Codebase list ecbuild / 19867d9
Upstream release 3.7.1 Alastair McKinstry 1 year, 3 months ago
4 changed file(s) with 8 addition(s) and 8 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5757 ## Library names for each component
5858 set( NetCDF_C_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf )
59 set( NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf_c++4 )
59 set( NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf_c++4 netcdf-cxx4 )
6060 set( NetCDF_CXX_LEGACY_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf_c++ )
6161 set( NetCDF_Fortran_LIBRARY_NAME netcdff )
119119 find_library(NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY
120120 NAMES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_NAME}
121121 DOC "netcdf ${_comp} library"
122 HINTS ${_search_hints}
122 HINTS ${_search_hints_${_comp}} ${_search_hints}
123123 PATH_SUFFIXES lib ../../lib
124124 )
125125 mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY)
0 3.7.0
0 3.7.1
66 # nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
88 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -DNDEBUG -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for Release builds" FORCE )
9 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_BIT "-O2 -DNDEBUG -fno-range-check -fconvert=big-endian" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for Bit-reproducible builds" FORCE )
9 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_BIT "-O2 -DNDEBUG -fno-range-check" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for Bit-reproducible builds" FORCE )
1010 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -g -fcheck=bounds -fbacktrace -finit-real=snan" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for Debug builds" FORCE )
1111 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_PRODUCTION "-O2 -g" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for Production builds." FORCE )
1212 set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-O2 -g -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler flags for RelWithDebInfo builds." FORCE )
4545 if( CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "-fooxxx" )
4646 message(FATAL_ERROR "Flag -fooxxx wrongly added" )
4747 else()
48 message("Successfully skiped addition of fake C flag -fooxxx")
48 message("Successfully skipped addition of fake C flag -fooxxx")
4949 endif()
5454 message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to add CXX flag -O1" )
5555 endif()
57 if( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "-barxxx" )
58 message(FATAL_ERROR "Flag -barxxx wrongly added" )
57 if( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "-fantasyflag" )
58 message(FATAL_ERROR "Flag -fantasyflag wrongly added" )
5959 else()
60 message("Successfully skiped addition of fake CXX flag -barxxx")
60 message("Successfully skipped addition of fake CXX flag -fantasyflag")
6161 endif()