Codebase list emacsql-sqlite3 / 0dec1d4
fix(emacsql-parse): Respect new `rx`. According to this thread, `(rx char)` is misomer, use `(rx any)` instead. Zhu Zihao 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
180180 (cl-defmethod emacsql-parse ((conn emacsql-sqlite3-connection))
181181 (with-current-buffer (emacsql-buffer conn)
182182 (goto-char (point-min))
183 (if (looking-at (rx "Error: " (group (1+ char)) eol))
183 (if (looking-at (rx "Error: " (group (1+ any)) eol))
184184 (signal 'emacsql-error (list (match-string 1)))
185185 (cl-macrolet ((sexps-in-line! ()
186186 `(cl-loop until (looking-at "\n")