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# helm-ag.el

## Introduction

`helm-ag.el` provides interfaces of [The Silver Searcher]( with helm.

## Features

- Support multiple search tools(ag, [the platinum searcher][pt-link], [ack][ack-link] etc)
- Edit search result like [wgrep](

## Screenshot


## Basic Usage

##### `helm-ag`

Input search word with `ag` command. You can change search directory
with `C-u` prefix.

##### `helm-ag-this-file`

Same as `helm-ag` except to search only current file

##### `helm-do-ag`

Search with `ag` like `helm-do-grep-ag `, `helm-grep-do-git-grep`.
You can specify extra command line option of `ag` with minus prefix(`M--` or `C--`).

![Screen cast of helm-do-ag](image/helm-do-ag.gif)

##### `helm-do-ag-this-file`

Same as `helm-do-ag` except to search only current file

##### `helm-ag-project-root`

Call `helm-ag` at project root. `helm-ag` seems directory as project root where
there is `.git` or `.hg` or `.svn`.

##### `helm-do-ag-project-root`

Call `helm-do-ag` at project root.

##### `helm-ag-buffers`

Search buffers by `helm-ag`

##### `helm-do-ag-buffers`

Search buffers by `helm-do-ag`

##### `helm-ag-pop-stack`

Move to point before jump

##### `helm-ag-clear-stack`

Clear context stack

## Enable helm-follow-mode by default

Please set `helm-follow-mode-persistent` to non-nil if you want to use `helm-follow-mode` by default. You must set it before loading `helm-ag.el`.

``` lisp
 '(helm-follow-mode-persistent t))

## Persistent action

You can see file content temporarily by persistent action(`C-j`).

## Search Tips of `helm-ag`

##### Passing command line options and pattern

Pattern: -Gmd$ search_pattern

Command line options is `-Gmd$` and search pattern is `search_pattern`.
`helm-ag` treats words which starts with `-` as command line option.

##### Pattern contains space(`helm-do-ag`)

Pattern: foo\ bar\ baz

Search pattern is `foo\ bar\ baz`. You need to escape spaces with backslash.

In `helm-ag`, you need not to escape spaces.

##### Pattern starts with `-`

Pattern: -- --count

Search pattern is `--count`.
`helm-ag` treats words after `--` as search pattern.

##### Search meta characters as literal

`ag`(`ack`, `pt`) takes Perl compatible PCRE so that you need to escape meta characters
likes brackets, braces, asterisk, when you search them as literals.

##### Use short option

Don't use space between option and its value. For example `-tcpp` is ok, `-t cpp` is not ok.

##### Use long option

Please always use `=` separator for using long option. Don't use space as separator. For example `--ignore=pattern` is ok, `--ignore pattern` is not ok.

## Customize

##### `helm-ag-base-command`(Default: `ag --nocolor --nogroup`)

Base command of `ag`. Windows users should set `--vimgrep` option for using `helm-do-ag`. See [#293](

##### `helm-ag-command-option`(Default: `nil`)

Command line option of base command.

##### `helm-ag-insert-at-point`(Default: `nil`)

Insert thing at point as default search pattern, if this value is `non nil`.
You can set the parameter same as `thing-at-point`(Such as `'word`, `symbol` etc).

##### `helm-ag-fuzzy-match`(Default: `nil`)

Enable fuzzy matching.

##### `helm-ag-use-grep-ignore-list`(Default: `nil`)

Use `grep-find-ignored-files` and `grep-find-ignored-directories` as ignore pattern.
They are specified to `--ignore' options."

##### `helm-ag-always-set-extra-option`(Default: `nil`)

Always set extra command line option of `ag` in `helm-do-ag`
if this value is non-nil.

##### `helm-ag-edit-save`(Default: `t`)

Save buffers you edit at editing completed.

##### `helm-ag-use-emacs-lisp-regexp`(Default: `nil`)

Use Emacs Lisp regexp instead of PCRE as pattern.
NOTE: this is very simple conversion.

##### `helm-ag-use-agignore`(Default: `nil`)

Use `.agignore` file at project root if this variable is non nil.

##### `helm-ag-use-temp-buffer`(Default: `nil`)

Use temporary buffer and not open file for persistent action.

##### `helm-ag-ignore-buffer-patterns`(Default: `nil`)

Ignore buffer patterns of buffer search commands.

#### NOTE

`helm` removes `file-line` type feature from 1.6.9. So `helm-ag-source-type` is no longer available.

## Keymap

`helm-ag-map` and `helm-do-ag-map` are inherited by `helm-map`.

| Key              | Action                                                                     |
| `C-c o`          | Open other window                                                          |
| `C-l`            | Search in parent directory                                                 |
| `C-c C-e`        | Switch to edit mode                                                        |
| `C-x C-s`        | Save ag results to buffer(Ask save buffer name if prefix key is specified) |
| `C-c C-f`        | Enable helm-follow-mode                                                    |
| `C-c >`, `right` | Move to next file                                                          |
| `C-c <`, `left`  | Move to previous file                                                      |
| `C-c ?`          | Show help message                                                          |

### Edit mode keymap

| Key       | Action           |
| `C-c C-c` | Commit changes   |
| `C-c C-k` | Abort            |
| `C-c C-d` | Mark delete line |
| `C-c C-u` | Unmark           |

You can use `next-error` and `previous-error` for seeing file content which
current line indicates.

### Saved buffer keymap

| Key   | Action                                        |
| `RET` | Jump to current line position                 |
| `C-o` | Jump to current line position in other window |
| `g`   | Update result                                 |

## Sample Configuration

 '(helm-ag-base-command "ag --nocolor --nogroup --ignore-case")
 '(helm-ag-command-option "--all-text")
 '(helm-ag-insert-at-point 'symbol)
 '(helm-ag-ignore-buffer-patterns '("\\.txt\\'" "\\.mkd\\'")))

## helm-ag.el with other searching tools

`helm-ag.el` can work other searching tools like platinum searcher or ack instead of the silver searcher.
I think the searching tool which supports grep like output, helm-ag can work with it.

#### [the platinum searcher](

 '(helm-ag-base-command "pt -e --nocolor --nogroup"))

#### [ack](

 '(helm-ag-base-command "ack --nocolor --nogroup"))

#### [sift](

 '(helm-ag-base-command "sift --no-color -n"))

#### [ripgrep](

 '(helm-ag-base-command "rg --no-heading"))

#### NOTE: For pt and rg users

When using `ag` or `ack`, `helm-do-ag` convert pattern from `foo bar` to `"(?=.*" foo ".*)(?=.*" bar ".*)"`
which pattern matches line which contains both `foo` and `bar`. But when using `pt` or `rg`, `helm-do-ag`
does not convert the pattern because Golang `regexp`(`pt` is written in Golang)
and rust's `regex` (`rg` is written in rust) does not support look-a-head pattern.
So using `pt` or `rg` behaves differently from `ag` when you use such pattern.

## Alternatives

[ag.el]( provides `M-x grep` interface.
Also it can work without helm.
