @classmethod
151 def _query_tag_human(cls, tcp, flags, edns, edns_flags, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_options, qname):
152 s = ''
153 if tcp:
154 s += 'TCP_'
155 else:
156 s += 'UDP_'
158 if flags & dns.flags.RD:
159 s += '+'
160 else:
161 s += '-'
162 if flags & dns.flags.CD:
163 s += 'C'
164 # Flags other than the ones commonly seen in queries
165 if flags & dns.flags.AD:
166 s += 'A'
167 if flags & dns.flags.AA:
168 s += 'a'
169 if flags & dns.flags.TC:
170 s += 't'
171 if flags & dns.flags.RA:
172 s += 'r'
173 s += '_'
175 if edns < 0:
176 s += 'NOEDNS_'
177 else:
178 s += 'EDNS%d_' % (edns)
180 # EDNS max UDP payload
181 s += '%d_' % edns_max_udp_payload
183 if edns_flags & dns.flags.DO:
184 s += 'D'
185 # EDNS flags other than DO
186 if edns_flags & ~dns.flags.DO:
187 s += '%d' % edns_flags
188 s += '_'
190 # other options
191 for opt in edns_options:
192 if opt.otype == 3:
193 # NSID
194 s += 'N'
195 elif opt.otype == 8:
196 # EDNS Client Subnet
197 s += 's'
198 elif opt.otype == 10:
199 # DNS cookies
200 s += 'K'
201 else:
202 # DNS cookies
203 s += 'O(%d)' % opt.otype
205 if qname.to_text() != qname.to_text().lower():
206 s += '_0x20'
207 return s
209 def request_cookie_tag(self):
210 from . import query as Q
212 if self.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE:
213 return 'NO_COOKIE'
214 elif self.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_IMPROPER_LENGTH:
216 elif self.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_CLIENT_COOKIE_ONLY:
218 elif self.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH:
220 elif self.effective_server_cookie_status == Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_BAD:
222 else:
223 raise Exception('Unknown cookie status!')
225 def response_cookie_tag(self):
227 if self.message is None:
228 return 'ERROR'
230 if self.message.edns < 0:
231 return 'NO_EDNS'
233 try:
234 cookie_opt = [o for o in self.message.options if o.otype == 10][0]
235 except IndexError:
236 return 'NO_COOKIE_OPT'
238 if len( < 8 or len( > 40:
241 elif len( == 8:
244 else:
95247 def initial_query_tag(self):
96 s = ''
97 if self.query.tcp:
98 s += 'TCP_'
99 else:
100 s += 'UDP_'
101 s += '%d_' % self.query.flags
102 if self.query.edns < 0:
103 s += 'NOEDNS'
104 else:
105 s += 'EDNS%d_%d_%d' % (self.query.edns, (self.query.edns_flags & 0xffff), self.query.edns_max_udp_payload)
106 for opt in self.query.edns_options:
107 s += '_%d' % opt.otype
108 return s
248 return ''.join(self._query_tag_human(self.query.tcp, self.query.flags, self.query.edns, self.query.edns_flags, self.query.edns_max_udp_payload, self.query.edns_options, self.query.qname))
110250 def effective_query_tag(self):
111 s = ''
112 if self.effective_tcp:
113 s += 'TCP_'
114 else:
115 s += 'UDP_'
116 s += '%d_' % self.effective_flags
117 if self.effective_edns < 0:
118 s += 'NOEDNS'
119 else:
120 s += 'EDNS%d_%d_%d' % (self.effective_edns, (self.effective_edns_flags & 0xffff), self.effective_edns_max_udp_payload)
121 for opt in self.effective_edns_options:
122 s += '_%d' % opt.otype
123 return s
251 return ''.join(self._query_tag_human(self.effective_tcp, self.effective_flags, self.effective_edns, self.effective_edns_flags, self.query.edns_max_udp_payload, self.effective_edns_options, self.query.qname))
125253 def section_rr_count(self, section):
126254 if self.message is None:
151279 t += retry.response_time
152280 return t
282 def get_cookie_opt(self):
283 if self.message is None:
284 return None
285 try:
286 return [o for o in self.message.options if o.otype == 10][0]
287 except IndexError:
288 return None
290 def get_server_cookie(self):
291 cookie_opt = self.get_cookie_opt()
292 if cookie_opt is not None and len( > 8:
293 return[8:]
294 return None
154296 def copy(self):
155 clone = DNSResponse(self.message, self.msg_size, self.error, self.errno, self.history, self.response_time, self.query, review_history=False)
156 clone.set_effective_request_options(self.effective_flags, self.effective_edns, self.effective_edns_max_udp_payload, self.effective_edns_flags, self.effective_edns_options, self.effective_tcp)
297 clone = DNSResponse(self.message, self.msg_size, self.error, self.errno, self.history, self.response_time, self.query, self.server_cookie, self.server_cookie_status, review_history=False)
298 clone.set_effective_request_options(self.effective_flags, self.effective_edns, self.effective_edns_max_udp_payload, self.effective_edns_flags, self.effective_edns_options, self.effective_tcp, self.effective_server_cookie_status)
157299 clone.set_responsiveness(self.udp_attempted, self.udp_responsive, self.tcp_attempted, self.tcp_responsive, self.responsive_cause_index, self.responsive_cause_index_tcp)
158300 return clone
160 def set_effective_request_options(self, flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, effective_tcp):
302 def set_effective_request_options(self, flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, tcp, server_cookie_status):
161303 self.effective_flags = flags
162304 self.effective_edns = edns
163305 self.effective_edns_max_udp_payload = edns_max_udp_payload
164306 self.effective_edns_flags = edns_flags
165307 self.effective_edns_options = edns_options
166 self.effective_tcp = effective_tcp
308 self.effective_tcp = tcp
309 self.effective_server_cookie_status = server_cookie_status
168311 def set_responsiveness(self, udp_attempted, udp_responsive, tcp_attempted, tcp_responsive, responsive_cause_index, responsive_cause_index_tcp):
169312 self.udp_attempted = udp_attempted
180323 edns = self.query.edns
181324 edns_max_udp_payload = self.query.edns_max_udp_payload
182325 edns_flags = self.query.edns_flags
183 edns_options = self.query.edns_options[:]
326 edns_options = copy.deepcopy(self.query.edns_options)
327 server_cookie_status = self.server_cookie_status
185329 # mark whether TCP or UDP was attempted initially
186330 tcp_attempted = tcp = self.query.tcp
256400 filtered_options = [x for x in edns_options if retry.action_arg == x.otype]
257401 if filtered_options:
258402 edns_options.remove(filtered_options[0])
403 # If COOKIE option was removed, then reset
404 # server_cookie_status
405 if filtered_options[0].otype == 10:
406 server_cookie_status = Q.DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE
259407 elif retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_SPORT:
260408 pass
261409 elif retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_CHANGE_EDNS_VERSION:
262410 edns = retry.action_arg
411 elif retry.action == Q.RETRY_ACTION_UPDATE_DNS_COOKIE:
412 server_cookie_status = Q.DNS_COOKIE_SERVER_COOKIE_FRESH
264414 prev_index = i
285435 responsive_cause_index = prev_index
286436 responsive_cause_index_tcp = tcp
288 self.set_effective_request_options(flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, tcp)
438 # If EDNS was effectively disabled, reset EDNS options
439 if edns < 0:
440 edns_max_udp_payload = None
441 edns_flags = 0
442 edns_options = []
443 server_cookie_status = Q.DNS_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE
445 self.set_effective_request_options(flags, edns, edns_max_udp_payload, edns_flags, edns_options, tcp, server_cookie_status)
289446 self.set_responsiveness(udp_attempted, udp_responsive, tcp_attempted, tcp_responsive, responsive_cause_index, responsive_cause_index_tcp)
291448 def recursion_desired(self):
334491 return self.message is not None and bool(self.message.flags & dns.flags.AA)
336 def is_referral(self, qname, rdtype, bailiwick, proper=False):
493 def is_referral(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass, bailiwick, proper=False):
337494 '''Return True if this response yields a referral for the queried
338495 name.'''
349506 return False
350507 # if the name exists in the answer section with the requested rdtype or
351508 # CNAME, then it can't be a referral
352 if [x for x in self.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype in (rdtype, dns.rdatatype.CNAME)]:
509 if [x for x in self.message.answer if == qname and x.rdtype in (rdtype, dns.rdatatype.CNAME) and x.rdclass == rdclass]:
353510 return False
354511 # if an SOA record with the given qname exists, then the server
355512 # is authoritative for the name, so it is a referral
356513 try:
357 self.message.find_rrset(self.message.authority, qname, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.SOA)
514 self.message.find_rrset(self.message.authority, qname, rdclass, dns.rdatatype.SOA)
358515 return False
359516 except KeyError:
360517 pass
361518 # if proper referral is requested and qname is equal to of an NS RRset
362519 # in the authority, then it is a referral
363520 if proper:
364 if [x for x in self.message.authority if qname == and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS]:
521 if [x for x in self.message.authority if qname == and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS and x.rdclass == rdclass]:
365522 return True
366523 # if proper referral is NOT requested, qname is a subdomain of
367524 # (including equal to) an NS RRset in the authority, and qname is not
368525 # equal to bailiwick, then it is a referral
369526 else:
370 if [x for x in self.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and bailiwick != and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS]:
527 if [x for x in self.message.authority if qname.is_subdomain( and bailiwick != and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NS and x.rdclass == rdclass]:
371528 return True
372529 return False
509666 for o in self.effective_edns_options:
510667 s = io.BytesIO()
511668 o.to_wire(s)
512 d['effective_query_options']['edns_options'].append(base64.b64encode(s.getvalue()))
669 d['effective_query_options']['edns_options'].append((o.type, binascii.hexlify(s.getvalue())))
513670 d['effective_query_options']['tcp'] = self.effective_tcp
515672 if self.responsive_cause_index is not None:
542699 return d
544701 @classmethod
545 def deserialize(cls, d, query):
702 def deserialize(cls, d, query, server_cookie, server_cookie_status):
546703 from . import query as Q
548705 if 'msg_size' in d:
589746 history = []
590747 for retry in d['history']:
591748 history.append(Q.DNSQueryRetryAttempt.deserialize(retry))
592 return DNSResponse(message, msg_size, error, errno1, history, response_time, query)
749 return DNSResponse(message, msg_size, error, errno1, history, response_time, query, server_cookie, server_cookie_status)
594751 class DNSResponseComponent(object):
595752 def __init__(self):
730887 elif rdata.algorithm in (13,14):
731888 return len(key_str)<<3
890 # EDDSA keys
891 elif rdata.algorithm in (15,16):
892 return len(key_str)<<3
733894 # other keys - just guess, based on the length of the raw key material
734895 else:
735896 return len(key_str)<<3
760921 d = OrderedDict()
762923 if html_format:
763 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
924 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
764925 else:
765926 formatter = lambda x: x
8721033 rdata_wire = rdata.to_digestable()
8731034 rdata_len = len(rdata_wire)
875 stuff = struct.pack("!HHIH", rrset.rdtype, rrset.rdclass,
1036 stuff = struct.pack(b'!HHIH', rrset.rdtype, rrset.rdclass,
8761037 ttl, rdata_len)
8771038 s += name_wire + stuff + rdata_wire
8811042 def get_rrsig_info(self, rrsig):
8821043 return self.rrsig_info[rrsig]
884 def update_rrsig_info(self, server, client, response, section, is_referral):
1045 def update_rrsig_info(self, server, client, response, section, rdclass, is_referral):
8851046 try:
886 rrsig_rrset = response.message.find_rrset(section,, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, self.rrset.rdtype)
1047 rrsig_rrset = response.message.find_rrset(section,, rdclass, dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, self.rrset.rdtype)
8871048 for rrsig in rrsig_rrset:
888 self.create_or_update_rrsig_info(rrsig, rrsig_rrset.ttl, server, client, response, is_referral)
1049 self.create_or_update_rrsig_info(rrsig, rrsig_rrset.ttl, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral)
8891050 except KeyError:
8901051 pass
8921053 if self.dname_info is not None:
893 self.dname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, section, is_referral)
895 def create_or_update_rrsig_info(self, rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, is_referral):
1054 self.dname_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, section, rdclass, is_referral)
1056 def create_or_update_rrsig_info(self, rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral):
8961057 try:
8971058 rrsig_info = self.get_rrsig_info(rrsig)
8981059 except KeyError:
8991060 rrsig_info = self.rrsig_info[rrsig] = RDataMeta(, ttl, dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, rrsig)
9001061 rrsig_info.add_server_client(server, client, response)
901 self.set_wildcard_info(rrsig, server, client, response, is_referral)
903 def create_or_update_cname_from_dname_info(self, synthesized_cname_info, server, client, response):
904 return self.insert_into_list(synthesized_cname_info, self.cname_info_from_dname, server, client, response)
1062 self.set_wildcard_info(rrsig, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral)
1064 def create_or_update_cname_from_dname_info(self, synthesized_cname_info, server, client, response, rdclass):
1065 return self.insert_into_list(synthesized_cname_info, self.cname_info_from_dname, server, client, response, rdclass)
9061067 def is_wildcard(self, rrsig):
9071068 if[0] == '*':
9131074 return'*',)[-(rrsig.labels+1):])
9141075 return
916 def set_wildcard_info(self, rrsig, server, client, response, is_referral):
1077 def set_wildcard_info(self, rrsig, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral):
9171078 if self.is_wildcard(rrsig):
9181079 wildcard_name = self.reduce_wildcard(rrsig)
9191080 if wildcard_name not in self.wildcard_info:
9201081 self.wildcard_info[wildcard_name] = NegativeResponseInfo(, self.rrset.rdtype, self.ttl_cmp)
9211082 self.wildcard_info[wildcard_name].add_server_client(server, client, response)
922 self.wildcard_info[wildcard_name].create_or_update_nsec_info(server, client, response, is_referral)
1083 self.wildcard_info[wildcard_name].create_or_update_nsec_info(server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral)
9241085 def message_for_rrsig(self, rrsig):
9401101 d = OrderedDict()
9421103 if html_format:
943 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
1104 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
9441105 else:
9451106 formatter = lambda x: x
10051166 def __hash__(self):
10061167 return hash(id(self))
1008 def create_or_update_soa_info(self, server, client, response, is_referral):
1009 soa_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA and self.qname.is_subdomain(]
1169 def create_or_update_soa_info(self, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral):
1170 soa_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA and x.rdclass == rdclass and self.qname.is_subdomain(]
10101171 if not soa_rrsets:
1011 soa_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA]
1172 soa_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA and x.rdclass == rdclass]
10121173 soa_rrsets.sort(reverse=True)
10131174 try:
10141175 soa_rrset = soa_rrsets[0]
10211182 soa_rrset_info = RRsetInfo(soa_rrset, self.ttl_cmp)
10221183 soa_rrset_info = self.insert_into_list(soa_rrset_info, self.soa_rrset_info, server, client, response)
1023 soa_rrset_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, response.message.authority, is_referral)
1184 soa_rrset_info.update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, response.message.authority, rdclass, is_referral)
10251186 return soa_rrset_info
1027 def create_or_update_nsec_info(self, server, client, response, is_referral):
1188 def create_or_update_nsec_info(self, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral):
10281189 for rdtype in dns.rdatatype.NSEC, dns.rdatatype.NSEC3:
1029 nsec_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == rdtype]
1190 nsec_rrsets = [x for x in response.message.authority if x.rdtype == rdtype and x.rdclass == rdclass]
10301191 if not nsec_rrsets:
10311192 continue
10341195 nsec_set_info = self.insert_into_list(nsec_set_info, self.nsec_set_info, server, client, response)
10361197 for name in nsec_set_info.rrsets:
1037 nsec_set_info.rrsets[name].update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, response.message.authority, is_referral)
1198 nsec_set_info.rrsets[name].update_rrsig_info(server, client, response, response.message.authority, rdclass, is_referral)
10391200 class NSECSet(DNSResponseComponent):
10401201 def __init__(self, rrsets, referral, ttl_cmp):
11021263 for name, rrset_info in self.rrsets.items():
11031264 rrset_info.add_server_client(server, client, response)
1105 def create_or_update_rrsig_info(self, name, rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, is_referral):
1106 self.rrsets[name].create_or_update_rrsig_info(rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, is_referral)
1266 def create_or_update_rrsig_info(self, name, rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral):
1267 self.rrsets[name].create_or_update_rrsig_info(rrsig, ttl, server, client, response, rdclass, is_referral)
11081269 def is_valid_nsec3_name(self, nsec_name, algorithm):
11091270 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
44 #
55 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
66 #
7 # Copyright 2016 Casey Deccio.
7 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
88 #
99 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1010 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2727 import codecs
2828 import errno
2929 import fcntl
30 import io
3031 import json
3132 import os
3233 import random
3536 import socket
3637 import ssl
3738 import struct
39 import subprocess
3840 import threading
3941 import time
7577 CHUNK_SIZE_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P<length>[0-9a-fA-F]+)(;[^\r\n]+)?(\r\n|\r|\n)')
7678 CRLF_START_RE = re.compile(r'^(\r\n|\n|\r)')
80 class SocketWrapper(object):
81 def __init__(self):
82 raise NotImplemented
84 class Socket(SocketWrapper):
85 def __init__(self, sock):
86 self.sock = sock
87 self.reader = sock
88 self.writer = sock
89 self.reader_fd = sock.fileno()
90 self.writer_fd = sock.fileno()
91 =
92 self.type = sock.type
93 self.lock = None
95 def recv(self, n):
96 return self.sock.recv(n)
98 def send(self, s):
99 return self.sock.send(s)
101 def setblocking(self, b):
102 self.sock.setblocking(b)
104 def bind(self, a):
105 self.sock.bind(a)
107 def connect(self, a):
108 self.sock.connect(a)
110 def getsockname(self):
111 return self.sock.getsockname()
113 def close(self):
114 self.sock.close()
116 class ReaderWriter(SocketWrapper):
117 def __init__(self, reader, writer, proc=None):
118 self.reader = reader
119 self.writer = writer
120 self.reader_fd = self.reader.fileno()
121 self.writer_fd = self.writer.fileno()
122 = socket.AF_INET
123 self.type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
124 self.lock = None
125 self.proc = proc
127 def recv(self, n):
128 return, n)
130 def send(self, s):
131 return os.write(self.writer_fd, s)
133 def setblocking(self, b):
134 if not b:
135 fcntl.fcntl(self.reader_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
136 fcntl.fcntl(self.writer_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
138 def bind(self, a):
139 pass
141 def connect(self, a):
142 pass
144 def getsockname(self):
145 return ('localhost', 0)
147 def close(self):
148 pass
78150 class RemoteQueryTransportError(Exception):
79151 pass
81153 class TransportMetaDeserializationError(Exception):
154 pass
156 class SocketInUse(Exception):
82157 pass
84159 class DNSQueryTransportMeta(object):
244319 self.end_time = time.time()
245320 self.start_time = self.end_time - (elapsed/1000.0)
247326 class DNSQueryTransportHandler(object):
248327 singleton = False
249328 allow_loopback_query = False
250329 allow_private_query = False
251330 timeout_baseline = 0.0
253 def __init__(self, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
254 self.req = None
255 self.req_len = None
256 self.req_index = None
258 self.res = None
259 self.res_len = None
260 self.res_buf = None
261 self.res_index = None
333 def __init__(self, sock=None, recycle_sock=False, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
334 self.msg_send = None
335 self.msg_send_len = None
336 self.msg_send_index = None
338 self.msg_recv = None
339 self.msg_recv_len = None
340 self.msg_recv_buf = None
341 self.msg_recv_index = None
262342 self.err = None
264344 self.dst = None
272352 self._processed_queue = processed_queue
273353 self.factory = factory
355 self._sock = sock
356 self.sock = None
357 self.recycle_sock = recycle_sock
275359 self.expiration = None
276 self.sock = None
277 self.sockfd = None
278360 self.start_time = None
279361 self.end_time = None
295377 self.src = None
297379 def finalize(self):
298 assert self.res is not None or self.err is not None, 'Query must have been executed before finalize() can be called'
380 assert self.mode in (QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ, QTH_MODE_READ), 'finalize() can only be called for modes QTH_MODE_READ and QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ'
381 assert self.msg_recv is not None or self.err is not None, 'Query must have been executed before finalize() can be called'
300383 self._check_source()
302385 # clear out any partial responses if there was an error
303386 if self.err is not None:
304 self.res = None
387 self.msg_recv = None
389 if self.factory is not None:
390 if self.recycle_sock:
391 # if recycle_sock is requested, add the sock to the factory.
392 # Then add the lock to the sock to prevent concurrent use of
393 # the socket.
394 if self.sock is not None and self._sock is None:
395 self.factory.lock.acquire()
396 try:
397 if self.factory.sock is None:
398 self.factory.sock = self.sock
399 self.factory.sock.lock = self.factory.lock
400 finally:
401 self.factory.lock.release()
403 elif self.sock is not None and self.sock is self.factory.sock:
404 # if recycle_sock is not requested, and this sock is in the
405 # factory, then remove it.
406 self.factory.lock.acquire()
407 try:
408 if self.sock is self.factory.sock:
409 self.factory.sock = None
410 finally:
411 self.factory.lock.release()
413 #TODO change this and the overriding child methods to init_msg_send
306414 def init_req(self):
307415 raise NotImplemented
309 def _init_res_buffer(self):
310 self.res = b''
311 self.res_buf = b''
312 self.res_index = 0
417 def _init_msg_recv(self):
418 self.msg_recv = b''
419 self.msg_recv_buf = b''
420 self.msg_recv_index = 0
421 self.msg_recv_len = None
314423 def prepare(self):
315 assert self.req is not None, 'Request must be initialized with init_req() before be added before prepare() can be called'
424 if self.mode in (QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ, QTH_MODE_WRITE):
425 assert self.msg_send is not None, 'Request must be initialized with init_req() before be added before prepare() can be called'
427 if self.mode in (QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ, QTH_MODE_READ):
428 self._init_msg_recv()
317430 if self.timeout is None:
318431 self.timeout = self.timeout_baseline
320 self._init_res_buffer()
321 try:
322 self._create_socket()
323 self._configure_socket()
324 self._bind_socket()
325 self._set_start_time()
326 self._connect_socket()
327 except socket.error as e:
328 self.err = e
329 self.cleanup()
433 if self._sock is not None:
434 # if a pre-existing socket is available for re-use, then use that
435 # instead
436 try:
437 self._reuse_socket()
438 self._set_start_time()
439 except SocketInUse as e:
440 self.err = e
441 else:
442 try:
443 self._create_socket()
444 self._configure_socket()
445 self._bind_socket()
446 self._set_start_time()
447 self._connect_socket()
448 except socket.error as e:
449 self.err = e
451 def _reuse_socket(self):
452 # wait for the lock on the socket
453 if not self._sock.lock.acquire(False):
454 raise SocketInUse()
455 self.sock = self._sock
331457 def _get_af(self):
332458 if self.dst.version == 6:
337463 def _create_socket(self):
338464 af = self._get_af()
339 self.sock = socket.socket(af, self.transport_type)
340 self.sockfd = self.sock.fileno()
465 self.sock = Socket(socket.socket(af, self.transport_type))
342467 def _configure_socket(self):
343468 self.sock.setblocking(0)
393518 # set end (and start, if necessary) times, as appropriate
394519 self._set_end_time()
396 self._set_socket_info()
398521 # close socket
399522 if self.sock is not None:
400 self.sock.close()
523 self._set_socket_info()
525 if not self.recycle_sock:
526 self.sock.close()
527 if self.sock.lock is not None:
528 self.sock.lock.release()
402529 # place in processed queue, if specified
403530 if self._processed_queue is not None:
404531 self._processed_queue.put(self)
406533 def do_write(self):
407534 try:
408 self.req_index += self.sock.send(self.req[self.req_index:])
409 if self.req_index >= self.req_len:
535 self.msg_send_index += self.sock.send(self.msg_send[self.msg_send_index:])
536 if self.msg_send_index >= self.msg_send_len:
410537 return True
411538 except socket.error as e:
412539 self.err = e
413 self.cleanup()
414540 return True
416542 def do_read(self):
426552 }
427553 return d
555 def serialize_responses(self):
556 d = {
558 'responses': [q.serialize_response() for q in self.qtms]
559 }
560 return d
429562 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNS(DNSQueryTransportHandler):
430563 singleton = True
436569 qtm = self.qtms[0]
437570 qtm.src = self.src
438571 =
439 qtm.res = self.res
572 qtm.res = self.msg_recv
440573 qtm.err = self.err
441574 qtm.start_time = self.start_time
442575 qtm.end_time = self.end_time
451584 self.src = qtm.src
452585 =
454 self.req = qtm.req
455 self.req_len = len(qtm.req)
456 self.req_index = 0
587 self.msg_send = qtm.req
588 self.msg_send_len = len(qtm.req)
589 self.msg_send_index = 0
458591 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
459 if isinstance(self.req, str):
592 if isinstance(self.msg_send, str):
460593 map_func = lambda x: ord(x)
461594 else:
462595 map_func = lambda x: x
464 self._queryid_wire = self.req[:2]
597 self._queryid_wire = self.msg_send[:2]
465598 index = 12
466 while map_func(self.req[index]) != 0:
467 index += map_func(self.req[index]) + 1
599 while map_func(self.msg_send[index]) != 0:
600 index += map_func(self.msg_send[index]) + 1
468601 index += 4
469 self._question_wire = self.req[12:index]
602 self._question_wire = self.msg_send[12:index]
471604 if qtm.tcp:
472605 self.transport_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
473 self.req = struct.pack(b'!H', self.req_len) + self.req
474 self.req_len += struct.calcsize(b'H')
606 self.msg_send = struct.pack(b'!H', self.msg_send_len) + self.msg_send
607 self.msg_send_len += struct.calcsize(b'H')
475608 else:
476609 self.transport_type = socket.SOCK_DGRAM
478 def _check_response_consistency(self):
479 if self.require_queryid_match and self.res[:2] != self._queryid_wire:
611 def _check_msg_recv_consistency(self):
612 if self.require_queryid_match and self.msg_recv[:2] != self._queryid_wire:
480613 return False
481614 return True
484617 # UDP
485618 if self.sock.type == socket.SOCK_DGRAM:
486619 try:
487 self.res = self.sock.recv(65536)
488 if self._check_response_consistency():
489 self.cleanup()
620 self.msg_recv = self.sock.recv(65536)
621 if self._check_msg_recv_consistency():
490622 return True
491623 else:
492 self.res = b''
624 self.msg_recv = b''
493625 except socket.error as e:
494626 self.err = e
495 self.cleanup()
496627 return True
498629 # TCP
499630 else:
500631 try:
501 if self.res_len is None:
502 if self.res_buf:
632 if self.msg_recv_len is None:
633 if self.msg_recv_buf:
503634 buf = self.sock.recv(1)
504635 else:
505636 buf = self.sock.recv(2)
506637 if buf == b'':
507638 raise EOFError()
509 self.res_buf += buf
510 if len(self.res_buf) == 2:
511 self.res_len = struct.unpack(b'!H', self.res_buf)[0]
513 if self.res_len is not None:
514 buf = self.sock.recv(self.res_len - self.res_index)
640 self.msg_recv_buf += buf
641 if len(self.msg_recv_buf) == 2:
642 self.msg_recv_len = struct.unpack(b'!H', self.msg_recv_buf)[0]
644 if self.msg_recv_len is not None:
645 buf = self.sock.recv(self.msg_recv_len - self.msg_recv_index)
515646 if buf == b'':
516647 raise EOFError()
518 self.res += buf
519 self.res_index = len(self.res)
521 if self.res_index >= self.res_len:
522 self.cleanup()
649 self.msg_recv += buf
650 self.msg_recv_index = len(self.msg_recv)
652 if self.msg_recv_index >= self.msg_recv_len:
523653 return True
525655 except (socket.error, EOFError) as e:
527657 pass
528658 else:
529659 self.err = e
530 self.cleanup()
531660 return True
533662 def do_timeout(self):
534663 self.err = dns.exception.Timeout()
535 self.cleanup()
537665 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNSPrivate(DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNS):
538666 allow_loopback_query = True
544672 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerMulti(DNSQueryTransportHandler):
545673 singleton = False
675 def _set_timeout(self, qtm):
676 if self.timeout is None:
677 # allow 5 seconds for looking glass overhead, as a baseline
678 self.timeout = self.timeout_baseline
679 # account for worst case, in which case queries are performed serially
680 # on the remote end
681 self.timeout += qtm.timeout
547683 def finalize(self):
548684 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerMulti, self).finalize()
552688 raise self.err
554690 # if there is no content, raise an exception
555 if self.res is None:
691 if self.msg_recv is None:
556692 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('No content in response')
558694 # load the json content
559695 try:
560 content = json.loads(codecs.decode(self.res, 'utf-8'))
696 content = json.loads(codecs.decode(self.msg_recv, 'utf-8'))
561697 except ValueError:
562 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('JSON decoding of response failed: %s' % self.res)
698 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('JSON decoding of response failed: %s' % self.msg_recv)
564700 if 'version' not in content:
565701 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('No version information in response.')
577713 if 'error' in content:
578714 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('Remote query error: %s' % content['error'])
580 if 'responses' not in content:
581 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('No DNS response information in response.')
716 if self.mode == QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ:
717 if 'responses' not in content:
718 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('No DNS response information in response.')
719 else: # self.mode == QTH_MODE_READ:
720 if 'requests' not in content:
721 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('No DNS requests information in response.')
583723 for i in range(len(self.qtms)):
584724 try:
585 self.qtms[i].deserialize_response(content['responses'][i])
725 if self.mode == QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ:
726 self.qtms[i].deserialize_response(content['responses'][i])
727 else: # self.mode == QTH_MODE_READ:
728 self.qtms[i].deserialize_request(content['requests'][i])
586729 except IndexError:
587 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('DNS response information missing from response')
730 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('DNS response or request information missing from message')
588731 except TransportMetaDeserializationError as e:
589732 raise RemoteQueryTransportError(str(e))
591734 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP(DNSQueryTransportHandlerMulti):
592735 timeout_baseline = 5.0
594 def __init__(self, url, insecure=False, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
595 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP, self).__init__(processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
737 def __init__(self, url, insecure=False, sock=None, recycle_sock=True, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
738 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP, self).__init__(sock=sock, recycle_sock=recycle_sock, processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
597740 self.transport_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
626769 self.chunked_encoding = None
628 def _set_timeout(self, qtm):
629 if self.timeout is None:
630 # allow 5 seconds for HTTP overhead, as a baseline
631 self.timeout = self.timeout_baseline
632 # account for worst case, in which case queries are performed serially
633 # on the remote end
634 self.timeout += qtm.timeout
636771 def _create_socket(self):
637772 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP, self)._create_socket()
642777 if self.insecure:
643778 ctx.check_hostname = False
644779 ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
645 self.sock = ctx.wrap_socket(self.sock,
780 new_sock = Socket(ctx.wrap_socket(self.sock.sock,
781 new_sock.lock = self.sock.lock
782 self.sock = new_sock
647784 def _post_data(self):
648785 return 'content=' + urlquote.quote(json.dumps(self.serialize_requests()))
660797 def init_req(self):
661798 data = self._post_data()
662 self.req = codecs.encode('POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: DNSViz/0.6.6\r\nAccept: application/json\r\n%sContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s' % (self.path,, self._authentication_header(), len(data), data), 'latin1')
663 self.req_len = len(self.req)
664 self.req_index = 0
799 self.msg_send = codecs.encode('POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: DNSViz/0.8.0\r\nAccept: application/json\r\n%sContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s' % (self.path,, self._authentication_header(), len(data), data), 'latin1')
800 self.msg_send_len = len(self.msg_send)
801 self.msg_send_index = 0
666803 def prepare(self):
667804 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP, self).prepare()
668 if self.err is not None:
805 if self.err is not None and not isinstance(self.err, SocketInUse):
669806 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Error making HTTP connection: %s' % self.err)
671808 def do_write(self):
679816 buf = self.sock.recv(65536)
680817 if buf == b'':
681818 raise EOFError
682 self.res_buf += buf
819 self.msg_recv_buf += buf
684821 # still reading status and headers
685 if self.chunked_encoding is None and self.res_len is None:
686 headers_end_match =
822 if self.chunked_encoding is None and self.msg_recv_len is None:
823 headers_end_match =
687824 if headers_end_match is not None:
688 headers = self.res_buf[:headers_end_match.start()]
689 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[headers_end_match.end():]
825 headers = self.msg_recv_buf[:headers_end_match.start()]
826 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[headers_end_match.end():]
691828 # check HTTP status
692829 status_match =
693830 if status_match is None:
694831 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Malformed HTTP status line')
695 self.cleanup()
696832 return True
697833 status = int('status'))
698834 if status != 200:
699835 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('%d HTTP status' % status)
700 self.cleanup()
701836 return True
703838 # get content length or determine whether "chunked"
705840 content_length_match =
706841 if content_length_match is not None:
707842 self.chunked_encoding = False
708 self.res_len = int('length'))
843 self.msg_recv_len = int('length'))
709844 else:
710845 self.chunked_encoding = is not None
713848 if self.chunked_encoding:
714849 # look through as many chunks as are readily available
715850 # (without having to read from socket again)
716 while self.res_buf:
717 if self.res_len is None:
851 while self.msg_recv_buf:
852 if self.msg_recv_len is None:
718853 # looking for chunk length
720855 # strip off beginning CRLF, if any
721856 # (this is for chunks after the first one)
722 crlf_start_match =
857 crlf_start_match =
723858 if crlf_start_match is not None:
724 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[crlf_start_match.end():]
859 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[crlf_start_match.end():]
726861 # find the chunk length
727 chunk_len_match =
862 chunk_len_match =
728863 if chunk_len_match is not None:
729 self.res_len = int('length'), 16)
730 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[chunk_len_match.end():]
731 self.res_index = 0
864 self.msg_recv_len = int('length'), 16)
865 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[chunk_len_match.end():]
866 self.msg_recv_index = 0
732867 else:
733868 # if we don't currently know the length of the next
734869 # chunk, and we don't have enough data to find the
736871 # don't have any more data to go off of.
737872 break
739 if self.res_len is not None:
874 if self.msg_recv_len is not None:
740875 # we know a length of the current chunk
742 if self.res_len == 0:
877 if self.msg_recv_len == 0:
743878 # no chunks left, so clean up and return
744 self.cleanup()
745879 return True
747881 # read remaining bytes
748 bytes_remaining = self.res_len - self.res_index
749 if len(self.res_buf) > bytes_remaining:
750 self.res += self.res_buf[:bytes_remaining]
751 self.res_index = 0
752 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[bytes_remaining:]
753 self.res_len = None
882 bytes_remaining = self.msg_recv_len - self.msg_recv_index
883 if len(self.msg_recv_buf) > bytes_remaining:
884 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf[:bytes_remaining]
885 self.msg_recv_index = 0
886 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[bytes_remaining:]
887 self.msg_recv_len = None
754888 else:
755 self.res += self.res_buf
756 self.res_index += len(self.res_buf)
757 self.res_buf = b''
889 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf
890 self.msg_recv_index += len(self.msg_recv_buf)
891 self.msg_recv_buf = b''
759893 elif self.chunked_encoding == False:
760894 # output is not chunked, so we're either reading until we've
761895 # read all the bytes specified by the content-length header (if
762896 # specified) or until the server closes the connection (or we
763897 # time out)
764 if self.res_len is not None:
765 bytes_remaining = self.res_len - self.res_index
766 self.res += self.res_buf[:bytes_remaining]
767 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[bytes_remaining:]
768 self.res_index = len(self.res)
770 if self.res_index >= self.res_len:
771 self.cleanup()
898 if self.msg_recv_len is not None:
899 bytes_remaining = self.msg_recv_len - self.msg_recv_index
900 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf[:bytes_remaining]
901 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[bytes_remaining:]
902 self.msg_recv_index = len(self.msg_recv)
904 if self.msg_recv_index >= self.msg_recv_len:
772905 return True
773906 else:
774 self.res += self.res_buf
775 self.res_buf = b''
907 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf
908 self.msg_recv_buf = b''
777910 except (socket.error, EOFError) as e:
778911 if isinstance(e, socket.error) and e.errno == socket.errno.EAGAIN:
782915 # using chunked encoding, then don't throw an error. If the
783916 # content was bad, then it will be reflected in the decoding of
784917 # the content
785 if self.chunked_encoding == False and self.res_len is None:
918 if self.chunked_encoding == False and self.msg_recv_len is None:
786919 pass
787920 else:
788921 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Error communicating with HTTP server: %s' % e)
789 self.cleanup()
790922 return True
792924 def do_timeout(self):
793925 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('HTTP request timed out')
794 self.cleanup()
796927 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPPrivate(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP):
797928 allow_loopback_query = True
798929 allow_private_query = True
800 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket(DNSQueryTransportHandlerMulti):
931 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer(DNSQueryTransportHandlerMulti):
801932 timeout_baseline = 5.0
803 def __init__(self, path, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
804 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket, self).__init__(processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
933 unmask_on_recv = True
935 def __init__(self, path, sock=None, recycle_sock=True, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
936 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer, self).__init__(sock=sock, recycle_sock=recycle_sock, processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
806938 self.dst = path
807939 self.transport_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
809941 self.mask_mapping = []
810942 self.has_more = None
812 def _set_timeout(self, qtm):
813 if self.timeout is None:
814 # allow 5 seconds for browser overhead, as a baseline
815 self.timeout = self.timeout_baseline
816 # account for worst case, in which case queries are performed serially
817 # on the remote end
818 self.timeout += qtm.timeout
820944 def _get_af(self):
821945 return socket.AF_UNIX
830954 return self.dst
832956 def prepare(self):
833 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket, self).prepare()
834 if self.err is not None:
957 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer, self).prepare()
958 if self.err is not None and not isinstance(self.err, SocketInUse):
835959 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Error connecting to UNIX domain socket: %s' % self.err)
837961 def do_write(self):
838 val = super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket, self).do_write()
962 val = super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer, self).do_write()
839963 if self.err is not None:
840964 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Error writing to UNIX domain socket: %s' % self.err)
841965 return val
843967 def finalize(self):
844 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
845 if isinstance(self.msg_recv, str):
846 decode_func = lambda x: struct.unpack(b'!B', x)[0]
847 else:
848 decode_func = lambda x: x
850 new_res = b''
851 for i, mask_index in enumerate(self.mask_mapping):
852 mask_octets = struct.unpack(b'!BBBB', self.res[mask_index:mask_index + 4])
853 if i >= len(self.mask_mapping) - 1:
854 buf = self.res[mask_index + 4:]
968 if self.unmask_on_recv:
970 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
971 if isinstance(self.msg_recv, str):
972 decode_func = lambda x: struct.unpack(b'!B', x)[0]
855973 else:
856 buf = self.res[mask_index + 4:self.mask_mapping[i + 1]]
857 for j in range(len(buf)):
858 b = decode_func(buf[j])
859 new_res += struct.pack(b'!B', b ^ mask_octets[j % 4]);
860 self.res = new_res
862 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket, self).finalize()
974 decode_func = lambda x: x
976 new_msg_recv = b''
977 for i, mask_index in enumerate(self.mask_mapping):
978 mask_octets = struct.unpack(b'!BBBB', self.msg_recv[mask_index:mask_index + 4])
979 if i >= len(self.mask_mapping) - 1:
980 buf = self.msg_recv[mask_index + 4:]
981 else:
982 buf = self.msg_recv[mask_index + 4:self.mask_mapping[i + 1]]
983 for j in range(len(buf)):
984 b = decode_func(buf[j])
985 new_msg_recv += struct.pack(b'!B', b ^ mask_octets[j % 4])
987 self.msg_recv = new_msg_recv
989 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer, self).finalize()
864991 def init_req(self):
865992 data = codecs.encode(json.dumps(self.serialize_requests()), 'utf-8')
872999 header += struct.pack(b'!BH', 126, l)
8731000 else: # 0xffff < len <= 2^63
8741001 header += struct.pack(b'!BLL', 127, 0, l)
875 self.req = header + data
876 self.req_len = len(self.req)
877 self.req_index = 0
879 def init_empty_req(self):
880 self.req = b'\x81\x00'
881 self.req_len = len(self.req)
882 self.req_index = 0
1002 self.msg_send = header + data
1003 self.msg_send_len = len(self.msg_send)
1004 self.msg_send_index = 0
1006 def init_empty_msg_send(self):
1007 self.msg_send = b'\x81\x00'
1008 self.msg_send_len = len(self.msg_send)
1009 self.msg_send_index = 0
8841011 def do_read(self):
8851012 try:
8861013 buf = self.sock.recv(65536)
8871014 if buf == b'':
8881015 raise EOFError
889 self.res_buf += buf
1016 self.msg_recv_buf += buf
8911018 # look through as many frames as are readily available
8921019 # (without having to read from socket again)
893 while self.res_buf:
894 if self.res_len is None:
1020 while self.msg_recv_buf:
1021 if self.msg_recv_len is None:
8951022 # looking for frame length
896 if len(self.res_buf) >= 2:
897 byte0, byte1 = struct.unpack(b'!BB', self.res_buf[0:2])
1023 if len(self.msg_recv_buf) >= 2:
1024 byte0, byte1 = struct.unpack(b'!BB', self.msg_recv_buf[0:2])
8981025 byte1b = byte1 & 0x7f
9001027 # mask must be set
9011028 if not byte1 & 0x80:
9021029 if self.err is not None:
9031030 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Mask bit not set in message from server')
904 self.cleanup()
9051031 return True
9071033 # check for FIN flag
9151041 else: # byte1b == 127:
9161042 header_len = 10
918 if len(self.res_buf) >= header_len:
1044 if len(self.msg_recv_buf) >= header_len:
9191045 if byte1b <= 125:
920 self.res_len = byte1b
1046 self.msg_recv_len = byte1b
9211047 elif byte1b == 126:
922 self.res_len = struct.unpack(b'!H', self.res_buf[2:4])[0]
1048 self.msg_recv_len = struct.unpack(b'!H', self.msg_recv_buf[2:4])[0]
9231049 else: # byte1b == 127:
924 self.res_len = struct.unpack(b'!Q', self.res_buf[2:10])[0]
926 # handle mask
927 self.mask_mapping.append(len(self.res))
928 self.res_len += 4
930 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[header_len:]
1050 self.msg_recv_len = struct.unpack(b'!Q', self.msg_recv_buf[2:10])[0]
1052 if self.unmask_on_recv:
1053 # handle mask
1054 self.mask_mapping.append(len(self.msg_recv))
1055 self.msg_recv_len += 4
1057 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[header_len:]
9321059 else:
9331060 # if we don't currently know the length of the next
9361063 # don't have any more data to go off of.
9371064 break
939 if self.res_len is not None:
1066 if self.msg_recv_len is not None:
9401067 # we know a length of the current chunk
9421069 # read remaining bytes
943 bytes_remaining = self.res_len - self.res_index
944 if len(self.res_buf) > bytes_remaining:
945 self.res += self.res_buf[:bytes_remaining]
946 self.res_index = 0
947 self.res_buf = self.res_buf[bytes_remaining:]
948 self.res_len = None
1070 bytes_remaining = self.msg_recv_len - self.msg_recv_index
1071 if len(self.msg_recv_buf) > bytes_remaining:
1072 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf[:bytes_remaining]
1073 self.msg_recv_index = 0
1074 self.msg_recv_buf = self.msg_recv_buf[bytes_remaining:]
1075 self.msg_recv_len = None
9491076 else:
950 self.res += self.res_buf
951 self.res_index += len(self.res_buf)
952 self.res_buf = b''
954 if self.res_index >= self.res_len and not self.has_more:
955 self.cleanup()
1077 self.msg_recv += self.msg_recv_buf
1078 self.msg_recv_index += len(self.msg_recv_buf)
1079 self.msg_recv_buf = b''
1081 if self.msg_recv_index >= self.msg_recv_len and not self.has_more:
9561082 return True
9581084 except (socket.error, EOFError) as e:
9601086 pass
9611087 else:
9621088 self.err = e
963 self.cleanup()
9641089 return True
9661091 def do_timeout(self):
9671092 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Read of UNIX domain socket timed out')
968 self.cleanup()
970 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketPrivate(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket):
1094 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerPrivate(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer):
9711095 allow_loopback_query = True
9721096 allow_private_query = True
1098 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClient(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer):
1099 unmask_on_recv = False
1101 def __init__(self, sock, recycle_sock=True, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
1102 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClient, self).__init__(None, sock=sock, recycle_sock=recycle_sock, processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
1104 def _init_req(self, data):
1105 header = b'\x81'
1106 l = len(data)
1107 if l <= 125:
1108 header += struct.pack(b'!B', l | 0x80)
1109 elif l <= 0xffff:
1110 header += struct.pack(b'!BH', 126 | 0x80, l)
1111 else: # 0xffff < len <= 2^63
1112 header += struct.pack(b'!BLL', 127 | 0x80, 0, l)
1114 mask_int = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
1115 mask = [(mask_int >> 24) & 0xff,
1116 (mask_int >> 16) & 0xff,
1117 (mask_int >> 8) & 0xff,
1118 mask_int & 0xff]
1120 header += struct.pack(b'!BBBB', *mask)
1122 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
1123 if isinstance(data, str):
1124 map_func = lambda x: ord(x)
1125 else:
1126 map_func = lambda x: x
1128 self.msg_send = header
1129 for i, b in enumerate(data):
1130 self.msg_send += struct.pack(b'!B', mask[i % 4] ^ map_func(b))
1131 self.msg_send_len = len(self.msg_send)
1132 self.msg_send_index = 0
1134 def init_req(self):
1135 self._init_req(codecs.encode(json.dumps(self.serialize_responses()), 'utf-8'))
1137 def init_err_send(self, err):
1138 self._init_req(codecs.encode(err, 'utf-8'))
1140 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClientReader(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClient):
1141 mode = QTH_MODE_READ
1143 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClientWriter(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketClient):
1144 mode = QTH_MODE_WRITE
1146 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd(DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer):
1147 allow_loopback_query = True
1148 allow_private_query = True
1150 def __init__(self, args, sock=None, recycle_sock=True, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
1151 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).__init__(None, sock=sock, recycle_sock=recycle_sock, processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
1153 self.args = args
1155 def _get_af(self):
1156 return None
1158 def _bind_socket(self):
1159 pass
1161 def _set_socket_info(self):
1162 pass
1164 def _get_connect_arg(self):
1165 return None
1167 def _create_socket(self):
1168 try:
1169 p = subprocess.Popen(self.args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1170 except OSError as e:
1171 raise socket.error(str(e))
1172 else:
1173 self.sock = ReaderWriter(, 'rb'),, 'wb'), p)
1175 def _connect_socket(self):
1176 pass
1178 def do_write(self):
1179 if self.sock.proc.poll() is not None:
1180 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Subprocess has ended with status %d.' % (self.sock.proc.returncode))
1181 return True
1182 return super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).do_write()
1184 def do_read(self):
1185 if self.sock.proc.poll() is not None:
1186 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Subprocess has ended with status %d.' % (self.sock.proc.returncode))
1187 return True
1188 return super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).do_read()
1190 def cleanup(self):
1191 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).cleanup()
1192 if self.sock is not None and not self.recycle_sock and self.sock.proc is not None and self.sock.proc.poll() is None:
1193 self.sock.proc.terminate()
1194 self.sock.proc.wait()
1195 return True
1197 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmd(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd):
1198 timeout_baseline = 10.0
1200 def __init__(self, url, sock=None, recycle_sock=True, processed_queue=None, factory=None):
1202 parse_result = urlparse.urlparse(url)
1203 scheme = parse_result.scheme
1204 if not scheme:
1205 scheme = 'ssh'
1206 elif scheme != 'ssh':
1207 raise RemoteQueryTransportError('Invalid scheme: %s' % scheme)
1209 args = ['ssh', '-T']
1210 if parse_result.port is not None:
1211 args.extend(['-p', str(parse_result.port)])
1212 if parse_result.username is not None:
1213 args.append('%s@%s' % (parse_result.username, parse_result.hostname))
1214 else:
1215 args.append('%s' % (parse_result.hostname))
1216 if parse_result.path and parse_result.path != '/':
1217 args.append(parse_result.path)
1218 else:
1219 args.append('dnsviz lookingglass')
1221 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmd, self).__init__(args, sock=sock, recycle_sock=recycle_sock, processed_queue=processed_queue, factory=factory)
1223 def _get_af(self):
1224 return None
1226 def _bind_socket(self):
1227 pass
1229 def _set_socket_info(self):
1230 pass
1232 def _get_connect_arg(self):
1233 return None
1235 def _create_socket(self):
1236 try:
1237 p = subprocess.Popen(self.args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1238 except OSError as e:
1239 raise socket.error(str(e))
1240 else:
1241 self.sock = ReaderWriter(, 'rb'),, 'wb'), p)
1243 def _connect_socket(self):
1244 pass
1246 def do_write(self):
1247 if self.sock.proc.poll() is not None:
1248 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Subprocess has ended with status %d.' % (self.sock.proc.returncode))
1249 return True
1250 return super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).do_write()
1252 def do_read(self):
1253 if self.sock.proc.poll() is not None:
1254 self.err = RemoteQueryTransportError('Subprocess has ended with status %d.' % (self.sock.proc.returncode))
1255 return True
1256 return super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).do_read()
1258 def cleanup(self):
1259 super(DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd, self).cleanup()
1260 if self.sock is not None and not self.recycle_sock and self.sock.proc is not None and self.sock.proc.poll() is None:
1261 self.sock.proc.terminate()
1262 self.sock.proc.wait()
1263 return True
9741265 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory(object):
9751266 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandler
9781269 self.args = args
9791270 self.kwargs = kwargs
9801271 self.kwargs['factory'] = self
1272 self.lock = threading.Lock()
1273 self.sock = None
1275 def __del__(self):
1276 if self.sock is not None:
1277 self.sock.close()
9821279 def build(self, **kwargs):
1280 if 'sock' not in kwargs and self.sock is not None:
1281 kwargs['sock'] = self.sock
9831282 for name in self.kwargs:
9841283 if name not in kwargs:
9851284 kwargs[name] = self.kwargs[name]
9971296 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPPrivateFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
9981297 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPPrivate
1000 class _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1001 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocket
1003 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketFactory:
1299 class _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1300 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServer
1302 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerFactory:
10041303 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1005 self._f = _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketFactory(*args, **kwargs)
1304 self._f = _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerFactory(*args, **kwargs)
10071306 def __del__(self):
10081307 try:
10091308 qth =
1010 qth.init_empty_req()
1309 qth.init_empty_msg_send()
10111310 qth.prepare()
10121311 qth.do_write()
10131312 except:
10201319 def build(self, **kwargs):
10211320 return**kwargs)
1023 class _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketPrivateFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1024 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketPrivate
1026 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketPrivateFactory:
1322 class _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerPrivateFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1323 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerPrivate
1325 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerPrivateFactory:
10271326 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1028 self._f = _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketPrivateFactory(*args, **kwargs)
1327 self._f = _DNSQueryTransportHandlerWebSocketServerPrivateFactory(*args, **kwargs)
10301329 def __del__(self):
10311330 try:
10321331 qth =
1033 qth.init_empty_req()
1332 qth.init_empty_msg_send()
10341333 qth.prepare()
10351334 qth.do_write()
10361335 except:
10431342 def build(self, **kwargs):
10441343 return**kwargs)
1345 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmdFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1346 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerCmd
1348 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmdFactory(DNSQueryTransportHandlerFactory):
1349 cls = DNSQueryTransportHandlerRemoteCmd
10461351 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerWrapper(object):
10471352 def __init__(self, qh):
10481353 self.qh = qh
10601365 def __init__(self):
10611366 self._notify_read_fd, self._notify_write_fd = os.pipe()
10621367 fcntl.fcntl(self._notify_read_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
1063 self._query_queue = queue.Queue()
1368 self._msg_queue = queue.Queue()
10641369 self._event_map = {}
10661371 self._close = threading.Event()
10711376 self._close.set()
10721377 os.write(self._notify_write_fd, struct.pack(b'!B', 0))
1074 def query(self, qh):
1379 def handle_msg(self, qh):
10751380 self._event_map[qh] = threading.Event()
1076 self._query(qh)
1381 self._handle_msg(qh, True)
10771382 self._event_map[qh].wait()
10781383 del self._event_map[qh]
1080 def query_nowait(self, qh):
1081 self._query(qh)
1083 def _query(self, qh):
1084 self._query_queue.put(qh)
1085 os.write(self._notify_write_fd, struct.pack(b'!B', 0))
1385 def handle_msg_nowait(self, qh):
1386 self._handle_msg(qh, True)
1388 def _handle_msg(self, qh, notify):
1389 self._msg_queue.put(qh)
1390 if notify:
1391 os.write(self._notify_write_fd, struct.pack(b'!B', 0))
10871393 def _loop(self):
10881394 '''Return the data resulting from a UDP transaction.'''
11151421 qh = query_meta[fd]
11171423 if qh.do_write():
1118 if qh.err is not None:
1424 if qh.err is not None or qh.mode == QTH_MODE_WRITE:
1425 qh.cleanup()
11191426 finished_fds.append(fd)
1120 else:
1427 else: # qh.mode == QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ
11211428 wlist_in.remove(fd)
1122 rlist_in.append(fd)
1429 rlist_in.append(qh.sock.reader_fd)
11241431 # handle the responses
11251432 for fd in rlist_out:
11291436 qh = query_meta[fd]
1131 if qh.do_read():
1132 finished_fds.append(fd)
1438 if qh.do_read(): # qh.mode in (QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ, QTH_MODE_READ)
1439 qh.cleanup()
1440 finished_fds.append(qh.sock.reader_fd)
11341442 # handle the expired queries
11351443 future_index = bisect.bisect_right(expirations, ((time.time(), DNSQueryTransportHandlerWrapper(None))))
11421450 continue
11441452 qh.do_timeout()
1145 finished_fds.append(qh.sockfd)
1453 qh.cleanup()
1454 finished_fds.append(qh.sock.reader_fd)
11461455 expirations = expirations[future_index:]
11481457 # for any fds that need to be finished, do it now
11491458 for fd in finished_fds:
1459 qh = query_meta[fd]
11501460 try:
1151 rlist_in.remove(fd)
1461 rlist_in.remove(qh.sock.reader_fd)
11521462 except ValueError:
1153 wlist_in.remove(fd)
1154 if query_meta[fd] in self._event_map:
1155 self._event_map[query_meta[fd]].set()
1463 wlist_in.remove(qh.sock.writer_fd)
1464 if qh in self._event_map:
1465 self._event_map[qh].set()
11561466 del query_meta[fd]
1468 if finished_fds:
1469 # if any sockets were finished, then notify, in case any
1470 # queued messages are waiting to be handled.
1471 os.write(self._notify_write_fd, struct.pack(b'!B', 0))
11581473 # handle the new queries
11591474 if self._notify_read_fd in rlist_out:
11601475 # empty the pipe
11611476, 65536)
1478 requeue = []
11631479 while True:
11641480 try:
1165 qh = self._query_queue.get_nowait()
1481 qh = self._msg_queue.get_nowait()
11661482 qh.prepare()
11671484 if qh.err is not None:
1168 if qh in self._event_map:
1169 self._event_map[qh].set()
1485 if isinstance(qh.err, SocketInUse):
1486 # if this was a SocketInUse, just requeue, and try again
1487 qh.err = None
1488 requeue.append(qh)
1490 else:
1491 qh.cleanup()
1492 if qh in self._event_map:
1493 self._event_map[qh].set()
11701494 else:
11711495 # if we successfully bound and connected the
11721496 # socket, then put this socket in the write fd list
1173 fd = qh.sock.fileno()
1174 query_meta[fd] = qh
1497 query_meta[qh.sock.reader_fd] = qh
1498 query_meta[qh.sock.writer_fd] = qh
11751499 bisect.insort(expirations, (qh.expiration, DNSQueryTransportHandlerWrapper(qh)))
1176 wlist_in.append(fd)
1500 if qh.mode in (QTH_MODE_WRITE_READ, QTH_MODE_WRITE):
1501 wlist_in.append(qh.sock.writer_fd)
1502 elif qh.mode == QTH_MODE_READ:
1503 rlist_in.append(qh.sock.reader_fd)
1504 else:
1505 raise Exception('Unexpected mode: %d' % qh.mode)
11771506 except queue.Empty:
11781507 break
1509 for qh in requeue:
1510 self._handle_msg(qh, False)
11801512 class DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTPPrivate(DNSQueryTransportHandlerHTTP):
11811513 allow_loopback_query = True
11881520 def __del__(self):
11891521 self.close()
1191 def query(self, qh):
1192 return self._th.query(qh)
1194 def query_nowait(self, qh):
1195 return self._th.query_nowait(qh)
1523 def handle_msg(self, qh):
1524 return self._th.handle_msg(qh)
1526 def handle_msg_nowait(self, qh):
1527 return self._th.handle_msg_nowait(qh)
11971529 def close(self):
11981530 return self._th.close()
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016-2017 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8987 '''
92 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:1::803f:235')), # December 1, 2015
93 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:3::42')), # March 24, 2016
94 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:84::b')), # June 1, 2017
90 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:1::803f:235')), # 2015-12-01
91 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:3::42')), # 2016-03-24
92 (''), IPAddr('2001:500:84::b')), # 2017-06-01
9593 )
9795 # The following list should include all current and historical trust anchors
108106 ('. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAagAIKlVZrpC6Ia7gEzahOR+9W29euxhJhVVLOyQbSEW0O8gcCjF FVQUTf6v58fLjwBd0YI0EzrAcQqBGCzh/RStIoO8g0NfnfL2MTJRkxoX bfDaUeVPQuYEhg37NZWAJQ9VnMVDxP/VHL496M/QZxkjf5/Efucp2gaD X6RS6CXpoY68LsvPVjR0ZSwzz1apAzvN9dlzEheX7ICJBBtuA6G3LQpz W5hOA2hzCTMjJPJ8LbqF6dsV6DoBQzgul0sGIcGOYl7OyQdXfZ57relS Qageu+ipAdTTJ25AsRTAoub8ONGcLmqrAmRLKBP1dfwhYB4N7knNnulq QxA+Uk1ihz0=',
109107 datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.utc),
110 datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.utc)),
108 datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, fmt.utc)), # 2018-10-11 16:00:00 UTC + 4 days (2*TTL)
111109 ('. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAaz/tAm8yTn4Mfeh5eyI96WSVexTBAvkMgJzkKTOiW1vkIbzxeF3 +/4RgWOq7HrxRixHlFlExOLAJr5emLvN7SWXgnLh4+B5xQlNVz8Og8kv ArMtNROxVQuCaSnIDdD5LKyWbRd2n9WGe2R8PzgCmr3EgVLrjyBxWezF 0jLHwVN8efS3rCj/EWgvIWgb9tarpVUDK/b58Da+sqqls3eNbuv7pr+e oZG+SrDK6nWeL3c6H5Apxz7LjVc1uTIdsIXxuOLYA4/ilBmSVIzuDWfd RUfhHdY6+cn8HFRm+2hM8AnXGXws9555KrUB5qihylGa8subX2Nn6UwN R1AkUTV74bU=',
112 datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.utc),
110 datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.utc), # 2017-07-12 00:00:00 UTC + 30 days (RFC 5011 add hold-down time)
113111 None),
114112 )
167165 def get_root_hints():
168166 try:
169 return get_hints(, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read())
167 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
168 return get_hints(
170169 except IOError:
171170 return get_hints(ROOT_HINTS_STR_DEFAULT)
00 #
11 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
2 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
3 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
4 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
2 # analysis, and visualization.
53 # Created by Casey Deccio (
64 #
75 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 #
119 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
1210 #
13 # Copyright 2016 Casey Deccio.
11 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1412 #
1513 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1614 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2927 from __future__ import unicode_literals
3129 import codecs
32 import cgi
3330 import errno
3431 import io
3532 import json
4340 from collections import OrderedDict
4441 except ImportError:
4542 from ordereddict import OrderedDict
44 # python3/python2 dual compatibility
45 try:
46 from html import escape
47 except ImportError:
48 from cgi import escape
4750 import, dns.rdtypes, dns.rdatatype, dns.dnssec
110113 d = OrderedDict()
112115 if html_format:
113 formatter = lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True)
116 formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
114117 else:
115118 formatter = lambda x: x
160163 self.dnskey_ids = {}
161164 self.ds_ids = {}
162165 self.nsec_ids = {}
166 self.rrset_ids = {}
163167 self.next_dnskey_id = 0
164168 self.next_ds_id = 0
165169 self.next_nsec_id = 0
170 self.next_rrset_id = 10
167172 def _raphael_unit_mapping_expression(self, val, unit):
168173 #XXX doesn't work properly
670675 self.node_mapping[edge_id].add(rrsig_status)
671676 self.node_reverse_mapping[rrsig_status] = edge_id
678 def id_for_rrset(self, rrset_info):
679 name, rdtype =, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype
680 try:
681 rrset_info_list = self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)]
682 except KeyError:
683 self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)] = []
684 rrset_info_list = self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)]
686 for rrset_info1, id in rrset_info_list:
687 if rrset_info == rrset_info1:
688 return id
690 id = self.next_rrset_id
691 self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)].append((rrset_info, id))
692 self.next_rrset_id += 1
693 return id
673695 def rrset_node_str(self, name, rdtype, id):
674696 return 'RRset-%d|%s|%s' % (id, fmt.humanize_name(name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype))
679701 def get_rrset(self, name, rdtype, id):
680702 return self.G.get_node(self.rrset_node_str(name, rdtype, id))
682 def add_rrset(self, rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj, id):
704 def add_rrset(self, rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj):
683705 name = wildcard_name or
684 node_str = self.rrset_node_str(name, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype, id)
706 node_str = self.rrset_node_str(name, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype, self.id_for_rrset(rrset_info))
685707 node_id = node_str.replace('*', '_')
687709 if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
845867 def add_warnings(self, name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, warnings_list):
846868 return self._add_errors(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, warnings_list, 3, WARNING_ICON, 'warnings', 'WARNING', 'Response warnings for')
848 def add_dname(self, dname_status, name_obj, zone_obj, id):
870 def add_dname(self, dname_status, name_obj, zone_obj):
849871 dname_rrset_info = dname_status.synthesized_cname.dname_info
850 dname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_rrset_info, None, name_obj, zone_obj, id)
872 dname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_rrset_info, None, name_obj, zone_obj)
852874 if dname_status.validation_status == Status.DNAME_STATUS_VALID:
853875 line_color = COLORS['secure']
862884 if dname_status.included_cname is None:
863885 cname_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, zone_obj, Response.NegativeResponseInfo(, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, False), False, False)
864886 else:
865 cname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_status.included_cname, None, name_obj, zone_obj, id)
887 cname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_status.included_cname, None, name_obj, zone_obj)
867889 edge_id = 'dname-%s|%s|%s|%s' % (cname_node, dname_node, line_color.lstrip('#'), line_style)
868890 edge_key = '%s-%s' % (line_color, line_style)
10121034 return nsec_node
1014 def add_wildcard(self, name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name, id):
1015 wildcard_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj, id)
1036 def add_wildcard(self, name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name):
1037 wildcard_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj)
10161038 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, wildcard_node)
10171039 nxdomain_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name], True, True)
10251047 return wildcard_node
10271049 #XXX consider adding this node (using, e.g., clustering)
1028 #rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, zone_obj, zone_obj, id)
1050 #rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, zone_obj, zone_obj)
10291051 #self.G.add_edge(rrset_node, nxdomain_node, color=COLORS['secure'], style='invis', dir='back')
10301052 #self.G.add_edge(rrset_node, wildcard_node, color=COLORS['secure'], style='invis', dir='back')
10311053 #return rrset_node
10491071 self.add_rrsig(rrsig_status, name_obj, signer_obj, signed_node, port=port)
10511073 def graph_rrset_auth(self, name_obj, name, rdtype):
1052 if (name, rdtype) in self.processed_rrsets:
1053 return self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)]
1054 self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)] = []
1074 if (name, rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1075 self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)] = []
10561077 #XXX there are reasons for this (e.g., NXDOMAIN, after which no further
10571078 # queries are made), but it would be good to have a sanity check, so
10871108 if cname_obj is not None:
10881109 cname_nodes.extend(self.graph_rrset_auth(cname_obj, target, rdtype))
1090 id = 10
10911111 query = name_obj.queries[(name, rdtype)]
10921112 node_to_cname_mapping = set()
10931113 for rrset_info in query.answer_info:
11141134 #XXX can we combine wildcard components into a cluster?
11151135 if rrset_info in name_obj.dname_status:
11161136 for dname_status in name_obj.dname_status[rrset_info]:
1117 my_nodes.append(self.add_dname(dname_status, name_obj, my_zone_obj, id))
1118 id += 1
1137 my_nodes.append(self.add_dname(dname_status, name_obj, my_zone_obj))
11191138 elif rrset_info.wildcard_info:
11201139 for wildcard_name in rrset_info.wildcard_info:
11211140 if name_obj.wildcard_status[rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name]]:
11221141 for nsec_status in name_obj.wildcard_status[rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name]]:
1123 my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name, id))
1124 id += 1
1142 my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name))
11251143 else:
1126 my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, None, wildcard_name, id))
1127 id += 1
1128 else:
1129 rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj, id)
1144 my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, None, wildcard_name))
1145 else:
1146 rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj)
11301147 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, rrset_node)
11311148 my_nodes.append(rrset_node)
1132 id += 1
11341150 # if this is a CNAME record, create a node-to-target mapping
11351151 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
11671183 nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
11681184 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1170 id += 1
11711186 for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
11721187 # If no servers match the authoritative servers, then put this in the parent zone
11731188 if not set([s for (s,c) in soa_rrset_info.servers_clients]).intersection(my_zone_obj.get_auth_or_designated_servers()) and my_zone_obj.parent is not None:
11741189 z_obj = my_zone_obj.parent
11751190 else:
11761191 z_obj = my_zone_obj
1177 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, z_obj, id)
1192 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, z_obj)
11781193 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
1179 id += 1
11811195 for neg_response_info in query.nodata_info:
11821196 # only do qname, unless analysis type is recursive
12021216 nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
12031217 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1205 id += 1
12061219 for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
1207 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj, id)
1220 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj)
12081221 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
1209 id += 1
12111223 error_node = self.add_errors(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, name_obj.response_errors[query])
12121224 if error_node is not None:
13061318 # Map CNAME responses to DNSKEY/DS queries to appropriate node
13071319 for rrset_info in name_obj.queries[(, rdtype)].answer_info:
13081320 if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
1309 rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj,, 0)
1321 rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj,
13101322 if rrset_node not in self.node_mapping:
13111323 self.node_mapping[rrset_node] = []
13121324 self.node_mapping[rrset_node].add(rrset_info)
13891401 # add SOA
13901402 for soa_rrset_info in soa_rrsets:
1391 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, parent_obj, 0)
1403 soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, parent_obj)
13921404 self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, parent_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
13941406 # add mappings for negative responses
00 Metadata-Version: 1.1
11 Name: dnsviz
2 Version: 0.6.6
2 Version: 0.8.0
33 Summary: DNS analysis and visualization tool suite
44 Home-page:
55 Author: Casey Deccio
1818 Classifier: Natural Language :: English
1919 Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
2020 Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
21 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
2221 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
2322 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
2423 Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: Name Service (DNS)
2726 Requires: pygraphviz (>=1.1)
2827 Requires: m2crypto (>=0.24.0)
2928 Requires: dnspython (>=1.11)
29 Requires: libnacl
4 requirements.txt
5 setup.cfg
57 bin/dnsviz
68 contrib/digviz
79 contrib/dnsviz-lg-ws.js
810 contrib/dnsviz-lg.cgi
9 contrib/m2crypto-0.23.patch
10 contrib/m2crypto-pre0.23.patch
11 contrib/dnsviz-py2.spec
12 contrib/dnsviz-py3.spec
1113 contrib/
1214 contrib/dnsviz-lg-java/net/dnsviz/applet/
1315 contrib/dnsviz-lg-java/net/dnsviz/lookingglass/
4547 dnsviz/commands/
4648 dnsviz/commands/
4749 dnsviz/commands/
50 dnsviz/commands/
4851 dnsviz/commands/
4952 dnsviz/commands/
5053 dnsviz/commands/
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz-probe 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz-probe 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz-graph \- graph the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries
6668 input.
6769 .TP
6870 .B -t \fIfilename\fR
69 Specify a file that contains trusted keys for processing diagnostic queries.
71 Use trusted keys from the specified file when processing diagnostic queries.
7072 This overrides the default behavior of using the installed keys for the root
7173 zone.
7476 records that correspond to one more trusted keys for one or more DNS zones.
7678 This option may be used multiple times on the command line.
79 .TP
80 .B -C
81 Enforce DNS cookies strictly. Require a server to return a "BADCOOKIE" response
82 when a query contains a COOKIE option with no server cookie or with an invalid
83 server cookie.
7784 .TP
7885 .B -R \fItype\fR[,\fItype...\fI]
7986 Process queries of only the specified type(s) (e.g., A, AAAA). The default is
8087 to process all types queried as part of the diagnostic input.
8188 .TP
89 .B -e
90 Do not remove redundant RRSIG edges from the graph.
92 As described in \fB"RRSIGs"\fR, some edges representing RRSIGs made by KSKs are
93 removed from the graph to reduce visual complexity. If this option is used,
94 those edges are preserved.
95 .TP
8296 .B -O
8397 Save the output to a file, whose name is derived from the format (i.e.,
8498 provided to \fB-T\fR) and the domain name.
95109 contain the collective output for all domain names processed.
96110 .TP
97111 .B -T \fIformat\fR
98 Specify the format of the format from among the following: "dot", "png", "jpg",
99 "svg", and "html". The default is "dot".
112 Use the specified output format for the graph, selected from among the
113 following: "dot", "png", "jpg", "svg", and "html". The default is "dot".
100114 .TP
101115 .B -h
102116 Display the usage and exit.
464478 .IP 3
465479 There was an error processing the input or saving the output.
466480 .IP 4
467 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error ocurred.
481 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error occurred.
468482 .SH SEE ALSO
469483 .BR dnsviz(1),
470484 .BR dnsviz-probe(1),
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz-grok 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz-grok 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz-grok \- assess diagnostic DNS queries
6466 input.
6567 .TP
6668 .B -t \fIfilename\fR
67 Specify a file that contains trusted keys for processing diagnostic queries.
68 The default is to not use any trusted keys.
69 Use trusted keys from the specified file when processing diagnostic queries.
70 This overrides the default behavior of using the installed keys for the root
71 zone.
7073 The format of this file is master zone file format and should contain DNSKEY
7174 records that correspond to one more trusted keys for one or more DNS zones.
7376 This option may be used multiple times on the command line.
7477 .TP
78 .B -C
79 Enforce DNS cookies strictly. Require a server to return a "BADCOOKIE" response
80 when a query contains a COOKIE option with no server cookie or with an invalid
81 server cookie.
82 .TP
7583 \fB-o\fR \fIfilename\fR
7684 Write the output to the specified file instead of to standard output, which
7785 is the default.
7886 .TP
7987 .B -c
80 Make JSON output minimal instead of "pretty" (i.e., remove indentation and
88 Format JSON output minimally instead of "pretty" (i.e., with indentation and
8189 newlines).
8290 .TP
8391 .B -l \fIlevel\fR
99107 .IP 3
100108 There was an error processing the input or saving the output.
101109 .IP 4
102 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error ocurred.
110 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error occurred.
103111 .SH SEE ALSO
104112 .BR dnsviz(1),
105113 .BR dnsviz-probe(1),
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz-print 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz-print 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz-print \- print the assessment of diagnostic DNS queries
6668 input.
6769 .TP
6870 .B -t \fIfilename\fR
69 Specify a file that contains trusted keys for processing diagnostic queries.
70 This overrides the default behavior of using the built-in keys for the root
71 Use trusted keys from the specified file when processing diagnostic queries.
72 This overrides the default behavior of using the installed keys for the root
7173 zone.
7375 The format of this file is master zone file format and should contain DNSKEY
7476 records that correspond to one more trusted keys for one or more DNS zones.
7678 This option may be used multiple times on the command line.
79 .TP
80 .B -C
81 Enforce DNS cookies strictly. Require a server to return a "BADCOOKIE" response
82 when a query contains a COOKIE option with no server cookie or with an invalid
83 server cookie.
7784 .TP
7885 .B -R \fItype\fR[,\fItype...\fR]
7986 Process queries of only the specified type(s) (e.g., A, AAAA). The default is
290297 .IP 3
291298 There was an error processing the input or saving the output.
292299 .IP 4
293 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error ocurred.
300 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error occurred.
294301 .SH SEE ALSO
295302 .BR dnsviz(1),
296303 .BR dnsviz-probe(1),
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz-probe 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz-probe 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz-probe \- issue diagnostic DNS queries
6163 servers. Specify "-" to read from standard input.
6264 .TP
6365 .B -t \fIthreads\fR
64 Specify the number of threads to use for issuing diagnostic queries for
65 different names in parallel. The default is to execute diagnostic queries of
66 names serially.
66 Issue diagnostic queries for different names in parallel using the specified
67 number of threads. The default is to execute diagnostic queries of names
68 serially.
6769 .TP
6870 .B -4
6971 Use IPv4 only.
7274 Use IPv6 only.
7375 .TP
7476 .B -b \fIaddress\fR
75 Specify a source IPv4 or IPv6 address for queries, rather than detecting it.
77 Use the specified source IPv4 or IPv6 address for queries, rather than
78 detecting it.
7780 This option can be used more than once to supply both an IPv4 and an IPv6
7881 address.
8184 and it is desirable to use the non-default interface for queries.
8285 .TP
8386 .B -u \fIurl\fR
84 Specify the URL (HTTP/HTTPS only) for a DNS looking glass that will send the
85 diagnostic queries, rather than sending them locally.
87 Issue queries through the DNS looking glass at the specified URL (HTTP(S) or
88 SSH). The queries will appear to come from the looking glass rather than from
89 the local machine.
8791 .RS
8892 .RS
99103 Same, but use HTTP Basic authentication:
100104 .P
106 .PD
107 .P
108 .PD 0
109 Issue DNS queries from on which DNSViz is also installed.
110 .P
111 ssh://
102112 .PD
103113 .RE
104114 .P
110120 .TP
111121 .B -k
112 When \fB-u\fR is used to specify the URL of a DNS looking glass, don't verify
113 the server-side TLS cert.
122 Do not verify the server-side TLS certificate for a HTTPS-based DNS looking
123 glass that was specified using \fB-u\fR.
114124 .TP
115125 .B -a \fIancestor\fR
116126 Issue diagnostic queries of each domain name through the specified ancestor. The
126136 is a zone).
127137 .TP
128138 .B -s \fIserver\fR[,\fIserver...\fR]
129 Designate one or more servers for recursive queries, rather than using those
130 specified in \fI/etc/resolv.conf\fR.
139 Query the specified recursive resolver(s), rather than using those specified in
140 \fI/etc/resolv.conf\fR.
132142 Each server specified may either be an address (IPv4 or IPv6), a domain name
133143 (which will be resolved to an address using the standard resolution process),
169179 Query authoritative servers, rather than (the default) recursive servers.
170180 .TP
171181 .B -x \fIdomain\fR[\fB+\fR]\fB:\fR\fIserver\fR[,\fIserver...\fR]
172 Explicitly designate authoritative servers for a domain, rather than learning
173 them by following delegations. This option dictates which servers will be
174 queried for a domain, but the servers specified will not be used to check NS or
175 glue record consistency with the child; for that behavior, see \fB-N\fR.
182 Treat the specified servers as authoritative for a domain, rather than learning
183 authoritative servers by following delegations. This option dictates which
184 servers will be queried for a domain, but the servers specified will not be
185 used to check NS or glue record consistency with the child; for that behavior,
186 see \fB-N\fR.
177188 The default behavior is to identify and query servers authoritative for
178189 ancestors of the specified domain, if other options so dictate. However, if
212223 .RE
213224 .TP
214225 .B -N \fIdomain\fR\fB:\fR\fIserver\fR[,\fIserver...\fR]
215 Specify delegation information for a domain, i.e., the NS and glue records for
216 the domain, which would be served by the domain's parent. This is used for
217 testing new delegations or testing a potential change to a delegation.
226 Use the specified delegation information for a domain, i.e., the NS and glue
227 records for the domain, which would be served by the domain's parent. This is
228 used for testing new delegations or testing a potential change to a delegation.
219230 This option has similar usage to that of the \fB-x\fR option. The major
220231 difference is that the server names supplied comprise the NS record set, and
227238 specified, which contains the delegation NS and glue records for the domain.
228239 .TP
229240 .B -D \fIdomain\fR\fB:\fR\fIds\fR[,\fIds...\fR]
230 Specify one or more delegation signer (DS) records for a domain. This is used
241 Use the specified delegation signer (DS) records for a domain. This is used
231242 in conjunction with the \fB-N\fR option for testing the introduction or change
232243 of DS records.
268279 .B -n
269280 Use the NSID EDNS option with every DNS query issued.
270281 .TP
271 .B -e \fIsubnet\fR[\fB:\fR\fIprefix\fR]
282 .B -e \fIsubnet\fR[\fB:\fR\fIprefix_len\fR]
272283 Use the EDNS Client Subnet option with every DNS query issued, using the
273 specified \fIsubnet\fR and \fIprefix\fR as values. If \fIprefix\fR is not
284 specified \fIsubnet\fR and \fIprefix_len\fR as values. If \fIprefix\fR is not
274285 specified, the prefix is the length of the entire address.
275286 .TP
287 .B -c \fIcookie\fR
288 Send the specified DNS client cookie with every DNS query issued. The value
289 specified is for a client cookie only and thus should be exactly 64 bits long.
290 The value for the cookie is specified using hexadecimal representation, e.g.,
291 deadbeef1580f00d.
293 If the \fB-c\fR option is not used, the default behavior is for a DNS client
294 cookie to be generated randomly to be sent with queries. If an empty string is
295 specified, then DNS cookies are disabled.
296 .TP
276297 .B -E
277 Include diagnostic DNS queries that can assess EDNS compatibility of servers.
298 Issue queries to check EDNS compatibility of servers.
279300 If this option is used, each server probed will be queried with "future" EDNS
280301 settings, the respective responses can later be assessed for proper behavior.
286307 is the default.
287308 .TP
288309 .B -p
289 Make JSON output "pretty" instead of minimal (i.e., using indentation and
290 newlines). Note that this is the default when the output is a TTY.
310 Output "pretty" instead of minimal JSON output, i.e., using indentation and
311 newlines. Note that this is the default when the output is a TTY.
291312 .TP
292313 .B -h
293314 Display the usage and exit.
303324 .IP 3
304325 There was an error processing the input or saving the output.
305326 .IP 4
306 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error ocurred.
327 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error occurred.
307328 .SH SEE ALSO
308329 .BR dnsviz(1),
309330 .BR dnsviz-grok(1),
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz-query 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz-query 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz-query \- assess a DNS query
107109 .IP 0
108110 Program terminated normally.
109111 .IP 1
110 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error ocurred.
112 Program execution was interrupted, or an unknown error occurred.
111113 .SH SEE ALSO
112114 .BR dnsviz(1),
113115 .BR dnsviz-probe(1),
33 .\" Created by Casey Deccio (
44 .\"
55 .\" Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
6 .\"
7 .\" Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
68 .\"
79 .\" DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
810 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1719 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1820 .\" with DNSViz. If not, see <>.
1921 .\"
20 .TH dnsviz 1 "30 Jun 2017" "0.6.6"
22 .TH dnsviz 1 "25 Jan 2019" "0.8.0"
2123 .SH NAME
2224 dnsviz \- issue and assess diagnostic DNS queries
2426 .P
2527 .B dnsviz
28 [ \fIoptions \fR ]
2629 \fIcommand\fR
27 [ \fIoptions\fR ]
30 [ \fIargs\fR ]
2831 .TP
2932 .B dnsviz
33 [ \fIoptions \fR ]
3034 \fBhelp\fR [ \fIcommand\fR ]
3236 .P
4347 argument is "help", then the usage of the command specified by the second
4448 argument is displayed. If no second argument is provided, then a general usage
4549 message is given.
51 .TP
52 .B -p \fIpath\fR
53 Add a path to the python path.
4755 .TP
4856 .B probe
0 dnspython
1 pygraphviz
2 m2crypto
3 libnacl
0 [bdist_wheel]
1 universal = 1
3 [metadata]
4 license_files =
08 [egg_info]
19 tag_build =
210 tag_date = 0
3232 if os.path.exists(filename_out) and os.path.getctime(filename_out) > os.path.getctime(filename):
3333 return
35 in_fh = open(filename, 'r')
36 out_fh = open(filename_out, 'w')
37 s =
35 with open(filename, 'r') as in_fh:
36 s =
3838 s = s.replace('__DNSVIZ_INSTALL_PREFIX__', install_prefix)
3939 s = s.replace('__JQUERY_PATH__', JQUERY_PATH)
4040 s = s.replace('__JQUERY_UI_PATH__', JQUERY_UI_PATH)
4141 s = s.replace('__JQUERY_UI_CSS_PATH__', JQUERY_UI_CSS_PATH)
4242 s = s.replace('__RAPHAEL_PATH__', RAPHAEL_PATH)
43 out_fh.write(s)
44 in_fh.close()
45 out_fh.close()
44 with open(filename_out, 'w') as out_fh:
45 out_fh.write(s)
4747 def make_documentation():
4848 os.chdir('doc')
5151 sys.stderr.write('Warning: Some of the included documentation failed to build. Proceeding without it.\n')
5252 finally:
5353 os.chdir('..')
55 def create_config(prefix):
56 # Create dnsviz/, so version exists for packages that don't
57 # require calling install. Even though the install prefix is the empty
58 # string, the use case for this is virtual environments, which won't
59 # use it.
60 apply_substitutions(os.path.join('dnsviz',''), prefix)
61 # update the timestamp of, so if/when the install command
62 # is called, will be rewritten, i.e., with the real install
63 # prefix.
64 os.utime(os.path.join('dnsviz', ''), None)
5566 class MyBuildPy(build_py):
5667 def run(self):
6576 install_data = os.path.join(os.path.sep, os.path.relpath(self.install_data, self.root))
6677 else:
6778 install_data = self.install_data
68 apply_substitutions(os.path.join('dnsviz',''), install_data)
79 create_config(install_data)
7182 DOC_FILES = [('share/doc/dnsviz', [''])]
104115 else:
105116 map_func = lambda x: codecs.decode(x, 'latin1')
118 create_config('')
107119 setup(name='dnsviz',
108 version='0.6.6',
120 version='0.8.0',
109121 author='Casey Deccio',
110122 author_email='',
111123 url='',
122134 'pygraphviz (>=1.1)',
123135 'm2crypto (>=0.24.0)',
124136 'dnspython (>=1.11)',
137 'libnacl',
125138 ],
126139 classifiers=[
127140 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
133146 'Natural Language :: English',
134147 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
135148 'Operating System :: POSIX',
136 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
137149 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
138150 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
139151 'Topic :: Internet :: Name Service (DNS)',
00 /*
11 #
22 # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
3 # analysis, and visualization. This file (or some portion thereof) is a
4 # derivative work authored by VeriSign, Inc., and created in 2014, based on
5 # code originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
3 # analysis, and visualization.
64 # Created by Casey Deccio (
75 #
86 # Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
108 # certain rights in this software.
119 #
1210 # Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
11 #
12 # Copyright 2016-2019 Casey Deccio
1313 #
1414 # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1515 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5454 12: 'GOST R 34.10-2001',
5555 13: 'ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256',
5656 14: 'ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384',
57 15: 'Ed25519',
58 16: 'Ed448',
5759 }
5860 this._digest_algorithms = {
5961 1: 'SHA-1',