Codebase list eag-healpix / c2ecd39
New upstream version 2017.02.10 Ole Streicher 7 years ago
71 changed file(s) with 14591 addition(s) and 301 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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1 Version 3, 29 June 2007
3 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
5 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
7 This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
9 0. Additional Definitions.
10 As used herein, “this License” refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
11 General Public License, and the “GNU GPL” refers to version 3 of the GNU
12 General Public License.
13 The Library refers to a covered work governed by this License,
14 other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
15 An Application is any work that makes use of an interface provided
16 by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
17 Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
18 of using an interface provided by the Library.
19 A Combined Work is a work produced by combining or linking an
20 Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
21 with which the Combined Work was made is also called the Linked
22 Version.
23 The Minimal Corresponding Source for a Combined Work means the
24 Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
25 for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
26 based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
28 The Corresponding Application Codefor a Combined Work means the
29 object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
30 and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
31 Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
35 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
36 You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
37 without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
39 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
40 If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
41 facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
42 that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
43 facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
44 version:
45 a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
46 ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
47 function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
48 whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
49 b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
50 this License applicable to that copy.
52 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
54 The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
55 a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
56 code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
57 material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
58 layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
59 (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
60 a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
61 Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
62 covered by this License
63 b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
64 document.
66 4. Combined Works.
67 You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
68 taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
69 portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
70 engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
71 the following:
72 a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
73 the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
74 covered by this License.
75 b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
76 document.
77 c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
78 execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
79 these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
80 copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
81 d) Do one of the following:
82 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
83 License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
84 suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
85 recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
86 the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
87 manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
88 Corresponding Source.
89 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
90 Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
91 a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
92 system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
93 of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
94 Version.
95 e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
96 be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
97 GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
98 necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
99 Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
100 Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
101 you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
102 the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
103 Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
104 Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
105 for conveying Corresponding Source.)
107 5. Combined Libraries.
108 You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
109 Library side by side in a single library together with other library
110 facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
111 License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
112 choice, if you do both of the following:
113 a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
114 on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
115 conveyed under the terms of this License.
116 b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
117 is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
118 accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
121 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
122 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
124 Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
125 Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
126 of the GNU Lesser General Public License “or any later version”
127 applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
128 conditions either of that published version or of any later version
129 published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
130 received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
131 General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
132 General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
134 If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
135 whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
136 apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
137 permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
138 Library.
1140 Version 2, June 1991
56195 modification follow.
63 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
64 a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
65 under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
66 refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
67 means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
68 that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
69 either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
70 language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
71 the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
73 Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
74 covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
75 running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
76 is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
77 Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
78 Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
80 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
81 source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
82 conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
83 copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
84 notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
85 and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
86 along with the Program.
88 You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
89 you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
91 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
92 of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
93 distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
94 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
96 a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
97 stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
99 b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
100 whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
101 part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
102 parties under the terms of this License.
104 c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
105 when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
106 interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
107 announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
108 notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
109 a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
110 these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
111 License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
112 does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
113 the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
117 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
118 identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
119 and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
120 themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
121 sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
122 distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
123 on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
124 this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
125 entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
127 Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
128 your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
129 exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
130 collective works based on the Program.
132 In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
133 with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
134 a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
135 the scope of this License.
137 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
138 under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
139 Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
141 a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
142 source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
143 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
145 b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
146 years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
147 cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
148 machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
149 distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
150 customarily used for software interchange; or,
152 c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
153 to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
154 allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
155 received the program in object code or executable form with such
156 an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
158 The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
159 making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
160 code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
161 associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
162 control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
163 special exception, the source code distributed need not include
164 anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
165 form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
166 operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
167 itself accompanies the executable.
169 If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
170 access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
171 access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
172 distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
173 compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
177 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
178 except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
179 otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
180 void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
181 However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
182 this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
183 parties remain in full compliance.
185 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
186 signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
187 distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
188 prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
189 modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
190 Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
191 all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
192 the Program or works based on it.
194 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
195 Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
196 original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
197 these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
198 restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
199 You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
200 this License.
202 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
203 infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
204 conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
205 otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
206 excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
207 distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
208 License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
209 may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
210 license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
211 all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
212 the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
213 refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
215 If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
216 any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
217 apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
218 circumstances.
220 It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
221 patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
222 such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
223 integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
224 implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
225 generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
226 through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
227 system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
228 to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
229 impose that choice.
231 This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
232 be a consequence of the rest of this License.
236 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
237 certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
238 original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
239 may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
240 those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
241 countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
242 the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
244 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
245 of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
246 be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
247 address new problems or concerns.
249 Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
250 specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
251 later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
252 either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
253 Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
254 this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
255 Foundation.
257 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
258 programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
259 to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
260 Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
261 make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
262 of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
263 of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
291 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
293 If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
294 possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
295 free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
297 To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
298 to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
299 convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
300 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
302 <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
303 Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
305 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
306 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
307 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
308 (at your option) any later version.
310 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
311 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
313 GNU General Public License for more details.
315 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
316 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
317 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
320 Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
322 If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
323 when it starts in an interactive mode:
325 Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
326 Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
327 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
328 under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
330 The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
331 parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
332 be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
333 mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
335 You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
336 school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
337 necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
339 Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
340 `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
342 <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
343 Ty Coon, President of Vice
345 This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
346 proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
347 consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
348 library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
349 Public License instead of this License.
1 Provides source code of java tools compatible with HEALPIX methods to work
2 with sky pixelization.
2 provides methods to create and manipulate HEALPix maps.
55 Nikolay Kuropatkin
8 For detailed description see URL
10 The Java doc of API is in the "doc" subdirectory.
8 Java docs of all included classes are in doc subdirectory
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
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2 "">
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4 <head>
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
6 <title>PixTools</title>
7 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./eag.png" type="image/x-icon" />
8 <meta name="generator" content="amaya 9.0, see" />
9 </head>
11 <body>
12 <p><img alt="EAG logo" src="eag.png" /></p>
14 <h1>HEALPix</h1>
16 <p><strong>The package gov.fnal.eag.healpix contains four classes -
17 ,, service classes, and </strong></p>
19 <p><strong>These classes in general are translation of the corresponding <a
20 href="">HEALPix</a> FORTRAN90
21 programs to Java.</strong></p>
23 <p><strong>The translation is not straight forward, but included junit tests have
24 validated the package.</strong></p>
28 <h2></h2>
30 <p><strong> </strong></p>
32 <h2>The Package Overview.</h2>
34 <p><strong>The package creates sky pixelization to a specified resolution.
35 The original FORTRAN version has natural limit imposed by HEALPix to the number of
36 pixels Npix = 12 x N^2, where N the number of sides is an integer
37 power of 2 and &lt;= 8192 (Npix ~ 8.0E8) </strong> </p>
39 <p><strong>The presented Java version overcomes this limitation boosting the
40 resolution to about 0.2 arcsec (Npix ~ 1.3E13) which seems to be sufficient for modern experiments
41 like SNAP </strong> </p>
44 <p><strong>These tools permit creation of HEALPix maps as well as use
45 of existing maps. There are tools to translate sky coordinates (Ra, Dec) to
46 a pixel number, and to generate a list of neighboring pixels within some specified
47 radius. More complicated queries are also supported.</strong></p>
49 <p></p>
51 <p><strong>The new class Region was added to the package. The class permits to define
52 a rectangular area on the sphere providing standard ra,dec (Right ascension and Declination) limits of the area.
53 Provided methods permits to pixelize the area with specified size of pixels.</strong></p>
55 <p></p>
56 <h2>Package API.</h2>
58 <p><strong>For API description see <a
59 href="./doc/index.html">Java docs</a>.</strong></p>
61 <p></p>
63 <p><strong> To download the self-installing jar file click <a href="">here</a>.</strong></p>
65 <p> To install these jar files and the package documentation use command:</p>
66 <p><strong> java -jar eag-HEALPix.jar </strong></p>
67 <p><strong> This will create in the installation directory two jar files (vecmath.jar, PixTools.jar) and the "doc" subdirectory.
68 <p></p>
69 <h2>Optimization.</h2>
70 <p><strong>Working with highest resolution is time consuming and can be prohibitive.
71 There is an optimized version of this package giving significant improvement in some cases. This version
72 was developed by Jan Kotek, and can be found <a href="">here</a>.</strong></p>
73 <p></p>
74 <p><em>06/14/2005 Nikolay Kuropatkin.</em></p>
75 <p><em>12/19/2007 Nikolay Kuropatkin.</em></p>
76 <p><em>04/11/2008 Nikolay Kuropatkin.</em></p>
77 <p><em>07/09/2008 Nikolay Kuropatkin. Bug fixed in inRing method</em></p>
78 <p><em>02/09/2010 Nikolay Kuropatkin. Bug was found by Jan Kotek in Query-disc with search
79 radius smaller than the pixel size. Fixed.</em></p>
80 <p><em> 11 Jan 2012 Nikolay Kuropatkin. Make the BitManipulation a static class.</em></p>
81 <p><em>11 Jan 2012 modifications were proposed and implemented by Mark Taylor to make the package thread safe.</em></p>
82 <p><strong> All methods are thread safe now. This class can be used as a singleton,
83 the singleton instance being available from the <em>getInstance</em> method.
84 For compatibility with previous versions however it is possible to
85 construct new instances using the default constructor.</strong></p>
86 <p><strong> Unit tests showing various methods of using the class are provided.</strong></p>
87 <p><em> 28 Jul 2012 Nikolay Kuropatkin. To address some silly test of QuertyDisc method
88 when two close points over the pole are missing each other in inclusive search the radius modification
89 for inclusive search was changed.
90 As the pixel shape is changing toward the pole from almost square to triangular the radius modifier should grow.
91 In normal case close to equator the modifier is chosen to be half of the angular size of
92 the pixel. Now the modifier is a function of the z component of unit vector pointing in the center of disc.
93 The modifier value M=a+abs(z)*a, where a is half pixel size.
94 In this case no changes in the QueryDisc behavior in the equatorial area is expected,
95 while in the polar area one can expect increased number of pixels returned in the
96 inclusive search. The maximum number of additional pixels can be estimated as
97 2*PI*(radius + M)/(2*a).</em></p>
99 </body>
100 </html>
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4 <!-- Generated by javadoc (version 1.7.0_05) on Mon Jul 30 11:06:27 CDT 2012 -->
5 <title>All Classes (javadoc for PixTools)</title>
6 <meta name="date" content="2012-07-30">
7 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" title="Style">
8 </head>
9 <body>
10 <h1 class="bar">All Classes</h1>
11 <div class="indexContainer">
12 <ul>
13 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix" target="classFrame">BitManipulation</a></li>
14 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">BitManipulationTest</a></li>
15 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">DiscTest</a></li>
16 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix" target="classFrame">HealpixException</a></li>
17 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix" target="classFrame">PixInfo</a></li>
18 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix" target="classFrame">PixTools</a></li>
19 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></li>
20 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">PixToolsStaticTest</a></li>
21 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">PixToolsTest</a></li>
22 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">PixToolTest1</a></li>
23 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></li>
24 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">QueryDiscTest</a></li>
25 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix" target="classFrame">Region</a></li>
26 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">RegionTest</a></li>
27 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">ThreadTest</a></li>
28 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" target="classFrame">ThreadTest.Worker</a></li>
29 </ul>
30 </div>
31 </body>
32 </html>
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16 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">HealpixException</a></li>
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24 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></li>
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65 <h1 title="Constant Field Values" class="title">Constant Field Values</h1>
66 <h2 title="Contents">Contents</h2>
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68 <li><a href="#gov.fnal">gov.fnal.*</a></li>
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71 <div class="constantValuesContainer"><a name="gov.fnal">
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74 <h2 title="gov.fnal">gov.fnal.*</h2>
75 <ul class="blockList">
76 <li class="blockList">
77 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constant Field Values table, listing constant fields, and values">
78 <caption><span>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">HealpixException</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
79 <tr>
80 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
81 <th scope="col">Constant Field</th>
82 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Value</th>
83 </tr>
84 <tbody>
85 <tr class="altColor">
86 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.HealpixException.serialVersionUID">
87 <!-- -->
88 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;long</code></td>
89 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html#serialVersionUID">serialVersionUID</a></code></td>
90 <td class="colLast"><code>1L</code></td>
91 </tr>
92 </tbody>
93 </table>
94 </li>
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96 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constant Field Values table, listing constant fields, and values">
97 <caption><span>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
98 <tr>
99 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
100 <th scope="col">Constant Field</th>
101 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Value</th>
102 </tr>
103 <tbody>
104 <tr class="altColor">
105 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.HALFPI">
106 <!-- -->
107 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
108 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#HALFPI">HALFPI</a></code></td>
109 <td class="colLast"><code>1.5707963267948966</code></td>
110 </tr>
111 <tr class="rowColor">
112 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.ns_max">
113 <!-- -->
114 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;int</code></td>
115 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ns_max">ns_max</a></code></td>
116 <td class="colLast"><code>1048576</code></td>
117 </tr>
118 <tr class="altColor">
119 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.PI">
120 <!-- -->
121 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
122 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PI">PI</a></code></td>
123 <td class="colLast"><code>3.141592653589793</code></td>
124 </tr>
125 <tr class="rowColor">
126 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.pixmax">
127 <!-- -->
128 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;int</code></td>
129 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixmax">pixmax</a></code></td>
130 <td class="colLast"><code>262144</code></td>
131 </tr>
132 <tr class="altColor">
133 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.TWOPI">
134 <!-- -->
135 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
136 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></code></td>
137 <td class="colLast"><code>6.283185307179586</code></td>
138 </tr>
139 <tr class="rowColor">
140 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.twothird">
141 <!-- -->
142 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
143 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#twothird">twothird</a></code></td>
144 <td class="colLast"><code>0.6666666666666666</code></td>
145 </tr>
146 <tr class="altColor">
147 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.xmax">
148 <!-- -->
149 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;int</code></td>
150 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmax">xmax</a></code></td>
151 <td class="colLast"><code>4096</code></td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr class="rowColor">
154 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.xmid">
155 <!-- -->
156 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;int</code></td>
157 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmid">xmid</a></code></td>
158 <td class="colLast"><code>512</code></td>
159 </tr>
160 </tbody>
161 </table>
162 </li>
163 <li class="blockList">
164 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constant Field Values table, listing constant fields, and values">
165 <caption><span>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
166 <tr>
167 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
168 <th scope="col">Constant Field</th>
169 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Value</th>
170 </tr>
171 <tbody>
172 <tr class="altColor">
173 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.Region.epsilon">
174 <!-- -->
175 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
176 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></code></td>
177 <td class="colLast"><code>1.0E-10</code></td>
178 </tr>
179 <tr class="rowColor">
180 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.Region.TWOPI">
181 <!-- -->
182 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
183 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></code></td>
184 <td class="colLast"><code>6.283185307179586</code></td>
185 </tr>
186 </tbody>
187 </table>
188 </li>
189 </ul>
190 <ul class="blockList">
191 <li class="blockList">
192 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constant Field Values table, listing constant fields, and values">
193 <caption><span>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
194 <tr>
195 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
196 <th scope="col">Constant Field</th>
197 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Value</th>
198 </tr>
199 <tbody>
200 <tr class="altColor">
201 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.RegionTest.epsilon">
202 <!-- -->
203 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
204 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></code></td>
205 <td class="colLast"><code>1.0E-10</code></td>
206 </tr>
207 <tr class="rowColor">
208 <td class="colFirst"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.RegionTest.TWOPI">
209 <!-- -->
210 </a><code>private&nbsp;static&nbsp;final&nbsp;double</code></td>
211 <td><code><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></code></td>
212 <td class="colLast"><code>6.283185307179586</code></td>
213 </tr>
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81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</div>
82 <h2 title="Class BitManipulation" class="title">Class BitManipulation</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.BitManipulation</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre>public final class <span class="strong">BitManipulation</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 <div class="block">bit manipulation class derived from Healpix
101 fortran90 program.</div>
102 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
103 <dd>N Kuropatkin</dd></dl>
104 </li>
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110 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
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114 </a>
115 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
116 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
117 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
118 <tr>
119 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
120 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
121 </tr>
122 <tr class="altColor">
123 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long</code></td>
124 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#magic1">magic1</a></strong></code>
125 <div class="block">magic1 odd bits set constant</div>
126 </td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr class="rowColor">
129 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long</code></td>
130 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#magic2">magic2</a></strong></code>
131 <div class="block">magic2 - even bits set constant</div>
132 </td>
133 </tr>
134 </table>
135 </li>
136 </ul>
137 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
138 <ul class="blockList">
139 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
140 <!-- -->
141 </a>
142 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
143 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
144 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
145 <tr>
146 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
147 </tr>
148 <tr class="altColor">
149 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#BitManipulation()">BitManipulation</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
150 </tr>
151 </table>
152 </li>
153 </ul>
154 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
155 <ul class="blockList">
156 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
157 <!-- -->
158 </a>
159 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
160 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
161 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
162 <tr>
163 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
164 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
165 </tr>
166 <tr class="altColor">
167 <td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
168 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invLSB(long)">invLSB</a></strong>(long&nbsp;i)</code>
169 <div class="block">returns i with even bits inverted</div>
170 </td>
171 </tr>
172 <tr class="rowColor">
173 <td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
174 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invMSB(long)">invMSB</a></strong>(long&nbsp;i)</code>
175 <div class="block">returns i with odd bits inverted</div>
176 </td>
177 </tr>
178 <tr class="altColor">
179 <td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
180 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invswapLSBMSB(long)">invswapLSBMSB</a></strong>(long&nbsp;i)</code>
181 <div class="block">returns NOT i with even and odd bit positions interchanged</div>
182 </td>
183 </tr>
184 <tr class="rowColor">
185 <td class="colFirst"><code>static void</code></td>
186 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main</a></strong>(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;pars)</code>
187 <div class="block">the main program for simple test</div>
188 </td>
189 </tr>
190 <tr class="altColor">
191 <td class="colFirst"><code>static double</code></td>
192 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#MODULO(double, double)">MODULO</a></strong>(double&nbsp;a,
193 double&nbsp;b)</code>
194 <div class="block">simulates behaviour of fortran90 MODULO function</div>
195 </td>
196 </tr>
197 <tr class="rowColor">
198 <td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
199 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#swapLSBMSB(long)">swapLSBMSB</a></strong>(long&nbsp;i)</code>
200 <div class="block">swaps low and high bits in the word i</div>
201 </td>
202 </tr>
203 </table>
204 <ul class="blockList">
205 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
206 <!-- -->
207 </a>
208 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
209 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
210 </ul>
211 </li>
212 </ul>
213 </li>
214 </ul>
215 </div>
216 <div class="details">
217 <ul class="blockList">
218 <li class="blockList">
219 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
220 <ul class="blockList">
221 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
222 <!-- -->
223 </a>
224 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
225 <a name="magic1">
226 <!-- -->
227 </a>
228 <ul class="blockList">
229 <li class="blockList">
230 <h4>magic1</h4>
231 <pre>private static&nbsp;long magic1</pre>
232 <div class="block">magic1 odd bits set constant</div>
233 </li>
234 </ul>
235 <a name="magic2">
236 <!-- -->
237 </a>
238 <ul class="blockListLast">
239 <li class="blockList">
240 <h4>magic2</h4>
241 <pre>private static&nbsp;long magic2</pre>
242 <div class="block">magic2 - even bits set constant</div>
243 </li>
244 </ul>
245 </li>
246 </ul>
247 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
248 <ul class="blockList">
249 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
250 <!-- -->
251 </a>
252 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
253 <a name="BitManipulation()">
254 <!-- -->
255 </a>
256 <ul class="blockListLast">
257 <li class="blockList">
258 <h4>BitManipulation</h4>
259 <pre>public&nbsp;BitManipulation()</pre>
260 </li>
261 </ul>
262 </li>
263 </ul>
264 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
265 <ul class="blockList">
266 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
267 <!-- -->
268 </a>
269 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
270 <a name="swapLSBMSB(long)">
271 <!-- -->
272 </a>
273 <ul class="blockList">
274 <li class="blockList">
275 <h4>swapLSBMSB</h4>
276 <pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;swapLSBMSB(long&nbsp;i)</pre>
277 <div class="block">swaps low and high bits in the word i</div>
278 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>i</code> - integer input word</dd>
279 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>int a word with odd and even bits interchanged</dd></dl>
280 </li>
281 </ul>
282 <a name="invswapLSBMSB(long)">
283 <!-- -->
284 </a>
285 <ul class="blockList">
286 <li class="blockList">
287 <h4>invswapLSBMSB</h4>
288 <pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;invswapLSBMSB(long&nbsp;i)</pre>
289 <div class="block">returns NOT i with even and odd bit positions interchanged</div>
290 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>i</code> - int input word</dd>
291 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>int NOT (i with LSBMSB)</dd></dl>
292 </li>
293 </ul>
294 <a name="invLSB(long)">
295 <!-- -->
296 </a>
297 <ul class="blockList">
298 <li class="blockList">
299 <h4>invLSB</h4>
300 <pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;invLSB(long&nbsp;i)</pre>
301 <div class="block">returns i with even bits inverted</div>
302 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>i</code> - int input word</dd>
303 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>int word with modified bits</dd></dl>
304 </li>
305 </ul>
306 <a name="invMSB(long)">
307 <!-- -->
308 </a>
309 <ul class="blockList">
310 <li class="blockList">
311 <h4>invMSB</h4>
312 <pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;invMSB(long&nbsp;i)</pre>
313 <div class="block">returns i with odd bits inverted</div>
314 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>i</code> - int input word</dd>
315 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>int word with modified bits</dd></dl>
316 </li>
317 </ul>
318 <a name="MODULO(double, double)">
319 <!-- -->
320 </a>
321 <ul class="blockList">
322 <li class="blockList">
323 <h4>MODULO</h4>
324 <pre>public static&nbsp;double&nbsp;MODULO(double&nbsp;a,
325 double&nbsp;b)</pre>
326 <div class="block">simulates behaviour of fortran90 MODULO function</div>
327 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>a</code> - double</dd><dd><code>b</code> - double</dd>
328 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double MODULO</dd></dl>
329 </li>
330 </ul>
331 <a name="main(java.lang.String[])">
332 <!-- -->
333 </a>
334 <ul class="blockListLast">
335 <li class="blockList">
336 <h4>main</h4>
337 <pre>public static&nbsp;void&nbsp;main(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;pars)</pre>
338 <div class="block">the main program for simple test</div>
339 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pars</code> - </dd></dl>
340 </li>
341 </ul>
342 </li>
343 </ul>
344 </li>
345 </ul>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</div>
82 <h2 title="Class HealpixException" class="title">Class HealpixException</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>java.lang.Throwable</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>java.lang.Exception</li>
93 <li>
94 <ul class="inheritance">
95 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.HealpixException</li>
96 </ul>
97 </li>
98 </ul>
99 </li>
100 </ul>
101 </li>
102 </ul>
103 <div class="description">
104 <ul class="blockList">
105 <li class="blockList">
106 <dl>
107 <dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>
108 <dd></dd>
109 </dl>
110 <hr>
111 <br>
112 <pre>public class <span class="strong">HealpixException</span>
113 extends java.lang.Exception</pre>
114 <div class="block">handles exceptions from this package</div>
115 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
116 <dd>N. Kuropatkin</dd>
117 <dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../serialized-form.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.HealpixException">Serialized Form</a></dd></dl>
118 </li>
119 </ul>
120 </div>
121 <div class="summary">
122 <ul class="blockList">
123 <li class="blockList">
124 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
125 <ul class="blockList">
126 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
127 <!-- -->
128 </a>
129 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
130 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
131 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
132 <tr>
133 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
134 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
135 </tr>
136 <tr class="altColor">
137 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long</code></td>
138 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html#serialVersionUID">serialVersionUID</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
139 </tr>
140 </table>
141 </li>
142 </ul>
143 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
144 <ul class="blockList">
145 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
146 <!-- -->
147 </a>
148 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
149 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
150 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
151 <tr>
152 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
153 </tr>
154 <tr class="altColor">
155 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html#HealpixException(java.lang.String)">HealpixException</a></strong>(java.lang.String&nbsp;message)</code>
156 <div class="block">message - String to be printed in case of exception</div>
157 </td>
158 </tr>
159 </table>
160 </li>
161 </ul>
162 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
163 <ul class="blockList">
164 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
165 <!-- -->
166 </a>
167 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
168 <ul class="blockList">
169 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Throwable">
170 <!-- -->
171 </a>
172 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Throwable</h3>
173 <code>addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString</code></li>
174 </ul>
175 <ul class="blockList">
176 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
177 <!-- -->
178 </a>
179 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
180 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
181 </ul>
182 </li>
183 </ul>
184 </li>
185 </ul>
186 </div>
187 <div class="details">
188 <ul class="blockList">
189 <li class="blockList">
190 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
191 <ul class="blockList">
192 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
193 <!-- -->
194 </a>
195 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
196 <a name="serialVersionUID">
197 <!-- -->
198 </a>
199 <ul class="blockListLast">
200 <li class="blockList">
201 <h4>serialVersionUID</h4>
202 <pre>private static final&nbsp;long serialVersionUID</pre>
203 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.HealpixException.serialVersionUID">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
204 </li>
205 </ul>
206 </li>
207 </ul>
208 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
209 <ul class="blockList">
210 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
211 <!-- -->
212 </a>
213 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
214 <a name="HealpixException(java.lang.String)">
215 <!-- -->
216 </a>
217 <ul class="blockListLast">
218 <li class="blockList">
219 <h4>HealpixException</h4>
220 <pre>public&nbsp;HealpixException(java.lang.String&nbsp;message)</pre>
221 <div class="block">message - String to be printed in case of exception</div>
222 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>message</code> - </dd></dl>
223 </li>
224 </ul>
225 </li>
226 </ul>
227 </li>
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81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixInfo" class="title">Class PixInfo</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixInfo</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre> class <span class="strong">PixInfo</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 <div class="block">Aggregates a vector and double[3][4] array which are the results of a
101 pixel center calculation.</div>
102 </li>
103 </ul>
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105 <div class="summary">
106 <ul class="blockList">
107 <li class="blockList">
108 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
109 <ul class="blockList">
110 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
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113 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
114 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
115 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
116 <tr>
117 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
118 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
119 </tr>
120 <tr class="altColor">
121 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
122 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#pixVect">pixVect</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
123 </tr>
124 <tr class="rowColor">
125 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) double[][]</code></td>
126 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#pixVertex">pixVertex</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
127 </tr>
128 </table>
129 </li>
130 </ul>
131 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
132 <ul class="blockList">
133 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
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136 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
137 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
138 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
139 <tr>
140 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
141 </tr>
142 <tr class="altColor">
143 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#PixInfo(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double[][])">PixInfo</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;pixVect,
144 double[][]&nbsp;pixVertex)</code>&nbsp;</td>
145 </tr>
146 </table>
147 </li>
148 </ul>
149 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
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151 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
152 <!-- -->
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154 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
155 <ul class="blockList">
156 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
157 <!-- -->
158 </a>
159 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
160 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
161 </ul>
162 </li>
163 </ul>
164 </li>
165 </ul>
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170 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
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174 </a>
175 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
176 <a name="pixVect">
177 <!-- -->
178 </a>
179 <ul class="blockList">
180 <li class="blockList">
181 <h4>pixVect</h4>
182 <pre>final&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d pixVect</pre>
183 </li>
184 </ul>
185 <a name="pixVertex">
186 <!-- -->
187 </a>
188 <ul class="blockListLast">
189 <li class="blockList">
190 <h4>pixVertex</h4>
191 <pre>final&nbsp;double[][] pixVertex</pre>
192 </li>
193 </ul>
194 </li>
195 </ul>
196 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
197 <ul class="blockList">
198 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
199 <!-- -->
200 </a>
201 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
202 <a name="PixInfo(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double[][])">
203 <!-- -->
204 </a>
205 <ul class="blockListLast">
206 <li class="blockList">
207 <h4>PixInfo</h4>
208 <pre>PixInfo(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;pixVect,
209 double[][]&nbsp;pixVertex)</pre>
210 </li>
211 </ul>
212 </li>
213 </ul>
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81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixTools" class="title">Class PixTools</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre>public class <span class="strong">PixTools</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 <div class="block">contains methods translated from HEALPix Fortran90
101 with increased map resolution in comparison to original Fortran code.</div>
102 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
103 <dd>N Kuropatkin
105 Created on Mar 10, 2005
106 Modified on December 18 2007
107 Corrected arithmetic and mistyping April 20 2008, Mark Taylor made modifications to make the class thread safe 11-Jan-2012
109 <p>
110 All methods are thread safe. This class can be used as a singleton,
111 the singleton instance being available from the <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getInstance()"><code>getInstance()</code></a> method.
112 For compatibility with previous versions however it is possible to
113 construct new instances using the default constructor.
114 </p></dd></dl>
115 </li>
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118 <div class="summary">
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121 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
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126 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
127 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
128 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
129 <tr>
130 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
131 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
132 </tr>
133 <tr class="altColor">
134 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
135 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#HALFPI">HALFPI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
136 </tr>
137 <tr class="rowColor">
138 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static int</code></td>
139 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ns_max">ns_max</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
140 </tr>
141 <tr class="altColor">
142 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
143 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PI">PI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
144 </tr>
145 <tr class="rowColor">
146 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long[]</code></td>
147 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2x">pix2x</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
148 </tr>
149 <tr class="altColor">
150 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long[]</code></td>
151 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2y">pix2y</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr class="rowColor">
154 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static int</code></td>
155 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixmax">pixmax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
156 </tr>
157 <tr class="altColor">
158 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
159 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>
160 <div class="block">Singleton instance.</div>
161 </td>
162 </tr>
163 <tr class="rowColor">
164 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
165 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
166 </tr>
167 <tr class="altColor">
168 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
169 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#twothird">twothird</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
170 </tr>
171 <tr class="rowColor">
172 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long[]</code></td>
173 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#x2pix">x2pix</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
174 </tr>
175 <tr class="altColor">
176 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static int</code></td>
177 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmax">xmax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
178 </tr>
179 <tr class="rowColor">
180 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static int</code></td>
181 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmid">xmid</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
182 </tr>
183 <tr class="altColor">
184 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static long[]</code></td>
185 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#y2pix">y2pix</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
186 </tr>
187 </table>
188 </li>
189 </ul>
190 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
191 <ul class="blockList">
192 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
193 <!-- -->
194 </a>
195 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
196 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
197 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
198 <tr>
199 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
200 </tr>
201 <tr class="altColor">
202 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PixTools()">PixTools</a></strong>()</code>
203 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
204 </td>
205 </tr>
206 </table>
207 </li>
208 </ul>
209 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
210 <ul class="blockList">
211 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
212 <!-- -->
213 </a>
214 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
215 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
216 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
217 <tr>
218 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
219 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
220 </tr>
221 <tr class="altColor">
222 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
223 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ang2pix_nest(long, double, double)">ang2pix_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
224 double&nbsp;theta,
225 double&nbsp;phi)</code>
226 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
227 point on a sphere at coordinates theta and phi, given map resolution
228 parameter nside.</div>
229 </td>
230 </tr>
231 <tr class="rowColor">
232 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
233 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ang2pix_ring(long, double, double)">ang2pix_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
234 double&nbsp;theta,
235 double&nbsp;phi)</code>
236 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
237 point with coordinates theta and phi, given the map resolution parameter
238 nside.</div>
239 </td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr class="altColor">
242 <td class="colFirst"><code>javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
243 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Ang2Vec(double, double)">Ang2Vec</a></strong>(double&nbsp;theta,
244 double&nbsp;phi)</code>
245 <div class="block">calculates vector corresponding to angles theta (co-latitude
246 measured from North pole, in [0,pi] radians) phi (longitude measured
247 eastward in [0,2pi] radians) North pole is (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 1)</div>
248 </td>
249 </tr>
250 <tr class="rowColor">
251 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
252 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#AngDist(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">AngDist</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
253 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)</code>
254 <div class="block">calculates angular distance (in radians) between 2 Vectors
255 v1 and v2 In general dist = acos(v1.v2) except if the vectors are almost
256 aligned</div>
257 </td>
258 </tr>
259 <tr class="altColor">
260 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.Object[]</code></td>
261 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_inplace_long(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])">convert_inplace_long</a></strong>(java.lang.String&nbsp;subcall,
262 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</code>
263 <div class="block">converts a 8 byte Object map from RING to NESTED and vice versa in place,
264 ie without allocation a temporary map (Has no reason for Java).</div>
265 </td>
266 </tr>
267 <tr class="rowColor">
268 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.Object[]</code></td>
269 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_nest2ring(long, java.lang.Object[])">convert_nest2ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
270 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</code>
271 <div class="block">make the conversion NEST to RING</div>
272 </td>
273 </tr>
274 <tr class="altColor">
275 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.Object[]</code></td>
276 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_ring2nest(long, java.lang.Object[])">convert_ring2nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
277 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</code>
278 <div class="block">makes the conversion RING to NEST</div>
279 </td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr class="rowColor">
282 <td class="colFirst"><code>javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
283 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#crossProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">crossProduct</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
284 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)</code>
285 <div class="block">calculate cross product of two vectors</div>
286 </td>
287 </tr>
288 <tr class="altColor">
289 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
290 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#dotProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">dotProduct</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
291 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)</code>
292 <div class="block">calculates a dot product (inner product) of two 3D vectors
293 the result is double</div>
294 </td>
295 </tr>
296 <tr class="rowColor">
297 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
298 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getDisc_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double)">getDisc_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
299 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector0,
300 double&nbsp;radius)</code>
301 <div class="block">an obsolete method.</div>
302 </td>
303 </tr>
304 <tr class="altColor">
305 <td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
306 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getInstance()">getInstance</a></strong>()</code>
307 <div class="block">Returns singleton instance.</div>
308 </td>
309 </tr>
310 <tr class="rowColor">
311 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
312 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#GetNSide(double)">GetNSide</a></strong>(double&nbsp;pixsize)</code>
313 <div class="block">calculate requared nside given pixel size in arcsec</div>
314 </td>
315 </tr>
316 <tr class="altColor">
317 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
318 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#InRing(long, long, double, double, boolean)">InRing</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
319 long&nbsp;iz,
320 double&nbsp;phi0,
321 double&nbsp;dphi,
322 boolean&nbsp;nest)</code>
323 <div class="block">returns the list of pixels in RING or NEST scheme with latitude in [phi0 -
324 dpi, phi0 + dphi] on the ring iz in [1, 4*nside -1 ] The pixel id numbers
325 are in [0, 12*nside^2 - 1] the indexing is in RING, unless nest is set to
326 1</div>
327 </td>
328 </tr>
329 <tr class="rowColor">
330 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
331 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#intrs_intrv(double[], double[])">intrs_intrv</a></strong>(double[]&nbsp;d1,
332 double[]&nbsp;d2)</code>
333 <div class="block">computes the intersection di of 2 intervals d1 (= [a1,b1])
334 and d2 (= [a2,b2]) on the periodic domain (=[A,B] where A and B
335 arbitrary) ni is the resulting number of intervals (0,1, or 2) if a1 <b1
336 then d1 = {x |a1 <= x <= b1} if a1>b1 then d1 = {x | a1 <=x <= B U A <=x
337 <=b1}</div>
338 </td>
339 </tr>
340 <tr class="altColor">
341 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></code></td>
342 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_Nest(long, long)">makePix2Vect_Nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
343 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
344 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
345 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
346 </td>
347 </tr>
348 <tr class="rowColor">
349 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></code></td>
350 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_ring(long, long)">makePix2Vect_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
351 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
352 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for pixel
353 ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
354 </td>
355 </tr>
356 <tr class="altColor">
357 <td class="colFirst"><code>private void</code></td>
358 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#mk_pix2xy()">mk_pix2xy</a></strong>()</code>
359 <div class="block">creates an array of pixel numbers pix2x from x and y coordinates in the
360 face.</div>
361 </td>
362 </tr>
363 <tr class="rowColor">
364 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static void</code></td>
365 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#mk_xy2pix()">mk_xy2pix</a></strong>()</code>
366 <div class="block">fills arrays x2pix and y2pix giving the number of the pixel laying in
367 (x,y).</div>
368 </td>
369 </tr>
370 <tr class="altColor">
371 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
372 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#neighbours_nest(long, long)">neighbours_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
373 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
374 <div class="block">returns 7 or 8 neighbours of any pixel in the nested scheme The neighbours
375 are ordered in the following way: First pixel is the one to the south (
376 the one west of the south direction is taken for pixels that don't have a
377 southern neighbour).</div>
378 </td>
379 </tr>
380 <tr class="rowColor">
381 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
382 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#nest2ring(long, long)">nest2ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
383 long&nbsp;ipnest)</code>
384 <div class="block">converts from NESTED to RING pixel numbering</div>
385 </td>
386 </tr>
387 <tr class="altColor">
388 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
389 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#next_in_line_nest(long, long)">next_in_line_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
390 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
391 <div class="block">calculates the pixel that lies on the East side (and the same
392 latitude) as the given NESTED pixel number - ipix</div>
393 </td>
394 </tr>
395 <tr class="rowColor">
396 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
397 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Npix2Nside(long)">Npix2Nside</a></strong>(long&nbsp;npix)</code>
398 <div class="block">returns nside such that npix = 12*nside^2, nside should be
399 power of 2 and smaller than ns_max if not return -1</div>
400 </td>
401 </tr>
402 <tr class="altColor">
403 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
404 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Nside2Npix(long)">Nside2Npix</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside)</code>
405 <div class="block">calculates npix such that npix = 12*nside^2 ,nside should be
406 a power of 2, and smaller than ns_max otherwise return -1</div>
407 </td>
408 </tr>
409 <tr class="rowColor">
410 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
411 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2ang_nest(long, long)">pix2ang_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
412 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
413 <div class="block">Renders theta and phi coordinates of the normal pixel center for the
414 pixel number ipix (NESTED scheme) given the map resolution parameter
415 nside.</div>
416 </td>
417 </tr>
418 <tr class="altColor">
419 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
420 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2ang_ring(long, long)">pix2ang_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
421 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
422 <div class="block">renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
423 pixel number ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside</div>
424 </td>
425 </tr>
426 <tr class="rowColor">
427 <td class="colFirst"><code>javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
428 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vect_nest(long, long)">pix2vect_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
429 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
430 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
431 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
432 </td>
433 </tr>
434 <tr class="altColor">
435 <td class="colFirst"><code>javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
436 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vect_ring(long, long)">pix2vect_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
437 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
438 <div class="block">returns the vector pointing in the center of the pixel ipix.</div>
439 </td>
440 </tr>
441 <tr class="rowColor">
442 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[][]</code></td>
443 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vertex_nest(long, long)">pix2vertex_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
444 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
445 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
446 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
447 </td>
448 </tr>
449 <tr class="altColor">
450 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[][]</code></td>
451 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vertex_ring(long, long)">pix2vertex_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
452 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
453 <div class="block">returns double [][] with coordinates of the pixel corners.</div>
454 </td>
455 </tr>
456 <tr class="rowColor">
457 <td class="colFirst"><code>private long[]</code></td>
458 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2xy_nest(long, long)">pix2xy_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
459 long&nbsp;ipf)</code>
460 <div class="block">gives the x,y coordinates in a face from pixel number within the face
461 (NESTED) schema.</div>
462 </td>
463 </tr>
464 <tr class="altColor">
465 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
466 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PixRes(long)">PixRes</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside)</code>
467 <div class="block">calculates angular resolution of the pixel map
468 in arc seconds.</div>
469 </td>
470 </tr>
471 <tr class="rowColor">
472 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
473 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PolarToRaDec(double[])">PolarToRaDec</a></strong>(double[]&nbsp;polar)</code>
474 <div class="block">returns ra, dec in degrees given polar coordinates in radians</div>
475 </td>
476 </tr>
477 <tr class="altColor">
478 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
479 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_disc(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">query_disc</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
480 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector,
481 double&nbsp;radius,
482 int&nbsp;nest,
483 int&nbsp;inclusive)</code>
484 <div class="block">generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lays within an
485 angular distance Radius of the center.</div>
486 </td>
487 </tr>
488 <tr class="rowColor">
489 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
490 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_polygon(long, java.util.ArrayList, long, long)">query_polygon</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
491 java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;vlist,
492 long&nbsp;nest,
493 long&nbsp;inclusive)</code>
494 <div class="block">finds pixels that lay within a CONVEX polygon defined by its vertex on
495 sphere</div>
496 </td>
497 </tr>
498 <tr class="altColor">
499 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
500 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_strip(long, double, double, long)">query_strip</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
501 double&nbsp;theta1,
502 double&nbsp;theta2,
503 long&nbsp;nest)</code>
504 <div class="block">finds pixels having a colatitude (measured from North pole) :
505 theta1 < colatitude < theta2 with 0 <= theta1 < theta2 <= Pi
506 if theta2 < theta1
507 then pixels with 0 <= colatitude < theta2 or theta1 < colatitude < Pi are
508 returned</div>
509 </td>
510 </tr>
511 <tr class="rowColor">
512 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
513 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_triangle(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, long, long)">query_triangle</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
514 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
515 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2,
516 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v3,
517 long&nbsp;nest,
518 long&nbsp;inclusive)</code>
519 <div class="block">generates a list of pixels that lay inside a triangle defined by
520 the three vertex vectors</div>
521 </td>
522 </tr>
523 <tr class="altColor">
524 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
525 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#RaDecToPolar(double[])">RaDecToPolar</a></strong>(double[]&nbsp;radec)</code>
526 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates in radians given ra, dec in degrees</div>
527 </td>
528 </tr>
529 <tr class="rowColor">
530 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
531 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ring2nest(long, long)">ring2nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
532 long&nbsp;ipring)</code>
533 <div class="block">converts pixel number from ring numbering schema to the nested one</div>
534 </td>
535 </tr>
536 <tr class="altColor">
537 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
538 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#RingNum(long, double)">RingNum</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
539 double&nbsp;z)</code>
540 <div class="block">returns the ring number in {1, 4*nside - 1} calculated from z coordinate</div>
541 </td>
542 </tr>
543 <tr class="rowColor">
544 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
545 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#SurfaceTriangle(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">SurfaceTriangle</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
546 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2,
547 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v3)</code>
548 <div class="block">calculates the surface of spherical triangle defined by
549 vertices v1,v2,v3 Algorithm: finds triangle sides and uses l'Huilier
550 formula to compute "spherical excess" = surface area of triangle on a
551 sphere of radius one see, eg Bronshtein, Semendyayev Eq 2.86 half
552 perimeter hp = 0.5*(side1+side2+side3) l'Huilier formula x0 = tan( hp/2.)
553 x1 = tan((hp - side1)/2.) x2 = tan((hp - side2)/2.) x3 = tan((hp -
554 side3)/2.)</div>
555 </td>
556 </tr>
557 <tr class="altColor">
558 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
559 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Vect2Ang(javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">Vect2Ang</a></strong>(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v)</code>
560 <div class="block">converts a Vector3d in a tuple of angles tup[0] = theta
561 co-latitude measured from North pole, in [0,PI] radians, tup[1] = phi
562 longitude measured eastward, in [0,2PI] radians</div>
563 </td>
564 </tr>
565 <tr class="rowColor">
566 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
567 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#vect2pix_nest(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">vect2pix_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
568 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector)</code>
569 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
570 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
571 parameter nside.</div>
572 </td>
573 </tr>
574 <tr class="altColor">
575 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
576 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#vect2pix_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">vect2pix_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
577 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector)</code>
578 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
579 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
580 parameter nside</div>
581 </td>
582 </tr>
583 <tr class="rowColor">
584 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.Vector</code></td>
585 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#VectProd(java.util.Vector, java.util.Vector)">VectProd</a></strong>(java.util.Vector&nbsp;v1,
586 java.util.Vector&nbsp;v2)</code>
587 <div class="block">calculates a vector production of two vectors.</div>
588 </td>
589 </tr>
590 <tr class="altColor">
591 <td class="colFirst"><code>private long</code></td>
592 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xy2pix_nest(long, long, long, long)">xy2pix_nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
593 long&nbsp;ix,
594 long&nbsp;iy,
595 long&nbsp;face_num)</code>
596 <div class="block">gives the pixel number ipix (NESTED) corresponding to ix, iy and face_num</div>
597 </td>
598 </tr>
599 <tr class="rowColor">
600 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
601 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xyzToPolar(double, double, double)">xyzToPolar</a></strong>(double&nbsp;x,
602 double&nbsp;y,
603 double&nbsp;z)</code>
604 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates of a point on unit sphere given Cartesian coordinates</div>
605 </td>
606 </tr>
607 </table>
608 <ul class="blockList">
609 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
610 <!-- -->
611 </a>
612 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
613 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
614 </ul>
615 </li>
616 </ul>
617 </li>
618 </ul>
619 </div>
620 <div class="details">
621 <ul class="blockList">
622 <li class="blockList">
623 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
624 <ul class="blockList">
625 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
626 <!-- -->
627 </a>
628 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
629 <a name="twothird">
630 <!-- -->
631 </a>
632 <ul class="blockList">
633 <li class="blockList">
634 <h4>twothird</h4>
635 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double twothird</pre>
636 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.twothird">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
637 </li>
638 </ul>
639 <a name="PI">
640 <!-- -->
641 </a>
642 <ul class="blockList">
643 <li class="blockList">
644 <h4>PI</h4>
645 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double PI</pre>
646 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.PI">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
647 </li>
648 </ul>
649 <a name="TWOPI">
650 <!-- -->
651 </a>
652 <ul class="blockList">
653 <li class="blockList">
654 <h4>TWOPI</h4>
655 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double TWOPI</pre>
656 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.TWOPI">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
657 </li>
658 </ul>
659 <a name="HALFPI">
660 <!-- -->
661 </a>
662 <ul class="blockList">
663 <li class="blockList">
664 <h4>HALFPI</h4>
665 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double HALFPI</pre>
666 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.HALFPI">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
667 </li>
668 </ul>
669 <a name="ns_max">
670 <!-- -->
671 </a>
672 <ul class="blockList">
673 <li class="blockList">
674 <h4>ns_max</h4>
675 <pre>private static final&nbsp;int ns_max</pre>
676 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.ns_max">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
677 </li>
678 </ul>
679 <a name="xmax">
680 <!-- -->
681 </a>
682 <ul class="blockList">
683 <li class="blockList">
684 <h4>xmax</h4>
685 <pre>private static final&nbsp;int xmax</pre>
686 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.xmax">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
687 </li>
688 </ul>
689 <a name="pixmax">
690 <!-- -->
691 </a>
692 <ul class="blockList">
693 <li class="blockList">
694 <h4>pixmax</h4>
695 <pre>private static final&nbsp;int pixmax</pre>
696 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.pixmax">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
697 </li>
698 </ul>
699 <a name="xmid">
700 <!-- -->
701 </a>
702 <ul class="blockList">
703 <li class="blockList">
704 <h4>xmid</h4>
705 <pre>private static final&nbsp;int xmid</pre>
706 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools.xmid">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
707 </li>
708 </ul>
709 <a name="x2pix">
710 <!-- -->
711 </a>
712 <ul class="blockList">
713 <li class="blockList">
714 <h4>x2pix</h4>
715 <pre>private static final&nbsp;long[] x2pix</pre>
716 </li>
717 </ul>
718 <a name="y2pix">
719 <!-- -->
720 </a>
721 <ul class="blockList">
722 <li class="blockList">
723 <h4>y2pix</h4>
724 <pre>private static final&nbsp;long[] y2pix</pre>
725 </li>
726 </ul>
727 <a name="pix2x">
728 <!-- -->
729 </a>
730 <ul class="blockList">
731 <li class="blockList">
732 <h4>pix2x</h4>
733 <pre>private static final&nbsp;long[] pix2x</pre>
734 </li>
735 </ul>
736 <a name="pix2y">
737 <!-- -->
738 </a>
739 <ul class="blockList">
740 <li class="blockList">
741 <h4>pix2y</h4>
742 <pre>private static final&nbsp;long[] pix2y</pre>
743 </li>
744 </ul>
745 <a name="pixTools">
746 <!-- -->
747 </a>
748 <ul class="blockListLast">
749 <li class="blockList">
750 <h4>pixTools</h4>
751 <pre>private static final&nbsp;<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a> pixTools</pre>
752 <div class="block">Singleton instance.</div>
753 </li>
754 </ul>
755 </li>
756 </ul>
757 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
758 <ul class="blockList">
759 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
760 <!-- -->
761 </a>
762 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
763 <a name="PixTools()">
764 <!-- -->
765 </a>
766 <ul class="blockListLast">
767 <li class="blockList">
768 <h4>PixTools</h4>
769 <pre>public&nbsp;PixTools()</pre>
770 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
771 </li>
772 </ul>
773 </li>
774 </ul>
775 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
776 <ul class="blockList">
777 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
778 <!-- -->
779 </a>
780 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
781 <a name="query_strip(long, double, double, long)">
782 <!-- -->
783 </a>
784 <ul class="blockList">
785 <li class="blockList">
786 <h4>query_strip</h4>
787 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;query_strip(long&nbsp;nside,
788 double&nbsp;theta1,
789 double&nbsp;theta2,
790 long&nbsp;nest)
791 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
792 <div class="block">finds pixels having a colatitude (measured from North pole) :
793 theta1 < colatitude < theta2 with 0 <= theta1 < theta2 <= Pi
794 if theta2 < theta1
795 then pixels with 0 <= colatitude < theta2 or theta1 < colatitude < Pi are
796 returned</div>
797 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long the map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>theta1</code> - lower edge of the colatitude</dd><dd><code>theta2</code> - upper edge of the colatitude</dd><dd><code>nest</code> - long if = 1 result is in NESTED scheme</dd>
798 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of pixel numbers (long)</dd>
799 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
800 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd>
801 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
802 </li>
803 </ul>
804 <a name="query_polygon(long, java.util.ArrayList, long, long)">
805 <!-- -->
806 </a>
807 <ul class="blockList">
808 <li class="blockList">
809 <h4>query_polygon</h4>
810 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;query_polygon(long&nbsp;nside,
811 java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;vlist,
812 long&nbsp;nest,
813 long&nbsp;inclusive)
814 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
815 <div class="block">finds pixels that lay within a CONVEX polygon defined by its vertex on
816 sphere</div>
817 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution</dd><dd><code>vlist</code> - ArrayList of vectors defining the polygon vertices</dd><dd><code>nest</code> - if set to 1 use NESTED scheme</dd><dd><code>inclusive</code> - if set 1 returns all pixels crossed by polygon boundaries</dd>
818 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of pixels
820 algorithm: the polygon is divided into triangles vertex 0 belongs to all
821 triangles</dd>
822 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
823 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd>
824 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
825 </li>
826 </ul>
827 <a name="query_triangle(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, long, long)">
828 <!-- -->
829 </a>
830 <ul class="blockList">
831 <li class="blockList">
832 <h4>query_triangle</h4>
833 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;query_triangle(long&nbsp;nside,
834 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
835 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2,
836 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v3,
837 long&nbsp;nest,
838 long&nbsp;inclusive)
839 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
840 <div class="block">generates a list of pixels that lay inside a triangle defined by
841 the three vertex vectors</div>
842 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>v1</code> - Vector3d defines one vertex of the triangle</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - Vector3d another vertex</dd><dd><code>v3</code> - Vector3d yet another one</dd><dd><code>nest</code> - long 0 (default) RING numbering scheme, if set to 1 the NESTED
843 scheme will be used.</dd><dd><code>inclusive</code> - long 0 (default) only pixels whose centers are inside the
844 triangle will be listed, if set to 1 all pixels overlaping the
845 triangle will be listed</dd>
846 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList with pixel numbers</dd>
847 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
848 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd>
849 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
850 </li>
851 </ul>
852 <a name="intrs_intrv(double[], double[])">
853 <!-- -->
854 </a>
855 <ul class="blockList">
856 <li class="blockList">
857 <h4>intrs_intrv</h4>
858 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;intrs_intrv(double[]&nbsp;d1,
859 double[]&nbsp;d2)</pre>
860 <div class="block">computes the intersection di of 2 intervals d1 (= [a1,b1])
861 and d2 (= [a2,b2]) on the periodic domain (=[A,B] where A and B
862 arbitrary) ni is the resulting number of intervals (0,1, or 2) if a1 <b1
863 then d1 = {x |a1 <= x <= b1} if a1>b1 then d1 = {x | a1 <=x <= B U A <=x
864 <=b1}</div>
865 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>d1</code> - double[] first interval</dd><dd><code>d2</code> - double[] second interval</dd>
866 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[] one or two intervals intersections</dd></dl>
867 </li>
868 </ul>
869 <a name="getDisc_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double)">
870 <!-- -->
871 </a>
872 <ul class="blockList">
873 <li class="blockList">
874 <h4>getDisc_ring</h4>
875 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;getDisc_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
876 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector0,
877 double&nbsp;radius)</pre>
878 <div class="block">an obsolete method. Use query_disc instead.</div>
879 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - </dd><dd><code>vector0</code> - </dd><dd><code>radius</code> - </dd>
880 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>- ArrayList of long</dd></dl>
881 </li>
882 </ul>
883 <a name="query_disc(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">
884 <!-- -->
885 </a>
886 <ul class="blockList">
887 <li class="blockList">
888 <h4>query_disc</h4>
889 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;query_disc(long&nbsp;nside,
890 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector,
891 double&nbsp;radius,
892 int&nbsp;nest,
893 int&nbsp;inclusive)</pre>
894 <div class="block">generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lays within an
895 angular distance Radius of the center.</div>
896 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution</dd><dd><code>vector</code> - Vector3d pointing to the disc center</dd><dd><code>radius</code> - double angular radius of the disc (in RADIAN )</dd><dd><code>nest</code> - int 0 (default) if output is in RING scheme, if set to 1
897 output is in NESTED</dd><dd><code>inclusive</code> - int 0 (default) only pixels whose centers lay in the disc
898 are listed, if set to 1, all pixels overlapping the disc
899 are listed. In the inclusive mode the radius is increased by half the pixel size.
900 In this case most probably all neighbor pixels will be listed even with very small
901 radius.
902 In case of exclusive search and very small radius when the disc lays completely
903 inside a pixel the pixel number is returned using vector2pix method.</dd>
904 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of pixel numbers
906 calls: RingNum(nside, ir) InRing(nside, iz, phi0, dphi,nest) vector2pix(nside,ipix)</dd></dl>
907 </li>
908 </ul>
909 <a name="pix2ang_ring(long, long)">
910 <!-- -->
911 </a>
912 <ul class="blockList">
913 <li class="blockList">
914 <h4>pix2ang_ring</h4>
915 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;pix2ang_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
916 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
917 <div class="block">renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
918 pixel number ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside</div>
919 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
920 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[] theta,phi</dd></dl>
921 </li>
922 </ul>
923 <a name="pix2vect_ring(long, long)">
924 <!-- -->
925 </a>
926 <ul class="blockList">
927 <li class="blockList">
928 <h4>pix2vect_ring</h4>
929 <pre>public&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;pix2vect_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
930 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
931 <div class="block">returns the vector pointing in the center of the pixel ipix. The vector
932 is calculated by makePix2Vect_ring method</div>
933 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - pixel number</dd>
934 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Vector3d</dd></dl>
935 </li>
936 </ul>
937 <a name="pix2vertex_ring(long, long)">
938 <!-- -->
939 </a>
940 <ul class="blockList">
941 <li class="blockList">
942 <h4>pix2vertex_ring</h4>
943 <pre>public&nbsp;double[][]&nbsp;pix2vertex_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
944 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
945 <div class="block">returns double [][] with coordinates of the pixel corners. The array is
946 calculated by makePix2Vect_ring method</div>
947 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - pixel number</dd>
948 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[][] list of vertex coordinates</dd></dl>
949 </li>
950 </ul>
951 <a name="makePix2Vect_ring(long, long)">
952 <!-- -->
953 </a>
954 <ul class="blockList">
955 <li class="blockList">
956 <h4>makePix2Vect_ring</h4>
957 <pre>private&nbsp;<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a>&nbsp;makePix2Vect_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
958 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
959 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for pixel
960 ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside. It also
961 calculates (x,y,z) positions of the four vertices in order N,W,S,E.
962 These results are returned in a PixInfo object.
963 Those can be used using pix2Vect_ring and pix2vert_ring methods</div>
964 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - pixel number</dd>
965 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>result object</dd></dl>
966 </li>
967 </ul>
968 <a name="ang2pix_ring(long, double, double)">
969 <!-- -->
970 </a>
971 <ul class="blockList">
972 <li class="blockList">
973 <h4>ang2pix_ring</h4>
974 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;ang2pix_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
975 double&nbsp;theta,
976 double&nbsp;phi)</pre>
977 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
978 point with coordinates theta and phi, given the map resolution parameter
979 nside.</div>
980 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>theta</code> - double theta</dd><dd><code>phi</code> - -
981 double phi</dd>
982 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long ipix</dd></dl>
983 </li>
984 </ul>
985 <a name="vect2pix_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
986 <!-- -->
987 </a>
988 <ul class="blockList">
989 <li class="blockList">
990 <h4>vect2pix_ring</h4>
991 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;vect2pix_ring(long&nbsp;nside,
992 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector)</pre>
993 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
994 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
995 parameter nside</div>
996 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long map resolution</dd><dd><code>vector</code> - Vector3d of the point coordinates</dd>
997 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long pixel number</dd>
998 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
999 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1000 </li>
1001 </ul>
1002 <a name="pix2ang_nest(long, long)">
1003 <!-- -->
1004 </a>
1005 <ul class="blockList">
1006 <li class="blockList">
1007 <h4>pix2ang_nest</h4>
1008 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;pix2ang_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1009 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1010 <div class="block">Renders theta and phi coordinates of the normal pixel center for the
1011 pixel number ipix (NESTED scheme) given the map resolution parameter
1012 nside.</div>
1013 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - map resolution parameter - long</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1014 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[] (theta, phi)</dd>
1015 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1016 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1017 </li>
1018 </ul>
1019 <a name="pix2vect_nest(long, long)">
1020 <!-- -->
1021 </a>
1022 <ul class="blockList">
1023 <li class="blockList">
1024 <h4>pix2vect_nest</h4>
1025 <pre>public&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;pix2vect_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1026 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1027 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
1028 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.
1029 Also calculates the (x,y,z) positions of 4 pixel vertices (corners) in
1030 the order N,W,S,E. These can be get using method pix2vertex_nest.</div>
1031 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1032 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Vector3d</dd>
1033 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1034 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1035 </li>
1036 </ul>
1037 <a name="pix2vertex_nest(long, long)">
1038 <!-- -->
1039 </a>
1040 <ul class="blockList">
1041 <li class="blockList">
1042 <h4>pix2vertex_nest</h4>
1043 <pre>public&nbsp;double[][]&nbsp;pix2vertex_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1044 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1045 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
1046 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.
1047 Also calculates the (x,y,z) positions of 4 pixel vertices (corners) in
1048 the order N,W,S,E.</div>
1049 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1050 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[3][4] 4 sets of vector components</dd>
1051 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1052 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1053 </li>
1054 </ul>
1055 <a name="makePix2Vect_Nest(long, long)">
1056 <!-- -->
1057 </a>
1058 <ul class="blockList">
1059 <li class="blockList">
1060 <h4>makePix2Vect_Nest</h4>
1061 <pre>private&nbsp;<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a>&nbsp;makePix2Vect_Nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1062 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1063 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
1064 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside. Tis
1065 can be get using method pix2vect_nest Also calculates the (x,y,z)
1066 positions of 4 pixel vertices (corners) in the order N,W,S,E.
1067 The result can be used using method pix2vertex_nest.</div>
1068 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long the map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1069 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>result</dd></dl>
1070 </li>
1071 </ul>
1072 <a name="ang2pix_nest(long, double, double)">
1073 <!-- -->
1074 </a>
1075 <ul class="blockList">
1076 <li class="blockList">
1077 <h4>ang2pix_nest</h4>
1078 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;ang2pix_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1079 double&nbsp;theta,
1080 double&nbsp;phi)</pre>
1081 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
1082 point on a sphere at coordinates theta and phi, given map resolution
1083 parameter nside.
1085 The computation is made to the highest resolution available and then
1086 degraded to required resolution by integer division. It makes sure that
1087 the treatment of round-off will be consistent for every resolution.</div>
1088 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>theta</code> - double theta coordinate in radians</dd><dd><code>phi</code> - double phi coordinate in radians</dd>
1089 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>pixel number long</dd>
1090 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1091 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1092 </li>
1093 </ul>
1094 <a name="convert_nest2ring(long, java.lang.Object[])">
1095 <!-- -->
1096 </a>
1097 <ul class="blockList">
1098 <li class="blockList">
1099 <h4>convert_nest2ring</h4>
1100 <pre>public&nbsp;java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;convert_nest2ring(long&nbsp;nside,
1101 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</pre>
1102 <div class="block">make the conversion NEST to RING</div>
1103 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>map</code> - Object[] the map in NESTED scheme</dd>
1104 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>- Object[] a map in RING scheme</dd>
1105 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1106 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1107 </li>
1108 </ul>
1109 <a name="convert_ring2nest(long, java.lang.Object[])">
1110 <!-- -->
1111 </a>
1112 <ul class="blockList">
1113 <li class="blockList">
1114 <h4>convert_ring2nest</h4>
1115 <pre>public&nbsp;java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;convert_ring2nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1116 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</pre>
1117 <div class="block">makes the conversion RING to NEST</div>
1118 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution</dd><dd><code>map</code> - map in RING</dd>
1119 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>map in NEST</dd>
1120 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1121 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1122 </li>
1123 </ul>
1124 <a name="convert_inplace_long(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])">
1125 <!-- -->
1126 </a>
1127 <ul class="blockList">
1128 <li class="blockList">
1129 <h4>convert_inplace_long</h4>
1130 <pre>public&nbsp;java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;convert_inplace_long(java.lang.String&nbsp;subcall,
1131 java.lang.Object[]&nbsp;map)</pre>
1132 <div class="block">converts a 8 byte Object map from RING to NESTED and vice versa in place,
1133 ie without allocation a temporary map (Has no reason for Java). This
1134 method is more general but slower than convert_nest2ring.
1136 This method is a wrapper for functions ring2nest and nest2ring. Their
1137 names are supplied in the subcall argument.</div>
1138 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>subcall</code> - String name of the method to use.</dd><dd><code>map</code> - Object[] map</dd>
1139 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>resulting Object[] map.</dd>
1140 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1141 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1142 </li>
1143 </ul>
1144 <a name="neighbours_nest(long, long)">
1145 <!-- -->
1146 </a>
1147 <ul class="blockList">
1148 <li class="blockList">
1149 <h4>neighbours_nest</h4>
1150 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;neighbours_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1151 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1152 <div class="block">returns 7 or 8 neighbours of any pixel in the nested scheme The neighbours
1153 are ordered in the following way: First pixel is the one to the south (
1154 the one west of the south direction is taken for pixels that don't have a
1155 southern neighbour). From then on the neighbors are ordered in the
1156 clockwise direction.</div>
1157 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1158 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList</dd>
1159 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1160 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1161 </li>
1162 </ul>
1163 <a name="InRing(long, long, double, double, boolean)">
1164 <!-- -->
1165 </a>
1166 <ul class="blockList">
1167 <li class="blockList">
1168 <h4>InRing</h4>
1169 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;InRing(long&nbsp;nside,
1170 long&nbsp;iz,
1171 double&nbsp;phi0,
1172 double&nbsp;dphi,
1173 boolean&nbsp;nest)</pre>
1174 <div class="block">returns the list of pixels in RING or NEST scheme with latitude in [phi0 -
1175 dpi, phi0 + dphi] on the ring iz in [1, 4*nside -1 ] The pixel id numbers
1176 are in [0, 12*nside^2 - 1] the indexing is in RING, unless nest is set to
1177 1</div>
1178 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long the map resolution</dd><dd><code>iz</code> - long ring number</dd><dd><code>phi0</code> - double</dd><dd><code>dphi</code> - double</dd><dd><code>nest</code> - boolean format flag</dd>
1179 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of pixels</dd>
1180 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1181 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code> - Modified by N. Kuropatkin 07/09/2008 Corrected several bugs and make test of all cases.</dd></dl>
1182 </li>
1183 </ul>
1184 <a name="next_in_line_nest(long, long)">
1185 <!-- -->
1186 </a>
1187 <ul class="blockList">
1188 <li class="blockList">
1189 <h4>next_in_line_nest</h4>
1190 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;next_in_line_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1191 long&nbsp;ipix)</pre>
1192 <div class="block">calculates the pixel that lies on the East side (and the same
1193 latitude) as the given NESTED pixel number - ipix</div>
1194 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution</dd><dd><code>ipix</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1195 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long next pixel in line</dd>
1196 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1197 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1198 </li>
1199 </ul>
1200 <a name="vect2pix_nest(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1201 <!-- -->
1202 </a>
1203 <ul class="blockList">
1204 <li class="blockList">
1205 <h4>vect2pix_nest</h4>
1206 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;vect2pix_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1207 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector)</pre>
1208 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
1209 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
1210 parameter nside.
1212 The computation is made to the highest resolution available (nside=ns_max)
1213 and then degraded to that requared (by Integer division) this doesn't
1214 cost much, and it makes sure that the treatment of round-off will be
1215 consistent for every resolution</div>
1216 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long the map resolution</dd><dd><code>vector</code> - Vewctor3d the input vector</dd>
1217 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>pixel long</dd>
1218 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1219 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1220 </li>
1221 </ul>
1222 <a name="xy2pix_nest(long, long, long, long)">
1223 <!-- -->
1224 </a>
1225 <ul class="blockList">
1226 <li class="blockList">
1227 <h4>xy2pix_nest</h4>
1228 <pre>private&nbsp;long&nbsp;xy2pix_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1229 long&nbsp;ix,
1230 long&nbsp;iy,
1231 long&nbsp;face_num)</pre>
1232 <div class="block">gives the pixel number ipix (NESTED) corresponding to ix, iy and face_num</div>
1233 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - the map resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>ix</code> - Integer x coordinate</dd><dd><code>iy</code> - Integer y coordinate</dd><dd><code>face_num</code> - long face number</dd>
1234 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long pixel number ipix</dd>
1235 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1236 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1237 </li>
1238 </ul>
1239 <a name="pix2xy_nest(long, long)">
1240 <!-- -->
1241 </a>
1242 <ul class="blockList">
1243 <li class="blockList">
1244 <h4>pix2xy_nest</h4>
1245 <pre>private&nbsp;long[]&nbsp;pix2xy_nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1246 long&nbsp;ipf)</pre>
1247 <div class="block">gives the x,y coordinates in a face from pixel number within the face
1248 (NESTED) schema.</div>
1249 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution parameter</dd><dd><code>ipf</code> - long pixel number</dd>
1250 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ixiy long[] contains x and y coordinates</dd>
1251 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1252 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1253 </li>
1254 </ul>
1255 <a name="mk_pix2xy()">
1256 <!-- -->
1257 </a>
1258 <ul class="blockList">
1259 <li class="blockList">
1260 <h4>mk_pix2xy</h4>
1261 <pre>private&nbsp;void&nbsp;mk_pix2xy()</pre>
1262 <div class="block">creates an array of pixel numbers pix2x from x and y coordinates in the
1263 face. Suppose NESTED scheme of pixel ordering Bits corresponding to x and
1264 y are interleaved in the pixel number in even and odd bits.</div>
1265 </li>
1266 </ul>
1267 <a name="ring2nest(long, long)">
1268 <!-- -->
1269 </a>
1270 <ul class="blockList">
1271 <li class="blockList">
1272 <h4>ring2nest</h4>
1273 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;ring2nest(long&nbsp;nside,
1274 long&nbsp;ipring)</pre>
1275 <div class="block">converts pixel number from ring numbering schema to the nested one</div>
1276 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution</dd><dd><code>ipring</code> - long pixel number in ring schema</dd>
1277 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long pixel number in nest schema</dd>
1278 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1279 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1280 </li>
1281 </ul>
1282 <a name="nest2ring(long, long)">
1283 <!-- -->
1284 </a>
1285 <ul class="blockList">
1286 <li class="blockList">
1287 <h4>nest2ring</h4>
1288 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;nest2ring(long&nbsp;nside,
1289 long&nbsp;ipnest)</pre>
1290 <div class="block">converts from NESTED to RING pixel numbering</div>
1291 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution</dd><dd><code>ipnest</code> - long NEST pixel number</dd>
1292 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ipring long RING pixel number</dd>
1293 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1294 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1295 </li>
1296 </ul>
1297 <a name="mk_xy2pix()">
1298 <!-- -->
1299 </a>
1300 <ul class="blockList">
1301 <li class="blockList">
1302 <h4>mk_xy2pix</h4>
1303 <pre>private static&nbsp;void&nbsp;mk_xy2pix()</pre>
1304 <div class="block">fills arrays x2pix and y2pix giving the number of the pixel laying in
1305 (x,y). x and y are in [1,512] the pixel number is in [0, 512**2 -1]
1307 if i-1 = sum_p=0 b_p*2^p then ix = sum+p=0 b_p*4^p iy = 2*ix ix + iy in
1308 [0,512**2 -1]</div>
1309 </li>
1310 </ul>
1311 <a name="RingNum(long, double)">
1312 <!-- -->
1313 </a>
1314 <ul class="blockList">
1315 <li class="blockList">
1316 <h4>RingNum</h4>
1317 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;RingNum(long&nbsp;nside,
1318 double&nbsp;z)</pre>
1319 <div class="block">returns the ring number in {1, 4*nside - 1} calculated from z coordinate</div>
1320 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long resolution</dd><dd><code>z</code> - double z coordinate</dd>
1321 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long ring number</dd></dl>
1322 </li>
1323 </ul>
1324 <a name="Ang2Vec(double, double)">
1325 <!-- -->
1326 </a>
1327 <ul class="blockList">
1328 <li class="blockList">
1329 <h4>Ang2Vec</h4>
1330 <pre>public&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;Ang2Vec(double&nbsp;theta,
1331 double&nbsp;phi)</pre>
1332 <div class="block">calculates vector corresponding to angles theta (co-latitude
1333 measured from North pole, in [0,pi] radians) phi (longitude measured
1334 eastward in [0,2pi] radians) North pole is (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 1)</div>
1335 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>theta</code> - double</dd><dd><code>phi</code> - double</dd>
1336 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Vector3d</dd>
1337 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1338 <dd><code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code></dd></dl>
1339 </li>
1340 </ul>
1341 <a name="Vect2Ang(javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1342 <!-- -->
1343 </a>
1344 <ul class="blockList">
1345 <li class="blockList">
1346 <h4>Vect2Ang</h4>
1347 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;Vect2Ang(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v)</pre>
1348 <div class="block">converts a Vector3d in a tuple of angles tup[0] = theta
1349 co-latitude measured from North pole, in [0,PI] radians, tup[1] = phi
1350 longitude measured eastward, in [0,2PI] radians</div>
1351 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v</code> - Vector3d</dd>
1352 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double[] out_tup out_tup[0] = theta out_tup[1] = phi</dd></dl>
1353 </li>
1354 </ul>
1355 <a name="Npix2Nside(long)">
1356 <!-- -->
1357 </a>
1358 <ul class="blockList">
1359 <li class="blockList">
1360 <h4>Npix2Nside</h4>
1361 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;Npix2Nside(long&nbsp;npix)</pre>
1362 <div class="block">returns nside such that npix = 12*nside^2, nside should be
1363 power of 2 and smaller than ns_max if not return -1</div>
1364 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>npix</code> - long the number of pixels in the map</dd>
1365 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long nside the map resolution parameter</dd></dl>
1366 </li>
1367 </ul>
1368 <a name="Nside2Npix(long)">
1369 <!-- -->
1370 </a>
1371 <ul class="blockList">
1372 <li class="blockList">
1373 <h4>Nside2Npix</h4>
1374 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;Nside2Npix(long&nbsp;nside)</pre>
1375 <div class="block">calculates npix such that npix = 12*nside^2 ,nside should be
1376 a power of 2, and smaller than ns_max otherwise return -1</div>
1377 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - long the map resolution</dd>
1378 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>npix long the number of pixels in the map</dd></dl>
1379 </li>
1380 </ul>
1381 <a name="SurfaceTriangle(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1382 <!-- -->
1383 </a>
1384 <ul class="blockList">
1385 <li class="blockList">
1386 <h4>SurfaceTriangle</h4>
1387 <pre>public&nbsp;double&nbsp;SurfaceTriangle(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
1388 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2,
1389 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v3)
1390 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
1391 <div class="block">calculates the surface of spherical triangle defined by
1392 vertices v1,v2,v3 Algorithm: finds triangle sides and uses l'Huilier
1393 formula to compute "spherical excess" = surface area of triangle on a
1394 sphere of radius one see, eg Bronshtein, Semendyayev Eq 2.86 half
1395 perimeter hp = 0.5*(side1+side2+side3) l'Huilier formula x0 = tan( hp/2.)
1396 x1 = tan((hp - side1)/2.) x2 = tan((hp - side2)/2.) x3 = tan((hp -
1397 side3)/2.)</div>
1398 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v1</code> - Vector3d</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - Vector3d</dd><dd><code>v3</code> - Vector3d vertices of the triangle</dd>
1399 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double the triangle surface</dd>
1400 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1401 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
1402 </li>
1403 </ul>
1404 <a name="AngDist(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1405 <!-- -->
1406 </a>
1407 <ul class="blockList">
1408 <li class="blockList">
1409 <h4>AngDist</h4>
1410 <pre>public&nbsp;double&nbsp;AngDist(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
1411 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)
1412 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
1413 <div class="block">calculates angular distance (in radians) between 2 Vectors
1414 v1 and v2 In general dist = acos(v1.v2) except if the vectors are almost
1415 aligned</div>
1416 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v1</code> - Vector3d</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - Vector3d</dd>
1417 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double dist</dd>
1418 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1419 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
1420 </li>
1421 </ul>
1422 <a name="VectProd(java.util.Vector, java.util.Vector)">
1423 <!-- -->
1424 </a>
1425 <ul class="blockList">
1426 <li class="blockList">
1427 <h4>VectProd</h4>
1428 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.Vector&nbsp;VectProd(java.util.Vector&nbsp;v1,
1429 java.util.Vector&nbsp;v2)
1430 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
1431 <div class="block">calculates a vector production of two vectors.</div>
1432 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v1</code> - Vectror containing 3 elements of Number type</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - Vector containing 3 elements of Number type</dd>
1433 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Vector of 3 Objects of Double type</dd>
1434 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1435 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
1436 </li>
1437 </ul>
1438 <a name="dotProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1439 <!-- -->
1440 </a>
1441 <ul class="blockList">
1442 <li class="blockList">
1443 <h4>dotProduct</h4>
1444 <pre>public&nbsp;double&nbsp;dotProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
1445 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)
1446 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
1447 <div class="block">calculates a dot product (inner product) of two 3D vectors
1448 the result is double</div>
1449 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v1</code> - 3d Vector of Number Objects (Double, long .. )</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - 3d Vector</dd>
1450 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double</dd>
1451 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
1452 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
1453 </li>
1454 </ul>
1455 <a name="crossProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">
1456 <!-- -->
1457 </a>
1458 <ul class="blockList">
1459 <li class="blockList">
1460 <h4>crossProduct</h4>
1461 <pre>public&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;crossProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v1,
1462 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;v2)</pre>
1463 <div class="block">calculate cross product of two vectors</div>
1464 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>v1</code> - Vector3d</dd><dd><code>v2</code> - Vector3d</dd>
1465 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>Vector3d result of the product</dd></dl>
1466 </li>
1467 </ul>
1468 <a name="PixRes(long)">
1469 <!-- -->
1470 </a>
1471 <ul class="blockList">
1472 <li class="blockList">
1473 <h4>PixRes</h4>
1474 <pre>public&nbsp;double&nbsp;PixRes(long&nbsp;nside)</pre>
1475 <div class="block">calculates angular resolution of the pixel map
1476 in arc seconds.</div>
1477 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>nside</code> - </dd>
1478 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double resolution in arcsec</dd></dl>
1479 </li>
1480 </ul>
1481 <a name="GetNSide(double)">
1482 <!-- -->
1483 </a>
1484 <ul class="blockList">
1485 <li class="blockList">
1486 <h4>GetNSide</h4>
1487 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;GetNSide(double&nbsp;pixsize)</pre>
1488 <div class="block">calculate requared nside given pixel size in arcsec</div>
1489 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pixsize</code> - in arcsec</dd>
1490 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>long nside parameter</dd></dl>
1491 </li>
1492 </ul>
1493 <a name="RaDecToPolar(double[])">
1494 <!-- -->
1495 </a>
1496 <ul class="blockList">
1497 <li class="blockList">
1498 <h4>RaDecToPolar</h4>
1499 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;RaDecToPolar(double[]&nbsp;radec)</pre>
1500 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates in radians given ra, dec in degrees</div>
1501 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>radec</code> - double array containing ra,dec in degrees</dd>
1502 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>res double array containing theta and phi in radians
1503 res[0] = theta res[1] = phi</dd></dl>
1504 </li>
1505 </ul>
1506 <a name="PolarToRaDec(double[])">
1507 <!-- -->
1508 </a>
1509 <ul class="blockList">
1510 <li class="blockList">
1511 <h4>PolarToRaDec</h4>
1512 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;PolarToRaDec(double[]&nbsp;polar)</pre>
1513 <div class="block">returns ra, dec in degrees given polar coordinates in radians</div>
1514 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>polar</code> - double array polar[0] = phi in radians
1515 polar[1] = theta in radians</dd>
1516 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double array radec radec[0] = ra in degrees
1517 radec[1] = dec in degrees</dd></dl>
1518 </li>
1519 </ul>
1520 <a name="xyzToPolar(double, double, double)">
1521 <!-- -->
1522 </a>
1523 <ul class="blockList">
1524 <li class="blockList">
1525 <h4>xyzToPolar</h4>
1526 <pre>public&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;xyzToPolar(double&nbsp;x,
1527 double&nbsp;y,
1528 double&nbsp;z)</pre>
1529 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates of a point on unit sphere given Cartesian coordinates</div>
1530 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>x</code> - - Cartesian coordinate x of a point on unit sphere</dd><dd><code>y</code> - - y coordinate</dd><dd><code>z</code> - - z coordinate</dd>
1531 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>double [] theta,phi</dd></dl>
1532 </li>
1533 </ul>
1534 <a name="getInstance()">
1535 <!-- -->
1536 </a>
1537 <ul class="blockListLast">
1538 <li class="blockList">
1539 <h4>getInstance</h4>
1540 <pre>public static&nbsp;<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a>&nbsp;getInstance()</pre>
1541 <div class="block">Returns singleton instance.</div>
1542 </li>
1543 </ul>
1544 </li>
1545 </ul>
1546 </li>
1547 </ul>
1548 </div>
1549 </div>
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79 <!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</div>
82 <h2 title="Class Region" class="title">Class Region</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.Region</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre>public class <span class="strong">Region</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
101 <dd>kuropat
102 The class represents square region on a sphere defined by raMin, raMax
103 decMin,decMax in degrees. The dec varies from Pi/2 to -Pi/2.
104 The ra varies from 0. inclusive to 2Pi exclusive. Negative value of ra
105 will be corrected by adding 2Pi</dd></dl>
106 </li>
107 </ul>
108 </div>
109 <div class="summary">
110 <ul class="blockList">
111 <li class="blockList">
112 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
113 <ul class="blockList">
114 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
115 <!-- -->
116 </a>
117 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
118 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
119 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
120 <tr>
121 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
122 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
123 </tr>
124 <tr class="altColor">
125 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></code></td>
126 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#bm">bm</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr class="rowColor">
129 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
130 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#decMax">decMax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
131 </tr>
132 <tr class="altColor">
133 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
134 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#decMin">decMin</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
135 </tr>
136 <tr class="rowColor">
137 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
138 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
139 </tr>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
142 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#phiMax">phiMax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
143 </tr>
144 <tr class="rowColor">
145 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
146 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#phiMin">phiMin</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr class="altColor">
149 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
150 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#PI">PI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr class="rowColor">
153 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
154 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#raMax">raMax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
155 </tr>
156 <tr class="altColor">
157 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
158 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#raMin">raMin</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
159 </tr>
160 <tr class="rowColor">
161 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
162 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#tetMax">tetMax</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
163 </tr>
164 <tr class="altColor">
165 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
166 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#tetMin">tetMin</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
167 </tr>
168 <tr class="rowColor">
169 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
170 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
171 </tr>
172 <tr class="altColor">
173 <td class="colFirst"><code>private java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
174 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#vertices">vertices</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
175 </tr>
176 </table>
177 </li>
178 </ul>
179 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
180 <ul class="blockList">
181 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
182 <!-- -->
183 </a>
184 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
185 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
186 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
187 <tr>
188 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
189 </tr>
190 <tr class="altColor">
191 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#Region(double, double, double, double)">Region</a></strong>(double&nbsp;xMin,
192 double&nbsp;xMax,
193 double&nbsp;yMin,
194 double&nbsp;yMax)</code>
195 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
196 </td>
197 </tr>
198 </table>
199 </li>
200 </ul>
201 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
202 <ul class="blockList">
203 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
204 <!-- -->
205 </a>
206 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
207 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
208 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
209 <tr>
210 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
211 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
212 </tr>
213 <tr class="altColor">
214 <td class="colFirst"><code>double[][]</code></td>
215 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#getPolReg()">getPolReg</a></strong>()</code>
216 <div class="block">provides polar coordinates of the region vertices</div>
217 </td>
218 </tr>
219 <tr class="rowColor">
220 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
221 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#getVertices()">getVertices</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
222 </tr>
223 <tr class="altColor">
224 <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td>
225 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#inReg(double, double)">inReg</a></strong>(double&nbsp;ra,
226 double&nbsp;dec)</code>
227 <div class="block">return true if the point ra,dec is inside region</div>
228 </td>
229 </tr>
230 <tr class="rowColor">
231 <td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td>
232 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#inRegPol(double, double)">inRegPol</a></strong>(double&nbsp;phi,
233 double&nbsp;theta)</code>
234 <div class="block">return true if point phi, theta is inside region</div>
235 </td>
236 </tr>
237 <tr class="altColor">
238 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.ArrayList</code></td>
239 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#pixelize(double)">pixelize</a></strong>(double&nbsp;precision)</code>
240 <div class="block">divides region on HealPix pixels of given size including
241 pixels that only partly inside the region</div>
242 </td>
243 </tr>
244 </table>
245 <ul class="blockList">
246 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
247 <!-- -->
248 </a>
249 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
250 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
251 </ul>
252 </li>
253 </ul>
254 </li>
255 </ul>
256 </div>
257 <div class="details">
258 <ul class="blockList">
259 <li class="blockList">
260 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
261 <ul class="blockList">
262 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
263 <!-- -->
264 </a>
265 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
266 <a name="TWOPI">
267 <!-- -->
268 </a>
269 <ul class="blockList">
270 <li class="blockList">
271 <h4>TWOPI</h4>
272 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double TWOPI</pre>
273 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.Region.TWOPI">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
274 </li>
275 </ul>
276 <a name="raMin">
277 <!-- -->
278 </a>
279 <ul class="blockList">
280 <li class="blockList">
281 <h4>raMin</h4>
282 <pre>private&nbsp;double raMin</pre>
283 </li>
284 </ul>
285 <a name="raMax">
286 <!-- -->
287 </a>
288 <ul class="blockList">
289 <li class="blockList">
290 <h4>raMax</h4>
291 <pre>private&nbsp;double raMax</pre>
292 </li>
293 </ul>
294 <a name="decMin">
295 <!-- -->
296 </a>
297 <ul class="blockList">
298 <li class="blockList">
299 <h4>decMin</h4>
300 <pre>private&nbsp;double decMin</pre>
301 </li>
302 </ul>
303 <a name="decMax">
304 <!-- -->
305 </a>
306 <ul class="blockList">
307 <li class="blockList">
308 <h4>decMax</h4>
309 <pre>private&nbsp;double decMax</pre>
310 </li>
311 </ul>
312 <a name="tetMin">
313 <!-- -->
314 </a>
315 <ul class="blockList">
316 <li class="blockList">
317 <h4>tetMin</h4>
318 <pre>private&nbsp;double tetMin</pre>
319 </li>
320 </ul>
321 <a name="tetMax">
322 <!-- -->
323 </a>
324 <ul class="blockList">
325 <li class="blockList">
326 <h4>tetMax</h4>
327 <pre>private&nbsp;double tetMax</pre>
328 </li>
329 </ul>
330 <a name="phiMin">
331 <!-- -->
332 </a>
333 <ul class="blockList">
334 <li class="blockList">
335 <h4>phiMin</h4>
336 <pre>private&nbsp;double phiMin</pre>
337 </li>
338 </ul>
339 <a name="phiMax">
340 <!-- -->
341 </a>
342 <ul class="blockList">
343 <li class="blockList">
344 <h4>phiMax</h4>
345 <pre>private&nbsp;double phiMax</pre>
346 </li>
347 </ul>
348 <a name="epsilon">
349 <!-- -->
350 </a>
351 <ul class="blockList">
352 <li class="blockList">
353 <h4>epsilon</h4>
354 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double epsilon</pre>
355 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.Region.epsilon">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
356 </li>
357 </ul>
358 <a name="vertices">
359 <!-- -->
360 </a>
361 <ul class="blockList">
362 <li class="blockList">
363 <h4>vertices</h4>
364 <pre>private&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList vertices</pre>
365 </li>
366 </ul>
367 <a name="PI">
368 <!-- -->
369 </a>
370 <ul class="blockList">
371 <li class="blockList">
372 <h4>PI</h4>
373 <pre>private&nbsp;double PI</pre>
374 </li>
375 </ul>
376 <a name="bm">
377 <!-- -->
378 </a>
379 <ul class="blockListLast">
380 <li class="blockList">
381 <h4>bm</h4>
382 <pre>private&nbsp;<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a> bm</pre>
383 </li>
384 </ul>
385 </li>
386 </ul>
387 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
388 <ul class="blockList">
389 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
390 <!-- -->
391 </a>
392 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
393 <a name="Region(double, double, double, double)">
394 <!-- -->
395 </a>
396 <ul class="blockListLast">
397 <li class="blockList">
398 <h4>Region</h4>
399 <pre>public&nbsp;Region(double&nbsp;xMin,
400 double&nbsp;xMax,
401 double&nbsp;yMin,
402 double&nbsp;yMax)</pre>
403 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
404 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>xMin</code> - ra min in degrees</dd><dd><code>xMax</code> - ra max in degrees</dd><dd><code>yMin</code> - dec min in degrees</dd><dd><code>yMax</code> - dec max in degrees</dd></dl>
405 </li>
406 </ul>
407 </li>
408 </ul>
409 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
410 <ul class="blockList">
411 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
412 <!-- -->
413 </a>
414 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
415 <a name="inReg(double, double)">
416 <!-- -->
417 </a>
418 <ul class="blockList">
419 <li class="blockList">
420 <h4>inReg</h4>
421 <pre>public&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;inReg(double&nbsp;ra,
422 double&nbsp;dec)</pre>
423 <div class="block">return true if the point ra,dec is inside region</div>
424 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>ra</code> - in degrees</dd><dd><code>dec</code> - in degrees</dd>
425 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>boolean true if inside the region</dd></dl>
426 </li>
427 </ul>
428 <a name="inRegPol(double, double)">
429 <!-- -->
430 </a>
431 <ul class="blockList">
432 <li class="blockList">
433 <h4>inRegPol</h4>
434 <pre>public&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;inRegPol(double&nbsp;phi,
435 double&nbsp;theta)</pre>
436 <div class="block">return true if point phi, theta is inside region</div>
437 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>phi</code> - in radians</dd><dd><code>theta</code> - in radians</dd>
438 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>boolean true if in region</dd></dl>
439 </li>
440 </ul>
441 <a name="getVertices()">
442 <!-- -->
443 </a>
444 <ul class="blockList">
445 <li class="blockList">
446 <h4>getVertices</h4>
447 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;getVertices()</pre>
448 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of 3d vectors of vertices of the region</dd></dl>
449 </li>
450 </ul>
451 <a name="pixelize(double)">
452 <!-- -->
453 </a>
454 <ul class="blockList">
455 <li class="blockList">
456 <h4>pixelize</h4>
457 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.ArrayList&nbsp;pixelize(double&nbsp;precision)
458 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
459 <div class="block">divides region on HealPix pixels of given size including
460 pixels that only partly inside the region</div>
461 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>precision</code> - - angular size of the division element in arcsec</dd>
462 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>ArrayList of pixel numbers in ring schema for specifyed resolution</dd>
463 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
464 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
465 </li>
466 </ul>
467 <a name="getPolReg()">
468 <!-- -->
469 </a>
470 <ul class="blockListLast">
471 <li class="blockList">
472 <h4>getPolReg</h4>
473 <pre>public&nbsp;double[][]&nbsp;getPolReg()</pre>
474 <div class="block">provides polar coordinates of the region vertices</div>
475 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>array of corner coordinates in form of polar thete,phi angles.</dd></dl>
476 </li>
477 </ul>
478 </li>
479 </ul>
480 </li>
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65 <h2 title="Uses of Class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.BitManipulation" class="title">Uses of Class<br>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.BitManipulation</h2>
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72 <tr>
73 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Package</th>
74 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
75 </tr>
76 <tbody>
77 <tr class="altColor">
78 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></td>
79 <td class="colLast">
80 <div class="block"> EAG HEALPix</div>
81 </td>
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83 <tr class="rowColor">
84 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></td>
85 <td class="colLast">
86 <div class="block">Junit tests for EAG HEALPix project</div>
87 </td>
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97 <h3>Uses of <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a> in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></h3>
98 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing fields, and an explanation">
99 <caption><span>Fields in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> declared as <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
100 <tr>
101 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
102 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
103 </tr>
104 <tbody>
105 <tr class="altColor">
106 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></code></td>
107 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">Region.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#bm">bm</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
108 </tr>
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115 <h3>Uses of <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a> in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></h3>
116 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing fields, and an explanation">
117 <caption><span>Fields in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a> declared as <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
118 <tr>
119 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
120 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
121 </tr>
122 <tbody>
123 <tr class="altColor">
124 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></code></td>
125 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">RegionTest.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#bm">bm</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
126 </tr>
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65 <h2 title="Uses of Class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixInfo" class="title">Uses of Class<br>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixInfo</h2>
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72 <tr>
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78 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></td>
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91 <h3>Uses of <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a> in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></h3>
92 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing methods, and an explanation">
93 <caption><span>Methods in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> that return <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
94 <tr>
95 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
96 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
97 </tr>
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99 <tr class="altColor">
100 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></code></td>
101 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixTools.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_Nest(long, long)">makePix2Vect_Nest</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
102 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
103 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
104 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
105 </td>
106 </tr>
107 <tr class="rowColor">
108 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></code></td>
109 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixTools.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_ring(long, long)">makePix2Vect_ring</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
110 long&nbsp;ipix)</code>
111 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for pixel
112 ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
113 </td>
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101 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
102 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
103 </tr>
104 <tbody>
105 <tr class="altColor">
106 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
107 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixTools.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>
108 <div class="block">Singleton instance.</div>
109 </td>
110 </tr>
111 </tbody>
112 </table>
113 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing methods, and an explanation">
114 <caption><span>Methods in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> that return <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
115 <tr>
116 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
117 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
118 </tr>
119 <tbody>
120 <tr class="altColor">
121 <td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
122 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixTools.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getInstance()">getInstance</a></strong>()</code>
123 <div class="block">Returns singleton instance.</div>
124 </td>
125 </tr>
126 </tbody>
127 </table>
128 </li>
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132 <h3>Uses of <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a> in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></h3>
133 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing fields, and an explanation">
134 <caption><span>Fields in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a> declared as <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
135 <tr>
136 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
137 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
138 </tr>
139 <tbody>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
142 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">ThreadTest.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
143 </tr>
144 <tr class="rowColor">
145 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
146 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixToolsStaticTest.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr class="altColor">
149 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
150 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#tools">tools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
151 </tr>
152 </tbody>
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65 <h1 title="Package" class="title">Package&nbsp;gov.fnal.eag.healpix</h1>
66 <div class="docSummary">
67 <div class="block"> EAG HEALPix</div>
68 </div>
69 <p>See:&nbsp;<a href="#package_description">Description</a></p>
70 </div>
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72 <ul class="blockList">
73 <li class="blockList">
74 <table class="packageSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Class Summary table, listing classes, and an explanation">
75 <caption><span>Class Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
76 <tr>
77 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Class</th>
78 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
79 </tr>
80 <tbody>
81 <tr class="altColor">
82 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></td>
83 <td class="colLast">
84 <div class="block">bit manipulation class derived from Healpix
85 fortran90 program.</div>
86 </td>
87 </tr>
88 <tr class="rowColor">
89 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></td>
90 <td class="colLast">
91 <div class="block">Aggregates a vector and double[3][4] array which are the results of a
92 pixel center calculation.</div>
93 </td>
94 </tr>
95 <tr class="altColor">
96 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></td>
97 <td class="colLast">
98 <div class="block">contains methods translated from HEALPix Fortran90
99 with increased map resolution in comparison to original Fortran code.</div>
100 </td>
101 </tr>
102 <tr class="rowColor">
103 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></td>
104 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
105 </tr>
106 </tbody>
107 </table>
108 </li>
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110 <table class="packageSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Exception Summary table, listing exceptions, and an explanation">
111 <caption><span>Exception Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
112 <tr>
113 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Exception</th>
114 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
115 </tr>
116 <tbody>
117 <tr class="altColor">
118 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">HealpixException</a></td>
119 <td class="colLast">
120 <div class="block">handles exceptions from this package</div>
121 </td>
122 </tr>
123 </tbody>
124 </table>
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127 <a name="package_description">
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129 </a>
130 <h2 title="Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix Description">Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix Description</h2>
131 <div class="block"><h1> EAG HEALPix</h1>
133 <p>The package contains conversion of basic utilities used for pixel
134 manipulation</p>
136 <p>in the <a href="">HEALPix
137 </a> from FORTRAN90 to Java. The package consists of one class PixTools
138 and supporting methods and the vecmath.jar library.
139 The package permits to create HEALPix maps, query existing maps
140 providing a list of neighboring pixels selected by various requarements.</p>
141 <p><strong> All methods of the class are thread safe. This class can be used as a singleton,
142 the singleton instance being available from the <code>#getInstance</code> method.
143 For compatibility with previous versions however it is possible to
144 construct new instances using the default constructor.</strong></p></div>
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65 <h1 class="title">Hierarchy For Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix</h1>
66 <span class="strong">Package Hierarchies:</span>
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72 <h2 title="Class Hierarchy">Class Hierarchy</h2>
73 <ul>
74 <li type="circle">java.lang.Object
75 <ul>
76 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">BitManipulation</span></a></li>
77 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixInfo</span></a></li>
78 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixTools</span></a></li>
79 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">Region</span></a></li>
80 <li type="circle">java.lang.Throwable (implements
81 <ul>
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83 <ul>
84 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">HealpixException</span></a></li>
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65 <h1 title="Uses of Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix" class="title">Uses of Package<br>gov.fnal.eag.healpix</h1>
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70 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing packages, and an explanation">
71 <caption><span>Packages that use <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
72 <tr>
73 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Package</th>
74 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
75 </tr>
76 <tbody>
77 <tr class="altColor">
78 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></td>
79 <td class="colLast">
80 <div class="block"> EAG HEALPix</div>
81 </td>
82 </tr>
83 <tr class="rowColor">
84 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></td>
85 <td class="colLast">
86 <div class="block">Junit tests for EAG HEALPix project</div>
87 </td>
88 </tr>
89 </tbody>
90 </table>
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92 <li class="blockList"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix">
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95 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing classes, and an explanation">
96 <caption><span>Classes in <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> used by <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
97 <tr>
98 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Class and Description</th>
99 </tr>
100 <tbody>
101 <tr class="altColor">
102 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/class-use/BitManipulation.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a>
103 <div class="block">bit manipulation class derived from Healpix
104 fortran90 program.</div>
105 </td>
106 </tr>
107 <tr class="rowColor">
108 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/class-use/PixInfo.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a>
109 <div class="block">Aggregates a vector and double[3][4] array which are the results of a
110 pixel center calculation.</div>
111 </td>
112 </tr>
113 <tr class="altColor">
114 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/class-use/PixTools.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a>
115 <div class="block">contains methods translated from HEALPix Fortran90
116 with increased map resolution in comparison to original Fortran code.</div>
117 </td>
118 </tr>
119 </tbody>
120 </table>
121 </li>
122 <li class="blockList"><a name="gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">
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124 </a>
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126 <caption><span>Classes in <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> used by <a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
127 <tr>
128 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Class and Description</th>
129 </tr>
130 <tbody>
131 <tr class="altColor">
132 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/class-use/BitManipulation.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">BitManipulation</a>
133 <div class="block">bit manipulation class derived from Healpix
134 fortran90 program.</div>
135 </td>
136 </tr>
137 <tr class="rowColor">
138 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/class-use/PixTools.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixTools</a>
139 <div class="block">contains methods translated from HEALPix Fortran90
140 with increased map resolution in comparison to original Fortran code.</div>
141 </td>
142 </tr>
143 </tbody>
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11 <h1> EAG HEALPix</h1>
13 <p>The package contains conversion of basic utilities used for pixel
14 manipulation</p>
16 <p>in the <a href="">HEALPix
17 </a> from FORTRAN90 to Java. The package consists of one class PixTools
18 and supporting methods and the vecmath.jar library.
19 The package permits to create HEALPix maps, query existing maps
20 providing a list of neighboring pixels selected by various requarements.</p>
21 <p><strong> All methods of the class are thread safe. This class can be used as a singleton,
22 the singleton instance being available from the {@link #getInstance} method.
23 For compatibility with previous versions however it is possible to
24 construct new instances using the default constructor.</strong></p>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class BitManipulationTest" class="title">Class BitManipulationTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.BitManipulationTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">BitManipulationTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
106 <dd>N Kuropatkin</dd></dl>
107 </li>
108 </ul>
109 </div>
110 <div class="summary">
111 <ul class="blockList">
112 <li class="blockList">
113 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
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115 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
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118 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
119 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
120 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
121 <tr>
122 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
123 </tr>
124 <tr class="altColor">
125 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#BitManipulationTest()">BitManipulationTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
126 </tr>
127 </table>
128 </li>
129 </ul>
130 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
131 <ul class="blockList">
132 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
133 <!-- -->
134 </a>
135 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
136 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
137 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
138 <tr>
139 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
140 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
141 </tr>
142 <tr class="altColor">
143 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
144 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#testBitManipulation()">testBitManipulation</a></strong>()</code>
145 <div class="block">tests bit manipulation methods</div>
146 </td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr class="rowColor">
149 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
150 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO</a></strong>()</code>
151 <div class="block">test Modulo</div>
152 </td>
153 </tr>
154 </table>
155 <ul class="blockList">
156 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
157 <!-- -->
158 </a>
159 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
160 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
161 </ul>
162 </li>
163 </ul>
164 </li>
165 </ul>
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167 <div class="details">
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169 <li class="blockList">
170 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
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172 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
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174 </a>
175 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
176 <a name="BitManipulationTest()">
177 <!-- -->
178 </a>
179 <ul class="blockListLast">
180 <li class="blockList">
181 <h4>BitManipulationTest</h4>
182 <pre>public&nbsp;BitManipulationTest()</pre>
183 </li>
184 </ul>
185 </li>
186 </ul>
187 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
188 <ul class="blockList">
189 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
190 <!-- -->
191 </a>
192 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
193 <a name="testBitManipulation()">
194 <!-- -->
195 </a>
196 <ul class="blockList">
197 <li class="blockList">
198 <h4>testBitManipulation</h4>
199 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testBitManipulation()</pre>
200 <div class="block">tests bit manipulation methods</div>
201 </li>
202 </ul>
203 <a name="testMODULO()">
204 <!-- -->
205 </a>
206 <ul class="blockListLast">
207 <li class="blockList">
208 <h4>testMODULO</h4>
209 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMODULO()</pre>
210 <div class="block">test Modulo</div>
211 </li>
212 </ul>
213 </li>
214 </ul>
215 </li>
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79 <!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class DiscTest" class="title">Class DiscTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.DiscTest</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre>public class <span class="strong">DiscTest</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 </li>
101 </ul>
102 </div>
103 <div class="summary">
104 <ul class="blockList">
105 <li class="blockList">
106 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
107 <ul class="blockList">
108 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
109 <!-- -->
110 </a>
111 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
112 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
113 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
114 <tr>
115 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
116 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
117 </tr>
118 <tr class="altColor">
119 <td class="colFirst"><code>private int</code></td>
120 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#nCheck">nCheck</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
121 </tr>
122 <tr class="rowColor">
123 <td class="colFirst"><code>private int</code></td>
124 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#nFail">nFail</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
125 </tr>
126 </table>
127 </li>
128 </ul>
129 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
130 <ul class="blockList">
131 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
132 <!-- -->
133 </a>
134 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
135 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
136 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
137 <tr>
138 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
139 </tr>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#DiscTest()">DiscTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
142 </tr>
143 </table>
144 </li>
145 </ul>
146 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
147 <ul class="blockList">
148 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
149 <!-- -->
150 </a>
151 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
152 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
153 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
154 <tr>
155 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
156 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
157 </tr>
158 <tr class="altColor">
159 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
160 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#checkOverlap(int, double, double, double, double)">checkOverlap</a></strong>(int&nbsp;order,
161 double&nbsp;raDeg1,
162 double&nbsp;decDeg1,
163 double&nbsp;raDeg2,
164 double&nbsp;decDeg2)</code>&nbsp;</td>
165 </tr>
166 <tr class="rowColor">
167 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) static double</code></td>
168 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#haversineSeparationFormula(double, double, double, double)">haversineSeparationFormula</a></strong>(double&nbsp;ra1,
169 double&nbsp;dec1,
170 double&nbsp;ra2,
171 double&nbsp;dec2)</code>
172 <div class="block">Haversine formula for spherical trigonometry.</div>
173 </td>
174 </tr>
175 <tr class="altColor">
176 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) static java.util.Collection</code></td>
177 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#intersection(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection)">intersection</a></strong>(java.util.Collection&nbsp;c1,
178 java.util.Collection&nbsp;c2)</code>&nbsp;</td>
179 </tr>
180 <tr class="rowColor">
181 <td class="colFirst"><code>static void</code></td>
182 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main</a></strong>(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;args)</code>&nbsp;</td>
183 </tr>
184 <tr class="altColor">
185 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) static long</code></td>
186 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#orderToNside(int)">orderToNside</a></strong>(int&nbsp;order)</code>&nbsp;</td>
187 </tr>
188 <tr class="rowColor">
189 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.util.Collection</code></td>
190 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#queryDisc(int, double, double, double)">queryDisc</a></strong>(int&nbsp;order,
191 double&nbsp;ra,
192 double&nbsp;dec,
193 double&nbsp;radius)</code>&nbsp;</td>
194 </tr>
195 <tr class="altColor">
196 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String</code></td>
197 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#report()">report</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
198 </tr>
199 </table>
200 <ul class="blockList">
201 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
202 <!-- -->
203 </a>
204 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
205 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
206 </ul>
207 </li>
208 </ul>
209 </li>
210 </ul>
211 </div>
212 <div class="details">
213 <ul class="blockList">
214 <li class="blockList">
215 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
216 <ul class="blockList">
217 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
218 <!-- -->
219 </a>
220 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
221 <a name="nCheck">
222 <!-- -->
223 </a>
224 <ul class="blockList">
225 <li class="blockList">
226 <h4>nCheck</h4>
227 <pre>private&nbsp;int nCheck</pre>
228 </li>
229 </ul>
230 <a name="nFail">
231 <!-- -->
232 </a>
233 <ul class="blockListLast">
234 <li class="blockList">
235 <h4>nFail</h4>
236 <pre>private&nbsp;int nFail</pre>
237 </li>
238 </ul>
239 </li>
240 </ul>
241 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
242 <ul class="blockList">
243 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
244 <!-- -->
245 </a>
246 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
247 <a name="DiscTest()">
248 <!-- -->
249 </a>
250 <ul class="blockListLast">
251 <li class="blockList">
252 <h4>DiscTest</h4>
253 <pre>public&nbsp;DiscTest()</pre>
254 </li>
255 </ul>
256 </li>
257 </ul>
258 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
259 <ul class="blockList">
260 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
261 <!-- -->
262 </a>
263 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
264 <a name="checkOverlap(int, double, double, double, double)">
265 <!-- -->
266 </a>
267 <ul class="blockList">
268 <li class="blockList">
269 <h4>checkOverlap</h4>
270 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;checkOverlap(int&nbsp;order,
271 double&nbsp;raDeg1,
272 double&nbsp;decDeg1,
273 double&nbsp;raDeg2,
274 double&nbsp;decDeg2)
275 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
276 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
277 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
278 </li>
279 </ul>
280 <a name="queryDisc(int, double, double, double)">
281 <!-- -->
282 </a>
283 <ul class="blockList">
284 <li class="blockList">
285 <h4>queryDisc</h4>
286 <pre>public&nbsp;java.util.Collection&nbsp;queryDisc(int&nbsp;order,
287 double&nbsp;ra,
288 double&nbsp;dec,
289 double&nbsp;radius)</pre>
290 </li>
291 </ul>
292 <a name="report()">
293 <!-- -->
294 </a>
295 <ul class="blockList">
296 <li class="blockList">
297 <h4>report</h4>
298 <pre>public&nbsp;java.lang.String&nbsp;report()</pre>
299 </li>
300 </ul>
301 <a name="orderToNside(int)">
302 <!-- -->
303 </a>
304 <ul class="blockList">
305 <li class="blockList">
306 <h4>orderToNside</h4>
307 <pre>static&nbsp;long&nbsp;orderToNside(int&nbsp;order)</pre>
308 </li>
309 </ul>
310 <a name="intersection(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection)">
311 <!-- -->
312 </a>
313 <ul class="blockList">
314 <li class="blockList">
315 <h4>intersection</h4>
316 <pre>static&nbsp;java.util.Collection&nbsp;intersection(java.util.Collection&nbsp;c1,
317 java.util.Collection&nbsp;c2)</pre>
318 </li>
319 </ul>
320 <a name="haversineSeparationFormula(double, double, double, double)">
321 <!-- -->
322 </a>
323 <ul class="blockList">
324 <li class="blockList">
325 <h4>haversineSeparationFormula</h4>
326 <pre>static&nbsp;double&nbsp;haversineSeparationFormula(double&nbsp;ra1,
327 double&nbsp;dec1,
328 double&nbsp;ra2,
329 double&nbsp;dec2)</pre>
330 <div class="block">Haversine formula for spherical trigonometry.
331 This does not have the numerical instabilities of the cosine formula
332 at small angles.
333 <p>
334 This implementation derives from Bob Chamberlain's contribution
335 to the comp.infosystems.gis FAQ; he cites
336 R.W.Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope vol.68,
337 no.2, 1984, p159.</div>
338 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>ra1</code> - right ascension of point 1 in radians</dd><dd><code>dec1</code> - declination of point 1 in radians</dd><dd><code>ra2</code> - right ascension of point 2 in radians</dd><dd><code>dec2</code> - declination of point 2 in radians</dd>
339 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>angular separation of point 1 and point 2 in radians</dd><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><></dd></dl>
340 </li>
341 </ul>
342 <a name="main(java.lang.String[])">
343 <!-- -->
344 </a>
345 <ul class="blockListLast">
346 <li class="blockList">
347 <h4>main</h4>
348 <pre>public static&nbsp;void&nbsp;main(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;args)
349 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
350 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
351 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
352 </li>
353 </ul>
354 </li>
355 </ul>
356 </li>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixToolTest1.RaDePoint" class="title">Class PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <dl>
97 <dt>Enclosing class:</dt>
98 <dd><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dd>
99 </dl>
100 <hr>
101 <br>
102 <pre>public static class <span class="strong">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</span>
103 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
104 <div class="block">Simple point on sky. Used as return value of functions
105 <p></div>
106 </li>
107 </ul>
108 </div>
109 <div class="summary">
110 <ul class="blockList">
111 <li class="blockList">
112 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
113 <ul class="blockList">
114 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
115 <!-- -->
116 </a>
117 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
118 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
119 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
120 <tr>
121 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
122 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
123 </tr>
124 <tr class="altColor">
125 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
126 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#de">de</a></strong></code>
127 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
128 </td>
129 </tr>
130 <tr class="rowColor">
131 <td class="colFirst"><code>double</code></td>
132 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#ra">ra</a></strong></code>
133 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
134 </td>
135 </tr>
136 </table>
137 </li>
138 </ul>
139 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
140 <ul class="blockList">
141 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
142 <!-- -->
143 </a>
144 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
145 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
146 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
147 <tr>
148 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
149 </tr>
150 <tr class="altColor">
151 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#PixToolTest1.RaDePoint()">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr class="rowColor">
154 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#PixToolTest1.RaDePoint(double, double)">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></strong>(double&nbsp;ra,
155 double&nbsp;de)</code>&nbsp;</td>
156 </tr>
157 </table>
158 </li>
159 </ul>
160 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
161 <ul class="blockList">
162 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
163 <!-- -->
164 </a>
165 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
166 <ul class="blockList">
167 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
168 <!-- -->
169 </a>
170 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
171 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
172 </ul>
173 </li>
174 </ul>
175 </li>
176 </ul>
177 </div>
178 <div class="details">
179 <ul class="blockList">
180 <li class="blockList">
181 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
182 <ul class="blockList">
183 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
184 <!-- -->
185 </a>
186 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
187 <a name="ra">
188 <!-- -->
189 </a>
190 <ul class="blockList">
191 <li class="blockList">
192 <h4>ra</h4>
193 <pre>public&nbsp;double ra</pre>
194 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
195 </li>
196 </ul>
197 <a name="de">
198 <!-- -->
199 </a>
200 <ul class="blockListLast">
201 <li class="blockList">
202 <h4>de</h4>
203 <pre>public&nbsp;double de</pre>
204 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
205 </li>
206 </ul>
207 </li>
208 </ul>
209 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
210 <ul class="blockList">
211 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
212 <!-- -->
213 </a>
214 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
215 <a name="PixToolTest1.RaDePoint()">
216 <!-- -->
217 </a>
218 <ul class="blockList">
219 <li class="blockList">
220 <h4>PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</h4>
221 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolTest1.RaDePoint()</pre>
222 </li>
223 </ul>
224 <a name="PixToolTest1.RaDePoint(double, double)">
225 <!-- -->
226 </a>
227 <ul class="blockListLast">
228 <li class="blockList">
229 <h4>PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</h4>
230 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolTest1.RaDePoint(double&nbsp;ra,
231 double&nbsp;de)</pre>
232 </li>
233 </ul>
234 </li>
235 </ul>
236 </li>
237 </ul>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixToolTest1" class="title">Class PixToolTest1</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.PixToolTest1</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">PixToolTest1</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 </li>
106 </ul>
107 </div>
108 <div class="summary">
109 <ul class="blockList">
110 <li class="blockList">
111 <!-- ======== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ======== -->
112 <ul class="blockList">
113 <li class="blockList"><a name="nested_class_summary">
114 <!-- -->
115 </a>
116 <h3>Nested Class Summary</h3>
117 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Nested Class Summary table, listing nested classes, and an explanation">
118 <caption><span>Nested Classes</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
119 <tr>
120 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
121 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Class and Description</th>
122 </tr>
123 <tr class="altColor">
124 <td class="colFirst"><code>static class&nbsp;</code></td>
125 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></strong></code>
126 <div class="block">Simple point on sky.</div>
127 </td>
128 </tr>
129 </table>
130 </li>
131 </ul>
132 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
133 <ul class="blockList">
134 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
135 <!-- -->
136 </a>
137 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
138 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
139 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
140 <tr>
141 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
142 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
143 </tr>
144 <tr class="altColor">
145 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) long</code></td>
146 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#NSIDE1">NSIDE1</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr class="rowColor">
149 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) long</code></td>
150 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#NSIDE2">NSIDE2</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr class="altColor">
153 <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
154 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#tools">tools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
155 </tr>
156 </table>
157 </li>
158 </ul>
159 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
160 <ul class="blockList">
161 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
162 <!-- -->
163 </a>
164 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
165 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
166 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
167 <tr>
168 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
169 </tr>
170 <tr class="altColor">
171 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#PixToolTest1()">PixToolTest1</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
172 </tr>
173 </table>
174 </li>
175 </ul>
176 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
177 <ul class="blockList">
178 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
179 <!-- -->
180 </a>
181 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
182 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
183 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
184 <tr>
185 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
186 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
187 </tr>
188 <tr class="altColor">
189 <td class="colFirst"><code>long</code></td>
190 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#getHealId(double, double, long)">getHealId</a></strong>(double&nbsp;ra,
191 double&nbsp;de,
192 long&nbsp;nsides)</code>
193 <div class="block">get position ID for ra,de</div>
194 </td>
195 </tr>
196 <tr class="rowColor">
197 <td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></code></td>
198 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#getRaDe(long, long)">getRaDe</a></strong>(long&nbsp;area,
199 long&nbsp;nsides)</code>
200 <div class="block">inverse method, convert area ID to RaDePoint</div>
201 </td>
202 </tr>
203 <tr class="altColor">
204 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
205 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle1()">testCircle1</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
206 </tr>
207 <tr class="rowColor">
208 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
209 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle2()">testCircle2</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
210 </tr>
211 <tr class="altColor">
212 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
213 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle3()">testCircle3</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
214 </tr>
215 <tr class="rowColor">
216 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
217 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle4()">testCircle4</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
218 </tr>
219 <tr class="altColor">
220 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
221 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle5()">testCircle5</a></strong>()</code>
222 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
223 </td>
224 </tr>
225 <tr class="rowColor">
226 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
227 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testInverse()">testInverse</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
228 </tr>
229 <tr class="altColor">
230 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
231 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testVertexes()">testVertexes</a></strong>()</code>
232 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
233 </td>
234 </tr>
235 <tr class="rowColor">
236 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
237 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testVertexesHR()">testVertexesHR</a></strong>()</code>
238 <div class="block">with high res.</div>
239 </td>
240 </tr>
241 </table>
242 <ul class="blockList">
243 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
244 <!-- -->
245 </a>
246 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
247 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
248 </ul>
249 </li>
250 </ul>
251 </li>
252 </ul>
253 </div>
254 <div class="details">
255 <ul class="blockList">
256 <li class="blockList">
257 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
258 <ul class="blockList">
259 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
260 <!-- -->
261 </a>
262 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
263 <a name="tools">
264 <!-- -->
265 </a>
266 <ul class="blockList">
267 <li class="blockList">
268 <h4>tools</h4>
269 <pre>static&nbsp;<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a> tools</pre>
270 </li>
271 </ul>
272 <a name="NSIDE1">
273 <!-- -->
274 </a>
275 <ul class="blockList">
276 <li class="blockList">
277 <h4>NSIDE1</h4>
278 <pre>long NSIDE1</pre>
279 </li>
280 </ul>
281 <a name="NSIDE2">
282 <!-- -->
283 </a>
284 <ul class="blockListLast">
285 <li class="blockList">
286 <h4>NSIDE2</h4>
287 <pre>long NSIDE2</pre>
288 </li>
289 </ul>
290 </li>
291 </ul>
292 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
293 <ul class="blockList">
294 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
295 <!-- -->
296 </a>
297 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
298 <a name="PixToolTest1()">
299 <!-- -->
300 </a>
301 <ul class="blockListLast">
302 <li class="blockList">
303 <h4>PixToolTest1</h4>
304 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolTest1()</pre>
305 </li>
306 </ul>
307 </li>
308 </ul>
309 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
310 <ul class="blockList">
311 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
312 <!-- -->
313 </a>
314 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
315 <a name="testCircle1()">
316 <!-- -->
317 </a>
318 <ul class="blockList">
319 <li class="blockList">
320 <h4>testCircle1</h4>
321 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testCircle1()</pre>
322 </li>
323 </ul>
324 <a name="testCircle2()">
325 <!-- -->
326 </a>
327 <ul class="blockList">
328 <li class="blockList">
329 <h4>testCircle2</h4>
330 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testCircle2()</pre>
331 </li>
332 </ul>
333 <a name="testCircle3()">
334 <!-- -->
335 </a>
336 <ul class="blockList">
337 <li class="blockList">
338 <h4>testCircle3</h4>
339 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testCircle3()</pre>
340 </li>
341 </ul>
342 <a name="testCircle4()">
343 <!-- -->
344 </a>
345 <ul class="blockList">
346 <li class="blockList">
347 <h4>testCircle4</h4>
348 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testCircle4()</pre>
349 </li>
350 </ul>
351 <a name="testCircle5()">
352 <!-- -->
353 </a>
354 <ul class="blockList">
355 <li class="blockList">
356 <h4>testCircle5</h4>
357 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testCircle5()</pre>
358 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
359 </li>
360 </ul>
361 <a name="testVertexes()">
362 <!-- -->
363 </a>
364 <ul class="blockList">
365 <li class="blockList">
366 <h4>testVertexes</h4>
367 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVertexes()</pre>
368 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
369 </li>
370 </ul>
371 <a name="testVertexesHR()">
372 <!-- -->
373 </a>
374 <ul class="blockList">
375 <li class="blockList">
376 <h4>testVertexesHR</h4>
377 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVertexesHR()</pre>
378 <div class="block">with high res.</div>
379 </li>
380 </ul>
381 <a name="testInverse()">
382 <!-- -->
383 </a>
384 <ul class="blockList">
385 <li class="blockList">
386 <h4>testInverse</h4>
387 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testInverse()</pre>
388 </li>
389 </ul>
390 <a name="getHealId(double, double, long)">
391 <!-- -->
392 </a>
393 <ul class="blockList">
394 <li class="blockList">
395 <h4>getHealId</h4>
396 <pre>public&nbsp;long&nbsp;getHealId(double&nbsp;ra,
397 double&nbsp;de,
398 long&nbsp;nsides)</pre>
399 <div class="block">get position ID for ra,de</div>
400 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>ra</code> - right ascencion in degrees</dd><dd><code>de</code> - declination in degrees</dd><dd><code>nsides</code> - - non default number of nsides</dd></dl>
401 </li>
402 </ul>
403 <a name="getRaDe(long, long)">
404 <!-- -->
405 </a>
406 <ul class="blockListLast">
407 <li class="blockList">
408 <h4>getRaDe</h4>
409 <pre>public static&nbsp;<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a>&nbsp;getRaDe(long&nbsp;area,
410 long&nbsp;nsides)</pre>
411 <div class="block">inverse method, convert area ID to RaDePoint</div>
412 </li>
413 </ul>
414 </li>
415 </ul>
416 </li>
417 </ul>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixToolsSingletonTest" class="title">Class PixToolsSingletonTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.PixToolsSingletonTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">PixToolsSingletonTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 </li>
106 </ul>
107 </div>
108 <div class="summary">
109 <ul class="blockList">
110 <li class="blockList">
111 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
112 <ul class="blockList">
113 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
114 <!-- -->
115 </a>
116 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
117 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
118 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
119 <tr>
120 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
121 </tr>
122 <tr class="altColor">
123 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#PixToolsSingletonTest()">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
124 </tr>
125 </table>
126 </li>
127 </ul>
128 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
129 <ul class="blockList">
130 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
131 <!-- -->
132 </a>
133 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
134 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
135 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
136 <tr>
137 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
138 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
139 </tr>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
142 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix</a></strong>()</code>
143 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
144 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
145 </td>
146 </tr>
147 <tr class="rowColor">
148 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
149 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect</a></strong>()</code>
150 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
151 </td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr class="altColor">
154 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
155 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist</a></strong>()</code>
156 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
157 </td>
158 </tr>
159 <tr class="rowColor">
160 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
161 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside</a></strong>()</code>
162 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
163 </td>
164 </tr>
165 <tr class="altColor">
166 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
167 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing</a></strong>()</code>
168 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
169 </td>
170 </tr>
171 <tr class="rowColor">
172 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
173 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv</a></strong>()</code>
174 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
175 </td>
176 </tr>
177 <tr class="altColor">
178 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
179 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution</a></strong>()</code>
180 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
181 </td>
182 </tr>
183 <tr class="rowColor">
184 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
185 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO</a></strong>()</code>
186 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
187 </td>
188 </tr>
189 <tr class="altColor">
190 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
191 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
192 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
193 </td>
194 </tr>
195 <tr class="rowColor">
196 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
197 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring</a></strong>()</code>
198 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
199 </td>
200 </tr>
201 <tr class="altColor">
202 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
203 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
204 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
205 </td>
206 </tr>
207 <tr class="rowColor">
208 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
209 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside</a></strong>()</code>
210 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
211 </td>
212 </tr>
213 <tr class="altColor">
214 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
215 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix</a></strong>()</code>
216 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
217 </td>
218 </tr>
219 <tr class="rowColor">
220 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
221 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest</a></strong>()</code>
222 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
223 </td>
224 </tr>
225 <tr class="altColor">
226 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
227 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring</a></strong>()</code>
228 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
229 </td>
230 </tr>
231 <tr class="rowColor">
232 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
233 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc</a></strong>()</code>
234 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
235 </td>
236 </tr>
237 <tr class="altColor">
238 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
239 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2</a></strong>()</code>
240 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
241 </td>
242 </tr>
243 <tr class="rowColor">
244 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
245 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon</a></strong>()</code>
246 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
247 </td>
248 </tr>
249 <tr class="altColor">
250 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
251 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip</a></strong>()</code>
252 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
253 </td>
254 </tr>
255 <tr class="rowColor">
256 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
257 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle</a></strong>()</code>
258 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
259 </td>
260 </tr>
261 <tr class="altColor">
262 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
263 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes</a></strong>()</code>
264 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
265 </td>
266 </tr>
267 <tr class="rowColor">
268 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
269 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar</a></strong>()</code>
270 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
271 </td>
272 </tr>
273 <tr class="altColor">
274 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
275 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest</a></strong>()</code>
276 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
277 </td>
278 </tr>
279 <tr class="rowColor">
280 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
281 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum</a></strong>()</code>
282 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
283 </td>
284 </tr>
285 <tr class="altColor">
286 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
287 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
288 </tr>
289 <tr class="rowColor">
290 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
291 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang</a></strong>()</code>
292 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
293 </td>
294 </tr>
295 <tr class="altColor">
296 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
297 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest</a></strong>()</code>
298 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
299 </td>
300 </tr>
301 <tr class="rowColor">
302 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
303 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring</a></strong>()</code>
304 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
305 </td>
306 </tr>
307 </table>
308 <ul class="blockList">
309 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
310 <!-- -->
311 </a>
312 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
313 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
314 </ul>
315 </li>
316 </ul>
317 </li>
318 </ul>
319 </div>
320 <div class="details">
321 <ul class="blockList">
322 <li class="blockList">
323 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
324 <ul class="blockList">
325 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
326 <!-- -->
327 </a>
328 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
329 <a name="PixToolsSingletonTest()">
330 <!-- -->
331 </a>
332 <ul class="blockListLast">
333 <li class="blockList">
334 <h4>PixToolsSingletonTest</h4>
335 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolsSingletonTest()</pre>
336 </li>
337 </ul>
338 </li>
339 </ul>
340 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
341 <ul class="blockList">
342 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
343 <!-- -->
344 </a>
345 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
346 <a name="testMODULO()">
347 <!-- -->
348 </a>
349 <ul class="blockList">
350 <li class="blockList">
351 <h4>testMODULO</h4>
352 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMODULO()</pre>
353 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
354 </li>
355 </ul>
356 <a name="testAngDist()">
357 <!-- -->
358 </a>
359 <ul class="blockList">
360 <li class="blockList">
361 <h4>testAngDist</h4>
362 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAngDist()
363 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
364 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
365 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
366 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
367 </li>
368 </ul>
369 <a name="testSurfaceTriangle()">
370 <!-- -->
371 </a>
372 <ul class="blockList">
373 <li class="blockList">
374 <h4>testSurfaceTriangle</h4>
375 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testSurfaceTriangle()
376 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
377 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
378 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
379 </li>
380 </ul>
381 <a name="testNside2Npix()">
382 <!-- -->
383 </a>
384 <ul class="blockList">
385 <li class="blockList">
386 <h4>testNside2Npix</h4>
387 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNside2Npix()</pre>
388 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
389 </li>
390 </ul>
391 <a name="testNpix2Nside()">
392 <!-- -->
393 </a>
394 <ul class="blockList">
395 <li class="blockList">
396 <h4>testNpix2Nside</h4>
397 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNpix2Nside()</pre>
398 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
399 </li>
400 </ul>
401 <a name="testVec2Ang()">
402 <!-- -->
403 </a>
404 <ul class="blockList">
405 <li class="blockList">
406 <h4>testVec2Ang</h4>
407 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVec2Ang()</pre>
408 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
409 </li>
410 </ul>
411 <a name="testAng2Pix()">
412 <!-- -->
413 </a>
414 <ul class="blockList">
415 <li class="blockList">
416 <h4>testAng2Pix</h4>
417 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Pix()
418 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
419 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
420 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
421 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
422 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
423 </li>
424 </ul>
425 <a name="testAng2Vect()">
426 <!-- -->
427 </a>
428 <ul class="blockList">
429 <li class="blockList">
430 <h4>testAng2Vect</h4>
431 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Vect()
432 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
433 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
434 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
435 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
436 </li>
437 </ul>
438 <a name="testRingNum()">
439 <!-- -->
440 </a>
441 <ul class="blockList">
442 <li class="blockList">
443 <h4>testRingNum</h4>
444 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRingNum()
445 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
446 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
447 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
448 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
449 </li>
450 </ul>
451 <a name="testNest2Ring()">
452 <!-- -->
453 </a>
454 <ul class="blockList">
455 <li class="blockList">
456 <h4>testNest2Ring</h4>
457 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNest2Ring()
458 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
459 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
460 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
461 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
462 </li>
463 </ul>
464 <a name="testRing2Nest()">
465 <!-- -->
466 </a>
467 <ul class="blockList">
468 <li class="blockList">
469 <h4>testRing2Nest</h4>
470 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRing2Nest()
471 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
472 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
473 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
474 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
475 </li>
476 </ul>
477 <a name="testNext_In_Line_Nest()">
478 <!-- -->
479 </a>
480 <ul class="blockList">
481 <li class="blockList">
482 <h4>testNext_In_Line_Nest</h4>
483 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNext_In_Line_Nest()
484 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
485 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
486 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
487 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
488 </li>
489 </ul>
490 <a name="testInRing()">
491 <!-- -->
492 </a>
493 <ul class="blockList">
494 <li class="blockList">
495 <h4>testInRing</h4>
496 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testInRing()
497 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
498 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
499 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
500 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
501 </li>
502 </ul>
503 <a name="testNeighbours_Nest()">
504 <!-- -->
505 </a>
506 <ul class="blockList">
507 <li class="blockList">
508 <h4>testNeighbours_Nest</h4>
509 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNeighbours_Nest()
510 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
511 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
512 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
513 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
514 </li>
515 </ul>
516 <a name="testIntrs_Intrv()">
517 <!-- -->
518 </a>
519 <ul class="blockList">
520 <li class="blockList">
521 <h4>testIntrs_Intrv</h4>
522 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testIntrs_Intrv()
523 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
524 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
525 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
526 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
527 </li>
528 </ul>
529 <a name="testPix2Vect_ring()">
530 <!-- -->
531 </a>
532 <ul class="blockList">
533 <li class="blockList">
534 <h4>testPix2Vect_ring</h4>
535 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_ring()
536 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
537 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
538 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
539 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
540 </li>
541 </ul>
542 <a name="testPix2Vect_nest()">
543 <!-- -->
544 </a>
545 <ul class="blockList">
546 <li class="blockList">
547 <h4>testPix2Vect_nest</h4>
548 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_nest()
549 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
550 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
551 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
552 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
553 </li>
554 </ul>
555 <a name="testVect2Pix_ring()">
556 <!-- -->
557 </a>
558 <ul class="blockList">
559 <li class="blockList">
560 <h4>testVect2Pix_ring</h4>
561 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_ring()
562 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
563 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
564 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
565 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
566 </li>
567 </ul>
568 <a name="testVect2Pix_nest()">
569 <!-- -->
570 </a>
571 <ul class="blockList">
572 <li class="blockList">
573 <h4>testVect2Pix_nest</h4>
574 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_nest()
575 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
576 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
577 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
578 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
579 </li>
580 </ul>
581 <a name="testQuery_Strip()">
582 <!-- -->
583 </a>
584 <ul class="blockList">
585 <li class="blockList">
586 <h4>testQuery_Strip</h4>
587 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Strip()
588 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
589 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
590 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
591 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
592 </li>
593 </ul>
594 <a name="testQuery_Disc()">
595 <!-- -->
596 </a>
597 <ul class="blockList">
598 <li class="blockList">
599 <h4>testQuery_Disc</h4>
600 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Disc()
601 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
602 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
603 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
604 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
605 </li>
606 </ul>
607 <a name="testQuery_Triangle()">
608 <!-- -->
609 </a>
610 <ul class="blockList">
611 <li class="blockList">
612 <h4>testQuery_Triangle</h4>
613 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Triangle()
614 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
615 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
616 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
617 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
618 </li>
619 </ul>
620 <a name="testQuery_Polygon()">
621 <!-- -->
622 </a>
623 <ul class="blockList">
624 <li class="blockList">
625 <h4>testQuery_Polygon</h4>
626 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Polygon()
627 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
628 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
629 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
630 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
631 </li>
632 </ul>
633 <a name="testMaxResolution()">
634 <!-- -->
635 </a>
636 <ul class="blockList">
637 <li class="blockList">
638 <h4>testMaxResolution</h4>
639 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMaxResolution()</pre>
640 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
641 </li>
642 </ul>
643 <a name="testQueryDiscRes()">
644 <!-- -->
645 </a>
646 <ul class="blockList">
647 <li class="blockList">
648 <h4>testQueryDiscRes</h4>
649 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQueryDiscRes()
650 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
651 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
652 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
653 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
654 </li>
655 </ul>
656 <a name="testQuery_disk2()">
657 <!-- -->
658 </a>
659 <ul class="blockList">
660 <li class="blockList">
661 <h4>testQuery_disk2</h4>
662 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_disk2()</pre>
663 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
664 </li>
665 </ul>
666 <a name="testGetNside()">
667 <!-- -->
668 </a>
669 <ul class="blockList">
670 <li class="blockList">
671 <h4>testGetNside</h4>
672 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testGetNside()</pre>
673 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
674 </li>
675 </ul>
676 <a name="testRaDecToPolar()">
677 <!-- -->
678 </a>
679 <ul class="blockListLast">
680 <li class="blockList">
681 <h4>testRaDecToPolar</h4>
682 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRaDecToPolar()</pre>
683 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
684 </li>
685 </ul>
686 </li>
687 </ul>
688 </li>
689 </ul>
690 </div>
691 </div>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixToolsStaticTest" class="title">Class PixToolsStaticTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.PixToolsStaticTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">PixToolsStaticTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools using static constructor</div>
106 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
107 <dd>N. Kuropatkin</dd></dl>
108 </li>
109 </ul>
110 </div>
111 <div class="summary">
112 <ul class="blockList">
113 <li class="blockList">
114 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
115 <ul class="blockList">
116 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
117 <!-- -->
118 </a>
119 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
120 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
121 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
122 <tr>
123 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
124 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
125 </tr>
126 <tr class="altColor">
127 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
128 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
129 </tr>
130 </table>
131 </li>
132 </ul>
133 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
134 <ul class="blockList">
135 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
136 <!-- -->
137 </a>
138 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
139 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
140 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
141 <tr>
142 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
143 </tr>
144 <tr class="altColor">
145 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#PixToolsStaticTest()">PixToolsStaticTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
146 </tr>
147 </table>
148 </li>
149 </ul>
150 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
151 <ul class="blockList">
152 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
153 <!-- -->
154 </a>
155 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
156 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
157 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
158 <tr>
159 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
160 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
161 </tr>
162 <tr class="altColor">
163 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
164 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix</a></strong>()</code>
165 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
166 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
167 </td>
168 </tr>
169 <tr class="rowColor">
170 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
171 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect</a></strong>()</code>
172 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
173 </td>
174 </tr>
175 <tr class="altColor">
176 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
177 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist</a></strong>()</code>
178 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
179 </td>
180 </tr>
181 <tr class="rowColor">
182 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
183 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside</a></strong>()</code>
184 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
185 </td>
186 </tr>
187 <tr class="altColor">
188 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
189 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing</a></strong>()</code>
190 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
191 </td>
192 </tr>
193 <tr class="rowColor">
194 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
195 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv</a></strong>()</code>
196 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
197 </td>
198 </tr>
199 <tr class="altColor">
200 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
201 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution</a></strong>()</code>
202 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
203 </td>
204 </tr>
205 <tr class="rowColor">
206 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
207 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO</a></strong>()</code>
208 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
209 </td>
210 </tr>
211 <tr class="altColor">
212 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
213 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
214 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
215 </td>
216 </tr>
217 <tr class="rowColor">
218 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
219 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring</a></strong>()</code>
220 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
221 </td>
222 </tr>
223 <tr class="altColor">
224 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
225 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
226 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
227 </td>
228 </tr>
229 <tr class="rowColor">
230 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
231 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside</a></strong>()</code>
232 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
233 </td>
234 </tr>
235 <tr class="altColor">
236 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
237 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix</a></strong>()</code>
238 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
239 </td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr class="rowColor">
242 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
243 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest</a></strong>()</code>
244 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
245 </td>
246 </tr>
247 <tr class="altColor">
248 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
249 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring</a></strong>()</code>
250 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
251 </td>
252 </tr>
253 <tr class="rowColor">
254 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
255 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc</a></strong>()</code>
256 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
257 </td>
258 </tr>
259 <tr class="altColor">
260 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
261 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2</a></strong>()</code>
262 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
263 </td>
264 </tr>
265 <tr class="rowColor">
266 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
267 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon</a></strong>()</code>
268 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
269 </td>
270 </tr>
271 <tr class="altColor">
272 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
273 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip</a></strong>()</code>
274 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
275 </td>
276 </tr>
277 <tr class="rowColor">
278 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
279 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle</a></strong>()</code>
280 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
281 </td>
282 </tr>
283 <tr class="altColor">
284 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
285 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes</a></strong>()</code>
286 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
287 </td>
288 </tr>
289 <tr class="rowColor">
290 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
291 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar</a></strong>()</code>
292 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
293 </td>
294 </tr>
295 <tr class="altColor">
296 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
297 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest</a></strong>()</code>
298 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
299 </td>
300 </tr>
301 <tr class="rowColor">
302 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
303 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum</a></strong>()</code>
304 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
305 </td>
306 </tr>
307 <tr class="altColor">
308 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
309 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
310 </tr>
311 <tr class="rowColor">
312 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
313 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang</a></strong>()</code>
314 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
315 </td>
316 </tr>
317 <tr class="altColor">
318 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
319 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest</a></strong>()</code>
320 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
321 </td>
322 </tr>
323 <tr class="rowColor">
324 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
325 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring</a></strong>()</code>
326 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
327 </td>
328 </tr>
329 </table>
330 <ul class="blockList">
331 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
332 <!-- -->
333 </a>
334 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
335 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
336 </ul>
337 </li>
338 </ul>
339 </li>
340 </ul>
341 </div>
342 <div class="details">
343 <ul class="blockList">
344 <li class="blockList">
345 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
346 <ul class="blockList">
347 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
348 <!-- -->
349 </a>
350 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
351 <a name="pixTools">
352 <!-- -->
353 </a>
354 <ul class="blockListLast">
355 <li class="blockList">
356 <h4>pixTools</h4>
357 <pre>private static&nbsp;<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a> pixTools</pre>
358 </li>
359 </ul>
360 </li>
361 </ul>
362 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
363 <ul class="blockList">
364 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
365 <!-- -->
366 </a>
367 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
368 <a name="PixToolsStaticTest()">
369 <!-- -->
370 </a>
371 <ul class="blockListLast">
372 <li class="blockList">
373 <h4>PixToolsStaticTest</h4>
374 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolsStaticTest()</pre>
375 </li>
376 </ul>
377 </li>
378 </ul>
379 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
380 <ul class="blockList">
381 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
382 <!-- -->
383 </a>
384 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
385 <a name="testMODULO()">
386 <!-- -->
387 </a>
388 <ul class="blockList">
389 <li class="blockList">
390 <h4>testMODULO</h4>
391 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMODULO()</pre>
392 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
393 </li>
394 </ul>
395 <a name="testAngDist()">
396 <!-- -->
397 </a>
398 <ul class="blockList">
399 <li class="blockList">
400 <h4>testAngDist</h4>
401 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAngDist()
402 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
403 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
404 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
405 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
406 </li>
407 </ul>
408 <a name="testSurfaceTriangle()">
409 <!-- -->
410 </a>
411 <ul class="blockList">
412 <li class="blockList">
413 <h4>testSurfaceTriangle</h4>
414 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testSurfaceTriangle()
415 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
416 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
417 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
418 </li>
419 </ul>
420 <a name="testNside2Npix()">
421 <!-- -->
422 </a>
423 <ul class="blockList">
424 <li class="blockList">
425 <h4>testNside2Npix</h4>
426 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNside2Npix()</pre>
427 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
428 </li>
429 </ul>
430 <a name="testNpix2Nside()">
431 <!-- -->
432 </a>
433 <ul class="blockList">
434 <li class="blockList">
435 <h4>testNpix2Nside</h4>
436 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNpix2Nside()</pre>
437 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
438 </li>
439 </ul>
440 <a name="testVec2Ang()">
441 <!-- -->
442 </a>
443 <ul class="blockList">
444 <li class="blockList">
445 <h4>testVec2Ang</h4>
446 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVec2Ang()</pre>
447 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
448 </li>
449 </ul>
450 <a name="testAng2Pix()">
451 <!-- -->
452 </a>
453 <ul class="blockList">
454 <li class="blockList">
455 <h4>testAng2Pix</h4>
456 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Pix()
457 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
458 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
459 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
460 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
461 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
462 </li>
463 </ul>
464 <a name="testAng2Vect()">
465 <!-- -->
466 </a>
467 <ul class="blockList">
468 <li class="blockList">
469 <h4>testAng2Vect</h4>
470 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Vect()
471 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
472 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
473 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
474 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
475 </li>
476 </ul>
477 <a name="testRingNum()">
478 <!-- -->
479 </a>
480 <ul class="blockList">
481 <li class="blockList">
482 <h4>testRingNum</h4>
483 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRingNum()
484 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
485 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
486 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
487 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
488 </li>
489 </ul>
490 <a name="testNest2Ring()">
491 <!-- -->
492 </a>
493 <ul class="blockList">
494 <li class="blockList">
495 <h4>testNest2Ring</h4>
496 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNest2Ring()
497 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
498 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
499 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
500 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
501 </li>
502 </ul>
503 <a name="testRing2Nest()">
504 <!-- -->
505 </a>
506 <ul class="blockList">
507 <li class="blockList">
508 <h4>testRing2Nest</h4>
509 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRing2Nest()
510 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
511 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
512 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
513 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
514 </li>
515 </ul>
516 <a name="testNext_In_Line_Nest()">
517 <!-- -->
518 </a>
519 <ul class="blockList">
520 <li class="blockList">
521 <h4>testNext_In_Line_Nest</h4>
522 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNext_In_Line_Nest()
523 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
524 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
525 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
526 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
527 </li>
528 </ul>
529 <a name="testInRing()">
530 <!-- -->
531 </a>
532 <ul class="blockList">
533 <li class="blockList">
534 <h4>testInRing</h4>
535 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testInRing()
536 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
537 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
538 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
539 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
540 </li>
541 </ul>
542 <a name="testNeighbours_Nest()">
543 <!-- -->
544 </a>
545 <ul class="blockList">
546 <li class="blockList">
547 <h4>testNeighbours_Nest</h4>
548 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNeighbours_Nest()
549 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
550 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
551 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
552 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
553 </li>
554 </ul>
555 <a name="testIntrs_Intrv()">
556 <!-- -->
557 </a>
558 <ul class="blockList">
559 <li class="blockList">
560 <h4>testIntrs_Intrv</h4>
561 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testIntrs_Intrv()
562 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
563 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
564 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
565 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
566 </li>
567 </ul>
568 <a name="testPix2Vect_ring()">
569 <!-- -->
570 </a>
571 <ul class="blockList">
572 <li class="blockList">
573 <h4>testPix2Vect_ring</h4>
574 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_ring()
575 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
576 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
577 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
578 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
579 </li>
580 </ul>
581 <a name="testPix2Vect_nest()">
582 <!-- -->
583 </a>
584 <ul class="blockList">
585 <li class="blockList">
586 <h4>testPix2Vect_nest</h4>
587 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_nest()
588 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
589 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
590 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
591 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
592 </li>
593 </ul>
594 <a name="testVect2Pix_ring()">
595 <!-- -->
596 </a>
597 <ul class="blockList">
598 <li class="blockList">
599 <h4>testVect2Pix_ring</h4>
600 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_ring()
601 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
602 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
603 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
604 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
605 </li>
606 </ul>
607 <a name="testVect2Pix_nest()">
608 <!-- -->
609 </a>
610 <ul class="blockList">
611 <li class="blockList">
612 <h4>testVect2Pix_nest</h4>
613 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_nest()
614 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
615 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
616 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
617 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
618 </li>
619 </ul>
620 <a name="testQuery_Strip()">
621 <!-- -->
622 </a>
623 <ul class="blockList">
624 <li class="blockList">
625 <h4>testQuery_Strip</h4>
626 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Strip()
627 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
628 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
629 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
630 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
631 </li>
632 </ul>
633 <a name="testQuery_Disc()">
634 <!-- -->
635 </a>
636 <ul class="blockList">
637 <li class="blockList">
638 <h4>testQuery_Disc</h4>
639 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Disc()
640 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
641 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
642 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
643 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
644 </li>
645 </ul>
646 <a name="testQuery_Triangle()">
647 <!-- -->
648 </a>
649 <ul class="blockList">
650 <li class="blockList">
651 <h4>testQuery_Triangle</h4>
652 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Triangle()
653 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
654 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
655 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
656 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
657 </li>
658 </ul>
659 <a name="testQuery_Polygon()">
660 <!-- -->
661 </a>
662 <ul class="blockList">
663 <li class="blockList">
664 <h4>testQuery_Polygon</h4>
665 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Polygon()
666 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
667 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
668 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
669 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
670 </li>
671 </ul>
672 <a name="testMaxResolution()">
673 <!-- -->
674 </a>
675 <ul class="blockList">
676 <li class="blockList">
677 <h4>testMaxResolution</h4>
678 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMaxResolution()</pre>
679 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
680 </li>
681 </ul>
682 <a name="testQueryDiscRes()">
683 <!-- -->
684 </a>
685 <ul class="blockList">
686 <li class="blockList">
687 <h4>testQueryDiscRes</h4>
688 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQueryDiscRes()
689 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
690 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
691 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
692 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
693 </li>
694 </ul>
695 <a name="testQuery_disk2()">
696 <!-- -->
697 </a>
698 <ul class="blockList">
699 <li class="blockList">
700 <h4>testQuery_disk2</h4>
701 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_disk2()</pre>
702 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
703 </li>
704 </ul>
705 <a name="testGetNside()">
706 <!-- -->
707 </a>
708 <ul class="blockList">
709 <li class="blockList">
710 <h4>testGetNside</h4>
711 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testGetNside()</pre>
712 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
713 </li>
714 </ul>
715 <a name="testRaDecToPolar()">
716 <!-- -->
717 </a>
718 <ul class="blockListLast">
719 <li class="blockList">
720 <h4>testRaDecToPolar</h4>
721 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRaDecToPolar()</pre>
722 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
723 </li>
724 </ul>
725 </li>
726 </ul>
727 </li>
728 </ul>
729 </div>
730 </div>
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79 <!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class PixToolsTest" class="title">Class PixToolsTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.PixToolsTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">PixToolsTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools</div>
106 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
107 <dd>N. Kuropatkin</dd></dl>
108 </li>
109 </ul>
110 </div>
111 <div class="summary">
112 <ul class="blockList">
113 <li class="blockList">
114 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
115 <ul class="blockList">
116 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
117 <!-- -->
118 </a>
119 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
120 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
121 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
122 <tr>
123 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
124 </tr>
125 <tr class="altColor">
126 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#PixToolsTest()">PixToolsTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
127 </tr>
128 </table>
129 </li>
130 </ul>
131 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
132 <ul class="blockList">
133 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
134 <!-- -->
135 </a>
136 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
137 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
138 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
139 <tr>
140 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
141 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
142 </tr>
143 <tr class="altColor">
144 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
145 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix</a></strong>()</code>
146 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
147 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
148 </td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr class="rowColor">
151 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
152 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect</a></strong>()</code>
153 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
154 </td>
155 </tr>
156 <tr class="altColor">
157 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
158 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist</a></strong>()</code>
159 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
160 </td>
161 </tr>
162 <tr class="rowColor">
163 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
164 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside</a></strong>()</code>
165 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
166 </td>
167 </tr>
168 <tr class="altColor">
169 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
170 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing</a></strong>()</code>
171 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
172 </td>
173 </tr>
174 <tr class="rowColor">
175 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
176 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv</a></strong>()</code>
177 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
178 </td>
179 </tr>
180 <tr class="altColor">
181 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
182 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution</a></strong>()</code>
183 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
184 </td>
185 </tr>
186 <tr class="rowColor">
187 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
188 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO</a></strong>()</code>
189 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
190 </td>
191 </tr>
192 <tr class="altColor">
193 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
194 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
195 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
196 </td>
197 </tr>
198 <tr class="rowColor">
199 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
200 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring</a></strong>()</code>
201 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
202 </td>
203 </tr>
204 <tr class="altColor">
205 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
206 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest</a></strong>()</code>
207 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
208 </td>
209 </tr>
210 <tr class="rowColor">
211 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
212 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside</a></strong>()</code>
213 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
214 </td>
215 </tr>
216 <tr class="altColor">
217 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
218 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix</a></strong>()</code>
219 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
220 </td>
221 </tr>
222 <tr class="rowColor">
223 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
224 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest</a></strong>()</code>
225 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
226 </td>
227 </tr>
228 <tr class="altColor">
229 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
230 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring</a></strong>()</code>
231 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
232 </td>
233 </tr>
234 <tr class="rowColor">
235 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
236 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc</a></strong>()</code>
237 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
238 </td>
239 </tr>
240 <tr class="altColor">
241 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
242 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2</a></strong>()</code>
243 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
244 </td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr class="rowColor">
247 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
248 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon</a></strong>()</code>
249 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
250 </td>
251 </tr>
252 <tr class="altColor">
253 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
254 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip</a></strong>()</code>
255 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
256 </td>
257 </tr>
258 <tr class="rowColor">
259 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
260 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle</a></strong>()</code>
261 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
262 </td>
263 </tr>
264 <tr class="altColor">
265 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
266 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes</a></strong>()</code>
267 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
268 </td>
269 </tr>
270 <tr class="rowColor">
271 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
272 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar</a></strong>()</code>
273 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
274 </td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr class="altColor">
277 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
278 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest</a></strong>()</code>
279 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
280 </td>
281 </tr>
282 <tr class="rowColor">
283 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
284 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum</a></strong>()</code>
285 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
286 </td>
287 </tr>
288 <tr class="altColor">
289 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
290 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
291 </tr>
292 <tr class="rowColor">
293 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
294 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang</a></strong>()</code>
295 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
296 </td>
297 </tr>
298 <tr class="altColor">
299 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
300 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest</a></strong>()</code>
301 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
302 </td>
303 </tr>
304 <tr class="rowColor">
305 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
306 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring</a></strong>()</code>
307 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
308 </td>
309 </tr>
310 </table>
311 <ul class="blockList">
312 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
313 <!-- -->
314 </a>
315 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
316 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
317 </ul>
318 </li>
319 </ul>
320 </li>
321 </ul>
322 </div>
323 <div class="details">
324 <ul class="blockList">
325 <li class="blockList">
326 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
327 <ul class="blockList">
328 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
329 <!-- -->
330 </a>
331 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
332 <a name="PixToolsTest()">
333 <!-- -->
334 </a>
335 <ul class="blockListLast">
336 <li class="blockList">
337 <h4>PixToolsTest</h4>
338 <pre>public&nbsp;PixToolsTest()</pre>
339 </li>
340 </ul>
341 </li>
342 </ul>
343 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
344 <ul class="blockList">
345 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
346 <!-- -->
347 </a>
348 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
349 <a name="testMODULO()">
350 <!-- -->
351 </a>
352 <ul class="blockList">
353 <li class="blockList">
354 <h4>testMODULO</h4>
355 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMODULO()</pre>
356 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
357 </li>
358 </ul>
359 <a name="testAngDist()">
360 <!-- -->
361 </a>
362 <ul class="blockList">
363 <li class="blockList">
364 <h4>testAngDist</h4>
365 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAngDist()
366 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
367 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
368 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
369 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
370 </li>
371 </ul>
372 <a name="testSurfaceTriangle()">
373 <!-- -->
374 </a>
375 <ul class="blockList">
376 <li class="blockList">
377 <h4>testSurfaceTriangle</h4>
378 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testSurfaceTriangle()
379 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
380 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
381 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
382 </li>
383 </ul>
384 <a name="testNside2Npix()">
385 <!-- -->
386 </a>
387 <ul class="blockList">
388 <li class="blockList">
389 <h4>testNside2Npix</h4>
390 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNside2Npix()</pre>
391 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
392 </li>
393 </ul>
394 <a name="testNpix2Nside()">
395 <!-- -->
396 </a>
397 <ul class="blockList">
398 <li class="blockList">
399 <h4>testNpix2Nside</h4>
400 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNpix2Nside()</pre>
401 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
402 </li>
403 </ul>
404 <a name="testVec2Ang()">
405 <!-- -->
406 </a>
407 <ul class="blockList">
408 <li class="blockList">
409 <h4>testVec2Ang</h4>
410 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVec2Ang()</pre>
411 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
412 </li>
413 </ul>
414 <a name="testAng2Pix()">
415 <!-- -->
416 </a>
417 <ul class="blockList">
418 <li class="blockList">
419 <h4>testAng2Pix</h4>
420 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Pix()
421 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
422 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
423 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
424 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
425 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
426 </li>
427 </ul>
428 <a name="testAng2Vect()">
429 <!-- -->
430 </a>
431 <ul class="blockList">
432 <li class="blockList">
433 <h4>testAng2Vect</h4>
434 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testAng2Vect()
435 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
436 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
437 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
438 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
439 </li>
440 </ul>
441 <a name="testRingNum()">
442 <!-- -->
443 </a>
444 <ul class="blockList">
445 <li class="blockList">
446 <h4>testRingNum</h4>
447 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRingNum()
448 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
449 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
450 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
451 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
452 </li>
453 </ul>
454 <a name="testNest2Ring()">
455 <!-- -->
456 </a>
457 <ul class="blockList">
458 <li class="blockList">
459 <h4>testNest2Ring</h4>
460 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNest2Ring()
461 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
462 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
463 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
464 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
465 </li>
466 </ul>
467 <a name="testRing2Nest()">
468 <!-- -->
469 </a>
470 <ul class="blockList">
471 <li class="blockList">
472 <h4>testRing2Nest</h4>
473 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRing2Nest()
474 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
475 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
476 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
477 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
478 </li>
479 </ul>
480 <a name="testNext_In_Line_Nest()">
481 <!-- -->
482 </a>
483 <ul class="blockList">
484 <li class="blockList">
485 <h4>testNext_In_Line_Nest</h4>
486 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNext_In_Line_Nest()
487 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
488 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
489 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
490 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
491 </li>
492 </ul>
493 <a name="testInRing()">
494 <!-- -->
495 </a>
496 <ul class="blockList">
497 <li class="blockList">
498 <h4>testInRing</h4>
499 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testInRing()
500 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
501 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
502 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
503 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
504 </li>
505 </ul>
506 <a name="testNeighbours_Nest()">
507 <!-- -->
508 </a>
509 <ul class="blockList">
510 <li class="blockList">
511 <h4>testNeighbours_Nest</h4>
512 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testNeighbours_Nest()
513 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
514 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
515 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
516 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
517 </li>
518 </ul>
519 <a name="testIntrs_Intrv()">
520 <!-- -->
521 </a>
522 <ul class="blockList">
523 <li class="blockList">
524 <h4>testIntrs_Intrv</h4>
525 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testIntrs_Intrv()
526 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
527 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
528 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
529 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
530 </li>
531 </ul>
532 <a name="testPix2Vect_ring()">
533 <!-- -->
534 </a>
535 <ul class="blockList">
536 <li class="blockList">
537 <h4>testPix2Vect_ring</h4>
538 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_ring()
539 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
540 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
541 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
542 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
543 </li>
544 </ul>
545 <a name="testPix2Vect_nest()">
546 <!-- -->
547 </a>
548 <ul class="blockList">
549 <li class="blockList">
550 <h4>testPix2Vect_nest</h4>
551 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPix2Vect_nest()
552 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
553 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
554 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
555 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
556 </li>
557 </ul>
558 <a name="testVect2Pix_ring()">
559 <!-- -->
560 </a>
561 <ul class="blockList">
562 <li class="blockList">
563 <h4>testVect2Pix_ring</h4>
564 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_ring()
565 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
566 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
567 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
568 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
569 </li>
570 </ul>
571 <a name="testVect2Pix_nest()">
572 <!-- -->
573 </a>
574 <ul class="blockList">
575 <li class="blockList">
576 <h4>testVect2Pix_nest</h4>
577 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testVect2Pix_nest()
578 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
579 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
580 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
581 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
582 </li>
583 </ul>
584 <a name="testQuery_Strip()">
585 <!-- -->
586 </a>
587 <ul class="blockList">
588 <li class="blockList">
589 <h4>testQuery_Strip</h4>
590 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Strip()
591 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
592 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
593 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
594 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
595 </li>
596 </ul>
597 <a name="testQuery_Disc()">
598 <!-- -->
599 </a>
600 <ul class="blockList">
601 <li class="blockList">
602 <h4>testQuery_Disc</h4>
603 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Disc()
604 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
605 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
606 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
607 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
608 </li>
609 </ul>
610 <a name="testQuery_Triangle()">
611 <!-- -->
612 </a>
613 <ul class="blockList">
614 <li class="blockList">
615 <h4>testQuery_Triangle</h4>
616 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Triangle()
617 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
618 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
619 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
620 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
621 </li>
622 </ul>
623 <a name="testQuery_Polygon()">
624 <!-- -->
625 </a>
626 <ul class="blockList">
627 <li class="blockList">
628 <h4>testQuery_Polygon</h4>
629 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Polygon()
630 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
631 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
632 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
633 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
634 </li>
635 </ul>
636 <a name="testMaxResolution()">
637 <!-- -->
638 </a>
639 <ul class="blockList">
640 <li class="blockList">
641 <h4>testMaxResolution</h4>
642 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testMaxResolution()</pre>
643 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
644 </li>
645 </ul>
646 <a name="testQueryDiscRes()">
647 <!-- -->
648 </a>
649 <ul class="blockList">
650 <li class="blockList">
651 <h4>testQueryDiscRes</h4>
652 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQueryDiscRes()
653 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
654 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
655 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
656 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
657 </li>
658 </ul>
659 <a name="testQuery_disk2()">
660 <!-- -->
661 </a>
662 <ul class="blockList">
663 <li class="blockList">
664 <h4>testQuery_disk2</h4>
665 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_disk2()</pre>
666 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
667 </li>
668 </ul>
669 <a name="testGetNside()">
670 <!-- -->
671 </a>
672 <ul class="blockList">
673 <li class="blockList">
674 <h4>testGetNside</h4>
675 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testGetNside()</pre>
676 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
677 </li>
678 </ul>
679 <a name="testRaDecToPolar()">
680 <!-- -->
681 </a>
682 <ul class="blockListLast">
683 <li class="blockList">
684 <h4>testRaDecToPolar</h4>
685 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRaDecToPolar()</pre>
686 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
687 </li>
688 </ul>
689 </li>
690 </ul>
691 </li>
692 </ul>
693 </div>
694 </div>
695 <!-- ========= END OF CLASS DATA ========= -->
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704 <li><a href="package-summary.html">Package</a></li>
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706 <li><a href="class-use/PixToolsTest.html">Use</a></li>
707 <li><a href="package-tree.html">Tree</a></li>
708 <li><a href="../../../../../deprecated-list.html">Deprecated</a></li>
709 <li><a href="../../../../../index-all.html">Index</a></li>
710 <li><a href="../../../../../help-doc.html">Help</a></li>
711 </ul>
712 </div>
713 <div class="subNav">
714 <ul class="navList">
715 <li><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">Prev Class</span></a></li>
716 <li><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">Next Class</span></a></li>
717 </ul>
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738 <ul class="subNavList">
739 <li>Summary:&nbsp;</li>
740 <li>Nested&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
741 <li>Field&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
742 <li><a href="#constructor_summary">Constr</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
743 <li><a href="#method_summary">Method</a></li>
744 </ul>
745 <ul class="subNavList">
746 <li>Detail:&nbsp;</li>
747 <li>Field&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>
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79 <!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class QueryDiscTest" class="title">Class QueryDiscTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.QueryDiscTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">QueryDiscTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 </li>
106 </ul>
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108 <div class="summary">
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110 <li class="blockList">
111 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
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116 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
117 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
118 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
119 <tr>
120 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
121 </tr>
122 <tr class="altColor">
123 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#QueryDiscTest()">QueryDiscTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
124 </tr>
125 </table>
126 </li>
127 </ul>
128 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
129 <ul class="blockList">
130 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
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132 </a>
133 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
134 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
135 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
136 <tr>
137 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
138 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
139 </tr>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
142 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQuery_Disc_1()">testQuery_Disc_1</a></strong>()</code>
143 <div class="block">additional tests of Query_Disc method</div>
144 </td>
145 </tr>
146 <tr class="rowColor">
147 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
148 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQueryCircle()">testQueryCircle</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr class="altColor">
151 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
152 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQueryDisc()">testQueryDisc</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
153 </tr>
154 </table>
155 <ul class="blockList">
156 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
157 <!-- -->
158 </a>
159 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
160 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
161 </ul>
162 </li>
163 </ul>
164 </li>
165 </ul>
166 </div>
167 <div class="details">
168 <ul class="blockList">
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170 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
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172 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
173 <!-- -->
174 </a>
175 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
176 <a name="QueryDiscTest()">
177 <!-- -->
178 </a>
179 <ul class="blockListLast">
180 <li class="blockList">
181 <h4>QueryDiscTest</h4>
182 <pre>public&nbsp;QueryDiscTest()</pre>
183 </li>
184 </ul>
185 </li>
186 </ul>
187 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
188 <ul class="blockList">
189 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
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191 </a>
192 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
193 <a name="testQueryDisc()">
194 <!-- -->
195 </a>
196 <ul class="blockList">
197 <li class="blockList">
198 <h4>testQueryDisc</h4>
199 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQueryDisc()</pre>
200 </li>
201 </ul>
202 <a name="testQueryCircle()">
203 <!-- -->
204 </a>
205 <ul class="blockList">
206 <li class="blockList">
207 <h4>testQueryCircle</h4>
208 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQueryCircle()</pre>
209 </li>
210 </ul>
211 <a name="testQuery_Disc_1()">
212 <!-- -->
213 </a>
214 <ul class="blockListLast">
215 <li class="blockList">
216 <h4>testQuery_Disc_1</h4>
217 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testQuery_Disc_1()
218 throws java.lang.Exception</pre>
219 <div class="block">additional tests of Query_Disc method</div>
220 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
221 <dd><code>java.lang.Exception</code></dd></dl>
222 </li>
223 </ul>
224 </li>
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79 <!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class RegionTest" class="title">Class RegionTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>TestCase</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.RegionTest</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <hr>
102 <br>
103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">RegionTest</span>
104 extends TestCase</pre>
105 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
106 <dd>kuropat
107 Junit methods to test Region class</dd></dl>
108 </li>
109 </ul>
110 </div>
111 <div class="summary">
112 <ul class="blockList">
113 <li class="blockList">
114 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
115 <ul class="blockList">
116 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
117 <!-- -->
118 </a>
119 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
120 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
121 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
122 <tr>
123 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
124 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
125 </tr>
126 <tr class="altColor">
127 <td class="colFirst"><code>private <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></code></td>
128 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#bm">bm</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
129 </tr>
130 <tr class="rowColor">
131 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
132 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr class="altColor">
135 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static double</code></td>
136 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
137 </tr>
138 </table>
139 </li>
140 </ul>
141 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
142 <ul class="blockList">
143 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
144 <!-- -->
145 </a>
146 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
147 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
148 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
149 <tr>
150 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
151 </tr>
152 <tr class="altColor">
153 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#RegionTest()">RegionTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
154 </tr>
155 </table>
156 </li>
157 </ul>
158 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
159 <ul class="blockList">
160 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
161 <!-- -->
162 </a>
163 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
164 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
165 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
166 <tr>
167 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
168 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
169 </tr>
170 <tr class="altColor">
171 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
172 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#testPixelize()">testPixelize</a></strong>()</code>
173 <div class="block">test pixelization</div>
174 </td>
175 </tr>
176 <tr class="rowColor">
177 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
178 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#testRegion()">testRegion</a></strong>()</code>
179 <div class="block">test default constructor</div>
180 </td>
181 </tr>
182 </table>
183 <ul class="blockList">
184 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
185 <!-- -->
186 </a>
187 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
188 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
189 </ul>
190 </li>
191 </ul>
192 </li>
193 </ul>
194 </div>
195 <div class="details">
196 <ul class="blockList">
197 <li class="blockList">
198 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
199 <ul class="blockList">
200 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
201 <!-- -->
202 </a>
203 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
204 <a name="TWOPI">
205 <!-- -->
206 </a>
207 <ul class="blockList">
208 <li class="blockList">
209 <h4>TWOPI</h4>
210 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double TWOPI</pre>
211 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.RegionTest.TWOPI">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
212 </li>
213 </ul>
214 <a name="epsilon">
215 <!-- -->
216 </a>
217 <ul class="blockList">
218 <li class="blockList">
219 <h4>epsilon</h4>
220 <pre>private static final&nbsp;double epsilon</pre>
221 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../../../constant-values.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.RegionTest.epsilon">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl>
222 </li>
223 </ul>
224 <a name="bm">
225 <!-- -->
226 </a>
227 <ul class="blockListLast">
228 <li class="blockList">
229 <h4>bm</h4>
230 <pre>private&nbsp;<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a> bm</pre>
231 </li>
232 </ul>
233 </li>
234 </ul>
235 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
236 <ul class="blockList">
237 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
238 <!-- -->
239 </a>
240 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
241 <a name="RegionTest()">
242 <!-- -->
243 </a>
244 <ul class="blockListLast">
245 <li class="blockList">
246 <h4>RegionTest</h4>
247 <pre>public&nbsp;RegionTest()</pre>
248 </li>
249 </ul>
250 </li>
251 </ul>
252 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
253 <ul class="blockList">
254 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
255 <!-- -->
256 </a>
257 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
258 <a name="testRegion()">
259 <!-- -->
260 </a>
261 <ul class="blockList">
262 <li class="blockList">
263 <h4>testRegion</h4>
264 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testRegion()</pre>
265 <div class="block">test default constructor</div>
266 </li>
267 </ul>
268 <a name="testPixelize()">
269 <!-- -->
270 </a>
271 <ul class="blockListLast">
272 <li class="blockList">
273 <h4>testPixelize</h4>
274 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPixelize()</pre>
275 <div class="block">test pixelization</div>
276 </li>
277 </ul>
278 </li>
279 </ul>
280 </li>
281 </ul>
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81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class ThreadTest.Worker" class="title">Class ThreadTest.Worker</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>java.lang.Thread</li>
90 <li>
91 <ul class="inheritance">
92 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.ThreadTest.Worker</li>
93 </ul>
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <div class="description">
99 <ul class="blockList">
100 <li class="blockList">
101 <dl>
102 <dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>
103 <dd>java.lang.Runnable</dd>
104 </dl>
105 <dl>
106 <dt>Enclosing class:</dt>
107 <dd><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dd>
108 </dl>
109 <hr>
110 <br>
111 <pre>private static class <span class="strong">ThreadTest.Worker</span>
112 extends java.lang.Thread</pre>
113 </li>
114 </ul>
115 </div>
116 <div class="summary">
117 <ul class="blockList">
118 <li class="blockList">
119 <!-- ======== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ======== -->
120 <ul class="blockList">
121 <li class="blockList"><a name="nested_class_summary">
122 <!-- -->
123 </a>
124 <h3>Nested Class Summary</h3>
125 <ul class="blockList">
126 <li class="blockList"><a name="nested_classes_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Thread">
127 <!-- -->
128 </a>
129 <h3>Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Thread</h3>
130 <code>java.lang.Thread.State, java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler</code></li>
131 </ul>
132 </li>
133 </ul>
134 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
135 <ul class="blockList">
136 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
137 <!-- -->
138 </a>
139 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
140 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
141 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
142 <tr>
143 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
144 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
145 </tr>
146 <tr class="altColor">
147 <td class="colFirst"><code>private int</code></td>
148 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#inclusive_">inclusive_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr class="rowColor">
151 <td class="colFirst"><code>private int</code></td>
152 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#nest_">nest_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
153 </tr>
154 <tr class="altColor">
155 <td class="colFirst"><code>private long</code></td>
156 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#nside_">nside_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
157 </tr>
158 <tr class="rowColor">
159 <td class="colFirst"><code>private double</code></td>
160 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#radius_">radius_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
161 </tr>
162 <tr class="altColor">
163 <td class="colFirst"><code>private java.util.List</code></td>
164 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#result_">result_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
165 </tr>
166 <tr class="rowColor">
167 <td class="colFirst"><code>private javax.vecmath.Vector3d</code></td>
168 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#vector_">vector_</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
169 </tr>
170 </table>
171 <ul class="blockList">
172 <li class="blockList"><a name="fields_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Thread">
173 <!-- -->
174 </a>
175 <h3>Fields inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Thread</h3>
177 </ul>
178 </li>
179 </ul>
180 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
181 <ul class="blockList">
182 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
183 <!-- -->
184 </a>
185 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
186 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
187 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
188 <tr>
189 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
190 </tr>
191 <tr class="altColor">
192 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#ThreadTest.Worker(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">ThreadTest.Worker</a></strong>(long&nbsp;nside,
193 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector,
194 double&nbsp;radius,
195 int&nbsp;nest,
196 int&nbsp;inclusive)</code>&nbsp;</td>
197 </tr>
198 </table>
199 </li>
200 </ul>
201 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
202 <ul class="blockList">
203 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
204 <!-- -->
205 </a>
206 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
207 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
208 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
209 <tr>
210 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
211 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
212 </tr>
213 <tr class="altColor">
214 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
215 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#run()">run</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
216 </tr>
217 </table>
218 <ul class="blockList">
219 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Thread">
220 <!-- -->
221 </a>
222 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Thread</h3>
223 <code>activeCount, checkAccess, clone, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield</code></li>
224 </ul>
225 <ul class="blockList">
226 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
227 <!-- -->
228 </a>
229 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
230 <code>equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
231 </ul>
232 </li>
233 </ul>
234 </li>
235 </ul>
236 </div>
237 <div class="details">
238 <ul class="blockList">
239 <li class="blockList">
240 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
241 <ul class="blockList">
242 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
243 <!-- -->
244 </a>
245 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
246 <a name="nside_">
247 <!-- -->
248 </a>
249 <ul class="blockList">
250 <li class="blockList">
251 <h4>nside_</h4>
252 <pre>private final&nbsp;long nside_</pre>
253 </li>
254 </ul>
255 <a name="vector_">
256 <!-- -->
257 </a>
258 <ul class="blockList">
259 <li class="blockList">
260 <h4>vector_</h4>
261 <pre>private final&nbsp;javax.vecmath.Vector3d vector_</pre>
262 </li>
263 </ul>
264 <a name="radius_">
265 <!-- -->
266 </a>
267 <ul class="blockList">
268 <li class="blockList">
269 <h4>radius_</h4>
270 <pre>private final&nbsp;double radius_</pre>
271 </li>
272 </ul>
273 <a name="nest_">
274 <!-- -->
275 </a>
276 <ul class="blockList">
277 <li class="blockList">
278 <h4>nest_</h4>
279 <pre>private final&nbsp;int nest_</pre>
280 </li>
281 </ul>
282 <a name="inclusive_">
283 <!-- -->
284 </a>
285 <ul class="blockList">
286 <li class="blockList">
287 <h4>inclusive_</h4>
288 <pre>private final&nbsp;int inclusive_</pre>
289 </li>
290 </ul>
291 <a name="result_">
292 <!-- -->
293 </a>
294 <ul class="blockListLast">
295 <li class="blockList">
296 <h4>result_</h4>
297 <pre>private&nbsp;java.util.List result_</pre>
298 </li>
299 </ul>
300 </li>
301 </ul>
302 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
303 <ul class="blockList">
304 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
305 <!-- -->
306 </a>
307 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
308 <a name="ThreadTest.Worker(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">
309 <!-- -->
310 </a>
311 <ul class="blockListLast">
312 <li class="blockList">
313 <h4>ThreadTest.Worker</h4>
314 <pre>ThreadTest.Worker(long&nbsp;nside,
315 javax.vecmath.Vector3d&nbsp;vector,
316 double&nbsp;radius,
317 int&nbsp;nest,
318 int&nbsp;inclusive)</pre>
319 </li>
320 </ul>
321 </li>
322 </ul>
323 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
324 <ul class="blockList">
325 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
326 <!-- -->
327 </a>
328 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
329 <a name="run()">
330 <!-- -->
331 </a>
332 <ul class="blockListLast">
333 <li class="blockList">
334 <h4>run</h4>
335 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;run()</pre>
336 <dl>
337 <dt><strong>Specified by:</strong></dt>
338 <dd><code>run</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Runnable</code></dd>
339 <dt><strong>Overrides:</strong></dt>
340 <dd><code>run</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Thread</code></dd>
341 </dl>
342 </li>
343 </ul>
344 </li>
345 </ul>
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80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="subTitle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</div>
82 <h2 title="Class ThreadTest" class="title">Class ThreadTest</h2>
83 </div>
84 <div class="contentContainer">
85 <ul class="inheritance">
86 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
87 <li>
88 <ul class="inheritance">
89 <li>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.ThreadTest</li>
90 </ul>
91 </li>
92 </ul>
93 <div class="description">
94 <ul class="blockList">
95 <li class="blockList">
96 <hr>
97 <br>
98 <pre>public class <span class="strong">ThreadTest</span>
99 extends java.lang.Object</pre>
100 <div class="block">The thread proof test by Mark Teylor</div>
101 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Author:</span></dt>
102 <dd>Mark Taylor</dd></dl>
103 </li>
104 </ul>
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106 <div class="summary">
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114 <h3>Nested Class Summary</h3>
115 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Nested Class Summary table, listing nested classes, and an explanation">
116 <caption><span>Nested Classes</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
117 <tr>
118 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
119 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Class and Description</th>
120 </tr>
121 <tr class="altColor">
122 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static class&nbsp;</code></td>
123 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
124 </tr>
125 </table>
126 </li>
127 </ul>
128 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
129 <ul class="blockList">
130 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
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133 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
134 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
135 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
136 <tr>
137 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
138 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
139 </tr>
140 <tr class="altColor">
141 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></code></td>
142 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
143 </tr>
144 </table>
145 </li>
146 </ul>
147 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
148 <ul class="blockList">
149 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
150 <!-- -->
151 </a>
152 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
153 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
154 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
155 <tr>
156 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
157 </tr>
158 <tr class="altColor">
159 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#ThreadTest()">ThreadTest</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
160 </tr>
161 </table>
162 </li>
163 </ul>
164 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
165 <ul class="blockList">
166 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
167 <!-- -->
168 </a>
169 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
170 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
171 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
172 <tr>
173 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
174 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
175 </tr>
176 <tr class="altColor">
177 <td class="colFirst"><code>private static void</code></td>
178 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#assertEquals(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List)">assertEquals</a></strong>(java.lang.String&nbsp;msg,
179 java.util.List&nbsp;l1,
180 java.util.List&nbsp;l2)</code>&nbsp;</td>
181 </tr>
182 <tr class="rowColor">
183 <td class="colFirst"><code>static void</code></td>
184 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main</a></strong>(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;args)</code>&nbsp;</td>
185 </tr>
186 <tr class="altColor">
187 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
188 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#testPixtools()">testPixtools</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
189 </tr>
190 <tr class="rowColor">
191 <td class="colFirst"><code>private void</code></td>
192 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#workPixtools(boolean)">workPixtools</a></strong>(boolean&nbsp;useThreads)</code>&nbsp;</td>
193 </tr>
194 </table>
195 <ul class="blockList">
196 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
197 <!-- -->
198 </a>
199 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
200 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
201 </ul>
202 </li>
203 </ul>
204 </li>
205 </ul>
206 </div>
207 <div class="details">
208 <ul class="blockList">
209 <li class="blockList">
210 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
211 <ul class="blockList">
212 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
213 <!-- -->
214 </a>
215 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
216 <a name="pixTools">
217 <!-- -->
218 </a>
219 <ul class="blockListLast">
220 <li class="blockList">
221 <h4>pixTools</h4>
222 <pre>private static&nbsp;<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a> pixTools</pre>
223 </li>
224 </ul>
225 </li>
226 </ul>
227 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
228 <ul class="blockList">
229 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
230 <!-- -->
231 </a>
232 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
233 <a name="ThreadTest()">
234 <!-- -->
235 </a>
236 <ul class="blockListLast">
237 <li class="blockList">
238 <h4>ThreadTest</h4>
239 <pre>public&nbsp;ThreadTest()</pre>
240 </li>
241 </ul>
242 </li>
243 </ul>
244 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
245 <ul class="blockList">
246 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
247 <!-- -->
248 </a>
249 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
250 <a name="testPixtools()">
251 <!-- -->
252 </a>
253 <ul class="blockList">
254 <li class="blockList">
255 <h4>testPixtools</h4>
256 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;testPixtools()
257 throws java.lang.InterruptedException</pre>
258 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
259 <dd><code>java.lang.InterruptedException</code></dd></dl>
260 </li>
261 </ul>
262 <a name="workPixtools(boolean)">
263 <!-- -->
264 </a>
265 <ul class="blockList">
266 <li class="blockList">
267 <h4>workPixtools</h4>
268 <pre>private&nbsp;void&nbsp;workPixtools(boolean&nbsp;useThreads)
269 throws java.lang.InterruptedException</pre>
270 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
271 <dd><code>java.lang.InterruptedException</code></dd></dl>
272 </li>
273 </ul>
274 <a name="assertEquals(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List)">
275 <!-- -->
276 </a>
277 <ul class="blockList">
278 <li class="blockList">
279 <h4>assertEquals</h4>
280 <pre>private static&nbsp;void&nbsp;assertEquals(java.lang.String&nbsp;msg,
281 java.util.List&nbsp;l1,
282 java.util.List&nbsp;l2)</pre>
283 </li>
284 </ul>
285 <a name="main(java.lang.String[])">
286 <!-- -->
287 </a>
288 <ul class="blockListLast">
289 <li class="blockList">
290 <h4>main</h4>
291 <pre>public static&nbsp;void&nbsp;main(java.lang.String[]&nbsp;args)
292 throws java.lang.InterruptedException</pre>
293 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
294 <dd><code>java.lang.InterruptedException</code></dd></dl>
295 </li>
296 </ul>
297 </li>
298 </ul>
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95 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
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101 <td class="colLast"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1.</span><code><strong><a href="../../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#getRaDe(long, long)">getRaDe</a></strong>(long&nbsp;area,
102 long&nbsp;nsides)</code>
103 <div class="block">inverse method, convert area ID to RaDePoint</div>
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75 <caption><span>Class Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
76 <tr>
77 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Class</th>
78 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
79 </tr>
80 <tbody>
81 <tr class="altColor">
82 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">BitManipulationTest</a></td>
83 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
84 </tr>
85 <tr class="rowColor">
86 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></td>
87 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
88 </tr>
89 <tr class="altColor">
90 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></td>
91 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
92 </tr>
93 <tr class="rowColor">
94 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></td>
95 <td class="colLast">
96 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools using static constructor</div>
97 </td>
98 </tr>
99 <tr class="altColor">
100 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></td>
101 <td class="colLast">
102 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools</div>
103 </td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr class="rowColor">
106 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></td>
107 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
108 </tr>
109 <tr class="altColor">
110 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></td>
111 <td class="colLast">
112 <div class="block">Simple point on sky.</div>
113 </td>
114 </tr>
115 <tr class="rowColor">
116 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></td>
117 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
118 </tr>
119 <tr class="altColor">
120 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></td>
121 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
122 </tr>
123 <tr class="rowColor">
124 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></td>
125 <td class="colLast">
126 <div class="block">The thread proof test by Mark Teylor</div>
127 </td>
128 </tr>
129 <tr class="altColor">
130 <td class="colFirst"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></td>
131 <td class="colLast">&nbsp;</td>
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140 <h2 title="Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test Description">Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test Description</h2>
141 <div class="block"><h1>Junit tests for EAG HEALPix project</h1></div>
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65 <h1 class="title">Hierarchy For Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</h1>
66 <span class="strong">Package Hierarchies:</span>
67 <ul class="horizontal">
68 <li><a href="../../../../../overview-tree.html">All Packages</a></li>
69 </ul>
70 </div>
71 <div class="contentContainer">
72 <h2 title="Class Hierarchy">Class Hierarchy</h2>
73 <ul>
74 <li type="circle">java.lang.Object
75 <ul>
76 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">DiscTest</span></a></li>
77 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</span></a></li>
78 <li type="circle">TestCase
79 <ul>
80 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">RegionTest</span></a></li>
81 </ul>
82 </li>
83 <li type="circle">TestCase
84 <ul>
85 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">QueryDiscTest</span></a></li>
86 </ul>
87 </li>
88 <li type="circle">TestCase
89 <ul>
90 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1</span></a></li>
91 </ul>
92 </li>
93 <li type="circle">TestCase
94 <ul>
95 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsTest</span></a></li>
96 </ul>
97 </li>
98 <li type="circle">TestCase
99 <ul>
100 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsStaticTest</span></a></li>
101 </ul>
102 </li>
103 <li type="circle">TestCase
104 <ul>
105 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsSingletonTest</span></a></li>
106 </ul>
107 </li>
108 <li type="circle">TestCase
109 <ul>
110 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">BitManipulationTest</span></a></li>
111 </ul>
112 </li>
113 <li type="circle">java.lang.Thread (implements java.lang.Runnable)
114 <ul>
115 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest.Worker</span></a></li>
116 </ul>
117 </li>
118 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest</span></a></li>
119 </ul>
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65 <h1 title="Uses of Package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test" class="title">Uses of Package<br>gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</h1>
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69 <li class="blockList">
70 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing packages, and an explanation">
71 <caption><span>Packages that use <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
72 <tr>
73 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Package</th>
74 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
75 </tr>
76 <tbody>
77 <tr class="altColor">
78 <td class="colFirst"><a href="#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></td>
79 <td class="colLast">
80 <div class="block">Junit tests for EAG HEALPix project</div>
81 </td>
82 </tr>
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90 <caption><span>Classes in <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a> used by <a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
91 <tr>
92 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Class and Description</th>
93 </tr>
94 <tbody>
95 <tr class="altColor">
96 <td class="colOne"><a href="../../../../../gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/class-use/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a>
97 <div class="block">Simple point on sky.</div>
98 </td>
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70 <li class="blockList">
71 <h2>Overview</h2>
72 <p>The <a href="overview-summary.html">Overview</a> page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each. This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages.</p>
73 </li>
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75 <h2>Package</h2>
76 <p>Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. This page can contain six categories:</p>
77 <ul>
78 <li>Interfaces (italic)</li>
79 <li>Classes</li>
80 <li>Enums</li>
81 <li>Exceptions</li>
82 <li>Errors</li>
83 <li>Annotation Types</li>
84 </ul>
85 </li>
86 <li class="blockList">
87 <h2>Class/Interface</h2>
88 <p>Each class, interface, nested class and nested interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a class/interface description, summary tables, and detailed member descriptions:</p>
89 <ul>
90 <li>Class inheritance diagram</li>
91 <li>Direct Subclasses</li>
92 <li>All Known Subinterfaces</li>
93 <li>All Known Implementing Classes</li>
94 <li>Class/interface declaration</li>
95 <li>Class/interface description</li>
96 </ul>
97 <ul>
98 <li>Nested Class Summary</li>
99 <li>Field Summary</li>
100 <li>Constructor Summary</li>
101 <li>Method Summary</li>
102 </ul>
103 <ul>
104 <li>Field Detail</li>
105 <li>Constructor Detail</li>
106 <li>Method Detail</li>
107 </ul>
108 <p>Each summary entry contains the first sentence from the detailed description for that item. The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.</p>
109 </li>
110 <li class="blockList">
111 <h2>Annotation Type</h2>
112 <p>Each annotation type has its own separate page with the following sections:</p>
113 <ul>
114 <li>Annotation Type declaration</li>
115 <li>Annotation Type description</li>
116 <li>Required Element Summary</li>
117 <li>Optional Element Summary</li>
118 <li>Element Detail</li>
119 </ul>
120 </li>
121 <li class="blockList">
122 <h2>Enum</h2>
123 <p>Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections:</p>
124 <ul>
125 <li>Enum declaration</li>
126 <li>Enum description</li>
127 <li>Enum Constant Summary</li>
128 <li>Enum Constant Detail</li>
129 </ul>
130 </li>
131 <li class="blockList">
132 <h2>Use</h2>
133 <p>Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use page. This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its Use page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. You can access this page by first going to the package, class or interface, then clicking on the "Use" link in the navigation bar.</p>
134 </li>
135 <li class="blockList">
136 <h2>Tree (Class Hierarchy)</h2>
137 <p>There is a <a href="overview-tree.html">Class Hierarchy</a> page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a list of classes and a list of interfaces. The classes are organized by inheritance structure starting with <code>java.lang.Object</code>. The interfaces do not inherit from <code>java.lang.Object</code>.</p>
138 <ul>
139 <li>When viewing the Overview page, clicking on "Tree" displays the hierarchy for all packages.</li>
140 <li>When viewing a particular package, class or interface page, clicking "Tree" displays the hierarchy for only that package.</li>
141 </ul>
142 </li>
143 <li class="blockList">
144 <h2>Deprecated API</h2>
145 <p>The <a href="deprecated-list.html">Deprecated API</a> page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.</p>
146 </li>
147 <li class="blockList">
148 <h2>Index</h2>
149 <p>The <a href="index-all.html">Index</a> contains an alphabetic list of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields.</p>
150 </li>
151 <li class="blockList">
152 <h2>Prev/Next</h2>
153 <p>These links take you to the next or previous class, interface, package, or related page.</p>
154 </li>
155 <li class="blockList">
156 <h2>Frames/No Frames</h2>
157 <p>These links show and hide the HTML frames. All pages are available with or without frames.</p>
158 </li>
159 <li class="blockList">
160 <h2>All Classes</h2>
161 <p>The <a href="allclasses-noframe.html">All Classes</a> link shows all classes and interfaces except non-static nested types.</p>
162 </li>
163 <li class="blockList">
164 <h2>Serialized Form</h2>
165 <p>Each serializable or externalizable class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description.</p>
166 </li>
167 <li class="blockList">
168 <h2>Constant Field Values</h2>
169 <p>The <a href="constant-values.html">Constant Field Values</a> page lists the static final fields and their values.</p>
170 </li>
171 </ul>
172 <em>This help file applies to API documentation generated using the standard doclet.</em></div>
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64 <div class="contentContainer"><a href="#_A_">A</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_B_">B</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_C_">C</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_D_">D</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_E_">E</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_G_">G</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_H_">H</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_I_">I</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_M_">M</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_N_">N</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_O_">O</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_P_">P</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_Q_">Q</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_R_">R</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_S_">S</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_T_">T</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_V_">V</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_W_">W</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_X_">X</a>&nbsp;<a href="#_Y_">Y</a>&nbsp;<a name="_A_">
65 <!-- -->
66 </a>
67 <h2 class="title">A</h2>
68 <dl>
69 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ang2pix_nest(long, double, double)">ang2pix_nest(long, double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
70 <dd>
71 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
72 point on a sphere at coordinates theta and phi, given map resolution
73 parameter nside.</div>
74 </dd>
75 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ang2pix_ring(long, double, double)">ang2pix_ring(long, double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
76 <dd>
77 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
78 point with coordinates theta and phi, given the map resolution parameter
79 nside.</div>
80 </dd>
81 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Ang2Vec(double, double)">Ang2Vec(double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
82 <dd>
83 <div class="block">calculates vector corresponding to angles theta (co-latitude
84 measured from North pole, in [0,pi] radians) phi (longitude measured
85 eastward in [0,2pi] radians) North pole is (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 1)</div>
86 </dd>
87 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#AngDist(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">AngDist(Vector3d, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
88 <dd>
89 <div class="block">calculates angular distance (in radians) between 2 Vectors
90 v1 and v2 In general dist = acos(v1.v2) except if the vectors are almost
91 aligned</div>
92 </dd>
93 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#assertEquals(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List)">assertEquals(String, List, List)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
94 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
95 </dl>
96 <a name="_B_">
97 <!-- -->
98 </a>
99 <h2 class="title">B</h2>
100 <dl>
101 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">BitManipulation</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></dt>
102 <dd>
103 <div class="block">bit manipulation class derived from Healpix
104 fortran90 program.</div>
105 </dd>
106 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#BitManipulation()">BitManipulation()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
107 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
108 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">BitManipulationTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
109 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
110 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#BitManipulationTest()">BitManipulationTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">BitManipulationTest</a></dt>
111 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
112 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#bm">bm</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
113 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
114 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#bm">bm</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
115 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
116 </dl>
117 <a name="_C_">
118 <!-- -->
119 </a>
120 <h2 class="title">C</h2>
121 <dl>
122 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#checkOverlap(int, double, double, double, double)">checkOverlap(int, double, double, double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
123 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
124 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_inplace_long(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])">convert_inplace_long(String, Object[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
125 <dd>
126 <div class="block">converts a 8 byte Object map from RING to NESTED and vice versa in place,
127 ie without allocation a temporary map (Has no reason for Java).</div>
128 </dd>
129 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_nest2ring(long, java.lang.Object[])">convert_nest2ring(long, Object[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
130 <dd>
131 <div class="block">make the conversion NEST to RING</div>
132 </dd>
133 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#convert_ring2nest(long, java.lang.Object[])">convert_ring2nest(long, Object[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
134 <dd>
135 <div class="block">makes the conversion RING to NEST</div>
136 </dd>
137 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#crossProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">crossProduct(Vector3d, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
138 <dd>
139 <div class="block">calculate cross product of two vectors</div>
140 </dd>
141 </dl>
142 <a name="_D_">
143 <!-- -->
144 </a>
145 <h2 class="title">D</h2>
146 <dl>
147 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#de">de</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></dt>
148 <dd>
149 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
150 </dd>
151 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#decMax">decMax</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
152 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
153 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#decMin">decMin</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
154 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
155 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">DiscTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
156 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
157 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#DiscTest()">DiscTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
158 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
159 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#dotProduct(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">dotProduct(Vector3d, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
160 <dd>
161 <div class="block">calculates a dot product (inner product) of two 3D vectors
162 the result is double</div>
163 </dd>
164 </dl>
165 <a name="_E_">
166 <!-- -->
167 </a>
168 <h2 class="title">E</h2>
169 <dl>
170 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
171 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
172 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#epsilon">epsilon</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
173 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
174 </dl>
175 <a name="_G_">
176 <!-- -->
177 </a>
178 <h2 class="title">G</h2>
179 <dl>
180 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getDisc_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double)">getDisc_ring(long, Vector3d, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
181 <dd>
182 <div class="block">an obsolete method.</div>
183 </dd>
184 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#getHealId(double, double, long)">getHealId(double, double, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
185 <dd>
186 <div class="block">get position ID for ra,de</div>
187 </dd>
188 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#getInstance()">getInstance()</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
189 <dd>
190 <div class="block">Returns singleton instance.</div>
191 </dd>
192 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#GetNSide(double)">GetNSide(double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
193 <dd>
194 <div class="block">calculate requared nside given pixel size in arcsec</div>
195 </dd>
196 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#getPolReg()">getPolReg()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
197 <dd>
198 <div class="block">provides polar coordinates of the region vertices</div>
199 </dd>
200 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#getRaDe(long, long)">getRaDe(long, long)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
201 <dd>
202 <div class="block">inverse method, convert area ID to RaDePoint</div>
203 </dd>
204 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#getVertices()">getVertices()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
205 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
206 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a> - package gov.fnal.eag.healpix</dt>
207 <dd>
208 <div class="block"> EAG HEALPix</div>
209 </dd>
210 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a> - package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</dt>
211 <dd>
212 <div class="block">Junit tests for EAG HEALPix project</div>
213 </dd>
214 </dl>
215 <a name="_H_">
216 <!-- -->
217 </a>
218 <h2 class="title">H</h2>
219 <dl>
220 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#HALFPI">HALFPI</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
221 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
222 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#haversineSeparationFormula(double, double, double, double)">haversineSeparationFormula(double, double, double, double)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
223 <dd>
224 <div class="block">Haversine formula for spherical trigonometry.</div>
225 </dd>
226 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">HealpixException</span></a> - Exception in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></dt>
227 <dd>
228 <div class="block">handles exceptions from this package</div>
229 </dd>
230 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html#HealpixException(java.lang.String)">HealpixException(String)</a></span> - Constructor for exception gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">HealpixException</a></dt>
231 <dd>
232 <div class="block">message - String to be printed in case of exception</div>
233 </dd>
234 </dl>
235 <a name="_I_">
236 <!-- -->
237 </a>
238 <h2 class="title">I</h2>
239 <dl>
240 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#inclusive_">inclusive_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
241 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
242 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#inReg(double, double)">inReg(double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
243 <dd>
244 <div class="block">return true if the point ra,dec is inside region</div>
245 </dd>
246 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#inRegPol(double, double)">inRegPol(double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
247 <dd>
248 <div class="block">return true if point phi, theta is inside region</div>
249 </dd>
250 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#InRing(long, long, double, double, boolean)">InRing(long, long, double, double, boolean)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
251 <dd>
252 <div class="block">returns the list of pixels in RING or NEST scheme with latitude in [phi0 -
253 dpi, phi0 + dphi] on the ring iz in [1, 4*nside -1 ] The pixel id numbers
254 are in [0, 12*nside^2 - 1] the indexing is in RING, unless nest is set to
255 1</div>
256 </dd>
257 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#intersection(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection)">intersection(Collection, Collection)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
258 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
259 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#intrs_intrv(double[], double[])">intrs_intrv(double[], double[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
260 <dd>
261 <div class="block">computes the intersection di of 2 intervals d1 (= [a1,b1])
262 and d2 (= [a2,b2]) on the periodic domain (=[A,B] where A and B
263 arbitrary) ni is the resulting number of intervals (0,1, or 2) if a1 <b1
264 then d1 = {x |a1 <= x <= b1} if a1>b1 then d1 = {x | a1 <=x <= B U A <=x
265 <=b1}</div>
266 </dd>
267 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invLSB(long)">invLSB(long)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
268 <dd>
269 <div class="block">returns i with even bits inverted</div>
270 </dd>
271 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invMSB(long)">invMSB(long)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
272 <dd>
273 <div class="block">returns i with odd bits inverted</div>
274 </dd>
275 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#invswapLSBMSB(long)">invswapLSBMSB(long)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
276 <dd>
277 <div class="block">returns NOT i with even and odd bit positions interchanged</div>
278 </dd>
279 </dl>
280 <a name="_M_">
281 <!-- -->
282 </a>
283 <h2 class="title">M</h2>
284 <dl>
285 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#magic1">magic1</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
286 <dd>
287 <div class="block">magic1 odd bits set constant</div>
288 </dd>
289 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#magic2">magic2</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
290 <dd>
291 <div class="block">magic2 - even bits set constant</div>
292 </dd>
293 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main(String[])</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
294 <dd>
295 <div class="block">the main program for simple test</div>
296 </dd>
297 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main(String[])</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
298 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
299 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#main(java.lang.String[])">main(String[])</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
300 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
301 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_Nest(long, long)">makePix2Vect_Nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
302 <dd>
303 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
304 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
305 </dd>
306 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#makePix2Vect_ring(long, long)">makePix2Vect_ring(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
307 <dd>
308 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for pixel
309 ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
310 </dd>
311 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#mk_pix2xy()">mk_pix2xy()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
312 <dd>
313 <div class="block">creates an array of pixel numbers pix2x from x and y coordinates in the
314 face.</div>
315 </dd>
316 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#mk_xy2pix()">mk_xy2pix()</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
317 <dd>
318 <div class="block">fills arrays x2pix and y2pix giving the number of the pixel laying in
319 (x,y).</div>
320 </dd>
321 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#MODULO(double, double)">MODULO(double, double)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
322 <dd>
323 <div class="block">simulates behaviour of fortran90 MODULO function</div>
324 </dd>
325 </dl>
326 <a name="_N_">
327 <!-- -->
328 </a>
329 <h2 class="title">N</h2>
330 <dl>
331 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#nCheck">nCheck</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
332 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
333 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#neighbours_nest(long, long)">neighbours_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
334 <dd>
335 <div class="block">returns 7 or 8 neighbours of any pixel in the nested scheme The neighbours
336 are ordered in the following way: First pixel is the one to the south (
337 the one west of the south direction is taken for pixels that don't have a
338 southern neighbour).</div>
339 </dd>
340 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#nest2ring(long, long)">nest2ring(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
341 <dd>
342 <div class="block">converts from NESTED to RING pixel numbering</div>
343 </dd>
344 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#nest_">nest_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
345 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
346 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#next_in_line_nest(long, long)">next_in_line_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
347 <dd>
348 <div class="block">calculates the pixel that lies on the East side (and the same
349 latitude) as the given NESTED pixel number - ipix</div>
350 </dd>
351 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#nFail">nFail</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
352 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
353 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Npix2Nside(long)">Npix2Nside(long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
354 <dd>
355 <div class="block">returns nside such that npix = 12*nside^2, nside should be
356 power of 2 and smaller than ns_max if not return -1</div>
357 </dd>
358 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ns_max">ns_max</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
359 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
360 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#NSIDE1">NSIDE1</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
361 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
362 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#NSIDE2">NSIDE2</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
363 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
364 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Nside2Npix(long)">Nside2Npix(long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
365 <dd>
366 <div class="block">calculates npix such that npix = 12*nside^2 ,nside should be
367 a power of 2, and smaller than ns_max otherwise return -1</div>
368 </dd>
369 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#nside_">nside_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
370 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
371 </dl>
372 <a name="_O_">
373 <!-- -->
374 </a>
375 <h2 class="title">O</h2>
376 <dl>
377 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#orderToNside(int)">orderToNside(int)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
378 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
379 </dl>
380 <a name="_P_">
381 <!-- -->
382 </a>
383 <h2 class="title">P</h2>
384 <dl>
385 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#phiMax">phiMax</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
386 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
387 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#phiMin">phiMin</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
388 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
389 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PI">PI</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
390 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
391 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#PI">PI</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
392 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
393 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2ang_nest(long, long)">pix2ang_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
394 <dd>
395 <div class="block">Renders theta and phi coordinates of the normal pixel center for the
396 pixel number ipix (NESTED scheme) given the map resolution parameter
397 nside.</div>
398 </dd>
399 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2ang_ring(long, long)">pix2ang_ring(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
400 <dd>
401 <div class="block">renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
402 pixel number ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside</div>
403 </dd>
404 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vect_nest(long, long)">pix2vect_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
405 <dd>
406 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
407 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
408 </dd>
409 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vect_ring(long, long)">pix2vect_ring(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
410 <dd>
411 <div class="block">returns the vector pointing in the center of the pixel ipix.</div>
412 </dd>
413 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vertex_nest(long, long)">pix2vertex_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
414 <dd>
415 <div class="block">renders vector (x,y,z) coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
416 pixel ipix (NESTED scheme ) given the map resolution parameter nside.</div>
417 </dd>
418 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2vertex_ring(long, long)">pix2vertex_ring(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
419 <dd>
420 <div class="block">returns double [][] with coordinates of the pixel corners.</div>
421 </dd>
422 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2x">pix2x</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
423 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
424 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2xy_nest(long, long)">pix2xy_nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
425 <dd>
426 <div class="block">gives the x,y coordinates in a face from pixel number within the face
427 (NESTED) schema.</div>
428 </dd>
429 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pix2y">pix2y</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
430 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
431 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#pixelize(double)">pixelize(double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
432 <dd>
433 <div class="block">divides region on HealPix pixels of given size including
434 pixels that only partly inside the region</div>
435 </dd>
436 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixInfo</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></dt>
437 <dd>
438 <div class="block">Aggregates a vector and double[3][4] array which are the results of a
439 pixel center calculation.</div>
440 </dd>
441 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#PixInfo(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double[][])">PixInfo(Vector3d, double[][])</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></dt>
442 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
443 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixmax">pixmax</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
444 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
445 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PixRes(long)">PixRes(long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
446 <dd>
447 <div class="block">calculates angular resolution of the pixel map
448 in arc seconds.</div>
449 </dd>
450 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixTools</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></dt>
451 <dd>
452 <div class="block">contains methods translated from HEALPix Fortran90
453 with increased map resolution in comparison to original Fortran code.</div>
454 </dd>
455 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PixTools()">PixTools()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
456 <dd>
457 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
458 </dd>
459 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
460 <dd>
461 <div class="block">Singleton instance.</div>
462 </dd>
463 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
464 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
465 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#pixTools">pixTools</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
466 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
467 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsSingletonTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
468 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
469 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#PixToolsSingletonTest()">PixToolsSingletonTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
470 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
471 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsStaticTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
472 <dd>
473 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools using static constructor</div>
474 </dd>
475 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#PixToolsStaticTest()">PixToolsStaticTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
476 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
477 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
478 <dd>
479 <div class="block">test suit for PixTools</div>
480 </dd>
481 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#PixToolsTest()">PixToolsTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
482 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
483 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
484 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
485 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#PixToolTest1()">PixToolTest1()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
486 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
487 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
488 <dd>
489 <div class="block">Simple point on sky.</div>
490 </dd>
491 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#PixToolTest1.RaDePoint()">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></dt>
492 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
493 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#PixToolTest1.RaDePoint(double, double)">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint(double, double)</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></dt>
494 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
495 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#pixVect">pixVect</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></dt>
496 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
497 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html#pixVertex">pixVertex</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixInfo</a></dt>
498 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
499 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#PolarToRaDec(double[])">PolarToRaDec(double[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
500 <dd>
501 <div class="block">returns ra, dec in degrees given polar coordinates in radians</div>
502 </dd>
503 </dl>
504 <a name="_Q_">
505 <!-- -->
506 </a>
507 <h2 class="title">Q</h2>
508 <dl>
509 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_disc(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">query_disc(long, Vector3d, double, int, int)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
510 <dd>
511 <div class="block">generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lays within an
512 angular distance Radius of the center.</div>
513 </dd>
514 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_polygon(long, java.util.ArrayList, long, long)">query_polygon(long, ArrayList, long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
515 <dd>
516 <div class="block">finds pixels that lay within a CONVEX polygon defined by its vertex on
517 sphere</div>
518 </dd>
519 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_strip(long, double, double, long)">query_strip(long, double, double, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
520 <dd>
521 <div class="block">finds pixels having a colatitude (measured from North pole) :
522 theta1 < colatitude < theta2 with 0 <= theta1 < theta2 <= Pi
523 if theta2 < theta1
524 then pixels with 0 <= colatitude < theta2 or theta1 < colatitude < Pi are
525 returned</div>
526 </dd>
527 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#query_triangle(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, long, long)">query_triangle(long, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
528 <dd>
529 <div class="block">generates a list of pixels that lay inside a triangle defined by
530 the three vertex vectors</div>
531 </dd>
532 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#queryDisc(int, double, double, double)">queryDisc(int, double, double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
533 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
534 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">QueryDiscTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
535 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
536 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#QueryDiscTest()">QueryDiscTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></dt>
537 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
538 </dl>
539 <a name="_R_">
540 <!-- -->
541 </a>
542 <h2 class="title">R</h2>
543 <dl>
544 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html#ra">ra</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</a></dt>
545 <dd>
546 <div class="block">coordinates in degrees</div>
547 </dd>
548 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#RaDecToPolar(double[])">RaDecToPolar(double[])</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
549 <dd>
550 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates in radians given ra, dec in degrees</div>
551 </dd>
552 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#radius_">radius_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
553 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
554 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#raMax">raMax</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
555 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
556 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#raMin">raMin</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
557 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
558 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">Region</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a></dt>
559 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
560 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#Region(double, double, double, double)">Region(double, double, double, double)</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
561 <dd>
562 <div class="block">default constructor</div>
563 </dd>
564 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">RegionTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
565 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
566 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#RegionTest()">RegionTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
567 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
568 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html#report()">report()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">DiscTest</a></dt>
569 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
570 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#result_">result_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
571 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
572 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#ring2nest(long, long)">ring2nest(long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
573 <dd>
574 <div class="block">converts pixel number from ring numbering schema to the nested one</div>
575 </dd>
576 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#RingNum(long, double)">RingNum(long, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
577 <dd>
578 <div class="block">returns the ring number in {1, 4*nside - 1} calculated from z coordinate</div>
579 </dd>
580 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#run()">run()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
581 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
582 </dl>
583 <a name="_S_">
584 <!-- -->
585 </a>
586 <h2 class="title">S</h2>
587 <dl>
588 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html#serialVersionUID">serialVersionUID</a></span> - Static variable in exception gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">HealpixException</a></dt>
589 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
590 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#SurfaceTriangle(javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">SurfaceTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
591 <dd>
592 <div class="block">calculates the surface of spherical triangle defined by
593 vertices v1,v2,v3 Algorithm: finds triangle sides and uses l'Huilier
594 formula to compute "spherical excess" = surface area of triangle on a
595 sphere of radius one see, eg Bronshtein, Semendyayev Eq 2.86 half
596 perimeter hp = 0.5*(side1+side2+side3) l'Huilier formula x0 = tan( hp/2.)
597 x1 = tan((hp - side1)/2.) x2 = tan((hp - side2)/2.) x3 = tan((hp -
598 side3)/2.)</div>
599 </dd>
600 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html#swapLSBMSB(long)">swapLSBMSB(long)</a></span> - Static method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">BitManipulation</a></dt>
601 <dd>
602 <div class="block">swaps low and high bits in the word i</div>
603 </dd>
604 </dl>
605 <a name="_T_">
606 <!-- -->
607 </a>
608 <h2 class="title">T</h2>
609 <dl>
610 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
611 <dd>
612 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
613 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
614 </dd>
615 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
616 <dd>
617 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
618 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
619 </dd>
620 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAng2Pix()">testAng2Pix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
621 <dd>
622 <div class="block">tests calculation of pixel from polar angles
623 in ring schema of pixalization</div>
624 </dd>
625 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
626 <dd>
627 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
628 </dd>
629 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
630 <dd>
631 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
632 </dd>
633 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAng2Vect()">testAng2Vect()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
634 <dd>
635 <div class="block">tests calculation of unit vector from polar angles</div>
636 </dd>
637 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
638 <dd>
639 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
640 </dd>
641 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
642 <dd>
643 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
644 </dd>
645 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testAngDist()">testAngDist()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
646 <dd>
647 <div class="block">tests angular distance calculation</div>
648 </dd>
649 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#testBitManipulation()">testBitManipulation()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">BitManipulationTest</a></dt>
650 <dd>
651 <div class="block">tests bit manipulation methods</div>
652 </dd>
653 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle1()">testCircle1()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
654 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
655 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle2()">testCircle2()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
656 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
657 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle3()">testCircle3()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
658 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
659 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle4()">testCircle4()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
660 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
661 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testCircle5()">testCircle5()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
662 <dd>
663 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
664 </dd>
665 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
666 <dd>
667 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
668 </dd>
669 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
670 <dd>
671 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
672 </dd>
673 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testGetNside()">testGetNside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
674 <dd>
675 <div class="block">tests GetNside method</div>
676 </dd>
677 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
678 <dd>
679 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
680 </dd>
681 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
682 <dd>
683 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
684 </dd>
685 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testInRing()">testInRing()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
686 <dd>
687 <div class="block">tests InRing method</div>
688 </dd>
689 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
690 <dd>
691 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
692 </dd>
693 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
694 <dd>
695 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
696 </dd>
697 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testIntrs_Intrv()">testIntrs_Intrv()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
698 <dd>
699 <div class="block">tests intrs_intrv method</div>
700 </dd>
701 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testInverse()">testInverse()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
702 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
703 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
704 <dd>
705 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
706 </dd>
707 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
708 <dd>
709 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
710 </dd>
711 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testMaxResolution()">testMaxResolution()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
712 <dd>
713 <div class="block">tests MaxResolution method</div>
714 </dd>
715 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">BitManipulationTest</a></dt>
716 <dd>
717 <div class="block">test Modulo</div>
718 </dd>
719 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
720 <dd>
721 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
722 </dd>
723 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
724 <dd>
725 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
726 </dd>
727 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testMODULO()">testMODULO()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
728 <dd>
729 <div class="block">test MODULO function</div>
730 </dd>
731 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
732 <dd>
733 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
734 </dd>
735 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
736 <dd>
737 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
738 </dd>
739 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNeighbours_Nest()">testNeighbours_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
740 <dd>
741 <div class="block">tests Neighbour's method for nest schema of the pixelization</div>
742 </dd>
743 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
744 <dd>
745 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
746 </dd>
747 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
748 <dd>
749 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
750 </dd>
751 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNest2Ring()">testNest2Ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
752 <dd>
753 <div class="block">tests conversion from nest schema pixel to ring schema pixel</div>
754 </dd>
755 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
756 <dd>
757 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
758 </dd>
759 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
760 <dd>
761 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
762 </dd>
763 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNext_In_Line_Nest()">testNext_In_Line_Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
764 <dd>
765 <div class="block">tests Next_In_Line method for the nest schema</div>
766 </dd>
767 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
768 <dd>
769 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
770 </dd>
771 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
772 <dd>
773 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
774 </dd>
775 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNpix2Nside()">testNpix2Nside()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
776 <dd>
777 <div class="block">tests calculation of nsides from npixels</div>
778 </dd>
779 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
780 <dd>
781 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
782 </dd>
783 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
784 <dd>
785 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
786 </dd>
787 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testNside2Npix()">testNside2Npix()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
788 <dd>
789 <div class="block">tests calculation of npixels from nside</div>
790 </dd>
791 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
792 <dd>
793 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
794 </dd>
795 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
796 <dd>
797 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
798 </dd>
799 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testPix2Vect_nest()">testPix2Vect_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
800 <dd>
801 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
802 </dd>
803 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
804 <dd>
805 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
806 </dd>
807 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
808 <dd>
809 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
810 </dd>
811 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testPix2Vect_ring()">testPix2Vect_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
812 <dd>
813 <div class="block">tests conversion from pixel number to vector</div>
814 </dd>
815 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#testPixelize()">testPixelize()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
816 <dd>
817 <div class="block">test pixelization</div>
818 </dd>
819 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#testPixtools()">testPixtools()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
820 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
821 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
822 <dd>
823 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
824 </dd>
825 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
826 <dd>
827 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
828 </dd>
829 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Disc()">testQuery_Disc()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
830 <dd>
831 <div class="block">tests Query_Disc method</div>
832 </dd>
833 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQuery_Disc_1()">testQuery_Disc_1()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></dt>
834 <dd>
835 <div class="block">additional tests of Query_Disc method</div>
836 </dd>
837 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
838 <dd>
839 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
840 </dd>
841 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
842 <dd>
843 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
844 </dd>
845 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_disk2()">testQuery_disk2()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
846 <dd>
847 <div class="block">test Query_disk check for consistency in the query for RING/NESTED</div>
848 </dd>
849 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
850 <dd>
851 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
852 </dd>
853 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
854 <dd>
855 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
856 </dd>
857 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Polygon()">testQuery_Polygon()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
858 <dd>
859 <div class="block">tests Query_Poligon method</div>
860 </dd>
861 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
862 <dd>
863 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
864 </dd>
865 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
866 <dd>
867 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
868 </dd>
869 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Strip()">testQuery_Strip()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
870 <dd>
871 <div class="block">tests Query_Strip method</div>
872 </dd>
873 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
874 <dd>
875 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
876 </dd>
877 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
878 <dd>
879 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
880 </dd>
881 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQuery_Triangle()">testQuery_Triangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
882 <dd>
883 <div class="block">tests Query_Triangle method</div>
884 </dd>
885 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQueryCircle()">testQueryCircle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></dt>
886 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
887 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html#testQueryDisc()">testQueryDisc()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">QueryDiscTest</a></dt>
888 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
889 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
890 <dd>
891 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
892 </dd>
893 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
894 <dd>
895 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
896 </dd>
897 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testQueryDiscRes()">testQueryDiscRes()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
898 <dd>
899 <div class="block">tests QueryDiscResolution method</div>
900 </dd>
901 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
902 <dd>
903 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
904 </dd>
905 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
906 <dd>
907 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
908 </dd>
909 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRaDecToPolar()">testRaDecToPolar()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
910 <dd>
911 <div class="block">test conversion of Ra Dec to polar coordinates</div>
912 </dd>
913 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#testRegion()">testRegion()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
914 <dd>
915 <div class="block">test default constructor</div>
916 </dd>
917 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
918 <dd>
919 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
920 </dd>
921 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
922 <dd>
923 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
924 </dd>
925 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRing2Nest()">testRing2Nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
926 <dd>
927 <div class="block">tests conversion from ring schema pixel to nest schema pixel</div>
928 </dd>
929 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
930 <dd>
931 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
932 </dd>
933 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
934 <dd>
935 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
936 </dd>
937 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testRingNum()">testRingNum()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
938 <dd>
939 <div class="block">tests calculation of ring number from z coordinate</div>
940 </dd>
941 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
942 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
943 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
944 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
945 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testSurfaceTriangle()">testSurfaceTriangle()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
946 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
947 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
948 <dd>
949 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
950 </dd>
951 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
952 <dd>
953 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
954 </dd>
955 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVec2Ang()">testVec2Ang()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
956 <dd>
957 <div class="block">test of directional angles calculation</div>
958 </dd>
959 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
960 <dd>
961 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
962 </dd>
963 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
964 <dd>
965 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
966 </dd>
967 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVect2Pix_nest()">testVect2Pix_nest()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
968 <dd>
969 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
970 </dd>
971 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsSingletonTest</a></dt>
972 <dd>
973 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
974 </dd>
975 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsStaticTest</a></dt>
976 <dd>
977 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
978 </dd>
979 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html#testVect2Pix_ring()">testVect2Pix_ring()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolsTest</a></dt>
980 <dd>
981 <div class="block">tests conversion from vector to pixel number</div>
982 </dd>
983 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testVertexes()">testVertexes()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
984 <dd>
985 <div class="block">with NSIDE 512</div>
986 </dd>
987 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#testVertexesHR()">testVertexesHR()</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
988 <dd>
989 <div class="block">with high res.</div>
990 </dd>
991 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#tetMax">tetMax</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
992 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
993 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#tetMin">tetMin</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
994 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
995 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
996 <dd>
997 <div class="block">The thread proof test by Mark Teylor</div>
998 </dd>
999 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#ThreadTest()">ThreadTest()</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
1000 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1001 <dt><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest.Worker</span></a> - Class in <a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/package-summary.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test</a></dt>
1002 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1003 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#ThreadTest.Worker(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, double, int, int)">ThreadTest.Worker(long, Vector3d, double, int, int)</a></span> - Constructor for class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
1004 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1005 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html#tools">tools</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">PixToolTest1</a></dt>
1006 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1007 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1008 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1009 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
1010 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1011 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html#TWOPI">TWOPI</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">RegionTest</a></dt>
1012 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1013 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#twothird">twothird</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1014 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1015 </dl>
1016 <a name="_V_">
1017 <!-- -->
1018 </a>
1019 <h2 class="title">V</h2>
1020 <dl>
1021 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#Vect2Ang(javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">Vect2Ang(Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1022 <dd>
1023 <div class="block">converts a Vector3d in a tuple of angles tup[0] = theta
1024 co-latitude measured from North pole, in [0,PI] radians, tup[1] = phi
1025 longitude measured eastward, in [0,2PI] radians</div>
1026 </dd>
1027 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#vect2pix_nest(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">vect2pix_nest(long, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1028 <dd>
1029 <div class="block">renders the pixel number pix (NESTED scheme) for a pixel which contains a
1030 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
1031 parameter nside.</div>
1032 </dd>
1033 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#vect2pix_ring(long, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)">vect2pix_ring(long, Vector3d)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1034 <dd>
1035 <div class="block">renders the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) for a pixel which contains a
1036 point on a sphere at coordinate vector (x,y,z), given the map resolution
1037 parameter nside</div>
1038 </dd>
1039 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html#vector_">vector_</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest.Worker</a></dt>
1040 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1041 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#VectProd(java.util.Vector, java.util.Vector)">VectProd(Vector, Vector)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1042 <dd>
1043 <div class="block">calculates a vector production of two vectors.</div>
1044 </dd>
1045 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html#vertices">vertices</a></span> - Variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">Region</a></dt>
1046 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1047 </dl>
1048 <a name="_W_">
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1051 <h2 class="title">W</h2>
1052 <dl>
1053 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html#workPixtools(boolean)">workPixtools(boolean)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test">ThreadTest</a></dt>
1054 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1055 </dl>
1056 <a name="_X_">
1057 <!-- -->
1058 </a>
1059 <h2 class="title">X</h2>
1060 <dl>
1061 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#x2pix">x2pix</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1062 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1063 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmax">xmax</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1064 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1065 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xmid">xmid</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1066 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1067 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xy2pix_nest(long, long, long, long)">xy2pix_nest(long, long, long, long)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1068 <dd>
1069 <div class="block">gives the pixel number ipix (NESTED) corresponding to ix, iy and face_num</div>
1070 </dd>
1071 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#xyzToPolar(double, double, double)">xyzToPolar(double, double, double)</a></span> - Method in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1072 <dd>
1073 <div class="block">returns polar coordinates of a point on unit sphere given Cartesian coordinates</div>
1074 </dd>
1075 </dl>
1076 <a name="_Y_">
1077 <!-- -->
1078 </a>
1079 <h2 class="title">Y</h2>
1080 <dl>
1081 <dt><span class="strong"><a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html#y2pix">y2pix</a></span> - Static variable in class gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="./gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix">PixTools</a></dt>
1082 <dd>&nbsp;</dd>
1083 </dl>
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75 <div class="block"> EAG HEALPix</div>
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65 <h1 class="title">Hierarchy For All Packages</h1>
66 <span class="strong">Package Hierarchies:</span>
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68 <li><a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/package-tree.html">gov.fnal.eag.healpix</a>, </li>
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73 <h2 title="Class Hierarchy">Class Hierarchy</h2>
74 <ul>
75 <li type="circle">java.lang.Object
76 <ul>
77 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/BitManipulation.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">BitManipulation</span></a></li>
78 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/DiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">DiscTest</span></a></li>
79 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixInfo.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixInfo</span></a></li>
80 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/PixTools.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">PixTools</span></a></li>
81 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.RaDePoint.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1.RaDePoint</span></a></li>
82 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/Region.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">Region</span></a></li>
83 <li type="circle">TestCase
84 <ul>
85 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/RegionTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">RegionTest</span></a></li>
86 </ul>
87 </li>
88 <li type="circle">TestCase
89 <ul>
90 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/QueryDiscTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">QueryDiscTest</span></a></li>
91 </ul>
92 </li>
93 <li type="circle">TestCase
94 <ul>
95 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolTest1.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolTest1</span></a></li>
96 </ul>
97 </li>
98 <li type="circle">TestCase
99 <ul>
100 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsTest</span></a></li>
101 </ul>
102 </li>
103 <li type="circle">TestCase
104 <ul>
105 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsStaticTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsStaticTest</span></a></li>
106 </ul>
107 </li>
108 <li type="circle">TestCase
109 <ul>
110 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/PixToolsSingletonTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">PixToolsSingletonTest</span></a></li>
111 </ul>
112 </li>
113 <li type="circle">TestCase
114 <ul>
115 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/BitManipulationTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">BitManipulationTest</span></a></li>
116 </ul>
117 </li>
118 <li type="circle">java.lang.Thread (implements java.lang.Runnable)
119 <ul>
120 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.Worker.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest.Worker</span></a></li>
121 </ul>
122 </li>
123 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/test/ThreadTest.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test"><span class="strong">ThreadTest</span></a></li>
124 <li type="circle">java.lang.Throwable (implements
125 <ul>
126 <li type="circle">java.lang.Exception
127 <ul>
128 <li type="circle">gov.fnal.eag.healpix.<a href="gov/fnal/eag/healpix/HealpixException.html" title="class in gov.fnal.eag.healpix"><span class="strong">HealpixException</span></a></li>
129 </ul>
130 </li>
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eag.png less more
Binary diff not shown
0 /BitManipulation.class
1 /HealpixException.class
2 /PixInfo.class
3 /PixTools.class
4 /Region.class
55 import;
66 import;
77 import java.lang.Number;
89 import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
1011 /**
892893 }
894895 /**
896 * generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lays at an
897 * angular distance Radius of the center.
898 *
899 * @param nside
900 * long map resolution
901 * @param vector
902 * Vector3d pointing to the ring center
903 * @param radius
904 * double angular radius of the ring (in RADIAN )
905 * @param nest
906 * int 0 (default) if output is in RING scheme, if set to 1
907 * output is in NESTED
908 * @param inclusive
909 * int 0 (default) only pixels whose centers are crossed by the ring
910 * are listed, if set to 1, all pixels crossed or touched by the ring
911 * are listed. In the inclusive mode the radius is increased by half the pixel size.
912 * In this case most probably all neighbor pixels will be listed even with very small
913 * radius.
914 * In case of exclusive search and very small radius when the ring lays completely
915 * inside a pixel the pixel number is returned using vector2pix method.
916 * @return ArrayList of pixel numbers
917 *
918 * calls: RingNum(nside, ir) InRing(nside, iz, phi0, dphi,nest) vector2pix(nside,ipix)
919 */
920 public ArrayList query_ring(long nside, Vector3d vector, double radius,
921 int nest, int inclusive) {
922 ArrayList res = new ArrayList();
923 long irmin, irmax, iz, ip, nir, npix, ilist;
925 // double norm_vect0;
926 double x0, y0, z0, radius_eff;
927 double a, b, c, cosang;
928 double dth1, dth2;
929 double phi0, cosphi0, cosdphi, dphi;
930 double rlat0, rlat1, rlat2, zmin, zmax, z;
931 // long status, list_size, nlost;
932 boolean do_inclusive = false;
933 boolean do_nest = false;
934 String SID = "QUERY_RING";
935 /* */
936 long nsidesq = nside * nside;
937 npix = 12 * nsidesq;
938 double pixres = PixRes(nside); // in arc seconds
939 //
940 double halfPix = 0.5*Math.sqrt(PI / (3.0*npix)); // in radians
941 double dr = 2.0*halfPix; // interval in phi
942 // System.out.println("0.5 pixel size ="+halfPix);
945 if (radius < 0.0 || radius > PI) {
946 throw new IllegalArgumentException(SID
947 + ": angular radius is in RADIAN and should be in [0,pi]");
948 }
950 if (inclusive == 1)
951 do_inclusive = true;
952 if (nest == 1)
953 do_nest = true;
955 dth1 = 1.0 / (3.0 * nside * nside);
956 dth2 = 2.0 / (3.0 * nside);
958 radius_eff = radius;
959 // if (radius_eff <= halfPix) radius_eff = halfPix;
961 /* disc center */
962 vector.normalize();
963 x0 = vector.x; // norm_vect0;
964 y0 = vector.y; // norm_vect0;
965 z0 = vector.z; // norm_vect0;
966 // System.out.println("x0="+x0+" y0="+y0+" z0="+z0);
967 //
968 // NK make radius increase a function of altitude
969 //
970 if (do_inclusive) { radius_eff += (halfPix + Math.abs(z0)*halfPix);} // increase radius for incluzive search
971 // System.out.println("effective radius="+radius_eff);
972 // if (do_inclusive) { radius_eff += halfPix;}
973 cosang = Math.cos(radius_eff);
974 phi0 = 0.0;
975 dphi = 0.0;
976 if (x0 != 0. || y0 != 0.)
977 phi0 = BitManipulation.MODULO(Math.atan2(y0, x0) + TWOPI, TWOPI); // in [0, 2pi]
978 cosphi0 = Math.cos(phi0);
979 // System.out.println("phi0="+phi0+" cosphi0="+cosphi0);
980 a = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0;
981 /* coordinate z of highest and lowest points in the disc */
982 rlat0 = Math.asin(z0); // latitude in RAD of the center
983 rlat1 = rlat0 + radius_eff;
984 rlat2 = rlat0 - radius_eff;
985 // System.out.println("rlat0="+rlat0+" rlat1="+rlat1+" rlat2="+rlat2);
986 //
987 if (rlat1 >= HALFPI) {
988 zmax = 1.0;
989 } else {
990 zmax = Math.sin(rlat1);
991 }
992 irmin = RingNum(nside, zmax);
993 irmin = Math.max(1, irmin - 1); // start from a higher point to be safe
994 if (rlat2 <= -HALFPI) {
995 zmin = -1.0;
996 } else {
997 zmin = Math.sin(rlat2);
998 }
999 irmax = RingNum(nside, zmin);
1000 irmax = Math.min(4 * nside - 1, irmax + 1); // go down to a lower point
1001 System.out.println(" irmax="+irmax+" irmin="+irmin);
1002 ilist = -1;
1006 //
1007 /* loop on ring number */
1008 for (iz = irmin; iz <= irmax; iz++) {
1009 if (iz <= nside - 1) { // north polar cap
1010 z = 1.0 - iz * iz * dth1;
1011 } else if (iz <= 3 * nside) { // tropical band + equator
1012 z = (2.0 * nside - iz) * dth2;
1013 } else {
1014 z = -1.0 + (4.0 * nside - iz) * (4.0 * nside - iz) * dth1;
1015 }
1016 /* find phi range in the disc for each z */
1017 b = cosang - z * z0;
1018 c = 1.0 - z * z;
1019 cosdphi = b / Math.sqrt(a * c);
1020 int done = 0;
1022 if (Math.abs(x0) <= 1.0e-12 && Math.abs(y0) <= 1.0e-12) {
1023 cosdphi = -1.0;
1024 dphi = PI;
1025 done = 1;
1026 }
1028 if (done == 0) {
1029 if (Math.abs(cosdphi) <= 1.0) {
1030 dphi = Math.acos(cosdphi); // in [0,pi]
1031 } else {
1032 if (cosphi0 >= cosdphi) {
1033 dphi = PI; //
1034 } else {
1035 done = 2; // out of the ring
1036 }
1037 }
1039 }
1040 System.out.println(" done="+done);
1041 if (done < 2) { // pixels in ring
1042 /* find pixels in the ring */
1043 System.out.println("iz="+iz+" phi="+phi0+" dphi="+dphi);
1044 double phi01 = phi0 - 0.5*dphi;
1045 double phi02 = phi0 + 0.5*dphi;
1046 ArrayList listir = null;
1048 // System.out.println("iz="+iz +" phi01="+phi01+" phi02="+phi02+" dr="+dr);
1049 listir = InRing(nside, iz, phi0, dphi, do_nest);
1050 if (listir.size()<=1) {
1051 res.addAll(listir);
1052 } else {
1053 res.add(listir.get(0));
1054 res.add(listir.get(listir.size()-1));
1055 }
1056 // System.out.println("ir"+iz);
1057 // listir = InRing(nside, iz, phi02, dr, do_nest);
1058 // res.addAll(listir);
1060 }
1062 }
1063 //
1065 return res;
1066 }
1068 /**
8951069 * renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the
8961070 * pixel number ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside
8971071 *
32873461 *
32883462 * @param v1 Vector3d
32893463 * @param v2 Vector3d
3290 * @return double dist
3464 * @return double dist in radians
32913465 * @throws Exception
32923466 */
32933467 public double AngDist(Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2) throws Exception {
32943468 double dist = 0.;
32953469 double aligned = 0.999;
32963470 /* Normalize both vectors */
3297 Vector3d r1 = v1;
3298 Vector3d r2 = v2;
3471 Vector3d r1 = new Vector3d(v1.x,v1.y,v1.z);
3472 Vector3d r2 = new Vector3d(v2.x,v2.y,v2.z);
32993473 r1.normalize();
33003474 r2.normalize();
33013475 double sprod =;
0 /BitManipulationTest.class
1 /DiscTest.class
2 /PixToolTest1$RaDePoint.class
3 /PixToolTest1.class
4 /PixToolsSingletonTest.class
5 /PixToolsStaticTest.class
6 /PixToolsTest.class
7 /QueryDiscTest.class
8 /RegionTest.class
9 /RingTest.class
10 /ThreadTest$Worker.class
11 /ThreadTest.class
0 package gov.fnal.eag.healpix.test;
1 import java.util.Collection;
2 import java.util.Iterator;
3 import java.util.Random;
4 import java.util.Set;
5 import java.util.TreeSet;
7 import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
9 import gov.fnal.eag.healpix.PixTools;
11 public class RingTest {
12 private int nCheck;
13 private int nFail;
16 public Collection queryRing( int order, double ra, double dec,
17 double radius ) {
18 PixTools pixTools = PixTools.getInstance();
19 long nside = orderToNside( order );
20 double[] radec = new double[]{ra,dec};
21 double[] polar = pixTools.RaDecToPolar(radec);
22 // double theta = Math.PI / 2. - Math.toRadians(dec);
23 // double phi = Math.toRadians(ra);
24 Vector3d vec = pixTools.Ang2Vec( polar[0], polar[1] );
25 return pixTools.query_ring( nside, vec, radius, 0, 0 );
26 }
28 public String report() {
29 return "Checks: " + nCheck + "; "
30 + "Failures: " + nFail;
31 }
33 static long orderToNside( int order ) {
34 return 1L << order;
35 }
37 static Collection intersection( Collection c1, Collection c2 ) {
38 // System.out.println("n pixels 1="+c1.size()+" 2="+c2.size());
39 Set s = new TreeSet( c1 );
40 s.retainAll( c2 );
41 return s;
42 }
44 /**
45 * Haversine formula for spherical trigonometry.
46 * This does not have the numerical instabilities of the cosine formula
47 * at small angles.
48 * <p>
49 * This implementation derives from Bob Chamberlain's contribution
50 * to the comp.infosystems.gis FAQ; he cites
51 * R.W.Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope vol.68,
52 * no.2, 1984, p159.
53 *
54 * @param ra1 right ascension of point 1 in radians
55 * @param dec1 declination of point 1 in radians
56 * @param ra2 right ascension of point 2 in radians
57 * @param dec2 declination of point 2 in radians
58 * @return angular separation of point 1 and point 2 in radians
59 * @see <>
60 */
61 static double haversineSeparationFormula( double ra1, double dec1,
62 double ra2, double dec2 ) {
64 double sd2 = Math.sin( 0.5 * ( dec2 - dec1 ) );
65 double sr2 = Math.sin( 0.5 * ( ra2 - ra1 ) );
66 double a = sd2 * sd2 +
67 sr2 * sr2 * Math.cos( dec1 ) * Math.cos( dec2 );
68 if ( Double.isNaN( a ) ) {
69 return Double.NaN;
70 }
71 return a < 1.0 ? 2.0 * Math.asin( Math.sqrt( a ) )
72 : Math.PI;
73 }
74 /**
75 *
76 * @param order
77 * @param raDeg1 in degrees
78 * @param decDeg1
79 * @param raDeg2
80 * @param decDeg2
81 * @throws Exception
82 */
83 public void checkRing( int order, double raDeg1, double decDeg1,
84 double raDeg2, double decDeg2 ) throws Exception {
85 double ra1 = raDeg1;
86 double dec1 = decDeg1 ;
87 double ra2 = raDeg2;
88 double dec2 = decDeg2;
89 double[] radec1 = {raDeg1,decDeg1};
90 double[] polar1 = new double[2];
91 double[] radec2 = {raDeg2,decDeg2};
92 double[] polar2 = new double[2];
93 long nside = orderToNside(order);
94 // double pixSize = Math.PI / (2.0 * nside); // in radians
95 long npix = 12*nside*nside;
96 double pixSize = Math.sqrt(4.0*Math.PI/npix);
97 System.out.println("pixSize="+pixSize+" nside="+nside);
98 //System.out.println("ra1="+ra1+" dec1="+dec1+" ra2="+ra2+" dec2="+dec2);
99 PixTools pixTools = PixTools.getInstance();
100 polar1 = pixTools.RaDecToPolar(radec1);
101 polar2 = pixTools.RaDecToPolar(radec2);
103 //System.out.println("thet1="+polar1[0]+" phi1="+polar1[1]+" thet2="+polar2[0]+" phi2="+polar2[1]);
104 Vector3d v1 = pixTools.Ang2Vec(polar1[0], polar1[1]); // center of 1
105 Vector3d v2 = pixTools.Ang2Vec(polar2[0], polar2[1]); // center of 2
107 // Distance between the two points.
108 double separation = haversineSeparationFormula( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 );
109 double separation2 = pixTools.AngDist(v1, v2);
110 System.out.println("separation1="+separation+" separation2="+separation2);
111 // Pick disc radius to be slightly larger than half the distance.
112 // The discs must therefore overlap, which means that the
113 // returned pixel lists must have at least one pixel in common.
114 double radius = separation * 0.5001;
115 double radius2 = separation2 * 0.5001;
116 radius = 20.0*pixSize;
117 System.out.println("radius="+radius+" radius2="+radius2);
118 Collection disc1 = queryRing( order, ra1, dec1, radius );
119 // Collection disc2 = queryRing( order, ra2, dec2, radius );
121 Vector3d vP = new Vector3d(0.,0.,0.);
122 long cp = pixTools.vect2pix_ring(nside, v1);
123 v1 = pixTools.pix2vect_ring(nside, cp);
124 polar1 = pixTools.Vect2Ang(v1);
125 radec1 = pixTools.PolarToRaDec(polar1);
126 disc1 = queryRing( order, radec1[0], radec1[1], radius );
127 Iterator it = disc1.iterator();
128 long pix = 0;
129 System.out.println("number of pixels in ring "+disc1.size());
130 while (it.hasNext()) {
131 pix = ((Long);
132 // polar1 = pixTools.pix2ang_ring(nside, pix);
133 // vP = pixTools.Ang2Vec(polar1[0], polar1[1]);
134 vP=pixTools.pix2vect_ring(nside, pix);
135 separation = pixTools.AngDist(v1, vP);
136 System.out.println("separation="+separation);
137 }
139 }
141 public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
142 RingTest test = new RingTest();
143 Random rnd = new Random( 2301L );
144 double scale = 0.1; // degree
145 // for ( int i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) {
146 // double ra1 = rnd.nextDouble() * 360;
147 // double dec1 = rnd.nextDouble() * 180 - 90;
148 // double ra2 = Math.min( ra1 + rnd.nextDouble() * scale, 360 );
149 // double dec2 = Math.max( Math.min( dec1 + rnd.nextDouble() * scale,
150 // 90 ), -90 );
151 // for ( int order = 5; order < 12; order++ ) {
152 // test.checkRing( order, ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 );
153 // }
154 // }
155 // test.checkRing( 8, 0., -89.983888, 180., -89.983888 );
156 test.checkRing( 10, 10.0, 0.0, 180., 0.1 );
158 System.out.println( );
159 }
161 }