Codebase list engauge-digitizer / 7bd0dee
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/12.0+ds.1' Update to upstream version '12.0+ds.1' with Debian dir 4ac1a5fa9053e5b1aba38b7f361a8ecb8a2c5e41 Tobias Winchen 4 years ago
383 changed file(s) with 36933 addition(s) and 16741 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 digit-exe-*.pkg
55 documentation
66 engauge
7 Engauge Digitizer.pkg
78 engauge.log
1011 engauge_*.snap
1112 Makefile*
1213 object_script.engauge
0 extraction:
1 cpp:
2 configure:
3 command:
4 - qmake
1313 env: ARCH="x86_64" BUILD_DEBUG="1"
1414 compiler: "clang"
16 # xvfb setup is discussed at
1617 before_script:
1718 - if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then
1819 export DISPLAY=:99.0;
2324 before_install:
2425 - if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then
25 sudo apt-get update -qq;
26 sudo apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools qt5-qmake liblog4cpp5-dev libfftw3-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite xvfb;
26 sudo -E apt-get update -qq;
27 sudo -E apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools qt5-qmake liblog4cpp5-dev libfftw3-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite xvfb python3 python3-pip python3-lxml python3-numpy python3-pandas gdb;
2728 elif [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then
2829 brew update;
29 brew install homebrew/core/qt@5.5 fftw log4cpp;
30 export QT5BREWHOME=`brew --prefix homebrew/core/qt@5.5`;
30 brew info qt5;
31 brew install fftw log4cpp qt5;
32 export QT5BREWHOME="/usr/local/opt/qt";
3133 fi
3335 script:
4850 sed -ibak2 's|-L/usr/local/Cellar|-F/usr/local/Cellar|g' Makefile;
4951 sed -ibak3 's|-F/usr/local/Cellar/log4cpp|-L/usr/local/Cellar/log4cpp|g' Makefile;
5052 fi
51 - make
52 - cd help && ./build.bash && cd ..;
53 - make -j4
54 - if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then
55 cd help && ./build.bash && cd ..;
56 else
57 cd help && ./build_qt5_12_0.bash && cd ..;
58 fi
5359 - if [ `uname` = "Darwin" -a "$BUILD_DEBUG" = "1" ]; then
5460 cp $FFTW_HOME/lib/lib* src;
5561 cp $LOG4CPP_HOME/lib/lib* src;
5864 - if [ `uname` != "Darwin" -o "$BUILD_DEBUG" = "1" ]; then
5965 cd src && ./build_and_run_all_gui_tests && cd ..;
6066 fi
67 #no python tests on OSX. cd test && ./ && cd ..;
68 - if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then
69 export ENGAUGE_EXECUTABLE=../bin/engauge;
70 cd test && ./ && cd ..;
71 fi
6172 #no cli tests on OSX
6273 - if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then
6374 cd src && ./build_and_run_all_cli_tests && cd ..;
7777 libopenjpeg-dev For reading jpeg2000 image files (optional). Compiles
7878 with version 2.1.7 but not with version 2.1.3
7979 libpng12-dev For reading png image files (optional)
80 libssl1.0-dev For import by dragging images from browsers. Version 1.0.2
81 is known to work but newer version 1.1.0 gives error
82 ' Incompatible version of OpenSSL'
8184 In Debian and Ubuntu distributions, the following packages are required for
8285 building Engauge for your own use:
2020 install:
2121 - C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"\VC\vcvarsall.bat %BUILD_TYPE%
2222 # Qt configurations are listed at
23 - IF %BUILD_TYPE% == X86 (set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015) ELSE (set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015_64)
23 - IF %BUILD_TYPE% == X86 (set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.11.3\msvc2015) ELSE (set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.11.3\msvc2015_64)
2424 - set PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin
2626 - 7z x %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\dev\windows\appveyor\%LOG4CPP_FILE% -aoa
0 *.dll
1 digitizer.ico
2 engauge
3 engauge.exe
4 engauge_error_report.xml
5 engauge_test
6 lib*
7 *.log
8 *.log.*
9 *.pdb
10 Test*
11 bearer
12 iconengines
13 imageformats
14 platforms
15 printsupport
16 sqldrivers
17 translations
00 __pycache__
1 .idea
2 *.csv
3 *.dig
0 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 # Script that outputs the graph and screen coordinates of each point in a DIG file.
3 # The format is:
4 # 1) "xGraph yGraph xScreen yScreen" on each line
5 # 2) Between each field is the export delimiter selected in the DIG file
6 #
7 # Requirements:
8 # 1) python3 (versus python2)
9 # 2) numpy
10 # 3) from the Engauge scripts directory
11 # 4) from the Engauge scripts directory
13 import os
14 from ParseDig import ParseDig
15 import sys
17 if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not os.path.exists (sys.argv [1]):
18 print ("Usage: python3 <dig file>")
19 else:
20 parseDig = ParseDig (sys.argv [1])
21 curveNames = parseDig.curveNames()
22 exportDelimiter = parseDig.exportDelimiter()
23 for curveName in curveNames:
25 print ("# {}" . format (curveName))
26 curve = parseDig.curve (curveName)
28 for row in curve:
29 xGraph = row [0]
30 yGraph = row [1]
31 (xScreen, yScreen) = row [2], row [3] #parseDig.transformGraphToScreen (xGraph, yGraph)
32 print ("{}{}{}{}{}{}{}" . format (xGraph, exportDelimiter,
33 yGraph, exportDelimiter,
34 xScreen, exportDelimiter,
35 yScreen))
1111 import fileinput
1212 import math
1313 import numpy as np
14 import unicodedata
1516 def is_number(s):
1617 try:
1819 return True
1920 except ValueError:
2021 return False
23 def is_number_unicode(s):
2224 try:
23 import unicodedata
2425 unicodedata.numeric(s)
2526 return True
2627 except (TypeError, ValueError):
0 # This file converts non-xml dig files to xml if required. Directly reading non-xml
1 # files (=binary) was attempted but the unpredictable length of the QPixMap in the
2 # middle of the binary data, and use of string (versus bytes) by pyside2 prevented
3 # that option from succeeding
04 from xml.etree import ElementTree
15 from DefaultListOrderedDict import DefaultListOrderedDict
26 import numpy as np
7 import os
8 from signal import SIGSEGV
9 import subprocess
10 import sys
412 class ParseDig:
5 curves = DefaultListOrderedDict () # Hash table of curve name to lists, with each list consisting of graph points
613 def __init__(self, digFile):
7 with open(digFile, 'rt') as f:
8 tree = ElementTree.parse (f)
10 # (xG1 xG2 xG3) = screen * (m11 m12 m13)
11 # (yG1 yG2 yG3) = screen * (m21 m22 m23)
12 # (1 1 1 ) = screen * (m31 m32 m33)
13 # where
14 # screen = (xS1 yS1 1)
15 # (xS2 yS2 1)
16 # (xS3 yS3 1)
17 rowsGraph = 0
18 rowsScreen = 0
19 screen = np.empty(shape=(3, 3))
20 graphX = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
21 graphY = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
22 graph1 = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
23 screenToGraph = np.array([])
24 for node in tree.iter():
25 # print (node.tag, '<->', node.attrib)
26 if (node.tag == 'Curve'):
27 curveName = node.attrib.get ('CurveName');
28 if (curveName == 'Axes'):
29 for nodeAxes in node.iter():
30 if (nodeAxes.tag == 'Point'):
31 for nodePoint in nodeAxes.iter():
32 if (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionScreen'):
33 x = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('X'))
34 y = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('Y'))
35 screen [rowsScreen] [0] = x
36 screen [rowsScreen] [1] = y
37 screen [rowsScreen] [2] = 1
38 # print ('Input positionScreenAxes', x, y)
39 rowsScreen = rowsScreen + 1;
40 elif (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionGraph'):
41 x = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('X'))
42 y = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('Y'))
43 graphX [rowsGraph] = x;
44 graphY [rowsGraph] = y;
45 graph1 [rowsGraph] = 1;
46 # print ('Input positionGraphAxes', x, y)
47 rowsGraph = rowsGraph + 1;
48 screenToGraph = self.computeAffineTransformation(screen, graphX, graphY, graph1)
49 else:
50 for nodeGraph in node.iter():
51 if (nodeGraph.tag == 'Point'):
52 for nodePoint in nodeGraph.iter():
53 if (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionScreen'):
54 x = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('X'))
55 y = float (nodePoint.attrib.get ('Y'))
56 # print ('Input positionScreen', x, y)
57 vecScreen = np.array ([x, y, 1])
58 vecGraph = (screenToGraph,
59 vecScreen)
60 x = vecGraph [0]
61 y = vecGraph [1]
62 # print ('Computed positionGraph', x, y)
63 self.curves [curveName].append ([x, y]);
14 # Hash table of curve name to lists, with each list consisting of graph points
15 # and screen coordinates
16 self._curves = DefaultListOrderedDict()
18 try:
19 with open(digFile, 'rt') as f:
20 tree = ElementTree.parse (f)
21 self.parseXml (tree)
22 except Exception as e:
23 digFileUpgraded = self.upgrade (digFile)
24 try:
25 with open(digFileUpgraded, 'rt') as f:
26 tree = ElementTree.parse (f)
27 os.remove (digFileUpgraded)
28 self.parseXml (tree)
29 except Exception as e:
30 print ("Could not load {} even after trying an upgrade" . format (digFile))
32 @staticmethod
33 def callEngauge (argumentsArray, debug = False):
34 # Operating system dependent location of Engauge executable. Some typical values are:
35 # cygwin /usr/bin/engauge-digitizer.exe
36 # linux /usr/bin/engauge
37 # osx /Applications/Engauge\\ Digitizer
38 # windows C:/Program Files/Engauge Digitizer/engauge.exe
40 if envTag in os.environ and os.environ [envTag] != '':
41 engaugeExecutable = os.environ [envTag]
42 else:
43 engaugeExecutable = "/usr/bin/engauge"
45 if not os.path.exists (engaugeExecutable):
47 # Show error message
48 noExeError = '{} {} - {}. {} {} {}.' . format (
49 'Could not execute Engauge at',
50 engaugeExecutable,
51 'Path does not exist',
52 'Try setting environment variable',
53 envTag,
54 'to the executable path')
56 print (noExeError)
57 sys.exit (0)
59 debugArgs = []
60 if (debug):
61 debugArgs = ['-debug']
62 fullArgs = [engaugeExecutable] + debugArgs + argumentsArray
64 # Linux has a bug where using shell requires arguments to be joined or else only first is seen. So if shell=True
65 # is added then first argument becomes ' '.join (fullArgs)
66 p = subprocess.Popen (fullArgs,
67 stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
68 stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
69 stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
70 out, err = p.communicate ()
71 preturncode = p.returncode
72 if preturncode == -SIGSEGV:
73 # On Travis engauge segfaults when running engauge with -exportonly, but after high level code has completed
74 preturncode = 0
75 if preturncode:
76 # Dump log file but only, for simplicity, if it exists in the executable directory
77 engaugeLogFilename = os.path.dirname (engaugeExecutable) + os.sep + '.engauge.log'
78 if os.path.exists (engaugeLogFilename):
79 with open (engaugeLogFilename, 'r') as engaugeLogFile:
80 for line in engaugeLogFile:
81 print (line, end='')
83 # Show error message
84 noExeError = "{} {} - return={}.\nCommand line '{}'\nout='{}'\nerr='{}'\n{}" . format (
85 'Error while executing Engauge at',
86 engaugeExecutable,
87 preturncode,
88 fullArgs,
89 out.decode ('utf-8'),
90 err.decode ('utf-8'),
91 'Version 11.3 or newer is required')
93 print (noExeError)
94 sys.exit (0)
6496 def computeAffineTransformation (self, screen, graphX, graphY, graph1):
6597 # Compute screen-to-graph affine transformation from screen and graph points in axes
6698 screenInverse = np.linalg.inv (screen)
69101 m3 = (screenInverse, graph1)
70102 screenToGraph = np.array ([m1.flatten(), m2.flatten(), m3.flatten()])
71103 return screenToGraph
72105 def curve (self, curveName):
73 return list (self.curves [curveName]);
106 return list (self._curves [curveName])
74108 def curveNames (self):
75 return list (self.curves.keys ());
109 return list (self._curves.keys ())
111 def delimiterEnumToDelimiter (self, delimiterEnum):
112 # Mapping ExportDelimiter enum
113 switcher = {
114 0: ',',
115 1: ' ',
116 2: '\t',
117 3: ';'
118 }
119 return switcher.get (delimiterEnum, ' ')
121 def exportDelimiter (self):
122 return self._delimiter
124 def getScreenAndGraph(self, node):
125 #Get screen and graph coordinates from axis data
126 #Allows for three or four axis points
127 rowsGraph = 0
128 rowsScreen = 0
129 screen = np.empty(shape=(3, 3))
130 graphX = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
131 graphY = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
132 graph1 = np.ones(3)
133 try:
134 for nodeAxes in node.iter():
135 if (nodeAxes.tag == 'Point'):
136 for nodePoint in nodeAxes.iter():
137 if (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionScreen'):
138 x = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('X'))
139 y = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('Y'))
140 screen[rowsScreen][0] = x
141 screen[rowsScreen][1] = y
142 screen[rowsScreen][2] = 1
143 # print ('Input positionScreenAxes', x, y)
144 rowsScreen += 1
145 elif (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionGraph'):
146 x = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('X'))
147 y = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('Y'))
148 graphX[rowsGraph] = x
149 graphY[rowsGraph] = y
150 graph1[rowsGraph] = 1
151 # print ('Input positionGraphAxes', x, y)
152 rowsGraph += 1
153 return screen, graphX, graphY, np.ones(3), rowsGraph, rowsScreen
154 except Exception as e:
155 screenX = []
156 screenY = []
157 screenXNew = []
158 screenYNew = []
159 graphX = []
160 graphY = []
161 IsXOnly = np.array([], dtype='str')
162 for nodeAxes in node.iter():
163 if (nodeAxes.tag == 'Point'):
164 for nodePoint in nodeAxes.iter():
165 if (nodePoint.tag == 'Point'):
166 IsXOnly = np.append(IsXOnly, nodePoint.attrib.get('IsXOnly'))
167 if (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionScreen'):
168 x = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('X'))
169 screenX.append(x)
170 y = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('Y'))
171 screenY.append(y)
172 elif (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionGraph'):
173 x = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('X'))
174 graphX.append(x)
175 y = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('Y'))
176 graphY.append(y)
177 graphX = np.array(graphX)
178 graphX = graphX[IsXOnly == 'True']
179 graphX = np.append(graphX, graphX[0])
180 graphY = np.array(graphY)
181 graphY = graphY[IsXOnly == 'False']
182 graphY = np.append(graphY, graphY[1])
183 graphY[1] = graphY[0]
184 screenX = np.array(screenX)
185 screenY = np.array(screenY)
186 xAxesScreenX = screenX[IsXOnly == 'True']
187 xAxesScreenY = screenY[IsXOnly == 'True']
188 yAxesScreenX = screenX[IsXOnly == 'False']
189 yAxesScreenY = screenY[IsXOnly == 'False']
190 #The below section calculates the screen coords of intersections of
191 #lines formed by the x and y axes
192 if ((yAxesScreenX[1] - yAxesScreenX[0]) != 0):
193 m1 = (yAxesScreenY[1] - yAxesScreenY[0]) / (yAxesScreenX[1] - yAxesScreenX[0])
194 else:
195 m1 = np.inf
196 m3 = (xAxesScreenY[1] - xAxesScreenY[0]) / (xAxesScreenX[1] - xAxesScreenX[0])
197 m2 = m1
198 m4 = m3
199 b1 = xAxesScreenY[0] - m1 * xAxesScreenX[0]
200 b2 = xAxesScreenY[1] - m2 * xAxesScreenX[1]
201 b3 = yAxesScreenY[0] - m3 * yAxesScreenX[0]
202 b4 = yAxesScreenY[1] - m4 * yAxesScreenX[1]
203 #Use a slightly different procedure if the y-axis
204 #has an infinite slope
205 if ((m1 == np.inf) or (m1 == -np.inf)):
206 screenXNew.append(xAxesScreenX[0])
207 screenYNew.append(m3 * screenXNew[0] + b3)
208 screenXNew.append(xAxesScreenX[1])
209 screenYNew.append(m3 * screenXNew[1] + b3)
210 screenXNew.append(xAxesScreenX[0])
211 screenYNew.append(m4 * screenXNew[2] + b4)
212 else:
213 screenXNew.append((b1 - b3) / (m3 - m1))
214 screenYNew.append(m3 * screenXNew[0] + b3)
215 screenXNew.append((b2 - b3) / (m3 - m2))
216 screenYNew.append(m3 * screenXNew[1] + b3)
217 screenXNew.append((b1 - b4) / (m4 - m1))
218 screenYNew.append(m4 * screenXNew[2] + b4)
219 return np.array([screenXNew, screenYNew, np.ones(3)]).T, graphX, graphY, np.ones(3), rowsGraph, rowsScreen
221 def parseXml(self, tree):
222 # (xG1 xG2 xG3) = screen * (m11 m12 m13)
223 # (yG1 yG2 yG3) = screen * (m21 m22 m23)
224 # (1 1 1 ) = screen * (m31 m32 m33)
225 # where
226 # screen = (xS1 yS1 1)
227 # (xS2 yS2 1)
228 # (xS3 yS3 1)
229 self.LogPlot = False
230 self._screenToGraph = np.array([])
231 self._delimiter = ','
232 for node in tree.iter():
233 # print (node.tag, '<->', node.attrib)
234 if (node.tag == 'Coords'):
235 self.xAxisType = node.attrib.get('ScaleXThetaString')
236 self.yAxisType = node.attrib.get('ScaleYRadiusString')
237 if ((self.xAxisType == 'Log') or (self.yAxisType == 'Log')):
238 self.LogPlot = True
239 #sys.exit (1)
240 elif (node.tag == 'Export'):
241 # delimiterEnum = node.attrib.get('Delimiter')
242 pass
243 elif (node.tag == 'Curve'):
244 curveName = node.attrib.get('CurveName')
245 if (curveName == 'Axes'):
246 screen, graphX, graphY, graph1, rowsGraph, rowsScreen = self.getScreenAndGraph(node)
247 self.xScreenMax = screen[:, 0].max()
248 self.yScreenMax = screen[:, 1].max()
249 self.xScreenMin = screen[:, 0].min()
250 self.yScreenMin = screen[:, 1].min()
251 self.xMin = min(graphX)
252 self.yMin = min(graphY)
253 self.xMax = max(graphX)
254 self.yMax = max(graphY)
255 #print(self.yScreenMin)
256 #print(self.yScreenMax)
257 #print(self.yMin)
258 #print(self.yMax)
259 #print(screen)
260 if rowsGraph < 3 or rowsScreen < 3:
261 print ('This script requires three axes points. Quitting')
262 sys.exit (1)
263 self._screenToGraph = self.computeAffineTransformation(screen, graphX, graphY, graph1)
264 else:
265 for nodeGraph in node.iter():
266 if (nodeGraph.tag == 'Point'):
267 for nodePoint in nodeGraph.iter():
268 if (nodePoint.tag == 'PositionScreen'):
269 x = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('X'))
270 y = float(nodePoint.attrib.get('Y'))
271 # print ('Input positionScreen', x, y)
272 vecScreen = np.array([x, y, 1])
273 vecGraph =,
274 vecScreen)
275 xGraph = vecGraph[0]
276 yGraph = vecGraph[1]
277 if (self.xAxisType == 'Log'):
278 xGraph = np.exp( (xGraph - self.xMin) \
279 * (np.log(self.xMax) - np.log(self.xMin)) \
280 / (self.xMax - self.xMin) \
281 + np.log(self.xMin) )[0]
282 if (self.yAxisType == 'Log'):
283 yGraph = np.exp( (yGraph - self.yMin) \
284 * (np.log(self.yMax) - np.log(self.yMin)) \
285 / (self.yMax - self.yMin) \
286 + np.log(self.yMin) )[0]
287 # print ('Computed positionGraph', x, y)
288 self._curves[curveName].append([xGraph, yGraph, x, y])
290 def transformGraphToScreen (self, xGraph, yGraph):
291 graphToScreen = np.linalg.inv (self._screenToGraph)
292 vecGraph = np.array ([xGraph, yGraph, 1])
293 vecScreen = (graphToScreen,
294 vecGraph)
295 return int (0.5 + vecScreen [0]), int (0.5 + vecScreen [1])
297 def upgrade (self, digFile):
298 # File naming consistent with main.cpp
299 FILE_SUFFIX = '.dig'
300 UPGRADE_TOKEN = '_upgrade'
301 count = len (FILE_SUFFIX)
302 if digFile [-count:].lower () == FILE_SUFFIX.lower ():
303 # xyz.dig turns into xyz_upgrade.dig
304 digFileWithoutSuffix = digFile [: -count]
305 digFileUpgraded = '{}{}{}' . format (digFileWithoutSuffix,
308 else:
309 # xyz turns into xyz_upgrade
310 digFileUpgraded = '{}{}' . format (digFile,
313 # Stop if this could overwrite valuable information
314 if os.path.exists (digFileUpgraded):
315 print ('Upgrade file exists and will not be overwritten. Quitting')
316 sys.exit (0)
318 # Create the upgrade from the old dig file. It will be removed after
319 callEngauge (["-upgrade",
320 digFile])
322 return digFileUpgraded
0 Python script that reads in a DIG file and performs polynomial curve fitting
1 Python script that shows how to use This script dumps the DIG file specified in
2 the command line. This code can serve as a starting point for other scripts that can process
3 the information into other output formats - like SQL tables and NETCDF.
4 Python script that reads in (longitude,latitude) points and output those points with a timestamp
5 at each point that is computed assuming a constant speed through the points
6 Python class that reads Engauge Digitizer DIG files, and provides that information through a
7 very simplie application programming interface (API)
0 Python script that reads in a DIG file and performs polynomial curve fitting
1 DumpGraphAndScreenCoordinates Dumps the graph and coordinates of each point in a DIG file, to the console
2 Python script that shows how to use This script dumps the DIG
3 file specified in the command line. This code can serve as a starting point
4 for other scripts that can process the information into other output formats
5 like SQL tables and NETCDF.
6 Python script that reads in (longitude,latitude) points and output those
7 points with a timestamp at each point that is computed assuming a constant
8 speed through the points
9 Python class that reads Engauge Digitizer DIG files, and provides that
10 information through a very simplie application programming interface (API)
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <!DOCTYPE engauge>
2 <Document VersionNumber="11.2" AxesPointsRequired="0">
3 <Image Width="880" 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9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
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15 <Segments PointSeparation="25" MinLength="2" FillCorners="False" LineWidth="4" LineColor="4" LineColorString="Green"/>
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22 <CurvePoints>
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26 </Point>
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30 </Point>
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34 </Point>
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36 </Curve>
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47 </Point>
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50 </Point>
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53 </Point>
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55 <PositionScreen X="75" Y="386"/>
56 </Point>
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59 </Point>
60 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;11" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
61 <PositionScreen X="88" Y="338"/>
62 </Point>
63 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;12" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
64 <PositionScreen X="95" Y="314"/>
65 </Point>
66 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;13" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
67 <PositionScreen X="102" Y="290"/>
68 </Point>
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70 <PositionScreen X="111" Y="266"/>
71 </Point>
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74 </Point>
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77 </Point>
78 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;17" Ordinal="11" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
79 <PositionScreen X="140" Y="197"/>
80 </Point>
81 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;18" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
82 <PositionScreen X="151" Y="175"/>
83 </Point>
84 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;19" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
85 <PositionScreen X="165" Y="154"/>
86 </Point>
87 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;20" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
88 <PositionScreen X="181" Y="135"/>
89 </Point>
90 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;21" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
91 <PositionScreen X="199" Y="117"/>
92 </Point>
93 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;22" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
94 <PositionScreen X="219" Y="104"/>
95 </Point>
96 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;23" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
97 <PositionScreen X="243" Y="97"/>
98 </Point>
99 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;24" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
100 <PositionScreen X="268" Y="95"/>
101 </Point>
102 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;25" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
103 <PositionScreen X="292" Y="99"/>
104 </Point>
105 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;26" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
106 <PositionScreen X="315" Y="107"/>
107 </Point>
108 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;27" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
109 <PositionScreen X="338" Y="118"/>
110 </Point>
111 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;28" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
112 <PositionScreen X="359" Y="131"/>
113 </Point>
114 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;29" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
115 <PositionScreen X="379" Y="145"/>
116 </Point>
117 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;30" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
118 <PositionScreen X="400" Y="160"/>
119 </Point>
120 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;31" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
121 <PositionScreen X="419" Y="175"/>
122 </Point>
123 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;32" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
124 <PositionScreen X="438" Y="189"/>
125 </Point>
126 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;61" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
127 <PositionScreen X="459" Y="207"/>
128 </Point>
129 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;62" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
130 <PositionScreen X="478" Y="222"/>
131 </Point>
132 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;63" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
133 <PositionScreen X="497" Y="238"/>
134 </Point>
135 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;64" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
136 <PositionScreen X="516" Y="254"/>
137 </Point>
138 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;65" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
139 <PositionScreen X="535" Y="270"/>
140 </Point>
141 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;66" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
142 <PositionScreen X="555" Y="286"/>
143 </Point>
144 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;67" Ordinal="33" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
145 <PositionScreen X="574" Y="301"/>
146 </Point>
147 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;68" Ordinal="34" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
148 <PositionScreen X="593" Y="316"/>
149 </Point>
150 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;69" Ordinal="35" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
151 <PositionScreen X="613" Y="331"/>
152 </Point>
153 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;70" Ordinal="36" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
154 <PositionScreen X="633" Y="346"/>
155 </Point>
156 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;71" Ordinal="37" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
157 <PositionScreen X="653" Y="360"/>
158 </Point>
159 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;72" Ordinal="38" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
160 <PositionScreen X="674" Y="374"/>
161 </Point>
162 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;73" Ordinal="39" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
163 <PositionScreen X="695" Y="387"/>
164 </Point>
165 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;74" Ordinal="40" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
166 <PositionScreen X="716" Y="401"/>
167 </Point>
168 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;75" Ordinal="41" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
169 <PositionScreen X="738" Y="413"/>
170 </Point>
171 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;76" Ordinal="42" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
172 <PositionScreen X="759" Y="426"/>
173 </Point>
174 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;77" Ordinal="43" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
175 <PositionScreen X="780" Y="437"/>
176 </Point>
177 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;78" Ordinal="44" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
178 <PositionScreen X="801" Y="448"/>
179 </Point>
180 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;79" Ordinal="45" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
181 <PositionScreen X="823" Y="459"/>
182 </Point>
183 <Point Identifier="CurveLeft&#9;point&#9;80" Ordinal="46" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
184 <PositionScreen X="845" Y="469"/>
185 </Point>
186 </CurvePoints>
187 </Curve>
188 <Curve CurveName="CurveRight">
189 <ColorFilter CurveName="CurveRight" Mode="1" ModeString="Hue" IntensityLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="0" HueHigh="360" SaturationLow="50" SaturationHigh="100" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50"/>
190 <CurveStyle CurveName="CurveRight">
191 <LineStyle Width="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" ConnectAs="0" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth"/>
192 <PointStyle Radius="10" LineWidth="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" Shape="5" ShapeString="X"/>
193 </CurveStyle>
194 <CurvePoints>
195 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;81" Ordinal="0" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
196 <PositionScreen X="59" Y="471"/>
197 </Point>
198 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;82" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
199 <PositionScreen X="82" Y="461"/>
200 </Point>
201 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;83" Ordinal="2" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
202 <PositionScreen X="104" Y="450"/>
203 </Point>
204 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;84" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
205 <PositionScreen X="126" Y="439"/>
206 </Point>
207 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;85" Ordinal="4" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
208 <PositionScreen X="149" Y="427"/>
209 </Point>
210 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;86" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
211 <PositionScreen X="170" Y="415"/>
212 </Point>
213 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;87" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
214 <PositionScreen X="191" Y="401"/>
215 </Point>
216 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;88" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
217 <PositionScreen X="213" Y="389"/>
218 </Point>
219 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;89" Ordinal="8" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
220 <PositionScreen X="234" Y="375"/>
221 </Point>
222 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;90" Ordinal="9" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
223 <PositionScreen X="254" Y="361"/>
224 </Point>
225 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;91" Ordinal="10" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
226 <PositionScreen X="275" Y="347"/>
227 </Point>
228 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;92" Ordinal="11" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
229 <PositionScreen X="295" Y="332"/>
230 </Point>
231 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;93" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
232 <PositionScreen X="315" Y="317"/>
233 </Point>
234 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;94" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
235 <PositionScreen X="334" Y="302"/>
236 </Point>
237 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;95" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
238 <PositionScreen X="353" Y="287"/>
239 </Point>
240 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;96" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
241 <PositionScreen X="372" Y="271"/>
242 </Point>
243 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;97" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
244 <PositionScreen X="391" Y="255"/>
245 </Point>
246 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;98" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
247 <PositionScreen X="410" Y="240"/>
248 </Point>
249 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;99" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
250 <PositionScreen X="429" Y="224"/>
251 </Point>
252 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;100" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
253 <PositionScreen X="447" Y="209"/>
254 </Point>
255 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;101" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
256 <PositionScreen X="459" Y="199"/>
257 </Point>
258 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;102" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
259 <PositionScreen X="478" Y="184"/>
260 </Point>
261 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;103" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
262 <PositionScreen X="498" Y="168"/>
263 </Point>
264 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;104" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
265 <PositionScreen X="517" Y="153"/>
266 </Point>
267 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;105" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
268 <PositionScreen X="538" Y="139"/>
269 </Point>
270 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;106" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
271 <PositionScreen X="559" Y="126"/>
272 </Point>
273 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;107" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
274 <PositionScreen X="581" Y="114"/>
275 </Point>
276 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;108" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
277 <PositionScreen X="603" Y="103"/>
278 </Point>
279 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;109" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
280 <PositionScreen X="627" Y="96"/>
281 </Point>
282 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;110" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
283 <PositionScreen X="652" Y="95"/>
284 </Point>
285 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;111" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
286 <PositionScreen X="676" Y="98"/>
287 </Point>
288 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;112" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
289 <PositionScreen X="698" Y="108"/>
290 </Point>
291 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;113" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
292 <PositionScreen X="717" Y="122"/>
293 </Point>
294 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;114" Ordinal="33" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
295 <PositionScreen X="734" Y="140"/>
296 </Point>
297 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;115" Ordinal="34" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
298 <PositionScreen X="742" Y="149"/>
299 </Point>
300 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;116" Ordinal="35" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
301 <PositionScreen X="755" Y="170"/>
302 </Point>
303 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;117" Ordinal="36" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
304 <PositionScreen X="768" Y="192"/>
305 </Point>
306 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;118" Ordinal="37" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
307 <PositionScreen X="778" Y="214"/>
308 </Point>
309 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;119" Ordinal="38" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
310 <PositionScreen X="789" Y="237"/>
311 </Point>
312 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;120" Ordinal="39" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
313 <PositionScreen X="797" Y="261"/>
314 </Point>
315 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;121" Ordinal="40" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
316 <PositionScreen X="805" Y="284"/>
317 </Point>
318 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;122" Ordinal="41" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
319 <PositionScreen X="813" Y="308"/>
320 </Point>
321 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;123" Ordinal="42" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
322 <PositionScreen X="820" Y="332"/>
323 </Point>
324 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;124" Ordinal="43" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
325 <PositionScreen X="827" Y="356"/>
326 </Point>
327 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;125" Ordinal="44" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
328 <PositionScreen X="833" Y="380"/>
329 </Point>
330 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;126" Ordinal="45" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
331 <PositionScreen X="839" Y="405"/>
332 </Point>
333 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;127" Ordinal="46" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
334 <PositionScreen X="844" Y="429"/>
335 </Point>
336 <Point Identifier="CurveRight&#9;point&#9;128" Ordinal="47" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="129">
337 <PositionScreen X="850" Y="453"/>
338 </Point>
339 </CurvePoints>
340 </Curve>
341 </CurvesGraphs>
342 </CoordSystem>
343 </Document>
11 *.png
22 .~*
4 ProcessFlowchart.pdf
0 To access Windows pre-releases, when made available by the developers, follow these steps:
2 * Go go
3 * Click on either job 'Environment: ...BUILD_TYPE=X86...' or 'Environment: ...BUILD_TYPE=x64...'
4 for a 32 or 64 bit pre-release, respectively. There should be a green bar at the beginning of
5 the job line, which means the build was successfully completed
6 * Click on the Artifacts link on the right side
7 * Download the file 'engauge-build.7z' or 'engauge-build-x64.7z'
8 * Extract the file using a free 7z tool. For example:
9 (Linux) p7zip -d engauge-build-x64.7z
10 (Windows) WinZip / (select engauge-build-x64.7z) / Unzip
11 * Go into the new directory and run engauge.exe
dev/cygport/.gitignore less more
0 engauge-digitizer.cygport
1 engauge-digitizer-*.i686
2 engauge-digitizer-*.x86_64
3 v*.tar.gz
4 *.tmp
5 *.zip
6 build_version.log
dev/cygport/build_version less more
0 #!/usr/bin/bash
2 # Setup BEFORE running this script, since we will download the zip file generated by the git tag:
3 # git tag vX.Y"
4 # git commit -m 'message'"
5 # git push"
6 # git push origin vX.Y"
8 show_usage_and_quit() {
9 echo "Usage: build_version <versiontag> <32|64>"
10 echo "where versiontag has the format #.# or #.#.#"
11 exit
12 }
14 if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
15 show_usage_and_quit
16 fi
18 # Version number format is documented in show_usage_and_quit
20 BITS=$2
23 if [[ ! $VERSION =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
24 show_usage_and_quit
25 fi
26 if [[ ! $BITSARG =~ ^(--32|--64)$ ]]; then
27 show_usage_and_quit
28 fi
30 echo "Cleaning old build directory"
31 if [ $BITS == "32" ]; then
32 TARGETDIR='engauge-digitizer-'"$VERSION"'-1.i686'
33 else
34 TARGETDIR='engauge-digitizer-'"$VERSION"'-1.x86_64'
35 fi
36 rm -rf $TARGETDIR 2>/dev/null
38 echo
40 # Cygport file must have the format <package name>.cygport
41 CYGFILE=engauge-digitizer.cygport
43 echo "Creating engauge-digitizer.cygport file from engauge-digitizer.cygport.template"
44 dos2unix engauge-digitizer.cygport.template
45 sed 's/<VERSION>/'"$VERSION"'/' engauge-digitizer.cygport.template >$CYGFILE
46 echo
48 #DEBUG=--debug
50 cygport $DEBUG $BITSARG $CYGFILE download 2>&1 | tee build_version.log
51 cygport $DEBUG $BITSARG $CYGFILE prep 2>&1 | tee -a build_version.log
52 cygport $DEBUG $BITSARG $CYGFILE compile 2>&1 | tee -a build_version.log
53 cygport $DEBUG $BITSARG $CYGFILE install 2>&1 | tee -a build_version.log
54 cygport $DEBUG $BITSARG $CYGFILE package 2>&1 | tee -a build_version.log
56 echo "Output was logged to build_version.log"
58 # Upload steps are documented at
59 echo "For convenience, the upload is done by this script before testing"
60 cygport $BITSARG engauge-digitizer.cygport up
62 echo "Test using the following steps:"
63 echo " cd $TARGETDIR/inst/usr/bin/"
64 echo " ./engauge-digitizer.exe"
66 echo "After uploading and testing both 32 and 64 bit releases, release according to"
dev/cygport/engauge-digitizer-no-undefined.patch less more
0 --- engauge-digitizer-10.9-1.x86_64/src/engauge-digitizer-10.9/ 2018-07-04 13:13:50.000000000 -0700
1 +++ engauge-digitizer-10.9-1.x86_642/src/engauge-digitizer-10.9/ 2018-07-06 07:38:44.612284500 -0700
2 @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
3 macx-* {
4 CONFIG(debug,debug|release){
5 CONFIG -= app_bundle
6 - TARGET = engauge
7 + TARGET = engauge-digitizer
8 DESTDIR = bin
9 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "-DOSX_DEBUG -stdlib=libc++ -gdwarf-2"
10 } else {
11 @@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
12 } else {
13 CONFIG += qt warn_on thread
14 TEMPLATE = app
15 - TARGET = engauge
16 + TARGET = engauge-digitizer
17 DESTDIR = bin
18 }
dev/cygport/engauge-digitizer-undefined.patch less more
(Empty file)
dev/cygport/engauge-digitizer-webkit.patch less more
(Empty file)
dev/cygport/engauge-digitizer.cygport.template less more
0 inherit qt5-qmake
4 SRC_URI="${VERSION}.zip"
5 SRC_DIR="engauge-digitizer-${VERSION}"
6 NAME="engauge-digitizer"
9 LOG_DIR=/tmp
10 LOG4CPP_HOME=${S}/dev/cygport/log4cpp_null
11 FFTW_HOME=/usr
12 CYGQMAKE5_ARGS="CONFIG+=cygport CONFIG+=log4cpp_null"
13 SUMMARY="Convert graph images to numeric data"
14 DESCRIPTION="Engauge Digitizer digitizes images of graphs into numbers"
17 engauge-digitizer-no-undefined.patch
18 engauge-digitizer-webkit.patch
19 "
21 DIFF_EXCLUDES="engauge.qch engauge.qhc"
23 src_compile() {
24 cd ${B}
25 qt5_qmake_compile
26 cd ${S}/help
27 dos2unix build.bash
28 ./build.bash
29 cp -r ../bin/documentation ${B}/bin
30 }
32 src_install() {
33 dobin ${B}/bin/engauge-digitizer.exe
34 mkdir -p ${D}/usr/share/doc/engauge-digitizer
35 cp ${B}/bin/documentation/* ${D}/usr/share/doc/engauge-digitizer
36 }
dev/cygport/package-version-release.hint less more
0 sdesc: "Extract numbers from graph images"
1 ldesc: "Recover numeric data from images of graphs"
2 category: Math Graphics Utils
3 requires: cygwin libfftw3_3 libgcc1 libQt5Core5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Help5 libstdc++6
dev/flatpak/build_flatpak less more
0 #!/bin/bash
2 # Run this on mark-HP-Notebook in Kubuntu 16.04 (64 bit)
3 #
4 # Assumes prerequisites are already installed:
5 # 1) flatpak install flathub org.kde.Platform//5.11
6 # 2) flatpak install flathub org.kde.Sdk//5.11
7 # According to Nick Richards email on 7/17/18 qt version 5.10 is deprecated for 5.9 or 5.11
8 if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
9 echo "Usage: build_flathub <version>"
10 exit
11 fi
12 TARBALLDOWNLOAD="v$1.tar.gz"
14 echo "Downloading $TARBALLDOWNLOAD"
16 wget "$TARBALLDOWNLOAD" --output-document="$TARBALLLOCAL"
17 CKSUM=`sha256sum $TARBALLLOCAL | awk '{print $1}'`
19 cd $HOME/io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer
20 rm -rf app >/dev/null
21 rm -rf repo >/dev/null
23 JSONFILE=io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer.json
26 git pull
28 # We replace following two lines:
29 # "url": "",
30 # "sha256": "..."
31 # N; flag appends next line to current line
32 sed 'N;s|"url": "\+.gz",\s*\n\s*"sha256":\s*"[0123456789abcdef]\+"|"url": "'$TARBALLDOWNLOAD'",\n "sha256": "'$CKSUM'"|' $JSONFILE >$TMPJSONFILE
35 rm -rf app
36 flatpak-builder --ccache --repo=repo --subject="Test" app $JSONFILE
38 # Uninstall previous if it exists
39 LISTOLD=`flatpak list --app | grep Engauge_Digitizer`
40 if [[ ! -z $LISTOLD ]]; then
41 flatpak uninstall io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer
42 fi
44 flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists engauge-digitizer repo --no-gpg-verify
45 flatpak install engauge-digitizer io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer
46 flatpak run io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer
48 echo "If testing was successful then commit the changes in $HOME/io.github.markummitchell.Engauge_Digitizer."
49 echo "After approximately one hour the new version should appear at "
50 echo ""
dev/flatpak/engauge.qch less more
Binary diff not shown
dev/flatpak/engauge.qhc less more
Binary diff not shown
6767 <content_attribute id="money-gambling">none</content_attribute>
6868 </content_rating>
6969 <releases>
70 <release date="2018-07-22" version="10.10">
70 <release date="2019-08-02" version="12.0">
7171 <description>
7272 <ul>
73 <li>Handle non-function points in functions</li>
74 <li>Load version 4 files with unset settings</li>
75 <li>Improved grid line setup</li>
73 <li>More points styles </li>
74 <li>Fix data export for log scale with small step factor</li>
7675 </ul>
7776 </description>
7877 </release>
1 Privacy Notice
3 This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for Engauge Digitizer. This
4 privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this application and
5 the software support team. It will notify you of the following:
6 1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you by the
7 application and the software support options
8 2. What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data
9 3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your
10 information
11 4. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.
13 Information Collection, Use and Sharing
14 ---------------------------------------
15 We are the sole owners of the information collected on this website. We only
16 have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email,
17 support forum, github issue tracker, or other direct contact from you. We will
18 not sell or rent this information to anyone.
20 We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you
21 contacted us. We may also share your document information with others as part
22 of new regression tests or topics of discussion.
24 We will not contact after the initial period of assistance has completed.
25 Contact by us will be through online forums and other posts, unless responding
26 to private emails initiated by you.
28 Your Access To and Control Over Information
29 -------------------------------------------
30 You can do the following at any time by contacting us via email, or forum
31 or issue tracker post:
32 * See what data we have about you, if any
33 * Change/correct any data we have about you
34 * Have us delete any data we have about you
35 * Express any concern you have about our use of your data
37 Security
38 --------
39 We do not purposefully collect any sensitive information about users. If we
40 identify possibly sensitive information, or you notify us that sensitive
41 information has been accidentally submitted, we will immediately delete that
42 information and notify you of our actions. Non-sensitive information will be
43 assumed to include names, nicknames, email addresses, and context for Engauge
44 Digitizer sample documents.
46 If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact
47 us immediately through any of the available methods at
77 # 3) desktop-qt5 only snaps a minimal qt application, so other packages must be added by us
88 # 4) sql plugins must be added so sqlite is available, which prevents a runtime error message about missing qsqlite
99 # that disappeared when the help feature started working
10 #
11 # Error like 'Authorization header missing' is fixed with 'snapcraft login'
13 echo "Run in Kubuntu 16.04 virtual machine"
1115 echo "Removing existing snap, if any, so it will not be confused with new snap if this script is interrupted"
1216 sudo snap remove engauge-digitizer
1721 rm -rf documentation
1923 mkdir -p build/desktop-file
24 mkdir -p build/meta/gui
2025 cd build
2126 BUILD=`pwd`
2934 cp ../snapcraft.yaml .
3035 cp ../../engauge-digitizer.desktop desktop-file
36 cp ../../../src/img/digitizer-32.png meta/gui/icon.png
3137 cp -r ../../../help .
3238 cp -r ../../../src .
00 name: engauge-digitizer
1 version: '10.10'
1 version: '12.0'
22 summary: Interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into numbers.
33 description: Software tool for extracting numbers from images of graphs and maps.
44 grade: stable
3333 # 9) To include log4cpp_null as part of the build, add the 'log4cpp_null' config argument. This is meant only for
3434 # building the snap package.
3535 # qmake CONFIG+=log4cpp_null
36 # 10) To add address sanitizer (sometimes trigggering race condition segfault in ubuntu), with line numbers for later gdb debugging
37 # qmake "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-fsanitize=address,undefined" "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-Werror=format" "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-g1"
38 # "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-fno-stack-protector" "LIBS=-fsanitize=address,undefined"
39 # 11) To add thread sanitizer (sometimes trigggering race condition segfault in ubuntu), with line numbers for later gdb debugging
40 # qmake "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-fsanitize=thread" "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-g1" "LIBS=-fsanitize=thread"
3641 #
3742 # More comments are in the INSTALL file, and below
3944 QT += core gui printsupport widgets xml
45 CONFIG += c++11 # For nullptr
4147 !mac {
4248 QT += help
7985 src/Callback/CallbackCheckEditPointAxis.h \
8086 src/Callback/CallbackDocumentHash.h \
8187 src/Callback/CallbackDocumentScrub.h \
82 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h \
88 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.h \
89 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.h \
90 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.h \
8391 src/Callback/CallbackNextOrdinal.h \
8492 src/Callback/CallbackPointOrdinal.h \
8593 src/Callback/CallbackRemovePointsInCurvesGraphs.h \
117125 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.h \
118126 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.h \
119127 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.h \
120 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h \
128 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.h \
121129 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.h \
122130 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.h \
123131 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.h \
180188 src/Cursor/CursorSize.h \
181189 src/Curve/Curve.h \
182190 src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.h \
191 src/include/CurveLimits.h \
183192 src/Curve/CurveNameList.h \
193 src/include/CurvesIncludedHash.h \
184194 src/Curve/CurveSettingsInt.h \
185195 src/Curve/CurvesGraphs.h \
186196 src/Curve/CurveStyle.h \
213223 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.h \
214224 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.h \
215225 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.h \
216 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h \
226 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.h \
217227 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.h \
218228 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.h \
219229 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.h \
339349 src/util/LinearToLog.h \
340350 src/Line/LineStyle.h \
341351 src/Load/LoadFileInfo.h \
352 src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.h \
342353 src/Logger/Logger.h \
343354 src/Logger/LoggerUpload.h \
344 src/Matrix/Matrix.h \
345355 src/main/MainDirectoryPersist.h \
346356 src/main/MainTitleBarFormat.h \
347357 src/main/MainWindow.h \
348358 src/main/MainWindowModel.h \
359 src/Matrix/Matrix.h \
349360 src/util/MigrateToVersion6.h \
350361 src/Mime/MimePointsDetector.h \
351362 src/Mime/MimePointsExport.h \
376387 src/Settings/SettingsForGraph.h \
377388 src/Spline/Spline.h \
378389 src/Spline/SplineCoeff.h \
390 src/Spline/SplineDrawer.h \
379391 src/Spline/SplinePair.h \
380392 src/StatusBar/StatusBar.h \
381393 src/StatusBar/StatusBarMode.h \
437449 src/Callback/CallbackCheckEditPointAxis.cpp \
438450 src/Callback/CallbackDocumentHash.cpp \
439451 src/Callback/CallbackDocumentScrub.cpp \
440 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.cpp \
452 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.cpp \
453 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.cpp \
454 src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.cpp \
441455 src/Callback/CallbackNextOrdinal.cpp \
442456 src/Callback/CallbackPointOrdinal.cpp \
443457 src/Callback/CallbackRemovePointsInCurvesGraphs.cpp \
474488 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp \
475489 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp \
476490 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp \
477 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp \
491 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp \
478492 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp \
479493 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp \
480494 src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp \
513527 src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp \
514528 src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp \
515529 src/Correlation/Correlation.cpp \
516 src/Cursor/CursorFactory.cpp \
517 src/Cursor/CursorSize.cpp \
518530 src/Create/CreateActions.cpp \
519531 src/Create/CreateCentralWidget.cpp \
520532 src/Create/CreateCommandStackShadow.cpp \
532544 src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp \
533545 src/Create/CreateTutorial.cpp \
534546 src/Create/CreateZoomMaps.cpp \
547 src/Cursor/CursorFactory.cpp \
548 src/Cursor/CursorSize.cpp \
535549 src/Curve/Curve.cpp \
536550 src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp \
537551 src/Curve/CurveNameList.cpp \
567581 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp \
568582 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp \
569583 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp \
570 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp \
584 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp \
571585 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp \
572586 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp \
573587 src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp \
680694 src/util/LinearToLog.cpp \
681695 src/Line/LineStyle.cpp \
682696 src/Load/LoadFileInfo.cpp \
697 src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp \
683698 src/Logger/Logger.cpp \
684699 src/Logger/LoggerUpload.cpp \
685 src/Matrix/Matrix.cpp \
686700 src/main/main.cpp \
687701 src/main/MainDirectoryPersist.cpp \
688702 src/main/MainWindow.cpp \
689703 src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp \
704 src/Matrix/Matrix.cpp \
690705 src/util/MigrateToVersion6.cpp \
691706 src/Mime/MimePointsDetector.cpp \
692707 src/Mime/MimePointsExport.cpp \
714729 src/Settings/SettingsForGraph.cpp \
715730 src/Spline/Spline.cpp \
716731 src/Spline/SplineCoeff.cpp \
732 src/Spline/SplineDrawer.cpp \
717733 src/Spline/SplinePair.cpp \
718734 src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp \
735 src/StatusBar/StatusBarMode.cpp \
719736 src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp \
720737 src/Transformation/TransformationStateAbstractBase.cpp \
721738 src/Transformation/TransformationStateContext.cpp \
783800 }
785802 linux-* {
803 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wunused-parameter
786804 QT += network
788 HEADERS += src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.h \
789 src/Network/NetworkClient.h
790 SOURCES += src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp \
791 src/Network/NetworkClient.cpp
806 HEADERS += src/Network/NetworkClient.h
807 SOURCES += src/Network/NetworkClient.cpp
792808 INCLUDEPATH += $$(FFTW_HOME)/include
793809 LIBS += -L/$$(FFTW_HOME)/lib
794810 !log4cpp_null {
9891005 message("log4cpp_null build: no")
9901006 }
1008 contains(DEFINES, NETWORKING) {
1009 message("networking build: yes")
1010 } else {
1011 message("networking build: no")
1012 }
9921014 # People interested in translating a language can contact the developers for help.
9931015 #
9941016 # Translation file names are 'engauge_XX_YY' or 'engauge_XX' where:
9951017 # XX = two letter language codes in column '639-1' at
9961018 # YY = two letter country codes in column 'ISO 3166-2' at
9971019 # where XX and YY are:
1020 #
1021 # ************************************************************
1022 # THIS LIST MUST BE UPDATED BELOW AND IN translations/step_*
1023 # ************************************************************
9981024 # ar = Arabic Egypt=_eg
9991025 # cs = Czech Czech Republic=_cs
10001026 # de = German Germany=_de
10011027 # en = English USA=us
10021028 # es = Spanish Spain=_es
1029 # fa = Farsi Iraq=_ir
10031030 # fr = French France=_fr
10041031 # hi = Hindi India=_in
10051032 # it = Italian Italy=_it
10061033 # ja = Japanese Japan=_jp
10071034 # kk = Kazakh Kazakhstan=_kz
10081035 # ko = Korean SouthKorea=_kr
1036 # nb = Norwegian
10091037 # pt = Portuguese Brazil=_br
10101038 # ru = Russian Federation=_ru
10111039 # zh = Chinese China=_cn
10201048 translations/engauge_de.ts \
10211049 translations/engauge_en.ts \
10221050 translations/engauge_es.ts \
1051 translations/engauge_fa_IR.ts \
10231052 translations/engauge_fr.ts \
10241053 translations/engauge_hi.ts \
10251054 translations/engauge_it.ts \
10261055 translations/engauge_ja.ts \
10271056 translations/engauge_kk.ts \
10281057 translations/engauge_ko.ts \
1058 translations/engauge_nb.ts \
10291059 translations/engauge_pt.ts \
10301060 translations/engauge_ru.ts \
10311061 translations/engauge_zh.ts
0 engauge.qch
0 engauge.qch
1 engauge.qhc
0 # This bash script creates .qch and .qhc output files. Optional argument is target directory.
1 # Since bash has different locations depending on the operating system, no #! line is included.
2 #
3 # Usage: .../build_qt5_12_0.bash [destdir]
4 # where:
5 # [destdir] Optional destination directory relative to the directory containing this script.
6 # Default is ../bin/documentation
7 #
8 # This version is for qt 5.12.0 or newer, for which qcollectiongenerator is deprecated in favor of
9 # qhelpgenerator. Earlier versions of qcollectiongenerator fail since qch file is NOT generated
10 VER=`qmake -query QT_VERSION`
11 MAJOR=$(echo $VER | cut -f1 -d. )
12 MINOR=$(echo $VER | cut -f2 -d. )
13 SUBMINOR=$(echo $VER | cut -f3 -d. )
18 if (( MAJOR < MAJORMIN )); then
20 elif (( MAJOR == MAJORMIN )); then
21 if (( MINOR < MINORMIN )); then
23 elif (( MINOR == MINORMIN )); then
24 if (( SUBMINOR < SUBMINORMIN )); then
26 fi
27 fi
28 fi
29 if (( SUCCESS == 0 )); then
30 echo "Qt version must be $MAJORMIN.$MINORMIN.$SUBMINORMIN or newer. Use another build script"
31 exit
32 fi
33 # Run this script in the 'help' subdirectory to prevent confusion about $1 argument being relative
34 # script directory or current working directory. Flathub build script likes the 'cd' command in
35 # this script rather than outside
36 SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
37 WORKPATH=`pwd`
38 WORKDIR=`basename $WORKPATH`
39 if [[ $WORKDIR != "help" ]]; then
40 # Changing to script directory
42 fi
44 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
45 DESTDIR=../bin/documentation
46 else
48 fi
50 # Specifying ../bin/documentation directory here creates files in this directory
51 # AND ../bin/documentation (with different sizes) so we build into the local directory.
52 # Outputs:
53 # engauge.qch 3MB binary file
54 # engauge.qhc 32K SQLite file
55 qhelpgenerator engauge.qhp
57 # Move to target directory which is relative to the help subdirectory. OSX does not use qhc file
58 mkdir -p $DESTDIR
59 mv engauge.qch $DESTDIR
60 if [ -f engauge.qhc ]; then
61 mv engauge.qhc $DESTDIR
62 fi
88 QString backgroundImageToString (BackgroundImage backgroundImage)
99 {
10 QString rtn;
1012 switch (backgroundImage) {
12 return "None";
14 rtn = "None";
1315 break;
16 return "Original";
18 rtn = "Original";
1719 break;
20 return "Filtered";
22 rtn = "Filtered";
2123 break;
24 }
23 default:
24 return "Unknown";
25 }
26 return rtn;
2627 }
1515 GraphicsScene &scene) :
1616 m_context (context),
1717 m_scene (scene),
18 m_imageItem (0)
18 m_imageItem (nullptr)
1919 {
2020 // Create an image but do not show it until the appropriate state is reached
2121 QPixmap dummy;
3232 /// Single constructor
3333 BackgroundStateAbstractBase(BackgroundStateContext &context,
3434 GraphicsScene &scene);
35 ~BackgroundStateAbstractBase();
35 virtual ~BackgroundStateAbstractBase();
3737 /// Method that is called at the exact moment a state is entered. Typically called just after end for the previous state.
3838 virtual void begin() = 0;
3232 m_currentState = NUM_BACKGROUND_STATES; // Value that forces a transition right away
3333 requestStateTransition (BACKGROUND_STATE_UNLOADED);
3434 completeRequestedStateTransitionIfExists();
35 }
37 BackgroundStateContext::~BackgroundStateContext()
38 {
39 qDeleteAll (m_states);
3540 }
3742 void BackgroundStateContext::close()
101106 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "BackgroundStateContext::setBackgroundImage"
102107 << " background=" << backgroundImageToString (backgroundImage).toLatin1().data();
104 BackgroundState backgroundState;
109 BackgroundState backgroundState= BACKGROUND_STATE_NONE;
105111 switch (backgroundImage) {
107113 backgroundState = BACKGROUND_STATE_CURVE;
115121 backgroundState = BACKGROUND_STATE_ORIGINAL;
116122 break;
118 default:
119 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "BackgroundStateContext::selectBackgroundImage";
120 exit (-1);
121123 }
123125 // It is safe to transition to the new state immediately since no BackgroundState classes are on the stack
3434 /// Single constructor
3535 BackgroundStateContext(MainWindow &mainWindow);
37 /// Destructor deallocates memory
38 ~BackgroundStateContext();
3740 /// Open Document is being closed so remove the background
3841 void close();
1010 #include <qmath.h>
1111 #include "QtToString.h"
1212 #include "Transformation.h"
14 // Epsilon test values
15 const double ONE_PIXEL = 1.0; // Screen coordinates
16 const double ZERO_EPSILON = 0.0; // Graph coordinates
1418 CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::CallbackAxisPointsAbstract(const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
1519 DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired) :
3337 {
3438 }
36 bool CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::anyPointsRepeatPair (const CoordPairVector &vector) const
40 bool CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::anyPointsRepeatPair (const CoordPairVector &vector,
41 double epsilon) const
3742 {
3843 for (int pointLeft = 0; pointLeft < vector.count(); pointLeft++) {
3944 for (int pointRight = pointLeft + 1; pointRight < vector.count(); pointRight++) {
41 if (( == &&
42 ( == {
46 if (qAbs ( - <= epsilon &&
47 qAbs ( - <= epsilon) {
4449 // Points pointLeft and pointRight repeat each other, which means matrix cannot be inverted
4550 return true;
5156 return false;
5257 }
54 bool CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::anyPointsRepeatSingle (const CoordSingleVector &vector) const
59 bool CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::anyPointsRepeatSingle (const CoordSingleVector &vector,
60 double epsilon) const
5561 {
5662 for (int pointLeft = 0; pointLeft < vector.count(); pointLeft++) {
5763 for (int pointRight = pointLeft + 1; pointRight < vector.count(); pointRight++) {
59 if ( == {
65 if (qAbs ( - <= epsilon) {
6167 // Points pointLeft and pointRight repeat each other, which means matrix cannot be inverted
6268 return true;
119125 }
121127 // Error checking
122 if (anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputs)) {
128 if (anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputs,
129 ONE_PIXEL)) {
124131 m_isError = true;
125132 m_errorMessage = QObject::tr ("New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point");
164171 // Error checking
165172 if ((m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2 ||
166173 m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3) &&
167 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputs)) {
174 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputs, ONE_PIXEL)) {
169176 m_isError = true;
170177 m_errorMessage = QObject::tr ("New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point");
173180 } else if ((m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2 ||
174181 m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3) &&
175 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_graphOutputs)) {
182 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_graphOutputs, ZERO_EPSILON)) {
177184 m_isError = true;
178185 m_errorMessage = QObject::tr ("New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point");
259266 }
261268 // Error checking
262 if (anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputsX) ||
263 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputsY)) {
269 if (anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputsX,
270 ONE_PIXEL) ||
271 anyPointsRepeatPair (m_screenInputsY,
272 ONE_PIXEL)) {
265274 m_isError = true;
266275 m_errorMessage = QObject::tr ("New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point");
269 } else if (anyPointsRepeatSingle (m_graphOutputsX) ||
270 anyPointsRepeatSingle (m_graphOutputsY)) {
278 } else if (anyPointsRepeatSingle (m_graphOutputsX,
280 anyPointsRepeatSingle (m_graphOutputsY,
272283 m_isError = true;
273284 m_errorMessage = QObject::tr ("New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point");
468479 unsigned int CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::numberAxisPoints () const
469480 {
470481 if (m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2) {
471 return m_screenInputs.count();
482 return unsigned (m_screenInputs.count());
472483 } else if (m_documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3) {
473 return m_screenInputs.count();
474 } else {
475 return m_screenInputsX.count() + m_screenInputsY.count();
484 return unsigned (m_screenInputs.count());
485 } else {
486 return unsigned (m_screenInputsX.count() + m_screenInputsY.count());
476487 }
477488 }
479490 bool CallbackAxisPointsAbstract::threePointsAreCollinear (const QTransform &transform)
480491 {
481 return (transform.determinant() == 0);
482 }
492 return !transform.isInvertible ();
493 }
8484 private:
86 bool anyPointsRepeatPair (const CoordPairVector &vector) const;
87 bool anyPointsRepeatSingle (const CoordSingleVector &vector) const;
86 /// Check for repeating points. Epsilon test is used to prevent floating point comparison compiler warning for -Wall
87 bool anyPointsRepeatPair (const CoordPairVector &vector,
88 double epsilon) const;
90 /// Check for repeating points. Epsilon test is used to prevent floating point comparison compiler warning for -Wall
91 bool anyPointsRepeatSingle (const CoordSingleVector &vector,
92 double epsilon) const;
8893 CallbackSearchReturn callbackRequire2AxisPoints (const QPointF &posScreen,
8994 const QPointF &posGraph);
9095 CallbackSearchReturn callbackRequire3AxisPoints (const QPointF &posScreen,
1111 #include "QtToString.h"
1212 #include "Transformation.h"
14 CallbackBoundingRects::CallbackBoundingRects(const Transformation &transformation) :
15 m_isEmpty (true),
14 CallbackBoundingRects::CallbackBoundingRects(DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired,
15 const Transformation &transformation) :
16 m_documentAxesPointsRequired (documentAxesPointsRequired),
17 m_isEmptyGraphX (true),
18 m_isEmptyGraphY (true),
19 m_isEmptyScreenX (true),
20 m_isEmptyScreenY (true),
1621 m_transformation (transformation)
1722 {
1823 }
20 QRectF CallbackBoundingRects::boundingRectGraph (bool &isEmpty) const
25 QPointF CallbackBoundingRects::boundingRectGraphMax (bool &isEmpty) const
2126 {
22 isEmpty = m_isEmpty;
27 // Need both X and Y before results are useful
28 isEmpty = m_isEmptyGraphX || m_isEmptyGraphY;
24 return m_boundingRectGraph;
30 return m_boundingRectGraphMax;
31 }
33 QPointF CallbackBoundingRects::boundingRectGraphMin (bool &isEmpty) const
34 {
35 // Need both X and Y before results are useful
36 isEmpty = m_isEmptyGraphX || m_isEmptyGraphY;
38 return m_boundingRectGraphMin;
2539 }
2741 QRectF CallbackBoundingRects::boundingRectScreen (bool &isEmpty) const
2842 {
29 isEmpty = m_isEmpty;
43 // Need both X and Y before results are useful
44 isEmpty = m_isEmptyScreenX || m_isEmptyScreenY;
31 return m_boundingRectScreen;
46 return QRectF (m_boundingRectScreenMin,
47 m_boundingRectScreenMax).normalized();
3248 }
3450 CallbackSearchReturn CallbackBoundingRects::callback (const QString &curveName,
3551 const Point &point)
3652 {
3753 QPointF posGraph;
54 bool haveGraphX = true, haveGraphY = true;
3855 if (curveName == AXIS_CURVE_NAME) {
3956 posGraph = point.posGraph(); // Axis point has graph coordinates
58 haveGraphX = (m_documentAxesPointsRequired != DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_4) || point.isXOnly();
59 haveGraphY = (m_documentAxesPointsRequired != DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_4) || !point.isXOnly();
4061 } else {
4162 m_transformation.transformScreenToRawGraph (point.posScreen(),
4263 posGraph); // Curve point has undefined graph coordinates, but they can be calculated
4364 }
44 mergeCoordinates (posGraph,
45 m_boundingRectGraph);
46 mergeCoordinates (point.posScreen(),
47 m_boundingRectScreen);
49 m_isEmpty = false; // Set this after the calls to mergeCoordinates which uses it
66 if (haveGraphX) {
67 mergeCoordinateX (posGraph,
68 m_boundingRectGraphMin,
69 m_boundingRectGraphMax,
70 m_isEmptyGraphX);
71 }
72 if (haveGraphY) {
73 mergeCoordinateY (posGraph,
74 m_boundingRectGraphMin,
75 m_boundingRectGraphMax,
76 m_isEmptyGraphY);
77 }
78 mergeCoordinateX (point.posScreen(),
79 m_boundingRectScreenMin,
80 m_boundingRectScreenMax,
81 m_isEmptyScreenX);
82 mergeCoordinateY (point.posScreen(),
83 m_boundingRectScreenMin,
84 m_boundingRectScreenMax,
85 m_isEmptyScreenY);
5288 }
54 void CallbackBoundingRects::mergeCoordinates (const QPointF &pos,
55 QRectF &boundingRect)
90 void CallbackBoundingRects::mergeCoordinateX (const QPointF &pos,
91 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
92 QPointF &boundingRectMax,
93 bool &isEmpty)
5694 {
57 bool newGraphLeft = m_isEmpty;
58 bool newGraphTop = m_isEmpty;
59 bool newGraphRight = m_isEmpty;
60 bool newGraphBottom = m_isEmpty;
95 bool newGraphMin = isEmpty;
96 bool newGraphMax = isEmpty;
62 if (!newGraphLeft) {
63 newGraphLeft = (pos.x() < boundingRect.left());
98 if (!newGraphMin) {
99 newGraphMin = (pos.x() < boundingRectMin.x());
64100 }
65 if (!newGraphTop) {
66 newGraphTop = (pos.y() <;
67 }
68 if (!newGraphRight) {
69 newGraphRight = (boundingRect.right() < pos.x());
70 }
71 if (!newGraphBottom) {
72 newGraphBottom = (boundingRect.bottom() < pos.y());
101 if (!newGraphMax) {
102 newGraphMax = (boundingRectMax.x() < pos.x());
73103 }
75 if (newGraphLeft) {
76 boundingRect.setLeft (pos.x());
105 if (newGraphMin) {
106 boundingRectMin.setX (pos.x());
77107 }
78 if (newGraphTop) {
79 boundingRect.setTop (pos.y());
108 if (newGraphMax) {
109 boundingRectMax.setX (pos.x());
80110 }
81 if (newGraphRight) {
82 boundingRect.setRight (pos.x());
112 isEmpty = false;
113 }
115 void CallbackBoundingRects::mergeCoordinateY (const QPointF &pos,
116 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
117 QPointF &boundingRectMax,
118 bool &isEmpty)
119 {
120 bool newGraphMin = isEmpty;
121 bool newGraphMax = isEmpty;
123 if (!newGraphMin) {
124 newGraphMin = (pos.y() < boundingRectMin.y());
83125 }
84 if (newGraphBottom) {
85 boundingRect.setBottom (pos.y());
126 if (!newGraphMax) {
127 newGraphMax = (boundingRectMax.y() < pos.y());
86128 }
130 if (newGraphMin) {
131 boundingRectMin.setY (pos.y());
132 }
133 if (newGraphMax) {
134 boundingRectMax.setY (pos.y());
135 }
137 isEmpty = false;
87138 }
99 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
10 #include "DocumentAxesPointsRequired.h"
1011 #include <QPointF>
1112 #include <QRectF>
1213 #include <QString>
1920 {
2021 public:
2122 /// Single constructor
22 CallbackBoundingRects(const Transformation &transformation);
23 CallbackBoundingRects(DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired,
24 const Transformation &transformation);
24 /// Graph coordinate bounding rectangle
25 QRectF boundingRectGraph (bool &isEmpty) const;
26 /// Graph coordinate bounding rectangle's (xmin,ymin) corner. QRectF is not returned since it rounds
27 /// off the smaller coordinates to zero when large dynamic ranges appear, and those zeros
28 /// break the log scale algorithm
29 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin (bool &isEmpty) const;
31 /// Graph coordinate bounding rectangle's (xmax,ymax) corner. QRectF is not returned since it rounds
32 /// off the smaller coordinates to zero when large dynamic ranges appear, and those zeros
33 /// break the log scale algorithm
34 QPointF boundingRectGraphMax (bool &isEmpty) const;
2736 /// Screen coordinate bounding rectangle
2837 QRectF boundingRectScreen (bool &isEmpty) const;
3443 private:
3544 CallbackBoundingRects();
37 void mergeCoordinates (const QPointF &pos,
38 QRectF &boundingRect);
46 void mergeCoordinateX (const QPointF &pos,
47 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
48 QPointF &boundingRectMax,
49 bool &isEmpty);
50 void mergeCoordinateY (const QPointF &pos,
51 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
52 QPointF &boundingRectMax,
53 bool &isEmpty);
40 bool m_isEmpty;
55 DocumentAxesPointsRequired m_documentAxesPointsRequired;
56 bool m_isEmptyGraphX; // Have x graph bounds been initialized
57 bool m_isEmptyGraphY; // Have y graph bounds been initialized
58 bool m_isEmptyScreenX; // Have x screen bounds been initialized
59 bool m_isEmptyScreenY; // Have y screen bounds been initialized
4160 const Transformation m_transformation;
42 QRectF m_boundingRectGraph;
43 QRectF m_boundingRectScreen;
61 QPointF m_boundingRectGraphMin; // Not a QRectF for reasons explained by boundingRectGraphMin
62 QPointF m_boundingRectGraphMax; // Not a QRectF for reasons explained by boundingRectGraphMax
63 QPointF m_boundingRectScreenMin; // Consistent with m_boundingRectGraphMin
64 QPointF m_boundingRectScreenMax; // Consistent with m_boundingRectGraphMax
4465 };
1414 CallbackDocumentHash::CallbackDocumentHash(DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired) :
1515 m_documentAxesPointsRequired (documentAxesPointsRequired),
1616 m_documentHash (QCryptographicHash::Md5)
17 {
18 }
20 CallbackDocumentHash::~CallbackDocumentHash()
1721 {
1822 }
6165 }
6266 break;
64 default:
65 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
6667 }
6768 }
33 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
99 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
1010 #include "DocumentAxesPointsRequired.h"
2020 public:
2121 /// Single constructor
2222 CallbackDocumentHash(DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired);
23 virtual ~CallbackDocumentHash ();
2425 /// Callback method.
2526 CallbackSearchReturn callback (const QString &curveName,
3536 QCryptographicHash m_documentHash;
3637 };
src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.cpp less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h"
7 #include "DocumentModelExportFormat.h"
8 #include "ExportAlignLinear.h"
9 #include "ExportAlignLog.h"
10 #include "ExportLayoutFunctions.h"
11 #include "ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.h"
12 #include "Logger.h"
13 #include "Point.h"
15 CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions(const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
16 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
17 const Transformation &transformation) :
18 m_transformation (transformation)
19 {
20 bool firstCurveForGatherXTheta = (modelExport.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_FIRST_CURVE);
22 // Included just the first curve, or all curves depending on DocumentModelExportFormat
23 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
24 for (itr = curvesIncluded.begin(); itr != curvesIncluded.end(); itr++) {
26 QString curveIncluded = *itr;
27 m_curveNamesIncluded [curveIncluded] = true;
29 if (firstCurveForGatherXTheta) {
31 // We only want points belonging to the first included curve so exit this loop
32 break;
34 }
35 }
36 }
38 CallbackSearchReturn CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::callback (const QString &curveName,
39 const Point &point)
40 {
41 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::callback"
42 << " curveName=" << curveName.toLatin1().data()
43 << " point=" << point.identifier().toLatin1().data();
45 if (m_curveNamesIncluded.contains (curveName)) {
47 QPointF posGraph;
48 m_transformation.transformScreenToRawGraph (point.posScreen(),
49 posGraph);
51 m_xThetaValues [posGraph.x ()] = true;
52 }
55 }
57 ValuesVectorXOrY CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::xThetaValuesRaw () const
58 {
59 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::xThetaValuesRaw";
61 return m_xThetaValues;
62 }
src/Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
10 #include "ExportValuesXOrY.h"
11 #include <QHash>
12 #include <QMap>
13 #include "Transformation.h"
14 #include "ValuesVectorXOrY.h"
16 class DocumentModelExportFormat;
17 class Point;
19 // Save values into container that preserves order by key (QMap). These are common to all included curves
20 // QMap is for fast random access
21 typedef QMap<double, bool> ValuesVectorXOrY;
23 typedef QHash<QString, bool> CurveNamesIncluded;
25 /// Callback for collecting X/Theta independent variables, for functions, in preparation for exporting.
26 class CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions
27 {
28 public:
29 /// Single constructor.
30 CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions(const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
31 const QStringList &curveNamesIncluded,
32 const Transformation &transformation);
34 /// Callback method.
35 CallbackSearchReturn callback (const QString &curveName,
36 const Point &point);
38 /// Resulting x/theta values for all included functions
39 ValuesVectorXOrY xThetaValuesRaw () const;
41 private:
42 CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions();
44 const Transformation m_transformation;
45 CurveNamesIncluded m_curveNamesIncluded;
46 ValuesVectorXOrY m_xThetaValues;
47 };
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.h"
7 #include "DocumentModelExportFormat.h"
8 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
9 #include "ExportAlignLinear.h"
10 #include "ExportAlignLog.h"
11 #include "ExportLayoutFunctions.h"
12 #include "ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.h"
13 #include "Logger.h"
14 #include "Point.h"
16 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase(bool firstCurveOnly,
17 bool extrapolateOutsideEndpoints,
18 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
19 const Transformation &transformation) :
20 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints (extrapolateOutsideEndpoints),
21 m_curvesIncluded (curvesIncluded),
22 m_transformation (transformation)
23 {
24 // Include just the first curve, or all curves depending on DocumentModelExportFormat
25 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
26 for (itr = curvesIncluded.begin(); itr != curvesIncluded.end(); itr++) {
28 QString curveIncluded = *itr;
29 m_curvesIncludedHash [curveIncluded] = true;
31 if (firstCurveOnly) {
33 // We only want points belonging to the first included curve so exit this loop
34 break;
36 }
37 }
38 }
40 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::~CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase()
41 {
42 }
44 void CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::addGraphX (double xGraph)
45 {
46 m_xThetaValues [xGraph] = true;
47 }
49 CurveLimits CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::curveLimitsMax () const
50 {
51 return m_curveLimitsMax;
52 }
54 CurveLimits CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::curveLimitsMin () const
55 {
56 return m_curveLimitsMin;
57 }
59 QStringList CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::curvesIncluded () const
60 {
61 return m_curvesIncluded;
62 }
64 CurvesIncludedHash CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::curvesIncludedHash () const
65 {
66 return m_curvesIncludedHash;
67 }
69 const Transformation &CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::transformation () const
70 {
71 return m_transformation;
72 }
74 void CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::updateMinMax (const QString &curveName,
75 const Point &point)
76 {
77 // Skip unless the endpoints are to be collected. We update the min/max values
78 // even if the curve is not curvesIncludedHash since endpoints are sometimes
79 // required for curves other than the first when collecting just xTheta values from
80 // the first curve
81 if (!m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints) {
83 QPointF posGraph;
84 transformation ().transformScreenToRawGraph (point.posScreen(),
85 posGraph);
87 if (!m_curveLimitsMin.contains (curveName) ||
88 posGraph.x() < m_curveLimitsMin [curveName]) {
90 m_curveLimitsMin [curveName] = posGraph.x ();
91 }
93 if (!m_curveLimitsMax.contains (curveName) ||
94 posGraph.x() > m_curveLimitsMax [curveName]) {
96 m_curveLimitsMax [curveName] = posGraph.x ();
97 }
98 }
99 }
101 ValuesVectorXOrY CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::xThetaValuesRaw () const
102 {
103 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase::xThetaValuesRaw";
105 return m_xThetaValues;
106 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
10 #include "CurveLimits.h"
11 #include "CurvesIncludedHash.h"
12 #include "ExportValuesXOrY.h"
13 #include "Transformation.h"
14 #include "ValuesVectorXOrY.h"
16 class Point;
18 /// Base callback for collecting X/Theta independent variables, for functions, in preparation for exporting
19 class CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase
20 {
21 public:
22 /// Single constructor.
23 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase(bool firstCurveOnly,
24 bool extrapolateOutsideEndpoints,
25 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
26 const Transformation &transformation);
27 virtual ~CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase ();
29 /// Callback method.
30 virtual CallbackSearchReturn callback (const QString &curveName,
31 const Point &point) = 0;
33 /// Endpoint maxima for each curve, if extrapolation has been disabled
34 CurveLimits curveLimitsMax () const;
36 /// Endpoint minima for each curve, if extrapolation has been disabled
37 CurveLimits curveLimitsMin () const;
39 /// Resulting x/theta values for all included functions
40 ValuesVectorXOrY xThetaValuesRaw () const;
42 protected:
44 /// Save one graph x value
45 void addGraphX (double xGraph);
47 /// Get method for included names
48 QStringList curvesIncluded () const;
50 /// Get method for included names as hash
51 CurvesIncludedHash curvesIncludedHash () const;
53 /// Get method for transformation
54 const Transformation &transformation() const;
56 /// Update the tracked min and max values for each curve
57 void updateMinMax (const QString &curveName,
58 const Point &point);
60 private:
61 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase();
63 bool m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints;
64 QStringList m_curvesIncluded;
65 const Transformation m_transformation;
66 CurvesIncludedHash m_curvesIncludedHash;
67 ValuesVectorXOrY m_xThetaValues;
69 // Curve limits that may or may not be merged into m_xThetaValues
70 CurveLimits m_curveLimitsMin;
71 CurveLimits m_curveLimitsMax;
72 };
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.h"
7 #include "DocumentModelExportFormat.h"
8 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
9 #include "ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.h"
10 #include "Logger.h"
11 #include "Point.h"
13 CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves::CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves(const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
14 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
15 const Transformation &transformation) :
16 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase ((modelExport.pointsSelectionFunctions() ==
18 modelExport.extrapolateOutsideEndpoints (),
19 curvesIncluded,
20 transformation)
21 {
22 }
24 CallbackSearchReturn CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves::callback (const QString &curveName,
25 const Point &point)
26 {
27 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves::callback"
28 << " curveName=" << curveName.toLatin1().data()
29 << " point=" << point.identifier().toLatin1().data();
31 updateMinMax (curveName,
32 point);
34 if (curvesIncludedHash ().contains (curveName)) {
36 QPointF posGraph;
37 transformation ().transformScreenToRawGraph (point.posScreen(),
38 posGraph);
39 addGraphX (posGraph.x ());
40 }
43 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.h"
10 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
11 #include "ExportValuesXOrY.h"
12 #include "Transformation.h"
13 #include "ValuesVectorXOrY.h"
15 class DocumentModelExportFormat;
16 class Point;
18 /// Callback for collecting X/Theta independent variables, for functions, in preparation for exporting,
19 /// based on curve points.
20 ///
21 /// Although most of the time the X values are extracted from the X values of the document curves, they are sometimes
22 /// extracted from the X coordinates of the grid lines (depending on ExportPointsSelectionFunctions), or even
23 /// both the document curves and grid lines
24 class CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves : public CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase
25 {
26 public:
27 /// Single constructor.
28 CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves(const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
29 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
30 const Transformation &transformation);
32 /// Callback method.
33 virtual CallbackSearchReturn callback (const QString &curveName,
34 const Point &point);
36 private:
37 CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves();
39 };
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.h"
7 #include "Document.h"
8 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
9 #include "ExportAlignLinear.h"
10 #include "ExportAlignLog.h"
11 #include "ExportLayoutFunctions.h"
12 #include "ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.h"
13 #include "GridLineLimiter.h"
14 #include "Logger.h"
15 #include "MainWindowModel.h"
16 #include "Point.h"
17 #include <qmath.h>
19 const bool NOT_FIRST_CURVE_ONLY = false;
21 CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines::CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines(const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
22 const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
23 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
24 const Transformation &transformation,
25 const Document &document) :
26 CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase (NOT_FIRST_CURVE_ONLY,
27 modelExport.extrapolateOutsideEndpoints (),
28 curvesIncluded,
29 transformation)
30 {
31 addGridLines (modelMainWindow,
32 transformation,
33 document);
34 }
36 void CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines::addGridLines (const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
37 const Transformation &transformation,
38 const Document &document)
39 {
40 DocumentModelGridDisplay gridLines = document.modelGridDisplay();
42 // Prevent overflow
43 GridLineLimiter gridLineLimiter;
44 double startX = document.modelGridDisplay().startX();
45 double stepX = document.modelGridDisplay().stepX();
46 double stopX = document.modelGridDisplay().stopX();
47 gridLineLimiter.limitForXTheta (document,
48 transformation,
49 document.modelCoords(),
50 modelMainWindow,
51 document.modelGridDisplay(),
52 startX,
53 stepX,
54 stopX);
55 if (document.modelCoords().coordScaleXTheta() == COORD_SCALE_LINEAR) {
56 // Linear
57 int countX = qFloor (0.5 + 1 + (stopX - startX) / stepX);
58 for (int i = 0; i < countX; i++) {
59 double x = startX + i * stepX;
60 addGraphX (x);
61 }
62 } else {
63 // Log
64 int countX = qFloor (1.0 + (qLn (stopX) - qLn (startX)) / qLn (stepX));
65 for (int i = 0; i < countX; i++) {
66 double x = startX * qPow (stepX, i);
67 addGraphX (x);
68 }
69 }
70 }
72 CallbackSearchReturn CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines::callback (const QString &curveName,
73 const Point &point)
74 {
75 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines::callback"
76 << " curveName=" << curveName.toLatin1().data()
77 << " point=" << point.identifier().toLatin1().data();
79 updateMinMax (curveName,
80 point);
83 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.h"
10 #include "CallbackSearchReturn.h"
11 #include "ExportValuesXOrY.h"
12 #include "Transformation.h"
13 #include <QHash>
14 #include <QString>
15 #include "ValuesVectorXOrY.h"
17 class Document;
18 class MainWindowModel;
19 class Point;
21 /// Callback for collecting X/Theta independent variables, for functions, in preparation for exporting,
22 /// based on grid lines.
23 ///
24 /// Although most of the time the X values are extracted from the X values of the document curves, they are sometimes
25 /// extracted from the X coordinates of the grid lines (depending on ExportPointsSelectionFunctions), or even
26 /// both the document curves and grid lines
27 class CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines : public CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase
28 {
29 public:
30 /// Single constructor.
31 CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines(const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
32 const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
33 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
34 const Transformation &transformation,
35 const Document &document);
37 /// Callback method.
38 virtual CallbackSearchReturn callback (const QString &curveName,
39 const Point &point);
41 private:
42 CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines();
44 void addGridLines (const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
45 const Transformation &transformation,
46 const Document &document);
47 };
66 #include "CallbackNextOrdinal.h"
77 #include "Logger.h"
88 #include "Point.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
1011 CallbackNextOrdinal::CallbackNextOrdinal(const QString &curveName) :
1112 m_curveName (curveName),
2829 double CallbackNextOrdinal::nextOrdinal () const
2930 {
30 int nextOrdinal = m_maxOrdinalUsed + 1;
31 int nextOrdinal = qFloor (m_maxOrdinalUsed) + 1;
3233 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CallbackNextOrdinal::nextOrdinal"
3334 << " ordinal=" << nextOrdinal;
4040 &projectedDistanceOutsideLine,
4141 &distanceToLine);
43 // Compare to best so far
43 // Compare the best so far
44 bool distancesAreEqual = (qAbs (distanceToLine - m_minimumDistanceToLine) <= 0); // Epsilon test prevents compiler warning
4445 if (!m_haveMinimumDistanceToLine ||
4546 (distanceToLine < m_minimumDistanceToLine) ||
46 (distanceToLine == m_minimumDistanceToLine && projectedDistanceOutsideLine < m_minimumProjectedDistanceOutsideLine)) {
47 (distancesAreEqual && projectedDistanceOutsideLine < m_minimumProjectedDistanceOutsideLine)) {
48 // Compute ordinal
49 if (projectedDistanceOutsideLine == 0) {
49 // Compute ordinal using epsilon test to prevent compiler warning
50 if (qAbs (projectedDistanceOutsideLine) <= 0) {
5152 // Put new point inside the line segment
5253 m_ordinal = (pointStart.ordinal() + pointStop.ordinal()) / 2.0;
3333 if (curveName == AXIS_CURVE_NAME) {
35 bool isNonzeroX = (point.posGraph ().x () != 0);
36 bool isNonzeroY = (point.posGraph ().y () != 0);
35 bool isNonzeroX = (qAbs (point.posGraph ().x ()) > 0);
36 bool isNonzeroY = (qAbs (point.posGraph ().y ()) > 0);
3838 if (isNonzeroX || isNonzeroY) {
2727 return !isError () && (numberAxisPoints () == 4);
29 default:
30 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
3128 }
3330 return !isError () && (numberAxisPoints () == 4);
3535 {
3636 }
38 Checker::~Checker()
39 {
40 m_gridLines.clear ();
41 }
3843 void Checker::adjustPolarAngleRanges (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
3944 const Transformation &transformation,
4045 const QList<Point> &points,
3434 public:
3535 /// Single constructor for DlgSettingsAxesChecker, which does not have an explicit transformation. The identity transformation is assumed
3636 Checker(QGraphicsScene &scene);
37 virtual ~Checker ();
3839 /// Create the polygon from current information, including pixel coordinates, just prior to display. This is for DlgSettingsAxesChecker.
3940 /// The identity matrix is used for the transformations between screen and graph coordinates. The point radius is used to exclude
4041 /// the lines from the axes points for clarity
99 QString checkerModeToString (CheckerMode checkerMode)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (checkerMode) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Never");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Never");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("NSeconds");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("NSeconds");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("Forever");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("Forever");
24 break;
25 }
21 default:
22 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
23 }
27 return rtn;
2428 }
1313 ChecklistGuide::ChecklistGuide (QWidget *parent) :
1414 QDockWidget (parent),
15 m_browser (0)
15 m_browser (nullptr)
1616 {
1717 setVisible (false);
1818 setAllowedAreas (Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas);
1515 ChecklistGuidePage::ChecklistGuidePage(const QString &title) :
1616 m_row (0),
17 m_checklineLineEditContainer (0),
18 m_checklineLineEditLayout (0)
17 m_checklineLineEditContainer (nullptr),
18 m_checklineLineEditLayout (nullptr)
1919 {
2020 setTitle (title);
5959 bool isFirst = false;
61 if (m_checklineLineEditContainer == 0) {
61 if (m_checklineLineEditContainer == nullptr) {
6363 isFirst = true;
2424 addHtml (QString ("<p>%1</p>")
2525 .arg (tr ("What are the names of the curves that are to be digitized? At least one entry is required.")));
27 m_edit = new ChecklistLineEdit* [NUM_CURVE_NAMES()];
27 m_edit = new ChecklistLineEdit* [unsigned (NUM_CURVE_NAMES())];
2929 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CURVE_NAMES(); i++) {
3030 m_edit [i] = new ChecklistLineEdit;
4646 QStringList ChecklistGuideWizard::curveNames(CoordSystemIndex coordSystemIndex) const
4747 {
48 return m_pageCurves [coordSystemIndex]->curveNames();
48 return m_pageCurves [signed (coordSystemIndex)]->curveNames();
4949 }
5151 QString ChecklistGuideWizard::pageCurvesTitle (CoordSystemIndex coordSystemIndex,
7676 {
7777 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ChecklistGuideWizard::populateCurvesGraphs";
79 QStringList curveNames = m_pageCurves [coordSystemIndex]->curveNames();
79 QStringList curveNames = m_pageCurves [signed (coordSystemIndex)]->curveNames();
8080 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
8181 for (itr = curveNames.begin(); itr != curveNames.end(); itr++) {
9393 {
9494 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ChecklistGuideWizard::templateHtml";
96 QStringList curveNames = m_pageCurves [coordSystemIndex]->curveNames();
97 bool withLines = m_pageCurves [coordSystemIndex]->withLines();
96 QStringList curveNames = m_pageCurves [signed (coordSystemIndex)]->curveNames();
97 bool withLines = m_pageCurves [signed (coordSystemIndex)]->withLines();
9999 QString html;
100100 QTextStream str (&html);
1919 #include "CmdSettingsAxesChecker.h"
2020 #include "CmdSettingsColorFilter.h"
2121 #include "CmdSettingsCoords.h"
22 #include "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
22 #include "CmdSettingsCurveList.h"
2323 #include "CmdSettingsCurveProperties.h"
2424 #include "CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.h"
2525 #include "CmdSettingsExportFormat.h"
4242 Document &document,
4343 QXmlStreamReader &reader)
4444 {
45 CmdAbstract *cmd = 0;
45 CmdAbstract *cmd = nullptr;
4747 QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes();
4848 if (!attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_TYPE) ||
127127 document,
128128 cmdDescription,
129129 reader);
131 cmd = new CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove (mainWindow,
132 document,
133 cmdDescription,
134 reader);
131 cmd = new CmdSettingsCurveList (mainWindow,
132 document,
133 cmdDescription,
134 reader);
136136 cmd = new CmdSettingsCurveProperties (mainWindow,
137137 document,
1616 CmdAbstract (mainWindow,
1717 document,
1818 cmdDescription),
19 m_curveAxes (0),
20 m_curvesGraphs (0)
19 m_curveAxes (nullptr),
20 m_curvesGraphs (nullptr)
2121 {
2222 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdPointChangeBase::CmdPointChangeBase";
2323 }
3030 {
3131 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdPointChangeBase::restoreDocumentState";
33 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_curveAxes != 0);
34 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_curvesGraphs != 0);
33 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_curveAxes);
34 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_curvesGraphs);
3636 document.setCurveAxes (*m_curveAxes);
3737 document.setCurvesGraphs (*m_curvesGraphs);
src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
7 #include "CurveNameList.h"
8 #include "Document.h"
9 #include "DocumentSerialize.h"
10 #include "Logger.h"
11 #include "MainWindow.h"
12 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
13 #include "Xml.h"
15 const QString CMD_DESCRIPTION ("Curve add/remove");
17 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove(MainWindow &mainWindow,
18 Document &document,
19 const CurveNameList &modelCurves) :
20 CmdAbstract(mainWindow,
21 document,
23 {
24 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove";
26 m_curvesGraphsBefore = document.curvesGraphs ();
28 // Build the 'after' state
29 for (int row = 0; row < modelCurves.rowCount (); row++) {
31 QModelIndex idxCurrent = modelCurves.index (row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
33 QString curveNameCurrent = (idxCurrent).toString ();
34 QString curveNameOriginal = modelCurves.currentCurveToOriginalCurve (curveNameCurrent);
35 if (!curveNameOriginal.isEmpty ()) {
37 // There was an original Curve
38 const Curve *curveOriginal = ((const Document&) document).curveForCurveName (curveNameOriginal);
39 Curve curveCurrent (*curveOriginal);
40 curveCurrent.setCurveName (curveNameCurrent);
42 m_curvesGraphsAfter.addGraphCurveAtEnd (curveCurrent); // Save Curve
44 } else {
46 // There was no original Curve
47 Curve curveCurrent (curveNameCurrent,
48 ColorFilterSettings::defaultFilter(),
49 CurveStyle (LineStyle::defaultGraphCurve(m_curvesGraphsAfter.numCurves()),
50 PointStyle::defaultGraphCurve(m_curvesGraphsAfter.numCurves())));
52 m_curvesGraphsAfter.addGraphCurveAtEnd (curveCurrent); // Save Curve
53 }
54 }
55 }
57 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove (MainWindow &mainWindow,
58 Document &document,
59 const QString &cmdDescription,
60 QXmlStreamReader &reader) :
61 CmdAbstract (mainWindow,
62 document,
63 cmdDescription)
64 {
65 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove";
67 bool success = true;
69 // Read until end of this subtree
70 bool isBefore = true;
71 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
73 loadNextFromReader(reader);
74 if (reader.atEnd()) {
75 xmlExitWithError (reader,
76 QString ("%1 %2")
77 .arg (QObject::tr ("Reached end of file before finding end element for"))
79 success = false;
80 break;
81 }
83 if ((reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) &&
86 if (isBefore) {
88 m_curvesGraphsBefore.loadXml (reader);
89 isBefore = false;
91 } else {
93 m_curvesGraphsAfter.loadXml (reader);
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 if (!success) {
100 reader.raiseError ("Cannot read curve add/remove settings");
101 }
102 }
104 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::~CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove ()
105 {
106 }
108 void CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::cmdRedo ()
109 {
110 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::cmdRedo";
112 saveOrCheckPreCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
113 mainWindow().updateSettingsCurveAddRemove(m_curvesGraphsAfter);
114 mainWindow().updateAfterCommand();
115 saveOrCheckPostCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
116 }
118 void CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::cmdUndo ()
119 {
120 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::cmdUndo";
122 saveOrCheckPostCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
123 mainWindow().updateSettingsCurveAddRemove(m_curvesGraphsBefore);
124 mainWindow().updateAfterCommand();
125 saveOrCheckPreCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
126 }
128 void CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove::saveXml (QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const
129 {
130 writer.writeStartElement(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD);
132 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_DESCRIPTION, QUndoCommand::text ());
133 m_curvesGraphsBefore.saveXml(writer);
134 m_curvesGraphsAfter.saveXml(writer);
135 writer.writeEndElement();
136 }
src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CmdAbstract.h"
10 #include "CurvesGraphs.h"
12 class CurveNameList;
13 class QXmlStreamReader;
15 /// Command for DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove
16 class CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove : public CmdAbstract
17 {
18 public:
19 /// Constructor for normal creation
20 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove(MainWindow &mainWindow,
21 Document &document,
22 const CurveNameList &modelCurves);
24 /// Constructor for parsing error report file xml
25 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove(MainWindow &mainWindow,
26 Document &document,
27 const QString &cmdDescription,
28 QXmlStreamReader &reader);
30 virtual ~CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove();
32 virtual void cmdRedo ();
33 virtual void cmdUndo ();
34 virtual void saveXml (QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const;
36 private:
37 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove();
39 CurvesGraphs m_curvesGraphsBefore;
40 CurvesGraphs m_curvesGraphsAfter;
41 };
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CmdSettingsCurveList.h"
7 #include "CurveNameList.h"
8 #include "Document.h"
9 #include "DocumentSerialize.h"
10 #include "Logger.h"
11 #include "MainWindow.h"
12 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
13 #include "Xml.h"
15 const QString CMD_DESCRIPTION ("Curve list");
17 CmdSettingsCurveList::CmdSettingsCurveList(MainWindow &mainWindow,
18 Document &document,
19 const CurveNameList &modelCurves) :
20 CmdAbstract(mainWindow,
21 document,
23 {
24 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveList::CmdSettingsCurveList";
26 m_curvesGraphsBefore = document.curvesGraphs ();
28 // Build the 'after' state
29 for (int row = 0; row < modelCurves.rowCount (); row++) {
31 QModelIndex idxCurrent = modelCurves.index (row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
33 QString curveNameCurrent = (idxCurrent).toString ();
34 QString curveNameOriginal = modelCurves.currentCurveToOriginalCurve (curveNameCurrent);
35 if (!curveNameOriginal.isEmpty ()) {
37 // There was an original Curve
38 const Document &documentConst = const_cast<Document&> (document);
39 const Curve *curveOriginal = documentConst.curveForCurveName (curveNameOriginal);
40 Curve curveCurrent (*curveOriginal);
41 curveCurrent.setCurveName (curveNameCurrent);
43 m_curvesGraphsAfter.addGraphCurveAtEnd (curveCurrent); // Save Curve
45 } else {
47 // There was no original Curve
48 Curve curveCurrent (curveNameCurrent,
49 ColorFilterSettings::defaultFilter(),
50 CurveStyle (LineStyle::defaultGraphCurve(m_curvesGraphsAfter.numCurves()),
51 PointStyle::defaultGraphCurve(m_curvesGraphsAfter.numCurves())));
53 m_curvesGraphsAfter.addGraphCurveAtEnd (curveCurrent); // Save Curve
54 }
55 }
56 }
58 CmdSettingsCurveList::CmdSettingsCurveList (MainWindow &mainWindow,
59 Document &document,
60 const QString &cmdDescription,
61 QXmlStreamReader &reader) :
62 CmdAbstract (mainWindow,
63 document,
64 cmdDescription)
65 {
66 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveList::CmdSettingsCurveList";
68 bool success = true;
70 // Read until end of this subtree
71 bool isBefore = true;
72 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
74 loadNextFromReader(reader);
75 if (reader.atEnd()) {
76 xmlExitWithError (reader,
77 QString ("%1 %2")
78 .arg (QObject::tr ("Reached end of file before finding end element for"))
80 success = false;
81 break;
82 }
84 if ((reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) &&
87 if (isBefore) {
89 m_curvesGraphsBefore.loadXml (reader);
90 isBefore = false;
92 } else {
94 m_curvesGraphsAfter.loadXml (reader);
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 if (!success) {
101 reader.raiseError ("Cannot read curve add/remove settings");
102 }
103 }
105 CmdSettingsCurveList::~CmdSettingsCurveList ()
106 {
107 }
109 void CmdSettingsCurveList::cmdRedo ()
110 {
111 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveList::cmdRedo";
113 saveOrCheckPreCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
114 mainWindow().updateSettingsCurveList(m_curvesGraphsAfter);
115 mainWindow().updateAfterCommand();
116 saveOrCheckPostCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
117 }
119 void CmdSettingsCurveList::cmdUndo ()
120 {
121 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdSettingsCurveList::cmdUndo";
123 saveOrCheckPostCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
124 mainWindow().updateSettingsCurveList(m_curvesGraphsBefore);
125 mainWindow().updateAfterCommand();
126 saveOrCheckPreCommandDocumentStateHash (document ());
127 }
129 void CmdSettingsCurveList::saveXml (QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const
130 {
131 writer.writeStartElement(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD);
133 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_DESCRIPTION, QUndoCommand::text ());
134 m_curvesGraphsBefore.saveXml(writer);
135 m_curvesGraphsAfter.saveXml(writer);
136 writer.writeEndElement();
137 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "CmdAbstract.h"
10 #include "CurvesGraphs.h"
12 class CurveNameList;
13 class QXmlStreamReader;
15 /// Command for DlgSettingsCurveList
16 class CmdSettingsCurveList : public CmdAbstract
17 {
18 public:
19 /// Constructor for normal creation
20 CmdSettingsCurveList(MainWindow &mainWindow,
21 Document &document,
22 const CurveNameList &modelCurves);
24 /// Constructor for parsing error report file xml
25 CmdSettingsCurveList(MainWindow &mainWindow,
26 Document &document,
27 const QString &cmdDescription,
28 QXmlStreamReader &reader);
30 virtual ~CmdSettingsCurveList();
32 virtual void cmdRedo ();
33 virtual void cmdUndo ();
34 virtual void saveXml (QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const;
36 private:
37 CmdSettingsCurveList();
39 CurvesGraphs m_curvesGraphsBefore;
40 CurvesGraphs m_curvesGraphsAfter;
41 };
1818 #include "Xml.h"
2020 CmdStackShadow::CmdStackShadow() :
21 m_mainWindow (0)
21 m_mainWindow (nullptr)
2222 {
2323 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CmdStackShadow::CmdStackShadow";
2424 }
7272 // Remove this command from the shadow command stack
7373 m_cmdList.pop_front();
75 if (m_mainWindow != 0) {
75 if (m_mainWindow != nullptr) {
7777 CmdRedoForTest *cmdRedoForTest = dynamic_cast<CmdRedoForTest*> (cmd);
7878 CmdUndoForTest *cmdUndoForTest = dynamic_cast<CmdUndoForTest*> (cmd);
80 if (cmdRedoForTest != 0) {
80 if (cmdRedoForTest != nullptr) {
8282 // Redo command is a special case. Redo of this command is equivalent to redo of the last command on the command stack
8383 // (which will never be CmdRedoForTest or CmdUndoForTest since they are never passed onto that command stack)
8484 emit (signalRedo ());
86 } else if (cmdUndoForTest != 0) {
86 } else if (cmdUndoForTest != nullptr) {
8888 // Undo command is a special case. Redo of this command is equivalent to undo of the last command on the command stack
8989 // (which will never be CmdRedoForTest or CmdUndoForTest since they are never passed onto that command stack)
2121 createStrategies ();
2222 }
24 ColorFilter::~ColorFilter()
25 {
26 qDeleteAll (m_strategies);
27 }
2429 bool ColorFilter::colorCompare (QRgb rgb1,
2530 QRgb rgb2) const
2631 {
2121 public:
2222 /// Single constructor.
2323 ColorFilter();
25 /// Destructor deallocates memory
26 ~ColorFilter();
2528 /// See if the two color values are close enough to be considered to be the same.
2629 bool colorCompare (QRgb rgb1,
77 #include "ColorFilterHistogram.h"
88 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
99 #include <QImage>
10 #include <qmath.h>
1112 ColorFilterHistogram::ColorFilterHistogram()
1213 {
3031 if (s >= 0) {
3435 }
6768 ++(histogramBins [bin]);
6970 if (histogramBins [bin] > maxBinCount) {
70 maxBinCount = histogramBins [bin];
71 maxBinCount = qFloor (histogramBins [bin]);
7172 }
7273 }
7374 }
7980 int bin)
8081 {
8182 // Just do everything in binFromPixel backwards
82 double s = (double) (bin - FIRST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_START ()) / (double) (LAST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_END () - FIRST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_START ());
83 double s = double (bin - FIRST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_START ()) / double (LAST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_END () - FIRST_NON_EMPTY_BIN_AT_START ());
8384 s = qMin (qMax (s, 0.0), 1.0);
8586 return filter.zeroToOneToValue (colorFilterMode,
103103 return *this;
104104 }
106 ColorFilterSettings::~ColorFilterSettings ()
107 {
108 qDeleteAll (m_strategies);
109 }
106111 ColorFilterMode ColorFilterSettings::colorFilterMode() const
107112 {
108113 return m_colorFilterMode;
111116 void ColorFilterSettings::createStrategies ()
112117 {
118 qDeleteAll (m_strategies); // Prevent memory leak from one constructor calling another
113120 m_strategies [COLOR_FILTER_MODE_FOREGROUND] = new ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground ();
114121 m_strategies [COLOR_FILTER_MODE_HUE ] = new ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue ();
115122 m_strategies [COLOR_FILTER_MODE_INTENSITY ] = new ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity ();
185192 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_VALUE_LOW) &&
186193 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_VALUE_HIGH)) {
188 setColorFilterMode ((ColorFilterMode) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_MODE).toInt());
195 setColorFilterMode (static_cast<ColorFilterMode> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_MODE).toInt()));
189196 setIntensityLow (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_INTENSITY_LOW).toInt());
190 setIntensityHigh ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_INTENSITY_HIGH).toInt());
197 setIntensityHigh (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_INTENSITY_HIGH).toInt()));
191198 setForegroundLow (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_FOREGROUND_LOW).toInt());
192199 setForegroundHigh (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_FOREGROUND_HIGH).toInt());
193200 setHueLow (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_HUE_LOW).toInt());
194201 setHueHigh (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_HUE_HIGH).toInt());
195 setSaturationLow ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_SATURATION_LOW).toInt());
202 setSaturationLow (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_SATURATION_LOW).toInt()));
196203 setSaturationHigh (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_SATURATION_HIGH).toInt());
197204 setValueLow (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_VALUE_LOW).toInt());
198205 setValueHigh (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COLOR_FILTER_VALUE_HIGH).toInt());
4343 /// Assignment operator.
4444 ColorFilterSettings &operator= (const ColorFilterSettings &other);
46 /// Destructor deallocates memory
47 ~ColorFilterSettings ();
4649 /// Get method for filter mode.
4750 ColorFilterMode colorFilterMode() const;
66 #include "ColorConstants.h"
77 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
88 #include "ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
910 #include <QTextStream>
1112 ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground ()
1920 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::high (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2021 {
21 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.foregroundHigh () - FOREGROUND_MIN) /
22 return double (colorFilterSettings.foregroundHigh () - FOREGROUND_MIN) /
2324 }
2526 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::low (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2627 {
27 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.foregroundLow () - FOREGROUND_MIN) /
28 return double (colorFilterSettings.foregroundLow () - FOREGROUND_MIN) /
2930 }
3132 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::printStream (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
3940 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::setHigh (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4041 double s0To1)
4142 {
42 colorFilterSettings.setForegroundHigh (FOREGROUND_MIN + s0To1 * (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN));
43 colorFilterSettings.setForegroundHigh (qFloor (FOREGROUND_MIN + s0To1 * (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN)));
4344 }
4546 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyForeground::setLow (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4647 double s0To1)
4748 {
48 colorFilterSettings.setForegroundLow (FOREGROUND_MIN + s0To1 * (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN));
49 colorFilterSettings.setForegroundLow (qFloor (FOREGROUND_MIN + s0To1 * (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN)));
4950 }
66 #include "ColorConstants.h"
77 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
88 #include "ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
910 #include <QTextStream>
1112 ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue ()
1920 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::high (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2021 {
21 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.hueHigh () - HUE_MIN) /
22 (double) (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN);
22 return double (colorFilterSettings.hueHigh () - HUE_MIN) /
23 double (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN);
2324 }
2526 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::low (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2627 {
27 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.hueLow () - HUE_MIN) /
28 (double) (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN);
28 return double (colorFilterSettings.hueLow () - HUE_MIN) /
29 double (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN);
2930 }
3132 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::printStream (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
3940 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::setHigh (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4041 double s0To1)
4142 {
42 colorFilterSettings.setHueHigh (HUE_MIN + s0To1 * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN));
43 colorFilterSettings.setHueHigh (qFloor (HUE_MIN + s0To1 * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN)));
4344 }
4546 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyHue::setLow (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4647 double s0To1)
4748 {
48 colorFilterSettings.setHueLow (HUE_MIN + s0To1 * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN));
49 colorFilterSettings.setHueLow (qFloor (HUE_MIN + s0To1 * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN)));
4950 }
66 #include "ColorConstants.h"
77 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
88 #include "ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
910 #include <QTextStream>
1112 ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity ()
1920 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::high (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2021 {
21 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.intensityHigh () - INTENSITY_MIN) /
22 return double (colorFilterSettings.intensityHigh () - INTENSITY_MIN) /
2324 }
2526 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::low (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2627 {
27 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.intensityLow () - INTENSITY_MIN) /
28 return double (colorFilterSettings.intensityLow () - INTENSITY_MIN) /
2930 }
3132 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::printStream (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
3940 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::setHigh (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4041 double s0To1)
4142 {
42 colorFilterSettings.setIntensityHigh (INTENSITY_MIN + s0To1 * (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN));
43 colorFilterSettings.setIntensityHigh (qFloor (INTENSITY_MIN + s0To1 * (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN)));
4344 }
4546 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyIntensity::setLow (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4647 double s0To1)
4748 {
48 colorFilterSettings.setIntensityLow (INTENSITY_MIN + s0To1 * (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN));
49 colorFilterSettings.setIntensityLow (qFloor (INTENSITY_MIN + s0To1 * (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN)));
4950 }
66 #include "ColorConstants.h"
77 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
88 #include "ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
910 #include <QTextStream>
1112 ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation ()
1920 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::high (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2021 {
21 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.saturationHigh () - SATURATION_MIN) /
22 return double (colorFilterSettings.saturationHigh () - SATURATION_MIN) /
2324 }
2526 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::low (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2627 {
27 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.saturationLow () - SATURATION_MIN) /
28 return double (colorFilterSettings.saturationLow () - SATURATION_MIN) /
2930 }
3132 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::printStream (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
3940 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::setHigh (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4041 double s0To1)
4142 {
42 colorFilterSettings.setSaturationHigh (SATURATION_MIN + s0To1 * (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN));
43 colorFilterSettings.setSaturationHigh (qFloor (SATURATION_MIN + s0To1 * (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN)));
4344 }
4546 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategySaturation::setLow (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4647 double s0To1)
4748 {
48 colorFilterSettings.setSaturationLow (SATURATION_MIN + s0To1 * (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN));
49 colorFilterSettings.setSaturationLow (qFloor (SATURATION_MIN + s0To1 * (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN)));
4950 }
66 #include "ColorConstants.h"
77 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
88 #include "ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue.h"
9 #include <qmath.h>
910 #include <QTextStream>
1112 ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue ()
1920 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::high (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2021 {
21 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.valueHigh () - VALUE_MIN) /
22 (double) (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
22 return double (colorFilterSettings.valueHigh () - VALUE_MIN) /
23 double (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
2324 }
2526 double ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::low (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings) const
2627 {
27 return (double) (colorFilterSettings.valueLow () - VALUE_MIN) /
28 (double) (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
28 return double (colorFilterSettings.valueLow () - VALUE_MIN) /
29 double (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
2930 }
3132 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::printStream (const ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
3940 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::setHigh (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4041 double s0To1)
4142 {
42 colorFilterSettings.setValueHigh (VALUE_MIN + s0To1 * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN));
43 colorFilterSettings.setValueHigh (qFloor (VALUE_MIN + s0To1 * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN)));
4344 }
4546 void ColorFilterSettingsStrategyValue::setLow (ColorFilterSettings &colorFilterSettings,
4647 double s0To1)
4748 {
48 colorFilterSettings.setValueLow (VALUE_MIN + s0To1 * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN));
49 colorFilterSettings.setValueLow (qFloor (VALUE_MIN + s0To1 * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN)));
4950 }
1919 double ColorFilterStrategyForeground::pixelToZeroToOne (const QColor &pixel,
2020 QRgb rgbBackground) const
2121 {
22 double distance = qSqrt (pow ((double) - qRed (rgbBackground), 2) +
23 pow ((double) - qGreen (rgbBackground), 2) +
24 pow ((double) - qBlue (rgbBackground), 2));
22 double distance = qSqrt (pow (double ( - qRed (rgbBackground), 2) +
23 pow (double ( - qGreen (rgbBackground), 2) +
24 pow (double ( - qBlue (rgbBackground), 2));
2525 return distance / qSqrt (255.0 * 255.0 + 255.0 * 255.0 + 255.0 * 255.0);
2626 }
2828 int ColorFilterStrategyForeground::zeroToOneToValue (double s) const
2929 {
3131 }
3030 int ColorFilterStrategyHue::zeroToOneToValue (double s) const
3131 {
32 return HUE_MIN + s * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN);
32 return qFloor (HUE_MIN + s * (HUE_MAX - HUE_MIN));
3333 }
1919 double ColorFilterStrategyIntensity::pixelToZeroToOne (const QColor &pixel,
2020 QRgb /* rgbBackground */) const
2121 {
22 double distance = qSqrt (pow ((double), 2) +
23 pow ((double), 2) +
24 pow ((double), 2));
22 double distance = qSqrt (pow (double ( , 2) +
23 pow (double (, 2) +
24 pow (double ( , 2));
2525 return distance / qSqrt (255.0 * 255.0 + 255.0 * 255.0 + 255.0 * 255.0);
2626 }
2828 int ColorFilterStrategyIntensity::zeroToOneToValue (double s) const
2929 {
3131 }
2525 int ColorFilterStrategySaturation::zeroToOneToValue (double s) const
2626 {
2828 }
2525 int ColorFilterStrategyValue::zeroToOneToValue (double s) const
2626 {
27 return VALUE_MIN + s * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
27 return qFloor (VALUE_MIN + s * (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN));
2828 }
88 QString coordScaleToString (CoordScale coordScale)
99 {
10 QString rtn;
1012 switch (coordScale) {
12 return "Linear";
14 rtn ="Linear";
15 break;
1417 case COORD_SCALE_LOG:
15 return "Log";
18 rtn = "Log";
19 break;
20 }
17 default:
18 return "Unknown";
19 }
22 return rtn;
2023 }
88 QString coordsTypeToString (CoordsType coordsType)
99 {
10 QString rtn;
1012 switch (coordsType) {
12 return "Cartesian";
14 rtn = "Cartesian";
15 break;
15 return "Polar";
18 rtn = "Polar";
19 break;
20 }
17 default:
18 return "Unknown";
19 }
22 return rtn;
2023 }
2424 #include <QDebug>
2525 #include <QFile>
2626 #include <QImage>
27 #include <qmath.h>
2728 #include <QtToString.h>
2829 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
2930 #include <QXmlStreamWriter>
5859 }
5960 }
62 CoordSystem::~CoordSystem()
63 {
64 delete m_curveAxes;
65 }
6167 void CoordSystem::addGraphCurveAtEnd (const QString &curveName)
6268 {
6369 m_curvesGraphs.addGraphCurveAtEnd (Curve (curveName,
320326 m_modelGridRemoval.setStepY (m_modelGridDisplay.stepY ());
321327 m_modelGridRemoval.setStopX (m_modelGridDisplay.stopX ());
322328 m_modelGridRemoval.setStopY (m_modelGridDisplay.stopY ());
323 m_modelGridRemoval.setCountX (m_modelGridDisplay.countX ());
324 m_modelGridRemoval.setCountY (m_modelGridDisplay.countY ());
329 m_modelGridRemoval.setCountX (signed (m_modelGridDisplay.countX ()));
330 m_modelGridRemoval.setCountY (signed (m_modelGridDisplay.countY ()));
325331 }
326332 }
327333 }
390396 str >> st; // CurveCmbText selection
391397 str >> st; // MeasureCmbText selection
392398 str >> int32;
393 m_modelCoords.setCoordsType((CoordsType) int32);
399 m_modelCoords.setCoordsType(static_cast<CoordsType> (int32));
394400 if (version >= 3) {
395 str >> (double &) radius;
401 str >> static_cast<double &> (radius);
396402 }
397403 m_modelCoords.setOriginRadius(radius);
398404 str >> int32;
399405 m_modelCoords.setCoordUnitsRadius(COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_NUMBER);
400 m_modelCoords.setCoordUnitsTheta((CoordUnitsPolarTheta) int32);
401 str >> int32;
402 m_modelCoords.setCoordScaleXTheta((CoordScale) int32);
403 str >> int32;
404 m_modelCoords.setCoordScaleYRadius((CoordScale) int32);
406 str >> int32;
407 m_modelExport.setDelimiter((ExportDelimiter) int32);
408 str >> int32;
409 m_modelExport.setLayoutFunctions((ExportLayoutFunctions) int32);
410 str >> int32;
411 m_modelExport.setPointsSelectionFunctions((ExportPointsSelectionFunctions) int32);
406 m_modelCoords.setCoordUnitsTheta(static_cast<CoordUnitsPolarTheta> (int32));
407 str >> int32;
408 m_modelCoords.setCoordScaleXTheta(static_cast<CoordScale> (int32));
409 str >> int32;
410 m_modelCoords.setCoordScaleYRadius(static_cast<CoordScale> (int32));
412 str >> int32;
413 m_modelExport.setDelimiter(static_cast<ExportDelimiter> (int32));
414 str >> int32;
415 m_modelExport.setLayoutFunctions(static_cast<ExportLayoutFunctions> (int32));
416 str >> int32;
417 m_modelExport.setPointsSelectionFunctions(static_cast<ExportPointsSelectionFunctions> (int32));
412418 m_modelExport.setPointsSelectionRelations(EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS_RAW); // Best for maps
413 m_modelExport.setPointsIntervalUnitsFunctions((ExportPointsIntervalUnits) int32);
414 m_modelExport.setPointsIntervalUnitsRelations((ExportPointsIntervalUnits) int32);
415 str >> int32;
416 m_modelExport.setHeader((ExportHeader) int32);
419 m_modelExport.setPointsIntervalUnitsFunctions(static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (int32));
420 m_modelExport.setPointsIntervalUnitsRelations(static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (int32));
421 str >> int32;
422 m_modelExport.setHeader(static_cast<ExportHeader> (int32));
417423 if (version >= 5.1) {
418424 str >> st; // X label
419425 if (m_modelCoords.coordsType() == COORDS_TYPE_CARTESIAN) {
436442 str >> int32;
437443 m_modelGridRemoval.setCountY(int32);
438444 str >> int32;
439 m_modelGridRemoval.setGridCoordDisableX((GridCoordDisable) int32);
440 str >> int32;
441 m_modelGridRemoval.setGridCoordDisableY((GridCoordDisable) int32);
445 m_modelGridRemoval.setGridCoordDisableX(static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (int32));
446 str >> int32;
447 m_modelGridRemoval.setGridCoordDisableY(static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (int32));
442448 str >> dbl;
443449 m_modelGridRemoval.setStartX(dbl);
444450 str >> dbl;
467473 str >> int32;
468474 m_modelGridDisplay.setStable(int32);
469475 str >> int32;
470 m_modelGridDisplay.setCountX(int32);
471 str >> int32;
472 m_modelGridDisplay.setCountY(int32);
473 str >> int32;
474 m_modelGridDisplay.setDisableX((GridCoordDisable) int32);
475 str >> int32;
476 m_modelGridDisplay.setDisableY((GridCoordDisable) int32);
476 m_modelGridDisplay.setCountX(unsigned (int32));
477 str >> int32;
478 m_modelGridDisplay.setCountY(unsigned (int32));
479 str >> int32;
480 m_modelGridDisplay.setDisableX(static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (int32));
481 str >> int32;
482 m_modelGridDisplay.setDisableY(static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (int32));
477483 str >> dbl;
478484 m_modelGridDisplay.setStartX (dbl);
479485 str >> dbl;
496502 str >> int32;
497503 m_modelSegments.setLineWidth(int32);
498504 str >> int32;
499 m_modelSegments.setLineColor((ColorPalette) int32);
505 m_modelSegments.setLineColor(static_cast<ColorPalette> (int32));
501507 str >> int32; // Point separation
502508 str >> int32;
503509 m_modelPointMatch.setMaxPointSize(int32);
504510 str >> int32;
505 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorAccepted((ColorPalette) int32);
506 str >> int32;
507 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorRejected((ColorPalette) int32);
511 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorAccepted(static_cast<ColorPalette> (int32));
512 str >> int32;
513 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorRejected(static_cast<ColorPalette> (int32));
508514 if (version < 4) {
509515 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorCandidate(COLOR_PALETTE_BLUE);
510516 } else {
511517 str >> int32;
512 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorCandidate((ColorPalette) int32);
518 m_modelPointMatch.setPaletteColorCandidate(static_cast<ColorPalette> (int32));
513519 }
515521 str >> int32; // Discretize method
530536 if (curveScaleIn->numPoints() == 2) {
531537 // Nondefault case is map with scale bar
532538 documentAxesPointsRequired = DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2;
539 delete m_curveAxes;
533540 m_curveAxes = curveScaleIn;
534541 m_curveAxes->setCurveName (AXIS_CURVE_NAME); // Override existing "Scale" name
535542 delete curveAxesIn;
536543 } else {
537544 // Default case is graph with axes
538545 documentAxesPointsRequired = DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3;
546 delete m_curveAxes;
539547 m_curveAxes = curveAxesIn;
540548 delete curveScaleIn;
541549 }
578586 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS) {
579587 m_modelCoords.loadXml (reader);
580588 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CURVE) {
589 delete m_curveAxes;
581590 m_curveAxes = new Curve (reader);
582591 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CURVES_GRAPHS) {
583592 m_curvesGraphs.loadXml (reader);
635644 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS) {
636645 m_modelCoords.loadXml (reader);
637646 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CURVE) {
647 delete m_curveAxes;
638648 m_curveAxes = new Curve (reader);
639649 } else if (tag == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CURVES_GRAPHS) {
640650 m_curvesGraphs.loadXml (reader);
732742 QString curveName = Point::curveNameFromPointIdentifier (pointIdentifier);
734744 Curve *curve = curveForCurveName (curveName);
735 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (curve != 0);
745 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (curve);
736746 curve->movePoint (pointIdentifier,
737747 deltaScreen);
738748 }
750760 m_curvesGraphs.iterateThroughCurvesPoints (ftorWithCallback);
751761 }
753 return ftor.nextOrdinal ();
763 return qFloor (ftor.nextOrdinal ());
754764 }
756766 QPointF CoordSystem::positionGraph (const QString &pointIdentifier) const
848858 void CoordSystem::resetSelectedCurveNameIfNecessary ()
849859 {
850860 if (m_selectedCurveName.isEmpty () ||
851 curveForCurveName (m_selectedCurveName) == 0) {
861 curveForCurveName (m_selectedCurveName) == nullptr) {
853863 // Selected curve name is empty, or the curve has been removed so we pick another. The first is arbitrarily picked
854864 m_selectedCurveName = m_curvesGraphs.curvesGraphsNames().first();
4343 public:
4444 /// Single constructor
4545 CoordSystem ();
46 ~CoordSystem ();
4748 /// Constructor for opened Graphs, and error report files. The specified file is opened and read
4849 CoordSystem (const QString &fileName);
1919 {
2020 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::~CoordSystemContext";
22 for (int i = 0; i < m_coordSystems.count(); i++) {
23 CoordSystem *coordSystem = (i);
24 delete coordSystem;
25 }
27 m_coordSystems.clear ();
28 m_coordSystemIndex = 0;
22 qDeleteAll (m_coordSystems);
2923 }
3125 void CoordSystemContext::addCoordSystems(unsigned int numberCoordSystemToAdd)
4337 {
4438 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addGraphCurveAtEnd";
46 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addGraphCurveAtEnd(curveName);
40 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addGraphCurveAtEnd(curveName);
4741 }
4943 void CoordSystemContext::addPointAxisWithGeneratedIdentifier (const QPointF &posScreen,
5448 {
5549 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addPointAxisWithGeneratedIdentifier";
57 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addPointAxisWithGeneratedIdentifier(posScreen,
58 posGraph,
59 identifier,
60 ordinal,
61 isXOnly);
51 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addPointAxisWithGeneratedIdentifier(posScreen,
52 posGraph,
53 identifier,
54 ordinal,
55 isXOnly);
6256 }
6458 void CoordSystemContext::addPointAxisWithSpecifiedIdentifier (const QPointF &posScreen,
6963 {
7064 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addPointAxisWithSpecifiedIdentifier";
72 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addPointAxisWithSpecifiedIdentifier(posScreen,
73 posGraph,
74 identifier,
75 ordinal,
76 isXOnly);
66 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addPointAxisWithSpecifiedIdentifier(posScreen,
67 posGraph,
68 identifier,
69 ordinal,
70 isXOnly);
7771 }
7973 void CoordSystemContext::addPointGraphWithGeneratedIdentifier (const QString &curveName,
8377 {
8478 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addPointGraphWithGeneratedIdentifier";
86 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addPointGraphWithGeneratedIdentifier(curveName,
87 posScreen,
88 generatedIdentifier,
89 ordinal);
80 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addPointGraphWithGeneratedIdentifier(curveName,
81 posScreen,
82 generatedIdentifier,
83 ordinal);
9084 }
9286 void CoordSystemContext::addPointGraphWithSpecifiedIdentifier (const QString &curveName,
9690 {
9791 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addPointGraphWithSpecifiedIdentifier";
99 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addPointGraphWithSpecifiedIdentifier(curveName,
100 posScreen,
101 identifier,
102 ordinal);
93 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addPointGraphWithSpecifiedIdentifier(curveName,
94 posScreen,
95 identifier,
96 ordinal);
10397 }
10599 void CoordSystemContext::addPointsInCurvesGraphs (CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs)
106100 {
107101 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addPointsInCurvesGraphs";
109 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->addPointsInCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
103 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->addPointsInCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
110104 }
112106 void CoordSystemContext::checkAddPointAxis (const QPointF &posScreen,
118112 {
119113 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::checkAddPointAxis";
121 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->checkAddPointAxis(posScreen,
122 posGraph,
123 isError,
124 errorMessage,
125 isXOnly,
126 documentAxesPointsRequired);
115 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->checkAddPointAxis(posScreen,
116 posGraph,
117 isError,
118 errorMessage,
119 isXOnly,
120 documentAxesPointsRequired);
127121 }
129123 void CoordSystemContext::checkEditPointAxis (const QString &pointIdentifier,
135129 {
136130 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::checkEditPointAxis";
138 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->checkEditPointAxis(pointIdentifier,
139 posScreen,
140 posGraph,
141 isError,
142 errorMessage,
143 documentAxesPointsRequired);
132 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->checkEditPointAxis(pointIdentifier,
133 posScreen,
134 posGraph,
135 isError,
136 errorMessage,
137 documentAxesPointsRequired);
144138 }
146140 const CoordSystem &CoordSystemContext::coordSystem () const
147141 {
148142 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::coordSystem";
150 return *(m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]);
144 return *(m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]);
151145 }
153147 unsigned int CoordSystemContext::coordSystemCount() const
154148 {
155 return m_coordSystems.count();
149 return unsigned (m_coordSystems.count());
156150 }
158152 CoordSystemIndex CoordSystemContext::coordSystemIndex () const
164158 {
165159 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curveAxes";
167 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curveAxes();
161 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curveAxes();
168162 }
170164 Curve *CoordSystemContext::curveForCurveName (const QString &curveName)
171165 {
172166 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curveForCurveName";
174 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curveForCurveName(curveName);
168 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curveForCurveName(curveName);
175169 }
177171 const Curve *CoordSystemContext::curveForCurveName (const QString &curveName) const
178172 {
179173 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curveForCurveName";
181 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curveForCurveName(curveName);
175 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curveForCurveName(curveName);
182176 }
184178 const CurvesGraphs &CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphs () const
185179 {
186180 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphs";
188 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curvesGraphs();
182 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curvesGraphs();
189183 }
191185 QStringList CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphsNames () const
192186 {
193187 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphsNames";
195 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curvesGraphsNames();
189 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curvesGraphsNames();
196190 }
198192 int CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphsNumPoints (const QString &curveName) const
199193 {
200194 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::curvesGraphsNumPoints";
202 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->curvesGraphsNumPoints(curveName);
196 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->curvesGraphsNumPoints(curveName);
203197 }
205199 void CoordSystemContext::editPointAxis (const QPointF &posGraph,
207201 {
208202 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::editPointAxis";
210 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->editPointAxis(posGraph,
211 identifier);
204 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->editPointAxis(posGraph,
205 identifier);
212206 }
214208 void CoordSystemContext::editPointGraph (bool isX,
220214 {
221215 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::editPointGraph";
223 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->editPointGraph (isX,
224 isY,
225 x,
226 y,
227 identifiers,
228 transformation);
217 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->editPointGraph (isX,
218 isY,
219 x,
220 y,
221 identifiers,
222 transformation);
229223 }
231225 bool CoordSystemContext::isXOnly (const QString &pointIdentifier) const
232226 {
233227 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::isXOnly";
235 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->isXOnly (pointIdentifier);
229 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->isXOnly (pointIdentifier);
236230 }
238232 void CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes (const Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> &ftorWithCallback)
239233 {
240234 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes";
242 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes(ftorWithCallback);
236 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes(ftorWithCallback);
243237 }
245239 void CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes (const Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> &ftorWithCallback) const
246240 {
247241 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes";
249 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes(ftorWithCallback);
243 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->iterateThroughCurvePointsAxes(ftorWithCallback);
250244 }
252246 void CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurveSegments (const QString &curveName,
254248 {
255249 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurveSegments";
257 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->iterateThroughCurveSegments(curveName,
258 ftorWithCallback);
251 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->iterateThroughCurveSegments(curveName,
252 ftorWithCallback);
259253 }
261255 void CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs (const Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> &ftorWithCallback)
262256 {
263257 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs";
265 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
259 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
266260 }
268262 void CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs (const Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> &ftorWithCallback) const
269263 {
270264 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs";
272 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
266 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
273267 }
275269 bool CoordSystemContext::loadCurvesFile (const QString &curvesFile)
276270 {
277271 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::loadCurvesFile";
279 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->loadCurvesFile (curvesFile);
273 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->loadCurvesFile (curvesFile);
280274 }
282276 void CoordSystemContext::loadPreVersion6 (QDataStream &str,
285279 {
286280 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::loadPreVersion6";
288 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->loadPreVersion6 (str,
289 version,
290 documentAxesPointsRequired);
282 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->loadPreVersion6 (str,
283 version,
284 documentAxesPointsRequired);
291285 }
293287 void CoordSystemContext::loadVersion6 (QXmlStreamReader &reader,
295289 {
296290 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::loadVersion6";
298 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->loadVersion6 (reader,
299 documentAxesPointsRequired);
292 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->loadVersion6 (reader,
293 documentAxesPointsRequired);
300294 }
302296 void CoordSystemContext::loadVersions7AndUp (QXmlStreamReader &reader)
311305 {
312306 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelAxesChecker";
314 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelAxesChecker();
308 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelAxesChecker();
315309 }
317311 DocumentModelColorFilter CoordSystemContext::modelColorFilter() const
318312 {
319313 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelColorFilter";
321 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelColorFilter();
315 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelColorFilter();
322316 }
324318 DocumentModelCoords CoordSystemContext::modelCoords () const
325319 {
326320 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelCoords";
328 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelCoords();
322 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelCoords();
329323 }
331325 CurveStyles CoordSystemContext::modelCurveStyles() const
332326 {
333327 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelCurveStyles";
335 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelCurveStyles();
329 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelCurveStyles();
336330 }
338332 DocumentModelDigitizeCurve CoordSystemContext::modelDigitizeCurve() const
339333 {
340334 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelDigitizeCurve";
342 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelDigitizeCurve();
336 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelDigitizeCurve();
343337 }
345339 DocumentModelExportFormat CoordSystemContext::modelExport() const
346340 {
347341 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelExport";
349 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelExport();
343 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelExport();
350344 }
352346 DocumentModelGeneral CoordSystemContext::modelGeneral() const
353347 {
354348 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelGeneral";
356 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelGeneral();
350 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelGeneral();
357351 }
359353 DocumentModelGridDisplay CoordSystemContext::modelGridDisplay() const
360354 {
361355 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelGridDisplay";
363 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelGridDisplay();
357 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelGridDisplay();
364358 }
366360 DocumentModelGridRemoval CoordSystemContext::modelGridRemoval() const
367361 {
368362 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelGridRemoval";
370 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelGridRemoval();
364 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelGridRemoval();
371365 }
373367 DocumentModelPointMatch CoordSystemContext::modelPointMatch() const
374368 {
375369 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelPointMatch";
377 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelPointMatch();
371 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelPointMatch();
378372 }
380374 DocumentModelSegments CoordSystemContext::modelSegments() const
381375 {
382376 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::modelSegments";
384 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->modelSegments();
378 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->modelSegments();
385379 }
387381 void CoordSystemContext::movePoint (const QString &pointIdentifier,
389383 {
390384 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::movePoint";
392 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->movePoint(pointIdentifier,
393 deltaScreen);
386 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->movePoint(pointIdentifier,
387 deltaScreen);
394388 }
396390 int CoordSystemContext::nextOrdinalForCurve (const QString &curveName) const
397391 {
398392 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::nextOrdinalForCurve";
400 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->nextOrdinalForCurve(curveName);
394 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->nextOrdinalForCurve(curveName);
401395 }
403397 QPointF CoordSystemContext::positionGraph (const QString &pointIdentifier) const
404398 {
405399 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::positionGraph";
407 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->positionGraph(pointIdentifier);
401 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->positionGraph(pointIdentifier);
408402 }
410404 QPointF CoordSystemContext::positionScreen (const QString &pointIdentifier) const
411405 {
412406 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::addGraphCurveAtEnd";
414 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->positionScreen(pointIdentifier);
408 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->positionScreen(pointIdentifier);
415409 }
417411 void CoordSystemContext::print () const
418412 {
419413 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::print";
421 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->print();
415 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->print();
422416 }
424418 void CoordSystemContext::printStream (QString indentation,
426420 {
427421 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::printStream";
429 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->printStream(indentation,
430 str);
423 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->printStream(indentation,
424 str);
431425 }
433427 QString CoordSystemContext::reasonForUnsuccessfulRead () const
434428 {
435429 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::reasonForUnsuccessfulRead";
437 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->reasonForUnsuccessfulRead();
431 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->reasonForUnsuccessfulRead();
438432 }
440434 void CoordSystemContext::removePointAxis (const QString &identifier)
441435 {
442436 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::removePointAxis";
444 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->removePointAxis(identifier);
438 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->removePointAxis(identifier);
445439 }
447441 void CoordSystemContext::removePointGraph (const QString &identifier)
448442 {
449443 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::removePointGraph";
451 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->removePointGraph(identifier);
445 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->removePointGraph(identifier);
452446 }
454448 void CoordSystemContext::removePointsInCurvesGraphs (CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs)
455449 {
456450 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::removePointsInCurvesGraphs";
458 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->removePointsInCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
452 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->removePointsInCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
459453 }
461455 void CoordSystemContext::saveXml (QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const
470464 QString CoordSystemContext::selectedCurveName () const
471465 {
472 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->selectedCurveName();
466 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->selectedCurveName();
473467 }
475469 void CoordSystemContext::setCoordSystemIndex(CoordSystemIndex coordSystemIndex)
477471 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setCoordSystemIndex"
478472 << " index=" << coordSystemIndex;
480 ENGAUGE_ASSERT(coordSystemIndex < (unsigned int) m_coordSystems.count());
474 ENGAUGE_ASSERT(coordSystemIndex < unsigned (m_coordSystems.count()));
482476 m_coordSystemIndex = coordSystemIndex;
483477 }
486480 {
487481 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setCurveAxes";
489 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setCurveAxes(curveAxes);
483 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setCurveAxes(curveAxes);
490484 }
492486 void CoordSystemContext::setCurvesGraphs (const CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs)
493487 {
494488 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setCurvesGraphs";
496 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
490 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setCurvesGraphs(curvesGraphs);
497491 }
499493 void CoordSystemContext::setModelAxesChecker(const DocumentModelAxesChecker &modelAxesChecker)
500494 {
501495 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelAxesChecker";
503 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelAxesChecker(modelAxesChecker);
497 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelAxesChecker(modelAxesChecker);
504498 }
506500 void CoordSystemContext::setModelColorFilter(const DocumentModelColorFilter &modelColorFilter)
507501 {
508502 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelColorFilter";
510 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelColorFilter(modelColorFilter);
504 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelColorFilter(modelColorFilter);
511505 }
513507 void CoordSystemContext::setModelCoords (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords)
514508 {
515509 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelCoords";
517 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelCoords(modelCoords);
511 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelCoords(modelCoords);
518512 }
520514 void CoordSystemContext::setModelCurveStyles(const CurveStyles &modelCurveStyles)
521515 {
522516 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelCurveStyles";
524 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelCurveStyles(modelCurveStyles);
518 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelCurveStyles(modelCurveStyles);
525519 }
527521 void CoordSystemContext::setModelDigitizeCurve (const DocumentModelDigitizeCurve &modelDigitizeCurve)
528522 {
529523 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelDigitizeCurve";
531 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelDigitizeCurve(modelDigitizeCurve);
525 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelDigitizeCurve(modelDigitizeCurve);
532526 }
534528 void CoordSystemContext::setModelExport(const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport)
535529 {
536530 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelExport";
538 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelExport (modelExport);
532 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelExport (modelExport);
539533 }
541535 void CoordSystemContext::setModelGeneral (const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral)
542536 {
543537 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelGeneral";
545 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelGeneral(modelGeneral);
539 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelGeneral(modelGeneral);
546540 }
548542 void CoordSystemContext::setModelGridDisplay(const DocumentModelGridDisplay &modelGridDisplay)
549543 {
550544 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelGridDisplay";
552 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelGridDisplay(modelGridDisplay);
546 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelGridDisplay(modelGridDisplay);
553547 }
555549 void CoordSystemContext::setModelGridRemoval(const DocumentModelGridRemoval &modelGridRemoval)
556550 {
557551 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelGridRemoval";
559 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelGridRemoval(modelGridRemoval);
553 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelGridRemoval(modelGridRemoval);
560554 }
562556 void CoordSystemContext::setModelPointMatch(const DocumentModelPointMatch &modelPointMatch)
563557 {
564558 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelPointMatch";
566 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelPointMatch(modelPointMatch);
560 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelPointMatch(modelPointMatch);
567561 }
569563 void CoordSystemContext::setModelSegments(const DocumentModelSegments &modelSegments)
570564 {
571565 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::setModelSegments";
573 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setModelSegments(modelSegments);
567 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setModelSegments(modelSegments);
574568 }
576570 void CoordSystemContext::setSelectedCurveName(const QString &selectedCurveName)
577571 {
578 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->setSelectedCurveName(selectedCurveName);
572 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->setSelectedCurveName(selectedCurveName);
579573 }
581575 bool CoordSystemContext::successfulRead () const
582576 {
583577 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::successfulRead";
585 return m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->successfulRead();
579 return m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->successfulRead();
586580 }
588582 void CoordSystemContext::updatePointOrdinals (const Transformation &transformation)
589583 {
590584 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CoordSystemContext::updatePointOrdinals";
592 m_coordSystems [m_coordSystemIndex]->updatePointOrdinals(transformation);
593 }
586 m_coordSystems [signed (m_coordSystemIndex)]->updatePointOrdinals(transformation);
587 }
1313 Correlation::Correlation(int N) :
1414 m_N (N),
15 m_signalA ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1))),
16 m_signalB ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1))),
17 m_outShifted ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1))),
18 m_outA ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1))),
19 m_outB ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1))),
20 m_out ((fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (2 * N - 1)))
15 m_signalA (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1)))),
16 m_signalB (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1)))),
17 m_outShifted (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1)))),
18 m_outA (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1)))),
19 m_outB (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1)))),
20 m_out (static_cast<fftw_complex *> (fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * unsigned (2 * N - 1))))
2121 {
2222 m_planA = fftw_plan_dft_1d(2 * N - 1, m_signalA, m_outA, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
2323 m_planB = fftw_plan_dft_1d(2 * N - 1, m_signalB, m_outB, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
7070 mw.m_actionDigitizeAxis->setWhatsThis (tr ("Digitize Axis Point\n\n"
7171 "Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor "
7272 "after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then "
73 "entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define "
74 "the graph coordinates."));
73 "entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with "
74 "(X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. "
75 "Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with "
76 "(X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.\n\n"
77 "This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or "
78 "after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected."));
7579 connect (mw.m_actionDigitizeAxis, SIGNAL (triggered ()), &mw, SLOT (slotDigitizeAxis ()));
7781 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale = new QAction (iconScale, tr ("Scale Bar Tool"), &mw);
7882 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale->setShortcut (QKeySequence (tr ("Shift+F8")));
7983 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale->setCheckable (true);
80 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale->setStatusTip (tr ("Digitize scale bar for a map."));
84 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale->setStatusTip (tr ("Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced)."));
8185 mw.m_actionDigitizeScale->setWhatsThis (tr ("Digitize Scale Bar\n\n"
8286 "Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the "
8387 "scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale "
8488 "bar define the distances in graph coordinates.\n\n"
85 "Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced)."));
89 "This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).\n\n"
90 "This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or "
91 "if axis points were selected during import."));
8692 connect (mw.m_actionDigitizeScale, SIGNAL (triggered ()), &mw, SLOT (slotDigitizeScale ()));
8894 mw.m_actionDigitizeCurve = new QAction (iconCurve, tr ("Curve Point Tool"), &mw);
330336 "Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image"));
331337 connect (mw.m_actionSettingsCoords, SIGNAL (triggered ()), &mw, SLOT (slotSettingsCoords ()));
333 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove = new QAction (tr ("Curve List..."), &mw);
334 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove->setStatusTip (tr ("Edit Curve List settings."));
335 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove->setWhatsThis (tr ("Curve List\n\n"
336 "Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document"));
337 connect (mw.m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove, SIGNAL (triggered ()), &mw, SLOT (slotSettingsCurveAddRemove ()));
339 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveList = new QAction (tr ("Curve List..."), &mw);
340 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveList->setStatusTip (tr ("Edit Curve List settings."));
341 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveList->setWhatsThis (tr ("Curve List\n\n"
342 "Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document"));
343 connect (mw.m_actionSettingsCurveList, SIGNAL (triggered ()), &mw, SLOT (slotSettingsCurveList ()));
339345 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveProperties = new QAction (tr ("Curve Properties..."), &mw);
340346 mw.m_actionSettingsCurveProperties->setStatusTip (tr ("Edit Curve Properties settings."));
1313 {
1414 }
16 void CreateHelpWindow::create (MainWindow &mw)
16 void CreateHelpWindow::create (MainWindow &
17 #if !defined(OSX_DEBUG) && !defined(OSX_RELEASE)
18 mw
19 #endif
20 )
1721 {
1822 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CreateHelpWindow::create";
1616 {
1717 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CreateLoadImage::create";
19 #ifdef NETWORKING
2019 mw.m_loadImageFromUrl = new LoadImageFromUrl (mw);
21 #endif
2220 }
2424 mw.m_menuFile->addAction (mw.m_actionOpen);
2525 #if !defined(OSX_DEBUG) && !defined(OSX_RELEASE)
2626 mw.m_menuFileOpenRecent = new QMenu (tr ("Open &Recent"));
27 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE; i++) {
27 for (int i = 0; i < signed (MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE); i++) {
2828 mw.m_menuFileOpenRecent->addAction ( (i));
2929 }
3030 mw.m_menuFile->addMenu (mw.m_menuFileOpenRecent);
123123 mw.m_menuSettings = mw.menuBar()->addMenu(tr ("Settings"));
124124 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsCoords);
125 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove);
125 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsCurveList);
126126 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsCurveProperties);
127127 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsDigitizeCurve);
128128 mw.m_menuSettings->addAction (mw.m_actionSettingsExport);
1414 {
1515 }
17 void CreateNetwork::create(MainWindow &mw)
17 void CreateNetwork::create(MainWindow &
18 #ifdef NETWORKING
19 mw
20 #endif
21 )
1822 {
1923 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CreateNetwork::create";
77 #include "DlgSettingsAxesChecker.h"
88 #include "DlgSettingsColorFilter.h"
99 #include "DlgSettingsCoords.h"
10 #include "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
10 #include "DlgSettingsCurveList.h"
1111 #include "DlgSettingsCurveProperties.h"
1212 #include "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.h"
1313 #include "DlgSettingsExportFormat.h"
2929 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "CreateSettingsDialogs::create";
3131 mw.m_dlgSettingsCoords = new DlgSettingsCoords (mw);
32 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove = new DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove (mw);
32 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveList = new DlgSettingsCurveList (mw);
3333 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveProperties = new DlgSettingsCurveProperties (mw);
3434 mw.m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve = new DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve (mw);
3535 mw.m_dlgSettingsExportFormat = new DlgSettingsExportFormat (mw);
4343 mw.m_dlgSettingsMainWindow = new DlgSettingsMainWindow (mw);
4545 mw.m_dlgSettingsCoords->setVisible (false);
46 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove->setVisible (false);
46 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveList->setVisible (false);
4747 mw.m_dlgSettingsCurveProperties->setVisible (false);
4848 mw.m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve->setVisible (false);
4949 mw.m_dlgSettingsExportFormat->setVisible (false);
77 #include "DlgSettingsAxesChecker.h"
88 #include "DlgSettingsColorFilter.h"
99 #include "DlgSettingsCoords.h"
10 #include "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
10 #include "DlgSettingsCurveList.h"
1111 #include "DlgSettingsCurveProperties.h"
1212 #include "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.h"
1313 #include "DlgSettingsExportFormat.h"
1414 #include "PointComparator.h"
1515 #include <QDataStream>
1616 #include <QDebug>
17 #include <qmath.h>
1718 #include <QMultiMap>
1819 #include <QTextStream>
1920 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
129130 return *this;
130131 }
132 void Curve::addPoint (Point point)
133 void Curve::addPoint (const Point &point)
133134 {
134135 m_points.push_back (point);
135136 }
248249 curveStyleDefault.setPointStyle(PointStyle::defaultGraphCurve (curvesGraphs.numCurves ()));
250251 // Check if this curve already exists from a previously exported point
251 if (curvesGraphs.curveForCurveName (m_curveName) == 0) {
252 if (curvesGraphs.curveForCurveName (m_curveName) == nullptr) {
252253 Curve curve(m_curveName,
253254 ColorFilterSettings::defaultFilter (),
254255 curveStyleDefault);
288289 const Point &point = *itr;
289290 if (pointIdentifier == point.identifier ()) {
290291 return point.isXOnly();
291 break;
292292 }
293293 }
317317 // Loop through Points. They are assumed to be already sorted by their ordinals, but we do NOT
318318 // check the ordinal ordering since this could be called before, or while, the ordinal sorting is done
319319 QList<Point>::const_iterator itr;
320 const Point *pointBefore = 0;
320 const Point *pointBefore = nullptr;
321321 for (itr = m_points.begin(); itr != m_points.end(); itr++) {
323323 const Point &point = *itr;
325 if (pointBefore != 0) {
325 if (pointBefore != nullptr) {
327327 CallbackSearchReturn rtn = ftorWithCallback (*pointBefore,
328328 point);
444444 }
446446 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
447 return 0;
447 return nullptr;
448448 }
450450 const Points Curve::points () const
654654 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (pointIdentifierToOrdinal.contains (point.identifier()));
656656 // Point is to be included since it is in the map list.
657 int ordinalNew = pointIdentifierToOrdinal [point.identifier()];
657 int ordinalNew = qFloor (pointIdentifierToOrdinal [point.identifier()]);
658658 point.setOrdinal (ordinalNew);
659659 }
660660 }
5050 Curve &operator=(const Curve &curve);
5252 /// Add Point to this Curve.
53 void addPoint (Point point);
53 void addPoint (const Point &point);
5555 /// Return the color filter.
5656 ColorFilterSettings colorFilterSettings () const;
99 QString curveConnectAsToString (CurveConnectAs curveConnectAs)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (curveConnectAs) {
14 return QObject::tr ("FunctionSmooth");
16 rtn = QObject::tr ("FunctionSmooth");
17 break;
17 return QObject::tr ("FunctionStraight");
20 rtn = QObject::tr ("FunctionStraight");
21 break;
20 return QObject::tr ("RelationSmooth");
24 rtn = QObject::tr ("RelationSmooth");
25 break;
23 return QObject::tr ("RelationStraight");
28 rtn = QObject::tr ("RelationStraight");
29 break;
26 return QObject::tr ("ConnectSkipForAxisCurve");
32 rtn = QObject::tr ("ConnectSkipForAxisCurve");
33 break;
34 }
28 default:
29 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
30 }
36 return rtn;
3137 }
178178 {
179179 int numPoints = 0;
180180 for (int i = 0; i < rowsSelected.count(); i++) {
181 int row = rowsSelected [i];
181 int row = signed (rowsSelected [i]);
183183 QModelIndex idx = index (row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
184184 QString currentCurve = data (idx).toString ();
192192 }
193193 }
195 return numPoints;
195 return unsigned (numPoints);
196196 }
198198 bool CurveNameList::removeRows (int row,
2222 };
24 /// Model for DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove and CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove. This is displayed as a QListView, with visible first column
24 /// Model for DlgSettingsCurveList and CmdSettingsCurveList. This is displayed as a QListView, with visible first column
2525 /// showing current curve name. Second column is hidden with curve name at the start of editing, or empty if none.
2626 class CurveNameList : public QStandardItemModel
2727 {
101101 int CurveStyles::lineWidth (const QString &curveName) const
102102 {
103103 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_curveStyles.contains (curveName));
104 return m_curveStyles [curveName].lineStyle().width();
104 return signed (m_curveStyles [curveName].lineStyle().width());
105105 }
107107 void CurveStyles::loadXml (QXmlStreamReader &reader)
2020 {
2121 }
23 void CurvesGraphs::addGraphCurveAtEnd (Curve curve)
23 void CurvesGraphs::addGraphCurveAtEnd (const Curve &curve)
2424 {
2525 m_curvesGraphs.push_back (curve);
2626 }
4545 }
4646 }
48 return 0;
48 return nullptr;
4949 }
5151 const Curve *CurvesGraphs::curveForCurveName (const QString &curveName) const
6060 }
6161 }
63 return 0;
63 return nullptr;
6464 }
6666 QStringList CurvesGraphs::curvesGraphsNames () const
2626 CurvesGraphs();
2828 /// Append new graph Curve to end of Curve list.
29 void addGraphCurveAtEnd (Curve curve);
29 void addGraphCurveAtEnd (const Curve &curve);
3131 /// Append new Point to the specified Curve.
3232 void addPoint (const Point &point);
5555 {
5656 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateAxis::createTemporaryPoint";
58 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = 0;
58 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = nullptr;
6060 // Temporary point that user can see while DlgEditPointAxis is active
6161 const Curve &curveAxes = cmdMediator->curveAxes();
131131 if (context().mainWindow().transformIsDefined()) {
133 QMessageBox::warning (0,
133 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
134134 QObject::tr ("Engauge Digitizer"),
135135 QObject::tr ("Three axis points have been defined, and no more are needed or allowed."));
172172 if (isError) {
174 QMessageBox::warning (0,
174 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
175175 QObject::tr ("Engauge Digitizer"),
176176 errorMessage);
1717 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
1818 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1919 #include <QImage>
20 #include <qmath.h>
2021 #include <QMessageBox>
2223 DigitizeStateColorPicker::DigitizeStateColorPicker (DigitizeStateContext &context) :
99100 }
101102 // Generate histogram
102 double *histogramBins = new double [ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS ()];
103 double *histogramBins = new double [unsigned (ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS ())];
104105 ColorFilterHistogram filterHistogram;
105106 int maxBinCount;
147148 } else {
149 QMessageBox::warning (0,
150 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
150151 QObject::tr ("Color Picker"),
151152 QObject::tr ("Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again."));
292293 void DigitizeStateColorPicker::saveLowerValueUpperValue (DocumentModelColorFilter &modelColorFilterAfter,
293294 const QString &curveName,
294 double lowerValue,
295 double upperValue)
296 {
295 double lowerValueIn,
296 double upperValueIn)
297 {
298 int lowerValue = qFloor (lowerValueIn);
299 int upperValue = qFloor (upperValueIn);
297301 switch (modelColorFilterAfter.colorFilterMode (curveName)) {
299303 modelColorFilterAfter.setForegroundLow(curveName,
5353 DigitizeStateContext::~DigitizeStateContext()
5454 {
55 qDeleteAll (m_states);
5556 }
5758 QString DigitizeStateContext::activeCurve () const
3535 DigitizeStatePointMatch::DigitizeStatePointMatch (DigitizeStateContext &context) :
3636 DigitizeStateAbstractBase (context),
37 m_outline (0),
38 m_candidatePoint (0)
37 m_outline (nullptr),
38 m_candidatePoint (nullptr)
3939 {
4040 }
9797 {
9898 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStatePointMatch::createTemporaryPoint";
100 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = 0;
100 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = nullptr;
102102 const DocumentModelPointMatch &modelPointMatch = cmdMediator->document().modelPointMatch();
136136 // Remove outline before leaving state
137137 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_outline);
138138 context().mainWindow().scene().removeItem (m_outline);
139 m_outline = 0;
139 m_outline = nullptr;
140140 }
142142 QList<PointMatchPixel> DigitizeStatePointMatch::extractSamplePointPixels (const QImage &img,
150150 // were happening (example, 3x3 point would appear to be found in several places inside 8x32 rectangle)
151151 QList<PointMatchPixel> samplePointPixels;
153 int radiusMax = modelPointMatch.maxPointSize() / 2;
153 int radiusMax = qFloor (modelPointMatch.maxPointSize() / 2);
155155 ColorFilter colorFilter;
156156 for (int xOffset = -radiusMax; xOffset <= radiusMax; xOffset++) {
157157 for (int yOffset = -radiusMax; yOffset <= radiusMax; yOffset++) {
159 int x = posScreen.x() + xOffset;
160 int y = posScreen.y() + yOffset;
161 int radius = qSqrt (xOffset * xOffset + yOffset * yOffset);
159 int x = qFloor (posScreen.x() + xOffset);
160 int y = qFloor (posScreen.y() + yOffset);
161 int radius = qFloor (qSqrt (xOffset * xOffset + yOffset * yOffset));
163163 if (radius <= radiusMax) {
229229 const QImage &img = context().mainWindow().imageFiltered();
230230 int radiusLimit = cmdMediator->document().modelGeneral().cursorSize();
231231 bool pixelShouldBeOn = pixelIsOnInImage (img,
232 posScreen.x(),
233 posScreen.y(),
232 qFloor (posScreen.x()),
233 qFloor (posScreen.y()),
234234 radiusLimit);
236236 QColor penColorIs = m_outline->pen().color();
302302 for (int xOffset = -radiusLimit; xOffset <= radiusLimit; xOffset++) {
303303 for (int yOffset = -radiusLimit; yOffset <= radiusLimit; yOffset++) {
305 int radius = qSqrt (xOffset * xOffset + yOffset * yOffset);
305 int radius = qFloor (qSqrt (xOffset * xOffset + yOffset * yOffset));
307307 if (radius <= radiusLimit) {
345345 } else {
347347 // No more points. Inform user
348 QMessageBox::information (0,
348 QMessageBox::information (nullptr,
349349 QObject::tr ("Point Match"),
350350 QObject::tr ("There are no more matching points"));
2626 DigitizeStateScale::DigitizeStateScale (DigitizeStateContext &context) :
2727 DigitizeStateAbstractBase (context),
28 m_temporaryPoint0 (0),
29 m_temporaryPoint1 (0),
30 m_line (0)
28 m_temporaryPoint0 (nullptr),
29 m_temporaryPoint1 (nullptr),
30 m_line (nullptr)
3131 {
3232 }
101101 void DigitizeStateScale::handleMouseMove (CmdMediator * /* cmdMediator */,
102102 QPointF posScreen)
103103 {
104 if (m_temporaryPoint1 != 0) {
104 if (m_temporaryPoint1 != nullptr) {
106106 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateScale::handleMouseMove"
107107 << " oldPos=" << QPointFToString (m_temporaryPoint1->pos ()).toLatin1().data()
118118 {
119119 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateScale::handleMousePress";
121 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = 0;
121 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = nullptr;
123123 // Create the scale bar to give the user immediate feedback that something was created
124124 const Curve &curveAxes = cmdMediator->curveAxes();
169169 if (context().mainWindow().transformIsDefined()) {
171 QMessageBox::warning (0,
171 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
172172 QObject::tr ("Engauge Digitizer"),
173173 QObject::tr ("The scale bar has been defined, and another is not needed or allowed."));
218218 context().mainWindow().scene().removePoint (m_pointIdentifier1); // Deallocates GraphicsPoint automaticall
219219 context().mainWindow().scene().removeItem (m_line);
220220 delete m_line;
221 m_temporaryPoint0 = 0;
222 m_temporaryPoint1 = 0;
223 m_line = 0;
221 m_temporaryPoint0 = nullptr;
222 m_temporaryPoint1 = nullptr;
223 m_line = nullptr;
224224 }
226226 QString DigitizeStateScale::state() const
77 #include "DigitizeStateContext.h"
88 #include "DigitizeStateSegment.h"
99 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
10 #include "GraphicsScene.h"
1011 #include "Logger.h"
1112 #include "MainWindow.h"
1213 #include "OrdinalGenerator.h"
6566 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateSegment::end";
6768 GraphicsScene &scene = context().mainWindow().scene();
68 SegmentFactory segmentFactory ((QGraphicsScene &) scene,
69 SegmentFactory segmentFactory (dynamic_cast<QGraphicsScene &> (scene),
6970 context().isGnuplot());
7172 segmentFactory.clearSegments(m_segments);
9293 QImage img = context().mainWindow().imageFiltered();
9495 GraphicsScene &scene = context().mainWindow().scene();
95 SegmentFactory segmentFactory ((QGraphicsScene &) scene,
96 SegmentFactory segmentFactory (dynamic_cast<QGraphicsScene &> (scene),
9697 context().isGnuplot());
9899 segmentFactory.clearSegments (m_segments);
158159 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateSegment::segmentFromSegmentStart";
159160 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
160 return 0;
161 return nullptr;
161162 }
163164 void DigitizeStateSegment::slotMouseClickOnSegment(QPointF posSegmentStart)
173174 // Generate point coordinates. Nothing is created in the GraphicsScene at this point
174175 GraphicsScene &scene = context().mainWindow().scene();
175 SegmentFactory segmentFactory ((QGraphicsScene &) scene,
176 SegmentFactory segmentFactory (dynamic_cast<QGraphicsScene &> (scene),
176177 context().isGnuplot());
178179 QList<QPoint> points = segmentFactory.fillPoints (m_cmdMediator->document().modelSegments(),
143143 bool isError;
144144 QString errorMessage;
146 bool isXNonzero = (posGraphBefore.x() != 0); // Identify which coordinate is to be edited
146 bool isXNonzero = (qAbs (posGraphBefore.x()) > 0); // Identify which coordinate is to be edited
147147 QPointF posGraphAfter (isXNonzero ? scaleLength : 0,
148148 isXNonzero ? 0 : scaleLength);
149149 context().mainWindow().cmdMediator()->document().checkEditPointAxis(pointIdentifier,
155155 if (isError) {
157 QMessageBox::warning (0,
157 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
158158 engaugeWindowTitle(),
159159 errorMessage);
216216 if (isError) {
218 QMessageBox::warning (0,
218 QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
219219 engaugeWindowTitle(),
220220 errorMessage);
240240 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DigitizeStateSelect::handleContextMenuEventGraph "
241241 << "points=" << pointIdentifiers.join(",").toLatin1 ().data ();
243 double *x = 0, *y = 0;
245 if (pointIdentifiers.count() == 1) {
247 // There is exactly one point so pass its coordinates to the dialog
248 x = new double;
249 y = new double;
251 QPointF posScreenBefore = cmdMediator->document().positionScreen (pointIdentifiers.first());
252 QPointF posGraphBefore;
253 context().mainWindow().transformation().transformScreenToRawGraph (posScreenBefore,
254 posGraphBefore);
256 // Ask user for coordinates
257 *x = posGraphBefore.x();
258 *y = posGraphBefore.y();
259 }
261 DlgEditPointGraph *dlg = new DlgEditPointGraph (context().mainWindow(),
262 cmdMediator->document().modelCoords(),
263 cmdMediator->document().modelGeneral(),
264 context().mainWindow().modelMainWindow(),
265 context().mainWindow().transformation(),
266 x,
267 y);
268 delete x;
269 delete y;
271 x = 0;
272 y = 0;
274 int rtn = dlg->exec ();
276 bool isXGiven, isYGiven;
277 double xGiven, yGiven;
278 dlg->posGraph (isXGiven, xGiven, isYGiven, yGiven); // One or both coordinates are returned
279 delete dlg;
281 if (rtn == QDialog::Accepted) {
283 // Create a command to edit the point
284 CmdEditPointGraph *cmd = new CmdEditPointGraph (context().mainWindow(),
285 cmdMediator->document(),
286 pointIdentifiers,
287 isXGiven,
288 isYGiven,
289 xGiven,
290 yGiven);
291 context().appendNewCmd(cmdMediator,
292 cmd);
243 // Editing graph coordinates before the axes are defined is not useful because:
244 // 1) That functionality is for fine tuning point placement based on defined axes
245 // 2) The transformation from screen to graph coordinates below will crash
246 if (context().mainWindow().transformation().transformIsDefined()) {
248 double *x = nullptr, *y = nullptr;
250 if (pointIdentifiers.count() == 1) {
252 // There is exactly one point so pass its coordinates to the dialog
253 x = new double;
254 y = new double;
256 QPointF posScreenBefore = cmdMediator->document().positionScreen (pointIdentifiers.first());
257 QPointF posGraphBefore;
258 context().mainWindow().transformation().transformScreenToRawGraph (posScreenBefore,
259 posGraphBefore);
261 // Ask user for coordinates
262 *x = posGraphBefore.x();
263 *y = posGraphBefore.y();
264 }
266 DlgEditPointGraph *dlg = new DlgEditPointGraph (context().mainWindow(),
267 cmdMediator->document().modelCoords(),
268 cmdMediator->document().modelGeneral(),
269 context().mainWindow().modelMainWindow(),
270 context().mainWindow().transformation(),
271 x,
272 y);
273 delete x;
274 delete y;
276 x = nullptr;
277 y = nullptr;
279 int rtn = dlg->exec ();
281 bool isXGiven, isYGiven;
282 double xGiven, yGiven;
283 dlg->posGraph (isXGiven, xGiven, isYGiven, yGiven); // One or both coordinates are returned
284 delete dlg;
286 if (rtn == QDialog::Accepted) {
288 // Create a command to edit the point
289 CmdEditPointGraph *cmd = new CmdEditPointGraph (context().mainWindow(),
290 cmdMediator->document(),
291 pointIdentifiers,
292 isXGiven,
293 isYGiven,
294 xGiven,
295 yGiven);
296 context().appendNewCmd(cmdMediator,
297 cmd);
298 }
293299 }
294300 }
348354 bool positionHasChanged = (positionHasChangedIdentifers.count () > 0);
350356 if (positionHasChanged && (
351 deltaScreen.x () != 0 ||
352 deltaScreen.y () != 0)) {
357 qAbs (deltaScreen.x ()) > 0 ||
358 qAbs (deltaScreen.y ()) > 0)) {
354360 QString moveText = moveTextFromDeltaScreen (deltaScreen);
2222 #include <QGroupBox>
2323 #include <QHBoxLayout>
2424 #include <QLabel>
25 #include <QLineEdit>
2526 #include <QRect>
2627 #include "QtToString.h"
2728 #include <QVBoxLayout>
6364 setWindowTitle (tr ("Edit Axis Point"));
6566 createCoords (layout);
66 createHint (layout);
67 createHints (layout,
68 documentAxesPointsRequired);
6769 createOkCancel (layout);
6971 initializeGraphCoordinates (xInitialValue,
131133 m_editGraphX->setValidator (m_validatorGraphX);
132134 // setStatusTip does not work for modal dialogs
133135 m_editGraphX->setWhatsThis (tr ("Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.\n\n"
134 "For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.\n\n"
136 "For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.\n\n"
135137 "The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If "
136138 "typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window..."));
137139 layout->addWidget(m_editGraphX, 0);
146148 m_editGraphY->setValidator (m_validatorGraphY);
147149 // setStatusTip does not work for modal dialogs
148150 m_editGraphY->setWhatsThis (tr ("Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.\n\n"
149 "For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.\n\n"
151 "For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.\n\n"
150152 "The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If "
151153 "typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window..."));
152154 layout->addWidget(m_editGraphY, 0);
156158 layout->addWidget(labelGraphParRight, 0);
157159 }
159 void DlgEditPointAxis::createHint (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter)
160 {
161 // Insert a hint explaining why decimal points may not be accepted. Very confusing for user to figure out the problem at first, and
162 // then figure out which setting should change to fix it. The hint is centered so it is slightly less intrusive
161 void DlgEditPointAxis::createHints (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter,
162 DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired)
163 {
164 // Insert:
165 // 1) a hint to advertise that axes with only one coordinate can be handled
166 // 2) a hint explaining why decimal points may not be accepted. Very confusing for user to figure out the problem at first, and
167 // then figure out which setting should change to fix it. The hint is centered so it is slightly less intrusive
169 const int MIN_EDIT_WIDTH = 180;
164171 QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
165172 layoutOuter->addWidget (widget, 0, Qt::AlignCenter);
167 QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;
174 QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
168175 widget->setLayout (layout);
176 int row = 0;
178 // Hint 1
179 QLabel *labelNumberCoordinates = new QLabel (tr ("Number of coordinates per axis point:"));
180 layout->addWidget (labelNumberCoordinates, row, 0, 1, 1);
181 QLineEdit *editNumberCoordinates = new QLineEdit;
182 editNumberCoordinates->setWhatsThis (tr ("Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. "
183 "If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over "
184 "with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points."));
185 editNumberCoordinates->setReadOnly (true);
186 editNumberCoordinates->setText (documentAxesPointsRequired == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3 ?
187 "2" :
188 "1");
189 editNumberCoordinates->setMinimumWidth (MIN_EDIT_WIDTH);
190 layout->addWidget (editNumberCoordinates, row++, 1, 1, 1);
192 // Hint 2
193 QLabel *labelLocale = new QLabel (tr ("Number format:"));
194 layout->addWidget (labelLocale, row, 0, 1, 1);
195 QLineEdit *editLocale = new QLineEdit;
196 editLocale->setWhatsThis (tr ("Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window."));
197 editLocale->setReadOnly (true);
170198 QString locale = QLocaleToString (m_modelMainWindow.locale ());
171 QString hint = QString ("%1: %2")
172 .arg (tr ("Number format"))
173 .arg (locale);
174 QLabel *label = new QLabel (hint);
175 layout->addWidget (label);
199 editLocale->setText (locale);
200 editLocale->setMinimumWidth (MIN_EDIT_WIDTH);
201 layout->addWidget (editLocale, row++, 1, 1, 1);
176202 }
178204 void DlgEditPointAxis::createOkCancel (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter)
201227 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgEditPointAxis::initializeGraphCoordinates";
203229 QString xTheta, yRadius;
204 if ((xInitialValue != 0) &&
205 (yInitialValue != 0)) {
230 if ((xInitialValue != nullptr) &&
231 (yInitialValue != nullptr)) {
207233 FormatCoordsUnits format;
208234 format.unformattedToFormatted (*xInitialValue,
99 #include "DocumentAxesPointsRequired.h"
10 #include "DocumentModelCoords.h"
11 #include "DocumentModelGeneral.h"
12 #include "MainWindowModel.h"
1013 #include <QDialog>
1114 #include <QLineEdit>
1215 #include <QPushButton>
1417 class DlgValidatorAbstract;
15 class DocumentModelCoords;
16 class DocumentModelGeneral;
1718 class MainWindow;
18 class MainWindowModel;
1919 class QVBoxLayout;
2020 class Transformation;
4747 private:
4848 void createCoords (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter);
49 void createHint (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter);
49 void createHints (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter,
50 DocumentAxesPointsRequired documentAxesPointsRequired);
5051 void createOkCancel (QVBoxLayout *layoutOuter);
5152 void initializeGraphCoordinates (const double *xInitialValue,
5253 const double *yInitialValue,
6970 DocumentAxesPointsRequired m_documentAxesPointsRequired;
71 const DocumentModelCoords &m_modelCoords;
72 const DocumentModelGeneral &m_modelGeneral;
73 const MainWindowModel &m_modelMainWindow;
72 const DocumentModelCoords m_modelCoords;
73 const DocumentModelGeneral m_modelGeneral;
74 const MainWindowModel m_modelMainWindow;
7475 };
7677 #endif // DLG_EDIT_POINT_AXIS_H
182182 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgEditPointGraph::initializeGraphCoordinates";
184184 QString xTheta, yRadius;
185 if ((xInitialValue != 0) &&
186 (yInitialValue != 0)) {
185 if ((xInitialValue != nullptr) &&
186 (yInitialValue != nullptr)) {
188188 FormatCoordsUnits format;
189189 format.unformattedToFormatted (*xInitialValue,
9 #include "DocumentModelCoords.h"
10 #include "DocumentModelGeneral.h"
11 #include "MainWindowModel.h"
912 #include <QDialog>
1013 #include <QPointF>
1114 #include <QString>
1316 class DlgEditPointGraphLineEdit;
1417 class DlgValidatorAbstract;
15 class DocumentModelCoords;
16 class DocumentModelGeneral;
1718 class MainWindow;
18 class MainWindowModel;
1919 class QPushButton;
2020 class QVBoxLayout;
2121 class Transformation;
6868 // Enable Ok button once text has changed. For simplicity, this is true even when original text is restored
6969 bool m_changed;
71 const DocumentModelCoords &m_modelCoords;
72 const DocumentModelGeneral &m_modelGeneral;
73 const MainWindowModel &m_modelMainWindow;
71 const DocumentModelCoords m_modelCoords;
72 const DocumentModelGeneral m_modelGeneral;
73 const MainWindowModel m_modelMainWindow;
7474 };
7676 #endif // DLG_EDIT_POINT_GRAPH_H
126126 void DlgEditScale::initializeScaleLength (const double *scaleLength)
127127 {
128 if (scaleLength != 0) {
128 if (scaleLength != nullptr) {
129129 m_editScaleLength->setText (QString::number (*scaleLength));
130130 }
131131 }
1212 m_pixmapOriginal (pixmapOriginal),
1313 m_rgbBackground (rgbBackground),
1414 m_dlgSettingsColorFilter (dlgSettingsColorFilter),
15 m_dlgFilterWorker (0)
15 m_dlgFilterWorker (nullptr)
1616 {
1717 }
1919 void DlgFilterThread::run ()
2020 {
2121 // Create worker only once
22 if (m_dlgFilterWorker == 0) {
22 if (m_dlgFilterWorker == nullptr) {
2424 m_dlgFilterWorker = new DlgFilterWorker (m_pixmapOriginal,
2525 m_rgbBackground);
121121 unsigned int DlgImportAdvanced::numberCoordSystem () const
122122 {
123 return m_spinCoordSystemCount->value ();
123 return unsigned (m_spinCoordSystemCount->value ());
124124 }
126126 void DlgImportAdvanced::setSmallDialogs(bool /* smallDialogs */)
2727 DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::DlgImportCroppingNonPdf(const QString &fileName) :
2828 m_fileName (fileName),
29 m_pixmap (0)
29 m_pixmap (nullptr),
30 m_nonPdfCropping (nullptr)
3031 {
3132 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::DlgImportCroppingNonPdf";
5354 DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::~DlgImportCroppingNonPdf()
5455 {
5556 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::~DlgImportCroppingNonPdf";
58 delete m_nonPdfCropping;
5659 }
5861 void DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::createNonPdfCropping ()
130133 {
131134 // If the entire page was to be returned, then this method would simply return m_image. However, only the framed
132135 // portion is to be returned
133 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_nonPdfCropping != 0);
136 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_nonPdfCropping);
134137 QRectF rectFramePixels = m_nonPdfCropping->frameRect ();
136139 return m_image.copy (rectFramePixels.toRect ());
157160 void DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::saveGeometryToSettings()
158161 {
159162 // Store the settings for use by showEvent
160 QSettings settings;
161164 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_IMPORT_CROPPING);
162165 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS, saveGeometry ());
163166 settings.endGroup();
166169 void DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::showEvent (QShowEvent * /* event */)
167170 {
168 QSettings settings;
169172 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_IMPORT_CROPPING);
170173 if (settings.contains (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS)) {
172175 // Restore the settings that were stored by the last call to saveGeometryToSettings
173176 restoreGeometry (settings.value (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS).toByteArray ());
174177 }
178 settings.endGroup ();
175179 }
177181 void DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::slotCancel ()
202206 {
203207 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgImportCroppingNonPdf::updatePreview";
205 if (m_pixmap != 0) {
209 if (m_pixmap != nullptr) {
206210 m_scenePreview->removeItem (m_pixmap);
207211 }
1212 #include <QApplication>
1313 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
1414 #include <QGraphicsScene>
15 #include <QGridLayout>
1516 #include <QImage>
1617 #include <QLabel>
1718 #include <QLayout>
3536 int resolution) :
3637 m_document (document),
3738 m_resolution (resolution),
38 m_pixmap (0)
39 m_pixmap (nullptr)
3940 {
4041 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgImportCroppingPdf::DlgImportCroppingPdf";
166167 {
167168 // If the entire page was to be returned, then this method would simply return m_image. However, only the framed
168169 // portion is to be returned
169 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_pdfCropping != 0);
170 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_pdfCropping != nullptr);
170171 QRectF rectFramePixels = m_pdfCropping->frameRect ();
172173 return m_image.copy (rectFramePixels.toRect ());
189190 int page0Based = page1Based - 1;
190191 Page *page = (page0Based);
191 if (page != 0) {
192 if (page != nullptr) {
193194 image = page->renderToImage (m_resolution,
194195 m_resolution,
206207 void DlgImportCroppingPdf::saveGeometryToSettings()
207208 {
208209 // Store the settings for use by showEvent
209 QSettings settings;
210211 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_IMPORT_CROPPING);
211212 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS, saveGeometry ());
212213 settings.endGroup();
215216 void DlgImportCroppingPdf::showEvent (QShowEvent * /* event */)
216217 {
217 QSettings settings;
218219 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_IMPORT_CROPPING);
219220 if (settings.contains (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS)) {
221222 // Restore the settings that were stored by the last call to saveGeometryToSettings
222223 restoreGeometry (settings.value (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS).toByteArray ());
223224 }
225 settings.endGroup ();
224226 }
226228 void DlgImportCroppingPdf::slotCancel ()
270272 {
271273 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgImportCroppingPdf::updatePreview";
273 if (m_pixmap != 0) {
275 if (m_pixmap != nullptr) {
274276 m_scenePreview->removeItem (m_pixmap);
275277 }
1515 #include <QSettings>
1616 #include <QSpacerItem>
1717 #include <QVBoxLayout>
18 #include "Settings.h"
1920 int DlgSettingsAbstractBase::MINIMUM_DIALOG_WIDTH = 380; // May be overridden by subclass
2021 int DlgSettingsAbstractBase::MINIMUM_PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 100;
2425 MainWindow &mainWindow) :
2526 QDialog (&mainWindow),
2627 m_mainWindow (mainWindow),
27 m_cmdMediator (0),
28 m_cmdMediator (nullptr),
2829 m_dialogName (dialogName),
2930 m_disableOkAtStartup (true)
3031 {
157158 void DlgSettingsAbstractBase::saveGeometryToSettings()
158159 {
159160 // Store the settings for use by showEvent
160 QSettings settings;
161162 settings.setValue (m_dialogName, saveGeometry ());
162163 }
169170 void DlgSettingsAbstractBase::setDisableOkAtStartup(bool disableOkAtStartup)
170171 {
171172 m_disableOkAtStartup = disableOkAtStartup;
173 }
175 void DlgSettingsAbstractBase::hideEvent (QHideEvent * /* event */)
176 {
177 saveGeometryToSettings();
172178 }
174180 void DlgSettingsAbstractBase::showEvent (QShowEvent * /* event */)
177183 m_btnOk->setEnabled (false);
178184 }
180 QSettings settings;
181187 if (settings.contains (m_dialogName)) {
183189 // Restore the settings that were stored by the last call to saveGeometryToSettings
189195 {
190196 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsAbstractBase::slotCancel";
192 saveGeometryToSettings();
193198 hide();
194199 }
196201 void DlgSettingsAbstractBase::slotOk ()
197202 {
198203 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsAbstractBase::slotOk";
200 saveGeometryToSettings();
202205 // Forward to leaf class
203206 handleOk ();
9999 void saveGeometryToSettings ();
101 /// Do shutdown when dialog disappears
102 virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent *event);
101104 /// Do preparation before dialog is displayed.
102105 virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent *event);
3838 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Axes Checker"),
3939 "DlgSettingsAxesChecker",
4040 mainWindow),
41 m_checker (0),
42 m_modelAxesCheckerBefore (0),
43 m_modelAxesCheckerAfter (0),
44 m_modelCoords (0)
41 m_checker (nullptr),
42 m_modelAxesCheckerBefore (nullptr),
43 m_modelAxesCheckerAfter (nullptr),
44 m_modelCoords (nullptr)
4545 {
4646 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsAxesChecker::DlgSettingsAxesChecker";
5252 DlgSettingsAxesChecker::~DlgSettingsAxesChecker()
5353 {
5454 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsAxesChecker::~DlgSettingsAxesChecker";
56 delete m_checker;
5557 }
5759 void DlgSettingsAxesChecker::createControls (QGridLayout *layout,
260262 {
261263 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsAxesChecker::slotLineColor";
263 m_modelAxesCheckerAfter->setLineColor ((ColorPalette) m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt());
265 m_modelAxesCheckerAfter->setLineColor (static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt()));
264266 updateControls();
265267 updatePreview();
266268 }
292294 QPolygonF polygon (points);
294 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_checker != 0);
296 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_checker);
295297 m_checker->prepareForDisplay (polygon,
297299 *m_modelAxesCheckerAfter,
3636 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Color Filter"),
3737 "DlgSettingsColorFilter",
3838 mainWindow),
39 m_scenePreview (0),
40 m_viewPreview (0),
41 m_filterThread (0),
42 m_modelColorFilterBefore (0),
43 m_modelColorFilterAfter (0)
39 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
40 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
41 m_filterThread (nullptr),
42 m_modelColorFilterBefore (nullptr),
43 m_modelColorFilterAfter (nullptr)
4444 {
4545 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsColorFilter::DlgSettingsColorFilter";
5252 DlgSettingsColorFilter::~DlgSettingsColorFilter()
5353 {
5454 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsColorFilter::~DlgSettingsColorFilter";
56 delete m_filterThread;
5557 }
5759 void DlgSettingsColorFilter::createControls (QGridLayout *layout, int &row)
200202 QRgb rgbBackground = filter.marginColor(&image);
202204 // Only create thread once
203 if (m_filterThread == 0) {
205 if (m_filterThread == nullptr) {
205207 m_filterThread = new DlgFilterThread (cmdMediator().document().pixmap(),
206208 rgbBackground,
264266 QString curveName = m_cmbCurveName->currentText();
266268 // Skip if everything is not set up yet
267 if (!curveName.isEmpty () && m_modelColorFilterAfter != 0) {
269 if (!curveName.isEmpty () && m_modelColorFilterAfter != nullptr) {
269271 // Populate controls
270272 ColorFilterMode colorFilterMode = m_modelColorFilterAfter->colorFilterMode(curveName);
303305 void DlgSettingsColorFilter::slotDividerHigh (double xCenter)
304306 {
305307 m_modelColorFilterAfter->setHigh (m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
306 xCenter / (double) PROFILE_SCENE_WIDTH ());
308 xCenter / double (PROFILE_SCENE_WIDTH ()));
307309 updatePreview();
308310 }
310312 void DlgSettingsColorFilter::slotDividerLow (double xCenter)
311313 {
312314 m_modelColorFilterAfter->setLow (m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
313 xCenter / (double) PROFILE_SCENE_WIDTH ());
315 xCenter / double (PROFILE_SCENE_WIDTH ()));
314316 updatePreview();
315317 }
406408 // Start with original image
407409 QImage image = cmdMediator().document().pixmap().toImage();
409 double *histogramBins = new double [ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS ()];
411 double *histogramBins = new double [unsigned (ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS ())];
411413 ColorFilter filter;
412414 ColorFilterHistogram filterHistogram;
420422 // Draw histogram, normalizing so highest peak exactly fills the vertical range. Log scale is used
421423 // so smaller peaks do not disappear
422424 double logMaxBinCount = qLn (maxBinCount);
423 if (logMaxBinCount != 0) { // Will not have divide by zero from logMaxBinCount below
425 if (qAbs (logMaxBinCount) > 0) { // Will not have divide by zero from logMaxBinCount below
424426 for (int bin = 1; bin < ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS (); bin++) {
426428 double x0 = PROFILE_SCENE_WIDTH () * (bin - 1.0) / (ColorFilterHistogram::HISTOGRAM_BINS () - 1.0);
446448 *m_viewProfile,
449 PROFILE_SCENE_HEIGHT () * 2.0 / 3.0,
451 qFloor (PROFILE_SCENE_HEIGHT () * 2.0 / 3.0),
450452 true);
451453 m_dividerHigh = new ViewProfileDivider(*m_sceneProfile,
452454 *m_viewProfile,
457 qFloor (PROFILE_SCENE_HEIGHT () / 3.0),
456458 false);
458460 // Connect the dividers to each other since the shaded areas depend on both divides when low divider is
501503 }
503 free (histogramBins);
505 delete[] histogramBins;
504506 }
506508 void DlgSettingsColorFilter::updatePreview ()
2525 #include <QGraphicsScene>
2626 #include <QLabel>
2727 #include <QLineEdit>
28 #include <qmath.h>
2829 #include <QPalette>
2930 #include <QRadioButton>
3031 #include <QStackedWidget>
7475 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Coordinates"),
7576 "DlgSettingsCoords",
7677 mainWindow),
77 m_btnCartesian (0),
78 m_btnPolar (0),
79 m_validatorOriginRadius (0),
80 m_cmbDate (0),
81 m_cmbTime (0),
82 m_scenePreview (0),
83 m_viewPreview (0),
84 m_modelCoordsBefore (0),
85 m_modelCoordsAfter (0)
78 m_btnCartesian (nullptr),
79 m_btnPolar (nullptr),
80 m_validatorOriginRadius (nullptr),
81 m_cmbDate (nullptr),
82 m_cmbTime (nullptr),
83 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
84 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
85 m_modelCoordsBefore (nullptr),
86 m_modelCoordsAfter (nullptr)
8687 {
8788 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCoords::DlgSettingsCoords";
102103 for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
104105 QString angle;
105 CoordUnitsPolarTheta thetaUnits = (CoordUnitsPolarTheta) m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData().toInt();
106 CoordUnitsPolarTheta thetaUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsPolarTheta> (m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData().toInt());
107108 switch (thetaUnits) {
184185 YCENTER);
185186 }
187 QRectF DlgSettingsCoords::boundingRectGraph (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
188 bool &isEmpty) const
189 {
190 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (mainWindow().transformation());
188 void DlgSettingsCoords::boundingRectGraph (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
189 bool &isEmpty,
190 QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
191 QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax) const
192 {
193 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (cmdMediator.document().documentAxesPointsRequired(),
194 mainWindow().transformation());
192196 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point&, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
193197 &CallbackBoundingRects::callback);
202206 cmdMediator.iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs (ftorWithCallback);
203207 }
205 return ftor.boundingRectGraph(isEmpty);
209 boundingRectGraphMin = ftor.boundingRectGraphMin (isEmpty);
210 boundingRectGraphMax = ftor.boundingRectGraphMax (isEmpty);
206211 }
208213 void DlgSettingsCoords::createDateTime (QGridLayout *layout,
557562 // Remove if coordinates are log so later constraints can be applied
558563 bool isEmpty;
559 QRectF rectGraph = boundingRectGraph (cmdMediator,
560 isEmpty);
561 bool xThetaGoesNegative = !isEmpty && (rectGraph.x() <= 0);
562 bool yRGoesNegative = !isEmpty && (rectGraph.y() <= 0);
564 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin, boundingRectGraphMax;
565 boundingRectGraph (cmdMediator,
566 isEmpty,
567 boundingRectGraphMin,
568 boundingRectGraphMax);
569 bool xThetaGoesNegative = !isEmpty && (boundingRectGraphMin.x() <= 0);
570 bool yRGoesNegative = !isEmpty && (boundingRectGraphMin.y() <= 0);
563571 m_xThetaLinear->setEnabled (!xThetaGoesNegative);
564572 m_xThetaLog->setEnabled (!xThetaGoesNegative);
565573 m_yRadiusLinear->setEnabled (!yRGoesNegative);
710718 void DlgSettingsCoords::resetSceneRectangle ()
711719 {
717725 QGraphicsRectItem *itemPerimeter = new QGraphicsRectItem(rect);
718726 itemPerimeter->setVisible(false);
745753 {
746754 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCoords::slotDate";
748 CoordUnitsDate coordUnits = (CoordUnitsDate) m_cmbDate->currentData ().toInt();
756 CoordUnitsDate coordUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsDate> (m_cmbDate->currentData ().toInt());
749757 m_modelCoordsAfter->setCoordUnitsDate(coordUnits);
750758 updateControls();
751759 updatePreview();
766774 {
767775 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCoords::slotTime";
769 CoordUnitsTime coordUnits = (CoordUnitsTime) m_cmbTime->currentData ().toInt();
777 CoordUnitsTime coordUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsTime> (m_cmbTime->currentData ().toInt());
770778 m_modelCoordsAfter->setCoordUnitsTime(coordUnits);
771779 updateControls();
772780 updatePreview();
777785 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCoords::slotUnitsXTheta";
779787 if (m_modelCoordsAfter->coordsType() == COORDS_TYPE_CARTESIAN) {
780 CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta coordUnits = (CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt ();
788 CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta coordUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt ());
781789 m_modelCoordsAfter->setCoordUnitsX(coordUnits);
782790 } else {
783 CoordUnitsPolarTheta coordUnits = (CoordUnitsPolarTheta) m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt ();
791 CoordUnitsPolarTheta coordUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsPolarTheta> (m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt ());
784792 m_modelCoordsAfter->setCoordUnitsTheta(coordUnits);
785793 }
786794 updateControls ();
791799 {
792800 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCoords::slotUnitsYRadius";
794 CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta coordUnits = (CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt ();
802 CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta coordUnits = static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt ());
795803 if (m_modelCoordsAfter->coordsType() == COORDS_TYPE_CARTESIAN) {
796804 m_modelCoordsAfter->setCoordUnitsY(coordUnits);
797805 } else {
920928 bool enableDateTime;
921929 if (m_btnCartesian->isChecked()) {
922 enableDateTime = (((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt() == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME) ||
923 ((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt() == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME));
930 enableDateTime = ((static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (m_cmbXThetaUnits->currentData ().toInt()) == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME) ||
931 (static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt()) == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME));
924932 } else {
925 enableDateTime = ((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt() == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME);
933 enableDateTime = (static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (m_cmbYRadiusUnits->currentData ().toInt()) == COORD_UNITS_NON_POLAR_THETA_DATE_TIME);
926934 }
927935 m_cmbDate->setEnabled (enableDateTime);
928936 m_cmbTime->setEnabled (enableDateTime);
5757 void annotateAngles(const QFont &defaultFont);
5858 void annotateRadiusAtOrigin(const QFont &defaultFont);
59 QRectF boundingRectGraph (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
60 bool &isEmpty) const;
59 void boundingRectGraph (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
60 bool &isEmpty,
61 QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
62 QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax) const;
6163 void createDateTime(QGridLayout *layout,
6264 int &row);
6365 void createGroupCoordsType(QGridLayout *layout,
src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CmdMediator.h"
7 #include "CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
8 #include "CurveNameList.h"
9 #include "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
10 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
11 #include "Logger.h"
12 #include "MainWindow.h"
13 #include <QCheckBox>
14 #include <QDebug>
15 #include <QGridLayout>
16 #include <QLabel>
17 #include <QListView>
18 #include <QMessageBox>
19 #include <QPushButton>
20 #include <QSettings>
21 #include <QSpacerItem>
22 #include <QTableView>
23 #include <QTextStream>
24 #include "QtToString.h"
25 #include "Settings.h"
26 #include "SettingsForGraph.h"
28 const int MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 500;
30 DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove(MainWindow &mainWindow) :
31 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Curve List"),
32 "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove",
33 mainWindow),
34 m_curveNameList (0)
35 {
36 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove";
38 QWidget *subPanel = createSubPanel ();
39 finishPanel (subPanel);
40 }
42 DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::~DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove()
43 {
44 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::~DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove";
45 }
47 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::appendCurveName (const QString &curveNameNew,
48 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
49 int numPoints)
50 {
51 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::appendCurveName"
52 << " curve=" << curveNameNew.toLatin1().data();
54 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_curveNameList);
56 int row = m_curveNameList->rowCount ();
57 insertCurveName (row,
58 curveNameNew,
59 curveNameOriginal,
60 numPoints);
61 }
63 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createButtons (QGridLayout *layout,
64 int &row)
65 {
66 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createButtons";
68 m_btnAdd = new QPushButton (tr ("Add..."));
69 m_btnAdd->setWhatsThis (tr ("Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.\n\n"
70 "Every curve name must be unique"));
71 m_btnAdd->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
72 connect (m_btnAdd, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotNew()));
73 layout->addWidget (m_btnAdd, row, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
75 m_btnRemove = new QPushButton (tr ("Remove"));
76 m_btnRemove->setWhatsThis (tr ("Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.\n\n"
77 "There must always be at least one curve"));
78 m_btnRemove->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
79 connect (m_btnRemove, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotRemove()));
80 layout->addWidget (m_btnRemove, row++, 2, 1, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
81 }
83 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createListCurves (QGridLayout *layout,
84 int &row)
85 {
86 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createListCurves";
88 QLabel *label = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Curve Names")));
89 layout->addWidget (label, row++, 1);
91 // There is no Qt::ItemIsEditable flag for QListView, so instead we set that flag for the QListViewItems
92 m_listCurves = new QListView;
93 m_listCurves->setWhatsThis (tr ("List of the curves belonging to this document.\n\n"
94 "Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.\n\n"
95 "Reorder curves by dragging them around."));
96 m_listCurves->setMinimumHeight (200);
97 m_listCurves->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectItems);
98 m_listCurves->setDragDropOverwriteMode (false);
99 m_listCurves->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
100 m_listCurves->setDefaultDropAction (Qt::MoveAction);
101 m_listCurves->setDragDropOverwriteMode (false);
102 m_listCurves->setDragEnabled (true);
103 m_listCurves->setDropIndicatorShown (true); // Visible confirmation that each row can be dragged and dropped to move
104 m_listCurves->setDragDropMode (QAbstractItemView::InternalMove);
105 layout->addWidget (m_listCurves, row++, 1, 1, 2);
107 m_curveNameList = new CurveNameList;
108 connect (m_curveNameList, SIGNAL (rowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
109 this, SLOT (slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int)));
110 connect (m_curveNameList, SIGNAL (dataChanged (const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector<int> &)),
111 this, SLOT (slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector<int> &)));
113 m_listCurves->setModel (m_curveNameList);
114 }
116 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createOptionalSaveDefault (QHBoxLayout *layout)
117 {
118 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createOptionalSaveDefault";
120 m_btnSaveDefault = new QPushButton (tr ("Save As Default"));
121 m_btnSaveDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves."));
122 connect (m_btnSaveDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotSaveDefault ()));
123 layout->addWidget (m_btnSaveDefault, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
125 m_btnResetDefault = new QPushButton (tr ("Reset Default"));
126 m_btnResetDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings."));
127 connect (m_btnResetDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotResetDefault()));
128 layout->addWidget (m_btnResetDefault, 0, Qt::AlignRight);
130 QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem (40, 2);
131 layout->addItem (spacer);
132 }
134 QWidget *DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createSubPanel ()
135 {
136 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::createSubPanel";
138 const int EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH = 30;
140 QWidget *subPanel = new QWidget ();
141 QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout (subPanel);
142 subPanel->setLayout (layout);
144 int row = 1;
145 createListCurves (layout, row);
146 createButtons (layout, row);
148 layout->setColumnStretch (0, 0); // Empty first column
149 layout->setColumnMinimumWidth (0, EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH);
150 layout->setColumnStretch (1, 1); // New
151 layout->setColumnStretch (2, 1); // Remove
152 layout->setColumnStretch (3, 0); // Empty last column
153 layout->setColumnMinimumWidth (3, EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH);
155 return subPanel;
156 }
158 bool DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::endsWithNumber (const QString &str) const
159 {
160 bool success = false;
162 if (!str.isEmpty ()) {
164 success = (str.right (1).at (0).digitValue() >= 0);
165 }
167 return success;
168 }
170 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::handleOk ()
171 {
172 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::handleOk";
174 CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove *cmd = new CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove (mainWindow (),
175 cmdMediator ().document(),
176 *m_curveNameList);
177 cmdMediator ().push (cmd);
179 hide ();
180 }
182 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::insertCurveName (int row,
183 const QString &curveNameNew,
184 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
185 int numPoints)
186 {
187 // Track all entries
188 m_curveNameList->insertRow (row,
189 curveNameNew,
190 curveNameOriginal,
191 numPoints);
192 }
194 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::load (CmdMediator &cmdMediator)
195 {
196 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::load";
198 setCmdMediator (cmdMediator);
200 // Perform comprehensive clearing
201 m_listCurves->reset ();
202 m_curveNameList->reset ();
204 QStringList curveNames = cmdMediator.curvesGraphsNames ();
205 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
206 for (itr = curveNames.begin (); itr != curveNames.end (); itr++) {
207 QString curveName = *itr;
208 appendCurveName (curveName,
209 curveName,
210 cmdMediator.curvesGraphsNumPoints (curveName));
211 }
213 selectCurveName (curveNames.first());
215 enableOk (false); // Disable Ok button since there not yet any changes
216 }
218 int DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::newRowFromSelection () const
219 {
220 int numSelectedItems = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count ();
221 int numItems = m_listCurves->model ()->rowCount ();
223 // Determine index where new entry will be inserted
224 int newRow = -1;
225 if ((numSelectedItems == 0) &&
226 (numItems > 0)) {
228 // Append after list which has at least one entry
229 newRow = numItems;
231 } else if (numSelectedItems == 1) {
233 // Insert after the selected index
234 newRow = 1 + m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().at (0).row ();
236 }
238 return newRow;
239 }
241 QString DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::nextCurveName () const
242 {
243 const QString DASH_ONE ("-1"); // Nice value to start a new range at a lower level than the current level
245 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_listCurves);
247 int newRow = newRowFromSelection ();
248 int numItems = m_listCurves->model ()->rowCount ();
250 // Curves names of existing before/after curves
251 QString curveNameBefore, curveNameAfter;
252 if (newRow > 0) {
254 QModelIndex index = m_curveNameList->index (newRow - 1, 0);
255 curveNameBefore = m_curveNameList->data (index).toString ();
257 }
259 if ((0 <= newRow) && (newRow < numItems)) {
261 QModelIndex index = m_curveNameList->index (newRow, 0);
262 curveNameAfter = m_curveNameList->data (index).toString ();
264 }
266 // New curve name computed from previous curve name
267 QString curveNameNext;
268 if (curveNameBefore.isEmpty () && !curveNameAfter.isEmpty () && endsWithNumber (curveNameAfter)) {
270 // Pick a name before curveNameAfter
271 int numberAfter = numberAtEnd (curveNameAfter);
272 int numberNew = numberAfter - 1;
273 int pos = curveNameAfter.lastIndexOf (QString::number (numberAfter));
274 if (pos >= 0) {
276 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
277 .arg (curveNameAfter.left (pos))
278 .arg (numberNew);
280 } else {
282 curveNameNext = curveNameAfter; // Better than nothing
284 }
286 } else if (curveNameBefore.isEmpty ()) {
288 curveNameNext = DEFAULT_GRAPH_CURVE_NAME; // If necessary, this will be deconflicted below
290 } else {
292 curveNameNext = curveNameBefore; // This will be deconflicted below
294 if (endsWithNumber (curveNameBefore)) {
296 // Curve name ends with a number. Pick a name after curveNameBefore, being sure to not match curveNameAfter
297 int numberBefore = numberAtEnd (curveNameBefore);
298 int numberNew = numberBefore + 1;
299 int pos = curveNameBefore.lastIndexOf (QString::number (numberBefore));
300 if (pos >= 0) {
302 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
303 .arg (curveNameBefore.left (pos))
304 .arg (numberNew);
305 if (curveNameNext == curveNameAfter) {
307 // The difference between before and after is exactly one so we go to a lower level
308 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
309 .arg (curveNameBefore)
310 .arg (DASH_ONE);
311 }
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 // Curve name from settings takes precedence
317 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
318 int indexOneBasedNext = numItems + 1;
319 curveNameNext = settingsForGraph.defaultCurveName (indexOneBasedNext,
320 curveNameNext);
322 // At this point we have curveNameNext which does not conflict with curveNameBefore or
323 // curveNameAfter, but it may in rare cases conflict with some other curve name. We keep
324 // adding to the name until there is no conflict
325 while (m_curveNameList->containsCurveNameCurrent (curveNameNext)) {
326 curveNameNext += DASH_ONE;
327 }
329 return curveNameNext;
330 }
332 int DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::numberAtEnd (const QString &str) const
333 {
334 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (endsWithNumber (str));
336 // Go backward until the first nondigit
337 int sign = +1;
338 int ch = str.size () - 1;
339 while ( (ch).digitValue() >= 0) {
340 --ch;
342 if (ch < 0) {
343 break;
344 }
345 }
346 ++ch;
348 return sign * str.mid (ch).toInt ();
349 }
351 unsigned int DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::numPointsForSelectedCurves () const
352 {
353 QList<unsigned int > rowsSelected;
355 // Create a list of curves that are currently selected
356 for (int i = 0; i < m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes ().count (); i++) {
358 int row = m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes ().at (i).row ();
359 rowsSelected << row;
360 }
362 return m_curveNameList->numPointsForSelectedCurves (rowsSelected);
363 }
365 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::printStream(QTextStream &str) const
366 {
367 str << m_curveNameList->currentCurvesAsString();
368 }
370 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::removeSelectedCurves ()
371 {
372 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::removeSelectedCurves";
374 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () > 0); // Also guarantees number of indexes > 0
376 // Identify the first index after the last selected index
377 QString firstCurveAfter; // Empty case means there was no index afer the last selected index
378 for (int row = m_listCurves->model()->rowCount() - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
380 QModelIndex indexCurrent = m_listCurves->model()->index(row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
381 if (indexCurrent == m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().last()) {
383 // This is the last selected index, which will be removed below. Exit immediately with firstCurveAfter set
384 break;
385 }
387 firstCurveAfter =;
388 }
390 // Delete the selected indexes from last to first
391 for (int i = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
393 int row = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().at (i).row ();
395 m_curveNameList->removeRow (row);
396 }
398 if (firstCurveAfter.isEmpty ()) {
400 // Select the last remaining curve. These steps seem more complicated than necessary
401 int numItems = m_listCurves->model()->rowCount();
402 QModelIndex indexLast = m_listCurves->model()->index (numItems - 1, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
403 firstCurveAfter = m_listCurves->model()->data (indexLast).toString();
405 }
407 // Select an item
408 selectCurveName(firstCurveAfter);
409 }
411 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::selectCurveName (const QString &curveWanted)
412 {
413 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::selectCurveName"
414 << " curve=" << curveWanted.toLatin1().data();
416 for (int row = 0; row < m_listCurves->model()->rowCount(); row++) {
418 QModelIndex index = m_listCurves->model()->index (row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
419 QString curveGot = ().toString ();
421 if (curveWanted == curveGot) {
423 // Found the curve we want to select
424 m_listCurves->setCurrentIndex (index);
425 break;
427 }
428 }
429 }
431 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::setSmallDialogs(bool smallDialogs)
432 {
433 if (!smallDialogs) {
434 setMinimumHeight (MINIMUM_HEIGHT);
435 }
436 }
438 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft,
439 const QModelIndex &bottomRight,
440 const QVector<int> &roles)
441 {
442 // LOG4CPP_INFO_S is below
444 // Since list just changed we dump all of it, including the visible and hidden data
445 QString curveEntries;
446 QTextStream str (&curveEntries);
447 printStream (str);
449 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotDataChanged"
450 << " topLeft=(" << topLeft.row () << "," << topLeft.column () << ")"
451 << " bottomRight=(" << bottomRight.row () << "," << bottomRight.column () << ")"
452 << " roles=" << rolesAsString (roles).toLatin1 ().data ()
453 << " defaultDragOption=" << (m_listCurves->defaultDropAction() == Qt::MoveAction ? "MoveAction" : "CopyAction")
454 << " curveEntries=(" << curveEntries.toLatin1().data() << ")";
456 updateControls ();
457 }
459 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent,
460 int rowFirst,
461 int rowLast)
462 {
463 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved"
464 << " parentValid=" << (parent.isValid() ? "yes" : "no")
465 << " rowFirst=" << rowFirst
466 << " rowLast=" << rowLast;
468 updateControls ();
469 }
471 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotNew ()
472 {
473 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotNew";
476 const int NO_POINTS = 0;
478 QString curveNameSuggestion = nextCurveName ();
480 int row = newRowFromSelection();
482 insertCurveName (row,
483 curveNameSuggestion,
487 selectCurveName (curveNameSuggestion);
489 updateControls();
490 }
492 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotRemove ()
493 {
494 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotRemove";
496 // Count the number of curve points to be deleted
497 int numPoints = numPointsForSelectedCurves ();
499 int rtn = QMessageBox::Ok;
500 if (numPoints > 0) {
502 QString msg;
503 if (m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () == 1) {
504 msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3")
505 .arg (tr ("Removing this curve will also remove"))
506 .arg (numPoints)
507 .arg (tr ("points. Continue?"));
508 } else {
509 msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3")
510 .arg (tr ("Removing these curves will also remove"))
511 .arg (numPoints)
512 .arg (tr ("points. Continue?"));
513 }
515 rtn = QMessageBox::warning (0,
516 tr ("Curves With Points"),
517 msg,
518 QMessageBox::Ok,
519 QMessageBox::Cancel);
520 }
522 if (rtn == QMessageBox::Ok) {
523 removeSelectedCurves ();
524 }
526 updateControls();
527 }
529 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotResetDefault()
530 {
531 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotResetDefault";
533 const QString REMOVE_ALL_SETTINGS_IN_GROUP; // Empty string
537 int indexOneBased = 1;
539 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
540 QString groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
541 while (settings.childGroups().contains (groupName)) {
543 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
544 settings.remove (REMOVE_ALL_SETTINGS_IN_GROUP); // Remove this group by removing its settings
545 settings.endGroup ();
547 ++indexOneBased;
548 groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
549 }
550 }
552 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotSaveDefault()
553 {
554 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::slotSaveDefault";
558 for (int row = 0; row < m_curveNameList->rowCount (); row++) {
560 QModelIndex idxCurrent = m_curveNameList->index (row, 0);
562 QString curveNameCurrent = m_curveNameList->data (idxCurrent).toString ();
564 int indexOneBased = row + 1;
566 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
567 QString groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
569 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
570 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_CURVE_NAME,
571 curveNameCurrent);
572 settings.endGroup ();
573 }
574 }
576 void DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::updateControls ()
577 {
578 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove::updateControls";
580 enableOk (true);
582 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_listCurves);
584 int numSelectedItems = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count ();
585 int numItems = m_curveNameList->rowCount ();
587 // Leave at least one curve
588 m_btnRemove->setEnabled ((numSelectedItems > 0) && (numSelectedItems < numItems));
589 }
src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h less more
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "DlgSettingsAbstractBase.h"
10 #include <QItemSelection>
11 #include <QModelIndex>
12 #include <QString>
14 class CurveNameList;
15 class QGridLayout;
16 class QListView;
17 class QPushButton;
18 class QStandardItemModel;
19 class QTableView;
20 class QTextStream;
22 /// Dialog for editing curve names settings.
23 class DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove : public DlgSettingsAbstractBase
24 {
27 public:
28 /// Single constructor.
29 DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove(MainWindow &mainWindow);
30 virtual ~DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove();
32 virtual void createOptionalSaveDefault (QHBoxLayout *layout);
33 virtual QWidget *createSubPanel ();
34 void load (CmdMediator &cmdMediator);
35 virtual void setSmallDialogs (bool smallDialogs);
37 public slots:
38 /// Cleanup after rows have been removed in the model. We remove the corresponding rows in the QListView
39 void slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int rowFirst, int rowLast);
41 private slots:
42 void slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft,
43 const QModelIndex &bottomRight,
44 const QVector<int> &roles);
45 void slotNew ();
46 void slotRemove ();
47 void slotResetDefault();
48 void slotSaveDefault();
50 protected:
51 virtual void handleOk ();
53 private:
55 void appendCurveName (const QString &curveNameNew,
56 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
57 int numPoints);
58 void createButtons (QGridLayout *layout, int &row);
59 void createListCurves (QGridLayout *layout, int &row);
60 bool endsWithNumber (const QString &str) const;
61 void insertCurveName (int row,
62 const QString &curveNameNew,
63 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
64 int numPoints);
65 int newRowFromSelection () const;
66 QString nextCurveName () const; // Pick good curve name to go at currentRow()
67 int numberAtEnd (const QString &str) const;
68 unsigned int numPointsForSelectedCurves () const;
69 void printStream (QTextStream &str) const; // Debugging method
70 void removeSelectedCurves();
71 void selectCurveName (const QString &curveWanted);
72 void updateControls ();
74 CurveNameList *m_curveNameList; // Model for m_listCurves
76 QListView *m_listCurves; // Use QListView instead of QListWidget so validators can be used
78 QPushButton *m_btnAdd;
79 QPushButton *m_btnRemove;
80 QPushButton *m_btnRename;
82 QPushButton *m_btnResetDefault;
83 QPushButton *m_btnSaveDefault;
85 };
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CmdMediator.h"
7 #include "CmdSettingsCurveList.h"
8 #include "CurveNameList.h"
9 #include "DlgSettingsCurveList.h"
10 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
11 #include "Logger.h"
12 #include "MainWindow.h"
13 #include <QCheckBox>
14 #include <QDebug>
15 #include <QGridLayout>
16 #include <QLabel>
17 #include <QListView>
18 #include <QMessageBox>
19 #include <QPushButton>
20 #include <QSettings>
21 #include <QSpacerItem>
22 #include <QTableView>
23 #include <QTextStream>
24 #include "QtToString.h"
25 #include "Settings.h"
26 #include "SettingsForGraph.h"
28 const int MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 500;
30 DlgSettingsCurveList::DlgSettingsCurveList(MainWindow &mainWindow) :
31 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Curve List"),
32 "DlgSettingsCurveList",
33 mainWindow),
34 m_curveNameList (nullptr)
35 {
36 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::DlgSettingsCurveList";
38 QWidget *subPanel = createSubPanel ();
39 finishPanel (subPanel);
40 }
42 DlgSettingsCurveList::~DlgSettingsCurveList()
43 {
44 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::~DlgSettingsCurveList";
45 }
47 void DlgSettingsCurveList::appendCurveName (const QString &curveNameNew,
48 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
49 int numPoints)
50 {
51 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::appendCurveName"
52 << " curve=" << curveNameNew.toLatin1().data();
54 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_curveNameList);
56 int row = m_curveNameList->rowCount ();
57 insertCurveName (row,
58 curveNameNew,
59 curveNameOriginal,
60 numPoints);
61 }
63 void DlgSettingsCurveList::createButtons (QGridLayout *layout,
64 int &row)
65 {
66 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::createButtons";
68 m_btnAdd = new QPushButton (tr ("Add..."));
69 m_btnAdd->setWhatsThis (tr ("Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.\n\n"
70 "Every curve name must be unique"));
71 m_btnAdd->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
72 connect (m_btnAdd, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotNew()));
73 layout->addWidget (m_btnAdd, row, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
75 m_btnRemove = new QPushButton (tr ("Remove"));
76 m_btnRemove->setWhatsThis (tr ("Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.\n\n"
77 "There must always be at least one curve"));
78 m_btnRemove->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
79 connect (m_btnRemove, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotRemove()));
80 layout->addWidget (m_btnRemove, row++, 2, 1, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
81 }
83 void DlgSettingsCurveList::createListCurves (QGridLayout *layout,
84 int &row)
85 {
86 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::createListCurves";
88 QLabel *label = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Curve Names")));
89 layout->addWidget (label, row++, 1);
91 // There is no Qt::ItemIsEditable flag for QListView, so instead we set that flag for the QListViewItems
92 m_listCurves = new QListView;
93 m_listCurves->setWhatsThis (tr ("List of the curves belonging to this document.\n\n"
94 "Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.\n\n"
95 "Reorder curves by dragging them around."));
96 m_listCurves->setMinimumHeight (200);
97 m_listCurves->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectItems);
98 m_listCurves->setDragDropOverwriteMode (false);
99 m_listCurves->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
100 m_listCurves->setDefaultDropAction (Qt::MoveAction);
101 m_listCurves->setDragDropOverwriteMode (false);
102 m_listCurves->setDragEnabled (true);
103 m_listCurves->setDropIndicatorShown (true); // Visible confirmation that each row can be dragged and dropped to move
104 m_listCurves->setDragDropMode (QAbstractItemView::InternalMove);
105 layout->addWidget (m_listCurves, row++, 1, 1, 2);
107 m_curveNameList = new CurveNameList;
108 connect (m_curveNameList, SIGNAL (rowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int)),
109 this, SLOT (slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int)));
110 connect (m_curveNameList, SIGNAL (dataChanged (const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector<int> &)),
111 this, SLOT (slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector<int> &)));
113 m_listCurves->setModel (m_curveNameList);
114 }
116 void DlgSettingsCurveList::createOptionalSaveDefault (QHBoxLayout *layout)
117 {
118 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::createOptionalSaveDefault";
120 m_btnSaveDefault = new QPushButton (tr ("Save As Default"));
121 m_btnSaveDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves."));
122 connect (m_btnSaveDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotSaveDefault ()));
123 layout->addWidget (m_btnSaveDefault, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
125 m_btnResetDefault = new QPushButton (tr ("Reset Default"));
126 m_btnResetDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings."));
127 connect (m_btnResetDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotResetDefault()));
128 layout->addWidget (m_btnResetDefault, 0, Qt::AlignRight);
130 QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem (40, 2);
131 layout->addItem (spacer);
132 }
134 QWidget *DlgSettingsCurveList::createSubPanel ()
135 {
136 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::createSubPanel";
138 const int EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH = 30;
140 QWidget *subPanel = new QWidget ();
141 QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout (subPanel);
142 subPanel->setLayout (layout);
144 int row = 1;
145 createListCurves (layout, row);
146 createButtons (layout, row);
148 layout->setColumnStretch (0, 0); // Empty first column
149 layout->setColumnMinimumWidth (0, EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH);
150 layout->setColumnStretch (1, 1); // New
151 layout->setColumnStretch (2, 1); // Remove
152 layout->setColumnStretch (3, 0); // Empty last column
153 layout->setColumnMinimumWidth (3, EMPTY_COLUMN_WIDTH);
155 return subPanel;
156 }
158 bool DlgSettingsCurveList::endsWithNumber (const QString &str) const
159 {
160 bool success = false;
162 if (!str.isEmpty ()) {
164 success = (str.right (1).at (0).digitValue() >= 0);
165 }
167 return success;
168 }
170 void DlgSettingsCurveList::handleOk ()
171 {
172 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::handleOk";
174 CmdSettingsCurveList *cmd = new CmdSettingsCurveList (mainWindow (),
175 cmdMediator ().document(),
176 *m_curveNameList);
177 cmdMediator ().push (cmd);
179 hide ();
180 }
182 void DlgSettingsCurveList::insertCurveName (int row,
183 const QString &curveNameNew,
184 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
185 int numPoints)
186 {
187 // Track all entries
188 m_curveNameList->insertRow (row,
189 curveNameNew,
190 curveNameOriginal,
191 unsigned (numPoints));
192 }
194 void DlgSettingsCurveList::load (CmdMediator &cmdMediator)
195 {
196 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::load";
198 setCmdMediator (cmdMediator);
200 // Perform comprehensive clearing
201 m_listCurves->reset ();
202 m_curveNameList->reset ();
204 QStringList curveNames = cmdMediator.curvesGraphsNames ();
205 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
206 for (itr = curveNames.begin (); itr != curveNames.end (); itr++) {
207 QString curveName = *itr;
208 appendCurveName (curveName,
209 curveName,
210 cmdMediator.curvesGraphsNumPoints (curveName));
211 }
213 selectCurveName (curveNames.first());
215 updateControls (); // Make especially sure Remove is disabled if there is just one curve, or none are selected
216 enableOk (false); // Disable Ok button since there not yet any changes
217 }
219 int DlgSettingsCurveList::newRowFromSelection () const
220 {
221 int numSelectedItems = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count ();
222 int numItems = m_listCurves->model ()->rowCount ();
224 // Determine index where new entry will be inserted
225 int newRow = -1;
226 if ((numSelectedItems == 0) &&
227 (numItems > 0)) {
229 // Append after list which has at least one entry
230 newRow = numItems;
232 } else if (numSelectedItems == 1) {
234 // Insert after the selected index
235 newRow = 1 + m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().at (0).row ();
237 }
239 return newRow;
240 }
242 QString DlgSettingsCurveList::nextCurveName () const
243 {
244 const QString DASH_ONE ("-1"); // Nice value to start a new range at a lower level than the current level
246 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_listCurves);
248 int newRow = newRowFromSelection ();
249 int numItems = m_listCurves->model ()->rowCount ();
251 // Curves names of existing before/after curves
252 QString curveNameBefore, curveNameAfter;
253 if (newRow > 0) {
255 QModelIndex index = m_curveNameList->index (newRow - 1, 0);
256 curveNameBefore = m_curveNameList->data (index).toString ();
258 }
260 if ((0 <= newRow) && (newRow < numItems)) {
262 QModelIndex index = m_curveNameList->index (newRow, 0);
263 curveNameAfter = m_curveNameList->data (index).toString ();
265 }
267 // New curve name computed from previous curve name
268 QString curveNameNext;
269 if (curveNameBefore.isEmpty () && !curveNameAfter.isEmpty () && endsWithNumber (curveNameAfter)) {
271 // Pick a name before curveNameAfter
272 int numberAfter = numberAtEnd (curveNameAfter);
273 int numberNew = numberAfter - 1;
274 int pos = curveNameAfter.lastIndexOf (QString::number (numberAfter));
275 if (pos >= 0) {
277 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
278 .arg (curveNameAfter.left (pos))
279 .arg (numberNew);
281 } else {
283 curveNameNext = curveNameAfter; // Better than nothing
285 }
287 } else if (curveNameBefore.isEmpty ()) {
289 curveNameNext = DEFAULT_GRAPH_CURVE_NAME; // If necessary, this will be deconflicted below
291 } else {
293 curveNameNext = curveNameBefore; // This will be deconflicted below
295 if (endsWithNumber (curveNameBefore)) {
297 // Curve name ends with a number. Pick a name after curveNameBefore, being sure to not match curveNameAfter
298 int numberBefore = numberAtEnd (curveNameBefore);
299 int numberNew = numberBefore + 1;
300 int pos = curveNameBefore.lastIndexOf (QString::number (numberBefore));
301 if (pos >= 0) {
303 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
304 .arg (curveNameBefore.left (pos))
305 .arg (numberNew);
306 if (curveNameNext == curveNameAfter) {
308 // The difference between before and after is exactly one so we go to a lower level
309 curveNameNext = QString ("%1%2")
310 .arg (curveNameBefore)
311 .arg (DASH_ONE);
312 }
313 }
314 }
315 }
317 // Curve name from settings takes precedence
318 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
319 int indexOneBasedNext = numItems + 1;
320 curveNameNext = settingsForGraph.defaultCurveName (indexOneBasedNext,
321 curveNameNext);
323 // At this point we have curveNameNext which does not conflict with curveNameBefore or
324 // curveNameAfter, but it may in rare cases conflict with some other curve name. We keep
325 // adding to the name until there is no conflict
326 while (m_curveNameList->containsCurveNameCurrent (curveNameNext)) {
327 curveNameNext += DASH_ONE;
328 }
330 return curveNameNext;
331 }
333 int DlgSettingsCurveList::numberAtEnd (const QString &str) const
334 {
335 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (endsWithNumber (str));
337 // Go backward until the first nondigit
338 int sign = +1;
339 int ch = str.size () - 1;
340 while ( (ch).digitValue() >= 0) {
341 --ch;
343 if (ch < 0) {
344 break;
345 }
346 }
347 ++ch;
349 return sign * str.mid (ch).toInt ();
350 }
352 unsigned int DlgSettingsCurveList::numPointsForSelectedCurves () const
353 {
354 QList<unsigned int > rowsSelected;
356 // Create a list of curves that are currently selected
357 for (int i = 0; i < m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes ().count (); i++) {
359 int row = m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes ().at (i).row ();
360 rowsSelected << unsigned (row);
361 }
363 return m_curveNameList->numPointsForSelectedCurves (rowsSelected);
364 }
366 void DlgSettingsCurveList::printStream(QTextStream &str) const
367 {
368 str << m_curveNameList->currentCurvesAsString();
369 }
371 void DlgSettingsCurveList::removeSelectedCurves ()
372 {
373 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::removeSelectedCurves";
375 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () > 0); // Also guarantees number of indexes > 0
377 // Identify the first index after the last selected index
378 QString firstCurveAfter; // Empty case means there was no index afer the last selected index
379 for (int row = m_listCurves->model()->rowCount() - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
381 QModelIndex indexCurrent = m_listCurves->model()->index(row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
382 if (indexCurrent == m_listCurves->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().last()) {
384 // This is the last selected index, which will be removed below. Exit immediately with firstCurveAfter set
385 break;
386 }
388 firstCurveAfter =;
389 }
391 // Delete the selected indexes from last to first
392 for (int i = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
394 int row = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().at (i).row ();
396 m_curveNameList->removeRow (row);
397 }
399 if (firstCurveAfter.isEmpty ()) {
401 // Select the last remaining curve. These steps seem more complicated than necessary
402 int numItems = m_listCurves->model()->rowCount();
403 QModelIndex indexLast = m_listCurves->model()->index (numItems - 1, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
404 firstCurveAfter = m_listCurves->model()->data (indexLast).toString();
406 }
408 // Select an item
409 selectCurveName(firstCurveAfter);
410 }
412 void DlgSettingsCurveList::selectCurveName (const QString &curveWanted)
413 {
414 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::selectCurveName"
415 << " curve=" << curveWanted.toLatin1().data();
417 for (int row = 0; row < m_listCurves->model()->rowCount(); row++) {
419 QModelIndex index = m_listCurves->model()->index (row, CURVE_NAME_LIST_COLUMN_CURRENT);
420 QString curveGot = ().toString ();
422 if (curveWanted == curveGot) {
424 // Found the curve we want to select
425 m_listCurves->setCurrentIndex (index);
426 break;
428 }
429 }
430 }
432 void DlgSettingsCurveList::setSmallDialogs(bool smallDialogs)
433 {
434 if (!smallDialogs) {
435 setMinimumHeight (MINIMUM_HEIGHT);
436 }
437 }
439 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft,
440 const QModelIndex &bottomRight,
441 const QVector<int> &roles)
442 {
443 // LOG4CPP_INFO_S is below
445 // Since list just changed we dump all of it, including the visible and hidden data
446 QString curveEntries;
447 QTextStream str (&curveEntries);
448 printStream (str);
450 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotDataChanged"
451 << " topLeft=(" << topLeft.row () << "," << topLeft.column () << ")"
452 << " bottomRight=(" << bottomRight.row () << "," << bottomRight.column () << ")"
453 << " roles=" << rolesAsString (roles).toLatin1 ().data ()
454 << " defaultDragOption=" << (m_listCurves->defaultDropAction() == Qt::MoveAction ? "MoveAction" : "CopyAction")
455 << " curveEntries=(" << curveEntries.toLatin1().data() << ")";
457 updateControls ();
458 }
460 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent,
461 int rowFirst,
462 int rowLast)
463 {
464 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved"
465 << " parentValid=" << (parent.isValid() ? "yes" : "no")
466 << " rowFirst=" << rowFirst
467 << " rowLast=" << rowLast;
469 updateControls ();
470 }
472 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotNew ()
473 {
474 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotNew";
477 const int NO_POINTS = 0;
479 QString curveNameSuggestion = nextCurveName ();
481 int row = newRowFromSelection();
483 insertCurveName (row,
484 curveNameSuggestion,
488 selectCurveName (curveNameSuggestion);
490 updateControls();
491 }
493 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotRemove ()
494 {
495 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotRemove";
497 // Count the number of curve points to be deleted
498 int numPoints = signed (numPointsForSelectedCurves ());
500 int rtn = QMessageBox::Ok;
501 if (numPoints > 0) {
503 QString msg;
504 if (m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count () == 1) {
505 msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3")
506 .arg (tr ("Removing this curve will also remove"))
507 .arg (numPoints)
508 .arg (tr ("points. Continue?"));
509 } else {
510 msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3")
511 .arg (tr ("Removing these curves will also remove"))
512 .arg (numPoints)
513 .arg (tr ("points. Continue?"));
514 }
516 rtn = QMessageBox::warning (nullptr,
517 tr ("Curves With Points"),
518 msg,
519 QMessageBox::Ok,
520 QMessageBox::Cancel);
521 }
523 if (rtn == QMessageBox::Ok) {
524 removeSelectedCurves ();
525 }
527 updateControls();
528 }
530 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotResetDefault()
531 {
532 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotResetDefault";
534 const QString REMOVE_ALL_SETTINGS_IN_GROUP; // Empty string
538 int indexOneBased = 1;
540 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
541 QString groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
542 while (settings.childGroups().contains (groupName)) {
544 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
545 settings.remove (REMOVE_ALL_SETTINGS_IN_GROUP); // Remove this group by removing its settings
546 settings.endGroup ();
548 ++indexOneBased;
549 groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
550 }
551 }
553 void DlgSettingsCurveList::slotSaveDefault()
554 {
555 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::slotSaveDefault";
559 for (int row = 0; row < m_curveNameList->rowCount (); row++) {
561 QModelIndex idxCurrent = m_curveNameList->index (row, 0);
563 QString curveNameCurrent = m_curveNameList->data (idxCurrent).toString ();
565 int indexOneBased = row + 1;
567 SettingsForGraph settingsForGraph;
568 QString groupName = settingsForGraph.groupNameForNthCurve (indexOneBased);
570 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
571 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_CURVE_NAME,
572 curveNameCurrent);
573 settings.endGroup ();
574 }
575 }
577 void DlgSettingsCurveList::updateControls ()
578 {
579 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveList::updateControls";
581 enableOk (true);
583 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (m_listCurves);
585 int numSelectedItems = m_listCurves->selectionModel ()->selectedIndexes ().count ();
586 int numItems = m_curveNameList->rowCount ();
588 // Leave at least one curve
589 m_btnRemove->setEnabled ((numSelectedItems > 0) && (numSelectedItems < numItems));
590 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2014 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "DlgSettingsAbstractBase.h"
10 #include <QItemSelection>
11 #include <QModelIndex>
12 #include <QString>
14 class CurveNameList;
15 class QGridLayout;
16 class QListView;
17 class QPushButton;
18 class QStandardItemModel;
19 class QTableView;
20 class QTextStream;
22 /// Dialog for editing curve names settings.
23 class DlgSettingsCurveList : public DlgSettingsAbstractBase
24 {
27 public:
28 /// Single constructor.
29 DlgSettingsCurveList(MainWindow &mainWindow);
30 virtual ~DlgSettingsCurveList();
32 virtual void createOptionalSaveDefault (QHBoxLayout *layout);
33 virtual QWidget *createSubPanel ();
34 void load (CmdMediator &cmdMediator);
35 virtual void setSmallDialogs (bool smallDialogs);
37 public slots:
38 /// Cleanup after rows have been removed in the model. We remove the corresponding rows in the QListView
39 void slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int rowFirst, int rowLast);
41 private slots:
42 void slotDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft,
43 const QModelIndex &bottomRight,
44 const QVector<int> &roles);
45 void slotNew ();
46 void slotRemove ();
47 void slotResetDefault();
48 void slotSaveDefault();
50 protected:
51 virtual void handleOk ();
53 private:
55 void appendCurveName (const QString &curveNameNew,
56 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
57 int numPoints);
58 void createButtons (QGridLayout *layout, int &row);
59 void createListCurves (QGridLayout *layout, int &row);
60 bool endsWithNumber (const QString &str) const;
61 void insertCurveName (int row,
62 const QString &curveNameNew,
63 const QString &curveNameOriginal,
64 int numPoints);
65 int newRowFromSelection () const;
66 QString nextCurveName () const; // Pick good curve name to go at currentRow()
67 int numberAtEnd (const QString &str) const;
68 unsigned int numPointsForSelectedCurves () const;
69 void printStream (QTextStream &str) const; // Debugging method
70 void removeSelectedCurves();
71 void selectCurveName (const QString &curveWanted);
72 void updateControls ();
74 CurveNameList *m_curveNameList; // Model for m_listCurves
76 QListView *m_listCurves; // Use QListView instead of QListWidget so validators can be used
78 QPushButton *m_btnAdd;
79 QPushButton *m_btnRemove;
80 QPushButton *m_btnRename;
82 QPushButton *m_btnResetDefault;
83 QPushButton *m_btnSaveDefault;
85 };
2525 #include <QLabel>
2626 #include <QLineEdit>
2727 #include <QListWidget>
28 #include <qmath.h>
2829 #include <QPen>
2930 #include <QPushButton>
3031 #include <QSettings>
6162 "DlgSettingsCurveProperties",
6263 mainWindow),
6364 m_modelMainWindow (mainWindow.modelMainWindow()),
64 m_scenePreview (0),
65 m_viewPreview (0),
66 m_modelCurveStylesBefore (0),
67 m_modelCurveStylesAfter (0)
65 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
66 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
67 m_modelCurveStylesBefore (nullptr),
68 m_modelCurveStylesAfter (nullptr)
6869 {
6970 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsCurveProperties::DlgSettingsCurveProperties";
141142 "endpoints.\n\n"
142143 "Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.\n\n"
143144 "Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn "
144 "with smooth lines between successive points.\n\n"
145 "with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus "
146 "scalar ordinal (t) values.\n\n"
145147 "This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points."));
146148 connect (m_cmbLineType, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotLineType (const QString &))); // activated() ignores code changes
147149 layoutGroup->addWidget (m_cmbLineType, 2, 1);
170172 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_DIAMOND),
174 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_HOURGLASS),
172176 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_SQUARE),
174178 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_TRIANGLE),
180 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_TRIANGLE2),
176182 m_cmbPointShape->addItem (pointShapeToString (POINT_SHAPE_X),
177183 POINT_SHAPE_X);
178184 connect (m_cmbPointShape, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotPointShape (const QString &))); // activated() ignores code changes
328334 void DlgSettingsCurveProperties::drawPoints (const PointStyle &pointStyle)
329335 {
330336 const QString NULL_IDENTIFIER;
331 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = 0;
337 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = nullptr;
333339 GraphicsPointFactory pointFactory;
445451 void DlgSettingsCurveProperties::resetSceneRectangle ()
446452 {
448 QRect rect (0.0,
449 0.0,
454 QRect rect (0,
455 0,
456 qFloor (PREVIEW_WIDTH),
457 qFloor (PREVIEW_HEIGHT));
453459 QGraphicsRectItem *itemPerimeter = new QGraphicsRectItem(rect);
454460 itemPerimeter->setVisible(false);
476482 // Dirty flag is not set when simply changing to new curve
478484 // Do nothing if combobox is getting cleared, or load has not been called yet
479 if (!curveName.isEmpty () && (m_modelCurveStylesAfter != 0)) {
485 if (!curveName.isEmpty () && (m_modelCurveStylesAfter != nullptr)) {
481487 loadForCurveName (curveName);
482488 }
489495 m_isDirty = true;
491497 m_modelCurveStylesAfter->setLineColor(m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
492 (ColorPalette) m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt());
498 static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt()));
493499 updateControls();
494500 updatePreview();
495501 }
513519 m_isDirty = true;
515521 m_modelCurveStylesAfter->setLineConnectAs(m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
516 (CurveConnectAs) m_cmbLineType->currentData().toInt ());
522 static_cast<CurveConnectAs> (m_cmbLineType->currentData().toInt ()));
517523 updateControls();
518524 updatePreview();
519525 }
525531 m_isDirty = true;
527533 m_modelCurveStylesAfter->setPointColor(m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
528 (ColorPalette) m_cmbPointColor->currentData().toInt ());
534 static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbPointColor->currentData().toInt ()));
529535 updateControls();
530536 updatePreview();
531537 }
561567 m_isDirty = true;
563569 m_modelCurveStylesAfter->setPointShape(m_cmbCurveName->currentText(),
564 (PointShape) m_cmbPointShape->currentData().toInt ());
570 static_cast<PointShape> (m_cmbPointShape->currentData().toInt ()));
565571 updateControls();
566572 updatePreview();
567573 }
4040 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Digitize Curve"),
4141 "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve",
4242 mainWindow),
43 m_scenePreview (0),
44 m_viewPreview (0),
45 m_modelDigitizeCurveBefore (0),
46 m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter (0)
43 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
44 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
45 m_modelDigitizeCurveBefore (nullptr),
46 m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter (nullptr)
4747 {
4848 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve::DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve";
248248 {
249249 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve::slotCursorSize";
251 m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter->setCursorSize ((CursorSize) m_cmbSize->currentData().toInt());
251 m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter->setCursorSize (static_cast<CursorSize> (m_cmbSize->currentData().toInt()));
252252 updateControls();
253253 updatePreview();
254254 }
4848 const QString EMPTY_PREVIEW;
5151 const int MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 780;
5353 DlgSettingsExportFormat::DlgSettingsExportFormat(MainWindow &mainWindow) :
5454 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Export Format"),
5555 "DlgSettingsExportFormat",
5656 mainWindow),
57 m_modelExportBefore (0),
58 m_modelExportAfter (0),
57 m_validatorFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing (nullptr),
58 m_validatorRelationsPointsEvenlySpacing (nullptr),
59 m_modelExportBefore (nullptr),
60 m_modelExportAfter (nullptr),
5961 m_haveFunction (false),
6062 m_haveRelation (false)
6163 {
6971 DlgSettingsExportFormat::~DlgSettingsExportFormat()
7072 {
7173 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::~DlgSettingsExportFormat";
75 delete m_validatorFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing;
76 delete m_validatorRelationsPointsEvenlySpacing;
7277 }
7479 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::createCurveSelection (QGridLayout *layout, int &row)
195200 m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves = new QRadioButton (tr ("Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves"));
196201 m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves->setWhatsThis (tr ("Exported file will have values at every unique X "
197202 "value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary"));
198 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves, row++, 0, 1, 4);
203 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves, row, 0, 1, 2);
199204 connect (m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves, SIGNAL (released()), this, SLOT (slotFunctionsPointsAllCurves()));
206 // Put extrapolation control up near interpolation controls and away from raw control which never uses extrapolation
207 m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints = new QCheckBox (tr ("Extrapolate outside endpoints"));
208 m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints->setWhatsThis (tr ("Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, "
209 "only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported"));
210 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints, row++, 3, 1, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
211 connect (m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), this, SLOT (slotFunctionsExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints(int)));
201213 m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve = new QRadioButton (tr ("Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve"));
202214 m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve->setWhatsThis (tr ("Exported file will have values at every unique X "
204216 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve, row++, 0, 1, 4);
205217 connect (m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve, SIGNAL (released()), this, SLOT (slotFunctionsPointsFirstCurve()));
207 m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced = new QRadioButton (tr ("Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values."));
219 m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced = new QRadioButton (tr ("Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected"));
208220 m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced->setWhatsThis (tr ("Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below."));
209221 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced, row++, 0, 1, 4);
210222 connect (m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced, SIGNAL (released()), this, SLOT (slotFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced()));
232244 "consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.\n\n"
233245 "Graph units are preferred when the spacing is to depend on the X scale."));
234246 m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->addItem(exportPointsIntervalUnitsToString (EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_GRAPH),
236248 m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->addItem(exportPointsIntervalUnitsToString (EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_SCREEN),
238250 connect (m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)),
239251 this, SLOT (slotFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacedIntervalUnits (const QString &))); // activated() ignores code changes
240252 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits, row++, 3, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
254 m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines = new QRadioButton (tr ("Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines"));
255 m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines->setWhatsThis (tr ("Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines."));
256 layoutPointsSelections->addWidget (m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines, row++, 0, 1, 4);
257 connect (m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines, SIGNAL (released()), this, SLOT (slotFunctionsPointsGridLines()));
242259 m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw = new QRadioButton (tr ("Raw Xs and Ys"));
243260 m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw->setWhatsThis (tr ("Exported file will have only original X and Y values"));
287304 m_btnSaveDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Save the settings for use as future defaults."));
288305 connect (m_btnSaveDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotSaveDefault ()));
289306 layout->addWidget (m_btnSaveDefault, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
308 m_btnLoadDefault = new QPushButton (tr ("Load Default"));
309 m_btnLoadDefault->setWhatsThis (tr ("Load the default settings."));
310 connect (m_btnLoadDefault, SIGNAL (released ()), this, SLOT (slotLoadDefault ()));
311 layout->addWidget (m_btnLoadDefault, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
290312 }
292314 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::createPreview(QGridLayout *layout, int &row)
407429 }
409431 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::createTabWidget (QGridLayout *layout,
410 int &row)
432 int &row)
411433 {
412434 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::createTabWidget";
439461 }
441463 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::createXLabel (QGridLayout *layoutHeader,
442 int colLabel)
464 int colLabel)
443465 {
444466 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::createXLabel";
446468 int row = 1; // Skip first row
448 QLabel *title;
449 if (true) {
450 title = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("X Label")));
451 } else {
452 title = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Theta Label")));
453 }
470 QLabel *title = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("X Label")));
454471 layoutHeader->addWidget (title, row++, colLabel, 1, 1);
456473 m_editXLabel = new QLineEdit;
457 if (true) {
458 m_editXLabel->setWhatsThis (tr ("Label in the header for x values"));
459 } else {
460 m_editXLabel->setWhatsThis (tr ("Label in the header for theta values"));
461 }
474 m_editXLabel->setWhatsThis (tr ("Label in the header for x values"));
462475 layoutHeader->addWidget (m_editXLabel, row++, colLabel, 1, 1);
463476 connect (m_editXLabel, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotXLabel(const QString &)));
464477 }
538551 const int MAX_POINTS_ACROSS_RANGE = 5000;
540553 // Get min and max of graph and screen coordinates
541 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (mainWindow().transformation());
554 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (cmdMediator().document().documentAxesPointsRequired(),
555 mainWindow().transformation());
543557 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
544558 &CallbackBoundingRects::callback);
547561 // If there are no points, then interval will be zero. That special case must be handled downstream to prevent infinite loops
548562 bool isEmpty;
549 double maxSizeGraph = qMax (ftor.boundingRectGraph(isEmpty).width(),
550 ftor.boundingRectGraph(isEmpty).height());
551 double maxSizeScreen = qMax (ftor.boundingRectScreen(isEmpty).width(),
552 ftor.boundingRectScreen(isEmpty).height());
553 m_minIntervalGraph = maxSizeGraph / MAX_POINTS_ACROSS_RANGE;
554 m_minIntervalScreen = maxSizeScreen / MAX_POINTS_ACROSS_RANGE;
563 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin = ftor.boundingRectGraphMin (isEmpty);
564 QPointF boundingRectGraphMax = ftor.boundingRectGraphMax (isEmpty);
565 double maxSizeGraph = boundingRectGraphMax.x() - boundingRectGraphMin.x();
566 double maxSizeScreen = ftor.boundingRectScreen(isEmpty).width();
567 m_minIntervalGraph = maxSizeGraph / MAX_POINTS_ACROSS_RANGE; // Should be unaffected by y range
568 m_minIntervalScreen = maxSizeScreen / MAX_POINTS_ACROSS_RANGE; // Should be unaffected by y range
555569 }
557571 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::load (CmdMediator &cmdMediator)
591605 m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves->setChecked (pointsSelectionFunctions == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_ALL_CURVES);
592606 m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve->setChecked (pointsSelectionFunctions == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_FIRST_CURVE);
593607 m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced->setChecked (pointsSelectionFunctions == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_PERIODIC);
608 m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines->setChecked (pointsSelectionFunctions == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_GRID_LINES);
594609 m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw->setChecked (pointsSelectionFunctions == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_RAW);
596611 ExportLayoutFunctions layoutFunctions = m_modelExportAfter->layoutFunctions ();
606621 m_btnDelimitersSpaces->setChecked (delimiter == EXPORT_DELIMITER_SPACE);
607622 m_btnDelimitersTabs->setChecked (delimiter == EXPORT_DELIMITER_TAB);
608623 m_btnDelimitersSemicolons->setChecked (delimiter == EXPORT_DELIMITER_SEMICOLON);
625 m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints->setChecked (m_modelExportAfter->extrapolateOutsideEndpoints ());
610627 m_chkOverrideCsvTsv->setChecked (m_modelExportAfter->overrideCsvTsv());
712729 updatePreview();
713730 }
732 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints(int)
733 {
734 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints";
736 m_modelExportAfter->setExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints (m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints->isChecked());
737 updateControls();
738 updatePreview();
739 }
715741 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsLayoutAllCurves()
716742 {
717743 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsLayoutAllCurves";
755781 // Prevent infinite loop on empty and "-" values which get treated as zero interval
756782 if (goodIntervalFunctions()) {
757 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsIntervalFunctions(m_editFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing->text().toDouble());
783 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsIntervalFunctions(m_editFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing->text().toDouble());
758784 updateControls();
759785 updatePreview();
760786 } else {
767793 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacedIntervalUnits";
769795 int index = m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->currentIndex();
770 ExportPointsIntervalUnits units = (ExportPointsIntervalUnits) m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->itemData (index).toInt();
796 ExportPointsIntervalUnits units = static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->itemData (index).toInt());
772798 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsIntervalUnitsFunctions(units);
773799 updateIntervalConstraints(); // Call this before updateControls so constraint checking is updated for ok button
782808 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsSelectionFunctions(EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_FIRST_CURVE);
783809 updateControls();
784810 updatePreview();
811 }
813 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsPointsGridLines()
814 {
815 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsPointsGridLines";
817 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsSelectionFunctions(EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_GRID_LINES);
818 updateControls();
819 updatePreview();
785820 }
787822 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotFunctionsPointsRaw()
873908 // Do not call updatePreview since this method changes nothing
874909 }
911 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotLoadDefault()
912 {
913 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotLoadDefault";
915 // Get defaults from constructor
916 DocumentModelExportFormat modelExportDefaults;
918 // Apply defaults to controls. That will trigger updates to m_modelExportAfter
920 m_btnHeaderGnuplot->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.header() == EXPORT_HEADER_GNUPLOT);
921 m_btnHeaderNone->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.header() == EXPORT_HEADER_NONE);
922 m_btnHeaderSimple->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.header() == EXPORT_HEADER_SIMPLE);
924 m_editXLabel->setText (modelExportDefaults.xLabel());
926 m_btnDelimitersCommas->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.delimiter() == EXPORT_DELIMITER_COMMA);
927 m_btnDelimitersSemicolons->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.delimiter() == EXPORT_DELIMITER_SEMICOLON);
928 m_btnDelimitersSpaces->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.delimiter() == EXPORT_DELIMITER_SPACE);
929 m_btnDelimitersTabs->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.delimiter() == EXPORT_DELIMITER_TAB);
931 m_chkOverrideCsvTsv->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.overrideCsvTsv());
933 m_btnCurvesLayoutAllCurves->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.layoutFunctions() == EXPORT_LAYOUT_ALL_PER_LINE);
934 m_btnCurvesLayoutOneCurve->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.layoutFunctions() == EXPORT_LAYOUT_ONE_PER_LINE);
936 m_editFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing->setText (QString::number (modelExportDefaults.pointsIntervalFunctions ()));
937 m_editRelationsPointsEvenlySpacing->setText (QString::number (modelExportDefaults.pointsIntervalRelations ()));
939 m_btnFunctionsPointsAllCurves->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_ALL_CURVES);
940 m_btnFunctionsPointsFirstCurve->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_FIRST_CURVE);
941 m_btnFunctionsPointsEvenlySpaced->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_PERIODIC);
942 m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_GRID_LINES);
943 m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_RAW);
945 m_btnRelationsPointsEvenlySpaced->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionRelations() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS_INTERPOLATE);
946 m_btnRelationsPointsRaw->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.pointsSelectionRelations() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS_RAW);
948 m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints->setChecked (modelExportDefaults.extrapolateOutsideEndpoints());
950 int indexFunctions = m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->findData (QVariant (modelExportDefaults.pointsIntervalUnitsFunctions ()));
951 int indexRelations = m_cmbRelationsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->findData (QVariant (modelExportDefaults.pointsIntervalUnitsRelations ()));
952 m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->setCurrentIndex (indexFunctions);
953 m_cmbRelationsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->setCurrentIndex (indexRelations);
955 // Apply defaults to 'after' settings
956 *m_modelExportAfter = modelExportDefaults;
958 updateControls();
959 updatePreview();
960 }
876962 void DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotOverrideCsvTsv(int)
877963 {
878964 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotOverrideCsvTsv";
905991 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotRelationsPointsEvenlySpacedIntervalUnits";
907993 int index = m_cmbRelationsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->currentIndex();
908 ExportPointsIntervalUnits units = (ExportPointsIntervalUnits) m_cmbRelationsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->itemData (index).toInt();
994 ExportPointsIntervalUnits units = static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (m_cmbRelationsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits->itemData (index).toInt());
910996 m_modelExportAfter->setPointsIntervalUnitsRelations(units);
911997 updateIntervalConstraints(); // Call this before updateControls so constraint checking is updated for ok button
9301016 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_EXPORT);
1018 // Sync these settings with DocumentModelExportFormat::DocumentModelExportFormat()
1019 // and DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotLoadDefault()
9321020 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER,
9331021 QVariant (m_modelExportAfter->delimiter()));
1023 QVariant (m_modelExportAfter->overrideCsvTsv()));
1025 QVariant (m_modelExportAfter->extrapolateOutsideEndpoints()));
9341026 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_EXPORT_HEADER,
9351027 QVariant (m_modelExportAfter->header()));
9361028 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS,
9751067 goodIntervalRelations();
9761068 enableOk (isGoodState);
1070 // Function extrapolation never applies when using raw points
1071 m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints->setEnabled (!m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw->isChecked ());
9781073 int selectedForInclude = m_listExcluded->selectedItems().count();
9791074 int selectedForExclude = m_listIncluded->selectedItems().count();
9801075 int inInclude = m_listIncluded->count();
10401135 m_minIntervalGraph :
10411136 m_minIntervalScreen);
1138 if (cmdMediator().document().modelCoords().coordScaleYRadius() == COORD_SCALE_LOG) {
1139 // Override scale factor with log scale so Export classes are assured that multiplying by the scale factor will
1140 // cause an increase
1141 functionsMin = qMax (1.00000001, functionsMin);
1142 }
10431144 if (m_tabWidget->currentIndex() == TAB_WIDGET_INDEX_FUNCTIONS) {
10451146 if (m_modelExportAfter->pointsIntervalFunctions() < functionsMin) {
4444 void slotDelimitersSpaces();
4545 void slotDelimitersTabs();
4646 void slotExclude();
47 void slotFunctionsExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints(int);
4748 void slotFunctionsLayoutAllCurves();
4849 void slotFunctionsLayoutOneCurve();
4950 void slotFunctionsPointsAllCurves();
5152 void slotFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacedInterval(const QString &);
5253 void slotFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacedIntervalUnits(const QString &);
5354 void slotFunctionsPointsFirstCurve();
55 void slotFunctionsPointsGridLines();
5456 void slotFunctionsPointsRaw();
5557 void slotHeaderGnuplot();
5658 void slotHeaderNone();
5860 void slotInclude();
5961 void slotListExcluded();
6062 void slotListIncluded();
63 void slotLoadDefault();
6164 void slotOverrideCsvTsv(int);
6265 void slotRelationsPointsEvenlySpaced();
6366 void slotRelationsPointsEvenlySpacedInterval(const QString &);
107110 QLineEdit *m_editFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing;
108111 QDoubleValidator *m_validatorFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacing;
109112 QComboBox *m_cmbFunctionsPointsEvenlySpacingUnits;
113 QRadioButton *m_btnFunctionsPointsGridLines;
110114 QRadioButton *m_btnFunctionsPointsRaw;
115 QCheckBox *m_chkExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints;
112117 QRadioButton *m_btnCurvesLayoutAllCurves;
113118 QRadioButton *m_btnCurvesLayoutOneCurve;
133138 QTextEdit *m_editPreview;
135140 QPushButton *m_btnSaveDefault;
141 QPushButton *m_btnLoadDefault;
137143 DocumentModelExportFormat *m_modelExportBefore;
138144 DocumentModelExportFormat *m_modelExportAfter;
2424 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("General"),
2525 "DlgSettingsGeneral",
2626 mainWindow),
27 m_modelGeneralBefore (0),
28 m_modelGeneralAfter (0)
27 m_modelGeneralBefore (nullptr),
28 m_modelGeneralAfter (nullptr)
2929 {
3030 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGeneral::DlgSettingsGeneral";
3030 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Grid Display"),
3131 "DlgSettingsGridDisplay",
3232 mainWindow),
33 m_scenePreview (0),
34 m_viewPreview (0),
35 m_modelGridDisplayBefore (0),
36 m_modelGridDisplayAfter (0)
33 m_validatorCountX (nullptr),
34 m_validatorStartX (nullptr),
35 m_validatorStepX (nullptr),
36 m_validatorStopX (nullptr),
37 m_validatorCountY (nullptr),
38 m_validatorStartY (nullptr),
39 m_validatorStepY (nullptr),
40 m_validatorStopY (nullptr),
41 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
42 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
43 m_modelGridDisplayBefore (nullptr),
44 m_modelGridDisplayAfter (nullptr)
3745 {
3846 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::DlgSettingsGridDisplay";
4452 DlgSettingsGridDisplay::~DlgSettingsGridDisplay()
4553 {
4654 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::~DlgSettingsGridDisplay";
56 delete m_validatorCountX;
57 delete m_validatorStartX;
58 delete m_validatorStepX;
59 delete m_validatorStopX;
60 delete m_validatorCountY;
61 delete m_validatorStartY;
62 delete m_validatorStepY;
63 delete m_validatorStopY;
4764 }
4966 void DlgSettingsGridDisplay::createDisplayCommon (QGridLayout *layout, int &row)
356373 {
357374 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::slotColor";
359 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setPaletteColor((ColorPalette) m_cmbColor->currentData().toInt());
376 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setPaletteColor(static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbColor->currentData().toInt()));
360377 updateControls();
361378 updatePreview();
362379 }
365382 {
366383 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::slotCountX";
368 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setCountX(count.toInt());
385 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setCountX(unsigned (count.toInt()));
369386 updateDisplayedVariableX ();
370387 updateControls ();
371388 updatePreview();
375392 {
376393 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::slotCountY";
378 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setCountY(count.toInt());
395 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setCountY(unsigned (count.toInt()));
379396 updateDisplayedVariableY ();
380397 updateControls ();
381398 updatePreview();
385402 {
386403 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::slotDisableX";
388 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt();
405 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt());
389406 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setDisableX(gridCoordDisable);
390407 updateDisplayedVariableX ();
391408 updateControls();
396413 {
397414 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::slotDisableY";
399 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt();
416 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt());
400417 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->setDisableY(gridCoordDisable);
401418 updateDisplayedVariableY ();
402419 updateControls();
501518 double stepX = textCountX.toDouble ();
502519 double stepY = textCountY.toDouble ();
504 if (stepX != 0 && stepY != 0) {
521 if (qAbs (stepX) > 0 && qAbs (stepY) > 0) {
506523 ok = true;
507524 }
553570 void DlgSettingsGridDisplay::updateControls ()
554571 {
555 GridCoordDisable disableX = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt();
572 GridCoordDisable disableX = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt());
556573 m_editCountX->setEnabled (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT);
557574 m_editStartX->setEnabled (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_START);
558575 m_editStepX->setEnabled (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_STEP);
559576 m_editStopX->setEnabled (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_STOP);
561 GridCoordDisable disableY = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt();
578 GridCoordDisable disableY = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt());
562579 m_editCountY->setEnabled (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT);
563580 m_editStartY->setEnabled (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_START);
564581 m_editStepY->setEnabled (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_STEP);
591608 m_editStartX->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStart (linearAxis,
592609 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stopX (),
593610 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stepX (),
594 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ())));
611 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ()))));
595612 break;
598615 m_editStepX->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStep (linearAxis,
599616 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->startX (),
600617 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stopX (),
601 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ())));
618 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ()))));
602619 break;
605622 m_editStopX->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStop (linearAxis,
606623 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->startX (),
607624 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stepX (),
608 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ())));
609 break;
611 default:
612 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::updateDisplayedVariableX";
625 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countX ()))));
613626 break;
614627 }
615628 }
632645 m_editStartY->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStart (linearAxis,
633646 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stopY (),
634647 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stepY (),
635 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ())));
648 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ()))));
636649 break;
639652 m_editStepY->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStep (linearAxis,
640653 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->startY (),
641654 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stopY (),
642 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ())));
655 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ()))));
643656 break;
646659 m_editStopY->setText (QString::number (initializer.computeStop (linearAxis,
647660 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->startY (),
648661 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->stepY (),
649 m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ())));
650 break;
652 default:
653 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridDisplay::updateDisplayedVariableY";
662 signed (m_modelGridDisplayAfter->countY ()))));
654663 break;
655664 }
656665 }
3535 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Grid Removal"),
3636 "DlgSettingsGridRemoval",
3737 mainWindow),
38 m_scenePreview (0),
39 m_viewPreview (0),
40 m_modelGridRemovalBefore (0),
41 m_modelGridRemovalAfter (0)
38 m_validatorCloseDistance (nullptr),
39 m_validatorCountX (nullptr),
40 m_validatorStartX (nullptr),
41 m_validatorStepX (nullptr),
42 m_validatorStopX (nullptr),
43 m_validatorCountY (nullptr),
44 m_validatorStartY (nullptr),
45 m_validatorStepY (nullptr),
46 m_validatorStopY (nullptr),
47 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
48 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
49 m_modelGridRemovalBefore (nullptr),
50 m_modelGridRemovalAfter (nullptr)
4251 {
4352 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::DlgSettingsGridRemoval";
4958 DlgSettingsGridRemoval::~DlgSettingsGridRemoval()
5059 {
5160 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::~DlgSettingsGridRemoval";
62 delete m_validatorCloseDistance;
63 delete m_validatorCountX;
64 delete m_validatorStartX;
65 delete m_validatorStepX;
66 delete m_validatorStopX;
67 delete m_validatorCountY;
68 delete m_validatorStartY;
69 delete m_validatorStepY;
70 delete m_validatorStopY;
5271 }
5473 void DlgSettingsGridRemoval::createOptionalSaveDefault (QHBoxLayout * /* layout */)
377396 {
378397 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::slotDisableX";
380 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt();
399 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt());
381400 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->setGridCoordDisableX(gridCoordDisable);
382401 updateDisplayedVariableX ();
383402 updateControls();
388407 {
389408 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::slotDisableY";
391 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt();
410 GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt());
392411 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->setGridCoordDisableY(gridCoordDisable);
393412 updateDisplayedVariableY ();
394413 updateControls();
471490 m_cmbDisableX->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked ());
473 GridCoordDisable disableX = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt();
492 GridCoordDisable disableX = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableX->currentData().toInt());
474493 m_editCountX->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT));
475494 m_editStartX->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_START));
476495 m_editStepX->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableX != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_STEP));
479498 m_cmbDisableY->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked ());
481 GridCoordDisable disableY = (GridCoordDisable) m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt();
500 GridCoordDisable disableY = static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (m_cmbDisableY->currentData().toInt());
482501 m_editCountY->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT));
483502 m_editStartY->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_START));
484503 m_editStepY->setEnabled (m_chkRemoveGridLines->isChecked () && (disableY != GRID_COORD_DISABLE_STEP));
541560 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->stepX (),
542561 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->countX ())));
543562 break;
545 default:
546 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::updateDisplayedVariableX";
547 break;
548563 }
549564 }
582597 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->stepY (),
583598 m_modelGridRemovalAfter->countY ())));
584599 break;
586 default:
587 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsGridRemoval::updateDisplayedVariableY";
588 break;
589600 }
590601 }
1010 #include "Logger.h"
1111 #include "MainWindow.h"
1212 #include "MainWindowModel.h"
13 #include <QApplication>
1314 #include <QCheckBox>
1415 #include <QComboBox>
16 #include <QDir>
1517 #include <QDoubleSpinBox>
1618 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1719 #include <QGridLayout>
2123 #include <QPushButton>
2224 #include <QSpinBox>
2325 #include "QtToString.h"
26 #include "TranslatorContainer.h"
2427 #include "ZoomControl.h"
2528 #include "ZoomFactorInitial.h"
2629 #include "ZoomLabels.h"
3942 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Main Window"),
4043 "DlgSettingsMainWindow",
4144 mainWindow),
42 m_modelMainWindowBefore (0),
43 m_modelMainWindowAfter (0)
45 m_modelMainWindowBefore (nullptr),
46 m_modelMainWindowAfter (nullptr)
4447 {
4548 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::DlgSettingsMainWindow";
6568 layout->addWidget (labelZoomFactor, row, 1);
6770 m_cmbZoomFactor = new QComboBox;
68 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_16_TO_1));
69 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_8_TO_1));
70 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_4_TO_1));
71 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_2_TO_1));
72 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_1));
73 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_2));
74 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_4));
75 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_8));
76 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_16));
77 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_FILL , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_FILL));
78 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_PREVIOUS));
71 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_16_TO_1));
72 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_8_TO_1));
73 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_4_TO_1));
74 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_2_TO_1));
75 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_1));
76 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_2));
77 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_4));
78 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_8));
79 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16 , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_1_TO_16));
80 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_FILL , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_FILL));
81 m_cmbZoomFactor->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS , QVariant (ZOOM_INITIAL_PREVIOUS));
7982 m_cmbZoomFactor->setWhatsThis(tr ("Initial Zoom\n\n"
8083 "Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous "
8184 "zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied."));
9598 connect (m_cmbZoomControl, SIGNAL (currentTextChanged (const QString)), this, SLOT (slotZoomControl(const QString)));
9699 layout->addWidget (m_cmbZoomControl, row++, 2);
98 QLabel *labelLocale = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Locale")));
101 QLabel *labelLocale = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Locale (requires restart)")));
99102 layout->addWidget (labelLocale, row, 1);
101104 // Initialization of combobox is liberated from Qt Calendar example
106109 "The locale determines how numbers are formatted. Specifically, either commas or "
107110 "periods will be used as group delimiters in each number entered "
108111 "by the user, displayed in the user interface, or exported to a file."));
109 for (int indexLang = QLocale::C; indexLang <= QLocale::LastLanguage; indexLang++) {
110 QLocale::Language lang = static_cast<QLocale::Language> (indexLang);
111 QList<QLocale::Country> countries = QLocale::countriesForLanguage(lang);
112 for (int indexCountry = 0; indexCountry < countries.count(); indexCountry++) {
113 QLocale::Country country =;
114 QLocale locale (lang, country);
115 QString label = QLocaleToString (locale);
116 m_cmbLocale->addItem (label, locale);
117 }
112 QStringList qmFilenames;
113 qmFilenames << gatherQmFilenames ();
114 for (int i = 0; i < qmFilenames.size(); i++) {
115 QString localeSelector = qmFilenames [i]; // "engauge_de.qm"
116 localeSelector.truncate (localeSelector.lastIndexOf ('.')); // "engauge_de"
117 localeSelector.remove (0, localeSelector.indexOf ('_') + 1); // "de"
118 QLocale locale (localeSelector);
119 QString label = QLocaleToString (locale);
120 m_cmbLocale->addItem (label, locale);
118121 }
119122 m_cmbLocale->model()->sort(COLUMN0); // Sort the new entries
120123 connect (m_cmbLocale, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (slotLocale (int)));
224227 connect (m_chkDragDropExport, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (slotDragDropExport (bool)));
225228 layout->addWidget (m_chkDragDropExport, row++, 2);
230 QLabel *labelImageReplaceRenamesDocument = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Image replace renames document")));
231 layout->addWidget (labelImageReplaceRenamesDocument, row, 1);
233 m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument = new QCheckBox;
234 m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
235 m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument->setWhatsThis (tr ("Image Replace Renames Document\n\n"
236 "When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document "
237 "will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same."));
238 connect (m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (slotImageReplaceRenamesDocument (bool)));
239 layout->addWidget (m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument, row++, 2);
227241 QLabel *labelSignificantDigits = new QLabel (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Significant digits")));
228242 layout->addWidget (labelSignificantDigits, row, 1);
263277 return subPanel;
264278 }
280 QStringList DlgSettingsMainWindow::gatherQmFilenames () const
281 {
282 // Get available locales. The static QLocale::matchingLocales gives the few available translations
283 // but also the many unavailable translations. We use a list of translation files to see what is available
284 QDir translationPath (TranslatorContainer::qmDirectory ());
285 QStringList filenames = translationPath.entryList (QStringList ("engauge_*.qm"));
287 return filenames;
288 }
266290 void DlgSettingsMainWindow::handleOk ()
267291 {
268292 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::handleOk";
272296 hide ();
273297 }
274299 void DlgSettingsMainWindow::load (CmdMediator & /* cmdMediator */)
275300 {
276301 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::load";
300325 m_cmbZoomControl->setCurrentIndex (index);
301326 QString locLabel = QLocaleToString (m_modelMainWindowAfter->locale());
302327 index = m_cmbLocale->findText (locLabel);
328 if (index < 0) {
329 // Somehow an invalid locale is selected. Fix it by setting to default
330 locLabel = QLocaleToString (QLocale::system().name());
331 index = m_cmbLocale->findText (locLabel);
332 }
303333 m_cmbLocale->setCurrentIndex(index);
304334 index = m_cmbImportCropping->findData (m_modelMainWindowAfter->importCropping());
305335 m_cmbImportCropping->setCurrentIndex (index);
313343 m_chkSmallDialogs->setChecked (m_modelMainWindowAfter->smallDialogs());
314344 m_chkDragDropExport->setChecked (m_modelMainWindowAfter->dragDropExport());
315345 m_spinSignificantDigits->setValue (m_modelMainWindowAfter->significantDigits ());
346 m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument->setChecked (m_modelMainWindowAfter->imageReplaceRenamesDocument());
317348 updateControls ();
318349 enableOk (false); // Disable Ok button since there not yet any changes
338369 updateControls();
339370 }
372 void DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotImageReplaceRenamesDocument (bool)
373 {
374 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotImageReplaceRenamesDocument";
376 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setImageReplaceRenamesDocument (m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument->isChecked());
377 updateControls ();
378 }
341380 void DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotImportCropping (int index)
342381 {
343382 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotImportCropping";
345 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setImportCropping ((ImportCropping) m_cmbImportCropping->itemData (index).toInt ());
384 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setImportCropping (static_cast<ImportCropping> (m_cmbImportCropping->itemData (index).toInt ()));
346385 updateControls();
347386 }
350389 {
351390 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotLocale";
353 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setLocale (m_cmbLocale->itemData (index).toLocale());
392 QLocale locale = m_cmbLocale->itemData (index).toLocale();
394 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setLocale (locale);
354395 updateControls();
355396 }
410451 {
411452 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWindow::slotZoomControl";
413 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setZoomControl ((ZoomControl) m_cmbZoomControl->currentData().toInt());
454 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setZoomControl (static_cast<ZoomControl> (m_cmbZoomControl->currentData().toInt()));
414455 updateControls();
415456 }
418459 {
419460 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsMainWIndow::slotZoomFactor";
421 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setZoomFactorInitial((ZoomFactorInitial) m_cmbZoomFactor->currentData().toInt());
462 m_modelMainWindowAfter->setZoomFactorInitial(static_cast<ZoomFactorInitial> (m_cmbZoomFactor->currentData().toInt()));
422463 updateControls();
423464 }
99 #include "DlgSettingsAbstractBase.h"
1010 #include <QLocale>
11 #include <QString>
12 #include <QStringList>
1214 class QCheckBox;
1315 class QComboBox;
3941 private slots:
4042 void slotDragDropExport (bool);
4143 void slotHighlightOpacity (double);
44 void slotImageReplaceRenamesDocument (bool);
4245 void slotImportCropping (int index);
4346 void slotLocale (int index);
4447 void slotMaximumGridLines (int limit);
5861 void createControls (QGridLayout *layout,
5962 int &row);
63 QStringList gatherQmFilenames () const;
6064 void updateControls();
6266 QComboBox *m_cmbZoomFactor;
7175 QCheckBox *m_chkSmallDialogs;
7276 QCheckBox *m_chkDragDropExport;
7377 QSpinBox *m_spinSignificantDigits;
78 QCheckBox *m_chkImageReplaceRenamesDocument;
7580 MainWindowModel *m_modelMainWindowBefore;
7681 MainWindowModel *m_modelMainWindowAfter;
2929 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Point Match"),
3030 "DlgSettingsPointMatch",
3131 mainWindow),
32 m_scenePreview (0),
33 m_viewPreview (0),
34 m_circle (0),
35 m_modelPointMatchBefore (0),
36 m_modelPointMatchAfter (0)
32 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
33 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
34 m_circle (nullptr),
35 m_modelPointMatchBefore (nullptr),
36 m_modelPointMatchAfter (nullptr)
3737 {
3838 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsPointMatch::DlgSettingsPointMatch";
222222 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (POINT_SIZE_MAX > m_modelPointMatchAfter->maxPointSize());
224224 // Populate controls
225 m_spinPointSize->setValue(m_modelPointMatchAfter->maxPointSize());
225 m_spinPointSize->setValue(qFloor (m_modelPointMatchAfter->maxPointSize()));
227227 int indexAccepted = m_cmbAcceptedPointColor->findData(QVariant(m_modelPointMatchAfter->paletteColorAccepted()));
228228 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (indexAccepted >= 0);
270270 {
271271 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsPointMatch::slotAcceptedPointColor";
273 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorAccepted((ColorPalette) m_cmbAcceptedPointColor->currentData().toInt());
273 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorAccepted(static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbAcceptedPointColor->currentData().toInt()));
275275 updateControls();
276276 updatePreview();
280280 {
281281 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsPointMatch::slotCandidatePointColor";
283 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorCandidate((ColorPalette) m_cmbCandidatePointColor->currentData().toInt());
283 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorCandidate(static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbCandidatePointColor->currentData().toInt()));
284284 updateControls();
285285 updatePreview();
286286 }
307307 {
308308 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsPointMatch::slotRejectedPointColor";
310 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorRejected((ColorPalette) m_cmbRejectedPointColor->currentData().toInt());
310 m_modelPointMatchAfter->setPaletteColorRejected(static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbRejectedPointColor->currentData().toInt()));
311311 updateControls();
312312 updatePreview();
313313 }
3939 DlgSettingsAbstractBase (tr ("Segment Fill"),
4040 "DlgSettingsSegments",
4141 mainWindow),
42 m_scenePreview (0),
43 m_viewPreview (0),
44 m_modelSegmentsBefore (0),
45 m_modelSegmentsAfter (0),
42 m_scenePreview (nullptr),
43 m_viewPreview (nullptr),
44 m_modelSegmentsBefore (nullptr),
45 m_modelSegmentsAfter (nullptr),
4646 m_loading (false)
4747 {
4848 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsSegments::DlgSettingsSegments";
169169 int margin = IMAGE_WIDTH / 15;
170170 int yCenter = IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2;
171171 int yHeight = IMAGE_HEIGHT / 4;
172 int x, y, xLast, yLast;
172 int x, y, xLast = 0, yLast = 0;
173173 bool isFirst;
175175 // Draw sinusoid
176176 isFirst = true;
177177 int xStart = margin, xEnd = IMAGE_WIDTH / 2 - margin;
178178 for (x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
179 double s = (double) (x - xStart) / (double) (xEnd - xStart);
180 int y = yCenter - yHeight * qSin (TWOPI * s);
179 double s = double (x - xStart) / double (xEnd - xStart);
180 int y = qFloor (yCenter - yHeight * qSin (TWOPI * s));
182182 if (!isFirst) {
183183 painter.drawLine (xLast, yLast, x, y);
190190 // Draw triangular waveform that looks like sinusoid straightened up into line segments
191191 isFirst = true;
192 xStart = IMAGE_WIDTH / 2 + margin, xEnd = IMAGE_WIDTH - margin;
192 xStart = IMAGE_WIDTH / 2 + margin;
193 xEnd = IMAGE_WIDTH - margin;
193194 for (x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
194 double s = (double) (x - xStart) / (double) (xEnd - xStart);
195 double s = double (x - xStart) / double (xEnd - xStart);
195196 if (s <= 0.25) {
196 y = yCenter - yHeight * (4.0 * s);
197 y = qFloor (yCenter - yHeight * (4.0 * s));
197198 } else if (s < 0.75) {
198 y = yCenter - yHeight * (1.0 - 4.0 * (s - 0.25));
199 y = qFloor (yCenter - yHeight * (1.0 - 4.0 * (s - 0.25)));
199200 } else {
200 y = yCenter + yHeight * (1.0 - 4 * (s - 0.75));
201 y = qFloor (yCenter + yHeight * (1.0 - 4 * (s - 0.75)));
201202 }
203204 if (!isFirst) {
270271 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (POINT_SEPARATION_MAX >= m_modelSegmentsAfter->pointSeparation());
272273 // Populate controls
273 m_spinPointSeparation->setValue (m_modelSegmentsAfter->pointSeparation());
274 m_spinMinLength->setValue (m_modelSegmentsAfter->minLength());
274 m_spinPointSeparation->setValue (qFloor (m_modelSegmentsAfter->pointSeparation()));
275 m_spinMinLength->setValue (qFloor (m_modelSegmentsAfter->minLength()));
275276 m_chkFillCorners->setChecked (m_modelSegmentsAfter->fillCorners ());
276 m_spinLineWidth->setValue (m_modelSegmentsAfter->lineWidth());
277 m_spinLineWidth->setValue (qFloor (m_modelSegmentsAfter->lineWidth()));
278279 int indexLineColor = m_cmbLineColor->findData(QVariant (m_modelSegmentsAfter->lineColor()));
279280 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (indexLineColor >= 0);
307308 {
308309 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsSegments::slotLineColor";
310 m_modelSegmentsAfter->setLineColor((ColorPalette) m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt());
311 m_modelSegmentsAfter->setLineColor(static_cast<ColorPalette> (m_cmbLineColor->currentData().toInt()));
311312 updateControls();
312313 updatePreview();
313314 }
352353 const QString ARBITRARY_IDENTIFIER ("");
353354 const QColor COLOR (Qt::blue);
354355 const int RADIUS = 5;
355 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = 0;
356 GeometryWindow *NULL_GEOMETRY_WINDOW = nullptr;
357358 if (!m_loading) {
377378 // Create some points
378379 PointStyle pointStyle (POINT_SHAPE_CROSS,
379380 RADIUS,
381 qFloor (BRUSH_WIDTH),
382383 QPolygonF polygon = pointStyle.polygon();
383384 QList<QPoint> points = segmentFactory.fillPoints (*m_modelSegmentsAfter,
4646 const int VERSION_8 = 8;
4747 const int VERSION_9 = 9;
4848 const int VERSION_10 = 10;
49 const int VERSION_11 = 11;
50 const int VERSION_12 = 12;
5052 Document::Document (const QImage &image) :
5153 m_name ("untitled"),
7173 m_successfulRead = true;
7375 // Grab first few bytes to determine the version number
74 QFile *file = new QFile (fileName);
75 if (file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
77 QByteArray bytesStart = file->read (FOUR_BYTES);
78 file->close ();
76 QFile fileVersion (fileName);
77 if ( {
79 QByteArray bytesStart = (FOUR_BYTES);
80 fileVersion.close ();
8082 if (bytesIndicatePreVersion6 (bytesStart)) {
108110 case VERSION_8:
109111 case VERSION_9:
110112 case VERSION_10:
113 case VERSION_11:
114 case VERSION_12:
111115 loadVersions7AndUp (file);
112116 break;
124128 // Close and deactivate
125129 file->close ();
126130 delete file;
127 file = 0;
131 file = nullptr;
129133 } else {
133137 }
134138 }
135139 } else {
136 file->close ();
140 fileVersion.close ();
137141 m_successfulRead = false;
138142 m_reasonForUnsuccessfulRead = QString ("%1 '%2' %3")
139143 .arg (QObject::tr ("File"))
410414 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (!m_coordSystemContext.modelGridDisplay().stable());
412416 // Get graph coordinate bounds
413 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (transformation);
417 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (m_documentAxesPointsRequired,
418 transformation);
415420 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
416421 &CallbackBoundingRects::callback);
420425 // Initialize. Note that if there are no graph points then these next steps have no effect
421426 bool isEmpty;
422 QRectF boundingRectGraph = ftor.boundingRectGraph(isEmpty);
427 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin = ftor.boundingRectGraphMin (isEmpty);
428 QPointF boundingRectGraphMax = ftor.boundingRectGraphMax (isEmpty);
423429 if (!isEmpty) {
425431 GridInitializer gridInitializer;
427 DocumentModelGridDisplay modelGridDisplay = gridInitializer.initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (boundingRectGraph,
433 DocumentModelGridDisplay modelGridDisplay = gridInitializer.initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (boundingRectGraphMin,
434 boundingRectGraphMax,
428435 modelCoords(),
429436 transformation,
430437 m_pixmap.size ());
633640 QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes();
634641 if (attributes.hasAttribute (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED)) {
635 m_documentAxesPointsRequired = (DocumentAxesPointsRequired) attributes.value (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED).toInt();
642 m_documentAxesPointsRequired = static_cast<DocumentAxesPointsRequired> (attributes.value (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED).toInt());
636643 } else {
637644 m_documentAxesPointsRequired = DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_3;
638645 }
10801087 if (attributes.contains (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_APPLICATION_VERSION_NUMBER)) {
10821089 QDomElement elem = node.toElement();
1083 version = (int) elem.attribute (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_APPLICATION_VERSION_NUMBER).toDouble();
1090 version = qFloor (elem.attribute (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_APPLICATION_VERSION_NUMBER).toDouble());
10841091 }
10851092 }
10861093 }
7676 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_SECONDS) &&
79 setCheckerMode ((CheckerMode) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_MODE).toInt());
79 setCheckerMode (static_cast<CheckerMode> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_MODE).toInt()));
8080 setCheckerSeconds (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_SECONDS).toInt());
81 setLineColor ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_LINE_COLOR).toInt());
81 setLineColor (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_AXES_CHECKER_LINE_COLOR).toInt()));
8383 // Read until end of this subtree
8484 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
145145 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_DATE) &&
146146 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_TIME)) {
148 setCoordsType ((CoordsType) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_TYPE).toInt());
148 setCoordsType (static_cast<CoordsType> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_TYPE).toInt()));
149149 setOriginRadius (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_ORIGIN_RADIUS).toDouble());
150 setCoordScaleXTheta ((CoordScale) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_SCALE_X_THETA).toInt());
151 setCoordScaleYRadius ((CoordScale) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_SCALE_Y_RADIUS).toInt());
152 setCoordUnitsX ((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_X).toInt());
153 setCoordUnitsY ((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_Y).toInt());
154 setCoordUnitsTheta ((CoordUnitsPolarTheta) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_THETA).toInt());
155 setCoordUnitsRadius ((CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_RADIUS).toInt());
156 setCoordUnitsDate ((CoordUnitsDate) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_DATE).toInt());
157 setCoordUnitsTime ((CoordUnitsTime) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_TIME).toInt());
150 setCoordScaleXTheta (static_cast<CoordScale> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_SCALE_X_THETA).toInt()));
151 setCoordScaleYRadius (static_cast<CoordScale> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_SCALE_Y_RADIUS).toInt()));
152 setCoordUnitsX (static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_X).toInt()));
153 setCoordUnitsY (static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_Y).toInt()));
154 setCoordUnitsTheta (static_cast<CoordUnitsPolarTheta> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_THETA).toInt()));
155 setCoordUnitsRadius (static_cast<CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_RADIUS).toInt()));
156 setCoordUnitsDate (static_cast<CoordUnitsDate> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_DATE).toInt()));
157 setCoordUnitsTime (static_cast<CoordUnitsTime> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_COORDS_UNITS_TIME).toInt()));
159159 // Read until end of this subtree
160160 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
9090 setCursorInnerRadius (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_DIGITIZE_CURVE_CURSOR_INNER_RADIUS).toInt());
9191 setCursorLineWidth (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_DIGITIZE_CURVE_CURSOR_LINE_WIDTH).toInt());
92 setCursorSize ((CursorSize) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_DIGITIZE_CURVE_CURSOR_SIZE).toInt());
92 setCursorSize (static_cast<CursorSize> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_DIGITIZE_CURVE_CURSOR_SIZE).toInt()));
9393 setCursorStandardCross (standardCrossValue == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
9595 // Read until end of this subtree
2323 const bool DEFAULT_EXPORT_DELIMITER_OVERRIDE = false; // Target beginner users who expect simplest behavior. Issue #169
24 const bool DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATE = true; // Traditional behavior before version 11
2526 DocumentModelExportFormat::DocumentModelExportFormat()
2627 {
2829 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_EXPORT);
31 // Sync these settings with DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotLoadDefault()
32 // and DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotSaveDefault()
3033 m_curveNamesNotExported = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_CURVE_NAMES_NOT_EXPORTED,
3134 QVariant (DEFAULT_CURVE_NAMES_NOT_EXPORTED)).toStringList();
32 m_delimiter = (ExportDelimiter) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER,
33 QVariant (EXPORT_DELIMITER_COMMA)).toInt();
35 m_delimiter = static_cast<ExportDelimiter> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER,
36 QVariant (EXPORT_DELIMITER_COMMA)).toInt());
37 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_EXTRAPOLATE_OUTSIDE_ENDPOINTS,
38 QVariant (DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATE)).toBool();
3439 m_overrideCsvTsv = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER_OVERRIDE_CSV_TSV,
36 m_header = (ExportHeader) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_HEADER,
37 QVariant (EXPORT_HEADER_SIMPLE)).toInt();
38 m_layoutFunctions = (ExportLayoutFunctions) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS,
39 QVariant (EXPORT_LAYOUT_ALL_PER_LINE)).toInt();
41 m_header = static_cast<ExportHeader> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_HEADER,
42 QVariant (EXPORT_HEADER_SIMPLE)).toInt());
43 m_layoutFunctions = static_cast<ExportLayoutFunctions> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS,
44 QVariant (EXPORT_LAYOUT_ALL_PER_LINE)).toInt());
4045 m_pointsIntervalFunctions = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_FUNCTIONS,
4247 m_pointsIntervalRelations = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_RELATIONS,
44 m_pointsIntervalUnitsFunctions = (ExportPointsIntervalUnits) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_FUNCTIONS,
46 m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations = (ExportPointsIntervalUnits) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_RELATIONS,
48 m_pointsSelectionFunctions = (ExportPointsSelectionFunctions) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS,
50 m_pointsSelectionRelations = (ExportPointsSelectionRelations) settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS,
49 m_pointsIntervalUnitsFunctions = static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_FUNCTIONS,
51 m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations = static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_RELATIONS,
53 m_pointsSelectionFunctions = static_cast<ExportPointsSelectionFunctions> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS,
55 m_pointsSelectionRelations = static_cast<ExportPointsSelectionRelations> (settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS,
5257 m_xLabel = settings.value (SETTINGS_EXPORT_X_LABEL,
5358 QVariant (DEFAULT_X_LABEL)).toString();
5459 }
6368 m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations (document.modelExport().pointsIntervalUnitsRelations()),
6469 m_layoutFunctions (document.modelExport().layoutFunctions()),
6570 m_delimiter (document.modelExport().delimiter()),
71 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints (document.modelExport().extrapolateOutsideEndpoints()),
6672 m_overrideCsvTsv (document.modelExport().overrideCsvTsv()),
6773 m_header (document.modelExport().header()),
6874 m_xLabel (document.modelExport().xLabel())
7985 m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations (other.pointsIntervalUnitsRelations()),
8086 m_layoutFunctions (other.layoutFunctions()),
8187 m_delimiter (other.delimiter()),
88 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints (other.extrapolateOutsideEndpoints()),
8289 m_overrideCsvTsv (other.overrideCsvTsv()),
8390 m_header (other.header()),
8491 m_xLabel (other.xLabel ())
96103 m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations = other.pointsIntervalUnitsRelations();
97104 m_layoutFunctions = other.layoutFunctions();
98105 m_delimiter = other.delimiter();
106 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints = other.extrapolateOutsideEndpoints();
99107 m_overrideCsvTsv = other.overrideCsvTsv();
100108 m_header = other.header();
101109 m_xLabel = other.xLabel();
113121 return m_delimiter;
114122 }
124 bool DocumentModelExportFormat::extrapolateOutsideEndpoints() const
125 {
126 return m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints;
127 }
116129 ExportHeader DocumentModelExportFormat::header() const
117130 {
118131 return m_header;
132145 QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes();
142156 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER) &&
143157 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_X_LABEL)) {
145 setPointsSelectionFunctions ((ExportPointsSelectionFunctions) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS).toInt());
159 setPointsSelectionFunctions (static_cast<ExportPointsSelectionFunctions> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS).toInt()));
146160 setPointsIntervalFunctions (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_FUNCTIONS).toDouble());
147 setPointsIntervalUnitsFunctions ((ExportPointsIntervalUnits) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_FUNCTIONS).toInt());
148 setPointsSelectionRelations ((ExportPointsSelectionRelations) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS).toInt());
161 setPointsIntervalUnitsFunctions (static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_FUNCTIONS).toInt()));
162 setPointsSelectionRelations (static_cast<ExportPointsSelectionRelations> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_RELATIONS).toInt()));
149163 setPointsIntervalRelations (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_RELATIONS).toDouble());
150 setPointsIntervalUnitsRelations ((ExportPointsIntervalUnits) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_RELATIONS).toInt());
151 setLayoutFunctions ((ExportLayoutFunctions) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS).toInt());
152 setDelimiter ((ExportDelimiter) attributes.value (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER).toInt());
164 setPointsIntervalUnitsRelations (static_cast<ExportPointsIntervalUnits> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_UNITS_RELATIONS).toInt()));
165 setLayoutFunctions (static_cast<ExportLayoutFunctions> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS).toInt()));
166 setDelimiter (static_cast<ExportDelimiter> (attributes.value (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER).toInt()));
155169 // Boolean value
158172 setOverrideCsvTsv(stringOverrideCsvTsv == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
159173 }
160 setHeader ((ExportHeader) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER).toInt());
176 // Boolean value
177 QString stringExtrapolate = attributes.value (DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_EXTRAPOLATE_OUTSIDE_ENDPOINTS).toString();
179 setExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints (stringExtrapolate == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
180 }
182 setHeader (static_cast<ExportHeader> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER).toInt()));
161183 setXLabel (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_X_LABEL).toString());
163185 // Read element containing excluded curve names
239261 }
241263 void DocumentModelExportFormat::printStream(QString indentation,
242 QTextStream &str) const
264 QTextStream &str) const
243265 {
244266 str << indentation << "DocumentModelExportFormat\n";
265287 << exportPointsIntervalUnitsToString (m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations) << "\n";
266288 str << indentation << "exportLayoutFunctions=" << exportLayoutFunctionsToString (m_layoutFunctions) << "\n";
267289 str << indentation << "exportDelimiter=" << exportDelimiterToString (m_delimiter) << "\n";
290 str << indentation << "exportExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints=" << (m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
268291 str << indentation << "overrideCsvTsv=" << (m_overrideCsvTsv ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
269292 str << indentation << "exportHeader=" << exportHeaderToString (m_header) << "\n";
270293 str << indentation << "xLabel=" << m_xLabel << "\n";
287310 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS_STRING, exportLayoutFunctionsToString (m_layoutFunctions));
288311 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER, QString::number (m_delimiter));
289312 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER_OVERRIDE_CSV_TSV, m_overrideCsvTsv ?
292315 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER_STRING, exportDelimiterToString (m_delimiter));
316 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_EXTRAPOLATE_OUTSIDE_ENDPOINTS, m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints ?
293319 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER, QString::number (m_header));
294320 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER_STRING, exportHeaderToString (m_header));
295321 writer.writeAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_X_LABEL, m_xLabel);
318344 m_delimiter = delimiter;
319345 }
347 void DocumentModelExportFormat::setExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints(bool extrapolateOutsideEndpoints)
348 {
349 m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints = extrapolateOutsideEndpoints;
350 }
321352 void DocumentModelExportFormat::setHeader(ExportHeader header)
322353 {
323354 m_header = header;
4040 /// Get method for delimiter.
4141 ExportDelimiter delimiter() const;
43 /// Get methods for extrapolation.
44 bool extrapolateOutsideEndpoints() const;
4346 /// Get method for header.
4447 ExportHeader header() const;
8184 /// Set method for delimiter.
8285 void setDelimiter(ExportDelimiter exportDelimiter);
87 /// Set methods for extrapolation.
88 void setExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints (bool extrapolateOutsideEndpoints);
8490 /// Set method for header.
8591 void setHeader(ExportHeader exportHeader);
127133 ExportPointsIntervalUnits m_pointsIntervalUnitsRelations;
128134 ExportLayoutFunctions m_layoutFunctions;
129135 ExportDelimiter m_delimiter;
136 bool m_extrapolateOutsideEndpoints;
130137 bool m_overrideCsvTsv;
131138 ExportHeader m_header;
132139 QString m_xLabel;
127127 QString stableValue = attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_STABLE).toString();
129129 setStable (stableValue == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
130 setDisableX ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_DISABLE_X).toInt());
131 setCountX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COUNT_X).toInt());
130 setDisableX (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_DISABLE_X).toInt()));
131 setCountX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COUNT_X).toUInt());
132132 setStartX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_START_X).toDouble());
133133 setStepX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_STEP_X).toDouble());
134134 setStopX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_STOP_X).toDouble());
135 setDisableY ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_DISABLE_Y).toInt());
136 setCountY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COUNT_Y).toInt());
135 setDisableY (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_DISABLE_Y).toUInt()));
136 setCountY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COUNT_Y).toUInt());
137137 setStartY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_START_Y).toDouble());
138138 setStepY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_STEP_Y).toDouble());
139139 setStopY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_STOP_Y).toDouble());
140 setPaletteColor ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COLOR).toInt());
140 setPaletteColor (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_DISPLAY_COLOR).toInt()));
142142 // Read until end of this subtree
143143 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
164164 setStable (stableValue == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
165165 setRemoveDefinedGridLines (definedValue == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
166166 setCloseDistance (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_CLOSE_DISTANCE).toDouble());
167 setGridCoordDisableX ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COORD_DISABLE_X).toInt());
167 setGridCoordDisableX (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COORD_DISABLE_X).toInt()));
168168 setCountX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COUNT_X).toInt());
169169 setStartX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_START_X).toDouble());
170170 setStepX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_STEP_X).toDouble());
171171 setStopX (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_STOP_X).toDouble());
172 setGridCoordDisableY ((GridCoordDisable) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COORD_DISABLE_Y).toInt());
172 setGridCoordDisableY (static_cast<GridCoordDisable> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COORD_DISABLE_Y).toInt()));
173173 setCountY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_COUNT_Y).toInt());
174174 setStartY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_START_Y).toDouble());
175175 setStepY (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_GRID_REMOVAL_STEP_Y).toDouble());
6969 setMaxPointSize (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_POINT_SIZE).toDouble());
70 setPaletteColorAccepted ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_ACCEPTED).toInt());
71 setPaletteColorCandidate ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_CANDIDATE).toInt());
72 setPaletteColorRejected ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_REJECTED).toInt());
70 setPaletteColorAccepted (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_ACCEPTED).toInt()));
71 setPaletteColorCandidate (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_CANDIDATE).toInt()));
72 setPaletteColorRejected (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_MATCH_COLOR_REJECTED).toInt()));
7474 // Read until end of this subtree
7575 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
3232 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_AXES_CHECKER ("CmdSettingsAxesChecker");
3333 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTER ("CmdSettingsColorFilter");
3434 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_COORDS ("CmdSettingsCoords");
35 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_CURVE_LIST ("CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove"); // AddRemove versus List for old dig files
3636 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_CURVE_PROPERTIES ("CmdSettingsCurveProperties");
3737 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_DIGITIZE_CURVE ("CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve");
3838 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_CMD_SETTINGS_EXPORT ("CmdSettingsExport");
114114 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER ("Delimiter");
116116 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_DELIMITER_STRING ("DelimiterString");
117118 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER ("Header");
118119 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_HEADER_STRING ("HeaderString");
119120 const QString DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS ("LayoutFunctions");
2121 // are D=0 for 0.1 to 0.99..., D=1 for 1 to 9.99..., D=2 for 10 to 99.999...
2222 double absMin = qAbs (xMin);
2323 double absMax = qAbs (xMax);
24 int D = (int) (log10 (qMax (absMin, absMax)) + EPSILON);
24 int D = qFloor (log10 (qMax (absMin, absMax)) + EPSILON);
2626 // Number of significant digits S will start at 1 and then get increased until
2727 // rounded(xMin) + 10^R <= xMax
3939 roundedMin -= nominalStep;
4040 }
42 if (roundedMin + nominalStep <= xMax) {
44 // Success. We have found a reasonable range that just fits xMin and xMax
42 // Need at least one step between roundedMin and xMax, otherwise ranges
43 if (roundedMin + 2 * nominalStep <= xMax) {
4544 break;
4645 }
6564 int digit) const
6665 {
6766 double scale = qPow (10.0, digit);
68 int valueRoundedWithWrongScale = (int) (value / scale + EPSILON);
67 int valueRoundedWithWrongScale = qFloor (value / scale + EPSILON);
6968 double valueRounded = valueRoundedWithWrongScale * scale;
7170 return valueRounded;
99 QString exportDelimiterToString (ExportDelimiter exportDelimiter)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportDelimiter) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Commas");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Commas");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("Semicolons");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("Semicolons");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("Spaces");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("Spaces");
24 break;
22 return QObject::tr ("Tabs");
27 rtn = QObject::tr ("Tabs");
28 break;
29 }
24 default:
25 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
26 }
31 return rtn;
2732 }
2934 QString exportDelimiterToText (ExportDelimiter exportDelimiter,
3035 bool isGnuplotDelimiter)
3136 {
37 QString rtn;
3239 switch (exportDelimiter) {
3441 if (isGnuplotDelimiter) {
35 return ", "; // Gnuplot needs a space
42 rtn = ", "; // Gnuplot needs a space
3643 } else {
37 return ",";
44 rtn = ",";
3845 }
46 break;
41 return ";";
49 rtn = ";";
50 break;
44 return " ";
53 rtn = " ";
54 break;
47 return "\t";
57 rtn = "\t";
58 break;
59 }
49 default:
50 return "?";
51 }
61 return rtn;
5262 }
1818 using namespace std;
2020 ExportFileAbstractBase::ExportFileAbstractBase()
21 {
22 }
24 ExportFileAbstractBase::~ExportFileAbstractBase()
2125 {
2226 }
99 #include "CurveConnectAs.h"
10 #include "ExportFileAbstractBase.h"
1110 #include "ExportHeader.h"
11 #include <QPointF>
1212 #include <QStringList>
1313 #include <QVector>
1414 #include <vector>
2626 public:
2727 /// Single constructor.
2828 ExportFileAbstractBase();
29 virtual ~ExportFileAbstractBase ();
3031 protected:
3233 /// Identify curves to include in export. The specified DocumentModelExportFormat overrides same data in Document for previewing window
33 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h"
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.h"
7 #include "CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.h"
78 #include "CurveConnectAs.h"
89 #include "Document.h"
910 #include "DocumentModelGeneral.h"
1314 #include "ExportOrdinalsSmooth.h"
1415 #include "ExportXThetaValuesMergedFunctions.h"
1516 #include "FormatCoordsUnits.h"
17 #include "GridLineLimiter.h"
1618 #include "LinearToLog.h"
1719 #include "Logger.h"
1820 #include <qmath.h>
3840 const Transformation &transformation,
3941 bool isLogXTheta,
4042 bool isLogYRadius,
43 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMin,
44 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMax,
4145 QTextStream &str,
4246 unsigned int &numWritesSoFar) const
4347 {
5761 isLogXTheta,
5862 isLogYRadius,
5963 xThetaValues,
64 curveLimitsMin,
65 curveLimitsMax,
6066 yRadiusValues);
6268 outputXThetaYRadiusValues (modelExportOverride,
8288 const Transformation &transformation,
8389 bool isLogXTheta,
8490 bool isLogYRadius,
91 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMin,
92 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMax,
8593 QTextStream &str,
8694 unsigned int &numWritesSoFar) const
8795 {
93101 // This curve
94102 const int CURVE_COUNT = 1;
95103 QString curveIncluded = *itr;
96 QStringList curvesIncluded (curveIncluded);
104 QStringList curvesIncludedIter (curveIncluded);
98106 int xThetaCount = xThetaValues.count();
99107 QVector<QVector<QString*> > yRadiusValues (CURVE_COUNT, QVector<QString*> (xThetaCount));
100 initializeYRadiusValues (curvesIncluded,
108 initializeYRadiusValues (curvesIncludedIter,
101109 xThetaValues,
102110 yRadiusValues);
103111 loadYRadiusValues (modelExportOverride,
104112 document,
105113 modelMainWindow,
106 curvesIncluded,
114 curvesIncludedIter,
107115 transformation,
108116 isLogXTheta,
109117 isLogYRadius,
110118 xThetaValues,
119 curveLimitsMin,
120 curveLimitsMax,
111121 yRadiusValues);
112122 outputXThetaYRadiusValues (modelExportOverride,
113123 document.modelCoords(),
114124 document.modelGeneral(),
115125 modelMainWindow,
116 curvesIncluded,
126 curvesIncludedIter,
117127 xThetaValues,
118128 transformation,
119129 yRadiusValues,
148158 const QString delimiter = exportDelimiterToText (modelExportOverride.delimiter(),
149159 modelExportOverride.header() == EXPORT_HEADER_GNUPLOT);
151 // Get x/theta values to be used
152 CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions ftor (modelExportOverride,
153 curvesIncluded,
154 transformation);
155 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
156 &CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions::callback);
157 document.iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
161 // Get x/theta values to be used. Also get the endpoint limits, if any
162 CurveLimits curveLimitsMin, curveLimitsMax;
163 ValuesVectorXOrY valuesVector;
164 if (modelExportOverride.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_GRID_LINES) {
165 CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines ftor (modelMainWindow,
166 modelExportOverride,
167 curvesIncluded,
168 transformation,
169 document);
170 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
171 &CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines::callback);
172 document.iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
173 valuesVector = ftor.xThetaValuesRaw();
174 curveLimitsMin = ftor.curveLimitsMin();
175 curveLimitsMax = ftor.curveLimitsMax();
176 } else {
177 CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves ftor (modelExportOverride,
178 curvesIncluded,
179 transformation);
180 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
181 &CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves::callback);
182 document.iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs(ftorWithCallback);
183 valuesVector = ftor.xThetaValuesRaw();
184 curveLimitsMin = ftor.curveLimitsMin();
185 curveLimitsMax = ftor.curveLimitsMax();
186 }
159188 ExportXThetaValuesMergedFunctions exportXTheta (modelExportOverride,
160 ftor.xThetaValuesRaw(),
189 valuesVector,
161190 transformation);
162192 ExportValuesXOrY xThetaValuesMerged = exportXTheta.xThetaValues ();
164194 // Skip if every curve was a relation
175205 transformation,
176206 isLogXTheta,
177207 isLogYRadius,
208 curveLimitsMin,
209 curveLimitsMax,
178210 str,
179211 numWritesSoFar);
180212 } else {
187219 transformation,
188220 isLogXTheta,
189221 isLogYRadius,
222 curveLimitsMin,
223 curveLimitsMax,
190224 str,
191225 numWritesSoFar);
192226 }
218252 // If point is within the range of the function points then interpolation will be used, otherwise
219253 // extrapolation will be used
220254 double yRadius = 0;
221 QPointF posGraphBefore, posScreenBefore; // Not set until ip=1
255 QPointF posGraphBefore; // Not set until ip=1
222256 bool foundIt = false;
223257 for (int ip = 0; !foundIt && (ip < points.count()); ip++) {
291325 bool isLogXTheta,
292326 bool isLogYRadius,
293327 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
328 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
329 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
294330 QVector<QVector<QString*> > &yRadiusValues) const
295331 {
296332 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValues";
313349 points,
314350 xThetaValues,
315351 transformation,
352 curveName,
353 curveLimitsMin,
354 curveLimitsMax,
316355 yRadiusValues [col]);
317356 } else {
327366 transformation,
328367 isLogXTheta,
329368 isLogYRadius,
369 curveName,
370 curveLimitsMin,
371 curveLimitsMax,
330372 yRadiusValues [col]);
332374 } else {
337379 points,
338380 xThetaValues,
339381 transformation,
382 curveName,
383 curveLimitsMin,
384 curveLimitsMax,
340385 yRadiusValues [col]);
341386 }
342387 }
351396 const Transformation &transformation,
352397 bool isLogXTheta,
353398 bool isLogYRadius,
399 const QString &curveName,
400 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
401 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
354402 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const
355403 {
356404 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedSmooth";
393441 double x1 = (1).x ();
394442 double y0 = (0).y ();
395443 double y1 = (1).y ();
396 if (x0 == x1) {
444 double numerator = (xTheta - x0);
445 double denominator = (x1 - x0);
446 if (qAbs (denominator) < qAbs (numerator) / 1.0e6) {
397447 // Cannot do linear interpolation using two points at the same x value
398448 yRadius = (0).y ();
399449 } else {
400 double s = (xTheta - x0) / (x1 - x0);
450 double s = numerator / denominator;
401451 yRadius = (1.0 - s) * y0 + s * y1;
402452 }
403453 }
404 format.unformattedToFormatted (xTheta,
405 yRadius,
406 modelCoords,
407 modelGeneral,
408 modelMainWindow,
409 dummyXThetaOut,
410 *(yRadiusValues [row]),
411 transformation);
454 if (xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (xTheta,
455 curveName,
456 curveLimitsMin,
457 curveLimitsMax)) {
458 format.unformattedToFormatted (xTheta,
459 yRadius,
460 modelCoords,
461 modelGeneral,
462 modelMainWindow,
463 dummyXThetaOut,
464 *(yRadiusValues [row]),
465 transformation);
466 } else {
467 *(yRadiusValues [row]) = "";
468 }
412469 }
414471 } else {
439496 isLogYRadius);
441498 // Save y/radius value for this row into yRadiusValues, after appropriate formatting
442 QString dummyXThetaOut;
499 if (xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (xTheta,
500 curveName,
501 curveLimitsMin,
502 curveLimitsMax)) {
503 format.unformattedToFormatted (xTheta,
504 yRadius,
505 modelCoords,
506 modelGeneral,
507 modelMainWindow,
508 dummyXThetaOut,
509 *(yRadiusValues [row]),
510 transformation);
511 } else {
512 *(yRadiusValues [row]) = "";
513 }
514 }
515 }
516 }
517 }
519 void ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedStraight (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
520 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
521 const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
522 const Points &points,
523 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
524 const Transformation &transformation,
525 const QString &curveName,
526 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
527 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
528 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const
529 {
530 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedStraight";
532 FormatCoordsUnits format;
534 // Get value at desired points
535 QString dummyXThetaOut;
536 for (int row = 0; row < xThetaValues.count(); row++) {
538 double xTheta = (row);
540 // Interpolation on curve with no points will trigger an assert so check the point count
541 *(yRadiusValues [row]) = "";
542 if (points.count () > 0) {
544 double yRadius = linearlyInterpolate (points,
545 xTheta,
546 transformation);
548 // Save y/radius value for this row into yRadiusValues, after appropriate formatting
549 if (xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (xTheta,
550 curveName,
551 curveLimitsMin,
552 curveLimitsMax)) {
443553 format.unformattedToFormatted (xTheta,
444554 yRadius,
445555 modelCoords,
453563 }
454564 }
456 void ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedStraight (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
457 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
458 const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
459 const Points &points,
460 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
461 const Transformation &transformation,
462 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const
463 {
464 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedStraight";
466 FormatCoordsUnits format;
468 // Get value at desired points
469 for (int row = 0; row < xThetaValues.count(); row++) {
471 double xThetaValue = (row);
473 double yRadius = linearlyInterpolate (points,
474 xThetaValue,
475 transformation);
477 // Save y/radius value for this row into yRadiusValues, after appropriate formatting
478 QString dummyXThetaOut;
479 format.unformattedToFormatted (xThetaValue,
480 yRadius,
481 modelCoords,
482 modelGeneral,
483 modelMainWindow,
484 dummyXThetaOut,
485 *(yRadiusValues [row]),
486 transformation);
487 }
488 }
490566 void ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveRaw (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
491567 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
492568 const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
493569 const Points &points,
494570 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
495571 const Transformation &transformation,
572 const QString &curveName,
573 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
574 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
496575 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const
497576 {
498577 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportFileFunctions::loadYRadiusValuesForCurveRaw";
515594 int rowClosest = 0;
516595 for (int row = 0; row < xThetaValues.count(); row++) {
518 double xThetaValue = (row);
520 double separation = qAbs (posGraph.x() - xThetaValue);
597 double xTheta = (row);
599 double separation = qAbs (posGraph.x() - xTheta);
522601 if ((row == 0) ||
523602 (separation < closestSeparation)) {
529608 }
531610 // Save y/radius value for this row into yRadiusValues, after appropriate formatting
532 QString dummyXThetaOut;
533 format.unformattedToFormatted (posGraph.x(),
534 posGraph.y(),
535 modelCoords,
536 modelGeneral,
537 modelMainWindow,
538 dummyXThetaOut,
539 *(yRadiusValues [rowClosest]),
540 transformation);
611 if (xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (posGraph.x(),
612 curveName,
613 curveLimitsMin,
614 curveLimitsMax)) {
615 QString dummyXThetaOut;
616 format.unformattedToFormatted (posGraph.x(),
617 posGraph.y(),
618 modelCoords,
619 modelGeneral,
620 modelMainWindow,
621 dummyXThetaOut,
622 *(yRadiusValues [rowClosest]),
623 transformation);
624 } else {
625 *(yRadiusValues [rowClosest]) = "";
626 }
541627 }
542628 }
629715 return hasEntry;
630716 }
718 bool ExportFileFunctions::xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (double xTheta,
719 const QString &curveName,
720 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
721 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax) const
722 {
723 bool ok = true;
725 if (curveLimitsMin.contains (curveName)) {
726 ok = ok && (curveLimitsMin [curveName] <= xTheta);
727 }
729 if (curveLimitsMax.contains (curveName)) {
730 ok = ok && (xTheta <= curveLimitsMax [curveName]);
731 }
733 return ok;
734 }
9 #include "CurveLimits.h"
910 #include "ExportFileAbstractBase.h"
1011 #include "ExportValuesXOrY.h"
12 #include "Points.h"
1113 #include <QStringList>
1214 #include <QVector>
15 #include "ValuesVectorXOrY.h"
1417 class Document;
1518 class DocumentModelCoords;
4952 const Transformation &transformation,
5053 bool isLogXTheta,
5154 bool isLogYRadius,
55 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMin,
56 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMax,
5257 QTextStream &str,
5358 unsigned int &numWritesSoFar) const;
5459 void exportOnePerLineXThetaValuesMerged (const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExportOverride,
6065 const Transformation &transformation,
6166 bool isLogXTheta,
6267 bool isLogYRadius,
68 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMin,
69 const CurveLimits curveLimitsMax,
6370 QTextStream &str,
6471 unsigned int &numWritesSoFar) const;
7380 double linearlyInterpolate (const Points &points,
7481 double xThetaValue,
7582 const Transformation &transformation) const;
76 void loadYRadiusValues (const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExport,
83 void loadYRadiusValues (const DocumentModelExportFormat &modelExportOverride,
7784 const Document &document,
7885 const MainWindowModel &modelMainWindow,
7986 const QStringList &curvesIncluded,
8188 bool isLogXTheta,
8289 bool isLogYRadius,
8390 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
91 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
92 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
8493 QVector<QVector<QString*> > &yRadiusValues) const;
8594 void loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedSmooth (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
8695 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
9099 const Transformation &transformation,
91100 bool isLogXTheta,
92101 bool isLogYRadius,
102 const QString &curveName,
103 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
104 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
93105 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const;
94106 void loadYRadiusValuesForCurveInterpolatedStraight (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
95107 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
97109 const Points &points,
98110 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
99111 const Transformation &transformation,
112 const QString &curveName,
113 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
114 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
100115 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const;
101116 void loadYRadiusValuesForCurveRaw (const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
102117 const DocumentModelGeneral &modelGeneral,
104119 const Points &points,
105120 const ExportValuesXOrY &xThetaValues,
106121 const Transformation &transformation,
122 const QString &curveName,
123 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
124 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax,
107125 QVector<QString*> &yRadiusValues) const;
109127 /// Output 2D y/radius array along with x/theta vector in first column
122140 // since the union of all x/theta values is applied to each curve
123141 bool rowHasAtLeastOneYRadiusEntry (const QVector<QVector<QString*> > &yRadiusValues,
124142 int row) const;
144 // If there are bounds for the curve, make sure xTheta is within those bounds
145 bool xThetaIsNotOutOfBounds (double xTheta,
146 const QString &curveName,
147 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMin,
148 const CurveLimits &curveLimitsMax) const;
125149 };
127151 #endif // EXPORT_FILE_FUNCTIONS_H
99 #include "ExportFileAbstractBase.h"
1010 #include "ExportPointsIntervalUnits.h"
1111 #include "ExportValuesOrdinal.h"
12 #include "Points.h"
1213 #include <QStringList>
1314 #include <QVector>
99 QString exportHeaderToString (ExportHeader exportHeader)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportHeader) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Gnuplot");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Gnuplot");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("None");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("None");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("Simple");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("Simple");
24 break;
25 }
21 default:
22 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
23 }
27 return rtn;
2428 }
2121 {
2222 QFile file (filename);
2323 if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
24 QMessageBox::critical (0,
24 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
2525 QObject::tr ("Export Image"),
2626 QObject::tr ("Cannot export file"));
2727 } else {
99 QString exportLayoutFunctionsToString (ExportLayoutFunctions exportLayoutFunctions)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportLayoutFunctions) {
13 return QObject::tr ("AllPerLine");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("AllPerLine");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("OnePerLine");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("OnePerLine");
20 break;
21 }
18 default:
19 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
20 }
23 return rtn;
2124 }
9393 int iTLastInterval = 0;
9494 for (int iT = 0; iT < NUM_SMALLER_INTERVALS; iT++) {
96 double t = tMin + ((tMax - tMin) * iT) / (NUM_SMALLER_INTERVALS - 1.0);
96 double tIter = tMin + ((tMax - tMin) * iT) / (NUM_SMALLER_INTERVALS - 1.0);
98 SplinePair pairNew = spline.interpolateCoeff(t);
98 SplinePair pairNew = spline.interpolateCoeff(tIter);
100100 QPointF posNew = QPointF (pairNew.x(),
101101 pairNew.y());
112112 if (iT == 0) {
113113 sInterp = 0.0;
114114 } else {
115 sInterp = (double) pointsInterval / (double) integratedSeparation;
115 sInterp = double (pointsInterval) / double (integratedSeparation);
116116 }
117 double tInterp = (1.0 - sInterp) * tLast + sInterp * t;
117 double tInterp = (1.0 - sInterp) * tLast + sInterp * tIter;
119119 integratedSeparation -= pointsInterval; // Part of delta that was not used gets applied to next interval
123123 iTLastInterval = iT;
124124 }
126 tLast = t;
126 tLast = tIter;
127127 posLast = posNew;
128128 }
99 QString exportPointsIntervalUnitsToString (ExportPointsIntervalUnits exportPointsIntervalUnits)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportPointsIntervalUnits) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Graph Units");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Graph Units");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("Pixels");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("Pixels");
20 break;
21 }
18 default:
19 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
20 }
23 return rtn;
2124 }
99 QString exportPointsSelectionFunctionsToString (ExportPointsSelectionFunctions exportPointsSelectionFunctions)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportPointsSelectionFunctions) {
13 return QObject::tr ("InterpolateAllCurves");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("InterpolateAllCurves");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("InterpolateFirstCurve");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("InterpolateFirstCurve");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("InterpolatePeriodic");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("InterpolatePeriodic");
24 break;
22 return QObject::tr ("Raw");
27 rtn = QObject::tr ("Raw");
28 break;
2430 default:
25 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
31 rtn = QObject::tr ("Unknown");
32 break;
2633 }
35 return rtn;
2736 }
1617 };
1819 extern QString exportPointsSelectionFunctionsToString (ExportPointsSelectionFunctions exportPointsSelectionFunctions);
99 extern QString exportPointsSelectionRelationsToString (ExportPointsSelectionRelations exportPointsSelectionRelations)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (exportPointsSelectionRelations) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Interpolate");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Interpolate");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("Raw");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("Raw");
20 break;
21 }
18 default:
19 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
20 }
23 return rtn;
2124 }
120120 {
121121 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "ExportXThetaValuesMergedFunctions::periodicLinearScreen";
123 const double ARBITRARY_Y = 0.0;
123 // This must be greater than zero. Otherwise, logarithmic y axis will trigger errors in the
124 // transform, which cascades into NaN values for the x coordinates below
125 const double ARBITRARY_Y = 1.0;
125127 // Screen coordinates of endpoints
126128 QPointF posScreenFirst, posScreenLast;
131133 ARBITRARY_Y),
132134 posScreenLast);
133135 double deltaScreenX = posScreenLast.x() - posScreenFirst.x();
134 double deltaScreenY = posScreenLast.y() - posScreenFirst.y();
135 double deltaScreen = qSqrt (deltaScreenX * deltaScreenX + deltaScreenY * deltaScreenY);
137137 // Need calculations to find the scaling to be applied to successive points
138138 double s = 1.0;
139139 double interval = m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions();
140140 if ((interval > 0) &&
141 (interval < deltaScreen)) {
142 s = interval / deltaScreen;
141 (interval < deltaScreenX)) {
142 s = interval / deltaScreenX;
143143 }
145145 // Example: xThetaMin=0.1 and xThetaMax=100 (points are 0.1, 1, 10, 100) with s=1/3 so scale should be 10
190190 // Convert the gathered values into a periodic sequence
191191 ValuesVectorXOrY values;
192192 double xTheta = xThetaFirstSimplestNumber;
193 while (xTheta > xThetaMin) {
194 xTheta /= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions(); // Go backwards until reaching or passing minimum
193 if (m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions() > 1) { // Safe to iterate
194 while (xTheta > xThetaMin) {
195 xTheta /= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions(); // Go backwards until reaching or passing minimum
196 }
195197 }
196198 if (xTheta < xThetaMin) {
197199 values [xThetaMin] = true; // We passed minimum so insert point right at xThetaMin
198200 }
200 xTheta *= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions();
201 while (xTheta <= xThetaMax) {
202 values [xTheta] = true;
203 xTheta *= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions(); // Insert point at a simple number
202 if (m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions() > 1) { // Safe to iterate
203 xTheta *= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions();
204 while (xTheta <= xThetaMax) {
205 values [xTheta] = true;
206 xTheta *= m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions(); // Insert point at a simple number
207 }
204208 }
206210 if (xTheta > xThetaMax) {
262266 if (m_modelExport.pointsSelectionFunctions() == EXPORT_POINTS_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS_INTERPOLATE_PERIODIC) {
264268 // Special case that occurs when there are no points
265 if (m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions() == 0) {
269 if (qAbs (m_modelExport.pointsIntervalFunctions()) <= 0) {
267271 ExportValuesXOrY empty;
268272 return empty;
2424 FileCmdAbstract *FileCmdFactory::createFileCmd (QXmlStreamReader &reader) const
2525 {
26 FileCmdAbstract *cmd = 0;
26 FileCmdAbstract *cmd = nullptr;
2828 QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes();
2929 if (!attributes.hasAttribute (FILE_CMD_SERIALIZE_CMD_TYPE)) {
2020 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "FileCmdScript::FileCmdScript"
2121 << " curDir=" << QDir::currentPath().toLatin1().data();
23 // Read commands into stack. The file is known to exist since it was checked in parseCmdLine
24 QFile file (fileCmdScriptFile);
23 // A non-existent script file is allowed in which case nothing gets done, as a way
24 // of tracking MainWindow being in a regression test that has no command script
25 if (!fileCmdScriptFile.isEmpty ()) {
26 QXmlStreamReader reader (&file);
27 if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
27 // Read commands into stack. The file is known to exist since it was checked in parseCmdLine
28 QFile file (fileCmdScriptFile);
29 QString msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3 %4")
30 .arg (QObject::tr ("Cannot read script file"))
31 .arg (fileCmdScriptFile)
32 .arg (QObject::tr ("from directory"))
33 .arg (QDir::currentPath());
34 QMessageBox::critical (0,
35 "Script File",
36 msg);
37 exit (-1);
30 QXmlStreamReader reader (&file);
31 if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
33 QString msg = QString ("%1 %2 %3 %4")
34 .arg (QObject::tr ("Cannot read script file"))
35 .arg (fileCmdScriptFile)
36 .arg (QObject::tr ("from directory"))
37 .arg (QDir::currentPath());
38 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
39 "Script File",
40 msg);
41 exit (-1);
42 }
44 // Load commands
45 FileCmdFactory factory;
46 while (!reader.atEnd() && !reader.hasError()) {
48 if ((loadNextFromReader (reader) == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) &&
51 // Extract and append new command to command stack
52 m_fileCmdStack.push_back (factory.createFileCmd (reader));
53 }
54 }
55 file.close();
3856 }
40 // Load commands
41 FileCmdFactory factory;
42 while (!reader.atEnd() && !reader.hasError()) {
44 if ((loadNextFromReader (reader) == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) &&
47 // Extract and append new command to command stack
48 m_fileCmdStack.push_back (factory.createFileCmd (reader));
49 }
50 }
51 file.close();
5257 }
5459 FileCmdScript::~FileCmdScript()
3131 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) {
3333 // Compute (x,y) point in graph coordinates
34 double s = (double) i / (double) (NUM_POINTS - 1);
34 double s = double (i) / double (NUM_POINTS - 1);
3535 double x = xMin + s * (xMax - xMin);
3636 double y = yFromCoefficientsAndX (fittingCoef,
3737 x);
121121 // To prevent having an underdetermined system with an infinite number of solutions (which will result
122122 // in divide by zero when computing an inverse) we reduce the order here if necessary.
123123 // In other words, we limit the order to -1 for no points, 0 for one point, 1 for two points, and so on
124 int orderReduced = qMin ((int) order,
124 int orderReduced = qMin (qFloor (order),
125125 pointsConvenient.size() - 1);
127127 calculateCurveFit (orderReduced,
216216 if (order < coefficients.size ()) {
217217 coef = coefficients [order];
218218 }
219 sum += coef * qPow (x, (double) order);
219 sum += coef * qPow (x, double (order));
220220 }
222222 return sum;
6262 FittingStatistics fittingStatistics;
6464 double mse = 0, rms = 0, rSquared = 0;
65 fittingStatistics.calculateCurveFitAndStatistics (maxOrder (),
65 fittingStatistics.calculateCurveFitAndStatistics (unsigned (maxOrder ()),
6666 m_pointsConvenient,
6767 m_coefficients,
6868 mse,
6969 rms,
7070 rSquared,
71 m_significantDigits);
71 qFloor (m_significantDigits));
7373 m_lblMeanSquareError->setText (QString::number (mse));
7474 m_lblRootMeanSquare->setText (QString::number (rms));
77 #include "FormatDateTime.h"
88 #include "Logger.h"
99 #include <QDateTime>
10 #include <qmath.h>
1011 #include <QTimeZone>
1213 // Need a reference time zone so exported outputs do not exhibit unpredictable local/UTC hours differences
135136 QString format = m_formatsDateFormat [coordUnitsDate] + " " + m_formatsTimeFormat [coordUnitsTime];
136137 format = format.trimmed();
138 QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromTime_t (value);
139 // Range of unsigned versus signed is not a problem here. A signed value maxes out at 2.4 billion
140 // which is year 2038
141 QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromTime_t (unsigned (qFloor (value)));
140143 return dt.toTimeSpec(REFERENCE_TIME_ZONE).toString (format);
141144 }
3636 value = qAbs (value);
3737 int degrees = qFloor (value);
3838 value -= degrees;
39 int minutes = value * DEGREES_TO_MINUTES;
39 int minutes = qFloor (value * DEGREES_TO_MINUTES);
4040 value -= minutes * MINUTES_TO_DEGREES;
4141 double seconds = value * DEGREES_TO_SECONDS;
4242 degrees *= (negative ? -1.0 : 1.0);
6262 value = qAbs (value);
6363 int degrees = qFloor (value);
6464 value -= degrees;
65 int minutes = value * DEGREES_TO_MINUTES;
65 int minutes = qFloor (value * DEGREES_TO_MINUTES);
6666 value -= minutes * MINUTES_TO_DEGREES;
6767 double seconds = value * DEGREES_TO_SECONDS;
2222 QVariant GeometryModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
2323 {
24 const int HEADER_OFFSET = 1;
25 const int NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED = 2; // Match with GeometryWindow::NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED
2427 // LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GeometryModel::data"
2528 // << " rowHighlighted=" << m_rowToBeHighlighted
2629 // << " index=(row=" << index.row() << ",col=" << index.column() << ",role=" << role << ")="
3134 !m_pointIdentifier.isEmpty () &&
3235 (index.row () == m_rowToBeHighlighted)) {
34 // This row is to be highlighted
37 // This row is to be highlighted with gray
3538 return QVariant (QColor (230, 230, 230));
39 }
41 bool ambiguousSegment = ((role == Qt::BackgroundRole) &&
42 (m_ambiguousRows.contains (index.row () - HEADER_OFFSET)));
43 bool ambiguousFootnote = ((role == Qt::BackgroundRole) &&
44 (m_ambiguousRows.size () > 0) &&
45 (index.row () >= rowCount () - NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED));
46 if (ambiguousSegment || ambiguousFootnote) {
48 // This row is to be highlighted with light red. Note that gray color preempts this behavior
49 return QVariant (QColor (255, 0, 0, 50));
3650 }
3852 // Standard behavior
99113 indexBottomRight,
100114 roles);
101115 }
117 void GeometryModel::setPotentialExportAmbiguity (const QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity)
118 {
119 // Save row numbers with ambiguities
120 m_ambiguousRows.clear ();
121 for (int i = 0; i < isPotentialExportAmbiguity.size (); i++) {
122 if ( (i)) {
123 m_ambiguousRows [i] = true;
124 }
125 }
126 }
9 #include <QHash>
910 #include <QString>
11 #include <QVector>
1012 #include "WindowModelBase.h"
1214 /// Model that adds row highlighting according to the currently select point identifier
2325 /// Set the point identifier to be highlighted. Value is empty for no highlighting
2426 void setCurrentPointIdentifier (const QString &pointIdentifier);
28 /// Remember which rows could have ambiguities during export - these will be highlighted
29 void setPotentialExportAmbiguity (const QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
2631 private:
2833 int rowToBeHighlighted () const;
3035 int m_rowToBeHighlighted;
3136 QString m_pointIdentifier; // Point to be higlighted. Empty if none
38 // Row numbers with ambiguities
39 QHash<int, bool> m_ambiguousRows;
3240 };
3442 #endif // GEOMETRY_MODEL_H
7373 vector<double> t;
7474 vector<SplinePair> xy;
7575 for (int i = 0; i < positionsGraph.size (); i++) {
76 t.push_back ((double) i);
76 t.push_back (double (i));
7777 xy.push_back (SplinePair (positionsGraph [i].x(),
7878 positionsGraph [i].y()));
7979 }
9090 for (int subinterval = 0; subinterval < subintervalsPerInterval; subinterval++) {
9292 // Go from i-1 (exclusive) to i (inclusive)
93 double t = (double) (i - 1.0) + (double) (subinterval + 1) / (double) (subintervalsPerInterval);
93 double t = double (i - 1.0) + double (subinterval + 1) / double (subintervalsPerInterval);
9595 SplinePair splinePair = spline.interpolateCoeff (t);
129129 distanceGraphBackward.push_back (QString::number (dTotal - d));
130130 distancePercentBackward.push_back (QString::number (100.0 * (dTotal - d) / dTotal));
131131 }
132 }
133 }
135 void GeometryStrategyAbstractBase::loadPotentialExportVector (QVector<QString> &x,
136 QVector<QString> & /* y */,
137 const Transformation & /* transformation */,
138 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity) const
139 {
140 for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
141 isPotentialExportAmbiguity.append (false);
132142 }
133143 }
99 #include "Points.h"
1010 #include <QPolygonF>
11 #include <QString>
1112 #include <QVector>
1314 class DocumentModelCoords;
3637 QString &polyArea,
3738 QVector<QString> &x,
3839 QVector<QString> &y,
40 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3941 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
4042 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
4143 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
6264 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
6365 QVector<QString> &distancePercentBackward) const;
67 /// Load isPotentialExportAmbiguity vector. Default in base class is to load false values since there are no ambiguities
68 virtual void loadPotentialExportVector (QVector<QString> &x,
69 QVector<QString> &y,
70 const Transformation &transformation,
71 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity) const;
6573 /// Load x and y coordinate vectors
6674 void loadXY (const QVector<QPointF> &positionsGraph,
6775 const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
66 #include "CurveConnectAs.h"
7 #include "DocumentModelCoords.h"
8 #include "DocumentModelGeneral.h"
79 #include "GeometryStrategyContext.h"
810 #include "GeometryStrategyFunctionSmooth.h"
911 #include "GeometryStrategyFunctionStraight.h"
2224 GeometryStrategyContext::~GeometryStrategyContext()
2325 {
26 qDeleteAll (m_strategies);
2427 }
2629 void GeometryStrategyContext::calculateGeometry (const Points &points,
3336 QString &polyArea,
3437 QVector<QString> &x,
3538 QVector<QString> &y,
39 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3640 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3741 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
3842 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
4953 polyArea,
5054 x,
5155 y,
56 isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
5257 distanceGraphForward,
5358 distancePercentForward,
5459 distanceGraphBackward,
3535 QString &polyArea,
3636 QVector<QString> &x,
3737 QVector<QString> &y,
38 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3839 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3940 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
4041 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
66 #include "GeometryStrategyFunctionSmooth.h"
7 #include "Spline.h"
8 #include "SplineDrawer.h"
9 #include "SplinePair.h"
710 #include "Transformation.h"
12 using namespace std;
914 GeometryStrategyFunctionSmooth::GeometryStrategyFunctionSmooth()
1015 {
2328 QString &polyArea,
2429 QVector<QString> &x,
2530 QVector<QString> &y,
31 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
2632 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
2733 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
2834 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
5258 x,
5359 y);
61 loadSmoothAmbiguityVector (x,
62 y,
63 transformation,
64 isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
5566 // Set header values
5667 funcArea = QString::number (fArea);
5768 polyArea = "";
5869 }
71 void GeometryStrategyFunctionSmooth::loadSmoothAmbiguityVector (QVector<QString> &x,
72 QVector<QString> &y,
73 const Transformation &transformation,
74 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity) const
75 {
76 // There are N-1 segments for N points
77 int numSegments = x.size () - 1;
79 // Graph/screen transformation must be defined for SplineDrawer, and
80 // at least one point must be defined for Spline. Even better, one segment
81 // must be defined for Spline
82 if (transformation.transformIsDefined() &&
83 numSegments > 0) {
85 // Create spline
86 vector<double> t (unsigned (x.size ()));
87 vector<SplinePair> xy (unsigned (x.size ()));
88 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unsigned (x.size ()); i++) {
89 t [i] = i;
90 xy [i] = SplinePair ( (signed (i)).toDouble (),
91 (signed (i)).toDouble ());
92 }
93 Spline s (t,
94 xy);
96 SplineDrawer sd (transformation);
98 for (int segment = 0; segment < numSegments; segment++) {
99 bool isMultiValued = sd.segmentIsMultiValued (s,
100 x.size (),
101 segment);
102 isPotentialExportAmbiguity.push_back (isMultiValued);
103 }
104 } else {
106 for (int segment = 0; segment < numSegments; segment++) {
107 isPotentialExportAmbiguity.push_back (false);
108 }
109 }
110 }
2929 QString &polyArea,
3030 QVector<QString> &x,
3131 QVector<QString> &y,
32 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3233 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3334 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
3435 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
3536 QVector<QString> &distancePercentBackward) const;
38 /// Generate a vector that identifies points belonging to segments that overlap, for
39 /// smoothly connected functions
40 virtual void loadSmoothAmbiguityVector (QVector<QString> &x,
41 QVector<QString> &y,
42 const Transformation &transformation,
43 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity) const;
3744 };
2323 QString &polyArea,
2424 QVector<QString> &x,
2525 QVector<QString> &y,
26 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
2627 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
2728 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
2829 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
5253 x,
5354 y);
56 loadPotentialExportVector (x,
57 y,
58 transformation,
59 isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
5561 // Set header values
5662 funcArea = QString::number (fArea);
5763 polyArea = "";
2929 QString &polyArea,
3030 QVector<QString> &x,
3131 QVector<QString> &y,
32 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3233 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3334 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
3435 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
2323 QString &polyArea,
2424 QVector<QString> &x,
2525 QVector<QString> &y,
26 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
2627 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
2728 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
2829 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
5253 x,
5354 y);
56 loadPotentialExportVector (x,
57 y,
58 transformation,
59 isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
5561 // Set header values
5662 funcArea = "";
5763 polyArea = QString::number (pArea);
2929 QString &polyArea,
3030 QVector<QString> &x,
3131 QVector<QString> &y,
32 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3233 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3334 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
3435 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
2323 QString &polyArea,
2424 QVector<QString> &x,
2525 QVector<QString> &y,
26 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
2627 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
2728 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
2829 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
5253 x,
5354 y);
56 loadPotentialExportVector (x,
57 y,
58 transformation,
59 isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
5561 // Set header values
5662 funcArea = "";
5763 polyArea = QString::number (pArea);
2929 QString &polyArea,
3030 QVector<QString> &x,
3131 QVector<QString> &y,
32 QVector<bool> &isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
3233 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphForward,
3334 QVector<QString> &distancePercentForward,
3435 QVector<QString> &distanceGraphBackward,
33 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h"
76 #include "CmdMediator.h"
87 #include "Curve.h"
98 #include "CurveConnectAs.h"
4847 GeometryWindow::~GeometryWindow()
4948 {
49 delete m_model;
5050 }
5252 void GeometryWindow::clear ()
195195 {
196196 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GeometryWindow::update";
198 const int NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED = 2; // Match with GeometryModel::NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED
198200 // Save inputs
199201 m_modelExport = cmdMediator.document().modelExport();
200202 m_model->setDelimiter (m_modelExport.delimiter());
210212 QString funcArea, polyArea;
211213 QVector<QString> x, y, distanceGraphForward, distancePercentForward, distanceGraphBackward, distancePercentBackward;
214 QVector<bool> isPotentialExportAmbiguity;
213216 CurveStyle curveStyle = cmdMediator.document().modelCurveStyles().curveStyle (curveSelected);
214217 m_geometryStrategyContext.calculateGeometry (points,
221224 polyArea,
222225 x,
223226 y,
227 isPotentialExportAmbiguity,
224228 distanceGraphForward,
225229 distancePercentForward,
226230 distanceGraphBackward,
227231 distancePercentBackward);
233 // Was there a potential export ambiguity
234 bool wasAmbiguity = isPotentialExportAmbiguity.contains (true);
236 // Unmerge any merged cells from the previous update
237 m_view->clearSpans();
229239 // Output to table
230 resizeTable (NUM_HEADER_ROWS + points.count());
240 resizeTable (NUM_HEADER_ROWS + points.count() + (wasAmbiguity ? NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED : 0));
232242 m_model->setItem (HEADER_ROW_NAME, COLUMN_HEADER_VALUE, new QStandardItem (curveSelected));
233243 m_model->setItem (HEADER_ROW_FUNC_AREA, COLUMN_HEADER_VALUE, new QStandardItem (funcArea));
236246 if (transformation.transformIsDefined()) {
248 m_model->setPotentialExportAmbiguity (isPotentialExportAmbiguity);
238250 int row = NUM_HEADER_ROWS;
239 int index = 0;
240 for (; index < points.count(); row++, index++) {
251 for (int index = 0; index < points.count(); row++, index++) {
242253 const Point &point = (index);
254265 m_model->setItem (row, COLUMN_BODY_DISTANCE_PERCENT_BACKWARD, new QStandardItem (distancePercentBackward [index]));
255266 m_model->setItem (row, COLUMN_BODY_POINT_IDENTIFIERS, new QStandardItem (point.identifier()));
256267 }
269 if (wasAmbiguity) {
270 // Merge row into one big cell so text fits. Requires unmerge at start of next update
271 m_view->setSpan (row, 0, NUM_LEGEND_ROWS_UNSPANNED, NUM_BODY_COLUMNS);
272 m_model->setItem (row, COLUMN_BODY_X,
273 new QStandardItem (tr ("Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. "
274 "Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.")));
275 row++;
276 }
257277 }
259279 // Unselect everything
3232 QGraphicsItem *item = *itr;
3434 QGraphicsEllipseItem *itemEllipse = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsEllipseItem*> (item);
35 if (itemEllipse != 0) {
35 if (itemEllipse != nullptr) {
3737 GhostEllipse ghost (itemEllipse->boundingRect(),
3838 itemEllipse->pen(),
4242 } else {
4444 QGraphicsPathItem *itemPath = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsPathItem*> (item);
45 if (itemPath != 0) {
45 if (itemPath != nullptr) {
4747 GhostPath ghost (itemPath->path (),
4848 itemPath->pen(),
5252 } else {
5454 QGraphicsPolygonItem *itemPolygon = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsPolygonItem*> (item);
55 if (itemPolygon != 0) {
55 if (itemPolygon != nullptr) {
5757 // Polygon is centered at origin so we have to add offset
5858 QPolygonF polygon = itemPolygon->polygon();
2828 for (itr = items.begin(); itr != items.end(); itr++) {
3030 QGraphicsItem *item = *itr;
31 GraphicsItemType type = (GraphicsItemType) item->data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt ();
31 GraphicsItemType type = static_cast<GraphicsItemType> (item->data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt ());
3333 if (type == GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE_POINT) {
1717 #include "PointStyle.h"
1818 #include <QGraphicsItem>
1919 #include <QMap>
20 #include <QPainterPath>
2021 #include <QPen>
2122 #include <QTextStream>
2223 #include "QtToString.h"
2324 #include "Spline.h"
25 #include "SplineDrawer.h"
2426 #include "Transformation.h"
2527 #include "ZValues.h"
6365 m_graphicsPoints [ordinal] = &graphicsPoint;
6466 }
66 QPainterPath GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesSmooth ()
68 QPainterPath GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesSmooth (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
69 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
70 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
71 LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
6772 {
6873 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesSmooth"
6974 << " curve=" << m_curveName.toLatin1().data();
9095 // Spline through points
9196 Spline spline (t, xy);
93 // Drawing from point i-1 to this point i uses the control points from point i-1
94 int segmentEndingAtPointI = 0;
96 // Create QPainterPath through the points
97 bool isFirst = true;
98 for (itr = m_graphicsPoints.begin(); itr != m_graphicsPoints.end(); itr++) {
98 splineDrawer.bindToSpline (lineStyle,
99 m_graphicsPoints.count(),
100 spline);
102 // Create QPainterPath through the points. Loop has one segment per stop point,
103 // with first point handled outside first
104 int segment; // Only incremented after a draw, corresponding to finishing a segment
105 OrdinalToGraphicsPoint::const_iterator itr = m_graphicsPoints.begin();
107 const GraphicsPoint *point = itr.value();
108 path.moveTo (point->pos ());
109 pathMultiValued.moveTo (point->pos ());
110 ++itr;
112 for (segment = 0;
113 itr != m_graphicsPoints.end();
114 segment++, itr++) {
100116 const GraphicsPoint *point = itr.value();
102 if (isFirst) {
103 isFirst = false;
104 path.moveTo (point->pos());
105 } else {
107 QPointF p1 (spline.p1 (segmentEndingAtPointI).x(),
108 spline.p1 (segmentEndingAtPointI).y());
109 QPointF p2 (spline.p2 (segmentEndingAtPointI).x(),
110 spline.p2 (segmentEndingAtPointI).y());
112 path.cubicTo (p1,
113 p2,
114 point->pos ());
116 ++segmentEndingAtPointI;
118 SplineDrawerOperation operation = splineDrawer.segmentOperation (segment);
120 QPointF p1 (spline.p1 (unsigned (segment)).x(),
121 spline.p1 (unsigned (segment)).y());
122 QPointF p2 (spline.p2 (unsigned (segment)).x(),
123 spline.p2 (unsigned (segment)).y());
125 switch (operation) {
127 {
128 // Show this segment
129 path.cubicTo (p1,
130 p2,
131 point->pos ());
132 }
133 break;
137 // Hide this segment as a regular curve, and show it as the error curve
138 path.moveTo (point->pos ());
140 // Show curveMultiValued instead in what would have been the original curve's path
141 OrdinalToGraphicsPoint::const_iterator itrBefore = itr - 1;
142 const GraphicsPoint *pointBefore = itrBefore.value();
143 pathMultiValued.moveTo (pointBefore->pos ());
144 pathMultiValued.cubicTo (p1,
145 p2,
146 point->pos ());
147 lineMultiValued = lineStyle; // Remember to not use the same line style
148 break;
117150 }
152 // Always move to next point for curveMultiValued
153 pathMultiValued.moveTo (point->pos ());
118154 }
119155 }
121157 return path;
122158 }
124 QPainterPath GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesStraight ()
160 QPainterPath GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesStraight (QPainterPath & /* pathMultiValued */)
125161 {
126162 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::drawLinesStraight"
127163 << " curve=" << m_curveName.toLatin1().data();
166202 return 0;
167203 }
169 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::lineMembershipPurge (const LineStyle &lineStyle)
205 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::lineMembershipPurge (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
206 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
207 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
208 LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
170209 {
171210 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::lineMembershipPurge"
172211 << " curve=" << m_curveName.toLatin1().data();
204243 setPen (pen);
206 updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (lineStyle);
245 updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (lineStyle,
246 splineDrawer,
247 pathMultiValued,
248 lineMultiValued);
207249 }
209251 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::lineMembershipReset ()
243285 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::printStream (QString indentation,
244286 QTextStream &str) const
245287 {
246 DataKey type = (DataKey) data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt();
288 DataKey type = static_cast<DataKey> (data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt());
248290 str << indentation << "GraphicsLinesForCurve=" << m_curveName
249291 << " dataIdentifier=" << data (DATA_KEY_IDENTIFIER).toString().toLatin1().data()
281323 {
282324 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::removeTemporaryPointIfExists";
326 // Compiler warning about this loop only iterating once is not an issue since there
327 // is never more than one temporary point
284328 OrdinalToGraphicsPoint::iterator itr;
285329 for (itr = m_graphicsPoints.begin(); itr != m_graphicsPoints.end(); itr++) {
327371 << " curve=" << m_curveName.toLatin1().data()
328372 << " pointCount=" << m_graphicsPoints.count();
330 GraphicsPoint *graphicsPoint = 0;
374 GraphicsPoint *graphicsPoint = nullptr;
331375 if (m_graphicsPoints.contains (point.ordinal())) {
333377 graphicsPoint = m_graphicsPoints [point.ordinal()];
381425 }
382426 }
384 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const LineStyle &lineStyle)
428 void GraphicsLinesForCurve::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
429 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
430 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
431 LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
385432 {
386433 // LOG4CPP_INFO_S is below
405452 lineStyle.curveConnectAs() == CONNECT_AS_RELATION_STRAIGHT ||
406453 m_graphicsPoints.count () < 3) {
408 path = drawLinesStraight ();
455 path = drawLinesStraight (pathMultiValued);
409456 } else {
410 path = drawLinesSmooth ();
457 path = drawLinesSmooth (lineStyle,
458 splineDrawer,
459 pathMultiValued,
460 lineMultiValued);
411461 }
413463 setPath (path);
419469 {
420470 CurveConnectAs curveConnectAs = lineStyle.curveConnectAs();
422 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints"
472 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurve::updatePointOrdinalsAfterDrag"
423473 << " curve=" << m_curveName.toLatin1().data()
424474 << " curveConnectAs=" << curveConnectAsToString(curveConnectAs).toLatin1().data();
1616 class GraphicsScene;
1717 class LineStyle;
1818 class PointStyle;
19 class QPainterPath;
1920 class QTestStream;
21 class SplineDrawer;
2022 class Transformation;
2224 /// This class stores the GraphicsLine objects for one Curve. The container is a QMap since that container
4042 double identifierToOrdinal (const QString &identifier) const;
4244 /// Mark the end of addPoint calls. Remove stale lines, insert missing lines, and draw the graphics lines
43 void lineMembershipPurge (const LineStyle &lineStyle);
45 void lineMembershipPurge (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
46 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
47 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
48 LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
4550 /// Mark points as unwanted. Afterwards, lineMembershipPurge gets called
4651 void lineMembershipReset ();
6671 void updateCurveStyle (const CurveStyle &curveStyle);
6873 /// Calls to moveLinesWithDraggedPoint have finished so update the lines correspondingly
69 void updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const LineStyle &lineStyle);
74 void updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
75 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
76 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
77 LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
7179 /// Update the highlight opacity value. This may or may not affect the current display immediately depending on the state
7280 void updateHighlightOpacity (double highlightOpacity);
7886 private:
80 QPainterPath drawLinesSmooth ();
81 QPainterPath drawLinesStraight ();
88 QPainterPath drawLinesSmooth (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
89 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
90 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
91 LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
92 QPainterPath drawLinesStraight (QPainterPath &pathMultiValued);
8293 bool needOrdinalRenumbering () const; // True if m_graphicsPoints ordinal keys need renumbering
8394 void renumberOrdinals(); // Renumbers m_graphicsPoints ordinal keys
1313 #include "GraphicsPointAbstractBase.h"
1414 #include "GraphicsScene.h"
1515 #include <iostream>
16 #include "LineStyle.h"
1617 #include "Logger.h"
1718 #include "Point.h"
1819 #include <QGraphicsItem>
20 #include <QPainterPath>
1921 #include <QTextStream>
2022 #include "QtToString.h"
2123 #include "Transformation.h"
7981 }
8082 }
82 void GraphicsLinesForCurves::lineMembershipPurge(const CurveStyles &curveStyles)
84 void GraphicsLinesForCurves::lineMembershipPurge(const CurveStyles &curveStyles,
85 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
86 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
87 LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
8388 {
8489 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurves::lineMembershipPurge";
8994 const QString curveName = itr.key ();
9095 GraphicsLinesForCurve *graphicsLines = itr.value();
92 graphicsLines->lineMembershipPurge (curveStyles.lineStyle (curveName));
97 graphicsLines->lineMembershipPurge (curveStyles.lineStyle (curveName),
98 splineDrawer,
99 pathMultiValued,
100 lineMultiValued);
93101 }
94102 }
198206 }
199207 }
201 void GraphicsLinesForCurves::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const CurveStyles &curveStyles)
209 void GraphicsLinesForCurves::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const CurveStyles &curveStyles,
210 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
211 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
212 LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
202213 {
203214 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsLinesForCurves::updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints";
210221 // This is where we add lines for non-axes curves
211222 if (curveName != AXIS_CURVE_NAME) {
213 m_graphicsLinesForCurve [curveName]->updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints(curveStyles.lineStyle (curveName));
224 m_graphicsLinesForCurve [curveName]->updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints(curveStyles.lineStyle (curveName),
225 splineDrawer,
226 pathMultiValued,
227 lineMultiValued);
214228 }
215229 }
216230 }
1313 class GraphicsLinesForCurve;
1414 class GraphicsPoint;
1515 class GraphicsScene;
16 class LineStyle;
1617 class Point;
1718 class QGraphicsItem;
19 class QPainterPath;
1820 class QPointF;
1921 class QTextStream;
22 class SplineDrawer;
2023 class Transformation;
2225 typedef QHash<QString, GraphicsLinesForCurve*> GraphicsLinesContainer;
4043 const QStringList &curveNames);
4245 /// Mark the end of addPoint calls. Remove stale lines, insert missing lines, and draw the graphics lines
43 void lineMembershipPurge (const CurveStyles &curveStyles);
46 void lineMembershipPurge (const CurveStyles &curveStyles,
47 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
48 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
49 LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
4551 /// Mark points as unwanted. Afterwards, lineMembershipPurge gets called
4652 void lineMembershipReset ();
7379 void updateCurveStyles (const CurveStyles &modelCurveStyles);
7581 /// Calls to moveLinesWithDraggedPoint have finished so update the lines correspondingly
76 void updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const CurveStyles &curveStyles);
82 void updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (const CurveStyles &curveStyles,
83 SplineDrawer &splineDrawer,
84 QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
85 LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
7887 /// Update the highlight opacity value. This may or may not affect the current display immediately depending on the state
7988 void updateHighlightOpacity (double highlightOpacity);
3636 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow) :
3737 GraphicsPointAbstractBase (),
3838 m_scene (scene),
39 m_graphicsItemEllipse (0),
40 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse (0),
41 m_graphicsItemPolygon (0),
42 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon (0),
39 m_graphicsItemEllipse (nullptr),
40 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse (nullptr),
41 m_graphicsItemPolygon (nullptr),
42 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon (nullptr),
4343 m_identifier (identifier),
4444 m_posScreen (posScreen),
4545 m_color (color),
6363 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow) :
6464 GraphicsPointAbstractBase (),
6565 m_scene (scene),
66 m_graphicsItemEllipse (0),
67 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse (0),
68 m_graphicsItemPolygon (0),
69 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon (0),
66 m_graphicsItemEllipse (nullptr),
67 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse (nullptr),
68 m_graphicsItemPolygon (nullptr),
69 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon (nullptr),
7070 m_identifier (identifier),
7171 m_posScreen (posScreen),
7272 m_color (color),
8585 {
8686 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsPoint::~GraphicsPoint";
88 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
88 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
9090 QGraphicsScene *scene = m_graphicsItemPolygon->scene();
9292 // Since m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon is a child of m_graphicsItemPolygon, removing the parent removes both
9393 scene->removeItem (m_graphicsItemPolygon);
9494 delete m_graphicsItemPolygon;
95 m_graphicsItemPolygon = 0;
96 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon = 0;
95 m_graphicsItemPolygon = nullptr;
96 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon = nullptr;
9999 } else {
103103 // Since m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse is a child of m_graphicsItemEllipse, removing the parent removes both
104104 scene->removeItem (m_graphicsItemEllipse);
105105 delete m_graphicsItemEllipse;
106 m_graphicsItemEllipse = 0;
107 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse = 0;
106 m_graphicsItemEllipse = nullptr;
107 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse = nullptr;
109109 }
110110 }
112112 QRectF GraphicsPoint::boundingRect () const
113113 {
114 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
114 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
115115 return m_graphicsItemPolygon->boundingRect ();
116116 } else {
117117 return m_graphicsItemEllipse->boundingRect ();
122122 {
123123 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsPoint::createPointEllipse";
125 const int radiusSigned = radius; // Radius must be signed before multiplying by -1 below, for Visual Studio
125 const int radiusSigned = signed (radius); // Radius must be signed before multiplying by -1 below, for Visual Studio
126126 m_graphicsItemEllipse = new GraphicsPointEllipse (*this,
127127 QRect (- radiusSigned,
128128 - radiusSigned,
141141 QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable |
142142 QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges);
143143 m_graphicsItemEllipse->setData (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE, GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE_POINT);
144 if (m_geometryWindow != 0) {
144 if (m_geometryWindow != nullptr) {
145145 QObject::connect (m_graphicsItemEllipse, SIGNAL (signalPointHoverEnter (QString)), m_geometryWindow, SLOT (slotPointHoverEnter (QString)));
146146 QObject::connect (m_graphicsItemEllipse, SIGNAL (signalPointHoverLeave (QString)), m_geometryWindow, SLOT (slotPointHoverLeave (QString)));
147147 }
180180 QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable |
181181 QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges);
182182 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setData (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE, GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE_POINT);
183 if (m_geometryWindow != 0) {
183 if (m_geometryWindow != nullptr) {
184184 QObject::connect (m_graphicsItemPolygon, SIGNAL (signalPointHoverEnter (QString)), m_geometryWindow, SLOT (slotPointHoverEnter (QString)));
185185 QObject::connect (m_graphicsItemPolygon, SIGNAL (signalPointHoverLeave (QString)), m_geometryWindow, SLOT (slotPointHoverLeave (QString)));
186186 }
200200 QVariant GraphicsPoint::data (int key) const
201201 {
202 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
202 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
203203 return m_graphicsItemPolygon->data (key);
204204 } else {
205205 return m_graphicsItemEllipse->data (key);
214214 QPointF GraphicsPoint::pos () const
215215 {
216 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
216 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
217217 return m_graphicsItemPolygon->pos ();
218218 } else {
219219 return m_graphicsItemEllipse->pos ();
231231 QString identifier;
232232 QString pointType;
233233 QPointF pos;
234 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
234 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
235235 identifier = m_graphicsItemPolygon->data (DATA_KEY_IDENTIFIER).toString ();
236236 pointType = "polygon";
237237 pos = m_graphicsItemPolygon->pos();
241241 pos = m_graphicsItemEllipse->pos();
242242 }
244 DataKey type = (DataKey) data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt();
244 DataKey type = static_cast<DataKey> (data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt());
246246 str << indentation << identifier
247247 << " ordinalKey=" << ordinalKey
258258 void GraphicsPoint::setData (int key, const QVariant &data)
259259 {
260260 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsPoint::setData"
261 << " key=" << dataKeyToString ((DataKey) key).toLatin1().data()
261 << " key=" << dataKeyToString (static_cast<DataKey> (key)).toLatin1().data()
262262 << " data=" << data.toString().toLatin1().data();
264 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
264 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
265265 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setData (key, data);
266266 } else {
267267 m_graphicsItemEllipse->setData (key, data);
280280 void GraphicsPoint::setPassive ()
281281 {
282 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
282 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
283283 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setFlag (QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable, false);
284284 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setFlag (QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
285285 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setFlag (QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, false);
294294 {
295295 // Setting pen and radius of parent graphics items below also affects the child shadows
296296 // (m_shadowItemPolygon and m_shadowItemEllipse)
297 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
297 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
298298 if (pointStyle.shape() == POINT_SHAPE_CIRCLE) {
300300 // Transition from non-circle to circle. Deleting parent also deletes child shadow
301301 delete m_graphicsItemPolygon;
302 m_graphicsItemPolygon = 0;
303 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon = 0;
305 createPointEllipse (pointStyle.radius());
302 m_graphicsItemPolygon = nullptr;
303 m_shadowZeroWidthPolygon = nullptr;
305 createPointEllipse (unsigned (pointStyle.radius()));
307307 } else {
321321 // Transition from circle to non-circlee. Deleting parent also deletes child shadow
322322 delete m_graphicsItemEllipse;
323 m_graphicsItemEllipse = 0;
324 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse = 0;
323 m_graphicsItemEllipse = nullptr;
324 m_shadowZeroWidthEllipse = nullptr;
326326 createPointPolygon (pointStyle.polygon());
341341 void GraphicsPoint::setPos (const QPointF pos)
342342 {
343 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == 0) {
343 if (m_graphicsItemEllipse == nullptr) {
344344 m_graphicsItemPolygon->setPos (pos);
345345 } else {
346346 m_graphicsItemEllipse->setPos (pos);
1515 const QRect &rect) :
1616 QGraphicsEllipseItem (rect),
1717 m_graphicsPoint (graphicsPoint),
18 m_shadow (0)
18 m_shadow (nullptr)
1919 {
2020 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsPointEllipse::GraphicsPointEllipse";
2121 }
6161 // Set this item
6262 setOpacity (opacity);
64 if (m_shadow != 0) {
64 if (m_shadow != nullptr) {
6666 // Set the child item. Opacity < MAX_OPACITY is too dark so child is set to totally transparent
6767 m_shadow->setOpacity (opacity < MAX_OPACITY ? 0.0 : opacity);
2525 const PointStyle &pointStyle,
2626 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow)
2727 {
28 GraphicsPoint *item = 0;
28 GraphicsPoint *item = nullptr;
3030 switch (pointStyle.shape ())
3131 {
3535 identifier,
3636 posScreen,
3737 ColorPaletteToQColor (pointStyle.paletteColor ()),
38 pointStyle.radius (),
38 unsigned (pointStyle.radius ()),
3939 pointStyle.lineWidth(),
4040 geometryWindow);
4141 }
1414 const QPolygonF &polygon) :
1515 QGraphicsPolygonItem (polygon),
1616 m_graphicsPoint (graphicsPoint),
17 m_shadow (0)
17 m_shadow (nullptr)
1818 {
1919 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsPointPolygon::GraphicsPointPolygon";
2020 }
6060 // Set this item
6161 setOpacity (opacity);
63 if (m_shadow != 0) {
63 if (m_shadow != nullptr) {
6565 // Set the child item. Opacity < MAX_OPACITY is too dark so child is set to totally transparent
6666 m_shadow->setOpacity (opacity < MAX_OPACITY ? 0.0 : opacity);
2222 #include <QApplication>
2323 #include <QGraphicsItem>
2424 #include "QtToString.h"
25 #include "SplineDrawer.h"
2526 #include "Transformation.h"
2728 GraphicsScene::GraphicsScene(MainWindow *mainWindow) :
28 QGraphicsScene(mainWindow)
29 QGraphicsScene(mainWindow),
30 m_pathItemMultiValued (nullptr)
31 {
32 }
34 GraphicsScene::~GraphicsScene()
2935 {
3036 }
8793 QString GraphicsScene::dumpCursors () const
8894 {
89 QString cursorOverride = (QApplication::overrideCursor () != 0) ?
95 QString cursorOverride = (QApplication::overrideCursor () != nullptr) ?
9096 QtCursorToString (QApplication::overrideCursor ()->shape ()) :
9197 "<null>";
9298 QString cursorImage = QtCursorToString (image()->cursor().shape ());
127133 QGraphicsItem* item = *itr;
128134 if (item->data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt () == GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE_IMAGE) {
130 return (QGraphicsPixmapItem *) item;
136 return dynamic_cast<QGraphicsPixmapItem *> (item);
131137 }
132138 }
134 return 0;
140 return nullptr;
135141 }
137143 QStringList GraphicsScene::positionHasChangedPointIdentifiers () const
269275 void GraphicsScene::updateAfterCommand (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
270276 double highlightOpacity,
271 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow)
277 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow,
278 const Transformation &transformation)
272279 {
273280 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsScene::updateAfterCommand";
279286 // Update the points
280287 updatePointMembership (cmdMediator,
281 geometryWindow);
288 geometryWindow,
289 transformation);
282290 }
284292 void GraphicsScene::updateCurves (CmdMediator &cmdMediator)
313321 transformation);
315323 // Recompute the lines one time for efficiency
316 m_graphicsLinesForCurves.updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (curveStyles);
317 }
324 SplineDrawer splineDrawer (transformation);
325 QPainterPath pathMultiValued;
326 LineStyle lineMultiValued;
327 m_graphicsLinesForCurves.updateGraphicsLinesToMatchGraphicsPoints (curveStyles,
328 splineDrawer,
329 pathMultiValued,
330 lineMultiValued);
332 updatePathItemMultiValued (pathMultiValued,
333 lineMultiValued);
334 }
335 }
337 void GraphicsScene::updatePathItemMultiValued (const QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
338 const LineStyle &lineMultiValued)
339 {
340 // It looks much better to use a consistent line width
341 int lineWidth = signed (lineMultiValued.width());
343 // Draw m_curveMultiValued. If empty then nothing will appear
344 delete m_pathItemMultiValued;
345 m_pathItemMultiValued = this->addPath (pathMultiValued);
346 m_pathItemMultiValued->setPen (QPen (QBrush (QColor (Qt::red)),
347 lineWidth,
348 Qt::DotLine));
349 m_pathItemMultiValued->setAcceptHoverEvents (true);
350 m_pathItemMultiValued->setToolTip (tr ("Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, "
351 "or change the curve type in Curve Properties"));
318352 }
320354 void GraphicsScene::updatePointMembership (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
321 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow)
355 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow,
356 const Transformation &transformation)
322357 {
323358 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsScene::updatePointMembership";
342377 // Next pass:
343378 // 1) Remove points that were just removed from the Document
344 m_graphicsLinesForCurves.lineMembershipPurge (cmdMediator.document().modelCurveStyles());
345 }
379 SplineDrawer splineDrawer (transformation);
380 QPainterPath pathMultiValued;
381 LineStyle lineMultiValued;
382 m_graphicsLinesForCurves.lineMembershipPurge (cmdMediator.document().modelCurveStyles(),
383 splineDrawer,
384 pathMultiValued,
385 lineMultiValued);
386 updatePathItemMultiValued (pathMultiValued,
387 lineMultiValued);
388 }
99 #include "CmdMediator.h"
1010 #include "GraphicsLinesForCurves.h"
1111 #include <QGraphicsScene>
12 #include <QObject>
1213 #include <QStringList>
1415 class CmdMediator;
1718 class CurveStyles;
1819 class GeometryWindow;
1920 class GraphicsPoint;
21 class LineStyle;
2022 class MainWindow;
2123 class PointStyle;
24 class QGraphicsPathItem;
2225 class QTextStream;
2326 class ScaleBar;
2427 class Transformation;
3134 /// the points and lines are accessible for updates (like when dragging points around and we need to update the attached lines).
3235 class GraphicsScene : public QGraphicsScene
3336 {
37 // We use Q_OBJECT so translations work
3440 public:
3541 /// Single constructor.
3642 GraphicsScene(MainWindow *mainWindow);
44 /// Virtual destructor needed since using Q_OBJECT
45 virtual ~GraphicsScene();
3847 /// Add one temporary point to m_graphicsLinesForCurves. Non-temporary points are handled by the updateLineMembership functions
3948 void addTemporaryPoint (const QString &identifier,
8796 /// updating would be done on out of date information (since that would be brought up to date by the NEXT command)
8897 void updateAfterCommand (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
8998 double highlightOpacity,
90 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow);
99 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow,
100 const Transformation &transformation);
92102 /// Update curve styles after settings changed.
93103 void updateCurveStyles(const CurveStyles &modelCurveStyles);
107117 /// Remove expired curves and add new curves
108118 void updateCurves (CmdMediator &cmdMediator);
120 /// Update path item showing where multi-valued issues are occuring. Nothing appears if there are no problems
121 void updatePathItemMultiValued (const QPainterPath &pathMultiValued,
122 const LineStyle &lineMultiValued);
110124 /// Update Points using a multi-pass algorithm.
111125 void updatePointMembership (CmdMediator &cmdMediator,
112 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow);
126 GeometryWindow *geometryWindow,
127 const Transformation &transformation);
114129 /// Curve name to GraphicsLinesForCurve
115130 GraphicsLinesForCurves m_graphicsLinesForCurves;
132 /// Special path item that in happy times is never seen. It appears in place of bad line segments on the
133 /// other curves. Bad=segment is multi-valued for a function since functions should always be single-valued.
134 /// This special curve lives here rather than in m_graphicsLinesForCurves so it is decoupled from
135 /// that member (especially since that gets serialized)
136 QGraphicsPathItem *m_pathItemMultiValued;
116137 };
118139 #endif // GRAPHICS_SCENE_H
121121 void GraphicsView::dropEvent (QDropEvent *event)
122122 {
123 const QString MIME_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN ("text/plain");
123 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::dropEvent";
125125 // Urls from text/uri-list
126126 QList<QUrl> urlList = event->mimeData ()->urls ();
127 QString urls;
128 QTextStream str (&urls);
129 QList<QUrl>::const_iterator itr;
130 for (itr = urlList.begin (); itr != urlList.end (); itr++) {
131 QUrl url = *itr;
132 str << " url=" << url.toString () << " ";
133 }
128 const QString MIME_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN ("text/plain");
135129 QString textPlain (event->mimeData()->data (MIME_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN));
137 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::dropEvent"
138 << " formats=(" << event->mimeData()->formats().join (", ").toLatin1().data() << ")"
139 << " hasUrls=" << (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() ? "yes" : "no")
140 << " urlCount=" << urlList.count()
141 << " urls=(" << urls.toLatin1().data() << ")"
142 << " text=" << textPlain.toLatin1().data()
143 << " hasImage=" << (event->mimeData()->hasImage() ? "yes" : "no");
145 LoadFileInfo loadFileInfo;
146 if (loadFileInfo.loadsAsDigFile (textPlain)) {
148 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "QGraphicsView::dropEvent dig file";
149 QUrl url (textPlain);
150 emit signalDraggedDigFile (url.toLocalFile());
151 event->acceptProposedAction();
153 } else if (event->mimeData ()->hasImage ()) {
155 // This branch never seems to get executed, but will be kept in case it ever applies (since hasUrls branch is messier and less reliable)
156 QImage image = qvariant_cast<QImage> (event->mimeData ()->imageData ());
157 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::dropEvent image";
158 emit signalDraggedImage (image);
160 } else if (event->mimeData ()->hasUrls () &&
161 urlList.count () > 0) {
163 // Sometimes images can be dragged in, but sometimes the url points to an html page that
164 // contains just the image, in which case importing will fail
165 QUrl url =;
166 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::dropEvent url=" << url.toString ().toLatin1 ().data ();
167 emit signalDraggedImageUrl (url);
131 QUrl urlFirst;
132 if (event->mimeData ()->hasUrls () &&
133 urlList.count () > 0) {
134 urlFirst = (0);
135 }
137 QImage image;
138 if (event->mimeData()->hasImage()) {
139 image = qvariant_cast<QImage> (event->mimeData ()->imageData ());
140 }
142 if (handleDropEvent (textPlain,
143 event->mimeData ()->hasUrls (),
144 urlFirst,
145 event->mimeData ()->hasImage (),
146 image)) {
168148 event->acceptProposedAction();
170150 } else {
172152 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::dropEvent dropped";
173153 QGraphicsView::dropEvent (event);
175 }
154 }
155 }
157 bool GraphicsView::handleDropEvent (const QString &possibleDigFileName,
158 bool hasUrl,
159 const QUrl &urlFirst,
160 bool hasImage,
161 const QImage &image)
162 {
163 bool willAccept = false;
165 LoadFileInfo loadFileInfo;
166 if (loadFileInfo.loadsAsDigFile (possibleDigFileName)) {
168 // Branch that applies when a dig file name has been dropped
169 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "QGraphicsView::handleDropEvent dig file";
170 QUrl url (possibleDigFileName);
171 emit signalDraggedDigFile (url.toLocalFile());
172 willAccept = true;
174 } else if (hasImage) {
176 // Branch that applies when an image selected within another application (e.g. LibreOffice Draw) has been dropped
177 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::handleDropEvent image";
178 emit signalDraggedImage (image);
179 willAccept = true;
181 } else if (hasUrl) {
183 // Branch that applies when a local file name or internet url has been dropped
184 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::handleDropEvent url=" << urlFirst.toString ().toLatin1 ().data ();
185 emit signalDraggedImageUrl (urlFirst);
186 willAccept = true;
187 }
189 return willAccept;
176190 }
178192 bool GraphicsView::inBounds (const QPointF &posScreen)
190204 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "GraphicsView::keyPressEvent";
192206 // Intercept up/down/left/right if any items are selected
193 Qt::Key key = (Qt::Key) event->key();
207 Qt::Key key = static_cast<Qt::Key> (event->key());
195209 bool atLeastOneSelectedItem = (scene ()->selectedItems ().count () > 0);
259273 // Send a signal, unless this is a right click. We still send if out of bounds since
260274 // a click-and-drag often ends out of bounds (and user is unlikely to expect different
261275 // behavior when endpoint is outside, versus inside, the image boundary)
262 int bitFlag = (event->buttons () & Qt::RightButton);
276 int bitFlag = (unsigned (event->buttons ()) & Qt::RightButton);
263277 bool isRightClick = (bitFlag != 0);
265279 if (!isRightClick) {
281295 for (itr = items.begin(); itr != items.end(); itr++) {
283297 QGraphicsItem *item = *itr;
284 GraphicsItemType type = (GraphicsItemType) item->data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt ();
298 GraphicsItemType type = static_cast<GraphicsItemType> (item->data (DATA_KEY_GRAPHICS_ITEM_TYPE).toInt ());
287301 QString pointIdentifier = item->data (DATA_KEY_IDENTIFIER).toString ();
289303 }
291305 return pointIdentifiers;
306 }
308 void GraphicsView::slotDropRegression (QString urlText)
309 {
310 // Regression test with local file or internet url specified
311 QString emptyDigFileName;
312 bool hasUrl = true;
313 QUrl url (urlText); // Works as is for internet url
314 if (!urlText.contains ("http")) {
315 url = QUrl::fromLocalFile (urlText);
316 }
317 bool hasImage = false;
318 QImage emptyImage;
320 handleDropEvent (emptyDigFileName,
321 hasUrl,
322 url,
323 hasImage,
324 emptyImage);
292325 }
294327 void GraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
8787 /// Send wheel event to MainWindow for zooming out
8888 void signalViewZoomOut();
90 public slots:
91 /// Receive drag and drop regression test url
92 void slotDropRegression (QString);
9094 private:
9195 GraphicsView();
97 bool handleDropEvent (const QString &possibleDigFileName,
98 bool hasUrls,
99 const QUrl &urlFirst,
100 bool hasImage,
101 const QImage &image);
93102 QStringList pointIdentifiersFromSelection (const QList<QGraphicsItem*> &items) const;
94103 bool inBounds (const QPointF &posScreen);
1414 #include <QDebug>
1515 #include <QFile>
1616 #include <QImage>
17 #include <qmath.h>
1718 #include "QtToString.h"
1819 #include "Transformation.h"
2021 int GridClassifier::NUM_PIXELS_PER_HISTOGRAM_BINS = 1;
2122 double GridClassifier::PEAK_HALF_WIDTH = 4;
22 int GridClassifier::MIN_STEP_PIXELS = 4 * GridClassifier::PEAK_HALF_WIDTH; // Step includes down ramp, flat part, up ramp
23 int GridClassifier::MIN_STEP_PIXELS = qFloor (4 * GridClassifier::PEAK_HALF_WIDTH); // Step includes down ramp, flat part, up ramp
2324 const QString GNUPLOT_DELIMITER ("\t");
2526 // We set up the picket fence with binStart arbitrarily set close to zero. Peak is
2627 // not exactly at zero since we want to include the left side of the first peak.
27 int GridClassifier::BIN_START_UNSHIFTED = GridClassifier::PEAK_HALF_WIDTH;
28 int GridClassifier::BIN_START_UNSHIFTED = qFloor (GridClassifier::PEAK_HALF_WIDTH);
2930 using namespace std;
4041 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (coordMin <= coord);
4142 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (coord <= coordMax);
43 int bin = 0.5 + (m_numHistogramBins - 1.0) * (coord - coordMin) / (coordMax - coordMin);
44 int bin = qFloor (0.5 + (m_numHistogramBins - 1.0) * (coord - coordMin) / (coordMax - coordMin));
4546 return bin;
4647 }
6566 double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
6667 double binStartX, binStepX, binStartY, binStepY;
68 m_binsX = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
69 m_binsY = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
69 m_binsX = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
70 m_binsY = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
7172 computeGraphCoordinateLimits (image,
7273 transformation,
160161 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (1 < m_numHistogramBins);
161162 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (coordMin < coordMax);
163 return coordMin + (coordMax - coordMin) * (double) bin / ((double) m_numHistogramBins - 1.0);
164 return coordMin + (coordMax - coordMin) * double (bin) / (double (m_numHistogramBins) - 1.0);
164165 }
166167 void GridClassifier::copyVectorToVector (const double from [],
197198 int binCountMax = 0;
198199 for (bin = 0; bin < m_numHistogramBins; bin++) {
199200 if (bins [bin] > binCountMax) {
200 binCountMax = qMax ((double) binCountMax,
201 bins [bin]);
201 binCountMax = qMax (signed (binCountMax),
202 signed (bins [bin]));
202203 }
203204 }
205206 // Get picket fence
206 double *picketFence = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
207 double *picketFence = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
207208 loadPicketFence (picketFence,
208209 binStart,
209210 binStep,
267268 }
269270 // Prevent divide by zero error
270 if (signalAMax == 0) {
271 if (qAbs (signalAMax) <= 0) {
271272 signalAMax = 1.0;
272273 }
273 if (signalBMax == 0) {
274 if (qAbs (signalBMax) <= 0) {
274275 signalBMax = 1.0;
275276 }
310311 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (binStep != 0);
311312 if (!isCount) {
312 count = 1 + (m_numHistogramBins - binStart - PEAK_HALF_WIDTH) / binStep;
313 count = qFloor (1 + (m_numHistogramBins - binStart - PEAK_HALF_WIDTH) / binStep);
313314 }
315316 // Bins that we need to worry about
316 int binStartMinusHalfWidth = binStart - PEAK_HALF_WIDTH;
317 int binStopPlusHalfWidth = (binStart + (count - 1) * binStep) + PEAK_HALF_WIDTH;
317 int binStartMinusHalfWidth = qFloor (binStart - PEAK_HALF_WIDTH);
318 int binStopPlusHalfWidth = qFloor ((binStart + (count - 1) * binStep) + PEAK_HALF_WIDTH);
319320 // To normalize, we compute the area under the picket fence. Constraint is
320321 // areaUnnormalized + NUM_HISTOGRAM_BINS * normalizationOffset = 0
331332 (bin <= binStopPlusHalfWidth)) {
333334 // Closest peak
334 int ordinalClosestPeak = (int) ((bin - binStart + binStep / 2) / binStep);
335 int ordinalClosestPeak = qFloor ((bin - binStart + binStep / 2) / binStep);
335336 int binClosestPeak = binStart + ordinalClosestPeak * binStep;
337338 // Distance from closest peak is used to define an isosceles triangle
340341 if (distanceToClosestPeak < PEAK_HALF_WIDTH) {
342343 // Map 0 to PEAK_HALF_WIDTH to 1 to 0
343 picketFence [bin] = 1.0 - (double) distanceToClosestPeak / PEAK_HALF_WIDTH + normalizationOffset;
344 picketFence [bin] = 1.0 - double (distanceToClosestPeak) / PEAK_HALF_WIDTH + normalizationOffset;
345346 }
346347 }
414415 // Loop though the space of possible counts
415416 Correlation correlation (m_numHistogramBins);
416 double *picketFence = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
417 double corr, corrMax;
417 double *picketFence = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
418 double corr, corrMax = 0;
418419 bool isFirst = true;
419 int countStop = 1 + (m_numHistogramBins - binStart) / binStep;
420 int countStop = qFloor (1 + (m_numHistogramBins - binStart) / binStep);
420421 for (int count = 2; count <= countStop; count++) {
422423 loadPicketFence (picketFence,
423 binStart,
424 binStep,
424 qFloor (binStart),
425 qFloor (binStep),
425426 count,
426427 true);
453454 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GridClassifier::searchStartStepSpace";
455456 // Correlations are tracked for logging
456 double *signalA = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
457 double *signalB = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
458 double *correlations = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
459 double *correlationsMax = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
457 double *signalA = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
458 double *signalB = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
459 double *correlations = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
460 double *correlationsMax = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
461462 // Loop though the space of possible gridlines using the independent variables (start,step).
462463 Correlation correlation (m_numHistogramBins);
463 double *picketFence = new double [m_numHistogramBins];
464 double *picketFence = new double [unsigned (m_numHistogramBins)];
464465 int binStart;
465466 double corr = 0, corrMax = 0;
466467 bool isFirst = true;
477478 loadPicketFence (picketFence,
479480 binStep,
481 qFloor (PEAK_HALF_WIDTH),
481482 false);
483484 correlation.correlateWithShift (m_numHistogramBins,
518519 }
520521 // Convert from bins back to graph coordinates
521 start = coordinateFromBin (binStartMax,
522 start = coordinateFromBin (qFloor (binStartMax),
522523 valueMin,
523524 valueMax);
524525 if (binStartMax + binStepMax < m_numHistogramBins) {
526527 // Normal case where a reasonable step value is being calculated
527 double next = coordinateFromBin (binStartMax + binStepMax,
528 double next = coordinateFromBin (qFloor (binStartMax + binStepMax),
528529 valueMin,
529530 valueMax);
530531 step = next - start;
99 QString gridCoordDisableToString (GridCoordDisable gridCoordDisable)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (gridCoordDisable) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Count");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Count");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("Start");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("Start");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("Step");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("Step");
24 break;
22 return QObject::tr ("Stop");
27 rtn = QObject::tr ("Stop");
28 break;
29 }
24 default:
25 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
26 }
31 return rtn;
2732 }
111111 int GridHealerAbstractBase::pixelCountInRegionThreshold (const DocumentModelGridRemoval &modelGridRemoval)
112112 {
113113 // For now we will use the close distance as the minimum pixel count
114 return modelGridRemoval.closeDistance();
114 return qFloor (modelGridRemoval.closeDistance());
115115 }
117117 bool GridHealerAbstractBase::pointsAreGood (const QImage &image,
134134 {
135135 // Right triangle with one edge crossing the gap (separation value) and hypotenuse giving
136136 // maximum point separation (closest distance) gives the maximum horizontal separation
137 m_maxPointSeparation = qSqrt (qPow (modelGridRemoval().closeDistance(), 2) -
138 qPow (gapSeparation, 2));
137 m_maxPointSeparation = qFloor (qSqrt (qPow (modelGridRemoval().closeDistance(), 2) -
138 qPow (gapSeparation, 2)));
139139 }
8383 doHealingOnBelowRange (image,
8484 xBelowStart,
8585 xBelowEnd,
86 maxPointSeparation());
86 qFloor (maxPointSeparation()));
8888 // Go back to outer loop, which will skip to xBelowEnd
8989 break;
8383 doHealingOnBelowRange (image,
8484 yBelowStart,
8585 yBelowEnd,
86 maxPointSeparation());
86 qFloor (maxPointSeparation()));
8888 // Go back to outer loop, which will skip to xBelowEnd
8989 break;
4545 // Round off average to first significant digit of range
4646 xAverage = (xMin + xMax) / 2.0;
4747 xRange = xMax - xMin;
48 if (xRange == 0) {
48 if (qAbs (xRange) <= 0) {
4949 xRange = fabs (xAverage / 10.0); // for null range use arbitrary range
5050 }
5151 nDigitRange = valuePower (xRange);
52 xDelta = pow ((double) 10.0, (double) nDigitRange);
52 xDelta = pow (10.0, double (nDigitRange));
5353 xAverageRoundedUp = xDelta * floor ((xAverage + xDelta / 2.0) / xDelta);
5555 if (xRange > range_epsilon) {
7171 xStop += xDelta;
7272 }
74 xCount = 1 + (int) floor ((xStop - xStart) / xDelta + 0.5);
74 xCount = 1 + qFloor ((xStop - xStart) / xDelta + 0.5);
7676 if (!linearAxis) {
7878 // Convert from log scale back to linear scale. We make sure to keep numbers like 10^-8 unmolested
79 xStart = pow((double) 10.0, xStart);
80 xStop = pow((double) 10.0, xStop);
81 xDelta = pow((double) 10.0, xDelta);
79 xStart = pow(10.0, xStart);
80 xStop = pow(10.0, xStop);
81 xDelta = pow(10.0, xDelta);
8383 } else {
9999 int count;
101101 if (linearAxis) {
102 if (step == 0) {
102 if (qAbs (step) <= 0) {
103103 count = 1;
104104 } else {
105 count = (int) (1.0 + (stop - start) / step);
105 count = qFloor (1.0 + (stop - start) / step);
106106 }
107107 } else {
108108 if ((start <= 0) || (step <= 0.0)) {
109109 count = 1;
110110 } else {
111 count = (int) (1.0 + log10 (stop / start) / log10 (step));
111 count = qFloor (1.0 + log10 (stop / start) / log10 (step));
112112 }
113113 }
125125 if (linearAxis) {
126126 start = stop - step * (count - 1);
127127 } else {
128 start = stop / pow (step, (double) (count - 1));
128 start = stop / pow (step, double (count - 1));
129129 }
131131 return start;
149149 step = 1.0;
150150 } else {
151151 if (count > 1) {
152 step = pow (stop / start, (double) 1.0 / (count - 1));
152 step = pow (stop / start, 1.0 / double (count - 1));
153153 } else {
154154 step = stop / start;
155155 }
169169 if (linearAxis) {
170170 stop = start + step * (count - 1);
171171 } else {
172 stop = start * pow (step, (double) (count - 1));
172 stop = start * pow (step, double (count - 1));
173173 }
175175 return stop;
176176 }
178 DocumentModelGridDisplay GridInitializer::initializeWithNarrowCoverage (const QRectF &boundingRectGraph,
178 DocumentModelGridDisplay GridInitializer::initializeWithNarrowCoverage (const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
179 const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax,
179180 const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords) const
180181 {
181182 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GridInitializer::initializeWithNarrowCoverage";
186187 double start, stop, step;
188189 // X/theta coordinate
189 axisScale (boundingRectGraph.x(),
190 boundingRectGraph.x() + boundingRectGraph.width(),
190 axisScale (boundingRectGraphMin.x(),
191 boundingRectGraphMax.x(),
191192 (modelCoords.coordScaleXTheta() == COORD_SCALE_LINEAR),
192193 start,
193194 stop,
195196 count);
197198 modelGridDisplay.setDisableX (GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT);
198 modelGridDisplay.setCountX (count);
199 modelGridDisplay.setCountX (unsigned (count));
199200 modelGridDisplay.setStartX (start);
200201 modelGridDisplay.setStepX (step);
201202 modelGridDisplay.setStopX (stop);
203204 // Y/radius coordinate
204 axisScale (boundingRectGraph.y(),
205 boundingRectGraph.y() + boundingRectGraph.height(),
205 axisScale (boundingRectGraphMin.y(),
206 boundingRectGraphMax.y(),
206207 (modelCoords.coordScaleYRadius() == COORD_SCALE_LINEAR),
207208 start,
208209 stop,
210211 count);
212213 modelGridDisplay.setDisableY (GRID_COORD_DISABLE_COUNT);
213 modelGridDisplay.setCountY (count);
214 modelGridDisplay.setCountY (unsigned (count));
214215 modelGridDisplay.setStartY (start);
215216 modelGridDisplay.setStepY (step);
216217 modelGridDisplay.setStopY (stop);
220221 return modelGridDisplay;
221222 }
223 DocumentModelGridDisplay GridInitializer::initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (const QRectF &boundingRectGraph,
224 DocumentModelGridDisplay GridInitializer::initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
225 const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax,
224226 const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
225227 const Transformation &transformation,
226228 const QSize &imageSize) const
227229 {
228230 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GridInitializer::initializeWithWidePolarCoverage";
230 DocumentModelGridDisplay modelGridDisplay = initializeWithNarrowCoverage (boundingRectGraph,
232 DocumentModelGridDisplay modelGridDisplay = initializeWithNarrowCoverage (boundingRectGraphMin,
233 boundingRectGraphMax,
231234 modelCoords);
233236 if (modelCoords.coordsType() == COORDS_TYPE_POLAR) {
253256 double startX = 0.0;
254257 double stopX = 360.0;
255258 double stepX = 30.0;
256 int countX = (int) (0.5 + (stopX - startX) / stepX);
259 int countX = qFloor (0.5 + (stopX - startX) / stepX);
257260 modelGridDisplay.setStartX (startX);
258261 modelGridDisplay.setStepX (stepX);
259262 modelGridDisplay.setStopX (stopX);
260 modelGridDisplay.setCountX (countX);
263 modelGridDisplay.setCountX (unsigned (countX));
262265 // We extend the range to cover the four corners of the image, since otherwise
263266 // areas around at least some graph corners are not covered by the grid lines
283286 stepY :
284287 qLn (stepY));
285288 int countY = 1;
286 if (denominator != 0) {
289 if (qAbs (denominator) > 0) {
287290 countY = (modelCoords.coordScaleYRadius() == COORD_SCALE_LINEAR ?
288 (int) (0.5 + (stopY - startY) / denominator) :
289 (int) (0.5 + (qLn (stopY) - qLn (startY)) / denominator));
291 qFloor (0.5 + (stopY - startY) / denominator) :
292 qFloor (0.5 + (qLn (stopY) - qLn (startY)) / denominator));
290293 }
292295 modelGridDisplay.setStartY (startY);
293296 modelGridDisplay.setStopY (stopY);
294 modelGridDisplay.setCountY (countY);
297 modelGridDisplay.setCountY (unsigned (countY));
295298 }
297300 double GridInitializer::roundOffToPower(double arg,
298301 int power) const
299302 {
300 double powerOf10 = pow ((double) 10, power);
303 double powerOf10 = pow (10.0, power);
301304 return powerOf10 * floor (arg / powerOf10 + 0.5);
302305 }
309312 if (avalue < pow(10.0, minPower)) {
310313 return minPower;
311314 } else {
312 return (int) floor (log10 (avalue));
313 }
314 }
315 return qFloor (log10 (avalue));
316 }
317 }
3939 double step,
4040 int count) const;
42 /// Initialize given the boundaries of the graph coordinates. The output is useful for the Checker class
43 DocumentModelGridDisplay initializeWithNarrowCoverage (const QRectF &boundingRectGraph,
42 /// Initialize given the boundaries of the graph coordinates. The output is useful for the Checker class.
43 /// The bounding rectangle is handled as two QPointFs rather one QRectF since QRectF rounds off the
44 /// lower coordinate to zero when there is a large dynamic range (1e-3 to 1e+9) and zeros break log calculations
45 DocumentModelGridDisplay initializeWithNarrowCoverage (const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
46 const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax,
4447 const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords) const;
4649 /// Initialize given the boundaries of the graph coordinates, and then extra processing for polar coordinates:
4750 /// -# radial range expanded to cover the center (to remove hole at center) to the image corners
4851 /// (to guarantee coverage at corners of graph)
4952 /// -# angular range is expanded to cover the entire circle (so coverage is total for all directions)
50 DocumentModelGridDisplay initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (const QRectF &boundingRectGraph,
53 /// The bounding rectangle is handled as two QPointFs rather one QRectF since QRectF rounds off the
54 /// lower coordinate to zero when there is a large dynamic range (1e-3 to 1e+9) and zeros break log calculations
55 DocumentModelGridDisplay initializeWithWidePolarCoverage (const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMin,
56 const QPointF &boundingRectGraphMax,
5157 const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords,
5258 const Transformation &transformation,
5359 const QSize &imageSize) const;
1414 {
1515 }
17 GridLine::GridLine (const GridLine & /* other */)
18 {
19 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
20 }
1722 GridLine::~GridLine ()
1823 {
1924 // Crash here means QGraphicsScene::clear was called, which is entirely unnecessary
2429 }
2631 m_segments.clear ();
27 }
29 GridLine::GridLine (const GridLine & /* other */)
30 {
31 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
3232 }
3434 GridLine &GridLine::operator= (GridLine & /* other */)
4747 {
4848 for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) {
4949 QGraphicsItem *item = m_segments [i];
50 if (item != 0) {
50 if (item != nullptr) {
5252 // Downcast since QGraphicsItem does not have a pen
5353 QGraphicsLineItem *itemLine = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsLineItem*> (item);
5454 QGraphicsEllipseItem *itemArc = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsEllipseItem*> (item);
55 if (itemLine != 0) {
55 if (itemLine != nullptr) {
5656 itemLine->setPen (pen);
57 } else if (itemArc != 0) {
57 } else if (itemArc != nullptr) {
5858 itemArc->setPen (pen);
5959 }
6060 }
100100 // Loop through steps. Final step i=NUM_STEPS does final processing if a segment is active
101101 for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_STEPS; i++) {
103 double s = (double) i / (double) NUM_STEPS;
103 double s = double (i) / double (NUM_STEPS);
105105 // Interpolate coordinates assuming normal linear scaling
106106 double xGraph = (1.0 - s) * xFrom + s * xTo;
263263 posXRadiusY0AlignedScreen,
264264 posX0YRadiusAlignedScreen);
266 // Use \n rather than endl to prevent compiler warning "nonnull argument t compared to null"
266267 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "GridLineFactory::createTransformAlign"
267 << " transformation=" << QTransformToString (transformation.transformMatrix()).toLatin1().data() << endl
268 << " transformation=" << QTransformToString (transformation.transformMatrix()).toLatin1().data() << "\n"
268269 << " radiusLinearCartesian=" << radiusLinearCartesian
269270 << " posXRadiusY0Screen=" << QPointFToString (posXRadiusY0Screen).toLatin1().data()
270271 << " posX0YRadiusScreen=" << QPointFToString (posX0YRadiusScreen).toLatin1().data()
329330 2 * ellipseXAxis,
330331 2 * ellipseYAxis);
331332 GraphicsArcItem *item = new GraphicsArcItem (boundingRect);
332 item->setStartAngle (angleStart * RADIANS_TO_TICS);
333 item->setSpanAngle (angleSpan * RADIANS_TO_TICS);
333 item->setStartAngle (qFloor (angleStart * RADIANS_TO_TICS));
334 item->setSpanAngle (qFloor (angleSpan * RADIANS_TO_TICS));
335336 item->setTransform (transformAlign.transposed ().inverted ());
1919 {
2020 }
22 QRectF GridLineLimiter::documentBounds (const Document &document,
23 const Transformation &transformation) const
22 void GridLineLimiter::documentBounds (const Document &document,
23 const Transformation &transformation,
24 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
25 QPointF &boundingRectMax) const
2426 {
2527 // Get graph coordinate bounds
26 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (transformation);
28 CallbackBoundingRects ftor (document.documentAxesPointsRequired(),
29 transformation);
2831 Functor2wRet<const QString &, const Point &, CallbackSearchReturn> ftorWithCallback = functor_ret (ftor,
2932 &CallbackBoundingRects::callback);
3134 document.iterateThroughCurvesPointsGraphs (ftorWithCallback);
3336 bool isEmpty;
34 QRectF boundingRectGraph = ftor.boundingRectGraph(isEmpty);
36 return boundingRectGraph;
37 boundingRectMin = ftor.boundingRectGraphMin (isEmpty);
38 boundingRectMax = ftor.boundingRectGraphMax (isEmpty);
3739 }
3941 void GridLineLimiter::limitForXTheta (const Document &document,
4850 startX = modelGrid.startX();
4951 stopX = modelGrid.stopX();
5052 stepX = modelGrid.stepX();
51 int countX = modelGrid.countX();
53 int countX = signed (modelGrid.countX());
5355 bool needReduction = (countX > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
6062 stepX = 0;
6163 needReduction = true;
6264 } else {
63 countX = 1.0 + (stopX - startX) / stepX;
65 countX = qFloor (1.0 + (stopX - startX) / stepX);
6466 needReduction = (countX > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
6567 }
6668 }
7577 if (startX <= 0) {
7779 // Start value is invalid so override both start and step
78 QRectF boundingRectGraph = documentBounds (document,
79 transformation);
80 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin, boundingRectGraphMax;
81 documentBounds (document,
82 transformation,
83 boundingRectGraphMin,
84 boundingRectGraphMax);
8186 // Override lower bound
82 startX = boundingRectGraph.left ();
87 startX = boundingRectGraphMin.x ();
8388 }
8590 if (!needReduction) {
8792 stepX = 1;
8893 needReduction = true;
8994 } else {
90 countX = 1.0 + (qLn (stopX) - qLn (startX)) / qLn (stepX);
95 countX = qFloor (1.0 + (qLn (stopX) - qLn (startX)) / qLn (stepX));
9196 needReduction = (countX > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
9297 }
9398 }
110115 startY = modelGrid.startY();
111116 stopY = modelGrid.stopY();
112117 stepY = modelGrid.stepY();
113 int countY = modelGrid.countY();
118 int countY = signed (modelGrid.countY());
115120 bool needReduction = (countY > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
122127 stepY = 0;
123128 needReduction = true;
124129 } else {
125 countY = 1.0 + (stopY - startY) / stepY;
130 countY = qFloor (1.0 + (stopY - startY) / stepY);
126131 needReduction = (countY > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
127132 }
128133 }
137142 if (startY <= 0) {
139144 // Start value is invalid so override both start and step
140 QRectF boundingRectGraph = documentBounds (document,
141 transformation);
145 QPointF boundingRectGraphMin, boundingRectGraphMax;
146 documentBounds (document,
147 transformation,
148 boundingRectGraphMin,
149 boundingRectGraphMax);
143151 // Override lower bound
144 startY = ();
152 startY = boundingRectGraphMin.y ();
145153 }
147155 if (!needReduction) {
149157 stepY = 1;
150158 needReduction = true;
151159 } else {
152 countY = 1.0 + (qLn (stopY) - qLn (startY)) / qLn (stepY);
160 countY = qFloor (1.0 + (qLn (stopY) - qLn (startY)) / qLn (stepY));
153161 needReduction = (countY > modelMainWindow.maximumGridLines());
154162 }
155163 }
9 #include <QRectF>
9 #include <QPointF>
1111 class Document;
1212 class DocumentModelCoords;
4848 private:
50 QRectF documentBounds (const Document &document,
51 const Transformation &transformation) const;
50 void documentBounds (const Document &document,
51 const Transformation &transformation,
52 QPointF &boundingRectMin,
53 QPointF &boundingRectMax) const;
5355 };
99 GridLines::GridLines()
1010 {
11 }
13 GridLines::~GridLines()
14 {
15 qDeleteAll (m_gridLinesContainer);
1116 }
1318 void GridLines::add (GridLine *gridLine)
2020 /// Single constructor
2121 GridLines();
23 /// Destructor deallocates memory
24 ~GridLines();
2326 /// Add specified grid line. Ownership of all allocated QGraphicsItems is passed to new GridLine
2427 void add (GridLine *gridLine);
162162 modelGridRemoval);
163163 gridHealers.push_back (gridHealer);
165 int xMin = qMin (pos1.x(), pos2.x());
166 int xMax = qMax (pos1.x(), pos2.x());
167 int yAtXMin = (pos1.x() < pos2.x() ? pos1.y() : pos2.y());
168 int yAtXMax = (pos1.x() < pos2.x() ? pos2.y() : pos1.y());
165 int xMin = qMin (qFloor (pos1.x()), qFloor (pos2.x()));
166 int xMax = qMax (qFloor (pos1.x()), qFloor (pos2.x()));
167 int yAtXMin = (pos1.x() < pos2.x() ? qFloor (pos1.y()) : qFloor (pos2.y()));
168 int yAtXMax = (pos1.x() < pos2.x() ? qFloor (pos2.y()) : qFloor (pos1.y()));
169169 for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
170 double s = (double) (x - xMin) / (double) (xMax - xMin);
171 int yLine = (int) (0.5 + (1.0 - s) * yAtXMin + s * yAtXMax);
170 double s = double (x - xMin) / double (xMax - xMin);
171 int yLine = qFloor (0.5 + (1.0 - s) * yAtXMin + s * yAtXMax);
172172 for (int yOffset = -HALF_WIDTH; yOffset <= HALF_WIDTH; yOffset++) {
173173 int y = yLine + yOffset;
174174 image.setPixel (x, y, QColor(Qt::white).rgb());
183183 modelGridRemoval);
184184 gridHealers.push_back (gridHealer);
186 int yMin = qMin (pos1.y(), pos2.y());
187 int yMax = qMax (pos1.y(), pos2.y());
188 int xAtYMin = (pos1.y() < pos2.y() ? pos1.x() : pos2.x());
189 int xAtYMax = (pos1.y() < pos2.y() ? pos2.x() : pos1.x());
186 int yMin = qMin (qFloor (pos1.y()), qFloor (pos2.y()));
187 int yMax = qMax (qFloor (pos1.y()), qFloor (pos2.y()));
188 int xAtYMin = (pos1.y() < pos2.y() ? qFloor (pos1.x()) : qFloor (pos2.x()));
189 int xAtYMax = (pos1.y() < pos2.y() ? qFloor (pos2.x()) : qFloor (pos1.x()));
190190 for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
191 double s = (double) (y - yMin) / (double) (yMax - yMin);
192 int xLine = (int) (0.5 + (1.0 - s) * xAtYMin + s * xAtYMax);
191 double s = double (y - yMin) / double (yMax - yMin);
192 int xLine = qFloor (0.5 + (1.0 - s) * xAtYMin + s * xAtYMax);
193193 for (int xOffset = -HALF_WIDTH; xOffset <= HALF_WIDTH; xOffset++) {
194194 int x = xLine + xOffset;
195195 image.setPixel (x, y, QColor(Qt::white).rgb());
88 #include "GridTriangleFill.h"
99 #include <QImage>
1010 #include <QList>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QPoint>
1314 // Non-member comparison function
8182 // General case is handled by splitting the triangle into one flat top piece and
8283 // one flat bottom piece. Fourth point is at same y value as middle point p1
83 double s = (double) (p1.y() - p0.y())/ (double) (p2.y() - p0.y());
84 QPoint p3 ((int) (p0.x() + s * (p2.x() - p0.x())),
84 double s = double (p1.y() - p0.y()) / double (p2.y() - p0.y());
85 QPoint p3 (qFloor (p0.x() + s * (p2.x() - p0.x())),
8586 p1.y());
8687 flatBottom (gridLog, image, p0, p1, p3);
8788 flatTop (gridLog, image, p1, p3, p2);
9899 // Either neither or both denominators are zero, since p1.y()=p2.y()
99100 double denom0 = p1.y() - p0.y();
100101 double denom1 = p2.y() - p0.y();
101 if (denom0 == 0 || denom1 == 0) {
102 if (qAbs (denom0) <= 0 || qAbs (denom1) <= 0) {
102103 drawLine (gridLog,
103104 image,
104105 p0.x(),
122123 for (int scanLineY = p0.y(); scanLineY <= p1.y(); scanLineY++) {
123124 drawLine (gridLog,
124125 image,
125 (int) x0,
126 (int) x1,
126 qFloor (x0),
127 qFloor (x1),
127128 scanLineY);
128129 x0 += slopeInverse0;
129130 x1 += slopeInverse1;
140141 // Either neither or both denominators are zero, since p0.y()=p1.y()
141142 double denom0 = p2.y() - p0.y();
142143 double denom1 = p2.y() - p1.y();
143 if (denom0 == 0 || denom1 == 0) {
144 if (qAbs (denom0) <= 0 || qAbs (denom1) <= 0) {
144145 drawLine (gridLog,
145146 image,
146147 p0.x(),
164165 for (int scanLineY = p2.y(); scanLineY >= p0.y(); scanLineY--) {
165166 drawLine (gridLog,
166167 image,
167 (int) x0,
168 (int) x1,
168 qFloor (x0),
169 qFloor (x1),
169170 scanLineY);
170171 x0 -= slopeInverse0;
171172 x1 -= slopeInverse1;
1818 ImportCropping importCropping,
1919 Document *&document) const
2020 {
21 document = 0;
21 document = nullptr;
2323 bool cropping = false;
3131 QApplication::setOverrideCursor (Qt::BusyCursor); // Since load could take a while
3232 document = Document::load (fileName);
3333 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
34 if (document != 0) {
34 if (document != nullptr) {
3535 if (!document->isLocked ()) {
3737 cropping = (importCropping == IMPORT_CROPPING_ALWAYS ||
7777 const char * ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
78 if (ext == NULL) {
78 if (ext == nullptr) {
7979 return -1;
8080 }
8181 ext++;
120120 reader = fopen(filename,
121121 "rb");
123 if (reader == NULL) {
123 if (reader == nullptr) {
124124 return -2;
125125 }
3535 */
37 #include <assert.h>
38 #include <math.h>
39 #include <qmath.h>
3740 #include <stdio.h>
3841 #include <string.h>
3942 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <math.h>
41 #include <assert.h>
4344 #include "Jpeg2000Color.h"
6768 int r, g, b;
6970 cb -= offset; cr -= offset;
70 r = y + (int)(1.402 * (float)cr);
71 r = y + qFloor (1.402 * double (cr));
7172 if(r < 0) r = 0; else if(r > upb) r = upb; *out_r = r;
73 g = y - (int)(0.344 * (float)cb + 0.714 * (float)cr);
74 g = y - qFloor (0.344 * double (cb) + 0.714 * double (cr));
7475 if(g < 0) g = 0; else if(g > upb) g = upb; *out_g = g;
76 b = y + (int)(1.772 * (float)cb);
77 b = y + qFloor (1.772 * double (cb));
7778 if(b < 0) b = 0; else if(b > upb) b = upb; *out_b = b;
7879 }
8384 const int *y, *cb, *cr;
8485 int maxw, maxh, max, i, offset, upb;
86 i = (int)img->comps[0].prec;
87 i = qFloor (img->comps[0].prec);
8788 offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<<i)-1;
89 maxw = (int)img->comps[0].w; maxh = (int)img->comps[0].h;
90 maxw = qFloor (img->comps[0].w);
91 maxh = qFloor (img->comps[0].h);
9092 max = maxw * maxh;
9294 y = img->comps[0].data;
9395 cb = img->comps[1].data;
9496 cr = img->comps[2].data;
96 d0 = r = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
97 d1 = g = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
98 d2 = b = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
98 d0 = r = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
99 d1 = g = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
100 d2 = b = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
100102 for(i = 0; i < max; ++i)
101103 {
116118 int maxw, maxh, max, offset, upb;
117119 int i, j;
119 i = (int)img->comps[0].prec;
121 i = qFloor (img->comps[0].prec);
120122 offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<<i)-1;
122 maxw = (int)img->comps[0].w; maxh = (int)img->comps[0].h;
124 maxw = qFloor (img->comps[0].w);
125 maxh = qFloor (img->comps[0].h);
123126 max = maxw * maxh;
125128 y = img->comps[0].data;
126129 cb = img->comps[1].data;
127130 cr = img->comps[2].data;
129 d0 = r = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
130 d1 = g = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
131 d2 = b = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
132 d0 = r = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
133 d1 = g = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
134 d2 = b = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
133136 for(i=0; i < maxh; ++i)
134137 {
151154 img->comps[1].w = maxw; img->comps[1].h = maxh;
152155 img->comps[2].w = maxw; img->comps[2].h = maxh;
153156 #else
154 img->comps[1].w = (OPJ_UINT32)maxw; img->comps[1].h = (OPJ_UINT32)maxh;
155 img->comps[2].w = (OPJ_UINT32)maxw; img->comps[2].h = (OPJ_UINT32)maxh;
157 img->comps[1].w = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxw);
158 img->comps[1].h = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxh);
159 img->comps[2].w = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxw);
160 img->comps[2].h = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxh);
156161 #endif
157162 img->comps[1].dx = img->comps[0].dx;
158163 img->comps[2].dx = img->comps[0].dx;
168173 int maxw, maxh, max, offset, upb;
169174 int i, j;
171 i = (int)img->comps[0].prec;
176 i = qFloor (img->comps[0].prec);
172177 offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<<i)-1;
174 maxw = (int)img->comps[0].w; maxh = (int)img->comps[0].h;
179 maxw = qFloor (img->comps[0].w);
180 maxh = qFloor (img->comps[0].h);
175181 max = maxw * maxh;
177183 y = img->comps[0].data;
178184 cb = img->comps[1].data;
179185 cr = img->comps[2].data;
181 d0 = r = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
182 d1 = g = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
183 d2 = b = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)max);
187 d0 = r = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
188 d1 = g = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
189 d2 = b = static_cast<int*> (malloc(sizeof(int) * static_cast<size_t> (max)));
185191 for(i=0; i < maxh; i += 2)
186192 {
215221 img->comps[1].w = maxw; img->comps[1].h = maxh;
216222 img->comps[2].w = maxw; img->comps[2].h = maxh;
217223 #else
218 img->comps[1].w = (OPJ_UINT32)maxw; img->comps[1].h = (OPJ_UINT32)maxh;
219 img->comps[2].w = (OPJ_UINT32)maxw; img->comps[2].h = (OPJ_UINT32)maxh;
224 img->comps[1].w = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxw);
225 img->comps[1].h = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxh);
226 img->comps[2].w = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxw);
227 img->comps[2].h = static_cast<OPJ_UINT32> (maxh);
220228 #endif
221229 img->comps[1].dx = img->comps[0].dx;
222230 img->comps[2].dx = img->comps[0].dx;
303311 in_prof =
304312 cmsOpenProfileFromMem(image->icc_profile_buf, image->icc_profile_len);
306 if(in_prof == NULL) return;
314 if(in_prof == nullptr) return;
308316 in_space = cmsGetPCS(in_prof);
309317 out_space = cmsGetColorSpace(in_prof);
310318 intent = cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(in_prof);
313 max_w = (int)image->comps[0].w;
314 max_h = (int)image->comps[0].h;
315 prec = (int)image->comps[0].prec;
321 max_w = qFloor (image->comps[0].w);
322 max_h = qFloor (image->comps[0].h);
323 prec = qFloor (image->comps[0].prec);
316324 oldspace = image->color_space;
318326 if(out_space == cmsSigRgbData) /* enumCS 16 */
363371 cmsCloseProfile(out_prof);
364372 #endif
366 if(transform == NULL)
374 if(transform == nullptr)
367375 {
368376 image->color_space = oldspace;
369377 #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBLCMS1
403411 for(i = 0; i < max; ++i)
404412 {
405 *r++ = (int)*out++;
406 *g++ = (int)*out++;
407 *b++ = (int)*out++;
413 *r++ = qFloor (*out++);
414 *g++ = qFloor (*out++);
415 *b++ = qFloor (*out++);
408416 }
409417 free(inbuf); free(outbuf);
410418 }
436444 for(i = 0; i < max; ++i)
437445 {
438 *r++ = (int)*out++;
439 *g++ = (int)*out++;
440 *b++ = (int)*out++;
446 *r++ = qFloor (*out++);
447 *g++ = qFloor (*out++);
448 *b++ = qFloor (*out++);
441449 }
442450 free(inbuf); free(outbuf);
443451 }
479487 for(i = 0; i < max; ++i)
480488 {
481 *r++ = (int)*out++; *g++ = (int)*out++; *b++ = (int)*out++;
489 *r++ = qFloor (*out++);
490 *g++ = qFloor (*out++);
491 *b++ = qFloor (*out++);
482492 }
483493 free(inbuf); free(outbuf);
4343 #include <QBuffer>
4444 #include <QDataStream>
4545 #include <QDebug>
46 #include <qmath.h>
4647 #include <string.h>
4849 int imagetopnm(opj_image_t * image,
4950 QBuffer &buffer)
5051 {
51 int *red, *green, *blue, *alpha = NULL;
52 int *red, *green, *blue, *alpha = nullptr;
5253 int wr, hr, max;
5354 int i;
5455 unsigned int compno, ncomp;
5859 char bufferLocal[1024];
5960 QDataStream str (&buffer);
61 if((prec = (int)image->comps[0].prec) > 16)
62 if((prec = qFloor (image->comps[0].prec)) > 16)
6263 {
6364 fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:imagetopnm\n\tprecision %d is larger than 16"
6465 "\n\t: refused.\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,prec);
7980 {
8081 two = (prec > 8);
8182 triple = (ncomp > 2);
82 wr = (int)image->comps[0].w; hr = (int)image->comps[0].h;
83 wr = qFloor (image->comps[0].w);
84 hr = qFloor (image->comps[0].h);
8385 max = (1<<prec) - 1; has_alpha = (ncomp == 4 || ncomp == 2);
8587 red = image->comps[0].data;
8991 green = image->comps[1].data;
9092 blue = image->comps[2].data;
9193 }
92 else green = blue = NULL;
94 else green = blue = nullptr;
9496 if(has_alpha)
9597 {
141143 sprintf(bufferLocal,
142144 "%c%c",
143 (unsigned char)(v>>8),
144 (unsigned char)v);
145 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
146 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
145147 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
146148 2);
153155 sprintf(bufferLocal,
154156 "%c%c",
155 (unsigned char)(v>>8),
156 (unsigned char)v);
157 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
158 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
157159 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
158160 2);
163165 sprintf(bufferLocal,
164166 "%c%c",
165 (unsigned char)(v>>8),
166 (unsigned char)v);
167 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
168 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
167169 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
168170 2);
177179 sprintf(bufferLocal,
178180 "%c%c",
179 (unsigned char)(v>>8),
180 (unsigned char)v);
181 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
182 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
181183 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
182184 2);
183185 }
192194 sprintf(bufferLocal,
193195 "%c",
194 (unsigned char)v);
196 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
195197 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
196198 1);
197199 if(triple)
202204 sprintf(bufferLocal,
203205 "%c",
204 (unsigned char)v);
206 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
205207 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
206208 1);
207209 v = *blue++;
210212 sprintf(bufferLocal,
211213 "%c",
212 (unsigned char)v);
214 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
213215 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
214216 1);
215217 }
221223 sprintf(bufferLocal,
222224 "%c",
223 (unsigned char)v);
225 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
224226 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
225227 1);
226228 }
239241 for (compno = 0; compno < ncomp; compno++)
240242 {
241 wr = (int)image->comps[compno].w;
242 hr = (int)image->comps[compno].h;
243 prec = (int)image->comps[compno].prec;
243 wr = qFloor (image->comps[compno].w);
244 hr = qFloor (image->comps[compno].h);
245 prec = qFloor (image->comps[compno].prec);
244246 max = (1<<prec) - 1;
246248 sprintf(bufferLocal,
266268 sprintf(bufferLocal,
267269 "%c%c",
268 (unsigned char)(v>>8), (unsigned char)v);
270 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
271 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
269272 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
270273 2);
277280 sprintf(bufferLocal,
278281 "%c%c",
279 (unsigned char)(v>>8), (unsigned char)v);
282 static_cast<unsigned char> (v>>8),
283 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
280284 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
281285 2);
282286 }
292296 sprintf(bufferLocal,
293297 "%c",
294 (unsigned char)v);
298 static_cast<unsigned char> (v));
295299 str.writeRawData (bufferLocal,
296300 1);
297301 }
2828 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_CURVE_AXES);
2929 m_width = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_WIDTH,
31 m_paletteColor = (ColorPalette) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
33 m_curveConnectAs = (CurveConnectAs) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
31 m_paletteColor = static_cast<ColorPalette> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
33 m_curveConnectAs = static_cast<CurveConnectAs> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
3535 }
3737 LineStyle::LineStyle (unsigned int width,
7070 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_CURVE_AXES);
7171 int width = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_WIDTH,
73 ColorPalette color = (ColorPalette) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
75 CurveConnectAs connectAs = (CurveConnectAs) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
73 ColorPalette color = static_cast<ColorPalette> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
75 CurveConnectAs connectAs = static_cast<CurveConnectAs> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
78 return LineStyle (width,
78 return LineStyle (unsigned (width),
7979 color,
8080 connectAs);
8181 }
9090 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
9191 int width = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_WIDTH,
93 ColorPalette color = (ColorPalette) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
95 CurveConnectAs connectAs = (CurveConnectAs) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
93 ColorPalette color = static_cast<ColorPalette> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_COLOR,
95 CurveConnectAs connectAs = static_cast<CurveConnectAs> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_LINE_CONNECT_AS,
98 return LineStyle (width,
98 return LineStyle (unsigned (width),
9999 color,
100100 connectAs);
101101 }
111111 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_CONNECT_AS)) {
113113 setWidth (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_WIDTH).toInt());
114 setPaletteColor ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_COLOR).toInt());
115 setCurveConnectAs ((CurveConnectAs) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_CONNECT_AS).toInt());
114 setPaletteColor (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_COLOR).toInt()));
115 setCurveConnectAs (static_cast<CurveConnectAs> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_LINE_STYLE_CONNECT_AS).toInt()));
117117 // Read until end of this subtree
118118 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
167167 void LineStyle::setWidth (int width)
168168 {
169 m_width = width;
169 m_width = unsigned (width);
170170 }
172172 unsigned int LineStyle::width () const
2020 {
2121 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "LoadFileInfo::loadsAsDigFile";
23 QString fileName = urlString;
23 bool success = false;
25 QUrl url (urlString);
26 if (url.isLocalFile ()) {
27 fileName = url.toLocalFile();
25 if (urlString.length() > 0) {
27 QString fileName = urlString;
29 QUrl url (urlString);
30 if (url.isLocalFile ()) {
31 fileName = url.toLocalFile();
32 }
34 Document document (fileName);
36 success = document.successfulRead();
2837 }
30 Document document (fileName);
32 return document.successfulRead();
39 return success;
3340 }
88 #include "MainWindow.h"
99 #include <QFileInfo>
1010 #include <QMessageBox>
11 #include <QTextStream>
12 #ifdef NETWORKING
1113 #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkReply>
14 #endif
1215 #include <QUrl>
1316 #include "Version.h"
1518 LoadImageFromUrl::LoadImageFromUrl (MainWindow &mainWindow) :
1619 m_mainWindow (mainWindow),
20 #ifdef NETWORKING
1721 m_http (this),
18 m_reply (0),
19 m_buffer (0)
22 m_reply (nullptr),
23 #endif
24 m_buffer (nullptr)
2025 {
2126 connect (this, SIGNAL (signalImportImage (QString, QImage)), &m_mainWindow, SLOT (slotFileImportImage (QString, QImage)));
2227 }
2934 void LoadImageFromUrl::deallocate ()
3035 {
36 #ifdef NETWORKING
3137 delete m_reply;
3238 delete m_buffer;
34 m_reply = 0;
35 m_buffer = 0;
40 m_reply = nullptr;
41 m_buffer = nullptr;
42 #endif
3643 }
3845 void LoadImageFromUrl::slotFinished ()
98105 } else {
107 // Drop on the floor if networking is not enabled
108 #ifdef NETWORKING
100109 // Asynchronous read from url
101110 deallocate ();
102111 m_buffer = new QByteArray;
106115 connect (m_reply, SIGNAL (readyRead()), this, SLOT (slotReadData()));
107116 connect (m_reply, SIGNAL (finished ()), this, SLOT (slotFinished ()));
117 #endif
108118 }
109119 }
111121 void LoadImageFromUrl::slotReadData ()
112122 {
123 #ifdef NETWORKING
113124 *m_buffer += m_reply->readAll ();
125 #endif
114126 }
99 #include <QImage>
10 #ifdef NETWORKING
1011 #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager>
12 #endif
1113 #include <QObject>
1214 #include <QString>
1315 #include <QUrl>
4446 MainWindow &m_mainWindow;
4547 QUrl m_url;
48 #ifdef NETWORKING
4649 QNetworkAccessManager m_http;
4750 QNetworkReply *m_reply;
51 #endif
4852 QByteArray *m_buffer;
4953 };
2121 const QString &filename,
2222 bool isDebug)
2323 {
24 LayoutAppender *appender = 0;
24 LayoutAppender *appender = nullptr;
2626 const size_t MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 6 * 1024 * 1024; // Size that should satisfy most email servers
2727 const unsigned int MAX_BACKUP_INDEX = 2;
77 #include "LoggerUpload.h"
88 #include "MainWindow.h"
10 MainWindow *LoggerUpload::m_mainWindow = (MainWindow*) 0;
10 MainWindow *LoggerUpload::m_mainWindow = static_cast<MainWindow*> (nullptr);
1212 LoggerUpload::LoggerUpload()
1313 {
4343 int line,
4444 const char *context)
4545 {
46 if (m_mainWindow != 0) {
46 if (m_mainWindow != nullptr) {
4747 m_mainWindow->saveErrorReportFileAndExit(comment,
4848 file,
4949 line,
247247 // In pathological situations we have (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonzero) = 0 in which case the solution cannot be obtained
248248 // so we exit
249 if (working.get (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero) == 0) {
249 if (qAbs (working.get (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero)) <= 0) {
250250 matrixConsistent = MATRIX_INCONSISTENT;
251251 return inv;
252252 }
260260 // Apply the 'from' row to all the 'to' rows
261261 for (rowTo = rowFrom + 1; rowTo < rows (); rowTo++) {
263 if (working.get (rowTo, colFirstWithNonZero) != 0) {
263 if (qAbs (working.get (rowTo, colFirstWithNonZero)) > 0) {
265265 // We need to merge rowFrom and rowTo into rowTo
266266 double denominator = working.get (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero);
275275 int colFirstWithNonZero = rowFrom; // This is true since we should have 1s all down the diagonal at this point
277277 // Normalize the 'from' row with diagonal term set to 1. The first term should be like 0.9999 or 1.0001 but we want exactly one
278 MatrixConsistent matrixConsistent;
279 working.normalizeRow (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero, significantDigits, matrixConsistent);
280 if (matrixConsistent == MATRIX_INCONSISTENT) {
278 MatrixConsistent matrixConsistentIter;
279 working.normalizeRow (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero, significantDigits, matrixConsistentIter);
280 if (matrixConsistentIter == MATRIX_INCONSISTENT) {
281281 return inv;
282282 }
284284 // Apply the 'from' row to all the 'to' rows
285285 for (rowTo = rowFrom - 1; rowTo >= 0; rowTo--) {
287 if (working.get (rowTo, colFirstWithNonZero) != 0) {
287 if (qAbs (working.get (rowTo, colFirstWithNonZero)) > 0) {
289289 // We need to merge rowFro and rowTo into rowTo
290290 double denominator = working.get (rowFrom, colFirstWithNonZero);
314314 {
315315 unsigned int sum = 0;
316316 for (int col = 0; col < cols (); col++) {
317 if (get (row, col) != 0) {
317 if (qAbs (get (row, col)) > 0) {
318318 ++sum;
319319 }
320320 }
88 #include "NonPdfFrameHandle.h"
99 #include <QGraphicsRectItem>
1010 #include <QGraphicsScene>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QRect>
1213 #include "QtToString.h"
1314 #include "ViewPreview.h"
1819 NonPdfCropping::NonPdfCropping (QGraphicsScene &scene,
1920 ViewPreview &view) :
20 m_view (view)
21 m_view (view),
22 m_handleTL (nullptr),
23 m_handleTR (nullptr),
24 m_handleBR (nullptr),
25 m_handleBL (nullptr)
2126 {
2227 createWidgets (scene);
28 }
30 NonPdfCropping::~NonPdfCropping ()
31 {
32 delete m_handleTL;
33 delete m_handleTR;
34 delete m_handleBR;
35 delete m_handleBL;
2336 }
2538 void NonPdfCropping::createWidgets(QGraphicsScene &scene)
2740 const double MARGIN_PERCENT = 5.0;
2841 const int ZERO_WIDTH_IS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE = 0;
30 int marginHor = scene.width() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0;
31 int marginVer = scene.height() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0;
43 int marginHor = qFloor (scene.width() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0);
44 int marginVer = qFloor (scene.height() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0);
33 QRect box (scene.sceneRect().left() + marginHor,
34 scene.sceneRect().top() + marginVer,
35 scene.sceneRect().width() - 2 * marginHor,
36 scene.sceneRect().height() - 2 * marginVer);
46 QRect box (qFloor (scene.sceneRect().left() + marginHor),
47 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().top() + marginVer),
48 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().width() - 2 * marginHor),
49 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().height() - 2 * marginVer));
3851 m_handleTL = new NonPdfFrameHandle (scene, m_view, box.topLeft() , NON_PDF_CROPPING_LEFT | NON_PDF_CROPPING_TOP , *this, Z_HANDLE);
3952 m_handleTR = new NonPdfFrameHandle (scene, m_view, box.topRight() , NON_PDF_CROPPING_RIGHT | NON_PDF_CROPPING_TOP , *this, Z_HANDLE);
164177 QSize NonPdfCropping::windowSize () const
165178 {
166 return QSize (m_view.scene()->width(),
167 m_view.scene()->height());
179 return QSize (qFloor (m_view.scene()->width()),
180 qFloor (m_view.scene()->height()));
168181 }
2424 /// Single constructor
2525 NonPdfCropping(QGraphicsScene &scene,
2626 ViewPreview &view);
27 ~NonPdfCropping();
2829 /// Frame rectangle selected by user
2930 QRectF frameRect () const;
88 #include <QBrush>
99 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1010 #include <QGraphicsView>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
9293 // This sequence is from
9394 QRectF newRectItem (newPos,
94 QSize (boundingRect().size().width(),
95 boundingRect().size().height()));
95 QSize (qFloor (boundingRect().size().width()),
96 qFloor (boundingRect().size().height())));
9697 QPolygonF newRectScene = mapToScene (newRectItem);
9798 QPolygon newRectView = m_view.mapFromScene (newRectScene.boundingRect());
2727 ImportCropping importCropping,
2828 bool isErrorReportRegressionTest) const
2929 {
30 Document *document = 0;
30 Document *document = nullptr;
3232 ImportCroppingUtilPdf importCroppingUtil;
3333 bool cropping = importCroppingUtil.applyImportCropping (isErrorReportRegressionTest,
5353 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
5555 delete document;
56 document = 0;
56 document = nullptr;
5858 return rtn;
5959 }
9595 // Try to read the file
9696 Document *document = Document::load (fileName);
98 if (document != 0) {
98 if (document != nullptr) {
9999 if (!document->isLocked ()) {
101101 Page *page = document->page (FIRST_PAGE_1_BASED - 1);
102 if (page != 0) {
102 if (page != nullptr) {
104104 image = page->renderToImage (resolution,
105105 resolution,
88 #include "PdfFrameHandle.h"
99 #include <QGraphicsRectItem>
1010 #include <QGraphicsScene>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QRect>
1213 #include "QtToString.h"
1314 #include "ViewPreview.h"
2728 const double MARGIN_PERCENT = 5.0;
2829 const int ZERO_WIDTH_IS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE = 0;
30 int marginHor = scene.width() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0;
31 int marginVer = scene.height() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0;
31 int marginHor = qFloor (scene.width() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0);
32 int marginVer = qFloor (scene.height() * MARGIN_PERCENT / 100.0);
33 QRect box (scene.sceneRect().left() + marginHor,
34 scene.sceneRect().top() + marginVer,
35 scene.sceneRect().width() - 2 * marginHor,
36 scene.sceneRect().height() - 2 * marginVer);
34 QRect box (qFloor (scene.sceneRect().left() + marginHor),
35 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().top() + marginVer),
36 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().width() - 2 * marginHor),
37 qFloor (scene.sceneRect().height() - 2 * marginVer));
3839 m_handleTL = new PdfFrameHandle (scene, m_view, box.topLeft() , PDF_CROPPING_LEFT | PDF_CROPPING_TOP , *this, Z_HANDLE);
3940 m_handleTR = new PdfFrameHandle (scene, m_view, box.topRight() , PDF_CROPPING_RIGHT | PDF_CROPPING_TOP , *this, Z_HANDLE);
164165 QSize PdfCropping::windowSize () const
165166 {
166 return QSize (m_view.scene()->width(),
167 m_view.scene()->height());
167 return QSize (qFloor (m_view.scene()->width()),
168 qFloor (m_view.scene()->height()));
168169 }
88 #include <QBrush>
99 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1010 #include <QGraphicsView>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
5758 // Adjust positions of handles that are not at the top left so handles are laid out symmetrically
5859 QPointF pointPos = pointReference;
59 if ((orientationFlags && PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_LEFT) != 0) {
60 if ((orientationFlags & PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_LEFT) != 0) {
6061 pointPos.setX (pointPos.x() - handleSize.width() / 2.0);
61 } else if ((orientationFlags && PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_RIGHT) != 0) {
62 } else if ((orientationFlags & PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_RIGHT) != 0) {
6263 pointPos.setX (pointPos.x() + handleSize.width() / 2.0);
6364 }
64 if ((orientationFlags && PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_TOP) != 0) {
65 if ((orientationFlags & PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_TOP) != 0) {
6566 pointPos.setY (pointPos.y() - handleSize.height() / 2.0);
66 } else if ((orientationFlags && PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_BOTTOM) != 0) {
67 } else if ((orientationFlags & PdfCropping::PDF_CROPPING_BOTTOM) != 0) {
6768 pointPos.setY (pointPos.y() + handleSize.height() / 2.0);
6869 }
9293 // This sequence is from
9394 QRectF newRectItem (newPos,
94 QSize (boundingRect().size().width(),
95 boundingRect().size().height()));
95 QSize (qFloor (boundingRect().size().width()),
96 qFloor (boundingRect().size().height())));
9697 QPolygonF newRectScene = mapToScene (newRectItem);
9798 QPolygon newRectView = m_view.mapFromScene (newRectScene.boundingRect());
315315 }
317317 m_identifier = fixUnderscores (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_IDENTIFIER).toString());
318 m_identifierIndex = attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_IDENTIFIER_INDEX).toInt();
318 m_identifierIndex = attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_IDENTIFIER_INDEX).toUInt();
319319 m_isAxisPoint = (isAxisPoint == DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_BOOL_TRUE);
320320 m_hasPosGraph = false;
321321 m_posGraph.setX (MISSING_POSGRAPH_VALUE);
3636 {
3737 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "PointMatchAlgorithm::allocateMemory";
39 *array = new double [width * height];
39 *array = new double [unsigned (width * height)];
4040 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(*array);
42 *arrayPrime = new fftw_complex [width * height];
42 *arrayPrime = new fftw_complex [unsigned (width * height)];
4343 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(*arrayPrime);
4444 }
146146 // The convolution pattern is shifted by (sampleXExtent, sampleYExtent). So the downstream code
147147 // does not have to repeatedly compensate for that shift, we unshift it here
148 double *temp = new double [width * height];
148 double *temp = new double [unsigned (width * height)];
149149 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(temp);
151151 for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
331331 width,
332332 height,
333333 pointsExisting,
334 modelPointMatch.maxPointSize());
334 qFloor (modelPointMatch.maxPointSize()));
336336 // Forward transform the image
337337 fftw_plan pImage = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(width,
479479 bool first = true;
480480 unsigned int i;
481481 int xMin = width, yMin = height, xMax = 0, yMax = 0;
482 for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) samplePointPixels.size(); i++) {
484 int x = (;
485 int y = (;
482 for (i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int> (samplePointPixels.size()); i++) {
484 int x = (i)).xOffset();
485 int y = (i)).yOffset();
486486 if (first || (x < xMin))
487487 xMin = x;
488488 if (first || (x > xMax))
515515 // affect the center of mass computed only from on pixels
516516 double xSumOn = 0, ySumOn = 0, countOn = 0;
518 for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) samplePointPixels.size(); i++) {
518 for (i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int> (samplePointPixels.size()); i++) {
520520 // Place, quite arbitrarily, the sample image up against the top left corner
521 x = ( - xMin;
522 y = ( - yMin;
521 x = ( (i))).xOffset() - xMin;
522 y = ( (i))).yOffset() - yMin;
523523 ENGAUGE_ASSERT((0 < x) && (x < width));
524524 ENGAUGE_ASSERT((0 < y) && (y < height));
526 bool pixelIsOn =;
526 bool pixelIsOn = (i)).pixelIsOn();
528528 (*sample) [FOLD2DINDEX(x, y, height)] = (pixelIsOn ? PIXEL_ON : PIXEL_OFF);
537537 // Compute location of center of mass, which will represent the center of the point
538538 countOn = qMax (1.0, countOn);
539 *sampleXCenter = (int) (0.5 + xSumOn / countOn);
540 *sampleYCenter = (int) (0.5 + ySumOn / countOn);
539 *sampleXCenter = qFloor (0.5 + xSumOn / countOn);
540 *sampleYCenter = qFloor (0.5 + ySumOn / countOn);
542542 // Dimensions of portion of array actually used by sample (rest is empty)
543543 *sampleXExtent = xMax - xMin + 1;
571571 for (int i = 0; i < pointsExisting.size(); i++) {
573 int xPoint =;
574 int yPoint =;
573 int xPoint = qFloor ( (i)).posScreen().x());
574 int yPoint = qFloor ( (i)).posScreen().y());
576576 // Loop through rows of pixels
577577 int yMin = yPoint - pointSeparation;
587587 int radical = pointSeparation * pointSeparation - (y - yPoint) * (y - yPoint);
588588 if (0 < radical) {
590 int xMin = (int) (xPoint - qSqrt((double) radical));
590 int xMin = qFloor (xPoint - qSqrt(double (radical)));
591591 if (xMin < 0)
592592 xMin = 0;
593593 int xMax = xPoint + (xPoint - xMin);
99 QString pointShapeToString (PointShape pointShape)
1010 {
11 QString rtn;
1113 switch (pointShape) {
13 return QObject::tr ("Circle");
15 rtn = QObject::tr ("Circle");
16 break;
16 return QObject::tr ("Cross");
19 rtn = QObject::tr ("Cross");
20 break;
19 return QObject::tr ("Diamond");
23 rtn = QObject::tr ("Diamond");
24 break;
27 rtn = QObject::tr ("Hourglass");
28 break;
22 return QObject::tr ("Square");
31 rtn = QObject::tr ("Square");
32 break;
25 return QObject::tr ("Triangle");
35 rtn = QObject::tr ("Triangle");
36 break;
39 rtn = QObject::tr ("Triangle2");
40 break;
2742 case POINT_SHAPE_X:
28 return QObject::tr ("X");
43 rtn = QObject::tr ("X");
44 break;
45 }
30 default:
31 return QObject::tr ("Unknown");
32 }
47 return rtn;
3348 }
1820 };
2022 extern QString pointShapeToString (PointShape pointShape);
2525 const double PI = 3.1415926535;
2626 const double TWO_PI = 2.0 * PI;
28 PointStyle::PointStyle ()
28 PointStyle::PointStyle () :
29 // Defaults that prevent address sanitizer warnings. Overwritten immediately
2934 {
3035 }
6368 // Get settings if available, otherwise use defaults
6570 settings.beginGroup (SETTINGS_GROUP_CURVE_AXES);
66 PointShape shape = (PointShape) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_SHAPE,
68 int radius = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_RADIUS,
71 PointShape shape = static_cast<PointShape> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_SHAPE,
73 unsigned int radius = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_RADIUS,
7075 int pointLineWidth = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_LINE_WIDTH,
72 ColorPalette pointColor = (ColorPalette) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_COLOR,
77 ColorPalette pointColor = static_cast<ColorPalette> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_COLOR,
7479 settings.endGroup ();
7681 return PointStyle (shape,
96101 // Get settings if available, otherwise use defaults
98103 settings.beginGroup (groupName);
99 int radius = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_RADIUS,
104 unsigned int radius = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_RADIUS,
101106 int pointLineWidth = settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_LINE_WIDTH,
103 ColorPalette pointColor = (ColorPalette) settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_COLOR,
108 ColorPalette pointColor = static_cast<ColorPalette> (settings.value (SETTINGS_CURVE_POINT_COLOR,
105110 settings.endGroup ();
107112 return PointStyle (shape,
131136 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_COLOR) &&
132137 attributes.hasAttribute(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_SHAPE)) {
134 setRadius (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_RADIUS).toInt());
139 setRadius (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_RADIUS).toUInt());
135140 setLineWidth (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_LINE_WIDTH).toInt());
136 setPaletteColor ((ColorPalette) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_COLOR).toInt());
137 setShape ((PointShape) attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_SHAPE).toInt());
141 setPaletteColor (static_cast<ColorPalette> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_COLOR).toInt()));
142 setShape (static_cast<PointShape> (attributes.value(DOCUMENT_SERIALIZE_POINT_STYLE_SHAPE).toInt()));
139144 // Read until end of this subtree
140145 while ((reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) ||
162167 {
163 int xyWidth = m_radius;
168 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
164169 for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_XY; i++) {
165 double angle = TWO_PI * (double) i / (double) NUM_XY;
170 double angle = TWO_PI * double (i) / double (NUM_XY);
166171 double x = xyWidth * cos (angle);
167172 double y = xyWidth * sin (angle);
168173 points.append (QPointF (x, y));
173178 case POINT_SHAPE_CROSS:
174179 {
175 int xyWidth = m_radius;
180 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
177182 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, 0));
178183 points.append (QPointF (xyWidth, 0));
187192 {
188 int xyWidth = m_radius;
193 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
190195 points.append (QPointF (0, -1 * xyWidth));
191196 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, 0));
194199 }
195200 break;
203 {
204 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
206 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, -1 * xyWidth));
207 points.append (QPointF (xyWidth, -1 * xyWidth));
208 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, xyWidth));
209 points.append (QPointF (xyWidth, xyWidth));
210 }
211 break;
198214 {
199 int xyWidth = m_radius;
215 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
201217 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, -1 * xyWidth));
202218 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, xyWidth));
209225 {
210 int xyWidth = m_radius;
226 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
212228 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, -1 * xyWidth));
213229 points.append (QPointF (0, xyWidth));
215231 }
216232 break;
235 {
236 int xyWidth = signed (m_radius);
238 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, xyWidth));
239 points.append (QPointF (0, -1 * xyWidth));
240 points.append (QPointF (xyWidth, xyWidth));
241 }
242 break;
218244 case POINT_SHAPE_X:
219245 {
220 int xyWidth = m_radius * qSqrt (0.5);
246 int xyWidth = qFloor (m_radius * qSqrt (0.5));
222248 points.append (QPointF (-1 * xyWidth, -1 * xyWidth));
223249 points.append (QPointF (xyWidth, xyWidth));
227253 points.append (QPointF (0, 0));
228254 }
229255 break;
231 default:
232 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
233256 }
235258 QPolygonF polygon (points);
249272 str << indentation << "color=" << colorPaletteToString (m_paletteColor) << "\n";
250273 }
252 int PointStyle::radius () const
275 unsigned int PointStyle::radius () const
253276 {
254277 return m_radius;
255278 }
278301 m_paletteColor = paletteColor;
279302 }
281 void PointStyle::setRadius (int radius)
304 void PointStyle::setRadius (unsigned int radius)
282305 {
283306 m_radius = radius;
284307 }
6060 QTextStream &str) const;
6262 /// Radius of point. For a circle this is all that is needed to draw a circle. For a polygon, the radius determines the size of the polygon
63 int radius () const;
63 unsigned int radius () const;
6565 /// Serialize to stream
6666 void saveXml(QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const;
7272 void setPaletteColor (ColorPalette paletteColor);
7474 /// Set method for point radius.
75 void setRadius (int radius);
75 void setRadius (unsigned int radius);
7777 /// Set method for point shape.
7878 void setShape (PointShape shape);
2626 m_length (0),
2727 m_isGnuplot (isGnuplot)
2828 {
29 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "Segment::Segment"
30 << " address=0x" << hex << (quintptr) this;
3129 }
3331 Segment::~Segment()
3432 {
35 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "Segment::~Segment"
36 << " address=0x" << hex << (quintptr) this;
3833 QList<SegmentLine*>::iterator itr;
3934 for (itr = m_lines.begin(); itr != m_lines.end(); itr++) {
5348 int yNew = y;
5550 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Segment::appendColumn"
56 << " segment=0x" << std::hex << (quintptr) this << std::dec
51 << " segment=0x" << std::hex << static_cast<void*> (this) << std::dec
5752 << " adding ("
5853 << xOld << "," << yOld << ") to ("
5954 << xNew << "," << yNew << ")";
8479 double x,
8580 double y)
8681 {
87 int iOld = (int) (*xPrev + 0.5);
88 int jOld = (int) (*yPrev + 0.5);
89 int i = (int) (x + 0.5);
90 int j = (int) (y + 0.5);
82 int iOld = qFloor (*xPrev + 0.5);
83 int jOld = qFloor (*yPrev + 0.5);
84 int i = qFloor (x + 0.5);
85 int j = qFloor (y + 0.5);
9287 if (*pFirst || (iOld != i) || (jOld != j)) {
9388 *xPrev = x;
134129 SegmentLine *line = *itr;
135130 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (line);
137 int x1 = line->line().x1();
138 int y1 = line->line().y1();
139 int x2 = line->line().x2();
140 int y2 = line->line().y2();
132 int x1 = qFloor (line->line().x1());
133 int y1 = qFloor (line->line().y1());
134 int x2 = qFloor (line->line().x2());
135 int y2 = qFloor (line->line().y2());
142137 rows = qMax (rows, y1 + 1);
143138 rows = qMax (rows, y2 + 1);
148143 // Horizontal and vertical width is computed so merged line mostly fills the plot window,
149144 // and (xInt,yInt) is at the center
150 int halfWidthX = 1.5 * qMax (qAbs (lineOld->line().dx()),
151 qAbs (lineNew->line().dx()));
152 int halfWidthY = 1.5 * qMax (qAbs (lineOld->line().dy()),
153 qAbs (lineNew->line().dy()));
145 int halfWidthX = qFloor (1.5 * qMax (qAbs (lineOld->line().dx()),
146 qAbs (lineNew->line().dx())));
147 int halfWidthY = qFloor (1.5 * qMax (qAbs (lineOld->line().dy()),
148 qAbs (lineNew->line().dy())));
155150 // Zoom in so changes are easier to see
156151 strDump << "set xrange [" << (xInt - halfWidthX - 1) << ":" << (xInt + halfWidthX + 1) << "]\n";
181176 for (int index = 0; index < m_lines.count(); index++) {
183178 SegmentLine *line = (index);
184 int x1 = line->line().x1();
185 int y1 = line->line().y1();
186 int x2 = line->line().x2();
187 int y2 = line->line().y2();
179 int x1 = qFloor (line->line().x1());
180 int y1 = qFloor (line->line().y1());
181 int x2 = qFloor (line->line().x2());
182 int y2 = qFloor (line->line().y2());
189184 if (index % 2 == 0) {
190185 strEven << x1 << " " << y1 << "\n";
240235 SegmentLine *line = *itr;
242237 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(line);
243 xNext = (double) line->line().x2();
244 yNext = (double) line->line().y2();
246 double xStart = (double) line->line().x1();
247 double yStart = (double) line->line().y1();
238 xNext = double (line->line().x2());
239 yNext = double (line->line().y2());
241 double xStart = double (line->line().x1());
242 double yStart = double (line->line().y1());
248243 if (isCorner (yPrev, yStart, yNext)) {
250245 // Insert a corner point
343338 SegmentLine *line = *itr;
345340 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(line);
346 xNext = (double) line->line().x2();
347 yNext = (double) line->line().y2();
341 xNext = double (line->line().x2());
342 yNext = double (line->line().y2());
349344 // Distance formula
350345 double segmentLength = sqrt((xNext - xLast) * (xNext - xLast) + (yNext - yLast) * (yNext - yLast));
409404 {
410405 QList<QPoint>::iterator itr;
411406 for (itr = removedPoints.begin(); itr != removedPoints.end(); ++itr) {
412 if (!pointIsCloseToLine(xLeft, yLeft, (double) (*itr).x(), (double) (*itr).y(), xRight, yRight)) {
407 if (!pointIsCloseToLine(xLeft,
408 yLeft,
409 double ((*itr).x()),
410 double ((*itr).y()),
411 xRight,
412 yRight)) {
413413 return false;
414414 }
415415 }
421421 {
422422 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "Segment::removeUnneededLines";
424 QFile *fileDump = 0;
425 QTextStream *strDump = 0;
424 QFile *fileDump = nullptr;
425 QTextStream *strDump = nullptr;
426426 if (m_isGnuplot) {
428428 QString filename ("segment.gnuplot");
439439 // into optimizing away all but one point at the origin and another point at the far right.
440440 // From this we see that we cannot simply throw away points that were optimized away since they
441441 // are needed later to see if we have diverged from the curve
442 SegmentLine *linePrevious = 0; // Previous line which corresponds to itrPrevious
442 SegmentLine *linePrevious = nullptr; // Previous line which corresponds to itrPrevious
443443 QList<SegmentLine*>::iterator itr, itrPrevious;
444444 QList<QPoint> removedPoints;
445445 for (itr = m_lines.begin(); itr != m_lines.end(); itr++) {
447447 SegmentLine *line = *itr;
448448 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(line);
450 if (linePrevious != 0) {
450 if (linePrevious != nullptr) {
452452 double xLeft = linePrevious->line().x1();
453453 double yLeft = linePrevious->line().y1();
469469 // Dump
470470 dumpToGnuplot (*strDump,
471 xInt,
472 yInt,
471 qFloor (xInt),
472 qFloor (yInt),
473473 linePrevious,
474474 line);
475475 }
478478 ++(*foldedLines);
480480 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Segment::removeUnneededLines"
481 << " segment=0x" << std::hex << (quintptr) this << std::dec
481 << " segment=0x" << std::hex << static_cast<void*> (this) << std::dec
482482 << " removing ("
483483 << linePrevious->line().x1() << "," << linePrevious->line().y1() << ") to ("
484484 << linePrevious->line().x2() << "," << linePrevious->line().y2() << ") "
488488 << xLeft << "," << yLeft << ") to ("
489489 << xRight << "," << yRight << ")";
491 removedPoints.append(QPoint((int) xInt, (int) yInt));
491 removedPoints.append(QPoint(qFloor (xInt),
492 qFloor (yInt)));
492493 m_lines.erase (itrPrevious);
493494 delete linePrevious;
512513 }
513514 }
515 if (strDump != 0) {
516 if (strDump != nullptr) {
517518 // Final gnuplot processing
518519 *strDump << "set terminal x11 persist\n";
99 #include "Logger.h"
1010 #include <QApplication>
1111 #include <QGraphicsScene>
12 #include <qmath.h>
1213 #include <QProgressDialog>
1314 #include "Segment.h"
1415 #include "SegmentFactory.h"
16 #include <vector>
1618 using namespace std;
5355 if ((0 <= y) && (y < height)) {
5557 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (y < height);
56 if (lastSegment [y]) {
57 return lastSegment [y];
58 }
59 }
60 }
62 return 0;
58 if (lastSegment [unsigned (y)]) {
59 return lastSegment [unsigned (y)];
60 }
61 }
62 }
64 return nullptr;
6365 }
6567 int SegmentFactory::adjacentSegments(SegmentVector &lastSegment,
7476 if ((0 <= y) && (y < height)) {
7678 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (y < height);
77 if (!inSegment && lastSegment [y]) {
79 if (!inSegment && lastSegment [unsigned (y)]) {
7981 inSegment = true;
8082 ++adjacentSegments;
81 } else if (inSegment && !lastSegment [y]) {
83 } else if (inSegment && !lastSegment [unsigned (y)]) {
8284 inSegment = false;
8385 }
8486 }
141143 // This is the start of a new segment
142144 seg = new Segment(m_scene,
143 (int) (0.5 + (yStart + yStop) / 2.0),
145 qFloor (0.5 + (yStart + yStop) / 2.0),
144146 m_isGnuplot);
145147 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR (seg);
152154 ++(*madeLines);
153155 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(seg);
154 seg->appendColumn(x, (int) (0.5 + (yStart + yStop) / 2.0), modelSegments);
156 seg->appendColumn(x, qFloor (0.5 + (yStart + yStop) / 2.0), modelSegments);
155157 }
157159 for (int y = yStart; y <= yStop; y++) {
159161 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (y < height);
160 currSegment [y] = seg;
162 currSegment [unsigned (y)] = seg;
161163 }
162164 }
179181 int height)
180182 {
181183 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
182 columnSegment [y] = 0;
184 columnSegment [unsigned (y)] = nullptr;
183185 }
184186 }
210212 int width = imageFiltered.width();
211213 int height = imageFiltered.height();
213 QProgressDialog* dlg = 0;
215 QProgressDialog* dlg = nullptr;
214216 if (useDlg)
215217 {
219221 dlg->show();
220222 }
222 bool* lastBool = new bool [height];
224 bool* lastBool = new bool [unsigned (height)];
223225 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(lastBool);
224 bool* currBool = new bool [height];
226 bool* currBool = new bool [unsigned (height)];
225227 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(currBool);
226 bool* nextBool = new bool [height];
228 bool* nextBool = new bool [unsigned (height)];
227229 ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(nextBool);
228 SegmentVector lastSegment (height);
229 SegmentVector currSegment (height);
230 SegmentVector lastSegment (static_cast<unsigned long> (height));
231 SegmentVector currSegment (static_cast<unsigned long> (height));
231233 ColorFilter filter;
232234 loadBool(filter, lastBool, imageFiltered, -1);
371373 {
372374 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "SegmentFactory::removeUnneededLines";
374 Segment *segLast = 0;
376 Segment *segLast = nullptr;
375377 for (int yLast = 0; yLast < height; yLast++) {
377379 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (yLast < height);
378 if (lastSegment [yLast] && (lastSegment [yLast] != segLast)) {
380 segLast = lastSegment [yLast];
380 if (lastSegment [unsigned (yLast)] && (lastSegment [unsigned (yLast)] != segLast)) {
382 segLast = lastSegment [unsigned (yLast)];
382384 // If the segment is found in the current column then it is still in work so postpone processing
383385 bool found = false;
384386 for (int yCur = 0; yCur < height; yCur++) {
386388 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (yCur < height);
387 if (segLast == currSegment [yCur]) {
389 if (segLast == currSegment [unsigned (yCur)]) {
388390 found = true;
389391 break;
390392 }
400402 // covers more than one pixel
401403 *shortLines += segLast->lineCount();
402404 delete segLast;
403 lastSegment [yLast] = 0;
405 lastSegment [unsigned (yLast)] = nullptr;
405407 } else {
430432 int height)
431433 {
432434 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
433 left [y] = right [y];
435 left [static_cast<unsigned long> (y)] = right [static_cast<unsigned long> (y)];
434436 }
435437 }
2020 m_segment (segment)
2121 {
2222 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "SegmentLine::SegmentLine"
23 << " address=0x" << std::hex << (quintptr) this;
23 << " address=0x" << std::hex << static_cast<void *> (this);
3939 SegmentLine::~SegmentLine ()
4040 {
4141 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "SegmentLine::~SegmentLine"
42 << " address=0x" << std::hex << (quintptr) this;
42 << " address=0x" << std::hex << static_cast<void *> (this);
4343 }
4545 void SegmentLine::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * /* event */)
2727 const QString SETTINGS_HELP_POS ("helpPos");
2828 const QString SETTINGS_HELP_SIZE ("helpSize");
2929 const QString SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY ("highlightOpacity");
30 const QString SETTINGS_IMAGE_REPLACE_RENAMES_DOCUMENT ("imageReplaceRenamesDocument");
3031 const QString SETTINGS_LOCALE_COUNTRY ("country");
3132 const QString SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE ("language");
3233 const QString SETTINGS_MAIN_TITLE_BAR_FORMAT ("titleBarFormat");
6970 const QString SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING ("Cropping");
7071 const QString SETTINGS_IMPORT_PDF_RESOLUTION ("PdfResolution");
72 // Export group
73 // Export group. Any new entries here should probably be added to DlgSettingsExportFormat::slotSaveDefault()
74 // and DocumentModelExportFormat::DocumentModelExportFormat()
7375 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_CURVE_NAMES_NOT_EXPORTED ("curveNamesNotExported");
7476 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER ("delimiter");
78 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_EXTRAPOLATE_OUTSIDE_ENDPOINTS ("extrapolateOutsideEndpoints");
7679 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_HEADER ("header");
7780 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_LAYOUT_FUNCTIONS ("layoutFunctions");
7881 const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_POINTS_INTERVAL_FUNCTIONS ("pointsIntervalFunctions");
2929 extern const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_DELIMITER;
3132 extern const QString SETTINGS_EXPORT_HEADER;
5556 extern const QString SETTINGS_HELP_POS;
5657 extern const QString SETTINGS_HELP_SIZE;
5758 extern const QString SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY;
5860 extern const QString SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING;
5961 extern const QString SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING_POS;
44 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
55 #include <iostream>
6 #include "Logger.h"
7 #include <qmath.h>
68 #include "Spline.h"
810 using namespace std;
1012 Spline::Spline(const std::vector<double> &t,
11 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy)
13 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
14 SplineTCheck splineTCheck)
1215 {
1316 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (t.size() == xy.size());
1417 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (xy.size() > 0); // Need at least one point for this class to not fail with a crash
16 checkTIncrements (t);
19 if (splineTCheck == SPLINE_ENABLE_T_CHECK) {
20 // In normal production this check should be performed
21 checkTIncrements (t);
22 }
1723 computeCoefficientsForIntervals (t, xy);
1824 computeControlPointsForIntervals ();
1925 }
3945 if (xy.size() > 1) {
4147 // There are enough points to compute the coefficients
42 int i, j;
43 int n = (int) xy.size() - 1;
48 unsigned int i;
49 int jneg; // Can go negative
50 unsigned int n = unsigned (qFloor (xy.size()) - 1);
4552 m_t = t;
4653 m_xy = xy;
6572 z[n] = SplinePair (0.0);
6673 c[n] = SplinePair (0.0);
68 for (j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
75 for (jneg = signed (n - 1); jneg >= 0; jneg--) {
76 unsigned int j = unsigned (jneg);
6977 c[j] = z[j] - u[j] * c[j+1];
7078 b[j] = (xy[j+1] - xy[j]) / (h[j]) - (h[j] * (c[j+1] + SplinePair (2.0) * c[j])) / SplinePair (3.0);
7179 d[j] = (c[j+1] - c[j]) / (SplinePair (3.0) * h[j]);
92100 void Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals ()
93101 {
94 int n = (int) m_xy.size() - 1;
96 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
97 const SplineCoeff &element = m_elements[i];
102 int i, n = qFloor (m_xy.size()) - 1; // Must be signed to handle zero length array
104 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
105 unsigned int iU = unsigned (i);
106 const SplineCoeff &element = m_elements[iU];
99108 // Derivative at P0 from (1-s)^3*P0+(1-s)^2*s*P1+(1-s)*s^2*P2+s^3*P3 with s=0 evaluates to 3(P1-P0). That
100109 // derivative must match the derivative of y=a+b*(t-ti)+c*(t-ti)^2+d*(t-ti)^3 with t=ti which evaluates to b.
101110 // So 3(P1-P0)=b
102 SplinePair p1 = m_xy [i] + element.b() /
111 SplinePair p1 = m_xy [iU] + element.b() /
103112 SplinePair (3.0);
105114 // Derivative at P2 from (1-s)^3*P0+(1-s)^2*s*P1+(1-s)*s^2*P2+s^3*P3 with s=1 evaluates to 3(P3-P2). That
106115 // derivative must match the derivative of y=a+b*(t-ti)+c*(t-ti)^2+d*(t-ti)^3 with t=ti+1 which evaluates to b+2*c+3*d
107 SplinePair p2 = m_xy [i + 1] - (element.b() + SplinePair (2.0) * element.c() + SplinePair (3.0) * element.d()) /
116 SplinePair p2 = m_xy [iU + 1] - (element.b() + SplinePair (2.0) * element.c() + SplinePair (3.0) * element.d()) /
108117 SplinePair (3.0);
110119 m_p1.push_back (p1);
111120 m_p2.push_back (p2);
112121 }
123 // Debug logging
124 for (i = 0; i < qFloor (m_xy.size ()) - 1; i++) {
125 unsigned int iU = unsigned (i);
126 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals" << " i=" << i
127 << " xy=" << m_xy [iU]
128 << " elementt=" << m_elements[iU].t()
129 << " elementa=" << m_elements[iU].a()
130 << " elementb=" << m_elements[iU].b()
131 << " elementc=" << m_elements[iU].c()
132 << " elementd=" << m_elements[iU].d()
133 << " p1=" << m_p1[iU]
134 << " p2=" << m_p2[iU];
135 }
137 if (m_xy.size() > 1) {
138 unsigned int iU = unsigned (m_xy.size() - 1);
139 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals" << " i=" << iU
140 << " xy=" << m_xy [iU];
141 }
142 }
144 void Spline::computeUntranslatedCoefficients (double aTranslated,
145 double bTranslated,
146 double cTranslated,
147 double dTranslated,
148 double tI,
149 double &aUntranslated,
150 double &bUntranslated,
151 double &cUntranslated,
152 double &dUntranslated) const
153 {
154 // Expanding the equation using t translated as (t-ti) we get the equation using untranslated (t) as follows
155 // xy=d*t^3+
156 // (c-3*d*ti)*t^2+
157 // (b-2*c*ti+3*d*ti^2)*t+
158 // (a-b*ti+c*ti^2-d*ti^3)
159 // which matches up with
160 // xy=d*t^3+
161 // c*t^2+
162 // b*t+
163 // a
164 // Both equations are given in the header file documentation for this method
165 aUntranslated = aTranslated - bTranslated * tI + cTranslated * tI * tI - dTranslated * tI * tI * tI;
166 bUntranslated = bTranslated - 2.0 * cTranslated * tI + 3.0 * dTranslated * tI * tI;
167 cUntranslated = cTranslated - 3.0 * dTranslated * tI;
168 dUntranslated = dTranslated;
113169 }
115171 SplinePair Spline::findSplinePairForFunctionX (double x,
120176 double tLow = m_t[0];
121177 double tHigh = m_t[m_xy.size() - 1];
123 // This method implicitly assumes that the x values are monotonically increasing
179 // This method implicitly assumes that the x values are monotonically increasing - except for the
180 // "export raw points" exception right here
182 // Subtle stuff here - we first look for exact matches in m_elements. If a match is found, we exit
183 // immediately. This strategy works for "export raw points" option with functions having overlaps,
184 // in which case users expect interpolation to be used (issue #303)
185 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_xy.size(); i++) {
186 const SplinePair &sp = (i);
187 if (sp.x() == x) {
188 return sp;
189 }
190 }
125192 // Extrapolation that is performed if x is out of bounds. As a starting point, we assume that the t
126193 // values and x values behave the same, which is linearly. This assumption works best when user
179246 {
180247 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_xy.size() != 0);
182 for (int i = 0; i < (signed) m_xy.size() - 1; i++) {
249 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unsigned (m_xy.size() - 1); i++) {
184251 if (m_t[i] <= t && t <= m_t[i+1]) {
201268 SplinePair Spline::p1 (unsigned int i) const
202269 {
203 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < (unsigned int) m_p1.size ());
270 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < m_p1.size ());
205272 return m_p1 [i];
206273 }
208275 SplinePair Spline::p2 (unsigned int i) const
209276 {
210 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < (unsigned int) m_p2.size ());
277 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < m_p2.size ());
212279 return m_p2 [i];
213280 }
33 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #ifndef SPLINE_H
7 #define SPLINE_H
69 #include "SplineCoeff.h"
710 #include "SplinePair.h"
811 #include <vector>
13 enum SplineTCheck {
16 };
1018 /// Cubic interpolation given independent and dependent value vectors. X is handled as a dependent variable
1119 /// based on the unitless independent parameter t so curves are not restricted to x(i)!=x(i+1).
1927 /// external code that relies on control points to perform its own interpolation
2028 class Spline
2129 {
30 /// For unit testing
31 friend class TestSpline;
2233 public:
2334 /// Initialize spline with independent (t) and dependent (x and y) value vectors. Besides initializing
2435 /// the a,b,c,d coefficients for each interval, this constructor initializes bezier points (P1 and P2)
2536 /// for each interval, where P0 and P3 are the start and end points for each interval.
2637 Spline(const std::vector<double> &t,
27 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy);
38 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
39 SplineTCheck splineTCheck = SPLINE_ENABLE_T_CHECK);
2941 virtual ~Spline();
43 /// From coefficients in
44 /// xy=d*(t-ti)^3+c*(t-ti)^2+b*(t-ti)+a
45 /// we compute and return the coefficients in
46 /// xy=d* t ^3+c* t ^2+b* t +a
47 void computeUntranslatedCoefficients (double aTranslated,
48 double bTranslated,
49 double cTranslated,
50 double dTranslated,
51 double tI,
52 double &aUntranslated,
53 double &bUntranslated,
54 double &cUntranslated,
55 double &dUntranslated) const;
3157 /// Use bisection algorithm to iteratively find the SplinePair interpolated to best match the specified x value.
3258 /// This assumes the curve is a function since otherwise there is the potential for multiple solutions
7298 std::vector<SplinePair> m_p1;
7399 std::vector<SplinePair> m_p2;
74100 };
102 #endif // SPLINE_H
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2018 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
7 #include "LineStyle.h"
8 #include <qmath.h>
9 #include "Spline.h"
10 #include "SplineDrawer.h"
12 SplineDrawer::SplineDrawer(const Transformation &transformation) :
13 m_transformation (transformation)
14 {
15 }
17 void SplineDrawer::bindToSpline (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
18 int numSegments,
19 const Spline &spline)
20 {
21 m_segmentOperations.resize (numSegments);
23 // Loop through segments to get move/draw choice. We do not need to worry about
24 // applying a move (versus a draw) for the first segment since that first point
25 // is handled by external code
26 for (int segment = 0; segment < numSegments; segment++) {
28 bool itsAKeeper = true;
29 if (m_transformation.transformIsDefined()) {
31 // We have the graph<->screen transformation so let's use it. Could there be an ambiguity issue?
32 if ((lineStyle.curveConnectAs() == CONNECT_AS_FUNCTION_SMOOTH) &&
33 segmentIsMultiValued (spline,
34 numSegments,
35 segment)) {
36 itsAKeeper = false;
37 }
39 // Invisible or visible?
40 m_segmentOperations [segment] = (itsAKeeper ?
43 }
44 }
45 }
47 bool SplineDrawer::segmentIsMultiValued (const Spline &spline,
48 int numSegments,
49 int segment) const
50 {
51 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_transformation.transformIsDefined());
53 if (segment < numSegments - 1) {
55 // Not at very end
56 double tI = double (segment);
57 double tIp1 = double (segment + 1);
59 // Compute number of pixels between endpoints
60 SplinePair posScreenStart = spline.interpolateCoeff (tI);
61 SplinePair posScreenEnd = spline.interpolateCoeff (tIp1);
63 int deltaX = qFloor (posScreenEnd.x() - posScreenStart.x());
64 int deltaY = qFloor (posScreenEnd.y() - posScreenStart.y());
65 double pixelDistance = qSqrt (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
66 double numSteps = pixelDistance;
68 // Search through a sufficiently large number of points to verify single-valuedness
69 double tIDelta = 1.0 / numSteps;
70 for (int itI = 1; itI < numSteps - 1; itI++) {
72 double tIm1 = segment + (itI - 1) * tIDelta;
73 double tI = segment + (itI ) * tIDelta;
74 double tIp1 = segment + (itI + 1) * tIDelta;
76 SplinePair spBefore = spline.interpolateCoeff (tIm1);
77 SplinePair spCurrent = spline.interpolateCoeff (tI);
78 SplinePair spAfter = spline.interpolateCoeff (tIp1);
80 QPointF posScreenBefore (spBefore.x(), spBefore.y());
81 QPointF posScreenCurrent (spCurrent.x(), spCurrent.y());
82 QPointF posScreenAfter (spAfter.x(), spAfter.y());
84 QPointF posGraphBefore, posGraphCurrent, posGraphAfter;
85 m_transformation.transformScreenToRawGraph (posScreenBefore,
86 posGraphBefore);
87 m_transformation.transformScreenToRawGraph (posScreenCurrent,
88 posGraphCurrent);
89 m_transformation.transformScreenToRawGraph (posScreenAfter,
90 posGraphAfter);
92 // In between the start and end points we look for deltaXBefore>0 and deltaXAfter<0,
93 // or deltaXBefore<0 and deltaXAfter>0, either of those two cases indicates multi-valued
94 double deltaXBefore = posGraphCurrent.x() - posGraphBefore.x();
95 double deltaXAfter = posGraphAfter.x() - posGraphCurrent.x();
97 if ((deltaXBefore > 0 && deltaXAfter < 0) ||
98 (deltaXBefore < 0 && deltaXAfter > 0)) {
100 // Multi-valued
101 return true;
102 }
103 }
104 }
106 return false;
107 }
109 SplineDrawerOperation SplineDrawer::segmentOperation (int segment) const
110 {
111 if (segment < m_segmentOperations.count()) {
112 return (segment);
113 } else {
115 }
116 }
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2018 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include "SplinePair.h"
10 #include "Transformation.h"
11 #include <QVector>
13 class LineStyle;
14 class Spline;
16 enum SplineDrawerOperation {
17 SPLINE_DRAWER_ENUM_INVISIBLE_MOVE, // Move to final point in segment
18 SPLINE_DRAWER_ENUM_VISIBLE_DRAW // Draw to final point in segment
19 };
21 typedef QVector<SplineDrawerOperation> SegmentOperations;
23 /// This class takes the output from Spline and uses that to draw the curve in the graphics window, as
24 /// a sequence of moves and draws. The moves and draws by themselves would be trivial (move,draw,draw,draw...)
25 /// but this actually draws, when needed, differently styled curve segments to indicate each curve segment
26 /// should be CONNECT_AS_FUNCTION_SMOOTH but actually is not single-valued (=not a function)
27 ///
28 /// This class is aware of the Transformation, unlike the Spline class which is decoupled from that for simplicity.
29 /// Specifically, this class converts the screen coordinates to graph coordinates to check for single-valuedness.
30 ///
31 /// The algorithm used here has to work in cartesian, polar, linear and/or log coordinates. This requirement,
32 /// along with the goal of keeping the Spline class simple, pretty much requires using the Transformation
33 /// and working in graph coordinates.
34 class SplineDrawer
35 {
36 // For unit testing
37 friend class TestSplineDrawer;
39 public:
40 /// Single constructor
41 SplineDrawer(const Transformation &transformation);
43 /// Analyze each segment in the Spline
44 void bindToSpline (const LineStyle &lineStyle,
45 int numSegments,
46 const Spline &spline);
48 /// Return true if specified segment is multi-valued, else false
49 bool segmentIsMultiValued (const Spline &spline,
50 int numSegments,
51 int segment) const;
53 /// Indicate if, and how, segment is to be drawn
54 SplineDrawerOperation segmentOperation (int segment) const;
56 private:
57 SplineDrawer();
59 const Transformation m_transformation;
61 SegmentOperations m_segmentOperations;
62 };
64 #endif // SPLINE_DRAWER_H
44 ******************************************************************************************************/
66 #include "SplinePair.h"
8 using namespace std;
810 SplinePair::SplinePair () :
911 m_x (0.0),
2426 {
2527 }
27 SplinePair::SplinePair(const SplinePair&other) :
29 SplinePair &SplinePair::operator=(const SplinePair &other)
30 {
31 m_x = other.x();
32 m_y = other.y();
34 return *this;
35 }
37 SplinePair::SplinePair(const SplinePair &other) :
2838 m_x (other.x()),
2939 m_y (other.y())
3040 {
6272 return result;
6373 }
75 ostream &operator<< (ostream &str, const SplinePair &pair)
76 {
77 str << "(" << pair.x() << "," << pair.y() << ")";
79 return str;
80 }
6582 double SplinePair::x() const
6683 {
6784 return m_x;
66 #ifndef SPLINE_PAIR_H
77 #define SPLINE_PAIR_H
9 #include <ostream>
911 /// Single X/Y pair for cubic spline interpolation initialization and calculations
1012 class SplinePair
2022 SplinePair(double x,
2123 double y);
23 /// Assigment constructor
24 SplinePair(const SplinePair&other);
25 /// Assignment constructor
26 SplinePair &operator=(const SplinePair &other);
28 /// Copy constructor
29 SplinePair(const SplinePair &other);
2631 /// Addition operator
2732 SplinePair operator+(const SplinePair &other) const;
4752 double m_y;
4853 };
55 /// Insertion operator for qDebug and Logger
56 std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &str, const SplinePair &pair);
5058 #endif // SPLINE_PAIR_H
1313 #include <QTimer>
1414 #include <QWhatsThis>
1515 #include "StatusBar.h"
16 #include "StatusBarMode.h"
1617 #include "ZoomFactor.h"
1718 #include "ZoomLabels.h"
2627 StatusBar::StatusBar(QStatusBar &statusBar) :
2728 m_statusBar (statusBar),
2829 m_statusBarMode (STATUS_BAR_MODE_ALWAYS),
29 m_timer (0)
30 {
30 m_timer (nullptr)
31 {
32 createZoomLabels ();
3133 createZoom ();
3234 createZoomMaps ();
3335 createGroupUnits ();
7577 m_groupUnits = new QFrame;
7678 m_groupUnits->setFrameStyle (QFrame::Box);
77 QPalette *palette = new QPalette;
78 palette->setColor (QPalette::Foreground, Qt::gray);
79 m_groupUnits->setPalette (*palette);
79 QPalette palette;
80 palette.setColor (QPalette::Foreground, Qt::gray);
81 m_groupUnits->setPalette (palette);
8183 QHBoxLayout *groupLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
8284 m_groupUnits->setLayout (groupLayout);
9395 m_cmbZoom = new QComboBox ();
9496 m_cmbZoom->setEnabled (false); // Disabled until file is opened
9597 m_cmbZoom->setMinimumWidth (MIN_WIDTH_ZOOM);
96 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1);
97 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER);
98 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER);
99 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1);
100 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER);
101 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER);
102 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1);
103 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER);
104 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER);
105 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1);
106 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER);
107 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER);
108 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1);
109 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER);
110 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER);
111 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2);
112 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER);
113 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER);
114 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4);
115 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER);
116 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER);
117 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8);
118 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER);
119 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER);
120 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16);
121 m_cmbZoom->addItem (LABEL_ZOOM_FILL);
122 m_cmbZoom->setCurrentText (LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1);
98 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1);
99 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER);
100 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER);
101 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1);
102 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER);
103 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER);
104 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1);
105 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER);
106 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER);
107 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1);
108 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER);
109 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER);
110 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1);
111 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER);
112 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER);
113 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2);
114 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER);
115 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER);
116 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4);
117 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER);
118 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER);
119 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8);
120 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER);
121 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER);
122 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16);
123 m_cmbZoom->addItem (*LABEL_ZOOM_FILL);
124 m_cmbZoom->setCurrentText (*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1);
123125 m_cmbZoom->setMaximumWidth (80);
124126 m_cmbZoom->setToolTip (tr ("Select zoom."));
125127 m_cmbZoom->setWhatsThis (tr("Select Zoom\n\n"
130132 m_statusBar.addPermanentWidget (m_cmbZoom);
131133 }
135 void StatusBar::createZoomLabels ()
136 {
137 LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1= new QString (tr ("16:1"));
138 LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("16:1 farther"));
139 LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("8:1 closer"));
140 LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1= new QString (tr ("8:1"));
141 LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("8:1 farther"));
142 LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("4:1 closer"));
143 LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1= new QString (tr ("4:1"));
144 LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("4:1 farther"));
145 LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("2:1 closer"));
146 LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1= new QString (tr ("2:1"));
147 LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("2:1 farther"));
148 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("1:1 closer"));
149 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1= new QString (tr ("1:1"));
150 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("1:1 farther"));
151 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("1:2 closer"));
152 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2= new QString (tr ("1:2"));
153 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("1:2 farther"));
154 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("1:4 closer"));
155 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4= new QString (tr ("1:4"));
156 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("1:4 farther"));
157 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("1:8 closer"));
158 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8= new QString (tr ("1:8"));
159 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER= new QString (tr ("1:8 farther"));
160 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER= new QString (tr ("1:16 closer"));
161 LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16= new QString (tr ("1:16"));
162 LABEL_ZOOM_FILL= new QString (tr ("Fill"));
163 LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS= new QString (tr ("Previous"));
164 }
133166 void StatusBar::createZoomMaps ()
134167 {
135 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_16_TO_1] = LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1;
136 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
137 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
138 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1] = LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1;
139 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
140 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
141 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1] = LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1;
142 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
143 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
144 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1] = LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1;
145 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
146 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
147 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1;
148 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
149 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
150 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2;
151 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
152 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
153 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4;
154 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
155 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
156 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8;
157 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
158 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
159 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_16] = LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16;
160 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_FILL] = LABEL_ZOOM_FILL;
162 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1] = ZOOM_16_TO_1;
163 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
164 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
165 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1] = ZOOM_8_TO_1;
166 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
167 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
168 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1] = ZOOM_4_TO_1;
169 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
170 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
171 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1] = ZOOM_2_TO_1;
172 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
173 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
174 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1] = ZOOM_1_TO_1;
175 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
176 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
177 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2] = ZOOM_1_TO_2;
178 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
179 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
180 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4] = ZOOM_1_TO_4;
181 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
182 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
183 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8] = ZOOM_1_TO_8;
184 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
185 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
186 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16] = ZOOM_1_TO_16;
187 m_zoomMapFromLabel [LABEL_ZOOM_FILL] = ZOOM_FILL;
168 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_16_TO_1] = *LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1;
169 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
170 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
171 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1] = *LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1;
172 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
173 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
174 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1] = *LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1;
175 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
176 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
177 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1] = *LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1;
178 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
179 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
180 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1;
181 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
182 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
183 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2;
184 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
185 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
186 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4;
187 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
188 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
189 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8;
190 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
191 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
192 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_1_TO_16] = *LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16;
193 m_zoomMapToLabel [ZOOM_FILL] = *LABEL_ZOOM_FILL;
195 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1] = ZOOM_16_TO_1;
196 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
197 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
198 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1] = ZOOM_8_TO_1;
199 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
200 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
201 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1] = ZOOM_4_TO_1;
202 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
203 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
204 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1] = ZOOM_2_TO_1;
205 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
206 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
207 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1] = ZOOM_1_TO_1;
208 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
209 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
210 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2] = ZOOM_1_TO_2;
211 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
212 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
213 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4] = ZOOM_1_TO_4;
214 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
215 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
216 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8] = ZOOM_1_TO_8;
217 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER] = ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
218 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER] = ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
219 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16] = ZOOM_1_TO_16;
220 m_zoomMapFromLabel [*LABEL_ZOOM_FILL] = ZOOM_FILL;
188221 }
190223 QString StatusBar::labelCoordsGraph () const
234267 void StatusBar::showTemporaryMessage(const QString &message)
235268 {
236 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "StatusBar::showTemporaryMessage message=" << message.toLatin1 ().data ();
269 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "StatusBar::showTemporaryMessage"
270 << " mode=" << statusBarModeToString (m_statusBarMode).toLatin1 ().data ()
271 << " message=" << message.toLatin1 ().data ();
238273 if (m_statusBarMode != STATUS_BAR_MODE_NEVER) {
239274 if (m_statusBarMode == STATUS_BAR_MODE_TEMPORARY) {
278313 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "StatusBar::slotTimeout";
280315 delete m_timer;
281 m_timer = 0;
316 m_timer = nullptr;
284319 }
288323 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "StatusBar::slotZoom zoom=" << zoom;
290325 // Show string for the numeric zoom value
291 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = (ZoomFactor) zoom;
326 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom);
292327 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_zoomMapToLabel.contains (zoomFactor));
293328 m_cmbZoom->setCurrentText (m_zoomMapToLabel [zoomFactor]);
294329 }
7474 void createGroupUnits ();
7575 void createZoom ();
76 void createZoomLabels ();
7677 void createZoomMaps ();
7778 QString labelCoordsGraph () const; // Return string initialized after QTranslator has become available
7879 QString labelCoordsScreen () const; // Return string initialized after QTranslator has become available
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #include "StatusBarMode.h"
8 QString statusBarModeToString (StatusBarMode statusBarMode)
9 {
10 QString rtn;
12 switch (statusBarMode) {
14 rtn = "Always";
15 break;
18 rtn = "Never";
19 break;
22 rtn = "Temporary";
23 break;
24 }
26 return rtn;
27 }
66 #ifndef STATUS_BAR_MODE_H
77 #define STATUS_BAR_MODE_H
9 #include <QString>
911 enum StatusBarMode {
1315 };
17 extern QString statusBarModeToString (StatusBarMode statusBarMode);
1519 #endif // STATUS_BAR_MODE_H
1919 void TestCorrelation::initTestCase ()
2020 {
21 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2122 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2324 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
3738 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4143 NO_RESET,
2121 using namespace std;
23 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2324 const bool NOT_USING_GNUPLOT = false;
2425 const bool EXPORT_ONLY= true;
2526 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2728 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
2829 const bool NO_REGRESSION_IMPORT = false;
29 const bool NO_RESET = false;
30 const bool IS_RESET = true; // Eliminate issues due to unexpected config file settings
3031 const bool NO_EXPORT_ONLY = false;
3132 const bool NO_EXTRACT_IMAGE_ONLY = false;
6364 bool isLogYRadius = (m_modelCoords.coordScaleYRadius() == COORD_SCALE_LOG);
6465 unsigned int numWritesSoFar = 0;
66 ExportFileFunctions exportFile;
67 ExportFileFunctions exportFile;
68 CurveLimits curveLimitsMin, curveLimitsMax; // Empty containers mean no limits are in effect
6769 exportFile.exportAllPerLineXThetaValuesMerged (m_modelExportOverride,
6870 *m_document,
6971 m_modelMainWindow,
7375 m_transformation,
7476 isLogXTheta,
7577 isLogYRadius,
78 curveLimitsMin,
79 curveLimitsMax,
7680 str,
7781 numWritesSoFar);
7882 }
213217 m_mainWindow = new MainWindow (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
229 // Values loaded in the constructor of this class are overwritten so the settings reset just
230 // performed by MainWindow will give us predictable settings (which ultimately affect the test results)
231 DocumentModelExportFormat exportDefault;
232 m_modelExportOverride = exportDefault;
224234 m_mainWindow->show ();
225235 }
607617 bool isLogYRadius = (m_modelCoords.coordScaleYRadius() == COORD_SCALE_LOG);
608618 unsigned int numWritesSoFar = 0;
610 ExportFileFunctions exportFile;
620 ExportFileFunctions exportFile;
621 CurveLimits curveLimitsMin, curveLimitsMax; // Empty containers mean no limits are in effect
611622 exportFile.exportAllPerLineXThetaValuesMerged (m_modelExportOverride,
612623 *m_document,
613624 m_modelMainWindow,
617628 m_transformation,
618629 isLogXTheta,
619630 isLogYRadius,
631 curveLimitsMin,
632 curveLimitsMax,
620633 str,
621634 numWritesSoFar);
622635 }
5656 MainWindow *m_mainWindow;
5757 Document *m_document;
5858 DocumentModelCoords m_modelCoords;
59 DocumentModelExportFormat m_modelExportOverride;
59 DocumentModelExportFormat m_modelExportOverride; // Values from constructor, loaded before settings reset, are overwritten
6060 DocumentModelGeneral m_modelGeneral;
6161 MainWindowModel m_modelMainWindow;
6262 Transformation m_transformation;
152152 void TestFitting::initTestCase ()
153153 {
154 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
154155 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
155156 const QString NO_REGRESSION_OPEN_FILE;
156157 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
170171 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
174176 NO_RESET,
1818 void TestFormats::initTestCase ()
1919 {
20 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2021 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2223 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
3637 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4042 NO_RESET,
44 #include "Test/TestGraphCoords.h"
66 QTEST_MAIN (TestGraphCoords)
8 const double EPSILON = 0.0;
810 TestGraphCoords::TestGraphCoords(QObject *parent) :
911 QObject(parent)
1921 void TestGraphCoords::initTestCase ()
2022 {
23 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2124 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2326 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
3740 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4145 NO_RESET,
5559 vector.push_back (QPointF (300, 100));
5660 vector.push_back (QPointF (200, 200));
58 QVERIFY (!m_callback->anyPointsRepeatPair (vector));
62 QVERIFY (!m_callback->anyPointsRepeatPair (vector,
5964 }
6166 void TestGraphCoords::testAnyColumnsRepeatYes ()
6772 vector.push_back (QPointF (100, 100));
6873 vector.push_back (QPointF (200, 200));
70 QVERIFY (m_callback->anyPointsRepeatPair (vector));
75 QVERIFY (m_callback->anyPointsRepeatPair (vector,
7177 }
7379 void TestGraphCoords::testThreeCollinearPointsNo ()
2424 void TestGridLineLimiter::initTestCase ()
2525 {
26 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2627 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2829 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
4243 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4648 NO_RESET,
1919 void TestMatrix::initTestCase ()
2020 {
21 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2122 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2324 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
3738 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4143 NO_RESET,
2626 void TestProjectedPoint::initTestCase ()
2727 {
28 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2829 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
3031 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
4445 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4850 NO_RESET,
6870 int angleStep = 13;
7072 // Critical angle in degrees
71 int angleCriticalRight = (int) (0.5 + qAcos (radiusCircle / radiusProjection) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
72 int angleCriticalUp = (int) (0.5 + qAsin (radiusCircle / radiusProjection) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
73 int angleCriticalRight = qFloor (0.5 + qAcos (radiusCircle / radiusProjection) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
74 int angleCriticalUp = qFloor (0.5 + qAsin (radiusCircle / radiusProjection) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
7476 for (int angle = 0; angle <= 360; angle += angleStep) {
3030 void TestSegmentFill::initTestCase ()
3131 {
32 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
3233 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
3435 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
4849 MainWindow m (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
5254 NO_RESET,
0 #include <iostream>
01 #include "Logger.h"
12 #include "MainWindow.h"
3 #include <map>
24 #include <qmath.h>
35 #include <QtTest/QtTest>
46 #include "Spline.h"
57 #include "SplinePair.h"
8 #include <sstream>
69 #include "Test/TestSpline.h"
811 QTEST_MAIN (TestSpline)
1013 using namespace std;
15 const QString WEBPAGE ("");
17 // Flags to enable extra information for investigating splines
19 //#define GNUPLOT 1
21 const int NUM_ITERATIONS = 24;
1223 TestSpline::TestSpline(QObject *parent) :
1324 QObject(parent)
2031 }
33 bool TestSpline::coefCheckX (const vector<double> &t,
35 const vector<SplinePair> &xy,
36 #else
37 const vector<SplinePair> & /* xy */,
38 #endif
39 const Spline &s) const
40 {
41 unsigned int i;
42 double aUntranslated = 0, bUntranslated = 0, cUntranslated = 0, dUntranslated = 0;
44 // X coordinate fit
46 cout << endl
47 << "(t,x) inputs to be copied to " << WEBPAGE.toLatin1().data()
48 << endl;
49 for (i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
50 cout << t[i] << " " << xy[i].x() << endl;
51 }
52 cout << endl
53 << "x=d*(t-ti)^3+c*(t-ti)^2+b*(t-ti)+a natural cubic spline results to be used in this code"
54 << endl;
55 for (i = 0; i < t.size() - 1; i++) {
56 coefShow ("x =",
57 "(t-ti)",
58 t[i],
59 t[i+1],
60 s.m_elements[i].a().x(),
61 s.m_elements[i].b().x(),
62 s.m_elements[i].c().x(),
63 s.m_elements[i].d().x());
64 }
65 cout << endl
66 << "x=d*t^3+c*t^2+b*t+a outputs to be compared to results from " << WEBPAGE.toLatin1().data()
67 << endl;
68 #endif
69 for (i = 0; i < t.size() - 1; i++) {
70 s.computeUntranslatedCoefficients (s.m_elements[i].a().x(),
71 s.m_elements[i].b().x(),
72 s.m_elements[i].c().x(),
73 s.m_elements[i].d().x(),
74 t[i],
75 aUntranslated,
76 bUntranslated,
77 cUntranslated,
78 dUntranslated);
80 coefShow ("x =",
81 "t",
82 t[i],
83 t[i+1],
84 aUntranslated,
85 bUntranslated,
86 cUntranslated,
87 dUntranslated);
88 #endif
89 }
91 // Spot check the (arbitrarily chosen) final row with results from the WEBPAGE
92 bool success = true;
93 success &= (qAbs (aUntranslated - -8.3608) < 8.3608 / 10000.0);
94 success &= (qAbs (bUntranslated - 4.2505) < 4.2505 / 10000.0);
95 success &= (qAbs (cUntranslated - -0.63092) < 0.63092 / 10000.0);
96 success &= (qAbs (dUntranslated - 0.035051) < 0.035051 / 10000.0);
98 return success;
99 }
101 bool TestSpline::coefCheckY (const vector<double> &t,
103 const vector<SplinePair> &xy,
104 #else
105 const vector<SplinePair> & /* xy */,
106 #endif
107 const Spline &s) const
108 {
109 unsigned int i;
110 double aUntranslated = 0, bUntranslated = 0, cUntranslated = 0, dUntranslated = 0;
112 // Y coordinate fit
114 cout << endl
115 << "(t,y) inputs to be copied to " << WEBPAGE.toLatin1().data()
116 << endl;
117 for (i = 0; i < xy.size(); i++) {
118 cout << t[i] << " " << xy[i].y() << endl;
119 }
120 cout << endl
121 << "y=d*(t-ti)^3+c*(t-ti)^2+b*(t-ti)+a natural cubic spline results to be used in this code"
122 << endl;
123 for (i = 0; i < xy.size() - 1; i++) {
124 coefShow ("y =",
125 "(t-ti)",
126 t[i],
127 t[i+1],
128 s.m_elements[i].a().y(),
129 s.m_elements[i].b().y(),
130 s.m_elements[i].c().y(),
131 s.m_elements[i].d().y());
132 }
133 cout << endl
134 << "y=d*t^3+c*t^2+b*t+a outputs to be compared to results from " << WEBPAGE.toLatin1().data()
135 << endl;
136 #endif
137 for (i = 0; i < t.size() - 1; i++) {
138 s.computeUntranslatedCoefficients (s.m_elements[i].a().y(),
139 s.m_elements[i].b().y(),
140 s.m_elements[i].c().y(),
141 s.m_elements[i].d().y(),
142 t[i],
143 aUntranslated,
144 bUntranslated,
145 cUntranslated,
146 dUntranslated);
148 coefShow ("y =",
149 "t",
150 t[i],
151 t[i+1],
152 aUntranslated,
153 bUntranslated,
154 cUntranslated,
155 dUntranslated);
156 #endif
157 }
159 // Spot check the (arbitrarily chosen) final row with results from the WEBPAGE
160 bool success = true;
161 success &= (qAbs (aUntranslated - -7.0) < 7.0 / 10000.0);
162 success &= (qAbs (bUntranslated - 3.5667) < 3.5667 / 10000.0);
163 success &= (qAbs (cUntranslated - -0.6) < 0.6 / 10000.0);
164 success &= (qAbs (dUntranslated - 0.033333) < 0.033333 / 10000.0);
166 return success;
167 }
169 void TestSpline::coefShow (const QString &leftHandSide,
170 const QString &independentVariable,
171 double tLow,
172 double tHigh,
173 double a,
174 double b,
175 double c,
176 double d) const
177 {
178 cout << leftHandSide.toLatin1().data() << scientific
179 << d << "*" << independentVariable.toLatin1().data() << "^3 + "
180 << c << "*" << independentVariable.toLatin1().data() << "^2 + "
181 << b << "*" << independentVariable.toLatin1().data() << " + "
182 << a << " (" << tLow << "<t<" << tHigh << ")" << endl;
184 }
22186 void TestSpline::initTestCase ()
23187 {
188 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
24189 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
25190 const QString NO_REGRESSION_OPEN_FILE;
26191 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
40205 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
44210 NO_RESET,
50216 ();
51217 }
219 void TestSpline::testCoefficientsFromOrdinals ()
220 {
221 bool success = true;
222 vector<double> t;
223 vector<SplinePair> xy;
225 // Input data for testSharpTransition
226 xy.push_back (SplinePair (0.1, 1.0));
227 xy.push_back (SplinePair (0.5, 1.0));
228 xy.push_back (SplinePair (0.8, 1.0));
229 xy.push_back (SplinePair (1.0, 0.5));
230 xy.push_back (SplinePair (1.01, 0));
231 xy.push_back (SplinePair (1.5, 0.0));
232 xy.push_back (SplinePair (2.0, 0.0));
234 int counter = 0;
235 vector<SplinePair>::const_iterator itr;
236 for (itr = xy.begin(); itr != xy.end(); itr++) {
237 t.push_back (counter++);
238 }
240 // Generate the spline
241 Spline s (t, xy);
243 success &= coefCheckX (t,
244 xy,
245 s);
246 success &= coefCheckY (t,
247 xy,
248 s);
250 QVERIFY(success);
251 }
253 void TestSpline::testSharpTransition ()
254 {
255 const int NUM_T = 60;
256 const double SPLINE_EPSILON = 0.01;
258 map<double, bool> xMerged; // Preserve order
260 bool success = true;
262 vector<double> t;
263 vector<SplinePair> xyBefore;
265 // Values with a sharp transition that can trigger overlap (=not a function)
266 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (0.1, 1.0));
267 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (0.5, 1.0));
268 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (0.8, 1.0));
269 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (1.0, 0.5));
270 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (1.01, 0));
271 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (1.5, 0.0));
272 xyBefore.push_back (SplinePair (2.0, 0.0));
274 // Copy x values into t vector and initial version of xMerged vector
275 vector<SplinePair>::const_iterator itrB;
276 for (itrB = xyBefore.begin(); itrB != xyBefore.end(); itrB++) {
277 const SplinePair &pair = *itrB;
278 t.push_back (pair.x());
279 xMerged [pair.x ()] = true;
280 }
282 // Merge many more plotting points into xMerged
283 double tStart = t[0];
284 double tStop = t[t.size() - 1];
285 for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_T; i++) {
286 double t = tStart + (double) i * (tStop - tStart) / (double) NUM_T;
288 if (xMerged.find (t) == xMerged.end ()) {
289 xMerged [t] = true;
290 }
291 }
293 // Generate the spline
294 Spline s (t, xyBefore, SPLINE_DISABLE_T_CHECK);
296 // Plot the points after generating the spline
297 vector<SplinePair> xyAfter;
298 map<double, bool>::const_iterator itrX;
299 for (itrX = xMerged.begin(); itrX != xMerged.end(); itrX++) {
300 double x = itrX->first;
301 SplinePair pair = s.interpolateCoeff (x);
302 xyAfter.push_back (pair);
303 }
305 #ifdef GNUPLOT
306 cout << "set datafile missing \"?\"" << endl;
307 cout << "plot \"\" using 1:2 with linespoints, \"\" using 1:3 with lines" << endl;
308 #endif
310 // Output the merged before/after curves
311 map<double, bool>::const_iterator itrM;
312 for (itrM = xMerged.begin(); itrM != xMerged.end(); itrM++) {
313 double x = itrM->first;
315 string yB = "?", yA = "?";
317 vector<SplinePair>::iterator itrB;
318 for (itrB = xyBefore.begin(); itrB != xyBefore.end(); itrB++) {
319 if (itrB->x() == x) {
320 ostringstream osB;
321 osB << itrB->y();
322 yB = osB.str();
323 break;
324 }
325 }
327 vector<SplinePair>::iterator itrA;
328 for (itrA = xyAfter.begin(); itrA != xyAfter.end(); itrA++) {
329 if (itrA->x() == x) {
330 ostringstream osA;
331 osA << itrA->y();
332 yA = osA.str();
333 break;
334 }
335 }
337 if (itrB != xyBefore.end() &&
338 itrA != xyAfter.end()) {
340 // This x value has y values from both before and after that we can compare for success
341 double yBefore = itrB->y();
342 double yAfter = itrA->y();
343 if (qAbs (yBefore - yAfter) > SPLINE_EPSILON) {
344 success = false;
345 }
346 }
348 #ifdef GNUPLOT
349 cout << x << ", " << yB << ", " << yA << endl;
350 #endif
351 }
353 QVERIFY (success);
354 }
53356 void TestSpline::testSplinesAsControlPoints ()
54357 {
55358 const int T_START = 1, T_STOP = 7;
61364 vector<double> t;
62365 vector<SplinePair> xy;
64 // Independent variable must be evenly spaced
367 // Independent variable are evenly spaced
65368 t.push_back (T_START);
66369 t.push_back (2);
67370 t.push_back (3);
11 #define TEST_SPLINE_H
33 #include <QObject>
4 #include <QString>
5 #include "SplinePair.h"
6 #include <vector>
8 class Spline;
510 /// Unit test of spline library
611 class TestSpline : public QObject
1621 void cleanupTestCase ();
1722 void initTestCase ();
24 void testCoefficientsFromOrdinals (); /// Compare with third party calculations on a web page
25 void testSharpTransition (); /// Uses x values in t array to get single-valued function across sharp transition
1926 void testSplinesAsControlPoints ();
28 private:
29 bool coefCheckX (const std::vector<double> &t,
30 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
31 const Spline &s) const;
32 bool coefCheckY (const std::vector<double> &t,
33 const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
34 const Spline &s) const;
35 void coefShow (const QString &leftHandSide,
36 const QString &independentVariable,
37 double tLow,
38 double tHigh,
39 double a,
40 double b,
41 double c,
42 double d) const;
2043 };
2245 #endif // TEST_SPLINE_H
0 #include "DocumentModelCoords.h"
1 #include "DocumentModelGeneral.h"
2 #include "Logger.h"
3 #include "MainWindow.h"
4 #include "MainWindowModel.h"
5 #include <map>
6 #include <qmath.h>
7 #include <QtTest/QtTest>
8 #include "Spline.h"
9 #include "SplineDrawer.h"
10 #include "SplinePair.h"
11 #include <sstream>
12 #include "Test/TestSplineDrawer.h"
13 #include "Transformation.h"
15 QTEST_MAIN (TestSplineDrawer)
17 using namespace std;
19 TestSplineDrawer::TestSplineDrawer(QObject *parent) :
20 QObject(parent)
21 {
22 }
24 void TestSplineDrawer::cleanupTestCase ()
25 {
27 }
29 void TestSplineDrawer::initTestCase ()
30 {
31 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
34 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
35 const bool NO_REGRESSION_IMPORT = false;
36 const bool NO_RESET = false;
37 const bool NO_EXPORT_ONLY = false;
38 const bool NO_EXPORT_IMAGE_ONLY = false;
40 const bool DEBUG_FLAG = false;
41 const QStringList NO_LOAD_STARTUP_FILES;
42 const QStringList NO_COMMAND_LINE;
44 initializeLogging ("engauge_test",
45 "engauge_test.log",
59 ();
60 }
62 bool TestSplineDrawer::testMultiValuedGeneric (const vector<SplinePair> &xy,
63 const vector<bool> &isMultiValued) const
64 {
65 bool success = true;
66 vector<double> t;
68 // Models
69 DocumentModelCoords modelCoords;
70 DocumentModelGeneral modelGeneral;
71 MainWindowModel modelMainWindow;
73 modelCoords.setCoordScaleXTheta (COORD_SCALE_LOG);
74 modelCoords.setCoordScaleYRadius (COORD_SCALE_LINEAR);
76 // Transformation
77 Transformation trans;
78 trans.setModelCoords (modelCoords,
79 modelGeneral,
80 modelMainWindow);
81 QTransform matrixScreen (198.5 , 627.562, 55.625 ,
82 562.562, 562.562, 155.562,
83 1 , 1 , 1 );
84 QTransform matrixGraph (0.001, 1.0, 0.0001,
85 0 , 0 , 30 ,
86 1 , 1 , 1 );
87 trans.updateTransformFromMatrices (matrixScreen,
88 matrixGraph);
90 int counter = 0;
91 vector<SplinePair>::const_iterator itr;
92 for (itr = xy.begin(); itr != xy.end(); itr++) {
93 t.push_back (counter++);
94 }
96 // Generate the spline
97 Spline s (t, xy);
99 SplineDrawer sd (trans);
100 for (unsigned int segment = 0; segment < isMultiValued.size(); segment++) {
101 if (isMultiValued [segment] != sd.segmentIsMultiValued (s,
102 xy.size(),
103 segment)) {
104 success = false;
105 }
106 }
108 return success;
109 }
111 void TestSplineDrawer::testMultiValuedLeadingOverlap ()
112 {
113 vector<SplinePair> xy;
114 vector<bool> isMultiValued;
116 xy.push_back (SplinePair (198.388, 426.423)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
117 xy.push_back (SplinePair (198.531, 399.463)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
118 xy.push_back (SplinePair (384.589, 263.384)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
119 xy.push_back (SplinePair (409.525, 250.684)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
120 xy.push_back (SplinePair (441.360, 535.685)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
121 xy.push_back (SplinePair (484.557, 358.601)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
122 xy.push_back (SplinePair (495.663, 454.633)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
123 xy.push_back (SplinePair (527.411, 182.426)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
124 xy.push_back (SplinePair (633.561, 155.353)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
125 xy.push_back (SplinePair (756.603, 358.646)); // Last point has no corresponding segment
127 bool success = testMultiValuedGeneric (xy,
128 isMultiValued);
130 QVERIFY (success);
131 }
133 void TestSplineDrawer::testMultiValuedTrailingOverlap ()
134 {
135 vector<SplinePair> xy;
136 vector<bool> isMultiValued;
138 // Same data as testMultiValuedLeadingOverlap but horizontally flipped about x=(198+756)/2
139 double maxPlusMin = 756.603 + 198.388;
140 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 756.603, 358.646)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
141 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 633.561, 155.353)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
142 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 527.411, 182.426)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
143 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 495.663, 454.633)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
144 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 484.557, 358.601)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
145 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 441.360, 535.685)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
146 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 409.525, 250.684)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
147 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 384.589, 263.384)); isMultiValued.push_back (false);
148 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 198.531, 399.463)); isMultiValued.push_back (true);
149 xy.push_back (SplinePair (maxPlusMin - 198.388, 426.423)); // Last point has no corresponding segment
151 bool success = testMultiValuedGeneric (xy,
152 isMultiValued);
154 QVERIFY (success);
155 }
3 #include <QObject>
4 #include <QString>
5 #include "SplinePair.h"
6 #include <vector>
8 class Spline;
10 /// Unit test of spline drawer, which classifies single- versus multi-valued data
11 class TestSplineDrawer : public QObject
12 {
14 public:
15 /// Single constructor.
16 explicit TestSplineDrawer(QObject *parent = 0);
18 signals:
20 private slots:
21 void cleanupTestCase ();
22 void initTestCase ();
24 void testMultiValuedLeadingOverlap (); /// Overlap in first segment, and once in middle
25 void testMultiValuedTrailingOverlap (); /// Overlap in final segment, and once in middle
27 private:
29 bool testMultiValuedGeneric (const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
30 const std::vector<bool> &isMultiValued) const;
31 };
3232 }
3333 void TestTransformation::initTestCase ()
3434 {
35 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
3536 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
3738 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
5152 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
5557 NO_RESET,
2020 void TestValidators::initTestCase ()
2121 {
22 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2223 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2425 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
3839 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4244 NO_RESET,
2525 void TestZoomTransition::initTestCase ()
2626 {
27 const bool NO_DROP_REGRESSION = false;
2728 const QString NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE;
2930 const bool NO_GNUPLOT_LOG_FILES = false;
4344 MainWindow w (NO_ERROR_REPORT_LOG_FILE,
4749 NO_RESET,
3131 {
3232 // For unit testing
3333 friend class TestExport;
34 friend class TestSplineDrawer;
3435 friend class TestTransformation;
3637 public:
2727 TransformationStateContext::~TransformationStateContext()
2828 {
29 qDeleteAll (m_states);
2930 }
3132 bool TransformationStateContext::isGnuplot() const
1313 settings.beginGroup(SETTINGS_GROUP_MAIN_WINDOW);
1515 // Get the locale settings outside of the settings retrieval methods in MainWindow
16 QLocale::Language language = (QLocale::Language) settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE,
17 QVariant (localeDefault.language())).toInt();
18 QLocale::Country country = (QLocale::Country) settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_COUNTRY,
19 QVariant (;
16 QLocale::Language language = static_cast<QLocale::Language> (settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE,
17 QVariant (localeDefault.language())).toInt());
18 QLocale::Country country = static_cast<QLocale::Country> (settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_COUNTRY,
19 QVariant (;
2020 QLocale locale (language,
2121 country);
2929 if (( != "en_us") ||
3030 ( != {
32 QString localeName =;
3234 // Basic translators, like buttons in QWizard
3335 m_translatorGeneric = new QTranslator;
34 m_translatorGeneric->load ("qt_" +,
35 QLibraryInfo::location (QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
36 m_translatorGeneric->load ("qt_" + localeName,
37 QLibraryInfo::location (QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
3638 QApplication::installTranslator (m_translatorGeneric);
3840 // Engauge-specific translators. As documented in, the country-specific engauge_XX_YY locale is loaded
4244 // QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath points to ../Engauge (which we want)
4345 QString delimiters ("._");
4446 m_translatorEngauge = new QTranslator;
45 #if defined(OSX_DEBUG) || defined(OSX_RELEASE)
46 m_translatorEngauge->load ("engauge_" +,
47 QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/../Resources/translations",
48 delimiters);
49 #else
50 m_translatorEngauge->load ("engauge_" +,
51 QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/translations",
52 delimiters);
53 #endif
47 // Handle usual translations like es_es
48 bool rtn = m_translatorEngauge->load ("engauge_" + localeName,
49 qmDirectory(),
50 delimiters);
51 if (!rtn) {
52 // Handle country-specific translations like fa_IR. Transifex capitalizes the last two characters
53 QString localeNameUpper = QString ("%1%2")
54 .arg (localeName.left (localeName.length() - 2))
55 .arg (localeName.right (2).toUpper ());
56 m_translatorEngauge->load ("engauge_" + localeNameUpper,
57 qmDirectory(),
58 delimiters);
59 }
5460 QApplication::installTranslator (m_translatorEngauge);
5561 }
5662 }
64 QString TranslatorContainer::qmDirectory()
65 {
66 #if defined(OSX_DEBUG) || defined(OSX_RELEASE)
67 return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/../Resources/translations";
68 #else
69 return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/translations";
70 #endif
71 }
3 #include <QString>
35 class QApplication;
46 class QTranslator;
911 public:
1012 /// Single constructor. Argument is needed so object is not optimized away in main() in Windows
1113 TranslatorContainer(QApplication &app);
15 /// Platform dependent directory containing qm translation files
16 static QString qmDirectory ();
1318 private:
1419 TranslatorContainer();
88 #include <QGraphicsRectItem>
99 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1010 #include <QGraphicsTextItem>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include "TutorialButton.h"
1213 #include "TutorialButtonRect.h"
1314 #include "TutorialButtonText.h"
1718 const double Z_IN_FRONT = 1;
1920 TutorialButton::TutorialButton (const QString &text,
20 QGraphicsScene &scene)
21 QGraphicsScene &scene) :
22 m_rect (nullptr),
23 m_text (nullptr)
2124 {
2225 createRect (scene);
2326 createText (text);
2629 TutorialButton::~TutorialButton ()
2730 {
28 QGraphicsScene *scene = m_rect->scene();
29 scene->removeItem (m_rect); // This also removes m_text from the scene
31 if (m_rect != nullptr) {
32 QGraphicsScene *scene = m_rect->scene();
33 scene->removeItem (m_rect); // This also removes m_text from the scene
35 delete m_rect;
36 }
37 delete m_text;
3038 }
3240 void TutorialButton::createRect (QGraphicsScene &scene)
5361 QSize TutorialButton::size () const
5462 {
5563 // The size of the rectangle is not updated until later so we use the size of the text
56 return QSize (m_text->boundingRect().size().width() + 2 * HORIZONTAL_PADDING,
57 m_text->boundingRect().size().height() + 2 * VERTICAL_PADDING);
64 return QSize (qFloor (m_text->boundingRect().size().width() + 2 * HORIZONTAL_PADDING),
65 qFloor (m_text->boundingRect().size().height() + 2 * VERTICAL_PADDING));
5866 }
6068 void TutorialButton::handleTriggered()
1717 const int SCENE_HEIGHT = 450;
1919 TutorialDlg::TutorialDlg (MainWindow *mainWindow) :
20 QDialog (mainWindow)
20 QDialog (mainWindow),
21 m_context (nullptr),
22 m_scene (nullptr),
23 m_view (nullptr)
2124 {
2225 setWindowTitle ("Engauge Digitizer Tutorial");
2932 createSceneAndView();
3033 createContext();
34 }
36 TutorialDlg::~TutorialDlg ()
37 {
38 delete m_view;
39 delete m_scene;
40 delete m_context;
3141 }
3343 QSize TutorialDlg::backgroundSize () const
2020 public:
2121 /// Single constructor
2222 TutorialDlg (MainWindow *mainWindow);
23 ~TutorialDlg ();
2425 /// Make geometry available for layout
2526 QSize backgroundSize () const;
1414 #include "TutorialStateContext.h"
1616 TutorialStateAxisPoints::TutorialStateAxisPoints (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_previous (nullptr),
24 m_next (nullptr)
1825 {
1926 }
7582 delete m_next;
7683 delete m_previous;
78 m_title = 0;
79 m_background = 0;
80 m_text0 = 0;
81 m_text1 = 0;
82 m_text2 = 0;
83 m_next = 0;
84 m_previous = 0;
85 m_title = nullptr;
86 m_background = nullptr;
87 m_text0 = nullptr;
88 m_text1 = nullptr;
89 m_text2 = nullptr;
90 m_next = nullptr;
91 m_previous = nullptr;
8592 }
8794 void TutorialStateAxisPoints::slotNext ()
1414 #include "TutorialStateContext.h"
1616 TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract::TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_text3 (nullptr),
24 m_previous (nullptr)
1825 {
1926 }
7279 delete m_text3;
7380 delete m_previous;
75 m_title = 0;
76 m_background = 0;
77 m_text0 = 0;
78 m_text1 = 0;
79 m_text2 = 0;
80 m_text3 = 0;
81 m_previous = 0;
82 m_title = nullptr;
83 m_background = nullptr;
84 m_text0 = nullptr;
85 m_text1 = nullptr;
86 m_text2 = nullptr;
87 m_text3 = nullptr;
88 m_previous = nullptr;
8289 }
8491 TutorialButton *TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract::previous()
1111 TutorialStateChecklistWizardLines::TutorialStateChecklistWizardLines (TutorialStateContext &context) :
1212 TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract (context)
1313 {
14 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateChecklistWizardLines::TutorialStateChecklistWizardLines";
1415 }
1617 void TutorialStateChecklistWizardLines::begin ()
1111 TutorialStateChecklistWizardPoints::TutorialStateChecklistWizardPoints (TutorialStateContext &context) :
1212 TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract (context)
1313 {
14 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateChecklistWizardPoints::TutorialStateChecklistWizardPoints";
1415 }
1617 void TutorialStateChecklistWizardPoints::begin ()
1414 #include "TutorialStateContext.h"
1616 TutorialStateColorFilter::TutorialStateColorFilter (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_text3 (nullptr),
24 m_text4 (nullptr),
25 m_back (nullptr)
1826 {
27 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateColorFilter::TutorialStateColorFilter";
1928 }
2130 void TutorialStateColorFilter::begin ()
7988 delete m_text4;
8089 delete m_back;
82 m_title = 0;
83 m_background = 0;
84 m_text0 = 0;
85 m_text1 = 0;
86 m_text2 = 0;
87 m_text3 = 0;
88 m_text4 = 0;
89 m_back = 0;
91 m_title = nullptr;
92 m_background = nullptr;
93 m_text0 = nullptr;
94 m_text1 = nullptr;
95 m_text2 = nullptr;
96 m_text3 = nullptr;
97 m_text4 = nullptr;
98 m_back = nullptr;
9099 }
92101 void TutorialStateColorFilter::slotBack ()
2626 {
2727 createStates ();
2828 createTimer ();
29 }
31 TutorialStateContext::~TutorialStateContext ()
32 {
33 qDeleteAll (m_states);
2934 }
3136 void TutorialStateContext::createStates ()
2323 public:
2424 /// Single constructor
2525 TutorialStateContext(TutorialDlg &tutorialDlg);
27 /// Destructor deallocates memory
28 ~TutorialStateContext();
2730 /// Request a transition to the specified state from the current state. A timer is used. This assumes TutorialStateContext
2831 /// is NOT on the stack - probably since an external event (mouse click, ...) resulted in a callback to the current state
88 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
99 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1010 #include <QGraphicsView>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include "TutorialButton.h"
1213 #include "TutorialDlg.h"
1314 #include "TutorialStateCurveSelection.h"
1415 #include "TutorialStateContext.h"
1617 TutorialStateCurveSelection::TutorialStateCurveSelection (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
18 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
19 m_title (nullptr),
20 m_background (nullptr),
21 m_text0 (nullptr),
22 m_text1 (nullptr),
23 m_text2 (nullptr),
24 m_text3 (nullptr),
25 m_previous (nullptr),
26 m_colorFilter (nullptr),
27 m_next (nullptr)
1828 {
29 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateCurveSelection::TutorialStateCurveSelection";
1930 }
2132 void TutorialStateCurveSelection::begin ()
6071 m_colorFilter = new TutorialButton (tr ("Color Filter Settings"),
6172 context().tutorialDlg().scene());
62 m_colorFilter->setGeometry (QPoint (backgroundSize.width () / 2.0 - m_colorFilter->size ().width () / 2,
63 backgroundSize.height () - buttonMargin () - m_colorFilter->size ().height ()));
73 m_colorFilter->setGeometry (QPoint (qFloor (backgroundSize.width () / 2.0 - m_colorFilter->size ().width () / 2),
74 qFloor (backgroundSize.height () - buttonMargin () - m_colorFilter->size ().height ())));
6475 connect (m_colorFilter, SIGNAL (signalTriggered ()), this, SLOT (slotColorFilter ()));
6677 m_next = new TutorialButton (tr ("Next"),
92103 delete m_colorFilter;
93104 delete m_previous;
95 m_title = 0;
96 m_background = 0;
97 m_text0 = 0;
98 m_text1 = 0;
99 m_text2 = 0;
100 m_text3 = 0;
101 m_next = 0;
102 m_colorFilter = 0;
103 m_previous = 0;
106 m_title = nullptr;
107 m_background = nullptr;
108 m_text0 = nullptr;
109 m_text1 = nullptr;
110 m_text2 = nullptr;
111 m_text3 = nullptr;
112 m_next = nullptr;
113 m_colorFilter = nullptr;
114 m_previous = nullptr;
104115 }
106117 void TutorialStateCurveSelection::slotColorFilter ()
88 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
99 #include <QGraphicsScene>
1010 #include <QGraphicsView>
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include "TutorialButton.h"
1213 #include "TutorialDlg.h"
1314 #include "TutorialStateContext.h"
1415 #include "TutorialStateCurveType.h"
1617 TutorialStateCurveType::TutorialStateCurveType (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
18 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
19 m_title (nullptr),
20 m_background (nullptr),
21 m_text0 (nullptr),
22 m_text1 (nullptr),
23 m_text2 (nullptr),
24 m_previous (nullptr),
25 m_nextLines (nullptr),
26 m_nextPoints (nullptr)
1827 {
28 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateCurveType::TutorialStateCurveType";
1929 }
2131 void TutorialStateCurveType::begin ()
4858 connect (m_previous, SIGNAL (signalTriggered ()), this, SLOT (slotPrevious ()));
5060 m_nextLines = new TutorialButton (tr ("Next (Lines)"),
51 context().tutorialDlg().scene());
52 m_nextLines->setGeometry (QPoint (backgroundSize.width () - buttonMargin () - m_nextLines->size ().width (),
53 backgroundSize.height () / 3.0 - m_nextLines->size ().height () / 2.0));
61 context().tutorialDlg().scene());
62 m_nextLines->setGeometry (QPoint (qFloor (backgroundSize.width () - buttonMargin () - m_nextLines->size ().width ()),
63 qFloor (backgroundSize.height () / 3.0 - m_nextLines->size ().height () / 2.0)));
5464 connect (m_nextLines, SIGNAL (signalTriggered ()), this, SLOT (slotNextCurves ()));
5666 m_nextPoints = new TutorialButton (tr ("Next (Points)"),
57 context().tutorialDlg().scene());
58 m_nextPoints->setGeometry (QPoint (backgroundSize.width () - buttonMargin () - m_nextPoints->size ().width (),
59 backgroundSize.height () * 2.0 / 3.0 - m_nextPoints->size ().height () / 2.0));
67 context().tutorialDlg().scene());
68 m_nextPoints->setGeometry (QPoint (qFloor (backgroundSize.width () - buttonMargin () - m_nextPoints->size ().width ()),
69 qFloor (backgroundSize.height () * 2.0 / 3.0 - m_nextPoints->size ().height () / 2.0)));
6070 connect (m_nextPoints, SIGNAL (signalTriggered ()), this, SLOT (slotNextLines ()));
6171 }
8090 delete m_nextPoints;
8191 delete m_previous;
83 m_title = 0;
84 m_background = 0;
85 m_text0 = 0;
86 m_text1 = 0;
87 m_text2 = 0;
88 m_nextLines = 0;
89 m_nextPoints = 0;
90 m_previous = 0;
93 m_title = nullptr;
94 m_background = nullptr;
95 m_text0 = nullptr;
96 m_text1 = nullptr;
97 m_text2 = nullptr;
98 m_nextLines = nullptr;
99 m_nextPoints = nullptr;
100 m_previous = nullptr;
91101 }
93103 void TutorialStateCurveType::slotNextCurves ()
1414 #include "TutorialStateIntroduction.h"
1616 TutorialStateIntroduction::TutorialStateIntroduction (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_next (nullptr)
1824 {
25 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateIntroduction::TutorialStateIntroduction";
1926 }
2128 void TutorialStateIntroduction::begin ()
6269 delete m_text2;
6370 delete m_next;
65 m_title = 0;
66 m_background = 0;
67 m_text0 = 0;
68 m_text1 = 0;
69 m_text2 = 0;
70 m_next = 0;
72 m_title = nullptr;
73 m_background = nullptr;
74 m_text0 = nullptr;
75 m_text1 = nullptr;
76 m_text2 = nullptr;
77 m_next = nullptr;
7178 }
7380 void TutorialStateIntroduction::slotNext ()
2121 public:
2222 /// Single constructor
2323 TutorialStateIntroduction (TutorialStateContext &context);
2525 virtual void begin ();
2626 virtual void end ();
1414 #include "TutorialStatePointMatch.h"
1616 TutorialStatePointMatch::TutorialStatePointMatch (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_text3 (nullptr),
24 m_previous (nullptr),
25 m_next (nullptr)
1826 {
27 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStatePointMatch::TutorialStatePointMatch";
1928 }
2130 void TutorialStatePointMatch::begin ()
8089 delete m_next;
8190 delete m_previous;
83 m_title = 0;
84 m_background = 0;
85 m_text0 = 0;
86 m_text1 = 0;
87 m_text2 = 0;
88 m_text3 = 0;
89 m_next = 0;
90 m_previous = 0;
92 m_title = nullptr;
93 m_background = nullptr;
94 m_text0 = nullptr;
95 m_text1 = nullptr;
96 m_text2 = nullptr;
97 m_text3 = nullptr;
98 m_next = nullptr;
99 m_previous = nullptr;
91100 }
93102 void TutorialStatePointMatch::slotNext ()
1414 #include "TutorialStateSegmentFill.h"
1616 TutorialStateSegmentFill::TutorialStateSegmentFill (TutorialStateContext &context) :
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context)
17 TutorialStateAbstractBase (context),
18 m_title (nullptr),
19 m_background (nullptr),
20 m_text0 (nullptr),
21 m_text1 (nullptr),
22 m_text2 (nullptr),
23 m_previous (nullptr),
24 m_next (nullptr)
1825 {
26 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "TutorialStateSegmentFill::TutorialStateSegmentFill";
1927 }
2129 void TutorialStateSegmentFill::begin ()
7381 delete m_next;
7482 delete m_previous;
76 m_title = 0;
77 m_background = 0;
78 m_text0 = 0;
79 m_text1 = 0;
80 m_text2 = 0;
81 m_next = 0;
82 m_previous = 0;
84 m_title = nullptr;
85 m_background = nullptr;
86 m_text0 = nullptr;
87 m_text1 = nullptr;
88 m_text2 = nullptr;
89 m_next = nullptr;
90 m_previous = nullptr;
8391 }
8593 void TutorialStateSegmentFill::slotNext ()
4646 for (int i = 0; i < scene()->items().count (); i++) {
4747 const QGraphicsItem *item = scene()->items().at (i);
4848 const QGraphicsPixmapItem *itemPixmap = dynamic_cast<const QGraphicsPixmapItem*> (item);
49 if (itemPixmap != 0) {
49 if (itemPixmap != nullptr) {
5050 foundImage = true;
5151 fitInView (itemPixmap->boundingRect());
5252 }
3939 m_view (view),
4040 m_yCenter (yCenter),
41 m_divider (0),
42 m_shadedArea (0),
41 m_divider (nullptr),
42 m_shadedArea (nullptr),
4343 m_sceneWidth (sceneWidth),
4444 m_sceneHeight (sceneHeight),
4545 m_isLowerBoundary (isLowerBoundary)
9191 QPointF newPos = QPointF (value.toPointF().x(), 0.0) + m_startDragPos;
9292 double newX = newPos.x();
9393 newX = qMax (newX, 0.0);
94 newX = qMin (newX, (double) m_sceneWidth);
94 newX = qMin (newX, double (m_sceneWidth));
9595 newPos.setX (newX);
9696 newPos -= m_startDragPos; // Change from absolute coordinates back to relative coordinates
88 #include "ColorFilterSettings.h"
99 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
1010 #include "Logger.h"
11 #include <qmath.h>
1112 #include <QPainter>
1213 #include <QPixmap>
1314 #include "ViewSegmentFilter.h"
3637 {
3839 {
39 double s = (double) (foreground - FOREGROUND_MIN) / (double) (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN);
40 double s = double (foreground - FOREGROUND_MIN) / double (FOREGROUND_MAX - FOREGROUND_MIN);
4041 if (qGray (m_rgbBackground.rgb ()) < 127) {
4142 // Go from blackish to white
42 r = s * 255;
43 g = s * 255;
44 b = s * 255;
43 r = qFloor (s * 255);
44 g = qFloor (s * 255);
45 b = qFloor (s * 255);
4546 } else {
4647 // Go from whitish to black
47 r = (1.0 - s) * 255;
48 g = (1.0 - s) * 255;
49 b = (1.0 - s) * 255;
48 r = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
49 g = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
50 b = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
5051 }
5152 }
5253 break;
5556 {
5657 // red-green and green-blue like ViewProfileScale::paintHue
58 int HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW = 0.666 * HUE_MIN + 0.333 * HUE_MAX;
59 int HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH = 0.333 * HUE_MIN + 0.666 * HUE_MAX;
59 int HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW = qFloor (0.666 * HUE_MIN + 0.333 * HUE_MAX);
60 int HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH = qFloor (0.333 * HUE_MIN + 0.666 * HUE_MAX);
6162 if (hue < HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW) {
6263 // 0-0.333 is red-green
63 double s = (double) (hue - HUE_MIN) / (double) (HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW - HUE_MIN);
64 r = (1.0 - s) * 255;
65 g = s * 255;
64 double s = double (hue - HUE_MIN) / double (HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW - HUE_MIN);
65 r = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
66 g = qFloor (s * 255);
6667 } else if (hue < HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH) {
6768 // 0.333-0.666 is green-blue
68 double s = (double) (hue - HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW) / (double) (HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH - HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW);
69 g = (1.0 - s) * 255;
70 b = s * 255;
69 double s = double (hue - HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW) / double (HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH - HUE_THRESHOLD_LOW);
70 g = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
71 b = qFloor (s * 255);
7172 } else {
7273 // 0.666-1 is blue-red
73 double s = (double) (hue - HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH) / (double) (HUE_MAX - HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH);
74 b = (1.0 - s) * 255;
75 r = s * 255;
74 double s = double (hue - HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH) / double (HUE_MAX - HUE_THRESHOLD_HIGH);
75 b = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
76 r = qFloor (s * 255);
7677 }
7778 }
7879 break;
8182 {
8283 // black-white like ViewProfileScale::paintIntensity
84 double s = (double) (intensity - INTENSITY_MIN) / (double) (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN);
85 r = s * 255;
86 g = s * 255;
87 b = s * 255;
85 double s = double (intensity - INTENSITY_MIN) / double (INTENSITY_MAX - INTENSITY_MIN);
86 r = qFloor (s * 255);
87 g = qFloor (s * 255);
88 b = qFloor (s * 255);
8889 }
8990 break;
9293 {
9394 // white-red like ViewProfileScale::paintSaturation
95 double s = (double) (saturation - SATURATION_MIN) / (double) (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN);
96 r = 255;
97 g = (1.0 - s) * 255;
98 b = (1.0 - s) * 255;
96 double s = double (saturation - SATURATION_MIN) / double (SATURATION_MAX - SATURATION_MIN);
97 r = qFloor (255);
98 g = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
99 b = qFloor ((1.0 - s) * 255);
99100 }
100101 break;
103104 {
104105 // black-red like ViewProfileScale::paintValue
106 double s = (double) (value - VALUE_MIN) / (double) (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
107 r = s * 255;
108 g = 0;
109 b = 0;
107 double s = double (value - VALUE_MIN) / double (VALUE_MAX - VALUE_MIN);
108 r = qFloor (s * 255);
109 g = qFloor (0);
110 b = qFloor (0);
110111 }
111112 break;
2323 tableIsActive = false;
2424 tableIsCopyable = false;
26 if (view() != 0) {
26 if (view() != nullptr) {
2828 QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = view()->selectionModel ();
2929 QModelIndexList selection = selectionModel->selectedIndexes ();
1313 #include "WindowTable.h"
1515 WindowModelBase::WindowModelBase () :
16 m_view (0)
16 m_view (nullptr)
1717 {
1818 }
3333 QMimeData *WindowModelBase::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
3434 {
3535 if (indexes.isEmpty ()) {
36 return Q_NULLPTR;
36 return nullptr;
3737 }
3939 QMimeData *data = new QMimeData ();
66 #include <QObject>
77 #include "ZoomLabels.h"
9 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1 ("16:1");
10 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("16:1 farther"));
11 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("8:1 closer"));
12 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1 ("8:1");
13 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("8:1 farther"));
14 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("4:1 closer"));
15 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1 ("4:1");
16 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("4:1 farther"));
17 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("2:1 closer"));
18 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1 ("2:1");
19 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("2:1 farther"));
20 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("1:1 closer"));
21 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1 ("1:1");
22 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("1:1 farther"));
23 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("1:2 closer"));
24 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2 ("1:2");
25 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("1:2 farther"));
26 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("1:4 closer"));
27 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4 ("1:4");
28 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("1:4 farther"));
29 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("1:8 closer"));
30 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8 ("1:8");
31 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER (QObject::tr ("1:8 farther"));
32 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER (QObject::tr ("1:16 closer"));
33 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16 ("1:16");
34 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_FILL (QObject::tr ("Fill"));
35 const QString LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS (QObject::tr ("Previous"));
9 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1;
10 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
11 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
12 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1;
13 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
14 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
15 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1;
16 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
17 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
18 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1;
19 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
20 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
21 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1;
22 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
23 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
24 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2;
25 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
26 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
27 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4;
28 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
29 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
30 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8;
31 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
32 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
33 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16;
34 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_FILL;
35 const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS;
99 #include <QString>
11 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1;
12 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
13 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
14 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1;
15 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
16 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
17 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1;
18 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
19 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
20 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1;
21 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
22 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
23 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1;
24 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
25 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
26 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2;
27 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
28 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
29 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4;
30 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
31 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
32 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8;
33 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
34 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
35 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16;
36 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_FILL;
37 extern const QString LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS;
11 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1;
12 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_16_TO_1_FARTHER;
13 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_CLOSER;
14 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1;
15 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_8_TO_1_FARTHER;
16 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_CLOSER;
17 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1;
18 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_4_TO_1_FARTHER;
19 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_CLOSER;
20 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1;
21 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_2_TO_1_FARTHER;
22 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_CLOSER;
23 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1;
24 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_1_FARTHER;
25 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_CLOSER;
26 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2;
27 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_2_FARTHER;
28 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_CLOSER;
29 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4;
30 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_4_FARTHER;
31 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_CLOSER;
32 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8;
33 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_8_FARTHER;
34 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER;
35 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_1_TO_16;
36 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_FILL;
37 extern const QString* LABEL_ZOOM_PREVIOUS;
3939 #endif // ZOOM_LABELS_H
6767 double scale = qMin(xScale, yScale); // Fit so large extent just fits
6969 for (int zoom = ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER; zoom >= 0; zoom--) {
70 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = (ZoomFactor) zoom;
70 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom);
7171 if (scale < m_zoomMapToFactor [zoomFactor]) {
7272 zoomFactorOld = zoomFactor;
7373 break;
7878 ZoomFactor zoomFactorNew = ZOOM_16_TO_1;
7979 if (zoomFactorOld > ZOOM_16_TO_1) {
80 zoomFactorNew = (ZoomFactor) (zoomFactorOld - 1);
80 zoomFactorNew = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoomFactorOld - 1);
8181 }
8383 return zoomFactorNew;
102102 double scale = qMax(xScale, yScale); // Fit so larger extent just fits
104104 for (int zoom = 0; zoom <= ZOOM_1_TO_16_CLOSER; zoom++) {
105 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = (ZoomFactor) zoom;
105 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom);
106106 if (scale > m_zoomMapToFactor [zoomFactor]) {
107107 zoomFactorOld = zoomFactor;
108108 break;
113113 ZoomFactor zoomFactorNew = ZOOM_1_TO_16;
114114 if (zoomFactorOld < ZOOM_1_TO_16) {
115 zoomFactorNew = (ZoomFactor) (zoomFactorOld + 1);
115 zoomFactorNew = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoomFactorOld + 1);
116116 }
118118 return zoomFactorNew;
2020 TestProjectedPoint \
2121 TestSegmentFill \
2222 TestSpline \
23 TestSplineDrawer \
2324 TestTransformation \
2425 TestValidators \
2526 TestZoomTransition)
8990 do
9091 sed "s/TEST/$t/g" >
9192 qmake $CONFIGARGS
92 make all 2>>$LOGFILE >/dev/null || {
93 make -j4 all 2>>$LOGFILE >/dev/null || {
9394 echo "FAIL : Compilation error is described in build_and_run_all_cli_tests.log"
9495 echo " Testing will be stopped"
9596 exit 1
9697 }
97 ../bin/$t
98 # sed is used to add color to PASS and FAIL. 'Using QtTest' lines are dropped
99 ../bin/$t | sed "s/PASS :/$(tput setaf 2)PASS$(tput sgr0) :/" | sed "s/FAIL :/$(tput setaf 1)FAIL$(tput sgr0) :/" | grep -v 'Using QtTest'
98100 if [ $selectedCount -ne 1 ]
99101 then
100102 rm
66 # where: jpeg2000 = run jpeg2000 test(s). Requires CONFIG+=jpeg2000 in qmake build
77 # pdf = run pdf test(s). Requires CONFIG+=pdf in qmake build
911 FILTERJPEG2000="skip"
1012 FILTERPDF="skip"
1113 while test $# -gt 0
1214 do
1315 case "$1" in
1416 jpeg2000) FILTERJPEG2000=""
17 ;;
18 pdf) FILTERPDF=""
1519 ;;
16 pdf) FILTERPDF=""
17 ;;
1820 esac
1921 shift
2022 done
3436 # Run regression test. Standard error is redirected to standard out so we can strip out unimportant
3537 # 'QXcbXSettings::QXcbXSettings(QXcbScreen*) Failed to get selection owner for XSETTINGS_S atom' errors
36 commandLine=`cat $script`
37 ../bin/engauge $commandLine 2>&1 | grep -v 'Failed to get selection owner'
38 commandLineArgs=`cat $script`
39 if [ $DEBUG == 1 ]; then
40 echo " "
41 echo "engauge $commandLineArgs"
42 fi
43 ../bin/engauge $commandLineArgs 2>&1 | grep -v 'Failed to get selection owner'
3945 # Compare actual and desired output files. There is one pair for each coordinate system
4046 scriptfile=`basename $script`
5056 do
5157 actual=${EXPECTED/expected/actual}
52 if [[ COUNT -gt 1 ]];
53 then
58 if [[ COUNT -gt 1 ]]; then
5560 else
7580 done
7681 if cmp --silent .expected .actual
7782 then
78 echo "PASS : $root $COUNTERSTRING"
83 echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)PASS$(tput sgr0) : $root $COUNTERSTRING"
7984 else
80 echo "FAIL : $root $COUNTERSTRING"
85 echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)FAIL$(tput sgr0) : $root $COUNTERSTRING"
8186 diff -C2 .expected .actual
8287 fi
8388 else
2020 # qmake "CONFIG+=debug pdf"
2121 # 3) Gratuitous warning about import_qpa_plugin in Fedora is due to 'CONFIG=qt' but that option takes care of
2222 # include/library files in an automated and platform-independent manner, so it will not be removed
23 CONFIG += qt warn_on thread testcase
23 # 4) c++11 is required for nullptr
24 CONFIG += qt warn_on thread testcase c++11
2526 OBJECTS_DIR = .objs_test
2627 MOC_DIR = .moc_test
4243 Callback/CallbackCheckEditPointAxis.h \
4344 Callback/CallbackDocumentHash.h \
4445 Callback/CallbackDocumentScrub.h \
45 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.h \
46 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.h \
47 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.h \
48 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.h \
4649 Callback/CallbackNextOrdinal.h \
4750 Callback/CallbackPointOrdinal.h \
4851 Callback/CallbackRemovePointsInCurvesGraphs.h \
8083 Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.h \
8184 Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.h \
8285 Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.h \
83 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.h \
86 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.h \
8487 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.h \
8588 Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.h \
8689 Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.h \
144147 Curve/Curve.h \
145148 Curve/CurveConnectAs.h \
146149 Curve/CurveNameList.h \
150 include/CurveLimits.h \
151 include/CurvesIncludedHash.h \
147152 Curve/CurveSettingsInt.h \
148153 Curve/CurvesGraphs.h \
149154 Curve/CurveStyle.h \
176181 Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.h \
177182 Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.h \
178183 Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.h \
179 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h \
184 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.h \
180185 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.h \
181186 Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.h \
182187 Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.h \
343348 Settings/SettingsForGraph.h \
344349 Spline/Spline.h \
345350 Spline/SplineCoeff.h \
351 Spline/SplineDrawer.h \
346352 Spline/SplinePair.h \
347353 StatusBar/StatusBar.h \
348354 StatusBar/StatusBarMode.h \
405411 Callback/CallbackCheckEditPointAxis.cpp \
406412 Callback/CallbackDocumentHash.cpp \
407413 Callback/CallbackDocumentScrub.cpp \
408 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetaValuesFunctions.cpp \
414 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasAbstractBase.cpp \
415 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInCurves.cpp \
416 Callback/CallbackGatherXThetasInGridLines.cpp \
409417 Callback/CallbackNextOrdinal.cpp \
410418 Callback/CallbackPointOrdinal.cpp \
411419 Callback/CallbackRemovePointsInCurvesGraphs.cpp \
442450 Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp \
443451 Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp \
444452 Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp \
445 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp \
453 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp \
446454 Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp \
447455 Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp \
448456 Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp \
535543 Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp \
536544 Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp \
537545 Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp \
538 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp \
546 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp \
539547 Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp \
540548 Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp \
541549 Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp \
653661 Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp \
654662 Logger/Logger.cpp \
655663 Logger/LoggerUpload.cpp \
656 Matrix/Matrix.cpp \
657664 main/MainDirectoryPersist.cpp \
658665 main/MainWindow.cpp \
659666 main/MainWindowModel.cpp \
667 Matrix/Matrix.cpp \
660668 util/MigrateToVersion6.cpp \
661669 Mime/MimePointsDetector.cpp \
662670 Mime/MimePointsExport.cpp \
685693 Settings/SettingsForGraph.cpp \
686694 Spline/Spline.cpp \
687695 Spline/SplineCoeff.cpp \
696 Spline/SplineDrawer.cpp \
688697 Spline/SplinePair.cpp \
689698 StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp \
699 StatusBar/StatusBarMode.cpp \
690700 Test/TEST.cpp \
691701 Transformation/Transformation.cpp \
692702 Transformation/TransformationStateAbstractBase.cpp \
862872 } else {
863873 message("PDF support: no")
864874 }
876 contains (DEFINES, NETWORKING) {
877 message("networking build: yes")
878 } else {
879 message("networking build: no")
880 }
Binary diff not shown
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
6 #ifndef CURVE_LIMITS_H
7 #define CURVE_LIMITS_H
9 #include <QHash>
10 #include <QString>
12 // Container of curve names to include in export, using QHash for rapid access
13 typedef QHash<QString, double> CurveLimits;
15 #endif // CURVE_LIMITS_H
0 /******************************************************************************************************
1 * (C) 2019 This file is part of Engauge Digitizer, which is released *
2 * under GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. See file *
3 * LICENSE or go to for details. Distribution requires prior written permission. *
4 ******************************************************************************************************/
9 #include <QHash>
10 #include <QString>
12 // Container of curve names to include in export, using QHash for rapid access
13 typedef QHash<QString, bool> CurvesIncludedHash;
2323 ///#if defined(QT_NO_DEBUG) && !defined(QT_FORCE_ASSERTS)
2424 ///#define ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(ptr) engauge_noop((ptr)==0)
2525 ///#else
26 #define ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(ptr) (((ptr)==0) ? LoggerUpload::loggerCheckPtr(#ptr,__FILE__,__LINE__) : engauge_noop((ptr)==0))
26 #define ENGAUGE_CHECK_PTR(ptr) (((ptr)==nullptr) ? LoggerUpload::loggerCheckPtr(#ptr,__FILE__,__LINE__) : engauge_noop((ptr)==nullptr))
2727 ///#endif
2929 #endif // ENGAUGE_ASSERT_H
2222 /// Noop method for setting the conversion pattern. This used to throw
2323 /// ConfigureFailure but newer compilers do not like explicit throws
24 virtual void setConversionPattern (const std::string &conversionPattern);
24 void setConversionPattern (const std::string &conversionPattern);
2626 private:
2727 std::string m_conversionPattern;
22 namespace log4cpp {
4 Category *Category::m_category = 0;
4 Category *Category::m_category = nullptr;
66 Category::Category()
77 {
2323 Category &Category::getRoot()
2424 {
25 if (m_category == 0) {
25 if (m_category == nullptr) {
2626 m_category = new Category();
2727 }
2626 #include "DlgSettingsAxesChecker.h"
2727 #include "DlgSettingsColorFilter.h"
2828 #include "DlgSettingsCoords.h"
29 #include "DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.h"
29 #include "DlgSettingsCurveList.h"
3030 #include "DlgSettingsCurveProperties.h"
3131 #include "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.h"
3232 #include "DlgSettingsExportFormat.h"
6161 #include "Jpeg2000.h"
6262 #endif // ENGAUGE_JPEG2000
6363 #include "LoadFileInfo.h"
64 #ifdef NETWORKING
6564 #include "LoadImageFromUrl.h"
66 #endif
6765 #include "Logger.h"
6866 #include "MainDirectoryPersist.h"
6967 #include "MainTitleBarFormat.h"
125123 #include "ZoomTransition.h"
127125 const QString EMPTY_FILENAME ("");
128 const char *ENGAUGE_FILENAME_DESCRIPTION = "Engauge Document";
126 static const char *ENGAUGE_FILENAME_DESCRIPTION = "Engauge Document";
129127 const QString ENGAUGE_FILENAME_EXTENSION ("dig");
130128 const int REGRESSION_INTERVAL = 400; // Milliseconds
131129 const unsigned int MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE = 8;
133131 MainWindow::MainWindow(const QString &errorReportFile,
134132 const QString &fileCmdScriptFile,
133 bool isDropRegression,
135134 bool isRegressionTest,
136135 bool isGnuplot,
137136 bool isReset,
142141 const QStringList &commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles,
143142 QWidget *parent) :
144143 QMainWindow(parent),
144 m_originalFileWasImported (false),
145145 m_isDocumentExported (false),
146146 m_engaugeFile (EMPTY_FILENAME),
147147 m_currentFile (EMPTY_FILENAME),
148 m_layout (0),
149 m_scene (0),
150 m_view (0),
151 m_loadImageFromUrl (0),
152 m_cmdMediator (0),
153 m_digitizeStateContext (0),
154 m_transformationStateContext (0),
155 m_backgroundStateContext (0),
156 m_networkClient (0),
148 m_layout (nullptr),
149 m_scene (nullptr),
150 m_view (nullptr),
151 m_loadImageFromUrl (nullptr),
152 m_cmdMediator (nullptr),
153 m_digitizeStateContext (nullptr),
154 m_transformationStateContext (nullptr),
155 m_backgroundStateContext (nullptr),
156 m_networkClient (nullptr),
157157 m_isGnuplot (isGnuplot),
158158 m_commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles (commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles),
159 m_ghosts (0),
160 m_timerRegressionErrorReport(0),
161 m_fileCmdScript (0),
159 m_ghosts (nullptr),
160 m_timerRegressionErrorReport(nullptr),
161 m_fileCmdScript (nullptr),
162162 m_isErrorReportRegressionTest (isRegressionTest),
163 m_timerRegressionFileCmdScript(0),
164 m_fittingCurve (0),
163 m_timerRegressionFileCmdScript(nullptr),
164 m_fittingCurve (nullptr),
165165 m_isExportOnly (isExportOnly),
166166 m_isExtractImageOnly (isExtractImageOnly),
167167 m_extractImageOnlyExtension (extractImageOnlyExtension)
215215 } else if (!fileCmdScriptFile.isEmpty()) {
216216 m_fileCmdScript = new FileCmdScript (fileCmdScriptFile);
217217 startRegressionTestFileCmdScript();
218 } else if (isDropRegression) {
219 m_fileCmdScript = new FileCmdScript (""); // Hack to keep dialogs from popping up
220 startRegressionDropTest (loadStartupFiles);
218221 } else {
220223 // Save file names for later, after gui becomes available. The file names are dropped if error report file is specified
227230 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
228231 {
232 #if !defined(OSX_DEBUG) && !defined(OSX_RELEASE)
233 delete m_helpWindow;
234 #endif
235 delete m_tutorialDlg;
236 delete m_cmdMediator;
237 delete m_cmdStackShadow;
238 delete m_digitizeStateContext;
239 delete m_transformationStateContext;
240 delete m_backgroundStateContext;
241 delete m_dlgSettingsAxesChecker;
242 delete m_dlgSettingsColorFilter;
243 delete m_dlgSettingsCoords;
244 delete m_dlgSettingsCurveList;
245 delete m_dlgSettingsCurveProperties;
246 delete m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve;
247 delete m_dlgSettingsExportFormat;
248 delete m_dlgSettingsGeneral;
249 delete m_dlgSettingsGridDisplay;
250 delete m_dlgSettingsGridRemoval;
251 delete m_dlgSettingsMainWindow;
252 delete m_dlgSettingsPointMatch;
253 delete m_dlgSettingsSegments;
254 delete m_fileCmdScript;
255 m_gridLines.clear ();
229256 }
231258 void MainWindow::addDockWindow (QDockWidget *dockWidget,
238265 // can happen if it opens elsewhere). The user may not know it can be undocked, but at least can resize or
239266 // hide it if he/she needs more room for the main window.
240267 const bool DOCKED_EQUALS_NOT_FLOATING = false;
241 Qt::DockWidgetArea area = (Qt::DockWidgetArea) settings.value (settingsTokenArea,
242 Qt::NoDockWidgetArea).toInt();
268 Qt::DockWidgetArea area = static_cast<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (settings.value (settingsTokenArea,
269 Qt::NoDockWidgetArea).toInt());
244271 if (area == Qt::NoDockWidgetArea) {
329356 {
330357 // Find the zoom control that is checked
331358 for (int z = 0; z < NUMBER_ZOOM_FACTORS; z++) {
332 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = (ZoomFactor) z;
359 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (z);
333360 if (m_zoomMapToAction [zoomFactor]->isChecked ()) {
334361 // This zoom control is checked
335362 return zoomFactor;
344371 {
345372 if (event->type () == QEvent::KeyPress) {
347 QKeyEvent *eventKeyPress = (QKeyEvent *) event;
374 QKeyEvent *eventKeyPress = static_cast<QKeyEvent *> (event);
349376 // Special shortcuts. All of these are probably only useful for debugging and/or regression testing
350377 if ((eventKeyPress->key() == Qt::Key_E) &&
397424 QString MainWindow::exportRegressionFilenameFromInputFilename (const QString &fileName) const
398425 {
426 // Include file extensions used in loading, importing or drag and drop. Note html is before htm
427 // so the "l" gets replaced
428 QStringList befores;
429 befores << ".dig" << ".gif" << ".html" << ".htm" << ".jp2" << ".jpg" << ".pbm"
430 << ".pdf" << ".pgm" << ".png" << ".ppm" << ".xbm" << ".xpm" << ".xml";
399432 QString outFileName = fileName;
401 outFileName = outFileName.replace (".xml", ".csv_actual", Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Applies when extension is xml
402 outFileName = outFileName.replace (".dig", ".csv_actual", Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Applies when extension is dig
403 outFileName = outFileName.replace (".pdf", ".csv_actual", Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Applies when extension is pdf
434 QStringList::iterator itr;
435 for (itr = befores.begin(); itr != befores.end(); itr++) {
436 QString suffix = *itr;
438 outFileName = outFileName.replace (suffix, ".csv_actual", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
439 }
405441 return outFileName;
406442 }
436472 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::fileExport"
437473 << " file=" << fileName.toLatin1().data()
438474 << " curDir=" << QDir::currentPath().toLatin1().data();
439 QMessageBox::critical (0,
475 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
440476 engaugeWindowTitle(),
441477 tr ("Unable to export to file") + " " + fileName);
442478 }
470506 LOG4CPP_ERROR_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::fileExtractImage"
471507 << " file=" << fileName.toLatin1().data()
472508 << " curDir=" << QDir::currentPath().toLatin1().data();
473 QMessageBox::critical (0,
509 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
474510 engaugeWindowTitle(),
475511 tr ("Unable to extract image to file") + " " + fileName);
476512 }
746782 {
747783 LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::ghostsCreate";
749 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_ghosts == 0);
785 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_ghosts == nullptr);
750786 m_ghosts = new Ghosts (m_cmdMediator->document().coordSystemIndex());
752788 for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_cmdMediator->document().coordSystemCount(); index++) {
777813 m_ghosts->destroyGhosts(*m_scene);
779815 delete m_ghosts;
780 m_ghosts = 0;
816 m_ghosts = nullptr;
781817 }
783819 void MainWindow::handlerFileExtractImage ()
813849 unsigned int numberCoordSystem = m_cmdMediator->document().coordSystemCount();
815851 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberCoordSystem; i++) {
816 int index1Based = i + 1;
852 int index1Based = signed (i + 1);
817853 m_cmbCoordSystem->addItem (QString::number (index1Based),
818854 QVariant (i));
819855 }
9881024 // Show the wizard if user selected it and we are not running a script
9891025 if (m_actionHelpChecklistGuideWizard->isChecked () &&
990 (m_fileCmdScript == 0)) {
1026 (m_fileCmdScript == nullptr)) {
9921028 // Show wizard
9931029 ChecklistGuideWizard *wizard = new ChecklistGuideWizard (*this,
10491085 // We do not call rebuildRecentFileListForCurrentFile for an image file, so only proper Engauge document files appear in the recent file list
10501086 m_engaugeFile = EMPTY_FILENAME; // Forces first Save to be treated as Save As
1052 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_cmdMediator != 0); // Menu option should only be available when a document is currently open
1088 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_cmdMediator != nullptr); // Menu option should only be available when a document is currently open
10541090 m_cmdMediator->document().setPixmap (image);
11151151 {
11161152 bool success = false;
1118 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
1154 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
11191155 success = (m_cmdMediator->document().documentAxesPointsRequired() != DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2);
11201156 }
11261162 {
11271163 bool success = false;
1129 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
1165 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
11301166 success = (m_cmdMediator->document().documentAxesPointsRequired() == DOCUMENT_AXES_POINTS_REQUIRED_2);
11311167 }
11361172 bool MainWindow::maybeSave()
11371173 {
1138 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
1174 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
11391175 if (m_cmdMediator->isModified()) {
11401176 QMessageBox::StandardButton ret = QMessageBox::warning (this,
11411177 engaugeWindowTitle(),
11971233 QStringList recentFilePaths = settings.value (SETTINGS_RECENT_FILE_LIST).toStringList();
11981234 recentFilePaths.removeAll (filePath); // Remove previous instance of the current filePath
11991235 recentFilePaths.prepend (filePath); // Insert current filePath at start
1200 while (recentFilePaths.count () > (int) MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE) {
1236 while (recentFilePaths.count () > qFloor (MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE)) {
12011237 recentFilePaths.removeLast (); // Remove entry since the number of entries exceeds the limit
12021238 }
12031239 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_RECENT_FILE_LIST, recentFilePaths);
12591295 {
12601296 // Skip if currently performing a regression test - in which case the preferred behavior is to let the current test fail and
12611297 // continue on to execute the remaining tests
1262 if ((m_cmdMediator != 0) && !m_isErrorReportRegressionTest) {
1298 if ((m_cmdMediator != nullptr) && !m_isErrorReportRegressionTest) {
12641300 QString report = saveErrorReportFileAndExitXml (context,
12651301 file,
14171453 {
14181454 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::selectBackgroundOriginal";
1420 BackgroundImage previousBackground = (BackgroundImage) m_cmbBackground->currentData().toInt();
1456 BackgroundImage previousBackground = static_cast<BackgroundImage> (m_cmbBackground->currentData().toInt());
14221458 int index = m_cmbBackground->findData (backgroundImage);
14231459 ENGAUGE_ASSERT (index >= 0);
15441580 true).toBool ();
15451581 m_actionViewBackground->setChecked (viewBackgroundToolBar);
15461582 m_toolBackground->setVisible (viewBackgroundToolBar);
1547 BackgroundImage backgroundImage = (BackgroundImage) settings.value (SETTINGS_BACKGROUND_IMAGE,
1583 BackgroundImage backgroundImage = static_cast<BackgroundImage> (settings.value (SETTINGS_BACKGROUND_IMAGE,
15491585 int indexBackground = m_cmbBackground->findData (QVariant (backgroundImage));
15501586 m_cmbBackground->setCurrentIndex (indexBackground);
15741610 loadToolTips ();
15761612 // Statusbar visibility
1577 StatusBarMode statusBarMode = (StatusBarMode) settings.value (SETTINGS_VIEW_STATUS_BAR,
1578 false).toInt ();
1613 StatusBarMode statusBarMode = static_cast<StatusBarMode> (settings.value (SETTINGS_VIEW_STATUS_BAR,
1614 false).toInt ());
15791615 m_statusBar->setStatusBarMode (statusBarMode);
15801616 m_actionStatusNever->setChecked (statusBarMode == STATUS_BAR_MODE_NEVER);
15811617 m_actionStatusTemporary->setChecked (statusBarMode == STATUS_BAR_MODE_TEMPORARY);
16011637 // settings are saved to the application AND saved to m_modelMainWindow for use in DlgSettingsMainWindow. Note that
16021638 // TranslatorContainer has previously extracted the locale from the settings
16031639 QLocale localeDefault;
1604 QLocale::Language language = (QLocale::Language) settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE,
1605 QVariant (localeDefault.language())).toInt();
1606 QLocale::Country country = (QLocale::Country) settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_COUNTRY,
1607 QVariant (;
1640 QLocale::Language language = static_cast<QLocale::Language> (settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE,
1641 QVariant (localeDefault.language())).toInt());
1642 QLocale::Country country = static_cast<QLocale::Country> (settings.value (SETTINGS_LOCALE_COUNTRY,
1643 QVariant (;
16081644 QLocale locale (language,
16091645 country);
1610 slotViewZoom ((ZoomFactor) settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_FACTOR,
1611 QVariant (ZOOM_1_TO_1)).toInt());
1646 slotViewZoom (static_cast<ZoomFactor> (settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_FACTOR,
1647 QVariant (ZOOM_1_TO_1)).toInt()));
16121648 m_modelMainWindow.setLocale (locale);
1613 m_modelMainWindow.setZoomFactorInitial((ZoomFactorInitial) settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_FACTOR_INITIAL,
1614 QVariant (DEFAULT_ZOOM_FACTOR_INITIAL)).toInt());
1615 m_modelMainWindow.setZoomControl ((ZoomControl) settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_CONTROL,
1617 m_modelMainWindow.setMainTitleBarFormat ((MainTitleBarFormat) settings.value (SETTINGS_MAIN_TITLE_BAR_FORMAT,
1618 QVariant (MAIN_TITLE_BAR_FORMAT_PATH)).toInt());
1649 m_modelMainWindow.setZoomFactorInitial(static_cast<ZoomFactorInitial> (settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_FACTOR_INITIAL,
1650 QVariant (DEFAULT_ZOOM_FACTOR_INITIAL)).toInt()));
1651 m_modelMainWindow.setZoomControl (static_cast<ZoomControl> (settings.value (SETTINGS_ZOOM_CONTROL,
1653 m_modelMainWindow.setMainTitleBarFormat (static_cast<MainTitleBarFormat> (settings.value (SETTINGS_MAIN_TITLE_BAR_FORMAT,
1654 QVariant (MAIN_TITLE_BAR_FORMAT_PATH)).toInt()));
16191655 m_modelMainWindow.setPdfResolution (settings.value (SETTINGS_IMPORT_PDF_RESOLUTION,
16201656 QVariant (DEFAULT_IMPORT_PDF_RESOLUTION)).toInt ());
1621 m_modelMainWindow.setImportCropping ((ImportCropping) settings.value (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING,
1622 QVariant (DEFAULT_IMPORT_CROPPING)).toInt ());
1657 m_modelMainWindow.setImportCropping (static_cast<ImportCropping> (settings.value (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING,
1658 QVariant (DEFAULT_IMPORT_CROPPING)).toInt ()));
16231659 m_modelMainWindow.setMaximumGridLines (settings.value (SETTINGS_MAXIMUM_GRID_LINES,
16241660 QVariant (DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_GRID_LINES)).toInt ());
16251661 m_modelMainWindow.setHighlightOpacity (settings.value (SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY,
16301666 QVariant (DEFAULT_DRAG_DROP_EXPORT)).toBool ());
16311667 m_modelMainWindow.setSignificantDigits (settings.value (SETTINGS_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS,
16321668 QVariant (DEFAULT_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS)).toInt ());
1669 m_modelMainWindow.setImageReplaceRenamesDocument (settings.value (SETTINGS_IMAGE_REPLACE_RENAMES_DOCUMENT,
16341672 updateSettingsMainWindow();
16351673 updateSmallDialogs();
16841722 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_CHECKLIST_GUIDE_WIZARD, m_actionHelpChecklistGuideWizard->isChecked ());
16851723 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_DRAG_DROP_EXPORT, m_modelMainWindow.dragDropExport ());
16861724 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY, m_modelMainWindow.highlightOpacity());
1725 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_IMAGE_REPLACE_RENAMES_DOCUMENT, m_modelMainWindow.imageReplaceRenamesDocument());
16871726 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_IMPORT_CROPPING, m_modelMainWindow.importCropping());
16881727 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_IMPORT_PDF_RESOLUTION, m_modelMainWindow.pdfResolution ());
16891728 settings.setValue (SETTINGS_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, m_modelMainWindow.locale().language());
17411780 return false;
17421781 }
1744 int numberCoordSystem = dlgImportAdvanced.numberCoordSystem();
1745 m_cmdMediator->document().addCoordSystems (numberCoordSystem - 1);
1783 int numberCoordSystem = signed (dlgImportAdvanced.numberCoordSystem());
1784 m_cmdMediator->document().addCoordSystems (unsigned (numberCoordSystem - 1));
17461785 m_cmdMediator->setDocumentAxesPointsRequired (dlgImportAdvanced.documentAxesPointsRequired());
17471786 }
17731812 m_cmdMediator->document().modelGridRemoval(),
17741813 m_cmdMediator->document().modelColorFilter(),
17751814 m_cmbCurve->currentText ());
1776 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage ((BackgroundImage) m_cmbBackground->currentIndex ());
1815 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage (static_cast<BackgroundImage> (m_cmbBackground->currentIndex ()));
17781817 applyZoomFactorAfterLoad(); // Zoom factor must be reapplied after background image is set, to have any effect
18081847 m_isDocumentExported = false;
1810 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage ((BackgroundImage) m_cmbBackground->currentIndex ());
1849 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage (static_cast<BackgroundImage> (m_cmbBackground->currentIndex ()));
18121851 applyZoomFactorAfterLoad(); // Zoom factor must be reapplied after background image is set, to have any effect
1814 setCurrentFile(fileName);
1853 // Some people prefer
1854 if (m_modelMainWindow.imageReplaceRenamesDocument()) {
1855 setCurrentFile(fileName);
1856 }
18151858 m_statusBar->showTemporaryMessage (temporaryMessage);
18161859 m_statusBar->wakeUp ();
19291972 break;
19301973 }
1932 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage ((BackgroundImage) currentIndex);
1975 m_backgroundStateContext->setBackgroundImage (static_cast<BackgroundImage> (currentIndex));
19331976 }
19351978 void MainWindow::slotCmbCoordSystem(int index)
19391982 CmdSelectCoordSystem *cmd = new CmdSelectCoordSystem (*this,
19401983 m_cmdMediator->document(),
1941 index);
1984 static_cast<CoordSystemIndex> (index));
19431986 m_cmdMediator->push (cmd);
19441987 }
22252268 // Deallocate fitted curve
2226 if (m_fittingCurve != 0) {
2269 if (m_fittingCurve != nullptr) {
22272270 m_scene->removeItem (m_fittingCurve);
2228 m_fittingCurve = 0;
2271 m_fittingCurve = nullptr;
22292272 }
22312274 // Remove screen objects
22472290 delete m_cmdMediator;
22492292 // Remove file information
2250 m_cmdMediator = 0;
2293 m_cmdMediator = nullptr;
22512294 m_currentFile = "";
22522295 m_engaugeFile = "";
22532296 setWindowTitle (engaugeWindowTitle ());
23302373 {
23312374 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotFileImportDraggedImageUrl url=" << url.toString ().toLatin1 ().data ();
2333 #ifdef NETWORKING
2376 // This is required for drag and drop from GraphicsView. This had an #ifdef
2377 // around it for NETWORKING but restored for drag and drop
23342378 m_loadImageFromUrl->startLoadImage (url);
2335 #endif
23362379 }
23382381 void MainWindow::slotFileImportImage(QString fileName, QImage image)
24742517 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotFittingWindowCurveFit"
24752518 << " order=" << fittingCurveCoef.size() - 1;
2477 if (m_fittingCurve != 0) {
2520 if (m_fittingCurve != nullptr) {
24782521 m_scene->removeItem (m_fittingCurve);
24792522 delete m_fittingCurve;
24802523 }
25602603 // LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotMouseMove pos=" << QPointFToString (pos).toLatin1 ().data ();
25622605 // Ignore mouse moves before Document is loaded
2563 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
2606 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
25652608 // Get status bar coordinates
25662609 QString coordsScreen, coordsGraph, resolutionGraph;
26712714 m_dlgSettingsCoords->show ();
26722715 }
2674 void MainWindow::slotSettingsCurveAddRemove ()
2675 {
2676 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotSettingsCurveAddRemove";
2678 m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove->load (*m_cmdMediator);
2679 m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove->show ();
2717 void MainWindow::slotSettingsCurveList ()
2718 {
2719 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotSettingsCurveList";
2721 m_dlgSettingsCurveList->load (*m_cmdMediator);
2722 m_dlgSettingsCurveList->show ();
26802723 }
26822725 void MainWindow::slotSettingsCurveProperties ()
28132856 } else {
28152858 // Script file might already have closed the Document so export only if last was not closed
2816 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
2859 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
28182861 #if !defined(OSX_DEBUG) && !defined(OSX_RELEASE)
28192862 exportAllCoordinateSystemsAfterRegressionTests ();
29492992 if (m_actionViewFittingWindow->isChecked()) {
29502993 m_dockFittingWindow->show ();
2951 if (m_fittingCurve != 0) {
2994 if (m_fittingCurve != nullptr) {
29522995 m_fittingCurve->setVisible (true);
29532996 }
29542997 } else {
29552998 m_dockFittingWindow->hide ();
2956 if (m_fittingCurve != 0) {
2999 if (m_fittingCurve != nullptr) {
29573000 m_fittingCurve->setVisible (false);
29583001 }
29593002 }
29933036 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotViewZoom";
29953038 // Update zoom controls and apply the zoom factor
2996 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = (ZoomFactor) zoom;
3039 ZoomFactor zoomFactor = static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom);
29973040 m_zoomMapToAction [zoomFactor]->setChecked (true);
2998 slotViewZoomFactor ((ZoomFactor) zoom);
3041 slotViewZoomFactor (static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom));
29993042 }
30013044 void MainWindow::slotViewZoomFactor (ZoomFactor zoomFactor)
30213064 {
30223065 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::slotViewZoomFactorInt";
3024 slotViewZoomFactor ((ZoomFactor) zoom);
3067 slotViewZoomFactor (static_cast<ZoomFactor> (zoom));
30253068 }
30273070 void MainWindow::slotViewZoomIn ()
30843127 }
30853128 }
3130 void MainWindow::startRegressionDropTest (const QStringList &loadStartupFiles)
3131 {
3132 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::startRegressionTestErrorReport";
3134 // Regression testing of drag and drop has some constraints:
3135 // 1) Need graphics window (GraphicsView) or else its events will not work. This is why
3136 // drag and drop testing is not done as one of the cli tests, which do not show the gui
3137 // 2) Drag and drop by itself does not produce the csv file, so this code will output the
3138 // x,y dimensions of the imported image instead of a normal csv file
3139 connect (this, SIGNAL (signalDropRegression (QString)), m_view, SLOT (slotDropRegression (QString)));
3141 for (int counter = 0; counter < loadStartupFiles.size (); counter++) {
3142 QString filenameDrop = (counter);
3144 // Trigger drop part of drag and drop operation
3145 emit signalDropRegression (filenameDrop);
3147 QSize siz = m_view->size();
3149 QString filenameCsv;
3150 if (filenameDrop.startsWith ("http")) {
3152 // Internet url is not useful for computing local file name. Only regression tests reach this branch
3153 // so filename is hardcoded
3154 filenameCsv = "../test/drag_and_drop_http.csv_actual_1";
3156 } else {
3158 // Local file
3159 filenameCsv = QString ("%1_%2")
3160 .arg (exportRegressionFilenameFromInputFilename (filenameDrop))
3161 .arg (counter + 1);
3162 }
3164 QFile file (filenameCsv);
3165 (QIODevice::WriteOnly);
3166 QTextStream str (&file);
3167 str << siz.width() << "x" << siz.height() << "\n";
3168 file.close ();
3169 }
3171 exit (0);
3172 }
30873174 void MainWindow::startRegressionTestErrorReport(const QString &regressionInputFile)
30883175 {
30893176 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::startRegressionTestErrorReport";
32283315 m_cmbBackground->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
3230 m_actionImportImageReplace->setEnabled (m_cmdMediator != 0);
3317 m_actionImportImageReplace->setEnabled (m_cmdMediator != nullptr);
32313318 #if !defined(OSX_DEBUG) && !defined(OSX_RELEASE)
32323319 m_menuFileOpenRecent->setEnabled ((m_actionRecentFiles.count () > 0) &&
32333320 (>isVisible ())); // Need at least one visible recent file entry
32383325 m_actionExport->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
32393326 m_actionPrint->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
3241 if (m_cmdMediator == 0) {
3328 if (m_cmdMediator == nullptr) {
32423329 m_actionEditUndo->setEnabled (false);
32433330 m_actionEditRedo->setEnabled (false);
32443331 } else {
32813368 m_actionViewSettingsViews->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
32833370 m_actionSettingsCoords->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
3284 m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
3371 m_actionSettingsCurveList->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
32853372 m_actionSettingsCurveProperties->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
32863373 m_actionSettingsDigitizeCurve->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
32873374 m_actionSettingsExport->setEnabled (!m_currentFile.isEmpty ());
33733460 {
33743461 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::updateFittingWindow";
3376 if (m_cmdMediator != 0 &&
3377 m_cmbCurve != 0) {
3463 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr &&
3464 m_cmbCurve != nullptr) {
33793466 // Update fitting window
33803467 m_dockFittingWindow->update (*m_cmdMediator,
33883475 {
33893476 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::updateGeometryWindow";
3391 if (m_cmdMediator != 0 &&
3392 m_cmbCurve != 0) {
3478 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr &&
3479 m_cmbCurve != nullptr) {
33943481 // Update geometry window
33953482 m_dockGeometryWindow->update (*m_cmdMediator,
34293516 void MainWindow::updateHighlightOpacity ()
34303517 {
3431 if (m_cmdMediator != 0) {
3518 if (m_cmdMediator != nullptr) {
34333520 // Update the QGraphicsScene with the populated Curves. This requires the points in the Document to be already updated
34343521 // by updateAfterCommandStatusBarCoords
34353522 m_scene->updateAfterCommand (*m_cmdMediator,
34363523 m_modelMainWindow.highlightOpacity(),
3437 m_dockGeometryWindow);
3524 m_dockGeometryWindow,
3525 m_transformation);
34383526 }
34393527 }
34473535 QStringList recentFilePaths = settings.value(SETTINGS_RECENT_FILE_LIST).toStringList();
34493537 // Determine the desired size of the path list
3450 unsigned int count = recentFilePaths.size();
3538 unsigned int count = unsigned (recentFilePaths.size());
34513539 if (count > MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE) {
34523540 count = MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE;
34533541 }
34553543 // Add visible entries
3456 unsigned int i;
3457 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3544 int i;
3545 for (i = 0; i < signed (count); i++) {
34583546 QString strippedName = QFileInfo (;
34593547 (i)->setText (strippedName);
34603548 (i)->setData ( (i));
34623550 }
34643552 // Hide any extra entries
3465 for (i = count; i < MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE; i++) {
3553 for (i = signed (count); i < signed (MAX_RECENT_FILE_LIST_SIZE); i++) {
34663554 (i)->setVisible (false);
34673555 }
34683556 #endif
35093597 m_cmdMediator->document().setModelCoords(modelCoords);
35103598 }
3512 void MainWindow::updateSettingsCurveAddRemove (const CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs)
3513 {
3514 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::updateSettingsCurveAddRemove";
3600 void MainWindow::updateSettingsCurveList (const CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs)
3601 {
3602 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "MainWindow::updateSettingsCurveList";
35163604 m_cmdMediator->document().setCurvesGraphs (curvesGraphs);
35173605 loadCurveListFromCmdMediator();
35833671 }
3585 if ((m_scene != 0) &&
3586 (m_cmdMediator != 0)) {
3673 if ((m_scene != nullptr) &&
3674 (m_cmdMediator != nullptr)) {
35873675 m_scene->updateCurveStyles(m_cmdMediator->document().modelCurveStyles());
35883676 }
36213709 m_dlgSettingsAxesChecker->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
36223710 m_dlgSettingsColorFilter->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
36233711 m_dlgSettingsCoords->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
3624 m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
3712 m_dlgSettingsCurveList->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
36253713 m_dlgSettingsCurveProperties->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
36263714 m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
36273715 m_dlgSettingsExportFormat->setSmallDialogs (m_modelMainWindow.smallDialogs ());
3131 class DlgSettingsAxesChecker;
3232 class DlgSettingsColorFilter;
3333 class DlgSettingsCoords;
34 class DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove;
34 class DlgSettingsCurveList;
3535 class DlgSettingsCurveProperties;
3636 class DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve;
3737 class DlgSettingsExportFormat;
117117 /// Single constructor.
118118 /// \param errorReportFile Optional error report file to be read at startup. Empty if unused. Incompatible with fileCmdScript
119119 /// \param fileCmdScriptFile Optional file command script file to be read at startup. Empty if unused. Incompatible with errorReportFile
120 /// \param isDropRegression True if files loaded at startup are for drag and drop testing
120121 /// \param isRegressionTest True if errorReportFile or fileCmdScript is for regression testing, in which case it is executed and the program exits
121122 /// \param isGnuplot True if diagnostic gnuplot files are generated for math-intense sections of the code. Used for development and debugging
122123 /// \param isReset True to reset all settings that would otherwise be restored from the previous execution of Engauge
128129 /// \param parent Optional parent widget for this widget
129130 MainWindow(const QString &errorReportFile,
130131 const QString &fileCmdScriptFile,
132 bool isDropRegression,
131133 bool isRegressionTest,
132134 bool isGnuplot,
133135 bool isReset,
226228 void updateSettingsCoords(const DocumentModelCoords &modelCoords);
228230 /// Update with new curves.
229 void updateSettingsCurveAddRemove (const CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs);
231 void updateSettingsCurveList (const CurvesGraphs &curvesGraphs);
231233 /// Update with new curve styles.
232234 void updateSettingsCurveStyles(const CurveStyles &modelCurveStyles);
320322 void slotSettingsAxesChecker ();
321323 void slotSettingsColorFilter ();
322324 void slotSettingsCoords ();
323 void slotSettingsCurveAddRemove ();
325 void slotSettingsCurveList ();
324326 void slotSettingsCurveProperties ();
325327 void slotSettingsDigitizeCurve ();
326328 void slotSettingsExportFormat ();
355357 void slotViewZoomOutFromWheelEvent ();
357359 signals:
360 /// Send drag and drop regression test url
361 void signalDropRegression(QString);
358363 /// Send zoom selection, picked from menu or keystroke, to StatusBar.
359364 void signalZoom(int);
434439 const QString &temporaryMessage,
435440 ImportType ImportType);
436441 void startRegressionTestErrorReport (const QString &regressionInputFile);
442 void startRegressionDropTest (const QStringList &loadStartupFiles);
437443 void startRegressionTestFileCmdScript ();
438444 void updateAfterCommandStatusBarCoords ();
439445 void updateChecklistGuide ();
554560 QAction *m_actionSettingsAxesChecker;
555561 QAction *m_actionSettingsColorFilter;
556562 QAction *m_actionSettingsCoords;
557 QAction *m_actionSettingsCurveAddRemove;
563 QAction *m_actionSettingsCurveList;
558564 QAction *m_actionSettingsCurveProperties;
559565 QAction *m_actionSettingsDigitizeCurve;
560566 QAction *m_actionSettingsExport;
618624 DlgSettingsAxesChecker *m_dlgSettingsAxesChecker;
619625 DlgSettingsColorFilter *m_dlgSettingsColorFilter;
620626 DlgSettingsCoords *m_dlgSettingsCoords;
621 DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove *m_dlgSettingsCurveAddRemove;
627 DlgSettingsCurveList *m_dlgSettingsCurveList;
622628 DlgSettingsCurveProperties *m_dlgSettingsCurveProperties;
623 DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve * m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve;
629 DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve *m_dlgSettingsDigitizeCurve;
624630 DlgSettingsExportFormat *m_dlgSettingsExportFormat;
625631 DlgSettingsGeneral *m_dlgSettingsGeneral;
626632 DlgSettingsGridDisplay *m_dlgSettingsGridDisplay;
2525 bool DEFAULT_DRAG_DROP_EXPORT = false; // False value allows intuitive copy-and-drag to select a rectangular set of table cells
2727 bool DEFAULT_SMALL_DIALOGS = false;
28 bool DEFAULT_IMAGE_REPLACE_RENAMES_DOCUMENT = true; // Pre-version 11.3 behavior
2930 MainWindowModel::MainWindowModel() :
3637 m_highlightOpacity (DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY),
3738 m_smallDialogs (DEFAULT_SMALL_DIALOGS),
3839 m_dragDropExport (DEFAULT_DRAG_DROP_EXPORT),
39 m_significantDigits (DEFAULT_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS)
40 m_significantDigits (DEFAULT_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS),
4042 {
4143 // Locale member variable m_locale is initialized to default locale when default constructor is called
4244 }
5254 m_highlightOpacity (other.highlightOpacity()),
5355 m_smallDialogs (other.smallDialogs()),
5456 m_dragDropExport (other.dragDropExport()),
55 m_significantDigits (other.significantDigits())
57 m_significantDigits (other.significantDigits()),
58 m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument (other.imageReplaceRenamesDocument())
5659 {
5760 }
6972 m_smallDialogs = other.smallDialogs();
7073 m_dragDropExport = other.dragDropExport();
7174 m_significantDigits = other.significantDigits();
75 m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument = other.imageReplaceRenamesDocument();
7377 return *this;
7478 }
8185 double MainWindowModel::highlightOpacity() const
8286 {
8387 return m_highlightOpacity;
88 }
90 bool MainWindowModel::imageReplaceRenamesDocument() const
91 {
92 return m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument;
8493 }
8695 ImportCropping MainWindowModel::importCropping() const
149158 str << indentation << "smallDialogs=" << (m_smallDialogs ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
150159 str << indentation << "dragDropExport=" << (m_dragDropExport ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
151160 str << indentation << "significantDigits=" << m_significantDigits << "\n";
161 str << indentation << "imageReplaceRenamesDocument=" << (m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
152162 }
154164 void MainWindowModel::saveXml(QXmlStreamWriter &writer) const
167177 void MainWindowModel::setHighlightOpacity(double highlightOpacity)
168178 {
169179 m_highlightOpacity = highlightOpacity;
180 }
182 void MainWindowModel::setImageReplaceRenamesDocument(bool imageReplaceRenamesDocument)
183 {
184 m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument = imageReplaceRenamesDocument;
170185 }
172187 void MainWindowModel::setImportCropping (ImportCropping importCropping)
1919 extern bool DEFAULT_DRAG_DROP_EXPORT;
2121 extern bool DEFAULT_SMALL_DIALOGS;
2324 /// Model for DlgSettingsMainWindow. Unlike the other models (DocumentModel*) this data is not saved and
2425 /// loaded within the document, so no xml or working with the Document class is involved. Also, there is
25 /// no associated Cmd. Instead, the settings are saved using QSettings. Method involving xml/Document
26 /// no associated Cmd. Instead, the settings are saved using QSettings. Methods involving xml/Document
2627 /// (from DocumentModelAbstractBase) are stubbed out
2728 class MainWindowModel : public DocumentModelAbstractBase
2829 {
4445 /// Get method for highlight opacity
4546 double highlightOpacity() const;
48 /// Get method for image replaces renames document
49 bool imageReplaceRenamesDocument () const;
4751 /// Get method for import cropping
4852 ImportCropping importCropping () const;
7175 /// Set method for highlight opacity
7276 void setHighlightOpacity (double highlightOpacity);
78 /// Set method for image replace renames document
79 void setImageReplaceRenamesDocument (bool imageReplaceRenamesDocument);
81 /// Set method for import cropping
82 void setImportCropping (ImportCropping importCropping);
7484 /// Set method for locale given attributes
7585 void setLocale (QLocale::Language language,
7686 QLocale::Country country);
7888 /// Set method for locale given locale object
7989 void setLocale (const QLocale &locale);
81 /// Set method for import cropping
82 void setImportCropping (ImportCropping importCropping);
8491 /// Set method for MainWindow titlebar filename format
8592 void setMainTitleBarFormat (MainTitleBarFormat mainTitleBarFormat);
127134 bool m_smallDialogs;
128135 bool m_dragDropExport;
129136 int m_significantDigits;
137 bool m_imageReplaceRenamesDocument;
131138 };
133140 #endif // MAIN_WINDOW_MODEL_H
2323 using namespace std;
2525 const QString CMD_DEBUG ("debug");
26 const QString CMD_DROP_REGRESSION ("dropregression");
2627 const QString CMD_ERROR_REPORT ("errorreport");
2728 const QString CMD_EXPORT_ONLY ("exportonly");
2829 const QString CMD_EXTRACT_IMAGE_ONLY ("extractimageonly");
3132 const QString CMD_HELP ("help");
3233 const QString CMD_REGRESSION ("regression");
3334 const QString CMD_RESET ("reset");
35 const QString CMD_STYLE ("style"); // Qt handles this
3436 const QString CMD_STYLES ("styles"); // Not to be confused with -style option that qt handles
37 const QString CMD_UPGRADE ("upgrade");
3538 const QString DASH ("-");
3639 const QString DASH_DEBUG ("-" + CMD_DEBUG);
3741 const QString DASH_ERROR_REPORT ("-" + CMD_ERROR_REPORT);
3943 const QString DASH_EXPORT_ONLY ("-" + CMD_EXPORT_ONLY);
4246 const QString DASH_HELP ("-" + CMD_HELP);
4347 const QString DASH_REGRESSION ("-" + CMD_REGRESSION);
4448 const QString DASH_RESET ("-" + CMD_RESET);
49 const QString DASH_STYLE ("-" + CMD_STYLE);
4550 const QString DASH_STYLES ("-" + CMD_STYLES);
51 const QString DASH_UPGRADE ("-" + CMD_UPGRADE);
4652 const QString ENGAUGE_LOG_FILE (".engauge.log");
4854 // Prototypes
5359 void parseCmdLine (int argc,
5460 char **argv,
5561 bool &isDebug,
62 bool &isDropRegression,
5663 bool &isReset,
5764 QString &errorReportFile,
5865 QString &fileCmdScriptFile,
6168 bool &isExportOnly,
6269 bool &isExtractImageOnly,
6370 QString &extractImageOnlyExtension,
71 bool &isUpgrade,
6472 QStringList &loadStartupFiles,
6573 QStringList &commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles);
6674 void sanityCheckLoadStartupFiles (bool isRepeatingFlag,
7482 void showMessageAndQuit (const QString &msg);
7583 void showStylesAndQuit ();
7684 void showUsageAndQuit ();
85 void upgradeFiles (const QStringList &loadStartupFiles);
7887 // Functions
7988 bool checkFileExists (const QString &file)
135144 TranslatorContainer translatorContainer (app); // Must exist until execution terminates
137146 // Command line
138 bool isDebug, isReset, isGnuplot, isErrorReportRegressionTest, isExportOnly, isExtractImageOnly;
147 bool isDebug, isDropRegression, isReset, isGnuplot, isErrorReportRegressionTest, isExportOnly, isExtractImageOnly, isUpgrade;
139148 QString errorReportFile, extractImageOnlyExtension, fileCmdScriptFile;
140149 QStringList loadStartupFiles, commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles;
141150 parseCmdLine (argc,
142151 argv,
143152 isDebug,
153 isDropRegression,
144154 isReset,
145155 errorReportFile,
146156 fileCmdScriptFile,
149159 isExportOnly,
150160 isExtractImageOnly,
151161 extractImageOnlyExtension,
162 isUpgrade,
152163 loadStartupFiles,
153164 commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles);
158169 isDebug);
159170 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "main args=" << QApplication::arguments().join (" ").toLatin1().data();
161 // Create and show main window
162 MainWindow w (errorReportFile,
163 fileCmdScriptFile,
164 isErrorReportRegressionTest,
165 isGnuplot,
166 isReset,
167 isExportOnly,
168 isExtractImageOnly,
169 extractImageOnlyExtension,
170 loadStartupFiles,
171 commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles);
174 // Event loop
175 return app.exec();
172 // Upgrade or run normally
173 int rtn = 0;
174 if (isUpgrade) {
175 upgradeFiles (loadStartupFiles);
176 } else {
177 // Create and show main window
178 MainWindow w (errorReportFile,
179 fileCmdScriptFile,
180 isDropRegression,
181 isErrorReportRegressionTest,
182 isGnuplot,
183 isReset,
184 isExportOnly,
185 isExtractImageOnly,
186 extractImageOnlyExtension,
187 loadStartupFiles,
188 commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles);
191 // Event loop
192 rtn = app.exec();
193 }
195 return rtn;
176196 }
178198 void parseCmdLine (int argc,
179199 char **argv,
180200 bool &isDebug,
201 bool &isDropRegression,
181202 bool &isReset,
182203 QString &errorReportFile,
183204 QString &fileCmdScriptFile,
186207 bool &isExportOnly,
187208 bool &isExtractImageOnly,
188209 QString &extractImageOnlyExtension,
210 bool &isUpgrade,
189211 QStringList &loadStartupFiles,
190212 QStringList &commandLineWithoutLoadStartupFiles)
191213 {
201223 // Defaults
202224 isDebug = false;
225 isDropRegression = false;
203226 isReset = false;
204227 errorReportFile = "";
205228 fileCmdScriptFile = "";
208231 isExportOnly = false;
209232 isExtractImageOnly = false;
210233 extractImageOnlyExtension = "";
234 isUpgrade = false;
212236 for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
233257 nextIsFileCmdScript = false;
234258 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_DEBUG.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
235259 isDebug = true;
260 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_DROP_REGRESSION.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
261 isDropRegression = true;
236262 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_ERROR_REPORT.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
237263 nextIsErrorReportFile = true;
238264 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_EXPORT_ONLY.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
250276 isErrorReportRegressionTest = true;
251277 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_RESET.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
252278 isReset = true;
279 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_STYLE.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
280 // This branch never executes because Qt strips out '-style <style>' and processes it.
281 // This comment is here just to document that special handling
253282 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_STYLES.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
254283 showStylesAndQuit ();
284 } else if (strcmp (argv [i], DASH_UPGRADE.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
285 isUpgrade = true;
255286 } else if (strncmp (argv [i], DASH.toLatin1().data(), 1) == 0) {
256287 showUsage = true; // User entered an unrecognized token
257288 } else {
259290 // so relative paths must be changed in advance to absolute so the files can still be found
260291 QString fileName = argv [i];
261292 QFileInfo fInfo (fileName);
262 if (fInfo.isRelative()) {
293 if (fInfo.isRelative() && !fileName.startsWith ("http")) {
263294 fileName = fInfo.absoluteFilePath();
264295 }
329360 void showMessageAndQuit (const QString &msg)
330361 {
331362 // Show message in QMessageBox instead of cout or cerr since console output is disabled in Microsoft Windows
332 QMessageBox::critical (0,
363 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
333364 QObject::tr ("Engauge Digitizer"),
334365 msg);
335366 exit (0);
349380 QTextStream str (&msg);
350381 str << "<html>Usage: engauge "
351382 << "[" << DASH_DEBUG.toLatin1().data() << "] "
383 << "[" << DASH_DROP_REGRESSION.toLatin1().data() << "] "
352384 << "[" << DASH_ERROR_REPORT.toLatin1().data() << " &lt;file&gt;] "
353385 << "[" << DASH_EXPORT_ONLY.toLatin1().data() << "] "
354386 << "[" << DASH_EXTRACT_IMAGE_ONLY.toLatin1().data() << " &lt;extension&gt;] "
357389 << "[" << DASH_HELP.toLatin1().data() << "] "
358390 << "[" << DASH_REGRESSION.toLatin1().data() << "] "
359391 << "[" << DASH_RESET.toLatin1().data () << "] "
392 << "[" << DASH_STYLE.toLatin1().data () << " &lt;style&gt;] "
360393 << "[" << DASH_STYLES.toLatin1().data () << "] "
361394 << "[&lt;load_file1&gt;] [&lt;load_file2&gt;] ..." << endl
362395 << "<table>"
367400 << "</td>"
368401 << "</tr>"
369402 << "<tr>"
403 << "<td>" << DASH_DROP_REGRESSION.toLatin1().data() << "</td>"
404 << "<td>"
405 << QObject::tr ("Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing").toLatin1().data()
406 << "</td>"
407 << "</tr>"
408 << "<tr>"
370409 << "<td>" << DASH_ERROR_REPORT.toLatin1().data() << "</td>"
371410 << "<td>"
372 << QObject::tr ("Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing").toLatin1().data()
411 << QObject::tr ("Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing").toLatin1().data()
373412 << "</td>"
374413 << "</tr>"
375414 << "<tr>"
415454 << "</td>"
416455 << "</tr>"
417456 << "<tr>"
457 << "<td>" << DASH_STYLE.toLatin1().data() << "</td>"
458 << "<td>"
459 << QString ("%1 %2")
460 .arg (QObject::tr ("Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option"))
461 .arg (DASH_STYLES).toLatin1().data()
462 << "</td>"
463 << "</tr>"
464 << "<tr>"
418465 << "<td>" << DASH_STYLES.toLatin1().data() << "</td>"
419466 << "<td>"
420 << QObject::tr ("Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command").toLatin1().data()
467 << QString ("%1 %2")
468 .arg (QObject::tr ("Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option"))
469 .arg (DASH_STYLE).toLatin1().data()
470 << "</td>"
471 << "</tr>"
472 << "<tr>"
473 << "<td>" << DASH_UPGRADE.toLatin1().data() << "</td>"
474 << "<td>"
475 << QObject::tr ("Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version").toLatin1().data()
421476 << "</td>"
422477 << "</tr>"
423478 << "<tr>"
431486 showMessageAndQuit (msg);
432487 }
489 void upgradeFiles (const QStringList &loadStartupFiles)
490 {
491 QString FILE_SUFFIX (".dig");
492 QString UPGRADE_TOKEN ("_upgrade");
494 QString msg;
496 QStringList::const_iterator itr;
497 for (itr = loadStartupFiles.begin(); itr != loadStartupFiles.end(); itr++) {
499 QString filenameOld = *itr;
500 QString filenameNew;
502 // First try to insert upgrade token before file prefix if it is recognized
503 if (filenameOld.endsWith (FILE_SUFFIX,
504 Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
505 QString withoutSuffix = filenameOld.left (filenameOld.size () - FILE_SUFFIX.size ());
506 filenameNew = QString ("%1%2%3")
507 .arg (withoutSuffix)
508 .arg (UPGRADE_TOKEN)
509 .arg (FILE_SUFFIX);
510 } else {
512 // Otherwise append upgrade token
513 filenameNew = QString ("%1%2")
514 .arg (filenameOld)
515 .arg (UPGRADE_TOKEN);
516 }
518 // Get old file
519 Document document (filenameOld);
521 // Make new file
522 QFile file (filenameNew);
523 if (! (QFile::WriteOnly)) {
525 msg += QString ("%1 %2")
526 .arg (QObject::tr ("Could not write to"))
527 .arg (filenameNew);
529 } else {
531 QXmlStreamWriter writer (&file);
532 writer.setAutoFormatting (true);
533 writer.writeStartDocument();
534 writer.writeDTD ("<!DOCTYPE engauge>");
535 document.saveXml (writer);
536 writer.writeEndDocument ();
538 msg += QString ("%1 %2 %3 %4")
539 .arg (QObject::tr ("Upgraded"))
540 .arg (filenameOld)
541 .arg (QObject::tr ("to"))
542 .arg (filenameNew);
543 }
544 }
546 // Do not show a message using QMessageBox since upgrade mode may be called hundreds
547 // of times successively by python scripts. Logging is used instead
548 LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "Upgrade results: " << msg.toLatin1().data ();
550 exit (0);
551 }
88 QString dataKeyToString (DataKey dataKey)
99 {
10 QString rtn;
1012 switch (dataKey) {
1416 break;
1820 break;
2224 break;
2426 default:
25 return "<unknown>";
27 rtn = "<unknown>";
2628 }
30 return rtn;
2731 }
7575 // 2-4 pixels 4x4 -2 to +2
7676 // 5-9 5x5 -2 to +3
7777 // 10-16 6x6 -3 to +3
78 int rowStart = row - (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount - 1)); // Inclusive
79 int colStart = col - (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount - 1)); // Inclusive
80 int rowStop = row + (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount)); // Exclusive
81 int colStop = col + (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount)); // Exclusive
78 int rowStart = qFloor (row - (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount - 1))); // Inclusive
79 int colStart = qFloor (col - (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount - 1))); // Inclusive
80 int rowStop = qFloor (row + (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount))); // Exclusive
81 int colStop = qFloor (col + (1 + qSqrt (thresholdCount))); // Exclusive
8383 // First pass is for counting
8484 int countWhite = 0;
85 for (int row = rowStart; row < rowStop; row++) {
86 for (int col = colStart; col < colStop; col++) {
85 for (int rowIter = rowStart; rowIter < rowStop; rowIter++) {
86 for (int colIter = colStart; colIter < colStop; colIter++) {
8787 if (!pixelIsBlack (image,
88 col,
89 row)) {
88 colIter,
89 rowIter)) {
9090 ++countWhite;
9191 }
9292 }
9595 // Second pass fills in the hole
9696 if (countWhite < thresholdCount) {
97 for (int row = rowStart; row < rowStop; row++) {
98 for (int col = colStart; col < colStop; col++) {
99 image.setPixel (col,
100 row,
97 for (int rowIter = rowStart; rowIter < rowStop; rowIter++) {
98 for (int colIter = colStart; colIter < colStop; colIter++) {
99 image.setPixel (colIter,
100 rowIter,
101101 Qt::black);
102102 }
103103 }
66 #include "Version.h"
8 const char *VERSION_NUMBER = "10.10";
8 // Every jump in the major version number will need:
9 // 1) changes to Document class
10 // 2) at least one version-specific test case in the test subdirectory
11 const char *VERSION_NUMBER = "12.0";
1013 QString engaugeWindowTitle()
1114 {
2727 // Try to extract as much useful context as possible
2828 QString context;
2929 QFileDevice *fileDevice = dynamic_cast<QFileDevice*> (reader.device());
30 if (fileDevice == 0) {
30 if (fileDevice == nullptr) {
3232 context = QString ("%1 %2: ")
3333 .arg (QObject::tr ("Start at line"))
4949 .arg (message)
5050 .arg (QObject::tr ("Quitting"));
52 QMessageBox::critical (0,
52 QMessageBox::critical (nullptr,
5353 QObject::tr ("Error reading xml"),
5454 adornedMsg);
6969 bit = *(image1Bit.scanLine (y) + (x >> 3)) & (1 << (7 - (x & 7)));
7070 }
72 unsigned int tableIndex = ((bit == 0) ? 0 : 1);
72 int tableIndex = ((bit == 0) ? 0 : 1);
7373 return image1Bit.color(tableIndex);
7474 }
7676 QRgb pixelRGB8(const QImage &image8Bit, int x, int y)
7777 {
78 unsigned int tableIndex = *(image8Bit.scanLine(y) + x);
78 int tableIndex = *(image8Bit.scanLine(y) + x);
7979 return image8Bit.color(tableIndex);
8080 }
8282 QRgb pixelRGB32(const QImage &image32Bit, int x, int y)
8383 {
84 unsigned int* p = (unsigned int *) image32Bit.scanLine(y) + x;
84 // QImage::scanLine documentation says:
85 // 1) Cast return value to QRgb* (which is 32 bit) which hides platform-specific byte orders
86 // 2) Scanline data is aligned on 32 bit boundary
87 // unsigned int* p = (unsigned int *) image32Bit.scanLine(y) + x;
88 const QRgb *p = reinterpret_cast<const QRgb *> (image32Bit.scanLine(y)) + x;
8589 return *p;
8690 }
198202 for (int index = 0; index < image8Bit.colorCount(); index++) {
199203 if (q == image8Bit.color(index))
200204 {
201 *(image8Bit.scanLine(y) + x) = index;
205 *(image8Bit.scanLine(y) + x) = static_cast<uchar> (index);
202206 return;
203207 }
204208 }
207211 void setPixelRGB32(QImage &image32Bit, int x, int y, QRgb q)
208212 {
209213 int* p = (int *)image32Bit.scanLine(y) + x;
210 *p = q;
211 }
214 *p = signed (q);
215 }
00 .expected
11 .actual
22 *_actual*
3 *_upgrade.dig
34 .file1
45 .file2
56 extract_image_only_1.png
67 extract_image_only_2.png
8 __pycache__
9 .Test*
0 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 # Script that outputs the graph and screen coordinates of each point in a DIG file.
3 # The format is:
4 # 1) "xGraph yGraph xScreen yScreen" on each line
5 # 2) Between each field is the export delimiter selected in the DIG file
6 #
7 # Requirements:
8 # 1) python3 (versus python2)
9 # 2) numpy and pandas
10 # 3) from the Engauge scripts directory
11 # 4) from the Engauge scripts directory
13 import faulthandler
14 import inspect
15 import numpy as np
16 import pandas as pd
17 import subprocess
18 import sys
19 import testDigGenerator as TDG
21 sys.path.insert (0, '../contrib/python')
22 from ParseDig import ParseDig
26 def parseDigFile (fileName):
27 parseDig = ParseDig (fileName)
28 curveNames = parseDig.curveNames ()
29 exportDelimiter = parseDig.exportDelimiter ()
30 try:
31 f = open (fileName[:-4] + 'Parsed.csv', 'w')
32 except Exception as e:
33 f = open (fileName[:-4] + 'Parsed.csv', 'w+')
34 for curveName in curveNames:
36 header = ("# {}" . format (curveName))
37 f.write (header + exportDelimiter + exportDelimiter + exportDelimiter + '\n')
38 curve = parseDig.curve (curveName)
40 for row in curve:
41 xGraph = row [0]
42 yGraph = row [1]
43 (xScreen, yScreen) = parseDig.transformGraphToScreen (xGraph, yGraph)
44 dataLine = ("{}{}{}{}{}{}{}" . format (xGraph, exportDelimiter,
45 yGraph, exportDelimiter,
46 xScreen, exportDelimiter,
47 yScreen))
48 f.write(dataLine + '\n')
49 f.close()
50 return pd.read_csv(fileName[:-4] + 'Parsed.csv')
52 def showResults (testName, expected, actual):
53 GREEN = '\033[32m'
54 RED = '\033[31m'
55 ENDCOLOR = '\033[0m'
56 expected = np.array ([round (elem, 3) for elem in expected]) # Remove issues due to roundoff
57 actual = np.array ([round (elem, 3) for elem in actual])
58 result = (expected == actual).all ()
59 passFail = (GREEN + "PASS" + ENDCOLOR) if result else (RED + "FAIL" + ENDCOLOR)
60 print ('{} : {}' . format (passFail, testName))
62 def TestFourAxesInfiniteSlope ():
63 xScreen = [45, 587, 45, 45]
64 yScreen = [171, 171, 15, 327]
65 xGraph = [0, 14, 0, 0]
66 yGraph = [0, 0, 1.5, -1.5]
67 xPoints = 55
68 yPoints = 96
69 title = '.TestFourAxesInfiniteSlope.dig'
70 TDG.createTestCase(np.array ([xScreen, xGraph]),
71 np.array ([yScreen, yGraph]),
72 xPoints, yPoints,
73 'Linear', 'Linear', title)
74 ParseDig.callEngauge (['-exportonly', title], DEBUG_ENABLE)
75 engaugeOutput = pd.read_csv (title [:-3] + 'csv')
76 parsedData = np.array (parseDigFile (title).iloc [:, :2])[0]
77 testData = np.array (engaugeOutput.iloc [:, :2]) [0]
78 for i in range (len (testData)):
79 decimalIndex = str (testData [i]).find ('.')
80 decimals = len (str (testData [i])) - decimalIndex - 1
81 parsedData[i] = np.round (parsedData [i], decimals)
82 showResults (inspect.stack () [0] [3],
83 testData,
84 parsedData)
86 def TestInfiniteSlope():
87 xScreen = [45, 587, 45]
88 yScreen = [327, 171, 15]
89 xGraph = [0, 14, 0]
90 yGraph = [-1.5, 0, 1.5]
91 xPoints = 55
92 yPoints = 96
93 title = '.TestInfiniteSlope.dig'
94 TDG.createTestCase (np.array ([xScreen, xGraph]),
95 np.array ([yScreen, yGraph]),
96 xPoints, yPoints,
97 'Linear', 'Linear', title)
98 ParseDig.callEngauge (['-exportonly', title], DEBUG_ENABLE)
99 engaugeOutput = pd.read_csv (title [:-3] + 'csv')
100 parsedData = np.array (parseDigFile (title).iloc [:, :2]) [0]
101 testData = np.array (engaugeOutput.iloc [:, :2]) [0]
102 for i in range (len (testData)):
103 decimalIndex = str (testData[i]).find ('.')
104 decimals = len (str (testData [i])) - decimalIndex - 1
105 parsedData[i] = np.round (parsedData [i], decimals)
106 showResults (inspect.stack () [0] [3],
107 testData,
108 parsedData)
110 def TestRandomSlope ():
111 xScreen = [np.random.randint(100, 150), 587, 45]
112 yScreen = [327, 171, 15]
113 xGraph = [0, 14, 0]
114 yGraph = [-1.5, 0, 1.5]
115 xPoints = 55
116 yPoints = 96
117 title = '.TestRandomSlope.dig'
118 TDG.createTestCase (np.array ([xScreen, xGraph]),
119 np.array ([yScreen, yGraph]),
120 xPoints, yPoints,
121 'Linear', 'Linear', title)
122 ParseDig.callEngauge (['-exportonly', title], DEBUG_ENABLE)
123 engaugeOutput = pd.read_csv (title [:-3] + 'csv')
124 parsedData = np.array (parseDigFile (title).iloc [:, :2]) [0]
125 testData = np.array (engaugeOutput.iloc [:, :2]) [0]
126 for i in range (len (testData)):
127 decimalIndex = str (testData[i]).find ('.')
128 decimals = len(str (testData[i])) - decimalIndex - 1
129 parsedData [i] = np.round (parsedData [i], decimals)
130 showResults (inspect.stack () [0] [3],
131 testData,
132 parsedData)
134 faulthandler.enable ()
135 TestFourAxesInfiniteSlope ()
136 TestInfiniteSlope ()
137 TestRandomSlope ()
Binary diff not shown
0 ../test/drag_and_drop_gif.gif -dropregression
0 -dropregression
Binary diff not shown
0 ../test/drag_and_drop_jpg.jpg -dropregression
Binary diff not shown
0 ../test/drag_and_drop_png.png -dropregression
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <!DOCTYPE engauge>
2 <Document VersionNumber="11.0" AxesPointsRequired="0">
3 <Image Width="634" Height="423"><![CDATA[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]]></Image>
4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
6 <Coords Type="0" TypeString="Cartesian" Coords="0" ScaleXTheta="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsX="0" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsDate="3" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTime="2" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorSize="1" CursorStandardCross="True"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="4" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalFunctions="100" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" PointsIntervalRelations="10" LayoutFunctions="0" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" OverrideCsvTsv="False" DelimiterString="Commas" EndpointsEvenlySpaced="0" EndpointsEvenlySpacedString="Omit" EndpointsFirstCurve="0" EndpointsFirstCurveString="Omit" EndpointsGridLines="0" EndpointsGridLinesString="Omit" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" XLabel="x">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker Mode="1" Seconds="3" LineColor="6"/>
12 <GridDisplay Stable="True" DisableX="0" CountX="5" StartX="0" StepX="2" StopX="10" DisableY="0" CountY="5" StartY="0" StepY="0.25" StopY="1" Color="0" ColorString="Black"/>
13 <GridRemoval Stable="False" DefinedGridLines="False" CloseDistance="10" CoordDisableX="0" CoordDisableXString="Count" CountX="11" StartX="-0.173721" StepX="0.751622" StopX="7.3425" CoordDisableY="0" CoordDisableYString="Count" CountY="5" StartY="0.00415397" StepY="0.250081" StopY="1.00448"/>
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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
6 <Coords UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" Coords="0" UnitsY="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" Type="0" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsTheta="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsX="0" UnitsTime="2" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorStandardCross="True" CursorSize="1" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorInnerRadius="5"/>
8 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="0" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" XLabel="x" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsSelectionRelations="0" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
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15 <Segments FillCorners="False" LineColorString="Green" LineWidth="4" PointSeparation="25" MinLength="2" LineColor="4"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
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18 <CurveStyle CurveName="Axes">
19 <LineStyle Color="8" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve" ConnectAs="4" Width="0" ColorString="Transparent"/>
20 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" Color="6" Shape="1" LineWidth="1" ColorString="Red" Radius="10"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints/>
23 </Curve>
24 <CurvesGraphs>
25 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
26 <ColorFilter ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" HueHigh="360" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" CurveName="Curve1" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityHigh="50" Mode="2" ForegroundLow="0" ValueLow="0"/>
27 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
28 <LineStyle Color="1" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" ConnectAs="0" Width="1" ColorString="Blue"/>
29 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" Color="1" Shape="1" LineWidth="1" ColorString="Blue" Radius="10"/>
30 </CurveStyle>
31 <CurvePoints/>
32 </Curve>
33 </CurvesGraphs>
34 </CoordSystem>
35 <OperatingSystem Endian="LittleEndian" WordSize="64"/>
36 <File Imported="True"/>
37 <CmdMediator>
38 <Cmd Description="Curve list" Type="CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove">
39 <CurvesGraphs>
40 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
41 <ColorFilter ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" HueHigh="360" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" CurveName="Curve1" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityHigh="50" Mode="2" ForegroundLow="0" ValueLow="0"/>
42 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
43 <LineStyle Color="1" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" ConnectAs="0" Width="1" ColorString="Blue"/>
44 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" Color="1" Shape="1" LineWidth="1" ColorString="Blue" Radius="10"/>
45 </CurveStyle>
46 <CurvePoints/>
47 </Curve>
48 </CurvesGraphs>
49 <CurvesGraphs>
50 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
51 <ColorFilter ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" HueHigh="360" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" CurveName="Curve1" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityHigh="50" Mode="2" ForegroundLow="0" ValueLow="0"/>
52 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
53 <LineStyle Color="1" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" ConnectAs="0" Width="1" ColorString="Blue"/>
54 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" Color="1" Shape="1" LineWidth="1" ColorString="Blue" Radius="10"/>
55 </CurveStyle>
56 <CurvePoints/>
57 </Curve>
58 <Curve CurveName="Curve2">
59 <ColorFilter ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" HueHigh="360" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" CurveName="Curve2" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityHigh="50" Mode="2" ForegroundLow="0" ValueLow="0"/>
60 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve2">
61 <LineStyle Color="1" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" ConnectAs="0" Width="1" ColorString="Blue"/>
62 <PointStyle ShapeString="X" Color="1" Shape="5" LineWidth="1" ColorString="Blue" Radius="10"/>
63 </CurveStyle>
64 <CurvePoints/>
65 </Curve>
66 </CurvesGraphs>
67 </Cmd>
68 <Cmd GraphX="-5" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;1" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="221" GraphY="0" IsXOnly="False" ScreenX="21" Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis"/>
69 <Cmd GraphX="0" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3" Ordinal="2" ScreenY="421" GraphY="-5" IsXOnly="False" ScreenX="269" Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis"/>
70 <Cmd GraphX="5" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5" Ordinal="3" ScreenY="221" GraphY="0" IsXOnly="False" ScreenX="519" Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis"/>
71 <Cmd Description="Add graph points" CurveName="Curve2" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph">
72 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;6" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="259" ScreenX="21"/>
73 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;7" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="264" ScreenX="45"/>
74 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;8" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="269" ScreenX="69"/>
75 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;9" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="276" ScreenX="92"/>
76 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;10" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="285" ScreenX="115"/>
77 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;11" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="296" ScreenX="138"/>
78 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;12" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="310" ScreenX="158"/>
79 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;13" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="327" ScreenX="177"/>
80 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;14" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="347" ScreenX="191"/>
81 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;15" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="369" ScreenX="202"/>
82 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;16" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="392" ScreenX="211"/>
83 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;17" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="416" ScreenX="218"/>
84 </Cmd>
85 <Cmd Description="Add graph points" CurveName="Curve2" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph">
86 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;18" Ordinal="5.5" ScreenY="19" ScreenX="317"/>
87 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;19" Ordinal="6.5" ScreenY="42" ScreenX="325"/>
88 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;20" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenY="65" ScreenX="334"/>
89 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;21" Ordinal="6.5" ScreenY="88" ScreenX="345"/>
90 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;22" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenY="108" ScreenX="359"/>
91 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;23" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenY="126" ScreenX="376"/>
92 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;24" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenY="141" ScreenX="396"/>
93 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;25" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenY="153" ScreenX="418"/>
94 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;26" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenY="162" ScreenX="441"/>
95 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;27" Ordinal="9.5" ScreenY="169" ScreenX="465"/>
96 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;28" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenY="175" ScreenX="489"/>
97 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#x9;point&#x9;29" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenY="179" ScreenX="512"/>
98 </Cmd>
99 <Cmd Description="Export settings" Type="CmdSettingsExport">
100 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="0" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" XLabel="x" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsSelectionRelations="0" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple">
101 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
102 </Export>
103 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="1" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateFirstCurve" XLabel="x" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsSelectionRelations="0" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple">
104 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
105 </Export>
106 </Cmd>
107 <Cmd Description="Export settings" Type="CmdSettingsExport">
108 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="1" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateFirstCurve" XLabel="x" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsSelectionRelations="0" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple">
109 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
110 </Export>
111 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" XLabel="x" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsSelectionRelations="0" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple">
112 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
113 </Export>
114 </Cmd>
115 </CmdMediator>
116 <Error Line="358" Context="Shift+Control+E" Comment="userTriggered" File="src/main/MainWindow.cpp"/>
117 </Document>
118 </ErrorReport>
0 -errorreport ../test/export_empty_then_nonempty_curves.dig -regression -reset
0 x,Curve1,Curve2
1 -5.0202,-0.9158,
2 -4.5363,-1.0396,
3 -4.0524,-1.1634,
4 -3.5887,-1.3366,
5 -3.125,-1.5594,
6 -2.6613,-1.8317,
7 -2.2581,-2.1782,
8 -1.875,-2.599,
9 -1.5927,-3.0941,
10 -1.371,-3.6386,
11 -1.1895,-4.2079,
12 -1.0484,-4.802,
13 0.9476,5.0248,
14 1.1089,4.4554,
15 1.2903,3.8861,
16 1.5121,3.3168,
17 1.7944,2.8218,
18 2.1371,2.3762,
19 2.5403,2.005,
20 2.9839,1.7079,
21 3.4476,1.4851,
22 3.9315,1.3119,
23 4.4153,1.1634,
24 4.879,1.0644,
0 <ErrorReport>
1 <Application VersionNumber="11.2"/>
2 <Document VersionNumber="11.2" AxesPointsRequired="0">
3 <Image Height="435" 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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
6 <Coords UnitsDate="3" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" ScaleYRadius="0" Type="0" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsXString="Number" TypeString="Cartesian" Coords="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsY="0" UnitsX="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" ScaleXThetaString="Linear"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorStandardCross="True" CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorSize="1" CursorLineWidth="2"/>
8 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" Header="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalRelations="10" LayoutFunctions="0" XLabel="x" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionRelations="0" OverrideCsvTsv="False" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Delimiter="0">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker Mode="1" Seconds="3" LineColor="6"/>
12 <GridDisplay StopX="1" StartX="0" Stable="False" StepX="1" StepY="1" CountY="2" CountX="2" ColorString="Black" DisableX="0" StartY="0" StopY="1" DisableY="0" Color="0"/>
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14 <PointMatch ColorAccepted="4" PointSize="48" ColorCandidate="7" ColorRejected="6" ColorRejectedString="Red" ColorAcceptedString="Green" ColorCandidateString="Yellow"/>
15 <Segments FillCorners="False" LineWidth="4" LineColor="4" LineColorString="Green" MinLength="2" PointSeparation="25"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
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18 <CurveStyle CurveName="Axes">
19 <LineStyle ColorString="Transparent" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve" Width="0" Color="8" ConnectAs="4"/>
20 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Radius="10" Shape="1" ColorString="Red" Color="6"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints/>
23 </Curve>
24 <CurvesGraphs>
25 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
26 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" CurveName="Curve1" ForegroundHigh="10" Mode="2" HueHigh="360" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityLow="0" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" HueLow="180"/>
27 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
28 <LineStyle ColorString="Blue" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" Width="1" Color="1" ConnectAs="0"/>
29 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Radius="10" Shape="1" ColorString="Blue" Color="1"/>
30 </CurveStyle>
31 <CurvePoints/>
32 </Curve>
33 </CurvesGraphs>
34 </CoordSystem>
35 <OperatingSystem Endian="LittleEndian" WordSize="64"/>
36 <File Imported="True"/>
37 <CmdMediator>
38 <Cmd Description="Curve list" Type="CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove">
39 <CurvesGraphs>
40 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
41 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" CurveName="Curve1" ForegroundHigh="10" Mode="2" HueHigh="360" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityLow="0" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" HueLow="180"/>
42 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
43 <LineStyle ColorString="Blue" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" Width="1" Color="1" ConnectAs="0"/>
44 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Radius="10" Shape="1" ColorString="Blue" Color="1"/>
45 </CurveStyle>
46 <CurvePoints/>
47 </Curve>
48 </CurvesGraphs>
49 <CurvesGraphs>
50 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
51 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" CurveName="Curve1" ForegroundHigh="10" Mode="2" HueHigh="360" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityLow="0" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" HueLow="180"/>
52 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
53 <LineStyle ColorString="Blue" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" Width="1" Color="1" ConnectAs="0"/>
54 <PointStyle ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Radius="10" Shape="1" ColorString="Blue" Color="1"/>
55 </CurveStyle>
56 <CurvePoints/>
57 </Curve>
58 <Curve CurveName="Curve2">
59 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" CurveName="Curve2" ForegroundHigh="10" Mode="2" HueHigh="360" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityLow="0" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" HueLow="180"/>
60 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve2">
61 <LineStyle ColorString="Blue" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" Width="1" Color="1" ConnectAs="0"/>
62 <PointStyle ShapeString="X" LineWidth="1" Radius="10" Shape="5" ColorString="Blue" Color="1"/>
63 </CurveStyle>
64 <CurvePoints/>
65 </Curve>
66 </CurvesGraphs>
67 </Cmd>
68 <Cmd Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;1" Description="Add axis point" GraphX="0" IsXOnly="False" ScreenY="222" GraphY="0" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="270"/>
69 <Cmd Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3" Description="Add axis point" GraphX="5" IsXOnly="False" ScreenY="222" GraphY="0" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="2" ScreenX="518"/>
70 <Cmd Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5" Description="Add axis point" GraphX="0" IsXOnly="False" ScreenY="20" GraphY="5" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="3" ScreenX="270"/>
71 <Cmd CurveName="Curve1" Description="Add graph points" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph">
72 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;6" ScreenY="259" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="21"/>
73 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;7" ScreenY="264" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="45"/>
74 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;8" ScreenY="269" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="69"/>
75 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;9" ScreenY="276" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="92"/>
76 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;10" ScreenY="285" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="115"/>
77 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;11" ScreenY="296" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="138"/>
78 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;12" ScreenY="310" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="158"/>
79 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;13" ScreenY="327" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="177"/>
80 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;14" ScreenY="347" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="191"/>
81 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;15" ScreenY="369" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="202"/>
82 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;16" ScreenY="392" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="211"/>
83 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;17" ScreenY="416" Ordinal="1" ScreenX="218"/>
84 </Cmd>
85 <Cmd CurveName="Curve1" Description="Add graph points" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph">
86 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;18" ScreenY="19" Ordinal="5.5" ScreenX="317"/>
87 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;19" ScreenY="42" Ordinal="6.5" ScreenX="325"/>
88 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;20" ScreenY="65" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenX="334"/>
89 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;21" ScreenY="88" Ordinal="6.5" ScreenX="345"/>
90 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;22" ScreenY="108" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenX="359"/>
91 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;23" ScreenY="126" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenX="376"/>
92 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;24" ScreenY="141" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenX="396"/>
93 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;25" ScreenY="153" Ordinal="7.5" ScreenX="418"/>
94 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;26" ScreenY="162" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenX="441"/>
95 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;27" ScreenY="169" Ordinal="9.5" ScreenX="465"/>
96 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;28" ScreenY="175" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenX="489"/>
97 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;29" ScreenY="179" Ordinal="8.5" ScreenX="512"/>
98 </Cmd>
99 </CmdMediator>
100 <Error Comment="userTriggered" Context="Shift+Control+E" Line="358" File="src/main/MainWindow.cpp"/>
101 </Document>
102 </ErrorReport>
0 -errorreport ../test/export_nonempty_then_empty_curves.dig -regression -reset
55 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
66 <Coords ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsDate="3" UnitsX="0" UnitsY="0" Type="0" Coords="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsTime="2"/>
77 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorStandardCross="True" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorSize="1"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
99 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
1010 </Export>
1111 <AxesChecker LineColor="6" Mode="1" Seconds="3"/>
9999 <Cmd ScreenX="1201.54" ScreenY="110.209" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="2" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3" GraphX="6" Description="Add axis point" GraphY="0" IsXOnly="False"/>
100100 <Cmd ScreenX="494.098" ScreenY="20.3969" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="3" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5" GraphX="0" Description="Add axis point" GraphY="3" IsXOnly="False"/>
101101 <Cmd Type="CmdSettingsExport" Description="Export settings">
102 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
102 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
103103 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
104104 </Export>
105 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
105 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
106106 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
107107 </Export>
108108 </Cmd>
55 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
66 <Coords ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsDate="3" UnitsX="0" UnitsY="0" Type="0" Coords="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsTime="2"/>
77 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorStandardCross="True" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorSize="1"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
99 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
1010 </Export>
1111 <AxesChecker LineColor="6" Mode="1" Seconds="3"/>
9999 <Cmd ScreenX="1201.54" ScreenY="110.209" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="2" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3" GraphX="6" Description="Add axis point" GraphY="0" IsXOnly="False"/>
100100 <Cmd ScreenX="494.098" ScreenY="20.3969" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" Ordinal="3" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5" GraphX="0" Description="Add axis point" GraphY="3" IsXOnly="False"/>
101101 <Cmd Type="CmdSettingsExport" Description="Export settings">
102 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
102 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
103103 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
104104 </Export>
105 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
105 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsIntervalRelations="1" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" Delimiter="0" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" Header="1">
106106 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
107107 </Export>
108108 </Cmd>
55 <General ExtraPrecision="1" CursorSize="3"/>
66 <Coords ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" ScaleYRadius="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsX="0" UnitsY="0" Coords="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" Type="0" UnitsTime="2" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsYString="Number" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsXString="Number"/>
77 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorStandardCross="True" CursorSize="1" CursorLineWidth="2"/>
8 <Export DelimiterString="Commas" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" PointsIntervalRelations="1" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" OverrideCsvTsv="True" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="3" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Delimiter="0" XLabel="x">
8 <Export DelimiterString="Commas" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" PointsIntervalRelations="1" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" OverrideCsvTsv="True" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" Delimiter="0" XLabel="x">
99 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
1010 </Export>
1111 <AxesChecker LineColor="6" Mode="1" Seconds="3"/>
55 <General ExtraPrecision="1" CursorSize="3"/>
66 <Coords UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsX="0" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsY="0" Type="0" ScaleYRadius="0" UnitsDate="3" Coords="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsYString="Number" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsXString="Number" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD"/>
77 <DigitizeCurve CursorStandardCross="True" CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorSize="1" CursorLineWidth="2"/>
8 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="3" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
8 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="0" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
99 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
1010 </Export>
1111 <AxesChecker LineColor="6" Seconds="3" Mode="1"/>
117117 <Cmd ScreenX="730.376" ScreenY="50.9922" Description="Add graph point" CurveName="green" Identifier="green&#x9;point&#x9;22" Ordinal="6.5" Type="CmdAddPointGraph"/>
118118 <Cmd ScreenX="847.82" ScreenY="20.7258" Description="Add graph point" CurveName="green" Identifier="green&#x9;point&#x9;23" Ordinal="7.5" Type="CmdAddPointGraph"/>
119119 <Cmd Description="Export settings" Type="CmdSettingsExport">
120 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="3" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
120 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="0" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
121121 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
122122 </Export>
123 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="3" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
123 <Export XLabel="x" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" PointsSelectionRelations="0" Header="1" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw">
124124 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
125125 </Export>
126126 </Cmd>
0 x,Curve1
1 0.0009556,-0.6016
2 0.0016486,0.0813
3 0.002597,0.8293
4 0.004091,1.5772
5 0.007058,2.2927
6 0.012743,2.9756
7 0.02408,3.6585
8 0.0476,4.3089
9 0.10308,4.8943
10 0.2444,5.4146
11 0.6348,5.8049
12 1.8894,6.0976
13 5.623,6.2276
14 16.737,6.1951
15 49.82,6.0325
16 148.27,5.8374
17 421.7,5.5447
18 1199.4,5.2195
19 3411,4.8943
20 9702,4.5691
21 2.888e+04,4.3089
22 8.212e+04,4.0813
23 2.444e+05,3.9512
24 7.613e+05,3.8862
25 2.266e+06,4.0163
26 6.445e+06,4.3089
27 1.6737e+07,4.6992
28 3.969e+07,5.2195
29 8.594e+07,5.7724
30 1.6993e+08,6.4228
31 3.211e+08,7.0732
32 5.539e+08,7.7886
0 -errorreport ../test/four_axis_point_log_x.xml -regression -reset
0 <ErrorReport>
1 <Application VersionNumber="10.11"/>
2 <Document VersionNumber="10.11" AxesPointsRequired="1">
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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General ExtraPrecision="1" CursorSize="3"/>
6 <Coords TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsYString="Number" Coords="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" Type="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsX="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsXString="Number" ScaleXThetaString="Linear"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorLineWidth="2" CursorStandardCross="True" CursorSize="1" CursorInnerRadius="5"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsSelectionRelations="0" XLabel="x" HeaderString="Simple" LayoutFunctions="0" Header="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" PointsIntervalRelations="10" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" DelimiterString="Commas">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker Mode="1" Seconds="3" LineColor="6"/>
12 <GridDisplay StepX="1" DisableY="0" ColorString="Black" Stable="False" CountX="2" StopX="1" StepY="1" DisableX="0" StartY="0" StopY="1" CountY="2" StartX="0" Color="0"/>
13 <GridRemoval StepX="0" CloseDistance="10" Stable="False" DefinedGridLines="False" CountX="2" StopX="0" StepY="0" StartY="0" StopY="0" CountY="2" CoordDisableXString="Count" CoordDisableY="0" CoordDisableYString="Count" CoordDisableX="0" StartX="0"/>
14 <PointMatch ColorCandidate="7" ColorRejectedString="Red" ColorRejected="6" ColorAccepted="4" ColorCandidateString="Yellow" ColorAcceptedString="Green" PointSize="48"/>
15 <Segments PointSeparation="25" MinLength="2" LineColorString="Green" FillCorners="False" LineColor="4" LineWidth="4"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
17 <ColorFilter HueHigh="360" ValueHigh="50" Mode="2" ModeString="Intensity" ForegroundHigh="10" CurveName="Axes" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" ValueLow="0" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" HueLow="180"/>
18 <CurveStyle CurveName="Axes">
19 <LineStyle ColorString="Transparent" ConnectAs="4" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve" Width="0" Color="8"/>
20 <PointStyle ColorString="Red" Radius="10" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Color="6"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints/>
23 </Curve>
24 <CurvesGraphs>
25 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
26 <ColorFilter HueHigh="360" ValueHigh="50" Mode="2" ModeString="Intensity" ForegroundHigh="10" CurveName="Curve1" SaturationHigh="100" IntensityLow="0" SaturationLow="50" ValueLow="0" ForegroundLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" HueLow="180"/>
27 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
28 <LineStyle ColorString="Blue" ConnectAs="0" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth" Width="1" Color="1"/>
29 <PointStyle ColorString="Blue" Radius="10" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross" LineWidth="1" Color="1"/>
30 </CurveStyle>
31 <CurvePoints/>
32 </Curve>
33 </CurvesGraphs>
34 </CoordSystem>
35 <OperatingSystem WordSize="64" Endian="LittleEndian"/>
36 <File Imported="True"/>
37 <CmdMediator>
38 <Cmd Description="Coordinate settings" Type="CmdSettingsCoords">
39 <Coords TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsYString="Number" Coords="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" Type="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsX="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsXString="Number" ScaleXThetaString="Linear"/>
40 <Coords TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsYString="Number" Coords="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" Type="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsX="0" ScaleXTheta="1" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsXString="Number" ScaleXThetaString="Log"/>
41 </Cmd>
42 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" GraphY="0" GraphX="1" ScreenX="251" IsXOnly="True" Ordinal="1" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="324" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;1"/>
43 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" GraphY="0" GraphX="1000000000" ScreenX="707" IsXOnly="True" Ordinal="2" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="324" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3"/>
44 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" GraphY="2" GraphX="0" ScreenX="99" IsXOnly="False" Ordinal="3" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="264" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5"/>
45 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" GraphY="10" GraphX="0" ScreenX="99" IsXOnly="False" Ordinal="4" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="18" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;7"/>
46 <Cmd Description="Add graph points" CurveName="Curve1" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph">
47 <Point ScreenX="98" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="344" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;8"/>
48 <Point ScreenX="110" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="323" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;9"/>
49 <Point ScreenX="120" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="300" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;10"/>
50 <Point ScreenX="130" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="277" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;11"/>
51 <Point ScreenX="142" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="255" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;12"/>
52 <Point ScreenX="155" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="234" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;13"/>
53 <Point ScreenX="169" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="213" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;14"/>
54 <Point ScreenX="184" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="193" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;15"/>
55 <Point ScreenX="201" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="175" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;16"/>
56 <Point ScreenX="220" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="159" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;17"/>
57 <Point ScreenX="241" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="147" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;18"/>
58 <Point ScreenX="265" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="138" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;19"/>
59 <Point ScreenX="289" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="134" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;20"/>
60 <Point ScreenX="313" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="135" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;21"/>
61 <Point ScreenX="337" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="140" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;22"/>
62 <Point ScreenX="361" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="146" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;23"/>
63 <Point ScreenX="384" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="155" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;24"/>
64 <Point ScreenX="407" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="165" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;25"/>
65 <Point ScreenX="430" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="175" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;26"/>
66 <Point ScreenX="453" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="185" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;27"/>
67 <Point ScreenX="477" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="193" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;28"/>
68 <Point ScreenX="500" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="200" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;29"/>
69 <Point ScreenX="524" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="204" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;30"/>
70 <Point ScreenX="549" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="206" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;31"/>
71 <Point ScreenX="573" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="202" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;32"/>
72 <Point ScreenX="596" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="193" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;33"/>
73 <Point ScreenX="617" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="181" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;34"/>
74 <Point ScreenX="636" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="165" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;35"/>
75 <Point ScreenX="653" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="148" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;36"/>
76 <Point ScreenX="668" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="128" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;37"/>
77 <Point ScreenX="682" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="108" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;38"/>
78 <Point ScreenX="694" Ordinal="1" ScreenY="86" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;39"/>
79 </Cmd>
80 </CmdMediator>
81 <Error File="src/main/MainWindow.cpp" Context="Shift+Control+E" Comment="userTriggered" Line="357"/>
82 </Document>
83 </ErrorReport>
0 x,Curve1
1 0.9325,0.0003008
2 1.3006,0.003008
3 1.5951,0.03008
4 1.8896,0.3325
5 2.2577,3.325
6 2.589,33.25
7 2.9939,332.5
8 3.4356,2721
9 3.9509,2.462e+04
10 4.5399,1.65e+05
11 5.2025,9.047e+05
12 5.9755,3.325e+06
13 6.8589,5.484e+06
14 7.7423,5.484e+06
15 8.589,2.721e+06
16 9.4356,1.105e+06
17 10.2454,3.325e+05
18 11.0552,1e+05
19 11.865,2.721e+04
20 12.6748,9047
21 13.5215,3675
22 14.4049,2228
23 15.2883,2228
24 16.135,4489
25 16.9448,1.65e+04
26 17.5706,1e+05
27 18.1227,6.7e+05
28 18.638,5.484e+06
29 19.0798,4.962e+07
30 19.4479,4.962e+08
31 19.816,4.962e+09
0 -errorreport ../test/four_axis_point_log_y.xml -regression -reset
0 <ErrorReport>
1 <Application VersionNumber="10.11"/>
2 <Document VersionNumber="10.11" AxesPointsRequired="1">
3 <Image Width="690" 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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General ExtraPrecision="1" CursorSize="3"/>
6 <Coords UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsX="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsTheta="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsYString="Number" Type="0" Coords="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsY="0" UnitsTime="2"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorSize="1" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorStandardCross="True"/>
8 <Export DelimiterString="Commas" PointsSelectionFunctions="0" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" LayoutFunctions="0" OverrideCsvTsv="False" PointsIntervalRelations="10" Delimiter="0" Header="1" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" HeaderString="Simple" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateAllCurves" XLabel="x">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker LineColor="6" Mode="1" Seconds="3"/>
12 <GridDisplay DisableY="0" Color="0" StopX="1" StartY="0" CountX="2" StopY="1" StartX="0" StepX="1" CountY="2" Stable="False" DisableX="0" StepY="1" ColorString="Black"/>
13 <GridRemoval StopX="0" StartY="0" CountX="2" CoordDisableY="0" StopY="0" StartX="0" StepX="0" CountY="2" CoordDisableXString="Count" CoordDisableYString="Count" Stable="False" CloseDistance="10" StepY="0" CoordDisableX="0" DefinedGridLines="False"/>
14 <PointMatch ColorCandidateString="Yellow" ColorRejected="6" ColorRejectedString="Red" PointSize="48" ColorAccepted="4" ColorAcceptedString="Green" ColorCandidate="7"/>
15 <Segments LineWidth="4" MinLength="2" LineColor="4" LineColorString="Green" FillCorners="False" PointSeparation="25"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
17 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" Mode="2" IntensityLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" CurveName="Axes" ValueLow="0" HueHigh="360"/>
18 <CurveStyle CurveName="Axes">
19 <LineStyle Color="8" Width="0" ColorString="Transparent" ConnectAs="4" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve"/>
20 <PointStyle Color="6" LineWidth="1" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross" ColorString="Red" Radius="10"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints/>
23 </Curve>
24 <CurvesGraphs>
25 <Curve CurveName="Curve1">
26 <ColorFilter SaturationLow="50" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" HueLow="180" ValueHigh="50" ModeString="Intensity" SaturationHigh="100" Mode="2" IntensityLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" CurveName="Curve1" ValueLow="0" HueHigh="360"/>
27 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve1">
28 <LineStyle Color="1" Width="1" ColorString="Blue" ConnectAs="0" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth"/>
29 <PointStyle Color="1" LineWidth="1" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross" ColorString="Blue" Radius="10"/>
30 </CurveStyle>
31 <CurvePoints/>
32 </Curve>
33 </CurvesGraphs>
34 </CoordSystem>
35 <OperatingSystem WordSize="64" Endian="LittleEndian"/>
36 <File Imported="True"/>
37 <CmdMediator>
38 <Cmd Description="Coordinate settings" Type="CmdSettingsCoords">
39 <Coords UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsX="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsTheta="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsYString="Number" Type="0" Coords="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsY="0" UnitsTime="2"/>
40 <Coords UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsX="0" ScaleYRadius="1" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsTheta="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsYString="Number" Type="0" Coords="0" UnitsDate="3" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" ScaleYRadiusString="Log" TypeString="Cartesian" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsY="0" UnitsTime="2"/>
41 </Cmd>
42 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="346" IsXOnly="True" GraphX="2" ScreenX="182" GraphY="0" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;1"/>
43 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="346" IsXOnly="True" GraphX="20" ScreenX="671" GraphY="0" Ordinal="2" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;3"/>
44 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="300" IsXOnly="False" GraphX="0" ScreenX="128" GraphY="0.01" Ordinal="3" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;5"/>
45 <Cmd Description="Add axis point" Type="CmdAddPointAxis" ScreenY="24" IsXOnly="False" GraphX="0" ScreenX="128" GraphY="10000000000" Ordinal="4" Identifier="Axes&#x9;point&#x9;7"/>
46 <Cmd Description="Add graph points" Type="CmdAddPointsGraph" CurveName="Curve1">
47 <Point ScreenY="335" ScreenX="153" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;8"/>
48 <Point ScreenY="312" ScreenX="163" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;9"/>
49 <Point ScreenY="289" ScreenX="171" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;10"/>
50 <Point ScreenY="265" ScreenX="179" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;11"/>
51 <Point ScreenY="242" ScreenX="189" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;12"/>
52 <Point ScreenY="219" ScreenX="198" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;13"/>
53 <Point ScreenY="196" ScreenX="209" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;14"/>
54 <Point ScreenY="175" ScreenX="221" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;15"/>
55 <Point ScreenY="153" ScreenX="235" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;16"/>
56 <Point ScreenY="134" ScreenX="251" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;17"/>
57 <Point ScreenY="117" ScreenX="269" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;18"/>
58 <Point ScreenY="104" ScreenX="290" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;19"/>
59 <Point ScreenY="99" ScreenX="314" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;20"/>
60 <Point ScreenY="99" ScreenX="338" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;21"/>
61 <Point ScreenY="106" ScreenX="361" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;22"/>
62 <Point ScreenY="115" ScreenX="384" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;23"/>
63 <Point ScreenY="127" ScreenX="406" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;24"/>
64 <Point ScreenY="139" ScreenX="428" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;25"/>
65 <Point ScreenY="152" ScreenX="450" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;26"/>
66 <Point ScreenY="163" ScreenX="472" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;27"/>
67 <Point ScreenY="172" ScreenX="495" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;28"/>
68 <Point ScreenY="177" ScreenX="519" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;29"/>
69 <Point ScreenY="177" ScreenX="543" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;30"/>
70 <Point ScreenY="170" ScreenX="566" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;31"/>
71 <Point ScreenY="157" ScreenX="588" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;32"/>
72 <Point ScreenY="139" ScreenX="605" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;33"/>
73 <Point ScreenY="120" ScreenX="620" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;34"/>
74 <Point ScreenY="99" ScreenX="634" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;35"/>
75 <Point ScreenY="77" ScreenX="646" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;36"/>
76 <Point ScreenY="54" ScreenX="656" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;37"/>
77 <Point ScreenY="31" ScreenX="666" Ordinal="1" Identifier="Curve1&#x9;point&#x9;38"/>
78 </Cmd>
79 </CmdMediator>
80 <Error File="src/main/MainWindow.cpp" Line="357" Context="Shift+Control+E" Comment="userTriggered"/>
81 </Document>
82 </ErrorReport>
55 <General ExtraPrecision="1" CursorSize="3"/>
66 <Coords UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" TypeString="Cartesian" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" UnitsX="0" UnitsY="0" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" Type="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsDate="3" UnitsRadius="0" Coords="0" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleXTheta="0" UnitsTime="2" UnitsTheta="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear"/>
77 <DigitizeCurve CursorStandardCross="True" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorSize="1"/>
8 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelations="3" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
8 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
99 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
1010 </Export>
1111 <AxesChecker Seconds="3" Mode="1" LineColor="6"/>
367367 <Point ScreenY="82" Ordinal="1" Identifier="blue&#x9;point&#x9;197" ScreenX="949"/>
368368 </Cmd>
369369 <Cmd Description="Export settings" Type="CmdSettingsExport">
370 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelations="3" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
370 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
371371 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
372372 </Export>
373 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Unknown" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="2" HeaderString="Gnuplot" PointsSelectionRelations="3" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
373 <Export PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" LayoutFunctions="1" LayoutFunctionsString="OnePerLine" XLabel="x" PointsSelectionFunctions="3" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="Raw" PointsIntervalRelations="1" DelimiterString="Commas" Delimiter="0" Header="2" HeaderString="Gnuplot" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" OverrideCsvTsv="True">
374374 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
375375 </Export>
376376 </Cmd>
55 4.1004,2.3706
66 4.8566,2.0028
77 5.6128,1.7261
8 6.3689,1.5103
8 6.369,1.5103
99 7.1251,1.3382
1010 7.8813,1.199
1111 8.6375,1.0855
1313 10.1499,0.9153
1414 10.9061,0.8517
1515 11.6623,0.7989
16 12.4184,0.755
16 12.4185,0.755
1717 13.1746,0.7182
1818 13.9308,0.6872
1919 14.687,0.6607
2020 15.4432,0.6376
2121 16.1994,0.617
2222 16.9556,0.5979
23 17.7117,0.5798
24 18.4679,0.5625
25 19.2241,0.5461
23 17.7118,0.5798
24 18.468,0.5625
25 19.2242,0.5461
2626 19.9803,0.5303
2727 20.7365,0.5152
2828 21.4927,0.5007
2929 22.2489,0.4867
30 23.005,0.4733
31 23.7612,0.4604
32 24.5174,0.4479
33 25.2736,0.4358
30 23.0051,0.4733
31 23.7613,0.4604
32 24.5175,0.4479
33 25.2737,0.4358
3434 26.0298,0.424
3535 26.786,0.4126
3636 27.5422,0.4015
3737 28.2984,0.3906
38 29.0545,0.38
39 29.8107,0.3696
40 30.5669,0.3593
41 31.3231,0.3492
42 32.0793,0.3393
43 32.8355,0.3294
38 29.0546,0.38
39 29.8108,0.3696
40 30.567,0.3593
41 31.3232,0.3492
42 32.0793,0.3392
43 32.8355,0.3293
4444 33.5917,0.3195
45 34.3478,0.3097
45 34.3479,0.3097
143143 -11.592,5.4385,6.0689,5.6929
144144 -10.8809,5.4735,6.0785,5.7108
145145 -10.1298,5.8478,6.0813,5.7253
146 -9.05889,5.7767,6.0908,5.7392
146 -9.05889,5.442,6.0908,5.7392
147147 -8.66869,5.7504,6.1093,5.7456
148148 -7.75419,5.6883,6.1799,5.783
149 -6.54857,5.6057,6.1516,6.2689
149 -6.54857,5.4443,6.1516,6.2689
150150 -6.48196,5.6011,6.1492,6.2651
151 -5.44084,5.5291,6.1077,6.2049
152 -4.24802,5.4462,6.0576,6.1354
151 -5.44084,5.5291,6.1077,5.8387
152 -4.24802,5.4462,6.1853,6.1354
153153 -4.06364,5.4334,6.05,6.1246
154 -3.18153,5.3718,6.3025,6.0728
154 -3.18153,5.3718,6.3025,5.8918
155155 -2.04332,5.292,6.2307,6.0057
156156 -0.968262,5.2166,6.1627,5.942
157157 69.2173,0.46869,1.72069,1.78046
159159 88.8584,0.90573,0.56989,0.7006
160160 92.7295,0.88445,0.36627,0.50421
161161 95.6228,0.8661,0.2265,0.365
162 102.618,0.957,0.01565,0.0751
162 102.618,0.957,0.767,0.0751
163163 106.329,1.0646,1.0197,-0.0198
164164 109.773,1.1455,1.0122,0.7049
165165 115.626,1.2527,0.9653,0.9587
0 # lxml supports CDATA and xml.etree.ElementTree does not
1 # See
2 from lxml.etree import CDATA, Element, SubElement, tostring
3 import pandas as pd
5 def addAxisPoint (curvePoints, identifierNumber, ordinal, xScreen, yScreen, xGraph, yGraph, IsXOnly = 'False'):
6 point = SubElement (curvePoints, 'Point')
7 point.set ('Identifier', 'Axes\tpoint\t{}' . format (identifierNumber))
8 point.set ('Ordinal', '{}' . format (ordinal))
9 point.set ('IsAxisPoint', 'True')
10 point.set ('IsXOnly', IsXOnly)
11 point.set ('Index', '329')
12 positionScreen = SubElement (point, 'PositionScreen')
13 positionScreen.set ('X', '{}' . format (xScreen))
14 positionScreen.set ('Y', '{}' . format (yScreen))
15 positionGraph = SubElement (point, 'PositionGraph')
16 positionGraph.set ('X', '{}' . format (xGraph))
17 positionGraph.set ('Y', '{}' . format (yGraph))
19 def addGraphPoint (curvePoints, identifierIndex, ordinal, xScreen, yScreen):
20 point = SubElement (curvePoints, 'Point')
21 point.set ('Identifier', 'Curve1\tpoint\t{}' . format (identifierIndex))
22 point.set ('Ordinal', '0')
23 point.set ('IsAxisPoint', 'False')
24 point.set ('IsXOnly', 'False')
25 point.set ('Index', '329')
26 positionScreen = SubElement (point, 'PositionScreen')
27 positionScreen.set ('X', '{}' . format (xScreen))
28 positionScreen.set ('Y', '{}' . format (yScreen))
30 def createTestCase(xAxes, yAxes, xData, yData, xScale, yScale, title):
31 """xAxes looks like [xScreen, xGraph], where xScreen is an array of
32 x pixel values for the axes, and xGraph is the corresponding graph
33 coordinates. yAxes is similar.
34 If passing four axis points, the first two rows should be for the x axis
35 and the next two values for the y axis.
36 xData and yData are both 1D arrays of the pixel values of the
37 data points.
38 xScale and yScale are the various scale types (e.g. Linear, Log).
39 title is the desired title of the output."""
41 document = Element ('Document')
42 document.set ('VersionNumber', '11.0')
43 document.set ('AxesPointsRequired', '0')
45 image = SubElement (document, 'Image')
46 image.set ('Width', '605')
47 image.set ('Height', '340')
48 image.text = CDATA ('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')
50 coordSystem = SubElement (document, 'CoordSystem')
51 general = SubElement (coordSystem, 'General')
52 general.set ('CursorSize', '3')
53 general.set ('ExtraPrecision', '1')
54 coords = SubElement (coordSystem, 'Coords')
55 coords.set ('Type', '0')
56 coords.set ('TypeString', 'Cartesian')
57 coords.set ('Coords', '0')
59 if (xScale == 'Linear'):
60 coords.set ('ScaleXTheta', '0')
61 elif (xScale == 'Log'):
62 coords.set ('ScaleXTheta', '1')
63 coords.set ('ScaleXThetaString', xScale)
65 if (yScale == 'Linear'):
66 coords.set ('ScaleYRadius', '0')
67 elif (yScale == 'Log'):
68 coords.set ('ScaleYRadius', '1')
69 coords.set ('ScaleYRadiusString', yScale)
71 coords.set ('UnitsX', '0')
72 coords.set ('UnitsXString', 'Number')
73 coords.set ('UnitsY', '0')
74 coords.set ('UnitsYString', 'Number')
75 coords.set ('UnitsTheta', '0')
76 coords.set ('UnitsThetaString', 'Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)')
77 coords.set ('UnitsRadius', '0')
78 coords.set ('UnitsRadiusString', 'Number')
79 coords.set ('UnitsDate', '3')
80 coords.set ('UnitsDateString', 'YYYY/MM/DD')
81 coords.set ('UnitsTime', '2')
82 coords.set ('UnitsTimeString', 'HH:MM:SS')
83 digitizeCurve = SubElement (coordSystem, 'DigitizeCurve')
84 digitizeCurve.set ('CursorInnerRadius', '5')
85 digitizeCurve.set ('CursorLineWidth', '2')
86 digitizeCurve.set ('CursorSize', '1')
87 digitizeCurve.set ('CursorStandardCross', 'True')
88 export = SubElement (coordSystem, 'Export')
89 export.set ('PointsSelectionFunctions', '1')
90 export.set ('PointsSelectionFunctionsString', 'InterpolateFirstCurve')
91 export.set ('PointsIntervalFunctions', '10')
92 export.set ('PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions', '1')
93 export.set ('PointsSelectionRelations', '0')
94 export.set ('PointsSelectionRelationsString', 'Interpolate')
95 export.set ('PointsIntervalUnitsRelations', '1')
96 export.set ('PointsIntervalRelations', '10')
97 export.set ('LayoutFunctions', '0')
98 export.set ('LayoutFunctionsString', 'AllPerLine')
99 export.set ('Delimiter', '0')
100 export.set ('OverrideCsvTsv', 'False')
101 export.set ('DelimiterString', 'Commas')
102 export.set ('ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints', 'True')
103 export.set ('Header', '1')
104 export.set ('HeaderString', 'Simple')
105 export.set ('XLabel', 'x')
106 curveNamesNotExported = SubElement (export, 'CurveNamesNotExported')
107 axesChecker = SubElement (coordSystem, 'AxesChecker')
108 axesChecker.set ('Mode', '1')
109 axesChecker.set ('Seconds', '3')
110 axesChecker.set ('LineColor', '6')
111 gridDisplay = SubElement (coordSystem, 'GridDisplay')
112 gridDisplay.set ('Stable', 'True')
113 gridDisplay.set ('DisableX', '0')
114 gridDisplay.set ('CountX', '4')
115 gridDisplay.set ('StartX', '0')
116 gridDisplay.set ('StepX', '5')
117 gridDisplay.set ('StopX', '15')
118 gridDisplay.set ('DisableY', '0')
119 gridDisplay.set ('CountY', '5')
120 gridDisplay.set ('StartY', '-2')
121 gridDisplay.set ('StepY', '1')
122 gridDisplay.set ('StopY', '2')
123 gridDisplay.set ('Color', '0')
124 gridDisplay.set ('ColorString', 'Black')
125 gridRemoval = SubElement (coordSystem, 'GridRemoval')
126 gridRemoval.set ('Stable', 'False')
127 gridRemoval.set ('DefinedGridLines', 'False')
128 gridRemoval.set ('CloseDistance', '10')
129 gridRemoval.set ('CoordDisableX', '0')
130 gridRemoval.set ('CoordDisableXString', 'Count')
131 gridRemoval.set ('CountX', '2')
132 gridRemoval.set ('StartX', '-0.256806')
133 gridRemoval.set ('StepX', '3.07889')
134 gridRemoval.set ('StopX', '2.82208')
135 gridRemoval.set ('CoordDisableY', '0')
136 gridRemoval.set ('CoordDisableYString', 'Count')
137 gridRemoval.set ('CountY', '24')
138 gridRemoval.set ('StartY', '-0.986309')
139 gridRemoval.set ('StepY', '0.0866021')
140 gridRemoval.set ('StopY', '1.00554')
141 pointMatch = SubElement (coordSystem, 'PointMatch')
142 pointMatch.set ('PointSize', '48')
143 pointMatch.set ('ColorAccepted', '4')
144 pointMatch.set ('ColorAcceptedString', 'Green')
145 pointMatch.set ('ColorCandidate', '7')
146 pointMatch.set ('ColorCandidateString', 'Yellow')
147 pointMatch.set ('ColorRejected', '6')
148 pointMatch.set ('ColorRejectedString', 'Red')
149 segments = SubElement (coordSystem, 'Segments')
150 segments.set ('PointSeparation', '25')
151 segments.set ('MinLength', '2')
152 segments.set ('FillCorners', 'False')
153 segments.set ('LineWidth', '4')
154 segments.set ('LineColor', '4')
155 segments.set ('LineColorString', 'Green')
156 curve = SubElement (coordSystem, 'Curve')
157 curve.set ('CurveName', 'Axes')
158 colorFilter = SubElement (curve, 'ColorFilter')
159 colorFilter.set ('CurveName', 'Axes')
160 colorFilter.set ('Mode', '1')
161 colorFilter.set ('ModeString', 'Intensity')
162 colorFilter.set ('IntensityLow', '0')
163 colorFilter.set ('IntensityHigh', '50')
164 colorFilter.set ('ForegroundLow', '0')
165 colorFilter.set ('ForegroundHigh', '10')
166 colorFilter.set ('HueLow', '180')
167 colorFilter.set ('HueHigh', '360')
168 colorFilter.set ('SaturationLow', '50')
169 colorFilter.set ('SaturationHigh', '100')
170 colorFilter.set ('ValueLow', '0')
171 colorFilter.set ('ValueHigh', '50')
172 curveStyle = SubElement (curve, 'CurveStyle')
173 curveStyle.set ('CurveName', 'Axes')
174 lineStyle = SubElement (curveStyle, 'LineStyle')
175 lineStyle.set ('Width', '0')
176 lineStyle.set ('Color', '8')
177 lineStyle.set ('ColorString', 'Transparent')
178 lineStyle.set ('ConnectAs', '4')
179 lineStyle.set ('ConnectAsString', 'ConnectSkipForAxisCurve')
180 pointStyle = SubElement (curveStyle, 'PointStyle')
181 pointStyle.set ('Radius', '10')
182 pointStyle.set ('LineWidth', '1')
183 pointStyle.set ('Color', '6')
184 pointStyle.set ('ColorString', 'Red')
185 pointStyle.set ('Shape', '1')
186 pointStyle.set ('ShapeString', 'Cross')
187 curvePoints = SubElement (curve, 'CurvePoints')
188 xScreen = xAxes[0]
189 xGraph = xAxes[1]
190 yScreen = yAxes[0]
191 yGraph = yAxes[1]
192 # When adding the axis points, make sure to account for four axis points.
193 if (len(xScreen) == 3):
194 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 209, 1, xScreen[0],
195 yScreen[0], xGraph[0], yGraph[0])
196 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 211, 2, xScreen[1],
197 yScreen[1], xGraph[1], yGraph[1])
198 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 213, 3, xScreen[2],
199 yScreen[2], xGraph[2], yGraph[2])
200 else:
201 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 209, 1, xScreen[0],
202 yScreen[0], xGraph[0], 0, IsXOnly = 'True')
203 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 211, 2, xScreen[1],
204 yScreen[1], xGraph[1], 0, IsXOnly = 'True')
205 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 213, 3, xScreen[2],
206 yScreen[2], 0, yGraph[2])
207 addAxisPoint (curvePoints, 215, 4, xScreen[3],
208 yScreen[3], 0, yGraph[3])
210 curvesGraphs = SubElement (coordSystem, 'CurvesGraphs')
211 curve = SubElement (curvesGraphs, 'Curve')
212 curve.set ('CurveName', 'Curve1')
214 colorFilter = SubElement (curve, 'ColorFilter')
215 colorFilter.set ('CurveName', 'Curve1')
216 colorFilter.set ('Mode', '1')
217 colorFilter.set ('ModeString', 'Hue')
218 colorFilter.set ('IntensityLow', '0')
219 colorFilter.set ('IntensityHigh', '50')
220 colorFilter.set ('ForegroundLow', '0')
221 colorFilter.set ('ForegroundHigh', '10')
222 colorFilter.set ('HueLow', '204')
223 colorFilter.set ('HueHigh', '211')
224 colorFilter.set ('SaturationLow', '50')
225 colorFilter.set ('SaturationHigh', '100')
226 colorFilter.set ('ValueLow', '0')
227 colorFilter.set ('ValueHigh', '50')
228 curveStyle = SubElement (curve, 'CurveStyle')
229 curveStyle.set ('CurveName', 'Curve1')
230 lineStyle = SubElement (curveStyle, 'LineStyle')
231 lineStyle.set ('Width', '1')
232 lineStyle.set ('Color', '1')
233 lineStyle.set ('ColorString', 'Blue')
234 lineStyle.set ('ConnectAs', '0')
235 lineStyle.set ('ConnectAsString', 'FunctionSmooth')
236 pointStyle = SubElement (curveStyle, 'PointStyle')
237 pointStyle.set ('Radius', '10')
238 pointStyle.set ('LineWidth', '1')
239 pointStyle.set ('Color', '1')
240 pointStyle.set ('ColorString', 'Blue')
241 pointStyle.set ('Shape', '1')
242 pointStyle.set ('ShapeString', 'Cross')
243 curvePoints = SubElement (curve, 'CurvePoints')
245 addGraphPoint (curvePoints, 290, 0, xData, yData)
246 testFile = (tostring (document,
247 pretty_print = True,
248 xml_declaration = True,
249 encoding = 'UTF-8',
250 doctype = '<!DOCTYPE engauge>').decode ('utf-8'))
252 try:
253 f = open(title, 'w')
254 except Exception as e:
255 f = open(title, 'w+')
256 f.write(testFile)
257 f.close()
0 x,Curve1,Curve2,Curve3
1 0.2583,0.72115,-0.19231,-0.92951
2 0.5683,0.50962,-0.42389,-0.96491
3 0.8266,0.28846,-0.625,-0.97513
4 1.059,0.06731,-0.78194,-0.91661
5 1.2915,-0.15385,-0.90494,-0.78561
6 1.524,-0.375,-0.97217,-0.66657
7 1.7823,-0.59615,-0.97234,-0.41564
8 2.0923,-0.80769,-0.90898,-0.17308
9 2.5572,-0.97115,-0.64052,0.27885
10 3.1255,-0.89423,-0.14138,0.74827
11 3.4613,-0.69231,0.18453,0.92237
12 3.7454,-0.48077,0.4671,0.98937
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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
6 <Coords Type="0" TypeString="Cartesian" Coords="0" ScaleXTheta="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsX="0" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsDate="3" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTime="2" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorSize="1" CursorStandardCross="True"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateFirstCurve" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" PointsIntervalRelations="10" LayoutFunctions="0" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" OverrideCsvTsv="False" DelimiterString="Commas" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" XLabel="x">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker Mode="1" Seconds="3" LineColor="6"/>
12 <GridDisplay Stable="True" DisableX="0" CountX="4" StartX="0" StepX="5" StopX="15" DisableY="0" CountY="5" StartY="-2" StepY="1" StopY="2" Color="0" ColorString="Black"/>
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14 <PointMatch PointSize="48" ColorAccepted="4" ColorAcceptedString="Green" ColorCandidate="7" ColorCandidateString="Yellow" ColorRejected="6" ColorRejectedString="Red"/>
15 <Segments PointSeparation="25" MinLength="2" FillCorners="False" LineWidth="4" LineColor="4" LineColorString="Green"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
17 <ColorFilter CurveName="Axes" Mode="2" ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" HueHigh="360" SaturationLow="50" SaturationHigh="100" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50"/>
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19 <LineStyle Width="0" Color="8" ColorString="Transparent" ConnectAs="4" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve"/>
20 <PointStyle Radius="10" LineWidth="1" Color="6" ColorString="Red" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints>
23 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;209" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
24 <PositionScreen X="45" Y="327"/>
25 <PositionGraph X="0" Y="-1.5"/>
26 </Point>
27 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;211" Ordinal="2" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
28 <PositionScreen X="587" Y="171"/>
29 <PositionGraph X="14" Y="0"/>
30 </Point>
31 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;213" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
32 <PositionScreen X="45" Y="15"/>
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34 </Point>
35 </CurvePoints>
36 </Curve>
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43 </CurveStyle>
44 <CurvePoints>
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47 </Point>
48 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;291" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
49 <PositionScreen X="67" Y="118"/>
50 </Point>
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53 </Point>
54 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;293" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
55 <PositionScreen X="86" Y="164"/>
56 </Point>
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58 <PositionScreen X="95" Y="187"/>
59 </Point>
60 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;295" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
61 <PositionScreen X="104" Y="210"/>
62 </Point>
63 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;296" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
64 <PositionScreen X="114" Y="233"/>
65 </Point>
66 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;297" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
67 <PositionScreen X="126" Y="255"/>
68 </Point>
69 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;298" Ordinal="8" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
70 <PositionScreen X="144" Y="272"/>
71 </Point>
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74 </Point>
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77 </Point>
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79 <PositionScreen X="190" Y="221"/>
80 </Point>
81 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;302" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
82 <PositionScreen X="200" Y="198"/>
83 </Point>
84 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;303" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
85 <PositionScreen X="203" Y="189"/>
86 </Point>
87 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;304" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
88 <PositionScreen X="212" Y="166"/>
89 </Point>
90 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;305" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
91 <PositionScreen X="221" Y="142"/>
92 </Point>
93 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;306" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
94 <PositionScreen X="230" Y="119"/>
95 </Point>
96 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;307" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
97 <PositionScreen X="241" Y="97"/>
98 </Point>
99 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;308" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
100 <PositionScreen X="255" Y="77"/>
101 </Point>
102 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;309" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
103 <PositionScreen X="276" Y="68"/>
104 </Point>
105 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;310" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
106 <PositionScreen X="294" Y="84"/>
107 </Point>
108 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;311" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
109 <PositionScreen X="306" Y="106"/>
110 </Point>
111 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;312" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
112 <PositionScreen X="316" Y="129"/>
113 </Point>
114 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;313" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
115 <PositionScreen X="325" Y="152"/>
116 </Point>
117 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;314" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
118 <PositionScreen X="334" Y="176"/>
119 </Point>
120 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;315" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
121 <PositionScreen X="342" Y="199"/>
122 </Point>
123 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;316" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
124 <PositionScreen X="352" Y="222"/>
125 </Point>
126 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;317" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
127 <PositionScreen X="363" Y="244"/>
128 </Point>
129 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;318" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
130 <PositionScreen X="377" Y="265"/>
131 </Point>
132 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;319" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
133 <PositionScreen X="399" Y="271"/>
134 </Point>
135 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;320" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
136 <PositionScreen X="416" Y="254"/>
137 </Point>
138 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;321" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
139 <PositionScreen X="428" Y="232"/>
140 </Point>
141 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;322" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
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4 <CoordSystem>
5 <General CursorSize="3" ExtraPrecision="1"/>
6 <Coords Type="0" TypeString="Cartesian" Coords="0" ScaleXTheta="0" ScaleXThetaString="Linear" ScaleYRadius="0" ScaleYRadiusString="Linear" UnitsX="0" UnitsXString="Number" UnitsY="0" UnitsYString="Number" UnitsTheta="0" UnitsThetaString="Degrees (DDD.DDDDD)" UnitsRadius="0" UnitsRadiusString="Number" UnitsDate="3" UnitsDateString="YYYY/MM/DD" UnitsTime="2" UnitsTimeString="HH:MM:SS"/>
7 <DigitizeCurve CursorInnerRadius="5" CursorLineWidth="2" CursorSize="1" CursorStandardCross="True"/>
8 <Export PointsSelectionFunctions="1" PointsSelectionFunctionsString="InterpolateFirstCurve" PointsIntervalFunctions="10" PointsIntervalUnitsFunctions="1" PointsSelectionRelations="0" PointsSelectionRelationsString="Interpolate" PointsIntervalUnitsRelations="1" PointsIntervalRelations="10" LayoutFunctions="0" LayoutFunctionsString="AllPerLine" Delimiter="0" OverrideCsvTsv="False" DelimiterString="Commas" ExtrapolateOutsideEndpoints="True" Header="1" HeaderString="Simple" XLabel="x">
9 <CurveNamesNotExported/>
10 </Export>
11 <AxesChecker Mode="1" Seconds="3" LineColor="6"/>
12 <GridDisplay Stable="True" DisableX="0" CountX="4" StartX="0" StepX="5" StopX="15" DisableY="0" CountY="5" StartY="-2" StepY="1" StopY="2" Color="0" ColorString="Black"/>
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14 <PointMatch PointSize="48" ColorAccepted="4" ColorAcceptedString="Green" ColorCandidate="7" ColorCandidateString="Yellow" ColorRejected="6" ColorRejectedString="Red"/>
15 <Segments PointSeparation="25" MinLength="2" FillCorners="False" LineWidth="4" LineColor="4" LineColorString="Green"/>
16 <Curve CurveName="Axes">
17 <ColorFilter CurveName="Axes" Mode="2" ModeString="Intensity" IntensityLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="180" HueHigh="360" SaturationLow="50" SaturationHigh="100" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50"/>
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19 <LineStyle Width="0" Color="8" ColorString="Transparent" ConnectAs="4" ConnectAsString="ConnectSkipForAxisCurve"/>
20 <PointStyle Radius="10" LineWidth="1" Color="6" ColorString="Red" Shape="1" ShapeString="Cross"/>
21 </CurveStyle>
22 <CurvePoints>
23 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;209" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
24 <PositionScreen X="45" Y="327"/>
25 <PositionGraph X="0" Y="-1.5"/>
26 </Point>
27 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;211" Ordinal="2" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
28 <PositionScreen X="587" Y="171"/>
29 <PositionGraph X="14" Y="0"/>
30 </Point>
31 <Point Identifier="Axes&#9;point&#9;213" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="True" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
32 <PositionScreen X="45" Y="15"/>
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34 </Point>
35 </CurvePoints>
36 </Curve>
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43 </CurveStyle>
44 <CurvePoints>
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47 </Point>
48 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;291" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
49 <PositionScreen X="67" Y="118"/>
50 </Point>
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53 </Point>
54 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;293" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
55 <PositionScreen X="86" Y="164"/>
56 </Point>
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58 <PositionScreen X="95" Y="187"/>
59 </Point>
60 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;295" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
61 <PositionScreen X="104" Y="210"/>
62 </Point>
63 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;296" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
64 <PositionScreen X="114" Y="233"/>
65 </Point>
66 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;297" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
67 <PositionScreen X="126" Y="255"/>
68 </Point>
69 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;298" Ordinal="8" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
70 <PositionScreen X="144" Y="272"/>
71 </Point>
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74 </Point>
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77 </Point>
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79 <PositionScreen X="190" Y="221"/>
80 </Point>
81 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;302" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
82 <PositionScreen X="200" Y="198"/>
83 </Point>
84 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;303" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
85 <PositionScreen X="203" Y="189"/>
86 </Point>
87 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;304" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
88 <PositionScreen X="212" Y="166"/>
89 </Point>
90 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;305" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
91 <PositionScreen X="221" Y="142"/>
92 </Point>
93 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;306" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
94 <PositionScreen X="230" Y="119"/>
95 </Point>
96 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;307" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
97 <PositionScreen X="241" Y="97"/>
98 </Point>
99 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;308" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
100 <PositionScreen X="255" Y="77"/>
101 </Point>
102 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;309" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
103 <PositionScreen X="276" Y="68"/>
104 </Point>
105 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;310" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
106 <PositionScreen X="294" Y="84"/>
107 </Point>
108 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;311" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
109 <PositionScreen X="306" Y="106"/>
110 </Point>
111 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;312" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
112 <PositionScreen X="316" Y="129"/>
113 </Point>
114 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;313" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
115 <PositionScreen X="325" Y="152"/>
116 </Point>
117 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;314" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
118 <PositionScreen X="334" Y="176"/>
119 </Point>
120 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;315" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
121 <PositionScreen X="342" Y="199"/>
122 </Point>
123 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;316" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
124 <PositionScreen X="352" Y="222"/>
125 </Point>
126 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;317" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
127 <PositionScreen X="363" Y="244"/>
128 </Point>
129 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;318" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
130 <PositionScreen X="377" Y="265"/>
131 </Point>
132 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;319" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
133 <PositionScreen X="399" Y="271"/>
134 </Point>
135 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;320" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
136 <PositionScreen X="416" Y="254"/>
137 </Point>
138 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;321" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
139 <PositionScreen X="428" Y="232"/>
140 </Point>
141 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;322" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
142 <PositionScreen X="439" Y="210"/>
143 </Point>
144 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;323" Ordinal="33" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
145 <PositionScreen X="448" Y="186"/>
146 </Point>
147 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;324" Ordinal="34" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
148 <PositionScreen X="456" Y="163"/>
149 </Point>
150 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;325" Ordinal="35" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
151 <PositionScreen X="465" Y="139"/>
152 </Point>
153 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;326" Ordinal="36" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
154 <PositionScreen X="475" Y="116"/>
155 </Point>
156 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;327" Ordinal="37" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
157 <PositionScreen X="486" Y="94"/>
158 </Point>
159 <Point Identifier="Curve1&#9;point&#9;328" Ordinal="38" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
160 <PositionScreen X="500" Y="74"/>
161 </Point>
162 </CurvePoints>
163 </Curve>
164 <Curve CurveName="Curve2">
165 <ColorFilter CurveName="Curve2" Mode="1" ModeString="Hue" IntensityLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="7" HueHigh="14" SaturationLow="50" SaturationHigh="100" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50"/>
166 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve2">
167 <LineStyle Width="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" ConnectAs="0" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth"/>
168 <PointStyle Radius="10" LineWidth="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" Shape="7" ShapeString="Triangle2"/>
169 </CurveStyle>
170 <CurvePoints>
171 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;254" Ordinal="0" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
172 <PositionScreen X="55" Y="191"/>
173 </Point>
174 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;255" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
175 <PositionScreen X="66" Y="213"/>
176 </Point>
177 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;256" Ordinal="2" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
178 <PositionScreen X="77" Y="236"/>
179 </Point>
180 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;257" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
181 <PositionScreen X="89" Y="257"/>
182 </Point>
183 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;258" Ordinal="4" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
184 <PositionScreen X="108" Y="273"/>
185 </Point>
186 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;259" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
187 <PositionScreen X="129" Y="263"/>
188 </Point>
189 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;260" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
190 <PositionScreen X="131" Y="257"/>
191 </Point>
192 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;261" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
193 <PositionScreen X="145" Y="236"/>
194 </Point>
195 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;262" Ordinal="8" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
196 <PositionScreen X="155" Y="214"/>
197 </Point>
198 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;263" Ordinal="9" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
199 <PositionScreen X="164" Y="191"/>
200 </Point>
201 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;264" Ordinal="10" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
202 <PositionScreen X="173" Y="167"/>
203 </Point>
204 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;265" Ordinal="11" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
205 <PositionScreen X="182" Y="144"/>
206 </Point>
207 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;266" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
208 <PositionScreen X="191" Y="120"/>
209 </Point>
210 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;267" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
211 <PositionScreen X="202" Y="98"/>
212 </Point>
213 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;268" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
214 <PositionScreen X="216" Y="78"/>
215 </Point>
216 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;269" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
217 <PositionScreen X="236" Y="68"/>
218 </Point>
219 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;270" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
220 <PositionScreen X="252" Y="83"/>
221 </Point>
222 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;271" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
223 <PositionScreen X="266" Y="103"/>
224 </Point>
225 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;272" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
226 <PositionScreen X="276" Y="126"/>
227 </Point>
228 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;273" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
229 <PositionScreen X="285" Y="149"/>
230 </Point>
231 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;274" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
232 <PositionScreen X="295" Y="173"/>
233 </Point>
234 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;275" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
235 <PositionScreen X="304" Y="196"/>
236 </Point>
237 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;276" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
238 <PositionScreen X="313" Y="219"/>
239 </Point>
240 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;277" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
241 <PositionScreen X="323" Y="242"/>
242 </Point>
243 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;278" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
244 <PositionScreen X="337" Y="263"/>
245 </Point>
246 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;279" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
247 <PositionScreen X="357" Y="272"/>
248 </Point>
249 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;280" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
250 <PositionScreen X="374" Y="257"/>
251 </Point>
252 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;281" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
253 <PositionScreen X="388" Y="237"/>
254 </Point>
255 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;282" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
256 <PositionScreen X="398" Y="214"/>
257 </Point>
258 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;283" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
259 <PositionScreen X="407" Y="191"/>
260 </Point>
261 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;284" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
262 <PositionScreen X="416" Y="167"/>
263 </Point>
264 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;285" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
265 <PositionScreen X="425" Y="144"/>
266 </Point>
267 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;286" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
268 <PositionScreen X="435" Y="121"/>
269 </Point>
270 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;287" Ordinal="33" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
271 <PositionScreen X="445" Y="98"/>
272 </Point>
273 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;288" Ordinal="34" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
274 <PositionScreen X="458" Y="77"/>
275 </Point>
276 <Point Identifier="Curve2&#9;point&#9;289" Ordinal="35" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
277 <PositionScreen X="480" Y="68"/>
278 </Point>
279 </CurvePoints>
280 </Curve>
281 <Curve CurveName="Curve3">
282 <ColorFilter CurveName="Curve3" Mode="1" ModeString="Hue" IntensityLow="0" IntensityHigh="50" ForegroundLow="0" ForegroundHigh="10" HueLow="40" HueHigh="59" SaturationLow="50" SaturationHigh="100" ValueLow="0" ValueHigh="50"/>
283 <CurveStyle CurveName="Curve3">
284 <LineStyle Width="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" ConnectAs="0" ConnectAsString="FunctionSmooth"/>
285 <PointStyle Radius="10" LineWidth="1" Color="1" ColorString="Blue" Shape="2" ShapeString="Diamond"/>
286 </CurveStyle>
287 <CurvePoints>
288 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;214" Ordinal="0" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
289 <PositionScreen X="56" Y="268"/>
290 </Point>
291 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;215" Ordinal="1" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
292 <PositionScreen X="79" Y="272"/>
293 </Point>
294 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;216" Ordinal="2" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
295 <PositionScreen X="92" Y="257"/>
296 </Point>
297 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;217" Ordinal="3" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
298 <PositionScreen X="106" Y="237"/>
299 </Point>
300 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;225" Ordinal="4" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
301 <PositionScreen X="111" Y="221"/>
302 </Point>
303 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;226" Ordinal="5" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
304 <PositionScreen X="122" Y="199"/>
305 </Point>
306 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;218" Ordinal="6" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
307 <PositionScreen X="126" Y="189"/>
308 </Point>
309 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;219" Ordinal="7" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
310 <PositionScreen X="135" Y="166"/>
311 </Point>
312 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;220" Ordinal="8" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
313 <PositionScreen X="144" Y="142"/>
314 </Point>
315 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;221" Ordinal="9" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
316 <PositionScreen X="153" Y="119"/>
317 </Point>
318 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;222" Ordinal="10" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
319 <PositionScreen X="164" Y="97"/>
320 </Point>
321 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;223" Ordinal="11" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
322 <PositionScreen X="178" Y="76"/>
323 </Point>
324 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;224" Ordinal="12" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
325 <PositionScreen X="199" Y="67"/>
326 </Point>
327 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;227" Ordinal="13" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
328 <PositionScreen X="213" Y="83"/>
329 </Point>
330 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;228" Ordinal="14" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
331 <PositionScreen X="227" Y="103"/>
332 </Point>
333 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;229" Ordinal="15" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
334 <PositionScreen X="233" Y="120"/>
335 </Point>
336 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;230" Ordinal="16" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
337 <PositionScreen X="243" Y="142"/>
338 </Point>
339 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;231" Ordinal="17" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
340 <PositionScreen X="253" Y="165"/>
341 </Point>
342 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;232" Ordinal="18" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
343 <PositionScreen X="262" Y="189"/>
344 </Point>
345 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;233" Ordinal="19" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
346 <PositionScreen X="271" Y="212"/>
347 </Point>
348 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;234" Ordinal="20" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
349 <PositionScreen X="281" Y="235"/>
350 </Point>
351 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;235" Ordinal="21" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
352 <PositionScreen X="294" Y="256"/>
353 </Point>
354 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;236" Ordinal="22" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
355 <PositionScreen X="312" Y="272"/>
356 </Point>
357 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;237" Ordinal="23" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
358 <PositionScreen X="333" Y="264"/>
359 </Point>
360 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;238" Ordinal="24" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
361 <PositionScreen X="335" Y="257"/>
362 </Point>
363 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;239" Ordinal="25" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
364 <PositionScreen X="349" Y="237"/>
365 </Point>
366 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;240" Ordinal="26" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
367 <PositionScreen X="354" Y="221"/>
368 </Point>
369 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;241" Ordinal="27" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
370 <PositionScreen X="364" Y="200"/>
371 </Point>
372 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;242" Ordinal="28" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
373 <PositionScreen X="374" Y="176"/>
374 </Point>
375 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;243" Ordinal="29" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
376 <PositionScreen X="383" Y="153"/>
377 </Point>
378 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;244" Ordinal="30" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
379 <PositionScreen X="392" Y="130"/>
380 </Point>
381 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;245" Ordinal="31" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
382 <PositionScreen X="402" Y="107"/>
383 </Point>
384 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;246" Ordinal="32" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
385 <PositionScreen X="414" Y="85"/>
386 </Point>
387 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;247" Ordinal="33" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
388 <PositionScreen X="432" Y="68"/>
389 </Point>
390 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;248" Ordinal="34" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
391 <PositionScreen X="453" Y="77"/>
392 </Point>
393 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;249" Ordinal="35" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
394 <PositionScreen X="457" Y="83"/>
395 </Point>
396 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;250" Ordinal="36" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
397 <PositionScreen X="470" Y="104"/>
398 </Point>
399 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;251" Ordinal="37" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
400 <PositionScreen X="476" Y="120"/>
401 </Point>
402 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;252" Ordinal="38" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
403 <PositionScreen X="486" Y="142"/>
404 </Point>
405 <Point Identifier="Curve3&#9;point&#9;253" Ordinal="39" IsAxisPoint="False" IsXOnly="False" Index="329">
406 <PositionScreen X="496" Y="165"/>
407 </Point>
408 </CurvePoints>
409 </Curve>
410 </CurvesGraphs>
411 </CoordSystem>
412 </Document>
0 -errorreport ../test/version12_1.dig -regression -reset
4444 -14.2241,6.0069
4545 -10.5805,6.0781
4646 -6.88871,6.1474
47 -3.22701,6.0318
47 -3.22701,6.2052
4848 0.352923,6.276
4949 88.7898,0.57785
50 92.1848,0.77456
50 92.1848,0.62528
5151 95.0925,0.6746
5252 99.4546,0.7288
5353 102.491,0.7749
131131 <message>
132132 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="108" />
133133 <source>Add first of three axis points.</source>
134 <translation>أضف أولاً من ثلاثة محاور.</translation>
134 <translation>أضف النقطة الأولى من النقاط الثلاث اللازمة لتحديد المحاور.</translation>
135135 </message>
136136 <message>
137137 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
140140 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
141141 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
142142 <source>Click on</source>
143 <translation>انقر فوق</translation>
143 <translation>انقر على</translation>
144144 </message>
145145 <message>
146146 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
147147 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
148148 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
149149 <source>for Axis Points mode</source>
150 <translation>لوضع محور النقاط</translation>
150 <translation>لوضع نقاط المحاور</translation>
151151 </message>
152152 <message>
153153 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="112" />
168168 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="185" />
169169 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="213" />
170170 <source>Click on Ok</source>
171 <translation>انقر على طيب</translation>
171 <translation>انقر على موافق</translation>
172172 </message>
173173 <message>
174174 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="117" />
175175 <source>Add second of three axis points.</source>
176 <translation>أضف الثاني من ثلاثة محاور</translation>
176 <translation>أضف النقطة الثانية من الثلاث اللازمة.</translation>
177177 </message>
178178 <message>
179179 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="121" />
183183 <message>
184184 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="126" />
185185 <source>Add third of three axis points.</source>
186 <translation>إضافة الثالث من ثلاثة محاور.</translation>
186 <translation>أضف النقطة الثالثة من الثلاث اللازمة.</translation>
187187 </message>
188188 <message>
189189 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="130" />
198198 <message>
199199 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="149" />
200200 <source>Add points for curve</source>
201 <translation>أضف نقاط للمنحنى</translation>
201 <translation>أضف نقاطا للمنحنى</translation>
202202 </message>
203203 <message>
204204 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
205205 <source>for Segment Fill mode</source>
206 <translation>لوضع التعبئة الجزء</translation>
206 <translation>لوضع تعبئة الجزء</translation>
207207 </message>
208208 <message>
209209 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="156" />
230230 <message>
231231 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
232232 <source>for Point Match mode</source>
233 <translation>لوضع نقطة المباراة</translation>
233 <translation>لوضع مطابقة النقطة</translation>
234234 </message>
235235 <message>
236236 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="166" />
255255 <message>
256256 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="179" />
257257 <source>The digitized points can be exported</source>
258 <translation>النقاط الرقمية يمكن تصديرها</translation>
258 <translation>النقاط المرقمنة يمكن تصديرها</translation>
259259 </message>
260260 <message>
261261 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="180" />
285285 <message>
286286 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
287287 <source>Select menu option View / Background / Show Original Image to see the original image</source>
288 <translation>حدد خيار القائمة View / Background / Show Original Image لرؤية الصورة الأصلية</translation>
288 <translation>حدد خيار القائمة عرض / خلفية / عرض الصورة الأصلية لرؤية الصورة الأصلية</translation>
289289 </message>
290290 <message>
291291 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="195" />
353353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
354354 <source>Digitize Axis Point
356 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
357 <translation>رقمنة نقطة المحور
359 يحوّل نقطة محور للرسم البياني عن طريق وضع نقطة جديدة في المؤشر بعد النقر بالماوس. يتم بعد ذلك إدخال إحداثيات نقطة المحور. في الرسم البياني ، يلزم وجود ثلاثة محاور لتحديد إحداثيات الرسم البياني.</translation>
360 </message>
361 <message>
362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
356 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
358 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
359 <translation>رقمنة محور محور - يحول نقطة محور للرسم البياني عن طريق وضع نقطة جديدة في المؤشر بعد نقرة بالماوس. ثم يتم إدخال إحداثيات نقطة المحور. بعد الاستيراد والاستيراد (متقدم) ، يمكن ترقيم ثلاث نقاط محور مع إحداثيات (X1 ، Y1) (X2 ، Y2) (X3 ، Y3) لتحديد إحداثيات الرسم البياني. اختيارياً ، بعد الاستيراد (متقدم) ، يمكن تحويل أربعة محاور ذات إحداثيات (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) إلى رقم رقمي لتحديد إحداثيات الرسم البياني. يتم تعطيل هذه الأداة عند تحديد مجموعة كاملة من نقاط المحور ، أو بعد الاستيراد (متقدم) إذا تم تحديد شريط النطاق.</translation>
360 </message>
361 <message>
362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
363363 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
364 <translation>مقياس شريط الأدوات</translation>
365 </message>
366 <message>
367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
364 <translation>أداة شريط القياس</translation>
365 </message>
366 <message>
367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
368368 <source>Shift+F8</source>
369369 <translation>&gt;Shift+F8</translation>
370370 </message>
371371 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
373 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
374 <translation>جدول مقياس رقمي لخريطة.</translation>
375 </message>
376 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
373 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
374 <translation>رقمنة شريط النطاق لخريطة. يتطلب استيراد (متقدم).</translation>
375 </message>
376 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
378378 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
380380 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
382 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
383 <translation>Digitize مقياس شريط
385 رقمنة شريط مقياس لخريطة بالنقر والسحب. يتم بعد ذلك إدخال طول شريط القياس. في الخريطة ، تحدد نقطتا النهاية من شريط المقياس المسافات في إحداثيات الرسم البياني.
387 يجب استيراد الخرائط باستخدام الاستيراد (متقدم).</translation>
388 </message>
389 <message>
390 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
382 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
384 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
385 <translation>رقمنة شريط النطاق
387 رقمنة شريط مقياس للخريطة عن طريق النقر والسحب. ثم يتم إدخال طول شريط النطاق. في الخريطة ، تحدد نقطتا النهاية لشريط القياس المسافات في إحداثيات الرسم البياني.
389 يتم تمكين هذه الأداة عن طريق تحديد Scale Bar في Import (Advanced).
391 يتم تعطيل هذه الأداة عند تحديد شريط مقياس ، أو إذا تم تحديد نقاط المحور أثناء الاستيراد.</translation>
392 </message>
393 <message>
394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
391395 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
392396 <translation>أداة نقطة المنحنى</translation>
393397 </message>
394398 <message>
395 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
396400 <source>Shift+F4</source>
397401 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
398402 </message>
399403 <message>
400 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
401405 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
402406 <translation>رقمنة نقاط المنحنى.</translation>
403407 </message>
404408 <message>
405 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
406410 <source>Digitize Curve Point
408412 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
415419 سيتم تعيين نقاط جديدة للمنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
416420 </message>
417421 <message>
418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
419423 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
420424 <translation>أداة مطابقة النقاط</translation>
421425 </message>
422426 <message>
423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
424428 <source>Shift+F5</source>
425429 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
426430 </message>
427431 <message>
428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
429433 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
430434 <translation>رقمنة نقاط المنحنى في مؤامرة نقطة عن طريق مطابقة نقطة.</translation>
431435 </message>
432436 <message>
433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
434438 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
436440 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
438442 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
439 <translation>رقمنة نقاط منحنى حسب نقطة مطابقة
441 رقم نقطة منحنى في نقطة مؤامرة من خلال إيجاد نقاط تطابق نقطة عينة. تبدأ العملية عن طريق اختيار نقطة عينة تمثيلية.
443 <translation>رقمنة نقاط منحنى حسب مطابقة النقاط
445 رقمن نقاط المنحنى في نقطة من خلال إيجاد نقاط تطابق نقطة عينة. تبدأ العملية عن طريق اختيار نقطة عينة تمثيلية.
443447 سيتم تعيين نقاط جديدة للمنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
444448 </message>
445449 <message>
446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
447451 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
448452 <translation>لون المنتقى جدا</translation>
449453 </message>
450454 <message>
451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
452456 <source>Shift+F6</source>
453457 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
454458 </message>
455459 <message>
456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
457461 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
458462 <translation>حدد إعدادات اللون للتصفية في وضع تعبئة الشريحة</translation>
459463 </message>
460464 <message>
461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
462466 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
464468 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
467471 حدد بكسل على طول المنحنى المحدد حاليًا. هذه البكسل والجيران سيحدد إعدادات مرشح (كولو</translation>
468472 </message>
469473 <message>
470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
471475 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
472476 <translation>أداة تعبئة الجزء</translation>
473477 </message>
474478 <message>
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
476480 <source>Shift+F7</source>
477481 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
478482 </message>
479483 <message>
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
481485 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
482486 <translation>رقمنة نقاط المنحنى على طول جزء من منحنى.</translation>
483487 </message>
484488 <message>
485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
486490 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
488492 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
495499 سيتم تعيين نقاط جديدة للمنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
496500 </message>
497501 <message>
498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
499503 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
500504 <translation>فك</translation>
501505 </message>
502506 <message>
503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
504508 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
505509 <translation>التراجع عن العملية الأخيرة.</translation>
506510 </message>
507511 <message>
508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
509513 <source>Undo
511515 Undo the last operation.</source>
514518 التراجع عن العملية الأخيرة.</translation>
515519 </message>
516520 <message>
517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
518522 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
519523 <translation>فعل ثانية</translation>
520524 </message>
521525 <message>
522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
523527 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
524528 <translation>إعادة العملية الأخيرة.</translation>
525529 </message>
526530 <message>
527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
528532 <source>Redo
530534 Redo the last operation.</source>
531535 <translation>إعادة العملية الأخيرة.</translation>
532536 </message>
533537 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
535539 <source>Cut</source>
536540 <translation>يقطع</translation>
537541 </message>
538542 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
540544 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
541545 <translation>قص النقاط المحددة ونسخها إلى الحافظة.</translation>
542546 </message>
543547 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
545549 <source>Cut
547551 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
550554 قص النقاط المحددة ونسخها إلى الحافظة</translation>
551555 </message>
552556 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
554558 <source>Copy</source>
555559 <translation>نسخ</translation>
556560 </message>
557561 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
559563 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
560564 <translation>نسخ النقاط المحددة إلى الحافظة.</translation>
561565 </message>
562566 <message>
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
564568 <source>Copy
566570 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
569573 نسخ النقاط المحددة إلى الحافظة.</translation>
570574 </message>
571575 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
573577 <source>Paste</source>
574578 <translation>معجون</translation>
575579 </message>
576580 <message>
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
578582 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
579583 <translation>يلصق النقاط المحددة من الحافظة.</translation>
580584 </message>
581585 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
583587 <source>Paste
585589 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
588592 يلصق النقاط المحددة من الحافظة. سيتم تعيينها إلى المنحنى الحالي.</translation>
589593 </message>
590594 <message>
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
592596 <source>Delete</source>
593597 <translation>حذف</translation>
594598 </message>
595599 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
597601 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
598602 <translation>يحذف النقاط المحددة ، بعد نسخها إلى الحافظة.</translation>
599603 </message>
600604 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
602606 <source>Delete
604608 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
607611 يحذف النقاط المحددة ، بعد نسخها إلى الحافظة.</translation>
608612 </message>
609613 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
611615 <source>Paste As New</source>
612616 <translation>لصق كجديد</translation>
613617 </message>
614618 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
616620 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
617621 <translation>يلصق صورة من الحافظة.</translation>
618622 </message>
619623 <message>
620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
621625 <source>Paste as New
623627 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
626630 ينشئ مستندًا جديدًا عن طريق لصق صورة من الحافظة.</translation>
627631 </message>
628632 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
630634 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
631635 <translation>لصق باسم جديد (متقدم) ...</translation>
632636 </message>
633637 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
635639 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636640 <translation>يلصق صورة من الحافظة ، في الوضع المتقدم.</translation>
637641 </message>
638642 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
640644 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
642646 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
645649 ينشئ مستندًا جديدًا عن طريق لصق صورة من الحافظة في الوضع المتقدم.</translation>
646650 </message>
647651 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
649653 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
650654 <translation>استيراد...</translation>
651655 </message>
652656 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
654658 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
655659 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
656660 </message>
657661 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
659663 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
660664 <translation>ينشئ مستندًا جديدًا عن طريق استيراد صورة بسيطة.</translation>
661665 </message>
662666 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
664668 <source>Import Image
666670 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
673677 للحصول على صور أكثر تعقيدًا مع أنظمة إحداثيات متعددة و / أو محاور عائمة ، يتم استخدام استيراد (متقدم) بدلاً من ذلك.</translation>
674678 </message>
675679 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677681 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678682 <translation>استيراد (متقدم) ...</translation>
679683 </message>
680684 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682686 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683687 <translation>ينشئ مستندًا جديدًا عن طريق استيراد صورة مع دعم للمحتويات المتقدمة.</translation>
684688 </message>
685689 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687691 <source>Import (Advanced)
689693 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
692696 ينشئ مستندًا جديدًا عن طريق استيراد صورة مع دعم للمحتويات المتقدمة. في الوضع المتقدم ، يمكن أن يكون هناك أنظمة إحداثي متعددة و / أو محاور عائمة.</translation>
693697 </message>
694698 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
696700 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
697701 <translation>استيراد (صورة استبدال) ...</translation>
698702 </message>
699703 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
701705 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
702706 <translation>لاستيراد صورة جديدة إلى المستند الحالي ، بدلاً من الصورة الحالية.</translation>
703707 </message>
704708 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
706710 <source>Import (Image Replace)
708712 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
711715 يستورد صورة جديدة في المستند الحالي. يتم استبدال الصورة الحالية ، ويتم الحفاظ على جميع المنحنيات في الوثيقة. هذه العملية مفيدة لتطبيق نقاط المحور والإعدادات الأخرى من مستند موجود إلى صورة مختلفة.</translation>
712716 </message>
713717 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
715719 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
716720 <translation>افتح...</translation>
717721 </message>
718722 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
720724 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
721725 <translation>يفتح وثيقة موجودة.</translation>
722726 </message>
723727 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
725729 <source>Open Document
727731 Opens an existing document.</source>
730734 يفتح وثيقة موجودة.</translation>
731735 </message>
732736 <message>
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
734738 <source>&amp;Close</source>
735739 <translation>أغلق</translation>
736740 </message>
737741 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
739743 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
740744 <translation>يغلق الوثيقة المفتوحة.</translation>
741745 </message>
742746 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
744748 <source>Close Document
746750 Closes the open document.</source>
749753 يغلق الوثيقة المفتوحة.</translation>
750754 </message>
751755 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
753757 <source>&amp;Save</source>
754758 <translation>حفظ</translation>
755759 </message>
756760 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
758762 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
759763 <translation>يحفظ المستند الحالي.</translation>
760764 </message>
761765 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
763767 <source>Save Document
765769 Saves the current document.</source>
768772 يحفظ المستند الحالي.</translation>
769773 </message>
770774 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
772776 <source>Save As...</source>
773777 <translation>حفظ باسم ...</translation>
774778 </message>
775779 <message>
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
777781 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
778782 <translation>يحفظ المستند الحالي تحت اسم ملف جديد.</translation>
779783 </message>
780784 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
782786 <source>Save Document As
784788 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
787791 يحفظ المستند الحالي تحت اسم ملف جديد.</translation>
788792 </message>
789793 <message>
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
791795 <source>Export...</source>
792796 <translation>تصدير</translation>
793797 </message>
794798 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
799 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
796800 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
797801 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
798802 </message>
799803 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
801805 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
802806 <translation>لتصدير الوثيقة الحالية الى ملف نصي.</translation>
803807 </message>
804808 <message>
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
806810 <source>Export Document
808812 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
811815 لتصدير الوثيقة الحالية الى ملف نصي.</translation>
812816 </message>
813817 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
818 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
815819 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
816820 <translation>طباعة...</translation>
817821 </message>
818822 <message>
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
823 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
820824 <source>Print the current document.</source>
821825 <translation>اطبع المستند الحالي.</translation>
822826 </message>
823827 <message>
824 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
825829 <source>Print Document
827831 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
830834 اطبع المستند الحالي إلى طابعة أو ملف.</translation>
831835 </message>
832836 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
837 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
834838 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
835 <translation>ىخرج</translation>
836 </message>
837 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
839 <translation>خروج</translation>
840 </message>
841 <message>
842 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
839843 <source>Quits the application.</source>
840844 <translation>إنهاء التطبيق.</translation>
841845 </message>
842846 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
844848 <source>Exit
846850 Quits the application.</source>
847 <translation>ىخرج
851 <translation>خروج
849853 إنهاء التطبيق.</translation>
850854 </message>
851855 <message>
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
856 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
853857 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
854858 <translation>معالج دليل الاختيار</translation>
855859 </message>
856860 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
861 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
858862 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
859863 <translation>افتح "معالج دليل Checklist" أثناء الاستيراد لتحديد خطوات رقمنة</translation>
860864 </message>
861865 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
863867 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
865869 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
868872 استخدم "معالج دليل قائمة التحقق" أثناء الاستيراد لإنشاء قائمة التحقق من الخطوات للمستند المستوردة</translation>
869873 </message>
870874 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
875 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
872876 <source>Tutorial</source>
873877 <translation>الدورة التعليمية</translation>
874878 </message>
875879 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
880 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
877881 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
878882 <translation>تشغيل البرنامج التعليمي تظهر خطوات لرقمنة المنحنيات</translation>
879883 </message>
880884 <message>
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
882886 <source>Tutorial
884888 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
889893 </translation>
890894 </message>
891895 <message>
892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
896 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
893897 <source>Help</source>
894898 <translation>مساعدة</translation>
895899 </message>
896900 <message>
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
901 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
898902 <source>Help documentation</source>
899903 <translation>وثائق المساعدة</translation>
900904 </message>
901905 <message>
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
906 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
903907 <source>Help Documentation
905909 Searchable help documentation</source>
908912 وثائق المساعدة للبحث</translation>
909913 </message>
910914 <message>
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
912916 <source>About Engauge</source>
913917 <translation>حول Engauge</translation>
914918 </message>
915919 <message>
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
920 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
917921 <source>About the application.</source>
918922 <translation>حول التطبيق.</translation>
919923 </message>
920924 <message>
921 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
922926 <source>About Engauge
924928 About the application.</source>
927931 حول التطبيق.</translation>
928932 </message>
929933 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
934 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
931935 <source>Coordinates...</source>
932936 <translation>تنسق ...</translation>
933937 </message>
934938 <message>
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
939 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
936940 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
937941 <translation>تحرير إعدادات الإحداثيات.</translation>
938942 </message>
939943 <message>
940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
941945 <source>Coordinate Settings
943947 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
946950 تحدد إعدادات الإحداثيات كيفية تعيين إحداثيات الرسم البياني إلى وحدات البكسل في الصورة</translation>
947951 </message>
948952 <message>
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
953 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
950954 <source>Curve List...</source>
951955 <translation>قائمة المنحنى ...</translation>
952956 </message>
953957 <message>
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
958 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
955959 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
956960 <translation>تحرير إعدادات قائمة المنحنى.</translation>
957961 </message>
958962 <message>
959 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
963 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
960964 <source>Curve List
962966 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
965969 تقوم إعدادات قائمة المنحنيات بإضافة ، وإعادة تسمية و / أو إزالة المنحنيات في المستند الحالي</translation>
966970 </message>
967971 <message>
968 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
972 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
969973 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
970974 <translation>خصائص المنحنى ...</translation>
971975 </message>
972976 <message>
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
977 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
974978 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
975979 <translation>تحرير إعدادات خصائص المنحنى.</translation>
976980 </message>
977981 <message>
978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
982 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
979983 <source>Curve Properties Settings
981985 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
984988 تحدد إعدادات خصائص المنحنيات كيف يظهر كل منحنى</translation>
985989 </message>
986990 <message>
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
991 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
988992 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
989993 <translation>رقمنة المنحنى ...</translation>
990994 </message>
991995 <message>
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
996 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
993997 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
994998 <translation>تحرير رقمنة المحور وضبط منحنى الرسم البياني.</translation>
995999 </message>
9961000 <message>
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9981002 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
10001004 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
10031007 تحدد إعدادات منحنيات الرقمنة كيف يتم ترقيم النقاط في رقمنة نقطة المحور ورقم رقمي لنقاط الرسم البياني</translation>
10041008 </message>
10051009 <message>
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1010 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10071011 <source>Export Format...</source>
10081012 <translation>تنسيق التصدير ...</translation>
10091013 </message>
10101014 <message>
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1015 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10121016 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10131017 <translation>تحرير إعدادات تنسيق التصدير.</translation>
10141018 </message>
10151019 <message>
1016 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10171021 <source>Export Format Settings
10191023 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10221026 تؤثر إعدادات تنسيق التصدير على كيفية تنسيق الملفات المصدرة</translation>
10231027 </message>
10241028 <message>
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1029 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10261030 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10271031 <translation>فلتر الألوان ...</translation>
10281032 </message>
10291033 <message>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1034 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10311035 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10321036 <translation>تحرير إعدادات تصفية اللون.</translation>
10331037 </message>
10341038 <message>
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10361040 <source>Color Filter Settings
10381042 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10411045 تعمل ميزة تصفية الألوان على تبسيط الرسوم البيانية لتسهيل مطابقة النقاط وحزمة التقسيم</translation>
10421046 </message>
10431047 <message>
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10451049 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10461050 <translation>محاور المحاور ...</translation>
10471051 </message>
10481052 <message>
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1053 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10501054 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10511055 <translation>تحرير محاور إعدادات المدقق.</translation>
10521056 </message>
10531057 <message>
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1058 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10551059 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10571061 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10601064 يمكن أن يكشف المدقق المحاكي عن أي أخطاء في نقطة المحور ، والتي يصعب العثور عليها.</translation>
10611065 </message>
10621066 <message>
1063 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1067 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10641068 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10651069 <translation>شبكة خط العرض ...</translation>
10661070 </message>
10671071 <message>
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1072 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10691073 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10701074 <translation>تحرير إعدادات الشبكة عرض الخط.</translation>
10711075 </message>
10721076 <message>
1073 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10741078 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10761080 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10791083 يمكن أن توفر خطوط الشبكة المعروضة على الرسم البياني دقة أكبر من مدقق المحاور ، للرسومات البيانية المشوهة. في الرسم البياني المشوه ، يمكن استخدام خطوط الشبكة لضبط نقاط المحور لمزيد من الدقة في مناطق مختلفة.</translation>
10801084 </message>
10811085 <message>
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1086 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10831087 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10841088 <translation>إزالة خط الشبكة ...</translation>
10851089 </message>
10861090 <message>
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1091 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10881092 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10891093 <translation>تحرير إعدادات إزالة خط الشبكة.</translation>
10901094 </message>
10911095 <message>
1092 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1096 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10931097 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10951099 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10981102 تعمل ميزة إزالة خط الشبكة على عزل خطوط منحنى لتسهيل مطابقة النقاط وحزمة القطع ، عندما لا تكون تصفية الألوان قادرة على فصل خطوط الشبكة عن خطوط المنحنى.</translation>
10991103 </message>
11001104 <message>
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
11021106 <source>Point Match...</source>
1103 <translation>نقطة المباراة ...</translation>
1104 </message>
1105 <message>
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1107 <translation>مطابقة النقطة ...</translation>
1108 </message>
1109 <message>
1110 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11071111 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
1108 <translation>تعديل إعدادات نقطة المباراة.</translation>
1109 </message>
1110 <message>
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1112 <translation>تعديل إعدادات مطابقة النقطة.</translation>
1113 </message>
1114 <message>
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11121116 <source>Point Match Settings
11141118 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
1115 <translation>إعدادات نقطة المباراة
1119 <translation>إعدادات مطابقة النقطة
11171121 تحدد إعدادات مطابقة النقاط كيفية مطابقة النقاط أثناء وضع مطابقة النقاط</translation>
11181122 </message>
11191123 <message>
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1124 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11211125 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11221126 <translation>تعبئة الشريحة ...</translation>
11231127 </message>
11241128 <message>
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1129 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11261130 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11271131 <translation>تحرير إعدادات ملء الشريحة.</translation>
11281132 </message>
11291133 <message>
1130 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11311135 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11331137 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11361140 تحدد إعدادات تعبئة الشرائح كيفية إنشاء النقاط في وضع تعبئة الشريحة</translation>
11371141 </message>
11381142 <message>
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1143 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11401144 <source>General...</source>
1141 <translation>جنرال لواء...</translation>
1142 </message>
1143 <message>
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1145 <translation>عام...</translation>
1146 </message>
1147 <message>
1148 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11451149 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11461150 <translation>تحرير الإعدادات العامة.</translation>
11471151 </message>
11481152 <message>
1149 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11501154 <source>General Settings
11521156 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11551159 الإعدادات العامة هي إعدادات خاصة بالمستند تؤثر في أوضاع متعددة. على سبيل المثال ، يؤثر إعداد حجم المؤشر على كل من منتقي الألوان ونمط مطابقة النقاط</translation>
11561160 </message>
11571161 <message>
1158 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11591163 <source>Main Window...</source>
11601164 <translation>النافذة الرئيسية...</translation>
11611165 </message>
11621166 <message>
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1167 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11641168 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11651169 <translation>تحرير إعدادات النافذة الرئيسية.</translation>
11661170 </message>
11671171 <message>
1168 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1172 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11691173 <source>Main Window Settings
11711175 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11741178 تؤثر إعدادات النافذة الرئيسية على واجهة المستخدم وليست خاصة بأي مستند</translation>
11751179 </message>
11761180 <message>
1177 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1181 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11781182 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11791183 <translation>شريط ادوات خلفية</translation>
11801184 </message>
11811185 <message>
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1186 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11831187 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11841188 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات الخلفية.</translation>
11851189 </message>
11861190 <message>
1187 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11881192 <source>View Background ToolBar
11901194 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11931197 إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات الخلفية</translation>
11941198 </message>
11951199 <message>
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1200 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11971201 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11981202 <translation>شريط أدوات دليل الاختيار</translation>
11991203 </message>
12001204 <message>
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1205 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
12021206 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
12031207 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء دليل قائمة التحقق.</translation>
12041208 </message>
12051209 <message>
1206 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12071211 <source>View Checklist Guide
12091213 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
12121216 إظهار أو إخفاء دليل قائمة التحقق</translation>
12131217 </message>
12141218 <message>
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1219 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12161220 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
12171221 <translation>نافذة منحنى المناسب
12191223 </translation>
12201224 </message>
12211225 <message>
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12231227 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12241228 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء نافذة تركيب المنحنى.</translation>
12251229 </message>
12261230 <message>
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12281232 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12301234 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12331237 إظهار أو إخفاء نافذة تركيب المنحنى</translation>
12341238 </message>
12351239 <message>
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12371241 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12381242 <translation>نافذة الهندسة</translation>
12391243 </message>
12401244 <message>
1241 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1245 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12421246 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12431247 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء نافذة الهندسة.</translation>
12441248 </message>
12451249 <message>
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12471251 <source>View Geometry Window
12491253 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12521256 إظهار أو إخفاء نافذة الهندسة</translation>
12531257 </message>
12541258 <message>
1255 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1259 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12561260 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12571261 <translation>شريط أدوات أدوات الترقيم</translation>
12581262 </message>
12591263 <message>
1260 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1264 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12611265 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12621266 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات أدوات الترقيم.</translation>
12631267 </message>
12641268 <message>
1265 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12661270 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12681272 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12711275 إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات أدوات الترقيم</translation>
12721276 </message>
12731277 <message>
1274 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1278 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12751279 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12761280 <translation>شريط أدوات عرض الإعدادات</translation>
12771281 </message>
12781282 <message>
1279 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12801284 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12811285 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات الإعدادات.</translation>
12821286 </message>
12831287 <message>
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12851289 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12871291 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12901294 إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات الإعدادات. تعرض هذه المشاهدات بيانيا أهم الإعدادات.</translation>
12911295 </message>
12921296 <message>
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12941298 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12951299 <translation>تنسيق شريط أدوات النظام</translation>
12961300 </message>
12971301 <message>
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12991303 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
13001304 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء شريط أدوات النظام الإحداثي.</translation>
13011305 </message>
13021306 <message>
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
13041308 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
13061310 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13131317 يتم تعطيل شريط الأدوات هذا عند وجود نظام إحداثي واحد فقط.</translation>
13141318 </message>
13151319 <message>
1316 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1320 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13171321 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13181322 <translation>نصائح أداة</translation>
13191323 </message>
13201324 <message>
1321 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1325 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13221326 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13231327 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء تلميحات الأدوات.</translation>
13241328 </message>
13251329 <message>
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1330 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13271331 <source>View Tool Tips
13291333 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13321336 إظهار أو إخفاء تلميحات الأدوات</translation>
13331337 </message>
13341338 <message>
1335 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1339 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13361340 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13371341 <translation>خطوط الشبكة</translation>
13381342 </message>
13391343 <message>
1340 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13411345 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13421346 <translation>إظهار أو إخفاء خطوط الشبكة.</translation>
13431347 </message>
13441348 <message>
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1349 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13461350 <source>View Grid Lines
13481352 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13511355 إظهار أو إخفاء خطوط الشبكة التي تمت إضافتها لإجراء عمليات ضبط دقيقة لنقاط المحاور ، والتي يمكنها تحسين الدقة في الرسوم البيانية المشوهة</translation>
13521356 </message>
13531357 <message>
1354 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13551359 <source>No Background</source>
1356 <translation>أي خلفية</translation>
1357 </message>
1358 <message>
1359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1360 <translation>بدون خلفية</translation>
1361 </message>
1362 <message>
1363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13601364 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13611365 <translation>لا تظهر الصورة أسفل النقاط.</translation>
13621366 </message>
13631367 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13651369 <source>No Background
13671371 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
1368 <translation>أي خلفية
1370 يتم عرض أي صورة حتى تكون النقاط أسهل في رؤيتها</translation>
1371 </message>
1372 <message>
1373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1372 <translation>بدون خلفية
1374 لا يتم عرض أي صورة حتى تكون النقاط أسهل في رؤيتها</translation>
1375 </message>
1376 <message>
1377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13741378 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13751379 <translation>إظهار الصورة الأصلية</translation>
13761380 </message>
13771381 <message>
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13791383 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13801384 <translation>اعرض الصورة الأصلية أسفل النقاط.</translation>
13811385 </message>
13821386 <message>
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13841388 <source>Show Original Image
13861390 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13891393 اعرض الصورة الأصلية أسفل النقاط</translation>
13901394 </message>
13911395 <message>
1392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13931397 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13941398 <translation>إظهار الصورة التي تمت تصفيتها</translation>
13951399 </message>
13961400 <message>
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13981402 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13991403 <translation>اعرض الصورة التي تمت تصفيتها أسفل النقاط.</translation>
14001404 </message>
14011405 <message>
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
14031407 <source>Show Filtered Image
14051409 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14121416 يتم إنشاء الصورة التي تمت تصفيتها من الصورة الأصلية وفقًا لتفضيلات الفلتر بحيث يتم إخفاء المعلومات غير المهمة وتأكيد المعلومات المهمة</translation>
14131417 </message>
14141418 <message>
1415 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14161420 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14171421 <translation>إخفاء كل المنحنيات</translation>
14181422 </message>
14191423 <message>
1420 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14211425 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14221426 <translation>إخفاء جميع المنحنيات الرقمية.</translation>
14231427 </message>
14241428 <message>
1425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14261430 <source>Hide All Curves
14281432 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14311435 لا تظهر أي نقاط محور أو منحنيات بيانية رقمية حتى يسهل رؤية الصورة.</translation>
14321436 </message>
14331437 <message>
1434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14351439 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14361440 <translation>إظهار المنحنى المحدد</translation>
14371441 </message>
14381442 <message>
1439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1443 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14401444 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14411445 <translation>إظهار المنحنى المحدد حاليًا فقط.</translation>
14421446 </message>
14431447 <message>
1444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14451449 <source>Show Selected Curve
14471451 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14501454 اعرض فقط النقاط الرقمية والخط الذي ينتمي إلى المنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
14511455 </message>
14521456 <message>
1453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14541458 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14551459 <translation>عرض جميع المنحنيات</translation>
14561460 </message>
14571461 <message>
1458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14591463 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14601464 <translation>عرض جميع المنحنيات.</translation>
14611465 </message>
14621466 <message>
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14641468 <source>Show All Curves
14661470 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14691473 إظهار جميع نقاط المحور الرقمية ومنحنيات الرسم البياني</translation>
14701474 </message>
14711475 <message>
1472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14731477 <source>Hide Always</source>
14741478 <translation>إخفاء دائما</translation>
14751479 </message>
14761480 <message>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14781482 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14791483 <translation>دائما إخفاء شريط الحالة.</translation>
14801484 </message>
14811485 <message>
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14831487 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14841488 <translation>إخفاء شريط الحالة. لن تظهر أي رسائل مؤقتة أو رسائل تعليقات مؤقتة.</translation>
14851489 </message>
14861490 <message>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14881492 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14891493 <translation>إظهار الرسائل المؤقتة</translation>
14901494 </message>
14911495 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14931497 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14941498 <translation>إخفاء شريط الحالة فيما عدا عند عرض الرسائل المؤقتة.</translation>
14951499 </message>
14961500 <message>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14981502 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14991503 <translation>إخفاء شريط المعلومات ، ما عدا عند عرض الحالة المؤقتة ورسائل التعليقات.</translation>
15001504 </message>
15011505 <message>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
15031507 <source>Show Always</source>
15041508 <translation>إظهار دائما</translation>
15051509 </message>
15061510 <message>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15081512 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
15091513 <translation>دائما إظهار شريط الحالة.</translation>
15101514 </message>
15111515 <message>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15131517 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
15141518 <translation>إظهار شريط الحالة. إلى جانب عرض رسائل الحالة المؤقتة والردود ، يعرض شريط الحالة أيضًا معلومات حول موضع المؤشر.</translation>
15151519 </message>
15161520 <message>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15181522 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15191523 <translation>تصغير</translation>
15201524 </message>
15211525 <message>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15231527 <source>Zoom out</source>
15241528 <translation>تصغير</translation>
15251529 </message>
15261530 <message>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15281532 <source>Zoom In</source>
15291533 <translation>تكبير</translation>
15301534 </message>
15311535 <message>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15331537 <source>Zoom in</source>
15341538 <translation>تكبير</translation>
15351539 </message>
15361540 <message>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15381542 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15391543 <translation>16: 1 (1600 ٪)</translation>
15401544 </message>
15411545 <message>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15431547 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15441548 <translation>تكبير 16: 1</translation>
15451549 </message>
15461550 <message>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15481552 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15491553 <translation>16: 1 أبعد (1270 ٪)</translation>
15501554 </message>
15511555 <message>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15531557 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15541558 <translation>تكبير 12.7: 1</translation>
15551559 </message>
15561560 <message>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15581562 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15591563 <translation>8: 1 أقرب (1008 ٪)</translation>
15601564 </message>
15611565 <message>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15631567 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15641568 <translation>التكبير 10.08: 1</translation>
15651569 </message>
15661570 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15681572 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15691573 <translation>8: 1 (800 ٪)</translation>
15701574 </message>
15711575 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15731577 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15741578 <translation>تكبير 8: 1</translation>
15751579 </message>
15761580 <message>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15781582 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15791583 <translation>8: 1 أبعد (635 ٪)</translation>
15801584 </message>
15811585 <message>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15831587 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15841588 <translation>تكبير 6.35: 1</translation>
15851589 </message>
15861590 <message>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15881592 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15891593 <translation>4: 1 أقرب (504 ٪)</translation>
15901594 </message>
15911595 <message>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15931597 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15941598 <translation>التكبير 5.04: 1</translation>
15951599 </message>
15961600 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15981602 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15991603 <translation>4: 1 (400٪)</translation>
16001604 </message>
16011605 <message>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
16031607 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
16041608 <translation>تكبير 4: 1</translation>
16051609 </message>
16061610 <message>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16081612 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16091613 <translation>4: 1 أبعد (317 ٪)</translation>
16101614 </message>
16111615 <message>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16131617 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16141618 <translation>تكبير 3.17: 1</translation>
16151619 </message>
16161620 <message>
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16181622 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16191623 <translation>2: 1 أقرب (252 ٪)</translation>
16201624 </message>
16211625 <message>
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16231627 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16241628 <translation>تكبير 2.52: 1</translation>
16251629 </message>
16261630 <message>
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16281632 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16291633 <translation>2: 1 (200٪)</translation>
16301634 </message>
16311635 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16331637 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16341638 <translation>تكبير 2: 1</translation>
16351639 </message>
16361640 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16381642 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16391643 <translation>2: 1 أبعد (159 ٪)</translation>
16401644 </message>
16411645 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16431647 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16441648 <translation>تكبير 1.59: 1</translation>
16451649 </message>
16461650 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16481652 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16491653 <translation>1: 1 أقرب (126٪)</translation>
16501654 </message>
16511655 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16531657 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16541658 <translation>تكبير 1.3: 1</translation>
16551659 </message>
16561660 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16581662 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16591663 <translation>1: 1 (100٪)</translation>
16601664 </message>
16611665 <message>
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16631667 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16641668 <translation>تكبير 1: 1</translation>
16651669 </message>
16661670 <message>
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16681672 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16691673 <translation>1: 1 أبعد (79 ٪)</translation>
16701674 </message>
16711675 <message>
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16731677 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16741678 <translation>تكبير 0.8: 1</translation>
16751679 </message>
16761680 <message>
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16781682 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16791683 <translation>1: 2 أقرب (63 ٪)</translation>
16801684 </message>
16811685 <message>
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16831687 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16841688 <translation>تكبير 1.3: 2</translation>
16851689 </message>
16861690 <message>
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16881692 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16891693 <translation>1: 2 (50 ٪)</translation>
16901694 </message>
16911695 <message>
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16931697 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16941698 <translation>تكبير 1: 2</translation>
16951699 </message>
16961700 <message>
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16981702 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16991703 <translation>1: 2 أبعد (40 ٪)</translation>
17001704 </message>
17011705 <message>
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
17031707 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
17041708 <translation>تكبير 0.8: 2</translation>
17051709 </message>
17061710 <message>
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17081712 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17091713 <translation>1: 4 أقرب (31 ٪)</translation>
17101714 </message>
17111715 <message>
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17131717 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17141718 <translation>تكبير 1.3: 4</translation>
17151719 </message>
17161720 <message>
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17181722 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17191723 <translation>1: 4 (25 ٪)</translation>
17201724 </message>
17211725 <message>
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17231727 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17241728 <translation>تكبير 1: 4</translation>
17251729 </message>
17261730 <message>
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17281732 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17291733 <translation>1: 4 أبعد (20 ٪)</translation>
17301734 </message>
17311735 <message>
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17331737 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17341738 <translation>تكبير 0.8: 4</translation>
17351739 </message>
17361740 <message>
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17381742 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17391743 <translation>1: 8 أقرب (12.5 ٪)</translation>
17401744 </message>
17411745 <message>
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17431746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17441748 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17451749 <translation>تكبير 1: 8</translation>
17461750 </message>
17471751 <message>
1748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17491753 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17501754 <translation>1: 8 (12.5 ٪)</translation>
17511755 </message>
17521756 <message>
1753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17541758 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17551759 <translation>1: 8 أبعد (10 ٪)</translation>
17561760 </message>
17571761 <message>
1758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17591763 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17601764 <translation>تكبير 0.8: 8</translation>
17611765 </message>
17621766 <message>
1763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1767 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17641768 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17651769 <translation>16:1 أقرب (8 ٪)</translation>
17661770 </message>
17671771 <message>
1768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1772 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17691773 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17701774 <translation>تكبير 1.3: 16</translation>
17711775 </message>
17721776 <message>
1773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17741778 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17751779 <translation>16:1 (6.25٪)</translation>
17761780 </message>
17771781 <message>
1778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17791783 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17801784 <translation>تكبير 16:1</translation>
17811785 </message>
17821786 <message>
1783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17841788 <source>Fill</source>
17851789 <translation>ملء</translation>
17861790 </message>
17871791 <message>
1788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17891793 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17901794 <translation>تكبير مع امتداد لملء النافذة</translation>
17911795 </message>
18151819 <message>
18161820 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="65" />
18171821 <source>View</source>
1818 <translation>رأي</translation>
1822 <translation>عرض</translation>
18191823 </message>
18201824 <message>
18211825 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="77" />
18731877 <message>
18741878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="48" />
18751879 <source>No background</source>
1876 <translation>أي خلفية</translation>
1880 <translation>بدون خلفية</translation>
18771881 </message>
18781882 <message>
18791883 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="49" />
19441948 <message>
19451949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="103" />
19461950 <source>Views</source>
1947 <translation>الآراء</translation>
1951 <translation>العرض</translation>
19481952 </message>
19491953 <message>
19501954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="112" />
20522056 <context>
20532057 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20542058 <message>
2055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2059 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20562060 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20572061 <translation>تحرير نقطة المحور</translation>
20582062 </message>
20592063 <message>
2060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2064 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20612065 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20622066 <translation>إحداثيات الرسم البياني</translation>
20632067 </message>
20642068 <message>
2065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2069 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20662070 <source>as</source>
20672071 <translation>مثل</translation>
20682072 </message>
20692073 <message>
2070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20712075 <source>(</source>
20722076 <translation>(</translation>
20732077 </message>
20742078 <message>
2075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20762080 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2078 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2082 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20802084 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2081 <translation>أدخل إحداثيات الرسم البياني الأولى لنقطة المحور.
2083 للقطعات الديكارتية هذا هو X. بالنسبة للقطعتين القطبيتين هذا هو نصف القطر R.
2085 يتم تحديد التنسيق المتوقع لقيمة الإحداثيات بواسطة إعداد الإعدادات المحلية. إذا لم يتم التعرف على القيم المكتوبة كما هو متوقع ، فتحقق من إعداد الإعدادات المحلية في الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية ...</translation>
2086 </message>
2087 <message>
2088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2085 <translation>أدخل إحداثيات الرسم البياني الأولى لنقطة المحور. بالنسبة للقطعات الديكارتية ، هذا هو X. بالنسبة للقطاعات القطبية ، هذه هي الزاوية theta. يتم تحديد التنسيق المتوقع لقيمة الإحداثيات بواسطة إعداد الإعدادات المحلية. إذا لم يتم التعرف على القيم المكتوبة كما هو متوقع ، فتحقق من إعداد الإعدادات المحلية في الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية ...
2087 </translation>
2088 </message>
2089 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20892091 <source>, </source>
20902092 <translation>, </translation>
20912093 </message>
20922094 <message>
2093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20942096 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2096 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2098 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20982100 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2099 <translation>أدخل إحداثيات الرسم البياني الثانية لنقطة المحور.
2101 بالنسبة للاراضي الديكارتية هذا هو Y. بالنسبة للقطعة الارضية هذه هي الزاوية Theta.
2103 يتم تحديد التنسيق المتوقع لقيمة الإحداثيات بواسطة إعداد الإعدادات المحلية. إذا لم يتم التعرف على القيم المكتوبة كما هو متوقع ، فتحقق من إعداد الإعدادات المحلية في الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية ...</translation>
2104 </message>
2105 <message>
2106 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2101 <translation>قم بإدخال إحداثيات الرسم البياني الثانية لنقطة المحور. بالنسبة إلى المؤامرات الديكارتية ، هذا هو Y. بالنسبة إلى المؤامرات القطبية ، يكون هذا هو نصف القطر R. يتم تحديد التنسيق المتوقع لقيمة الإحداثيات بواسطة إعداد الإعدادات المحلية. إذا لم يتم التعرف على القيم المكتوبة كما هو متوقع ، فتحقق من إعداد الإعدادات المحلية في الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية ...</translation>
2102 </message>
2103 <message>
2104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
21072105 <source>)</source>
21082106 <translation>)</translation>
21092107 </message>
21102108 <message>
2111 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2112 <source>Number format</source>
2113 <translation>تنسيق الرقم</translation>
2114 </message>
2115 <message>
2116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2110 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2111 <translation>عدد الإحداثيات لكل نقطة محور:</translation>
2112 </message>
2113 <message>
2114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2115 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2116 <translation>يتم استخدام ثلاث محاور مع إحداثيات كل منها بشكل طبيعي. إذا كانت كل نقطة محور تحتوي على إحداثي واحد معروف فقط ، ابدأ من جديد بالملفات / الاستيراد (متقدم) / 4 نقاط المحور.</translation>
2117 </message>
2118 <message>
2119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2120 <source>Number format:</source>
2121 <translation>تنسيق الرقم:</translation>
2122 </message>
2123 <message>
2124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2125 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2126 <translation>الإعدادات المحلية التي تحدد تنسيقات الأرقام المسموح بها. يتم تعيين هذا من خلال الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية.</translation>
2127 </message>
2128 <message>
2129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21172130 <source>Ok</source>
2118 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2119 </message>
2120 <message>
2121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2131 <translation>موافق</translation>
2132 </message>
2133 <message>
2134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21222135 <source>Cancel</source>
21232136 <translation>إلغاء</translation>
21242137 </message>
21972210 <message>
21982211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="170" />
21992212 <source>Ok</source>
2200 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2213 <translation>موافق</translation>
22012214 </message>
22022215 <message>
22032216 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="174" />
22202233 <message>
22212234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="94" />
22222235 <source>Ok</source>
2223 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2236 <translation>موافق</translation>
22242237 </message>
22252238 <message>
22262239 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="98" />
23502363 <context>
23512364 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23522365 <message>
2353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23542367 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23552368 <translation>استيراد ملف الصورة</translation>
23562369 </message>
23572370 <message>
2358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2371 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23592372 <source>Preview</source>
23602373 <translation>معاينة</translation>
23612374 </message>
23622375 <message>
2363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2376 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23642377 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23652378 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي تعرض أي جزء من الصورة سيتم استيراده. سيتم استيراد جزء الصورة داخل الإطار المستطيل من الصفحة المحددة حاليًا. يمكن تحريك الإطار وتغيير حجمه عن طريق سحب مقابض الركن.</translation>
23662379 </message>
23672380 <message>
2368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23692382 <source>Ok</source>
2370 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2371 </message>
2372 <message>
2373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2383 <translation>موافق</translation>
2384 </message>
2385 <message>
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23742387 <source>Cancel</source>
23752388 <translation>إلغاء</translation>
23762389 </message>
23782391 <context>
23792392 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23802393 <message>
2381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23822395 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23832396 <translation>ملف PDF استيراد الاقتصاص</translation>
23842397 </message>
23852398 <message>
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23872400 <source>Page</source>
23882401 <translation>صفحة</translation>
23892402 </message>
23902403 <message>
2391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23922405 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23932406 <translation>رقم الصفحة التي سيتم استيرادها</translation>
23942407 </message>
23952408 <message>
2396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23972410 <source>Preview</source>
23982411 <translation>معاينة</translation>
23992412 </message>
24002413 <message>
2401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
24022415 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
24032416 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي تعرض أي جزء من الصورة سيتم استيراده. سيتم استيراد جزء الصورة داخل الإطار المستطيل من الصفحة المحددة حاليًا. يمكن تحريك الإطار وتغيير حجمه عن طريق سحب مقابض الركن.</translation>
24042417 </message>
24052418 <message>
2406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
24072420 <source>Ok</source>
2408 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2409 </message>
2410 <message>
2411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2421 <translation>موافق</translation>
2422 </message>
2423 <message>
2424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24122425 <source>Cancel</source>
24132426 <translation>إلغاء</translation>
24142427 </message>
24242437 <context>
24252438 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24262439 <message>
2427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24282441 <source>Ok</source>
2429 <translation>حسنا</translation>
2430 </message>
2431 <message>
2432 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2442 <translation>موافق</translation>
2443 </message>
2444 <message>
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24332446 <source>Cancel</source>
24342447 <translation>إلغاء</translation>
24352448 </message>
24422455 <translation>المحاور المدقق</translation>
24432456 </message>
24442457 <message>
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24462459 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24472460 <translation>المحاور فاصل العمر</translation>
24482461 </message>
24492462 <message>
2450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24512464 <source>Do not show</source>
24522465 <translation>لا تظهر</translation>
24532466 </message>
24542467 <message>
2455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24562469 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24572470 <translation>لم تظهر محاور الفؤوس.</translation>
24582471 </message>
24592472 <message>
2460 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24612474 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24622475 <translation>إظهار لعدد من الثواني</translation>
24632476 </message>
24642477 <message>
2465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24662479 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24672480 <translation>إظهار محاور المحاور لعدد من الثواني بعد تغيير نقاط المحاور.</translation>
24682481 </message>
24692482 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24712484 <source>Show always</source>
24722485 <translation>إظهار دائما</translation>
24732486 </message>
24742487 <message>
2475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24762489 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24772490 <translation>دائما إظهار محاور الفؤوس.</translation>
24782491 </message>
24792492 <message>
2480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24812494 <source>Line color</source>
24822495 <translation>لون الخط</translation>
24832496 </message>
24842497 <message>
2485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24862499 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24872500 <translation>حدد لونًا لخطوط التحديد المرسومة عند كل نقطة محور</translation>
24882501 </message>
24892502 <message>
2490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24912504 <source>Preview</source>
24922505 <translation>معاينة</translation>
24932506 </message>
24942507 <message>
2495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24962509 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24972510 <translation>نافذة معاينة توضح كيف تؤثر الإعدادات الحالية على فحص المحاور المعروض</translation>
24982511 </message>
25052518 <translation>مرشح اللون</translation>
25062519 </message>
25072520 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
25092522 <source>Curve Name</source>
25102523 <translation>اسم المنحنى</translation>
25112524 </message>
25122525 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25142527 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25152528 <translation>اسم المنحنى المحدد حاليًا للتحرير</translation>
25162529 </message>
25172530 <message>
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25192532 <source>Filter mode</source>
25202533 <translation>وضع الفلتر</translation>
25212534 </message>
25222535 <message>
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25242537 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25262539 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
25292542 يتم حساب قيمة كثافة البكسل من المكونات الحمراء والخضراء والزرقاء مثل I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
25302543 </message>
25312544 <message>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25332546 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25352548 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25422555 يتم حساب المسافة بين أي لون (R، G، B) من لون الخلفية (Rb، Gb، Bb) كـ F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). على الجانب الأيسر من المقياس ، تكون قيمة مسافة المقدمة صفر ، وتزداد خطيًا إلى الحد الأقصى في أقصى اليمين</translation>
25432556 </message>
25442557 <message>
2545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25462559 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25472560 <translation>قم بتصفية الصورة الأصلية إلى وحدات بكسل بالأبيض والأسود باستخدام مكون الصبغة لمكونات ألوان الصبغة والتشبع والقيمة (HSV) ، لإخفاء المعلومات غير المهمة وتأكيد المعلومات الهامة.</translation>
25482561 </message>
25492562 <message>
2550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25512564 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25522565 <translation>قم بتصفية الصورة الأصلية إلى وحدات بكسل بالأبيض والأسود باستخدام مكون التشبع لمكونات ألوان الصبغة والتشبع والقيمة (HSV) ، لإخفاء المعلومات غير المهمة وتأكيد المعلومات الهامة.</translation>
25532566 </message>
25542567 <message>
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25562569 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25582571 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25612574 يسمى مكون القيمة أيضًا "الخفة".</translation>
25622575 </message>
25632576 <message>
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25652578 <source>Preview</source>
25662579 <translation>معاينة</translation>
25672580 </message>
25682581 <message>
2569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25702583 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25712584 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي توضح كيف تؤثر الإعدادات الحالية على تصفية الصورة الأصلية.</translation>
25722585 </message>
25732586 <message>
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25752588 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25762589 <translation>تصفية المعلمة المدرج الرسم البياني</translation>
25772590 </message>
25782591 <message>
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25802593 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25812594 <translation>ملف التوصيف الرسمى لمعامل التصفية المحدد. يمكن نقل الفواصل إلى الخلف والأمام لتعديل نطاق قيم معلمات الترشيح التي سيتم تضمينها في الصورة التي تمت تصفيتها. سيتم تضمين الجزء الواضح ، وسيتم استبعاد الجزء المظلل.</translation>
25822595 </message>
25832596 <message>
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25852598 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25862599 <translation>يعرض مربع القراءة فقط هذا تمثيلًا رسوميًا للمحور الأفقي في ملف التوصيف المدرج التكراري أعلاه.</translation>
25872600 </message>
25892602 <context>
25902603 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25912604 <message>
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25952608 <source>Coordinates</source>
25962609 <translation>إحداثيات</translation>
25972610 </message>
25982611 <message>
2599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
26002613 <source>Date/Time</source>
26012614 <translation>تاريخ / وقت</translation>
26022615 </message>
26032616 <message>
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
26052618 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26072620 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
26102623 يؤدي تعيين التنسيق إلى قيمة فارغة إلى ظهور جزء الوقت فقط في الإخراج</translation>
26112624 </message>
26122625 <message>
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26142627 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26162629 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
26192632 يؤدي تعيين التنسيق إلى قيمة فارغة إلى ظهور جزء التاريخ في المخرجات فقط.</translation>
26202633 </message>
26212634 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26232636 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26242637 <translation>ينسق أنواع</translation>
26252638 </message>
26262639 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26282641 <source>Polar</source>
26292642 <translation>قطبي</translation>
26302643 </message>
26312644 <message>
2632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26342647 <source>R</source>
26352648 <translation>R</translation>
26362649 </message>
26372650 <message>
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26392652 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26402653 <translation>الديكارتي (X، Y)</translation>
26412654 </message>
26422655 <message>
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26442657 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26462659 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26492662 سيتم استخدام الإحداثيات X و Y</translation>
26502663 </message>
26512664 <message>
2652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26532666 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26552668 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26622675 لا يسمح بالإحداثيات القطبية بمقياس سجل لـ Theta</translation>
26632676 </message>
26642677 <message>
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26672680 <source>Scale</source>
26682681 <translation>مقياس</translation>
26692682 </message>
26702683 <message>
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26732686 <source>Linear</source>
26742687 <translation>خطي</translation>
26752688 </message>
26762689 <message>
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26782691 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26792692 <translation>يحدد المقياس الخطي للإحداثيات X أو Theta</translation>
26802693 </message>
26812694 <message>
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26842697 <source>Log</source>
26852698 <translation>وغاريتمي</translation>
26862699 </message>
26872700 <message>
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26892702 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26912704 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26982711 لا يسمح مقياس لوغاريتمي لإحداثيات ثيتا.</translation>
26992712 </message>
27002713 <message>
2701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
27032716 <source>Units</source>
27042717 <translation>وحدات</translation>
27052718 </message>
27062719 <message>
2707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
27082721 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
27092722 <translation>يحدد المقياس الخطي للإحداثيات Y أو R</translation>
27102723 </message>
27112724 <message>
2712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27132726 <source>Origin radius value</source>
27142727 <translation>قيمة نصف قطر المنشأ</translation>
27152728 </message>
27162729 <message>
2717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27182731 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27202733 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27232736 مقياس الدخول غير مسموح به إذا كانت هناك إحداثيات سالبة.</translation>
27242737 </message>
27252738 <message>
2726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27272740 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27292742 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
27322745 عادة يكون نصف القطر في الأصل هو 0 ، ولكن يمكن تطبيق قيمة غير صفرية في حالات أخرى (مثل عندما تكون الوحدات الشعاعية ديسيبل).</translation>
27332746 </message>
27342747 <message>
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27362749 <source>Preview</source>
27372750 <translation>معاينة</translation>
27382751 </message>
27392752 <message>
2740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27412754 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27422755 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي توضح كيف تؤثر الإعدادات الحالية على نظام الإحداثيات.</translation>
27432756 </message>
27442757 <message>
2745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27462759 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27482761 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27552768 يستخدم تنسيق Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) رقمين صحيحين للدرجات والدقائق ، بالإضافة إلى رقم حقيقي للثواني. هناك 60 ثانية في الدقيقة. أثناء الإدخال ، يجب إدخال المسافات بين الأرقام الثلاثة.</translation>
27562769 </message>
27572770 <message>
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27592772 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27612774 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27802793 يستخدم تنسيق التقليب رقمًا واحدًا حقيقيًا. ثورة واحدة كاملة هي دورة واحدة.</translation>
27812794 </message>
27822795 <message>
2783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27842797 <source>X</source>
27852798 <translation>X</translation>
27862799 </message>
27872800 <message>
2788 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27892802 <source>Y</source>
27902803 <translation>Y</translation>
27912804 </message>
27922805 </context>
27932806 <context>
2794 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2795 <message>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2807 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2808 <message>
2809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27972810 <source>Curve List</source>
27982811 <translation>قائمة المنحنى</translation>
27992812 </message>
28002813 <message>
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2814 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
28022815 <source>Add...</source>
28032816 <translation>إضافة ...</translation>
28042817 </message>
28052818 <message>
2806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
28072820 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
28092822 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2810 <translation>يضيف منحنى جديد إلى قائمة المنحنى. يمكن تحرير اسم المنحنى في قائمة اسم المنحنى.</translation>
2811 </message>
2812 <message>
2813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2823 <translation>يضيف منحنى جديد إلى قائمة المنحنى. يمكن تحرير اسم المنحنى في قائمة اسم المنحنى.
2825 يجب أن يكون كل اسم منحنى فريدًا</translation>
2826 </message>
2827 <message>
2828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28142829 <source>Remove</source>
28152830 <translation>إزالة</translation>
28162831 </message>
28172832 <message>
2818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28192834 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28212836 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2822 <translation>يزيل المنحنى المحدد حاليًا من قائمة المنحنى.
2824 يجب أن يكون هناك دائمًا منحنى واحد على الأقل</translation>
2825 </message>
2826 <message>
2827 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2837 <translation>يزيل المنحنى المحدد حاليًا من قائمة المنحنى. يجب أن يكون هناك دائمًا منحنى واحد على الأقل</translation>
2838 </message>
2839 <message>
2840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28282841 <source>Curve Names</source>
28292842 <translation>أسماء المنحنى</translation>
28302843 </message>
28312844 <message>
2832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28332846 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28352848 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28372850 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2838 <translation>قائمة المنحنيات التي تنتمي إلى هذا المستند.
2840 انقر على اسم منحنى لتحريره. يجب أن يكون كل اسم منحنى فريدًا.
2842 إعادة ترتيب المنحنيات عن طريق سحبها حولها.</translation>
2843 </message>
2844 <message>
2845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2851 <translation>قائمة المنحنيات التي تنتمي إلى هذا المستند. انقر فوق اسم منحنى لتحريره. يجب أن يكون كل اسم منحنى فريدًا. منحنيات إعادة التوجيه عن طريق سحبها حولها.</translation>
2852 </message>
2853 <message>
2854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28462855 <source>Save As Default</source>
28472856 <translation>إحفظ كافتراضي</translation>
28482857 </message>
28492858 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28512860 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
28522861 <translation>احفظ أسماء المنحنى لاستخدامها كإعدادات افتراضية لمنحنيات الرسم البياني المستقبلية.</translation>
28532862 </message>
28542863 <message>
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28562865 <source>Reset Default</source>
28572866 <translation>اعادة التشغيل الافتراضي</translation>
28582867 </message>
28592868 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28612870 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2862 <translation>إعادة تعيين الإعدادات الافتراضية لمنحنيات الرسم البياني المستقبلية إلى الإعدادات الأصلية</translation>
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2871 <translation>إعادة تعيين الإعدادات الافتراضية لمنحنيات الرسم البياني المستقبلية إلى الإعدادات الأصلية.</translation>
2872 </message>
2873 <message>
2874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28662875 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
28672876 <translation>ستزيل إزالة هذا المنحنى أيضًا</translation>
28682877 </message>
28692878 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2871 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28722881 <source>points. Continue?</source>
28732882 <translation>نقاط. استمر؟</translation>
28742883 </message>
28752884 <message>
2876 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2885 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28772886 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
28782887 <translation>إزالة هذه المنحنيات سيزيل أيضا</translation>
28792888 </message>
28802889 <message>
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2890 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28822891 <source>Curves With Points</source>
28832892 <translation>منحنيات بالنقاط</translation>
28842893 </message>
28862895 <context>
28872896 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28882897 <message>
2889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28902899 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28912900 <translation>خصائص المنحنى</translation>
28922901 </message>
28932902 <message>
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28952904 <source>Curve Name</source>
28962905 <translation>اسم المنحنى</translation>
28972906 </message>
28982907 <message>
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
29002909 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
29012910 <translation>اسم المنحنى المحدد حاليًا للتحرير</translation>
29022911 </message>
29032912 <message>
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
29052914 <source>Line</source>
29062915 <translation>خط</translation>
29072916 </message>
29082917 <message>
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29102919 <source>Width</source>
29112920 <translation>عرض</translation>
29122921 </message>
29132922 <message>
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29152924 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29172926 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29202929 هذا ينطبق فقط على منحنيات الرسم البياني. لا يتم رسم أي خطوط بين نقاط المحور.</translation>
29212930 </message>
29222931 <message>
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29252934 <source>Color</source>
29262935 <translation>اللون</translation>
29272936 </message>
29282937 <message>
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29302939 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29322941 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29352944 هذا ينطبق فقط على منحنيات الرسم البياني. لا يتم رسم أي خطوط بين نقاط المحور.</translation>
29362945 </message>
29372946 <message>
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2947 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29392948 <source>Connect as</source>
29402949 <translation>الاتصال ك</translation>
29412950 </message>
29422951 <message>
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29442953 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29462955 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29502959 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2952 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2961 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29542963 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2955 <translation>حدد القاعدة لتوصيل النقاط مع الخطوط.
2957 إذا كان المنحنى متصلاً كدالة ذات قيمة واحدة ، يتم ترتيب النقاط بزيادة قيمة المتغير المستقل.
2959 إذا كان المنحنى متصلاً ككفاف مغلق ، يتم ترتيب النقاط حسب العمر ، باستثناء النقاط الموضوعة على طول خط موجود. يتم إدراج أي نقطة وضعت فوق أي خط موجود بين نقطتي النهاية لهذا الخط - كما لو كان عمره بين أعمار نقطتي النهاية.
2961 يتم رسم الخطوط بين النقاط المطلوبة على التوالي.
2963 يتم رسم المنحنيات المستقيمة بخطوط مستقيمة بين النقاط المتتالية. يتم رسم المنحنيات السلسة مع خطوط ناعمة بين النقاط المتتالية.
2965 هذا ينطبق فقط على منحنيات الرسم البياني. لا يتم رسم أي خطوط بين نقاط المحور.</translation>
2966 </message>
2967 <message>
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2964 <translation>حدد القاعدة لتوصيل النقاط باستخدام خطوط. إذا كان المنحنى متصلاً كدالة ذات قيمة واحدة ، يتم ترتيب النقاط بزيادة قيمة المتغير المستقل.إذا تم توصيل المنحنى ككفاف مغلق ، فإن النقاط تكون مرتبة حسب العمر ، باستثناء النقاط الموضوعة على طول الخط الحالي. يتم إدراج أي نقطة موضوعة فوق أي خط موجود بين نقطتي النهاية في ذلك الخط - كما لو كان عمرها بين أعمار نقطتي النهاية. يتم رسم الخطوط بين النقاط المطلوبة تباعًا. يتم رسم منحنيات السحاب بشكل مستقيم خطوط بين النقاط المتتالية. يتم رسم المنحنيات الناعمة بخطوط ناعمة بين النقاط المتتالية ، باستخدام شريحة مكعب طبيعية لأزواج (x، y) مقابل قيم ترتيبية (t) قياسية. وينطبق هذا فقط على منحنيات الرسم البياني. لا يتم رسم أي خطوط بين نقاط المحور.</translation>
2965 </message>
2966 <message>
2967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29692968 <source>Point</source>
29702969 <translation>نقطة</translation>
29712970 </message>
29722971 <message>
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2972 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29742973 <source>Shape</source>
29752974 <translation>شكل</translation>
29762975 </message>
29772976 <message>
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2977 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29792978 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29802979 <translation>حدد شكلًا للنقاط</translation>
29812980 </message>
29822981 <message>
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2982 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29842983 <source>Radius</source>
29852984 <translation>نصف القطر</translation>
29862985 </message>
29872986 <message>
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29892988 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29902989 <translation>حدد نصف قطر بالبكسل للنقاط</translation>
29912990 </message>
29922991 <message>
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2992 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29942993 <source>Line width</source>
29952994 <translation>عرض الخط</translation>
29962995 </message>
29972996 <message>
2998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2997 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29992998 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
30013000 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
30043003 ينتج عن العرض الأكبر خطًا أكثر سمكًا ، باستثناء قيمة صفر والتي تؤدي دائمًا إلى خط يبلغ عرضه بكسل واحد (وهو أمر يسهل رؤيته حتى عند التكبير بعيدًا)</translation>
30053004 </message>
30063005 <message>
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
3006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
30083007 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
30093008 <translation>حدد لونًا للخط المستخدم لرسم أشكال النقاط</translation>
30103009 </message>
30113010 <message>
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
3011 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30133012 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30153014 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30223021 إذا كانت الإعدادات المرئية منحنى الرسم البياني Nth في قائمة المنحنى ، فسيتم استخدامها لمنحنيات الرسم البياني المستقبلية التي تمثل أيضًا منحنى الرسم البياني Nth في قائمة المنحنى الخاصة بهم ، حتى يتم حفظ الإعدادات الجديدة كإعدادات افتراضية.</translation>
30233022 </message>
30243023 <message>
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3024 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30263025 <source>Preview</source>
30273026 <translation>معاينة</translation>
30283027 </message>
30293028 <message>
3030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3029 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30313030 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30333032 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
31283127 <translation>تنسيق التصدير</translation>
31293128 </message>
31303129 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31323131 <source>Included</source>
31333132 <translation>شمل</translation>
31343133 </message>
31353134 <message>
3136 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31373136 <source>Not included</source>
31383137 <translation>غير مشمول</translation>
31393138 </message>
31403139 <message>
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31423141 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31443143 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31473146 لا يؤثر ترتيب المنحنيات هنا على ترتيب الملف الذي تم تصديره. يتم تحديد هذا الترتيب بواسطة إعدادات المنحنيات.</translation>
31483147 </message>
31493148 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3149 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31513150 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31523151 <translation>قائمة المنحنيات التي سيتم استبعادها من الملف المصدر</translation>
31533152 </message>
31543153 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31563155 <source>Include</source>
31573156 <translation>تتضمن</translation>
31583157 </message>
31593158 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3159 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31613160 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31623161 <translation>حرك المنحنى (المنحنيات) المحددة حاليًا من القائمة المستبعدة</translation>
31633162 </message>
31643163 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3164 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31663165 <source>Exclude</source>
31673166 <translation>استبعد</translation>
31683167 </message>
31693168 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3169 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31713170 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31723171 <translation>حرك المنحنى (المنحنيات) المحددة حاليًا من lis المضمن</translation>
31733172 </message>
31743173 <message>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3174 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31763175 <source>Delimiters</source>
31773176 <translation>محدد</translation>
31783177 </message>
31793178 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3179 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31813180 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31823181 <translation>سيحتوي الملف الذي تم تصديره على فواصل بين القيم المجاورة ، إلا إذا تم تجاوزها بواسطة علامات التبويب في ملفات TSV.</translation>
31833182 </message>
31843183 <message>
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3184 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31863185 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31873186 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره فراغات بين القيم المجاورة ، إلا إذا تم تجاوزه بفواصل في ملفات CSV ، أو علامات تبويب في ملفات TSV.</translation>
31883187 </message>
31893188 <message>
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3189 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31913190 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31923191 <translation>سيحتوي الملف الذي تم تصديره على علامات تبويب بين القيم المجاورة ، إلا إذا تم تجاوزه بفواصل في ملفات CSV.</translation>
31933192 </message>
31943193 <message>
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31963195 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31973196 <translation>سيحتوي الملف الذي تم تصديره على فواصل منقوطة بين القيم المجاورة ، إلا إذا تم تجاوزها بفواصل في ملفات CSV.</translation>
31983197 </message>
31993198 <message>
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
32013200 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
32023201 <translation>تجاوز في ملفات CSV / TSV
32043203 </translation>
32053204 </message>
32063205 <message>
3207 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3206 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
32083207 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
32093208 <translation>ستستخدم ملفات القيمة المفصولة بفواصل (CSV) وملفات قيم مفصولة (TSV) علامات الفاصلة وعلامات التبويب على التوالي ، ما لم يتم تحديد هذا الإعداد. سيؤدي تحديد هذا الإعداد إلى تطبيق الإعداد المحدد على كل ملف.</translation>
32103209 </message>
32113210 <message>
3212 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
32133212 <source>Layout</source>
32143213 <translation>نسق</translation>
32153214 </message>
32163215 <message>
3217 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3216 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32183217 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32193218 <translation>جميع المنحنيات على كل سطر</translation>
32203219 </message>
32213220 <message>
3222 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3221 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32233222 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32243223 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره ، على كل سطر ، قيمة X ، وقيمة Y للمنحنى الأول ، وقيمة Y للمنحنى الثاني ، ...</translation>
32253224 </message>
32263225 <message>
3227 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3226 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32283227 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32293228 <translation>منحنى واحد على كل سطر</translation>
32303229 </message>
32313230 <message>
3232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3231 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32333232 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
32343233 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره كل النقاط للمنحنى الأول ، مع زوج X-Y واحد على كل سطر ، ثم نقاط المنحنى الثاني ، ...</translation>
32353234 </message>
32363235 <message>
3237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32383237 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32393238 <translation>اختيار النقاط الوظيفية</translation>
32403239 </message>
32413240 <message>
3242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32433242 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32443243 <translation>استيفاء YS في XS من جميع المنحنيات</translation>
32453244 </message>
32463245 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32483247 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32493248 <translation>سيحتوي الملف الذي تم تصديره على قيم عند كل قيمة X فريدة من كل منحنى. سيتم تحديد قيم Y بشكل خطي إذا لزم الأمر</translation>
32503249 </message>
32513250 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3252 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3253 <translation>استقراء خارج نقاط النهاية</translation>
3254 </message>
3255 <message>
3256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3257 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3258 <translation>تمكين أو تعطيل الاستقراء خارج نقاط النهاية لكل منحنى. في حالة التعطيل ، يتم تصدير النقاط بين نقاط النهاية لكل منحنى فقط
3260 </translation>
3261 </message>
3262 <message>
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32533264 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32543265 <translation>استيفاء YS في XS من المنحنى الأول</translation>
32553266 </message>
32563267 <message>
3257 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32583269 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32593270 <translation>سيحتوي الملف الذي تم تصديره على قيم عند كل قيمة X فريدة من أول منحنى. سيتم تحديد قيم Y بشكل خطي إذا لزم الأمر</translation>
32603271 </message>
32613272 <message>
3262 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3263 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3264 <translation>استيفاء Ys في قيم X متباعدة بالتساوي.</translation>
3265 </message>
3266 <message>
3267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3274 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3275 <translation>أقحم Ys عند قيم X متباعدة بالتساوي والتي يتم تحديدها تلقائيًا</translation>
3276 </message>
3277 <message>
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32683279 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32693280 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره قيم عند قيم X متساوية التباعد ، مفصولة بفاصل زمني محدد أدناه.</translation>
32703281 </message>
32713282 <message>
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32743285 <source>Interval</source>
32753286 <translation>فترة</translation>
32763287 </message>
32773288 <message>
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32793290 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32813292 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32883299 ستتم محاذاة قيم X تلقائيًا بأرقام بسيطة. إذا لم تكن النقاط الأولى و / أو الأخيرة على طول قيم X المتوافقة ، فستتم إضافة نقطة أو نقطتين إضافيتين عند الضرورة.</translation>
32893300 </message>
32903301 <message>
3291 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32923303 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32943305 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
33013312 يتم تفضيل وحدات الرسم البياني عندما تعتمد المسافات على مقياس X.</translation>
33023313 </message>
33033314 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3316 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3317 <translation>أقحم Ys عند قيم X متباعدة بالتساوي على خطوط الشبكة</translation>
3318 </message>
3319 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3321 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3322 <translation>سيكون للملف المصدر قيم عند قيم X متباعدة بشكل متساوٍ في خطوط الشبكة الرأسية.</translation>
3323 </message>
3324 <message>
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
33063327 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
33073328 <translation>Xs الخام و Ys</translation>
33083329 </message>
33093330 <message>
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
33123333 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
33133334 <translation>ستحتوي Xs الخام والملفات المصدرة على قيم X و Y الأصلية فقط</translation>
33143335 </message>
33153336 <message>
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33173338 <source>Header</source>
33183339 <translation>رأس</translation>
33193340 </message>
33203341 <message>
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33223343 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33233344 <translation>لن يكون للملف الذي تم تصديره سطر رأس</translation>
33243345 </message>
33253346 <message>
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33273348 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33283349 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره سطر رأس بسيط</translation>
33293350 </message>
33303351 <message>
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33323353 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33333354 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره سطر رأس gnuplot
33353356 </translation>
33363357 </message>
33373358 <message>
3338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33393360 <source>Save As Default</source>
33403361 <translation>إحفظ كافتراضي</translation>
33413362 </message>
33423363 <message>
3343 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33443365 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33453366 <translation>احفظ الإعدادات لاستخدامها كإعدادات افتراضية في المستقبل.</translation>
33463367 </message>
33473368 <message>
3348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3370 <source>Load Default</source>
3371 <translation>حمل الإفتراضي</translation>
3372 </message>
3373 <message>
3374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3375 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3376 <translation>قم بتحميل الإعدادات الافتراضية.</translation>
3377 </message>
3378 <message>
3379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33493380 <source>Preview</source>
33503381 <translation>معاينة</translation>
33513382 </message>
33523383 <message>
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33543385 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33563387 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33593390 الوظائف (تظهر هنا باللون الأزرق) هي الإخراج أولاً ، متبوعة بالعلاقات (كما هو موضح هنا باللون الأخضر) إن وجدت.</translation>
33603391 </message>
33613392 <message>
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33633394 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33643395 <translation>اختيار نقاط العلاقة</translation>
33653396 </message>
33663397 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33683399 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33693400 <translation>الاستيفاء من XS و YS على فترات متباعدة بشكل متساو.</translation>
33703401 </message>
33713402 <message>
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33733404 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33743405 <translation>سيكون للملف الذي تم تصديره نقاط متباعدة بالتساوي على طول كل علاقة ، مفصولة بفاصل زمني محدد أدناه. إذا لم ينتهي الفاصل الأخير في النقطة الأخيرة ، فسيتم إضافة فاصل أخير قصير ينتهي في النقطة الأخيرة.</translation>
33753406 </message>
33763407 <message>
3377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33783409 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33793410 <translation>الفاصل الزمني بين النقاط المتعاقبة عند التصدير عند إحداثيات متساوية (X، Y).</translation>
33803411 </message>
33813412 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33833414 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33853416 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33923423 عادةً ما يتم تفضيل وحدات الرسم البياني عندما تكون مقاييس X و Y متطابقة</translation>
33933424 </message>
33943425 <message>
3395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33963427 <source>Functions</source>
33973428 <translation>المهام</translation>
33983429 </message>
33993430 <message>
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
34013432 <source>Functions Tab
34033434 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
34063437 ضوابط لتحديد تنسيق الوظائف أثناء التصدير</translation>
34073438 </message>
34083439 <message>
3409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
34103441 <source>Relations</source>
34113442 <translation>علاقات</translation>
34123443 </message>
34133444 <message>
3414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
34153446 <source>Relations Tab
34173448 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34203451 ضوابط لتحديد شكل العلاقات أثناء التصدير</translation>
34213452 </message>
34223453 <message>
3423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34243455 <source>X Label</source>
34253456 <translation>علامة X</translation>
34263457 </message>
34273458 <message>
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3429 <source>Theta Label</source>
3430 <translation>ثيتا ليبل</translation>
3431 </message>
3432 <message>
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34343460 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34353461 <translation>تسمية في رأس للقيم س</translation>
34363462 </message>
34373463 <message>
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3439 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3440 <translation>التسمية في رأس لقيم ثيتا</translation>
3441 </message>
3442 <message>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34443465 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34453466 <translation>المعاينة غير متوفرة حتى يتم تعريف نقاط المحور.</translation>
34463467 </message>
34693490 هذا هو العرض والارتفاع الفعالان للمؤشر عند النقر فوق بكسل ليس جزءًا من الخلفية.
3471 يتم استخدام هذه المعلمة في أوضاع Color Picker و Point Match</translation>
3492 يتم استخدام هذه المعلمة في أوضاع منتقي الألوان و مطابقة النقطة</translation>
34723493 </message>
34733494 <message>
34743495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="59" />
35073528 <translation>عرض الشبكة</translation>
35083529 </message>
35093530 <message>
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
35113532 <source>Color</source>
35123533 <translation>اللون</translation>
35133534 </message>
35143535 <message>
3515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35163537 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35173538 <translation>اختر لونًا للخطوط</translation>
35183539 </message>
35193540 <message>
3520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35223543 <source>Disable</source>
35233544 <translation>تعطيل</translation>
35243545 </message>
35253546 <message>
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35273548 <source>Disabled value.
35293550 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35323553 يتم تحديد خطوط الشبكة X باستخدام ثلاث قيم فقط في كل مرة. للحصول على المرونة ، يتم تقديم أربع قيم لذلك يجب عليك اختيار القيمة التي تم تعطيلها. وبمجرد تعطيل هذه القيمة ، يتم تحديثها بمجرد تغيير القيم الأخرى</translation>
35333554 </message>
35343555 <message>
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35373558 <source>Count</source>
35383559 <translation>عد</translation>
35393560 </message>
35403561 <message>
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35423563 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35443565 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35493570 </translation>
35503571 </message>
35513572 <message>
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35543575 <source>Start</source>
35553576 <translation>بداية</translation>
35563577 </message>
35573578 <message>
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35593580 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35613582 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35643585 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة البدء أكبر من قيمة الإيقاف</translation>
35653586 </message>
35663587 <message>
3567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35693590 <source>Step</source>
35703591 <translation>خطوة</translation>
35713592 </message>
35723593 <message>
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35743595 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35763597 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35793600 يجب أن تكون قيمة الخطوة أكبر من الصفر</translation>
35803601 </message>
35813602 <message>
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35843605 <source>Stop</source>
35853606 <translation>توقف</translation>
35863607 </message>
35873608 <message>
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35893610 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35913612 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35943615 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة الإيقاف أقل من قيمة البدء</translation>
35953616 </message>
35963617 <message>
3597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35983619 <source>Disabled value.
36003621 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
36033624 يتم تحديد خطوط الشبكة Y باستخدام ثلاث قيم فقط في كل مرة. للحصول على المرونة ، يتم تقديم أربع قيم لذلك يجب عليك اختيار القيمة التي تم تعطيلها. وبمجرد تعطيل هذه القيمة ، يتم تحديثها بمجرد تغيير القيم الأخرى</translation>
36043625 </message>
36053626 <message>
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
36073628 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
36093630 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36123633 يجب إدخال عدد خطوط الشبكة ص كعدد صحيح أكبر من الصفر</translation>
36133634 </message>
36143635 <message>
3615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
36163637 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36183639 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36213642 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة البدء أكبر من قيمة الإيقاف</translation>
36223643 </message>
36233644 <message>
3624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36253646 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36273648 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36303651 يجب أن تكون قيمة الخطوة أكبر من الصفر</translation>
36313652 </message>
36323653 <message>
3633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36343655 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36363657 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36393660 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة الإيقاف أقل من قيمة البدء</translation>
36403661 </message>
36413662 <message>
3642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3663 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36433664 <source>Preview</source>
36443665 <translation>معاينة</translation>
36453666 </message>
36463667 <message>
3647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3668 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36483669 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36493670 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي توضح كيف تؤثر الإعدادات الحالية على عرض الشبكة</translation>
36503671 </message>
36513672 <message>
3652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36533674 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36543675 <translation>X خطوط الشبكة</translation>
36553676 </message>
36563677 <message>
3657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36583679 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36593680 <translation>خطوط الشبكة</translation>
36603681 </message>
36613682 <message>
3662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36633684 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36643685 <translation>خطوط الشبكة Y</translation>
36653686 </message>
36663687 <message>
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36683689 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36693690 <translation>خطوط الشبكة الشعاع</translation>
36703691 </message>
36713692 <message>
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36733694 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36743695 <translation>عدد خطوط الشبكة يتجاوز الحد المحدد بواسطة الإعدادات / النافذة الرئيسية.</translation>
36753696 </message>
36823703 <translation>إزالة الشبكة</translation>
36833704 </message>
36843705 <message>
3685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36863707 <source>Preview</source>
36873708 <translation>معاينة</translation>
36883709 </message>
36893710 <message>
3690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36913712 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36923713 <translation>نافذة المعاينة التي توضح كيف تؤثر الإعدادات الحالية على إزالة الشبكة</translation>
36933714 </message>
36943715 <message>
3695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36963717 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36973718 <translation>قم بإزالة وحدات البكسل بالقرب من خطوط الشبكة المحددة</translation>
36983719 </message>
36993720 <message>
3700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
37013722 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
37033724 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
37063727 يكون هذا الخيار متاحًا فقط عند تحديد نقاط المحور كلها.</translation>
37073728 </message>
37083729 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
37103731 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
37113732 <translation>إغلاق المسافة (بكسل)</translation>
37123733 </message>
37133734 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
37153736 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
37173738 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
37243745 لا يمكن أن تكون هذه القيمة سالبة. تقوم قيمة الصفر بتعطيل هذه الميزة. القيم العشرية مسموح بها</translation>
37253746 </message>
37263747 <message>
3727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37283749 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37293750 <translation>X خطوط الشبكة</translation>
37303751 </message>
37313752 <message>
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37333754 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37343755 <translation>خطوط الشبكة</translation>
37353756 </message>
37363757 <message>
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37393760 <source>Disable</source>
37403761 <translation>تعطيل</translation>
37413762 </message>
37423763 <message>
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37443765 <source>Disabled value.
37463767 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37493770 يتم تحديد خطوط الشبكة X باستخدام ثلاث قيم فقط في كل مرة. للحصول على المرونة ، يتم تقديم أربع قيم لذلك يجب عليك اختيار القيمة التي تم تعطيلها. وبمجرد تعطيل هذه القيمة ، يتم تحديثها بمجرد تغيير القيم الأخرى</translation>
37503771 </message>
37513772 <message>
3752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37543775 <source>Count</source>
37553776 <translation>عد</translation>
37563777 </message>
37573778 <message>
3758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37593780 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37613782 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37663787 </translation>
37673788 </message>
37683789 <message>
3769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37713792 <source>Start</source>
37723793 <translation>بداية</translation>
37733794 </message>
37743795 <message>
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37763797 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37783799 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37813802 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة البدء أكبر من قيمة الإيقاف</translation>
37823803 </message>
37833804 <message>
3784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37863807 <source>Step</source>
37873808 <translation>خطوة</translation>
37883809 </message>
37893810 <message>
3790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3811 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37913812 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37933814 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37963817 يجب أن تكون قيمة الخطوة أكبر من الصفر</translation>
37973818 </message>
37983819 <message>
3799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3820 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
38013822 <source>Stop</source>
38023823 <translation>توقف</translation>
38033824 </message>
38043825 <message>
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
38063827 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
38083829 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38113832 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة الإيقاف أقل من قيمة البدء</translation>
38123833 </message>
38133834 <message>
3814 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3835 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
38153836 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
38163837 <translation>خطوط الشبكة Y</translation>
38173838 </message>
38183839 <message>
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
38203841 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
38213842 <translation>خطوط الشبكة R</translation>
38223843 </message>
38233844 <message>
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
38253846 <source>Disabled value.
38273848 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
38303851 يتم تحديد خطوط الشبكة Y باستخدام ثلاث قيم فقط في كل مرة. للحصول على المرونة ، يتم تقديم أربع قيم لذلك يجب عليك اختيار القيمة التي تم تعطيلها. وبمجرد تعطيل هذه القيمة ، يتم تحديثها بمجرد تغيير القيم الأخرى</translation>
38313852 </message>
38323853 <message>
3833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38343855 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38363857 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38393860 يجب إدخال عدد خطوط الشبكة ص كعدد صحيح أكبر من الصفر</translation>
38403861 </message>
38413862 <message>
3842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38433864 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38453866 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38483869 لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة البدء أكبر من قيمة الإيقاف</translation>
38493870 </message>
38503871 <message>
3851 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38523873 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38543875 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38573878 يجب أن تكون قيمة الخطوة أكبر من الصفر</translation>
38583879 </message>
38593880 <message>
3860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38613882 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38633884 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38693890 <context>
38703891 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38713892 <message>
3872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38733894 <source>Main Window</source>
38743895 <translation>النافذة الرئيسية</translation>
38753896 </message>
38763897 <message>
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38783899 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38793900 <translation>التكبير الأولي</translation>
38803901 </message>
38813902 <message>
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38833904 <source>Initial Zoom
38853906 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38883909 حدد عامل التكبير / التصغير الأولي عند تحميل مستند جديد. يمكن الاحتفاظ بالتكبير السابق أو يمكن تطبيق التكبير المحدد.</translation>
38893910 </message>
38903911 <message>
3891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38923913 <source>Zoom control</source>
38933914 <translation>التحكم في التكبير</translation>
38943915 </message>
38953916 <message>
3896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38973918 <source>Menu only</source>
38983919 <translation>القائمة فقط</translation>
38993920 </message>
39003921 <message>
3901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
39023923 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
39033924 <translation>القائمة وعجلة الماوس</translation>
39043925 </message>
39053926 <message>
3906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3927 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
39073928 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
39083929 <translation>القائمة و +/- المفتاح</translation>
39093930 </message>
39103931 <message>
3911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
39123933 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
39133934 <translation>القائمة ، عجلة الماوس و +/- keyMenu و +/- المفتاح</translation>
39143935 </message>
39153936 <message>
3916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3937 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
39173938 <source>Zoom Control
39193940 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
39223943 حدد المدخلات التي يتم استخدامها للتكبير والتصغير.</translation>
39233944 </message>
39243945 <message>
3925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
39263946 <source>Locale</source>
3927 <translation>مكان</translation>
3928 </message>
3929 <message>
3930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3947 <translation type="vanished">مكان</translation>
3948 </message>
3949 <message>
3950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3951 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3952 <translation>الإعدادات المحلية (يتطلب إعادة التشغيل)</translation>
3953 </message>
3954 <message>
3955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
39313956 <source>Locale
39333958 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
39403965 تحدد الإعدادات المحلية كيفية تنسيق الأرقام. على وجه التحديد ، سيتم استخدام الفواصل أو الفترات كمحددات مجموعة في كل رقم يتم إدخاله بواسطة المستخدم ، يتم عرضه في واجهة المستخدم ، أو تصديره إلى ملف.</translation>
39413966 </message>
39423967 <message>
3943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39443969 <source>Import cropping</source>
39453970 <translation>استيراد المحاصيل</translation>
39463971 </message>
39473972 <message>
3948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39493974 <source>Import Cropping
39513976 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39583983 هذا الإعداد له تأثير فقط عندما تم تصميم Engauge بدعم ملفات pdf.</translation>
39593984 </message>
39603985 <message>
3961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39623987 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39633988 <translation>استيراد دقة PDF (النقاط لكل بوصة)</translation>
39643989 </message>
39653990 <message>
3966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39673992 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39693994 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39723997 سيتم تحويل ملفات تنسيق المستندات المحمولة (PDF) المستوردة إلى دقة البكسل هذه بالنقاط لكل بوصة (DPI) ، حيث تكون كل بكسل نقطة واحدة. تزيد القيمة الأعلى من دقة الصورة وقد تعمل أيضًا على تحسين دقة الرقمنة الرقمية. ومع ذلك ، فإن القيمة العالية جدًا يمكن أن تجعل الصورة كبيرة جدًا بحيث تبطئ Engauge.</translation>
39733998 </message>
39743999 <message>
3975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
4000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39764001 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39774002 <translation>خطوط الشبكة القصوى</translation>
39784003 </message>
39794004 <message>
3980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
4005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39814006 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39834008 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39864011 الحد الأقصى لعدد خطوط الشبكة المراد معالجتها. يتم تطبيق هذا الحد عندما تكون قيمة الخطوة صغيرة جدًا بالنسبة لقيم البدء والتوقف ، مما يؤدي إلى وجود عدد كبير جدًا من خطوط الشبكة بشكل مرئي وربما طويل جدًا (نظرًا لأنه يجب معالجة كل خط شبكة</translation>
39874012 </message>
39884013 <message>
3989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
4014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39904015 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39914016 <translation>تسليط الضوء على التعتيم</translation>
39924017 </message>
39934018 <message>
3994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
4019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39954020 <source>Highlight Opacity
39974022 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
40024027 </translation>
40034028 </message>
40044029 <message>
4005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
4030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
40064031 <source>Recent file list</source>
40074032 <translation>قائمة الملفات الأخيرة</translation>
40084033 </message>
40094034 <message>
4010 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
40114036 <source>Clear</source>
40124037 <translation>واضح</translation>
40134038 </message>
40144039 <message>
4015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
40164041 <source>Recent File List Clear
40184043 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
40214046 امسح قائمة الملفات الأخيرة في القائمة ملف.</translation>
40224047 </message>
40234048 <message>
4024 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4049 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
40254050 <source>Include title bar path</source>
40264051 <translation>قم بتضمين مسار شريط العنوان</translation>
40274052 </message>
40284053 <message>
4029 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4054 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
40304055 <source>Title Bar Filename
40324057 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
40354060 يتضمن أو يستبعد المسار وامتداد الملف من اسم الملف في شريط العنوان.</translation>
40364061 </message>
40374062 <message>
4038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4063 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40394064 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40404065 <translation>السماح للحوار صغير</translation>
40414066 </message>
40424067 <message>
4043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4068 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40444069 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40464071 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40494074 يسمح بمربعات الحوار لتكون صغيرة جدًا بحيث تناسب شاشات الكمبيوتر الصغيرة.</translation>
40504075 </message>
40514076 <message>
4052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40534078 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40544079 <translation>اسمح بسحب وإفلات التصدير</translation>
40554080 </message>
40564081 <message>
4057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40584083 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40604085 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40674092 عندما يتم تعطيل السحب والإسقاط ، يمكن تحديد مجموعة مستطيلة من خلايا الجدول باستخدام النقر والسحب. عند تمكين السحب والإسقاط ، يمكن تحديد مجموعة مستطيلة من خلايا الجدول باستخدام النقر ثم Shift + النقر ، نظرًا لأن النقر والسحب يبدأان عملية السحب.</translation>
40684093 </message>
40694094 <message>
4070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4096 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4097 <translation>صورة استبدال وثيقة إعادة تسمية</translation>
4098 </message>
4099 <message>
4100 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4101 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4103 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4104 <translation>صورة استبدال وثيقة إعادة تسمية
4106 عند استيراد صورة لاستبدال الصورة الحالية ، سيتم إعادة تسمية المستند إذا كان هذا صحيحًا ، وإلا فسيظل الاسم كما هو.</translation>
4107 </message>
4108 <message>
4109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40714110 <source>Significant digits</source>
40724111 <translation>أرقام هامة</translation>
40734112 </message>
40744113 <message>
4075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40764115 <source>Significant Digits
40784117 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
40864125 <message>
40874126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="30" />
40884127 <source>Point Match</source>
4089 <translation>نقطة المباراة</translation>
4128 <translation>مطابقة النقطة</translation>
40904129 </message>
40914130 <message>
40924131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="83" />
43254364 <context>
43264365 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
43274366 <message>
4367 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
43284368 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4329 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43304369 <source>Geometry Window</source>
43314370 <translation>نافذة الهندسة</translation>
43324371 </message>
43334372 <message>
4334 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4373 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43354374 <source>Geometry Window
43374376 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43664405 المسافة = المسافة على طول المنحنى في الاتجاه الأمامي أو الخلفي ، في أي من وحدات الرسم البياني أو كنسبة مئوية
43684407 إذا تم تعطيل السحب والإفلات ، فقد يتم تحديد مجموعة مستطيلة من الخلايا عن طريق النقر والسحب. بخلاف ذلك ، إذا تم تمكين السحب والإفلات ، فيمكن تحديد مجموعة مستطيلة من الخلايا باستخدام النقر ثم Shift + النقر ، نظرًا لأن النقر والسحب يبدأ عملية السحب. يتم تعيين وضع السحب والإفلات في إعدادات النافذة الرئيسية</translation>
4408 </message>
4409 <message>
4410 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4411 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4412 <translation>قد تحتوي الشرائح المميزة على قيم غير متوقعة عند التصدير بسبب التداخلات. ضبط النقاط أو تغيير الإعدادات / خصائص المنحنى / الاتصال باسم.</translation>
4413 </message>
4414 </context>
4415 <context>
4416 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4417 <message>
4418 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4419 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4420 <translation>تحتوي الدالة حاليًا على قيم Y متعددة لقيمة X واحدة. يرجى ضبط النقاط القريبة ، أو تغيير نوع المنحنى في خصائص المنحنى</translation>
43694421 </message>
43704422 </context>
43714423 <context>
44144466 <context>
44154467 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
44164468 <message>
4417 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4469 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
44184470 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
44194471 <translation>غير قادر على تنزيل الصورة من</translation>
44204472 </message>
44214473 <message>
4422 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4474 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
44234475 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
44244476 <translation>غير قادر على تحميل الصورة من</translation>
44254477 </message>
44274479 <context>
44284480 <name>MainWindow</name>
44294481 <message>
4430 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4482 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
44314483 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
44324484 <translation>غير قادر على التصدير إلى ملف</translation>
44334485 </message>
44344486 <message>
4435 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4487 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
44364488 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
44374489 <translation>غير قادر على استخراج الصورة إلى ملف</translation>
44384490 </message>
44394491 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4441 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4442 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4492 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4494 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44434495 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44444496 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة الملف</translation>
44454497 </message>
44464498 <message>
4447 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4448 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4449 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4499 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4500 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4501 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44504502 <source>from directory</source>
44514503 <translation>من الدليل</translation>
44524504 </message>
44534505 <message>
4454 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4506 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44554507 <source>Import Image</source>
44564508 <translation>استيراد صورة</translation>
44574509 </message>
44584510 <message>
4459 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4511 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44604512 <source>File opened</source>
44614513 <translation>تم فتح الملف</translation>
44624514 </message>
44634515 <message>
4464 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4516 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44654517 <source>File not found</source>
44664518 <translation>لم يتم العثور على الملف</translation>
44674519 </message>
44684520 <message>
4469 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4521 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44704522 <source>Error report opened</source>
44714523 <translation>افتتح تقرير الخطأ</translation>
44724524 </message>
44734525 <message>
4474 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4475 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4526 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4527 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44764528 <source>File imported</source>
44774529 <translation>ملف مستورد</translation>
44784530 </message>
44794531 <message>
4480 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4532 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44814533 <source>Background image.</source>
44824534 <translation>الصورة الخلفية.</translation>
44834535 </message>
44844536 <message>
4485 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4537 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44864538 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44874539 <translation>المنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
44884540 </message>
44894541 <message>
4490 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4542 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44914543 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44924544 <translation>نمط نقطة للمنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
44934545 </message>
44944546 <message>
4495 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4547 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44964548 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44974549 <translation>مرشح ملء الشريحة للمنحنى المحدد حاليًا.</translation>
44984550 </message>
44994551 <message>
4500 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4552 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
45014553 <source>The document has been modified.
45024554 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
45034555 <translation>تم تعديل الوثيقة.
45044556 هل تريد حفظ التغييرات؟</translation>
45054557 </message>
45064558 <message>
4507 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4559 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
45084560 <source>Cannot write file</source>
45094561 <translation>لا يمكن كتابة الملف</translation>
45104562 </message>
45114563 <message>
4512 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4564 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
45134565 <source>Save</source>
45144566 <translation>حفظ</translation>
45154567 </message>
45164568 <message>
4517 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4569 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
45184570 <source>Export</source>
45194571 <translation>تصدير</translation>
45204572 </message>
45214573 <message>
4522 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4574 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
45234575 <source>Open Document</source>
45244576 <translation>افتح المستند</translation>
45254577 </message>
45264578 <message>
4527 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4579 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
45284580 <source>+</source>
45294581 <translation>+</translation>
45304582 </message>
45314583 <message>
4532 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4584 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
45334585 <source>-</source>
45344586 <translation>-</translation>
45354587 </message>
45364588 <message>
4537 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4589 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
45384590 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45394591 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
45404592 </message>
45424594 <context>
45434595 <name>QObject</name>
45444596 <message>
4545 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4546 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4547 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4597 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4598 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4599 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45484600 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45494601 <translation>لا يمكن أن تكون نقطة المحور الجديدة في نفس موضع الشاشة كنقطة محور موجودة</translation>
45504602 </message>
45514603 <message>
4552 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4553 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4604 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4605 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45544606 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45554607 <translation>لا يمكن أن تحتوي نقطة المحور الجديدة على نفس إحداثيات الرسم البياني كنقطة محور موجودة</translation>
45564608 </message>
45574609 <message>
4558 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4559 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4610 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4611 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45604612 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45614613 <translation>لا يمكن أن تقع أكثر من نقطتي محور على نفس الخط على الشاشة</translation>
45624614 </message>
45634615 <message>
4564 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4565 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4616 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4617 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45664618 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45674619 <translation>لا يمكن أن تقع أكثر من نقطتي محور على نفس الخط في إحداثيات الرسم البياني</translation>
45684620 </message>
45694621 <message>
4570 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4622 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45714623 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45724624 <translation>يوجد عدد كبير جدًا من نقاط المحور. يجب أن يكون هناك اثنين فقط</translation>
45734625 </message>
45744626 <message>
4575 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4627 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45764628 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45774629 <translation>الكثير من النقاط محور y. يجب أن يكون هناك اثنين فقط</translation>
45784630 </message>
45794631 <message>
4580 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4632 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45814633 <source>Never</source>
45824634 <translation>أبدا</translation>
45834635 </message>
45844636 <message>
4585 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4637 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45864638 <source>NSeconds</source>
45874639 <translation>ن ثواني</translation>
45884640 </message>
45894641 <message>
4590 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4642 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45914643 <source>Forever</source>
45924644 <translation>إلى الأبد</translation>
4593 </message>
4594 <message>
4595 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4596 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4597 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4598 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4599 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4600 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4601 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4602 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4603 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4604 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4605 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4606 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4607 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4608 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4609 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4610 <source>Unknown</source>
4611 <translation>غير معروف</translation>
46124645 </message>
46134646 <message>
46144647 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46574690 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46584691 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46594692 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4660 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4693 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46614694 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46624695 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46634696 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46954728 <translation>القيمة</translation>
46964729 </message>
46974730 <message>
4698 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4731 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4732 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4733 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4734 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4735 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4736 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4737 <source>Unknown</source>
4738 <translation>غير معروف</translation>
4739 </message>
4740 <message>
4741 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46994742 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
47004743 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات مرشح المنحنى</translation>
47014744 </message>
47724815 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47734816 </message>
47744817 <message>
4775 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4818 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47764819 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47774820 <translation>رمز مميز xml غير متوقع</translation>
47784821 </message>
47834826 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات المنحنى</translation>
47844827 </message>
47854828 <message>
4786 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4829 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47874830 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47884831 <translation>وظيفة على نحو سلس</translation>
47894832 </message>
47904833 <message>
4791 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4834 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47924835 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47934836 <translation>وظيفة على التوالي</translation>
47944837 </message>
47954838 <message>
4796 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4839 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47974840 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47984841 <translation>علاقة سلسة</translation>
47994842 </message>
48004843 <message>
4801 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4844 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
48024845 <source>RelationStraight</source>
48034846 <translation>علاقة مستقيمة</translation>
48044847 </message>
48054848 <message>
4806 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4849 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
48074850 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
48084851 <translation>الاتصال تخطي منحنى المحور</translation>
48094852 </message>
48264869 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
48274870 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
48284871 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4829 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4872 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
48304873 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
48314874 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
48324875 </message>
48364879 <translation>تم تحديد ثلاثة محاور ، ولم تعد هناك حاجة إلى أو السماح.</translation>
48374880 </message>
48384881 <message>
4839 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4882 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
48404883 <source>Color Picker</source>
48414884 <translation>لون المنتقى</translation>
48424885 </message>
48434886 <message>
4844 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4887 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48454888 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48464889 <translation>عذرًا ، ولكن يجب أن تكون نقطة منتقي الألوان بالقرب من بكسل بخلاف الخلفية. حاول مرة اخرى.</translation>
48474890 </message>
48484891 <message>
48494892 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="350" />
48504893 <source>Point Match</source>
4851 <translation>نقطة المباراة</translation>
4894 <translation>مطابقة النقطة</translation>
48524895 </message>
48534896 <message>
48544897 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="351" />
48814924 <translation>تحرك</translation>
48824925 </message>
48834926 <message>
4884 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4885 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4927 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4928 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48864929 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48874930 <translation>يقول نظام التشغيل الملف غير قابل للقراءة</translation>
48884931 </message>
48894932 <message>
4890 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4933 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48914934 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48924935 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة ملفات أحدث من الإصدار</translation>
48934936 </message>
48944937 <message>
4895 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4938 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48964939 <source>of</source>
48974940 <translation>من</translation>
48984941 </message>
48994942 <message>
4900 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4943 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
49014944 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
49024945 <source>File</source>
49034946 <translation>ملف</translation>
49044947 </message>
49054948 <message>
4906 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4949 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
49074950 <source>was not found</source>
49084951 <translation>لم يتم العثور على</translation>
49094952 </message>
49104953 <message>
4911 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4954 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
49124955 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
49134956 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات الصورة</translation>
49144957 </message>
49334976 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات منحنى رقمنة</translation>
49344977 </message>
49354978 <message>
4936 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4979 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
49374980 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
49384981 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات التصدير</translation>
49394982 </message>
49685011 <translation>واجه خطأ في تحديد نقطة. يرجى إبلاغ مطوري Engauge مع أي تعليقات حول البلد واللغة. كان اسم نقطة غير صالح</translation>
49695012 </message>
49705013 <message>
4971 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
5014 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49725015 <source>Commas</source>
49735016 <translation>الفواصل</translation>
49745017 </message>
49755018 <message>
4976 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
5019 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49775020 <source>Semicolons</source>
49785021 <translation>منقوطة</translation>
49795022 </message>
49805023 <message>
4981 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
5024 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49825025 <source>Spaces</source>
49835026 <translation>الفراغات</translation>
49845027 </message>
49855028 <message>
4986 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
5029 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49875030 <source>Tabs</source>
49885031 <translation>علامات التبويب</translation>
49895032 </message>
49905033 <message>
4991 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
5034 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49925035 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49935036 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49945037 </message>
49955038 <message>
4996 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5039 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49975040 <source>None</source>
49985041 <translation>لا شيء</translation>
49995042 </message>
50005043 <message>
5001 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5044 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
50025045 <source>Simple</source>
50035046 <translation>بسيط</translation>
50045047 </message>
50135056 <translation>لا يمكن تصدير الملف</translation>
50145057 </message>
50155058 <message>
5016 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5059 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50175060 <source>AllPerLine</source>
50185061 <translation>كل في الخط</translation>
50195062 </message>
50205063 <message>
5021 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5064 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50225065 <source>OnePerLine</source>
50235066 <translation>واحد في كل سطر</translation>
50245067 </message>
50255068 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5069 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
50275070 <source>Graph Units</source>
50285071 <translation>وحدات الرسم البياني</translation>
50295072 </message>
50305073 <message>
5031 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5074 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
50325075 <source>Pixels</source>
50335076 <translation>بكسل</translation>
50345077 </message>
50355078 <message>
5036 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5079 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50375080 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
50385081 <translation>استيفاء جميع المنحنيات</translation>
50395082 </message>
50405083 <message>
5041 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5084 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50425085 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50435086 <translation>اقراء المنحنى الأول</translation>
50445087 </message>
50455088 <message>
5046 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5089 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50475090 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50485091 <translation>استيفاء الدوري</translation>
50495092 </message>
50505093 <message>
5051 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5052 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5094 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5095 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50535096 <source>Raw</source>
50545097 <translation>الخام</translation>
50555098 </message>
50565099 <message>
5057 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5100 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50585101 <source>Interpolate</source>
50595102 <translation>أقحم</translation>
50605103 </message>
50615104 <message>
5062 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5105 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50635106 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50645107 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة ملف البرنامج النصي</translation>
50655108 </message>
50665109 <message>
5067 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5110 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50685111 <source>from directory</source>
50695112 <translation>من الدليل</translation>
50705113 </message>
51005143 </message>
51015144 <message>
51025145 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5103 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5146 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
51045147 <source>X</source>
51055148 <translation>X</translation>
51065149 </message>
51105153 <translation>Y</translation>
51115154 </message>
51125155 <message>
5113 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5156 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
51145157 <source>Count</source>
51155158 <translation>عد</translation>
51165159 </message>
51175160 <message>
5118 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5161 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
51195162 <source>Start</source>
51205163 <translation>بداية</translation>
51215164 </message>
51225165 <message>
5123 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5166 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
51245167 <source>Step</source>
51255168 <translation>خطوة</translation>
51265169 </message>
51275170 <message>
5128 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5171 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
51295172 <source>Stop</source>
51305173 <translation>توقف</translation>
51315174 </message>
51655208 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة معرفات النقاط</translation>
51665209 </message>
51675210 <message>
5168 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5211 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51695212 <source>Circle</source>
51705213 <translation>دائرة</translation>
51715214 </message>
51725215 <message>
5173 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5216 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51745217 <source>Cross</source>
51755218 <translation>تعبر</translation>
51765219 </message>
51775220 <message>
5178 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5221 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51795222 <source>Diamond</source>
51805223 <translation>الماس</translation>
51815224 </message>
51825225 <message>
5183 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5226 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5227 <source>Hourglass</source>
5228 <translation>الساعة الرملية</translation>
5229 </message>
5230 <message>
5231 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51845232 <source>Square</source>
51855233 <translation>ميدان</translation>
51865234 </message>
51875235 <message>
5188 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5236 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51895237 <source>Triangle</source>
51905238 <translation>مثلث</translation>
51915239 </message>
51925240 <message>
5193 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5241 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5242 <source>Triangle2</source>
5243 <translation>مثلث2</translation>
5244 </message>
5245 <message>
5246 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51945247 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51955248 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات نمط النقطة</translation>
51965249 </message>
51975250 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5251 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51995252 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
52005253 <translation>الرسم البياني الإحداثيات
52025255 </translation>
52035256 </message>
52045257 <message>
5205 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5258 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
52065259 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
52075260 <translation>بكسل الإحداثيات</translation>
52085261 </message>
52095262 <message>
5210 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5263 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
52115264 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
52125265 <translation>الرسم البياني القرار</translation>
52135266 </message>
52225275 <translation>بحاجة الى مزيد من النقاط محور</translation>
52235276 </message>
52245277 <message>
5225 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
52265278 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5227 <translation>16: 1 أبعد</translation>
5228 </message>
5229 <message>
5230 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5279 <translation type="vanished">16: 1 أبعد</translation>
5280 </message>
5281 <message>
52315282 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5232 <translation>8: 1 أقرب</translation>
5233 </message>
5234 <message>
5235 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5283 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 أقرب</translation>
5284 </message>
5285 <message>
52365286 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5237 <translation>8: 1 أبعد</translation>
5238 </message>
5239 <message>
5240 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5287 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 أبعد</translation>
5288 </message>
5289 <message>
52415290 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5242 <translation>4: 1 أقرب</translation>
5243 </message>
5244 <message>
5245 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5291 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 أقرب</translation>
5292 </message>
5293 <message>
52465294 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5247 <translation>4: 1 أبعد</translation>
5248 </message>
5249 <message>
5250 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5295 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 أبعد</translation>
5296 </message>
5297 <message>
52515298 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5252 <translation>2: 1 أقرب</translation>
5253 </message>
5254 <message>
5255 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5299 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 أقرب</translation>
5300 </message>
5301 <message>
52565302 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5257 <translation>2: 1 أبعد</translation>
5258 </message>
5259 <message>
5260 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5303 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 أبعد</translation>
5304 </message>
5305 <message>
52615306 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5262 <translation>1: 1 أقرب</translation>
5263 </message>
5264 <message>
5265 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5307 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 أقرب</translation>
5308 </message>
5309 <message>
52665310 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5267 <translation>1: 1 أبعد</translation>
5268 </message>
5269 <message>
5270 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5311 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 أبعد</translation>
5312 </message>
5313 <message>
52715314 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5272 <translation>1: 2 أقرب</translation>
5273 </message>
5274 <message>
5275 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5315 <translation type="vanished">2:1 أقرب</translation>
5316 </message>
5317 <message>
52765318 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5277 <translation>1: 2 أبعد</translation>
5278 </message>
5279 <message>
5280 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5319 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 أبعد</translation>
5320 </message>
5321 <message>
52815322 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5282 <translation>1: 4 أقرب</translation>
5283 </message>
5284 <message>
5285 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5323 <translation type="vanished">4:1 أقرب</translation>
5324 </message>
5325 <message>
52865326 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5287 <translation>1: 4 أبعد</translation>
5288 </message>
5289 <message>
5290 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5327 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 أبعد</translation>
5328 </message>
5329 <message>
52915330 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5292 <translation>1: 8 أوثق</translation>
5293 </message>
5294 <message>
5295 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5331 <translation type="vanished">8:1 أقرب</translation>
5332 </message>
5333 <message>
52965334 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5297 <translation>1: 8 أبعد</translation>
5298 </message>
5299 <message>
5300 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5335 <translation type="vanished">8:1 أبعد</translation>
5336 </message>
5337 <message>
53015338 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5302 <translation>16:1 اقرب</translation>
5303 </message>
5304 <message>
5305 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5339 <translation type="vanished">16:1 أقرب</translation>
5340 </message>
5341 <message>
53065342 <source>Fill</source>
5307 <translation>ملء</translation>
5308 </message>
5309 <message>
5310 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5343 <translation type="vanished">ملء</translation>
5344 </message>
5345 <message>
53115346 <source>Previous</source>
5312 <translation>سابق</translation>
5313 </message>
5314 <message>
5315 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5347 <translation type="vanished">السابق</translation>
5348 </message>
5349 <message>
5350 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
53165351 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
53175352 <translation>يبدو أن الملف يحتوي على أحرف من أبجديات لغات متعددة ، والتي لا تعمل في سطر أوامر Windows</translation>
53185353 </message>
53195354 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5355 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
53215356 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
53225357 <translation>لا يمكن قراءة بيانات النافذة الرئيسية</translation>
53235358 </message>
53245359 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5326 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5360 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5361 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
53275362 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
53285363 <translation>ليس اسم ملف صالح</translation>
53295364 </message>
53305365 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5366 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
53325367 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
53335368 <translation>ليس امتداد ملف صورة صالح</translation>
53345369 </message>
53355370 <message>
5336 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5371 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
53375372 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
53385373 <translation>يستخدم فقط مع واحد أو أكثر من ملفات التحميل</translation>
53395374 </message>
53405375 <message>
5341 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5376 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
53425377 <source>Available styles</source>
53435378 <translation>الأنماط المتاحة</translation>
53445379 </message>
53455380 <message>
5346 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5381 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53475382 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53485383 <translation>لتمكين معلومات التصحيح الإضافية. تستخدم لتصحيح الأخطاء</translation>
53495384 </message>
53505385 <message>
5351 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53525386 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5353 <translation>يحدد ملف تقرير الخطأ كمدخل. تستخدم لتصحيح الأخطاء والاختبار</translation>
5354 </message>
5355 <message>
5356 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5387 <translation type="vanished">يحدد ملف تقرير الخطأ كمدخل. تستخدم لتصحيح الأخطاء والاختبار</translation>
5388 </message>
5389 <message>
5390 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5391 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5392 <translation>يشير إلى أن الملفات المفتوحة عند بدء التشغيل هي لاختبار السحب والإفلات. تستخدم لاختبار الانحدار</translation>
5393 </message>
5394 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5396 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5397 <translation>يحدد ملف تقرير الخطأ كمدخلات. يستخدم للتصحيح واختبار الانحدار</translation>
5398 </message>
5399 <message>
5400 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53575401 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53585402 <translation>قم بتصدير كل ملف بدء تشغيل تم تحميله ، والذي يجب أن يحتوي على جميع نقاط المحور المحددة ، ثم قم بإيقافها</translation>
53595403 </message>
53605404 <message>
5361 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5405 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53625406 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53635407 <translation>قم باستخراج الصورة في كل ملف بدء تشغيل تم تحميله إلى ملف بالملحق المحدد ، ثم قم بإيقافه</translation>
53645408 </message>
53655409 <message>
5366 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5410 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53675411 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53685412 <translation>يحدد ملف البرنامج النصي لأمر الملف كمدخل. تستخدم لتصحيح الأخطاء والاختبار</translation>
53695413 </message>
53705414 <message>
5371 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5415 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53725416 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53735417 <translation>إخراج ملفات التشخيص gnuplot الإدخال. تستخدم لتصحيح الأخطاء</translation>
53745418 </message>
53755419 <message>
5376 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5420 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53775421 <source>Show this help information</source>
53785422 <translation>عرض معلومات المساعدة هذه</translation>
53795423 </message>
53805424 <message>
5381 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5425 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53825426 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53835427 <translation>ينفذ ملف تقرير الخطأ أو البرنامج النصي لأمر الملف. تستخدم لاختبار الانحدار</translation>
53845428 </message>
53855429 <message>
5386 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5430 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53875431 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53885432 <translation>يزيل كل الإعدادات المخزنة ، بما في ذلك أوضاع النوافذ. تستخدم عند تشغيل النوافذ خارج الشاشة</translation>
53895433 </message>
53905434 <message>
5391 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5435 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5436 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5437 <translation>قم بتعيين نمط الإطار على أحد الأنماط المدرجة بواسطة خيار سطر الأوامر
5439 </translation>
5440 </message>
5441 <message>
5442 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5443 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5444 <translation>عرض قائمة من الأنماط المتاحة التي يمكن استخدامها مع خيار سطر الأوامر</translation>
5445 </message>
5446 <message>
53925447 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5393 <translation>إظهار قائمة بالأنماط المتوفرة التي يمكن استخدامها مع الأمر -style</translation>
5394 </message>
5395 <message>
5396 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5448 <translation type="vanished">إظهار قائمة بالأنماط المتوفرة التي يمكن استخدامها مع الأمر -style</translation>
5449 </message>
5450 <message>
5451 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5452 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5453 <translation>ترقية الملفات المفتوحة عند بدء التشغيل إلى الإصدار الأحدث</translation>
5454 </message>
5455 <message>
5456 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53975457 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53985458 <translation>ملف (ملفات) ليتم استيراده أو فتحه عند بدء التشغيل</translation>
5459 </message>
5460 <message>
5461 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5462 <source>Could not write to</source>
5463 <translation>لا يمكن الكتابة إلى</translation>
5464 </message>
5465 <message>
5466 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5467 <source>Upgraded</source>
5468 <translation>ترقية</translation>
5469 </message>
5470 <message>
5471 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5472 <source>to</source>
5473 <translation>إلى</translation>
53995474 </message>
54005475 <message>
54015476 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
54215496 <context>
54225497 <name>StatusBar</name>
54235498 <message>
5424 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5499 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
54255500 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
54265501 <translation>حدد قيم إحداثيات المؤشر لعرضها.</translation>
54275502 </message>
54285503 <message>
5429 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5504 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
54305505 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
54325507 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54355510 القيم في إحداثيات المؤشر للعرض. إحداثيات الشاشة (بكسل) أو وحدات الرسم البياني. الدقة (التي هي عدد وحدات الرسم البياني لكل بكسل) موجودة في وحدات الرسم البياني. تتوفر وحدات الرسم البياني فقط بعد تعريف نقاط المحور.</translation>
54365511 </message>
54375512 <message>
5438 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5513 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
54395514 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
54405515 <translation>المؤشر ينسق القيم.</translation>
54415516 </message>
54425517 <message>
5443 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5518 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54445519 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54465521 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54495524 القيم في إحداثيات المؤشر. إحداثيات الشاشة (بكسل) أو وحدات الرسم البياني. الدقة (التي هي عدد وحدات الرسم البياني لكل بكسل) موجودة في وحدات الرسم البياني. تتوفر وحدات الرسم البياني فقط بعد تعريف نقاط المحور.</translation>
54505525 </message>
54515526 <message>
5452 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5527 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54535528 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54545529 <translation>حدد التكبير.</translation>
54555530 </message>
54565531 <message>
5457 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5532 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54585533 <source>Select Zoom
54605535 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54615536 <translation>حدد تكبير
54635538 يمكن وضع النقاط بدقة أكبر عن طريق التكبير.</translation>
5539 </message>
5540 <message>
5541 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5542 <source>16:1</source>
5543 <translation>1:16</translation>
5544 </message>
5545 <message>
5546 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5547 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5548 <translation>16: 1 أبعد</translation>
5549 </message>
5550 <message>
5551 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5552 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5553 <translation>8: 1 أقرب</translation>
5554 </message>
5555 <message>
5556 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5557 <source>8:1</source>
5558 <translation>1:8</translation>
5559 </message>
5560 <message>
5561 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5562 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5563 <translation>8: 1 أبعد</translation>
5564 </message>
5565 <message>
5566 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5567 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5568 <translation>4: 1 أقرب</translation>
5569 </message>
5570 <message>
5571 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5572 <source>4:1</source>
5573 <translation>1:4</translation>
5574 </message>
5575 <message>
5576 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5577 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5578 <translation>4: 1 أبعد</translation>
5579 </message>
5580 <message>
5581 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5582 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5583 <translation>2: 1 أقرب</translation>
5584 </message>
5585 <message>
5586 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5587 <source>2:1</source>
5588 <translation>1:2</translation>
5589 </message>
5590 <message>
5591 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5592 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5593 <translation>2: 1 أبعد</translation>
5594 </message>
5595 <message>
5596 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5597 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5598 <translation>1: 1 أقرب</translation>
5599 </message>
5600 <message>
5601 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5602 <source>1:1</source>
5603 <translation>1:1</translation>
5604 </message>
5605 <message>
5606 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5607 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5608 <translation>1: 1 أبعد</translation>
5609 </message>
5610 <message>
5611 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5612 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5613 <translation>2:1 أقرب</translation>
5614 </message>
5615 <message>
5616 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5617 <source>1:2</source>
5618 <translation>2:1</translation>
5619 </message>
5620 <message>
5621 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5622 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5623 <translation>1: 2 أبعد</translation>
5624 </message>
5625 <message>
5626 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5627 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5628 <translation>4:1 أقرب</translation>
5629 </message>
5630 <message>
5631 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5632 <source>1:4</source>
5633 <translation>4:1</translation>
5634 </message>
5635 <message>
5636 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5637 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5638 <translation>1: 4 أبعد</translation>
5639 </message>
5640 <message>
5641 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5642 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5643 <translation>8:1 أقرب</translation>
5644 </message>
5645 <message>
5646 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5647 <source>1:8</source>
5648 <translation>8:1</translation>
5649 </message>
5650 <message>
5651 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5652 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5653 <translation>8:1 أبعد</translation>
5654 </message>
5655 <message>
5656 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5657 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5658 <translation>16:1 أقرب</translation>
5659 </message>
5660 <message>
5661 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5662 <source>1:16</source>
5663 <translation>16:1</translation>
5664 </message>
5665 <message>
5666 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5667 <source>Fill</source>
5668 <translation>ملء</translation>
5669 </message>
5670 <message>
5671 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5672 <source>Previous</source>
5673 <translation>السابق</translation>
54645674 </message>
54655675 </context>
54665676 <context>
54675677 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54685678 <message>
5469 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5679 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54705680 <source>Axis Points</source>
54715681 <translation>محور نقطة</translation>
54725682 </message>
54735683 <message>
5474 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5684 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54755685 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54765686 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54775687 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54805690 انقر على زر النقاط المحورية</translation>
54815691 </message>
54825692 <message>
5483 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5693 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54845694 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54855695 line with known coordinates. An axis
54865696 point appears, with a dialog window
54935703 إحداثيات</translation>
54945704 </message>
54955705 <message>
5496 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54975707 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54985708 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54995709 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
55045714 حتى يتم إنشاء ثلاثة محاور</translation>
55055715 </message>
55065716 <message>
5507 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5717 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
55085718 <source>Previous</source>
5509 <translation>سابق</translation>
5510 </message>
5511 <message>
5512 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5719 <translation>السابق</translation>
5720 </message>
5721 <message>
5722 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
55135723 <source>Next</source>
55145724 <translation>التالى</translation>
55155725 </message>
55175727 <context>
55185728 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
55195729 <message>
5520 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5730 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
55215731 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
55225732 <translation>معالج قائمة التحقق ودليل قائمة التحقق</translation>
55235733 </message>
55245734 <message>
5525 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5735 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
55265736 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
55275737 is available when importing an image file.
55285738 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
55335743 الخطوات الواجب اتباعها لرقمنة ملف الصورة.</translation>
55345744 </message>
55355745 <message>
5536 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5746 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
55375747 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
55385748 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
55395749 <translation>الخطوة 1 - تمكين خيار القائمة تعليمات /
55405750 معالج دليل الاختيار.</translation>
55415751 </message>
55425752 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5753 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
55445754 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
55455755 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
55465756 and ask some simple questions to
55535763 رقمية</translation>
55545764 </message>
55555765 <message>
5556 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5766 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55575767 <source>Additional options are available in
55585768 the various Settings menus.
55645774 هذا ينتهي البرنامج التعليمي. حظا طيبا وفقك الله!</translation>
55655775 </message>
55665776 <message>
5567 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5777 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55685778 <source>Previous</source>
5569 <translation>سابق</translation>
5779 <translation>السابق</translation>
55705780 </message>
55715781 </context>
55725782 <context>
55735783 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55745784 <message>
5575 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5785 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55765786 <source>Color Filter</source>
55775787 <translation>مرشح اللون</translation>
55785788 </message>
55795789 <message>
5580 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5790 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55815791 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55825792 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55835793 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55855795 <translation>يحتوي كل منحنى على إعدادات تصفية اللون التي يتم تطبيقها في وضع ملء الشاشة. بالنسبة للخطوط السوداء ، تعمل الإعدادات الافتراضية بشكل جيد ، ولكن بالنسبة للخطوط الملونة ، يمكن تحسين الإعدادات.</translation>
55865796 </message>
55875797 <message>
5588 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5798 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55895799 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55905800 Filter menu option.</source>
55915801 <translation>الخطوة 1 - حدد الإعدادات / اللون
55925802 خيار تصفية القائمة.</translation>
55935803 </message>
55945804 <message>
5595 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5805 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55965806 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55975807 be given the new settings.</source>
55985808 <translation>الخطوة 2 - حدد المنحنى الذي سوف
55995809 تعطى الإعدادات الجديدة.</translation>
56005810 </message>
56015811 <message>
5602 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5812 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
56035813 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
56045814 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
56055815 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
56085818 يقترح للخطوط الملونة.</translation>
56095819 </message>
56105820 <message>
5611 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5821 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
56125822 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
56135823 dragging the green handles, until the
56145824 curve is clear in the preview window
56235833 انقر فوق "موافق" عند الانتهاء.</translation>
56245834 </message>
56255835 <message>
5626 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5836 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
56275837 <source>Back</source>
56285838 <translation>الى الخلف</translation>
56295839 </message>
56315841 <context>
56325842 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
56335843 <message>
5634 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5844 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
56355845 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
56365846 curve is selected to receive curve points.
56375847 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
56385848 Picker or Segment Fill buttons.</source>
56395849 <translation>بعد أن تم إنشاء نقاط المحور ،
56405850 يتم تحديد المنحنى لتلقي نقاط المنحنى.
5641 الخطوة 1 - انقر على المنحنى ، نقطة المباراة ، اللون
5851 الخطوة 1 - انقر على المنحنى، مطابقة النقطة، اللون
56425852 أزرار اختيار أو تعبئة.</translation>
56435853 </message>
56445854 <message>
5645 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5855 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56465856 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56475857 that curve name has not been created yet,
56485858 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56535863 لإنشائه.</translation>
56545864 </message>
56555865 <message>
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5866 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56575867 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56585868 original image to the filtered image
56595869 produced for the current curve, using the
56705880 البرنامج التعليمي.</translation>
56715881 </message>
56725882 <message>
5673 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5883 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56745884 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56755885 in the filtered image, then change the
56765886 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56815891 النقاط البرتقالية قد اختفت.</translation>
56825892 </message>
56835893 <message>
5684 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5894 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56855895 <source>Previous</source>
5686 <translation>سابق</translation>
5687 </message>
5688 <message>
5689 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5896 <translation>السابق</translation>
5897 </message>
5898 <message>
5899 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56905900 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56915901 <translation>إعدادات تصفية اللون</translation>
56925902 </message>
56935903 <message>
5694 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5904 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56955905 <source>Next</source>
56965906 <translation>التالى</translation>
56975907 </message>
56995909 <context>
57005910 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
57015911 <message>
5702 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5912 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
57035913 <source>Curve Type</source>
57045914 <translation>نوع المنحنى</translation>
57055915 </message>
57065916 <message>
5707 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5917 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
57085918 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
57095919 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
57105920 <translation>تعتمد الخطوات التالية على كيفية رسم المنحنيات ، من حيث الخطوط والنقاط.</translation>
57115921 </message>
57125922 <message>
5713 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5923 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
57145924 <source>If the curves are drawn
57155925 with lines (with or without
57165926 points) then click on
57215931 التالي (خطوط).</translation>
57225932 </message>
57235933 <message>
5724 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5934 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
57255935 <source>If the curves are drawn
57265936 without lines and only
57275937 with points, then click on
57325942 التالي (النقاط).</translation>
57335943 </message>
57345944 <message>
5735 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5945 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
57365946 <source>Previous</source>
5737 <translation>سابق</translation>
5738 </message>
5739 <message>
5740 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5947 <translation>السابق</translation>
5948 </message>
5949 <message>
5950 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
57415951 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
57425952 <translation>التالي (خطوط)</translation>
57435953 </message>
57445954 <message>
5745 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5955 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
57465956 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57475957 <translation>التالي (النقاط)</translation>
57485958 </message>
57505960 <context>
57515961 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57525962 <message>
5753 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5963 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57545964 <source>Introduction</source>
57555965 <translation>المقدمة</translation>
57565966 </message>
57575967 <message>
5758 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5968 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57595969 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57605970 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57615971 <translation>يبدأ المحول الرقمي
57625972 صور الرسوم البيانية والخرائط.</translation>
57635973 </message>
57645974 <message>
5765 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5975 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57665976 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57675977 the graph and map curves.</source>
57685978 <translation>يمكنك إنشاء (أو رقمنة) نقاط على طول
57695979 الرسم البياني والمنحنيات الخريطة.</translation>
57705980 </message>
57715981 <message>
5772 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5982 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57735983 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57745984 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57755985 <translation>يمكن أن تكون نقاط المنحنى الرقمية
57765986 تصديرها ، كأرقام ، إلى أدوات البرامج الأخرى.</translation>
57775987 </message>
57785988 <message>
5779 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5989 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57805990 <source>Next</source>
57815991 <translation>التالى</translation>
57825992 </message>
57845994 <context>
57855995 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57865996 <message>
5787 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5997 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57885998 <source>Point Match</source>
5789 <translation>نقطة المباراة</translation>
5790 </message>
5791 <message>
5792 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5999 <translation>مطابقة النقطة</translation>
6000 </message>
6001 <message>
6002 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57936003 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57946004 one sample point, and Engauge
57956005 then finds all matching points.
57976007 Step 1 - Click on Point Match mode.</source>
5798 <translation>في وضع نقطة المباراة ، يمكنك اختيار
6008 <translation>في وضع مطابقة النقطة، يمكنك اختيار
57996009 نقطة عينة واحدة ، و Engauge
58006010 ثم يجد كل النقاط المطابقة.
5802 الخطوة 1 - انقر على وضع نقطة المباراة.</translation>
5803 </message>
5804 <message>
5805 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
6012 الخطوة 1 - انقر على وضع مطابقة النقطة.</translation>
6013 </message>
6014 <message>
6015 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
58066016 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58076017 points will belong to.</source>
58086018 <translation>الخطوة 2 - حدد المنحنى الجديد
58096019 النقاط سوف تنتمي إليها.</translation>
58106020 </message>
58116021 <message>
5812 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
6022 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
58136023 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
58146024 The circle turns green when it
58156025 contains what may be a point.</source>
58186028 يحتوي على ما قد يكون نقطة.</translation>
58196029 </message>
58206030 <message>
5821 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
6031 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
58226032 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
58236033 matched point with a yellow cross.
58246034 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
58316041 حتى لا يكون هناك المزيد من النقاط.</translation>
58326042 </message>
58336043 <message>
5834 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
6044 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
58356045 <source>Previous</source>
5836 <translation>سابق</translation>
5837 </message>
5838 <message>
5839 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
6046 <translation>السابق</translation>
6047 </message>
6048 <message>
6049 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
58406050 <source>Next</source>
58416051 <translation>التالى</translation>
58426052 </message>
58446054 <context>
58456055 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
58466056 <message>
5847 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6057 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
58486058 <source>Segment Fill</source>
58496059 <translation>تعبئة الجزء</translation>
58506060 </message>
58516061 <message>
5852 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6062 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58536063 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58546064 points all along the line segments
58556065 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58606070 زر تعبئة الجزء.</translation>
58616071 </message>
58626072 <message>
5863 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6073 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58646074 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58656075 points will belong to.</source>
58666076 <translation>الخطوة 2 - حدد المنحنى الجديد
58676077 النقاط سوف تنتمي إليها.</translation>
58686078 </message>
58696079 <message>
5870 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6080 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58716081 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58726082 segment in the desired curve. If a
58736083 green line appears, click on it once
58786088 لتوليد العديد من النقاط.</translation>
58796089 </message>
58806090 <message>
5881 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6091 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58826092 <source>Previous</source>
5883 <translation>سابق</translation>
5884 </message>
5885 <message>
5886 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6093 <translation>السابق</translation>
6094 </message>
6095 <message>
6096 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58876097 <source>Next</source>
58886098 <translation>التالى</translation>
58896099 </message>
358358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
359359 <source>Digitize Axis Point
361 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
363 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
362364 <translation>Digitalizujte bod osy
364 Digitalizuje bod osy pro graf umístěním nového bodu na kurzor po klepnutí myší. Potom se zadávají souřadnice bodu osy. V grafu jsou pro určení souřadnic grafů vyžadovány tři osové body.</translation>
365 </message>
366 <message>
367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
366 Digitalizuje osový bod grafu umístěním nového bodu na kurzor po kliknutí myší. Potom se zadají souřadnice osového bodu. Po importu a importu (Advanced) mohou být digitalizovány tři osové body se souřadnicemi (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) pro definování souřadnic grafu. Volitelně lze po importu (pokročilých) čtyř osových bodech se souřadnicemi (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) digitalizovat a definovat souřadnice grafu.
368 Tento nástroj je zakázán, když je definována úplná sada osových bodů, nebo pokud je vybrána možnost Importovat (Upřesnit).</translation>
369 </message>
370 <message>
371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
368372 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
369373 <translation>Nástroj pro měřítko</translation>
370374 </message>
371375 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
373377 <source>Shift+F8</source>
374378 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
375379 </message>
376380 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
378 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
379 <translation>Digitalizujte měřítko na mapě.</translation>
380 </message>
381 <message>
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
381 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
382 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
383 <translation>Digitalizujte měřítko pro mapu. Vyžaduje import (pokročilé).</translation>
384 </message>
385 <message>
386 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
383387 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
385389 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
387 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
388 <translation>Digitalizace měřítka
390 Digitalizujte lištu měřítka pro mapu kliknutím a tažením. Potom se zadá délka měřítka. Na mapě jsou dva koncové body lišty stupnice definovány vzdálenosti v souřadnicích grafu.
392 Mapy musí být importovány pomocí importu (pokročilé).</translation>
393 </message>
394 <message>
395 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
391 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
393 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
394 <translation>Digitalizovat měřítko
396 Digitalizujte měřítko mapy kliknutím a tažením. Potom se zadá délka měřítka. Dva koncové body stupnice na mapě definují vzdálenosti v souřadnicích grafu.
398 Tento nástroj je povolen výběrem možnosti Měřítko v nástroji Import (Upřesnit).
400 Tento nástroj je zakázán při definování měřítka nebo při výběru bodů osy.</translation>
401 </message>
402 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
396404 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
397405 <translation>Nástroj křivky</translation>
398406 </message>
399407 <message>
400 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
401409 <source>Shift+F4</source>
402410 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
403411 </message>
404412 <message>
405 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
413 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
406414 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
407415 <translation>Digitalizace křivek</translation>
408416 </message>
409417 <message>
410 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
411419 <source>Digitize Curve Point
413421 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
420428 Nové body budou přiřazeny aktuálně zvolené křivce.</translation>
421429 </message>
422430 <message>
423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
424432 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
425433 <translation>Nástroj pro shodu bodů</translation>
426434 </message>
427435 <message>
428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
429437 <source>Shift+F5</source>
430438 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
431439 </message>
432440 <message>
433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
434442 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
435443 <translation>Digitalizujte křivkové body v bodovém grafu odpovídajícím bodem</translation>
436444 </message>
437445 <message>
438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
439447 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
441449 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
448456 Nové body budou přiřazeny aktuálně zvolené křivce.</translation>
449457 </message>
450458 <message>
451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
452460 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
453461 <translation>Nástroj pro výběr barev</translation>
454462 </message>
455463 <message>
456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
457465 <source>Shift+F6</source>
458466 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
459467 </message>
460468 <message>
461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
462470 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
463471 <translation>Zvolte nastavení barev pro filtrování v režimu Segmentový výplň.</translation>
464472 </message>
465473 <message>
466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
467475 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
469477 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
472480 Vyberte pixel podél aktuálně zvolené křivky. Tento pixel a jeho sousedé budou definovat nastavení filtru (barva, jas a podobně) aktuálně zvolené křivky v režimu Segmentová výplň.</translation>
473481 </message>
474482 <message>
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
476484 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
477485 <translation>Nástroj vyplňování segmentů</translation>
478486 </message>
479487 <message>
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
481489 <source>Shift+F7</source>
482490 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
483491 </message>
484492 <message>
485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
486494 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
487495 <translation>Digitalizovat křivkové body v segmentu křivky.</translation>
488496 </message>
489497 <message>
490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
491499 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
493501 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
500508 Nové body budou přiřazeny aktuálně zvolené křivce.</translation>
501509 </message>
502510 <message>
503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
504512 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
505513 <translation>vrátit</translation>
506514 </message>
507515 <message>
508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
509517 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
510518 <translation>Uvolněte poslední operaci.</translation>
511519 </message>
512520 <message>
513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
514522 <source>Undo
516524 Undo the last operation.</source>
517525 <translation>Vraťte zpět poslední operaci.</translation>
518526 </message>
519527 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
521529 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
522530 <translation>Předělat</translation>
523531 </message>
524532 <message>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
526534 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
527535 <translation>Zopakujte poslední operaci.</translation>
528536 </message>
529537 <message>
530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
531539 <source>Redo
533541 Redo the last operation.</source>
534542 <translation>Opakovat poslední operaci.</translation>
535543 </message>
536544 <message>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
538546 <source>Cut</source>
539547 <translation>Střih</translation>
540548 </message>
541549 <message>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
543551 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
544552 <translation>Ořízne vybrané body a zkopíruje je do schránky.</translation>
545553 </message>
546554 <message>
547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
548556 <source>Cut
550558 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
551559 <translation>CutStačí vybrané body a zkopíruje je do schránky.</translation>
552560 </message>
553561 <message>
554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
555563 <source>Copy</source>
556564 <translation>kopírovat</translation>
557565 </message>
558566 <message>
559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
560568 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
561569 <translation>Kopíruje vybrané body do schránky.</translation>
562570 </message>
563571 <message>
564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
565573 <source>Copy
567575 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
568576 <translation>Copy Kopíruje vybrané body do schránky.</translation>
569577 </message>
570578 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
572580 <source>Paste</source>
573581 <translation>Vložit</translation>
574582 </message>
575583 <message>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
577585 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
578586 <translation>Vloží vybrané body ze schránky.</translation>
579587 </message>
580588 <message>
581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
582590 <source>Paste
584592 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
585593 <translation>PastePasuje vybrané body ze schránky. Budou jim přidělena aktuální křivka.</translation>
586594 </message>
587595 <message>
588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
589597 <source>Delete</source>
590598 <translation>Vymazat</translation>
591599 </message>
592600 <message>
593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
594602 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
595603 <translation>Odstraní vybrané body po jejich kopírování do schránky.</translation>
596604 </message>
597605 <message>
598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
599607 <source>Delete
601609 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
602610 <translation>Odstranit (Delete) Odstraní vybrané body po jejich zkopírování do schránky.</translation>
603611 </message>
604612 <message>
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
606614 <source>Paste As New</source>
607615 <translation>Vložit jako nové</translation>
608616 </message>
609617 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
611619 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
612620 <translation>Vloží obrázek ze schránky.</translation>
613621 </message>
614622 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
616624 <source>Paste as New
618626 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
619627 <translation>Vložit jako Nový Vytvoří nový dokument vložením obrázku ze schránky.</translation>
620628 </message>
621629 <message>
622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
623631 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
624632 <translation>Vložit jako nové (pokročilé) ...</translation>
625633 </message>
626634 <message>
627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
628636 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
629637 <translation>Vloží obrázek ze schránky v rozšířeném režimu.</translation>
630638 </message>
631639 <message>
632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
633641 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
635643 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636644 <translation>Vložit jako nový (rozšířený) Vytvoří nový dokument vložením obrázku ze schránky v rozšířeném režimu.</translation>
637645 </message>
638646 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
640648 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
641649 <translation>&amp;Import...</translation>
642650 </message>
643651 <message>
644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
645653 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
646654 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
647655 </message>
648656 <message>
649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
650658 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
651659 <translation>Vytvoří nový dokument importováním jednoduchého obrázku.</translation>
652660 </message>
653661 <message>
654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
655663 <source>Import Image
657665 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
660668 <translation>Importovat obrázek Vytvoří nový dokument importováním obrázku s jediným souřadným systémem a osami jsou oba známé souřadnice. Pro složitější obrazy s více souřadnicovými systémy a / nebo pohyblivými osami se místo toho používá Import (Advanced).</translation>
661669 </message>
662670 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
664672 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
665673 <translation>Import (rozšířené) ...</translation>
666674 </message>
667675 <message>
668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
669677 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
670678 <translation>Vytvoří nový dokument importováním obrázku s podporou pokročilých funkcí.</translation>
671679 </message>
672680 <message>
673 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
674682 <source>Import (Advanced)
676684 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
677685 <translation>Import (rozšířené) Vytvoří nový dokument importováním obrázku s podporou pokročilých operací. V pokročilém režimu mohou existovat více souřadnicových systémů a / nebo pohyblivých os.</translation>
678686 </message>
679687 <message>
680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
688 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
681689 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
682690 <translation>Import (výměna obrázku) ...</translation>
683691 </message>
684692 <message>
685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
686694 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
687695 <translation>Importuje nový obrázek do aktuálního dokumentu a nahrazuje stávající obrázek.</translation>
688696 </message>
689697 <message>
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
691699 <source>Import (Image Replace)
693701 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
694702 <translation>Import (výměna snímku) Vyvede nový obrázek do aktuálního dokumentu. Existující snímek je nahrazen a všechny křivky v dokumentu jsou zachovány. Tato operace je užitečná pro použití bodů os a dalších nastavení z existujícího dokumentu na jiný obrázek.</translation>
695703 </message>
696704 <message>
697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
698706 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
699707 <translation>&amp;Otevřeno...</translation>
700708 </message>
701709 <message>
702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
710 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
703711 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
704712 <translation>Otevře existující dokument.</translation>
705713 </message>
706714 <message>
707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
715 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
708716 <source>Open Document
710718 Opens an existing document.</source>
711719 <translation>Otevřít dokument ®Otevřuje existující dokument.</translation>
712720 </message>
713721 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
715723 <source>&amp;Close</source>
716724 <translation>&amp;Zavřít</translation>
717725 </message>
718726 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
720728 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
721729 <translation>Zavře otevřený dokument.</translation>
722730 </message>
723731 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
725733 <source>Close Document
727735 Closes the open document.</source>
728736 <translation>Zavřít dokumentZavří otevřený dokument.</translation>
729737 </message>
730738 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
739 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
732740 <source>&amp;Save</source>
733741 <translation>&amp;Uložit</translation>
734742 </message>
735743 <message>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
737745 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
738746 <translation>Uloží aktuální dokument.</translation>
739747 </message>
740748 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
742750 <source>Save Document
744752 Saves the current document.</source>
745753 <translation>Uložit dokument ® Uloží aktuální dokument.</translation>
746754 </message>
747755 <message>
748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
749757 <source>Save As...</source>
750758 <translation>Uložit jako...</translation>
751759 </message>
752760 <message>
753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
754762 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
755763 <translation>Uloží aktuální dokument pod novým názvem souboru.</translation>
756764 </message>
757765 <message>
758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
759767 <source>Save Document As
761769 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
762770 <translation>Uložit dokument AsUpozorňuje aktuální dokument pod novým názvem souboru.</translation>
763771 </message>
764772 <message>
765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
766774 <source>Export...</source>
767775 <translation>Vývozní...</translation>
768776 </message>
769777 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
771779 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
772780 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
773781 </message>
774782 <message>
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
776784 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
777785 <translation>Exportuje aktuální dokument do textového souboru.</translation>
778786 </message>
779787 <message>
780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
781789 <source>Export Document
783791 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
784792 <translation>Exportovat dokument Exportuje aktuální dokument do textového souboru.</translation>
785793 </message>
786794 <message>
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
788796 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
789797 <translation>Tisk...</translation>
790798 </message>
791799 <message>
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
793801 <source>Print the current document.</source>
794802 <translation>Vytiskněte aktuální dokument.</translation>
795803 </message>
796804 <message>
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
798806 <source>Print Document
800808 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
801809 <translation>Tisk dokumentuTlačte aktuální dokument do tiskárny nebo souboru.</translation>
802810 </message>
803811 <message>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
805813 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
806814 <translation>Výstup</translation>
807815 </message>
808816 <message>
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
810818 <source>Quits the application.</source>
811819 <translation>Ukončí aplikaci.</translation>
812820 </message>
813821 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
815823 <source>Exit
817825 Quits the application.</source>
818826 <translation>ExitPoužívá aplikaci.</translation>
819827 </message>
820828 <message>
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
829 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
822830 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
823831 <translation>Průvodce kontrolním seznamem</translation>
824832 </message>
825833 <message>
826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
834 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
827835 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
828836 <translation>Při importu spustit průvodce kontrolním seznamem pro definování kroků digitalizace</translation>
829837 </message>
830838 <message>
831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
839 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
832840 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
834842 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
837845 Použijte průvodce kontrolním seznamem pro vytvoření kontrolního seznamu kroků importovaného dokumentu</translation>
838846 </message>
839847 <message>
840 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
848 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
841849 <source>Tutorial</source>
842850 <translation>Tutorial</translation>
843851 </message>
844852 <message>
845 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
853 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
846854 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
847855 <translation>Přehrát tutoriál zobrazující kroky pro digitalizaci křivek</translation>
848856 </message>
849857 <message>
850 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
858 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
851859 <source>Tutorial
853861 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
856864 Přehrát návod, který ukazuje kroky pro digitalizaci bodů z křivek vykreslených čarami a / nebo bodem</translation>
857865 </message>
858866 <message>
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
860868 <source>Help</source>
861869 <translation>Pomoc</translation>
862870 </message>
863871 <message>
864 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
865873 <source>Help documentation</source>
866874 <translation>Dokumentace nápovědy</translation>
867875 </message>
868876 <message>
869 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
877 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
870878 <source>Help Documentation
872880 Searchable help documentation</source>
875883 Dokumentace nápovědy prohledávatelné</translation>
876884 </message>
877885 <message>
878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
886 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
879887 <source>About Engauge</source>
880888 <translation>O Engauge</translation>
881889 </message>
882890 <message>
883 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
891 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
884892 <source>About the application.</source>
885893 <translation>O aplikaci</translation>
886894 </message>
887895 <message>
888 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
896 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
889897 <source>About Engauge
891899 About the application.</source>
894902 O aplikaci.</translation>
895903 </message>
896904 <message>
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
905 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
898906 <source>Coordinates...</source>
899907 <translation>Souřadnice</translation>
900908 </message>
901909 <message>
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
910 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
903911 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
904912 <translation>Upravte nastavení souřadnic</translation>
905913 </message>
906914 <message>
907 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
908916 <source>Coordinate Settings
910918 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
913921 Nastavení souřadnic určují způsob, jakým jsou souřadnice souřadnic mapovány na obrazové body v obraze</translation>
914922 </message>
915923 <message>
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
924 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
917925 <source>Curve List...</source>
918926 <translation>Seznam krivek ...</translation>
919927 </message>
920928 <message>
921 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
929 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
922930 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
923931 <translation>Upravit nastavení seznamu křivek.</translation>
924932 </message>
925933 <message>
926 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
934 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
927935 <source>Curve List
929937 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
932940 Nastavení seznamu křivek přidává, přejmenuje a / nebo odstraňuje křivky v aktuálním dokumentu</translation>
933941 </message>
934942 <message>
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
943 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
936944 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
937945 <translation>Vlastnosti křivky...</translation>
938946 </message>
939947 <message>
940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
948 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
941949 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
942950 <translation>Upravit nastavení vlastností křivky.</translation>
943951 </message>
944952 <message>
945 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
953 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
946954 <source>Curve Properties Settings
948956 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
951959 Nastavení vlastností křivek určuje, jak se zobrazí každá křivka</translation>
952960 </message>
953961 <message>
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
962 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
955963 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
956964 <translation>Digitalizujte křivku</translation>
957965 </message>
958966 <message>
959 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
967 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
960968 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
961969 <translation>Upravit nastavení digitální osy a křivky grafu.</translation>
962970 </message>
963971 <message>
964 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
972 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
965973 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
967975 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
970978 Nastavení digitalizace křivky určuje, jak jsou body digitalizovány v režimech Digitalizace osy a Digitalizace grafu</translation>
971979 </message>
972980 <message>
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
981 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
974982 <source>Export Format...</source>
975983 <translation>Formát exportu</translation>
976984 </message>
977985 <message>
978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
986 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
979987 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
980988 <translation>Upravit nastavení formátu exportu.</translation>
981989 </message>
982990 <message>
983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
991 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
984992 <source>Export Format Settings
986994 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
989997 Nastavení exportního formátu ovlivňuje způsob formátování exportovaných souborů</translation>
990998 </message>
991999 <message>
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1000 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
9931001 <source>Color Filter...</source>
9941002 <translation>Barevný filtr</translation>
9951003 </message>
9961004 <message>
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1005 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
9981006 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
9991007 <translation>Upravit nastavení filtru barev.</translation>
10001008 </message>
10011009 <message>
1002 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1010 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10031011 <source>Color Filter Settings
10051013 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10081016 Filtrování barev zjednodušuje grafy pro snadnější přizpůsobení bodů a plnění segmentů</translation>
10091017 </message>
10101018 <message>
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1019 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10121020 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10131021 <translation>Kontrola os</translation>
10141022 </message>
10151023 <message>
1016 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1024 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10171025 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10181026 <translation>Upravit nastavení Kontrola os.</translation>
10191027 </message>
10201028 <message>
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1029 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10221030 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10241032 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10271035 Kontrola os může odhalit všechny chyby v ose, které jsou jinak těžké najít.</translation>
10281036 </message>
10291037 <message>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1038 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10311039 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10321040 <translation>Zobrazení mřížky ...</translation>
10331041 </message>
10341042 <message>
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10361044 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10371045 <translation>Upravit nastavení zobrazení mřížky.</translation>
10381046 </message>
10391047 <message>
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10411049 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10431051 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10461054 Řádkové čáry zobrazené na grafu mohou poskytnout větší přesnost než kontrola osy pro zkreslené grafy. V zkresleném grafu lze mřížkové čáry použít k úpravě bodů osy pro větší přesnost v různých oblastech.</translation>
10471055 </message>
10481056 <message>
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1057 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10501058 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10511059 <translation>Odebrání mřížky</translation>
10521060 </message>
10531061 <message>
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1062 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10551063 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10561064 <translation>Upravit nastavení pro odstranění mřížky.</translation>
10571065 </message>
10581066 <message>
1059 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1067 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10601068 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10621070 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10651073 Odstranění síťové čáry izoluje křivkové čáry pro snazší přizpůsobování bodů a plnění segmentů, když filtrování barev neumožňuje oddělit čáry mřížky od čáry křivky.</translation>
10661074 </message>
10671075 <message>
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1076 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10691077 <source>Point Match...</source>
10701078 <translation>Bodová shoda...</translation>
10711079 </message>
10721080 <message>
1073 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1081 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10741082 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10751083 <translation>Upravit nastavení shody bodů.</translation>
10761084 </message>
10771085 <message>
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1086 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10791087 <source>Point Match Settings
10811089 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10841092 Nastavení shody bodů určuje, jak jsou body přiřazovány v režimu shody bodů</translation>
10851093 </message>
10861094 <message>
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1095 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
10881096 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10891097 <translation>Vyplnění segmentů...</translation>
10901098 </message>
10911099 <message>
1092 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1100 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
10931101 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
10941102 <translation>Upravit nastavení vyplňovaní segmentů.</translation>
10951103 </message>
10961104 <message>
1097 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
10981106 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11001108 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11031111 Nastavení výplní segmentu určují způsob generování bodů v režimu segmentového plnění</translation>
11041112 </message>
11051113 <message>
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1114 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11071115 <source>General...</source>
11081116 <translation>Všeobecné...</translation>
11091117 </message>
11101118 <message>
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1119 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11121120 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11131121 <translation>Upravte obecná nastavení.</translation>
11141122 </message>
11151123 <message>
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1124 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11171125 <source>General Settings
11191127 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11221130 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</translation>
11231131 </message>
11241132 <message>
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1133 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11261134 <source>Main Window...</source>
11271135 <translation>Hlavní okno...</translation>
11281136 </message>
11291137 <message>
1130 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1138 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11311139 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11321140 <translation>Upravit nastavení hlavního okna.</translation>
11331141 </message>
11341142 <message>
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1143 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11361144 <source>Main Window Settings
11381146 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11411149 Nastavení hlavního okna ovlivňují uživatelské rozhraní a nejsou specifické pro žádný dokument</translation>
11421150 </message>
11431151 <message>
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1152 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11451153 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11461154 <translation>Panel nástrojů na pozadí</translation>
11471155 </message>
11481156 <message>
1149 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1157 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11501158 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11511159 <translation>Zobrazit nebo skrýt panel nástrojů na pozadí.</translation>
11521160 </message>
11531161 <message>
1154 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11551163 <source>View Background ToolBar
11571165 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11601168 Zobrazit nebo skrýt panel nástrojů na pozadí</translation>
11611169 </message>
11621170 <message>
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1171 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11641172 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11651173 <translation>Nástrojová lišta kontrolního seznamu</translation>
11661174 </message>
11671175 <message>
1168 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1176 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11691177 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11701178 <translation>Zobrazit nebo skrýt kontrolní seznam.</translation>
11711179 </message>
11721180 <message>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1181 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11741182 <source>View Checklist Guide
11761184 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11791187 Zobrazí nebo skryje kontrolní seznam.</translation>
11801188 </message>
11811189 <message>
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1190 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11831191 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11841192 <translation>Okno pro nastavení křivky</translation>
11851193 </message>
11861194 <message>
1187 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1195 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11881196 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11891197 <translation>Zobrazte nebo skryjte okno pro nastavení křivky.</translation>
11901198 </message>
11911199 <message>
1192 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1200 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
11931201 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11951203 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11981206 Zobrazte nebo skryjte okno pro nastavení křivky</translation>
11991207 </message>
12001208 <message>
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1209 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12021210 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12031211 <translation>Okno geometrie</translation>
12041212 </message>
12051213 <message>
1206 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1214 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12071215 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12081216 <translation>Zobrazit nebo skrýt okno geometrie.</translation>
12091217 </message>
12101218 <message>
1211 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1219 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12121220 <source>View Geometry Window
12141222 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12171225 Zobrazit nebo skrýt okno geometrie</translation>
12181226 </message>
12191227 <message>
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1228 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12211229 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12221230 <translation>Panel nástrojů pro digitalizaci nástrojů</translation>
12231231 </message>
12241232 <message>
1225 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1233 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12261234 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12271235 <translation>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</translation>
12281236 </message>
12291237 <message>
1230 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1238 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12311239 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12331241 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12361244 Zobrazte nebo skryjte panel nástrojů pro digitalizaci nástrojů</translation>
12371245 </message>
12381246 <message>
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1247 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12401248 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12411249 <translation>Panel nástrojů Nastavení zobrazení</translation>
12421250 </message>
12431251 <message>
1244 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1252 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12451253 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12461254 <translation>Zobrazit nebo skrýt panel nástrojů zobrazení.</translation>
12471255 </message>
12481256 <message>
1249 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1257 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12501258 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12521260 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12551263 Zobrazit nebo skrýt panel nástrojů zobrazení. Tyto pohledy zobrazují graficky nejdůležitější nastavení.</translation>
12561264 </message>
12571265 <message>
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12591267 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12601268 <translation>Panel nástrojů Koordinátor</translation>
12611269 </message>
12621270 <message>
1263 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12641272 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12651273 <translation>Zobrazte nebo skryjte panel nástrojů souřadnicového systému.</translation>
12661274 </message>
12671275 <message>
1268 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1276 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12691277 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12711279 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12781286 Tento panel nástrojů je deaktivován, pokud existuje pouze jeden souřadný systém.</translation>
12791287 </message>
12801288 <message>
1281 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12821290 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12831291 <translation>Tipy pro nástroje</translation>
12841292 </message>
12851293 <message>
1286 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12871295 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12881296 <translation>Zobrazte nebo skryjte tipy pro nástroje.</translation>
12891297 </message>
12901298 <message>
1291 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1299 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12921300 <source>View Tool Tips
12941302 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12971305 Zobrazte nebo skryjte tipy pro nástroje</translation>
12981306 </message>
12991307 <message>
1300 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13011309 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13021310 <translation>Čáry mřížky</translation>
13031311 </message>
13041312 <message>
1305 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13061314 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13071315 <translation>Zobrazit nebo skrýt řádky mřížky.</translation>
13081316 </message>
13091317 <message>
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1318 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13111319 <source>View Grid Lines
13131321 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13161324 Zobrazte nebo skryjte čáry mřížky, které jsou přidány pro přesné úpravy bodů os, které mohou zlepšit přesnost zkreslených grafů</translation>
13171325 </message>
13181326 <message>
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13201328 <source>No Background</source>
13211329 <translation>Žádné pozadí</translation>
13221330 </message>
13231331 <message>
1324 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13251333 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13261334 <translation>Nezobrazujte obrázek pod body.</translation>
13271335 </message>
13281336 <message>
1329 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1337 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13301338 <source>No Background
13321340 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13351343 Není zobrazen žádný obrázek, takže body jsou snadněji viditelné</translation>
13361344 </message>
13371345 <message>
1338 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1346 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13391347 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13401348 <translation>Zobrazit originální obrázek</translation>
13411349 </message>
13421350 <message>
1343 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13441352 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13451353 <translation>Zobrazte původní obrázek pod body.</translation>
13461354 </message>
13471355 <message>
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1356 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13491357 <source>Show Original Image
13511359 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13541362 Zobrazte původní obrázek pod body</translation>
13551363 </message>
13561364 <message>
1357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1365 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13581366 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13591367 <translation>Zobrazit filtrovaný obrázek</translation>
13601368 </message>
13611369 <message>
1362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13631371 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13641372 <translation>Zobrazte filtrovaný obrázek pod těmito body.</translation>
13651373 </message>
13661374 <message>
1367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13681376 <source>Show Filtered Image
13701378 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
13771385 Filtrovaný obraz je vytvořen z původního obrazu podle předvolby filtru, takže jsou skryté nevýznamné informace a jsou zdůrazněny důležité informace</translation>
13781386 </message>
13791387 <message>
1380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
13811389 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
13821390 <translation>Skrýt všechny křivky</translation>
13831391 </message>
13841392 <message>
1385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13861394 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13871395 <translation>Skryjte všechny digitalizované křivky.</translation>
13881396 </message>
13891397 <message>
1390 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13911399 <source>Hide All Curves
13931401 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
13961404 Není zobrazena žádná osa nebo digitalizovaná grafová křivka, takže obraz je jednodušší.</translation>
13971405 </message>
13981406 <message>
1399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14001408 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14011409 <translation>Zobrazit vybranou křivku</translation>
14021410 </message>
14031411 <message>
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14051413 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14061414 <translation>Zobrazit pouze aktuálně vybranou křivku.</translation>
14071415 </message>
14081416 <message>
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14101418 <source>Show Selected Curve
14121420 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14151423 Zobrazit pouze digitalizované body a čáry, které patří aktuálně zvolené křivce.</translation>
14161424 </message>
14171425 <message>
1418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14191427 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14201428 <translation>Zobrazit všechny křivky</translation>
14211429 </message>
14221430 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14241432 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14251433 <translation>Zobrazit všechny křivky</translation>
14261434 </message>
14271435 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14291437 <source>Show All Curves
14311439 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14341442 Zobrazit všechny body digitalizovaných os a grafů</translation>
14351443 </message>
14361444 <message>
1437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14381446 <source>Hide Always</source>
14391447 <translation>Skrýt vždy</translation>
14401448 </message>
14411449 <message>
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14431451 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14441452 <translation>Vždy skrýt stavový řádek.</translation>
14451453 </message>
14461454 <message>
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14481456 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14491457 <translation>Skrýt stavový řádek. Žádné přechodné stavy nebo pomocné zprávy se nezobrazí.</translation>
14501458 </message>
14511459 <message>
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14531461 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14541462 <translation>Zobrazovat dočasné zprávy.</translation>
14551463 </message>
14561464 <message>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14581466 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14591467 <translation>Skrýt stavový řádek vyjma v případech, když jsou ukazovány dočasné zprávy.</translation>
14601468 </message>
14611469 <message>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14631471 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14641472 <translation>Skrýt stavový řádek vyjma v případech, když jsou ukazovány pomocné zprávy a dočasný stav.</translation>
14651473 </message>
14661474 <message>
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14681476 <source>Show Always</source>
14691477 <translation>Vždy zobrazit</translation>
14701478 </message>
14711479 <message>
1472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
14731481 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
14741482 <translation>Vždy zobrazit stavový řádek.</translation>
14751483 </message>
14761484 <message>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
14781486 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
14791487 <translation>Zobrazit stavový řádek. Navíc k zobrazovaní přechodného stavu a pomocných zpráv se také bude zobrazovat pozice kurzoru v liště stavu. </translation>
14801488 </message>
14811489 <message>
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
14831491 <source>Zoom Out</source>
14841492 <translation>Oddálit</translation>
14851493 </message>
14861494 <message>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
14881496 <source>Zoom out</source>
14891497 <translation>Oddálit</translation>
14901498 </message>
14911499 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14931501 <source>Zoom In</source>
14941502 <translation>Přiblížit</translation>
14951503 </message>
14961504 <message>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
14981506 <source>Zoom in</source>
14991507 <translation>Přiblížit</translation>
15001508 </message>
15011509 <message>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15031511 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15041512 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15051513 </message>
15061514 <message>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15081516 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15091517 <translation>Zvětšení 16: 1</translation>
15101518 </message>
15111519 <message>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15131521 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15141522 <translation>16: 1 dále (1270%)</translation>
15151523 </message>
15161524 <message>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15181526 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15191527 <translation>Zvětšení 12.7: 1</translation>
15201528 </message>
15211529 <message>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15231531 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15241532 <translation>8: 1 bližší (1008%)</translation>
15251533 </message>
15261534 <message>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15281536 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15291537 <translation>Zvětšení 10.08: 1</translation>
15301538 </message>
15311539 <message>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15331541 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15341542 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15351543 </message>
15361544 <message>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15381546 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15391547 <translation>Zvětšení 8: 1</translation>
15401548 </message>
15411549 <message>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15431551 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15441552 <translation>8: 1 dále (635%)</translation>
15451553 </message>
15461554 <message>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15481556 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15491557 <translation>Zvětšení 6.35: 1</translation>
15501558 </message>
15511559 <message>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15531561 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15541562 <translation>4: 1 bližší (504%)</translation>
15551563 </message>
15561564 <message>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15581566 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15591567 <translation>Zvětšení 5.04: 1</translation>
15601568 </message>
15611569 <message>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15631571 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15641572 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15651573 </message>
15661574 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15681576 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15691577 <translation>Zvětšení 4: 1</translation>
15701578 </message>
15711579 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
15731581 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
15741582 <translation>4: 1 dále (317%)</translation>
15751583 </message>
15761584 <message>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
15781586 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
15791587 <translation>Zvětšení 3.17: 1</translation>
15801588 </message>
15811589 <message>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
15831591 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
15841592 <translation>2: 1 blíže (252%)</translation>
15851593 </message>
15861594 <message>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
15881596 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15891597 <translation>Zvětšení 2.52: 1</translation>
15901598 </message>
15911599 <message>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15931601 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15941602 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
15951603 </message>
15961604 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
15981606 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15991607 <translation>Zvětšení 2: 1</translation>
16001608 </message>
16011609 <message>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16031611 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16041612 <translation>2: 1 dále (159%)</translation>
16051613 </message>
16061614 <message>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16081616 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16091617 <translation>Zvětšení 1.59: 1</translation>
16101618 </message>
16111619 <message>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16131621 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16141622 <translation>1: 1 blíž (126%)</translation>
16151623 </message>
16161624 <message>
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16181626 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16191627 <translation>Zvětšení 1.3: 1</translation>
16201628 </message>
16211629 <message>
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16231631 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16241632 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16251633 </message>
16261634 <message>
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16281636 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16291637 <translation>Zvětšení 1: 1</translation>
16301638 </message>
16311639 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16331641 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16341642 <translation>1: 1 dále (79%)</translation>
16351643 </message>
16361644 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16381646 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16391647 <translation>Zvětšení 0.8: 1</translation>
16401648 </message>
16411649 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16431651 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16441652 <translation>1: 2 bližší (63%)</translation>
16451653 </message>
16461654 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16481656 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16491657 <translation>Zvětšení 1.3: 2</translation>
16501658 </message>
16511659 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16531661 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16541662 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16551663 </message>
16561664 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16581666 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16591667 <translation>Zvětšení 1: 2</translation>
16601668 </message>
16611669 <message>
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16631671 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16641672 <translation>1: 2 dále (40%)</translation>
16651673 </message>
16661674 <message>
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16681676 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16691677 <translation>Zvětšení 0.8: 2</translation>
16701678 </message>
16711679 <message>
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
16731681 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
16741682 <translation>1: 4 bližší (31%)</translation>
16751683 </message>
16761684 <message>
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
16781686 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
16791687 <translation>Zvětšení 1.3: 4</translation>
16801688 </message>
16811689 <message>
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
16831691 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
16841692 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
16851693 </message>
16861694 <message>
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
16881696 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16891697 <translation>Zvětšení 1: 4</translation>
16901698 </message>
16911699 <message>
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16931701 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16941702 <translation>1: 4 dále (20%)</translation>
16951703 </message>
16961704 <message>
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16981706 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16991707 <translation>Zvětšení 0.8: 4</translation>
17001708 </message>
17011709 <message>
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1710 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17031711 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17041712 <translation>1: 8 blíž (12,5%)</translation>
17051713 </message>
17061714 <message>
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17081715 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17091717 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17101718 <translation>Zvětšení 1: 8</translation>
17111719 </message>
17121720 <message>
1713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17141722 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17151723 <translation>1:8 (12,5%)</translation>
17161724 </message>
17171725 <message>
1718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17191727 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17201728 <translation>1: 8 dále (10%)</translation>
17211729 </message>
17221730 <message>
1723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17241732 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17251733 <translation>Zvětšení 0.8: 8</translation>
17261734 </message>
17271735 <message>
1728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17291737 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17301738 <translation>1:16 blíž (8%)</translation>
17311739 </message>
17321740 <message>
1733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17341742 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17351743 <translation>Zvětšení 1.3: 16</translation>
17361744 </message>
17371745 <message>
1738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17391747 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17401748 <translation>1:16 (6,25%)</translation>
17411749 </message>
17421750 <message>
1743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17441752 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17451753 <translation>Zvětšení 1: 16</translation>
17461754 </message>
17471755 <message>
1748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17491757 <source>Fill</source>
1750 <translation>Vyplnit</translation>
1751 </message>
1752 <message>
1753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1758 <translation>填</translation>
1759 </message>
1760 <message>
1761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17541762 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17551763 <translation>Zvětšení s protahováním pro vyplnění okna</translation>
17561764 </message>
20172025 <context>
20182026 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20192027 <message>
2020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20212029 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20222030 <translation>Upravit osový bod</translation>
20232031 </message>
20242032 <message>
2025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20262034 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20272035 <translation>Souřadnice grafu</translation>
20282036 </message>
20292037 <message>
2030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20312039 <source>as</source>
20322040 <translation>jako</translation>
20332041 </message>
20342042 <message>
2035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20362044 <source>(</source>
20372045 <translation>(</translation>
20382046 </message>
20392047 <message>
2040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20412049 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2043 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2051 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20452053 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2046 <translation>Zadejte první souřadnici osového bodu.
2048 Pro kartézský graf jde o hodnotu X, pro polární jde o rádius R.
2050 Očekávaný formát souřadnice je odvozen od národnostního nastavení. Pokud hodnota není rozpoznána, zkontrolujte národností nastavení v Nastavení / Hlavní okno...</translation>
2051 </message>
2052 <message>
2053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2054 <translation>Zadejte první souřadnici grafu bodu osy. Pro karteziánské grafy je to X. Pro polární grafy je to úhel theta. Očekávaný formát souřadnicové hodnoty je určen nastavením místní hodnoty. Pokud nejsou zadané hodnoty rozpoznány podle očekávání, zkontrolujte nastavení místního nastavení v okně Nastavení / Hlavní okno ...</translation>
2055 </message>
2056 <message>
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20542058 <source>, </source>
20552059 <translation>,</translation>
20562060 </message>
20572061 <message>
2058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20592063 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2061 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2065 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20632067 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2064 <translation>Zadejte druhou souřadnici osového bodu.
2066 Pro kartézský graf jde o hodnotu y, pro polární jde o úhel Theta.
2068 Očekávaný formát souřadnice je odvozen od národnostního nastavení. Pokud hodnota není rozpoznána, zkontrolujte národností nastavení v Nastavení / Hlavní okno...</translation>
2069 </message>
2070 <message>
2071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2068 <translation>Zadejte druhou souřadnici grafu bodu osy. • Pro karteziánské grafy je to Y. Pro polární grafy je to poloměr R. • Očekávaný formát souřadné hodnoty je určen nastavením lokalizace. Pokud nejsou zadané hodnoty rozpoznány podle očekávání, zkontrolujte nastavení místního nastavení v okně Nastavení / Hlavní okno ...</translation>
2069 </message>
2070 <message>
2071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
20722072 <source>)</source>
20732073 <translation>)</translation>
20742074 </message>
20752075 <message>
2076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2077 <source>Number format</source>
2078 <translation>Formát čísla</translation>
2079 </message>
2080 <message>
2081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2077 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2078 <translation>Počet souřadnic na bod osy:</translation>
2079 </message>
2080 <message>
2081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2082 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2083 <translation>Tři osové body se dvěma souřadnicemi se používají obvykle. Pokud má každý bod osy pouze jednu známou souřadnici, začněte znovu se souborem File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</translation>
2084 </message>
2085 <message>
2086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2087 <source>Number format:</source>
2088 <translation>Formát čísel:</translation>
2089 </message>
2090 <message>
2091 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2092 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2093 <translation>Lokalita, která určuje povolené číselné formáty. To je nastaveno v Nastavení / Hlavní okno.</translation>
2094 </message>
2095 <message>
2096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
20822097 <source>Ok</source>
20832098 <translation>OK</translation>
20842099 </message>
20852100 <message>
2086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
20872102 <source>Cancel</source>
20882103 <translation>Zrušit</translation>
20892104 </message>
23132328 <context>
23142329 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23152330 <message>
2316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23172332 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23182333 <translation>Ořez importovaného obrázku</translation>
23192334 </message>
23202335 <message>
2321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23222337 <source>Preview</source>
23232338 <translation>Náhled</translation>
23242339 </message>
23252340 <message>
2326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23272342 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23282343 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, která část obrázku bude importována. Jedná se o část obrázku uvnitř čtverhranného rámu na aktuálně vybrané stránce. Rám může být posunut a může být změněna jeho velikost pomocí rohů rámu.</translation>
23292344 </message>
23302345 <message>
2331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23322347 <source>Ok</source>
23332348 <translation>OK</translation>
23342349 </message>
23352350 <message>
2336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2351 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23372352 <source>Cancel</source>
23382353 <translation>Zrušit</translation>
23392354 </message>
23412356 <context>
23422357 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23432358 <message>
2344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23452360 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23462361 <translation>Ořez importovaného PDF</translation>
23472362 </message>
23482363 <message>
2349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23502365 <source>Page</source>
23512366 <translation>Stránka</translation>
23522367 </message>
23532368 <message>
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23552370 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23562371 <translation>Číslo stránky, která bude importována</translation>
23572372 </message>
23582373 <message>
2359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23602375 <source>Preview</source>
23612376 <translation>Náhled</translation>
23622377 </message>
23632378 <message>
2364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23652380 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23662381 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, která část obrázku bude importována. Jedná se o část obrázku uvnitř čtverhranného rámu na aktuálně vybrané stránce. Rám může být posunut a může být změněna jeho velikost pomocí rohů rámu.</translation>
23672382 </message>
23682383 <message>
2369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23702385 <source>Ok</source>
23712386 <translation>OK</translation>
23722387 </message>
23732388 <message>
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
23752390 <source>Cancel</source>
23762391 <translation>Zrušit</translation>
23772392 </message>
23872402 <context>
23882403 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
23892404 <message>
2390 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
23912406 <source>Ok</source>
23922407 <translation>OK</translation>
23932408 </message>
23942409 <message>
2395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
23962411 <source>Cancel</source>
23972412 <translation>Zrušit</translation>
23982413 </message>
24052420 <translation>Kontrola os</translation>
24062421 </message>
24072422 <message>
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24092424 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24102425 <translation>Kontrola životnosti os</translation>
24112426 </message>
24122427 <message>
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24142429 <source>Do not show</source>
24152430 <translation>Nezobrazovat</translation>
24162431 </message>
24172432 <message>
2418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24192434 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24202435 <translation>Nikdy nezobrazovat kontrolu os.</translation>
24212436 </message>
24222437 <message>
2423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24242439 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24252440 <translation>Zobrazit na několik vteřin</translation>
24262441 </message>
24272442 <message>
2428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24292444 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24302445 <translation>Zobrazit kontrolu os na několik vteřin po změně osových bodů</translation>
24312446 </message>
24322447 <message>
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24342449 <source>Show always</source>
24352450 <translation>Zobrazovat vždy</translation>
24362451 </message>
24372452 <message>
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24392454 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24402455 <translation>Vždy zobrazovat kontrolu os.</translation>
24412456 </message>
24422457 <message>
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24442459 <source>Line color</source>
24452460 <translation>Barva úsečky</translation>
24462461 </message>
24472462 <message>
2448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24492464 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24502465 <translation>Zvolte barvu zvýrazněných čar kreslených v jednotlivých osových bodech</translation>
24512466 </message>
24522467 <message>
2453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24542469 <source>Preview</source>
24552470 <translation>Náhled</translation>
24562471 </message>
24572472 <message>
2458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24592474 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24602475 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, jak aktuální nastavení ovlivňuje kontrolu os.</translation>
24612476 </message>
24682483 <translation>Barevný filtr</translation>
24692484 </message>
24702485 <message>
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
24722487 <source>Curve Name</source>
24732488 <translation>Název křivky</translation>
24742489 </message>
24752490 <message>
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
24772492 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
24782493 <translation>Název křivky, která je aktuálně vybrána pro úpravy</translation>
24792494 </message>
24802495 <message>
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
24822497 <source>Filter mode</source>
24832498 <translation>Mód filtrace</translation>
24842499 </message>
24852500 <message>
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
24872502 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24892504 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
24922507 Hodnota Intenzity je počítána z hodnot červené, zelené a modré komponenty jako odmocnina z (Č x Č + Z x Z + M x M)</translation>
24932508 </message>
24942509 <message>
2495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
24962511 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24982513 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25052520 Vzdálenost F (R, G, B) od barvy pozadí (Rb, Gb, Bb) se vypočítá jako F = squareroot (R - Rb) * (R - Rb) - Gb) + (B-Bb)). Na levém konci měřítka je hodnota vzdálenosti v popředí nula a zvyšuje se lineárně až na maximum vpravo.</translation>
25062521 </message>
25072522 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25092524 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25102525 <translation>Filtrování původního obrazu do černobílých pixelů pomocí komponenty Hue pro barevné komponenty Hue, Saturation a Value (HSV) pro skrytí nedůležitých informací a zdůraznění důležitých informací.</translation>
25112526 </message>
25122527 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2528 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25142529 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25152530 <translation>Filtrovejte původní obrázek do černobílých pixelů pomocí komponenty Saturation (Sytost) barevných komponent Hue, Saturation a Value (HSV), abyste skryli nedůležité informace a zdůraznili důležité informace.</translation>
25162531 </message>
25172532 <message>
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25192534 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25212536 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25242539 Součást Value se také nazývá Lightness.</translation>
25252540 </message>
25262541 <message>
2527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25282543 <source>Preview</source>
25292544 <translation>Náhled</translation>
25302545 </message>
25312546 <message>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25332548 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25342549 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, jak aktuální nastavení ovlivňuje originální obrázek.</translation>
25352550 </message>
25362551 <message>
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25382553 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25392554 <translation>Histogram filtrovacího parametru</translation>
25402555 </message>
25412556 <message>
2542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25432558 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25442559 <translation>Profil histogramu vybraného parametru filtru. Dvě děliče lze přesunout dopředu a dozadu a nastavit rozsah hodnot parametrů filtru, které budou zahrnuty do filtrovaného obrazu. Čistá část bude zahrnuta a stínovaná část bude vyloučena.</translation>
25452560 </message>
25462561 <message>
2547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25482563 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25492564 <translation>Toto pole pouze pro čtení zobrazuje grafické znázornění horizontální osy v profilu histogramu výše.</translation>
25502565 </message>
25522567 <context>
25532568 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25542569 <message>
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25582573 <source>Coordinates</source>
25592574 <translation>Souřadnice</translation>
25602575 </message>
25612576 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25632578 <source>Date/Time</source>
25642579 <translation>Datum/Čas</translation>
25652580 </message>
25662581 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25682583 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25702585 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
25732588 Nastavení formátu na prázdnou hodnotu má za následek pouze časovou část, která se objeví na výstupu.</translation>
25742589 </message>
25752590 <message>
2576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
25772592 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25792594 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
25822597 Nastavení formátu na prázdnou hodnotu má za následek pouze část data, která se objevuje ve výstupu.</translation>
25832598 </message>
25842599 <message>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
25862601 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
25872602 <translation>Typ souřadného systému</translation>
25882603 </message>
25892604 <message>
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
25912606 <source>Polar</source>
25922607 <translation>Polární</translation>
25932608 </message>
25942609 <message>
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
25972612 <source>R</source>
25982613 <translation>R</translation>
25992614 </message>
26002615 <message>
2601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26022617 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26032618 <translation>Kartézský (X, Y)</translation>
26042619 </message>
26052620 <message>
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26072622 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26092624 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26122627 Budou použity X a Y souřadnice</translation>
26132628 </message>
26142629 <message>
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26162631 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26182633 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26252640 U polárních souřadnic není povolenou použití logaritmického měřítka pro Thetu</translation>
26262641 </message>
26272642 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26302645 <source>Scale</source>
26312646 <translation>Měřítko</translation>
26322647 </message>
26332648 <message>
2634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2650 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26362651 <source>Linear</source>
26372652 <translation>Lineární</translation>
26382653 </message>
26392654 <message>
2640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26412656 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26422657 <translation>Definuje lineární měřítko pro hodnotu X nebo Theta</translation>
26432658 </message>
26442659 <message>
2645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26472662 <source>Log</source>
26482663 <translation>Logaritmické</translation>
26492664 </message>
26502665 <message>
2651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26522667 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26542669 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26612676 Logaritmické měřítko není povolené pro hodnoty Theta</translation>
26622677 </message>
26632678 <message>
2664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26662681 <source>Units</source>
26672682 <translation>Jednotky</translation>
26682683 </message>
26692684 <message>
2670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26712686 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26722687 <translation>Definuje lineární měřítko pro hodnotu Y nebo R</translation>
26732688 </message>
26742689 <message>
2675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
26762691 <source>Origin radius value</source>
26772692 <translation>Hodnota počátku poloměru</translation>
26782693 </message>
26792694 <message>
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
26812696 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
26832698 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
26862701 Logaritmické měřítko není povolené pro záporné hodnoty</translation>
26872702 </message>
26882703 <message>
2689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
26902705 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
26922707 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
26952710 Běžně je tato hodnota rovna 0, ale v některých případech může být použita nenulová hodnota (např. když se radiální jednotku tvoří decibely)</translation>
26962711 </message>
26972712 <message>
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
26992714 <source>Preview</source>
27002715 <translation>Náhled</translation>
27012716 </message>
27022717 <message>
2703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27042719 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27052720 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, jak aktuální nastavení ovlivňuje souřadný systém.</translation>
27062721 </message>
27072722 <message>
2708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27092724 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27112726 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27182733 Formát minut sekund (DDD MM SS.S) používá dvě celé číslo pro stupně a minuty a reálné číslo na sekundy. K dispozici je 60 sekund za minutu. Během vstupu musí být mezery mezi třemi čísly vloženy.</translation>
27192734 </message>
27202735 <message>
2721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27222737 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27242739 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27432758 Formát obrácení používá jediné reálné číslo. Jedna úplná revoluce je jediná.</translation>
27442759 </message>
27452760 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27472762 <source>X</source>
27482763 <translation>X</translation>
27492764 </message>
27502765 <message>
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27522767 <source>Y</source>
27532768 <translation>Y</translation>
27542769 </message>
27552770 </context>
27562771 <context>
2757 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2758 <message>
2759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2772 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2773 <message>
2774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27602775 <source>Curve List</source>
2761 <translation>Seznam křivek</translation>
2762 </message>
2763 <message>
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2776 <translation>Seznam krivek</translation>
2777 </message>
2778 <message>
2779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27652780 <source>Add...</source>
27662781 <translation>Přidat...</translation>
27672782 </message>
27682783 <message>
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27702785 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27722787 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2773 <translation>Přidá novou křivku do seznamu křivek. Název křivky může být změněn v seznamu křivek.
2775 Název každé křivky musí být jedinečný</translation>
2776 </message>
2777 <message>
2778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2788 <translation>Přidá novou křivku do seznamu křivek. Název křivky lze upravit v seznamu názvů křivek. Každé jméno křivky musí být jedinečné</translation>
2789 </message>
2790 <message>
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
27792792 <source>Remove</source>
2780 <translation>Odebrat</translation>
2781 </message>
2782 <message>
2783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2793 <translation>Odstranit</translation>
2794 </message>
2795 <message>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
27842797 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
27862799 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2787 <translation>Odebere aktuálně vybranou křivku ze seznamu křivek.
2789 Vždy musí existovat alespoň jedna křivka.</translation>
2790 </message>
2791 <message>
2792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2800 <translation>Odstraní aktuálně vybranou křivku ze seznamu křivek. Vždy musí existovat alespoň jedna křivka</translation>
2801 </message>
2802 <message>
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
27932804 <source>Curve Names</source>
27942805 <translation>Názvy křivek</translation>
27952806 </message>
27962807 <message>
2797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
27982809 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28002811 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28022813 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2803 <translation>Seznam křivek patřících do tohoto dokumentu.
2805 Pro úpravu názvu křivky na požadovaný název klikněte. Název křivky musí být jedinečný.
2807 Pořadí křivek je možno měnit přetažením.</translation>
2808 </message>
2809 <message>
2810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2814 <translation>Seznam křivek tohoto dokumentu.Kliknutím na název křivky jej upravte. Každý název křivky musí být jedinečný. Obnovit křivky přetažením.</translation>
2815 </message>
2816 <message>
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28112818 <source>Save As Default</source>
28122819 <translation>Uložit jako výchozí</translation>
28132820 </message>
28142821 <message>
2815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28162823 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2817 <translation>Uloží názvy křivek jako výchozí pro budoucí grafy.</translation>
2818 </message>
2819 <message>
2820 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2824 <translation>Uložte názvy křivek pro použití jako výchozí pro budoucí grafové křivky.</translation>
2825 </message>
2826 <message>
2827 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28212828 <source>Reset Default</source>
28222829 <translation>Resetovat výchozí</translation>
28232830 </message>
28242831 <message>
2825 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28262833 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2827 <translation>Resetuje názvy křivek pro budoucí grafy na původní hodnoty.</translation>
2828 </message>
2829 <message>
2830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2834 <translation>Obnovte výchozí hodnoty pro budoucí grafové křivky na původní nastavení.</translation>
2835 </message>
2836 <message>
2837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28312838 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2832 <translation>Odebrání této křivky také odebere</translation>
2833 </message>
2834 <message>
2835 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2839 <translation>Odstraní se i tato křivka</translation>
2840 </message>
2841 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2843 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28372844 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2838 <translation>body. Pokračovat?</translation>
2839 </message>
2840 <message>
2841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2845 <translation>bodů. Pokračovat?</translation>
2846 </message>
2847 <message>
2848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28422849 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2843 <translation>Odebrání těchto křivek také odebere</translation>
2844 </message>
2845 <message>
2846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2850 <translation>Odstranění těchto křivek se také odstraní</translation>
2851 </message>
2852 <message>
2853 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28472854 <source>Curves With Points</source>
28482855 <translation>Křivky s body</translation>
28492856 </message>
28512858 <context>
28522859 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28532860 <message>
2854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2861 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28552862 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28562863 <translation>Vlastnosti křivek</translation>
28572864 </message>
28582865 <message>
2859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2866 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28602867 <source>Curve Name</source>
28612868 <translation>Název křivky</translation>
28622869 </message>
28632870 <message>
2864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2871 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28652872 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28662873 <translation>Název křivky, která je aktuálně vybrána pro úpravy</translation>
28672874 </message>
28682875 <message>
2869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2876 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28702877 <source>Line</source>
28712878 <translation>Úsečka</translation>
28722879 </message>
28732880 <message>
2874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
28752882 <source>Width</source>
28762883 <translation>Délka</translation>
28772884 </message>
28782885 <message>
2879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
28802887 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
28822889 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28852892 Toto lze aplikovat pouze na křivky grafu. Úsečky mezi osovými body se nikdy nevykreslují.</translation>
28862893 </message>
28872894 <message>
2888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2895 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
28902897 <source>Color</source>
28912898 <translation>Barva</translation>
28922899 </message>
28932900 <message>
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
28952902 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
28972904 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29002907 Toto lze aplikovat pouze na křivky grafu. Úsečky mezi osovými body se nikdy nevykreslují.</translation>
29012908 </message>
29022909 <message>
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2910 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29042911 <source>Connect as</source>
29052912 <translation>Spojit jako</translation>
29062913 </message>
29072914 <message>
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2915 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29092916 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29112918 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29152922 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2917 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2924 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29192926 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2920 <translation>Vyberte pravidlo pro připojení bodů s řádky.
2922 Je-li křivka připojena jako funkce s jednou hodnotou, pak jsou body seřazeny podle zvýšené hodnoty nezávislé proměnné.
2924 Pokud je křivka spojena jako uzavřený obrys, jsou body seřazeny podle věku, s výjimkou bodů umístěných podél existující čáry. Kterýkoli bod umístěný nad jakoukoli existující linku je vložen mezi dva koncové body daného řádku - jako by byl jeho věk mezi věkem dvou koncových bodů.
2926 Linky jsou kresleny mezi postupně uspořádanými body.
2928 Rovné křivky jsou kresleny přímými čarami mezi body. Hladké křivky jsou kresleny hladkými čarami mezi následujícími body.
2930 To platí pouze pro křivky grafu. Mezi body os.</translation>
2931 </message>
2932 <message>
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2927 <translation>Zvolte pravidlo pro připojení bodů s čarami. • Pokud je křivka připojena jako funkce s jednou hodnotou, pak jsou body seřazeny podle zvýšené hodnoty nezávislé proměnné. • Pokud je křivka spojena jako uzavřený obrys, pak jsou body seřazeno podle věku, s výjimkou bodů umístěných podél existující linky. Jakýkoli bod umístěný na horní část existující čáry se vloží mezi dva koncové body této čáry - jako by byl věk mezi věkem dvou koncových bodů. Linky jsou kresleny mezi postupně uspořádanými body. Straightové křivky jsou kresleny přímým mezi jednotlivými body. Hladké křivky jsou kresleny hladkými čarami mezi po sobě jdoucími body, přičemž se používají přírodní kubické drážky dvojic (x, y) versus skalární ordinal (t). To platí pouze pro grafové křivky. Mezi body os.</translation>
2928 </message>
2929 <message>
2930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29342931 <source>Point</source>
29352932 <translation>Bod</translation>
29362933 </message>
29372934 <message>
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29392936 <source>Shape</source>
29402937 <translation>Tvar</translation>
29412938 </message>
29422939 <message>
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29442941 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29452942 <translation>Vyberte tvar bodů</translation>
29462943 </message>
29472944 <message>
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29492946 <source>Radius</source>
29502947 <translation>Poloměr</translation>
29512948 </message>
29522949 <message>
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29542951 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29552952 <translation>Vyberte poloměr bodů, v pixelech.</translation>
29562953 </message>
29572954 <message>
2958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29592956 <source>Line width</source>
29602957 <translation>Délka úsečky</translation>
29612958 </message>
29622959 <message>
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29642961 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29662963 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29692966 Větší šířka má za následek silnější čáru, s výjimkou hodnoty nuly, která vždy vede k přímce o šířce jednoho pixelu (což je snadné vidět i při zoomování daleko)</translation>
29702967 </message>
29712968 <message>
2972 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
29732970 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
29742971 <translation>Zvolte barvu čar použitých k vykreslení bodu</translation>
29752972 </message>
29762973 <message>
2977 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
29782975 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
29802977 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
29872984 Pokud jsou viditelná nastavení pro křivku Nth grafu v seznamu křivek, použijí se pro budoucí křivky grafů, které jsou také v grafu Nth grafu, dokud nejsou nová nastavení uložena jako výchozí.</translation>
29882985 </message>
29892986 <message>
2990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
29912988 <source>Preview</source>
29922989 <translation>Náhled</translation>
29932990 </message>
29942991 <message>
2995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2992 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
29962993 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
29982995 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
30913088 <translation>Formát exportu</translation>
30923089 </message>
30933090 <message>
3094 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3091 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
30953092 <source>Included</source>
30963093 <translation>Zahrnuto</translation>
30973094 </message>
30983095 <message>
3099 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31003097 <source>Not included</source>
31013098 <translation>Nezahrnuto</translation>
31023099 </message>
31033100 <message>
3104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31053102 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31073104 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31103107 Pořadí křivek zde neovlivňuje pořadí v exportovaném souboru. Toto pořadí je odvozeno s nastavení křivek.</translation>
31113108 </message>
31123109 <message>
3113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31143111 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31153112 <translation>Seznam křivek, které nebudou zahrnuty v exportovaném souboru</translation>
31163113 </message>
31173114 <message>
3118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31193116 <source>Include</source>
31203117 <translation>Zahrnout</translation>
31213118 </message>
31223119 <message>
3123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31243121 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31253122 <translation>Přesunout vybrané křivky ze seznamu nezahrnutých</translation>
31263123 </message>
31273124 <message>
3128 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31293126 <source>Exclude</source>
31303127 <translation>Vyloučit</translation>
31313128 </message>
31323129 <message>
3133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31343131 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31353132 <translation>Přesunout vybrané křivky ze seznamu zahrnutých</translation>
31363133 </message>
31373134 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31393136 <source>Delimiters</source>
31403137 <translation>Oddělovače</translation>
31413138 </message>
31423139 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31443141 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31453142 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije čárky mezi hodnotami, pokud nejsou přepsány tabelátory v TSV souborech.</translation>
31463143 </message>
31473144 <message>
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31493146 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31503147 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije mezery mezi hodnotami, pokud nejsou přepsány čárkami v CSV nebo tabelátory v TSV souborech.</translation>
31513148 </message>
31523149 <message>
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31543151 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31553152 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije tabelátory mezi hodnotami, pokud nejsou přepsány čárkami v CSV souborech.</translation>
31563153 </message>
31573154 <message>
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31593156 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31603157 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije středníky mezi hodnotami, pokud nejsou přepsány čárkami v CSV souborech.</translation>
31613158 </message>
31623159 <message>
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31643161 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31653162 <translation>Přepsat v CSV/TSV souborech</translation>
31663163 </message>
31673164 <message>
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31693166 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31703167 <translation>CSV(čárkami oddělené hodnoty) a TSV(tabelátory oddělené hodnoty) soubory požívají čárky a tabelátory, dokud není zvoleno toto nastavení. Volbou tohoto nastavení dochází k úpravě oddělovače u obout typů souboru.</translation>
31713168 </message>
31723169 <message>
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
31743171 <source>Layout</source>
31753172 <translation>Rozložení</translation>
31763173 </message>
31773174 <message>
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
31793176 <source>All curves on each line</source>
31803177 <translation>Všechny křivky v jednom řádku</translation>
31813178 </message>
31823179 <message>
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
31843181 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
31853182 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít na každém řádku hodnotu X, hodnotu Y první křivky, hodnotu Y druhé křivky, ...</translation>
31863183 </message>
31873184 <message>
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
31893186 <source>One curve on each line</source>
31903187 <translation>Jedna křivka na řádek</translation>
31913188 </message>
31923189 <message>
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
31943191 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
31953192 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít po řádcích páry X-Y první křivky, poté druhé křivky,...</translation>
31963193 </message>
31973194 <message>
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
31993196 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32003197 <translation>Výběr funkčních bodů</translation>
32013198 </message>
32023199 <message>
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32043201 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32053202 <translation>Interpolovat Y a X ze všech křivek</translation>
32063203 </message>
32073204 <message>
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32093206 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32103207 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije unikátní hodnoty X z každé křivky. Y-ové hodnoty budou následně dle potřeby lineárně interpolovány</translation>
32113208 </message>
32123209 <message>
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3211 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3212 <translation>Extrapolovat vnější koncové body</translation>
3213 </message>
3214 <message>
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3216 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3217 <translation>Povolí nebo zakáže extrapolaci mimo koncové body každé křivky. Pokud je zakázáno, exportují se pouze body mezi koncovými body každé křivky</translation>
3218 </message>
3219 <message>
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32143221 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32153222 <translation>Interpolovat Y a X z první křivky</translation>
32163223 </message>
32173224 <message>
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32193226 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32203227 <translation>Exportovaný soubor použije unikátní hodnoty X z první křivky. Y-ové hodnoty budou následně dle potřeby lineárně interpolovány</translation>
32213228 </message>
32223229 <message>
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3224 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3225 <translation>Interpolovat Y na rovnoměrně rozložené hodnoty X.</translation>
3226 </message>
3227 <message>
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3231 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3232 <translation>Interpolovat Ys při rovnoměrně rozložených hodnotách X, které jsou automaticky vybrány</translation>
3233 </message>
3234 <message>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32293236 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32303237 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít rovnoměrně rozložené hodnoty X pomocí intervalu zadaného níže.</translation>
32313238 </message>
32323239 <message>
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32353242 <source>Interval</source>
32363243 <translation>Interval</translation>
32373244 </message>
32383245 <message>
3239 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32403247 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32423249 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32493256 Hodnoty X budou automaticky zarovnány podle jednoduchých čísel. Pokud první a / nebo poslední body nejsou podél zarovnaných hodnot X, přidá se podle potřeby jeden nebo dva další body.</translation>
32503257 </message>
32513258 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3259 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32533260 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32553262 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32623269 Jednotky grafu jsou upřednostňovány, když rozteč závisí na stupnici X.</translation>
32633270 </message>
32643271 <message>
3265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3273 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3274 <translation>Interpolovat Ys na rovnoměrně rozložených hodnotách X na řádcích mřížky</translation>
3275 </message>
3276 <message>
3277 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3278 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3279 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít hodnoty na rovnoměrně rozložených hodnotách X na svislých čarách mřížky.</translation>
3280 </message>
3281 <message>
3282 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32673284 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32683285 <translation>Surové X a Y</translation>
32693286 </message>
32703287 <message>
3271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3288 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
32733290 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
32743291 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít pouze výchozí hodnoty X a Y</translation>
32753292 </message>
32763293 <message>
3277 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3294 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
32783295 <source>Header</source>
32793296 <translation>Hlavička</translation>
32803297 </message>
32813298 <message>
3282 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
32833300 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
32843301 <translation>Exportovaný soubor nebude mít hlavičku</translation>
32853302 </message>
32863303 <message>
3287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
32883305 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
32893306 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít jednoduchou hlavičku</translation>
32903307 </message>
32913308 <message>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
32933310 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
32943311 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít "gnuplot" hlavičku</translation>
32953312 </message>
32963313 <message>
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
32983315 <source>Save As Default</source>
32993316 <translation>Uložit jako výchozí</translation>
33003317 </message>
33013318 <message>
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33033320 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33043321 <translation>Uloží nastavení pro příští použití.</translation>
33053322 </message>
33063323 <message>
3307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3325 <source>Load Default</source>
3326 <translation>Načíst výchozí</translation>
3327 </message>
3328 <message>
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3330 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3331 <translation>Načtěte výchozí nastavení.</translation>
3332 </message>
3333 <message>
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33083335 <source>Preview</source>
33093336 <translation>Náhled</translation>
33103337 </message>
33113338 <message>
3312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33133340 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33153342 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33183345 Funkce (zde zobrazené modře) jsou nejprve vyvedeny a následně vztahy (zde zelené), pokud existují.</translation>
33193346 </message>
33203347 <message>
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33223349 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33233350 <translation>Výběr vztažných bodů</translation>
33243351 </message>
33253352 <message>
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33273354 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33283355 <translation>Interpolovat X a Y v rovnoměrném rozložení.</translation>
33293356 </message>
33303357 <message>
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33323359 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33333360 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít body rovnoměrně rozmístěné podél každého vztahu, odděleny zvoleným intervalem. Pokud poslední interval nekončí v posledním bodě, přidá se kratší poslední interval, který končí posledním bodem.</translation>
33343361 </message>
33353362 <message>
3336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33373364 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33383365 <translation>Interval mezi po sobě jdoucími body při exportu na rovnoměrně rozložených souřadnicích (X, Y).</translation>
33393366 </message>
33403367 <message>
3341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33423369 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33443371 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33513378 Jednotky grafu jsou obvykle výhodné, když jsou stupnice X a Y stejné.</translation>
33523379 </message>
33533380 <message>
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33553382 <source>Functions</source>
33563383 <translation>Funkce</translation>
33573384 </message>
33583385 <message>
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33603387 <source>Functions Tab
33623389 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33653392 Prvky pro specifikaci formátu funkcí během exportu</translation>
33663393 </message>
33673394 <message>
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33693396 <source>Relations</source>
33703397 <translation>Vztahy</translation>
33713398 </message>
33723399 <message>
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
33743401 <source>Relations Tab
33763403 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
33793406 Prvky pro specifikaci formátu vztahů během exportu</translation>
33803407 </message>
33813408 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
33833410 <source>X Label</source>
33843411 <translation>Popis X</translation>
33853412 </message>
33863413 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3388 <source>Theta Label</source>
3389 <translation>Popis Theta</translation>
3390 </message>
3391 <message>
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
33933415 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
33943416 <translation>Název hlavičky pro hodnoty X</translation>
33953417 </message>
33963418 <message>
3397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3398 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3399 <translation>Název hlavičky pro hodnoty Theta</translation>
3400 </message>
3401 <message>
3402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34033420 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34043421 <translation>Náhled není k dispozici, dokud nejsou definovány body osy.</translation>
34053422 </message>
34663483 <translation>Zobrazení mřížky</translation>
34673484 </message>
34683485 <message>
3469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34703487 <source>Color</source>
34713488 <translation>Barva</translation>
34723489 </message>
34733490 <message>
3474 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
34753492 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
34763493 <translation>Vyberte barvu čar</translation>
34773494 </message>
34783495 <message>
3479 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
34813498 <source>Disable</source>
34823499 <translation>Zakázat</translation>
34833500 </message>
34843501 <message>
3485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
34863503 <source>Disabled value.
34883505 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34913508 Čáry X-ové mřížky jsou definovány pouze třemi body. Pro flexibilitu jsou poskytnuty čtyři body, ze kterých je potřeba jeden vybrat a zakázat. Jakmile je zakázán, hodnota se stále aktualizuje s tím, jak se mění ostatní hodnoty</translation>
34923509 </message>
34933510 <message>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
34963513 <source>Count</source>
34973514 <translation>Počet</translation>
34983515 </message>
34993516 <message>
3500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35013518 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35033520 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35063523 Počet čar mřížky na ose X musí být větší než nula</translation>
35073524 </message>
35083525 <message>
3509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35113528 <source>Start</source>
35123529 <translation>Začátek</translation>
35133530 </message>
35143531 <message>
3515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35163533 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35183535 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35213538 Hodnota začátku nesmí být vyšší, než hodnota konce</translation>
35223539 </message>
35233540 <message>
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35263543 <source>Step</source>
35273544 <translation>Krok</translation>
35283545 </message>
35293546 <message>
3530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35313548 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35333550 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35373554 Hodnota kroku musí být větší než nula</translation>
35383555 </message>
35393556 <message>
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35423559 <source>Stop</source>
35433560 <translation>Konec</translation>
35443561 </message>
35453562 <message>
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35473564 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35493566 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35523569 Hodnota konce nesmí být nižší, než hodnota začátku</translation>
35533570 </message>
35543571 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35563573 <source>Disabled value.
35583575 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35613578 Čáry Y-ové mřížky jsou definovány pouze třemi body. Pro flexibilitu jsou poskytnuty čtyři body, ze kterých je potřeba jeden vybrat a zakázat. Jakmile je zakázán, hodnota se stále aktualizuje s tím, jak se mění ostatní hodnoty</translation>
35623579 </message>
35633580 <message>
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35653582 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35673584 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35703587 Počet čar mřížky na ose Y musí být větší než nula</translation>
35713588 </message>
35723589 <message>
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
35743591 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35763593 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35793596 Hodnota začátku nesmí být vyšší, než hodnota konce</translation>
35803597 </message>
35813598 <message>
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
35833600 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35853602 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35893606 Hodnota kroku musí být větší než nula</translation>
35903607 </message>
35913608 <message>
3592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
35933610 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35953612 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35983615 Hodnota konce nesmí být nižší, než hodnota začátku</translation>
35993616 </message>
36003617 <message>
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36023619 <source>Preview</source>
36033620 <translation>Náhled</translation>
36043621 </message>
36053622 <message>
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36073624 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36083625 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, jak aktuální nastavení ovlivňuje mřížkové zobrazení.</translation>
36093626 </message>
36103627 <message>
3611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36123629 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36133630 <translation>Čáry mřížky na ose X</translation>
36143631 </message>
36153632 <message>
3616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36173634 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36183635 <translation>Čáry mřížky</translation>
36193636 </message>
36203637 <message>
3621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36223639 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36233640 <translation>Čáry mřížky na ose Y</translation>
36243641 </message>
36253642 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36273644 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36283645 <translation>Čáry mřížky na poloměru</translation>
36293646 </message>
36303647 <message>
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36323649 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36333650 <translation>Počet mřížkových linek překračuje limit nastavený v Nastavení / Hlavní okno.</translation>
36343651 </message>
36413658 <translation>Odebrání mřížky</translation>
36423659 </message>
36433660 <message>
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36453662 <source>Preview</source>
36463663 <translation>Náhled</translation>
36473664 </message>
36483665 <message>
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36503667 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36513668 <translation>Okno náhledu, které zobrazuje, jak aktuální nastavení ovlivňuje odstranění mřížky.</translation>
36523669 </message>
36533670 <message>
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36553672 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36563673 <translation>Odstraňte pixely v blízkosti definovaných řádků mřížky</translation>
36573674 </message>
36583675 <message>
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36603677 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36623679 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
36653682 Tato volba je k dispozici pouze tehdy, jsou-li všechny body osy definovány.</translation>
36663683 </message>
36673684 <message>
3668 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36693686 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36703687 <translation>Zblízka vzdálenosti (pixely)</translation>
36713688 </message>
36723689 <message>
3673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
36743691 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
36763693 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
36833700 Tato hodnota nemůže být záporná. Nulová hodnota zakazuje tuto funkci. Desetinné hodnoty jsou povoleny</translation>
36843701 </message>
36853702 <message>
3686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
36873704 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36883705 <translation>Čáry mřížky na ose X</translation>
36893706 </message>
36903707 <message>
3691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
36923709 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36933710 <translation>Čáry mřížky</translation>
36943711 </message>
36953712 <message>
3696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
36983715 <source>Disable</source>
36993716 <translation>Zakázat</translation>
37003717 </message>
37013718 <message>
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3719 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37033720 <source>Disabled value.
37053722 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37083725 Čáry X-ové mřížky jsou definovány pouze třemi body. Pro flexibilitu jsou poskytnuty čtyři body, ze kterých je potřeba jeden vybrat a zakázat. Jakmile je zakázán, hodnota se stále aktualizuje s tím, jak se mění ostatní hodnoty</translation>
37093726 </message>
37103727 <message>
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37133730 <source>Count</source>
37143731 <translation>Počet</translation>
37153732 </message>
37163733 <message>
3717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37183735 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37203737 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37233740 Počet čar mřížky na ose X musí být větší než nula</translation>
37243741 </message>
37253742 <message>
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37283745 <source>Start</source>
37293746 <translation>Začátek</translation>
37303747 </message>
37313748 <message>
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37333750 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37353752 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37383755 Hodnota začátku nesmí být vyšší, než hodnota konce</translation>
37393756 </message>
37403757 <message>
3741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37433760 <source>Step</source>
37443761 <translation>Krok</translation>
37453762 </message>
37463763 <message>
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37483765 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37503767 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37543771 Hodnota kroku musí být větší než nula</translation>
37553772 </message>
37563773 <message>
3757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37593776 <source>Stop</source>
37603777 <translation>Konec</translation>
37613778 </message>
37623779 <message>
3763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37643781 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
37663783 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37693786 Hodnota konce nesmí být nižší, než hodnota začátku</translation>
37703787 </message>
37713788 <message>
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
37733790 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
37743791 <translation>Čáry mřížky na ose Y</translation>
37753792 </message>
37763793 <message>
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
37783795 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
37793796 <translation>Čáry mřížky na poloměru</translation>
37803797 </message>
37813798 <message>
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
37833800 <source>Disabled value.
37853802 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37883805 Čáry Y-ové mřížky jsou definovány pouze třemi body. Pro flexibilitu jsou poskytnuty čtyři body, ze kterých je potřeba jeden vybrat a zakázat. Jakmile je zakázán, hodnota se stále aktualizuje s tím, jak se mění ostatní hodnoty</translation>
37893806 </message>
37903807 <message>
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
37923809 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
37943811 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37973814 Počet čar mřížky na ose Y musí být větší než nula</translation>
37983815 </message>
37993816 <message>
3800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38013818 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38033820 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38063823 Hodnota začátku nesmí být vyšší, než hodnota konce</translation>
38073824 </message>
38083825 <message>
3809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38103827 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38123829 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38163833 Hodnota kroku musí být větší než nula</translation>
38173834 </message>
38183835 <message>
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38203837 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38223839 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38283845 <context>
38293846 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38303847 <message>
3831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38323849 <source>Main Window</source>
38333850 <translation>Hlavní okno</translation>
38343851 </message>
38353852 <message>
3836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3853 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38373854 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38383855 <translation>Počáteční přiblížení</translation>
38393856 </message>
38403857 <message>
3841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3858 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38423859 <source>Initial Zoom
38443861 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38473864 Vyberte počáteční přiblížení pro nově otevřené dokumenty. Buď může být zachováno předchozí přiblížení nebo může být specifikováno nové.</translation>
38483865 </message>
38493866 <message>
3850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3867 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38513868 <source>Zoom control</source>
38523869 <translation>Ovládání přiblížení</translation>
38533870 </message>
38543871 <message>
3855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38563873 <source>Menu only</source>
38573874 <translation>Pouze menu</translation>
38583875 </message>
38593876 <message>
3860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38613878 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38623879 <translation>Pouze menu a kolečko myši</translation>
38633880 </message>
38643881 <message>
3865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38663883 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
38673884 <translation>Menu a klávesy +/-</translation>
38683885 </message>
38693886 <message>
3870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
38713888 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
38723889 <translation>Menu, kolečko myši a klávesy +/-</translation>
38733890 </message>
38743891 <message>
3875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
38763893 <source>Zoom Control
38783895 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
38813898 Zvolte, jakými vstupy bude přiblížení ovládáno</translation>
38823899 </message>
38833900 <message>
3884 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
38853901 <source>Locale</source>
3886 <translation>Národnostní nastavení</translation>
3887 </message>
3888 <message>
3889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3902 <translation type="vanished">Národnostní nastavení</translation>
3903 </message>
3904 <message>
3905 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3906 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3907 <translation>Národní prostředí (vyžaduje restart)</translation>
3908 </message>
3909 <message>
3910 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
38903911 <source>Locale
38923913 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
38993920 Nastavení definuje, jak budou čísla formátovány. Konkrétně zda budou v číslech použity čárky nebo tečky - pro zobrazení v aplikace a při exportu.</translation>
39003921 </message>
39013922 <message>
3902 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39033924 <source>Import cropping</source>
39043925 <translation>Oříznutí importu</translation>
39053926 </message>
39063927 <message>
3907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39083929 <source>Import Cropping
39103931 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39173938 Toto nastavení má pouze účinek, když byl Engauge vybudován s podporou souborů PDF.</translation>
39183939 </message>
39193940 <message>
3920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39213942 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39223943 <translation>Rozlišení importovaného PDF (body na palec)</translation>
39233944 </message>
39243945 <message>
3925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3946 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39263947 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39283949 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39313952 Importované PDF bude převedeno do tohoto rozlišení na body na palec, kde každy pixel je jeden bod. Vyšší hodnota zvyšuje rozlišení obrázku a taktéž může zlepšit správnost digitalizace. Naopak příliš velké rozlišení může způsobit zpomalení aplikace.</translation>
39323953 </message>
39333954 <message>
3934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39353956 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39363957 <translation>Maximální počet čar mřížky</translation>
39373958 </message>
39383959 <message>
3939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39403961 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39423963 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39453966 Maximální počet čar mřížky, které budou zpracovány. Tento limit je aplikován pro hodnoty počátku a konce, pokud je hodnota kroku příliš malá, což by mohlo vést k příliš vysokému počtu čar, nepřehlednosti a příliš dlouhému zpracování (protože každá čára musí být zpracována)</translation>
39463967 </message>
39473968 <message>
3948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39493970 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39503971 <translation>Průhlednost zvýraznění</translation>
39513972 </message>
39523973 <message>
3953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39543975 <source>Highlight Opacity
39563977 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
39593980 Opacita, která se použije, když je kurzor v režimu výběru přes křivku nebo bod osy. Změna vzhledu ukazuje, kdy lze vybrat bod.</translation>
39603981 </message>
39613982 <message>
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39633984 <source>Recent file list</source>
39643985 <translation>Poslední soubory</translation>
39653986 </message>
39663987 <message>
3967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
39683989 <source>Clear</source>
39693990 <translation>Vyčistit</translation>
39703991 </message>
39713992 <message>
3972 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
39733994 <source>Recent File List Clear
39753996 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
39783999 Smaže seznam posledních souborů v menu Soubor</translation>
39794000 </message>
39804001 <message>
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
39824003 <source>Include title bar path</source>
39834004 <translation>Zahrnout cestu k hlavnímu panelu</translation>
39844005 </message>
39854006 <message>
3986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
39874008 <source>Title Bar Filename
39894010 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
39924013 Zahrnuje nebo vylučuje cestu a příponu souboru z názvu souboru v záhlaví.</translation>
39934014 </message>
39944015 <message>
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
39964017 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
39974018 <translation>Povolit malé dialogy</translation>
39984019 </message>
39994020 <message>
4000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40014022 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40034024 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40064027 Umožňuje nastavit velmi malé dialogy nastavení, aby se vešly na obrazovky malých počítačů.</translation>
40074028 </message>
40084029 <message>
4009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40104031 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40114032 <translation>Povolit export drag and drop</translation>
40124033 </message>
40134034 <message>
4014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40154036 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40174038 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40244045 Pokud je přetažením deaktivováno, lze pomocí klepnutí a přetažení vybrat obdélníkovou množinu buněk tabulky. Pokud je povoleno přetahování, je možné vybrat obdélníkovou množinu buněk tabulky pomocí klávesových zkratek a kliknutí, protože klepnutím a tažením spustíte operaci přetažení.</translation>
40254046 </message>
40264047 <message>
4027 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4049 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4050 <translation>Obrázek nahrazuje dokument přejmenování</translation>
4051 </message>
4052 <message>
4053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4054 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4056 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4057 <translation>Obrázek nahrazující přejmenování dokumentu
4059 Když je obrázek importován, aby nahradil aktuální obrázek, bude dokument přejmenován, pokud je to pravda, jinak zůstane název stejný.</translation>
4060 </message>
4061 <message>
4062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40284063 <source>Significant digits</source>
40294064 <translation>Významné číslice</translation>
40304065 </message>
40314066 <message>
4032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40334068 <source>Significant Digits
40354070 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
42804315 <context>
42814316 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
42824317 <message>
4318 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
42834319 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4284 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
42854320 <source>Geometry Window</source>
42864321 <translation>Okno geometrie</translation>
42874322 </message>
42884323 <message>
4289 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4324 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
42904325 <source>Geometry Window
42924327 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43214356 Vzdálenost = vzdálenost podél křivky v dopředném nebo zpětném směru v libovolných grafových jednotkách nebo v procentech
43234358 Pokud je funkce přetahování a deaktivace deaktivována, lze klepnutím a přetažením vybrat obdélníkovou sadu buněk. V opačném případě, je-li povoleno přetažením, může být vybrána obdélníková sada buněk pomocí klávesových zkratek a kláves Shift + Click, protože klepnutím a tažením spustíte operaci tažení. Režim přetahování je nastaven v nastavení Hlavní okno</translation>
4359 </message>
4360 <message>
4361 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4362 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4363 <translation>Zvýrazněné segmenty mohou mít při exportu kvůli překrytí neočekávané hodnoty. Upravte body nebo změňte nastavení / Vlastnosti křivky / Připojte jako.</translation>
4364 </message>
4365 </context>
4366 <context>
4367 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4368 <message>
4369 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4370 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4371 <translation>Seznam krivek</translation>
43244372 </message>
43254373 </context>
43264374 <context>
43694417 <context>
43704418 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
43714419 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4420 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
43734421 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
43744422 <translation>Nelze stáhnout obrázek z</translation>
43754423 </message>
43764424 <message>
4377 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4425 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
43784426 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
43794427 <translation>Nelze načíst obrázek z</translation>
43804428 </message>
43824430 <context>
43834431 <name>MainWindow</name>
43844432 <message>
4385 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4433 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
43864434 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
43874435 <translation>Nelze exportovat do souboru</translation>
43884436 </message>
43894437 <message>
4390 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4438 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
43914439 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
43924440 <translation>Nelze extrahovat obraz do souboru</translation>
43934441 </message>
43944442 <message>
4395 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4396 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4397 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4443 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4444 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4445 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
43984446 <source>Cannot read file</source>
43994447 <translation>Nelze číst soubor</translation>
44004448 </message>
44014449 <message>
4402 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4403 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4404 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4450 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4451 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4452 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44054453 <source>from directory</source>
44064454 <translation>z adresáře</translation>
44074455 </message>
44084456 <message>
4409 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4457 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44104458 <source>Import Image</source>
44114459 <translation>Importovat obrázek</translation>
44124460 </message>
44134461 <message>
4414 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4462 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44154463 <source>File opened</source>
44164464 <translation>Soubor byl otevřen</translation>
44174465 </message>
44184466 <message>
4419 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4467 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44204468 <source>File not found</source>
44214469 <translation>Soubor nenalezen</translation>
44224470 </message>
44234471 <message>
4424 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44254473 <source>Error report opened</source>
44264474 <translation>Otevření chybového hlášení</translation>
44274475 </message>
44284476 <message>
4429 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4430 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4478 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44314479 <source>File imported</source>
44324480 <translation>Importovaný soubor</translation>
44334481 </message>
44344482 <message>
4435 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4483 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44364484 <source>Background image.</source>
44374485 <translation>Obrázek na pozadí.</translation>
44384486 </message>
44394487 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4488 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44414489 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44424490 <translation>Aktuálně zvolená křivka.</translation>
44434491 </message>
44444492 <message>
4445 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44464494 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44474495 <translation>Bod stylu aktuálně vybrané křivky.</translation>
44484496 </message>
44494497 <message>
4450 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44514499 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44524500 <translation>Segmentový filtr pro aktuálně vybranou křivku.</translation>
44534501 </message>
44544502 <message>
4455 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4503 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44564504 <source>The document has been modified.
44574505 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44584506 <translation>Dokument byl změněn.
44594507 Chcete změny uložit?</translation>
44604508 </message>
44614509 <message>
4462 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4510 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44634511 <source>Cannot write file</source>
44644512 <translation>Nelze psát soubor</translation>
44654513 </message>
44664514 <message>
4467 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4515 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44684516 <source>Save</source>
44694517 <translation>Uložit</translation>
44704518 </message>
44714519 <message>
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4520 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
44734521 <source>Export</source>
44744522 <translation>Vývozní</translation>
44754523 </message>
44764524 <message>
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4525 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
44784526 <source>Open Document</source>
44794527 <translation>Otevřete dokument</translation>
44804528 </message>
44814529 <message>
4482 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4530 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
44834531 <source>+</source>
44844532 <translation>+</translation>
44854533 </message>
44864534 <message>
4487 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4535 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
44884536 <source>-</source>
44894537 <translation>-</translation>
44904538 </message>
44914539 <message>
4492 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4540 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
44934541 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44944542 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
44954543 </message>
44974545 <context>
44984546 <name>QObject</name>
44994547 <message>
4500 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4501 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4502 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4548 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4549 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4550 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45034551 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45044552 <translation>Nový bod osy nemůže být ve stejné pozici obrazovky jako existující bod osy</translation>
45054553 </message>
45064554 <message>
4507 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4508 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4555 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4556 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45094557 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45104558 <translation>Nový bod osy nemůže mít stejné souřadnice souřadnic jako existující bod osy</translation>
45114559 </message>
45124560 <message>
4513 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4514 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4561 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4562 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45154563 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45164564 <translation>Na obrazovce se mohou nacházet více než dvě osové body podél stejné čáry</translation>
45174565 </message>
45184566 <message>
4519 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4520 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4567 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4568 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45214569 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45224570 <translation>Na souřadnicích grafů se mohou nacházet více než dvě osové body podél stejné čáry</translation>
45234571 </message>
45244572 <message>
4525 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4573 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45264574 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45274575 <translation>Příliš mnoho bodů osy x. Měly by existovat pouze dva</translation>
45284576 </message>
45294577 <message>
4530 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45314579 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45324580 <translation>Příliš mnoho bodů osy y. Měly by existovat pouze dva</translation>
45334581 </message>
45344582 <message>
4535 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45364584 <source>Never</source>
45374585 <translation>Nikdy</translation>
45384586 </message>
45394587 <message>
4540 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45414589 <source>NSeconds</source>
45424590 <translation>N sekund</translation>
45434591 </message>
45444592 <message>
4545 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4593 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45464594 <source>Forever</source>
45474595 <translation>Navždy</translation>
4548 </message>
4549 <message>
4550 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4551 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4552 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4553 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4554 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4555 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4556 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4557 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4558 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4559 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4560 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4561 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4562 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4563 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4564 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4565 <source>Unknown</source>
4566 <translation>Neznámý</translation>
45674596 </message>
45684597 <message>
45694598 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46124641 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46134642 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46144643 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4615 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4644 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46164645 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46174646 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46184647 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46504679 <translation>Hodnota</translation>
46514680 </message>
46524681 <message>
4653 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4682 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4683 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4684 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4685 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4686 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4687 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4688 <source>Unknown</source>
4689 <translation>Neznámý</translation>
4690 </message>
4691 <message>
4692 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46544693 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46554694 <translation>Nelze číst data filtru křivky</translation>
46564695 </message>
47274766 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47284767 </message>
47294768 <message>
4730 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4769 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47314770 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47324771 <translation>Neočekávaný token xml</translation>
47334772 </message>
47384777 <translation>Nelze číst data křivky</translation>
47394778 </message>
47404779 <message>
4741 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4780 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47424781 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47434782 <translation>Funkce hladká</translation>
47444783 </message>
47454784 <message>
4746 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4785 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47474786 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47484787 <translation>Funkce rovná</translation>
47494788 </message>
47504789 <message>
4751 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4790 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47524791 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47534792 <translation>Vztah hladký</translation>
47544793 </message>
47554794 <message>
4756 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4795 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47574796 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47584797 <translation>Vztah rovný</translation>
47594798 </message>
47604799 <message>
4761 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4800 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47624801 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47634802 <translation>Připojte přeskočení křivky osy</translation>
47644803 </message>
47814820 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
47824821 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
47834822 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4784 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4823 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
47854824 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
47864825 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
47874826 </message>
47914830 <translation>Byly definovány tři osové body a již nejsou potřeba ani povoleny.</translation>
47924831 </message>
47934832 <message>
4794 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4833 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
47954834 <source>Color Picker</source>
47964835 <translation>Výběr barvy</translation>
47974836 </message>
47984837 <message>
4799 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4838 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48004839 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48014840 <translation>Je nám líto, ale bod pro výběr barev musí být v blízkosti pixelu bez pozadí. Prosím zkuste to znovu.</translation>
48024841 </message>
48364875 <translation>Posun nahoru</translation>
48374876 </message>
48384877 <message>
4839 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4840 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4878 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4879 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48414880 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48424881 <translation>Operační systém říká, že soubor není čitelný</translation>
48434882 </message>
48444883 <message>
4845 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4884 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48464885 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48474886 <translation>nemůže číst novější soubory z verze</translation>
48484887 </message>
48494888 <message>
4850 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4889 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48514890 <source>of</source>
48524891 <translation>z</translation>
48534892 </message>
48544893 <message>
4855 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4894 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48564895 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48574896 <source>File</source>
48584897 <translation>Soubor</translation>
48594898 </message>
48604899 <message>
4861 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4900 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48624901 <source>was not found</source>
48634902 <translation>nebyl nalezen</translation>
48644903 </message>
48654904 <message>
4866 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4905 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48674906 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
48684907 <translation>Nelze číst data o snímku</translation>
48694908 </message>
48884927 <translation>Nelze číst data digitalizace křivky</translation>
48894928 </message>
48904929 <message>
4891 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4930 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
48924931 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
48934932 <translation>Nelze číst data exportu</translation>
48944933 </message>
49234962 <translation>Došlo k chybě identifikátoru bodu. Informujte vývojáře společnosti Engauge spolu s případnými připomínkami týkajícími se země a jazyka. Název neplatného bodu byl</translation>
49244963 </message>
49254964 <message>
4926 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4965 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49274966 <source>Commas</source>
49284967 <translation>Čárky</translation>
49294968 </message>
49304969 <message>
4931 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4970 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49324971 <source>Semicolons</source>
49334972 <translation>Polotóny</translation>
49344973 </message>
49354974 <message>
4936 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4975 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49374976 <source>Spaces</source>
49384977 <translation>Prostory</translation>
49394978 </message>
49404979 <message>
4941 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4980 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49424981 <source>Tabs</source>
49434982 <translation>Záložky</translation>
49444983 </message>
49454984 <message>
4946 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4985 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49474986 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49484987 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49494988 </message>
49504989 <message>
4951 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4990 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49524991 <source>None</source>
49534992 <translation>Žádný</translation>
49544993 </message>
49554994 <message>
4956 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4995 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49574996 <source>Simple</source>
49584997 <translation>Jednoduchý</translation>
49594998 </message>
49685007 <translation>Nelze exportovat soubor</translation>
49695008 </message>
49705009 <message>
4971 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5010 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49725011 <source>AllPerLine</source>
49735012 <translation>Vše na řádek</translation>
49745013 </message>
49755014 <message>
4976 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5015 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
49775016 <source>OnePerLine</source>
49785017 <translation>Jeden na řádek</translation>
49795018 </message>
49805019 <message>
4981 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5020 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
49825021 <source>Graph Units</source>
49835022 <translation>Jednotky grafu</translation>
49845023 </message>
49855024 <message>
4986 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5025 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
49875026 <source>Pixels</source>
49885027 <translation>Pixelů</translation>
49895028 </message>
49905029 <message>
4991 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5030 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49925031 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
49935032 <translation>Interpolovat všechny křivky</translation>
49945033 </message>
49955034 <message>
4996 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5035 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
49975036 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
49985037 <translation>Interpolate první křivku</translation>
49995038 </message>
50005039 <message>
5001 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5040 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50025041 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50035042 <translation>Interpolovat pravidelně</translation>
50045043 </message>
50055044 <message>
5006 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5007 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5045 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5046 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50085047 <source>Raw</source>
50095048 <translation>Drsný</translation>
50105049 </message>
50115050 <message>
5012 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5051 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50135052 <source>Interpolate</source>
50145053 <translation>Interpolovat</translation>
50155054 </message>
50165055 <message>
5017 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5056 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50185057 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50195058 <translation>Nelze číst soubor skriptu</translation>
50205059 </message>
50215060 <message>
5022 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5061 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50235062 <source>from directory</source>
50245063 <translation>z adresáře</translation>
50255064 </message>
50555094 </message>
50565095 <message>
50575096 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5058 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5097 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50595098 <source>X</source>
50605099 <translation>X</translation>
50615100 </message>
50655104 <translation>Y</translation>
50665105 </message>
50675106 <message>
5068 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5107 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
50695108 <source>Count</source>
50705109 <translation>Počet</translation>
50715110 </message>
50725111 <message>
5073 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5112 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
50745113 <source>Start</source>
50755114 <translation>Začátek</translation>
50765115 </message>
50775116 <message>
5078 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5117 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
50795118 <source>Step</source>
50805119 <translation>Krok</translation>
50815120 </message>
50825121 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5122 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
50845123 <source>Stop</source>
50855124 <translation>Konec</translation>
50865125 </message>
51205159 <translation>Nelze číst identifikátory bodu</translation>
51215160 </message>
51225161 <message>
5123 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5162 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51245163 <source>Circle</source>
51255164 <translation>Kruh</translation>
51265165 </message>
51275166 <message>
5128 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5167 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51295168 <source>Cross</source>
51305169 <translation>Přejít</translation>
51315170 </message>
51325171 <message>
5133 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5172 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51345173 <source>Diamond</source>
51355174 <translation>Ddiamant</translation>
51365175 </message>
51375176 <message>
5138 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5177 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5178 <source>Hourglass</source>
5179 <translation>Přesýpací hodiny</translation>
5180 </message>
5181 <message>
5182 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51395183 <source>Square</source>
51405184 <translation>Náměstí</translation>
51415185 </message>
51425186 <message>
5143 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5187 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51445188 <source>Triangle</source>
51455189 <translation>Trojúhelník</translation>
51465190 </message>
51475191 <message>
5148 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5192 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5193 <source>Triangle2</source>
5194 <translation>Trojúhelník2</translation>
5195 </message>
5196 <message>
5197 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51495198 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51505199 <translation>Nelze číst data stylu bodů</translation>
51515200 </message>
51525201 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5202 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51545203 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51555204 <translation>Souřadnice souřadnic</translation>
51565205 </message>
51575206 <message>
5158 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5207 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51595208 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51605209 <translation>Souřadnice pixelů</translation>
51615210 </message>
51625211 <message>
5163 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5212 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51645213 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51655214 <translation>Rozlišení grafu</translation>
51665215 </message>
51755224 <translation>Potřebujeme více os bodů</translation>
51765225 </message>
51775226 <message>
5178 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
51795227 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5180 <translation>16: 1 dále</translation>
5181 </message>
5182 <message>
5183 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5228 <translation type="vanished">16:1更遠</translation>
5229 </message>
5230 <message>
51845231 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5185 <translation>8: 1 blíž</translation>
5186 </message>
5187 <message>
5188 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5232 <translation type="vanished">8:1更接近</translation>
5233 </message>
5234 <message>
51895235 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5190 <translation>8: 1 dále</translation>
5191 </message>
5192 <message>
5193 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5236 <translation type="vanished">8:1更遠</translation>
5237 </message>
5238 <message>
51945239 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5195 <translation>4: 1 blíž</translation>
5196 </message>
5197 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5240 <translation type="vanished">4:1更接近</translation>
5241 </message>
5242 <message>
51995243 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5200 <translation>4: 1 dále</translation>
5201 </message>
5202 <message>
5203 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5244 <translation type="vanished">4:1更遠</translation>
5245 </message>
5246 <message>
52045247 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5205 <translation>2: 1 blíž</translation>
5206 </message>
5207 <message>
5208 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5248 <translation type="vanished">2:1更接近</translation>
5249 </message>
5250 <message>
52095251 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5210 <translation>2: 1 dále</translation>
5211 </message>
5212 <message>
5213 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5252 <translation type="vanished">2:1更遠</translation>
5253 </message>
5254 <message>
52145255 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5215 <translation>1: 1 blíž</translation>
5216 </message>
5217 <message>
5218 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5256 <translation type="vanished">1:1更接近</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
52195259 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5220 <translation>1: 1 dále</translation>
5221 </message>
5222 <message>
5223 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5260 <translation type="vanished">1:1更遠</translation>
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
52245263 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5225 <translation>1: 2 blíž</translation>
5226 </message>
5227 <message>
5228 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5264 <translation type="vanished">1:2更接近</translation>
5265 </message>
5266 <message>
52295267 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5230 <translation>1: 2 dále</translation>
5231 </message>
5232 <message>
5233 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5268 <translation type="vanished">1:2更遠</translation>
5269 </message>
5270 <message>
52345271 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5235 <translation>1: 4 blíž</translation>
5236 </message>
5237 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5272 <translation type="vanished">1:4更接近</translation>
5273 </message>
5274 <message>
52395275 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5240 <translation>1: 4 dále</translation>
5241 </message>
5242 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5276 <translation type="vanished">1:4更遠</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
52445279 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5245 <translation>1: 8 blíž</translation>
5246 </message>
5247 <message>
5248 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5280 <translation type="vanished">1:8更接近</translation>
5281 </message>
5282 <message>
52495283 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5250 <translation>1: 8 dále</translation>
5251 </message>
5252 <message>
5253 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5284 <translation type="vanished">1:8更遠</translation>
5285 </message>
5286 <message>
52545287 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5255 <translation>1: 16 blíž</translation>
5256 </message>
5257 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5288 <translation type="vanished">1:16更接近</translation>
5289 </message>
5290 <message>
52595291 <source>Fill</source>
5260 <translation>Vyplnit</translation>
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
5263 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5292 <translation type="vanished">填</translation>
5293 </message>
5294 <message>
52645295 <source>Previous</source>
5265 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
5268 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5296 <translation type="vanished">Předchozí</translation>
5297 </message>
5298 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
52695300 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
52705301 <translation>Zdá se, že soubor obsahuje znaky z více jazykových abeced, které nefungují v příkazovém řádku systému Windows</translation>
52715302 </message>
52725303 <message>
5273 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
52745305 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
52755306 <translation>Nelze číst data hlavního okna</translation>
52765307 </message>
52775308 <message>
5278 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5279 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5309 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5310 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
52805311 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
52815312 <translation>není platný název souboru</translation>
52825313 </message>
52835314 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5315 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
52855316 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
52865317 <translation>není platné rozšíření souboru obrázku</translation>
52875318 </message>
52885319 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5320 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
52905321 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
52915322 <translation>se používá pouze s jedním nebo více soubory načtení</translation>
52925323 </message>
52935324 <message>
5294 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
52955326 <source>Available styles</source>
52965327 <translation>Dostupné styly</translation>
52975328 </message>
52985329 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53005331 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53015332 <translation>Povoluje další informace o ladění. Používá se k ladění</translation>
53025333 </message>
53035334 <message>
5304 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53055335 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5306 <translation>Určuje soubor s hlášením o chybě jako vstup. Používá se k ladění a testování</translation>
5307 </message>
5308 <message>
5309 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5336 <translation type="vanished">Určuje soubor s hlášením o chybě jako vstup. Používá se k ladění a testování</translation>
5337 </message>
5338 <message>
5339 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5340 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5341 <translation>Označuje soubory otevřené při spuštění pro testování přetažení. Používá se pro regresní testování</translation>
5342 </message>
5343 <message>
5344 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5345 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5346 <translation>Určuje soubor hlášení chyb jako vstup. Používá se pro ladění a regresní testování</translation>
5347 </message>
5348 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53105350 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53115351 <translation>Exportovat každý načtený spouštěcí soubor, který musí mít všechny body osy definované, a potom zastavit</translation>
53125352 </message>
53135353 <message>
5314 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5354 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53155355 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53165356 <translation>Extrahujte obraz v každém načteném spouštěcím souboru do souboru s určeným příponou a potom zastavte</translation>
53175357 </message>
53185358 <message>
5319 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5359 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53205360 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53215361 <translation>Určuje soubor příkazového souboru příkazu jako vstup. Používá se k ladění a testování</translation>
53225362 </message>
53235363 <message>
5324 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5364 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53255365 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53265366 <translation>Výstupní diagnostické vstupní soubory gnuplot. Používá se k ladění</translation>
53275367 </message>
53285368 <message>
5329 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5369 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53305370 <source>Show this help information</source>
53315371 <translation>Zobrazte tyto informace nápovědy</translation>
53325372 </message>
53335373 <message>
5334 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5374 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53355375 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53365376 <translation>Provádí soubor chybového hlášení nebo skript příkazového souboru. Používá se pro regresní testování</translation>
53375377 </message>
53385378 <message>
5339 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5379 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53405380 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53415381 <translation>Odstraní všechna uložená nastavení včetně poloh oken. Používá se při spuštění oken mimo obrazovku</translation>
53425382 </message>
53435383 <message>
5344 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5384 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5385 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5386 <translation>Nastavte styl okna na jeden ze stylů uvedených příkazem příkazového řádku</translation>
5387 </message>
5388 <message>
5389 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5390 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5391 <translation>Zobrazí seznam dostupných stylů, které lze použít s možností příkazového řádku</translation>
5392 </message>
5393 <message>
53455394 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5346 <translation>Zobrazit seznam dostupných stylů, které lze použít s příkazem -style</translation>
5347 </message>
5348 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5395 <translation type="vanished">Zobrazit seznam dostupných stylů, které lze použít s příkazem -style</translation>
5396 </message>
5397 <message>
5398 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5399 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5400 <translation>Aktualizační soubory byly otevřeny při spuštění na nejnovější verzi</translation>
5401 </message>
5402 <message>
5403 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53505404 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53515405 <translation>Soubory, které mají být při spuštění importovány nebo otevřeny</translation>
5406 </message>
5407 <message>
5408 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5409 <source>Could not write to</source>
5410 <translation>Nelze zapisovat</translation>
5411 </message>
5412 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5414 <source>Upgraded</source>
5415 <translation>Aktualizováno</translation>
5416 </message>
5417 <message>
5418 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5419 <source>to</source>
5420 <translation>na</translation>
53525421 </message>
53535422 <message>
53545423 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
53745443 <context>
53755444 <name>StatusBar</name>
53765445 <message>
5377 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5446 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
53785447 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
53795448 <translation>Zvolte hodnoty souřadnic kurzoru, které chcete zobrazit</translation>
53805449 </message>
53815450 <message>
5382 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5451 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
53835452 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
53855454 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
53885457 Hodnoty na souřadnicích kurzoru pro zobrazení. Souřadnice jsou v jednotkách obrazovky (pixely) nebo grafu. Rozlišení (což je počet jednotek grafu na pixel) je v jednotkách grafů. Jednotky grafu jsou k dispozici pouze po definování osových bodů.</translation>
53895458 </message>
53905459 <message>
5391 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5460 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
53925461 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
53935462 <translation>Hodnoty souřadnic kurzorů.</translation>
53945463 </message>
53955464 <message>
5396 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5465 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
53975466 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
53995468 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54025471 Hodnoty na souřadnicích kurzoru. Souřadnice jsou v jednotkách obrazovky (pixely) nebo grafu. Rozlišení (což je počet jednotek grafu na pixel) je v jednotkách grafů. Jednotky grafu jsou k dispozici pouze po definování osových bodů.</translation>
54035472 </message>
54045473 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5474 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54065475 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54075476 <translation>Zvolte zoom.</translation>
54085477 </message>
54095478 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5479 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54115480 <source>Select Zoom
54135482 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54145483 <translation>Zvolte Zoom
54165485 Body lze přesněji umístit přiblížením.</translation>
5486 </message>
5487 <message>
5488 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5489 <source>16:1</source>
5490 <translation>16:1</translation>
5491 </message>
5492 <message>
5493 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5494 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5495 <translation>16:1更遠</translation>
5496 </message>
5497 <message>
5498 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5499 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5500 <translation>8:1更接近</translation>
5501 </message>
5502 <message>
5503 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5504 <source>8:1</source>
5505 <translation>8:1</translation>
5506 </message>
5507 <message>
5508 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5509 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5510 <translation>8:1更遠</translation>
5511 </message>
5512 <message>
5513 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5514 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5515 <translation>4:1更接近</translation>
5516 </message>
5517 <message>
5518 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5519 <source>4:1</source>
5520 <translation>4:1</translation>
5521 </message>
5522 <message>
5523 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5524 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5525 <translation>4:1更遠</translation>
5526 </message>
5527 <message>
5528 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5529 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5530 <translation>2:1更接近</translation>
5531 </message>
5532 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5534 <source>2:1</source>
5535 <translation>2:1</translation>
5536 </message>
5537 <message>
5538 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5539 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5540 <translation>2:1更遠</translation>
5541 </message>
5542 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5544 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5545 <translation>1:1更接近</translation>
5546 </message>
5547 <message>
5548 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5549 <source>1:1</source>
5550 <translation>1:1</translation>
5551 </message>
5552 <message>
5553 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5554 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5555 <translation>1:1更遠</translation>
5556 </message>
5557 <message>
5558 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5559 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5560 <translation>1:2更接近</translation>
5561 </message>
5562 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5564 <source>1:2</source>
5565 <translation>1:2</translation>
5566 </message>
5567 <message>
5568 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5569 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5570 <translation>1:2更遠</translation>
5571 </message>
5572 <message>
5573 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5574 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5575 <translation>1:4更接近</translation>
5576 </message>
5577 <message>
5578 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5579 <source>1:4</source>
5580 <translation>1:4</translation>
5581 </message>
5582 <message>
5583 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5584 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5585 <translation>1:4更遠</translation>
5586 </message>
5587 <message>
5588 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5589 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5590 <translation>1:8更接近</translation>
5591 </message>
5592 <message>
5593 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5594 <source>1:8</source>
5595 <translation>1:8</translation>
5596 </message>
5597 <message>
5598 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5599 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5600 <translation>1:8更遠</translation>
5601 </message>
5602 <message>
5603 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5604 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5605 <translation>1:16更接近</translation>
5606 </message>
5607 <message>
5608 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5609 <source>1:16</source>
5610 <translation>1:16</translation>
5611 </message>
5612 <message>
5613 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5614 <source>Fill</source>
5615 <translation>填</translation>
5616 </message>
5617 <message>
5618 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5619 <source>Previous</source>
5620 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
54175621 </message>
54185622 </context>
54195623 <context>
54205624 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54215625 <message>
5422 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5626 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54235627 <source>Axis Points</source>
54245628 <translation>Body Axis</translation>
54255629 </message>
54265630 <message>
5427 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5631 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54285632 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54295633 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54305634 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54335637 Klikněte na tlačítko Osy</translation>
54345638 </message>
54355639 <message>
5436 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5640 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54375641 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54385642 line with known coordinates. An axis
54395643 point appears, with a dialog window
54465650 souřadnice</translation>
54475651 </message>
54485652 <message>
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5653 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54505654 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54515655 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54525656 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54575661 dokud nejsou vytvořeny tři osové body</translation>
54585662 </message>
54595663 <message>
5460 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5664 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54615665 <source>Previous</source>
54625666 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
54635667 </message>
54645668 <message>
5465 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5669 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54665670 <source>Next</source>
54675671 <translation>Další</translation>
54685672 </message>
54705674 <context>
54715675 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
54725676 <message>
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5677 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
54745678 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
54755679 <translation>Průvodce kontrolním seznamem a kontrolním seznamem</translation>
54765680 </message>
54775681 <message>
5478 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5682 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
54795683 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
54805684 is available when importing an image file.
54815685 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
54865690 kroky k digitalizaci obrazového souboru.</translation>
54875691 </message>
54885692 <message>
5489 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5693 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
54905694 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
54915695 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
54925696 <translation>Krok 1 - Povolit volbu nabídky Nápověda /
54935697 Průvodce průvodce kontrolním seznamem.</translation>
54945698 </message>
54955699 <message>
5496 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5700 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
54975701 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
54985702 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
54995703 and ask some simple questions to
55065710 digitalizováno.</translation>
55075711 </message>
55085712 <message>
5509 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5713 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55105714 <source>Additional options are available in
55115715 the various Settings menus.
55175721 Toto ukončí tutoriál. Hodně štěstí!</translation>
55185722 </message>
55195723 <message>
5520 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5724 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55215725 <source>Previous</source>
55225726 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
55235727 </message>
55255729 <context>
55265730 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55275731 <message>
5528 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5732 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55295733 <source>Color Filter</source>
55305734 <translation>Barevný filtr</translation>
55315735 </message>
55325736 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5737 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55345738 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55355739 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55365740 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55415745 barevných čar může být nastavení vylepšeno.</translation>
55425746 </message>
55435747 <message>
5544 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5748 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55455749 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55465750 Filter menu option.</source>
55475751 <translation>Krok 1 - Zvolte Nastavení / Barva
55485752 Možnost nabídky filtru.</translation>
55495753 </message>
55505754 <message>
5551 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5755 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55525756 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55535757 be given the new settings.</source>
55545758 <translation>Krok 2 - Vyberte křivku, která bude
55555759 nové nastavení.</translation>
55565760 </message>
55575761 <message>
5558 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5762 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55595763 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55605764 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55615765 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55645768 je navržena pro barevné čáry.</translation>
55655769 </message>
55665770 <message>
5567 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5771 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55685772 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55695773 dragging the green handles, until the
55705774 curve is clear in the preview window
55785782 distribuce vlny</translation>
55795783 </message>
55805784 <message>
5581 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5785 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
55825786 <source>Back</source>
55835787 <translation>Zadní</translation>
55845788 </message>
55865790 <context>
55875791 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
55885792 <message>
5589 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5793 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
55905794 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
55915795 curve is selected to receive curve points.
55925796 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
55965800 Krok 1 - klikněte na tlačítka Křivka, bodová shoda, výběr barvy nebo segmentová výplň.</translation>
55975801 </message>
55985802 <message>
5599 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5803 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56005804 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56015805 that curve name has not been created yet,
56025806 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56075811 vytvořit jej.</translation>
56085812 </message>
56095813 <message>
5610 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5814 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56115815 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56125816 original image to the filtered image
56135817 produced for the current curve, using the
56245828 tutoriál.</translation>
56255829 </message>
56265830 <message>
5627 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5831 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56285832 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56295833 in the filtered image, then change the
56305834 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56355839 oranžové body zmizely.</translation>
56365840 </message>
56375841 <message>
5638 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5842 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56395843 <source>Previous</source>
56405844 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
56415845 </message>
56425846 <message>
5643 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5847 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56445848 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56455849 <translation>Nastavení barev filtru</translation>
56465850 </message>
56475851 <message>
5648 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5852 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56495853 <source>Next</source>
56505854 <translation>Další</translation>
56515855 </message>
56535857 <context>
56545858 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56555859 <message>
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5860 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56575861 <source>Curve Type</source>
56585862 <translation>Typ křivky</translation>
56595863 </message>
56605864 <message>
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5865 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56625866 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56635867 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56645868 <translation>Další kroky závisí na tom, jak jsou křivky
56655869 jsou čerpány z hlediska linek a bodů.</translation>
56665870 </message>
56675871 <message>
5668 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5872 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56695873 <source>If the curves are drawn
56705874 with lines (with or without
56715875 points) then click on
56765880 Další (řádky).</translation>
56775881 </message>
56785882 <message>
5679 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5883 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
56805884 <source>If the curves are drawn
56815885 without lines and only
56825886 with points, then click on
56875891 Další (body).</translation>
56885892 </message>
56895893 <message>
5690 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5894 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
56915895 <source>Previous</source>
56925896 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
56935897 </message>
56945898 <message>
5695 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5899 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
56965900 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
56975901 <translation>Další (řádky)</translation>
56985902 </message>
56995903 <message>
5700 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5904 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
57015905 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57025906 <translation>Další (Body)</translation>
57035907 </message>
57055909 <context>
57065910 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57075911 <message>
5708 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5912 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57095913 <source>Introduction</source>
57105914 <translation>Úvod</translation>
57115915 </message>
57125916 <message>
5713 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5917 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57145918 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57155919 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57165920 <translation>Engauge Digitizer začíná
57175921 obrazy grafů a map.</translation>
57185922 </message>
57195923 <message>
5720 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5924 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57215925 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57225926 the graph and map curves.</source>
57235927 <translation>Vytváříte (nebo digitalizujete) body
57245928 grafu a mapové křivky.</translation>
57255929 </message>
57265930 <message>
5727 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5931 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57285932 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57295933 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57305934 <translation>Digitalizované body křivky mohou být
57315935 exportovány jako čísla do jiných softwarových nástrojů.</translation>
57325936 </message>
57335937 <message>
5734 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5938 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57355939 <source>Next</source>
57365940 <translation>Další</translation>
57375941 </message>
57395943 <context>
57405944 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57415945 <message>
5742 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5946 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57435947 <source>Point Match</source>
57445948 <translation>Shoda bodů</translation>
57455949 </message>
57465950 <message>
5747 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5951 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57485952 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57495953 one sample point, and Engauge
57505954 then finds all matching points.
57575961 Krok 1 - Klikněte na režim Bodová shoda.</translation>
57585962 </message>
57595963 <message>
5760 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5964 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57615965 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57625966 points will belong to.</source>
57635967 <translation>Krok 2 - Vyberte novou křivku
57645968 body budou patřit.</translation>
57655969 </message>
57665970 <message>
5767 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5971 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57685972 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57695973 The circle turns green when it
57705974 contains what may be a point.</source>
57735977 obsahuje co může být bod.</translation>
57745978 </message>
57755979 <message>
5776 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5980 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
57775981 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
57785982 matched point with a yellow cross.
57795983 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
57865990 until there are no more points.</translation>
57875991 </message>
57885992 <message>
5789 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5993 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
57905994 <source>Previous</source>
57915995 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
57925996 </message>
57935997 <message>
5794 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5998 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
57955999 <source>Next</source>
57966000 <translation>Další</translation>
57976001 </message>
57996003 <context>
58006004 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
58016005 <message>
5802 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6006 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
58036007 <source>Segment Fill</source>
58046008 <translation>Vyplnění segmentů</translation>
58056009 </message>
58066010 <message>
5807 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6011 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58086012 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58096013 points all along the line segments
58106014 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58156019 Segmentové plnění.</translation>
58166020 </message>
58176021 <message>
5818 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6022 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58196023 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58206024 points will belong to.</source>
58216025 <translation>Krok 2 - Vyberte novou křivku
58226026 body budou patřit.</translation>
58236027 </message>
58246028 <message>
5825 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6029 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58266030 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58276031 segment in the desired curve. If a
58286032 green line appears, click on it once
58336037 generovat mnoho bodů.</translation>
58346038 </message>
58356039 <message>
5836 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6040 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58376041 <source>Previous</source>
58386042 <translation>Předchozí</translation>
58396043 </message>
58406044 <message>
5841 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6045 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58426046 <source>Next</source>
58436047 <translation>Další</translation>
58446048 </message>
355355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
356356 <source>Digitize Axis Point
358 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
359 <translation>Digitieren eines Achsenpunktes
361 Digitiert einen Achsenpunkt für einen Graphen, indem er nach einem Mausklick einen neuen Punkt am Cursor platziert. Die Koordinaten des Achspunktes werden dann eingegeben. In einem Diagramm sind drei Achsenpunkte erforderlich, um die Graphenkoordinaten zu definieren.</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
358 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
360 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
361 <translation>Achsenpunkt digitalisieren
363 Digitalisiert einen Achsenpunkt für ein Diagramm, indem Sie nach einem Mausklick einen neuen Punkt am Cursor platzieren. Die Koordinaten des Achspunktes werden dann eingegeben. Nach dem Importieren und Importieren (Erweitert) können drei Achsenpunkte mit (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) -Koordinaten zur Definition der Diagrammkoordinaten digitalisiert werden. Optional können nach "Importieren (Erweitert)" vier Achsenpunkte mit (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) -Koordinaten digitalisiert werden, um die Diagrammkoordinaten zu definieren.
365 Dieses Werkzeug ist deaktiviert, wenn ein vollständiger Satz von Achsenpunkten definiert wurde, oder nach dem Importieren (Erweitert), wenn die Maßstabsleiste ausgewählt ist.</translation>
366 </message>
367 <message>
368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
365369 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
366370 <translation>Waage-Werkzeug</translation>
367371 </message>
368372 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
370374 <source>Shift+F8</source>
371375 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
372376 </message>
373377 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
376 <translation>Digitize Maßstab für eine Karte.</translation>
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
379 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
380 <translation>Skalierungsleiste für eine Karte digitalisieren Erfordert den Import (Erweitert).</translation>
381 </message>
382 <message>
383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
380384 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
382386 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
384 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
385 <translation>Digitize scale barDigitieren Sie eine Skalenleiste für eine Karte durch Klicken und Ziehen. Die Länge des Maßstabs wird dann eingegeben. In einer Karte definieren die beiden Endpunkte der Skalenleiste die Abstände in Graphenkoordinaten.Maps müssen mit Import (Advanced) importiert werden.</translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
388 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
390 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
391 <translation>Skalierungsleiste digitalisieren
393 Digitalisieren Sie eine Skalierungsleiste für eine Karte, indem Sie darauf klicken und ziehen. Die Länge der Skalenleiste wird dann eingegeben. In einer Karte definieren die beiden Endpunkte der Maßstabsleiste die Abstände in Diagrammkoordinaten.
395 Dieses Werkzeug wird durch Auswahl von Skalenleiste in Import (Erweitert) aktiviert.
397 Dieses Werkzeug ist deaktiviert, wenn eine Maßstabsleiste definiert wurde oder wenn beim Import Achsenpunkte ausgewählt wurden.</translation>
398 </message>
399 <message>
400 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
389401 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
390402 <translation>Kurvenpunkt-Werkzeug</translation>
391403 </message>
392404 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
405 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
394406 <source>Shift+F4</source>
395407 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
396408 </message>
397409 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
410 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
399411 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
400412 <translation>Digitalisiere Kurvenpunkte.</translation>
401413 </message>
402414 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
415 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
404416 <source>Digitize Curve Point
406418 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
409421 <translation>Digitize curve pointDigitiert einen Kurvenpunkt, indem er nach einem Mausklick einen neuen Punkt am Cursor platziert. Verwenden Sie diesen Modus, um Punkte entlang der Kurven einzeln zu digitalisieren. Neue Punkte werden der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve zugewiesen.</translation>
410422 </message>
411423 <message>
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
413425 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
414426 <translation>Punktabgleich-Werkzeug</translation>
415427 </message>
416428 <message>
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
418430 <source>Shift+F5</source>
419431 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
420432 </message>
421433 <message>
422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
423435 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
424436 <translation>Digitalisiere Kurvenpunkte in einem Punkt-Plot durch Abgleich eines Punktes.</translation>
425437 </message>
426438 <message>
427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
428440 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
430442 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
433445 <translation>Digitieren von Kurvenpunkten durch PunktanpassungDigitiert Kurvenpunkte in einem Punktplot, indem man Punkte findet, die mit einem Stichprobenpunkt übereinstimmen. Der Prozeß beginnt mit der Auswahl eines repräsentativen Stichprobenpunktes. Neue Zeilen werden der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve zugeordnet.</translation>
434446 </message>
435447 <message>
436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
437449 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
438450 <translation>Farbauswahl-Werkzeug</translation>
439451 </message>
440452 <message>
441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
442454 <source>Shift+F6</source>
443455 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
444456 </message>
445457 <message>
446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
447459 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
448460 <translation>Wählen Sie Farbeinstellungen für die Filterung im Segment Füllmodus.</translation>
449461 </message>
450462 <message>
451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
452464 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
454466 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
455467 <translation>Wählen Sie Farbeinstellungen für die Segmentfüllfilterung aus. Wählen Sie ein Pixel entlang der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve aus. Dieses Pixel und seine Nachbarn definieren die Filtereinstellungen (Farbe, Helligkeit usw.) der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve im Segment Füllmodus.</translation>
456468 </message>
457469 <message>
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
459471 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
460472 <translation>Segment-Füllungs-Werkzeug</translation>
461473 </message>
462474 <message>
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
464476 <source>Shift+F7</source>
465477 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
466478 </message>
467479 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
469481 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
470482 <translation>Digitieren Sie Kurvenpunkte entlang eines Segments einer Kurve.</translation>
471483 </message>
472484 <message>
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
474486 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
476488 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
479491 <translation>Digitieren von Kurvenpunkten mit SegmentfüllungDigitiert Kurvenpunkte, indem neue Punkte entlang des markierten Segments unter dem Cursor platziert werden. Verwenden Sie diesen Modus, um schnell mehrere Punkte entlang einer Kurve mit einem einzigen Klick zu digitalisieren. Neue Nummern werden der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve zugewiesen.</translation>
480492 </message>
481493 <message>
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
483495 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
484496 <translation>Zurück</translation>
485497 </message>
486498 <message>
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
488500 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
489501 <translation>Letzte Operation zurücknehmen.</translation>
490502 </message>
491503 <message>
492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
493505 <source>Undo
495507 Undo the last operation.</source>
496508 <translation>Rückgängig die letzte Operation.</translation>
497509 </message>
498510 <message>
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
500512 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
501513 <translation>Wiederherstellen</translation>
502514 </message>
503515 <message>
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
505517 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
506518 <translation>Letzte Rücknahme wiederherstellen.</translation>
507519 </message>
508520 <message>
509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
510522 <source>Redo
512524 Redo the last operation.</source>
515527 Letzte Operation wiederholen.</translation>
516528 </message>
517529 <message>
518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
519531 <source>Cut</source>
520532 <translation>Ausschneiden</translation>
521533 </message>
522534 <message>
523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
524536 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
525537 <translation>Schneidet die markierten Punkte aus und kopiert sie in die Zwischenablage.</translation>
526538 </message>
527539 <message>
528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
529541 <source>Cut
531543 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
534546 Schneidet die markierten Punkte aus und kopiert sie in die Zwischenablage.</translation>
535547 </message>
536548 <message>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
538550 <source>Copy</source>
539551 <translation>Kopieren</translation>
540552 </message>
541553 <message>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
543555 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
544556 <translation>Kopiert die ausgewählten Punkte in die Zwischenablage.</translation>
545557 </message>
546558 <message>
547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
548560 <source>Copy
550562 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
553565 Kopiert die ausgewählten Punkte in die Zwischenablage.</translation>
554566 </message>
555567 <message>
556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
557569 <source>Paste</source>
558570 <translation>Einfügen</translation>
559571 </message>
560572 <message>
561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
562574 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
563575 <translation>Fügt die ausgewählten Punkte aus der Zwischenablage ein.</translation>
564576 </message>
565577 <message>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
567579 <source>Paste
569581 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
572584 Fügt die ausgewählten Punkte aus der Zwischenablage ein. Sie werden der aktuellen Kurve zugeordnet.</translation>
573585 </message>
574586 <message>
575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
576588 <source>Delete</source>
577589 <translation>Löschen</translation>
578590 </message>
579591 <message>
580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
581593 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
582594 <translation>Löscht die ausgewählten Punkte nach dem Kopieren in die Zwischenablage.</translation>
583595 </message>
584596 <message>
585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
586598 <source>Delete
588600 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
591603 Die löscht die ausgewählten Punkte, nachdem sie in die Zwischenablage kopiert wurden.</translation>
592604 </message>
593605 <message>
594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
595607 <source>Paste As New</source>
596608 <translation>Als Neu einfügen</translation>
597609 </message>
598610 <message>
599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
600612 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
601613 <translation>Fügt ein Bild von der Zwischenablage ein.</translation>
602614 </message>
603615 <message>
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
605617 <source>Paste as New
607619 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
610622 Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein Bild aus der Zwischenablage eingefügt wird.</translation>
611623 </message>
612624 <message>
613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
614626 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
615627 <translation>Als Neu einfügen (erweitert)...</translation>
616628 </message>
617629 <message>
618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
619631 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
620632 <translation>Fügt ein Bild aus der Zwischenablage ein, im erweiterten Modus.</translation>
621633 </message>
622634 <message>
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
624636 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
626638 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
629641 Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein Bild aus der Zwischenablage im erweiterten Modus eingefügt wird.</translation>
630642 </message>
631643 <message>
632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
633645 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
634646 <translation>Einführen...</translation>
635647 </message>
636648 <message>
637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
638650 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
639651 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
640652 </message>
641653 <message>
642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
643655 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
644656 <translation>Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein einfaches Bild importiert wird.</translation>
645657 </message>
646658 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
648660 <source>Import Image
650662 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
655667 Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein Bild mit einem einzigen Koordinatensystem importiert wird und Achsen beide Koordinaten bekannt sind. Für kompliziertere Bilder mit mehreren Koordinatensystemen und / oder schwimmenden Achsen wird stattdessen Import (Erweitert) verwendet.</translation>
656668 </message>
657669 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
659671 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
660672 <translation>Importiere (erweitert)...</translation>
661673 </message>
662674 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
664676 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
665677 <translation>Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein Bild mit Unterstützung für erweiterte Funktionen importiert wird.</translation>
666678 </message>
667679 <message>
668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
669681 <source>Import (Advanced)
671683 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
674686 Erstellt ein neues Dokument, indem ein Bild mit Unterstützung für erweiterte Funktionen importiert wird. Im erweiterten Modus können mehrere Koordinatensysteme und / oder Schwimmachsen vorhanden sein.</translation>
675687 </message>
676688 <message>
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
678690 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
679691 <translation>Import (Bild ersetzen) ...</translation>
680692 </message>
681693 <message>
682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
683695 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
684696 <translation>Importiert ein neues Bild in das aktuelle Dokument und ersetzt das vorhandene Bild.</translation>
685697 </message>
686698 <message>
687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
688700 <source>Import (Image Replace)
690702 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
693705 Impert ein neues Bild in das aktuelle Dokument. Das vorhandene Bild wird ersetzt, und alle Kurven im Dokument bleiben erhalten. Diese Operation ist nützlich, um die Achspunkte und andere Einstellungen von einem vorhandenen Dokument auf ein anderes Bild anzuwenden.</translation>
694706 </message>
695707 <message>
696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
697709 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
698710 <translation>Öffnen</translation>
699711 </message>
700712 <message>
701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
702714 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
703715 <translation>Öffnet ein existierendes Dokument.</translation>
704716 </message>
705717 <message>
706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
707719 <source>Open Document
709721 Opens an existing document.</source>
710722 <translation>Dokument öffnen. öffnet ein vorhandenes Dokument.</translation>
711723 </message>
712724 <message>
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
714726 <source>&amp;Close</source>
715727 <translation>Schließen</translation>
716728 </message>
717729 <message>
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
719731 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
720732 <translation>Schließt das offene Dokument.</translation>
721733 </message>
722734 <message>
723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
724736 <source>Close Document
726738 Closes the open document.</source>
729741 öffnet das offene Dokument.</translation>
730742 </message>
731743 <message>
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
733745 <source>&amp;Save</source>
734746 <translation>Sparen</translation>
735747 </message>
736748 <message>
737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
738750 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
739751 <translation>Speichert das aktuelle Dokument.</translation>
740752 </message>
741753 <message>
742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
743755 <source>Save Document
745757 Saves the current document.</source>
748760 Speichert das aktuelle Dokument.</translation>
749761 </message>
750762 <message>
751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
752764 <source>Save As...</source>
753765 <translation>Speichern unter...</translation>
754766 </message>
755767 <message>
756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
757769 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
758770 <translation>Speichert das aktuelle Dokument unter einem neuen Dateinamen.</translation>
759771 </message>
760772 <message>
761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
762774 <source>Save Document As
764776 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
767779 Speichert das aktuelle Dokument unter einem neuen Dateinamen.</translation>
768780 </message>
769781 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
771783 <source>Export...</source>
772784 <translation>Exportiere...</translation>
773785 </message>
774786 <message>
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
776788 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
777789 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
778790 </message>
779791 <message>
780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
781793 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
782794 <translation>Exportiert das aktuelle Dokument in eine Textdatei.</translation>
783795 </message>
784796 <message>
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
786798 <source>Export Document
788800 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
791803 Exportiert das aktuelle Dokument in eine Textdatei.Exportiert das aktuelle Dokument in eine Textdatei.</translation>
792804 </message>
793805 <message>
794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
795807 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
796808 <translation>&amp;Drucken...</translation>
797809 </message>
798810 <message>
799 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
800812 <source>Print the current document.</source>
801813 <translation>Druckt das aktuelle Dokument.</translation>
802814 </message>
803815 <message>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
805817 <source>Print Document
807819 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
810822 Drucken Sie das aktuelle Dokument in einen Drucker oder eine Datei.</translation>
811823 </message>
812824 <message>
813 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
825 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
814826 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
815827 <translation>Ausgang</translation>
816828 </message>
817829 <message>
818 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
819831 <source>Quits the application.</source>
820832 <translation>Beendet die Anwendung.</translation>
821833 </message>
822834 <message>
823 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
835 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
824836 <source>Exit
826838 Quits the application.</source>
829841 Tragt die Anwendung.</translation>
830842 </message>
831843 <message>
832 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
844 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
833845 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
834846 <translation>Checkliste Guide Wizard</translation>
835847 </message>
836848 <message>
837 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
838850 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
839851 <translation>Öffnen Sie den Checklist Guide Wizard während des Importes, um die Digitalisierungsschritte zu definieren</translation>
840852 </message>
841853 <message>
842 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
843855 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
845857 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
846858 <translation>Checkliste Guide WizardVerwenden Checkliste Guide Wizard während des Imports zu einer Checkliste der Schritte für das importierte Dokument zu generieren</translation>
847859 </message>
848860 <message>
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
861 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
850862 <source>Tutorial</source>
851863 <translation>Tutorial</translation>
852864 </message>
853865 <message>
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
855867 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
856868 <translation>Spieltutorium mit den Schritten zum Digitalisieren von Kurven</translation>
857869 </message>
858870 <message>
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
860872 <source>Tutorial
862874 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
865877 Zeigen Sie das Tutorial, in dem Schritte zum Digitalisieren von Punkten aus Kurven mit Linien und / oder Punkt angezeigt werden</translation>
866878 </message>
867879 <message>
868 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
880 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
869881 <source>Help</source>
870882 <translation>Hilfe</translation>
871883 </message>
872884 <message>
873 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
874886 <source>Help documentation</source>
875887 <translation>Hilfe Dokumentation</translation>
876888 </message>
877889 <message>
878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
879891 <source>Help Documentation
881893 Searchable help documentation</source>
884896 Suchbare Hilfedokumentation</translation>
885897 </message>
886898 <message>
887 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
899 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
888900 <source>About Engauge</source>
889901 <translation>Über Engauge</translation>
890902 </message>
891903 <message>
892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
904 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
893905 <source>About the application.</source>
894906 <translation>Über die Anwendung.</translation>
895907 </message>
896908 <message>
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
898910 <source>About Engauge
900912 About the application.</source>
903915 Über die Anwendung.</translation>
904916 </message>
905917 <message>
906 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
918 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
907919 <source>Coordinates...</source>
908920 <translation>Koordinaten...</translation>
909921 </message>
910922 <message>
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
923 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
912924 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
913925 <translation>Bearbeite Koordinateneinstellungen.</translation>
914926 </message>
915927 <message>
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
917929 <source>Coordinate Settings
919931 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
922934 Koordinateneinstellungen bestimmen, wie die Graphenkoordinaten den Pixeln im Bild zugeordnet sind</translation>
923935 </message>
924936 <message>
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
937 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
926938 <source>Curve List...</source>
927939 <translation>Kurvenliste...</translation>
928940 </message>
929941 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
931943 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
932944 <translation>Bearbeiten Sie die Einstellungen der Kurvenliste.</translation>
933945 </message>
934946 <message>
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
936948 <source>Curve List
938950 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
941953 Kurvenlisteneinstellungen können Kurven im aktuellen Dokument hinzufügen, umbenennen und / oder entfernen</translation>
942954 </message>
943955 <message>
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
956 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
945957 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
946958 <translation>Kurven Eigenschaften...</translation>
947959 </message>
948960 <message>
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
950962 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
951963 <translation>Bearbeite Einstellungen der Kurveneigenschaften.</translation>
952964 </message>
953965 <message>
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
955967 <source>Curve Properties Settings
957969 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
960972 Kurven Eigenschaften Einstellungen bestimmen, wie jede Kurve erscheint</translation>
961973 </message>
962974 <message>
963 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
975 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
964976 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
965977 <translation>Digitalisiere Kurve...</translation>
966978 </message>
967979 <message>
968 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
969981 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
970982 <translation>Bearbeiten Sie die Digitalisierungsachse und die Kurveneinstellungen.</translation>
971983 </message>
972984 <message>
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
974986 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
976988 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
979991 Digitieren Sie die Kurveneinstellungen, um festzulegen, wie die Punkte in den Digitalisierungsachsen- und Digitalisierungs-Grafikpunkt-Modi digitalisiert werden</translation>
980992 </message>
981993 <message>
982 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
994 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
983995 <source>Export Format...</source>
984996 <translation>Exportiere Format...</translation>
985997 </message>
986998 <message>
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
9881000 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
9891001 <translation>Bearbeiten Sie die Exportformateinstellungen.</translation>
9901002 </message>
9911003 <message>
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
9931005 <source>Export Format Settings
9951007 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
9981010 Exportieren von Formateinstellungen beeinflussen, wie exportierte Dateien formatiert sind</translation>
9991011 </message>
10001012 <message>
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1013 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10021014 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10031015 <translation>Farbfilter...</translation>
10041016 </message>
10051017 <message>
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1018 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10071019 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10081020 <translation>Farbfiltereinstellungen bearbeiten</translation>
10091021 </message>
10101022 <message>
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10121024 <source>Color Filter Settings
10141026 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10171029 Die Farbfilterung vereinfacht die Graphen für eine einfachere Punktabstimmung und Segmentfüllung</translation>
10181030 </message>
10191031 <message>
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1032 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10211033 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10221034 <translation>Achsencheck ...</translation>
10231035 </message>
10241036 <message>
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10261038 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10271039 <translation>Bearbeiten Sie die Einstellungen für die Achsenprüfung.</translation>
10281040 </message>
10291041 <message>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10311043 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10331045 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10361048 Achsen-Checker können alle Achsenpunktfehler offenbaren, die sonst schwer zu finden sind.</translation>
10371049 </message>
10381050 <message>
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1051 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10401052 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10411053 <translation>Rasterlinienanzeige ...</translation>
10421054 </message>
10431055 <message>
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1056 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10451057 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10461058 <translation>Bearbeiten von Rasterlinien-Anzeigeeinstellungen.</translation>
10471059 </message>
10481060 <message>
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10501062 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10521064 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10551067 Rasterlinien, die auf dem Graphen angezeigt werden, können mehr Genauigkeit als der Axis Checker für verzerrte Graphen liefern. In einem verzerrten Graphen können die Rasterlinien verwendet werden, um die Achsenpunkte für mehr Genauigkeit in verschiedenen Regionen anzupassen.</translation>
10561068 </message>
10571069 <message>
1058 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1070 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10591071 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10601072 <translation>Gitterlinien Entfernung...</translation>
10611073 </message>
10621074 <message>
1063 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1075 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10641076 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10651077 <translation>Bearbeiten der Rasterlinienentfernung.</translation>
10661078 </message>
10671079 <message>
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10691081 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10711083 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10741086 Rasterlinienentfernung isoliert Kurvenlinien für einfachere Punktabstimmung und Segmentfüllung, wenn Farbfilterung nicht in der Lage ist, Gitterlinien von Kurvenlinien zu trennen.</translation>
10751087 </message>
10761088 <message>
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1089 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10781090 <source>Point Match...</source>
10791091 <translation>Punktabgleich...</translation>
10801092 </message>
10811093 <message>
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10831095 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10841096 <translation>Bearbeite Einstellungen des Punktabgleichs.</translation>
10851097 </message>
10861098 <message>
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10881100 <source>Point Match Settings
10901102 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10931105 Punkt-Match-Einstellungen bestimmen, wie Punkte im Point-Match-Modus übereinstimmen</translation>
10941106 </message>
10951107 <message>
1096 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1108 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
10971109 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10981110 <translation>Segment füllen ...</translation>
10991111 </message>
11001112 <message>
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1113 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11021114 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11031115 <translation>Bearbeiten von Segmentfülleinstellungen.</translation>
11041116 </message>
11051117 <message>
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11071119 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11091121 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11121124 Die Segmentfüll-Einstellungen bestimmen, wie die Punkte im Segment Füllmodus erzeugt werden</translation>
11131125 </message>
11141126 <message>
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1127 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11161128 <source>General...</source>
11171129 <translation>Allgemein...</translation>
11181130 </message>
11191131 <message>
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1132 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11211133 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11221134 <translation>Bearbeite allgemeine Einstellungen.</translation>
11231135 </message>
11241136 <message>
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11261138 <source>General Settings
11281140 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11311143 Allgemeine Einstellungen sind dokumentspezifische Einstellungen, die sich auf mehrere Modi auswirken. Beispielsweise wirkt sich die Einstellung der Cursorgröße sowohl auf den Farbwähler als auch auf die Punktübertragungsmodi aus</translation>
11321144 </message>
11331145 <message>
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1146 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11351147 <source>Main Window...</source>
11361148 <translation>Hauptfenster...</translation>
11371149 </message>
11381150 <message>
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1151 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11401152 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11411153 <translation>Bearbeite Einstellungen des Hauptfensters.</translation>
11421154 </message>
11431155 <message>
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11451157 <source>Main Window Settings
11471159 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11501162 Hauptfenstereinstellungen beeinflussen die Benutzeroberfläche und sind nicht für jedes Dokument spezifisch</translation>
11511163 </message>
11521164 <message>
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1165 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11541166 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11551167 <translation>Hintergrund Toolbar</translation>
11561168 </message>
11571169 <message>
1158 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1170 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11591171 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11601172 <translation>Zeigen oder verstecken Sie die Hintergrund-Symbolleiste.</translation>
11611173 </message>
11621174 <message>
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11641176 <source>View Background ToolBar
11661178 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11691181 Zeigen oder verstecken Sie die Hintergrund-Symbolleiste</translation>
11701182 </message>
11711183 <message>
1172 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1184 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11731185 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11741186 <translation>Checkliste-Toolleiste</translation>
11751187 </message>
11761188 <message>
1177 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1189 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11781190 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11791191 <translation>Ein- und Ausblenden der Checkliste.</translation>
11801192 </message>
11811193 <message>
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11831195 <source>View Checklist Guide
11851197 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11881200 Ein- und Ausblenden der Checkliste</translation>
11891201 </message>
11901202 <message>
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1203 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11921204 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11931205 <translation>Kurvenbefestigungsfenster</translation>
11941206 </message>
11951207 <message>
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1208 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11971209 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11981210 <translation>Einblenden oder Ausblenden des Kurvenanpassungsfensters.</translation>
11991211 </message>
12001212 <message>
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12021214 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12041216 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12071219 Einblenden oder Ausblenden des Kurvenanpassungsfensters</translation>
12081220 </message>
12091221 <message>
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12111223 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12121224 <translation>Geometriefenster</translation>
12131225 </message>
12141226 <message>
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12161228 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12171229 <translation>Das Geometriefenster ein- oder ausblenden</translation>
12181230 </message>
12191231 <message>
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12211233 <source>View Geometry Window
12231235 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12261238 Das Geometriefenster ein- oder ausblenden</translation>
12271239 </message>
12281240 <message>
1229 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1241 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12301242 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12311243 <translation>Werkzeugleiste digitalisieren</translation>
12321244 </message>
12331245 <message>
1234 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12351247 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12361248 <translation>Ein- oder Ausblenden der Symbolleiste des Digitalisierungswerkzeugs.</translation>
12371249 </message>
12381250 <message>
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1251 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12401252 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12421254 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12451257 Ein- oder Ausblenden der Symbolleiste des Digitalisierungswerkzeugs</translation>
12461258 </message>
12471259 <message>
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1260 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12491261 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12501262 <translation>Einstellungen Ansichten Symbolleiste</translation>
12511263 </message>
12521264 <message>
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1265 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12541266 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12551267 <translation>Einblenden oder Ausblenden der Symbolleiste der Einstellungen.</translation>
12561268 </message>
12571269 <message>
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12591271 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12611273 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12641276 Einblenden oder Ausblenden der Symbolleiste der Einstellungen. Diese Ansichten zeigen grafisch die wichtigsten Einstellungen.</translation>
12651277 </message>
12661278 <message>
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1279 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12681280 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12691281 <translation>Koordinatensystem-Symbolleiste</translation>
12701282 </message>
12711283 <message>
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12731285 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12741286 <translation>Ein- oder Ausblenden der Koordinatensystem-Symbolleiste.</translation>
12751287 </message>
12761288 <message>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12781290 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12801292 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12851297 Ein- oder Ausblenden der Symbolleiste des Koordinatensystems. Diese Symbolleiste wird verwendet, um das aktuelle Koordinatensystem auszuwählen, wenn das Dokument mehrere Koordinatensysteme hat. Diese Symbolleiste dient auch zum Anzeigen und Drucken aller Koordinatensysteme. Diese Symbolleiste ist deaktiviert, wenn nur ein Koordinatensystem vorhanden ist.</translation>
12861298 </message>
12871299 <message>
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1300 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12891301 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12901302 <translation>Werkzeugtips</translation>
12911303 </message>
12921304 <message>
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1305 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12941306 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12951307 <translation>Zeigen oder verstecken Sie die Tooltips.</translation>
12961308 </message>
12971309 <message>
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12991311 <source>View Tool Tips
13011313 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13041316 Zeigen oder verstecken Sie die Tooltips</translation>
13051317 </message>
13061318 <message>
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13081320 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13091321 <translation>Gitter Linien</translation>
13101322 </message>
13111323 <message>
1312 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1324 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13131325 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13141326 <translation>Gitterlinien anzeigen oder ausblenden.</translation>
13151327 </message>
13161328 <message>
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1329 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13181330 <source>View Grid Lines
13201332 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13231335 Zeigen oder verbergen Rasterlinien, die für genaue Anpassungen der Achsenpunkte hinzugefügt werden, was die Genauigkeit in verzerrten Graphen verbessern kann</translation>
13241336 </message>
13251337 <message>
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1338 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13271339 <source>No Background</source>
13281340 <translation>Kein Hintergrund</translation>
13291341 </message>
13301342 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1343 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13321344 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13331345 <translation>Zeige kein Bild unterhalb der Punkte.</translation>
13341346 </message>
13351347 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13371349 <source>No Background
13391351 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13421354 Kein Bild wird gezeigt, so dass Punkte einfacher zu sehen sind</translation>
13431355 </message>
13441356 <message>
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13461358 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13471359 <translation>Zeige Originalbild</translation>
13481360 </message>
13491361 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13511363 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13521364 <translation>Zeige Originalbild unterhalb der Punkte.</translation>
13531365 </message>
13541366 <message>
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13561368 <source>Show Original Image
13581370 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13611373 Zeigen Sie das Originalbild unter den Punkten an</translation>
13621374 </message>
13631375 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13651377 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13661378 <translation>Zeige gefiltertes Bild</translation>
13671379 </message>
13681380 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1381 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13701382 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13711383 <translation>Zeige gefiltertes Bild unterhalb der Punkte.</translation>
13721384 </message>
13731385 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1386 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13751387 <source>Show Filtered Image
13771389 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
13821394 Zeigen Sie das gefilterte Bild unter den Punkten an. Das gefilterte Bild wird aus dem Originalbild nach den Filterpräferenzen erstellt, so dass unwichtige Informationen verborgen sind und wichtige Informationen hervorgehoben werden</translation>
13831395 </message>
13841396 <message>
1385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
13861398 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
13871399 <translation>Verstecke alle Kurven</translation>
13881400 </message>
13891401 <message>
1390 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13911403 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13921404 <translation>Verstecke alle digitalisierten Kurven.</translation>
13931405 </message>
13941406 <message>
1395 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13961408 <source>Hide All Curves
13981410 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14011413 Es werden keine Achspunkte oder digitalisierte Kurvenkurven angezeigt, so dass das Bild leichter zu sehen ist.</translation>
14021414 </message>
14031415 <message>
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14051417 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14061418 <translation>Zeige ausgewählte Kurve</translation>
14071419 </message>
14081420 <message>
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14101422 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14111423 <translation>Zeige nur die aktuell ausgewählte Kurve.</translation>
14121424 </message>
14131425 <message>
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14151427 <source>Show Selected Curve
14171429 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14201432 Zeigen Sie nur die digitalisierten Punkte und Zeilen an, die zur aktuell ausgewählten Kurve gehören.</translation>
14211433 </message>
14221434 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14241436 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14251437 <translation>Zeige alle Kurven</translation>
14261438 </message>
14271439 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14291441 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14301442 <translation>Zeige alle Kurven.</translation>
14311443 </message>
14321444 <message>
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14341446 <source>Show All Curves
14361448 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14391451 Alle digitalisierten Achspunkte und Kurvenkurven anzeigen</translation>
14401452 </message>
14411453 <message>
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14431455 <source>Hide Always</source>
14441456 <translation>Verstecke immer</translation>
14451457 </message>
14461458 <message>
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14481460 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14491461 <translation>Statuszeile immer verbergen.</translation>
14501462 </message>
14511463 <message>
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14531465 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14541466 <translation>Verbergen Sie die Statusleiste. Es werden keine temporären Status- oder Rückmeldungen angezeigt.</translation>
14551467 </message>
14561468 <message>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14581470 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14591471 <translation>Zeige temporäre Nachrichten</translation>
14601472 </message>
14611473 <message>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14631475 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14641476 <translation>Verbergen Sie die Statusleiste, außer wenn Sie temporäre Nachrichten anzeigen.</translation>
14651477 </message>
14661478 <message>
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14681480 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14691481 <translation>Verbergen Sie die Statusleiste, außer wenn Sie temporäre Status- und Feedback-Nachrichten anzeigen.</translation>
14701482 </message>
14711483 <message>
1472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14731485 <source>Show Always</source>
14741486 <translation>Zeige immer</translation>
14751487 </message>
14761488 <message>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
14781490 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
14791491 <translation>Statuszeile immer anzeigen.</translation>
14801492 </message>
14811493 <message>
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
14831495 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
14841496 <translation>Zeigt die Statusleiste an. Neben der Anzeige von temporären Status- und Feedback-Meldungen zeigt die Statusleiste auch Informationen über die Cursorposition an.</translation>
14851497 </message>
14861498 <message>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
14881500 <source>Zoom Out</source>
14891501 <translation>Zoome raus</translation>
14901502 </message>
14911503 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
14931505 <source>Zoom out</source>
14941506 <translation>Zoome raus</translation>
14951507 </message>
14961508 <message>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14981510 <source>Zoom In</source>
14991511 <translation>Zoome rein</translation>
15001512 </message>
15011513 <message>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15031515 <source>Zoom in</source>
15041516 <translation>Zoome rein</translation>
15051517 </message>
15061518 <message>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15081520 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15091521 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15101522 </message>
15111523 <message>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15131525 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15141526 <translation>Zoom 16:1</translation>
15151527 </message>
15161528 <message>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15181530 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15191531 <translation>16:1 weiter (1270%)</translation>
15201532 </message>
15211533 <message>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15231535 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15241536 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
15251537 </message>
15261538 <message>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15281540 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15291541 <translation>8:1 näher (1008%)</translation>
15301542 </message>
15311543 <message>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15331545 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15341546 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
15351547 </message>
15361548 <message>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15381550 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15391551 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15401552 </message>
15411553 <message>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15431555 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15441556 <translation>Zoom 8:1</translation>
15451557 </message>
15461558 <message>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15481560 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15491561 <translation>8:1 weiter (635%)</translation>
15501562 </message>
15511563 <message>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15531565 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15541566 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
15551567 </message>
15561568 <message>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15581570 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15591571 <translation>4:1 näher (504%)</translation>
15601572 </message>
15611573 <message>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15631575 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15641576 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
15651577 </message>
15661578 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15681580 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15691581 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15701582 </message>
15711583 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15731585 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15741586 <translation>Zoom 4:1</translation>
15751587 </message>
15761588 <message>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
15781590 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
15791591 <translation>4:1 weiter (317%)</translation>
15801592 </message>
15811593 <message>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
15831595 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
15841596 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
15851597 </message>
15861598 <message>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
15881600 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
15891601 <translation>2:1 näher (252%)</translation>
15901602 </message>
15911603 <message>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
15931605 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15941606 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
15951607 </message>
15961608 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15981610 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15991611 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16001612 </message>
16011613 <message>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16031615 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16041616 <translation>Zoom 2:1</translation>
16051617 </message>
16061618 <message>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16081620 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16091621 <translation>2:1 weiter (159%)</translation>
16101622 </message>
16111623 <message>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16131625 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16141626 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
16151627 </message>
16161628 <message>
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16181630 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16191631 <translation>1:1 näher (126%)</translation>
16201632 </message>
16211633 <message>
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16231635 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16241636 <translation>Zoom 1.3:1</translation>
16251637 </message>
16261638 <message>
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16281640 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16291641 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16301642 </message>
16311643 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16331645 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16341646 <translation>Zoom 1:1</translation>
16351647 </message>
16361648 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16381650 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16391651 <translation>1:1 weiter (79%)</translation>
16401652 </message>
16411653 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16431655 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16441656 <translation>Zoom 0.8:1</translation>
16451657 </message>
16461658 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16481660 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16491661 <translation>1:2 näher (63%)</translation>
16501662 </message>
16511663 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16531665 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16541666 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
16551667 </message>
16561668 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16581670 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16591671 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16601672 </message>
16611673 <message>
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16631675 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16641676 <translation>Zoom 1:2</translation>
16651677 </message>
16661678 <message>
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16681680 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16691681 <translation>1:2 weiter (40%)</translation>
16701682 </message>
16711683 <message>
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16731685 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16741686 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
16751687 </message>
16761688 <message>
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
16781690 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
16791691 <translation>1:4 näher (31%)</translation>
16801692 </message>
16811693 <message>
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
16831695 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
16841696 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
16851697 </message>
16861698 <message>
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
16881700 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
16891701 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
16901702 </message>
16911703 <message>
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
16931705 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16941706 <translation>Zoom 1:4</translation>
16951707 </message>
16961708 <message>
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16981710 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16991711 <translation>1:4 weiter (20%)</translation>
17001712 </message>
17011713 <message>
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17031715 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17041716 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
17051717 </message>
17061718 <message>
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17081720 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17091721 <translation>1:8 näher (12.5%)</translation>
17101722 </message>
17111723 <message>
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17131724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17141726 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17151727 <translation>Zoom 1:8</translation>
17161728 </message>
17171729 <message>
1718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17191731 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17201732 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17211733 </message>
17221734 <message>
1723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17241736 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17251737 <translation>1:8 weiter (10%)</translation>
17261738 </message>
17271739 <message>
1728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17291741 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17301742 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
17311743 </message>
17321744 <message>
1733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1745 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17341746 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17351747 <translation>1:16 näher (8%)</translation>
17361748 </message>
17371749 <message>
1738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17391751 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17401752 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
17411753 </message>
17421754 <message>
1743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17441756 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17451757 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17461758 </message>
17471759 <message>
1748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17491761 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17501762 <translation>Zoom 1:16</translation>
17511763 </message>
17521764 <message>
1753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17541766 <source>Fill</source>
1755 <translation>Fülle</translation>
1756 </message>
1757 <message>
1758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1767 <translation>Füllen</translation>
1768 </message>
1769 <message>
1770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17591771 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17601772 <translation>Zoomstufe an Fenstergröße anpassen</translation>
17611773 </message>
20222034 <context>
20232035 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20242036 <message>
2025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20262038 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20272039 <translation>Achsenpunkt editieren</translation>
20282040 </message>
20292041 <message>
2030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20312043 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20322044 <translation>Graph Koordinaten</translation>
20332045 </message>
20342046 <message>
2035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20362048 <source>as</source>
20372049 <translation>wie</translation>
20382050 </message>
20392051 <message>
2040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20412053 <source>(</source>
20422054 <translation>(</translation>
20432055 </message>
20442056 <message>
2045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20462058 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2048 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2060 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20502062 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2051 <translation>Geben Sie die erste Graphenkoordinate des Achspunktes ein. Für kartesische Plots ist dies X. Für polare Plots ist dies der Radius R. Das erwartete Format des Koordinatenwertes wird durch die Lokalisierung bestimmt. Wenn die eingegebenen Werte nicht als erwartet erkannt werden, überprüfen Sie die Gebietsschema-Einstellung unter Einstellungen / Hauptfenster ...</translation>
2052 </message>
2053 <message>
2054 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2063 <translation>Geben Sie die erste Diagrammkoordinate des Achsenpunkts ein. Für kartesische Diagramme ist dies X. Für Polardiagramme ist dies der Winkel Theta. Das erwartete Format des Koordinatenwerts wird durch die Einstellung des Gebietsschemas bestimmt. Wenn eingegebene Werte nicht wie erwartet erkannt werden, überprüfen Sie die Ländereinstellung in Einstellungen / Hauptfenster ...</translation>
2064 </message>
2065 <message>
2066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20552067 <source>, </source>
20562068 <translation>, </translation>
20572069 </message>
20582070 <message>
2059 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20602072 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2062 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2074 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20642076 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2065 <translation>Geben Sie die zweite Graphenkoordinate des Achspunktes ein. Für kartesische Plots ist dies Y. Für polare Plots ist dies der Winkel Theta.Das erwartete Format des Koordinatenwertes wird durch die Gebietsschema-Einstellung bestimmt. Wenn die eingegebenen Werte nicht als erwartet erkannt werden, überprüfen Sie die Gebietsschema-Einstellung unter Einstellungen / Hauptfenster ...</translation>
2066 </message>
2067 <message>
2068 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2077 <translation>Geben Sie die zweite Diagrammkoordinate des Achsenpunkts ein. Für kartesische Diagramme ist dies Y. Für Polardiagramme ist dies der Radius R. Das erwartete Format des Koordinatenwerts wird durch die Einstellung des Gebietsschemas bestimmt. Wenn eingegebene Werte nicht wie erwartet erkannt werden, überprüfen Sie die Ländereinstellung in Einstellungen / Hauptfenster ...</translation>
2078 </message>
2079 <message>
2080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
20692081 <source>)</source>
20702082 <translation>)</translation>
20712083 </message>
20722084 <message>
2073 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2074 <source>Number format</source>
2075 <translation>Zahlenformat</translation>
2076 </message>
2077 <message>
2078 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2086 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2087 <translation>Anzahl der Koordinaten pro Achsenpunkt:</translation>
2088 </message>
2089 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2091 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2092 <translation>Normalerweise werden drei Achsenpunkte mit jeweils zwei Koordinaten verwendet. Hat jeder Achsenpunkt nur eine bekannte Koordinate, beginnen Sie erneut mit Datei / Importieren (Erweitert) / 4 Achsenpunkten.
2094 </translation>
2095 </message>
2096 <message>
2097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2098 <source>Number format:</source>
2099 <translation>Zahlenformat:</translation>
2100 </message>
2101 <message>
2102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2103 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2104 <translation>Gebietsschema, das die zulässigen Zahlenformate bestimmt. Dies wird über Einstellungen / Hauptfenster festgelegt.</translation>
2105 </message>
2106 <message>
2107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
20792108 <source>Ok</source>
20802109 <translation>Ok</translation>
20812110 </message>
20822111 <message>
2083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
20842113 <source>Cancel</source>
20852114 <translation>Abbruch</translation>
20862115 </message>
23022331 <context>
23032332 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23042333 <message>
2305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23062335 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23072336 <translation>Bilddatei Import Zuschneiden</translation>
23082337 </message>
23092338 <message>
2310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23112340 <source>Preview</source>
23122341 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
23132342 </message>
23142343 <message>
2315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23162345 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23172346 <translation>Vorschau-Fenster, das zeigt, welcher Teil des Bildes importiert wird. Der Bildbereich innerhalb des rechteckigen Rahmens wird aus der aktuell ausgewählten Seite importiert. Der Rahmen kann durch Ziehen der Eckgriffe verschoben und verkleinert werden.</translation>
23182347 </message>
23192348 <message>
2320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23212350 <source>Ok</source>
23222351 <translation>Ok</translation>
23232352 </message>
23242353 <message>
2325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23262355 <source>Cancel</source>
23272356 <translation>Abbruch</translation>
23282357 </message>
23302359 <context>
23312360 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23322361 <message>
2333 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23342363 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23352364 <translation>PDF-Datei Import Zuschneiden</translation>
23362365 </message>
23372366 <message>
2338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23392368 <source>Page</source>
23402369 <translation>Seite</translation>
23412370 </message>
23422371 <message>
2343 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23442373 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23452374 <translation>Nummer der zu importierenden Seite</translation>
23462375 </message>
23472376 <message>
2348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23492378 <source>Preview</source>
23502379 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
23512380 </message>
23522381 <message>
2353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23542383 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23552384 <translation>Vorschau-Fenster, das zeigt, welcher Teil des Bildes importiert wird. Der Bildbereich innerhalb des rechteckigen Rahmens wird aus der aktuell ausgewählten Seite importiert. Der Rahmen kann durch Ziehen der Eckgriffe verschoben und verkleinert werden.</translation>
23562385 </message>
23572386 <message>
2358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23592388 <source>Ok</source>
23602389 <translation>Ok</translation>
23612390 </message>
23622391 <message>
2363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
23642393 <source>Cancel</source>
23652394 <translation>Abbruch</translation>
23662395 </message>
23762405 <context>
23772406 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
23782407 <message>
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
23802409 <source>Ok</source>
23812410 <translation>Ok</translation>
23822411 </message>
23832412 <message>
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
23852414 <source>Cancel</source>
23862415 <translation>Abbruch</translation>
23872416 </message>
23942423 <translation>Achsenkontrolle</translation>
23952424 </message>
23962425 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
23982427 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
23992428 <translation>Achsenkontrolle Gültigkeitsdauer</translation>
24002429 </message>
24012430 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24032432 <source>Do not show</source>
24042433 <translation>Zeige nicht</translation>
24052434 </message>
24062435 <message>
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24082437 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24092438 <translation>Zeige niemals die Achskontrolle.</translation>
24102439 </message>
24112440 <message>
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24132442 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24142443 <translation>Zeige für eine Anzahl an Sekunden</translation>
24152444 </message>
24162445 <message>
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24182447 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24192448 <translation>Zeige Achsenüberprüfung für eine Anzahl von Sekunden nachdem die Achsenpunkte geändert wurden.</translation>
24202449 </message>
24212450 <message>
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24232452 <source>Show always</source>
24242453 <translation>Zeige immer</translation>
24252454 </message>
24262455 <message>
2427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24282457 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24292458 <translation>Zeige immer die Achsenkontrolle.</translation>
24302459 </message>
24312460 <message>
2432 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24332462 <source>Line color</source>
24342463 <translation>Linienfarbe</translation>
24352464 </message>
24362465 <message>
2437 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24382467 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24392468 <translation>Wähle eine Farbe für das Hervorheben von Linien gezeichnet an jedem Achsenpunkt</translation>
24402469 </message>
24412470 <message>
2442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24432472 <source>Preview</source>
24442473 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
24452474 </message>
24462475 <message>
2447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24482477 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24492478 <translation>Das Vorschau-Fenster zeigt, wie die aktuellen Einstellungen die Achsenüberprüfung beeinflussen.</translation>
24502479 </message>
24572486 <translation>Farbfilter</translation>
24582487 </message>
24592488 <message>
2460 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
24612490 <source>Curve Name</source>
24622491 <translation>Kurvenbezeichnung</translation>
24632492 </message>
24642493 <message>
2465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
24662495 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
24672496 <translation>Bezeichnung der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve</translation>
24682497 </message>
24692498 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
24712500 <source>Filter mode</source>
24722501 <translation>Filter-Modus</translation>
24732502 </message>
24742503 <message>
2475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
24762505 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24782507 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
24792508 <translation>Filtern Sie das Originalbild mit Hilfe des Intensity-Parameters in Schwarz-Weiß-Pixel, um unwichtige Informationen zu verbergen und wichtige Informationen hervorzuheben. Der Intensitätswert eines Pixels wird aus den roten, grünen und blauen Komponenten berechnet, da I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
24802509 </message>
24812510 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
24832512 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24852514 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
24882517 <translation>Filtern Sie das Originalbild in Schwarz-Weiß-Pixel, indem Sie den Vordergrund aus dem Hintergrund isolieren, um unwichtige Informationen zu verbergen und wichtige Informationen hervorzuheben. Die Hintergrundfarbe wird auf der linken Seite des Maßstabs angezeigt. R, G, B) aus der Hintergrundfarbe (Rb, Gb, Bb) berechnet als F = Quadrieren (R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). Am linken Ende der Skala ist der Vordergrundabstand Null, und er erhöht sich linear auf das Maximum ganz rechts.</translation>
24892518 </message>
24902519 <message>
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
24922521 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
24932522 <translation>Filtern Sie das Originalbild in Schwarz-Weiß-Pixel mit der Farbtonkomponente der Farbkomponenten Farbton, Sättigung und Wert (HSV), um unwichtige Informationen zu verbergen und wichtige Informationen hervorzuheben.</translation>
24942523 </message>
24952524 <message>
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
24972526 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
24982527 <translation>Filtern Sie das Originalbild mit Hilfe der Sättigungskomponente der Farbton-, Sättigungs- und Wert- (HSV-) Farbkomponenten in Schwarz-Weiß-Pixel, um unwichtige Informationen zu verbergen und wichtige Informationen hervorzuheben.</translation>
24992528 </message>
25002529 <message>
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25022531 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25042533 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25052534 <translation>Filtern Sie das Originalbild in Schwarz-Weiß-Pixel mit der Wertkomponente der Farbkomponenten des Farbton-, Sättigungs- und Wert- (HSV), um unwichtige Informationen zu verbergen und wichtige Informationen hervorzuheben. Die Wertkomponente wird auch als Helligkeit bezeichnet.</translation>
25062535 </message>
25072536 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25092538 <source>Preview</source>
25102539 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
25112540 </message>
25122541 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25142543 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25152544 <translation>Vorschau-Fenster, das zeigt, wie sich die aktuellen Einstellungen auf die Filterung des Originalbildes auswirken.</translation>
25162545 </message>
25172546 <message>
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25192548 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25202549 <translation>Filterparamter für das Histogrammprofil</translation>
25212550 </message>
25222551 <message>
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25242553 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25252554 <translation>Histogrammprofil des ausgewählten Filterparameters Die beiden Teiler können hin und her bewegt werden, um den Bereich der Filterparameterwerte einzustellen, die in das gefilterte Bild aufgenommen werden sollen. Der freie Teil wird aufgenommen und der schattierte Teil wird ausgeschlossen.</translation>
25262555 </message>
25272556 <message>
2528 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25292558 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25302559 <translation>Dieses schreibgeschützte Feld zeigt eine grafische Darstellung der horizontalen Achse im obigen Histogrammprofil an.</translation>
25312560 </message>
25332562 <context>
25342563 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25352564 <message>
2536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25392568 <source>Coordinates</source>
25402569 <translation>Koordinaten</translation>
25412570 </message>
25422571 <message>
2543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25442573 <source>Date/Time</source>
25452574 <translation>Datum/Uhrzeit</translation>
25462575 </message>
25472576 <message>
2548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25492578 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25512580 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
25522581 <translation>Datumsformat für Datumswerte und Datumsteil der gemischten Datums- / Zeitwerte während der Eingabe und Ausgabe. Verwenden des Formats auf einen leeren Wert ergibt nur den Zeitabschnitt, der in der Ausgabe erscheint.</translation>
25532582 </message>
25542583 <message>
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
25562585 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25582587 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
25592588 <translation>Zeitformat für Zeitwerte und Zeitteil der gemischten Datums- / Zeitwerte während der Ein- und Ausgabe verwendet werden. Verwenden des Formats auf einen leeren Wert ergibt nur den Datumsabschnitt, der im Ausgang erscheint.</translation>
25602589 </message>
25612590 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
25632592 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
25642593 <translation>Koordinatenart</translation>
25652594 </message>
25662595 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
25682597 <source>Polar</source>
25692598 <translation>Polar</translation>
25702599 </message>
25712600 <message>
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2602 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
25742603 <source>R</source>
25752604 <translation>R</translation>
25762605 </message>
25772606 <message>
2578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
25792608 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
25802609 <translation>Kartesisch (X, Y)</translation>
25812610 </message>
25822611 <message>
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
25842613 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
25862615 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
25892618 Es werden X- und Y-Koordinaten verwendet</translation>
25902619 </message>
25912620 <message>
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
25932622 <source>Select polar coordinates.
25952624 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26022631 Für Theta ist keine logarithmische Skale erlaubt</translation>
26032632 </message>
26042633 <message>
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26072636 <source>Scale</source>
26082637 <translation>Skala</translation>
26092638 </message>
26102639 <message>
2611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26132642 <source>Linear</source>
26142643 <translation>Linear</translation>
26152644 </message>
26162645 <message>
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26182647 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26192648 <translation>Spezifiziere eine lineare Skala für die X- oder Theta-Koordiante</translation>
26202649 </message>
26212650 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26242653 <source>Log</source>
26252654 <translation>Log</translation>
26262655 </message>
26272656 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26292658 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26312660 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26342663 <translation>Gibt die logarithmische Skalierung für die X- oder Theta-Koordinate an. Die Leistenskala ist nicht zulässig, wenn negative Koordinaten vorhanden sind.Log-Skala ist für die Theta-Koordinate nicht zulässig.</translation>
26352664 </message>
26362665 <message>
2637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26392668 <source>Units</source>
26402669 <translation>Einheiten</translation>
26412670 </message>
26422671 <message>
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26442673 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26452674 <translation>Spezifiziere eine lineare Skala für die Y- oder R-Koordiante</translation>
26462675 </message>
26472676 <message>
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
26492678 <source>Origin radius value</source>
26502679 <translation>Ursprungsradius-Wert</translation>
26512680 </message>
26522681 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
26542683 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
26562685 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
26592688 Logarithmische Scalen sind unzulässig wenn es negative Skalenwerte gibt.</translation>
26602689 </message>
26612690 <message>
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
26632692 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
26652694 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
26682697 Üblicherweise ist der Radius im Ursprung null, aber andere Werte können verwendet werden (z.B. wenn der Radiuskordinaten die Einheit Dezibel aufweisen).</translation>
26692698 </message>
26702699 <message>
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
26722701 <source>Preview</source>
26732702 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
26742703 </message>
26752704 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
26772706 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
26782707 <translation>Das Vorschaufenster zeigt den Einfluß der aktuellen Einstellungen auf das Koordinatensystem.</translation>
26792708 </message>
26802709 <message>
2681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
26822711 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
26842713 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
26872716 <translation>Zahlen haben das einfachste und allgemeinste Format.Date- und Zeitwerte haben Datums- und / oder Zeitkomponenten.Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) Format verwendet zwei Integer-Nummer für Grad und Minuten und eine reelle Zahl für Sekunden. Es gibt 60 Sekunden pro Minute. Während der Eingabe müssen Zwischenräume zwischen den drei Zahlen eingefügt werden.</translation>
26882717 </message>
26892718 <message>
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2719 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
26912720 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
26932722 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27022731 <translation>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) Format verwendet eine einzelne reelle Zahl. Eine vollständige Umdrehung ist 360 Grad. Das Format "DTM MM.MMM" (DDD MM.MMM) verwendet eine ganze Zahl für Grad und eine reale Zahl für Minuten. Es gibt 60 Minuten pro Grad. Während der Eingabe muss zwischen den beiden Zahlen ein Leerzeichen eingefügt werden. Das Format "Minuten" (DDD MM SS.S) verwendet zwei Integer-Nummern für Grad und Minuten und eine reelle Zahl für Sekunden. Es gibt 60 Sekunden pro Minute. Während der Eingabe müssen die Leerzeichen zwischen den drei Zahlen eingefügt werden. Das Format "Gradians" verwendet eine einzige reelle Zahl. Eine komplette Revolution ist 400 gradians.Radians Format verwendet eine einzelne reale Zahl. Eine komplette Revolution ist 2 * pi radians.Turns Format verwendet eine einzelne reelle Zahl. Eine komplette Revolution ist eine Runde.</translation>
27032732 </message>
27042733 <message>
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27062735 <source>X</source>
27072736 <translation>X</translation>
27082737 </message>
27092738 <message>
2710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27112740 <source>Y</source>
27122741 <translation>Y</translation>
27132742 </message>
27142743 </context>
27152744 <context>
2716 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2717 <message>
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2745 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2746 <message>
2747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27192748 <source>Curve List</source>
27202749 <translation>Kurvenliste</translation>
27212750 </message>
27222751 <message>
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27242753 <source>Add...</source>
27252754 <translation>Hinzufügen...</translation>
27262755 </message>
27272756 <message>
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27292758 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27312760 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2732 <translation>Fügt eine neue Kurve zur Kurvenliste hinzu. Die
2733 Kurvenbezeichnung kann in der Kurvenliste verändert werden.
2735 Jede Kurvenbezeichnung muss einmalig sein</translation>
2736 </message>
2737 <message>
2738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2761 <translation>Fügt der Kurvenliste eine neue Kurve hinzu. Der Kurvenname kann in der Liste der Kurvennamen bearbeitet werden. Jeder Kurvenname muss eindeutig sein</translation>
2762 </message>
2763 <message>
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
27392765 <source>Remove</source>
2740 <translation>Entferne</translation>
2741 </message>
2742 <message>
2743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2766 <translation>Löschen</translation>
2767 </message>
2768 <message>
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
27442770 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
27462772 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2747 <translation>Entfernt die aktuell ausgewählte Kurve aus der Kurvenliste.
2749 Es muss mindestens eine Kurve in der Liste existieren</translation>
2750 </message>
2751 <message>
2752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2773 <translation>Entfernt die aktuell ausgewählte Kurve aus der Kurvenliste. Es muss immer mindestens eine Kurve vorhanden sein</translation>
2774 </message>
2775 <message>
2776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
27532777 <source>Curve Names</source>
2754 <translation>Kurvenbezeichnung</translation>
2755 </message>
2756 <message>
2757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2778 <translation>Kurvennamen</translation>
2779 </message>
2780 <message>
2781 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
27582782 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
27602784 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
27622786 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2763 <translation>Liste der Kurven in diesem Dokument.
2765 Klicke auf einen Kurvennamen um diesen zu editieren. Jeder Kurvenname mus einmalig sein.
2767 Ordne die Kurven durch halten und ziehen.</translation>
2768 </message>
2769 <message>
2770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2787 <translation>Liste der zu diesem Dokument gehörenden Kurven. Klicken Sie auf einen Kurvennamen, um ihn zu bearbeiten. Jeder Kurvenname muss eindeutig sein. Sie können die Kurven durch Ziehen umordnen.</translation>
2788 </message>
2789 <message>
2790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
27712791 <source>Save As Default</source>
27722792 <translation>Speichern als Standard</translation>
27732793 </message>
27742794 <message>
2775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
27762796 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2777 <translation>Speicher die Kurvenbezeichnung als Standard für zukünftige Digitalisierungen.</translation>
2778 </message>
2779 <message>
2780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2797 <translation>Speichern Sie die Kurvennamen zur Verwendung als Standard für zukünftige Diagrammkurven.</translation>
2798 </message>
2799 <message>
2800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
27812801 <source>Reset Default</source>
2782 <translation>Vorgaben wiederherstellen</translation>
2783 </message>
2784 <message>
2785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2802 <translation>Standard zurücksetzen</translation>
2803 </message>
2804 <message>
2805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
27862806 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2787 <translation>Einstellungen für zukünftige Digitalisierungen auf Vorgabewerte zurücksetzen.</translation>
2788 </message>
2789 <message>
2790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2807 <translation>Setzen Sie die Standardwerte für zukünftige Diagrammkurven auf die ursprünglichen Einstellungen zurück.</translation>
2808 </message>
2809 <message>
2810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
27912811 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2792 <translation>Entfernen dieser Kurve wird ebenfalls</translation>
2793 </message>
2794 <message>
2795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2812 <translation>Das Entfernen dieser Kurve wird auch entfernt</translation>
2813 </message>
2814 <message>
2815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
27972817 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2798 <translation>die Punkte entfernen. Fortfahren?</translation>
2799 </message>
2800 <message>
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2818 <translation>punkte. Fortsetzen?</translation>
2819 </message>
2820 <message>
2821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28022822 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2803 <translation>Das Entfernen dieser Kurven wird ebenfalls</translation>
2804 </message>
2805 <message>
2806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2823 <translation>Das Entfernen dieser Kurven wird ebenfalls entfernt</translation>
2824 </message>
2825 <message>
2826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28072827 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2808 <translation>Kurve mit Punkten</translation>
2828 <translation>Kurven mit Punkten</translation>
28092829 </message>
28102830 </context>
28112831 <context>
28122832 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28132833 <message>
2814 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28152835 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28162836 <translation>Kurveneigenschaften</translation>
28172837 </message>
28182838 <message>
2819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28202840 <source>Curve Name</source>
28212841 <translation>Kurvenbezeichnung</translation>
28222842 </message>
28232843 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2844 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28252845 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28262846 <translation>Bezeichnung der aktuell ausgewählten Kurve</translation>
28272847 </message>
28282848 <message>
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28302850 <source>Line</source>
28312851 <translation>Linie</translation>
28322852 </message>
28332853 <message>
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
28352855 <source>Width</source>
28362856 <translation>Breite</translation>
28372857 </message>
28382858 <message>
2839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
28402860 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
28422862 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28452865 Dies gilt nur für Datenkurven. Zwischen Achsenpunkten werden niemals Linien eingezeichnet.</translation>
28462866 </message>
28472867 <message>
2848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
28502870 <source>Color</source>
28512871 <translation>Farbe</translation>
28522872 </message>
28532873 <message>
2854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
28552875 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
28572877 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28602880 Dies gilt nur für Datenkurven. Zwischen Achsenpunkten werden keine Linien eingezeichnet.</translation>
28612881 </message>
28622882 <message>
2863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
28642884 <source>Connect as</source>
28652885 <translation>Verbinde als</translation>
28662886 </message>
28672887 <message>
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
28692889 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
28712891 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
28752895 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2877 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2897 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
28792899 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2880 <translation>Wählen Sie die Regel für die Verbindung von Punkten mit Zeilen aus. Wenn die Kurve als einwertige Funktion verbunden ist, werden die Punkte durch einen höheren Wert der unabhängigen Variablen geordnet. Wenn die Kurve als geschlossene Kontur verbunden ist, dann sind die Punkte Geordnet nach Alter, außer für Punkte, die entlang einer bestehenden Linie platziert sind. Jeder Punkt, der oben auf einer vorhandenen Linie platziert wird, wird zwischen den beiden Endpunkten dieser Linie eingefügt - als ob sein Alter zwischen dem Alter der beiden Endpunkte liegt.Lines werden zwischen aufeinanderfolgend geordneten Punkten gezeichnet. Die Zugkurven werden mit gerade gezogen Linien zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten. Glatte Kurven werden mit glatten Linien zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten gezeichnet. Dies gilt nur für Graphenkurven. Es werden immer keine Linien zwischen Achspunkten gezogen.</translation>
2881 </message>
2882 <message>
2883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2900 <translation>Wählen Sie die Regel für die Verbindung von Punkten mit Linien.Wenn die Kurve als einwertige Funktion verbunden ist, werden die Punkte durch einen steigenden Wert der unabhängigen Variablen geordnet. Wenn die Kurve als geschlossene Kontur verbunden ist, sind die Punkte geordnet nach Alter, außer für Punkte entlang einer bestehenden Linie. Jeder Punkt, der über einer vorhandenen Linie liegt, wird zwischen den beiden Endpunkten dieser Linie eingefügt - als ob sein Alter zwischen den beiden Endpunkten liegt. Linien werden zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden geordneten Punkten gezeichnet. Gerade Kurven werden mit Geraden gezeichnet Linien zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten. Glatte Kurven werden mit glatten Linien zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten gezeichnet, wobei natürliche kubische Splines von (x, y) -Paaren gegen skalare Ordinalwerte (t) verwendet werden. Dies gilt nur für Graphkurven. Zwischen den Achsenpunkten werden niemals Linien gezeichnet.</translation>
2901 </message>
2902 <message>
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
28842904 <source>Point</source>
28852905 <translation>Punkt</translation>
28862906 </message>
28872907 <message>
2888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
28892909 <source>Shape</source>
28902910 <translation>Form</translation>
28912911 </message>
28922912 <message>
2893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
28942914 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
28952915 <translation>Wähle eine Form für die Punkte aus</translation>
28962916 </message>
28972917 <message>
2898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
28992919 <source>Radius</source>
29002920 <translation>Radius</translation>
29012921 </message>
29022922 <message>
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29042924 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29052925 <translation>Wähle einen Radius in Pixel für die Punkte</translation>
29062926 </message>
29072927 <message>
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29092929 <source>Line width</source>
29102930 <translation>Linienbreite</translation>
29112931 </message>
29122932 <message>
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29142934 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29162936 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29172937 <translation>Wählen Sie eine Zeilenbreite in Pixeln für die Punkte aus. Eine größere Breite führt zu einer dickeren Linie, mit Ausnahme eines Wertes von Null, der immer zu einer Zeile führt, die ein Pixel breit ist (was auch bei wann gut zu sehen ist Vergrößert weit heraus)</translation>
29182938 </message>
29192939 <message>
2920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
29212941 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
29222942 <translation>Wähle die Farbe für die Punktkonturen.</translation>
29232943 </message>
29242944 <message>
2925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
29262946 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
29282948 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
29352955 Wenn die Eigenschaften zur n-ten Datenkurve gehören, werden sie zukünftig ebenfalls für die n-te Datenkurve verwendet, bis andere Einstellungen gespeichert werden.</translation>
29362956 </message>
29372957 <message>
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
29392959 <source>Preview</source>
29402960 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
29412961 </message>
29422962 <message>
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
29442964 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
29462966 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
30393059 <translation>Exportformat</translation>
30403060 </message>
30413061 <message>
3042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
30433063 <source>Included</source>
30443064 <translation>Eingeschlossen</translation>
30453065 </message>
30463066 <message>
3047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
30483068 <source>Not included</source>
30493069 <translation>Ausgeschlossen</translation>
30503070 </message>
30513071 <message>
3052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
30533073 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
30553075 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
30583078 Die hiesige Reihenfolge der Kurven bestimmt nicht die Reihenfolge in der exportierten Datei. Diese wird durch die Kurveneinstellungen vorgegeben.</translation>
30593079 </message>
30603080 <message>
3061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
30623082 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
30633083 <translation>Liste der nicht zu exportierenden Kurven</translation>
30643084 </message>
30653085 <message>
3066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
30673087 <source>Include</source>
30683088 <translation>Einschließen</translation>
30693089 </message>
30703090 <message>
3071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3091 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
30723092 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
30733093 <translation>Bewege die ausgewählte(n) Kurve(n) aus der Ausschlussliste</translation>
30743094 </message>
30753095 <message>
3076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
30773097 <source>Exclude</source>
30783098 <translation>Ausschließen</translation>
30793099 </message>
30803100 <message>
3081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
30823102 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
30833103 <translation>Bewege die ausgewählte(n) Kurve(n) aus der Einschlussliste</translation>
30843104 </message>
30853105 <message>
3086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3106 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
30873107 <source>Delimiters</source>
30883108 <translation>Begrenzer</translation>
30893109 </message>
30903110 <message>
3091 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3111 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
30923112 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
30933113 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat Kommas zwischen benachbarten Werten, sofern sie nicht durch Tabs in TSV-Dateien überschrieben werden.</translation>
30943114 </message>
30953115 <message>
3096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
30973117 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
30983118 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat Zwischenräume zwischen benachbarten Werten, sofern sie nicht durch Kommas in CSV-Dateien oder Tabs in TSV-Dateien überschrieben werden.</translation>
30993119 </message>
31003120 <message>
3101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31023122 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31033123 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat Registerkarten zwischen benachbarten Werten, sofern sie nicht durch Kommas in CSV-Dateien überschrieben werden.</translation>
31043124 </message>
31053125 <message>
3106 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31073127 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31083128 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat Semikolons zwischen benachbarten Werten, sofern sie nicht durch Kommas in CSV-Dateien überschrieben werden.</translation>
31093129 </message>
31103130 <message>
3111 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31123132 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31133133 <translation>Überschreibe CSV/TSV Dateien</translation>
31143134 </message>
31153135 <message>
3116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3136 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31173137 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31183138 <translation>Komma-getrennte Wertdateien (CSV) und tabulatorgetrennte (TSV) Dateien verwenden Kommas und Tabs, sofern diese Einstellung nicht ausgewählt ist. Wenn Sie diese Einstellung auswählen, wird die Trennzeichen-Einstellung auf jede Datei angewendet.</translation>
31193139 </message>
31203140 <message>
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
31223142 <source>Layout</source>
31233143 <translation>Layout</translation>
31243144 </message>
31253145 <message>
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
31273147 <source>All curves on each line</source>
31283148 <translation>Alle Kurven jeder Linie</translation>
31293149 </message>
31303150 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
31323152 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
31333153 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat in jeder Zeile einen X-Wert und einen oder mehrere Y-Werte.</translation>
31343154 </message>
31353155 <message>
3136 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3156 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
31373157 <source>One curve on each line</source>
31383158 <translation>Eine Kurve auf jeder Linie</translation>
31393159 </message>
31403160 <message>
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3161 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
31423162 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
31433163 <translation>Die exportierte Datei enthält nacheinander mehrere Kurven, wobei jede Zeile nur ein X-Y-Wertepaar enthält.</translation>
31443164 </message>
31453165 <message>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3166 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
31473167 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
31483168 <translation>Funktionspunkte Auswahl</translation>
31493169 </message>
31503170 <message>
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
31523172 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
31533173 <translation>Interpoliere Y und X von allen Kurven</translation>
31543174 </message>
31553175 <message>
3156 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
31573177 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31583178 <translation>Die exportierte Datei bekommt für alle X-Werte aus allen Kurven einen Y-Wert, der erforderlichenfalls linear interpoliert wird.</translation>
31593179 </message>
31603180 <message>
3161 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3182 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3183 <translation>Extrapolieren Sie externe Endpunkte</translation>
3184 </message>
3185 <message>
3186 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3187 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3188 <translation>Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie die Extrapolation außerhalb der Endpunkte jeder Kurve. Bei Deaktivierung werden nur Punkte zwischen den Endpunkten jeder Kurve exportiert</translation>
3189 </message>
3190 <message>
3191 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
31623192 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
31633193 <translation>Interpoliere Y und X von erster Kurve</translation>
31643194 </message>
31653195 <message>
3166 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
31673197 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31683198 <translation>Die exportierte Datei bekommt für jeden X-Wert der ersten Kurve einen Y-Wert, der erforderlichenfalls linear interpoliert wird.</translation>
31693199 </message>
31703200 <message>
3171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3172 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3173 <translation>Interpoliere Y an äquidistanten X Werten.</translation>
3174 </message>
3175 <message>
3176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3201 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3202 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3203 <translation>Interpolieren Sie Ys mit gleichmäßig ausgewählten X-Werten, die automatisch ausgewählt werden</translation>
3204 </message>
3205 <message>
3206 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
31773207 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
31783208 <translation>Die exportierte Datei bekommt X-Werte in äquidistanten Abständen entsprechend dem unten eingestellten Intervall.</translation>
31793209 </message>
31803210 <message>
3181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3212 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
31833213 <source>Interval</source>
31843214 <translation>Intervall</translation>
31853215 </message>
31863216 <message>
3187 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3217 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
31883218 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
31903220 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
31933223 <translation>Intervall in den Einheiten von X zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten in der X-Richtung. Wenn die Skala linear ist, wird dieses Intervall zu aufeinanderfolgenden X-Werten addiert. Wenn die Skala logarithmisch ist, wird dieses Intervall auf sukzessive X-Werte multipliziert. Die X-Werte werden automatisch auf einfache Zahlen ausgerichtet. Wenn die ersten und / oder letzten Punkte nicht mit den ausgerichteten X-Werten übereinstimmen, werden nach Bedarf ein oder zwei zusätzliche Punkte hinzugefügt.</translation>
31943224 </message>
31953225 <message>
3196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3226 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
31973227 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31993229 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32043234 Pixeleinheiten werden bevorzugt, wenn der Abstand unabhängig von der X-Skala sein soll. Der Abstand wird über den Graphen hinweg konsistent sein, auch wenn die X-Skala logarithmisch ist. Die Grapheneinheiten werden bevorzugt, wenn der Abstand von der X-Skala abhängt.</translation>
32053235 </message>
32063236 <message>
3207 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3238 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3239 <translation>Interpoliere Ys bei gleichmäßig beabstandeten X-Werten auf Gitterlinien</translation>
3240 </message>
3241 <message>
3242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3243 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3244 <translation>Die exportierte Datei weist Werte in gleichmäßig verteilten X-Werten an den vertikalen Gitterlinien auf.</translation>
3245 </message>
3246 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32093249 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32103250 <translation>Rohe X- und Y-Werte</translation>
32113251 </message>
32123252 <message>
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3254 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
32153255 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
32163256 <translation>Die exportierte Datei enthält nur die originalen Werte.</translation>
32173257 </message>
32183258 <message>
3219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3259 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
32203260 <source>Header</source>
32213261 <translation>Kopfzeile</translation>
32223262 </message>
32233263 <message>
3224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
32253265 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
32263266 <translation>Die exportierte Datei wird keine Kopfzeile haben</translation>
32273267 </message>
32283268 <message>
3229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
32303270 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
32313271 <translation>Die exportierte Datei wird eine einfache Kopfzeile haben</translation>
32323272 </message>
32333273 <message>
3234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
32353275 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
32363276 <translation>Die exportierte Datei wird eine gnuplot-Kopfzeile haben</translation>
32373277 </message>
32383278 <message>
3239 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
32403280 <source>Save As Default</source>
32413281 <translation>Speichern als Standard</translation>
32423282 </message>
32433283 <message>
3244 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
32453285 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
32463286 <translation>Sichern Sie die Einstellungen für die Verwendung als zukünftige Standardwerte.</translation>
32473287 </message>
32483288 <message>
3249 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3290 <source>Load Default</source>
3291 <translation>Standard laden</translation>
3292 </message>
3293 <message>
3294 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3295 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3296 <translation>Laden Sie die Standardeinstellungen.</translation>
3297 </message>
3298 <message>
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
32503300 <source>Preview</source>
32513301 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
32523302 </message>
32533303 <message>
3254 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
32553305 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
32573307 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
32583308 <translation>Das Vorschaufenster zeigt an, wie sich die aktuellen Einstellungen auf die exportierte Datei auswirken.Funktionen (hier blau dargestellt) werden zuerst ausgegeben, gefolgt von den Beziehungen (hier grün dargestellt), falls vorhanden.</translation>
32593309 </message>
32603310 <message>
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
32623312 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
32633313 <translation>Relationspunkte Auswahl</translation>
32643314 </message>
32653315 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
32673317 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
32683318 <translation>Interpoliere X-Werte an äquidistanten Y Werten.</translation>
32693319 </message>
32703320 <message>
3271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
32723322 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
32733323 <translation>Die exportierte Datei hat Punkte, die gleichmäßig in jeder Relation beabstandet sind, getrennt durch das unten gewählte Intervall. Wenn das letzte Intervall nicht am letzten Punkt endet, wird ein kürzeres letztes Intervall hinzugefügt, das am letzten Punkt endet.</translation>
32743324 </message>
32753325 <message>
3276 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
32773327 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
32783328 <translation>Intervall zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Punkten beim Exportieren bei gleichmäßig beabstandeten (X, Y) Koordinaten.</translation>
32793329 </message>
32803330 <message>
3281 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
32823332 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32843334 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
32873337 <translation>Einheiten für Abstandsintervalle.Pixeleinheiten werden bevorzugt, wenn der Abstand unabhängig von der X- und Y-Skala sein soll. Der Abstand wird über den Graphen hinweg konsistent sein, auch wenn eine Skala logarithmisch ist oder die X- und Y-Skalen unterschiedlich sind.Graph-Einheiten werden gewöhnlich bevorzugt, wenn die X- und Y-Skalen identisch sind.</translation>
32883338 </message>
32893339 <message>
3290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
32913341 <source>Functions</source>
32923342 <translation>Funktionen</translation>
32933343 </message>
32943344 <message>
3295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
32963346 <source>Functions Tab
32983348 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33013351 Controls zum Festlegen des Formats der Funktionen während des Exports</translation>
33023352 </message>
33033353 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33053355 <source>Relations</source>
33063356 <translation>Relationen</translation>
33073357 </message>
33083358 <message>
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
33103360 <source>Relations Tab
33123362 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
33153365 Controls zur Angabe des Formats der Beziehungen beim Export</translation>
33163366 </message>
33173367 <message>
3318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
33193369 <source>X Label</source>
33203370 <translation>X Bezeichnung</translation>
33213371 </message>
33223372 <message>
3323 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3324 <source>Theta Label</source>
3325 <translation>Theta Bezeichnung</translation>
3326 </message>
3327 <message>
3328 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
33293374 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
33303375 <translation>Bezeichnung in der Kopfzeile für X-Werte</translation>
33313376 </message>
33323377 <message>
3333 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3334 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3335 <translation>Bezeichnung in der Kopfzeile für Theta-Werte</translation>
3336 </message>
3337 <message>
3338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
33393379 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
33403380 <translation>Vorschau ist nicht verfügbar, bis Achsenpunkte definiert sind.</translation>
33413381 </message>
33983438 <translation>Rasteranzeige</translation>
33993439 </message>
34003440 <message>
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34023442 <source>Color</source>
34033443 <translation>Farbe</translation>
34043444 </message>
34053445 <message>
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
34073447 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
34083448 <translation>Linienfarbe festlegen</translation>
34093449 </message>
34103450 <message>
3411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
34133453 <source>Disable</source>
34143454 <translation>Deaktivieren</translation>
34153455 </message>
34163456 <message>
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
34183458 <source>Disabled value.
34203460 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34213461 <translation>Deaktivierter Wert. Die X-Rasterlinien werden mit jeweils nur drei Werten angegeben. Für die Flexibilität werden vier Werte angeboten, so dass Sie auswählen müssen, welcher Wert deaktiviert ist. Sobald deaktiviert, wird dieser Wert einfach aktualisiert, da sich die anderen Werte ändern</translation>
34223462 </message>
34233463 <message>
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
34263466 <source>Count</source>
34273467 <translation>Anzahl</translation>
34283468 </message>
34293469 <message>
3430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
34313471 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34333473 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34343474 <translation>Anzahl der X-Rasterlinien. Die Anzahl der X-Rasterlinien muss als Ganzzahl größer als Null eingegeben werden</translation>
34353475 </message>
34363476 <message>
3437 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
34393479 <source>Start</source>
34403480 <translation>Start</translation>
34413481 </message>
34423482 <message>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
34443484 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34463486 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34473487 <translation>Wert der ersten X-Rasterlinie. Der Startwert darf nicht größer als der Stoppwert sein</translation>
34483488 </message>
34493489 <message>
3450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
34523492 <source>Step</source>
34533493 <translation>Schrittweite</translation>
34543494 </message>
34553495 <message>
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
34573497 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34593499 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34603500 <translation>Wertunterschied zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden X-Rasterlinien. Der Schrittwert muss größer als Null sein</translation>
34613501 </message>
34623502 <message>
3463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
34653505 <source>Stop</source>
34663506 <translation>Stopp</translation>
34673507 </message>
34683508 <message>
3469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
34703510 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34723512 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
34733513 <translation>Wert der letzten X-Rasterlinie. Der Stoppwert darf nicht kleiner als der Startwert sein</translation>
34743514 </message>
34753515 <message>
3476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
34773517 <source>Disabled value.
34793519 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34803520 <translation>Deaktivierter Wert. Die Y-Rasterlinien werden mit jeweils nur drei Werten angegeben. Für die Flexibilität werden vier Werte angeboten, so dass Sie auswählen müssen, welcher Wert deaktiviert ist. Sobald deaktiviert, wird dieser Wert einfach aktualisiert, da sich die anderen Werte ändern</translation>
34813521 </message>
34823522 <message>
3483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
34843524 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
34863526 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34873527 <translation>Anzahl der Y-Gitterlinien. Die Anzahl der Y-Gitterlinien muss als Ganzzahl größer als Null eingegeben werden</translation>
34883528 </message>
34893529 <message>
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
34913531 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
34933533 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34943534 <translation>Wert der ersten Y-Rasterlinie. Der Startwert darf nicht größer als der Stoppwert sein</translation>
34953535 </message>
34963536 <message>
3497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
34983538 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35003540 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35013541 <translation>Wertunterschied zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Y-Gitterlinien. Der Schrittwert muss größer als Null sein</translation>
35023542 </message>
35033543 <message>
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
35053545 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35073547 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35083548 <translation>Wert der letzten Y-Rasterlinie. Der Stoppwert darf nicht kleiner als der Startwert sein</translation>
35093549 </message>
35103550 <message>
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
35123552 <source>Preview</source>
35133553 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
35143554 </message>
35153555 <message>
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
35173557 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
35183558 <translation>Vorschau-Fenster, das zeigt, wie aktuelle Einstellungen die Rasteranzeige beeinflussen</translation>
35193559 </message>
35203560 <message>
3521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
35223562 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
35233563 <translation>X Gitterlinien</translation>
35243564 </message>
35253565 <message>
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
35273567 <source>Grid Lines</source>
35283568 <translation>Gitter Linien</translation>
35293569 </message>
35303570 <message>
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
35323572 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
35333573 <translation>Y Gitterlinien</translation>
35343574 </message>
35353575 <message>
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
35373577 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
35383578 <translation>Radiale Gitterlinien</translation>
35393579 </message>
35403580 <message>
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
35423582 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
35433583 <translation>Die Gitterlinienanzahl überschreitet das Limit, das von Einstellungen / Hauptfenster festgelegt wurde.</translation>
35443584 </message>
35513591 <translation>Gitter Entfernung</translation>
35523592 </message>
35533593 <message>
3554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
35553595 <source>Preview</source>
35563596 <translation>Vorschau</translation>
35573597 </message>
35583598 <message>
3559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
35603600 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
35613601 <translation>Vorschau-Fenster, das zeigt, wie die aktuellen Einstellungen das Raster entfernen</translation>
35623602 </message>
35633603 <message>
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
35653605 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
35663606 <translation>Entferne Bildpunkte in der Nähe definierter Gitterlinien</translation>
35673607 </message>
35683608 <message>
3569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
35703610 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
35723612 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
35733613 <translation>Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, um Pixel in der Nähe von regelmäßig beabstandeten Gitternetzlinien zu entfernen. Diese Option ist nur verfügbar, wenn die Achspunkte alle definiert wurden.</translation>
35743614 </message>
35753615 <message>
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
35773617 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
35783618 <translation>Kürzeste Entfernung (Pixel)</translation>
35793619 </message>
35803620 <message>
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
35823622 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
35843624 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
35873627 <translation>Setzen Sie den Abstand in Pixel.Pixel, die näher an den regelmäßig beabstandeten Gitternetzlinien liegen, werden als dieser Abstand entfernt. Dieser Wert kann nicht negativ sein. Ein Nullwert deaktiviert diese Funktion. Dezimalwerte sind erlaubt</translation>
35883628 </message>
35893629 <message>
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
35913631 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
35923632 <translation>X Gitterlinien</translation>
35933633 </message>
35943634 <message>
3595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
35963636 <source>Grid Lines</source>
35973637 <translation>Gitter Linien</translation>
35983638 </message>
35993639 <message>
3600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
36023642 <source>Disable</source>
36033643 <translation>Deaktivieren</translation>
36043644 </message>
36053645 <message>
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
36073647 <source>Disabled value.
36093649 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
36103650 <translation>Deaktivierter Wert. Die X-Rasterlinien werden mit jeweils nur drei Werten angegeben. Für die Flexibilität werden vier Werte angeboten, so dass Sie auswählen müssen, welcher Wert deaktiviert ist. Sobald deaktiviert, wird dieser Wert einfach aktualisiert, da sich die anderen Werte ändern</translation>
36113651 </message>
36123652 <message>
3613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
36153655 <source>Count</source>
36163656 <translation>Anzahl</translation>
36173657 </message>
36183658 <message>
3619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
36203660 <source>Number of X grid lines.
36223662 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36233663 <translation>Anzahl der X-Rasterlinien. Die Anzahl der X-Rasterlinien muss als Ganzzahl größer als Null eingegeben werden</translation>
36243664 </message>
36253665 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
36283668 <source>Start</source>
36293669 <translation>Start</translation>
36303670 </message>
36313671 <message>
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
36333673 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
36353675 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36363676 <translation>Wert der ersten X-Rasterlinie. Der Startwert darf nicht größer als der Stoppwert sein</translation>
36373677 </message>
36383678 <message>
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
36413681 <source>Step</source>
36423682 <translation>Schrittweite</translation>
36433683 </message>
36443684 <message>
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
36463686 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
36483688 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36493689 <translation>Wertunterschied zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden X-Rasterlinien. Der Schrittwert muss größer als Null sein</translation>
36503690 </message>
36513691 <message>
3652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
36543694 <source>Stop</source>
36553695 <translation>Stopp</translation>
36563696 </message>
36573697 <message>
3658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
36593699 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
36613701 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36623702 <translation>Wert der letzten X-Rasterlinie. Der Stoppwert darf nicht kleiner als der Startwert sein</translation>
36633703 </message>
36643704 <message>
3665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
36663706 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36673707 <translation>Y Gitterlinien</translation>
36683708 </message>
36693709 <message>
3670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
36713711 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
36723712 <translation>R Gitterlinien</translation>
36733713 </message>
36743714 <message>
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
36763716 <source>Disabled value.
36783718 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
36793719 <translation>Deaktivierter Wert. Die Y-Rasterlinien werden mit jeweils nur drei Werten angegeben. Für die Flexibilität werden vier Werte angeboten, so dass Sie auswählen müssen, welcher Wert deaktiviert ist. Sobald deaktiviert, wird dieser Wert einfach aktualisiert, da sich die anderen Werte ändern</translation>
36803720 </message>
36813721 <message>
3682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
36833723 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
36853725 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36863726 <translation>Anzahl der Y-Gitterlinien. Die Anzahl der Y-Gitterlinien muss als Ganzzahl größer als Null eingegeben werden</translation>
36873727 </message>
36883728 <message>
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
36903730 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36923732 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36933733 <translation>Wert der ersten Y-Rasterlinie. Der Startwert darf nicht größer als der Stoppwert sein</translation>
36943734 </message>
36953735 <message>
3696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
36973737 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36993739 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37003740 <translation>Wertunterschied zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Y-Gitterlinien. Der Schrittwert muss größer als Null sein</translation>
37013741 </message>
37023742 <message>
3703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
37043744 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
37063746 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37103750 <context>
37113751 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
37123752 <message>
3713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
37143754 <source>Main Window</source>
37153755 <translation>Hauptfenster</translation>
37163756 </message>
37173757 <message>
3718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
37193759 <source>Initial zoom</source>
37203760 <translation>Ursprünglicher Zoom</translation>
37213761 </message>
37223762 <message>
3723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
37243764 <source>Initial Zoom
37263766 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
37293769 Wählen Sie den ersten Zoomfaktor, wenn ein neues Dokument geladen ist. Entweder kann der vorherige Zoom beibehalten werden, oder der angegebene Zoom kann angewendet werden.</translation>
37303770 </message>
37313771 <message>
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
37333773 <source>Zoom control</source>
37343774 <translation>Vergrößerungssteuerung</translation>
37353775 </message>
37363776 <message>
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
37383778 <source>Menu only</source>
37393779 <translation>Nur Menü</translation>
37403780 </message>
37413781 <message>
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
37433783 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
37443784 <translation>Menü und Mausrad</translation>
37453785 </message>
37463786 <message>
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
37483788 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
37493789 <translation>Menü und +/-Tasten</translation>
37503790 </message>
37513791 <message>
3752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
37533793 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
37543794 <translation>Menü, Mausrad und +/-Tasten</translation>
37553795 </message>
37563796 <message>
3757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
37583798 <source>Zoom Control
37603800 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
37633803 legt fest, welches Eingabegerät die Vergrößerung verändert.</translation>
37643804 </message>
37653805 <message>
3766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
37673806 <source>Locale</source>
3768 <translation>Sprache</translation>
3769 </message>
3770 <message>
3771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3807 <translation type="vanished">Sprache</translation>
3808 </message>
3809 <message>
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3811 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3812 <translation>Gebietsschema (Neustart erforderlich)</translation>
3813 </message>
3814 <message>
3815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
37723816 <source>Locale
37743818 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
37793823 Wählen Sie das Gebietsschema, das in Zahlen (sofort) verwendet wird, und die Sprache in der Benutzeroberfläche (nach dem Neustart). Das Gebietsschema bestimmt, wie die Zahlen formatiert sind. Speziell werden entweder Kommas oder Perioden als Gruppenbegrenzer in jeder vom Benutzer eingegebenen Nummer verwendet, in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt oder in eine Datei exportiert.</translation>
37803824 </message>
37813825 <message>
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
37833827 <source>Import cropping</source>
37843828 <translation>Import Zuschneiden</translation>
37853829 </message>
37863830 <message>
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
37883832 <source>Import Cropping
37903834 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
37973841 Diese Einstellung wirkt sich nur dann aus, wenn Engauge mit Unterstützung für PDF-Dateien erstellt wurde.</translation>
37983842 </message>
37993843 <message>
3800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3844 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
38013845 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
38023846 <translation>PDF-Import Auflösung (Punkte pro Zoll)</translation>
38033847 </message>
38043848 <message>
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
38063850 <source>Import PDF Resolution
38083852 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
38113855 Impport Portable Document Format (PDF) Dateien werden in pixel Auflösung in Punkten pro Zoll (DPI) konvertiert, wobei jedes Pixel ein Punkt ist. Ein höherer Wert erhöht die Bildauflösung und kann auch die numerische Digitalisierungsgenauigkeit verbessern. Allerdings kann ein sehr hoher Wert das Bild so groß machen, dass Engauge sich verlangsamen wird.</translation>
38123856 </message>
38133857 <message>
3814 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3858 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
38153859 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
38163860 <translation>Maximalzahl von Gitterlinien</translation>
38173861 </message>
38183862 <message>
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
38203864 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
38223866 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
38253869 Maximale Anzahl der zu verarbeitenden Rasterlinien Diese Grenze wird angewendet, wenn der Schrittwert zu klein für die Start- und Stoppwerte ist, was zu zu viele Rasterlinien visuell und möglicherweise extrem lange Bearbeitungszeit führen würde (da jede Rasterlinie verarbeitet werden müsste)</translation>
38263870 </message>
38273871 <message>
3828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
38293873 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
38303874 <translation>Transparenz der Hervorhebung</translation>
38313875 </message>
38323876 <message>
3833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
38343878 <source>Highlight Opacity
38363880 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
38393883 Opacity, wenn der Cursor über einen Kurven- oder Achspunkt im Select-Modus steht. Die Änderung des Aussehens zeigt, wann der Punkt ausgewählt werden kann.</translation>
38403884 </message>
38413885 <message>
3842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
38433887 <source>Recent file list</source>
38443888 <translation>Kürzlich geöffnete Dateien</translation>
38453889 </message>
38463890 <message>
3847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
38483892 <source>Clear</source>
38493893 <translation>Löschen</translation>
38503894 </message>
38513895 <message>
3852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
38533897 <source>Recent File List Clear
38553899 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
38563900 <translation>Aktuelle Dateiliste ClearClear die aktuelle Datei-Liste im Menü Datei.</translation>
38573901 </message>
38583902 <message>
3859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
38603904 <source>Include title bar path</source>
38613905 <translation>Geben Sie den Titelleistenpfad ein</translation>
38623906 </message>
38633907 <message>
3864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
38653909 <source>Title Bar Filename
38673911 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
38703914 Includes oder schließt den Pfad und die Dateierweiterung aus dem Dateinamen in der Titelleiste aus.</translation>
38713915 </message>
38723916 <message>
3873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
38743918 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
38753919 <translation>Erlaube kleine Dialoge</translation>
38763920 </message>
38773921 <message>
3878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
38793923 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
38813925 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
38843928 Die Einstellungsdialoge sind sehr klein, so dass sie auf kleine Computerbildschirme passen.</translation>
38853929 </message>
38863930 <message>
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
38883932 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
38893933 <translation>Erlaube Drag&amp;Drop Export</translation>
38903934 </message>
38913935 <message>
3892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
38933937 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
38953939 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
39003944 Allows per Drag &amp; Drop Export aus dem Curve Fitting Fenster und Geometrie Fenster Tabellen.Wenn Drag &amp; Drop deaktiviert ist, kann ein rechteckiger Satz von Tabellenzellen mit Klick und Ziehen ausgewählt werden. Wenn Drag &amp; Drop aktiviert ist, kann ein rechteckiger Satz von Tabellenzellen ausgewählt werden. Klicken Sie dann auf Shift + Click, da Klick und Drag die Drag-Operation starten.</translation>
39013945 </message>
39023946 <message>
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3947 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3948 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3949 <translation>Das Bild, das ersetzt, benennt Dokument um</translation>
3950 </message>
3951 <message>
3952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3953 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3955 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3956 <translation>Beim Ersetzen von Bildern wird das Dokument umbenannt
3958 Wenn ein Bild als Ersatz für das aktuelle Bild importiert wird, wird das Dokument umbenannt, wenn dies zutrifft. Andernfalls bleibt der Name unverändert. </translation>
3959 </message>
3960 <message>
3961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
39043962 <source>Significant digits</source>
39053963 <translation>Wichtige Ziffer</translation>
39063964 </message>
39073965 <message>
3908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
39093967 <source>Significant Digits
39113969 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
41384196 <context>
41394197 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
41404198 <message>
4199 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
41414200 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4142 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
41434201 <source>Geometry Window</source>
41444202 <translation>Geometriefenster</translation>
41454203 </message>
41464204 <message>
4147 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4205 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
41484206 <source>Geometry Window
41504208 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
41654223 <translation>Geometrie-Fenster
41674225 Diese Tabelle zeigt die folgenden Geometriedaten für die aktuell ausgewählte Kurve an: Funktionsbereich = Bereich unter der Kurve, wenn es sich um eine Funktion handeltPolgonbereich = Bereich innerhalb der Kurve, wenn es sich um eine Relation handelt. Dieser Wert ist nur dann korrekt, wenn sich keiner der Kurvenlinien gegenseitig schneidetX = X-Koordinate jedes PunktesY = Y-Koordinate jedes PunktesIndex = PunktnummerDistanz = Abstand entlang der Kurve nach vorne oder hinten Richtung, entweder in Grafik-Einheiten oder als Prozentsatz. Wenn Drag-and-Drop deaktiviert ist, kann ein rechteckiger Satz von Zellen durch Klicken und Ziehen ausgewählt werden. Andernfalls kann, wenn Drag-and-Drop aktiviert ist, ein rechtwinkliger Satz von Zellen ausgewählt werden, indem Sie mit Klick auf Shift + Click klicken, da Klick und Drag den Ziehvorgang starten. Der Drag &amp; Drop-Modus ist in den Einstellungen des Hauptfensters eingestellt</translation>
4226 </message>
4227 <message>
4228 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4229 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4230 <translation>Hervorgehobene Segmente können beim Export aufgrund von Überlappungen unerwartete Werte aufweisen. Stellen Sie Punkte ein oder ändern Sie Einstellungen / Kurveneigenschaften / Verbinden als.</translation>
4231 </message>
4232 </context>
4233 <context>
4234 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4235 <message>
4236 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4237 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4238 <translation>Die Funktion hat derzeit mehrere Y-Werte für einen X-Wert. Passen Sie nahe gelegene Punkte an oder ändern Sie den Kurventyp in den Kurveneigenschaften</translation>
41684239 </message>
41694240 </context>
41704241 <context>
42064277 <context>
42074278 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
42084279 <message>
4209 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4280 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
42104281 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
42114282 <translation>Bilderdownload nicht möglich</translation>
42124283 </message>
42134284 <message>
4214 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4285 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
42154286 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
42164287 <translation>Laden des Bildes unmöglich</translation>
42174288 </message>
42194290 <context>
42204291 <name>MainWindow</name>
42214292 <message>
4222 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4293 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
42234294 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
42244295 <translation>Unfähig, Datei zu exportieren</translation>
42254296 </message>
42264297 <message>
4227 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4298 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
42284299 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
42294300 <translation>Das Bild konnte nicht in Datei extrahiert werden</translation>
42304301 </message>
42314302 <message>
4232 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4233 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4234 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4303 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4305 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
42354306 <source>Cannot read file</source>
42364307 <translation>Kann Datei nicht lesen</translation>
42374308 </message>
42384309 <message>
4239 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4240 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4241 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4310 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4311 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4312 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
42424313 <source>from directory</source>
42434314 <translation>Aus dem Verzeichnis</translation>
42444315 </message>
42454316 <message>
4246 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4317 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
42474318 <source>Import Image</source>
42484319 <translation>Importiere Bild</translation>
42494320 </message>
42504321 <message>
4251 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4322 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
42524323 <source>File opened</source>
42534324 <translation>Datei geöffnet</translation>
42544325 </message>
42554326 <message>
4256 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4327 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
42574328 <source>File not found</source>
42584329 <translation>Datei nicht gefunden</translation>
42594330 </message>
42604331 <message>
4261 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4332 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
42624333 <source>Error report opened</source>
42634334 <translation>Fehlerbericht wurde geöffnet</translation>
42644335 </message>
42654336 <message>
4266 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4267 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4337 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4338 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
42684339 <source>File imported</source>
42694340 <translation>Datei importiert</translation>
42704341 </message>
42714342 <message>
4272 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4343 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
42734344 <source>Background image.</source>
42744345 <translation>Hintergrundbild.</translation>
42754346 </message>
42764347 <message>
4277 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4348 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
42784349 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
42794350 <translation>Aktuell ausgewählte Kurve.</translation>
42804351 </message>
42814352 <message>
4282 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4353 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
42834354 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
42844355 <translation>Punkt-Stil für aktuell ausgewählte Kurve.</translation>
42854356 </message>
42864357 <message>
4287 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4358 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
42884359 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
42894360 <translation>Segment Füllfilter für aktuell ausgewählte Kurve.</translation>
42904361 </message>
42914362 <message>
4292 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4363 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
42934364 <source>The document has been modified.
42944365 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
42954366 <translation>Das Dokument wurde verändert.
42964367 Wollen Sie die Änderungen speichern?</translation>
42974368 </message>
42984369 <message>
4299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4370 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
43004371 <source>Cannot write file</source>
43014372 <translation>Kann Datei nicht schreiben</translation>
43024373 </message>
43034374 <message>
4304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4375 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
43054376 <source>Save</source>
43064377 <translation>Datei speichern</translation>
43074378 </message>
43084379 <message>
4309 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4380 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
43104381 <source>Export</source>
43114382 <translation>Exportiere</translation>
43124383 </message>
43134384 <message>
4314 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4385 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
43154386 <source>Open Document</source>
43164387 <translation>Öffne Dokument</translation>
43174388 </message>
43184389 <message>
4319 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4390 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
43204391 <source>+</source>
43214392 <translation>+</translation>
43224393 </message>
43234394 <message>
4324 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4395 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
43254396 <source>-</source>
43264397 <translation>-</translation>
43274398 </message>
43284399 <message>
4329 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4400 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
43304401 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
43314402 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
43324403 </message>
43344405 <context>
43354406 <name>QObject</name>
43364407 <message>
4337 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4338 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4339 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4408 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4409 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4410 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
43404411 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
43414412 <translation>Der neue Achspunkt kann nicht auf der gleichen Bildschirmposition sein wie ein vorhandener Achsenpunkt</translation>
43424413 </message>
43434414 <message>
4344 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4345 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4415 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4416 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
43464417 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
43474418 <translation>Der neue Achsenpunkt kann nicht die gleichen Graphenkoordinaten wie ein vorhandener Achsenpunkt haben</translation>
43484419 </message>
43494420 <message>
4350 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4351 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4421 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4422 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
43524423 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
43534424 <translation>Nicht mehr als zwei Achspunkte können entlang der gleichen Linie auf dem Bildschirm liegen</translation>
43544425 </message>
43554426 <message>
4356 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4357 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4427 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4428 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
43584429 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
43594430 <translation>Nicht mehr als zwei Achspunkte können in der gleichen Linie in Graphenkoordinaten liegen</translation>
43604431 </message>
43614432 <message>
4362 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4433 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
43634434 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
43644435 <translation>Zu viele Punkte auf der x-Achse. Es darf nur zwei geben.</translation>
43654436 </message>
43664437 <message>
4367 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4438 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
43684439 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
43694440 <translation>Zu viele Punkte auf der y-Achse. Es darf nur zwei geben.</translation>
43704441 </message>
43714442 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4443 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
43734444 <source>Never</source>
43744445 <translation>Niemals</translation>
43754446 </message>
43764447 <message>
4377 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4448 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
43784449 <source>NSeconds</source>
43794450 <translation>NSekunden</translation>
43804451 </message>
43814452 <message>
4382 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4453 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
43834454 <source>Forever</source>
43844455 <translation>Immer</translation>
4385 </message>
4386 <message>
4387 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4388 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4389 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4390 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4391 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4392 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4393 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4394 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4395 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4396 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4397 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4398 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4399 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4400 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4401 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4402 <source>Unknown</source>
4403 <translation>Unbekannt</translation>
44044456 </message>
44054457 <message>
44064458 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
44494501 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
44504502 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
44514503 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4452 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4504 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
44534505 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
44544506 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
44554507 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
44874539 <translation>Wert</translation>
44884540 </message>
44894541 <message>
4490 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4542 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4543 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4544 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4545 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4546 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4547 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4548 <source>Unknown</source>
4549 <translation>Unbekannt</translation>
4550 </message>
4551 <message>
4552 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
44914553 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
44924554 <translation>Kann Kurvenfilterdaten nicht lesen</translation>
44934555 </message>
45644626 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
45654627 </message>
45664628 <message>
4567 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4629 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
45684630 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
45694631 <translation>Unerwarteter XML Token</translation>
45704632 </message>
45754637 <translation>Kann Kurvendaten nicht lesen</translation>
45764638 </message>
45774639 <message>
4578 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4640 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
45794641 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
45804642 <translation>Funktion glatt</translation>
45814643 </message>
45824644 <message>
4583 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4645 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
45844646 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
45854647 <translation>Funktion gerade</translation>
45864648 </message>
45874649 <message>
4588 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4650 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
45894651 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
45904652 <translation>Beziehung glatt</translation>
45914653 </message>
45924654 <message>
4593 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4655 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
45944656 <source>RelationStraight</source>
45954657 <translation>Beziehung gerade</translation>
45964658 </message>
45974659 <message>
4598 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4660 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
45994661 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
46004662 <translation>Überspringen Sie die Achskurve</translation>
46014663 </message>
46184680 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
46194681 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
46204682 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4621 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4683 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
46224684 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
46234685 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
46244686 </message>
46284690 <translation>Es wurden drei Achsenpunkte definiert und nicht mehr benötigt oder erlaubt.</translation>
46294691 </message>
46304692 <message>
4631 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4693 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
46324694 <source>Color Picker</source>
46334695 <translation>Farbauswahl</translation>
46344696 </message>
46354697 <message>
4636 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4698 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
46374699 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
46384700 <translation>Aber der Farbauswahlpunkt muss in der Nähe eines Nicht-Hintergrund-Pixels sein. Bitte versuche es erneut.</translation>
46394701 </message>
46734735 <translation>Nach oben fahren</translation>
46744736 </message>
46754737 <message>
4676 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4677 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4738 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4739 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
46784740 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
46794741 <translation>Betriebsystem sagt, dass die Datei nicht lesbar ist.</translation>
46804742 </message>
46814743 <message>
4682 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4744 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
46834745 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
46844746 <translation>Kann keine neueren Dateien von der Version lesen</translation>
46854747 </message>
46864748 <message>
4687 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4749 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
46884750 <source>of</source>
46894751 <translation>von</translation>
46904752 </message>
46914753 <message>
4692 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4754 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
46934755 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
46944756 <source>File</source>
46954757 <translation>Datei</translation>
46964758 </message>
46974759 <message>
4698 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4760 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
46994761 <source>was not found</source>
47004762 <translation>wurde nicht gefunden</translation>
47014763 </message>
47024764 <message>
4703 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4765 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
47044766 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
47054767 <translation>Kann Bilddaten nicht lesen</translation>
47064768 </message>
47254787 <translation>Kann digitalisierte Kurvendaten nicht lesen</translation>
47264788 </message>
47274789 <message>
4728 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4790 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
47294791 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
47304792 <translation>Kann exportierte Daten nicht lesen</translation>
47314793 </message>
47604822 <translation>Punktbezeichnerfehler aufgetreten. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie die Engauge-Entwickler mit allen Kommentaren zum Land und zur Sprache. Der ungültige Punktname war</translation>
47614823 </message>
47624824 <message>
4763 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4825 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
47644826 <source>Commas</source>
47654827 <translation>Kommas</translation>
47664828 </message>
47674829 <message>
4768 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4830 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
47694831 <source>Semicolons</source>
47704832 <translation>Semikolons</translation>
47714833 </message>
47724834 <message>
4773 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4835 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
47744836 <source>Spaces</source>
47754837 <translation>Leerzeichen</translation>
47764838 </message>
47774839 <message>
4778 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4840 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
47794841 <source>Tabs</source>
47804842 <translation>Tabs</translation>
47814843 </message>
47824844 <message>
4783 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4845 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
47844846 <source>Gnuplot</source>
47854847 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
47864848 </message>
47874849 <message>
4788 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4850 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
47894851 <source>None</source>
47904852 <translation>Keine</translation>
47914853 </message>
47924854 <message>
4793 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4855 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
47944856 <source>Simple</source>
47954857 <translation>Einfach</translation>
47964858 </message>
48054867 <translation>Kann keine Datei exportieren</translation>
48064868 </message>
48074869 <message>
4808 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4870 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
48094871 <source>AllPerLine</source>
48104872 <translation>Alle pro Zeile</translation>
48114873 </message>
48124874 <message>
4813 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4875 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
48144876 <source>OnePerLine</source>
48154877 <translation>Eins pro Zeile</translation>
48164878 </message>
48174879 <message>
4818 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4880 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
48194881 <source>Graph Units</source>
48204882 <translation>Graph Einheiten</translation>
48214883 </message>
48224884 <message>
4823 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4885 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
48244886 <source>Pixels</source>
48254887 <translation>Pixel</translation>
48264888 </message>
48274889 <message>
4828 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4890 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
48294891 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
48304892 <translation>Interpolieren Sie alle Kurven</translation>
48314893 </message>
48324894 <message>
4833 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4895 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
48344896 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
48354897 <translation>Interpolation der ersten Kurve</translation>
48364898 </message>
48374899 <message>
4838 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4900 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
48394901 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
48404902 <translation>Interpolieren Sie periodisch</translation>
48414903 </message>
48424904 <message>
4843 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4844 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4905 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4906 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
48454907 <source>Raw</source>
48464908 <translation>Roh</translation>
48474909 </message>
48484910 <message>
4849 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4911 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
48504912 <source>Interpolate</source>
48514913 <translation>Interpoliert</translation>
48524914 </message>
48534915 <message>
4854 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4916 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
48554917 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
48564918 <translation>Kann die Skriptdatei nicht lesen</translation>
48574919 </message>
48584920 <message>
4859 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4921 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
48604922 <source>from directory</source>
48614923 <translation>Aus dem Verzeichnis</translation>
48624924 </message>
48924954 </message>
48934955 <message>
48944956 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4895 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4957 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
48964958 <source>X</source>
48974959 <translation>X</translation>
48984960 </message>
49024964 <translation>Y</translation>
49034965 </message>
49044966 <message>
4905 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
4967 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
49064968 <source>Count</source>
49074969 <translation>Anzahl</translation>
49084970 </message>
49094971 <message>
4910 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
4972 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
49114973 <source>Start</source>
49124974 <translation>Start</translation>
49134975 </message>
49144976 <message>
4915 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4977 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
49164978 <source>Step</source>
49174979 <translation>Schrittweite</translation>
49184980 </message>
49194981 <message>
4920 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
4982 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
49214983 <source>Stop</source>
49224984 <translation>Stopp</translation>
49234985 </message>
49575019 <translation>Kann Punktkennungen nicht lesen</translation>
49585020 </message>
49595021 <message>
4960 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5022 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
49615023 <source>Circle</source>
49625024 <translation>Kreis</translation>
49635025 </message>
49645026 <message>
4965 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5027 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
49665028 <source>Cross</source>
49675029 <translation>Kreuz</translation>
49685030 </message>
49695031 <message>
4970 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5032 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
49715033 <source>Diamond</source>
49725034 <translation>Raute</translation>
49735035 </message>
49745036 <message>
4975 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5037 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5038 <source>Hourglass</source>
5039 <translation>Sanduhr</translation>
5040 </message>
5041 <message>
5042 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
49765043 <source>Square</source>
49775044 <translation>Quadrat</translation>
49785045 </message>
49795046 <message>
4980 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5047 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
49815048 <source>Triangle</source>
49825049 <translation>Dreieck</translation>
49835050 </message>
49845051 <message>
4985 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5052 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5053 <source>Triangle2</source>
5054 <translation>Dreieck2</translation>
5055 </message>
5056 <message>
5057 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
49865058 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
49875059 <translation>Kann Daten für den Punktstil nicht lesen</translation>
49885060 </message>
49895061 <message>
4990 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5062 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
49915063 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
49925064 <translation>Grafik-Koordinaten</translation>
49935065 </message>
49945066 <message>
4995 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5067 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
49965068 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
49975069 <translation>Pixelkoordinaten</translation>
49985070 </message>
49995071 <message>
5000 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5072 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
50015073 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
50025074 <translation>Grafische Auflösung</translation>
50035075 </message>
50125084 <translation>Sie benötigen weitere Achse Punkte</translation>
50135085 </message>
50145086 <message>
5015 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
50165087 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5017 <translation>16:1 weiter</translation>
5018 </message>
5019 <message>
5020 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5088 <translation type="vanished"> 16: 1 weiter</translation>
5089 </message>
5090 <message>
50215091 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5022 <translation>8:1 näher</translation>
5023 </message>
5024 <message>
5025 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5092 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 näher</translation>
5093 </message>
5094 <message>
50265095 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5027 <translation>8:1 weiter</translation>
5028 </message>
5029 <message>
5030 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5096 <translation type="vanished"> 8: 1 weiter</translation>
5097 </message>
5098 <message>
50315099 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5032 <translation>4:1 näher</translation>
5033 </message>
5034 <message>
5035 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5100 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 näher</translation>
5101 </message>
5102 <message>
50365103 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5037 <translation>4:1 weiter</translation>
5038 </message>
5039 <message>
5040 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5104 <translation type="vanished"> 4: 1 weiter</translation>
5105 </message>
5106 <message>
50415107 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5042 <translation>2:1 näher</translation>
5043 </message>
5044 <message>
5045 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5108 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 näher</translation>
5109 </message>
5110 <message>
50465111 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5047 <translation>2:1 weiter</translation>
5048 </message>
5049 <message>
5050 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5112 <translation type="vanished"> 2: 1 weiter</translation>
5113 </message>
5114 <message>
50515115 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5052 <translation>1:1 näher</translation>
5053 </message>
5054 <message>
5055 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5116 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 näher</translation>
5117 </message>
5118 <message>
50565119 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5057 <translation>1:1 weiter</translation>
5058 </message>
5059 <message>
5060 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5120 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 1 weiter</translation>
5121 </message>
5122 <message>
50615123 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5062 <translation>1:2 näher</translation>
5063 </message>
5064 <message>
5065 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5124 <translation type="vanished">1:2 näher</translation>
5125 </message>
5126 <message>
50665127 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5067 <translation>1:2 weiter</translation>
5068 </message>
5069 <message>
5070 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5128 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 2 weiter</translation>
5129 </message>
5130 <message>
50715131 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5072 <translation>1:4 näher</translation>
5073 </message>
5074 <message>
5075 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5132 <translation type="vanished">1:4 näher</translation>
5133 </message>
5134 <message>
50765135 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5077 <translation>1:4 weiter</translation>
5078 </message>
5079 <message>
5080 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5136 <translation type="vanished"> 1:4 weiter</translation>
5137 </message>
5138 <message>
50815139 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5082 <translation>1:8 näher</translation>
5083 </message>
5084 <message>
5085 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5140 <translation type="vanished">1:8 näher</translation>
5141 </message>
5142 <message>
50865143 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5087 <translation>1:8 weiter</translation>
5088 </message>
5089 <message>
5090 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5144 <translation type="vanished"> 1:8 weiter</translation>
5145 </message>
5146 <message>
50915147 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5092 <translation>1:16 näher</translation>
5093 </message>
5094 <message>
5095 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5148 <translation type="vanished">1:16 näher</translation>
5149 </message>
5150 <message>
50965151 <source>Fill</source>
5097 <translation>Fülle</translation>
5098 </message>
5099 <message>
5100 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5152 <translation type="vanished">Füllen</translation>
5153 </message>
5154 <message>
51015155 <source>Previous</source>
5102 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
5103 </message>
5104 <message>
5105 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5156 <translation type="vanished">Vorheriger</translation>
5157 </message>
5158 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
51065160 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
51075161 <translation>Die Datei scheint Zeichen aus mehreren Sprachen-Alphabeten zu enthalten, was in der Windows-Befehlszeile nicht funktioniert</translation>
51085162 </message>
51095163 <message>
5110 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5164 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
51115165 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
51125166 <translation>Kann Daten für dasHauptfenster nicht lesen</translation>
51135167 </message>
51145168 <message>
5115 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5116 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5169 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5170 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
51175171 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
51185172 <translation>ist kein gültiger Dateiname</translation>
51195173 </message>
51205174 <message>
5121 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5175 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
51225176 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
51235177 <translation>ist keine gültige Bilddateierweiterung</translation>
51245178 </message>
51255179 <message>
5126 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5180 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
51275181 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
51285182 <translation>wird nur mit einer oder mehreren Ladedateien verwendet</translation>
51295183 </message>
51305184 <message>
5131 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5185 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
51325186 <source>Available styles</source>
51335187 <translation>Verfügbare Stile</translation>
51345188 </message>
51355189 <message>
5136 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5190 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
51375191 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
51385192 <translation>Ermöglicht zusätzliche Debug-Informationen. Wird zum Debuggen verwendet</translation>
51395193 </message>
51405194 <message>
5141 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
51425195 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5143 <translation>Gibt eine Fehlerberichtdatei als Eingabe an. Wird zum Debuggen und Testen verwendet</translation>
5144 </message>
5145 <message>
5146 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5196 <translation type="vanished">Gibt eine Fehlerberichtdatei als Eingabe an. Wird zum Debuggen und Testen verwendet</translation>
5197 </message>
5198 <message>
5199 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5200 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5201 <translation>Zeigt an, dass beim Start geöffnete Dateien zum Testen von Drag &amp; Drop dienen. Wird für Regressionstests verwendet</translation>
5202 </message>
5203 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5205 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5206 <translation>Gibt eine Fehlerberichtdatei als Eingabe an. Wird für Debugging und Regressionstests verwendet</translation>
5207 </message>
5208 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
51475210 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
51485211 <translation>Exportieren Sie jede geladene Startup-Datei, für die alle Achsenpunkte definiert sein müssen, und stoppen Sie sie</translation>
51495212 </message>
51505213 <message>
5151 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5214 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
51525215 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
51535216 <translation>Entpacken Sie das Bild in jeder geladenen Startup-Datei in eine Datei mit der angegebenen Erweiterung und stoppen Sie dann</translation>
51545217 </message>
51555218 <message>
5156 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5219 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
51575220 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
51585221 <translation>Gibt eine Datei-Befehlsskriptdatei als Eingabe an. Wird zum Debuggen und Testen verwendet</translation>
51595222 </message>
51605223 <message>
5161 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5224 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
51625225 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
51635226 <translation>Ausgabedatei gnuplot Eingabedateien. Wird zum Debuggen verwendet</translation>
51645227 </message>
51655228 <message>
5166 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5229 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
51675230 <source>Show this help information</source>
51685231 <translation>Zeige diese Hilfsinformation</translation>
51695232 </message>
51705233 <message>
5171 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5234 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
51725235 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
51735236 <translation>Führt die Fehlerberichtdatei oder das Dateibefehlsskript aus. Für Regressionstests verwendet</translation>
51745237 </message>
51755238 <message>
5176 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5239 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
51775240 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
51785241 <translation>Entfernt alle gespeicherten Einstellungen, einschließlich Fensterpositionen. Wird verwendet, wenn Windows offscreen startet</translation>
51795242 </message>
51805243 <message>
5181 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5244 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5245 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5246 <translation>Stellen Sie den Fensterstil auf einen der Stile ein, die in der Befehlszeilenoption aufgeführt sind</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5250 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5251 <translation>Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Stile an, die mit der Befehlszeilenoption verwendet werden können</translation>
5252 </message>
5253 <message>
51825254 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5183 <translation>Zeigen Sie eine Liste der verfügbaren Stile an, die mit dem Befehl -style verwendet werden können</translation>
5184 </message>
5185 <message>
5186 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5255 <translation type="vanished">Zeigen Sie eine Liste der verfügbaren Stile an, die mit dem Befehl -style verwendet werden können</translation>
5256 </message>
5257 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5259 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5260 <translation>Aktualisieren Sie die beim Start geöffneten Dateien auf die neueste Version</translation>
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
5263 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
51875264 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
51885265 <translation>Datei (en), die beim Start importiert oder geöffnet werden soll</translation>
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
5268 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5269 <source>Could not write to</source>
5270 <translation>Konnte nicht schreiben</translation>
5271 </message>
5272 <message>
5273 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5274 <source>Upgraded</source>
5275 <translation>Aufgerüstet</translation>
5276 </message>
5277 <message>
5278 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5279 <source>to</source>
5280 <translation>zu</translation>
51895281 </message>
51905282 <message>
51915283 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
52115303 <context>
52125304 <name>StatusBar</name>
52135305 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5306 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
52155307 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
52165308 <translation>Cursor-Koordinatenwerte anzeigen.</translation>
52175309 </message>
52185310 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5311 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
52205312 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
52225314 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
52235315 <translation>Auswählen von Cursor-KoordinatenwertenValues ​​bei Cursor-Koordinaten zur Anzeige. Koordinaten befinden sich im Bildschirm (Pixel) oder Grapheneinheiten. Die Auflösung (die die Anzahl der Grapheneinheiten pro Pixel ist) befindet sich in Grapheneinheiten. Grafikeinheiten sind nur verfügbar, nachdem Achspunkte definiert wurden.</translation>
52245316 </message>
52255317 <message>
5226 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5318 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
52275319 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
52285320 <translation>Koordinaten bei Cursor.</translation>
52295321 </message>
52305322 <message>
5231 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5323 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
52325324 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
52345326 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
52355327 <translation>Cursor-Koordinatenwerte_Values ​​bei Cursor-Koordinaten. Koordinaten befinden sich im Bildschirm (Pixel) oder Grapheneinheiten. Die Auflösung (die die Anzahl der Grapheneinheiten pro Pixel ist) befindet sich in Grapheneinheiten. Grafikeinheiten sind nur verfügbar, nachdem Achspunkte definiert wurden.</translation>
52365328 </message>
52375329 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5330 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
52395331 <source>Select zoom.</source>
52405332 <translation>Wähle Zoom.</translation>
52415333 </message>
52425334 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5335 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
52445336 <source>Select Zoom
52465338 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
52475339 <translation>Wählen Sie ZoomPoints können genauer durch Zoomen platziert werden.</translation>
5340 </message>
5341 <message>
5342 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5343 <source>16:1</source>
5344 <translation>16:1</translation>
5345 </message>
5346 <message>
5347 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5348 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5349 <translation> 16: 1 weiter</translation>
5350 </message>
5351 <message>
5352 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5353 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5354 <translation>8: 1 näher</translation>
5355 </message>
5356 <message>
5357 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5358 <source>8:1</source>
5359 <translation>8:1</translation>
5360 </message>
5361 <message>
5362 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5363 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5364 <translation> 8: 1 weiter</translation>
5365 </message>
5366 <message>
5367 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5368 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5369 <translation>4: 1 näher</translation>
5370 </message>
5371 <message>
5372 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5373 <source>4:1</source>
5374 <translation>4:1</translation>
5375 </message>
5376 <message>
5377 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5378 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5379 <translation> 4: 1 weiter</translation>
5380 </message>
5381 <message>
5382 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5383 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5384 <translation>2: 1 näher</translation>
5385 </message>
5386 <message>
5387 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5388 <source>2:1</source>
5389 <translation>2:1</translation>
5390 </message>
5391 <message>
5392 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5393 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5394 <translation> 2: 1 weiter</translation>
5395 </message>
5396 <message>
5397 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5398 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5399 <translation>1: 1 näher</translation>
5400 </message>
5401 <message>
5402 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5403 <source>1:1</source>
5404 <translation>1:1</translation>
5405 </message>
5406 <message>
5407 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5408 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5409 <translation> 1: 1 weiter</translation>
5410 </message>
5411 <message>
5412 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5413 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5414 <translation>1:2 näher</translation>
5415 </message>
5416 <message>
5417 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5418 <source>1:2</source>
5419 <translation>1:2</translation>
5420 </message>
5421 <message>
5422 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5423 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5424 <translation> 1: 2 weiter</translation>
5425 </message>
5426 <message>
5427 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5428 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5429 <translation>1:4 näher</translation>
5430 </message>
5431 <message>
5432 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5433 <source>1:4</source>
5434 <translation>1:4</translation>
5435 </message>
5436 <message>
5437 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5438 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5439 <translation> 1:4 weiter</translation>
5440 </message>
5441 <message>
5442 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5443 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5444 <translation>1:8 näher</translation>
5445 </message>
5446 <message>
5447 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5448 <source>1:8</source>
5449 <translation>1:8</translation>
5450 </message>
5451 <message>
5452 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5453 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5454 <translation> 1:8 weiter</translation>
5455 </message>
5456 <message>
5457 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5458 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5459 <translation>1:16 näher</translation>
5460 </message>
5461 <message>
5462 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5463 <source>1:16</source>
5464 <translation>1:16</translation>
5465 </message>
5466 <message>
5467 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5468 <source>Fill</source>
5469 <translation>Füllen</translation>
5470 </message>
5471 <message>
5472 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5473 <source>Previous</source>
5474 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
52485475 </message>
52495476 </context>
52505477 <context>
52515478 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
52525479 <message>
5253 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5480 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
52545481 <source>Axis Points</source>
52555482 <translation>Achspunkte</translation>
52565483 </message>
52575484 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5485 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
52595486 <source>Axis points are first defined to
52605487 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
52615488 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
52625489 <translation>Achsenpunkte werden zunächst definiert, um die Koordinaten zu definieren. Schritt 1 -Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Achspunkte</translation>
52635490 </message>
52645491 <message>
5265 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5492 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
52665493 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
52675494 line with known coordinates. An axis
52685495 point appears, with a dialog window
52715498 <translation>Schritt 2 - Klicken Sie auf eine Achse oder Gitterlinie mit bekannten Koordinaten. Es erscheint ein Achspunkt mit einem Dialogfenster zur Eingabe der Achspunktkoordinaten</translation>
52725499 </message>
52735500 <message>
5274 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5501 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
52755502 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
52765503 of the axis point and then click Ok.
52775504 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
52795506 <translation>Schritt 3 - Geben Sie die beiden Koordinaten des Achspunktes ein und klicken Sie dann auf Ok. Wiederholen Sie die Schritte 2 und 3 zweimal mehr, bis drei Achspunkte erstellt sind</translation>
52805507 </message>
52815508 <message>
5282 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5509 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
52835510 <source>Previous</source>
52845511 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
52855512 </message>
52865513 <message>
5287 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5514 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
52885515 <source>Next</source>
52895516 <translation>Nächster</translation>
52905517 </message>
52925519 <context>
52935520 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
52945521 <message>
5295 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5522 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
52965523 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
52975524 <translation>Checkliste</translation>
52985525 </message>
52995526 <message>
5300 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5527 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
53015528 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
53025529 is available when importing an image file.
53035530 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
53055532 <translation>Für neue Engauge-Benutzer ist ein Checklisten-Assistent verfügbar, wenn ein Bilddatei importiert wird. Dieser Assistent erzeugt eine hilfreiche Checkliste vonSchritten, um die Bilddatei zu digitalisieren.</translation>
53065533 </message>
53075534 <message>
5308 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5535 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
53095536 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
53105537 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
53115538 <translation>Schritt 1 - Aktivieren Sie den Menüpunkt Hilfe / Checklist Guide Wizard.</translation>
53125539 </message>
53135540 <message>
5314 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5541 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
53155542 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
53165543 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
53175544 and ask some simple questions to
53205547 <translation>Schritt 2 - Importieren Sie die Datei mit Datei / Import. Der Checkliste-Assistent wird angezeigt und fragen Sie einige einfache Fragen, um festzulegen, wie das Bild deaktiviert werden kann.</translation>
53215548 </message>
53225549 <message>
5323 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5550 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
53245551 <source>Additional options are available in
53255552 the various Settings menus.
53285555 <translation>In den verschiedenen Einstellungsmenüs stehen weitere Optionen zur Verfügung. Dies beendet das Tutorial. Viel Glück!</translation>
53295556 </message>
53305557 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5558 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
53325559 <source>Previous</source>
53335560 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
53345561 </message>
53365563 <context>
53375564 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
53385565 <message>
5339 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5566 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
53405567 <source>Color Filter</source>
53415568 <translation>Farbfilter</translation>
53425569 </message>
53435570 <message>
5344 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5571 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
53455572 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
53465573 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
53475574 black lines the defaults work well, but for
53495576 <translation>Jede Kurve hat Farbfilter-Einstellungen, die im Segment Füllmodus angewendet werden. Für die schwarzen Linien funktionieren die Vorgaben gut, aber für die farbigen Linien können die Einstellungen verbessert werden.</translation>
53505577 </message>
53515578 <message>
5352 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5579 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
53535580 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
53545581 Filter menu option.</source>
53555582 <translation>Schritt 1 - Wählen Sie die Menüoption Einstellungen / ColorFilter.</translation>
53565583 </message>
53575584 <message>
5358 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5585 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
53595586 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
53605587 be given the new settings.</source>
53615588 <translation>Schritt 2 - Wählen Sie die Kurve aus, die die neuen Einstellungen erhalten soll.</translation>
53625589 </message>
53635590 <message>
5364 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5591 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
53655592 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
53665593 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
53675594 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
53685595 <translation>Schritt 3 - Wählen Sie den Modus. Intensität ist für ungefärbte Linien, und Hueis für farbige Linien vorgeschlagen.</translation>
53695596 </message>
53705597 <message>
5371 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5598 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
53725599 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
53735600 dragging the green handles, until the
53745601 curve is clear in the preview window
53785605 <translation>Schritt 4 - Passen Sie den mitgelieferten Bereich an, indem Sie die grünen Griffe zerlegen, bis die Kurve im Vorschaufenster klar ist. Die Grafik zeigt eine Histogrammverteilung der Werte unterhalb.Klicken Sie auf OK, wenn Sie fertig sind.</translation>
53795606 </message>
53805607 <message>
5381 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5608 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
53825609 <source>Back</source>
53835610 <translation>Zurück</translation>
53845611 </message>
53865613 <context>
53875614 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
53885615 <message>
5389 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5616 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
53905617 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
53915618 curve is selected to receive curve points.
53925619 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
53945621 <translation>Nachdem die Achspunkte erstellt wurden, wird acurve ausgewählt, um Kurvenpunkte zu erhalten.Schritt 1 - klicken Sie auf Kurven-, Punkt-Match-, ColorPicker- oder Segment-Fill-Buttons.</translation>
53955622 </message>
53965623 <message>
5397 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5624 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
53985625 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
53995626 that curve name has not been created yet,
54005627 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
54025629 <translation>Schritt 2 - Wählen Sie den gewünschten Kurvennamen. Wenn dieser Kurvenname noch nicht angelegt wurde, Verwenden Sie die Menüoption Einstellungen / Kurvennamen, um sie zu erstellen.</translation>
54035630 </message>
54045631 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5632 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
54065633 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
54075634 original image to the filtered image
54085635 produced for the current curve, using the
54135640 <translation>Schritt 3 - Ändern Sie den Hintergrund aus dem Originalbild in das gefilterte Bild, das für die aktuelle Kurve erzeugt wurde, und verwenden Sie die Option "Ansicht / Hintergrund / FilteredImage". Diese Filterung ermöglicht die leistungsstarken Algorithmen, die später im Tutorial diskutiert wurden.</translation>
54145641 </message>
54155642 <message>
5416 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5643 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
54175644 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
54185645 in the filtered image, then change the
54195646 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
54215648 <translation>Ist die aktuelle Kurve im gefilterten Bild nicht mehr sichtbar, so ändern Sie die Wechselstromfiltereinstellungen. In der Figur sind die orangefarbenen Punkte verschwunden.</translation>
54225649 </message>
54235650 <message>
5424 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5651 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
54255652 <source>Previous</source>
54265653 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
54275654 </message>
54285655 <message>
5429 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
54305657 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
54315658 <translation>Farbfiltereinstellungen</translation>
54325659 </message>
54335660 <message>
5434 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
54355662 <source>Next</source>
54365663 <translation>Nächster</translation>
54375664 </message>
54395666 <context>
54405667 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
54415668 <message>
5442 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5669 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
54435670 <source>Curve Type</source>
54445671 <translation>Kurventyp</translation>
54455672 </message>
54465673 <message>
5447 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5674 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
54485675 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
54495676 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
54505677 <translation>Die nächsten Schritte hängen davon ab, wie die Kurven in Linien und Punkten gezeichnet werden.</translation>
54515678 </message>
54525679 <message>
5453 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5680 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
54545681 <source>If the curves are drawn
54555682 with lines (with or without
54565683 points) then click on
54585685 <translation>Wenn die Kurven mit Linien (mit oder ohne Punkte) gezeichnet werden, dann klicken Sie auf "Weiter" (Linien).</translation>
54595686 </message>
54605687 <message>
5461 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5688 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
54625689 <source>If the curves are drawn
54635690 without lines and only
54645691 with points, then click on
54665693 <translation>Wenn die Kurven ohne Linien und nur mit Punkten gezeichnet werden, dann klicken Sie aufNext (Punkte).</translation>
54675694 </message>
54685695 <message>
5469 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5696 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
54705697 <source>Previous</source>
54715698 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
54725699 </message>
54735700 <message>
5474 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5701 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
54755702 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
54765703 <translation>Nächste (Linien)</translation>
54775704 </message>
54785705 <message>
5479 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
54805707 <source>Next (Points)</source>
54815708 <translation>Nächster (Punkte)</translation>
54825709 </message>
54845711 <context>
54855712 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
54865713 <message>
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5714 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
54885715 <source>Introduction</source>
54895716 <translation>Einführung</translation>
54905717 </message>
54915718 <message>
5492 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5719 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
54935720 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
54945721 images of graphs and maps.</source>
54955722 <translation>Engauge Digitizer beginnt mit
54965723 Bildern von Graphen oder Karten.</translation>
54975724 </message>
54985725 <message>
5499 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5726 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
55005727 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
55015728 the graph and map curves.</source>
55025729 <translation>Sie erstellen (oder digitalisieren) Punkte entlang der Grafik und Kartenkurven.</translation>
55035730 </message>
55045731 <message>
5505 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5732 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
55065733 <source>The digitized curve points can be
55075734 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
55085735 <translation>Die digitalisierten Kurvenpunkte können als Zahlen auf andere Software-Tools exportiert werden.</translation>
55095736 </message>
55105737 <message>
5511 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5738 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
55125739 <source>Next</source>
55135740 <translation>Nächster</translation>
55145741 </message>
55165743 <context>
55175744 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
55185745 <message>
5519 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5746 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
55205747 <source>Point Match</source>
55215748 <translation>Punktabgleich</translation>
55225749 </message>
55235750 <message>
5524 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5751 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
55255752 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
55265753 one sample point, and Engauge
55275754 then finds all matching points.
55305757 <translation>Im Punkt-Match-Modus selektierst du einen Stichprobenpunkt, und Engaugethen findet alle passenden Punkte.Schritt 1 - Klick auf Punkt-Match-Modus.</translation>
55315758 </message>
55325759 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5760 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
55345761 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
55355762 points will belong to.</source>
55365763 <translation>Schritt 2 - Wählen Sie die Kurve aus, zu der die neuen Punkte gehören.</translation>
55375764 </message>
55385765 <message>
5539 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5766 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
55405767 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
55415768 The circle turns green when it
55425769 contains what may be a point.</source>
55435770 <translation>Schritt 3 - Klicke auf einen typischen Punkt. Der Kreis wird grün, wenn es um einen Punkt geht.</translation>
55445771 </message>
55455772 <message>
5546 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5773 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
55475774 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
55485775 matched point with a yellow cross.
55495776 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
55525779 <translation>Schritt 4 - Engauge zeigt einen gedeckten Punkt mit einem gelben Kreuz.Drücken Sie die Pfeiltaste nach rechts, um den passenden Punkt zu akzeptieren. Wiederholen Sie diesen Schritt, bis es keine Punkte mehr gibt.</translation>
55535780 </message>
55545781 <message>
5555 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5782 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
55565783 <source>Previous</source>
55575784 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
55585785 </message>
55595786 <message>
5560 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5787 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
55615788 <source>Next</source>
55625789 <translation>Nächster</translation>
55635790 </message>
55655792 <context>
55665793 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
55675794 <message>
5568 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5795 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
55695796 <source>Segment Fill</source>
55705797 <translation>Segmentfüllung</translation>
55715798 </message>
55725799 <message>
5573 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5800 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
55745801 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
55755802 points all along the line segments
55765803 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
55785805 <translation>Der Segment Füllmodus platziert mehrere Punkte entlang der Liniensegmente einer Kurve. Schritt 1 - Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Segment Fill.</translation>
55795806 </message>
55805807 <message>
5581 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5808 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
55825809 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
55835810 points will belong to.</source>
55845811 <translation>Schritt 2 - Wählen Sie die Kurve aus, zu der die neuen Punkte gehören.</translation>
55855812 </message>
55865813 <message>
5587 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5814 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
55885815 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
55895816 segment in the desired curve. If a
55905817 green line appears, click on it once
55925819 <translation>Schritt 3 - Bewegen Sie den Cursor über eine Linie in der gewünschten Kurve. Wenn eine grüne Linie erscheint, klicken Sie darauf einmal, um viele Punkte zu erzeugen.</translation>
55935820 </message>
55945821 <message>
5595 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5822 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
55965823 <source>Previous</source>
55975824 <translation>Vorheriger</translation>
55985825 </message>
55995826 <message>
5600 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5827 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
56015828 <source>Next</source>
56025829 <translation>Nächster</translation>
56035830 </message>
352352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71"/>
353353 <source>Digitize Axis Point
355 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
356 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
357 </message>
358 <message>
359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78"/>
355 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
357 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
358 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
359 </message>
360 <message>
361 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82"/>
360362 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
361363 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
362364 </message>
363365 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79"/>
366 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83"/>
365367 <source>Shift+F8</source>
366368 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
367369 </message>
368370 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81"/>
370 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
371 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
372 </message>
373 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82"/>
371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85"/>
372 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
373 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
374 </message>
375 <message>
376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86"/>
375377 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
377379 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
379 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
380 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
381 </message>
382 <message>
383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89"/>
381 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
383 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
384 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
385 </message>
386 <message>
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95"/>
384388 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
385389 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
386390 </message>
387391 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90"/>
392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96"/>
389393 <source>Shift+F4</source>
390394 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
391395 </message>
392396 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92"/>
397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98"/>
394398 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
395399 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
396400 </message>
397401 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93"/>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99"/>
399403 <source>Digitize Curve Point
401405 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
404408 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
405409 </message>
406410 <message>
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100"/>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106"/>
408412 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
409413 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
410414 </message>
411415 <message>
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101"/>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107"/>
413417 <source>Shift+F5</source>
414418 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
415419 </message>
416420 <message>
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103"/>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109"/>
418422 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
419423 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
420424 </message>
421425 <message>
422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104"/>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110"/>
423427 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
425429 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
428432 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
429433 </message>
430434 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110"/>
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116"/>
432436 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
433437 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
434438 </message>
435439 <message>
436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111"/>
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117"/>
437441 <source>Shift+F6</source>
438442 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
439443 </message>
440444 <message>
441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113"/>
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119"/>
442446 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
443447 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
444448 </message>
445449 <message>
446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114"/>
450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120"/>
447451 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
449453 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
450454 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
451455 </message>
452456 <message>
453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120"/>
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126"/>
454458 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
455459 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
456460 </message>
457461 <message>
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121"/>
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127"/>
459463 <source>Shift+F7</source>
460464 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
461465 </message>
462466 <message>
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123"/>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129"/>
464468 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
465469 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
466470 </message>
467471 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124"/>
472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130"/>
469473 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
471475 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
474478 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
475479 </message>
476480 <message>
477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145"/>
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151"/>
478482 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
479483 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
480484 </message>
481485 <message>
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147"/>
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153"/>
483487 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
484488 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
485489 </message>
486490 <message>
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148"/>
491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154"/>
488492 <source>Undo
490494 Undo the last operation.</source>
491495 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
492496 </message>
493497 <message>
494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152"/>
498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158"/>
495499 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
496500 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
497501 </message>
498502 <message>
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154"/>
503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160"/>
500504 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
501505 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
502506 </message>
503507 <message>
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155"/>
508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161"/>
505509 <source>Redo
507511 Redo the last operation.</source>
508512 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
509513 </message>
510514 <message>
511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159"/>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165"/>
512516 <source>Cut</source>
513517 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
514518 </message>
515519 <message>
516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161"/>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167"/>
517521 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
518522 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
519523 </message>
520524 <message>
521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162"/>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168"/>
522526 <source>Cut
524528 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
525529 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
526530 </message>
527531 <message>
528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166"/>
532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172"/>
529533 <source>Copy</source>
530534 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
531535 </message>
532536 <message>
533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168"/>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174"/>
534538 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
535539 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
536540 </message>
537541 <message>
538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169"/>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175"/>
539543 <source>Copy
541545 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
542546 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
543547 </message>
544548 <message>
545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173"/>
549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179"/>
546550 <source>Paste</source>
547551 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
548552 </message>
549553 <message>
550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175"/>
554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181"/>
551555 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
552556 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
553557 </message>
554558 <message>
555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176"/>
559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182"/>
556560 <source>Paste
558562 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
559563 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
560564 </message>
561565 <message>
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180"/>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186"/>
563567 <source>Delete</source>
564568 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
565569 </message>
566570 <message>
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182"/>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188"/>
568572 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
569573 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
570574 </message>
571575 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183"/>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189"/>
573577 <source>Delete
575579 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
576580 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
577581 </message>
578582 <message>
579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187"/>
583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193"/>
580584 <source>Paste As New</source>
581585 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
582586 </message>
583587 <message>
584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188"/>
588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194"/>
585589 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
586590 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
587591 </message>
588592 <message>
589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189"/>
593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195"/>
590594 <source>Paste as New
592596 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
593597 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
594598 </message>
595599 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193"/>
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199"/>
597601 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
598602 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
599603 </message>
600604 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194"/>
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200"/>
602606 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
603607 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
604608 </message>
605609 <message>
606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195"/>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201"/>
607611 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
609613 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
610614 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
611615 </message>
612616 <message>
613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204"/>
617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210"/>
614618 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
615619 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
616620 </message>
617621 <message>
618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205"/>
622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211"/>
619623 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
620624 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
621625 </message>
622626 <message>
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206"/>
627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212"/>
624628 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
625629 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
626630 </message>
627631 <message>
628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207"/>
632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213"/>
629633 <source>Import Image
631635 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
634638 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
635639 </message>
636640 <message>
637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214"/>
641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220"/>
638642 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
639643 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
640644 </message>
641645 <message>
642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215"/>
646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221"/>
643647 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
644648 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
645649 </message>
646650 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216"/>
651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222"/>
648652 <source>Import (Advanced)
650654 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
651655 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
652656 </message>
653657 <message>
654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221"/>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227"/>
655659 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
656660 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
657661 </message>
658662 <message>
659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222"/>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228"/>
660664 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
661665 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
662666 </message>
663667 <message>
664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223"/>
668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229"/>
665669 <source>Import (Image Replace)
667671 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
668672 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
669673 </message>
670674 <message>
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229"/>
675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235"/>
672676 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
673677 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
674678 </message>
675679 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231"/>
680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237"/>
677681 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
678682 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
679683 </message>
680684 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232"/>
685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238"/>
682686 <source>Open Document
684688 Opens an existing document.</source>
685689 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
686690 </message>
687691 <message>
688 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245"/>
692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251"/>
689693 <source>&amp;Close</source>
690694 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
691695 </message>
692696 <message>
693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247"/>
697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253"/>
694698 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
695699 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
696700 </message>
697701 <message>
698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248"/>
702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254"/>
699703 <source>Close Document
701705 Closes the open document.</source>
702706 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
703707 </message>
704708 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252"/>
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258"/>
706710 <source>&amp;Save</source>
707711 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
708712 </message>
709713 <message>
710 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254"/>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260"/>
711715 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
712716 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
713717 </message>
714718 <message>
715 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255"/>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261"/>
716720 <source>Save Document
718722 Saves the current document.</source>
719723 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
720724 </message>
721725 <message>
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259"/>
726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265"/>
723727 <source>Save As...</source>
724728 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
725729 </message>
726730 <message>
727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261"/>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267"/>
728732 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
729733 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
730734 </message>
731735 <message>
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262"/>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268"/>
733737 <source>Save Document As
735739 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
736740 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
737741 </message>
738742 <message>
739 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266"/>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272"/>
740744 <source>Export...</source>
741745 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
742746 </message>
743747 <message>
744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267"/>
748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273"/>
745749 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
746750 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
747751 </message>
748752 <message>
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268"/>
753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274"/>
750754 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
751755 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
752756 </message>
753757 <message>
754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269"/>
758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275"/>
755759 <source>Export Document
757761 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
758762 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
759763 </message>
760764 <message>
761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273"/>
765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279"/>
762766 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
763767 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
764768 </message>
765769 <message>
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275"/>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281"/>
767771 <source>Print the current document.</source>
768772 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
769773 </message>
770774 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276"/>
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282"/>
772776 <source>Print Document
774778 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
775779 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
776780 </message>
777781 <message>
778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280"/>
782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286"/>
779783 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
780784 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
781785 </message>
782786 <message>
783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282"/>
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288"/>
784788 <source>Quits the application.</source>
785789 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
786790 </message>
787791 <message>
788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283"/>
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289"/>
789793 <source>Exit
791795 Quits the application.</source>
792796 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
793797 </message>
794798 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292"/>
799 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298"/>
796800 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
797801 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
798802 </message>
799803 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294"/>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300"/>
801805 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
802806 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
803807 </message>
804808 <message>
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295"/>
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301"/>
806810 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
808812 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
809813 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
810814 </message>
811815 <message>
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302"/>
816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308"/>
813817 <source>Tutorial</source>
814818 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
815819 </message>
816820 <message>
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303"/>
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309"/>
818822 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
819823 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
820824 </message>
821825 <message>
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304"/>
826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310"/>
823827 <source>Tutorial
825829 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
826830 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
827831 </message>
828832 <message>
829 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310"/>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316"/>
830834 <source>Help</source>
831835 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
832836 </message>
833837 <message>
834 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312"/>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318"/>
835839 <source>Help documentation</source>
836840 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
837841 </message>
838842 <message>
839 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313"/>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319"/>
840844 <source>Help Documentation
842846 Searchable help documentation</source>
843847 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
844848 </message>
845849 <message>
846 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318"/>
850 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324"/>
847851 <source>About Engauge</source>
848852 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
849853 </message>
850854 <message>
851 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319"/>
855 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325"/>
852856 <source>About the application.</source>
853857 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
854858 </message>
855859 <message>
856 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320"/>
860 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326"/>
857861 <source>About Engauge
859863 About the application.</source>
860864 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
861865 </message>
862866 <message>
863 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328"/>
867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334"/>
864868 <source>Coordinates...</source>
865869 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
866870 </message>
867871 <message>
868 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329"/>
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335"/>
869873 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
870874 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
871875 </message>
872876 <message>
873 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330"/>
877 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336"/>
874878 <source>Coordinate Settings
876880 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
877881 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
878882 </message>
879883 <message>
880 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334"/>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340"/>
881885 <source>Curve List...</source>
882886 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
883887 </message>
884888 <message>
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335"/>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341"/>
886890 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
887891 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
888892 </message>
889893 <message>
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336"/>
894 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342"/>
891895 <source>Curve List
893897 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
894898 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
895899 </message>
896900 <message>
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340"/>
901 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346"/>
898902 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
899903 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
900904 </message>
901905 <message>
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341"/>
906 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347"/>
903907 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
904908 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
905909 </message>
906910 <message>
907 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342"/>
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348"/>
908912 <source>Curve Properties Settings
910914 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
911915 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
912916 </message>
913917 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346"/>
918 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352"/>
915919 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
916920 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
917921 </message>
918922 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347"/>
923 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353"/>
920924 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
921925 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
922926 </message>
923927 <message>
924 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348"/>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354"/>
925929 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
927931 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
928932 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
929933 </message>
930934 <message>
931 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353"/>
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359"/>
932936 <source>Export Format...</source>
933937 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
934938 </message>
935939 <message>
936 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354"/>
940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360"/>
937941 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
938942 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
939943 </message>
940944 <message>
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355"/>
945 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361"/>
942946 <source>Export Format Settings
944948 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
945949 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
946950 </message>
947951 <message>
948 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359"/>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365"/>
949953 <source>Color Filter...</source>
950954 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
951955 </message>
952956 <message>
953 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360"/>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366"/>
954958 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
955959 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
956960 </message>
957961 <message>
958 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361"/>
962 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367"/>
959963 <source>Color Filter Settings
961965 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
962966 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
963967 </message>
964968 <message>
965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365"/>
969 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371"/>
966970 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
967971 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
968972 </message>
969973 <message>
970 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366"/>
974 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372"/>
971975 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
972976 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
973977 </message>
974978 <message>
975 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367"/>
979 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373"/>
976980 <source>Axes Checker Settings
978982 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
979983 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
980984 </message>
981985 <message>
982 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371"/>
986 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377"/>
983987 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
984988 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
985989 </message>
986990 <message>
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372"/>
991 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378"/>
988992 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
989993 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
990994 </message>
991995 <message>
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373"/>
996 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379"/>
993997 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
995999 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
9961000 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9971001 </message>
9981002 <message>
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378"/>
1003 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384"/>
10001004 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10011005 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10021006 </message>
10031007 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379"/>
1008 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385"/>
10051009 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10061010 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10071011 </message>
10081012 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380"/>
1013 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386"/>
10101014 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10121016 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10131017 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10141018 </message>
10151019 <message>
1016 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385"/>
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391"/>
10171021 <source>Point Match...</source>
10181022 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10191023 </message>
10201024 <message>
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386"/>
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392"/>
10221026 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10231027 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10241028 </message>
10251029 <message>
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387"/>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393"/>
10271031 <source>Point Match Settings
10291033 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10301034 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10311035 </message>
10321036 <message>
1033 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391"/>
1037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397"/>
10341038 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10351039 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10361040 </message>
10371041 <message>
1038 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392"/>
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398"/>
10391043 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
10401044 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10411045 </message>
10421046 <message>
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393"/>
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399"/>
10441048 <source>Segment Fill Settings
10461050 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
10471051 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10481052 </message>
10491053 <message>
1050 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397"/>
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403"/>
10511055 <source>General...</source>
10521056 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10531057 </message>
10541058 <message>
1055 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398"/>
1059 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404"/>
10561060 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
10571061 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10581062 </message>
10591063 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399"/>
1064 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405"/>
10611065 <source>General Settings
10631067 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
10641068 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10651069 </message>
10661070 <message>
1067 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404"/>
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410"/>
10681072 <source>Main Window...</source>
10691073 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10701074 </message>
10711075 <message>
1072 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406"/>
1076 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412"/>
10731077 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
10741078 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10751079 </message>
10761080 <message>
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407"/>
1081 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413"/>
10781082 <source>Main Window Settings
10801084 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
10811085 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10821086 </message>
10831087 <message>
1084 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416"/>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422"/>
10851089 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
10861090 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10871091 </message>
10881092 <message>
1089 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419"/>
1093 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425"/>
10901094 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
10911095 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10921096 </message>
10931097 <message>
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420"/>
1098 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426"/>
10951099 <source>View Background ToolBar
10971101 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
10981102 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10991103 </message>
11001104 <message>
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424"/>
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430"/>
11021106 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11031107 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11041108 </message>
11051109 <message>
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427"/>
1110 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433"/>
11071111 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11081112 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11091113 </message>
11101114 <message>
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428"/>
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434"/>
11121116 <source>View Checklist Guide
11141118 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11151119 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11161120 </message>
11171121 <message>
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432"/>
1122 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438"/>
11191123 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11201124 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11211125 </message>
11221126 <message>
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435"/>
1127 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441"/>
11241128 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11251129 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11261130 </message>
11271131 <message>
1128 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436"/>
1132 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442"/>
11291133 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11311135 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11321136 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11331137 </message>
11341138 <message>
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440"/>
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446"/>
11361140 <source>Geometry Window</source>
11371141 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11381142 </message>
11391143 <message>
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443"/>
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449"/>
11411145 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
11421146 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11431147 </message>
11441148 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444"/>
1149 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450"/>
11461150 <source>View Geometry Window
11481152 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
11491153 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11501154 </message>
11511155 <message>
1152 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448"/>
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454"/>
11531157 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
11541158 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11551159 </message>
11561160 <message>
1157 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451"/>
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457"/>
11581162 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
11591163 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11601164 </message>
11611165 <message>
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452"/>
1166 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458"/>
11631167 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
11651169 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
11661170 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11671171 </message>
11681172 <message>
1169 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456"/>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462"/>
11701174 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
11711175 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11721176 </message>
11731177 <message>
1174 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459"/>
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465"/>
11751179 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
11761180 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11771181 </message>
11781182 <message>
1179 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460"/>
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466"/>
11801184 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
11821186 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
11831187 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11841188 </message>
11851189 <message>
1186 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465"/>
1190 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471"/>
11871191 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
11881192 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11891193 </message>
11901194 <message>
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468"/>
1195 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474"/>
11921196 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
11931197 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
11941198 </message>
11951199 <message>
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469"/>
1200 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475"/>
11971201 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
11991203 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12021206 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12031207 </message>
12041208 <message>
1205 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477"/>
1209 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483"/>
12061210 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12071211 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12081212 </message>
12091213 <message>
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480"/>
1214 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486"/>
12111215 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12121216 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12131217 </message>
12141218 <message>
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481"/>
1219 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487"/>
12161220 <source>View Tool Tips
12181222 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12191223 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12201224 </message>
12211225 <message>
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485"/>
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491"/>
12231227 <source>Grid Lines</source>
12241228 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12251229 </message>
12261230 <message>
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488"/>
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494"/>
12281232 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
12291233 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12301234 </message>
12311235 <message>
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489"/>
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495"/>
12331237 <source>View Grid Lines
12351239 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
12361240 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12371241 </message>
12381242 <message>
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494"/>
1243 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500"/>
12401244 <source>No Background</source>
12411245 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12421246 </message>
12431247 <message>
1244 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496"/>
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502"/>
12451249 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
12461250 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12471251 </message>
12481252 <message>
1249 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497"/>
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503"/>
12501254 <source>No Background
12521256 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
12531257 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12541258 </message>
12551259 <message>
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500"/>
1260 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506"/>
12571261 <source>Show Original Image</source>
12581262 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12591263 </message>
12601264 <message>
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502"/>
1265 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508"/>
12621266 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
12631267 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12641268 </message>
12651269 <message>
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503"/>
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509"/>
12671271 <source>Show Original Image
12691273 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
12701274 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12711275 </message>
12721276 <message>
1273 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506"/>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512"/>
12741278 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
12751279 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12761280 </message>
12771281 <message>
1278 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509"/>
1282 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515"/>
12791283 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
12801284 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12811285 </message>
12821286 <message>
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510"/>
1287 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516"/>
12841288 <source>Show Filtered Image
12861290 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
12891293 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12901294 </message>
12911295 <message>
1292 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516"/>
1296 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522"/>
12931297 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
12941298 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
12951299 </message>
12961300 <message>
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518"/>
1301 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524"/>
12981302 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
12991303 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13001304 </message>
13011305 <message>
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519"/>
1306 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525"/>
13031307 <source>Hide All Curves
13051309 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
13061310 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13071311 </message>
13081312 <message>
1309 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522"/>
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528"/>
13101314 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
13111315 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13121316 </message>
13131317 <message>
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524"/>
1318 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530"/>
13151319 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
13161320 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13171321 </message>
13181322 <message>
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525"/>
1323 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531"/>
13201324 <source>Show Selected Curve
13221326 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
13231327 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13241328 </message>
13251329 <message>
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528"/>
1330 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534"/>
13271331 <source>Show All Curves</source>
13281332 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13291333 </message>
13301334 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531"/>
1335 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537"/>
13321336 <source>Show all curves.</source>
13331337 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13341338 </message>
13351339 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532"/>
1340 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538"/>
13371341 <source>Show All Curves
13391343 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
13401344 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13411345 </message>
13421346 <message>
1343 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547"/>
1347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553"/>
13441348 <source>Hide Always</source>
13451349 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13461350 </message>
13471351 <message>
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549"/>
1352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555"/>
13491353 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
13501354 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13511355 </message>
13521356 <message>
1353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550"/>
1357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556"/>
13541358 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
13551359 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13561360 </message>
13571361 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552"/>
1362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558"/>
13591363 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
13601364 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13611365 </message>
13621366 <message>
1363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554"/>
1367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560"/>
13641368 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
13651369 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13661370 </message>
13671371 <message>
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555"/>
1372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561"/>
13691373 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
13701374 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13711375 </message>
13721376 <message>
1373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557"/>
1377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563"/>
13741378 <source>Show Always</source>
13751379 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13761380 </message>
13771381 <message>
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559"/>
1382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565"/>
13791383 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
13801384 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13811385 </message>
13821386 <message>
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560"/>
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566"/>
13841388 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
13851389 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13861390 </message>
13871391 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569"/>
1392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575"/>
13891393 <source>Zoom Out</source>
13901394 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13911395 </message>
13921396 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570"/>
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576"/>
13941398 <source>Zoom out</source>
13951399 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
13961400 </message>
13971401 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574"/>
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580"/>
13991403 <source>Zoom In</source>
14001404 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14011405 </message>
14021406 <message>
1403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575"/>
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581"/>
14041408 <source>Zoom in</source>
14051409 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14061410 </message>
14071411 <message>
1408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582"/>
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588"/>
14091413 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
14101414 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14111415 </message>
14121416 <message>
1413 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584"/>
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590"/>
14141418 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
14151419 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14161420 </message>
14171421 <message>
1418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588"/>
1422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594"/>
14191423 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
14201424 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14211425 </message>
14221426 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590"/>
1427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596"/>
14241428 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
14251429 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14261430 </message>
14271431 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594"/>
1432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600"/>
14291433 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
14301434 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14311435 </message>
14321436 <message>
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596"/>
1437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602"/>
14341438 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
14351439 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14361440 </message>
14371441 <message>
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600"/>
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606"/>
14391443 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
14401444 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14411445 </message>
14421446 <message>
1443 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602"/>
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608"/>
14441448 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
14451449 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14461450 </message>
14471451 <message>
1448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606"/>
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612"/>
14491453 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
14501454 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14511455 </message>
14521456 <message>
1453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608"/>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614"/>
14541458 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
14551459 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14561460 </message>
14571461 <message>
1458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612"/>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618"/>
14591463 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
14601464 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14611465 </message>
14621466 <message>
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614"/>
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620"/>
14641468 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
14651469 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14661470 </message>
14671471 <message>
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618"/>
1472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624"/>
14691473 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
14701474 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14711475 </message>
14721476 <message>
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620"/>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626"/>
14741478 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
14751479 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14761480 </message>
14771481 <message>
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624"/>
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630"/>
14791483 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
14801484 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14811485 </message>
14821486 <message>
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626"/>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632"/>
14841488 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
14851489 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14861490 </message>
14871491 <message>
1488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630"/>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636"/>
14891493 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
14901494 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14911495 </message>
14921496 <message>
1493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632"/>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638"/>
14941498 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
14951499 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
14961500 </message>
14971501 <message>
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636"/>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642"/>
14991503 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15001504 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15011505 </message>
15021506 <message>
1503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638"/>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644"/>
15041508 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15051509 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15061510 </message>
15071511 <message>
1508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642"/>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648"/>
15091513 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
15101514 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15111515 </message>
15121516 <message>
1513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644"/>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650"/>
15141518 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
15151519 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15161520 </message>
15171521 <message>
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648"/>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654"/>
15191523 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
15201524 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15211525 </message>
15221526 <message>
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651"/>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657"/>
15241528 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
15251529 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15261530 </message>
15271531 <message>
1528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655"/>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661"/>
15291533 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
15301534 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15311535 </message>
15321536 <message>
1533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658"/>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664"/>
15341538 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
15351539 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15361540 </message>
15371541 <message>
1538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662"/>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668"/>
15391543 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
15401544 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15411545 </message>
15421546 <message>
1543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665"/>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671"/>
15441548 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
15451549 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15461550 </message>
15471551 <message>
1548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669"/>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675"/>
15491553 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
15501554 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15511555 </message>
15521556 <message>
1553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671"/>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677"/>
15541558 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
15551559 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15561560 </message>
15571561 <message>
1558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675"/>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681"/>
15591563 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
15601564 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15611565 </message>
15621566 <message>
1563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677"/>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683"/>
15641568 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
15651569 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15661570 </message>
15671571 <message>
1568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681"/>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687"/>
15691573 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
15701574 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15711575 </message>
15721576 <message>
1573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683"/>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689"/>
15741578 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
15751579 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15761580 </message>
15771581 <message>
1578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687"/>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693"/>
15791583 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
15801584 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15811585 </message>
15821586 <message>
1583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689"/>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695"/>
15841588 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
15851589 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15861590 </message>
15871591 <message>
1588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693"/>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699"/>
15891593 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
15901594 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15911595 </message>
15921596 <message>
1593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695"/>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701"/>
15941598 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
15951599 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
15961600 </message>
15971601 <message>
1598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699"/>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705"/>
15991603 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16001604 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16011605 </message>
16021606 <message>
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701"/>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707"/>
16041608 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16051609 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16061610 </message>
16071611 <message>
1608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705"/>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711"/>
16091613 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
16101614 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16111615 </message>
16121616 <message>
1613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707"/>
16141617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713"/>
1618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719"/>
16151619 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
16161620 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16171621 </message>
16181622 <message>
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711"/>
1623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717"/>
16201624 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
16211625 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16221626 </message>
16231627 <message>
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717"/>
1628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723"/>
16251629 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
16261630 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16271631 </message>
16281632 <message>
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719"/>
1633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725"/>
16301634 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
16311635 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16321636 </message>
16331637 <message>
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723"/>
1638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729"/>
16351639 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
16361640 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16371641 </message>
16381642 <message>
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725"/>
1643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731"/>
16401644 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
16411645 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16421646 </message>
16431647 <message>
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729"/>
1648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735"/>
16451649 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
16461650 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16471651 </message>
16481652 <message>
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731"/>
1653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737"/>
16501654 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
16511655 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16521656 </message>
16531657 <message>
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735"/>
1658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741"/>
16551659 <source>Fill</source>
16561660 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16571661 </message>
16581662 <message>
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737"/>
1663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743"/>
16601664 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
16611665 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
16621666 </message>
19041908 <context>
19051909 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
19061910 <message>
1907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64"/>
1911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65"/>
19081912 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
19091913 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19101914 </message>
19111915 <message>
1912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107"/>
1916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109"/>
19131917 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
19141918 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19151919 </message>
19161920 <message>
1917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116"/>
1921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118"/>
19181922 <source>as</source>
19191923 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19201924 </message>
19211925 <message>
1922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126"/>
1926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128"/>
19231927 <source>(</source>
19241928 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19251929 </message>
19261930 <message>
1927 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134"/>
1931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136"/>
19281932 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
1930 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
1934 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
19321936 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
19331937 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19341938 </message>
19351939 <message>
1936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141"/>
1940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143"/>
19371941 <source>, </source>
19381942 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19391943 </message>
19401944 <message>
1941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149"/>
1945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151"/>
19421946 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
1944 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
1948 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
19461950 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
19471951 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19481952 </message>
19491953 <message>
1950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156"/>
1954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158"/>
19511955 <source>)</source>
19521956 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19531957 </message>
19541958 <message>
1955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173"/>
1956 <source>Number format</source>
1957 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1958 </message>
1959 <message>
1960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187"/>
1959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180"/>
1960 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
1961 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1962 </message>
1963 <message>
1964 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183"/>
1965 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
1966 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1967 </message>
1968 <message>
1969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194"/>
1970 <source>Number format:</source>
1971 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1972 </message>
1973 <message>
1974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197"/>
1975 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
1976 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1977 </message>
1978 <message>
1979 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213"/>
19611980 <source>Ok</source>
19621981 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19631982 </message>
19641983 <message>
1965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191"/>
1984 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217"/>
19661985 <source>Cancel</source>
19671986 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
19681987 </message>
21682187 <context>
21692188 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
21702189 <message>
2171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34"/>
2190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35"/>
21722191 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
21732192 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
21742193 </message>
21752194 <message>
2176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71"/>
2195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74"/>
21772196 <source>Preview</source>
21782197 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
21792198 </message>
21802199 <message>
2181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78"/>
2200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81"/>
21822201 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
21832202 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
21842203 </message>
21852204 <message>
2186 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115"/>
2205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118"/>
21872206 <source>Ok</source>
21882207 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
21892208 </message>
21902209 <message>
2191 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122"/>
2210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125"/>
21922211 <source>Cancel</source>
21932212 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
21942213 </message>
21962215 <context>
21972216 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
21982217 <message>
2199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43"/>
2218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44"/>
22002219 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
22012220 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22022221 </message>
22032222 <message>
2204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77"/>
2223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78"/>
22052224 <source>Page</source>
22062225 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22072226 </message>
22082227 <message>
2209 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82"/>
2228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83"/>
22102229 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
22112230 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22122231 </message>
22132232 <message>
2214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100"/>
2233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101"/>
22152234 <source>Preview</source>
22162235 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22172236 </message>
22182237 <message>
2219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107"/>
2238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108"/>
22202239 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
22212240 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22222241 </message>
22232242 <message>
2224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151"/>
2243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152"/>
22252244 <source>Ok</source>
22262245 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22272246 </message>
22282247 <message>
2229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158"/>
2248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159"/>
22302249 <source>Cancel</source>
22312250 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22322251 </message>
22422261 <context>
22432262 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
22442263 <message>
2245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99"/>
2264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100"/>
22462265 <source>Ok</source>
22472266 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22482267 </message>
22492268 <message>
2250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107"/>
2269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108"/>
22512270 <source>Cancel</source>
22522271 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22532272 </message>
22602279 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22612280 </message>
22622281 <message>
2263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63"/>
2282 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65"/>
22642283 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
22652284 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22662285 </message>
22672286 <message>
2268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70"/>
2287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72"/>
22692288 <source>Do not show</source>
22702289 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22712290 </message>
22722291 <message>
2273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71"/>
2292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73"/>
22742293 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
22752294 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22762295 </message>
22772296 <message>
2278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74"/>
2297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76"/>
22792298 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
22802299 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22812300 </message>
22822301 <message>
2283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75"/>
2302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77"/>
22842303 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
22852304 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22862305 </message>
22872306 <message>
2288 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85"/>
2307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87"/>
22892308 <source>Show always</source>
22902309 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22912310 </message>
22922311 <message>
2293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86"/>
2312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88"/>
22942313 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
22952314 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
22962315 </message>
22972316 <message>
2298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95"/>
2317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97"/>
22992318 <source>Line color</source>
23002319 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23012320 </message>
23022321 <message>
2303 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99"/>
2322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101"/>
23042323 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
23052324 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23062325 </message>
23072326 <message>
2308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153"/>
2327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155"/>
23092328 <source>Preview</source>
23102329 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23112330 </message>
23122331 <message>
2313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160"/>
2332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162"/>
23142333 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
23152334 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23162335 </message>
23232342 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23242343 </message>
23252344 <message>
2326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62"/>
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64"/>
23272346 <source>Curve Name</source>
23282347 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23292348 </message>
23302349 <message>
2331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66"/>
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68"/>
23322351 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
23332352 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23342353 </message>
23352354 <message>
2336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70"/>
2355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72"/>
23372356 <source>Filter mode</source>
23382357 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23392358 </message>
23402359 <message>
2341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74"/>
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76"/>
23422361 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23442363 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
23452364 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23462365 </message>
23472366 <message>
2348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82"/>
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84"/>
23492368 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23512370 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
23542373 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23552374 </message>
23562375 <message>
2357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92"/>
2376 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94"/>
23582377 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23592378 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23602379 </message>
23612380 <message>
2362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99"/>
2381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101"/>
23632382 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23642383 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23652384 </message>
23662385 <message>
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106"/>
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108"/>
23682387 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23702389 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
23712390 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23722391 </message>
23732392 <message>
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122"/>
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124"/>
23752394 <source>Preview</source>
23762395 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23772396 </message>
23782397 <message>
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129"/>
2398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131"/>
23802399 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
23812400 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23822401 </message>
23832402 <message>
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144"/>
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146"/>
23852404 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
23862405 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23872406 </message>
23882407 <message>
2389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152"/>
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154"/>
23902409 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
23912410 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23922411 </message>
23932412 <message>
2394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159"/>
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161"/>
23952414 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
23962415 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
23972416 </message>
23992418 <context>
24002419 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
24012420 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75"/>
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907"/>
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911"/>
2421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76"/>
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915"/>
2423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919"/>
24052424 <source>Coordinates</source>
24062425 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24072426 </message>
24082427 <message>
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214"/>
2428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219"/>
24102429 <source>Date/Time</source>
24112430 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24122431 </message>
24132432 <message>
2414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224"/>
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229"/>
24152434 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24172436 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
24182437 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24192438 </message>
24202439 <message>
2421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231"/>
2440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236"/>
24222441 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24242443 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
24252444 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24262445 </message>
24272446 <message>
2428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243"/>
2447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248"/>
24292448 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
24302449 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24312450 </message>
24322451 <message>
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248"/>
2452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253"/>
24342453 <source>Polar</source>
24352454 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24362455 </message>
24372456 <message>
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248"/>
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910"/>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253"/>
2458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918"/>
24402459 <source>R</source>
24412460 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24422461 </message>
24432462 <message>
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250"/>
2463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255"/>
24452464 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
24462465 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24472466 </message>
24482467 <message>
2449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251"/>
2468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256"/>
24502469 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
24522471 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
24532472 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24542473 </message>
24552474 <message>
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257"/>
2475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262"/>
24572476 <source>Select polar coordinates.
24592478 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
24622481 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24632482 </message>
24642483 <message>
2465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276"/>
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311"/>
2484 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281"/>
2485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316"/>
24672486 <source>Scale</source>
24682487 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24692488 </message>
24702489 <message>
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279"/>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314"/>
2490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284"/>
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319"/>
24732492 <source>Linear</source>
24742493 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24752494 </message>
24762495 <message>
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280"/>
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285"/>
24782497 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
24792498 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24802499 </message>
24812500 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284"/>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322"/>
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289"/>
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327"/>
24842503 <source>Log</source>
24852504 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24862505 </message>
24872506 <message>
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285"/>
2507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290"/>
24892508 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
24912510 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
24942513 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
24952514 </message>
24962515 <message>
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291"/>
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336"/>
2516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296"/>
2517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341"/>
24992518 <source>Units</source>
25002519 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25012520 </message>
25022521 <message>
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315"/>
2522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320"/>
25042523 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
25052524 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25062525 </message>
25072526 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319"/>
2527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324"/>
25092528 <source>Origin radius value</source>
25102529 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25112530 </message>
25122531 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323"/>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328"/>
25142533 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
25162535 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
25172536 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25182537 </message>
25192538 <message>
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330"/>
2539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335"/>
25212540 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
25232542 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
25242543 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25252544 </message>
25262545 <message>
2527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353"/>
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358"/>
25282547 <source>Preview</source>
25292548 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25302549 </message>
25312550 <message>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360"/>
2551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365"/>
25332552 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
25342553 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25352554 </message>
25362555 <message>
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665"/>
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673"/>
25382557 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
25402559 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
25432562 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25442563 </message>
25452564 <message>
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698"/>
2565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706"/>
25472566 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
25492568 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
25582577 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25592578 </message>
25602579 <message>
2561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905"/>
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913"/>
25622581 <source>X</source>
25632582 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25642583 </message>
25652584 <message>
2566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909"/>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917"/>
25672586 <source>Y</source>
25682587 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25692588 </message>
25702589 </context>
25712590 <context>
2572 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2573 <message>
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32"/>
2591 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2592 <message>
2593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32"/>
25752594 <source>Curve List</source>
25762595 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25772596 </message>
25782597 <message>
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69"/>
2598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69"/>
25802599 <source>Add...</source>
25812600 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25822601 </message>
25832602 <message>
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70"/>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70"/>
25852604 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
25872606 Every curve name must be unique</source>
25882607 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25892608 </message>
25902609 <message>
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76"/>
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76"/>
25922611 <source>Remove</source>
25932612 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
25942613 </message>
25952614 <message>
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77"/>
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77"/>
25972616 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
25992618 There must always be at least one curve</source>
26002619 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26012620 </message>
26022621 <message>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89"/>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89"/>
26042623 <source>Curve Names</source>
26052624 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26062625 </message>
26072626 <message>
2608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94"/>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94"/>
26092628 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
26112630 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
26142633 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26152634 </message>
26162635 <message>
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121"/>
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121"/>
26182637 <source>Save As Default</source>
26192638 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26202639 </message>
26212640 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122"/>
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122"/>
26232642 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
26242643 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26252644 </message>
26262645 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126"/>
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126"/>
26282647 <source>Reset Default</source>
26292648 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26302649 </message>
26312650 <message>
2632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127"/>
2651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127"/>
26332652 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
26342653 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26352654 </message>
26362655 <message>
2637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506"/>
2656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507"/>
26382657 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
26392658 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26402659 </message>
26412660 <message>
2642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508"/>
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513"/>
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509"/>
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514"/>
26442663 <source>points. Continue?</source>
26452664 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26462665 </message>
26472666 <message>
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511"/>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512"/>
26492668 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
26502669 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26512670 </message>
26522671 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517"/>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518"/>
26542673 <source>Curves With Points</source>
26552674 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26562675 </message>
26582677 <context>
26592678 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
26602679 <message>
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61"/>
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62"/>
26622681 <source>Curve Properties</source>
26632682 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26642683 </message>
26652684 <message>
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88"/>
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89"/>
26672686 <source>Curve Name</source>
26682687 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26692688 </message>
26702689 <message>
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92"/>
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93"/>
26722691 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
26732692 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26742693 </message>
26752694 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102"/>
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103"/>
26772696 <source>Line</source>
26782697 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26792698 </message>
26802699 <message>
2681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108"/>
2700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109"/>
26822701 <source>Width</source>
26832702 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26842703 </message>
26852704 <message>
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112"/>
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113"/>
26872706 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
26892708 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
26902709 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26912710 </message>
26922711 <message>
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118"/>
2694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203"/>
2712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119"/>
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209"/>
26952714 <source>Color</source>
26962715 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
26972716 </message>
26982717 <message>
2699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122"/>
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123"/>
27002719 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
27022721 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27032722 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27042723 </message>
27052724 <message>
2706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128"/>
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129"/>
27072726 <source>Connect as</source>
27082727 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27092728 </message>
27102729 <message>
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136"/>
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137"/>
27122731 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
27142733 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
27182737 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2720 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2739 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
27222741 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27232742 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27242743 </message>
27252744 <message>
2726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156"/>
2745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158"/>
27272746 <source>Point</source>
27282747 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27292748 </message>
27302749 <message>
2731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162"/>
2750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164"/>
27322751 <source>Shape</source>
27332752 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27342753 </message>
27352754 <message>
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166"/>
2755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168"/>
27372756 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
27382757 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27392758 </message>
27402759 <message>
2741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182"/>
2760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188"/>
27422761 <source>Radius</source>
27432762 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27442763 </message>
27452764 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186"/>
2765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192"/>
27472766 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
27482767 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27492768 </message>
27502769 <message>
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191"/>
2770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197"/>
27522771 <source>Line width</source>
27532772 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27542773 </message>
27552774 <message>
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195"/>
2775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201"/>
27572776 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
27592778 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
27602779 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27612780 </message>
27622781 <message>
2763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207"/>
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213"/>
27642783 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
27652784 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27662785 </message>
27672786 <message>
2768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218"/>
2787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224"/>
27692788 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
27712790 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
27742793 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27752794 </message>
27762795 <message>
2777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232"/>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238"/>
27782797 <source>Preview</source>
27792798 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
27802799 </message>
27812800 <message>
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239"/>
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245"/>
27832802 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
27852804 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
28742893 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
28752894 </message>
28762895 <message>
2877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79"/>
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84"/>
28782897 <source>Included</source>
28792898 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
28802899 </message>
28812900 <message>
2882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82"/>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87"/>
28832902 <source>Not included</source>
28842903 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
28852904 </message>
28862905 <message>
2887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87"/>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92"/>
28882907 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
28902909 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
28912910 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
28922911 </message>
28932912 <message>
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96"/>
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101"/>
28952914 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
28962915 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
28972916 </message>
28982917 <message>
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101"/>
2918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106"/>
29002919 <source>Include</source>
29012920 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29022921 </message>
29032922 <message>
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103"/>
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108"/>
29052924 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
29062925 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29072926 </message>
29082927 <message>
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107"/>
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112"/>
29102929 <source>Exclude</source>
29112930 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29122931 </message>
29132932 <message>
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109"/>
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114"/>
29152934 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
29162935 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29172936 </message>
29182937 <message>
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120"/>
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125"/>
29202939 <source>Delimiters</source>
29212940 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29222941 </message>
29232942 <message>
2924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127"/>
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132"/>
29252944 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
29262945 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29272946 </message>
29282947 <message>
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132"/>
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137"/>
29302949 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
29312950 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29322951 </message>
29332952 <message>
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138"/>
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143"/>
29352954 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29362955 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29372956 </message>
29382957 <message>
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143"/>
2958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148"/>
29402959 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29412960 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29422961 </message>
29432962 <message>
2944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147"/>
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152"/>
29452964 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
29462965 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29472966 </message>
29482967 <message>
2949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148"/>
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153"/>
29502969 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
29512970 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29522971 </message>
29532972 <message>
2954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159"/>
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164"/>
29552974 <source>Layout</source>
29562975 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29572976 </message>
29582977 <message>
2959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165"/>
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170"/>
29602979 <source>All curves on each line</source>
29612980 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29622981 </message>
29632982 <message>
2964 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166"/>
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171"/>
29652984 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
29662985 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29672986 </message>
29682987 <message>
2969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171"/>
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176"/>
29702989 <source>One curve on each line</source>
29712990 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29722991 </message>
29732992 <message>
2974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172"/>
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177"/>
29752994 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
29762995 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29772996 </message>
29782997 <message>
2979 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182"/>
2998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187"/>
29802999 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
29813000 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29823001 </message>
29833002 <message>
2984 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196"/>
3003 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201"/>
29853004 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
29863005 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29873006 </message>
29883007 <message>
2989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197"/>
3008 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202"/>
29903009 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
29913010 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29923011 </message>
29933012 <message>
2994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202"/>
3013 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208"/>
3014 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3015 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3016 </message>
3017 <message>
3018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209"/>
3019 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3020 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3021 </message>
3022 <message>
3023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214"/>
29953024 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
29963025 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
29973026 </message>
29983027 <message>
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203"/>
3028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215"/>
30003029 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
30013030 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30023031 </message>
30033032 <message>
3004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208"/>
3005 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3006 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3007 </message>
3008 <message>
3009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209"/>
3033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220"/>
3034 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3035 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3036 </message>
3037 <message>
3038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221"/>
30103039 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
30113040 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30123041 </message>
30133042 <message>
3014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213"/>
3015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350"/>
3043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225"/>
3044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372"/>
30163045 <source>Interval</source>
30173046 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30183047 </message>
30193048 <message>
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221"/>
3049 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233"/>
30213050 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
30233052 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
30263055 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30273056 </message>
30283057 <message>
3029 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231"/>
3058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243"/>
30303059 <source>Units for spacing interval.
30323061 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
30353064 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30363065 </message>
30373066 <message>
3038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243"/>
3039 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376"/>
3067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255"/>
3068 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3069 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3070 </message>
3071 <message>
3072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256"/>
3073 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3074 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3075 </message>
3076 <message>
3077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260"/>
3078 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398"/>
30403079 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
30413080 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30423081 </message>
30433082 <message>
3044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244"/>
3045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377"/>
3083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261"/>
3084 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399"/>
30463085 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
30473086 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30483087 </message>
30493088 <message>
3050 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255"/>
3089 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272"/>
30513090 <source>Header</source>
30523091 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30533092 </message>
30543093 <message>
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265"/>
3094 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282"/>
30563095 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
30573096 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30583097 </message>
30593098 <message>
3060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270"/>
3099 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287"/>
30613100 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
30623101 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30633102 </message>
30643103 <message>
3065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275"/>
3104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292"/>
30663105 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
30673106 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30683107 </message>
30693108 <message>
3070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287"/>
3109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304"/>
30713110 <source>Save As Default</source>
30723111 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30733112 </message>
30743113 <message>
3075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288"/>
3114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305"/>
30763115 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
30773116 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30783117 </message>
30793118 <message>
3080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297"/>
3119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309"/>
3120 <source>Load Default</source>
3121 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3122 </message>
3123 <message>
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310"/>
3125 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3126 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3127 </message>
3128 <message>
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319"/>
30813130 <source>Preview</source>
30823131 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30833132 </message>
30843133 <message>
3085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313"/>
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335"/>
30863135 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
30883137 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
30893138 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30903139 </message>
30913140 <message>
3092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329"/>
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351"/>
30933142 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
30943143 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
30953144 </message>
30963145 <message>
3097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343"/>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365"/>
30983147 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
30993148 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31003149 </message>
31013150 <message>
3102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344"/>
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366"/>
31033152 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
31043153 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31053154 </message>
31063155 <message>
3107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358"/>
3156 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380"/>
31083157 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
31093158 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31103159 </message>
31113160 <message>
3112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364"/>
3161 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386"/>
31133162 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31153164 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
31183167 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31193168 </message>
31203169 <message>
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420"/>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442"/>
31223171 <source>Functions</source>
31233172 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31243173 </message>
31253174 <message>
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422"/>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444"/>
31273176 <source>Functions Tab
31293178 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
31303179 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31313180 </message>
31323181 <message>
3133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428"/>
3182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450"/>
31343183 <source>Relations</source>
31353184 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31363185 </message>
31373186 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430"/>
3187 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452"/>
31393188 <source>Relations Tab
31413190 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
31423191 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31433192 </message>
31443193 <message>
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451"/>
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471"/>
31463195 <source>X Label</source>
31473196 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31483197 </message>
31493198 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453"/>
3151 <source>Theta Label</source>
3152 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3153 </message>
3154 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459"/>
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475"/>
31563200 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
31573201 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31583202 </message>
31593203 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461"/>
3161 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3162 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3163 </message>
3164 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113"/>
3204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214"/>
31663205 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
31673206 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
31683207 </message>
32213260 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32223261 </message>
32233262 <message>
3224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65"/>
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82"/>
32253264 <source>Color</source>
32263265 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32273266 </message>
32283267 <message>
3229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69"/>
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86"/>
32303269 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
32313270 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32323271 </message>
32333272 <message>
3234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91"/>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167"/>
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108"/>
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184"/>
32363275 <source>Disable</source>
32373276 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32383277 </message>
32393278 <message>
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95"/>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112"/>
32413280 <source>Disabled value.
32433282 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
32443283 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32453284 </message>
32463285 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110"/>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186"/>
3286 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127"/>
3287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203"/>
32493288 <source>Count</source>
32503289 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32513290 </message>
32523291 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114"/>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131"/>
32543293 <source>Number of X grid lines.
32563295 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
32573296 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32583297 </message>
32593298 <message>
3260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123"/>
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199"/>
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140"/>
3300 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216"/>
32623301 <source>Start</source>
32633302 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32643303 </message>
32653304 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127"/>
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144"/>
32673306 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
32693308 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
32703309 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32713310 </message>
32723311 <message>
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134"/>
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210"/>
3312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151"/>
3313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227"/>
32753314 <source>Step</source>
32763315 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32773316 </message>
32783317 <message>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138"/>
3318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155"/>
32803319 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
32823321 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
32833322 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32843323 </message>
32853324 <message>
3286 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145"/>
3287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221"/>
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162"/>
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238"/>
32883327 <source>Stop</source>
32893328 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32903329 </message>
32913330 <message>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149"/>
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166"/>
32933332 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
32953334 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
32963335 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
32973336 </message>
32983337 <message>
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171"/>
3338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188"/>
33003339 <source>Disabled value.
33023341 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
33033342 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33043343 </message>
33053344 <message>
3306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190"/>
3345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207"/>
33073346 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
33093348 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
33103349 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33113350 </message>
33123351 <message>
3313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203"/>
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220"/>
33143353 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
33163355 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
33173356 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33183357 </message>
33193358 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214"/>
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231"/>
33213360 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
33233362 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
33243363 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33253364 </message>
33263365 <message>
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225"/>
3366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242"/>
33283367 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
33303369 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33313370 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33323371 </message>
33333372 <message>
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241"/>
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258"/>
33353374 <source>Preview</source>
33363375 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33373376 </message>
33383377 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248"/>
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265"/>
33403379 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
33413380 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33423381 </message>
33433382 <message>
3344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305"/>
3383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322"/>
33453384 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
33463385 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33473386 </message>
33483387 <message>
3349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307"/>
3388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324"/>
33503389 <source>Grid Lines</source>
33513390 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33523391 </message>
33533392 <message>
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311"/>
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328"/>
33553394 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
33563395 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33573396 </message>
33583397 <message>
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313"/>
3398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330"/>
33603399 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
33613400 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33623401 </message>
33633402 <message>
3364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571"/>
3403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588"/>
33653404 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
33663405 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33673406 </message>
33743413 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33753414 </message>
33763415 <message>
3377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63"/>
3416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82"/>
33783417 <source>Preview</source>
33793418 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33803419 </message>
33813420 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70"/>
3421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89"/>
33833422 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
33843423 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33853424 </message>
33863425 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81"/>
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100"/>
33883427 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
33893428 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33903429 </message>
33913430 <message>
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82"/>
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101"/>
33933432 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
33953434 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
33963435 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
33973436 </message>
33983437 <message>
3399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87"/>
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106"/>
34003439 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
34013440 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34023441 </message>
34033442 <message>
3404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91"/>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110"/>
34053444 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
34073446 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
34103449 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34113450 </message>
34123451 <message>
3413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108"/>
3452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127"/>
34143453 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
34153454 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34163455 </message>
34173456 <message>
3418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110"/>
3457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129"/>
34193458 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3420 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3421 </message>
3422 <message>
3423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118"/>
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196"/>
3425 <source>Disable</source>
3426 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3427 </message>
3428 <message>
3429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122"/>
3430 <source>Disabled value.
3432 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34333459 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34343460 </message>
34353461 <message>
34363462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137"/>
34373463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215"/>
3464 <source>Disable</source>
3465 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3466 </message>
3467 <message>
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141"/>
3469 <source>Disabled value.
3471 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3472 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3473 </message>
3474 <message>
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156"/>
3476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234"/>
34383477 <source>Count</source>
34393478 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34403479 </message>
34413480 <message>
3442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141"/>
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160"/>
34433482 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34453484 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34463485 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34473486 </message>
34483487 <message>
3449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148"/>
3450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226"/>
3488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167"/>
3489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245"/>
34513490 <source>Start</source>
34523491 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34533492 </message>
34543493 <message>
3455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152"/>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171"/>
34563495 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34583497 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34593498 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34603499 </message>
34613500 <message>
3462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159"/>
3463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237"/>
3501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178"/>
3502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256"/>
34643503 <source>Step</source>
34653504 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34663505 </message>
34673506 <message>
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163"/>
3507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182"/>
34693508 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34713510 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34723511 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34733512 </message>
34743513 <message>
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170"/>
3476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248"/>
3514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189"/>
3515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267"/>
34773516 <source>Stop</source>
34783517 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34793518 </message>
34803519 <message>
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174"/>
3520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193"/>
34823521 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34843523 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
34853524 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34863525 </message>
34873526 <message>
3488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186"/>
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205"/>
34893528 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
34903529 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34913530 </message>
34923531 <message>
3493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188"/>
3532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207"/>
34943533 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
34953534 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
34963535 </message>
34973536 <message>
3498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200"/>
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219"/>
34993538 <source>Disabled value.
35013540 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35023541 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35033542 </message>
35043543 <message>
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219"/>
3544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238"/>
35063545 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35083547 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35093548 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35103549 </message>
35113550 <message>
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230"/>
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249"/>
35133552 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35153554 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35163555 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35173556 </message>
35183557 <message>
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241"/>
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260"/>
35203559 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35223561 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35233562 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35243563 </message>
35253564 <message>
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252"/>
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271"/>
35273566 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35293568 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35333572 <context>
35343573 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
35353574 <message>
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40"/>
3575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43"/>
35373576 <source>Main Window</source>
35383577 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35393578 </message>
35403579 <message>
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65"/>
3580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68"/>
35423581 <source>Initial zoom</source>
35433582 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35443583 </message>
35453584 <message>
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80"/>
3585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83"/>
35473586 <source>Initial Zoom
35493588 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
35503589 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35513590 </message>
35523591 <message>
3553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86"/>
3592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89"/>
35543593 <source>Zoom control</source>
35553594 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35563595 </message>
35573596 <message>
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90"/>
3597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93"/>
35593598 <source>Menu only</source>
35603599 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35613600 </message>
35623601 <message>
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91"/>
3602 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94"/>
35643603 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
35653604 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35663605 </message>
35673606 <message>
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92"/>
3607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95"/>
35693608 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
35703609 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35713610 </message>
35723611 <message>
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93"/>
3612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96"/>
35743613 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
35753614 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35763615 </message>
35773616 <message>
3578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94"/>
3617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97"/>
35793618 <source>Zoom Control
35813620 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
35823621 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35833622 </message>
35843623 <message>
3585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99"/>
3586 <source>Locale</source>
3587 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3588 </message>
3589 <message>
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104"/>
3624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102"/>
3625 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3626 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3627 </message>
3628 <message>
3629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107"/>
35913630 <source>Locale
35933632 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
35963635 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
35973636 </message>
35983637 <message>
3599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124"/>
3638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127"/>
36003639 <source>Import cropping</source>
36013640 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36023641 </message>
36033642 <message>
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128"/>
3643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131"/>
36053644 <source>Import Cropping
36073646 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
36103649 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36113650 </message>
36123651 <message>
3613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141"/>
3652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144"/>
36143653 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
36153654 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36163655 </message>
36173656 <message>
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145"/>
3657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148"/>
36193658 <source>Import PDF Resolution
36213660 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
36223661 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36233662 </message>
36243663 <message>
3625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160"/>
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163"/>
36263665 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
36273666 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36283667 </message>
36293668 <message>
3630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165"/>
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168"/>
36313670 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
36333672 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
36343673 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36353674 </message>
36363675 <message>
3637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172"/>
3676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175"/>
36383677 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
36393678 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36403679 </message>
36413680 <message>
3642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178"/>
3681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181"/>
36433682 <source>Highlight Opacity
36453684 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
36463685 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36473686 </message>
36483687 <message>
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184"/>
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187"/>
36503689 <source>Recent file list</source>
36513690 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36523691 </message>
36533692 <message>
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187"/>
3693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190"/>
36553694 <source>Clear</source>
36563695 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36573696 </message>
36583697 <message>
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189"/>
3698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192"/>
36603699 <source>Recent File List Clear
36623701 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
36633702 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36643703 </message>
36653704 <message>
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195"/>
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198"/>
36673706 <source>Include title bar path</source>
36683707 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36693708 </message>
36703709 <message>
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200"/>
3710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203"/>
36723711 <source>Title Bar Filename
36743713 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
36753714 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36763715 </message>
36773716 <message>
3678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205"/>
3717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208"/>
36793718 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
36803719 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36813720 </message>
36823721 <message>
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210"/>
3722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213"/>
36843723 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
36863725 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
36873726 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36883727 </message>
36893728 <message>
3690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215"/>
3729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218"/>
36913730 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
36923731 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
36933732 </message>
36943733 <message>
3695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220"/>
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223"/>
36963735 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
36983737 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
37013740 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
37023741 </message>
37033742 <message>
3704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228"/>
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231"/>
3744 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3745 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3746 </message>
3747 <message>
3748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236"/>
3749 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3751 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3752 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3753 </message>
3754 <message>
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242"/>
37053756 <source>Significant digits</source>
37063757 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
37073758 </message>
37083759 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233"/>
3760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247"/>
37103761 <source>Significant Digits
37123763 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
39333984 <context>
39343985 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
39353986 <message>
3987 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27"/>
39363988 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28"/>
3989 <source>Geometry Window</source>
3990 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3991 </message>
3992 <message>
39373993 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29"/>
3938 <source>Geometry Window</source>
3939 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3940 </message>
3941 <message>
3942 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30"/>
39433994 <source>Geometry Window
39453996 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
39574008 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
39594010 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4011 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4012 </message>
4013 <message>
4014 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274"/>
4015 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4016 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4017 </message>
4018 </context>
4019 <context>
4020 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4021 <message>
4022 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351"/>
4023 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
39604024 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
39614025 </message>
39624026 </context>
39954059 <context>
39964060 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
39974061 <message>
3998 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59"/>
4062 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66"/>
39994063 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
40004064 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40014065 </message>
40024066 <message>
4003 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91"/>
4067 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98"/>
40044068 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
40054069 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40064070 </message>
40084072 <context>
40094073 <name>MainWindow</name>
40104074 <message>
4011 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442"/>
4075 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478"/>
40124076 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
40134077 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40144078 </message>
40154079 <message>
4016 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476"/>
4080 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512"/>
40174081 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
40184082 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40194083 </message>
40204084 <message>
4021 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551"/>
4022 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711"/>
4023 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890"/>
4085 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587"/>
4086 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747"/>
4087 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926"/>
40244088 <source>Cannot read file</source>
40254089 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40264090 </message>
40274091 <message>
4028 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553"/>
4029 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713"/>
4030 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892"/>
4092 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589"/>
4093 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749"/>
4094 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928"/>
40314095 <source>from directory</source>
40324096 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40334097 </message>
40344098 <message>
4035 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627"/>
4099 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663"/>
40364100 <source>Import Image</source>
40374101 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40384102 </message>
40394103 <message>
4040 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867"/>
4104 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903"/>
40414105 <source>File opened</source>
40424106 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40434107 </message>
40444108 <message>
4045 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912"/>
4109 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948"/>
40464110 <source>File not found</source>
40474111 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40484112 </message>
40494113 <message>
4050 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929"/>
4114 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965"/>
40514115 <source>Error report opened</source>
40524116 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40534117 </message>
40544118 <message>
4055 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984"/>
4056 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058"/>
4119 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020"/>
4120 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094"/>
40574121 <source>File imported</source>
40584122 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40594123 </message>
40604124 <message>
4061 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092"/>
4125 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128"/>
40624126 <source>Background image.</source>
40634127 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40644128 </message>
40654129 <message>
4066 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093"/>
4130 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129"/>
40674131 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
40684132 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40694133 </message>
40704134 <message>
4071 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094"/>
4135 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130"/>
40724136 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
40734137 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40744138 </message>
40754139 <message>
4076 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095"/>
4140 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131"/>
40774141 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
40784142 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40794143 </message>
40804144 <message>
4081 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143"/>
4145 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179"/>
40824146 <source>The document has been modified.
40834147 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
40844148 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40854149 </message>
40864150 <message>
4087 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227"/>
4151 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263"/>
40884152 <source>Cannot write file</source>
40894153 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40904154 </message>
40914155 <message>
4092 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275"/>
4156 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311"/>
40934157 <source>Save</source>
40944158 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
40954159 </message>
40964160 <message>
4097 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288"/>
4161 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331"/>
40984162 <source>Export</source>
40994163 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41004164 </message>
41014165 <message>
4102 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370"/>
4166 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413"/>
41034167 <source>Open Document</source>
41044168 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41054169 </message>
41064170 <message>
4107 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581"/>
4171 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669"/>
41084172 <source>+</source>
41094173 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41104174 </message>
41114175 <message>
4112 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582"/>
4176 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670"/>
41134177 <source>-</source>
41144178 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41154179 </message>
41164180 <message>
4117 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712"/>
4181 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800"/>
41184182 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
41194183 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41204184 </message>
41224186 <context>
41234187 <name>QObject</name>
41244188 <message>
4125 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126"/>
4126 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171"/>
4127 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267"/>
4189 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133"/>
4190 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178"/>
4191 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276"/>
41284192 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
41294193 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41304194 </message>
41314195 <message>
4132 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179"/>
4133 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274"/>
4196 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186"/>
4197 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285"/>
41344198 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
41354199 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41364200 </message>
41374201 <message>
4138 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185"/>
4139 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280"/>
4202 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192"/>
4203 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291"/>
41404204 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
41414205 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41424206 </message>
41434207 <message>
4144 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191"/>
4145 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286"/>
4208 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198"/>
4209 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297"/>
41464210 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
41474211 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41484212 </message>
41494213 <message>
4150 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244"/>
4214 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251"/>
41514215 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
41524216 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41534217 </message>
41544218 <message>
4155 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250"/>
4219 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257"/>
41564220 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
41574221 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41584222 </message>
41594223 <message>
4160 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14"/>
4224 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16"/>
41614225 <source>Never</source>
41624226 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41634227 </message>
41644228 <message>
4165 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17"/>
4229 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20"/>
41664230 <source>NSeconds</source>
41674231 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41684232 </message>
41694233 <message>
4170 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20"/>
4234 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24"/>
41714235 <source>Forever</source>
4172 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4173 </message>
4174 <message>
4175 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23"/>
4176 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29"/>
4177 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28"/>
4178 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49"/>
4179 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36"/>
4180 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65"/>
4181 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30"/>
4182 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26"/>
4183 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23"/>
4184 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20"/>
4185 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20"/>
4186 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26"/>
4187 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20"/>
4188 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26"/>
4189 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32"/>
4190 <source>Unknown</source>
41914236 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
41924237 </message>
41934238 <message>
42374282 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50"/>
42384283 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50"/>
42394284 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51"/>
4240 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78"/>
4285 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79"/>
42414286 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51"/>
42424287 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50"/>
42434288 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51"/>
42754320 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
42764321 </message>
42774322 <message>
4278 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214"/>
4323 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29"/>
4324 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28"/>
4325 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49"/>
4326 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36"/>
4327 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65"/>
4328 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32"/>
4329 <source>Unknown</source>
4330 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4331 </message>
4332 <message>
4333 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221"/>
42794334 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
42804335 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
42814336 </message>
43524407 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43534408 </message>
43544409 <message>
4355 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602"/>
4410 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611"/>
43564411 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
43574412 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43584413 </message>
43634418 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43644419 </message>
43654420 <message>
4366 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15"/>
4421 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17"/>
43674422 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
43684423 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43694424 </message>
43704425 <message>
4371 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18"/>
4426 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21"/>
43724427 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
43734428 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43744429 </message>
43754430 <message>
4376 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21"/>
4431 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25"/>
43774432 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
43784433 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43794434 </message>
43804435 <message>
4381 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24"/>
4436 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29"/>
43824437 <source>RelationStraight</source>
43834438 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43844439 </message>
43854440 <message>
4386 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27"/>
4441 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33"/>
43874442 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
43884443 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
43894444 </message>
44064461 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135"/>
44074462 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176"/>
44084463 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173"/>
4409 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334"/>
4464 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365"/>
44104465 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44114466 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44124467 </message>
44164471 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44174472 </message>
44184473 <message>
4419 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151"/>
4474 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152"/>
44204475 <source>Color Picker</source>
44214476 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44224477 </message>
44234478 <message>
4424 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152"/>
4479 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153"/>
44254480 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
44264481 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44274482 </message>
44614516 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44624517 </message>
44634518 <message>
4464 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93"/>
4465 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133"/>
4519 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95"/>
4520 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137"/>
44664521 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
44674522 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44684523 </message>
44694524 <message>
4470 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119"/>
4525 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123"/>
44714526 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
44724527 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44734528 </message>
44744529 <message>
4475 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121"/>
4530 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125"/>
44764531 <source>of</source>
44774532 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44784533 </message>
44794534 <message>
4480 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140"/>
4535 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144"/>
44814536 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40"/>
44824537 <source>File</source>
44834538 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44844539 </message>
44854540 <message>
4486 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142"/>
4541 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146"/>
44874542 <source>was not found</source>
44884543 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44894544 </message>
44904545 <message>
4491 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510"/>
4546 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517"/>
44924547 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
44934548 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
44944549 </message>
45134568 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45144569 </message>
45154570 <message>
4516 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203"/>
4571 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225"/>
45174572 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
45184573 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45194574 </message>
45484603 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45494604 </message>
45504605 <message>
4551 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14"/>
4606 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16"/>
45524607 <source>Commas</source>
45534608 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45544609 </message>
45554610 <message>
4556 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17"/>
4611 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20"/>
45574612 <source>Semicolons</source>
45584613 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45594614 </message>
45604615 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20"/>
4616 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24"/>
45624617 <source>Spaces</source>
45634618 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45644619 </message>
45654620 <message>
4566 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23"/>
4621 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28"/>
45674622 <source>Tabs</source>
45684623 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45694624 </message>
45704625 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14"/>
4626 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16"/>
45724627 <source>Gnuplot</source>
45734628 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45744629 </message>
45754630 <message>
4576 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17"/>
4631 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20"/>
45774632 <source>None</source>
45784633 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45794634 </message>
45804635 <message>
4581 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20"/>
4636 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24"/>
45824637 <source>Simple</source>
45834638 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45844639 </message>
45934648 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45944649 </message>
45954650 <message>
4596 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14"/>
4651 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16"/>
45974652 <source>AllPerLine</source>
45984653 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
45994654 </message>
46004655 <message>
4601 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17"/>
4656 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20"/>
46024657 <source>OnePerLine</source>
46034658 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46044659 </message>
46054660 <message>
4606 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14"/>
4661 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16"/>
46074662 <source>Graph Units</source>
46084663 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46094664 </message>
46104665 <message>
4611 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17"/>
4666 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20"/>
46124667 <source>Pixels</source>
46134668 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46144669 </message>
46154670 <message>
4616 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14"/>
4671 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16"/>
46174672 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
46184673 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46194674 </message>
46204675 <message>
4621 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17"/>
4676 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20"/>
46224677 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
46234678 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46244679 </message>
46254680 <message>
4626 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20"/>
4681 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24"/>
46274682 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
46284683 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46294684 </message>
46304685 <message>
4631 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23"/>
4632 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17"/>
4686 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28"/>
4687 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20"/>
46334688 <source>Raw</source>
46344689 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46354690 </message>
46364691 <message>
4637 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14"/>
4692 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16"/>
46384693 <source>Interpolate</source>
46394694 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46404695 </message>
46414696 <message>
4642 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31"/>
4697 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35"/>
46434698 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
46444699 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46454700 </message>
46464701 <message>
4647 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33"/>
4702 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37"/>
46484703 <source>from directory</source>
46494704 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46504705 </message>
46804735 </message>
46814736 <message>
46824737 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177"/>
4683 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29"/>
4738 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44"/>
46844739 <source>X</source>
46854740 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46864741 </message>
46904745 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46914746 </message>
46924747 <message>
4693 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14"/>
4748 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16"/>
46944749 <source>Count</source>
46954750 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
46964751 </message>
46974752 <message>
4698 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17"/>
4753 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20"/>
46994754 <source>Start</source>
47004755 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47014756 </message>
47024757 <message>
4703 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20"/>
4758 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24"/>
47044759 <source>Step</source>
47054760 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47064761 </message>
47074762 <message>
4708 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23"/>
4763 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28"/>
47094764 <source>Stop</source>
47104765 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47114766 </message>
47454800 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47464801 </message>
47474802 <message>
4748 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14"/>
4803 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16"/>
47494804 <source>Circle</source>
47504805 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47514806 </message>
47524807 <message>
4753 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17"/>
4808 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20"/>
47544809 <source>Cross</source>
47554810 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47564811 </message>
47574812 <message>
4758 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20"/>
4813 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24"/>
47594814 <source>Diamond</source>
47604815 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47614816 </message>
47624817 <message>
4763 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23"/>
4818 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28"/>
4819 <source>Hourglass</source>
4820 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4821 </message>
4822 <message>
4823 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32"/>
47644824 <source>Square</source>
47654825 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47664826 </message>
47674827 <message>
4768 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26"/>
4828 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36"/>
47694829 <source>Triangle</source>
47704830 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47714831 </message>
47724832 <message>
4773 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146"/>
4833 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40"/>
4834 <source>Triangle2</source>
4835 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4836 </message>
4837 <message>
4838 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151"/>
47744839 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
47754840 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47764841 </message>
47774842 <message>
4778 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193"/>
4843 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226"/>
47794844 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
47804845 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47814846 </message>
47824847 <message>
4783 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198"/>
4848 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231"/>
47844849 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
47854850 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47864851 </message>
47874852 <message>
4788 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203"/>
4853 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236"/>
47894854 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
47904855 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
47914856 </message>
48004865 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
48014866 </message>
48024867 <message>
4803 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11"/>
4804 <source>16:1 farther</source>
4805 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4806 </message>
4807 <message>
4808 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12"/>
4809 <source>8:1 closer</source>
4810 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4811 </message>
4812 <message>
4813 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14"/>
4814 <source>8:1 farther</source>
4815 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4816 </message>
4817 <message>
4818 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15"/>
4819 <source>4:1 closer</source>
4820 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4821 </message>
4822 <message>
4823 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17"/>
4824 <source>4:1 farther</source>
4825 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4826 </message>
4827 <message>
4828 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18"/>
4829 <source>2:1 closer</source>
4830 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4831 </message>
4832 <message>
4833 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20"/>
4834 <source>2:1 farther</source>
4835 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4836 </message>
4837 <message>
4838 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21"/>
4839 <source>1:1 closer</source>
4840 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4841 </message>
4842 <message>
4843 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23"/>
4844 <source>1:1 farther</source>
4845 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4846 </message>
4847 <message>
4848 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24"/>
4849 <source>1:2 closer</source>
4850 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4851 </message>
4852 <message>
4853 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26"/>
4854 <source>1:2 farther</source>
4855 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4856 </message>
4857 <message>
4858 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27"/>
4859 <source>1:4 closer</source>
4860 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4861 </message>
4862 <message>
4863 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29"/>
4864 <source>1:4 farther</source>
4865 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4866 </message>
4867 <message>
4868 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30"/>
4869 <source>1:8 closer</source>
4870 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4871 </message>
4872 <message>
4873 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32"/>
4874 <source>1:8 farther</source>
4875 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4876 </message>
4877 <message>
4878 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33"/>
4879 <source>1:16 closer</source>
4880 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4881 </message>
4882 <message>
4883 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35"/>
4884 <source>Fill</source>
4885 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4886 </message>
4887 <message>
4888 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36"/>
4889 <source>Previous</source>
4890 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4891 </message>
4892 <message>
4893 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561"/>
4868 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597"/>
48944869 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
48954870 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
48964871 </message>
48974872 <message>
4898 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109"/>
4873 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118"/>
48994874 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
49004875 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49014876 </message>
49024877 <message>
4903 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220"/>
4904 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232"/>
4878 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244"/>
4879 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256"/>
49054880 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
49064881 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49074882 </message>
49084883 <message>
4909 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226"/>
4884 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250"/>
49104885 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
49114886 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49124887 </message>
49134888 <message>
4914 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311"/>
4889 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342"/>
49154890 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
49164891 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49174892 </message>
49184893 <message>
4919 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343"/>
4894 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374"/>
49204895 <source>Available styles</source>
49214896 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49224897 </message>
49234898 <message>
4924 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367"/>
4899 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400"/>
49254900 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
49264901 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49274902 </message>
49284903 <message>
4929 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373"/>
4930 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
4931 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4932 </message>
4933 <message>
4934 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379"/>
4904 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406"/>
4905 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
4906 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4907 </message>
4908 <message>
4909 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412"/>
4910 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
4911 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4912 </message>
4913 <message>
4914 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418"/>
49354915 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
49364916 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49374917 </message>
49384918 <message>
4939 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385"/>
4919 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424"/>
49404920 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
49414921 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49424922 </message>
49434923 <message>
4944 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391"/>
4924 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430"/>
49454925 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
49464926 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49474927 </message>
49484928 <message>
4949 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397"/>
4929 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436"/>
49504930 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
49514931 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49524932 </message>
49534933 <message>
4954 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403"/>
4934 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442"/>
49554935 <source>Show this help information</source>
49564936 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49574937 </message>
49584938 <message>
4959 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409"/>
4939 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448"/>
49604940 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
49614941 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49624942 </message>
49634943 <message>
4964 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415"/>
4944 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454"/>
49654945 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
49664946 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49674947 </message>
49684948 <message>
4969 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421"/>
4970 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
4971 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4972 </message>
4973 <message>
4974 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427"/>
4949 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461"/>
4950 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
4951 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4952 </message>
4953 <message>
4954 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469"/>
4955 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
4956 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4957 </message>
4958 <message>
4959 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476"/>
4960 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
4961 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4962 </message>
4963 <message>
4964 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482"/>
49754965 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
4966 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4967 </message>
4968 <message>
4969 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527"/>
4970 <source>Could not write to</source>
4971 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4972 </message>
4973 <message>
4974 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540"/>
4975 <source>Upgraded</source>
4976 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4977 </message>
4978 <message>
4979 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542"/>
4980 <source>to</source>
49764981 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
49774982 </message>
49784983 <message>
49995004 <context>
50005005 <name>StatusBar</name>
50015006 <message>
5002 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56"/>
5007 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58"/>
50035008 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
50045009 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50055010 </message>
50065011 <message>
5007 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57"/>
5012 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59"/>
50085013 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
50105015 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50115016 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50125017 </message>
50135018 <message>
5014 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70"/>
5019 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72"/>
50155020 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
50165021 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50175022 </message>
50185023 <message>
5019 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71"/>
5024 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73"/>
50205025 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
50225027 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50235028 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50245029 </message>
50255030 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125"/>
5031 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127"/>
50275032 <source>Select zoom.</source>
50285033 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50295034 </message>
50305035 <message>
5031 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126"/>
5036 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128"/>
50325037 <source>Select Zoom
50345039 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
5040 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5041 </message>
5042 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138"/>
5044 <source>16:1</source>
5045 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5046 </message>
5047 <message>
5048 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139"/>
5049 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5050 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5051 </message>
5052 <message>
5053 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140"/>
5054 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5055 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5056 </message>
5057 <message>
5058 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141"/>
5059 <source>8:1</source>
5060 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5061 </message>
5062 <message>
5063 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142"/>
5064 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5065 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5066 </message>
5067 <message>
5068 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143"/>
5069 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5070 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5071 </message>
5072 <message>
5073 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144"/>
5074 <source>4:1</source>
5075 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5076 </message>
5077 <message>
5078 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145"/>
5079 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5080 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5081 </message>
5082 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146"/>
5084 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5085 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5086 </message>
5087 <message>
5088 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147"/>
5089 <source>2:1</source>
5090 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5091 </message>
5092 <message>
5093 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148"/>
5094 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5095 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5096 </message>
5097 <message>
5098 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149"/>
5099 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5100 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5101 </message>
5102 <message>
5103 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150"/>
5104 <source>1:1</source>
5105 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5106 </message>
5107 <message>
5108 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151"/>
5109 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5110 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5111 </message>
5112 <message>
5113 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152"/>
5114 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5115 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5116 </message>
5117 <message>
5118 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153"/>
5119 <source>1:2</source>
5120 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5121 </message>
5122 <message>
5123 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154"/>
5124 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5125 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5126 </message>
5127 <message>
5128 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155"/>
5129 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5130 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5131 </message>
5132 <message>
5133 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156"/>
5134 <source>1:4</source>
5135 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5136 </message>
5137 <message>
5138 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157"/>
5139 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5140 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5141 </message>
5142 <message>
5143 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158"/>
5144 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5145 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5146 </message>
5147 <message>
5148 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159"/>
5149 <source>1:8</source>
5150 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5151 </message>
5152 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160"/>
5154 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5155 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5156 </message>
5157 <message>
5158 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161"/>
5159 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5160 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5161 </message>
5162 <message>
5163 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162"/>
5164 <source>1:16</source>
5165 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5166 </message>
5167 <message>
5168 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163"/>
5169 <source>Fill</source>
5170 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5171 </message>
5172 <message>
5173 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164"/>
5174 <source>Previous</source>
50355175 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50365176 </message>
50375177 </context>
50385178 <context>
50395179 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
50405180 <message>
5041 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26"/>
5181 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33"/>
50425182 <source>Axis Points</source>
50435183 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50445184 </message>
50455185 <message>
5046 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29"/>
5186 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36"/>
50475187 <source>Axis points are first defined to
50485188 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
50495189 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
50505190 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50515191 </message>
50525192 <message>
5053 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33"/>
5193 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40"/>
50545194 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
50555195 line with known coordinates. An axis
50565196 point appears, with a dialog window
50595199 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50605200 </message>
50615201 <message>
5062 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39"/>
5202 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46"/>
50635203 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
50645204 of the axis point and then click Ok.
50655205 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
50675207 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50685208 </message>
50695209 <message>
5070 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47"/>
5210 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54"/>
50715211 <source>Previous</source>
50725212 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50735213 </message>
50745214 <message>
5075 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53"/>
5215 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60"/>
50765216 <source>Next</source>
50775217 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50785218 </message>
50805220 <context>
50815221 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
50825222 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26"/>
5223 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33"/>
50845224 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
50855225 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50865226 </message>
50875227 <message>
5088 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29"/>
5228 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36"/>
50895229 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
50905230 is available when importing an image file.
50915231 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
50935233 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
50945234 </message>
50955235 <message>
5096 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34"/>
5236 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41"/>
50975237 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
50985238 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
50995239 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51005240 </message>
51015241 <message>
5102 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37"/>
5242 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44"/>
51035243 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
51045244 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
51055245 and ask some simple questions to
51085248 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51095249 </message>
51105250 <message>
5111 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43"/>
5251 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50"/>
51125252 <source>Additional options are available in
51135253 the various Settings menus.
51165256 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51175257 </message>
51185258 <message>
5119 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50"/>
5259 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57"/>
51205260 <source>Previous</source>
51215261 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51225262 </message>
51245264 <context>
51255265 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
51265266 <message>
5127 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26"/>
5267 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35"/>
51285268 <source>Color Filter</source>
51295269 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51305270 </message>
51315271 <message>
5132 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29"/>
5272 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38"/>
51335273 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
51345274 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
51355275 black lines the defaults work well, but for
51375277 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51385278 </message>
51395279 <message>
5140 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34"/>
5280 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43"/>
51415281 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
51425282 Filter menu option.</source>
51435283 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51445284 </message>
51455285 <message>
5146 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37"/>
5286 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46"/>
51475287 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
51485288 be given the new settings.</source>
51495289 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51505290 </message>
51515291 <message>
5152 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40"/>
5292 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49"/>
51535293 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
51545294 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
51555295 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
51565296 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51575297 </message>
51585298 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44"/>
5299 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53"/>
51605300 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
51615301 dragging the green handles, until the
51625302 curve is clear in the preview window
51665306 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51675307 </message>
51685308 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54"/>
5309 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63"/>
51705310 <source>Back</source>
51715311 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51725312 </message>
51745314 <context>
51755315 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
51765316 <message>
5177 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29"/>
5317 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40"/>
51785318 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
51795319 curve is selected to receive curve points.
51805320 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
51825322 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51835323 </message>
51845324 <message>
5185 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34"/>
5325 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45"/>
51865326 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
51875327 that curve name has not been created yet,
51885328 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
51905330 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
51915331 </message>
51925332 <message>
5193 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39"/>
5333 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50"/>
51945334 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
51955335 original image to the filtered image
51965336 produced for the current curve, using the
52015341 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52025342 </message>
52035343 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47"/>
5344 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58"/>
52055345 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
52065346 in the filtered image, then change the
52075347 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
52095349 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52105350 </message>
52115351 <message>
5212 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55"/>
5352 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66"/>
52135353 <source>Previous</source>
52145354 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52155355 </message>
52165356 <message>
5217 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61"/>
5357 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72"/>
52185358 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
52195359 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52205360 </message>
52215361 <message>
5222 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67"/>
5362 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78"/>
52235363 <source>Next</source>
52245364 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52255365 </message>
52275367 <context>
52285368 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
52295369 <message>
5230 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26"/>
5370 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36"/>
52315371 <source>Curve Type</source>
52325372 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52335373 </message>
52345374 <message>
5235 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29"/>
5375 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39"/>
52365376 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
52375377 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
52385378 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52395379 </message>
52405380 <message>
5241 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32"/>
5381 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42"/>
52425382 <source>If the curves are drawn
52435383 with lines (with or without
52445384 points) then click on
52465386 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52475387 </message>
52485388 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37"/>
5389 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47"/>
52505390 <source>If the curves are drawn
52515391 without lines and only
52525392 with points, then click on
52545394 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52555395 </message>
52565396 <message>
5257 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45"/>
5397 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55"/>
52585398 <source>Previous</source>
52595399 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52605400 </message>
52615401 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51"/>
5402 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61"/>
52635403 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
52645404 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52655405 </message>
52665406 <message>
5267 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57"/>
5407 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67"/>
52685408 <source>Next (Points)</source>
52695409 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52705410 </message>
52725412 <context>
52735413 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
52745414 <message>
5275 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26"/>
5415 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33"/>
52765416 <source>Introduction</source>
52775417 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52785418 </message>
52795419 <message>
5280 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29"/>
5420 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36"/>
52815421 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
52825422 images of graphs and maps.</source>
52835423 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52845424 </message>
52855425 <message>
5286 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32"/>
5426 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39"/>
52875427 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
52885428 the graph and map curves.</source>
52895429 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52905430 </message>
52915431 <message>
5292 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35"/>
5432 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42"/>
52935433 <source>The digitized curve points can be
52945434 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
52955435 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52965436 </message>
52975437 <message>
5298 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41"/>
5438 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48"/>
52995439 <source>Next</source>
53005440 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53015441 </message>
53035443 <context>
53045444 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
53055445 <message>
5306 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26"/>
5446 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35"/>
53075447 <source>Point Match</source>
53085448 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53095449 </message>
53105450 <message>
5311 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29"/>
5451 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38"/>
53125452 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
53135453 one sample point, and Engauge
53145454 then finds all matching points.
53175457 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53185458 </message>
53195459 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34"/>
5460 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43"/>
53215461 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53225462 points will belong to.</source>
53235463 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53245464 </message>
53255465 <message>
5326 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37"/>
5466 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46"/>
53275467 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
53285468 The circle turns green when it
53295469 contains what may be a point.</source>
53305470 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53315471 </message>
53325472 <message>
5333 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41"/>
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50"/>
53345474 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
53355475 matched point with a yellow cross.
53365476 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
53395479 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53405480 </message>
53415481 <message>
5342 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50"/>
5482 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59"/>
53435483 <source>Previous</source>
53445484 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53455485 </message>
53465486 <message>
5347 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56"/>
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65"/>
53485488 <source>Next</source>
53495489 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53505490 </message>
53525492 <context>
53535493 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
53545494 <message>
5355 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26"/>
5495 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34"/>
53565496 <source>Segment Fill</source>
53575497 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53585498 </message>
53595499 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29"/>
5500 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37"/>
53615501 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
53625502 points all along the line segments
53635503 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
53655505 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53665506 </message>
53675507 <message>
5368 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34"/>
5508 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42"/>
53695509 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53705510 points will belong to.</source>
53715511 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53725512 </message>
53735513 <message>
5374 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37"/>
5514 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45"/>
53755515 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
53765516 segment in the desired curve. If a
53775517 green line appears, click on it once
53795519 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53805520 </message>
53815521 <message>
5382 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45"/>
5522 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53"/>
53835523 <source>Previous</source>
53845524 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53855525 </message>
53865526 <message>
5387 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51"/>
5527 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59"/>
53885528 <source>Next</source>
53895529 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
53905530 </message>
357357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
358358 <source>Digitize Axis Point
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 <translation>Digitalizar Axis PointDigita un punto de eje para un gráfico colocando un nuevo punto en el cursor después de un clic del ratón. A continuación se introducen las coordenadas del punto del eje. En un gráfico, se requieren tres puntos de eje para definir las coordenadas del gráfico.</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
362 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
363 <translation>Digitalizar el punto del eje
365 Digitaliza un punto de eje para un gráfico colocando un nuevo punto en el cursor después de hacer clic con el mouse. Luego se ingresan las coordenadas del punto del eje. Después de Importar e Importar (Avanzado), se pueden digitalizar tres puntos de eje con las coordenadas (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) para definir las coordenadas del gráfico. Opcionalmente, después de Importar (Avanzado) se pueden digitalizar cuatro puntos de eje con coordenadas (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) para definir las coordenadas del gráfico.
367 Esta herramienta se deshabilita cuando se ha definido un conjunto completo de puntos de eje, o después de Importar (Avanzado) si se selecciona Barra de escala.</translation>
368 </message>
369 <message>
370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
365371 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
366372 <translation>Herramienta de barra de escala</translation>
367373 </message>
368374 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
370376 <source>Shift+F8</source>
371377 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
372378 </message>
373379 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
376 <translation>Digitalizar barra de escala para un mapa.</translation>
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
381 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
382 <translation>Barra de escala digital para un mapa. Requiere Importación (Avanzado).</translation>
383 </message>
384 <message>
385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
380386 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
382388 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
384 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
385 <translation>Digitalizar Escala BarDigitar una barra de escala para un mapa haciendo clic y arrastrando. A continuación, se introduce la longitud de la barra de escala. En un mapa, los dos extremos de la barra de escala definen las distancias en las coordenadas del gráfico. Los mapas deben importarse utilizando Importar (Avanzado).</translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
390 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
392 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
393 <translation>Barra de escala digital
395 Digitalice una barra de escala para un mapa haciendo clic y arrastrando. Luego se ingresa la longitud de la barra de escala. En un mapa, los dos puntos finales de la barra de escala definen las distancias en las coordenadas del gráfico.
397 Esta herramienta se habilita seleccionando Barra de escala en Importar (Avanzado).
399 Esta herramienta se deshabilita cuando se ha definido una barra de escala, o si se seleccionaron puntos de eje durante la importación.</translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
389403 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
390404 <translation>Herramienta Curva punto</translation>
391405 </message>
392406 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
394408 <source>Shift+F4</source>
395409 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
396410 </message>
397411 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
399413 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
400414 <translation>Digitalizar puntos de la curva .</translation>
401415 </message>
402416 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
404418 <source>Digitize Curve Point
406420 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
413427 Nuevos puntos serán asignados a la curva seleccionada en ese momento .</translation>
414428 </message>
415429 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
417431 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
418432 <translation>Herramienta de ajuste de punto</translation>
419433 </message>
420434 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
422436 <source>Shift+F5</source>
423437 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
424438 </message>
425439 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
427441 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
428442 <translation>Digitalizar puntos de la curva en una parcela punto , haciendo coincidir un punto .</translation>
429443 </message>
430444 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
432446 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
434448 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
441455 Nuevos puntos serán asignados a la curva seleccionada en ese momento .</translation>
442456 </message>
443457 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
445459 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
446460 <translation>Herramienta Selector de color</translation>
447461 </message>
448462 <message>
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
450464 <source>Shift+F6</source>
451465 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
452466 </message>
453467 <message>
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
455469 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
456470 <translation>Seleccione los ajustes de color para el filtrado de modo segmento de relleno .</translation>
457471 </message>
458472 <message>
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
460474 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
462476 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
465479 Seleccionar un píxel a lo largo de la curva seleccionada en ese momento . Ese píxel y sus vecinos definirán la configuración del filtro (color, brillo , etc. ) de la curva seleccionada en ese momento , mientras que en el modo de relleno del segmento .</translation>
466480 </message>
467481 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
469483 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
470484 <translation>Herramienta Relleno segmento</translation>
471485 </message>
472486 <message>
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
474488 <source>Shift+F7</source>
475489 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
476490 </message>
477491 <message>
478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
479493 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
480494 <translation>Digitalizar puntos de la curva a lo largo de un segmento de una curva.</translation>
481495 </message>
482496 <message>
483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
484498 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
486500 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
493507 Nuevos puntos serán asignados a la curva seleccionada en ese momento .</translation>
494508 </message>
495509 <message>
496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
497511 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
498512 <translation>Deshacer</translation>
499513 </message>
500514 <message>
501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
502516 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
503517 <translation>Deshacer la última operación.</translation>
504518 </message>
505519 <message>
506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
507521 <source>Undo
509523 Undo the last operation.</source>
512526 Deshacer la última operación.</translation>
513527 </message>
514528 <message>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
516530 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
517531 <translation>Rehacer</translation>
518532 </message>
519533 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
521535 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
522536 <translation>Rehacer la última operación.</translation>
523537 </message>
524538 <message>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
526540 <source>Redo
528542 Redo the last operation.</source>
531545 Rehacer la última operación.</translation>
532546 </message>
533547 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
535549 <source>Cut</source>
536550 <translation>Cortar</translation>
537551 </message>
538552 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
540554 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
541555 <translation>Corta los puntos seleccionados y los copia en el portapapeles .</translation>
542556 </message>
543557 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
545559 <source>Cut
547561 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
550564 Corta los puntos seleccionados y los copia en el portapapeles .</translation>
551565 </message>
552566 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
554568 <source>Copy</source>
555569 <translation>Copia</translation>
556570 </message>
557571 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
559573 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
560574 <translation>Copia los puntos seleccionados en el portapapeles .</translation>
561575 </message>
562576 <message>
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
564578 <source>Copy
566580 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
569583 Copia los puntos seleccionados en el portapapeles .</translation>
570584 </message>
571585 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
573587 <source>Paste</source>
574588 <translation>Pegar</translation>
575589 </message>
576590 <message>
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
578592 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
579593 <translation>Pega los puntos seleccionados desde el portapapeles .</translation>
580594 </message>
581595 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
583597 <source>Paste
585599 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
588602 Pega los puntos seleccionados desde el portapapeles . Ellos serán asignados a la curva de corriente .</translation>
589603 </message>
590604 <message>
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
592606 <source>Delete</source>
593607 <translation>Borrar</translation>
594608 </message>
595609 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
597611 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
598612 <translation>Elimina los puntos seleccionados , después de copiarlos al portapapeles .</translation>
599613 </message>
600614 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
602616 <source>Delete
604618 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
607621 Elimina los puntos seleccionados , después de copiarlos al portapapeles .</translation>
608622 </message>
609623 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
611625 <source>Paste As New</source>
612626 <translation>Pegar como nueva</translation>
613627 </message>
614628 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
616630 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
617631 <translation>Pega una imagen desde el portapapeles .</translation>
618632 </message>
619633 <message>
620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
621635 <source>Paste as New
623637 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
626640 Crea un nuevo documento al pegar una imagen desde el portapapeles .</translation>
627641 </message>
628642 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
630644 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
631645 <translation>Pegar como Nueva (Avanzado ) ...</translation>
632646 </message>
633647 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
635649 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636650 <translation>Pega una imagen desde el portapapeles , en el modo avanzado .</translation>
637651 </message>
638652 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
640654 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
642656 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
645659 Crea un nuevo documento al pegar una imagen desde el portapapeles , en el modo avanzado .</translation>
646660 </message>
647661 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
649663 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
650664 <translation>Importar...</translation>
651665 </message>
652666 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
654668 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
655669 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
656670 </message>
657671 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
659673 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
660674 <translation>Crea un nuevo documento mediante la importación de una imagen sencilla .</translation>
661675 </message>
662676 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
664678 <source>Import Image
666680 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
673687 Para las imágenes más complejas con múltiples sistemas de coordenadas , ejes y / o flotantes , Importación (Avanzado ) se utiliza en su lugar.</translation>
674688 </message>
675689 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677691 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678692 <translation>Importación (Avanzado ) ...</translation>
679693 </message>
680694 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682696 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683697 <translation>Crea un nuevo documento mediante la importación de una imagen con soporte para feaures avanzadas .</translation>
684698 </message>
685699 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687701 <source>Import (Advanced)
689703 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
692706 Crea un nuevo documento mediante la importación de una imagen con soporte para feaures avanzadas . En el modo avanzado , puede haber múltiples sistemas y / o ejes de coordenadas flotantes .</translation>
693707 </message>
694708 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
696710 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
697711 <translation>Importar (reemplazar imagen) ...</translation>
698712 </message>
699713 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
701715 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
702716 <translation>Importa una nueva imagen en el documento actual, reemplazando la imagen existente.</translation>
703717 </message>
704718 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
706720 <source>Import (Image Replace)
708722 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
711725 Importa una nueva imagen en el documento actual. Se reemplaza la imagen existente y se conservan todas las curvas del documento. Esta operación es útil para aplicar los puntos de eje y otros ajustes de un documento existente a una imagen diferente.</translation>
712726 </message>
713727 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
715729 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
716730 <translation>Abierto...</translation>
717731 </message>
718732 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
720734 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
721735 <translation>Abre un documento existente .</translation>
722736 </message>
723737 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
725739 <source>Open Document
727741 Opens an existing document.</source>
730744 Abre un documento existente .</translation>
731745 </message>
732746 <message>
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
734748 <source>&amp;Close</source>
735749 <translation>Cerca</translation>
736750 </message>
737751 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
739753 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
740754 <translation>Cierra el documento abierto.</translation>
741755 </message>
742756 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
744758 <source>Close Document
746760 Closes the open document.</source>
749763 Cierra el documento abierto .</translation>
750764 </message>
751765 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
753767 <source>&amp;Save</source>
754768 <translation>Guarda (&amp;S)</translation>
755769 </message>
756770 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
758772 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
759773 <translation>Guarda el documento actual </translation>
760774 </message>
761775 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
763777 <source>Save Document
765779 Saves the current document.</source>
768782 Guarda el documento actual .</translation>
769783 </message>
770784 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
772786 <source>Save As...</source>
773787 <translation>Guardar como...</translation>
774788 </message>
775789 <message>
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
777791 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
778792 <translation>Guarda el documento actual con un nuevo nombre de archivo .</translation>
779793 </message>
780794 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
782796 <source>Save Document As
784798 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
787801 Guarda el documento actual con un nuevo nombre de archivo .</translation>
788802 </message>
789803 <message>
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
791805 <source>Export...</source>
792806 <translation>Exportar</translation>
793807 </message>
794808 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
796810 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
797811 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
798812 </message>
799813 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
801815 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
802816 <translation>Exporta el documento actual en un archivo de texto .</translation>
803817 </message>
804818 <message>
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
806820 <source>Export Document
808822 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
811825 Exporta el documento actual en un archivo de texto .</translation>
812826 </message>
813827 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
815829 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
816830 <translation>Imprimia (&amp;P)...</translation>
817831 </message>
818832 <message>
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
820834 <source>Print the current document.</source>
821835 <translation>Imprimir el documento actual .</translation>
822836 </message>
823837 <message>
824 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
825839 <source>Print Document
827841 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
830844 Imprimir el documento actual a una impresora o un archivo .</translation>
831845 </message>
832846 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
834848 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
835849 <translation>Salida</translation>
836850 </message>
837851 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
839853 <source>Quits the application.</source>
840854 <translation>Sale de la aplicación .</translation>
841855 </message>
842856 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
844858 <source>Exit
846860 Quits the application.</source>
849863 Sale de la aplicación .</translation>
850864 </message>
851865 <message>
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
853867 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
854868 <translation>Lista de verificación Asistente de Guía</translation>
855869 </message>
856870 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
858872 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
859873 <translation>Lista de verificación de abrir la Guía Asistente durante la importación para definir los pasos de digitalización</translation>
860874 </message>
861875 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
863877 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
865879 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
868882 Guía de uso Lista de verificación Asistente durante la importación para generar una lista de pasos para el documento importado</translation>
869883 </message>
870884 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
872886 <source>Tutorial</source>
873887 <translation>Tutorial</translation>
874888 </message>
875889 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
877891 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
878892 <translation>Juega tutorial que muestra las etapas para la digitalización de curvas</translation>
879893 </message>
880894 <message>
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
882896 <source>Tutorial
884898 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
887901 Juega tutorial que muestra las etapas para la digitalización de los puntos de las curvas dibujadas con líneas y / o el punto</translation>
888902 </message>
889903 <message>
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
904 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
891905 <source>Help</source>
892906 <translation>Ayuda</translation>
893907 </message>
894908 <message>
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
896910 <source>Help documentation</source>
897911 <translation>Documentación de ayuda</translation>
898912 </message>
899913 <message>
900 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
901915 <source>Help Documentation
903917 Searchable help documentation</source>
906920 Documentación de ayuda de búsqueda</translation>
907921 </message>
908922 <message>
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
923 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
910924 <source>About Engauge</source>
911925 <translation>sobre Engauge</translation>
912926 </message>
913927 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
915929 <source>About the application.</source>
916930 <translation>Acerca de la aplicación .</translation>
917931 </message>
918932 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
920934 <source>About Engauge
922936 About the application.</source>
925939 Acerca de la aplicación .</translation>
926940 </message>
927941 <message>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
929943 <source>Coordinates...</source>
930944 <translation>Coordina ...</translation>
931945 </message>
932946 <message>
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
934948 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
935949 <translation>Coordinar editar los ajustes .</translation>
936950 </message>
937951 <message>
938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
939953 <source>Coordinate Settings
941955 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
944958 ajustes determinan cómo coordinar las coordenadas del gráfico se asignan a los píxeles de la imagen</translation>
945959 </message>
946960 <message>
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
948962 <source>Curve List...</source>
949963 <translation>Lista de curvas...</translation>
950964 </message>
951965 <message>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
953967 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
954968 <translation>Editar la configuración de la lista de curvas.</translation>
955969 </message>
956970 <message>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
958972 <source>Curve List
960974 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
961975 <translation>Editar la configuración de la lista de curvas.</translation>
962976 </message>
963977 <message>
964 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
965979 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
966980 <translation>Curva Propiedades ...</translation>
967981 </message>
968982 <message>
969 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
970984 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
971985 <translation>Editar la configuración de la curva de Propiedades.</translation>
972986 </message>
973987 <message>
974 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
988 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
975989 <source>Curve Properties Settings
977991 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
980994 configuración curvas propiedades determinan cómo aparece cada curva</translation>
981995 </message>
982996 <message>
983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
984998 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
985999 <translation>Digitalizar la curva ...</translation>
9861000 </message>
9871001 <message>
988 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1002 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
9891003 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
9901004 <translation>Editar Digitalizar Eje y la configuración gráfica de la curva</translation>
9911005 </message>
9921006 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1007 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9941008 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9961010 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
9991013 Digitalizan ajustes de la curva determinan cómo se digitalizan puntos en los modos de digitalización gráfico de puntos Digitalización Eje Point y</translation>
10001014 </message>
10011015 <message>
1002 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1016 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10031017 <source>Export Format...</source>
10041018 <translation>Formato de exportación ...</translation>
10051019 </message>
10061020 <message>
1007 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10081022 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10091023 <translation>La configuración del formato de edición de exportación .</translation>
10101024 </message>
10111025 <message>
1012 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10131027 <source>Export Format Settings
10151029 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10181032 Configuración de formato de exportación afectan a la forma de indicar los archivos exportados</translation>
10191033 </message>
10201034 <message>
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10221036 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10231037 <translation>Filtro de color...</translation>
10241038 </message>
10251039 <message>
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10271041 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10281042 <translation>Editar la configuración de filtro de color.</translation>
10291043 </message>
10301044 <message>
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1045 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10321046 <source>Color Filter Settings
10341048 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10371051 filtrado de color simplifica las gráficas de fácil corresponder los puntos de llenado y Segmento</translation>
10381052 </message>
10391053 <message>
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10411055 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10421056 <translation>Ejes del inspector ...</translation>
10431057 </message>
10441058 <message>
1045 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1059 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10461060 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10471061 <translation>Editar la configuración de ejes Checker .</translation>
10481062 </message>
10491063 <message>
1050 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1064 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10511065 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10531067 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10561070 Ejes corrector puede revelar cualquier punto del eje errores , que de otro modo son difíciles de encontrar.</translation>
10571071 </message>
10581072 <message>
1059 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1073 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10601074 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10611075 <translation>Visualización de líneas de cuadrícula ...</translation>
10621076 </message>
10631077 <message>
1064 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10651079 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10661080 <translation>Editar la configuración de la línea de cuadrícula.</translation>
10671081 </message>
10681082 <message>
1069 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10701084 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10721086 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10751089 Las líneas de cuadrícula que se muestran en el gráfico pueden proporcionar más precisión que el Axis Checker, para gráficos distorsionados. En un gráfico distorsionado, las líneas de rejilla pueden usarse para ajustar los puntos del eje para mayor precisión en diferentes regiones.</translation>
10761090 </message>
10771091 <message>
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1092 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10791093 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10801094 <translation>Cuadrícula de eliminación ...</translation>
10811095 </message>
10821096 <message>
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1097 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10841098 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10851099 <translation>Ajustes de eliminación de edición línea de malla.</translation>
10861100 </message>
10871101 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10891103 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10911105 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10941108 la eliminación de líneas de cuadrícula aísla líneas de la curva para corresponder los puntos más fácil y llenado del segmento , cuando Color filtrado no es capaz de líneas de la cuadrícula de líneas curvas separadas .</translation>
10951109 </message>
10961110 <message>
1097 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10981112 <source>Point Match...</source>
10991113 <translation>Match Point ...</translation>
11001114 </message>
11011115 <message>
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11031117 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
11041118 <translation>Editar la configuración de Match Point .</translation>
11051119 </message>
11061120 <message>
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1121 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11081122 <source>Point Match Settings
11101124 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
11131127 Configuraciones de coincidencia de punto de determinar la cantidad de puntos esté compensado , mientras que en el modo de ajuste de punto</translation>
11141128 </message>
11151129 <message>
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1130 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11171131 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11181132 <translation>Segmento de relleno ...</translation>
11191133 </message>
11201134 <message>
1121 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11221136 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11231137 <translation>Editar segmento Rellena los ajustes .</translation>
11241138 </message>
11251139 <message>
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11271141 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11291143 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11321146 Configuración de relleno Segmento de determinar cómo se generan puntos en el modo segmento de relleno</translation>
11331147 </message>
11341148 <message>
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1149 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11361150 <source>General...</source>
11371151 <translation>General...</translation>
11381152 </message>
11391153 <message>
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1154 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11411155 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11421156 <translation>Editar Configuración general .</translation>
11431157 </message>
11441158 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11461160 <source>General Settings
11481162 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11511165 Las configuraciones generales son ajustes específicos del documento que afectan a múltiples modos . Por ejemplo , el ajuste del tamaño del cursor afecta tanto a los modos selector de color y Match Point</translation>
11521166 </message>
11531167 <message>
1154 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1168 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11551169 <source>Main Window...</source>
11561170 <translation>Ventana principal...</translation>
11571171 </message>
11581172 <message>
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11601174 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11611175 <translation>Editar configuración de ventana principal.</translation>
11621176 </message>
11631177 <message>
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11651179 <source>Main Window Settings
11671181 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11701184 Configuración de la ventana principal afectan a la interfaz de usuario y no son específicos de cualquier documento</translation>
11711185 </message>
11721186 <message>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1187 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11741188 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11751189 <translation>Barra de herramientas de fondo</translation>
11761190 </message>
11771191 <message>
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1192 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11791193 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11801194 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas de fondo.</translation>
11811195 </message>
11821196 <message>
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1197 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11841198 <source>View Background ToolBar
11861200 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11891203 Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas de fondo</translation>
11901204 </message>
11911205 <message>
1192 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1206 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11931207 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11941208 <translation>Guía de lista de verificación Barra de herramientas</translation>
11951209 </message>
11961210 <message>
1197 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1211 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11981212 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11991213 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la guía de la lista de verificación.</translation>
12001214 </message>
12011215 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1216 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12031217 <source>View Checklist Guide
12051219 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
12081222 Mostrar u ocultar la guía de la lista de verificación</translation>
12091223 </message>
12101224 <message>
1211 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1225 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12121226 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
12131227 <translation>Curva Montaje de Ventanas</translation>
12141228 </message>
12151229 <message>
1216 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1230 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12171231 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12181232 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la ventana de ajuste de curvas.</translation>
12191233 </message>
12201234 <message>
1221 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1235 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12221236 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12241238 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12251239 <translation>Ver ventana de ajuste de curva Mostrar u ocultar la ventana de ajuste de curva</translation>
12261240 </message>
12271241 <message>
1228 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1242 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12291243 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12301244 <translation>Ventana de geometría</translation>
12311245 </message>
12321246 <message>
1233 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1247 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12341248 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12351249 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la ventana de geometría.</translation>
12361250 </message>
12371251 <message>
1238 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1252 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12391253 <source>View Geometry Window
12411255 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12441258 Mostrar u ocultar la ventana de geometría</translation>
12451259 </message>
12461260 <message>
1247 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12481262 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12491263 <translation>Barra de herramientas de digitalización de Herramientas</translation>
12501264 </message>
12511265 <message>
1252 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12531267 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12541268 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas herramientas de digitalización .</translation>
12551269 </message>
12561270 <message>
1257 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12581272 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12601274 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12631277 Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas herramientas de digitalización</translation>
12641278 </message>
12651279 <message>
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1280 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12671281 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12681282 <translation>Barra de herramientas de configuración de Vistas</translation>
12691283 </message>
12701284 <message>
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1285 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12721286 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12731287 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la configuración views barra de herramientas.</translation>
12741288 </message>
12751289 <message>
1276 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1290 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12771291 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12791293 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12821296 Mostrar u ocultar la configuración views barra de herramientas. Estas vistas muestran gráficamente los ajustes más importantes .</translation>
12831297 </message>
12841298 <message>
1285 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1299 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12861300 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12871301 <translation>Barra de herramientas de coordenadas Sistema</translation>
12881302 </message>
12891303 <message>
1290 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1304 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12911305 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12921306 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la barra de herramientas del sistema de coordenadas.</translation>
12931307 </message>
12941308 <message>
1295 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1309 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12961310 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12981312 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13051319 Esta barra de herramientas se desactiva cuando sólo hay un sistema de coordenadas.</translation>
13061320 </message>
13071321 <message>
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13091323 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13101324 <translation>La información sobre herramientas</translation>
13111325 </message>
13121326 <message>
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13141328 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13151329 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar la información sobre herramientas .</translation>
13161330 </message>
13171331 <message>
1318 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13191333 <source>View Tool Tips
13211335 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13241338 Mostrar u ocultar la información sobre herramientas</translation>
13251339 </message>
13261340 <message>
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13281342 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13291343 <translation>Las líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
13301344 </message>
13311345 <message>
1332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1346 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13331347 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13341348 <translation>Mostrar u ocultar líneas de cuadrícula.</translation>
13351349 </message>
13361350 <message>
1337 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13381352 <source>View Grid Lines
13401354 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13431357 Mostrar u ocultar líneas de cuadrícula que se agregan para ajustes precisos de los puntos de los ejes, lo que puede mejorar la precisión en los gráficos distorsionados</translation>
13441358 </message>
13451359 <message>
1346 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1360 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13471361 <source>No Background</source>
13481362 <translation>sin Fondo</translation>
13491363 </message>
13501364 <message>
1351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1365 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13521366 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13531367 <translation>No mostrar la imagen debajo de los puntos .</translation>
13541368 </message>
13551369 <message>
1356 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13571371 <source>No Background
13591373 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13621376 No hay ninguna imagen se muestra así que los puntos son más fáciles de ver</translation>
13631377 </message>
13641378 <message>
1365 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13661380 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13671381 <translation>Mostrar imagen original</translation>
13681382 </message>
13691383 <message>
1370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13711385 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13721386 <translation>Mostrar la imagen original debajo de los puntos .</translation>
13731387 </message>
13741388 <message>
1375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1389 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13761390 <source>Show Original Image
13781392 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13811395 Mostrar la imagen original debajo de los puntos</translation>
13821396 </message>
13831397 <message>
1384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13851399 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13861400 <translation>Mostrar imagen filtrada</translation>
13871401 </message>
13881402 <message>
1389 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13901404 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13911405 <translation>Mostrar la imagen filtrada por debajo de los puntos .</translation>
13921406 </message>
13931407 <message>
1394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13951409 <source>Show Filtered Image
13971411 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14041418 La imagen filtrada se crea a partir de la imagen original de acuerdo con las preferencias de filtro de información tan poco importante y se oculta información importante que se destaque</translation>
14051419 </message>
14061420 <message>
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14081422 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14091423 <translation>Ocultar todas las curvas</translation>
14101424 </message>
14111425 <message>
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14131427 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14141428 <translation>Ocultar curvas digitalizadas .</translation>
14151429 </message>
14161430 <message>
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14181432 <source>Hide All Curves
14201434 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14231437 No hay puntos de ejes o curvas del gráfico se muestran digitalizadas por lo que la imagen es más fácil de ver .</translation>
14241438 </message>
14251439 <message>
1426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14271441 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14281442 <translation>Mostrar curva seleccionada</translation>
14291443 </message>
14301444 <message>
1431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14321446 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14331447 <translation>Mostrar sólo la curva seleccionada en ese momento .</translation>
14341448 </message>
14351449 <message>
1436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14371451 <source>Show Selected Curve
14391453 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14421456 Mostrar solamente los puntos digitalizados y la línea que pertenecen a la curva seleccionada en ese momento .</translation>
14431457 </message>
14441458 <message>
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14461460 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14471461 <translation>Mostrar todas las curvas</translation>
14481462 </message>
14491463 <message>
1450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14511465 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14521466 <translation>Mostrar todas las curvas .</translation>
14531467 </message>
14541468 <message>
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14561470 <source>Show All Curves
14581472 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14611475 Mostrar todos los puntos del eje digitalizados y curvas del gráfico</translation>
14621476 </message>
14631477 <message>
1464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14651479 <source>Hide Always</source>
14661480 <translation>Ocultar siempre</translation>
14671481 </message>
14681482 <message>
1469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14701484 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14711485 <translation>Siempre ocultar la barra de estado .</translation>
14721486 </message>
14731487 <message>
1474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14751489 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14761490 <translation>Ocultar la barra de estado . aparecerá ningún mensaje de estado o de información temporal .</translation>
14771491 </message>
14781492 <message>
1479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14801494 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14811495 <translation>Mostrar mensajes temporales</translation>
14821496 </message>
14831497 <message>
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14851499 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14861500 <translation>Ocultar la barra de estado , excepto cuando mostrar mensajes temporales .</translation>
14871501 </message>
14881502 <message>
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14901504 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14911505 <translation>Ocultar la barra de estado , excepto cuando se muestran mensajes de estado y de información temporal .</translation>
14921506 </message>
14931507 <message>
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14951509 <source>Show Always</source>
14961510 <translation>Mostrar siempre</translation>
14971511 </message>
14981512 <message>
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15001514 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
15011515 <translation>Mostrar siempre la barra de estado .</translation>
15021516 </message>
15031517 <message>
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15051519 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
15061520 <translation>Mostrar la barra de estado . Además de mostrar los mensajes de estado y de información temporal , la barra de estado también muestra información sobre la posición del cursor .</translation>
15071521 </message>
15081522 <message>
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15101524 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15111525 <translation>Disminuir el zoom</translation>
15121526 </message>
15131527 <message>
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15151529 <source>Zoom out</source>
15161530 <translation>Disminuir el zoom</translation>
15171531 </message>
15181532 <message>
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15201534 <source>Zoom In</source>
15211535 <translation>Acercarse</translation>
15221536 </message>
15231537 <message>
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15251539 <source>Zoom in</source>
15261540 <translation>Acercarse</translation>
15271541 </message>
15281542 <message>
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15301544 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15311545 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15321546 </message>
15331547 <message>
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15351549 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15361550 <translation>Enfocar 16:1</translation>
15371551 </message>
15381552 <message>
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15401554 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15411555 <translation>16:1 más lejos (1270%)</translation>
15421556 </message>
15431557 <message>
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15451559 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15461560 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
15471561 </message>
15481562 <message>
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15501564 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15511565 <translation>8:1 cerca (1008%)</translation>
15521566 </message>
15531567 <message>
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15551569 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15561570 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
15571571 </message>
15581572 <message>
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15601574 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15611575 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15621576 </message>
15631577 <message>
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15651579 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15661580 <translation>Enfocar 8:1</translation>
15671581 </message>
15681582 <message>
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15701584 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15711585 <translation>8:1 más lejos (635%)</translation>
15721586 </message>
15731587 <message>
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15751589 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15761590 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
15771591 </message>
15781592 <message>
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15801594 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15811595 <translation>4:1 cerca (504%)</translation>
15821596 </message>
15831597 <message>
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15851599 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15861600 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
15871601 </message>
15881602 <message>
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15901604 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15911605 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15921606 </message>
15931607 <message>
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15951609 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15961610 <translation>Enfocar 4:1</translation>
15971611 </message>
15981612 <message>
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16001614 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16011615 <translation>4:1 más lejos (317%)</translation>
16021616 </message>
16031617 <message>
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16051619 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16061620 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
16071621 </message>
16081622 <message>
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16101624 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16111625 <translation>2:1 cerca (252%)</translation>
16121626 </message>
16131627 <message>
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16151629 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16161630 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
16171631 </message>
16181632 <message>
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16201634 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16211635 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16221636 </message>
16231637 <message>
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16251639 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16261640 <translation>Enfocar 2:1</translation>
16271641 </message>
16281642 <message>
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16301644 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16311645 <translation>2:1 más lejos (159%)</translation>
16321646 </message>
16331647 <message>
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16351649 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16361650 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
16371651 </message>
16381652 <message>
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16401654 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16411655 <translation>1:1 cerca (126%)</translation>
16421656 </message>
16431657 <message>
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16451659 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16461660 <translation>Zoom 1.3:1</translation>
16471661 </message>
16481662 <message>
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16501664 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16511665 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16521666 </message>
16531667 <message>
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16551669 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16561670 <translation>Enfocar 1:1</translation>
16571671 </message>
16581672 <message>
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1673 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16601674 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16611675 <translation>1:1 más lejos (79%)</translation>
16621676 </message>
16631677 <message>
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1678 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16651679 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16661680 <translation>Zoom 0.8:1</translation>
16671681 </message>
16681682 <message>
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1683 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16701684 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16711685 <translation>1:2 cerca (63%)</translation>
16721686 </message>
16731687 <message>
1674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1688 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16751689 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16761690 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
16771691 </message>
16781692 <message>
1679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16801694 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16811695 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16821696 </message>
16831697 <message>
1684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16851699 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16861700 <translation>Enfocar 1:2</translation>
16871701 </message>
16881702 <message>
1689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16901704 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16911705 <translation>1:2 más lejos (40%)</translation>
16921706 </message>
16931707 <message>
1694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16951709 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16961710 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
16971711 </message>
16981712 <message>
1699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17001714 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17011715 <translation>1:4 cerca (31%)</translation>
17021716 </message>
17031717 <message>
1704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17051719 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17061720 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
17071721 </message>
17081722 <message>
1709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17101724 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17111725 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
17121726 </message>
17131727 <message>
1714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17151729 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17161730 <translation>Enfocar 1:4</translation>
17171731 </message>
17181732 <message>
1719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17201734 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17211735 <translation>1:4 más lejos (20%)</translation>
17221736 </message>
17231737 <message>
1724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17251739 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17261740 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
17271741 </message>
17281742 <message>
1729 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17301744 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17311745 <translation>1:8 cerca (12.5%)</translation>
17321746 </message>
17331747 <message>
1734 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17351748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17361750 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17371751 <translation>Enfocar 1:8</translation>
17381752 </message>
17391753 <message>
1740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17411755 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17421756 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17431757 </message>
17441758 <message>
1745 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1759 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17461760 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17471761 <translation>1:8 más lejos (10%)</translation>
17481762 </message>
17491763 <message>
1750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1764 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17511765 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17521766 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
17531767 </message>
17541768 <message>
1755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17561770 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17571771 <translation>1:16 cerca (8%)</translation>
17581772 </message>
17591773 <message>
1760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17611775 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17621776 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
17631777 </message>
17641778 <message>
1765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17661780 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17671781 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17681782 </message>
17691783 <message>
1770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1784 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17711785 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17721786 <translation>Enfocar 1:16</translation>
17731787 </message>
17741788 <message>
1775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1789 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17761790 <source>Fill</source>
17771791 <translation>Llenar</translation>
17781792 </message>
17791793 <message>
1780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17811795 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17821796 <translation>Zoom con estiramiento para llenar la ventana</translation>
17831797 </message>
20442058 <context>
20452059 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20462060 <message>
2047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20482062 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20492063 <translation>Editar Eje Point</translation>
20502064 </message>
20512065 <message>
2052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20532067 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20542068 <translation>Las coordenadas del gráfico</translation>
20552069 </message>
20562070 <message>
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20582072 <source>as</source>
20592073 <translation>como</translation>
20602074 </message>
20612075 <message>
2062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20632077 <source>(</source>
20642078 <translation>(</translation>
20652079 </message>
20662080 <message>
2067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20682082 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2070 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2084 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20722086 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2073 <translation>Digite o primeiro gráfico de coordenadas do ponto do eixo.
2075 Para gráficos cartesianos este é X. Para gráficos polares este é o raio R.
2077 O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinada pela configuração de localidade. Se os valores digitados não são reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2078 </message>
2079 <message>
2080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2087 <translation>Ingrese la primera coordenada gráfica del punto del eje. Para las gráficas cartesianas esto es X. Para las gráficas polares este es el ángulo Theta. La configuración regional determina el formato esperado del valor de la coordenada. Si los valores escritos no se reconocen como se esperaba, verifique la configuración regional en Configuración / Ventana principal ...</translation>
2088 </message>
2089 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20812091 <source>, </source>
20822092 <translation>, </translation>
20832093 </message>
20842094 <message>
2085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20862096 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2088 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2098 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20902100 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2091 <translation>Introduza o segundo gráfico de coordenadas do ponto do eixo.
2093 Para gráficos cartesianos este é Y. Para gráficos polares este é o ângulo Theta.
2095 O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinada pela configuração de localidade. Se os valores digitados não são reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2096 </message>
2097 <message>
2098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2101 <translation>Ingrese la segunda coordenada de la gráfica del punto del eje. Para las gráficas cartesianas esto es Y. Para las gráficas polares, este es el radio R. El formato esperado del valor de la coordenada está determinado por la configuración regional. Si los valores escritos no se reconocen como se esperaba, verifique la configuración regional en Configuración / Ventana principal ...</translation>
2102 </message>
2103 <message>
2104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
20992105 <source>)</source>
21002106 <translation>)</translation>
21012107 </message>
21022108 <message>
2103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2104 <source>Number format</source>
2105 <translation>Formato numérico</translation>
2106 </message>
2107 <message>
2108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2110 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2111 <translation>Número de coordenadas por punto de eje:</translation>
2112 </message>
2113 <message>
2114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2115 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2116 <translation>Normalmente se utilizan tres puntos de eje con dos coordenadas cada uno. Si cada punto de eje tiene solo una coordenada conocida, entonces comience nuevamente con el archivo / importación (avanzado) / 4 puntos de eje.</translation>
2117 </message>
2118 <message>
2119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2120 <source>Number format:</source>
2121 <translation>Formato numérico:</translation>
2122 </message>
2123 <message>
2124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2125 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2126 <translation>Configuración regional que determina los formatos de número permitidos. Esto se establece en Configuración / Ventana principal.</translation>
2127 </message>
2128 <message>
2129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21092130 <source>Ok</source>
21102131 <translation>OK</translation>
21112132 </message>
21122133 <message>
2113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21142135 <source>Cancel</source>
21152136 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
21162137 </message>
23402361 <context>
23412362 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23422363 <message>
2343 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23442365 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23452366 <translation>Recorte de importación de archivos de imagen</translation>
23462367 </message>
23472368 <message>
2348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23492370 <source>Preview</source>
23502371 <translation>Avance</translation>
23512372 </message>
23522373 <message>
2353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23542375 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23552376 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra qué parte de la imagen se importará. La parte de imagen dentro del marco rectangular se importará de la página seleccionada actualmente. El marco se puede mover y redimensionar arrastrando las manijas de la esquina.</translation>
23562377 </message>
23572378 <message>
2358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23592380 <source>Ok</source>
23602381 <translation>OK</translation>
23612382 </message>
23622383 <message>
2363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23642385 <source>Cancel</source>
23652386 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
23662387 </message>
23682389 <context>
23692390 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23702391 <message>
2371 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23722393 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23732394 <translation>Recorte de importación de archivos PDF</translation>
23742395 </message>
23752396 <message>
2376 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23772398 <source>Page</source>
23782399 <translation>Página</translation>
23792400 </message>
23802401 <message>
2381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23822403 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23832404 <translation>Número de página que se importará</translation>
23842405 </message>
23852406 <message>
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23872408 <source>Preview</source>
23882409 <translation>Avance</translation>
23892410 </message>
23902411 <message>
2391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23922413 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23932414 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra qué parte de la imagen se importará. La parte de imagen dentro del marco rectangular se importará de la página seleccionada actualmente. El marco se puede mover y redimensionar arrastrando las manijas de la esquina.</translation>
23942415 </message>
23952416 <message>
2396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23972418 <source>Ok</source>
23982419 <translation>OK</translation>
23992420 </message>
24002421 <message>
2401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24022423 <source>Cancel</source>
24032424 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
24042425 </message>
24142435 <context>
24152436 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24162437 <message>
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24182439 <source>Ok</source>
24192440 <translation>OK</translation>
24202441 </message>
24212442 <message>
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24232444 <source>Cancel</source>
24242445 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
24252446 </message>
24322453 <translation>Ejes del Inspector</translation>
24332454 </message>
24342455 <message>
2435 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24362457 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24372458 <translation>Lifetime ejes del inspector</translation>
24382459 </message>
24392460 <message>
2440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24412462 <source>Do not show</source>
24422463 <translation>No mostrar</translation>
24432464 </message>
24442465 <message>
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24462467 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24472468 <translation>Nunca mostrar ejes corrector .</translation>
24482469 </message>
24492470 <message>
2450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24512472 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24522473 <translation>Mostrar para un número de segundos</translation>
24532474 </message>
24542475 <message>
2455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24562477 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24572478 <translation>Mostrar ejes corrector para un número de segundos después de cambiar los puntos de los ejes.</translation>
24582479 </message>
24592480 <message>
2460 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24612482 <source>Show always</source>
24622483 <translation>Mostrar siempre</translation>
24632484 </message>
24642485 <message>
2465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24662487 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24672488 <translation>Siempre mostrar ejes corrector .</translation>
24682489 </message>
24692490 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24712492 <source>Line color</source>
24722493 <translation>Color de linea</translation>
24732494 </message>
24742495 <message>
2475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24762497 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24772498 <translation>Seleccionar un color para resaltar las líneas dibujadas en cada punto del eje</translation>
24782499 </message>
24792500 <message>
2480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24812502 <source>Preview</source>
24822503 <translation>Avance</translation>
24832504 </message>
24842505 <message>
2485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24862507 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24872508 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra cómo los ajustes actuales afectan la checker los ejes visualizados</translation>
24882509 </message>
24952516 <translation>Filtro de color</translation>
24962517 </message>
24972518 <message>
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
24992520 <source>Curve Name</source>
25002521 <translation>Nombre de la curva </translation>
25012522 </message>
25022523 <message>
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25042525 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25052526 <translation>Nombre de la curva que se encuentra actualmente seleccionado para la edición</translation>
25062527 </message>
25072528 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25092530 <source>Filter mode</source>
25102531 <translation>Modo de filtro </translation>
25112532 </message>
25122533 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25142535 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25162537 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
25192540 El valor de la intensidad de un píxel se calcula a partir de los componentes rojo , verde y azul como I = raíz cuadrada (R * R + G B * * G + B * B)</translation>
25202541 </message>
25212542 <message>
2522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25232544 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25252546 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25322553 La distancia de cualquier color (R , G , B) de el color de fondo (Rb , Gb , Bb ) se calcula como F = raíz cuadrada ((R - Rb ) * ( R - Rb) + ( G - Gb ) * ( G - Gb ) + ( B - Bb ) ) . En el extremo izquierdo de la escala , el valor de distancia de primer plano es igual a cero , y se incrementa linealmente hasta el máximo en el extremo derecho .</translation>
25332554 </message>
25342555 <message>
2535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25362557 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25372558 <translation>Se filtra la imagen original en píxeles negros y blancos utilizando el componente de matiz del tono, saturación y componentes de color Valor ( HSV ) , para ocultar información importante y resaltar información importante.</translation>
25382559 </message>
25392560 <message>
2540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25412562 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25422563 <translation>Se filtra la imagen original en píxeles negros y blancos utilizando el componente de saturación de la tonalidad, saturación y componentes de color Valor ( HSV ) , para ocultar información importante y resaltar información importante.</translation>
25432564 </message>
25442565 <message>
2545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25462567 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25482569 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25512572 El componente de valor también se llama la ligereza .</translation>
25522573 </message>
25532574 <message>
2554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25552576 <source>Preview</source>
25562577 <translation>Avance</translation>
25572578 </message>
25582579 <message>
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25602581 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25612582 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra cómo los ajustes actuales afectan el filtrado de la imagen original .</translation>
25622583 </message>
25632584 <message>
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25652586 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25662587 <translation>Filtro de parámetros del perfil del histograma</translation>
25672588 </message>
25682589 <message>
2569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25702591 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25712592 <translation>Perfil histograma de los parámetro de filtro seleccionado. Los dos divisores se pueden mover hacia atrás y hacia delante para ajustar el rango de valores de parámetros de filtro que se incluirán en la imagen filtrada . se incluirá la parte clara , y se excluirá la parte sombreada .</translation>
25722593 </message>
25732594 <message>
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25752596 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25762597 <translation>Este cuadro de sólo lectura muestra una representación gráfica del eje horizontal en el perfil del histograma anteriormente.</translation>
25772598 </message>
25792600 <context>
25802601 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25812602 <message>
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25852606 <source>Coordinates</source>
25862607 <translation>Coordenadas</translation>
25872608 </message>
25882609 <message>
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25902611 <source>Date/Time</source>
25912612 <translation>Fecha y hora</translation>
25922613 </message>
25932614 <message>
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25952616 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25972618 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
26002621 Estableciendo el formato como un valor vacío resultados en tan sólo la porción de tiempo que aparece en la salida .</translation>
26012622 </message>
26022623 <message>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26042625 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26062627 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
26092630 Estableciendo el formato como un valor vacío resultados en tan sólo la parte de fecha que aparece en la salida .</translation>
26102631 </message>
26112632 <message>
2612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26132634 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26142635 <translation>Tipos de coordenadas</translation>
26152636 </message>
26162637 <message>
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26182639 <source>Polar</source>
26192640 <translation>Polar</translation>
26202641 </message>
26212642 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26242645 <source>R</source>
26252646 <translation>R</translation>
26262647 </message>
26272648 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26292650 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26302651 <translation>Cartesiano (X , Y)</translation>
26312652 </message>
26322653 <message>
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26342655 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26362657 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26392660 Se utilizarán las coordenadas X e Y</translation>
26402661 </message>
26412662 <message>
2642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2663 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26432664 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26452666 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26522673 Las coordenadas polares no se les permite con escala logarítmica para Theta</translation>
26532674 </message>
26542675 <message>
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26572678 <source>Scale</source>
26582679 <translation>Escala</translation>
26592680 </message>
26602681 <message>
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26632684 <source>Linear</source>
26642685 <translation>Lineal</translation>
26652686 </message>
26662687 <message>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26682689 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26692690 <translation>Especifica escala lineal para la X o Theta de coordenadas</translation>
26702691 </message>
26712692 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26742695 <source>Log</source>
26752696 <translation>Logaritmo</translation>
26762697 </message>
26772698 <message>
2678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26792700 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26812702 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26882709 No está permitido escala logarítmica para el Theta de coordenadas .</translation>
26892710 </message>
26902711 <message>
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26932714 <source>Units</source>
26942715 <translation>Unidades</translation>
26952716 </message>
26962717 <message>
2697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26982719 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26992720 <translation>Especifica escala lineal para la Y o R coordinar</translation>
27002721 </message>
27012722 <message>
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27032724 <source>Origin radius value</source>
27042725 <translation>Origen valor de radio </translation>
27052726 </message>
27062727 <message>
2707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27082729 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27102731 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27132734 Escala logarítmica no está permitida si existen coordenadas negativas .</translation>
27142735 </message>
27152736 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27172738 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27192740 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
27222743 Normalmente, el radio en el origen es 0 , pero un valor distinto de cero puede ser aplicado en otros casos (como cuando las unidades radiales son decibelios) .</translation>
27232744 </message>
27242745 <message>
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27262747 <source>Preview</source>
27272748 <translation>Avance</translation>
27282749 </message>
27292750 <message>
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27312752 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27322753 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra cómo afecta la configuración actual del sistema de coordenadas .</translation>
27332754 </message>
27342755 <message>
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27362757 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27382759 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27452766 Grados, minutos y segundos ( DDD MM SS.S ) formato utiliza dos números enteros de grados y minutos , y un número real de segundos . Hay 60 segundos por minuto . Durante la entrada , espacios deben insertarse entre los tres números .</translation>
27462767 </message>
27472768 <message>
2748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27492770 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27512772 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27702791 Activa formato utiliza un único número real. Es una revolución completa una vuelta .</translation>
27712792 </message>
27722793 <message>
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27742795 <source>X</source>
27752796 <translation>X</translation>
27762797 </message>
27772798 <message>
2778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27792800 <source>Y</source>
27802801 <translation>Y</translation>
27812802 </message>
27822803 </context>
27832804 <context>
2784 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2785 <message>
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2805 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2806 <message>
2807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27872808 <source>Curve List</source>
27882809 <translation>Lista de curvas</translation>
27892810 </message>
27902811 <message>
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2812 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27922813 <source>Add...</source>
27932814 <translation>Añadir...</translation>
27942815 </message>
27952816 <message>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27972818 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27992820 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2800 <translation>Añade una nueva curva a la lista de curvas . El nombre de la curva se puede editar en la lista de nombres curva.
2802 Cada nombre de la curva debe ser único</translation>
2803 </message>
2804 <message>
2805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2821 <translation>Agrega una nueva curva a la lista de curvas. El nombre de la curva se puede editar en la lista de nombres de curvas. Cada nombre de curva debe ser único</translation>
2822 </message>
2823 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28062825 <source>Remove</source>
2807 <translation>Retirar</translation>
2808 </message>
2809 <message>
2810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2826 <translation>retirar</translation>
2827 </message>
2828 <message>
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28112830 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28132832 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2814 <translation>Elimina la curva seleccionado de la lista de curvas .
2816 Siempre debe haber al menos una curva</translation>
2817 </message>
2818 <message>
2819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2833 <translation>Elimina la curva seleccionada actualmente de la lista de curvas. Siempre debe haber al menos una curva</translation>
2834 </message>
2835 <message>
2836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28202837 <source>Curve Names</source>
2821 <translation>Nombres de la curva </translation>
2822 </message>
2823 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2838 <translation>Nombres de curva</translation>
2839 </message>
2840 <message>
2841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28252842 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28272844 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28292846 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2830 <translation>Lista de las curvas que pertenecen a este documento.
2832 Haga clic en un nombre de la curva para editarla. El nombre de cada curva debe ser único .
2834 Reordenar las curvas arrastrando a su alrededor.</translation>
2835 </message>
2836 <message>
2837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2847 <translation>Lista de las curvas que pertenecen a este documento. Haga clic en el nombre de una curva para editarlo. Cada nombre de curva debe ser único. Reordene las curvas arrastrándolas.</translation>
2848 </message>
2849 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28382851 <source>Save As Default</source>
28392852 <translation>Guardar por defecto</translation>
28402853 </message>
28412854 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28432856 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2844 <translation>Guardar los nombres de curva para su uso como valores por defecto para las futuras curvas del gráfico .</translation>
2845 </message>
2846 <message>
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2857 <translation>Guarde los nombres de las curvas para usarlas como predeterminadas para futuras curvas de gráficos.</translation>
2858 </message>
2859 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28482861 <source>Reset Default</source>
2849 <translation>Reinicio por defecto</translation>
2850 </message>
2851 <message>
2852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2862 <translation>Restablecer Predeterminado</translation>
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28532866 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2854 <translation>Restablezca los valores predeterminados para las curvas de gráfico futuras a los ajustes originales.</translation>
2855 </message>
2856 <message>
2857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2867 <translation>Restablecer los valores predeterminados para futuras curvas de gráfico a la configuración original.</translation>
2868 </message>
2869 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28582871 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2859 <translation>La eliminación de esta curva también eliminará</translation>
2860 </message>
2861 <message>
2862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2872 <translation>Eliminar esta curva también eliminará</translation>
2873 </message>
2874 <message>
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2876 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28642877 <source>points. Continue?</source>
28652878 <translation>puntos. ¿Continuar?</translation>
28662879 </message>
28672880 <message>
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28692882 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2870 <translation>La eliminación de estas curvas también eliminará</translation>
2871 </message>
2872 <message>
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2883 <translation>Eliminar estas curvas también eliminará</translation>
2884 </message>
2885 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28742887 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2875 <translation>Con los puntos de las curvas</translation>
2888 <translation>Curvas con puntos</translation>
28762889 </message>
28772890 </context>
28782891 <context>
28792892 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28802893 <message>
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28822895 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28832896 <translation>Propiedades de la curva</translation>
28842897 </message>
28852898 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28872900 <source>Curve Name</source>
28882901 <translation>Nombre de la curva </translation>
28892902 </message>
28902903 <message>
2891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28922905 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28932906 <translation>Nombre de la curva que se encuentra actualmente seleccionado para la edición</translation>
28942907 </message>
28952908 <message>
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28972910 <source>Line</source>
28982911 <translation>Línea</translation>
28992912 </message>
29002913 <message>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29022915 <source>Width</source>
29032916 <translation>Anchura</translation>
29042917 </message>
29052918 <message>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29072920 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29092922 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29122925 Esto se aplica sólo a las curvas del gráfico . No hay líneas se dibujan siempre entre los puntos de eje.</translation>
29132926 </message>
29142927 <message>
2915 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29172930 <source>Color</source>
29182931 <translation>Color</translation>
29192932 </message>
29202933 <message>
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29222935 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29242937 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29272940 Esto se aplica sólo a las curvas del gráfico . No hay líneas se dibujan siempre entre los puntos de eje.</translation>
29282941 </message>
29292942 <message>
2930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29312944 <source>Connect as</source>
29322945 <translation>Conectar como </translation>
29332946 </message>
29342947 <message>
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29362949 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29382951 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29422955 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2944 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2957 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29462959 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2947 <translation>Seleccione la regla para conectar con las líneas de puntos .
2949 Si la curva se conecta como una función de un solo valor a continuación, los puntos están clasificadas por el aumento del valor de la variable independiente .
2951 Si la curva se conecta como un contorno cerrado , a continuación, los puntos están clasificadas por edad , a excepción de puntos situados a lo largo de una línea existente . se inserta cualquier punto situado en la parte superior de cualquier línea existente entre los dos puntos extremos de la línea - como si su edad era de entre los dos puntos finales .
2953 Las líneas se dibujan entre los puntos ordenados sucesivamente .
2955 Curvas rectas se dibujan con líneas rectas entre los puntos sucesivos . suaves curvas se dibujan con líneas suaves entre los puntos sucesivos .
2957 Esto se aplica sólo a las curvas del gráfico . No hay líneas se dibujan siempre entre los puntos de eje.</translation>
2958 </message>
2959 <message>
2960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2960 <translation>Seleccione la regla para conectar puntos con líneas. Si la curva está conectada como una función de un solo valor, los puntos se ordenan aumentando el valor de la variable independiente. Si la curva está conectada como un contorno cerrado, entonces los puntos son ordenados por edad, excepto por los puntos colocados a lo largo de una línea existente. Cualquier punto colocado encima de cualquier línea existente se inserta entre los dos puntos finales de esa línea, como si su antigüedad fuera entre las edades de los dos puntos finales. Las líneas se dibujan entre los puntos ordenados sucesivamente. Las curvas rectas se dibujan con líneas rectas Líneas entre puntos sucesivos. Las curvas suaves se dibujan con líneas suaves entre puntos sucesivos, utilizando splines cúbicos naturales de pares (x, y) versus valores ordinales (t) escalares. Esto solo se aplica a las curvas gráficas. Nunca se dibujan líneas entre los puntos del eje.</translation>
2961 </message>
2962 <message>
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29612964 <source>Point</source>
29622965 <translation>Punto</translation>
29632966 </message>
29642967 <message>
2965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29662969 <source>Shape</source>
29672970 <translation>Forma</translation>
29682971 </message>
29692972 <message>
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29712974 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29722975 <translation>Seleccione una forma para los puntos</translation>
29732976 </message>
29742977 <message>
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29762979 <source>Radius</source>
29772980 <translation>Radio</translation>
29782981 </message>
29792982 <message>
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29812984 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29822985 <translation>Seleccionar un radio, en píxeles , por los puntos</translation>
29832986 </message>
29842987 <message>
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29862989 <source>Line width</source>
29872990 <translation>Ancho de línea</translation>
29882991 </message>
29892992 <message>
2990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29912994 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29932996 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29962999 A grandes resultados de anchura en una línea más gruesa , con la excepción de un valor de cero, lo que siempre resulta en una línea que es un píxel de ancho (que es fácil de ver incluso cuando el zoom lejos )</translation>
29973000 </message>
29983001 <message>
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
3002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
30003003 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
30013004 <translation>Seleccionar un color para la línea utilizada para dibujar las formas de punto</translation>
30023005 </message>
30033006 <message>
3004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30053008 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30073010 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30143017 Si los ajustes son visibles para la curva del gráfico posición N de la lista de curvas , entonces van a ser utilizados en futuras curvas del gráfico que son también la curva del gráfico enésimo en su lista de curvas , hasta que los nuevos ajustes se guardarán como ajustes predeterminados .</translation>
30153018 </message>
30163019 <message>
3017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30183021 <source>Preview</source>
30193022 <translation>Avance</translation>
30203023 </message>
30213024 <message>
3022 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30233026 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30253028 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
31183121 <translation>Formato de exportación</translation>
31193122 </message>
31203123 <message>
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31223125 <source>Included</source>
31233126 <translation>Incluido</translation>
31243127 </message>
31253128 <message>
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31273130 <source>Not included</source>
31283131 <translation>No incluido</translation>
31293132 </message>
31303133 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31323135 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31343137 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31373140 El orden de las curvas aquí no afecta el orden en el archivo exportado . Esa orden se determina por los ajustes de curvas.</translation>
31383141 </message>
31393142 <message>
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31413144 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31423145 <translation>Lista de curvas para ser excluido del archivo exportado</translation>
31433146 </message>
31443147 <message>
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31463149 <source>Include</source>
31473150 <translation>Incluir</translation>
31483151 </message>
31493152 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31513154 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31523155 <translation>Mover la curva (s) seleccionado de la lista de excluidos</translation>
31533156 </message>
31543157 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31563159 <source>Exclude</source>
31573160 <translation>Excluir</translation>
31583161 </message>
31593162 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31613164 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31623165 <translation>Mover la curva (s) seleccionado de la lista incluida</translation>
31633166 </message>
31643167 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31663169 <source>Delimiters</source>
31673170 <translation>Delimitadores</translation>
31683171 </message>
31693172 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31713174 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31723175 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá comas entre los valores adyacentes , a menos que exista pestañas en archivos TSV .</translation>
31733176 </message>
31743177 <message>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31763179 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31773180 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá espacios entre los valores adyacentes , a menos que exista comas en archivos CSV , o tabuladores en los archivos TSV </translation>
31783181 </message>
31793182 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31813184 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31823185 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá pestañas entre los valores adyacentes , a menos que exista comas en archivos CSV .</translation>
31833186 </message>
31843187 <message>
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31863189 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31873190 <translation>El archivo exportado tendrá puntos y comas entre valores adyacentes, a menos que se reemplacen por comas en archivos CSV.</translation>
31883191 </message>
31893192 <message>
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31913194 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31923195 <translation>Anulación de archivos CSV / TSV</translation>
31933196 </message>
31943197 <message>
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31963199 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31973200 <translation>Archivos CSV (valores separados por comas ) y el valor separado por tabulaciones ( TSV ) archivos utilizarán comas y las pestañas , respectivamente , a menos que se seleccione este ajuste . Al seleccionar esta configuración se aplicará el ajuste delimitador para cada archivo .</translation>
31983201 </message>
31993202 <message>
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
32013204 <source>Layout</source>
32023205 <translation>Diseño</translation>
32033206 </message>
32043207 <message>
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32063209 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32073210 <translation>Todas las curvas en cada línea</translation>
32083211 </message>
32093212 <message>
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32113214 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32123215 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá , en cada línea , un valor de X , el valor de Y para la primera curva , el valor de Y para la segunda curva , ...</translation>
32133216 </message>
32143217 <message>
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32163219 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32173220 <translation>Una curva en cada línea</translation>
32183221 </message>
32193222 <message>
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32213224 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
32223225 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá todos los puntos de la primera curva , con un par de X -Y en cada línea , a continuación, los puntos de la segunda curva , ...</translation>
32233226 </message>
32243227 <message>
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32263229 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32273230 <translation>Selección de Puntos de Función</translation>
32283231 </message>
32293232 <message>
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32313234 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32323235 <translation>Interpolar Ys en Xs de todas las curvas</translation>
32333236 </message>
32343237 <message>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32363239 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32373240 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá los valores en cada valor de X única de cada curva . valores de Y se interpolan linealmente si es necesario</translation>
32383241 </message>
32393242 <message>
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3244 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3245 <translation>Extrapolar los puntos finales externos</translation>
3246 </message>
3247 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3249 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3250 <translation>Active o desactive la extrapolación fuera de los puntos finales de cada curva. Si está deshabilitado, solo se exportan los puntos entre los puntos finales de cada curva</translation>
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32413254 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32423255 <translation>Interpolar Ys en Xs desde la primera curva</translation>
32433256 </message>
32443257 <message>
3245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32463259 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32473260 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá los valores en cada valor de X único de la primera curva. valores de Y se interpolan linealmente si es necesario</translation>
32483261 </message>
32493262 <message>
3250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3251 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3252 <translation>Interpolar Ys a valores de X iguales de tiempo.</translation>
3253 </message>
3254 <message>
3255 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3264 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3265 <translation>Interpolar Ys a valores X espaciados uniformemente que se seleccionan automáticamente</translation>
3266 </message>
3267 <message>
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32563269 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32573270 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá valores en valores X uniformemente espaciadas , separadas por el intervalo seleccionado a continuación .</translation>
32583271 </message>
32593272 <message>
3260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32623275 <source>Interval</source>
32633276 <translation>Intervalo</translation>
32643277 </message>
32653278 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32673280 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32693282 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32763289 Los valores X se alinean automáticamente a lo largo de los números simples . Si la primera y / o los últimos puntos no son a lo largo de los valores X alineados , a continuación, se añaden uno o dos puntos adicionales como sea necesario.</translation>
32773290 </message>
32783291 <message>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32803293 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32823295 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32893302 Se prefieren unidades de gráfico cuando el espaciamiento es depender de la escala X .</translation>
32903303 </message>
32913304 <message>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3306 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3307 <translation>Interpolar Ys a valores X espaciados uniformemente en las líneas de la cuadrícula</translation>
3308 </message>
3309 <message>
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3311 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3312 <translation>El archivo exportado tendrá valores en valores X espaciados uniformemente en las líneas verticales de la cuadrícula.</translation>
3313 </message>
3314 <message>
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32943317 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32953318 <translation>Prima Xs y Ys</translation>
32963319 </message>
32973320 <message>
3298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
33003323 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
33013324 <translation>Archivo exportado sólo tendrá valores originales X e Y</translation>
33023325 </message>
33033326 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33053328 <source>Header</source>
33063329 <translation>Encabezamiento</translation>
33073330 </message>
33083331 <message>
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33103333 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33113334 <translation>Archivo exportado no tendrá ninguna línea de cabecera</translation>
33123335 </message>
33133336 <message>
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33153338 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33163339 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá línea de cabecera sencilla</translation>
33173340 </message>
33183341 <message>
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33203343 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33213344 <translation>Archivo exportado tendrá línea de cabecera gnuplot</translation>
33223345 </message>
33233346 <message>
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33253348 <source>Save As Default</source>
33263349 <translation>Guardar por defecto</translation>
33273350 </message>
33283351 <message>
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33303353 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33313354 <translation>Guardar la configuración para su uso como futuros impagos .</translation>
33323355 </message>
33333356 <message>
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3358 <source>Load Default</source>
3359 <translation>Defecto de carga</translation>
3360 </message>
3361 <message>
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3363 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3364 <translation>Cargar la configuración por defecto.</translation>
3365 </message>
3366 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33353368 <source>Preview</source>
33363369 <translation>Avance</translation>
33373370 </message>
33383371 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33403373 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33423375 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33453378 Las funciones (mostradas aquí en azul) se emiten primero, seguidas por las relaciones (mostradas aquí en verde) si existen.</translation>
33463379 </message>
33473380 <message>
3348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33493382 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33503383 <translation>Selección de Puntos de Relación</translation>
33513384 </message>
33523385 <message>
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33543387 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33553388 <translation>Interpolar Xs y Ys a intervalos iguales de tiempo.</translation>
33563389 </message>
33573390 <message>
3358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33593392 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33603393 <translation>Archivo exportado habrá puntos espaciados uniformemente a lo largo de cada relación , separados por el intervalo seleccionado a continuación . Si el último intervalo no termina en el último punto , a continuación, se añade un último intervalo más corto que termina en el último punto .</translation>
33613394 </message>
33623395 <message>
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33643397 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33653398 <translation>Intervalo entre puntos sucesivos al exportar al uniformemente espaciadas ( X , Y) coordina .</translation>
33663399 </message>
33673400 <message>
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33693402 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33713404 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33783411 unidades Gráfico normalmente se prefieren cuando las escalas X e Y son idénticos.</translation>
33793412 </message>
33803413 <message>
3381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33823415 <source>Functions</source>
33833416 <translation>Funciones</translation>
33843417 </message>
33853418 <message>
3386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33873420 <source>Functions Tab
33893422 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33923425 Controles para especificar el formato de las funciones durante la exportación</translation>
33933426 </message>
33943427 <message>
3395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33963429 <source>Relations</source>
33973430 <translation>Relaciones</translation>
33983431 </message>
33993432 <message>
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
34013434 <source>Relations Tab
34033436 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34063439 Controles para especificar el formato de las relaciones durante la exportación</translation>
34073440 </message>
34083441 <message>
3409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34103443 <source>X Label</source>
34113444 <translation>X Label </translation>
34123445 </message>
34133446 <message>
3414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3415 <source>Theta Label</source>
3416 <translation>Theta Label </translation>
3417 </message>
3418 <message>
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34203448 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34213449 <translation>Etiqueta en la cabecera de valores de x</translation>
34223450 </message>
34233451 <message>
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3425 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3426 <translation>Etiqueta en la cabecera de los valores theta</translation>
3427 </message>
3428 <message>
3429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34303453 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34313454 <translation>La vista previa no está disponible hasta que se definan los puntos del eje.</translation>
34323455 </message>
34933516 <translation>Pantalla de cuadrícula</translation>
34943517 </message>
34953518 <message>
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34973520 <source>Color</source>
34983521 <translation>Color</translation>
34993522 </message>
35003523 <message>
3501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35023525 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35033526 <translation>Seleccione un color para las líneas</translation>
35043527 </message>
35053528 <message>
3506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35083531 <source>Disable</source>
35093532 <translation>Inhabilitar</translation>
35103533 </message>
35113534 <message>
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35133536 <source>Disabled value.
35153538 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35183541 Las líneas de cuadrícula X se especifican utilizando sólo tres valores a la vez. Para mayor flexibilidad , cuatro valores se ofrecen por lo que debe elegir qué valor se desactivará. Una vez desactivado , ese valor se actualiza a medida que cambian simplemente los otros valores</translation>
35193542 </message>
35203543 <message>
3521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35233546 <source>Count</source>
35243547 <translation>Cuenta</translation>
35253548 </message>
35263549 <message>
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35283551 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35303553 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35333556 El número de líneas de la cuadrícula X se debe escribir como un número entero mayor que cero</translation>
35343557 </message>
35353558 <message>
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35383561 <source>Start</source>
35393562 <translation>Comienzo</translation>
35403563 </message>
35413564 <message>
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35433566 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35453568 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35483571 El valor de inicio no puede ser mayor que el valor de parada</translation>
35493572 </message>
35503573 <message>
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35533576 <source>Step</source>
35543577 <translation>Incremento</translation>
35553578 </message>
35563579 <message>
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35583581 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35603583 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35633586 El valor de paso debe ser mayor que cero</translation>
35643587 </message>
35653588 <message>
3566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35683591 <source>Stop</source>
35693592 <translation>Fin</translation>
35703593 </message>
35713594 <message>
3572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35733596 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35753598 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35783601 El valor de parada no puede ser menor que el valor de inicio</translation>
35793602 </message>
35803603 <message>
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35823605 <source>Disabled value.
35843607 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35873610 Las líneas de la cuadrícula Y se especifican utilizando sólo tres valores a la vez. Para mayor flexibilidad , cuatro valores se ofrecen por lo que debe elegir qué valor se desactivará. Una vez desactivado , ese valor se actualiza a medida que cambian simplemente los otros valores</translation>
35883611 </message>
35893612 <message>
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35913614 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35933616 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35963619 El número de líneas de la cuadrícula Y se debe escribir como un número entero mayor que cero</translation>
35973620 </message>
35983621 <message>
3599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
36003623 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36023625 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36053628 El valor de inicio no puede ser mayor que el valor de parada</translation>
36063629 </message>
36073630 <message>
3608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36093632 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36113634 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36143637 El valor de paso debe ser mayor que cero</translation>
36153638 </message>
36163639 <message>
3617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36183641 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36203643 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36233646 El valor de parada no puede ser menor que el valor de inicio</translation>
36243647 </message>
36253648 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36273650 <source>Preview</source>
36283651 <translation>Avance</translation>
36293652 </message>
36303653 <message>
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36323655 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36333656 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra cómo los ajustes actuales afectan a la visualización de la cuadrícula</translation>
36343657 </message>
36353658 <message>
3636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36373660 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36383661 <translation>X Líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
36393662 </message>
36403663 <message>
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36423665 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36433666 <translation>Las líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
36443667 </message>
36453668 <message>
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36473670 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36483671 <translation>Y Líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
36493672 </message>
36503673 <message>
3651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36523675 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36533676 <translation>Líneas de cuadrícula de radio</translation>
36543677 </message>
36553678 <message>
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36573680 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36583681 <translation>El recuento de líneas de cuadrícula excede el límite establecido por Configuración / Ventana principal.</translation>
36593682 </message>
36663689 <translation>Rejilla de eliminación</translation>
36673690 </message>
36683691 <message>
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36703693 <source>Preview</source>
36713694 <translation>Avance</translation>
36723695 </message>
36733696 <message>
3674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36753698 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36763699 <translation>Ventana de vista previa que muestra cómo afecta la configuración actual de la eliminación de cuadrícula</translation>
36773700 </message>
36783701 <message>
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36803703 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36813704 <translation>Remover píxeles cercanos a las líneas de cuadrícula definidos</translation>
36823705 </message>
36833706 <message>
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36853708 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36873710 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
36903713 Esta opción sólo está disponible cuando todos se han definido los puntos del eje .</translation>
36913714 </message>
36923715 <message>
3693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36943717 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36953718 <translation>Cerrar distancia (píxeles)</translation>
36963719 </message>
36973720 <message>
3698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
36993722 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
37013724 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
37083731 This value cannot be negative. A zero value disables this feature. Decimal values are allowed</translation>
37093732 </message>
37103733 <message>
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37123735 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37133736 <translation>X Líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
37143737 </message>
37153738 <message>
3716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37173740 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37183741 <translation>Las líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
37193742 </message>
37203743 <message>
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37233746 <source>Disable</source>
37243747 <translation>Inhabilitar</translation>
37253748 </message>
37263749 <message>
3727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37283751 <source>Disabled value.
37303753 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37333756 Las líneas de cuadrícula X se especifican utilizando sólo tres valores a la vez. Para mayor flexibilidad , cuatro valores se ofrecen por lo que debe elegir qué valor se desactivará. Una vez desactivado , ese valor se actualiza a medida que cambian simplemente los otros valores</translation>
37343757 </message>
37353758 <message>
3736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37383761 <source>Count</source>
37393762 <translation>Cuenta</translation>
37403763 </message>
37413764 <message>
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37433766 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37453768 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37483771 El número de líneas de la cuadrícula X se debe escribir como un número entero mayor que cero</translation>
37493772 </message>
37503773 <message>
3751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37533776 <source>Start</source>
37543777 <translation>Comienzo</translation>
37553778 </message>
37563779 <message>
3757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37583781 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37603783 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37633786 El valor de inicio no puede ser mayor que el valor de parada</translation>
37643787 </message>
37653788 <message>
3766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37683791 <source>Step</source>
37693792 <translation>Incremento</translation>
37703793 </message>
37713794 <message>
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37733796 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37753798 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37783801 El valor de paso debe ser mayor que cero</translation>
37793802 </message>
37803803 <message>
3781 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37833806 <source>Stop</source>
37843807 <translation>Fin</translation>
37853808 </message>
37863809 <message>
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37883811 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
37903813 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37933816 El valor de parada no puede ser menor que el valor de inicio</translation>
37943817 </message>
37953818 <message>
3796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
37973820 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
37983821 <translation>Y Líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
37993822 </message>
38003823 <message>
3801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
38023825 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
38033826 <translation>R Líneas de cuadrícula</translation>
38043827 </message>
38053828 <message>
3806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
38073830 <source>Disabled value.
38093832 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
38123835 Las líneas de la cuadrícula Y se especifican utilizando sólo tres valores a la vez. Para mayor flexibilidad , cuatro valores se ofrecen por lo que debe elegir qué valor se desactivará. Una vez desactivado , ese valor se actualiza a medida que cambian simplemente los otros valores</translation>
38133836 </message>
38143837 <message>
3815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3838 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38163839 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38183841 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38213844 El número de líneas de la cuadrícula Y se debe escribir como un número entero mayor que cero</translation>
38223845 </message>
38233846 <message>
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38253848 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38273850 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38303853 El valor de inicio no puede ser mayor que el valor de parada</translation>
38313854 </message>
38323855 <message>
3833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3856 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38343857 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38363859 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38393862 El valor de paso debe ser mayor que cero</translation>
38403863 </message>
38413864 <message>
3842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38433866 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38453868 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38513874 <context>
38523875 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38533876 <message>
3854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38553878 <source>Main Window</source>
38563879 <translation>Ventana principal</translation>
38573880 </message>
38583881 <message>
3859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38603883 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38613884 <translation>Zoom inicial</translation>
38623885 </message>
38633886 <message>
3864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38653888 <source>Initial Zoom
38673890 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38703893 Seleccione el factor de zoom inicial cuando se carga un nuevo documento . O bien el zoom anterior puede mantenerse , o el zoom especificado se puede aplicar .</translation>
38713894 </message>
38723895 <message>
3873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38743897 <source>Zoom control</source>
38753898 <translation>Control de zoom </translation>
38763899 </message>
38773900 <message>
3878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38793902 <source>Menu only</source>
38803903 <translation>Sólo menú</translation>
38813904 </message>
38823905 <message>
3883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38843907 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38853908 <translation>Menú y la rueda del ratón</translation>
38863909 </message>
38873910 <message>
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38893912 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
38903913 <translation>Teclas de menú y +/-</translation>
38913914 </message>
38923915 <message>
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
38943917 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
38953918 <translation>Menú , la rueda del ratón y teclas +/-</translation>
38963919 </message>
38973920 <message>
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
38993922 <source>Zoom Control
39013924 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
39043927 Seleccionar qué insumos se utiliza para acercar y alejar .</translation>
39053928 </message>
39063929 <message>
3907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
39083930 <source>Locale</source>
3909 <translation>Lugar</translation>
3910 </message>
3911 <message>
3912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3931 <translation type="vanished">Lugar</translation>
3932 </message>
3933 <message>
3934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3935 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3936 <translation>Locale (requiere reinicio)</translation>
3937 </message>
3938 <message>
3939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
39133940 <source>Locale
39153942 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
39223949 La configuración regional determina cómo se formatean los números . En concreto , comas o por períodos serán utilizados como delimitadores de grupo en cada número introducido por el usuario, que aparece en la interfaz de usuario , o exportar a un archivo .</translation>
39233950 </message>
39243951 <message>
3925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39263953 <source>Import cropping</source>
39273954 <translation>Cultivo de importación</translation>
39283955 </message>
39293956 <message>
3930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39313958 <source>Import Cropping
39333960 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39413968 </translation>
39423969 </message>
39433970 <message>
3944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39453972 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39463973 <translation>Importar resolución PDF (puntos por pulgada)</translation>
39473974 </message>
39483975 <message>
3949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39503977 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39523979 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39553982 Los archivos Importados de formato de documento portátil (PDF) se convertirán a esta resolución de píxeles en puntos por pulgada (DPI), donde cada píxel es un punto. Un valor más alto aumenta la resolución de la imagen y también puede mejorar la precisión numérica de digitalización. Sin embargo, un valor muy alto puede hacer la imagen tan grande que Engauge se ralentizará.</translation>
39563983 </message>
39573984 <message>
3958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39593986 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39603987 <translation>Líneas máximas de la cuadrícula</translation>
39613988 </message>
39623989 <message>
3963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39643991 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39663993 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39693996 Número máximo de líneas de cuadrícula a procesar. Este límite se aplica cuando el valor de paso es demasiado pequeño para los valores de arranque y parada, lo que daría lugar a demasiadas líneas de cuadrícula visualmente y posiblemente un tiempo de procesamiento extremadamente largo (ya que cada línea de cuadrícula tendría que ser procesada)</translation>
39703997 </message>
39713998 <message>
3972 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39734000 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39744001 <translation>Resalte la opacidad</translation>
39754002 </message>
39764003 <message>
3977 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
4004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39784005 <source>Highlight Opacity
39804007 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
39834010 Opacidad que se aplicará cuando el cursor esté sobre una curva o punto del eje en el modo Select. El cambio de aspecto muestra cuándo se puede seleccionar el punto.</translation>
39844011 </message>
39854012 <message>
3986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
4013 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39874014 <source>Recent file list</source>
39884015 <translation>Lista de archivos recientes </translation>
39894016 </message>
39904017 <message>
3991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
39924019 <source>Clear</source>
39934020 <translation>Claro</translation>
39944021 </message>
39954022 <message>
3996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
39974024 <source>Recent File List Clear
39994026 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
40024029 Borrar la lista de archivos recientes en el menú Archivo .</translation>
40034030 </message>
40044031 <message>
4005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
40064033 <source>Include title bar path</source>
40074034 <translation>Incluir el trazado de la barra de título </translation>
40084035 </message>
40094036 <message>
4010 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
40114038 <source>Title Bar Filename
40134040 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
40164043 Incluye o excluye la ruta y el archivo de extensión del nombre de archivo en la barra de título .</translation>
40174044 </message>
40184045 <message>
4019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4046 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40204047 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40214048 <translation>Permitir pequeños diálogos</translation>
40224049 </message>
40234050 <message>
4024 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40254052 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40274054 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40304057 Permite que los cuadros de diálogo de ajustes se hagan muy pequeños para que encajen en pantallas de computadora pequeñas.</translation>
40314058 </message>
40324059 <message>
4033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40344061 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40354062 <translation>Permitir arrastrar y soltar la exportación</translation>
40364063 </message>
40374064 <message>
4038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40394066 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40414068 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40484075 Cuando arrastrar y soltar está deshabilitado, un conjunto rectangular de celdas de la tabla se puede seleccionar mediante clic y arrastre. Cuando se habilita arrastrar y soltar, un conjunto rectangular de celdas de la tabla se puede seleccionar mediante clic a continuación Shift + click, ya que hacer clic y arrastrar se inicia la operación de arrastre.</translation>
40494076 </message>
40504077 <message>
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4078 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4079 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4080 <translation>Reemplazo de imagen renombra documento</translation>
4081 </message>
4082 <message>
4083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4084 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4086 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4087 <translation>Reemplazo de imagen Renombra documento
4089 Cuando se importa una imagen para reemplazar la imagen actual, se cambiará el nombre del documento si esto es cierto, de lo contrario el nombre permanecerá igual.</translation>
4090 </message>
4091 <message>
4092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40524093 <source>Significant digits</source>
40534094 <translation>Dígitos significantes</translation>
40544095 </message>
40554096 <message>
4056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40574098 <source>Significant Digits
40594100 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
43024343 <context>
43034344 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
43044345 <message>
4346 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
43054347 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4306 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43074348 <source>Geometry Window</source>
43084349 <translation>Ventana de geometría</translation>
43094350 </message>
43104351 <message>
4311 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4352 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43124353 <source>Geometry Window
43144355 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43434384 Distancia = Distancia a lo largo de la curva en dirección hacia adelante o hacia atrás, ya sea en unidades de gráficos o como un porcentaje
43454386 Si arrastrar y soltar está deshabilitado, un conjunto de celdas se puede seleccionar haciendo clic y arrastrando. De lo contrario, si está activada la función de arrastrar y soltar, un conjunto de celdas se puede seleccionar mediante clic a continuación Shift + click, ya que hacer clic y arrastrar comienza la operación de arrastre. el modo de arrastrar y soltar se encuentra en los valores de la ventana principal</translation>
4387 </message>
4388 <message>
4389 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4390 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4391 <translation>Los segmentos resaltados pueden tener valores inesperados cuando se exportan debido a superposiciones. Ajuste los puntos o cambie Configuración / Propiedades de curva / Conectar como.</translation>
4392 </message>
4393 </context>
4394 <context>
4395 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4396 <message>
4397 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4398 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4399 <translation>La función actualmente tiene múltiples valores Y para un valor X Ajuste los puntos cercanos o cambie el tipo de curva en Propiedades de curva</translation>
43464400 </message>
43474401 </context>
43484402 <context>
43914445 <context>
43924446 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
43934447 <message>
4394 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4448 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
43954449 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
43964450 <translation>No se puede descargar la imagen de</translation>
43974451 </message>
43984452 <message>
4399 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4453 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
44004454 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
44014455 <translation>No se puede cargar la imagen de</translation>
44024456 </message>
44044458 <context>
44054459 <name>MainWindow</name>
44064460 <message>
4407 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4461 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
44084462 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
44094463 <translation>No se puede exportar a presentar</translation>
44104464 </message>
44114465 <message>
4412 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
44134467 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
44144468 <translation>No se puede extraer la imagen al archivo</translation>
44154469 </message>
44164470 <message>
4417 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4418 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4419 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4473 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44204474 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44214475 <translation>No se puede leer el archivo</translation>
44224476 </message>
44234477 <message>
4424 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4425 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4426 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4478 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4479 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4480 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44274481 <source>from directory</source>
44284482 <translation>del directorio</translation>
44294483 </message>
44304484 <message>
4431 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4485 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44324486 <source>Import Image</source>
44334487 <translation>Importación de imágenes</translation>
44344488 </message>
44354489 <message>
4436 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4490 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44374491 <source>File opened</source>
44384492 <translation>Archivo abierto</translation>
44394493 </message>
44404494 <message>
4441 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4495 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44424496 <source>File not found</source>
44434497 <translation>Archivo no encontrado</translation>
44444498 </message>
44454499 <message>
4446 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4500 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44474501 <source>Error report opened</source>
44484502 <translation>Informe de error abierto</translation>
44494503 </message>
44504504 <message>
4451 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4452 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4505 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4506 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44534507 <source>File imported</source>
44544508 <translation>Archivo importado</translation>
44554509 </message>
44564510 <message>
4457 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4511 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44584512 <source>Background image.</source>
44594513 <translation>Imagen de fondo.</translation>
44604514 </message>
44614515 <message>
4462 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4516 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44634517 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44644518 <translation>Actualmente seleccionado curva.</translation>
44654519 </message>
44664520 <message>
4467 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4521 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44684522 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44694523 <translation>Estilo de punto de curvas seleccionada .</translation>
44704524 </message>
44714525 <message>
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4526 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44734527 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44744528 <translation>Filtro de relleno segmento de curvas seleccionada .</translation>
44754529 </message>
44764530 <message>
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4531 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44784532 <source>The document has been modified.
44794533 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44804534 <translation>El documento ha sido modificado .
44814535 ¿Quieres guardar tus cambios?</translation>
44824536 </message>
44834537 <message>
4484 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4538 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44854539 <source>Cannot write file</source>
44864540 <translation>No se puede escribir el archivo</translation>
44874541 </message>
44884542 <message>
4489 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4543 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44904544 <source>Save</source>
44914545 <translation>Salvar</translation>
44924546 </message>
44934547 <message>
4494 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4548 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
44954549 <source>Export</source>
44964550 <translation>Exportar</translation>
44974551 </message>
44984552 <message>
4499 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4553 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
45004554 <source>Open Document</source>
45014555 <translation>Abrir documento</translation>
45024556 </message>
45034557 <message>
4504 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4558 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
45054559 <source>+</source>
45064560 <translation>+</translation>
45074561 </message>
45084562 <message>
4509 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4563 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
45104564 <source>-</source>
45114565 <translation>-</translation>
45124566 </message>
45134567 <message>
4514 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4568 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
45154569 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45164570 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
45174571 </message>
45194573 <context>
45204574 <name>QObject</name>
45214575 <message>
4522 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4523 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4524 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4576 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45254579 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45264580 <translation>El nuevo punto de eje no puede estar en la misma posición de pantalla que un punto de eje existente</translation>
45274581 </message>
45284582 <message>
4529 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4530 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45314585 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45324586 <translation>Nuevo punto de eje no puede tener las mismas coordenadas del gráfico como un punto del eje existente</translation>
45334587 </message>
45344588 <message>
4535 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4536 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4589 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4590 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45374591 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45384592 <translation>No más de dos puntos del eje pueden estar en la misma línea en la pantalla</translation>
45394593 </message>
45404594 <message>
4541 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4542 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4595 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4596 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45434597 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45444598 <translation>No más de dos puntos del eje pueden estar en la misma línea en coordenadas del gráfico</translation>
45454599 </message>
45464600 <message>
4547 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4601 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45484602 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45494603 <translation>Demasiados puntos de abscisas. Sólo debe haber dos</translation>
45504604 </message>
45514605 <message>
4552 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4606 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45534607 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45544608 <translation>Demasiados puntos eje y. Sólo debe haber dos</translation>
45554609 </message>
45564610 <message>
4557 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4611 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45584612 <source>Never</source>
45594613 <translation>Nunca</translation>
45604614 </message>
45614615 <message>
4562 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4616 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45634617 <source>NSeconds</source>
45644618 <translation>NSegundos</translation>
45654619 </message>
45664620 <message>
4567 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4621 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45684622 <source>Forever</source>
45694623 <translation>Siempre</translation>
4570 </message>
4571 <message>
4572 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4573 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4574 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4575 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4576 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4579 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4586 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4587 <source>Unknown</source>
4588 <translation>Desconocido</translation>
45894624 </message>
45904625 <message>
45914626 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46344669 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46354670 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46364671 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4637 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4672 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46384673 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46394674 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46404675 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46724707 <translation>Valor</translation>
46734708 </message>
46744709 <message>
4675 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4710 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4711 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4712 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4713 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4714 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4715 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4716 <source>Unknown</source>
4717 <translation>Desconocido</translation>
4718 </message>
4719 <message>
4720 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46764721 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46774722 <translation>No pueden leer datos de filtro curva</translation>
46784723 </message>
47494794 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47504795 </message>
47514796 <message>
4752 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4797 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47534798 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47544799 <translation>Contador xml inesperada</translation>
47554800 </message>
47604805 <translation>No se puede leer datos de la curva</translation>
47614806 </message>
47624807 <message>
4763 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4808 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47644809 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47654810 <translation>liso función</translation>
47664811 </message>
47674812 <message>
4768 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4813 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47694814 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47704815 <translation>recta función</translation>
47714816 </message>
47724817 <message>
4773 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4818 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47744819 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47754820 <translation>relación lisa</translation>
47764821 </message>
47774822 <message>
4778 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4823 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47794824 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47804825 <translation>recta relación</translation>
47814826 </message>
47824827 <message>
4783 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4828 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47844829 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47854830 <translation>conecte salto para la curva eje</translation>
47864831 </message>
48034848 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
48044849 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
48054850 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4806 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4851 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
48074852 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
48084853 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
48094854 </message>
48134858 <translation>Tres puntos del eje se han definido , y no más se necesita o permitido .</translation>
48144859 </message>
48154860 <message>
4816 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4861 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
48174862 <source>Color Picker</source>
48184863 <translation>Selector de color</translation>
48194864 </message>
48204865 <message>
4821 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4866 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48224867 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48234868 <translation>Lo sentimos , pero el punto selector de color debe estar cerca de un píxel no de fondo. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo .</translation>
48244869 </message>
48584903 <translation>Ascender</translation>
48594904 </message>
48604905 <message>
4861 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4862 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4906 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4907 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48634908 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48644909 <translation>Sistema operativo dice que el archivo no se puede leer</translation>
48654910 </message>
48664911 <message>
4867 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4912 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48684913 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48694914 <translation>no puede leer los archivos más nuevos de la versión</translation>
48704915 </message>
48714916 <message>
4872 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4917 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48734918 <source>of</source>
48744919 <translation>de</translation>
48754920 </message>
48764921 <message>
4877 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4922 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48784923 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48794924 <source>File</source>
48804925 <translation>Archivo</translation>
48814926 </message>
48824927 <message>
4883 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4928 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48844929 <source>was not found</source>
48854930 <translation>no fue encontrado</translation>
48864931 </message>
48874932 <message>
4888 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4933 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48894934 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
48904935 <translation>No se puede leer datos de imagen</translation>
48914936 </message>
49104955 <translation>No se puede leer digitalizar datos de la curva</translation>
49114956 </message>
49124957 <message>
4913 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4958 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
49144959 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
49154960 <translation>No se puede leer los datos de exportación</translation>
49164961 </message>
49454990 <translation>Error de identificador de punto encontrado. Notifique a los desarrolladores de Engauge junto con cualquier comentario sobre el país y la configuración regional de idioma. El nombre del punto no válido era</translation>
49464991 </message>
49474992 <message>
4948 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4993 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49494994 <source>Commas</source>
49504995 <translation>Comas</translation>
49514996 </message>
49524997 <message>
4953 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4998 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49544999 <source>Semicolons</source>
49555000 <translation>Punto y coma</translation>
49565001 </message>
49575002 <message>
4958 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
5003 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49595004 <source>Spaces</source>
49605005 <translation>Espacios</translation>
49615006 </message>
49625007 <message>
4963 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
5008 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49645009 <source>Tabs</source>
49655010 <translation>Pestaña</translation>
49665011 </message>
49675012 <message>
4968 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
5013 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49695014 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49705015 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49715016 </message>
49725017 <message>
4973 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5018 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49745019 <source>None</source>
49755020 <translation>Ninguna</translation>
49765021 </message>
49775022 <message>
4978 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5023 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49795024 <source>Simple</source>
49805025 <translation>Sencillo</translation>
49815026 </message>
49905035 <translation>No se puede exportar el archivo</translation>
49915036 </message>
49925037 <message>
4993 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5038 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49945039 <source>AllPerLine</source>
49955040 <translation>Todo por línea</translation>
49965041 </message>
49975042 <message>
4998 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5043 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
49995044 <source>OnePerLine</source>
50005045 <translation>Una por línea</translation>
50015046 </message>
50025047 <message>
5003 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5048 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
50045049 <source>Graph Units</source>
50055050 <translation>Unidades gráfico</translation>
50065051 </message>
50075052 <message>
5008 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5053 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
50095054 <source>Pixels</source>
50105055 <translation>Pixeles</translation>
50115056 </message>
50125057 <message>
5013 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5058 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50145059 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
50155060 <translation>Interpolar todas las curvas</translation>
50165061 </message>
50175062 <message>
5018 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5063 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50195064 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50205065 <translation>Interpolar primera curva</translation>
50215066 </message>
50225067 <message>
5023 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5068 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50245069 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50255070 <translation>Interpolar periódica</translation>
50265071 </message>
50275072 <message>
5028 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5029 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5073 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5074 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50305075 <source>Raw</source>
50315076 <translation>Crudo</translation>
50325077 </message>
50335078 <message>
5034 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5079 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50355080 <source>Interpolate</source>
50365081 <translation>Interpolar</translation>
50375082 </message>
50385083 <message>
5039 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5084 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50405085 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50415086 <translation>No se puede leer el archivo de script</translation>
50425087 </message>
50435088 <message>
5044 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5089 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50455090 <source>from directory</source>
50465091 <translation>del directorio</translation>
50475092 </message>
50775122 </message>
50785123 <message>
50795124 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5080 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5125 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50815126 <source>X</source>
50825127 <translation>X</translation>
50835128 </message>
50875132 <translation>Y</translation>
50885133 </message>
50895134 <message>
5090 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5135 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
50915136 <source>Count</source>
50925137 <translation>Cuenta</translation>
50935138 </message>
50945139 <message>
5095 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5140 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
50965141 <source>Start</source>
50975142 <translation>Comienzo</translation>
50985143 </message>
50995144 <message>
5100 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5145 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
51015146 <source>Step</source>
51025147 <translation>Incremento</translation>
51035148 </message>
51045149 <message>
5105 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5150 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
51065151 <source>Stop</source>
51075152 <translation>Fin</translation>
51085153 </message>
51425187 <translation>No se puede leer identificadores de punto</translation>
51435188 </message>
51445189 <message>
5145 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5190 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51465191 <source>Circle</source>
51475192 <translation>Circulo</translation>
51485193 </message>
51495194 <message>
5150 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5195 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51515196 <source>Cross</source>
51525197 <translation>Cruzar</translation>
51535198 </message>
51545199 <message>
5155 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5200 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51565201 <source>Diamond</source>
51575202 <translation>Diamante</translation>
51585203 </message>
51595204 <message>
5160 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5205 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5206 <source>Hourglass</source>
5207 <translation>Reloj de arena</translation>
5208 </message>
5209 <message>
5210 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51615211 <source>Square</source>
51625212 <translation>Cuadrado</translation>
51635213 </message>
51645214 <message>
5165 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5215 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51665216 <source>Triangle</source>
51675217 <translation>Triángulo</translation>
51685218 </message>
51695219 <message>
5170 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5220 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5221 <source>Triangle2</source>
5222 <translation> Triángulo2</translation>
5223 </message>
5224 <message>
5225 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51715226 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51725227 <translation>No se puede leer los datos del estilo del punto</translation>
51735228 </message>
51745229 <message>
5175 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5230 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51765231 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51775232 <translation>Coordenadas gráficas</translation>
51785233 </message>
51795234 <message>
5180 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5235 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51815236 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51825237 <translation>Coordenadas de píxeles</translation>
51835238 </message>
51845239 <message>
5185 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5240 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51865241 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51875242 <translation>Resolución del gráfico</translation>
51885243 </message>
51975252 <translation>Necesita más puntos de los ejes</translation>
51985253 </message>
51995254 <message>
5200 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
52015255 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5202 <translation>16:1 más lejos</translation>
5203 </message>
5204 <message>
5205 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5256 <translation type="vanished">16: 1 más lejos</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
52065259 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5207 <translation>8:1 cerca</translation>
5208 </message>
5209 <message>
5210 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5260 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 más cerca</translation>
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
52115263 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5212 <translation>8:1 más lejos</translation>
5213 </message>
5214 <message>
5215 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5264 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 más lejos</translation>
5265 </message>
5266 <message>
52165267 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5217 <translation>4:1 cerca</translation>
5218 </message>
5219 <message>
5220 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5268 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 más cerca</translation>
5269 </message>
5270 <message>
52215271 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5222 <translation>4:1 más lejos</translation>
5223 </message>
5224 <message>
5225 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5272 <translation type="vanished">4 1 más lejos</translation>
5273 </message>
5274 <message>
52265275 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5227 <translation>2:1 cerca</translation>
5228 </message>
5229 <message>
5230 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5276 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 más cerca</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
52315279 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5232 <translation>2:1 farther</translation>
5233 </message>
5234 <message>
5235 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5280 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 más lejos</translation>
5281 </message>
5282 <message>
52365283 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5237 <translation>1:1 cerca</translation>
5238 </message>
5239 <message>
5240 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5284 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 más cerca</translation>
5285 </message>
5286 <message>
52415287 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5242 <translation>1:1 más lejos</translation>
5243 </message>
5244 <message>
5245 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5288 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 más lejos</translation>
5289 </message>
5290 <message>
52465291 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5247 <translation>1:2 cerca</translation>
5248 </message>
5249 <message>
5250 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5292 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 más cerca</translation>
5293 </message>
5294 <message>
52515295 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5252 <translation>1:2 más lejos</translation>
5253 </message>
5254 <message>
5255 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5296 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 más lejos</translation>
5297 </message>
5298 <message>
52565299 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5257 <translation>1:4 cerca</translation>
5258 </message>
5259 <message>
5260 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5300 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 más cerca</translation>
5301 </message>
5302 <message>
52615303 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5262 <translation>1:4 más lejos</translation>
5263 </message>
5264 <message>
5265 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5304 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 más lejos</translation>
5305 </message>
5306 <message>
52665307 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5267 <translation>1:8 cerca</translation>
5268 </message>
5269 <message>
5270 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5308 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 más cerca</translation>
5309 </message>
5310 <message>
52715311 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5272 <translation>1:8 más lejos</translation>
5273 </message>
5274 <message>
5275 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5312 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 más lejos</translation>
5313 </message>
5314 <message>
52765315 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5277 <translation>1:16 cerca</translation>
5278 </message>
5279 <message>
5280 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5316 <translation type="vanished">1: 16 más cerca</translation>
5317 </message>
5318 <message>
52815319 <source>Fill</source>
5282 <translation>Llenar</translation>
5283 </message>
5284 <message>
5285 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5320 <translation type="vanished">Llenar</translation>
5321 </message>
5322 <message>
52865323 <source>Previous</source>
5287 <translation>Anterior</translation>
5288 </message>
5289 <message>
5290 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5324 <translation type="vanished">Anterior</translation>
5325 </message>
5326 <message>
5327 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
52915328 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
52925329 <translation>El archivo parece tener caracteres de varios alfabetos de idiomas, lo que no funciona en la línea de comandos de Windows</translation>
52935330 </message>
52945331 <message>
5295 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5332 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
52965333 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
52975334 <translation>No se puede leer los datos principales de la ventana</translation>
52985335 </message>
52995336 <message>
5300 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5301 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5337 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5338 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
53025339 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
53035340 <translation>no es un nombre de archivo válido</translation>
53045341 </message>
53055342 <message>
5306 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5343 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
53075344 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
53085345 <translation>no es una extensión de archivo de imagen válida</translation>
53095346 </message>
53105347 <message>
5311 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5348 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
53125349 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
53135350 <translation>se usa solo con uno o más archivos de carga</translation>
53145351 </message>
53155352 <message>
5316 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5353 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
53175354 <source>Available styles</source>
53185355 <translation>Estilos disponibles</translation>
53195356 </message>
53205357 <message>
5321 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5358 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53225359 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53235360 <translation>Permite la información de depuración extra. Se utiliza para la depuración</translation>
53245361 </message>
53255362 <message>
5326 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53275363 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5328 <translation>Especifica un archivo de informe de errores como entrada. Se utiliza para la depuración y pruebas</translation>
5329 </message>
5330 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5364 <translation type="vanished">Especifica un archivo de informe de errores como entrada. Se utiliza para la depuración y pruebas</translation>
5365 </message>
5366 <message>
5367 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5368 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5369 <translation>Indica que los archivos abiertos al inicio son para probar arrastrar y soltar. Usado para pruebas de regresión</translation>
5370 </message>
5371 <message>
5372 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5373 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5374 <translation>Especifica un archivo de informe de error como entrada. Usado para depuración y pruebas de regresión</translation>
5375 </message>
5376 <message>
5377 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53325378 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53335379 <translation>Exportar cada archivo de inicio cargado, que debe tener todos los puntos de eje definidos, luego detener</translation>
53345380 </message>
53355381 <message>
5336 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5382 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53375383 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53385384 <translation>Extraiga la imagen en cada archivo de inicio cargado en un archivo con la extensión especificada, luego deténgalo</translation>
53395385 </message>
53405386 <message>
5341 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5387 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53425388 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53435389 <translation>Especifica un archivo de secuencia de comandos de archivo como entrada . Se utiliza para la depuración y pruebas</translation>
53445390 </message>
53455391 <message>
5346 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5392 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53475393 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53485394 <translation>Salida de los archivos de entrada gnuplot diagnóstico. Se utiliza para la depuración</translation>
53495395 </message>
53505396 <message>
5351 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5397 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53525398 <source>Show this help information</source>
53535399 <translation>Mostrar esta información de ayuda</translation>
53545400 </message>
53555401 <message>
5356 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5402 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53575403 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53585404 <translation>Ejecuta la secuencia de comandos de archivo de informe de errores o archivo . Se utiliza para las pruebas de regresión</translation>
53595405 </message>
53605406 <message>
5361 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5407 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53625408 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53635409 <translation>Elimina todos los ajustes almacenados, incluyendo las posiciones de la ventana. Se utiliza cuando windows se inicia fuera de la pantalla</translation>
53645410 </message>
53655411 <message>
5366 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5412 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5413 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5414 <translation>Establezca el estilo de la ventana en uno de los estilos enumerados por la opción de línea de comando</translation>
5415 </message>
5416 <message>
5417 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5418 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5419 <translation>Muestre una lista de estilos disponibles que se pueden usar con la opción de línea de comando</translation>
5420 </message>
5421 <message>
53675422 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5368 <translation>Mostrar una lista de estilos disponibles que se pueden usar con el comando -style</translation>
5369 </message>
5370 <message>
5371 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5423 <translation type="vanished">Mostrar una lista de estilos disponibles que se pueden usar con el comando -style</translation>
5424 </message>
5425 <message>
5426 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5427 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5428 <translation>Actualiza los archivos abiertos en el inicio a la versión más reciente</translation>
5429 </message>
5430 <message>
5431 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53725432 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53735433 <translation>Archivo (s) que se importa o se abre en el arranque</translation>
5434 </message>
5435 <message>
5436 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5437 <source>Could not write to</source>
5438 <translation>No se pudo escribir a</translation>
5439 </message>
5440 <message>
5441 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5442 <source>Upgraded</source>
5443 <translation>Actualizado</translation>
5444 </message>
5445 <message>
5446 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5447 <source>to</source>
5448 <translation>a</translation>
53745449 </message>
53755450 <message>
53765451 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
53965471 <context>
53975472 <name>StatusBar</name>
53985473 <message>
5399 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5474 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
54005475 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
54015476 <translation>Elija un cursor para mostrar los valores de coordenadas .</translation>
54025477 </message>
54035478 <message>
5404 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5479 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
54055480 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
54075482 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54105485 Los valores en las coordenadas del cursor para mostrar . Las coordenadas están en pantalla (píxeles) o unidades de gráficos. Resolución (que es el número de unidades de gráficos por píxel) está en unidades de gráficos. Gráfico de unidades sólo están disponibles después de las tres direcciones han sido definidos .</translation>
54115486 </message>
54125487 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5488 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
54145489 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
54155490 <translation>Cursor valores de coordenadas.</translation>
54165491 </message>
54175492 <message>
5418 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5493 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54195494 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54215496 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54245499 Los valores en coordenadas del cursor . Las coordenadas están en pantalla (píxeles) o unidades de gráficos. Resolución (que es el número de unidades de gráficos por píxel) está en unidades de gráficos. Gráfico de unidades sólo están disponibles después de las tres direcciones han sido definidos .</translation>
54255500 </message>
54265501 <message>
5427 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5502 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54285503 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54295504 <translation>Seleccione el zoom .</translation>
54305505 </message>
54315506 <message>
5432 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5507 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54335508 <source>Select Zoom
54355510 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54365511 <translation>Seleccione zoom
54385513 Los puntos pueden ser colocados con mayor precisión haciendo zoom .</translation>
5514 </message>
5515 <message>
5516 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5517 <source>16:1</source>
5518 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5519 </message>
5520 <message>
5521 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5522 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5523 <translation>16: 1 más lejos</translation>
5524 </message>
5525 <message>
5526 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5527 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5528 <translation>8: 1 más cerca</translation>
5529 </message>
5530 <message>
5531 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5532 <source>8:1</source>
5533 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5534 </message>
5535 <message>
5536 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5537 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5538 <translation>8: 1 más lejos</translation>
5539 </message>
5540 <message>
5541 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5542 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5543 <translation>4: 1 más cerca</translation>
5544 </message>
5545 <message>
5546 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5547 <source>4:1</source>
5548 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5549 </message>
5550 <message>
5551 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5552 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5553 <translation>4 1 más lejos</translation>
5554 </message>
5555 <message>
5556 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5557 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5558 <translation>2: 1 más cerca</translation>
5559 </message>
5560 <message>
5561 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5562 <source>2:1</source>
5563 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5564 </message>
5565 <message>
5566 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5567 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5568 <translation>2: 1 más lejos</translation>
5569 </message>
5570 <message>
5571 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5572 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5573 <translation>1: 1 más cerca</translation>
5574 </message>
5575 <message>
5576 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5577 <source>1:1</source>
5578 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5579 </message>
5580 <message>
5581 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5582 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5583 <translation>1: 1 más lejos</translation>
5584 </message>
5585 <message>
5586 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5587 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5588 <translation>1: 2 más cerca</translation>
5589 </message>
5590 <message>
5591 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5592 <source>1:2</source>
5593 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5594 </message>
5595 <message>
5596 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5597 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5598 <translation>1: 2 más lejos</translation>
5599 </message>
5600 <message>
5601 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5602 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5603 <translation>1: 4 más cerca</translation>
5604 </message>
5605 <message>
5606 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5607 <source>1:4</source>
5608 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5609 </message>
5610 <message>
5611 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5612 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5613 <translation>1: 4 más lejos</translation>
5614 </message>
5615 <message>
5616 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5617 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5618 <translation>1: 8 más cerca</translation>
5619 </message>
5620 <message>
5621 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5622 <source>1:8</source>
5623 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5624 </message>
5625 <message>
5626 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5627 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5628 <translation>1: 8 más lejos</translation>
5629 </message>
5630 <message>
5631 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5632 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5633 <translation>1: 16 más cerca</translation>
5634 </message>
5635 <message>
5636 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5637 <source>1:16</source>
5638 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5639 </message>
5640 <message>
5641 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5642 <source>Fill</source>
5643 <translation>Llenar</translation>
5644 </message>
5645 <message>
5646 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5647 <source>Previous</source>
5648 <translation>Anterior</translation>
54395649 </message>
54405650 </context>
54415651 <context>
54425652 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54435653 <message>
5444 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5654 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54455655 <source>Axis Points</source>
54465656 <translation>Puntos del eje</translation>
54475657 </message>
54485658 <message>
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5659 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54505660 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54515661 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54525662 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54555665 Haga clic en el botón de puntos del eje</translation>
54565666 </message>
54575667 <message>
5458 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5668 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54595669 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54605670 line with known coordinates. An axis
54615671 point appears, with a dialog window
54685678 coordenadas</translation>
54695679 </message>
54705680 <message>
5471 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5681 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54725682 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54735683 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54745684 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54795689 hasta que se crean tres puntos del eje</translation>
54805690 </message>
54815691 <message>
5482 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5692 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54835693 <source>Previous</source>
54845694 <translation>Anterior</translation>
54855695 </message>
54865696 <message>
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5697 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54885698 <source>Next</source>
54895699 <translation>Siguiente</translation>
54905700 </message>
54925702 <context>
54935703 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
54945704 <message>
5495 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5705 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
54965706 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
54975707 <translation>Lista de verificación de Asistente y guía de lista de verificación</translation>
54985708 </message>
54995709 <message>
5500 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5710 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
55015711 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
55025712 is available when importing an image file.
55035713 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
55085718 pasos a seguir para digitalizar el archivo de imagen .</translation>
55095719 </message>
55105720 <message>
5511 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5721 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
55125722 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
55135723 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
55145724 <translation>Paso 1 - Activar la opción de menú Ayuda /
55155725 Guía de lista de control asistente.</translation>
55165726 </message>
55175727 <message>
5518 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5728 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
55195729 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
55205730 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
55215731 and ask some simple questions to
55285738 digitalizada.</translation>
55295739 </message>
55305740 <message>
5531 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5741 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55325742 <source>Additional options are available in
55335743 the various Settings menus.
55395749 Esto termina el tutorial . ¡Buena suerte!</translation>
55405750 </message>
55415751 <message>
5542 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5752 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55435753 <source>Previous</source>
55445754 <translation>Anterior</translation>
55455755 </message>
55475757 <context>
55485758 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55495759 <message>
5550 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5760 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55515761 <source>Color Filter</source>
55525762 <translation>Filtro de color</translation>
55535763 </message>
55545764 <message>
5555 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5765 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55565766 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55575767 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55585768 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55635773 líneas de color los ajustes se pueden mejorar .</translation>
55645774 </message>
55655775 <message>
5566 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5776 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55675777 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55685778 Filter menu option.</source>
55695779 <translation>Paso 1 - Seleccione la Configuración / Color
55705780 opción del menú Filter .</translation>
55715781 </message>
55725782 <message>
5573 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5783 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55745784 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55755785 be given the new settings.</source>
55765786 <translation>Paso 2 - Seleccione la curva que se
55775787 se le den los nuevos ajustes .</translation>
55785788 </message>
55795789 <message>
5580 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5790 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55815791 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55825792 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55835793 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55865796 se sugiere para las líneas de colores .</translation>
55875797 </message>
55885798 <message>
5589 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5799 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55905800 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55915801 dragging the green handles, until the
55925802 curve is clear in the preview window
56015811 Haga clic en OK cuando haya terminado .</translation>
56025812 </message>
56035813 <message>
5604 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5814 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
56055815 <source>Back</source>
56065816 <translation>Regreso</translation>
56075817 </message>
56095819 <context>
56105820 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
56115821 <message>
5612 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5822 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
56135823 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
56145824 curve is selected to receive curve points.
56155825 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
56205830 Selector o segmento Rellene botones.</translation>
56215831 </message>
56225832 <message>
5623 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5833 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56245834 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56255835 that curve name has not been created yet,
56265836 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56315841 para crearlo.</translation>
56325842 </message>
56335843 <message>
5634 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5844 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56355845 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56365846 original image to the filtered image
56375847 produced for the current curve, using the
56485858 el tutorial .</translation>
56495859 </message>
56505860 <message>
5651 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5861 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56525862 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56535863 in the filtered image, then change the
56545864 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56595869 los puntos de color naranja han desaparecido .</translation>
56605870 </message>
56615871 <message>
5662 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5872 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56635873 <source>Previous</source>
56645874 <translation>Anterior</translation>
56655875 </message>
56665876 <message>
5667 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5877 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56685878 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56695879 <translation>Configuración de filtros de color</translation>
56705880 </message>
56715881 <message>
5672 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5882 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56735883 <source>Next</source>
56745884 <translation>Siguiente</translation>
56755885 </message>
56775887 <context>
56785888 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56795889 <message>
5680 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5890 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56815891 <source>Curve Type</source>
56825892 <translation>Tipo de curva</translation>
56835893 </message>
56845894 <message>
5685 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5895 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56865896 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56875897 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56885898 <translation>Los pasos siguientes dependen de cómo las curvas
56895899 se dibujan , en términos de líneas y puntos .</translation>
56905900 </message>
56915901 <message>
5692 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5902 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56935903 <source>If the curves are drawn
56945904 with lines (with or without
56955905 points) then click on
56985908 se dibujan , en términos de líneas y puntos .</translation>
56995909 </message>
57005910 <message>
5701 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5911 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
57025912 <source>If the curves are drawn
57035913 without lines and only
57045914 with points, then click on
57095919 Siguiente (puntos).</translation>
57105920 </message>
57115921 <message>
5712 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5922 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
57135923 <source>Previous</source>
57145924 <translation>Anterior</translation>
57155925 </message>
57165926 <message>
5717 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5927 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
57185928 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
57195929 <translation>Siguiente (líneas)</translation>
57205930 </message>
57215931 <message>
5722 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5932 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
57235933 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57245934 <translation>Siguiente ( Puntos)</translation>
57255935 </message>
57275937 <context>
57285938 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57295939 <message>
5730 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5940 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57315941 <source>Introduction</source>
57325942 <translation>Introducción</translation>
57335943 </message>
57345944 <message>
5735 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5945 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57365946 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57375947 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57385948 <translation>Engauge comienza con Digitalizador
57395949 imágenes de gráficos y mapas.</translation>
57405950 </message>
57415951 <message>
5742 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5952 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57435953 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57445954 the graph and map curves.</source>
57455955 <translation>Se crea (o digitalizar ) puntos a lo largo
57465956 los del gráfico y de curvas.</translation>
57475957 </message>
57485958 <message>
5749 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5959 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57505960 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57515961 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57525962 <translation>Los puntos de la curva pueden ser digitalizados
57535963 exportados , como números , a otras herramientas de software .</translation>
57545964 </message>
57555965 <message>
5756 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5966 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57575967 <source>Next</source>
57585968 <translation>Siguiente</translation>
57595969 </message>
57615971 <context>
57625972 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57635973 <message>
5764 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5974 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57655975 <source>Point Match</source>
57665976 <translation>Match Point</translation>
57675977 </message>
57685978 <message>
5769 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5979 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57705980 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57715981 one sample point, and Engauge
57725982 then finds all matching points.
57795989 Paso 1 - Haga clic en el modo de Match Point .</translation>
57805990 </message>
57815991 <message>
5782 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5992 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57835993 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57845994 points will belong to.</source>
57855995 <translation>Paso 2 - Seleccione la curva de la nueva
57865996 puntos pertenecerán a .</translation>
57875997 </message>
57885998 <message>
5789 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5999 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57906000 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57916001 The circle turns green when it
57926002 contains what may be a point.</source>
57956005 contiene lo que puede ser un punto .</translation>
57966006 </message>
57976007 <message>
5798 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
6008 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
57996009 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
58006010 matched point with a yellow cross.
58016011 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
58086018 hasta que no haya más puntos .</translation>
58096019 </message>
58106020 <message>
5811 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
6021 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
58126022 <source>Previous</source>
58136023 <translation>Anterior</translation>
58146024 </message>
58156025 <message>
5816 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
6026 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
58176027 <source>Next</source>
58186028 <translation>Siguiente</translation>
58196029 </message>
58216031 <context>
58226032 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
58236033 <message>
5824 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6034 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
58256035 <source>Segment Fill</source>
58266036 <translation>Relleno segmento</translation>
58276037 </message>
58286038 <message>
5829 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6039 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58306040 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58316041 points all along the line segments
58326042 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58376047 botón Relleno segmento.</translation>
58386048 </message>
58396049 <message>
5840 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6050 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58416051 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58426052 points will belong to.</source>
58436053 <translation>Paso 2 - Seleccione la curva de la nueva
58446054 puntos pertenecerán a .</translation>
58456055 </message>
58466056 <message>
5847 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6057 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58486058 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58496059 segment in the desired curve. If a
58506060 green line appears, click on it once
58556065 para generar muchos puntos.</translation>
58566066 </message>
58576067 <message>
5858 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6068 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58596069 <source>Previous</source>
58606070 <translation>Anterior</translation>
58616071 </message>
58626072 <message>
5863 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6073 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58646074 <source>Next</source>
58656075 <translation>Siguiente</translation>
58666076 </message>
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE TS>
1 <TS language="fa_IR" version="2.1">
2 <context>
3 <name>ChecklistGuide</name>
4 <message>
5 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="20" />
6 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="21" />
7 <source>Checklist Guide</source>
8 <translation>راهنمای چک لیست
9  </translation>
10 </message>
11 <message>
12 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="22" />
13 <source>Checklist Guide
15 This box contains a checklist of steps suggested by the Checklist Guide Wizard. Following these steps should produce a set of digitized points in an output file.
17 To run the Checklist Guide Wizard when an image file is imported, select the Help / Checklist Wizard menu option.</source>
18 <translation>راهنمای چک لیست
20 این کادر حاوی لیست چک مراحل است که توسط جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست پیشنهاد شده است. در پی این مراحل باید مجموعه ای از نقاط دیجیتالی شده در پرونده خروجی تولید شود.
22 برای اجرای جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست هنگام وارد کردن یک فایل تصویری ، گزینه فهرست راهنمای جادوگر راهنما / لیست را انتخاب کنید.</translation>
23 </message>
24 </context>
25 <context>
26 <name>ChecklistGuidePageConclusion</name>
27 <message>
28 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="11" />
29 <source>Conclusion</source>
30 <translation>نتیجه</translation>
31 </message>
32 <message>
33 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="19" />
34 <source>A checklist guide has been created.</source>
35 <translation>یک راهنمای چک لیست ایجاد شده است.
36  </translation>
37 </message>
38 <message>
39 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="20" />
40 <source>Why does the imported image look different?</source>
41 <translation>چرا تصویر وارداتی متفاوت است؟
42  </translation>
43 </message>
44 <message>
45 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="21" />
46 <source>After import, a filtered image is shown in the background. This filtered image is produced from the original image according to the parameters set in Settings / Color Filter. When the parameters have been set correctly, unimportant information (such as grid lines and background colors) has been removed from the filtered images so automated feature extraction can be performed. If desirable features have been removed from the image, the parameters can be adjusted using Settings / Color Filter, or the original image can be displayed instead using View / Background / Show Original Image.</source>
47 <translation>پس از وارد کردن ، یک تصویر فیلتر شده در پس زمینه نشان داده می شود. این تصویر فیلتر شده با توجه به پارامترهای تنظیم شده در تنظیمات / رنگ فیلتر از تصویر اصلی تولید می شود. هنگامی که پارامترها به درستی تنظیم شده اند ، اطلاعات بی اهمیت (مانند خطوط شبکه و رنگهای پس زمینه) از تصاویر فیلتر شده حذف شده اند تا استخراج ویژگی خودکار بتواند انجام شود. در صورت حذف ویژگی های مطلوب ، می توان پارامترها را با استفاده از تنظیمات / فیلتر رنگ تنظیم کرد ، یا به جای استفاده از نمای / زمینه / نمایش تصویر اصلی می توان تصویر اصلی را نمایش داد.
48  </translation>
49 </message>
50 </context>
51 <context>
52 <name>ChecklistGuidePageCurves</name>
53 <message>
54 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="21" />
55 <source>Curve name. Empty if unused.</source>
56 <translation>نام منحنی .اگر استفاده ای ندارد خالی باشد.
57  </translation>
58 </message>
59 <message>
60 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="22" />
61 <source>Draw lines between points in each curve.</source>
62 <translation>خط را بین نقاط در هر منحنی بکشید.
63  </translation>
64 </message>
65 <message>
66 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="23" />
67 <source>Draw points in each curve, without lines between the points.</source>
68 <translation>در هر منحنی ، بدون خط بین نقاط ، نقاط را بکشید.
69  </translation>
70 </message>
71 <message>
72 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="26" />
73 <source>What are the names of the curves that are to be digitized? At least one entry is required.</source>
74 <translation>نام منحنی هایی که قرار است دیجیتالی شوند چیست؟ حداقل یک ورودی لازم است
75  </translation>
76 </message>
77 <message>
78 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="46" />
79 <source>How are those curves drawn?</source>
80 <translation>چگونه این منحنی ها ترسیم می شوند؟
81  </translation>
82 </message>
83 <message>
84 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="48" />
85 <source>With lines (with or without points)</source>
86 <translation>با خط (با یا بدون امتیاز)
87  </translation>
88 </message>
89 <message>
90 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="50" />
91 <source>With points only (no lines between points)</source>
92 <translation>فقط با امتیاز (بدون خط بین امتیاز)
93  </translation>
94 </message>
95 </context>
96 <context>
97 <name>ChecklistGuidePageIntro</name>
98 <message>
99 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="11" />
100 <source>Introduction</source>
101 <translation>معرفی</translation>
102 </message>
103 <message>
104 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="18" />
105 <source>Engauge converts an image of a graph or map into numbers, as long as the image has axes and/or grid lines to define the coordinates.</source>
106 <translation>Engauge تصویری از یک نمودار یا نقشه را به اعداد تبدیل می کند ، مادامی که تصویر دارای محورها و / یا خطوط شبکه برای تعریف مختصات باشد.</translation>
107 </message>
108 <message>
109 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="20" />
110 <source>This wizard creates a checklist of steps that can serve as a helpful guide. By following those steps, you can obtain digitized data points in an exported file. This wizard also provides a quick summary of the most useful features of Engauge.</source>
111 <translation>این جادوگر چک لیست از مراحل را ایجاد می کند که می تواند به عنوان یک راهنمای مفید باشد. با دنبال کردن این مراحل می توانید نقاط داده دیجیتالی شده را در یک پرونده صادر شده بدست آورید. این جادوگر همچنین خلاصه ای سریع از مفیدترین ویژگی های Engauge را ارائه می دهد.
112  </translation>
113 </message>
114 <message>
115 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="23" />
116 <source>New users are encouraged to use this wizard.</source>
117 <translation>کاربران جدید ترجیح می دهند از این جادوگر استفاده کنند.
118  </translation>
119 </message>
120 </context>
121 <context>
122 <name>ChecklistGuideWizard</name>
123 <message>
124 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="27" />
125 <source>Checklist Guide</source>
126 <translation>راهنمای چک لیست
127  </translation>
128 </message>
129 <message>
130 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="29" />
131 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
132 <translation>جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست</translation>
133 </message>
134 <message>
135 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="62" />
136 <source>Curves</source>
137 <translation>منحنی ها</translation>
138 </message>
139 <message>
140 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="106" />
141 <source>Follow this checklist of steps to digitize your image. Each step will show a check when it has been completed.</source>
142 <translation>این فهرست لیست مراحل را برای دیجیتالی کردن تصویر خود دنبال کنید. هر مرحله پس از اتمام ، یک چک را نشان می دهد.</translation>
143 </message>
144 <message>
145 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="107" />
146 <source>The coordinates are defined by creating axis points</source>
147 <translation>مختصات با ایجاد نقاط محور تعریف می شوند</translation>
148 </message>
149 <message>
150 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="108" />
151 <source>Add first of three axis points.</source>
152 <translation>اول از سه نقطه محور را اضافه کنید.
153  </translation>
154 </message>
155 <message>
156 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
157 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
158 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
159 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
160 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
161 <source>Click on</source>
162 <translation>کلیک کنید</translation>
163 </message>
164 <message>
165 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
166 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
167 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
168 <source>for Axis Points mode</source>
169 <translation>برای حالت نقاط محور</translation>
170 </message>
171 <message>
172 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="112" />
173 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates</source>
174 <translation>روی یک علامت تیک محور یا تقاطع دو خط شبکه با مختصات دارای برچسب کلیک کنید
175  </translation>
176 </message>
177 <message>
178 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="113" />
179 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="122" />
180 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="131" />
181 <source>Enter the coordinates of the axis point</source>
182 <translation>مختصات نقطه محور را وارد کنید</translation>
183 </message>
184 <message>
185 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="114" />
186 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="123" />
187 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="132" />
188 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="185" />
189 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="213" />
190 <source>Click on Ok</source>
191 <translation>روی Ok کلیک کنید</translation>
192 </message>
193 <message>
194 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="117" />
195 <source>Add second of three axis points.</source>
196 <translation>دوم از سه نقطه محور اضافه کنید.
197  </translation>
198 </message>
199 <message>
200 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="121" />
201 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis point</source>
202 <translation>روی علامت تیک محور یا تقاطع دو خط شبکه با مختصات دارای برچسب ، به دور از نقطه محور دیگر کلیک کنید
203  </translation>
204 </message>
205 <message>
206 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="126" />
207 <source>Add third of three axis points.</source>
208 <translation>سوم از سه نقطه محور را اضافه کنید.
209  </translation>
210 </message>
211 <message>
212 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="130" />
213 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis points</source>
214 <translation>روی علامت تیک محور یا تقاطع دو خط شبکه با مختصات دارای برچسب ، به دور از نقاط محور دیگر کلیک کنید</translation>
215 </message>
216 <message>
217 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="137" />
218 <source>Points are digitized along each curve</source>
219 <translation>نقاط در امتداد هر منحنی رقمی می شوند
220  </translation>
221 </message>
222 <message>
223 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="149" />
224 <source>Add points for curve</source>
225 <translation>امتیاز را برای منحنی اضافه کنید</translation>
226 </message>
227 <message>
228 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
229 <source>for Segment Fill mode</source>
230 <translation>برای حالت پر کردن بخش</translation>
231 </message>
232 <message>
233 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="156" />
234 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="165" />
235 <source>Select curve</source>
236 <translation>منحنی را انتخاب کنید</translation>
237 </message>
238 <message>
239 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="156" />
240 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="165" />
241 <source>in the drop-down list</source>
242 <translation>در لیست کشویی</translation>
243 </message>
244 <message>
245 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="157" />
246 <source>Move the cursor over the curve. If a line does not appear then adjust the Color Filter settings for this curve</source>
247 <translation>مکان نما را روی منحنی حرکت دهید. اگر یک خط ظاهر نمی شود ، تنظیمات فیلتر رنگی را برای این منحنی تنظیم کنید</translation>
248 </message>
249 <message>
250 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="159" />
251 <source>Move the cursor over the curve again. When the Segment Fill line appears, click on it to generate points</source>
252 <translation>مکان نما را دوباره بر روی منحنی حرکت دهید. هنگامی که خط پر کردن قطعه ظاهر می شود ، برای تولید امتیاز روی آن کلیک کنید</translation>
253 </message>
254 <message>
255 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
256 <source>for Point Match mode</source>
257 <translation>برای حالت مسابقه نقطه
258  </translation>
259 </message>
260 <message>
261 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="166" />
262 <source>Move the cursor over a typical point in the curve. If the cursor circle does not change color then adjust the Color Filter settings for this curve</source>
263 <translation>مکان نما را بر روی یک نقطه معمولی در منحنی حرکت دهید. اگر دایره مکان نما تغییر رنگ نداد ، تنظیمات فیلتر رنگ را برای این منحنی تنظیم کنید
264  </translation>
265 </message>
266 <message>
267 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="169" />
268 <source>Move the cursor over a typical point in the curve again. Click on the point to start point matching</source>
269 <translation>مکان نما را دوباره بر روی یک نقطه معمولی در منحنی حرکت دهید. برای شروع تطبیق نقطه روی نقطه کلیک کنید</translation>
270 </message>
271 <message>
272 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="170" />
273 <source>Engauge will display a candidate point. To accept that candidate point, press the right arrow key</source>
274 <translation>Engauge یک نقطه کاندیدا را نشان می دهد. برای پذیرش آن نامزد ، کلید پیکان سمت راست را فشار دهید</translation>
275 </message>
276 <message>
277 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="171" />
278 <source>The previous step repeats until you select a different mode</source>
279 <translation>مرحله قبل تکرار می شود تا اینکه حالت دیگری را انتخاب کنید
280  </translation>
281 </message>
282 <message>
283 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="179" />
284 <source>The digitized points can be exported</source>
285 <translation>نقاط دیجیتالی شده می توانند صادر شوند
286  </translation>
287 </message>
288 <message>
289 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="180" />
290 <source>Export the points to a file</source>
291 <translation>نقاط را به یک پرونده صادر کنید
292  </translation>
293 </message>
294 <message>
295 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="183" />
296 <source>Select menu option File / Export</source>
297 <translation>پرونده / صادرات گزینه منو را انتخاب کنید
298  </translation>
299 </message>
300 <message>
301 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="184" />
302 <source>Enter the file name</source>
303 <translation>نام پرونده را وارد کنید</translation>
304 </message>
305 <message>
306 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="186" />
307 <source>Congratulations!</source>
308 <translation>تبریک می گویم!</translation>
309 </message>
310 <message>
311 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="191" />
312 <source>Hint - The background image can be switched between the original image and filtered image.</source>
313 <translation>نکته - تصویر پس زمینه را می توان بین تصویر اصلی و تصویر فیلتر شده جابجا کرد.
314  </translation>
315 </message>
316 <message>
317 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
318 <source>Select menu option View / Background / Show Original Image to see the original image</source>
319 <translation>برای دیدن تصویر اصلی ، نمای / پس زمینه / گزینه گزینه منو را انتخاب کنید</translation>
320 </message>
321 <message>
322 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="195" />
323 <source>Select menu option View / Background / Show Filtered Image to see the image from Color Filter</source>
324 <translation>برای دیدن تصویر از فیلتر رنگ ، نمای گزینه / پس زمینه / نمایش گزینه فیلتر را انتخاب کنید
325  </translation>
326 </message>
327 <message>
328 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="210" />
329 <source>Select menu option Settings / Color Filter</source>
330 <translation>گزینه تنظیمات گزینه / فیلتر رنگ را انتخاب کنید
331  </translation>
332 </message>
333 <message>
334 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="211" />
335 <source>Select the method for filtering. Hue is best if the curves have different colors</source>
336 <translation>روش را برای فیلتر کردن انتخاب کنید. رنگ بهتر است اگر منحنی ها رنگ های مختلفی داشته باشند</translation>
337 </message>
338 <message>
339 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="212" />
340 <source>Slide the green buttons back and forth until the curve is easily visible in the preview window</source>
341 <translation>دکمه های سبز را به جلو و عقب بکشید تا منحنی در پنجره پیش نمایش به راحتی قابل مشاهده باشد
342  </translation>
343 </message>
344 </context>
345 <context>
346 <name>CreateActions</name>
347 <message>
348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="59" />
349 <source>Select Tool</source>
350 <translation>ابزار را انتخاب کنید</translation>
351 </message>
352 <message>
353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="60" />
354 <source>Shift+F2</source>
355 <translation>Shift+F2</translation>
356 </message>
357 <message>
358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="62" />
359 <source>Select points on screen.</source>
360 <translation>نقاط روی صفحه را انتخاب کنید.</translation>
361 </message>
362 <message>
363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="63" />
364 <source>Select
366 Select points on the screen.</source>
367 <translation>انتخاب کنید
369 نقاط روی صفحه را انتخاب کنید.</translation>
370 </message>
371 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="67" />
373 <source>Axis Point Tool</source>
374 <translation>ابزار نقطه محور</translation>
375 </message>
376 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="68" />
378 <source>Shift+F3</source>
379 <translation>Shift+F3</translation>
380 </message>
381 <message>
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="70" />
383 <source>Digitize axis points for a graph.</source>
384 <translation>نقاط محور را برای نمودار نمودار کنید.
385  </translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
389 <source>Digitize Axis Point
391 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
393 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
394 <translation>رقمی محور نقطه
396 با قرار دادن یک نقطه جدید در مکان نما پس از کلیک ماوس ، یک نقطه محور را برای نمودار نمودار می کنیم. مختصات نقطه محور سپس وارد می شوند. پس از واردات و واردات (پیشرفته) ، می توان سه نقطه محور با مختصات (X1 ، Y1) (X2 ، Y2) (X3 ، Y3) را برای تعریف مختصات نمودار رقم زد. به صورت اختیاری ، پس از واردات (پیشرفته) چهار نقطه محور با مختصات (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) می توانند دیجیتالی شوند تا مختصات نمودار را تعریف کنند.
398 این ابزار وقتی تعریف می شود که مجموعه ای کامل از نقاط محور تعریف شود یا در صورت انتخاب مقیاس نوار ، پس از وارد کردن (پیشرفته) غیرفعال شوید.
399  </translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
403 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
404 <translation>ابزار نوار مقیاس</translation>
405 </message>
406 <message>
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
408 <source>Shift+F8</source>
409 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
410 </message>
411 <message>
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
413 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
414 <translation>نوار مقیاس را برای یک نقشه رقمی کنید. نیاز به واردات (پیشرفته) دارد.</translation>
415 </message>
416 <message>
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
418 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
420 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
422 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
424 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
425 <translation>نوار مقیاس رقمی
427 با کلیک کردن و کشیدن ، نوار مقیاس را برای یک نقشه رقم بزنید. سپس طول نوار مقیاس وارد می شود. در یک نقشه ، دو نقطه پایانی نوار مقیاس فاصله در مختصات نمودار را مشخص می کنند.
429 این ابزار با انتخاب نوار مقیاس در وارد کردن (پیشرفته) فعال می شود.
431 این ابزار با تعریف یک نوار مقیاس غیرفعال است یا اگر نقاط محور در هنگام ورود انتخاب شده اند.
432  </translation>
433 </message>
434 <message>
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
436 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
437 <translation>ابزار منحنی نقطه</translation>
438 </message>
439 <message>
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
441 <source>Shift+F4</source>
442 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
443 </message>
444 <message>
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
446 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
447 <translation>نقاط منحنی را رقمی کنید.</translation>
448 </message>
449 <message>
450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
451 <source>Digitize Curve Point
453 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
455 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
456 <translation>رقم نقطه منحنی
458 با قرار دادن یک نقطه جدید در مکان نما پس از کلیک ماوس ، یک نقطه منحنی را رقمی می کنیم. از این حالت برای دیجیتالی کردن نقاط در امتداد منحنی ها یک به یک استفاده کنید.
460 نقاط جدید به منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر اختصاص می یابد.
461  </translation>
462 </message>
463 <message>
464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
465 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
466 <translation>ابزار مسابقه نقطه</translation>
467 </message>
468 <message>
469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
470 <source>Shift+F5</source>
471 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
472 </message>
473 <message>
474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
475 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
476 <translation>با تطبیق یک نقطه ، نقاط منحنی را در یک نمودار نقطه رقمی کنید.
477  .</translation>
478 </message>
479 <message>
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
481 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
483 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
485 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
486 <translation>نقاط منحنی را با تطبیق امتیاز رقمی کنید
488 با پیدا کردن امتیازهایی که با یک نمونه نمونه مطابقت دارند ، نقاط منحنی را در یک طرح نقطه رقمی می کنند. روند با انتخاب یک نمونه نمونه نماینده شروع می شود.
490 نقاط جدید به منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر اختصاص می یابد.</translation>
491 </message>
492 <message>
493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
494 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
495 <translation>ابزار انتخاب رنگ</translation>
496 </message>
497 <message>
498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
499 <source>Shift+F6</source>
500 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
501 </message>
502 <message>
503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
504 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
505 <translation>تنظیمات رنگ را برای فیلتر کردن در حالت پر کردن بخش انتخاب کنید.</translation>
506 </message>
507 <message>
508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
509 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
511 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
512 <translation>تنظیمات رنگ را برای فیلتر کردن قطعه قطعه انتخاب کنید
514 پیکسلی را در امتداد منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر انتخاب کنید. این پیکسل و همسایگان آن تنظیمات فیلتر (رنگ ، روشنایی و غیره) منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر را در حالت پر کردن قطعه تعریف می کنند.</translation>
515 </message>
516 <message>
517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
518 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
519 <translation>بخش پر کردن بخش</translation>
520 </message>
521 <message>
522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
523 <source>Shift+F7</source>
524 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
525 </message>
526 <message>
527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
528 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
529 <translation>نقاط منحنی را در طول یک بخش از منحنی رقمی کنی..</translation>
530 </message>
531 <message>
532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
533 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
535 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
537 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
538 <translation>نقاط منحنی را با پر کردن قطعه رقمی کنید
540 با قرار دادن نقاط جدید در امتداد قسمت برجسته در زیر مکان نما ، نقاط منحنی را رقمی می کند. از این حالت استفاده کنید تا سریعاً چندین نقطه را در امتداد یک منحنی با یک کلیک دیجیتالی کنید.
542 نقاط جدید به منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر اختصاص می یابد.
543  </translation>
544 </message>
545 <message>
546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
547 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
548 <translation>واگرد</translation>
549 </message>
550 <message>
551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
552 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
553 <translation>آخرین عملیات را خنثیسازی کنید.</translation>
554 </message>
555 <message>
556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
557 <source>Undo
559 Undo the last operation.</source>
560 <translation>واگرد
562 آخرین عملیات را خنثیسازی کنید.
563  </translation>
564 </message>
565 <message>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
567 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
568 <translation>مجدداً</translation>
569 </message>
570 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
572 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
573 <translation>آخرین عملیات را دوباره انجام دهید.</translation>
574 </message>
575 <message>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
577 <source>Redo
579 Redo the last operation.</source>
580 <translation>مجدداً
582 آخرین عملیات را دوباره انجام دهید.</translation>
583 </message>
584 <message>
585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
586 <source>Cut</source>
587 <translation>برش</translation>
588 </message>
589 <message>
590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
591 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
592 <translation>نقاط انتخاب شده را حذف کرده و آنها را در کلیپ بورد کپی می کند.</translation>
593 </message>
594 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
596 <source>Cut
598 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
599 <translation>برش
601 نقاط انتخاب شده را حذف کرده و آنها را در کلیپ بورد کپی می کند.</translation>
602 </message>
603 <message>
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
605 <source>Copy</source>
606 <translation>کپی کنید</translation>
607 </message>
608 <message>
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
610 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
611 <translation>نقاط انتخاب شده را در کلیپ بورد کپی کنید.</translation>
612 </message>
613 <message>
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
615 <source>Copy
617 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
618 <translation>کپی کنید
620 نقاط انتخاب شده را در کلیپ بورد کپی کنید.</translation>
621 </message>
622 <message>
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
624 <source>Paste</source>
625 <translation>چسباندن</translation>
626 </message>
627 <message>
628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
629 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
630 <translation>نقاط انتخابی را از کلیپ بورد جایگذاری کنید.</translation>
631 </message>
632 <message>
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
634 <source>Paste
636 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
637 <translation>چسباندن
639 نقاط انتخابی را از کلیپ بورد جایگذاری کنید. آنها به منحنی فعلی اختصاص خواهند یافت.</translation>
640 </message>
641 <message>
642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
643 <source>Delete</source>
644 <translation>حذف</translation>
645 </message>
646 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
648 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
649 <translation>پس از کپی کردن آنها در کلیپ بورد ، نقاط انتخاب شده را حذف می کند.
650  </translation>
651 </message>
652 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
654 <source>Delete
656 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
657 <translation>حذف
659 پس از کپی کردن آنها در کلیپ بورد ، نقاط انتخاب شده را حذف می کند.</translation>
660 </message>
661 <message>
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
663 <source>Paste As New</source>
664 <translation>به عنوان جدید چسباندن
665  </translation>
666 </message>
667 <message>
668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
669 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
670 <translation>تصویری از کلیپ بورد را چسباند.</translation>
671 </message>
672 <message>
673 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
674 <source>Paste as New
676 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
677 <translation>به عنوان جدید چسباندن
679 با چسباندن تصویری از کلیپ بورد ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کنید.</translation>
680 </message>
681 <message>
682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
683 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
684 <translation>جایگذاری به عنوان جدید (پیشرفته) ...</translation>
685 </message>
686 <message>
687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
688 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
689 <translation>تصویری را از کلیپ بورد ، در حالت پیشرفته چسباند.</translation>
690 </message>
691 <message>
692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
693 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
695 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
696 <translation>چسباندن به عنوان جدید (پیشرفته)
698 با درج یک تصویر از کلیپ بورد ، در حالت پیشرفته ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کنید.
699  </translation>
700 </message>
701 <message>
702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
703 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
704 <translation>وارد كردن...</translation>
705 </message>
706 <message>
707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
708 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
709 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
710 </message>
711 <message>
712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
713 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
714 <translation>با وارد کردن یک تصویر ساده ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کند.</translation>
715 </message>
716 <message>
717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
718 <source>Import Image
720 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
722 For more complicated images with multiple coordinate systems, and/or floating axes, Import (Advanced) is used instead.</source>
723 <translation>تصویر وارد کردن
725 با وارد کردن یک تصویر با یک سیستم مختصات واحد ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کند ، و هر دو مختصات را می شناسد.
727 برای تصاویر پیچیده تر با سیستم های مختصات چندگانه ، و یا محورهای شناور ، به جای آن از واردات (پیشرفته) استفاده می شود.
728  </translation>
729 </message>
730 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
732 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
733 <translation>وارد کردن (پیشرفته) ...</translation>
734 </message>
735 <message>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
737 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
738 <translation>با وارد کردن تصویری با پشتیبانی از فاکتورهای پیشرفته ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کند.</translation>
739 </message>
740 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
742 <source>Import (Advanced)
744 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
745 <translation>واردات (پیشرفته)
747 با وارد کردن تصویری با پشتیبانی از فاکتورهای پیشرفته ، یک سند جدید ایجاد می کند. در حالت پیشرفته ، می توانید چندین سیستم مختصات و یا محورهای شناور وجود داشته باشد.
748  </translation>
749 </message>
750 <message>
751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
752 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
753 <translation>وارد کردن (جایگزینی تصویر) ...</translation>
754 </message>
755 <message>
756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
757 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
758 <translation>یک تصویر جدید را وارد سند فعلی کنید و جایگزین تصویر موجود شوید.
759  </translation>
760 </message>
761 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
763 <source>Import (Image Replace)
765 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
766 <translation>وارد کردن (جایگزینی تصویر)
768 یک تصویر جدید را وارد سند فعلی کنید. تصویر موجود جایگزین می شود و تمام منحنی های موجود در سند حفظ می شوند. این عملیات برای اعمال نقاط محور و سایر تنظیمات از یک سند موجود به یک تصویر متفاوت مفید است.
769  </translation>
770 </message>
771 <message>
772 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
773 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
774 <translation>باز کن...</translation>
775 </message>
776 <message>
777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
778 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
779 <translation>یک سند موجود را باز می کند.
780  </translation>
781 </message>
782 <message>
783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
784 <source>Open Document
786 Opens an existing document.</source>
787 <translation>باز کردن سند
789 یک سند موجود را باز می کند.</translation>
790 </message>
791 <message>
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
793 <source>&amp;Close</source>
794 <translation>نزدیک</translation>
795 </message>
796 <message>
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
798 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
799 <translation>سند باز را می بندد.</translation>
800 </message>
801 <message>
802 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
803 <source>Close Document
805 Closes the open document.</source>
806 <translation>بستن سند
808 سند باز را می بندد.
809  </translation>
810 </message>
811 <message>
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
813 <source>&amp;Save</source>
814 <translation>صرفه جویی</translation>
815 </message>
816 <message>
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
818 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
819 <translation>سند فعلی را ذخیره می کند.
820  </translation>
821 </message>
822 <message>
823 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
824 <source>Save Document
826 Saves the current document.</source>
827 <translation>ذخیره سند
829 سند فعلی را ذخیره می کند.
830  </translation>
831 </message>
832 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
834 <source>Save As...</source>
835 <translation>ذخیره به عنوان...</translation>
836 </message>
837 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
839 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
840 <translation>سند فعلی را در زیر نام پرونده جدید ذخیره می کند.
841  </translation>
842 </message>
843 <message>
844 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
845 <source>Save Document As
847 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
848 <translation>ذخیره سند به عنوان
850 سند فعلی را در زیر نام پرونده جدید ذخیره می کند.</translation>
851 </message>
852 <message>
853 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
854 <source>Export...</source>
855 <translation>صادرات ...</translation>
856 </message>
857 <message>
858 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
859 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
860 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
861 </message>
862 <message>
863 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
864 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
865 <translation>سند فعلی را در یک پرونده متنی صادر کنید.
866  </translation>
867 </message>
868 <message>
869 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
870 <source>Export Document
872 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
873 <translation>سند صادرات
875 سند فعلی را در یک پرونده متنی صادر کنید.</translation>
876 </message>
877 <message>
878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
879 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
880 <translation>چاپ...</translation>
881 </message>
882 <message>
883 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
884 <source>Print the current document.</source>
885 <translation>سند فعلی را چاپ کنید.
886  </translation>
887 </message>
888 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
890 <source>Print Document
892 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
893 <translation>چاپ سند
895 سند فعلی را روی یک چاپگر یا پرونده چاپ کنید.
896  </translation>
897 </message>
898 <message>
899 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
900 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
901 <translation>خروج</translation>
902 </message>
903 <message>
904 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
905 <source>Quits the application.</source>
906 <translation>برنامه را ترک می کند.
907  </translation>
908 </message>
909 <message>
910 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
911 <source>Exit
913 Quits the application.</source>
914 <translation>خروج
916 برنامه را ترک می کند.</translation>
917 </message>
918 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
920 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
921 <translation>جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست</translation>
922 </message>
923 <message>
924 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
925 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
926 <translation>برای تعریف مراحل دیجیتالی ، جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست را در حین وارد کردن باز کنید
927  </translation>
928 </message>
929 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
931 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
933 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
934 <translation>جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست
936 برای ایجاد لیست چک لیست مراحل وارد شده از جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست استفاده کنید
937  </translation>
938 </message>
939 <message>
940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
941 <source>Tutorial</source>
942 <translation>آموزش</translation>
943 </message>
944 <message>
945 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
946 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
947 <translation>آموزش بازی برای نشان دادن مراحل برای دیجیتالی کردن منحنی ها را انجام دهید
948  </translation>
949 </message>
950 <message>
951 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
952 <source>Tutorial
954 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
955 <translation>آموزش
957 آموزش بازی برای نشان دادن مراحل برای دیجیتالی کردن نقاط از منحنی های ترسیم شده با خطوط و / یا نقطه را بازی کنید
958  </translation>
959 </message>
960 <message>
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
962 <source>Help</source>
963 <translation>کمک</translation>
964 </message>
965 <message>
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
967 <source>Help documentation</source>
968 <translation>اسناد راهنما</translation>
969 </message>
970 <message>
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
972 <source>Help Documentation
974 Searchable help documentation</source>
975 <translation>مستندات راهنما
977 اسناد راهنما قابل جستجو</translation>
978 </message>
979 <message>
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
981 <source>About Engauge</source>
982 <translation>درباره Engauge</translation>
983 </message>
984 <message>
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
986 <source>About the application.</source>
987 <translation>درباره برنامه</translation>
988 </message>
989 <message>
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
991 <source>About Engauge
993 About the application.</source>
994 <translation>درباره Engauge
996 درباره برنامه</translation>
997 </message>
998 <message>
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
1000 <source>Coordinates...</source>
1001 <translation>مختصات ...</translation>
1002 </message>
1003 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
1005 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
1006 <translation>تنظیمات مختصات را ویرایش کنید.
1007  </translation>
1008 </message>
1009 <message>
1010 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
1011 <source>Coordinate Settings
1013 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
1014 <translation>تنظیمات مختصات
1016 تنظیمات مختصات تعیین می کند که چگونه مختصات گراف به پیکسلهای موجود در تصویر نقشه برداری می شوند
1017  </translation>
1018 </message>
1019 <message>
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
1021 <source>Curve List...</source>
1022 <translation>لیست منحنی ...</translation>
1023 </message>
1024 <message>
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
1026 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
1027 <translation>تنظیمات لیست منحنی را ویرایش کنید.</translation>
1028 </message>
1029 <message>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
1031 <source>Curve List
1033 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
1034 <translation>لیست منحنی
1036 تنظیمات لیست منحنی ها را در سند فعلی منحنی ها را اضافه ، تغییر نام داده و یا حذف می کنند
1037  </translation>
1038 </message>
1039 <message>
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
1041 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
1042 <translation>ویژگی های منحنی ...</translation>
1043 </message>
1044 <message>
1045 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1046 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
1047 <translation>تنظیمات ویژگی های منحنی را ویرایش کنید.
1048  </translation>
1049 </message>
1050 <message>
1051 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1052 <source>Curve Properties Settings
1054 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
1055 <translation>تنظیمات ویژگی های منحنی
1057 تنظیمات ویژگی های منحنی نحوه ظاهر هر منحنی را تعیین می کند</translation>
1058 </message>
1059 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
1061 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
1062 <translation>منحنی رقمی سازی ...
1063  </translation>
1064 </message>
1065 <message>
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1067 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
1068 <translation>تنظیمات محور دیجیتال و منحنی نمودار را ویرایش کنید.
1069  </translation>
1070 </message>
1071 <message>
1072 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1073 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
1075 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
1076 <translation>تنظیمات منحنی محور و نمودار را رقمی کنید
1078 تنظیمات منحنی رقمی ، تعیین می کند که چگونه نقاط در محور دیجیتالیزه شدن نقاط و دیجیتالی کردن حالت های نمودار نمودار مشخص می شوند</translation>
1079 </message>
1080 <message>
1081 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1082 <source>Export Format...</source>
1083 <translation>قالب صادرات ...</translation>
1084 </message>
1085 <message>
1086 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1087 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
1088 <translation>تنظیمات فرمت صادرات را ویرایش کنید.</translation>
1089 </message>
1090 <message>
1091 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1092 <source>Export Format Settings
1094 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
1095 <translation>تنظیمات قالب صادرات
1097 تنظیمات قالب صادرات بر نحوه قالب بندی پرونده های صادر شده تأثیر می گذارد</translation>
1098 </message>
1099 <message>
1100 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1101 <source>Color Filter...</source>
1102 <translation>فیلتر رنگ ...</translation>
1103 </message>
1104 <message>
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1106 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
1107 <translation>تنظیمات فیلتر رنگ را ویرایش کنید.</translation>
1108 </message>
1109 <message>
1110 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1111 <source>Color Filter Settings
1113 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
1114 <translation>تنظیمات فیلتر رنگ
1116 فیلتر رنگ برای تسهیل نقاط آسان تر و پر کردن قطعه نمودارها را ساده می کند
1117  </translation>
1118 </message>
1119 <message>
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1121 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
1122 <translation>محور محور ...</translation>
1123 </message>
1124 <message>
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1126 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
1127 <translation>تنظیمات بررسی محورها را ویرایش کنید.
1128  </translation>
1129 </message>
1130 <message>
1131 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1132 <source>Axes Checker Settings
1134 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
1135 <translation>تنظیمات جستجوگر محورها
1137 چسبان محورها می توانند خطاهای نقطه محور را آشکار سازند ، که در غیر این صورت پیدا کردن آنها دشوار است.
1138  </translation>
1139 </message>
1140 <message>
1141 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
1142 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
1143 <translation>صفحه نمایش خط شبکه ...</translation>
1144 </message>
1145 <message>
1146 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1147 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
1148 <translation>تنظیمات صفحه نمایش خط را ویرایش کنید.
1149  </translation>
1150 </message>
1151 <message>
1152 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1153 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
1155 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
1156 <translation>تنظیمات نمایش خط شبکه
1158 خطوط شبکه نمایش داده شده بر روی نمودار می توانند دقت بیشتری نسبت به محور محور ، برای نمودارهای تحریف شده داشته باشند. در یک نمودار تحریف شده ، از خطوط شبکه می توان برای تنظیم نقاط محور برای دقت بیشتر در مناطق مختلف استفاده کرد.
1159  </translation>
1160 </message>
1161 <message>
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
1163 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
1164 <translation>حذف خط شبکه ...</translation>
1165 </message>
1166 <message>
1167 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1168 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
1169 <translation>تنظیمات حذف خط شبکه را ویرایش کنید.
1170  </translation>
1171 </message>
1172 <message>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1174 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
1176 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
1177 <translation>تنظیمات حذف خط شبکه
1179 حذف خط شبکه خطوط منحنی را برای تسهیل نقاط آسانتر و پر کردن قطعه ، در شرایطی که فیلتر رنگ قادر به جدا کردن خطوط شبکه از خطوط منحنی نیست ، جدا می کند.</translation>
1180 </message>
1181 <message>
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1183 <source>Point Match...</source>
1184 <translation>مسابقه بازی ...
1185  </translation>
1186 </message>
1187 <message>
1188 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1189 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
1190 <translation>تنظیمات مطابقت نقطه را ویرایش کنید.</translation>
1191 </message>
1192 <message>
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1194 <source>Point Match Settings
1196 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
1197 <translation>تنظیمات مطابقت نقطه
1199 تنظیمات مطابقت نقطه تعیین کننده همسان بودن امتیازها در حالت مطابقت با نقطه است</translation>
1200 </message>
1201 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1203 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
1204 <translation>بخش پر ...
1205  </translation>
1206 </message>
1207 <message>
1208 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1209 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
1210 <translation>تنظیمات پر کردن بخش را ویرایش کنید.
1211  </translation>
1212 </message>
1213 <message>
1214 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1215 <source>Segment Fill Settings
1217 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
1218 <translation>تنظیمات پر کردن بخش
1220 تنظیمات پر کردن سگمنت نحوه تولید نقاط در حالت پر کردن قطعه را تعیین می کند
1221  </translation>
1222 </message>
1223 <message>
1224 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
1225 <source>General...</source>
1226 <translation>عمومی...
1227  </translation>
1228 </message>
1229 <message>
1230 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1231 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
1232 <translation>تنظیمات عمومی را ویرایش کنید.
1233  </translation>
1234 </message>
1235 <message>
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
1237 <source>General Settings
1239 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
1240 <translation>تنظیمات عمومی
1242 تنظیمات عمومی تنظیمات خاص سند است که بر چند حالت تأثیر می گذارد. به عنوان مثال ، تنظیم اندازه مکان نما روی هر دو حالت انتخابگر رنگ و حالت مطابقت نقطه تأثیر می گذارد</translation>
1243 </message>
1244 <message>
1245 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
1246 <source>Main Window...</source>
1247 <translation>پنجره اصلی...</translation>
1248 </message>
1249 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
1251 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
1252 <translation>تنظیمات اصلی پنجره را ویرایش کنید.
1253  </translation>
1254 </message>
1255 <message>
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
1257 <source>Main Window Settings
1259 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
1260 <translation>تنظیمات اصلی پنجره
1262 تنظیمات اصلی پنجره روی رابط کاربر تأثیر می گذارد و مختص هیچ سندی نیست
1263  </translation>
1264 </message>
1265 <message>
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
1267 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
1268 <translation>پیش زمینه نوار ابزار</translation>
1269 </message>
1270 <message>
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
1272 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
1273 <translation>نوار ابزار پس زمینه را نمایش داده یا پنهان کنید.
1274  </translation>
1275 </message>
1276 <message>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
1278 <source>View Background ToolBar
1280 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
1281 <translation>مشاهده ابزار پس زمینه نوار
1283 نوار ابزار پس زمینه را نمایش داده یا پنهان کنید
1284  </translation>
1285 </message>
1286 <message>
1287 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
1288 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
1289 <translation>نوار ابزار راهنمای چک لیست
1290  </translation>
1291 </message>
1292 <message>
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
1294 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
1295 <translation>راهنمای لیست چک را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید.</translation>
1296 </message>
1297 <message>
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
1299 <source>View Checklist Guide
1301 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
1302 <translation>مشاهده راهنمای چک لیست
1304 راهنمای لیست چک را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید
1305  </translation>
1306 </message>
1307 <message>
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
1309 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
1310 <translation>پنجره متناسب با منحنی</translation>
1311 </message>
1312 <message>
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
1314 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
1315 <translation>پنجره متناسب با منحنی را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید.</translation>
1316 </message>
1317 <message>
1318 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
1319 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
1321 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
1322 <translation>مشاهده پنجره متناسب با منحنی
1324 پنجره متناسب با منحنی را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید</translation>
1325 </message>
1326 <message>
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
1328 <source>Geometry Window</source>
1329 <translation>پنجره هندسه</translation>
1330 </message>
1331 <message>
1332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
1333 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
1334 <translation>پنجره هندسه را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید.
1335  </translation>
1336 </message>
1337 <message>
1338 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
1339 <source>View Geometry Window
1341 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
1342 <translation>مشاهده پنجره هندسه
1344 پنجره هندسه را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید
1345  </translation>
1346 </message>
1347 <message>
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
1349 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
1350 <translation>نوار ابزار ابزار رقمی</translation>
1351 </message>
1352 <message>
1353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
1354 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
1355 <translation>نوار ابزار ابزار دیجیتالی را نمایش داده یا مخفی کنید.</translation>
1356 </message>
1357 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
1359 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
1361 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
1362 <translation>مشاهده ابزارهای رقمی دیجیتالی نوار ابزار
1364 نوار ابزار ابزار دیجیتالی را نمایش داده یا مخفی کنید</translation>
1365 </message>
1366 <message>
1367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
1368 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
1369 <translation>تنظیمات نمایش نوار ابزار</translation>
1370 </message>
1371 <message>
1372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1373 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
1374 <translation>نوار ابزار تنظیمات نمایش تنظیمات را نمایش یا پنهان کنید.
1375  </translation>
1376 </message>
1377 <message>
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
1379 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
1381 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
1382 <translation>مشاهده تنظیمات نمایش ابزار نوار
1384 نوار ابزار تنظیمات نمایش تنظیمات را نمایش یا پنهان کنید. این نمایش ها از نظر گرافیکی مهمترین تنظیمات را نشان می دهند.</translation>
1385 </message>
1386 <message>
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
1388 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
1389 <translation>نوار ابزار سیستم مختصات</translation>
1390 </message>
1391 <message>
1392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
1393 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
1394 <translation>نوار ابزار سیستم مختصات را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید.</translation>
1395 </message>
1396 <message>
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
1398 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
1400 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
1402 This toolbar is disabled when there is only one coordinate system.</source>
1403 <translation>نوار ابزار سیستم مختصات را مشاهده کنید
1405 نوار ابزار انتخاب سیستم مختصات را نشان داده یا مخفی کنید. این نوار ابزار برای انتخاب سیستم مختصات فعلی هنگامی که سند دارای چندین سیستم مختصات است ، استفاده می شود. از این نوار ابزار برای مشاهده و چاپ کلیه سیستم های مختصات نیز استفاده می شود.
1407 این نوار ابزار هنگامی که فقط یک سیستم مختصات وجود دارد غیرفعال می شود.
1408  </translation>
1409 </message>
1410 <message>
1411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
1412 <source>Tool Tips</source>
1413 <translation>نکات ابزار</translation>
1414 </message>
1415 <message>
1416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
1417 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
1418 <translation>نکات ابزار را نمایش یا پنهان کنید.</translation>
1419 </message>
1420 <message>
1421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
1422 <source>View Tool Tips
1424 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
1425 <translation>مشاهده نکات ابزار
1427 نکات ابزار را نمایش یا پنهان کنید
1428  </translation>
1429 </message>
1430 <message>
1431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
1432 <source>Grid Lines</source>
1433 <translation>خطوط شبکه</translation>
1434 </message>
1435 <message>
1436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1437 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
1438 <translation>خطوط شبکه را نمایش داده یا مخفی کنید.</translation>
1439 </message>
1440 <message>
1441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
1442 <source>View Grid Lines
1444 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
1445 <translation>خطوط شبکه را مشاهده کنید
1447 خطوط شبکه را که برای تنظیم دقیق نقاط محور اضافه شده اند نشان داده یا مخفی کنید ، که می تواند دقت را در نمودارهای تحریف شده بهبود بخشد
1448  </translation>
1449 </message>
1450 <message>
1451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1452 <source>No Background</source>
1453 <translation>سابقه ای ندارد</translation>
1454 </message>
1455 <message>
1456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1457 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
1458 <translation>تصویر را در زیر نقاط نشان ندهید.
1459  </translation>
1460 </message>
1461 <message>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1463 <source>No Background
1465 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
1466 <translation>پیش زمینه ای ندارد
1468 هیچ تصویری نشان داده نشده است بنابراین دیدن نقاط آسانتر اس  </translation>
1469 </message>
1470 <message>
1471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1472 <source>Show Original Image</source>
1473 <translation>نمایش تصویر اصلی
1474  </translation>
1475 </message>
1476 <message>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
1478 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
1479 <translation>تصویر اصلی را در زیر نقاط نشان دهید.
1480  </translation>
1481 </message>
1482 <message>
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1484 <source>Show Original Image
1486 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
1487 <translation>نمایش تصویر اصلی
1489 تصویر اصلی را در زیر نقاط نشان دهید</translation>
1490 </message>
1491 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
1493 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
1494 <translation>نمایش تصویر فیلتر شده
1495  </translation>
1496 </message>
1497 <message>
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
1499 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
1500 <translation>تصویر فیلتر شده زیر نقاط را نشان دهید.
1501  </translation>
1502 </message>
1503 <message>
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1505 <source>Show Filtered Image
1507 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
1509 The filtered image is created from the original image according to the Filter preferences so unimportant information is hidden and important information is emphasized</source>
1510 <translation>نمایش تصویر فیلتر شده
1512 تصویر فیلتر شده زیر نقاط را نشان دهید.
1514 تصویر فیلتر شده با توجه به تنظیمات فیلتر از تصویر اصلی ایجاد می شود بنابراین اطلاعات بی اهمیت مخفی می شوند و اطلاعات مهم مورد تأکید قرار می گیرد
1515  </translation>
1516 </message>
1517 <message>
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1519 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
1520 <translation>مخفی کردن همه منحنی ها</translation>
1521 </message>
1522 <message>
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1524 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
1525 <translation>تمام منحنی های دیجیتالی را مخفی کنید.
1526  </translation>
1527 </message>
1528 <message>
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1530 <source>Hide All Curves
1532 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
1533 <translation>همه منحنی ها را مخفی کنید
1535 هیچ نقطه محور یا منحنی نمودار دیجیتالی نشان داده نشده است بنابراین تصویر آسانتر است.
1536  </translation>
1537 </message>
1538 <message>
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1540 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
1541 <translation>نمایش منحنی انتخاب شده
1542  </translation>
1543 </message>
1544 <message>
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
1546 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
1547 <translation>فقط منحنی انتخاب شده فعلی را نشان دهید.
1548  </translation>
1549 </message>
1550 <message>
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1552 <source>Show Selected Curve
1554 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
1555 <translation>نمایش منحنی انتخاب شده
1557 فقط نقاط و خط دیجیتالی شده متعلق به منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر را نشان دهید.
1558  </translation>
1559 </message>
1560 <message>
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
1562 <source>Show All Curves</source>
1563 <translation>نمایش همه منحنی ها
1564  </translation>
1565 </message>
1566 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
1568 <source>Show all curves.</source>
1569 <translation>نمایش همه منحنی ها.</translation>
1570 </message>
1571 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
1573 <source>Show All Curves
1575 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
1576 <translation>نمایش همه منحنی ها
1578 نمایش تمام نقاط محور دیجیتالی و منحنی های نمودار</translation>
1579 </message>
1580 <message>
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
1582 <source>Hide Always</source>
1583 <translation>همیشه پنهان شوید</translation>
1584 </message>
1585 <message>
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1587 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
1588 <translation>همیشه نوار وضعیت را پنهان کنید.</translation>
1589 </message>
1590 <message>
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
1592 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
1593 <translation>نوار وضعیت را مخفی کنید. هیچ وضعیت موقت یا پیام بازخورد ظاهر نمی شود.
1594  </translation>
1595 </message>
1596 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
1598 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
1599 <translation>نمایش پیامهای موقتی
1600  </translation>
1601 </message>
1602 <message>
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1604 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
1605 <translation>نوار وضعیت را پنهان کنید به جز نمایش پیام های موقت.
1606  </translation>
1607 </message>
1608 <message>
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
1610 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
1611 <translation>نوار وضعیت را مخفی کنید ، به جز هنگام نمایش وضعیت موقت و پیام های بازخورد.
1612  </translation>
1613 </message>
1614 <message>
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
1616 <source>Show Always</source>
1617 <translation>نمایش همیشه</translation>
1618 </message>
1619 <message>
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
1621 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
1622 <translation>همیشه نوار وضعیت را نشان دهید.
1623  </translation>
1624 </message>
1625 <message>
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
1627 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
1628 <translation>نوار وضعیت را نشان دهید. علاوه بر نمایش وضعیت موقت و پیام های بازخورد ، نوار وضعیت اطلاعاتی را در مورد موقعیت مکان نما نشان می دهد.
1629  </translation>
1630 </message>
1631 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1633 <source>Zoom Out</source>
1634 <translation>کوچک نمایی</translation>
1635 </message>
1636 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
1638 <source>Zoom out</source>
1639 <translation>کوچک نمایی</translation>
1640 </message>
1641 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
1643 <source>Zoom In</source>
1644 <translation>بزرگنمایی</translation>
1645 </message>
1646 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
1648 <source>Zoom in</source>
1649 <translation>بزرگنمایی</translation>
1650 </message>
1651 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1653 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
1654 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
1655 </message>
1656 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1658 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
1659 <translation>بزرگنمایی 16: 1
1660  </translation>
1661 </message>
1662 <message>
1663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1664 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
1665 <translation>: 1 دورتر (1270٪)
1666  </translation>
1667 </message>
1668 <message>
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1670 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
1671 <translation>بزرگنمایی 12.7: 1
1672  </translation>
1673 </message>
1674 <message>
1675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1676 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
1677 <translation>8: 1 نزدیکتر (1008٪)
1678  </translation>
1679 </message>
1680 <message>
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1682 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
1683 <translation>بزرگنمایی 10.08: 1
1684  </translation>
1685 </message>
1686 <message>
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1688 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
1689 <translation>8: 1 (800٪)</translation>
1690 </message>
1691 <message>
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1693 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
1694 <translation>بزرگنمایی 8: 1</translation>
1695 </message>
1696 <message>
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1698 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
1699 <translation>8: 1 دورتر (635٪)</translation>
1700 </message>
1701 <message>
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1703 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
1704 <translation>بزرگنمایی 6.35: 1
1705  </translation>
1706 </message>
1707 <message>
1708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1709 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
1710 <translation>4: 1 نزدیکتر (504٪)
1711  </translation>
1712 </message>
1713 <message>
1714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1715 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
1716 <translation>بزرگنمایی 5.04: 1
1717  </translation>
1718 </message>
1719 <message>
1720 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1721 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
1722 <translation>4: 1 (400٪)</translation>
1723 </message>
1724 <message>
1725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1726 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
1727 <translation>بزرگنمایی 4: 1
1728  </translation>
1729 </message>
1730 <message>
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1732 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
1733 <translation>4: 1 أبعد (317 ٪)</translation>
1734 </message>
1735 <message>
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1737 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
1738 <translation>التكبير 3.17: 1</translation>
1739 </message>
1740 <message>
1741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1742 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
1743 <translation>2: 1 أقرب (252٪)</translation>
1744 </message>
1745 <message>
1746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1747 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
1748 <translation>تكبير 2.52: 1</translation>
1749 </message>
1750 <message>
1751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1752 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
1753 <translation>2: 1 (200 ٪)</translation>
1754 </message>
1755 <message>
1756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1757 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
1758 <translation>تكبير 2: 1</translation>
1759 </message>
1760 <message>
1761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1762 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
1763 <translation>2: 1 أبعد (159٪)</translation>
1764 </message>
1765 <message>
1766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
1767 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
1768 <translation>التكبير 1.59: 1</translation>
1769 </message>
1770 <message>
1771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
1772 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
1773 <translation>1: 1 أقرب (126٪)</translation>
1774 </message>
1775 <message>
1776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
1777 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
1778 <translation>التكبير 1.3: 1</translation>
1779 </message>
1780 <message>
1781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
1782 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
1783 <translation>1: 1 (100 ٪)</translation>
1784 </message>
1785 <message>
1786 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
1787 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
1788 <translation>التكبير 1: 1</translation>
1789 </message>
1790 <message>
1791 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
1792 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
1793 <translation>1: 1 (79٪)</translation>
1794 </message>
1795 <message>
1796 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1797 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
1798 <translation>التكبير 0.8: 1</translation>
1799 </message>
1800 <message>
1801 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1802 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
1803 <translation>1: 2 أقرب (63٪)</translation>
1804 </message>
1805 <message>
1806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1807 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
1808 <translation>التكبير 1.3: 2</translation>
1809 </message>
1810 <message>
1811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1812 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
1813 <translation>1: 2 (50 ٪)</translation>
1814 </message>
1815 <message>
1816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1817 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
1818 <translation>تكبير 1: 2</translation>
1819 </message>
1820 <message>
1821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1822 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
1823 <translation>1: 2 دورتر (40٪)</translation>
1824 </message>
1825 <message>
1826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1827 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
1828 <translation>بزرگنمایی 0.8: 2</translation>
1829 </message>
1830 <message>
1831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1832 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
1833 <translation>1: 4 نزدیکتر (31٪)</translation>
1834 </message>
1835 <message>
1836 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1837 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
1838 <translation>بزرگنمایی 1.3: 4</translation>
1839 </message>
1840 <message>
1841 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1842 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
1843 <translation>1: 4 (25٪)</translation>
1844 </message>
1845 <message>
1846 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1847 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
1848 <translation>بزرگنمایی 1: 4</translation>
1849 </message>
1850 <message>
1851 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1852 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
1853 <translation>1: 4 دورتر (20٪)</translation>
1854 </message>
1855 <message>
1856 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
1857 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
1858 <translation>بزرگنمایی 0.8: 4</translation>
1859 </message>
1860 <message>
1861 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1862 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
1863 <translation>1: 8 نزدیکتر (5/12٪)</translation>
1864 </message>
1865 <message>
1866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1868 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
1869 <translation>بزرگنمایی 1: 8</translation>
1870 </message>
1871 <message>
1872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1873 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
1874 <translation>1: 8 (12.5٪)</translation>
1875 </message>
1876 <message>
1877 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1878 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
1879 <translation>1: 8 دورتر (10٪)</translation>
1880 </message>
1881 <message>
1882 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1883 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
1884 <translation>بزرگنمایی 0.8: 8</translation>
1885 </message>
1886 <message>
1887 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1888 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
1889 <translation>1:16 نزدیکتر (8٪)</translation>
1890 </message>
1891 <message>
1892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1893 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
1894 <translation>بزرگنمایی 1.3: 16</translation>
1895 </message>
1896 <message>
1897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1898 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
1899 <translation>1:16 (6.25٪)</translation>
1900 </message>
1901 <message>
1902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1903 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
1904 <translation>بزرگنمایی 1:16</translation>
1905 </message>
1906 <message>
1907 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
1908 <source>Fill</source>
1909 <translation>پر کنید</translation>
1910 </message>
1911 <message>
1912 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
1913 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
1914 <translation>بزرگنمایی با کشش برای پر کردن پنجره</translation>
1915 </message>
1916 </context>
1917 <context>
1918 <name>CreateMenus</name>
1919 <message>
1920 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="21" />
1921 <source>&amp;File</source>
1922 <translation>فایل</translation>
1923 </message>
1924 <message>
1925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="27" />
1926 <source>Open &amp;Recent</source>
1927 <translation>اخیراً را باز کنید</translation>
1928 </message>
1929 <message>
1930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="43" />
1931 <source>&amp;Edit</source>
1932 <translation>ویرایش کنید</translation>
1933 </message>
1934 <message>
1935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="56" />
1936 <source>Digitize</source>
1937 <translation>رقمی کردن</translation>
1938 </message>
1939 <message>
1940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="65" />
1941 <source>View</source>
1942 <translation>چشم انداز</translation>
1943 </message>
1944 <message>
1945 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="77" />
1946 <source>Background</source>
1947 <translation>زمینه</translation>
1948 </message>
1949 <message>
1950 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="82" />
1951 <source>Curves</source>
1952 <translation>منحنی ها</translation>
1953 </message>
1954 <message>
1955 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="87" />
1956 <source>Status Bar</source>
1957 <translation>نوار وضعیت</translation>
1958 </message>
1959 <message>
1960 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="92" />
1961 <source>Zoom</source>
1962 <translation>بزرگنمایی</translation>
1963 </message>
1964 <message>
1965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="124" />
1966 <source>Settings</source>
1967 <translation>تنظیمات</translation>
1968 </message>
1969 <message>
1970 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="140" />
1971 <source>&amp;Help</source>
1972 <translation>کمک</translation>
1973 </message>
1974 </context>
1975 <context>
1976 <name>CreateToolBars</name>
1977 <message>
1978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="42" />
1979 <source>Select background image</source>
1980 <translation>تصویر پس زمینه را انتخاب کنید</translation>
1981 </message>
1982 <message>
1983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="43" />
1984 <source>Selected Background
1986 Select background image:
1987 1) No background which highlights points
1988 2) Original image which shows everything
1989 3) Filtered image which highlights important details</source>
1990 <translation>پیشینه انتخاب شده
1992 تصویر پس زمینه را انتخاب کنید:
1993 1) هیچ زمینه ای که نقاط برجسته را نشان می دهد
1994 2) تصویر اصلی که همه چیز را نشان می دهد
1995 3) تصویری فیلتر شده که جزئیات مهم را نشان می دهد
1996  </translation>
1997 </message>
1998 <message>
1999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="48" />
2000 <source>No background</source>
2001 <translation>پیش زمینه ای ندارد</translation>
2002 </message>
2003 <message>
2004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="49" />
2005 <source>Original image</source>
2006 <translation>تصویر اصلی</translation>
2007 </message>
2008 <message>
2009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="50" />
2010 <source>Filtered image</source>
2011 <translation>تصویر فیلتر شده</translation>
2012 </message>
2013 <message>
2014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="55" />
2015 <source>Background</source>
2016 <translation>زمینه</translation>
2017 </message>
2018 <message>
2019 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="63" />
2020 <source>Select curve for new points.</source>
2021 <translation>منحنی را برای نقاط جدید انتخاب کنید.</translation>
2022 </message>
2023 <message>
2024 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="64" />
2025 <source>Selected Curve Name
2027 Select curve for any new points. Every point belongs to one curve.
2029 This can be changed while in Curve Point, Point Match, Color Picker or Segment Fill mode.</source>
2030 <translation>نام منحنی انتخاب شده
2032 منحنی را برای هر نقطه جدید انتخاب کنید. هر نقطه به یک منحنی تعلق دارد.
2034 این می تواند در حالی که در نقطه منحنی ، مطابقت نقطه ، انتخابگر رنگ یا حالت پر کردن قطعه تغییر می کند.</translation>
2035 </message>
2036 <message>
2037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="70" />
2038 <source>Drawing</source>
2039 <translation>رسم</translation>
2040 </message>
2041 <message>
2042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="87" />
2043 <source>Points style for the currently selected curve</source>
2044 <translation>سبک امتیازات برای منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر</translation>
2045 </message>
2046 <message>
2047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="88" />
2048 <source>Points Style
2050 Points style for the currently selected curve. The points style is only displayed in this toolbar. To change the points style, use the Curve Properties dialog.</source>
2051 <translation>سبک امتیازات
2053 سبک امتیازات برای منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر. سبک امتیاز فقط در این نوار ابزار نمایش داده می شود. برای تغییر سبک امتیاز ، از گفتگوی ویژگی های منحنی استفاده کنید.</translation>
2054 </message>
2055 <message>
2056 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="96" />
2057 <source>View of filter for current curve in Segment Fill mode</source>
2058 <translation>نمای فیلتر برای منحنی جریان در حالت پر کردن قطعه
2059  </translation>
2060 </message>
2061 <message>
2062 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="97" />
2063 <source>Segment Fill Filter
2065 View of filter for the current curve in Segment Fill mode. The filter settings are only displayed in this toolbar. To changed the filter settings, use the Color Picker mode or the Filter Settings dialog.</source>
2066 <translation>فیلتر فیلتر قطعه
2068 نمای فیلتر برای منحنی فعلی در حالت پر کردن قطعه. تنظیمات فیلتر فقط در این نوار ابزار نمایش داده می شود. برای تغییر تنظیمات فیلتر ، از حالت انتخاب رنگ یا گفتگوی تنظیمات فیلتر استفاده کنید.</translation>
2069 </message>
2070 <message>
2071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="103" />
2072 <source>Views</source>
2073 <translation>بازدیدها</translation>
2074 </message>
2075 <message>
2076 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="112" />
2077 <source>Currently selected coordinate system</source>
2078 <translation>در حال حاضر سیستم مختصات انتخاب شده است</translation>
2079 </message>
2080 <message>
2081 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="113" />
2082 <source>Selected Coordinate System
2084 Currently selected coordinate system. This is used to switch between coordinate systems in documents with multiple coordinate systems</source>
2085 <translation>سیستم مختصات انتخاب شده
2087 در حال حاضر سیستم مختصات انتخاب شده است. این مورد برای جابجایی بین سیستم های مختصات در اسناد با چندین سیستم مختصات استفاده می شود</translation>
2088 </message>
2089 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="121" />
2091 <source>Show all coordinate systems</source>
2092 <translation>نمایش تمام سیستم های مختصات</translation>
2093 </message>
2094 <message>
2095 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="122" />
2096 <source>Show All Coordinate Systems
2098 When pressed and held, this button shows all digitized points and lines for all coordinate systems.</source>
2099 <translation>نمایش همه سیستم های مختصات
2101 با فشار و نگه داشتن ، این دکمه تمام نقاط و خطوط دیجیتالی شده را برای کلیه سیستم های مختصات نشان می دهد.</translation>
2102 </message>
2103 <message>
2104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="130" />
2105 <source>Print all coordinate systems</source>
2106 <translation>چاپ تمام سیستم های مختصات
2107  </translation>
2108 </message>
2109 <message>
2110 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="131" />
2111 <source>Print All Coordinate Systems
2113 When pressed, this button Prints all digitized points and lines for all coordinate systems.</source>
2114 <translation>چاپ تمام سیستم های مختصات
2116 با فشار دادن ، این دکمه تمام نقاط و خطوط دیجیتالی شده را برای کلیه سیستم های مختصات چاپ می کند.</translation>
2117 </message>
2118 <message>
2119 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="135" />
2120 <source>Coordinate System</source>
2121 <translation>دستگاه مختصات</translation>
2122 </message>
2123 </context>
2124 <context>
2125 <name>DlgAbout</name>
2126 <message>
2127 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="15" />
2128 <source>About Engauge</source>
2129 <translation>درباره Engauge</translation>
2130 </message>
2131 <message>
2132 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="32" />
2133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="43" />
2134 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
2135 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge</translation>
2136 </message>
2137 <message>
2138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="33" />
2139 <source>Version</source>
2140 <translation>نسخه</translation>
2141 </message>
2142 <message>
2143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="35" />
2144 <source>Engauge Digitizer is an open source tool for efficiently extracting accurate numeric data from images of graphs. The process may be considered as inverse graphing. When you engauge a document, you are converting pixels into numbers.</source>
2145 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge یک ابزار منبع باز برای استخراج کارآمد داده های عددی دقیق از تصاویر از نمودار است. این روند ممکن است به عنوان نمودار معکوس در نظر گرفته شود. وقتی یک سند را حک می کنید ، پیکسل ها را به شماره تبدیل می کنید.</translation>
2146 </message>
2147 <message>
2148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="38" />
2149 <source>This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions according to the GNU General Public License Version 2,or (at your option) any later version.</source>
2150 <translation>این نرم افزار رایگان است و شما خوشحال هستید که آن را تحت شرایط خاص با توجه به نسخه مجوز عمومی عمومی گنو نسخه 2 یا هر نسخه بعدی مجددا توزیع کنید.
2151  </translation>
2152 </message>
2153 <message>
2154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="41" />
2155 <source>Engauge Digitizer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.</source>
2156 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge با ضمانت بدون ضمانت همراه است.</translation>
2157 </message>
2158 <message>
2159 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="42" />
2160 <source>Read the included LICENSE file for details.</source>
2161 <translation>پرونده مجوز موجود را برای جزئیات بیشتر بخوانید.
2162  </translation>
2163 </message>
2164 <message>
2165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="44" />
2166 <source>Project Home Page</source>
2167 <translation>صفحه اصلی پروژه</translation>
2168 </message>
2169 <message>
2170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="45" />
2171 <source>Gitter Forum</source>
2172 <translation>تالار گفتمان شبکه</translation>
2173 </message>
2174 <message>
2175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="46" />
2176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="47" />
2177 <source>Project Page</source>
2178 <translation>صفحه پروژه</translation>
2179 </message>
2180 </context>
2181 <context>
2182 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
2183 <message>
2184 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
2185 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2186 <translation>نقطه محور را ویرایش کنید</translation>
2187 </message>
2188 <message>
2189 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
2190 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
2191 <translation>مختصات نمودار</translation>
2192 </message>
2193 <message>
2194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
2195 <source>as</source>
2196 <translation>مانند</translation>
2197 </message>
2198 <message>
2199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
2200 <source>(</source>
2201 <translation>(</translation>
2202 </message>
2203 <message>
2204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
2205 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2207 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2209 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2210 <translation>اولین مختصات نمودار نقطه محور را وارد کنید.
2212 برای توطئه های دکارتی این X است. برای توطئه های قطبی این زاویه تتا است.
2214 قالب مورد انتظار مقدار مختصات توسط تنظیمات محلی تعیین می شود. اگر مقادیر تایپ شده همانطور که انتظار می رود تشخیص داده نشود ، تنظیم محل را در تنظیمات / پنجره اصلی بررسی کنید ...</translation>
2215 </message>
2216 <message>
2217 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
2218 <source>, </source>
2219 <translation>, </translation>
2220 </message>
2221 <message>
2222 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
2223 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2225 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2227 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2228 <translation>مختصات نمودار دوم نقطه محور را وارد کنید.
2230 برای توطئه های دکارتی این Y است. برای توطئه های قطبی این شعاع R است.
2232 قالب مورد انتظار مقدار مختصات توسط تنظیمات محلی تعیین می شود. اگر مقادیر تایپ شده همانطور که انتظار می رود تشخیص داده نشود ، تنظیم محل را در تنظیمات / پنجره اصلی بررسی کنید ...</translation>
2233 </message>
2234 <message>
2235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
2236 <source>)</source>
2237 <translation>)</translation>
2238 </message>
2239 <message>
2240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2241 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2242 <translation>تعداد مختصات در هر نقطه محور:
2243  </translation>
2244 </message>
2245 <message>
2246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2247 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2248 <translation>از سه نقطه محور با دو مختصات به طور معمول استفاده می شود. اگر هر نقطه محور تنها یک مختصات شناخته شده دارد ، سپس با نقاط / محورهای پرونده / واردات (پیشرفته) / 4 شروع کنید.
2249  </translation>
2250 </message>
2251 <message>
2252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2253 <source>Number format:</source>
2254 <translation>قالب شماره:</translation>
2255 </message>
2256 <message>
2257 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2258 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2259 <translation>محلی که قالبهای شماره مجاز را تعیین می کند. این تنظیمات توسط پنجره اصلی تنظیم شده است.</translation>
2260 </message>
2261 <message>
2262 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
2263 <source>Ok</source>
2264 <translation>خوب</translation>
2265 </message>
2266 <message>
2267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
2268 <source>Cancel</source>
2269 <translation>لغو</translation>
2270 </message>
2271 </context>
2272 <context>
2273 <name>DlgEditPointGraph</name>
2274 <message>
2275 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="48" />
2276 <source>Edit Curve Point(s)</source>
2277 <translation>ویرایش نقطه (های) منحنی</translation>
2278 </message>
2279 <message>
2280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="90" />
2281 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
2282 <translation>مختصات نمودار</translation>
2283 </message>
2284 <message>
2285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="99" />
2286 <source>as</source>
2287 <translation>مانند</translation>
2288 </message>
2289 <message>
2290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="107" />
2291 <source>(</source>
2292 <translation>(</translation>
2293 </message>
2294 <message>
2295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="115" />
2296 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate value to be applied to the graph points.
2298 Leave this field empty if no value is to be applied to the graph points.
2300 For cartesian plots this is the X coordinate. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2302 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2303 <translation>اولین مقدار مختصات نمودار را که باید برای نقاط نمودار اعمال شود وارد کنید.
2305 در صورت عدم استفاده از مقادیر نمودار ، این قسمت را خالی بگذارید.
2307 برای توطئه های دکارتی این مختصات X است. برای توطئه های قطبی این شعاع R است.
2309 قالب مورد انتظار مقدار مختصات توسط تنظیمات محلی تعیین می شود. اگر مقادیر تایپ شده همانطور که انتظار می رود تشخیص داده نشود ، تنظیم محل را در تنظیمات / پنجره اصلی بررسی کنید ...</translation>
2310 </message>
2311 <message>
2312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="123" />
2313 <source>, </source>
2314 <translation>, </translation>
2315 </message>
2316 <message>
2317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="131" />
2318 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate value to be applied to the graph points.
2320 Leave this field empty if no value is to be applied to the graph points.
2322 For cartesian plots this is the Y coordinate. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2324 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2325 <translation>مقدار مختصات نمودار دوم را برای استفاده در نقاط نمودار وارد کنید.
2327 در صورت عدم استفاده از مقادیر نمودار ، این قسمت را خالی بگذارید.
2329 برای توطئه های دکارتی این مختصات Y است. برای توطئه های قطبی این زاویه تتا است.
2331 قالب مورد انتظار مقدار مختصات توسط تنظیمات محلی تعیین می شود. اگر مقادیر تایپ شده همانطور که انتظار می رود تشخیص داده نشود ، تنظیم محل را در تنظیمات / پنجره اصلی بررسی کنید ...
2332  </translation>
2333 </message>
2334 <message>
2335 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="139" />
2336 <source>)</source>
2337 <translation>)</translation>
2338 </message>
2339 <message>
2340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="156" />
2341 <source>Number format</source>
2342 <translation>قالب شماره</translation>
2343 </message>
2344 <message>
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="170" />
2346 <source>Ok</source>
2347 <translation>خوب</translation>
2348 </message>
2349 <message>
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="174" />
2351 <source>Cancel</source>
2352 <translation>لغو</translation>
2353 </message>
2354 </context>
2355 <context>
2356 <name>DlgEditScale</name>
2357 <message>
2358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="51" />
2359 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2360 <translation>نقطه محور را ویرایش کنید</translation>
2361 </message>
2362 <message>
2363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="80" />
2364 <source>Number format</source>
2365 <translation>قالب شماره</translation>
2366 </message>
2367 <message>
2368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="94" />
2369 <source>Ok</source>
2370 <translation>خوب</translation>
2371 </message>
2372 <message>
2373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="98" />
2374 <source>Cancel</source>
2375 <translation>لغو</translation>
2376 </message>
2377 <message>
2378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="110" />
2379 <source>Scale Length</source>
2380 <translation>طول مقیاس</translation>
2381 </message>
2382 <message>
2383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="122" />
2384 <source>Enter the scale bar length</source>
2385 <translation>طول نوار مقیاس را وارد کنید
2386  </translation>
2387 </message>
2388 </context>
2389 <context>
2390 <name>DlgErrorReportLocal</name>
2391 <message>
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="31" />
2393 <source>Error Report</source>
2394 <translation>گزارش خطا</translation>
2395 </message>
2396 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="34" />
2398 <source>An unrecoverable error has occurred. Would you like to save an error report that can be sent later to the Engauge developers?
2400 The original document can be sent as part of the error report, which increases the chances of finding and fixing the problem(s). However, if any information is private then an anonymized version of the document will be sent.</source>
2401 <translation>خطای غیرقابل بازیابی رخ داده است. آیا می خواهید گزارش خطایی را که بعداً به توسعه دهندگان Engauge ارسال می شود ، ذخیره کنید؟
2403 سند اصلی را می توان به عنوان بخشی از گزارش خطا ارسال کرد ، که شانس یافتن و رفع مشکل (های) را افزایش می دهد. اما ، اگر هر گونه اطلاعات خصوصی باشد ، یک نسخه ناشناس از سند ارسال می شود.</translation>
2404 </message>
2405 <message>
2406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="42" />
2407 <source>Include original document information, otherwise anonymize the information</source>
2408 <translation>اطلاعات سند اصلی را درج کنید ، در غیر این صورت اطلاعات را ناشناس کنید
2409  </translation>
2410 </message>
2411 <message>
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="54" />
2413 <source>Save</source>
2414 <translation>صرفه جویی</translation>
2415 </message>
2416 <message>
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="59" />
2418 <source>Cancel</source>
2419 <translation>لغو</translation>
2420 </message>
2421 </context>
2422 <context>
2423 <name>DlgImportAdvanced</name>
2424 <message>
2425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="18" />
2426 <source>Import Advanced</source>
2427 <translation>واردات پیشرفته</translation>
2428 </message>
2429 <message>
2430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="49" />
2431 <source>Coordinate System Count</source>
2432 <translation>شمارش سیستم مختصات
2433  </translation>
2434 </message>
2435 <message>
2436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="55" />
2437 <source>Coordinate System Count
2439 Specifies the total number of coordinate systems that will be used in the imported image. There can be one or more graphs in the image, and each graph can have one or more coordinate systems. Each coordinate system is defined by a pair of coordinate axes.</source>
2440 <translation>تعداد سیستم مختصات
2442 تعداد کل سیستم های مختصاتی که در تصویر وارد شده استفاده می شود را مشخص می کند. در تصویر یک یا چند نمودار وجود دارد و هر نمودار می تواند یک یا چند سیستم مختصات داشته باشد. هر سیستم مختصات توسط یک جفت محور مختصات تعریف می شود.
2443  </translation>
2444 </message>
2445 <message>
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="63" />
2447 <source>Graph Coordinates Definition</source>
2448 <translation>تعریف مختصات نمودار</translation>
2449 </message>
2450 <message>
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="66" />
2452 <source>1 scale bar - Used for maps with a scale bar defining the map scale</source>
2453 <translation> نوار مقیاس - برای نقشه هایی با نوار مقیاس که مقیاس نقشه را تعریف می کند استفاده می شود</translation>
2454 </message>
2455 <message>
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="67" />
2457 <source>The two endpoints of the scale bar will define the scale of a map. The scale bar can edited to set its length.
2459 This setting is used when importing a map that has only a scale bar to define distance, rather than a graph with axes that define two coordinates.</source>
2460 <translation>دو نقطه پایانی نوار مقیاس مقیاس نقشه را مشخص می کند. نوار مقیاس می تواند ویرایش شود تا طول آن تنظیم شود.
2462 این تنظیم هنگام وارد کردن نقشه ای که فقط یک نوار مقیاس برای تعریف فاصله دارد ، استفاده می شود تا یک نمودار با محورهایی که دو مختصات را تعریف می کند.</translation>
2463 </message>
2464 <message>
2465 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="74" />
2466 <source>3 axis points - Used for graphs with both coordinates defined on each axis</source>
2467 <translation>3 نقطه محور - برای نمودارها با هر دو مختصات تعریف شده در هر محور استفاده می شود</translation>
2468 </message>
2469 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="76" />
2471 <source>Three axes points will define the coordinate system. Each will have both x and y coordinates.
2473 This setting is always used when importing images in non-advanced mode.
2475 In total, there will be three points as (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3).</source>
2476 <translation>سه نقطه محور سیستم مختصات را تعریف می کند. هر کدام مختصات x و y دارند.
2478 این تنظیم همیشه هنگام وارد کردن تصاویر در حالت غیر پیشرفته استفاده می شود.
2480 درمجموع سه امتیاز به عنوان (x1، y1)، (x2، y2) و (x3، y3) وجود خواهد داشت.</translation>
2481 </message>
2482 <message>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="84" />
2484 <source>4 axis points - Used for graphs with only one coordinate defined on each axis</source>
2485 <translation>4 نقطه محور - برای نمودارهایی استفاده می شود که فقط یک مختصات در هر محور تعریف شده است
2486  </translation>
2487 </message>
2488 <message>
2489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="85" />
2490 <source>Four axes points will define the coordinate system. Each will have a single x or y coordinate.
2492 This setting is required when the x coordinate of the y axis is unknown, and/or the y coordinate of the x axis is unknown.
2494 In total, there will be two points on the x axis as (x1) and (x2), and two points on the y axis as (y1) and (y2).</source>
2495 <translation>چهار نقطه محور سیستم مختصات را تعریف می کند. هر یک مختصات x یا y دارند.
2497 این تنظیم هنگامی لازم است که مختصات x محور y ناشناخته باشد ، و یا مختصات y محور x ناشناخته است.
2499 در کل ، دو محور در محور x به عنوان (x1) و (x2) و دو نقطه در محور y به عنوان (y1) و (y2) وجود خواهد داشت.</translation>
2500 </message>
2501 </context>
2502 <context>
2503 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
2504 <message>
2505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
2506 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
2507 <translation>برداشت واردات پرونده تصویری</translation>
2508 </message>
2509 <message>
2510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
2511 <source>Preview</source>
2512 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
2513 </message>
2514 <message>
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
2516 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2517 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چه بخشی از تصویر وارد خواهد شد. قسمت تصویر داخل قاب مستطیل از صفحه انتخاب شده در حال حاضر وارد می شود. با کشیدن دسته های گوشه می توان قاب را جابجا و تغییر اندازه داد.</translation>
2518 </message>
2519 <message>
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
2521 <source>Ok</source>
2522 <translation>خوب</translation>
2523 </message>
2524 <message>
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
2526 <source>Cancel</source>
2527 <translation>لغو</translation>
2528 </message>
2529 </context>
2530 <context>
2531 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
2532 <message>
2533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
2534 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
2535 <translation>برداشت فایل واردات PDF</translation>
2536 </message>
2537 <message>
2538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2539 <source>Page</source>
2540 <translation>صفحه</translation>
2541 </message>
2542 <message>
2543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
2544 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
2545 <translation>شماره صفحه ای که وارد خواهد شد
2546  </translation>
2547 </message>
2548 <message>
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
2550 <source>Preview</source>
2551 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
2552 </message>
2553 <message>
2554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
2555 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2556 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چه بخشی از تصویر وارد خواهد شد. قسمت تصویر داخل قاب مستطیل از صفحه انتخاب شده در حال حاضر وارد می شود. با کشیدن دسته های گوشه می توان قاب را جابجا و تغییر اندازه داد.</translation>
2557 </message>
2558 <message>
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
2560 <source>Ok</source>
2561 <translation>خوب</translation>
2562 </message>
2563 <message>
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
2565 <source>Cancel</source>
2566 <translation>لغو</translation>
2567 </message>
2568 </context>
2569 <context>
2570 <name>DlgRequiresTransform</name>
2571 <message>
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgRequiresTransform.cpp" line="16" />
2573 <source>can only be performed after three axis points have been created, so the coordinates are defined</source>
2574 <translation>فقط بعد از ایجاد سه نقطه محور قابل انجام است ، بنابراین مختصات تعریف شده اند
2575  </translation>
2576 </message>
2577 </context>
2578 <context>
2579 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
2580 <message>
2581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
2582 <source>Ok</source>
2583 <translation>خوب</translation>
2584 </message>
2585 <message>
2586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
2587 <source>Cancel</source>
2588 <translation>لغو</translation>
2589 </message>
2590 </context>
2591 <context>
2592 <name>DlgSettingsAxesChecker</name>
2593 <message>
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="39" />
2595 <source>Axes Checker</source>
2596 <translation>چکر محور
2597  </translation>
2598 </message>
2599 <message>
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
2601 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
2602 <translation>طول عمر چکر محورها</translation>
2603 </message>
2604 <message>
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
2606 <source>Do not show</source>
2607 <translation>نشان نده</translation>
2608 </message>
2609 <message>
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
2611 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
2612 <translation>هرگز نشانگر محورها را نشان ندهید.
2613  </translation>
2614 </message>
2615 <message>
2616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
2617 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
2618 <translation>برای چند ثانیه نمایش دهید
2619  </translation>
2620 </message>
2621 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
2623 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
2624 <translation>بعد از تعویض نقاط محور ، چند مرتبه چک کنید.</translation>
2625 </message>
2626 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
2628 <source>Show always</source>
2629 <translation>نمایش همیشه</translation>
2630 </message>
2631 <message>
2632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
2633 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
2634 <translation>همیشه چکر محورها را نشان دهید.
2635  </translation>
2636 </message>
2637 <message>
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
2639 <source>Line color</source>
2640 <translation>رنگ خط</translation>
2641 </message>
2642 <message>
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
2644 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
2645 <translation>یک رنگ را برای خطوط برجسته ترسیم شده در هر نقطه محور انتخاب کنید
2646  </translation>
2647 </message>
2648 <message>
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
2650 <source>Preview</source>
2651 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
2652 </message>
2653 <message>
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
2655 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
2656 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر روی محور نمایشگر محور تأثیر می گذارد</translation>
2657 </message>
2658 </context>
2659 <context>
2660 <name>DlgSettingsColorFilter</name>
2661 <message>
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
2663 <source>Color Filter</source>
2664 <translation>فیلتر رنگ</translation>
2665 </message>
2666 <message>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
2668 <source>Curve Name</source>
2669 <translation>نام منحنی</translation>
2670 </message>
2671 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
2673 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
2674 <translation>نام منحنی که در حال حاضر برای ویرایش انتخاب شده است</translation>
2675 </message>
2676 <message>
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
2678 <source>Filter mode</source>
2679 <translation>حالت فیلتر</translation>
2680 </message>
2681 <message>
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
2683 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2685 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
2686 <translation>برای مخفی کردن اطلاعات بی اهمیت و تأکید بر اطلاعات مهم ، با استفاده از پارامتر شدت ، تصویر اصلی را در پیکسل های سیاه و سفید فیلتر کنید.
2688 مقدار شدت پیکسل از اجزای قرمز ، سبز و آبی به عنوان I = مربع محاسبه می شود (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
2689 </message>
2690 <message>
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
2692 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2694 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
2696 The distance of any color (R, G, B) from the background color (Rb, Gb, Bb) is computed as F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). On the left end of the scale, the foreground distance value is zero, and it increases linearly to the maximum on the far right.</source>
2697 <translation>با جدا کردن پیش زمینه از پس زمینه ، تصویر اصلی را در پیکسل های سیاه و سفید فیلتر کنید تا اطلاعات بی اهمیت و تأکید بر اطلاعات مهم را مخفی کنید.
2699 رنگ پس زمینه در سمت چپ نوار مقیاس نشان داده شده است.
2701 فاصله هر رنگ (R، ​​G، B) از رنگ پس زمینه (Rb، Gb، Bb) به صورت F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G محاسبه می شود. - Gb) + (B - Bb)). در سمت چپ مقیاس ، مقدار فاصله پیش زمینه صفر است و به صورت خطی به حداکثر در سمت راست می رسد.
2702  </translation>
2703 </message>
2704 <message>
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
2706 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2707 <translation>تصویر اصلی را در پیکسل های سیاه و سفید با استفاده از مؤلفه رنگ رنگ ، اشباع و مقدار (HSV) اجزای رنگی ، فیلتر کنید تا اطلاعات بی اهمیت و تأکید بر اطلاعات مهم را مخفی کنید.
2708  </translation>
2709 </message>
2710 <message>
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
2712 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2713 <translation>تصویر اصلی را در پیکسل های سیاه و سفید با استفاده از اجزای اشباع رنگ ، اشباع و مقدار (HSV) رنگ ها فیلتر کنید ، تا اطلاعات بی اهمیت و پنهان کردن اطلاعات مهم را مخفی کنید.</translation>
2714 </message>
2715 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
2717 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2719 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
2720 <translation>تصویر اصلی را در پیکسل های سیاه و سفید با استفاده از مؤلفه مقدار رنگ ، اشباع و مقدار (HSV) اجزای رنگی ، فیلتر کنید تا اطلاعات بی اهمیت و تأکید بر اطلاعات مهم را مخفی کنید.
2722 به مؤلفه ارزش نیز سبکی گفته می شود.</translation>
2723 </message>
2724 <message>
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
2726 <source>Preview</source>
2727 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
2728 </message>
2729 <message>
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
2731 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
2732 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر فیلتر کردن تصویر اصلی تأثیر می گذارد.
2733  </translation>
2734 </message>
2735 <message>
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
2737 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
2738 <translation>نمایه هیستوگرام پارامتر فیلتر
2739  </translation>
2740 </message>
2741 <message>
2742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
2743 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
2744 <translation>نمایه هیستوگرام از پارامتر فیلتر انتخاب شده. برای تنظیم دامنه مقادیر پارامتر فیلتر که در تصویر فیلتر گنجانده می شود ، می توانید دو تقسیم کننده را به جلو و عقب منتقل کنید. قسمت روشن گنجانده شده است ، و قسمت سایه دار حذف خواهد شد.</translation>
2745 </message>
2746 <message>
2747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
2748 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
2749 <translation>این کادر فقط خواندنی نمایه گرافیکی از محور افقی را در پروفایل هیستوگرام فوق نشان می دهد.
2750  </translation>
2751 </message>
2752 </context>
2753 <context>
2754 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
2755 <message>
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
2759 <source>Coordinates</source>
2760 <translation>مختصات</translation>
2761 </message>
2762 <message>
2763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
2764 <source>Date/Time</source>
2765 <translation>زمان قرار</translation>
2766 </message>
2767 <message>
2768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
2769 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
2771 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
2772 <translation>قالب تاریخ برای مقادیر تاریخ و بخش تاریخ مقادیر تاریخ / زمان مختلط ، در هنگام ورودی و خروجی استفاده می شود.
2774 تنظیم قالب در یک مقدار خالی فقط بخشی از زمان ظاهر شده در خروجی را نشان می دهد.</translation>
2775 </message>
2776 <message>
2777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
2778 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
2780 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
2781 <translation>قالب زمان برای مقادیر زمانی و بخش زمانی مقادیر تاریخ / زمان مختلط ، در هنگام ورودی و خروجی استفاده می شود.
2783 تنظیم قالب در یک مقدار خالی فقط بخشی از تاریخ است که در خروجی ظاهر می شود.</translation>
2784 </message>
2785 <message>
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2787 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
2788 <translation>انواع مختصات</translation>
2789 </message>
2790 <message>
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2792 <source>Polar</source>
2793 <translation>قطبی</translation>
2794 </message>
2795 <message>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
2798 <source>R</source>
2799 <translation>R</translation>
2800 </message>
2801 <message>
2802 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
2803 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
2804 <translation>دکارتی (X ، Y)</translation>
2805 </message>
2806 <message>
2807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
2808 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
2810 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
2811 <translation>مختصات دکارتی را انتخاب کنید.
2813 مختصات X و Y استفاده خواهد شد
2814  </translation>
2815 </message>
2816 <message>
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
2818 <source>Select polar coordinates.
2820 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
2822 Polar coordinates are not allowed with log scale for Theta</source>
2823 <translation>مختصات قطبی را انتخاب کنید.
2825 مختصات Theta و R استفاده خواهد شد.
2827 مختصات قطبی با مقیاس ورود به سیستم برای تتا مجاز نیست</translation>
2828 </message>
2829 <message>
2830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
2832 <source>Scale</source>
2833 <translation>مقیاس</translation>
2834 </message>
2835 <message>
2836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2838 <source>Linear</source>
2839 <translation>خطی</translation>
2840 </message>
2841 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2843 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
2844 <translation>مقیاس خطی برای مختصات X یا Theta را مشخص می کند</translation>
2845 </message>
2846 <message>
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
2849 <source>Log</source>
2850 <translation>ورود به سیستم</translation>
2851 </message>
2852 <message>
2853 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
2854 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
2856 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
2858 Log scale is not allowed for the Theta coordinate.</source>
2859 <translation>مقیاس لگاریتمی مختصات X یا Theta را مشخص می کند.
2861 اگر مختصات منفی وجود داشته باشد مقیاس ورود مجاز نیست.
2863 مقیاس ورود برای مختصات تتا مجاز نیست.</translation>
2864 </message>
2865 <message>
2866 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2867 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
2868 <source>Units</source>
2869 <translation>واحدها</translation>
2870 </message>
2871 <message>
2872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
2873 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
2874 <translation>مقیاس خطی برای مختصات Y یا R را مشخص می کند</translation>
2875 </message>
2876 <message>
2877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
2878 <source>Origin radius value</source>
2879 <translation>مقدار شعاع مبدا</translation>
2880 </message>
2881 <message>
2882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
2883 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
2885 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
2886 <translation>مقیاس لگاریتمی مختصات Y یا R را مشخص می کند
2888 اگر مختصات منفی وجود داشته باشد مقیاس ورود مجاز نیست.
2889  </translation>
2890 </message>
2891 <message>
2892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
2893 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
2895 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
2896 <translation>مقدار شعاع را در مبدا مشخص کنید.
2898 به طور معمول شعاع در مبدا 0 است ، اما ممکن است در سایر موارد (مانند واحدهای شعاعی دسی بل باشد) مقدار غیرزرو اعمال شود.</translation>
2899 </message>
2900 <message>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
2902 <source>Preview</source>
2903 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
2904 </message>
2905 <message>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
2907 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
2908 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر سیستم مختصات تأثیر می گذارد.
2909  </translation>
2910 </message>
2911 <message>
2912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
2913 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
2915 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
2917 Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) format uses two integer number for degrees and minutes, and a real number for seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. During input, spaces must be inserted between the three numbers.</source>
2918 <translation>اعداد ساده ترین و عمومی ترین قالب را دارند.
2920 مقادیر تاریخ و زمان دارای مؤلفه های تاریخ و / یا زمان هستند.
2922 درجات چند ثانیه (فرمت DDD MM SS.S) از دو عدد صحیح برای درجه و دقیقه استفاده می کند و برای یک ثانیه از یک عدد واقعی استفاده می کند. 60 دقیقه در دقیقه وجود دارد. در حین ورودی ، باید فاصله ها بین سه عدد درج شود.</translation>
2923 </message>
2924 <message>
2925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
2926 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
2928 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
2930 Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) format uses two integer number for degrees and minutes, and a real number for seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. During input, spaces must be inserted between the three numbers.
2932 Gradians format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 400 gradians.
2934 Radians format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 2*pi radians.
2936 Turns format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is one turn.</source>
2937 <translation>درجات چند درجه (قالب DDD MM.MMM) از یک عدد صحیح برای درجه ها و یک عدد واقعی برای دقیقه استفاده می کند. 60 دقیقه در هر درجه وجود دارد. در حین ورودی ، باید فضایی بین دو عدد وارد شود.
2939 درجات چند ثانیه (فرمت DDD MM SS.S) از دو عدد صحیح برای درجه و دقیقه استفاده می کند و برای یک ثانیه از یک عدد واقعی استفاده می کند. 60 دقیقه در دقیقه وجود دارد. در حین ورودی ، باید فاصله ها بین سه عدد درج شود.
2941 فرمت گرادیان از یک عدد واقعی واقعی استفاده می کند. یک انقلاب کامل 400 دانش آموخته است.
2943 قالب Radians از یک عدد واقعی واقعی استفاده می کند. یک انقلاب کامل رادیان 2 * pi است.
2945 فرمت برگردان از یک شماره واقعی واقعی استفاده می کند. یک انقلاب کامل یک چرخش است.</translation>
2946 </message>
2947 <message>
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
2949 <source>X</source>
2950 <translation>X</translation>
2951 </message>
2952 <message>
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
2954 <source>Y</source>
2955 <translation>Y</translation>
2956 </message>
2957 </context>
2958 <context>
2959 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2960 <message>
2961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
2962 <source>Curve List</source>
2963 <translation>لیست منحنی</translation>
2964 </message>
2965 <message>
2966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
2967 <source>Add...</source>
2968 <translation>اضافه کردن...</translation>
2969 </message>
2970 <message>
2971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
2972 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
2974 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2975 <translation>منحنی جدیدی را به لیست منحنی اضافه می کند. نام منحنی را می توان در لیست نام منحنی ویرایش کرد.
2977 هر نام منحنی باید بی نظیر باشد</translation>
2978 </message>
2979 <message>
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
2981 <source>Remove</source>
2982 <translation>برداشتن</translation>
2983 </message>
2984 <message>
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
2986 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
2988 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2989 <translation>منحنی انتخاب شده فعلی را از لیست منحنی حذف می کند.
2991 همیشه باید حداقل یک منحنی وجود داشته باشد</translation>
2992 </message>
2993 <message>
2994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
2995 <source>Curve Names</source>
2996 <translation>نامهای منحنی</translation>
2997 </message>
2998 <message>
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
3000 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
3002 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
3004 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
3005 <translation>لیست منحنیهای متعلق به این سند.
3007 برای ویرایش آن روی نام منحنی کلیک کنید. هر نام منحنی باید بی نظیر باشد.
3009 با کشیدن آنها به دور منحنی ها را مرتب کنید.</translation>
3010 </message>
3011 <message>
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
3013 <source>Save As Default</source>
3014 <translation>ذخیره به صورت پیش فرض</translation>
3015 </message>
3016 <message>
3017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
3018 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
3019 <translation>نام های منحنی را برای استفاده به عنوان پیش فرض برای منحنی های نمودار آینده ذخیره کنید.</translation>
3020 </message>
3021 <message>
3022 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
3023 <source>Reset Default</source>
3024 <translation>تنظیم مجدد پیش فرض</translation>
3025 </message>
3026 <message>
3027 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
3028 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
3029 <translation>تنظیم مجدد پیش فرض برای منحنی های نمودار آینده به تنظیمات اصلی.</translation>
3030 </message>
3031 <message>
3032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
3033 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
3034 <translation>حذف این منحنی نیز حذف خواهد شد</translation>
3035 </message>
3036 <message>
3037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
3038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
3039 <source>points. Continue?</source>
3040 <translation>نکته ها. ادامه هید؟</translation>
3041 </message>
3042 <message>
3043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
3044 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
3045 <translation>حذف این منحنی ها نیز از بین می رود</translation>
3046 </message>
3047 <message>
3048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
3049 <source>Curves With Points</source>
3050 <translation>منحنی با امتیاز</translation>
3051 </message>
3052 </context>
3053 <context>
3054 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
3055 <message>
3056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
3057 <source>Curve Properties</source>
3058 <translation>خواص منحنی</translation>
3059 </message>
3060 <message>
3061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
3062 <source>Curve Name</source>
3063 <translation>نام منحنی</translation>
3064 </message>
3065 <message>
3066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
3067 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
3068 <translation>نام منحنی که در حال حاضر برای ویرایش انتخاب شده است</translation>
3069 </message>
3070 <message>
3071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
3072 <source>Line</source>
3073 <translation>خط</translation>
3074 </message>
3075 <message>
3076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
3077 <source>Width</source>
3078 <translation>عرض</translation>
3079 </message>
3080 <message>
3081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
3082 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
3084 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
3085 <translation>برای خطوط ترسیم شده بین نقاط ، عرض را انتخاب کنید.
3087 این فقط برای منحنی های نمودار اعمال می شود. هیچ خطی بین نقاط محور کشیده نشده است.</translation>
3088 </message>
3089 <message>
3090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
3091 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
3092 <source>Color</source>
3093 <translation>رنگ</translation>
3094 </message>
3095 <message>
3096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
3097 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
3099 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
3100 <translation>برای خطوط ترسیم شده بین نقاط ، رنگی را انتخاب کنید.
3102 این فقط برای منحنی های نمودار اعمال می شود. هیچ خطی بین نقاط محور کشیده نشده است.</translation>
3103 </message>
3104 <message>
3105 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
3106 <source>Connect as</source>
3107 <translation>اتصال به عنوان</translation>
3108 </message>
3109 <message>
3110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
3111 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
3113 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
3115 If the curve is connected as a closed contour, then the points are ordered by age, except for points placed along an existing line. Any point placed on top of any existing line is inserted between the two endpoints of that line - as if its age was between the ages of the two endpoints.
3117 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
3119 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
3121 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
3122 <translation>قانون را برای اتصال نقاط با خطوط انتخاب کنید.
3124 اگر منحنی به عنوان یک تابع تک ارزش وصل شود ، امتیازها با افزایش مقدار متغیر مستقل مرتب می شوند.
3126 اگر منحنی به عنوان یک کانتور بسته وصل شود ، امتیازها بر اساس سن مرتب می شوند ، به جز نقاطی که در امتداد یک خط موجود قرار می گیرند. هر نقطه ای که در بالای هر خط موجود قرار دارد بین دو نقطه انتهایی آن خط وارد می شود - گویی سن آن بین سنین دو نقطه انتهایی است.
3128 خطوط بین نقاط مرتباً ترسیم می شوند.
3130 منحنی های مستقیم با خط مستقیم بین نقاط پی در پی ترسیم می شوند. منحنی های صاف با خطوط صاف بین نقاط پی در پی ترسیم می شوند ، با استفاده از اسپل های مکعب طبیعی جفت های (x ، y) در مقابل مقادیر ترتیبی اسکالر (t).
3131  </translation>
3132 </message>
3133 <message>
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
3135 <source>Point</source>
3136 <translation>نقطه</translation>
3137 </message>
3138 <message>
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
3140 <source>Shape</source>
3141 <translation>شکل</translation>
3142 </message>
3143 <message>
3144 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
3145 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
3146 <translation>یک شکل را برای نقاط انتخاب کنید</translation>
3147 </message>
3148 <message>
3149 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
3150 <source>Radius</source>
3151 <translation>شعاع</translation>
3152 </message>
3153 <message>
3154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
3155 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
3156 <translation>برای شعاع ، شعاع را در پیکسل ها انتخاب کنید
3157  </translation>
3158 </message>
3159 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
3161 <source>Line width</source>
3162 <translation>عرض خط</translation>
3163 </message>
3164 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
3166 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
3168 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
3169 <translation>برای نقاط ، عرض خط را در پیکسل ها انتخاب کنید.
3171 یک پهنای بزرگتر به خط ضخیم تر منجر می شود ، به استثنای مقدار صفر که همیشه به خطی منجر می شود که یک پیکسل پهن باشد (که حتی در صورت بزرگنمایی در فاصله بسیار آسان است).
3172  </translation>
3173 </message>
3174 <message>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
3176 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
3177 <translation>یک رنگ را برای خط مورد استفاده در ترسیم اشکال نقطه انتخاب کنید</translation>
3178 </message>
3179 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
3181 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
3183 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
3185 If the visible settings are for the Nth graph curve in the curve list, then they will be used for future graph curves that are also the Nth graph curve in their curve list, until new settings are saved as the defaults.</source>
3186 <translation>مطابق انتخاب نام منحنی ، تنظیمات منحنی قابل مشاهده را برای استفاده به عنوان پیش فرض های بعدی ذخیره کنید.
3188 اگر تنظیمات قابل مشاهده برای منحنی محورها باشد ، از آنها برای منحنی های محورهای آینده استفاده می شود ، تا زمانی که تنظیمات جدید به عنوان پیش فرض ها ذخیره نشوند.
3190 اگر تنظیمات قابل مشاهده برای نمودار منحنی N در لیست منحنی ها باشد ، از آنها برای نمودارهای نمودار بعدی استفاده می شود که همچنین منحنی نمودار N در لیست منحنی آنها هستند ، تا زمانی که تنظیمات جدید به عنوان پیش فرض ها ذخیره نشوند.
3191  </translation>
3192 </message>
3193 <message>
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
3195 <source>Preview</source>
3196 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
3197 </message>
3198 <message>
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
3200 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
3202 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
3203 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر نقاط و خط منحنی انتخابی تأثیر می گذارد.
3205 مختصات X در جهت افقی است و مختصات Y در جهت عمودی قرار دارد. یک تابع حداکثر برای هر مقدار X می تواند فقط یک مقدار Y داشته باشد ، اما یک رابطه می تواند مقادیر Y چندگانه برای یک مقدار X داشته باشد.
3206  </translation>
3207 </message>
3208 </context>
3209 <context>
3210 <name>DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve</name>
3211 <message>
3212 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="41" />
3213 <source>Digitize Curve</source>
3214 <translation>منحنی رقمی سازی</translation>
3215 </message>
3216 <message>
3217 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="65" />
3218 <source>Cursor</source>
3219 <translation>مکان نما</translation>
3220 </message>
3221 <message>
3222 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="73" />
3223 <source>Type</source>
3224 <translation>تایپ کنید</translation>
3225 </message>
3226 <message>
3227 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="76" />
3228 <source>Standard cross</source>
3229 <translation>صلیب استاندارد</translation>
3230 </message>
3231 <message>
3232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="77" />
3233 <source>Selects the standard cross cursor</source>
3234 <translation>مکان نما استاندارد متقابل را انتخاب می کند</translation>
3235 </message>
3236 <message>
3237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="81" />
3238 <source>Custom cross</source>
3239 <translation>صلیب سفارشی</translation>
3240 </message>
3241 <message>
3242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="82" />
3243 <source>Selects a custom cursor based on the settings selected below</source>
3244 <translation>مکان نما سفارشی را بر اساس تنظیمات انتخاب شده در زیر انتخاب می کند</translation>
3245 </message>
3246 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="86" />
3248 <source>Size (pixels)</source>
3249 <translation>اندازه (پیکسل)</translation>
3250 </message>
3251 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="95" />
3253 <source>Horizontal and vertical size of the cursor in pixels</source>
3254 <translation>اندازه افقی و عمودی مکان نما در پیکسل ها</translation>
3255 </message>
3256 <message>
3257 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="99" />
3258 <source>Inner radius (pixels)</source>
3259 <translation>شعاع داخلی (پیکسل)</translation>
3260 </message>
3261 <message>
3262 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="104" />
3263 <source>Radius of circle at the center of the cursor that will remain empty</source>
3264 <translation>شعاع دایره در مرکز مکان نما که خالی خواهد ماند</translation>
3265 </message>
3266 <message>
3267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="108" />
3268 <source>Line width (pixels)</source>
3269 <translation>عرض خط (پیکسل)</translation>
3270 </message>
3271 <message>
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="113" />
3273 <source>Width of each arm of the cross of the cursor</source>
3274 <translation>عرض هر بازوی صلیب مکان نما
3275  </translation>
3276 </message>
3277 <message>
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="127" />
3279 <source>Preview</source>
3280 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
3281 </message>
3282 <message>
3283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="139" />
3284 <source>Preview window showing the currently selected cursor.
3286 Drag the cursor over this area to see the effects of the current settings on the cursor shape.</source>
3287 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش نشانگر انتخاب شده در حال حاضر.
3289 مکان نما را روی این قسمت بکشید تا تأثیرات تنظیمات فعلی را روی شکل مکان نما مشاهده کنید.
3290  </translation>
3291 </message>
3292 </context>
3293 <context>
3294 <name>DlgSettingsExportFormat</name>
3295 <message>
3296 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="55" />
3297 <source>Export Format</source>
3298 <translation>قالب صادرات</translation>
3299 </message>
3300 <message>
3301 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
3302 <source>Included</source>
3303 <translation>مشمول</translation>
3304 </message>
3305 <message>
3306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3307 <source>Not included</source>
3308 <translation>شامل نمی شود</translation>
3309 </message>
3310 <message>
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
3312 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
3314 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
3315 <translation>لیست منحنی های موجود در پرونده صادر شده.
3317 ترتیب منحنیهای اینجا تاثیری در نظم موجود در پرونده صادر شده ندارد. این ترتیب توسط تنظیمات منحنی ها تعیین می شود.
3318  </translation>
3319 </message>
3320 <message>
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3322 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
3323 <translation>لیست منحنی هایی که از پرونده صادر شده خارج می شوند
3324  </translation>
3325 </message>
3326 <message>
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
3328 <source>Include</source>
3329 <translation>عبارتند از</translation>
3330 </message>
3331 <message>
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
3333 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
3334 <translation>منحنی (های) انتخاب شده فعلی را از لیست حذف شده منتقل کنید</translation>
3335 </message>
3336 <message>
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
3338 <source>Exclude</source>
3339 <translation>استثناء</translation>
3340 </message>
3341 <message>
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
3343 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
3344 <translation>منحنی (های) انتخاب شده فعلی را از لیست موجود منتقل کنید</translation>
3345 </message>
3346 <message>
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
3348 <source>Delimiters</source>
3349 <translation>محدود کننده ها</translation>
3350 </message>
3351 <message>
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3353 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
3354 <translation>پرونده صادر شده بین مقادیر مجاور دارای کاما خواهد بود ، مگر اینکه از زبانه های موجود در پرونده های TSV استفاده نکنید.</translation>
3355 </message>
3356 <message>
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
3358 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
3359 <translation>پرونده صادر شده فاصله بین مقادیر مجاور را خواهد داشت ، مگر اینکه از نظر کاما در پرونده های CSV یا زبانه ها در پرونده های TSV نادیده بگیرید.</translation>
3360 </message>
3361 <message>
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3363 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
3364 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای زبانه هایی بین مقادیر مجاور است ، مگر اینکه در پرونده های CSV توسط کاما زیاد نباشد.</translation>
3365 </message>
3366 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3368 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
3369 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای نقاط محکم بین مقادیر مجاور خواهد بود ، مگر اینکه در پرونده های CSV توسط کاما زیاد نباشد.</translation>
3370 </message>
3371 <message>
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
3373 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
3374 <translation>رد کردن در پرونده های CSV / TSV</translation>
3375 </message>
3376 <message>
3377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
3378 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
3379 <translation>پرونده های ارزش جدا شده با کاما (CSV) و پرونده هایی با ارزش جدا شده (TSV) به ترتیب از کاما و زبانه ها استفاده می کنند ، مگر اینکه این تنظیم انتخاب شود. با انتخاب این تنظیمات ، تنظیمات تعیین کننده برای هر پرونده اعمال می شود.</translation>
3380 </message>
3381 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
3383 <source>Layout</source>
3384 <translation>طرح</translation>
3385 </message>
3386 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
3388 <source>All curves on each line</source>
3389 <translation>تمام منحنی های هر خط</translation>
3390 </message>
3391 <message>
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3393 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
3394 <translation>پرونده صادر شده ، در هر خط ، یک مقدار X ، مقدار Y برای منحنی اول ، مقدار Y برای منحنی دوم ، ...</translation>
3395 </message>
3396 <message>
3397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
3398 <source>One curve on each line</source>
3399 <translation>یک خط در هر خط</translation>
3400 </message>
3401 <message>
3402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
3403 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
3404 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای تمامی امتیازات برای منحنی اول خواهد بود که در هر خط یک جفت X-Y وجود دارد ، سپس امتیازات برای منحنی دوم ، ...</translation>
3405 </message>
3406 <message>
3407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
3408 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
3409 <translation>انتخاب نقاط عملکرد</translation>
3410 </message>
3411 <message>
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
3413 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
3414 <translation>Ys را در X از همه منحنی ها در هم قرار دهید</translation>
3415 </message>
3416 <message>
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3418 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
3419 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای مقادیر در هر مقدار X منحصر به فرد از هر منحنی خواهد بود. مقادیر Y در صورت لزوم به صورت خطی درون یابی می شوند</translation>
3420 </message>
3421 <message>
3422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3423 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3424 <translation>خارج از نقاط انتهایی خارج شوید
3425  </translation>
3426 </message>
3427 <message>
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3429 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3430 <translation>برون یابی خارج از نقاط انتهایی هر منحنی را فعال یا غیرفعال کنید. در صورت غیرفعال بودن ، فقط نقاط بین نقاط انتهایی هر منحنی صادر می شود</translation>
3431 </message>
3432 <message>
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
3434 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
3435 <translation>Ys را در Xs از منحنی اول درون یابی کنید</translation>
3436 </message>
3437 <message>
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
3439 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
3440 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای مقادیر در هر مقدار X منحصر به فرد از منحنی اول خواهد بود. مقادیر Y در صورت لزوم به صورت خطی درون یابی می شوند</translation>
3441 </message>
3442 <message>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3444 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3445 <translation>Ys را با مقادیر مساوی X که بطور خودکار انتخاب می شوند ، در هم قرار دهید</translation>
3446 </message>
3447 <message>
3448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3449 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
3450 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای مقادیر X به طور مساوی مسافت خواهد بود که با فاصله انتخاب شده در زیر تفکیک می شود.</translation>
3451 </message>
3452 <message>
3453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
3455 <source>Interval</source>
3456 <translation>فاصله</translation>
3457 </message>
3458 <message>
3459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
3460 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
3462 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
3464 The X values will be automatically aligned along simple numbers. If the first and/or last points are not along the aligned X values, then one or two additional points are added as necessary.</source>
3465 <translation>فاصله ، در واحدهای X ، بین نقاط پی در پی در جهت X.
3467 اگر مقیاس خطی باشد ، این فاصله به مقادیر X پی در پی اضافه می شود. اگر مقیاس لگاریتمی باشد ، این فاصله بین مقادیر X متوالی ضرب می شود.
3469 مقادیر X به طور خودکار در کنار اعداد ساده تراز می شوند. اگر نقاط اول و / یا آخر در امتداد مقادیر X تراز شده نباشند ، در صورت لزوم یک یا دو امتیاز اضافی اضافه می شوند.</translation>
3470 </message>
3471 <message>
3472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3473 <source>Units for spacing interval.
3475 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
3477 Graph units are preferred when the spacing is to depend on the X scale.</source>
3478 <translation>واحد فاصله بین فاصله.
3480 واحدهای پیکسلی در صورت مستقل بودن فاصله از مقیاس X ترجیح داده می شوند. فاصله اگر در مقیاس X لگاریتمی باشد ، در سراسر نمودار سازگار خواهد بود.
3482 واحدهای نمودار زمانی وابسته به مقیاس X ترجیح داده می شوند.</translation>
3483 </message>
3484 <message>
3485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3486 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3487 <translation>Ys را با مقادیر X به طور مساوی در خطوط شبکه قرار دهید</translation>
3488 </message>
3489 <message>
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3491 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3492 <translation>پرونده صادر شده مقادیری با مقادیر X به طور مساوی در خطوط شبکه عمودی خواهد داشت.</translation>
3493 </message>
3494 <message>
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
3497 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
3498 <translation>Xs و Ys خام</translation>
3499 </message>
3500 <message>
3501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
3503 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
3504 <translation>پرونده صادر شده فقط مقادیر اصلی X و Y را خواهد داشت
3505  </translation>
3506 </message>
3507 <message>
3508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
3509 <source>Header</source>
3510 <translation>سرتیتر</translation>
3511 </message>
3512 <message>
3513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
3514 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
3515 <translation>پرونده صادر شده خط هدر نخواهد داشت
3516  </translation>
3517 </message>
3518 <message>
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3520 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
3521 <translation>پرونده صادر شده خط هدر ساده ای خواهد داشت</translation>
3522 </message>
3523 <message>
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
3525 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
3526 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای خط هدر gnuplot خواهد بود</translation>
3527 </message>
3528 <message>
3529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
3530 <source>Save As Default</source>
3531 <translation>ذخیره به صورت پیش فرض</translation>
3532 </message>
3533 <message>
3534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
3535 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
3536 <translation>تنظیمات را برای استفاده به عنوان پیش فرض های بعدی ذخیره کنید.</translation>
3537 </message>
3538 <message>
3539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3540 <source>Load Default</source>
3541 <translation>بار پیش فرض</translation>
3542 </message>
3543 <message>
3544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3545 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3546 <translation>تنظیمات پیش فرض را بارگیری کنید.
3547  </translation>
3548 </message>
3549 <message>
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
3551 <source>Preview</source>
3552 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
3553 </message>
3554 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
3556 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
3558 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
3559 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش نشان می دهد که چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر پرونده صادر شده تأثیر می گذارد.
3561 توابع (در اینجا به رنگ آبی نشان داده شده است) ابتدا خروجی می شوند و در صورت وجود روابط (در اینجا به رنگ سبز نشان داده می شوند).</translation>
3562 </message>
3563 <message>
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
3565 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
3566 <translation>انتخاب نقاط رابطه</translation>
3567 </message>
3568 <message>
3569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
3570 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
3571 <translation>Xs و Ys را در فواصل مساوی مساوی فاصله دهید.</translation>
3572 </message>
3573 <message>
3574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
3575 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
3576 <translation>پرونده صادر شده دارای نقاط مساوی در هر رابطه خواهد بود که با فاصله انتخاب شده در زیر از هم جدا شده اند. اگر آخرین بازه در آخرین لحظه به پایان نرسد ، آخرین فاصله کوتاه کوتاه اضافه می شود که در آخرین نقطه به پایان می رسد.</translation>
3577 </message>
3578 <message>
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
3580 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
3581 <translation>فاصله بین نقاط پی در پی هنگام صادرات در مختصات مساوی (X، Y).</translation>
3582 </message>
3583 <message>
3584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
3585 <source>Units for spacing interval.
3587 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
3589 Graph units are usually preferred when the X and Y scales are identical.</source>
3590 <translation>واحد فاصله بین فاصله.
3592 واحدهای پیکسلی در صورت مستقل بودن فاصله از مقیاس X و Y ترجیح داده می شوند. فاصله در سراسر نمودار سازگار خواهد بود ، حتی اگر مقیاس لگاریتمی باشد یا مقیاس X و Y متفاوت باشد.
3594 واحدهای نمودار معمولاً وقتی ترازو X و Y یکسان باشند ترجیح داده می شوند.
3595  </translation>
3596 </message>
3597 <message>
3598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
3599 <source>Functions</source>
3600 <translation>توابع</translation>
3601 </message>
3602 <message>
3603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
3604 <source>Functions Tab
3606 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
3607 <translation>برگه توابع
3609 کنترل مشخصات قالب توابع در هنگام صادرات</translation>
3610 </message>
3611 <message>
3612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
3613 <source>Relations</source>
3614 <translation>روابط</translation>
3615 </message>
3616 <message>
3617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
3618 <source>Relations Tab
3620 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
3621 <translation>برگه روابط
3623 کنترل مشخصات قالب روابط در هنگام صادرات</translation>
3624 </message>
3625 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
3627 <source>X Label</source>
3628 <translation>برچسب X</translation>
3629 </message>
3630 <message>
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
3632 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
3633 <translation>برچسب در عنوان برای مقادیر x
3634  </translation>
3635 </message>
3636 <message>
3637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
3638 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
3639 <translation>تا زمانی که نقاط محور تعریف نشود ، پیش نمایش در دسترس نیست.
3640  </translation>
3641 </message>
3642 </context>
3643 <context>
3644 <name>DlgSettingsGeneral</name>
3645 <message>
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="25" />
3647 <source>General</source>
3648 <translation>عمومی</translation>
3649 </message>
3650 <message>
3651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="47" />
3652 <source>Effective cursor size (pixels)</source>
3653 <translation>اندازه مکان نما موثر (پیکسل)
3654  </translation>
3655 </message>
3656 <message>
3657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="52" />
3658 <source>Effective Cursor Size
3660 This is the effective width and height of the cursor when clicking on a pixel that is not part of the background.
3662 This parameter is used in the Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
3663 <translation>اندازه مکان نما موثر
3665 این عرض و ارتفاع موثر مکان نما هنگام کلیک کردن روی پیکسلی است که جزئی از پس زمینه نیست.
3667 این پارامتر در حالت های انتخابگر رنگ و نقطه مطابقت استفاده می شود</translation>
3668 </message>
3669 <message>
3670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="59" />
3671 <source>Extra precision (digits)</source>
3672 <translation>دقت اضافی (رقم)</translation>
3673 </message>
3674 <message>
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="64" />
3676 <source>Extra Digits of Precision
3678 This is the number of additional digits of precision appended after the significant digits determined by the digitization accuracy at that point. The digitization accuracy at any point equals the change in graph coordinates from moving one pixel in each direction. Appending extra digits does not improve the accuracy of the numbers. More information can be found in discussions of accuracy versus precision.
3680 This parameter is used on the coordinates in the Status Bar and during Export</source>
3681 <translation>ارقام اضافی از دقت
3683 این تعداد رقم های اضافی از دقت ضمیمه شده پس از ارقام قابل توجهی است که با دقت دیجیتالی شدن در آن نقطه تعیین می شود. دقت دیجیتالی شدن در هر نقطه با تغییر مختصات نمودار از حرکت یک پیکسل در هر جهت برابر است. اضافه کردن رقم های اضافی ، صحت اعداد را بهبود نمی بخشد. برای بحث در مورد صحت و درمورد دقت می توانید اطلاعات بیشتری کسب کنید.
3685 این پارامتر در مختصات موجود در نوار وضعیت و هنگام صادرات استفاده می شود</translation>
3686 </message>
3687 <message>
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="79" />
3689 <source>Save As Default</source>
3690 <translation>ذخیره به صورت پیش فرض</translation>
3691 </message>
3692 <message>
3693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="80" />
3694 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.</source>
3695 <translation>با توجه به انتخاب نام منحنی ، تنظیمات مربوط به استفاده را به عنوان پیش فرض های بعدی ذخیره کنید.</translation>
3696 </message>
3697 </context>
3698 <context>
3699 <name>DlgSettingsGridDisplay</name>
3700 <message>
3701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="31" />
3702 <source>Grid Display</source>
3703 <translation>نمایشگر شبکه</translation>
3704 </message>
3705 <message>
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
3707 <source>Color</source>
3708 <translation>رنگ</translation>
3709 </message>
3710 <message>
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
3712 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
3713 <translation>رنگی را برای خطوط انتخاب کنید</translation>
3714 </message>
3715 <message>
3716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
3718 <source>Disable</source>
3719 <translation>غیرفعال کردن</translation>
3720 </message>
3721 <message>
3722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
3723 <source>Disabled value.
3725 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3726 <translation>مقدار غیرفعال شده است.
3728 خطوط شبکه X با استفاده از تنها سه مقدار در یک زمان مشخص می شوند. برای انعطاف پذیری ، چهار مقدار ارائه می شود بنابراین باید انتخاب کنید که کدام مقدار غیرفعال است. پس از غیرفعال شدن ، این مقدار به سادگی با تغییر سایر مقادیر به روز می شود
3729  </translation>
3730 </message>
3731 <message>
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3734 <source>Count</source>
3735 <translation>شمردن</translation>
3736 </message>
3737 <message>
3738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
3739 <source>Number of X grid lines.
3741 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3742 <translation>تعداد خطوط شبکه X.
3744 تعداد خطوط شبکه X باید به عنوان عدد صحیحی بزرگتر از صفر وارد شود</translation>
3745 </message>
3746 <message>
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
3749 <source>Start</source>
3750 <translation>شروع کنید</translation>
3751 </message>
3752 <message>
3753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
3754 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
3756 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3757 <translation>مقدار خط اول شبکه X.
3759 مقدار شروع نمی تواند بیشتر از مقدار توقف باشد
3760  </translation>
3761 </message>
3762 <message>
3763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
3765 <source>Step</source>
3766 <translation>گام</translation>
3767 </message>
3768 <message>
3769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
3770 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
3772 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3773 <translation>تفاوت در ارزش بین دو خط شبکه X متوالی.
3775 مقدار مرحله باید بیشتر از صفر باشد</translation>
3776 </message>
3777 <message>
3778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
3780 <source>Stop</source>
3781 <translation>متوقف کردن</translation>
3782 </message>
3783 <message>
3784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
3785 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
3787 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3788 <translation>آخرین خط شبکه X.
3790 مقدار توقف نمی تواند کمتر از مقدار شروع باشد</translation>
3791 </message>
3792 <message>
3793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
3794 <source>Disabled value.
3796 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3797 <translation>مقدار غیرفعال شده است.
3799 خطوط شبکه Y با استفاده از تنها سه مقدار در یک زمان مشخص می شوند. برای انعطاف پذیری ، چهار مقدار ارائه می شود بنابراین باید انتخاب کنید که کدام مقدار غیرفعال است. پس از غیرفعال شدن ، این مقدار به سادگی با تغییر سایر مقادیر به روز می شود
3800  </translation>
3801 </message>
3802 <message>
3803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
3804 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
3806 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3807 <translation>تعداد خطوط شبکه Y.
3809 تعداد خطوط شبکه Y باید به عنوان یک عدد صحیح بزرگتر از صفر وارد شود</translation>
3810 </message>
3811 <message>
3812 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
3813 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
3815 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3816 <translation>مقدار خط اول شبکه Y.
3818 مقدار شروع نمی تواند بیشتر از مقدار توقف باشد</translation>
3819 </message>
3820 <message>
3821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
3822 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
3824 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3825 <translation>تفاوت در ارزش بین دو خط شبکه Y متوالی.
3827 مقدار مرحله باید بیشتر از صفر باشد</translation>
3828 </message>
3829 <message>
3830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
3831 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
3833 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3834 <translation>آخرین خط شبکه Y.
3836 مقدار توقف نمی تواند کمتر از مقدار شروع باشد</translation>
3837 </message>
3838 <message>
3839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
3840 <source>Preview</source>
3841 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
3842 </message>
3843 <message>
3844 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
3845 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
3846 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر صفحه نمایش تأثیر می گذارد</translation>
3847 </message>
3848 <message>
3849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
3850 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
3851 <translation>خطوط شبکه X</translation>
3852 </message>
3853 <message>
3854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
3855 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3856 <translation>خطوط شبکه</translation>
3857 </message>
3858 <message>
3859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
3860 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
3861 <translation>خطوط شبکه</translation>
3862 </message>
3863 <message>
3864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
3865 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
3866 <translation>خطوط شبکه شعاعی</translation>
3867 </message>
3868 <message>
3869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
3870 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
3871 <translation>تعداد خط شبکه بیش از حد تعیین شده توسط تنظیمات / پنجره اصلی است.
3872  </translation>
3873 </message>
3874 </context>
3875 <context>
3876 <name>DlgSettingsGridRemoval</name>
3877 <message>
3878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="36" />
3879 <source>Grid Removal</source>
3880 <translation>حذف شبکه</translation>
3881 </message>
3882 <message>
3883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3884 <source>Preview</source>
3885 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
3886 </message>
3887 <message>
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
3889 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
3890 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش که نشان می دهد چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر حذف شبکه تأثیر می گذارد</translation>
3891 </message>
3892 <message>
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
3894 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
3895 <translation>پیکسل های نزدیک به خطوط شبکه تعریف شده را حذف کنید</translation>
3896 </message>
3897 <message>
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
3899 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
3901 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
3902 <translation>این کادر را علامت بزنید تا پیکسلهای نزدیک به خطوط شبکه به طور مرتب از بین بروند.
3904 این گزینه فقط در صورت تعریف نقاط محور در دسترس است.</translation>
3905 </message>
3906 <message>
3907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
3908 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
3909 <translation>فاصله نزدیک (پیکسل)</translation>
3910 </message>
3911 <message>
3912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3913 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
3915 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
3917 This value cannot be negative. A zero value disables this feature. Decimal values are allowed</source>
3918 <translation>فاصله نزدیکی را در پیکسل ها تنظیم کنید.
3920 پیکسل هایی که به خطوط شبکه به طور منظم فاصله دارند ، از این فاصله حذف می شوند.
3922 این مقدار نمی تواند منفی باشد. مقدار صفر این ویژگی را غیرفعال می کند. مقادیر اعشار مجاز است
3923  </translation>
3924 </message>
3925 <message>
3926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
3927 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
3928 <translation>خطوط شبکه X</translation>
3929 </message>
3930 <message>
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
3932 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3933 <translation>خطوط شبکه</translation>
3934 </message>
3935 <message>
3936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3937 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3938 <source>Disable</source>
3939 <translation>غیرفعال کردن</translation>
3940 </message>
3941 <message>
3942 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3943 <source>Disabled value.
3945 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3946 <translation>مقدار غیرفعال شده است.
3948 خطوط شبکه X با استفاده از تنها سه مقدار در یک زمان مشخص می شوند. برای انعطاف پذیری ، چهار مقدار ارائه می شود بنابراین باید انتخاب کنید که کدام مقدار غیرفعال است. پس از غیرفعال شدن ، این مقدار به سادگی با تغییر سایر مقادیر به روز می شود
3949  </translation>
3950 </message>
3951 <message>
3952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
3954 <source>Count</source>
3955 <translation>شمردن</translation>
3956 </message>
3957 <message>
3958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
3959 <source>Number of X grid lines.
3961 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3962 <translation>تعداد خطوط شبکه X.
3964 تعداد خطوط شبکه X باید به عنوان عدد صحیحی بزرگتر از صفر وارد شود</translation>
3965 </message>
3966 <message>
3967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
3969 <source>Start</source>
3970 <translation>شروع کنید</translation>
3971 </message>
3972 <message>
3973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
3974 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
3976 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3977 <translation>مقدار خط اول شبکه X.
3979 مقدار شروع نمی تواند بیشتر از مقدار توقف باشد
3980  </translation>
3981 </message>
3982 <message>
3983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3984 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
3985 <source>Step</source>
3986 <translation>گام</translation>
3987 </message>
3988 <message>
3989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
3990 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
3992 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3993 <translation>تفاوت در ارزش بین دو خط شبکه X متوالی.
3995 مقدار مرحله باید بیشتر از صفر باشد</translation>
3996 </message>
3997 <message>
3998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
4000 <source>Stop</source>
4001 <translation>متوقف کردن</translation>
4002 </message>
4003 <message>
4004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
4005 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
4007 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
4008 <translation>آخرین خط شبکه X.
4010 مقدار توقف نمی تواند کمتر از مقدار شروع باشد</translation>
4011 </message>
4012 <message>
4013 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
4014 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
4015 <translation>خطوط شبکه</translation>
4016 </message>
4017 <message>
4018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
4019 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
4020 <translation>خطوط شبکه R</translation>
4021 </message>
4022 <message>
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
4024 <source>Disabled value.
4026 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
4027 <translation>مقدار غیرفعال شده است.
4029 خطوط شبکه Y با استفاده از تنها سه مقدار در یک زمان مشخص می شوند. برای انعطاف پذیری ، چهار مقدار ارائه می شود بنابراین باید انتخاب کنید که کدام مقدار غیرفعال است. پس از غیرفعال شدن ، این مقدار به سادگی با تغییر سایر مقادیر به روز می شود
4030  </translation>
4031 </message>
4032 <message>
4033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
4034 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
4036 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
4037 <translation>تعداد خطوط شبکه Y.
4039 تعداد خطوط شبکه Y باید به عنوان یک عدد صحیح بزرگتر از صفر وارد شود</translation>
4040 </message>
4041 <message>
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
4043 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
4045 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
4046 <translation>مقدار خط اول شبکه Y.
4048 مقدار شروع نمی تواند بیشتر از مقدار توقف باشد</translation>
4049 </message>
4050 <message>
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
4052 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
4054 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
4055 <translation>تفاوت در ارزش بین دو خط شبکه Y متوالی.
4057 مقدار مرحله باید بیشتر از صفر باشد</translation>
4058 </message>
4059 <message>
4060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
4061 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
4063 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
4064 <translation>آخرین خط شبکه Y.
4066 مقدار توقف نمی تواند کمتر از مقدار شروع باشد</translation>
4067 </message>
4068 </context>
4069 <context>
4070 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
4071 <message>
4072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
4073 <source>Main Window</source>
4074 <translation>پنجره اصلی</translation>
4075 </message>
4076 <message>
4077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
4078 <source>Initial zoom</source>
4079 <translation>بزرگنمایی اولیه</translation>
4080 </message>
4081 <message>
4082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
4083 <source>Initial Zoom
4085 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
4086 <translation>بزرگنمایی اولیه
4088 هنگام بارگیری یک سند جدید ، عامل بزرگنمایی را انتخاب کنید. بزرگنمایی قبلی را می توان نگه داشت یا بزرگنمایی مشخص را می توان اعمال کرد.
4089  </translation>
4090 </message>
4091 <message>
4092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
4093 <source>Zoom control</source>
4094 <translation>کنترل بزرگنمایی</translation>
4095 </message>
4096 <message>
4097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
4098 <source>Menu only</source>
4099 <translation>فقط منو</translation>
4100 </message>
4101 <message>
4102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
4103 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
4104 <translation>منو و چرخ ماوس</translation>
4105 </message>
4106 <message>
4107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
4108 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
4109 <translation>کلیدهای منو و +/-</translation>
4110 </message>
4111 <message>
4112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
4113 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
4114 <translation>کلیدهای منو ، چرخ ماوس و +/-</translation>
4115 </message>
4116 <message>
4117 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
4118 <source>Zoom Control
4120 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
4121 <translation>کنترل زوم
4123 انتخاب کنید که کدام ورودیها برای بزرگنمایی و خارج کردن استفاده شوند.</translation>
4124 </message>
4125 <message>
4126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
4127 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
4128 <translation>محل (شروع مجدد)</translation>
4129 </message>
4130 <message>
4131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
4132 <source>Locale
4134 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
4136 The locale determines how numbers are formatted. Specifically, either commas or periods will be used as group delimiters in each number entered by the user, displayed in the user interface, or exported to a file.</source>
4137 <translation>محل
4139 محلی را که در اعداد استفاده می شود (بلافاصله) و زبان رابط کاربر (پس از شروع مجدد) انتخاب کنید.
4141 محلی نحوه شکل گیری اعداد را تعیین می کند. به طور خاص ، یا از کاما یا دوره ها به عنوان تعیین کننده های گروه در هر شماره وارد شده توسط کاربر ، نمایش داده شده در رابط کاربر ، یا به یک پرونده صادر می شوند.
4142  </translation>
4143 </message>
4144 <message>
4145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
4146 <source>Import cropping</source>
4147 <translation>واردات برداشت</translation>
4148 </message>
4149 <message>
4150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
4151 <source>Import Cropping
4153 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
4155 This setting only has an effect when Engauge has been built with support for pdf files.</source>
4156 <translation>واردات برداشت
4158 هنگام تصویربرداری ، برداشت تصویر وارد شده را فعال یا غیرفعال می کند. بریدن تصویر برای از بین بردن اطلاعات بی اهمیت در اطراف یک نمودار مفید است ، اما وقتی نمودار در حال حاضر کل تصویر را پر می کند ، کمتر مفید است.
4160 این تنظیم فقط زمانی تأثیر دارد که Engauge با پشتیبانی از پرونده های pdf ساخته شده باشد.
4161  </translation>
4162 </message>
4163 <message>
4164 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
4165 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
4166 <translation>وضوح PDF را وارد کنید (نقاط در هر اینچ)</translation>
4167 </message>
4168 <message>
4169 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
4170 <source>Import PDF Resolution
4172 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
4173 <translation>وضوح PDF را وارد کنید
4175 پرونده های فرمت قابل حمل (PDF) با واردات به نقاط مختلف در هر اینچ (DPI) ، که در آن هر پیکسل یک نقطه است ، به این وضوح پیکسل تبدیل می شوند. مقدار بالاتر وضوح تصویر را افزایش می دهد و همچنین ممکن است دقت دیجیتالی عددی را بهبود بخشد. با این حال ، یک مقدار بسیار بالا می تواند تصویر را چنان بزرگ کند که Engauge کند شود.
4176  </translation>
4177 </message>
4178 <message>
4179 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
4180 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
4181 <translation>حداکثر خطوط شبکه</translation>
4182 </message>
4183 <message>
4184 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
4185 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
4187 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
4188 <translation>حداکثر خطوط شبکه
4190 حداکثر تعداد خطوط شبکه برای پردازش. این مقدار وقتی اعمال می شود که مقدار مرحله برای مقادیر شروع و توقف خیلی کوچک باشد ، که منجر به تعداد زیادی خطوط شبکه بصورت بصری و احتمالاً زمان پردازش بسیار طولانی می شود (از آنجا که هر خط شبکه باید پردازش شود)
4191  </translation>
4192 </message>
4193 <message>
4194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
4195 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
4196 <translation>کدورت را برجسته کنید</translation>
4197 </message>
4198 <message>
4199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
4200 <source>Highlight Opacity
4202 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
4203 <translation>کدورت را برجسته کنید
4205 هنگامی که مکان نما بیش از یک منحنی یا نقطه محور در حالت انتخاب باشد ، می توان از آن استفاده کرد. تغییر ظاهر نشان می دهد چه زمانی می توان نقطه را انتخاب کرد.
4206  </translation>
4207 </message>
4208 <message>
4209 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4210 <source>Recent file list</source>
4211 <translation>لیست پرونده های اخیر</translation>
4212 </message>
4213 <message>
4214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
4215 <source>Clear</source>
4216 <translation>پاک کردن</translation>
4217 </message>
4218 <message>
4219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
4220 <source>Recent File List Clear
4222 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
4223 <translation>لیست پرونده های اخیر پاک شود
4225 لیست پرونده های اخیر را از فهرست پرونده پاک کنید.
4226  </translation>
4227 </message>
4228 <message>
4229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
4230 <source>Include title bar path</source>
4231 <translation>مسیر نوار عنوان را درج کنید
4232  </translation>
4233 </message>
4234 <message>
4235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
4236 <source>Title Bar Filename
4238 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
4239 <translation>عنوان نوار نام پرونده
4241 شامل مسیر یا پسوند پرونده از نام پرونده در نوار عنوان یا حذف نمی شود.
4242  </translation>
4243 </message>
4244 <message>
4245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
4246 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
4247 <translation>گفتگوهای کوچک مجاز است
4248  </translation>
4249 </message>
4250 <message>
4251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
4252 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
4254 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
4255 <translation>گفتگوهای کوچک مجاز است
4257 اجازه می دهد تا گفتگوهای تنظیمات بسیار کوچک ساخته شوند تا در صفحه های رایانه ای کوچک قرار بگیرند.</translation>
4258 </message>
4259 <message>
4260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
4261 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
4262 <translation>صادرات را بکشید و رها کنید</translation>
4263 </message>
4264 <message>
4265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
4266 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
4268 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
4270 When drag and drop is disabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using click and drag. When drag and drop is enabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the drag operation.</source>
4271 <translation>صادرات را بکشید و رها کنید
4273 صادرات را از پنجره اتصالات منحنی و جداول پنجره هندسه مجاز می کند.
4275 هنگامی که کشیدن و رها کردن غیرفعال است ، می توانید یک مجموعه مستطیلی از سلولهای جدول را با استفاده از کلیک و کشیدن انتخاب کنید. هنگامی که کشیدن و رها کردن فعال است ، می توانید مجموعه ای از مستطیل سلولهای جدول را با استفاده از کلیک و سپس تغییر + کلیک انتخاب کنید ، زیرا کلیک و کشیدن عملیات کشیدن را شروع می کند.</translation>
4276 </message>
4277 <message>
4278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4279 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4280 <translation>جایگزین تصویر سند تغییر نام است</translation>
4281 </message>
4282 <message>
4283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4284 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4286 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4287 <translation>تغییر نام تصویر تغییر نام سند
4289 هنگامی که تصویری برای جایگزین کردن تصویر فعلی وارد می شود ، در صورت صحیح بودن نام تغییر نام داده می شود ، در غیر این صورت نام همان باقی می ماند.</translation>
4290 </message>
4291 <message>
4292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
4293 <source>Significant digits</source>
4294 <translation>ارقام قابل توجه</translation>
4295 </message>
4296 <message>
4297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
4298 <source>Significant Digits
4300 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
4301 <translation>ارقام قابل توجه
4303 تعداد رقم های دقیق در اعداد نقطه شناور. این مقدار بر محاسبات متناسب با منحنی تأثیر می گذارد ، زیرا نتایج میانی کوچکتر از آستانه T نشان می دهد که یک منحنی چند جملهای با یک ترتیب خاص نمی تواند در داده ها قرار بگیرد. آستانه T از حداکثر عنصر ماتریس M و رقمهای مهم S به عنوان T = M / 10 ^ S محاسبه می شود.</translation>
4304 </message>
4305 </context>
4306 <context>
4307 <name>DlgSettingsPointMatch</name>
4308 <message>
4309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="30" />
4310 <source>Point Match</source>
4311 <translation>مسابقه بازی</translation>
4312 </message>
4313 <message>
4314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="83" />
4315 <source>Maximum point size (pixels)</source>
4316 <translation>حداکثر اندازه نقطه (پیکسل)</translation>
4317 </message>
4318 <message>
4319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="87" />
4320 <source>Select a maximum point size in pixels.
4322 Sample match points must fit within a square box, around the cursor, having width and height equal to this maximum.
4324 This size is also used to determine if a region of pixels that are on, in the processed image, should be ignored since that region is wider or taller than this limit.
4326 This value has a lower limit</source>
4327 <translation>حداکثر اندازه نقطه را در پیکسل ها انتخاب کنید.
4329 نقاط نمونه مسابقات باید در یک جعبه مربع ، در اطراف مکان نما قرار بگیرند ، با عرض و ارتفاع برابر با این حداکثر.
4331 از این اندازه همچنین برای تعیین اینکه آیا ناحیه ای از پیکسل های روشن در تصویر پردازش شده استفاده می شود ، استفاده می شود زیرا این منطقه گسترده تر یا بلندتر از این حد است.
4333 این مقدار حد کمتری دارد</translation>
4334 </message>
4335 <message>
4336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="98" />
4337 <source>Accepted point color</source>
4338 <translation>رنگ نقطه پذیرفته شده</translation>
4339 </message>
4340 <message>
4341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="102" />
4342 <source>Select a color for matched points that are accepted</source>
4343 <translation>رنگی را برای نقاط همسان پذیرفته شده انتخاب کنید
4344  </translation>
4345 </message>
4346 <message>
4347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="107" />
4348 <source>Rejected point color</source>
4349 <translation>رنگ نقطه رد شده</translation>
4350 </message>
4351 <message>
4352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="111" />
4353 <source>Select a color for matched points that are rejected</source>
4354 <translation>برای نقاط همخوانی رد شده رنگی را انتخاب کنید
4355  </translation>
4356 </message>
4357 <message>
4358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="116" />
4359 <source>Candidate point color</source>
4360 <translation>رنگ نقطه نامزد</translation>
4361 </message>
4362 <message>
4363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="120" />
4364 <source>Select a color for the point being decided upon</source>
4365 <translation>برای نکته مورد نظر رنگی انتخاب کنید</translation>
4366 </message>
4367 <message>
4368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="135" />
4369 <source>Preview</source>
4370 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
4371 </message>
4372 <message>
4373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="142" />
4374 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect point matching, and how the marked and candidate points are displayed.
4376 The points are separated by the point separation value, and the maximum point size is shown as a box in the center</source>
4377 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش نشان می دهد که چگونه تنظیمات فعلی بر تطابق نقطه و چگونگی نمایش نقاط مشخص شده و نامزد تأثیر می گذارد.
4379 نقاط با مقدار تقسیم نقطه جدا می شوند و حداکثر اندازه نقطه به عنوان یک جعبه در مرکز نشان داده می شود
4380  </translation>
4381 </message>
4382 </context>
4383 <context>
4384 <name>DlgSettingsSegments</name>
4385 <message>
4386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="40" />
4387 <source>Segment Fill</source>
4388 <translation>بخش پر کنید</translation>
4389 </message>
4390 <message>
4391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="78" />
4392 <source>Minimum length (points)</source>
4393 <translation>حداقل طول (امتیاز)</translation>
4394 </message>
4395 <message>
4396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="83" />
4397 <source>Select a minimum number of points in a segment.
4399 Only segments with more points will be created.
4401 This value should be as large as possible to reduce memory usage. This value has a lower limit</source>
4402 <translation>حداقل تعداد نقاط را در یک بخش انتخاب کنید.
4404 فقط بخش هایی با امتیاز بیشتر ایجاد می شوند.
4406 این مقدار باید تا حد ممکن بزرگ باشد تا میزان مصرف حافظه را کاهش دهد. این مقدار حد کمتری دارد
4407  </translation>
4408 </message>
4409 <message>
4410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="90" />
4411 <source>Point separation (pixels)</source>
4412 <translation>جداسازی نقطه (پیکسل)</translation>
4413 </message>
4414 <message>
4415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="95" />
4416 <source>Select a point separation in pixels.
4418 Successive points added to a segment will be separated by this number of pixels. If Fill Corners is enabled, then additional points will be inserted at corners so some points will be closer.
4420 This value has a lower limit</source>
4421 <translation>یک تفکیک نقطه را در پیکسل ها انتخاب کنید.
4423 نقاط موفقیت آمیز اضافه شده به یک بخش با این تعداد پیکسل جدا خواهند شد. اگر پر کردن گوشه ها فعال شود ، سپس نقاط اضافی در گوشه ها درج می شوند تا برخی از نقاط نزدیک تر شوند.
4425 این مقدار حد کمتری دارد
4426  </translation>
4427 </message>
4428 <message>
4429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="103" />
4430 <source>Fill corners</source>
4431 <translation>گوشه ها را پر کنید</translation>
4432 </message>
4433 <message>
4434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="107" />
4435 <source>Fill corners.
4437 In addition to the points placed at regular intervals, this option causes a point to be placed at each corner. This option can capture important information in piecewise linear graphs, but gradually curving graphs may not benefit from the additional points</source>
4438 <translation>گوشه ها را پر کنید.
4440 علاوه بر نقاط قرار گرفته در فواصل منظم ، این گزینه باعث می شود که یک نقطه در هر گوشه قرار گیرد. این گزینه می تواند اطلاعات مهم را در نمودارهای خطی پراکنده ضبط کند ، اما به تدریج نمودارهای منحنی ممکن است از نکات اضافی سود نبرد</translation>
4441 </message>
4442 <message>
4443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="114" />
4444 <source>Line width</source>
4445 <translation>عرض خط</translation>
4446 </message>
4447 <message>
4448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="118" />
4449 <source>Select a size for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4450 <translation>سایز را برای خطوط ترسیم شده در طول یک بخش انتخاب کنید</translation>
4451 </message>
4452 <message>
4453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="123" />
4454 <source>Line color</source>
4455 <translation>رنگ خط</translation>
4456 </message>
4457 <message>
4458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="127" />
4459 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4460 <translation>برای خطوط ترسیم شده در یک بخش ، رنگی را انتخاب کنید
4461  </translation>
4462 </message>
4463 <message>
4464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="142" />
4465 <source>Preview</source>
4466 <translation>پیش نمایش</translation>
4467 </message>
4468 <message>
4469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="149" />
4470 <source>Preview window shows the shortest line that can be segment filled, and the effects of current settings on segments and points generated by segment fill</source>
4471 <translation>پنجره پیش نمایش کوتاهترین خط قابل پر کردن بخش را نشان می دهد ، و تأثیر تنظیمات فعلی بر روی بخش ها و نقاط ایجاد شده توسط بخش پر می شود
4472  </translation>
4473 </message>
4474 </context>
4475 <context>
4476 <name>FittingWindow</name>
4477 <message>
4478 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="42" />
4479 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="43" />
4480 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
4481 <translation>پنجره متناسب با منحنی</translation>
4482 </message>
4483 <message>
4484 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="44" />
4485 <source>Curve Fitting Window
4487 This window applies a curve fit to the currently selected curve.
4489 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4490 <translation>پنجره متناسب با منحنی
4492 این پنجره یک منحنی متناسب با منحنی انتخاب شده فعلی اعمال می کند.
4494 اگر کشیدن و رها کردن غیرفعال باشد ، ممکن است مجموعه ای از مستطیل سلول با کلیک و کشیدن انتخاب شود. در غیر این صورت ، اگر کشیدن و رها کردن فعال باشد ، ممکن است یک مجموعه مستطیل شکل از سلول ها با استفاده از کلیک و سپس تغییر + کلیک انتخاب شود ، زیرا کلیک و کشیدن عملیات کشیدن را شروع می کند. حالت کشیدن و رها کردن در تنظیمات اصلی پنجره تنظیم شده است</translation>
4495 </message>
4496 <message>
4497 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="128" />
4498 <source>Order</source>
4499 <translation>سفارش</translation>
4500 </message>
4501 <message>
4502 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="153" />
4503 <source>Mean square error</source>
4504 <translation>میانگین خطای مربع</translation>
4505 </message>
4506 <message>
4507 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="158" />
4508 <source>Calculated mean square error statistic</source>
4509 <translation>میانگین آماری خطای مربع محاسبه شده است</translation>
4510 </message>
4511 <message>
4512 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="161" />
4513 <source>Root mean square</source>
4514 <translation>ریشه میانگین مربع است</translation>
4515 </message>
4516 <message>
4517 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="166" />
4518 <source>Calculated root mean square statistic. This is calculated as the square root of the mean square error</source>
4519 <translation>میانگین ریشه محاسبه شده از میانگین مربعات است. این به عنوان ریشه مربع خطای میانگین مربع محاسبه می شود</translation>
4520 </message>
4521 <message>
4522 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="169" />
4523 <source>R squared</source>
4524 <translation>مربع R</translation>
4525 </message>
4526 <message>
4527 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="174" />
4528 <source>Calculated R squared statistic</source>
4529 <translation>محاسبه آمار R مربع</translation>
4530 </message>
4531 <message>
4532 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4533 <source>log10(Y)=</source>
4534 <translation>log10(Y)=</translation>
4535 </message>
4536 <message>
4537 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="229" />
4538 <source>Y=</source>
4539 <translation>Y=</translation>
4540 </message>
4541 <message>
4542 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="234" />
4543 <source>log10(X)</source>
4544 <translation>log10(X)</translation>
4545 </message>
4546 <message>
4547 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="235" />
4548 <source>X</source>
4549 <translation>X</translation>
4550 </message>
4551 </context>
4552 <context>
4553 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
4554 <message>
4555 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
4556 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4557 <source>Geometry Window</source>
4558 <translation>پنجره هندسه</translation>
4559 </message>
4560 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
4562 <source>Geometry Window
4564 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
4566 Function area = Area under the curve if it is a function
4568 Polygon area = Area inside the curve if it is a relation. This value is only correct if none of the curve lines intersect each other
4570 X = X coordinate of each point
4572 Y = Y coordinate of each point
4574 Index = Point number
4576 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
4578 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4579 <translation>پنجره هندسه
4581 این جدول داده های هندسی زیر را برای منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر نشان می دهد:
4583 منطقه عملکرد = ناحیه زیر منحنی اگر یک تابع باشد
4585 ناحیه چند ضلعی = مساحت درون منحنی اگر این رابطه باشد. این مقدار فقط در صورتی صحیح است که هیچ یک از خطوط منحنی با یکدیگر تلاقی نداشته باشند
4587 مختصات X = X هر نقطه
4589 مختصات Y = Y از هر نقطه
4591 فهرست = شماره امتیاز
4593 فاصله = مسافت در امتداد منحنی در جهت جلو یا عقب ، در هر واحد نمودار یا به صورت درصد
4595 اگر کشیدن و رها کردن غیرفعال باشد ، ممکن است مجموعه ای از مستطیل سلول با کلیک و کشیدن انتخاب شود. در غیر این صورت ، اگر کشیدن و رها کردن فعال باشد ، ممکن است یک مجموعه مستطیل شکل از سلول ها با استفاده از کلیک و سپس تغییر + کلیک انتخاب شود ، زیرا کلیک و کشیدن عملیات کشیدن را شروع می کند. حالت کشیدن و رها کردن در تنظیمات اصلی پنجره تنظیم شده است</translation>
4596 </message>
4597 <message>
4598 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4599 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4600 <translation>بخش های برجسته ممکن است هنگام صادرات به دلیل همپوشانی مقادیر غیر منتظره ای داشته باشند. تنظیم نقاط یا تغییر تنظیمات / ویژگی های منحنی / اتصال به عنوان.</translation>
4601 </message>
4602 </context>
4603 <context>
4604 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4605 <message>
4606 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4607 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4608 <translation>عملکرد در حال حاضر دارای مقادیر Y Y برای یک مقدار X است. لطفاً نقاط مجاور را تنظیم کنید یا نوع منحنی را در خصوصیات منحنی تغییر دهید</translation>
4609 </message>
4610 </context>
4611 <context>
4612 <name>GraphicsView</name>
4613 <message>
4614 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsView.cpp" line="55" />
4615 <source>Main Window
4617 After an image file is imported, or an Engauge Document opened, an image appears in this area. Points are added to the image.
4619 If the image is a graph with two axes and one or more curves, then three axis points must be created along those axes. Just put two axis points on one axis and a third axis point on the other axis, as far apart as possible for higher accuracy. Then curve points can be added along the curves.
4621 If the image is a map with a scale to define length, then two axis points must be created at either end of the scale. Then curve points can be added.
4623 Zooming the image in or out is performed using any of several methods:
4624 1) rotating the mouse wheel when the cursor is outside of the image
4625 2) pressing the minus or plus keys
4626 3) selecting a new zoom setting from the View/Zoom menu</source>
4627 <translation>پنجره اصلی
4629 پس از وارد کردن یک تصویر تصویری یا باز کردن یک سند Engauge ، تصویری در این قسمت ظاهر می شود. امتیازات به تصویر اضافه می شوند.
4631 اگر تصویر گرافیکی با دو محور و یک یا چند منحنی است ، باید سه نقطه محور در امتداد آن محورها ایجاد شود. فقط کافی است دو نقطه محور را بر روی یک محور و یک نقطه محور سوم در محور دیگر قرار دهید ، تا آنجا که ممکن است برای دقت بیشتر از هم فاصله بگیرید. سپس می توان نقاط منحنی را در امتداد منحنی ها اضافه کرد.
4633 اگر تصویر نقشه ای با مقیاس برای تعریف طول است ، باید دو نقطه محور در هر دو انتهای مقیاس ایجاد شود. سپس می توان نقاط منحنی را اضافه کرد.
4635 بزرگنمایی یا بزرگنمایی تصویر با استفاده از هر یک از چندین روش انجام می شود:
4636 1) چرخاندن چرخ ماوس هنگام حرکت مکان نما در خارج از تصویر
4637 2) با فشار دادن کلیدهای منهای یا اضافی
4638 3) انتخاب یک تنظیم بزرگنمایی جدید از فهرست مشاهده / بزرگنمایی</translation>
4639 </message>
4640 </context>
4641 <context>
4642 <name>HelpWindow</name>
4643 <message>
4644 <location filename="../src/Help/HelpWindow.cpp" line="34" />
4645 <source>Contents</source>
4646 <translation>فهرست</translation>
4647 </message>
4648 <message>
4649 <location filename="../src/Help/HelpWindow.cpp" line="36" />
4650 <source>Index</source>
4651 <translation>فهرست مطالب</translation>
4652 </message>
4653 </context>
4654 <context>
4655 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
4656 <message>
4657 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
4658 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
4659 <translation>امکان بارگیری تصویر از وجود ندارد</translation>
4660 </message>
4661 <message>
4662 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
4663 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
4664 <translation>بارگیری تصویر از امکان پذیر نیست
4665  </translation>
4666 </message>
4667 </context>
4668 <context>
4669 <name>MainWindow</name>
4670 <message>
4671 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
4672 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
4673 <translation>صادر کردن به پرونده امکان پذیر نیست</translation>
4674 </message>
4675 <message>
4676 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
4677 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
4678 <translation>استخراج تصویر در پرونده امکان پذیر نیست</translation>
4679 </message>
4680 <message>
4681 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4682 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4683 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
4684 <source>Cannot read file</source>
4685 <translation>پرونده را نمی توان خواند
4686  </translation>
4687 </message>
4688 <message>
4689 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4690 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4691 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
4692 <source>from directory</source>
4693 <translation>از فهرست</translation>
4694 </message>
4695 <message>
4696 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
4697 <source>Import Image</source>
4698 <translation>تصویر وارد کردن</translation>
4699 </message>
4700 <message>
4701 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
4702 <source>File opened</source>
4703 <translation>پرونده باز شد</translation>
4704 </message>
4705 <message>
4706 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
4707 <source>File not found</source>
4708 <translation>پرونده یافت نشد</translation>
4709 </message>
4710 <message>
4711 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
4712 <source>Error report opened</source>
4713 <translation>گزارش خطا باز شد</translation>
4714 </message>
4715 <message>
4716 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4717 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4718 <source>File imported</source>
4719 <translation>پرونده وارد شده است</translation>
4720 </message>
4721 <message>
4722 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
4723 <source>Background image.</source>
4724 <translation>تصویر پس زمینه.</translation>
4725 </message>
4726 <message>
4727 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
4728 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
4729 <translation>منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر.</translation>
4730 </message>
4731 <message>
4732 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
4733 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
4734 <translation>سبک نقطه برای منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر.</translation>
4735 </message>
4736 <message>
4737 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
4738 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
4739 <translation>فیلتر قطعه قطعه را برای منحنی انتخاب شده در حال حاضر پر کنید.</translation>
4740 </message>
4741 <message>
4742 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
4743 <source>The document has been modified.
4744 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
4745 <translation>سند اصلاح شده است.
4746 آیا می خواهید تغییرات خود را ذخیره کنید؟</translation>
4747 </message>
4748 <message>
4749 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
4750 <source>Cannot write file</source>
4751 <translation>نوشتن پرونده امکان پذیر نیست</translation>
4752 </message>
4753 <message>
4754 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
4755 <source>Save</source>
4756 <translation>صرفه جویی</translation>
4757 </message>
4758 <message>
4759 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
4760 <source>Export</source>
4761 <translation>صادرات</translation>
4762 </message>
4763 <message>
4764 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
4765 <source>Open Document</source>
4766 <translation>باز کردن سند</translation>
4767 </message>
4768 <message>
4769 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
4770 <source>+</source>
4771 <translation>+</translation>
4772 </message>
4773 <message>
4774 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
4775 <source>-</source>
4776 <translation>-</translation>
4777 </message>
4778 <message>
4779 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
4780 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
4781 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge</translation>
4782 </message>
4783 </context>
4784 <context>
4785 <name>QObject</name>
4786 <message>
4787 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4788 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4789 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
4790 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
4791 <translation>نقطه محور جدید نمی تواند در همان صفحه نمایش با نقطه محور موجود باشد</translation>
4792 </message>
4793 <message>
4794 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4795 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
4796 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
4797 <translation>نقطه محور جدید نمی تواند دارای مختصات نمودار همان نقطه محور موجود باشد</translation>
4798 </message>
4799 <message>
4800 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4801 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
4802 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
4803 <translation>بیش از دو نقطه محور نمی تواند در همان خط روی صفحه قرار داشته باشد</translation>
4804 </message>
4805 <message>
4806 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4807 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
4808 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
4809 <translation>بیش از دو نقطه محور نمی تواند در یک خط در مختصات نمودار قرار داشته باشد</translation>
4810 </message>
4811 <message>
4812 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
4813 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
4814 <translation>بیش از حد بسیاری از نقاط محور x. فقط باید دو نفر باشد</translation>
4815 </message>
4816 <message>
4817 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
4818 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
4819 <translation>بیش از حد بسیاری از نقاط محور y. فقط باید دو نفر باشد</translation>
4820 </message>
4821 <message>
4822 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
4823 <source>Never</source>
4824 <translation>هرگز</translation>
4825 </message>
4826 <message>
4827 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4828 <source>NSeconds</source>
4829 <translation>ثانیه ثانیه</translation>
4830 </message>
4831 <message>
4832 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
4833 <source>Forever</source>
4834 <translation>برای همیشه</translation>
4835 </message>
4836 <message>
4837 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
4838 <source>Curves for coordinate system</source>
4839 <translation>منحنی های سیستم مختصات</translation>
4840 </message>
4841 <message>
4842 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdAddPointsGraph.cpp" line="51" />
4843 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdExport.cpp" line="29" />
4844 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdImport.cpp" line="29" />
4845 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdOpen.cpp" line="29" />
4846 <source>Missing attribute</source>
4847 <translation>صفت موجود نیست</translation>
4848 </message>
4849 <message>
4850 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdAddPointsGraph.cpp" line="93" />
4851 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="105" />
4852 <source>Cannot read graph points</source>
4853 <translation>نکات نمودار را نمی توان خواند</translation>
4854 </message>
4855 <message>
4856 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCopy.cpp" line="66" />
4857 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdDelete.cpp" line="63" />
4858 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointAxis.cpp" line="60" />
4859 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="60" />
4860 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdMoveBy.cpp" line="62" />
4861 <source>Missing attribute(s)</source>
4862 <translation>ویژگی (های) موجودی</translation>
4863 </message>
4864 <message>
4865 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCopy.cpp" line="69" />
4866 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCut.cpp" line="70" />
4867 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdDelete.cpp" line="66" />
4868 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointAxis.cpp" line="66" />
4869 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="64" />
4870 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdMoveBy.cpp" line="64" />
4871 <source>and/or</source>
4872 <translation>و / یا</translation>
4873 </message>
4874 <message>
4875 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCut.cpp" line="67" />
4876 <source>Missing argument(s)</source>
4877 <translation>استدلال موجود نیست</translation>
4878 </message>
4879 <message>
4880 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
4881 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
4882 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4883 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
4884 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
4885 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
4886 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
4887 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="50" />
4888 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="50" />
4889 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="50" />
4890 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
4891 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsSegments.cpp" line="50" />
4892 <source>Reached end of file before finding end element for</source>
4893 <translation>قبل از یافتن عنصر پایان ، به انتهای پرونده دسترسی پیدا کردید
4894  </translation>
4895 </message>
4896 <message>
4897 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="14" />
4898 <source>Foreground</source>
4899 <translation>پیش زمینه</translation>
4900 </message>
4901 <message>
4902 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="17" />
4903 <source>Hue</source>
4904 <translation>رنگ</translation>
4905 </message>
4906 <message>
4907 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="20" />
4908 <source>Intensity</source>
4909 <translation>شدت</translation>
4910 </message>
4911 <message>
4912 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="23" />
4913 <source>Saturation</source>
4914 <translation>اشباع</translation>
4915 </message>
4916 <message>
4917 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="26" />
4918 <source>Value</source>
4919 <translation>ارزش</translation>
4920 </message>
4921 <message>
4922 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4923 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4924 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4925 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4926 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4927 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4928 <source>Unknown</source>
4929 <translation>ناشناس</translation>
4930 </message>
4931 <message>
4932 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
4933 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
4934 <translation>داده فیلتر منحنی را نمی توان خواند</translation>
4935 </message>
4936 <message>
4937 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="14" />
4938 <source>DD/MM/YYYY</source>
4939 <translation>DD/MM/YYYY</translation>
4940 </message>
4941 <message>
4942 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="17" />
4943 <source>MM/DD/YYYY</source>
4944 <translation>MM/DD/YYYY</translation>
4945 </message>
4946 <message>
4947 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="20" />
4948 <source>YYYY/MM/DD</source>
4949 <translation>YYYY/MM/DD</translation>
4950 </message>
4951 <message>
4952 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="26" />
4953 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="23" />
4954 <source>unknown</source>
4955 <translation>ناشناس</translation>
4956 </message>
4957 <message>
4958 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="16" />
4959 <source>Date Time</source>
4960 <translation>زمان قرار</translation>
4961 </message>
4962 <message>
4963 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="19" />
4964 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="22" />
4965 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="15" />
4966 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="18" />
4967 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="21" />
4968 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="24" />
4969 <source>Degrees</source>
4970 <translation>درجه</translation>
4971 </message>
4972 <message>
4973 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="25" />
4974 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="46" />
4975 <source>Number</source>
4976 <translation>عدد</translation>
4977 </message>
4978 <message>
4979 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="37" />
4980 <source>Date/Time</source>
4981 <translation>زمان قرار</translation>
4982 </message>
4983 <message>
4984 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="27" />
4985 <source>Gradians</source>
4986 <translation>فارغ التحصیلان</translation>
4987 </message>
4988 <message>
4989 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="30" />
4990 <source>Radians</source>
4991 <translation>رادیان ها</translation>
4992 </message>
4993 <message>
4994 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="33" />
4995 <source>Turns</source>
4996 <translation>چرخش</translation>
4997 </message>
4998 <message>
4999 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="14" />
5000 <source>HH:MM</source>
5001 <translation>HH:MM</translation>
5002 </message>
5003 <message>
5004 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="17" />
5005 <source>HH:MM:SS</source>
5006 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
5007 </message>
5008 <message>
5009 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
5010 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
5011 <translation>نشانه غیر منتظره xml</translation>
5012 </message>
5013 <message>
5014 <location filename="../src/Curve/Curve.cpp" line="367" />
5015 <location filename="../src/Curve/Curve.cpp" line="419" />
5016 <source>Cannot read curve data</source>
5017 <translation>داده منحنی را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5018 </message>
5019 <message>
5020 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
5021 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
5022 <translation>عملکرد صاف</translation>
5023 </message>
5024 <message>
5025 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
5026 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
5027 <translation>عملکرد مستقیم</translation>
5028 </message>
5029 <message>
5030 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
5031 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
5032 <translation>رابطه صاف</translation>
5033 </message>
5034 <message>
5035 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
5036 <source>RelationStraight</source>
5037 <translation>رابطه مستقیم</translation>
5038 </message>
5039 <message>
5040 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
5041 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
5042 <translation>جست و خیز را برای منحنی محور وصل کنید</translation>
5043 </message>
5044 <message>
5045 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveStyle.cpp" line="69" />
5046 <source>Cannot read curve style data</source>
5047 <translation>داده سبک منحنی را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5048 </message>
5049 <message>
5050 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurvesGraphs.cpp" line="223" />
5051 <source>DUPLICATE</source>
5052 <translation>تکثیر کنید</translation>
5053 </message>
5054 <message>
5055 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurvesGraphs.cpp" line="237" />
5056 <source>Cannot read graph curves data</source>
5057 <translation>داده های منحنی نمودار را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5058 </message>
5059 <message>
5060 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
5061 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
5062 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
5063 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
5064 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
5065 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge</translation>
5066 </message>
5067 <message>
5068 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="136" />
5069 <source>Three axis points have been defined, and no more are needed or allowed.</source>
5070 <translation>سه نقطه محور تعریف شده است و دیگر نیازی به مجاز یا مجاز نیست.</translation>
5071 </message>
5072 <message>
5073 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
5074 <source>Color Picker</source>
5075 <translation>انتخاب کننده رنگ</translation>
5076 </message>
5077 <message>
5078 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
5079 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
5080 <translation>متأسفیم ، اما نقطه انتخاب رنگ باید نزدیک یک پیکسل غیر پس زمینه باشد. لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید.</translation>
5081 </message>
5082 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="350" />
5084 <source>Point Match</source>
5085 <translation>مسابقه بازی</translation>
5086 </message>
5087 <message>
5088 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="351" />
5089 <source>There are no more matching points</source>
5090 <translation>هیچ امتیاز مطابق دیگری وجود ندارد</translation>
5091 </message>
5092 <message>
5093 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="174" />
5094 <source>The scale bar has been defined, and another is not needed or allowed.</source>
5095 <translation>نوار مقیاس تعریف شده است و دیگری مورد نیاز یا مجاز نیست.
5096  </translation>
5097 </message>
5098 <message>
5099 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="35" />
5100 <source>Move down</source>
5101 <translation>حرکت به پایین</translation>
5102 </message>
5103 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="36" />
5105 <source>Move left</source>
5106 <translation>حرکت به سمت چپ</translation>
5107 </message>
5108 <message>
5109 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="37" />
5110 <source>Move right</source>
5111 <translation>برو راست</translation>
5112 </message>
5113 <message>
5114 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="38" />
5115 <source>Move up</source>
5116 <translation>بالا بروید</translation>
5117 </message>
5118 <message>
5119 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
5120 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
5121 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
5122 <translation>سیستم عامل می گوید پرونده قابل خواندن نیست</translation>
5123 </message>
5124 <message>
5125 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
5126 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
5127 <translation>نمی توانید پرونده های جدیدتر را از نسخه بخوانید</translation>
5128 </message>
5129 <message>
5130 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
5131 <source>of</source>
5132 <translation>از</translation>
5133 </message>
5134 <message>
5135 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
5136 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
5137 <source>File</source>
5138 <translation>فایل</translation>
5139 </message>
5140 <message>
5141 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
5142 <source>was not found</source>
5143 <translation>پیدا نشد</translation>
5144 </message>
5145 <message>
5146 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
5147 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
5148 <translation>داده تصویر قابل خواندن نیست</translation>
5149 </message>
5150 <message>
5151 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelAxesChecker.cpp" line="96" />
5152 <source>Cannot read axes checker data</source>
5153 <translation>داده بررسی محورها امکان پذیر نیست</translation>
5154 </message>
5155 <message>
5156 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelColorFilter.cpp" line="205" />
5157 <source>Cannot read filter data</source>
5158 <translation>داده فیلتر نمی تواند خوانده شود</translation>
5159 </message>
5160 <message>
5161 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelCoords.cpp" line="172" />
5162 <source>Cannot read coordinates data</source>
5163 <translation>خواندن داده های مختصات امکان پذیر نیست</translation>
5164 </message>
5165 <message>
5166 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="108" />
5167 <source>Cannot read digitize curve data</source>
5168 <translation>خواندن داده های منحنی دیجیتالی را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5169 </message>
5170 <message>
5171 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
5172 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
5173 <translation>داده صادرات را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5174 </message>
5175 <message>
5176 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGeneral.cpp" line="93" />
5177 <source>Cannot read general data</source>
5178 <translation>نمی توان داده های کلی را خواند</translation>
5179 </message>
5180 <message>
5181 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
5182 <source>Cannot read grid display data</source>
5183 <translation>داده های نمایش شبکه نمی توانند بخوانند</translation>
5184 </message>
5185 <message>
5186 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridRemoval.cpp" line="191" />
5187 <source>Cannot read grid removal data</source>
5188 <translation>داده حذف شبکه قابل خواندن نیست</translation>
5189 </message>
5190 <message>
5191 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelPointMatch.cpp" line="87" />
5192 <source>Cannot read point match data</source>
5193 <translation>داده مطابقت نقطه را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5194 </message>
5195 <message>
5196 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelSegments.cpp" line="91" />
5197 <source>Cannot read segment data</source>
5198 <translation>داده قطعه خوانده نمی شود</translation>
5199 </message>
5200 <message>
5201 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentScrub.cpp" line="40" />
5202 <source>Point identifier error encountered. Please notify the Engauge developers along with any comments about the country and language locale. The invalid point name was</source>
5203 <translation>خطای شناسه نقطه مواجه شد. لطفاً به سازندگان Engauge و هرگونه اظهار نظر در مورد کشور و محل زبان اطلاع دهید. نام نقطه نامعتبر بود
5204  </translation>
5205 </message>
5206 <message>
5207 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
5208 <source>Commas</source>
5209 <translation>کاما</translation>
5210 </message>
5211 <message>
5212 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
5213 <source>Semicolons</source>
5214 <translation>تک رنگ ها</translation>
5215 </message>
5216 <message>
5217 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
5218 <source>Spaces</source>
5219 <translation>فضاها</translation>
5220 </message>
5221 <message>
5222 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
5223 <source>Tabs</source>
5224 <translation>زبانه ها</translation>
5225 </message>
5226 <message>
5227 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
5228 <source>Gnuplot</source>
5229 <translation>گنوپلو</translation>
5230 </message>
5231 <message>
5232 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5233 <source>None</source>
5234 <translation>هیچ یک</translation>
5235 </message>
5236 <message>
5237 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
5238 <source>Simple</source>
5239 <translation>ساده</translation>
5240 </message>
5241 <message>
5242 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="26" />
5243 <source>Export Image</source>
5244 <translation>صادر کردن تصویر</translation>
5245 </message>
5246 <message>
5247 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="27" />
5248 <source>Cannot export file</source>
5249 <translation>امکان صادر کردن پرونده وجود ندارد</translation>
5250 </message>
5251 <message>
5252 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
5253 <source>AllPerLine</source>
5254 <translation>همه خط</translation>
5255 </message>
5256 <message>
5257 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5258 <source>OnePerLine</source>
5259 <translation>یک خط در هر خط</translation>
5260 </message>
5261 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
5263 <source>Graph Units</source>
5264 <translation>واحدهای گراف</translation>
5265 </message>
5266 <message>
5267 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
5268 <source>Pixels</source>
5269 <translation>پیکسل ها</translation>
5270 </message>
5271 <message>
5272 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
5273 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
5274 <translation>تمام منحنی ها را در هم قرار دهید</translation>
5275 </message>
5276 <message>
5277 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5278 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
5279 <translation>منحنی اول درون قطبی</translation>
5280 </message>
5281 <message>
5282 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
5283 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
5284 <translation>تناوبی دوره ای</translation>
5285 </message>
5286 <message>
5287 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5288 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
5289 <source>Raw</source>
5290 <translation>خام</translation>
5291 </message>
5292 <message>
5293 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
5294 <source>Interpolate</source>
5295 <translation>در هم تنیده</translation>
5296 </message>
5297 <message>
5298 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
5299 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
5300 <translation>فایل اسکریپت خوانده نمی شود</translation>
5301 </message>
5302 <message>
5303 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
5304 <source>from directory</source>
5305 <translation>از فهرست</translation>
5306 </message>
5307 <message>
5308 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="147" />
5309 <source>CurveName</source>
5310 <translation>نام منحنی</translation>
5311 </message>
5312 <message>
5313 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="152" />
5314 <source>Distance</source>
5315 <translation>فاصله</translation>
5316 </message>
5317 <message>
5318 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="157" />
5319 <source>Percent</source>
5320 <translation>درصد</translation>
5321 </message>
5322 <message>
5323 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="162" />
5324 <source>FunctionArea</source>
5325 <translation>منطقه عملکرد</translation>
5326 </message>
5327 <message>
5328 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="167" />
5329 <source>Index</source>
5330 <translation>فهرست مطالب</translation>
5331 </message>
5332 <message>
5333 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="172" />
5334 <source>PolygonArea</source>
5335 <translation>منطقه چند ضلعی</translation>
5336 </message>
5337 <message>
5338 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5339 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
5340 <source>X</source>
5341 <translation>X</translation>
5342 </message>
5343 <message>
5344 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="182" />
5345 <source>Y</source>
5346 <translation>Y</translation>
5347 </message>
5348 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
5350 <source>Count</source>
5351 <translation>شمردن</translation>
5352 </message>
5353 <message>
5354 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5355 <source>Start</source>
5356 <translation>شروع کنید</translation>
5357 </message>
5358 <message>
5359 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
5360 <source>Step</source>
5361 <translation>گام</translation>
5362 </message>
5363 <message>
5364 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
5365 <source>Stop</source>
5366 <translation>متوقف کردن</translation>
5367 </message>
5368 <message>
5369 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridLineFactory.cpp" line="67" />
5370 <source>Axes checker. If this does not align with the axes, then the axes points should be checked</source>
5371 <translation>چکر محور. اگر این با محورها همسو نباشد ، باید نقاط محورها بررسی شود</translation>
5372 </message>
5373 <message>
5374 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="22" />
5375 <source>No cropping</source>
5376 <translation>بدون برداشت</translation>
5377 </message>
5378 <message>
5379 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="23" />
5380 <source>Crop pdf files with multiple pages</source>
5381 <translation>فایلهای pdf را با چند صفحه برش دهید
5382  </translation>
5383 </message>
5384 <message>
5385 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="24" />
5386 <source>Always crop</source>
5387 <translation>همیشه محصول کنید</translation>
5388 </message>
5389 <message>
5390 <location filename="../src/Line/LineStyle.cpp" line="124" />
5391 <source>Cannot read line style data</source>
5392 <translation>داده سبک خط را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5393 </message>
5394 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/Point/Point.cpp" line="382" />
5396 <source>Cannot read point data</source>
5397 <translation>داده های نقطه را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5398 </message>
5399 <message>
5400 <location filename="../src/Point/PointIdentifiers.cpp" line="87" />
5401 <source>Cannot read point identifiers</source>
5402 <translation>شناسه های نقطه را نمی توان خواند</translation>
5403 </message>
5404 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
5406 <source>Circle</source>
5407 <translation>دایره</translation>
5408 </message>
5409 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5411 <source>Cross</source>
5412 <translation>صلیب</translation>
5413 </message>
5414 <message>
5415 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
5416 <source>Diamond</source>
5417 <translation>الماس</translation>
5418 </message>
5419 <message>
5420 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5421 <source>Hourglass</source>
5422 <translation>ساعت شنی</translation>
5423 </message>
5424 <message>
5425 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
5426 <source>Square</source>
5427 <translation>مربع</translation>
5428 </message>
5429 <message>
5430 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
5431 <source>Triangle</source>
5432 <translation>مثلث</translation>
5433 </message>
5434 <message>
5435 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5436 <source>Triangle2</source>
5437 <translation>مثلث2</translation>
5438 </message>
5439 <message>
5440 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
5441 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
5442 <translation>داده های سبک نقطه نمی توانند بخوانند</translation>
5443 </message>
5444 <message>
5445 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
5446 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
5447 <translation>مختصات (نمودار)</translation>
5448 </message>
5449 <message>
5450 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
5451 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
5452 <translation>مختصات (پیکسل)</translation>
5453 </message>
5454 <message>
5455 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
5456 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
5457 <translation>وضوح (نمودار)</translation>
5458 </message>
5459 <message>
5460 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="178" />
5461 <source>Need scale bar</source>
5462 <translation>به نوار مقیاس نیاز دارید
5463  </translation>
5464 </message>
5465 <message>
5466 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="179" />
5467 <source>Need more axis points</source>
5468 <translation>به نقاط محور بیشتری نیاز دارید</translation>
5469 </message>
5470 <message>
5471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
5472 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
5473 <translation>به نظر می رسد که این پرونده دارای شخصیت هایی از الفبای چند زبان است که در خط فرمان ویندوز کار نمی کند</translation>
5474 </message>
5475 <message>
5476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
5477 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
5478 <translation>داده پنجره اصلی قابل خواندن نیست</translation>
5479 </message>
5480 <message>
5481 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5482 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
5483 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
5484 <translation>یک نام پرونده معتبر نیست</translation>
5485 </message>
5486 <message>
5487 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
5488 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
5489 <translation>یک پسوند فایل تصویری معتبر نیست
5490  </translation>
5491 </message>
5492 <message>
5493 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
5494 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
5495 <translation>فقط با یک یا چند فایل بار استفاده می شود</translation>
5496 </message>
5497 <message>
5498 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
5499 <source>Available styles</source>
5500 <translation>سبک های موجود</translation>
5501 </message>
5502 <message>
5503 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
5504 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
5505 <translation>اطلاعات اشکال زدایی اضافی را فعال می کند. برای اشکال زدایی استفاده می شود</translation>
5506 </message>
5507 <message>
5508 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5509 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5510 <translation>نشان می دهد پرونده های باز شده در هنگام راه اندازی برای آزمایش کشیدن و رها کردن هستند. برای تست رگرسیون استفاده می شود</translation>
5511 </message>
5512 <message>
5513 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5514 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5515 <translation>پرونده گزارش خطا را به عنوان ورودی مشخص می کند. برای اشکال زدایی و تست رگرسیون استفاده می شود
5516  </translation>
5517 </message>
5518 <message>
5519 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
5520 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
5521 <translation>صادرات هر پرونده راه اندازی لود شده ، که باید تمام نقاط محور را تعریف کند ، سپس متوقف شود
5522  </translation>
5523 </message>
5524 <message>
5525 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
5526 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
5527 <translation>در هر پرونده راه اندازی لود شده ، تصویر را با پسوند مشخص شده استخراج کنید ، سپس متوقف شوید</translation>
5528 </message>
5529 <message>
5530 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
5531 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5532 <translation>یک فایل اسکریپت فرمان فایل را به عنوان ورودی مشخص می کند. برای اشکال زدایی و آزمایش استفاده می شود</translation>
5533 </message>
5534 <message>
5535 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
5536 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
5537 <translation>خروجی فایل های ورودی تشخیصی gnuplot. برای اشکال زدایی استفاده می شود</translation>
5538 </message>
5539 <message>
5540 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
5541 <source>Show this help information</source>
5542 <translation>نمایش این اطلاعات راهنما</translation>
5543 </message>
5544 <message>
5545 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
5546 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
5547 <translation>پرونده گزارش خطا یا اسکریپت دستور پرونده را اجرا می کند. برای تست رگرسیون استفاده می شود</translation>
5548 </message>
5549 <message>
5550 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
5551 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
5552 <translation>همه تنظیمات ذخیره شده ، از جمله موقعیت های پنجره را حذف می کند. هنگام راه اندازی ویندوز از صفحه نمایش استفاده می شود</translation>
5553 </message>
5554 <message>
5555 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5556 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5557 <translation>سبک پنجره را روی یکی از استایل های ذکر شده در گزینه خط فرمان تنظیم کنید
5558  </translation>
5559 </message>
5560 <message>
5561 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5562 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5563 <translation>لیستی از استایل های موجود را که می توان با گزینه خط فرمان استفاده کرد ، نشان دهید
5564  </translation>
5565 </message>
5566 <message>
5567 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5568 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5569 <translation>در هنگام راه اندازی به جدیدترین نسخه ، پرونده ها را ارتقا دهید</translation>
5570 </message>
5571 <message>
5572 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
5573 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
5574 <translation>پرونده (های) برای شروع وارد یا باز شود
5575  </translation>
5576 </message>
5577 <message>
5578 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5579 <source>Could not write to</source>
5580 <translation>نمی توان نوشت</translation>
5581 </message>
5582 <message>
5583 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5584 <source>Upgraded</source>
5585 <translation>به روزرسانی شده است</translation>
5586 </message>
5587 <message>
5588 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5589 <source>to</source>
5590 <translation>به</translation>
5591 </message>
5592 <message>
5593 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
5594 <source>Start at line</source>
5595 <translation>شروع در خط</translation>
5596 </message>
5597 <message>
5598 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="42" />
5599 <source>at line</source>
5600 <translation>در خط</translation>
5601 </message>
5602 <message>
5603 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="51" />
5604 <source>Quitting</source>
5605 <translation>کنار گذاشتن</translation>
5606 </message>
5607 <message>
5608 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="54" />
5609 <source>Error reading xml</source>
5610 <translation>خطا در خواندن xml</translation>
5611 </message>
5612 </context>
5613 <context>
5614 <name>StatusBar</name>
5615 <message>
5616 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
5617 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
5618 <translation>مقادیر مختصات مکان نما را برای نمایش انتخاب کنید.</translation>
5619 </message>
5620 <message>
5621 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
5622 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
5624 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5625 <translation>مقادیر مختصات مکان نما را انتخاب کنید
5627 مقادیر در مختصات مکان نما برای نمایش. مختصات در صفحه (پیکسل) یا واحد نمودار هستند. وضوح تصویر (که تعداد واحدهای گراف در هر پیکسل است) در واحد نمودار است. واحدهای گراف تنها پس از تعریف نقاط محور در دسترس هستند.
5628  </translation>
5629 </message>
5630 <message>
5631 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
5632 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
5633 <translation>مقادیر مختصات مکان نما.</translation>
5634 </message>
5635 <message>
5636 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
5637 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
5639 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5640 <translation>مقادیر هماهنگ کننده مکان نما
5642 مقادیر در مختصات مکان نما. مختصات در صفحه (پیکسل) یا واحد نمودار هستند. وضوح تصویر (که تعداد واحدهای گراف در هر پیکسل است) در واحد نمودار است. واحدهای گراف تنها پس از تعریف نقاط محور در دسترس هستند.
5643  </translation>
5644 </message>
5645 <message>
5646 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
5647 <source>Select zoom.</source>
5648 <translation>بزرگنمایی را انتخاب کنید.</translation>
5649 </message>
5650 <message>
5651 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
5652 <source>Select Zoom
5654 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
5655 <translation>بزرگنمایی را انتخاب کنید
5657 با بزرگنمایی ، نقاط را می توان با دقت بیشتری قرار داد.</translation>
5658 </message>
5659 <message>
5660 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5661 <source>16:1</source>
5662 <translation>16:1</translation>
5663 </message>
5664 <message>
5665 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5666 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5667 <translation>16: 1 دورتر</translation>
5668 </message>
5669 <message>
5670 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5671 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5672 <translation>8: 1 نزدیکتر</translation>
5673 </message>
5674 <message>
5675 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5676 <source>8:1</source>
5677 <translation>8:1</translation>
5678 </message>
5679 <message>
5680 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5681 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5682 <translation>8: 1 دورتر</translation>
5683 </message>
5684 <message>
5685 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5686 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5687 <translation>4: 1 نزدیکتر</translation>
5688 </message>
5689 <message>
5690 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5691 <source>4:1</source>
5692 <translation>4:1</translation>
5693 </message>
5694 <message>
5695 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5696 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5697 <translation>4: 1 دورتر</translation>
5698 </message>
5699 <message>
5700 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5701 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5702 <translation>2: 1 نزدیکتر</translation>
5703 </message>
5704 <message>
5705 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5706 <source>2:1</source>
5707 <translation>2:1</translation>
5708 </message>
5709 <message>
5710 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5711 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5712 <translation>2: 1 دورتر</translation>
5713 </message>
5714 <message>
5715 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5716 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5717 <translation>2: 1 نزدیکتر</translation>
5718 </message>
5719 <message>
5720 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5721 <source>1:1</source>
5722 <translation>1:1</translation>
5723 </message>
5724 <message>
5725 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5726 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5727 <translation>1: 1 دورتر</translation>
5728 </message>
5729 <message>
5730 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5731 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5732 <translation>1: 2 نزدیکتر</translation>
5733 </message>
5734 <message>
5735 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5736 <source>1:2</source>
5737 <translation>1:2</translation>
5738 </message>
5739 <message>
5740 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5741 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5742 <translation>1: 2 دورتر</translation>
5743 </message>
5744 <message>
5745 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5746 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5747 <translation>1: 4 نزدیکتر</translation>
5748 </message>
5749 <message>
5750 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5751 <source>1:4</source>
5752 <translation>1:4</translation>
5753 </message>
5754 <message>
5755 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5756 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5757 <translation>1: 4 دورتر</translation>
5758 </message>
5759 <message>
5760 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5761 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5762 <translation>1: 8 نزدیکتر</translation>
5763 </message>
5764 <message>
5765 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5766 <source>1:8</source>
5767 <translation>1:8</translation>
5768 </message>
5769 <message>
5770 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5771 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5772 <translation>1: 8 دورتر</translation>
5773 </message>
5774 <message>
5775 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5776 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5777 <translation>1:16 نزدیکتر</translation>
5778 </message>
5779 <message>
5780 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5781 <source>1:16</source>
5782 <translation>1:16</translation>
5783 </message>
5784 <message>
5785 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5786 <source>Fill</source>
5787 <translation>پر کنید</translation>
5788 </message>
5789 <message>
5790 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5791 <source>Previous</source>
5792 <translation>قبلی</translation>
5793 </message>
5794 </context>
5795 <context>
5796 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
5797 <message>
5798 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5799 <source>Axis Points</source>
5800 <translation>نقاط محور</translation>
5801 </message>
5802 <message>
5803 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
5804 <source>Axis points are first defined to
5805 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
5806 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
5807 <translation>نقاط محور ابتدا تعریف می شوند
5808 مختصات را تعریف کنید. مرحله 1 -
5809 بر روی دکمه محور نقاط کلیک کنید</translation>
5810 </message>
5811 <message>
5812 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
5813 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
5814 line with known coordinates. An axis
5815 point appears, with a dialog window
5816 for entering the axis point
5817 coordinates</source>
5818 <translation>مرحله 2 - بر روی یک محور یا شبکه کلیک کنید
5819 خط با مختصات شناخته شده یک محور
5820 نقطه با یک پنجره گفتگو ظاهر می شود
5821 برای ورود به نقطه محور
5822 مختصات
5823  </translation>
5824 </message>
5825 <message>
5826 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
5827 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
5828 of the axis point and then click Ok.
5829 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
5830 until three axis points are created</source>
5831 <translation>مرحله 3 - دو مختصات را وارد کنید
5832 از نقطه محور و سپس Ok را بزنید.
5833 مراحل 2 و 3 را دوبار دیگر تکرار کنید
5834 تا زمانی که سه نقطه محور ایجاد شود</translation>
5835 </message>
5836 <message>
5837 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
5838 <source>Previous</source>
5839 <translation>قبلی</translation>
5840 </message>
5841 <message>
5842 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
5843 <source>Next</source>
5844 <translation>بعد</translation>
5845 </message>
5846 </context>
5847 <context>
5848 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
5849 <message>
5850 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
5851 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
5852 <translation>راهنمای چک لیست جادوگر و چک لیست</translation>
5853 </message>
5854 <message>
5855 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
5856 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
5857 is available when importing an image file.
5858 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
5859 steps to follow to digitize the image file.</source>
5860 <translation>برای کاربران جدید Engauge ، یک جادوگر چک لیست
5861 هنگام وارد کردن یک فایل تصویری در دسترس است.
5862 این جادوگر یک لیست چک لیست مفید تهیه می کند
5863 مراحل دیجیتالی کردن پرونده را دنبال کنید.
5864  </translation>
5865 </message>
5866 <message>
5867 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
5868 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
5869 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
5870 <translation>مرحله 1 - گزینه منو را راهنمایی کنید /
5871 جادوگر راهنمای چک لیست.</translation>
5872 </message>
5873 <message>
5874 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
5875 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
5876 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
5877 and ask some simple questions to
5878 determine how the image can be
5879 digitized.</source>
5880 <translation>مرحله 2 - وارد کردن پرونده با استفاده از پرونده /
5881 وارد كردن. جادوگر چک لیست ظاهر می شود
5882 و چند سؤال ساده برای آنها بپرسید
5883 تعیین کنید که چگونه تصویر می تواند باشد
5884 دیجیتالی شده</translation>
5885 </message>
5886 <message>
5887 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5888 <source>Additional options are available in
5889 the various Settings menus.
5891 This ends the tutorial. Good luck!</source>
5892 <translation>گزینه های اضافی در داخل موجود است
5893 منوهای مختلف تنظیمات.
5895 این پایان آموزش است. موفق باشید!</translation>
5896 </message>
5897 <message>
5898 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
5899 <source>Previous</source>
5900 <translation>قبلی</translation>
5901 </message>
5902 </context>
5903 <context>
5904 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
5905 <message>
5906 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
5907 <source>Color Filter</source>
5908 <translation>فیلتر رنگ</translation>
5909 </message>
5910 <message>
5911 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
5912 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
5913 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
5914 black lines the defaults work well, but for
5915 colored lines the settings can be improved.</source>
5916 <translation>هر منحنی دارای تنظیمات فیلتر رنگی است
5917 در حالت پر کردن قطعه اعمال می شوند. برای
5918 خطوط سیاه پیش فرض ها به خوبی کار می کنند ، اما برای
5919 تنظیمات را می توان بهبود بخشید.</translation>
5920 </message>
5921 <message>
5922 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
5923 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
5924 Filter menu option.</source>
5925 <translation>مرحله 1 - تنظیمات / رنگ را انتخاب کنید
5926 گزینه منوی فیلتر.
5927  </translation>
5928 </message>
5929 <message>
5930 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
5931 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
5932 be given the new settings.</source>
5933 <translation>مرحله 2 - منحنی مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید
5934 تنظیمات جدید داده می شود.</translation>
5935 </message>
5936 <message>
5937 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
5938 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
5939 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
5940 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
5941 <translation>مرحله 3 - حالت را انتخاب کنید. شدت آن است
5942 برای خطوط بدون رنگ و رنگ پیشنهاد کرد
5943 برای خطوط رنگی پیشنهاد شده است.</translation>
5944 </message>
5945 <message>
5946 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
5947 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
5948 dragging the green handles, until the
5949 curve is clear in the preview window
5950 below. The graph shows a histogram
5951 distribution of the values underneath.
5952 Click Ok when finished.</source>
5953 <translation>مرحله 4 - دامنه مورد نظر را تنظیم کنید
5954 دستگیره های سبز را بکشید ، تا
5955 منحنی در پنجره پیش نمایش مشخص است
5956 زیر نمودار یک نمودار تاریخچه را نشان می دهد
5957 توزیع مقادیر زیر.
5958 پس از اتمام ، روی Ok کلیک کنید.</translation>
5959 </message>
5960 <message>
5961 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
5962 <source>Back</source>
5963 <translation>بازگشت</translation>
5964 </message>
5965 </context>
5966 <context>
5967 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
5968 <message>
5969 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
5970 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
5971 curve is selected to receive curve points.
5972 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
5973 Picker or Segment Fill buttons.</source>
5974 <translation>پس از ایجاد نقاط محور ، الف
5975 منحنی برای دریافت امتیازات منحنی انتخاب شده است.
5976 مرحله 1 - بر روی منحنی ، مطابقت نقطه ، رنگ کلیک کنید
5977 دکمه های انتخاب یا بخش را پر کنید.
5978  </translation>
5979 </message>
5980 <message>
5981 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
5982 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
5983 that curve name has not been created yet,
5984 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
5985 to create it.</source>
5986 <translation>مرحله 2 - نام منحنی مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید. اگر
5987 آن نام منحنی هنوز ایجاد نشده است ،
5988 از گزینه های تنظیمات / نام های منحنی استفاده کنید
5989 برای ایجاد آن
5990  </translation>
5991 </message>
5992 <message>
5993 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
5994 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
5995 original image to the filtered image
5996 produced for the current curve, using the
5997 menu option View / Background / Filtered
5998 Image. This filtering enables the powerful
5999 automated algorithms discussed later in
6000 the tutorial.</source>
6001 <translation>مرحله 3 - پس زمینه را از
6002 تصویر اصلی به تصویر فیلتر شده
6003 برای منحنی فعلی با استفاده از
6004 نمای گزینه / پس زمینه / فیلتر گزینه منو
6005 تصویر این فیلتر کردن قدرتمندان را قادر می سازد
6006 الگوریتم های خودکار بعداً مورد بحث قرار گرفت
6007 آموزش
6008  </translation>
6009 </message>
6010 <message>
6011 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
6012 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
6013 in the filtered image, then change the
6014 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
6015 the orange points have disappeared.</source>
6016 <translation>اگر منحنی فعلی دیگر قابل مشاهده نباشد
6017 در تصویر فیلتر شده ، سپس تغییر دهید
6018 تنظیمات فیلتر رنگ فعلی. در شکل ،
6019 نقاط نارنجی ناپدید شده اند
6020  </translation>
6021 </message>
6022 <message>
6023 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
6024 <source>Previous</source>
6025 <translation>قبلی</translation>
6026 </message>
6027 <message>
6028 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
6029 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
6030 <translation>تنظیمات فیلتر رنگ</translation>
6031 </message>
6032 <message>
6033 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
6034 <source>Next</source>
6035 <translation>بعد</translation>
6036 </message>
6037 </context>
6038 <context>
6039 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
6040 <message>
6041 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
6042 <source>Curve Type</source>
6043 <translation>نوع منحنی</translation>
6044 </message>
6045 <message>
6046 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
6047 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
6048 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
6049 <translation>مراحل بعدی بستگی به نحوه منحنی دارد
6050 از نظر خط و نقطه ترسیم می شوند.</translation>
6051 </message>
6052 <message>
6053 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
6054 <source>If the curves are drawn
6055 with lines (with or without
6056 points) then click on
6057 Next (Lines).</source>
6058 <translation>اگر منحنی ها کشیده شوند
6059 با خط (با یا بدون)
6060 امتیاز) و سپس کلیک کنید
6061 بعدی (خطوط)</translation>
6062 </message>
6063 <message>
6064 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
6065 <source>If the curves are drawn
6066 without lines and only
6067 with points, then click on
6068 Next (Points).</source>
6069 <translation>اگر منحنی ها کشیده شوند
6070 بدون خط و فقط
6071 با امتیاز ، سپس بر روی کلیک کنید
6072 بعدی (امتیاز)</translation>
6073 </message>
6074 <message>
6075 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
6076 <source>Previous</source>
6077 <translation>قبلی</translation>
6078 </message>
6079 <message>
6080 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
6081 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
6082 <translation>بعدی (خطوط)</translation>
6083 </message>
6084 <message>
6085 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
6086 <source>Next (Points)</source>
6087 <translation>بعدی (امتیاز)</translation>
6088 </message>
6089 </context>
6090 <context>
6091 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
6092 <message>
6093 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
6094 <source>Introduction</source>
6095 <translation>معرفی</translation>
6096 </message>
6097 <message>
6098 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
6099 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
6100 images of graphs and maps.</source>
6101 <translation>دیجیتایزر Engauge با شروع می شود
6102 تصاویر نمودارها و نقشه ها.</translation>
6103 </message>
6104 <message>
6105 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
6106 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
6107 the graph and map curves.</source>
6108 <translation>نقاط را ایجاد می کنید (یا دیجیتالی می کنید)
6109 نمودار و منحنی نقشه.</translation>
6110 </message>
6111 <message>
6112 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
6113 <source>The digitized curve points can be
6114 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
6115 <translation>نقاط منحنی دیجیتالی شده می توانند باشند
6116 به عنوان شماره به سایر ابزارهای نرم افزاری صادر شده است.
6117  </translation>
6118 </message>
6119 <message>
6120 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
6121 <source>Next</source>
6122 <translation>بعد</translation>
6123 </message>
6124 </context>
6125 <context>
6126 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
6127 <message>
6128 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
6129 <source>Point Match</source>
6130 <translation>مسابقه بازی</translation>
6131 </message>
6132 <message>
6133 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
6134 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
6135 one sample point, and Engauge
6136 then finds all matching points.
6138 Step 1 - Click on Point Match mode.</source>
6139 <translation>در حالت مسابقه نقطه ، شما انتخاب می کنید
6140 یک نقطه نمونه ، و Engauge
6141 سپس تمام نقاط منطبق را پیدا می کند.
6143 مرحله 1 - برای مطابقت با نقطه بر روی دکمه کلیک کنید.</translation>
6144 </message>
6145 <message>
6146 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
6147 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
6148 points will belong to.</source>
6149 <translation>مرحله 2 - منحنی جدید را انتخاب کنید
6150 امتیاز متعلق به
6151  </translation>
6152 </message>
6153 <message>
6154 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
6155 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
6156 The circle turns green when it
6157 contains what may be a point.</source>
6158 <translation>مرحله 3 - روی یک نکته معمولی کلیک کنید.
6159 دایره وقتی سبز می شود
6160 شامل آنچه ممکن است یک نکته باشد
6161  </translation>
6162 </message>
6163 <message>
6164 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
6165 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
6166 matched point with a yellow cross.
6167 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
6168 the matched point. Repeat this step
6169 until there are no more points.</source>
6170 <translation>مرحله 4 - Engauge نشان خواهد داد
6171 نقطه با صلیب زرد مطابقت دارد.
6172 کلید پذیرش را فشار دهید تا بپذیرید
6173 نقطه همسان این مرحله را تکرار کنید
6174 تا زمانی که امتیاز بیشتری وجود نداشته باشد</translation>
6175 </message>
6176 <message>
6177 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
6178 <source>Previous</source>
6179 <translation>قبلی</translation>
6180 </message>
6181 <message>
6182 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
6183 <source>Next</source>
6184 <translation>بعد</translation>
6185 </message>
6186 </context>
6187 <context>
6188 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
6189 <message>
6190 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6191 <source>Segment Fill</source>
6192 <translation>بخش پر کنید</translation>
6193 </message>
6194 <message>
6195 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6196 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
6197 points all along the line segments
6198 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
6199 Segment Fill button.</source>
6200 <translation>حالت پر کردن بخش چندین مکان قرار می دهد
6201 نقاط را در طول بخش خط نشان می دهد
6202 از یک منحنی مرحله 1 - روی آن کلیک کنید
6203 دکمه قطعه قطعه.
6204  </translation>
6205 </message>
6206 <message>
6207 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
6208 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
6209 points will belong to.</source>
6210 <translation>مرحله 2 - منحنی جدید را انتخاب کنید
6211 امتیاز متعلق به
6212  </translation>
6213 </message>
6214 <message>
6215 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6216 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
6217 segment in the desired curve. If a
6218 green line appears, click on it once
6219 to generate many points.</source>
6220 <translation>مرحله 3 - مکان نما را روی یک خط حرکت دهید
6221 بخش در منحنی مورد نظر. اگر یک
6222 خط سبز ظاهر می شود ، یکبار روی آن کلیک کنید
6223 برای ایجاد نکات بسیاری</translation>
6224 </message>
6225 <message>
6226 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
6227 <source>Previous</source>
6228 <translation>قبلی</translation>
6229 </message>
6230 <message>
6231 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
6232 <source>Next</source>
6233 <translation>بعد</translation>
6234 </message>
6235 </context>
6236 </TS>
1616 To run the Checklist Guide Wizard when an image file is imported, select the Help / Checklist Wizard menu option.</source>
1717 <translation>Guide pas à pas
19 Cette boîte contient une liste de pas suggérés par l'apos;Assistant pas à pas.Suivre ces étape permet de générer en sortie un fichier contenant un ensemble de points numérisés.
21 Pour utiliser l'apos;Assistant pas à pas lors de l'apos;importation d'apos;une image, activer l'apos;option dans le menu Aide / Assistant pas à pas.</translation>
19 Cette boîte contient une liste d'étapes suggérées par l'Assistant pas à pas. Suivre ces étapes permet de générer en sortie un fichier contenant un ensemble de points numérisés.
21 Pour utiliser l'Assistant pas à pas lors de l'importation d'une image, activer l'option dans le menu Aide / Assistant pas à pas.</translation>
2222 </message>
2323 </context>
2424 <context>
9292 <message>
9393 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="18" />
9494 <source>Engauge converts an image of a graph or map into numbers, as long as the image has axes and/or grid lines to define the coordinates.</source>
95 <translation>La jauge convertit une image d'un graphique ou d'une carte en nombres, à condition que l'image ait des axes et / ou des lignes de grille pour définir les coordonnées.</translation>
95 <translation>Engauge convertit une image d'un graphique ou d'une carte en nombres, à condition que l'image ait des axes et / ou des lignes de grille pour définir les coordonnées.</translation>
9696 </message>
9797 <message>
9898 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="20" />
125125 <message>
126126 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="106" />
127127 <source>Follow this checklist of steps to digitize your image. Each step will show a check when it has been completed.</source>
128 <translation>Suivez ces étapes pour numériser une image. Chaque étape est cochée lorsqu'apos;elle a été réalisée.</translation>
128 <translation>Suivez ces étapes pour numériser une image. Chaque étape est cochée lorsqu'elle a été réalisée.</translation>
129129 </message>
130130 <message>
131131 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="107" />
132132 <source>The coordinates are defined by creating axis points</source>
133 <translation>Les coordonnées sont définies via la création de points d'apos;axe</translation>
133 <translation>Les coordonnées sont définies via la création de points d'axe</translation>
134134 </message>
135135 <message>
136136 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="108" />
137137 <source>Add first of three axis points.</source>
138 <translation>Ajouter le premier des trois points d'apos;axes.</translation>
138 <translation>Ajouter le premier des trois points d'axes.</translation>
139139 </message>
140140 <message>
141141 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
151151 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
152152 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
153153 <source>for Axis Points mode</source>
154 <translation>pour le mode Points Axis</translation>
154 <translation>pour le mode Points Axes</translation>
155155 </message>
156156 <message>
157157 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="112" />
158158 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates</source>
159 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'apos;un axe ou l'apos;intersection de lignes d'apos;une grille dont les coordonnées sont connues</translation>
159 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'un axe ou l'intersection de lignes d'une grille dont les coordonnées sont connues</translation>
160160 </message>
161161 <message>
162162 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="113" />
163163 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="122" />
164164 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="131" />
165165 <source>Enter the coordinates of the axis point</source>
166 <translation>Entrer les coordonnées de ce point d'apos;axe</translation>
166 <translation>Entrer les coordonnées de ce point d'axe</translation>
167167 </message>
168168 <message>
169169 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="114" />
177177 <message>
178178 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="117" />
179179 <source>Add second of three axis points.</source>
180 <translation>Ajouter le deuxième point d'apos;axes.</translation>
180 <translation>Ajouter le deuxième point d'axes.</translation>
181181 </message>
182182 <message>
183183 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="121" />
184184 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis point</source>
185 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'apos;un axe ou l'apos;intersection de lignes d'apos;une grille, dont les coordonnées sont connues, autre que le premier point d'apos;axe</translation>
185 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'un axe ou l'intersection de lignes d'une grille, dont les coordonnées sont connues, autre que le premier point d'axe</translation>
186186 </message>
187187 <message>
188188 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="126" />
189189 <source>Add third of three axis points.</source>
190 <translation>Ajouter le troisème point d'apos;axes.</translation>
190 <translation>Ajouter le troisème point d'axes.</translation>
191191 </message>
192192 <message>
193193 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="130" />
194194 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis points</source>
195 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'apos;un axe ou l'apos;intersection de lignes d'apos;une grille, dont les coordonnées sont connues, autre que les premiers points d'apos;axe</translation>
195 <translation>Cliquer sur la graduation d'un axe ou l'intersection de lignes d'une grille, dont les coordonnées sont connues, autre que les premiers points d'axe.</translation>
196196 </message>
197197 <message>
198198 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="137" />
254254 <message>
255255 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="171" />
256256 <source>The previous step repeats until you select a different mode</source>
257 <translation>L'apos;étape précédente est répétée jusqu'apos;à sélection d'apos;un autre mode</translation>
257 <translation>L'étape précédente est répétée jusqu'à la sélection d'un autre mode</translation>
258258 </message>
259259 <message>
260260 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="179" />
284284 <message>
285285 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="191" />
286286 <source>Hint - The background image can be switched between the original image and filtered image.</source>
287 <translation>Note - L'apos;arrière-plan peut être l'apos;image d'apos;origine ou l'apos;image filtrée.</translation>
287 <translation>Note - L'arrière-plan peut basculé entre l'image d'origine ou l'image filtrée</translation>
288288 </message>
289289 <message>
290290 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
309309 <message>
310310 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="212" />
311311 <source>Slide the green buttons back and forth until the curve is easily visible in the preview window</source>
312 <translation>Déplacer les délimiteurs verts à gauche ou à droite jusqu'apos;à ce que la courbe soit facilement visible dans la zone de prévisualisation</translation>
312 <translation>Déplacer les délimiteurs verts à gauche ou à droite jusqu'à ce que la courbe soit facilement visible dans la zone de prévisualisation</translation>
313313 </message>
314314 </context>
315315 <context>
327327 <message>
328328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="62" />
329329 <source>Select points on screen.</source>
330 <translation>Sélection un point à l'apos;écran.</translation>
330 <translation>Sélection un point à l'écran.</translation>
331331 </message>
332332 <message>
333333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="63" />
336336 Select points on the screen.</source>
337337 <translation>Sélection
339 Sélectionne un point à l'apos;écran.</translation>
339 Sélectionne un point à l'écran.</translation>
340340 </message>
341341 <message>
342342 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="67" />
343343 <source>Axis Point Tool</source>
344 <translation>Point d'apos;axes</translation>
344 <translation>Outil "Point d'axes"</translation>
345345 </message>
346346 <message>
347347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="68" />
351351 <message>
352352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="70" />
353353 <source>Digitize axis points for a graph.</source>
354 <translation>Numérisez les points d'apos;axe pour un graphique.</translation>
354 <translation>Numérisez les points d'axe pour un graphique.</translation>
355355 </message>
356356 <message>
357357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
358358 <source>Digitize Axis Point
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 <translation>Numériser Axe PointDigrite un point d'apos;axe pour un graphique en plaçant un nouveau point au curseur après un clic de souris. Les coordonnées du point d'apos;axe sont ensuite saisies. Dans un graphique, des points à trois axes sont nécessaires pour définir les coordonnées du graphique.</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
362 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
363 <translation>Numériser un point d'axe
365 Numérise un point d'axe pour un graphique en plaçant un nouveau point sur le curseur après un clic de souris. Les coordonnées du point de l'axe sont ensuite entrées. Après importation et importation (avancée), il est possible de numériser les points de trois axes avec les coordonnées (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) pour définir les coordonnées du graphique. En option, après "Import (avancé)", vous pouvez numériser des points à quatre axes avec (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) pour définir les coordonnées du graphique.
367 Cet outil est désactivé lorsqu'un ensemble complet de points d'axe a été défini ou après l'importation (avancée) si l'option Barre d'échelle est sélectionnée.</translation>
368 </message>
369 <message>
370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
365371 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
366372 <translation>Outil de barre à échelle</translation>
367373 </message>
368374 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
370376 <source>Shift+F8</source>
371377 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
372378 </message>
373379 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
376 <translation>Barre d'apos;échelle de numérisation pour une carte.</translation>
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
381 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
382 <translation>Numériser la barre d'échelle pour une carte. Nécessite une importation (avancée).</translation>
383 </message>
384 <message>
385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
380386 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
382388 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
384 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
385 <translation>Barre d'apos;échelle de numérisationDigitiquez une barre d'apos;échelle pour une carte en cliquant et en faisant glisser. La longueur de la barre d'apos;échelle est alors saisie. Dans une carte, les deux points d'apos;extrémité de la barre d'apos;échelle définissent les distances dans les coordonnées du graphique. Les champs doivent être importés à l'apos;aide d'apos;Import (Avancé).</translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
390 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
392 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
393 <translation>Numériser la barre d'échelle
395 Numérisez une barre d'échelle pour une carte en cliquant dessus et en la faisant glisser. La longueur de la barre d'échelle est ensuite entrée. Dans une carte, les deux extrémités de la barre d’échelle définissent les distances en coordonnées graphiques.
397 Cet outil est activé en sélectionnant Barre d'échelle dans Importer (avancé).
399 Cet outil est désactivé lorsqu'une barre d'échelle a été définie ou si des points d'axe ont été sélectionnés lors de l'importation.</translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
389403 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
390404 <translation>Outil Point de courbe</translation>
391405 </message>
392406 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
394408 <source>Shift+F4</source>
395409 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
396410 </message>
397411 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
399413 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
400 <translation>Numérise des points d'apos;une courbe.</translation>
401 </message>
402 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
414 <translation>Numérise les points d'une courbe.</translation>
415 </message>
416 <message>
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
404418 <source>Digitize Curve Point
406420 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
408422 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
409 <translation>Numérise des points d'apos;une courbe.
423 <translation>Numériser les points d'une courbe.
411425 Numérise une courbe en y plaçant un point après chaque clic de souris. Utiliser ce mode pour numériser manuellement une courbe point à point.
413427 Les points seront affectés à la courbe actuellement sélectionnée.</translation>
414428 </message>
415429 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
417431 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
418432 <translation>Outil Détection de point</translation>
419433 </message>
420434 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
422436 <source>Shift+F5</source>
423437 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
424438 </message>
425439 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
427441 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
428442 <translation>Numérise des points de courbes en les repérant dans un graphique par point.</translation>
429443 </message>
430444 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
432446 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
434448 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
436450 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
437 <translation>Numérise les points d'apos;une courbe par détection de point
439 Numérise les points d'apos;une courbe en les repérant dans un graphique par point à partir d'apos;un modèle de point. Le procédé démarre en sélectionnant un point représentatif.
451 <translation>Numérise les points d'une courbe par détection de point
453 Numérise les points d'une courbe en les repérant dans un graphique par point à partir d'un modèle de point. Le procédé démarre en sélectionnant un point représentatif.
441455 Les nouveaux points seront affectés à la courbe actuellement sélectionnée.</translation>
442456 </message>
443457 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
445459 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
446 <translation>Pipette à couleurs</translation>
447 </message>
448 <message>
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
460 <translation>Outil Pipette à couleurs</translation>
461 </message>
462 <message>
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
450464 <source>Shift+F6</source>
451465 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
452466 </message>
453467 <message>
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
455469 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
456470 <translation>Réglage de la couleur de filtrage pour le mode de remplissage par segment.</translation>
457471 </message>
458472 <message>
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
460474 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
462476 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
465479 Cliquer sur un pixel le long de la courbe sélectionnée. Ce pixel et son entourage définira les réglages de filtre (couleur, luminosité, etc.) pour la courbe sélectionnée en mode remplissage par segment.</translation>
466480 </message>
467481 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
469483 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
470484 <translation>Outil de remplissage par segment</translation>
471485 </message>
472486 <message>
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
474488 <source>Shift+F7</source>
475489 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
476490 </message>
477491 <message>
478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
479493 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
480 <translation>Numérise des points le long d'apos;un segment de courbe.</translation>
481 </message>
482 <message>
483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
494 <translation>Numérise des points le long d'un segment de courbe.</translation>
495 </message>
496 <message>
497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
484498 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
486500 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
488502 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
489503 <translation>Numérise des points de courbe en mode remplissage par segment
491 Numérise la courbe en plaçant des points le long du segment en surbrillance sous le curseur. Utiliser ce mode pour rapidement numériser plusieurs points d'apos;une courbe en un clic.
505 Numérise la courbe en plaçant des points le long du segment en surbrillance sous le curseur. Utiliser ce mode pour rapidement numériser plusieurs points d'une courbe en un clic.
493507 Les nouveaux points seront affectés à la courbe actuellement sélectionnée.</translation>
494508 </message>
495509 <message>
496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
497511 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
498512 <translation>&amp;Annuler</translation>
499513 </message>
500514 <message>
501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
502516 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
503517 <translation>Annule la dernière action.</translation>
504518 </message>
505519 <message>
506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
507521 <source>Undo
509523 Undo the last operation.</source>
512526 Annule la dernière action effectuée.</translation>
513527 </message>
514528 <message>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
516530 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
517531 <translation>&amp;Rétablir</translation>
518532 </message>
519533 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
521535 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
522 <translation>Rétablit l'apos;opération annulée.</translation>
523 </message>
524 <message>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
536 <translation>Rétablit l'opération annulée.</translation>
537 </message>
538 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
526540 <source>Redo
528542 Redo the last operation.</source>
529543 <translation>Rétablir
531 Rétablit l'apos;opération annulée.</translation>
532 </message>
533 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
545 Rétablit l'opération annulée.</translation>
546 </message>
547 <message>
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
535549 <source>Cut</source>
536550 <translation>Couper</translation>
537551 </message>
538552 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
540554 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
541555 <translation>Coupe les points sélectionnés et les copie vers le presse-papier.</translation>
542556 </message>
543557 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
545559 <source>Cut
547561 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
550564 Coupe les points sélectionnés et les copie vers le presse-papier.</translation>
551565 </message>
552566 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
554568 <source>Copy</source>
555569 <translation>Copier</translation>
556570 </message>
557571 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
559573 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
560574 <translation>Copie les points sélectionnés dans le presse-papier.</translation>
561575 </message>
562576 <message>
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
564578 <source>Copy
566580 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
569583 Copie les points sélectionnés dans le presse-papier.</translation>
570584 </message>
571585 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
573587 <source>Paste</source>
574588 <translation>Coller</translation>
575589 </message>
576590 <message>
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
578592 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
579593 <translation>Colle les points du presse-papier.</translation>
580594 </message>
581595 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
583597 <source>Paste
585599 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
588602 Colle les points du presse-papier. Il seront intégrés à la courbe active.</translation>
589603 </message>
590604 <message>
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
592606 <source>Delete</source>
593607 <translation>Supprimer</translation>
594608 </message>
595609 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
597611 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
598612 <translation>Supprime les points sélectionnés après les avoir copiés vers le presse-papier.</translation>
599613 </message>
600614 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
602616 <source>Delete
604618 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
607621 Supprime les points sélectionnés après les avoir copiés vers le presse-papier.</translation>
608622 </message>
609623 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
611625 <source>Paste As New</source>
612626 <translation>Coller comme Nouveau</translation>
613627 </message>
614628 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
616630 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
617631 <translation>Colle une image du presse-papier.</translation>
618632 </message>
619633 <message>
620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
621635 <source>Paste as New
623637 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
624638 <translation>Coller comme Nouveau
626 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'apos;une image du presse-papier.</translation>
627 </message>
628 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
640 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'une image du presse-papier.</translation>
641 </message>
642 <message>
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
630644 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
631645 <translation>Coller comme Nouveau (Avancé)...</translation>
632646 </message>
633647 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
635649 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636650 <translation>Colle une image du presse-papier en mode avancé.</translation>
637651 </message>
638652 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
640654 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
642656 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
643657 <translation>Coller comme Nouveau (Avancé)
645 Crée un nouveau document en mode avancé à partir d'apos;une image du presse-papier.</translation>
646 </message>
647 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
659 Crée un nouveau document en mode avancé à partir d'une image du presse-papier.</translation>
660 </message>
661 <message>
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
649663 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
650664 <translation>&amp;Importer...</translation>
651665 </message>
652666 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
654668 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
655669 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
656670 </message>
657671 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
659673 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
660 <translation>Crée un nouveau document à partir d'apos;une image.</translation>
661 </message>
662 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
674 <translation>Crée un nouveau document à partir d'une image.</translation>
675 </message>
676 <message>
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
664678 <source>Import Image
666680 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
668682 For more complicated images with multiple coordinate systems, and/or floating axes, Import (Advanced) is used instead.</source>
669683 <translation>Importer une image
671 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'apos;une image ayant un seul système de coordonées, dont les coordonnées des deux axes sont connus.
685 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'une image ayant un seul système de coordonées, dont les coordonnées des deux axes sont connus.
673687 Pour des images plus complexes avec de multiples systèmes de coordonnées, et/ou des axes flottant, utiliser Importer (Avancé).</translation>
674688 </message>
675689 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677691 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678692 <translation>Importer (Avancé)...</translation>
679693 </message>
680694 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682696 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683 <translation>Crée un nouveau document à partir d'apos;une image et le support de fonctions avancées.</translation>
684 </message>
685 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
697 <translation>Crée un nouveau document à partir d'une image et le support de fonctions avancées.</translation>
698 </message>
699 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687701 <source>Import (Advanced)
689703 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
690704 <translation>Importer (Avancé)
692 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'apos;une image et le support de fonctions avancées. En mode avancé, l'apos;image peut contenir plusieurs systèmes de coordonnées et/ou des axes flottants.</translation>
693 </message>
694 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
706 Crée un nouveau document à partir d'une image et le support de fonctions avancées. En mode avancé, l'image peut contenir plusieurs systèmes de coordonnées et/ou des axes flottants.</translation>
707 </message>
708 <message>
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
696710 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
697 <translation>Importer (Remplacer l'apos;image)...</translation>
698 </message>
699 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
711 <translation>Importer (Remplacer l'image)...</translation>
712 </message>
713 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
701715 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
702 <translation>Importe une nouvelle image dans le document actuel en remplaçant l'apos;image existante.</translation>
703 </message>
704 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
716 <translation>Importe une nouvelle image dans le document actuel en remplaçant l'image existante.</translation>
717 </message>
718 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
706720 <source>Import (Image Replace)
708722 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
709 <translation>Importer (Remplacer l'apos;image)
711 Importe une nouvelle image dans le document courant. L'apos;image existante est remplacée, et les courbes du document sont conservées. Utile pour appliquer les points d'apos;axes et autres réglages d'apos;un document existant sur une image différente.</translation>
712 </message>
713 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
723 <translation>Importer (Remplacer l'image)
725 Importe une nouvelle image dans le document courant. L'image existante est remplacée, et les courbes du document sont conservées. Utile pour appliquer les points d'axes et autres réglages d'un document existant sur une image différente.</translation>
726 </message>
727 <message>
728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
715729 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
716730 <translation>&amp;Ouvrir...</translation>
717731 </message>
718732 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
720734 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
721735 <translation>Ouvre un document existant.</translation>
722736 </message>
723737 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
725739 <source>Open Document
727741 Opens an existing document.</source>
730744 Ouvre un fichier existant.</translation>
731745 </message>
732746 <message>
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
734748 <source>&amp;Close</source>
735749 <translation>&amp;Fermer</translation>
736750 </message>
737751 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
739753 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
740754 <translation>Ferme le document ouvert.</translation>
741755 </message>
742756 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
744758 <source>Close Document
746760 Closes the open document.</source>
749763 Ferme le document actuellement ouvert.</translation>
750764 </message>
751765 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
753767 <source>&amp;Save</source>
754768 <translation>&amp;Enregistrer</translation>
755769 </message>
756770 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
758772 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
759773 <translation>Enregistre le document actif.</translation>
760774 </message>
761775 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
763777 <source>Save Document
765779 Saves the current document.</source>
768782 Enregistre le document actif.</translation>
769783 </message>
770784 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
772786 <source>Save As...</source>
773787 <translation>Enregistrer sous...</translation>
774788 </message>
775789 <message>
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
777791 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
778792 <translation>Enregistre le document actif sous un autre nom.</translation>
779793 </message>
780794 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
782796 <source>Save Document As
784798 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
787801 Enregistre le document actif sous un autre nom.</translation>
788802 </message>
789803 <message>
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
791805 <source>Export...</source>
792806 <translation>Exporter...</translation>
793807 </message>
794808 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
796810 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
797811 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
798812 </message>
799813 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
801815 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
802816 <translation>Exporte le document actif dans un fichier.</translation>
803817 </message>
804818 <message>
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
806820 <source>Export Document
808822 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
811825 Exporte le document actif dans un fichier.</translation>
812826 </message>
813827 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
815829 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
816830 <translation>Im&amp;primer...</translation>
817831 </message>
818832 <message>
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
820834 <source>Print the current document.</source>
821835 <translation>Imprime le document actif.</translation>
822836 </message>
823837 <message>
824 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
825839 <source>Print Document
827841 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
830844 Imprime le document actif sur papier ou dans un fichier.</translation>
831845 </message>
832846 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
834848 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
835849 <translation>&amp;Quitter</translation>
836850 </message>
837851 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
839853 <source>Quits the application.</source>
840 <translation>Quitte l'apos;application.</translation>
841 </message>
842 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
854 <translation>Quitte l'application.</translation>
855 </message>
856 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
844858 <source>Exit
846860 Quits the application.</source>
847861 <translation>Quitter
849 Quitte l'apos;application.</translation>
850 </message>
851 <message>
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
863 Quitte l'application.</translation>
864 </message>
865 <message>
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
853867 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
854868 <translation>Assistant pas à pas</translation>
855869 </message>
856870 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
858872 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
859 <translation>Ouvre l'apos;assistant pas à pas lors d'apos;une importation pour indiquer les étapes de numérisation</translation>
860 </message>
861 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
873 <translation>Ouvre l'assistant pas à pas lors d'une importation pour indiquer les étapes de numérisation</translation>
874 </message>
875 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
863877 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
865879 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
866880 <translation>Assistant pas à pas
868 Utiliser l'apos;assistant pas à pas lors d'apos;une importation pour obtenir une liste d'apos;étapes à suivre pour traiter le document</translation>
869 </message>
870 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
882 Utiliser l'assistant pas à pas lors d'une importation pour obtenir une liste d'étapes à suivre pour traiter le document</translation>
883 </message>
884 <message>
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
872886 <source>Tutorial</source>
873887 <translation>Tutoriel</translation>
874888 </message>
875889 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
877891 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
878892 <translation>Démarre le tutoriel montrant les étapes pour numériser des courbes</translation>
879893 </message>
880894 <message>
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
882896 <source>Tutorial
884898 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
887901 Démarre le tutoriel montrant les étapes pour numériser des points sur des courbes tracées par des lignes et/ou des points</translation>
888902 </message>
889903 <message>
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
904 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
891905 <source>Help</source>
892906 <translation>Aide</translation>
893907 </message>
894908 <message>
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
896910 <source>Help documentation</source>
897 <translation>Documentation d'apos;aide</translation>
898 </message>
899 <message>
900 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
911 <translation>Documentation d'aide</translation>
912 </message>
913 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
901915 <source>Help Documentation
903917 Searchable help documentation</source>
904 <translation>Documentation d'apos;aide
906 Recherche d'apos;aide dans la documentation</translation>
907 </message>
908 <message>
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
918 <translation>Documentation d'aide
920 Recherche d'aide dans la documentation</translation>
921 </message>
922 <message>
923 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
910924 <source>About Engauge</source>
911 <translation>A propos d'apos;Engauge</translation>
912 </message>
913 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
925 <translation>A propos d'Engauge</translation>
926 </message>
927 <message>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
915929 <source>About the application.</source>
916 <translation>A propos de l'apos;application.</translation>
917 </message>
918 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
930 <translation>A propos de l'application.</translation>
931 </message>
932 <message>
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
920934 <source>About Engauge
922936 About the application.</source>
923 <translation>A propos d'apos;Engauge
925 A propos de l'apos;application.</translation>
926 </message>
927 <message>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
937 <translation>A propos d'Engauge
939 A propos de l'application.</translation>
940 </message>
941 <message>
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
929943 <source>Coordinates...</source>
930944 <translation>Coordonnées...</translation>
931945 </message>
932946 <message>
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
934948 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
935949 <translation>Réglages des coordonnées.</translation>
936950 </message>
937951 <message>
938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
939953 <source>Coordinate Settings
941955 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
942956 <translation>Réglages des coordonnées
944 Les réglages des coordonnées déterminent le placement des coordonnées graphiques dans l'apos;image</translation>
945 </message>
946 <message>
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
958 Les réglages des coordonnées déterminent le placement des coordonnées graphiques dans l'image</translation>
959 </message>
960 <message>
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
948962 <source>Curve List...</source>
949963 <translation>Liste de courbes...</translation>
950964 </message>
951965 <message>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
953967 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
954968 <translation>Modifier les paramètres de la liste des courbes.</translation>
955969 </message>
956970 <message>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
958972 <source>Curve List
960974 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
963977 Les paramètres de liste de courbes ajoutent, renomment et / ou suppriment des courbes dans le document actuel</translation>
964978 </message>
965979 <message>
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
967981 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
968982 <translation>Propriétés de la courbe...</translation>
969983 </message>
970984 <message>
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
972986 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
973987 <translation>Edite les propriétés de la courbe.</translation>
974988 </message>
975989 <message>
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
977991 <source>Curve Properties Settings
979993 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
980994 <translation>Propriétés de la courbe
982 Les propriétés de la courbe déterminent l'apos;apparence de chaque courbe</translation>
983 </message>
984 <message>
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
996 Les propriétés de la courbe déterminent l'apparence de chaque courbe</translation>
997 </message>
998 <message>
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
9861000 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
9871001 <translation>Numérisation de courbe...</translation>
9881002 </message>
9891003 <message>
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
9911005 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
992 <translation>Edite les réglages de numérisation d'apos;axes et de courbes.</translation>
993 </message>
994 <message>
995 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1006 <translation>Edite les réglages de numérisation d'axes et de courbes.</translation>
1007 </message>
1008 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9961010 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9981012 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
999 <translation>Réglages de numérisation d'apos;axes et de courbes.
1001 Les réglages de numérisation déterminent la façon dont les points sont numérisés en mode points d'apos;axes et numérisation des courbes</translation>
1002 </message>
1003 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1013 <translation>Réglages de numérisation d'axes et de courbes.
1015 Les réglages de numérisation déterminent la façon dont les points sont numérisés en mode points d'axes et numérisation des courbes</translation>
1016 </message>
1017 <message>
1018 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10051019 <source>Export Format...</source>
1006 <translation>Format d'apos;export...</translation>
1007 </message>
1008 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1020 <translation>Format d'export...</translation>
1021 </message>
1022 <message>
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10101024 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
1011 <translation>Réglages d'apos;export des données.</translation>
1012 </message>
1013 <message>
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1025 <translation>Réglages d'export des données.</translation>
1026 </message>
1027 <message>
1028 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10151029 <source>Export Format Settings
10171031 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
1018 <translation>Réglages d'apos;export des données
1020 Affecte la façon d'apos;exporter les données dans un fichier</translation>
1021 </message>
1022 <message>
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1032 <translation>Réglages d'export des données
1034 Affecte la façon d'exporter les données dans un fichier</translation>
1035 </message>
1036 <message>
1037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10241038 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10251039 <translation>Filtrage couleur...</translation>
10261040 </message>
10271041 <message>
1028 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10291043 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10301044 <translation>Modifier les réglages du filtrage couleur.</translation>
10311045 </message>
10321046 <message>
1033 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10341048 <source>Color Filter Settings
10361050 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10391053 Les réglages du filtrage couleur simplifient le graphique pour faciliter la détection de points et le remplissage par segment</translation>
10401054 </message>
10411055 <message>
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1056 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10431057 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10441058 <translation>Vérification des axes...</translation>
10451059 </message>
10461060 <message>
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10481062 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10491063 <translation>Réglages de vérification des axes.</translation>
10501064 </message>
10511065 <message>
1052 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10531067 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10551069 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10561070 <translation>Réglages de vérification des axes
1058 La vérification des axes peut indiquer des erreurs de points d'apos;axes difficiles à trouver autrement.</translation>
1059 </message>
1060 <message>
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1072 La vérification des axes peut indiquer des erreurs de points d'axes difficiles à trouver autrement.</translation>
1073 </message>
1074 <message>
1075 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10621076 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10631077 <translation>Affichage des lignes de grilles...</translation>
10641078 </message>
10651079 <message>
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10671081 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
1068 <translation>Edite les paramètres d'apos;affichage de la grille.</translation>
1069 </message>
1070 <message>
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1082 <translation>Edite les paramètres d'affichage de la grille.</translation>
1083 </message>
1084 <message>
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10721086 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10741088 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
1075 <translation>Réglages d'apos;affichage de la grille
1077 La grille affichée sur le graphique peut permettre une précision supérieure au vérificateur des axes sur un graphique distordu. Sur un graphique distordu, la grille permet d'apos;ajuster les points d'apos;axes pour une meilleure précision dans certaines zones.</translation>
1078 </message>
1079 <message>
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1089 <translation>Réglages d'affichage de la grille
1091 La grille affichée sur le graphique peut permettre une précision supérieure au vérificateur des axes sur un graphique distordu. Sur un graphique distordu, la grille permet d'ajuster les points d'axes pour une meilleure précision dans certaines zones.</translation>
1092 </message>
1093 <message>
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10811095 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10821096 <translation>Suppression des lignes de grille...</translation>
10831097 </message>
10841098 <message>
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10861100 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10871101 <translation>Réglages de la suppression des lignes de grille.</translation>
10881102 </message>
10891103 <message>
1090 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10911105 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10931107 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10941108 <translation>Réglages de la suppression des lignes de grille
1096 La suppression des lignes de grille permet d'apos;isoler une courbe des lignes d'apos;une grille pour faciliter la numérisation de ses points lorsque le filtrage par couleur n'apos;est pas efficace.</translation>
1097 </message>
1098 <message>
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1110 La suppression des lignes de grille permet d'isoler une courbe des lignes d'une grille pour faciliter la numérisation de ses points lorsque le filtrage par couleur n'est pas efficace.</translation>
1111 </message>
1112 <message>
1113 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
11001114 <source>Point Match...</source>
11011115 <translation>Détection de point...</translation>
11021116 </message>
11031117 <message>
1104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11051119 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
11061120 <translation>Réglages de la détection de points.</translation>
11071121 </message>
11081122 <message>
1109 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11101124 <source>Point Match Settings
11121126 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
11151129 Les réglages de la détection de points détermine la façon de repérer les points de courbes</translation>
11161130 </message>
11171131 <message>
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1132 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11191133 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11201134 <translation>Remplissage par segment...</translation>
11211135 </message>
11221136 <message>
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11241138 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11251139 <translation>Réglages du remplissage par segment.</translation>
11261140 </message>
11271141 <message>
1128 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11291143 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11311145 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11341148 Ces réglages déterminent comment les points sont générés en mode remplissage par segment</translation>
11351149 </message>
11361150 <message>
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1151 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11381152 <source>General...</source>
11391153 <translation>Généralités...</translation>
11401154 </message>
11411155 <message>
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11431157 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11441158 <translation>Modifier les réglages généraux.</translation>
11451159 </message>
11461160 <message>
1147 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11481162 <source>General Settings
11501164 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11531167 Les réglages généraux sont des réglages propres au document et affectant plusieurs modes. Par exemple, le réglage de la taille du curseur affecte à la fois la pipette à couleurs et le mode de détection de point</translation>
11541168 </message>
11551169 <message>
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1170 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11571171 <source>Main Window...</source>
11581172 <translation>Fenêtre principale...</translation>
11591173 </message>
11601174 <message>
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11621176 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11631177 <translation>Modifier les réglages d ela fenêtre principale.</translation>
11641178 </message>
11651179 <message>
1166 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11671181 <source>Main Window Settings
11691183 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11701184 <translation>Réglages de la fenêtre principale
1172 Les réglages de la fenêtre principale concernent l'apos;interface utilisateur. Ils ne sont pas liés à un document particulier</translation>
1173 </message>
1174 <message>
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1186 Les réglages de la fenêtre principale concernent l'interface utilisateur. Ils ne sont pas liés à un document particulier</translation>
1187 </message>
1188 <message>
1189 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11761190 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
1177 <translation>Outils d'apos;arrière-plan</translation>
1178 </message>
1179 <message>
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1191 <translation>Outils d'arrière-plan</translation>
1192 </message>
1193 <message>
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11811195 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
1182 <translation>Montre ou cache la barre d'apos;outils d'apos;arrière-plan.</translation>
1183 </message>
1184 <message>
1185 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1196 <translation>Montre ou cache la barre d'outils d'arrière-plan.</translation>
1197 </message>
1198 <message>
1199 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11861200 <source>View Background ToolBar
11881202 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
1189 <translation>Affichage Barre d'apos;outils Arrière-plan
1191 Affiche ou masque la barre d'apos;outils d'apos;arrière-plan</translation>
1192 </message>
1193 <message>
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1203 <translation>Affichage Barre d'outils Arrière-plan
1205 Affiche ou masque la barre d'outils d'arrière-plan</translation>
1206 </message>
1207 <message>
1208 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11951209 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
1196 <translation>Barre d'apos;outils de l'apos;assistant pas à pas</translation>
1197 </message>
1198 <message>
1199 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1210 <translation>Barre d'outils de l'assistant pas à pas</translation>
1211 </message>
1212 <message>
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
12001214 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
1201 <translation>Affiche ou masque l'apos;assistant pas à pas.</translation>
1202 </message>
1203 <message>
1204 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1215 <translation>Affiche ou masque l'assistant pas à pas.</translation>
1216 </message>
1217 <message>
1218 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12051219 <source>View Checklist Guide
12071221 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
1208 <translation>Afficher l'apos;assistant pas à pas
1210 Affiche ou masque l'apos;assistant pas à pas</translation>
1211 </message>
1212 <message>
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1222 <translation>Afficher l'assistant pas à pas
1224 Affiche ou masque l'assistant pas à pas</translation>
1225 </message>
1226 <message>
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12141228 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
1215 <translation>Fenêtre d'apos;Ajustement de Courbe</translation>
1216 </message>
1217 <message>
1218 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1229 <translation>Fenêtre d'Ajustement de Courbe</translation>
1230 </message>
1231 <message>
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12191233 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
1220 <translation>Affiche ou masque la fenêtre d'apos;ajustement de courbe.</translation>
1221 </message>
1222 <message>
1223 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1234 <translation>Affiche ou masque la fenêtre d'ajustement de courbe.</translation>
1235 </message>
1236 <message>
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12241238 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12261240 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
1227 <translation>Afficher la Fenêtre d'apos;Ajustement de Courbe
1229 Affiche ou masque la fenêtre d'apos;ajustement de courbe</translation>
1230 </message>
1231 <message>
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1241 <translation>Afficher la Fenêtre d'Ajustement de Courbe
1243 Affiche ou masque la fenêtre d'ajustement de courbe</translation>
1244 </message>
1245 <message>
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12331247 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12341248 <translation>Fenêtre Géométrie</translation>
12351249 </message>
12361250 <message>
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1251 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12381252 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12391253 <translation>Affiche ou masque la fenêtre Géométrie.</translation>
12401254 </message>
12411255 <message>
1242 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12431257 <source>View Geometry Window
12451259 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12481262 Affiche ou masque la fenêtre Géométrie</translation>
12491263 </message>
12501264 <message>
1251 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1265 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12521266 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
1253 <translation>Barre d'apos;outils de numérisation</translation>
1254 </message>
1255 <message>
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1267 <translation>Barre d'outils de numérisation</translation>
1268 </message>
1269 <message>
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12571271 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
1258 <translation>Affiche ou masque la barre d'apos;outils de numérisation.</translation>
1259 </message>
1260 <message>
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1272 <translation>Affiche ou masque la barre d'outils de numérisation.</translation>
1273 </message>
1274 <message>
1275 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12621276 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12641278 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
1265 <translation>Afficher la barre d'apos;outils de numérisation
1267 Affiche ou masque la barre d'apos;outils de numérisation</translation>
1268 </message>
1269 <message>
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1279 <translation>Afficher la barre d'outils de numérisation
1281 Affiche ou masque la barre d'outils de numérisation</translation>
1282 </message>
1283 <message>
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12711285 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
1272 <translation>Barre d'apos;outils des réglages d'apos;affichages</translation>
1273 </message>
1274 <message>
1275 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1286 <translation>Barre d'outils des réglages d'affichages</translation>
1287 </message>
1288 <message>
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12761290 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
1277 <translation>Affiche ou masque les outils des réglages d'apos;affichages.</translation>
1278 </message>
1279 <message>
1280 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1291 <translation>Affiche ou masque les outils des réglages d'affichages.</translation>
1292 </message>
1293 <message>
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12811295 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12831297 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
1284 <translation>Affihcer la barre d'apos;outils des réglages d'apos;affichages
1286 Affiche ou masque les outils des réglages d'apos;affichages. Ces affichages montrent les données importantes du graphique.</translation>
1287 </message>
1288 <message>
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1298 <translation>Affihcer la barre d'outils des réglages d'affichages
1300 Affiche ou masque les outils des réglages d'affichages. Ces affichages montrent les données importantes du graphique.</translation>
1301 </message>
1302 <message>
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12901304 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
1291 <translation>Barre d'apos;outils des systèmes de coordonées</translation>
1292 </message>
1293 <message>
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1305 <translation>Barre d'outils des systèmes de coordonées</translation>
1306 </message>
1307 <message>
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12951309 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12961310 <translation>Affiche ou masque les outils des systèmes de coordonnées.</translation>
12971311 </message>
12981312 <message>
1299 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
13001314 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
13021316 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13041318 This toolbar is disabled when there is only one coordinate system.</source>
13051319 <translation>Afficher les outils des systèmes de coordonnées
1307 Affiche ou masque les outils des systèmes de coordonnées. Cette barre d'apos;outils permet de choisir un système de coordonnées quand le document en contient plusieurs. Elle sert aussi à afficher et imprimer tous les systèmes de coordonnées.
1309 Cette barre d'apos;outils est inhibée quand il n'apos;y a qu'apos;un seul système de coordonnées.</translation>
1310 </message>
1311 <message>
1312 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1321 Affiche ou masque les outils des systèmes de coordonnées. Cette barre d'outils permet de choisir un système de coordonnées quand le document en contient plusieurs. Elle sert aussi à afficher et imprimer tous les systèmes de coordonnées.
1323 Cette barre d'outils est inhibée quand il n'y a qu'un seul système de coordonnées.</translation>
1324 </message>
1325 <message>
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13131327 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13141328 <translation>Info-bulles</translation>
13151329 </message>
13161330 <message>
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13181332 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13191333 <translation>Affiche ou masque les info-bulles.</translation>
13201334 </message>
13211335 <message>
1322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13231337 <source>View Tool Tips
13251339 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13281342 Affiche ou masque les info-bulles</translation>
13291343 </message>
13301344 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13321346 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13331347 <translation>Lignes de grille</translation>
13341348 </message>
13351349 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13371351 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13381352 <translation>Affiche ou masque la grille.</translation>
13391353 </message>
13401354 <message>
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13421356 <source>View Grid Lines
13441358 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13451359 <translation>Afficher la grille
1347 Affiche ou masque les lignes de grilles ajoutées pour un placement précis des points d'apos;axes, pouvant améliorer la précision sur des graphiques distordus</translation>
1348 </message>
1349 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1361 Affiche ou masque les lignes de grilles ajoutées pour un placement précis des points d'axes, pouvant améliorer la précision sur des graphiques distordus</translation>
1362 </message>
1363 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13511365 <source>No Background</source>
1352 <translation>Pas d'apos;arrière-plan</translation>
1353 </message>
1354 <message>
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1366 <translation>Pas d'arrière-plan</translation>
1367 </message>
1368 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13561370 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
1357 <translation>N'apos;affiche pas l'apos;image sous les points.</translation>
1358 </message>
1359 <message>
1360 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1371 <translation>N'affiche pas l'image sous les points.</translation>
1372 </message>
1373 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13611375 <source>No Background
13631377 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
1364 <translation>Pas d'apos;arrière-plan
1366 Aucune image n'apos;est affichée afin de mieux voir les points</translation>
1367 </message>
1368 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1378 <translation>Pas d'arrière-plan
1380 Aucune image n'est affichée afin de mieux voir les points</translation>
1381 </message>
1382 <message>
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13701384 <source>Show Original Image</source>
1371 <translation>Iimage d'apos;origine</translation>
1372 </message>
1373 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1385 <translation>Iimage d'origine</translation>
1386 </message>
1387 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13751389 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
1376 <translation>Affiche l'apos;image d'apos;origine sous les points.</translation>
1377 </message>
1378 <message>
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1390 <translation>Affiche l'image d'origine sous les points.</translation>
1391 </message>
1392 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13801394 <source>Show Original Image
13821396 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
1383 <translation>Afficher l'apos;image d'apos;origine.
1385 Affiche l'apos;image d'apos;origine sous les points</translation>
1386 </message>
1387 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1397 <translation>Afficher l'image d'origine.
1399 Affiche l'image d'origine sous les points</translation>
1400 </message>
1401 <message>
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13891403 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13901404 <translation>Image filtrée</translation>
13911405 </message>
13921406 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13941408 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
1395 <translation>Affiche l'apos;image filtrée sous les points.</translation>
1396 </message>
1397 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1409 <translation>Affiche l'image filtrée sous les points.</translation>
1410 </message>
1411 <message>
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13991413 <source>Show Filtered Image
14011415 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14031417 The filtered image is created from the original image according to the Filter preferences so unimportant information is hidden and important information is emphasized</source>
1404 <translation>Afficher l'apos;image filtrée
1406 Affiche l'apos;image filtrée sous les points. L'apos;image filtrée est obtenue à partir de l'apos;image d'apos;origine à laquelle sont appliqués les réglages de filtrage afin de masquer les informations non essentielles et d'apos;accentuer les informations importantes</translation>
1407 </message>
1408 <message>
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1418 <translation>Afficher l'image filtrée
1420 Affiche l'image filtrée sous les points. L'image filtrée est obtenue à partir de l'image d'origine à laquelle sont appliqués les réglages de filtrage afin de masquer les informations non essentielles et d'accentuer les informations importantes</translation>
1421 </message>
1422 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14101424 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14111425 <translation>Masquer toutes les courbes</translation>
14121426 </message>
14131427 <message>
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14151429 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14161430 <translation>Masque toutes les courbes numérisées.</translation>
14171431 </message>
14181432 <message>
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14201434 <source>Hide All Curves
14221436 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14231437 <translation>Masquer toutes les courbes
1425 Les points d'apos;axes et les courbes numérisées sont masqués afin de rendre l'apos;image plus visible.</translation>
1426 </message>
1427 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1439 Les points d'axes et les courbes numérisées sont masqués afin de rendre l'image plus visible.</translation>
1440 </message>
1441 <message>
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14291443 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14301444 <translation>Afficher la courbe sélectionnée</translation>
14311445 </message>
14321446 <message>
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14341448 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14351449 <translation>Affiche uniquement la courbe actuellement sélectionnée.</translation>
14361450 </message>
14371451 <message>
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14391453 <source>Show Selected Curve
14411455 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14441458 Affiche uniquement les points numérisés et la ligne appartenant à la courbe actuellement sélectionnée.</translation>
14451459 </message>
14461460 <message>
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14481462 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14491463 <translation>Afficher toutes les courbes</translation>
14501464 </message>
14511465 <message>
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14531467 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14541468 <translation>Affiche toutes les courbes.</translation>
14551469 </message>
14561470 <message>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14581472 <source>Show All Curves
14601474 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14611475 <translation>Afficher toutes les courbes
1463 Affiche tous les points d'apos;axes et les courbes numérisées</translation>
1464 </message>
1465 <message>
1466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1477 Affiche tous les points d'axes et les courbes numérisées</translation>
1478 </message>
1479 <message>
1480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14671481 <source>Hide Always</source>
14681482 <translation>Toujours cachée</translation>
14691483 </message>
14701484 <message>
1471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14721486 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
1473 <translation>Cache la barre d'apos;état en permanence.</translation>
1474 </message>
1475 <message>
1476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1487 <translation>Cache la barre d'état en permanence.</translation>
1488 </message>
1489 <message>
1490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14771491 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
1478 <translation>Cache la barre d'apos;état. Les messages temporaires d'apos;état ou d'apos;information n'apos;apparaîtront pas.</translation>
1479 </message>
1480 <message>
1481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1492 <translation>Cache la barre d'état. Les messages temporaires d'état ou d'information n'apparaîtront pas.</translation>
1493 </message>
1494 <message>
1495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14821496 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14831497 <translation>Afficher les messages temporaires</translation>
14841498 </message>
14851499 <message>
1486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14871501 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
1488 <translation>Cache la barre d'apos;état sauf pour afficher des messages temporaires.</translation>
1489 </message>
1490 <message>
1491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1502 <translation>Cache la barre d'état sauf pour afficher des messages temporaires.</translation>
1503 </message>
1504 <message>
1505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14921506 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
1493 <translation>Cache la barre d'apos;état, sauf pour afficher des messages temporaires d'apos;état ou d'apos;information.</translation>
1494 </message>
1495 <message>
1496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1507 <translation>Cache la barre d'état, sauf pour afficher des messages temporaires d'état ou d'information.</translation>
1508 </message>
1509 <message>
1510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14971511 <source>Show Always</source>
14981512 <translation>Toujours affichée</translation>
14991513 </message>
15001514 <message>
1501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15021516 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
1503 <translation>Affiche la barre d'apos;état en permanence.</translation>
1504 </message>
1505 <message>
1506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1517 <translation>Affiche la barre d'état en permanence.</translation>
1518 </message>
1519 <message>
1520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15071521 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
1508 <translation>Affiche la barre d'apos;état. En plus d'apos;afficher des messages temporaires d'apos;état ou d'apos;information, la barre d'apos;état indique aussi la position du curseur.</translation>
1509 </message>
1510 <message>
1511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1522 <translation>Affiche la barre d'état. En plus d'afficher des messages temporaires d'état ou d'information, la barre d'état indique aussi la position du curseur.</translation>
1523 </message>
1524 <message>
1525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15121526 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15131527 <translation>Zoom arrière</translation>
15141528 </message>
15151529 <message>
1516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15171531 <source>Zoom out</source>
15181532 <translation>Zoom arrière</translation>
15191533 </message>
15201534 <message>
1521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15221536 <source>Zoom In</source>
15231537 <translation>Zoom avant</translation>
15241538 </message>
15251539 <message>
1526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15271541 <source>Zoom in</source>
15281542 <translation>Zoom avant</translation>
15291543 </message>
15301544 <message>
1531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15321546 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15331547 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15341548 </message>
15351549 <message>
1536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15371551 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15381552 <translation>Zoom 16:1</translation>
15391553 </message>
15401554 <message>
1541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15421556 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15431557 <translation>16:1 plus loin (1270%)</translation>
15441558 </message>
15451559 <message>
1546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15471561 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15481562 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
15491563 </message>
15501564 <message>
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15521566 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15531567 <translation>8:1 plus proche (1008%)</translation>
15541568 </message>
15551569 <message>
1556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15571571 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15581572 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
15591573 </message>
15601574 <message>
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15621576 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15631577 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15641578 </message>
15651579 <message>
1566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15671581 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15681582 <translation>Zoom 8:1</translation>
15691583 </message>
15701584 <message>
1571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15721586 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15731587 <translation>8:1 plus loin (635%)</translation>
15741588 </message>
15751589 <message>
1576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15771591 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15781592 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
15791593 </message>
15801594 <message>
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15821596 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15831597 <translation>4:1 plus proche (504%)</translation>
15841598 </message>
15851599 <message>
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15871601 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15881602 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
15891603 </message>
15901604 <message>
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15921606 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15931607 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15941608 </message>
15951609 <message>
1596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15971611 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15981612 <translation>Zoom 4:1</translation>
15991613 </message>
16001614 <message>
1601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16021616 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16031617 <translation>4:1 plus loin (317%)</translation>
16041618 </message>
16051619 <message>
1606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16071621 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16081622 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
16091623 </message>
16101624 <message>
1611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16121626 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16131627 <translation>2:1 plus proche (252%)</translation>
16141628 </message>
16151629 <message>
1616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16171631 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16181632 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
16191633 </message>
16201634 <message>
1621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16221636 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16231637 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16241638 </message>
16251639 <message>
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16271641 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16281642 <translation>Zoom 2:1</translation>
16291643 </message>
16301644 <message>
1631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16321646 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16331647 <translation>2:1 plus loin (159%)</translation>
16341648 </message>
16351649 <message>
1636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16371651 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16381652 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
16391653 </message>
16401654 <message>
1641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16421656 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16431657 <translation>1:1 plus proche (126%)</translation>
16441658 </message>
16451659 <message>
1646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16471661 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16481662 <translation>Zoom 1.3:1</translation>
16491663 </message>
16501664 <message>
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16521666 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16531667 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16541668 </message>
16551669 <message>
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16571671 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16581672 <translation>Zoom 1:1</translation>
16591673 </message>
16601674 <message>
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16621676 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16631677 <translation>1:1 plus loin (79%)</translation>
16641678 </message>
16651679 <message>
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16671681 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16681682 <translation>Zoom 0.8:1</translation>
16691683 </message>
16701684 <message>
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16721686 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16731687 <translation>1:2 plus proche (63%)</translation>
16741688 </message>
16751689 <message>
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16771691 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16781692 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
16791693 </message>
16801694 <message>
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16821696 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16831697 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16841698 </message>
16851699 <message>
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16871701 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16881702 <translation>Zoom 1:2</translation>
16891703 </message>
16901704 <message>
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16921706 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16931707 <translation>1:2 plus loin (40%)</translation>
16941708 </message>
16951709 <message>
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1710 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16971711 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16981712 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
16991713 </message>
17001714 <message>
1701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1715 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17021716 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17031717 <translation>1:4 plus proche (31%)</translation>
17041718 </message>
17051719 <message>
1706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1720 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17071721 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17081722 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
17091723 </message>
17101724 <message>
1711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17121726 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17131727 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
17141728 </message>
17151729 <message>
1716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17171731 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17181732 <translation>Zoom 1:4</translation>
17191733 </message>
17201734 <message>
1721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17221736 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17231737 <translation>1:4 plus loin (20%)</translation>
17241738 </message>
17251739 <message>
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17271741 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17281742 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
17291743 </message>
17301744 <message>
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1745 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17321746 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17331747 <translation>1:8 plus proche (12.5%)</translation>
17341748 </message>
17351749 <message>
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17371750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17381752 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17391753 <translation>Zoom 1:8</translation>
17401754 </message>
17411755 <message>
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17431757 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17441758 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17451759 </message>
17461760 <message>
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17481762 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17491763 <translation>1:8 plus loin (10%)</translation>
17501764 </message>
17511765 <message>
1752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17531767 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17541768 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
17551769 </message>
17561770 <message>
1757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17581772 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17591773 <translation>1:16 plus proche (8%)</translation>
17601774 </message>
17611775 <message>
1762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17631777 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17641778 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
17651779 </message>
17661780 <message>
1767 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17681782 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17691783 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17701784 </message>
17711785 <message>
1772 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1786 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17731787 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17741788 <translation>Zoom 1:16</translation>
17751789 </message>
17761790 <message>
1777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1791 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17781792 <source>Fill</source>
17791793 <translation>Remplir</translation>
17801794 </message>
17811795 <message>
1782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1796 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17831797 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17841798 <translation>Ajuste le zoom pour remplir la fenêtre</translation>
17851799 </message>
18241838 <message>
18251839 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="87" />
18261840 <source>Status Bar</source>
1827 <translation>Barre d'apos;état</translation>
1841 <translation>Barre d'état</translation>
18281842 </message>
18291843 <message>
18301844 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="92" />
18471861 <message>
18481862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="42" />
18491863 <source>Select background image</source>
1850 <translation>Choisir l'apos;image d'apos;arrière-plan</translation>
1864 <translation>Choisir l'image d'arrière-plan</translation>
18511865 </message>
18521866 <message>
18531867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="43" />
18591873 3) Filtered image which highlights important details</source>
18601874 <translation>Arrière-plan sélectionné
1862 Sélectionne l'apos;arrière-plan:
1876 Sélectionne l'arrière-plan:
18631877 1) Sans arrière-plan met les points en valeur
1864 2) L'apos;image d'apos;origine affiche tout
1865 3) L'apos;image filtrée met en valeur les détails importants</translation>
1878 2) L'image d'origine affiche tout
1879 3) L'image filtrée met en valeur les détails importants</translation>
18661880 </message>
18671881 <message>
18681882 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="48" />
18691883 <source>No background</source>
1870 <translation>Pas d'apos;arrière-plan</translation>
1884 <translation>Pas d'arrière-plan</translation>
18711885 </message>
18721886 <message>
18731887 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="49" />
18741888 <source>Original image</source>
1875 <translation>Image d'apos;origine</translation>
1889 <translation>Image d'origine</translation>
18761890 </message>
18771891 <message>
18781892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="50" />
19191933 Points style for the currently selected curve. The points style is only displayed in this toolbar. To change the points style, use the Curve Properties dialog.</source>
19201934 <translation>Type de point
1922 Style des points pour la courbe sélectionnée. Le style des points n'apos;est affiché que dans cette barre. Pour changer le style, utiliser la fenêtre de propriétés de la courbe.</translation>
1936 Style des points pour la courbe sélectionnée. Le style des points n'est affiché que dans cette barre. Pour changer le style, utiliser la fenêtre de propriétés de la courbe.</translation>
19231937 </message>
19241938 <message>
19251939 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="96" />
19331947 View of filter for the current curve in Segment Fill mode. The filter settings are only displayed in this toolbar. To changed the filter settings, use the Color Picker mode or the Filter Settings dialog.</source>
19341948 <translation>Filtre du remplissage par segment
1936 Couleur de filtre pour la courbe sélectionnée en mode remplissage par segment. Les réglages du filtre sont uniquement affichés dans cette barre d'apos;outils. Pour les changer, utiliser la pipette à couleurs ou la fenêtre de réglage de filtre.</translation>
1950 Couleur de filtre pour la courbe sélectionnée en mode remplissage par segment. Les réglages du filtre sont uniquement affichés dans cette barre d'outils. Pour les changer, utiliser la pipette à couleurs ou la fenêtre de réglage de filtre.</translation>
19371951 </message>
19381952 <message>
19391953 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="103" />
19942008 <message>
19952009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="15" />
19962010 <source>About Engauge</source>
1997 <translation>A propos d'apos;Engauge</translation>
2011 <translation>A propos d'Engauge</translation>
19982012 </message>
19992013 <message>
20002014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="32" />
20472061 <context>
20482062 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20492063 <message>
2050 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2064 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20512065 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2052 <translation>Modifier le point d'apos;axe</translation>
2053 </message>
2054 <message>
2055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2066 <translation>Modifier le point d'axe</translation>
2067 </message>
2068 <message>
2069 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20562070 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20572071 <translation>Coordonnées graphiques</translation>
20582072 </message>
20592073 <message>
2060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20612075 <source>as</source>
20622076 <translation>en</translation>
20632077 </message>
20642078 <message>
2065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20662080 <source>(</source>
20672081 <translation>(</translation>
20682082 </message>
20692083 <message>
2070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2084 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20712085 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2073 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2087 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20752089 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2076 <translation>Entrer la première coordonnée graphique du point d'apos;axe.
2078 Pour un plan cartésien il s'apos;agit du X, pour un graphique polaire il s'apos;agit du rayon R.
2080 Le format des valeurs est déterminé par la localisation. Si les valeurs entrées ne sont pas reconnues, vérifier la localisation dans le menu Paramètres/Fenêtre principale...</translation>
2081 </message>
2082 <message>
2083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2090 <translation>Entrez la coordonnée du premier graphique du point de l'axe. Pour les tracés cartésiens, il s'agit de X. Pour les tracés polaires, il s'agit de l'angle Thêta. Si les valeurs saisies ne sont pas reconnues comme prévu, vérifiez les paramètres régionaux dans Paramètres / Fenêtre principale ...</translation>
2091 </message>
2092 <message>
2093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20842094 <source>, </source>
20852095 <translation>, </translation>
20862096 </message>
20872097 <message>
2088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20892099 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2091 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2101 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20932103 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2094 <translation>Entrer la seconde coordonnée graphique du point d'apos;axe.
2096 Pour un plan cartésien il s'apos;agit du Y, pour un graphique polaire il s'apos;agit de l'apos;angle Theta.
2098 Le format des valeurs est déterminé par la localisation. Si les valeurs entrées ne sont pas reconnues, vérifier la localisation dans le menu Paramètres/Fenêtre principale...</translation>
2099 </message>
2100 <message>
2101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2104 <translation>Entrez la seconde coordonnée du point de l'axe. Pour les tracés cartésiens, il s'agit de Y. Pour les tracés polaires, il s'agit du rayon R. thisLe format attendu de la valeur de la coordonnée est déterminé par les paramètres régionaux. Si les valeurs saisies ne sont pas reconnues comme prévu, vérifiez les paramètres régionaux dans Paramètres / Fenêtre principale ...</translation>
2105 </message>
2106 <message>
2107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
21022108 <source>)</source>
21032109 <translation>)</translation>
21042110 </message>
21052111 <message>
2106 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2107 <source>Number format</source>
2108 <translation>Format de numéro</translation>
2109 </message>
2110 <message>
2111 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2113 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2114 <translation>Nombre de coordonnées par point d'axe:</translation>
2115 </message>
2116 <message>
2117 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2118 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2119 <translation>Trois points d'axe avec deux coordonnées chacun sont normalement utilisés. Si chaque point de l'axe n'a qu'une coordonnée connue, recommencez avec Fichier / Importer (avancé) / 4 points de l'axe</translation>
2120 </message>
2121 <message>
2122 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2123 <source>Number format:</source>
2124 <translation>Format de nombre:</translation>
2125 </message>
2126 <message>
2127 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2128 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2129 <translation>Paramètres régionaux qui déterminent les formats de nombre autorisés. Ceci est défini par Paramètres / Fenêtre principale.</translation>
2130 </message>
2131 <message>
2132 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21122133 <source>Ok</source>
21132134 <translation>Ok</translation>
21142135 </message>
21152136 <message>
2116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2137 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21172138 <source>Cancel</source>
21182139 <translation>Annuler</translation>
21192140 </message>
21512172 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
21522173 <translation>Entrer la première coordonnée à attribuer au point de courbe.
2154 Laisser vide si aucune valeur n'apos;est à attribuer au point de courbe.
2156 Pour un plan cartésien il s'apos;agit du X, pour un graphique polaire il s'apos;agit du rayon R.
2175 Laisser vide si aucune valeur n'est à attribuer au point de courbe.
2177 Pour un plan cartésien il s'agit du X, pour un graphique polaire il s'agit du rayon R.
21582179 Le format des valeurs est déterminé par la localisation. Si les valeurs entrées ne sont pas reconnues, vérifier la localisation dans le menu Paramètres/Fenêtre principale...</translation>
21592180 </message>
21732194 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
21742195 <translation>Entrer la seconde coordonnée graphique du point de courbe.
2176 Laisser vide si aucune valeur n'apos;est à attribuer au point de courbe.
2178 Pour un plan cartésien il s'apos;agit du Y, pour un graphique polaire il s'apos;agit de l'apos;angle Theta.
2197 Laisser vide si aucune valeur n'est à attribuer au point de courbe.
2199 Pour un plan cartésien il s'agit du Y, pour un graphique polaire il s'git de l'angle Theta.
21802201 Le format des valeurs est déterminé par la localisation. Si les valeurs entrées ne sont pas reconnues, vérifier la localisation dans le menu Paramètres/Fenêtre principale...</translation>
21812202 </message>
22052226 <message>
22062227 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="51" />
22072228 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2208 <translation>Modifier le point d'apos;axe</translation>
2229 <translation>Modifier le point d'axe</translation>
22092230 </message>
22102231 <message>
22112232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="80" />
22252246 <message>
22262247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="110" />
22272248 <source>Scale Length</source>
2228 <translation>Longueur d'apos;échelle</translation>
2249 <translation>Longueur d'échelle</translation>
22292250 </message>
22302251 <message>
22312252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="122" />
22322253 <source>Enter the scale bar length</source>
2233 <translation>Entrez la longueur de la barre d'apos;échelle</translation>
2254 <translation>Entrez la longueur de la barre d'échelle</translation>
22342255 </message>
22352256 </context>
22362257 <context>
22382259 <message>
22392260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="31" />
22402261 <source>Error Report</source>
2241 <translation>Rapport d'apos;erreur</translation>
2262 <translation>Rapport d'erreur</translation>
22422263 </message>
22432264 <message>
22442265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="34" />
22452266 <source>An unrecoverable error has occurred. Would you like to save an error report that can be sent later to the Engauge developers?
22472268 The original document can be sent as part of the error report, which increases the chances of finding and fixing the problem(s). However, if any information is private then an anonymized version of the document will be sent.</source>
2248 <translation>Une erreur irrécupérable s'apos;est produite. Souhaitez-vous enregistrer un rapport d'apos;erreurs qui peut être envoyé ultérieurement aux développeurs Engauge? Le document original peut être envoyé dans le cadre du rapport d'apos;erreurs, ce qui augmente les chances de trouver et de résoudre le (s) problème (s). Cependant, si des informations sont privées, une version anonymisée du document sera envoyée.</translation>
2269 <translation>Une erreur irrécupérable s'est produite. Souhaitez-vous enregistrer un rapport d'erreurs qui peut être envoyé ultérieurement aux développeurs Engauge? Le document original peut être envoyé dans le cadre du rapport d'erreurs, ce qui augmente les chances de trouver et de résoudre le (s) problème (s). Cependant, si des informations sont privées, une version anonymisée du document sera envoyée.</translation>
22492270 </message>
22502271 <message>
22512272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="42" />
22522273 <source>Include original document information, otherwise anonymize the information</source>
2253 <translation>Inclure les informations du document original, sinon anonymiser l'apos;information</translation>
2274 <translation>Inclure les informations du document original, sinon anonymiser l'information</translation>
22542275 </message>
22552276 <message>
22562277 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="54" />
22822303 Specifies the total number of coordinate systems that will be used in the imported image. There can be one or more graphs in the image, and each graph can have one or more coordinate systems. Each coordinate system is defined by a pair of coordinate axes.</source>
22832304 <translation>Nombre de systèmes de coordonnées
2285 Indique le nombre de systèmes de coordonnées qui seront utilisés dans l'apos;image importée. L'apos;image peut contenir un ou plusieurs graphiques, et chacun peut comprendre un ou plusieurs systèmes de coordonnées. Chaque système est défini par deux axes de coordonnées.</translation>
2306 Indique le nombre de systèmes de coordonnées qui seront utilisés dans l'image importée. L'image peut contenir un ou plusieurs graphiques, et chacun peut comprendre un ou plusieurs systèmes de coordonnées. Chaque système est défini par deux axes de coordonnées.</translation>
22862307 </message>
22872308 <message>
22882309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="63" />
22922313 <message>
22932314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="66" />
22942315 <source>1 scale bar - Used for maps with a scale bar defining the map scale</source>
2295 <translation>1 barre d'apos;échelle - Utilisé pour les cartes avec une barre d'apos;échelle définissant l'apos;échelle de la carte</translation>
2316 <translation>1 barre d'échelle - Utilisé pour les cartes avec une barre d'échelle définissant l'échelle de la carte</translation>
22962317 </message>
22972318 <message>
22982319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="67" />
22992320 <source>The two endpoints of the scale bar will define the scale of a map. The scale bar can edited to set its length.
23012322 This setting is used when importing a map that has only a scale bar to define distance, rather than a graph with axes that define two coordinates.</source>
2302 <translation>Les deux points finaux de la barre d'apos;échelle définissent l'apos;échelle d'apos;une carte. La barre d'apos;échelle peut être éditée pour définir sa longueur. Ce paramètre est utilisé lors de l'apos;importation d'apos;une carte qui n'apos;a qu'apos;une barre d'apos;échelle pour définir la distance, plutôt qu'apos;un graphique avec des axes qui définissent deux coordonnées.</translation>
2323 <translation>Les deux points finaux de la barre d'échelle définissent l'échelle d'une carte. La barre d'échelle peut être éditée pour définir sa longueur. Ce paramètre est utilisé lors de l'importation d'une carte qui n'a qu'une barre d'échelle pour définir la distance, plutôt qu'un graphique avec des axes qui définissent deux coordonnées.</translation>
23032324 </message>
23042325 <message>
23052326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="74" />
23222343 <message>
23232344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="84" />
23242345 <source>4 axis points - Used for graphs with only one coordinate defined on each axis</source>
2325 <translation>4 Points d'apos;axe - Utilisé pour les graphiques avec une seule coordonnée définie sur chaque axe</translation>
2346 <translation>4 Points d'axe - Utilisé pour les graphiques avec une seule coordonnée définie sur chaque axe</translation>
23262347 </message>
23272348 <message>
23282349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="85" />
23332354 In total, there will be two points on the x axis as (x1) and (x2), and two points on the y axis as (y1) and (y2).</source>
23342355 <translation>Quatre points serviront à définir le système de coordonnées. Chacun aura uniquement une coordonnée en x ou en y.
2336 Ce réglage est utile lorsque la coordonnée en x de l'apos;axe des y est inconnue, et/ou lorsque la coordonnée en y de l'apos;axe des x est inconnue.
2338 Au total, il y aura deux points sur l'apos;axe des x situés en (x1) et (x2), et deux points sur l'apos;axe des y situés en (y1) et (y2).</translation>
2357 Ce réglage est utile lorsque la coordonnée en x de l'axe des y est inconnue, et/ou lorsque la coordonnée en y de l'axe des x est inconnue.
2359 Au total, il y aura deux points sur l'axe des x situés en (x1) et (x2), et deux points sur l'axe des y situés en (y1) et (y2).</translation>
23392360 </message>
23402361 </context>
23412362 <context>
23422363 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23432364 <message>
2344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23452366 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
2346 <translation>Recadrage de l'apos;image importée</translation>
2347 </message>
2348 <message>
2349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2367 <translation>Recadrage de l'image importée</translation>
2368 </message>
2369 <message>
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23502371 <source>Preview</source>
23512372 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
23522373 </message>
23532374 <message>
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23552376 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2356 <translation>Aperçu montrant la partie de l'apos;image qui sera importée. La portion d'apos;image à l'apos;intérieur du cadre rectangulaire sera importée depuis la page sélectionnée. Le cadre peut être déplacé et redimenssionné à l'apos;aide des poignées dans chacun de ses coins.</translation>
2357 </message>
2358 <message>
2359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2377 <translation>Aperçu montrant la partie de l'image qui sera importée. La portion d'image à l'intérieur du cadre rectangulaire sera importée depuis la page sélectionnée. Le cadre peut être déplacé et redimenssionné à l'aide des poignées dans chacun de ses coins.</translation>
2378 </message>
2379 <message>
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23602381 <source>Ok</source>
23612382 <translation>Ok</translation>
23622383 </message>
23632384 <message>
2364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2385 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23652386 <source>Cancel</source>
23662387 <translation>Annuler</translation>
23672388 </message>
23692390 <context>
23702391 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23712392 <message>
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23732394 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23742395 <translation>Recadrage du PDF à importer</translation>
23752396 </message>
23762397 <message>
2377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23782399 <source>Page</source>
23792400 <translation>Page</translation>
23802401 </message>
23812402 <message>
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23832404 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23842405 <translation>Numéro de la page à importer</translation>
23852406 </message>
23862407 <message>
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23882409 <source>Preview</source>
23892410 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
23902411 </message>
23912412 <message>
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23932414 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2394 <translation>Aperçu montrant la partie de l'apos;image qui sera importée. La portion d'apos;image à l'apos;intérieur du cadre rectangulaire sera importée depuis la page sélectionnée. Le cadre peut être déplacé et redimenssionné à l'apos;aide des poignées dans chacun de ses coins.</translation>
2395 </message>
2396 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2415 <translation>Aperçu montrant la partie de l'image qui sera importée. La portion d'image à l'intérieur du cadre rectangulaire sera importée depuis la page sélectionnée. Le cadre peut être déplacé et redimenssionné à l'aide des poignées dans chacun de ses coins.</translation>
2416 </message>
2417 <message>
2418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23982419 <source>Ok</source>
23992420 <translation>Ok</translation>
24002421 </message>
24012422 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24032424 <source>Cancel</source>
24042425 <translation>Annuler</translation>
24052426 </message>
24092430 <message>
24102431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgRequiresTransform.cpp" line="16" />
24112432 <source>can only be performed after three axis points have been created, so the coordinates are defined</source>
2412 <translation>ne peut se faire qu'apos;après la création de trois points d'apos;axe, afin de pouvoir déterminer les coordonnées</translation>
2433 <translation>ne peut se faire qu'après la création de trois points d'axe, afin de pouvoir déterminer les coordonnées</translation>
24132434 </message>
24142435 </context>
24152436 <context>
24162437 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24172438 <message>
2418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24192440 <source>Ok</source>
24202441 <translation>Ok</translation>
24212442 </message>
24222443 <message>
2423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24242445 <source>Cancel</source>
24252446 <translation>Annuler</translation>
24262447 </message>
24332454 <translation>Vérification des axes</translation>
24342455 </message>
24352456 <message>
2436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24372458 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
2438 <translation>Durée d'apos;affichage</translation>
2439 </message>
2440 <message>
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2459 <translation>Durée d'affichage</translation>
2460 </message>
2461 <message>
2462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24422463 <source>Do not show</source>
24432464 <translation>Ne pas afficher</translation>
24442465 </message>
24452466 <message>
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24472468 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
2448 <translation>N'apos;affiche jamais le cadre de vérification des axes.</translation>
2449 </message>
2450 <message>
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2469 <translation>N'affiche jamais le cadre de vérification des axes.</translation>
2470 </message>
2471 <message>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24522473 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24532474 <translation>Afficher quelques secondes</translation>
24542475 </message>
24552476 <message>
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24572478 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
2458 <translation>Affiche le cadre de vérification des axes pendant quelques secondes après un changement des points d'apos;axes.</translation>
2459 </message>
2460 <message>
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2479 <translation>Affiche le cadre de vérification des axes pendant quelques secondes après un changement des points d'axes.</translation>
2480 </message>
2481 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24622483 <source>Show always</source>
24632484 <translation>Toujours afficher</translation>
24642485 </message>
24652486 <message>
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24672488 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24682489 <translation>Affiche en permanence le cadre de vérification des axes.</translation>
24692490 </message>
24702491 <message>
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2492 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24722493 <source>Line color</source>
24732494 <translation>Couleur de ligne</translation>
24742495 </message>
24752496 <message>
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24772498 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
2478 <translation>Sélectionne la couleur d'apos;affichage du cadre reliant les points d'apos;axes</translation>
2479 </message>
2480 <message>
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2499 <translation>Sélectionne la couleur d'affichage du cadre reliant les points d'axes</translation>
2500 </message>
2501 <message>
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24822503 <source>Preview</source>
24832504 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
24842505 </message>
24852506 <message>
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24872508 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
2488 <translation>Zône d'apos;aperçu montrant l'apos;aspect donné au cadre de vérification des axes en fonction des réglages choisis</translation>
2509 <translation>Zône d'aperçu montrant l'aspect donné au cadre de vérification des axes en fonction des réglages choisis</translation>
24892510 </message>
24902511 </context>
24912512 <context>
24962517 <translation>Filtrage couleur</translation>
24972518 </message>
24982519 <message>
2499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
25002521 <source>Curve Name</source>
25012522 <translation>Nom de la courbe</translation>
25022523 </message>
25032524 <message>
2504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25052526 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25062527 <translation>Nom de la courbe actuellement sélectionné pour édition</translation>
25072528 </message>
25082529 <message>
2509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25102531 <source>Filter mode</source>
25112532 <translation>Mode de filtrage</translation>
25122533 </message>
25132534 <message>
2514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25152536 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25172538 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
2518 <translation>Transforme l'apos;image d'apos;origine en pixels noirs et blancs via le paramètre d'apos;Intensité, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'apos;augmenter les informations importantes.
2520 La valeur Intensité d'apos;un pixel est calculée à partir de ses composantes Rouge, Vert, Bleu avec la formule I = racine carrée (R * R + V * V + B * B)</translation>
2521 </message>
2522 <message>
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2539 <translation>Transforme l'image d'origine en pixels noirs et blancs via le paramètre d'Intensité, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'augmenter les informations importantes.
2541 La valeur Intensité d'un pixel est calculée à partir de ses composantes Rouge, Vert, Bleu avec la formule I = racine carrée (R * R + V * V + B * B)</translation>
2542 </message>
2543 <message>
2544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25242545 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25262547 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25282549 The distance of any color (R, G, B) from the background color (Rb, Gb, Bb) is computed as F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). On the left end of the scale, the foreground distance value is zero, and it increases linearly to the maximum on the far right.</source>
2529 <translation>Transforme l'apos;image d'apos;origine en pixels noirs et blancs en isolant le premier plan de l'apos;arrière-plan, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'apos;augmenter les informations importantes.
2531 La couleur d'apos;arrière-plan est affichée du coté gauche de l'apos;échelle.
2533 La distance d'apos;une couleur (R, V, B) par rapport à celle d'apos;arrière-plan (Rb, Vb, Bb) est calculée comme F = racine carrée ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). Du coté gauche de l'apos;échelle, la distance est de zéro, puis elle augmente linéairement jusqu'apos;à son maximum sur la droite.</translation>
2534 </message>
2535 <message>
2536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2550 <translation>Transforme l'image d'origine en pixels noirs et blancs en isolant le premier plan de l'arrière-plan, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'augmenter les informations importantes.
2552 La couleur d'arrière-plan est affichée du coté gauche de l'échelle.
2554 La distance d'une couleur (R, V, B) par rapport à celle d'arrière-plan (Rb, Vb, Bb) est calculée comme F = racine carrée ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). Du coté gauche de l'échelle, la distance est de zéro, puis elle augmente linéairement jusqu'à son maximum sur la droite.</translation>
2555 </message>
2556 <message>
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25372558 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2538 <translation>Transforme l'apos;image d'apos;origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Teinte des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'apos;augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2539 </message>
2540 <message>
2541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2559 <translation>Transforme l'image d'origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Teinte des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2560 </message>
2561 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25422563 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2543 <translation>Transforme l'apos;image d'apos;origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Saturation des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'apos;augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2544 </message>
2545 <message>
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2564 <translation>Transforme l'image d'origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Saturation des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2565 </message>
2566 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25472568 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25492570 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
2550 <translation>Transforme l'apos;image d'apos;origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Valeur des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'apos;augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2551 </message>
2552 <message>
2553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2571 <translation>Transforme l'image d'origine en pixels noirs et blancs via la composante Valeur des données Teinte, Saturation et Valeur (TSV ou HSV) des couleurs, afin de cacher les informations inutiles et d'augmenter les informations importantes.</translation>
2572 </message>
2573 <message>
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25542575 <source>Preview</source>
25552576 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
25562577 </message>
25572578 <message>
2558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25592580 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
2560 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant comment les réglages en cours vont affecter le filtrage de l'apos;image d'apos;origine.</translation>
2561 </message>
2562 <message>
2563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2581 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant comment les réglages en cours vont affecter le filtrage de l'image d'origine.</translation>
2582 </message>
2583 <message>
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25642585 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25652586 <translation>Histogramme du paramètre de filtrage</translation>
25662587 </message>
25672588 <message>
2568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25692590 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
2570 <translation>Histogramme du paramètre de filtrage sélectionné. Les deux délimiteurs se déplacent d'apos;avant en arrière pour ajuster la plage de valeurs à inclure dans l'apos;image filtrée. La zone claire sera incluse, la zone grisée sera exclue.
2591 <translation>Histogramme du paramètre de filtrage sélectionné. Les deux délimiteurs se déplacent d'avant en arrière pour ajuster la plage de valeurs à inclure dans l'image filtrée. La zone claire sera incluse, la zone grisée sera exclue.
25712592 </translation>
25722593 </message>
25732594 <message>
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25752596 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
2576 <translation>Cette zone en lecture seule est la représentation graphique de l'apos;axe horizontal de l'apos;histogramme ci-dessus.</translation>
2597 <translation>Cette zone en lecture seule est la représentation graphique de l'axe horizontal de l'histogramme ci-dessus.</translation>
25772598 </message>
25782599 </context>
25792600 <context>
25802601 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25812602 <message>
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25852606 <source>Coordinates</source>
25862607 <translation>Coordonnées</translation>
25872608 </message>
25882609 <message>
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25902611 <source>Date/Time</source>
25912612 <translation>Date/Heure</translation>
25922613 </message>
25932614 <message>
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25952616 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25972618 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
26002621 Régler le format sur une valeur vide ne fera apparaître qua la partie Heure dans les enregistrements.</translation>
26012622 </message>
26022623 <message>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26042625 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26062627 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
2607 <translation>Format d'apos;heure à utiliser pour les heures et pour la partie heure des données mixtes date/heure, lors des saisies et des enregistrements.
2628 <translation>Format d'heure à utiliser pour les heures et pour la partie heure des données mixtes date/heure, lors des saisies et des enregistrements.
26092630 Régler le format sur une valeur vide ne fera apparaître qua la partie Date dans les enregistrements.</translation>
26102631 </message>
26112632 <message>
2612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26132634 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26142635 <translation>Type de coordonnées</translation>
26152636 </message>
26162637 <message>
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26182639 <source>Polar</source>
26192640 <translation>Polaires</translation>
26202641 </message>
26212642 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26242645 <source>R</source>
26252646 <translation>R</translation>
26262647 </message>
26272648 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26292650 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26302651 <translation>Cartésiennes (X, Y)</translation>
26312652 </message>
26322653 <message>
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26342655 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26362657 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26392660 Des coordonnées en X et Y seront utilisées</translation>
26402661 </message>
26412662 <message>
2642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2663 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26432664 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26452666 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26502671 Des coordonnées en Theta et R seront utilisées.
2652 En coordonnées polaires, l'apos;usage d'apos;une échelle logarithmique n'apos;est pas possible pour Theta</translation>
2653 </message>
2654 <message>
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2673 En coordonnées polaires, l'usage d'une échelle logarithmique n'est pas possible pour Theta</translation>
2674 </message>
2675 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26572678 <source>Scale</source>
26582679 <translation>Echelle</translation>
26592680 </message>
26602681 <message>
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26632684 <source>Linear</source>
26642685 <translation>Linéaire</translation>
26652686 </message>
26662687 <message>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26682689 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26692690 <translation>Utilise une échelle linéaire pour la coordonnée X ou Theta</translation>
26702691 </message>
26712692 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26742695 <source>Log</source>
26752696 <translation>Log</translation>
26762697 </message>
26772698 <message>
2678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26792700 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26812702 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26832704 Log scale is not allowed for the Theta coordinate.</source>
26842705 <translation>Utilise une échelle logarithmique pour la coordonnée X.
2686 L'apos;échelle Log est interdite s'apos;il y a des coordonnées négatives.
2688 L'apos;échelle Log est'apos; interdite pour la coordonnée Theta.</translation>
2689 </message>
2690 <message>
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2707 L'échelle Log est interdite s'il y a des coordonnées négatives.
2709 L'échelle Log est' interdite pour la coordonnée Theta.</translation>
2710 </message>
2711 <message>
2712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26932714 <source>Units</source>
26942715 <translation>Unités</translation>
26952716 </message>
26962717 <message>
2697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26982719 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26992720 <translation>Utilise une échelle linéaire pour la coordonnée Y ou R</translation>
27002721 </message>
27012722 <message>
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27032724 <source>Origin radius value</source>
2704 <translation>Valeur de rayon à l'apos;origine</translation>
2705 </message>
2706 <message>
2707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2725 <translation>Valeur de rayon à l'origine</translation>
2726 </message>
2727 <message>
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27082729 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27102731 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27132734 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</translation>
27142735 </message>
27152736 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27172738 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27192740 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
2720 <translation>Indique la valeur du rayon à l'apos;origine.
2722 Habituellement la valeur à l'apos;origine est 0, mais une valeur non nulle peut être appliquées dans certains cas (par exemple lorsque l'apos;unité du rayon est en décibels).</translation>
2723 </message>
2724 <message>
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2741 <translation>Indique la valeur du rayon à l'origine.
2743 Habituellement la valeur à l'origine est 0, mais une valeur non nulle peut être appliquées dans certains cas (par exemple lorsque l'unité du rayon est en décibels).</translation>
2744 </message>
2745 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27262747 <source>Preview</source>
27272748 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
27282749 </message>
27292750 <message>
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27312752 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
2732 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'apos;impact des réglages sur le système de coordonnées.</translation>
2733 </message>
2734 <message>
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2753 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'impact des réglages sur le système de coordonnées.</translation>
2754 </message>
2755 <message>
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27362757 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27382759 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27402761 Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) format uses two integer number for degrees and minutes, and a real number for seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. During input, spaces must be inserted between the three numbers.</source>
27412762 <translation>Nombres est le format le plus simple et le plus générique.
2743 Les valeurs de Dates et Heures ont des composantes de date et/ou d'apos;heure.
2764 Les valeurs de Dates et Heures ont des composantes de date et/ou d'heure.
27452766 Le format Degrés Minutes Secondes (DDD MM SS.S) utilise deux nombres entiers pour les degrés et minutes, et un nombre réel pour les secondes. Il y a 60 secondes par minute. Lors de la saisie, insérer des espaces entre ces trois nombres.</translation>
27462767 </message>
27472768 <message>
2748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27492770 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27512772 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27702791 Le format Tour format utilise un nombre réel unique. Une révolution complète représente un tour.</translation>
27712792 </message>
27722793 <message>
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27742795 <source>X</source>
27752796 <translation>X</translation>
27762797 </message>
27772798 <message>
2778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27792800 <source>Y</source>
27802801 <translation>Y</translation>
27812802 </message>
27822803 </context>
27832804 <context>
2784 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2785 <message>
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2805 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2806 <message>
2807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27872808 <source>Curve List</source>
27882809 <translation>Liste de courbes</translation>
27892810 </message>
27902811 <message>
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2812 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27922813 <source>Add...</source>
27932814 <translation>Ajouter...</translation>
27942815 </message>
27952816 <message>
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27972818 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27992820 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2800 <translation>Ajoute une courbe à la liste existante. Le nom de la courbe peut être édité dans la liste des noms de courbes.
2802 Les noms de courbes doivent tous être différents</translation>
2803 </message>
2804 <message>
2805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2821 <translation>Ajoute une nouvelle courbe à la liste des courbes. Le nom de la courbe peut être modifié dans la liste des noms de courbes. Chaque nom de courbe doit être unique.</translation>
2822 </message>
2823 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28062825 <source>Remove</source>
2807 <translation>Enlever</translation>
2808 </message>
2809 <message>
2810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2826 <translation>Retirer</translation>
2827 </message>
2828 <message>
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28112830 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28132832 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2814 <translation>Enlève une courbe de la liste existante.
2816 Il doit toujours y avoir au moins une courbe</translation>
2817 </message>
2818 <message>
2819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2833 <translation>Supprime la courbe actuellement sélectionnée de la liste des courbes. Il doit toujours y avoir au moins une courbe.</translation>
2834 </message>
2835 <message>
2836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28202837 <source>Curve Names</source>
28212838 <translation>Noms de courbes</translation>
28222839 </message>
28232840 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28252842 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28272844 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28292846 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2830 <translation>Liste des courbes de ce document.
2832 Sélectionner un nom de courbe pour l'apos;éditer. Chaque nom doit être unique.
2834 Changer l'apos;odre des courbes en les glissant par rapport aux autres.</translation>
2835 </message>
2836 <message>
2837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2847 <translation>Liste des courbes appartenant à ce document. Cliquez sur un nom de courbe pour le modifier. Chaque nom de courbe doit être unique. Réorganisez les courbes en les faisant glisser.</translation>
2848 </message>
2849 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28382851 <source>Save As Default</source>
28392852 <translation>Utiliser par défaut</translation>
28402853 </message>
28412854 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28432856 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2844 <translation>Enregistre les noms de courbes pour les utiliser par défaut sur de futurs graphiques.</translation>
2845 </message>
2846 <message>
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2857 <translation>Enregistrez les noms de courbe pour les utiliser par défaut pour les futures courbes.</translation>
2858 </message>
2859 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28482861 <source>Reset Default</source>
2849 <translation>Réinitialiser</translation>
2850 </message>
2851 <message>
2852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2862 <translation>Réinitialiser par défaut</translation>
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28532866 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2854 <translation>Initialise les réglages à leur valeur d'apos;origine pour les courbes futures.</translation>
2855 </message>
2856 <message>
2857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2867 <translation>Réinitialiser les valeurs par défaut pour les futures courbes du graphique aux paramètres d'origine.</translation>
2868 </message>
2869 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28582871 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2859 <translation>Enlever cette courbe va aussi supprimer</translation>
2860 </message>
2861 <message>
2862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2872 <translation>Supprimer cette courbe supprimera également</translation>
2873 </message>
2874 <message>
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2876 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28642877 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2865 <translation>les points associés. Continuer?</translation>
2866 </message>
2867 <message>
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2878 <translation>points. Continuer?</translation>
2879 </message>
2880 <message>
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28692882 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2870 <translation>Enlever ces courbes va aussi supprimer</translation>
2871 </message>
2872 <message>
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2883 <translation>Supprimer ces courbes supprimera également</translation>
2884 </message>
2885 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28742887 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2875 <translation>Courbes avec points</translation>
2888 <translation>Courbes avec des points</translation>
28762889 </message>
28772890 </context>
28782891 <context>
28792892 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28802893 <message>
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28822895 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28832896 <translation>Propriétés de courbe</translation>
28842897 </message>
28852898 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28872900 <source>Curve Name</source>
28882901 <translation>Nom de la courbe</translation>
28892902 </message>
28902903 <message>
2891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28922905 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28932906 <translation>Nom de la courbe actuellement sélectionné pour édition</translation>
28942907 </message>
28952908 <message>
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28972910 <source>Line</source>
28982911 <translation>Ligne</translation>
28992912 </message>
29002913 <message>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29022915 <source>Width</source>
29032916 <translation>Largeur</translation>
29042917 </message>
29052918 <message>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29072920 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29092922 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29102923 <translation>Epaisseur de ligne tracée entre les points.
2912 S'apos;applique aux courbes uniquement. Aucune ligne n'apos;est tracée entre les points d'apos;axe.</translation>
2913 </message>
2914 <message>
2915 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2925 S'applique aux courbes uniquement. Aucune ligne n'est tracée entre les points d'axe.</translation>
2926 </message>
2927 <message>
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29172930 <source>Color</source>
29182931 <translation>Couleur</translation>
29192932 </message>
29202933 <message>
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29222935 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29242937 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29252938 <translation>Couleur pour les lignes tracées entre les points.
2927 S'apos;applique aux courbes uniquement. Aucune ligne n'apos;est tracée entre les points d'apos;axe.</translation>
2928 </message>
2929 <message>
2930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2940 S'applique aux courbes uniquement. Aucune ligne n'est tracée entre les points d'axe.</translation>
2941 </message>
2942 <message>
2943 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29312944 <source>Connect as</source>
29322945 <translation>Relier comme</translation>
29332946 </message>
29342947 <message>
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29362949 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29382951 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29422955 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2944 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2957 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29462959 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2947 <translation>Règle de liaison entre les points.
2949 Si la courbe est fonction d'apos;une seule valeur, les points sont reliés par ordre croissant de cette variable.
2951 Si la courbe est un contour clos, les points sont ordonnés par âge, sauf pour les points placés le long d'apos;une ligne existante. Tout point placé sur une ligne existante est inséré entre les deux points d'apos;extrémité de la ligne - comme si son âge était entre les âges des deux points d'apos;extrémité.
2953 Les lignes sont tracés dans l'apos;ordre des points.
2955 Les courbes rectilignes sont reliées par des droites entre chaque point. Les courbes arrondies sont tracées avec des lignes douces entre chaque point.
2957 S'apos;applique aux courbes uniquement. Aucune ligne n'apos;est tracée entre les points d'apos;axe.</translation>
2958 </message>
2959 <message>
2960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2960 <translation>Sélectionnez la règle pour relier les points avec des lignes.Si la courbe est connectée en tant que fonction à valeur unique, les points sont classés par valeur croissante de la variable indépendante.Si la courbe est connectée en tant que contour fermé, alors les points sont classés par âge, à l'exception des points placés le long d'une ligne existante. Tout point placé au-dessus d'une ligne existante est inséré entre les deux extrémités de cette ligne, comme si son âge était compris entre l'âge des deux extrémités. "Les lignes sont tracées entre des points successivement ordonnés". Les courbes droites sont tracées en ligne droite. lignes entre les points successifs. Les courbes lisses sont dessinées avec des lignes lisses entre les points successifs, en utilisant des splines cubiques naturelles de paires (x, y) par rapport aux valeurs ordinales scalaires (t). Ceci s’applique uniquement aux courbes graphiques. Aucune ligne n'est jamais dessinée entre les points de l'axe.</translation>
2961 </message>
2962 <message>
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29612964 <source>Point</source>
29622965 <translation>Point</translation>
29632966 </message>
29642967 <message>
2965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29662969 <source>Shape</source>
29672970 <translation>Forme</translation>
29682971 </message>
29692972 <message>
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29712974 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29722975 <translation>Sélectionne une forme pour les points</translation>
29732976 </message>
29742977 <message>
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29762979 <source>Radius</source>
29772980 <translation>Taille</translation>
29782981 </message>
29792982 <message>
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29812984 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29822985 <translation>Taille des points en pixels</translation>
29832986 </message>
29842987 <message>
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29862989 <source>Line width</source>
29872990 <translation>Epaisseur de ligne</translation>
29882991 </message>
29892992 <message>
2990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29912994 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29932996 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29962999 Une valeur élevée donne une ligne épaisse. La valeur 0 donnera toujours une ligne large de 1 pixel (facile à voir même sur un zomm arrière)</translation>
29973000 </message>
29983001 <message>
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
3002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
30003003 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
30013004 <translation>Couleur utilisée pour dessiner les points</translation>
30023005 </message>
30033006 <message>
3004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30053008 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30073010 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30093012 If the visible settings are for the Nth graph curve in the curve list, then they will be used for future graph curves that are also the Nth graph curve in their curve list, until new settings are saved as the defaults.</source>
30103013 <translation>Enregistre les réglages de la courbe comme future valeurs par défaut, en fonction du nom de la courbe.
3012 Si les paramètres visibles sont ceux des axes, ils seront utilisés pour les futurs axes, jusqu'apos;à ce que de nouveaux réglages par défaut soient enregistrés.
3014 Si les paramètres visibles sont ceux de la Nième courbe, ils seront utilisés pour les futures courbes situés en Nième position de la liste de courbes, jusqu'apos;à ce que de nouveaux réglages par défaut soient enregistrés.</translation>
3015 </message>
3016 <message>
3017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3015 Si les paramètres visibles sont ceux des axes, ils seront utilisés pour les futurs axes, jusqu'à ce que de nouveaux réglages par défaut soient enregistrés.
3017 Si les paramètres visibles sont ceux de la Nième courbe, ils seront utilisés pour les futures courbes situés en Nième position de la liste de courbes, jusqu'à ce que de nouveaux réglages par défaut soient enregistrés.</translation>
3018 </message>
3019 <message>
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30183021 <source>Preview</source>
30193022 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
30203023 </message>
30213024 <message>
3022 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30233026 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30253028 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
3026 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'apos;effet des réglages sur les points et lignes de la courbe sélectionnée.
3028 L'apos;axe des X est à l'apos;horizontale, celui les Y est à la verticale. Une fonction peut avoir une seule valeur Y pour une valeur X donnée, une relation peut avoir plusieurs valeurs Y pour une seule valeur X.</translation>
3029 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'effet des réglages sur les points et lignes de la courbe sélectionnée.
3031 L'axe des X est à l'horizontale, celui les Y est à la verticale. Une fonction peut avoir une seule valeur Y pour une valeur X donnée, une relation peut avoir plusieurs valeurs Y pour une seule valeur X.</translation>
30293032 </message>
30303033 </context>
30313034 <context>
31073110 Drag the cursor over this area to see the effects of the current settings on the cursor shape.</source>
31083111 <translation>La fenêtre de prévisualisation montre le curseur actuellement sélectionné.
3110 Placer le curseur sur cette zone pour voir l'apos;effet des réglages sur la forme du curseur.</translation>
3113 Placer le curseur sur cette zone pour voir l'effet des réglages sur la forme du curseur.</translation>
31113114 </message>
31123115 </context>
31133116 <context>
31153118 <message>
31163119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="55" />
31173120 <source>Export Format</source>
3118 <translation>Format d'apos;export</translation>
3119 </message>
3120 <message>
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3121 <translation>Format d'export</translation>
3122 </message>
3123 <message>
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31223125 <source>Included</source>
31233126 <translation>Inclure</translation>
31243127 </message>
31253128 <message>
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31273130 <source>Not included</source>
31283131 <translation>Exclure</translation>
31293132 </message>
31303133 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31323135 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31343137 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
3135 <translation>Liste des courbes à inclure dans le fichier d'apos;export.
3137 L'apos;ordre des courbes dans cette liste n'apos;affecte pas l'apos;ordre dans le fichier d'apos;export. Cet ordre est déterminé par les paramètres Ajouter/Enlever des courbes.</translation>
3138 </message>
3139 <message>
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3138 <translation>Liste des courbes à inclure dans le fichier d'export.
3140 L'ordre des courbes dans cette liste n'affecte pas l'ordre dans le fichier d'export. Cet ordre est déterminé par les paramètres Ajouter/Enlever des courbes.</translation>
3141 </message>
3142 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31413144 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31423145 <translation>Liste des courbes à exclure du fichier exporté</translation>
31433146 </message>
31443147 <message>
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31463149 <source>Include</source>
31473150 <translation>Comprendre</translation>
31483151 </message>
31493152 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31513154 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
3152 <translation>Enlève les courbe(s) sélectionnée(s) de la liste d'apos;exclusion</translation>
3153 </message>
3154 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3155 <translation>Enlève les courbe(s) sélectionnée(s) de la liste d'exclusion</translation>
3156 </message>
3157 <message>
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31563159 <source>Exclude</source>
31573160 <translation>Exclure</translation>
31583161 </message>
31593162 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31613164 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
3162 <translation>Ajoute les courbe(s) sélectionnée(s) à la liste d'apos;exclusion</translation>
3163 </message>
3164 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3165 <translation>Ajoute les courbe(s) sélectionnée(s) à la liste d'exclusion</translation>
3166 </message>
3167 <message>
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31663169 <source>Delimiters</source>
31673170 <translation>Séparateurs</translation>
31683171 </message>
31693172 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31713174 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31723175 <translation>Le fichier exporté utilisera des virgules pour séparer les valeurs, sauf si remplacées par des tabulations dans les fichiers TSV.</translation>
31733176 </message>
31743177 <message>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31763179 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31773180 <translation>Le fichier exporté utilisera des espaces pour séparer les valeurs, sauf si remplacés par des virgules dans les fichiers CSV, ou des tabulations dans les fichiers TSV.</translation>
31783181 </message>
31793182 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31813184 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31823185 <translation>Le fichier exporté utilisera des tabulations pour séparer les valeurs, sauf si remplacées par des virgules dans les fichiers CSV.</translation>
31833186 </message>
31843187 <message>
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31863189 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31873190 <translation>Le fichier exporté utilisera des points-virgules pour séparer les valeurs, sauf si remplacées par des virgules dans les fichiers CSV.</translation>
31883191 </message>
31893192 <message>
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31913194 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31923195 <translation>Forcer pour les fichiers CSV/TSV</translation>
31933196 </message>
31943197 <message>
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31963199 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31973200 <translation>Les fichiers CSV et TSV utiliseront respectivement des virgules et des tabulations pour séparer les valeurs, sauf si ce réglage est sélectionné. Ce réglage appliquera le séparateur choisi quel que soit le type de fichier final.</translation>
31983201 </message>
31993202 <message>
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
32013204 <source>Layout</source>
32023205 <translation>Disposition</translation>
32033206 </message>
32043207 <message>
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32063209 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32073210 <translation>Courbes sur chaque ligne</translation>
32083211 </message>
32093212 <message>
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32113214 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32123215 <translation>Le fichier aura sur chaque ligne une valeur X, une valeur Y pour la première courbe, une valeur Y pour la deuxième courbe...</translation>
32133216 </message>
32143217 <message>
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32163219 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32173220 <translation>Une courbe à la fois</translation>
32183221 </message>
32193222 <message>
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32213224 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
3222 <translation>Le fichier contiendra d'apos;abord un couple X-Y de la première courbe sur chaque ligne, puis les points de la deuxième courbe, ...</translation>
3223 </message>
3224 <message>
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3225 <translation>Le fichier contiendra d'abord un couple X-Y de la première courbe sur chaque ligne, puis les points de la deuxième courbe, ...</translation>
3226 </message>
3227 <message>
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32263229 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32273230 <translation>Sélection des points de fonction</translation>
32283231 </message>
32293232 <message>
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32313234 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32323235 <translation>Interpoler les Y à partir des X de toutes les courbes</translation>
32333236 </message>
32343237 <message>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32363239 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32373240 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeur pour chaque coordonnée en X des courbes. Les valeurs Y seront interpolées si nécessaire</translation>
32383241 </message>
32393242 <message>
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3244 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3245 <translation>Extrapoler en dehors des points de terminaison</translation>
3246 </message>
3247 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3249 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3250 <translation>Activer ou désactiver l'extrapolation en dehors des extrémités de chaque courbe. Si cette option est désactivée, seuls les points situés entre les extrémités de chaque courbe sont exportés.</translation>
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32413254 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32423255 <translation>Interpoler les Y à partir des X de la première courbe</translation>
32433256 </message>
32443257 <message>
3245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32463259 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32473260 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeur pour chaque coordonnée en X de la première courbe. Les valeurs Y seront interpolées si nécessaire</translation>
32483261 </message>
32493262 <message>
3250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3251 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3252 <translation>Interpoler les Y à des intervalles réguliers de X.</translation>
3253 </message>
3254 <message>
3255 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3264 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3265 <translation>Interpole les Y à des valeurs X régulièrement espacées et sélectionnées automatiquement</translation>
3266 </message>
3267 <message>
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32563269 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
3257 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeurs à intervalles réguliers de X, séparées par l'apos;intervalle ci-dessous.</translation>
3258 </message>
3259 <message>
3260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3270 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeurs à intervalles réguliers de X, séparées par l'intervalle ci-dessous.</translation>
3271 </message>
3272 <message>
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32623275 <source>Interval</source>
32633276 <translation>Intervalle</translation>
32643277 </message>
32653278 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32673280 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32693282 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32713284 The X values will be automatically aligned along simple numbers. If the first and/or last points are not along the aligned X values, then one or two additional points are added as necessary.</source>
3272 <translation>Intervalle, en unités de X, séparant deux points successifs dans l'apos;ordre des X.
3274 Si l'apos;échelle est linéaire, cet intervalle est ajouté à chaque valeur en X. Si elle est linéaire, cet intervalle est multiplié à chaque valeur en X.
3285 <translation>Intervalle, en unités de X, séparant deux points successifs dans l'ordre des X.
3287 Si l'échelle est linéaire, cet intervalle est ajouté à chaque valeur en X. Si elle est linéaire, cet intervalle est multiplié à chaque valeur en X.
32763289 Les valeurs en X seront alignées automatiquement sur des nombres arrondis. Si le premier et/ou dernier point ne sont pas alignés sur une valeur en X, un ou deux points additionnels sont ajoutés si nécessaire.</translation>
32773290 </message>
32783291 <message>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32803293 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32823295 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32843297 Graph units are preferred when the spacing is to depend on the X scale.</source>
3285 <translation>Unité pour l'apos;intervalle.
3287 Les pixels sont préférés si l'apos;espacement doit être indépendant de l'apos;échelle des X. L'apos;espacement sera régulier, même si l'apos;échelle des X est logarithmique.
3289 L'apos;unité Graphique est préférée lorsque l'apos;espacement doit dépendre de l'apos;échelle des X.</translation>
3290 </message>
3291 <message>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3298 <translation>Unité pour l'intervalle.
3300 Les pixels sont préférés si l'espacement doit être indépendant de l'échelle des X. L'espacement sera régulier, même si l'échelle des X est logarithmique.
3302 L'unité Graphique est préférée lorsque l'espacement doit dépendre de l'échelle des X.</translation>
3303 </message>
3304 <message>
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3306 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3307 <translation>Interpoler des Y à des valeurs X régulièrement espacées sur les lignes de la grille</translation>
3308 </message>
3309 <message>
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3311 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3312 <translation>Exportovaný soubor bude mít hodnoty na rovnoměrně rozložených hodnotách X na svislých čarách mřížky.</translation>
3313 </message>
3314 <message>
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32943317 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32953318 <translation>Valeurs brutes X et Y</translation>
32963319 </message>
32973320 <message>
3298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
33003323 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
3301 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra uniquement les données X et Y d'apos;origine</translation>
3302 </message>
3303 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3324 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra uniquement les données X et Y d'origine</translation>
3325 </message>
3326 <message>
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33053328 <source>Header</source>
33063329 <translation>Titre</translation>
33073330 </message>
33083331 <message>
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33103333 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33113334 <translation>Le fichier exporté ne contiendra pas de titres en première ligne</translation>
33123335 </message>
33133336 <message>
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33153338 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33163339 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des titres en première ligne</translation>
33173340 </message>
33183341 <message>
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33203343 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33213344 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra une ligne de titre au format gnuplot</translation>
33223345 </message>
33233346 <message>
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33253348 <source>Save As Default</source>
33263349 <translation>Utiliser par défaut</translation>
33273350 </message>
33283351 <message>
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33303353 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33313354 <translation>Enregistre les réglages pour une utilisation par défaut.</translation>
33323355 </message>
33333356 <message>
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3358 <source>Load Default</source>
3359 <translation>Charge par défaut</translation>
3360 </message>
3361 <message>
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3363 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3364 <translation>Chargez les paramètres par défaut.</translation>
3365 </message>
3366 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33353368 <source>Preview</source>
33363369 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
33373370 </message>
33383371 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33403373 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33423375 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33433376 <translation>La fenêtre de prévisualisation montre comment les paramètres actuels affectent le fichier exporté. Les fonctions (présentées ici en bleu) sont sorties en premier, suivies des relations (illustrées ici en vert) si elles existent.</translation>
33443377 </message>
33453378 <message>
3346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33473380 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33483381 <translation>Sélection des points de relation</translation>
33493382 </message>
33503383 <message>
3351 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33523385 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33533386 <translation>Interpoler les X et les Y à intervalles réguliers.</translation>
33543387 </message>
33553388 <message>
3356 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33573390 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
3358 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeurs espacées régulièrement pour chaque relation, séparées par l'apos;intervalle ci-dessous. Si le dernier intervalle ne correspond pas au dernier point, un intervalle plus court sera utilisé pour ce dernier point.</translation>
3359 </message>
3360 <message>
3361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3391 <translation>Le fichier exporté contiendra des valeurs espacées régulièrement pour chaque relation, séparées par l'intervalle ci-dessous. Si le dernier intervalle ne correspond pas au dernier point, un intervalle plus court sera utilisé pour ce dernier point.</translation>
3392 </message>
3393 <message>
3394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33623395 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33633396 <translation>Intervalle entre deux points successifs pour un export de coordonnées (X,Y) à intervalle régulier.</translation>
33643397 </message>
33653398 <message>
3366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33673400 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33693402 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33713404 Graph units are usually preferred when the X and Y scales are identical.</source>
3372 <translation>Unité pour l'apos;intervalle.
3374 Les pixels sont préférés si l'apos;espacement doit être indépendant de des échelles des X et des Y. L'apos;espacement sera régulier, même si une échelle est logarithmique ou si l'apos;échelle des X et celle des Y sont différentes.
3376 L'apos;unité Graphique est préférée lorsque les échelles des X et des Y sont identiques.</translation>
3377 </message>
3378 <message>
3379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3405 <translation>Unité pour l'intervalle.
3407 Les pixels sont préférés si l'espacement doit être indépendant de des échelles des X et des Y. L'espacement sera régulier, même si une échelle est logarithmique ou si l'échelle des X et celle des Y sont différentes.
3409 L'unité Graphique est préférée lorsque les échelles des X et des Y sont identiques.</translation>
3410 </message>
3411 <message>
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33803413 <source>Functions</source>
33813414 <translation>Fonctions</translation>
33823415 </message>
33833416 <message>
3384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33853418 <source>Functions Tab
33873420 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33883421 <translation>Onglet Fonctions
3390 Réglages pour l'apos;export de fonctions</translation>
3391 </message>
3392 <message>
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3423 Réglages pour l'export de fonctions</translation>
3424 </message>
3425 <message>
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33943427 <source>Relations</source>
33953428 <translation>Relations</translation>
33963429 </message>
33973430 <message>
3398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
33993432 <source>Relations Tab
34013434 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34023435 <translation>Onglet Relations
3404 Réglages pour l'apos;export de relations</translation>
3405 </message>
3406 <message>
3407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3437 Réglages pour l'export de relations</translation>
3438 </message>
3439 <message>
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34083441 <source>X Label</source>
34093442 <translation>Libellé des X</translation>
34103443 </message>
34113444 <message>
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3413 <source>Theta Label</source>
3414 <translation>Libellé de Theta</translation>
3415 </message>
3416 <message>
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34183446 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34193447 <translation>Libellé pour le titre des données en X</translation>
34203448 </message>
34213449 <message>
3422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3423 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3424 <translation>Libellé pour le titre des données en Theta</translation>
3425 </message>
3426 <message>
3427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34283451 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
3429 <translation>L'apos;aperçu n'apos;est pas disponible jusqu'apos;à ce que les points d'apos;axe soient définis.</translation>
3452 <translation>L'aperçu n'est pas disponible jusqu'à ce que les points d'axe soient définis.</translation>
34303453 </message>
34313454 </context>
34323455 <context>
34503473 This parameter is used in the Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
34513474 <translation>Taille du curseur
3453 Largeur et hauteur du curseur lorsqu'apos;on clique sur un pixel qui ne fait pas partie de l'apos;arrière-plan.
3476 Largeur et hauteur du curseur lorsqu'on clique sur un pixel qui ne fait pas partie de l'arrière-plan.
34553478 Ce réglage est utilisé dans les modes Pipette à couleurs et Détection de point</translation>
34563479 </message>
34683491 This parameter is used on the coordinates in the Status Bar and during Export</source>
34693492 <translation>Décimales additionnelles
3471 Nombre de décimales ajoutées après la valeur significative déterminée par la précision de numérisation du point. La précision de numérisation correspond au changement des coordonnées pour un mouvement d'apos;un pixel dans chaque direction. Ajouter des décimales n'apos;améliore pas l'apos;exactitude des nombres. Pour plus d'apos;information, voir les discussions entre précision et exactitude.
3473 Paramètre utilisé dans les coordonnées exportées et de la barre d'apos;état</translation>
3494 Nombre de décimales ajoutées après la valeur significative déterminée par la précision de numérisation du point. La précision de numérisation correspond au changement des coordonnées pour un mouvement d'un pixel dans chaque direction. Ajouter des décimales n'améliore pas l'exactitude des nombres. Pour plus d'information, voir les discussions entre précision et exactitude.
3496 Paramètre utilisé dans les coordonnées exportées et de la barre d'état</translation>
34743497 </message>
34753498 <message>
34763499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="79" />
34803503 <message>
34813504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="80" />
34823505 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.</source>
3483 <translation>Enregistre les réglages pour une utilisation par défaut, en relation avec la sélection d'apos;un nom de courbe.</translation>
3506 <translation>Enregistre les réglages pour une utilisation par défaut, en relation avec la sélection d'un nom de courbe.</translation>
34843507 </message>
34853508 </context>
34863509 <context>
34913514 <translation>Affichage de la grille</translation>
34923515 </message>
34933516 <message>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34953518 <source>Color</source>
34963519 <translation>Couleur</translation>
34973520 </message>
34983521 <message>
3499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35003523 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35013524 <translation>Coisir une couleur pour les lignes</translation>
35023525 </message>
35033526 <message>
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3528 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35063529 <source>Disable</source>
35073530 <translation>Inhiber</translation>
35083531 </message>
35093532 <message>
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35113534 <source>Disabled value.
35133536 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35163539 Les lignes de grille en X sont définies à partir de trois paramètres. Pour plus de flexibilité, quatre paramètres sont proposés et vous choisissez celui qui sera inhibé. Une fois inhibé, la valeur de ce paramètre sera calculée en fonction des trois autres</translation>
35173540 </message>
35183541 <message>
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35213544 <source>Count</source>
35223545 <translation>Compte</translation>
35233546 </message>
35243547 <message>
3525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35263549 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35283551 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35313554 Le nombre de lignes de grille en X doit être un entier supérieur à zéro</translation>
35323555 </message>
35333556 <message>
3534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35363559 <source>Start</source>
35373560 <translation>Départ</translation>
35383561 </message>
35393562 <message>
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35413564 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35433566 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35443567 <translation>Coordonnée de la première ligne de grille en X. La valeur de départ ne peut être supérieure à celle de fin</translation>
35453568 </message>
35463569 <message>
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35493572 <source>Step</source>
35503573 <translation>Pas</translation>
35513574 </message>
35523575 <message>
3553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35543577 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35563579 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35593582 La valeur doit être supérieure à zéro</translation>
35603583 </message>
35613584 <message>
3562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35643587 <source>Stop</source>
35653588 <translation>Fin</translation>
35663589 </message>
35673590 <message>
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35693592 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35713594 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35723595 <translation>Coordonnée de la dernière ligne de grille en X. La valeur de fin ne peut être inférieure à celle de départ</translation>
35733596 </message>
35743597 <message>
3575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35763599 <source>Disabled value.
35783601 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35813604 Les lignes de grille en Y sont définies à partir de trois paramètres. Pour plus de flexibilité, quatre paramètres sont proposés et vous choisissez celui qui sera inhibé. Une fois inhibé, la valeur de ce paramètre sera calculée en fonction des trois autres</translation>
35823605 </message>
35833606 <message>
3584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35853608 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35873610 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35903613 Le nombre de lignes de grille en Y doit être un entier supérieur à zéro</translation>
35913614 </message>
35923615 <message>
3593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
35943617 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35963619 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35973620 <translation>Coordonnée de la première ligne de grille en Y. La valeur de départ ne peut être supérieure à celle de fin</translation>
35983621 </message>
35993622 <message>
3600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36013624 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36033626 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36063629 La valeur doit être supérieure à zéro</translation>
36073630 </message>
36083631 <message>
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36103633 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36123635 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36133636 <translation>Coordonnée de la dernière ligne de grille en Y. La valeur de fin ne peut être inférieure à celle de départ</translation>
36143637 </message>
36153638 <message>
3616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36173640 <source>Preview</source>
36183641 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
36193642 </message>
36203643 <message>
3621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36223645 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
3623 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'apos;effet des réglages sur l'apos;affichage de la grille</translation>
3624 </message>
3625 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3646 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'effet des réglages sur l'affichage de la grille</translation>
3647 </message>
3648 <message>
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36273650 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36283651 <translation>Lignes de grille en X</translation>
36293652 </message>
36303653 <message>
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36323655 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36333656 <translation>Lignes de grille</translation>
36343657 </message>
36353658 <message>
3636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36373660 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36383661 <translation>Lignes de grille en Y</translation>
36393662 </message>
36403663 <message>
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36423665 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36433666 <translation>Lignes de grille en R</translation>
36443667 </message>
36453668 <message>
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36473670 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36483671 <translation>Le nombre de lignes de la grille dépasse la limite définie par Paramètres / Fenêtre principale.</translation>
36493672 </message>
36563679 <translation>Suppression de grille</translation>
36573680 </message>
36583681 <message>
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36603683 <source>Preview</source>
36613684 <translation>Aperçu</translation>
36623685 </message>
36633686 <message>
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3687 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36653688 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
3666 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'apos;effet des réglages sur la suppression de grille</translation>
3667 </message>
3668 <message>
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3689 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant l'effet des réglages sur la suppression de grille</translation>
3690 </message>
3691 <message>
3692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36703693 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36713694 <translation>Supprime les pixels proches des lignes de la grille définie</translation>
36723695 </message>
36733696 <message>
3674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36753698 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36773700 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
36783701 <translation>Cocher cette case pour supprimer les pixels proches de lignes de grille régulièrement espacées.
3680 Cette option est disponible une fois que tous les points d'apos;axe ont été définis.</translation>
3681 </message>
3682 <message>
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3703 Cette option est disponible une fois que tous les points d'axe ont été définis.</translation>
3704 </message>
3705 <message>
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36843707 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36853708 <translation>Proximité (pixels)</translation>
36863709 </message>
36873710 <message>
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
36893712 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
36913714 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
36983721 Cette valeur ne peut être négative. La valeur zéro inhibe cette fonction. Les valeurs décimales sont autorisées</translation>
36993722 </message>
37003723 <message>
3701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3724 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37023725 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37033726 <translation>Lignes de grille en X</translation>
37043727 </message>
37053728 <message>
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37073730 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37083731 <translation>Lignes de grille</translation>
37093732 </message>
37103733 <message>
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37133736 <source>Disable</source>
37143737 <translation>Inhiber</translation>
37153738 </message>
37163739 <message>
3717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37183741 <source>Disabled value.
37203743 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37233746 Les lignes de grille en X sont définies à partir de trois paramètres. Pour plus de flexibilité, quatre paramètres sont proposés et vous choisissez celui qui sera inhibé. Une fois inhibé, la valeur de ce paramètre sera calculée en fonction des trois autres</translation>
37243747 </message>
37253748 <message>
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37283751 <source>Count</source>
37293752 <translation>Compte</translation>
37303753 </message>
37313754 <message>
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37333756 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37353758 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37383761 Le nombre de lignes de grille en X doit être un entier supérieur à zéro</translation>
37393762 </message>
37403763 <message>
3741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37433766 <source>Start</source>
37443767 <translation>Départ</translation>
37453768 </message>
37463769 <message>
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37483771 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37503773 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37513774 <translation>Coordonnée de la première ligne de grille en X. La valeur de départ ne peut être supérieure à celle de fin</translation>
37523775 </message>
37533776 <message>
3754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37563779 <source>Step</source>
37573780 <translation>Pas</translation>
37583781 </message>
37593782 <message>
3760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37613784 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37633786 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37663789 La valeur doit être supérieure à zéro</translation>
37673790 </message>
37683791 <message>
3769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37713794 <source>Stop</source>
37723795 <translation>Fin</translation>
37733796 </message>
37743797 <message>
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37763799 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
37783801 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37793802 <translation>Coordonnée de la dernière ligne de grille en X. La valeur de fin ne peut être inférieure à celle de départ</translation>
37803803 </message>
37813804 <message>
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
37833806 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
37843807 <translation>Lignes de grille en Y</translation>
37853808 </message>
37863809 <message>
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
37883811 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
37893812 <translation>Lignes de grille en R</translation>
37903813 </message>
37913814 <message>
3792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
37933816 <source>Disabled value.
37953818 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37983821 Les lignes de grille en Y sont définies à partir de trois paramètres. Pour plus de flexibilité, quatre paramètres sont proposés et vous choisissez celui qui sera inhibé. Une fois inhibé, la valeur de ce paramètre sera calculée en fonction des trois autres</translation>
37993822 </message>
38003823 <message>
3801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38023825 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38043827 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38073830 Le nombre de lignes de grille en Y doit être un entier supérieur à zéro</translation>
38083831 </message>
38093832 <message>
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38113834 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38133836 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38143837 <translation>Coordonnée de la première ligne de grille en Y. La valeur de départ ne peut être supérieure à celle de fin</translation>
38153838 </message>
38163839 <message>
3817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38183841 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38203843 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38233846 La valeur doit être supérieure à zéro</translation>
38243847 </message>
38253848 <message>
3826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38273850 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38293852 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38333856 <context>
38343857 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38353858 <message>
3836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38373860 <source>Main Window</source>
38383861 <translation>Fenêtre principale</translation>
38393862 </message>
38403863 <message>
3841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38423865 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38433866 <translation>Zoom par défaut</translation>
38443867 </message>
38453868 <message>
3846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38473870 <source>Initial Zoom
38493872 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38503873 <translation>Zoom par défaut
3852 Indique l'apos;affichage initial lorsqu'apos;un nouveau document est chargé. L'apos;affichage précédent peut être conservé, ou un zoom spécifique peut être sélectionné.</translation>
3853 </message>
3854 <message>
3855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3875 Indique l'affichage initial lorsqu'un nouveau document est chargé. L'affichage précédent peut être conservé, ou un zoom spécifique peut être sélectionné.</translation>
3876 </message>
3877 <message>
3878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38563879 <source>Zoom control</source>
38573880 <translation>Contrôle du zoom</translation>
38583881 </message>
38593882 <message>
3860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38613884 <source>Menu only</source>
38623885 <translation>Menu uniquement</translation>
38633886 </message>
38643887 <message>
3865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38663889 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38673890 <translation>Menu et molette de la souris</translation>
38683891 </message>
38693892 <message>
3870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38713894 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
38723895 <translation>Menu et touches+/-</translation>
38733896 </message>
38743897 <message>
3875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
38763899 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
38773900 <translation>Menu, molette de la souris et touches +/-</translation>
38783901 </message>
38793902 <message>
3880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
38813904 <source>Zoom Control
38833906 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
38863909 Indique les méthodes permettant de réaliser un zoom avant ou arrière.</translation>
38873910 </message>
38883911 <message>
3889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
38903912 <source>Locale</source>
3891 <translation>Langue</translation>
3892 </message>
3893 <message>
3894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3913 <translation type="vanished">Langue</translation>
3914 </message>
3915 <message>
3916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3917 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3918 <translation>Locale (nécessite un redémarrage)</translation>
3919 </message>
3920 <message>
3921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
38953922 <source>Locale
38973924 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
38993926 The locale determines how numbers are formatted. Specifically, either commas or periods will be used as group delimiters in each number entered by the user, displayed in the user interface, or exported to a file.</source>
39003927 <translation>Langue
3902 Indique la localisation qui sera appliquée aux nombres (immédiatement), et la langue appliquée à l'apos;interface utilisateur (après redémarrage).
3904 La localisation détermine le formatage des nombres. Par exemple si des points ou des virgules seront utilisés comme délimiteurs des nombres entrés par l'apos;utilisateur, affichés dans l'apos;interface ou exportés dans un fichier.</translation>
3905 </message>
3906 <message>
3907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3929 Indique la localisation qui sera appliquée aux nombres (immédiatement), et la langue appliquée à l'interface utilisateur (après redémarrage).
3931 La localisation détermine le formatage des nombres. Par exemple si des points ou des virgules seront utilisés comme délimiteurs des nombres entrés par l'utilisateur, affichés dans l'interface ou exportés dans un fichier.</translation>
3932 </message>
3933 <message>
3934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39083935 <source>Import cropping</source>
3909 <translation>Recadrage de l'apos;importation</translation>
3910 </message>
3911 <message>
3912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3936 <translation>Recadrage de l'importation</translation>
3937 </message>
3938 <message>
3939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39133940 <source>Import Cropping
39153942 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39173944 This setting only has an effect when Engauge has been built with support for pdf files.</source>
39183945 <translation>Recadrage de l&amp;apos;importation
3920 Active ou non le choix de recadrage lors de l&amp;apos;importation d&amp;apos;une image. Recadrer l&amp;apos;image est utile pour éliminer des informations inutiles du graphique, ça l&amp;apos;est moins si le graphique remplit déjà toute la page.
3922 Ce paramètre n'apos;a d'apos;effet que lorsque Engauge a été créé avec la prise en charge des fichiers PDF.
3947 Active ou non le choix de recadrage lors de l&amp;apos;importation d&amp;apos;une image. Recadrer l&amp;image est utile pour éliminer des informations inutiles du graphique, ça l&amp;est moins si le graphique remplit déjà toute la page.
3949 Ce paramètre n'a d'effet que lorsque Engauge a été créé avec la prise en charge des fichiers PDF.
39233950 </translation>
39243951 </message>
39253952 <message>
3926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39273954 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
3928 <translation>Résolution d'apos;importation PDF (points par pouce)</translation>
3929 </message>
3930 <message>
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3955 <translation>Résolution d'importation PDF (points par pouce)</translation>
3956 </message>
3957 <message>
3958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39323959 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39343961 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
3935 <translation>Résolution d'apos;importation PDF
3937 Les fichiers PDF (Portable Document Format) sont convertis avec cette résolution en points par pouce (PPP), où chaque pixel représente un point. Une valeur élevée augmente la résolution de l'apos;image et peut améliorer la précision de numérisation. Cependant une valeur trop élevée risque de faire ralentir Engauge.</translation>
3938 </message>
3939 <message>
3940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3962 <translation>Résolution d'importation PDF
3964 Les fichiers PDF (Portable Document Format) sont convertis avec cette résolution en points par pouce (PPP), où chaque pixel représente un point. Une valeur élevée augmente la résolution de l'image et peut améliorer la précision de numérisation. Cependant une valeur trop élevée risque de faire ralentir Engauge.</translation>
3965 </message>
3966 <message>
3967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39413968 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39423969 <translation>Nombre max de lignes de grille</translation>
39433970 </message>
39443971 <message>
3945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3972 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39463973 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39483975 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39493976 <translation>Nombre maximum de lignes de grilles
3951 Nombre maximal de lignes à traiter. Cette limite s'apos;applique lorsque le pas entre la valeur de début et celle de fin est trop petite, ce qui donnerait visuellement trop de lignes et pourrait conduire à un temps de traitement très long (puisque chaque ligne devrait être traitée)</translation>
3952 </message>
3953 <message>
3954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3978 Nombre maximal de lignes à traiter. Cette limite s'applique lorsque le pas entre la valeur de début et celle de fin est trop petite, ce qui donnerait visuellement trop de lignes et pourrait conduire à un temps de traitement très long (puisque chaque ligne devrait être traitée)</translation>
3979 </message>
3980 <message>
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39553982 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39563983 <translation>Opacité de la surbrillance</translation>
39573984 </message>
39583985 <message>
3959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39603987 <source>Highlight Opacity
39623989 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
3963 <translation>Mettre en évidence l'apos;opacité
3965 Opacité à appliquer lorsqu'apos;un curseur est sur un point d'apos;une courbe ou d'apos;un axe en mode Sélection. Le changement d'apos;apparence montre qu'apos;un point peut être sélectionné.</translation>
3966 </message>
3967 <message>
3968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3990 <translation>Mettre en évidence l'opacité
3992 Opacité à appliquer lorsqu'un curseur est sur un point d'une courbe ou d'un axe en mode Sélection. Le changement d'apparence montre qu'un point peut être sélectionné.</translation>
3993 </message>
3994 <message>
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39693996 <source>Recent file list</source>
39703997 <translation>Fichiers récents</translation>
39713998 </message>
39723999 <message>
3973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
39744001 <source>Clear</source>
39754002 <translation>Effacer</translation>
39764003 </message>
39774004 <message>
3978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
39794006 <source>Recent File List Clear
39814008 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
39844011 Vide la liste des fichiers récents dans le menu Fichier.</translation>
39854012 </message>
39864013 <message>
3987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
39884015 <source>Include title bar path</source>
39894016 <translation>Chemin dans la barre de titre</translation>
39904017 </message>
39914018 <message>
3992 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
39934020 <source>Title Bar Filename
39954022 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
39964023 <translation>Nom de fichier dans la barre de titre
3998 Indique ou masque le chemin d'apos;accès et l'apos;extension du fichier dans la barre de titre.</translation>
3999 </message>
4000 <message>
4001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4025 Indique ou masque le chemin d'accès et l'extension du fichier dans la barre de titre.</translation>
4026 </message>
4027 <message>
4028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40024029 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40034030 <translation>Permettre de petites boîtes de dialogue</translation>
40044031 </message>
40054032 <message>
4006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40074034 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40094036 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40104037 <translation>Permettre de petites boîtes de dialogue:
4012 Permet aux boîtes de dialogue d'apos;être très petites de manière à tenir dans les petits écrans d'apos;ordinateur.</translation>
4013 </message>
4014 <message>
4015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4039 Permet aux boîtes de dialogue d'être très petites de manière à tenir dans les petits écrans d'ordinateur.</translation>
4040 </message>
4041 <message>
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40164043 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
4017 <translation>Permettre l'apos;Export par Glisser-Déposer</translation>
4018 </message>
4019 <message>
4020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4044 <translation>Permettre l'Export par Glisser-Déposer</translation>
4045 </message>
4046 <message>
4047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40214048 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40234050 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40254052 When drag and drop is disabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using click and drag. When drag and drop is enabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the drag operation.</source>
4026 <translation>Permettre l'apos;Export par Glisser-Déposer
4028 Permet l'apos;export par glisser-déposer dans les tables des Fenêtre d'apos;Ajustement de Courbe et Fenêtre de Géométrie.
4030 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules d'apos;une table peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'apos;opération de glisser.</translation>
4031 </message>
4032 <message>
4033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4053 <translation>Permettre l'Export par Glisser-Déposer
4055 Permet l'export par glisser-déposer dans les tables des Fenêtre d'Ajustement de Courbe et Fenêtre de Géométrie.
4057 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules d'une table peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'opération de glisser.</translation>
4058 </message>
4059 <message>
4060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4061 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4062 <translation>Image remplaçant renomme le document </translation>
4063 </message>
4064 <message>
4065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4066 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4068 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4069 <translation>Document de remplacement d'images renommé
4071 Lorsqu'une image est importée pour remplacer l'image actuelle, le document sera renommé si cela est vrai, sinon le nom restera le même.</translation>
4072 </message>
4073 <message>
4074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40344075 <source>Significant digits</source>
40354076 <translation>Chiffres significatifs</translation>
40364077 </message>
40374078 <message>
4038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40394080 <source>Significant Digits
40414082 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
4042 <translation>Chiffres significatifsNombre de chiffres de précision en nombres à virgule flottante. Cette valeur affecte les calculs pour les ajustements de courbes, puisque les résultats intermédiaires inférieurs à un seuil T indiquent qu'apos;une courbe polynomiale avec un ordre spécifique ne peut pas être ajustée aux données. Le seuil T est calculé à partir de l'apos;élément matriciel maximal M et des chiffres significatifs S comme T = M / 10 ^ S.</translation>
4083 <translation>Chiffres significatifsNombre de chiffres de précision en nombres à virgule flottante. Cette valeur affecte les calculs pour les ajustements de courbes, puisque les résultats intermédiaires inférieurs à un seuil T indiquent qu'une courbe polynomiale avec un ordre spécifique ne peut pas être ajustée aux données. Le seuil T est calculé à partir de l'élément matriciel maximal M et des chiffres significatifs S comme T = M / 10 ^ S.</translation>
40434084 </message>
40444085 </context>
40454086 <context>
40634104 This size is also used to determine if a region of pixels that are on, in the processed image, should be ignored since that region is wider or taller than this limit.
40654106 This value has a lower limit</source>
4066 <translation>Choisir la taille maximale d'apos;un point en pixels.
4107 <translation>Choisir la taille maximale d'un point en pixels.
40684109 Les points à détecter doivent entrer dans une zone carrée, autour du curseur, ayant une largeur et une hauteur égales à ce maximum.
4070 Cette taille permet aussi de déterminer si une région colorée de pixels, sur l'apos;image traitée, doit être ignorée si elle est plus large ou haute que cette limite.
4111 Cette taille permet aussi de déterminer si une région colorée de pixels, sur l'image traitée, doit être ignorée si elle est plus large ou haute que cette limite.
40724113 Ce réglage a une valeur minimale</translation>
40734114 </message>
40744115 <message>
40754116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="98" />
40764117 <source>Accepted point color</source>
4077 <translation>Couleur d'apos;un point accepté</translation>
4118 <translation>Couleur d'un point accepté</translation>
40784119 </message>
40794120 <message>
40804121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="102" />
40844125 <message>
40854126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="107" />
40864127 <source>Rejected point color</source>
4087 <translation>Couleur d'apos;un point rejeté</translation>
4128 <translation>Couleur d'un point rejeté</translation>
40884129 </message>
40894130 <message>
40904131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="111" />
40944135 <message>
40954136 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="116" />
40964137 <source>Candidate point color</source>
4097 <translation>Couleur d'apos;un point proposé</translation>
4138 <translation>Couleur d'un point proposé</translation>
40984139 </message>
40994140 <message>
41004141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="120" />
41814222 <message>
41824223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="118" />
41834224 <source>Select a size for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4184 <translation>Epaisseur de la ligne dessinée le long d'apos;un segment</translation>
4225 <translation>Epaisseur de la ligne dessinée le long d'un segment</translation>
41854226 </message>
41864227 <message>
41874228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="123" />
41914232 <message>
41924233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="127" />
41934234 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4194 <translation>Couleur de la ligne dessinée le long d'apos;un segment</translation>
4235 <translation>Couleur de la ligne dessinée le long d'un segment</translation>
41954236 </message>
41964237 <message>
41974238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="142" />
42014242 <message>
42024243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="149" />
42034244 <source>Preview window shows the shortest line that can be segment filled, and the effects of current settings on segments and points generated by segment fill</source>
4204 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant un segment minimum et l'apos;effet des réglages sur le segment et les points générés dans ce mode</translation>
4245 <translation>Prévisualisation montrant un segment minimum et l'effet des réglages sur le segment et les points générés dans ce mode</translation>
42054246 </message>
42064247 </context>
42074248 <context>
42104251 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="42" />
42114252 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="43" />
42124253 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
4213 <translation>Fenêtre d'apos;Ajustement de Courbe</translation>
4254 <translation>Fenêtre d'Ajustement de Courbe</translation>
42144255 </message>
42154256 <message>
42164257 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="44" />
42194260 This window applies a curve fit to the currently selected curve.
42214262 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4222 <translation>Fenêtre d'apos;Ajustement de Courbe
4224 Cette fenêtre applique une courbe d'apos;ajustement à la courbe sélectionnée pour le moment.
4226 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules d'apos;une table peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Sinon, lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'apos;opération de glisser. Le mode glisser-déposer est défini dans les paramètres de la Fenêtre Principale.</translation>
4263 <translation>Fenêtre d'Ajustement de Courbe
4265 Cette fenêtre applique une courbe d'ajustement à la courbe sélectionnée pour le moment.
4267 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules d'une table peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Sinon, lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'opération de glisser. Le mode glisser-déposer est défini dans les paramètres de la Fenêtre Principale.</translation>
42274268 </message>
42284269 <message>
42294270 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="128" />
42384279 <message>
42394280 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="158" />
42404281 <source>Calculated mean square error statistic</source>
4241 <translation>Statistique calculée d'apos;erreur quadratique moyenne</translation>
4282 <translation>Statistique calculée d'erreur quadratique moyenne</translation>
42424283 </message>
42434284 <message>
42444285 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="161" />
42484289 <message>
42494290 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="166" />
42504291 <source>Calculated root mean square statistic. This is calculated as the square root of the mean square error</source>
4251 <translation>Statistique calculée de racine carrée. Ceci est calculé comme la racine carrée de l'apos;erreur quadratique moyenne.</translation>
4292 <translation>Statistique calculée de racine carrée. Ceci est calculé comme la racine carrée de l'erreur quadratique moyenne.</translation>
42524293 </message>
42534294 <message>
42544295 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="169" />
42844325 <context>
42854326 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
42864327 <message>
4328 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
42874329 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4288 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
42894330 <source>Geometry Window</source>
42904331 <translation>Fenêtre Géométrie</translation>
42914332 </message>
42924333 <message>
4293 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4334 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
42944335 <source>Geometry Window
42964337 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43134354 Ce tableau affiche les données géométriques suivantes pour la courbe sélectionnée pour le moment:
4315 Aire de la fonction = aire sous la courbe s'apos;il s'apos;agit d'apos;une fonction
4317 Aire du polygone = aire à l'apos;intérieur de la courbe s'apos;il s'apos;agit d'apos;une relation. Cette valeur n'apos;est correcte que si aucune des courbes ne se croise
4356 Aire de la fonction = aire sous la courbe s'il s'agit d'une fonction
4358 Aire du polygone = aire à l'intérieur de la courbe s'il s'agit d'une relation. Cette valeur n'est correcte que si aucune des courbes ne se croise
43194360 X = coordonnée en X de chaque point
43254366 Distance = distance devant ou derrière le long de la courbe, en unités du graphique ou en pourcentage
4327 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Sinon, lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'apos;opération de glisser. Le mode glisser-déposer est défini dans les paramètres de la Fenêtre Principale.</translation>
4368 Lorsque le glisser-déposer est désactivé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et glissé. Sinon, lorsque le glisser-déposer est activé, un ensemble rectangulaire de cellules peut être sélectionné par un clic et ensuite Shift+Clic, car le clic et glissé commence l'opération de glisser. Le mode glisser-déposer est défini dans les paramètres de la Fenêtre Principale.</translation>
4369 </message>
4370 <message>
4371 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4372 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4373 <translation>Les segments en surbrillance peuvent avoir des valeurs inattendues lors de leur exportation en raison de chevauchements. Ajustez les points ou modifiez Paramètres / Propriétés de la courbe / Connecter en tant que.</translation>
4374 </message>
4375 </context>
4376 <context>
4377 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4378 <message>
4379 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4380 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4381 <translation>La fonction a actuellement plusieurs valeurs Y pour une valeur X. Veuillez ajuster les points proches ou changer le type de courbe dans Propriétés de la courbe</translation>
43284382 </message>
43294383 </context>
43304384 <context>
43454399 3) selecting a new zoom setting from the View/Zoom menu</source>
43464400 <translation>Fenêtre principale
4348 Après l'apos;import d'apos;une image, ou l'apos;ouverture d'apos;un document Engauge, une image apparaît dans cette zône. Les points sont ajoutés à l'apos;image.
4350 Si l'apos;image est un graphique avec deux axes et une ou plusieurs courbes, alors trois points d'apos;axe doivent être créés le long de ces axes. Placer deux points sur un axe, et un troisième point sur l'apos;autre axe, les plus éloignés possible les uns des autres pour augmenter la précision. Ensuite, les points des courbes peuvent être ajoutés le long des courbes.
4352 Si l'apos;image est un plan avec une échelle définissant les distances, alors deux points d'apos;axe doivent être créés aux extrémités de l'apos;échelle. Ensuite les points de courbes peuvent être ajoutés.
4354 Le zoom avant ou arrière de l'apos;image est réalisé selon une des métodes suivantes:
4355 1) tourner la molette de la souris lorsque le curseur est en-dehors de l'apos;image
4402 Après l'import d'une image, ou l'ouverture d'un document Engauge, une image apparaît dans cette zône. Les points sont ajoutés à l'image.
4404 Si l'image est un graphique avec deux axes et une ou plusieurs courbes, alors trois points d'axe doivent être créés le long de ces axes. Placer deux points sur un axe, et un troisième point sur l'autre axe, les plus éloignés possible les uns des autres pour augmenter la précision. Ensuite, les points des courbes peuvent être ajoutés le long des courbes.
4406 Si l'image est un plan avec une échelle définissant les distances, alors deux points d'axe doivent être créés aux extrémités de l'échelle. Ensuite les points de courbes peuvent être ajoutés.
4408 Le zoom avant ou arrière de l'image est réalisé selon une des métodes suivantes:
4409 1) tourner la molette de la souris lorsque le curseur est en-dehors de l'image
43564410 2) appuyer sur les ouches plus ou moins
43574411 3) choisir un nouveau réglage de zoom dans le menu Affichage/Zoom</translation>
43584412 </message>
43734427 <context>
43744428 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
43754429 <message>
4376 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4430 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
43774431 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
43784432 <translation>Echec du téléchargement depuis</translation>
43794433 </message>
43804434 <message>
4381 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4435 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
43824436 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
4383 <translation>Echec du chargement de l'apos;image depuis</translation>
4437 <translation>Echec du chargement de l'image depuis</translation>
43844438 </message>
43854439 </context>
43864440 <context>
43874441 <name>MainWindow</name>
43884442 <message>
4389 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4443 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
43904444 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
4391 <translation>Impossible d'apos;exporter le fichier </translation>
4392 </message>
4393 <message>
4394 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4445 <translation>Impossible d'exporter le fichier </translation>
4446 </message>
4447 <message>
4448 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
43954449 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
43964450 <translation>Impossible d'extraire l'image dans un fichier</translation>
43974451 </message>
43984452 <message>
4399 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4400 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4401 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4453 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4454 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4455 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44024456 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44034457 <translation>Lecture fichier impossible</translation>
44044458 </message>
44054459 <message>
4406 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4407 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4408 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4460 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4461 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4462 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44094463 <source>from directory</source>
44104464 <translation>du dossier</translation>
44114465 </message>
44124466 <message>
4413 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4467 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44144468 <source>Import Image</source>
44154469 <translation>Importer une image</translation>
44164470 </message>
44174471 <message>
4418 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44194473 <source>File opened</source>
44204474 <translation>Fichier ouvert</translation>
44214475 </message>
44224476 <message>
4423 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44244478 <source>File not found</source>
44254479 <translation>fichier introuvable</translation>
44264480 </message>
44274481 <message>
4428 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4482 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44294483 <source>Error report opened</source>
4430 <translation>Rapport d'apos;erreur ouvert</translation>
4431 </message>
4432 <message>
4433 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4434 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4484 <translation>Rapport d'erreur ouvert</translation>
4485 </message>
4486 <message>
4487 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4488 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44354489 <source>File imported</source>
44364490 <translation>Fichier importé</translation>
44374491 </message>
44384492 <message>
4439 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44404494 <source>Background image.</source>
44414495 <translation>Image de fond.</translation>
44424496 </message>
44434497 <message>
4444 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44454499 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44464500 <translation>Courbe sélectionnée.</translation>
44474501 </message>
44484502 <message>
4449 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4503 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44504504 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44514505 <translation>Type de point pour la courbe selectionnée.</translation>
44524506 </message>
44534507 <message>
4454 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4508 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44554509 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44564510 <translation>Filtre de remplissage par segment pour la courbe sélectionnée.</translation>
44574511 </message>
44584512 <message>
4459 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4513 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44604514 <source>The document has been modified.
44614515 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44624516 <translation>Le document a été modifié.
44634517 Voulez-vous enregistrer vos modifications?</translation>
44644518 </message>
44654519 <message>
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4520 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44674521 <source>Cannot write file</source>
4468 <translation>Impossible d'apos;écrire le fichier</translation>
4469 </message>
4470 <message>
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4522 <translation>Impossible d'écrire le fichier</translation>
4523 </message>
4524 <message>
4525 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44724526 <source>Save</source>
44734527 <translation>Sauvegarder</translation>
44744528 </message>
44754529 <message>
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4530 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
44774531 <source>Export</source>
44784532 <translation>Exporter</translation>
44794533 </message>
44804534 <message>
4481 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4535 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
44824536 <source>Open Document</source>
44834537 <translation>Ouvrir un fichier</translation>
44844538 </message>
44854539 <message>
4486 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4540 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
44874541 <source>+</source>
44884542 <translation>+</translation>
44894543 </message>
44904544 <message>
4491 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4545 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
44924546 <source>-</source>
44934547 <translation>-</translation>
44944548 </message>
44954549 <message>
4496 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4550 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
44974551 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44984552 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
44994553 </message>
45014555 <context>
45024556 <name>QObject</name>
45034557 <message>
4504 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4505 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4506 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4558 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4559 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4560 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45074561 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
4508 <translation>Le nouveau point d'apos;axe ne peut être placé au même endroit qu'apos;un point d'apos;axe déjà existant</translation>
4509 </message>
4510 <message>
4511 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4512 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4562 <translation>Le nouveau point d'axe ne peut être placé au même endroit qu'un point d'axe déjà existant</translation>
4563 </message>
4564 <message>
4565 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4566 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45134567 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
4514 <translation>Le nouveau point d'apos;axe ne peut pas avoir les mêmes coordonnées qu'apos;un point d'apos;axe déjà existant</translation>
4515 </message>
4516 <message>
4517 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4518 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4568 <translation>Le nouveau point d'axe ne peut pas avoir les mêmes coordonnées qu'un point d'axe déjà existant</translation>
4569 </message>
4570 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4572 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45194573 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
4520 <translation>Pas plus de deux points d'apos;axe peuvent être placés sur la même ligne à l'apos;écran</translation>
4521 </message>
4522 <message>
4523 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4524 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4574 <translation>Pas plus de deux points d'axe peuvent être placés sur la même ligne à l'écran</translation>
4575 </message>
4576 <message>
4577 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45254579 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
4526 <translation>Pas plus de deux points d'apos;axe peuvent être placés sur une même ligne du graphique</translation>
4527 </message>
4528 <message>
4529 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4580 <translation>Pas plus de deux points d'axe peuvent être placés sur une même ligne du graphique</translation>
4581 </message>
4582 <message>
4583 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45304584 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
4531 <translation>Trop de points d'apos;axes sur l'apos;axe des x. Seuls deux sont autorisés</translation>
4532 </message>
4533 <message>
4534 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4585 <translation>Trop de points d'axes sur l'axe des x. Seuls deux sont autorisés</translation>
4586 </message>
4587 <message>
4588 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45354589 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
4536 <translation>Trop de points d'apos;axes sur l'apos;axe des y. Seuls deux sont autorisés</translation>
4537 </message>
4538 <message>
4539 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4590 <translation>Trop de points d'axes sur l'axe des y. Seuls deux sont autorisés</translation>
4591 </message>
4592 <message>
4593 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45404594 <source>Never</source>
45414595 <translation>Jamais</translation>
45424596 </message>
45434597 <message>
4544 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4598 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45454599 <source>NSeconds</source>
45464600 <translation>NSeconds</translation>
45474601 </message>
45484602 <message>
4549 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4603 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45504604 <source>Forever</source>
45514605 <translation>Toujours</translation>
4552 </message>
4553 <message>
4554 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4555 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4556 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4557 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4558 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4559 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4560 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4561 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4562 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4563 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4564 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4565 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4566 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4567 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4568 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4569 <source>Unknown</source>
4570 <translation>Inconnu</translation>
45714606 </message>
45724607 <message>
45734608 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46164651 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46174652 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46184653 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4619 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4654 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46204655 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46214656 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46224657 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46264661 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
46274662 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsSegments.cpp" line="50" />
46284663 <source>Reached end of file before finding end element for</source>
4629 <translation>Fin de fichier atteinte avant de trouver la fin de l'apos;élément</translation>
4664 <translation>Fin de fichier atteinte avant de trouver la fin de l'élément</translation>
46304665 </message>
46314666 <message>
46324667 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="14" />
46544689 <translation>Valeur</translation>
46554690 </message>
46564691 <message>
4657 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4692 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4693 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4694 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4695 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4696 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4697 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4698 <source>Unknown</source>
4699 <translation>Inconnu</translation>
4700 </message>
4701 <message>
4702 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46584703 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46594704 <translation>Impossible de lire les données de filtrafe de courbe</translation>
46604705 </message>
47314776 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47324777 </message>
47334778 <message>
4734 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4779 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47354780 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47364781 <translation>Elément XML inattendu</translation>
47374782 </message>
47424787 <translation>Impossible de lire les données de courbe</translation>
47434788 </message>
47444789 <message>
4745 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4790 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47464791 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47474792 <translation>FunctionSmooth</translation>
47484793 </message>
47494794 <message>
4750 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4795 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47514796 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47524797 <translation>FunctionStraight</translation>
47534798 </message>
47544799 <message>
4755 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4800 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47564801 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47574802 <translation>RelationSmooth</translation>
47584803 </message>
47594804 <message>
4760 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4805 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47614806 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47624807 <translation>RelationStraight</translation>
47634808 </message>
47644809 <message>
4765 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4810 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47664811 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47674812 <translation>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</translation>
47684813 </message>
47854830 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
47864831 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
47874832 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4788 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4833 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
47894834 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
47904835 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
47914836 </message>
47924837 <message>
47934838 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="136" />
47944839 <source>Three axis points have been defined, and no more are needed or allowed.</source>
4795 <translation>Trois points d'apos;axes ont été définis. Aucun autre point n'apos;est nécessaire ou autorisé.</translation>
4796 </message>
4797 <message>
4798 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4840 <translation>Trois points d'axes ont été définis. Aucun autre point n'est nécessaire ou autorisé.</translation>
4841 </message>
4842 <message>
4843 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
47994844 <source>Color Picker</source>
48004845 <translation>Pipette à couleurs</translation>
48014846 </message>
48024847 <message>
4803 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4848 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48044849 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
4805 <translation>Désolé. La prise de couleur ne doit pas se faire près de/sur l'apos;arrière-plan. Merci de recommencer.</translation>
4850 <translation>Désolé. La prise de couleur ne doit pas se faire près de/sur l'arrière-plan. Merci de recommencer.</translation>
48064851 </message>
48074852 <message>
48084853 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="350" />
48124857 <message>
48134858 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="351" />
48144859 <source>There are no more matching points</source>
4815 <translation>Il n'apos;y a plus de point détecté</translation>
4860 <translation>Il n'y a plus de point détecté</translation>
48164861 </message>
48174862 <message>
48184863 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="174" />
48194864 <source>The scale bar has been defined, and another is not needed or allowed.</source>
4820 <translation>La barre d'apos;échelle a été définie et une autre n'apos;est pas nécessaire ou autorisée.</translation>
4865 <translation>La barre d'échelle a été définie et une autre n'est pas nécessaire ou autorisée.</translation>
48214866 </message>
48224867 <message>
48234868 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="35" />
48404885 <translation>Monter</translation>
48414886 </message>
48424887 <message>
4843 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4844 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4888 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4889 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48454890 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
4846 <translation>Le système d'apos;exploitation indique que le fichier n'apos;est pas accessible en lecture</translation>
4847 </message>
4848 <message>
4849 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4891 <translation>Le système d'exploitation indique que le fichier n'est pas accessible en lecture</translation>
4892 </message>
4893 <message>
4894 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48504895 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
4851 <translation>Impossible de lire un fichier d'apos;une version plus récente</translation>
4852 </message>
4853 <message>
4854 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4896 <translation>Impossible de lire un fichier d'une version plus récente</translation>
4897 </message>
4898 <message>
4899 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48554900 <source>of</source>
48564901 <translation>de</translation>
48574902 </message>
48584903 <message>
4859 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4904 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48604905 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48614906 <source>File</source>
48624907 <translation>Le fichier</translation>
48634908 </message>
48644909 <message>
4865 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4910 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48664911 <source>was not found</source>
48674912 <translation>est introuvable</translation>
48684913 </message>
48694914 <message>
4870 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4915 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48714916 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
4872 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'apos;image</translation>
4917 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'image</translation>
48734918 </message>
48744919 <message>
48754920 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelAxesChecker.cpp" line="96" />
48924937 <translation>Ne peut lire les données de numérisation de courbe</translation>
48934938 </message>
48944939 <message>
4895 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4940 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
48964941 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
4897 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'apos;exportation</translation>
4942 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'exportation</translation>
48984943 </message>
48994944 <message>
49004945 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGeneral.cpp" line="93" />
49044949 <message>
49054950 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
49064951 <source>Cannot read grid display data</source>
4907 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'apos;affichage de grille</translation>
4952 <translation>Ne peut lire les données d'affichage de grille</translation>
49084953 </message>
49094954 <message>
49104955 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridRemoval.cpp" line="191" />
49244969 <message>
49254970 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentScrub.cpp" line="40" />
49264971 <source>Point identifier error encountered. Please notify the Engauge developers along with any comments about the country and language locale. The invalid point name was</source>
4927 <translation>Erreur d'apos;identificateur de point rencontrée. Merci d'apos;informer les développeurs Engauge de tout commentaire sur les paramètres régionaux du pays et de la langue. Le nom de point non valide était</translation>
4928 </message>
4929 <message>
4930 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4972 <translation>Erreur d'identificateur de point rencontrée. Merci d'informer les développeurs Engauge de tout commentaire sur les paramètres régionaux du pays et de la langue. Le nom de point non valide était</translation>
4973 </message>
4974 <message>
4975 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49314976 <source>Commas</source>
49324977 <translation>Virgules</translation>
49334978 </message>
49344979 <message>
4935 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4980 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49364981 <source>Semicolons</source>
49374982 <translation>Points-virgules</translation>
49384983 </message>
49394984 <message>
4940 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4985 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49414986 <source>Spaces</source>
49424987 <translation>Espaces</translation>
49434988 </message>
49444989 <message>
4945 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4990 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49464991 <source>Tabs</source>
49474992 <translation>Tabulations</translation>
49484993 </message>
49494994 <message>
4950 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4995 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49514996 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49524997 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49534998 </message>
49544999 <message>
4955 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5000 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49565001 <source>None</source>
49575002 <translation>Aucun</translation>
49585003 </message>
49595004 <message>
4960 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5005 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49615006 <source>Simple</source>
49625007 <translation>Simple</translation>
49635008 </message>
49645009 <message>
49655010 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="26" />
49665011 <source>Export Image</source>
4967 <translation>Exporter l'apos;image</translation>
5012 <translation>Exporter l'image</translation>
49685013 </message>
49695014 <message>
49705015 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="27" />
49725017 <translation>Export du fichier impossible</translation>
49735018 </message>
49745019 <message>
4975 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5020 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49765021 <source>AllPerLine</source>
49775022 <translation>AllPerLine</translation>
49785023 </message>
49795024 <message>
4980 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5025 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
49815026 <source>OnePerLine</source>
49825027 <translation>OnePerLine</translation>
49835028 </message>
49845029 <message>
4985 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5030 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
49865031 <source>Graph Units</source>
49875032 <translation>Unité Graphique</translation>
49885033 </message>
49895034 <message>
4990 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5035 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
49915036 <source>Pixels</source>
49925037 <translation>Pixels</translation>
49935038 </message>
49945039 <message>
4995 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5040 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49965041 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
49975042 <translation>InterpolateAllCurves</translation>
49985043 </message>
49995044 <message>
5000 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5045 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50015046 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50025047 <translation>InterpolateFirstCurve</translation>
50035048 </message>
50045049 <message>
5005 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5050 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50065051 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50075052 <translation>InterpolatePeriodic</translation>
50085053 </message>
50095054 <message>
5010 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5011 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5055 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5056 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50125057 <source>Raw</source>
50135058 <translation>Brute</translation>
50145059 </message>
50155060 <message>
5016 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5061 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50175062 <source>Interpolate</source>
50185063 <translation>Interpoler</translation>
50195064 </message>
50205065 <message>
5021 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5066 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50225067 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50235068 <translation>Lecture du script impossible</translation>
50245069 </message>
50255070 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5071 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50275072 <source>from directory</source>
50285073 <translation>du dossier</translation>
50295074 </message>
50595104 </message>
50605105 <message>
50615106 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5062 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5107 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50635108 <source>X</source>
50645109 <translation>X</translation>
50655110 </message>
50695114 <translation>Y</translation>
50705115 </message>
50715116 <message>
5072 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5117 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
50735118 <source>Count</source>
50745119 <translation>Compte</translation>
50755120 </message>
50765121 <message>
5077 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5122 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
50785123 <source>Start</source>
50795124 <translation>Départ</translation>
50805125 </message>
50815126 <message>
5082 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5127 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
50835128 <source>Step</source>
50845129 <translation>Pas</translation>
50855130 </message>
50865131 <message>
5087 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5132 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
50885133 <source>Stop</source>
50895134 <translation>Fin</translation>
50905135 </message>
50915136 <message>
50925137 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridLineFactory.cpp" line="67" />
50935138 <source>Axes checker. If this does not align with the axes, then the axes points should be checked</source>
5094 <translation>Vérification des axes. Si le cadre ne s'apos;aligne pas sur les axes, vérifier les points d'apos;axes</translation>
5139 <translation>Vérification des axes. Si le cadre ne s'aligne pas sur les axes, vérifier les points d'axes</translation>
50955140 </message>
50965141 <message>
50975142 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="22" />
51245169 <translation>Ne peut lire les identifiants des points</translation>
51255170 </message>
51265171 <message>
5127 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5172 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51285173 <source>Circle</source>
51295174 <translation>Rond</translation>
51305175 </message>
51315176 <message>
5132 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5177 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51335178 <source>Cross</source>
51345179 <translation>Croix</translation>
51355180 </message>
51365181 <message>
5137 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5182 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51385183 <source>Diamond</source>
51395184 <translation>Losange</translation>
51405185 </message>
51415186 <message>
5142 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5187 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5188 <source>Hourglass</source>
5189 <translation>Sablier</translation>
5190 </message>
5191 <message>
5192 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51435193 <source>Square</source>
51445194 <translation>Carré</translation>
51455195 </message>
51465196 <message>
5147 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5197 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51485198 <source>Triangle</source>
51495199 <translation>Triangle</translation>
51505200 </message>
51515201 <message>
5152 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5202 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5203 <source>Triangle2</source>
5204 <translation>Triangle2</translation>
5205 </message>
5206 <message>
5207 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51535208 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51545209 <translation>Ne peut lire les styles de points</translation>
51555210 </message>
51565211 <message>
5157 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5212 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51585213 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51595214 <translation>Coordonnées du graphique</translation>
51605215 </message>
51615216 <message>
5162 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5217 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51635218 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51645219 <translation>Coordonnées Pixel</translation>
51655220 </message>
51665221 <message>
5167 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5222 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51685223 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51695224 <translation>Résolution graphique</translation>
51705225 </message>
51715226 <message>
51725227 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="178" />
51735228 <source>Need scale bar</source>
5174 <translation>Besoin d'apos;une barre d'apos;échelle</translation>
5229 <translation>Besoin d'une barre d'échelle</translation>
51755230 </message>
51765231 <message>
51775232 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="179" />
51785233 <source>Need more axis points</source>
5179 <translation>Besoin de plus de points d'apos;axe</translation>
5180 </message>
5181 <message>
5182 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
5234 <translation>Besoin de plus de points d'axe</translation>
5235 </message>
5236 <message>
51835237 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5184 <translation>16:1 plus loin</translation>
5185 </message>
5186 <message>
5187 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5238 <translation type="vanished"> 16:1 plus loin</translation>
5239 </message>
5240 <message>
51885241 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5189 <translation>8:1 plus proche</translation>
5190 </message>
5191 <message>
5192 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5242 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 plus près</translation>
5243 </message>
5244 <message>
51935245 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5194 <translation>8:1 plus loin</translation>
5195 </message>
5196 <message>
5197 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5246 <translation type="vanished">8:1 plus loin</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
51985249 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5199 <translation>4:1 plus proche</translation>
5200 </message>
5201 <message>
5202 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5250 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 plus près</translation>
5251 </message>
5252 <message>
52035253 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5204 <translation>4:1 plus loin</translation>
5205 </message>
5206 <message>
5207 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5254 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 plus loin</translation>
5255 </message>
5256 <message>
52085257 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5209 <translation>2:1 plus proche</translation>
5210 </message>
5211 <message>
5212 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5258 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 plus près</translation>
5259 </message>
5260 <message>
52135261 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5214 <translation>2:1 plus loin</translation>
5215 </message>
5216 <message>
5217 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5262 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 plus loin</translation>
5263 </message>
5264 <message>
52185265 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5219 <translation>1:1 plus proche</translation>
5220 </message>
5221 <message>
5222 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5266 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 plus près</translation>
5267 </message>
5268 <message>
52235269 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5224 <translation>1:1 plus loin</translation>
5225 </message>
5226 <message>
5227 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5270 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 plus loin</translation>
5271 </message>
5272 <message>
52285273 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5229 <translation>1:2 plus proche</translation>
5230 </message>
5231 <message>
5232 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5274 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 plus près</translation>
5275 </message>
5276 <message>
52335277 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5234 <translation>1:2 plus loin</translation>
5235 </message>
5236 <message>
5237 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5278 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 plus loin</translation>
5279 </message>
5280 <message>
52385281 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5239 <translation>1:4 plus proche</translation>
5240 </message>
5241 <message>
5242 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5282 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 plus près</translation>
5283 </message>
5284 <message>
52435285 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5244 <translation>1:4 plus loin</translation>
5245 </message>
5246 <message>
5247 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5286 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 plus loin</translation>
5287 </message>
5288 <message>
52485289 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5249 <translation>1:8 plus proche</translation>
5250 </message>
5251 <message>
5252 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5290 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 plus près</translation>
5291 </message>
5292 <message>
52535293 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5254 <translation>1:8 plus loin</translation>
5255 </message>
5256 <message>
5257 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5294 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 plus loin</translation>
5295 </message>
5296 <message>
52585297 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5259 <translation>1:16 plus proche</translation>
5260 </message>
5261 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5298 <translation type="vanished">1: 16 plus près</translation>
5299 </message>
5300 <message>
52635301 <source>Fill</source>
5264 <translation>Remplir</translation>
5265 </message>
5266 <message>
5267 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5302 <translation type="vanished">Remplir</translation>
5303 </message>
5304 <message>
52685305 <source>Previous</source>
5269 <translation>Précédent</translation>
5270 </message>
5271 <message>
5272 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5306 <translation type="vanished">Précédent</translation>
5307 </message>
5308 <message>
5309 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
52735310 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
52745311 <translation>Le fichier semble contenir des caractères de plusieurs alphabets de langue, ce qui ne fonctionne pas dans la ligne de commande Windows</translation>
52755312 </message>
52765313 <message>
5277 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5314 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
52785315 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
52795316 <translation>Ne peut lire les données de la fenêtre principale</translation>
52805317 </message>
52815318 <message>
5282 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5283 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5319 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5320 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
52845321 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
52855322 <translation>n'est pas un nom de fichier valide</translation>
52865323 </message>
52875324 <message>
5288 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
52895326 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
52905327 <translation>n'est pas une extension de fichier image valide</translation>
52915328 </message>
52925329 <message>
5293 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
52945331 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
52955332 <translation>est utilisé uniquement avec un ou plusieurs fichiers de chargement</translation>
52965333 </message>
52975334 <message>
5298 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5335 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
52995336 <source>Available styles</source>
53005337 <translation>Styles disponibles</translation>
53015338 </message>
53025339 <message>
5303 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5340 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53045341 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53055342 <translation>Active les informations additionnelles. Utilisé pour le débogage</translation>
53065343 </message>
53075344 <message>
5308 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53095345 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5310 <translation>Indique un fichier de rapport d'apos;erreur en entrée. Utile pour le test et débogage</translation>
5311 </message>
5312 <message>
5313 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5346 <translation type="vanished">Indique un fichier de rapport d'apos;erreur en entrée. Utile pour le test et débogage</translation>
5347 </message>
5348 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5350 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5351 <translation>Indique que les fichiers ouverts au démarrage doivent être testés par glisser-déposer. Utilisé pour les tests de régression</translation>
5352 </message>
5353 <message>
5354 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5355 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5356 <translation>Spécifie un fichier de rapport d'erreur en entrée. Utilisé pour le débogage et les tests de régression</translation>
5357 </message>
5358 <message>
5359 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53145360 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53155361 <translation>Exporter chaque fichier de démarrage chargé, qui doit avoir tous les points d'axe définis, puis arrêter</translation>
53165362 </message>
53175363 <message>
5318 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5364 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53195365 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53205366 <translation>Extraire l'image dans chaque fichier de démarrage chargé dans un fichier avec l'extension spécifiée, puis arrêter</translation>
53215367 </message>
53225368 <message>
5323 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5369 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53245370 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53255371 <translation>Indique un fichier de script en entrée. Utile pour le test et débogage</translation>
53265372 </message>
53275373 <message>
5328 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5374 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53295375 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53305376 <translation>Fichiers gnuplot pour diagnostic. Utile pour le test et débogage</translation>
53315377 </message>
53325378 <message>
5333 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5379 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53345380 <source>Show this help information</source>
53355381 <translation>Affiche cette aide</translation>
53365382 </message>
53375383 <message>
5338 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5384 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53395385 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
5340 <translation>Exécutet le fichier de rapport d'apos;erreur ou de script. Utile pour les tests de régression</translation>
5341 </message>
5342 <message>
5343 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5386 <translation>Exécutet le fichier de rapport d'erreur ou de script. Utile pour les tests de régression</translation>
5387 </message>
5388 <message>
5389 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53445390 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
5345 <translation>Supprime les réglages mémorisés, y compris les positions des fenêtres. Utile quand des fenêtre s'apos;ouvrent en-dehors de l'apos;écran</translation>
5346 </message>
5347 <message>
5348 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5391 <translation>Supprime les réglages mémorisés, y compris les positions des fenêtres. Utile quand des fenêtre s'ouvrent en-dehors de l'écran</translation>
5392 </message>
5393 <message>
5394 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5395 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5396 <translation>Définissez le style de la fenêtre sur l'un des styles répertoriés par l'option de ligne de commande</translation>
5397 </message>
5398 <message>
5399 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5400 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5401 <translation>Afficher une liste des styles disponibles pouvant être utilisés avec l'option de ligne de commande</translation>
5402 </message>
5403 <message>
53495404 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5350 <translation>Affiche la liste des styles disponibles utilisés avec la commande -style</translation>
5351 </message>
5352 <message>
5353 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5405 <translation type="vanished">Affiche la liste des styles disponibles utilisés avec la commande -style</translation>
5406 </message>
5407 <message>
5408 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5409 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5410 <translation>Mettre à niveau les fichiers ouverts au démarrage vers la version la plus récente</translation>
5411 </message>
5412 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53545414 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53555415 <translation>Fichier(s) à importer ou ouvrir au démarrage</translation>
5416 </message>
5417 <message>
5418 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5419 <source>Could not write to</source>
5420 <translation>Impossible d'écrire à</translation>
5421 </message>
5422 <message>
5423 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5424 <source>Upgraded</source>
5425 <translation>Mis à niveau</translation>
5426 </message>
5427 <message>
5428 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5429 <source>to</source>
5430 <translation>à</translation>
53565431 </message>
53575432 <message>
53585433 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
53785453 <context>
53795454 <name>StatusBar</name>
53805455 <message>
5381 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5456 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
53825457 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
5383 <translation>Choix d'apos;affichage des coordonnées du curseur.</translation>
5384 </message>
5385 <message>
5386 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5458 <translation>Choix d'affichage des coordonnées du curseur.</translation>
5459 </message>
5460 <message>
5461 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
53875462 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
53895464 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5390 <translation>Choix d'apos;affichage des coordonnées du curseur.
5392 Valeurs à afficher pour la position du curseur. Les coordonnées sont en unités d'apos;écran (pixels) ou du graphique. La résolution (nombre d'apos;unités du graphique par pixel) est en unités du graphique. Les unités du graphique sont disponibles quand les points d'apos;axes ont été définis.</translation>
5393 </message>
5394 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5465 <translation>Choix d'affichage des coordonnées du curseur.
5467 Valeurs à afficher pour la position du curseur. Les coordonnées sont en unités d'écran (pixels) ou du graphique. La résolution (nombre d'unités du graphique par pixel) est en unités du graphique. Les unités du graphique sont disponibles quand les points d'axes ont été définis.</translation>
5468 </message>
5469 <message>
5470 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
53965471 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
53975472 <translation>Valeurs des coordonnées du curseur.</translation>
53985473 </message>
53995474 <message>
5400 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5475 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54015476 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54035478 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54045479 <translation>Valeurs des coordonnées du curseur
5406 Valeurs de la position du curseur. Les coordonnées sont en unités d'apos;écran (pixels) ou du graphique. La résolution (nombre d'apos;unités du graphique par pixel) est en unités du graphique. Les unités du graphique sont disponibles quand les points d'apos;axes ont été définis.</translation>
5407 </message>
5408 <message>
5409 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5481 Valeurs de la position du curseur. Les coordonnées sont en unités d'écran (pixels) ou du graphique. La résolution (nombre d'unités du graphique par pixel) est en unités du graphique. Les unités du graphique sont disponibles quand les points d'axes ont été définis.</translation>
5482 </message>
5483 <message>
5484 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54105485 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54115486 <translation>Choix du zoom.</translation>
54125487 </message>
54135488 <message>
5414 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5489 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54155490 <source>Select Zoom
54175492 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54185493 <translation>Choix du zoom
54205495 Les points peuvent être placés de façon plus précise en faisant un zoom avant.</translation>
5496 </message>
5497 <message>
5498 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5499 <source>16:1</source>
5500 <translation>16:1</translation>
5501 </message>
5502 <message>
5503 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5504 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5505 <translation> 16:1 plus loin</translation>
5506 </message>
5507 <message>
5508 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5509 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5510 <translation>8: 1 plus près</translation>
5511 </message>
5512 <message>
5513 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5514 <source>8:1</source>
5515 <translation>8:1</translation>
5516 </message>
5517 <message>
5518 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5519 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5520 <translation>8:1 plus loin</translation>
5521 </message>
5522 <message>
5523 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5524 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5525 <translation>4: 1 plus près</translation>
5526 </message>
5527 <message>
5528 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5529 <source>4:1</source>
5530 <translation>4:1</translation>
5531 </message>
5532 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5534 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5535 <translation>4: 1 plus loin</translation>
5536 </message>
5537 <message>
5538 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5539 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5540 <translation>2: 1 plus près</translation>
5541 </message>
5542 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5544 <source>2:1</source>
5545 <translation>2:1</translation>
5546 </message>
5547 <message>
5548 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5549 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5550 <translation>2: 1 plus loin</translation>
5551 </message>
5552 <message>
5553 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5554 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5555 <translation>1: 1 plus près</translation>
5556 </message>
5557 <message>
5558 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5559 <source>1:1</source>
5560 <translation>1:1</translation>
5561 </message>
5562 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5564 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5565 <translation>1: 1 plus loin</translation>
5566 </message>
5567 <message>
5568 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5569 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5570 <translation>1: 2 plus près</translation>
5571 </message>
5572 <message>
5573 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5574 <source>1:2</source>
5575 <translation>1:2</translation>
5576 </message>
5577 <message>
5578 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5579 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5580 <translation>1: 2 plus loin</translation>
5581 </message>
5582 <message>
5583 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5584 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5585 <translation>1: 4 plus près</translation>
5586 </message>
5587 <message>
5588 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5589 <source>1:4</source>
5590 <translation>1:4</translation>
5591 </message>
5592 <message>
5593 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5594 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5595 <translation>1: 4 plus loin</translation>
5596 </message>
5597 <message>
5598 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5599 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5600 <translation>1: 8 plus près</translation>
5601 </message>
5602 <message>
5603 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5604 <source>1:8</source>
5605 <translation>1:8</translation>
5606 </message>
5607 <message>
5608 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5609 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5610 <translation>1: 8 plus loin</translation>
5611 </message>
5612 <message>
5613 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5614 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5615 <translation>1: 16 plus près</translation>
5616 </message>
5617 <message>
5618 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5619 <source>1:16</source>
5620 <translation>1:16</translation>
5621 </message>
5622 <message>
5623 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5624 <source>Fill</source>
5625 <translation>Remplir</translation>
5626 </message>
5627 <message>
5628 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5629 <source>Previous</source>
5630 <translation>Précédent</translation>
54215631 </message>
54225632 </context>
54235633 <context>
54245634 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54255635 <message>
5426 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5636 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54275637 <source>Axis Points</source>
5428 <translation>Points d'apos;axes</translation>
5429 </message>
5430 <message>
5431 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5638 <translation>Points d'axes</translation>
5639 </message>
5640 <message>
5641 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54325642 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54335643 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54345644 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
5435 <translation>Les points d'apos;axes sont placés
5645 <translation>Les points d'axes sont placés
54365646 afin de définir les coordonnées.
5437 Etape 1 - Cliquer sur le bouton Points d'apos;axes</translation>
5438 </message>
5439 <message>
5440 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5647 Etape 1 - Cliquer sur le bouton Points d'axes</translation>
5648 </message>
5649 <message>
5650 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54415651 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54425652 line with known coordinates. An axis
54435653 point appears, with a dialog window
54445654 for entering the axis point
54455655 coordinates</source>
5446 <translation>Étape 2 - Cliquez sur un axe ou une grille avec des coordonnées connues. Un point d'apos;axe apparaît, avec une fenêtre de dialogue pour saisir les coordonnées du point de l'apos;axe</translation>
5447 </message>
5448 <message>
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5656 <translation>Étape 2 - Cliquez sur un axe ou une grille avec des coordonnées connues. Un point d'axe apparaît, avec une fenêtre de dialogue pour saisir les coordonnées du point de l'axe</translation>
5657 </message>
5658 <message>
5659 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54505660 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54515661 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54525662 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54535663 until three axis points are created</source>
54545664 <translation>Etape 3 - Entrer les deux coordonnées
5455 de ce point d'apos;axe et cliquer sur OK.
5665 de ce point d'axe et cliquer sur OK.
54565666 Répéter deux fois les étapes 2 et 3
5457 afin de créer trois points d'apos;axes</translation>
5458 </message>
5459 <message>
5460 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5667 afin de créer trois points d'axes</translation>
5668 </message>
5669 <message>
5670 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54615671 <source>Previous</source>
54625672 <translation>Précédent</translation>
54635673 </message>
54645674 <message>
5465 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5675 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54665676 <source>Next</source>
54675677 <translation>Suivant</translation>
54685678 </message>
54705680 <context>
54715681 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
54725682 <message>
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5683 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
54745684 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
54755685 <translation>Assistant pas à pas et Guide</translation>
54765686 </message>
54775687 <message>
5478 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5688 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
54795689 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
54805690 is available when importing an image file.
54815691 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
54825692 steps to follow to digitize the image file.</source>
5483 <translation>Un assistant est proposé aux utilisateurs d'apos;Engauge
5484 lors de l'apos;importation d'apos;une image.
5485 Cet assistant donne une liste complète d'apos;actions
5486 à mener pour numériser un fichier d'apos;image.</translation>
5487 </message>
5488 <message>
5489 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5693 <translation>Un assistant est proposé aux utilisateurs d'Engauge
5694 lors de l'importation d'une image.
5695 Cet assistant donne une liste complète d'actions
5696 à mener pour numériser un fichier d'image.</translation>
5697 </message>
5698 <message>
5699 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
54905700 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
54915701 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
5492 <translation>Etape 1 - Activer l'apos;option Aide /
5702 <translation>Etape 1 - Activer l'option Aide /
54935703 Assistant pas à pas.</translation>
54945704 </message>
54955705 <message>
5496 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
54975707 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
54985708 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
54995709 and ask some simple questions to
55005710 determine how the image can be
55015711 digitized.</source>
55025712 <translation>Etape 2 - Importer un fichier via Fichier /
5503 Importer. L'apos;assistant pas à pas apparait
5713 Importer. L'assistant pas à pas apparait
55045714 et pose quelques questions pour
55055715 déterminer comment sera numérisée
5506 l'apos;image.</translation>
5507 </message>
5508 <message>
5509 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5716 l'image.</translation>
5717 </message>
5718 <message>
5719 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55105720 <source>Additional options are available in
55115721 the various Settings menus.
55175727 Ceci termine ce tutoriel. Bonne chance!</translation>
55185728 </message>
55195729 <message>
5520 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5730 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55215731 <source>Previous</source>
55225732 <translation>Précédent</translation>
55235733 </message>
55255735 <context>
55265736 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55275737 <message>
5528 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5738 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55295739 <source>Color Filter</source>
55305740 <translation>Filtrage couleur</translation>
55315741 </message>
55325742 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5743 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55345744 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55355745 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55365746 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55415751 des courbes en couleurs, ils peuvent être ajustés.</translation>
55425752 </message>
55435753 <message>
5544 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5754 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55455755 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55465756 Filter menu option.</source>
55475757 <translation>Etape 1 - Aller dans le menu
55485758 Paramètres / Filtre couleur.</translation>
55495759 </message>
55505760 <message>
5551 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5761 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55525762 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55535763 be given the new settings.</source>
55545764 <translation>Etape 2 - Choisir la courbe à laquelle
55555765 appliquer les réglages.</translation>
55565766 </message>
55575767 <message>
5558 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5768 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55595769 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55605770 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55615771 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55645774 Teinte est préconisé pour les lignes en couleur.</translation>
55655775 </message>
55665776 <message>
5567 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5777 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55685778 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55695779 dragging the green handles, until the
55705780 curve is clear in the preview window
55725782 distribution of the values underneath.
55735783 Click Ok when finished.</source>
55745784 <translation>Etape 4 - Ajuster le réglage en déplaçant
5575 les délimiteurs verts jusqu'apos;à bien voir la
5785 les délimiteurs verts jusqu'à bien voir la
55765786 courbe dans la zone de prévisualisation.
55775787 Le graphique affiche un histogramme de
55785788 distribution des valeurs.
55795789 Cliquer sur OK pour terminer.</translation>
55805790 </message>
55815791 <message>
5582 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5792 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
55835793 <source>Back</source>
55845794 <translation>Retour</translation>
55855795 </message>
55875797 <context>
55885798 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
55895799 <message>
5590 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5800 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
55915801 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
55925802 curve is selected to receive curve points.
55935803 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
55945804 Picker or Segment Fill buttons.</source>
5595 <translation>Après avoir créé les points d'apos;axes, une
5805 <translation>Après avoir créé les points d'axes, une
55965806 courbe est activée pour recevoir les points.
55975807 Etape 1 - cliquer sur le bouton Courbe, Détection
55985808 de point,pipette à couleurs ou remplissage par segment.
55995809 </translation>
56005810 </message>
56015811 <message>
5602 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5812 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56035813 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56045814 that curve name has not been created yet,
56055815 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56065816 to create it.</source>
5607 <translation>Etape 2 - Choisir un nom de la courbe. S'apos;il
5608 n'apos;a pas encore été créé, utiliser le menu
5817 <translation>Etape 2 - Choisir un nom de la courbe. S'il
5818 n'a pas encore été créé, utiliser le menu
56095819 Réglages / Noms de courbes pour le créer.</translation>
56105820 </message>
56115821 <message>
5612 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5822 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56135823 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56145824 original image to the filtered image
56155825 produced for the current curve, using the
56175827 Image. This filtering enables the powerful
56185828 automated algorithms discussed later in
56195829 the tutorial.</source>
5620 <translation>Etape 3 - Passer de l'apos;arrière-plan d'apos;origine
5621 vers celui de l'apos;image filtrée via le menu Affichage /
5830 <translation>Etape 3 - Passer de l'arrière-plan d'origine
5831 vers celui de l'image filtrée via le menu Affichage /
56225832 Arrière-plan / Image filtrée. Ce filtrage permet
5623 l'apos;utilisation de puissants algorithmes présentés
5833 l'utilisation de puissants algorithmes présentés
56245834 plus loin dans ce tutoriel.</translation>
56255835 </message>
56265836 <message>
5627 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5837 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56285838 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56295839 in the filtered image, then change the
56305840 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56315841 the orange points have disappeared.</source>
5632 <translation>Si la courbe active n'apos;est plus visible dans
5633 l'apos;image filtrée, modifier les réglages du filtre
5634 couleurs. Dans l'apos;illustration, les points
5842 <translation>Si la courbe active n'est plus visible dans
5843 l'image filtrée, modifier les réglages du filtre
5844 couleurs. Dans l'illustration, les points
56355845 oranges ont disparu.</translation>
56365846 </message>
56375847 <message>
5638 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5848 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56395849 <source>Previous</source>
56405850 <translation>Précédent</translation>
56415851 </message>
56425852 <message>
5643 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5853 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56445854 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56455855 <translation>Réglages du filtrage couleur</translation>
56465856 </message>
56475857 <message>
5648 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5858 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56495859 <source>Next</source>
56505860 <translation>Suivant</translation>
56515861 </message>
56535863 <context>
56545864 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56555865 <message>
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5866 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56575867 <source>Curve Type</source>
56585868 <translation>Type de courbe</translation>
56595869 </message>
56605870 <message>
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5871 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56625872 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56635873 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56645874 <translation>Les étapes suivantes dépendent de la façon dont sont tracées les courbes, en termes de lignes et de points.</translation>
56655875 </message>
56665876 <message>
5667 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5877 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56685878 <source>If the curves are drawn
56695879 with lines (with or without
56705880 points) then click on
56755885 Suivant (Lignes).</translation>
56765886 </message>
56775887 <message>
5678 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5888 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
56795889 <source>If the curves are drawn
56805890 without lines and only
56815891 with points, then click on
56865896 Suivant (Points).</translation>
56875897 </message>
56885898 <message>
5689 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5899 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
56905900 <source>Previous</source>
56915901 <translation>Précédent</translation>
56925902 </message>
56935903 <message>
5694 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5904 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
56955905 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
56965906 <translation>Suivant (Lignes)</translation>
56975907 </message>
56985908 <message>
5699 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5909 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
57005910 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57015911 <translation>Suivant (Points)</translation>
57025912 </message>
57045914 <context>
57055915 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57065916 <message>
5707 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5917 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57085918 <source>Introduction</source>
57095919 <translation>Introduction</translation>
57105920 </message>
57115921 <message>
5712 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5922 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57135923 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57145924 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57155925 <translation>Engauge Digitizer travaille à partir
5716 d'apos;images de graphiques et de cartes.</translation>
5717 </message>
5718 <message>
5719 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5926 d'images de graphiques et de cartes.</translation>
5927 </message>
5928 <message>
5929 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57205930 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57215931 the graph and map curves.</source>
57225932 <translation>Vous créez (ou numérisez) des points le long
57235933 des courbes graphiques ou des cartes.</translation>
57245934 </message>
57255935 <message>
5726 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5936 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57275937 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57285938 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57295939 <translation>Les points numérisés peuvent être exportés
5730 sous forme de nombres vers d'apos;autres logiciels.</translation>
5731 </message>
5732 <message>
5733 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5940 sous forme de nombres vers d'autres logiciels.</translation>
5941 </message>
5942 <message>
5943 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57345944 <source>Next</source>
57355945 <translation>Suivant</translation>
57365946 </message>
57385948 <context>
57395949 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57405950 <message>
5741 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5951 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57425952 <source>Point Match</source>
57435953 <translation>Détection de point</translation>
57445954 </message>
57455955 <message>
5746 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5956 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57475957 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57485958 one sample point, and Engauge
57495959 then finds all matching points.
57565966 Etape 1 - Cliquer sur le mode Détection de point.</translation>
57575967 </message>
57585968 <message>
5759 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5969 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57605970 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57615971 points will belong to.</source>
57625972 <translation>Etape 2 - Choisir la courbe à laquelle
57635973 appartiendront les points.</translation>
57645974 </message>
57655975 <message>
5766 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5976 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57675977 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57685978 The circle turns green when it
57695979 contains what may be a point.</source>
57705980 <translation>Etape 3 - Cliquer sur un point typique.
5771 Le cercle devient vert s'apos;il contient
5981 Le cercle devient vert s'il contient
57725982 ce qui pourrait être un point.</translation>
57735983 </message>
57745984 <message>
5775 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5985 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
57765986 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
57775987 matched point with a yellow cross.
57785988 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
57795989 the matched point. Repeat this step
57805990 until there are no more points.</source>
57815991 <translation>Etape 4 - Engauge montrera un point
5782 potentiel à l'apos;aide d'apos;une croix jaune.
5783 Appuyer sur la flèche droite pour l'apos;accepter.
5992 potentiel à l'aide d'une croix jaune.
5993 Appuyer sur la flèche droite pour l'accepter.
57845994 Répéter cette étape pour les autres points.</translation>
57855995 </message>
57865996 <message>
5787 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5997 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
57885998 <source>Previous</source>
57895999 <translation>Précédent</translation>
57906000 </message>
57916001 <message>
5792 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
6002 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
57936003 <source>Next</source>
57946004 <translation>Suivant</translation>
57956005 </message>
57976007 <context>
57986008 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
57996009 <message>
5800 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6010 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
58016011 <source>Segment Fill</source>
58026012 <translation>Remplissage par segment</translation>
58036013 </message>
58046014 <message>
5805 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6015 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58066016 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58076017 points all along the line segments
58086018 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58136023 bouton Remplissage par segment.</translation>
58146024 </message>
58156025 <message>
5816 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6026 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58176027 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58186028 points will belong to.</source>
58196029 <translation>Etape 2 - Choisir la courbe à laquelle
58206030 appartiendront les points.</translation>
58216031 </message>
58226032 <message>
5823 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6033 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58246034 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58256035 segment in the desired curve. If a
58266036 green line appears, click on it once
58316041 générer des points.</translation>
58326042 </message>
58336043 <message>
5834 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6044 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58356045 <source>Previous</source>
58366046 <translation>Précédent</translation>
58376047 </message>
58386048 <message>
5839 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6049 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58406050 <source>Next</source>
58416051 <translation>Suivant</translation>
58426052 </message>
345345 <message>
346346 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="70" />
347347 <source>Digitize axis points for a graph.</source>
348 <translation type="unfinished" />
348 <translation>एक ग्राफ के लिए डिजिटाइज़ अक्ष बिंदु।</translation>
349349 </message>
350350 <message>
351351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
352352 <source>Digitize Axis Point
354 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
355 <translation type="unfinished" />
356 </message>
357 <message>
358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
354 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
356 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
357 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ एक्सिस पॉइंट
359 माउस क्लिक के बाद कर्सर पर एक नया बिंदु रखकर ग्राफ के लिए अक्ष बिंदु को डिजिटाइज़ करता है। अक्ष बिंदु के निर्देशांक तब दर्ज किए जाते हैं। आयात और आयात (उन्नत) के बाद, ग्राफ निर्देशांक को परिभाषित करने के लिए तीन अक्ष बिंदु (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) निर्देशांक को डिजिटल किया जा सकता है। वैकल्पिक रूप से, आयात (उन्नत) चार अक्ष बिंदुओं के साथ (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) निर्देशांक को ग्राफ निर्देशांक को परिभाषित करने के लिए डिजिटल किया जा सकता है।
361 यह उपकरण तब अक्षम होता है जब अक्ष बिंदुओं का एक पूरा सेट परिभाषित किया गया है, या आयात (उन्नत) के बाद अगर स्केल बार चुना गया है।</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
359365 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
360366 <translation type="unfinished" />
361367 </message>
362368 <message>
363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
364370 <source>Shift+F8</source>
365371 <translation type="unfinished" />
366372 </message>
367373 <message>
368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
369 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
370 <translation type="unfinished" />
371 </message>
372 <message>
373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
376 <translation type="unfinished" />
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
374380 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
376382 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
378 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
379 <translation type="unfinished" />
380 </message>
381 <message>
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
384 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
386 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
387 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ स्केल बार
389 क्लिक करके और खींचकर नक्शे के लिए एक स्केल बार डिजिटाइज़ करें। स्केल बार की लंबाई तब दर्ज की जाती है। मैप में, स्केल बार के दो समापन बिंदु ग्राफ निर्देशांक में दूरी को परिभाषित करते हैं।
391 आयात (उन्नत) में स्केल बार का चयन करके यह उपकरण सक्षम है।
393 जब स्केल बार परिभाषित किया गया है, या यदि आयात के दौरान अक्ष बिंदुओं को चुना गया था, तो यह उपकरण अक्षम है।</translation>
394 </message>
395 <message>
396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
383397 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
384398 <translation type="unfinished" />
385399 </message>
386400 <message>
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
388402 <source>Shift+F4</source>
389403 <translation type="unfinished" />
390404 </message>
391405 <message>
392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
393407 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
394 <translation type="unfinished" />
395 </message>
396 <message>
397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
408 <translation>वक्र अंक डिजिटाइज़ करें।</translation>
409 </message>
410 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
398412 <source>Digitize Curve Point
400414 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
402416 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
403 <translation type="unfinished" />
404 </message>
405 <message>
406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
417 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ कर्व पॉइंट
419 माउस क्लिक के बाद कर्सर पर एक नया बिंदु रखकर वक्र बिंदु को डिजिटाइज़ करता है। एक-एक करके कर्व्स के साथ पॉइंट डिजिटाइज़ करने के लिए इस मोड का उपयोग करें।
421 नए अंक वर्तमान में चयनित वक्र को दिए जाएंगे।</translation>
422 </message>
423 <message>
424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
407425 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
408426 <translation type="unfinished" />
409427 </message>
410428 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
412430 <source>Shift+F5</source>
413431 <translation type="unfinished" />
414432 </message>
415433 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
417435 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
418 <translation type="unfinished" />
419 </message>
420 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
436 <translation>किसी बिंदु से मिलान करके बिंदु बिंदु में वक्र बिंदुओं को डिजिटाइज़ करें।</translation>
437 </message>
438 <message>
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
422440 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
424442 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
426444 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
427 <translation type="unfinished" />
428 </message>
429 <message>
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
445 <translation>प्वाइंट मैचिंग द्वारा डिजिटाइज़ कर्व पॉइंट्स
447 एक बिंदु बिंदु में एक नमूना बिंदु से मेल खाने वाले बिंदु बिंदु से वक्र बिंदुओं को डिजिटाइज़ करता है। प्रतिनिधि नमूना बिंदु का चयन करके प्रक्रिया शुरू होती है।
449 नए अंक वर्तमान में चयनित वक्र को दिए जाएंगे।</translation>
450 </message>
451 <message>
452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
431453 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
432454 <translation type="unfinished" />
433455 </message>
434456 <message>
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
436458 <source>Shift+F6</source>
437459 <translation type="unfinished" />
438460 </message>
439461 <message>
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
441463 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
442464 <translation type="unfinished" />
443465 </message>
444466 <message>
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
446468 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
448470 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
449471 <translation type="unfinished" />
450472 </message>
451473 <message>
452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
453475 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
454476 <translation type="unfinished" />
455477 </message>
456478 <message>
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
458480 <source>Shift+F7</source>
459481 <translation type="unfinished" />
460482 </message>
461483 <message>
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
463485 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
464 <translation type="unfinished" />
465 </message>
466 <message>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
486 <translation>एक वक्र के एक खंड के साथ वक्र बिंदुओं को डिजिटाइज़ करें।</translation>
487 </message>
488 <message>
489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
468490 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
470492 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
472494 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
473 <translation type="unfinished" />
474 </message>
475 <message>
476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
495 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ कर्व पॉइंट्स विथ सेगमेंट फिल
497 कर्सर के नीचे हाइलाइट किए गए सेगमेंट के साथ नए बिंदु रखकर वक्र बिंदुओं को डिजिटाइज़ करता है। एक क्लिक के साथ एक वक्र के साथ कई बिंदुओं को जल्दी से डिजिटाइज़ करने के लिए इस मोड का उपयोग करें।
499 नए अंक वर्तमान में चयनित वक्र को दिए जाएंगे।</translation>
500 </message>
501 <message>
502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
477503 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
478504 <translation type="unfinished" />
479505 </message>
480506 <message>
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
482508 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
483509 <translation type="unfinished" />
484510 </message>
485511 <message>
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
487513 <source>Undo
489515 Undo the last operation.</source>
490516 <translation type="unfinished" />
491517 </message>
492518 <message>
493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
494520 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
495521 <translation type="unfinished" />
496522 </message>
497523 <message>
498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
499525 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
500526 <translation type="unfinished" />
501527 </message>
502528 <message>
503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
504530 <source>Redo
506532 Redo the last operation.</source>
507533 <translation type="unfinished" />
508534 </message>
509535 <message>
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
511537 <source>Cut</source>
512538 <translation type="unfinished" />
513539 </message>
514540 <message>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
516542 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
517543 <translation type="unfinished" />
518544 </message>
519545 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
521547 <source>Cut
523549 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
524550 <translation type="unfinished" />
525551 </message>
526552 <message>
527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
528554 <source>Copy</source>
529555 <translation type="unfinished" />
530556 </message>
531557 <message>
532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
533559 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
534560 <translation type="unfinished" />
535561 </message>
536562 <message>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
538564 <source>Copy
540566 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
541567 <translation type="unfinished" />
542568 </message>
543569 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
545571 <source>Paste</source>
546572 <translation type="unfinished" />
547573 </message>
548574 <message>
549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
550576 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
551577 <translation type="unfinished" />
552578 </message>
553579 <message>
554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
555581 <source>Paste
557583 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
558584 <translation type="unfinished" />
559585 </message>
560586 <message>
561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
562588 <source>Delete</source>
563589 <translation type="unfinished" />
564590 </message>
565591 <message>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
567593 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
568594 <translation type="unfinished" />
569595 </message>
570596 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
572598 <source>Delete
574600 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
575601 <translation type="unfinished" />
576602 </message>
577603 <message>
578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
579605 <source>Paste As New</source>
580606 <translation type="unfinished" />
581607 </message>
582608 <message>
583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
584610 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
585611 <translation type="unfinished" />
586612 </message>
587613 <message>
588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
589615 <source>Paste as New
591617 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
592618 <translation type="unfinished" />
593619 </message>
594620 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
596622 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
597623 <translation type="unfinished" />
598624 </message>
599625 <message>
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
601627 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
602628 <translation type="unfinished" />
603629 </message>
604630 <message>
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
606632 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
608634 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
609635 <translation type="unfinished" />
610636 </message>
611637 <message>
612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
613639 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
614640 <translation type="unfinished" />
615641 </message>
616642 <message>
617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
618644 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
619645 <translation type="unfinished" />
620646 </message>
621647 <message>
622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
623649 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
624650 <translation type="unfinished" />
625651 </message>
626652 <message>
627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
628654 <source>Import Image
630656 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
633659 <translation type="unfinished" />
634660 </message>
635661 <message>
636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
637663 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
638664 <translation type="unfinished" />
639665 </message>
640666 <message>
641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
642668 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
643669 <translation type="unfinished" />
644670 </message>
645671 <message>
646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
647673 <source>Import (Advanced)
649675 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
650676 <translation type="unfinished" />
651677 </message>
652678 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
654680 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
655681 <translation type="unfinished" />
656682 </message>
657683 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
659685 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
660686 <translation type="unfinished" />
661687 </message>
662688 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
664690 <source>Import (Image Replace)
666692 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
667693 <translation type="unfinished" />
668694 </message>
669695 <message>
670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
671697 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
672698 <translation type="unfinished" />
673699 </message>
674700 <message>
675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
676702 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
677703 <translation type="unfinished" />
678704 </message>
679705 <message>
680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
681707 <source>Open Document
683709 Opens an existing document.</source>
684710 <translation type="unfinished" />
685711 </message>
686712 <message>
687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
688714 <source>&amp;Close</source>
689715 <translation type="unfinished" />
690716 </message>
691717 <message>
692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
693719 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
694720 <translation type="unfinished" />
695721 </message>
696722 <message>
697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
698724 <source>Close Document
700726 Closes the open document.</source>
701727 <translation type="unfinished" />
702728 </message>
703729 <message>
704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
705731 <source>&amp;Save</source>
706732 <translation type="unfinished" />
707733 </message>
708734 <message>
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
710736 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
711737 <translation type="unfinished" />
712738 </message>
713739 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
715741 <source>Save Document
717743 Saves the current document.</source>
718744 <translation type="unfinished" />
719745 </message>
720746 <message>
721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
722748 <source>Save As...</source>
723749 <translation type="unfinished" />
724750 </message>
725751 <message>
726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
727753 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
728754 <translation type="unfinished" />
729755 </message>
730756 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
732758 <source>Save Document As
734760 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
735761 <translation type="unfinished" />
736762 </message>
737763 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
764 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
739765 <source>Export...</source>
740766 <translation type="unfinished" />
741767 </message>
742768 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
744770 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
745771 <translation type="unfinished" />
746772 </message>
747773 <message>
748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
749775 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
750776 <translation type="unfinished" />
751777 </message>
752778 <message>
753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
754780 <source>Export Document
756782 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
757783 <translation type="unfinished" />
758784 </message>
759785 <message>
760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
786 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
761787 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
762788 <translation type="unfinished" />
763789 </message>
764790 <message>
765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
791 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
766792 <source>Print the current document.</source>
767793 <translation type="unfinished" />
768794 </message>
769795 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
796 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
771797 <source>Print Document
773799 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
774800 <translation type="unfinished" />
775801 </message>
776802 <message>
777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
778804 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
779805 <translation type="unfinished" />
780806 </message>
781807 <message>
782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
808 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
783809 <source>Quits the application.</source>
784810 <translation type="unfinished" />
785811 </message>
786812 <message>
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
813 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
788814 <source>Exit
790816 Quits the application.</source>
791817 <translation type="unfinished" />
792818 </message>
793819 <message>
794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
820 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
795821 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
796822 <translation>चेकलिस्ट गाइड विज़ार्ड</translation>
797823 </message>
798824 <message>
799 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
825 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
800826 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
801827 <translation type="unfinished" />
802828 </message>
803829 <message>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
805831 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
807833 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
808834 <translation type="unfinished" />
809835 </message>
810836 <message>
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
837 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
812838 <source>Tutorial</source>
813839 <translation type="unfinished" />
814840 </message>
815841 <message>
816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
842 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
817843 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
818844 <translation type="unfinished" />
819845 </message>
820846 <message>
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
822848 <source>Tutorial
824850 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
825851 <translation type="unfinished" />
826852 </message>
827853 <message>
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
829855 <source>Help</source>
830856 <translation type="unfinished" />
831857 </message>
832858 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
834860 <source>Help documentation</source>
835861 <translation type="unfinished" />
836862 </message>
837863 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
864 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
839865 <source>Help Documentation
841867 Searchable help documentation</source>
842868 <translation type="unfinished" />
843869 </message>
844870 <message>
845 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
846872 <source>About Engauge</source>
847873 <translation type="unfinished" />
848874 </message>
849875 <message>
850 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
851877 <source>About the application.</source>
852878 <translation type="unfinished" />
853879 </message>
854880 <message>
855 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
856882 <source>About Engauge
858884 About the application.</source>
859885 <translation type="unfinished" />
860886 </message>
861887 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
888 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
863889 <source>Coordinates...</source>
864890 <translation type="unfinished" />
865891 </message>
866892 <message>
867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
893 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
868894 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
869895 <translation type="unfinished" />
870896 </message>
871897 <message>
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
873899 <source>Coordinate Settings
875901 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
876902 <translation type="unfinished" />
877903 </message>
878904 <message>
879 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
905 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
880906 <source>Curve List...</source>
881907 <translation>वक्र सूची ...</translation>
882908 </message>
883909 <message>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
910 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
885911 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
886912 <translation>वक्र सूची सेटिंग्स संपादित करें।</translation>
887913 </message>
888914 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
890916 <source>Curve List
892918 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
895921 वक्र सूची सेटिंग्स वर्तमान दस्तावेज़ में वक्र को जोड़, नाम बदलें और / या हटा दें</translation>
896922 </message>
897923 <message>
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
924 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
899925 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
900926 <translation>वक्र गुण ...</translation>
901927 </message>
902928 <message>
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
929 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
904930 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
905931 <translation type="unfinished" />
906932 </message>
907933 <message>
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
934 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
909935 <source>Curve Properties Settings
911937 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
912938 <translation type="unfinished" />
913939 </message>
914940 <message>
915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
916942 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
917 <translation type="unfinished" />
918 </message>
919 <message>
920 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
943 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ कर्व ...</translation>
944 </message>
945 <message>
946 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
921947 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
922 <translation type="unfinished" />
923 </message>
924 <message>
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
948 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ एक्सिस और ग्राफ वक्र सेटिंग्स संपादित करें।</translation>
949 </message>
950 <message>
951 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
926952 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
928954 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
929 <translation type="unfinished" />
930 </message>
931 <message>
932 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
955 <translation>एक्सिस और ग्राफ वक्र सेटिंग्स को डिजिटाइज़ करें
957 डिजिटाइज़ कर्व सेटिंग्स यह निर्धारित करती हैं कि डिजिटाइज़ एक्सिस पॉइंट और डिजिटाइज़ ग्राफ़ पॉइंट मोड में अंकों को कैसे अंकित किया जाए</translation>
958 </message>
959 <message>
960 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
933961 <source>Export Format...</source>
934962 <translation type="unfinished" />
935963 </message>
936964 <message>
937 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
938966 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
939967 <translation type="unfinished" />
940968 </message>
941969 <message>
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
970 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
943971 <source>Export Format Settings
945973 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
946 <translation type="unfinished" />
947 </message>
948 <message>
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
974 <translation>निर्यात प्रारूप सेटिंग्स
976 निर्यात प्रारूप सेटिंग्स प्रभावित करती हैं कि कैसे निर्यात की गई फ़ाइलें स्वरूपित हैं</translation>
977 </message>
978 <message>
979 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
950980 <source>Color Filter...</source>
951981 <translation type="unfinished" />
952982 </message>
953983 <message>
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
984 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
955985 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
956986 <translation type="unfinished" />
957987 </message>
958988 <message>
959 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
989 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
960990 <source>Color Filter Settings
962992 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
963993 <translation type="unfinished" />
964994 </message>
965995 <message>
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
996 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
967997 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
968998 <translation type="unfinished" />
969999 </message>
9701000 <message>
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
9721002 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
9731003 <translation type="unfinished" />
9741004 </message>
9751005 <message>
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
9771007 <source>Axes Checker Settings
9791009 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
9801010 <translation type="unfinished" />
9811011 </message>
9821012 <message>
983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1013 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
9841014 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
9851015 <translation type="unfinished" />
9861016 </message>
9871017 <message>
988 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1018 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
9891019 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
9901020 <translation type="unfinished" />
9911021 </message>
9921022 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
9941024 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
9961026 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
9971027 <translation type="unfinished" />
9981028 </message>
9991029 <message>
1000 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10011031 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10021032 <translation type="unfinished" />
10031033 </message>
10041034 <message>
1005 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10061036 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10071037 <translation type="unfinished" />
10081038 </message>
10091039 <message>
1010 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10111041 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10131043 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10141044 <translation type="unfinished" />
10151045 </message>
10161046 <message>
1017 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10181048 <source>Point Match...</source>
10191049 <translation type="unfinished" />
10201050 </message>
10211051 <message>
1022 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1052 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10231053 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10241054 <translation type="unfinished" />
10251055 </message>
10261056 <message>
1027 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1057 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10281058 <source>Point Match Settings
10301060 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10311061 <translation type="unfinished" />
10321062 </message>
10331063 <message>
1034 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1064 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
10351065 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10361066 <translation type="unfinished" />
10371067 </message>
10381068 <message>
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1069 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
10401070 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
10411071 <translation type="unfinished" />
10421072 </message>
10431073 <message>
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1074 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
10451075 <source>Segment Fill Settings
10471077 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
10481078 <translation type="unfinished" />
10491079 </message>
10501080 <message>
1051 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1081 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
10521082 <source>General...</source>
10531083 <translation type="unfinished" />
10541084 </message>
10551085 <message>
1056 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1086 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
10571087 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
10581088 <translation type="unfinished" />
10591089 </message>
10601090 <message>
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1091 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
10621092 <source>General Settings
10641094 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
10651095 <translation type="unfinished" />
10661096 </message>
10671097 <message>
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1098 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
10691099 <source>Main Window...</source>
10701100 <translation type="unfinished" />
10711101 </message>
10721102 <message>
1073 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1103 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
10741104 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
10751105 <translation type="unfinished" />
10761106 </message>
10771107 <message>
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1108 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
10791109 <source>Main Window Settings
10811111 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
10821112 <translation type="unfinished" />
10831113 </message>
10841114 <message>
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
10861116 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
10871117 <translation type="unfinished" />
10881118 </message>
10891119 <message>
1090 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
10911121 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
10921122 <translation type="unfinished" />
10931123 </message>
10941124 <message>
1095 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
10961126 <source>View Background ToolBar
10981128 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
10991129 <translation type="unfinished" />
11001130 </message>
11011131 <message>
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1132 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11031133 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11041134 <translation type="unfinished" />
11051135 </message>
11061136 <message>
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11081138 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11091139 <translation type="unfinished" />
11101140 </message>
11111141 <message>
1112 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11131143 <source>View Checklist Guide
11151145 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11161146 <translation type="unfinished" />
11171147 </message>
11181148 <message>
1119 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1149 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11201150 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11211151 <translation type="unfinished" />
11221152 </message>
11231153 <message>
1124 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1154 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11251155 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11261156 <translation type="unfinished" />
11271157 </message>
11281158 <message>
1129 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
11301160 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11321162 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11331163 <translation type="unfinished" />
11341164 </message>
11351165 <message>
1136 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1166 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
11371167 <source>Geometry Window</source>
11381168 <translation type="unfinished" />
11391169 </message>
11401170 <message>
1141 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1171 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
11421172 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
11431173 <translation type="unfinished" />
11441174 </message>
11451175 <message>
1146 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1176 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
11471177 <source>View Geometry Window
11491179 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
11501180 <translation type="unfinished" />
11511181 </message>
11521182 <message>
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
11541184 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
11551185 <translation type="unfinished" />
11561186 </message>
11571187 <message>
1158 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1188 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
11591189 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
11601190 <translation type="unfinished" />
11611191 </message>
11621192 <message>
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
11641194 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
11661196 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
11671197 <translation type="unfinished" />
11681198 </message>
11691199 <message>
1170 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1200 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
11711201 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
11721202 <translation type="unfinished" />
11731203 </message>
11741204 <message>
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1205 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
11761206 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
11771207 <translation type="unfinished" />
11781208 </message>
11791209 <message>
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
11811211 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
11831213 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
11841214 <translation type="unfinished" />
11851215 </message>
11861216 <message>
1187 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1217 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
11881218 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
11891219 <translation type="unfinished" />
11901220 </message>
11911221 <message>
1192 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
11931223 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
11941224 <translation type="unfinished" />
11951225 </message>
11961226 <message>
1197 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
11981228 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12001230 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12031233 <translation type="unfinished" />
12041234 </message>
12051235 <message>
1206 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12071237 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12081238 <translation type="unfinished" />
12091239 </message>
12101240 <message>
1211 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1241 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12121242 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12131243 <translation type="unfinished" />
12141244 </message>
12151245 <message>
1216 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12171247 <source>View Tool Tips
12191249 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12201250 <translation type="unfinished" />
12211251 </message>
12221252 <message>
1223 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
12241254 <source>Grid Lines</source>
12251255 <translation type="unfinished" />
12261256 </message>
12271257 <message>
1228 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
12291259 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
12301260 <translation type="unfinished" />
12311261 </message>
12321262 <message>
1233 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1263 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
12341264 <source>View Grid Lines
12361266 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
12371267 <translation type="unfinished" />
12381268 </message>
12391269 <message>
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
12411271 <source>No Background</source>
12421272 <translation type="unfinished" />
12431273 </message>
12441274 <message>
1245 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1275 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
12461276 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
12471277 <translation type="unfinished" />
12481278 </message>
12491279 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1280 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
12511281 <source>No Background
12531283 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
12541284 <translation type="unfinished" />
12551285 </message>
12561286 <message>
1257 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1287 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
12581288 <source>Show Original Image</source>
12591289 <translation type="unfinished" />
12601290 </message>
12611291 <message>
1262 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1292 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
12631293 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
12641294 <translation type="unfinished" />
12651295 </message>
12661296 <message>
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
12681298 <source>Show Original Image
12701300 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
12711301 <translation type="unfinished" />
12721302 </message>
12731303 <message>
1274 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1304 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
12751305 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
12761306 <translation type="unfinished" />
12771307 </message>
12781308 <message>
1279 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1309 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
12801310 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
12811311 <translation type="unfinished" />
12821312 </message>
12831313 <message>
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
12851315 <source>Show Filtered Image
12871317 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
12901320 <translation type="unfinished" />
12911321 </message>
12921322 <message>
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1323 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
12941324 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
12951325 <translation type="unfinished" />
12961326 </message>
12971327 <message>
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
12991329 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
1300 <translation type="unfinished" />
1301 </message>
1302 <message>
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1330 <translation>सभी डिजीटल कर्व छिपाएं।</translation>
1331 </message>
1332 <message>
1333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13041334 <source>Hide All Curves
13061336 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
1307 <translation type="unfinished" />
1308 </message>
1309 <message>
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1337 <translation>सभी वक्र छिपाएँ
1339 कोई अक्ष बिंदु या डिजीटल ग्राफ़ घटता नहीं दिखाया गया है इसलिए छवि को देखना आसान है</translation>
1340 </message>
1341 <message>
1342 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
13111343 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
13121344 <translation type="unfinished" />
13131345 </message>
13141346 <message>
1315 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
13161348 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
13171349 <translation type="unfinished" />
13181350 </message>
13191351 <message>
1320 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
13211353 <source>Show Selected Curve
13231355 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
1324 <translation type="unfinished" />
1325 </message>
1326 <message>
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1356 <translation>चयनित वक्र दिखाएँ
1358 केवल डिजीटल अंक और लाइन दिखाएं जो वर्तमान में चयनित वक्र के हैं।</translation>
1359 </message>
1360 <message>
1361 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
13281362 <source>Show All Curves</source>
13291363 <translation type="unfinished" />
13301364 </message>
13311365 <message>
1332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1366 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
13331367 <source>Show all curves.</source>
13341368 <translation type="unfinished" />
13351369 </message>
13361370 <message>
1337 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
13381372 <source>Show All Curves
13401374 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
1341 <translation type="unfinished" />
1342 </message>
1343 <message>
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1375 <translation>सभी वक्र दिखाएँ
1377 सभी डिजीटल अक्ष बिंदु और ग्राफ घटता दिखाएं</translation>
1378 </message>
1379 <message>
1380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
13451381 <source>Hide Always</source>
13461382 <translation type="unfinished" />
13471383 </message>
13481384 <message>
1349 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
13501386 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
13511387 <translation type="unfinished" />
13521388 </message>
13531389 <message>
1354 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1390 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
13551391 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
13561392 <translation type="unfinished" />
13571393 </message>
13581394 <message>
1359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1395 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
13601396 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
13611397 <translation type="unfinished" />
13621398 </message>
13631399 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1400 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
13651401 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
13661402 <translation type="unfinished" />
13671403 </message>
13681404 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1405 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
13701406 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
13711407 <translation type="unfinished" />
13721408 </message>
13731409 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1410 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
13751411 <source>Show Always</source>
13761412 <translation type="unfinished" />
13771413 </message>
13781414 <message>
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1415 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
13801416 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
13811417 <translation type="unfinished" />
13821418 </message>
13831419 <message>
1384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1420 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
13851421 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
13861422 <translation type="unfinished" />
13871423 </message>
13881424 <message>
1389 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
13901426 <source>Zoom Out</source>
13911427 <translation type="unfinished" />
13921428 </message>
13931429 <message>
1394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
13951431 <source>Zoom out</source>
13961432 <translation type="unfinished" />
13971433 </message>
13981434 <message>
1399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14001436 <source>Zoom In</source>
14011437 <translation type="unfinished" />
14021438 </message>
14031439 <message>
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
14051441 <source>Zoom in</source>
14061442 <translation type="unfinished" />
14071443 </message>
14081444 <message>
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
14101446 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
14111447 <translation type="unfinished" />
14121448 </message>
14131449 <message>
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
14151451 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
14161452 <translation type="unfinished" />
14171453 </message>
14181454 <message>
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
14201456 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
14211457 <translation type="unfinished" />
14221458 </message>
14231459 <message>
1424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
14251461 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
14261462 <translation type="unfinished" />
14271463 </message>
14281464 <message>
1429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
14301466 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
14311467 <translation type="unfinished" />
14321468 </message>
14331469 <message>
1434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
14351471 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
14361472 <translation type="unfinished" />
14371473 </message>
14381474 <message>
1439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
14401476 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
14411477 <translation type="unfinished" />
14421478 </message>
14431479 <message>
1444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
14451481 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
14461482 <translation type="unfinished" />
14471483 </message>
14481484 <message>
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
14501486 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
14511487 <translation type="unfinished" />
14521488 </message>
14531489 <message>
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
14551491 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
14561492 <translation type="unfinished" />
14571493 </message>
14581494 <message>
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
14601496 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
14611497 <translation type="unfinished" />
14621498 </message>
14631499 <message>
1464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
14651501 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
14661502 <translation type="unfinished" />
14671503 </message>
14681504 <message>
1469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
14701506 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
14711507 <translation type="unfinished" />
14721508 </message>
14731509 <message>
1474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
14751511 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
14761512 <translation type="unfinished" />
14771513 </message>
14781514 <message>
1479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
14801516 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
14811517 <translation type="unfinished" />
14821518 </message>
14831519 <message>
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
14851521 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
14861522 <translation type="unfinished" />
14871523 </message>
14881524 <message>
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
14901526 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
14911527 <translation type="unfinished" />
14921528 </message>
14931529 <message>
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
14951531 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
14961532 <translation type="unfinished" />
14971533 </message>
14981534 <message>
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15001536 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15011537 <translation type="unfinished" />
15021538 </message>
15031539 <message>
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
15051541 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15061542 <translation type="unfinished" />
15071543 </message>
15081544 <message>
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
15101546 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
15111547 <translation type="unfinished" />
15121548 </message>
15131549 <message>
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
15151551 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
15161552 <translation type="unfinished" />
15171553 </message>
15181554 <message>
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
15201556 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
15211557 <translation type="unfinished" />
15221558 </message>
15231559 <message>
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
15251561 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
15261562 <translation type="unfinished" />
15271563 </message>
15281564 <message>
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
15301566 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
15311567 <translation type="unfinished" />
15321568 </message>
15331569 <message>
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
15351571 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
15361572 <translation type="unfinished" />
15371573 </message>
15381574 <message>
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
15401576 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
15411577 <translation type="unfinished" />
15421578 </message>
15431579 <message>
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
15451581 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
15461582 <translation type="unfinished" />
15471583 </message>
15481584 <message>
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
15501586 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
15511587 <translation type="unfinished" />
15521588 </message>
15531589 <message>
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
15551591 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
15561592 <translation type="unfinished" />
15571593 </message>
15581594 <message>
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
15601596 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
15611597 <translation type="unfinished" />
15621598 </message>
15631599 <message>
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
15651601 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
15661602 <translation type="unfinished" />
15671603 </message>
15681604 <message>
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
15701606 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
15711607 <translation type="unfinished" />
15721608 </message>
15731609 <message>
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
15751611 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
15761612 <translation type="unfinished" />
15771613 </message>
15781614 <message>
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
15801616 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
15811617 <translation type="unfinished" />
15821618 </message>
15831619 <message>
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
15851621 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
15861622 <translation type="unfinished" />
15871623 </message>
15881624 <message>
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
15901626 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
15911627 <translation type="unfinished" />
15921628 </message>
15931629 <message>
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
15951631 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
15961632 <translation type="unfinished" />
15971633 </message>
15981634 <message>
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16001636 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16011637 <translation type="unfinished" />
16021638 </message>
16031639 <message>
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16051641 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16061642 <translation type="unfinished" />
16071643 </message>
16081644 <message>
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
16101646 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
16111647 <translation type="unfinished" />
16121648 </message>
16131649 <message>
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16151650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
16161652 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
16171653 <translation type="unfinished" />
16181654 </message>
16191655 <message>
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
16211657 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
16221658 <translation type="unfinished" />
16231659 </message>
16241660 <message>
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
16261662 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
16271663 <translation type="unfinished" />
16281664 </message>
16291665 <message>
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
16311667 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
16321668 <translation type="unfinished" />
16331669 </message>
16341670 <message>
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
16361672 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
16371673 <translation type="unfinished" />
16381674 </message>
16391675 <message>
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
16411677 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
16421678 <translation type="unfinished" />
16431679 </message>
16441680 <message>
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
16461682 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
16471683 <translation type="unfinished" />
16481684 </message>
16491685 <message>
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
16511687 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
16521688 <translation type="unfinished" />
16531689 </message>
16541690 <message>
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
16561692 <source>Fill</source>
16571693 <translation type="unfinished" />
16581694 </message>
16591695 <message>
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
16611697 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
16621698 <translation type="unfinished" />
16631699 </message>
19051941 <context>
19061942 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
19071943 <message>
1908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
1944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
19091945 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
19101946 <translation type="unfinished" />
19111947 </message>
19121948 <message>
1913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
1949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
19141950 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
19151951 <translation type="unfinished" />
19161952 </message>
19171953 <message>
1918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
1954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
19191955 <source>as</source>
19201956 <translation type="unfinished" />
19211957 </message>
19221958 <message>
1923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
1959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
19241960 <source>(</source>
19251961 <translation type="unfinished" />
19261962 </message>
19271963 <message>
1928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
1964 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
19291965 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
1931 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
1967 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
19331969 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
1934 <translation type="unfinished" />
1935 </message>
1936 <message>
1937 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
1970 <translation>अक्ष बिंदु का पहला ग्राफ समन्वय दर्ज करें। esकार कार्टेसियन भूखंडों के लिए यह एक्स है। ध्रुवीय भूखंडों के लिए यह कोण थीटा है। समन्वय मूल्य का अपेक्षित प्रारूप स्थानीय सेटिंग से निर्धारित होता है। यदि टाइप किए गए मान अपेक्षित के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं हैं, तो सेटिंग / मुख्य विंडो में स्थानीय सेटिंग की जांच करें ...</translation>
1971 </message>
1972 <message>
1973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
19381974 <source>, </source>
19391975 <translation type="unfinished" />
19401976 </message>
19411977 <message>
1942 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
1978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
19431979 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
1945 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
1981 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
19471983 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
1948 <translation type="unfinished" />
1949 </message>
1950 <message>
1951 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
1984 <translation>अक्ष बिंदु के दूसरे ग्राफ कोऑर्डिनेट करें। फ़ोर कार्टेसियन प्लॉट यह Y है। ध्रुवीय भूखंडों के लिए यह त्रिज्या R है। समन्वय मूल्य का अपेक्षित प्रारूप स्थानीय सेटिंग द्वारा निर्धारित किया जाता है। यदि टाइप किए गए मान अपेक्षित के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं हैं, तो सेटिंग / मुख्य विंडो में स्थानीय सेटिंग की जांच करें ...</translation>
1985 </message>
1986 <message>
1987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
19521988 <source>)</source>
19531989 <translation type="unfinished" />
19541990 </message>
19551991 <message>
1956 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
1957 <source>Number format</source>
1958 <translation type="unfinished" />
1959 </message>
1960 <message>
1961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
1992 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
1993 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
1994 <translation>अक्ष बिंदु पर निर्देशांक की संख्या:</translation>
1995 </message>
1996 <message>
1997 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
1998 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
1999 <translation>दो निर्देशांक वाले तीन अक्ष बिंदु सामान्य रूप से उपयोग किए जाते हैं। यदि प्रत्येक अक्ष बिंदु में केवल एक ज्ञात समन्वय है, तो फ़ाइल / आयात (उन्नत) / 4 अक्ष बिंदुओं के साथ शुरू करें।</translation>
2000 </message>
2001 <message>
2002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2003 <source>Number format:</source>
2004 <translation>संख्या स्वरूप:</translation>
2005 </message>
2006 <message>
2007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2008 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2009 <translation>लोकेल जो अनुमत संख्या स्वरूपों को निर्धारित करता है। यह सेटिंग्स / मुख्य विंडो द्वारा निर्धारित किया गया है।</translation>
2010 </message>
2011 <message>
2012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
19622013 <source>Ok</source>
19632014 <translation type="unfinished" />
19642015 </message>
19652016 <message>
1966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
19672018 <source>Cancel</source>
19682019 <translation type="unfinished" />
19692020 </message>
21692220 <context>
21702221 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
21712222 <message>
2172 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
21732224 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
21742225 <translation type="unfinished" />
21752226 </message>
21762227 <message>
2177 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
21782229 <source>Preview</source>
21792230 <translation type="unfinished" />
21802231 </message>
21812232 <message>
2182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
21832234 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
21842235 <translation type="unfinished" />
21852236 </message>
21862237 <message>
2187 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
21882239 <source>Ok</source>
21892240 <translation type="unfinished" />
21902241 </message>
21912242 <message>
2192 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
21932244 <source>Cancel</source>
21942245 <translation type="unfinished" />
21952246 </message>
21972248 <context>
21982249 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
21992250 <message>
2200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
22012252 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
22022253 <translation type="unfinished" />
22032254 </message>
22042255 <message>
2205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
22062257 <source>Page</source>
22072258 <translation type="unfinished" />
22082259 </message>
22092260 <message>
2210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
22112262 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
22122263 <translation type="unfinished" />
22132264 </message>
22142265 <message>
2215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
22162267 <source>Preview</source>
22172268 <translation type="unfinished" />
22182269 </message>
22192270 <message>
2220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
22212272 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
22222273 <translation type="unfinished" />
22232274 </message>
22242275 <message>
2225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2276 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
22262277 <source>Ok</source>
22272278 <translation type="unfinished" />
22282279 </message>
22292280 <message>
2230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2281 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
22312282 <source>Cancel</source>
22322283 <translation type="unfinished" />
22332284 </message>
22432294 <context>
22442295 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
22452296 <message>
2246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
22472298 <source>Ok</source>
22482299 <translation type="unfinished" />
22492300 </message>
22502301 <message>
2251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
22522303 <source>Cancel</source>
22532304 <translation type="unfinished" />
22542305 </message>
22612312 <translation type="unfinished" />
22622313 </message>
22632314 <message>
2264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
22652316 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
22662317 <translation type="unfinished" />
22672318 </message>
22682319 <message>
2269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
22702321 <source>Do not show</source>
22712322 <translation type="unfinished" />
22722323 </message>
22732324 <message>
2274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
22752326 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
22762327 <translation type="unfinished" />
22772328 </message>
22782329 <message>
2279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2330 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
22802331 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
22812332 <translation type="unfinished" />
22822333 </message>
22832334 <message>
2284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2335 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
22852336 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
22862337 <translation type="unfinished" />
22872338 </message>
22882339 <message>
2289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
22902341 <source>Show always</source>
22912342 <translation type="unfinished" />
22922343 </message>
22932344 <message>
2294 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
22952346 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
22962347 <translation type="unfinished" />
22972348 </message>
22982349 <message>
2299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
23002351 <source>Line color</source>
23012352 <translation type="unfinished" />
23022353 </message>
23032354 <message>
2304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
23052356 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
23062357 <translation type="unfinished" />
23072358 </message>
23082359 <message>
2309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
23102361 <source>Preview</source>
23112362 <translation type="unfinished" />
23122363 </message>
23132364 <message>
2314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
23152366 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
23162367 <translation type="unfinished" />
23172368 </message>
23242375 <translation type="unfinished" />
23252376 </message>
23262377 <message>
2327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
23282379 <source>Curve Name</source>
23292380 <translation type="unfinished" />
23302381 </message>
23312382 <message>
2332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
23332384 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
23342385 <translation type="unfinished" />
23352386 </message>
23362387 <message>
2337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
23382389 <source>Filter mode</source>
23392390 <translation type="unfinished" />
23402391 </message>
23412392 <message>
2342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
23432394 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23452396 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
23462397 <translation type="unfinished" />
23472398 </message>
23482399 <message>
2349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
23502401 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23522403 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
23552406 <translation type="unfinished" />
23562407 </message>
23572408 <message>
2358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
23592410 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23602411 <translation type="unfinished" />
23612412 </message>
23622413 <message>
2363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
23642415 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23652416 <translation type="unfinished" />
23662417 </message>
23672418 <message>
2368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
23692420 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23712422 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
23722423 <translation type="unfinished" />
23732424 </message>
23742425 <message>
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
23762427 <source>Preview</source>
23772428 <translation type="unfinished" />
23782429 </message>
23792430 <message>
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
23812432 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
23822433 <translation type="unfinished" />
23832434 </message>
23842435 <message>
2385 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
23862437 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
23872438 <translation type="unfinished" />
23882439 </message>
23892440 <message>
2390 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
23912442 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
23922443 <translation type="unfinished" />
23932444 </message>
23942445 <message>
2395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
23962447 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
23972448 <translation type="unfinished" />
23982449 </message>
24002451 <context>
24012452 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
24022453 <message>
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
24062457 <source>Coordinates</source>
24072458 <translation type="unfinished" />
24082459 </message>
24092460 <message>
2410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
24112462 <source>Date/Time</source>
24122463 <translation type="unfinished" />
24132464 </message>
24142465 <message>
2415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
24162467 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24182469 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
24192470 <translation type="unfinished" />
24202471 </message>
24212472 <message>
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
24232474 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24252476 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
24262477 <translation type="unfinished" />
24272478 </message>
24282479 <message>
2429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
24302481 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
24312482 <translation type="unfinished" />
24322483 </message>
24332484 <message>
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
24352486 <source>Polar</source>
24362487 <translation type="unfinished" />
24372488 </message>
24382489 <message>
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
24412492 <source>R</source>
24422493 <translation type="unfinished" />
24432494 </message>
24442495 <message>
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
24462497 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
24472498 <translation type="unfinished" />
24482499 </message>
24492500 <message>
2450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
24512502 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
24532504 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
24542505 <translation type="unfinished" />
24552506 </message>
24562507 <message>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
24582509 <source>Select polar coordinates.
24602511 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
24632514 <translation type="unfinished" />
24642515 </message>
24652516 <message>
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
24682519 <source>Scale</source>
24692520 <translation type="unfinished" />
24702521 </message>
24712522 <message>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
24742525 <source>Linear</source>
24752526 <translation type="unfinished" />
24762527 </message>
24772528 <message>
2478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
24792530 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
24802531 <translation type="unfinished" />
24812532 </message>
24822533 <message>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2484 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
24852536 <source>Log</source>
24862537 <translation type="unfinished" />
24872538 </message>
24882539 <message>
2489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
24902541 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
24922543 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
24952546 <translation type="unfinished" />
24962547 </message>
24972548 <message>
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
25002551 <source>Units</source>
25012552 <translation type="unfinished" />
25022553 </message>
25032554 <message>
2504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
25052556 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
25062557 <translation type="unfinished" />
25072558 </message>
25082559 <message>
2509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
25102561 <source>Origin radius value</source>
25112562 <translation type="unfinished" />
25122563 </message>
25132564 <message>
2514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
25152566 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
25172568 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
25182569 <translation type="unfinished" />
25192570 </message>
25202571 <message>
2521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
25222573 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
25242575 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
25252576 <translation type="unfinished" />
25262577 </message>
25272578 <message>
2528 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
25292580 <source>Preview</source>
25302581 <translation type="unfinished" />
25312582 </message>
25322583 <message>
2533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
25342585 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
25352586 <translation type="unfinished" />
25362587 </message>
25372588 <message>
2538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
25392590 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
25412592 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
25442595 <translation type="unfinished" />
25452596 </message>
25462597 <message>
2547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
25482599 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
25502601 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
25592610 <translation type="unfinished" />
25602611 </message>
25612612 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
25632614 <source>X</source>
25642615 <translation type="unfinished" />
25652616 </message>
25662617 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
25682619 <source>Y</source>
25692620 <translation type="unfinished" />
25702621 </message>
25712622 </context>
25722623 <context>
2573 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2574 <message>
2575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2624 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2625 <message>
2626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
25762627 <source>Curve List</source>
2577 <translation>वक्र सूची</translation>
2578 </message>
2579 <message>
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2628 <translation type="unfinished" />
2629 </message>
2630 <message>
2631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
25812632 <source>Add...</source>
25822633 <translation type="unfinished" />
25832634 </message>
25842635 <message>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
25862637 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
25882639 Every curve name must be unique</source>
25892640 <translation type="unfinished" />
25902641 </message>
25912642 <message>
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
25932644 <source>Remove</source>
25942645 <translation type="unfinished" />
25952646 </message>
25962647 <message>
2597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
25982649 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
26002651 There must always be at least one curve</source>
26012652 <translation type="unfinished" />
26022653 </message>
26032654 <message>
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
26052656 <source>Curve Names</source>
26062657 <translation type="unfinished" />
26072658 </message>
26082659 <message>
2609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
26102661 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
26122663 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
26152666 <translation type="unfinished" />
26162667 </message>
26172668 <message>
2618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
26192670 <source>Save As Default</source>
26202671 <translation type="unfinished" />
26212672 </message>
26222673 <message>
2623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
26242675 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
26252676 <translation type="unfinished" />
26262677 </message>
26272678 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
26292680 <source>Reset Default</source>
26302681 <translation type="unfinished" />
26312682 </message>
26322683 <message>
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
26342685 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
26352686 <translation type="unfinished" />
26362687 </message>
26372688 <message>
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
26392690 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
26402691 <translation type="unfinished" />
26412692 </message>
26422693 <message>
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
26452696 <source>points. Continue?</source>
26462697 <translation type="unfinished" />
26472698 </message>
26482699 <message>
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
26502701 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
26512702 <translation type="unfinished" />
26522703 </message>
26532704 <message>
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
26552706 <source>Curves With Points</source>
26562707 <translation type="unfinished" />
26572708 </message>
26592710 <context>
26602711 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
26612712 <message>
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
26632714 <source>Curve Properties</source>
26642715 <translation type="unfinished" />
26652716 </message>
26662717 <message>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
26682719 <source>Curve Name</source>
26692720 <translation type="unfinished" />
26702721 </message>
26712722 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
26732724 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
26742725 <translation type="unfinished" />
26752726 </message>
26762727 <message>
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
26782729 <source>Line</source>
26792730 <translation type="unfinished" />
26802731 </message>
26812732 <message>
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
26832734 <source>Width</source>
26842735 <translation type="unfinished" />
26852736 </message>
26862737 <message>
2687 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
26882739 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
26902741 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
26912742 <translation type="unfinished" />
26922743 </message>
26932744 <message>
2694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
26962747 <source>Color</source>
26972748 <translation type="unfinished" />
26982749 </message>
26992750 <message>
2700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
27012752 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
27032754 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27042755 <translation type="unfinished" />
27052756 </message>
27062757 <message>
2707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
27082759 <source>Connect as</source>
27092760 <translation type="unfinished" />
27102761 </message>
27112762 <message>
2712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
27132764 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
27152766 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
27192770 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2721 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2772 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
27232774 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27242775 <translation type="unfinished" />
27252776 </message>
27262777 <message>
2727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
27282779 <source>Point</source>
27292780 <translation type="unfinished" />
27302781 </message>
27312782 <message>
2732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
27332784 <source>Shape</source>
27342785 <translation type="unfinished" />
27352786 </message>
27362787 <message>
2737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2788 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
27382789 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
27392790 <translation type="unfinished" />
27402791 </message>
27412792 <message>
2742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
27432794 <source>Radius</source>
27442795 <translation type="unfinished" />
27452796 </message>
27462797 <message>
2747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
27482799 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
27492800 <translation type="unfinished" />
27502801 </message>
27512802 <message>
2752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
27532804 <source>Line width</source>
27542805 <translation type="unfinished" />
27552806 </message>
27562807 <message>
2757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
27582809 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
27602811 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
27612812 <translation type="unfinished" />
27622813 </message>
27632814 <message>
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
27652816 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
27662817 <translation type="unfinished" />
27672818 </message>
27682819 <message>
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2820 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
27702821 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
27722823 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
27752826 <translation type="unfinished" />
27762827 </message>
27772828 <message>
2778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
27792830 <source>Preview</source>
27802831 <translation type="unfinished" />
27812832 </message>
27822833 <message>
2783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
27842835 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
27862837 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
27922843 <message>
27932844 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="41" />
27942845 <source>Digitize Curve</source>
2795 <translation type="unfinished" />
2846 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ कर्व</translation>
27962847 </message>
27972848 <message>
27982849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="65" />
28752926 <translation type="unfinished" />
28762927 </message>
28772928 <message>
2878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
28792930 <source>Included</source>
28802931 <translation type="unfinished" />
28812932 </message>
28822933 <message>
2883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
28842935 <source>Not included</source>
28852936 <translation type="unfinished" />
28862937 </message>
28872938 <message>
2888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
28892940 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
28912942 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
2892 <translation type="unfinished" />
2893 </message>
2894 <message>
2895 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
2943 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में शामिल किए जाने वाले घटता की सूची।
2945 यहां कर्व्स का ऑर्डर निर्यात की गई फाइल में ऑर्डर को प्रभावित नहीं करता है। यह आदेश घटता सेटिंग्स द्वारा निर्धारित किया जाता है।</translation>
2946 </message>
2947 <message>
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
28962949 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
2897 <translation type="unfinished" />
2898 </message>
2899 <message>
2900 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
2950 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल से बाहर किए जाने वाले घटता की सूची</translation>
2951 </message>
2952 <message>
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
29012954 <source>Include</source>
29022955 <translation>शामिल</translation>
29032956 </message>
29042957 <message>
2905 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
2958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
29062959 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
29072960 <translation type="unfinished" />
29082961 </message>
29092962 <message>
2910 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
29112964 <source>Exclude</source>
29122965 <translation>निकालना</translation>
29132966 </message>
29142967 <message>
2915 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
29162969 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
29172970 <translation type="unfinished" />
29182971 </message>
29192972 <message>
2920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
29212974 <source>Delimiters</source>
29222975 <translation type="unfinished" />
29232976 </message>
29242977 <message>
2925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
29262979 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
2927 <translation type="unfinished" />
2928 </message>
2929 <message>
2930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
2980 <translation>जब तक TSV फाइलों में टैब द्वारा ओवरराइड निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल, आसन्न मूल्यों के बीच अल्पविराम होगा।</translation>
2981 </message>
2982 <message>
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
29312984 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
2932 <translation type="unfinished" />
2933 </message>
2934 <message>
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
2985 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में आसन्न मूल्यों के बीच रिक्त स्थान होगा, जब तक कि CSV फ़ाइलों में अल्पविराम द्वारा, या TSV फ़ाइलों में टैब द्वारा ओवरराइड नहीं किया जाता है।</translation>
2986 </message>
2987 <message>
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
29362989 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
2937 <translation type="unfinished" />
2938 </message>
2939 <message>
2940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
2990 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में आसन्न मूल्यों के बीच टैब होंगे, जब तक कि CSV फ़ाइलों में कॉमा द्वारा ओवरराइड नहीं किया जाएगा।</translation>
2991 </message>
2992 <message>
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
29412994 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
2942 <translation type="unfinished" />
2943 </message>
2944 <message>
2945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
2995 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में समीपस्थ मानों के बीच अर्धविराम होंगे, जब तक कि CSV फ़ाइलों में कॉमा द्वारा ओवरराइड नहीं किया जाएगा।</translation>
2996 </message>
2997 <message>
2998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
29462999 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
29473000 <translation type="unfinished" />
29483001 </message>
29493002 <message>
2950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3003 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
29513004 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
29523005 <translation type="unfinished" />
29533006 </message>
29543007 <message>
2955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3008 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
29563009 <source>Layout</source>
29573010 <translation type="unfinished" />
29583011 </message>
29593012 <message>
2960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3013 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
29613014 <source>All curves on each line</source>
29623015 <translation type="unfinished" />
29633016 </message>
29643017 <message>
2965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
29663019 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
2967 <translation type="unfinished" />
2968 </message>
2969 <message>
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3020 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में प्रत्येक पंक्ति, एक X मान, पहले वक्र के लिए Y मान, दूसरे वक्र के लिए Y मान होगा, ...</translation>
3021 </message>
3022 <message>
3023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
29713024 <source>One curve on each line</source>
29723025 <translation type="unfinished" />
29733026 </message>
29743027 <message>
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
29763029 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
2977 <translation type="unfinished" />
2978 </message>
2979 <message>
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3030 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में पहले वक्र के लिए सभी बिंदु होंगे, प्रत्येक पंक्ति पर एक X-Y जोड़ी होगी, फिर दूसरी वक्र के लिए बिंदु, ...</translation>
3031 </message>
3032 <message>
3033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
29813034 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
29823035 <translation type="unfinished" />
29833036 </message>
29843037 <message>
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
29863039 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
29873040 <translation type="unfinished" />
29883041 </message>
29893042 <message>
2990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
29913044 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
2992 <translation type="unfinished" />
2993 </message>
2994 <message>
2995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3045 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में प्रत्येक वक्र से प्रत्येक अनन्य X मान पर मान होंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो तो Y मान रैखिक रूप से प्रक्षेपित किया जाएगा</translation>
3046 </message>
3047 <message>
3048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3049 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3050 <translation type="unfinished" />
3051 </message>
3052 <message>
3053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3054 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3055 <translation type="unfinished" />
3056 </message>
3057 <message>
3058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
29963059 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
29973060 <translation type="unfinished" />
29983061 </message>
29993062 <message>
3000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3063 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
30013064 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
3002 <translation type="unfinished" />
3003 </message>
3004 <message>
3005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3006 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3007 <translation type="unfinished" />
3008 </message>
3009 <message>
3010 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3065 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में पहले वक्र से प्रत्येक अनन्य X मान पर मान होंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो तो Y मान रैखिक रूप से प्रक्षेपित किया जाएगा</translation>
3066 </message>
3067 <message>
3068 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3069 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3070 <translation type="unfinished" />
3071 </message>
3072 <message>
3073 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
30113074 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
3012 <translation type="unfinished" />
3013 </message>
3014 <message>
3015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3075 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में समान रूप से अंतरित X मान के मान होंगे, जिन्हें नीचे दिए गए अंतराल से अलग किया गया है।</translation>
3076 </message>
3077 <message>
3078 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
30173080 <source>Interval</source>
30183081 <translation type="unfinished" />
30193082 </message>
30203083 <message>
3021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3084 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
30223085 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
30243087 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
30273090 <translation type="unfinished" />
30283091 </message>
30293092 <message>
3030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
30313094 <source>Units for spacing interval.
30333096 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
30363099 <translation type="unfinished" />
30373100 </message>
30383101 <message>
3039 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3103 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3104 <translation type="unfinished" />
3105 </message>
3106 <message>
3107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3108 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3109 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में ऊर्ध्वाधर ग्रिड लाइनों पर समान रूप से स्थानिक X मान के मान होंगे।</translation>
3110 </message>
3111 <message>
3112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
30413114 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
30423115 <translation type="unfinished" />
30433116 </message>
30443117 <message>
3045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3046 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
30473120 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
3048 <translation type="unfinished" />
3049 </message>
3050 <message>
3051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3121 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में केवल मूल X और Y मान होंगे</translation>
3122 </message>
3123 <message>
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
30523125 <source>Header</source>
30533126 <translation type="unfinished" />
30543127 </message>
30553128 <message>
3056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
30573130 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
3058 <translation type="unfinished" />
3059 </message>
3060 <message>
3061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3131 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में कोई हेडर लाइन नहीं होगी</translation>
3132 </message>
3133 <message>
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
30623135 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
3063 <translation type="unfinished" />
3064 </message>
3065 <message>
3066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3136 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में सरल हेडर लाइन होगी</translation>
3137 </message>
3138 <message>
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
30673140 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
3068 <translation type="unfinished" />
3069 </message>
3070 <message>
3071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3141 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में gnuplot हेडर लाइन होगी</translation>
3142 </message>
3143 <message>
3144 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
30723145 <source>Save As Default</source>
30733146 <translation type="unfinished" />
30743147 </message>
30753148 <message>
3076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3149 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
30773150 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
30783151 <translation type="unfinished" />
30793152 </message>
30803153 <message>
3081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3155 <source>Load Default</source>
3156 <translation type="unfinished" />
3157 </message>
3158 <message>
3159 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3160 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3161 <translation type="unfinished" />
3162 </message>
3163 <message>
3164 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
30823165 <source>Preview</source>
30833166 <translation type="unfinished" />
30843167 </message>
30853168 <message>
3086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3169 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
30873170 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
30893172 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
3090 <translation type="unfinished" />
3091 </message>
3092 <message>
3093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3173 <translation>पूर्वावलोकन विंडो दिखाती है कि वर्तमान सेटिंग्स निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल को कैसे प्रभावित करती हैं।
3175 फ़ंक्शंस (नीले रंग में यहां दिखाए गए) पहले आउटपुट होते हैं, इसके बाद संबंध (हरे रंग में यहां दिखाए गए) यदि कोई मौजूद है।</translation>
3176 </message>
3177 <message>
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
30943179 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
30953180 <translation type="unfinished" />
30963181 </message>
30973182 <message>
3098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
30993184 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
31003185 <translation type="unfinished" />
31013186 </message>
31023187 <message>
3103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
31043189 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
3105 <translation type="unfinished" />
3106 </message>
3107 <message>
3108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3190 <translation>निर्यात की गई फ़ाइल में प्रत्येक संबंध के साथ समान रूप से स्थान होगा, नीचे चयनित अंतराल द्वारा अलग किया जाएगा। यदि अंतिम अंतराल अंतिम बिंदु पर समाप्त नहीं होता है, तो एक अंतिम अंतिम अंतराल जोड़ा जाता है जो अंतिम बिंदु पर समाप्त होता है।</translation>
3191 </message>
3192 <message>
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
31093194 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
31103195 <translation type="unfinished" />
31113196 </message>
31123197 <message>
3113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
31143199 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31163201 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
31193204 <translation type="unfinished" />
31203205 </message>
31213206 <message>
3122 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3207 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
31233208 <source>Functions</source>
31243209 <translation type="unfinished" />
31253210 </message>
31263211 <message>
3127 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3212 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
31283213 <source>Functions Tab
31303215 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
31313216 <translation type="unfinished" />
31323217 </message>
31333218 <message>
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
31353220 <source>Relations</source>
31363221 <translation type="unfinished" />
31373222 </message>
31383223 <message>
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
31403225 <source>Relations Tab
31423227 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
31433228 <translation type="unfinished" />
31443229 </message>
31453230 <message>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3231 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
31473232 <source>X Label</source>
31483233 <translation type="unfinished" />
31493234 </message>
31503235 <message>
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3152 <source>Theta Label</source>
3153 <translation type="unfinished" />
3154 </message>
3155 <message>
3156 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
31573237 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
31583238 <translation type="unfinished" />
31593239 </message>
31603240 <message>
3161 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3162 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3163 <translation type="unfinished" />
3164 </message>
3165 <message>
3166 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
31673242 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
31683243 <translation type="unfinished" />
31693244 </message>
32223297 <translation type="unfinished" />
32233298 </message>
32243299 <message>
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3300 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
32263301 <source>Color</source>
32273302 <translation type="unfinished" />
32283303 </message>
32293304 <message>
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
32313306 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
32323307 <translation type="unfinished" />
32333308 </message>
32343309 <message>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
32373312 <source>Disable</source>
32383313 <translation type="unfinished" />
32393314 </message>
32403315 <message>
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
32423317 <source>Disabled value.
32443319 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
32453320 <translation type="unfinished" />
32463321 </message>
32473322 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3249 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3323 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
32503325 <source>Count</source>
32513326 <translation type="unfinished" />
32523327 </message>
32533328 <message>
3254 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
32553330 <source>Number of X grid lines.
32573332 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
32583333 <translation type="unfinished" />
32593334 </message>
32603335 <message>
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3262 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
32633338 <source>Start</source>
32643339 <translation type="unfinished" />
32653340 </message>
32663341 <message>
3267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
32683343 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
32703345 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
32713346 <translation type="unfinished" />
32723347 </message>
32733348 <message>
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3275 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
32763351 <source>Step</source>
32773352 <translation type="unfinished" />
32783353 </message>
32793354 <message>
3280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
32813356 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
32833358 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
32843359 <translation type="unfinished" />
32853360 </message>
32863361 <message>
3287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3288 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
32893364 <source>Stop</source>
32903365 <translation type="unfinished" />
32913366 </message>
32923367 <message>
3293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
32943369 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
32963371 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
32973372 <translation type="unfinished" />
32983373 </message>
32993374 <message>
3300 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
33013376 <source>Disabled value.
33033378 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
33043379 <translation type="unfinished" />
33053380 </message>
33063381 <message>
3307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
33083383 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
33103385 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
33113386 <translation type="unfinished" />
33123387 </message>
33133388 <message>
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
33153390 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
33173392 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
33183393 <translation type="unfinished" />
33193394 </message>
33203395 <message>
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
33223397 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
33243399 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
33253400 <translation type="unfinished" />
33263401 </message>
33273402 <message>
3328 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
33293404 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
33313406 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33323407 <translation type="unfinished" />
33333408 </message>
33343409 <message>
3335 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
33363411 <source>Preview</source>
33373412 <translation type="unfinished" />
33383413 </message>
33393414 <message>
3340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
33413416 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
33423417 <translation type="unfinished" />
33433418 </message>
33443419 <message>
3345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
33463421 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
33473422 <translation type="unfinished" />
33483423 </message>
33493424 <message>
3350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
33513426 <source>Grid Lines</source>
33523427 <translation type="unfinished" />
33533428 </message>
33543429 <message>
3355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
33563431 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
33573432 <translation type="unfinished" />
33583433 </message>
33593434 <message>
3360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3435 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
33613436 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
33623437 <translation type="unfinished" />
33633438 </message>
33643439 <message>
3365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
33663441 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
33673442 <translation>ग्रिड लाइन गिनती सेटिंग्स / मुख्य विंडो द्वारा निर्धारित सीमा से अधिक है</translation>
33683443 </message>
33753450 <translation type="unfinished" />
33763451 </message>
33773452 <message>
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
33793454 <source>Preview</source>
33803455 <translation type="unfinished" />
33813456 </message>
33823457 <message>
3383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
33843459 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
33853460 <translation type="unfinished" />
33863461 </message>
33873462 <message>
3388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
33893464 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
33903465 <translation type="unfinished" />
33913466 </message>
33923467 <message>
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
33943469 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
33963471 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
33973472 <translation type="unfinished" />
33983473 </message>
33993474 <message>
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
34013476 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
34023477 <translation type="unfinished" />
34033478 </message>
34043479 <message>
3405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
34063481 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
34083483 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
34113486 <translation type="unfinished" />
34123487 </message>
34133488 <message>
3414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
34153490 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
34163491 <translation type="unfinished" />
34173492 </message>
34183493 <message>
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
34203495 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3421 <translation type="unfinished" />
3422 </message>
3423 <message>
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3426 <source>Disable</source>
3427 <translation type="unfinished" />
3428 </message>
3429 <message>
3430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3431 <source>Disabled value.
3433 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34343496 <translation type="unfinished" />
34353497 </message>
34363498 <message>
34373499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
34383500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3501 <source>Disable</source>
3502 <translation type="unfinished" />
3503 </message>
3504 <message>
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3506 <source>Disabled value.
3508 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3509 <translation type="unfinished" />
3510 </message>
3511 <message>
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
34393514 <source>Count</source>
34403515 <translation type="unfinished" />
34413516 </message>
34423517 <message>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
34443519 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34463521 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34473522 <translation type="unfinished" />
34483523 </message>
34493524 <message>
3450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
34523527 <source>Start</source>
34533528 <translation type="unfinished" />
34543529 </message>
34553530 <message>
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
34573532 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34593534 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34603535 <translation type="unfinished" />
34613536 </message>
34623537 <message>
3463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
34653540 <source>Step</source>
34663541 <translation type="unfinished" />
34673542 </message>
34683543 <message>
3469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
34703545 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34723547 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34733548 <translation type="unfinished" />
34743549 </message>
34753550 <message>
3476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
34783553 <source>Stop</source>
34793554 <translation type="unfinished" />
34803555 </message>
34813556 <message>
3482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
34833558 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34853560 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
34863561 <translation type="unfinished" />
34873562 </message>
34883563 <message>
3489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
34903565 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
34913566 <translation type="unfinished" />
34923567 </message>
34933568 <message>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
34953570 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
34963571 <translation type="unfinished" />
34973572 </message>
34983573 <message>
3499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
35003575 <source>Disabled value.
35023577 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35033578 <translation type="unfinished" />
35043579 </message>
35053580 <message>
3506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
35073582 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35093584 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35103585 <translation type="unfinished" />
35113586 </message>
35123587 <message>
3513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
35143589 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35163591 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35173592 <translation type="unfinished" />
35183593 </message>
35193594 <message>
3520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
35213596 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35233598 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35243599 <translation type="unfinished" />
35253600 </message>
35263601 <message>
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3602 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
35283603 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35303605 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35343609 <context>
35353610 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
35363611 <message>
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
35383613 <source>Main Window</source>
35393614 <translation type="unfinished" />
35403615 </message>
35413616 <message>
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
35433618 <source>Initial zoom</source>
35443619 <translation type="unfinished" />
35453620 </message>
35463621 <message>
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
35483623 <source>Initial Zoom
35503625 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
35513626 <translation type="unfinished" />
35523627 </message>
35533628 <message>
3554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
35553630 <source>Zoom control</source>
35563631 <translation type="unfinished" />
35573632 </message>
35583633 <message>
3559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
35603635 <source>Menu only</source>
35613636 <translation type="unfinished" />
35623637 </message>
35633638 <message>
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
35653640 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
35663641 <translation type="unfinished" />
35673642 </message>
35683643 <message>
3569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
35703645 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
35713646 <translation type="unfinished" />
35723647 </message>
35733648 <message>
3574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
35753650 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
35763651 <translation type="unfinished" />
35773652 </message>
35783653 <message>
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
35803655 <source>Zoom Control
35823657 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
35833658 <translation type="unfinished" />
35843659 </message>
35853660 <message>
3586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
3587 <source>Locale</source>
3588 <translation type="unfinished" />
3589 </message>
3590 <message>
3591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3662 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3663 <translation>लोकेल (पुनः आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है)</translation>
3664 </message>
3665 <message>
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
35923667 <source>Locale
35943669 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
35973672 <translation type="unfinished" />
35983673 </message>
35993674 <message>
3600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
36013676 <source>Import cropping</source>
36023677 <translation type="unfinished" />
36033678 </message>
36043679 <message>
3605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
36063681 <source>Import Cropping
36083683 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
36113686 <translation type="unfinished" />
36123687 </message>
36133688 <message>
3614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
36153690 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
36163691 <translation type="unfinished" />
36173692 </message>
36183693 <message>
3619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
36203695 <source>Import PDF Resolution
36223697 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
36233698 <translation type="unfinished" />
36243699 </message>
36253700 <message>
3626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
36273702 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
36283703 <translation type="unfinished" />
36293704 </message>
36303705 <message>
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
36323707 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
36343709 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
36353710 <translation type="unfinished" />
36363711 </message>
36373712 <message>
3638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
36393714 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
36403715 <translation type="unfinished" />
36413716 </message>
36423717 <message>
3643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
36443719 <source>Highlight Opacity
36463721 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
36473722 <translation type="unfinished" />
36483723 </message>
36493724 <message>
3650 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
36513726 <source>Recent file list</source>
36523727 <translation type="unfinished" />
36533728 </message>
36543729 <message>
3655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
36563731 <source>Clear</source>
36573732 <translation type="unfinished" />
36583733 </message>
36593734 <message>
3660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
36613736 <source>Recent File List Clear
36633738 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
36643739 <translation type="unfinished" />
36653740 </message>
36663741 <message>
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
36683743 <source>Include title bar path</source>
36693744 <translation type="unfinished" />
36703745 </message>
36713746 <message>
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
36733748 <source>Title Bar Filename
36753750 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
36763751 <translation type="unfinished" />
36773752 </message>
36783753 <message>
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
36803755 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
36813756 <translation type="unfinished" />
36823757 </message>
36833758 <message>
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
36853760 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
36873762 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
36883763 <translation type="unfinished" />
36893764 </message>
36903765 <message>
3691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
36923767 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
36933768 <translation type="unfinished" />
36943769 </message>
36953770 <message>
3696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
36973772 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
36993774 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
37023777 <translation type="unfinished" />
37033778 </message>
37043779 <message>
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3781 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3782 <translation>छवि का नाम बदलकर दस्तावेज़</translation>
3783 </message>
3784 <message>
3785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3786 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3788 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3789 <translation>छवि का नाम बदलकर दस्तावेज़
3791 जब एक छवि को वर्तमान छवि को बदलने के लिए आयात किया जाता है, तो यह सच होने पर दस्तावेज़ का नाम बदल दिया जाएगा, अन्यथा नाम वही रहेगा।</translation>
3792 </message>
3793 <message>
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
37063795 <source>Significant digits</source>
37073796 <translation type="unfinished" />
37083797 </message>
37093798 <message>
3710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
37113800 <source>Significant Digits
37133802 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
39344023 <context>
39354024 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
39364025 <message>
4026 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
39374027 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4028 <source>Geometry Window</source>
4029 <translation type="unfinished" />
4030 </message>
4031 <message>
39384032 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
3939 <source>Geometry Window</source>
3940 <translation type="unfinished" />
3941 </message>
3942 <message>
3943 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
39444033 <source>Geometry Window
39464035 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
39584047 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
39604049 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4050 <translation type="unfinished" />
4051 </message>
4052 <message>
4053 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4054 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4055 <translation type="unfinished" />
4056 </message>
4057 </context>
4058 <context>
4059 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4060 <message>
4061 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4062 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
39614063 <translation type="unfinished" />
39624064 </message>
39634065 </context>
39964098 <context>
39974099 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
39984100 <message>
3999 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4101 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
40004102 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
40014103 <translation type="unfinished" />
40024104 </message>
40034105 <message>
4004 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4106 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
40054107 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
40064108 <translation type="unfinished" />
40074109 </message>
40094111 <context>
40104112 <name>MainWindow</name>
40114113 <message>
4012 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4114 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
40134115 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
40144116 <translation type="unfinished" />
40154117 </message>
40164118 <message>
4017 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4119 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
40184120 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
40194121 <translation type="unfinished" />
40204122 </message>
40214123 <message>
4022 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4023 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4024 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4124 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4125 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4126 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
40254127 <source>Cannot read file</source>
40264128 <translation type="unfinished" />
40274129 </message>
40284130 <message>
4029 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4030 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4031 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4131 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4132 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4133 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
40324134 <source>from directory</source>
40334135 <translation type="unfinished" />
40344136 </message>
40354137 <message>
4036 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4138 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
40374139 <source>Import Image</source>
40384140 <translation type="unfinished" />
40394141 </message>
40404142 <message>
4041 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4143 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
40424144 <source>File opened</source>
40434145 <translation type="unfinished" />
40444146 </message>
40454147 <message>
4046 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4148 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
40474149 <source>File not found</source>
40484150 <translation type="unfinished" />
40494151 </message>
40504152 <message>
4051 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4153 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
40524154 <source>Error report opened</source>
40534155 <translation type="unfinished" />
40544156 </message>
40554157 <message>
4056 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4057 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4158 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4159 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
40584160 <source>File imported</source>
40594161 <translation type="unfinished" />
40604162 </message>
40614163 <message>
4062 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4164 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
40634165 <source>Background image.</source>
40644166 <translation type="unfinished" />
40654167 </message>
40664168 <message>
4067 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4169 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
40684170 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
40694171 <translation type="unfinished" />
40704172 </message>
40714173 <message>
4072 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4174 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
40734175 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
40744176 <translation type="unfinished" />
40754177 </message>
40764178 <message>
4077 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4179 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
40784180 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
40794181 <translation type="unfinished" />
40804182 </message>
40814183 <message>
4082 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4184 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
40834185 <source>The document has been modified.
40844186 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
40854187 <translation type="unfinished" />
40864188 </message>
40874189 <message>
4088 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4190 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
40894191 <source>Cannot write file</source>
40904192 <translation type="unfinished" />
40914193 </message>
40924194 <message>
4093 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4195 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
40944196 <source>Save</source>
40954197 <translation type="unfinished" />
40964198 </message>
40974199 <message>
4098 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4200 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
40994201 <source>Export</source>
41004202 <translation type="unfinished" />
41014203 </message>
41024204 <message>
4103 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4205 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
41044206 <source>Open Document</source>
41054207 <translation type="unfinished" />
41064208 </message>
41074209 <message>
4108 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4210 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
41094211 <source>+</source>
41104212 <translation type="unfinished" />
41114213 </message>
41124214 <message>
4113 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4215 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
41144216 <source>-</source>
41154217 <translation type="unfinished" />
41164218 </message>
41174219 <message>
4118 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4220 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
41194221 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
41204222 <translation type="unfinished" />
41214223 </message>
41234225 <context>
41244226 <name>QObject</name>
41254227 <message>
4126 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4127 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4128 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4228 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4229 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4230 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
41294231 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
41304232 <translation type="unfinished" />
41314233 </message>
41324234 <message>
4133 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4134 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4235 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4236 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
41354237 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
41364238 <translation type="unfinished" />
41374239 </message>
41384240 <message>
4139 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4140 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4241 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4242 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
41414243 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
41424244 <translation type="unfinished" />
41434245 </message>
41444246 <message>
4145 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4146 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4247 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4248 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
41474249 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
41484250 <translation type="unfinished" />
41494251 </message>
41504252 <message>
4151 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4253 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
41524254 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
41534255 <translation type="unfinished" />
41544256 </message>
41554257 <message>
4156 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4258 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
41574259 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
41584260 <translation type="unfinished" />
41594261 </message>
41604262 <message>
4161 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4263 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
41624264 <source>Never</source>
41634265 <translation type="unfinished" />
41644266 </message>
41654267 <message>
4166 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4268 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
41674269 <source>NSeconds</source>
41684270 <translation type="unfinished" />
41694271 </message>
41704272 <message>
4171 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4273 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
41724274 <source>Forever</source>
4173 <translation type="unfinished" />
4174 </message>
4175 <message>
4176 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4177 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4178 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4179 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4180 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4181 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4182 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4183 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4184 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4185 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4186 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4187 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4188 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4189 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4190 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4191 <source>Unknown</source>
41924275 <translation type="unfinished" />
41934276 </message>
41944277 <message>
42384321 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
42394322 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
42404323 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4241 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4324 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
42424325 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
42434326 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
42444327 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
42764359 <translation type="unfinished" />
42774360 </message>
42784361 <message>
4279 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4362 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4363 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4364 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4365 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4366 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4367 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4368 <source>Unknown</source>
4369 <translation type="unfinished" />
4370 </message>
4371 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
42804373 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
42814374 <translation type="unfinished" />
42824375 </message>
43534446 <translation type="unfinished" />
43544447 </message>
43554448 <message>
4356 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4449 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
43574450 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
43584451 <translation type="unfinished" />
43594452 </message>
43644457 <translation type="unfinished" />
43654458 </message>
43664459 <message>
4367 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4460 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
43684461 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
43694462 <translation type="unfinished" />
43704463 </message>
43714464 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4465 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
43734466 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
43744467 <translation type="unfinished" />
43754468 </message>
43764469 <message>
4377 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4470 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
43784471 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
43794472 <translation type="unfinished" />
43804473 </message>
43814474 <message>
4382 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4475 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
43834476 <source>RelationStraight</source>
43844477 <translation type="unfinished" />
43854478 </message>
43864479 <message>
4387 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4480 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
43884481 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
43894482 <translation type="unfinished" />
43904483 </message>
44074500 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
44084501 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
44094502 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4410 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4503 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
44114504 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44124505 <translation type="unfinished" />
44134506 </message>
44174510 <translation type="unfinished" />
44184511 </message>
44194512 <message>
4420 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4513 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
44214514 <source>Color Picker</source>
44224515 <translation type="unfinished" />
44234516 </message>
44244517 <message>
4425 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4518 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
44264519 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
44274520 <translation type="unfinished" />
44284521 </message>
44624555 <translation type="unfinished" />
44634556 </message>
44644557 <message>
4465 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4466 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4558 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4559 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
44674560 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
44684561 <translation type="unfinished" />
44694562 </message>
44704563 <message>
4471 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4564 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
44724565 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
44734566 <translation type="unfinished" />
44744567 </message>
44754568 <message>
4476 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4569 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
44774570 <source>of</source>
44784571 <translation type="unfinished" />
44794572 </message>
44804573 <message>
4481 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4574 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
44824575 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
44834576 <source>File</source>
44844577 <translation type="unfinished" />
44854578 </message>
44864579 <message>
4487 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
44884581 <source>was not found</source>
44894582 <translation type="unfinished" />
44904583 </message>
44914584 <message>
4492 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
44934586 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
44944587 <translation type="unfinished" />
44954588 </message>
45114604 <message>
45124605 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="108" />
45134606 <source>Cannot read digitize curve data</source>
4514 <translation type="unfinished" />
4515 </message>
4516 <message>
4517 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4607 <translation>डिजिटाइज़ कर्व डेटा नहीं पढ़ सकते</translation>
4608 </message>
4609 <message>
4610 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
45184611 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
45194612 <translation type="unfinished" />
45204613 </message>
45494642 <translation type="unfinished" />
45504643 </message>
45514644 <message>
4552 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4645 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
45534646 <source>Commas</source>
45544647 <translation type="unfinished" />
45554648 </message>
45564649 <message>
4557 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4650 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
45584651 <source>Semicolons</source>
45594652 <translation type="unfinished" />
45604653 </message>
45614654 <message>
4562 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4655 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
45634656 <source>Spaces</source>
45644657 <translation type="unfinished" />
45654658 </message>
45664659 <message>
4567 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4660 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
45684661 <source>Tabs</source>
45694662 <translation type="unfinished" />
45704663 </message>
45714664 <message>
4572 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4665 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
45734666 <source>Gnuplot</source>
45744667 <translation type="unfinished" />
45754668 </message>
45764669 <message>
4577 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4670 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
45784671 <source>None</source>
45794672 <translation type="unfinished" />
45804673 </message>
45814674 <message>
4582 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4675 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
45834676 <source>Simple</source>
45844677 <translation type="unfinished" />
45854678 </message>
45944687 <translation type="unfinished" />
45954688 </message>
45964689 <message>
4597 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4690 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
45984691 <source>AllPerLine</source>
45994692 <translation type="unfinished" />
46004693 </message>
46014694 <message>
4602 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4695 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46034696 <source>OnePerLine</source>
46044697 <translation type="unfinished" />
46054698 </message>
46064699 <message>
4607 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4700 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
46084701 <source>Graph Units</source>
46094702 <translation type="unfinished" />
46104703 </message>
46114704 <message>
4612 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4705 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
46134706 <source>Pixels</source>
46144707 <translation type="unfinished" />
46154708 </message>
46164709 <message>
4617 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4710 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
46184711 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
46194712 <translation type="unfinished" />
46204713 </message>
46214714 <message>
4622 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4715 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46234716 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
46244717 <translation type="unfinished" />
46254718 </message>
46264719 <message>
4627 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4720 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
46284721 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
46294722 <translation type="unfinished" />
46304723 </message>
46314724 <message>
4632 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4633 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4725 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4726 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
46344727 <source>Raw</source>
46354728 <translation type="unfinished" />
46364729 </message>
46374730 <message>
4638 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4731 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
46394732 <source>Interpolate</source>
46404733 <translation type="unfinished" />
46414734 </message>
46424735 <message>
4643 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4736 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
46444737 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
46454738 <translation type="unfinished" />
46464739 </message>
46474740 <message>
4648 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4741 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
46494742 <source>from directory</source>
46504743 <translation type="unfinished" />
46514744 </message>
46814774 </message>
46824775 <message>
46834776 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4684 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4777 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
46854778 <source>X</source>
46864779 <translation type="unfinished" />
46874780 </message>
46914784 <translation type="unfinished" />
46924785 </message>
46934786 <message>
4694 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
4787 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
46954788 <source>Count</source>
46964789 <translation type="unfinished" />
46974790 </message>
46984791 <message>
4699 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
4792 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
47004793 <source>Start</source>
47014794 <translation type="unfinished" />
47024795 </message>
47034796 <message>
4704 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4797 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
47054798 <source>Step</source>
47064799 <translation type="unfinished" />
47074800 </message>
47084801 <message>
4709 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
4802 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
47104803 <source>Stop</source>
47114804 <translation type="unfinished" />
47124805 </message>
47464839 <translation type="unfinished" />
47474840 </message>
47484841 <message>
4749 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
4842 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
47504843 <source>Circle</source>
4751 <translation type="unfinished" />
4752 </message>
4753 <message>
4754 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
4844 <translation>वृत्त</translation>
4845 </message>
4846 <message>
4847 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
47554848 <source>Cross</source>
4756 <translation type="unfinished" />
4757 </message>
4758 <message>
4759 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
4849 <translation>पार करना</translation>
4850 </message>
4851 <message>
4852 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
47604853 <source>Diamond</source>
4761 <translation type="unfinished" />
4762 </message>
4763 <message>
4764 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
4854 <translation>हीरा</translation>
4855 </message>
4856 <message>
4857 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
4858 <source>Hourglass</source>
4859 <translation>घंटे का गिलास</translation>
4860 </message>
4861 <message>
4862 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
47654863 <source>Square</source>
4766 <translation type="unfinished" />
4767 </message>
4768 <message>
4769 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
4864 <translation>वर्ग</translation>
4865 </message>
4866 <message>
4867 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
47704868 <source>Triangle</source>
4771 <translation type="unfinished" />
4772 </message>
4773 <message>
4774 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
4869 <translation>त्रिभुज</translation>
4870 </message>
4871 <message>
4872 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
4873 <source>Triangle2</source>
4874 <translation>त्रिभुज2</translation>
4875 </message>
4876 <message>
4877 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
47754878 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
47764879 <translation type="unfinished" />
47774880 </message>
47784881 <message>
4779 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
4882 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
47804883 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
47814884 <translation>ग्राफ़ निर्देशांक</translation>
47824885 </message>
47834886 <message>
4784 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
4887 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
47854888 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
47864889 <translation>पिक्सेल निर्देशांक</translation>
47874890 </message>
47884891 <message>
4789 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
4892 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
47904893 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
47914894 <translation>ग्राफ़ रेज़ोल्यूशन</translation>
47924895 </message>
48014904 <translation>अधिक धुरी अंक की जरूरत है</translation>
48024905 </message>
48034906 <message>
4804 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
4805 <source>16:1 farther</source>
4806 <translation type="unfinished" />
4807 </message>
4808 <message>
4809 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
4810 <source>8:1 closer</source>
4811 <translation type="unfinished" />
4812 </message>
4813 <message>
4814 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
4815 <source>8:1 farther</source>
4816 <translation type="unfinished" />
4817 </message>
4818 <message>
4819 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
4820 <source>4:1 closer</source>
4821 <translation type="unfinished" />
4822 </message>
4823 <message>
4824 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
4825 <source>4:1 farther</source>
4826 <translation type="unfinished" />
4827 </message>
4828 <message>
4829 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
4830 <source>2:1 closer</source>
4831 <translation type="unfinished" />
4832 </message>
4833 <message>
4834 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
4835 <source>2:1 farther</source>
4836 <translation type="unfinished" />
4837 </message>
4838 <message>
4839 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
4840 <source>1:1 closer</source>
4841 <translation type="unfinished" />
4842 </message>
4843 <message>
4844 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
4845 <source>1:1 farther</source>
4846 <translation type="unfinished" />
4847 </message>
4848 <message>
4849 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
4850 <source>1:2 closer</source>
4851 <translation type="unfinished" />
4852 </message>
4853 <message>
4854 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
4855 <source>1:2 farther</source>
4856 <translation type="unfinished" />
4857 </message>
4858 <message>
4859 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
4860 <source>1:4 closer</source>
4861 <translation type="unfinished" />
4862 </message>
4863 <message>
4864 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
4865 <source>1:4 farther</source>
4866 <translation type="unfinished" />
4867 </message>
4868 <message>
4869 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
4870 <source>1:8 closer</source>
4871 <translation type="unfinished" />
4872 </message>
4873 <message>
4874 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
4875 <source>1:8 farther</source>
4876 <translation type="unfinished" />
4877 </message>
4878 <message>
4879 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
4880 <source>1:16 closer</source>
4881 <translation type="unfinished" />
4882 </message>
4883 <message>
4884 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
4885 <source>Fill</source>
4886 <translation type="unfinished" />
4887 </message>
4888 <message>
4889 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
4890 <source>Previous</source>
4891 <translation type="unfinished" />
4892 </message>
4893 <message>
4894 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
4907 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
48954908 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
48964909 <translation type="unfinished" />
48974910 </message>
48984911 <message>
4899 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
4912 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
49004913 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
49014914 <translation type="unfinished" />
49024915 </message>
49034916 <message>
4904 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
4905 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
4917 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
4918 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
49064919 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
49074920 <translation>वैध फ़ाइल नाम नहीं है</translation>
49084921 </message>
49094922 <message>
4910 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
4923 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
49114924 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
49124925 <translation>मान्य छवि फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन नहीं है</translation>
49134926 </message>
49144927 <message>
4915 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
4928 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
49164929 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
49174930 <translation>केवल एक या अधिक लोड फ़ाइलों के साथ प्रयोग किया जाता है</translation>
49184931 </message>
49194932 <message>
4920 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
4933 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
49214934 <source>Available styles</source>
49224935 <translation>उपलब्ध शैलियों</translation>
49234936 </message>
49244937 <message>
4925 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
4938 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
49264939 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
49274940 <translation>अतिरिक्त डीबग जानकारी सक्षम करता है। डीबगिंग के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
49284941 </message>
49294942 <message>
4930 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
49314943 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
4932 <translation>एक त्रुटि रिपोर्ट फ़ाइल इनपुट के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करता है। डिबगिंग और परीक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
4933 </message>
4934 <message>
4935 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
4944 <translation type="vanished">एक त्रुटि रिपोर्ट फ़ाइल इनपुट के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करता है। डिबगिंग और परीक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
4945 </message>
4946 <message>
4947 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
4948 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
4949 <translation>स्टार्टअप पर खोली गई फाइलें ड्रैग और ड्रॉप के परीक्षण के लिए हैं। प्रतिगमन परीक्षण के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है</translation>
4950 </message>
4951 <message>
4952 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
4953 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
4954 <translation>इनपुट के रूप में एक त्रुटि रिपोर्ट फ़ाइल निर्दिष्ट करता है। डिबगिंग और प्रतिगमन परीक्षण के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है</translation>
4955 </message>
4956 <message>
4957 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
49364958 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
49374959 <translation>प्रत्येक लोड की गई स्टार्टअप फ़ाइल को निर्यात करें, जिसमें सभी अक्ष बिंदु परिभाषित होना चाहिए, फिर रोकें</translation>
49384960 </message>
49394961 <message>
4940 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
4962 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
49414963 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
49424964 <translation>प्रत्येक लोड की गई स्टार्टअप फ़ाइल में निर्दिष्ट एक्सटेंशन वाले फ़ाइल में छवि निकालें, फिर रोकें</translation>
49434965 </message>
49444966 <message>
4945 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
4967 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
49464968 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
49474969 <translation>इनपुट के रूप में फ़ाइल कमांड स्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल निर्दिष्ट करता है। डिबगिंग और परीक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
49484970 </message>
49494971 <message>
4950 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
4972 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
49514973 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
49524974 <translation>आउटपुट डायग्नोस्टिक gnuplot इनपुट फाइलें। डीबगिंग के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
49534975 </message>
49544976 <message>
4955 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
4977 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
49564978 <source>Show this help information</source>
49574979 <translation>इस सहायता की जानकारी दिखाएं</translation>
49584980 </message>
49594981 <message>
4960 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
4982 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
49614983 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
49624984 <translation>त्रुटि रिपोर्ट फ़ाइल या फ़ाइल कमांड स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित करता है। प्रतिगमन परीक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त</translation>
49634985 </message>
49644986 <message>
4965 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
4987 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
49664988 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
49674989 <translation>खिड़की की स्थिति सहित सभी संग्रहीत सेटिंग्स को हटा देता है। विंडोज़ ऑफस्क्रीन शुरू होने पर प्रयुक्त होता है</translation>
49684990 </message>
49694991 <message>
4970 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
4992 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
4993 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
4994 <translation>कमांड लाइन विकल्प द्वारा सूचीबद्ध शैलियों में से एक को विंडो शैली सेट करें</translation>
4995 </message>
4996 <message>
4997 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
4998 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
4999 <translation>उपलब्ध शैलियों की एक सूची दिखाएं जो कमांड लाइन विकल्प के साथ उपयोग की जा सकती हैं</translation>
5000 </message>
5001 <message>
49715002 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
4972 <translation>उपलब्ध स्टाइल की एक सूची दिखाएं जिसका उपयोग स्टाइल कमांड के साथ किया जा सकता है</translation>
4973 </message>
4974 <message>
4975 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5003 <translation type="vanished">उपलब्ध स्टाइल की एक सूची दिखाएं जिसका उपयोग स्टाइल कमांड के साथ किया जा सकता है</translation>
5004 </message>
5005 <message>
5006 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5007 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5008 <translation type="unfinished" />
5009 </message>
5010 <message>
5011 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
49765012 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
49775013 <translation>स्टार्टअप पर फ़ाइल आयात या खोला जाना है</translation>
5014 </message>
5015 <message>
5016 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5017 <source>Could not write to</source>
5018 <translation type="unfinished" />
5019 </message>
5020 <message>
5021 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5022 <source>Upgraded</source>
5023 <translation type="unfinished" />
5024 </message>
5025 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5027 <source>to</source>
5028 <translation type="unfinished" />
49785029 </message>
49795030 <message>
49805031 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
50005051 <context>
50015052 <name>StatusBar</name>
50025053 <message>
5003 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5054 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
50045055 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
50055056 <translation type="unfinished" />
50065057 </message>
50075058 <message>
5008 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5059 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
50095060 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
50115062 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50125063 <translation type="unfinished" />
50135064 </message>
50145065 <message>
5015 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5066 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
50165067 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
50175068 <translation type="unfinished" />
50185069 </message>
50195070 <message>
5020 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5071 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
50215072 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
50235074 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50245075 <translation type="unfinished" />
50255076 </message>
50265077 <message>
5027 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5078 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
50285079 <source>Select zoom.</source>
50295080 <translation type="unfinished" />
50305081 </message>
50315082 <message>
5032 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5083 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
50335084 <source>Select Zoom
50355086 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
5087 <translation type="unfinished" />
5088 </message>
5089 <message>
5090 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5091 <source>16:1</source>
5092 <translation type="unfinished" />
5093 </message>
5094 <message>
5095 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5096 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5097 <translation type="unfinished" />
5098 </message>
5099 <message>
5100 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5101 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5102 <translation type="unfinished" />
5103 </message>
5104 <message>
5105 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5106 <source>8:1</source>
5107 <translation type="unfinished" />
5108 </message>
5109 <message>
5110 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5111 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5112 <translation type="unfinished" />
5113 </message>
5114 <message>
5115 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5116 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5117 <translation type="unfinished" />
5118 </message>
5119 <message>
5120 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5121 <source>4:1</source>
5122 <translation type="unfinished" />
5123 </message>
5124 <message>
5125 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5126 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5127 <translation type="unfinished" />
5128 </message>
5129 <message>
5130 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5131 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5132 <translation type="unfinished" />
5133 </message>
5134 <message>
5135 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5136 <source>2:1</source>
5137 <translation type="unfinished" />
5138 </message>
5139 <message>
5140 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5141 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5142 <translation type="unfinished" />
5143 </message>
5144 <message>
5145 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5146 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5147 <translation type="unfinished" />
5148 </message>
5149 <message>
5150 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5151 <source>1:1</source>
5152 <translation type="unfinished" />
5153 </message>
5154 <message>
5155 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5156 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5157 <translation type="unfinished" />
5158 </message>
5159 <message>
5160 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5161 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5162 <translation type="unfinished" />
5163 </message>
5164 <message>
5165 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5166 <source>1:2</source>
5167 <translation type="unfinished" />
5168 </message>
5169 <message>
5170 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5171 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5172 <translation type="unfinished" />
5173 </message>
5174 <message>
5175 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5176 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5177 <translation type="unfinished" />
5178 </message>
5179 <message>
5180 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5181 <source>1:4</source>
5182 <translation type="unfinished" />
5183 </message>
5184 <message>
5185 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5186 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5187 <translation type="unfinished" />
5188 </message>
5189 <message>
5190 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5191 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5192 <translation type="unfinished" />
5193 </message>
5194 <message>
5195 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5196 <source>1:8</source>
5197 <translation type="unfinished" />
5198 </message>
5199 <message>
5200 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5201 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5202 <translation type="unfinished" />
5203 </message>
5204 <message>
5205 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5206 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5207 <translation type="unfinished" />
5208 </message>
5209 <message>
5210 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5211 <source>1:16</source>
5212 <translation type="unfinished" />
5213 </message>
5214 <message>
5215 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5216 <source>Fill</source>
5217 <translation type="unfinished" />
5218 </message>
5219 <message>
5220 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5221 <source>Previous</source>
50365222 <translation type="unfinished" />
50375223 </message>
50385224 </context>
50395225 <context>
50405226 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
50415227 <message>
5042 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5228 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
50435229 <source>Axis Points</source>
50445230 <translation type="unfinished" />
50455231 </message>
50465232 <message>
5047 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5233 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
50485234 <source>Axis points are first defined to
50495235 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
50505236 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
50515237 <translation type="unfinished" />
50525238 </message>
50535239 <message>
5054 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5240 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
50555241 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
50565242 line with known coordinates. An axis
50575243 point appears, with a dialog window
50605246 <translation type="unfinished" />
50615247 </message>
50625248 <message>
5063 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5249 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
50645250 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
50655251 of the axis point and then click Ok.
50665252 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
50685254 <translation type="unfinished" />
50695255 </message>
50705256 <message>
5071 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5257 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
50725258 <source>Previous</source>
50735259 <translation type="unfinished" />
50745260 </message>
50755261 <message>
5076 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5262 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
50775263 <source>Next</source>
50785264 <translation type="unfinished" />
50795265 </message>
50815267 <context>
50825268 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
50835269 <message>
5084 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5270 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
50855271 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
50865272 <translation type="unfinished" />
50875273 </message>
50885274 <message>
5089 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5275 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
50905276 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
50915277 is available when importing an image file.
50925278 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
50945280 <translation type="unfinished" />
50955281 </message>
50965282 <message>
5097 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5283 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
50985284 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
50995285 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
51005286 <translation type="unfinished" />
51015287 </message>
51025288 <message>
5103 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5289 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
51045290 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
51055291 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
51065292 and ask some simple questions to
51095295 <translation type="unfinished" />
51105296 </message>
51115297 <message>
5112 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5298 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
51135299 <source>Additional options are available in
51145300 the various Settings menus.
51175303 <translation type="unfinished" />
51185304 </message>
51195305 <message>
5120 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5306 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
51215307 <source>Previous</source>
51225308 <translation type="unfinished" />
51235309 </message>
51255311 <context>
51265312 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
51275313 <message>
5128 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5314 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
51295315 <source>Color Filter</source>
51305316 <translation type="unfinished" />
51315317 </message>
51325318 <message>
5133 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5319 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
51345320 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
51355321 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
51365322 black lines the defaults work well, but for
51385324 <translation type="unfinished" />
51395325 </message>
51405326 <message>
5141 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5327 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
51425328 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
51435329 Filter menu option.</source>
51445330 <translation type="unfinished" />
51455331 </message>
51465332 <message>
5147 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5333 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
51485334 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
51495335 be given the new settings.</source>
51505336 <translation type="unfinished" />
51515337 </message>
51525338 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5339 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
51545340 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
51555341 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
51565342 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
51575343 <translation type="unfinished" />
51585344 </message>
51595345 <message>
5160 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5346 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
51615347 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
51625348 dragging the green handles, until the
51635349 curve is clear in the preview window
51675353 <translation type="unfinished" />
51685354 </message>
51695355 <message>
5170 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5356 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
51715357 <source>Back</source>
51725358 <translation type="unfinished" />
51735359 </message>
51755361 <context>
51765362 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
51775363 <message>
5178 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5364 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
51795365 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
51805366 curve is selected to receive curve points.
51815367 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
51835369 <translation type="unfinished" />
51845370 </message>
51855371 <message>
5186 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5372 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
51875373 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
51885374 that curve name has not been created yet,
51895375 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
51915377 <translation type="unfinished" />
51925378 </message>
51935379 <message>
5194 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5380 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
51955381 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
51965382 original image to the filtered image
51975383 produced for the current curve, using the
52025388 <translation type="unfinished" />
52035389 </message>
52045390 <message>
5205 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5391 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
52065392 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
52075393 in the filtered image, then change the
52085394 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
52105396 <translation type="unfinished" />
52115397 </message>
52125398 <message>
5213 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5399 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
52145400 <source>Previous</source>
52155401 <translation type="unfinished" />
52165402 </message>
52175403 <message>
5218 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5404 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
52195405 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
52205406 <translation type="unfinished" />
52215407 </message>
52225408 <message>
5223 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5409 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
52245410 <source>Next</source>
52255411 <translation type="unfinished" />
52265412 </message>
52285414 <context>
52295415 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
52305416 <message>
5231 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5417 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
52325418 <source>Curve Type</source>
52335419 <translation type="unfinished" />
52345420 </message>
52355421 <message>
5236 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5422 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
52375423 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
52385424 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
52395425 <translation type="unfinished" />
52405426 </message>
52415427 <message>
5242 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5428 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
52435429 <source>If the curves are drawn
52445430 with lines (with or without
52455431 points) then click on
52475433 <translation type="unfinished" />
52485434 </message>
52495435 <message>
5250 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5436 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
52515437 <source>If the curves are drawn
52525438 without lines and only
52535439 with points, then click on
52555441 <translation type="unfinished" />
52565442 </message>
52575443 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5444 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
52595445 <source>Previous</source>
52605446 <translation type="unfinished" />
52615447 </message>
52625448 <message>
5263 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
52645450 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
52655451 <translation type="unfinished" />
52665452 </message>
52675453 <message>
5268 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5454 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
52695455 <source>Next (Points)</source>
52705456 <translation type="unfinished" />
52715457 </message>
52735459 <context>
52745460 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
52755461 <message>
5276 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5462 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
52775463 <source>Introduction</source>
52785464 <translation>परिचय</translation>
52795465 </message>
52805466 <message>
5281 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5467 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
52825468 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
52835469 images of graphs and maps.</source>
52845470 <translation type="unfinished" />
52855471 </message>
52865472 <message>
5287 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
52885474 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
52895475 the graph and map curves.</source>
5290 <translation type="unfinished" />
5291 </message>
5292 <message>
5293 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5476 <translation>आप साथ (या डिजिटाइज़) अंक बनाते हैं
5477 ग्राफ और मानचित्र घटता है।</translation>
5478 </message>
5479 <message>
5480 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
52945481 <source>The digitized curve points can be
52955482 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
5296 <translation type="unfinished" />
5297 </message>
5298 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5483 <translation>डिजीटल वक्र बिंदु हो सकते हैं
5484 अन्य सॉफ्टवेयर टूल को नंबरों के रूप में निर्यात किया जाता है।</translation>
5485 </message>
5486 <message>
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
53005488 <source>Next</source>
53015489 <translation type="unfinished" />
53025490 </message>
53045492 <context>
53055493 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
53065494 <message>
5307 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5495 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
53085496 <source>Point Match</source>
53095497 <translation type="unfinished" />
53105498 </message>
53115499 <message>
5312 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5500 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
53135501 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
53145502 one sample point, and Engauge
53155503 then finds all matching points.
53185506 <translation type="unfinished" />
53195507 </message>
53205508 <message>
5321 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5509 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
53225510 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53235511 points will belong to.</source>
53245512 <translation type="unfinished" />
53255513 </message>
53265514 <message>
5327 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5515 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
53285516 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
53295517 The circle turns green when it
53305518 contains what may be a point.</source>
53315519 <translation type="unfinished" />
53325520 </message>
53335521 <message>
5334 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5522 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
53355523 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
53365524 matched point with a yellow cross.
53375525 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
53405528 <translation type="unfinished" />
53415529 </message>
53425530 <message>
5343 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5531 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
53445532 <source>Previous</source>
53455533 <translation type="unfinished" />
53465534 </message>
53475535 <message>
5348 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5536 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
53495537 <source>Next</source>
53505538 <translation type="unfinished" />
53515539 </message>
53535541 <context>
53545542 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
53555543 <message>
5356 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5544 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
53575545 <source>Segment Fill</source>
53585546 <translation type="unfinished" />
53595547 </message>
53605548 <message>
5361 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5549 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
53625550 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
53635551 points all along the line segments
53645552 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
53665554 <translation type="unfinished" />
53675555 </message>
53685556 <message>
5369 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5557 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
53705558 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53715559 points will belong to.</source>
53725560 <translation type="unfinished" />
53735561 </message>
53745562 <message>
5375 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5563 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
53765564 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
53775565 segment in the desired curve. If a
53785566 green line appears, click on it once
53805568 <translation type="unfinished" />
53815569 </message>
53825570 <message>
5383 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5571 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
53845572 <source>Previous</source>
53855573 <translation type="unfinished" />
53865574 </message>
53875575 <message>
5388 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5576 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
53895577 <source>Next</source>
53905578 <translation type="unfinished" />
53915579 </message>
1919 Questa finestra contiene una lista di controlli suggeriti dal Checklist Guide Wizard. Seguendo questi passaggi si produrrà un gruppo di punti digitalizzati in un file.
21 Per avviare Checklist Guide Wizard quando un'apos;immagine viene importata, selezionare l'apos;opzione Aiuto / Checklist Wizard dal menu.</translation>
21 Per avviare Checklist Guide Wizard quando un'immagine viene importata, selezionare l'opzione Aiuto / Checklist Wizard dal menu.</translation>
2222 </message>
2323 </context>
2424 <context>
125125 <message>
126126 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="106" />
127127 <source>Follow this checklist of steps to digitize your image. Each step will show a check when it has been completed.</source>
128 <translation>Seguire questa lista di controlli per digitalizzare l'apos;immagine. Ogni passaggio mostrerà un esempio al completamento delle operazioni.</translation>
128 <translation>Seguire questa lista di controlli per digitalizzare l'immagine. Ogni passaggio mostrerà un esempio al completamento delle operazioni.</translation>
129129 </message>
130130 <message>
131131 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="107" />
135135 <message>
136136 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="108" />
137137 <source>Add first of three axis points.</source>
138 <translation>Aggiungere il primo dei tre punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
138 <translation>Aggiungere il primo dei tre punti dell'asse.</translation>
139139 </message>
140140 <message>
141141 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
156156 <message>
157157 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="112" />
158158 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates</source>
159 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'apos;asse o sull'apos;intersezione di due linee con coordinate conosciute</translation>
159 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'asse o sull'intersezione di due linee con coordinate conosciute</translation>
160160 </message>
161161 <message>
162162 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="113" />
163163 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="122" />
164164 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="131" />
165165 <source>Enter the coordinates of the axis point</source>
166 <translation>Indicare le coordinate del punto dell'apos;asse</translation>
166 <translation>Indicare le coordinate del punto dell'asse</translation>
167167 </message>
168168 <message>
169169 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="114" />
177177 <message>
178178 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="117" />
179179 <source>Add second of three axis points.</source>
180 <translation>Aggiungere il secondo dei tre punti dell'apos;asse</translation>
180 <translation>Aggiungere il secondo dei tre punti dell'asse</translation>
181181 </message>
182182 <message>
183183 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="121" />
184184 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis point</source>
185 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'apos;asse, o sull'apos;intersezione di due linee sulla griglia, con coordinate conosciute, distante dall'apos;altro punto</translation>
185 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'asse, o sull'intersezione di due linee sulla griglia, con coordinate conosciute, distante dall'altro punto</translation>
186186 </message>
187187 <message>
188188 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="126" />
189189 <source>Add third of three axis points.</source>
190 <translation>Aggiungere il terzo dei tre punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
190 <translation>Aggiungere il terzo dei tre punti dell'asse.</translation>
191191 </message>
192192 <message>
193193 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="130" />
194194 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis points</source>
195 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'apos;asse, o sull'apos;intersezione di due linee, con coordinate conosciute, lontano dagli altri punti</translation>
195 <translation>Cliccare su un punto contrassegnato dell'asse, o sull'intersezione di due linee, con coordinate conosciute, lontano dagli altri punti</translation>
196196 </message>
197197 <message>
198198 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="137" />
284284 <message>
285285 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="191" />
286286 <source>Hint - The background image can be switched between the original image and filtered image.</source>
287 <translation>Consiglio - L'apos;immagine di background può essere scambiata tra l'apos;immagine originale e l'apos;immagine filtrata.</translation>
287 <translation>Consiglio - L'immagine di background può essere scambiata tra l'immagine originale e l'immagine filtrata.</translation>
288288 </message>
289289 <message>
290290 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
357357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
358358 <source>Digitize Axis Point
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 <translation>Digitalizza Punto Assiale
363 Digitalizza un punto assiale per un grafico ponendo un nuovo punto sotto il cursore dopo un click del mouse. Le coordinate del punto assiale sono inserite successivamente. In un grafico, tre punti assiali sono richiesti per definire le coordinate del grafico.</translation>
364 </message>
365 <message>
366 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
362 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
363 <translation>Digitalizza Punto Asse
365 Digitalizza un punto dell'asse per un grafico posizionando un nuovo punto sul cursore dopo un clic del mouse. Le coordinate del punto dell'asse vengono quindi inserite. Dopo l'importazione e l'importazione (avanzato), i tre punti dell'asse con le coordinate (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) possono essere digitalizzati per definire le coordinate del grafico. Facoltativamente, dopo Import (Avanzate) i quattro punti dell'asse con le coordinate (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) possono essere digitalizzati per definire le coordinate del grafico.
367 Questo strumento è disabilitato quando è stata definita una serie completa di punti dell'asse, oppure dopo l'importazione (Avanzata) se è selezionata la barra della scala.</translation>
368 </message>
369 <message>
370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
367371 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
368372 <translation>Strumento Barra di Ingrandimento</translation>
369373 </message>
370374 <message>
371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
372376 <source>Shift+F8</source>
373377 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
374378 </message>
375379 <message>
376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
377 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
378 <translation>Digitalizza la barra di ingrandimento per una mappa.</translation>
379 </message>
380 <message>
381 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
381 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
382 <translation>Digitalizza la barra della scala per una mappa. Richiede importazione (avanzato).</translation>
383 </message>
384 <message>
385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
382386 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
384388 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
386 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
387 <translation>Digitalizza la Barra di Ingrandimento
389 Digitalizza una barra di ingrandimento per una mappa, cliccando e trascinando. La lunghezza della barra di ingrandimento è successivamente inserita. In una mappa, i due punti finali della barra di ingrandimento definiscono le distanze nelle coordinate del grafico.
391 Le mappe devono essere importate utilizzando Importa (Avanzato).</translation>
392 </message>
393 <message>
394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
390 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
392 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
393 <translation>Digitalizza barra della scala
395 Digitalizza una barra di scala per una mappa facendo clic e trascinando. Viene quindi inserita la lunghezza della barra della scala. In una mappa, i due punti finali della barra della scala definiscono le distanze nelle coordinate del grafico.
397 Questo strumento è abilitato selezionando Scale Bar in Import (Avanzate).
399 Questo strumento è disabilitato quando è stata definita una barra di scala o se sono stati selezionati punti asse durante l'importazione.</translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
395403 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
396404 <translation>Strumento Punto di Curva</translation>
397405 </message>
398406 <message>
399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
400408 <source>Shift+F4</source>
401409 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
402410 </message>
403411 <message>
404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
405413 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
406414 <translation>Digitalizza punti di curva.</translation>
407415 </message>
408416 <message>
409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
410418 <source>Digitize Curve Point
412420 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
419427 I nuovi punti saranno assegnati alla curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
420428 </message>
421429 <message>
422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
423431 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
424432 <translation>Strumento Match Point</translation>
425433 </message>
426434 <message>
427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
428436 <source>Shift+F5</source>
429437 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
430438 </message>
431439 <message>
432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
433441 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
434442 <translation>Digitalizza i punti della curva in un grafico a punti combinando un punto.</translation>
435443 </message>
436444 <message>
437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
438446 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
440448 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
445453 </translation>
446454 </message>
447455 <message>
448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
449457 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
450458 <translation>Strumento di selezione del colore</translation>
451459 </message>
452460 <message>
453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
454462 <source>Shift+F6</source>
455463 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
456464 </message>
457465 <message>
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
459467 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
460468 <translation>Seleziona le impostazioni del colore per filtrare nella modalità Riempi Segmento.</translation>
461469 </message>
462470 <message>
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
464472 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
466474 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
469477 Seleziona un pixel lungo la curva attualmente selezionata. Quel pixel e i suoi vicini definiranno le impostazioni di filtro (colore, illuminazione, e così via) della curva attualmente selezionata quando in modalità Riempi Segmento.</translation>
470478 </message>
471479 <message>
472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
473481 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
474482 <translation>Strumento Riempi Segmento</translation>
475483 </message>
476484 <message>
477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
478486 <source>Shift+F7</source>
479487 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
480488 </message>
481489 <message>
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
483491 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
484492 <translation>Digitalizza i punti della curva lungo un segmento di una curva</translation>
485493 </message>
486494 <message>
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
488496 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
490498 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
497505 I nuovi punti saranno assegnati alla curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
498506 </message>
499507 <message>
500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
501509 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
502510 <translation>Disfare</translation>
503511 </message>
504512 <message>
505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
506514 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
507 <translation>Annulla l'apos;ultima operazione.</translation>
508 </message>
509 <message>
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
515 <translation>Annulla l'ultima operazione.</translation>
516 </message>
517 <message>
518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
511519 <source>Undo
513521 Undo the last operation.</source>
514522 <translation>Annulla
516 Annulla l'apos;ultima operazione.</translation>
517 </message>
518 <message>
519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
524 Annulla l'ultima operazione.</translation>
525 </message>
526 <message>
527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
520528 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
521529 <translation>&amp;Ripristina</translation>
522530 </message>
523531 <message>
524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
525533 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
526 <translation>Ripristina l'apos;ultima operazione.</translation>
527 </message>
528 <message>
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
534 <translation>Ripristina l'ultima operazione.</translation>
535 </message>
536 <message>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
530538 <source>Redo
532540 Redo the last operation.</source>
533541 <translation>Ripristina
535 Ripristina l'apos;ultima operazione.</translation>
536 </message>
537 <message>
538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
543 Ripristina l'ultima operazione.</translation>
544 </message>
545 <message>
546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
539547 <source>Cut</source>
540548 <translation>Taglia</translation>
541549 </message>
542550 <message>
543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
544552 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
545553 <translation>Taglia i punti selezionati e copiali negli appunti.</translation>
546554 </message>
547555 <message>
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
549557 <source>Cut
551559 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
554562 Taglia i punti selezionati e copiali negli appunti.</translation>
555563 </message>
556564 <message>
557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
558566 <source>Copy</source>
559567 <translation>Copia</translation>
560568 </message>
561569 <message>
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
563571 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
564572 <translation>Copia i punti selezionati negli appunti.</translation>
565573 </message>
566574 <message>
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
568576 <source>Copy
570578 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
573581 Copia i punti selezionati negli appunti.</translation>
574582 </message>
575583 <message>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
577585 <source>Paste</source>
578586 <translation>Incolla</translation>
579587 </message>
580588 <message>
581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
582590 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
583591 <translation>Incolla i punti selezionati dagli appunti.</translation>
584592 </message>
585593 <message>
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
587595 <source>Paste
589597 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
592600 Incolla i punti selezionati dagli appunti.</translation>
593601 </message>
594602 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
596604 <source>Delete</source>
597605 <translation>Cancella</translation>
598606 </message>
599607 <message>
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
601609 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
602610 <translation>Cancella i punti selezionati, dopo averli copiati negli appunti.</translation>
603611 </message>
604612 <message>
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
606614 <source>Delete
608616 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
611619 Cancella i punti selezionati, dopo averli copiati negli appunti.</translation>
612620 </message>
613621 <message>
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
615623 <source>Paste As New</source>
616624 <translation>Incolla Come Nuovi</translation>
617625 </message>
618626 <message>
619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
620628 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
621 <translation>Incolla un'apos;immagine dagli appunti.</translation>
622 </message>
623 <message>
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
629 <translation>Incolla un'immagine dagli appunti.</translation>
630 </message>
631 <message>
632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
625633 <source>Paste as New
627635 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
628636 <translation>Incolla come Nuovo
630 Crea un nuovo documento incollando un'apos;immagine dagli appunti.</translation>
631 </message>
632 <message>
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
638 Crea un nuovo documento incollando un'immagine dagli appunti.</translation>
639 </message>
640 <message>
641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
634642 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
635643 <translation>Incolla Come Nuovo (Avanzato)...</translation>
636644 </message>
637645 <message>
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
639647 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
640 <translation>Incolla un'apos;immagine dagli appunti, in modalità avanzata.</translation>
641 </message>
642 <message>
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
648 <translation>Incolla un'immagine dagli appunti, in modalità avanzata.</translation>
649 </message>
650 <message>
651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
644652 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
646654 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
647655 <translation>Incolla come Nuovo (Avanzato)
649 Crea un nuovo documento incollando un'apos;immagine dagli appunti, in modalità avanzata.</translation>
650 </message>
651 <message>
652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
657 Crea un nuovo documento incollando un'immagine dagli appunti, in modalità avanzata.</translation>
658 </message>
659 <message>
660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
653661 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
654662 <translation>&amp;Importa...</translation>
655663 </message>
656664 <message>
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
658666 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
659667 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
660668 </message>
661669 <message>
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
663671 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
664672 <translation>Crea un nuovo documento importando una semplice immagine.</translation>
665673 </message>
666674 <message>
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
668676 <source>Import Image
670678 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
672680 For more complicated images with multiple coordinate systems, and/or floating axes, Import (Advanced) is used instead.</source>
673 <translation>Importa immagine: crea un nuovo documento importando un'apos;immagine con un singolo sistema di coordinate e assegna a entrambe le coordinate note. Per immagini più complesse con più sistemi di coordinate e / o assi fluttuanti, viene invece importata (Avanzata).</translation>
674 </message>
675 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
681 <translation>Importa immagine: crea un nuovo documento importando un'immagine con un singolo sistema di coordinate e assegna a entrambe le coordinate note. Per immagini più complesse con più sistemi di coordinate e / o assi fluttuanti, viene invece importata (Avanzata).</translation>
682 </message>
683 <message>
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677685 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678686 <translation>Importa (Avanzato)...</translation>
679687 </message>
680688 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682690 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683 <translation>Crea un nuovo documento importando un'apos;immagine con supporto per funzioni avanzate.</translation>
684 </message>
685 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
691 <translation>Crea un nuovo documento importando un'immagine con supporto per funzioni avanzate.</translation>
692 </message>
693 <message>
694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687695 <source>Import (Advanced)
689697 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
690 <translation>Importa (avanzato) Crea un nuovo documento importando un'apos;immagine con supporto per funzioni avanzate. In modalità avanzata, ci possono essere più sistemi di coordinate e / o assi fluttuanti.</translation>
691 </message>
692 <message>
693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
698 <translation>Importa (avanzato) Crea un nuovo documento importando un'immagine con supporto per funzioni avanzate. In modalità avanzata, ci possono essere più sistemi di coordinate e / o assi fluttuanti.</translation>
699 </message>
700 <message>
701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
694702 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
695703 <translation>Importa (Sostituisci Immagine)...</translation>
696704 </message>
697705 <message>
698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
699707 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
700 <translation>Importa una nuova immagine nel documento attuale, sostituendo l'apos;immagine esistente.</translation>
701 </message>
702 <message>
703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
708 <translation>Importa una nuova immagine nel documento attuale, sostituendo l'immagine esistente.</translation>
709 </message>
710 <message>
711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
704712 <source>Import (Image Replace)
706714 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
707715 <translation>Importa (Sostituisci Immagine)...
709 Importa una nuova immagine nel documento attuale. L'apos;immagine esistente viene sostituita, e tutte le curve nel documento vengono preservate. Questa operazione è utile per applicare i punti assiali e altre impostazioni da un documento esistente a una differente immagine.</translation>
710 </message>
711 <message>
712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
717 Importa una nuova immagine nel documento attuale. L'immagine esistente viene sostituita, e tutte le curve nel documento vengono preservate. Questa operazione è utile per applicare i punti assiali e altre impostazioni da un documento esistente a una differente immagine.</translation>
718 </message>
719 <message>
720 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
713721 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
714722 <translation>&amp;Apri...</translation>
715723 </message>
716724 <message>
717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
718726 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
719727 <translation>Apre un documento esistente.</translation>
720728 </message>
721729 <message>
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
723731 <source>Open Document
725733 Opens an existing document.</source>
728736 Apre un documento esistente.</translation>
729737 </message>
730738 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
739 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
732740 <source>&amp;Close</source>
733741 <translation>&amp;Chiudere</translation>
734742 </message>
735743 <message>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
737745 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
738746 <translation>Chiude il documento aperto.</translation>
739747 </message>
740748 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
742750 <source>Close Document
744752 Closes the open document.</source>
747755 Chiude il documento aperto.</translation>
748756 </message>
749757 <message>
750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
751759 <source>&amp;Save</source>
752760 <translation>&amp;Salvare</translation>
753761 </message>
754762 <message>
755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
756764 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
757765 <translation>Salva il documento corrente.</translation>
758766 </message>
759767 <message>
760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
761769 <source>Save Document
763771 Saves the current document.</source>
766774 Salva il documento corrente.</translation>
767775 </message>
768776 <message>
769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
770778 <source>Save As...</source>
771779 <translation>Salvare Come...</translation>
772780 </message>
773781 <message>
774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
775783 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
776784 <translation>Salva il documento corrente sotto un nuovo nome.</translation>
777785 </message>
778786 <message>
779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
780788 <source>Save Document As
782790 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
785793 Salva il documento corrente sotto un nuovo nome.</translation>
786794 </message>
787795 <message>
788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
796 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
789797 <source>Export...</source>
790798 <translation>Esportare...</translation>
791799 </message>
792800 <message>
793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
801 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
794802 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
795803 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
796804 </message>
797805 <message>
798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
799807 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
800808 <translation>Esporta il documento corrente in un file di testo.</translation>
801809 </message>
802810 <message>
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
804812 <source>Export Document
806814 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
809817 Esporta il documento corrente in un file di testo.</translation>
810818 </message>
811819 <message>
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
820 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
813821 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
814822 <translation>&amp;Stampare...</translation>
815823 </message>
816824 <message>
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
825 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
818826 <source>Print the current document.</source>
819827 <translation>Stampa il documento corrente.</translation>
820828 </message>
821829 <message>
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
823831 <source>Print Document
825833 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
828836 Stampa il documento corrente in una stampante o un file.</translation>
829837 </message>
830838 <message>
831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
839 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
832840 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
833841 <translation>&amp;Esci</translation>
834842 </message>
835843 <message>
836 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
844 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
837845 <source>Quits the application.</source>
838 <translation>Chiude l'apos;applicazione.</translation>
839 </message>
840 <message>
841 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
846 <translation>Chiude l'applicazione.</translation>
847 </message>
848 <message>
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
842850 <source>Exit
844852 Quits the application.</source>
845853 <translation>Uscire
847 Chiude l'apos;applicazione.</translation>
848 </message>
849 <message>
850 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
855 Chiude l'applicazione.</translation>
856 </message>
857 <message>
858 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
851859 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
852860 <translation>Checklist Guide Wizard</translation>
853861 </message>
854862 <message>
855 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
863 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
856864 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
857 <translation>Aprire la procedura guidata guidata per la lista di controllo durante l'apos;importazione per definire i passaggi di digitalizzazione</translation>
858 </message>
859 <message>
860 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
865 <translation>Aprire la procedura guidata guidata per la lista di controllo durante l'importazione per definire i passaggi di digitalizzazione</translation>
866 </message>
867 <message>
868 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
861869 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
863871 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
864 <translation>Lista di controllo Guida guidataUtilizzo delle guide di controllo durante l'apos;importazione per generare una lista di controllo per i passaggi del documento importato</translation>
865 </message>
866 <message>
867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
872 <translation>Lista di controllo Guida guidataUtilizzo delle guide di controllo durante l'importazione per generare una lista di controllo per i passaggi del documento importato</translation>
873 </message>
874 <message>
875 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
868876 <source>Tutorial</source>
869877 <translation>Tutorial</translation>
870878 </message>
871879 <message>
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
880 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
873881 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
874882 <translation>Esercita il tutorial mostrando i passaggi per digitalizzare le curve</translation>
875883 </message>
876884 <message>
877 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
878886 <source>Tutorial
880888 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
881889 <translation>TutorialPlay tutorial che mostra i passaggi per la digitalizzazione di punti da curve disegnate con linee e / o punti</translation>
882890 </message>
883891 <message>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
885893 <source>Help</source>
886894 <translation>Aiuto</translation>
887895 </message>
888896 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
890898 <source>Help documentation</source>
891899 <translation>Documentazione di aiuto</translation>
892900 </message>
893901 <message>
894 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
895903 <source>Help Documentation
897905 Searchable help documentation</source>
900908 Documentazione di aiuto ricercabile</translation>
901909 </message>
902910 <message>
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
904912 <source>About Engauge</source>
905913 <translation>Circa Engauge</translation>
906914 </message>
907915 <message>
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
909917 <source>About the application.</source>
910 <translation>Circa l'apos;applicazione.</translation>
911 </message>
912 <message>
913 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
918 <translation>Circa l'applicazione.</translation>
919 </message>
920 <message>
921 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
914922 <source>About Engauge
916924 About the application.</source>
917925 <translation>Circa Engauge
919 Circa l'apos;applicazione.</translation>
920 </message>
921 <message>
922 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
927 Circa l'applicazione.</translation>
928 </message>
929 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
923931 <source>Coordinates...</source>
924932 <translation>Coordinate...</translation>
925933 </message>
926934 <message>
927 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
928936 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
929937 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni delle Coordinate.</translation>
930938 </message>
931939 <message>
932 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
940 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
933941 <source>Coordinate Settings
935943 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
936944 <translation>Impostazioni delle Coordinate
938 Le impostazioni delle coordinate determinano come li coordinate del grafico sono mappate ai pixel nell'apos;immagine</translation>
939 </message>
940 <message>
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
946 Le impostazioni delle coordinate determinano come li coordinate del grafico sono mappate ai pixel nell'immagine</translation>
947 </message>
948 <message>
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
942950 <source>Curve List...</source>
943951 <translation>Lista delle curve...</translation>
944952 </message>
945953 <message>
946 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
947955 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
948956 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni della lista curva.</translation>
949957 </message>
950958 <message>
951 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
959 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
952960 <source>Curve List
954962 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
957965 Le impostazioni dell'elenco di curve aggiungono, rinominano e / o rimuovono le curve nel documento corrente</translation>
958966 </message>
959967 <message>
960 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
968 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
961969 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
962970 <translation>Proprietà della Curva...</translation>
963971 </message>
964972 <message>
965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
966974 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
967975 <translation>Modificare le impostazioni delle Proprietà della Curva.</translation>
968976 </message>
969977 <message>
970 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
971979 <source>Curve Properties Settings
973981 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
974982 <translation>Impostazioni Proprietà delle Curve
976 L'apos;impostazione proprietà delle curve determina come ogni curva si mostra</translation>
977 </message>
978 <message>
979 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
984 L'impostazione proprietà delle curve determina come ogni curva si mostra</translation>
985 </message>
986 <message>
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
980988 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
981989 <translation>Digitalizza la Curva...</translation>
982990 </message>
983991 <message>
984 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
985993 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
986 <translation>Modifica Digitalizza le impostazioni dell'apos;asse e della curva del grafico.</translation>
987 </message>
988 <message>
989 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
994 <translation>Modifica Digitalizza le impostazioni dell'asse e della curva del grafico.</translation>
995 </message>
996 <message>
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
990998 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9921000 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
993 <translation>Digitalizza le impostazioni della curva dell'apos;asse e del grafico settings Le impostazioni della curva del cursore determinano la modalità di digitalizzazione dei punti nelle modalità Digitize Axis Point e Digital Graph Point.</translation>
994 </message>
995 <message>
996 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1001 <translation>Digitalizza le impostazioni della curva dell'asse e del grafico settings Le impostazioni della curva del cursore determinano la modalità di digitalizzazione dei punti nelle modalità Digitize Axis Point e Digital Graph Point.</translation>
1002 </message>
1003 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
9971005 <source>Export Format...</source>
9981006 <translation>Formato di Esportazione...</translation>
9991007 </message>
10001008 <message>
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10021010 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10031011 <translation>Modificare il Formato di Esportazione.</translation>
10041012 </message>
10051013 <message>
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10071015 <source>Export Format Settings
10091017 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10101018 <translation>Impostazioni del formato di esportazioneLe impostazioni del formato di esportazione influiscono sulla formattazione dei file esportati</translation>
10111019 </message>
10121020 <message>
1013 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10141022 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10151023 <translation>Filtro Colore...</translation>
10161024 </message>
10171025 <message>
1018 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10191027 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10201028 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni del filtro colore.</translation>
10211029 </message>
10221030 <message>
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10241032 <source>Color Filter Settings
10261034 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10271035 <translation>Impostazioni filtro colore Il filtro colori semplifica i grafici per facilitare la corrispondenza dei punti e il riempimento dei segmenti</translation>
10281036 </message>
10291037 <message>
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1038 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10311039 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10321040 <translation>Controllo Assi...</translation>
10331041 </message>
10341042 <message>
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10361044 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10371045 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni del Controllo Assi</translation>
10381046 </message>
10391047 <message>
1040 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10411049 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10431051 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10461054 Controllo assi può rilevare tutti i punti assiali errati, i quali sono altrimenti difficili da trovare.</translation>
10471055 </message>
10481056 <message>
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1057 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10501058 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10511059 <translation>Impostazioni di visualizzazione della griglia</translation>
10521060 </message>
10531061 <message>
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1062 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10551063 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10561064 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni di visualizzazione della griglia.</translation>
10571065 </message>
10581066 <message>
1059 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1067 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10601068 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10621070 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
1063 <translation>Impostazioni di visualizzazione della linea di griglia linesLe linee di griglia visualizzate sul grafico possono fornire una maggiore precisione rispetto all'apos;Asse Checker, per grafici distorti. In un grafico distorto, le linee della griglia possono essere utilizzate per regolare i punti dell'apos;asse per una maggiore precisione in diverse regioni.</translation>
1064 </message>
1065 <message>
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1071 <translation>Impostazioni di visualizzazione della linea di griglia linesLe linee di griglia visualizzate sul grafico possono fornire una maggiore precisione rispetto all'Asse Checker, per grafici distorti. In un grafico distorto, le linee della griglia possono essere utilizzate per regolare i punti dell'asse per una maggiore precisione in diverse regioni.</translation>
1072 </message>
1073 <message>
1074 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10671075 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10681076 <translation>Rimozione linea griglia ...</translation>
10691077 </message>
10701078 <message>
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1079 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10721080 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10731081 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni per la rimozione della linea di griglia.</translation>
10741082 </message>
10751083 <message>
1076 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1084 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10771085 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10791087 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10801088 <translation>Impostazioni per la rimozione della linea grigliaLa rimozione della linea parallela isola le linee della curva per facilitare la corrispondenza dei punti e il riempimento del segmento, quando il filtro del colore non è in grado di separare le linee della griglia dalle linee della curva.</translation>
10811089 </message>
10821090 <message>
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1091 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10841092 <source>Point Match...</source>
10851093 <translation>Punto Match ...</translation>
10861094 </message>
10871095 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1096 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10891097 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10901098 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni di corrispondenza dei punti.</translation>
10911099 </message>
10921100 <message>
1093 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10941102 <source>Point Match Settings
10961104 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10971105 <translation>Impostazioni della corrispondenza dei puntiImpostazioni della corrispondenza del punto determinano in che modo i punti vengono abbinati mentre si trova nella modalità Match Point</translation>
10981106 </message>
10991107 <message>
1100 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1108 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11011109 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11021110 <translation>Riempimento segmento ...</translation>
11031111 </message>
11041112 <message>
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1113 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11061114 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11071115 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni di riempimento del segmento.</translation>
11081116 </message>
11091117 <message>
1110 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11111119 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11131121 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11141122 <translation>Impostazioni del riempimento del segmentoLe impostazioni del riempimento del segmento determinano come vengono generati i punti nella modalità Riempimento del segmento</translation>
11151123 </message>
11161124 <message>
1117 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11181126 <source>General...</source>
11191127 <translation>Generale...</translation>
11201128 </message>
11211129 <message>
1122 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1130 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11231131 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11241132 <translation>Modifica le Impostazioni generali</translation>
11251133 </message>
11261134 <message>
1127 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11281136 <source>General Settings
11301138 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
1131 <translation>Impostazioni generali settingsLe impostazioni generali sono impostazioni specifiche del documento che influiscono su più modalità. Ad esempio, l'apos;impostazione della dimensione del cursore influisce sia su Color Picker che su Match Match</translation>
1132 </message>
1133 <message>
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1139 <translation>Impostazioni generali settingsLe impostazioni generali sono impostazioni specifiche del documento che influiscono su più modalità. Ad esempio, l'impostazione della dimensione del cursore influisce sia su Color Picker che su Match Match</translation>
1140 </message>
1141 <message>
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11351143 <source>Main Window...</source>
11361144 <translation>Finestra Principale...</translation>
11371145 </message>
11381146 <message>
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1147 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11401148 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11411149 <translation>Modifica le impostazioni della finestra principale.</translation>
11421150 </message>
11431151 <message>
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1152 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11451153 <source>Main Window Settings
11471155 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
1148 <translation>Impostazioni della finestra principale Le impostazioni della finestra principale influiscono sull'apos;interfaccia utente e non sono specifiche per alcun documento</translation>
1149 </message>
1150 <message>
1151 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1156 <translation>Impostazioni della finestra principale Le impostazioni della finestra principale influiscono sull'interfaccia utente e non sono specifiche per alcun documento</translation>
1157 </message>
1158 <message>
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11521160 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11531161 <translation>Barra dello Sfondo</translation>
11541162 </message>
11551163 <message>
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11571165 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11581166 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la barra dello sfondo.</translation>
11591167 </message>
11601168 <message>
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1169 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11621170 <source>View Background ToolBar
11641172 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11651173 <translation>Visualizza sfondo barra degli strumenti Mostra o nasconde la barra degli strumenti in background</translation>
11661174 </message>
11671175 <message>
1168 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1176 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11691177 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11701178 <translation>Barra degli strumenti della lista di controllo</translation>
11711179 </message>
11721180 <message>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1181 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11741182 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11751183 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la guida della lista di controllo.</translation>
11761184 </message>
11771185 <message>
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1186 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11791187 <source>View Checklist Guide
11811189 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11821190 <translation>Visualizza la lista di controllo GuidaMostra o nascondi la guida alla lista di controllo</translation>
11831191 </message>
11841192 <message>
1185 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11861194 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11871195 <translation>Curva finestra di raccordo</translation>
11881196 </message>
11891197 <message>
1190 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1198 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11911199 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11921200 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la finestra di raccordo della curva.</translation>
11931201 </message>
11941202 <message>
1195 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1203 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
11961204 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11981206 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11991207 <translation>Visualizza finestra di raccordo delle curveMostra o nascondi la finestra di raccordo delle curve</translation>
12001208 </message>
12011209 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12031211 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12041212 <translation>Finestra geometria</translation>
12051213 </message>
12061214 <message>
1207 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12081216 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12091217 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la finestra della geometria.</translation>
12101218 </message>
12111219 <message>
1212 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12131221 <source>View Geometry Window
12151223 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12161224 <translation>Visualizza finestra geometria Mostra o nascondi la finestra geometria</translation>
12171225 </message>
12181226 <message>
1219 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12201228 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12211229 <translation>Barra degli strumenti di digitalizzazione</translation>
12221230 </message>
12231231 <message>
1224 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12251233 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12261234 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la barra degli strumenti di digitalizzazione.</translation>
12271235 </message>
12281236 <message>
1229 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12301238 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12321240 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12331241 <translation>Visualizza strumenti di digitalizzazione ToolBarMostra o nascondi la barra degli strumenti di digitalizzazione</translation>
12341242 </message>
12351243 <message>
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1244 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12371245 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12381246 <translation>Barra delle viste delle impostazioni</translation>
12391247 </message>
12401248 <message>
1241 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1249 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12421250 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12431251 <translation>Mostra o nasconde la barra degli strumenti delle viste delle impostazioni.</translation>
12441252 </message>
12451253 <message>
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1254 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12471255 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12491257 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12501258 <translation>Visualizza le impostazioni Viste Barra degli strumenti Mostra o nasconde la barra degli strumenti delle viste delle impostazioni. Queste viste mostrano graficamente le impostazioni più importanti.</translation>
12511259 </message>
12521260 <message>
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12541262 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12551263 <translation>Barra degli strumenti del sistema di coordinate</translation>
12561264 </message>
12571265 <message>
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12591267 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12601268 <translation>Mostra o nascondi la barra degli strumenti del sistema di coordinate.</translation>
12611269 </message>
12621270 <message>
1263 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12641272 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12661274 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12691277 <translation>Visualizza barra degli strumenti dei sistemi di coordinateMostra o nascondi la barra degli strumenti di selezione del sistema di coordinate. Questa barra degli strumenti viene utilizzata per selezionare il sistema di coordinate corrente quando il documento ha più sistemi di coordinate. Questa barra degli strumenti viene anche utilizzata per visualizzare e stampare tutti i sistemi di coordinate. Questa barra degli strumenti è disabilitata quando esiste un solo sistema di coordinate.</translation>
12701278 </message>
12711279 <message>
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1280 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12731281 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12741282 <translation>Suggerimenti</translation>
12751283 </message>
12761284 <message>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1285 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12781286 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12791287 <translation>Mostra o nascondi i suggerimenti.</translation>
12801288 </message>
12811289 <message>
1282 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1290 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12831291 <source>View Tool Tips
12851293 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12861294 <translation>Visualizza suggerimenti strumentoMostra o nascondi i suggerimenti</translation>
12871295 </message>
12881296 <message>
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
12901298 <source>Grid Lines</source>
12911299 <translation>Linee della Griglia</translation>
12921300 </message>
12931301 <message>
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
12951303 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
12961304 <translation>Mostra o nascondi le linee della griglia.</translation>
12971305 </message>
12981306 <message>
1299 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13001308 <source>View Grid Lines
13021310 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13031311 <translation>Visualizza linee grigliaMostra o nascondi le linee griglia che vengono aggiunte per aggiustamenti accurati dei punti degli assi, che possono migliorare la precisione nei grafici distorti</translation>
13041312 </message>
13051313 <message>
1306 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13071315 <source>No Background</source>
13081316 <translation>Nessuno Sfondo</translation>
13091317 </message>
13101318 <message>
1311 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13121320 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
1313 <translation>Non mostrare l'apos;immagine al di sotto dei punti.</translation>
1314 </message>
1315 <message>
1316 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1321 <translation>Non mostrare l'immagine al di sotto dei punti.</translation>
1322 </message>
1323 <message>
1324 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13171325 <source>No Background
13191327 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13201328 <translation>No BackgroundNessuna immagine viene mostrata in modo che i punti siano più facili da vedere</translation>
13211329 </message>
13221330 <message>
1323 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13241332 <source>Show Original Image</source>
1325 <translation>Mostrare l'apos;Immagine Originale</translation>
1326 </message>
1327 <message>
1328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1333 <translation>Mostrare l'Immagine Originale</translation>
1334 </message>
1335 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13291337 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
1330 <translation>Mostra l'apos;immagine originale sotto i punti.</translation>
1331 </message>
1332 <message>
1333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1338 <translation>Mostra l'immagine originale sotto i punti.</translation>
1339 </message>
1340 <message>
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13341342 <source>Show Original Image
13361344 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
1337 <translation>Mostra immagine originaleMostra l'apos;immagine originale sotto i punti</translation>
1338 </message>
1339 <message>
1340 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1345 <translation>Mostra immagine originaleMostra l'immagine originale sotto i punti</translation>
1346 </message>
1347 <message>
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13411349 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
1342 <translation>Mostrare l'apos;Immagine Filtrata</translation>
1343 </message>
1344 <message>
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1350 <translation>Mostrare l'Immagine Filtrata</translation>
1351 </message>
1352 <message>
1353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13461354 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
1347 <translation>Mostra l'apos;immagine filtrata sotto i punti.</translation>
1348 </message>
1349 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1355 <translation>Mostra l'immagine filtrata sotto i punti.</translation>
1356 </message>
1357 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13511359 <source>Show Filtered Image
13531361 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
13551363 The filtered image is created from the original image according to the Filter preferences so unimportant information is hidden and important information is emphasized</source>
1356 <translation>Mostra immagine filtrataMostra l'apos;immagine filtrata al di sotto dei punti.L'apos;immagine filtrata viene creata dall'apos;immagine originale in base alle preferenze del filtro, quindi le informazioni non importanti vengono nascoste e le informazioni importanti vengono enfatizzate</translation>
1357 </message>
1358 <message>
1359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1364 <translation>Mostra immagine filtrataMostra l'immagine filtrata al di sotto dei punti.L'immagine filtrata viene creata dall'immagine originale in base alle preferenze del filtro, quindi le informazioni non importanti vengono nascoste e le informazioni importanti vengono enfatizzate</translation>
1365 </message>
1366 <message>
1367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
13601368 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
13611369 <translation>Nascondi Tutte le Curve</translation>
13621370 </message>
13631371 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13651373 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13661374 <translation>Nascondi tutte le curve digitalizzate.</translation>
13671375 </message>
13681376 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13701378 <source>Hide All Curves
13721380 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
1373 <translation>Nascondi tutte le curveNon sono mostrati i punti degli assi o le curve del grafico digitalizzate, quindi l'apos;immagine è più facile da vedere.</translation>
1374 </message>
1375 <message>
1376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1381 <translation>Nascondi tutte le curveNon sono mostrati i punti degli assi o le curve del grafico digitalizzate, quindi l'immagine è più facile da vedere.</translation>
1382 </message>
1383 <message>
1384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
13771385 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
13781386 <translation>Mostra le Curve Selezionate</translation>
13791387 </message>
13801388 <message>
1381 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1389 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
13821390 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
13831391 <translation>Mostrare solo la curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
13841392 </message>
13851393 <message>
1386 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
13871395 <source>Show Selected Curve
13891397 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
13901398 <translation>Mostra curva selezionataMostra solo i punti e le linee digitalizzate che appartengono alla curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
13911399 </message>
13921400 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
13941402 <source>Show All Curves</source>
13951403 <translation>Mostra Tutte Le Curve</translation>
13961404 </message>
13971405 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
13991407 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14001408 <translation>Mostra tutte le curve.</translation>
14011409 </message>
14021410 <message>
1403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14041412 <source>Show All Curves
14061414 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14091417 Mostra tutti i punti degli assi digitalizzati e le curve del grafico</translation>
14101418 </message>
14111419 <message>
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1420 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14131421 <source>Hide Always</source>
14141422 <translation>Nascondi Sempre</translation>
14151423 </message>
14161424 <message>
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14181426 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14191427 <translation>Nascondi sempre la barra di stato.</translation>
14201428 </message>
14211429 <message>
1422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14231431 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14241432 <translation>Nascondi la barra di stato. Nessun messaggio di feedback o di stato temporaneo appariranno.</translation>
14251433 </message>
14261434 <message>
1427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14281436 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14291437 <translation>Mostra Messaggi Temporanei</translation>
14301438 </message>
14311439 <message>
1432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14331441 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14341442 <translation>Nascondi la barra di stato eccetto quando mostra messaggi temporanei.</translation>
14351443 </message>
14361444 <message>
1437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14381446 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14391447 <translation>Nascondi la barra di stato, eccetto quando sta mostrando messaggi di stato temporanei e feedback.</translation>
14401448 </message>
14411449 <message>
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14431451 <source>Show Always</source>
14441452 <translation>Mostra sempre</translation>
14451453 </message>
14461454 <message>
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
14481456 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
14491457 <translation>Mostra sempre la barra di stato.</translation>
14501458 </message>
14511459 <message>
1452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
14531461 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
14541462 <translation>Mostra la barra di stato. Oltre a mostrare messaggi di stato temporanei e feedback, la barra di stato mostra anche informazioni circa la posizione del cursore.</translation>
14551463 </message>
14561464 <message>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
14581466 <source>Zoom Out</source>
14591467 <translation>Rimpicciolire</translation>
14601468 </message>
14611469 <message>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
14631471 <source>Zoom out</source>
14641472 <translation>Rimpicciolire</translation>
14651473 </message>
14661474 <message>
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14681476 <source>Zoom In</source>
14691477 <translation>Ingrandire</translation>
14701478 </message>
14711479 <message>
1472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
14731481 <source>Zoom in</source>
14741482 <translation>Ingrandire</translation>
14751483 </message>
14761484 <message>
1477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
14781486 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
14791487 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
14801488 </message>
14811489 <message>
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
14831491 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
14841492 <translation>Ingrandimento 16:1</translation>
14851493 </message>
14861494 <message>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
14881496 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
14891497 <translation>16:1 più lontano (1270%)</translation>
14901498 </message>
14911499 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
14931501 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
14941502 <translation>Ingrandimento 12.7:1</translation>
14951503 </message>
14961504 <message>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
14981506 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
14991507 <translation>8:1 più vicino (1008%)</translation>
15001508 </message>
15011509 <message>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15031511 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15041512 <translation>Ingrandimento 10.08:1</translation>
15051513 </message>
15061514 <message>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15081516 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15091517 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15101518 </message>
15111519 <message>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15131521 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15141522 <translation>Ingrandimento 8:1</translation>
15151523 </message>
15161524 <message>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15181526 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15191527 <translation>8:1 più lontano (635%)</translation>
15201528 </message>
15211529 <message>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15231531 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15241532 <translation>Ingrandimento 6.35:1</translation>
15251533 </message>
15261534 <message>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15281536 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15291537 <translation>4:1 più vicino (504%)</translation>
15301538 </message>
15311539 <message>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15331541 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15341542 <translation>Ingrandimento 5.04:1</translation>
15351543 </message>
15361544 <message>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15381546 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15391547 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15401548 </message>
15411549 <message>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15431551 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15441552 <translation>Ingrandimento 4:1</translation>
15451553 </message>
15461554 <message>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
15481556 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
15491557 <translation>4:1 più lontano (317%)</translation>
15501558 </message>
15511559 <message>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
15531561 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
15541562 <translation>Ingrandimento 3.17:1</translation>
15551563 </message>
15561564 <message>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
15581566 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
15591567 <translation>2:1 più vicino (252%)</translation>
15601568 </message>
15611569 <message>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
15631571 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15641572 <translation>Ingrandimento 2.52:1</translation>
15651573 </message>
15661574 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15681576 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15691577 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
15701578 </message>
15711579 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
15731581 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15741582 <translation>Ingrandimento 2:1</translation>
15751583 </message>
15761584 <message>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
15781586 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
15791587 <translation>2:1 più lontano (159%)</translation>
15801588 </message>
15811589 <message>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
15831591 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
15841592 <translation>Ingrandimento 1.59:1</translation>
15851593 </message>
15861594 <message>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
15881596 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
15891597 <translation>1:1 più vicino (126%)</translation>
15901598 </message>
15911599 <message>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
15931601 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
15941602 <translation>Ingrandimento 1.3:1</translation>
15951603 </message>
15961604 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
15981606 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
15991607 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16001608 </message>
16011609 <message>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16031611 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16041612 <translation>Ingrandimento 1:1</translation>
16051613 </message>
16061614 <message>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16081616 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16091617 <translation>1:1 più lontano (79%)</translation>
16101618 </message>
16111619 <message>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16131621 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16141622 <translation>Ingrandimento 0.8:1</translation>
16151623 </message>
16161624 <message>
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16181626 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16191627 <translation>1:2 più vicino (63%)</translation>
16201628 </message>
16211629 <message>
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16231631 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16241632 <translation>Ingrandimento 1.3:2</translation>
16251633 </message>
16261634 <message>
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16281636 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16291637 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16301638 </message>
16311639 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16331641 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16341642 <translation>Rimpicciolimento 1:2</translation>
16351643 </message>
16361644 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16381646 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16391647 <translation>1:2 più lontano (40%)</translation>
16401648 </message>
16411649 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16431651 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16441652 <translation>Ingrandimento 0.8:2</translation>
16451653 </message>
16461654 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
16481656 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
16491657 <translation>1:4 più vicino (31%)</translation>
16501658 </message>
16511659 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
16531661 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
16541662 <translation>Ingrandimento 1.3:4</translation>
16551663 </message>
16561664 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
16581666 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
16591667 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
16601668 </message>
16611669 <message>
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
16631671 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16641672 <translation>Rimpicciolimento 1:4</translation>
16651673 </message>
16661674 <message>
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16681676 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16691677 <translation>1:4 più lontano (20%)</translation>
16701678 </message>
16711679 <message>
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16731681 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16741682 <translation>Ingrandimento 0.8:4</translation>
16751683 </message>
16761684 <message>
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
16781686 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
16791687 <translation>1:8 più vicino (12.5%)</translation>
16801688 </message>
16811689 <message>
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16831690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
16841692 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
16851693 <translation>Rimpicciolimento 1:8</translation>
16861694 </message>
16871695 <message>
1688 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
16891697 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
16901698 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
16911699 </message>
16921700 <message>
1693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
16941702 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
16951703 <translation>1:8 più lontano (10%)</translation>
16961704 </message>
16971705 <message>
1698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
16991707 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17001708 <translation>Ingrandimento 0.8:8</translation>
17011709 </message>
17021710 <message>
1703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17041712 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17051713 <translation>1:16 più vicino (8%)</translation>
17061714 </message>
17071715 <message>
1708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17091717 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17101718 <translation>Ingrandimento 1.3:16</translation>
17111719 </message>
17121720 <message>
1713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17141722 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17151723 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17161724 </message>
17171725 <message>
1718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17191727 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17201728 <translation>Rimpicciolimento 1:16</translation>
17211729 </message>
17221730 <message>
1723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17241732 <source>Fill</source>
1725 <translation>Riempi</translation>
1726 </message>
1727 <message>
1728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1733 <translation>Riempire</translation>
1734 </message>
1735 <message>
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17291737 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17301738 <translation>Ingrandimento senza allungare per riempire lo schermo</translation>
17311739 </message>
17931801 <message>
17941802 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="42" />
17951803 <source>Select background image</source>
1796 <translation>Selezionare l'apos;immagine di sfondo</translation>
1804 <translation>Selezionare l'immagine di sfondo</translation>
17971805 </message>
17981806 <message>
17991807 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="43" />
18051813 3) Filtered image which highlights important details</source>
18061814 <translation>Sfondo Selezionato
1808 Seleziona l'apos;immagine di sfondo:
1816 Seleziona l'immagine di sfondo:
18091817 1) Nessuno sfondo che risalti i punti
18101818 2) Immagine originale che mostra tutto
18111819 3) Immagine filtrata che risalta i dettagli importanti</translation>
19781986 <context>
19791987 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
19801988 <message>
1981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
1989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
19821990 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
19831991 <translation>Modifica Punto Assiale</translation>
19841992 </message>
19851993 <message>
1986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
1994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
19871995 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
19881996 <translation>Coordinate del Grafico</translation>
19891997 </message>
19901998 <message>
1991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
1999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
19922000 <source>as</source>
19932001 <translation>come</translation>
19942002 </message>
19952003 <message>
1996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
19972005 <source>(</source>
19982006 <translation>(</translation>
19992007 </message>
20002008 <message>
2001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20022010 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2004 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2012 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20062014 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2007 <translation>Inserisci la prima coordinata del grafico del punto assiale.
2009 Per piani cartesiani questa è X. Per piani polari questa è il raggio R.
2011 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'apos;impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'apos;impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
2012 </message>
2013 <message>
2014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2015 <translation>Immettere la prima coordinata del grafico del punto dell'asse. • Per i grafici cartesiani si tratta di X. Per i grafici polari questo è l'angolo Theta. Il formato previsto del valore di coordinata è determinato dall'impostazione della locale. Se i valori digitati non vengono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla le impostazioni locali in Impostazioni / Finestra principale ...</translation>
2016 </message>
2017 <message>
2018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20152019 <source>, </source>
20162020 <translation>,</translation>
20172021 </message>
20182022 <message>
2019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20202024 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2022 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2026 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20242028 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2025 <translation>Inserisci la seconda coordinata del grafico del punto assiale.
2027 Per piani cartesiani questa è Y. Per piani polari questa è l'apos;angolo Theta.
2029 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'apos;impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'apos;impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
2030 </message>
2031 <message>
2032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2029 <translation>Immettere la seconda coordinata del grafico del punto dell'asse. Per i grafici cartesiani questo è Y. Per i diagrammi polari si tratta del raggio R.. Il formato previsto del valore di coordinata è determinato dall'impostazione locale. Se i valori digitati non vengono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla le impostazioni locali in Impostazioni / Finestra principale ...</translation>
2030 </message>
2031 <message>
2032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
20332033 <source>)</source>
20342034 <translation>)</translation>
20352035 </message>
20362036 <message>
2037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2038 <source>Number format</source>
2039 <translation>Formato numerico</translation>
2040 </message>
2041 <message>
2042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2038 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2039 <translation>Numero di coordinate per punto dell'asse:</translation>
2040 </message>
2041 <message>
2042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2043 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2044 <translation>Vengono usati normalmente tre punti di asse con due coordinate. Se ciascun punto dell'asse ha solo una coordinata conosciuta, ricominciare con File / Importa (Avanzato) / 4 Punti asse.</translation>
2045 </message>
2046 <message>
2047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2048 <source>Number format:</source>
2049 <translation>Formato numero:</translation>
2050 </message>
2051 <message>
2052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2053 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2054 <translation>Locale che determina i formati numerici consentiti. Questo è impostato dalle impostazioni / finestra principale.</translation>
2055 </message>
2056 <message>
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
20432058 <source>Ok</source>
20442059 <translation>Ok</translation>
20452060 </message>
20462061 <message>
2047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
20482063 <source>Cancel</source>
20492064 <translation>Annulla</translation>
20502065 </message>
20872102 Per piani cartesiani questa è la coordinata X. Per piani polari questa è il raggio R.
2089 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'apos;impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'apos;impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
2104 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
20902105 </message>
20912106 <message>
20922107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="123" />
21072122 Lascia questo campo vuoto se nessun valore deve essere applicato ai punti del grafico.
2109 Per piani cartesiani questa è la coordinata Y. Per piani polari questa è l'apos;angolo Theta.
2111 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'apos;impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'apos;impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
2124 Per piani cartesiani questa è la coordinata Y. Per piani polari questa è l'angolo Theta.
2126 Il formato atteso del valore della coordinata è determinato da un'impostazione locale. Se i valori inseriti non sono riconosciuti come previsto, controlla l'impostazione locale in Impostazioni / Finestra Principale...</translation>
21122127 </message>
21132128 <message>
21142129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="139" />
22112226 <source>Coordinate System Count
22132228 Specifies the total number of coordinate systems that will be used in the imported image. There can be one or more graphs in the image, and each graph can have one or more coordinate systems. Each coordinate system is defined by a pair of coordinate axes.</source>
2214 <translation>Conteggio sistema di coordinate Specifica il numero totale di sistemi di coordinate che verranno utilizzati nell'apos;immagine importata. Ci possono essere uno o più grafici nell'apos;immagine e ogni grafico può avere uno o più sistemi di coordinate. Ogni sistema di coordinate è definito da una coppia di assi coordinati.</translation>
2229 <translation>Conteggio sistema di coordinate Specifica il numero totale di sistemi di coordinate che verranno utilizzati nell'immagine importata. Ci possono essere uno o più grafici nell'immagine e ogni grafico può avere uno o più sistemi di coordinate. Ogni sistema di coordinate è definito da una coppia di assi coordinati.</translation>
22152230 </message>
22162231 <message>
22172232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="63" />
22562271 This setting is required when the x coordinate of the y axis is unknown, and/or the y coordinate of the x axis is unknown.
22582273 In total, there will be two points on the x axis as (x1) and (x2), and two points on the y axis as (y1) and (y2).</source>
2259 <translation>I punti a quattro assi definiranno il sistema di coordinate. Ciascuno avrà una sola coordinata x o y. Questa impostazione è richiesta quando la coordinata x dell'apos;asse y è sconosciuta e / o la coordinata y dell'apos;asse x è sconosciuta. In totale, ci saranno due punti sull'apos;asse x come (x1) e (x2) e due punti sull'apos;asse y come (y1) e (y2).</translation>
2274 <translation>I punti a quattro assi definiranno il sistema di coordinate. Ciascuno avrà una sola coordinata x o y. Questa impostazione è richiesta quando la coordinata x dell'asse y è sconosciuta e / o la coordinata y dell'asse x è sconosciuta. In totale, ci saranno due punti sull'asse x come (x1) e (x2) e due punti sull'asse y come (y1) e (y2).</translation>
22602275 </message>
22612276 </context>
22622277 <context>
22632278 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
22642279 <message>
2265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
22662281 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
22672282 <translation>Ritaglio di importazione file immagine</translation>
22682283 </message>
22692284 <message>
2270 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
22712286 <source>Preview</source>
22722287 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
22732288 </message>
22742289 <message>
2275 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
22762291 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2277 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra quale parte dell'apos;immagine verrà importata. La parte dell'apos;immagine all'apos;interno della cornice rettangolare verrà importata dalla pagina attualmente selezionata. La cornice può essere spostata e ridimensionata trascinando le maniglie degli angoli.</translation>
2278 </message>
2279 <message>
2280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2292 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra quale parte dell'immagine verrà importata. La parte dell'immagine all'interno della cornice rettangolare verrà importata dalla pagina attualmente selezionata. La cornice può essere spostata e ridimensionata trascinando le maniglie degli angoli.</translation>
2293 </message>
2294 <message>
2295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
22812296 <source>Ok</source>
22822297 <translation>Ok</translation>
22832298 </message>
22842299 <message>
2285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2300 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
22862301 <source>Cancel</source>
22872302 <translation>Annulla</translation>
22882303 </message>
22902305 <context>
22912306 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
22922307 <message>
2293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
22942309 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
22952310 <translation>itaglio di importazione di file PDF</translation>
22962311 </message>
22972312 <message>
2298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
22992314 <source>Page</source>
23002315 <translation>Pagina</translation>
23012316 </message>
23022317 <message>
2303 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23042319 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23052320 <translation>Numero della pagina che verrà importata</translation>
23062321 </message>
23072322 <message>
2308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2323 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23092324 <source>Preview</source>
23102325 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
23112326 </message>
23122327 <message>
2313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2328 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23142329 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2315 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra quale parte dell'apos;immagine verrà importata. La parte dell'apos;immagine all'apos;interno della cornice rettangolare verrà importata dalla pagina attualmente selezionata. La cornice può essere spostata e ridimensionata trascinando le maniglie degli angoli.</translation>
2316 </message>
2317 <message>
2318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2330 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra quale parte dell'immagine verrà importata. La parte dell'immagine all'interno della cornice rettangolare verrà importata dalla pagina attualmente selezionata. La cornice può essere spostata e ridimensionata trascinando le maniglie degli angoli.</translation>
2331 </message>
2332 <message>
2333 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23192334 <source>Ok</source>
23202335 <translation>Ok</translation>
23212336 </message>
23222337 <message>
2323 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
23242339 <source>Cancel</source>
23252340 <translation>Annulla</translation>
23262341 </message>
23362351 <context>
23372352 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
23382353 <message>
2339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
23402355 <source>Ok</source>
23412356 <translation>Ok</translation>
23422357 </message>
23432358 <message>
2344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
23452360 <source>Cancel</source>
23462361 <translation>Annulla</translation>
23472362 </message>
23542369 <translation>Assi Checker</translation>
23552370 </message>
23562371 <message>
2357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
23582373 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
23592374 <translation>Assi Checker Durata</translation>
23602375 </message>
23612376 <message>
2362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
23632378 <source>Do not show</source>
23642379 <translation>Non mostrare</translation>
23652380 </message>
23662381 <message>
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
23682383 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
23692384 <translation>Non mostrare mai il controllo assi.</translation>
23702385 </message>
23712386 <message>
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
23732388 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
23742389 <translation>Mostra per un numero di secondi</translation>
23752390 </message>
23762391 <message>
2377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
23782393 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
23792394 <translation>Mostra il controllo assi per un numero di secondi dopo aver cambiato i punti degli assi.</translation>
23802395 </message>
23812396 <message>
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
23832398 <source>Show always</source>
23842399 <translation>Mostra sempre</translation>
23852400 </message>
23862401 <message>
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
23882403 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
23892404 <translation>Mostra sempre il controllo degli assi.</translation>
23902405 </message>
23912406 <message>
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
23932408 <source>Line color</source>
23942409 <translation>Colore linea</translation>
23952410 </message>
23962411 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
23982413 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
23992414 <translation>Seleziona un colore per le linee evidenziate disegnate a ogni punto assiale</translation>
24002415 </message>
24012416 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24032418 <source>Preview</source>
24042419 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
24052420 </message>
24062421 <message>
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24082423 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24092424 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra come le impostazioni correnti influenzano il controllo assi visualizzato</translation>
24102425 </message>
24172432 <translation>Filtro Colore</translation>
24182433 </message>
24192434 <message>
2420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2435 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
24212436 <source>Curve Name</source>
24222437 <translation>Nome Curva</translation>
24232438 </message>
24242439 <message>
2425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
24262441 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
24272442 <translation>Nome della curva che è attualmente selezionata per la modifica</translation>
24282443 </message>
24292444 <message>
2430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
24312446 <source>Filter mode</source>
24322447 <translation>Modalità filtro</translation>
24332448 </message>
24342449 <message>
2435 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
24362451 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24382453 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
2439 <translation>Filtra l'apos;immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero usando il parametro Intensity, per nascondere le informazioni non importanti e enfatizzare informazioni importanti. Il valore di Intensity di un pixel viene calcolato dalle componenti rosso, verde e blu come I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
2440 </message>
2441 <message>
2442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2454 <translation>Filtra l'immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero usando il parametro Intensity, per nascondere le informazioni non importanti e enfatizzare informazioni importanti. Il valore di Intensity di un pixel viene calcolato dalle componenti rosso, verde e blu come I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
2455 </message>
2456 <message>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
24432458 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24452460 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
24472462 The distance of any color (R, G, B) from the background color (Rb, Gb, Bb) is computed as F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). On the left end of the scale, the foreground distance value is zero, and it increases linearly to the maximum on the far right.</source>
2448 <translation>Filtra l'apos;immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero isolando il primo piano dallo sfondo, per nascondere informazioni non importanti e enfatizzare informazioni importanti. Il colore di sfondo è mostrato sul lato sinistro della barra della scala. La distanza di qualsiasi colore ( R, G, B) dal colore di sfondo (Rb, Gb, Bb) è calcolato come F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). All'apos;estremità sinistra della scala, il valore della distanza in primo piano è zero e aumenta linearmente al massimo all'apos;estrema destra.</translation>
2449 </message>
2450 <message>
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2463 <translation>Filtra l'immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero isolando il primo piano dallo sfondo, per nascondere informazioni non importanti e enfatizzare informazioni importanti. Il colore di sfondo è mostrato sul lato sinistro della barra della scala. La distanza di qualsiasi colore ( R, G, B) dal colore di sfondo (Rb, Gb, Bb) è calcolato come F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). All'estremità sinistra della scala, il valore della distanza in primo piano è zero e aumenta linearmente al massimo all'estrema destra.</translation>
2464 </message>
2465 <message>
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
24522467 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2453 <translation>Filtra l'apos;immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Tonalità delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV) per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti.</translation>
2454 </message>
2455 <message>
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2468 <translation>Filtra l'immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Tonalità delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV) per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti.</translation>
2469 </message>
2470 <message>
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
24572472 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2458 <translation>Filtrare l'apos;immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Saturazione delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV), per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti.</translation>
2459 </message>
2460 <message>
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2473 <translation>Filtrare l'immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Saturazione delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV), per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti.</translation>
2474 </message>
2475 <message>
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
24622477 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24642479 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
2465 <translation>Filtra l'apos;immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Valore delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV) per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti. Il componente Valore viene anche chiamato Luminosità.</translation>
2466 </message>
2467 <message>
2468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2480 <translation>Filtra l'immagine originale in pixel in bianco e nero utilizzando il componente Valore delle componenti di colore Tonalità, Saturazione e Valore (HSV) per nascondere informazioni non importanti e sottolineare informazioni importanti. Il componente Valore viene anche chiamato Luminosità.</translation>
2481 </message>
2482 <message>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
24692484 <source>Preview</source>
24702485 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
24712486 </message>
24722487 <message>
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
24742489 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
2475 <translation>La finestra di anteprima che mostra come le impostazioni attuali influenzano il filtraggio dell'apos;immagine originale.</translation>
2476 </message>
2477 <message>
2478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2490 <translation>La finestra di anteprima che mostra come le impostazioni attuali influenzano il filtraggio dell'immagine originale.</translation>
2491 </message>
2492 <message>
2493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
24792494 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
24802495 <translation>Profilo a Istogramma dei Parametri Filtro</translation>
24812496 </message>
24822497 <message>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
24842499 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
2485 <translation>Profilo dell'apos;istogramma del parametro del filtro selezionato. I due divisori possono essere spostati avanti e indietro per regolare l'apos;intervallo dei valori dei parametri del filtro che verranno inclusi nell'apos;immagine filtrata. La parte chiara verrà inclusa e la parte ombreggiata sarà esclusa.</translation>
2486 </message>
2487 <message>
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2500 <translation>Profilo dell'istogramma del parametro del filtro selezionato. I due divisori possono essere spostati avanti e indietro per regolare l'intervallo dei valori dei parametri del filtro che verranno inclusi nell'immagine filtrata. La parte chiara verrà inclusa e la parte ombreggiata sarà esclusa.</translation>
2501 </message>
2502 <message>
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
24892504 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
2490 <translation>Questo campo sola-lettura mostra una rappresentazione grafica dell'apos;asse orizzontale nel precedente profilo a istogramma.</translation>
2505 <translation>Questo campo sola-lettura mostra una rappresentazione grafica dell'asse orizzontale nel precedente profilo a istogramma.</translation>
24912506 </message>
24922507 </context>
24932508 <context>
24942509 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
24952510 <message>
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
24992514 <source>Coordinates</source>
25002515 <translation>Coordinate</translation>
25012516 </message>
25022517 <message>
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25042519 <source>Date/Time</source>
25052520 <translation>Giorno/Ora</translation>
25062521 </message>
25072522 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25092524 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25112526 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
25122527 <translation>Il formato della data da essere usato per i valori data e porzioni di valori misti data/ora, durante input e output.
2514 Impostare il formato a un valore nullo porterà solo alla comparsa dell'apos;ora in output.</translation>
2515 </message>
2516 <message>
2517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2529 Impostare il formato a un valore nullo porterà solo alla comparsa dell'ora in output.</translation>
2530 </message>
2531 <message>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
25182533 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25202535 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
2521 <translation>Formato orario da utilizzare per i valori temporali e porzione di tempo di valori misti di data / ora, durante l'apos;input e l'apos;output. Impostazione del formato su un valore vuoto determina solo la parte della data visualizzata in output.</translation>
2522 </message>
2523 <message>
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2536 <translation>Formato orario da utilizzare per i valori temporali e porzione di tempo di valori misti di data / ora, durante l'input e l'output. Impostazione del formato su un valore vuoto determina solo la parte della data visualizzata in output.</translation>
2537 </message>
2538 <message>
2539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
25252540 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
25262541 <translation>Tipi di Coordinate</translation>
25272542 </message>
25282543 <message>
2529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
25302545 <source>Polar</source>
25312546 <translation>Polare</translation>
25322547 </message>
25332548 <message>
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
25362551 <source>R</source>
25372552 <translation>R</translation>
25382553 </message>
25392554 <message>
2540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
25412556 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
25422557 <translation>Cartesiano (X, Y)</translation>
25432558 </message>
25442559 <message>
2545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
25462561 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
25482563 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
25512566 Le coordinate X e Y saranno usate</translation>
25522567 </message>
25532568 <message>
2554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
25552570 <source>Select polar coordinates.
25572572 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
25642579 Non sono ammesse coordinate polari con scala logaritmica per Theta</translation>
25652580 </message>
25662581 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
25692584 <source>Scale</source>
25702585 <translation>Scala</translation>
25712586 </message>
25722587 <message>
2573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
25752590 <source>Linear</source>
25762591 <translation>Lineare</translation>
25772592 </message>
25782593 <message>
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
25802595 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
25812596 <translation>Specifica la scala lineare per la coordinata X o Theta</translation>
25822597 </message>
25832598 <message>
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2599 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
25862601 <source>Log</source>
25872602 <translation>Log</translation>
25882603 </message>
25892604 <message>
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
25912606 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
25932608 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26002615 Scala logaritmica non è permessa per la coordinata Theta.</translation>
26012616 </message>
26022617 <message>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26052620 <source>Units</source>
26062621 <translation>Unità</translation>
26072622 </message>
26082623 <message>
2609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26102625 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26112626 <translation>Specifica la scala lineare per la coordinata Y o R</translation>
26122627 </message>
26132628 <message>
2614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
26152630 <source>Origin radius value</source>
2616 <translation>Valore nell'apos;origine del raggio</translation>
2617 </message>
2618 <message>
2619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2631 <translation>Valore nell'origine del raggio</translation>
2632 </message>
2633 <message>
2634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
26202635 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
26222637 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
26252640 La scala logaritmica non è accettata se ci sono coordinate negative.</translation>
26262641 </message>
26272642 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
26292644 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
26312646 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
2632 <translation>Specifica il valore del raggio nell'apos;origine.
2634 Normalmente il raggio nell'apos;origine è 0 ma un valore non-nullo può essere applicato in altri casi (come quando le unità radiali sono i decibel),</translation>
2635 </message>
2636 <message>
2637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2647 <translation>Specifica il valore del raggio nell'origine.
2649 Normalmente il raggio nell'origine è 0 ma un valore non-nullo può essere applicato in altri casi (come quando le unità radiali sono i decibel),</translation>
2650 </message>
2651 <message>
2652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
26382653 <source>Preview</source>
26392654 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
26402655 </message>
26412656 <message>
2642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
26432658 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
26442659 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra come le opzioni attuali influenzano il sistema di coordinate.</translation>
26452660 </message>
26462661 <message>
2647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
26482663 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
26502665 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
26552670 I valori di data e ora hanno le componenti data e/o ora.
2657 Il formato Gradi Minuti Secondi (DDD MM SS.S) usa due numeri interi per i gradi e i minuti, e un numero reale per i secondi. Ci sono 60 secondi per minuto. Durante l'apos;input, gli spazi devono essere inseriti tra i tre numeri.</translation>
2658 </message>
2659 <message>
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2672 Il formato Gradi Minuti Secondi (DDD MM SS.S) usa due numeri interi per i gradi e i minuti, e un numero reale per i secondi. Ci sono 60 secondi per minuto. Durante l'input, gli spazi devono essere inseriti tra i tre numeri.</translation>
2673 </message>
2674 <message>
2675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
26612676 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
26632678 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
26712686 Turns format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is one turn.</source>
26722687 <translation>Il formato Gradi (DDD.DDDDD) usa un singolo numero reale. Una rivoluzione completa è 360 gradi.
2674 Il formato Gradi Minuti Secondi (DDD MM SS.S) usa due numeri interi per i gradi e i minuti, e un numero reale per i secondi. Ci sono 60 secondi per minuto. Durante l'apos;input, gli spazi devono essere inseriti tra i tre numeri.
2689 Il formato Gradi Minuti Secondi (DDD MM SS.S) usa due numeri interi per i gradi e i minuti, e un numero reale per i secondi. Ci sono 60 secondi per minuto. Durante l'input, gli spazi devono essere inseriti tra i tre numeri.
26762691 Il formato Gradi Centesimali usa un singolo numero reale. Una rivoluzione completa è 400 gradi centesimali.
26802695 Il formato Giri usa un singolo numero reale. Una rivoluzione completa è un giro.</translation>
26812696 </message>
26822697 <message>
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
26842699 <source>X</source>
26852700 <translation>X</translation>
26862701 </message>
26872702 <message>
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
26892704 <source>Y</source>
26902705 <translation>Y</translation>
26912706 </message>
26922707 </context>
26932708 <context>
2694 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2695 <message>
2696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2709 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2710 <message>
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
26972712 <source>Curve List</source>
26982713 <translation>Lista delle curve</translation>
26992714 </message>
27002715 <message>
2701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27022717 <source>Add...</source>
2703 <translation>Aggiungi...</translation>
2704 </message>
2705 <message>
2706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2718 <translation>Inserisci...</translation>
2719 </message>
2720 <message>
2721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27072722 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27092724 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2710 <translation>Aggiunge una nuova curva all'apos;elenco delle curve. Il nome della curva può essere modificato nell'apos;elenco dei nomi delle curve. • Ogni nome di curva deve essere univoco</translation>
2711 </message>
2712 <message>
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2725 <translation>Aggiunge una nuova curva all'elenco delle curve. Il nome della curva può essere modificato nell'elenco nomi curva. • Ogni nome curva deve essere univoco</translation>
2726 </message>
2727 <message>
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
27142729 <source>Remove</source>
2715 <translation>Rimuovi</translation>
2716 </message>
2717 <message>
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2730 <translation>Rimuovere</translation>
2731 </message>
2732 <message>
2733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
27192734 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
27212736 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2722 <translation>Rimuove la curva attualmente selezionata dall'apos;elenco delle curve. Deve sempre essere presente almeno una curva</translation>
2723 </message>
2724 <message>
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2737 <translation>Rimuove la curva attualmente selezionata dall'elenco delle curve. Deve essere sempre presente almeno una curva</translation>
2738 </message>
2739 <message>
2740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
27262741 <source>Curve Names</source>
2727 <translation>Nomi della Curva</translation>
2728 </message>
2729 <message>
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2742 <translation>Nomi delle curve</translation>
2743 </message>
2744 <message>
2745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
27312746 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
27332748 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
27352750 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2736 <translation>Elenco delle curve che appartengono a questo documento.Fai clic sul nome di una curva per modificarlo. Ogni nome di curva deve essere univoco. Riordinare le curve trascinandole in giro.</translation>
2737 </message>
2738 <message>
2739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2751 <translation>Elenco delle curve che appartengono a questo documento.Fai clic sul nome di una curva per modificarlo. Ogni nome di curva deve essere univoco.Rigolare le curve trascinandole attorno.</translation>
2752 </message>
2753 <message>
2754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
27402755 <source>Save As Default</source>
27412756 <translation>Salva Come Predefinito</translation>
27422757 </message>
27432758 <message>
2744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
27452760 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2746 <translation>Salva i nomi della curva per utilizzarli come predefiniti per future curve del grafico.</translation>
2747 </message>
2748 <message>
2749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2761 <translation>Salva i nomi delle curve da utilizzare come valori predefiniti per le curve del grafico future.</translation>
2762 </message>
2763 <message>
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
27502765 <source>Reset Default</source>
2751 <translation>Reimposta Predefinito</translation>
2752 </message>
2753 <message>
2754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2766 <translation>Ripristina predefinito</translation>
2767 </message>
2768 <message>
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
27552770 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2756 <translation>Ripristina le impostazioni predefinite per le future curve del grafico alle impostazioni originali.</translation>
2757 </message>
2758 <message>
2759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2771 <translation>Ripristina i valori predefiniti per le future curve del grafico alle impostazioni originali.</translation>
2772 </message>
2773 <message>
2774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
27602775 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2761 <translation>Rimuovendo questa curva verrà rimosso anche</translation>
2762 </message>
2763 <message>
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2776 <translation>Rimuoverà anche la rimozione di questa curva</translation>
2777 </message>
2778 <message>
2779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
27662781 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2767 <translation>punti. Continuare?</translation>
2768 </message>
2769 <message>
2770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2782 <translation>punti. Continua?</translation>
2783 </message>
2784 <message>
2785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
27712786 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2772 <translation>Rimuovendo queste curve rimuoverà anche</translation>
2773 </message>
2774 <message>
2775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2787 <translation>Anche la rimozione di queste curve verrà rimossa</translation>
2788 </message>
2789 <message>
2790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
27762791 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2777 <translation>Curve Con Punti</translation>
2792 <translation>Curve con punti</translation>
27782793 </message>
27792794 </context>
27802795 <context>
27812796 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
27822797 <message>
2783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
27842799 <source>Curve Properties</source>
27852800 <translation>Proprietà Curva</translation>
27862801 </message>
27872802 <message>
2788 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
27892804 <source>Curve Name</source>
27902805 <translation>Nome Curva</translation>
27912806 </message>
27922807 <message>
2793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
27942809 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
27952810 <translation>Nome della curva che è attualmente selezionata per la modifica</translation>
27962811 </message>
27972812 <message>
2798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
27992814 <source>Line</source>
28002815 <translation>Linea</translation>
28012816 </message>
28022817 <message>
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
28042819 <source>Width</source>
28052820 <translation>Ampiezza</translation>
28062821 </message>
28072822 <message>
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2823 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
28092824 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
28112826 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28122827 <translation>Seleziona una larghezza per le linee tracciate tra i punti.
2814 Questa si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea sarà mai disegnata tra i punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
2815 </message>
2816 <message>
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2829 Questa si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea sarà mai disegnata tra i punti dell'asse.</translation>
2830 </message>
2831 <message>
2832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
28192834 <source>Color</source>
28202835 <translation>Colore</translation>
28212836 </message>
28222837 <message>
2823 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2838 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
28242839 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
28262841 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2827 <translation>Selezionare un colore per le linee tracciate tra i punti. Si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea viene mai disegnata tra i punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
2828 </message>
2829 <message>
2830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2842 <translation>Selezionare un colore per le linee tracciate tra i punti. Si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea viene mai disegnata tra i punti dell'asse.</translation>
2843 </message>
2844 <message>
2845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
28312846 <source>Connect as</source>
28322847 <translation>Connetti come</translation>
28332848 </message>
28342849 <message>
2835 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
28362851 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
28382853 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
28422857 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2844 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2859 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
28462861 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2847 <translation>Selezionare la regola per collegare punti con linee. Se la curva è collegata come funzione a valore singolo, i punti vengono ordinati aumentando il valore della variabile indipendente. Se la curva è collegata come contorno chiuso, i punti sono ordinato per età, ad eccezione dei punti posizionati lungo una linea esistente. Qualsiasi punto posizionato sopra qualsiasi linea esistente viene inserito tra i due estremi di quella linea, come se la sua età fosse compresa tra l'apos;età dei due punti finali. Le linee sono disegnate tra i punti ordinati successivamente. Le curve dirette sono disegnate con linee diritte linee tra punti successivi. Le curve morbide sono disegnate con linee morbide tra punti successivi. Questo si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea viene mai disegnata tra i punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
2848 </message>
2849 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2862 <translation>Selezionare la regola per collegare punti con linee. Se la curva è collegata come funzione a valore singolo, i punti vengono ordinati aumentando il valore della variabile indipendente. Se la curva è collegata come contorno chiuso, i punti sono ordinato per età, ad eccezione dei punti posizionati lungo una linea esistente. Qualsiasi punto posizionato sopra qualsiasi linea esistente viene inserito tra i due estremi di quella linea, come se la sua età fosse compresa tra l'età dei due punti finali. Le linee sono disegnate tra i punti ordinati successivamente. Le curve dirette sono disegnate con linee diritte linee tra punti successivi. Le curve morbide sono disegnate con linee morbide tra punti successivi, utilizzando spline cubiche naturali di coppie (x, y) rispetto ai valori scalari ordinali (t). Questo si applica solo alle curve del grafico. Nessuna linea viene mai disegnata tra i punti dell'asse.</translation>
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
28512866 <source>Point</source>
28522867 <translation>Punto</translation>
28532868 </message>
28542869 <message>
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
28562871 <source>Shape</source>
28572872 <translation>Forma</translation>
28582873 </message>
28592874 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
28612876 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
28622877 <translation>Selezionare una forma per i punti</translation>
28632878 </message>
28642879 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
28662881 <source>Radius</source>
28672882 <translation>Raggio</translation>
28682883 </message>
28692884 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2885 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
28712886 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
28722887 <translation>Selezionare un raggio, in pixel, per i punti</translation>
28732888 </message>
28742889 <message>
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2890 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
28762891 <source>Line width</source>
28772892 <translation>Larghezza linea</translation>
28782893 </message>
28792894 <message>
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2895 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
28812896 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
28832898 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
2884 <translation>Seleziona una larghezza della linea, in pixel, per i punti.Una larghezza maggiore produce una linea più spessa, con l'apos;eccezione di un valore zero che risulta sempre in una linea larga un pixel (che è facile da vedere anche quando ingrandito molto lontano)</translation>
2885 </message>
2886 <message>
2887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2899 <translation>Seleziona una larghezza della linea, in pixel, per i punti.Una larghezza maggiore produce una linea più spessa, con l'eccezione di un valore zero che risulta sempre in una linea larga un pixel (che è facile da vedere anche quando ingrandito molto lontano)</translation>
2900 </message>
2901 <message>
2902 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
28882903 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
28892904 <translation>Selezionare un colore per la linea usata per tracciare le forme punto</translation>
28902905 </message>
28912906 <message>
2892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
28932908 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
28952910 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
28972912 If the visible settings are for the Nth graph curve in the curve list, then they will be used for future graph curves that are also the Nth graph curve in their curve list, until new settings are saved as the defaults.</source>
2898 <translation>Salva le impostazioni della curva visibile da utilizzare come valori predefiniti futuri, in base alla selezione del nome della curva. Se le impostazioni visibili sono per la curva degli assi, verranno utilizzate per le curve degli assi future, fino a quando le nuove impostazioni non verranno salvate come predefinite. Se le impostazioni visibili sono per la curva Nth del grafico nell'apos;elenco delle curve, saranno utilizzate per le curve del grafico future che sono anche la curva Nth del grafico nel loro elenco di curve, finché le nuove impostazioni non vengono salvate come valori predefiniti.</translation>
2899 </message>
2900 <message>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2913 <translation>Salva le impostazioni della curva visibile da utilizzare come valori predefiniti futuri, in base alla selezione del nome della curva. Se le impostazioni visibili sono per la curva degli assi, verranno utilizzate per le curve degli assi future, fino a quando le nuove impostazioni non verranno salvate come predefinite. Se le impostazioni visibili sono per la curva Nth del grafico nell'elenco delle curve, saranno utilizzate per le curve del grafico future che sono anche la curva Nth del grafico nel loro elenco di curve, finché le nuove impostazioni non vengono salvate come valori predefiniti.</translation>
2914 </message>
2915 <message>
2916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
29022917 <source>Preview</source>
29032918 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
29042919 </message>
29052920 <message>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
29072922 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
29092924 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
29873002 <source>Preview window showing the currently selected cursor.
29893004 Drag the cursor over this area to see the effects of the current settings on the cursor shape.</source>
2990 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra il cursore attualmente selezionato. Trascinare il cursore su quest'apos;area per vedere gli effetti delle impostazioni correnti sulla forma del cursore.</translation>
3005 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra il cursore attualmente selezionato. Trascinare il cursore su quest'area per vedere gli effetti delle impostazioni correnti sulla forma del cursore.</translation>
29913006 </message>
29923007 </context>
29933008 <context>
29983013 <translation>Formato di Esportazione</translation>
29993014 </message>
30003015 <message>
3001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
30023017 <source>Included</source>
30033018 <translation>Incluso</translation>
30043019 </message>
30053020 <message>
3006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
30073022 <source>Not included</source>
30083023 <translation>Non incluso</translation>
30093024 </message>
30103025 <message>
3011 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3026 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
30123027 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
30143029 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
30153030 <translation>Lista delle curve da includere nel file esportato.
3017 L'apos;ordine delle curve qui non influenza l'apos;ordine nel file esportato. Quell'apos;ordine è determinato da Impostazioni curve.</translation>
3018 </message>
3019 <message>
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3032 L'ordine delle curve qui non influenza l'ordine nel file esportato. Quell'ordine è determinato da Impostazioni curve.</translation>
3033 </message>
3034 <message>
3035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
30213036 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
30223037 <translation>Lista delle curve da escludere dal file esportato</translation>
30233038 </message>
30243039 <message>
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
30263041 <source>Include</source>
30273042 <translation>Includere</translation>
30283043 </message>
30293044 <message>
3030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
30313046 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
30323047 <translation>Spostare le curve attualmente selezionate della lista escluse</translation>
30333048 </message>
30343049 <message>
3035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3050 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
30363051 <source>Exclude</source>
30373052 <translation>Escludere</translation>
30383053 </message>
30393054 <message>
3040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
30413056 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
30423057 <translation>Spostare le curve attualmente selezionate dalla lista incluse</translation>
30433058 </message>
30443059 <message>
3045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
30463061 <source>Delimiters</source>
30473062 <translation>Delimitatori</translation>
30483063 </message>
30493064 <message>
3050 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
30513066 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
30523067 <translation>Il file esportato avrà virgole tra valori adiacenti, a meno che non sia sostituito da tab nei file TSV.</translation>
30533068 </message>
30543069 <message>
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
30563071 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
30573072 <translation>Il file esportato avrà spazi tra valori adiacenti, a meno che non sia sostituito da virgole nei file CSV, o tab nei file TSV.</translation>
30583073 </message>
30593074 <message>
3060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
30613076 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
30623077 <translation>Il file esportato avrà tab tra valori adiacenti, a meno che non sia sostituito da virgole nei file CSV.</translation>
30633078 </message>
30643079 <message>
3065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
30663081 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
30673082 <translation>Il file esportato avrà punti-e-virgole tra valori adiacenti, a meno che non sia sostituito da virgole nei file CSV.</translation>
30683083 </message>
30693084 <message>
3070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
30713086 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
30723087 <translation>Sostituisci in file CSV/TSV.</translation>
30733088 </message>
30743089 <message>
3075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
30763091 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
3077 <translation>File Comma-separated value (CSV) e tab-separated value (TSV) useranno virgole e tab rispettivamente, a meno che questa impostazione sia selezionata. Selezionando questa impostazione verrà applicato l'apos;opzione delimitatore a ogni file.</translation>
3078 </message>
3079 <message>
3080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3092 <translation>File Comma-separated value (CSV) e tab-separated value (TSV) useranno virgole e tab rispettivamente, a meno che questa impostazione sia selezionata. Selezionando questa impostazione verrà applicato l'opzione delimitatore a ogni file.</translation>
3093 </message>
3094 <message>
3095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
30813096 <source>Layout</source>
30823097 <translation>Layout</translation>
30833098 </message>
30843099 <message>
3085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3100 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
30863101 <source>All curves on each line</source>
30873102 <translation>Tutte le curve per ogni linea</translation>
30883103 </message>
30893104 <message>
3090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3105 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
30913106 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
30923107 <translation>Il file esportato avrà, per ogni linea, un valore X, il valore Y per la prima curva, il valore Y per la seconda curva,...</translation>
30933108 </message>
30943109 <message>
3095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
30963111 <source>One curve on each line</source>
30973112 <translation>Una curva per ogni linea</translation>
30983113 </message>
30993114 <message>
3100 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
31013116 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
31023117 <translation>Il file esportato avrà tutti i punti per la prima curva, con una coppia X-Y per ogni linea, poi i punti per la seconda curva,...</translation>
31033118 </message>
31043119 <message>
3105 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
31063121 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
31073122 <translation>Funzione Selezione Punti</translation>
31083123 </message>
31093124 <message>
3110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
31113126 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
31123127 <translation>Interpola le Y con le X da tutte le curve</translation>
31133128 </message>
31143129 <message>
3115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
31163131 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31173132 <translation>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</translation>
31183133 </message>
31193134 <message>
3120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3136 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3137 <translation>Estrapolazione di endpoint esterni</translation>
3138 </message>
3139 <message>
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3141 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3142 <translation>Abilita o disabilita l'estrapolazione al di fuori degli endpoint di ciascuna curva. Se disabilitato, vengono esportati solo i punti tra i punti finali di ciascuna curva</translation>
3143 </message>
3144 <message>
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
31213146 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
31223147 <translation>Interpola le Y con le X dalla prima curva</translation>
31233148 </message>
31243149 <message>
3125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
31263151 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31273152 <translation>Il file esportato avrà valori per ogni valore X univoco dalla prima curva. I valori Y saranno linearmente interpolati, se necessario</translation>
31283153 </message>
31293154 <message>
3130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3131 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3132 <translation>Interpola le Y per i valori equamente distanziati di X.</translation>
3133 </message>
3134 <message>
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3156 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3157 <translation>Interpola Y su valori X uniformemente distanziati che vengono selezionati automaticamente</translation>
3158 </message>
3159 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
31363161 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
3137 <translation>Il file esportato avrà valori con valori X uniformemente distanziati, separati dall'apos;intervallo selezionato di seguito.</translation>
3138 </message>
3139 <message>
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3162 <translation>Il file esportato avrà valori con valori X uniformemente distanziati, separati dall'intervallo selezionato di seguito.</translation>
3163 </message>
3164 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3166 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
31423167 <source>Interval</source>
31433168 <translation>Intervallo</translation>
31443169 </message>
31453170 <message>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
31473172 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
31493174 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
31513176 The X values will be automatically aligned along simple numbers. If the first and/or last points are not along the aligned X values, then one or two additional points are added as necessary.</source>
3152 <translation>Intervallo, nelle unità di X, tra punti successivi nella direzione X. Se la scala è lineare, questo intervallo viene aggiunto ai successivi valori X. Se la scala è logaritmica, questo intervallo viene moltiplicato per i successivi valori X. "I valori X saranno allineati automaticamente lungo numeri semplici. Se il primo e / o l'apos;ultimo punto non si trovano lungo i valori X allineati, vengono aggiunti uno o due punti aggiuntivi secondo necessità.</translation>
3153 </message>
3154 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3177 <translation>Intervallo, nelle unità di X, tra punti successivi nella direzione X. Se la scala è lineare, questo intervallo viene aggiunto ai successivi valori X. Se la scala è logaritmica, questo intervallo viene moltiplicato per i successivi valori X. "I valori X saranno allineati automaticamente lungo numeri semplici. Se il primo e / o l'ultimo punto non si trovano lungo i valori X allineati, vengono aggiunti uno o due punti aggiuntivi secondo necessità.</translation>
3178 </message>
3179 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
31563181 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31583183 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
31613186 <translation>Unità per intervallo di spaziatura. Le unità di pixel sono preferite quando la spaziatura deve essere indipendente dalla scala X. La spaziatura sarà coerente attraverso il grafico, anche se la scala X è logaritmica. Le unità del geofo sono preferite quando la spaziatura dipende dalla scala X.</translation>
31623187 </message>
31633188 <message>
3164 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3189 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3190 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3191 <translation>Interpolare Y su valori X uniformemente distanziati sulle linee della griglia</translation>
3192 </message>
3193 <message>
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3195 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3196 <translation>Il file esportato avrà valori con valori X equamente distribuiti sulle linee della griglia verticale.</translation>
3197 </message>
3198 <message>
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
31663201 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
31673202 <translation>Valori originali di X e Y</translation>
31683203 </message>
31693204 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3206 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
31723207 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
31733208 <translation>Il file esportato avrà solo i valori originali di X e Y</translation>
31743209 </message>
31753210 <message>
3176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
31773212 <source>Header</source>
31783213 <translation>Intestazione</translation>
31793214 </message>
31803215 <message>
3181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3216 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
31823217 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
31833218 <translation>Il file esportato non avrà nessuna linea di intestazione</translation>
31843219 </message>
31853220 <message>
3186 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3221 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
31873222 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
31883223 <translation>Il file esportato avrà una semplice linea di intestazione</translation>
31893224 </message>
31903225 <message>
3191 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3226 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
31923227 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
31933228 <translation>Il file esportato avrà la linea di intestazione gnuplot</translation>
31943229 </message>
31953230 <message>
3196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3231 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
31973232 <source>Save As Default</source>
31983233 <translation>Salva Come Predefinito</translation>
31993234 </message>
32003235 <message>
3201 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
32023237 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
32033238 <translation>Salva le impostazioni per usarle come valori predefiniti in futuro.</translation>
32043239 </message>
32053240 <message>
3206 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3242 <source>Load Default</source>
3243 <translation>Carica predefinito</translation>
3244 </message>
3245 <message>
3246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3247 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3248 <translation>Carica le impostazioni predefinite.</translation>
3249 </message>
3250 <message>
3251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
32073252 <source>Preview</source>
32083253 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
32093254 </message>
32103255 <message>
3211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
32123257 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
32143259 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
32153260 <translation>La finestra di anteprima mostra in che modo le impostazioni correnti influenzano il file esportato. Le funzioni (mostrate in blu) vengono visualizzate per prime, seguite dalle relazioni (mostrate qui in verde), se presenti.</translation>
32163261 </message>
32173262 <message>
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
32193264 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
32203265 <translation>Selezione punti di relazione</translation>
32213266 </message>
32223267 <message>
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
32243269 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
32253270 <translation>Interpola X e Y a intervalli equamente distanziati.</translation>
32263271 </message>
32273272 <message>
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
32293274 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
3230 <translation>Il file esportato avrà punti distribuiti uniformemente lungo ciascuna relazione, separati dall'apos;intervallo selezionato di seguito. Se l'apos;ultimo intervallo non termina all'apos;ultimo punto, viene aggiunto un ultimo intervallo più breve che termina sull'apos;ultimo punto.</translation>
3231 </message>
3232 <message>
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3275 <translation>Il file esportato avrà punti distribuiti uniformemente lungo ciascuna relazione, separati dall'intervallo selezionato di seguito. Se l'ultimo intervallo non termina all'ultimo punto, viene aggiunto un ultimo intervallo più breve che termina sull'ultimo punto.</translation>
3276 </message>
3277 <message>
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
32343279 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
32353280 <translation>Intervallo tra i successivi punti quando si esporta con coordinate (X,Y) equamente distanziate.</translation>
32363281 </message>
32373282 <message>
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
32393284 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32413286 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
32443289 <translation>Unità per intervallo di spaziatura. Le unità di pixel sono preferite quando la spaziatura deve essere indipendente dalle scale X e Y. La spaziatura sarà coerente attraverso il grafico, anche se una scala è logaritmica o le scale X e Y sono diverse. Le unità del grafico sono solitamente preferite quando le scale X e Y sono identiche.</translation>
32453290 </message>
32463291 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
32483293 <source>Functions</source>
32493294 <translation>Funzioni</translation>
32503295 </message>
32513296 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
32533298 <source>Functions Tab
32553300 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
32563301 <translation>Scheda delle Funzioni
3258 Controlli per specificare il formato delle funzioni durante l'apos;esportazione</translation>
3259 </message>
3260 <message>
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3303 Controlli per specificare il formato delle funzioni durante l'esportazione</translation>
3304 </message>
3305 <message>
3306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
32623307 <source>Relations</source>
32633308 <translation>Relazioni</translation>
32643309 </message>
32653310 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
32673312 <source>Relations Tab
32693314 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
32703315 <translation>Scheda delle Relazioni
3272 Controlli per specificare il formato delle relazioni durante l'apos;esportazione</translation>
3273 </message>
3274 <message>
3275 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3317 Controlli per specificare il formato delle relazioni durante l'esportazione</translation>
3318 </message>
3319 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
32763321 <source>X Label</source>
32773322 <translation>Etichetta di X</translation>
32783323 </message>
32793324 <message>
3280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3281 <source>Theta Label</source>
3282 <translation>Etichetta di Theta</translation>
3283 </message>
3284 <message>
3285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
32863326 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
3287 <translation>Etichetta nell'apos;intestazione per i valori di x</translation>
3288 </message>
3289 <message>
3290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3291 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3292 <translation>Etichetta nell'apos;intestazione per i valori di theta</translation>
3293 </message>
3294 <message>
3295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3327 <translation>Etichetta nell'intestazione per i valori di x</translation>
3328 </message>
3329 <message>
3330 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
32963331 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
3297 <translation>L'apos;anteprima non è disponibile fino a che i punti assiali non sono definiti.</translation>
3332 <translation>L'anteprima non è disponibile fino a che i punti assiali non sono definiti.</translation>
32983333 </message>
32993334 </context>
33003335 <context>
33183353 This parameter is used in the Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
33193354 <translation>Dimensione Effettiva del Cursore
3321 Questa è l'apos;effettiva larghezza e altezza del cursore quando si clicca su di un pixel che non è parte dello sfondo.
3356 Questa è l'effettiva larghezza e altezza del cursore quando si clicca su di un pixel che non è parte dello sfondo.
33233358 Questo parametro è usato nelle modalità Selettore del Colore e Punto di Incontro</translation>
33243359 </message>
33343369 This is the number of additional digits of precision appended after the significant digits determined by the digitization accuracy at that point. The digitization accuracy at any point equals the change in graph coordinates from moving one pixel in each direction. Appending extra digits does not improve the accuracy of the numbers. More information can be found in discussions of accuracy versus precision.
33363371 This parameter is used on the coordinates in the Status Bar and during Export</source>
3337 <translation>Cifre di precisione aggiuntiveQuesto è il numero di cifre aggiuntive di precisione aggiunte dopo le cifre significative determinate dalla precisione della digitalizzazione in quel punto. L'apos;accuratezza della digitalizzazione in qualsiasi punto equivale al cambiamento delle coordinate del grafico rispetto allo spostamento di un pixel in ciascuna direzione. L'apos;aggiunta di cifre aggiuntive non migliora l'apos;accuratezza dei numeri. Ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovate nelle discussioni di precisione rispetto alla precisione. Questo parametro viene utilizzato sulle coordinate nella barra di stato e durante l'apos;esportazione</translation>
3372 <translation>Cifre di precisione aggiuntiveQuesto è il numero di cifre aggiuntive di precisione aggiunte dopo le cifre significative determinate dalla precisione della digitalizzazione in quel punto. L'accuratezza della digitalizzazione in qualsiasi punto equivale al cambiamento delle coordinate del grafico rispetto allo spostamento di un pixel in ciascuna direzione. L'aggiunta di cifre aggiuntive non migliora l'accuratezza dei numeri. Ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovate nelle discussioni di precisione rispetto alla precisione. Questo parametro viene utilizzato sulle coordinate nella barra di stato e durante l'esportazione</translation>
33383373 </message>
33393374 <message>
33403375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="79" />
33553390 <translation>Mostra la Griglia</translation>
33563391 </message>
33573392 <message>
3358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
33593394 <source>Color</source>
33603395 <translation>Colore</translation>
33613396 </message>
33623397 <message>
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
33643399 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
33653400 <translation>Selezionare un colore per le linee</translation>
33663401 </message>
33673402 <message>
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
33703405 <source>Disable</source>
33713406 <translation>Disabilitare</translation>
33723407 </message>
33733408 <message>
3374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
33753410 <source>Disabled value.
33773412 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
33783413 <translation>Valore disabilitato.Le linee della griglia X vengono specificate utilizzando solo tre valori alla volta. Per flessibilità, vengono offerti quattro valori, quindi è necessario scegliere quale valore è disabilitato. Una volta disabilitato, quel valore viene semplicemente aggiornato mentre cambiano gli altri valori</translation>
33793414 </message>
33803415 <message>
3381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
33833418 <source>Count</source>
33843419 <translation>Contare</translation>
33853420 </message>
33863421 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
33883423 <source>Number of X grid lines.
33903425 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
33913426 <translation>Numero di linee della griglia X.Il numero di linee della griglia X deve essere inserito come numero intero maggiore di zero</translation>
33923427 </message>
33933428 <message>
3394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3430 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
33963431 <source>Start</source>
33973432 <translation>Inizio</translation>
33983433 </message>
33993434 <message>
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3435 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
34013436 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34033438 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34043439 <translation>Valore della prima linea della griglia X.Il valore iniziale non può essere maggiore del valore di arresto</translation>
34053440 </message>
34063441 <message>
3407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
34093444 <source>Step</source>
34103445 <translation>Passo</translation>
34113446 </message>
34123447 <message>
3413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
34143449 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34163451 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34173452 <translation>Differenza di valore tra due successive linee della griglia X.Il valore del passo deve essere maggiore di zero</translation>
34183453 </message>
34193454 <message>
3420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
34223457 <source>Stop</source>
34233458 <translation>Fine</translation>
34243459 </message>
34253460 <message>
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
34273462 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34293464 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3430 <translation>Valore dell'apos;ultima riga della griglia X.Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3431 </message>
3432 <message>
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3465 <translation>Valore dell'ultima riga della griglia X.Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3466 </message>
3467 <message>
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
34343469 <source>Disabled value.
34363471 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34373472 <translation>Valore disabilitato.Le linee della griglia Y vengono specificate utilizzando solo tre valori alla volta. Per flessibilità, vengono offerti quattro valori, quindi è necessario scegliere quale valore è disabilitato. Una volta disabilitato, quel valore viene semplicemente aggiornato mentre cambiano gli altri valori</translation>
34383473 </message>
34393474 <message>
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
34413476 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
34433478 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34443479 <translation>Numero di linee della griglia Y.Il numero di linee della griglia Y deve essere inserito come numero intero maggiore di zero</translation>
34453480 </message>
34463481 <message>
3447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
34483483 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
34503485 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34513486 <translation>Valore della prima linea della griglia Y.Il valore iniziale non può essere maggiore del valore di arresto</translation>
34523487 </message>
34533488 <message>
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
34553490 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
34573492 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34583493 <translation>Differenza di valore tra due successive linee della griglia Y.Il valore del passo deve essere maggiore di zero</translation>
34593494 </message>
34603495 <message>
3461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
34623497 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
34643499 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3465 <translation>Valore dell'apos;ultima linea della griglia Y. Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3466 </message>
3467 <message>
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3500 <translation>Valore dell'ultima linea della griglia Y. Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3501 </message>
3502 <message>
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
34693504 <source>Preview</source>
34703505 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
34713506 </message>
34723507 <message>
3473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
34743509 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
3475 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra come le attuali impostazioni influenzano l'apos;esposizione della griglia</translation>
3476 </message>
3477 <message>
3478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3510 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra come le attuali impostazioni influenzano l'esposizione della griglia</translation>
3511 </message>
3512 <message>
3513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
34793514 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
34803515 <translation>Linee X della Griglia</translation>
34813516 </message>
34823517 <message>
3483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
34843519 <source>Grid Lines</source>
34853520 <translation>Linee della Griglia</translation>
34863521 </message>
34873522 <message>
3488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
34893524 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
34903525 <translation>Linee Y della Griglia</translation>
34913526 </message>
34923527 <message>
3493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3528 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
34943529 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
34953530 <translation>Linee del Raggio della Griglia</translation>
34963531 </message>
34973532 <message>
3498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
34993534 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
35003535 <translation>Il numero di linee della griglia supera il limite impostato da Impostazioni / Finestra principale.</translation>
35013536 </message>
35083543 <translation>Rimozione della Griglia</translation>
35093544 </message>
35103545 <message>
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
35123547 <source>Preview</source>
35133548 <translation>Anteprima</translation>
35143549 </message>
35153550 <message>
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
35173552 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
35183553 <translation>Finestra di anteprima che mostra come le attuali impostazioni influenzano la rimozione della griglia</translation>
35193554 </message>
35203555 <message>
3521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
35223557 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
35233558 <translation>Rimuovere i pixel vicini alle linee della griglia definite</translation>
35243559 </message>
35253560 <message>
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
35273562 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
35293564 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
35303565 <translation>Seleziona questa casella per avere pixel vicini alle griglie distanziate regolarmente rimosse.Questa opzione è disponibile solo quando i punti degli assi sono stati tutti definiti.</translation>
35313566 </message>
35323567 <message>
3533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
35343569 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
35353570 <translation>Distanza ravvicinata (pixel)</translation>
35363571 </message>
35373572 <message>
3538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
35393574 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
35413576 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
35443579 <translation>Imposta la distanza di prossimità in pixel.I pixel che si avvicinano alla griglia regolarmente spaziata, rispetto a questa distanza, saranno rimossi. Questo valore non può essere negativo. Un valore zero disabilita questa funzione. I valori decimali sono ammessi</translation>
35453580 </message>
35463581 <message>
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
35483583 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
35493584 <translation>Linee X della Griglia</translation>
35503585 </message>
35513586 <message>
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
35533588 <source>Grid Lines</source>
35543589 <translation>Linee della Griglia</translation>
35553590 </message>
35563591 <message>
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
35593594 <source>Disable</source>
35603595 <translation>Disabilitare</translation>
35613596 </message>
35623597 <message>
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
35643599 <source>Disabled value.
35663601 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35673602 <translation>Valore disabilitato.Le linee della griglia X vengono specificate utilizzando solo tre valori alla volta. Per flessibilità, vengono offerti quattro valori, quindi è necessario scegliere quale valore è disabilitato. Una volta disabilitato, quel valore viene semplicemente aggiornato mentre cambiano gli altri valori</translation>
35683603 </message>
35693604 <message>
3570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
35723607 <source>Count</source>
35733608 <translation>Contare</translation>
35743609 </message>
35753610 <message>
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
35773612 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35793614 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35803615 <translation>Numero di linee della griglia X.Il numero di linee della griglia X deve essere inserito come numero intero maggiore di zero</translation>
35813616 </message>
35823617 <message>
3583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
35853620 <source>Start</source>
35863621 <translation>Inizio</translation>
35873622 </message>
35883623 <message>
3589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
35903625 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35923627 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35933628 <translation>Valore della prima linea della griglia X.Il valore iniziale non può essere maggiore del valore di arresto</translation>
35943629 </message>
35953630 <message>
3596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
35983633 <source>Step</source>
35993634 <translation>Passo</translation>
36003635 </message>
36013636 <message>
3602 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
36033638 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
36053640 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36063641 <translation>Differenza di valore tra due successive linee della griglia X.Il valore del passo deve essere maggiore di zero</translation>
36073642 </message>
36083643 <message>
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
36113646 <source>Stop</source>
36123647 <translation>Fine</translation>
36133648 </message>
36143649 <message>
3615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3650 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
36163651 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
36183653 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3619 <translation>Valore dell'apos;ultima riga della griglia X.Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3620 </message>
3621 <message>
3622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3654 <translation>Valore dell'ultima riga della griglia X.Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3655 </message>
3656 <message>
3657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
36233658 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36243659 <translation>Linee Y della Griglia</translation>
36253660 </message>
36263661 <message>
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
36283663 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
36293664 <translation>Linee R della Griglia</translation>
36303665 </message>
36313666 <message>
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
36333668 <source>Disabled value.
36353670 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
36363671 <translation>Valore disabilitato.Le linee della griglia Y vengono specificate utilizzando solo tre valori alla volta. Per flessibilità, vengono offerti quattro valori, quindi è necessario scegliere quale valore è disabilitato. Una volta disabilitato, quel valore viene semplicemente aggiornato mentre cambiano gli altri valori</translation>
36373672 </message>
36383673 <message>
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
36403675 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
36423677 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36433678 <translation>Numero di linee della griglia Y.Il numero di linee della griglia Y deve essere inserito come numero intero maggiore di zero</translation>
36443679 </message>
36453680 <message>
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
36473682 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36493684 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36503685 <translation>Valore della prima linea della griglia Y.Il valore iniziale non può essere maggiore del valore di arresto</translation>
36513686 </message>
36523687 <message>
3653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
36543689 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36563691 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36573692 <translation>Differenza di valore tra due successive linee della griglia Y.Il valore del passo deve essere maggiore di zero</translation>
36583693 </message>
36593694 <message>
3660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
36613696 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36633698 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3664 <translation>Valore dell'apos;ultima linea della griglia Y. Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
3699 <translation>Valore dell'ultima linea della griglia Y. Il valore di arresto non può essere inferiore al valore iniziale</translation>
36653700 </message>
36663701 </context>
36673702 <context>
36683703 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
36693704 <message>
3670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
36713706 <source>Main Window</source>
36723707 <translation>Finestra principale</translation>
36733708 </message>
36743709 <message>
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
36763711 <source>Initial zoom</source>
36773712 <translation>Ingrandimento iniziale</translation>
36783713 </message>
36793714 <message>
3680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
36813716 <source>Initial Zoom
36833718 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
36843719 <translation>Ingrandimento Iniziale
3686 Selezionare il fattore di ingrandimento iniziale quando un nuovo documento viene caricato. L'apos;ingrandimento precedente può essere mantenuto, oppure l'apos;ingrandimento specificato può essere applicato.</translation>
3687 </message>
3688 <message>
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3721 Selezionare il fattore di ingrandimento iniziale quando un nuovo documento viene caricato. L'ngrandimento precedente può essere mantenuto, oppure l'ingrandimento specificato può essere applicato.</translation>
3722 </message>
3723 <message>
3724 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
36903725 <source>Zoom control</source>
3691 <translation>Controllo dell'apos;ingrandimento</translation>
3692 </message>
3693 <message>
3694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3726 <translation>Controllo dell'ingrandimento</translation>
3727 </message>
3728 <message>
3729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
36953730 <source>Menu only</source>
36963731 <translation>Solo menù</translation>
36973732 </message>
36983733 <message>
3699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
37003735 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
37013736 <translation>Menù e rotellina del mouse</translation>
37023737 </message>
37033738 <message>
3704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
37053740 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
37063741 <translation>Menù e tasti +/-</translation>
37073742 </message>
37083743 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
37103745 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
37113746 <translation>Menù, rotellina del mouse e tasti +/-</translation>
37123747 </message>
37133748 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
37153750 <source>Zoom Control
37173752 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
3718 <translation>Controllo dell'apos;Ingrandimento
3753 <translation>Controllo dell'Ingrandimento
37203755 Seleziona quali input sono usati per ingrandire e rimpicciolire.</translation>
37213756 </message>
37223757 <message>
3723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
37243758 <source>Locale</source>
3725 <translation>Località</translation>
3726 </message>
3727 <message>
3728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3759 <translation type="vanished">Località</translation>
3760 </message>
3761 <message>
3762 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3763 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3764 <translation>Locale (richiede il riavvio)</translation>
3765 </message>
3766 <message>
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
37293768 <source>Locale
37313770 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
37333772 The locale determines how numbers are formatted. Specifically, either commas or periods will be used as group delimiters in each number entered by the user, displayed in the user interface, or exported to a file.</source>
3734 <translation>LocalitàSeleziona le impostazioni locali che verranno utilizzate nei numeri (immediatamente) e la lingua nell'apos;interfaccia utente (dopo il riavvio) .Il locale determina la modalità di formattazione dei numeri. In particolare, le virgole oi punti verranno utilizzati come delimitatori di gruppo in ciascun numero immesso dall'apos;utente, visualizzato nell'apos;interfaccia utente o esportato in un file.</translation>
3735 </message>
3736 <message>
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3773 <translation>LocalitàSeleziona le impostazioni locali che verranno utilizzate nei numeri (immediatamente) e la lingua nell'interfaccia utente (dopo il riavvio) .Il locale determina la modalità di formattazione dei numeri. In particolare, le virgole oi punti verranno utilizzati come delimitatori di gruppo in ciascun numero immesso dall'utente, visualizzato nell'interfaccia utente o esportato in un file.</translation>
3774 </message>
3775 <message>
3776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
37383777 <source>Import cropping</source>
37393778 <translation>Importare il ritaglio</translation>
37403779 </message>
37413780 <message>
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3781 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
37433782 <source>Import Cropping
37453784 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
37473786 This setting only has an effect when Engauge has been built with support for pdf files.</source>
3748 <translation>Importa ritaglio Abilita o disabilita il ritaglio dell'apos;immagine importata durante l'apos;importazione. Ritagliare l'apos;immagine è utile per rimuovere informazioni non importanti intorno a un grafico, ma è meno utile quando il grafico riempie già l'apos;intera immagine. "Questa impostazione ha effetto solo quando Engauge è stato creato con il supporto per i file PDF.</translation>
3749 </message>
3750 <message>
3751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3787 <translation>Importa ritaglio Abilita o disabilita il ritaglio dell'immagine importata durante l'importazione. Ritagliare l'immagine è utile per rimuovere informazioni non importanti intorno a un grafico, ma è meno utile quando il grafico riempie già l'intera immagine. "Questa impostazione ha effetto solo quando Engauge è stato creato con il supporto per i file PDF.</translation>
3788 </message>
3789 <message>
3790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
37523791 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
37533792 <translation>Risoluzione importazione PDF (punti per pollice)</translation>
37543793 </message>
37553794 <message>
3756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
37573796 <source>Import PDF Resolution
37593798 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
37603799 <translation>Risoluzione Importazione PDF
3762 I file Portable Document Format (PDF) importati saranno convertiti a questa risoluzione in punti per pollice (DPI), dove ogni pixel è un punto. Un valore più alto aumenta la risoluzione dell'apos;immagine e può anche migliorare la precisione di digitalizzazione numerica. Comunque, un valore molto elevato può rendere l'apos;immagine così grande che Engauge rallenterà.</translation>
3763 </message>
3764 <message>
3765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3801 I file Portable Document Format (PDF) importati saranno convertiti a questa risoluzione in punti per pollice (DPI), dove ogni pixel è un punto. Un valore più alto aumenta la risoluzione dell'immagine e può anche migliorare la precisione di digitalizzazione numerica. Comunque, un valore molto elevato può rendere l'immagine così grande che Engauge rallenterà.</translation>
3802 </message>
3803 <message>
3804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
37663805 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
37673806 <translation>Numero massimo di linee della griglia</translation>
37683807 </message>
37693808 <message>
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
37713810 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
37733812 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
37763815 Il numero massimo di linee della griglia da elaborare. Questo limite è applicato quando il passo è troppo piccolo per i valori di inizio e fine, che visivamente risulterebbero in troppe linee sulla griglia e probabilmente in tempi di elaborazione estremamente lunghi (poiché ogni linea dovrebbe essere elaborata)</translation>
37773816 </message>
37783817 <message>
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
37803819 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
37813820 <translation>Opacità della evidenziatura</translation>
37823821 </message>
37833822 <message>
3784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3823 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
37853824 <source>Highlight Opacity
37873826 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
37883827 <translation>Opacità della evidenziatura
3790 L'apos;opacità da applicare quando il cursore è sopra una curva o punto assiale in modalità selezione. Il cambio nell'apos;aspetto mostra quando il punto può essere selezionato.</translation>
3791 </message>
3792 <message>
3793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3829 L'opacità da applicare quando il cursore è sopra una curva o punto assiale in modalità selezione. Il cambio nell'aspetto mostra quando il punto può essere selezionato.</translation>
3830 </message>
3831 <message>
3832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
37943833 <source>Recent file list</source>
37953834 <translation>Lista file recenti</translation>
37963835 </message>
37973836 <message>
3798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
37993838 <source>Clear</source>
38003839 <translation>Pulisci</translation>
38013840 </message>
38023841 <message>
3803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
38043843 <source>Recent File List Clear
38063845 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
38093848 Pulisce la lista dei file recenti nel menù File.</translation>
38103849 </message>
38113850 <message>
3812 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3851 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
38133852 <source>Include title bar path</source>
38143853 <translation>Includi il percorso nella barra del titolo</translation>
38153854 </message>
38163855 <message>
3817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3856 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
38183857 <source>Title Bar Filename
38203859 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
3821 <translation>Title Bar FilenameInclude o esclude il percorso e l'apos;estensione del file dal nome file nella barra del titolo.</translation>
3822 </message>
3823 <message>
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3860 <translation>Title Bar FilenameInclude o esclude il percorso e l'aestensione del file dal nome file nella barra del titolo.</translation>
3861 </message>
3862 <message>
3863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
38253864 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
38263865 <translation>Consenti piccoli dialoghi</translation>
38273866 </message>
38283867 <message>
3829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
38303869 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
38323871 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
38333872 <translation>Consenti finestre di dialogo piccoleConsente di rendere le finestre di dialogo delle impostazioni molto ridotte per adattarsi agli schermi dei piccoli computer.</translation>
38343873 </message>
38353874 <message>
3836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
38373876 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
3838 <translation>Consenti esportazione drag'apos;n'apos;drop</translation>
3839 </message>
3840 <message>
3841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3877 <translation>Consenti esportazione drag'n'drop</translation>
3878 </message>
3879 <message>
3880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
38423881 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
38443883 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
38463885 When drag and drop is disabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using click and drag. When drag and drop is enabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the drag operation.</source>
3847 <translation>Consenti trascinamento della selezione e trascinamento: consente di trascinare e rilasciare l'apos;esportazione dalle tabelle Curve Fitting e Geometry Window.Quando il trascinamento è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle di tabella facendo clic e trascinando. Quando è abilitato il trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle di una tabella facendo clic su, quindi su Maiusc + clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'apos;operazione di trascinamento.</translation>
3848 </message>
3849 <message>
3850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3886 <translation>Consenti trascinamento della selezione e trascinamento: consente di trascinare e rilasciare l'esportazione dalle tabelle Curve Fitting e Geometry Window.Quando il trascinamento è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle di tabella facendo clic e trascinando. Quando è abilitato il trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle di una tabella facendo clic su, quindi su Maiusc + clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'operazione di trascinamento.</translation>
3887 </message>
3888 <message>
3889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3890 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3891 <translation>Immagine che sostituisce il documento di rinomina</translation>
3892 </message>
3893 <message>
3894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3895 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3897 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3898 <translation>Sostituzione immagine Rinomina documento
3900 Quando un'immagine viene importata per sostituire l'immagine corrente, il documento verrà rinominato se questo è vero, altrimenti il ​​nome rimarrà lo stesso.</translation>
3901 </message>
3902 <message>
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
38513904 <source>Significant digits</source>
38523905 <translation>Cifre significative</translation>
38533906 </message>
38543907 <message>
3855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
38563909 <source>Significant Digits
38583911 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
3859 <translation>Cifre significativeNumero di cifre di precisione nei numeri in virgola mobile. Questo valore influisce sui calcoli per gli accoppiamenti delle curve, poiché i risultati intermedi inferiori a una soglia T indicano che una curva polinomiale con un ordine specifico non può essere adattata ai dati. La soglia T è calcolata dall'apos;elemento M della massima matrice e dalle cifre significative S come T = M / 10 ^ S.</translation>
3912 <translation>Cifre significativeNumero di cifre di precisione nei numeri in virgola mobile. Questo valore influisce sui calcoli per gli accoppiamenti delle curve, poiché i risultati intermedi inferiori a una soglia T indicano che una curva polinomiale con un ordine specifico non può essere adattata ai dati. La soglia T è calcolata dall'elemento M della massima matrice e dalle cifre significative S come T = M / 10 ^ S.</translation>
38603913 </message>
38613914 </context>
38623915 <context>
38643917 <message>
38653918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="30" />
38663919 <source>Point Match</source>
3867 <translation>Punto d'apos;Incontro</translation>
3920 <translation>Punto d'Incontro</translation>
38683921 </message>
38693922 <message>
38703923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="83" />
38803933 This size is also used to determine if a region of pixels that are on, in the processed image, should be ignored since that region is wider or taller than this limit.
38823935 This value has a lower limit</source>
3883 <translation>Seleziona una dimensione massima in pixel. I punti di corrispondenza del campione devono rientrare in una casella quadrata, attorno al cursore, con larghezza e altezza uguali a questo valore massimo. Questa misura viene anche utilizzata per determinare se una regione di pixel è attiva , nell'apos;immagine elaborata, dovrebbe essere ignorato poiché tale regione è più larga o più alta di questo limite. Questo valore ha un limite inferiore</translation>
3936 <translation>Seleziona una dimensione massima in pixel. I punti di corrispondenza del campione devono rientrare in una casella quadrata, attorno al cursore, con larghezza e altezza uguali a questo valore massimo. Questa misura viene anche utilizzata per determinare se una regione di pixel è attiva , nell'immagine elaborata, dovrebbe essere ignorato poiché tale regione è più larga o più alta di questo limite. Questo valore ha un limite inferiore</translation>
38843937 </message>
38853938 <message>
38863939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="98" />
39443997 Only segments with more points will be created.
39463999 This value should be as large as possible to reduce memory usage. This value has a lower limit</source>
3947 <translation>Seleziona un numero minimo di punti in un segmento. "Vengono creati solo segmenti con più punti." Questo valore dovrebbe essere il più ampio possibile per ridurre l'apos;utilizzo della memoria. Questo valore ha un limite inferiore</translation>
4000 <translation>Seleziona un numero minimo di punti in un segmento. "Vengono creati solo segmenti con più punti." Questo valore dovrebbe essere il più ampio possibile per ridurre l'utilizzo della memoria. Questo valore ha un limite inferiore</translation>
39484001 </message>
39494002 <message>
39504003 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="90" />
40184071 This window applies a curve fit to the currently selected curve.
40204073 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4021 <translation>Finestra di raccordo curva CurQuesta finestra applica una curva adatta alla curva attualmente selezionata. Se il trascinamento e disattivazione è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle facendo clic e trascinando. Altrimenti, se è attiva la funzione di trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle utilizzando Clic, quindi Maiusc + Clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'apos;operazione di trascinamento. La modalità Drag-and-drop è impostata nelle impostazioni della finestra principale</translation>
4074 <translation>Finestra di raccordo curva CurQuesta finestra applica una curva adatta alla curva attualmente selezionata. Se il trascinamento e disattivazione è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle facendo clic e trascinando. Altrimenti, se è attiva la funzione di trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle utilizzando Clic, quindi Maiusc + Clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'operazione di trascinamento. La modalità Drag-and-drop è impostata nelle impostazioni della finestra principale</translation>
40224075 </message>
40234076 <message>
40244077 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="128" />
40434096 <message>
40444097 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="166" />
40454098 <source>Calculated root mean square statistic. This is calculated as the square root of the mean square error</source>
4046 <translation>Radice quadrata media calcolata statisticamente. Questa è calcolata come radice quadrata dell'apos;errore quadratico medio</translation>
4099 <translation>Radice quadrata media calcolata statisticamente. Questa è calcolata come radice quadrata dell'errore quadratico medio</translation>
40474100 </message>
40484101 <message>
40494102 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="169" />
40794132 <context>
40804133 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
40814134 <message>
4135 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
40824136 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4083 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
40844137 <source>Geometry Window</source>
40854138 <translation>Finestra geometria</translation>
40864139 </message>
40874140 <message>
4088 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4141 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
40894142 <source>Geometry Window
40914144 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
41034156 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
41054158 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4106 <translation>Finestra geometria Questa tabella mostra i seguenti dati geometrici per la curva attualmente selezionata: Area funzionale = Area sotto la curva se si tratta di una funzionePolygon area = Area all'apos;interno della curva se si tratta di una relazione. Questo valore è corretto solo se nessuna delle linee della curva si interseca a vicendaX = coordinata X di ciascun puntoY = coordinata Y di ciascun puntoIndice = Numero puntoDistanza = Distanza lungo la curva in avanti o indietro direzione, in unità di grafico o in percentualeSe il trascinamento è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle facendo clic e trascinando. Altrimenti, se è attiva la funzione di trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle utilizzando Clic, quindi Maiusc + Clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'apos;operazione di trascinamento. La modalità Drag-and-drop è impostata nelle impostazioni della finestra principale</translation>
4159 <translation>Finestra geometria Questa tabella mostra i seguenti dati geometrici per la curva attualmente selezionata: Area funzionale = Area sotto la curva se si tratta di una funzionePolygon area = Area all'interno della curva se si tratta di una relazione. Questo valore è corretto solo se nessuna delle linee della curva si interseca a vicendaX = coordinata X di ciascun puntoY = coordinata Y di ciascun puntoIndice = Numero puntoDistanza = Distanza lungo la curva in avanti o indietro direzione, in unità di grafico o in percentualeSe il trascinamento è disabilitato, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle facendo clic e trascinando. Altrimenti, se è attiva la funzione di trascinamento della selezione, è possibile selezionare un insieme rettangolare di celle utilizzando Clic, quindi Maiusc + Clic, poiché il clic e il trascinamento avvia l'operazione di trascinamento. La modalità Drag-and-drop è impostata nelle impostazioni della finestra principale</translation>
4160 </message>
4161 <message>
4162 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4163 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4164 <translation>I segmenti evidenziati possono avere valori imprevisti quando esportati a causa di sovrapposizioni. Regola punti o modifica Impostazioni / Proprietà curva / Connetti come.</translation>
4165 </message>
4166 </context>
4167 <context>
4168 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4169 <message>
4170 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4171 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4172 <translation>La funzione Elenco curve ha attualmente più valori Y per un valore X. Si prega di regolare i punti vicini o modificare il tipo di curva in Proprietà curva</translation>
41074173 </message>
41084174 </context>
41094175 <context>
41244190 3) selecting a new zoom setting from the View/Zoom menu</source>
41254191 <translation>Finestra principale
4127 Dopo aver importato un file immagine o aperto un documento Engauge, viene visualizzata un'apos;immagine in quest'apos;area. I punti vengono aggiunti all'apos;immagine.
4129 Se l'apos;immagine è un grafico con due assi e una o più curve, è necessario creare tre punti asse lungo questi assi. Basta mettere due punti asse su un asse e un terzo punto sull'apos;altro, il più lontano possibile per una maggiore precisione. Quindi i punti curva possono essere aggiunti lungo le curve.
4131 Se l'apos;immagine è una mappa con una scala per definire la lunghezza, è necessario creare due punti dell'apos;asse alle estremità della scala. Quindi è possibile aggiungere punti di curva.
4133 Lo zoom dell'apos;immagine in entrata o in uscita viene eseguito utilizzando uno qualsiasi dei seguenti metodi:
4134 1) ruotando la rotellina del mouse quando il cursore si trova all'apos;esterno dell'apos;immagine
4193 Dopo aver importato un file immagine o aperto un documento Engauge, viene visualizzata un'immagine in quest'area. I punti vengono aggiunti all'immagine.
4195 Se l'immagine è un grafico con due assi e una o più curve, è necessario creare tre punti asse lungo questi assi. Basta mettere due punti asse su un asse e un terzo punto sull'altro, il più lontano possibile per una maggiore precisione. Quindi i punti curva possono essere aggiunti lungo le curve.
4197 Se l'immagine è una mappa con una scala per definire la lunghezza, è necessario creare due punti dell'asse alle estremità della scala. Quindi è possibile aggiungere punti di curva.
4199 Lo zoom dell'immagine in entrata o in uscita viene eseguito utilizzando uno qualsiasi dei seguenti metodi:
4200 1) ruotando la rotellina del mouse quando il cursore si trova all'esterno dell'immagine
41354201 2) premendo i tasti meno o più
41364202 3) selezionando una nuova impostazione di zoom dal menu Visualizza / Zoom</translation>
41374203 </message>
41524218 <context>
41534219 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
41544220 <message>
4155 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4221 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
41564222 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
4157 <translation>Impossibilitato a scaricare l'apos;immagine da</translation>
4158 </message>
4159 <message>
4160 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4223 <translation>Impossibilitato a scaricare l'immagine da</translation>
4224 </message>
4225 <message>
4226 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
41614227 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
4162 <translation>Impossibilitato a caricare l'apos;immagine da</translation>
4228 <translation>Impossibilitato a caricare l'immagine da</translation>
41634229 </message>
41644230 </context>
41654231 <context>
41664232 <name>MainWindow</name>
41674233 <message>
4168 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4234 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
41694235 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
41704236 <translation>Impossibile esportare nel file</translation>
41714237 </message>
41724238 <message>
4173 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4239 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
41744240 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
41754241 <translation>Impossibile estrarre l'immagine nel file</translation>
41764242 </message>
41774243 <message>
4178 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4179 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4180 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4244 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4245 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4246 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
41814247 <source>Cannot read file</source>
41824248 <translation>Impossibile leggere il file</translation>
41834249 </message>
41844250 <message>
4185 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4186 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4187 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4251 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4252 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4253 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
41884254 <source>from directory</source>
41894255 <translation>dalla cartella</translation>
41904256 </message>
41914257 <message>
4192 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4258 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
41934259 <source>Import Image</source>
41944260 <translation>Importa Immagine</translation>
41954261 </message>
41964262 <message>
4197 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4263 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
41984264 <source>File opened</source>
41994265 <translation>File aperto</translation>
42004266 </message>
42014267 <message>
4202 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4268 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
42034269 <source>File not found</source>
42044270 <translation>File non trovato</translation>
42054271 </message>
42064272 <message>
4207 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4273 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
42084274 <source>Error report opened</source>
42094275 <translation>Rapporto di errore aperto</translation>
42104276 </message>
42114277 <message>
4212 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4213 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4278 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4279 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
42144280 <source>File imported</source>
42154281 <translation>File importato</translation>
42164282 </message>
42174283 <message>
4218 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4284 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
42194285 <source>Background image.</source>
42204286 <translation>Immagine di sfondo.</translation>
42214287 </message>
42224288 <message>
4223 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4289 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
42244290 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
42254291 <translation>Curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
42264292 </message>
42274293 <message>
4228 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4294 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
42294295 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
42304296 <translation>Stile punto per la curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
42314297 </message>
42324298 <message>
4233 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
42344300 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
42354301 <translation>Filtro riempimento segmento per la curva attualmente selezionata.</translation>
42364302 </message>
42374303 <message>
4238 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
42394305 <source>The document has been modified.
42404306 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
42414307 <translation>Il documento è stato modificato. Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?</translation>
42424308 </message>
42434309 <message>
4244 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4310 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
42454311 <source>Cannot write file</source>
42464312 <translation>Impossibile scrivere il file</translation>
42474313 </message>
42484314 <message>
4249 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4315 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
42504316 <source>Save</source>
42514317 <translation>Salvare</translation>
42524318 </message>
42534319 <message>
4254 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4320 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
42554321 <source>Export</source>
42564322 <translation>Esporta</translation>
42574323 </message>
42584324 <message>
4259 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4325 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
42604326 <source>Open Document</source>
42614327 <translation>Apri Documento</translation>
42624328 </message>
42634329 <message>
4264 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4330 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
42654331 <source>+</source>
42664332 <translation>+</translation>
42674333 </message>
42684334 <message>
4269 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4335 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
42704336 <source>-</source>
42714337 <translation>-</translation>
42724338 </message>
42734339 <message>
4274 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4340 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
42754341 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
42764342 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
42774343 </message>
42794345 <context>
42804346 <name>QObject</name>
42814347 <message>
4282 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4283 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4284 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4348 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4349 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4350 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
42854351 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
4286 <translation>Nuovo punto dell'apos;asse non può essere nella stessa posizione di un già esistente punto assiale.</translation>
4287 </message>
4288 <message>
4289 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4290 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4352 <translation>Nuovo punto dell'asse non può essere nella stessa posizione di un già esistente punto assiale.</translation>
4353 </message>
4354 <message>
4355 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4356 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
42914357 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
4292 <translation>Nuovo punto dell'apos;asse non può avere le stesse coordinate di un punto assiale già esistente</translation>
4293 </message>
4294 <message>
4295 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4296 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4358 <translation>Nuovo punto dell'asse non può avere le stesse coordinate di un punto assiale già esistente</translation>
4359 </message>
4360 <message>
4361 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4362 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
42974363 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
4298 <translation>Non più di due punti dell'apos;asse possono trovarsi lungo la stessa linea sullo schermo</translation>
4299 </message>
4300 <message>
4301 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4302 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4364 <translation>Non più di due punti dell'asse possono trovarsi lungo la stessa linea sullo schermo</translation>
4365 </message>
4366 <message>
4367 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4368 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
43034369 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
43044370 <translation>Non più di due punti di asse possono trovarsi lungo la stessa linea nelle coordinate del grafico</translation>
43054371 </message>
43064372 <message>
4307 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4373 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
43084374 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
4309 <translation>Troppi punti sull'apos;asse x. Ce ne dovrebbero essere solo due</translation>
4310 </message>
4311 <message>
4312 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4375 <translation>Troppi punti sull'asse x. Ce ne dovrebbero essere solo due</translation>
4376 </message>
4377 <message>
4378 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
43134379 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
4314 <translation>Troppi punti sull'apos;asse y. Ce ne dovrebbero essere solo due</translation>
4315 </message>
4316 <message>
4317 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4380 <translation>Troppi punti sull'asse y. Ce ne dovrebbero essere solo due</translation>
4381 </message>
4382 <message>
4383 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
43184384 <source>Never</source>
43194385 <translation>Mai</translation>
43204386 </message>
43214387 <message>
4322 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4388 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
43234389 <source>NSeconds</source>
43244390 <translation>NSecondi</translation>
43254391 </message>
43264392 <message>
4327 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4393 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
43284394 <source>Forever</source>
43294395 <translation>Per sempre</translation>
4330 </message>
4331 <message>
4332 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4333 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4334 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4335 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4336 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4337 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4338 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4339 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4340 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4341 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4342 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4343 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4344 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4345 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4346 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4347 <source>Unknown</source>
4348 <translation>Sconosciuto</translation>
43494396 </message>
43504397 <message>
43514398 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
43944441 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
43954442 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
43964443 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4397 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4444 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
43984445 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
43994446 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
44004447 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
44044451 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
44054452 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsSegments.cpp" line="50" />
44064453 <source>Reached end of file before finding end element for</source>
4407 <translation>Raggiunta la fine del file prima di aver trovato l'apos;elemento finale</translation>
4454 <translation>Raggiunta la fine del file prima di aver trovato l'elemento finale</translation>
44084455 </message>
44094456 <message>
44104457 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="14" />
44324479 <translation>Valore</translation>
44334480 </message>
44344481 <message>
4435 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4482 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4483 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4484 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4485 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4486 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4487 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4488 <source>Unknown</source>
4489 <translation>Sconosciuto</translation>
4490 </message>
4491 <message>
4492 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
44364493 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
44374494 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati del filtro della curva</translation>
44384495 </message>
45094566 <translation>OO:MM:SS</translation>
45104567 </message>
45114568 <message>
4512 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4569 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
45134570 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
45144571 <translation>Token xml inaspettato</translation>
45154572 </message>
45204577 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati della curva</translation>
45214578 </message>
45224579 <message>
4523 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
45244581 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
45254582 <translation>FunzioneSmooth</translation>
45264583 </message>
45274584 <message>
4528 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
45294586 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
45304587 <translation>Funzione Straight</translation>
45314588 </message>
45324589 <message>
4533 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4590 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
45344591 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
45354592 <translation>RelazioneSmooth</translation>
45364593 </message>
45374594 <message>
4538 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4595 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
45394596 <source>RelationStraight</source>
45404597 <translation>RelazioneStraight</translation>
45414598 </message>
45424599 <message>
4543 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4600 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
45444601 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
45454602 <translation>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve
45464603 </translation>
45644621 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
45654622 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
45664623 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4567 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4624 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
45684625 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45694626 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
45704627 </message>
45744631 <translation>Tre punti assiali sono stati definiti, e nessun altro è necessario o ammesso.</translation>
45754632 </message>
45764633 <message>
4577 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4634 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
45784635 <source>Color Picker</source>
45794636 <translation>Selettore del Colore</translation>
45804637 </message>
45814638 <message>
4582 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4639 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
45834640 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
45844641 <translation>Scusa ma il selettore del colore per il punto non deve essere vicino a un pixel di sfondo. Per favore prova di nuovo.</translation>
45854642 </message>
45864643 <message>
45874644 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="350" />
45884645 <source>Point Match</source>
4589 <translation>Punto d'apos;Incontro</translation>
4646 <translation>Punto d'Incontro</translation>
45904647 </message>
45914648 <message>
45924649 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="351" />
45934650 <source>There are no more matching points</source>
4594 <translation>Non ci sono punti d'apos;incontro</translation>
4651 <translation>Non ci sono punti d'incontro</translation>
45954652 </message>
45964653 <message>
45974654 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="174" />
45984655 <source>The scale bar has been defined, and another is not needed or allowed.</source>
4599 <translation>La barra della scala è stata definita, e un'apos;altra non è necessaria o ammessa.</translation>
4656 <translation>La barra della scala è stata definita, e un'altra non è necessaria o ammessa.</translation>
46004657 </message>
46014658 <message>
46024659 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="35" />
46194676 <translation>Sposta in alto</translation>
46204677 </message>
46214678 <message>
4622 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4623 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4679 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4680 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
46244681 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
46254682 <translation>Il sistema operativo dice che il file non è leggibile</translation>
46264683 </message>
46274684 <message>
4628 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4685 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
46294686 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
46304687 <translation>impossibile leggere file più recenti dalla versione</translation>
46314688 </message>
46324689 <message>
4633 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4690 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
46344691 <source>of</source>
46354692 <translation>di</translation>
46364693 </message>
46374694 <message>
4638 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4695 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
46394696 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
46404697 <source>File</source>
46414698 <translation>FIle</translation>
46424699 </message>
46434700 <message>
4644 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4701 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
46454702 <source>was not found</source>
46464703 <translation>non è stato trovato</translation>
46474704 </message>
46484705 <message>
4649 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4706 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
46504707 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
4651 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati dell'apos;immagine</translation>
4708 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati dell'immagine</translation>
46524709 </message>
46534710 <message>
46544711 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelAxesChecker.cpp" line="96" />
46714728 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati della curva digitalizzata</translation>
46724729 </message>
46734730 <message>
4674 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4731 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
46754732 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
46764733 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati esportati</translation>
46774734 </message>
47034760 <message>
47044761 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentScrub.cpp" line="40" />
47054762 <source>Point identifier error encountered. Please notify the Engauge developers along with any comments about the country and language locale. The invalid point name was</source>
4706 <translation>Si è verificato un errore dell'apos;identificatore di punti. Si prega di avvisare gli sviluppatori di Engauge insieme a eventuali commenti sul paese e sulle località locali. Il nome del punto non valido era</translation>
4707 </message>
4708 <message>
4709 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4763 <translation>Si è verificato un errore dell'identificatore di punti. Si prega di avvisare gli sviluppatori di Engauge insieme a eventuali commenti sul paese e sulle località locali. Il nome del punto non valido era</translation>
4764 </message>
4765 <message>
4766 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
47104767 <source>Commas</source>
47114768 <translation>Virgole</translation>
47124769 </message>
47134770 <message>
4714 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4771 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
47154772 <source>Semicolons</source>
47164773 <translation>Punti e virgole</translation>
47174774 </message>
47184775 <message>
4719 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4776 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
47204777 <source>Spaces</source>
47214778 <translation>Spazi</translation>
47224779 </message>
47234780 <message>
4724 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4781 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
47254782 <source>Tabs</source>
47264783 <translation>Tabulazioni</translation>
47274784 </message>
47284785 <message>
4729 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4786 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
47304787 <source>Gnuplot</source>
47314788 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
47324789 </message>
47334790 <message>
4734 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4791 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
47354792 <source>None</source>
47364793 <translation>Nessuno</translation>
47374794 </message>
47384795 <message>
4739 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4796 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
47404797 <source>Simple</source>
47414798 <translation>Semplice</translation>
47424799 </message>
47514808 <translation>Impossibile esportare il file</translation>
47524809 </message>
47534810 <message>
4754 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4811 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
47554812 <source>AllPerLine</source>
47564813 <translation>TuttoPerLinea</translation>
47574814 </message>
47584815 <message>
4759 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4816 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
47604817 <source>OnePerLine</source>
47614818 <translation>UnoPerLinea</translation>
47624819 </message>
47634820 <message>
4764 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4821 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
47654822 <source>Graph Units</source>
47664823 <translation>Unità del Grafico</translation>
47674824 </message>
47684825 <message>
4769 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4826 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
47704827 <source>Pixels</source>
47714828 <translation>Pixel</translation>
47724829 </message>
47734830 <message>
4774 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4831 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
47754832 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
47764833 <translation>InterpolareTutteLeCurve</translation>
47774834 </message>
47784835 <message>
4779 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4836 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
47804837 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
47814838 <translation>InterpolareLaPrimaCurva</translation>
47824839 </message>
47834840 <message>
4784 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4841 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
47854842 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
47864843 <translation>InterpolazionePeriodica</translation>
47874844 </message>
47884845 <message>
4789 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4790 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4846 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4847 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
47914848 <source>Raw</source>
47924849 <translation>Raw</translation>
47934850 </message>
47944851 <message>
4795 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4852 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
47964853 <source>Interpolate</source>
47974854 <translation>Interpolazione</translation>
47984855 </message>
47994856 <message>
4800 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4857 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
48014858 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
48024859 <translation>Impossibile leggere il file di script</translation>
48034860 </message>
48044861 <message>
4805 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4862 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
48064863 <source>from directory</source>
48074864 <translation>dalla cartella</translation>
48084865 </message>
48384895 </message>
48394896 <message>
48404897 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4841 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4898 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
48424899 <source>X</source>
48434900 <translation>X</translation>
48444901 </message>
48484905 <translation>Y</translation>
48494906 </message>
48504907 <message>
4851 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
4908 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
48524909 <source>Count</source>
48534910 <translation>Contare</translation>
48544911 </message>
48554912 <message>
4856 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
4913 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
48574914 <source>Start</source>
48584915 <translation>Inizio</translation>
48594916 </message>
48604917 <message>
4861 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4918 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
48624919 <source>Step</source>
48634920 <translation>Passo</translation>
48644921 </message>
48654922 <message>
4866 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
4923 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
48674924 <source>Stop</source>
48684925 <translation>Fine</translation>
48694926 </message>
49034960 <translation>Impossibile leggere gli identificatori del punto</translation>
49044961 </message>
49054962 <message>
4906 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
4963 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
49074964 <source>Circle</source>
49084965 <translation>Cerchio</translation>
49094966 </message>
49104967 <message>
4911 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
4968 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
49124969 <source>Cross</source>
49134970 <translation>Croce</translation>
49144971 </message>
49154972 <message>
4916 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
4973 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
49174974 <source>Diamond</source>
49184975 <translation>Diamante</translation>
49194976 </message>
49204977 <message>
4921 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
4978 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
4979 <source>Hourglass</source>
4980 <translation>clessidra</translation>
4981 </message>
4982 <message>
4983 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
49224984 <source>Square</source>
49234985 <translation>Quadrato</translation>
49244986 </message>
49254987 <message>
4926 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
4988 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
49274989 <source>Triangle</source>
49284990 <translation>Triangolo</translation>
49294991 </message>
49304992 <message>
4931 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
4993 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
4994 <source>Triangle2</source>
4995 <translation>Triangolo2</translation>
4996 </message>
4997 <message>
4998 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
49324999 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
49335000 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati dello stile del punto</translation>
49345001 </message>
49355002 <message>
4936 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5003 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
49375004 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
49385005 <translation>Coordinate del grafico</translation>
49395006 </message>
49405007 <message>
4941 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5008 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
49425009 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
49435010 <translation>Le coordinate del pixel</translation>
49445011 </message>
49455012 <message>
4946 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5013 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
49475014 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
49485015 <translation>Risoluzione grafico</translation>
49495016 </message>
49585025 <translation>Hai bisogno di più punti degli assi</translation>
49595026 </message>
49605027 <message>
4961 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
49625028 <source>16:1 farther</source>
4963 <translation>16:1 più lontano</translation>
4964 </message>
4965 <message>
4966 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5029 <translation type="vanished"> 16: 1 più lontano</translation>
5030 </message>
5031 <message>
49675032 <source>8:1 closer</source>
4968 <translation>8:1 più vicino</translation>
4969 </message>
4970 <message>
4971 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5033 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 più vicino</translation>
5034 </message>
5035 <message>
49725036 <source>8:1 farther</source>
4973 <translation>8:1 più lontano</translation>
4974 </message>
4975 <message>
4976 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5037 <translation type="vanished"> 8: 1 più lontano</translation>
5038 </message>
5039 <message>
49775040 <source>4:1 closer</source>
4978 <translation>4:1 più vicino</translation>
4979 </message>
4980 <message>
4981 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5041 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 più vicino</translation>
5042 </message>
5043 <message>
49825044 <source>4:1 farther</source>
4983 <translation>4:1 più lontano</translation>
4984 </message>
4985 <message>
4986 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5045 <translation type="vanished"> 4: 1 più lontano</translation>
5046 </message>
5047 <message>
49875048 <source>2:1 closer</source>
4988 <translation>2:1 più vicino</translation>
4989 </message>
4990 <message>
4991 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5049 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 più vicino</translation>
5050 </message>
5051 <message>
49925052 <source>2:1 farther</source>
4993 <translation>2:1 più lontano</translation>
4994 </message>
4995 <message>
4996 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5053 <translation type="vanished"> 2: 1 più lontano</translation>
5054 </message>
5055 <message>
49975056 <source>1:1 closer</source>
4998 <translation>1:1 più vicino</translation>
4999 </message>
5000 <message>
5001 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5057 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 più vicino</translation>
5058 </message>
5059 <message>
50025060 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5003 <translation>1:1 più lontano</translation>
5004 </message>
5005 <message>
5006 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5061 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 1 più lontano</translation>
5062 </message>
5063 <message>
50075064 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5008 <translation>1:2 più vicino</translation>
5009 </message>
5010 <message>
5011 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5065 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 più vicino</translation>
5066 </message>
5067 <message>
50125068 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5013 <translation>1:2 più lontano</translation>
5014 </message>
5015 <message>
5016 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5069 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 2 più lontano</translation>
5070 </message>
5071 <message>
50175072 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5018 <translation>1:4 più vicino</translation>
5019 </message>
5020 <message>
5021 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5073 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 più vicino</translation>
5074 </message>
5075 <message>
50225076 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5023 <translation>1:4 più lontano</translation>
5024 </message>
5025 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5077 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 4 più lontano</translation>
5078 </message>
5079 <message>
50275080 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5028 <translation>1:8 più vicino</translation>
5029 </message>
5030 <message>
5031 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5081 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 più vicino</translation>
5082 </message>
5083 <message>
50325084 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5033 <translation>1:8 più lontano</translation>
5034 </message>
5035 <message>
5036 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5085 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 8 più lontano</translation>
5086 </message>
5087 <message>
50375088 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5038 <translation>1:16 più vicino</translation>
5039 </message>
5040 <message>
5041 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5089 <translation type="vanished">1: 16 più vicino</translation>
5090 </message>
5091 <message>
50425092 <source>Fill</source>
5043 <translation>Riempi</translation>
5044 </message>
5045 <message>
5046 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5093 <translation type="vanished">Riempire</translation>
5094 </message>
5095 <message>
50475096 <source>Previous</source>
5048 <translation>Precedente</translation>
5049 </message>
5050 <message>
5051 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5097 <translation type="vanished">Precedente</translation>
5098 </message>
5099 <message>
5100 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
50525101 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
50535102 <translation>Il file sembra avere caratteri da più alfabeti di lingua, che non funziona nella riga di comando di Windows</translation>
50545103 </message>
50555104 <message>
5056 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5105 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
50575106 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
50585107 <translation>Impossibile leggere i dati della finestra principale</translation>
50595108 </message>
50605109 <message>
5061 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5062 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5110 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5111 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
50635112 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
50645113 <translation>non è un nome di file valido</translation>
50655114 </message>
50665115 <message>
5067 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5116 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
50685117 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
50695118 <translation>non è un'estensione di file immagine valida</translation>
50705119 </message>
50715120 <message>
5072 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5121 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
50735122 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
50745123 <translation>è usato solo con uno o più file di caricamento</translation>
50755124 </message>
50765125 <message>
5077 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5126 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
50785127 <source>Available styles</source>
50795128 <translation>Stili disponibili</translation>
50805129 </message>
50815130 <message>
5082 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5131 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
50835132 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
50845133 <translation>Abilita informazioni supplementari per il debug. Usato per debugging</translation>
50855134 </message>
50865135 <message>
5087 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
50885136 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5089 <translation>Specifica un file resoconto degli errori come input. Usato per debugging e testing</translation>
5090 </message>
5091 <message>
5092 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5137 <translation type="vanished">Specifica un file resoconto degli errori come input. Usato per debugging e testing</translation>
5138 </message>
5139 <message>
5140 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5141 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5142 <translation>Indica che i file aperti all'avvio servono per testare il trascinamento. Utilizzato per i test di regressione</translation>
5143 </message>
5144 <message>
5145 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5146 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5147 <translation>Specifica un file di rapporto errori come input. Utilizzato per il debug e i test di regressione</translation>
5148 </message>
5149 <message>
5150 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
50935151 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
50945152 <translation>Esportare ogni file di avvio caricato, che deve avere tutti i punti dell'asse definiti, quindi fermarsi</translation>
50955153 </message>
50965154 <message>
5097 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5155 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
50985156 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
50995157 <translation>Estrai l'immagine in ogni file di avvio caricato in un file con l'estensione specificata, quindi interrompi</translation>
51005158 </message>
51015159 <message>
5102 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5160 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
51035161 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
51045162 <translation>Specifica un file script di comandi come input. Usato per debugging e testing</translation>
51055163 </message>
51065164 <message>
5107 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5165 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
51085166 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
51095167 <translation>Output dei file gnuplot diagnostici in input. Usato per il debugging</translation>
51105168 </message>
51115169 <message>
5112 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5170 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
51135171 <source>Show this help information</source>
51145172 <translation>Mostra queste informazioni di aiuto</translation>
51155173 </message>
51165174 <message>
5117 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5175 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
51185176 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
51195177 <translation>Esegue il file resoconto degli errori o il file script di comandi. Usato per regression testing</translation>
51205178 </message>
51215179 <message>
5122 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5180 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
51235181 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
51245182 <translation>Rimuove tutte le impostazioni salvate, incluse le posizioni delle finestre. Usato quando le finestre si aprono fuori dallo schermo</translation>
51255183 </message>
51265184 <message>
5127 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5185 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5186 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5187 <translation>Imposta lo stile della finestra su uno degli stili elencati dall'opzione della riga di comando</translation>
5188 </message>
5189 <message>
5190 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5191 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5192 <translation>Mostra un elenco di stili disponibili che possono essere utilizzati con l'opzione della riga di comando</translation>
5193 </message>
5194 <message>
51285195 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5129 <translation>Mostra una lista di stili disponibili che possono essere usati con lo switch -style</translation>
5130 </message>
5131 <message>
5132 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5196 <translation type="vanished">Mostra una lista di stili disponibili che possono essere usati con lo switch -style</translation>
5197 </message>
5198 <message>
5199 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5200 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5201 <translation>Aggiorna i file aperti all'avvio alla versione più recente</translation>
5202 </message>
5203 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
51335205 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
5134 <translation>File da essere importati o aperti all'apos;avvio</translation>
5206 <translation>File da essere importati o aperti all'avvio</translation>
5207 </message>
5208 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5210 <source>Could not write to</source>
5211 <translation>Non potrei scrivere a</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5215 <source>Upgraded</source>
5216 <translation>aggiornato</translation>
5217 </message>
5218 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5220 <source>to</source>
5221 <translation>a</translation>
51355222 </message>
51365223 <message>
51375224 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
51575244 <context>
51585245 <name>StatusBar</name>
51595246 <message>
5160 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5247 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
51615248 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
51625249 <translation>Seleziona i valori delle coordinate del cursore da visualizzare.</translation>
51635250 </message>
51645251 <message>
5165 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5252 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
51665253 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
51685255 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5169 <translation>Seleziona i valori delle coordinate del cursoreValore con le coordinate del cursore da visualizzare. Le coordinate sono in schermo (pixel) o unità di grafico. La risoluzione (che è il numero di unità di grafico per pixel) è espressa in unità di grafico. Le unità del grafico sono disponibili solo dopo aver definito i punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
5170 </message>
5171 <message>
5172 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5256 <translation>Seleziona i valori delle coordinate del cursoreValore con le coordinate del cursore da visualizzare. Le coordinate sono in schermo (pixel) o unità di grafico. La risoluzione (che è il numero di unità di grafico per pixel) è espressa in unità di grafico. Le unità del grafico sono disponibili solo dopo aver definito i punti dell'asse.</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
5259 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
51735260 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
51745261 <translation>Valori delle coordinate del cursore.</translation>
51755262 </message>
51765263 <message>
5177 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5264 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
51785265 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
51805267 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5181 <translation>Valori delle coordinate del cursoreValore delle coordinate del cursore. Le coordinate sono in schermo (pixel) o unità di grafico. La risoluzione (che è il numero di unità di grafico per pixel) è espressa in unità di grafico. Le unità del grafico sono disponibili solo dopo aver definito i punti dell'apos;asse.</translation>
5182 </message>
5183 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5268 <translation>Valori delle coordinate del cursoreValore delle coordinate del cursore. Le coordinate sono in schermo (pixel) o unità di grafico. La risoluzione (che è il numero di unità di grafico per pixel) è espressa in unità di grafico. Le unità del grafico sono disponibili solo dopo aver definito i punti dell'asse.</translation>
5269 </message>
5270 <message>
5271 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
51855272 <source>Select zoom.</source>
5186 <translation>Seleziona l'apos;ingrandimento.</translation>
5187 </message>
5188 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5273 <translation>Seleziona l'ingrandimento.</translation>
5274 </message>
5275 <message>
5276 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
51905277 <source>Select Zoom
51925279 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
51935280 <translation>Seleziona Ingrandimento
51955282 I punti possono essere posizionati più accuratamente ingrandendo.</translation>
5283 </message>
5284 <message>
5285 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5286 <source>16:1</source>
5287 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5288 </message>
5289 <message>
5290 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5291 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5292 <translation> 16: 1 più lontano</translation>
5293 </message>
5294 <message>
5295 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5296 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5297 <translation>8: 1 più vicino</translation>
5298 </message>
5299 <message>
5300 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5301 <source>8:1</source>
5302 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5303 </message>
5304 <message>
5305 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5306 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5307 <translation> 8: 1 più lontano</translation>
5308 </message>
5309 <message>
5310 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5311 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5312 <translation>4: 1 più vicino</translation>
5313 </message>
5314 <message>
5315 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5316 <source>4:1</source>
5317 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5318 </message>
5319 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5321 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5322 <translation> 4: 1 più lontano</translation>
5323 </message>
5324 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5326 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5327 <translation>2: 1 più vicino</translation>
5328 </message>
5329 <message>
5330 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5331 <source>2:1</source>
5332 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5333 </message>
5334 <message>
5335 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5336 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5337 <translation> 2: 1 più lontano</translation>
5338 </message>
5339 <message>
5340 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5341 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5342 <translation>1: 1 più vicino</translation>
5343 </message>
5344 <message>
5345 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5346 <source>1:1</source>
5347 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5348 </message>
5349 <message>
5350 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5351 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5352 <translation> 1: 1 più lontano</translation>
5353 </message>
5354 <message>
5355 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5356 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5357 <translation>1: 2 più vicino</translation>
5358 </message>
5359 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5361 <source>1:2</source>
5362 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5363 </message>
5364 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5366 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5367 <translation> 1: 2 più lontano</translation>
5368 </message>
5369 <message>
5370 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5371 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5372 <translation>1: 4 più vicino</translation>
5373 </message>
5374 <message>
5375 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5376 <source>1:4</source>
5377 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5378 </message>
5379 <message>
5380 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5381 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5382 <translation> 1: 4 più lontano</translation>
5383 </message>
5384 <message>
5385 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5386 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5387 <translation>1: 8 più vicino</translation>
5388 </message>
5389 <message>
5390 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5391 <source>1:8</source>
5392 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5393 </message>
5394 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5396 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5397 <translation> 1: 8 più lontano</translation>
5398 </message>
5399 <message>
5400 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5401 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5402 <translation>1: 16 più vicino</translation>
5403 </message>
5404 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5406 <source>1:16</source>
5407 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5408 </message>
5409 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5411 <source>Fill</source>
5412 <translation>Riempire</translation>
5413 </message>
5414 <message>
5415 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5416 <source>Previous</source>
5417 <translation>Precedente</translation>
51965418 </message>
51975419 </context>
51985420 <context>
51995421 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
52005422 <message>
5201 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5423 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
52025424 <source>Axis Points</source>
52035425 <translation>Punti Assiali</translation>
52045426 </message>
52055427 <message>
5206 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5428 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
52075429 <source>Axis points are first defined to
52085430 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
52095431 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
52125434 Clicca sul pulsante Punti Assiali</translation>
52135435 </message>
52145436 <message>
5215 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5437 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
52165438 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
52175439 line with known coordinates. An axis
52185440 point appears, with a dialog window
52215443 <translation>Passo 2: fare clic su un asse o una griglia
52225444 linea con coordinate conosciute. Un asse
52235445 appare il punto, con una finestra di dialogo
5224 per entrare nel punto dell'apos;asse
5446 per entrare nel punto dell'asse
52255447 coordinate</translation>
52265448 </message>
52275449 <message>
5228 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5450 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
52295451 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
52305452 of the axis point and then click Ok.
52315453 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
52365458 fino che tre punti assiali vengono creati</translation>
52375459 </message>
52385460 <message>
5239 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5461 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
52405462 <source>Previous</source>
52415463 <translation>Precedente</translation>
52425464 </message>
52435465 <message>
5244 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5466 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
52455467 <source>Next</source>
52465468 <translation>Prossimo</translation>
52475469 </message>
52495471 <context>
52505472 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
52515473 <message>
5252 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5474 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
52535475 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
52545476 <translation>Lista di controllo guidata e lista di controllo Guida</translation>
52555477 </message>
52565478 <message>
5257 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5479 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
52585480 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
52595481 is available when importing an image file.
52605482 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
52625484 <translation>Per i nuovi utenti di Engauge, è disponibile una procedura guidata di checklist quando si importa un file di immagine. Questa procedura guidata produce un utile elenco di controllo di passi da seguire per digitalizzare il file di immagine.</translation>
52635485 </message>
52645486 <message>
5265 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
52665488 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
52675489 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
5268 <translation>Passaggio 1: abilitare l'apos;opzione di menu Guida / Guida guidata Lista di controllo.</translation>
5269 </message>
5270 <message>
5271 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5490 <translation>Passaggio 1: abilitare l'opzione di menu Guida / Guida guidata Lista di controllo.</translation>
5491 </message>
5492 <message>
5493 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
52725494 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
52735495 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
52745496 and ask some simple questions to
52755497 determine how the image can be
52765498 digitized.</source>
5277 <translation>Passaggio 2: importa il file usando File / Importa. Apparirà la Checklist Wizard e porrà alcune semplici domande per determinare come l'apos;immagine possa essere digitalizzata.</translation>
5278 </message>
5279 <message>
5280 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5499 <translation>Passaggio 2: importa il file usando File / Importa. Apparirà la Checklist Wizard e porrà alcune semplici domande per determinare come l'immagine possa essere digitalizzata.</translation>
5500 </message>
5501 <message>
5502 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
52815503 <source>Additional options are available in
52825504 the various Settings menus.
52885510 Questo conclude il tutorial. Buona fortuna!</translation>
52895511 </message>
52905512 <message>
5291 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5513 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
52925514 <source>Previous</source>
52935515 <translation>Precedente</translation>
52945516 </message>
52965518 <context>
52975519 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
52985520 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5521 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
53005522 <source>Color Filter</source>
53015523 <translation>Filtro Colore</translation>
53025524 </message>
53035525 <message>
5304 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5526 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
53055527 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
53065528 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
53075529 black lines the defaults work well, but for
53095531 <translation>Ogni curva ha le impostazioni del filtro del colore che sono applicate in modalità Riempimento segmento. Per le linee nere le impostazioni predefinite funzionano bene, ma per le linee colorate le impostazioni possono essere migliorate.</translation>
53105532 </message>
53115533 <message>
5312 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5534 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
53135535 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
53145536 Filter menu option.</source>
5315 <translation>Passaggio 1: selezionare l'apos;opzione di menu Impostazioni / Colore → Filtro.</translation>
5316 </message>
5317 <message>
5318 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5537 <translation>Passaggio 1: selezionare l'opzione di menu Impostazioni / Colore → Filtro.</translation>
5538 </message>
5539 <message>
5540 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
53195541 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
53205542 be given the new settings.</source>
53215543 <translation>Passaggio 2: selezionare la curva che verrà assegnata alle nuove impostazioni.</translation>
53225544 </message>
53235545 <message>
5324 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5546 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
53255547 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
53265548 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
53275549 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
5328 <translation>Passaggio 3: selezionare la modalità. L'apos;intensità è suggerita per le linee non colorate e Hue è suggerito per le linee colorate.</translation>
5329 </message>
5330 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5550 <translation>Passaggio 3: selezionare la modalità. L'intensità è suggerita per le linee non colorate e Hue è suggerito per le linee colorate.</translation>
5551 </message>
5552 <message>
5553 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
53325554 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
53335555 dragging the green handles, until the
53345556 curve is clear in the preview window
53355557 below. The graph shows a histogram
53365558 distribution of the values underneath.
53375559 Click Ok when finished.</source>
5338 <translation>Passaggio 4 - Regolare l'apos;intervallo incluso didragando le maniglie verdi, fino a quando curve non è visibile nella finestra di anteprima di seguito. Il grafico mostra una distribuzione degli istogrammi dei valori sottostanti.Fai clic su OK al termine.</translation>
5339 </message>
5340 <message>
5341 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5560 <translation>Passaggio 4 - Regolare l'intervallo incluso didragando le maniglie verdi, fino a quando curve non è visibile nella finestra di anteprima di seguito. Il grafico mostra una distribuzione degli istogrammi dei valori sottostanti.Fai clic su OK al termine.</translation>
5561 </message>
5562 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
53425564 <source>Back</source>
53435565 <translation>Indietro</translation>
53445566 </message>
53465568 <context>
53475569 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
53485570 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5571 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
53505572 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
53515573 curve is selected to receive curve points.
53525574 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
53545576 <translation>Dopo aver creato i punti degli assi, viene selezionato un curvatura per ricevere i punti della curva. Passo 1: fare clic sui pulsanti Curva, Punto di corrispondenza, ColorePicker o Segmento di riempimento.</translation>
53555577 </message>
53565578 <message>
5357 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5579 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
53585580 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
53595581 that curve name has not been created yet,
53605582 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
53615583 to create it.</source>
5362 <translation>Passaggio 2: selezionare il nome della curva desiderata. Seche il nome della curva non è stato ancora creato, utilizzare l'apos;opzione di menu Impostazioni / Nome curva per crearlo.</translation>
5363 </message>
5364 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5584 <translation>Passaggio 2: selezionare il nome della curva desiderata. Seche il nome della curva non è stato ancora creato, utilizzare l'opzione di menu Impostazioni / Nome curva per crearlo.</translation>
5585 </message>
5586 <message>
5587 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
53665588 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
53675589 original image to the filtered image
53685590 produced for the current curve, using the
53705592 Image. This filtering enables the powerful
53715593 automated algorithms discussed later in
53725594 the tutorial.</source>
5373 <translation>Passaggio 3 - Modificare lo sfondo dall'apos;immagine originale all'apos;immagine filtrata, prodotto per la curva corrente, utilizzando l'apos;opzione menu Visualizza / Sfondo / Filtro Immagine. Questo filtraggio abilita i potenti algoritmi descritti più avanti nel tutorial.</translation>
5374 </message>
5375 <message>
5376 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5595 <translation>Passaggio 3 - Modificare lo sfondo dall'immagine originale all'immagine filtrata, prodotto per la curva corrente, utilizzando l'opzione menu Visualizza / Sfondo / Filtro Immagine. Questo filtraggio abilita i potenti algoritmi descritti più avanti nel tutorial.</translation>
5596 </message>
5597 <message>
5598 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
53775599 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
53785600 in the filtered image, then change the
53795601 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
53805602 the orange points have disappeared.</source>
5381 <translation>Se la curva attuale non è più visibile nell'apos;immagine filtrata, modificare le impostazioni del filtro del colore corrente. Nella figura, i punti arancioni sono scomparsi.</translation>
5382 </message>
5383 <message>
5384 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5603 <translation>Se la curva attuale non è più visibile nell'immagine filtrata, modificare le impostazioni del filtro del colore corrente. Nella figura, i punti arancioni sono scomparsi.</translation>
5604 </message>
5605 <message>
5606 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
53855607 <source>Previous</source>
53865608 <translation>Precedente</translation>
53875609 </message>
53885610 <message>
5389 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5611 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
53905612 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
53915613 <translation>Impostazioni filtro colore</translation>
53925614 </message>
53935615 <message>
5394 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5616 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
53955617 <source>Next</source>
53965618 <translation>Prossimo</translation>
53975619 </message>
53995621 <context>
54005622 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
54015623 <message>
5402 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5624 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
54035625 <source>Curve Type</source>
54045626 <translation>Tipo Curva</translation>
54055627 </message>
54065628 <message>
5407 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5629 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
54085630 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
54095631 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
54105632 <translation>I prossimi passi dipendono da come vengono disegnate le curve, in termini di linee e punti.</translation>
54115633 </message>
54125634 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5635 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
54145636 <source>If the curves are drawn
54155637 with lines (with or without
54165638 points) then click on
54185640 <translation>Se le curve sono disegnate con le linee (con o senza punti), quindi fare clic su "Avanti" (Linee).</translation>
54195641 </message>
54205642 <message>
5421 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5643 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
54225644 <source>If the curves are drawn
54235645 without lines and only
54245646 with points, then click on
54265648 <translation>Se le curve sono disegnate "senza linee e solo" con punti, quindi fare clic su "Avanti" (Punti).</translation>
54275649 </message>
54285650 <message>
5429 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5651 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
54305652 <source>Previous</source>
54315653 <translation>Precedente</translation>
54325654 </message>
54335655 <message>
5434 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
54355657 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
54365658 <translation>Prossime (Linee)</translation>
54375659 </message>
54385660 <message>
5439 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
54405662 <source>Next (Points)</source>
54415663 <translation>Prossimi (Punti)</translation>
54425664 </message>
54445666 <context>
54455667 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
54465668 <message>
5447 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5669 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
54485670 <source>Introduction</source>
54495671 <translation>Introduzione</translation>
54505672 </message>
54515673 <message>
5452 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5674 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
54535675 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
54545676 images of graphs and maps.</source>
54555677 <translation>Engauge Digitizer si apre con
54565678 immagini di grafici e mappe.</translation>
54575679 </message>
54585680 <message>
5459 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5681 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
54605682 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
54615683 the graph and map curves.</source>
54625684 <translation>Voi create (o digitalizzate) punti
54635685 lungo le curve del grafico e della mappa.</translation>
54645686 </message>
54655687 <message>
5466 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5688 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
54675689 <source>The digitized curve points can be
54685690 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
54695691 <translation>I punti della curva digitalizzata possono
54705692 essere esportati, come numeri, in altri programmi.</translation>
54715693 </message>
54725694 <message>
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5695 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
54745696 <source>Next</source>
54755697 <translation>Prossimo</translation>
54765698 </message>
54785700 <context>
54795701 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
54805702 <message>
5481 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5703 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
54825704 <source>Point Match</source>
5483 <translation>Punto d'apos;Incontro</translation>
5484 </message>
5485 <message>
5486 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5705 <translation>Punto d'Incontro</translation>
5706 </message>
5707 <message>
5708 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
54875709 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
54885710 one sample point, and Engauge
54895711 then finds all matching points.
54925714 <translation>Nella modalità Match Point, scegli un punto campione, e Engaugequindi trova tutti i punti corrispondenti. Passo 1: fai clic sulla modalità Match Point.</translation>
54935715 </message>
54945716 <message>
5495 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5717 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
54965718 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
54975719 points will belong to.</source>
54985720 <translation>Passaggio 2: selezionare la curva a cui appartengono i nuovi punti.</translation>
54995721 </message>
55005722 <message>
5501 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5723 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
55025724 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
55035725 The circle turns green when it
55045726 contains what may be a point.</source>
55055727 <translation>Passaggio 3: fare clic su un punto tipico. Il cerchio diventa verde quando contiene ciò che potrebbe essere un punto.</translation>
55065728 </message>
55075729 <message>
5508 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5730 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
55095731 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
55105732 matched point with a yellow cross.
55115733 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
55145736 <translation>Fase 4 - Engauge mostrerà un punto corrispondente con una croce gialla. Premere il tasto freccia destra per accettare il punto abbinato. Ripeti questo passaggio fino a quando non ci saranno più punti.</translation>
55155737 </message>
55165738 <message>
5517 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5739 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
55185740 <source>Previous</source>
55195741 <translation>Precedente</translation>
55205742 </message>
55215743 <message>
5522 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5744 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
55235745 <source>Next</source>
55245746 <translation>Prossimo</translation>
55255747 </message>
55275749 <context>
55285750 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
55295751 <message>
5530 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5752 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
55315753 <source>Segment Fill</source>
55325754 <translation>Riempimento del segmento</translation>
55335755 </message>
55345756 <message>
5535 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5757 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
55365758 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
55375759 points all along the line segments
55385760 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
55405762 <translation>La modalità Riempimento segmento posiziona diversi punti lungo tutti i segmenti della linea di una curva. Passaggio 1: fare clic sul pulsante "Riempimento segmento".</translation>
55415763 </message>
55425764 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5765 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
55445766 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
55455767 points will belong to.</source>
55465768 <translation>Passaggio 2: selezionare la curva a cui appartengono i nuovi punti.</translation>
55475769 </message>
55485770 <message>
5549 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5771 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
55505772 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
55515773 segment in the desired curve. If a
55525774 green line appears, click on it once
55555777 Step 3 - Move the cursor over a linesegment in the desired curve. If agreen line appears, click on it onceto generate many points.</translation>
55565778 </message>
55575779 <message>
5558 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5780 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
55595781 <source>Previous</source>
55605782 <translation>Precedente</translation>
55615783 </message>
55625784 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5785 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
55645786 <source>Next</source>
55655787 <translation>Prossimo</translation>
55665788 </message>
359359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
360360 <source>Digitize Axis Point
362 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
363 <translation>座標軸の基準となる ポイント の デジタイズ
365 グラフ の座標軸の基準となる ポイント を、マウス の クリック で追加するとともに、座標値を入力していきます。グラフ の場合には座標軸を決めるために 3 点 の ポイント が必要になります。</translation>
366 </message>
367 <message>
368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
362 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
364 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
365 <translation>軸点をデジタル化
367 マウスクリック後にカーソルに新しい点を配置することによって、グラフの軸点をデジタル化します。軸点の座標が入力されます。インポートおよびインポート(詳細)の後、(X 1、Y 1)(X 2、Y 2)(X 3、Y 3)座標を持つ3つの軸点をデジタル化してグラフ座標を定義できます。オプションとして、インポート(詳細)後に(X 1)(X 2)(Y 3)(Y 4)座標を持つ4つの軸点をデジタル化してグラフ座標を定義することができます。
369 このツールは、軸点の完全なセットが定義されている場合、または[スケールバー]が選択されている場合は[インポート](詳細)の後に無効になります。</translation>
370 </message>
371 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
369373 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
370374 <translation>スケールバー ツール</translation>
371375 </message>
372376 <message>
373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
374378 <source>Shift+F8</source>
375379 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
376380 </message>
377381 <message>
378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
379 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
380 <translation>マップ を対象に スケールバー を デジタイズ</translation>
381 </message>
382 <message>
383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
383 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
384 <translation>地図の縮尺記号をデジタル化します。インポートが必要です(上級)。</translation>
385 </message>
386 <message>
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
384388 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
386390 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
388 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
389 <translation>スケールバー を デジタイズ
391 マップ を 対象に、スケールバー の位置で マウス を クリック してから ドラッグ します。続いて スケールバー の示す距離を入力してください。 マップ の場合には スケールバー の両端の座標が距離を設定するために使われます。
393 マップ 画像は、ファイル メニュー の インポート (アドバンス) を選択して インポート してください。</translation>
394 </message>
395 <message>
396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
392 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
394 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
395 <translation>スケールバーをデジタル化
397 クリックしてドラッグして、地図の縮尺記号をデジタル化します。次にスケールバーの長さを入力します。地図では、スケールバーの2つの端点がグラフ座標での距離を定義します。
399 このツールは、[インポート(詳細)]で[スケールバー]を選択すると有効になります。
401 スケールバーが定義されている場合、またはインポート中に軸点が選択されている場合、このツールは無効になります。</translation>
402 </message>
403 <message>
404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
397405 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
398406 <translation>カーブ ポイント ツール</translation>
399407 </message>
400408 <message>
401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
402410 <source>Shift+F4</source>
403411 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
404412 </message>
405413 <message>
406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
407415 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
408416 <translation>カーブ の ポイント を デジタイズ</translation>
409417 </message>
410418 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
412420 <source>Digitize Curve Point
414422 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
421429 新たに ポイント をデジタイズ するたびに、それらの ポイント は現在選択中の カーブ に追加されます。</translation>
422430 </message>
423431 <message>
424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
425433 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
426434 <translation>ポイント マッチング ツール</translation>
427435 </message>
428436 <message>
429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
430438 <source>Shift+F5</source>
431439 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
432440 </message>
433441 <message>
434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
435443 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
436444 <translation>ポイント を マッチング して カーブ 上の ポイント 座標を決定します。</translation>
437445 </message>
438446 <message>
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
440448 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
442450 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
449457 新たに 得られた ポイント は現在選択されている カーブ のポイントとなります。</translation>
450458 </message>
451459 <message>
452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
453461 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
454462 <translation>カラーピッカー ツール</translation>
455463 </message>
456464 <message>
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
458466 <source>Shift+F6</source>
459467 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
460468 </message>
461469 <message>
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
463471 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
464472 <translation>セグメント フィル モード の色指定</translation>
465473 </message>
466474 <message>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
468476 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
470478 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
473481 現在 選択中の カーブ に沿ってピクセルを選択します。このピクセルおよびその周辺の画像情報 (色・明度等) が セグメント フィル モード で利用されます。</translation>
474482 </message>
475483 <message>
476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
477485 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
478486 <translation>セグメント フィル ツール</translation>
479487 </message>
480488 <message>
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
482490 <source>Shift+F7</source>
483491 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
484492 </message>
485493 <message>
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
487495 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
488496 <translation>カーブの線分とポイントのデジタイズ</translation>
489497 </message>
490498 <message>
491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
492500 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
494502 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
501509 生成された新たなポイントは現在選択されているカーブに追加されます。</translation>
502510 </message>
503511 <message>
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
505513 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
506514 <translation>やり直し</translation>
507515 </message>
508516 <message>
509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
510518 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
511519 <translation>直前の操作を取り消します。</translation>
512520 </message>
513521 <message>
514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
515523 <source>Undo
517525 Undo the last operation.</source>
520528 直前の操作を取り消します。</translation>
521529 </message>
522530 <message>
523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
524532 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
525533 <translation>繰り返し</translation>
526534 </message>
527535 <message>
528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
529537 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
530538 <translation>直前の操作を再度実行します。</translation>
531539 </message>
532540 <message>
533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
534542 <source>Redo
536544 Redo the last operation.</source>
539547 直前の操作を再度実行します。</translation>
540548 </message>
541549 <message>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
543551 <source>Cut</source>
544552 <translation>カット</translation>
545553 </message>
546554 <message>
547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
548556 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
549557 <translation>選択されたポイントを切り取り、クリップボード にコピーします。</translation>
550558 </message>
551559 <message>
552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
553561 <source>Cut
555563 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
558566 選択されたポイントを切り取り、クリップボード にコピーします。</translation>
559567 </message>
560568 <message>
561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
562570 <source>Copy</source>
563571 <translation>コピー</translation>
564572 </message>
565573 <message>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
567575 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
568576 <translation>選択されたポイントをクリップボード にコピーします。</translation>
569577 </message>
570578 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
572580 <source>Copy
574582 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
577585 選択されたポイントをクリップボード にコピーします。</translation>
578586 </message>
579587 <message>
580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
581589 <source>Paste</source>
582590 <translation>貼り付け</translation>
583591 </message>
584592 <message>
585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
586594 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
587595 <translation>選択されたポイントをクリップボード からコピーします。</translation>
588596 </message>
589597 <message>
590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
591599 <source>Paste
593601 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
596604 選択されたポイントを クリップボード から貼り付けます。現在のカーブに追加されます。</translation>
597605 </message>
598606 <message>
599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
600608 <source>Delete</source>
601609 <translation>削除</translation>
602610 </message>
603611 <message>
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
605613 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
606614 <translation>選択された ポイント を クリップボードに コピーしたうえで削除します。</translation>
607615 </message>
608616 <message>
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
610618 <source>Delete
612620 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
615623 選択された ポイント をクリップボードにコピーしたうえで削除します。</translation>
616624 </message>
617625 <message>
618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
619627 <source>Paste As New</source>
620628 <translation>新規画像として貼り付け</translation>
621629 </message>
622630 <message>
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
624632 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
625633 <translation>クリップボード から 画像を貼り付けます。</translation>
626634 </message>
627635 <message>
628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
629637 <source>Paste as New
631639 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
634642 クリップボード から 画像を貼り付けて 新たなドキュメントを作成します。</translation>
635643 </message>
636644 <message>
637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
638646 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
639647 <translation>新規画像として貼り付け (アドバンス)</translation>
640648 </message>
641649 <message>
642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
643651 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
644652 <translation>アドバンス モード で クリップボード から画像を貼り付けます。</translation>
645653 </message>
646654 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
648656 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
650658 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
653661 アドバンス モード で クリップボード から画像を貼り付けます。</translation>
654662 </message>
655663 <message>
656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
657665 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
658666 <translation>インポート</translation>
659667 </message>
660668 <message>
661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
662670 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
663671 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
664672 </message>
665673 <message>
666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
667675 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
668676 <translation>画像をインポートすることで新たにドキュメントを作成します。</translation>
669677 </message>
670678 <message>
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
672680 <source>Import Image
674682 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
681689 複数の座標系からなるさらに複雑な画像を利用する場合あるいは座標軸が変化するような場合には、画像のインポート (アドバンス) を代わりに実行します。</translation>
682690 </message>
683691 <message>
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
685693 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
686694 <translation>画像のインポート (アドバンス)</translation>
687695 </message>
688696 <message>
689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
690698 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
691699 <translation>画像をインポートして新たにドキュメントを作る際に、アドバンス機能を利用します。</translation>
692700 </message>
693701 <message>
694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
695703 <source>Import (Advanced)
697705 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
700708 画像をインポートして新たにドキュメントを作る際に、アドバンス機能を利用します。このアドバンス モードでは、複数の座標軸や、変化する座標軸を利用できます。</translation>
701709 </message>
702710 <message>
703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
704712 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
705713 <translation>画像のインポート (差し替え)</translation>
706714 </message>
707715 <message>
708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
709717 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
710718 <translation>現在のドキュメントに新たな画像をインポートし、既存の画像を差し替えます。</translation>
711719 </message>
712720 <message>
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
714722 <source>Import (Image Replace)
716724 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
719727 現在のドキュメントに新たな画像をインポートします。既存の画像は新たな画像に差し替えられますが、ドキュメント内の全てのカーブはそのまま保持されます。この操作は設定を変えずに新たな画像に対して作業を行いたい場合に大変便利です。</translation>
720728 </message>
721729 <message>
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
723731 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
724732 <translation>開く</translation>
725733 </message>
726734 <message>
727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
728736 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
729737 <translation>既存のドキュメントを開きます。</translation>
730738 </message>
731739 <message>
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
733741 <source>Open Document
735743 Opens an existing document.</source>
738746 既存のドキュメントを開きます。</translation>
739747 </message>
740748 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
742750 <source>&amp;Close</source>
743751 <translation>閉じる</translation>
744752 </message>
745753 <message>
746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
747755 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
748756 <translation>現在開いているドキュメントを閉じます。</translation>
749757 </message>
750758 <message>
751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
759 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
752760 <source>Close Document
754762 Closes the open document.</source>
757765 現在開いているドキュメントを閉じます。</translation>
758766 </message>
759767 <message>
760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
761769 <source>&amp;Save</source>
762770 <translation>上書き保存</translation>
763771 </message>
764772 <message>
765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
766774 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
767775 <translation>現在のドキュメントを上書き保存します。</translation>
768776 </message>
769777 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
771779 <source>Save Document
773781 Saves the current document.</source>
776784 現在のドキュメントを上書き保存します。</translation>
777785 </message>
778786 <message>
779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
780788 <source>Save As...</source>
781789 <translation>名前を付けて保存</translation>
782790 </message>
783791 <message>
784 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
785793 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
786794 <translation>現在開いているドキュメントを新たにファイル名をつけて保存します。</translation>
787795 </message>
788796 <message>
789 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
790798 <source>Save Document As
792800 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
795803 現在開いているドキュメントを粗らにファイル名をつけて保存します。</translation>
796804 </message>
797805 <message>
798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
799807 <source>Export...</source>
800808 <translation>エクスポート</translation>
801809 </message>
802810 <message>
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
804812 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
805813 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
806814 </message>
807815 <message>
808 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
809817 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
810818 <translation>現在のドキュメントをテキストファイルとしてエクスポートします。</translation>
811819 </message>
812820 <message>
813 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
814822 <source>Export Document
816824 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
819827 現在のドキュメントをテキストファイルとしてエクスポートします。</translation>
820828 </message>
821829 <message>
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
823831 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
824832 <translation>印刷</translation>
825833 </message>
826834 <message>
827 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
835 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
828836 <source>Print the current document.</source>
829837 <translation>現在のドキュメントを印刷します。</translation>
830838 </message>
831839 <message>
832 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
840 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
833841 <source>Print Document
835843 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
838846 現在のドキュメントをプリンターまたはファイルに出力します。</translation>
839847 </message>
840848 <message>
841 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
842850 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
843851 <translation>終了</translation>
844852 </message>
845853 <message>
846 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
847855 <source>Quits the application.</source>
848856 <translation>アプリケーションを終了します。</translation>
849857 </message>
850858 <message>
851 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
852860 <source>Exit
854862 Quits the application.</source>
857865 アプリケーションを終了します。</translation>
858866 </message>
859867 <message>
860 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
868 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
861869 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
862870 <translation>チェックリストと手引きウィザード</translation>
863871 </message>
864872 <message>
865 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
873 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
866874 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
867875 <translation>インポートの作業の過程で、チェックリストと手引きウィザードを開きます。</translation>
868876 </message>
869877 <message>
870 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
871879 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
873881 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
876884 インポートの過程でチェックリストと手引きウィザードを使い、画像をインポートしてドキュメントを作成するための一連の手順のチェックリストを作成します。</translation>
877885 </message>
878886 <message>
879 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
887 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
880888 <source>Tutorial</source>
881889 <translation>チュートリアル</translation>
882890 </message>
883891 <message>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
885893 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
886894 <translation>カーブ をデジタイズ する手順を チュートリアル形式で実行します。</translation>
887895 </message>
888896 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
890898 <source>Tutorial
892900 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
895903 カーブ をデジタイズ する手順をチュートリアル形式で実行します。</translation>
896904 </message>
897905 <message>
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
906 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
899907 <source>Help</source>
900908 <translation>ヘルプ</translation>
901909 </message>
902910 <message>
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
904912 <source>Help documentation</source>
905913 <translation>ヘルプ ドキュメント</translation>
906914 </message>
907915 <message>
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
909917 <source>Help Documentation
911919 Searchable help documentation</source>
914922 検索可能なヘルプ ドキュメント</translation>
915923 </message>
916924 <message>
917 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
918926 <source>About Engauge</source>
919927 <translation>Engaugeについて</translation>
920928 </message>
921929 <message>
922 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
923931 <source>About the application.</source>
924932 <translation>このアプリケーションについて</translation>
925933 </message>
926934 <message>
927 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
928936 <source>About Engauge
930938 About the application.</source>
933941 このアプリケーションについて</translation>
934942 </message>
935943 <message>
936 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
937945 <source>Coordinates...</source>
938946 <translation>座標系</translation>
939947 </message>
940948 <message>
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
942950 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
943951 <translation>座標系の設定を編集します</translation>
944952 </message>
945953 <message>
946 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
947955 <source>Coordinate Settings
949957 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
952960 座標系の設定はグラフに設定した座標がどのように画像上のピクセル位置に対応するかを定めます。</translation>
953961 </message>
954962 <message>
955 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
963 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
956964 <source>Curve List...</source>
957965 <translation>曲線リスト...</translation>
958966 </message>
959967 <message>
960 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
968 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
961969 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
962970 <translation>曲線リストの設定を編集します。</translation>
963971 </message>
964972 <message>
965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
966974 <source>Curve List
968976 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
971979 カーブリストの設定は、現在のドキュメントのカーブの追加、名前の変更、または削除</translation>
972980 </message>
973981 <message>
974 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
982 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
975983 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
976984 <translation>カーブ 設定</translation>
977985 </message>
978986 <message>
979 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
980988 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
981989 <translation>カーブ の設定を行います。</translation>
982990 </message>
983991 <message>
984 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
985993 <source>Curve Properties Settings
987995 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
990998 カーブ 設定では、それぞれの カーブ をどのように表示するかを設定します。</translation>
991999 </message>
9921000 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
9941002 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
9951003 <translation>カーブ を デジタイズ</translation>
9961004 </message>
9971005 <message>
998 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
9991007 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
10001008 <translation>座標軸 および グラフ 設定の編集</translation>
10011009 </message>
10021010 <message>
1003 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
10041012 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
10061014 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
10091017 デジタイズ 設定は座標軸上の基準点やカーブ ポイント をデジタイズする際の設定を行います。</translation>
10101018 </message>
10111019 <message>
1012 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10131021 <source>Export Format...</source>
10141022 <translation>エクスポート フォーマット</translation>
10151023 </message>
10161024 <message>
1017 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10181026 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10191027 <translation>エクスポート フォーマット の編集</translation>
10201028 </message>
10211029 <message>
1022 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10231031 <source>Export Format Settings
10251033 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10281036 エクスポートされたファイルのフォーマットを指定します。</translation>
10291037 </message>
10301038 <message>
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10321040 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10331041 <translation>カラー フィルター</translation>
10341042 </message>
10351043 <message>
1036 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10371045 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10381046 <translation>カラー フィルター 設定の編集</translation>
10391047 </message>
10401048 <message>
1041 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10421050 <source>Color Filter Settings
10441052 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10471055 カラー フィルター により、 ポイント マッチング や セグメント フィル の処理に際して グラフの認識がより効率的になります。</translation>
10481056 </message>
10491057 <message>
1050 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1058 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10511059 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10521060 <translation>座標軸 チェッカー</translation>
10531061 </message>
10541062 <message>
1055 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1063 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10561064 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10571065 <translation>座標軸 チェッカー の設定を編集</translation>
10581066 </message>
10591067 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10611069 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10631071 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10661074 座標軸 チェッカー により、座標軸の基準点に問題がないかどうかを確認することができます。</translation>
10671075 </message>
10681076 <message>
1069 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10701078 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10711079 <translation>グリッド 線の表示</translation>
10721080 </message>
10731081 <message>
1074 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10751083 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10761084 <translation>グリット 線の表示設定を編集</translation>
10771085 </message>
10781086 <message>
1079 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10801088 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10821090 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10851093 グラフ上にグリッド 線を表示すると、座標軸 チェッカー よりもさらに正確に グラフ の歪みなどをチェックすることができます。グラフの画像が歪んでいる場合には、グリッド 線を利用して座標軸の基準点を微調整することで、グラフ の各部分にわたって精度を上げることができます。</translation>
10861094 </message>
10871095 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1096 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10891097 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10901098 <translation>グリッド 線の除去</translation>
10911099 </message>
10921100 <message>
1093 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10941102 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10951103 <translation>グリッド 線の除去機能の設定</translation>
10961104 </message>
10971105 <message>
1098 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10991107 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
11011109 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
11041112 特に カラー フィルター がグリッド 線と カーブ を区別できないときなど、カーブ の線を残してグリッド 線を除去することで、ポイント マッチング やセグメント フィル 処理が容易になります。 </translation>
11051113 </message>
11061114 <message>
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
11081116 <source>Point Match...</source>
11091117 <translation>ポイント マッチング</translation>
11101118 </message>
11111119 <message>
1112 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11131121 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
11141122 <translation>ポイント マッチング 設定</translation>
11151123 </message>
11161124 <message>
1117 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11181126 <source>Point Match Settings
11201128 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
11231131 ポイント マッチング 設定では ポイント マッチング モード でどのようにポイント を認識するか を指定します。</translation>
11241132 </message>
11251133 <message>
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11271135 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11281136 <translation>セグメント フィル</translation>
11291137 </message>
11301138 <message>
1131 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11321140 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11331141 <translation>セグメント フィル 設定</translation>
11341142 </message>
11351143 <message>
1136 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11371145 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11391147 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11421150 セグメント フィル 設定では、セグメント フィル モードでどのように ポイント を決定するかを指定します。</translation>
11431151 </message>
11441152 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11461154 <source>General...</source>
11471155 <translation>一般設定</translation>
11481156 </message>
11491157 <message>
1150 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1158 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11511159 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11521160 <translation>全般的な設定を行います。</translation>
11531161 </message>
11541162 <message>
1155 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11561164 <source>General Settings
11581166 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11611169 一般設定では、それぞれのドキュメントについて複数のモードに影響を及ぼす設定を行います。 例えば、カーソル サイズの 設定は カラーピッカー と ポイントマッチ モード に影響します。</translation>
11621170 </message>
11631171 <message>
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1172 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11651173 <source>Main Window...</source>
11661174 <translation>メイン画面</translation>
11671175 </message>
11681176 <message>
1169 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1177 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11701178 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11711179 <translation>メイン画面 の設定を編集します。</translation>
11721180 </message>
11731181 <message>
1174 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11751183 <source>Main Window Settings
11771185 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11801188 メイン画面 の設定はユーザーインターフェースに関するもので、特定のドキュメントに関わる設定項目ではありません。</translation>
11811189 </message>
11821190 <message>
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11841192 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11851193 <translation>バックグラウンド ツールバー</translation>
11861194 </message>
11871195 <message>
1188 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11891197 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11901198 <translation>バックグラウンド ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
11911199 </message>
11921200 <message>
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11941202 <source>View Background ToolBar
11961204 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11991207 バックグラウンド ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
12001208 </message>
12011209 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
12031211 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
12041212 <translation>チェックリスト と手引き ツールバー</translation>
12051213 </message>
12061214 <message>
1207 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
12081216 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
12091217 <translation>チェックリスト と手引き の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12101218 </message>
12111219 <message>
1212 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12131221 <source>View Checklist Guide
12151223 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
12181226 チェックリスト と手引き の表示・非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
12191227 </message>
12201228 <message>
1221 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1229 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12221230 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
12231231 <translation>カーブ フィッティング 画面</translation>
12241232 </message>
12251233 <message>
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1234 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12271235 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12281236 <translation>カーブ フィッティング 画面の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12291237 </message>
12301238 <message>
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12321240 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12341242 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12371245 カーブ フィッティング 画面の表示・非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
12381246 </message>
12391247 <message>
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12411249 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12421250 <translation>カーブ の形状画面</translation>
12431251 </message>
12441252 <message>
1245 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12461254 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12471255 <translation>カーブ の形状画面の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12481256 </message>
12491257 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12511259 <source>View Geometry Window
12531261 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12561264 カーブ の形状画面の表示・非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
12571265 </message>
12581266 <message>
1259 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12601268 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12611269 <translation>デジタイズ ツール ツールバー</translation>
12621270 </message>
12631271 <message>
1264 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12651273 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12661274 <translation>デジタイズ ツール の ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12671275 </message>
12681276 <message>
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12701278 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12721280 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12751283 デジタイズ ツール ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12761284 </message>
12771285 <message>
1278 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1286 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12791287 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12801288 <translation>設定 ビュー ツールバー</translation>
12811289 </message>
12821290 <message>
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1291 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12841292 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12851293 <translation>設定 ビュー ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
12861294 </message>
12871295 <message>
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1296 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12891297 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12911299 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12941302 設定 ビュー ツールバー の表示・非表示を切り替えます。これらの ビュー では 最も重要な設定を画像として確認することができます。</translation>
12951303 </message>
12961304 <message>
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1305 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12981306 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12991307 <translation>座標系 ツールバー</translation>
13001308 </message>
13011309 <message>
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
13031311 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
13041312 <translation>座標系 ツールバー の表示 非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
13051313 </message>
13061314 <message>
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1315 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
13081316 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
13101318 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13171325 この ツールバー は、座標系 が一つしかないときにはアクティブになりません。</translation>
13181326 </message>
13191327 <message>
1320 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13211329 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13221330 <translation>ツール ティップ</translation>
13231331 </message>
13241332 <message>
1325 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13261334 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13271335 <translation>ツール ティップ の表示・非表示の切り替え</translation>
13281336 </message>
13291337 <message>
1330 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1338 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13311339 <source>View Tool Tips
13331341 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13361344 ツール ティップ の表示・非表示を切り替えます。</translation>
13371345 </message>
13381346 <message>
1339 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13401348 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13411349 <translation>グリッド 線</translation>
13421350 </message>
13431351 <message>
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13451353 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13461354 <translation>グリッド 線の表示・非表示を切り替え</translation>
13471355 </message>
13481356 <message>
1349 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13501358 <source>View Grid Lines
13521360 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13551363 グリッド 線の表示・非表示を切り替えます。グリッド 線は座標軸の基準点を微調整するために利用すると、特に画像が歪んだ グラフ を デジタイズ するときの精度の向上に役立ちます。</translation>
13561364 </message>
13571365 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1366 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13591367 <source>No Background</source>
13601368 <translation>バックグラウンド 画像なし</translation>
13611369 </message>
13621370 <message>
1363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13641372 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13651373 <translation>ポイント の背景に 画像を表示しません。</translation>
13661374 </message>
13671375 <message>
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13691377 <source>No Background
13711379 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13741382 背景に画像を表示せず、ポイントをより視認しやすくします。</translation>
13751383 </message>
13761384 <message>
1377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13781386 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13791387 <translation>オリジナル画像を表示</translation>
13801388 </message>
13811389 <message>
1382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1390 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13831391 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13841392 <translation>ポイントの背景としてオリジナル画像を表示します。</translation>
13851393 </message>
13861394 <message>
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1395 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13881396 <source>Show Original Image
13901398 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13931401 ポイントの背景としてオリジナル画像を表示します。</translation>
13941402 </message>
13951403 <message>
1396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13971405 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13981406 <translation>フィルタ 処理された画像</translation>
13991407 </message>
14001408 <message>
1401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
14021410 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
14031411 <translation>ポイント の背景に フィルタ 処理された画像を表示</translation>
14041412 </message>
14051413 <message>
1406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
14071415 <source>Show Filtered Image
14091417 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14161424 フィルタに関する設定に基づきオリジナル画像をフィルタ処理したものを背景として利用します。画像に含まれる重要ではない情報を除くことで、重要な情報を強調する狙いがあります。</translation>
14171425 </message>
14181426 <message>
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14201428 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14211429 <translation>全てのカーブを非表示</translation>
14221430 </message>
14231431 <message>
1424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14251433 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14261434 <translation>全てのカーブを非表示にします。</translation>
14271435 </message>
14281436 <message>
1429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14301438 <source>Hide All Curves
14321440 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14351443 座標軸の基準点やデジタイズされたカーブを全て非表示にしますので、画像が見やすくなります。</translation>
14361444 </message>
14371445 <message>
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14391447 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14401448 <translation>選択中のカーブを表示</translation>
14411449 </message>
14421450 <message>
1443 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14441452 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14451453 <translation>現在選択されているカーブのみを表示</translation>
14461454 </message>
14471455 <message>
1448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14491457 <source>Show Selected Curve
14511459 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14541462 デジタイズされたポイントとラインのうち、現在選択中のカーブに属するものだけを表示します。</translation>
14551463 </message>
14561464 <message>
1457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14581466 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14591467 <translation>全てのカーブを表示</translation>
14601468 </message>
14611469 <message>
1462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14631471 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14641472 <translation>全てのカーブを表示</translation>
14651473 </message>
14661474 <message>
1467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14681476 <source>Show All Curves
14701478 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14731481 デジタイズされた座標軸とグラフの全てのポイントとカーブを表示します。</translation>
14741482 </message>
14751483 <message>
1476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14771485 <source>Hide Always</source>
14781486 <translation>常に非表示</translation>
14791487 </message>
14801488 <message>
1481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14821490 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14831491 <translation>ステータスバーを常に非表示にします。</translation>
14841492 </message>
14851493 <message>
1486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14871495 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14881496 <translation>ステータスバー を非表示とし、ステータス情報や メッセージ が表示されなくなります。</translation>
14891497 </message>
14901498 <message>
1491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14921500 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14931501 <translation>メッセージ を表示</translation>
14941502 </message>
14951503 <message>
1496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14971505 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14981506 <translation>メッセージ があるとき以外ステータスバー を非表示</translation>
14991507 </message>
15001508 <message>
1501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
15021510 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
15031511 <translation>メッセージ があるときを除いて ステータスバー を非表示とします。</translation>
15041512 </message>
15051513 <message>
1506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
15071515 <source>Show Always</source>
15081516 <translation>常に表示</translation>
15091517 </message>
15101518 <message>
1511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15121520 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
15131521 <translation>ステータスバーを常に表示します。</translation>
15141522 </message>
15151523 <message>
1516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15171525 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
15181526 <translation>ステータスバー を表示します。ステータスバー には実行状況やフェードバック メッセージに加えて、カーソルの位置における情報も表示されます。</translation>
15191527 </message>
15201528 <message>
1521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15221530 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15231531 <translation>縮小</translation>
15241532 </message>
15251533 <message>
1526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15271535 <source>Zoom out</source>
15281536 <translation>縮小</translation>
15291537 </message>
15301538 <message>
1531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15321540 <source>Zoom In</source>
15331541 <translation>拡大</translation>
15341542 </message>
15351543 <message>
1536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15371545 <source>Zoom in</source>
15381546 <translation>拡大</translation>
15391547 </message>
15401548 <message>
1541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15421550 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15431551 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15441552 </message>
15451553 <message>
1546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15471555 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15481556 <translation>倍率を16:1倍に拡大</translation>
15491557 </message>
15501558 <message>
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15521560 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15531561 <translation>16:1 よりやや遠望 (1270%)</translation>
15541562 </message>
15551563 <message>
1556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15571565 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15581566 <translation>倍率を 12.7:1 倍に拡大</translation>
15591567 </message>
15601568 <message>
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15621570 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15631571 <translation>8:1 よりやや近接 (1008%)</translation>
15641572 </message>
15651573 <message>
1566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15671575 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15681576 <translation>倍率を 10.08:1 倍に拡大</translation>
15691577 </message>
15701578 <message>
1571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15721580 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15731581 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15741582 </message>
15751583 <message>
1576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15771585 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15781586 <translation>倍率を8:1 倍に拡大</translation>
15791587 </message>
15801588 <message>
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15821590 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15831591 <translation>8:1 よりやや遠望 (635%)</translation>
15841592 </message>
15851593 <message>
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15871595 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15881596 <translation>倍率を 6.35:1 倍に拡大</translation>
15891597 </message>
15901598 <message>
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15921600 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15931601 <translation>4:1 よりやや近接 (504%)</translation>
15941602 </message>
15951603 <message>
1596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15971605 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15981606 <translation>倍率を 5.04:1 倍に拡大</translation>
15991607 </message>
16001608 <message>
1601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
16021610 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
16031611 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
16041612 </message>
16051613 <message>
1606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
16071615 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
16081616 <translation>倍率を 4:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16091617 </message>
16101618 <message>
1611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16121620 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16131621 <translation>4:1 よりやや遠望 (317%)</translation>
16141622 </message>
16151623 <message>
1616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16171625 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16181626 <translation>倍率を 3.17:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16191627 </message>
16201628 <message>
1621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16221630 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16231631 <translation>2:1 よりやや近接 (252%)</translation>
16241632 </message>
16251633 <message>
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16271635 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16281636 <translation>倍率を 2.52:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16291637 </message>
16301638 <message>
1631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16321640 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16331641 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16341642 </message>
16351643 <message>
1636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16371645 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16381646 <translation>倍率を 2:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16391647 </message>
16401648 <message>
1641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16421650 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16431651 <translation>2:1 よりやや遠望 (159%)</translation>
16441652 </message>
16451653 <message>
1646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16471655 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16481656 <translation>倍率を 1.59:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16491657 </message>
16501658 <message>
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16521660 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16531661 <translation>1:1 よりやや近接 (126%)</translation>
16541662 </message>
16551663 <message>
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16571665 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16581666 <translation>倍率を 1.3:1 倍に拡大</translation>
16591667 </message>
16601668 <message>
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16621670 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16631671 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16641672 </message>
16651673 <message>
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16671675 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16681676 <translation>倍率を 1:1 の等倍に</translation>
16691677 </message>
16701678 <message>
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16721680 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16731681 <translation>1:1 よりやや遠望 (79%)</translation>
16741682 </message>
16751683 <message>
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16771685 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16781686 <translation>倍率を 0.8:1 に縮小</translation>
16791687 </message>
16801688 <message>
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16821690 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16831691 <translation>1:2 よりやや近接 (63%)</translation>
16841692 </message>
16851693 <message>
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16871695 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16881696 <translation>倍率を 1.3:2 に縮小</translation>
16891697 </message>
16901698 <message>
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16921700 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16931701 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16941702 </message>
16951703 <message>
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16971705 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16981706 <translation>倍率を 1:2 に縮小</translation>
16991707 </message>
17001708 <message>
1701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
17021710 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
17031711 <translation>1:2 よりやや遠望 (40%)</translation>
17041712 </message>
17051713 <message>
1706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
17071715 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
17081716 <translation>倍率を 0.8:2 倍に縮小</translation>
17091717 </message>
17101718 <message>
1711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17121720 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17131721 <translation>1:4 よりやや遠望 (31%)</translation>
17141722 </message>
17151723 <message>
1716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17171725 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17181726 <translation>倍率を 1.3:4 に縮小</translation>
17191727 </message>
17201728 <message>
1721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1729 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17221730 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17231731 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
17241732 </message>
17251733 <message>
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1734 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17271735 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17281736 <translation>倍率を 1:4 に縮小</translation>
17291737 </message>
17301738 <message>
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1739 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17321740 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17331741 <translation>1:4 よりやや遠望 (20%)</translation>
17341742 </message>
17351743 <message>
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17371745 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17381746 <translation>倍率を 0.8:4 に縮小</translation>
17391747 </message>
17401748 <message>
1741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17421750 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17431751 <translation>1:8 よりやや近接 (12.5%)</translation>
17441752 </message>
17451753 <message>
1746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17471754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17481756 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17491757 <translation>倍率を 1:8 に縮小</translation>
17501758 </message>
17511759 <message>
1752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17531761 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17541762 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17551763 </message>
17561764 <message>
1757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17581766 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17591767 <translation>1:8 よりやや遠望 (10%)</translation>
17601768 </message>
17611769 <message>
1762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17631771 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17641772 <translation>倍率を 0.8:8 に縮小</translation>
17651773 </message>
17661774 <message>
1767 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17681776 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17691777 <translation>1:16 よりやや近接 (8%)</translation>
17701778 </message>
17711779 <message>
1772 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17731781 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17741782 <translation>倍率を 1.3:16 に縮小</translation>
17751783 </message>
17761784 <message>
1777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17781786 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17791787 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17801788 </message>
17811789 <message>
1782 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17831791 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17841792 <translation>倍率を 1:16 に縮小</translation>
17851793 </message>
17861794 <message>
1787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17881796 <source>Fill</source>
1789 <translation>フィル</translation>
1790 </message>
1791 <message>
1792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1797 <translation>塗りつぶし</translation>
1798 </message>
1799 <message>
1800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17931801 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17941802 <translation>画面サイズに合わせて拡大</translation>
17951803 </message>
20562064 <context>
20572065 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20582066 <message>
2059 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20602068 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20612069 <translation>座標軸の基準となる ポイント を追加</translation>
20622070 </message>
20632071 <message>
2064 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20652073 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20662074 <translation>座標軸の基準点</translation>
20672075 </message>
20682076 <message>
2069 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20702078 <source>as</source>
20712079 <translation>以下の</translation>
20722080 </message>
20732081 <message>
2074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20752083 <source>(</source>
20762084 <translation>(</translation>
20772085 </message>
20782086 <message>
2079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2087 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20802088 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2082 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2090 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20842092 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2085 <translation>座標軸の基準となる3点のうち最初の点の座標を入力します。
2087 直交座標のグラフの場合は Xを入力します。極座標のグラフの場合は半径 Rを入力します。
2089 座標値をどのような形式で入力すべきかは ロケール により決まります。 もしタイプ入力してみた値が期待通りに認識されないようでしたら 設定 / メイン画面... から ロケール を確認してください。</translation>
2090 </message>
2091 <message>
2092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2093 <translation>軸点の最初のグラフ座標を入力します。デカルトプロットの場合、これはXです。ポーラプロットの場合、これは角度θです。座標値の予想されるフォーマットは、ロケール設定によって決まります。入力した値が期待どおりに認識されない場合は、設定/メインウィンドウのロケール設定を確認してください。</translation>
2094 </message>
2095 <message>
2096 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20932097 <source>, </source>
20942098 <translation>, </translation>
20952099 </message>
20962100 <message>
2097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2101 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20982102 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2100 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2104 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
21022106 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2103 <translation>座標軸の基準となる3点のうち2番目の点の座標を入力します。
2105 直交座標のグラフの場合は Yを入力します。極座標のグラフの場合は偏角 Theta を入力します。
2107 座標値をどのような形式で入力すべきかは ロケール により決まります。 もしタイプ入力してみた値が期待通りに認識されないようでしたら 設定 / メイン画面... から ロケール を確認してください。</translation>
2108 </message>
2109 <message>
2110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2107 <translation>軸点の2番目のグラフ座標を入力します。デカルトプロットの場合、これはYです。ポーラプロットの場合、これは半径Rです。座標値の予想形式は、ロケール設定によって決まります。入力した値が期待どおりに認識されない場合は、設定/メインウィンドウのロケール設定を確認してください。</translation>
2108 </message>
2109 <message>
2110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
21112111 <source>)</source>
21122112 <translation>)</translation>
21132113 </message>
21142114 <message>
2115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2116 <source>Number format</source>
2117 <translation>数字の表示形式</translation>
2118 </message>
2119 <message>
2120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2116 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2117 <translation>軸点あたりの座標数</translation>
2118 </message>
2119 <message>
2120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2121 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2122 <translation>それぞれ2つの座標を持つ3つの軸点が通常使用されます。各軸点に既知の座標が1つしかない場合は、ファイル/インポート(詳細)/ 4軸点からやり直します。</translation>
2123 </message>
2124 <message>
2125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2126 <source>Number format:</source>
2127 <translation>数値フォーマット:</translation>
2128 </message>
2129 <message>
2130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2131 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2132 <translation>許可されている数値フォーマットを決定するロケール。これは設定/メインウィンドウで設定されます。</translation>
2133 </message>
2134 <message>
2135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21212136 <source>Ok</source>
21222137 <translation>Ok</translation>
21232138 </message>
21242139 <message>
2125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21262141 <source>Cancel</source>
21272142 <translation>キャンセル</translation>
21282143 </message>
23512366 <context>
23522367 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23532368 <message>
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23552370 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23562371 <translation>画像ファイルの一部をインポート</translation>
23572372 </message>
23582373 <message>
2359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23602375 <source>Preview</source>
23612376 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
23622377 </message>
23632378 <message>
2364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23652380 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23662381 <translation>プレビュー画面は画像のどの部分がインポートされるかを示しています。これは現在選択しているページの画像のうち、四角形をしたフレームの内側です。このフレームはコーナー ハンドルをマウスでドラッグすることで位置を動かしたりサイズを変更したりできます。</translation>
23672382 </message>
23682383 <message>
2369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23702385 <source>Ok</source>
23712386 <translation>Ok</translation>
23722387 </message>
23732388 <message>
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23752390 <source>Cancel</source>
23762391 <translation>キャンセル</translation>
23772392 </message>
23792394 <context>
23802395 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23812396 <message>
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23832398 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23842399 <translation>PDF ファイルの一部をインポート</translation>
23852400 </message>
23862401 <message>
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23882403 <source>Page</source>
23892404 <translation>ページ:</translation>
23902405 </message>
23912406 <message>
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23932408 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23942409 <translation>インポートされるページ番号</translation>
23952410 </message>
23962411 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23982413 <source>Preview</source>
23992414 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
24002415 </message>
24012416 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
24032418 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
24042419 <translation>プレビュー画面は画像のどの部分がインポートされるかを示しています。これは現在選択しているページの画像のうち、四角形をしたフレームの内側です。このフレームはコーナー ハンドルをマウスでドラッグすることで位置を動かしたりサイズを変更したりできます。</translation>
24052420 </message>
24062421 <message>
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
24082423 <source>Ok</source>
24092424 <translation>Ok</translation>
24102425 </message>
24112426 <message>
2412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24132428 <source>Cancel</source>
24142429 <translation>キャンセル</translation>
24152430 </message>
24252440 <context>
24262441 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24272442 <message>
2428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24292444 <source>Ok</source>
24302445 <translation>Ok</translation>
24312446 </message>
24322447 <message>
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24342449 <source>Cancel</source>
24352450 <translation>キャンセル</translation>
24362451 </message>
24432458 <translation>座標軸チェッカー</translation>
24442459 </message>
24452460 <message>
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24472462 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24482463 <translation>座標軸チェッカーの表示時間</translation>
24492464 </message>
24502465 <message>
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24522467 <source>Do not show</source>
24532468 <translation>非表示</translation>
24542469 </message>
24552470 <message>
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24572472 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24582473 <translation>常に座標軸チェッカーを非表示とします。</translation>
24592474 </message>
24602475 <message>
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24622477 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24632478 <translation>座標軸チェッカーを指定秒数だけ表示</translation>
24642479 </message>
24652480 <message>
2466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24672482 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24682483 <translation>座標軸の基準となる点を設定・変更した直後に、長さを秒で設定した期間だけ、座標軸チェッカーを表示します。</translation>
24692484 </message>
24702485 <message>
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24722487 <source>Show always</source>
24732488 <translation>常に表示</translation>
24742489 </message>
24752490 <message>
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24772492 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24782493 <translation>座標軸チェッカーを常に表示</translation>
24792494 </message>
24802495 <message>
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24822497 <source>Line color</source>
24832498 <translation>ラインの色:</translation>
24842499 </message>
24852500 <message>
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24872502 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24882503 <translation>座標軸の基準点をハイライトする際の色を選択できます。</translation>
24892504 </message>
24902505 <message>
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24922507 <source>Preview</source>
24932508 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
24942509 </message>
24952510 <message>
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24972512 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24982513 <translation>プレビュー画面 では現在の設定がどのように 座標軸 チェッカー の表示に影響するかを確認することができます。</translation>
24992514 </message>
25062521 <translation>カラー フィルター</translation>
25072522 </message>
25082523 <message>
2509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
25102525 <source>Curve Name</source>
25112526 <translation>カーブ名:</translation>
25122527 </message>
25132528 <message>
2514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25152530 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25162531 <translation>現在編集対象として選択されているカーブの名前</translation>
25172532 </message>
25182533 <message>
2519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25202535 <source>Filter mode</source>
25212536 <translation>フィルタリング モード</translation>
25222537 </message>
25232538 <message>
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25252540 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25272542 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
25302545 ピクセルの輝度値は、red、green、blueの3つのカラーコンポーネントから I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)という計算式で得ています。</translation>
25312546 </message>
25322547 <message>
2533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25342549 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25362551 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25432558 全ての色 (R, G, B) について、バックグラウンド色 (Rb, Gb, Bb)からの色差が距離 F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb))として計算されます。スケールバーでの左端ではフォアグラウンド色の色差はゼロですが、スケールバー上を右へいくほど直線的に色差が増大し、右端で最大となります。</translation>
25442559 </message>
25452560 <message>
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25472562 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25482563 <translation>色相 Hue、彩度 Saturation、明度 Valueからなる HSV 色空間 (HSV)で色を表現し、このなかの 色相 Hue 成分をもとに元の画像をフィルタリングし、黒と白のピクセルに区分することで、重要ではない情報は隠して重要な情報をより強調します。</translation>
25492564 </message>
25502565 <message>
2551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25522567 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25532568 <translation>色相 Hue、彩度 Saturation、明度 Valueからなる HSV 色空間(HSV)で色を表現し、このなかの 彩度 Saturation成分をもとに元の画像をフィルタリングし、黒と白のピクセルに区分することで、重要ではない情報は隠して重要な情報をより強調します。</translation>
25542569 </message>
25552570 <message>
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25572572 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25592574 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25622577 この明度 Value はまた Lightnessとも呼ばれます。</translation>
25632578 </message>
25642579 <message>
2565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25662581 <source>Preview</source>
25672582 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
25682583 </message>
25692584 <message>
2570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25712586 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25722587 <translation>プレビュー画面では、元の画像をフィルタリングするにあたって、現在の設定がどのような効果を与えているかを見ることができます。</translation>
25732588 </message>
25742589 <message>
2575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25762591 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25772592 <translation>ヒストグラム上でのフィルター範囲調整</translation>
25782593 </message>
25792594 <message>
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25812596 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25822597 <translation>選択されたフィルター対象成分をヒストグラムで表示しています。分割線 Dividerが2つ表示されており、それぞれ前後に動かすことでフィルターの範囲を調整することができ、フィルター後の出力画像に反映されます。明るい部分は出力に含められ、影が付けられている部分は除外されます。</translation>
25832598 </message>
25842599 <message>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25862601 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25872602 <translation>このボックスは読み取り専用で、ヒストグラムの水平方向の軸を示しています。</translation>
25882603 </message>
25902605 <context>
25912606 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25922607 <message>
2593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25962611 <source>Coordinates</source>
25972612 <translation>座標</translation>
25982613 </message>
25992614 <message>
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
26012616 <source>Date/Time</source>
26022617 <translation>日付 / 時刻</translation>
26032618 </message>
26042619 <message>
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
26062621 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26082623 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
26112626 日付形式を空欄にしておくと時刻部分のみが出力されます。</translation>
26122627 </message>
26132628 <message>
2614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26152630 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26172632 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
26202635 時刻形式を空欄にしておくと日付部分のみが出力されます。</translation>
26212636 </message>
26222637 <message>
2623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26242639 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26252640 <translation>座標のタイプ</translation>
26262641 </message>
26272642 <message>
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26292644 <source>Polar</source>
26302645 <translation>極座標</translation>
26312646 </message>
26322647 <message>
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26352650 <source>R</source>
26362651 <translation>動径 R</translation>
26372652 </message>
26382653 <message>
2639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26402655 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26412656 <translation>直交座標 (X, Y)</translation>
26422657 </message>
26432658 <message>
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26452660 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26472662 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26502665 X と Y からなる座標が使われます。</translation>
26512666 </message>
26522667 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2668 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26542669 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26562671 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26632678 極座標を選択した場合、偏角Thetaに対数スケールを使うことはできません。</translation>
26642679 </message>
26652680 <message>
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26682683 <source>Scale</source>
26692684 <translation>軸目盛:</translation>
26702685 </message>
26712686 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2687 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26742689 <source>Linear</source>
26752690 <translation>リニア</translation>
26762691 </message>
26772692 <message>
2678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26792694 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26802695 <translation>X 軸または偏角の目盛をリニア軸とします。</translation>
26812696 </message>
26822697 <message>
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26852700 <source>Log</source>
26862701 <translation>対数</translation>
26872702 </message>
26882703 <message>
2689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26902705 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26922707 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26992714 対数目盛は偏角の座標軸には利用できません。</translation>
27002715 </message>
27012716 <message>
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
27042719 <source>Units</source>
27052720 <translation>単位:</translation>
27062721 </message>
27072722 <message>
2708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
27092724 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
27102725 <translation>Y 座標 または 動径 R の目盛をリニアとします。</translation>
27112726 </message>
27122727 <message>
2713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27142729 <source>Origin radius value</source>
27152730 <translation>動径の初期値:</translation>
27162731 </message>
27172732 <message>
2718 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27192734 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27212736 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27242739 対数目盛は座標値にマイナスの値が含まれる場合には設定できません。</translation>
27252740 </message>
27262741 <message>
2727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27282743 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27302745 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
27332748 通常、動径の初期値は 0 ですが、0 ではない値を与えることもできます (例えば単位がデシベル dbである場合など) 。</translation>
27342749 </message>
27352750 <message>
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27372752 <source>Preview</source>
27382753 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
27392754 </message>
27402755 <message>
2741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27422757 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27432758 <translation>プレビュー画面に現在の設定がどのように座標系に反映されるかが表示されます。</translation>
27442759 </message>
27452760 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27472762 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27492764 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27562771 度分秒 (DDD MM SS.S) 形式では 2 つの整数値で度と分を、また実数値で秒を表します。 1 分は 60 秒です。入力の際、3 つの数値のあいだを空白文字で区切ります。</translation>
27572772 </message>
27582773 <message>
2759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27602775 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27622777 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27812796 ターン (Turn) 表示形式は 実数一つで角度を表現します。一回転は1 ターンです。</translation>
27822797 </message>
27832798 <message>
2784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27852800 <source>X</source>
27862801 <translation>X</translation>
27872802 </message>
27882803 <message>
2789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27902805 <source>Y</source>
27912806 <translation>Y</translation>
27922807 </message>
27932808 </context>
27942809 <context>
2795 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2796 <message>
2797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2810 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2811 <message>
2812 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27982813 <source>Curve List</source>
2799 <translation>曲線リスト</translation>
2800 </message>
2801 <message>
2802 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2814 <translation>カーブリスト</translation>
2815 </message>
2816 <message>
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
28032818 <source>Add...</source>
28042819 <translation>追加...</translation>
28052820 </message>
28062821 <message>
2807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
28082823 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
28102825 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2811 <translation>新たにカーブをリストに追加します。カーブ名はカーブ名リストで編集することもできます。
2813 どのカーブ名も固有で重複はできません。</translation>
2814 </message>
2815 <message>
2816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2826 <translation>曲線リストに新しい曲線を追加します。カーブ名はカーブ名リストで編集できます。すべてのカーブ名は一意である必要があります</translation>
2827 </message>
2828 <message>
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28172830 <source>Remove</source>
2818 <translation>削除</translation>
2819 </message>
2820 <message>
2821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2831 <translation>削除する</translation>
2832 </message>
2833 <message>
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28222835 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28242837 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2825 <translation>カーブ名リストから選択されたカーブを削除します。
2827 常に最低一つのカーブがリストにあるようにしてください。</translation>
2828 </message>
2829 <message>
2830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2838 <translation>現在選択されている曲線を曲線リストから削除します。常に少なくとも1つの曲線が必要です</translation>
2839 </message>
2840 <message>
2841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28312842 <source>Curve Names</source>
2832 <translation>カーブ名:</translation>
2833 </message>
2834 <message>
2835 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2843 <translation>カーブ名</translation>
2844 </message>
2845 <message>
2846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28362847 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28382849 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28402851 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2841 <translation>このドキュメントに含まれているカーブ名のリストです。
2843 編集するにはカーブ名をクリックしてください。どのカーブ名も一意でなければなりません。
2845 ドラッグすることでカーブ名の順序を変更することも可能です。</translation>
2846 </message>
2847 <message>
2848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2852 <translation>この文書に属する曲線のリスト。編集するには、曲線名をクリックします。各カーブ名は一意である必要があります。ドラッグしてカーブを並べ替えます。</translation>
2853 </message>
2854 <message>
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28492856 <source>Save As Default</source>
28502857 <translation>デフォルトとして設定</translation>
28512858 </message>
28522859 <message>
2853 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28542861 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2855 <translation>カーブ名を今後グラフ カーブを作成する際のデフォルトとして設定します。</translation>
2856 </message>
2857 <message>
2858 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2862 <translation>将来のグラフ曲線のデフォルトとして使用するために曲線名を保存します。</translation>
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28592866 <source>Reset Default</source>
2860 <translation>デフォルト設定のリセット</translation>
2861 </message>
2862 <message>
2863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2867 <translation>デフォルトにリセット</translation>
2868 </message>
2869 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28642871 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2865 <translation>グラフ カーブのデフォルトを現在の設定からオリジナルの設定にリセットします。</translation>
2866 </message>
2867 <message>
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2872 <translation>将来のグラフ曲線のデフォルトを元の設定にリセットします。</translation>
2873 </message>
2874 <message>
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28692876 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2870 <translation>このカーブを削除すると、同時にポイントも削除されます。</translation>
2871 </message>
2872 <message>
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2877 <translation>この曲線を削除すると、</translation>
2878 </message>
2879 <message>
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28752882 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2876 <translation>続けますか?</translation>
2877 </message>
2878 <message>
2879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2883 <translation>ポイント持続する?</translation>
2884 </message>
2885 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28802887 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2881 <translation>これらのカーブを削除すると、ポイントを含めてカーブが削除されます。</translation>
2882 </message>
2883 <message>
2884 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2888 <translation>これらの曲線を削除すると、</translation>
2889 </message>
2890 <message>
2891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28852892 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2886 <translation> </translation>
2893 <translation>ポイント付き曲線</translation>
28872894 </message>
28882895 </context>
28892896 <context>
28902897 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28912898 <message>
2892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28932900 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28942901 <translation>カーブのプロパティ</translation>
28952902 </message>
28962903 <message>
2897 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28982905 <source>Curve Name</source>
28992906 <translation>カーブ名:</translation>
29002907 </message>
29012908 <message>
2902 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
29032910 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
29042911 <translation>現在編集対象として選択されているカーブの名前</translation>
29052912 </message>
29062913 <message>
2907 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
29082915 <source>Line</source>
29092916 <translation>ライン</translation>
29102917 </message>
29112918 <message>
2912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29132920 <source>Width</source>
29142921 <translation>線幅:</translation>
29152922 </message>
29162923 <message>
2917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29182925 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29202927 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29232930 この変更はグラフ カーブにのみ適用されます。座標軸の基準となる点のあいだにラインが描画されることはありません。</translation>
29242931 </message>
29252932 <message>
2926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2927 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29282935 <source>Color</source>
29292936 <translation>色:</translation>
29302937 </message>
29312938 <message>
2932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29332940 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29352942 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29382945 この変更はグラフ カーブにのみ適用されます。座標軸の基準となる点のあいだにラインが描画されることはありません。</translation>
29392946 </message>
29402947 <message>
2941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29422949 <source>Connect as</source>
29432950 <translation>ラインとポイントの接続</translation>
29442951 </message>
29452952 <message>
2946 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29472954 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29492956 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29532960 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2955 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2962 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29572964 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2958 <translation>ポイントとラインを接続するために使うルール設定を選択します。
2960 もし カーブ が単変数関数となるのであれば、これらの ポイント は 単純に増減する独立変数に従い並べられます。
2962 もし カーブ が閉じたコンター(等高線)であれば、これらのポイントはすでに存在するコンター上に位置するものを除き age に従い並べられます。既存の ライン 上に位置するポイントはすべて、そのラインにおける端点のあいだに内挿されますーあたかもその age が、この二つの端点の age の間の値を持っているかのように。
2964 ライン は連続して並べられたポイントのあいだに描かれます。
2966 直線の カーブ は連続したポイント間に直線を描きます。曲線は 連続したポイント間を曲線で結びます。
2967 これらのルールはグラフのカーブにのみ適用されます。座標軸の基準点の間にラインが描かれることはありません。</translation>
2968 </message>
2969 <message>
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2965 <translation>直線と点を結ぶルールを選択します。❑曲線が単一値関数として接続されている場合、点は独立変数の値を大きくすることによって序列されます。Â曲線が閉じた輪郭として接続されている場合、点は既存の線に沿って配置された点を除いて、年齢順。既存の線の上に置かれた点は、その線の2つの端点の間に挿入されます。その年齢が2つの端点の間にあるかのように挿入されます。success連続した点の間に線が引かれます。ストレート曲線は、連続する点の間の線。滑らかな曲線は、(x、y)対の自然な3次スプラインとスカラー序数(t)の値を使用して、連続する点の間の滑らかな線で描かれます。これはグラフ曲線にのみ適用されます。軸の点の間に線が引かれることはありません。</translation>
2966 </message>
2967 <message>
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29712969 <source>Point</source>
29722970 <translation>ポイント</translation>
29732971 </message>
29742972 <message>
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29762974 <source>Shape</source>
29772975 <translation>形状:</translation>
29782976 </message>
29792977 <message>
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29812979 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29822980 <translation>ポイントの形状を選択します。</translation>
29832981 </message>
29842982 <message>
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29862984 <source>Radius</source>
29872985 <translation>半径:</translation>
29882986 </message>
29892987 <message>
2990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29912989 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29922990 <translation>ポイントの半径をピクセル数で指定します。</translation>
29932991 </message>
29942992 <message>
2995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29962994 <source>Line width</source>
29972995 <translation>ラインの線幅:</translation>
29982996 </message>
29992997 <message>
3000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
30012999 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
30033001 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
30063004 線幅に大きな数字を指定すると線は太くなりますが、ゼロを指定した場合には常に1 ピクセルとなります。(これはかなり縮小した場合にも見ることができるので便利です)</translation>
30073005 </message>
30083006 <message>
3009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
30103008 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
30113009 <translation>ポイントを描画する線の色を指定します。</translation>
30123010 </message>
30133011 <message>
3014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30153013 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30173015 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30243022 もしカーブの見た目に関する設定がカーブ リストでのN番目のグラフ カーブに対して変更された場合、以降のグラフ カーブでも、カーブ リストでN番目にリストされたカーブに対するデフォルトとなります。これは新たな設定がデフォルトとして保存されるまで有効です。</translation>
30253023 </message>
30263024 <message>
3027 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30283026 <source>Preview</source>
30293027 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
30303028 </message>
30313029 <message>
3032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30333031 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30353033 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
31283126 <translation>エクスポート するファイルのフォーマット</translation>
31293127 </message>
31303128 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31323130 <source>Included</source>
31333131 <translation>カーブリストを含む</translation>
31343132 </message>
31353133 <message>
3136 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31373135 <source>Not included</source>
31383136 <translation>カーブリストを含まない</translation>
31393137 </message>
31403138 <message>
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31423140 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31443142 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31473145 エクスポート ファイルでのカーブの順番は、カーブリストでの順番に影響されません。この順番は カーブ設定 画面にて指定されます。</translation>
31483146 </message>
31493147 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31513149 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31523150 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルには、カーブ リストが含まれません。</translation>
31533151 </message>
31543152 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31563154 <source>Include</source>
31573155 <translation>含める</translation>
31583156 </message>
31593157 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31613159 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31623160 <translation>選択された カーブ を、除外対象 (リスト) から 移動 します。</translation>
31633161 </message>
31643162 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31663164 <source>Exclude</source>
31673165 <translation>除外</translation>
31683166 </message>
31693167 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31713169 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31723170 <translation>選択された カーブ を、除外対象 (リスト) に移動します。</translation>
31733171 </message>
31743172 <message>
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31763174 <source>Delimiters</source>
31773175 <translation>区切り文字</translation>
31783176 </message>
31793177 <message>
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31813179 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31823180 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは隣り合う数値間をコンマで区切られます。但しTSVファイルとしてタブ区切りで置き換えられる場合を除きます。</translation>
31833181 </message>
31843182 <message>
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31863184 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31873185 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは隣り合う数値間を空白文字で区切られます。但しCSVファイルとしてカンマ区切りとなる場合、あるいはTSVファイルとしてタブ区切りで置き換えられる場合を除きます。</translation>
31883186 </message>
31893187 <message>
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31913189 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31923190 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは隣り合う数値間をタブで区切られます。但しCSVファイルとしてカンマ区切りで置き換えられる場合を除きます。</translation>
31933191 </message>
31943192 <message>
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31963194 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31973195 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは隣り合う数値間をセミコロンで区切られます。但しCSVファイルとしてカンマ区切りで置き換えられる場合を除きます。</translation>
31983196 </message>
31993197 <message>
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
32013199 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
32023200 <translation>CSV/TSV 形式の指定</translation>
32033201 </message>
32043202 <message>
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
32063204 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
32073205 <translation>ここでCSVあるいはTSVを指定することで直接出力ファイル形式を設定できます。特に指定しなければファイル中でのコンマ区切り(CSV)あるいはタブ区切り(TSV)が尊重されます。</translation>
32083206 </message>
32093207 <message>
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
32113209 <source>Layout</source>
32123210 <translation>エクスポート ファイルのレイアウト:</translation>
32133211 </message>
32143212 <message>
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32163214 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32173215 <translation>一行に全カーブ</translation>
32183216 </message>
32193217 <message>
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32213219 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32223220 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルの各行には、X 値、最初の カーブ の Y 値、次の カーブ のY値、の順にデータが並びます。</translation>
32233221 </message>
32243222 <message>
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32263224 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32273225 <translation>一行に 1 つの カーブ</translation>
32283226 </message>
32293227 <message>
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32313229 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
32323230 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは、まず 1 つめの カーブ の全ポイントを一組の X - Y のペアとして各行に記述し、引き続き 2 つ目以降の カーブ を順次記述していきます。</translation>
32333231 </message>
32343232 <message>
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32363234 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32373235 <translation>近似式で補間する際に使用する X 値の読み取り方法の選択</translation>
32383236 </message>
32393237 <message>
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32413239 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32423240 <translation>全 カーブ の X について Y を 補間 </translation>
32433241 </message>
32443242 <message>
3245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32463244 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32473245 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルには、全てのカーブから 重複しない X を全て用います。Y の値は必要に応じて 補間 されます。</translation>
32483246 </message>
32493247 <message>
3250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3249 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3250 <translation>外部エンドポイントを推定する</translation>
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3254 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3255 <translation>各曲線の端点以外の外挿を有効または無効にします。無効にすると、各曲線の端点間の点のみがエクスポートされます。</translation>
3256 </message>
3257 <message>
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32513259 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32523260 <translation>最初の カーブ の X について Y を 補間</translation>
32533261 </message>
32543262 <message>
3255 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32563264 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32573265 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルには、最初の カーブ から X を用います。Y の値は必要に応じて 補間 されます</translation>
32583266 </message>
32593267 <message>
3260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3261 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3262 <translation>等間隔の X について Y を 補間 </translation>
3263 </message>
3264 <message>
3265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3269 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3270 <translation>自動的に選択された等間隔のX値でYを補間</translation>
3271 </message>
3272 <message>
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32663274 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32673275 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルには、等間隔に区切られた X が用いられます。インターバルは以下にて設定できます。</translation>
32683276 </message>
32693277 <message>
3270 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32723280 <source>Interval</source>
32733281 <translation>インターバル:</translation>
32743282 </message>
32753283 <message>
3276 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32773285 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32793287 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32863294 X 値は できるだけシンプルな数値の並びになるように設定されます。もし最初のポイントあるいは最後のポイントが数値の並びに沿わない場合、1 あるいは 2 つのポイントが必要に応じて追加されます。</translation>
32873295 </message>
32883296 <message>
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32903298 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32923300 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32993307 なおインターバル間隔を X の目盛単位に合わせるには、グラフの目盛単位を利用します。</translation>
33003308 </message>
33013309 <message>
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3303 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3311 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3312 <translation>グリッド線上の等間隔のX値でYを補間</translation>
3313 </message>
3314 <message>
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3316 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3317 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは、垂直グリッド線に等間隔のX値の値を持ちます。</translation>
3318 </message>
3319 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
33043322 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
33053323 <translation>X および Y の原データ</translation>
33063324 </message>
33073325 <message>
3308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
33103328 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
33113329 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは元のXとYの値だけを含みます。</translation>
33123330 </message>
33133331 <message>
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33153333 <source>Header</source>
33163334 <translation>ヘッダー情報</translation>
33173335 </message>
33183336 <message>
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33203338 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33213339 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルはヘッダー行を含みません。</translation>
33223340 </message>
33233341 <message>
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33253343 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33263344 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは簡易なヘッダー行を含みます。</translation>
33273345 </message>
33283346 <message>
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33303348 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33313349 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルはgnuplotに対応するヘッダー行を含みます。</translation>
33323350 </message>
33333351 <message>
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33353353 <source>Save As Default</source>
33363354 <translation>デフォルトとして設定</translation>
33373355 </message>
33383356 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33403358 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33413359 <translation>設定情報を以後のデフォルトとして保存します。</translation>
33423360 </message>
33433361 <message>
3344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3363 <source>Load Default</source>
3364 <translation>デフォルトをロード</translation>
3365 </message>
3366 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3368 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3369 <translation>デフォルト設定を読み込みます。</translation>
3370 </message>
3371 <message>
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33453373 <source>Preview</source>
33463374 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
33473375 </message>
33483376 <message>
3349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33503378 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33523380 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33553383 (青色で表示された) 近似式による補間結果がまず出力され、またポイント 間を順に接続して得られたライン (緑色) による補間結果があれば、これも続いて出力されます。</translation>
33563384 </message>
33573385 <message>
3358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33593387 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33603388 <translation>ポイント 間の接続線からの X 値の読み取り方法の選択</translation>
33613389 </message>
33623390 <message>
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33643392 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33653393 <translation>XとYについて、それぞれ等間隔に 補間 して値を出力します。</translation>
33663394 </message>
33673395 <message>
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33693397 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33703398 <translation>エクスポートされたファイルは、それぞれの リレーション に沿って、等間隔に ポイント を含みます。もし最後のインターバルが最後の点で丁度終わらなければ、最後のインターバル間隔は最後の点と合致するように少し短く調整されます。</translation>
33713399 </message>
33723400 <message>
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33743402 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33753403 <translation>等間隔の座標でエクスポートする際の、連続したポイント間の間隔</translation>
33763404 </message>
33773405 <message>
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33793407 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33813409 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33883416 グラフの目盛単位は通常X 軸・ Y 軸の目盛が同一である場合に利用が勧められます。</translation>
33893417 </message>
33903418 <message>
3391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33923420 <source>Functions</source>
33933421 <translation>座標取得機能</translation>
33943422 </message>
33953423 <message>
3396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33973425 <source>Functions Tab
33993427 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
34023430 座標を取得してエクスポートする際に利用するオプションを選択します。X軸について等間隔とする場合にはそのインターバルも指定します。</translation>
34033431 </message>
34043432 <message>
3405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
34063434 <source>Relations</source>
34073435 <translation>リレーション機能</translation>
34083436 </message>
34093437 <message>
3410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
34113439 <source>Relations Tab
34133441 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34163444 座標を取得してエクスポートする際に利用するオプションを選択し、等間隔とする場合にはインターバルを指定します。</translation>
34173445 </message>
34183446 <message>
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34203448 <source>X Label</source>
34213449 <translation>X軸ラベル</translation>
34223450 </message>
34233451 <message>
3424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3425 <source>Theta Label</source>
3426 <translation>偏角ラベル</translation>
3427 </message>
3428 <message>
3429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34303453 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34313454 <translation>ヘッダー情報に X軸 をラベルとして含める。</translation>
34323455 </message>
34333456 <message>
3434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3435 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3436 <translation>ヘッダー情報に 偏角 をラベルとして含める。</translation>
3437 </message>
3438 <message>
3439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34403458 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34413459 <translation>プレビュー 画面は座標軸の基準となる ポイント が設定されるまでは表示されません。</translation>
34423460 </message>
35033521 <translation>グリッドの表示</translation>
35043522 </message>
35053523 <message>
3506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
35073525 <source>Color</source>
35083526 <translation>色:</translation>
35093527 </message>
35103528 <message>
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35123530 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35133531 <translation>グリッドの罫線を表示する色を選択します。</translation>
35143532 </message>
35153533 <message>
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35183536 <source>Disable</source>
35193537 <translation>除外対象:</translation>
35203538 </message>
35213539 <message>
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35233541 <source>Disabled value.
35253543 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35283546 グリッドの X 枠線を設定するために 4 つのパラメーターを調整可能ですが、一度に変更できるのは、そのうち3 つの要素です。 そのため、まず変更しないパラメーターを除外対象として指定してから調整を始めてください。その際、除外されたパラメーターの値は他の 3 つのパラメーターが変更されるのに伴い自動的に更新されます。</translation>
35293547 </message>
35303548 <message>
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35333551 <source>Count</source>
35343552 <translation>個数</translation>
35353553 </message>
35363554 <message>
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35383556 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35403558 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35433561 X 枠線の本数を 1 以上の整数で指定します。</translation>
35443562 </message>
35453563 <message>
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35483566 <source>Start</source>
35493567 <translation>開始位置</translation>
35503568 </message>
35513569 <message>
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35533571 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35553573 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35583576 X 枠線を開始する位置です。この値は終了位置の値よりも大きくならないようにしてください。</translation>
35593577 </message>
35603578 <message>
3561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35633581 <source>Step</source>
35643582 <translation>間隔</translation>
35653583 </message>
35663584 <message>
3567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35683586 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35703588 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35733591 ゼロよりも大きな値を指定します。</translation>
35743592 </message>
35753593 <message>
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35783596 <source>Stop</source>
35793597 <translation>終了位置</translation>
35803598 </message>
35813599 <message>
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35833601 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35853603 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35883606 X 枠線を終了する位置です。この値は開始位置の値よりも小さくならないようにしてください。</translation>
35893607 </message>
35903608 <message>
3591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35923610 <source>Disabled value.
35943612 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35973615 グリッドの Y 枠線を設定するために 4 つのパラメーターを調整可能ですが、一度に変更できるのは、そのうち3 つの要素です。 そのため、まず変更しないパラメーターを除外対象として指定してから調整を始めてください。その際、除外されたパラメーターの値は他の 3 つのパラメーターが変更されるのに伴い自動的に更新されます。</translation>
35983616 </message>
35993617 <message>
3600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
36013619 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
36033621 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36063624 Y 枠線の本数を 1 以上の整数で指定します。</translation>
36073625 </message>
36083626 <message>
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
36103628 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36123630 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36153633 Y 枠線を開始する位置です。この値は終了位置の値よりも大きくならないようにしてください。</translation>
36163634 </message>
36173635 <message>
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36193637 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36213639 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36243642 ゼロよりも大きな値を指定します。</translation>
36253643 </message>
36263644 <message>
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36283646 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36303648 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36333651 Y 枠線を終了する位置です。この値は開始位置の値よりも小さくならないようにしてください。</translation>
36343652 </message>
36353653 <message>
3636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36373655 <source>Preview</source>
36383656 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
36393657 </message>
36403658 <message>
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36423660 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36433661 <translation>プレビュー画面 では、現在の設定がどのように枠線の表示に影響するかを見ることができます。</translation>
36443662 </message>
36453663 <message>
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36473665 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36483666 <translation>X 枠線</translation>
36493667 </message>
36503668 <message>
3651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36523670 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36533671 <translation>グリッド 線</translation>
36543672 </message>
36553673 <message>
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36573675 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36583676 <translation>Y 枠線</translation>
36593677 </message>
36603678 <message>
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36623680 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36633681 <translation>動径枠線</translation>
36643682 </message>
36653683 <message>
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36673685 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36683686 <translation>グリッド数が設定/メインウィンドウで設定した制限を超えています。</translation>
36693687 </message>
36763694 <translation>枠線近傍の消去</translation>
36773695 </message>
36783696 <message>
3679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36803698 <source>Preview</source>
36813699 <translation>プレビュー表示</translation>
36823700 </message>
36833701 <message>
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36853703 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36863704 <translation>プレビュー画面で現在の設定が枠線近傍のピクセル消去にどのように反映されるかを見ることができます。</translation>
36873705 </message>
36883706 <message>
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36903708 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36913709 <translation>設定した枠線近傍のピクセルを消去</translation>
36923710 </message>
36933711 <message>
3694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36953713 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36973715 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
37003718 このオプションは、座標軸の基準となる点をすべて設定すると利用できるようになります。</translation>
37013719 </message>
37023720 <message>
3703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
37043722 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
37053723 <translation>枠線からの距離 (ピクセル)</translation>
37063724 </message>
37073725 <message>
3708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
37093727 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
37113729 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
37183736 マイナスの値を与えることはできません。また少数点以下の数値も使えますが、ゼロを指定するとこの機能は無効化されます。</translation>
37193737 </message>
37203738 <message>
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37223740 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37233741 <translation>X 枠線</translation>
37243742 </message>
37253743 <message>
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37273745 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37283746 <translation>グリッド 線</translation>
37293747 </message>
37303748 <message>
3731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37333751 <source>Disable</source>
37343752 <translation>除外対象:</translation>
37353753 </message>
37363754 <message>
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37383756 <source>Disabled value.
37403758 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37433761 グリッドの X 枠線を設定するために 4 つのパラメーターを調整可能ですが、一度に変更できるのは、そのうち3 つの要素です。 そのため、まず変更しないパラメーターを除外対象として指定してから調整を始めてください。その際、除外されたパラメーターの値は他の 3 つのパラメーターが変更されるのに伴い自動的に更新されます。</translation>
37443762 </message>
37453763 <message>
3746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37483766 <source>Count</source>
37493767 <translation>個数</translation>
37503768 </message>
37513769 <message>
3752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37533771 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37553773 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37583776 X 枠線の本数を 1 以上の整数で指定します。</translation>
37593777 </message>
37603778 <message>
3761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3762 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37633781 <source>Start</source>
37643782 <translation>開始位置</translation>
37653783 </message>
37663784 <message>
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37683786 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37703788 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37733791 X 枠線を開始する位置です。この値は終了位置の値よりも大きくならないようにしてください。</translation>
37743792 </message>
37753793 <message>
3776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37783796 <source>Step</source>
37793797 <translation>間隔</translation>
37803798 </message>
37813799 <message>
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37833801 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37853803 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37883806 ゼロよりも大きな値を指定します。</translation>
37893807 </message>
37903808 <message>
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37933811 <source>Stop</source>
37943812 <translation>終了位置</translation>
37953813 </message>
37963814 <message>
3797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37983816 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
38003818 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38033821 X 枠線を終了する位置です。この値は開始位置の値よりも小さくならないようにしてください。</translation>
38043822 </message>
38053823 <message>
3806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
38073825 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
38083826 <translation>Y 枠線</translation>
38093827 </message>
38103828 <message>
3811 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
38123830 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
38133831 <translation>R 枠線</translation>
38143832 </message>
38153833 <message>
3816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
38173835 <source>Disabled value.
38193837 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
38223840 グリッドの Y 枠線を設定するために 4 つのパラメーターを調整可能ですが、一度に変更できるのは、そのうち3 つの要素です。 そのため、まず変更しないパラメーターを除外対象として指定してから調整を始めてください。その際、除外されたパラメーターの値は他の 3 つのパラメーターが変更されるのに伴い自動的に更新されます。</translation>
38233841 </message>
38243842 <message>
3825 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3843 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38263844 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38283846 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38313849 Y 枠線の本数を 1 以上の整数で指定します。</translation>
38323850 </message>
38333851 <message>
3834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38353853 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38373855 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38403858 Y 枠線を開始する位置です。この値は終了位置の値よりも大きくならないようにしてください。</translation>
38413859 </message>
38423860 <message>
3843 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3861 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38443862 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38463864 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38493867 ゼロよりも大きな値を指定します。</translation>
38503868 </message>
38513869 <message>
3852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38533871 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38553873 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38613879 <context>
38623880 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38633881 <message>
3864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38653883 <source>Main Window</source>
38663884 <translation>メイン画面</translation>
38673885 </message>
38683886 <message>
3869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38703888 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38713889 <translation>初期画面の倍率:</translation>
38723890 </message>
38733891 <message>
3874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38753893 <source>Initial Zoom
38773895 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38803898 新たにドキュメントを開いたときに画面に表示される倍率を設定します。前回閉じたときの倍率を維持することもできますし、また倍率を指定して開くこともできます。</translation>
38813899 </message>
38823900 <message>
3883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38843902 <source>Zoom control</source>
38853903 <translation>倍率の変更:</translation>
38863904 </message>
38873905 <message>
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38893907 <source>Menu only</source>
38903908 <translation>メニューのみ</translation>
38913909 </message>
38923910 <message>
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38943912 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38953913 <translation>メニューおよびマウス ホィールを使用</translation>
38963914 </message>
38973915 <message>
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38993917 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
39003918 <translation>メニューおよび +/- キーを使用</translation>
39013919 </message>
39023920 <message>
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
39043922 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
39053923 <translation>メニュー、マウス ホィール、あるいは +/- キーを使用</translation>
39063924 </message>
39073925 <message>
3908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
39093927 <source>Zoom Control
39113929 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
39143932 倍率の拡大・縮小にどの入力方法を使うかを選べます。</translation>
39153933 </message>
39163934 <message>
3917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
39183935 <source>Locale</source>
3919 <translation>ロケール</translation>
3920 </message>
3921 <message>
3922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3936 <translation type="vanished">ロケール</translation>
3937 </message>
3938 <message>
3939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3940 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3941 <translation>ロケール(再起動が必要)</translation>
3942 </message>
3943 <message>
3944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
39233945 <source>Locale
39253947 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
39323954 ロケール は数値の表現形式を決定付けますが、特に コンマ とピリオド はユーザーインターフェースでの表示に加えて出力ファイルでの取り扱いに影響します。</translation>
39333955 </message>
39343956 <message>
3935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39363958 <source>Import cropping</source>
39373959 <translation>画像をトリミングしてインポート</translation>
39383960 </message>
39393961 <message>
3940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39413963 <source>Import Cropping
39433965 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39513973 </translation>
39523974 </message>
39533975 <message>
3954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39553977 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39563978 <translation>PDF インポート の解像度 (dpi)</translation>
39573979 </message>
39583980 <message>
3959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39603982 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39623984 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39653987 Portable Document Format (PDF) ファイルをインポートすると、ここで指定した解像度 (dots per inch: DPI)に変換されます。ここでのドットはピクセルに相当します。 値を大きくすると解像度が上がり、デジタイズ精度がよくなる可能性があります。一方で、あまり大きな値を与えて画像ファイルサイズが大きいと Engauge の動きが遅くなります。</translation>
39663988 </message>
39673989 <message>
3968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39693991 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39703992 <translation>枠線の最大数</translation>
39713993 </message>
39723994 <message>
3973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39743996 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39763998 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39794001 ここで作成できる枠線の最大本数を指定します。この上限値を設定することで、枠線を生成する際にその範囲に比べてインターバル間隔が小さすぎるなど、枠線が多すぎて見分けがつかなくなったり、処理に時間がかかりすぎたりすることを防ぐことができます。 (各枠線の処理にある程度の時間を要します)。</translation>
39804002 </message>
39814003 <message>
3982 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
4004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39834005 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39844006 <translation>ハイライト時の透明度</translation>
39854007 </message>
39864008 <message>
3987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
4009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39884010 <source>Highlight Opacity
39904012 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
39934015 選択モードで カーブ あるいは座標軸の基準点にマウスを重ねると、透明度の変化でハイライトしています。この見た目の変化でポイントがいつ選択されたかなどを知ることができます。</translation>
39944016 </message>
39954017 <message>
3996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
4018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39974019 <source>Recent file list</source>
39984020 <translation>最近利用したファイルのリスト</translation>
39994021 </message>
40004022 <message>
4001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
40024024 <source>Clear</source>
40034025 <translation>クリア</translation>
40044026 </message>
40054027 <message>
4006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
40074029 <source>Recent File List Clear
40094031 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
40124034 ファイル メニューに表示される 最近利用したファイルリストをクリアすることができます。</translation>
40134035 </message>
40144036 <message>
4015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
40164038 <source>Include title bar path</source>
40174039 <translation>タイトルバーにファイルへのパスを含める</translation>
40184040 </message>
40194041 <message>
4020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
40214043 <source>Title Bar Filename
40234045 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
40264048 タイトル バーにはファイル名が表示されますが、同時にファイルへのパスや拡張子を表示するか非表示とするかを選択できます。</translation>
40274049 </message>
40284050 <message>
4029 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40304052 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40314053 <translation>設定画面を小さく</translation>
40324054 </message>
40334055 <message>
4034 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40354057 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40374059 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40404062 設定画面を可能な限り小さくして、小型のコンピューターの画面で扱いやすくします。</translation>
40414063 </message>
40424064 <message>
4043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40444066 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40454067 <translation>ドラッグ アンド ドロップ でのエクスポートを許可</translation>
40464068 </message>
40474069 <message>
4048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40494071 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40514073 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40584080 ドラッグ アンド ドロップ でのエクスポートを許可しない状態であれば、クリック アンド ドラッグ でセルを長方形のテーブル状に選択することができます。一方、ドラッグ アンド ドロップ でのエクスポートを許可しているときには、クリック したあとに シフトボタンを押しながらクリックすることでセルを選択状態にします。</translation>
40594081 </message>
40604082 <message>
4061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4084 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4085 <translation>画像置換名変更文書</translation>
4086 </message>
4087 <message>
4088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4089 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4091 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4092 <translation>画像の名前変更ドキュメントの置き換え
4094 現在の画像を置き換えるために画像がインポートされると、これが当てはまる場合はドキュメントの名前が変更され、それ以外の場合は名前は変わりません。</translation>
4095 </message>
4096 <message>
4097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40624098 <source>Significant digits</source>
40634099 <translation>重要な数字:</translation>
40644100 </message>
40654101 <message>
4066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40674103 <source>Significant Digits
40694105 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
43114347 <context>
43124348 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
43134349 <message>
4350 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
43144351 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4315 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43164352 <source>Geometry Window</source>
43174353 <translation>カーブ の形状画面</translation>
43184354 </message>
43194355 <message>
4320 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4356 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43214357 <source>Geometry Window
43234359 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43524388 Distance = カーブに沿った 距離で、グラフ 単位あるいはパーセンテージ で表示されます。
43544390 ドラッグ アンド ドロップ 機能が無効になっているときは、マウス をクリックしドラッグすることで四角形の範囲のセルを選択することができるでしょう。逆に、ドラッグ アンド ドロップ 機能を有効にしていれば、マウスをクリックして Shift キーを押しながらクリックすることで四角形の範囲のセルを選択することになるでしょう。なおドラッグ アンド ドロップ 機能 はメイン画面の設定 で切り替えできます。</translation>
4391 </message>
4392 <message>
4393 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4394 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4395 <translation>強調表示されたセグメントは、オーバーラップのためにエクスポート時に予期しない値になることがあります。点を調整するか、設定/カーブプロパティ/別名で接続を変更します。</translation>
4396 </message>
4397 </context>
4398 <context>
4399 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4400 <message>
4401 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4402 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4403 <translation>関数は現在1つのX値に対して複数のY値を持っています。近くの点を調整するか、曲線のプロパティで曲線の種類を変更してください。</translation>
43554404 </message>
43564405 </context>
43574406 <context>
44004449 <context>
44014450 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
44024451 <message>
4403 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4452 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
44044453 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
44054454 <translation>画像のダウンロードができません</translation>
44064455 </message>
44074456 <message>
4408 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4457 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
44094458 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
44104459 <translation>画像を取り込むことができません</translation>
44114460 </message>
44134462 <context>
44144463 <name>MainWindow</name>
44154464 <message>
4416 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4465 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
44174466 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
44184467 <translation>ファイルのエクスポートに失敗しました。</translation>
44194468 </message>
44204469 <message>
4421 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4470 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
44224471 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
44234472 <translation>イメージをファイルに抽出できません</translation>
44244473 </message>
44254474 <message>
4426 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4427 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4428 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4475 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44294478 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44304479 <translation>ファイルを読み込むことができません。</translation>
44314480 </message>
44324481 <message>
4433 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4434 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4435 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4482 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4483 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4484 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44364485 <source>from directory</source>
44374486 <translation>指定のディレクトリから</translation>
44384487 </message>
44394488 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4489 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44414490 <source>Import Image</source>
44424491 <translation>画像を インポート</translation>
44434492 </message>
44444493 <message>
4445 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4494 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44464495 <source>File opened</source>
44474496 <translation>ファイルが開かれた</translation>
44484497 </message>
44494498 <message>
4450 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4499 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44514500 <source>File not found</source>
44524501 <translation>ファイル が見つかりません。</translation>
44534502 </message>
44544503 <message>
4455 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4504 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44564505 <source>Error report opened</source>
44574506 <translation>エラー レポートを 開きました。</translation>
44584507 </message>
44594508 <message>
4460 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4461 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4509 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4510 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44624511 <source>File imported</source>
44634512 <translation>ファイル をインポートしました。</translation>
44644513 </message>
44654514 <message>
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4515 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44674516 <source>Background image.</source>
44684517 <translation>バックグラウンド 画像</translation>
44694518 </message>
44704519 <message>
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4520 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44724521 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44734522 <translation>現在 選択中の カーブ</translation>
44744523 </message>
44754524 <message>
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4525 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44774526 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44784527 <translation>現在 選択中の カーブの ポイント 表示設定</translation>
44794528 </message>
44804529 <message>
4481 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4530 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44824531 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44834532 <translation>現在 選択中の カーブに対する セグメント フィル フィルタ </translation>
44844533 </message>
44854534 <message>
4486 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4535 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44874536 <source>The document has been modified.
44884537 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44894538 <translation>ドキュメントの内容が変更されました。
44904539 変更を保存しますか?</translation>
44914540 </message>
44924541 <message>
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4542 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44944543 <source>Cannot write file</source>
44954544 <translation>ファイル への書き込みに失敗しました。</translation>
44964545 </message>
44974546 <message>
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4547 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44994548 <source>Save</source>
45004549 <translation>セーブ</translation>
45014550 </message>
45024551 <message>
4503 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4552 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
45044553 <source>Export</source>
45054554 <translation>エクスポート</translation>
45064555 </message>
45074556 <message>
4508 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4557 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
45094558 <source>Open Document</source>
45104559 <translation>ドキュメントを開く</translation>
45114560 </message>
45124561 <message>
4513 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4562 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
45144563 <source>+</source>
45154564 <translation>+</translation>
45164565 </message>
45174566 <message>
4518 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4567 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
45194568 <source>-</source>
45204569 <translation>-</translation>
45214570 </message>
45224571 <message>
4523 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4572 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
45244573 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45254574 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
45264575 </message>
45284577 <context>
45294578 <name>QObject</name>
45304579 <message>
4531 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4532 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4533 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45344583 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45354584 <translation>すでに存在する座標軸の基準点と画面上の同じ位置に、新たに基準点を追加することはできません。</translation>
45364585 </message>
45374586 <message>
4538 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4539 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4587 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45404589 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45414590 <translation>すでに存在する座標軸の基準点とグラフ上同じとなる位置に、新たに基準点を追加することはできません。</translation>
45424591 </message>
45434592 <message>
4544 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4545 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4593 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4594 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45464595 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45474596 <translation>画面上で同じ ライン 上に 2 点を超える 座標軸の基準点を与えることはできません。</translation>
45484597 </message>
45494598 <message>
4550 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4551 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4599 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4600 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45524601 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45534602 <translation>グラフ座標で同じ ライン 上に 2 点を超える座標軸の基準点を与えることはできません。</translation>
45544603 </message>
45554604 <message>
4556 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4605 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45574606 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45584607 <translation> X 軸の基準点が多すぎます。基準点は 2 点のみ必要です。</translation>
45594608 </message>
45604609 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4610 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45624611 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45634612 <translation> Y 軸の基準点が多すぎます。基準点は 2 点のみ必要です。</translation>
45644613 </message>
45654614 <message>
4566 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4615 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45674616 <source>Never</source>
45684617 <translation>表示なし</translation>
45694618 </message>
45704619 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4620 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45724621 <source>NSeconds</source>
45734622 <translation>指定秒数</translation>
45744623 </message>
45754624 <message>
4576 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4625 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45774626 <source>Forever</source>
45784627 <translation>継続表示</translation>
4579 </message>
4580 <message>
4581 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4586 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4587 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4589 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4590 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4591 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4592 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4593 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4594 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4595 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4596 <source>Unknown</source>
4597 <translation>不明</translation>
45984628 </message>
45994629 <message>
46004630 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46434673 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46444674 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46454675 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4646 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4676 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46474677 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46484678 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46494679 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46814711 <translation>値</translation>
46824712 </message>
46834713 <message>
4684 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4714 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4715 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4716 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4717 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4718 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4719 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4720 <source>Unknown</source>
4721 <translation>不明</translation>
4722 </message>
4723 <message>
4724 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46854725 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46864726 <translation>カーブ の値を読み取ることができません。</translation>
46874727 </message>
47584798 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47594799 </message>
47604800 <message>
4761 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4801 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47624802 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47634803 <translation>予想外の xmlトークン</translation>
47644804 </message>
47694809 <translation>カーブ の データ を読み込むことができません。</translation>
47704810 </message>
47714811 <message>
4772 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4812 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47734813 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47744814 <translation>曲線で内挿</translation>
47754815 </message>
47764816 <message>
4777 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4817 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47784818 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47794819 <translation>直線で内挿</translation>
47804820 </message>
47814821 <message>
4782 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4822 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47834823 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47844824 <translation>ポイント 間を順に曲線で内挿</translation>
47854825 </message>
47864826 <message>
4787 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4827 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47884828 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47894829 <translation>ポイント 間を順に直線で内挿</translation>
47904830 </message>
47914831 <message>
4792 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4832 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47934833 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47944834 <translation>座標軸 の基準線接続をスキップ</translation>
47954835 </message>
48124852 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
48134853 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
48144854 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4815 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4855 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
48164856 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
48174857 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
48184858 </message>
48224862 <translation>座標軸 を設定するための3つの基準ポイントが既に設定されたので、ポイント の追加は不要です。</translation>
48234863 </message>
48244864 <message>
4825 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4865 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
48264866 <source>Color Picker</source>
48274867 <translation>カラーピッカー</translation>
48284868 </message>
48294869 <message>
4830 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4870 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48314871 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48324872 <translation>申し訳ありませんが カラーピッカー で選べる ポイント は バックグラウンド ではない ピクセル値 が必要です。再度試してみてください。</translation>
48334873 </message>
48674907 <translation>上へ 移動</translation>
48684908 </message>
48694909 <message>
4870 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4871 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4910 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4911 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48724912 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48734913 <translation>この オペレーティング システム(OS) で読み込みできるファイルタイプではないようです。</translation>
48744914 </message>
48754915 <message>
4876 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4916 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48774917 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48784918 <translation>この バージョン のファイル からは 新規読み込みができません。</translation>
48794919 </message>
48804920 <message>
4881 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4921 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48824922 <source>of</source>
48834923 <translation>この</translation>
48844924 </message>
48854925 <message>
4886 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4926 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48874927 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48884928 <source>File</source>
48894929 <translation>ファイル</translation>
48904930 </message>
48914931 <message>
4892 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4932 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48934933 <source>was not found</source>
48944934 <translation>見つかりませんでした。</translation>
48954935 </message>
48964936 <message>
4897 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4937 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48984938 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
48994939 <translation>画像を読み込むことができません。</translation>
49004940 </message>
49194959 <translation>デジタイズ された カーブ の 情報 を読み込むことができません。</translation>
49204960 </message>
49214961 <message>
4922 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4962 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
49234963 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
49244964 <translation>エクスポート 情報を読み込むことができません。</translation>
49254965 </message>
49544994 <translation>ポイント識別子エラーが発生しました。 Engageの開発者に、国と言語のロケールに関するコメントとともにお知らせください。無効なポイント名は</translation>
49554995 </message>
49564996 <message>
4957 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4997 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49584998 <source>Commas</source>
49594999 <translation>コンマ</translation>
49605000 </message>
49615001 <message>
4962 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
5002 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49635003 <source>Semicolons</source>
49645004 <translation>セミコロン</translation>
49655005 </message>
49665006 <message>
4967 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
5007 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49685008 <source>Spaces</source>
49695009 <translation>空白文字</translation>
49705010 </message>
49715011 <message>
4972 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
5012 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49735013 <source>Tabs</source>
49745014 <translation>タブ</translation>
49755015 </message>
49765016 <message>
4977 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
5017 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49785018 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49795019 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49805020 </message>
49815021 <message>
4982 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5022 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49835023 <source>None</source>
49845024 <translation>なし</translation>
49855025 </message>
49865026 <message>
4987 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5027 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49885028 <source>Simple</source>
49895029 <translation>簡易</translation>
49905030 </message>
49995039 <translation>ファイル を エクスポート することができません。</translation>
50005040 </message>
50015041 <message>
5002 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5042 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50035043 <source>AllPerLine</source>
50045044 <translation>全ての カーブ データ を 出力ファイルの各行に並べて表示します。</translation>
50055045 </message>
50065046 <message>
5007 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5047 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50085048 <source>OnePerLine</source>
50095049 <translation>出力される データ は カーブ ごとに 分けて表示されます。</translation>
50105050 </message>
50115051 <message>
5012 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5052 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
50135053 <source>Graph Units</source>
50145054 <translation>グラフ の単位</translation>
50155055 </message>
50165056 <message>
5017 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5057 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
50185058 <source>Pixels</source>
50195059 <translation>ピクセル</translation>
50205060 </message>
50215061 <message>
5022 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5062 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50235063 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
50245064 <translation>全て の カーブ の X 座標について対応する Y 座標を取得</translation>
50255065 </message>
50265066 <message>
5027 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5067 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50285068 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50295069 <translation>最初の カーブ の X 座標のみを利用して対応する Y 座標を取得</translation>
50305070 </message>
50315071 <message>
5032 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5072 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50335073 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50345074 <translation>等間隔に X 座標を指定して 対応する Y 座標を取得</translation>
50355075 </message>
50365076 <message>
5037 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5038 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5077 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5078 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50395079 <source>Raw</source>
50405080 <translation>元のデータ</translation>
50415081 </message>
50425082 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5083 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50445084 <source>Interpolate</source>
50455085 <translation>補間</translation>
50465086 </message>
50475087 <message>
5048 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5088 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50495089 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50505090 <translation>スクリプト ファイル を読み込むことができません。</translation>
50515091 </message>
50525092 <message>
5053 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5093 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50545094 <source>from directory</source>
50555095 <translation>指定のディレクトリから</translation>
50565096 </message>
50865126 </message>
50875127 <message>
50885128 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5089 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5129 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50905130 <source>X</source>
50915131 <translation>X</translation>
50925132 </message>
50965136 <translation>Y</translation>
50975137 </message>
50985138 <message>
5099 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5139 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
51005140 <source>Count</source>
51015141 <translation>個数</translation>
51025142 </message>
51035143 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5144 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
51055145 <source>Start</source>
51065146 <translation>開始位置</translation>
51075147 </message>
51085148 <message>
5109 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5149 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
51105150 <source>Step</source>
51115151 <translation>間隔</translation>
51125152 </message>
51135153 <message>
5114 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5154 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
51155155 <source>Stop</source>
51165156 <translation>終了位置</translation>
51175157 </message>
51515191 <translation>ポイント を認識 することができません。</translation>
51525192 </message>
51535193 <message>
5154 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5194 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51555195 <source>Circle</source>
51565196 <translation>円形</translation>
51575197 </message>
51585198 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5199 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51605200 <source>Cross</source>
51615201 <translation>十字</translation>
51625202 </message>
51635203 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5204 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51655205 <source>Diamond</source>
51665206 <translation>ひし形</translation>
51675207 </message>
51685208 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5209 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5210 <source>Hourglass</source>
5211 <translation>砂時計</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51705215 <source>Square</source>
51715216 <translation>正方形</translation>
51725217 </message>
51735218 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5219 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51755220 <source>Triangle</source>
51765221 <translation>三角形</translation>
51775222 </message>
51785223 <message>
5179 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5224 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5225 <source>Triangle2</source>
5226 <translation>三角形2</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51805230 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51815231 <translation>ポイント の スタイル 設定を読み込むことができません。</translation>
51825232 </message>
51835233 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5234 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51855235 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51865236 <translation>グラフ座標の座標</translation>
51875237 </message>
51885238 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5239 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51905240 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51915241 <translation>ピクセル単位の座標</translation>
51925242 </message>
51935243 <message>
5194 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5244 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51955245 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51965246 <translation>グラフ座標における解像度</translation>
51975247 </message>
52065256 <translation>座標軸の基準となる点がさらに必要です。</translation>
52075257 </message>
52085258 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
52105259 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5211 <translation>16:1 よりやや遠望</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5260 <translation type="vanished">16:1遠く</translation>
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
52155263 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5216 <translation>8:1 よりやや近接</translation>
5217 </message>
5218 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5264 <translation type="vanished">8:1近い</translation>
5265 </message>
5266 <message>
52205267 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5221 <translation>8:1 よりやや遠望</translation>
5222 </message>
5223 <message>
5224 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5268 <translation type="vanished">8:1遠く</translation>
5269 </message>
5270 <message>
52255271 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5226 <translation>4:1 よりやや近接</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5272 <translation type="vanished">4:1近い</translation>
5273 </message>
5274 <message>
52305275 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5231 <translation>4:1 よりやや遠望</translation>
5232 </message>
5233 <message>
5234 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5276 <translation type="vanished">4:1遠く</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
52355279 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5236 <translation>2:1 よりやや近接</translation>
5237 </message>
5238 <message>
5239 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5280 <translation type="vanished">2:1近い</translation>
5281 </message>
5282 <message>
52405283 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5241 <translation>2:1 よりやや遠望</translation>
5242 </message>
5243 <message>
5244 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5284 <translation type="vanished">2:1遠く</translation>
5285 </message>
5286 <message>
52455287 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5246 <translation>1:1 よりやや近接</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5288 <translation type="vanished">1:1近い</translation>
5289 </message>
5290 <message>
52505291 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5251 <translation>1:1 よりやや遠望</translation>
5252 </message>
5253 <message>
5254 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5292 <translation type="vanished">1:1遠く</translation>
5293 </message>
5294 <message>
52555295 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5256 <translation>1:2 よりやや近接</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
5259 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5296 <translation type="vanished">1:2近い</translation>
5297 </message>
5298 <message>
52605299 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5261 <translation>1:2 よりやや遠望</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
5264 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5300 <translation type="vanished">1:2遠く</translation>
5301 </message>
5302 <message>
52655303 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5266 <translation>1:4 よりやや近接</translation>
5267 </message>
5268 <message>
5269 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5304 <translation type="vanished">1:4近い</translation>
5305 </message>
5306 <message>
52705307 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5271 <translation>1:4 よりやや遠望</translation>
5272 </message>
5273 <message>
5274 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5308 <translation type="vanished">1:4遠く</translation>
5309 </message>
5310 <message>
52755311 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5276 <translation>1:8 よりやや近接</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
5279 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5312 <translation type="vanished">1:8近い</translation>
5313 </message>
5314 <message>
52805315 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5281 <translation>1:8 よりやや遠望</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5316 <translation type="vanished">1:8遠く</translation>
5317 </message>
5318 <message>
52855319 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5286 <translation>1:16 よりやや近接</translation>
5287 </message>
5288 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5320 <translation type="vanished">1:16近い</translation>
5321 </message>
5322 <message>
52905323 <source>Fill</source>
5291 <translation>フィル</translation>
5292 </message>
5293 <message>
5294 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5324 <translation type="vanished">塗りつぶし</translation>
5325 </message>
5326 <message>
52955327 <source>Previous</source>
5296 <translation>前へ</translation>
5297 </message>
5298 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5328 <translation type="vanished">前へ</translation>
5329 </message>
5330 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
53005332 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
53015333 <translation>ファイルに複数の言語アルファベットの文字が含まれているように見えますが、これはWindowsコマンドラインでは機能しません</translation>
53025334 </message>
53035335 <message>
5304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5336 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
53055337 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
53065338 <translation>メイン画面 の設定を読み込むことができません。</translation>
53075339 </message>
53085340 <message>
5309 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5310 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5341 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5342 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
53115343 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
53125344 <translation>有効なファイル名ではありません</translation>
53135345 </message>
53145346 <message>
5315 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5347 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
53165348 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
53175349 <translation>有効な画像ファイル拡張子ではありません</translation>
53185350 </message>
53195351 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5352 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
53215353 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
53225354 <translation>1つ以上のロードファイルでのみ使用されます</translation>
53235355 </message>
53245356 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5357 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
53265358 <source>Available styles</source>
53275359 <translation>使用可能なスタイル</translation>
53285360 </message>
53295361 <message>
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5362 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53315363 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53325364 <translation>エラー 解決のため追加情報を表示します。</translation>
53335365 </message>
53345366 <message>
5335 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53365367 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5337 <translation>エラー レポート の ファイル を設定します。エラー 処理や テスト の際に使用します。</translation>
5338 </message>
5339 <message>
5340 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5368 <translation type="vanished">エラー レポート の ファイル を設定します。エラー 処理や テスト の際に使用します。</translation>
5369 </message>
5370 <message>
5371 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5372 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5373 <translation>起動時に開かれたファイルがドラッグアンドドロップをテストするためのものであることを示します。回帰テストに使用</translation>
5374 </message>
5375 <message>
5376 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5377 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5378 <translation>入力としてエラーレポートファイルを指定します。デバッグおよび回帰テストに使用</translation>
5379 </message>
5380 <message>
5381 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53415382 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53425383 <translation>ロードされた各起動ファイルをエクスポートします。すべての軸ポイントが定義されていなければなりません。</translation>
53435384 </message>
53445385 <message>
5345 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5386 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53465387 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53475388 <translation>ロードされた各起動ファイルのイメージを、指定された拡張子を持つファイルに抽出してから停止する</translation>
53485389 </message>
53495390 <message>
5350 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5391 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53515392 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53525393 <translation>コマンド の スクリプト ファイル を設定します。エラー 処理や テスト の際に使用します。</translation>
53535394 </message>
53545395 <message>
5355 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5396 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53565397 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53575398 <translation>gnuplot 用の入力ファイルを問題確認の可能な形で出力し エラー処理に使用します。</translation>
53585399 </message>
53595400 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5401 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53615402 <source>Show this help information</source>
53625403 <translation>ヘルプ を表示します。</translation>
53635404 </message>
53645405 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5406 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53665407 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53675408 <translation>エラー レポート あるいは コマンド スクリプト を ファイル として出力します。これらは リグレッション テスト に使用されます。</translation>
53685409 </message>
53695410 <message>
5370 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5411 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53715412 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53725413 <translation>全ての 設定条件を クリア します。これにはこの ソフト の画面位置の情報も含まれるので、 起動時にこの ソフト が コンピューター 画面の外に表示されるような場合に対処可能になります。</translation>
53735414 </message>
53745415 <message>
5375 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5416 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5417 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5418 <translation>ウィンドウスタイルをコマンドラインオプションでリストされたスタイルの1つに設定します。</translation>
5419 </message>
5420 <message>
5421 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5422 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5423 <translation>コマンドラインオプションで使用できる利用可能なスタイルのリストを表示します</translation>
5424 </message>
5425 <message>
53765426 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5377 <translation>いくつかの 設定条件のなかで -style コマンド で利用可能なものを リスト として表示します。</translation>
5378 </message>
5379 <message>
5380 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5427 <translation type="vanished">いくつかの 設定条件のなかで -style コマンド で利用可能なものを リスト として表示します。</translation>
5428 </message>
5429 <message>
5430 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5431 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5432 <translation>起動時に開いたファイルを最新バージョンにアップグレードする</translation>
5433 </message>
5434 <message>
5435 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53815436 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53825437 <translation>ソフト の開始時点で開く ファイル (複数可)</translation>
5438 </message>
5439 <message>
5440 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5441 <source>Could not write to</source>
5442 <translation>に書き込めませんでした</translation>
5443 </message>
5444 <message>
5445 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5446 <source>Upgraded</source>
5447 <translation>アップグレード済み</translation>
5448 </message>
5449 <message>
5450 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5451 <source>to</source>
5452 <translation>に</translation>
53835453 </message>
53845454 <message>
53855455 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
54055475 <context>
54065476 <name>StatusBar</name>
54075477 <message>
5408 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5478 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
54095479 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
54105480 <translation>表示する カーソル 座標を選択</translation>
54115481 </message>
54125482 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5483 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
54145484 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
54165486 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54195489 カーソル 位置 での座標値として表示する値を設定します。座標は コンピューター画面の ピクセル (数) あるいは グラフ 上での単位のいずれでも示すことが可能です。精度 は (つまり 一つのピクセルの サイズ ) は グラフ 単位 で示されます。 グラフ の単位 での表示は 座標軸 の基準となる ポイント の設定が終わっていないと選択できません。</translation>
54205490 </message>
54215491 <message>
5422 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5492 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
54235493 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
54245494 <translation>カーソル 位置 の座標値</translation>
54255495 </message>
54265496 <message>
5427 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5497 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54285498 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54305500 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54335503 カーソル 位置 の座標値を示します。座標は コンピューター 画面のピクセル (数) またはグラフ 上での単位のいずれでも示すことが可能です。精度は (つまり一つのピクセルのサイズは) グラフ の単位で示されます。グラフ の 単位での表示は座標軸の基準となる ポイント の設定が終わっていないと選択できません。</translation>
54345504 </message>
54355505 <message>
5436 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5506 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54375507 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54385508 <translation>拡大縮小 率を設定</translation>
54395509 </message>
54405510 <message>
5441 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5511 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54425512 <source>Select Zoom
54445514 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54455515 <translation>拡大縮小率を設定
54475517 拡大率を上げることで ポイント 位置をより精確に定めることができます。</translation>
5518 </message>
5519 <message>
5520 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5521 <source>16:1</source>
5522 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5523 </message>
5524 <message>
5525 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5526 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5527 <translation>16:1遠く</translation>
5528 </message>
5529 <message>
5530 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5531 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5532 <translation>8:1近い</translation>
5533 </message>
5534 <message>
5535 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5536 <source>8:1</source>
5537 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5538 </message>
5539 <message>
5540 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5541 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5542 <translation>8:1遠く</translation>
5543 </message>
5544 <message>
5545 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5546 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5547 <translation>4:1近い</translation>
5548 </message>
5549 <message>
5550 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5551 <source>4:1</source>
5552 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5553 </message>
5554 <message>
5555 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5556 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5557 <translation>4:1遠く</translation>
5558 </message>
5559 <message>
5560 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5561 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5562 <translation>2:1近い</translation>
5563 </message>
5564 <message>
5565 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5566 <source>2:1</source>
5567 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5568 </message>
5569 <message>
5570 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5571 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5572 <translation>2:1遠く</translation>
5573 </message>
5574 <message>
5575 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5576 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5577 <translation>1:1近い</translation>
5578 </message>
5579 <message>
5580 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5581 <source>1:1</source>
5582 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5583 </message>
5584 <message>
5585 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5586 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5587 <translation>1:1遠く</translation>
5588 </message>
5589 <message>
5590 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5591 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5592 <translation>1:2近い</translation>
5593 </message>
5594 <message>
5595 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5596 <source>1:2</source>
5597 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5598 </message>
5599 <message>
5600 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5601 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5602 <translation>1:2遠く</translation>
5603 </message>
5604 <message>
5605 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5606 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5607 <translation>1:4近い</translation>
5608 </message>
5609 <message>
5610 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5611 <source>1:4</source>
5612 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5613 </message>
5614 <message>
5615 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5616 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5617 <translation>1:4遠く</translation>
5618 </message>
5619 <message>
5620 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5621 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5622 <translation>1:8近い</translation>
5623 </message>
5624 <message>
5625 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5626 <source>1:8</source>
5627 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5628 </message>
5629 <message>
5630 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5631 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5632 <translation>1:8遠く</translation>
5633 </message>
5634 <message>
5635 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5636 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5637 <translation>1:16近い</translation>
5638 </message>
5639 <message>
5640 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5641 <source>1:16</source>
5642 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5643 </message>
5644 <message>
5645 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5646 <source>Fill</source>
5647 <translation>塗りつぶし</translation>
5648 </message>
5649 <message>
5650 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5651 <source>Previous</source>
5652 <translation>前へ</translation>
54485653 </message>
54495654 </context>
54505655 <context>
54515656 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54525657 <message>
5453 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5658 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54545659 <source>Axis Points</source>
54555660 <translation>座標軸の基準となるポイント</translation>
54565661 </message>
54575662 <message>
5458 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5663 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54595664 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54605665 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54615666 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54635668 ステップ1 - 座標軸の基準ポイント ボタン を押します。</translation>
54645669 </message>
54655670 <message>
5466 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5671 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54675672 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54685673 line with known coordinates. An axis
54695674 point appears, with a dialog window
54765681 座標</translation>
54775682 </message>
54785683 <message>
5479 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5684 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54805685 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54815686 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54825687 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54855690 この ステップ 2 と 3 をさらに2 回繰り返して、基準となる3つのポイント全てを指定します。</translation>
54865691 </message>
54875692 <message>
5488 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5693 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54895694 <source>Previous</source>
54905695 <translation>前へ</translation>
54915696 </message>
54925697 <message>
5493 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5698 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54945699 <source>Next</source>
54955700 <translation>次へ</translation>
54965701 </message>
54985703 <context>
54995704 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
55005705 <message>
5501 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
55025707 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
55035708 <translation>チェックリスト ウィザード と手引き</translation>
55045709 </message>
55055710 <message>
5506 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5711 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
55075712 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
55085713 is available when importing an image file.
55095714 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
55125717 この ウィザード は、画像のデジザイズ に必要な 手順を進めるための チェックリスト として有用です。</translation>
55135718 </message>
55145719 <message>
5515 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5720 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
55165721 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
55175722 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
55185723 <translation>ステップ 1 - ヘルプ メニュー を開きます。
55195724 チェックリスト と 手引き ウィザード にチェック を入れて有効にしてください。</translation>
55205725 </message>
55215726 <message>
5522 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5727 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
55235728 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
55245729 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
55255730 and ask some simple questions to
55295734 すると チェックリスト と 手引き ウィザード 画面が表示されますので、簡単な質問に答えながら画像を デジタイズ するための手順を確認してください。</translation>
55305735 </message>
55315736 <message>
5532 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5737 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55335738 <source>Additional options are available in
55345739 the various Settings menus.
55385743 Good luck!</translation>
55395744 </message>
55405745 <message>
5541 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5746 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55425747 <source>Previous</source>
55435748 <translation>前へ</translation>
55445749 </message>
55465751 <context>
55475752 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55485753 <message>
5549 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5754 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55505755 <source>Color Filter</source>
55515756 <translation>カラー フィルター</translation>
55525757 </message>
55535758 <message>
5554 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5759 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55555760 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55565761 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55575762 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55605765 画像の ライン の色が黒である場合には デフォルト の設定で十分ですが、カラー 画像を扱う場合には、この設定を調整して精度を上げてください。</translation>
55615766 </message>
55625767 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5768 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55645769 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55655770 Filter menu option.</source>
55665771 <translation>ステップ 1 - 設定 メニュー から カラー フィルター 設定画面を開きます。</translation>
55675772 </message>
55685773 <message>
5569 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5774 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55705775 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55715776 be given the new settings.</source>
55725777 <translation>ステップ 2 - 設定を変更したい カーブ を選択してください。</translation>
55735778 </message>
55745779 <message>
5575 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5780 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55765781 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55775782 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55785783 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55805785 一般に、白黒画像の場合には輝度が、 カラー 画像の場合には 色相が、それぞれお勧めです。</translation>
55815786 </message>
55825787 <message>
5583 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5788 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55845789 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55855790 dragging the green handles, until the
55865791 curve is clear in the preview window
55935798 調整が終わりましたら Ok ボタンを押してください。</translation>
55945799 </message>
55955800 <message>
5596 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5801 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
55975802 <source>Back</source>
55985803 <translation>戻る</translation>
55995804 </message>
56015806 <context>
56025807 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
56035808 <message>
5604 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5809 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
56055810 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
56065811 curve is selected to receive curve points.
56075812 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
56105815 ステップ 1 - カーブ ・ ポイント マッチ ・ カラーピッカー ・セグメント フィル のいずれかの ボタン をクリック します。</translation>
56115816 </message>
56125817 <message>
5613 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5818 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56145819 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56155820 that curve name has not been created yet,
56165821 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56195824 もしその カーブ 名がまだないようでしたら、設定 メニュー から カーブ の追加と削除 画面を開いて新規に作成してください。</translation>
56205825 </message>
56215826 <message>
5622 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5827 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56235828 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56245829 original image to the filtered image
56255830 produced for the current curve, using the
56325837 フィルタ 画像を利用することで、強力な自動認識 アルゴリズム を適用できるようになります。この アルゴリズム については この チュートリアル に別途詳しい説明があります。</translation>
56335838 </message>
56345839 <message>
5635 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5840 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56365841 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56375842 in the filtered image, then change the
56385843 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56405845 <translation>もし 選択中の カーブ が バックグラウンド の フィルター画像 では見えないあるいは見えにくいようであれば、 カラーフィルター 設定を変更してください。</translation>
56415846 </message>
56425847 <message>
5643 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5848 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56445849 <source>Previous</source>
56455850 <translation>前へ</translation>
56465851 </message>
56475852 <message>
5648 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5853 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56495854 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56505855 <translation>カラーフィルター 設定</translation>
56515856 </message>
56525857 <message>
5653 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5858 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56545859 <source>Next</source>
56555860 <translation>次へ</translation>
56565861 </message>
56585863 <context>
56595864 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56605865 <message>
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5866 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56625867 <source>Curve Type</source>
56635868 <translation>カーブ の種類</translation>
56645869 </message>
56655870 <message>
5666 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5871 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56675872 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56685873 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56695874 <translation>次の ステップ は、対象の カーブ が ポイント なのか ライン なのかに応じて選択してください。</translation>
56705875 </message>
56715876 <message>
5672 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5877 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56735878 <source>If the curves are drawn
56745879 with lines (with or without
56755880 points) then click on
56775882 <translation>もし対象の カーブ が ライン であるとき ( ポイント を伴う場合も含めて) 、ライン (ポイントも含む) を選択して 次へ をクリックしてください。 </translation>
56785883 </message>
56795884 <message>
5680 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5885 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
56815886 <source>If the curves are drawn
56825887 without lines and only
56835888 with points, then click on
56855890 <translation>もし対象の カーブが ポイント だけで構成されており、ライン を含まない場合には、ポイントのみ (ライン なし) を選択して 次へ をクリックしてください。</translation>
56865891 </message>
56875892 <message>
5688 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5893 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
56895894 <source>Previous</source>
56905895 <translation>前へ</translation>
56915896 </message>
56925897 <message>
5693 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5898 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
56945899 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
56955900 <translation>次へ </translation>
56965901 </message>
56975902 <message>
5698 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5903 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
56995904 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57005905 <translation>次へ</translation>
57015906 </message>
57035908 <context>
57045909 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57055910 <message>
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5911 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57075912 <source>Introduction</source>
57085913 <translation>イントロダクション</translation>
57095914 </message>
57105915 <message>
5711 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5916 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57125917 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57135918 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57145919 <translation>Engauge Digitizer は、まず グラフ や マップ の画像を インポート するところから作業を開始します。</translation>
57155920 </message>
57165921 <message>
5717 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5922 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57185923 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57195924 the graph and map curves.</source>
57205925 <translation>ここでの デジタイズ 作業は グラフ や マップ の カーブ に沿って ポイント を 打つ (デジタイズ する) ことを指します。</translation>
57215926 </message>
57225927 <message>
5723 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5928 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57245929 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57255930 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57265931 <translation>デジタイズ された カーブ の ポイント は 数値として 他の ソフトウェア で利用できるよう、 エクスポート することが可能です。</translation>
57275932 </message>
57285933 <message>
5729 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5934 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57305935 <source>Next</source>
57315936 <translation>次へ</translation>
57325937 </message>
57345939 <context>
57355940 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57365941 <message>
5737 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5942 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57385943 <source>Point Match</source>
57395944 <translation>ポイント マッチング</translation>
57405945 </message>
57415946 <message>
5742 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5947 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57435948 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57445949 one sample point, and Engauge
57455950 then finds all matching points.
57505955 ステップ 1 - ポイント マッチング モード ボタン を クリック してください。</translation>
57515956 </message>
57525957 <message>
5753 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5958 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57545959 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57555960 points will belong to.</source>
57565961 <translation>ステップ 2 - 対象の カーブ を選択します。</translation>
57575962 </message>
57585963 <message>
5759 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5964 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57605965 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57615966 The circle turns green when it
57625967 contains what may be a point.</source>
57645969 このとき、 ポイント として認識される可能性のあるところに マウス カーソル を合わせると、カーソル を囲む円の色が 緑色に変化します。</translation>
57655970 </message>
57665971 <message>
5767 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5972 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
57685973 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
57695974 matched point with a yellow cross.
57705975 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
57745979 この作業を全てのポイントについて繰り返します。</translation>
57755980 </message>
57765981 <message>
5777 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5982 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
57785983 <source>Previous</source>
57795984 <translation>前へ</translation>
57805985 </message>
57815986 <message>
5782 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5987 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
57835988 <source>Next</source>
57845989 <translation>次へ</translation>
57855990 </message>
57875992 <context>
57885993 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
57895994 <message>
5790 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5995 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
57915996 <source>Segment Fill</source>
57925997 <translation>セグメント フィル</translation>
57935998 </message>
57945999 <message>
5795 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6000 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
57966001 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
57976002 points all along the line segments
57986003 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58016006 ステップ 1 - セグメント フィル ボタン をクリックします。</translation>
58026007 </message>
58036008 <message>
5804 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6009 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58056010 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58066011 points will belong to.</source>
58076012 <translation>ステップ 2 - 対象の カーブ を選択します。</translation>
58086013 </message>
58096014 <message>
5810 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6015 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58116016 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58126017 segment in the desired curve. If a
58136018 green line appears, click on it once
58176022 多くの ポイント が一度に生成されるはずです。</translation>
58186023 </message>
58196024 <message>
5820 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6025 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58216026 <source>Previous</source>
58226027 <translation>前へ</translation>
58236028 </message>
58246029 <message>
5825 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6030 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58266031 <source>Next</source>
58276032 <translation>次へ</translation>
58286033 </message>
1414 This box contains a checklist of steps suggested by the Checklist Guide Wizard. Following these steps should produce a set of digitized points in an output file.
1616 To run the Checklist Guide Wizard when an image file is imported, select the Help / Checklist Wizard menu option.</source>
17 <translation type="unfinished" />
17 <translation>Бақылау тізімінің нұсқаулығы
19 Бұл құсбелгі бақылау тізімінің нұсқаулық шебері ұсынған қадамдар тізімін қамтиды. Осы қадамдардан кейін шығу файлында цифрланған нүктелер жиынтығын жасау керек.
21 Сурет файлы импортталған кезде Тексеру тізімі нұсқаулығы шеберін іске қосу үшін Анықтама / Тексеру тізімі шебері мәзірін таңдаңыз.</translation>
1822 </message>
1923 </context>
2024 <context>
282286 <message>
283287 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="191" />
284288 <source>Hint - The background image can be switched between the original image and filtered image.</source>
285 <translation type="unfinished" />
289 <translation>Кеңес - Фондық сурет бастапқы сурет пен сүзілген кескін арасында ауыса алады.</translation>
286290 </message>
287291 <message>
288292 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
304308 <message>
305309 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="211" />
306310 <source>Select the method for filtering. Hue is best if the curves have different colors</source>
307 <translation type="unfinished" />
311 <translation>Сүзу әдісін таңдаңыз. Қисықтардың әр түрлі түстері болса, реңк жақсы</translation>
308312 </message>
309313 <message>
310314 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="212" />
311315 <source>Slide the green buttons back and forth until the curve is easily visible in the preview window</source>
312 <translation type="unfinished" />
316 <translation>Алдын ала қарау терезесінде қисық көрінетінше жасыл түймелерді алға-артқа сырғытыңыз</translation>
313317 </message>
314318 </context>
315319 <context>
317321 <message>
318322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="59" />
319323 <source>Select Tool</source>
320 <translation type="unfinished" />
324 <translation>құралды таңдау</translation>
321325 </message>
322326 <message>
323327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="60" />
327331 <message>
328332 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="62" />
329333 <source>Select points on screen.</source>
330 <translation type="unfinished" />
334 <translation>Экрандағы нүктелерді таңдаңыз.</translation>
331335 </message>
332336 <message>
333337 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="63" />
334338 <source>Select
336340 Select points on the screen.</source>
337 <translation type="unfinished" />
341 <translation>Таңдаңыз
343 Экрандағы нүктелерді таңдаңыз.
345 Tañdañız
346 </translation>
338347 </message>
339348 <message>
340349 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="67" />
341350 <source>Axis Point Tool</source>
342 <translation type="unfinished" />
351 <translation>Ақ нүкте құралы</translation>
343352 </message>
344353 <message>
345354 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="68" />
349358 <message>
350359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="70" />
351360 <source>Digitize axis points for a graph.</source>
352 <translation type="unfinished" />
361 <translation>Гистограмма үшін ось нүктелерін санау.</translation>
353362 </message>
354363 <message>
355364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
356365 <source>Digitize Axis Point
358 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
359 <translation type="unfinished" />
360 </message>
361 <message>
362 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
367 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
369 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
370 <translation>Айналдыру нүктесін санау
372 Тінтуірдің нұқуынан кейін курсорға жаңа нүктені қою арқылы бағанның ось нүктесін сандық мәнге келтіреді. Содан кейін ось нүктесінің координаттары енгізіледі. Импорттау және импорттаудан кейін (Advanced) бағанның координаттарын анықтау үшін X1, Y1 (X2, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) үш осьті нүктелерді цифрландыруға болады. Таңдау бойынша импорттаудан кейін (Advanced) (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) бар төрт ось нүктесі графикалық координаттарды анықтау үшін координаттарды цифрландыруға болады.
374 Бұл құрал ось нүктелерінің толық жиынтығы анықталғанда немесе Scale Bar таңдалса, Import (Advanced) параметрінен кейін өшіріледі.</translation>
375 </message>
376 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
363378 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
364 <translation type="unfinished" />
365 </message>
366 <message>
367 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
379 <translation>Масштабты құралы</translation>
380 </message>
381 <message>
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
368383 <source>Shift+F8</source>
369384 <translation type="unfinished" />
370385 </message>
371386 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
373 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
374 <translation type="unfinished" />
375 </message>
376 <message>
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
388 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
389 <translation>Картаға арналған масштабтағы жолақты сандық жолға салыңыз. Импорттауды талап етеді (қосымша).</translation>
390 </message>
391 <message>
392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
378393 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
380395 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
382 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
383 <translation type="unfinished" />
384 </message>
385 <message>
386 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
397 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
399 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
400 <translation>Масштабты сандарды сандық өлшеу
402 Картаны басу және сүйреп апару үшін ауқымды жолақты сандық жолға салыңыз. Содан кейін шкала ұзындығының ұзындығы енгізіледі. Картада ауқымның екі соңғы нүктесі графикалық координаттардағы қашықтықты анықтайды.
404 Бұл құрал Импорттау ішіндегі ауқымды жолақты таңдау арқылы іске қосылады (Жетілдірілген).
406 Бұл құрал ауқым жолағы анықталғанда немесе импорттау кезінде ось нүктелері таңдалған кезде өшіріледі.
408 </translation>
409 </message>
410 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
387412 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
388 <translation type="unfinished" />
389 </message>
390 <message>
391 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
413 <translation>Қисық нүкте құралы</translation>
414 </message>
415 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
392417 <source>Shift+F4</source>
393418 <translation type="unfinished" />
394419 </message>
395420 <message>
396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
397422 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
398 <translation type="unfinished" />
399 </message>
400 <message>
401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
423 <translation>Қисық нүктелерді цифрлау.</translation>
424 </message>
425 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
402427 <source>Digitize Curve Point
404429 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
406431 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
407 <translation type="unfinished" />
408 </message>
409 <message>
410 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
432 <translation>Қисық нүктелерді санау
434 Тінтуірдің нұқуынан кейін курсорға жаңа нүктені қою арқылы қисық нүктесін сандық түрлендіреді. Бұл режимді қисықтар бойымен нүктелерді бір-бірлеп цифрлау үшін пайдаланыңыз.
436 Жаңа нүктелер таңдалған қисығыға тағайындалады.</translation>
437 </message>
438 <message>
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
411440 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
412 <translation type="unfinished" />
413 </message>
414 <message>
415 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
441 <translation>Нүктелік сәйкестік құралы</translation>
442 </message>
443 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
416445 <source>Shift+F5</source>
417446 <translation type="unfinished" />
418447 </message>
419448 <message>
420 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
421450 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
422 <translation type="unfinished" />
423 </message>
424 <message>
425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
451 <translation>Нүктені сәйкестендіру арқылы нүкте схемасында қисық нүктелерін сандармен белгілеңіз.</translation>
452 </message>
453 <message>
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
426455 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
428457 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
430459 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
431 <translation type="unfinished" />
432 </message>
433 <message>
434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
460 <translation>Нүктелік сәйкестендіру арқылы қисық нүктелерін сандар
462 Үлгі нүктесіне сәйкес келетін нүктелерді табу арқылы нүкте сюжетінде қисық нүктелерді санау. Процесс өкілдік үлгі нүктесін таңдау арқылы басталады.
464 Жаңа нүктелер таңдалған қисығыға тағайындалады.</translation>
465 </message>
466 <message>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
435468 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
436 <translation type="unfinished" />
437 </message>
438 <message>
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
469 <translation>Түс таңдау құралы</translation>
470 </message>
471 <message>
472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
440473 <source>Shift+F6</source>
441474 <translation type="unfinished" />
442475 </message>
443476 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
477 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
445478 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
446 <translation type="unfinished" />
447 </message>
448 <message>
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
479 <translation>Сегмент Толтыру режимінде сүзу үшін түс параметрлерін таңдаңыз.</translation>
480 </message>
481 <message>
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
450483 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
452485 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
453 <translation type="unfinished" />
454 </message>
455 <message>
456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
486 <translation>Segment Fill сүзгісі үшін түс параметрлерін таңдаңыз
488 Таңдалған қисық сызық бойынша пиксельді таңдаңыз. Бұл пиксель және оның көршілері Segment Fill режимінде болған кезде таңдалған қисықтың сүзгі параметрлерін (түсі, жарықтығы және т.б.) анықтайды.</translation>
489 </message>
490 <message>
491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
457492 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
458 <translation type="unfinished" />
459 </message>
460 <message>
461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
493 <translation>Сегментті толтыру құралы</translation>
494 </message>
495 <message>
496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
462497 <source>Shift+F7</source>
463498 <translation type="unfinished" />
464499 </message>
465500 <message>
466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
467502 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
468 <translation type="unfinished" />
469 </message>
470 <message>
471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
503 <translation>Қисық сегменттің қисық нүктелерін сандық кескіндеңіз.</translation>
504 </message>
505 <message>
506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
472507 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
474509 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
476511 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
477 <translation type="unfinished" />
478 </message>
479 <message>
480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
512 <translation>Сегменті толтыру арқылы қисық нүктелерін сандар
514 Курсордың астындағы бөлінген сегментте жаңа нүктелерді орналастыру арқылы қисық нүктелерді санау. Бір рет басу арқылы қисық бойында көптеген нүктелерді жылдам цифрлау үшін бұл режимді пайдаланыңыз.
516 Жаңа нүктелер таңдалған қисығыға тағайындалады.</translation>
517 </message>
518 <message>
519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
481520 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
482 <translation type="unfinished" />
483 </message>
484 <message>
485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
521 <translation>Болдырмау</translation>
522 </message>
523 <message>
524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
486525 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
487 <translation type="unfinished" />
488 </message>
489 <message>
490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
526 <translation>Соңғы әрекетті болдырмаңыз.</translation>
527 </message>
528 <message>
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
491530 <source>Undo
493532 Undo the last operation.</source>
494 <translation type="unfinished" />
495 </message>
496 <message>
497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
533 <translation>Болдырмау
535 Соңғы әрекетті болдырмаңыз.</translation>
536 </message>
537 <message>
538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
498539 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
499 <translation type="unfinished" />
500 </message>
501 <message>
502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
540 <translation>Қайталау</translation>
541 </message>
542 <message>
543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
503544 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
504 <translation type="unfinished" />
505 </message>
506 <message>
507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
545 <translation>Соңғы әрекетті қайталаңыз.</translation>
546 </message>
547 <message>
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
508549 <source>Redo
510551 Redo the last operation.</source>
511 <translation type="unfinished" />
512 </message>
513 <message>
514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
552 <translation>Қайталау
554 Соңғы әрекетті қайталаңыз.</translation>
555 </message>
556 <message>
557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
515558 <source>Cut</source>
516 <translation type="unfinished" />
517 </message>
518 <message>
519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
559 <translation>Кесу</translation>
560 </message>
561 <message>
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
520563 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
521 <translation type="unfinished" />
522 </message>
523 <message>
524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
564 <translation>Таңдалған нүктелерді қиып алып, оларды аралық сақтағышқа көшіреді.</translation>
565 </message>
566 <message>
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
525568 <source>Cut
527570 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
528 <translation type="unfinished" />
529 </message>
530 <message>
531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
571 <translation>Кесу
573 Таңдалған нүктелерді қиып алып, оларды аралық сақтағышқа көшіреді.</translation>
574 </message>
575 <message>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
532577 <source>Copy</source>
533 <translation type="unfinished" />
534 </message>
535 <message>
536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
578 <translation>Көшіру</translation>
579 </message>
580 <message>
581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
537582 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
538 <translation type="unfinished" />
539 </message>
540 <message>
541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
583 <translation>Таңдалған нүктелерді аралық сақтағышқа көшіреді.</translation>
584 </message>
585 <message>
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
542587 <source>Copy
544589 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
545 <translation type="unfinished" />
546 </message>
547 <message>
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
590 <translation>Көшіру
592 Таңдалған нүктелерді аралық сақтағышқа көшіреді.</translation>
593 </message>
594 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
549596 <source>Paste</source>
550 <translation type="unfinished" />
551 </message>
552 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
597 <translation>Қою</translation>
598 </message>
599 <message>
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
554601 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
555 <translation type="unfinished" />
556 </message>
557 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
602 <translation>Таңдалған нүктелерді аралық сақтағыштан өткізеді.</translation>
603 </message>
604 <message>
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
559606 <source>Paste
561608 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
562 <translation type="unfinished" />
563 </message>
564 <message>
565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
609 <translation>Қою
611 Таңдалған нүктелерді аралық сақтағыштан өткізеді. Олар ағымдағы қисыққа тағайындалады.</translation>
612 </message>
613 <message>
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
566615 <source>Delete</source>
567 <translation type="unfinished" />
568 </message>
569 <message>
570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
616 <translation>Жою</translation>
617 </message>
618 <message>
619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
571620 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
572 <translation type="unfinished" />
573 </message>
574 <message>
575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
621 <translation>Таңдалған нүктелерді айырбастың буферіне көшіргеннен кейін жойылады.</translation>
622 </message>
623 <message>
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
576625 <source>Delete
578627 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
579 <translation type="unfinished" />
580 </message>
581 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
628 <translation>Жою
630 Таңдалған нүктелерді айырбастың буферіне көшіргеннен кейін жойылады.</translation>
631 </message>
632 <message>
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
583634 <source>Paste As New</source>
584 <translation type="unfinished" />
585 </message>
586 <message>
587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
635 <translation>Жаңа ретінде қою</translation>
636 </message>
637 <message>
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
588639 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
589 <translation type="unfinished" />
590 </message>
591 <message>
592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
640 <translation>Суретті аралық сақтағыштан өткізеді.</translation>
641 </message>
642 <message>
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
593644 <source>Paste as New
595646 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
596 <translation type="unfinished" />
597 </message>
598 <message>
599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
647 <translation> Жаңа ретінде қою
649 Суретті аралық сақтағыштан қою арқылы жаңа құжат жасайды.</translation>
650 </message>
651 <message>
652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
600653 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
601 <translation type="unfinished" />
602 </message>
603 <message>
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
654 <translation>Жаңа (қосымша) ретінде қою ...</translation>
655 </message>
656 <message>
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
605658 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
606 <translation type="unfinished" />
607 </message>
608 <message>
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
659 <translation>Суретті аралық сақтағыштан, озық режимде өткізеді.</translation>
660 </message>
661 <message>
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
610663 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
612665 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
613 <translation type="unfinished" />
614 </message>
615 <message>
616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
666 <translation>Жаңа (қосымша) ретінде қою
668 Кескінді алмасу буферінен кеңейтілген режимде қою арқылы жаңа құжатты жасайды.</translation>
669 </message>
670 <message>
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
617672 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
618 <translation type="unfinished" />
619 </message>
620 <message>
621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
673 <translation>Импорт</translation>
674 </message>
675 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
622677 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
623678 <translation type="unfinished" />
624679 </message>
625680 <message>
626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
627682 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
628 <translation type="unfinished" />
629 </message>
630 <message>
631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
683 <translation>Қарапайым кескінді импорттау арқылы жаңа құжатты жасайды.</translation>
684 </message>
685 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
632687 <source>Import Image
634689 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
636691 For more complicated images with multiple coordinate systems, and/or floating axes, Import (Advanced) is used instead.</source>
637 <translation type="unfinished" />
638 </message>
639 <message>
640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
692 <translation>Кескінді импорттау
694 Кескінді бірыңғай координат жүйесімен импорттау арқылы жаңа құжатты жасайды және осьтер белгілі белгілі координаттармен де жасалады.
696 Көптеген координаттар жүйелері және / немесе өзгермелі осьтері бар күрделі кескіндер үшін, оның орнына Import (Advanced) пайдаланылады.</translation>
697 </message>
698 <message>
699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
641700 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
642 <translation type="unfinished" />
643 </message>
644 <message>
645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
701 <translation>Импорттау (қосымша) ...</translation>
702 </message>
703 <message>
704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
646705 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
647 <translation type="unfinished" />
648 </message>
649 <message>
650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
706 <translation>Қосымша бейнені қолдайтын кескінді импорттау арқылы жаңа құжатты жасайды.</translation>
707 </message>
708 <message>
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
651710 <source>Import (Advanced)
653712 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
654 <translation type="unfinished" />
655 </message>
656 <message>
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
713 <translation> Импорттау (Кеңейтілген)
715 Қосымша бейнені қолдайтын кескінді импорттау арқылы жаңа құжатты жасайды. Кеңейтілген режимде көптеген координаталық жүйелер және / немесе өзгермелі осьтер болуы мүмкін.</translation>
716 </message>
717 <message>
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
658719 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
659 <translation type="unfinished" />
660 </message>
661 <message>
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
720 <translation>Импорттау (сурет ауыстыру) ...</translation>
721 </message>
722 <message>
723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
663724 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
664 <translation type="unfinished" />
665 </message>
666 <message>
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
725 <translation>Қолданыстағы суретті ауыстырып, ағымдағы құжатқа жаңа суретті импорттайды.</translation>
726 </message>
727 <message>
728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
668729 <source>Import (Image Replace)
670731 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
671 <translation type="unfinished" />
672 </message>
673 <message>
674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
732 <translation> Импорттау (сурет ауыстыру)
734 Ағымдағы құжатқа жаңа суретті импорттайды. Бұрыннан бар кескін ауыстырылады және құжаттың барлық қисықтары сақталады. Бұл операция ось нүктелерін және басқа параметрлерді қолданыстағы құжаттың басқа суретке қолдану үшін пайдалы.</translation>
735 </message>
736 <message>
737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
675738 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
676 <translation type="unfinished" />
677 </message>
678 <message>
679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
739 <translation>Ашық</translation>
740 </message>
741 <message>
742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
680743 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
681 <translation type="unfinished" />
682 </message>
683 <message>
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
744 <translation> Бар құжатты ашады.</translation>
745 </message>
746 <message>
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
685748 <source>Open Document
687750 Opens an existing document.</source>
688 <translation type="unfinished" />
689 </message>
690 <message>
691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
751 <translation>Құжатты ашыңыз
753 Бар құжатты ашады.</translation>
754 </message>
755 <message>
756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
692757 <source>&amp;Close</source>
693 <translation type="unfinished" />
694 </message>
695 <message>
696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
758 <translation>Жабық</translation>
759 </message>
760 <message>
761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
697762 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
698 <translation type="unfinished" />
699 </message>
700 <message>
701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
763 <translation>Ашық құжатты жабады.</translation>
764 </message>
765 <message>
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
702767 <source>Close Document
704769 Closes the open document.</source>
705 <translation type="unfinished" />
706 </message>
707 <message>
708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
770 <translation>Құжатты жабыңыз
772 Ашық құжатты жабады.</translation>
773 </message>
774 <message>
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
709776 <source>&amp;Save</source>
710 <translation type="unfinished" />
711 </message>
712 <message>
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
777 <translation>Сақтау</translation>
778 </message>
779 <message>
780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
714781 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
715 <translation type="unfinished" />
716 </message>
717 <message>
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
782 <translation>Ағымдағы құжатты сақтайды.</translation>
783 </message>
784 <message>
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
719786 <source>Save Document
721788 Saves the current document.</source>
722 <translation type="unfinished" />
723 </message>
724 <message>
725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
789 <translation>Құжатты сақтау
791 Ағымдағы құжатты сақтайды.</translation>
792 </message>
793 <message>
794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
726795 <source>Save As...</source>
727 <translation type="unfinished" />
728 </message>
729 <message>
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
796 <translation>Сақтау ретінде</translation>
797 </message>
798 <message>
799 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
731800 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
732 <translation type="unfinished" />
733 </message>
734 <message>
735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
801 <translation>Ағымдағы құжатты жаңа файл атауында сақтайды.</translation>
802 </message>
803 <message>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
736805 <source>Save Document As
738807 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
739 <translation type="unfinished" />
740 </message>
741 <message>
742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
808 <translation> Құжатты басқаша сақтау
810 Ағымдағы құжатты жаңа файл атауында сақтайды.</translation>
811 </message>
812 <message>
813 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
743814 <source>Export...</source>
744 <translation type="unfinished" />
745 </message>
746 <message>
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
815 <translation>Экспорт</translation>
816 </message>
817 <message>
818 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
748819 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
749820 <translation type="unfinished" />
750821 </message>
751822 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
823 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
753824 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
754 <translation type="unfinished" />
755 </message>
756 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
825 <translation>Ағымдағы құжатты мәтіндік файлға экспорттайды.</translation>
826 </message>
827 <message>
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
758829 <source>Export Document
760831 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
761 <translation type="unfinished" />
762 </message>
763 <message>
764 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
832 <translation>Экспорт құжаты
834 Ағымдағы құжатты мәтіндік файлға экспорттайды.</translation>
835 </message>
836 <message>
837 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
765838 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
766 <translation type="unfinished" />
767 </message>
768 <message>
769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
839 <translation>Басып шығару</translation>
840 </message>
841 <message>
842 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
770843 <source>Print the current document.</source>
771 <translation type="unfinished" />
772 </message>
773 <message>
774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
844 <translation> Ағымдағы құжатты басып шығарыңыз.</translation>
845 </message>
846 <message>
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
775848 <source>Print Document
777850 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
778851 <translation type="unfinished" />
779852 </message>
780853 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
782855 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
783856 <translation type="unfinished" />
784857 </message>
785858 <message>
786 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
787860 <source>Quits the application.</source>
788861 <translation type="unfinished" />
789862 </message>
790863 <message>
791 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
864 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
792865 <source>Exit
794867 Quits the application.</source>
795868 <translation type="unfinished" />
796869 </message>
797870 <message>
798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
799872 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
800873 <translation>Тексеру тізімі нұсқаулығы шебері</translation>
801874 </message>
802875 <message>
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
804877 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
805878 <translation type="unfinished" />
806879 </message>
807880 <message>
808 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
809882 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
811884 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
812885 <translation type="unfinished" />
813886 </message>
814887 <message>
815 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
888 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
816889 <source>Tutorial</source>
817890 <translation type="unfinished" />
818891 </message>
819892 <message>
820 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
893 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
821894 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
822895 <translation type="unfinished" />
823896 </message>
824897 <message>
825 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
826899 <source>Tutorial
828901 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
829902 <translation type="unfinished" />
830903 </message>
831904 <message>
832 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
905 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
833906 <source>Help</source>
834907 <translation type="unfinished" />
835908 </message>
836909 <message>
837 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
910 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
838911 <source>Help documentation</source>
839912 <translation type="unfinished" />
840913 </message>
841914 <message>
842 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
843916 <source>Help Documentation
845918 Searchable help documentation</source>
846919 <translation type="unfinished" />
847920 </message>
848921 <message>
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
922 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
850923 <source>About Engauge</source>
851924 <translation type="unfinished" />
852925 </message>
853926 <message>
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
927 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
855928 <source>About the application.</source>
856929 <translation type="unfinished" />
857930 </message>
858931 <message>
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
932 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
860933 <source>About Engauge
862935 About the application.</source>
863936 <translation type="unfinished" />
864937 </message>
865938 <message>
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
939 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
867940 <source>Coordinates...</source>
868941 <translation type="unfinished" />
869942 </message>
870943 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
872945 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
873946 <translation type="unfinished" />
874947 </message>
875948 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
877950 <source>Coordinate Settings
879952 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
880953 <translation type="unfinished" />
881954 </message>
882955 <message>
883 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
956 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
884957 <source>Curve List...</source>
885958 <translation>Қисық тізім...</translation>
886959 </message>
887960 <message>
888 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
889962 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
890963 <translation>Қисық тізім параметрлерін өңдеу.</translation>
891964 </message>
892965 <message>
893 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
894967 <source>Curve List
896969 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
899972 Қисық тізім параметрлері ағымдағы құжатта қисықтарды қосу, атын өзгерту және / немесе жою</translation>
900973 </message>
901974 <message>
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
975 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
903976 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
904977 <translation type="unfinished" />
905978 </message>
906979 <message>
907 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
908981 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
909982 <translation type="unfinished" />
910983 </message>
911984 <message>
912 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
913986 <source>Curve Properties Settings
915988 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
916989 <translation type="unfinished" />
917990 </message>
918991 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
920993 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
921994 <translation type="unfinished" />
922995 </message>
923996 <message>
924 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
925998 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
926999 <translation type="unfinished" />
9271000 </message>
9281001 <message>
929 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1002 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9301003 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9321005 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
9331006 <translation type="unfinished" />
9341007 </message>
9351008 <message>
936 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
9371010 <source>Export Format...</source>
9381011 <translation type="unfinished" />
9391012 </message>
9401013 <message>
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
9421015 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
9431016 <translation type="unfinished" />
9441017 </message>
9451018 <message>
946 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1019 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
9471020 <source>Export Format Settings
9491022 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
9501023 <translation type="unfinished" />
9511024 </message>
9521025 <message>
953 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
9541027 <source>Color Filter...</source>
9551028 <translation type="unfinished" />
9561029 </message>
9571030 <message>
958 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
9591032 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
9601033 <translation type="unfinished" />
9611034 </message>
9621035 <message>
963 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1036 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
9641037 <source>Color Filter Settings
9661039 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
9671040 <translation type="unfinished" />
9681041 </message>
9691042 <message>
970 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
9711044 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
9721045 <translation type="unfinished" />
9731046 </message>
9741047 <message>
975 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
9761049 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
9771050 <translation type="unfinished" />
9781051 </message>
9791052 <message>
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1053 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
9811054 <source>Axes Checker Settings
9831056 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
9841057 <translation type="unfinished" />
9851058 </message>
9861059 <message>
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
9881061 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
9891062 <translation type="unfinished" />
9901063 </message>
9911064 <message>
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1065 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
9931066 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
9941067 <translation type="unfinished" />
9951068 </message>
9961069 <message>
997 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1070 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
9981071 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10001073 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10011074 <translation type="unfinished" />
10021075 </message>
10031076 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10051078 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10061079 <translation type="unfinished" />
10071080 </message>
10081081 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10101083 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10111084 <translation type="unfinished" />
10121085 </message>
10131086 <message>
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10151088 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10171090 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10181091 <translation type="unfinished" />
10191092 </message>
10201093 <message>
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10221095 <source>Point Match...</source>
10231096 <translation type="unfinished" />
10241097 </message>
10251098 <message>
1026 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10271100 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10281101 <translation type="unfinished" />
10291102 </message>
10301103 <message>
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10321105 <source>Point Match Settings
10341107 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10351108 <translation type="unfinished" />
10361109 </message>
10371110 <message>
1038 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
10391112 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10401113 <translation type="unfinished" />
10411114 </message>
10421115 <message>
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
10441117 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
10451118 <translation type="unfinished" />
10461119 </message>
10471120 <message>
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1121 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
10491122 <source>Segment Fill Settings
10511124 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
10521125 <translation type="unfinished" />
10531126 </message>
10541127 <message>
1055 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1128 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
10561129 <source>General...</source>
10571130 <translation type="unfinished" />
10581131 </message>
10591132 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1133 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
10611134 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
10621135 <translation type="unfinished" />
10631136 </message>
10641137 <message>
1065 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1138 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
10661139 <source>General Settings
10681141 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
10691142 <translation type="unfinished" />
10701143 </message>
10711144 <message>
1072 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
10731146 <source>Main Window...</source>
10741147 <translation type="unfinished" />
10751148 </message>
10761149 <message>
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1150 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
10781151 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
10791152 <translation type="unfinished" />
10801153 </message>
10811154 <message>
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1155 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
10831156 <source>Main Window Settings
10851158 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
10861159 <translation type="unfinished" />
10871160 </message>
10881161 <message>
1089 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
10901163 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
10911164 <translation type="unfinished" />
10921165 </message>
10931166 <message>
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1167 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
10951168 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
10961169 <translation type="unfinished" />
10971170 </message>
10981171 <message>
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1172 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11001173 <source>View Background ToolBar
11021175 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11031176 <translation type="unfinished" />
11041177 </message>
11051178 <message>
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1179 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11071180 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11081181 <translation type="unfinished" />
11091182 </message>
11101183 <message>
1111 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1184 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11121185 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11131186 <translation type="unfinished" />
11141187 </message>
11151188 <message>
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1189 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11171190 <source>View Checklist Guide
11191192 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11201193 <translation type="unfinished" />
11211194 </message>
11221195 <message>
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11241197 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11251198 <translation type="unfinished" />
11261199 </message>
11271200 <message>
1128 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11291202 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11301203 <translation type="unfinished" />
11311204 </message>
11321205 <message>
1133 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1206 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
11341207 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11361209 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11371210 <translation type="unfinished" />
11381211 </message>
11391212 <message>
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
11411214 <source>Geometry Window</source>
1142 <translation type="unfinished" />
1143 </message>
1144 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1215 <translation>Геометрия терезесі</translation>
1216 </message>
1217 <message>
1218 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
11461219 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
11471220 <translation type="unfinished" />
11481221 </message>
11491222 <message>
1150 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1223 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
11511224 <source>View Geometry Window
11531226 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
11541227 <translation type="unfinished" />
11551228 </message>
11561229 <message>
1157 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1230 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
11581231 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
11591232 <translation type="unfinished" />
11601233 </message>
11611234 <message>
1162 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1235 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
11631236 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
11641237 <translation type="unfinished" />
11651238 </message>
11661239 <message>
1167 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
11681241 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
11701243 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
11711244 <translation type="unfinished" />
11721245 </message>
11731246 <message>
1174 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1247 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
11751248 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
11761249 <translation type="unfinished" />
11771250 </message>
11781251 <message>
1179 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1252 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
11801253 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
11811254 <translation type="unfinished" />
11821255 </message>
11831256 <message>
1184 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1257 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
11851258 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
11871260 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
11881261 <translation type="unfinished" />
11891262 </message>
11901263 <message>
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1264 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
11921265 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
11931266 <translation type="unfinished" />
11941267 </message>
11951268 <message>
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
11971270 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
11981271 <translation type="unfinished" />
11991272 </message>
12001273 <message>
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1274 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12021275 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12041277 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12071280 <translation type="unfinished" />
12081281 </message>
12091282 <message>
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12111284 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12121285 <translation type="unfinished" />
12131286 </message>
12141287 <message>
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12161289 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12171290 <translation type="unfinished" />
12181291 </message>
12191292 <message>
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12211294 <source>View Tool Tips
12231296 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12241297 <translation type="unfinished" />
12251298 </message>
12261299 <message>
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1300 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
12281301 <source>Grid Lines</source>
12291302 <translation type="unfinished" />
12301303 </message>
12311304 <message>
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1305 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
12331306 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
12341307 <translation type="unfinished" />
12351308 </message>
12361309 <message>
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
12381311 <source>View Grid Lines
12401313 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
12411314 <translation type="unfinished" />
12421315 </message>
12431316 <message>
1244 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
12451318 <source>No Background</source>
12461319 <translation type="unfinished" />
12471320 </message>
12481321 <message>
1249 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
12501323 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
12511324 <translation type="unfinished" />
12521325 </message>
12531326 <message>
1254 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
12551328 <source>No Background
12571330 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
12581331 <translation type="unfinished" />
12591332 </message>
12601333 <message>
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1334 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
12621335 <source>Show Original Image</source>
12631336 <translation type="unfinished" />
12641337 </message>
12651338 <message>
1266 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1339 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
12671340 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
12681341 <translation type="unfinished" />
12691342 </message>
12701343 <message>
1271 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
12721345 <source>Show Original Image
12741347 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
12751348 <translation type="unfinished" />
12761349 </message>
12771350 <message>
1278 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
12791352 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
12801353 <translation type="unfinished" />
12811354 </message>
12821355 <message>
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1356 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
12841357 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
12851358 <translation type="unfinished" />
12861359 </message>
12871360 <message>
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1361 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
12891362 <source>Show Filtered Image
12911364 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
12941367 <translation type="unfinished" />
12951368 </message>
12961369 <message>
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
12981371 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
12991372 <translation type="unfinished" />
13001373 </message>
13011374 <message>
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13031376 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13041377 <translation type="unfinished" />
13051378 </message>
13061379 <message>
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13081381 <source>Hide All Curves
13101383 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
13111384 <translation type="unfinished" />
13121385 </message>
13131386 <message>
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
13151388 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
13161389 <translation type="unfinished" />
13171390 </message>
13181391 <message>
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
13201393 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
13211394 <translation type="unfinished" />
13221395 </message>
13231396 <message>
1324 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
13251398 <source>Show Selected Curve
13271400 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
13281401 <translation type="unfinished" />
13291402 </message>
13301403 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
13321405 <source>Show All Curves</source>
13331406 <translation type="unfinished" />
13341407 </message>
13351408 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
13371410 <source>Show all curves.</source>
13381411 <translation type="unfinished" />
13391412 </message>
13401413 <message>
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
13421415 <source>Show All Curves
13441417 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
13451418 <translation type="unfinished" />
13461419 </message>
13471420 <message>
1348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
13491422 <source>Hide Always</source>
13501423 <translation type="unfinished" />
13511424 </message>
13521425 <message>
1353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
13541427 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
13551428 <translation type="unfinished" />
13561429 </message>
13571430 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
13591432 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
13601433 <translation type="unfinished" />
13611434 </message>
13621435 <message>
1363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
13641437 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
13651438 <translation type="unfinished" />
13661439 </message>
13671440 <message>
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
13691442 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
13701443 <translation type="unfinished" />
13711444 </message>
13721445 <message>
1373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
13741447 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
13751448 <translation type="unfinished" />
13761449 </message>
13771450 <message>
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
13791452 <source>Show Always</source>
13801453 <translation type="unfinished" />
13811454 </message>
13821455 <message>
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
13841457 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
13851458 <translation type="unfinished" />
13861459 </message>
13871460 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
13891462 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
13901463 <translation type="unfinished" />
13911464 </message>
13921465 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
13941467 <source>Zoom Out</source>
13951468 <translation type="unfinished" />
13961469 </message>
13971470 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
13991472 <source>Zoom out</source>
14001473 <translation type="unfinished" />
14011474 </message>
14021475 <message>
1403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14041477 <source>Zoom In</source>
14051478 <translation type="unfinished" />
14061479 </message>
14071480 <message>
1408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
14091482 <source>Zoom in</source>
14101483 <translation type="unfinished" />
14111484 </message>
14121485 <message>
1413 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
14141487 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
14151488 <translation type="unfinished" />
14161489 </message>
14171490 <message>
1418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
14191492 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
14201493 <translation type="unfinished" />
14211494 </message>
14221495 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
14241497 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
14251498 <translation type="unfinished" />
14261499 </message>
14271500 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
14291502 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
14301503 <translation type="unfinished" />
14311504 </message>
14321505 <message>
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
14341507 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
14351508 <translation type="unfinished" />
14361509 </message>
14371510 <message>
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
14391512 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
14401513 <translation type="unfinished" />
14411514 </message>
14421515 <message>
1443 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
14441517 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
14451518 <translation type="unfinished" />
14461519 </message>
14471520 <message>
1448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
14491522 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
14501523 <translation type="unfinished" />
14511524 </message>
14521525 <message>
1453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
14541527 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
14551528 <translation type="unfinished" />
14561529 </message>
14571530 <message>
1458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
14591532 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
14601533 <translation type="unfinished" />
14611534 </message>
14621535 <message>
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
14641537 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
14651538 <translation type="unfinished" />
14661539 </message>
14671540 <message>
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
14691542 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
14701543 <translation type="unfinished" />
14711544 </message>
14721545 <message>
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
14741547 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
14751548 <translation type="unfinished" />
14761549 </message>
14771550 <message>
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
14791552 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
14801553 <translation type="unfinished" />
14811554 </message>
14821555 <message>
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
14841557 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
14851558 <translation type="unfinished" />
14861559 </message>
14871560 <message>
1488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
14891562 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
14901563 <translation type="unfinished" />
14911564 </message>
14921565 <message>
1493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
14941567 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
14951568 <translation type="unfinished" />
14961569 </message>
14971570 <message>
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
14991572 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15001573 <translation type="unfinished" />
15011574 </message>
15021575 <message>
1503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15041577 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15051578 <translation type="unfinished" />
15061579 </message>
15071580 <message>
1508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
15091582 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15101583 <translation type="unfinished" />
15111584 </message>
15121585 <message>
1513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
15141587 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
15151588 <translation type="unfinished" />
15161589 </message>
15171590 <message>
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
15191592 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
15201593 <translation type="unfinished" />
15211594 </message>
15221595 <message>
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
15241597 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
15251598 <translation type="unfinished" />
15261599 </message>
15271600 <message>
1528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
15291602 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
15301603 <translation type="unfinished" />
15311604 </message>
15321605 <message>
1533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
15341607 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
15351608 <translation type="unfinished" />
15361609 </message>
15371610 <message>
1538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
15391612 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
15401613 <translation type="unfinished" />
15411614 </message>
15421615 <message>
1543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
15441617 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
15451618 <translation type="unfinished" />
15461619 </message>
15471620 <message>
1548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
15491622 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
15501623 <translation type="unfinished" />
15511624 </message>
15521625 <message>
1553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
15541627 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
15551628 <translation type="unfinished" />
15561629 </message>
15571630 <message>
1558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
15591632 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
15601633 <translation type="unfinished" />
15611634 </message>
15621635 <message>
1563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
15641637 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
15651638 <translation type="unfinished" />
15661639 </message>
15671640 <message>
1568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
15691642 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
15701643 <translation type="unfinished" />
15711644 </message>
15721645 <message>
1573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
15741647 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
15751648 <translation type="unfinished" />
15761649 </message>
15771650 <message>
1578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
15791652 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
15801653 <translation type="unfinished" />
15811654 </message>
15821655 <message>
1583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
15841657 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
15851658 <translation type="unfinished" />
15861659 </message>
15871660 <message>
1588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
15891662 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
15901663 <translation type="unfinished" />
15911664 </message>
15921665 <message>
1593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
15941667 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
15951668 <translation type="unfinished" />
15961669 </message>
15971670 <message>
1598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
15991672 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16001673 <translation type="unfinished" />
16011674 </message>
16021675 <message>
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16041677 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16051678 <translation type="unfinished" />
16061679 </message>
16071680 <message>
1608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16091682 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16101683 <translation type="unfinished" />
16111684 </message>
16121685 <message>
1613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
16141687 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
16151688 <translation type="unfinished" />
16161689 </message>
16171690 <message>
1618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16191691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
16201693 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
16211694 <translation type="unfinished" />
16221695 </message>
16231696 <message>
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
16251698 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
16261699 <translation type="unfinished" />
16271700 </message>
16281701 <message>
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
16301703 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
16311704 <translation type="unfinished" />
16321705 </message>
16331706 <message>
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
16351708 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
16361709 <translation type="unfinished" />
16371710 </message>
16381711 <message>
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
16401713 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
16411714 <translation type="unfinished" />
16421715 </message>
16431716 <message>
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
16451718 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
16461719 <translation type="unfinished" />
16471720 </message>
16481721 <message>
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
16501723 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
16511724 <translation type="unfinished" />
16521725 </message>
16531726 <message>
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
16551728 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
16561729 <translation type="unfinished" />
16571730 </message>
16581731 <message>
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
16601733 <source>Fill</source>
16611734 <translation type="unfinished" />
16621735 </message>
16631736 <message>
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
16651738 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
16661739 <translation type="unfinished" />
16671740 </message>
19091982 <context>
19101983 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
19111984 <message>
1912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
1985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
19131986 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
19141987 <translation type="unfinished" />
19151988 </message>
19161989 <message>
1917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
1990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
19181991 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
19191992 <translation type="unfinished" />
19201993 </message>
19211994 <message>
1922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
1995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
19231996 <source>as</source>
19241997 <translation type="unfinished" />
19251998 </message>
19261999 <message>
1927 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
19282001 <source>(</source>
19292002 <translation type="unfinished" />
19302003 </message>
19312004 <message>
1932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
19332006 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
1935 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2008 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
19372010 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
19382011 <translation type="unfinished" />
19392012 </message>
19402013 <message>
1941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
19422015 <source>, </source>
19432016 <translation type="unfinished" />
19442017 </message>
19452018 <message>
1946 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
19472020 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
1949 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2022 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
19512024 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
19522025 <translation type="unfinished" />
19532026 </message>
19542027 <message>
1955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
19562029 <source>)</source>
19572030 <translation type="unfinished" />
19582031 </message>
19592032 <message>
1960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
1961 <source>Number format</source>
1962 <translation type="unfinished" />
1963 </message>
1964 <message>
1965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2033 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2034 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2035 <translation>Әр нүкте бойынша координаттар саны:</translation>
2036 </message>
2037 <message>
2038 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2039 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2040 <translation>Әдетте екі координаты бар үш осьтік нүкте қолданылады. Егер әрбір ось нүктесінде тек белгілі бір координат болса, онда файл / импорт (жетілдірілген) / 4 ось нүктесімен басталады.</translation>
2041 </message>
2042 <message>
2043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2044 <source>Number format:</source>
2045 <translation type="unfinished" />
2046 </message>
2047 <message>
2048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2049 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2050 <translation>Рұқсат етілетін сандық пішімдерді анықтайтын жергілікті. Бұл параметрлер / негізгі терезе арқылы орнатылады.</translation>
2051 </message>
2052 <message>
2053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
19662054 <source>Ok</source>
19672055 <translation type="unfinished" />
19682056 </message>
19692057 <message>
1970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
19712059 <source>Cancel</source>
19722060 <translation type="unfinished" />
19732061 </message>
20032091 For cartesian plots this is the X coordinate. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20052093 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2006 <translation type="unfinished" />
2094 <translation>Графикалық нүктелерге қолданылатын бірінші графикалық координат мәнін енгізіңіз. Егер сызба нүктелеріне ешқандай мән қолданылмаса, осы өрісті бос қалдырыңыз. • Картечный схемалар үшін бұл X координаты. Полярлық учаскелер үшін бұл R. радиусы. Координациялық мәннің күтілетін форматы жергілікті параметр бойынша анықталады. Егер енгізілген мәндер күтілгендей танылмаса, Параметрлер / Негізгі терезеде жергілікті параметрді тексеріңіз ...</translation>
20072095 </message>
20082096 <message>
20092097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="123" />
20192107 For cartesian plots this is the Y coordinate. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20212109 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2022 <translation type="unfinished" />
2110 <translation>Графикалық нүктелерге қолданылатын екінші графикалық координат мәнін енгізіңіз. Егер сызба нүктелеріне ешқандай мән қолданылмаса, осы өрісті бос қалдырыңыз.Жас карталар үшін бұл Y координаты. Полярлық учаскелер үшін бұл - Theta бұрышы. Координациялық мәннің күтілетін форматы жергілікті параметр бойынша анықталады. Егер енгізілген мәндер күтілгендей танылмаса, Параметрлер / Негізгі терезеде жергілікті параметрді тексеріңіз ...</translation>
20232111 </message>
20242112 <message>
20252113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="139" />
20292117 <message>
20302118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="156" />
20312119 <source>Number format</source>
2032 <translation type="unfinished" />
2120 <translation>Сан пішімі</translation>
20332121 </message>
20342122 <message>
20352123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="170" />
20522140 <message>
20532141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="80" />
20542142 <source>Number format</source>
2055 <translation type="unfinished" />
2143 <translation>Сан пішімі</translation>
20562144 </message>
20572145 <message>
20582146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="94" />
21732261 <context>
21742262 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
21752263 <message>
2176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
21772265 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
21782266 <translation type="unfinished" />
21792267 </message>
21802268 <message>
2181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
21822270 <source>Preview</source>
21832271 <translation type="unfinished" />
21842272 </message>
21852273 <message>
2186 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
21872275 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
21882276 <translation type="unfinished" />
21892277 </message>
21902278 <message>
2191 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
21922280 <source>Ok</source>
21932281 <translation type="unfinished" />
21942282 </message>
21952283 <message>
2196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
21972285 <source>Cancel</source>
21982286 <translation type="unfinished" />
21992287 </message>
22012289 <context>
22022290 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
22032291 <message>
2204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
22052293 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
22062294 <translation type="unfinished" />
22072295 </message>
22082296 <message>
2209 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
22102298 <source>Page</source>
22112299 <translation type="unfinished" />
22122300 </message>
22132301 <message>
2214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
22152303 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
22162304 <translation type="unfinished" />
22172305 </message>
22182306 <message>
2219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
22202308 <source>Preview</source>
22212309 <translation type="unfinished" />
22222310 </message>
22232311 <message>
2224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
22252313 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
22262314 <translation type="unfinished" />
22272315 </message>
22282316 <message>
2229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
22302318 <source>Ok</source>
22312319 <translation type="unfinished" />
22322320 </message>
22332321 <message>
2234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
22352323 <source>Cancel</source>
22362324 <translation type="unfinished" />
22372325 </message>
22472335 <context>
22482336 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
22492337 <message>
2250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2338 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
22512339 <source>Ok</source>
22522340 <translation type="unfinished" />
22532341 </message>
22542342 <message>
2255 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2343 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
22562344 <source>Cancel</source>
22572345 <translation type="unfinished" />
22582346 </message>
22652353 <translation type="unfinished" />
22662354 </message>
22672355 <message>
2268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2356 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
22692357 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
22702358 <translation type="unfinished" />
22712359 </message>
22722360 <message>
2273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
22742362 <source>Do not show</source>
22752363 <translation type="unfinished" />
22762364 </message>
22772365 <message>
2278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
22792367 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
22802368 <translation type="unfinished" />
22812369 </message>
22822370 <message>
2283 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2371 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
22842372 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
22852373 <translation type="unfinished" />
22862374 </message>
22872375 <message>
2288 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2376 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
22892377 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
22902378 <translation type="unfinished" />
22912379 </message>
22922380 <message>
2293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2381 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
22942382 <source>Show always</source>
22952383 <translation type="unfinished" />
22962384 </message>
22972385 <message>
2298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
22992387 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
23002388 <translation type="unfinished" />
23012389 </message>
23022390 <message>
2303 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
23042392 <source>Line color</source>
23052393 <translation type="unfinished" />
23062394 </message>
23072395 <message>
2308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
23092397 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
23102398 <translation type="unfinished" />
23112399 </message>
23122400 <message>
2313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
23142402 <source>Preview</source>
23152403 <translation type="unfinished" />
23162404 </message>
23172405 <message>
2318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
23192407 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
23202408 <translation type="unfinished" />
23212409 </message>
23282416 <translation type="unfinished" />
23292417 </message>
23302418 <message>
2331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
23322420 <source>Curve Name</source>
23332421 <translation type="unfinished" />
23342422 </message>
23352423 <message>
2336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
23372425 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
23382426 <translation type="unfinished" />
23392427 </message>
23402428 <message>
2341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
23422430 <source>Filter mode</source>
23432431 <translation type="unfinished" />
23442432 </message>
23452433 <message>
2346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
23472435 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23492437 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
23502438 <translation type="unfinished" />
23512439 </message>
23522440 <message>
2353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
23542442 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23562444 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
23592447 <translation type="unfinished" />
23602448 </message>
23612449 <message>
2362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
23632451 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23642452 <translation type="unfinished" />
23652453 </message>
23662454 <message>
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
23682456 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23692457 <translation type="unfinished" />
23702458 </message>
23712459 <message>
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2460 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
23732461 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23752463 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
23762464 <translation type="unfinished" />
23772465 </message>
23782466 <message>
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
23802468 <source>Preview</source>
23812469 <translation type="unfinished" />
23822470 </message>
23832471 <message>
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
23852473 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
23862474 <translation type="unfinished" />
23872475 </message>
23882476 <message>
2389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
23902478 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
23912479 <translation type="unfinished" />
23922480 </message>
23932481 <message>
2394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
23952483 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
23962484 <translation type="unfinished" />
23972485 </message>
23982486 <message>
2399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
24002488 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
24012489 <translation type="unfinished" />
24022490 </message>
24042492 <context>
24052493 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
24062494 <message>
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
24102498 <source>Coordinates</source>
24112499 <translation type="unfinished" />
24122500 </message>
24132501 <message>
2414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
24152503 <source>Date/Time</source>
24162504 <translation type="unfinished" />
24172505 </message>
24182506 <message>
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
24202508 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24222510 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
24232511 <translation type="unfinished" />
24242512 </message>
24252513 <message>
2426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
24272515 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24292517 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
24302518 <translation type="unfinished" />
24312519 </message>
24322520 <message>
2433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
24342522 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
24352523 <translation type="unfinished" />
24362524 </message>
24372525 <message>
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
24392527 <source>Polar</source>
24402528 <translation type="unfinished" />
24412529 </message>
24422530 <message>
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
24452533 <source>R</source>
24462534 <translation type="unfinished" />
24472535 </message>
24482536 <message>
2449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
24502538 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
24512539 <translation type="unfinished" />
24522540 </message>
24532541 <message>
2454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
24552543 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
24572545 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
24582546 <translation type="unfinished" />
24592547 </message>
24602548 <message>
2461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
24622550 <source>Select polar coordinates.
24642552 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
24672555 <translation type="unfinished" />
24682556 </message>
24692557 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
24722560 <source>Scale</source>
24732561 <translation type="unfinished" />
24742562 </message>
24752563 <message>
2476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
24782566 <source>Linear</source>
24792567 <translation type="unfinished" />
24802568 </message>
24812569 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
24832571 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
24842572 <translation type="unfinished" />
24852573 </message>
24862574 <message>
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
24892577 <source>Log</source>
24902578 <translation type="unfinished" />
24912579 </message>
24922580 <message>
2493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
24942582 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
24962584 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
24992587 <translation type="unfinished" />
25002588 </message>
25012589 <message>
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
25042592 <source>Units</source>
25052593 <translation type="unfinished" />
25062594 </message>
25072595 <message>
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
25092597 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
25102598 <translation type="unfinished" />
25112599 </message>
25122600 <message>
2513 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
25142602 <source>Origin radius value</source>
25152603 <translation type="unfinished" />
25162604 </message>
25172605 <message>
2518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
25192607 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
25212609 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
25222610 <translation type="unfinished" />
25232611 </message>
25242612 <message>
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
25262614 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
25282616 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
25292617 <translation type="unfinished" />
25302618 </message>
25312619 <message>
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
25332621 <source>Preview</source>
25342622 <translation type="unfinished" />
25352623 </message>
25362624 <message>
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
25382626 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
25392627 <translation type="unfinished" />
25402628 </message>
25412629 <message>
2542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
25432631 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
25452633 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
25482636 <translation type="unfinished" />
25492637 </message>
25502638 <message>
2551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
25522640 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
25542642 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
25632651 <translation type="unfinished" />
25642652 </message>
25652653 <message>
2566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
25672655 <source>X</source>
25682656 <translation type="unfinished" />
25692657 </message>
25702658 <message>
2571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
25722660 <source>Y</source>
25732661 <translation type="unfinished" />
25742662 </message>
25752663 </context>
25762664 <context>
2577 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2578 <message>
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2665 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2666 <message>
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
25802668 <source>Curve List</source>
2581 <translation>Қисық тізім</translation>
2582 </message>
2583 <message>
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2669 <translation type="unfinished" />
2670 </message>
2671 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
25852673 <source>Add...</source>
25862674 <translation type="unfinished" />
25872675 </message>
25882676 <message>
2589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
25902678 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
25922680 Every curve name must be unique</source>
25932681 <translation type="unfinished" />
25942682 </message>
25952683 <message>
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
25972685 <source>Remove</source>
25982686 <translation type="unfinished" />
25992687 </message>
26002688 <message>
2601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
26022690 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
26042692 There must always be at least one curve</source>
26052693 <translation type="unfinished" />
26062694 </message>
26072695 <message>
2608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
26092697 <source>Curve Names</source>
26102698 <translation type="unfinished" />
26112699 </message>
26122700 <message>
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
26142702 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
26162704 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
26192707 <translation type="unfinished" />
26202708 </message>
26212709 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
26232711 <source>Save As Default</source>
26242712 <translation type="unfinished" />
26252713 </message>
26262714 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
26282716 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
26292717 <translation type="unfinished" />
26302718 </message>
26312719 <message>
2632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
26332721 <source>Reset Default</source>
26342722 <translation type="unfinished" />
26352723 </message>
26362724 <message>
2637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
26382726 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
26392727 <translation type="unfinished" />
26402728 </message>
26412729 <message>
2642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
26432731 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
26442732 <translation type="unfinished" />
26452733 </message>
26462734 <message>
2647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
26492737 <source>points. Continue?</source>
26502738 <translation type="unfinished" />
26512739 </message>
26522740 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
26542742 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
26552743 <translation type="unfinished" />
26562744 </message>
26572745 <message>
2658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
26592747 <source>Curves With Points</source>
26602748 <translation type="unfinished" />
26612749 </message>
26632751 <context>
26642752 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
26652753 <message>
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
26672755 <source>Curve Properties</source>
26682756 <translation type="unfinished" />
26692757 </message>
26702758 <message>
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
26722760 <source>Curve Name</source>
26732761 <translation type="unfinished" />
26742762 </message>
26752763 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
26772765 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
26782766 <translation type="unfinished" />
26792767 </message>
26802768 <message>
2681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2769 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
26822770 <source>Line</source>
26832771 <translation type="unfinished" />
26842772 </message>
26852773 <message>
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2774 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
26872775 <source>Width</source>
26882776 <translation type="unfinished" />
26892777 </message>
26902778 <message>
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
26922780 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
26942782 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
26952783 <translation type="unfinished" />
26962784 </message>
26972785 <message>
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
27002788 <source>Color</source>
27012789 <translation type="unfinished" />
27022790 </message>
27032791 <message>
2704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
27052793 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
27072795 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27082796 <translation type="unfinished" />
27092797 </message>
27102798 <message>
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
27122800 <source>Connect as</source>
27132801 <translation type="unfinished" />
27142802 </message>
27152803 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
27172805 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
27192807 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
27232811 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2725 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2813 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
27272815 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2728 <translation type="unfinished" />
2729 </message>
2730 <message>
2731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2816 <translation>Желілерді сызықтармен қосу ережесін таңдаңыз. Егер қисық бір мәнді функция ретінде жалғанса, онда нүктелер тәуелсіз айнымалы мәннің артуымен реттеледі. Егер қисық жабық контур ретінде жалғанса, нүктелер бар сызық бойымен орналастырылған баллдарды қоспағанда, жасы бойынша реттеледі. Кез-келген желінің кез келген нүктесі сол сызықтың екі соңғы нүктесі арасында орналасқан - егер оның жасының екі соңғы нүктенің жастары арасында болған болса, кірістіріледі. Сәйкесінше реттелген нүктелер арасындағы сызықтар. дәйекті нүктелер арасындағы сызықтар. Тегіс қисықтар скаляр реттік (t) мәндеріне қарсы (x, y) жұбының табиғи текше сплейлерін пайдалана отырып, дәйекті нүктелер арасында тегіс сызықтармен сызылады. Бұл тек графикалық қисықтарға қатысты. Ақ нүктелер арасында ешқашан сызықтар жасалмаған.</translation>
2817 </message>
2818 <message>
2819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
27322820 <source>Point</source>
27332821 <translation type="unfinished" />
27342822 </message>
27352823 <message>
2736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
27372825 <source>Shape</source>
27382826 <translation type="unfinished" />
27392827 </message>
27402828 <message>
2741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
27422830 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
27432831 <translation type="unfinished" />
27442832 </message>
27452833 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
27472835 <source>Radius</source>
27482836 <translation type="unfinished" />
27492837 </message>
27502838 <message>
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
27522840 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
27532841 <translation type="unfinished" />
27542842 </message>
27552843 <message>
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2844 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
27572845 <source>Line width</source>
27582846 <translation type="unfinished" />
27592847 </message>
27602848 <message>
2761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2849 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
27622850 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
27642852 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
27652853 <translation type="unfinished" />
27662854 </message>
27672855 <message>
2768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2856 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
27692857 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
27702858 <translation type="unfinished" />
27712859 </message>
27722860 <message>
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2861 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
27742862 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
27762864 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
27792867 <translation type="unfinished" />
27802868 </message>
27812869 <message>
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
27832871 <source>Preview</source>
27842872 <translation type="unfinished" />
27852873 </message>
27862874 <message>
2787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
27882876 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
27902878 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
28792967 <translation type="unfinished" />
28802968 </message>
28812969 <message>
2882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
28832971 <source>Included</source>
28842972 <translation type="unfinished" />
28852973 </message>
28862974 <message>
2887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
28882976 <source>Not included</source>
28892977 <translation type="unfinished" />
28902978 </message>
28912979 <message>
2892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
28932981 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
28952983 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
28962984 <translation type="unfinished" />
28972985 </message>
28982986 <message>
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
2987 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
29002988 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
29012989 <translation type="unfinished" />
29022990 </message>
29032991 <message>
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
2992 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
29052993 <source>Include</source>
29062994 <translation type="unfinished" />
29072995 </message>
29082996 <message>
2909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
2997 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
29102998 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
29112999 <translation type="unfinished" />
29123000 </message>
29133001 <message>
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
29153003 <source>Exclude</source>
29163004 <translation type="unfinished" />
29173005 </message>
29183006 <message>
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
29203008 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
29213009 <translation type="unfinished" />
29223010 </message>
29233011 <message>
2924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
29253013 <source>Delimiters</source>
29263014 <translation type="unfinished" />
29273015 </message>
29283016 <message>
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
29303018 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
29313019 <translation type="unfinished" />
29323020 </message>
29333021 <message>
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3022 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
29353023 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
29363024 <translation type="unfinished" />
29373025 </message>
29383026 <message>
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3027 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
29403028 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29413029 <translation type="unfinished" />
29423030 </message>
29433031 <message>
2944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
29453033 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29463034 <translation type="unfinished" />
29473035 </message>
29483036 <message>
2949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
29503038 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
29513039 <translation type="unfinished" />
29523040 </message>
29533041 <message>
2954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
29553043 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
29563044 <translation type="unfinished" />
29573045 </message>
29583046 <message>
2959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3047 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
29603048 <source>Layout</source>
29613049 <translation type="unfinished" />
29623050 </message>
29633051 <message>
2964 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
29653053 <source>All curves on each line</source>
29663054 <translation type="unfinished" />
29673055 </message>
29683056 <message>
2969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
29703058 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
29713059 <translation type="unfinished" />
29723060 </message>
29733061 <message>
2974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
29753063 <source>One curve on each line</source>
29763064 <translation type="unfinished" />
29773065 </message>
29783066 <message>
2979 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
29803068 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
29813069 <translation type="unfinished" />
29823070 </message>
29833071 <message>
2984 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
29853073 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
29863074 <translation type="unfinished" />
29873075 </message>
29883076 <message>
2989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
29903078 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
29913079 <translation type="unfinished" />
29923080 </message>
29933081 <message>
2994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
29953083 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
29963084 <translation type="unfinished" />
29973085 </message>
29983086 <message>
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3087 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3088 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3089 <translation type="unfinished" />
3090 </message>
3091 <message>
3092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3093 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3094 <translation type="unfinished" />
3095 </message>
3096 <message>
3097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
30003098 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
30013099 <translation type="unfinished" />
30023100 </message>
30033101 <message>
3004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
30053103 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
30063104 <translation type="unfinished" />
30073105 </message>
30083106 <message>
3009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3010 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3011 <translation type="unfinished" />
3012 </message>
3013 <message>
3014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3108 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3109 <translation type="unfinished" />
3110 </message>
3111 <message>
3112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
30153113 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
30163114 <translation type="unfinished" />
30173115 </message>
30183116 <message>
3019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3117 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
30213119 <source>Interval</source>
30223120 <translation type="unfinished" />
30233121 </message>
30243122 <message>
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
30263124 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
30283126 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
30313129 <translation type="unfinished" />
30323130 </message>
30333131 <message>
3034 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3132 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
30353133 <source>Units for spacing interval.
30373135 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
30403138 <translation type="unfinished" />
30413139 </message>
30423140 <message>
3043 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3141 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3142 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3143 <translation type="unfinished" />
3144 </message>
3145 <message>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3147 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3148 <translation type="unfinished" />
3149 </message>
3150 <message>
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3152 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
30453153 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
30463154 <translation type="unfinished" />
30473155 </message>
30483156 <message>
3049 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3050 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3157 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
30513159 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
30523160 <translation type="unfinished" />
30533161 </message>
30543162 <message>
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
30563164 <source>Header</source>
30573165 <translation type="unfinished" />
30583166 </message>
30593167 <message>
3060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
30613169 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
30623170 <translation type="unfinished" />
30633171 </message>
30643172 <message>
3065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
30663174 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
30673175 <translation type="unfinished" />
30683176 </message>
30693177 <message>
3070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
30713179 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
30723180 <translation type="unfinished" />
30733181 </message>
30743182 <message>
3075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
30763184 <source>Save As Default</source>
30773185 <translation type="unfinished" />
30783186 </message>
30793187 <message>
3080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
30813189 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
30823190 <translation type="unfinished" />
30833191 </message>
30843192 <message>
3085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3194 <source>Load Default</source>
3195 <translation type="unfinished" />
3196 </message>
3197 <message>
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3199 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3200 <translation type="unfinished" />
3201 </message>
3202 <message>
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
30863204 <source>Preview</source>
30873205 <translation type="unfinished" />
30883206 </message>
30893207 <message>
3090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
30913209 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
30933211 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
30943212 <translation type="unfinished" />
30953213 </message>
30963214 <message>
3097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
30983216 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
30993217 <translation type="unfinished" />
31003218 </message>
31013219 <message>
3102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
31033221 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
31043222 <translation type="unfinished" />
31053223 </message>
31063224 <message>
3107 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
31083226 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
31093227 <translation type="unfinished" />
31103228 </message>
31113229 <message>
3112 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
31133231 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
31143232 <translation type="unfinished" />
31153233 </message>
31163234 <message>
3117 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
31183236 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31203238 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
31233241 <translation type="unfinished" />
31243242 </message>
31253243 <message>
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3244 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
31273245 <source>Functions</source>
31283246 <translation type="unfinished" />
31293247 </message>
31303248 <message>
3131 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3249 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
31323250 <source>Functions Tab
31343252 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
31353253 <translation type="unfinished" />
31363254 </message>
31373255 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
31393257 <source>Relations</source>
31403258 <translation type="unfinished" />
31413259 </message>
31423260 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
31443262 <source>Relations Tab
31463264 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
31473265 <translation type="unfinished" />
31483266 </message>
31493267 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
31513269 <source>X Label</source>
31523270 <translation type="unfinished" />
31533271 </message>
31543272 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3156 <source>Theta Label</source>
3157 <translation type="unfinished" />
3158 </message>
3159 <message>
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
31613274 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
31623275 <translation type="unfinished" />
31633276 </message>
31643277 <message>
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3166 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3167 <translation type="unfinished" />
3168 </message>
3169 <message>
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
31713279 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
31723280 <translation type="unfinished" />
31733281 </message>
32263334 <translation type="unfinished" />
32273335 </message>
32283336 <message>
3229 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
32303338 <source>Color</source>
32313339 <translation type="unfinished" />
32323340 </message>
32333341 <message>
3234 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
32353343 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
32363344 <translation type="unfinished" />
32373345 </message>
32383346 <message>
3239 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
32413349 <source>Disable</source>
32423350 <translation type="unfinished" />
32433351 </message>
32443352 <message>
3245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
32463354 <source>Disabled value.
32483356 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
32493357 <translation type="unfinished" />
32503358 </message>
32513359 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
32543362 <source>Count</source>
32553363 <translation type="unfinished" />
32563364 </message>
32573365 <message>
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
32593367 <source>Number of X grid lines.
32613369 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
32623370 <translation type="unfinished" />
32633371 </message>
32643372 <message>
3265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
32673375 <source>Start</source>
32683376 <translation type="unfinished" />
32693377 </message>
32703378 <message>
3271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
32723380 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
32743382 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
32753383 <translation type="unfinished" />
32763384 </message>
32773385 <message>
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
32803388 <source>Step</source>
32813389 <translation type="unfinished" />
32823390 </message>
32833391 <message>
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
32853393 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
32873395 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
32883396 <translation type="unfinished" />
32893397 </message>
32903398 <message>
3291 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
32933401 <source>Stop</source>
32943402 <translation type="unfinished" />
32953403 </message>
32963404 <message>
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
32983406 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
33003408 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33013409 <translation type="unfinished" />
33023410 </message>
33033411 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
33053413 <source>Disabled value.
33073415 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
33083416 <translation type="unfinished" />
33093417 </message>
33103418 <message>
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
33123420 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
33143422 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
33153423 <translation type="unfinished" />
33163424 </message>
33173425 <message>
3318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
33193427 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
33213429 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
33223430 <translation type="unfinished" />
33233431 </message>
33243432 <message>
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
33263434 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
33283436 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
33293437 <translation type="unfinished" />
33303438 </message>
33313439 <message>
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
33333441 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
33353443 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33363444 <translation type="unfinished" />
33373445 </message>
33383446 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
33403448 <source>Preview</source>
33413449 <translation type="unfinished" />
33423450 </message>
33433451 <message>
3344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
33453453 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
33463454 <translation type="unfinished" />
33473455 </message>
33483456 <message>
3349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
33503458 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
33513459 <translation type="unfinished" />
33523460 </message>
33533461 <message>
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
33553463 <source>Grid Lines</source>
33563464 <translation type="unfinished" />
33573465 </message>
33583466 <message>
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
33603468 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
33613469 <translation type="unfinished" />
33623470 </message>
33633471 <message>
3364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
33653473 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
33663474 <translation type="unfinished" />
33673475 </message>
33683476 <message>
3369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
33703478 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
33713479 <translation>Тор сызықтары саны Параметрлер / Негізгі терезе арқылы орнатылған шектен асып кетеді.</translation>
33723480 </message>
33793487 <translation type="unfinished" />
33803488 </message>
33813489 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
33833491 <source>Preview</source>
33843492 <translation type="unfinished" />
33853493 </message>
33863494 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
33883496 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
33893497 <translation type="unfinished" />
33903498 </message>
33913499 <message>
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
33933501 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
33943502 <translation type="unfinished" />
33953503 </message>
33963504 <message>
3397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
33983506 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
34003508 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
34013509 <translation type="unfinished" />
34023510 </message>
34033511 <message>
3404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
34053513 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
34063514 <translation type="unfinished" />
34073515 </message>
34083516 <message>
3409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
34103518 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
34123520 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
34153523 <translation type="unfinished" />
34163524 </message>
34173525 <message>
3418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
34193527 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
34203528 <translation type="unfinished" />
34213529 </message>
34223530 <message>
3423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
34243532 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3425 <translation type="unfinished" />
3426 </message>
3427 <message>
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3430 <source>Disable</source>
3431 <translation type="unfinished" />
3432 </message>
3433 <message>
3434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3435 <source>Disabled value.
3437 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34383533 <translation type="unfinished" />
34393534 </message>
34403535 <message>
34413536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
34423537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3538 <source>Disable</source>
3539 <translation type="unfinished" />
3540 </message>
3541 <message>
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3543 <source>Disabled value.
3545 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3546 <translation type="unfinished" />
3547 </message>
3548 <message>
3549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
34433551 <source>Count</source>
34443552 <translation type="unfinished" />
34453553 </message>
34463554 <message>
3447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
34483556 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34503558 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34513559 <translation type="unfinished" />
34523560 </message>
34533561 <message>
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
34563564 <source>Start</source>
34573565 <translation type="unfinished" />
34583566 </message>
34593567 <message>
3460 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
34613569 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34633571 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34643572 <translation type="unfinished" />
34653573 </message>
34663574 <message>
3467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
34693577 <source>Step</source>
34703578 <translation type="unfinished" />
34713579 </message>
34723580 <message>
3473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
34743582 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34763584 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34773585 <translation type="unfinished" />
34783586 </message>
34793587 <message>
3480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3589 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
34823590 <source>Stop</source>
34833591 <translation type="unfinished" />
34843592 </message>
34853593 <message>
3486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
34873595 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34893597 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
34903598 <translation type="unfinished" />
34913599 </message>
34923600 <message>
3493 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
34943602 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
34953603 <translation type="unfinished" />
34963604 </message>
34973605 <message>
3498 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
34993607 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
35003608 <translation type="unfinished" />
35013609 </message>
35023610 <message>
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
35043612 <source>Disabled value.
35063614 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35073615 <translation type="unfinished" />
35083616 </message>
35093617 <message>
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
35113619 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35133621 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35143622 <translation type="unfinished" />
35153623 </message>
35163624 <message>
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
35183626 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35203628 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35213629 <translation type="unfinished" />
35223630 </message>
35233631 <message>
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
35253633 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35273635 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35283636 <translation type="unfinished" />
35293637 </message>
35303638 <message>
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
35323640 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35343642 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35383646 <context>
35393647 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
35403648 <message>
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
35423650 <source>Main Window</source>
35433651 <translation type="unfinished" />
35443652 </message>
35453653 <message>
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
35473655 <source>Initial zoom</source>
35483656 <translation type="unfinished" />
35493657 </message>
35503658 <message>
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
35523660 <source>Initial Zoom
35543662 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
35553663 <translation type="unfinished" />
35563664 </message>
35573665 <message>
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
35593667 <source>Zoom control</source>
35603668 <translation type="unfinished" />
35613669 </message>
35623670 <message>
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
35643672 <source>Menu only</source>
35653673 <translation type="unfinished" />
35663674 </message>
35673675 <message>
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
35693677 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
35703678 <translation type="unfinished" />
35713679 </message>
35723680 <message>
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
35743682 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
35753683 <translation type="unfinished" />
35763684 </message>
35773685 <message>
3578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
35793687 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
35803688 <translation type="unfinished" />
35813689 </message>
35823690 <message>
3583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
35843692 <source>Zoom Control
35863694 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
35873695 <translation type="unfinished" />
35883696 </message>
35893697 <message>
3590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
3591 <source>Locale</source>
3592 <translation type="unfinished" />
3593 </message>
3594 <message>
3595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3699 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3700 <translation>Жергілікті (қайта іске қосу қажет)</translation>
3701 </message>
3702 <message>
3703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
35963704 <source>Locale
35983706 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
36013709 <translation type="unfinished" />
36023710 </message>
36033711 <message>
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3712 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
36053713 <source>Import cropping</source>
36063714 <translation type="unfinished" />
36073715 </message>
36083716 <message>
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
36103718 <source>Import Cropping
36123720 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
36153723 <translation type="unfinished" />
36163724 </message>
36173725 <message>
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
36193727 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
36203728 <translation type="unfinished" />
36213729 </message>
36223730 <message>
3623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
36243732 <source>Import PDF Resolution
36263734 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
36273735 <translation type="unfinished" />
36283736 </message>
36293737 <message>
3630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
36313739 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
36323740 <translation type="unfinished" />
36333741 </message>
36343742 <message>
3635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
36363744 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
36383746 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
36393747 <translation type="unfinished" />
36403748 </message>
36413749 <message>
3642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
36433751 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
36443752 <translation type="unfinished" />
36453753 </message>
36463754 <message>
3647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
36483756 <source>Highlight Opacity
36503758 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
36513759 <translation type="unfinished" />
36523760 </message>
36533761 <message>
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3762 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
36553763 <source>Recent file list</source>
36563764 <translation type="unfinished" />
36573765 </message>
36583766 <message>
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
36603768 <source>Clear</source>
36613769 <translation type="unfinished" />
36623770 </message>
36633771 <message>
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
36653773 <source>Recent File List Clear
36673775 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
36683776 <translation type="unfinished" />
36693777 </message>
36703778 <message>
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
36723780 <source>Include title bar path</source>
36733781 <translation type="unfinished" />
36743782 </message>
36753783 <message>
3676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
36773785 <source>Title Bar Filename
36793787 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
36803788 <translation type="unfinished" />
36813789 </message>
36823790 <message>
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
36843792 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
36853793 <translation type="unfinished" />
36863794 </message>
36873795 <message>
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
36893797 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
36913799 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
36923800 <translation type="unfinished" />
36933801 </message>
36943802 <message>
3695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
36963804 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
36973805 <translation type="unfinished" />
36983806 </message>
36993807 <message>
3700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
37013809 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
37033811 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
37063814 <translation type="unfinished" />
37073815 </message>
37083816 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3818 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3819 <translation>Өңдеуге арналған құжатты алмастыратын сурет</translation>
3820 </message>
3821 <message>
3822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3823 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3825 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3826 <translation>Сурет атын өзгерту құжаты
3828 Кескінді ауыстыру үшін импортталған кезде, құжат дұрыс болса, атын өзгертеді, әйтпесе атау бірдей болады.</translation>
3829 </message>
3830 <message>
3831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
37103832 <source>Significant digits</source>
37113833 <translation type="unfinished" />
37123834 </message>
37133835 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
37153837 <source>Significant Digits
37173839 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
37893911 <message>
37903912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="40" />
37913913 <source>Segment Fill</source>
3792 <translation type="unfinished" />
3914 <translation>Сегменті толтыру</translation>
37933915 </message>
37943916 <message>
37953917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="78" />
39384060 <context>
39394061 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
39404062 <message>
4063 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
39414064 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4065 <source>Geometry Window</source>
4066 <translation>Геометрия терезесі</translation>
4067 </message>
4068 <message>
39424069 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
3943 <source>Geometry Window</source>
3944 <translation type="unfinished" />
3945 </message>
3946 <message>
3947 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
39484070 <source>Geometry Window
39504072 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
39624084 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
39644086 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4087 <translation>Геометрия терезесі
4089 Бұл кестеде ағымдағы таңдалған қисығы үшін келесі геометрия деректері көрсетіледі:
4091 Функция аумағы = Егер функция болса, қисығы астындағы аумақ
4093 Полигон аймағы = Егер бұл қатынас болса, қисық ішіндегі аудан. Егер бұл қисық сызықтар бір-бірінен қиылыспаса, бұл мән дұрыс болады
4095 Әрбір нүктенің X = координаты
4097 Әрбір нүктенің Y = Y координаты
4099 Индекс = нүкте нөмірі
4101 Қашықтығы = Қисық сызық бойымен алға немесе артқа қарай, графикалық бірліктерде немесе пайызбен қашықтық
4103 Егер апарып тастау ажыратылса, түймені апару арқылы ұяшықтардың төртбұрыш жиынтығы таңдалуы мүмкін. Әйтпесе, апарып тастау функциясы қосылған болса, басу және сүйреп апару әрекетін бастағандықтан, Басу, содан кейін Shift + Click басу арқылы ұяшықтардың тікбұрышты жиынтығы таңдалуы мүмкін. Апарып тастау режимі Негізгі терезе параметрлерінде орнатылған</translation>
4104 </message>
4105 <message>
4106 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4107 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4108 <translation type="unfinished" />
4109 </message>
4110 </context>
4111 <context>
4112 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4113 <message>
4114 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4115 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
39654116 <translation type="unfinished" />
39664117 </message>
39674118 </context>
40004151 <context>
40014152 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
40024153 <message>
4003 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4154 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
40044155 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
40054156 <translation type="unfinished" />
40064157 </message>
40074158 <message>
4008 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4159 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
40094160 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
40104161 <translation type="unfinished" />
40114162 </message>
40134164 <context>
40144165 <name>MainWindow</name>
40154166 <message>
4016 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4167 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
40174168 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
40184169 <translation type="unfinished" />
40194170 </message>
40204171 <message>
4021 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4172 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
40224173 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
40234174 <translation type="unfinished" />
40244175 </message>
40254176 <message>
4026 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4027 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4028 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4177 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4178 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4179 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
40294180 <source>Cannot read file</source>
40304181 <translation type="unfinished" />
40314182 </message>
40324183 <message>
4033 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4034 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4035 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4184 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4185 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4186 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
40364187 <source>from directory</source>
40374188 <translation type="unfinished" />
40384189 </message>
40394190 <message>
4040 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4191 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
40414192 <source>Import Image</source>
40424193 <translation type="unfinished" />
40434194 </message>
40444195 <message>
4045 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4196 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
40464197 <source>File opened</source>
40474198 <translation type="unfinished" />
40484199 </message>
40494200 <message>
4050 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4201 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
40514202 <source>File not found</source>
40524203 <translation type="unfinished" />
40534204 </message>
40544205 <message>
4055 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4206 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
40564207 <source>Error report opened</source>
40574208 <translation type="unfinished" />
40584209 </message>
40594210 <message>
4060 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4061 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4211 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4212 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
40624213 <source>File imported</source>
40634214 <translation type="unfinished" />
40644215 </message>
40654216 <message>
4066 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4217 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
40674218 <source>Background image.</source>
40684219 <translation type="unfinished" />
40694220 </message>
40704221 <message>
4071 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4222 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
40724223 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
40734224 <translation type="unfinished" />
40744225 </message>
40754226 <message>
4076 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4227 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
40774228 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
40784229 <translation type="unfinished" />
40794230 </message>
40804231 <message>
4081 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4232 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
40824233 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
40834234 <translation type="unfinished" />
40844235 </message>
40854236 <message>
4086 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4237 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
40874238 <source>The document has been modified.
40884239 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
40894240 <translation type="unfinished" />
40904241 </message>
40914242 <message>
4092 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4243 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
40934244 <source>Cannot write file</source>
40944245 <translation type="unfinished" />
40954246 </message>
40964247 <message>
4097 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4248 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
40984249 <source>Save</source>
40994250 <translation type="unfinished" />
41004251 </message>
41014252 <message>
4102 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4253 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
41034254 <source>Export</source>
41044255 <translation type="unfinished" />
41054256 </message>
41064257 <message>
4107 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4258 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
41084259 <source>Open Document</source>
41094260 <translation type="unfinished" />
41104261 </message>
41114262 <message>
4112 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4263 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
41134264 <source>+</source>
41144265 <translation type="unfinished" />
41154266 </message>
41164267 <message>
4117 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4268 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
41184269 <source>-</source>
41194270 <translation type="unfinished" />
41204271 </message>
41214272 <message>
4122 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4273 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
41234274 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
41244275 <translation type="unfinished" />
41254276 </message>
41274278 <context>
41284279 <name>QObject</name>
41294280 <message>
4130 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4131 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4132 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4281 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4282 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4283 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
41334284 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
41344285 <translation type="unfinished" />
41354286 </message>
41364287 <message>
4137 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4138 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4288 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4289 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
41394290 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
41404291 <translation type="unfinished" />
41414292 </message>
41424293 <message>
4143 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4144 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4294 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4295 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
41454296 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
41464297 <translation type="unfinished" />
41474298 </message>
41484299 <message>
4149 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4150 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4300 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4301 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
41514302 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
41524303 <translation type="unfinished" />
41534304 </message>
41544305 <message>
4155 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4306 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
41564307 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
41574308 <translation type="unfinished" />
41584309 </message>
41594310 <message>
4160 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4311 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
41614312 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
41624313 <translation type="unfinished" />
41634314 </message>
41644315 <message>
4165 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4316 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
41664317 <source>Never</source>
41674318 <translation type="unfinished" />
41684319 </message>
41694320 <message>
4170 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4321 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
41714322 <source>NSeconds</source>
41724323 <translation type="unfinished" />
41734324 </message>
41744325 <message>
4175 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4326 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
41764327 <source>Forever</source>
4177 <translation type="unfinished" />
4178 </message>
4179 <message>
4180 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4181 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4182 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4183 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4184 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4185 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4186 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4187 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4188 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4189 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4190 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4191 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4192 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4193 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4194 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4195 <source>Unknown</source>
41964328 <translation type="unfinished" />
41974329 </message>
41984330 <message>
42424374 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
42434375 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
42444376 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4245 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4377 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
42464378 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
42474379 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
42484380 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
42804412 <translation type="unfinished" />
42814413 </message>
42824414 <message>
4283 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4415 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4416 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4417 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4418 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4419 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4420 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4421 <source>Unknown</source>
4422 <translation type="unfinished" />
4423 </message>
4424 <message>
4425 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
42844426 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
42854427 <translation type="unfinished" />
42864428 </message>
43574499 <translation type="unfinished" />
43584500 </message>
43594501 <message>
4360 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4502 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
43614503 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
43624504 <translation type="unfinished" />
43634505 </message>
43684510 <translation type="unfinished" />
43694511 </message>
43704512 <message>
4371 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4513 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
43724514 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
43734515 <translation type="unfinished" />
43744516 </message>
43754517 <message>
4376 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4518 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
43774519 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
43784520 <translation type="unfinished" />
43794521 </message>
43804522 <message>
4381 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4523 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
43824524 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
43834525 <translation type="unfinished" />
43844526 </message>
43854527 <message>
4386 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4528 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
43874529 <source>RelationStraight</source>
43884530 <translation type="unfinished" />
43894531 </message>
43904532 <message>
4391 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4533 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
43924534 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
43934535 <translation type="unfinished" />
43944536 </message>
44114553 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
44124554 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
44134555 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4414 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4556 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
44154557 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44164558 <translation type="unfinished" />
44174559 </message>
44214563 <translation type="unfinished" />
44224564 </message>
44234565 <message>
4424 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4566 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
44254567 <source>Color Picker</source>
44264568 <translation type="unfinished" />
44274569 </message>
44284570 <message>
4429 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4571 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
44304572 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
44314573 <translation type="unfinished" />
44324574 </message>
44664608 <translation type="unfinished" />
44674609 </message>
44684610 <message>
4469 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4470 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4611 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4612 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
44714613 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
44724614 <translation type="unfinished" />
44734615 </message>
44744616 <message>
4475 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4617 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
44764618 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
44774619 <translation type="unfinished" />
44784620 </message>
44794621 <message>
4480 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4622 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
44814623 <source>of</source>
44824624 <translation type="unfinished" />
44834625 </message>
44844626 <message>
4485 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4627 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
44864628 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
44874629 <source>File</source>
44884630 <translation type="unfinished" />
44894631 </message>
44904632 <message>
4491 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4633 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
44924634 <source>was not found</source>
44934635 <translation type="unfinished" />
44944636 </message>
44954637 <message>
4496 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4638 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
44974639 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
44984640 <translation type="unfinished" />
44994641 </message>
45184660 <translation type="unfinished" />
45194661 </message>
45204662 <message>
4521 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4663 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
45224664 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
45234665 <translation type="unfinished" />
45244666 </message>
45534695 <translation type="unfinished" />
45544696 </message>
45554697 <message>
4556 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4698 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
45574699 <source>Commas</source>
45584700 <translation type="unfinished" />
45594701 </message>
45604702 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4703 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
45624704 <source>Semicolons</source>
45634705 <translation type="unfinished" />
45644706 </message>
45654707 <message>
4566 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4708 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
45674709 <source>Spaces</source>
45684710 <translation type="unfinished" />
45694711 </message>
45704712 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4713 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
45724714 <source>Tabs</source>
45734715 <translation type="unfinished" />
45744716 </message>
45754717 <message>
4576 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4718 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
45774719 <source>Gnuplot</source>
45784720 <translation type="unfinished" />
45794721 </message>
45804722 <message>
4581 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4723 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
45824724 <source>None</source>
45834725 <translation type="unfinished" />
45844726 </message>
45854727 <message>
4586 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4728 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
45874729 <source>Simple</source>
45884730 <translation type="unfinished" />
45894731 </message>
45984740 <translation type="unfinished" />
45994741 </message>
46004742 <message>
4601 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4743 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
46024744 <source>AllPerLine</source>
46034745 <translation type="unfinished" />
46044746 </message>
46054747 <message>
4606 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4748 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46074749 <source>OnePerLine</source>
46084750 <translation type="unfinished" />
46094751 </message>
46104752 <message>
4611 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4753 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
46124754 <source>Graph Units</source>
46134755 <translation type="unfinished" />
46144756 </message>
46154757 <message>
4616 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4758 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
46174759 <source>Pixels</source>
46184760 <translation type="unfinished" />
46194761 </message>
46204762 <message>
4621 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4763 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
46224764 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
46234765 <translation type="unfinished" />
46244766 </message>
46254767 <message>
4626 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4768 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46274769 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
46284770 <translation type="unfinished" />
46294771 </message>
46304772 <message>
4631 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4773 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
46324774 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
46334775 <translation type="unfinished" />
46344776 </message>
46354777 <message>
4636 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4637 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4778 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4779 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
46384780 <source>Raw</source>
46394781 <translation type="unfinished" />
46404782 </message>
46414783 <message>
4642 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4784 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
46434785 <source>Interpolate</source>
46444786 <translation type="unfinished" />
46454787 </message>
46464788 <message>
4647 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4789 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
46484790 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
46494791 <translation type="unfinished" />
46504792 </message>
46514793 <message>
4652 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4794 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
46534795 <source>from directory</source>
46544796 <translation type="unfinished" />
46554797 </message>
46854827 </message>
46864828 <message>
46874829 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4688 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4830 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
46894831 <source>X</source>
46904832 <translation type="unfinished" />
46914833 </message>
46954837 <translation type="unfinished" />
46964838 </message>
46974839 <message>
4698 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
4840 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
46994841 <source>Count</source>
47004842 <translation type="unfinished" />
47014843 </message>
47024844 <message>
4703 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
4845 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
47044846 <source>Start</source>
47054847 <translation type="unfinished" />
47064848 </message>
47074849 <message>
4708 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4850 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
47094851 <source>Step</source>
47104852 <translation type="unfinished" />
47114853 </message>
47124854 <message>
4713 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
4855 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
47144856 <source>Stop</source>
47154857 <translation type="unfinished" />
47164858 </message>
47504892 <translation type="unfinished" />
47514893 </message>
47524894 <message>
4753 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
4895 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
47544896 <source>Circle</source>
4755 <translation type="unfinished" />
4756 </message>
4757 <message>
4758 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
4897 <translation>Шеңбер</translation>
4898 </message>
4899 <message>
4900 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
47594901 <source>Cross</source>
4760 <translation type="unfinished" />
4761 </message>
4762 <message>
4763 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
4902 <translation>Крест</translation>
4903 </message>
4904 <message>
4905 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
47644906 <source>Diamond</source>
4765 <translation type="unfinished" />
4766 </message>
4767 <message>
4768 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
4907 <translation>Алмаз</translation>
4908 </message>
4909 <message>
4910 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
4911 <source>Hourglass</source>
4912 <translation> сағат шыны</translation>
4913 </message>
4914 <message>
4915 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
47694916 <source>Square</source>
4770 <translation type="unfinished" />
4771 </message>
4772 <message>
4773 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
4917 <translation>Шаршы</translation>
4918 </message>
4919 <message>
4920 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
47744921 <source>Triangle</source>
4775 <translation type="unfinished" />
4776 </message>
4777 <message>
4778 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
4922 <translation>Үшбұрыш</translation>
4923 </message>
4924 <message>
4925 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
4926 <source>Triangle2</source>
4927 <translation>Үшбұрыш2</translation>
4928 </message>
4929 <message>
4930 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
47794931 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
47804932 <translation type="unfinished" />
47814933 </message>
47824934 <message>
4783 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
4935 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
47844936 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
47854937 <translation>Графикалық координаттар</translation>
47864938 </message>
47874939 <message>
4788 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
4940 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
47894941 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
47904942 <translation>Пиксельдің координаттары</translation>
47914943 </message>
47924944 <message>
4793 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
4945 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
47944946 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
47954947 <translation>График рұқсаты</translation>
47964948 </message>
48054957 <translation>көп осі ұпай қажет</translation>
48064958 </message>
48074959 <message>
4808 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
4809 <source>16:1 farther</source>
4810 <translation type="unfinished" />
4811 </message>
4812 <message>
4813 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
4814 <source>8:1 closer</source>
4815 <translation type="unfinished" />
4816 </message>
4817 <message>
4818 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
4819 <source>8:1 farther</source>
4820 <translation type="unfinished" />
4821 </message>
4822 <message>
4823 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
4824 <source>4:1 closer</source>
4825 <translation type="unfinished" />
4826 </message>
4827 <message>
4828 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
4829 <source>4:1 farther</source>
4830 <translation type="unfinished" />
4831 </message>
4832 <message>
4833 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
4834 <source>2:1 closer</source>
4835 <translation type="unfinished" />
4836 </message>
4837 <message>
4838 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
4839 <source>2:1 farther</source>
4840 <translation type="unfinished" />
4841 </message>
4842 <message>
4843 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
4844 <source>1:1 closer</source>
4845 <translation type="unfinished" />
4846 </message>
4847 <message>
4848 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
4849 <source>1:1 farther</source>
4850 <translation type="unfinished" />
4851 </message>
4852 <message>
4853 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
4854 <source>1:2 closer</source>
4855 <translation type="unfinished" />
4856 </message>
4857 <message>
4858 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
4859 <source>1:2 farther</source>
4860 <translation type="unfinished" />
4861 </message>
4862 <message>
4863 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
4864 <source>1:4 closer</source>
4865 <translation type="unfinished" />
4866 </message>
4867 <message>
4868 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
4869 <source>1:4 farther</source>
4870 <translation type="unfinished" />
4871 </message>
4872 <message>
4873 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
4874 <source>1:8 closer</source>
4875 <translation type="unfinished" />
4876 </message>
4877 <message>
4878 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
4879 <source>1:8 farther</source>
4880 <translation type="unfinished" />
4881 </message>
4882 <message>
4883 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
4884 <source>1:16 closer</source>
4885 <translation type="unfinished" />
4886 </message>
4887 <message>
4888 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
4889 <source>Fill</source>
4890 <translation type="unfinished" />
4891 </message>
4892 <message>
4893 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
4894 <source>Previous</source>
4895 <translation type="unfinished" />
4896 </message>
4897 <message>
4898 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
4960 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
48994961 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
49004962 <translation type="unfinished" />
49014963 </message>
49024964 <message>
4903 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
4965 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
49044966 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
49054967 <translation>Негізгі терезе деректерін оқи алмайды</translation>
49064968 </message>
49074969 <message>
4908 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
4909 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
4970 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
4971 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
49104972 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
49114973 <translation>файлдың жарамды атауы емес</translation>
49124974 </message>
49134975 <message>
4914 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
4976 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
49154977 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
49164978 <translation>жарамды бейне файл кеңейтімі емес</translation>
49174979 </message>
49184980 <message>
4919 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
4981 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
49204982 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
49214983 <translation>бір немесе бірнеше жүктеме файлдарымен ғана пайдаланылады</translation>
49224984 </message>
49234985 <message>
4924 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
4986 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
49254987 <source>Available styles</source>
49264988 <translation>Қол жетімді стильдер</translation>
49274989 </message>
49284990 <message>
4929 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
4991 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
49304992 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
49314993 <translation>Қосымша отладтау туралы ақпаратты қосады. Отладка үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
49324994 </message>
49334995 <message>
4934 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
49354996 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
4936 <translation>Қате туралы есеп файлын енгізу ретінде анықтайды. Отладка және тестілеу үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
4937 </message>
4938 <message>
4939 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
4997 <translation type="vanished">Қате туралы есеп файлын енгізу ретінде анықтайды. Отладка және тестілеу үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
4998 </message>
4999 <message>
5000 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5001 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5002 <translation>Іске қосу барысында ашылған файлдарды апарып тастауды және тастауды тексеру үшін көрсетеді. Регрессиялық тестілеу үшін қолданылады</translation>
5003 </message>
5004 <message>
5005 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5006 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5007 <translation>Қате туралы есеп файлын енгізу ретінде анықтайды. Отладка және регрессиялық тестілеу үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
5008 </message>
5009 <message>
5010 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
49405011 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
49415012 <translation>Белгіленген барлық ось нүктелері болуы керек жүктелген әрбір іске қосу файлын экспорттап, тоқтаңыз</translation>
49425013 </message>
49435014 <message>
4944 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5015 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
49455016 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
49465017 <translation>Әр жүктелген іске қосу файлында көрсетілген кеңейтілімдегі файлға суретті шығарыңыз, содан кейін тоқтаңыз</translation>
49475018 </message>
49485019 <message>
4949 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5020 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
49505021 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
49515022 <translation>Файлдың пәрмен сценарий файлын енгізу ретінде анықтайды. Отладка және тестілеу үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
49525023 </message>
49535024 <message>
4954 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5025 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
49555026 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
49565027 <translation>Шығу диагностикалық gnuplot кіріс файлдары. Отладка үшін пайдаланылады</translation>
49575028 </message>
49585029 <message>
4959 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5030 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
49605031 <source>Show this help information</source>
49615032 <translation>Бұл анықтама ақпаратын көрсетіңіз</translation>
49625033 </message>
49635034 <message>
4964 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5035 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
49655036 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
49665037 <translation>Қате туралы есеп файлын немесе файл пәрмен сценарийін орындайды. Регрессиялық тестілеу үшін қолданылады</translation>
49675038 </message>
49685039 <message>
4969 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5040 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
49705041 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
49715042 <translation>Барлық сақталған параметрлерді, соның ішінде терезе орындарын жояды. Терезелер экраннан бастағанда қолданылады</translation>
49725043 </message>
49735044 <message>
4974 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5045 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5046 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5047 <translation>Терезе стилін пәрмен жолы параметрімен тізімделген мәнерлердің біріне орнатыңыз</translation>
5048 </message>
5049 <message>
5050 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5051 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5052 <translation>Пәрмен жолы параметрімен пайдалануға болатын қол жетімді мәнерлер тізімін көрсетіңіз</translation>
5053 </message>
5054 <message>
49755055 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
4976 <translation>-Style командасымен пайдалануға болатын қол жетімді стильдердің тізімін көрсетіңіз</translation>
4977 </message>
4978 <message>
4979 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5056 <translation type="vanished">-Style командасымен пайдалануға болатын қол жетімді стильдердің тізімін көрсетіңіз</translation>
5057 </message>
5058 <message>
5059 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5060 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5061 <translation type="unfinished" />
5062 </message>
5063 <message>
5064 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
49805065 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
49815066 <translation>Импортталатын немесе іске қосылған кезде ашылатын файл (дар)</translation>
5067 </message>
5068 <message>
5069 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5070 <source>Could not write to</source>
5071 <translation type="unfinished" />
5072 </message>
5073 <message>
5074 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5075 <source>Upgraded</source>
5076 <translation type="unfinished" />
5077 </message>
5078 <message>
5079 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5080 <source>to</source>
5081 <translation type="unfinished" />
49825082 </message>
49835083 <message>
49845084 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
50045104 <context>
50055105 <name>StatusBar</name>
50065106 <message>
5007 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5107 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
50085108 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
50095109 <translation type="unfinished" />
50105110 </message>
50115111 <message>
5012 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5112 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
50135113 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
50155115 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50165116 <translation type="unfinished" />
50175117 </message>
50185118 <message>
5019 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5119 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
50205120 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
50215121 <translation type="unfinished" />
50225122 </message>
50235123 <message>
5024 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5124 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
50255125 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
50275127 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50285128 <translation type="unfinished" />
50295129 </message>
50305130 <message>
5031 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5131 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
50325132 <source>Select zoom.</source>
50335133 <translation type="unfinished" />
50345134 </message>
50355135 <message>
5036 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5136 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
50375137 <source>Select Zoom
50395139 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
5140 <translation type="unfinished" />
5141 </message>
5142 <message>
5143 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5144 <source>16:1</source>
5145 <translation type="unfinished" />
5146 </message>
5147 <message>
5148 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5149 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5150 <translation type="unfinished" />
5151 </message>
5152 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5154 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5155 <translation type="unfinished" />
5156 </message>
5157 <message>
5158 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5159 <source>8:1</source>
5160 <translation type="unfinished" />
5161 </message>
5162 <message>
5163 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5164 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5165 <translation type="unfinished" />
5166 </message>
5167 <message>
5168 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5169 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5170 <translation type="unfinished" />
5171 </message>
5172 <message>
5173 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5174 <source>4:1</source>
5175 <translation type="unfinished" />
5176 </message>
5177 <message>
5178 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5179 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5180 <translation type="unfinished" />
5181 </message>
5182 <message>
5183 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5184 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5185 <translation type="unfinished" />
5186 </message>
5187 <message>
5188 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5189 <source>2:1</source>
5190 <translation type="unfinished" />
5191 </message>
5192 <message>
5193 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5194 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5195 <translation type="unfinished" />
5196 </message>
5197 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5199 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5200 <translation type="unfinished" />
5201 </message>
5202 <message>
5203 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5204 <source>1:1</source>
5205 <translation type="unfinished" />
5206 </message>
5207 <message>
5208 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5209 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5210 <translation type="unfinished" />
5211 </message>
5212 <message>
5213 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5214 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5215 <translation type="unfinished" />
5216 </message>
5217 <message>
5218 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5219 <source>1:2</source>
5220 <translation type="unfinished" />
5221 </message>
5222 <message>
5223 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5224 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5225 <translation type="unfinished" />
5226 </message>
5227 <message>
5228 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5229 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5230 <translation type="unfinished" />
5231 </message>
5232 <message>
5233 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5234 <source>1:4</source>
5235 <translation type="unfinished" />
5236 </message>
5237 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5239 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5240 <translation type="unfinished" />
5241 </message>
5242 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5244 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5245 <translation type="unfinished" />
5246 </message>
5247 <message>
5248 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5249 <source>1:8</source>
5250 <translation type="unfinished" />
5251 </message>
5252 <message>
5253 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5254 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5255 <translation type="unfinished" />
5256 </message>
5257 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5259 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5260 <translation type="unfinished" />
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
5263 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5264 <source>1:16</source>
5265 <translation type="unfinished" />
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
5268 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5269 <source>Fill</source>
5270 <translation type="unfinished" />
5271 </message>
5272 <message>
5273 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5274 <source>Previous</source>
50405275 <translation type="unfinished" />
50415276 </message>
50425277 </context>
50435278 <context>
50445279 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
50455280 <message>
5046 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5281 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
50475282 <source>Axis Points</source>
50485283 <translation type="unfinished" />
50495284 </message>
50505285 <message>
5051 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5286 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
50525287 <source>Axis points are first defined to
50535288 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
50545289 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
50555290 <translation type="unfinished" />
50565291 </message>
50575292 <message>
5058 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5293 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
50595294 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
50605295 line with known coordinates. An axis
50615296 point appears, with a dialog window
50645299 <translation type="unfinished" />
50655300 </message>
50665301 <message>
5067 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5302 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
50685303 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
50695304 of the axis point and then click Ok.
50705305 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
50725307 <translation type="unfinished" />
50735308 </message>
50745309 <message>
5075 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5310 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
50765311 <source>Previous</source>
50775312 <translation type="unfinished" />
50785313 </message>
50795314 <message>
5080 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5315 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
50815316 <source>Next</source>
50825317 <translation type="unfinished" />
50835318 </message>
50855320 <context>
50865321 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
50875322 <message>
5088 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5323 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
50895324 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
50905325 <translation type="unfinished" />
50915326 </message>
50925327 <message>
5093 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5328 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
50945329 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
50955330 is available when importing an image file.
50965331 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
50985333 <translation type="unfinished" />
50995334 </message>
51005335 <message>
5101 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5336 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
51025337 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
51035338 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
51045339 <translation type="unfinished" />
51055340 </message>
51065341 <message>
5107 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5342 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
51085343 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
51095344 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
51105345 and ask some simple questions to
51135348 <translation type="unfinished" />
51145349 </message>
51155350 <message>
5116 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5351 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
51175352 <source>Additional options are available in
51185353 the various Settings menus.
51215356 <translation type="unfinished" />
51225357 </message>
51235358 <message>
5124 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5359 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
51255360 <source>Previous</source>
51265361 <translation type="unfinished" />
51275362 </message>
51295364 <context>
51305365 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
51315366 <message>
5132 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5367 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
51335368 <source>Color Filter</source>
51345369 <translation type="unfinished" />
51355370 </message>
51365371 <message>
5137 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5372 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
51385373 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
51395374 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
51405375 black lines the defaults work well, but for
51425377 <translation type="unfinished" />
51435378 </message>
51445379 <message>
5145 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5380 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
51465381 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
51475382 Filter menu option.</source>
51485383 <translation type="unfinished" />
51495384 </message>
51505385 <message>
5151 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5386 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
51525387 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
51535388 be given the new settings.</source>
51545389 <translation type="unfinished" />
51555390 </message>
51565391 <message>
5157 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5392 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
51585393 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
51595394 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
51605395 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
51615396 <translation type="unfinished" />
51625397 </message>
51635398 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5399 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
51655400 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
51665401 dragging the green handles, until the
51675402 curve is clear in the preview window
51715406 <translation type="unfinished" />
51725407 </message>
51735408 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5409 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
51755410 <source>Back</source>
51765411 <translation type="unfinished" />
51775412 </message>
51795414 <context>
51805415 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
51815416 <message>
5182 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5417 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
51835418 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
51845419 curve is selected to receive curve points.
51855420 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
51875422 <translation type="unfinished" />
51885423 </message>
51895424 <message>
5190 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5425 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
51915426 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
51925427 that curve name has not been created yet,
51935428 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
51955430 <translation type="unfinished" />
51965431 </message>
51975432 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5433 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
51995434 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
52005435 original image to the filtered image
52015436 produced for the current curve, using the
52065441 <translation type="unfinished" />
52075442 </message>
52085443 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5444 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
52105445 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
52115446 in the filtered image, then change the
52125447 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
52145449 <translation type="unfinished" />
52155450 </message>
52165451 <message>
5217 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5452 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
52185453 <source>Previous</source>
52195454 <translation type="unfinished" />
52205455 </message>
52215456 <message>
5222 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5457 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
52235458 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
52245459 <translation type="unfinished" />
52255460 </message>
52265461 <message>
5227 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5462 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
52285463 <source>Next</source>
52295464 <translation type="unfinished" />
52305465 </message>
52325467 <context>
52335468 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
52345469 <message>
5235 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5470 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
52365471 <source>Curve Type</source>
52375472 <translation type="unfinished" />
52385473 </message>
52395474 <message>
5240 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5475 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
52415476 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
52425477 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
52435478 <translation type="unfinished" />
52445479 </message>
52455480 <message>
5246 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5481 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
52475482 <source>If the curves are drawn
52485483 with lines (with or without
52495484 points) then click on
52515486 <translation type="unfinished" />
52525487 </message>
52535488 <message>
5254 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5489 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
52555490 <source>If the curves are drawn
52565491 without lines and only
52575492 with points, then click on
52595494 <translation type="unfinished" />
52605495 </message>
52615496 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5497 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
52635498 <source>Previous</source>
52645499 <translation type="unfinished" />
52655500 </message>
52665501 <message>
5267 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5502 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
52685503 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
52695504 <translation type="unfinished" />
52705505 </message>
52715506 <message>
5272 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5507 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
52735508 <source>Next (Points)</source>
52745509 <translation type="unfinished" />
52755510 </message>
52775512 <context>
52785513 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
52795514 <message>
5280 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5515 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
52815516 <source>Introduction</source>
52825517 <translation>Кіріспе</translation>
52835518 </message>
52845519 <message>
5285 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5520 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
52865521 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
52875522 images of graphs and maps.</source>
52885523 <translation type="unfinished" />
52895524 </message>
52905525 <message>
5291 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5526 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
52925527 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
52935528 the graph and map curves.</source>
52945529 <translation type="unfinished" />
52955530 </message>
52965531 <message>
5297 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5532 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
52985533 <source>The digitized curve points can be
52995534 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
53005535 <translation type="unfinished" />
53015536 </message>
53025537 <message>
5303 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5538 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
53045539 <source>Next</source>
53055540 <translation type="unfinished" />
53065541 </message>
53085543 <context>
53095544 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
53105545 <message>
5311 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5546 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
53125547 <source>Point Match</source>
53135548 <translation type="unfinished" />
53145549 </message>
53155550 <message>
5316 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5551 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
53175552 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
53185553 one sample point, and Engauge
53195554 then finds all matching points.
53225557 <translation type="unfinished" />
53235558 </message>
53245559 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5560 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
53265561 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53275562 points will belong to.</source>
53285563 <translation type="unfinished" />
53295564 </message>
53305565 <message>
5331 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5566 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
53325567 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
53335568 The circle turns green when it
53345569 contains what may be a point.</source>
53355570 <translation type="unfinished" />
53365571 </message>
53375572 <message>
5338 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5573 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
53395574 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
53405575 matched point with a yellow cross.
53415576 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
53445579 <translation type="unfinished" />
53455580 </message>
53465581 <message>
5347 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5582 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
53485583 <source>Previous</source>
53495584 <translation type="unfinished" />
53505585 </message>
53515586 <message>
5352 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5587 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
53535588 <source>Next</source>
53545589 <translation type="unfinished" />
53555590 </message>
53575592 <context>
53585593 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
53595594 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5595 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
53615596 <source>Segment Fill</source>
5362 <translation type="unfinished" />
5363 </message>
5364 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5597 <translation>Сегменті толтыру</translation>
5598 </message>
5599 <message>
5600 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
53665601 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
53675602 points all along the line segments
53685603 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
53705605 <translation type="unfinished" />
53715606 </message>
53725607 <message>
5373 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5608 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
53745609 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53755610 points will belong to.</source>
53765611 <translation type="unfinished" />
53775612 </message>
53785613 <message>
5379 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5614 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
53805615 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
53815616 segment in the desired curve. If a
53825617 green line appears, click on it once
53845619 <translation type="unfinished" />
53855620 </message>
53865621 <message>
5387 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5622 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
53885623 <source>Previous</source>
53895624 <translation type="unfinished" />
53905625 </message>
53915626 <message>
5392 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5627 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
53935628 <source>Next</source>
53945629 <translation type="unfinished" />
53955630 </message>
359359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
360360 <source>Digitize Axis Point
362 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
363 <translation>축점 디지타이징
365 마우스 클릭 후 커서에 새로운 점을 배치하여 그래프에 대한 축 점을 디지타이징합니다. 그런 다음 축 포인트의 좌표가 입력됩니다. 그래프에서 그래프 좌표를 정의하려면 세 축의 점이 필요합니다.</translation>
366 </message>
367 <message>
368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
362 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
364 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
365 <translation>축 포인트 디지타이징
367 마우스 클릭 후 커서에 새로운 점을 배치하여 그래프의 축 점을 디지털화합니다. 그런 다음 축 포인트의 좌표가 입력됩니다. 가져 오기 및 가져 오기 (고급) 후 (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) 좌표가있는 세 개의 축 지점을 디지털화하여 그래프 좌표를 정의 할 수 있습니다. 선택적으로 가져 오기 (고급) 후에 (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) 좌표가있는 4 개의 축 지점을 디지털화하여 그래프 좌표를 정의 할 수 있습니다.
369 이 도구는 축 점 전체 세트가 정의되거나 스케일 막대가 선택되면 가져 오기 (고급) 이후에 비활성화됩니다.</translation>
370 </message>
371 <message>
372 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
369373 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
370374 <translation>스케일 도구</translation>
371375 </message>
372376 <message>
373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
377 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
374378 <source>Shift+F8</source>
375379 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
376380 </message>
377381 <message>
378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
379 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
380 <translation>지도의 스케일 막대를 디지타이징합니다.</translation>
381 </message>
382 <message>
383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
382 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
383 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
384 <translation>지도의 스케일 막대를 디지타이징합니다. 가져 오기 필요 (고급).</translation>
385 </message>
386 <message>
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
384388 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
386390 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
388 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
392 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
394 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
389395 <translation>스케일 바 디지털화
391 클릭하고 드래그하여지도의 눈금 막대를 디지타이징합니다. 그러면 눈금 막대의 길이가 입력됩니다. 지도에서 축척 막대의 두 끝점은 그래프 좌표의 거리를 정의합니다.
393 가져 오기 (고급)를 사용하여지도를 가져와야합니다.</translation>
394 </message>
395 <message>
396 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
397 클릭하고 드래그하여지도의 눈금 막대를 디지타이징하십시오. 스케일 바의 길이가 입력됩니다. 지도에서 축척 막대의 두 끝점은 그래프 좌표의 거리를 정의합니다.
399 이 도구는 가져 오기 (고급)에서 배율 막대를 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
401 이 도구는 축척 막대가 정의되거나 가져 오기 중에 축 점이 선택된 경우 비활성화됩니다.</translation>
402 </message>
403 <message>
404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
397405 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
398406 <translation>커브 포인트 도구</translation>
399407 </message>
400408 <message>
401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
402410 <source>Shift+F4</source>
403411 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
404412 </message>
405413 <message>
406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
407415 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
408416 <translation>커브 점을 디지타이징합니다.</translation>
409417 </message>
410418 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
412420 <source>Digitize Curve Point
414422 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
421429 새로운 점이 현재 선택된 커브에 지정됩니다.</translation>
422430 </message>
423431 <message>
424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
432 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
425433 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
426434 <translation>포인트 매치 도구</translation>
427435 </message>
428436 <message>
429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
430438 <source>Shift+F5</source>
431439 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
432440 </message>
433441 <message>
434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
435443 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
436444 <translation>포인트를 일치시켜 점 플롯의 곡선 점을 디지타이징합니다.</translation>
437445 </message>
438446 <message>
439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
440448 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
442450 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
449457 새로운 점이 현재 선택된 커브에 지정됩니다.</translation>
450458 </message>
451459 <message>
452 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
453461 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
454462 <translation>색상 선택 도구</translation>
455463 </message>
456464 <message>
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
458466 <source>Shift+F6</source>
459467 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
460468 </message>
461469 <message>
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
463471 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
464472 <translation>세그먼트 채우기 모드에서 필터링을위한 색상 설정을 선택하십시오.</translation>
465473 </message>
466474 <message>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
468476 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
470478 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
473481 현재 선택된 커브를 따라 픽셀을 선택하십시오. 이 픽셀과 그 이웃은 세그먼트 채우기 모드에서 현재 선택된 곡선의 필터 설정 (색, 밝기 등)을 정의합니다.</translation>
474482 </message>
475483 <message>
476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
477485 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
478486 <translation>세그먼트 채우기 도구</translation>
479487 </message>
480488 <message>
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
482490 <source>Shift+F7</source>
483491 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
484492 </message>
485493 <message>
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
487495 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
488496 <translation>커브의 세그먼트를 따라 커브 점을 디지타이징합니다.</translation>
489497 </message>
490498 <message>
491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
492500 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
494502 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
501509 새로운 점이 현재 선택된 커브에 지정됩니다.</translation>
502510 </message>
503511 <message>
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
505513 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
506514 <translation>끄르다</translation>
507515 </message>
508516 <message>
509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
510518 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
511519 <translation>마지막 작업 취소</translation>
512520 </message>
513521 <message>
514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
515523 <source>Undo
517525 Undo the last operation.</source>
520528 마지막 작업을 취소하십시오.</translation>
521529 </message>
522530 <message>
523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
524532 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
525533 <translation>다시 하다</translation>
526534 </message>
527535 <message>
528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
529537 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
530538 <translation>마지막 작업 다시 실행</translation>
531539 </message>
532540 <message>
533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
534542 <source>Redo
536544 Redo the last operation.</source>
539547 마지막 작업 다시 실행</translation>
540548 </message>
541549 <message>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
543551 <source>Cut</source>
544552 <translation>절단</translation>
545553 </message>
546554 <message>
547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
548556 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
549557 <translation>선택한 점을 잘라내어 클립 보드에 복사합니다.</translation>
550558 </message>
551559 <message>
552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
553561 <source>Cut
555563 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
558566 선택한 점을 잘라내어 클립 보드에 복사합니다.</translation>
559567 </message>
560568 <message>
561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
562570 <source>Copy</source>
563571 <translation>부</translation>
564572 </message>
565573 <message>
566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
567575 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
568576 <translation>선택한 점을 클립 보드에 복사합니다.</translation>
569577 </message>
570578 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
572580 <source>Copy
574582 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
577585 선택한 점을 클립 보드에 복사합니다.</translation>
578586 </message>
579587 <message>
580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
581589 <source>Paste</source>
582590 <translation>풀</translation>
583591 </message>
584592 <message>
585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
586594 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
587595 <translation>선택한 점을 클립 보드에서 붙여 넣습니다.</translation>
588596 </message>
589597 <message>
590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
591599 <source>Paste
593601 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
596604 선택한 점을 클립 보드에서 붙여 넣습니다. 그것들은 현재 곡선에 할당됩니다.</translation>
597605 </message>
598606 <message>
599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
600608 <source>Delete</source>
601609 <translation>지우다</translation>
602610 </message>
603611 <message>
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
605613 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
606614 <translation>클립 보드에 복사 한 후 선택한 포인트를 삭제합니다.</translation>
607615 </message>
608616 <message>
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
610618 <source>Delete
612620 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
615623 클립 보드에 복사 한 후 선택한 포인트를 삭제합니다.</translation>
616624 </message>
617625 <message>
618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
619627 <source>Paste As New</source>
620628 <translation>새 항목으로 붙여 넣기</translation>
621629 </message>
622630 <message>
623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
624632 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
625633 <translation>클립 보드에서 이미지를 붙여 넣습니다.</translation>
626634 </message>
627635 <message>
628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
629637 <source>Paste as New
631639 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
634642 클립 보드에서 이미지를 붙여 넣어 새 문서를 만듭니다.</translation>
635643 </message>
636644 <message>
637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
638646 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
639647 <translation>새로 붙여 넣기 (고급)</translation>
640648 </message>
641649 <message>
642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
643651 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
644652 <translation>고급 모드에서 클립 보드의 이미지를 붙여 넣습니다.</translation>
645653 </message>
646654 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
648656 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
650658 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
653661 고급 모드에서 클립 보드의 이미지를 붙여 넣어 새 문서를 만듭니다.</translation>
654662 </message>
655663 <message>
656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
657665 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
658666 <translation>수입</translation>
659667 </message>
660668 <message>
661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
662670 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
663671 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
664672 </message>
665673 <message>
666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
667675 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
668676 <translation>간단한 이미지를 가져와 새 문서를 만듭니다.</translation>
669677 </message>
670678 <message>
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
672680 <source>Import Image
674682 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
681689 여러 좌표계 및 / 또는 부동 축이있는 더 복잡한 이미지의 경우 가져 오기 (고급)가 대신 사용됩니다.</translation>
682690 </message>
683691 <message>
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
685693 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
686694 <translation>가져 오기 (고급)</translation>
687695 </message>
688696 <message>
689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
690698 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
691699 <translation>고급 기능을 지원하는 이미지를 가져 와서 새 문서를 만듭니다.</translation>
692700 </message>
693701 <message>
694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
695703 <source>Import (Advanced)
697705 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
700708 고급 기능을 지원하는 이미지를 가져 와서 새 문서를 만듭니다. 고급 모드에서는 여러 좌표 시스템 및 / 또는 부동 축이있을 수 있습니다.</translation>
701709 </message>
702710 <message>
703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
704712 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
705713 <translation>가져 오기 (이미지 바꾸기)</translation>
706714 </message>
707715 <message>
708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
716 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
709717 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
710718 <translation>새 이미지를 현재 문서로 가져 와서 기존 이미지를 바꿉니다.</translation>
711719 </message>
712720 <message>
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
721 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
714722 <source>Import (Image Replace)
716724 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
719727 새 이미지를 현재 문서로 가져옵니다. 기존 이미지가 대체되고 문서의 모든 커브가 유지됩니다. 이 작업은 기존 문서의 축 지점 및 기타 설정을 다른 이미지에 적용 할 때 유용합니다.</translation>
720728 </message>
721729 <message>
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
730 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
723731 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
724732 <translation>열다</translation>
725733 </message>
726734 <message>
727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
735 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
728736 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
729737 <translation>기존 문서를 엽니 다.</translation>
730738 </message>
731739 <message>
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
740 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
733741 <source>Open Document
735743 Opens an existing document.</source>
738746 기존 문서를 엽니 다.</translation>
739747 </message>
740748 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
742750 <source>&amp;Close</source>
743751 <translation>닫기</translation>
744752 </message>
745753 <message>
746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
747755 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
748756 <translation>열려있는 문서를 닫습니다.</translation>
749757 </message>
750758 <message>
751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
759 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
752760 <source>Close Document
754762 Closes the open document.</source>
757765 열려있는 문서를 닫습니다.</translation>
758766 </message>
759767 <message>
760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
761769 <source>&amp;Save</source>
762770 <translation>구하다</translation>
763771 </message>
764772 <message>
765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
766774 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
767775 <translation>현재 문서를 저장합니다.</translation>
768776 </message>
769777 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
771779 <source>Save Document
773781 Saves the current document.</source>
776784 현재 문서를 저장합니다.</translation>
777785 </message>
778786 <message>
779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
780788 <source>Save As...</source>
781789 <translation>다른 이름으로 저장</translation>
782790 </message>
783791 <message>
784 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
785793 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
786794 <translation>현재 문서를 새 파일 이름으로 저장합니다.</translation>
787795 </message>
788796 <message>
789 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
790798 <source>Save Document As
792800 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
795803 현재 문서를 새 파일 이름으로 저장합니다.</translation>
796804 </message>
797805 <message>
798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
799807 <source>Export...</source>
800808 <translation>수출</translation>
801809 </message>
802810 <message>
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
804812 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
805813 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
806814 </message>
807815 <message>
808 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
809817 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
810818 <translation>현재 문서를 텍스트 파일로 내 보냅니다.</translation>
811819 </message>
812820 <message>
813 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
814822 <source>Export Document
816824 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
819827 현재 문서를 텍스트 파일로 내 보냅니다.</translation>
820828 </message>
821829 <message>
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
823831 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
824832 <translation>인쇄</translation>
825833 </message>
826834 <message>
827 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
835 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
828836 <source>Print the current document.</source>
829837 <translation>현재 문서를 인쇄하십시오.</translation>
830838 </message>
831839 <message>
832 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
840 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
833841 <source>Print Document
835843 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
838846 현재 문서를 프린터 또는 파일로 인쇄하십시오.</translation>
839847 </message>
840848 <message>
841 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
842850 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
843851 <translation>출구</translation>
844852 </message>
845853 <message>
846 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
847855 <source>Quits the application.</source>
848856 <translation>응용 프로그램을 종료합니다.</translation>
849857 </message>
850858 <message>
851 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
859 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
852860 <source>Exit
854862 Quits the application.</source>
857865 응용 프로그램을 종료합니다.</translation>
858866 </message>
859867 <message>
860 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
868 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
861869 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
862870 <translation>검사 목록 가이드 마법사</translation>
863871 </message>
864872 <message>
865 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
873 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
866874 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
867875 <translation>가져 오는 동안 점검 목록 마법사를 열어 디지털화 단계 정의</translation>
868876 </message>
869877 <message>
870 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
878 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
871879 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
873881 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
876884 가져 오는 동안 체크리스트 가이드 마법사를 사용하여 가져온 문서에 대한 단계별 체크리스트 생성</translation>
877885 </message>
878886 <message>
879 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
887 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
880888 <source>Tutorial</source>
881889 <translation>지도 시간</translation>
882890 </message>
883891 <message>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
892 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
885893 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
886894 <translation>커브 디지타이징 단계를 보여주는 튜토리얼 재생</translation>
887895 </message>
888896 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
897 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
890898 <source>Tutorial
892900 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
895903 선 및 / 또는 점으로 그려진 커브에서 점을 디지타이징하는 단계를 보여주는 자습서 재생</translation>
896904 </message>
897905 <message>
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
906 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
899907 <source>Help</source>
900908 <translation>도움</translation>
901909 </message>
902910 <message>
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
911 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
904912 <source>Help documentation</source>
905913 <translation>도움말 문서</translation>
906914 </message>
907915 <message>
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
909917 <source>Help Documentation
911919 Searchable help documentation</source>
914922 검색 가능한 도움말 문서</translation>
915923 </message>
916924 <message>
917 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
918926 <source>About Engauge</source>
919927 <translation>Engauge 정보</translation>
920928 </message>
921929 <message>
922 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
923931 <source>About the application.</source>
924932 <translation>응용 프로그램 정보</translation>
925933 </message>
926934 <message>
927 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
928936 <source>About Engauge
930938 About the application.</source>
933941 응용 프로그램 정보</translation>
934942 </message>
935943 <message>
936 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
937945 <source>Coordinates...</source>
938946 <translation>좌표</translation>
939947 </message>
940948 <message>
941 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
942950 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
943951 <translation>좌표 설정 편집</translation>
944952 </message>
945953 <message>
946 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
954 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
947955 <source>Coordinate Settings
949957 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
952960 좌표 설정은 그래프 좌표가 이미지의 픽셀에 매핑되는 방법을 결정합니다.</translation>
953961 </message>
954962 <message>
955 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
963 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
956964 <source>Curve List...</source>
957965 <translation>커브리스트...</translation>
958966 </message>
959967 <message>
960 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
968 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
961969 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
962970 <translation>커브 목록 설정 편집.</translation>
963971 </message>
964972 <message>
965 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
966974 <source>Curve List
968976 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
971979 커브 목록 설정은 현재 문서에서 커브를 추가, 이름 바꾸기 및 / 또는 제거합니다.</translation>
972980 </message>
973981 <message>
974 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
982 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
975983 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
976984 <translation>커브 속성</translation>
977985 </message>
978986 <message>
979 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
987 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
980988 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
981989 <translation>커브 속성 설정 편집.</translation>
982990 </message>
983991 <message>
984 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
992 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
985993 <source>Curve Properties Settings
987995 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
990998 커브 속성 설정에 따라 각 커브의 모양이 결정됩니다.</translation>
991999 </message>
9921000 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
1001 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
9941002 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
9951003 <translation>커브 디지타이징</translation>
9961004 </message>
9971005 <message>
998 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1006 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
9991007 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
10001008 <translation>디지타이징 축 및 그래프 커브 설정 편집.</translation>
10011009 </message>
10021010 <message>
1003 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
10041012 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
10061014 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
10091017 디지 타이즈 커브 설정은 디지타이징 축 포인트 및 디지타이징 그래프 포인트 모드에서 포인트가 디지털화되는 방법을 결정합니다</translation>
10101018 </message>
10111019 <message>
1012 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10131021 <source>Export Format...</source>
10141022 <translation>내보내기 형식</translation>
10151023 </message>
10161024 <message>
1017 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10181026 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10191027 <translation>내보내기 형식 편집 설정.</translation>
10201028 </message>
10211029 <message>
1022 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10231031 <source>Export Format Settings
10251033 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10281036 내보내기 형식 설정은 내 보낸 파일의 형식에 영향을줍니다.</translation>
10291037 </message>
10301038 <message>
1031 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10321040 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10331041 <translation>컬러 필터</translation>
10341042 </message>
10351043 <message>
1036 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10371045 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10381046 <translation>색상 필터 설정 편집.</translation>
10391047 </message>
10401048 <message>
1041 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10421050 <source>Color Filter Settings
10441052 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10471055 색상 필터링은 그래프를 단순화하여보다 쉬운 Point Matching 및 Segment Filling</translation>
10481056 </message>
10491057 <message>
1050 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1058 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10511059 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10521060 <translation>축 검사기</translation>
10531061 </message>
10541062 <message>
1055 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1063 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10561064 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10571065 <translation>축 검사기 설정 편집</translation>
10581066 </message>
10591067 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10611069 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10631071 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10661074 축 검사기는 다른 점 찾기가 어려운 축 지점 실수를 표시 할 수 있습니다.</translation>
10671075 </message>
10681076 <message>
1069 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1077 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10701078 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10711079 <translation>눈금 선 표시</translation>
10721080 </message>
10731081 <message>
1074 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1082 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10751083 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10761084 <translation>눈금 선 표시 설정 편집.</translation>
10771085 </message>
10781086 <message>
1079 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1087 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10801088 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10821090 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10851093 그래프에 표시되는 눈금 선은 왜곡 된 그래프의 경우 Axis Checker보다 더 높은 정확도를 제공합니다. 왜곡 된 그래프에서는 그리드 선을 사용하여 다른 지역에서 더 정확한 축 포인트를 조정할 수 있습니다.</translation>
10861094 </message>
10871095 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1096 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10891097 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10901098 <translation>그리드 선 제거</translation>
10911099 </message>
10921100 <message>
1093 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1101 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10941102 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10951103 <translation>눈금 선 제거 설정 편집.</translation>
10961104 </message>
10971105 <message>
1098 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1106 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10991107 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
11011109 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
11041112 그리드 선 제거는 컬러 필터가 그리드 선을 곡선 선과 분리 할 수없는 경우보다 쉬운 점 매칭 및 세그먼트 채우기를 위해 곡선 선을 분리합니다.</translation>
11051113 </message>
11061114 <message>
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1115 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
11081116 <source>Point Match...</source>
11091117 <translation>포인트 매치</translation>
11101118 </message>
11111119 <message>
1112 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1120 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11131121 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
11141122 <translation>포인트 일치 설정 편집.</translation>
11151123 </message>
11161124 <message>
1117 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1125 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11181126 <source>Point Match Settings
11201128 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
11231131 지점 일치 설정은 지점 일치 모드에서 지점 일치 방법을 결정합니다.</translation>
11241132 </message>
11251133 <message>
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11271135 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11281136 <translation>세그먼트 채우기</translation>
11291137 </message>
11301138 <message>
1131 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11321140 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11331141 <translation>세그먼트 채우기 설정 수정</translation>
11341142 </message>
11351143 <message>
1136 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1144 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11371145 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11391147 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11421150 세그먼트 채우기 설정은 세그먼트 채우기 모드에서 포인트가 생성되는 방식을 결정합니다.</translation>
11431151 </message>
11441152 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11461154 <source>General...</source>
11471155 <translation>일반</translation>
11481156 </message>
11491157 <message>
1150 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1158 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11511159 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11521160 <translation>일반 설정 편집.</translation>
11531161 </message>
11541162 <message>
1155 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11561164 <source>General Settings
11581166 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11611169 일반 설정은 여러 모드에 영향을주는 문서 별 설정입니다. 예를 들어, 커서 크기 설정은 [색상 피커] 및 [포인트 일치] 모드 모두에 영향을줍니다.</translation>
11621170 </message>
11631171 <message>
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1172 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11651173 <source>Main Window...</source>
11661174 <translation>메인 윈도우</translation>
11671175 </message>
11681176 <message>
1169 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1177 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11701178 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11711179 <translation>기본 창 설정 편집</translation>
11721180 </message>
11731181 <message>
1174 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11751183 <source>Main Window Settings
11771185 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11801188 기본 창 설정은 사용자 인터페이스에 영향을 미치며 어떤 문서에도 관련되지 않습니다.</translation>
11811189 </message>
11821190 <message>
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1191 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11841192 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11851193 <translation>배경 툴바</translation>
11861194 </message>
11871195 <message>
1188 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1196 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11891197 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11901198 <translation>배경 도구 모음을 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
11911199 </message>
11921200 <message>
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1201 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11941202 <source>View Background ToolBar
11961204 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11991207 배경 도구 모음 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
12001208 </message>
12011209 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1210 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
12031211 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
12041212 <translation>점검 목록 가이드 툴바</translation>
12051213 </message>
12061214 <message>
1207 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1215 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
12081216 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
12091217 <translation>체크리스트 가이드를 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
12101218 </message>
12111219 <message>
1212 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1220 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12131221 <source>View Checklist Guide
12151223 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
12181226 체크리스트 가이드 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
12191227 </message>
12201228 <message>
1221 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1229 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12221230 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
12231231 <translation>커브 피팅 윈도우</translation>
12241232 </message>
12251233 <message>
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1234 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12271235 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12281236 <translation>커브 피팅 윈도우를 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
12291237 </message>
12301238 <message>
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12321240 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12341242 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12371245 커브 피팅 창 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
12381246 </message>
12391247 <message>
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12411249 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12421250 <translation>기하학 창</translation>
12431251 </message>
12441252 <message>
1245 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12461254 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12471255 <translation>기하학 창을 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
12481256 </message>
12491257 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12511259 <source>View Geometry Window
12531261 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12561264 기하학 창 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
12571265 </message>
12581266 <message>
1259 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12601268 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12611269 <translation>디지타이징 도구 툴바</translation>
12621270 </message>
12631271 <message>
1264 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12651273 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12661274 <translation>디지타이징 도구 모음 표시 또는 숨기기.</translation>
12671275 </message>
12681276 <message>
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12701278 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12721280 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12751283 디지타이징 도구 모음 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
12761284 </message>
12771285 <message>
1278 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1286 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12791287 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12801288 <translation>설정보기 도구 모음</translation>
12811289 </message>
12821290 <message>
1283 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1291 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12841292 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12851293 <translation>설정보기 도구 모음을 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
12861294 </message>
12871295 <message>
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1296 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12891297 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12911299 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12941302 설정보기 도구 모음을 표시하거나 숨 깁니다. 이보기는 그래픽으로 가장 중요한 설정을 보여줍니다.</translation>
12951303 </message>
12961304 <message>
1297 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1305 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12981306 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12991307 <translation>좌표계 도구 모음</translation>
13001308 </message>
13011309 <message>
1302 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1310 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
13031311 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
13041312 <translation>좌표계 도구 모음 표시 또는 숨기기.</translation>
13051313 </message>
13061314 <message>
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1315 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
13081316 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
13101318 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13171325 좌표계가 하나만있는 경우이 도구 모음을 사용할 수 없습니다.</translation>
13181326 </message>
13191327 <message>
1320 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13211329 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13221330 <translation>도구 팁</translation>
13231331 </message>
13241332 <message>
1325 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13261334 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13271335 <translation>도구 설명 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
13281336 </message>
13291337 <message>
1330 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1338 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13311339 <source>View Tool Tips
13331341 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13361344 도구 설명 표시 또는 숨기기</translation>
13371345 </message>
13381346 <message>
1339 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13401348 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13411349 <translation>눈금 선</translation>
13421350 </message>
13431351 <message>
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1352 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13451353 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13461354 <translation>그리드 선을 표시하거나 숨 깁니다.</translation>
13471355 </message>
13481356 <message>
1349 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13501358 <source>View Grid Lines
13521360 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13551363 축 포인트를 정확하게 조정하기 위해 추가 된 그리드 선을 표시하거나 숨김으로써 왜곡 된 그래프의 정확도를 높일 수 있습니다.</translation>
13561364 </message>
13571365 <message>
1358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1366 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13591367 <source>No Background</source>
13601368 <translation>배경 없음</translation>
13611369 </message>
13621370 <message>
1363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13641372 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13651373 <translation>포인트 아래에 이미지를 표시하지 마십시오.</translation>
13661374 </message>
13671375 <message>
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13691377 <source>No Background
13711379 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13721380 <translation>배경 없음</translation>
13731381 </message>
13741382 <message>
1375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13761384 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13771385 <translation>원본 이미지 표시</translation>
13781386 </message>
13791387 <message>
1380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13811389 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13821390 <translation>포인트 아래에 원본 이미지를 표시하십시오.</translation>
13831391 </message>
13841392 <message>
1385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13861394 <source>Show Original Image
13881396 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13911399 점들 밑에 원본 이미지를 보여라.</translation>
13921400 </message>
13931401 <message>
1394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13951403 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13961404 <translation>필터링 된 이미지 표시</translation>
13971405 </message>
13981406 <message>
1399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
14001408 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
14011409 <translation>포인트 아래에 필터링 된 이미지를 표시하십시오.</translation>
14021410 </message>
14031411 <message>
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
14051413 <source>Show Filtered Image
14071415 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14141422 필터링 된 이미지는 필터 환경 설정에 따라 원본 이미지에서 만들어 지므로 중요하지 않은 정보가 숨겨지고 중요한 정보가 강조됩니다.</translation>
14151423 </message>
14161424 <message>
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14181426 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14191427 <translation>모든 커브 숨기기</translation>
14201428 </message>
14211429 <message>
1422 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14231431 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14241432 <translation>모든 디지털화 된 커브 숨기기</translation>
14251433 </message>
14261434 <message>
1427 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14281436 <source>Hide All Curves
14301438 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14331441 축 점이나 디지털화 된 그래프 커브가 표시되지 않으므로 이미지를보다 쉽게 ​​볼 수 있습니다.</translation>
14341442 </message>
14351443 <message>
1436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14371445 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14381446 <translation>선택한 곡선 표시</translation>
14391447 </message>
14401448 <message>
1441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14421450 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14431451 <translation>현재 선택된 커브 만 표시합니다.</translation>
14441452 </message>
14451453 <message>
1446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14471455 <source>Show Selected Curve
14491457 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14521460 현재 선택된 커브에 속한 디지털화 된 점과 선만 표시하십시오.</translation>
14531461 </message>
14541462 <message>
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14561464 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14571465 <translation>모든 커브보기</translation>
14581466 </message>
14591467 <message>
1460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14611469 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14621470 <translation>모든 커브보기</translation>
14631471 </message>
14641472 <message>
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14661474 <source>Show All Curves
14681476 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14711479 모든 디지털화 된 축 지점 및 그래프 커브 표시</translation>
14721480 </message>
14731481 <message>
1474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14751483 <source>Hide Always</source>
14761484 <translation>항상 숨기기</translation>
14771485 </message>
14781486 <message>
1479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14801488 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14811489 <translation>항상 상태 표시 줄을 숨 깁니다.</translation>
14821490 </message>
14831491 <message>
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14851493 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14861494 <translation>상태 표시 줄을 숨 깁니다. 임시 상태 또는 피드백 메시지가 나타나지 않습니다.</translation>
14871495 </message>
14881496 <message>
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14901498 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14911499 <translation>임시 메시지 표시</translation>
14921500 </message>
14931501 <message>
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14951503 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14961504 <translation>임시 메시지를 표시 할 때를 제외하고는 상태 표시 줄을 숨 깁니다.</translation>
14971505 </message>
14981506 <message>
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
15001508 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
15011509 <translation>임시 상태 및 피드백 메시지를 표시 할 때를 제외하고는 상태 표시 줄을 숨 깁니다.</translation>
15021510 </message>
15031511 <message>
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
15051513 <source>Show Always</source>
15061514 <translation>항상 표시</translation>
15071515 </message>
15081516 <message>
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15101518 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
15111519 <translation>상태 표시 줄을 항상 표시하십시오.</translation>
15121520 </message>
15131521 <message>
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15151523 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
15161524 <translation>상태 표시 줄을 보여줍니다. 임시 상태 및 피드백 메시지를 표시하는 것 외에도 상태 표시 줄에는 커서 위치에 대한 정보도 표시됩니다.</translation>
15171525 </message>
15181526 <message>
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15201528 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15211529 <translation>축소</translation>
15221530 </message>
15231531 <message>
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15251533 <source>Zoom out</source>
15261534 <translation>축소</translation>
15271535 </message>
15281536 <message>
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15301538 <source>Zoom In</source>
15311539 <translation>확대</translation>
15321540 </message>
15331541 <message>
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15351543 <source>Zoom in</source>
15361544 <translation>확대</translation>
15371545 </message>
15381546 <message>
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15401548 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15411549 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15421550 </message>
15431551 <message>
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15451553 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15461554 <translation>줌 16:1</translation>
15471555 </message>
15481556 <message>
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15501558 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15511559 <translation>16:1 더 멀리 (1270%)</translation>
15521560 </message>
15531561 <message>
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15551563 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15561564 <translation>줌 12.7:1</translation>
15571565 </message>
15581566 <message>
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15601568 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15611569 <translation>8:1 더 가까운 (1008%)</translation>
15621570 </message>
15631571 <message>
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15651573 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15661574 <translation>줌 10.08:1</translation>
15671575 </message>
15681576 <message>
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15701578 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15711579 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15721580 </message>
15731581 <message>
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15751583 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15761584 <translation>줌 8:1</translation>
15771585 </message>
15781586 <message>
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15801588 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15811589 <translation>8:1 더 멀리 (635%)</translation>
15821590 </message>
15831591 <message>
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15851593 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15861594 <translation>줌 6.35:1</translation>
15871595 </message>
15881596 <message>
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15901598 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15911599 <translation>4:1 더 가까운 (504%)</translation>
15921600 </message>
15931601 <message>
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15951603 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15961604 <translation>줌 5.04:1</translation>
15971605 </message>
15981606 <message>
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
16001608 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
16011609 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
16021610 </message>
16031611 <message>
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
16051613 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
16061614 <translation>줌 4:1</translation>
16071615 </message>
16081616 <message>
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16101618 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16111619 <translation>4:1 더 멀리 (317%)</translation>
16121620 </message>
16131621 <message>
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16151623 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16161624 <translation>줌 3.17:1</translation>
16171625 </message>
16181626 <message>
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16201628 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16211629 <translation>2:1 더 가까운 (252%)</translation>
16221630 </message>
16231631 <message>
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16251633 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16261634 <translation>줌 2.52:1</translation>
16271635 </message>
16281636 <message>
1629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16301638 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16311639 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16321640 </message>
16331641 <message>
1634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16351643 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16361644 <translation>줌 2:1</translation>
16371645 </message>
16381646 <message>
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16401648 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16411649 <translation>2:1 더 멀리 (159%)</translation>
16421650 </message>
16431651 <message>
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16451653 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16461654 <translation>줌 1.59:1</translation>
16471655 </message>
16481656 <message>
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16501658 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16511659 <translation>1:1 더 가까운 (126%)</translation>
16521660 </message>
16531661 <message>
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16551663 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16561664 <translation>줌 1.3:1</translation>
16571665 </message>
16581666 <message>
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16601668 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16611669 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16621670 </message>
16631671 <message>
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16651673 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16661674 <translation>줌 1:1</translation>
16671675 </message>
16681676 <message>
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16701678 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16711679 <translation>1:1 더 멀리 (79%)</translation>
16721680 </message>
16731681 <message>
1674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16751683 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16761684 <translation>줌 0.8:1</translation>
16771685 </message>
16781686 <message>
1679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16801688 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16811689 <translation>1:2 더 가까운 (63%)</translation>
16821690 </message>
16831691 <message>
1684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16851693 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16861694 <translation>줌 1.3:2</translation>
16871695 </message>
16881696 <message>
1689 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16901698 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16911699 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16921700 </message>
16931701 <message>
1694 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16951703 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16961704 <translation>줌 1:2</translation>
16971705 </message>
16981706 <message>
1699 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
17001708 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
17011709 <translation>1:2 더 멀리 (40%)</translation>
17021710 </message>
17031711 <message>
1704 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
17051713 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
17061714 <translation>줌 0.8:2</translation>
17071715 </message>
17081716 <message>
1709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17101718 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17111719 <translation>1:4 더 가까운 (31%)</translation>
17121720 </message>
17131721 <message>
1714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17151723 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17161724 <translation>줌 1.3:2</translation>
17171725 </message>
17181726 <message>
1719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17201728 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17211729 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
17221730 </message>
17231731 <message>
1724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17251733 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17261734 <translation>줌 1:4</translation>
17271735 </message>
17281736 <message>
1729 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17301738 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17311739 <translation>1:4 더 멀리 (20%)</translation>
17321740 </message>
17331741 <message>
1734 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17351743 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17361744 <translation>줌 0.8:4</translation>
17371745 </message>
17381746 <message>
1739 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17401748 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17411749 <translation>1:8 더 가까운 (12.5%)</translation>
17421750 </message>
17431751 <message>
1744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17451752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17461754 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17471755 <translation>줌 1:8</translation>
17481756 </message>
17491757 <message>
1750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17511759 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17521760 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17531761 </message>
17541762 <message>
1755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17561764 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17571765 <translation>1:8 더 멀리 (10%)</translation>
17581766 </message>
17591767 <message>
1760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17611769 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17621770 <translation>줌 0.8:8</translation>
17631771 </message>
17641772 <message>
1765 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17661774 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17671775 <translation>1:16 더 가까운 (8%)</translation>
17681776 </message>
17691777 <message>
1770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17711779 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17721780 <translation>줌 1.3:16</translation>
17731781 </message>
17741782 <message>
1775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17761784 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17771785 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17781786 </message>
17791787 <message>
1780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17811789 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17821790 <translation>줌 1:16</translation>
17831791 </message>
17841792 <message>
1785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17861794 <source>Fill</source>
17871795 <translation>가득 따르다</translation>
17881796 </message>
17891797 <message>
1790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17911799 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17921800 <translation>창을 채우기 위해 늘려 줌</translation>
17931801 </message>
20542062 <context>
20552063 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20562064 <message>
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20582066 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20592067 <translation>축점 편집</translation>
20602068 </message>
20612069 <message>
2062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20632071 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20642072 <translation>그래프 좌표</translation>
20652073 </message>
20662074 <message>
2067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20682076 <source>as</source>
20692077 <translation>같이</translation>
20702078 </message>
20712079 <message>
2072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2080 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20732081 <source>(</source>
20742082 <translation>(</translation>
20752083 </message>
20762084 <message>
2077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20782086 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2080 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2088 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20822090 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2083 <translation>축 지점의 첫 번째 그래프 좌표를 입력하십시오.
2085 데카르트 플롯의 경우 X입니다. 극좌표의 경우 반경 R입니다.
2087 좌표 값의 예상 형식은로 I 일 설정에 의해 결정됩니다. 입력 된 값이 예상대로 인식되지 않으면 설정 / 기본 창에서 로켈 설정을 확인하십시오</translation>
2088 </message>
2089 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2091 <translation>축 점의 첫 번째 그래프 좌표를 입력합니다. cart 직교 좌표의 경우 X입니다. 극좌표의 경우이 각도는 Theta입니다. coordinate 좌표 값의 예상 형식은 로캘 설정에 따라 결정됩니다. 입력 된 값이 예상대로 인식되지 않으면 설정 / 기본 창에서 로켈 설정을 확인하십시오.</translation>
2092 </message>
2093 <message>
2094 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20912095 <source>, </source>
20922096 <translation>, </translation>
20932097 </message>
20942098 <message>
2095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2099 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20962100 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2098 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2102 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
21002104 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2101 <translation>축점의 두 번째 그래프 좌표를 입력하십시오.
2103 데카르트 플롯의 경우 이것은 Y입니다. 극좌표의 경우이 값은 세타 쎄타입니다.
2105 좌표 값의 예상 형식은로 I 일 설정에 의해 결정됩니다. 입력 된 값이 예상대로 인식되지 않으면 설정 / 기본 창에서 로켈 설정을 확인하십시오</translation>
2106 </message>
2107 <message>
2108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2105 <translation>축 점의 두 번째 그래프 좌표를 입력합니다. cart 직교 좌표의 경우 Y입니다. 극좌표의 경우 반경 R입니다. coordinate 좌표 값의 예상 형식은 로캘 설정에 따라 결정됩니다. 입력 된 값이 예상대로 인식되지 않으면 설정 / 기본 창에서 로켈 설정을 확인하십시오.</translation>
2106 </message>
2107 <message>
2108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
21092109 <source>)</source>
21102110 <translation>)</translation>
21112111 </message>
21122112 <message>
2113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2114 <source>Number format</source>
2115 <translation>숫자 형식</translation>
2116 </message>
2117 <message>
2118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2114 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2115 <translation>축 포인트 당 좌표 수 :</translation>
2116 </message>
2117 <message>
2118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2119 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2120 <translation>두 좌표가 각각있는 세 개의 축 지점이 일반적으로 사용됩니다. 각 축 포인트에 알려진 좌표가 하나만있는 경우 파일 / 가져 오기 (고급) / 4 축 포인트부터 다시 시작하십시오.</translation>
2121 </message>
2122 <message>
2123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2124 <source>Number format:</source>
2125 <translation>숫자 형식 :</translation>
2126 </message>
2127 <message>
2128 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2129 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2130 <translation>허용되는 숫자 형식을 결정하는 로케일. 이것은 Settings / Main Window에 의해 설정됩니다.</translation>
2131 </message>
2132 <message>
2133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21192134 <source>Ok</source>
21202135 <translation>승인</translation>
21212136 </message>
21222137 <message>
2123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21242139 <source>Cancel</source>
21252140 <translation>취소</translation>
21262141 </message>
23422357 <context>
23432358 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23442359 <message>
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23462361 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23472362 <translation>이미지 파일 가져 오기 자르기</translation>
23482363 </message>
23492364 <message>
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23512366 <source>Preview</source>
23522367 <translation>시사</translation>
23532368 </message>
23542369 <message>
2355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23562371 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23572372 <translation>가져올 이미지의 부분을 보여주는 미리보기 창. 사각형 프레임 내부의 이미지 부분은 현재 선택된 페이지에서 가져옵니다. 코너 핸들을 드래그하여 프레임을 이동하고 크기를 조정할 수 있습니다.</translation>
23582373 </message>
23592374 <message>
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23612376 <source>Ok</source>
23622377 <translation>승인</translation>
23632378 </message>
23642379 <message>
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23662381 <source>Cancel</source>
23672382 <translation>취소</translation>
23682383 </message>
23702385 <context>
23712386 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23722387 <message>
2373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23742389 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23752390 <translation>PDF 파일 가져 오기 자르기</translation>
23762391 </message>
23772392 <message>
2378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23792394 <source>Page</source>
23802395 <translation>페이지</translation>
23812396 </message>
23822397 <message>
2383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23842399 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23852400 <translation>가져올 페이지 번호</translation>
23862401 </message>
23872402 <message>
2388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23892404 <source>Preview</source>
23902405 <translation>시사</translation>
23912406 </message>
23922407 <message>
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23942409 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23952410 <translation>가져올 이미지의 부분을 보여주는 미리보기 창. 사각형 프레임 내부의 이미지 부분은 현재 선택된 페이지에서 가져옵니다. 코너 핸들을 드래그하여 프레임을 이동하고 크기를 조정할 수 있습니다.</translation>
23962411 </message>
23972412 <message>
2398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23992414 <source>Ok</source>
24002415 <translation>승인</translation>
24012416 </message>
24022417 <message>
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24042419 <source>Cancel</source>
24052420 <translation>취소</translation>
24062421 </message>
24162431 <context>
24172432 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24182433 <message>
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24202435 <source>Ok</source>
24212436 <translation>승인</translation>
24222437 </message>
24232438 <message>
2424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24252440 <source>Cancel</source>
24262441 <translation>취소</translation>
24272442 </message>
24342449 <translation>축 검사기</translation>
24352450 </message>
24362451 <message>
2437 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24382453 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24392454 <translation>축 검사기 수명</translation>
24402455 </message>
24412456 <message>
2442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24432458 <source>Do not show</source>
24442459 <translation>보여주지 마시오</translation>
24452460 </message>
24462461 <message>
2447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24482463 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24492464 <translation>축 검사기를 표시하지 마십시오.</translation>
24502465 </message>
24512466 <message>
2452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24532468 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24542469 <translation>몇 초 동안 보여주기</translation>
24552470 </message>
24562471 <message>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24582473 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24592474 <translation>축 포인트를 변경 한 후 몇 초 동안 축 검사기를 표시합니다.</translation>
24602475 </message>
24612476 <message>
2462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24632478 <source>Show always</source>
24642479 <translation>항상 표시</translation>
24652480 </message>
24662481 <message>
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24682483 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24692484 <translation>축 검사기를 항상 표시하십시오.</translation>
24702485 </message>
24712486 <message>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24732488 <source>Line color</source>
24742489 <translation>선 색상</translation>
24752490 </message>
24762491 <message>
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2492 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24782493 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24792494 <translation>각 축 포인트에서 그려지는 강조 선의 색상 선택</translation>
24802495 </message>
24812496 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24832498 <source>Preview</source>
24842499 <translation>시사</translation>
24852500 </message>
24862501 <message>
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24882503 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24892504 <translation>현재 설정이 표시된 축 검사기에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 미리보기 창</translation>
24902505 </message>
24972512 <translation>컬러 필터</translation>
24982513 </message>
24992514 <message>
2500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
25012516 <source>Curve Name</source>
25022517 <translation>곡선 이름</translation>
25032518 </message>
25042519 <message>
2505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25062521 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25072522 <translation>편집을 위해 현재 선택된 곡선의 이름입니다.</translation>
25082523 </message>
25092524 <message>
2510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25112526 <source>Filter mode</source>
25122527 <translation>필터 모드</translation>
25132528 </message>
25142529 <message>
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25162531 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25182533 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
25192534 <translation>Intensity 매개 변수를 사용하여 원본 이미지를 흑백 픽셀로 필터링하여 중요하지 않은 정보를 숨기고 중요한 정보를 강조합니다. 픽셀의 강도 값은 빨강, 녹색 및 파랑 구성 요소에서 I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
25202535 </message>
25212536 <message>
2522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25232538 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25252540 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25322547 배경색 (Rb, Gb, Bb)에서 임의의 색상 (R, G, B) 거리는 F = 제곱근 (R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * - Gb) + (B - Bb)). 눈금의 왼쪽 끝에서 전경 거리 값은 0이며 맨 오른쪽의 최대 값까지 선형으로 증가합니다.</translation>
25332548 </message>
25342549 <message>
2535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25362551 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25372552 <translation>중요하지 않은 정보를 숨기고 중요한 정보를 강조하기 위해 색조, 채도 및 값 (HSV) 색상 구성 요소의 색조 구성 요소를 사용하여 원본 이미지를 흑백 픽셀로 필터링합니다.</translation>
25382553 </message>
25392554 <message>
2540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25412556 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25422557 <translation>중요하지 않은 정보를 숨기고 중요한 정보를 강조하려면 색조, 채도 및 값 (HSV) 색상 구성 요소의 채도 구성 요소를 사용하여 원본 이미지를 흑백 픽셀로 필터링하십시오.</translation>
25432558 </message>
25442559 <message>
2545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25462561 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25482563 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25492564 <translation>중요하지 않은 정보를 숨기고 중요한 정보를 강조하기 위해 색조, 채도 및 값 (HSV) 색상 구성 요소의 값 구성 요소를 사용하여 원본 이미지를 흑백 픽셀로 필터링합니다. Value 값 구성 요소는 밝기라고도합니다.</translation>
25502565 </message>
25512566 <message>
2552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25532568 <source>Preview</source>
25542569 <translation>시사</translation>
25552570 </message>
25562571 <message>
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25582573 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25592574 <translation>현재 설정이 원본 이미지 필터링에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 미리보기 창</translation>
25602575 </message>
25612576 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25632578 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25642579 <translation>필터 매개 변수 히스토그램 프로파일</translation>
25652580 </message>
25662581 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25682583 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25692584 <translation>선택한 필터 매개 변수의 히스토그램 프로파일. 필터링 된 이미지에 포함될 필터 매개 변수 값의 범위를 조정하기 위해 두 개의 분할자를 앞뒤로 이동할 수 있습니다. 명확한 부분이 포함되며 음영 부분은 제외됩니다.</translation>
25702585 </message>
25712586 <message>
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25732588 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25742589 <translation>이 읽기 전용 상자는 위의 히스토그램 프로파일에서 가로 축의 그래픽 표현을 표시합니다.</translation>
25752590 </message>
25772592 <context>
25782593 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25792594 <message>
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25832598 <source>Coordinates</source>
25842599 <translation>좌표</translation>
25852600 </message>
25862601 <message>
2587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2602 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25882603 <source>Date/Time</source>
25892604 <translation>날짜 시간</translation>
25902605 </message>
25912606 <message>
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25932608 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25952610 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
25982613 형식을 빈 값으로 설정하면 시간 부분 만 출력됩니다.</translation>
25992614 </message>
26002615 <message>
2601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26022617 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26042619 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
26072622 형식을 빈 값으로 설정하면 날짜 부분 만 출력됩니다.</translation>
26082623 </message>
26092624 <message>
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26112626 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26122627 <translation>좌표 유형</translation>
26132628 </message>
26142629 <message>
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26162631 <source>Polar</source>
26172632 <translation>극선</translation>
26182633 </message>
26192634 <message>
2620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26222637 <source>R</source>
26232638 <translation>R</translation>
26242639 </message>
26252640 <message>
2626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26272642 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26282643 <translation>데카르 (X, Y)</translation>
26292644 </message>
26302645 <message>
2631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26322647 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26342649 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26372652 X와 Y 좌표가 사용됩니다.</translation>
26382653 </message>
26392654 <message>
2640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26412656 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26432658 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26502665 Theta의 로그 배율에는 극좌표가 허용되지 않습니다.</translation>
26512666 </message>
26522667 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2668 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26552670 <source>Scale</source>
26562671 <translation>규모</translation>
26572672 </message>
26582673 <message>
2659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26612676 <source>Linear</source>
26622677 <translation>선의</translation>
26632678 </message>
26642679 <message>
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26662681 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26672682 <translation>X 또는 세타 좌표의 선형 스케일을 지정합니다.</translation>
26682683 </message>
26692684 <message>
2670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26722687 <source>Log</source>
26732688 <translation>로</translation>
26742689 </message>
26752690 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26772692 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26792694 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26862701 Theta 좌표에는 로그 스케일을 사용할 수 없습니다.</translation>
26872702 </message>
26882703 <message>
2689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2704 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26912706 <source>Units</source>
26922707 <translation>단위</translation>
26932708 </message>
26942709 <message>
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26962711 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26972712 <translation>Y 또는 R 좌표의 선형 스케일을 지정합니다.</translation>
26982713 </message>
26992714 <message>
2700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27012716 <source>Origin radius value</source>
27022717 <translation>원점 반지름 값</translation>
27032718 </message>
27042719 <message>
2705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27062721 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27082723 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27112726 음의 좌표가 있으면 로그 배율을 사용할 수 없습니다.</translation>
27122727 </message>
27132728 <message>
2714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27152730 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27172732 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
27202735 일반적으로 원점의 반지름은 0이지만 다른 경우에는 0이 아닌 값이 적용될 수 있습니다 (예 : 반지름 단위가 데시벨 일 때).</translation>
27212736 </message>
27222737 <message>
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27242739 <source>Preview</source>
27252740 <translation>시사</translation>
27262741 </message>
27272742 <message>
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27292744 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27302745 <translation>현재 설정이 좌표계에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 미리보기 창.</translation>
27312746 </message>
27322747 <message>
2733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27342749 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27362751 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27432758 도 분 초 (DDD MM SS.S) 형식은도 및 분에 대해 두 개의 정수를 사용하고 초 동안 실수를 사용합니다. 분당 60 초입니다. 입력하는 동안 세 개의 숫자 사이에 공백을 삽입해야합니다.</translation>
27442759 </message>
27452760 <message>
2746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27472762 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27492764 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27682783 Turns 형식은 단일 실수를 사용합니다. 하나의 완전한 혁명은 1 턴입니다.</translation>
27692784 </message>
27702785 <message>
2771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27722787 <source>X</source>
27732788 <translation>X</translation>
27742789 </message>
27752790 <message>
2776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27772792 <source>Y</source>
27782793 <translation>Y</translation>
27792794 </message>
27802795 </context>
27812796 <context>
2782 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2783 <message>
2784 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2797 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2798 <message>
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27852800 <source>Curve List</source>
2786 <translation>커브리스트</translation>
2787 </message>
2788 <message>
2789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2801 <translation>곡선 목록</translation>
2802 </message>
2803 <message>
2804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27902805 <source>Add...</source>
27912806 <translation>더하다...</translation>
27922807 </message>
27932808 <message>
2794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27952810 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27972812 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2798 <translation>커브 목록에 새 커브를 추가합니다. 곡선 이름은 곡선 이름 목록에서 편집 할 수 있습니다.
2800 모든 커브 이름은 고유해야합니다.</translation>
2801 </message>
2802 <message>
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2813 <translation>커브 목록에 새 커브를 추가합니다. 커브 이름은 커브 이름 목록에서 편집 할 수 있습니다. 모든 커브 이름은 고유해야합니다</translation>
2814 </message>
2815 <message>
2816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28042817 <source>Remove</source>
28052818 <translation>풀다</translation>
28062819 </message>
28072820 <message>
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28092822 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28112824 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2812 <translation>커브 목록에서 현재 선택된 커브를 제거합니다.
2814 항상 최소한 하나의 곡선이 있어야합니다.</translation>
2815 </message>
2816 <message>
2817 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2825 <translation>커브 목록에서 현재 선택된 커브를 제거합니다. 항상 최소한 하나의 커브 여야합니다.</translation>
2826 </message>
2827 <message>
2828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28182829 <source>Curve Names</source>
28192830 <translation>커브 이름</translation>
28202831 </message>
28212832 <message>
2822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28232834 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28252836 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28272838 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2828 <translation>이 문서에 속하는 커브 목록입니다.
2830 커브 이름을 클릭하여 편집하십시오. 각 커브 이름은 고유해야합니다.
2832 커브를 드래그하여 다시 정렬하십시오.</translation>
2833 </message>
2834 <message>
2835 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2839 <translation>이 문서에 속한 커브 목록. 편집 할 커브 이름을 클릭하십시오. 각 커브 이름은 고유해야합니다.? 커브를 드래그하여 다시 정렬하십시오.</translation>
2840 </message>
2841 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28362843 <source>Save As Default</source>
28372844 <translation>기본값으로 저장</translation>
28382845 </message>
28392846 <message>
2840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28412848 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2842 <translation>미래 그래프 곡선의 기본값으로 사용할 커브 이름을 저장하십시오.</translation>
2843 </message>
2844 <message>
2845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2849 <translation>미래의 그래프 커브의 기본값으로 사용할 커브 이름을 저장하십시오.</translation>
2850 </message>
2851 <message>
2852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28462853 <source>Reset Default</source>
28472854 <translation>기본값 재설정</translation>
28482855 </message>
28492856 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28512858 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
28522859 <translation>미래 그래프 곡선의 기본값을 원래 설정으로 재설정하십시오.</translation>
28532860 </message>
28542861 <message>
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28562863 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
28572864 <translation>이 커브를 제거하면 제거됩니다.</translation>
28582865 </message>
28592866 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2861 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2867 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28622869 <source>points. Continue?</source>
28632870 <translation>전철기. 잇다?</translation>
28642871 </message>
28652872 <message>
2866 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28672874 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
28682875 <translation>이 커브를 제거하면 제거됩니다.</translation>
28692876 </message>
28702877 <message>
2871 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28722879 <source>Curves With Points</source>
28732880 <translation>점을 가진 곡선</translation>
28742881 </message>
28762883 <context>
28772884 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28782885 <message>
2879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28802887 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28812888 <translation>커브 속성</translation>
28822889 </message>
28832890 <message>
2884 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28852892 <source>Curve Name</source>
28862893 <translation>곡선 이름</translation>
28872894 </message>
28882895 <message>
2889 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28902897 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28912898 <translation>편집을 위해 현재 선택된 곡선의 이름입니다.</translation>
28922899 </message>
28932900 <message>
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28952902 <source>Line</source>
28962903 <translation>선</translation>
28972904 </message>
28982905 <message>
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29002907 <source>Width</source>
29012908 <translation>폭</translation>
29022909 </message>
29032910 <message>
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29052912 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29072914 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29102917 그래프 커브에만 적용됩니다. 축 점 사이에 선이 그려지지 않습니다.</translation>
29112918 </message>
29122919 <message>
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29152922 <source>Color</source>
29162923 <translation>색깔</translation>
29172924 </message>
29182925 <message>
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29202927 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29222929 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29252932 그래프 커브에만 적용됩니다. 축 점 사이에 선이 그려지지 않습니다.</translation>
29262933 </message>
29272934 <message>
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29292936 <source>Connect as</source>
29302937 <translation>다음 계정으로 연결 :</translation>
29312938 </message>
29322939 <message>
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29342941 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29362943 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29402947 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2942 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2949 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29442951 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2945 <translation>선과 점을 연결하는 규칙을 선택하십시오.
2947 곡선이 단일 값 함수로 연결된 경우 점은 독립 변수의 값을 증가시켜 정렬됩니다.
2949 커브가 닫힌 컨투어로 연결된 경우 점은 기존 선을 따라 배치 된 점을 제외하고는 연령순으로 정렬됩니다. 기존 라인의 맨 위에있는 모든 점은 해당 라인의 두 끝점 사이에 삽입됩니다. 예를 들어 두 끝점의 연령 사이에 연령이있는 것처럼 말입니다.
2951 선은 연속적으로 정렬 된 점 사이에 그려집니다.
2953 직선 곡선은 연속 점 사이에 직선으로 그려집니다. 매끄러운 커브는 연속 점 사이에 매끄러운 선으로 그려집니다.
2955 그래프 커브에만 적용됩니다. 축 점 사이에 선이 그려지지 않습니다.</translation>
2956 </message>
2957 <message>
2958 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2952 <translation>점을 선과 연결하는 규칙 선택. graph 그래프가 단일 값 함수로 연결되면 점은 독립 변수의 값을 증가시켜 정렬됩니다. curve 곡선이 닫힌 등고선으로 연결된 경우 점은 기존 선을 따라 배치 된 점을 제외하고는 연령순으로 정렬합니다. 기존 선의 맨 위에있는 모든 점은 해당 선의 두 끝점 사이에 삽입됩니다. 두 선의 끝점 사이에 나이가있는 것처럼 삽입됩니다. success 점차적으로 정렬 된 점 사이에 선이 그려집니다. 연직 커브는 직선 연속되는 점 사이의 선. 매끄러운 커브는 (x, y) 쌍 대 자연 스퀘어 스플라인을 사용하여 연속 점 사이의 매끄러운 선으로 그려집니다. 이것은 그래프 커브에만 적용됩니다. 축 점 사이에 선이 그려지지 않습니다.</translation>
2953 </message>
2954 <message>
2955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29592956 <source>Point</source>
29602957 <translation>포인트</translation>
29612958 </message>
29622959 <message>
2963 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29642961 <source>Shape</source>
29652962 <translation>모양</translation>
29662963 </message>
29672964 <message>
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2965 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29692966 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29702967 <translation>포인트의 모양 선택</translation>
29712968 </message>
29722969 <message>
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2970 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29742971 <source>Radius</source>
29752972 <translation>반지름</translation>
29762973 </message>
29772974 <message>
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29792976 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29802977 <translation>포인트의 반경 (픽셀 단위)을 선택하십시오.</translation>
29812978 </message>
29822979 <message>
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29842981 <source>Line width</source>
29852982 <translation>선의 폭</translation>
29862983 </message>
29872984 <message>
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29892986 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29912988 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29942991 폭이 넓을수록 더 두꺼운 선이됩니다. 0의 값을 제외하고는 항상 1 픽셀의 선이됩니다 (이는 멀리 확대 된 경우에도 쉽게 볼 수 있습니다)</translation>
29952992 </message>
29962993 <message>
2997 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
29982995 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
29992996 <translation>점 모양 그리기에 사용되는 선의 색상 선택</translation>
30002997 </message>
30012998 <message>
3002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30033000 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30053002 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30123009 가시적 인 설정이 곡선 목록의 N 번째 그래프 곡선에 대한 것이면, 새 설정이 기본값으로 저장 될 때까지 곡선 목록의 N 번째 그래프 곡선 인 향후 그래프 곡선에 사용됩니다</translation>
30133010 </message>
30143011 <message>
3015 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30163013 <source>Preview</source>
30173014 <translation>시사</translation>
30183015 </message>
30193016 <message>
3020 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3017 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30213018 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30233020 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
31163113 <translation>내보내기 형식</translation>
31173114 </message>
31183115 <message>
3119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3116 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31203117 <source>Included</source>
31213118 <translation>포함됨</translation>
31223119 </message>
31233120 <message>
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3121 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31253122 <source>Not included</source>
31263123 <translation>포함되지</translation>
31273124 </message>
31283125 <message>
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3126 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31303127 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31323129 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31353132 곡선의 순서는 내 보낸 파일의 순서에 영향을주지 않습니다. 이 순서는 곡선 설정에 의해 결정됩니다.</translation>
31363133 </message>
31373134 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31393136 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31403137 <translation>내 보낸 파일에서 제외 할 커브 목록</translation>
31413138 </message>
31423139 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31443141 <source>Include</source>
31453142 <translation>포함</translation>
31463143 </message>
31473144 <message>
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31493146 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31503147 <translation>현재 선택된 곡선을 제외 목록에서 이동하십시오.</translation>
31513148 </message>
31523149 <message>
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31543151 <source>Exclude</source>
31553152 <translation>들어오지 못하게 하다</translation>
31563153 </message>
31573154 <message>
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31593156 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31603157 <translation>포함 된 목록에서 현재 선택한 곡선을 이동합니다.</translation>
31613158 </message>
31623159 <message>
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31643161 <source>Delimiters</source>
31653162 <translation>구분 기호</translation>
31663163 </message>
31673164 <message>
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3165 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31693166 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31703167 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 TSV 파일의 탭으로 덮어 쓰지 않는 한 인접한 값 사이에 쉼표가 있습니다.</translation>
31713168 </message>
31723169 <message>
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3170 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31743171 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31753172 <translation>CSV 파일이나 TSV 파일의 쉼표로 겹쳐 쓰지 않는 한 내 보낸 파일에는 인접한 값 사이에 공백이 있습니다.</translation>
31763173 </message>
31773174 <message>
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3175 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31793176 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31803177 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 CSV 파일의 쉼표로 덮어 쓰지 않는 한 인접한 값 사이에 탭이 있습니다.</translation>
31813178 </message>
31823179 <message>
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3180 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31843181 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31853182 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 CSV 파일의 쉼표로 덮어 쓰지 않는 한 인접한 값 사이에 세미콜론을 사용합니다.</translation>
31863183 </message>
31873184 <message>
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3185 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31893186 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31903187 <translation>CSV / TSV 파일에서 덮어 쓰기</translation>
31913188 </message>
31923189 <message>
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3190 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31943191 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31953192 <translation>이 설정을 선택하지 않으면 쉼표로 구분 된 값 (CSV) 파일과 탭으로 구분 된 값 (TSV) 파일은 각각 쉼표와 탭을 사용합니다. 이 설정을 선택하면 모든 파일에 구분 기호 설정이 적용됩니다.</translation>
31963193 </message>
31973194 <message>
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3195 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
31993196 <source>Layout</source>
32003197 <translation>형세</translation>
32013198 </message>
32023199 <message>
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3200 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32043201 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32053202 <translation>각 줄의 모든 곡선</translation>
32063203 </message>
32073204 <message>
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3205 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32093206 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32103207 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 각 행에 X 값, 첫 번째 곡선의 Y 값, 두 번째 곡선의 Y 값이 있습니다.</translation>
32113208 </message>
32123209 <message>
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32143211 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32153212 <translation>각 줄마다 하나의 곡선</translation>
32163213 </message>
32173214 <message>
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3215 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32193216 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
32203217 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 첫 번째 커브의 모든 점을 가지며 각 행에 하나의 X-Y 쌍이 있고 두 번째 커브의 점이 있습니다.</translation>
32213218 </message>
32223219 <message>
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32243221 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32253222 <translation>기능 점수 선택</translation>
32263223 </message>
32273224 <message>
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32293226 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32303227 <translation>모든 곡선에서 Xs로 Ys를 보간합니다.</translation>
32313228 </message>
32323229 <message>
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32343231 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32353232 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 모든 곡선의 고유 X 값마다 값이 있습니다. 필요한 경우 Y 값이 선형 보간됩니다.</translation>
32363233 </message>
32373234 <message>
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3235 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3236 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3237 <translation>외부 끝점을 외삽</translation>
3238 </message>
3239 <message>
3240 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3241 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3242 <translation>각 곡선의 끝점 외부에서 외삽을 활성화 또는 비활성화합니다. 비활성화 된 경우 각 곡선의 끝점 사이의 점만 내보내집니다.</translation>
3243 </message>
3244 <message>
3245 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32393246 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32403247 <translation>첫 번째 곡선에서 Xs로 Ys 보간</translation>
32413248 </message>
32423249 <message>
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3250 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32443251 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32453252 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 첫 번째 곡선의 모든 고유 X 값에 값이 있습니다. 필요한 경우 Y 값이 선형 보간됩니다.</translation>
32463253 </message>
32473254 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3249 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3250 <translation>균등하게 간격을 둔 X 값으로 Y를 보간합니다.</translation>
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3255 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3256 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3257 <translation>자동으로 선택된 균일하게 간격을 둔 X 값으로 Y를 보간합니다.</translation>
3258 </message>
3259 <message>
3260 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32543261 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32553262 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 균등하게 간격을 둔 X 값을 아래 선택한 간격으로 구분하여 표시합니다.</translation>
32563263 </message>
32573264 <message>
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3259 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32603267 <source>Interval</source>
32613268 <translation>간격</translation>
32623269 </message>
32633270 <message>
3264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32653272 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32673274 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32743281 X 값은 간단한 숫자를 따라 자동으로 정렬됩니다. 첫 번째 및 / 또는 마지막 점이 정렬 된 X 값을 따르지 않으면 필요에 따라 하나 또는 두 개의 추가 점이 추가됩니다.</translation>
32753282 </message>
32763283 <message>
3277 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32783285 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32803287 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32873294 그래프 단위는 간격이 X 축척에 의존 할 때 선호됩니다.</translation>
32883295 </message>
32893296 <message>
3290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3291 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3298 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3299 <translation>그리드 선에서 균일하게 간격을 둔 X 값으로 Y를 보간합니다.</translation>
3300 </message>
3301 <message>
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3303 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3304 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 수직 그리드 선에서 균일하게 간격을 둔 X 값에 값을 갖습니다.</translation>
3305 </message>
3306 <message>
3307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3308 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32923309 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32933310 <translation>원시 X 및 Y</translation>
32943311 </message>
32953312 <message>
3296 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3313 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
32983315 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
32993316 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 원본 X 및 Y 값만 있습니다.</translation>
33003317 </message>
33013318 <message>
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33033320 <source>Header</source>
33043321 <translation>머리글</translation>
33053322 </message>
33063323 <message>
3307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33083325 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33093326 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 헤더 행이 없습니다.</translation>
33103327 </message>
33113328 <message>
3312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33133330 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33143331 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 간단한 헤더 행이 있습니다.</translation>
33153332 </message>
33163333 <message>
3317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33183335 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33193336 <translation>내 보낸 파일에는 gnuplot 헤더 행이 있습니다.</translation>
33203337 </message>
33213338 <message>
3322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33233340 <source>Save As Default</source>
33243341 <translation>기본값으로 저장</translation>
33253342 </message>
33263343 <message>
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33283345 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33293346 <translation>향후 기본값으로 사용할 설정을 저장하십시오.</translation>
33303347 </message>
33313348 <message>
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3350 <source>Load Default</source>
3351 <translation>기본값로드</translation>
3352 </message>
3353 <message>
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3355 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3356 <translation>기본 설정을로드하십시오.</translation>
3357 </message>
3358 <message>
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33333360 <source>Preview</source>
33343361 <translation>시사</translation>
33353362 </message>
33363363 <message>
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33383365 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33403367 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33433370 기능 (파란색으로 표시)이 먼저 출력되고 관계가있는 경우 여기에 녹색으로 표시됩니다.</translation>
33443371 </message>
33453372 <message>
3346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33473374 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33483375 <translation>관계 지점 선택</translation>
33493376 </message>
33503377 <message>
3351 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33523379 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33533380 <translation>균일 한 간격으로 X와 Y를 보간하십시오.</translation>
33543381 </message>
33553382 <message>
3356 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33573384 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33583385 <translation>내 보낸 파일은 각 관계를 따라 균등하게 간격을두고 아래에서 선택한 간격으로 구분됩니다. 마지막 간격이 마지막 지점에서 끝나지 않으면 가장 짧은 마지막 간격이 추가되어 마지막 지점에서 끝납니다.</translation>
33593386 </message>
33603387 <message>
3361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33623389 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33633390 <translation>등 간격 (X, Y) 좌표로 내보낼 때 연속 점 사이의 간격입니다.</translation>
33643391 </message>
33653392 <message>
3366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33673394 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33693396 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33763403 그래프 단위는 일반적으로 X와 Y 축척이 동일 할 때 선호됩니다.</translation>
33773404 </message>
33783405 <message>
3379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33803407 <source>Functions</source>
33813408 <translation>기능들</translation>
33823409 </message>
33833410 <message>
3384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33853412 <source>Functions Tab
33873414 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33903417 내보내기 중에 함수 형식을 지정하기위한 컨트롤</translation>
33913418 </message>
33923419 <message>
3393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33943421 <source>Relations</source>
33953422 <translation>처지</translation>
33963423 </message>
33973424 <message>
3398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
33993426 <source>Relations Tab
34013428 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34043431 내보내기 도중 관계 형식 지정을위한 컨트롤</translation>
34053432 </message>
34063433 <message>
3407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34083435 <source>X Label</source>
34093436 <translation>X 라벨</translation>
34103437 </message>
34113438 <message>
3412 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3413 <source>Theta Label</source>
3414 <translation>세타 레이블</translation>
3415 </message>
3416 <message>
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34183440 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34193441 <translation>x 값의 헤더에 레이블 지정</translation>
34203442 </message>
34213443 <message>
3422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3423 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3424 <translation>theta 값의 헤더에 레이블 지정</translation>
3425 </message>
3426 <message>
3427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34283445 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34293446 <translation>미리보기는 축 포인트가 정의 될 때까지 사용할 수 없습니다.</translation>
34303447 </message>
34913508 <translation>그리드 표시</translation>
34923509 </message>
34933510 <message>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34953512 <source>Color</source>
34963513 <translation>색깔</translation>
34973514 </message>
34983515 <message>
3499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35003517 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35013518 <translation>선 색상 선택</translation>
35023519 </message>
35033520 <message>
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3521 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35063523 <source>Disable</source>
35073524 <translation>사용 안함</translation>
35083525 </message>
35093526 <message>
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35113528 <source>Disabled value.
35133530 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35163533 X 그리드 선은 한 번에 3 개의 값만 사용하여 지정됩니다. 유연성을 위해 네 가지 값이 제공되므로 사용하지 않도록 선택해야합니다. 사용 중지되면 다른 값이 변경 될 때 해당 값이 간단히 업데이트됩니다.</translation>
35173534 </message>
35183535 <message>
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35213538 <source>Count</source>
35223539 <translation>카운트</translation>
35233540 </message>
35243541 <message>
3525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35263543 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35283545 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35313548 X 그리드 선의 수는 0보다 큰 정수로 입력해야합니다</translation>
35323549 </message>
35333550 <message>
3534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3552 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35363553 <source>Start</source>
35373554 <translation>스타트</translation>
35383555 </message>
35393556 <message>
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35413558 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35433560 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35463563 시작 값은 정지 값보다 클 수 없습니다.</translation>
35473564 </message>
35483565 <message>
3549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3566 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35513568 <source>Step</source>
35523569 <translation>단계</translation>
35533570 </message>
35543571 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35563573 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35583575 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35613578 단계 값은 0보다 커야합니다.</translation>
35623579 </message>
35633580 <message>
3564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35663583 <source>Stop</source>
35673584 <translation>중지</translation>
35683585 </message>
35693586 <message>
3570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35713588 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35733590 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35763593 정지 값은 시작 값보다 작을 수 없습니다.</translation>
35773594 </message>
35783595 <message>
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35803597 <source>Disabled value.
35823599 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35853602 Y 그리드 선은 한 번에 3 개의 값만 사용하여 지정됩니다. 유연성을 위해 네 가지 값이 제공되므로 사용하지 않도록 선택해야합니다. 사용 중지되면 다른 값이 변경 될 때 해당 값이 간단히 업데이트됩니다.</translation>
35863603 </message>
35873604 <message>
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35893606 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35913608 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35943611 Y 그리드 선의 수는 0보다 큰 정수로 입력해야합니다</translation>
35953612 </message>
35963613 <message>
3597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
35983615 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36003617 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36033620 시작 값은 정지 값보다 클 수 없습니다.</translation>
36043621 </message>
36053622 <message>
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36073624 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36093626 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36123629 단계 값은 0보다 커야합니다.</translation>
36133630 </message>
36143631 <message>
3615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36163633 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36183635 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36213638 정지 값은 시작 값보다 작을 수 없습니다.</translation>
36223639 </message>
36233640 <message>
3624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36253642 <source>Preview</source>
36263643 <translation>시사</translation>
36273644 </message>
36283645 <message>
3629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36303647 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36313648 <translation>현재 설정이 그리드 표시에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 미리보기 창</translation>
36323649 </message>
36333650 <message>
3634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36353652 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36363653 <translation>X 그리드 라인</translation>
36373654 </message>
36383655 <message>
3639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36403657 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36413658 <translation>눈금 선</translation>
36423659 </message>
36433660 <message>
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36453662 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36463663 <translation>Y 그리드 라인</translation>
36473664 </message>
36483665 <message>
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36503667 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36513668 <translation>반경 그리드 선</translation>
36523669 </message>
36533670 <message>
3654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36553672 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36563673 <translation>눈금 선 수가 설정 / 기본 창에서 설정 한 제한을 초과합니다.</translation>
36573674 </message>
36643681 <translation>그리드 제거</translation>
36653682 </message>
36663683 <message>
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36683685 <source>Preview</source>
36693686 <translation>시사</translation>
36703687 </message>
36713688 <message>
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36733690 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36743691 <translation>현재 설정이 그리드 제거에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 미리보기 창</translation>
36753692 </message>
36763693 <message>
3677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3694 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36783695 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36793696 <translation>정의 된 그리드 선에 가깝게 픽셀 제거</translation>
36803697 </message>
36813698 <message>
3682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3699 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36833700 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36853702 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
36883705 이 옵션은 축 포인트가 모두 정의 된 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.</translation>
36893706 </message>
36903707 <message>
3691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36923709 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36933710 <translation>근거리 (픽셀)</translation>
36943711 </message>
36953712 <message>
3696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
36973714 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
36993716 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
37063723 이 값은 음수 일 수 없습니다. 0 값은이 기능을 비활성화합니다. 십진수 값 허용</translation>
37073724 </message>
37083725 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37103727 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37113728 <translation>X 그리드 라인</translation>
37123729 </message>
37133730 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37153732 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37163733 <translation>눈금 선</translation>
37173734 </message>
37183735 <message>
3719 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3736 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37213738 <source>Disable</source>
37223739 <translation>사용 안함</translation>
37233740 </message>
37243741 <message>
3725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37263743 <source>Disabled value.
37283745 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37313748 X 그리드 선은 한 번에 3 개의 값만 사용하여 지정됩니다. 유연성을 위해 네 가지 값이 제공되므로 사용하지 않도록 선택해야합니다. 사용 중지되면 다른 값이 변경 될 때 해당 값이 간단히 업데이트됩니다.</translation>
37323749 </message>
37333750 <message>
3734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37363753 <source>Count</source>
37373754 <translation>카운트</translation>
37383755 </message>
37393756 <message>
3740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3757 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37413758 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37433760 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37463763 X 그리드 선의 수는 0보다 큰 정수로 입력해야합니다</translation>
37473764 </message>
37483765 <message>
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37513768 <source>Start</source>
37523769 <translation>스타트</translation>
37533770 </message>
37543771 <message>
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37563773 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37583775 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37613778 시작 값은 정지 값보다 클 수 없습니다.</translation>
37623779 </message>
37633780 <message>
3764 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3781 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37663783 <source>Step</source>
37673784 <translation>단계</translation>
37683785 </message>
37693786 <message>
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37713788 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37733790 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37763793 단계 값은 0보다 커야합니다.</translation>
37773794 </message>
37783795 <message>
3779 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37813798 <source>Stop</source>
37823799 <translation>중지</translation>
37833800 </message>
37843801 <message>
3785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3802 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37863803 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
37883805 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37913808 정지 값은 시작 값보다 작을 수 없습니다.</translation>
37923809 </message>
37933810 <message>
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3811 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
37953812 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
37963813 <translation>Y 그리드 라인</translation>
37973814 </message>
37983815 <message>
3799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
38003817 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
38013818 <translation>R 그리드 라인</translation>
38023819 </message>
38033820 <message>
3804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
38053822 <source>Disabled value.
38073824 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
38103827 Y 그리드 선은 한 번에 3 개의 값만 사용하여 지정됩니다. 유연성을 위해 네 가지 값이 제공되므로 사용하지 않도록 선택해야합니다. 사용 중지되면 다른 값이 변경 될 때 해당 값이 간단히 업데이트됩니다.</translation>
38113828 </message>
38123829 <message>
3813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3830 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38143831 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38163833 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38193836 Y 그리드 선의 수는 0보다 큰 정수로 입력해야합니다</translation>
38203837 </message>
38213838 <message>
3822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38233840 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38253842 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38283845 시작 값은 정지 값보다 클 수 없습니다.</translation>
38293846 </message>
38303847 <message>
3831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38323849 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38343851 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38373854 단계 값은 0보다 커야합니다.</translation>
38383855 </message>
38393856 <message>
3840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38413858 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38433860 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38493866 <context>
38503867 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38513868 <message>
3852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38533870 <source>Main Window</source>
38543871 <translation>메인 윈도우</translation>
38553872 </message>
38563873 <message>
3857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38583875 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38593876 <translation>초기 확대 / 축소</translation>
38603877 </message>
38613878 <message>
3862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38633880 <source>Initial Zoom
38653882 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38683885 새 문서가로드되면 초기 확대 / 축소 비율을 선택하십시오. 이전 확대 / 축소를 유지하거나 지정된 확대 / 축소를 적용 할 수 있습니다.</translation>
38693886 </message>
38703887 <message>
3871 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38723889 <source>Zoom control</source>
38733890 <translation>줌 제어</translation>
38743891 </message>
38753892 <message>
3876 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38773894 <source>Menu only</source>
38783895 <translation>메뉴 만</translation>
38793896 </message>
38803897 <message>
3881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38823899 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38833900 <translation>메뉴 및 마우스 휠</translation>
38843901 </message>
38853902 <message>
3886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38873904 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
38883905 <translation>메뉴 및 +/- 키</translation>
38893906 </message>
38903907 <message>
3891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
38923909 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
38933910 <translation>메뉴, 마우스 휠 및 +/- 키</translation>
38943911 </message>
38953912 <message>
3896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
38973914 <source>Zoom Control
38993916 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
39023919 확대 및 축소하는 데 사용할 입력을 선택하십시오.</translation>
39033920 </message>
39043921 <message>
3905 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
39063922 <source>Locale</source>
3907 <translation>장소</translation>
3908 </message>
3909 <message>
3910 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3923 <translation type="vanished">장소</translation>
3924 </message>
3925 <message>
3926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3927 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3928 <translation>로켈 (다시 시작해야 함)</translation>
3929 </message>
3930 <message>
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
39113932 <source>Locale
39133934 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
39203941 로케일은 숫자의 형식을 지정합니다. 특히 쉼표 나 마침표는 사용자가 입력하거나 사용자 인터페이스에 표시되거나 파일로 내보내는 각 숫자에서 그룹 구분 기호로 사용됩니다.</translation>
39213942 </message>
39223943 <message>
3923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39243945 <source>Import cropping</source>
39253946 <translation>자르기 가져 오기</translation>
39263947 </message>
39273948 <message>
3928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39293950 <source>Import Cropping
39313952 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39383959 이 설정은 Engauge가 PDF 파일을 지원하도록 빌드 된 경우에만 적용됩니다.</translation>
39393960 </message>
39403961 <message>
3941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39423963 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39433964 <translation>PDF 해상도 가져 오기 (인치당 도트 수)</translation>
39443965 </message>
39453966 <message>
3946 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39473968 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39493970 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39523973 가져온 PDF (Portable Document Format) 파일은 DPI (dots per inch)로이 픽셀 해상도로 변환되며 각 픽셀은 한 점입니다. 값이 높을수록 그림 해상도가 향상되고 수치 디지털화 정확도가 향상 될 수 있습니다. 그러나 매우 높은 값으로 설정하면 이미지가 너무 커져서 Engauge가 느려집니다.</translation>
39533974 </message>
39543975 <message>
3955 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39563977 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39573978 <translation>최대 그리드 선</translation>
39583979 </message>
39593980 <message>
3960 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39613982 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39633984 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39663987 처리 할 그리드 라인의 최대 수. 이 제한은 시작 값과 종료 값에 대해 단계 값이 너무 작 으면 시각적으로 그리드 선이 너무 많아지며 처리 시간이 매우 길어집니다 (각 그리드 선을 처리해야하기 때문에)</translation>
39673988 </message>
39683989 <message>
3969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39703991 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39713992 <translation>불투명도 강조 표시</translation>
39723993 </message>
39733994 <message>
3974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39753996 <source>Highlight Opacity
39773998 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
39804001 선택 모드에서 커서가 곡선 또는 축 포인트 위에있을 때 적용 할 불투명도입니다. 모양의 변경은 포인트를 선택할 수있는 시점을 나타냅니다.</translation>
39814002 </message>
39824003 <message>
3983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
4004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39844005 <source>Recent file list</source>
39854006 <translation>최근 파일 목록</translation>
39864007 </message>
39874008 <message>
3988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
39894010 <source>Clear</source>
39904011 <translation>명확한</translation>
39914012 </message>
39924013 <message>
3993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
39944015 <source>Recent File List Clear
39964017 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
39994020 파일 메뉴에서 최근 파일 목록을 지 웁니다.</translation>
40004021 </message>
40014022 <message>
4002 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
40034024 <source>Include title bar path</source>
40044025 <translation>제목 표시 줄 경로 포함</translation>
40054026 </message>
40064027 <message>
4007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
40084029 <source>Title Bar Filename
40104031 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
40134034 제목 표시 줄에 파일 이름의 경로 및 파일 확장명을 포함하거나 제외합니다.</translation>
40144035 </message>
40154036 <message>
4016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40174038 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40184039 <translation>작은 파일 창 허용</translation>
40194040 </message>
40204041 <message>
4021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40224043 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40244045 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40274048 설정 대화 상자를 작게 만들어 소형 컴퓨터 화면에 맞출 수 있습니다.</translation>
40284049 </message>
40294050 <message>
4030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40314052 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40324053 <translation>드래그 앤 드롭 내보내기 허용</translation>
40334054 </message>
40344055 <message>
4035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40364057 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40384059 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40454066 드래그 앤 드롭을 사용하지 않으면 클릭하고 끌기를 사용하여 사각형 셀 세트를 선택할 수 있습니다. 드래그 앤 드롭을 사용하면 클릭 한 다음 Shift 키를 누른 상태로 클릭하면 사각형 셀 집합을 선택할 수 있습니다. 클릭 및 드래그로 드래그 작업이 시작되기 때문입니다.</translation>
40464067 </message>
40474068 <message>
4048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4069 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4070 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4071 <translation>이미지 대체 이름 바꾸기 문서</translation>
4072 </message>
4073 <message>
4074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4075 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4077 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4078 <translation>이미지 바꾸기 이름 바꾸기 문서
4080 현재 이미지를 바꾸기 위해 이미지를 가져 오면이 경우 문서의 이름이 바뀌고, 그렇지 않으면 이름은 그대로 유지됩니다.</translation>
4081 </message>
4082 <message>
4083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40494084 <source>Significant digits</source>
40504085 <translation>유효 숫자</translation>
40514086 </message>
40524087 <message>
4053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40544089 <source>Significant Digits
40564091 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
43014336 <context>
43024337 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
43034338 <message>
4339 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
43044340 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4305 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43064341 <source>Geometry Window</source>
43074342 <translation>기하학 창</translation>
43084343 </message>
43094344 <message>
4310 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4345 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43114346 <source>Geometry Window
43134348 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43424377 거리 = 그래프 단위 또는 백분율로 정방향 또는 역방향 커브를 따라 거리
43444379 드래그 앤 드롭이 비활성화 된 경우 클릭하고 드래그하여 직사각형 셀 집합을 선택할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않으면 드래그 앤 드롭이 활성화 된 경우 클릭 및 드래그가 드래그 작업을 시작하기 때문에 클릭 한 다음 Shift + 클릭을 사용하여 직사각형 셀 집합을 선택할 수 있습니다. 끌어서 놓기 모드는 기본 창 설정에서 설정됩니다.</translation>
4380 </message>
4381 <message>
4382 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4383 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4384 <translation>하이라이트 된 세그먼트는 겹침으로 인해 내보낼 때 예기치 않은 값을 가질 수 있습니다. 점을 조정하거나 설정 / 곡선 속성 / 연결 이름을 변경하십시오.</translation>
4385 </message>
4386 </context>
4387 <context>
4388 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4389 <message>
4390 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4391 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4392 <translation>함수는 현재 하나의 X 값에 대해 여러 Y 값을가집니다. 주변 점을 조정하거나 커브 속성에서 커브 유형을 변경하십시오.</translation>
43454393 </message>
43464394 </context>
43474395 <context>
43904438 <context>
43914439 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
43924440 <message>
4393 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4441 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
43944442 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
43954443 <translation>에서 이미지를 다운로드 할 수 없습니다.</translation>
43964444 </message>
43974445 <message>
4398 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4446 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
43994447 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
44004448 <translation>이미지를로드 할 수 없습니다.</translation>
44014449 </message>
44034451 <context>
44044452 <name>MainWindow</name>
44054453 <message>
4406 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4454 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
44074455 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
44084456 <translation>파일로 내보낼 수 없습니다.</translation>
44094457 </message>
44104458 <message>
4411 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4459 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
44124460 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
44134461 <translation>이미지를 파일로 추출 할 수 없습니다.</translation>
44144462 </message>
44154463 <message>
4416 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4417 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4418 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4464 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4465 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44194467 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44204468 <translation>파일을 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
44214469 </message>
44224470 <message>
4423 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4424 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4425 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4472 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4473 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44264474 <source>from directory</source>
44274475 <translation>디렉토리에서</translation>
44284476 </message>
44294477 <message>
4430 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4478 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44314479 <source>Import Image</source>
44324480 <translation>이미지 가져 오기</translation>
44334481 </message>
44344482 <message>
4435 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4483 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44364484 <source>File opened</source>
44374485 <translation>파일 열림</translation>
44384486 </message>
44394487 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4488 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44414489 <source>File not found</source>
44424490 <translation>파일을 찾을 수 없음</translation>
44434491 </message>
44444492 <message>
4445 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44464494 <source>Error report opened</source>
44474495 <translation>오류 보고서가 열림</translation>
44484496 </message>
44494497 <message>
4450 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4451 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4499 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44524500 <source>File imported</source>
44534501 <translation>가져온 파일</translation>
44544502 </message>
44554503 <message>
4456 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4504 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44574505 <source>Background image.</source>
44584506 <translation>배경 이미지.</translation>
44594507 </message>
44604508 <message>
4461 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4509 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44624510 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44634511 <translation>현재 선택된 커브입니다.</translation>
44644512 </message>
44654513 <message>
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4514 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44674515 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44684516 <translation>현재 선택한 커브의 점 스타일입니다.</translation>
44694517 </message>
44704518 <message>
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4519 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44724520 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44734521 <translation>세그먼트 현재 선택된 커브의 필터를 채 웁니다.</translation>
44744522 </message>
44754523 <message>
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4524 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44774525 <source>The document has been modified.
44784526 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44794527 <translation>문서가 수정되었습니다.
44804528 변경 사항을 저장 하시겠습니까?</translation>
44814529 </message>
44824530 <message>
4483 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4531 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44844532 <source>Cannot write file</source>
44854533 <translation>파일을 쓸 수 없습니다.</translation>
44864534 </message>
44874535 <message>
4488 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4536 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44894537 <source>Save</source>
44904538 <translation>구하다</translation>
44914539 </message>
44924540 <message>
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4541 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
44944542 <source>Export</source>
44954543 <translation>수출</translation>
44964544 </message>
44974545 <message>
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4546 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
44994547 <source>Open Document</source>
45004548 <translation>문서 열기</translation>
45014549 </message>
45024550 <message>
4503 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4551 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
45044552 <source>+</source>
45054553 <translation>+</translation>
45064554 </message>
45074555 <message>
4508 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4556 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
45094557 <source>-</source>
45104558 <translation>-</translation>
45114559 </message>
45124560 <message>
4513 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4561 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
45144562 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45154563 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
45164564 </message>
45184566 <context>
45194567 <name>QObject</name>
45204568 <message>
4521 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4522 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4523 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4569 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4570 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4571 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45244572 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45254573 <translation>새 축 포인트는 기존 축 포인트와 동일한 화면 위치에있을 수 없습니다.</translation>
45264574 </message>
45274575 <message>
4528 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4529 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4576 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45304578 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45314579 <translation>새 축 포인트는 기존 축 포인트와 동일한 그래프 좌표를 가질 수 없습니다.</translation>
45324580 </message>
45334581 <message>
4534 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4535 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45364584 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45374585 <translation>두 개 이상의 축 지점이 화면의 같은 선을 따라 놓일 수 없습니다</translation>
45384586 </message>
45394587 <message>
4540 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4541 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4589 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45424590 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45434591 <translation>그래프 좌표에서 동일한 선을 따라 두 개 이상의 축 점이있을 수 없습니다.</translation>
45444592 </message>
45454593 <message>
4546 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4594 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45474595 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45484596 <translation>너무 많은 x 축 지점. 두 개만 있어야합니다.</translation>
45494597 </message>
45504598 <message>
4551 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4599 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45524600 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45534601 <translation>Y 축 포인트가 너무 많습니다. 두 개만 있어야합니다.</translation>
45544602 </message>
45554603 <message>
4556 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4604 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45574605 <source>Never</source>
45584606 <translation>못</translation>
45594607 </message>
45604608 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4609 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45624610 <source>NSeconds</source>
45634611 <translation>N 초</translation>
45644612 </message>
45654613 <message>
4566 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4614 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45674615 <source>Forever</source>
45684616 <translation>영원히</translation>
4569 </message>
4570 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4572 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4573 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4574 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4575 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4576 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4579 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4586 <source>Unknown</source>
4587 <translation>알 수 없는</translation>
45884617 </message>
45894618 <message>
45904619 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46334662 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46344663 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46354664 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4636 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4665 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46374666 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46384667 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46394668 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46714700 <translation>값</translation>
46724701 </message>
46734702 <message>
4674 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4703 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4704 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4705 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4706 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4707 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4708 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4709 <source>Unknown</source>
4710 <translation>알 수 없는</translation>
4711 </message>
4712 <message>
4713 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46754714 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46764715 <translation>곡선 필터 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
46774716 </message>
47484787 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47494788 </message>
47504789 <message>
4751 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4790 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47524791 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47534792 <translation>예기치 않은 xml 토큰</translation>
47544793 </message>
47594798 <translation>곡선 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
47604799 </message>
47614800 <message>
4762 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4801 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47634802 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47644803 <translation>부드러운 기능</translation>
47654804 </message>
47664805 <message>
4767 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4806 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47684807 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47694808 <translation>스트레이트 기능</translation>
47704809 </message>
47714810 <message>
4772 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4811 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47734812 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47744813 <translation>부드러운 관계</translation>
47754814 </message>
47764815 <message>
4777 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4816 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47784817 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47794818 <translation>직선 관계</translation>
47804819 </message>
47814820 <message>
4782 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4821 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47834822 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47844823 <translation>축 커브 연결 건너 뛰기</translation>
47854824 </message>
48024841 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
48034842 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
48044843 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4805 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4844 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
48064845 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
48074846 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
48084847 </message>
48124851 <translation>세 개의 축 포인트가 정의되어 더 이상 필요하거나 허용되지 않습니다.</translation>
48134852 </message>
48144853 <message>
4815 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4854 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
48164855 <source>Color Picker</source>
48174856 <translation>색상 선택기</translation>
48184857 </message>
48194858 <message>
4820 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4859 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48214860 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48224861 <translation>죄송 합니다만 색상 피커 지점은 배경색이 아닌 픽셀 근처에 있어야합니다. 다시 시도하십시오.</translation>
48234862 </message>
48574896 <translation>이동</translation>
48584897 </message>
48594898 <message>
4860 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4861 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4899 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4900 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48624901 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48634902 <translation>운영 체제가 파일을 읽을 수 없다고 말함</translation>
48644903 </message>
48654904 <message>
4866 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4905 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48674906 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48684907 <translation>버전에서 최신 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
48694908 </message>
48704909 <message>
4871 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4910 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48724911 <source>of</source>
48734912 <translation>의</translation>
48744913 </message>
48754914 <message>
4876 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4915 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48774916 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48784917 <source>File</source>
48794918 <translation>파일</translation>
48804919 </message>
48814920 <message>
4882 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4921 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48834922 <source>was not found</source>
48844923 <translation>찾을 수 없습니다</translation>
48854924 </message>
48864925 <message>
4887 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4926 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48884927 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
48894928 <translation>이미지 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
48904929 </message>
49094948 <translation>디지털화 된 곡선 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
49104949 </message>
49114950 <message>
4912 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4951 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
49134952 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
49144953 <translation>내보내기 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
49154954 </message>
49444983 <translation>포인트 식별자 오류가 발생했습니다. Engauge 개발자에게 국가 및 언어에 대한 의견이 있으면 알려주십시오. 유효하지 않은 포인트 이름은</translation>
49454984 </message>
49464985 <message>
4947 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4986 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49484987 <source>Commas</source>
49494988 <translation>쉼표</translation>
49504989 </message>
49514990 <message>
4952 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4991 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49534992 <source>Semicolons</source>
49544993 <translation>세미콜론</translation>
49554994 </message>
49564995 <message>
4957 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4996 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49584997 <source>Spaces</source>
49594998 <translation>공백</translation>
49604999 </message>
49615000 <message>
4962 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
5001 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49635002 <source>Tabs</source>
49645003 <translation>탭</translation>
49655004 </message>
49665005 <message>
4967 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
5006 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49685007 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49695008 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49705009 </message>
49715010 <message>
4972 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5011 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49735012 <source>None</source>
49745013 <translation>없음</translation>
49755014 </message>
49765015 <message>
4977 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5016 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49785017 <source>Simple</source>
49795018 <translation>단순한</translation>
49805019 </message>
49895028 <translation>파일을 내보낼 수 없습니다.</translation>
49905029 </message>
49915030 <message>
4992 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5031 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49935032 <source>AllPerLine</source>
49945033 <translation>한 줄에 모든</translation>
49955034 </message>
49965035 <message>
4997 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5036 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
49985037 <source>OnePerLine</source>
49995038 <translation>한 줄에 하나씩</translation>
50005039 </message>
50015040 <message>
5002 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5041 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
50035042 <source>Graph Units</source>
50045043 <translation>그래프 단위</translation>
50055044 </message>
50065045 <message>
5007 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5046 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
50085047 <source>Pixels</source>
50095048 <translation>픽셀</translation>
50105049 </message>
50115050 <message>
5012 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5051 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50135052 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
50145053 <translation>모든 곡선을 보간하다.</translation>
50155054 </message>
50165055 <message>
5017 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5056 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50185057 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50195058 <translation>첫 번째 곡선을 보간하다.</translation>
50205059 </message>
50215060 <message>
5022 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5061 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50235062 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50245063 <translation>주기적으로 보간하다</translation>
50255064 </message>
50265065 <message>
5027 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5028 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5066 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5067 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50295068 <source>Raw</source>
50305069 <translation>노골적인</translation>
50315070 </message>
50325071 <message>
5033 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5072 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50345073 <source>Interpolate</source>
50355074 <translation>보완하다</translation>
50365075 </message>
50375076 <message>
5038 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5077 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50395078 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50405079 <translation>포인트 스타일 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
50415080 </message>
50425081 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5082 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50445083 <source>from directory</source>
50455084 <translation>디렉토리에서</translation>
50465085 </message>
50765115 </message>
50775116 <message>
50785117 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5079 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5118 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50805119 <source>X</source>
50815120 <translation>X</translation>
50825121 </message>
50865125 <translation>Y</translation>
50875126 </message>
50885127 <message>
5089 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5128 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
50905129 <source>Count</source>
50915130 <translation>카운트</translation>
50925131 </message>
50935132 <message>
5094 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5133 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
50955134 <source>Start</source>
50965135 <translation>스타트</translation>
50975136 </message>
50985137 <message>
5099 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5138 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
51005139 <source>Step</source>
51015140 <translation>단계</translation>
51025141 </message>
51035142 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5143 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
51055144 <source>Stop</source>
51065145 <translation>중지</translation>
51075146 </message>
51415180 <translation>포인트 식별자를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
51425181 </message>
51435182 <message>
5144 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5183 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51455184 <source>Circle</source>
51465185 <translation>원</translation>
51475186 </message>
51485187 <message>
5149 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5188 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51505189 <source>Cross</source>
51515190 <translation>십자가</translation>
51525191 </message>
51535192 <message>
5154 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5193 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51555194 <source>Diamond</source>
51565195 <translation>다이아몬드</translation>
51575196 </message>
51585197 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5198 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5199 <source>Hourglass</source>
5200 <translation>모래 시계</translation>
5201 </message>
5202 <message>
5203 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51605204 <source>Square</source>
51615205 <translation>광장</translation>
51625206 </message>
51635207 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5208 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51655209 <source>Triangle</source>
51665210 <translation>삼각형</translation>
51675211 </message>
51685212 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5213 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5214 <source>Triangle2</source>
5215 <translation>삼각형2</translation>
5216 </message>
5217 <message>
5218 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51705219 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51715220 <translation>포인트 스타일 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
51725221 </message>
51735222 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5223 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51755224 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51765225 <translation>그래프 좌표</translation>
51775226 </message>
51785227 <message>
5179 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5228 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51805229 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51815230 <translation>픽셀 좌표</translation>
51825231 </message>
51835232 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5233 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51855234 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51865235 <translation>그래프 해상도</translation>
51875236 </message>
51965245 <translation>더 축 포인트 필요</translation>
51975246 </message>
51985247 <message>
5199 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
52005248 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5201 <translation>16:1 더 멀리</translation>
5202 </message>
5203 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5249 <translation type="vanished"> 16 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5250 </message>
5251 <message>
52055252 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5206 <translation>8:1 더 가까운</translation>
5207 </message>
5208 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5253 <translation type="vanished">8 : 1 가까이</translation>
5254 </message>
5255 <message>
52105256 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5211 <translation>8:1 더 멀리</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5257 <translation type="vanished"> 8 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5258 </message>
5259 <message>
52155260 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5216 <translation>4:1 더 가까운</translation>
5217 </message>
5218 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5261 <translation type="vanished">4 : 1 가까이</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
52205264 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5221 <translation>4:1 더 멀리</translation>
5222 </message>
5223 <message>
5224 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5265 <translation type="vanished"> 4 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
52255268 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5226 <translation>2:1 더 가까운</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5269 <translation type="vanished">2 : 1 가까이</translation>
5270 </message>
5271 <message>
52305272 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5231 <translation>2:1 더 멀리</translation>
5232 </message>
5233 <message>
5234 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5273 <translation type="vanished"> 2 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5274 </message>
5275 <message>
52355276 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5236 <translation>1:1 더 가까운</translation>
5237 </message>
5238 <message>
5239 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5277 <translation type="vanished">1 : 1 가까이</translation>
5278 </message>
5279 <message>
52405280 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5241 <translation>1:1 더 멀리</translation>
5242 </message>
5243 <message>
5244 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5281 <translation type="vanished"> 1 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
52455284 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5246 <translation>1:2 더 가까운</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5285 <translation type="vanished">1 : 2 가까이</translation>
5286 </message>
5287 <message>
52505288 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5251 <translation>1:2 더 멀리</translation>
5252 </message>
5253 <message>
5254 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5289 <translation type="vanished"> 1 : 2 더 멀리</translation>
5290 </message>
5291 <message>
52555292 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5256 <translation>1:4 더 가까운</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
5259 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5293 <translation type="vanished">1 : 4 가까이</translation>
5294 </message>
5295 <message>
52605296 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5261 <translation>1:4 더 멀리</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
5264 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5297 <translation type="vanished"> 1 : 4 더 멀리</translation>
5298 </message>
5299 <message>
52655300 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5266 <translation>1:8 더 가까운</translation>
5267 </message>
5268 <message>
5269 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5301 <translation type="vanished">1 : 8 가까이</translation>
5302 </message>
5303 <message>
52705304 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5271 <translation>1:8 더 멀리</translation>
5272 </message>
5273 <message>
5274 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5305 <translation type="vanished"> 1 : 8 더 멀리</translation>
5306 </message>
5307 <message>
52755308 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5276 <translation>1:16 더 가까운</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
5279 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5309 <translation type="vanished">1 : 16 가까이</translation>
5310 </message>
5311 <message>
52805312 <source>Fill</source>
5281 <translation>가득 따르다</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5313 <translation type="vanished">가득 따르다</translation>
5314 </message>
5315 <message>
52855316 <source>Previous</source>
5286 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
5287 </message>
5288 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5317 <translation type="vanished">너무 이른</translation>
5318 </message>
5319 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
52905321 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
52915322 <translation>파일이 Windows 명령 행에서 작동하지 않는 다국어 알파벳의 문자를 가지고있는 것으로 보입니다.</translation>
52925323 </message>
52935324 <message>
5294 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5325 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
52955326 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
52965327 <translation>주 창 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</translation>
52975328 </message>
52985329 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5300 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5331 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
53015332 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
53025333 <translation>유효한 파일 이름이 아닙니다.</translation>
53035334 </message>
53045335 <message>
5305 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5336 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
53065337 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
53075338 <translation>유효한 이미지 파일 확장자가 아닙니다.</translation>
53085339 </message>
53095340 <message>
5310 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5341 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
53115342 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
53125343 <translation>하나 이상의로드 파일에서만 사용됩니다.</translation>
53135344 </message>
53145345 <message>
5315 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5346 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
53165347 <source>Available styles</source>
53175348 <translation>사용 가능한 스타일</translation>
53185349 </message>
53195350 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5351 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53215352 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53225353 <translation>추가 디버그 정보를 사용합니다. 디버깅에 사용됩니다.</translation>
53235354 </message>
53245355 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53265356 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5327 <translation>오류 보고서 파일을 입력으로 지정합니다. 디버깅 및 테스트에 사용됩니다.</translation>
5328 </message>
5329 <message>
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5357 <translation type="vanished">오류 보고서 파일을 입력으로 지정합니다. 디버깅 및 테스트에 사용됩니다.</translation>
5358 </message>
5359 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5361 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5362 <translation>시작할 때 열었던 파일이 끌어서 놓기 테스트 용임을 나타냅니다. 회귀 테스트에 사용</translation>
5363 </message>
5364 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5366 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5367 <translation>오류 보고서 파일을 입력으로 지정합니다. 디버깅 및 회귀 테스트에 사용됩니다.</translation>
5368 </message>
5369 <message>
5370 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53315371 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53325372 <translation>로드 된 모든 시작 파일을 내 보냅니다. 모든 시작점 파일은 정의 된 모든 축 점을 가져야 만합니다.</translation>
53335373 </message>
53345374 <message>
5335 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5375 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53365376 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53375377 <translation>로드 된 각 시작 파일의 이미지를 지정된 확장자를 가진 파일로 추출한 다음 중지하십시오.</translation>
53385378 </message>
53395379 <message>
5340 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5380 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53415381 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53425382 <translation>파일 명령 스크립트 파일을 입력으로 지정합니다. 디버깅 및 테스트에 사용됩니다.</translation>
53435383 </message>
53445384 <message>
5345 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5385 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53465386 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53475387 <translation>진단 gnuplot 입력 파일을 출력합니다. 디버깅에 사용됩니다.</translation>
53485388 </message>
53495389 <message>
5350 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5390 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53515391 <source>Show this help information</source>
53525392 <translation>이 도움말 정보 표시</translation>
53535393 </message>
53545394 <message>
5355 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5395 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53565396 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53575397 <translation>오류 보고서 파일 또는 파일 명령 스크립트를 실행합니다. 회귀 테스트에 사용</translation>
53585398 </message>
53595399 <message>
5360 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5400 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53615401 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53625402 <translation>창 위치를 포함하여 저장된 모든 설정을 제거합니다. 화면이 창을 시작할 때 사용됩니다.</translation>
53635403 </message>
53645404 <message>
5365 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5405 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5406 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5407 <translation>명령 행 옵션으로 나열된 스타일 중 하나로 창 스타일을 설정하십시오.</translation>
5408 </message>
5409 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5411 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5412 <translation>명령 줄 옵션과 함께 사용할 수있는 스타일 목록 표시</translation>
5413 </message>
5414 <message>
53665415 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5367 <translation>-style 명령과 함께 사용할 수있는 스타일 목록 표시</translation>
5368 </message>
5369 <message>
5370 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5416 <translation type="vanished">-style 명령과 함께 사용할 수있는 스타일 목록 표시</translation>
5417 </message>
5418 <message>
5419 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5420 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5421 <translation>시작할 때 열어 본 파일을 최신 버전으로 업그레이드하십시오.</translation>
5422 </message>
5423 <message>
5424 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53715425 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53725426 <translation>시작시 가져 오거나 열 파일</translation>
5427 </message>
5428 <message>
5429 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5430 <source>Could not write to</source>
5431 <translation>쓸 수 없습니다.</translation>
5432 </message>
5433 <message>
5434 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5435 <source>Upgraded</source>
5436 <translation>업그레이드 됨</translation>
5437 </message>
5438 <message>
5439 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5440 <source>to</source>
5441 <translation>에</translation>
53735442 </message>
53745443 <message>
53755444 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
53955464 <context>
53965465 <name>StatusBar</name>
53975466 <message>
5398 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5467 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
53995468 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
54005469 <translation>표시 할 커서 좌표 값을 선택하십시오.</translation>
54015470 </message>
54025471 <message>
5403 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5472 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
54045473 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
54065475 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54095478 표시 할 커서 좌표 값. 좌표는 화면 (픽셀) 또는 그래프 단위입니다. 해상도 (픽셀 당 그래프 단위의 수)는 그래프 단위입니다. 그래프 단위는 축 포인트가 정의 된 후에 만 ​​사용할 수 있습니다.</translation>
54105479 </message>
54115480 <message>
5412 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5481 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
54135482 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
54145483 <translation>커서 좌표 값.</translation>
54155484 </message>
54165485 <message>
5417 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5486 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54185487 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54205489 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54235492 커서 좌표 값. 좌표는 화면 (픽셀) 또는 그래프 단위입니다. 해상도 (픽셀 당 그래프 단위의 수)는 그래프 단위입니다. 그래프 단위는 축 포인트가 정의 된 후에 만 ​​사용할 수 있습니다.</translation>
54245493 </message>
54255494 <message>
5426 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5495 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54275496 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54285497 <translation>확대 / 축소 선택</translation>
54295498 </message>
54305499 <message>
5431 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5500 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54325501 <source>Select Zoom
54345503 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54355504 <translation>확대 / 축소 선택
54375506 확대하여 점을보다 정확하게 배치 할 수 있습니다.</translation>
5507 </message>
5508 <message>
5509 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5510 <source>16:1</source>
5511 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5512 </message>
5513 <message>
5514 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5515 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5516 <translation> 16 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5517 </message>
5518 <message>
5519 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5520 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5521 <translation>8 : 1 가까이</translation>
5522 </message>
5523 <message>
5524 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5525 <source>8:1</source>
5526 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5527 </message>
5528 <message>
5529 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5530 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5531 <translation> 8 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5532 </message>
5533 <message>
5534 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5535 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5536 <translation>4 : 1 가까이</translation>
5537 </message>
5538 <message>
5539 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5540 <source>4:1</source>
5541 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5542 </message>
5543 <message>
5544 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5545 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5546 <translation> 4 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5547 </message>
5548 <message>
5549 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5550 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5551 <translation>2 : 1 가까이</translation>
5552 </message>
5553 <message>
5554 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5555 <source>2:1</source>
5556 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5557 </message>
5558 <message>
5559 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5560 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5561 <translation> 2 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5562 </message>
5563 <message>
5564 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5565 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5566 <translation>1 : 1 가까이</translation>
5567 </message>
5568 <message>
5569 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5570 <source>1:1</source>
5571 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5572 </message>
5573 <message>
5574 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5575 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5576 <translation> 1 : 1 더 멀리</translation>
5577 </message>
5578 <message>
5579 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5580 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5581 <translation>1 : 2 가까이</translation>
5582 </message>
5583 <message>
5584 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5585 <source>1:2</source>
5586 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5587 </message>
5588 <message>
5589 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5590 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5591 <translation> 1 : 2 더 멀리</translation>
5592 </message>
5593 <message>
5594 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5595 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5596 <translation>1 : 4 가까이</translation>
5597 </message>
5598 <message>
5599 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5600 <source>1:4</source>
5601 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5602 </message>
5603 <message>
5604 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5605 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5606 <translation> 1 : 4 더 멀리</translation>
5607 </message>
5608 <message>
5609 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5610 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5611 <translation>1 : 8 가까이</translation>
5612 </message>
5613 <message>
5614 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5615 <source>1:8</source>
5616 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5617 </message>
5618 <message>
5619 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5620 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5621 <translation> 1 : 8 더 멀리</translation>
5622 </message>
5623 <message>
5624 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5625 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5626 <translation>1 : 16 가까이</translation>
5627 </message>
5628 <message>
5629 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5630 <source>1:16</source>
5631 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5632 </message>
5633 <message>
5634 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5635 <source>Fill</source>
5636 <translation>가득 따르다</translation>
5637 </message>
5638 <message>
5639 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5640 <source>Previous</source>
5641 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
54385642 </message>
54395643 </context>
54405644 <context>
54415645 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54425646 <message>
5443 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5647 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54445648 <source>Axis Points</source>
54455649 <translation>축 포인트</translation>
54465650 </message>
54475651 <message>
5448 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5652 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54495653 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54505654 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54515655 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54545658 축 포인트 버튼을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
54555659 </message>
54565660 <message>
5457 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54585662 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54595663 line with known coordinates. An axis
54605664 point appears, with a dialog window
54675671 좌표</translation>
54685672 </message>
54695673 <message>
5470 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5674 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54715675 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54725676 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54735677 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54785682 3 축 지점이 만들어 질 때까지</translation>
54795683 </message>
54805684 <message>
5481 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5685 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54825686 <source>Previous</source>
54835687 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
54845688 </message>
54855689 <message>
5486 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5690 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54875691 <source>Next</source>
54885692 <translation>다음 것</translation>
54895693 </message>
54915695 <context>
54925696 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
54935697 <message>
5494 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5698 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
54955699 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
54965700 <translation>검사 목록 마법사 및 검사 목록 가이드</translation>
54975701 </message>
54985702 <message>
5499 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5703 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
55005704 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
55015705 is available when importing an image file.
55025706 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
55045708 <translation>새로운 Engauge 사용자의 경우 이미지 파일을 가져올 때 검사 목록 마법사를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 마법사는 이미지 파일을 디지털화하기 위해 따라야하는 단계별 점검 목록을 제공합니다.</translation>
55055709 </message>
55065710 <message>
5507 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5711 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
55085712 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
55095713 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
55105714 <translation>1 단계 - 메뉴 옵션 도움말 /
55115715 검사 목록 가이드 마법사.</translation>
55125716 </message>
55135717 <message>
5514 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5718 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
55155719 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
55165720 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
55175721 and ask some simple questions to
55215725 수입. 체크리스트 마법사가 나타나고 이미지를 디지털화 할 수있는 방법을 결정하는 간단한 질문을합니다.</translation>
55225726 </message>
55235727 <message>
5524 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5728 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55255729 <source>Additional options are available in
55265730 the various Settings menus.
55325736 자습서가 끝납니다. 행운을 빕니다!</translation>
55335737 </message>
55345738 <message>
5535 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5739 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55365740 <source>Previous</source>
55375741 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
55385742 </message>
55405744 <context>
55415745 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55425746 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5747 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55445748 <source>Color Filter</source>
55455749 <translation>컬러 필터</translation>
55465750 </message>
55475751 <message>
5548 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5752 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55495753 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55505754 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55515755 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55535757 <translation>각 곡선에는 세그먼트 채우기 모드에 적용되는 색상 필터 설정이 있습니다. 검은 색 선의 경우 기본값이 제대로 작동하지만 컬러 선의 경우 설정을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.</translation>
55545758 </message>
55555759 <message>
5556 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5760 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55575761 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55585762 Filter menu option.</source>
55595763 <translation>1 단계 - 설정 / 색상 선택
55605764 필터 메뉴 옵션.</translation>
55615765 </message>
55625766 <message>
5563 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5767 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55645768 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55655769 be given the new settings.</source>
55665770 <translation>2 단계 - 원하는 곡선을 선택하십시오.
55675771 새로운 설정이 주어져야한다.</translation>
55685772 </message>
55695773 <message>
5570 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5774 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55715775 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55725776 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55735777 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55765780 색상이있는 선을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.</translation>
55775781 </message>
55785782 <message>
5579 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5783 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55805784 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55815785 dragging the green handles, until the
55825786 curve is clear in the preview window
55915795 완료되면 확인을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
55925796 </message>
55935797 <message>
5594 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5798 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
55955799 <source>Back</source>
55965800 <translation>뒤로</translation>
55975801 </message>
55995803 <context>
56005804 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
56015805 <message>
5602 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5806 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
56035807 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
56045808 curve is selected to receive curve points.
56055809 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
56075811 <translation>축 점이 생성 된 후 커브 점을 받도록 커브가 선택됩니다. 1 단계 - 커브, 포인트 매치, 색상 선택기 또는 세그먼트 채우기 버튼을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
56085812 </message>
56095813 <message>
5610 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5814 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56115815 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56125816 that curve name has not been created yet,
56135817 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56155819 <translation>2 단계 - 원하는 커브 이름을 선택하십시오. 해당 커브 이름이 아직 생성되지 않은 경우 메뉴 옵션 설정 / 커브 이름을 사용하여 커브 이름을 만듭니다.</translation>
56165820 </message>
56175821 <message>
5618 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5822 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56195823 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56205824 original image to the filtered image
56215825 produced for the current curve, using the
56275831 뷰 / 배경 / 필터링 된 이미지 메뉴 옵션을 사용하여 현재 커브에 대해 생성됩니다. 이 필터링을 통해 자습서의 뒷부분에서 설명 할 강력한 자동 알고리즘을 사용할 수 있습니다.</translation>
56285832 </message>
56295833 <message>
5630 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5834 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56315835 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56325836 in the filtered image, then change the
56335837 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56375841 현재 색상 필터 설정. 그림에서 주황색 점이 사라졌습니다.</translation>
56385842 </message>
56395843 <message>
5640 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5844 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56415845 <source>Previous</source>
56425846 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
56435847 </message>
56445848 <message>
5645 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5849 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56465850 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56475851 <translation>색상 필터 설정</translation>
56485852 </message>
56495853 <message>
5650 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5854 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56515855 <source>Next</source>
56525856 <translation>다음 것</translation>
56535857 </message>
56555859 <context>
56565860 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56575861 <message>
5658 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5862 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56595863 <source>Curve Type</source>
56605864 <translation>곡선 유형</translation>
56615865 </message>
56625866 <message>
5663 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5867 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56645868 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56655869 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56665870 <translation>다음 단계는 선과 점의 관점에서 곡선이 그려지는 방식에 따라 다릅니다.</translation>
56675871 </message>
56685872 <message>
5669 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5873 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56705874 <source>If the curves are drawn
56715875 with lines (with or without
56725876 points) then click on
56745878 <translation>곡선이 선으로 그려지는 경우 (점이 있거나없는 경우) 다음 (선)을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
56755879 </message>
56765880 <message>
5677 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5881 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
56785882 <source>If the curves are drawn
56795883 without lines and only
56805884 with points, then click on
56825886 <translation>곡선이 선없이 점으로 만 그려진 경우, 다음 (점)을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
56835887 </message>
56845888 <message>
5685 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5889 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
56865890 <source>Previous</source>
56875891 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
56885892 </message>
56895893 <message>
5690 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5894 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
56915895 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
56925896 <translation>다음 (행)</translation>
56935897 </message>
56945898 <message>
5695 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5899 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
56965900 <source>Next (Points)</source>
56975901 <translation>다음 (포인트)</translation>
56985902 </message>
57005904 <context>
57015905 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57025906 <message>
5703 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5907 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57045908 <source>Introduction</source>
57055909 <translation>소개</translation>
57065910 </message>
57075911 <message>
5708 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5912 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57095913 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57105914 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57115915 <translation>Engage Digitizer는 다음으로 시작합니다.
57125916 그래프 및지도의 이미지.</translation>
57135917 </message>
57145918 <message>
5715 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5919 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57165920 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57175921 the graph and map curves.</source>
57185922 <translation>포인트를 만들거나 (또는 ​​디지털화)
57195923 그래프 및지도 곡선.</translation>
57205924 </message>
57215925 <message>
5722 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5926 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57235927 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57245928 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57255929 <translation>디지털화 된 커브 포인트는
57265930 숫자로 다른 소프트웨어 도구로 내보내집니다.</translation>
57275931 </message>
57285932 <message>
5729 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5933 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57305934 <source>Next</source>
57315935 <translation>다음 것</translation>
57325936 </message>
57345938 <context>
57355939 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57365940 <message>
5737 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5941 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57385942 <source>Point Match</source>
57395943 <translation>점 일치</translation>
57405944 </message>
57415945 <message>
5742 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5946 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57435947 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57445948 one sample point, and Engauge
57455949 then finds all matching points.
57525956 1 단계 - 포인트 일치 모드를 클릭하십시오.</translation>
57535957 </message>
57545958 <message>
5755 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5959 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57565960 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57575961 points will belong to.</source>
57585962 <translation>2 단계 - 새로운 곡선 선택
57595963 포인트는에 속할 것이다.</translation>
57605964 </message>
57615965 <message>
5762 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5966 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57635967 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57645968 The circle turns green when it
57655969 contains what may be a point.</source>
57685972 포인트가 될 수있는 것을 포함합니다.</translation>
57695973 </message>
57705974 <message>
5771 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5975 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
57725976 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
57735977 matched point with a yellow cross.
57745978 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
57815985 더 이상 포인트가 없을 때까지</translation>
57825986 </message>
57835987 <message>
5784 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5988 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
57855989 <source>Previous</source>
57865990 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
57875991 </message>
57885992 <message>
5789 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5993 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
57905994 <source>Next</source>
57915995 <translation>다음 것</translation>
57925996 </message>
57945998 <context>
57955999 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
57966000 <message>
5797 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6001 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
57986002 <source>Segment Fill</source>
57996003 <translation>세그먼트 채우기</translation>
58006004 </message>
58016005 <message>
5802 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6006 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58036007 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58046008 points all along the line segments
58056009 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58076011 <translation>선분 채우기 모드는 커브의 선분을 따라 여러 점을 배치합니다. 1 단계 - 세그먼트 채우기 버튼을 클릭하십시오.</translation>
58086012 </message>
58096013 <message>
5810 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6014 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58116015 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58126016 points will belong to.</source>
58136017 <translation>2 단계 - 새로운 곡선 선택
58146018 포인트는에 속할 것이다.</translation>
58156019 </message>
58166020 <message>
5817 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6021 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58186022 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58196023 segment in the desired curve. If a
58206024 green line appears, click on it once
58256029 많은 포인트를 생성합니다.</translation>
58266030 </message>
58276031 <message>
5828 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6032 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58296033 <source>Previous</source>
58306034 <translation>너무 이른</translation>
58316035 </message>
58326036 <message>
5833 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6037 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58346038 <source>Next</source>
58356039 <translation>다음 것</translation>
58366040 </message>
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE TS>
1 <TS language="nb_NO" version="2.1">
2 <context>
3 <name>ChecklistGuide</name>
4 <message>
5 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="20" />
6 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="21" />
7 <source>Checklist Guide</source>
8 <translation>Sjekkliste guide</translation>
9 </message>
10 <message>
11 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuide.cpp" line="22" />
12 <source>Checklist Guide
14 This box contains a checklist of steps suggested by the Checklist Guide Wizard. Following these steps should produce a set of digitized points in an output file.
16 To run the Checklist Guide Wizard when an image file is imported, select the Help / Checklist Wizard menu option.</source>
17 <translation>Sjekkliste guide
19 Denne boksen inneholder en sjekkliste for steg foreslått av veiviseren for sjekkliste guiden. De følgende stegene burde eksportere digitaliserte punkt til en egen fil.
21 Velg menyalternativet Hjelp / Sjekkliste veiviser for å kjøre veiviseren når en bildefil er importert.</translation>
22 </message>
23 </context>
24 <context>
25 <name>ChecklistGuidePageConclusion</name>
26 <message>
27 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="11" />
28 <source>Conclusion</source>
29 <translation>Konklusjon</translation>
30 </message>
31 <message>
32 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="19" />
33 <source>A checklist guide has been created.</source>
34 <translation>En sjekkliste guide ble opprettet.</translation>
35 </message>
36 <message>
37 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="20" />
38 <source>Why does the imported image look different?</source>
39 <translation>Hvorfor ser det importerte bildet annerledes ut?</translation>
40 </message>
41 <message>
42 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageConclusion.cpp" line="21" />
43 <source>After import, a filtered image is shown in the background. This filtered image is produced from the original image according to the parameters set in Settings / Color Filter. When the parameters have been set correctly, unimportant information (such as grid lines and background colors) has been removed from the filtered images so automated feature extraction can be performed. If desirable features have been removed from the image, the parameters can be adjusted using Settings / Color Filter, or the original image can be displayed instead using View / Background / Show Original Image.</source>
44 <translation>Etter import vises et filtrert bilde i bakgrunnen. Dette filtrerte bildet er produsert fra det originale bildet i henhold til parametrene som er angitt i Innstillinger / Fargefilter. Når parametrene er satt riktig, har uviktig informasjon (for eksempel rutenettlinjer og bakgrunnsfarger) blitt fjernet fra de filtrerte bildene, slik at automatisert funksjonsekstraksjon kan utføres. Hvis ønskelige funksjoner er fjernet fra bildet, kan parametrene justeres ved hjelp av Innstillinger / Fargefilter, eller originalen kan vises i stedet ved hjelp av Vis / bakgrunn / Vis originalt bilde.
45  </translation>
46 </message>
47 </context>
48 <context>
49 <name>ChecklistGuidePageCurves</name>
50 <message>
51 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="21" />
52 <source>Curve name. Empty if unused.</source>
53 <translation>Navn på kurve. Tom hvis ubrukt.</translation>
54 </message>
55 <message>
56 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="22" />
57 <source>Draw lines between points in each curve.</source>
58 <translation>Tegn linjer mellom punktene i hver kurve.</translation>
59 </message>
60 <message>
61 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="23" />
62 <source>Draw points in each curve, without lines between the points.</source>
63 <translation>Tegn poeng i hver kurve, uten linjer mellom punktene.</translation>
64 </message>
65 <message>
66 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="26" />
67 <source>What are the names of the curves that are to be digitized? At least one entry is required.</source>
68 <translation>Hva heter kurvene som skal digitaliseres? Minst en oppføring er nødvendig.</translation>
69 </message>
70 <message>
71 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="46" />
72 <source>How are those curves drawn?</source>
73 <translation>Hvordan er kurvene tegnet?</translation>
74 </message>
75 <message>
76 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="48" />
77 <source>With lines (with or without points)</source>
78 <translation>Med linjer (med eller uten punkter)</translation>
79 </message>
80 <message>
81 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageCurves.cpp" line="50" />
82 <source>With points only (no lines between points)</source>
83 <translation>Med punkter (ingen linjer mellom punktene)</translation>
84 </message>
85 </context>
86 <context>
87 <name>ChecklistGuidePageIntro</name>
88 <message>
89 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="11" />
90 <source>Introduction</source>
91 <translation>Introduksjon</translation>
92 </message>
93 <message>
94 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="18" />
95 <source>Engauge converts an image of a graph or map into numbers, as long as the image has axes and/or grid lines to define the coordinates.</source>
96 <translation>Engauge konverterer et bilde av en graf eller figurer til tall, så lenge bildet har akser og/eller rutenett som definerer koordinatene.</translation>
97 </message>
98 <message>
99 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="20" />
100 <source>This wizard creates a checklist of steps that can serve as a helpful guide. By following those steps, you can obtain digitized data points in an exported file. This wizard also provides a quick summary of the most useful features of Engauge.</source>
101 <translation>Denne installasjonsveilederen lager en sjekkliste over trinn som kan være en nyttig guide. Ved å følge trinnene kan du eksportere digitaliserte datapunkt til en egen fil. Veilederen vil også gi en kort oppsummering av de mest nyttige funksjonene i Engauge.</translation>
102 </message>
103 <message>
104 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuidePageIntro.cpp" line="23" />
105 <source>New users are encouraged to use this wizard.</source>
106 <translation>Det er anbefalt for nye brukere å benytte seg av denne veilederen.</translation>
107 </message>
108 </context>
109 <context>
110 <name>ChecklistGuideWizard</name>
111 <message>
112 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="27" />
113 <source>Checklist Guide</source>
114 <translation>Sjekkliste guide</translation>
115 </message>
116 <message>
117 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="29" />
118 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
119 <translation>Veiviser for sjekkliste guide</translation>
120 </message>
121 <message>
122 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="62" />
123 <source>Curves</source>
124 <translation>kurvene</translation>
125 </message>
126 <message>
127 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="106" />
128 <source>Follow this checklist of steps to digitize your image. Each step will show a check when it has been completed.</source>
129 <translation>Følg denne sjekklisten for steg til å digitalisere bildet ditt. Hvert steg vil vise en sjekk når det er ferdig.</translation>
130 </message>
131 <message>
132 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="107" />
133 <source>The coordinates are defined by creating axis points</source>
134 <translation>Koordinatene er definert ved å lage aksepunkter</translation>
135 </message>
136 <message>
137 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="108" />
138 <source>Add first of three axis points.</source>
139 <translation>Legg til det første av tre aksepunkter.</translation>
140 </message>
141 <message>
142 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
143 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
144 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
145 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
146 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
147 <source>Click on</source>
148 <translation>Klikk på</translation>
149 </message>
150 <message>
151 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="111" />
152 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="120" />
153 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="129" />
154 <source>for Axis Points mode</source>
155 <translation>for aksepunktsmodus</translation>
156 </message>
157 <message>
158 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="112" />
159 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates</source>
160 <translation>Klikk på et aksemerke, eller skjæringspunktet mellom to rutenettlinjer, med merkede koordinater</translation>
161 </message>
162 <message>
163 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="113" />
164 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="122" />
165 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="131" />
166 <source>Enter the coordinates of the axis point</source>
167 <translation>Legg inn koordinatene til aksepunktet</translation>
168 </message>
169 <message>
170 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="114" />
171 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="123" />
172 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="132" />
173 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="185" />
174 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="213" />
175 <source>Click on Ok</source>
176 <translation>Klikk på Ok</translation>
177 </message>
178 <message>
179 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="117" />
180 <source>Add second of three axis points.</source>
181 <translation>Legg til sekund av tre aksepunkter. </translation>
182 </message>
183 <message>
184 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="121" />
185 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis point</source>
186 <translation>Klikk på et aksemerke, eller skjæringspunktet mellom to rutenettlinjer, med merkede koordinater, vekk fra det andre aksepunktet</translation>
187 </message>
188 <message>
189 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="126" />
190 <source>Add third of three axis points.</source>
191 <translation>Legg til tredje av tre aksepunkter. </translation>
192 </message>
193 <message>
194 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="130" />
195 <source>Click on an axis tick mark, or intersection of two grid lines, with labeled coordinates, away from the other axis points</source>
196 <translation>Klikk på et aksemerke, eller skjæringspunktet mellom to rutenettlinjer, med merkede koordinater, vekk fra de andre aksepunktene</translation>
197 </message>
198 <message>
199 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="137" />
200 <source>Points are digitized along each curve</source>
201 <translation>Poeng digitaliseres langs hver kurve</translation>
202 </message>
203 <message>
204 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="149" />
205 <source>Add points for curve</source>
206 <translation>Legg til poeng for kurven</translation>
207 </message>
208 <message>
209 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="155" />
210 <source>for Segment Fill mode</source>
211 <translation>for segmentfyllingsmodus</translation>
212 </message>
213 <message>
214 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="156" />
215 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="165" />
216 <source>Select curve</source>
217 <translation>Velg kurve</translation>
218 </message>
219 <message>
220 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="156" />
221 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="165" />
222 <source>in the drop-down list</source>
223 <translation>i rullegardinlisten</translation>
224 </message>
225 <message>
226 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="157" />
227 <source>Move the cursor over the curve. If a line does not appear then adjust the Color Filter settings for this curve</source>
228 <translation>Flytt markøren over kurven. Hvis en linje ikke vises, må du justere innstillingene for fargefilter for denne kurven</translation>
229 </message>
230 <message>
231 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="159" />
232 <source>Move the cursor over the curve again. When the Segment Fill line appears, click on it to generate points</source>
233 <translation>Flytt markøren over kurven igjen. Når linjen Segment Fill vises, klikker du på den for å generere poeng</translation>
234 </message>
235 <message>
236 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="164" />
237 <source>for Point Match mode</source>
238 <translation>for poengmatch-modus</translation>
239 </message>
240 <message>
241 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="166" />
242 <source>Move the cursor over a typical point in the curve. If the cursor circle does not change color then adjust the Color Filter settings for this curve</source>
243 <translation>Flytt markøren over et typisk punkt i kurven. Hvis markørsirkelen ikke endrer farge, justerer du innstillingene for fargefilter for denne kurven</translation>
244 </message>
245 <message>
246 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="169" />
247 <source>Move the cursor over a typical point in the curve again. Click on the point to start point matching</source>
248 <translation>Flytt markøren over et typisk punkt i kurven igjen. Klikk på punktet for å starte samsvar</translation>
249 </message>
250 <message>
251 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="170" />
252 <source>Engauge will display a candidate point. To accept that candidate point, press the right arrow key</source>
253 <translation>Engauge vil vise et kandidatpoeng. For å godta kandidatpunktet, trykk på høyre piltast</translation>
254 </message>
255 <message>
256 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="171" />
257 <source>The previous step repeats until you select a different mode</source>
258 <translation>Det forrige trinnet gjentas til du velger en annen modus</translation>
259 </message>
260 <message>
261 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="179" />
262 <source>The digitized points can be exported</source>
263 <translation>De digitaliserte punktene kan eksporteres</translation>
264 </message>
265 <message>
266 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="180" />
267 <source>Export the points to a file</source>
268 <translation>Eksporter poengene til en fil</translation>
269 </message>
270 <message>
271 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="183" />
272 <source>Select menu option File / Export</source>
273 <translation>Velg menyalternativsfil / eksport</translation>
274 </message>
275 <message>
276 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="184" />
277 <source>Enter the file name</source>
278 <translation>Skriv inn filnavnet</translation>
279 </message>
280 <message>
281 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="186" />
282 <source>Congratulations!</source>
283 <translation>Gratulerer!</translation>
284 </message>
285 <message>
286 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="191" />
287 <source>Hint - The background image can be switched between the original image and filtered image.</source>
288 <translation>Hint - bakgrunnsbildet kan skiftes mellom det originale bildet og det filtrerte bildet.</translation>
289 </message>
290 <message>
291 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="194" />
292 <source>Select menu option View / Background / Show Original Image to see the original image</source>
293 <translation>Velg menyalternativ visning / bakgrunn / vis originalt bilde for å se originalbildet</translation>
294 </message>
295 <message>
296 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="195" />
297 <source>Select menu option View / Background / Show Filtered Image to see the image from Color Filter</source>
298 <translation>Velg menyalternativvisning / bakgrunn / vis filtrert bilde for å se bildet fra fargefilter</translation>
299 </message>
300 <message>
301 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="210" />
302 <source>Select menu option Settings / Color Filter</source>
303 <translation>Velg menyalternativsinnstillinger / fargefilter</translation>
304 </message>
305 <message>
306 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="211" />
307 <source>Select the method for filtering. Hue is best if the curves have different colors</source>
308 <translation>Velg metode for filtrering. Nyanse er best hvis kurvene har forskjellige farger</translation>
309 </message>
310 <message>
311 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="212" />
312 <source>Slide the green buttons back and forth until the curve is easily visible in the preview window</source>
313 <translation>Skyv de grønne knappene frem og tilbake til kurven er lett synlig i forhåndsvisningsvinduet</translation>
314 </message>
315 </context>
316 <context>
317 <name>CreateActions</name>
318 <message>
319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="59" />
320 <source>Select Tool</source>
321 <translation>Velg verktøy</translation>
322 </message>
323 <message>
324 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="60" />
325 <source>Shift+F2</source>
326 <translation>Shift+F2</translation>
327 </message>
328 <message>
329 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="62" />
330 <source>Select points on screen.</source>
331 <translation>Velg punkter på skjermen.</translation>
332 </message>
333 <message>
334 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="63" />
335 <source>Select
337 Select points on the screen.</source>
338 <translation>Velg
340 Velg punkter på skjermen.</translation>
341 </message>
342 <message>
343 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="67" />
344 <source>Axis Point Tool</source>
345 <translation>Axis poengverktøy</translation>
346 </message>
347 <message>
348 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="68" />
349 <source>Shift+F3</source>
350 <translation>Shift+F3</translation>
351 </message>
352 <message>
353 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="70" />
354 <source>Digitize axis points for a graph.</source>
355 <translation>Digitaliser aksepunktene for en graf.</translation>
356 </message>
357 <message>
358 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
359 <source>Digitize Axis Point
361 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
363 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
364 <translation>Digitaliser aksepoeng
366 Digitaliserer et aksepunkt for en graf ved å plassere et nytt punkt ved markøren etter et museklikk. Koordinatene til aksepunktet blir deretter lagt inn. Etter import og import (avansert) kan tre aksepunkter med (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) -koordinater digitaliseres for å definere grafkoordinatene. Eventuelt kan etter import (avansert) fire aksepunkt med (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) koordinater digitaliseres for å definere grafkoordinatene.
368 Dette verktøyet er deaktivert når et komplett sett med aksepunkter er definert, eller etter import (avansert) hvis skaleringslinje er valgt.</translation>
369 </message>
370 <message>
371 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
372 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
373 <translation>Skala bar verktøy</translation>
374 </message>
375 <message>
376 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
377 <source>Shift+F8</source>
378 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
379 </message>
380 <message>
381 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
382 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
383 <translation>Digitaliser skalafelt for et kart. Krever import (avansert).</translation>
384 </message>
385 <message>
386 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
387 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
389 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
391 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
393 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
394 <translation>Digitaliser skalafelt
396 Digitaliser en skalafelt for et kart ved å klikke og dra. Lengden på skalaen legges deretter inn. I et kart definerer de to sluttpunktene på skalaen distansen i grafkoordinater.
398 Dette verktøyet er aktivert ved å velge Scale Bar i Import (Advanced).
400 Dette verktøyet er deaktivert når en skalafelt er definert, eller hvis aksepunkt ble valgt under import.</translation>
401 </message>
402 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
404 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
405 <translation>Kurvepunktverktøy</translation>
406 </message>
407 <message>
408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
409 <source>Shift+F4</source>
410 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
411 </message>
412 <message>
413 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
414 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
415 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepunkter.</translation>
416 </message>
417 <message>
418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
419 <source>Digitize Curve Point
421 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
423 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
424 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepunkt
426 Digitaliserer et kurvepunkt ved å plassere et nytt punkt ved markøren etter et museklikk. Bruk denne modusen til å digitalisere punkter langs kurver en etter en.
428 Nye punkter vil bli tildelt den valgte kurven.</translation>
429 </message>
430 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
432 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
433 <translation>Punktmatchverktøy</translation>
434 </message>
435 <message>
436 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
437 <source>Shift+F5</source>
438 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
439 </message>
440 <message>
441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
442 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
443 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepunkter i et poengplott ved å matche et punkt.</translation>
444 </message>
445 <message>
446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
447 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
449 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
451 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
452 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepoeng etter poeng matching
454 Digitaliserer kurvepunkter i et poengplott ved å finne punkter som samsvarer med et eksempelpunkt. Prosessen starter med å velge et representativt utvalgspunkt.
456 Nye punkter vil bli tildelt den valgte kurven.
457  </translation>
458 </message>
459 <message>
460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
461 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
462 <translation>Fargevelgerverktøy</translation>
463 </message>
464 <message>
465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
466 <source>Shift+F6</source>
467 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
468 </message>
469 <message>
470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
471 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
472 <translation>Velg fargeinnstillinger for filtrering i segmentfyllingsmodus.</translation>
473 </message>
474 <message>
475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
476 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
478 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
479 <translation>Velg fargeinnstillinger for segmentfylling
481 Velg en piksel langs den valgte kurven. Den pikselen og dens naboer vil definere filterinnstillingene (farge, lysstyrke og så videre) på den valgte kurven mens du er i modus for fylling av segmenter.</translation>
482 </message>
483 <message>
484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
485 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
486 <translation>Segmentfyllingsverktøy</translation>
487 </message>
488 <message>
489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
490 <source>Shift+F7</source>
491 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
492 </message>
493 <message>
494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
495 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
496 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepunkter langs et segment av en kurve.</translation>
497 </message>
498 <message>
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
500 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
502 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
504 New points will be assigned to the currently selected curve.</source>
505 <translation>Digitaliser kurvepoeng med segmentfylling
507 Digitaliserer kurvepunkter ved å plassere nye punkter langs det markerte segmentet under markøren. Bruk denne modusen til raskt å digitalisere flere punkter langs en kurve med et enkelt klikk.
509 Nye punkter vil bli tildelt den valgte kurven.
510  </translation>
511 </message>
512 <message>
513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
514 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
515 <translation>angre</translation>
516 </message>
517 <message>
518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
519 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
520 <translation>Angre den siste operasjonen.</translation>
521 </message>
522 <message>
523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
524 <source>Undo
526 Undo the last operation.</source>
527 <translation>angre
529 Angre den siste operasjonen.</translation>
530 </message>
531 <message>
532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
533 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
534 <translation>Gjøre om</translation>
535 </message>
536 <message>
537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
538 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
539 <translation>Gjør om den siste operasjonen.</translation>
540 </message>
541 <message>
542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
543 <source>Redo
545 Redo the last operation.</source>
546 <translation>Gjøre om
548 Gjør om den siste operasjonen.
549  </translation>
550 </message>
551 <message>
552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
553 <source>Cut</source>
554 <translation>Kutte opp</translation>
555 </message>
556 <message>
557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
558 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
559 <translation>Kutter de valgte punktene og kopierer dem til utklippstavlen.</translation>
560 </message>
561 <message>
562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
563 <source>Cut
565 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
566 <translation>Kutte opp
568 Kutter de valgte punktene og kopierer dem til utklippstavlen.</translation>
569 </message>
570 <message>
571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
572 <source>Copy</source>
573 <translation>Kopiere</translation>
574 </message>
575 <message>
576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
577 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
578 <translation>Kopierer de valgte punktene til utklippstavlen.</translation>
579 </message>
580 <message>
581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
582 <source>Copy
584 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
585 <translation>Kopiere
587 Kopierer de valgte punktene til utklippstavlen.</translation>
588 </message>
589 <message>
590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
591 <source>Paste</source>
592 <translation>Lim inn</translation>
593 </message>
594 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
596 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
597 <translation>Limer inn de valgte punktene fra utklippstavlen.</translation>
598 </message>
599 <message>
600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
601 <source>Paste
603 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
604 <translation>Lim inn
606 Limer inn de valgte punktene fra utklippstavlen. De vil bli tilordnet gjeldende kurve.</translation>
607 </message>
608 <message>
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
610 <source>Delete</source>
611 <translation>Slett</translation>
612 </message>
613 <message>
614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
615 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
616 <translation>Sletter de valgte punktene etter å ha kopiert dem til utklippstavlen.</translation>
617 </message>
618 <message>
619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
620 <source>Delete
622 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
623 <translation>Slett
625 Sletter de valgte punktene etter å ha kopiert dem til utklippstavlen.</translation>
626 </message>
627 <message>
628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
629 <source>Paste As New</source>
630 <translation>Lim inn som nytt</translation>
631 </message>
632 <message>
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
634 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
635 <translation>Limer inn et bilde fra utklippstavlen.</translation>
636 </message>
637 <message>
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
639 <source>Paste as New
641 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
642 <translation>Lim inn som nytt
644 Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å lime inn et bilde fra utklippstavlen.</translation>
645 </message>
646 <message>
647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
648 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
649 <translation>Lim inn som nytt (avansert) ...</translation>
650 </message>
651 <message>
652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
653 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
654 <translation>Limer inn et bilde fra utklippstavlen, i avansert modus.</translation>
655 </message>
656 <message>
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
658 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
660 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
661 <translation>Lim inn som nytt (avansert)
663 Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å lime inn et bilde fra utklippstavlen, i avansert modus.</translation>
664 </message>
665 <message>
666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
667 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
668 <translation>Importere</translation>
669 </message>
670 <message>
671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
672 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
673 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
674 </message>
675 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
677 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
678 <translation>Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å importere et enkelt bilde.</translation>
679 </message>
680 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
682 <source>Import Image
684 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
686 For more complicated images with multiple coordinate systems, and/or floating axes, Import (Advanced) is used instead.</source>
687 <translation>Importer bilde
689 Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å importere et bilde med et enkelt koordinatsystem, og akser begge koordinatene som er kjent.
691 For mer kompliserte bilder med flere koordinatsystemer og / eller flytende akser, brukes i stedet import (avansert).
692  </translation>
693 </message>
694 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
696 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
697 <translation>Importer (Avansert)...</translation>
698 </message>
699 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
701 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
702 <translation>Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å importere et bilde med støtte for avanserte funksjoner.</translation>
703 </message>
704 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
706 <source>Import (Advanced)
708 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
709 <translation>Import (avansert)
711 Oppretter et nytt dokument ved å importere et bilde med støtte for avanserte funksjoner. I avansert modus kan det være flere koordinatsystemer og / eller flytende akser.</translation>
712 </message>
713 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
715 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
716 <translation>Importer (Erstatt bilde)...</translation>
717 </message>
718 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
720 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
721 <translation>Importerer et nytt bilde til dokumentet og erstatter det nåværende bildet.</translation>
722 </message>
723 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
725 <source>Import (Image Replace)
727 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
728 <translation>Importer (erstatt bilde)
730 Importerer et nytt bilde til det gjeldende dokumentet. Det eksisterende bildet erstattes, og alle kurver i dokumentet er bevart. Denne operasjonen er nyttig for å bruke aksepunktene og andre innstillinger fra et eksisterende dokument til et annet bilde.</translation>
731 </message>
732 <message>
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
734 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
735 <translation>Åpen</translation>
736 </message>
737 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
739 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
740 <translation>Åpner et eksisterende dokument.</translation>
741 </message>
742 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
744 <source>Open Document
746 Opens an existing document.</source>
747 <translation>Åpne dokument
749 Åpner et eksisterende dokument.</translation>
750 </message>
751 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
753 <source>&amp;Close</source>
754 <translation>Lukk</translation>
755 </message>
756 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
758 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
759 <translation>Lukker det åpne dokumentet.</translation>
760 </message>
761 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
763 <source>Close Document
765 Closes the open document.</source>
766 <translation>Lukk dokumentet
768 Lukker det åpne dokumentet.</translation>
769 </message>
770 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
772 <source>&amp;Save</source>
773 <translation>Lagre</translation>
774 </message>
775 <message>
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
777 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
778 <translation>Lagrer det gjeldende dokumentet.</translation>
779 </message>
780 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
782 <source>Save Document
784 Saves the current document.</source>
785 <translation>Lagre dokument
787 Lagrer det gjeldende dokumentet.</translation>
788 </message>
789 <message>
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
791 <source>Save As...</source>
792 <translation>Lagre som</translation>
793 </message>
794 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
796 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
797 <translation>Lagrer det gjeldende dokumentet under et nytt filnavn.</translation>
798 </message>
799 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
801 <source>Save Document As
803 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
804 <translation>Lagre dokument som
806 Lagrer det gjeldende dokumentet under et nytt filnavn.</translation>
807 </message>
808 <message>
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
810 <source>Export...</source>
811 <translation>Eksport...</translation>
812 </message>
813 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
815 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
816 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
817 </message>
818 <message>
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
820 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
821 <translation>Eksporterer det gjeldende dokumentet til en tekstfil.</translation>
822 </message>
823 <message>
824 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
825 <source>Export Document
827 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
828 <translation>Eksporter dokument
830 Eksporterer det gjeldende dokumentet til en tekstfil.</translation>
831 </message>
832 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
834 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
835 <translation>Skrive ut</translation>
836 </message>
837 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
839 <source>Print the current document.</source>
840 <translation>Skriv ut gjeldende dokument.</translation>
841 </message>
842 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
844 <source>Print Document
846 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
847 <translation>Skriv ut dokument
849 Skriv ut det gjeldende dokumentet til en skriver eller fil.</translation>
850 </message>
851 <message>
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
853 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
854 <translation>Exit</translation>
855 </message>
856 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
858 <source>Quits the application.</source>
859 <translation>Avslutter søknaden.</translation>
860 </message>
861 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
863 <source>Exit
865 Quits the application.</source>
866 <translation>Exit
868 Avslutter søknaden.</translation>
869 </message>
870 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
872 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
873 <translation>Veiviser for sjekkliste guide</translation>
874 </message>
875 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
877 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
878 <translation>Åpne veiviseren til sjekkliste guiden under importering for å definere stegene i digitaliseringen</translation>
879 </message>
880 <message>
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
882 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
884 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
885 <translation>Veiviser for sjekkliste guiden
887 Bruk veiviseren for sjekkliste guiden under importering for å generere en sjekkliste av stegene til det importerte dokumentet.</translation>
888 </message>
889 <message>
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
891 <source>Tutorial</source>
892 <translation>Opplæringen</translation>
893 </message>
894 <message>
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
896 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
897 <translation>Spill tutorial som viser trinn for digitalisering av kurver</translation>
898 </message>
899 <message>
900 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
901 <source>Tutorial
903 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
904 <translation>Opplæringen
906 Spill tutorial som viser trinn for digitalisering av poeng fra kurver tegnet med linjer og / eller punkt</translation>
907 </message>
908 <message>
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
910 <source>Help</source>
911 <translation>Hjelp</translation>
912 </message>
913 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
915 <source>Help documentation</source>
916 <translation>Hjelp dokumentasjon</translation>
917 </message>
918 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
920 <source>Help Documentation
922 Searchable help documentation</source>
923 <translation>Hjelp dokumentasjon
925 Søkbar hjelpedokumentasjon</translation>
926 </message>
927 <message>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
929 <source>About Engauge</source>
930 <translation>Om Engauge</translation>
931 </message>
932 <message>
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
934 <source>About the application.</source>
935 <translation>Om søknaden.</translation>
936 </message>
937 <message>
938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
939 <source>About Engauge
941 About the application.</source>
942 <translation>Om Engauge
944 Om søknaden.</translation>
945 </message>
946 <message>
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
948 <source>Coordinates...</source>
949 <translation>Koordinater ...</translation>
950 </message>
951 <message>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
953 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
954 <translation>Rediger koordinatinnstillinger.</translation>
955 </message>
956 <message>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
958 <source>Coordinate Settings
960 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
961 <translation>Koordinatinnstillinger
963 Koordinatinnstillinger bestemmer hvordan grafkoordinatene blir kartlagt til pikslene i bildet</translation>
964 </message>
965 <message>
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
967 <source>Curve List...</source>
968 <translation>Kurveliste ...</translation>
969 </message>
970 <message>
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
972 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
973 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for kurvelisten.</translation>
974 </message>
975 <message>
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
977 <source>Curve List
979 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
980 <translation>Kurveliste
982 Innstillinger for kurveliste legger til, gir nytt navn til og / eller fjerner kurver i det gjeldende dokumentet</translation>
983 </message>
984 <message>
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
986 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
987 <translation>Kurveegenskaper ...</translation>
988 </message>
989 <message>
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
991 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
992 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for kurveegenskaper.</translation>
993 </message>
994 <message>
995 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
996 <source>Curve Properties Settings
998 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
999 <translation>Innstillinger for kurveegenskaper
1001 Innstillinger for kurveregenskaper bestemmer hvordan hver kurve vises</translation>
1002 </message>
1003 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
1005 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
1006 <translation>Digitalisere kurven ...</translation>
1007 </message>
1008 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1010 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
1011 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for digitaliseringsakse og grafkurve.</translation>
1012 </message>
1013 <message>
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1015 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
1017 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
1018 <translation>Digitaliser akse- og grafkurveinnstillinger
1019 Innstillinger for digitaliseringskurve bestemmer hvordan punkter digitaliseres i digitaliseringsakspunkt og digitaliserer grafpunktsmodus</translation>
1020 </message>
1021 <message>
1022 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1023 <source>Export Format...</source>
1024 <translation>Eksporter format ...</translation>
1025 </message>
1026 <message>
1027 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1028 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
1029 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for eksportformat.</translation>
1030 </message>
1031 <message>
1032 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1033 <source>Export Format Settings
1035 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
1036 <translation>Eksporter formatinnstillinger
1038 Innstillinger for eksportformat påvirker hvordan eksporterte filer formateres</translation>
1039 </message>
1040 <message>
1041 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1042 <source>Color Filter...</source>
1043 <translation>Fargefilter ...</translation>
1044 </message>
1045 <message>
1046 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1047 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
1048 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for fargefilter.</translation>
1049 </message>
1050 <message>
1051 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1052 <source>Color Filter Settings
1054 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
1055 <translation>Innstillinger for fargefilter
1057 Fargefiltrering forenkler grafene for enklere poengmatching og segmentfylling</translation>
1058 </message>
1059 <message>
1060 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1061 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
1062 <translation>Aksjekontroller ...</translation>
1063 </message>
1064 <message>
1065 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1066 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
1067 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for aksjekontroller.</translation>
1068 </message>
1069 <message>
1070 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1071 <source>Axes Checker Settings
1073 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
1074 <translation>Innstillinger for akselkontroller
1076 Aksjekontroller kan avsløre aksepunktfeil, som ellers er vanskelig å finne.</translation>
1077 </message>
1078 <message>
1079 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
1080 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
1081 <translation>Rutenettvisning ...</translation>
1082 </message>
1083 <message>
1084 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1085 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
1086 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for rutenettlinje.</translation>
1087 </message>
1088 <message>
1089 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1090 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
1092 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
1093 <translation>Innstillinger for rutenettlinje
1095 Rutenettlinjer som vises på grafen kan gi mer nøyaktighet enn aksekontrolleren, for forvrengte grafer. I en forvrengt graf kan rutenettlinjene brukes til å justere aksepunktene for mer nøyaktighet i forskjellige regioner.</translation>
1096 </message>
1097 <message>
1098 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
1099 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
1100 <translation>Fjerning av rutenett ...</translation>
1101 </message>
1102 <message>
1103 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1104 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
1105 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for fjerning av rutenett.</translation>
1106 </message>
1107 <message>
1108 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1109 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
1111 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
1112 <translation>Innstillinger for fjerning av rutenett
1114 Fjerning av rutenett isolerer kurvelinjer for enklere punktmatching og segmentfylling, når fargefiltrering ikke er i stand til å skille rutenettlinjer fra kurvelinjer.</translation>
1115 </message>
1116 <message>
1117 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1118 <source>Point Match...</source>
1119 <translation>Poengkamp ...</translation>
1120 </message>
1121 <message>
1122 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1123 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
1124 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for poengmatch.</translation>
1125 </message>
1126 <message>
1127 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1128 <source>Point Match Settings
1130 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
1131 <translation>Innstillinger for poengmatch
1133 Innstillinger for poengmatch bestemmer hvordan poeng blir matchet mens de er i poengmatch-modus</translation>
1134 </message>
1135 <message>
1136 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1137 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
1138 <translation>Segmentfylling ...</translation>
1139 </message>
1140 <message>
1141 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1142 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
1143 <translation>Rediger innstillinger for segmentfylling.</translation>
1144 </message>
1145 <message>
1146 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1147 <source>Segment Fill Settings
1149 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
1150 <translation>Innstillinger for segmentfylling
1152 Innstillinger for segmentfylling bestemmer hvordan poeng genereres i segmentfyllingsmodus</translation>
1153 </message>
1154 <message>
1155 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
1156 <source>General...</source>
1157 <translation>Generell...</translation>
1158 </message>
1159 <message>
1160 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1161 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
1162 <translation>Rediger generelle innstillinger.</translation>
1163 </message>
1164 <message>
1165 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
1166 <source>General Settings
1168 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
1169 <translation>Generelle innstillinger
1171 Generelle innstillinger er dokumentspesifikke innstillinger som påvirker flere modus. For eksempel påvirker innstillingen for markørstørrelse både fargevelgeren og punktmatch-modus</translation>
1172 </message>
1173 <message>
1174 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
1175 <source>Main Window...</source>
1176 <translation>Hovedvindu ...</translation>
1177 </message>
1178 <message>
1179 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
1180 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
1181 <translation>Rediger hovedvinduinnstillinger.</translation>
1182 </message>
1183 <message>
1184 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
1185 <source>Main Window Settings
1187 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
1188 <translation>Innstillinger for hovedvindu
1190 Innstillinger for hovedvindu påvirker brukergrensesnittet og er ikke spesifikke for noe dokument</translation>
1191 </message>
1192 <message>
1193 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
1194 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
1195 <translation>Bakgrunnsverktøylinje</translation>
1196 </message>
1197 <message>
1198 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
1199 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
1200 <translation>Vis eller skjul bakgrunnsverktøylinjen.</translation>
1201 </message>
1202 <message>
1203 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
1204 <source>View Background ToolBar
1206 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
1207 <translation>Vis bakgrunnsverktøylinje
1209 Vis eller skjul bakgrunnsverktøylinjen</translation>
1210 </message>
1211 <message>
1212 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
1213 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
1214 <translation>Verktøylinje for sjekkliste guiden</translation>
1215 </message>
1216 <message>
1217 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
1218 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
1219 <translation>Vis eller skjul sjekkliste guiden.</translation>
1220 </message>
1221 <message>
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
1223 <source>View Checklist Guide
1225 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
1226 <translation>Vis sjekkliste guiden
1228 Vis eller skjul sjekkliste guiden</translation>
1229 </message>
1230 <message>
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
1232 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
1233 <translation>Vindu med kurvepassing</translation>
1234 </message>
1235 <message>
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
1237 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
1238 <translation>Vis eller skjul kurvepassingsvinduet.</translation>
1239 </message>
1240 <message>
1241 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
1242 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
1244 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
1245 <translation>Vis kurvepassingsvindu
1247 Vis eller skjul kurvepassingsvinduet</translation>
1248 </message>
1249 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
1251 <source>Geometry Window</source>
1252 <translation>Geometri vindu</translation>
1253 </message>
1254 <message>
1255 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
1256 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
1257 <translation>Vis eller skjul geometri-vinduet.</translation>
1258 </message>
1259 <message>
1260 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
1261 <source>View Geometry Window
1263 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
1264 <translation>Vis geometri-vinduet
1266 Vis eller skjul geometri-vinduet</translation>
1267 </message>
1268 <message>
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
1270 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
1271 <translation>Verktøylinjen for digitaliseringsverktøy</translation>
1272 </message>
1273 <message>
1274 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
1275 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
1276 <translation>Vis eller skjul verktøylinjen for digitaliseringsverktøy.</translation>
1277 </message>
1278 <message>
1279 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
1280 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
1282 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
1283 <translation>Vis verktøylinjen for digitaliseringsverktøy
1285 Vis eller skjul verktøylinjen for digitaliseringsverktøy</translation>
1286 </message>
1287 <message>
1288 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
1289 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
1290 <translation>Innstillinger viser verktøylinjen</translation>
1291 </message>
1292 <message>
1293 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1294 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
1295 <translation>Vis eller skjul verktøylinjen for innstillinger.</translation>
1296 </message>
1297 <message>
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
1299 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
1301 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
1302 <translation>Vis innstillinger Visningsverktøylinje
1304 Vis eller skjul verktøylinjen for innstillinger. Disse visningene viser grafisk de viktigste innstillingene.</translation>
1305 </message>
1306 <message>
1307 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
1308 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
1309 <translation>Koordinere systemverktøylinjen</translation>
1310 </message>
1311 <message>
1312 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
1313 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
1314 <translation>Vis eller skjul koordinatsystemverktøylinjen.</translation>
1315 </message>
1316 <message>
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
1318 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
1320 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
1322 This toolbar is disabled when there is only one coordinate system.</source>
1323 <translation>Vis koordinatsystemer Toolbar
1325 Vis eller skjul verktøylinjen for koordinatsystemvalg. Denne verktøylinjen brukes til å velge det gjeldende koordinatsystemet når dokumentet har flere koordinatsystemer. Denne verktøylinjen brukes også til å vise og skrive ut alle koordinatsystemer.
1327 Denne verktøylinjen er deaktivert når det bare er ett koordinatsystem.
1328  </translation>
1329 </message>
1330 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
1332 <source>Tool Tips</source>
1333 <translation>Verktøytips</translation>
1334 </message>
1335 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
1337 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
1338 <translation>Vis eller skjul verktøyetipsene.</translation>
1339 </message>
1340 <message>
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
1342 <source>View Tool Tips
1344 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
1345 <translation>Vis verktøytips
1347 Vis eller skjul verktøyetipsene</translation>
1348 </message>
1349 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
1351 <source>Grid Lines</source>
1352 <translation>Rutenettlinjer</translation>
1353 </message>
1354 <message>
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1356 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
1357 <translation>Vis eller skjul rutenettlinjer.</translation>
1358 </message>
1359 <message>
1360 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
1361 <source>View Grid Lines
1363 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
1364 <translation>Vis rutenettlinjer
1366 Vis eller skjul rutenettlinjer som er lagt til for nøyaktige justeringer av aksepunktene, noe som kan forbedre nøyaktigheten i forvrengte grafer</translation>
1367 </message>
1368 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1370 <source>No Background</source>
1371 <translation>Ingen bakgrunn</translation>
1372 </message>
1373 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1375 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
1376 <translation>Ikke vis bildet under punktene.</translation>
1377 </message>
1378 <message>
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1380 <source>No Background
1382 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
1383 <translation>Ingen bakgrunn
1385 Ingen bilder vises slik at poeng er lettere å se</translation>
1386 </message>
1387 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1389 <source>Show Original Image</source>
1390 <translation>Vis originalt bilde</translation>
1391 </message>
1392 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
1394 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
1395 <translation>Vis originalbildet under punktene.</translation>
1396 </message>
1397 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1399 <source>Show Original Image
1401 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
1402 <translation>Vis originalt bilde
1404 Vis originalbildet under punktene</translation>
1405 </message>
1406 <message>
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
1408 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
1409 <translation>Vis filtrert bilde</translation>
1410 </message>
1411 <message>
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
1413 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
1414 <translation>Vis det filtrerte bildet under punktene.</translation>
1415 </message>
1416 <message>
1417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1418 <source>Show Filtered Image
1420 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
1422 The filtered image is created from the original image according to the Filter preferences so unimportant information is hidden and important information is emphasized</source>
1423 <translation>Vis filtrert bilde
1425 Vis det filtrerte bildet under punktene.
1427 Det filtrerte bildet opprettes fra det opprinnelige bildet i henhold til filterinnstillingene slik at uviktig informasjon blir skjult og viktig informasjon vektlegges</translation>
1428 </message>
1429 <message>
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1431 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
1432 <translation>Skjul alle kurver</translation>
1433 </message>
1434 <message>
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1436 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
1437 <translation>Skjul alle digitaliserte kurver.</translation>
1438 </message>
1439 <message>
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1441 <source>Hide All Curves
1443 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
1444 <translation>Skjul alle kurver
1446 Ingen aksepunkter eller digitaliserte grafkurver vises slik at bildet er lettere å se.</translation>
1447 </message>
1448 <message>
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1450 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
1451 <translation>Vis valgt kurve</translation>
1452 </message>
1453 <message>
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
1455 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
1456 <translation>Vis bare den valgte kurven.</translation>
1457 </message>
1458 <message>
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1460 <source>Show Selected Curve
1462 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
1463 <translation>Vis valgt kurve
1465 Vis bare de digitaliserte punktene og linjen som hører til den valgte kurven.</translation>
1466 </message>
1467 <message>
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
1469 <source>Show All Curves</source>
1470 <translation>Vis alle kurver </translation>
1471 </message>
1472 <message>
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
1474 <source>Show all curves.</source>
1475 <translation>Vis alle kurver</translation>
1476 </message>
1477 <message>
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
1479 <source>Show All Curves
1481 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
1482 <translation>Vis alle kurver
1484 Vis alle digitaliserte aksepunkter og grafkurver</translation>
1485 </message>
1486 <message>
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
1488 <source>Hide Always</source>
1489 <translation>Skjul alltid</translation>
1490 </message>
1491 <message>
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1493 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
1494 <translation>Skjul alltid statuslinjen.</translation>
1495 </message>
1496 <message>
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
1498 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
1499 <translation>Skjul statuslinjen. Ingen midlertidige status- eller tilbakemeldingsmeldinger vises.</translation>
1500 </message>
1501 <message>
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
1503 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
1504 <translation>Vis midlertidige meldinger</translation>
1505 </message>
1506 <message>
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1508 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
1509 <translation>Skjul statuslinjen, bortsett fra når det vises midlertidige meldinger.</translation>
1510 </message>
1511 <message>
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
1513 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
1514 <translation>Skjul statuslinjen, bortsett fra når du viser midlertidige status- og tilbakemeldingsmeldinger.</translation>
1515 </message>
1516 <message>
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
1518 <source>Show Always</source>
1519 <translation>Vis alltid</translation>
1520 </message>
1521 <message>
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
1523 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
1524 <translation>Vis alltid statuslinjen.</translation>
1525 </message>
1526 <message>
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
1528 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
1529 <translation>Vis statuslinjen. I tillegg til å vise midlertidige status- og tilbakemeldingsmeldinger, viser statuslinjen også informasjon om markørposisjonen.</translation>
1530 </message>
1531 <message>
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1533 <source>Zoom Out</source>
1534 <translation>Zoome ut</translation>
1535 </message>
1536 <message>
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
1538 <source>Zoom out</source>
1539 <translation>Zoome ut</translation>
1540 </message>
1541 <message>
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
1543 <source>Zoom In</source>
1544 <translation>Zoom inn</translation>
1545 </message>
1546 <message>
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
1548 <source>Zoom in</source>
1549 <translation>Zoom inn</translation>
1550 </message>
1551 <message>
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1553 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
1554 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
1555 </message>
1556 <message>
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1558 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
1559 <translation>Zoom 16:1</translation>
1560 </message>
1561 <message>
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1563 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
1564 <translation>Zoom 16: 116: 1 lenger (1270%)</translation>
1565 </message>
1566 <message>
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1568 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
1569 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
1570 </message>
1571 <message>
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1573 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
1574 <translation>8: 1 nærmere (1008%)</translation>
1575 </message>
1576 <message>
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1578 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
1579 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
1580 </message>
1581 <message>
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1583 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
1584 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
1585 </message>
1586 <message>
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1588 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
1589 <translation>Zoom 8:1</translation>
1590 </message>
1591 <message>
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1593 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
1594 <translation>8: 1 lenger (635%)</translation>
1595 </message>
1596 <message>
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1598 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
1599 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
1600 </message>
1601 <message>
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1603 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
1604 <translation>4: 1 nærmere (504%)</translation>
1605 </message>
1606 <message>
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1608 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
1609 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
1610 </message>
1611 <message>
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1613 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
1614 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
1615 </message>
1616 <message>
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1618 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
1619 <translation>Zoom 4:1</translation>
1620 </message>
1621 <message>
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1623 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
1624 <translation>4:1 farther (317%)</translation>
1625 </message>
1626 <message>
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1628 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
1629 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
1630 </message>
1631 <message>
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1633 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
1634 <translation>2:1 closer (252%)</translation>
1635 </message>
1636 <message>
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1638 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
1639 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
1640 </message>
1641 <message>
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1643 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
1644 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
1645 </message>
1646 <message>
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1648 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
1649 <translation>Zoom 2:1</translation>
1650 </message>
1651 <message>
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1653 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
1654 <translation>Zoom 5,04: 12: 1 lenger (159%)</translation>
1655 </message>
1656 <message>
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
1658 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
1659 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
1660 </message>
1661 <message>
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
1663 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
1664 <translation>1: 1 nærmere (126%)</translation>
1665 </message>
1666 <message>
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
1668 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
1669 <translation>Zoom 1.3: 1</translation>
1670 </message>
1671 <message>
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
1673 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
1674 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
1675 </message>
1676 <message>
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
1678 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
1679 <translation>Zoom 1:1</translation>
1680 </message>
1681 <message>
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
1683 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
1684 <translation>1: 1 lenger (79%)</translation>
1685 </message>
1686 <message>
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1688 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
1689 <translation>Zoom 0,8: 1</translation>
1690 </message>
1691 <message>
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1693 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
1694 <translation>1: 2 nærmere (63%)</translation>
1695 </message>
1696 <message>
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1698 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
1699 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
1700 </message>
1701 <message>
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1703 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
1704 <translation>1: 2 (50%)</translation>
1705 </message>
1706 <message>
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1708 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
1709 <translation>Zoom 1:2</translation>
1710 </message>
1711 <message>
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1713 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
1714 <translation>1: 2 lenger (40%)</translation>
1715 </message>
1716 <message>
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1718 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
1719 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
1720 </message>
1721 <message>
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1723 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
1724 <translation>1: 4 nærmere (31%)</translation>
1725 </message>
1726 <message>
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1728 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
1729 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
1730 </message>
1731 <message>
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1733 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
1734 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
1735 </message>
1736 <message>
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1738 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
1739 <translation>Zoom 1:4</translation>
1740 </message>
1741 <message>
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1743 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
1744 <translation>1: 4 lenger (20%)</translation>
1745 </message>
1746 <message>
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
1748 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
1749 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
1750 </message>
1751 <message>
1752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1753 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
1754 <translation>1: 8 nærmere (12,5%)</translation>
1755 </message>
1756 <message>
1757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1759 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
1760 <translation>Zoom 1:8</translation>
1761 </message>
1762 <message>
1763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1764 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
1765 <translation>1: 8 (12,5%)</translation>
1766 </message>
1767 <message>
1768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1769 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
1770 <translation>1: 8 lenger (10%)</translation>
1771 </message>
1772 <message>
1773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1774 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
1775 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
1776 </message>
1777 <message>
1778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1779 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
1780 <translation>1:16 nærmere (8%)</translation>
1781 </message>
1782 <message>
1783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1784 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
1785 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
1786 </message>
1787 <message>
1788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1789 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
1790 <translation> 1:16 (6,25%)</translation>
1791 </message>
1792 <message>
1793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1794 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
1795 <translation>Zoom 1:16</translation>
1796 </message>
1797 <message>
1798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
1799 <source>Fill</source>
1800 <translation>Fylle</translation>
1801 </message>
1802 <message>
1803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
1804 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
1805 <translation>Zoom med strekk for å fylle vinduet</translation>
1806 </message>
1807 </context>
1808 <context>
1809 <name>CreateMenus</name>
1810 <message>
1811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="21" />
1812 <source>&amp;File</source>
1813 <translation>Fil</translation>
1814 </message>
1815 <message>
1816 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="27" />
1817 <source>Open &amp;Recent</source>
1818 <translation>Åpent nylig</translation>
1819 </message>
1820 <message>
1821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="43" />
1822 <source>&amp;Edit</source>
1823 <translation>Redigere</translation>
1824 </message>
1825 <message>
1826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="56" />
1827 <source>Digitize</source>
1828 <translation>digitalisere</translation>
1829 </message>
1830 <message>
1831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="65" />
1832 <source>View</source>
1833 <translation>Utsikt</translation>
1834 </message>
1835 <message>
1836 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="77" />
1837 <source>Background</source>
1838 <translation>Bakgrunn</translation>
1839 </message>
1840 <message>
1841 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="82" />
1842 <source>Curves</source>
1843 <translation>kurvene</translation>
1844 </message>
1845 <message>
1846 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="87" />
1847 <source>Status Bar</source>
1848 <translation>Statuslinjen</translation>
1849 </message>
1850 <message>
1851 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="92" />
1852 <source>Zoom</source>
1853 <translation>Zoom</translation>
1854 </message>
1855 <message>
1856 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="124" />
1857 <source>Settings</source>
1858 <translation>innstillinger</translation>
1859 </message>
1860 <message>
1861 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateMenus.cpp" line="140" />
1862 <source>&amp;Help</source>
1863 <translation>Hjelp</translation>
1864 </message>
1865 </context>
1866 <context>
1867 <name>CreateToolBars</name>
1868 <message>
1869 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="42" />
1870 <source>Select background image</source>
1871 <translation>Velg bakgrunnsbilde</translation>
1872 </message>
1873 <message>
1874 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="43" />
1875 <source>Selected Background
1877 Select background image:
1878 1) No background which highlights points
1879 2) Original image which shows everything
1880 3) Filtered image which highlights important details</source>
1881 <translation>Valgt bakgrunn
1883 Velg bakgrunnsbilde:
1884 1) Ingen bakgrunn som fremhever poeng
1885 2) Originalbilde som viser alt
1886 3) Filtrert bilde som fremhever viktige detaljer
1887  </translation>
1888 </message>
1889 <message>
1890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="48" />
1891 <source>No background</source>
1892 <translation>Ingen bakgrunn</translation>
1893 </message>
1894 <message>
1895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="49" />
1896 <source>Original image</source>
1897 <translation>Originalt bilde</translation>
1898 </message>
1899 <message>
1900 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="50" />
1901 <source>Filtered image</source>
1902 <translation>Filtrert bilde</translation>
1903 </message>
1904 <message>
1905 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="55" />
1906 <source>Background</source>
1907 <translation>Bakgrunn</translation>
1908 </message>
1909 <message>
1910 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="63" />
1911 <source>Select curve for new points.</source>
1912 <translation>Velg kurve for nye punkter.</translation>
1913 </message>
1914 <message>
1915 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="64" />
1916 <source>Selected Curve Name
1918 Select curve for any new points. Every point belongs to one curve.
1920 This can be changed while in Curve Point, Point Match, Color Picker or Segment Fill mode.</source>
1921 <translation>Valgt kurvenavn
1923 Velg kurve for eventuelle nye punkter. Hvert punkt hører til en kurve.
1925 Dette kan endres mens du er i kurvepunkt, punktmatch, fargevelger eller segmentfyllingsmodus.</translation>
1926 </message>
1927 <message>
1928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="70" />
1929 <source>Drawing</source>
1930 <translation>Drawing</translation>
1931 </message>
1932 <message>
1933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="87" />
1934 <source>Points style for the currently selected curve</source>
1935 <translation>Poengstil for den valgte kurven</translation>
1936 </message>
1937 <message>
1938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="88" />
1939 <source>Points Style
1941 Points style for the currently selected curve. The points style is only displayed in this toolbar. To change the points style, use the Curve Properties dialog.</source>
1942 <translation>Poengstil
1944 Poengstil for den valgte kurven. Punktstilen vises bare på denne verktøylinjen. Hvis du vil endre poengstilen, bruker du dialogboksen for kurveegenskaper.</translation>
1945 </message>
1946 <message>
1947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="96" />
1948 <source>View of filter for current curve in Segment Fill mode</source>
1949 <translation>Visning av filter for gjeldende kurve i segmentutfyllingsmodus</translation>
1950 </message>
1951 <message>
1952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="97" />
1953 <source>Segment Fill Filter
1955 View of filter for the current curve in Segment Fill mode. The filter settings are only displayed in this toolbar. To changed the filter settings, use the Color Picker mode or the Filter Settings dialog.</source>
1956 <translation>Segmentfyllfilter
1958 Visning av filter for gjeldende kurve i segmentfyllingsmodus. Filterinnstillingene vises bare på denne verktøylinjen. Hvis du vil endre filterinnstillingene, bruker du fargevelgermodus eller dialogboksen for filterinnstillinger.</translation>
1959 </message>
1960 <message>
1961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="103" />
1962 <source>Views</source>
1963 <translation>Visninger</translation>
1964 </message>
1965 <message>
1966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="112" />
1967 <source>Currently selected coordinate system</source>
1968 <translation>For øyeblikket valgt koordinatsystem</translation>
1969 </message>
1970 <message>
1971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="113" />
1972 <source>Selected Coordinate System
1974 Currently selected coordinate system. This is used to switch between coordinate systems in documents with multiple coordinate systems</source>
1975 <translation>Valgt koordinatsystem
1977 For øyeblikket valgt koordinatsystem. Dette brukes til å veksle mellom koordinatsystemer i dokumenter med flere koordinatsystemer</translation>
1978 </message>
1979 <message>
1980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="121" />
1981 <source>Show all coordinate systems</source>
1982 <translation>Vis alle koordinatsystemer</translation>
1983 </message>
1984 <message>
1985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="122" />
1986 <source>Show All Coordinate Systems
1988 When pressed and held, this button shows all digitized points and lines for all coordinate systems.</source>
1989 <translation>Vis alle koordinatsystemer
1991 Når du trykker på og holder nede, viser denne knappen alle digitaliserte punkter og linjer for alle koordinatsystemer.</translation>
1992 </message>
1993 <message>
1994 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="130" />
1995 <source>Print all coordinate systems</source>
1996 <translation>Skriv ut alle koordinatsystemer</translation>
1997 </message>
1998 <message>
1999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="131" />
2000 <source>Print All Coordinate Systems
2002 When pressed, this button Prints all digitized points and lines for all coordinate systems.</source>
2003 <translation>Skriv ut alle koordinatsystemer
2005 Når du trykker på den, skriver denne knappen ut alle digitaliserte punkter og linjer for alle koordinatsystemer.</translation>
2006 </message>
2007 <message>
2008 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateToolBars.cpp" line="135" />
2009 <source>Coordinate System</source>
2010 <translation>Koordinatsystem</translation>
2011 </message>
2012 </context>
2013 <context>
2014 <name>DlgAbout</name>
2015 <message>
2016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="15" />
2017 <source>About Engauge</source>
2018 <translation>Om Engauge</translation>
2019 </message>
2020 <message>
2021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="32" />
2022 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="43" />
2023 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
2024 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
2025 </message>
2026 <message>
2027 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="33" />
2028 <source>Version</source>
2029 <translation>Versjon</translation>
2030 </message>
2031 <message>
2032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="35" />
2033 <source>Engauge Digitizer is an open source tool for efficiently extracting accurate numeric data from images of graphs. The process may be considered as inverse graphing. When you engauge a document, you are converting pixels into numbers.</source>
2034 <translation>Engauge Digitizer er et åpen kildekodeverktøy for effektivt å trekke ut nøyaktige numeriske data fra bilder av grafer. Prosessen kan betraktes som omvendt grafer. Når du graverer et dokument, konverterer du piksler til tall.</translation>
2035 </message>
2036 <message>
2037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="38" />
2038 <source>This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions according to the GNU General Public License Version 2,or (at your option) any later version.</source>
2039 <translation>Dette er gratis programvare, og du er velkommen til å omfordele den under visse betingelser i henhold til GNU General Public License Version 2, eller (etter eget valg) en senere versjon.</translation>
2040 </message>
2041 <message>
2042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="41" />
2043 <source>Engauge Digitizer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.</source>
2044 <translation>Engauge Digitizer leveres med ABSOLUTT INGEN GARANTI.
2045  </translation>
2046 </message>
2047 <message>
2048 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="42" />
2049 <source>Read the included LICENSE file for details.</source>
2050 <translation>Les den inkluderte LICENSE-filen for detaljer.</translation>
2051 </message>
2052 <message>
2053 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="44" />
2054 <source>Project Home Page</source>
2055 <translation>Prosjektets hjemmeside</translation>
2056 </message>
2057 <message>
2058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="45" />
2059 <source>Gitter Forum</source>
2060 <translation>Rutenettforum</translation>
2061 </message>
2062 <message>
2063 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="46" />
2064 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgAbout.cpp" line="47" />
2065 <source>Project Page</source>
2066 <translation>Prosjektside</translation>
2067 </message>
2068 </context>
2069 <context>
2070 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
2071 <message>
2072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
2073 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2074 <translation>Rediger Axis Point</translation>
2075 </message>
2076 <message>
2077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
2078 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
2079 <translation>Grafkoordinater</translation>
2080 </message>
2081 <message>
2082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
2083 <source>as</source>
2084 <translation>som</translation>
2085 </message>
2086 <message>
2087 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
2088 <source>(</source>
2089 <translation>(</translation>
2090 </message>
2091 <message>
2092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
2093 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2095 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2097 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2098 <translation>Legg inn den første grafkoordinaten til aksepunktet.
2100 For kartesiske tomter er dette X. For polare tomter er dette vinkelen Theta.
2102 Det forventede formatet for koordinatverdien bestemmes av lokalinnstillingen. Hvis inntastede verdier ikke blir gjenkjent som forventet, sjekk innstillingen for sted i Innstillinger / hovedvindu ...</translation>
2103 </message>
2104 <message>
2105 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
2106 <source>, </source>
2107 <translation type="unfinished" />
2108 </message>
2109 <message>
2110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
2111 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2113 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2115 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2116 <translation>Angi den andre grafkoordinaten til aksepunktet.
2118 For kartesiske tomter er dette Y. For polare tomter er dette radien R.
2120 Det forventede formatet for koordinatverdien bestemmes av lokalinnstillingen. Hvis inntastede verdier ikke blir gjenkjent som forventet, sjekk innstillingen for sted i Innstillinger / hovedvindu ...
2121  </translation>
2122 </message>
2123 <message>
2124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
2125 <source>)</source>
2126 <translation type="unfinished" />
2127 </message>
2128 <message>
2129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2130 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2131 <translation type="unfinished" />
2132 </message>
2133 <message>
2134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2135 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2136 <translation>Tre aksepunkter med to koordinater hver blir normalt brukt. Hvis hvert aksepunkt bare har en kjent koordinat, begynner du på nytt med fil / import (avansert) / 4 aksepunkt.</translation>
2137 </message>
2138 <message>
2139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2140 <source>Number format:</source>
2141 <translation type="unfinished" />
2142 </message>
2143 <message>
2144 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2145 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2146 <translation type="unfinished" />
2147 </message>
2148 <message>
2149 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
2150 <source>Ok</source>
2151 <translation type="unfinished" />
2152 </message>
2153 <message>
2154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
2155 <source>Cancel</source>
2156 <translation type="unfinished" />
2157 </message>
2158 </context>
2159 <context>
2160 <name>DlgEditPointGraph</name>
2161 <message>
2162 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="48" />
2163 <source>Edit Curve Point(s)</source>
2164 <translation type="unfinished" />
2165 </message>
2166 <message>
2167 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="90" />
2168 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
2169 <translation>Grafkoordinater</translation>
2170 </message>
2171 <message>
2172 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="99" />
2173 <source>as</source>
2174 <translation>som</translation>
2175 </message>
2176 <message>
2177 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="107" />
2178 <source>(</source>
2179 <translation>(</translation>
2180 </message>
2181 <message>
2182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="115" />
2183 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate value to be applied to the graph points.
2185 Leave this field empty if no value is to be applied to the graph points.
2187 For cartesian plots this is the X coordinate. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2189 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2190 <translation type="unfinished" />
2191 </message>
2192 <message>
2193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="123" />
2194 <source>, </source>
2195 <translation type="unfinished" />
2196 </message>
2197 <message>
2198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="131" />
2199 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate value to be applied to the graph points.
2201 Leave this field empty if no value is to be applied to the graph points.
2203 For cartesian plots this is the Y coordinate. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2205 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2206 <translation type="unfinished" />
2207 </message>
2208 <message>
2209 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="139" />
2210 <source>)</source>
2211 <translation type="unfinished" />
2212 </message>
2213 <message>
2214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="156" />
2215 <source>Number format</source>
2216 <translation type="unfinished" />
2217 </message>
2218 <message>
2219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="170" />
2220 <source>Ok</source>
2221 <translation type="unfinished" />
2222 </message>
2223 <message>
2224 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointGraph.cpp" line="174" />
2225 <source>Cancel</source>
2226 <translation type="unfinished" />
2227 </message>
2228 </context>
2229 <context>
2230 <name>DlgEditScale</name>
2231 <message>
2232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="51" />
2233 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
2234 <translation>Rediger Axis Point</translation>
2235 </message>
2236 <message>
2237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="80" />
2238 <source>Number format</source>
2239 <translation type="unfinished" />
2240 </message>
2241 <message>
2242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="94" />
2243 <source>Ok</source>
2244 <translation type="unfinished" />
2245 </message>
2246 <message>
2247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="98" />
2248 <source>Cancel</source>
2249 <translation type="unfinished" />
2250 </message>
2251 <message>
2252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="110" />
2253 <source>Scale Length</source>
2254 <translation type="unfinished" />
2255 </message>
2256 <message>
2257 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditScale.cpp" line="122" />
2258 <source>Enter the scale bar length</source>
2259 <translation type="unfinished" />
2260 </message>
2261 </context>
2262 <context>
2263 <name>DlgErrorReportLocal</name>
2264 <message>
2265 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="31" />
2266 <source>Error Report</source>
2267 <translation type="unfinished" />
2268 </message>
2269 <message>
2270 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="34" />
2271 <source>An unrecoverable error has occurred. Would you like to save an error report that can be sent later to the Engauge developers?
2273 The original document can be sent as part of the error report, which increases the chances of finding and fixing the problem(s). However, if any information is private then an anonymized version of the document will be sent.</source>
2274 <translation type="unfinished" />
2275 </message>
2276 <message>
2277 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="42" />
2278 <source>Include original document information, otherwise anonymize the information</source>
2279 <translation type="unfinished" />
2280 </message>
2281 <message>
2282 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="54" />
2283 <source>Save</source>
2284 <translation type="unfinished" />
2285 </message>
2286 <message>
2287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgErrorReportLocal.cpp" line="59" />
2288 <source>Cancel</source>
2289 <translation type="unfinished" />
2290 </message>
2291 </context>
2292 <context>
2293 <name>DlgImportAdvanced</name>
2294 <message>
2295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="18" />
2296 <source>Import Advanced</source>
2297 <translation type="unfinished" />
2298 </message>
2299 <message>
2300 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="49" />
2301 <source>Coordinate System Count</source>
2302 <translation type="unfinished" />
2303 </message>
2304 <message>
2305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="55" />
2306 <source>Coordinate System Count
2308 Specifies the total number of coordinate systems that will be used in the imported image. There can be one or more graphs in the image, and each graph can have one or more coordinate systems. Each coordinate system is defined by a pair of coordinate axes.</source>
2309 <translation type="unfinished" />
2310 </message>
2311 <message>
2312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="63" />
2313 <source>Graph Coordinates Definition</source>
2314 <translation type="unfinished" />
2315 </message>
2316 <message>
2317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="66" />
2318 <source>1 scale bar - Used for maps with a scale bar defining the map scale</source>
2319 <translation type="unfinished" />
2320 </message>
2321 <message>
2322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="67" />
2323 <source>The two endpoints of the scale bar will define the scale of a map. The scale bar can edited to set its length.
2325 This setting is used when importing a map that has only a scale bar to define distance, rather than a graph with axes that define two coordinates.</source>
2326 <translation type="unfinished" />
2327 </message>
2328 <message>
2329 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="74" />
2330 <source>3 axis points - Used for graphs with both coordinates defined on each axis</source>
2331 <translation type="unfinished" />
2332 </message>
2333 <message>
2334 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="76" />
2335 <source>Three axes points will define the coordinate system. Each will have both x and y coordinates.
2337 This setting is always used when importing images in non-advanced mode.
2339 In total, there will be three points as (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3).</source>
2340 <translation type="unfinished" />
2341 </message>
2342 <message>
2343 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="84" />
2344 <source>4 axis points - Used for graphs with only one coordinate defined on each axis</source>
2345 <translation type="unfinished" />
2346 </message>
2347 <message>
2348 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportAdvanced.cpp" line="85" />
2349 <source>Four axes points will define the coordinate system. Each will have a single x or y coordinate.
2351 This setting is required when the x coordinate of the y axis is unknown, and/or the y coordinate of the x axis is unknown.
2353 In total, there will be two points on the x axis as (x1) and (x2), and two points on the y axis as (y1) and (y2).</source>
2354 <translation type="unfinished" />
2355 </message>
2356 </context>
2357 <context>
2358 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
2359 <message>
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
2361 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
2362 <translation type="unfinished" />
2363 </message>
2364 <message>
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
2366 <source>Preview</source>
2367 <translation type="unfinished" />
2368 </message>
2369 <message>
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
2371 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2372 <translation type="unfinished" />
2373 </message>
2374 <message>
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
2376 <source>Ok</source>
2377 <translation type="unfinished" />
2378 </message>
2379 <message>
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
2381 <source>Cancel</source>
2382 <translation type="unfinished" />
2383 </message>
2384 </context>
2385 <context>
2386 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
2387 <message>
2388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
2389 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
2390 <translation type="unfinished" />
2391 </message>
2392 <message>
2393 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2394 <source>Page</source>
2395 <translation type="unfinished" />
2396 </message>
2397 <message>
2398 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
2399 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
2400 <translation type="unfinished" />
2401 </message>
2402 <message>
2403 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
2404 <source>Preview</source>
2405 <translation type="unfinished" />
2406 </message>
2407 <message>
2408 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
2409 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
2410 <translation type="unfinished" />
2411 </message>
2412 <message>
2413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
2414 <source>Ok</source>
2415 <translation type="unfinished" />
2416 </message>
2417 <message>
2418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
2419 <source>Cancel</source>
2420 <translation type="unfinished" />
2421 </message>
2422 </context>
2423 <context>
2424 <name>DlgRequiresTransform</name>
2425 <message>
2426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgRequiresTransform.cpp" line="16" />
2427 <source>can only be performed after three axis points have been created, so the coordinates are defined</source>
2428 <translation type="unfinished" />
2429 </message>
2430 </context>
2431 <context>
2432 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
2433 <message>
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
2435 <source>Ok</source>
2436 <translation type="unfinished" />
2437 </message>
2438 <message>
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
2440 <source>Cancel</source>
2441 <translation type="unfinished" />
2442 </message>
2443 </context>
2444 <context>
2445 <name>DlgSettingsAxesChecker</name>
2446 <message>
2447 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="39" />
2448 <source>Axes Checker</source>
2449 <translation type="unfinished" />
2450 </message>
2451 <message>
2452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
2453 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
2454 <translation type="unfinished" />
2455 </message>
2456 <message>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
2458 <source>Do not show</source>
2459 <translation type="unfinished" />
2460 </message>
2461 <message>
2462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
2463 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
2464 <translation type="unfinished" />
2465 </message>
2466 <message>
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
2468 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
2469 <translation type="unfinished" />
2470 </message>
2471 <message>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
2473 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
2474 <translation type="unfinished" />
2475 </message>
2476 <message>
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
2478 <source>Show always</source>
2479 <translation type="unfinished" />
2480 </message>
2481 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
2483 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
2484 <translation type="unfinished" />
2485 </message>
2486 <message>
2487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
2488 <source>Line color</source>
2489 <translation type="unfinished" />
2490 </message>
2491 <message>
2492 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
2493 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
2494 <translation type="unfinished" />
2495 </message>
2496 <message>
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
2498 <source>Preview</source>
2499 <translation type="unfinished" />
2500 </message>
2501 <message>
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
2503 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
2504 <translation type="unfinished" />
2505 </message>
2506 </context>
2507 <context>
2508 <name>DlgSettingsColorFilter</name>
2509 <message>
2510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
2511 <source>Color Filter</source>
2512 <translation type="unfinished" />
2513 </message>
2514 <message>
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
2516 <source>Curve Name</source>
2517 <translation type="unfinished" />
2518 </message>
2519 <message>
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
2521 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
2522 <translation type="unfinished" />
2523 </message>
2524 <message>
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
2526 <source>Filter mode</source>
2527 <translation type="unfinished" />
2528 </message>
2529 <message>
2530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
2531 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2533 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
2534 <translation type="unfinished" />
2535 </message>
2536 <message>
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
2538 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2540 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
2542 The distance of any color (R, G, B) from the background color (Rb, Gb, Bb) is computed as F = squareroot ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). On the left end of the scale, the foreground distance value is zero, and it increases linearly to the maximum on the far right.</source>
2543 <translation type="unfinished" />
2544 </message>
2545 <message>
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
2547 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2548 <translation type="unfinished" />
2549 </message>
2550 <message>
2551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
2552 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
2553 <translation type="unfinished" />
2554 </message>
2555 <message>
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
2557 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
2559 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
2560 <translation type="unfinished" />
2561 </message>
2562 <message>
2563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
2564 <source>Preview</source>
2565 <translation type="unfinished" />
2566 </message>
2567 <message>
2568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
2569 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
2570 <translation type="unfinished" />
2571 </message>
2572 <message>
2573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
2574 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
2575 <translation type="unfinished" />
2576 </message>
2577 <message>
2578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
2579 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
2580 <translation type="unfinished" />
2581 </message>
2582 <message>
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
2584 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
2585 <translation type="unfinished" />
2586 </message>
2587 </context>
2588 <context>
2589 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
2590 <message>
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
2594 <source>Coordinates</source>
2595 <translation type="unfinished" />
2596 </message>
2597 <message>
2598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
2599 <source>Date/Time</source>
2600 <translation type="unfinished" />
2601 </message>
2602 <message>
2603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
2604 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
2606 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
2607 <translation type="unfinished" />
2608 </message>
2609 <message>
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
2611 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
2613 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
2614 <translation type="unfinished" />
2615 </message>
2616 <message>
2617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2618 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
2619 <translation type="unfinished" />
2620 </message>
2621 <message>
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2623 <source>Polar</source>
2624 <translation type="unfinished" />
2625 </message>
2626 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
2629 <source>R</source>
2630 <translation type="unfinished" />
2631 </message>
2632 <message>
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
2634 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
2635 <translation type="unfinished" />
2636 </message>
2637 <message>
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
2639 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
2641 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
2642 <translation type="unfinished" />
2643 </message>
2644 <message>
2645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
2646 <source>Select polar coordinates.
2648 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
2650 Polar coordinates are not allowed with log scale for Theta</source>
2651 <translation type="unfinished" />
2652 </message>
2653 <message>
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
2656 <source>Scale</source>
2657 <translation type="unfinished" />
2658 </message>
2659 <message>
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2662 <source>Linear</source>
2663 <translation type="unfinished" />
2664 </message>
2665 <message>
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2667 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
2668 <translation type="unfinished" />
2669 </message>
2670 <message>
2671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
2673 <source>Log</source>
2674 <translation type="unfinished" />
2675 </message>
2676 <message>
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
2678 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
2680 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
2682 Log scale is not allowed for the Theta coordinate.</source>
2683 <translation type="unfinished" />
2684 </message>
2685 <message>
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2687 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
2688 <source>Units</source>
2689 <translation type="unfinished" />
2690 </message>
2691 <message>
2692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
2693 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
2694 <translation type="unfinished" />
2695 </message>
2696 <message>
2697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
2698 <source>Origin radius value</source>
2699 <translation type="unfinished" />
2700 </message>
2701 <message>
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
2703 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
2705 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
2706 <translation type="unfinished" />
2707 </message>
2708 <message>
2709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
2710 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
2712 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
2713 <translation type="unfinished" />
2714 </message>
2715 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
2717 <source>Preview</source>
2718 <translation type="unfinished" />
2719 </message>
2720 <message>
2721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
2722 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
2723 <translation type="unfinished" />
2724 </message>
2725 <message>
2726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
2727 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
2729 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
2731 Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) format uses two integer number for degrees and minutes, and a real number for seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. During input, spaces must be inserted between the three numbers.</source>
2732 <translation type="unfinished" />
2733 </message>
2734 <message>
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
2736 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
2738 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
2740 Degrees Minutes Seconds (DDD MM SS.S) format uses two integer number for degrees and minutes, and a real number for seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. During input, spaces must be inserted between the three numbers.
2742 Gradians format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 400 gradians.
2744 Radians format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 2*pi radians.
2746 Turns format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is one turn.</source>
2747 <translation type="unfinished" />
2748 </message>
2749 <message>
2750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
2751 <source>X</source>
2752 <translation type="unfinished" />
2753 </message>
2754 <message>
2755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
2756 <source>Y</source>
2757 <translation type="unfinished" />
2758 </message>
2759 </context>
2760 <context>
2761 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2762 <message>
2763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
2764 <source>Curve List</source>
2765 <translation type="unfinished" />
2766 </message>
2767 <message>
2768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
2769 <source>Add...</source>
2770 <translation type="unfinished" />
2771 </message>
2772 <message>
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
2774 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
2776 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2777 <translation type="unfinished" />
2778 </message>
2779 <message>
2780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
2781 <source>Remove</source>
2782 <translation type="unfinished" />
2783 </message>
2784 <message>
2785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
2786 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
2788 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2789 <translation type="unfinished" />
2790 </message>
2791 <message>
2792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
2793 <source>Curve Names</source>
2794 <translation type="unfinished" />
2795 </message>
2796 <message>
2797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
2798 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
2800 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
2802 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2803 <translation type="unfinished" />
2804 </message>
2805 <message>
2806 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
2807 <source>Save As Default</source>
2808 <translation type="unfinished" />
2809 </message>
2810 <message>
2811 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
2812 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2813 <translation type="unfinished" />
2814 </message>
2815 <message>
2816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
2817 <source>Reset Default</source>
2818 <translation type="unfinished" />
2819 </message>
2820 <message>
2821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
2822 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2823 <translation type="unfinished" />
2824 </message>
2825 <message>
2826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
2827 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2828 <translation type="unfinished" />
2829 </message>
2830 <message>
2831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
2833 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2834 <translation type="unfinished" />
2835 </message>
2836 <message>
2837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
2838 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2839 <translation type="unfinished" />
2840 </message>
2841 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
2843 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2844 <translation type="unfinished" />
2845 </message>
2846 </context>
2847 <context>
2848 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
2849 <message>
2850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
2851 <source>Curve Properties</source>
2852 <translation type="unfinished" />
2853 </message>
2854 <message>
2855 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
2856 <source>Curve Name</source>
2857 <translation type="unfinished" />
2858 </message>
2859 <message>
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
2861 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
2862 <translation type="unfinished" />
2863 </message>
2864 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
2866 <source>Line</source>
2867 <translation type="unfinished" />
2868 </message>
2869 <message>
2870 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
2871 <source>Width</source>
2872 <translation type="unfinished" />
2873 </message>
2874 <message>
2875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
2876 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
2878 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2879 <translation type="unfinished" />
2880 </message>
2881 <message>
2882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2883 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
2884 <source>Color</source>
2885 <translation type="unfinished" />
2886 </message>
2887 <message>
2888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
2889 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
2891 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2892 <translation type="unfinished" />
2893 </message>
2894 <message>
2895 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
2896 <source>Connect as</source>
2897 <translation type="unfinished" />
2898 </message>
2899 <message>
2900 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
2901 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
2903 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
2905 If the curve is connected as a closed contour, then the points are ordered by age, except for points placed along an existing line. Any point placed on top of any existing line is inserted between the two endpoints of that line - as if its age was between the ages of the two endpoints.
2907 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2909 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
2911 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2912 <translation type="unfinished" />
2913 </message>
2914 <message>
2915 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
2916 <source>Point</source>
2917 <translation type="unfinished" />
2918 </message>
2919 <message>
2920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
2921 <source>Shape</source>
2922 <translation type="unfinished" />
2923 </message>
2924 <message>
2925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
2926 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
2927 <translation type="unfinished" />
2928 </message>
2929 <message>
2930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
2931 <source>Radius</source>
2932 <translation type="unfinished" />
2933 </message>
2934 <message>
2935 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
2936 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
2937 <translation type="unfinished" />
2938 </message>
2939 <message>
2940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
2941 <source>Line width</source>
2942 <translation type="unfinished" />
2943 </message>
2944 <message>
2945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
2946 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
2948 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
2949 <translation type="unfinished" />
2950 </message>
2951 <message>
2952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
2953 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
2954 <translation type="unfinished" />
2955 </message>
2956 <message>
2957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
2958 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
2960 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
2962 If the visible settings are for the Nth graph curve in the curve list, then they will be used for future graph curves that are also the Nth graph curve in their curve list, until new settings are saved as the defaults.</source>
2963 <translation type="unfinished" />
2964 </message>
2965 <message>
2966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
2967 <source>Preview</source>
2968 <translation type="unfinished" />
2969 </message>
2970 <message>
2971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
2972 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
2974 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
2975 <translation type="unfinished" />
2976 </message>
2977 </context>
2978 <context>
2979 <name>DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve</name>
2980 <message>
2981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="41" />
2982 <source>Digitize Curve</source>
2983 <translation type="unfinished" />
2984 </message>
2985 <message>
2986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="65" />
2987 <source>Cursor</source>
2988 <translation type="unfinished" />
2989 </message>
2990 <message>
2991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="73" />
2992 <source>Type</source>
2993 <translation type="unfinished" />
2994 </message>
2995 <message>
2996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="76" />
2997 <source>Standard cross</source>
2998 <translation type="unfinished" />
2999 </message>
3000 <message>
3001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="77" />
3002 <source>Selects the standard cross cursor</source>
3003 <translation type="unfinished" />
3004 </message>
3005 <message>
3006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="81" />
3007 <source>Custom cross</source>
3008 <translation type="unfinished" />
3009 </message>
3010 <message>
3011 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="82" />
3012 <source>Selects a custom cursor based on the settings selected below</source>
3013 <translation type="unfinished" />
3014 </message>
3015 <message>
3016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="86" />
3017 <source>Size (pixels)</source>
3018 <translation type="unfinished" />
3019 </message>
3020 <message>
3021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="95" />
3022 <source>Horizontal and vertical size of the cursor in pixels</source>
3023 <translation type="unfinished" />
3024 </message>
3025 <message>
3026 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="99" />
3027 <source>Inner radius (pixels)</source>
3028 <translation type="unfinished" />
3029 </message>
3030 <message>
3031 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="104" />
3032 <source>Radius of circle at the center of the cursor that will remain empty</source>
3033 <translation type="unfinished" />
3034 </message>
3035 <message>
3036 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="108" />
3037 <source>Line width (pixels)</source>
3038 <translation type="unfinished" />
3039 </message>
3040 <message>
3041 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="113" />
3042 <source>Width of each arm of the cross of the cursor</source>
3043 <translation type="unfinished" />
3044 </message>
3045 <message>
3046 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="127" />
3047 <source>Preview</source>
3048 <translation type="unfinished" />
3049 </message>
3050 <message>
3051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="139" />
3052 <source>Preview window showing the currently selected cursor.
3054 Drag the cursor over this area to see the effects of the current settings on the cursor shape.</source>
3055 <translation type="unfinished" />
3056 </message>
3057 </context>
3058 <context>
3059 <name>DlgSettingsExportFormat</name>
3060 <message>
3061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="55" />
3062 <source>Export Format</source>
3063 <translation type="unfinished" />
3064 </message>
3065 <message>
3066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
3067 <source>Included</source>
3068 <translation type="unfinished" />
3069 </message>
3070 <message>
3071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3072 <source>Not included</source>
3073 <translation type="unfinished" />
3074 </message>
3075 <message>
3076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
3077 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
3079 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
3080 <translation type="unfinished" />
3081 </message>
3082 <message>
3083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3084 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
3085 <translation type="unfinished" />
3086 </message>
3087 <message>
3088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
3089 <source>Include</source>
3090 <translation type="unfinished" />
3091 </message>
3092 <message>
3093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
3094 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
3095 <translation type="unfinished" />
3096 </message>
3097 <message>
3098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
3099 <source>Exclude</source>
3100 <translation type="unfinished" />
3101 </message>
3102 <message>
3103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
3104 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
3105 <translation type="unfinished" />
3106 </message>
3107 <message>
3108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
3109 <source>Delimiters</source>
3110 <translation type="unfinished" />
3111 </message>
3112 <message>
3113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3114 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
3115 <translation type="unfinished" />
3116 </message>
3117 <message>
3118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
3119 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
3120 <translation type="unfinished" />
3121 </message>
3122 <message>
3123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3124 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
3125 <translation type="unfinished" />
3126 </message>
3127 <message>
3128 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3129 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
3130 <translation type="unfinished" />
3131 </message>
3132 <message>
3133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
3134 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
3135 <translation type="unfinished" />
3136 </message>
3137 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
3139 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
3140 <translation type="unfinished" />
3141 </message>
3142 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
3144 <source>Layout</source>
3145 <translation type="unfinished" />
3146 </message>
3147 <message>
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
3149 <source>All curves on each line</source>
3150 <translation type="unfinished" />
3151 </message>
3152 <message>
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3154 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
3155 <translation type="unfinished" />
3156 </message>
3157 <message>
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
3159 <source>One curve on each line</source>
3160 <translation type="unfinished" />
3161 </message>
3162 <message>
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
3164 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
3165 <translation type="unfinished" />
3166 </message>
3167 <message>
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
3169 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
3170 <translation type="unfinished" />
3171 </message>
3172 <message>
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
3174 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
3175 <translation type="unfinished" />
3176 </message>
3177 <message>
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3179 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
3180 <translation type="unfinished" />
3181 </message>
3182 <message>
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3184 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3185 <translation type="unfinished" />
3186 </message>
3187 <message>
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3189 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3190 <translation type="unfinished" />
3191 </message>
3192 <message>
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
3194 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
3195 <translation type="unfinished" />
3196 </message>
3197 <message>
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
3199 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
3200 <translation type="unfinished" />
3201 </message>
3202 <message>
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3204 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3205 <translation type="unfinished" />
3206 </message>
3207 <message>
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3209 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
3210 <translation type="unfinished" />
3211 </message>
3212 <message>
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
3215 <source>Interval</source>
3216 <translation type="unfinished" />
3217 </message>
3218 <message>
3219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
3220 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
3222 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
3224 The X values will be automatically aligned along simple numbers. If the first and/or last points are not along the aligned X values, then one or two additional points are added as necessary.</source>
3225 <translation type="unfinished" />
3226 </message>
3227 <message>
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3229 <source>Units for spacing interval.
3231 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
3233 Graph units are preferred when the spacing is to depend on the X scale.</source>
3234 <translation type="unfinished" />
3235 </message>
3236 <message>
3237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3238 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3239 <translation type="unfinished" />
3240 </message>
3241 <message>
3242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3243 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3244 <translation type="unfinished" />
3245 </message>
3246 <message>
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
3249 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
3250 <translation type="unfinished" />
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3254 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
3255 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
3256 <translation type="unfinished" />
3257 </message>
3258 <message>
3259 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
3260 <source>Header</source>
3261 <translation type="unfinished" />
3262 </message>
3263 <message>
3264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
3265 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
3266 <translation type="unfinished" />
3267 </message>
3268 <message>
3269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3270 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
3271 <translation type="unfinished" />
3272 </message>
3273 <message>
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
3275 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
3276 <translation type="unfinished" />
3277 </message>
3278 <message>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
3280 <source>Save As Default</source>
3281 <translation type="unfinished" />
3282 </message>
3283 <message>
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
3285 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
3286 <translation type="unfinished" />
3287 </message>
3288 <message>
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3290 <source>Load Default</source>
3291 <translation type="unfinished" />
3292 </message>
3293 <message>
3294 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3295 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3296 <translation type="unfinished" />
3297 </message>
3298 <message>
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
3300 <source>Preview</source>
3301 <translation type="unfinished" />
3302 </message>
3303 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
3305 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
3307 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
3308 <translation type="unfinished" />
3309 </message>
3310 <message>
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
3312 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
3313 <translation type="unfinished" />
3314 </message>
3315 <message>
3316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
3317 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
3318 <translation type="unfinished" />
3319 </message>
3320 <message>
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
3322 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
3323 <translation type="unfinished" />
3324 </message>
3325 <message>
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
3327 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
3328 <translation type="unfinished" />
3329 </message>
3330 <message>
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
3332 <source>Units for spacing interval.
3334 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
3336 Graph units are usually preferred when the X and Y scales are identical.</source>
3337 <translation type="unfinished" />
3338 </message>
3339 <message>
3340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
3341 <source>Functions</source>
3342 <translation type="unfinished" />
3343 </message>
3344 <message>
3345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
3346 <source>Functions Tab
3348 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
3349 <translation type="unfinished" />
3350 </message>
3351 <message>
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
3353 <source>Relations</source>
3354 <translation type="unfinished" />
3355 </message>
3356 <message>
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
3358 <source>Relations Tab
3360 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
3361 <translation type="unfinished" />
3362 </message>
3363 <message>
3364 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
3365 <source>X Label</source>
3366 <translation type="unfinished" />
3367 </message>
3368 <message>
3369 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
3370 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
3371 <translation type="unfinished" />
3372 </message>
3373 <message>
3374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
3375 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
3376 <translation type="unfinished" />
3377 </message>
3378 </context>
3379 <context>
3380 <name>DlgSettingsGeneral</name>
3381 <message>
3382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="25" />
3383 <source>General</source>
3384 <translation type="unfinished" />
3385 </message>
3386 <message>
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="47" />
3388 <source>Effective cursor size (pixels)</source>
3389 <translation type="unfinished" />
3390 </message>
3391 <message>
3392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="52" />
3393 <source>Effective Cursor Size
3395 This is the effective width and height of the cursor when clicking on a pixel that is not part of the background.
3397 This parameter is used in the Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
3398 <translation type="unfinished" />
3399 </message>
3400 <message>
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="59" />
3402 <source>Extra precision (digits)</source>
3403 <translation type="unfinished" />
3404 </message>
3405 <message>
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="64" />
3407 <source>Extra Digits of Precision
3409 This is the number of additional digits of precision appended after the significant digits determined by the digitization accuracy at that point. The digitization accuracy at any point equals the change in graph coordinates from moving one pixel in each direction. Appending extra digits does not improve the accuracy of the numbers. More information can be found in discussions of accuracy versus precision.
3411 This parameter is used on the coordinates in the Status Bar and during Export</source>
3412 <translation type="unfinished" />
3413 </message>
3414 <message>
3415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="79" />
3416 <source>Save As Default</source>
3417 <translation type="unfinished" />
3418 </message>
3419 <message>
3420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="80" />
3421 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.</source>
3422 <translation type="unfinished" />
3423 </message>
3424 </context>
3425 <context>
3426 <name>DlgSettingsGridDisplay</name>
3427 <message>
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="31" />
3429 <source>Grid Display</source>
3430 <translation type="unfinished" />
3431 </message>
3432 <message>
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
3434 <source>Color</source>
3435 <translation type="unfinished" />
3436 </message>
3437 <message>
3438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
3439 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
3440 <translation type="unfinished" />
3441 </message>
3442 <message>
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
3445 <source>Disable</source>
3446 <translation type="unfinished" />
3447 </message>
3448 <message>
3449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
3450 <source>Disabled value.
3452 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3453 <translation type="unfinished" />
3454 </message>
3455 <message>
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3458 <source>Count</source>
3459 <translation type="unfinished" />
3460 </message>
3461 <message>
3462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
3463 <source>Number of X grid lines.
3465 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3466 <translation type="unfinished" />
3467 </message>
3468 <message>
3469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
3471 <source>Start</source>
3472 <translation type="unfinished" />
3473 </message>
3474 <message>
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
3476 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
3478 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3479 <translation type="unfinished" />
3480 </message>
3481 <message>
3482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
3484 <source>Step</source>
3485 <translation type="unfinished" />
3486 </message>
3487 <message>
3488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
3489 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
3491 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3492 <translation type="unfinished" />
3493 </message>
3494 <message>
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
3497 <source>Stop</source>
3498 <translation type="unfinished" />
3499 </message>
3500 <message>
3501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
3502 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
3504 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3505 <translation type="unfinished" />
3506 </message>
3507 <message>
3508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
3509 <source>Disabled value.
3511 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3512 <translation type="unfinished" />
3513 </message>
3514 <message>
3515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
3516 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
3518 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3519 <translation type="unfinished" />
3520 </message>
3521 <message>
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
3523 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
3525 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3526 <translation type="unfinished" />
3527 </message>
3528 <message>
3529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
3530 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
3532 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3533 <translation type="unfinished" />
3534 </message>
3535 <message>
3536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
3537 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
3539 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3540 <translation type="unfinished" />
3541 </message>
3542 <message>
3543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
3544 <source>Preview</source>
3545 <translation type="unfinished" />
3546 </message>
3547 <message>
3548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
3549 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
3550 <translation type="unfinished" />
3551 </message>
3552 <message>
3553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
3554 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
3555 <translation type="unfinished" />
3556 </message>
3557 <message>
3558 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
3559 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3560 <translation>Rutenettlinjer</translation>
3561 </message>
3562 <message>
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
3564 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
3565 <translation type="unfinished" />
3566 </message>
3567 <message>
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
3569 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
3570 <translation type="unfinished" />
3571 </message>
3572 <message>
3573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
3574 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
3575 <translation type="unfinished" />
3576 </message>
3577 </context>
3578 <context>
3579 <name>DlgSettingsGridRemoval</name>
3580 <message>
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="36" />
3582 <source>Grid Removal</source>
3583 <translation type="unfinished" />
3584 </message>
3585 <message>
3586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3587 <source>Preview</source>
3588 <translation type="unfinished" />
3589 </message>
3590 <message>
3591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
3592 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
3593 <translation type="unfinished" />
3594 </message>
3595 <message>
3596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
3597 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
3598 <translation type="unfinished" />
3599 </message>
3600 <message>
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
3602 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
3604 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
3605 <translation type="unfinished" />
3606 </message>
3607 <message>
3608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
3609 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
3610 <translation type="unfinished" />
3611 </message>
3612 <message>
3613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3614 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
3616 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
3618 This value cannot be negative. A zero value disables this feature. Decimal values are allowed</source>
3619 <translation type="unfinished" />
3620 </message>
3621 <message>
3622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
3623 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
3624 <translation type="unfinished" />
3625 </message>
3626 <message>
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
3628 <source>Grid Lines</source>
3629 <translation>Rutenettlinjer</translation>
3630 </message>
3631 <message>
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3634 <source>Disable</source>
3635 <translation type="unfinished" />
3636 </message>
3637 <message>
3638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3639 <source>Disabled value.
3641 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3642 <translation type="unfinished" />
3643 </message>
3644 <message>
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
3647 <source>Count</source>
3648 <translation type="unfinished" />
3649 </message>
3650 <message>
3651 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
3652 <source>Number of X grid lines.
3654 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3655 <translation type="unfinished" />
3656 </message>
3657 <message>
3658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
3660 <source>Start</source>
3661 <translation type="unfinished" />
3662 </message>
3663 <message>
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
3665 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
3667 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3668 <translation type="unfinished" />
3669 </message>
3670 <message>
3671 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
3673 <source>Step</source>
3674 <translation type="unfinished" />
3675 </message>
3676 <message>
3677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
3678 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
3680 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3681 <translation type="unfinished" />
3682 </message>
3683 <message>
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
3686 <source>Stop</source>
3687 <translation type="unfinished" />
3688 </message>
3689 <message>
3690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
3691 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
3693 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3694 <translation type="unfinished" />
3695 </message>
3696 <message>
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
3698 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
3699 <translation type="unfinished" />
3700 </message>
3701 <message>
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
3703 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
3704 <translation type="unfinished" />
3705 </message>
3706 <message>
3707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3708 <source>Disabled value.
3710 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
3711 <translation type="unfinished" />
3712 </message>
3713 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
3715 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
3717 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
3718 <translation type="unfinished" />
3719 </message>
3720 <message>
3721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
3722 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
3724 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
3725 <translation type="unfinished" />
3726 </message>
3727 <message>
3728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
3729 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
3731 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
3732 <translation type="unfinished" />
3733 </message>
3734 <message>
3735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
3736 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
3738 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
3739 <translation type="unfinished" />
3740 </message>
3741 </context>
3742 <context>
3743 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
3744 <message>
3745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
3746 <source>Main Window</source>
3747 <translation type="unfinished" />
3748 </message>
3749 <message>
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
3751 <source>Initial zoom</source>
3752 <translation type="unfinished" />
3753 </message>
3754 <message>
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
3756 <source>Initial Zoom
3758 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
3759 <translation type="unfinished" />
3760 </message>
3761 <message>
3762 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
3763 <source>Zoom control</source>
3764 <translation type="unfinished" />
3765 </message>
3766 <message>
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3768 <source>Menu only</source>
3769 <translation type="unfinished" />
3770 </message>
3771 <message>
3772 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3773 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
3774 <translation type="unfinished" />
3775 </message>
3776 <message>
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
3778 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
3779 <translation type="unfinished" />
3780 </message>
3781 <message>
3782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
3783 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
3784 <translation type="unfinished" />
3785 </message>
3786 <message>
3787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
3788 <source>Zoom Control
3790 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
3791 <translation type="unfinished" />
3792 </message>
3793 <message>
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3795 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3796 <translation type="unfinished" />
3797 </message>
3798 <message>
3799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
3800 <source>Locale
3802 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
3804 The locale determines how numbers are formatted. Specifically, either commas or periods will be used as group delimiters in each number entered by the user, displayed in the user interface, or exported to a file.</source>
3805 <translation type="unfinished" />
3806 </message>
3807 <message>
3808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
3809 <source>Import cropping</source>
3810 <translation type="unfinished" />
3811 </message>
3812 <message>
3813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
3814 <source>Import Cropping
3816 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
3818 This setting only has an effect when Engauge has been built with support for pdf files.</source>
3819 <translation type="unfinished" />
3820 </message>
3821 <message>
3822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
3823 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
3824 <translation type="unfinished" />
3825 </message>
3826 <message>
3827 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
3828 <source>Import PDF Resolution
3830 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
3831 <translation type="unfinished" />
3832 </message>
3833 <message>
3834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
3835 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
3836 <translation type="unfinished" />
3837 </message>
3838 <message>
3839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
3840 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
3842 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
3843 <translation type="unfinished" />
3844 </message>
3845 <message>
3846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
3847 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
3848 <translation type="unfinished" />
3849 </message>
3850 <message>
3851 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
3852 <source>Highlight Opacity
3854 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
3855 <translation type="unfinished" />
3856 </message>
3857 <message>
3858 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3859 <source>Recent file list</source>
3860 <translation type="unfinished" />
3861 </message>
3862 <message>
3863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
3864 <source>Clear</source>
3865 <translation type="unfinished" />
3866 </message>
3867 <message>
3868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
3869 <source>Recent File List Clear
3871 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
3872 <translation type="unfinished" />
3873 </message>
3874 <message>
3875 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
3876 <source>Include title bar path</source>
3877 <translation type="unfinished" />
3878 </message>
3879 <message>
3880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
3881 <source>Title Bar Filename
3883 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
3884 <translation type="unfinished" />
3885 </message>
3886 <message>
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
3888 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
3889 <translation type="unfinished" />
3890 </message>
3891 <message>
3892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
3893 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
3895 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
3896 <translation type="unfinished" />
3897 </message>
3898 <message>
3899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
3900 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
3901 <translation type="unfinished" />
3902 </message>
3903 <message>
3904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
3905 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
3907 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
3909 When drag and drop is disabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using click and drag. When drag and drop is enabled, a rectangular set of table cells can be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the drag operation.</source>
3910 <translation type="unfinished" />
3911 </message>
3912 <message>
3913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3914 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3915 <translation type="unfinished" />
3916 </message>
3917 <message>
3918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3919 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3921 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3922 <translation type="unfinished" />
3923 </message>
3924 <message>
3925 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
3926 <source>Significant digits</source>
3927 <translation type="unfinished" />
3928 </message>
3929 <message>
3930 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
3931 <source>Significant Digits
3933 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
3934 <translation type="unfinished" />
3935 </message>
3936 </context>
3937 <context>
3938 <name>DlgSettingsPointMatch</name>
3939 <message>
3940 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="30" />
3941 <source>Point Match</source>
3942 <translation type="unfinished" />
3943 </message>
3944 <message>
3945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="83" />
3946 <source>Maximum point size (pixels)</source>
3947 <translation type="unfinished" />
3948 </message>
3949 <message>
3950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="87" />
3951 <source>Select a maximum point size in pixels.
3953 Sample match points must fit within a square box, around the cursor, having width and height equal to this maximum.
3955 This size is also used to determine if a region of pixels that are on, in the processed image, should be ignored since that region is wider or taller than this limit.
3957 This value has a lower limit</source>
3958 <translation type="unfinished" />
3959 </message>
3960 <message>
3961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="98" />
3962 <source>Accepted point color</source>
3963 <translation type="unfinished" />
3964 </message>
3965 <message>
3966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="102" />
3967 <source>Select a color for matched points that are accepted</source>
3968 <translation type="unfinished" />
3969 </message>
3970 <message>
3971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="107" />
3972 <source>Rejected point color</source>
3973 <translation type="unfinished" />
3974 </message>
3975 <message>
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="111" />
3977 <source>Select a color for matched points that are rejected</source>
3978 <translation type="unfinished" />
3979 </message>
3980 <message>
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="116" />
3982 <source>Candidate point color</source>
3983 <translation type="unfinished" />
3984 </message>
3985 <message>
3986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="120" />
3987 <source>Select a color for the point being decided upon</source>
3988 <translation type="unfinished" />
3989 </message>
3990 <message>
3991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="135" />
3992 <source>Preview</source>
3993 <translation type="unfinished" />
3994 </message>
3995 <message>
3996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="142" />
3997 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect point matching, and how the marked and candidate points are displayed.
3999 The points are separated by the point separation value, and the maximum point size is shown as a box in the center</source>
4000 <translation type="unfinished" />
4001 </message>
4002 </context>
4003 <context>
4004 <name>DlgSettingsSegments</name>
4005 <message>
4006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="40" />
4007 <source>Segment Fill</source>
4008 <translation type="unfinished" />
4009 </message>
4010 <message>
4011 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="78" />
4012 <source>Minimum length (points)</source>
4013 <translation type="unfinished" />
4014 </message>
4015 <message>
4016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="83" />
4017 <source>Select a minimum number of points in a segment.
4019 Only segments with more points will be created.
4021 This value should be as large as possible to reduce memory usage. This value has a lower limit</source>
4022 <translation type="unfinished" />
4023 </message>
4024 <message>
4025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="90" />
4026 <source>Point separation (pixels)</source>
4027 <translation type="unfinished" />
4028 </message>
4029 <message>
4030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="95" />
4031 <source>Select a point separation in pixels.
4033 Successive points added to a segment will be separated by this number of pixels. If Fill Corners is enabled, then additional points will be inserted at corners so some points will be closer.
4035 This value has a lower limit</source>
4036 <translation type="unfinished" />
4037 </message>
4038 <message>
4039 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="103" />
4040 <source>Fill corners</source>
4041 <translation type="unfinished" />
4042 </message>
4043 <message>
4044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="107" />
4045 <source>Fill corners.
4047 In addition to the points placed at regular intervals, this option causes a point to be placed at each corner. This option can capture important information in piecewise linear graphs, but gradually curving graphs may not benefit from the additional points</source>
4048 <translation type="unfinished" />
4049 </message>
4050 <message>
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="114" />
4052 <source>Line width</source>
4053 <translation type="unfinished" />
4054 </message>
4055 <message>
4056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="118" />
4057 <source>Select a size for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4058 <translation type="unfinished" />
4059 </message>
4060 <message>
4061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="123" />
4062 <source>Line color</source>
4063 <translation type="unfinished" />
4064 </message>
4065 <message>
4066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="127" />
4067 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn along a segment</source>
4068 <translation type="unfinished" />
4069 </message>
4070 <message>
4071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="142" />
4072 <source>Preview</source>
4073 <translation type="unfinished" />
4074 </message>
4075 <message>
4076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsSegments.cpp" line="149" />
4077 <source>Preview window shows the shortest line that can be segment filled, and the effects of current settings on segments and points generated by segment fill</source>
4078 <translation type="unfinished" />
4079 </message>
4080 </context>
4081 <context>
4082 <name>FittingWindow</name>
4083 <message>
4084 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="42" />
4085 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="43" />
4086 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
4087 <translation>Vindu med kurvepassing</translation>
4088 </message>
4089 <message>
4090 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="44" />
4091 <source>Curve Fitting Window
4093 This window applies a curve fit to the currently selected curve.
4095 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4096 <translation type="unfinished" />
4097 </message>
4098 <message>
4099 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="128" />
4100 <source>Order</source>
4101 <translation type="unfinished" />
4102 </message>
4103 <message>
4104 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="153" />
4105 <source>Mean square error</source>
4106 <translation type="unfinished" />
4107 </message>
4108 <message>
4109 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="158" />
4110 <source>Calculated mean square error statistic</source>
4111 <translation type="unfinished" />
4112 </message>
4113 <message>
4114 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="161" />
4115 <source>Root mean square</source>
4116 <translation type="unfinished" />
4117 </message>
4118 <message>
4119 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="166" />
4120 <source>Calculated root mean square statistic. This is calculated as the square root of the mean square error</source>
4121 <translation type="unfinished" />
4122 </message>
4123 <message>
4124 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="169" />
4125 <source>R squared</source>
4126 <translation type="unfinished" />
4127 </message>
4128 <message>
4129 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="174" />
4130 <source>Calculated R squared statistic</source>
4131 <translation type="unfinished" />
4132 </message>
4133 <message>
4134 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4135 <source>log10(Y)=</source>
4136 <translation type="unfinished" />
4137 </message>
4138 <message>
4139 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="229" />
4140 <source>Y=</source>
4141 <translation type="unfinished" />
4142 </message>
4143 <message>
4144 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="234" />
4145 <source>log10(X)</source>
4146 <translation type="unfinished" />
4147 </message>
4148 <message>
4149 <location filename="../src/Fitting/FittingWindow.cpp" line="235" />
4150 <source>X</source>
4151 <translation type="unfinished" />
4152 </message>
4153 </context>
4154 <context>
4155 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
4156 <message>
4157 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
4158 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4159 <source>Geometry Window</source>
4160 <translation>Geometri vindu</translation>
4161 </message>
4162 <message>
4163 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
4164 <source>Geometry Window
4166 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
4168 Function area = Area under the curve if it is a function
4170 Polygon area = Area inside the curve if it is a relation. This value is only correct if none of the curve lines intersect each other
4172 X = X coordinate of each point
4174 Y = Y coordinate of each point
4176 Index = Point number
4178 Distance = Distance along the curve in forward or backward direction, in either graph units or as a percentage
4180 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
4181 <translation type="unfinished" />
4182 </message>
4183 <message>
4184 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4185 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4186 <translation type="unfinished" />
4187 </message>
4188 </context>
4189 <context>
4190 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4191 <message>
4192 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4193 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4194 <translation type="unfinished" />
4195 </message>
4196 </context>
4197 <context>
4198 <name>GraphicsView</name>
4199 <message>
4200 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsView.cpp" line="55" />
4201 <source>Main Window
4203 After an image file is imported, or an Engauge Document opened, an image appears in this area. Points are added to the image.
4205 If the image is a graph with two axes and one or more curves, then three axis points must be created along those axes. Just put two axis points on one axis and a third axis point on the other axis, as far apart as possible for higher accuracy. Then curve points can be added along the curves.
4207 If the image is a map with a scale to define length, then two axis points must be created at either end of the scale. Then curve points can be added.
4209 Zooming the image in or out is performed using any of several methods:
4210 1) rotating the mouse wheel when the cursor is outside of the image
4211 2) pressing the minus or plus keys
4212 3) selecting a new zoom setting from the View/Zoom menu</source>
4213 <translation type="unfinished" />
4214 </message>
4215 </context>
4216 <context>
4217 <name>HelpWindow</name>
4218 <message>
4219 <location filename="../src/Help/HelpWindow.cpp" line="34" />
4220 <source>Contents</source>
4221 <translation type="unfinished" />
4222 </message>
4223 <message>
4224 <location filename="../src/Help/HelpWindow.cpp" line="36" />
4225 <source>Index</source>
4226 <translation type="unfinished" />
4227 </message>
4228 </context>
4229 <context>
4230 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
4231 <message>
4232 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
4233 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
4234 <translation type="unfinished" />
4235 </message>
4236 <message>
4237 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
4238 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
4239 <translation type="unfinished" />
4240 </message>
4241 </context>
4242 <context>
4243 <name>MainWindow</name>
4244 <message>
4245 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
4246 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
4247 <translation type="unfinished" />
4248 </message>
4249 <message>
4250 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
4251 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
4252 <translation type="unfinished" />
4253 </message>
4254 <message>
4255 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4256 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4257 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
4258 <source>Cannot read file</source>
4259 <translation type="unfinished" />
4260 </message>
4261 <message>
4262 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4263 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4264 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
4265 <source>from directory</source>
4266 <translation type="unfinished" />
4267 </message>
4268 <message>
4269 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
4270 <source>Import Image</source>
4271 <translation type="unfinished" />
4272 </message>
4273 <message>
4274 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
4275 <source>File opened</source>
4276 <translation type="unfinished" />
4277 </message>
4278 <message>
4279 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
4280 <source>File not found</source>
4281 <translation type="unfinished" />
4282 </message>
4283 <message>
4284 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
4285 <source>Error report opened</source>
4286 <translation type="unfinished" />
4287 </message>
4288 <message>
4289 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4290 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4291 <source>File imported</source>
4292 <translation type="unfinished" />
4293 </message>
4294 <message>
4295 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
4296 <source>Background image.</source>
4297 <translation type="unfinished" />
4298 </message>
4299 <message>
4300 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
4301 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
4302 <translation type="unfinished" />
4303 </message>
4304 <message>
4305 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
4306 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
4307 <translation type="unfinished" />
4308 </message>
4309 <message>
4310 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
4311 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
4312 <translation type="unfinished" />
4313 </message>
4314 <message>
4315 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
4316 <source>The document has been modified.
4317 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
4318 <translation type="unfinished" />
4319 </message>
4320 <message>
4321 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
4322 <source>Cannot write file</source>
4323 <translation type="unfinished" />
4324 </message>
4325 <message>
4326 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
4327 <source>Save</source>
4328 <translation type="unfinished" />
4329 </message>
4330 <message>
4331 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
4332 <source>Export</source>
4333 <translation type="unfinished" />
4334 </message>
4335 <message>
4336 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
4337 <source>Open Document</source>
4338 <translation type="unfinished" />
4339 </message>
4340 <message>
4341 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
4342 <source>+</source>
4343 <translation type="unfinished" />
4344 </message>
4345 <message>
4346 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
4347 <source>-</source>
4348 <translation type="unfinished" />
4349 </message>
4350 <message>
4351 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
4352 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
4353 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
4354 </message>
4355 </context>
4356 <context>
4357 <name>QObject</name>
4358 <message>
4359 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4360 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4361 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
4362 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
4363 <translation type="unfinished" />
4364 </message>
4365 <message>
4366 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4367 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
4368 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
4369 <translation type="unfinished" />
4370 </message>
4371 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4373 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
4374 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
4375 <translation type="unfinished" />
4376 </message>
4377 <message>
4378 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4379 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
4380 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
4381 <translation type="unfinished" />
4382 </message>
4383 <message>
4384 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
4385 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
4386 <translation type="unfinished" />
4387 </message>
4388 <message>
4389 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
4390 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
4391 <translation type="unfinished" />
4392 </message>
4393 <message>
4394 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
4395 <source>Never</source>
4396 <translation type="unfinished" />
4397 </message>
4398 <message>
4399 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4400 <source>NSeconds</source>
4401 <translation type="unfinished" />
4402 </message>
4403 <message>
4404 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
4405 <source>Forever</source>
4406 <translation type="unfinished" />
4407 </message>
4408 <message>
4409 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
4410 <source>Curves for coordinate system</source>
4411 <translation type="unfinished" />
4412 </message>
4413 <message>
4414 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdAddPointsGraph.cpp" line="51" />
4415 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdExport.cpp" line="29" />
4416 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdImport.cpp" line="29" />
4417 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdOpen.cpp" line="29" />
4418 <source>Missing attribute</source>
4419 <translation type="unfinished" />
4420 </message>
4421 <message>
4422 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdAddPointsGraph.cpp" line="93" />
4423 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="105" />
4424 <source>Cannot read graph points</source>
4425 <translation type="unfinished" />
4426 </message>
4427 <message>
4428 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCopy.cpp" line="66" />
4429 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdDelete.cpp" line="63" />
4430 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointAxis.cpp" line="60" />
4431 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="60" />
4432 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdMoveBy.cpp" line="62" />
4433 <source>Missing attribute(s)</source>
4434 <translation type="unfinished" />
4435 </message>
4436 <message>
4437 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCopy.cpp" line="69" />
4438 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCut.cpp" line="70" />
4439 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdDelete.cpp" line="66" />
4440 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointAxis.cpp" line="66" />
4441 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdEditPointGraph.cpp" line="64" />
4442 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdMoveBy.cpp" line="64" />
4443 <source>and/or</source>
4444 <translation type="unfinished" />
4445 </message>
4446 <message>
4447 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdCut.cpp" line="67" />
4448 <source>Missing argument(s)</source>
4449 <translation type="unfinished" />
4450 </message>
4451 <message>
4452 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
4453 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
4454 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4455 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
4456 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
4457 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
4458 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
4459 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGeneral.cpp" line="50" />
4460 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="50" />
4461 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="50" />
4462 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsPointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
4463 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsSegments.cpp" line="50" />
4464 <source>Reached end of file before finding end element for</source>
4465 <translation type="unfinished" />
4466 </message>
4467 <message>
4468 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="14" />
4469 <source>Foreground</source>
4470 <translation type="unfinished" />
4471 </message>
4472 <message>
4473 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="17" />
4474 <source>Hue</source>
4475 <translation type="unfinished" />
4476 </message>
4477 <message>
4478 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="20" />
4479 <source>Intensity</source>
4480 <translation type="unfinished" />
4481 </message>
4482 <message>
4483 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="23" />
4484 <source>Saturation</source>
4485 <translation type="unfinished" />
4486 </message>
4487 <message>
4488 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="26" />
4489 <source>Value</source>
4490 <translation type="unfinished" />
4491 </message>
4492 <message>
4493 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4494 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4495 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4496 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4497 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4498 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4499 <source>Unknown</source>
4500 <translation type="unfinished" />
4501 </message>
4502 <message>
4503 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
4504 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
4505 <translation type="unfinished" />
4506 </message>
4507 <message>
4508 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="14" />
4509 <source>DD/MM/YYYY</source>
4510 <translation type="unfinished" />
4511 </message>
4512 <message>
4513 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="17" />
4514 <source>MM/DD/YYYY</source>
4515 <translation type="unfinished" />
4516 </message>
4517 <message>
4518 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="20" />
4519 <source>YYYY/MM/DD</source>
4520 <translation type="unfinished" />
4521 </message>
4522 <message>
4523 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsDate.cpp" line="26" />
4524 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="23" />
4525 <source>unknown</source>
4526 <translation type="unfinished" />
4527 </message>
4528 <message>
4529 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="16" />
4530 <source>Date Time</source>
4531 <translation type="unfinished" />
4532 </message>
4533 <message>
4534 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="19" />
4535 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="22" />
4536 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="15" />
4537 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="18" />
4538 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="21" />
4539 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="24" />
4540 <source>Degrees</source>
4541 <translation type="unfinished" />
4542 </message>
4543 <message>
4544 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="25" />
4545 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="46" />
4546 <source>Number</source>
4547 <translation type="unfinished" />
4548 </message>
4549 <message>
4550 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="37" />
4551 <source>Date/Time</source>
4552 <translation type="unfinished" />
4553 </message>
4554 <message>
4555 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="27" />
4556 <source>Gradians</source>
4557 <translation type="unfinished" />
4558 </message>
4559 <message>
4560 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="30" />
4561 <source>Radians</source>
4562 <translation type="unfinished" />
4563 </message>
4564 <message>
4565 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="33" />
4566 <source>Turns</source>
4567 <translation type="unfinished" />
4568 </message>
4569 <message>
4570 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="14" />
4571 <source>HH:MM</source>
4572 <translation type="unfinished" />
4573 </message>
4574 <message>
4575 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsTime.cpp" line="17" />
4576 <source>HH:MM:SS</source>
4577 <translation type="unfinished" />
4578 </message>
4579 <message>
4580 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
4581 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
4582 <translation type="unfinished" />
4583 </message>
4584 <message>
4585 <location filename="../src/Curve/Curve.cpp" line="367" />
4586 <location filename="../src/Curve/Curve.cpp" line="419" />
4587 <source>Cannot read curve data</source>
4588 <translation type="unfinished" />
4589 </message>
4590 <message>
4591 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
4592 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
4593 <translation type="unfinished" />
4594 </message>
4595 <message>
4596 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4597 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
4598 <translation type="unfinished" />
4599 </message>
4600 <message>
4601 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
4602 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
4603 <translation type="unfinished" />
4604 </message>
4605 <message>
4606 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
4607 <source>RelationStraight</source>
4608 <translation type="unfinished" />
4609 </message>
4610 <message>
4611 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
4612 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
4613 <translation type="unfinished" />
4614 </message>
4615 <message>
4616 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveStyle.cpp" line="69" />
4617 <source>Cannot read curve style data</source>
4618 <translation type="unfinished" />
4619 </message>
4620 <message>
4621 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurvesGraphs.cpp" line="223" />
4622 <source>DUPLICATE</source>
4623 <translation type="unfinished" />
4624 </message>
4625 <message>
4626 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurvesGraphs.cpp" line="237" />
4627 <source>Cannot read graph curves data</source>
4628 <translation type="unfinished" />
4629 </message>
4630 <message>
4631 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
4632 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
4633 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4634 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
4635 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
4636 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
4637 </message>
4638 <message>
4639 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="136" />
4640 <source>Three axis points have been defined, and no more are needed or allowed.</source>
4641 <translation type="unfinished" />
4642 </message>
4643 <message>
4644 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4645 <source>Color Picker</source>
4646 <translation type="unfinished" />
4647 </message>
4648 <message>
4649 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
4650 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
4651 <translation type="unfinished" />
4652 </message>
4653 <message>
4654 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="350" />
4655 <source>Point Match</source>
4656 <translation type="unfinished" />
4657 </message>
4658 <message>
4659 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStatePointMatch.cpp" line="351" />
4660 <source>There are no more matching points</source>
4661 <translation type="unfinished" />
4662 </message>
4663 <message>
4664 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="174" />
4665 <source>The scale bar has been defined, and another is not needed or allowed.</source>
4666 <translation type="unfinished" />
4667 </message>
4668 <message>
4669 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="35" />
4670 <source>Move down</source>
4671 <translation type="unfinished" />
4672 </message>
4673 <message>
4674 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="36" />
4675 <source>Move left</source>
4676 <translation type="unfinished" />
4677 </message>
4678 <message>
4679 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="37" />
4680 <source>Move right</source>
4681 <translation type="unfinished" />
4682 </message>
4683 <message>
4684 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateSelect.cpp" line="38" />
4685 <source>Move up</source>
4686 <translation type="unfinished" />
4687 </message>
4688 <message>
4689 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4690 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
4691 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
4692 <translation type="unfinished" />
4693 </message>
4694 <message>
4695 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
4696 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
4697 <translation type="unfinished" />
4698 </message>
4699 <message>
4700 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
4701 <source>of</source>
4702 <translation type="unfinished" />
4703 </message>
4704 <message>
4705 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
4706 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
4707 <source>File</source>
4708 <translation type="unfinished" />
4709 </message>
4710 <message>
4711 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
4712 <source>was not found</source>
4713 <translation type="unfinished" />
4714 </message>
4715 <message>
4716 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
4717 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
4718 <translation type="unfinished" />
4719 </message>
4720 <message>
4721 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelAxesChecker.cpp" line="96" />
4722 <source>Cannot read axes checker data</source>
4723 <translation type="unfinished" />
4724 </message>
4725 <message>
4726 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelColorFilter.cpp" line="205" />
4727 <source>Cannot read filter data</source>
4728 <translation type="unfinished" />
4729 </message>
4730 <message>
4731 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelCoords.cpp" line="172" />
4732 <source>Cannot read coordinates data</source>
4733 <translation type="unfinished" />
4734 </message>
4735 <message>
4736 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="108" />
4737 <source>Cannot read digitize curve data</source>
4738 <translation type="unfinished" />
4739 </message>
4740 <message>
4741 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
4742 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
4743 <translation type="unfinished" />
4744 </message>
4745 <message>
4746 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGeneral.cpp" line="93" />
4747 <source>Cannot read general data</source>
4748 <translation type="unfinished" />
4749 </message>
4750 <message>
4751 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
4752 <source>Cannot read grid display data</source>
4753 <translation type="unfinished" />
4754 </message>
4755 <message>
4756 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelGridRemoval.cpp" line="191" />
4757 <source>Cannot read grid removal data</source>
4758 <translation type="unfinished" />
4759 </message>
4760 <message>
4761 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelPointMatch.cpp" line="87" />
4762 <source>Cannot read point match data</source>
4763 <translation type="unfinished" />
4764 </message>
4765 <message>
4766 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelSegments.cpp" line="91" />
4767 <source>Cannot read segment data</source>
4768 <translation type="unfinished" />
4769 </message>
4770 <message>
4771 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentScrub.cpp" line="40" />
4772 <source>Point identifier error encountered. Please notify the Engauge developers along with any comments about the country and language locale. The invalid point name was</source>
4773 <translation type="unfinished" />
4774 </message>
4775 <message>
4776 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
4777 <source>Commas</source>
4778 <translation type="unfinished" />
4779 </message>
4780 <message>
4781 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4782 <source>Semicolons</source>
4783 <translation type="unfinished" />
4784 </message>
4785 <message>
4786 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
4787 <source>Spaces</source>
4788 <translation type="unfinished" />
4789 </message>
4790 <message>
4791 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
4792 <source>Tabs</source>
4793 <translation type="unfinished" />
4794 </message>
4795 <message>
4796 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
4797 <source>Gnuplot</source>
4798 <translation type="unfinished" />
4799 </message>
4800 <message>
4801 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4802 <source>None</source>
4803 <translation type="unfinished" />
4804 </message>
4805 <message>
4806 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
4807 <source>Simple</source>
4808 <translation type="unfinished" />
4809 </message>
4810 <message>
4811 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="26" />
4812 <source>Export Image</source>
4813 <translation type="unfinished" />
4814 </message>
4815 <message>
4816 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportImageForRegression.cpp" line="27" />
4817 <source>Cannot export file</source>
4818 <translation type="unfinished" />
4819 </message>
4820 <message>
4821 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
4822 <source>AllPerLine</source>
4823 <translation type="unfinished" />
4824 </message>
4825 <message>
4826 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4827 <source>OnePerLine</source>
4828 <translation type="unfinished" />
4829 </message>
4830 <message>
4831 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
4832 <source>Graph Units</source>
4833 <translation type="unfinished" />
4834 </message>
4835 <message>
4836 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4837 <source>Pixels</source>
4838 <translation type="unfinished" />
4839 </message>
4840 <message>
4841 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
4842 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
4843 <translation type="unfinished" />
4844 </message>
4845 <message>
4846 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4847 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
4848 <translation type="unfinished" />
4849 </message>
4850 <message>
4851 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
4852 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
4853 <translation type="unfinished" />
4854 </message>
4855 <message>
4856 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4857 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4858 <source>Raw</source>
4859 <translation type="unfinished" />
4860 </message>
4861 <message>
4862 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
4863 <source>Interpolate</source>
4864 <translation type="unfinished" />
4865 </message>
4866 <message>
4867 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
4868 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
4869 <translation type="unfinished" />
4870 </message>
4871 <message>
4872 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
4873 <source>from directory</source>
4874 <translation type="unfinished" />
4875 </message>
4876 <message>
4877 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="147" />
4878 <source>CurveName</source>
4879 <translation type="unfinished" />
4880 </message>
4881 <message>
4882 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="152" />
4883 <source>Distance</source>
4884 <translation type="unfinished" />
4885 </message>
4886 <message>
4887 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="157" />
4888 <source>Percent</source>
4889 <translation type="unfinished" />
4890 </message>
4891 <message>
4892 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="162" />
4893 <source>FunctionArea</source>
4894 <translation type="unfinished" />
4895 </message>
4896 <message>
4897 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="167" />
4898 <source>Index</source>
4899 <translation type="unfinished" />
4900 </message>
4901 <message>
4902 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="172" />
4903 <source>PolygonArea</source>
4904 <translation type="unfinished" />
4905 </message>
4906 <message>
4907 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4908 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
4909 <source>X</source>
4910 <translation type="unfinished" />
4911 </message>
4912 <message>
4913 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="182" />
4914 <source>Y</source>
4915 <translation type="unfinished" />
4916 </message>
4917 <message>
4918 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
4919 <source>Count</source>
4920 <translation type="unfinished" />
4921 </message>
4922 <message>
4923 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4924 <source>Start</source>
4925 <translation type="unfinished" />
4926 </message>
4927 <message>
4928 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
4929 <source>Step</source>
4930 <translation type="unfinished" />
4931 </message>
4932 <message>
4933 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
4934 <source>Stop</source>
4935 <translation type="unfinished" />
4936 </message>
4937 <message>
4938 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridLineFactory.cpp" line="67" />
4939 <source>Axes checker. If this does not align with the axes, then the axes points should be checked</source>
4940 <translation type="unfinished" />
4941 </message>
4942 <message>
4943 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="22" />
4944 <source>No cropping</source>
4945 <translation type="unfinished" />
4946 </message>
4947 <message>
4948 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="23" />
4949 <source>Crop pdf files with multiple pages</source>
4950 <translation type="unfinished" />
4951 </message>
4952 <message>
4953 <location filename="../src/Import/ImportCroppingUtilBase.cpp" line="24" />
4954 <source>Always crop</source>
4955 <translation type="unfinished" />
4956 </message>
4957 <message>
4958 <location filename="../src/Line/LineStyle.cpp" line="124" />
4959 <source>Cannot read line style data</source>
4960 <translation>Kan ikke lese linjestildata</translation>
4961 </message>
4962 <message>
4963 <location filename="../src/Point/Point.cpp" line="382" />
4964 <source>Cannot read point data</source>
4965 <translation>Kan ikke lese punktdata</translation>
4966 </message>
4967 <message>
4968 <location filename="../src/Point/PointIdentifiers.cpp" line="87" />
4969 <source>Cannot read point identifiers</source>
4970 <translation>Kan ikke lese punktidentifikatorer</translation>
4971 </message>
4972 <message>
4973 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
4974 <source>Circle</source>
4975 <translation>Sirkel</translation>
4976 </message>
4977 <message>
4978 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
4979 <source>Cross</source>
4980 <translation>Kryss</translation>
4981 </message>
4982 <message>
4983 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
4984 <source>Diamond</source>
4985 <translation>Diamant</translation>
4986 </message>
4987 <message>
4988 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
4989 <source>Hourglass</source>
4990 <translation> timeglassform</translation>
4991 </message>
4992 <message>
4993 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4994 <source>Square</source>
4995 <translation>Torget</translation>
4996 </message>
4997 <message>
4998 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
4999 <source>Triangle</source>
5000 <translation>Trekant</translation>
5001 </message>
5002 <message>
5003 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5004 <source>Triangle2</source>
5005 <translation>Trekant2</translation>
5006 </message>
5007 <message>
5008 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
5009 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
5010 <translation>Kan ikke lese punktstildata</translation>
5011 </message>
5012 <message>
5013 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
5014 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
5015 <translation>Koordinater (graf)</translation>
5016 </message>
5017 <message>
5018 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
5019 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
5020 <translation>Koordinater (piksler)</translation>
5021 </message>
5022 <message>
5023 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
5024 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
5025 <translation>Oppløsning (graf)</translation>
5026 </message>
5027 <message>
5028 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="178" />
5029 <source>Need scale bar</source>
5030 <translation>Trenger målestokk</translation>
5031 </message>
5032 <message>
5033 <location filename="../src/Transformation/Transformation.cpp" line="179" />
5034 <source>Need more axis points</source>
5035 <translation>Trenger flere aksepunkter</translation>
5036 </message>
5037 <message>
5038 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
5039 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
5040 <translation>Filen ser ut til å ha tegn fra flere alfabeter, som ikke fungerer på Windows-kommandolinjen</translation>
5041 </message>
5042 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
5044 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
5045 <translation>Kan ikke lese hovedvinduet data</translation>
5046 </message>
5047 <message>
5048 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5049 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
5050 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
5051 <translation>er ikke et gyldig filnavn</translation>
5052 </message>
5053 <message>
5054 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
5055 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
5056 <translation>er ikke et gyldig bildefiltrekk</translation>
5057 </message>
5058 <message>
5059 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
5060 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
5061 <translation>brukes bare med en eller flere lastede filer</translation>
5062 </message>
5063 <message>
5064 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
5065 <source>Available styles</source>
5066 <translation type="unfinished" />
5067 </message>
5068 <message>
5069 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
5070 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
5071 <translation type="unfinished" />
5072 </message>
5073 <message>
5074 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5075 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5076 <translation type="unfinished" />
5077 </message>
5078 <message>
5079 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5080 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5081 <translation type="unfinished" />
5082 </message>
5083 <message>
5084 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
5085 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
5086 <translation type="unfinished" />
5087 </message>
5088 <message>
5089 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
5090 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
5091 <translation type="unfinished" />
5092 </message>
5093 <message>
5094 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
5095 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5096 <translation type="unfinished" />
5097 </message>
5098 <message>
5099 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
5100 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
5101 <translation type="unfinished" />
5102 </message>
5103 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
5105 <source>Show this help information</source>
5106 <translation type="unfinished" />
5107 </message>
5108 <message>
5109 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
5110 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
5111 <translation type="unfinished" />
5112 </message>
5113 <message>
5114 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
5115 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
5116 <translation type="unfinished" />
5117 </message>
5118 <message>
5119 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5120 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5121 <translation type="unfinished" />
5122 </message>
5123 <message>
5124 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5125 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5126 <translation type="unfinished" />
5127 </message>
5128 <message>
5129 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5130 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5131 <translation type="unfinished" />
5132 </message>
5133 <message>
5134 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
5135 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
5136 <translation type="unfinished" />
5137 </message>
5138 <message>
5139 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5140 <source>Could not write to</source>
5141 <translation type="unfinished" />
5142 </message>
5143 <message>
5144 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5145 <source>Upgraded</source>
5146 <translation type="unfinished" />
5147 </message>
5148 <message>
5149 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5150 <source>to</source>
5151 <translation type="unfinished" />
5152 </message>
5153 <message>
5154 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
5155 <source>Start at line</source>
5156 <translation type="unfinished" />
5157 </message>
5158 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="42" />
5160 <source>at line</source>
5161 <translation type="unfinished" />
5162 </message>
5163 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="51" />
5165 <source>Quitting</source>
5166 <translation type="unfinished" />
5167 </message>
5168 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="54" />
5170 <source>Error reading xml</source>
5171 <translation type="unfinished" />
5172 </message>
5173 </context>
5174 <context>
5175 <name>StatusBar</name>
5176 <message>
5177 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
5178 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
5179 <translation type="unfinished" />
5180 </message>
5181 <message>
5182 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
5183 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
5185 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5186 <translation type="unfinished" />
5187 </message>
5188 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
5190 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
5191 <translation type="unfinished" />
5192 </message>
5193 <message>
5194 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
5195 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
5197 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
5198 <translation type="unfinished" />
5199 </message>
5200 <message>
5201 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
5202 <source>Select zoom.</source>
5203 <translation type="unfinished" />
5204 </message>
5205 <message>
5206 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
5207 <source>Select Zoom
5209 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
5210 <translation type="unfinished" />
5211 </message>
5212 <message>
5213 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5214 <source>16:1</source>
5215 <translation type="unfinished" />
5216 </message>
5217 <message>
5218 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5219 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5220 <translation type="unfinished" />
5221 </message>
5222 <message>
5223 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5224 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5225 <translation type="unfinished" />
5226 </message>
5227 <message>
5228 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5229 <source>8:1</source>
5230 <translation type="unfinished" />
5231 </message>
5232 <message>
5233 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5234 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5235 <translation type="unfinished" />
5236 </message>
5237 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5239 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5240 <translation type="unfinished" />
5241 </message>
5242 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5244 <source>4:1</source>
5245 <translation type="unfinished" />
5246 </message>
5247 <message>
5248 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5249 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5250 <translation type="unfinished" />
5251 </message>
5252 <message>
5253 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5254 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5255 <translation type="unfinished" />
5256 </message>
5257 <message>
5258 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5259 <source>2:1</source>
5260 <translation type="unfinished" />
5261 </message>
5262 <message>
5263 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5264 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5265 <translation type="unfinished" />
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
5268 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5269 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5270 <translation type="unfinished" />
5271 </message>
5272 <message>
5273 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5274 <source>1:1</source>
5275 <translation type="unfinished" />
5276 </message>
5277 <message>
5278 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5279 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5280 <translation type="unfinished" />
5281 </message>
5282 <message>
5283 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5284 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5285 <translation type="unfinished" />
5286 </message>
5287 <message>
5288 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5289 <source>1:2</source>
5290 <translation type="unfinished" />
5291 </message>
5292 <message>
5293 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5294 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5295 <translation type="unfinished" />
5296 </message>
5297 <message>
5298 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5299 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5300 <translation type="unfinished" />
5301 </message>
5302 <message>
5303 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5304 <source>1:4</source>
5305 <translation type="unfinished" />
5306 </message>
5307 <message>
5308 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5309 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5310 <translation type="unfinished" />
5311 </message>
5312 <message>
5313 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5314 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5315 <translation type="unfinished" />
5316 </message>
5317 <message>
5318 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5319 <source>1:8</source>
5320 <translation type="unfinished" />
5321 </message>
5322 <message>
5323 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5324 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5325 <translation type="unfinished" />
5326 </message>
5327 <message>
5328 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5329 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5330 <translation type="unfinished" />
5331 </message>
5332 <message>
5333 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5334 <source>1:16</source>
5335 <translation type="unfinished" />
5336 </message>
5337 <message>
5338 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5339 <source>Fill</source>
5340 <translation>Fylle</translation>
5341 </message>
5342 <message>
5343 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5344 <source>Previous</source>
5345 <translation type="unfinished" />
5346 </message>
5347 </context>
5348 <context>
5349 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
5350 <message>
5351 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5352 <source>Axis Points</source>
5353 <translation type="unfinished" />
5354 </message>
5355 <message>
5356 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
5357 <source>Axis points are first defined to
5358 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
5359 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
5360 <translation type="unfinished" />
5361 </message>
5362 <message>
5363 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
5364 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
5365 line with known coordinates. An axis
5366 point appears, with a dialog window
5367 for entering the axis point
5368 coordinates</source>
5369 <translation type="unfinished" />
5370 </message>
5371 <message>
5372 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
5373 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
5374 of the axis point and then click Ok.
5375 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
5376 until three axis points are created</source>
5377 <translation type="unfinished" />
5378 </message>
5379 <message>
5380 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
5381 <source>Previous</source>
5382 <translation type="unfinished" />
5383 </message>
5384 <message>
5385 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
5386 <source>Next</source>
5387 <translation type="unfinished" />
5388 </message>
5389 </context>
5390 <context>
5391 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
5392 <message>
5393 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
5394 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
5395 <translation>Sjekklisteveiviser og sjekklisteveiledning</translation>
5396 </message>
5397 <message>
5398 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
5399 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
5400 is available when importing an image file.
5401 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
5402 steps to follow to digitize the image file.</source>
5403 <translation type="unfinished" />
5404 </message>
5405 <message>
5406 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
5407 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
5408 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
5409 <translation>Steg 1 - Aktiver menyalternativet Hjelp /
5410 Veiviser for sjekklisteveiledning</translation>
5411 </message>
5412 <message>
5413 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
5414 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
5415 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
5416 and ask some simple questions to
5417 determine how the image can be
5418 digitized.</source>
5419 <translation type="unfinished" />
5420 </message>
5421 <message>
5422 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5423 <source>Additional options are available in
5424 the various Settings menus.
5426 This ends the tutorial. Good luck!</source>
5427 <translation type="unfinished" />
5428 </message>
5429 <message>
5430 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
5431 <source>Previous</source>
5432 <translation type="unfinished" />
5433 </message>
5434 </context>
5435 <context>
5436 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
5437 <message>
5438 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
5439 <source>Color Filter</source>
5440 <translation type="unfinished" />
5441 </message>
5442 <message>
5443 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
5444 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
5445 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
5446 black lines the defaults work well, but for
5447 colored lines the settings can be improved.</source>
5448 <translation type="unfinished" />
5449 </message>
5450 <message>
5451 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
5452 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
5453 Filter menu option.</source>
5454 <translation type="unfinished" />
5455 </message>
5456 <message>
5457 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
5458 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
5459 be given the new settings.</source>
5460 <translation type="unfinished" />
5461 </message>
5462 <message>
5463 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
5464 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
5465 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
5466 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
5467 <translation type="unfinished" />
5468 </message>
5469 <message>
5470 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
5471 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
5472 dragging the green handles, until the
5473 curve is clear in the preview window
5474 below. The graph shows a histogram
5475 distribution of the values underneath.
5476 Click Ok when finished.</source>
5477 <translation type="unfinished" />
5478 </message>
5479 <message>
5480 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
5481 <source>Back</source>
5482 <translation type="unfinished" />
5483 </message>
5484 </context>
5485 <context>
5486 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
5487 <message>
5488 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
5489 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
5490 curve is selected to receive curve points.
5491 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
5492 Picker or Segment Fill buttons.</source>
5493 <translation type="unfinished" />
5494 </message>
5495 <message>
5496 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
5497 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
5498 that curve name has not been created yet,
5499 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
5500 to create it.</source>
5501 <translation type="unfinished" />
5502 </message>
5503 <message>
5504 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
5505 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
5506 original image to the filtered image
5507 produced for the current curve, using the
5508 menu option View / Background / Filtered
5509 Image. This filtering enables the powerful
5510 automated algorithms discussed later in
5511 the tutorial.</source>
5512 <translation type="unfinished" />
5513 </message>
5514 <message>
5515 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
5516 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
5517 in the filtered image, then change the
5518 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
5519 the orange points have disappeared.</source>
5520 <translation type="unfinished" />
5521 </message>
5522 <message>
5523 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
5524 <source>Previous</source>
5525 <translation type="unfinished" />
5526 </message>
5527 <message>
5528 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
5529 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
5530 <translation type="unfinished" />
5531 </message>
5532 <message>
5533 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
5534 <source>Next</source>
5535 <translation type="unfinished" />
5536 </message>
5537 </context>
5538 <context>
5539 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
5540 <message>
5541 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
5542 <source>Curve Type</source>
5543 <translation type="unfinished" />
5544 </message>
5545 <message>
5546 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
5547 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
5548 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
5549 <translation type="unfinished" />
5550 </message>
5551 <message>
5552 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
5553 <source>If the curves are drawn
5554 with lines (with or without
5555 points) then click on
5556 Next (Lines).</source>
5557 <translation type="unfinished" />
5558 </message>
5559 <message>
5560 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
5561 <source>If the curves are drawn
5562 without lines and only
5563 with points, then click on
5564 Next (Points).</source>
5565 <translation type="unfinished" />
5566 </message>
5567 <message>
5568 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
5569 <source>Previous</source>
5570 <translation type="unfinished" />
5571 </message>
5572 <message>
5573 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
5574 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
5575 <translation type="unfinished" />
5576 </message>
5577 <message>
5578 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
5579 <source>Next (Points)</source>
5580 <translation type="unfinished" />
5581 </message>
5582 </context>
5583 <context>
5584 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
5585 <message>
5586 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
5587 <source>Introduction</source>
5588 <translation>Introduksjon</translation>
5589 </message>
5590 <message>
5591 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
5592 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
5593 images of graphs and maps.</source>
5594 <translation type="unfinished" />
5595 </message>
5596 <message>
5597 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
5598 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
5599 the graph and map curves.</source>
5600 <translation type="unfinished" />
5601 </message>
5602 <message>
5603 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
5604 <source>The digitized curve points can be
5605 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
5606 <translation type="unfinished" />
5607 </message>
5608 <message>
5609 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
5610 <source>Next</source>
5611 <translation type="unfinished" />
5612 </message>
5613 </context>
5614 <context>
5615 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
5616 <message>
5617 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
5618 <source>Point Match</source>
5619 <translation type="unfinished" />
5620 </message>
5621 <message>
5622 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
5623 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
5624 one sample point, and Engauge
5625 then finds all matching points.
5627 Step 1 - Click on Point Match mode.</source>
5628 <translation type="unfinished" />
5629 </message>
5630 <message>
5631 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
5632 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
5633 points will belong to.</source>
5634 <translation type="unfinished" />
5635 </message>
5636 <message>
5637 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
5638 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
5639 The circle turns green when it
5640 contains what may be a point.</source>
5641 <translation type="unfinished" />
5642 </message>
5643 <message>
5644 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5645 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
5646 matched point with a yellow cross.
5647 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
5648 the matched point. Repeat this step
5649 until there are no more points.</source>
5650 <translation type="unfinished" />
5651 </message>
5652 <message>
5653 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
5654 <source>Previous</source>
5655 <translation type="unfinished" />
5656 </message>
5657 <message>
5658 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
5659 <source>Next</source>
5660 <translation type="unfinished" />
5661 </message>
5662 </context>
5663 <context>
5664 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
5665 <message>
5666 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5667 <source>Segment Fill</source>
5668 <translation type="unfinished" />
5669 </message>
5670 <message>
5671 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5672 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
5673 points all along the line segments
5674 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
5675 Segment Fill button.</source>
5676 <translation type="unfinished" />
5677 </message>
5678 <message>
5679 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
5680 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
5681 points will belong to.</source>
5682 <translation type="unfinished" />
5683 </message>
5684 <message>
5685 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5686 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
5687 segment in the desired curve. If a
5688 green line appears, click on it once
5689 to generate many points.</source>
5690 <translation type="unfinished" />
5691 </message>
5692 <message>
5693 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
5694 <source>Previous</source>
5695 <translation type="unfinished" />
5696 </message>
5697 <message>
5698 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
5699 <source>Next</source>
5700 <translation type="unfinished" />
5701 </message>
5702 </context>
5703 </TS>
357357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
358358 <source>Digitize Axis Point
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 <translation>Digite o ponto do eixoDigita um ponto do eixo para um gráfico colocando um novo ponto no cursor após um clique do mouse. As coordenadas do ponto do eixo são então inseridas. Em um gráfico, são necessários três pontos de eixo para definir as coordenadas do gráfico.</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
362 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
363 <translation>Digitalize o ponto do eixo
365 Digitaliza um ponto de eixo para um gráfico colocando um novo ponto no cursor após um clique do mouse. As coordenadas do ponto do eixo são então inseridas. Após Importar e Importar (Avançado), três pontos do eixo com coordenadas (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) podem ser digitalizados para definir as coordenadas do gráfico. Opcionalmente, após Importação (Avançada), quatro pontos de eixo com coordenadas (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) podem ser digitalizados para definir as coordenadas do gráfico.
367 Esta ferramenta é desativada quando um conjunto completo de pontos do eixo foi definido ou após a Importação (Avançada) se a Barra de escala estiver selecionada.</translation>
368 </message>
369 <message>
370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
365371 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
366372 <translation>Ferramenta de barra de escala</translation>
367373 </message>
368374 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
370376 <source>Shift+F8</source>
371377 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
372378 </message>
373379 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
376 <translation>Digitalize a barra de escala para um mapa.</translation>
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
381 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
382 <translation>Digitalize a barra de escala para um mapa. Requer Importação (Avançada).</translation>
383 </message>
384 <message>
385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
380386 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
382388 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
384 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
385 <translation>Digitalize a barra de escala Dize uma barra de escala para um mapa clicando e arrastando. O tamanho da barra de escala é então inserido. Em um mapa, os dois pontos finais da barra de escala definem as distâncias nas coordenadas do gráfico. Os mapeamentos devem ser importados usando Importar (Avançado).</translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
390 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
392 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
393 <translation>Barra de escala de digitalização
395 Digitalize uma barra de escala para um mapa clicando e arrastando. O comprimento da barra de escala é então inserido. Em um mapa, os dois pontos finais da barra de escala definem as distâncias nas coordenadas do gráfico.
397 Esta ferramenta é ativada selecionando-se a barra de escala na importação (avançada).
399 Esta ferramenta é desativada quando uma barra de escala foi definida ou se os pontos do eixo foram selecionados durante a importação.</translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
389403 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
390404 <translation>Ferramenta de ponto de curva</translation>
391405 </message>
392406 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
394408 <source>Shift+F4</source>
395409 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
396410 </message>
397411 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
399413 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
400414 <translation>Digitalizar pontos da curva.</translation>
401415 </message>
402416 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
404418 <source>Digitize Curve Point
406420 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
413427 Novos pontos serão atribuídos à curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
414428 </message>
415429 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
417431 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
418432 <translation>Ferramenta match point</translation>
419433 </message>
420434 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
422436 <source>Shift+F5</source>
423437 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
424438 </message>
425439 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
427441 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
428442 <translation>Digitalizar pontos de curva em um terreno ponto, combinando um ponto.</translation>
429443 </message>
430444 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
432446 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
434448 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
441455 Novos pontos serão atribuídos à curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
442456 </message>
443457 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
445459 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
446460 <translation>Ferramenta seletor de cores</translation>
447461 </message>
448462 <message>
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
450464 <source>Shift+F6</source>
451465 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
452466 </message>
453467 <message>
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
455469 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
456470 <translation>Selecione as configurações de cores para filtrar no modo Segmento de preenchimento.</translation>
457471 </message>
458472 <message>
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
460474 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
462476 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
465479 Selecione um pixel ao longo da curva atualmente selecionada. Isso pixels e os seus vizinhos irá definir as configurações de filtro (cor, brilho, e assim por diante) da curva atualmente selecionada, enquanto no modo de preenchimento do segmento.</translation>
466480 </message>
467481 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
469483 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
470484 <translation>Ferramenta Preenchimento segmento</translation>
471485 </message>
472486 <message>
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
474488 <source>Shift+F7</source>
475489 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
476490 </message>
477491 <message>
478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
479493 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
480494 <translation>Digitalizar pontos da curva ao longo de um segmento de uma curva.</translation>
481495 </message>
482496 <message>
483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
484498 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
486500 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
493507 Novos pontos serão atribuídos à curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
494508 </message>
495509 <message>
496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
497511 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
498512 <translation>Desfazer</translation>
499513 </message>
500514 <message>
501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
502516 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
503517 <translation>Desfazer a última operação.</translation>
504518 </message>
505519 <message>
506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
507521 <source>Undo
509523 Undo the last operation.</source>
512526 Desfazer a última operação.</translation>
513527 </message>
514528 <message>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
516530 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
517531 <translation>Refazer</translation>
518532 </message>
519533 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
521535 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
522536 <translation>Refazer a última operação.</translation>
523537 </message>
524538 <message>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
526540 <source>Redo
528542 Redo the last operation.</source>
531545 Refazer a última operação.</translation>
532546 </message>
533547 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
535549 <source>Cut</source>
536550 <translation>Cortar</translation>
537551 </message>
538552 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
540554 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
541555 <translation>Corta os pontos selecionados e copia-os para a área de transferência.</translation>
542556 </message>
543557 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
545559 <source>Cut
547561 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
550564 Corta os pontos selecionados e copia-os para a área de transferência.</translation>
551565 </message>
552566 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
554568 <source>Copy</source>
555569 <translation>Cópia</translation>
556570 </message>
557571 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
559573 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
560574 <translation>Cópias Os pontos seleccionados para o clipboard.</translation>
561575 </message>
562576 <message>
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
564578 <source>Copy
566580 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
569583 Cópias Os pontos seleccionados para o clipboard.</translation>
570584 </message>
571585 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
573587 <source>Paste</source>
574588 <translation>Colar</translation>
575589 </message>
576590 <message>
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
578592 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
579593 <translation>Cola os pontos selecionados da área de transferência.</translation>
580594 </message>
581595 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
583597 <source>Paste
585599 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
588602 Cola os pontos selecionados da área de transferência. Eles serão designados para a curva de corrente.</translation>
589603 </message>
590604 <message>
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
592606 <source>Delete</source>
593607 <translation>Excluir</translation>
594608 </message>
595609 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
597611 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
598612 <translation>Exclui os pontos selecionados, depois de copiá-los para a área de transferência.</translation>
599613 </message>
600614 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
602616 <source>Delete
604618 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
607621 Exclui os pontos selecionados, depois de copiá-los para a área de transferência.</translation>
608622 </message>
609623 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
611625 <source>Paste As New</source>
612626 <translation>Cole como nova</translation>
613627 </message>
614628 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
616630 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
617631 <translation>Cola uma imagem da área de transferência.</translation>
618632 </message>
619633 <message>
620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
621635 <source>Paste as New
623637 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
626640 Cria um novo documento, colando uma imagem da área de transferência.</translation>
627641 </message>
628642 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
630644 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
631645 <translation>Cole como nova (Avançado) ...</translation>
632646 </message>
633647 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
635649 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636650 <translation>Cola uma imagem da área de transferência, no modo avançado.</translation>
637651 </message>
638652 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
640654 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
642656 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
645659 Cria um novo documento, colando uma imagem da área de transferência, no modo avançado.</translation>
646660 </message>
647661 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
649663 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
650664 <translation>&amp;Importar...</translation>
651665 </message>
652666 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
654668 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
655669 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
656670 </message>
657671 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
659673 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
660674 <translation>Cria um novo documento através da importação de uma imagem simples.</translation>
661675 </message>
662676 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
664678 <source>Import Image
666680 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
673687 Para imagens mais complicadas com múltiplos sistemas de coordenadas, e / ou eixos flutuantes, Import (Avançado) é usado em vez disso.</translation>
674688 </message>
675689 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677691 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678692 <translation>Importação (Avançado) ...</translation>
679693 </message>
680694 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682696 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683697 <translation>Cria um novo documento através da importação de uma imagem com suporte para recursos avançados.</translation>
684698 </message>
685699 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687701 <source>Import (Advanced)
689703 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
692706 Cria um novo documento através da importação de uma imagem com suporte para recursos avançados. No modo avançado, pode haver múltiplos sistemas e / ou eixos flutuantes de coordenadas.</translation>
693707 </message>
694708 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
696710 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
697711 <translation>Import (Imagem Substituir) ...</translation>
698712 </message>
699713 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
701715 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
702716 <translation>Importa uma nova imagem para o documento atual, substituindo a imagem existente.</translation>
703717 </message>
704718 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
706720 <source>Import (Image Replace)
708722 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
711725 Importa uma nova imagem para o documento atual. A imagem existente é substituído, e todas as curvas no documento são preservados. Esta operação é útil para aplicar os pontos de eixo e outras configurações a partir de um documento existente para uma imagem diferente.</translation>
712726 </message>
713727 <message>
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
715729 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
716730 <translation>Aberto...</translation>
717731 </message>
718732 <message>
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
720734 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
721735 <translation>Abre um documento existente.</translation>
722736 </message>
723737 <message>
724 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
725739 <source>Open Document
727741 Opens an existing document.</source>
730744 Abre um documento existente.</translation>
731745 </message>
732746 <message>
733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
734748 <source>&amp;Close</source>
735749 <translation>Fechar</translation>
736750 </message>
737751 <message>
738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
739753 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
740754 <translation>Fecha o documento aberto.</translation>
741755 </message>
742756 <message>
743 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
744758 <source>Close Document
746760 Closes the open document.</source>
749763 Fecha o documento aberto.</translation>
750764 </message>
751765 <message>
752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
753767 <source>&amp;Save</source>
754768 <translation>Salvar</translation>
755769 </message>
756770 <message>
757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
758772 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
759773 <translation>Salva o documento atual.</translation>
760774 </message>
761775 <message>
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
763777 <source>Save Document
765779 Saves the current document.</source>
768782 Salva o documento atual.</translation>
769783 </message>
770784 <message>
771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
785 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
772786 <source>Save As...</source>
773787 <translation>Salvar como...</translation>
774788 </message>
775789 <message>
776 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
777791 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
778792 <translation>Salva o documento atual com um novo nome.</translation>
779793 </message>
780794 <message>
781 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
782796 <source>Save Document As
784798 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
787801 Salva o documento atual com um novo nome.</translation>
788802 </message>
789803 <message>
790 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
791805 <source>Export...</source>
792806 <translation>Exportar...</translation>
793807 </message>
794808 <message>
795 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
796810 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
797811 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
798812 </message>
799813 <message>
800 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
801815 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
802816 <translation>Exporta o documento atual em um arquivo de texto.</translation>
803817 </message>
804818 <message>
805 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
806820 <source>Export Document
808822 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
811825 Exporta o documento atual em um arquivo de texto.</translation>
812826 </message>
813827 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
815829 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
816830 <translation>Impressão...</translation>
817831 </message>
818832 <message>
819 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
820834 <source>Print the current document.</source>
821835 <translation>Imprimir o documento atual.</translation>
822836 </message>
823837 <message>
824 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
825839 <source>Print Document
827841 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
830844 Imprimir o documento atual para uma impressora ou arquivo.</translation>
831845 </message>
832846 <message>
833 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
847 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
834848 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
835849 <translation>Saída</translation>
836850 </message>
837851 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
839853 <source>Quits the application.</source>
840854 <translation>Sai da aplicação.</translation>
841855 </message>
842856 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
844858 <source>Exit
846860 Quits the application.</source>
849863 Sai da aplicação.</translation>
850864 </message>
851865 <message>
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
853867 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
854868 <translation>Lista de verificação Assistente de Guia</translation>
855869 </message>
856870 <message>
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
858872 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
859873 <translation>Abra Checklist Guia Assistente durante a importação para definir etapas de digitalização</translation>
860874 </message>
861875 <message>
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
863877 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
865879 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
868882 Use Checklist Guia Assistente durante a importação para gerar uma lista de passos para o documento importado</translation>
869883 </message>
870884 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
872886 <source>Tutorial</source>
873887 <translation>Tutorial</translation>
874888 </message>
875889 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
877891 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
878892 <translation>Jogar mostrando etapas do tutorial para a digitalização de curvas</translation>
879893 </message>
880894 <message>
881 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
882896 <source>Tutorial
884898 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
887901 Jogar mostrando etapas do tutorial para a digitalização de pontos de curvas desenhadas com linhas e / ou ponto</translation>
888902 </message>
889903 <message>
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
904 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
891905 <source>Help</source>
892906 <translation>Socorro</translation>
893907 </message>
894908 <message>
895 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
896910 <source>Help documentation</source>
897911 <translation>Documentação de ajuda</translation>
898912 </message>
899913 <message>
900 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
901915 <source>Help Documentation
903917 Searchable help documentation</source>
906920 documentação de ajuda pesquisável</translation>
907921 </message>
908922 <message>
909 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
923 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
910924 <source>About Engauge</source>
911925 <translation>Sobre Engauge</translation>
912926 </message>
913927 <message>
914 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
915929 <source>About the application.</source>
916930 <translation>Sobre a aplicação.</translation>
917931 </message>
918932 <message>
919 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
920934 <source>About Engauge
922936 About the application.</source>
925939 Sobre a aplicação.</translation>
926940 </message>
927941 <message>
928 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
929943 <source>Coordinates...</source>
930944 <translation>Coordenadas ...</translation>
931945 </message>
932946 <message>
933 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
934948 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
935949 <translation>Editar coordenadas configurações.</translation>
936950 </message>
937951 <message>
938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
939953 <source>Coordinate Settings
941955 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
944958 Coordenar opções definem como as coordenadas de gráficos são mapeados para os pixels na imagem</translation>
945959 </message>
946960 <message>
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
948962 <source>Curve List...</source>
949963 <translation>Lista de Curvas...</translation>
950964 </message>
951965 <message>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
953967 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
954968 <translation>Editar configurações da lista de curvas.</translation>
955969 </message>
956970 <message>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
958972 <source>Curve List
960974 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
963977 Configurações da lista de curvas adicionam, renomeam e / ou removem curvas no documento atual</translation>
964978 </message>
965979 <message>
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
967981 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
968982 <translation>Propriedades curva ...</translation>
969983 </message>
970984 <message>
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
972986 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
973987 <translation>Editar configurações da Curva Propriedades.</translation>
974988 </message>
975989 <message>
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
977991 <source>Curve Properties Settings
979993 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
982996 configurações curvas Propriedades determinar como cada curva aparece</translation>
983997 </message>
984998 <message>
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
9861000 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
9871001 <translation>Digitalizar Curve ...</translation>
9881002 </message>
9891003 <message>
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
9911005 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
9921006 <translation>Editar configurações de Digitalização do Eixo e Gráfico curva.</translation>
9931007 </message>
9941008 <message>
995 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9961010 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9981012 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
10011015 Digitalizar configurações Curva determinar como os pontos são digitalizados em Digitize ponto do eixo e modos Digitize Graph Ponto</translation>
10021016 </message>
10031017 <message>
1004 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1018 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
10051019 <source>Export Format...</source>
10061020 <translation>Formato de exportação ...</translation>
10071021 </message>
10081022 <message>
1009 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
10101024 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10111025 <translation>As definições de formato de edição Exportação.</translation>
10121026 </message>
10131027 <message>
1014 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1028 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10151029 <source>Export Format Settings
10171031 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10201034 definições de formato de exportação afetam o modo como os arquivos exportados são formatados</translation>
10211035 </message>
10221036 <message>
1023 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10241038 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10251039 <translation>Filtro de cor ...</translation>
10261040 </message>
10271041 <message>
1028 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10291043 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10301044 <translation>As configurações de filtro Editar cor.</translation>
10311045 </message>
10321046 <message>
1033 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10341048 <source>Color Filter Settings
10361050 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10391053 filtragem de cores simplifica os gráficos para facilitar a correspondência Point e enchimento Segmento</translation>
10401054 </message>
10411055 <message>
1042 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1056 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10431057 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10441058 <translation>Verificador Eixos ...</translation>
10451059 </message>
10461060 <message>
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10481062 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10491063 <translation>Editar definições de eixos de verificador.</translation>
10501064 </message>
10511065 <message>
1052 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10531067 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10551069 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10581072 Eixos verificador pode revelar quaisquer erros ponto do eixo, que são de outra maneira difícil de encontrar.</translation>
10591073 </message>
10601074 <message>
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1075 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10621076 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10631077 <translation>Linha Grelha de exibição ...</translation>
10641078 </message>
10651079 <message>
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10671081 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10681082 <translation>Definições do visor Editar Linha Grelha.</translation>
10691083 </message>
10701084 <message>
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10721086 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10741088 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10771091 Linhas de grade exibidas no gráfico pode fornecer mais precisão do que o Verificador de Axis, para os gráficos distorcidos. Em um gráfico distorcida, as linhas de grade pode ser usada para ajustar os pontos de eixo para mais precisão em diferentes regiões.</translation>
10781092 </message>
10791093 <message>
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1094 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10811095 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10821096 <translation>Grelha de remoção de linha ...</translation>
10831097 </message>
10841098 <message>
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10861100 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10871101 <translation>configurações de remoção de editar linha de grade</translation>
10881102 </message>
10891103 <message>
1090 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10911105 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10931107 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10961110 Remoção de linhas de grade isola linhas curvas para facilitar Matching Point e enchimento Segmento, quando a filtragem de cores não é capaz de linhas de grade separados de linhas curvas.</translation>
10971111 </message>
10981112 <message>
1099 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1113 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
11001114 <source>Point Match...</source>
11011115 <translation>Match Point ...</translation>
11021116 </message>
11031117 <message>
1104 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
11051119 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
11061120 <translation>Editar configurações de ponto de partida.</translation>
11071121 </message>
11081122 <message>
1109 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
11101124 <source>Point Match Settings
11121126 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
11151129 configurações match point determinar como os pontos são combinados no modo de Match Point</translation>
11161130 </message>
11171131 <message>
1118 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1132 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11191133 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11201134 <translation>Preenchimento segmento ...</translation>
11211135 </message>
11221136 <message>
1123 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11241138 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11251139 <translation>Configurações de preenchimento editar o segmento</translation>
11261140 </message>
11271141 <message>
1128 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11291143 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11311145 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11341148 Configurações de enchimento segmento determinar como os pontos são gerados no modo para o segmento de preenchimento</translation>
11351149 </message>
11361150 <message>
1137 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1151 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11381152 <source>General...</source>
11391153 <translation>Geral...</translation>
11401154 </message>
11411155 <message>
1142 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11431157 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11441158 <translation>Editar as configurações gerais.</translation>
11451159 </message>
11461160 <message>
1147 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11481162 <source>General Settings
11501164 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11531167 As definições gerais são configurações específicas do documento que afetam vários modos. Por exemplo, a definição do tamanho do cursor afeta ambos os modos Color Picker e Match Point</translation>
11541168 </message>
11551169 <message>
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1170 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11571171 <source>Main Window...</source>
11581172 <translation>Janela principal ...</translation>
11591173 </message>
11601174 <message>
1161 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11621176 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11631177 <translation>Editar configurações da janela principal.</translation>
11641178 </message>
11651179 <message>
1166 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11671181 <source>Main Window Settings
11691183 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11721186 definições da janela principal afetar a interface do usuário e não são específicos para qualquer documento</translation>
11731187 </message>
11741188 <message>
1175 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1189 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11761190 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11771191 <translation>Barra de ferramentas de fundo</translation>
11781192 </message>
11791193 <message>
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11811195 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11821196 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas de fundo.</translation>
11831197 </message>
11841198 <message>
1185 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1199 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11861200 <source>View Background ToolBar
11881202 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11911205 Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas do fundo</translation>
11921206 </message>
11931207 <message>
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1208 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11951209 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11961210 <translation>Barra de ferramentas guia lista de verificaçã</translation>
11971211 </message>
11981212 <message>
1199 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
12001214 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
12011215 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar o guia checklist.</translation>
12021216 </message>
12031217 <message>
1204 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1218 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
12051219 <source>View Checklist Guide
12071221 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
12101224 Mostrar ou ocultar o guia lista de verificação</translation>
12111225 </message>
12121226 <message>
1213 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1227 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
12141228 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
12151229 <translation>Encaixar uma janela curva</translation>
12161230 </message>
12171231 <message>
1218 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12191233 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12201234 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar a janela de montagem da curva.</translation>
12211235 </message>
12221236 <message>
1223 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12241238 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12261240 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12291243 Mostrar ou ocultar a janela de ajuste de curva</translation>
12301244 </message>
12311245 <message>
1232 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1246 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12331247 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12341248 <translation>Geometria da janela</translation>
12351249 </message>
12361250 <message>
1237 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1251 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12381252 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12391253 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar a janela de geometria.</translation>
12401254 </message>
12411255 <message>
1242 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12431257 <source>View Geometry Window
12451259 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12481262 Mostrar ou ocultar a janela de geometria</translation>
12491263 </message>
12501264 <message>
1251 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1265 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12521266 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12531267 <translation>Barra de ferramentas ferramentas de digitalização</translation>
12541268 </message>
12551269 <message>
1256 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12571271 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12581272 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas ferramentas de digitalização.</translation>
12591273 </message>
12601274 <message>
1261 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1275 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12621276 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12641278 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12671281 Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas ferramentas de digitalização</translation>
12681282 </message>
12691283 <message>
1270 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12711285 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12721286 <translation>Configurações de barra de ferramentas Vistas</translation>
12731287 </message>
12741288 <message>
1275 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12761290 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12771291 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar as configurações vê barra de ferramentas.</translation>
12781292 </message>
12791293 <message>
1280 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12811295 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12831297 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12861300 Mostrar ou ocultar as configurações vê barra de ferramentas. Estas vistas mostram graficamente as configurações mais importantes.</translation>
12871301 </message>
12881302 <message>
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12901304 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12911305 <translation>Coordenar a barra de ferramentas do sistema</translation>
12921306 </message>
12931307 <message>
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12951309 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12961310 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas do sistema de coordenadas.</translation>
12971311 </message>
12981312 <message>
1299 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
13001314 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
13021316 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
13091323 Esta barra de ferramentas é desativado quando há apenas um sistema de coordenadas.</translation>
13101324 </message>
13111325 <message>
1312 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
13131327 <source>Tool Tips</source>
13141328 <translation>Dicas de ferramentas</translation>
13151329 </message>
13161330 <message>
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
13181332 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
13191333 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar as dicas de ferramentas.</translation>
13201334 </message>
13211335 <message>
1322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13231337 <source>View Tool Tips
13251339 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13281342 Mostrar ou ocultar as dicas de ferramentas</translation>
13291343 </message>
13301344 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13321346 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13331347 <translation>Linhas de grade</translation>
13341348 </message>
13351349 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13371351 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13381352 <translation>Mostrar ou ocultar linhas de grade.</translation>
13391353 </message>
13401354 <message>
1341 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13421356 <source>View Grid Lines
13441358 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13471361 Mostrar ou ocultar linhas de grade que são adicionados para ajustes precisos dos pontos de machados, que pode melhorar a precisão em gráficos distorcidos</translation>
13481362 </message>
13491363 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13511365 <source>No Background</source>
13521366 <translation>No fundo</translation>
13531367 </message>
13541368 <message>
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13561370 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13571371 <translation>Não mostrar a imagem debaixo dos pontos.</translation>
13581372 </message>
13591373 <message>
1360 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13611375 <source>No Background
13631377 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13661380 Nenhuma imagem é mostrada de modo pontos são mais fáceis de ver</translation>
13671381 </message>
13681382 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13701384 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13711385 <translation>Mostrar imagem original</translation>
13721386 </message>
13731387 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13751389 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13761390 <translation>Mostrar a imagem original por baixo dos pontos.</translation>
13771391 </message>
13781392 <message>
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13801394 <source>Show Original Image
13821396 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13851399 Mostrar a imagem original por baixo dos pontos</translation>
13861400 </message>
13871401 <message>
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13891403 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13901404 <translation>Mostrar imagem filtrada</translation>
13911405 </message>
13921406 <message>
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13941408 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13951409 <translation>Mostrar a imagem filtrada sob os pontos.</translation>
13961410 </message>
13971411 <message>
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13991413 <source>Show Filtered Image
14011415 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
14081422 A imagem filtrada é criada a partir da imagem original de acordo com as preferências de filtrar informações tão pouco importante é ocultos e informações importantes são enfatizadas</translation>
14091423 </message>
14101424 <message>
1411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
14121426 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
14131427 <translation>Esconder todas as curvas</translation>
14141428 </message>
14151429 <message>
1416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
14171431 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
14181432 <translation>Esconder todas as curvas digitalizadas.</translation>
14191433 </message>
14201434 <message>
1421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
14221436 <source>Hide All Curves
14241438 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14271441 Não há pontos de eixos ou curvas do gráfico digitalizados são mostrados para que a imagem é mais fácil de ver.</translation>
14281442 </message>
14291443 <message>
1430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14311445 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14321446 <translation>Mostrar curva selecionada</translation>
14331447 </message>
14341448 <message>
1435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14361450 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14371451 <translation>Mostrar apenas a curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
14381452 </message>
14391453 <message>
1440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14411455 <source>Show Selected Curve
14431457 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14461460 Mostrar apenas os pontos digitalizados e linha que pertencem à curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
14471461 </message>
14481462 <message>
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14501464 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14511465 <translation>Mostrar Todas as curvas</translation>
14521466 </message>
14531467 <message>
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14551469 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14561470 <translation>Mostrar Todas as curvas</translation>
14571471 </message>
14581472 <message>
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14601474 <source>Show All Curves
14621476 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14651479 Mostrar todos os pontos do eixo digitalizados e curvas do gráfico</translation>
14661480 </message>
14671481 <message>
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14691483 <source>Hide Always</source>
14701484 <translation>Esconder sempre</translation>
14711485 </message>
14721486 <message>
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14741488 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14751489 <translation>Sempre ocultar a barra de status.</translation>
14761490 </message>
14771491 <message>
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14791493 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14801494 <translation>Ocultar a barra de status. Nenhuma mensagem de status ou de feedback temporários irá aparecer.</translation>
14811495 </message>
14821496 <message>
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14841498 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14851499 <translation>Mostrar mensagens temporárias</translation>
14861500 </message>
14871501 <message>
1488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1502 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14891503 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14901504 <translation>Esconder a barra de status exceto quando exibir mensagens temporárias.</translation>
14911505 </message>
14921506 <message>
1493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1507 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14941508 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14951509 <translation>Ocultar a barra de status, exceto quando exibir mensagens de status e feedback temporários.</translation>
14961510 </message>
14971511 <message>
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1512 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14991513 <source>Show Always</source>
15001514 <translation>Sempre mostrar</translation>
15011515 </message>
15021516 <message>
1503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
15041518 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
15051519 <translation>Sempre mostrar a barra de status.</translation>
15061520 </message>
15071521 <message>
1508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
15091523 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
15101524 <translation>Mostrar a barra de status. Além de exibir mensagens de status e feedback temporários, a barra de status também exibe informações sobre a posição do cursor.</translation>
15111525 </message>
15121526 <message>
1513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
15141528 <source>Zoom Out</source>
15151529 <translation>Afastar</translation>
15161530 </message>
15171531 <message>
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1532 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
15191533 <source>Zoom out</source>
15201534 <translation>Afastar</translation>
15211535 </message>
15221536 <message>
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1537 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
15241538 <source>Zoom In</source>
15251539 <translation>Mais Zoom</translation>
15261540 </message>
15271541 <message>
1528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1542 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15291543 <source>Zoom in</source>
15301544 <translation>Mais Zoom</translation>
15311545 </message>
15321546 <message>
1533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1547 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15341548 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15351549 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15361550 </message>
15371551 <message>
1538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1552 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15391553 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15401554 <translation>Zoom 16:1</translation>
15411555 </message>
15421556 <message>
1543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1557 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15441558 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15451559 <translation>16:1 mais longe (1270%)</translation>
15461560 </message>
15471561 <message>
1548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1562 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15491563 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15501564 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
15511565 </message>
15521566 <message>
1553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15541568 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15551569 <translation>8:1 mais perto (1008%)</translation>
15561570 </message>
15571571 <message>
1558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15591573 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15601574 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
15611575 </message>
15621576 <message>
1563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15641578 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15651579 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15661580 </message>
15671581 <message>
1568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15691583 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15701584 <translation>Zoom 8:1</translation>
15711585 </message>
15721586 <message>
1573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15741588 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15751589 <translation>8:1 mais longe (635%)</translation>
15761590 </message>
15771591 <message>
1578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15791593 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15801594 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
15811595 </message>
15821596 <message>
1583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1597 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15841598 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15851599 <translation>4:1 mais perto (504%)</translation>
15861600 </message>
15871601 <message>
1588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15891603 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15901604 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
15911605 </message>
15921606 <message>
1593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15941608 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15951609 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15961610 </message>
15971611 <message>
1598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15991613 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
16001614 <translation>Zoom 4:1</translation>
16011615 </message>
16021616 <message>
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1617 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
16041618 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
16051619 <translation>4:1 mais longe (317%)</translation>
16061620 </message>
16071621 <message>
1608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1622 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
16091623 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
16101624 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
16111625 </message>
16121626 <message>
1613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1627 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
16141628 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
16151629 <translation>2:1 mais perto (252%)</translation>
16161630 </message>
16171631 <message>
1618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1632 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
16191633 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
16201634 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
16211635 </message>
16221636 <message>
1623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1637 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
16241638 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
16251639 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
16261640 </message>
16271641 <message>
1628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1642 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16291643 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16301644 <translation>Zoom 2:1</translation>
16311645 </message>
16321646 <message>
1633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1647 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16341648 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16351649 <translation>2:1 mais longe (159%)</translation>
16361650 </message>
16371651 <message>
1638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1652 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16391653 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16401654 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
16411655 </message>
16421656 <message>
1643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16441658 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16451659 <translation>1:1 mais perto (126%)</translation>
16461660 </message>
16471661 <message>
1648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16491663 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16501664 <translation>Zoom 1.3:1</translation>
16511665 </message>
16521666 <message>
1653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16541668 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16551669 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16561670 </message>
16571671 <message>
1658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16591673 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16601674 <translation>Zoom 1:1</translation>
16611675 </message>
16621676 <message>
1663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16641678 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16651679 <translation>1:1 mais longe (79%)</translation>
16661680 </message>
16671681 <message>
1668 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16691683 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16701684 <translation>Zoom 0.8:1</translation>
16711685 </message>
16721686 <message>
1673 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16741688 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16751689 <translation>1:2 mais perto (63%)</translation>
16761690 </message>
16771691 <message>
1678 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1692 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16791693 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16801694 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
16811695 </message>
16821696 <message>
1683 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1697 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16841698 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16851699 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16861700 </message>
16871701 <message>
1688 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1702 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16891703 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16901704 <translation>Zoom 1:2</translation>
16911705 </message>
16921706 <message>
1693 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1707 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16941708 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16951709 <translation>1:2 mais longe (40%)</translation>
16961710 </message>
16971711 <message>
1698 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16991713 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
17001714 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
17011715 </message>
17021716 <message>
1703 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
17041718 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
17051719 <translation>1:4 mais perto (31%)</translation>
17061720 </message>
17071721 <message>
1708 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
17091723 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
17101724 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
17111725 </message>
17121726 <message>
1713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
17141728 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
17151729 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
17161730 </message>
17171731 <message>
1718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
17191733 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
17201734 <translation>Zoom 1:4</translation>
17211735 </message>
17221736 <message>
1723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
17241738 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
17251739 <translation>1:4 mais longe (20%)</translation>
17261740 </message>
17271741 <message>
1728 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17291743 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17301744 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
17311745 </message>
17321746 <message>
1733 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17341748 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17351749 <translation>1:8 mais pertoi (12.5%)</translation>
17361750 </message>
17371751 <message>
1738 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17391752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17401754 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17411755 <translation>Zoom 1:8</translation>
17421756 </message>
17431757 <message>
1744 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17451759 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17461760 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17471761 </message>
17481762 <message>
1749 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17501764 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17511765 <translation>1:8 mais longe (10%)</translation>
17521766 </message>
17531767 <message>
1754 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1768 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17551769 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17561770 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
17571771 </message>
17581772 <message>
1759 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1773 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17601774 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17611775 <translation>1:16 mais perto (8%)</translation>
17621776 </message>
17631777 <message>
1764 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1778 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17651779 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17661780 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
17671781 </message>
17681782 <message>
1769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17701784 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17711785 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17721786 </message>
17731787 <message>
1774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17751789 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17761790 <translation>Zoom 1:16</translation>
17771791 </message>
17781792 <message>
1779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17801794 <source>Fill</source>
17811795 <translation>Preencher</translation>
17821796 </message>
17831797 <message>
1784 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17851799 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17861800 <translation>Zoom com alongamento para a janela preencha</translation>
17871801 </message>
20492063 <context>
20502064 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20512065 <message>
2052 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2066 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20532067 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20542068 <translation>Editar Ponto Axis</translation>
20552069 </message>
20562070 <message>
2057 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20582072 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20592073 <translation>Coordenadas Gráfico</translation>
20602074 </message>
20612075 <message>
2062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20632077 <source>as</source>
20642078 <translation>como</translation>
20652079 </message>
20662080 <message>
2067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20682082 <source>(</source>
20692083 <translation>(</translation>
20702084 </message>
20712085 <message>
2072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2086 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20732087 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2075 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2089 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20772091 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2078 <translation>Digite o primeiro gráfico de coordenadas do ponto do eixo .
2080 Para gráficos cartesianos este é X. Para gráficos polares este é o raio R.
2082 O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinada pela configuração de localidade . Se os valores digitados não são reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2083 </message>
2084 <message>
2085 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2092 <translation>Digite a primeira coordenada do gráfico do ponto do eixo. Para plotagens cartesianas, isso é X. Para gráficos polares, esse é o ângulo Theta. O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinado pela configuração do código de idioma. Se os valores digitados não forem reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2093 </message>
2094 <message>
2095 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20862096 <source>, </source>
20872097 <translation>,</translation>
20882098 </message>
20892099 <message>
2090 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2100 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20912101 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2093 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2103 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20952105 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2096 <translation>Introduza o segundo gráfico de coordenadas do eixo point.
2098 Para gráficos cartesianos este é Y. Para gráficos polares este é o ângulo Theta.
2100 O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinada pela configuração de localidade. Se os valores digitados não são reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2101 </message>
2102 <message>
2103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2106 <translation>Digite a segunda coordenada do gráfico do ponto do eixo. Para plotagens cartesianas, isso é Y. Para gráficos polares, esse é o raio R.O formato esperado do valor da coordenada é determinado pela configuração do código do idioma. Se os valores digitados não forem reconhecidos como esperado, verifique a configuração de localidade em Configurações / Janela principal ...</translation>
2107 </message>
2108 <message>
2109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
21042110 <source>)</source>
21052111 <translation>)</translation>
21062112 </message>
21072113 <message>
2108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2109 <source>Number format</source>
2110 <translation>Formato de número</translation>
2111 </message>
2112 <message>
2113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2115 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2116 <translation>Número de coordenadas por ponto de eixo:</translation>
2117 </message>
2118 <message>
2119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2120 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2121 <translation>Três pontos do eixo com duas coordenadas cada são normalmente usados. Se cada ponto do eixo tiver apenas uma coordenada conhecida, comece novamente com os pontos de arquivo / importação (avançado) / 4 eixos.</translation>
2122 </message>
2123 <message>
2124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2125 <source>Number format:</source>
2126 <translation>Formato numérico:</translation>
2127 </message>
2128 <message>
2129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2130 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2131 <translation>Localidade que determina os formatos de números permitidos. Isso é definido por Configurações / Janela principal.</translation>
2132 </message>
2133 <message>
2134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
21142135 <source>Ok</source>
21152136 <translation>Ok</translation>
21162137 </message>
21172138 <message>
2118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
21192140 <source>Cancel</source>
21202141 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
21212142 </message>
23432364 <context>
23442365 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23452366 <message>
2346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23472368 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23482369 <translation>Image File Import Recorte</translation>
23492370 </message>
23502371 <message>
2351 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23522373 <source>Preview</source>
23532374 <translation>Visualização</translation>
23542375 </message>
23552376 <message>
2356 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23572378 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23582379 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra o que parte da imagem será importada. A porção de imagem dentro da moldura retangular será importado a partir da página selecionada atualmente. O quadro pode ser movido e redimensionado arrastando as alças de canto.</translation>
23592380 </message>
23602381 <message>
2361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2382 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23622383 <source>Ok</source>
23632384 <translation>Ok</translation>
23642385 </message>
23652386 <message>
2366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23672388 <source>Cancel</source>
23682389 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
23692390 </message>
23712392 <context>
23722393 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23732394 <message>
2374 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23752396 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23762397 <translation>PDF Import File Recorte</translation>
23772398 </message>
23782399 <message>
2379 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2400 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23802401 <source>Page</source>
23812402 <translation>Página</translation>
23822403 </message>
23832404 <message>
2384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2405 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23852406 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23862407 <translation>Número da página que será importado</translation>
23872408 </message>
23882409 <message>
2389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2410 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23902411 <source>Preview</source>
23912412 <translation>Visualização</translation>
23922413 </message>
23932414 <message>
2394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23952416 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23962417 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra o que parte da imagem será importada. A porção de imagem dentro da moldura retangular será importado a partir da página selecionada atualmente. O quadro pode ser movido e redimensionado arrastando as alças de canto.</translation>
23972418 </message>
23982419 <message>
2399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
24002421 <source>Ok</source>
24012422 <translation>Ok</translation>
24022423 </message>
24032424 <message>
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
24052426 <source>Cancel</source>
24062427 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
24072428 </message>
24172438 <context>
24182439 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
24192440 <message>
2420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
24212442 <source>Ok</source>
24222443 <translation>Ok</translation>
24232444 </message>
24242445 <message>
2425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
24262447 <source>Cancel</source>
24272448 <translation>Cancelar</translation>
24282449 </message>
24352456 <translation>Checker Eixos</translation>
24362457 </message>
24372458 <message>
2438 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24392460 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24402461 <translation>Checker Eixos Lifetime</translation>
24412462 </message>
24422463 <message>
2443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24442465 <source>Do not show</source>
24452466 <translation>Não mostre</translation>
24462467 </message>
24472468 <message>
2448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24492470 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24502471 <translation>Nunca mostrar verificador eixos.</translation>
24512472 </message>
24522473 <message>
2453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2474 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24542475 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24552476 <translation>Mostrar para um número de segundos</translation>
24562477 </message>
24572478 <message>
2458 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2479 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24592480 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24602481 <translation>Mostrar eixos verificador para um número de segundos após mudar pontos eixos.</translation>
24612482 </message>
24622483 <message>
2463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2484 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24642485 <source>Show always</source>
24652486 <translation>Mostrar sempre</translation>
24662487 </message>
24672488 <message>
2468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24692490 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24702491 <translation>Sempre mostrar verificador de eixos.</translation>
24712492 </message>
24722493 <message>
2473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24742495 <source>Line color</source>
24752496 <translation>Cor da linha</translation>
24762497 </message>
24772498 <message>
2478 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24792500 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24802501 <translation>Selecione uma cor para as linhas de realce extraídos em cada ponto do eixo</translation>
24812502 </message>
24822503 <message>
2483 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24842505 <source>Preview</source>
24852506 <translation>Visualização</translation>
24862507 </message>
24872508 <message>
2488 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24892510 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24902511 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra como as configurações atuais afetam verificador os eixos apresentados</translation>
24912512 </message>
24982519 <translation>Filtro colorido</translation>
24992520 </message>
25002521 <message>
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
25022523 <source>Curve Name</source>
25032524 <translation>Nome Curve</translation>
25042525 </message>
25052526 <message>
2506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
25072528 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
25082529 <translation>Nome da curva que está selecionado para edição</translation>
25092530 </message>
25102531 <message>
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
25122533 <source>Filter mode</source>
25132534 <translation>Odo de filtro</translation>
25142535 </message>
25152536 <message>
2516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2537 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
25172538 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25192540 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
25222543 O valor de intensidade de um pixel é calculado a partir dos componentes vermelho , verde e azul como I = squareRoot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
25232544 </message>
25242545 <message>
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
25262547 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25282549 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
25352556 A distância de qualquer cor ( R, G , B ) a partir da cor do fundo ( Rb , GB , Bb ) é calculada como F = squareRoot ( (R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)) . Na extremidade esquerda da escala , o valor da distância do primeiro plano é zero e aumenta linearmente com o máximo na extremidade direita </translation>
25362557 </message>
25372558 <message>
2538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25392560 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25402561 <translation>Filtrar a imagem original em pixels em preto e branco usando o componente de Hue da matiz, saturação e componentes de cor Valor (HSV) , para ocultar informações irrelevantes e enfatizar informações importantes.</translation>
25412562 </message>
25422563 <message>
2543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25442565 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25452566 <translation>Filtrar a imagem original em pixels em preto e branco usando o componente de saturação do matiz, saturação e componentes de cor Valor (HSV) , para ocultar informações irrelevantes e enfatizar informações importantes.</translation>
25462567 </message>
25472568 <message>
2548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2569 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25492570 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25512572 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25542575 O componente de valor também é chamado de Claridade.</translation>
25552576 </message>
25562577 <message>
2557 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25582579 <source>Preview</source>
25592580 <translation>Visualização</translation>
25602581 </message>
25612582 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25632584 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25642585 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra como as configurações atuais afetam a filtragem da imagem original.</translation>
25652586 </message>
25662587 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25682589 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25692590 <translation>Filtro Parâmetro Histograma Perfil</translation>
25702591 </message>
25712592 <message>
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25732594 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25742595 <translation>Perfil histograma do parâmetro de filtro selecionado . Os dois divisores podem ser movidos para trás e para ajustar a gama de valores de parâmetros de filtro que serão incluídas na imagem filtrada. A porção clara será incluído, e a parte sombreada será excluído.</translation>
25752596 </message>
25762597 <message>
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25782599 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25792600 <translation>Isto ler-apenas a caixa apresenta uma representação gráfica do eixo horizontal do perfil histograma acima.</translation>
25802601 </message>
25822603 <context>
25832604 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25842605 <message>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25882609 <source>Coordinates</source>
25892610 <translation>Coordenadas</translation>
25902611 </message>
25912612 <message>
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25932614 <source>Date/Time</source>
25942615 <translation>Data / hora</translation>
25952616 </message>
25962617 <message>
2597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25982619 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26002621 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
26032624 Definir o formato como um resultados de valor vazio em apenas a parte do tempo a aparecer na produção.</translation>
26042625 </message>
26052626 <message>
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
26072628 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
26092630 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
26122633 Definir o formato como um resultados de valor vazio em apenas a parte data que aparece na produção.</translation>
26132634 </message>
26142635 <message>
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
26162637 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
26172638 <translation>coordenadas Tipos</translation>
26182639 </message>
26192640 <message>
2620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
26212642 <source>Polar</source>
26222643 <translation>Polar</translation>
26232644 </message>
26242645 <message>
2625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2626 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
26272648 <source>R</source>
26282649 <translation>R</translation>
26292650 </message>
26302651 <message>
2631 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
26322653 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
26332654 <translation>Cartesianas (X, Y)</translation>
26342655 </message>
26352656 <message>
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
26372658 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
26392660 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26422663 Serão utilizadas as coordenadas X e Y.</translation>
26432664 </message>
26442665 <message>
2645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2666 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26462667 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26482669 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26552676 coordenadas polares não são permitidos com escala logarítmica para Theta</translation>
26562677 </message>
26572678 <message>
2658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2679 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26602681 <source>Scale</source>
26612682 <translation>Escala</translation>
26622683 </message>
26632684 <message>
2664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26662687 <source>Linear</source>
26672688 <translation>Linear</translation>
26682689 </message>
26692690 <message>
2670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26712692 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26722693 <translation>
26732694 Especifica escala linear para a X ou Theta coordenar</translation>
26742695 </message>
26752696 <message>
2676 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26782699 <source>Log</source>
26792700 <translation>Logaritmo</translation>
26802701 </message>
26812702 <message>
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26832704 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26852706 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26922713 Escala logarítmica não é permitido para o Theta coordenadas.</translation>
26932714 </message>
26942715 <message>
2695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2717 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26972718 <source>Units</source>
26982719 <translation>Unidades</translation>
26992720 </message>
27002721 <message>
2701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
27022723 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
27032724 <translation>Especifica escala linear para a Y ou R coordenar</translation>
27042725 </message>
27052726 <message>
2706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
27072728 <source>Origin radius value</source>
27082729 <translation>valor do raio de Origem</translation>
27092730 </message>
27102731 <message>
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2732 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
27122733 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
27142735 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
27172738 Escala logarítmica não é permitida quando há coordenadas negativas.</translation>
27182739 </message>
27192740 <message>
2720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
27212742 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
27232744 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
27262747 Normalmente, o raio na origem é 0, mas um valor diferente de zero pode ser aplicada em outros casos (como quando as unidades são radiais decibéis).</translation>
27272748 </message>
27282749 <message>
2729 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
27302751 <source>Preview</source>
27312752 <translation>Visualização</translation>
27322753 </message>
27332754 <message>
2734 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
27352756 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
27362757 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra como as configurações atuais afetam o sistema de coordenadas.</translation>
27372758 </message>
27382759 <message>
2739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
27402761 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
27422763 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
27492770 Graus, minutos e segundos (DDD MM ss.s) formato usa dois números inteiros para os graus e minutos, e um número real para segundos. Há 60 segundos por minuto. Durante a entrada, espaços devem ser inseridos entre os três números.</translation>
27502771 </message>
27512772 <message>
2752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27532774 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27552776 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27742795 Acontece formato usa um único número real. Uma volta completa é um turno.</translation>
27752796 </message>
27762797 <message>
2777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27782799 <source>X</source>
27792800 <translation>X</translation>
27802801 </message>
27812802 <message>
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27832804 <source>Y</source>
27842805 <translation>Y</translation>
27852806 </message>
27862807 </context>
27872808 <context>
2788 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2789 <message>
2790 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2809 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2810 <message>
2811 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27912812 <source>Curve List</source>
27922813 <translation>Lista de Curvas</translation>
27932814 </message>
27942815 <message>
2795 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2816 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27962817 <source>Add...</source>
2797 <translation>
2798 Adicionar...</translation>
2799 </message>
2800 <message>
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2818 <translation>Adicionar...</translation>
2819 </message>
2820 <message>
2821 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
28022822 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
28042824 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2805 <translation>Adiciona uma nova curva à lista de curva. O nome da curva pode ser editado na lista de nomes curva.
2807 Cada nome de curva deve ser exclusivo</translation>
2808 </message>
2809 <message>
2810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2825 <translation>Adiciona uma nova curva à lista de curvas. O nome da curva pode ser editado na lista de nomes de curvas. Todo nome de curva deve ser único</translation>
2826 </message>
2827 <message>
2828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
28112829 <source>Remove</source>
28122830 <translation>Remover</translation>
28132831 </message>
28142832 <message>
2815 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2833 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
28162834 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
28182836 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2819 <translation>Remove a curva atualmente selecionada a partir da lista curva.
2821 Deve haver sempre pelo menos uma curva</translation>
2822 </message>
2823 <message>
2824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2837 <translation>Remove a curva atualmente selecionada da lista de curvas. Sempre deve haver pelo menos uma curva</translation>
2838 </message>
2839 <message>
2840 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
28252841 <source>Curve Names</source>
2826 <translation>Nomes Curve</translation>
2827 </message>
2828 <message>
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2842 <translation>Nomes de Curva</translation>
2843 </message>
2844 <message>
2845 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
28302846 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
28322848 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
28342850 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2835 <translation>Lista das curvas pertencentes a este documento.
2837 Clique no nome de uma curva para editá-lo. Cada nome de curva deve ser exclusivo.
2839 Reordenar curvas arrastando-os ao redor.</translation>
2840 </message>
2841 <message>
2842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2851 <translation>Lista das curvas que pertencem a este documento. Clique em um nome de curva para editá-lo. Cada nome de curva deve ser exclusivo. Revise as curvas arrastando-as.</translation>
2852 </message>
2853 <message>
2854 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
28432855 <source>Save As Default</source>
28442856 <translation>Salvar como padrão</translation>
28452857 </message>
28462858 <message>
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
28482860 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2849 <translation>Guardar os nomes de curva para uso como padrão para futuros curvas do gráfico.</translation>
2850 </message>
2851 <message>
2852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2861 <translation>Salve os nomes das curvas para usar como padrões para futuras curvas gráficas.</translation>
2862 </message>
2863 <message>
2864 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
28532865 <source>Reset Default</source>
2854 <translation>Padrão de reset</translation>
2855 </message>
2856 <message>
2857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2866 <translation>Redefinir Padrão</translation>
2867 </message>
2868 <message>
2869 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
28582870 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2859 <translation>Redefinir os padrões para as futuras curvas gráfico para as configurações originais.</translation>
2860 </message>
2861 <message>
2862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2871 <translation>Redefina os padrões das futuras curvas gráficas para as configurações originais.</translation>
2872 </message>
2873 <message>
2874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28632875 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2864 <translation>A remoção desta curva também irá remover</translation>
2865 </message>
2866 <message>
2867 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2876 <translation>Remover esta curva também removerá</translation>
2877 </message>
2878 <message>
2879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28692881 <source>points. Continue?</source>
28702882 <translation>pontos. Continuar?</translation>
28712883 </message>
28722884 <message>
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2885 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28742886 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2875 <translation>A remoção destas curvas também removerá</translation>
2876 </message>
2877 <message>
2878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2887 <translation>A remoção dessas curvas também removerá</translation>
2888 </message>
2889 <message>
2890 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28792891 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2880 <translation>Curvas com pontos de</translation>
2892 <translation>Curvas com pontos</translation>
28812893 </message>
28822894 </context>
28832895 <context>
28842896 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28852897 <message>
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28872899 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28882900 <translation>Propriedades de curva</translation>
28892901 </message>
28902902 <message>
2891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28922904 <source>Curve Name</source>
28932905 <translation>Nome Curve</translation>
28942906 </message>
28952907 <message>
2896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28972909 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28982910 <translation>Nome da curva que está selecionado para edição</translation>
28992911 </message>
29002912 <message>
2901 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
29022914 <source>Line</source>
29032915 <translation>Linha</translation>
29042916 </message>
29052917 <message>
2906 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
29072919 <source>Width</source>
29082920 <translation>Largura</translation>
29092921 </message>
29102922 <message>
2911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
29122924 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
29142926 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29172929 Isso se aplica somente para as curvas do gráfico. Não há linhas são sempre feita entre pontos do eixo.</translation>
29182930 </message>
29192931 <message>
2920 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
29222934 <source>Color</source>
29232935 <translation>Cor</translation>
29242936 </message>
29252937 <message>
2926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
29272939 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
29292941 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
29332945 Isso se aplica somente para as curvas do gráfico. Não há linhas são sempre feita entre pontos do eixo.</translation>
29342946 </message>
29352947 <message>
2936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
29372949 <source>Connect as</source>
29382950 <translation>Conectar-se como</translation>
29392951 </message>
29402952 <message>
2941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
29422954 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
29442956 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
29482960 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2950 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2962 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
29522964 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2953 <translation>Selecione regra para conectar os pontos com linhas.
2955 Se a curva é ligado como uma função de um valor único, em seguida, os pontos são ordenadas por valor da variável independente crescente.
2957 Se a curva é ligada como um contorno fechado, em seguida, os pontos são ordenados pela idade, excepto para os pontos situados ao longo de uma linha existente. Qualquer ponto colocado em cima de qualquer linha existente é inserido entre os dois pontos finais dessa linha - como se sua idade estava entre as idades dos dois pontos finais.
2959 As linhas são desenhadas entre os pontos sucessivamente encomendados.
2961 curvas retas são desenhados com linhas retas entre pontos sucessivos. curvas suaves são desenhados com linhas suaves entre pontos sucessivos.
2963 Isso se aplica somente para as curvas do gráfico. Não há linhas são sempre feita entre pontos do eixo.</translation>
2964 </message>
2965 <message>
2966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2965 <translation>Selecione a regra para conectar pontos com linhas. Se a curva estiver conectada como uma função de valor único, os pontos serão ordenados aumentando o valor da variável independente. Se a curva estiver conectada como um contorno fechado, os pontos serão ordenada por idade, exceto pelos pontos colocados ao longo de uma linha existente. Qualquer ponto colocado no topo de qualquer linha existente é inserido entre os dois pontos finais dessa linha - como se a sua idade estivesse entre as idades dos dois pontos finais. As linhas são desenhadas entre pontos ordenados sucessivamente. linhas entre pontos sucessivos. Curvas suaves são desenhadas com linhas suaves entre pontos sucessivos, usando splines cúbicos naturais de pares (x, y) versus valores ordinais escalares (t). Isso se aplica somente a curvas gráficas. Nenhuma linha é desenhada entre os pontos do eixo.</translation>
2966 </message>
2967 <message>
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
29672969 <source>Point</source>
29682970 <translation>Ponto</translation>
29692971 </message>
29702972 <message>
2971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29722974 <source>Shape</source>
29732975 <translation>Forma</translation>
29742976 </message>
29752977 <message>
2976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2978 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29772979 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29782980 <translation>Seleccionar uma forma para os pontos</translation>
29792981 </message>
29802982 <message>
2981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2983 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29822984 <source>Radius</source>
29832985 <translation>Raio</translation>
29842986 </message>
29852987 <message>
2986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2988 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29872989 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29882990 <translation>Selecionar um raio, em pixels, para os pontos</translation>
29892991 </message>
29902992 <message>
2991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2993 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29922994 <source>Line width</source>
29932995 <translation>Espessura da linha</translation>
29942996 </message>
29952997 <message>
2996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2998 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29972999 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29993001 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
30023004 A maior largura resulta em uma linha mais grossa, com excepção de um valor de zero, o que sempre resulta em uma linha que é um pixel de largura (que é fácil de ver, mesmo quando o zoom longe)</translation>
30033005 </message>
30043006 <message>
3005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
3007 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
30063008 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
30073009 <translation>Selecione uma cor para a linha utilizada para desenhar as formas de pontos</translation>
30083010 </message>
30093011 <message>
3010 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
3012 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
30113013 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
30133015 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
30203022 Se as configurações visíveis são para a curva do gráfico Nth na lista curva, então eles vão ser usados para futuras curvas do gráfico que estão também a curva do gráfico Nth na sua lista de curva, até que novas definições são guardadas como padrão.</translation>
30213023 </message>
30223024 <message>
3023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
3025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
30243026 <source>Preview</source>
30253027 <translation>Visualização</translation>
30263028 </message>
30273029 <message>
3028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
3030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
30293031 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
30313033 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
31243126 <translation>Formato de exportação</translation>
31253127 </message>
31263128 <message>
3127 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
31283130 <source>Included</source>
31293131 <translation>Incluído</translation>
31303132 </message>
31313133 <message>
3132 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
31333135 <source>Not included</source>
31343136 <translation>Não incluído</translation>
31353137 </message>
31363138 <message>
3137 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
31383140 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
31403142 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
31433145 A ordem das curvas aqui não afeta a ordem no arquivo exportado. Essa ordem é determinada pelas configurações de Curvas</translation>
31443146 </message>
31453147 <message>
3146 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
31473149 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
31483150 <translation>Lista de curvas para ser excluído do arquivo exportado</translation>
31493151 </message>
31503152 <message>
3151 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
31523154 <source>Include</source>
31533155 <translation>Incluir</translation>
31543156 </message>
31553157 <message>
3156 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
31573159 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
31583160 <translation>Mover a curva (s) selecionado da lista excluídos</translation>
31593161 </message>
31603162 <message>
3161 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
31623164 <source>Exclude</source>
31633165 <translation>Excluir</translation>
31643166 </message>
31653167 <message>
3166 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
31673169 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
31683170 <translation>Mover a curva (s) selecionado da lista incluída</translation>
31693171 </message>
31703172 <message>
3171 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
31723174 <source>Delimiters</source>
31733175 <translation>Delimitadores</translation>
31743176 </message>
31753177 <message>
3176 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31773179 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31783180 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá vírgulas entre valores adjacentes, a menos que substituída por tabulações em arquivos TSV.</translation>
31793181 </message>
31803182 <message>
3181 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31823184 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31833185 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá espaços entre valores adjacentes, a menos que substituída por vírgulas em arquivos CSV, ou guias em arquivos TSV.</translation>
31843186 </message>
31853187 <message>
3186 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31873189 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31883190 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá tabulações entre valores adjacentes, a menos que substituída por vírgulas em arquivos CSV.</translation>
31893191 </message>
31903192 <message>
3191 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31923194 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31933195 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá ponto e vírgula entre valores adjacentes, a menos que substituída por vírgulas em arquivos CSV.</translation>
31943196 </message>
31953197 <message>
3196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3198 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31973199 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31983200 <translation>Substituir em arquivos CSV / TSV</translation>
31993201 </message>
32003202 <message>
3201 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3203 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
32023204 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
32033205 <translation>Arquivos de valor (CSV) separados por vírgula e arquivos de valores separados por tabulações (TSV) vai usar vírgulas e separadores, respectivamente, a menos que esta definição é seleccionada. Selecionar essa definição será aplicada a definição delimitador para cada arquivo.</translation>
32043206 </message>
32053207 <message>
3206 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
32073209 <source>Layout</source>
32083210 <translation>Traçado</translation>
32093211 </message>
32103212 <message>
3211 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
32123214 <source>All curves on each line</source>
32133215 <translation>Todas as curvas em cada linha</translation>
32143216 </message>
32153217 <message>
3216 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
32173219 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
32183220 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá, em cada linha, um valor de X, o valor Y para a primeira curva, o valor Y para a segunda curva, ...</translation>
32193221 </message>
32203222 <message>
3221 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
32223224 <source>One curve on each line</source>
32233225 <translation>Uma curva em cada linha</translation>
32243226 </message>
32253227 <message>
3226 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
32273229 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
32283230 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá todos os pontos para a primeira curva, com um par X-Y em cada linha, em seguida, os pontos para a segunda curva, ...</translation>
32293231 </message>
32303232 <message>
3231 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
32323234 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
32333235 <translation>Seleção de Pontos de Função</translation>
32343236 </message>
32353237 <message>
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
32373239 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
32383240 <translation>Interpolar Ys em Xs de todas as curvas</translation>
32393241 </message>
32403242 <message>
3241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
32423244 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32433245 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá valores em cada valor X única a partir de cada curva. Y valores serão interpolados linearmente, se necessário</translation>
32443246 </message>
32453247 <message>
3246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3249 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3250 <translation>Extrapolar extremos externos</translation>
3251 </message>
3252 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3254 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3255 <translation>Ative ou desative a extrapolação fora dos pontos finais de cada curva. Se desativado, apenas os pontos entre os pontos finais de cada curva são exportados</translation>
3256 </message>
3257 <message>
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
32473259 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
32483260 <translation>Interpolar Ys em Xs da primeira curva</translation>
32493261 </message>
32503262 <message>
3251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
32523264 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
32533265 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá valores em cada valor X única a partir da primeira curva. Y valores serão interpolados linearmente, se necessário</translation>
32543266 </message>
32553267 <message>
3256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3257 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3258 <translation>Interpolar Ys em valores X uniformemente espaçados.</translation>
3259 </message>
3260 <message>
3261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3269 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3270 <translation>Interpolar Ys em valores X uniformemente espaçados que são selecionados automaticamente</translation>
3271 </message>
3272 <message>
3273 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
32623274 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
32633275 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá valores em valores de X uniformemente espaçados, separados pelo intervalo selecionado abaixo.</translation>
32643276 </message>
32653277 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3278 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
32683280 <source>Interval</source>
32693281 <translation>Intervalo</translation>
32703282 </message>
32713283 <message>
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32733285 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32753287 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32823294 Os valores de X será automaticamente alinhados ao longo de números simples. Se os primeiros e / ou os últimos pontos não estão ao longo dos valores de X alinhadas, em seguida, um ou dois pontos adicionais são adicionados conforme necessário.</translation>
32833295 </message>
32843296 <message>
3285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3297 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32863298 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32883300 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32953307 Gráfico unidades são preferidos quando o espaçamento é depender da escala X.</translation>
32963308 </message>
32973309 <message>
3298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3311 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3312 <translation>Interpolar Ys em valores X uniformemente espaçados nas linhas de grade</translation>
3313 </message>
3314 <message>
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3316 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3317 <translation>O arquivo exportado terá valores em valores X uniformemente espaçados nas linhas de grade verticais.</translation>
3318 </message>
3319 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
33003322 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
33013323 <translation>Raw Xs e Ys</translation>
33023324 </message>
33033325 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
33063328 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
33073329 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá apenas valores Y X original e</translation>
33083330 </message>
33093331 <message>
3310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
33113333 <source>Header</source>
33123334 <translation>Cabeçalho</translation>
33133335 </message>
33143336 <message>
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
33163338 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
33173339 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá nenhuma linha de cabeçalho</translation>
33183340 </message>
33193341 <message>
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
33213343 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
33223344 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá linha de cabeçalho simples</translation>
33233345 </message>
33243346 <message>
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
33263348 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
33273349 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá linha de cabeçalho gnuplot</translation>
33283350 </message>
33293351 <message>
3330 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
33313353 <source>Save As Default</source>
33323354 <translation>Salvar como padrão</translation>
33333355 </message>
33343356 <message>
3335 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
33363358 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
33373359 <translation>Salve as configurações para uso como padrões futuros.</translation>
33383360 </message>
33393361 <message>
3340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3363 <source>Load Default</source>
3364 <translation>Carregar Padrão</translation>
3365 </message>
3366 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3368 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3369 <translation>Carregue as configurações padrão.</translation>
3370 </message>
3371 <message>
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
33413373 <source>Preview</source>
33423374 <translation>Visualização</translation>
33433375 </message>
33443376 <message>
3345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3377 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
33463378 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
33483380 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
33493381 <translation>A janela de pré-visualização mostra como as configurações atuais afetam o arquivo exportado. As funções (mostradas aqui em azul) são emitidas primeiro, seguidas de relações (mostradas aqui em verde), se houver.</translation>
33503382 </message>
33513383 <message>
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3384 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
33533385 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
33543386 <translation>Seleção de Pontos de Relação</translation>
33553387 </message>
33563388 <message>
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3389 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
33583390 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
33593391 <translation>Interpolar Xs e Ys em intervalos uniformemente espaçados.</translation>
33603392 </message>
33613393 <message>
3362 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
33633395 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
33643396 <translation>Arquivo exportado terá pontos uniformemente espaçados ao longo de cada relação, separadas pelo intervalo selecionado abaixo. Se o último intervalo não termina no último ponto, então um último intervalo mais curto é adicionado que termina no último ponto.</translation>
33653397 </message>
33663398 <message>
3367 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
33683400 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
33693401 <translation>Intervalo entre pontos sucessivos ao exportar em uniformemente espaçados (X, Y) coordena.</translation>
33703402 </message>
33713403 <message>
3372 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
33733405 <source>Units for spacing interval.
33753407 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33823414 Gráfico unidades são geralmente preferidos quando as escalas X e Y são idênticos.</translation>
33833415 </message>
33843416 <message>
3385 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33863418 <source>Functions</source>
33873419 <translation>Funções</translation>
33883420 </message>
33893421 <message>
3390 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33913423 <source>Functions Tab
33933425 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33963428 Controles para especificar o formato das funções durante a exportação</translation>
33973429 </message>
33983430 <message>
3399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
34003432 <source>Relations</source>
34013433 <translation>Relações</translation>
34023434 </message>
34033435 <message>
3404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
34053437 <source>Relations Tab
34073439 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
34103442 Controles para especificar o formato das relações durante a exportação</translation>
34113443 </message>
34123444 <message>
3413 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
34143446 <source>X Label</source>
34153447 <translation>Etiqueta X</translation>
34163448 </message>
34173449 <message>
3418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3419 <source>Theta Label</source>
3420 <translation>Theta Rótulo</translation>
3421 </message>
3422 <message>
3423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3450 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
34243451 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
34253452 <translation>Etiqueta no cabeçalho para valores de x</translation>
34263453 </message>
34273454 <message>
3428 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3429 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3430 <translation>Etiqueta no cabeçalho para valores teta</translation>
3431 </message>
3432 <message>
3433 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
34343456 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
34353457 <translation>A visualização não está disponível até que os pontos do eixo sejam definidos.</translation>
34363458 </message>
34973519 <translation>Grade de exibição</translation>
34983520 </message>
34993521 <message>
3500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
35013523 <source>Color</source>
35023524 <translation>Cor</translation>
35033525 </message>
35043526 <message>
3505 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
35063528 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
35073529 <translation>Selecione uma cor para as linhas</translation>
35083530 </message>
35093531 <message>
3510 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3532 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3533 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
35123534 <source>Disable</source>
35133535 <translation>Desativar</translation>
35143536 </message>
35153537 <message>
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
35173539 <source>Disabled value.
35193541 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35223544 As linhas de eixo X são especificados usando apenas três valores de cada vez. Para a flexibilidade, quatro valores são oferecidos para que você deve escolher qual o valor é desativado. Uma vez desativada, esse valor é simplesmente atualizado como outros valores mudam</translation>
35233545 </message>
35243546 <message>
3525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
35273549 <source>Count</source>
35283550 <translation>Contagem</translation>
35293551 </message>
35303552 <message>
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
35323554 <source>Number of X grid lines.
35343556 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35373559 O número de linhas de grade X deve ser inserido como um número inteiro maior que zero</translation>
35383560 </message>
35393561 <message>
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
35423564 <source>Start</source>
35433565 <translation>Começo</translation>
35443566 </message>
35453567 <message>
3546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3568 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
35473569 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
35493571 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35523574 O valor inicial não pode ser maior do que o valor de paragem</translation>
35533575 </message>
35543576 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
35573579 <source>Step</source>
35583580 <translation>Incremento</translation>
35593581 </message>
35603582 <message>
3561 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
35623584 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
35643586 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35673589 O valor do passo deve ser superior a zero</translation>
35683590 </message>
35693591 <message>
3570 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
35723594 <source>Stop</source>
35733595 <translation>Parada</translation>
35743596 </message>
35753597 <message>
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3598 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
35773599 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35793601 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35823604 O valor parada não pode ser inferior ao valor inicial</translation>
35833605 </message>
35843606 <message>
3585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3607 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
35863608 <source>Disabled value.
35883610 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35913613 As linhas de eixo Y são especificados usando apenas três valores de cada vez. Para a flexibilidade, quatro valores são oferecidos para que você deve escolher qual o valor é desativado. Uma vez desativada, esse valor é simplesmente atualizado como outros valores mudam</translation>
35923614 </message>
35933615 <message>
3594 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35953617 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35973619 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36003622 O número de linhas de grade Y deve ser inserido como um número inteiro maior que zero</translation>
36013623 </message>
36023624 <message>
3603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
36043626 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
36063628 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36093631 O valor inicial não pode ser maior do que o valor de paragem</translation>
36103632 </message>
36113633 <message>
3612 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
36133635 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
36153637 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36183640 O valor do passo deve ser superior a zero</translation>
36193641 </message>
36203642 <message>
3621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3643 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
36223644 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
36243646 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36273649 O valor parada não pode ser inferior ao valor inicial</translation>
36283650 </message>
36293651 <message>
3630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
36313653 <source>Preview</source>
36323654 <translation>Visualização</translation>
36333655 </message>
36343656 <message>
3635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
36363658 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
36373659 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra como as configurações atuais afetam exibição da grade</translation>
36383660 </message>
36393661 <message>
3640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
36413663 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36423664 <translation>X Linhas de grelha</translation>
36433665 </message>
36443666 <message>
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
36463668 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36473669 <translation>Linhas de grade</translation>
36483670 </message>
36493671 <message>
3650 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
36513673 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36523674 <translation>Y Linhas de grelha</translation>
36533675 </message>
36543676 <message>
3655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
36563678 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
36573679 <translation>Linhas de grade radius</translation>
36583680 </message>
36593681 <message>
3660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
36613683 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
36623684 <translation>A contagem da linha de grade excede o limite definido pelas Configurações / Janela principal.</translation>
36633685 </message>
36703692 <translation>Remoção da grade</translation>
36713693 </message>
36723694 <message>
3673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3695 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
36743696 <source>Preview</source>
36753697 <translation>Visualização</translation>
36763698 </message>
36773699 <message>
3678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3700 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
36793701 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
36803702 <translation>Janela de visualização que mostra como as configurações atuais afetam a remoção da grade</translation>
36813703 </message>
36823704 <message>
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
36843706 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
36853707 <translation>Retirar pixels perto de linhas de grade definidas</translation>
36863708 </message>
36873709 <message>
3688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
36893711 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
36913713 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
36943716 Esta opção só está disponível quando os pontos do eixo todos foram definidos.</translation>
36953717 </message>
36963718 <message>
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3719 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36983720 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36993721 <translation>Feche a distância (pixels)</translation>
37003722 </message>
37013723 <message>
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3724 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
37033725 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
37053727 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
37123734 Este valor não pode ser negativo. Um valor zero desativa esse recurso. valores decimais são permitidos</translation>
37133735 </message>
37143736 <message>
3715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
37163738 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
37173739 <translation>X Linhas de grelha</translation>
37183740 </message>
37193741 <message>
3720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
37213743 <source>Grid Lines</source>
37223744 <translation>Linhas de grade</translation>
37233745 </message>
37243746 <message>
3725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
37273749 <source>Disable</source>
37283750 <translation>Desativar</translation>
37293751 </message>
37303752 <message>
3731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
37323754 <source>Disabled value.
37343756 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37373759 As linhas de eixo X são especificados usando apenas três valores de cada vez. Para a flexibilidade, quatro valores são oferecidos para que você deve escolher qual o valor é desativado. Uma vez desativada, esse valor é simplesmente atualizado como outros valores mudam</translation>
37383760 </message>
37393761 <message>
3740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3741 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3762 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
37423764 <source>Count</source>
37433765 <translation>Contagem</translation>
37443766 </message>
37453767 <message>
3746 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
37473769 <source>Number of X grid lines.
37493771 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37523774 O número de linhas de grade X deve ser inserido como um número inteiro maior que zero</translation>
37533775 </message>
37543776 <message>
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
37573779 <source>Start</source>
37583780 <translation>Começo</translation>
37593781 </message>
37603782 <message>
3761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
37623784 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
37643786 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37673789 O valor inicial não pode ser maior do que o valor de paragem</translation>
37683790 </message>
37693791 <message>
3770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
37723794 <source>Step</source>
37733795 <translation>Incremento</translation>
37743796 </message>
37753797 <message>
3776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3798 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
37773799 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
37793801 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37823804 O valor do passo deve ser superior a zero</translation>
37833805 </message>
37843806 <message>
3785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
37873809 <source>Stop</source>
37883810 <translation>Parada</translation>
37893811 </message>
37903812 <message>
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
37923814 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
37943816 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37973819 O valor parada não pode ser inferior ao valor inicial</translation>
37983820 </message>
37993821 <message>
3800 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
38013823 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
38023824 <translation>Y Linhas de grelha</translation>
38033825 </message>
38043826 <message>
3805 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3827 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
38063828 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
38073829 <translation>R Linhas de grelha</translation>
38083830 </message>
38093831 <message>
3810 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3832 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
38113833 <source>Disabled value.
38133835 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
38163838 As linhas de eixo Y são especificados usando apenas três valores de cada vez. Para a flexibilidade, quatro valores são oferecidos para que você deve escolher qual o valor é desativado. Uma vez desativada, esse valor é simplesmente atualizado como outros valores mudam</translation>
38173839 </message>
38183840 <message>
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
38203842 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
38223844 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
38253847 O número de linhas de grade Y deve ser inserido como um número inteiro maior que zero</translation>
38263848 </message>
38273849 <message>
3828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3850 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
38293851 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
38313853 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
38343856 O valor inicial não pode ser maior do que o valor de paragem</translation>
38353857 </message>
38363858 <message>
3837 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
38383860 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
38403862 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
38433865 O valor do passo deve ser superior a zero</translation>
38443866 </message>
38453867 <message>
3846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
38473869 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
38493871 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
38553877 <context>
38563878 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
38573879 <message>
3858 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
38593881 <source>Main Window</source>
38603882 <translation>Janela principal</translation>
38613883 </message>
38623884 <message>
3863 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3885 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
38643886 <source>Initial zoom</source>
38653887 <translation>zoom inicial</translation>
38663888 </message>
38673889 <message>
3868 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3890 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
38693891 <source>Initial Zoom
38713893 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
38743896 Selecione o fator de zoom inicial quando um novo documento é carregado. Ou o zoom anterior pode ser mantida, ou o zoom especificado pode ser aplicada.</translation>
38753897 </message>
38763898 <message>
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
38783900 <source>Zoom control</source>
38793901 <translation>controle de zoom</translation>
38803902 </message>
38813903 <message>
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
38833905 <source>Menu only</source>
38843906 <translation>menu só</translation>
38853907 </message>
38863908 <message>
3887 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3909 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
38883910 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
38893911 <translation>roda de menu e do rato</translation>
38903912 </message>
38913913 <message>
3892 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
38933915 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
38943916 <translation>Teclas de menu e +/-</translation>
38953917 </message>
38963918 <message>
3897 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
38983920 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
38993921 <translation>Menu, roda do mouse e teclas +/-</translation>
39003922 </message>
39013923 <message>
3902 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
39033925 <source>Zoom Control
39053927 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
39083930 Selecione as entradas que são usados para zoom in e out.</translation>
39093931 </message>
39103932 <message>
3911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
39123933 <source>Locale</source>
3913 <translation>Localidade</translation>
3914 </message>
3915 <message>
3916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3934 <translation type="vanished">Localidade</translation>
3935 </message>
3936 <message>
3937 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3938 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3939 <translation>Localidade (requer reinicialização)
3941  </translation>
3942 </message>
3943 <message>
3944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
39173945 <source>Locale
39193947 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
39263954 A localidade determina como os números são formatados. Especificamente, vírgulas ou períodos serão utilizados como delimitadores de grupo em cada número digitado pelo usuário, exibidas na interface do usuário, ou exportado para um arquivo.</translation>
39273955 </message>
39283956 <message>
3929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
39303958 <source>Import cropping</source>
39313959 <translation>Importação de corte</translation>
39323960 </message>
39333961 <message>
3934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
39353963 <source>Import Cropping
39373965 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
39453973 </translation>
39463974 </message>
39473975 <message>
3948 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
39493977 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
39503978 <translation>Importação de resolução de PDF (pontos por polegada)</translation>
39513979 </message>
39523980 <message>
3953 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
39543982 <source>Import PDF Resolution
39563984 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
39593987 Importado arquivos Portable Document Format (PDF) será convertido para esse pixels de resolução em pontos por polegada (DPI), onde cada pixel é um ponto. Um valor mais alto aumenta a resolução da imagem e também pode melhorar a precisão de digitalização numérico. No entanto, um valor muito alto pode tornar a imagem tão grande que Engauge vai abrandar.</translation>
39603988 </message>
39613989 <message>
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
39633991 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
39643992 <translation>Máximo de linhas de grade</translation>
39653993 </message>
39663994 <message>
3967 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
39683996 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
39703998 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
39734001 O número máximo de linhas da grade a ser processado. Este limite é aplicada quando o valor do passo é muito pequeno para o início e parar de valores, o que resultaria em muitas linhas de grade visual e tempo de processamento possivelmente extremamente longa (uma vez que cada linha da grade teria que ser processado)</translation>
39744002 </message>
39754003 <message>
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
4004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
39774005 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
39784006 <translation>Realce opacidade</translation>
39794007 </message>
39804008 <message>
3981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
4009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
39824010 <source>Highlight Opacity
39844012 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
39874015 Opacidade para ser aplicada quando o cursor está sobre um ponto de curva ou de um eixo em Escolher modo. A mudança na aparência mostra quando o ponto pode ser seleccionado.</translation>
39884016 </message>
39894017 <message>
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
4018 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
39914019 <source>Recent file list</source>
39924020 <translation>Lista de arquivos recentes</translation>
39934021 </message>
39944022 <message>
3995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
39964024 <source>Clear</source>
39974025 <translation>Claro</translation>
39984026 </message>
39994027 <message>
4000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
4028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
40014029 <source>Recent File List Clear
40034031 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
40064034 Limpar a lista de arquivos recentes no menu Arquivo.</translation>
40074035 </message>
40084036 <message>
4009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
4037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
40104038 <source>Include title bar path</source>
40114039 <translation>Incluir outros títulos do caminho de bar</translation>
40124040 </message>
40134041 <message>
4014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
40154043 <source>Title Bar Filename
40174045 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
40204048 Inclui ou exclui o caminho e arquivo de extensão do nome do arquivo na barra de título.</translation>
40214049 </message>
40224050 <message>
4023 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
4051 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
40244052 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
40254053 <translation>Permitir que pequenos diálogos</translation>
40264054 </message>
40274055 <message>
4028 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
4056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
40294057 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
40314059 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
40344062 Permite que as configurações diálogos a ser feita muito pequena para que eles se encaixam em telas de computadores pequenos.</translation>
40354063 </message>
40364064 <message>
4037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
4065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
40384066 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
40394067 <translation>Permitir exportação por arrastar e soltar</translation>
40404068 </message>
40414069 <message>
4042 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
4070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
40434071 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
40454073 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
40524080 Quando arrastar e soltar está desativado, um conjunto retangular de células da tabela podem ser selecionados usando clicar e arrastar. Quando arrastar e soltar está habilitado, um conjunto retangular de células da tabela podem ser selecionados usando Clique então Shift + Clique, uma vez que clicar e arrastar inicia a operação de arrasto.</translation>
40534081 </message>
40544082 <message>
4055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
4083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
4084 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
4085 <translation>Imagem substituindo renomeia documento</translation>
4086 </message>
4087 <message>
4088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
4089 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
4091 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
4092 <translation>Imagem que substitui o documento de renomeação
4094 Quando uma imagem é importada para substituir a imagem atual, o documento será renomeado se isso for verdade, caso contrário, o nome permanecerá o mesmo.</translation>
4095 </message>
4096 <message>
4097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
40564098 <source>Significant digits</source>
40574099 <translation>Dígitos significantes</translation>
40584100 </message>
40594101 <message>
4060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
4102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
40614103 <source>Significant Digits
40634105 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
43064348 <context>
43074349 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
43084350 <message>
4351 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
43094352 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4310 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43114353 <source>Geometry Window</source>
43124354 <translation>Geometria da janela</translation>
43134355 </message>
43144356 <message>
4315 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4357 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
43164358 <source>Geometry Window
43184360 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
43474389 Distância = distância ao longo da curva na direção para frente ou para trás, tanto em unidades gráfico ou como uma percentagem
43494391 Se drag-and-drop é desativado, um conjunto retangular de células podem ser selecionados clicando e arrastando. Caso contrário, se arrastar-e-soltar é ativada, um conjunto retangular de células podem ser selecionados usando Clique então Shift + Clique, uma vez que clicar e arrastar inicia a operação de arrastar. modo de arrastar-e-soltar é definido nas configurações da janela principal</translation>
4392 </message>
4393 <message>
4394 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4395 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4396 <translation>Segmentos realçados podem ter valores inesperados quando exportados devido a sobreposições. Ajuste pontos ou altere Configurações / Propriedades da curva / Conectar como.</translation>
4397 </message>
4398 </context>
4399 <context>
4400 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4401 <message>
4402 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4403 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4404 <translation>A função atualmente possui vários valores Y para um valor X. Ajuste os pontos próximos ou altere o tipo de curva em Propriedades da curva</translation>
43504405 </message>
43514406 </context>
43524407 <context>
43954450 <context>
43964451 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
43974452 <message>
4398 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4453 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
43994454 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
44004455 <translation>Não é possível transferir imagem de</translation>
44014456 </message>
44024457 <message>
4403 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4458 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
44044459 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
44054460 <translation>Não é possível carregar a imagem de</translation>
44064461 </message>
44084463 <context>
44094464 <name>MainWindow</name>
44104465 <message>
4411 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
44124467 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
44134468 <translation>Não é possível exportar para o arquivo</translation>
44144469 </message>
44154470 <message>
4416 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
44174472 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
44184473 <translation>Não é possível extrair a imagem para o arquivo</translation>
44194474 </message>
44204475 <message>
4421 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4422 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4423 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4477 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4478 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
44244479 <source>Cannot read file</source>
44254480 <translation>Não é possível ler o arquivo</translation>
44264481 </message>
44274482 <message>
4428 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4429 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4430 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4483 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4484 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4485 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
44314486 <source>from directory</source>
44324487 <translation>do diretório</translation>
44334488 </message>
44344489 <message>
4435 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4490 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
44364491 <source>Import Image</source>
44374492 <translation>Importar imagem</translation>
44384493 </message>
44394494 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4495 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
44414496 <source>File opened</source>
44424497 <translation>Arquivo aberto</translation>
44434498 </message>
44444499 <message>
4445 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4500 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
44464501 <source>File not found</source>
44474502 <translation>Arquivo não encontrado</translation>
44484503 </message>
44494504 <message>
4450 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4505 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
44514506 <source>Error report opened</source>
44524507 <translation>Relatório de erro aberto</translation>
44534508 </message>
44544509 <message>
4455 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4456 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4510 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4511 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
44574512 <source>File imported</source>
44584513 <translation>Arquivo importado</translation>
44594514 </message>
44604515 <message>
4461 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4516 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
44624517 <source>Background image.</source>
44634518 <translation>Imagem de fundo.</translation>
44644519 </message>
44654520 <message>
4466 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4521 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
44674522 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
44684523 <translation>Atualmente selecionado curva.</translation>
44694524 </message>
44704525 <message>
4471 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4526 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
44724527 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
44734528 <translation>Estilo de ponto para a curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
44744529 </message>
44754530 <message>
4476 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4531 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
44774532 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
44784533 <translation>Filtro de preenchimento segmento de curva atualmente selecionada.</translation>
44794534 </message>
44804535 <message>
4481 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4536 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
44824537 <source>The document has been modified.
44834538 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
44844539 <translation>O documento foi modificado.
44854540 Você deseja salvar as alterações?</translation>
44864541 </message>
44874542 <message>
4488 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4543 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
44894544 <source>Cannot write file</source>
44904545 <translation>Não é possível gravar arquivo</translation>
44914546 </message>
44924547 <message>
4493 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4548 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
44944549 <source>Save</source>
44954550 <translation>Salve</translation>
44964551 </message>
44974552 <message>
4498 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4553 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
44994554 <source>Export</source>
45004555 <translation>Exportar</translation>
45014556 </message>
45024557 <message>
4503 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4558 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
45044559 <source>Open Document</source>
45054560 <translation>Documento aberto</translation>
45064561 </message>
45074562 <message>
4508 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4563 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
45094564 <source>+</source>
45104565 <translation>+</translation>
45114566 </message>
45124567 <message>
4513 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4568 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
45144569 <source>-</source>
45154570 <translation>-</translation>
45164571 </message>
45174572 <message>
4518 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4573 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
45194574 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
45204575 <translation>Engauge Digitalizador</translation>
45214576 </message>
45234578 <context>
45244579 <name>QObject</name>
45254580 <message>
4526 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4527 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4528 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
45294584 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
45304585 <translation>Novo ponto de eixo não pode ser na mesma posição da tela como um ponto de eixo existente</translation>
45314586 </message>
45324587 <message>
4533 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4534 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4589 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
45354590 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
45364591 <translation>Novo ponto de eixo não pode ter as mesmas coordenadas gráfico como um ponto de eixo existente</translation>
45374592 </message>
45384593 <message>
4539 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4540 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4594 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4595 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
45414596 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
45424597 <translation>Não mais do que dois pontos do eixo pode mentir ao longo da mesma linha na tela</translation>
45434598 </message>
45444599 <message>
4545 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4546 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4600 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4601 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
45474602 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
45484603 <translation>Não mais do que dois pontos do eixo pode mentir ao longo da mesma linha em coordenadas gráfico</translation>
45494604 </message>
45504605 <message>
4551 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4606 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
45524607 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
45534608 <translation>Muitos pontos eixo x. Deve haver apenas dois</translation>
45544609 </message>
45554610 <message>
4556 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4611 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
45574612 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
45584613 <translation>Muitos pontos eixo y. Deve haver apenas dois</translation>
45594614 </message>
45604615 <message>
4561 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4616 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
45624617 <source>Never</source>
45634618 <translation>Nunca</translation>
45644619 </message>
45654620 <message>
4566 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4621 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
45674622 <source>NSeconds</source>
45684623 <translation>NSegundos</translation>
45694624 </message>
45704625 <message>
4571 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4626 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
45724627 <source>Forever</source>
45734628 <translation>Para sempre</translation>
4574 </message>
4575 <message>
4576 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4578 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4579 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4580 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4586 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4587 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4588 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4589 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4590 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4591 <source>Unknown</source>
4592 <translation>Desconhecido</translation>
45934629 </message>
45944630 <message>
45954631 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
46384674 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
46394675 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
46404676 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4641 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4677 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
46424678 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
46434679 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
46444680 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
46764712 <translation>Valor</translation>
46774713 </message>
46784714 <message>
4679 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4715 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4716 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4717 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4718 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4719 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4720 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4721 <source>Unknown</source>
4722 <translation>Desconhecido</translation>
4723 </message>
4724 <message>
4725 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
46804726 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
46814727 <translation>Não é possível ler os dados de filtro curva</translation>
46824728 </message>
47534799 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
47544800 </message>
47554801 <message>
4756 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4802 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
47574803 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
47584804 <translation>Token de xml inesperada</translation>
47594805 </message>
47644810 <translation>Não é possível ler dados da curva</translation>
47654811 </message>
47664812 <message>
4767 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4813 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
47684814 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
47694815 <translation>Função suave</translation>
47704816 </message>
47714817 <message>
4772 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4818 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
47734819 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
47744820 <translation>Função reta</translation>
47754821 </message>
47764822 <message>
4777 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4823 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
47784824 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
47794825 <translation>Função suave</translation>
47804826 </message>
47814827 <message>
4782 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4828 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
47834829 <source>RelationStraight</source>
47844830 <translation>Função reta</translation>
47854831 </message>
47864832 <message>
4787 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4833 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
47884834 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
47894835 <translation>Conecte salto para a curva eixo</translation>
47904836 </message>
48074853 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
48084854 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
48094855 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4810 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4856 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
48114857 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
48124858 <translation>Engauge Digitalizador</translation>
48134859 </message>
48174863 <translation>Três pontos do eixo foram definidas, e não mais são necessários ou permitidos.</translation>
48184864 </message>
48194865 <message>
4820 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4866 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
48214867 <source>Color Picker</source>
48224868 <translation>Seletor de cores</translation>
48234869 </message>
48244870 <message>
4825 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4871 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
48264872 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
48274873 <translation>Desculpe, mas o ponto seletor de cores devem estar perto de um pixel não-fundo. Por favor, tente novamente.</translation>
48284874 </message>
48624908 <translation>Subir</translation>
48634909 </message>
48644910 <message>
4865 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4866 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4911 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4912 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
48674913 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
48684914 <translation>Sistema operacional diz arquivo não é legível</translation>
48694915 </message>
48704916 <message>
4871 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4917 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
48724918 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
48734919 <translation>não pode ler arquivos mais recentes da versão</translation>
48744920 </message>
48754921 <message>
4876 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4922 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
48774923 <source>of</source>
48784924 <translation>do</translation>
48794925 </message>
48804926 <message>
4881 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4927 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
48824928 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
48834929 <source>File</source>
48844930 <translation>arquivo</translation>
48854931 </message>
48864932 <message>
4887 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4933 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
48884934 <source>was not found</source>
48894935 <translation>não foi encontrado</translation>
48904936 </message>
48914937 <message>
4892 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4938 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
48934939 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
48944940 <translation>Não é possível ler os dados de imagem</translation>
48954941 </message>
49144960 <translation>Não é possível ler digitalizar dados curva</translation>
49154961 </message>
49164962 <message>
4917 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4963 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
49184964 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
49194965 <translation>Não é possível ler os dados de exportação</translation>
49204966 </message>
49494995 <translation>Erro do identificador de ponto encontrado. Por favor, notifique os desenvolvedores do Engauge junto com quaisquer comentários sobre o país e a localidade do idioma. O nome do ponto inválido era</translation>
49504996 </message>
49514997 <message>
4952 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4998 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
49534999 <source>Commas</source>
49545000 <translation>Vírgulas</translation>
49555001 </message>
49565002 <message>
4957 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
5003 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
49585004 <source>Semicolons</source>
49595005 <translation>Semicolons</translation>
49605006 </message>
49615007 <message>
4962 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
5008 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
49635009 <source>Spaces</source>
49645010 <translation>Espaços</translation>
49655011 </message>
49665012 <message>
4967 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
5013 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
49685014 <source>Tabs</source>
49695015 <translation>Tabulação</translation>
49705016 </message>
49715017 <message>
4972 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
5018 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
49735019 <source>Gnuplot</source>
49745020 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
49755021 </message>
49765022 <message>
4977 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
5023 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
49785024 <source>None</source>
49795025 <translation>Nenhum</translation>
49805026 </message>
49815027 <message>
4982 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
5028 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
49835029 <source>Simple</source>
49845030 <translation>Simples</translation>
49855031 </message>
49945040 <translation>Não é possível exportar arquivos</translation>
49955041 </message>
49965042 <message>
4997 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5043 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
49985044 <source>AllPerLine</source>
49995045 <translation>tudo por linha</translation>
50005046 </message>
50015047 <message>
5002 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5048 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50035049 <source>OnePerLine</source>
50045050 <translation>linha de um por</translation>
50055051 </message>
50065052 <message>
5007 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
5053 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
50085054 <source>Graph Units</source>
50095055 <translation>unidades gráfico</translation>
50105056 </message>
50115057 <message>
5012 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
5058 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
50135059 <source>Pixels</source>
50145060 <translation>píxeis</translation>
50155061 </message>
50165062 <message>
5017 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
5063 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
50185064 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
50195065 <translation>interpolar todas as curvas</translation>
50205066 </message>
50215067 <message>
5022 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
5068 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
50235069 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
50245070 <translation>interpolar primeira curva</translation>
50255071 </message>
50265072 <message>
5027 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
5073 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
50285074 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
50295075 <translation>interpolar periódica</translation>
50305076 </message>
50315077 <message>
5032 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
5033 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
5078 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
5079 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
50345080 <source>Raw</source>
50355081 <translation>Cru</translation>
50365082 </message>
50375083 <message>
5038 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
5084 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
50395085 <source>Interpolate</source>
50405086 <translation>Interpolar</translation>
50415087 </message>
50425088 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
5089 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
50445090 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
50455091 <translation>Não é possível ler arquivo de script</translation>
50465092 </message>
50475093 <message>
5048 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
5094 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
50495095 <source>from directory</source>
50505096 <translation>do diretório</translation>
50515097 </message>
50815127 </message>
50825128 <message>
50835129 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
5084 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
5130 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
50855131 <source>X</source>
50865132 <translation>X</translation>
50875133 </message>
50915137 <translation>Y</translation>
50925138 </message>
50935139 <message>
5094 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5140 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
50955141 <source>Count</source>
50965142 <translation>Contagem</translation>
50975143 </message>
50985144 <message>
5099 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5145 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
51005146 <source>Start</source>
51015147 <translation>Começo</translation>
51025148 </message>
51035149 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5150 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
51055151 <source>Step</source>
51065152 <translation>Incremento</translation>
51075153 </message>
51085154 <message>
5109 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5155 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
51105156 <source>Stop</source>
51115157 <translation>Parada</translation>
51125158 </message>
51465192 <translation>Não é possível ler identificadores de ponto</translation>
51475193 </message>
51485194 <message>
5149 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5195 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
51505196 <source>Circle</source>
51515197 <translation>Círculo</translation>
51525198 </message>
51535199 <message>
5154 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5200 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
51555201 <source>Cross</source>
51565202 <translation>Cruz</translation>
51575203 </message>
51585204 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5205 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
51605206 <source>Diamond</source>
51615207 <translation>Diamante</translation>
51625208 </message>
51635209 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5210 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5211 <source>Hourglass</source>
5212 <translation> ampulheta</translation>
5213 </message>
5214 <message>
5215 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
51655216 <source>Square</source>
51665217 <translation>Quadrado</translation>
51675218 </message>
51685219 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5220 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
51705221 <source>Triangle</source>
51715222 <translation>Triângulo</translation>
51725223 </message>
51735224 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5225 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5226 <source>Triangle2</source>
5227 <translation>Triângulo2</translation>
5228 </message>
5229 <message>
5230 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
51755231 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
51765232 <translation>Não é possível ler os dados de estilo ponto</translation>
51775233 </message>
51785234 <message>
5179 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5235 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
51805236 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
51815237 <translation>Coordenadas do gráfico</translation>
51825238 </message>
51835239 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5240 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
51855241 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
51865242 <translation>Coordenadas de pixel</translation>
51875243 </message>
51885244 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5245 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
51905246 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
51915247 <translation>Resolução de gráfico</translation>
51925248 </message>
52015257 <translation>Precisa de mais pontos do eixo</translation>
52025258 </message>
52035259 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
52055260 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5206 <translation>16:1 mais longe</translation>
5207 </message>
5208 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5261 <translation type="vanished">16: 1 mais longe</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
52105264 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5211 <translation>8:1 mais perto</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5265 <translation type="vanished"> 8: 1 mais perto</translation>
5266 </message>
5267 <message>
52155268 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5216 <translation>8:1 mais longe</translation>
5217 </message>
5218 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5269 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 mais longe</translation>
5270 </message>
5271 <message>
52205272 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5221 <translation>4:1 mais perto</translation>
5222 </message>
5223 <message>
5224 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5273 <translation type="vanished"> 4: 1 mais perto</translation>
5274 </message>
5275 <message>
52255276 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5226 <translation>4:1 mais longe</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5277 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 mais longe</translation>
5278 </message>
5279 <message>
52305280 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5231 <translation>2:1 mais perto</translation>
5232 </message>
5233 <message>
5234 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5281 <translation type="vanished"> 2: 1 mais perto</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
52355284 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5236 <translation>2:1 mais longe</translation>
5237 </message>
5238 <message>
5239 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5285 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 mais longe</translation>
5286 </message>
5287 <message>
52405288 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5241 <translation>1:1 mais perto</translation>
5242 </message>
5243 <message>
5244 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5289 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 1 mais perto</translation>
5290 </message>
5291 <message>
52455292 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5246 <translation>1:1 mais longe</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5293 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 mais longe</translation>
5294 </message>
5295 <message>
52505296 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5251 <translation>1:2 mais perto</translation>
5252 </message>
5253 <message>
5254 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5297 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 2 mais perto</translation>
5298 </message>
5299 <message>
52555300 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5256 <translation>1:2 mais longe</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
5259 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5301 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 mais longe</translation>
5302 </message>
5303 <message>
52605304 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5261 <translation>1:4 mais perto</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
5264 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5305 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 4 mais perto</translation>
5306 </message>
5307 <message>
52655308 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5266 <translation>1:4 mais longe</translation>
5267 </message>
5268 <message>
5269 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5309 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 mais longe</translation>
5310 </message>
5311 <message>
52705312 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5271 <translation>1:8 mais perto</translation>
5272 </message>
5273 <message>
5274 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5313 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 8 mais perto</translation>
5314 </message>
5315 <message>
52755316 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5276 <translation>1:8 mais longe</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
5279 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5317 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 mais longe</translation>
5318 </message>
5319 <message>
52805320 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5281 <translation>1:16 mais perto</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5321 <translation type="vanished"> 1: 16 mais perto</translation>
5322 </message>
5323 <message>
52855324 <source>Fill</source>
5286 <translation>Preencher</translation>
5287 </message>
5288 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5325 <translation type="vanished">Preencher</translation>
5326 </message>
5327 <message>
52905328 <source>Previous</source>
5291 <translation>Anterior</translation>
5292 </message>
5293 <message>
5294 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5329 <translation type="vanished">Anterior</translation>
5330 </message>
5331 <message>
5332 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
52955333 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
52965334 <translation>O arquivo parece ter caracteres de vários alfabetos de idioma, o que não funciona na linha de comando do Windows</translation>
52975335 </message>
52985336 <message>
5299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5337 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
53005338 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
53015339 <translation>Não é possível ler dados janela principal</translation>
53025340 </message>
53035341 <message>
5304 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5305 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5342 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5343 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
53065344 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
53075345 <translation>não é um nome de arquivo válido</translation>
53085346 </message>
53095347 <message>
5310 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5348 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
53115349 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
53125350 <translation>não é uma extensão de arquivo de imagem válida</translation>
53135351 </message>
53145352 <message>
5315 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5353 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
53165354 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
53175355 <translation>é usado apenas com um ou mais arquivos de carregamento</translation>
53185356 </message>
53195357 <message>
5320 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5358 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
53215359 <source>Available styles</source>
53225360 <translation>Estilos disponíveis</translation>
53235361 </message>
53245362 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5363 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
53265364 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
53275365 <translation>Permite que as informações de depuração extra. Usado para depuração</translation>
53285366 </message>
53295367 <message>
5330 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
53315368 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5332 <translation>Especifica um arquivo de relatório de erro como entrada. Usado para depuração e teste</translation>
5333 </message>
5334 <message>
5335 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5369 <translation type="vanished">Especifica um arquivo de relatório de erro como entrada. Usado para depuração e teste</translation>
5370 </message>
5371 <message>
5372 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5373 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5374 <translation>Indica que arquivos abertos na inicialização são para teste de arrastar e soltar. Usado para teste de regressão</translation>
5375 </message>
5376 <message>
5377 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5378 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5379 <translation>Especifica um arquivo de relatório de erros como entrada. Usado para depuração e teste de regressão</translation>
5380 </message>
5381 <message>
5382 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
53365383 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
53375384 <translation>Exportar cada arquivo de inicialização carregado, que deve ter todos os pontos do eixo definidos e, em seguida, parar</translation>
53385385 </message>
53395386 <message>
5340 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5387 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
53415388 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
53425389 <translation>Extraia a imagem em cada arquivo de inicialização carregado para um arquivo com a extensão especificada e, em seguida, pare</translation>
53435390 </message>
53445391 <message>
5345 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5392 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
53465393 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
53475394 <translation>
53485395 Especifica um arquivo de script de comando arquivo como entrada. Usado para depuração e teste</translation>
53495396 </message>
53505397 <message>
5351 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5398 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
53525399 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
53535400 <translation>arquivos de entrada gnuplot diagnóstico de saída. Usado para depuração</translation>
53545401 </message>
53555402 <message>
5356 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5403 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
53575404 <source>Show this help information</source>
53585405 <translation>Mostrar esta informação ajuda</translation>
53595406 </message>
53605407 <message>
5361 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5408 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
53625409 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
53635410 <translation>Executa o script de comando arquivo de relatório de erro ou arquivo. Usado para testes de regressão</translation>
53645411 </message>
53655412 <message>
5366 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5413 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
53675414 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
53685415 <translation>Remove todas as configurações armazenadas, incluindo posições de janela. Usado quando o Windows iniciar-se fora da tela</translation>
53695416 </message>
53705417 <message>
5371 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5418 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5419 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5420 <translation>Definir o estilo da janela para um dos estilos listados pela opção de linha de comando</translation>
5421 </message>
5422 <message>
5423 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5424 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5425 <translation>Mostrar uma lista de estilos disponíveis que podem ser usados ​​com a opção de linha de comando</translation>
5426 </message>
5427 <message>
53725428 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5373 <translation>Mostra uma lista de estilos disponíveis que pode ser utilizado com o comando de estilo</translation>
5374 </message>
5375 <message>
5376 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5429 <translation type="vanished">Mostra uma lista de estilos disponíveis que pode ser utilizado com o comando de estilo</translation>
5430 </message>
5431 <message>
5432 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5433 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5434 <translation>Atualizar arquivos abertos na inicialização para a versão mais recente</translation>
5435 </message>
5436 <message>
5437 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
53775438 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
53785439 <translation>Arquivo (s) a ser importado ou aberto na inicialização</translation>
5440 </message>
5441 <message>
5442 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5443 <source>Could not write to</source>
5444 <translation>Não foi possível escrever para</translation>
5445 </message>
5446 <message>
5447 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5448 <source>Upgraded</source>
5449 <translation>Atualizado</translation>
5450 </message>
5451 <message>
5452 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5453 <source>to</source>
5454 <translation>para</translation>
53795455 </message>
53805456 <message>
53815457 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
54015477 <context>
54025478 <name>StatusBar</name>
54035479 <message>
5404 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5480 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
54055481 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
54065482 <translation>Escolha um cursor valores de coordenadas para mostrar.</translation>
54075483 </message>
54085484 <message>
5409 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5485 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
54105486 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
54125488 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54155491 Os valores a coordenadas do cursor para exibir. As coordenadas são na tela (pixels) ou unidades de gráfico. Resolução (que é o número de unidades de gráficos por pixel) está em unidades de gráfico. unidades Gráfico estão disponíveis apenas após os pontos eixos foram definidos.</translation>
54165492 </message>
54175493 <message>
5418 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5494 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
54195495 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
54205496 <translation>Cursor valores de coordenadas.</translation>
54215497 </message>
54225498 <message>
5423 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5499 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
54245500 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
54265502 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
54295505 Os valores a coordenadas do cursor. As coordenadas são na tela (pixels) ou unidades de gráfico. Resolução (que é o número de unidades de gráficos por pixel) está em unidades de gráfico. unidades Gráfico estão disponíveis apenas após os pontos eixos foram definidos.</translation>
54305506 </message>
54315507 <message>
5432 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5508 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
54335509 <source>Select zoom.</source>
54345510 <translation>Selecione um zoom.</translation>
54355511 </message>
54365512 <message>
5437 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5513 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
54385514 <source>Select Zoom
54405516 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
54415517 <translation>Selecione um Zoom
54435519 Os pontos podem ser colocados de forma mais precisa, fazendo zoom.</translation>
5520 </message>
5521 <message>
5522 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5523 <source>16:1</source>
5524 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5525 </message>
5526 <message>
5527 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5528 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5529 <translation>16: 1 mais longe</translation>
5530 </message>
5531 <message>
5532 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5533 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5534 <translation> 8: 1 mais perto</translation>
5535 </message>
5536 <message>
5537 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5538 <source>8:1</source>
5539 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5540 </message>
5541 <message>
5542 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5543 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5544 <translation>8: 1 mais longe</translation>
5545 </message>
5546 <message>
5547 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5548 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5549 <translation> 4: 1 mais perto</translation>
5550 </message>
5551 <message>
5552 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5553 <source>4:1</source>
5554 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5555 </message>
5556 <message>
5557 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5558 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5559 <translation>4: 1 mais longe</translation>
5560 </message>
5561 <message>
5562 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5563 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5564 <translation> 2: 1 mais perto</translation>
5565 </message>
5566 <message>
5567 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5568 <source>2:1</source>
5569 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5570 </message>
5571 <message>
5572 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5573 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5574 <translation>2: 1 mais longe</translation>
5575 </message>
5576 <message>
5577 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5578 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5579 <translation> 1: 1 mais perto</translation>
5580 </message>
5581 <message>
5582 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5583 <source>1:1</source>
5584 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5585 </message>
5586 <message>
5587 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5588 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5589 <translation>1: 1 mais longe</translation>
5590 </message>
5591 <message>
5592 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5593 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5594 <translation> 1: 2 mais perto</translation>
5595 </message>
5596 <message>
5597 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5598 <source>1:2</source>
5599 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5600 </message>
5601 <message>
5602 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5603 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5604 <translation>1: 2 mais longe</translation>
5605 </message>
5606 <message>
5607 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5608 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5609 <translation> 1: 4 mais perto</translation>
5610 </message>
5611 <message>
5612 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5613 <source>1:4</source>
5614 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5615 </message>
5616 <message>
5617 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5618 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5619 <translation>1: 4 mais longe</translation>
5620 </message>
5621 <message>
5622 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5623 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5624 <translation> 1: 8 mais perto</translation>
5625 </message>
5626 <message>
5627 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5628 <source>1:8</source>
5629 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5630 </message>
5631 <message>
5632 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5633 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5634 <translation>1: 8 mais longe</translation>
5635 </message>
5636 <message>
5637 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5638 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5639 <translation> 1: 16 mais perto</translation>
5640 </message>
5641 <message>
5642 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5643 <source>1:16</source>
5644 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5645 </message>
5646 <message>
5647 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5648 <source>Fill</source>
5649 <translation>Preencher</translation>
5650 </message>
5651 <message>
5652 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5653 <source>Previous</source>
5654 <translation>Anterior</translation>
54445655 </message>
54455656 </context>
54465657 <context>
54475658 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
54485659 <message>
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5660 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
54505661 <source>Axis Points</source>
54515662 <translation>Pontos do eixo</translation>
54525663 </message>
54535664 <message>
5454 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5665 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
54555666 <source>Axis points are first defined to
54565667 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
54575668 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
54605671 Clique no botão Pontos Axis</translation>
54615672 </message>
54625673 <message>
5463 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5674 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
54645675 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
54655676 line with known coordinates. An axis
54665677 point appears, with a dialog window
54735684 coordenadas</translation>
54745685 </message>
54755686 <message>
5476 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5687 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
54775688 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
54785689 of the axis point and then click Ok.
54795690 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
54845695 até três pontos de eixo são criados</translation>
54855696 </message>
54865697 <message>
5487 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5698 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
54885699 <source>Previous</source>
54895700 <translation>Anterior</translation>
54905701 </message>
54915702 <message>
5492 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5703 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
54935704 <source>Next</source>
54945705 <translation>Próximo</translation>
54955706 </message>
54975708 <context>
54985709 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
54995710 <message>
5500 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5711 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
55015712 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
55025713 <translation>Checklist Assistente e Guia Checklist</translation>
55035714 </message>
55045715 <message>
5505 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5716 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
55065717 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
55075718 is available when importing an image file.
55085719 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
55135724 passos a seguir para digitalizar o arquivo de imagem.</translation>
55145725 </message>
55155726 <message>
5516 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5727 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
55175728 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
55185729 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
55195730 <translation>Passo 1 - Habilite a opção de menu Ajuda /
55205731 Lista de verificação Assistente de Guia.</translation>
55215732 </message>
55225733 <message>
5523 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5734 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
55245735 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
55255736 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
55265737 and ask some simple questions to
55335744 digitalizado.</translation>
55345745 </message>
55355746 <message>
5536 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5747 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
55375748 <source>Additional options are available in
55385749 the various Settings menus.
55445755 Isto termina o tutorial. Boa sorte!</translation>
55455756 </message>
55465757 <message>
5547 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5758 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
55485759 <source>Previous</source>
55495760 <translation>Anterior</translation>
55505761 </message>
55525763 <context>
55535764 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
55545765 <message>
5555 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5766 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
55565767 <source>Color Filter</source>
55575768 <translation>Filtro colorido</translation>
55585769 </message>
55595770 <message>
5560 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5771 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
55615772 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
55625773 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
55635774 black lines the defaults work well, but for
55685779 linhas coloridas as configurações podem ser melhoradas.</translation>
55695780 </message>
55705781 <message>
5571 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5782 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
55725783 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
55735784 Filter menu option.</source>
55745785 <translation>Passo 1 - Selecione as configurações / Cor
55755786 opção de menu Filter.</translation>
55765787 </message>
55775788 <message>
5578 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5789 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
55795790 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
55805791 be given the new settings.</source>
55815792 <translation>Passo 2 - Escolha a curva que vai
55825793 ser dada as novas configurações.</translation>
55835794 </message>
55845795 <message>
5585 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5796 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
55865797 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
55875798 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
55885799 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
55915802 é sugerido por linhas coloridas.</translation>
55925803 </message>
55935804 <message>
5594 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5805 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
55955806 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
55965807 dragging the green handles, until the
55975808 curve is clear in the preview window
56065817 Clique em OK quando tiver terminado.</translation>
56075818 </message>
56085819 <message>
5609 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5820 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
56105821 <source>Back</source>
56115822 <translation>Anterior</translation>
56125823 </message>
56145825 <context>
56155826 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
56165827 <message>
5617 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5828 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
56185829 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
56195830 curve is selected to receive curve points.
56205831 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
56255836 Picker ou segmento Preencha botões.</translation>
56265837 </message>
56275838 <message>
5628 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5839 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
56295840 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
56305841 that curve name has not been created yet,
56315842 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
56365847 para criá-lo.</translation>
56375848 </message>
56385849 <message>
5639 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5850 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
56405851 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
56415852 original image to the filtered image
56425853 produced for the current curve, using the
56535864 o tutorial.</translation>
56545865 </message>
56555866 <message>
5656 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5867 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
56575868 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
56585869 in the filtered image, then change the
56595870 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
56645875 os pontos laranja desapareceu.</translation>
56655876 </message>
56665877 <message>
5667 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5878 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
56685879 <source>Previous</source>
56695880 <translation>Anterior</translation>
56705881 </message>
56715882 <message>
5672 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5883 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
56735884 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
56745885 <translation>Configurações de filtro de cor</translation>
56755886 </message>
56765887 <message>
5677 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5888 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
56785889 <source>Next</source>
56795890 <translation>Próximo</translation>
56805891 </message>
56825893 <context>
56835894 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
56845895 <message>
5685 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5896 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
56865897 <source>Curve Type</source>
56875898 <translation>Tipo de curva</translation>
56885899 </message>
56895900 <message>
5690 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5901 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
56915902 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
56925903 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
56935904 <translation>Os próximos passos dependem de como as curvas
56945905 são desenhados, em termos de linhas e pontos.</translation>
56955906 </message>
56965907 <message>
5697 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5908 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
56985909 <source>If the curves are drawn
56995910 with lines (with or without
57005911 points) then click on
57055916 Próxima (Linhas).</translation>
57065917 </message>
57075918 <message>
5708 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5919 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
57095920 <source>If the curves are drawn
57105921 without lines and only
57115922 with points, then click on
57165927 Próxima (pontos).</translation>
57175928 </message>
57185929 <message>
5719 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5930 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
57205931 <source>Previous</source>
57215932 <translation>Anterior</translation>
57225933 </message>
57235934 <message>
5724 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5935 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
57255936 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
57265937 <translation>Próxima (linhas)</translation>
57275938 </message>
57285939 <message>
5729 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5940 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
57305941 <source>Next (Points)</source>
57315942 <translation>Próximos (Pontos)</translation>
57325943 </message>
57345945 <context>
57355946 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
57365947 <message>
5737 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5948 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
57385949 <source>Introduction</source>
57395950 <translation>Introdução</translation>
57405951 </message>
57415952 <message>
5742 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5953 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
57435954 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
57445955 images of graphs and maps.</source>
57455956 <translation>Engauge digitador começa com
57465957 imagens de gráficos e mapas.</translation>
57475958 </message>
57485959 <message>
5749 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5960 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
57505961 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
57515962 the graph and map curves.</source>
57525963 <translation>Você cria (ou digitalizar) aponta junto
57535964 o gráfico e mapa curvas.</translation>
57545965 </message>
57555966 <message>
5756 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5967 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
57575968 <source>The digitized curve points can be
57585969 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
57595970 <translation>Os pontos de curva digitalizados podem ser
57605971 exportado, como números, a outras ferramentas de software.</translation>
57615972 </message>
57625973 <message>
5763 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5974 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
57645975 <source>Next</source>
57655976 <translation>Próximo</translation>
57665977 </message>
57685979 <context>
57695980 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
57705981 <message>
5771 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5982 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
57725983 <source>Point Match</source>
57735984 <translation>Match Point</translation>
57745985 </message>
57755986 <message>
5776 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5987 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
57775988 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
57785989 one sample point, and Engauge
57795990 then finds all matching points.
57865997 Passo 1 - Clique no modo de Match Point.</translation>
57875998 </message>
57885999 <message>
5789 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
6000 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
57906001 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57916002 points will belong to.</source>
57926003 <translation>Passo 2 - Escolha a curva da nova
57936004 pontos pertencerá.</translation>
57946005 </message>
57956006 <message>
5796 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
6007 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
57976008 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
57986009 The circle turns green when it
57996010 contains what may be a point.</source>
58026013 contém o que pode ser um ponto.</translation>
58036014 </message>
58046015 <message>
5805 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
6016 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
58066017 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
58076018 matched point with a yellow cross.
58086019 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
58156026 até que não haja mais pontos.</translation>
58166027 </message>
58176028 <message>
5818 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
6029 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
58196030 <source>Previous</source>
58206031 <translation>Anterior</translation>
58216032 </message>
58226033 <message>
5823 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
6034 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
58246035 <source>Next</source>
58256036 <translation>Próximo</translation>
58266037 </message>
58286039 <context>
58296040 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
58306041 <message>
5831 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
6042 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
58326043 <source>Segment Fill</source>
58336044 <translation>Preenchimento segmento</translation>
58346045 </message>
58356046 <message>
5836 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
6047 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
58376048 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
58386049 points all along the line segments
58396050 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
58446055 botão Preencher segmento.</translation>
58456056 </message>
58466057 <message>
5847 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
6058 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
58486059 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
58496060 points will belong to.</source>
58506061 <translation>Passo 2 - Escolha a curva da nova
58516062 pontos pertencerá.</translation>
58526063 </message>
58536064 <message>
5854 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
6065 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
58556066 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
58566067 segment in the desired curve. If a
58576068 green line appears, click on it once
58626073 para gerar muitos pontos.</translation>
58636074 </message>
58646075 <message>
5865 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
6076 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
58666077 <source>Previous</source>
58676078 <translation>Anterior</translation>
58686079 </message>
58696080 <message>
5870 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
6081 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
58716082 <source>Next</source>
58726083 <translation>Próximo</translation>
58736084 </message>
357357 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
358358 <source>Digitize Axis Point
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
361 <translation>Оцифровка осевой оси. Оцифровывает точку оси для графика, помещая новую точку в курсор после щелчка мыши. Затем вводятся координаты точки оси. На графике для определения координат графа требуются три осевые точки.</translation>
362 </message>
363 <message>
364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
360 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
362 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
363 <translation>Оцифровать точку оси
365 Оцифровывает точку оси для графика, помещая новую точку в курсоре после щелчка мыши. Затем вводятся координаты точки оси. После импорта и импорта (расширенный) можно оцифровать точки трех осей с координатами (X1, Y1) (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) для определения координат графика. При желании после импорта (расширенного) четыре точки оси с координатами (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) могут быть оцифрованы для определения координат графика.
367 Этот инструмент отключается, когда задан полный набор точек оси, или после импорта (расширенный), если выбрана шкала масштаба.</translation>
368 </message>
369 <message>
370 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
365371 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
366372 <translation>Инструмент масштабирования</translation>
367373 </message>
368374 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
375 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
370376 <source>Shift+F8</source>
371377 <translation>Shift+F8</translation>
372378 </message>
373379 <message>
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
375 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
376 <translation>Оцифровка шкалы шкалы для карты.</translation>
377 </message>
378 <message>
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
380 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
381 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
382 <translation>Оцифруйте масштабную линейку для карты. Требуется импорт (расширенный).</translation>
383 </message>
384 <message>
385 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
380386 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
382388 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
384 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
385 <translation>Оцифровка шкалы шкалыDigitize шкала шкалы для карты, щелкая и перетаскивая. Затем вводится длина шкалы. На карте две конечные точки шкалы шкалы определяют расстояния в координатах графа. «Карты должны быть импортированы с помощью Import (Advanced).</translation>
386 </message>
387 <message>
388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
390 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
392 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
393 <translation>Цифровая шкала
395 Оцифруйте масштабную линейку для карты, нажав и перетащив. Длина шкалы затем вводится. На карте две конечные точки шкалы определяют расстояния в координатах графика.
397 Этот инструмент активируется путем выбора Шкала шкалы в Импорте (Дополнительно).
399 Этот инструмент отключается, если была определена масштабная линейка или если во время импорта были выбраны точки оси</translation>
400 </message>
401 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
389403 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
390404 <translation>Инструментарий для Точек Кривой</translation>
391405 </message>
392406 <message>
393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
407 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
394408 <source>Shift+F4</source>
395409 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
396410 </message>
397411 <message>
398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
412 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
399413 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
400414 <translation>Оцифровка точек кривой.</translation>
401415 </message>
402416 <message>
403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
417 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
404418 <source>Digitize Curve Point
406420 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
413427 Новые точки будут добавлены в набор для выбранной кривой.</translation>
414428 </message>
415429 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
417431 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
418432 <translation>Инструментарий для Совмещения Точек</translation>
419433 </message>
420434 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
422436 <source>Shift+F5</source>
423437 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
424438 </message>
425439 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
427441 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
428442 <translation>Оцифровка точек кривой определеных в режиме Совмещения точек.</translation>
429443 </message>
430444 <message>
431 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
432446 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
434448 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
441455 Новые точки будут добавлены в набор для выбранной кривой.</translation>
442456 </message>
443457 <message>
444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
445459 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
446460 <translation>Пипетка определения цвета</translation>
447461 </message>
448462 <message>
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
450464 <source>Shift+F6</source>
451465 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
452466 </message>
453467 <message>
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
455469 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
456470 <translation>Выбор настроек цвета для фильтрации в режиме Сегментного Заполнения</translation>
457471 </message>
458472 <message>
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
460474 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
462476 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
465479 Выберите пиксель вдоль выбранной кривой. Этот пиксель и соседние с ним будут определять параметры (цвет, яркость и другие) фильтра в режиме сегментного заполнения для выбранной кривой.</translation>
466480 </message>
467481 <message>
468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
482 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
469483 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
470484 <translation>Инструментарий Сегментного Заполнения</translation>
471485 </message>
472486 <message>
473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
487 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
474488 <source>Shift+F7</source>
475489 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
476490 </message>
477491 <message>
478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
492 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
479493 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
480494 <translation>Оцифровка точек кривой вдоль определенных сегментов.</translation>
481495 </message>
482496 <message>
483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
497 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
484498 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
486500 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
493507 Новые точки будут добавлены в набор для выбранной кривой.</translation>
494508 </message>
495509 <message>
496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
497511 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
498512 <translation>&amp;Отменить</translation>
499513 </message>
500514 <message>
501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
502516 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
503517 <translation>Отменить последнюю выполненную операцию.</translation>
504518 </message>
505519 <message>
506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
507521 <source>Undo
509523 Undo the last operation.</source>
512526 Отменяет последнюю выполненную операцию.</translation>
513527 </message>
514528 <message>
515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
516530 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
517531 <translation>&amp;Вернуть</translation>
518532 </message>
519533 <message>
520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
521535 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
522536 <translation>Вернуть последнюю отменённую операцию.</translation>
523537 </message>
524538 <message>
525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
526540 <source>Redo
528542 Redo the last operation.</source>
531545 Возвращает последнюю отменённую операцию.</translation>
532546 </message>
533547 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
535549 <source>Cut</source>
536550 <translation>Вырезать</translation>
537551 </message>
538552 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
540554 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
541555 <translation>Вырезать выбранные точки и сохранить их в буфере обмена.</translation>
542556 </message>
543557 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
545559 <source>Cut
547561 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
550564 Вырезает выбранные точки и сохраняет их в буфере обмена.</translation>
551565 </message>
552566 <message>
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
567 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
554568 <source>Copy</source>
555569 <translation>Копировать</translation>
556570 </message>
557571 <message>
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
559573 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
560574 <translation>Копировать выбранные точки в буфер обмена.</translation>
561575 </message>
562576 <message>
563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
564578 <source>Copy
566580 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
569583 Копирует выбранные точки в буфер обмена.</translation>
570584 </message>
571585 <message>
572 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
573587 <source>Paste</source>
574588 <translation>Вставить</translation>
575589 </message>
576590 <message>
577 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
578592 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
579593 <translation>Вставить выбранные точки из буфера обмена.</translation>
580594 </message>
581595 <message>
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
583597 <source>Paste
585599 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
588602 Вставляет выбранные точки из буфера обмена. Они будут добавлены в набор к выбранной кривой.</translation>
589603 </message>
590604 <message>
591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
592606 <source>Delete</source>
593607 <translation>Удалить</translation>
594608 </message>
595609 <message>
596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
597611 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
598612 <translation>Удалить выбранные точки, после копирования их в буфер обмена.</translation>
599613 </message>
600614 <message>
601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
602616 <source>Delete
604618 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
607621 Удаляет выбранные точки, после копирования их в буфер обмена.</translation>
608622 </message>
609623 <message>
610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
611625 <source>Paste As New</source>
612626 <translation>Вставить Как Новый</translation>
613627 </message>
614628 <message>
615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
616630 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
617631 <translation>Вставить изображение из буфера обмена.</translation>
618632 </message>
619633 <message>
620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
621635 <source>Paste as New
623637 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
626640 Создаёт новый документ на основе изображения из буфера обмена.</translation>
627641 </message>
628642 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
630644 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
631645 <translation>Вставить Как Новый (Расширенный)</translation>
632646 </message>
633647 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
635649 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
636650 <translation>Вставить изображение из буфера обмена в расширенном режиме.</translation>
637651 </message>
638652 <message>
639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
640654 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
642656 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
645659 Создаёт новый документ на основе изображения из буфера обмена в расширенном режиме.</translation>
646660 </message>
647661 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
649663 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
650664 <translation>&amp;Загрузить...</translation>
651665 </message>
652666 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
654668 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
655669 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
656670 </message>
657671 <message>
658 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
672 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
659673 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
660674 <translation>Создает новый документ загружая простое изображение.</translation>
661675 </message>
662676 <message>
663 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
664678 <source>Import Image
666680 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
673687 Для более сложных изображений с несколькими системами координат и/или плавающей осью следует использовать функцию Загрузить (Расширенный).</translation>
674688 </message>
675689 <message>
676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
677691 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
678692 <translation>Загрузить (Расширенный)...</translation>
679693 </message>
680694 <message>
681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
682696 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
683697 <translation>Создает новый документ загружая изображение с поддержкой расширенного функционала.</translation>
684698 </message>
685699 <message>
686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
687701 <source>Import (Advanced)
689703 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
692706 Создает новый документ загружая изображение с поддержкой расширенного функционала. В расширенном режиме можно обработать изображение с несколькими системами координат и/или плавающей осью.</translation>
693707 </message>
694708 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
696710 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
697711 <translation>Импорт (замена изображения) ...</translation>
698712 </message>
699713 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
701715 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
702716 <translation>Импортирует новое изображение в текущий документ, заменяя существующее изображение.</translation>
703717 </message>
704718 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
706720 <source>Import (Image Replace)
708722 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
709723 <translation>Импорт (замена изображения) Включение нового изображения в текущий документ. Существующее изображение заменяется, и все кривые в документе сохраняются. Эта операция полезна для применения осевых точек и других параметров из существующего документа к другому изображению.</translation>
710724 </message>
711725 <message>
712 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
713727 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
714728 <translation>&amp;Открыть...</translation>
715729 </message>
716730 <message>
717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
718732 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
719733 <translation>Открыть уже существующий документ.</translation>
720734 </message>
721735 <message>
722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
723737 <source>Open Document
725739 Opens an existing document.</source>
728742 Открывает уже существующий документ.</translation>
729743 </message>
730744 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
745 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
732746 <source>&amp;Close</source>
733747 <translation>&amp;Закрыть</translation>
734748 </message>
735749 <message>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
737751 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
738752 <translation>Закрыть открытый документ.</translation>
739753 </message>
740754 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
742756 <source>Close Document
744758 Closes the open document.</source>
747761 Закрывает открытый документ.</translation>
748762 </message>
749763 <message>
750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
764 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
751765 <source>&amp;Save</source>
752766 <translation>&amp;Сохранить</translation>
753767 </message>
754768 <message>
755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
756770 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
757771 <translation>Сохранить текущий документ.</translation>
758772 </message>
759773 <message>
760 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
761775 <source>Save Document
763777 Saves the current document.</source>
766780 Сохраняет текущий документ.</translation>
767781 </message>
768782 <message>
769 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
783 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
770784 <source>Save As...</source>
771785 <translation>Сохранить как...</translation>
772786 </message>
773787 <message>
774 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
775789 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
776790 <translation>Сохранить текущий документ под новым именем файла.</translation>
777791 </message>
778792 <message>
779 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
780794 <source>Save Document As
782796 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
785799 Сохраняет текущий документ с новым именем файла.</translation>
786800 </message>
787801 <message>
788 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
802 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
789803 <source>Export...</source>
790804 <translation>Выгрузить...</translation>
791805 </message>
792806 <message>
793 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
807 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
794808 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
795809 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
796810 </message>
797811 <message>
798 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
799813 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
800814 <translation>Выгрузить данные из текущего документа в текстовый файл.</translation>
801815 </message>
802816 <message>
803 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
804818 <source>Export Document
806820 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
809823 Выгружает оцифрованные данные из текущего документа в текстовый файл.</translation>
810824 </message>
811825 <message>
812 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
813827 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
814828 <translation>&amp;Печать...</translation>
815829 </message>
816830 <message>
817 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
818832 <source>Print the current document.</source>
819833 <translation>Печать текущего документа.</translation>
820834 </message>
821835 <message>
822 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
836 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
823837 <source>Print Document
825839 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
827841 Распечатать текущий документ на принтере или в файл.</translation>
828842 </message>
829843 <message>
830 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
844 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
831845 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
832846 <translation>&amp;Выход</translation>
833847 </message>
834848 <message>
835 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
849 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
836850 <source>Quits the application.</source>
837851 <translation>Закрыть приложение.</translation>
838852 </message>
839853 <message>
840 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
854 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
841855 <source>Exit
843857 Quits the application.</source>
845859 Закрыть приложение.</translation>
846860 </message>
847861 <message>
848 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
849863 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
850864 <translation>Пошаговая Инструкция Пользователя</translation>
851865 </message>
852866 <message>
853 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
867 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
854868 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
855869 <translation>Открыть пошаговую инструкцию пользователя при загрузке для конкретизации шагов процесса оцифровки</translation>
856870 </message>
857871 <message>
858 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
859873 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
861875 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
863877 Использовать Пошаговая Инструкция Пользователя в процессе загрузки чтобы создать список шагов подходящий для загружаемого документа</translation>
864878 </message>
865879 <message>
866 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
880 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
867881 <source>Tutorial</source>
868882 <translation>Обучение</translation>
869883 </message>
870884 <message>
871 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
885 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
872886 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
873887 <translation>Показать обучение представляющее шаги по оцифровки кривых.</translation>
874888 </message>
875889 <message>
876 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
890 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
877891 <source>Tutorial
879893 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
881895 Показать обучение представляющее шаги по оцифровки точек кривых изображенных линиями и/или точками</translation>
882896 </message>
883897 <message>
884 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
898 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
885899 <source>Help</source>
886900 <translation>Помощь</translation>
887901 </message>
888902 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
890904 <source>Help documentation</source>
891905 <translation>Вспомогательная документация</translation>
892906 </message>
893907 <message>
894 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
895909 <source>Help Documentation
897911 Searchable help documentation</source>
899913 Открытая для поиска вспомогательная документация</translation>
900914 </message>
901915 <message>
902 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
916 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
903917 <source>About Engauge</source>
904918 <translation>Об Engauge</translation>
905919 </message>
906920 <message>
907 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
921 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
908922 <source>About the application.</source>
909923 <translation>О приложении</translation>
910924 </message>
911925 <message>
912 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
926 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
913927 <source>About Engauge
915929 About the application.</source>
917931 О приложении.</translation>
918932 </message>
919933 <message>
920 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
934 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
921935 <source>Coordinates...</source>
922936 <translation>Координаты...</translation>
923937 </message>
924938 <message>
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
939 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
926940 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
927941 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Координат.</translation>
928942 </message>
929943 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
931945 <source>Coordinate Settings
933947 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
935949 Настройки Координат определяют как координаты графика соотносятся с пикселями изображения</translation>
936950 </message>
937951 <message>
938 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
939953 <source>Curve List...</source>
940954 <translation>Список кривых...</translation>
941955 </message>
942956 <message>
943 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
944958 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
945959 <translation>Изменить параметры списка кривых.</translation>
946960 </message>
947961 <message>
948 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
962 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
949963 <source>Curve List
951965 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
954968 Настройки списка кривых добавляют, переименовывают и / или удаляют кривые в текущем документе</translation>
955969 </message>
956970 <message>
957 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
971 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
958972 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
959973 <translation>Свойства Кривой...</translation>
960974 </message>
961975 <message>
962 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
963977 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
964978 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Свойств Кривой.</translation>
965979 </message>
966980 <message>
967 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
981 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
968982 <source>Curve Properties Settings
970984 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
972986 Настройки свойств кривой определяют вид представления каждой из кривых</translation>
973987 </message>
974988 <message>
975 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
989 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
976990 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
977991 <translation>Оцифровка Кривой...</translation>
978992 </message>
979993 <message>
980 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
994 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
981995 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
982996 <translation>Редактировать параметры оцифровки Осей и Кривых.</translation>
983997 </message>
984998 <message>
985 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
999 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
9861000 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
9881002 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
9901004 Настройки оцифровки кривой определяют как точки будут оцифрованы в режиме Оцифровки Опорных Точек и Оцифровки Точек Графика</translation>
9911005 </message>
9921006 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
1007 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
9941008 <source>Export Format...</source>
9951009 <translation>Формат Выгрузки...</translation>
9961010 </message>
9971011 <message>
998 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
1012 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
9991013 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
10001014 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Формата Выгрузки.</translation>
10011015 </message>
10021016 <message>
1003 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
1017 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
10041018 <source>Export Format Settings
10061020 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
10081022 Настройки формата выгрузки на сруктуру и формат файла выгрузки</translation>
10091023 </message>
10101024 <message>
1011 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
1025 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
10121026 <source>Color Filter...</source>
10131027 <translation>Цветовой Фильтр...</translation>
10141028 </message>
10151029 <message>
1016 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
1030 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
10171031 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
10181032 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Цветового Фильтра.</translation>
10191033 </message>
10201034 <message>
1021 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
1035 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
10221036 <source>Color Filter Settings
10241038 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
10261040 Цветовая фильтрация упрощает изображение графика для облегчения успешного использования Совмещения Точек и Сегментного Заполнения</translation>
10271041 </message>
10281042 <message>
1029 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
1043 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
10301044 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
10311045 <translation>Выделитель Осей...</translation>
10321046 </message>
10331047 <message>
1034 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
1048 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
10351049 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
10361050 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Выделителя Осей.</translation>
10371051 </message>
10381052 <message>
1039 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1053 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
10401054 <source>Axes Checker Settings
10421056 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
10441058 Выделитель осей позволяет заметить ошибки в опорных точках, которые незаметны в других ситуациях.</translation>
10451059 </message>
10461060 <message>
1047 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
10481062 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
10491063 <translation>Отображение Линий Сетки...</translation>
10501064 </message>
10511065 <message>
1052 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
10531067 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10541068 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Отображения Линий Сетки.</translation>
10551069 </message>
10561070 <message>
1057 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10581072 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10601074 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10611075 <translation>Параметры отображения линии сетки. Графические линии, отображаемые на графике, могут обеспечить большую точность, чем Axis Checker, для искаженных графиков. В искаженном графике линии сетки могут использоваться для настройки точек оси для большей точности в разных регионах.</translation>
10621076 </message>
10631077 <message>
1064 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10651079 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10661080 <translation>Стиратель Линий Сетки...</translation>
10671081 </message>
10681082 <message>
1069 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10701084 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10711085 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Стирателя Линий Сетки.</translation>
10721086 </message>
10731087 <message>
1074 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10751089 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10771091 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10801094 Стиратель Линий Сетки отделяет графики кривых от линий сетки, когда Цветовая Фильтрация не в состоянии их разделить, для облегчения Совмещения Точек и Сегментного Заполнения.</translation>
10811095 </message>
10821096 <message>
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1097 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10841098 <source>Point Match...</source>
10851099 <translation>Совмещение Точек...</translation>
10861100 </message>
10871101 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10891103 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10901104 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Совмещения Точек.</translation>
10911105 </message>
10921106 <message>
1093 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10941108 <source>Point Match Settings
10961110 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10991113 Настройки Совмещения Точек определяют как будут определяться точки в режиме Совмещение Точек</translation>
11001114 </message>
11011115 <message>
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1116 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
11031117 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
11041118 <translation>Сегментное Заполнение...</translation>
11051119 </message>
11061120 <message>
1107 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1121 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
11081122 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
11091123 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Сегментного Заполнения.</translation>
11101124 </message>
11111125 <message>
1112 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
11131127 <source>Segment Fill Settings
11151129 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
11181132 Настройки сегментного заполнения определяют как будут создаваться точки в режиме Сегментного Заполнения</translation>
11191133 </message>
11201134 <message>
1121 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1135 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
11221136 <source>General...</source>
11231137 <translation>Общие...</translation>
11241138 </message>
11251139 <message>
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
11271141 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
11281142 <translation>Редактировать Общие Настройки.</translation>
11291143 </message>
11301144 <message>
1131 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
11321146 <source>General Settings
11341148 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
11371151 Общие Настройки включают настройки для документа влияющие на несколько режимов одновременно. Например, размер курсора работает и для режима Цветовой Пипетки и для режима Совмещения Точек</translation>
11381152 </message>
11391153 <message>
1140 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1154 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
11411155 <source>Main Window...</source>
11421156 <translation>Основное Окно...</translation>
11431157 </message>
11441158 <message>
1145 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
11461160 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
11471161 <translation>Редактировать Настройки Основного Окна.</translation>
11481162 </message>
11491163 <message>
1150 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
11511165 <source>Main Window Settings
11531167 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
11561170 Настройки Основного Окна включают настройки рабочего пространства пользовательского интерфейса приложения во всех документах.</translation>
11571171 </message>
11581172 <message>
1159 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
11601174 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
11611175 <translation>Инструментарий Фонового Изображения</translation>
11621176 </message>
11631177 <message>
1164 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11651179 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11661180 <translation>Показать или спрятать инструментарий фонового изображения</translation>
11671181 </message>
11681182 <message>
1169 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11701184 <source>View Background ToolBar
11721186 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11751189 Показать или спрятать инструментарий фонового изображения</translation>
11761190 </message>
11771191 <message>
1178 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1192 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11791193 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11801194 <translation>Инструментарий Пошаговой Инструкции</translation>
11811195 </message>
11821196 <message>
1183 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1197 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11841198 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11851199 <translation>Показать или спрятать пошаговую инструкцию.</translation>
11861200 </message>
11871201 <message>
1188 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11891203 <source>View Checklist Guide
11911205 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11921206 <translation>Просмотр руководства по проверочному спискуПоказать или скрыть контрольный список</translation>
11931207 </message>
11941208 <message>
1195 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1209 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11961210 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11971211 <translation>Окно установки кривой</translation>
11981212 </message>
11991213 <message>
1200 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1214 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
12011215 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
12021216 <translation>Показать или скрыть окно подбора кривой.</translation>
12031217 </message>
12041218 <message>
1205 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1219 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
12061220 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
12081222 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
12091223 <translation>Окно выбора кривой кривойПосмотреть или скрыть окно установки кривой</translation>
12101224 </message>
12111225 <message>
1212 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
12131227 <source>Geometry Window</source>
12141228 <translation>Окно Геометрии</translation>
12151229 </message>
12161230 <message>
1217 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1231 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
12181232 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
12191233 <translation>Показать или спрятать окно геометрии.</translation>
12201234 </message>
12211235 <message>
1222 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1236 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
12231237 <source>View Geometry Window
12251239 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
12261240 <translation>Просмотреть окно геометрииПосмотреть или скрыть окно геометрии</translation>
12271241 </message>
12281242 <message>
1229 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1243 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
12301244 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
12311245 <translation>Инструментарий Оцифровки</translation>
12321246 </message>
12331247 <message>
1234 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
12351249 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
12361250 <translation>Показать или спрятать инструментарий оцифровки.</translation>
12371251 </message>
12381252 <message>
1239 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
12401254 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
12421256 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
12451259 Показать или спрятать инструментарий оцифровки.</translation>
12461260 </message>
12471261 <message>
1248 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1262 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
12491263 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
12501264 <translation>Инструментарий Настроек Представления</translation>
12511265 </message>
12521266 <message>
1253 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
12541268 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
12551269 <translation>Показать или спрятать инструментарий настроек представления</translation>
12561270 </message>
12571271 <message>
1258 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
12591273 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
12611275 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
12641278 Показать или спрятать инструментарий настроек представления</translation>
12651279 </message>
12661280 <message>
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1281 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
12681282 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
12691283 <translation>Инструментарий Системы Координат</translation>
12701284 </message>
12711285 <message>
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1286 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12731287 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12741288 <translation>Показать или спрятать инструментарий системы координат.</translation>
12751289 </message>
12761290 <message>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1291 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12781292 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12801294 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12871301 Неактивен если существует только одна система координат.</translation>
12881302 </message>
12891303 <message>
1290 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1304 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12911305 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12921306 <translation>Всплывающие Подсказки</translation>
12931307 </message>
12941308 <message>
1295 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1309 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12961310 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12971311 <translation>Показать или спрятать всплывающие подсказки.</translation>
12981312 </message>
12991313 <message>
1300 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
13011315 <source>View Tool Tips
13031317 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
13061320 Показать или спрятать всплывающие подсказки.</translation>
13071321 </message>
13081322 <message>
1309 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1323 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
13101324 <source>Grid Lines</source>
13111325 <translation>Линии Сетки</translation>
13121326 </message>
13131327 <message>
1314 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1328 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
13151329 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
13161330 <translation>Показать или спрятать линии сетки.</translation>
13171331 </message>
13181332 <message>
1319 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1333 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
13201334 <source>View Grid Lines
13221336 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
13231337 <translation>Просмотр линий сеткиПосмотреть или скрыть линии сетки, которые добавляются для точной настройки точек осей, что может улучшить точность искаженных графиков</translation>
13241338 </message>
13251339 <message>
1326 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1340 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
13271341 <source>No Background</source>
13281342 <translation>Без фона</translation>
13291343 </message>
13301344 <message>
1331 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
13321346 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
13331347 <translation>Не показывать изображение под точками.</translation>
13341348 </message>
13351349 <message>
1336 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
13371351 <source>No Background
13391353 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
13421356 Никакое изображение не показывается чтобы точки было легче рассматривать</translation>
13431357 </message>
13441358 <message>
1345 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
13461360 <source>Show Original Image</source>
13471361 <translation>Показать исходное изображение</translation>
13481362 </message>
13491363 <message>
1350 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
13511365 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
13521366 <translation>Отрисовывать исходное изображение под точками.</translation>
13531367 </message>
13541368 <message>
1355 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
13561370 <source>Show Original Image
13581372 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
13611375 Отрисовывать исходное изображение под точками</translation>
13621376 </message>
13631377 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
13651379 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
13661380 <translation>Показать Обработанное Изображение</translation>
13671381 </message>
13681382 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
13701384 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
13711385 <translation>Отрисовывать обработанное фильтром изображение под точками.</translation>
13721386 </message>
13731387 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
13751389 <source>Show Filtered Image
13771391 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
13841398 Обработанное изображение создаётся из исходного следуя настройкам Фильтра так чтобы важная информация была выделена, а неважная спрятана</translation>
13851399 </message>
13861400 <message>
1387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
13881402 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
13891403 <translation>Скрыть Все Кривые</translation>
13901404 </message>
13911405 <message>
1392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13931407 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13941408 <translation>Скрыть все оцифрованные кривые.</translation>
13951409 </message>
13961410 <message>
1397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13981412 <source>Hide All Curves
14001414 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
14021416 Никаких опорных точек, осей и оцифрованных кривых графика не будет видно, чтобы обрабатываемое изображение было легче рассмотреть.</translation>
14031417 </message>
14041418 <message>
1405 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
14061420 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
14071421 <translation>Показать Выбранную Кривую</translation>
14081422 </message>
14091423 <message>
1410 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
14111425 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
14121426 <translation>Показывать только выбранную в данный момент кривую.</translation>
14131427 </message>
14141428 <message>
1415 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
14161430 <source>Show Selected Curve
14181432 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
14201434 Показать только оцифрованные точки и линии принадлежащие к выбранной в данный момент кривой.</translation>
14211435 </message>
14221436 <message>
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1437 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
14241438 <source>Show All Curves</source>
14251439 <translation>Показать Все Кривые</translation>
14261440 </message>
14271441 <message>
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1442 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
14291443 <source>Show all curves.</source>
14301444 <translation>Показать все кривые сразу.</translation>
14311445 </message>
14321446 <message>
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1447 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
14341448 <source>Show All Curves
14361450 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
14381452 Показать все оцифрованные оси и кривые графика.</translation>
14391453 </message>
14401454 <message>
1441 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1455 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
14421456 <source>Hide Always</source>
14431457 <translation>Скрывать Всегда</translation>
14441458 </message>
14451459 <message>
1446 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1460 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
14471461 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
14481462 <translation>Всегда скрывать панель статуса.</translation>
14491463 </message>
14501464 <message>
1451 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1465 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
14521466 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
14531467 <translation>Скрыть панель статуса. Временные статусы и ответные сообщения не будут появляться.</translation>
14541468 </message>
14551469 <message>
1456 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1470 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
14571471 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
14581472 <translation>Показать Временные Сообщения</translation>
14591473 </message>
14601474 <message>
1461 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1475 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
14621476 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
14631477 <translation>Скрыть панель статуса, за исключением демонстрации временных сообщений.</translation>
14641478 </message>
14651479 <message>
1466 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1480 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
14671481 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
14681482 <translation>Скрыть панель статуса, за исключением демонстрации временных статусов и ответных сообщений.</translation>
14691483 </message>
14701484 <message>
1471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1485 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
14721486 <source>Show Always</source>
14731487 <translation>Отбражать Всегда</translation>
14741488 </message>
14751489 <message>
1476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1490 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
14771491 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
14781492 <translation>Всегда отображать панель статуса.</translation>
14791493 </message>
14801494 <message>
1481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
14821496 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
14831497 <translation>Показывать панель статуса.Кроме демонстрации временных статусов и ответных сообщений, панель статуса отображает информацию о позиции курсора, когда свободна.</translation>
14841498 </message>
14851499 <message>
1486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
14871501 <source>Zoom Out</source>
14881502 <translation>Отдалить</translation>
14891503 </message>
14901504 <message>
1491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
14921506 <source>Zoom out</source>
14931507 <translation>Уменьшить масштаб</translation>
14941508 </message>
14951509 <message>
1496 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1510 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14971511 <source>Zoom In</source>
14981512 <translation>Приблизить</translation>
14991513 </message>
15001514 <message>
1501 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1515 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
15021516 <source>Zoom in</source>
15031517 <translation>Увеличить масштаб</translation>
15041518 </message>
15051519 <message>
1506 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1520 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
15071521 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
15081522 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
15091523 </message>
15101524 <message>
1511 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1525 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
15121526 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
15131527 <translation>Масштаб 16:1</translation>
15141528 </message>
15151529 <message>
1516 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1530 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
15171531 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
15181532 <translation>16:1 дальше (1270%)</translation>
15191533 </message>
15201534 <message>
1521 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1535 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
15221536 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
15231537 <translation>Zoom 12.7:1</translation>
15241538 </message>
15251539 <message>
1526 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1540 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
15271541 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
15281542 <translation>8:1 ближе (1008%)</translation>
15291543 </message>
15301544 <message>
1531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1545 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
15321546 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
15331547 <translation>Zoom 10.08:1</translation>
15341548 </message>
15351549 <message>
1536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1550 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
15371551 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
15381552 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
15391553 </message>
15401554 <message>
1541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1555 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
15421556 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
15431557 <translation>Масштаб 8:1</translation>
15441558 </message>
15451559 <message>
1546 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1560 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
15471561 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
15481562 <translation>8:1 дальше (635%)</translation>
15491563 </message>
15501564 <message>
1551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
15521566 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
15531567 <translation>Zoom 6.35:1</translation>
15541568 </message>
15551569 <message>
1556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
15571571 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
15581572 <translation>4:1 ближе (504%)</translation>
15591573 </message>
15601574 <message>
1561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
15621576 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
15631577 <translation>Zoom 5.04:1</translation>
15641578 </message>
15651579 <message>
1566 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1580 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
15671581 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
15681582 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
15691583 </message>
15701584 <message>
1571 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
15721586 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
15731587 <translation>Масштаб 4:1</translation>
15741588 </message>
15751589 <message>
1576 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
15771591 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
15781592 <translation>4:1 дальше (317%)</translation>
15791593 </message>
15801594 <message>
1581 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
15821596 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
15831597 <translation>Zoom 3.17:1</translation>
15841598 </message>
15851599 <message>
1586 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1600 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
15871601 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
15881602 <translation>2:1 ближе (252%)</translation>
15891603 </message>
15901604 <message>
1591 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1605 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
15921606 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15931607 <translation>Zoom 2.52:1</translation>
15941608 </message>
15951609 <message>
1596 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1610 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15971611 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15981612 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
15991613 </message>
16001614 <message>
1601 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1615 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
16021616 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
16031617 <translation>Масштаб 2:1</translation>
16041618 </message>
16051619 <message>
1606 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1620 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
16071621 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
16081622 <translation>2:1 дальше (159%)</translation>
16091623 </message>
16101624 <message>
1611 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1625 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
16121626 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
16131627 <translation>Zoom 1.59:1</translation>
16141628 </message>
16151629 <message>
1616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
16171631 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
16181632 <translation>1:1 ближе (126%)</translation>
16191633 </message>
16201634 <message>
1621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
16221636 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
16231637 <translation>Zoom 1.3:1</translation>
16241638 </message>
16251639 <message>
1626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
16271641 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
16281642 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
16291643 </message>
16301644 <message>
1631 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
16321646 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
16331647 <translation>Масштаб 1:1</translation>
16341648 </message>
16351649 <message>
1636 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
16371651 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
16381652 <translation>1:1 дальше (79%)</translation>
16391653 </message>
16401654 <message>
1641 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
16421656 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
16431657 <translation>Zoom 0.8:1</translation>
16441658 </message>
16451659 <message>
1646 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
16471661 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
16481662 <translation>1:2 ближе (63%)</translation>
16491663 </message>
16501664 <message>
1651 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
16521666 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
16531667 <translation>Zoom 1.3:2</translation>
16541668 </message>
16551669 <message>
1656 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
16571671 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
16581672 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
16591673 </message>
16601674 <message>
1661 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1675 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
16621676 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
16631677 <translation>Масштаб 1:2</translation>
16641678 </message>
16651679 <message>
1666 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1680 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
16671681 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
16681682 <translation>1:2 дальше (40%)</translation>
16691683 </message>
16701684 <message>
1671 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1685 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
16721686 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
16731687 <translation>Zoom 0.8:2</translation>
16741688 </message>
16751689 <message>
1676 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1690 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
16771691 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
16781692 <translation>1:4 ближе (31%)</translation>
16791693 </message>
16801694 <message>
1681 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
16821696 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
16831697 <translation>Zoom 1.3:4</translation>
16841698 </message>
16851699 <message>
1686 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
16871701 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
16881702 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
16891703 </message>
16901704 <message>
1691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
16921706 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16931707 <translation>Масштаб 1:4</translation>
16941708 </message>
16951709 <message>
1696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1710 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16971711 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16981712 <translation>1:4 дальше (20%)</translation>
16991713 </message>
17001714 <message>
1701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1715 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17021716 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
17031717 <translation>Zoom 0.8:4</translation>
17041718 </message>
17051719 <message>
1706 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1720 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
17071721 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
17081722 <translation>1:8 ближе (12.5%)</translation>
17091723 </message>
17101724 <message>
1711 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
17121725 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1726 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
17131727 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
17141728 <translation>Масштаб 1:8</translation>
17151729 </message>
17161730 <message>
1717 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
17181732 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
17191733 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
17201734 </message>
17211735 <message>
1722 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
17231737 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
17241738 <translation>1:8 дальше (10%)</translation>
17251739 </message>
17261740 <message>
1727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
17281742 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
17291743 <translation>Zoom 0.8:8</translation>
17301744 </message>
17311745 <message>
1732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1746 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
17331747 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
17341748 <translation>1:16 ближе (8%)</translation>
17351749 </message>
17361750 <message>
1737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1751 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
17381752 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
17391753 <translation>Zoom 1.3:16</translation>
17401754 </message>
17411755 <message>
1742 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1756 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
17431757 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
17441758 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
17451759 </message>
17461760 <message>
1747 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1761 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
17481762 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
17491763 <translation>Масштаб 1:16</translation>
17501764 </message>
17511765 <message>
1752 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1766 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
17531767 <source>Fill</source>
1754 <translation>Заполнение</translation>
1755 </message>
1756 <message>
1757 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1768 <translation>заполнить</translation>
1769 </message>
1770 <message>
1771 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
17581772 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
17591773 <translation>Масштабировать с растяжением до заполнения всего окна</translation>
17601774 </message>
20222036 <context>
20232037 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
20242038 <message>
2025 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
2039 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
20262040 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
20272041 <translation>Изменить ось</translation>
20282042 </message>
20292043 <message>
2030 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
2044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
20312045 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
20322046 <translation>Координаты Графика</translation>
20332047 </message>
20342048 <message>
2035 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
2049 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
20362050 <source>as</source>
20372051 <translation>как</translation>
20382052 </message>
20392053 <message>
2040 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
2054 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
20412055 <source>(</source>
20422056 <translation>(</translation>
20432057 </message>
20442058 <message>
2045 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
2059 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
20462060 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
2048 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
2062 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
20502064 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2051 <translation>Введите первую координату опорной точки.
2053 Для декартовой системы координат это X. Для полярной - это радиус R.
2055 Ожидаемый формат значений координат определяется текущими настройками. Если введенное значение не принято как ожидаемое, проверьте текущие настройки в Настройки/ Главное Окно... </translation>
2056 </message>
2057 <message>
2058 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
2065 <translation>Введите первую координату графика точки оси. Для декартовых графиков это X. Для полярных графиков это угол Theta. Если введенные значения не распознаются должным образом, проверьте настройку языка в меню «Настройки» / «Главное окно» ...</translation>
2066 </message>
2067 <message>
2068 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
20592069 <source>, </source>
20602070 <translation>,</translation>
20612071 </message>
20622072 <message>
2063 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
2073 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
20642074 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
2066 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
2076 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
20682078 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
2069 <translation>Введите вторую координату опорной точки.
2070 Для декартовой системы координат это Y. Для полярной - это угол Тэтта.
2071 Ожидаемый формат значений координат определяется текущими настройками. Если введенное значение не принято как ожидаемое, проверьте текущие настройки в Настройки/ Главное Окно...</translation>
2072 </message>
2073 <message>
2074 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
2079 <translation>Введите координату второго графика точки оси. Для декартовых графиков это Y. Для полярных графиков это радиус R. Если введенные значения не распознаются должным образом, проверьте настройку языка в меню «Настройки» / «Главное окно» ...</translation>
2080 </message>
2081 <message>
2082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
20752083 <source>)</source>
20762084 <translation>)</translation>
20772085 </message>
20782086 <message>
2079 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
2080 <source>Number format</source>
2081 <translation>Формат номера</translation>
2082 </message>
2083 <message>
2084 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
2087 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
2088 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
2089 <translation>Количество координат на точку оси:</translation>
2090 </message>
2091 <message>
2092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
2093 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
2094 <translation>Обычно используются три оси с двумя координатами. Если каждая точка оси имеет только одну известную координату, то начните заново с файла / импорта (расширенный) / 4 точки оси.
2096 Obychno ispol'zuyutsya tri osi s </translation>
2097 </message>
2098 <message>
2099 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
2100 <source>Number format:</source>
2101 <translation>Числовой формат:</translation>
2102 </message>
2103 <message>
2104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
2105 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
2106 <translation>Локаль, которая определяет допустимые форматы чисел. Это устанавливается в меню «Настройки» / «Главное окно».</translation>
2107 </message>
2108 <message>
2109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
20852110 <source>Ok</source>
20862111 <translation>Ок</translation>
20872112 </message>
20882113 <message>
2089 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
20902115 <source>Cancel</source>
20912116 <translation>Отмена</translation>
20922117 </message>
23092334 <context>
23102335 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
23112336 <message>
2312 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
23132338 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
23142339 <translation>Загрузка Файла Изображения с Обрезкой</translation>
23152340 </message>
23162341 <message>
2317 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
23182343 <source>Preview</source>
23192344 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
23202345 </message>
23212346 <message>
2322 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
23232348 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23242349 <translation>Окно предварительного просмотра, показывающее, какая часть изображения будет импортирована. Часть изображения внутри прямоугольной рамки будет импортирована с текущей страницы. Рамку можно перемещать и изменять ее размер, перетаскивая угловые ручки.</translation>
23252350 </message>
23262351 <message>
2327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
23282353 <source>Ok</source>
23292354 <translation>Ок</translation>
23302355 </message>
23312356 <message>
2332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
23332358 <source>Cancel</source>
23342359 <translation>Отмена</translation>
23352360 </message>
23372362 <context>
23382363 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
23392364 <message>
2340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
23412366 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
23422367 <translation>Загрузка Файла PDF с Обрезкой</translation>
23432368 </message>
23442369 <message>
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
23462371 <source>Page</source>
23472372 <translation>Страница</translation>
23482373 </message>
23492374 <message>
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
23512376 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
23522377 <translation>Номер страницы которая будет загружена</translation>
23532378 </message>
23542379 <message>
2355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
23562381 <source>Preview</source>
23572382 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
23582383 </message>
23592384 <message>
2360 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2385 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
23612386 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
23622387 <translation>Окно предварительного просмотра, показывающее, какая часть изображения будет импортирована. Часть изображения внутри прямоугольной рамки будет импортирована с текущей страницы. Рамку можно перемещать и изменять ее размер, перетаскивая угловые ручки.</translation>
23632388 </message>
23642389 <message>
2365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2390 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
23662391 <source>Ok</source>
23672392 <translation>Ок</translation>
23682393 </message>
23692394 <message>
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2395 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
23712396 <source>Cancel</source>
23722397 <translation>Отмена</translation>
23732398 </message>
23832408 <context>
23842409 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
23852410 <message>
2386 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
23872412 <source>Ok</source>
23882413 <translation>Ок</translation>
23892414 </message>
23902415 <message>
2391 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
23922417 <source>Cancel</source>
23932418 <translation>Отмена</translation>
23942419 </message>
24012426 <translation>Выделитель Осей</translation>
24022427 </message>
24032428 <message>
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
24052430 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
24062431 <translation>Время жизни Выделителя Осей</translation>
24072432 </message>
24082433 <message>
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
24102435 <source>Do not show</source>
24112436 <translation>Не отображать</translation>
24122437 </message>
24132438 <message>
2414 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
24152440 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
24162441 <translation>Не отображать выделитель осей никогда.</translation>
24172442 </message>
24182443 <message>
2419 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
24202445 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
24212446 <translation>Отображать на число секунд</translation>
24222447 </message>
24232448 <message>
2424 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
24252450 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
24262451 <translation>Отображать выделитель осей после смены опорыных точек на число секунд</translation>
24272452 </message>
24282453 <message>
2429 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
24302455 <source>Show always</source>
24312456 <translation>Отбражать всегда</translation>
24322457 </message>
24332458 <message>
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
24352460 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
24362461 <translation>Всегда отображать выделитель осей.</translation>
24372462 </message>
24382463 <message>
2439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2464 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
24402465 <source>Line color</source>
24412466 <translation>Цвет линии</translation>
24422467 </message>
24432468 <message>
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
24452470 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
24462471 <translation>Выбор цвета подсвечивающей линии нарисованной для каждой опорной точки</translation>
24472472 </message>
24482473 <message>
2449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2474 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
24502475 <source>Preview</source>
24512476 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
24522477 </message>
24532478 <message>
2454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2479 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
24552480 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
24562481 <translation>Окно предпросмотра, показывающее как текущая настройка влияет на отображаемый выделитель осей</translation>
24572482 </message>
24642489 <translation>Цветовой Фильтр</translation>
24652490 </message>
24662491 <message>
2467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2492 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
24682493 <source>Curve Name</source>
24692494 <translation>Название Кривой</translation>
24702495 </message>
24712496 <message>
2472 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
24732498 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
24742499 <translation>Название кривой выбранной в данный момент для редактирования</translation>
24752500 </message>
24762501 <message>
2477 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
24782503 <source>Filter mode</source>
24792504 <translation>Режим фильтра</translation>
24802505 </message>
24812506 <message>
2482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
24832508 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24852510 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
24872512 Значение интенсивности пикселя I вычисляется по его красной R, зелёной G и синей B компоненте как I = квадратный_корень (R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
24882513 </message>
24892514 <message>
2490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
24912516 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
24932518 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
24982523 Расстояние F от любого цвета (R, G, B) от цвета фона (Rb, Gb, Bb) вычисляется как F = квадратный_корень ((R - Rb) * (R - Rb) + (G - Gb) * (G - Gb) + (B - Bb)). На левом конце шкалы расстояние от переднего плана равно нулю и увеличивается линейно до максимального в правом конце шкалы.</translation>
24992524 </message>
25002525 <message>
2501 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
25022527 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25032528 <translation>Перевести исходное изображение в чёрнобелые пиксели с помощью компоненты Оттенок из цветового представления Оттенок, Насыщенность, Значение (HSV), чтобы скрыть неважную информацию и выделить значимую.</translation>
25042529 </message>
25052530 <message>
2506 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
25072532 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
25082533 <translation>Перевести исходное изображение в чёрнобелые пиксели с помощью компоненты Насыщенность из цветового представления Оттенок, Насыщенность, Значение (HSV), чтобы скрыть неважную информацию и выделить значимую.</translation>
25092534 </message>
25102535 <message>
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2536 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
25122537 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
25142539 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
25162541 Компонента Значение также называется Освещенность</translation>
25172542 </message>
25182543 <message>
2519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2544 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
25202545 <source>Preview</source>
25212546 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
25222547 </message>
25232548 <message>
2524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
25252550 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
25262551 <translation>Окно предпросмотра, показывающее как текущая настройка влияет на отфильтрованное изображение.</translation>
25272552 </message>
25282553 <message>
2529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
25302555 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
25312556 <translation>Профиль гистограммы параметра фильтрации </translation>
25322557 </message>
25332558 <message>
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
25352560 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
25362561 <translation>Профиль гистограммы выбранного параметра фильтра. Две Перегородки могут быть перемещены назад и вперед, для настройки диапазона значений параметра фильтра, которые будут включены в отфильтрованное изображение. Чистый участок будет включен, а заштрихованный участок будет исключен.</translation>
25372562 </message>
25382563 <message>
2539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2564 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
25402565 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
25412566 <translation>Это недоступное для редоктирования графическое представление горизонтальной оси профиля гистограммы представленой выше.</translation>
25422567 </message>
25442569 <context>
25452570 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
25462571 <message>
2547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2549 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2573 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2574 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
25502575 <source>Coordinates</source>
25512576 <translation>Координаты</translation>
25522577 </message>
25532578 <message>
2554 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
25552580 <source>Date/Time</source>
25562581 <translation>Дата/Время</translation>
25572582 </message>
25582583 <message>
2559 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2584 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
25602585 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25622587 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
25642589 Установка формата как пустого значения приводит к выводу только временной части полного значения.</translation>
25652590 </message>
25662591 <message>
2567 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
25682593 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
25702595 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
25722597 Установка формата как пустого значения приводит к выводу только части дата из полного значения.</translation>
25732598 </message>
25742599 <message>
2575 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
25762601 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
25772602 <translation>Тип координат</translation>
25782603 </message>
25792604 <message>
2580 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2605 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
25812606 <source>Polar</source>
25822607 <translation>Полярные</translation>
25832608 </message>
25842609 <message>
2585 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2610 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
25872612 <source>R</source>
25882613 <translation>R</translation>
25892614 </message>
25902615 <message>
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
25922617 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
25932618 <translation>Декартовы (X, Y)</translation>
25942619 </message>
25952620 <message>
2596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
25972622 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
25992624 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
26012626 Будут использованны координаты X и Y</translation>
26022627 </message>
26032628 <message>
2604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
26052630 <source>Select polar coordinates.
26072632 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
26122637 Полярные координаты недопускают логарифмического масштаба по углу Тэтта</translation>
26132638 </message>
26142639 <message>
2615 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2616 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
26172642 <source>Scale</source>
26182643 <translation>Масштаб</translation>
26192644 </message>
26202645 <message>
2621 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2646 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
26232648 <source>Linear</source>
26242649 <translation>Линейный</translation>
26252650 </message>
26262651 <message>
2627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2652 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
26282653 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
26292654 <translation>Установить линейный масштаб для X или Тэтта координаты</translation>
26302655 </message>
26312656 <message>
2632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2657 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
26342659 <source>Log</source>
26352660 <translation>Логарифмический</translation>
26362661 </message>
26372662 <message>
2638 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2663 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
26392664 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
26412666 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
26462671 Логарифмический масштаб недоступен для угловой координаты Тэтта.</translation>
26472672 </message>
26482673 <message>
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2650 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2674 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
26512676 <source>Units</source>
26522677 <translation>Единицы измерения</translation>
26532678 </message>
26542679 <message>
2655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2680 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
26562681 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
26572682 <translation>Определить линейный масштаб для Y или R координаты</translation>
26582683 </message>
26592684 <message>
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
26612686 <source>Origin radius value</source>
26622687 <translation>Исходное значение радиуса</translation>
26632688 </message>
26642689 <message>
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
26662691 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
26682693 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
26702695 Логарифмический масштаб недоступен при отрицательных значениях координат.</translation>
26712696 </message>
26722697 <message>
2673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
26742699 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
26762701 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
26782703 Стандартно начальное значение радиуса равно 0, но в некоторых случаях могут быть допустимы ненулевые значения (например когда радиус определяет децибелы).</translation>
26792704 </message>
26802705 <message>
2681 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
26822707 <source>Preview</source>
26832708 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
26842709 </message>
26852710 <message>
2686 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
26872712 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
26882713 <translation>Окно предпросмотра, показывающее как текущая настройка влияет на систему координат.</translation>
26892714 </message>
26902715 <message>
2691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
26922717 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
26942719 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
26992724 Формат Градусы Минуты Секунды (ГГГ ММ СС.С) использует целые числа для градусов и минут, и вещественное число для секунд. В минуте 60 секунд. При вводе три части должны быть разделены пробелами.</translation>
27002725 </message>
27012726 <message>
2702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
27032728 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
27052730 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
27192744 Формат Обороты используется для задания значения одним вещественным числом. Один полный оборот имеет значение 1.</translation>
27202745 </message>
27212746 <message>
2722 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2747 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
27232748 <source>X</source>
27242749 <translation>X</translation>
27252750 </message>
27262751 <message>
2727 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2752 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
27282753 <source>Y</source>
27292754 <translation>Y</translation>
27302755 </message>
27312756 </context>
27322757 <context>
2733 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2734 <message>
2735 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2758 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2759 <message>
2760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
27362761 <source>Curve List</source>
27372762 <translation>Список кривых</translation>
27382763 </message>
27392764 <message>
2740 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2765 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
27412766 <source>Add...</source>
2742 <translation>Добавить...</translation>
2743 </message>
2744 <message>
2745 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2767 <translation>Добавлять...</translation>
2768 </message>
2769 <message>
2770 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
27462771 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
27482773 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2749 <translation>Добавить новую кривую в список. Названия кривых могут быть отредактированы в списке названий кривых.
2750 Каждое название кривой должно быть уникальным</translation>
2751 </message>
2752 <message>
2753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2774 <translation>Добавляет новую кривую в список кривых. Имя кривой можно редактировать в списке имен кривой. Каждое имя кривой должно быть уникальным</translation>
2775 </message>
2776 <message>
2777 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
27542778 <source>Remove</source>
27552779 <translation>Удалить</translation>
27562780 </message>
27572781 <message>
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
27592783 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
27612785 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2762 <translation>Удаляет выбранную в данный момент кривую из списка.
2763 Должна оставаться хотябы одна кривая.</translation>
2764 </message>
2765 <message>
2766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2786 <translation>Удаляет текущую выбранную кривую из списка кривых. Всегда должна быть хотя бы одна кривая</translation>
2787 </message>
2788 <message>
2789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
27672790 <source>Curve Names</source>
2768 <translation>Названия Кривых</translation>
2769 </message>
2770 <message>
2771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2791 <translation>Имена кривых</translation>
2792 </message>
2793 <message>
2794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
27722795 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
27742797 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
27762799 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2777 <translation>Список кривых принадлежащих этому документу.
2778 Кликните на названии кривой для его изменения. Каждое название должно быть уникальным.
2779 Изменить порядок кривых можно с помощью перетаскивания.</translation>
2780 </message>
2781 <message>
2782 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2800 <translation>Список кривых, принадлежащих этому документу. LickНажмите на имя кривой, чтобы отредактировать его Каждое имя кривой должно быть уникальным. Закажите кривые, перетаскивая их.</translation>
2801 </message>
2802 <message>
2803 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
27832804 <source>Save As Default</source>
27842805 <translation>Сохранить как "По умолчанию"</translation>
27852806 </message>
27862807 <message>
2787 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
27882809 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2789 <translation>Сохранить названия кривых для использования по умолчанию в следующих графиках.</translation>
2790 </message>
2791 <message>
2792 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2810 <translation>Сохраните имена кривых для использования в качестве значений по умолчанию для будущих кривых графика.</translation>
2811 </message>
2812 <message>
2813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
27932814 <source>Reset Default</source>
2794 <translation>Сбросить "По умолчанию"</translation>
2795 </message>
2796 <message>
2797 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2815 <translation>Сбросить по умолчанию</translation>
2816 </message>
2817 <message>
2818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
27982819 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2799 <translation>Сбросить настройки "По умолчанию" для будущих графиков кривых до исходных настроек.</translation>
2800 </message>
2801 <message>
2802 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2820 <translation>Сбросьте настройки по умолчанию для будущих кривых графика к исходным настройкам.</translation>
2821 </message>
2822 <message>
2823 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
28032824 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2804 <translation>Удаление этой кривой приведет также</translation>
2805 </message>
2806 <message>
2807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2825 <translation>Удаление этой кривой также удалит</translation>
2826 </message>
2827 <message>
2828 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
28092830 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2810 <translation>к удалению точек. Продолжить?</translation>
2811 </message>
2812 <message>
2813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2831 <translation>точки. Продолжить?</translation>
2832 </message>
2833 <message>
2834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
28142835 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2815 <translation>Удаление этих кривых приведет также</translation>
2816 </message>
2817 <message>
2818 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2836 <translation>Удаление этих кривых также удалит</translation>
2837 </message>
2838 <message>
2839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
28192840 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2820 <translation>Кривые С Точками</translation>
2841 <translation>Кривые с точками</translation>
28212842 </message>
28222843 </context>
28232844 <context>
28242845 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
28252846 <message>
2826 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
28272848 <source>Curve Properties</source>
28282849 <translation>Свойства Кривой</translation>
28292850 </message>
28302851 <message>
2831 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2852 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
28322853 <source>Curve Name</source>
28332854 <translation>Название Кривой</translation>
28342855 </message>
28352856 <message>
2836 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2857 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
28372858 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
28382859 <translation>Название кривой выбранной в данный момент для редактирования</translation>
28392860 </message>
28402861 <message>
2841 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2862 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
28422863 <source>Line</source>
28432864 <translation>Линия</translation>
28442865 </message>
28452866 <message>
2846 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2867 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
28472868 <source>Width</source>
28482869 <translation>Толщина</translation>
28492870 </message>
28502871 <message>
2851 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
28522873 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
28542875 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28562877 Применяется только к графикам кривых. Линии между опорными точками осей не рисуются.</translation>
28572878 </message>
28582879 <message>
2859 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2880 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2881 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
28612882 <source>Color</source>
28622883 <translation>Цвет</translation>
28632884 </message>
28642885 <message>
2865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2886 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
28662887 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
28682889 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
28702891 Применяется только к графикам кривых. Линии между опорными точками осей не рисуются.</translation>
28712892 </message>
28722893 <message>
2873 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
28742895 <source>Connect as</source>
28752896 <translation>Соединять как</translation>
28762897 </message>
28772898 <message>
2878 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
28792900 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
28812902 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
28852906 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2887 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2908 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
28892910 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2890 <translation>Выбрать правило соединения точек линиями.
2891 Если кривые соединены как функции одного переменного, то точки будут соединятся в порядке возрастания значения независимой переменной.
2892 Если кривая соединена как замкнутый контур, то точки будут соединятся по порядку создания, за исключением точек расположенных вдоль уже существующей линии. Любая точка размещенная на уже существующей линии будет добавленна в промежуток между двумя концами этой линии так как будто она была созданна в промежутке времени между временами создания этих концов.
2893 Линии прорисовываются между последовательно упорядоченными точками.
2894 Прямые кривые отрисовываются прямыми линиями соединяющими последовательно упорядоченные точки. Сглаженные кривые отрисовываются сглаженными линиями соединяющими последовательно упорядоченные точки.
2895 Применяется только к графикам кривых. Линии между опорными точками осей не рисуются.</translation>
2896 </message>
2897 <message>
2898 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2911 <translation>Выберите правило для соединения точек с линиями. Если кривая подключена как однозначная функция, то точки упорядочиваются путем увеличения значения независимой переменной. Если кривая связана как замкнутый контур, то точки упорядоченные по возрасту, за исключением точек, расположенных вдоль существующей линии. Любая точка, расположенная поверх любой существующей линии, вставлена ​​между двумя конечными точками этой линии - как если бы ее возраст был между возрастами двух конечных точек. Линии рисуются между последовательно упорядоченными точками. Строковые кривые рисуются с помощью прямой линии между последовательными точками. Гладкие кривые рисуются с плавными линиями между последовательными точками, используя естественные кубические сплайны (x, y) пар по сравнению с значениями скалярного порядка (t). Это относится только к графическим кривым. Между осевыми точками нет линий.</translation>
2912 </message>
2913 <message>
2914 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
28992915 <source>Point</source>
29002916 <translation>Маркер</translation>
29012917 </message>
29022918 <message>
2903 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2919 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
29042920 <source>Shape</source>
29052921 <translation>Форма</translation>
29062922 </message>
29072923 <message>
2908 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2924 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
29092925 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
29102926 <translation>Выбрать форму маркера точки</translation>
29112927 </message>
29122928 <message>
2913 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2929 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
29142930 <source>Radius</source>
29152931 <translation>Радиус</translation>
29162932 </message>
29172933 <message>
2918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2934 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
29192935 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
29202936 <translation>Выбрать радиус маркера в пикселях</translation>
29212937 </message>
29222938 <message>
2923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
29242940 <source>Line width</source>
29252941 <translation>Толщина линии</translation>
29262942 </message>
29272943 <message>
2928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
29292945 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
29312947 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
29332949 Большая толщина приводит к утолщению линии, за исключением нулевого значения которое всегда приводит к толщине линии в один пиксель (которую легче рассмотреть даже при сильном уменьшении масштаба)</translation>
29342950 </message>
29352951 <message>
2936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
29372953 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
29382954 <translation>Выбрать цвет отрисовки контура маркера точки</translation>
29392955 </message>
29402956 <message>
2941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
29422958 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
29442960 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
29492965 Если установлены визуальные параметры для N-ой кривой графика в списке кривых, то они будут использоваться для будущей N-ой кривой в новом списке, пока новые настройки по умолчанию не будут сохранены.</translation>
29502966 </message>
29512967 <message>
2952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2968 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
29532969 <source>Preview</source>
29542970 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
29552971 </message>
29562972 <message>
2957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2973 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
29582974 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
29602976 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
30523068 <translation>Формат Выгрузки</translation>
30533069 </message>
30543070 <message>
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
3071 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
30563072 <source>Included</source>
30573073 <translation>Включенные</translation>
30583074 </message>
30593075 <message>
3060 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
3076 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
30613077 <source>Not included</source>
30623078 <translation>Не включенные</translation>
30633079 </message>
30643080 <message>
3065 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
3081 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
30663082 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
30683084 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
30703086 Порядок кривых здесь не влияет на их порядок в файле выгрузки. Этот порядок определяется Настройками Кривых.</translation>
30713087 </message>
30723088 <message>
3073 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
3089 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
30743090 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
30753091 <translation>Список кривых которые будут исключены из файла выгрузки</translation>
30763092 </message>
30773093 <message>
3078 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
3094 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
30793095 <source>Include</source>
30803096 <translation>Включают</translation>
30813097 </message>
30823098 <message>
3083 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
3099 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
30843100 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
30853101 <translation>Переместить выделенную кривую(ые) из списка исключенных</translation>
30863102 </message>
30873103 <message>
3088 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
3104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
30893105 <source>Exclude</source>
30903106 <translation>исключать</translation>
30913107 </message>
30923108 <message>
3093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
3109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
30943110 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
30953111 <translation>Переместить выделенную кривую(ые) из списка включенных</translation>
30963112 </message>
30973113 <message>
3098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
3114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
30993115 <source>Delimiters</source>
31003116 <translation>Разделители</translation>
31013117 </message>
31023118 <message>
3103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
3119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
31043120 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
31053121 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь запятые между соседними значениями, если они не будут заменены табуляциямми в TSV-файле.</translation>
31063122 </message>
31073123 <message>
3108 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
31093125 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
31103126 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь пробелы между соседними значениями, если они не будут заменены запятыми в CSV файле или табуляциямми в TSV-файле.</translation>
31113127 </message>
31123128 <message>
3113 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
31143130 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31153131 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь табуляции между соседними значениями, если они не будут заменены запятыми в CSV файле</translation>
31163132 </message>
31173133 <message>
3118 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
3134 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
31193135 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
31203136 <translation>Соседние значения в экспортируемом файле будут разделены точкой с запятой, кроме CSV файлов, где разделителем является запятая.</translation>
31213137 </message>
31223138 <message>
3123 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
3139 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
31243140 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
31253141 <translation>Переписать в формате CSV/TSV файла</translation>
31263142 </message>
31273143 <message>
3128 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
3144 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
31293145 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
31303146 <translation>Comma-separated value (CSV) файл и tab-separated value (TSV) файл используют соответственно запятую и табуляцию в качестве разделителя, не смотря на указанные выше настройки. Выбор этой настройки будем применён как формат разделителя для всех файлов.</translation>
31313147 </message>
31323148 <message>
3133 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
3149 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
31343150 <source>Layout</source>
31353151 <translation>Макет</translation>
31363152 </message>
31373153 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3154 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
31393155 <source>All curves on each line</source>
31403156 <translation>Все кривые в каждой строке</translation>
31413157 </message>
31423158 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3159 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
31443160 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
31453161 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь в строке значение по X и соответствующее значения по Y для всех кривых</translation>
31463162 </message>
31473163 <message>
3148 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3164 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
31493165 <source>One curve on each line</source>
31503166 <translation>Одна кривая в строке</translation>
31513167 </message>
31523168 <message>
3153 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3169 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
31543170 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
31553171 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь в строке только пару значений X-Y для отдельной кривой. Сначала все для первой, затем все для остальных поочереди.</translation>
31563172 </message>
31573173 <message>
3158 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3174 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
31593175 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
31603176 <translation>Выбор функциональных точек</translation>
31613177 </message>
31623178 <message>
3163 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3179 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
31643180 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
31653181 <translation>Интерполяция Y для X во всех кривых</translation>
31663182 </message>
31673183 <message>
3168 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3184 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
31693185 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31703186 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь значения Y для каждого уникального значения X во всех кривых. Значения Y будут взяты из линейной интерполяции если не указаны явно.</translation>
31713187 </message>
31723188 <message>
3173 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3189 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3190 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3191 <translation>Экстраполировать внешние конечные точки</translation>
3192 </message>
3193 <message>
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3195 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3196 <translation>Включить или отключить экстраполяцию за пределами конечных точек каждой кривой. Если отключено, экспортируются только точки между конечными точками каждой кривой</translation>
3197 </message>
3198 <message>
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
31743200 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
31753201 <translation>Интерполяция Y для X из первой кривой</translation>
31763202 </message>
31773203 <message>
3178 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
31793205 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
31803206 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь значения Y для каждого уникального значения X из первой кривой. Значения Y будут взяты из линейной интерполяции если не указаны явно.</translation>
31813207 </message>
31823208 <message>
3183 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3184 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3185 <translation>Интерполяция Y для равномерных шагов по X</translation>
3186 </message>
3187 <message>
3188 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3209 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3210 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3211 <translation>Интерполировать Ys при равномерно распределенных значениях X, которые выбираются автоматически</translation>
3212 </message>
3213 <message>
3214 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
31893215 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
31903216 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь значения Y для значений X взятых через равные промежутки указанные ниже. Значения Y будут взяты из линейной интерполяции если не указаны явно.</translation>
31913217 </message>
31923218 <message>
3193 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3219 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
31953221 <source>Interval</source>
31963222 <translation>Интервал</translation>
31973223 </message>
31983224 <message>
3199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
32003226 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
32023228 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
32073233 Значения X будут автоматически пронумерованя. Если первая и/или последняя точки не укладываются в диапозон значений X, то одна или две дополнительных точки будут добавлены по мере необходимости.</translation>
32083234 </message>
32093235 <message>
3210 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3236 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
32113237 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32133239 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
32183244 Единицы измерения графика предпочтительнее если интервал должен учитывать масштаб оси X.</translation>
32193245 </message>
32203246 <message>
3221 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3222 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3247 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3248 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3249 <translation>Интерполировать Ys при равномерно распределенных значениях X на линиях сетки</translation>
3250 </message>
3251 <message>
3252 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3253 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3254 <translation>Экспортированный файл будет иметь значения при равномерно распределенных значениях X на вертикальных линиях сетки.</translation>
3255 </message>
3256 <message>
3257 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
32233259 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
32243260 <translation>Первичные значения X и Y</translation>
32253261 </message>
32263262 <message>
3227 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3264 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
32293265 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
32303266 <translation>Выгружаемый файл будет включать только исходные значения X и Y</translation>
32313267 </message>
32323268 <message>
3233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3269 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
32343270 <source>Header</source>
32353271 <translation>Заголовок</translation>
32363272 </message>
32373273 <message>
3238 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3274 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
32393275 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
32403276 <translation>Выгружаемый файл не будет иметь строку заголовков</translation>
32413277 </message>
32423278 <message>
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
32443280 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
32453281 <translation>Выгружаемый файл будет иметь строку простых заголовков</translation>
32463282 </message>
32473283 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3284 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
32493285 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
32503286 <translation>Выгружаемый файл будет иметь строку заголовков в стиле gnuplot</translation>
32513287 </message>
32523288 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3289 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
32543290 <source>Save As Default</source>
32553291 <translation>Сохранить как "По умолчанию"</translation>
32563292 </message>
32573293 <message>
3258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3294 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
32593295 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
32603296 <translation>Сохранить настройки для дальнейшего использования по умолчанию.</translation>
32613297 </message>
32623298 <message>
3263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3299 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3300 <source>Load Default</source>
3301 <translation>Загрузка по умолчанию</translation>
3302 </message>
3303 <message>
3304 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3305 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3306 <translation>Загрузите настройки по умолчанию.</translation>
3307 </message>
3308 <message>
3309 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
32643310 <source>Preview</source>
32653311 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
32663312 </message>
32673313 <message>
3268 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
32693315 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
32713317 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
32723318 <translation>Окно предварительного просмотра показывает, как текущие настройки влияют на экспортированный файл. Сначала выводятся функции (показаны здесь синим цветом), за которыми следуют отношения (показаны здесь зеленым цветом), если они существуют.</translation>
32733319 </message>
32743320 <message>
3275 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
32763322 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
32773323 <translation>Выбор точек привязки</translation>
32783324 </message>
32793325 <message>
3280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
32813327 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
32823328 <translation>Интерполяция X и Y через интервал</translation>
32833329 </message>
32843330 <message>
3285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3331 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
32863332 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
32873333 <translation>Файл выгрузки будет иметь точки вдоль каждой связной кривой через равный интервал указанный ниже. Если последний интервал не заканчивается на последней точке, то будет взят укороченный интервал чтобы закончить последней точкой.</translation>
32883334 </message>
32893335 <message>
3290 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3336 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
32913337 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
32923338 <translation>Интервал между последовательными точками при выгрузке через равные промежутки (X,Y) координат.</translation>
32933339 </message>
32943340 <message>
3295 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
32963342 <source>Units for spacing interval.
32983344 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
33033349 Единицы измерения графика обычно предпочтительнее если масштабы осей X и Y одинаковые.</translation>
33043350 </message>
33053351 <message>
3306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
33073353 <source>Functions</source>
33083354 <translation>Функции</translation>
33093355 </message>
33103356 <message>
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3357 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
33123358 <source>Functions Tab
33143360 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
33163362 Контролирует определение формата функции для интерполяции в процессе выгрузки</translation>
33173363 </message>
33183364 <message>
3319 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3365 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
33203366 <source>Relations</source>
33213367 <translation>Относительная связь</translation>
33223368 </message>
33233369 <message>
3324 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
33253371 <source>Relations Tab
33273373 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
33293375 Контролирует определение формата задания последовательных связей точек в процессе выгрузки</translation>
33303376 </message>
33313377 <message>
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
33333379 <source>X Label</source>
33343380 <translation>X Этикетка</translation>
33353381 </message>
33363382 <message>
3337 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3338 <source>Theta Label</source>
3339 <translation>Тэтта Этикетка</translation>
3340 </message>
3341 <message>
3342 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
33433384 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
33443385 <translation>Этикетки в заголовках для значений по X</translation>
33453386 </message>
33463387 <message>
3347 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3348 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3349 <translation>Этикетки в заголовках для значений по Тэтта</translation>
3350 </message>
3351 <message>
3352 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3388 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
33533389 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
33543390 <translation>Предварительный просмотр недоступен до тех пор, пока не будут определены точки оси.</translation>
33553391 </message>
34123448 <translation>Отображение Сетки</translation>
34133449 </message>
34143450 <message>
3415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
34163452 <source>Color</source>
34173453 <translation>Цвет</translation>
34183454 </message>
34193455 <message>
3420 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
34213457 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
34223458 <translation>Выбрать цвет отрисовки линий</translation>
34233459 </message>
34243460 <message>
3425 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
34273463 <source>Disable</source>
34283464 <translation>Деактивное</translation>
34293465 </message>
34303466 <message>
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
34323468 <source>Disabled value.
34343470 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34363472 X линии сетки определяются с использованием только трёх значений одновременно. Для вариативности допустимо указать четыре значения, но тогда надо выбрать какое из них будет деактивировано. Деактивированное значение будет подгоняться в соответствие с остальными указанными при их изменении.</translation>
34373473 </message>
34383474 <message>
3439 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3440 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3476 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
34413477 <source>Count</source>
34423478 <translation>Количество</translation>
34433479 </message>
34443480 <message>
3445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
34463482 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34483484 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34503486 Число горизонтальных линий сетки должно быть заданно целым и отличным от нуля</translation>
34513487 </message>
34523488 <message>
3453 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3489 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
34553491 <source>Start</source>
34563492 <translation>Начало</translation>
34573493 </message>
34583494 <message>
3459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
34603496 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34623498 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34643500 Начальное значение не может быть больше чем конечное</translation>
34653501 </message>
34663502 <message>
3467 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
34693505 <source>Step</source>
34703506 <translation>Шаг</translation>
34713507 </message>
34723508 <message>
3473 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
34743510 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34763512 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34783514 Значение шага должно быть больше нуля.</translation>
34793515 </message>
34803516 <message>
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3518 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
34833519 <source>Stop</source>
34843520 <translation>Конец</translation>
34853521 </message>
34863522 <message>
3487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3523 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
34883524 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
34903526 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
34923528 Конечное значение не может быть меньше чем начальное.</translation>
34933529 </message>
34943530 <message>
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
34963532 <source>Disabled value.
34983534 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35003536 Y линии сетки определяются с использованием только трёх значений одновременно. Для вариативности допустимо указать четыре значения, но тогда надо выбрать какое из них будет деактивировано. Деактивированное значение будет подгоняться в соответствие с остальными указанными при их изменении.</translation>
35013537 </message>
35023538 <message>
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3539 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
35043540 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35063542 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35083544 Число вертикальных линий сетки должно быть заданно целым и отличным от нуля</translation>
35093545 </message>
35103546 <message>
3511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3547 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
35123548 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35143550 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35163552 Начальное значение не может быть больше чем конечное</translation>
35173553 </message>
35183554 <message>
3519 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
35203556 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35223558 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35243560 Значение шага должно быть больше нуля.</translation>
35253561 </message>
35263562 <message>
3527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
35283564 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35303566 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35323568 Конечное значение не может быть меньше чем начальное.</translation>
35333569 </message>
35343570 <message>
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3571 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
35363572 <source>Preview</source>
35373573 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
35383574 </message>
35393575 <message>
3540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3576 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
35413577 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
35423578 <translation>Окно предпросмотра, показывающее как текущая настройка влияет на отображение сетки.</translation>
35433579 </message>
35443580 <message>
3545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3581 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
35463582 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
35473583 <translation>X Линии сетки</translation>
35483584 </message>
35493585 <message>
3550 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
35513587 <source>Grid Lines</source>
35523588 <translation>Линии Сетки</translation>
35533589 </message>
35543590 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
35563592 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
35573593 <translation>Y Линии сетки</translation>
35583594 </message>
35593595 <message>
3560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3596 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
35613597 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
35623598 <translation>Радиальные линии сетки</translation>
35633599 </message>
35643600 <message>
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
35663602 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
35673603 <translation>Количество линий сетки превышает лимит, заданный настройками / Главное окно.</translation>
35683604 </message>
35753611 <translation>Стиратель Сетки</translation>
35763612 </message>
35773613 <message>
3578 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3614 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
35793615 <source>Preview</source>
35803616 <translation>Предпросмотр</translation>
35813617 </message>
35823618 <message>
3583 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
35843620 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
35853621 <translation>Окно предпросмотра, показывающее как текущая настройка влияет на стирание сетки.</translation>
35863622 </message>
35873623 <message>
3588 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
35893625 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
35903626 <translation>Стирает пиксели расположенные близко к указанным линиям сетки</translation>
35913627 </message>
35923628 <message>
3593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
35943630 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
35963632 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
35983634 Эта опция доступна только после определения всех опорных точек.</translation>
35993635 </message>
36003636 <message>
3601 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
36023638 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
36033639 <translation>Окрестность (пиксели)</translation>
36043640 </message>
36053641 <message>
3606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
36073643 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
36093645 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
36143650 Это значение не может быть отрицательным. Нулевое значение устраняет эффект этой функции. Дробные значения допустимы.</translation>
36153651 </message>
36163652 <message>
3617 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
36183654 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
36193655 <translation>X Линии сетки</translation>
36203656 </message>
36213657 <message>
3622 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3658 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
36233659 <source>Grid Lines</source>
36243660 <translation>Линии Сетки</translation>
36253661 </message>
36263662 <message>
3627 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3628 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3663 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3664 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
36293665 <source>Disable</source>
36303666 <translation>Деактивное</translation>
36313667 </message>
36323668 <message>
3633 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
36343670 <source>Disabled value.
36363672 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
36383674 X линии сетки определяются с использованием только трёх значений одновременно. Для вариативности допустимо указать четыре значения, но тогда надо выбрать какое из них будет деактивировано. Деактивированное значение будет подгоняться в соответствие с остальными указанными при их изменении.</translation>
36393675 </message>
36403676 <message>
3641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3642 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
36433679 <source>Count</source>
36443680 <translation>Количество</translation>
36453681 </message>
36463682 <message>
3647 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
36483684 <source>Number of X grid lines.
36503686 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
36523688 Число горизонтальных линий сетки должно быть заданно целым и отличным от нуля</translation>
36533689 </message>
36543690 <message>
3655 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3691 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3692 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
36573693 <source>Start</source>
36583694 <translation>Начало</translation>
36593695 </message>
36603696 <message>
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
36623698 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
36643700 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
36663702 Начальное значение не может быть больше чем конечное</translation>
36673703 </message>
36683704 <message>
3669 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3705 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
36713707 <source>Step</source>
36723708 <translation>Шаг</translation>
36733709 </message>
36743710 <message>
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
36763712 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
36783714 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
36803716 Значение шага должно быть больше нуля.</translation>
36813717 </message>
36823718 <message>
3683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3719 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
36853721 <source>Stop</source>
36863722 <translation>Конец</translation>
36873723 </message>
36883724 <message>
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
36903726 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
36923728 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
36943730 Конечное значение не может быть меньше чем начальное.</translation>
36953731 </message>
36963732 <message>
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3733 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
36983734 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
36993735 <translation>Y Линии сетки</translation>
37003736 </message>
37013737 <message>
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
37033739 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
37043740 <translation>R Линии сетки</translation>
37053741 </message>
37063742 <message>
3707 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
37083744 <source>Disabled value.
37103746 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
37123748 Y линии сетки определяются с использованием только трёх значений одновременно. Для вариативности допустимо указать четыре значения, но тогда надо выбрать какое из них будет деактивировано. Деактивированное значение будет подгоняться в соответствие с остальными указанными при их изменении.</translation>
37133749 </message>
37143750 <message>
3715 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
37163752 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
37183754 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
37203756 Число вертикальных линий сетки должно быть заданно целым и отличным от нуля</translation>
37213757 </message>
37223758 <message>
3723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3759 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
37243760 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
37263762 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
37283764 Начальное значение не может быть больше чем конечное</translation>
37293765 </message>
37303766 <message>
3731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3767 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
37323768 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
37343770 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
37363772 Значение шага должно быть больше нуля.</translation>
37373773 </message>
37383774 <message>
3739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
37403776 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
37423778 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
37473783 <context>
37483784 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
37493785 <message>
3750 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
37513787 <source>Main Window</source>
37523788 <translation>Основное Окно</translation>
37533789 </message>
37543790 <message>
3755 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
37563792 <source>Initial zoom</source>
37573793 <translation>Стартовый масштаб</translation>
37583794 </message>
37593795 <message>
3760 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
37613797 <source>Initial Zoom
37633799 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
37653801 Выбрать начальный фактор масштаба при загрузке нового документа. Иначе будет сохранён предыдущий масштаб, или может быть применен указанный масштаб.</translation>
37663802 </message>
37673803 <message>
3768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3804 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
37693805 <source>Zoom control</source>
37703806 <translation>Управление масштабом</translation>
37713807 </message>
37723808 <message>
3773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3809 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
37743810 <source>Menu only</source>
37753811 <translation>Только через меню</translation>
37763812 </message>
37773813 <message>
3778 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3814 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
37793815 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
37803816 <translation>Через меню и колесико мыши</translation>
37813817 </message>
37823818 <message>
3783 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3819 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
37843820 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
37853821 <translation>Через меню и кнопки +/-</translation>
37863822 </message>
37873823 <message>
3788 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3824 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
37893825 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
37903826 <translation>Через меню, колесико мыши и кнопки +/-</translation>
37913827 </message>
37923828 <message>
3793 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3829 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
37943830 <source>Zoom Control
37963832 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
37993835 Выбор доступных механизмов для изменения масштаба.</translation>
38003836 </message>
38013837 <message>
3802 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
38033838 <source>Locale</source>
3804 <translation>Языковые стандарты</translation>
3805 </message>
3806 <message>
3807 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3839 <translation type="vanished">Языковые стандарты</translation>
3840 </message>
3841 <message>
3842 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3843 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3844 <translation>Локаль (требуется перезагрузка)</translation>
3845 </message>
3846 <message>
3847 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
38083848 <source>Locale
38103850 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
38173857 Языковой стандарт определяет форматирования чисел. В частности, запятые или пропуски будут использоваться в качестве разделителей групп цифр в числах, вводимых пользователем, отображаемых в интерфейсе пользователя, или экспортированных в файл.</translation>
38183858 </message>
38193859 <message>
3820 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
38213861 <source>Import cropping</source>
38223862 <translation>Импорт обрезки</translation>
38233863 </message>
38243864 <message>
3825 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
38263866 <source>Import Cropping
38283868 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
38313871 <translation>Импортировать обрезку. Включает или отключает обрезку импортированного изображения при импорте. Обрезка изображения полезна для удаления несущественной информации вокруг графика, но менее полезна, когда график уже заполняет все изображение. Этот параметр действует только тогда, когда Engauge был создан с поддержкой файлов PDF.</translation>
38323872 </message>
38333873 <message>
3834 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3874 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
38353875 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
38363876 <translation>Разрешение для импорта PDF (точек на дюйм)</translation>
38373877 </message>
38383878 <message>
3839 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3879 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
38403880 <source>Import PDF Resolution
38423882 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
38453885 Импортируемые Portable Document Format (PDF) файлы будут преобразованы к данному разрешению в точках на дюйм (DPI), где каждый пиксель соответствует одной точке. Большее значение увеличивает разрешение изображения, что может также увеличить точность оцифровки. Однако, слишком высокое значение может сделать изображение слишком большим, что приведет к замедлению работы Engauge.</translation>
38463886 </message>
38473887 <message>
3848 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3888 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
38493889 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
38503890 <translation>Максимальные линии сетки</translation>
38513891 </message>
38523892 <message>
3853 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3893 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
38543894 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
38563896 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
38573897 <translation>Максимальные линии сетки Максимальное количество линий сетки, подлежащих обработке. Этот предел применяется, когда значение шага слишком мало для значений начала и остановки, что приведет к слишком большому количеству линий сетки визуально и, возможно, к чрезвычайно длительному времени обработки (так как каждая линия сетки должна быть обработана)</translation>
38583898 </message>
38593899 <message>
3860 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3900 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
38613901 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
38623902 <translation>Выделите непрозрачность</translation>
38633903 </message>
38643904 <message>
3865 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3905 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
38663906 <source>Highlight Opacity
38683908 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
38693909 <translation>Выделение непрозрачности Возможность применения, когда курсор находится над кривой или осью в режиме выбора. Изменение внешнего вида показывает, когда точка может быть выбрана.</translation>
38703910 </message>
38713911 <message>
3872 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3912 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
38733913 <source>Recent file list</source>
38743914 <translation>Список недавних файлов</translation>
38753915 </message>
38763916 <message>
3877 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
38783918 <source>Clear</source>
38793919 <translation>Очистить</translation>
38803920 </message>
38813921 <message>
3882 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
38833923 <source>Recent File List Clear
38853925 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
38883928 Очистить список последних файлов в меню Файл.</translation>
38893929 </message>
38903930 <message>
3891 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
38923932 <source>Include title bar path</source>
38933933 <translation>Добавить путь в строку заголовка</translation>
38943934 </message>
38953935 <message>
3896 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
38973937 <source>Title Bar Filename
38993939 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
39023942 Включает или исключает путь к файлу и его расширение из строки заголовка.</translation>
39033943 </message>
39043944 <message>
3905 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3945 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
39063946 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
39073947 <translation>Разрешить небольшие диалоги</translation>
39083948 </message>
39093949 <message>
3910 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3950 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
39113951 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
39133953 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
39143954 <translation>Разрешить небольшие диалоги. Диалоговые диалоги настроек должны быть очень маленькими, чтобы они соответствовали маленьким экранам компьютера.</translation>
39153955 </message>
39163956 <message>
3917 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3957 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
39183958 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
39193959 <translation>Разрешить экспорт перетаскивания</translation>
39203960 </message>
39213961 <message>
3922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3962 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
39233963 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
39253965 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
39283968 <translation>Разрешить перетаскивание и экспорт экспорта. Увеличивает экспорт перетаскивания из окон окна «Кривые» и «Графики окон геометрии». Когда перетаскивание отключено, прямоугольный набор ячеек таблицы можно выбрать с помощью щелчка и перетаскивания. Когда включено перетаскивание, прямоугольный набор ячеек таблицы можно выбрать с помощью Click, затем Shift + Click, так как нажатие и перетаскивание запускает операцию перетаскивания.</translation>
39293969 </message>
39303970 <message>
3931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3972 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3973 <translation>Изображение заменяет переименовывает документ</translation>
3974 </message>
3975 <message>
3976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3977 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3979 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3980 <translation>Изображение заменяет переименовывает документ
3982 Когда изображение импортируется для замены текущего изображения, документ будет переименован, если это правда, иначе имя останется прежним.</translation>
3983 </message>
3984 <message>
3985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
39323986 <source>Significant digits</source>
39333987 <translation>Значительные цифры</translation>
39343988 </message>
39353989 <message>
3936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
39373991 <source>Significant Digits
39393993 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
41764230 <context>
41774231 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
41784232 <message>
4233 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
41794234 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
4180 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
41814235 <source>Geometry Window</source>
41824236 <translation>Окно Геометрии</translation>
41834237 </message>
41844238 <message>
4185 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4239 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
41864240 <source>Geometry Window
41884242 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
42024256 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
42034257 <translation>Окно геометрии. Эта таблица отображает следующие данные геометрии для выбранной в данный момент кривой: Площадь области = Область под кривой, если она является функцией. Площадь поля. = Площадь внутри кривой, если это отношение. Это значение верно только в том случае, если ни одна из линий кривой не пересекается друг с другом. Координата X = X каждой точки. Y = Y-координата каждой точки. Index = Точечное число. Расстояние = Расстояние вдоль кривой в прямом или обратном направлении Направление, в единицах графа или в процентах. Если функция перетаскивания отключена, прямоугольный набор ячеек можно выбрать, щелкнув и перетащив. В противном случае, если включено перетаскивание, прямоугольный набор ячеек может быть выбран с помощью Click, затем Shift + Click, так как нажатие и перетаскивание запускает операцию перетаскивания. Режим перетаскивания задается в настройках главного окна</translation>
4258 </message>
4259 <message>
4260 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4261 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4262 <translation>Выделенные сегменты могут иметь неожиданные значения при экспорте из-за совпадений. Настройте точки или измените Настройки / Свойства кривой / Подключить как.</translation>
4263 </message>
4264 </context>
4265 <context>
4266 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4267 <message>
4268 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4269 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4270 <translation>В настоящее время функция имеет несколько значений Y для одного значения X. Отрегулируйте близлежащие точки или измените тип кривой в свойствах кривой</translation>
42044271 </message>
42054272 </context>
42064273 <context>
42494316 <context>
42504317 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
42514318 <message>
4252 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4319 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
42534320 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
42544321 <translation>Невозможно скачать изображение из</translation>
42554322 </message>
42564323 <message>
4257 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4324 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
42584325 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
42594326 <translation>Невозможно загрузить изображение из</translation>
42604327 </message>
42624329 <context>
42634330 <name>MainWindow</name>
42644331 <message>
4265 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4332 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
42664333 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
42674334 <translation>Не в состоянии выгрузить в файл</translation>
42684335 </message>
42694336 <message>
4270 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4337 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
42714338 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
42724339 <translation>Не удалось извлечь изображение в файл</translation>
42734340 </message>
42744341 <message>
4275 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4276 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4277 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4342 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4343 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4344 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
42784345 <source>Cannot read file</source>
42794346 <translation>Не удалось прочитать файл</translation>
42804347 </message>
42814348 <message>
4282 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4283 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4284 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4349 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4350 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4351 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
42854352 <source>from directory</source>
42864353 <translation>Из каталога</translation>
42874354 </message>
42884355 <message>
4289 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4356 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
42904357 <source>Import Image</source>
42914358 <translation>Загрузка Изображения</translation>
42924359 </message>
42934360 <message>
4294 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4361 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
42954362 <source>File opened</source>
42964363 <translation>Файл открыт</translation>
42974364 </message>
42984365 <message>
4299 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4366 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
43004367 <source>File not found</source>
43014368 <translation>Файл не найден</translation>
43024369 </message>
43034370 <message>
4304 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4371 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
43054372 <source>Error report opened</source>
43064373 <translation>Открыт отчет об ошибке</translation>
43074374 </message>
43084375 <message>
4309 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4310 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4376 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4377 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
43114378 <source>File imported</source>
43124379 <translation>Файл загружен</translation>
43134380 </message>
43144381 <message>
4315 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4382 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
43164383 <source>Background image.</source>
43174384 <translation>Фоновое изображение.</translation>
43184385 </message>
43194386 <message>
4320 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4387 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
43214388 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
43224389 <translation>Выбранная кривая.</translation>
43234390 </message>
43244391 <message>
4325 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4392 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
43264393 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
43274394 <translation>Стиль точек выбранной в данный момент кривой</translation>
43284395 </message>
43294396 <message>
4330 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4397 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
43314398 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
43324399 <translation>Фильтр Сегментного Заполнения выбранной в данный момент кривой</translation>
43334400 </message>
43344401 <message>
4335 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4402 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
43364403 <source>The document has been modified.
43374404 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
43384405 <translation>Документ был изменён.
43394406 Хотите сохранить изменения?</translation>
43404407 </message>
43414408 <message>
4342 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4409 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
43434410 <source>Cannot write file</source>
43444411 <translation>Не удалось записать файл</translation>
43454412 </message>
43464413 <message>
4347 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4414 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
43484415 <source>Save</source>
43494416 <translation>Сохранить</translation>
43504417 </message>
43514418 <message>
4352 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4419 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
43534420 <source>Export</source>
43544421 <translation>Выгрузка</translation>
43554422 </message>
43564423 <message>
4357 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4424 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
43584425 <source>Open Document</source>
43594426 <translation>Открыть Документ</translation>
43604427 </message>
43614428 <message>
4362 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4429 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
43634430 <source>+</source>
43644431 <translation>+</translation>
43654432 </message>
43664433 <message>
4367 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4434 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
43684435 <source>-</source>
43694436 <translation>-</translation>
43704437 </message>
43714438 <message>
4372 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4439 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
43734440 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
43744441 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
43754442 </message>
43774444 <context>
43784445 <name>QObject</name>
43794446 <message>
4380 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4381 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4382 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4447 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4448 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4449 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
43834450 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
43844451 <translation>Новая ось не может находиться в том же положении экрана, что и существующая ось</translation>
43854452 </message>
43864453 <message>
4387 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4388 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4454 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4455 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
43894456 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
43904457 <translation>Новая опорная точка не может иметь координаты на графике совпадающие с координатами другой опорной точки</translation>
43914458 </message>
43924459 <message>
4393 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4394 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4460 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4461 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
43954462 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
43964463 <translation>Одновременно на одной прямой на экране не может лежать более двух опорных точек</translation>
43974464 </message>
43984465 <message>
4399 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4400 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4466 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4467 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
44014468 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
44024469 <translation>Одновременно на одной прямой в координатах графика не может лежать более двух опорных точек</translation>
44034470 </message>
44044471 <message>
4405 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4472 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
44064473 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
44074474 <translation>Слишком много опорных точек на оси x. Должно быть только две</translation>
44084475 </message>
44094476 <message>
4410 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4477 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
44114478 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
44124479 <translation>Слишком много опорных точек на оси y. Должно быть только две</translation>
44134480 </message>
44144481 <message>
4415 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4482 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
44164483 <source>Never</source>
44174484 <translation>Никогда</translation>
44184485 </message>
44194486 <message>
4420 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4487 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
44214488 <source>NSeconds</source>
44224489 <translation>N_секунд</translation>
44234490 </message>
44244491 <message>
4425 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4492 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
44264493 <source>Forever</source>
44274494 <translation>Всегда</translation>
4428 </message>
4429 <message>
4430 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4431 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4432 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4433 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4434 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4435 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4436 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4437 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4438 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4439 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4440 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4441 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4442 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4443 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4444 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4445 <source>Unknown</source>
4446 <translation>Неизвестно</translation>
44474495 </message>
44484496 <message>
44494497 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
44924540 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
44934541 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
44944542 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4495 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4543 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
44964544 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
44974545 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
44984546 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
45304578 <translation>Значение</translation>
45314579 </message>
45324580 <message>
4533 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4581 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4583 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4584 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4585 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4586 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4587 <source>Unknown</source>
4588 <translation>Неизвестно</translation>
4589 </message>
4590 <message>
4591 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
45344592 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
45354593 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные фильтра кривой</translation>
45364594 </message>
46074665 <translation>ЧЧ:ММ:СС</translation>
46084666 </message>
46094667 <message>
4610 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4668 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
46114669 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
46124670 <translation>Неподходящий маркер xml</translation>
46134671 </message>
46184676 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные кривой</translation>
46194677 </message>
46204678 <message>
4621 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4679 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
46224680 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
46234681 <translation>ФункцияСглаженная</translation>
46244682 </message>
46254683 <message>
4626 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4684 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
46274685 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
46284686 <translation>ФункцияПрямая</translation>
46294687 </message>
46304688 <message>
4631 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4689 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
46324690 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
46334691 <translation>ОтношениеСглаженное</translation>
46344692 </message>
46354693 <message>
4636 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4694 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
46374695 <source>RelationStraight</source>
46384696 <translation>ОтношениеПрямое</translation>
46394697 </message>
46404698 <message>
4641 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4699 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
46424700 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
46434701 <translation>ОтключениеПрилипанияКОсиКривой</translation>
46444702 </message>
46614719 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
46624720 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
46634721 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4664 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4722 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
46654723 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
46664724 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
46674725 </message>
46714729 <translation>Указанны три опорные точки, больше указать нельзя и ненужно.</translation>
46724730 </message>
46734731 <message>
4674 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4732 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
46754733 <source>Color Picker</source>
46764734 <translation>Цветовая Пипетка</translation>
46774735 </message>
46784736 <message>
4679 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4737 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
46804738 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
46814739 <translation>Простите, но Цветовая Пипетка должна быть применена дальше от пикселей фона. попробуйте ещё раз.</translation>
46824740 </message>
47164774 <translation>Двигать вверх</translation>
47174775 </message>
47184776 <message>
4719 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4720 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4777 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4778 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
47214779 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
47224780 <translation>Операционная система говорит, что файл не доступен для чтения</translation>
47234781 </message>
47244782 <message>
4725 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4783 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
47264784 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
47274785 <translation>не удаётся прочитать более новый файл из версии</translation>
47284786 </message>
47294787 <message>
4730 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4788 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
47314789 <source>of</source>
47324790 <translation>для</translation>
47334791 </message>
47344792 <message>
4735 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4793 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
47364794 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
47374795 <source>File</source>
47384796 <translation>Файл</translation>
47394797 </message>
47404798 <message>
4741 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4799 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
47424800 <source>was not found</source>
47434801 <translation>не был найден</translation>
47444802 </message>
47454803 <message>
4746 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4804 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
47474805 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
47484806 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные изображения</translation>
47494807 </message>
47684826 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные оцифрованных кривых</translation>
47694827 </message>
47704828 <message>
4771 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4829 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
47724830 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
47734831 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные выгрузки</translation>
47744832 </message>
48034861 <translation>Произошла ошибка идентификатора точки. Пожалуйста, сообщите разработчикам Engauge вместе с комментариями по стране и языку. Недопустимое имя точки</translation>
48044862 </message>
48054863 <message>
4806 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4864 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
48074865 <source>Commas</source>
48084866 <translation>Запятые</translation>
48094867 </message>
48104868 <message>
4811 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4869 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
48124870 <source>Semicolons</source>
48134871 <translation>Точка с запятой</translation>
48144872 </message>
48154873 <message>
4816 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4874 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
48174875 <source>Spaces</source>
48184876 <translation>Пробелы</translation>
48194877 </message>
48204878 <message>
4821 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4879 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
48224880 <source>Tabs</source>
48234881 <translation>Табуляции</translation>
48244882 </message>
48254883 <message>
4826 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4884 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
48274885 <source>Gnuplot</source>
48284886 <translation>Gnuplot</translation>
48294887 </message>
48304888 <message>
4831 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4889 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
48324890 <source>None</source>
48334891 <translation>Отсутствует</translation>
48344892 </message>
48354893 <message>
4836 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4894 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
48374895 <source>Simple</source>
48384896 <translation>Простой</translation>
48394897 </message>
48484906 <translation>Не удается экспортировать файл</translation>
48494907 </message>
48504908 <message>
4851 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4909 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
48524910 <source>AllPerLine</source>
48534911 <translation>ВсеДляЛинии</translation>
48544912 </message>
48554913 <message>
4856 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4914 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
48574915 <source>OnePerLine</source>
48584916 <translation>ОднаДляЛинии</translation>
48594917 </message>
48604918 <message>
4861 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4919 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
48624920 <source>Graph Units</source>
48634921 <translation>Единицы Измерения Графика</translation>
48644922 </message>
48654923 <message>
4866 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4924 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
48674925 <source>Pixels</source>
48684926 <translation>Пиксели</translation>
48694927 </message>
48704928 <message>
4871 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4929 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
48724930 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
48734931 <translation>ИнтерполяцияВсехКривых</translation>
48744932 </message>
48754933 <message>
4876 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4934 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
48774935 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
48784936 <translation>ИнтерполяцияПервойКривой</translation>
48794937 </message>
48804938 <message>
4881 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4939 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
48824940 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
48834941 <translation>ИнтерполяцияРавномерная</translation>
48844942 </message>
48854943 <message>
4886 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4887 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4944 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4945 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
48884946 <source>Raw</source>
48894947 <translation>Без обработки</translation>
48904948 </message>
48914949 <message>
4892 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4950 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
48934951 <source>Interpolate</source>
48944952 <translation>Интерполяция</translation>
48954953 </message>
48964954 <message>
4897 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4955 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
48984956 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
48994957 <translation>Не удается прочитать файл сценария</translation>
49004958 </message>
49014959 <message>
4902 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4960 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
49034961 <source>from directory</source>
49044962 <translation>Из каталога</translation>
49054963 </message>
49354993 </message>
49364994 <message>
49374995 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4938 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4996 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
49394997 <source>X</source>
49404998 <translation>X</translation>
49414999 </message>
49455003 <translation>Y</translation>
49465004 </message>
49475005 <message>
4948 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
5006 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
49495007 <source>Count</source>
49505008 <translation>Количество</translation>
49515009 </message>
49525010 <message>
4953 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
5011 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
49545012 <source>Start</source>
49555013 <translation>Начало</translation>
49565014 </message>
49575015 <message>
4958 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
5016 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
49595017 <source>Step</source>
49605018 <translation>Шаг</translation>
49615019 </message>
49625020 <message>
4963 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
5021 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
49645022 <source>Stop</source>
49655023 <translation>Конец</translation>
49665024 </message>
50005058 <translation>Не удалось прочитать идентификаторы точки</translation>
50015059 </message>
50025060 <message>
5003 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
5061 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
50045062 <source>Circle</source>
50055063 <translation>Окружность</translation>
50065064 </message>
50075065 <message>
5008 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
5066 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
50095067 <source>Cross</source>
50105068 <translation>Крест</translation>
50115069 </message>
50125070 <message>
5013 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
5071 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
50145072 <source>Diamond</source>
50155073 <translation>Ромб</translation>
50165074 </message>
50175075 <message>
5018 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
5076 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
5077 <source>Hourglass</source>
5078 <translation>песочные часы</translation>
5079 </message>
5080 <message>
5081 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
50195082 <source>Square</source>
50205083 <translation>Квадрат</translation>
50215084 </message>
50225085 <message>
5023 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
5086 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
50245087 <source>Triangle</source>
50255088 <translation>Треугольник</translation>
50265089 </message>
50275090 <message>
5028 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
5091 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
5092 <source>Triangle2</source>
5093 <translation> треугольник2</translation>
5094 </message>
5095 <message>
5096 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
50295097 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
50305098 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные стиля точки</translation>
50315099 </message>
50325100 <message>
5033 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
5101 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
50345102 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
50355103 <translation>График координат</translation>
50365104 </message>
50375105 <message>
5038 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
5106 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
50395107 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
50405108 <translation>Координаты пикселей</translation>
50415109 </message>
50425110 <message>
5043 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
5111 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
50445112 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
50455113 <translation>Разрешение графа</translation>
50465114 </message>
50555123 <translation>Нужно больше точек оси</translation>
50565124 </message>
50575125 <message>
5058 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
50595126 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5060 <translation>16:1 дальше</translation>
5061 </message>
5062 <message>
5063 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
5127 <translation type="vanished">16: 1 дальше</translation>
5128 </message>
5129 <message>
50645130 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5065 <translation>8:1 ближе</translation>
5066 </message>
5067 <message>
5068 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
5131 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 ближе</translation>
5132 </message>
5133 <message>
50695134 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5070 <translation>8:1 дальше</translation>
5071 </message>
5072 <message>
5073 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
5135 <translation type="vanished">8: 1 дальше</translation>
5136 </message>
5137 <message>
50745138 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5075 <translation>4:1 ближе</translation>
5076 </message>
5077 <message>
5078 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
5139 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 ближе</translation>
5140 </message>
5141 <message>
50795142 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5080 <translation>4:1 дальше</translation>
5081 </message>
5082 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
5143 <translation type="vanished">4: 1 дальше</translation>
5144 </message>
5145 <message>
50845146 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5085 <translation>2:1 ближе</translation>
5086 </message>
5087 <message>
5088 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
5147 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 ближе</translation>
5148 </message>
5149 <message>
50895150 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5090 <translation>2:1 дальше</translation>
5091 </message>
5092 <message>
5093 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
5151 <translation type="vanished">2: 1 дальше</translation>
5152 </message>
5153 <message>
50945154 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5095 <translation>1:1 ближе</translation>
5096 </message>
5097 <message>
5098 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
5155 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 ближе</translation>
5156 </message>
5157 <message>
50995158 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5100 <translation>1:1 дальше</translation>
5101 </message>
5102 <message>
5103 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
5159 <translation type="vanished">1: 1 дальше</translation>
5160 </message>
5161 <message>
51045162 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5105 <translation>1:2 ближе</translation>
5106 </message>
5107 <message>
5108 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
5163 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 ближе</translation>
5164 </message>
5165 <message>
51095166 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5110 <translation>1:2 дальше</translation>
5111 </message>
5112 <message>
5113 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
5167 <translation type="vanished">1: 2 дальше</translation>
5168 </message>
5169 <message>
51145170 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5115 <translation>1:4 ближе</translation>
5116 </message>
5117 <message>
5118 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
5171 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 ближе</translation>
5172 </message>
5173 <message>
51195174 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5120 <translation>1:4 дальше</translation>
5121 </message>
5122 <message>
5123 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
5175 <translation type="vanished">1: 4 дальше</translation>
5176 </message>
5177 <message>
51245178 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5125 <translation>1:8 ближе</translation>
5126 </message>
5127 <message>
5128 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
5179 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 ближе</translation>
5180 </message>
5181 <message>
51295182 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5130 <translation>1:8 дальше</translation>
5131 </message>
5132 <message>
5133 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
5183 <translation type="vanished">1: 8 дальше</translation>
5184 </message>
5185 <message>
51345186 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5135 <translation>1:16 ближе</translation>
5136 </message>
5137 <message>
5138 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
5187 <translation type="vanished">1: 16 ближе</translation>
5188 </message>
5189 <message>
51395190 <source>Fill</source>
5140 <translation>Заполнение</translation>
5141 </message>
5142 <message>
5143 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
5191 <translation type="vanished">заполнить</translation>
5192 </message>
5193 <message>
51445194 <source>Previous</source>
5145 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
5146 </message>
5147 <message>
5148 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
5195 <translation type="vanished">Предыдущий</translation>
5196 </message>
5197 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
51495199 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
51505200 <translation>В файле появляются символы из нескольких языковых алфавитов, которые не работают в командной строке Windows</translation>
51515201 </message>
51525202 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
5203 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
51545204 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
51555205 <translation>Не удалось прочитать данные Главного Окна</translation>
51565206 </message>
51575207 <message>
5158 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
5159 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
5208 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
5209 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
51605210 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
51615211 <translation>не является допустимым именем файла</translation>
51625212 </message>
51635213 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
5214 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
51655215 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
51665216 <translation>не является допустимым расширением файла изображения</translation>
51675217 </message>
51685218 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
5219 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
51705220 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
51715221 <translation>используется только с одним или несколькими файлами нагрузки</translation>
51725222 </message>
51735223 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5224 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
51755225 <source>Available styles</source>
51765226 <translation>Доступные стили</translation>
51775227 </message>
51785228 <message>
5179 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5229 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
51805230 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
51815231 <translation>Включает дополнительную информацию о проблеме. Используется для отладки</translation>
51825232 </message>
51835233 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
51855234 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
5186 <translation>Подготавливает файл отчёта об ошибке. Используется для отладки и тестирования</translation>
5187 </message>
5188 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5235 <translation type="vanished">Подготавливает файл отчёта об ошибке. Используется для отладки и тестирования</translation>
5236 </message>
5237 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5239 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5240 <translation>Указывает, что файлы, открытые при запуске, предназначены для тестирования перетаскивания. Используется для регрессионного тестирования</translation>
5241 </message>
5242 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5244 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5245 <translation>Задает файл отчета об ошибке в качестве входных данных. Используется для отладки и регрессионного тестирования</translation>
5246 </message>
5247 <message>
5248 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
51905249 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
51915250 <translation>Экспортируйте каждый загруженный загрузочный файл, который должен иметь все осевые точки, а затем остановить</translation>
51925251 </message>
51935252 <message>
5194 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5253 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
51955254 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
51965255 <translation>Извлеките изображение в каждый загруженный загрузочный файл в файл с указанным расширением, затем остановите</translation>
51975256 </message>
51985257 <message>
5199 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5258 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
52005259 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
52015260 <translation>Подготавливает файл со сценарием командной строки. Используется для отладки и тестирования</translation>
52025261 </message>
52035262 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5263 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
52055264 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
52065265 <translation>Выводит диагностический файл данных из gnuplot. Используется для отладки</translation>
52075266 </message>
52085267 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5268 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
52105269 <source>Show this help information</source>
52115270 <translation>Показать вспомогательную инфирмацию</translation>
52125271 </message>
52135272 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5273 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
52155274 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
52165275 <translation>Запускает файл отчета об ошибке или файл сценария командной строки. Используется для регрессионного тестирования</translation>
52175276 </message>
52185277 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5278 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
52205279 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
52215280 <translation>Удаляет все сохраненные настройки, включая позиции окна. Используется, когда окна запускаются на экране</translation>
52225281 </message>
52235282 <message>
5224 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5283 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5284 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5285 <translation>Установите стиль окна на один из стилей, перечисленных опцией командной строки</translation>
5286 </message>
5287 <message>
5288 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5289 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5290 <translation>Показать список доступных стилей, которые можно использовать с параметром командной строки</translation>
5291 </message>
5292 <message>
52255293 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
5226 <translation>Показать список доступных стилей, которые могут быть использованы с командой -style</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5294 <translation type="vanished">Показать список доступных стилей, которые могут быть использованы с командой -style</translation>
5295 </message>
5296 <message>
5297 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5298 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5299 <translation>Обновите файлы, открытые при запуске, до последней версии</translation>
5300 </message>
5301 <message>
5302 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
52305303 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
52315304 <translation>Файл(ы) будут загружены или открыты при запуске</translation>
5305 </message>
5306 <message>
5307 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5308 <source>Could not write to</source>
5309 <translation>Не могу написать</translation>
5310 </message>
5311 <message>
5312 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5313 <source>Upgraded</source>
5314 <translation>Модернизированный</translation>
5315 </message>
5316 <message>
5317 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5318 <source>to</source>
5319 <translation>в</translation>
52325320 </message>
52335321 <message>
52345322 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
52545342 <context>
52555343 <name>StatusBar</name>
52565344 <message>
5257 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5345 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
52585346 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
52595347 <translation>Выбор значений координат указателя для показа.</translation>
52605348 </message>
52615349 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5350 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
52635351 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
52655353 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
52685356 Значения координат курсора для отображения. Координаты в экране (в пикселях) или график единицах измерения на графике. Разрешение (количество единиц измерения графика на пиксель) в единицах для графика. Единицы измерения графика доступны только после того, как определены Опорные Точки.</translation>
52695357 </message>
52705358 <message>
5271 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5359 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
52725360 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
52735361 <translation>Значения кординат указателя.</translation>
52745362 </message>
52755363 <message>
5276 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5364 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
52775365 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
52795367 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
52815369 Значение координат в указываемом месте. Кординаты возможны единицах измерения графика или экрана (в пикселях) . Разрешение (Число единиц измерения графика в одном пикселе) даётся в единицах измерения графика. Единицы измерения графика доступны только после указания опорных точек.</translation>
52825370 </message>
52835371 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5372 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
52855373 <source>Select zoom.</source>
52865374 <translation>Выбор масштаба.</translation>
52875375 </message>
52885376 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5377 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
52905378 <source>Select Zoom
52925380 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
52935381 <translation>Выбор Масштаба
52945382 Точки могут быть указаны более точно при увеличенном масштабе.</translation>
52955383 </message>
5384 <message>
5385 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5386 <source>16:1</source>
5387 <translation>16: 1</translation>
5388 </message>
5389 <message>
5390 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5391 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5392 <translation>16: 1 дальше</translation>
5393 </message>
5394 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5396 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5397 <translation>8: 1 ближе</translation>
5398 </message>
5399 <message>
5400 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5401 <source>8:1</source>
5402 <translation>8: 1</translation>
5403 </message>
5404 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5406 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5407 <translation>8: 1 дальше</translation>
5408 </message>
5409 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5411 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5412 <translation>4: 1 ближе</translation>
5413 </message>
5414 <message>
5415 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5416 <source>4:1</source>
5417 <translation>4: 1</translation>
5418 </message>
5419 <message>
5420 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5421 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5422 <translation>4: 1 дальше</translation>
5423 </message>
5424 <message>
5425 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5426 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5427 <translation>2: 1 ближе</translation>
5428 </message>
5429 <message>
5430 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5431 <source>2:1</source>
5432 <translation>2: 1</translation>
5433 </message>
5434 <message>
5435 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5436 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5437 <translation>2: 1 дальше</translation>
5438 </message>
5439 <message>
5440 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5441 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5442 <translation>1: 1 ближе</translation>
5443 </message>
5444 <message>
5445 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5446 <source>1:1</source>
5447 <translation>1: 1</translation>
5448 </message>
5449 <message>
5450 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5451 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5452 <translation>1: 1 дальше</translation>
5453 </message>
5454 <message>
5455 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5456 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5457 <translation>1: 2 ближе</translation>
5458 </message>
5459 <message>
5460 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5461 <source>1:2</source>
5462 <translation>1: 2</translation>
5463 </message>
5464 <message>
5465 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5466 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5467 <translation>1: 2 дальше</translation>
5468 </message>
5469 <message>
5470 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5471 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5472 <translation>1: 4 ближе</translation>
5473 </message>
5474 <message>
5475 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5476 <source>1:4</source>
5477 <translation>1: 4</translation>
5478 </message>
5479 <message>
5480 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5481 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5482 <translation>1: 4 дальше</translation>
5483 </message>
5484 <message>
5485 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5486 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5487 <translation>1: 8 ближе</translation>
5488 </message>
5489 <message>
5490 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5491 <source>1:8</source>
5492 <translation>1: 8</translation>
5493 </message>
5494 <message>
5495 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5496 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5497 <translation>1: 8 дальше</translation>
5498 </message>
5499 <message>
5500 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5501 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5502 <translation>1: 16 ближе</translation>
5503 </message>
5504 <message>
5505 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5506 <source>1:16</source>
5507 <translation>1: 16</translation>
5508 </message>
5509 <message>
5510 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5511 <source>Fill</source>
5512 <translation>заполнить</translation>
5513 </message>
5514 <message>
5515 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5516 <source>Previous</source>
5517 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
5518 </message>
52965519 </context>
52975520 <context>
52985521 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
52995522 <message>
5300 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5523 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
53015524 <source>Axis Points</source>
53025525 <translation>Опорные Точки</translation>
53035526 </message>
53045527 <message>
5305 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5528 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
53065529 <source>Axis points are first defined to
53075530 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
53085531 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
53105533 Шаг 1 - Кликните на кнопке Опорные Точки</translation>
53115534 </message>
53125535 <message>
5313 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5536 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
53145537 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
53155538 line with known coordinates. An axis
53165539 point appears, with a dialog window
53225545 для ввода координат этой опорной точки</translation>
53235546 </message>
53245547 <message>
5325 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5548 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
53265549 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
53275550 of the axis point and then click Ok.
53285551 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
53335556 чтобы задать все три опорные точки</translation>
53345557 </message>
53355558 <message>
5336 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5559 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
53375560 <source>Previous</source>
53385561 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
53395562 </message>
53405563 <message>
5341 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5564 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
53425565 <source>Next</source>
53435566 <translation>Следующий</translation>
53445567 </message>
53465569 <context>
53475570 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
53485571 <message>
5349 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5572 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
53505573 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
53515574 <translation>Пошаговое руководство и Пошаговая инструкция</translation>
53525575 </message>
53535576 <message>
5354 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5577 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
53555578 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
53565579 is available when importing an image file.
53575580 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
53655588 этого изображения.</translation>
53665589 </message>
53675590 <message>
5368 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5591 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
53695592 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
53705593 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
53715594 <translation>Шаг 1 - Включить в меню пункт Помощь/
53725595 Мастер Пошаговой Инструкции.</translation>
53735596 </message>
53745597 <message>
5375 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5598 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
53765599 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
53775600 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
53785601 and ask some simple questions to
53845607 может быть оцифровано.</translation>
53855608 </message>
53865609 <message>
5387 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5610 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
53885611 <source>Additional options are available in
53895612 the various Settings menus.
53955618 На этом заканчивается учебник. Удачи!</translation>
53965619 </message>
53975620 <message>
5398 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5621 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
53995622 <source>Previous</source>
54005623 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
54015624 </message>
54035626 <context>
54045627 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
54055628 <message>
5406 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5629 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
54075630 <source>Color Filter</source>
54085631 <translation>Цветовой Фильтр</translation>
54095632 </message>
54105633 <message>
5411 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5634 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
54125635 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
54135636 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
54145637 black lines the defaults work well, but for
54215644 линий - могут быть улучшены.</translation>
54225645 </message>
54235646 <message>
5424 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5647 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
54255648 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
54265649 Filter menu option.</source>
54275650 <translation>Шаг 1 - Выберете пункт меню
54285651 Настройки / Цветовой Фильтр.</translation>
54295652 </message>
54305653 <message>
5431 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5654 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
54325655 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
54335656 be given the new settings.</source>
54345657 <translation>Шаг 2 - Выберете кривую
54355658 для изменения её настроек.</translation>
54365659 </message>
54375660 <message>
5438 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5661 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
54395662 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
54405663 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
54415664 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
54465669 для цветных линий.</translation>
54475670 </message>
54485671 <message>
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5672 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
54505673 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
54515674 dragging the green handles, until the
54525675 curve is clear in the preview window
54625685 Нажмите Ok, когда закончите.</translation>
54635686 </message>
54645687 <message>
5465 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5688 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
54665689 <source>Back</source>
54675690 <translation>Назад</translation>
54685691 </message>
54705693 <context>
54715694 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
54725695 <message>
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5696 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
54745697 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
54755698 curve is selected to receive curve points.
54765699 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
54805703 Шаг 1 - Нажмите на кнопку Кривая, Совмещение точек, Цветовая Пипетка или Сегментное Заполнение.</translation>
54815704 </message>
54825705 <message>
5483 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
54845707 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
54855708 that curve name has not been created yet,
54865709 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
54905713 используйте пункт меню Настройки / Названия Кривых для её создания.</translation>
54915714 </message>
54925715 <message>
5493 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5716 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
54945717 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
54955718 original image to the filtered image
54965719 produced for the current curve, using the
55055728 алгоритмов обсуждаемых далее в учебнике.</translation>
55065729 </message>
55075730 <message>
5508 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5731 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
55095732 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
55105733 in the filtered image, then change the
55115734 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
55175740 На рисунке оранжевые точки должны исчезнуть.</translation>
55185741 </message>
55195742 <message>
5520 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5743 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
55215744 <source>Previous</source>
55225745 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
55235746 </message>
55245747 <message>
5525 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5748 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
55265749 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
55275750 <translation>Настройки Цветового Фильтра</translation>
55285751 </message>
55295752 <message>
5530 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5753 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
55315754 <source>Next</source>
55325755 <translation>Следующий</translation>
55335756 </message>
55355758 <context>
55365759 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
55375760 <message>
5538 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5761 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
55395762 <source>Curve Type</source>
55405763 <translation>Тип Кривой</translation>
55415764 </message>
55425765 <message>
5543 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5766 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
55445767 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
55455768 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
55465769 <translation>Следующий шаг зависит от того
55485771 в виде линии или точек.</translation>
55495772 </message>
55505773 <message>
5551 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5774 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
55525775 <source>If the curves are drawn
55535776 with lines (with or without
55545777 points) then click on
55585781 выберете Следующий(Линии).</translation>
55595782 </message>
55605783 <message>
5561 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5784 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
55625785 <source>If the curves are drawn
55635786 without lines and only
55645787 with points, then click on
55685791 выберете Следующий(Точки).</translation>
55695792 </message>
55705793 <message>
5571 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5794 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
55725795 <source>Previous</source>
55735796 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
55745797 </message>
55755798 <message>
5576 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5799 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
55775800 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
55785801 <translation>Следующая (Линия)</translation>
55795802 </message>
55805803 <message>
5581 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5804 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
55825805 <source>Next (Points)</source>
55835806 <translation>Следующая (Точка)</translation>
55845807 </message>
55865809 <context>
55875810 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
55885811 <message>
5589 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5812 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
55905813 <source>Introduction</source>
55915814 <translation>Введение</translation>
55925815 </message>
55935816 <message>
5594 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5817 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
55955818 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
55965819 images of graphs and maps.</source>
55975820 <translation>Engauge Digitizer работает
55985821 с изображениями графиков или карт.</translation>
55995822 </message>
56005823 <message>
5601 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5824 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
56025825 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
56035826 the graph and map curves.</source>
56045827 <translation>Вы указываете (или вычисляете) точки
56055828 вдоль кривой на графике или карте.</translation>
56065829 </message>
56075830 <message>
5608 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5831 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
56095832 <source>The digitized curve points can be
56105833 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
56115834 <translation>Оцифрованные точки кривой могут быть
56135836 в других приложениях.</translation>
56145837 </message>
56155838 <message>
5616 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5839 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
56175840 <source>Next</source>
56185841 <translation>Следующий</translation>
56195842 </message>
56215844 <context>
56225845 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
56235846 <message>
5624 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5847 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
56255848 <source>Point Match</source>
56265849 <translation>Совмещение Точек</translation>
56275850 </message>
56285851 <message>
5629 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5852 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
56305853 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
56315854 one sample point, and Engauge
56325855 then finds all matching points.
56395862 Шаг 1 - Кликните на режим Совмещение Точек.</translation>
56405863 </message>
56415864 <message>
5642 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5865 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
56435866 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
56445867 points will belong to.</source>
56455868 <translation>Шаг 2 - Выберите кривую к которой
56465869 будут принадлежать новые точки.</translation>
56475870 </message>
56485871 <message>
5649 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5872 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
56505873 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
56515874 The circle turns green when it
56525875 contains what may be a point.</source>
56555878 содержать в себе что-то похожее на точку.</translation>
56565879 </message>
56575880 <message>
5658 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5881 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
56595882 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
56605883 matched point with a yellow cross.
56615884 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
56685891 закончатся доступные точки.</translation>
56695892 </message>
56705893 <message>
5671 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5894 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
56725895 <source>Previous</source>
56735896 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
56745897 </message>
56755898 <message>
5676 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5899 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
56775900 <source>Next</source>
56785901 <translation>Следующий</translation>
56795902 </message>
56815904 <context>
56825905 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
56835906 <message>
5684 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5907 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
56855908 <source>Segment Fill</source>
56865909 <translation>Сегментное Заполнение</translation>
56875910 </message>
56885911 <message>
5689 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5912 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
56905913 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
56915914 points all along the line segments
56925915 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
56965919 Шаг 1 - Кликните по кнопке Сегментное Заполнение.</translation>
56975920 </message>
56985921 <message>
5699 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5922 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
57005923 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
57015924 points will belong to.</source>
57025925 <translation>Шаг 2 - Выберите кривую к которой
57035926 будут принадлежать новые точки.</translation>
57045927 </message>
57055928 <message>
5706 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5929 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
57075930 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
57085931 segment in the desired curve. If a
57095932 green line appears, click on it once
57145937 чтобы сгенерировать набор точек точек.</translation>
57155938 </message>
57165939 <message>
5717 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5940 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
57185941 <source>Previous</source>
57195942 <translation>Предыдущий</translation>
57205943 </message>
57215944 <message>
5722 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5945 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
57235946 <source>Next</source>
57245947 <translation>Следующий</translation>
57255948 </message>
356356 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="71" />
357357 <source>Digitize Axis Point
359 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. In a graph, three axis points are required to define the graph coordinates.</source>
360 <translation>数字化轴点点击鼠标后在光标处放置一个新点,为图形指定一个轴点。然后输入轴点坐标。在图中,需要三个轴点来定义图坐标。</translation>
361 </message>
362 <message>
363 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="78" />
359 Digitizes an axis point for a graph by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. The coordinates of the axis point are then entered. After Import and Import (Advanced), three axis points with (X1,Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3,Y3) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates. Optionally, after Import (Advanced) four axis points with (X1) (X2) (Y3) (Y4) coordinates can be digitized to define the graph coordinates.
361 This tool is disabled when a complete set of axis points has been defined, or after Import (Advanced) if Scale Bar is selected.</source>
362 <translation>數字化軸點
364 通過在鼠標單擊後在光標處放置一個新點,對圖形的軸點進行數字化。然後輸入軸點的坐標。在導入和導入(高級)之後,可以將具有(X1,Y1)(X2,Y2)(X3,Y3)坐標的三個軸點數字化以定義圖形坐標。可選地,在導入(高級)之後,可以將具有(X1)(X2)(Y3)(Y4)坐標的四個軸點數字化以定義圖形坐標。
366 如果已定義一組完整的軸點,或者在選擇了“縮放欄”後導入(高級),則禁用此工具。</translation>
367 </message>
368 <message>
369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
364370 <source>Scale Bar Tool</source>
365371 <translation>比例尺工具</translation>
366372 </message>
367373 <message>
368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="79" />
374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="83" />
369375 <source>Shift+F8</source>
370376 <translation>按住Shift + F8</translation>
371377 </message>
372378 <message>
373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="81" />
374 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map.</source>
375 <translation>数字化地图的比例尺。</translation>
376 </message>
377 <message>
378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="82" />
379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="85" />
380 <source>Digitize scale bar for a map. Requires Import (Advanced).</source>
381 <translation>數字化地圖的比例尺。需要導入(高級)。</translation>
382 </message>
383 <message>
384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="86" />
379385 <source>Digitize Scale Bar
381387 Digitize a scale bar for a map by clicking and dragging. The length of the scale bar is then entered. In a map, the two endpoints of the scale bar define the distances in graph coordinates.
383 Maps must be imported using Import (Advanced).</source>
384 <translation>数字化比例尺通过单击并拖动来为地图的比例尺数字化。然后输入比例尺的长度。在地图中,比例尺的两个端点以图形坐标定义距离。必须使用导入(高级)导入地图。</translation>
385 </message>
386 <message>
387 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="89" />
389 This tool is enabled by selecting Scale Bar in Import (Advanced).
391 This tool is disabled when a scale bar has been defined, or if axis points were selected during import.</source>
392 <translation>數字化比例尺
394 通過單擊並拖動來數字化地圖的比例尺。然後輸入比例尺的長度。在地圖中,比例尺的兩個端點定義圖形坐標中的距離。
396 通過在導入(高級)中選擇比例尺來啟用此工具。
398 如果已定義比例尺,或者在導入期間選擇了軸點,則會禁用此工具。</translation>
399 </message>
400 <message>
401 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="95" />
388402 <source>Curve Point Tool</source>
389403 <translation>曲线点工具</translation>
390404 </message>
391405 <message>
392 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="90" />
406 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="96" />
393407 <source>Shift+F4</source>
394408 <translation>Shift+F4</translation>
395409 </message>
396410 <message>
397 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="92" />
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="98" />
398412 <source>Digitize curve points.</source>
399413 <translation>数字化曲线上的点</translation>
400414 </message>
401415 <message>
402 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="93" />
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="99" />
403417 <source>Digitize Curve Point
405419 Digitizes a curve point by placing a new point at the cursor after a mouse click. Use this mode to digitize points along curves one by one.
408422 <translation>数字化曲线点点击鼠标后在光标处放置一个新点,使曲线点数字化。使用此模式逐个数字化曲线上的点。新点将分配给当前选定的曲线。</translation>
409423 </message>
410424 <message>
411 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="100" />
425 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="106" />
412426 <source>Point Match Tool</source>
413427 <translation>点匹配工具</translation>
414428 </message>
415429 <message>
416 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="101" />
430 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="107" />
417431 <source>Shift+F5</source>
418432 <translation>Shift+F5</translation>
419433 </message>
420434 <message>
421 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="103" />
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="109" />
422436 <source>Digitize curve points in a point plot by matching a point.</source>
423437 <translation>通过匹配点数字化点图中的曲线点。</translation>
424438 </message>
425439 <message>
426 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="104" />
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
427441 <source>Digitize Curve Points by Point Matching
429443 Digitizes curve points in a point plot by finding points that match a sample point. The process starts by selecting a representative sample point.
432446 <translation>通过点匹配对曲线点进行数字化通过查找与采样点相匹配的点来对点图中的曲线点进行数字化。该过程首先选择一个有代表性的采样点。新点将分配给当前选择的曲线。</translation>
433447 </message>
434448 <message>
435 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="110" />
449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="116" />
436450 <source>Color Picker Tool</source>
437451 <translation>颜色拾取工具</translation>
438452 </message>
439453 <message>
440 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="111" />
454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="117" />
441455 <source>Shift+F6</source>
442456 <translation>Shift+F6</translation>
443457 </message>
444458 <message>
445 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="113" />
459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="119" />
446460 <source>Select color settings for filtering in Segment Fill mode.</source>
447461 <translation>线段填充模式下的筛选选择颜色设置</translation>
448462 </message>
449463 <message>
450 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="114" />
464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
451465 <source>Select color settings for Segment Fill filtering
453467 Select a pixel along the currently selected curve. That pixel and its neighbors will define the filter settings (color, brightness, and so on) of the currently selected curve while in Segment Fill mode.</source>
454468 <translation>选择Segment Fill滤镜的颜色设置沿着当前选择的曲线选择一个像素。该像素及其邻居将在分段填充模式下定义当前所选曲线的滤镜设置(颜色,亮度等)。</translation>
455469 </message>
456470 <message>
457 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="120" />
471 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="126" />
458472 <source>Segment Fill Tool</source>
459473 <translation>线段填充工具</translation>
460474 </message>
461475 <message>
462 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="121" />
476 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="127" />
463477 <source>Shift+F7</source>
464478 <translation>Shift+F7</translation>
465479 </message>
466480 <message>
467 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="123" />
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="129" />
468482 <source>Digitize curve points along a segment of a curve.</source>
469483 <translation>将一段曲线上的曲线点数字化</translation>
470484 </message>
471485 <message>
472 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="124" />
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="130" />
473487 <source>Digitize Curve Points With Segment Fill
475489 Digitizes curve points by placing new points along the highlighted segment under the cursor. Use this mode to quickly digitize multiple points along a curve with a single click.
478492 <translation>使用分段填充对曲线点进行数字化by通过沿光标下高亮显示的段放置新点来使曲线点数字化。使用此模式,只需点击一次即可快速数字化曲线上的多个点。新点将分配给当前选定的曲线。</translation>
479493 </message>
480494 <message>
481 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="145" />
495 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="151" />
482496 <source>&amp;Undo</source>
483497 <translation>&amp;撤销</translation>
484498 </message>
485499 <message>
486 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="147" />
500 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="153" />
487501 <source>Undo the last operation.</source>
488502 <translation>撤销上一操作</translation>
489503 </message>
490504 <message>
491 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="148" />
505 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
492506 <source>Undo
494508 Undo the last operation.</source>
496510 撤销上一操作.</translation>
497511 </message>
498512 <message>
499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="152" />
513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="158" />
500514 <source>&amp;Redo</source>
501515 <translation>&amp;恢复</translation>
502516 </message>
503517 <message>
504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="154" />
518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="160" />
505519 <source>Redo the last operation.</source>
506520 <translation>恢复上一操作</translation>
507521 </message>
508522 <message>
509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="155" />
523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
510524 <source>Redo
512526 Redo the last operation.</source>
514528 恢复上一操作</translation>
515529 </message>
516530 <message>
517 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="159" />
531 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="165" />
518532 <source>Cut</source>
519533 <translation>剪切</translation>
520534 </message>
521535 <message>
522 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="161" />
536 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="167" />
523537 <source>Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
524538 <translation>剪切选中的点</translation>
525539 </message>
526540 <message>
527 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="162" />
541 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
528542 <source>Cut
530544 Cuts the selected points and copies them to the clipboard.</source>
531545 <translation>剪切</translation>
532546 </message>
533547 <message>
534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="166" />
548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="172" />
535549 <source>Copy</source>
536550 <translation>复制</translation>
537551 </message>
538552 <message>
539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="168" />
553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="174" />
540554 <source>Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
541555 <translation>复制选中的点</translation>
542556 </message>
543557 <message>
544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="169" />
558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
545559 <source>Copy
547561 Copies the selected points to the clipboard.</source>
548562 <translation>复制</translation>
549563 </message>
550564 <message>
551 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="173" />
565 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="179" />
552566 <source>Paste</source>
553567 <translation>粘贴</translation>
554568 </message>
555569 <message>
556 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="175" />
570 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="181" />
557571 <source>Pastes the selected points from the clipboard.</source>
558572 <translation>粘贴选中的点</translation>
559573 </message>
560574 <message>
561 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="176" />
575 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
562576 <source>Paste
564578 Pastes the selected points from the clipboard. They will be assigned to the current curve.</source>
565579 <translation>粘贴</translation>
566580 </message>
567581 <message>
568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="180" />
582 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="186" />
569583 <source>Delete</source>
570584 <translation>删除</translation>
571585 </message>
572586 <message>
573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="182" />
587 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
574588 <source>Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
575589 <translation>复制选中的点入剪切板, 然后删除这些点</translation>
576590 </message>
577591 <message>
578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="183" />
592 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
579593 <source>Delete
581595 Deletes the selected points, after copying them to the clipboard.</source>
582596 <translation>删除</translation>
583597 </message>
584598 <message>
585 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="187" />
599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
586600 <source>Paste As New</source>
587601 <translation>粘贴为新图像</translation>
588602 </message>
589603 <message>
590 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="188" />
604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
591605 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard.</source>
592606 <translation>粘贴图像</translation>
593607 </message>
594608 <message>
595 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="189" />
609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
596610 <source>Paste as New
598612 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard.</source>
599613 <translation>粘贴为新图像</translation>
600614 </message>
601615 <message>
602 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="193" />
616 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="199" />
603617 <source>Paste As New (Advanced)...</source>
604618 <translation>粘贴为新图像(高级)</translation>
605619 </message>
606620 <message>
607 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="194" />
621 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="200" />
608622 <source>Pastes an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
609623 <translation>在高级模式下从剪贴板粘贴图像。</translation>
610624 </message>
611625 <message>
612 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="195" />
626 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="201" />
613627 <source>Paste as New (Advanced)
615629 Creates a new document by pasting an image from the clipboard, in advanced mode.</source>
616630 <translation>粘贴为新建(高级)通过在高级模式下粘贴剪贴板中的图像来创建新文档。</translation>
617631 </message>
618632 <message>
619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="204" />
633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="210" />
620634 <source>&amp;Import...</source>
621635 <translation>&amp;导入</translation>
622636 </message>
623637 <message>
624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="205" />
638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="211" />
625639 <source>Ctrl+I</source>
626640 <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
627641 </message>
628642 <message>
629 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="206" />
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="212" />
630644 <source>Creates a new document by importing a simple image.</source>
631645 <translation>通过导入简单图像来创建新文档。</translation>
632646 </message>
633647 <message>
634 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="207" />
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="213" />
635649 <source>Import Image
637651 Creates a new document by importing an image with a single coordinate system, and axes both coordinates known.
640654 <translation>导入图像by通过导入具有单个坐标系统的图像创建新文档,并使两个坐标轴都已知.对于具有多个坐标系和/或浮动轴的更复杂图像,将使用导入(高级)。</translation>
641655 </message>
642656 <message>
643 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="214" />
657 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="220" />
644658 <source>Import (Advanced)...</source>
645659 <translation>导入(高级)</translation>
646660 </message>
647661 <message>
648 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="215" />
662 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
649663 <source>Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures.</source>
650664 <translation>通过导入支持高级功能的图像创建新文档。</translation>
651665 </message>
652666 <message>
653 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="216" />
667 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
654668 <source>Import (Advanced)
656670 Creates a new document by importing an image with support for advanced feaures. In advanced mode, there can be multiple coordinate systems and/or floating axes.</source>
657671 <translation>导入(高级)通过导入支持高级功能的图像创建新文档。在高级模式下,可以有多个坐标系和/或浮动轴。</translation>
658672 </message>
659673 <message>
660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="221" />
674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="227" />
661675 <source>Import (Image Replace)...</source>
662676 <translation>导入(图片替换)...</translation>
663677 </message>
664678 <message>
665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="222" />
679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="228" />
666680 <source>Imports a new image into the current document, replacing the existing image.</source>
667681 <translation>将新图像导入当前文档,替换现有图像。</translation>
668682 </message>
669683 <message>
670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="223" />
684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
671685 <source>Import (Image Replace)
673687 Imports a new image into the current document. The existing image is replaced, and all curves in the document are preserved. This operation is useful for applying the axis points and other settings from an existing document to a different image.</source>
674688 <translation>导入(图像替换)将新图像导入当前文档。现有的图像被替换,文档中的所有曲线都被保留。此操作对于将轴点和其他设置从现有文档应用到不同图像很有用。</translation>
675689 </message>
676690 <message>
677 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="229" />
691 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="235" />
678692 <source>&amp;Open...</source>
679693 <translation>&amp;打开</translation>
680694 </message>
681695 <message>
682 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="231" />
696 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="237" />
683697 <source>Opens an existing document.</source>
684698 <translation>打开现有文件</translation>
685699 </message>
686700 <message>
687 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="232" />
701 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="238" />
688702 <source>Open Document
690704 Opens an existing document.</source>
692706 打开现有文件</translation>
693707 </message>
694708 <message>
695 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="245" />
709 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="251" />
696710 <source>&amp;Close</source>
697711 <translation>&amp;关闭</translation>
698712 </message>
699713 <message>
700 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="247" />
714 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="253" />
701715 <source>Closes the open document.</source>
702716 <translation>关闭打开的文件。</translation>
703717 </message>
704718 <message>
705 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="248" />
719 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
706720 <source>Close Document
708722 Closes the open document.</source>
710724 关闭打开的文件</translation>
711725 </message>
712726 <message>
713 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="252" />
727 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="258" />
714728 <source>&amp;Save</source>
715729 <translation>&amp;保存</translation>
716730 </message>
717731 <message>
718 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="254" />
732 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="260" />
719733 <source>Saves the current document.</source>
720734 <translation>保存当前文件</translation>
721735 </message>
722736 <message>
723 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="255" />
737 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
724738 <source>Save Document
726740 Saves the current document.</source>
728742 保存当前文件</translation>
729743 </message>
730744 <message>
731 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="259" />
745 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="265" />
732746 <source>Save As...</source>
733747 <translation>另存为</translation>
734748 </message>
735749 <message>
736 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="261" />
750 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
737751 <source>Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
738752 <translation>保存当前文件为新名的文件</translation>
739753 </message>
740754 <message>
741 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="262" />
755 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
742756 <source>Save Document As
744758 Saves the current document under a new filename.</source>
745759 <translation>另存为</translation>
746760 </message>
747761 <message>
748 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="266" />
762 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="272" />
749763 <source>Export...</source>
750764 <translation>导出</translation>
751765 </message>
752766 <message>
753 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="267" />
767 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
754768 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
755769 <translation>Ctrl+E</translation>
756770 </message>
757771 <message>
758 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="268" />
772 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="274" />
759773 <source>Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
760774 <translation>将当前文档导出为文本文件。</translation>
761775 </message>
762776 <message>
763 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="269" />
777 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
764778 <source>Export Document
766780 Exports the current document into a text file.</source>
767781 <translation>导出文档将当前文档导出为文本文件。</translation>
768782 </message>
769783 <message>
770 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="273" />
784 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="279" />
771785 <source>&amp;Print...</source>
772786 <translation>打印...</translation>
773787 </message>
774788 <message>
775 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="275" />
789 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="281" />
776790 <source>Print the current document.</source>
777791 <translation>打印当前文档。</translation>
778792 </message>
779793 <message>
780 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="276" />
794 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
781795 <source>Print Document
783797 Print the current document to a printer or file.</source>
784798 <translation>打印文档将当前文档打印到打印机或文件。</translation>
785799 </message>
786800 <message>
787 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="280" />
801 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="286" />
788802 <source>&amp;Exit</source>
789803 <translation>出口</translation>
790804 </message>
791805 <message>
792 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="282" />
806 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="288" />
793807 <source>Quits the application.</source>
794808 <translation>退出应用程序。</translation>
795809 </message>
796810 <message>
797 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="283" />
811 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="289" />
798812 <source>Exit
800814 Quits the application.</source>
801815 <translation>退出退出应用程序</translation>
802816 </message>
803817 <message>
804 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="292" />
818 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="298" />
805819 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard</source>
806820 <translation>清单指南向导</translation>
807821 </message>
808822 <message>
809 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="294" />
823 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="300" />
810824 <source>Open Checklist Guide Wizard during import to define digitizing steps</source>
811825 <translation>在导入期间打开清单向导向导以定义数字化步骤</translation>
812826 </message>
813827 <message>
814 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="295" />
828 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="301" />
815829 <source>Checklist Guide Wizard
817831 Use Checklist Guide Wizard during import to generate a checklist of steps for the imported document</source>
818832 <translation>清单向导向导在导入过程中使用清单向导向导生成导入文档的步骤清单</translation>
819833 </message>
820834 <message>
821 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="302" />
835 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="308" />
822836 <source>Tutorial</source>
823837 <translation>教程</translation>
824838 </message>
825839 <message>
826 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="303" />
840 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="309" />
827841 <source>Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing curves</source>
828842 <translation>播放教程,显示数字化曲线的步骤</translation>
829843 </message>
830844 <message>
831 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="304" />
845 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
832846 <source>Tutorial
834848 Play tutorial showing steps for digitizing points from curves drawn with lines and/or point</source>
835849 <translation>教程播放教程,演示如何使用线和/或点绘制曲线中的点进行数字化</translation>
836850 </message>
837851 <message>
838 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="310" />
852 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="316" />
839853 <source>Help</source>
840854 <translation>帮帮我</translation>
841855 </message>
842856 <message>
843 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="312" />
857 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
844858 <source>Help documentation</source>
845859 <translation>帮助文档</translation>
846860 </message>
847861 <message>
848 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="313" />
862 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
849863 <source>Help Documentation
851865 Searchable help documentation</source>
852866 <translation>帮助文档可分析的帮助文档</translation>
853867 </message>
854868 <message>
855 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="318" />
869 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="324" />
856870 <source>About Engauge</source>
857871 <translation>关于 Engauge</translation>
858872 </message>
859873 <message>
860 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="319" />
874 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="325" />
861875 <source>About the application.</source>
862876 <translation>关于应用程序。</translation>
863877 </message>
864878 <message>
865 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="320" />
879 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="326" />
866880 <source>About Engauge
868882 About the application.</source>
869883 <translation>关于Engauge关于申请。</translation>
870884 </message>
871885 <message>
872 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="328" />
886 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
873887 <source>Coordinates...</source>
874888 <translation>坐标...</translation>
875889 </message>
876890 <message>
877 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="329" />
891 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
878892 <source>Edit Coordinate settings.</source>
879893 <translation>编辑坐标设置。</translation>
880894 </message>
881895 <message>
882 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="330" />
896 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
883897 <source>Coordinate Settings
885899 Coordinate settings determine how the graph coordinates are mapped to the pixels in the image</source>
886900 <translation>“坐标设置”→“坐标”设置确定图形坐标如何映射到图像中的像素</translation>
887901 </message>
888902 <message>
889 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="334" />
903 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
890904 <source>Curve List...</source>
891905 <translation>曲線列表...</translation>
892906 </message>
893907 <message>
894 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="335" />
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
895909 <source>Edit Curve List settings.</source>
896910 <translation>編輯曲線列表設置</translation>
897911 </message>
898912 <message>
899 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="336" />
913 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
900914 <source>Curve List
902916 Curve list settings add, rename and/or remove curves in the current document</source>
905919 曲線列表設置添加,重命名和/或刪除當前文檔中的曲線</translation>
906920 </message>
907921 <message>
908 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="340" />
922 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
909923 <source>Curve Properties...</source>
910924 <translation>曲线属性...</translation>
911925 </message>
912926 <message>
913 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="341" />
927 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
914928 <source>Edit Curve Properties settings.</source>
915929 <translation>编辑曲线属性设置。</translation>
916930 </message>
917931 <message>
918 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="342" />
932 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
919933 <source>Curve Properties Settings
921935 Curves properties settings determine how each curve appears</source>
922936 <translation>曲线属性设置曲线属性设置确定每条曲线的显示方式</translation>
923937 </message>
924938 <message>
925 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="346" />
939 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="352" />
926940 <source>Digitize Curve...</source>
927941 <translation>数字化曲线...</translation>
928942 </message>
929943 <message>
930 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="347" />
944 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
931945 <source>Edit Digitize Axis and Graph Curve settings.</source>
932946 <translation>编辑数字化轴和曲线图设置。</translation>
933947 </message>
934948 <message>
935 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="348" />
949 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
936950 <source>Digitize Axis and Graph Curve Settings
938952 Digitize Curve settings determine how points are digitized in Digitize Axis Point and Digitize Graph Point modes</source>
939953 <translation>数字化轴和曲线图设置数字化曲线设置确定点在数字化轴点和数字化图点模式中的数字化方式</translation>
940954 </message>
941955 <message>
942 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="353" />
956 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
943957 <source>Export Format...</source>
944958 <translation>导出格式...</translation>
945959 </message>
946960 <message>
947 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="354" />
961 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
948962 <source>Edit Export Format settings.</source>
949963 <translation>编辑导出格式设置。</translation>
950964 </message>
951965 <message>
952 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="355" />
966 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
953967 <source>Export Format Settings
955969 Export format settings affect how exported files are formatted</source>
956970 <translation>导出格式设置导出格式设置会影响导出文件的格式</translation>
957971 </message>
958972 <message>
959 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="359" />
973 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
960974 <source>Color Filter...</source>
961975 <translation>彩色滤光片...</translation>
962976 </message>
963977 <message>
964 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="360" />
978 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
965979 <source>Edit Color Filter settings.</source>
966980 <translation>编辑颜色过滤器设置。</translation>
967981 </message>
968982 <message>
969 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="361" />
983 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
970984 <source>Color Filter Settings
972986 Color filtering simplifies the graphs for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling</source>
973987 <translation>色彩过滤器设置色彩过滤简化了图形,更便于点匹配和分段填充</translation>
974988 </message>
975989 <message>
976 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="365" />
990 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
977991 <source>Axes Checker...</source>
978992 <translation>轴检查器...</translation>
979993 </message>
980994 <message>
981 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="366" />
995 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
982996 <source>Edit Axes Checker settings.</source>
983997 <translation>编辑轴检查器设置。</translation>
984998 </message>
985999 <message>
986 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="367" />
1000 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
9871001 <source>Axes Checker Settings
9891003 Axes checker can reveal any axis point mistakes, which are otherwise hard to find.</source>
9901004 <translation>轴检查设置轴检查器可以显示任何轴点错误,否则很难找到。</translation>
9911005 </message>
9921006 <message>
993 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="371" />
1007 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="377" />
9941008 <source>Grid Line Display...</source>
9951009 <translation>网格线显示...</translation>
9961010 </message>
9971011 <message>
998 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="372" />
1012 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
9991013 <source>Edit Grid Line Display settings.</source>
10001014 <translation>编辑网格线显示设置。</translation>
10011015 </message>
10021016 <message>
1003 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="373" />
1017 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
10041018 <source>Grid Line Display Settings
10061020 Grid lines displayed on the graph can provide more accuracy than the Axis Checker, for distorted graphs. In a distorted graph, the grid lines can be used to adjust the axis points for more accuracy in different regions.</source>
10071021 <translation>网格线显示设置对曲线图显示的网格线可以提供比Axis Checker更高的精度。在扭曲图形中,网格线可用于调整轴点以在不同区域获得更高精度。</translation>
10081022 </message>
10091023 <message>
1010 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="378" />
1024 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="384" />
10111025 <source>Grid Line Removal...</source>
10121026 <translation>网格线删除...</translation>
10131027 </message>
10141028 <message>
1015 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="379" />
1029 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
10161030 <source>Edit Grid Line Removal settings.</source>
10171031 <translation>编辑网格线删除设置</translation>
10181032 </message>
10191033 <message>
1020 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="380" />
1034 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
10211035 <source>Grid Line Removal Settings
10231037 Grid line removal isolates curve lines for easier Point Matching and Segment Filling, when Color Filtering is not able to separate grid lines from curve lines.</source>
10241038 <translation>网格线移除设置网格线移除可隔离曲线,以便在颜色过滤无法将网格线与曲线分离时进行点匹配和网格填充。</translation>
10251039 </message>
10261040 <message>
1027 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="385" />
1041 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
10281042 <source>Point Match...</source>
10291043 <translation>点匹配...</translation>
10301044 </message>
10311045 <message>
1032 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="386" />
1046 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
10331047 <source>Edit Point Match settings.</source>
10341048 <translation>编辑点匹配设置。</translation>
10351049 </message>
10361050 <message>
1037 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="387" />
1051 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
10381052 <source>Point Match Settings
10401054 Point match settings determine how points are matched while in Point Match mode</source>
10411055 <translation>点匹配设置点匹配设置确定在点匹配模式下点的匹配方式</translation>
10421056 </message>
10431057 <message>
1044 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="391" />
1058 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
10451059 <source>Segment Fill...</source>
10461060 <translation>分段填充...</translation>
10471061 </message>
10481062 <message>
1049 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="392" />
1063 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
10501064 <source>Edit Segment Fill settings.</source>
10511065 <translation>编辑分段填充设置。</translation>
10521066 </message>
10531067 <message>
1054 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="393" />
1068 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
10551069 <source>Segment Fill Settings
10571071 Segment fill settings determine how points are generated in the Segment Fill mode</source>
10581072 <translation>分段填充设置分段填充设置确定在分段填充模式下如何生成点</translation>
10591073 </message>
10601074 <message>
1061 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="397" />
1075 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="403" />
10621076 <source>General...</source>
10631077 <translation>一般...</translation>
10641078 </message>
10651079 <message>
1066 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="398" />
1080 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
10671081 <source>Edit General settings.</source>
10681082 <translation>编辑常规设置。</translation>
10691083 </message>
10701084 <message>
1071 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="399" />
1085 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="405" />
10721086 <source>General Settings
10741088 General settings are document-specific settings that affect multiple modes. For example, the cursor size setting affects both Color Picker and Point Match modes</source>
10751089 <translation>常规设置常规设置是影响多种模式的文档特定设置。例如,光标大小设置影响拾色器和点匹配模式</translation>
10761090 </message>
10771091 <message>
1078 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="404" />
1092 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="410" />
10791093 <source>Main Window...</source>
10801094 <translation>主窗口...</translation>
10811095 </message>
10821096 <message>
1083 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="406" />
1097 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="412" />
10841098 <source>Edit Main Window settings.</source>
10851099 <translation>编辑主窗口设置。</translation>
10861100 </message>
10871101 <message>
1088 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="407" />
1102 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="413" />
10891103 <source>Main Window Settings
10911105 Main window settings affect the user interface and are not specific to any document</source>
10921106 <translation>主窗口设置主窗口设置影响用户界面,并非特定于任何文档</translation>
10931107 </message>
10941108 <message>
1095 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="416" />
1109 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="422" />
10961110 <source>Background Toolbar</source>
10971111 <translation>背景工具栏</translation>
10981112 </message>
10991113 <message>
1100 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="419" />
1114 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="425" />
11011115 <source>Show or hide the background toolbar.</source>
11021116 <translation>显示或隐藏背景工具栏。</translation>
11031117 </message>
11041118 <message>
1105 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="420" />
1119 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="426" />
11061120 <source>View Background ToolBar
11081122 Show or hide the background toolbar</source>
11091123 <translation>查看背景工具栏显示或隐藏背景工具栏</translation>
11101124 </message>
11111125 <message>
1112 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="424" />
1126 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="430" />
11131127 <source>Checklist Guide Toolbar</source>
11141128 <translation>清单指南工具栏</translation>
11151129 </message>
11161130 <message>
1117 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="427" />
1131 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="433" />
11181132 <source>Show or hide the checklist guide.</source>
11191133 <translation>显示或隐藏清单指南。</translation>
11201134 </message>
11211135 <message>
1122 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="428" />
1136 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="434" />
11231137 <source>View Checklist Guide
11251139 Show or hide the checklist guide</source>
11261140 <translation>查看清单指南显示或隐藏清单指南</translation>
11271141 </message>
11281142 <message>
1129 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="432" />
1143 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="438" />
11301144 <source>Curve Fitting Window</source>
11311145 <translation>曲线拟合窗口</translation>
11321146 </message>
11331147 <message>
1134 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="435" />
1148 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="441" />
11351149 <source>Show or hide the curve fitting window.</source>
11361150 <translation>显示或隐藏曲线拟合窗口。</translation>
11371151 </message>
11381152 <message>
1139 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="436" />
1153 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="442" />
11401154 <source>View Curve Fitting Window
11421156 Show or hide the curve fitting window</source>
11431157 <translation>查看曲线拟合窗口显示或隐藏曲线拟合窗口</translation>
11441158 </message>
11451159 <message>
1146 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="440" />
1160 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="446" />
11471161 <source>Geometry Window</source>
11481162 <translation>几何窗口</translation>
11491163 </message>
11501164 <message>
1151 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="443" />
1165 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="449" />
11521166 <source>Show or hide the geometry window.</source>
11531167 <translation>显示或隐藏几何窗口。</translation>
11541168 </message>
11551169 <message>
1156 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="444" />
1170 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="450" />
11571171 <source>View Geometry Window
11591173 Show or hide the geometry window</source>
11601174 <translation>查看几何窗口显示或隐藏几何窗口</translation>
11611175 </message>
11621176 <message>
1163 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="448" />
1177 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="454" />
11641178 <source>Digitizing Tools Toolbar</source>
11651179 <translation>数字化工具工具栏</translation>
11661180 </message>
11671181 <message>
1168 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="451" />
1182 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="457" />
11691183 <source>Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar.</source>
11701184 <translation>显示或隐藏数字化工具工具栏</translation>
11711185 </message>
11721186 <message>
1173 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="452" />
1187 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="458" />
11741188 <source>View Digitizing Tools ToolBar
11761190 Show or hide the digitizing tools toolbar</source>
11771191 <translation>查看数字化工具工具栏显示或隐藏数字化工具工具栏</translation>
11781192 </message>
11791193 <message>
1180 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="456" />
1194 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="462" />
11811195 <source>Settings Views Toolbar</source>
11821196 <translation>设置视图工具栏</translation>
11831197 </message>
11841198 <message>
1185 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="459" />
1199 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
11861200 <source>Show or hide the settings views toolbar.</source>
11871201 <translation>显示或隐藏设置视图工具栏。</translation>
11881202 </message>
11891203 <message>
1190 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="460" />
1204 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="466" />
11911205 <source>View Settings Views ToolBar
11931207 Show or hide the settings views toolbar. These views graphically show the most important settings.</source>
11941208 <translation>查看设置视图工具栏显示或隐藏设置视图工具栏。这些视图以图形方式显示最重要的设置。</translation>
11951209 </message>
11961210 <message>
1197 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="465" />
1211 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="471" />
11981212 <source>Coordinate System Toolbar</source>
11991213 <translation>坐标系统工具栏</translation>
12001214 </message>
12011215 <message>
1202 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="468" />
1216 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="474" />
12031217 <source>Show or hide the coordinate system toolbar.</source>
12041218 <translation>显示或隐藏坐标系工具栏。</translation>
12051219 </message>
12061220 <message>
1207 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="469" />
1221 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="475" />
12081222 <source>View Coordinate Systems ToolBar
12101224 Show or hide the coordinate system selection toolbar. This toolbar is used to select the current coordinate system when the document has multiple coordinate systems. This toolbar is also used to view and print all coordinate systems.
12131227 <translation>查看坐标系工具栏显示或隐藏坐标系选择工具栏。当文档具有多个坐标系时,该工具栏用于选择当前坐标系。此工具栏也用于查看和打印所有坐标系。when当只有一个坐标系时,此工具栏被禁用。</translation>
12141228 </message>
12151229 <message>
1216 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="477" />
1230 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="483" />
12171231 <source>Tool Tips</source>
12181232 <translation>工具提示</translation>
12191233 </message>
12201234 <message>
1221 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="480" />
1235 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="486" />
12221236 <source>Show or hide the tool tips.</source>
12231237 <translation>显示或隐藏工具提示。</translation>
12241238 </message>
12251239 <message>
1226 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="481" />
1240 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="487" />
12271241 <source>View Tool Tips
12291243 Show or hide the tool tips</source>
12301244 <translation>查看工具提示显示或隐藏工具提示</translation>
12311245 </message>
12321246 <message>
1233 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="485" />
1247 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="491" />
12341248 <source>Grid Lines</source>
12351249 <translation>网格线</translation>
12361250 </message>
12371251 <message>
1238 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="488" />
1252 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
12391253 <source>Show or hide grid lines.</source>
12401254 <translation>显示或隐藏网格线。</translation>
12411255 </message>
12421256 <message>
1243 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="489" />
1257 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="495" />
12441258 <source>View Grid Lines
12461260 Show or hide grid lines that are added for accurate adjustments of the axes points, which can improve accuracy in distorted graphs</source>
12471261 <translation>查看网格线显示或隐藏为了精确调整轴点而添加的网格线,这可以提高扭曲图形的准确性</translation>
12481262 </message>
12491263 <message>
1250 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="494" />
1264 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
12511265 <source>No Background</source>
12521266 <translation>无背景</translation>
12531267 </message>
12541268 <message>
1255 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="496" />
1269 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
12561270 <source>Do not show the image underneath the points.</source>
12571271 <translation>不显示图像下面的点</translation>
12581272 </message>
12591273 <message>
1260 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="497" />
1274 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
12611275 <source>No Background
12631277 No image is shown so points are easier to see</source>
12641278 <translation>没有背景没有显示图像,所以点更容易看到</translation>
12651279 </message>
12661280 <message>
1267 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="500" />
1281 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
12681282 <source>Show Original Image</source>
12691283 <translation>显示原始图像</translation>
12701284 </message>
12711285 <message>
1272 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="502" />
1286 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="508" />
12731287 <source>Show the original image underneath the points.</source>
12741288 <translation>显示图像下面的点</translation>
12751289 </message>
12761290 <message>
1277 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="503" />
1291 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
12781292 <source>Show Original Image
12801294 Show the original image underneath the points</source>
12811295 <translation>显示原始图像在点下方显示原始图像</translation>
12821296 </message>
12831297 <message>
1284 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="506" />
1298 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="512" />
12851299 <source>Show Filtered Image</source>
12861300 <translation>显示筛选的图像</translation>
12871301 </message>
12881302 <message>
1289 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="509" />
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="515" />
12901304 <source>Show the filtered image underneath the points.</source>
12911305 <translation>在点下方显示已过滤的图像。</translation>
12921306 </message>
12931307 <message>
1294 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="510" />
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
12951309 <source>Show Filtered Image
12971311 Show the filtered image underneath the points.
13001314 <translation>显示已过滤的图像在点下方显示已过滤的图像。根据过滤器首选项从原始图像创建已过滤图像,因此隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息</translation>
13011315 </message>
13021316 <message>
1303 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="516" />
1317 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
13041318 <source>Hide All Curves</source>
13051319 <translation>隐藏所有曲线</translation>
13061320 </message>
13071321 <message>
1308 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="518" />
1322 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
13091323 <source>Hide all digitized curves.</source>
13101324 <translation>隐藏所有数字化的曲线</translation>
13111325 </message>
13121326 <message>
1313 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="519" />
1327 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
13141328 <source>Hide All Curves
13161330 No axis points or digitized graph curves are shown so the image is easier to see.</source>
13171331 <translation>隐藏所有曲线shown显示没有轴点或数字化曲线图,因此图像更易于查看。</translation>
13181332 </message>
13191333 <message>
1320 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="522" />
1334 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
13211335 <source>Show Selected Curve</source>
13221336 <translation>显示选择的曲线</translation>
13231337 </message>
13241338 <message>
1325 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="524" />
1339 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="530" />
13261340 <source>Show only the currently selected curve.</source>
13271341 <translation>只显示当前选择的曲线</translation>
13281342 </message>
13291343 <message>
1330 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="525" />
1344 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
13311345 <source>Show Selected Curve
13331347 Show only the digitized points and line that belong to the currently selected curve.</source>
13341348 <translation>显示选定曲线仅显示属于当前选定曲线的数字化点和线。</translation>
13351349 </message>
13361350 <message>
1337 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="528" />
1351 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="534" />
13381352 <source>Show All Curves</source>
13391353 <translation>显示所有曲线</translation>
13401354 </message>
13411355 <message>
1342 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="531" />
1356 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="537" />
13431357 <source>Show all curves.</source>
13441358 <translation>显示所有曲线</translation>
13451359 </message>
13461360 <message>
1347 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="532" />
1361 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="538" />
13481362 <source>Show All Curves
13501364 Show all digitized axis points and graph curves</source>
13511365 <translation>显示所有曲线显示所有数字化的轴点和曲线图</translation>
13521366 </message>
13531367 <message>
1354 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="547" />
1368 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="553" />
13551369 <source>Hide Always</source>
13561370 <translation>保持隐藏</translation>
13571371 </message>
13581372 <message>
1359 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="549" />
1373 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
13601374 <source>Always hide the status bar.</source>
13611375 <translation>隐藏状态栏</translation>
13621376 </message>
13631377 <message>
1364 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="550" />
1378 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="556" />
13651379 <source>Hide the status bar. No temporary status or feedback messages will appear.</source>
13661380 <translation>隐藏状态栏. 将不再显示临时状态和反馈信息.</translation>
13671381 </message>
13681382 <message>
1369 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="552" />
1383 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="558" />
13701384 <source>Show Temporary Messages</source>
13711385 <translation>显示临时信息.</translation>
13721386 </message>
13731387 <message>
1374 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="554" />
1388 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
13751389 <source>Hide the status bar except when display temporary messages.</source>
13761390 <translation>除了显示临时消息时,隐藏状态栏。</translation>
13771391 </message>
13781392 <message>
1379 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="555" />
1393 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="561" />
13801394 <source>Hide the status bar, except when displaying temporary status and feedback messages.</source>
13811395 <translation>隐藏状态栏,除了显示临时状态和反馈信息时。</translation>
13821396 </message>
13831397 <message>
1384 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="557" />
1398 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="563" />
13851399 <source>Show Always</source>
13861400 <translation>保持显示</translation>
13871401 </message>
13881402 <message>
1389 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="559" />
1403 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="565" />
13901404 <source>Always show the status bar.</source>
13911405 <translation>总是显示状态栏</translation>
13921406 </message>
13931407 <message>
1394 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="560" />
1408 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="566" />
13951409 <source>Show the status bar. Besides displaying temporary status and feedback messages, the status bar also displays information about the cursor position.</source>
13961410 <translation>显示状态栏。除显示临时状态和反馈消息外,状态栏还显示有关光标位置的信息。</translation>
13971411 </message>
13981412 <message>
1399 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="569" />
1413 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
14001414 <source>Zoom Out</source>
14011415 <translation>缩小</translation>
14021416 </message>
14031417 <message>
1404 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="570" />
1418 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="576" />
14051419 <source>Zoom out</source>
14061420 <translation>缩小</translation>
14071421 </message>
14081422 <message>
1409 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="574" />
1423 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="580" />
14101424 <source>Zoom In</source>
14111425 <translation>放大</translation>
14121426 </message>
14131427 <message>
1414 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="575" />
1428 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="581" />
14151429 <source>Zoom in</source>
14161430 <translation>放大</translation>
14171431 </message>
14181432 <message>
1419 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="582" />
1433 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
14201434 <source>16:1 (1600%)</source>
14211435 <translation>16:1 (1600%)</translation>
14221436 </message>
14231437 <message>
1424 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="584" />
1438 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
14251439 <source>Zoom 16:1</source>
14261440 <translation>缩放16:1</translation>
14271441 </message>
14281442 <message>
1429 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="588" />
1443 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
14301444 <source>16:1 farther (1270%)</source>
14311445 <translation>16:1更远(1270%)</translation>
14321446 </message>
14331447 <message>
1434 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="590" />
1448 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
14351449 <source>Zoom 12.7:1</source>
14361450 <translation>缩放12.7:1</translation>
14371451 </message>
14381452 <message>
1439 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="594" />
1453 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
14401454 <source>8:1 closer (1008%)</source>
14411455 <translation>8:1接近(1008%)</translation>
14421456 </message>
14431457 <message>
1444 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="596" />
1458 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
14451459 <source>Zoom 10.08:1</source>
14461460 <translation>缩放10.08:1</translation>
14471461 </message>
14481462 <message>
1449 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="600" />
1463 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
14501464 <source>8:1 (800%)</source>
14511465 <translation>8:1 (800%)</translation>
14521466 </message>
14531467 <message>
1454 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="602" />
1468 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
14551469 <source>Zoom 8:1</source>
14561470 <translation>缩放8:1</translation>
14571471 </message>
14581472 <message>
1459 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="606" />
1473 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
14601474 <source>8:1 farther (635%)</source>
14611475 <translation>8:1更远(635%)</translation>
14621476 </message>
14631477 <message>
1464 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="608" />
1478 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
14651479 <source>Zoom 6.35:1</source>
14661480 <translation>放大6.35:1</translation>
14671481 </message>
14681482 <message>
1469 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="612" />
1483 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
14701484 <source>4:1 closer (504%)</source>
14711485 <translation>4:1更接近(504%)</translation>
14721486 </message>
14731487 <message>
1474 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="614" />
1488 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
14751489 <source>Zoom 5.04:1</source>
14761490 <translation>缩放5.04:1</translation>
14771491 </message>
14781492 <message>
1479 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="618" />
1493 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
14801494 <source>4:1 (400%)</source>
14811495 <translation>4:1 (400%)</translation>
14821496 </message>
14831497 <message>
1484 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="620" />
1498 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
14851499 <source>Zoom 4:1</source>
14861500 <translation>缩放4:1</translation>
14871501 </message>
14881502 <message>
1489 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="624" />
1503 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
14901504 <source>4:1 farther (317%)</source>
14911505 <translation>4:1更远(317%)</translation>
14921506 </message>
14931507 <message>
1494 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="626" />
1508 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
14951509 <source>Zoom 3.17:1</source>
14961510 <translation>缩放3.17:1</translation>
14971511 </message>
14981512 <message>
1499 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="630" />
1513 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
15001514 <source>2:1 closer (252%)</source>
15011515 <translation>2:1更近(252%)</translation>
15021516 </message>
15031517 <message>
1504 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="632" />
1518 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
15051519 <source>Zoom 2.52:1</source>
15061520 <translation>缩放2.52:1</translation>
15071521 </message>
15081522 <message>
1509 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="636" />
1523 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
15101524 <source>2:1 (200%)</source>
15111525 <translation>2:1 (200%)</translation>
15121526 </message>
15131527 <message>
1514 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="638" />
1528 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
15151529 <source>Zoom 2:1</source>
15161530 <translation>缩放2:1</translation>
15171531 </message>
15181532 <message>
1519 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="642" />
1533 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
15201534 <source>2:1 farther (159%)</source>
15211535 <translation>2:1更远(159%)</translation>
15221536 </message>
15231537 <message>
1524 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="644" />
1538 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="650" />
15251539 <source>Zoom 1.59:1</source>
15261540 <translation>缩放1.59:1</translation>
15271541 </message>
15281542 <message>
1529 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="648" />
1543 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="654" />
15301544 <source>1:1 closer (126%)</source>
15311545 <translation>1:1更近(126%)</translation>
15321546 </message>
15331547 <message>
1534 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="651" />
1548 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="657" />
15351549 <source>Zoom 1.3:1</source>
15361550 <translation>缩放1.3:1</translation>
15371551 </message>
15381552 <message>
1539 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="655" />
1553 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="661" />
15401554 <source>1:1 (100%)</source>
15411555 <translation>1:1 (100%)</translation>
15421556 </message>
15431557 <message>
1544 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="658" />
1558 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="664" />
15451559 <source>Zoom 1:1</source>
15461560 <translation>缩放1:1</translation>
15471561 </message>
15481562 <message>
1549 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="662" />
1563 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="668" />
15501564 <source>1:1 farther (79%)</source>
15511565 <translation>1:1更远(79%)</translation>
15521566 </message>
15531567 <message>
1554 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="665" />
1568 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
15551569 <source>Zoom 0.8:1</source>
15561570 <translation>缩放0.8:1</translation>
15571571 </message>
15581572 <message>
1559 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="669" />
1573 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
15601574 <source>1:2 closer (63%)</source>
15611575 <translation>1:2更近(63%)</translation>
15621576 </message>
15631577 <message>
1564 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="671" />
1578 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
15651579 <source>Zoom 1.3:2</source>
15661580 <translation>缩放1.3:2</translation>
15671581 </message>
15681582 <message>
1569 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="675" />
1583 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
15701584 <source>1:2 (50%)</source>
15711585 <translation>1:2 (50%)</translation>
15721586 </message>
15731587 <message>
1574 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="677" />
1588 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
15751589 <source>Zoom 1:2</source>
15761590 <translation>缩放1:2</translation>
15771591 </message>
15781592 <message>
1579 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="681" />
1593 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
15801594 <source>1:2 farther (40%)</source>
15811595 <translation>1:2更远(40%)</translation>
15821596 </message>
15831597 <message>
1584 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="683" />
1598 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
15851599 <source>Zoom 0.8:2</source>
15861600 <translation>缩放0.8:2</translation>
15871601 </message>
15881602 <message>
1589 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="687" />
1603 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
15901604 <source>1:4 closer (31%)</source>
15911605 <translation>1:4更近(31%)</translation>
15921606 </message>
15931607 <message>
1594 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="689" />
1608 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
15951609 <source>Zoom 1.3:4</source>
15961610 <translation>缩放1.3:4</translation>
15971611 </message>
15981612 <message>
1599 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="693" />
1613 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
16001614 <source>1:4 (25%)</source>
16011615 <translation>1:4 (25%)</translation>
16021616 </message>
16031617 <message>
1604 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="695" />
1618 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
16051619 <source>Zoom 1:4</source>
16061620 <translation>缩放1:4</translation>
16071621 </message>
16081622 <message>
1609 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="699" />
1623 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
16101624 <source>1:4 farther (20%)</source>
16111625 <translation>1:4更远(20%)</translation>
16121626 </message>
16131627 <message>
1614 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="701" />
1628 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16151629 <source>Zoom 0.8:4</source>
16161630 <translation>缩放0.8:4</translation>
16171631 </message>
16181632 <message>
1619 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="705" />
1633 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
16201634 <source>1:8 closer (12.5%)</source>
16211635 <translation>1:8更接近(12.5%)</translation>
16221636 </message>
16231637 <message>
1624 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="707" />
16251638 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="713" />
1639 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
16261640 <source>Zoom 1:8</source>
16271641 <translation>缩放1:8</translation>
16281642 </message>
16291643 <message>
1630 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="711" />
1644 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
16311645 <source>1:8 (12.5%)</source>
16321646 <translation>1:8 (12.5%)</translation>
16331647 </message>
16341648 <message>
1635 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="717" />
1649 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
16361650 <source>1:8 farther (10%)</source>
16371651 <translation>1:8更远(10%)</translation>
16381652 </message>
16391653 <message>
1640 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="719" />
1654 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
16411655 <source>Zoom 0.8:8</source>
16421656 <translation>缩放0.8:8</translation>
16431657 </message>
16441658 <message>
1645 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="723" />
1659 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
16461660 <source>1:16 closer (8%)</source>
16471661 <translation>1:16更近(8%)</translation>
16481662 </message>
16491663 <message>
1650 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="725" />
1664 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
16511665 <source>Zoom 1.3:16</source>
16521666 <translation>缩放1.3:16</translation>
16531667 </message>
16541668 <message>
1655 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="729" />
1669 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
16561670 <source>1:16 (6.25%)</source>
16571671 <translation>1:16 (6.25%)</translation>
16581672 </message>
16591673 <message>
1660 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="731" />
1674 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
16611675 <source>Zoom 1:16</source>
16621676 <translation>缩放1:16</translation>
16631677 </message>
16641678 <message>
1665 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="735" />
1679 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="741" />
16661680 <source>Fill</source>
1667 <translation>填充</translation>
1668 </message>
1669 <message>
1670 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="737" />
1681 <translation>填</translation>
1682 </message>
1683 <message>
1684 <location filename="../src/Create/CreateActions.cpp" line="743" />
16711685 <source>Zoom with stretching to fill window</source>
16721686 <translation>拉伸以填充窗口放大</translation>
16731687 </message>
19151929 <context>
19161930 <name>DlgEditPointAxis</name>
19171931 <message>
1918 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="64" />
1932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="65" />
19191933 <source>Edit Axis Point</source>
19201934 <translation>编辑坐标轴的点</translation>
19211935 </message>
19221936 <message>
1923 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="107" />
1937 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="109" />
19241938 <source>Graph Coordinates</source>
19251939 <translation>图的坐标系</translation>
19261940 </message>
19271941 <message>
1928 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="116" />
1942 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="118" />
19291943 <source>as</source>
19301944 <translation>作为</translation>
19311945 </message>
19321946 <message>
1933 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="126" />
1947 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="128" />
19341948 <source>(</source>
19351949 <translation>(</translation>
19361950 </message>
19371951 <message>
1938 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="134" />
1952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="136" />
19391953 <source>Enter the first graph coordinate of the axis point.
1941 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the radius R.
1955 For cartesian plots this is X. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
19431957 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
1944 <translation>输入轴点的第一个图坐标。对于笛卡尔图,这是X.对于极坐标图,这是半径R.坐标值的预期格式由区域设置确定。如果键入的值未按预期识别,请检查设置/主窗口中的区域设置...</translation>
1945 </message>
1946 <message>
1947 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="141" />
1958 <translation>輸入軸點的第一個圖形坐標。對於笛卡爾圖,這是X.對於極坐標圖,這是角度θ。坐標值的預期格式由區域設置確定。如果未按預期識別鍵入的值,請檢查“設置/主窗口”中的區域設置...</translation>
1959 </message>
1960 <message>
1961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="143" />
19481962 <source>, </source>
19491963 <translation>,</translation>
19501964 </message>
19511965 <message>
1952 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="149" />
1966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="151" />
19531967 <source>Enter the second graph coordinate of the axis point.
1955 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the angle Theta.
1969 For cartesian plots this is Y. For polar plots this is the radius R.
19571971 The expected format of the coordinate value is determined by the locale setting. If typed values are not recognized as expected, check the locale setting in Settings / Main Window...</source>
1958 <translation>输入轴点的第二个坐标图。对于笛卡尔坐标图,这是Y.对于极坐标图,这是角度θ。坐标值的预期格式由区域设置决定。如果键入的值未按预期识别,请检查设置/主窗口中的区域设置...</translation>
1959 </message>
1960 <message>
1961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="156" />
1972 <translation>輸入軸點的第二個圖形坐標。對於笛卡爾圖,這是Y.對於極坐標圖,這是半徑R.坐標值的預期格式由區域設置決定。如果未按預期識別鍵入的值,請檢查“設置/主窗口”中的區域設置...</translation>
1973 </message>
1974 <message>
1975 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="158" />
19621976 <source>)</source>
19631977 <translation>)</translation>
19641978 </message>
19651979 <message>
1966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="173" />
1967 <source>Number format</source>
1968 <translation>数字格式</translation>
1969 </message>
1970 <message>
1971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="187" />
1980 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="180" />
1981 <source>Number of coordinates per axis point:</source>
1982 <translation>每個軸點的坐標數:</translation>
1983 </message>
1984 <message>
1985 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="183" />
1986 <source>Three axis points with two coordinates each are normally used. If each axis point has only one known coordinate, then start over with File / Import (Advanced) / 4 Axis Points.</source>
1987 <translation>通常使用具有兩個坐標的三個軸點。如果每個軸點只有一個已知坐標,則從文件/導入(高級)/ 4軸點重新開始。</translation>
1988 </message>
1989 <message>
1990 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="194" />
1991 <source>Number format:</source>
1992 <translation>數字格式:</translation>
1993 </message>
1994 <message>
1995 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="197" />
1996 <source>Locale which determines the allowed number formats. This is set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
1997 <translation>確定允許的數字格式的區域設置。這由設置/主窗口設置。</translation>
1998 </message>
1999 <message>
2000 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="213" />
19722001 <source>Ok</source>
19732002 <translation>确定</translation>
19742003 </message>
19752004 <message>
1976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="191" />
2005 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgEditPointAxis.cpp" line="217" />
19772006 <source>Cancel</source>
19782007 <translation>取消</translation>
19792008 </message>
21812210 <context>
21822211 <name>DlgImportCroppingNonPdf</name>
21832212 <message>
2184 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="34" />
2213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="35" />
21852214 <source>Image File Import Cropping</source>
21862215 <translation>图像文件导入裁剪</translation>
21872216 </message>
21882217 <message>
2189 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="71" />
2218 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="74" />
21902219 <source>Preview</source>
21912220 <translation>预览</translation>
21922221 </message>
21932222 <message>
2194 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="78" />
2223 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="81" />
21952224 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
21962225 <translation>预览窗口显示图像的哪一部分将被导入。矩形框内的图像部分将从当前选择的页面导入。通过拖动角把手可以移动框架并调整其大小。</translation>
21972226 </message>
21982227 <message>
2199 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="115" />
2228 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="118" />
22002229 <source>Ok</source>
22012230 <translation>确定</translation>
22022231 </message>
22032232 <message>
2204 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="122" />
2233 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingNonPdf.cpp" line="125" />
22052234 <source>Cancel</source>
22062235 <translation>取消</translation>
22072236 </message>
22092238 <context>
22102239 <name>DlgImportCroppingPdf</name>
22112240 <message>
2212 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="43" />
2241 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="44" />
22132242 <source>PDF File Import Cropping</source>
22142243 <translation>PDF文件导入裁剪</translation>
22152244 </message>
22162245 <message>
2217 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="77" />
2246 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="78" />
22182247 <source>Page</source>
22192248 <translation>页:</translation>
22202249 </message>
22212250 <message>
2222 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="82" />
2251 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="83" />
22232252 <source>Page number that will be imported</source>
22242253 <translation>将导入的页码</translation>
22252254 </message>
22262255 <message>
2227 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="100" />
2256 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="101" />
22282257 <source>Preview</source>
22292258 <translation>预览</translation>
22302259 </message>
22312260 <message>
2232 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="107" />
2261 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="108" />
22332262 <source>Preview window that shows what part of the image will be imported. The image portion inside the rectangular frame will be imported from the currently selected page. The frame can be moved and resized by dragging the corner handles.</source>
22342263 <translation>预览窗口显示图像的哪一部分将被导入。矩形框内的图像部分将从当前选择的页面导入。通过拖动角把手可以移动框架并调整其大小。</translation>
22352264 </message>
22362265 <message>
2237 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="151" />
2266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="152" />
22382267 <source>Ok</source>
22392268 <translation>确定</translation>
22402269 </message>
22412270 <message>
2242 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="158" />
2271 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgImportCroppingPdf.cpp" line="159" />
22432272 <source>Cancel</source>
22442273 <translation>取消</translation>
22452274 </message>
22552284 <context>
22562285 <name>DlgSettingsAbstractBase</name>
22572286 <message>
2258 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="99" />
2287 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="100" />
22592288 <source>Ok</source>
22602289 <translation>确定</translation>
22612290 </message>
22622291 <message>
2263 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="107" />
2292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAbstractBase.cpp" line="108" />
22642293 <source>Cancel</source>
22652294 <translation>取消</translation>
22662295 </message>
22732302 <translation>坐标方格</translation>
22742303 </message>
22752304 <message>
2276 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="63" />
2305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="65" />
22772306 <source>Axes Checker Lifetime</source>
22782307 <translation>坐标方格显示时间</translation>
22792308 </message>
22802309 <message>
2281 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="70" />
2310 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="72" />
22822311 <source>Do not show</source>
22832312 <translation>不显示</translation>
22842313 </message>
22852314 <message>
2286 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="71" />
2315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="73" />
22872316 <source>Never show axes checker.</source>
22882317 <translation>从不显示坐标轴方格</translation>
22892318 </message>
22902319 <message>
2291 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="74" />
2320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="76" />
22922321 <source>Show for a number of seconds</source>
22932322 <translation>显示几秒钟</translation>
22942323 </message>
22952324 <message>
2296 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="75" />
2325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="77" />
22972326 <source>Show axes checker for a number of seconds after changing axes points.</source>
22982327 <translation>改变坐标轴点后显示几秒钟坐标方格</translation>
22992328 </message>
23002329 <message>
2301 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="85" />
2330 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="87" />
23022331 <source>Show always</source>
23032332 <translation>一直显示</translation>
23042333 </message>
23052334 <message>
2306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="86" />
2335 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="88" />
23072336 <source>Always show axes checker.</source>
23082337 <translation>一直显示坐标方格</translation>
23092338 </message>
23102339 <message>
2311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="95" />
2340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="97" />
23122341 <source>Line color</source>
23132342 <translation>线的颜色</translation>
23142343 </message>
23152344 <message>
2316 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="99" />
2345 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="101" />
23172346 <source>Select a color for the highlight lines drawn at each axis point</source>
23182347 <translation>选择坐标轴点画出线条的颜色</translation>
23192348 </message>
23202349 <message>
2321 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="153" />
2350 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="155" />
23222351 <source>Preview</source>
23232352 <translation>预览</translation>
23242353 </message>
23252354 <message>
2326 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="160" />
2355 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="162" />
23272356 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the displayed axes checker</source>
23282357 <translation>预览窗口显示当前设置对坐标方格的影响</translation>
23292358 </message>
23362365 <translation>颜色筛选</translation>
23372366 </message>
23382367 <message>
2339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="62" />
2368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="64" />
23402369 <source>Curve Name</source>
23412370 <translation>曲线名称</translation>
23422371 </message>
23432372 <message>
2344 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="66" />
2373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="68" />
23452374 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
23462375 <translation>当前编辑曲线的名称</translation>
23472376 </message>
23482377 <message>
2349 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="70" />
2378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="72" />
23502379 <source>Filter mode</source>
23512380 <translation>筛选模式</translation>
23522381 </message>
23532382 <message>
2354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="74" />
2383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="76" />
23552384 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Intensity parameter, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23572386 The Intensity value of a pixel is computed from the red, green and blue components as I = squareroot (R * R + G * G + B * B)</source>
23582387 <translation>使用Intensity参数将原始图像过滤为黑白像素,以隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息。像素的亮度值由红色,绿色和蓝色分量计算,如I =平方根(R * R + G * G + B * B)</translation>
23592388 </message>
23602389 <message>
2361 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="82" />
2390 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="84" />
23622391 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels by isolating the foreground from the background, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23642393 The background color is shown on the left side of the scale bar.
23672396 <translation>通过将前景与背景隔离,将原始图像过滤为黑白像素,以隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息。比例尺左侧显示背景颜色。任何颜色的距离( (R-Rb)*(R-Rb)+(G-Gb)*(G-Gb)+(B)计算背景颜色(Rb,Gb,Bb) - Bb))。在刻度的左端,前景距离值为零,并且它在最右端线性增加到最大值。</translation>
23682397 </message>
23692398 <message>
2370 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="92" />
2399 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="94" />
23712400 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Hue component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23722401 <translation>使用Hue,Saturation和Value(HSV)颜色分量的Hue分量将原始图像过滤为黑白像素,以隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息。</translation>
23732402 </message>
23742403 <message>
2375 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="99" />
2404 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="101" />
23762405 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Saturation component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.</source>
23772406 <translation>使用色调,饱和度和值(HSV)颜色分量的饱和度分量将原始图像过滤为黑白像素,以隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息。</translation>
23782407 </message>
23792408 <message>
2380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="106" />
2409 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="108" />
23812410 <source>Filter the original image into black and white pixels using the Value component of the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color components, to hide unimportant information and emphasize important information.
23832412 The Value component is also called the Lightness.</source>
23842413 <translation>使用色调,饱和度和值(HSV)颜色分量的Value分量将原始图像滤波为黑白像素,以隐藏不重要的信息并强调重要信息。Value组件也称为亮度。</translation>
23852414 </message>
23862415 <message>
2387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="122" />
2416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="124" />
23882417 <source>Preview</source>
23892418 <translation>预览</translation>
23902419 </message>
23912420 <message>
2392 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="129" />
2421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="131" />
23932422 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the filtering of the original image.</source>
23942423 <translation>预览窗口显示当前设置对筛选图像的影响</translation>
23952424 </message>
23962425 <message>
2397 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="144" />
2426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="146" />
23982427 <source>Filter Parameter Histogram Profile</source>
23992428 <translation>筛选参数直方图特征</translation>
24002429 </message>
24012430 <message>
2402 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="152" />
2431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="154" />
24032432 <source>Histogram profile of the selected filter parameter. The two Dividers can be moved back and forth to adjust the range of filter parameter values that will be included in the filtered image. The clear portion will be included, and the shaded portion will be excluded.</source>
24042433 <translation>所选滤波器参数的直方图配置文件。这两个分频器可以前后移动,以调整将包含在滤波图像中的滤波器参数值的范围。清晰部分将包括在内,阴影部分将被排除。</translation>
24052434 </message>
24062435 <message>
2407 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="159" />
2436 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="161" />
24082437 <source>This read-only box displays a graphical representation of the horizontal axis in the histogram profile above.</source>
24092438 <translation>此只读框在上面的直方图配置文件中显示水平轴的图形表示。</translation>
24102439 </message>
24122441 <context>
24132442 <name>DlgSettingsCoords</name>
24142443 <message>
2415 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="75" />
2416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="907" />
2417 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="911" />
2444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="76" />
2445 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="915" />
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="919" />
24182447 <source>Coordinates</source>
24192448 <translation>坐标系</translation>
24202449 </message>
24212450 <message>
2422 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="214" />
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="219" />
24232452 <source>Date/Time</source>
24242453 <translation>日期/时间</translation>
24252454 </message>
24262455 <message>
2427 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="224" />
2456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="229" />
24282457 <source>Date format to be used for date values, and date portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24302459 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the time portion appearing in output.</source>
24312460 <translation>在输入和输出期间用于日期值的日期格式和混合日期/时间值的日期部分。将格式设置为空值会导致输出中出现时间部分。</translation>
24322461 </message>
24332462 <message>
2434 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="231" />
2463 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="236" />
24352464 <source>Time format to be used for time values, and time portion of mixed date/time values, during input and output.
24372466 Setting the format to an empty value results in just the date portion appearing in output.</source>
24382467 <translation>在输入和输出期间用于时间值的时间格式以及混合日期/时间值的时间部分。将格式设置为空值将导致日期部分出现在输出中。</translation>
24392468 </message>
24402469 <message>
2441 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="243" />
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
24422471 <source>Coordinates Types</source>
24432472 <translation>坐标系类型</translation>
24442473 </message>
24452474 <message>
2446 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2475 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
24472476 <source>Polar</source>
24482477 <translation>极坐标</translation>
24492478 </message>
24502479 <message>
2451 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="248" />
2452 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="910" />
2480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="253" />
2481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="918" />
24532482 <source>R</source>
24542483 <translation>R</translation>
24552484 </message>
24562485 <message>
2457 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="250" />
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="255" />
24582487 <source>Cartesian (X, Y)</source>
24592488 <translation>笛卡尔 (X, Y)</translation>
24602489 </message>
24612490 <message>
2462 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="251" />
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="256" />
24632492 <source>Select cartesian coordinates.
24652494 The X and Y coordinates will be used</source>
24672496 使用x和y坐标.</translation>
24682497 </message>
24692498 <message>
2470 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="257" />
2499 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="262" />
24712500 <source>Select polar coordinates.
24732502 The Theta and R coordinates will be used.
24762505 <translation>选择极坐标.将使用Theta和R坐标。The Theta的对数坐标不允许使用对数刻度</translation>
24772506 </message>
24782507 <message>
2479 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="276" />
2480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="311" />
2508 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="281" />
2509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="316" />
24812510 <source>Scale</source>
24822511 <translation>比例尺</translation>
24832512 </message>
24842513 <message>
2485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="279" />
2486 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="314" />
2514 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2515 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
24872516 <source>Linear</source>
24882517 <translation>线性</translation>
24892518 </message>
24902519 <message>
2491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="280" />
2520 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
24922521 <source>Specifies linear scale for the X or Theta coordinate</source>
24932522 <translation>指定X或Theta坐标的线性比例</translation>
24942523 </message>
24952524 <message>
2496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="284" />
2497 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="322" />
2525 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="289" />
2526 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="327" />
24982527 <source>Log</source>
24992528 <translation>对数</translation>
25002529 </message>
25012530 <message>
2502 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="285" />
2531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="290" />
25032532 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the X or Theta coordinate.
25052534 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.
25082537 <translation>指定X或Theta坐标的对数刻度。if如果存在负坐标,则不允许绘制刻度标尺。Theta坐标不允许绘制刻度。</translation>
25092538 </message>
25102539 <message>
2511 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="291" />
2512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="336" />
2540 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="296" />
2541 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="341" />
25132542 <source>Units</source>
25142543 <translation>单位</translation>
25152544 </message>
25162545 <message>
2517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="315" />
2546 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="320" />
25182547 <source>Specifies linear scale for the Y or R coordinate</source>
25192548 <translation>指定Y或R坐标的线性比例</translation>
25202549 </message>
25212550 <message>
2522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="319" />
2551 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="324" />
25232552 <source>Origin radius value</source>
25242553 <translation>原点半径值:</translation>
25252554 </message>
25262555 <message>
2527 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="323" />
2556 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="328" />
25282557 <source>Specifies logarithmic scale for the Y or R coordinate
25302559 Log scale is not allowed if there are negative coordinates.</source>
25312560 <translation>指定Y或R坐标的对数刻度if如果存在负坐标,则不允许LOG刻度。</translation>
25322561 </message>
25332562 <message>
2534 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="330" />
2563 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="335" />
25352564 <source>Specify radius value at origin.
25372566 Normally the radius at the origin is 0, but a nonzero value may be applied in other cases (like when the radial units are decibels).</source>
25402569 </translation>
25412570 </message>
25422571 <message>
2543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="353" />
2572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="358" />
25442573 <source>Preview</source>
25452574 <translation>预览</translation>
25462575 </message>
25472576 <message>
2548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="360" />
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="365" />
25492578 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the coordinate system.</source>
25502579 <translation>预览窗口显示当前设置对坐标系的影响</translation>
25512580 </message>
25522581 <message>
2553 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="665" />
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="673" />
25542583 <source>Numbers have the simplest and most general format.
25562585 Date and time values have date and/or time components.
25592588 <translation>数字具有最简单和最通用的格式。日期和时间值具有日期和/或时间分量。度数分钟(DDD MM SS.S)格式使用两个整数来表示度和分钟数,而一个实数秒。每分钟有60秒。在输入过程中,必须在三个数字之间插入空格。</translation>
25602589 </message>
25612590 <message>
2562 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="698" />
2591 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="706" />
25632592 <source>Degrees (DDD.DDDDD) format uses a single real number. One complete revolution is 360 degrees.
25652594 Degrees Minutes (DDD MM.MMM) format uses one integer number for degrees, and a real number for minutes. There are 60 minutes per degree. During input, a space must be inserted between the two numbers.
25742603 <translation>度(DDD.DDDDD)格式使用单个实数。一个完整的旋转是360度。度数分钟(DDD MM.MMM)格式使用一个整数作为度数,而一个实数作为分钟。每学位有60分钟。在输入过程中,必须在两个数字之间插入一个空格。度数分钟(DDD MM SS.S)格式对度和分钟使用两个整数,对于秒数使用两个整数。每分钟有60秒。在输入过程中,必须在三个数字之间插入空格.Gradians格式使用单个实数。一个完整的革命是400个gradians.Radians格式使用一个单一的实数。一个完整的革命是2 * pi弧度。转换格式使用一个单一的实数。一次完整的革命是一回合。</translation>
25752604 </message>
25762605 <message>
2577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="905" />
2606 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="913" />
25782607 <source>X</source>
25792608 <translation>X</translation>
25802609 </message>
25812610 <message>
2582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="909" />
2611 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCoords.cpp" line="917" />
25832612 <source>Y</source>
25842613 <translation>Y</translation>
25852614 </message>
25862615 </context>
25872616 <context>
2588 <name>DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove</name>
2589 <message>
2590 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="32" />
2617 <name>DlgSettingsCurveList</name>
2618 <message>
2619 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="32" />
25912620 <source>Curve List</source>
25922621 <translation>曲線列表</translation>
25932622 </message>
25942623 <message>
2595 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="69" />
2624 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="69" />
25962625 <source>Add...</source>
2597 <translation>添加</translation>
2598 </message>
2599 <message>
2600 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="70" />
2626 <translation>加...</translation>
2627 </message>
2628 <message>
2629 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="70" />
26012630 <source>Adds a new curve to the curve list. The curve name can be edited in the curve name list.
26032632 Every curve name must be unique</source>
2604 <translation>添加一条新曲线至曲线列表. 曲线名称可以在曲线列表中编辑.
2605 曲线名不可重复.</translation>
2606 </message>
2607 <message>
2608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="76" />
2633 <translation>在曲線列表中添加新曲線。可以在曲線名稱列表中編輯曲線名稱。每條曲線名稱必須是唯一的</translation>
2634 </message>
2635 <message>
2636 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="76" />
26092637 <source>Remove</source>
2610 <translation>删除</translation>
2611 </message>
2612 <message>
2613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="77" />
2638 <translation>去掉</translation>
2639 </message>
2640 <message>
2641 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="77" />
26142642 <source>Removes the currently selected curve from the curve list.
26162644 There must always be at least one curve</source>
2617 <translation>从曲线列表中删除当前选择的曲线。必须至少有一条曲线</translation>
2618 </message>
2619 <message>
2620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="89" />
2645 <translation>從曲線列表中刪除當前選定的曲線。必須始終至少有一條曲線</translation>
2646 </message>
2647 <message>
2648 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="89" />
26212649 <source>Curve Names</source>
2622 <translation>曲线名称</translation>
2623 </message>
2624 <message>
2625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="94" />
2650 <translation>曲線名稱</translation>
2651 </message>
2652 <message>
2653 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="94" />
26262654 <source>List of the curves belonging to this document.
26282656 Click on a curve name to edit it. Each curve name must be unique.
26302658 Reorder curves by dragging them around.</source>
2631 <translation>属于该文件的曲线列表。点击曲线名称进行编辑。每个曲线名称必须是唯一的。by通过拖动曲线重新排列曲线。</translation>
2632 </message>
2633 <message>
2634 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="121" />
2659 <translation>屬於此文檔的曲線列表。單擊曲線名稱進行編輯。每個曲線名稱必須是唯一的。通過拖動它們來重新排列曲線。</translation>
2660 </message>
2661 <message>
2662 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="121" />
26352663 <source>Save As Default</source>
26362664 <translation>保存为默认</translation>
26372665 </message>
26382666 <message>
2639 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="122" />
2667 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="122" />
26402668 <source>Save the curve names for use as defaults for future graph curves.</source>
2641 <translation>保存为常用曲线名称</translation>
2642 </message>
2643 <message>
2644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="126" />
2669 <translation>保存曲線名稱以用作將來圖形曲線的默認值。</translation>
2670 </message>
2671 <message>
2672 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="126" />
26452673 <source>Reset Default</source>
2646 <translation>重置默认值</translation>
2647 </message>
2648 <message>
2649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="127" />
2674 <translation>重置默認值</translation>
2675 </message>
2676 <message>
2677 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="127" />
26502678 <source>Reset the defaults for future graph curves to the original settings.</source>
2651 <translation>将未来图形曲线的默认值重置为原始设置。</translation>
2652 </message>
2653 <message>
2654 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="506" />
2679 <translation>將未來圖形曲線的默認值重置為原始設置。</translation>
2680 </message>
2681 <message>
2682 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="507" />
26552683 <source>Removing this curve will also remove</source>
2656 <translation>删除该曲线同样会删除</translation>
2657 </message>
2658 <message>
2659 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="508" />
2660 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="513" />
2684 <translation>刪除此曲線也將刪除</translation>
2685 </message>
2686 <message>
2687 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="509" />
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="514" />
26612689 <source>points. Continue?</source>
2662 <translation>点. 继续?</translation>
2663 </message>
2664 <message>
2665 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="511" />
2690 <translation>點。繼續?</translation>
2691 </message>
2692 <message>
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="512" />
26662694 <source>Removing these curves will also remove</source>
2667 <translation>删除这些曲线同样会删除</translation>
2668 </message>
2669 <message>
2670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="517" />
2695 <translation>刪除這些曲線也將刪除</translation>
2696 </message>
2697 <message>
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="518" />
26712699 <source>Curves With Points</source>
2672 <translation>带点曲线</translation>
2700 <translation>曲線與點</translation>
26732701 </message>
26742702 </context>
26752703 <context>
26762704 <name>DlgSettingsCurveProperties</name>
26772705 <message>
2678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="61" />
2706 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="62" />
26792707 <source>Curve Properties</source>
26802708 <translation>曲线属性</translation>
26812709 </message>
26822710 <message>
2683 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="88" />
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="89" />
26842712 <source>Curve Name</source>
26852713 <translation>曲线名称</translation>
26862714 </message>
26872715 <message>
2688 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="92" />
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="93" />
26892717 <source>Name of the curve that is currently selected for editing</source>
26902718 <translation>当前编辑曲线的名称</translation>
26912719 </message>
26922720 <message>
2693 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="102" />
2721 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="103" />
26942722 <source>Line</source>
26952723 <translation>线</translation>
26962724 </message>
26972725 <message>
2698 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="108" />
2726 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="109" />
26992727 <source>Width</source>
27002728 <translation>宽度</translation>
27012729 </message>
27022730 <message>
2703 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="112" />
2731 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="113" />
27042732 <source>Select a width for the lines drawn between points.
27062734 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27072735 <translation>为点之间绘制的线条选择宽度。这仅适用于图形曲线。轴点之间不会画线。</translation>
27082736 </message>
27092737 <message>
2710 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="118" />
2711 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="203" />
2738 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="119" />
2739 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="209" />
27122740 <source>Color</source>
27132741 <translation>颜色</translation>
27142742 </message>
27152743 <message>
2716 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="122" />
2744 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="123" />
27172745 <source>Select a color for the lines drawn between points.
27192747 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
27202748 <translation>为点之间绘制的线选择一种颜色。这仅适用于图形曲线。轴点之间不会画线。</translation>
27212749 </message>
27222750 <message>
2723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="128" />
2751 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="129" />
27242752 <source>Connect as</source>
27252753 <translation>连接为</translation>
27262754 </message>
27272755 <message>
2728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="136" />
2756 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="137" />
27292757 <source>Select rule for connecting points with lines.
27312759 If the curve is connected as a single-valued function then the points are ordered by increasing value of the independent variable.
27352763 Lines are drawn between successively ordered points.
2737 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points.
2765 Straight curves are drawn with straight lines between successive points. Smooth curves are drawn with smooth lines between successive points, using natural cubic splines of (x,y) pairs versus scalar ordinal (t) values.
27392767 This applies only to graph curves. No lines are ever drawn between axis points.</source>
2740 <translation>选择用直线连接点的规则。如果曲线连接为单值函数,则通过增加自变量的值来对点进行排序。如果曲线连接为闭合轮廓,则点是按照年龄排序,除了沿现有线放置的点数外。在任何现有线上放置的任何点都插入该线的两个端点之间,就好像它的年龄介于两个端点的年龄之间一样。在连续排序的点之间绘制线。直线绘制直线连续点之间的连线。平滑曲线在连续点之间用平滑线绘制。这仅适用于图形曲线。轴点之间不会画线。</translation>
2741 </message>
2742 <message>
2743 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="156" />
2768 <translation>選擇用直線連接點的規則。如果曲線連接為單值函數,則通過增加自變量的值來排序點。如果曲線連接為閉合輪廓,則點為按年齡排序,除了沿現有線放置的點數。放置在任何現有線頂部的任何點都插入到該線的兩個端點之間 - 就好像它的年齡介於兩個端點的年齡之間。在連續排序的點之間繪製線。直線繪製直線曲線連續點之間的線。使用(x,y)對的自然三次樣條與標量序數(t)值相比,在連續點之間使用平滑線繪製平滑曲線。這僅適用於圖形曲線。軸點之間不會繪製任何線條。</translation>
2769 </message>
2770 <message>
2771 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="158" />
27442772 <source>Point</source>
27452773 <translation>点</translation>
27462774 </message>
27472775 <message>
2748 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="162" />
2776 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="164" />
27492777 <source>Shape</source>
27502778 <translation>形状</translation>
27512779 </message>
27522780 <message>
2753 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="166" />
2781 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="168" />
27542782 <source>Select a shape for the points</source>
27552783 <translation>为点选择一个形状</translation>
27562784 </message>
27572785 <message>
2758 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="182" />
2786 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="188" />
27592787 <source>Radius</source>
27602788 <translation>半径</translation>
27612789 </message>
27622790 <message>
2763 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="186" />
2791 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="192" />
27642792 <source>Select a radius, in pixels, for the points</source>
27652793 <translation>为点选择一个以像素为单位的半径</translation>
27662794 </message>
27672795 <message>
2768 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="191" />
2796 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="197" />
27692797 <source>Line width</source>
27702798 <translation>线宽</translation>
27712799 </message>
27722800 <message>
2773 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="195" />
2801 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="201" />
27742802 <source>Select a line width, in pixels, for the points.
27762804 A larger width results in a thicker line, with the exception of a value of zero which always results in a line that is one pixel wide (which is easy to see even when zoomed far out)</source>
27772805 <translation>为点选择一个线宽(以像素为单位)。较大的宽度会生成较粗的线条,但值为零时总是会生成一个像素宽的线条(即使在这种情况下也很容易看到放大了很远)</translation>
27782806 </message>
27792807 <message>
2780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="207" />
2808 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="213" />
27812809 <source>Select a color for the line used to draw the point shapes</source>
27822810 <translation>为用于绘制点形状的线选择一种颜色</translation>
27832811 </message>
27842812 <message>
2785 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="218" />
2813 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="224" />
27862814 <source>Save the visible curve settings for use as future defaults, according to the curve name selection.
27882816 If the visible settings are for the axes curve, then they will be used for future axes curves, until new settings are saved as the defaults.
27912819 <translation>根据曲线名称选择,将可见曲线设置保存为将来的默认值。如果可见设置是针对轴曲线的,则它们将用于将来的轴曲线,直到将新设置保存为默认设置。 如果可见设置是针对曲线列表中的第N个图形曲线,那么它们将用于将来的图形曲线,它们也是曲线列表中的第N个曲线图,直到将新设置保存为默认设置。</translation>
27922820 </message>
27932821 <message>
2794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="232" />
2822 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="238" />
27952823 <source>Preview</source>
27962824 <translation>预览</translation>
27972825 </message>
27982826 <message>
2799 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="239" />
2827 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="245" />
28002828 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect the points and line of the selected curve.
28022830 The X coordinate is in the horizontal direction, and the Y coordinate is in the vertical direction. A function can have only one Y value, at most, for any X value, but a relation can have multiple Y values for one X value.</source>
28912919 <translation>导出格式</translation>
28922920 </message>
28932921 <message>
2894 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="79" />
2922 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="84" />
28952923 <source>Included</source>
28962924 <translation>包含</translation>
28972925 </message>
28982926 <message>
2899 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="82" />
2927 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
29002928 <source>Not included</source>
29012929 <translation>包含</translation>
29022930 </message>
29032931 <message>
2904 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="87" />
2932 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="92" />
29052933 <source>List of curves to be included in the exported file.
29072935 The order of the curves here does not affect the order in the exported file. That order is determined by the Curves settings.</source>
29082936 <translation>导出文件中包含的曲线列表.这里的曲线顺序不影响导出文件中的顺序。该顺序由曲线设置决定。</translation>
29092937 </message>
29102938 <message>
2911 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="96" />
2939 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
29122940 <source>List of curves to be excluded from the exported file</source>
29132941 <translation>要从导出文件中排除的曲线列表</translation>
29142942 </message>
29152943 <message>
2916 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="101" />
2944 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="106" />
29172945 <source>Include</source>
29182946 <translation>包括</translation>
29192947 </message>
29202948 <message>
2921 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="103" />
2949 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="108" />
29222950 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the excluded list</source>
29232951 <translation>从排除列表中移动当前选定的曲线</translation>
29242952 </message>
29252953 <message>
2926 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="107" />
2954 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="112" />
29272955 <source>Exclude</source>
29282956 <translation>排除</translation>
29292957 </message>
29302958 <message>
2931 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="109" />
2959 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="114" />
29322960 <source>Move the currently selected curve(s) from the included list</source>
29332961 <translation>从包含的列表中移动当前选定的曲线</translation>
29342962 </message>
29352963 <message>
2936 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="120" />
2964 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="125" />
29372965 <source>Delimiters</source>
29382966 <translation>分隔符</translation>
29392967 </message>
29402968 <message>
2941 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="127" />
2969 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
29422970 <source>Exported file will have commas between adjacent values, unless overridden by tabs in TSV files.</source>
29432971 <translation>导出的文件在相邻值之间会有逗号,除非被TSV文件中的选项卡覆盖。</translation>
29442972 </message>
29452973 <message>
2946 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="132" />
2974 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="137" />
29472975 <source>Exported file will have spaces between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files, or tabs in TSV files.</source>
29482976 <translation>导出的文件在相邻值之间将有空格,除非被CSV文件中的逗号或TSV文件中的选项卡覆盖。</translation>
29492977 </message>
29502978 <message>
2951 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="138" />
2979 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
29522980 <source>Exported file will have tabs between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29532981 <translation>导出的文件将在相邻值之间具有制表符,除非被CSV文件中的逗号覆盖。</translation>
29542982 </message>
29552983 <message>
2956 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="143" />
2984 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
29572985 <source>Exported file will have semicolons between adjacent values, unless overridden by commas in CSV files.</source>
29582986 <translation>导出的文件将在相邻值之间有分号,除非被CSV文件中的逗号覆盖。</translation>
29592987 </message>
29602988 <message>
2961 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="147" />
2989 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="152" />
29622990 <source>Override in CSV/TSV files</source>
29632991 <translation>覆盖CSV / TSV文件</translation>
29642992 </message>
29652993 <message>
2966 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="148" />
2994 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="153" />
29672995 <source>Comma-separated value (CSV) files and tab-separated value (TSV) files will use commas and tabs respectively, unless this setting is selected. Selecting this setting will apply the delimiter setting to every file.</source>
29682996 <translation>逗号分隔值(CSV)文件和制表符分隔值(TSV)文件将分别使用逗号和制表符,除非选择此设置。选择此设置将对每个文件应用分隔符设置。</translation>
29692997 </message>
29702998 <message>
2971 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="159" />
2999 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="164" />
29723000 <source>Layout</source>
29733001 <translation>布局</translation>
29743002 </message>
29753003 <message>
2976 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="165" />
3004 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="170" />
29773005 <source>All curves on each line</source>
29783006 <translation>每条线上的所有曲线</translation>
29793007 </message>
29803008 <message>
2981 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="166" />
3009 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
29823010 <source>Exported file will have, on each line, an X value, the Y value for the first curve, the Y value for the second curve,...</source>
29833011 <translation>导出的文件将在每一行中包含一个X值,第一条曲线的Y值,第二条曲线的Y值......</translation>
29843012 </message>
29853013 <message>
2986 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="171" />
3014 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="176" />
29873015 <source>One curve on each line</source>
29883016 <translation>每条线上有一条曲线</translation>
29893017 </message>
29903018 <message>
2991 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="172" />
3019 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="177" />
29923020 <source>Exported file will have all the points for the first curve, with one X-Y pair on each line, then the points for the second curve,...</source>
29933021 <translation>导出的文件将包含第一条曲线的所有点,每条线上有一对X-Y对,然后是第二条曲线的点...</translation>
29943022 </message>
29953023 <message>
2996 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="182" />
3024 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="187" />
29973025 <source>Function Points Selection</source>
29983026 <translation>功能点选择</translation>
29993027 </message>
30003028 <message>
3001 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="196" />
3029 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="201" />
30023030 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from all curves</source>
30033031 <translation>从所有曲线的Xs处插值Ys</translation>
30043032 </message>
30053033 <message>
3006 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="197" />
3034 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
30073035 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from every curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
30083036 <translation>导出的文件将在每条曲线的每个唯一X值处具有值。 Y值将根据需要进行线性插值</translation>
30093037 </message>
30103038 <message>
3011 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="202" />
3039 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3040 <source>Extrapolate outside endpoints</source>
3041 <translation>外推端點</translation>
3042 </message>
3043 <message>
3044 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3045 <source>Enable or disable extrapolation outside of endpoints of each curve. If disabled, only points between the endpoints of each curve are exported</source>
3046 <translation>啟用或禁用每條曲線端點之外的外推。如果禁用,則僅導出每條曲線的端點之間的點</translation>
3047 </message>
3048 <message>
3049 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="214" />
30123050 <source>Interpolate Ys at Xs from first curve</source>
30133051 <translation>从第一条曲线插入Ys到Xs</translation>
30143052 </message>
30153053 <message>
3016 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
3054 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="215" />
30173055 <source>Exported file will have values at every unique X value from the first curve. Y values will be linearly interpolated if necessary</source>
30183056 <translation>导出的文件将具有来自第一条曲线的每个唯一X值的值。 Y值将根据需要进行线性插值</translation>
30193057 </message>
30203058 <message>
3021 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="208" />
3022 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values.</source>
3023 <translation>以均匀间隔的X值插值Ys。</translation>
3024 </message>
3025 <message>
3026 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="209" />
3059 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="220" />
3060 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values that are automatically selected</source>
3061 <translation>以自動選擇的均勻間隔X值插值Y.</translation>
3062 </message>
3063 <message>
3064 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
30273065 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values, separated by the interval selected below.</source>
30283066 <translation>导出的文件将具有均匀间隔X值的值,并以下面所选的间隔分隔。</translation>
30293067 </message>
30303068 <message>
3031 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="213" />
3032 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="350" />
3069 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
3070 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="372" />
30333071 <source>Interval</source>
30343072 <translation>间隔:</translation>
30353073 </message>
30363074 <message>
3037 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="221" />
3075 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="233" />
30383076 <source>Interval, in the units of X, between successive points in the X direction.
30403078 If the scale is linear, then this interval is added to successive X values. If the scale is logarithmic, then this interval is multiplied to successive X values.
30433081 <translation>以X为单位的X方向连续点之间的间隔。如果比例是线性的,则将该间隔加到连续的X值上。如果比例是对数,那么这个间隔乘以连续的X值。X值将自动沿着简单的数字对齐。如果第一个和/或最后一个点不是沿着对齐的X值,则根据需要添加一个或两个附加点。</translation>
30443082 </message>
30453083 <message>
3046 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="231" />
3084 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
30473085 <source>Units for spacing interval.
30493087 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X scale. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if the X scale is logarithmic.
30523090 <translation>间隔间隔的单位。当间距独立于X标尺时,像素单位是首选。即使X尺度是对数,间距在图中也是一致的。当间距取决于X尺度时,图形单元是首选。</translation>
30533091 </message>
30543092 <message>
3055 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="243" />
3056 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="376" />
3093 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3094 <source>Interpolate Ys at evenly spaced X values on grid lines</source>
3095 <translation>在網格線上以均勻間隔的X值插值Ys</translation>
3096 </message>
3097 <message>
3098 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="256" />
3099 <source>Exported file will have values at evenly spaced X values at the vertical grid lines.</source>
3100 <translation>導出的文件將在垂直網格線處具有均勻間隔的X值的值。</translation>
3101 </message>
3102 <message>
3103 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="260" />
3104 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="398" />
30573105 <source>Raw Xs and Ys</source>
30583106 <translation>原始X和Ys</translation>
30593107 </message>
30603108 <message>
3061 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="244" />
3062 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="377" />
3109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="261" />
3110 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="399" />
30633111 <source>Exported file will have only original X and Y values</source>
30643112 <translation>导出的文件将只有原始的X和Y值</translation>
30653113 </message>
30663114 <message>
3067 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="255" />
3115 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="272" />
30683116 <source>Header</source>
30693117 <translation>头</translation>
30703118 </message>
30713119 <message>
3072 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="265" />
3120 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="282" />
30733121 <source>Exported file will have no header line</source>
30743122 <translation>导出的文件将不包含标题行</translation>
30753123 </message>
30763124 <message>
3077 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="270" />
3125 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
30783126 <source>Exported file will have simple header line</source>
30793127 <translation>导出的文件将具有简单的标题行</translation>
30803128 </message>
30813129 <message>
3082 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="275" />
3130 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="292" />
30833131 <source>Exported file will have gnuplot header line</source>
30843132 <translation>导出的文件将有gnuplot标题行</translation>
30853133 </message>
30863134 <message>
3087 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="287" />
3135 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="304" />
30883136 <source>Save As Default</source>
30893137 <translation>保存为默认</translation>
30903138 </message>
30913139 <message>
3092 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="288" />
3140 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="305" />
30933141 <source>Save the settings for use as future defaults.</source>
30943142 <translation>保存设置以用作未来的默认设置。</translation>
30953143 </message>
30963144 <message>
3097 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="297" />
3145 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="309" />
3146 <source>Load Default</source>
3147 <translation>加載默認值</translation>
3148 </message>
3149 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="310" />
3151 <source>Load the default settings.</source>
3152 <translation>加載默認設置。</translation>
3153 </message>
3154 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="319" />
30983156 <source>Preview</source>
30993157 <translation>预览</translation>
31003158 </message>
31013159 <message>
3102 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="313" />
3160 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="335" />
31033161 <source>Preview window shows how current settings affect the exported file.
31053163 Functions (shown here in blue) are output first, followed by relations (shown here in green) if any exist.</source>
31063164 <translation>预览窗口显示当前设置如何影响导出的文件。函数(此处显示为蓝色)先输出,然后是关系(如图所示为绿色)(如果存在)。</translation>
31073165 </message>
31083166 <message>
3109 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="329" />
3167 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="351" />
31103168 <source>Relation Points Selection</source>
31113169 <translation>关系点选择</translation>
31123170 </message>
31133171 <message>
3114 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="343" />
3172 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="365" />
31153173 <source>Interpolate Xs and Ys at evenly spaced intervals.</source>
31163174 <translation>以均匀间隔插入X和Y.</translation>
31173175 </message>
31183176 <message>
3119 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="344" />
3177 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="366" />
31203178 <source>Exported file will have points evenly spaced along each relation, separated by the interval selected below. If the last interval does not end at the last point, then a shorter last interval is added that ends on the last point.</source>
31213179 <translation>导出的文件沿着每个关系具有均匀间隔的点,并以下面选择的间隔分隔。如果最后一个时间间隔没有在最后一个时间点结束,则会添加一个较短的最后时间间隔,该时间间隔会在最后一个点结束。</translation>
31223180 </message>
31233181 <message>
3124 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="358" />
3182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="380" />
31253183 <source>Interval between successive points when exporting at evenly spaced (X,Y) coordinates.</source>
31263184 <translation>以均匀间隔(X,Y)坐标输出时的连续点之间的间隔。</translation>
31273185 </message>
31283186 <message>
3129 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="364" />
3187 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="386" />
31303188 <source>Units for spacing interval.
31323190 Pixel units are preferred when the spacing is to be independent of the X and Y scales. The spacing will be consistent across the graph, even if a scale is logarithmic or the X and Y scales are different.
31353193 <translation>间距间隔的单位。当间距要独立于X和Y尺度时,像素单位是首选。即使比例尺是对数或X和Y比例不同,图中的间距也是一致的。当X和Y比例相同时,图形单位通常是首选。</translation>
31363194 </message>
31373195 <message>
3138 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="420" />
3196 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="442" />
31393197 <source>Functions</source>
31403198 <translation>功能</translation>
31413199 </message>
31423200 <message>
3143 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="422" />
3201 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="444" />
31443202 <source>Functions Tab
31463204 Controls for specifying the format of functions during export</source>
31473205 <translation>函数TabControls用于指定导出期间函数的格式</translation>
31483206 </message>
31493207 <message>
3150 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="428" />
3208 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="450" />
31513209 <source>Relations</source>
31523210 <translation>关系</translation>
31533211 </message>
31543212 <message>
3155 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="430" />
3213 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="452" />
31563214 <source>Relations Tab
31583216 Controls for specifying the format of relations during export</source>
31593217 <translation>关系TabControls用于指定导出期间关系的格式</translation>
31603218 </message>
31613219 <message>
3162 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="451" />
3220 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="471" />
31633221 <source>X Label</source>
31643222 <translation>X标签:</translation>
31653223 </message>
31663224 <message>
3167 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="453" />
3168 <source>Theta Label</source>
3169 <translation>Theta标签:</translation>
3170 </message>
3171 <message>
3172 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="459" />
3225 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="475" />
31733226 <source>Label in the header for x values</source>
31743227 <translation>为x值标记标题</translation>
31753228 </message>
31763229 <message>
3177 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="461" />
3178 <source>Label in the header for theta values</source>
3179 <translation>在标题中为theta值标记</translation>
3180 </message>
3181 <message>
3182 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1113" />
3230 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="1214" />
31833231 <source>Preview is unavailable until axis points are defined.</source>
31843232 <translation>在定义轴点之前预览不可用。</translation>
31853233 </message>
32403288 <translation>网格显示</translation>
32413289 </message>
32423290 <message>
3243 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="65" />
3291 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="82" />
32443292 <source>Color</source>
32453293 <translation>颜色</translation>
32463294 </message>
32473295 <message>
3248 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="69" />
3296 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="86" />
32493297 <source>Select a color for the lines</source>
32503298 <translation>为线条选择一种颜色</translation>
32513299 </message>
32523300 <message>
3253 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="91" />
3254 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="167" />
3301 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="108" />
3302 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="184" />
32553303 <source>Disable</source>
32563304 <translation>禁用:</translation>
32573305 </message>
32583306 <message>
3259 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="95" />
3307 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="112" />
32603308 <source>Disabled value.
32623310 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
32633311 <translation>已禁用值。X网格线一次只能使用三个值指定。为了灵活性,提供了四个值,因此您必须选择禁用哪个值。一旦禁用,该值就会随着其他值的变化而更新</translation>
32643312 </message>
32653313 <message>
3266 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="110" />
3267 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="186" />
3314 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3315 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
32683316 <source>Count</source>
32693317 <translation>计数</translation>
32703318 </message>
32713319 <message>
3272 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="114" />
3320 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="131" />
32733321 <source>Number of X grid lines.
32753323 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
32763324 <translation>X个网格线的数量。X个网格线的数量必须以大于零的整数形式输入</translation>
32773325 </message>
32783326 <message>
3279 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="123" />
3280 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="199" />
3327 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="140" />
3328 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="216" />
32813329 <source>Start</source>
32823330 <translation>开始</translation>
32833331 </message>
32843332 <message>
3285 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="127" />
3333 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="144" />
32863334 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
32883336 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
32893337 <translation>第一个X网格线的值。起始值不能大于停止值</translation>
32903338 </message>
32913339 <message>
3292 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="134" />
3293 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="210" />
3340 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="151" />
3341 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="227" />
32943342 <source>Step</source>
32953343 <translation>步</translation>
32963344 </message>
32973345 <message>
3298 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="138" />
3346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="155" />
32993347 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
33013349 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
33023350 <translation>两个连续的X格线之间的差值。步长值必须大于零</translation>
33033351 </message>
33043352 <message>
3305 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="145" />
3306 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="221" />
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="162" />
3354 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="238" />
33073355 <source>Stop</source>
33083356 <translation>停止</translation>
33093357 </message>
33103358 <message>
3311 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="149" />
3359 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="166" />
33123360 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
33143362 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33153363 <translation>最后一个X网格线的值。停止值不能小于起始值</translation>
33163364 </message>
33173365 <message>
3318 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="171" />
3366 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="188" />
33193367 <source>Disabled value.
33213369 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
33223370 <translation>禁用值。Y网格线一次只能指定三个值。为了灵活性,提供了四个值,因此您必须选择禁用哪个值。一旦禁用,该值就会随着其他值的变化而更新</translation>
33233371 </message>
33243372 <message>
3325 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="190" />
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="207" />
33263374 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
33283376 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
33293377 <translation>Y网格线的数量。必须将Y网格线的数量输入为大于零的整数</translation>
33303378 </message>
33313379 <message>
3332 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="203" />
3380 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="220" />
33333381 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
33353383 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
33363384 <translation>第一个Y网格线的值。起始值不能大于停止值</translation>
33373385 </message>
33383386 <message>
3339 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="214" />
3387 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="231" />
33403388 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
33423390 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
33433391 <translation>两个连续的Y网格线之间的差值。步长值必须大于零</translation>
33443392 </message>
33453393 <message>
3346 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="225" />
3394 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="242" />
33473395 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
33493397 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
33503398 <translation>最后一个Y网格线的值。停止值不能小于起始值</translation>
33513399 </message>
33523400 <message>
3353 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="241" />
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="258" />
33543402 <source>Preview</source>
33553403 <translation>预览</translation>
33563404 </message>
33573405 <message>
3358 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="248" />
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="265" />
33593407 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid display</source>
33603408 <translation>显示当前设置如何影响网格显示的预览窗口</translation>
33613409 </message>
33623410 <message>
3363 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="305" />
3411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="322" />
33643412 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
33653413 <translation>X网格线</translation>
33663414 </message>
33673415 <message>
3368 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="307" />
3416 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="324" />
33693417 <source>Grid Lines</source>
33703418 <translation>网格线</translation>
33713419 </message>
33723420 <message>
3373 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="311" />
3421 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="328" />
33743422 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
33753423 <translation>Y网格线</translation>
33763424 </message>
33773425 <message>
3378 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="313" />
3426 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="330" />
33793427 <source>Radius Grid Lines</source>
33803428 <translation>半径网格线</translation>
33813429 </message>
33823430 <message>
3383 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="571" />
3431 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridDisplay.cpp" line="588" />
33843432 <source>Grid line count exceeds limit set by Settings / Main Window.</source>
33853433 <translation>网格线数超出设置/主窗口设置的限制。</translation>
33863434 </message>
33933441 <translation>网格删除</translation>
33943442 </message>
33953443 <message>
3396 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="63" />
3444 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
33973445 <source>Preview</source>
33983446 <translation>预览</translation>
33993447 </message>
34003448 <message>
3401 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="70" />
3449 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="89" />
34023450 <source>Preview window that shows how current settings affect grid removal</source>
34033451 <translation>显示当前设置如何影响网格移除的预览窗口</translation>
34043452 </message>
34053453 <message>
3406 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="81" />
3454 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="100" />
34073455 <source>Remove pixels close to defined grid lines</source>
34083456 <translation>删除接近定义的网格线的像素</translation>
34093457 </message>
34103458 <message>
3411 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="82" />
3459 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="101" />
34123460 <source>Check this box to have pixels close to regularly spaced gridlines removed.
34143462 This option is only available when the axis points have all been defined.</source>
34153463 <translation>选中此框可使像素接近定期分开的网格线。此选项仅在轴点已全部定义时才可用。</translation>
34163464 </message>
34173465 <message>
3418 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="87" />
3466 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="106" />
34193467 <source>Close distance (pixels)</source>
34203468 <translation>近距离(像素)</translation>
34213469 </message>
34223470 <message>
3423 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="91" />
3471 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
34243472 <source>Set closeness distance in pixels.
34263474 Pixels that are closer to the regularly spaced gridlines, than this distance, will be removed.
34293477 <translation>以像素为单位设置贴近距离。are距离规则间隔的网格线比此距离更近的像素将被移除。此值不能为负数。零值将禁用此功能。十进制值是允许的</translation>
34303478 </message>
34313479 <message>
3432 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="108" />
3480 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="127" />
34333481 <source>X Grid Lines</source>
34343482 <translation>X网格线</translation>
34353483 </message>
34363484 <message>
3437 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="110" />
3485 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="129" />
34383486 <source>Grid Lines</source>
34393487 <translation>网格线</translation>
34403488 </message>
34413489 <message>
3442 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="118" />
3443 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="196" />
3490 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3491 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
34443492 <source>Disable</source>
34453493 <translation>禁用:</translation>
34463494 </message>
34473495 <message>
3448 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="122" />
3496 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
34493497 <source>Disabled value.
34513499 The X grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
34523500 <translation>已禁用值。X网格线一次只能使用三个值指定。为了灵活性,提供了四个值,因此您必须选择禁用哪个值。一旦禁用,该值就会随着其他值的变化而更新</translation>
34533501 </message>
34543502 <message>
3455 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="137" />
3456 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="215" />
3503 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="156" />
3504 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="234" />
34573505 <source>Count</source>
34583506 <translation>计数</translation>
34593507 </message>
34603508 <message>
3461 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="141" />
3509 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="160" />
34623510 <source>Number of X grid lines.
34643512 The number of X grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
34653513 <translation>X个网格线的数量。X个网格线的数量必须以大于零的整数形式输入</translation>
34663514 </message>
34673515 <message>
3468 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="148" />
3469 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="226" />
3516 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="167" />
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="245" />
34703518 <source>Start</source>
34713519 <translation>开始</translation>
34723520 </message>
34733521 <message>
3474 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="152" />
3522 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="171" />
34753523 <source>Value of the first X grid line.
34773525 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
34783526 <translation>第一个X网格线的值。起始值不能大于停止值</translation>
34793527 </message>
34803528 <message>
3481 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="159" />
3482 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="237" />
3529 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="178" />
3530 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="256" />
34833531 <source>Step</source>
34843532 <translation>步</translation>
34853533 </message>
34863534 <message>
3487 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="163" />
3535 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="182" />
34883536 <source>Difference in value between two successive X grid lines.
34903538 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
34913539 <translation>两个连续的X格线之间的差值。步长值必须大于零</translation>
34923540 </message>
34933541 <message>
3494 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="170" />
3495 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="248" />
3542 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="189" />
3543 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="267" />
34963544 <source>Stop</source>
34973545 <translation>停止</translation>
34983546 </message>
34993547 <message>
3500 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="174" />
3548 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="193" />
35013549 <source>Value of the last X grid line.
35033551 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35043552 <translation>最后一个X网格线的值。停止值不能小于起始值</translation>
35053553 </message>
35063554 <message>
3507 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="186" />
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="205" />
35083556 <source>Y Grid Lines</source>
35093557 <translation>Y网格线</translation>
35103558 </message>
35113559 <message>
3512 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="188" />
3560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="207" />
35133561 <source>R Grid Lines</source>
35143562 <translation>R网格线</translation>
35153563 </message>
35163564 <message>
3517 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="200" />
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
35183566 <source>Disabled value.
35203568 The Y grid lines are specified using only three values at a time. For flexibility, four values are offered so you must chose which value is disabled. Once disabled, that value is simply updated as the other values change</source>
35213569 <translation>禁用值。Y网格线一次只能指定三个值。为了灵活性,提供了四个值,因此您必须选择禁用哪个值。一旦禁用,该值就会随着其他值的变化而更新</translation>
35223570 </message>
35233571 <message>
3524 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="219" />
3572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="238" />
35253573 <source>Number of Y grid lines.
35273575 The number of Y grid lines must be entered as an integer greater than zero</source>
35283576 <translation>Y网格线的数量。必须将Y网格线的数量输入为大于零的整数</translation>
35293577 </message>
35303578 <message>
3531 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="230" />
3579 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="249" />
35323580 <source>Value of the first Y grid line.
35343582 The start value cannot be greater than the stop value</source>
35353583 <translation>第一个Y网格线的值。起始值不能大于停止值</translation>
35363584 </message>
35373585 <message>
3538 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="241" />
3586 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="260" />
35393587 <source>Difference in value between two successive Y grid lines.
35413589 The step value must be greater than zero</source>
35423590 <translation>两个连续的Y网格线之间的差值。步长值必须大于零</translation>
35433591 </message>
35443592 <message>
3545 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="252" />
3593 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsGridRemoval.cpp" line="271" />
35463594 <source>Value of the last Y grid line.
35483596 The stop value cannot be less than the start value</source>
35523600 <context>
35533601 <name>DlgSettingsMainWindow</name>
35543602 <message>
3555 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="40" />
3603 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="43" />
35563604 <source>Main Window</source>
35573605 <translation>主窗口</translation>
35583606 </message>
35593607 <message>
3560 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="65" />
3608 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="68" />
35613609 <source>Initial zoom</source>
35623610 <translation>初始缩放:</translation>
35633611 </message>
35643612 <message>
3565 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="80" />
3613 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="83" />
35663614 <source>Initial Zoom
35683616 Select the initial zoom factor when a new document is loaded. Either the previous zoom can be kept, or the specified zoom can be applied.</source>
35693617 <translation>初始缩放加载新文档时选择初始缩放系数。既可以保持以前的缩放,也可以应用指定的缩放。</translation>
35703618 </message>
35713619 <message>
3572 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="86" />
3620 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="89" />
35733621 <source>Zoom control</source>
35743622 <translation>缩放控制:</translation>
35753623 </message>
35763624 <message>
3577 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="90" />
3625 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
35783626 <source>Menu only</source>
35793627 <translation>仅限菜单</translation>
35803628 </message>
35813629 <message>
3582 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="91" />
3630 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
35833631 <source>Menu and mouse wheel</source>
35843632 <translation>菜单和鼠标滚轮</translation>
35853633 </message>
35863634 <message>
3587 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="92" />
3635 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="95" />
35883636 <source>Menu and +/- keys</source>
35893637 <translation>菜单和+/-键</translation>
35903638 </message>
35913639 <message>
3592 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="93" />
3640 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="96" />
35933641 <source>Menu, mouse wheel and +/- keys</source>
35943642 <translation>菜单,鼠标滚轮和+/-键</translation>
35953643 </message>
35963644 <message>
3597 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="94" />
3645 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="97" />
35983646 <source>Zoom Control
36003648 Select which inputs are used to zoom in and out.</source>
36013649 <translation>变焦控制选择使用哪些输入来放大和缩小。</translation>
36023650 </message>
36033651 <message>
3604 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="99" />
36053652 <source>Locale</source>
3606 <translation>地点:</translation>
3607 </message>
3608 <message>
3609 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="104" />
3653 <translation type="vanished">地点:</translation>
3654 </message>
3655 <message>
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="102" />
3657 <source>Locale (requires restart)</source>
3658 <translation>區域設置(需要重啟)</translation>
3659 </message>
3660 <message>
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="107" />
36103662 <source>Locale
36123664 Select the locale that will be used in numbers (immediately), and the language in the user interface (after restart).
36153667 <translation>区域设置选择将在数字(立即)中使用的区域设置,以及用户界面中的语言(重新启动后)。loc区域设置确定如何格式化数字。具体而言,逗号或句点将用作用户输入的每个数字中的组分隔符,显示在用户界面中或导出到文件。</translation>
36163668 </message>
36173669 <message>
3618 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="124" />
3670 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="127" />
36193671 <source>Import cropping</source>
36203672 <translation>进口剪裁:</translation>
36213673 </message>
36223674 <message>
3623 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="128" />
3675 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="131" />
36243676 <source>Import Cropping
36263678 Enables or disables cropping of the imported image when importing. Cropping the image is useful for removing unimportant information around a graph, but less useful when the graph already fills the entire image.
36293681 <translation>导入裁剪importing导入时,启用或禁用导入图像的裁剪。裁剪图像对于消除图形周围不重要的信息非常有用,但在图形已经填满整个图像时用处不大.此设置仅在Engauge已支持pdf文件的情况下生效。</translation>
36303682 </message>
36313683 <message>
3632 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="141" />
3684 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="144" />
36333685 <source>Import PDF resolution (dots per inch)</source>
36343686 <translation>导入PDF分辨率(每英寸点数):</translation>
36353687 </message>
36363688 <message>
3637 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="145" />
3689 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="148" />
36383690 <source>Import PDF Resolution
36403692 Imported Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be converted to this pixel resolution in dots per inch (DPI), where each pixel is one dot. A higher value increases the picture resolution and may also improve numeric digitizing accuracy. However, a very high value can make the image so large that Engauge will slow down.</source>
36413693 <translation>导入PDF分辨率导入的可移植文档格式(PDF)文件将被转换为每英寸点数(DPI)的像素分辨率,其中每个像素为一个点。较高的值会增加图片分辨率,并可能会提高数字数字化的准确性。但是,非常高的价值会使图像变得如此之大以至于Engauge会减速。</translation>
36423694 </message>
36433695 <message>
3644 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="160" />
3696 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="163" />
36453697 <source>Maximum grid lines</source>
36463698 <translation>最大网格线:</translation>
36473699 </message>
36483700 <message>
3649 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="165" />
3701 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="168" />
36503702 <source>Maximum Grid Lines
36523704 Maximum number of grid lines to be processed. This limit is applied when the step value is too small for the start and stop values, which would result in too many grid lines visually and possibly extremely long processing time (since each grid line would have to be processed)</source>
36533705 <translation>最大网格线数最大数量的网格线被处理。当步长值对于启动和停止值而言太小时会应用此限制,这会导致网格线太多,并且可能会导致处理时间过长(因为每个网格线都必须进行处理)</translation>
36543706 </message>
36553707 <message>
3656 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="172" />
3708 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="175" />
36573709 <source>Highlight opacity</source>
36583710 <translation>突出显示不透明度:</translation>
36593711 </message>
36603712 <message>
3661 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="178" />
3713 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="181" />
36623714 <source>Highlight Opacity
36643716 Opacity to be applied when the cursor is over a curve or axis point in Select mode. The change in appearance shows when the point can be selected.</source>
36653717 <translation>突出显示不透明度*在选择模式下光标位于曲线或轴点上时应用的透明度。外观上的变化显示何时可以选择该点。</translation>
36663718 </message>
36673719 <message>
3668 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="184" />
3720 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
36693721 <source>Recent file list</source>
36703722 <translation>最近的文件列表:</translation>
36713723 </message>
36723724 <message>
3673 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="187" />
3725 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="190" />
36743726 <source>Clear</source>
36753727 <translation>明确</translation>
36763728 </message>
36773729 <message>
3678 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="189" />
3730 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="192" />
36793731 <source>Recent File List Clear
36813733 Clear the recent file list in the File menu.</source>
36823734 <translation>最近的文件清单清除在文件菜单中清除最近的文件清单。</translation>
36833735 </message>
36843736 <message>
3685 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="195" />
3737 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="198" />
36863738 <source>Include title bar path</source>
36873739 <translation>包含标题栏路径:</translation>
36883740 </message>
36893741 <message>
3690 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="200" />
3742 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="203" />
36913743 <source>Title Bar Filename
36933745 Includes or excludes the path and file extension from the filename in the title bar.</source>
36943746 <translation>标题栏文件名包括或排除标题栏中文件名的路径和文件扩展名。</translation>
36953747 </message>
36963748 <message>
3697 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="205" />
3749 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="208" />
36983750 <source>Allow small dialogs</source>
36993751 <translation>允许小对话框:</translation>
37003752 </message>
37013753 <message>
3702 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="210" />
3754 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="213" />
37033755 <source>Allow Small Dialogs
37053757 Allows settings dialogs to be made very small so they fit on small computer screens.</source>
37063758 <translation>允许小对话框允许设置对话框非常小,以适应小型计算机屏幕。</translation>
37073759 </message>
37083760 <message>
3709 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="215" />
3761 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="218" />
37103762 <source>Allow drag and drop export</source>
37113763 <translation>允许拖放导出:</translation>
37123764 </message>
37133765 <message>
3714 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="220" />
3766 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="223" />
37153767 <source>Allow Drag and Drop Export
37173769 Allows drag and drop export from the Curve Fitting Window and Geometry Window tables.
37203772 <translation>允许拖放导出允许从曲线拟合窗口和几何窗口表格中拖放导出。当禁用拖放时,可以使用单击并拖动来选择一组矩形表格单元格。启用拖放功能时,可以使用单击然后单击Shift +单击来选择矩形的一组表格单元格,因为单击并拖动可以启动拖动操作。</translation>
37213773 </message>
37223774 <message>
3723 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="228" />
3775 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="231" />
3776 <source>Image replace renames document</source>
3777 <translation> 圖像替換重命名文檔</translation>
3778 </message>
3779 <message>
3780 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="236" />
3781 <source>Image Replace Renames Document
3783 When an image is imported to replace the current image, the document will be renamed if this is true, otherwise the name will stay the same.</source>
3784 <translation>圖像替換重命名文檔
3786 導入圖像以替換當前圖像時,如果為真,則將重命名文檔,否則名稱將保持不變。</translation>
3787 </message>
3788 <message>
3789 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="242" />
37243790 <source>Significant digits</source>
37253791 <translation>重要数字:</translation>
37263792 </message>
37273793 <message>
3728 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="233" />
3794 <location filename="../src/Dlg/DlgSettingsMainWindow.cpp" line="247" />
37293795 <source>Significant Digits
37313797 Number of digits of precision in floating point numbers. This value affects calculations for curve fits, since intermediate results smaller than a threshold T indicate that a polynomial curve with a specific order cannot be fitted to the data. The threshold T is computed from the maximum matrix element M and significant digits S as T = M / 10^S.</source>
39524018 <context>
39534019 <name>GeometryWindow</name>
39544020 <message>
4021 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="27" />
39554022 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="28" />
3956 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
39574023 <source>Geometry Window</source>
39584024 <translation>几何窗口</translation>
39594025 </message>
39604026 <message>
3961 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="30" />
4027 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="29" />
39624028 <source>Geometry Window
39644030 This table displays the following geometry data for the currently selected curve:
39784044 If drag-and-drop is disabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected by clicking and dragging. Otherwise, if drag-and-drop is enabled, a rectangular set of cells may be selected using Click then Shift+Click, since click and drag starts the dragging operation. Drag-and-drop mode is set in the Main Window settings</source>
39794045 <translation>几何窗口此表显示当前所选曲线的以下几何数据:功能区域=曲线下的区域,如果它是函数Polygonarea =曲线内部的区域,如果它是关系。如果没有任何一条曲线彼此相交,该值才是正确的X=每个点的X坐标Y=每个点的Y坐标Index=点编号Distance=向前或向后沿曲线的距离方向,以图表为单位或以百分比表示如果禁用拖放操作,则可通过单击并拖动来选择矩形的一组单元格。否则,如果启用拖放操作,则可以使用单击然后单击Shift +单击来选择矩形的一组单元格,因为单击并拖动将开始拖动操作。拖放模式在主窗口设置中设置</translation>
4046 </message>
4047 <message>
4048 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="274" />
4049 <source>Highlighted segments may have unexpected values when exported due to overlaps. Adjust points or change Settings / Curve Properties / Connect As.</source>
4050 <translation>由於重疊,突出顯示的段在導出時可能具有意外值。調整點或更改設置/曲線屬性/連接為。</translation>
4051 </message>
4052 </context>
4053 <context>
4054 <name>GraphicsScene</name>
4055 <message>
4056 <location filename="../src/Graphics/GraphicsScene.cpp" line="351" />
4057 <source>Function currently has multiple Y values for one X value. Please adjust nearby points, or change the curve type in Curve Properties</source>
4058 <translation>函數當前具有一個X值的多個Y值。請調整附近的點,或更改曲線屬性中的曲線類型</translation>
39804059 </message>
39814060 </context>
39824061 <context>
40144093 <context>
40154094 <name>LoadImageFromUrl</name>
40164095 <message>
4017 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="59" />
4096 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="66" />
40184097 <source>Unable to download image from</source>
40194098 <translation>不能下载图像</translation>
40204099 </message>
40214100 <message>
4022 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="91" />
4101 <location filename="../src/Load/LoadImageFromUrl.cpp" line="98" />
40234102 <source>Unable to load image from</source>
40244103 <translation>不能加载图像</translation>
40254104 </message>
40274106 <context>
40284107 <name>MainWindow</name>
40294108 <message>
4030 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="442" />
4109 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="478" />
40314110 <source>Unable to export to file</source>
40324111 <translation>导出失败</translation>
40334112 </message>
40344113 <message>
4035 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="476" />
4114 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="512" />
40364115 <source>Unable to extract image to file</source>
40374116 <translation>無法將圖像提取到文件</translation>
40384117 </message>
40394118 <message>
4040 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="551" />
4041 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="711" />
4042 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="890" />
4119 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="587" />
4120 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="747" />
4121 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="926" />
40434122 <source>Cannot read file</source>
40444123 <translation>不能读取文件</translation>
40454124 </message>
40464125 <message>
4047 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="553" />
4048 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="713" />
4049 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="892" />
4126 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="589" />
4127 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="749" />
4128 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="928" />
40504129 <source>from directory</source>
40514130 <translation>从目录</translation>
40524131 </message>
40534132 <message>
4054 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="627" />
4133 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="663" />
40554134 <source>Import Image</source>
40564135 <translation>导入图像</translation>
40574136 </message>
40584137 <message>
4059 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="867" />
4138 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="903" />
40604139 <source>File opened</source>
40614140 <translation>文件打开</translation>
40624141 </message>
40634142 <message>
4064 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="912" />
4143 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="948" />
40654144 <source>File not found</source>
40664145 <translation>找不到文件</translation>
40674146 </message>
40684147 <message>
4069 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="929" />
4148 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="965" />
40704149 <source>Error report opened</source>
40714150 <translation>错误报告打开</translation>
40724151 </message>
40734152 <message>
4074 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="984" />
4075 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1058" />
4153 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1020" />
4154 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
40764155 <source>File imported</source>
40774156 <translation>文件已导入</translation>
40784157 </message>
40794158 <message>
4080 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1092" />
4159 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1128" />
40814160 <source>Background image.</source>
40824161 <translation>背景图像</translation>
40834162 </message>
40844163 <message>
4085 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1093" />
4164 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1129" />
40864165 <source>Currently selected curve.</source>
40874166 <translation>当前选择的图像</translation>
40884167 </message>
40894168 <message>
4090 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1094" />
4169 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1130" />
40914170 <source>Point style for currently selected curve.</source>
40924171 <translation>当前选定曲线的点样式。</translation>
40934172 </message>
40944173 <message>
4095 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1095" />
4174 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1131" />
40964175 <source>Segment Fill filter for currently selected curve.</source>
40974176 <translation>段填充当前选定曲线的过滤器。</translation>
40984177 </message>
40994178 <message>
4100 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1143" />
4179 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1179" />
41014180 <source>The document has been modified.
41024181 Do you want to save your changes?</source>
41034182 <translation>该文件已被修改。您是否要保存更改?</translation>
41044183 </message>
41054184 <message>
4106 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1227" />
4185 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1263" />
41074186 <source>Cannot write file</source>
41084187 <translation>不能写入文件</translation>
41094188 </message>
41104189 <message>
4111 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1275" />
4190 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="1311" />
41124191 <source>Save</source>
41134192 <translation>文件保存</translation>
41144193 </message>
41154194 <message>
4116 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2288" />
4195 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2331" />
41174196 <source>Export</source>
41184197 <translation>导出</translation>
41194198 </message>
41204199 <message>
4121 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2370" />
4200 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="2413" />
41224201 <source>Open Document</source>
41234202 <translation>打开文件</translation>
41244203 </message>
41254204 <message>
4126 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3581" />
4205 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3669" />
41274206 <source>+</source>
41284207 <translation>+</translation>
41294208 </message>
41304209 <message>
4131 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3582" />
4210 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3670" />
41324211 <source>-</source>
41334212 <translation>-</translation>
41344213 </message>
41354214 <message>
4136 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3712" />
4215 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="3800" />
41374216 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
41384217 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
41394218 </message>
41414220 <context>
41424221 <name>QObject</name>
41434222 <message>
4144 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="126" />
4145 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="171" />
4146 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="267" />
4223 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="133" />
4224 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="178" />
4225 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="276" />
41474226 <source>New axis point cannot be at the same screen position as an existing axis point</source>
41484227 <translation>新轴点不能与现有轴点位于同一个屏幕位置</translation>
41494228 </message>
41504229 <message>
4151 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="179" />
4152 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="274" />
4230 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="186" />
4231 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="285" />
41534232 <source>New axis point cannot have the same graph coordinates as an existing axis point</source>
41544233 <translation>新轴点不能具有与现有轴点相同的图坐标</translation>
41554234 </message>
41564235 <message>
4157 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="185" />
4158 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="280" />
4236 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="192" />
4237 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="291" />
41594238 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line on the screen</source>
41604239 <translation>屏幕上同一条线上不能有两个以上的轴点</translation>
41614240 </message>
41624241 <message>
4163 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="191" />
4164 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="286" />
4242 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="198" />
4243 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="297" />
41654244 <source>No more than two axis points can lie along the same line in graph coordinates</source>
41664245 <translation>在图坐标中,同一条线上不能有两个以上的轴点
41684247 </translation>
41694248 </message>
41704249 <message>
4171 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="244" />
4250 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="251" />
41724251 <source>Too many x axis points. There should only be two</source>
41734252 <translation>太多的x轴点。应该只有两个</translation>
41744253 </message>
41754254 <message>
4176 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="250" />
4255 <location filename="../src/Callback/CallbackAxisPointsAbstract.cpp" line="257" />
41774256 <source>Too many y axis points. There should only be two</source>
41784257 <translation>太多的y轴点。应该只有两个</translation>
41794258 </message>
41804259 <message>
4181 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="14" />
4260 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="16" />
41824261 <source>Never</source>
41834262 <translation>从不</translation>
41844263 </message>
41854264 <message>
4186 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="17" />
4265 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
41874266 <source>NSeconds</source>
41884267 <translation>NSeconds</translation>
41894268 </message>
41904269 <message>
4191 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="20" />
4270 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="24" />
41924271 <source>Forever</source>
41934272 <translation>永久</translation>
4194 </message>
4195 <message>
4196 <location filename="../src/Checker/CheckerMode.cpp" line="23" />
4197 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4198 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4199 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4200 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4201 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4202 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="30" />
4203 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="26" />
4204 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="23" />
4205 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4206 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
4207 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="26" />
4208 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
4209 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="26" />
4210 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
4211 <source>Unknown</source>
4212 <translation>未知</translation>
42134273 </message>
42144274 <message>
42154275 <location filename="../src/Checklist/ChecklistGuideWizard.cpp" line="69" />
42584318 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsAxesChecker.cpp" line="50" />
42594319 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsColorFilter.cpp" line="50" />
42604320 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCoords.cpp" line="51" />
4261 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveAddRemove.cpp" line="78" />
4321 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveList.cpp" line="79" />
42624322 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsCurveProperties.cpp" line="51" />
42634323 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsDigitizeCurve.cpp" line="50" />
42644324 <location filename="../src/Cmd/CmdSettingsExportFormat.cpp" line="51" />
42964356 <translation>值</translation>
42974357 </message>
42984358 <message>
4299 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="214" />
4359 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterMode.cpp" line="29" />
4360 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="28" />
4361 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsNonPolarTheta.cpp" line="49" />
4362 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="36" />
4363 <location filename="../src/Coord/CoordUnitsPolarTheta.cpp" line="65" />
4364 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="32" />
4365 <source>Unknown</source>
4366 <translation>未知</translation>
4367 </message>
4368 <message>
4369 <location filename="../src/Color/ColorFilterSettings.cpp" line="221" />
43004370 <source>Cannot read curve filter data</source>
43014371 <translation>无法读取曲线过滤器数据</translation>
43024372 </message>
43734443 <translation>HH:MM:SS</translation>
43744444 </message>
43754445 <message>
4376 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="602" />
4446 <location filename="../src/CoordSystem/CoordSystem.cpp" line="611" />
43774447 <source>Unexpected xml token</source>
43784448 <translation>意外的xml令牌</translation>
43794449 </message>
43844454 <translation>无法读取曲线数据</translation>
43854455 </message>
43864456 <message>
4387 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="15" />
4457 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="17" />
43884458 <source>FunctionSmooth</source>
43894459 <translation>功能平滑</translation>
43904460 </message>
43914461 <message>
4392 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="18" />
4462 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
43934463 <source>FunctionStraight</source>
43944464 <translation>功能直</translation>
43954465 </message>
43964466 <message>
4397 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="21" />
4467 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="25" />
43984468 <source>RelationSmooth</source>
43994469 <translation>关系流畅</translation>
44004470 </message>
44014471 <message>
4402 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="24" />
4472 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="29" />
44034473 <source>RelationStraight</source>
44044474 <translation>关系直接</translation>
44054475 </message>
44064476 <message>
4407 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="27" />
4477 <location filename="../src/Curve/CurveConnectAs.cpp" line="33" />
44084478 <source>ConnectSkipForAxisCurve</source>
44094479 <translation>连接跳过轴坐标曲线</translation>
44104480 </message>
44274497 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="135" />
44284498 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateAxis.cpp" line="176" />
44294499 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateScale.cpp" line="173" />
4430 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="334" />
4500 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="365" />
44314501 <source>Engauge Digitizer</source>
44324502 <translation>Engauge Digitizer</translation>
44334503 </message>
44374507 <translation>已经定义了三个轴点,不再需要或不允许。</translation>
44384508 </message>
44394509 <message>
4440 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="151" />
4510 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
44414511 <source>Color Picker</source>
44424512 <translation>颜色选择</translation>
44434513 </message>
44444514 <message>
4445 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="152" />
4515 <location filename="../src/DigitizeState/DigitizeStateColorPicker.cpp" line="153" />
44464516 <source>Sorry, but the color picker point must be near a non-background pixel. Please try again.</source>
44474517 <translation>抱歉,颜色选择器点必须靠近非背景像素。请再试一次。</translation>
44484518 </message>
44824552 <translation>上移</translation>
44834553 </message>
44844554 <message>
4485 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="93" />
4486 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="133" />
4555 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="95" />
4556 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="137" />
44874557 <source>Operating system says file is not readable</source>
44884558 <translation>操作系统说文件不可读</translation>
44894559 </message>
44904560 <message>
4491 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="119" />
4561 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="123" />
44924562 <source>cannot read newer files from version</source>
44934563 <translation>无法从版本中读取较新的文件</translation>
44944564 </message>
44954565 <message>
4496 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="121" />
4566 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="125" />
44974567 <source>of</source>
44984568 <translation>的</translation>
44994569 </message>
45004570 <message>
4501 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="140" />
4571 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="144" />
45024572 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="40" />
45034573 <source>File</source>
45044574 <translation>文件</translation>
45054575 </message>
45064576 <message>
4507 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="142" />
4577 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="146" />
45084578 <source>was not found</source>
45094579 <translation>没找到</translation>
45104580 </message>
45114581 <message>
4512 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="510" />
4582 <location filename="../src/Document/Document.cpp" line="517" />
45134583 <source>Cannot read image data</source>
45144584 <translation>无法读取图像数据</translation>
45154585 </message>
45344604 <translation>无法读取数字化曲线数据</translation>
45354605 </message>
45364606 <message>
4537 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="203" />
4607 <location filename="../src/Document/DocumentModelExportFormat.cpp" line="225" />
45384608 <source>Cannot read export data</source>
45394609 <translation>无法读取导出数据</translation>
45404610 </message>
45694639 <translation>遇到点标识符错误。请通知Engauge开发人员以及有关国家和语言区域的任何评论。无效点名称是</translation>
45704640 </message>
45714641 <message>
4572 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="14" />
4642 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="16" />
45734643 <source>Commas</source>
45744644 <translation>逗号</translation>
45754645 </message>
45764646 <message>
4577 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="17" />
4647 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
45784648 <source>Semicolons</source>
45794649 <translation>分号</translation>
45804650 </message>
45814651 <message>
4582 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="20" />
4652 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="24" />
45834653 <source>Spaces</source>
45844654 <translation>空间</translation>
45854655 </message>
45864656 <message>
4587 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="23" />
4657 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportDelimiter.cpp" line="28" />
45884658 <source>Tabs</source>
45894659 <translation>标签</translation>
45904660 </message>
45914661 <message>
4592 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="14" />
4662 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="16" />
45934663 <source>Gnuplot</source>
45944664 <translation>gnuplot的</translation>
45954665 </message>
45964666 <message>
4597 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="17" />
4667 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
45984668 <source>None</source>
45994669 <translation>没有</translation>
46004670 </message>
46014671 <message>
4602 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="20" />
4672 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportHeader.cpp" line="24" />
46034673 <source>Simple</source>
46044674 <translation>简单</translation>
46054675 </message>
46144684 <translation>无法导出文件</translation>
46154685 </message>
46164686 <message>
4617 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4687 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
46184688 <source>AllPerLine</source>
46194689 <translation>所有每行</translation>
46204690 </message>
46214691 <message>
4622 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4692 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportLayoutFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46234693 <source>OnePerLine</source>
46244694 <translation>每行一个</translation>
46254695 </message>
46264696 <message>
4627 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="14" />
4697 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="16" />
46284698 <source>Graph Units</source>
46294699 <translation>图表单位</translation>
46304700 </message>
46314701 <message>
4632 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="17" />
4702 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsIntervalUnits.cpp" line="20" />
46334703 <source>Pixels</source>
46344704 <translation>像素</translation>
46354705 </message>
46364706 <message>
4637 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="14" />
4707 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="16" />
46384708 <source>InterpolateAllCurves</source>
46394709 <translation>插值所有曲线</translation>
46404710 </message>
46414711 <message>
4642 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="17" />
4712 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
46434713 <source>InterpolateFirstCurve</source>
46444714 <translation>插值第一条曲线</translation>
46454715 </message>
46464716 <message>
4647 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="20" />
4717 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="24" />
46484718 <source>InterpolatePeriodic</source>
46494719 <translation>插值周期</translation>
46504720 </message>
46514721 <message>
4652 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="23" />
4653 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="17" />
4722 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionFunctions.cpp" line="28" />
4723 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="20" />
46544724 <source>Raw</source>
46554725 <translation>生的</translation>
46564726 </message>
46574727 <message>
4658 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="14" />
4728 <location filename="../src/Export/ExportPointsSelectionRelations.cpp" line="16" />
46594729 <source>Interpolate</source>
46604730 <translation>插</translation>
46614731 </message>
46624732 <message>
4663 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="31" />
4733 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="35" />
46644734 <source>Cannot read script file</source>
46654735 <translation>无法读取脚本文件</translation>
46664736 </message>
46674737 <message>
4668 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="33" />
4738 <location filename="../src/FileCmd/FileCmdScript.cpp" line="37" />
46694739 <source>from directory</source>
46704740 <translation>从目录</translation>
46714741 </message>
47014771 </message>
47024772 <message>
47034773 <location filename="../src/Geometry/GeometryWindow.cpp" line="177" />
4704 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="29" />
4774 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="44" />
47054775 <source>X</source>
47064776 <translation>X</translation>
47074777 </message>
47114781 <translation>Y</translation>
47124782 </message>
47134783 <message>
4714 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="14" />
4784 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="16" />
47154785 <source>Count</source>
47164786 <translation>计数</translation>
47174787 </message>
47184788 <message>
4719 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="17" />
4789 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
47204790 <source>Start</source>
47214791 <translation>开始</translation>
47224792 </message>
47234793 <message>
4724 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="20" />
4794 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="24" />
47254795 <source>Step</source>
47264796 <translation>步</translation>
47274797 </message>
47284798 <message>
4729 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="23" />
4799 <location filename="../src/Grid/GridCoordDisable.cpp" line="28" />
47304800 <source>Stop</source>
47314801 <translation>停止</translation>
47324802 </message>
47664836 <translation>无法读取点标识符</translation>
47674837 </message>
47684838 <message>
4769 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="14" />
4839 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="16" />
47704840 <source>Circle</source>
47714841 <translation>圈</translation>
47724842 </message>
47734843 <message>
4774 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="17" />
4844 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
47754845 <source>Cross</source>
47764846 <translation>交叉</translation>
47774847 </message>
47784848 <message>
4779 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="20" />
4849 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="24" />
47804850 <source>Diamond</source>
47814851 <translation>钻石</translation>
47824852 </message>
47834853 <message>
4784 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="23" />
4854 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="28" />
4855 <source>Hourglass</source>
4856 <translation>滴漏</translation>
4857 </message>
4858 <message>
4859 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="32" />
47854860 <source>Square</source>
47864861 <translation>广场</translation>
47874862 </message>
47884863 <message>
4789 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="26" />
4864 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="36" />
47904865 <source>Triangle</source>
47914866 <translation>三角形</translation>
47924867 </message>
47934868 <message>
4794 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="146" />
4869 <location filename="../src/Point/PointShape.cpp" line="40" />
4870 <source>Triangle2</source>
4871 <translation>三角形2</translation>
4872 </message>
4873 <message>
4874 <location filename="../src/Point/PointStyle.cpp" line="151" />
47954875 <source>Cannot read point style data</source>
47964876 <translation>无法读取点样式数据</translation>
47974877 </message>
47984878 <message>
4799 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="193" />
4879 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="226" />
48004880 <source>Coordinates (graph)</source>
48014881 <translation>图形坐标</translation>
48024882 </message>
48034883 <message>
4804 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="198" />
4884 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="231" />
48054885 <source>Coordinates (pixels)</source>
48064886 <translation>图形分辨率</translation>
48074887 </message>
48084888 <message>
4809 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="203" />
4889 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="236" />
48104890 <source>Resolution (graph)</source>
48114891 <translation>图形分辨率</translation>
48124892 </message>
48214901 <translation>需要更多的轴点</translation>
48224902 </message>
48234903 <message>
4824 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="11" />
48254904 <source>16:1 farther</source>
4826 <translation>16:1更远</translation>
4827 </message>
4828 <message>
4829 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="12" />
4905 <translation type="vanished">16:1更遠</translation>
4906 </message>
4907 <message>
48304908 <source>8:1 closer</source>
4831 <translation>8:1靠近</translation>
4832 </message>
4833 <message>
4834 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="14" />
4909 <translation type="vanished">8:1更接近</translation>
4910 </message>
4911 <message>
48354912 <source>8:1 farther</source>
4836 <translation>8:1更远</translation>
4837 </message>
4838 <message>
4839 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="15" />
4913 <translation type="vanished">8:1更遠</translation>
4914 </message>
4915 <message>
48404916 <source>4:1 closer</source>
4841 <translation>4:1靠近</translation>
4842 </message>
4843 <message>
4844 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="17" />
4917 <translation type="vanished">4:1更接近</translation>
4918 </message>
4919 <message>
48454920 <source>4:1 farther</source>
4846 <translation>4:1更远</translation>
4847 </message>
4848 <message>
4849 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="18" />
4921 <translation type="vanished">4:1更遠</translation>
4922 </message>
4923 <message>
48504924 <source>2:1 closer</source>
4851 <translation>2:1靠近</translation>
4852 </message>
4853 <message>
4854 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="20" />
4925 <translation type="vanished">2:1更接近</translation>
4926 </message>
4927 <message>
48554928 <source>2:1 farther</source>
4856 <translation>2:1更远</translation>
4857 </message>
4858 <message>
4859 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="21" />
4929 <translation type="vanished">2:1更遠</translation>
4930 </message>
4931 <message>
48604932 <source>1:1 closer</source>
4861 <translation>1:1靠近</translation>
4862 </message>
4863 <message>
4864 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="23" />
4933 <translation type="vanished">1:1更接近</translation>
4934 </message>
4935 <message>
48654936 <source>1:1 farther</source>
4866 <translation>1:1更远</translation>
4867 </message>
4868 <message>
4869 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="24" />
4937 <translation type="vanished">1:1更遠</translation>
4938 </message>
4939 <message>
48704940 <source>1:2 closer</source>
4871 <translation>1:2靠近</translation>
4872 </message>
4873 <message>
4874 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="26" />
4941 <translation type="vanished">1:2更接近</translation>
4942 </message>
4943 <message>
48754944 <source>1:2 farther</source>
4876 <translation>1:2更远</translation>
4877 </message>
4878 <message>
4879 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="27" />
4945 <translation type="vanished">1:2更遠</translation>
4946 </message>
4947 <message>
48804948 <source>1:4 closer</source>
4881 <translation>1:4靠近</translation>
4882 </message>
4883 <message>
4884 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="29" />
4949 <translation type="vanished">1:4更接近</translation>
4950 </message>
4951 <message>
48854952 <source>1:4 farther</source>
4886 <translation>1:4更远</translation>
4887 </message>
4888 <message>
4889 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="30" />
4953 <translation type="vanished">1:4更遠</translation>
4954 </message>
4955 <message>
48904956 <source>1:8 closer</source>
4891 <translation>1:8靠近</translation>
4892 </message>
4893 <message>
4894 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="32" />
4957 <translation type="vanished">1:8更接近</translation>
4958 </message>
4959 <message>
48954960 <source>1:8 farther</source>
4896 <translation>1:8更远</translation>
4897 </message>
4898 <message>
4899 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="33" />
4961 <translation type="vanished">1:8更遠</translation>
4962 </message>
4963 <message>
49004964 <source>1:16 closer</source>
4901 <translation>1:16接近</translation>
4902 </message>
4903 <message>
4904 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="35" />
4965 <translation type="vanished">1:16更接近</translation>
4966 </message>
4967 <message>
49054968 <source>Fill</source>
4906 <translation>填充</translation>
4907 </message>
4908 <message>
4909 <location filename="../src/Zoom/ZoomLabels.cpp" line="36" />
4969 <translation type="vanished">填</translation>
4970 </message>
4971 <message>
49104972 <source>Previous</source>
4911 <translation>上一步</translation>
4912 </message>
4913 <message>
4914 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="561" />
4973 <translation type="vanished">上一步</translation>
4974 </message>
4975 <message>
4976 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindow.cpp" line="597" />
49154977 <source>The file appears to have characters from multiple language alphabets, which does not work in the Windows command line</source>
49164978 <translation>该文件似乎具有来自多个语言字母的字符,这些字符在Windows命令行中不起作用</translation>
49174979 </message>
49184980 <message>
4919 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="109" />
4981 <location filename="../src/main/MainWindowModel.cpp" line="118" />
49204982 <source>Cannot read main window data</source>
49214983 <translation>无法读取主窗口数据</translation>
49224984 </message>
49234985 <message>
4924 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="220" />
4925 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="232" />
4986 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="244" />
4987 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="256" />
49264988 <source>is not a valid file name</source>
49274989 <translation>不是有效的文件名</translation>
49284990 </message>
49294991 <message>
4930 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="226" />
4992 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="250" />
49314993 <source>is not a valid image file extension</source>
49324994 <translation>不是有效的圖像文件擴展名</translation>
49334995 </message>
49344996 <message>
4935 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="311" />
4997 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="342" />
49364998 <source>is used only with one or more load files</source>
49374999 <translation>僅用於一個或多個加載文件</translation>
49385000 </message>
49395001 <message>
4940 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="343" />
5002 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="374" />
49415003 <source>Available styles</source>
49425004 <translation>可用款式</translation>
49435005 </message>
49445006 <message>
4945 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="367" />
5007 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="400" />
49465008 <source>Enables extra debug information. Used for debugging</source>
49475009 <translation>启用额外的调试信息。用于调试</translation>
49485010 </message>
49495011 <message>
4950 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="373" />
49515012 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
4952 <translation>指定错误报告文件作为输入。用于调试和测试</translation>
4953 </message>
4954 <message>
4955 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="379" />
5013 <translation type="vanished">指定错误报告文件作为输入。用于调试和测试</translation>
5014 </message>
5015 <message>
5016 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="406" />
5017 <source>Indicates files opened at startup are for testing drag and drop. Used for regression testing</source>
5018 <translation>表示啟動時打開的文件用於測試拖放。用於回歸測試</translation>
5019 </message>
5020 <message>
5021 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="412" />
5022 <source>Specifies an error report file as input. Used for debugging and regression testing</source>
5023 <translation>指定錯誤報告文件作為輸入。用於調試和回歸測試</translation>
5024 </message>
5025 <message>
5026 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="418" />
49565027 <source>Export each loaded startup file, which must have all axis points defined, then stop</source>
49575028 <translation>導出每個已加載的啟動文件,必須定義所有軸點,然後停止</translation>
49585029 </message>
49595030 <message>
4960 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="385" />
5031 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="424" />
49615032 <source>Extract image in each loaded startup file to a file with the specified extension, then stop</source>
49625033 <translation>將每個加載的啟動文件中的圖像提取到具有指定擴展名的文件,然後停止</translation>
49635034 </message>
49645035 <message>
4965 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="391" />
5036 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="430" />
49665037 <source>Specifies a file command script file as input. Used for debugging and testing</source>
49675038 <translation>指定一个文件命令脚本文件作为输入。用于调试和测试</translation>
49685039 </message>
49695040 <message>
4970 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="397" />
5041 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="436" />
49715042 <source>Output diagnostic gnuplot input files. Used for debugging</source>
49725043 <translation>输出诊断gnuplot输入文件。用于调试</translation>
49735044 </message>
49745045 <message>
4975 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="403" />
5046 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="442" />
49765047 <source>Show this help information</source>
49775048 <translation>显示此帮助信息</translation>
49785049 </message>
49795050 <message>
4980 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="409" />
5051 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="448" />
49815052 <source>Executes the error report file or file command script. Used for regression testing</source>
49825053 <translation>执行错误报告文件或文件命令脚本。用于回归测试</translation>
49835054 </message>
49845055 <message>
4985 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="415" />
5056 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="454" />
49865057 <source>Removes all stored settings, including window positions. Used when windows start up offscreen</source>
49875058 <translation>删除所有存储的设置,包括窗口位置。当窗口在屏幕外启动时使用</translation>
49885059 </message>
49895060 <message>
4990 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="421" />
5061 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="461" />
5062 <source>Set the window style to one of the styles listed by the command line option</source>
5063 <translation>將窗口樣式設置為命令行選項列出的樣式之一</translation>
5064 </message>
5065 <message>
5066 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="469" />
5067 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the command line option</source>
5068 <translation>顯示可與命令行選項一起使用的可用樣式列表</translation>
5069 </message>
5070 <message>
49915071 <source>Show a list of available styles that can be used with the -style command</source>
4992 <translation>显示可用于-style命令的可用样式的列表</translation>
4993 </message>
4994 <message>
4995 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="427" />
5072 <translation type="vanished">显示可用于-style命令的可用样式的列表</translation>
5073 </message>
5074 <message>
5075 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="476" />
5076 <source>Upgrade files opened at startup to the most recent version</source>
5077 <translation>將啟動時打開的文件升級到最新版本</translation>
5078 </message>
5079 <message>
5080 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="482" />
49965081 <source>File(s) to be imported or opened at startup</source>
49975082 <translation>要在启动时导入或打开的文件</translation>
5083 </message>
5084 <message>
5085 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="527" />
5086 <source>Could not write to</source>
5087 <translation>無法寫信給</translation>
5088 </message>
5089 <message>
5090 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="540" />
5091 <source>Upgraded</source>
5092 <translation>升級</translation>
5093 </message>
5094 <message>
5095 <location filename="../src/main/main.cpp" line="542" />
5096 <source>to</source>
5097 <translation>至</translation>
49985098 </message>
49995099 <message>
50005100 <location filename="../src/util/Xml.cpp" line="34" />
50205120 <context>
50215121 <name>StatusBar</name>
50225122 <message>
5023 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="56" />
5123 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="58" />
50245124 <source>Select cursor coordinate values to display.</source>
50255125 <translation>选择要显示的光标坐标值。</translation>
50265126 </message>
50275127 <message>
5028 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="57" />
5128 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="59" />
50295129 <source>Select Cursor Coordinate Values
50315131 Values at cursor coordinates to display. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50325132 <translation>选择光标坐标值显示光标坐标值。坐标位于屏幕(像素)或图形单位中。分辨率(这是每个像素的图形单位数)以图形为单位。图形单位只有在定义了轴点后才可用。</translation>
50335133 </message>
50345134 <message>
5035 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="70" />
5135 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="72" />
50365136 <source>Cursor coordinate values.</source>
50375137 <translation>光标坐标值。</translation>
50385138 </message>
50395139 <message>
5040 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="71" />
5140 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="73" />
50415141 <source>Cursor Coordinate Values
50435143 Values at cursor coordinates. Coordinates are in screen (pixels) or graph units. Resolution (which is the number of graph units per pixel) is in graph units. Graph units are only available after axis points have been defined.</source>
50445144 <translation>游标坐标值cursor光标坐标处的值。坐标位于屏幕(像素)或图形单位中。分辨率(这是每个像素的图形单位数)以图形为单位。图形单位只有在定义了轴点后才可用。</translation>
50455145 </message>
50465146 <message>
5047 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="125" />
5147 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="127" />
50485148 <source>Select zoom.</source>
50495149 <translation>选择缩放。</translation>
50505150 </message>
50515151 <message>
5052 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="126" />
5152 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="128" />
50535153 <source>Select Zoom
50555155 Points can be more accurately placed by zooming in.</source>
50565156 <translation>选择缩放可以通过放大来更精确地放置点。</translation>
5157 </message>
5158 <message>
5159 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="138" />
5160 <source>16:1</source>
5161 <translation>16:1</translation>
5162 </message>
5163 <message>
5164 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="139" />
5165 <source>16:1 farther</source>
5166 <translation>16:1更遠</translation>
5167 </message>
5168 <message>
5169 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="140" />
5170 <source>8:1 closer</source>
5171 <translation>8:1更接近</translation>
5172 </message>
5173 <message>
5174 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="141" />
5175 <source>8:1</source>
5176 <translation>8:1</translation>
5177 </message>
5178 <message>
5179 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="142" />
5180 <source>8:1 farther</source>
5181 <translation>8:1更遠</translation>
5182 </message>
5183 <message>
5184 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="143" />
5185 <source>4:1 closer</source>
5186 <translation>4:1更接近</translation>
5187 </message>
5188 <message>
5189 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="144" />
5190 <source>4:1</source>
5191 <translation>4:1</translation>
5192 </message>
5193 <message>
5194 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="145" />
5195 <source>4:1 farther</source>
5196 <translation>4:1更遠</translation>
5197 </message>
5198 <message>
5199 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="146" />
5200 <source>2:1 closer</source>
5201 <translation>2:1更接近</translation>
5202 </message>
5203 <message>
5204 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="147" />
5205 <source>2:1</source>
5206 <translation>2:1</translation>
5207 </message>
5208 <message>
5209 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="148" />
5210 <source>2:1 farther</source>
5211 <translation>2:1更遠</translation>
5212 </message>
5213 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="149" />
5215 <source>1:1 closer</source>
5216 <translation>1:1更接近</translation>
5217 </message>
5218 <message>
5219 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="150" />
5220 <source>1:1</source>
5221 <translation>1:1</translation>
5222 </message>
5223 <message>
5224 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="151" />
5225 <source>1:1 farther</source>
5226 <translation>1:1更遠</translation>
5227 </message>
5228 <message>
5229 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="152" />
5230 <source>1:2 closer</source>
5231 <translation>1:2更接近</translation>
5232 </message>
5233 <message>
5234 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="153" />
5235 <source>1:2</source>
5236 <translation>1:2</translation>
5237 </message>
5238 <message>
5239 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="154" />
5240 <source>1:2 farther</source>
5241 <translation>1:2更遠</translation>
5242 </message>
5243 <message>
5244 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="155" />
5245 <source>1:4 closer</source>
5246 <translation>1:4更接近</translation>
5247 </message>
5248 <message>
5249 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="156" />
5250 <source>1:4</source>
5251 <translation>1:4</translation>
5252 </message>
5253 <message>
5254 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="157" />
5255 <source>1:4 farther</source>
5256 <translation>1:4更遠</translation>
5257 </message>
5258 <message>
5259 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="158" />
5260 <source>1:8 closer</source>
5261 <translation>1:8更接近</translation>
5262 </message>
5263 <message>
5264 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="159" />
5265 <source>1:8</source>
5266 <translation>1:8</translation>
5267 </message>
5268 <message>
5269 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="160" />
5270 <source>1:8 farther</source>
5271 <translation>1:8更遠</translation>
5272 </message>
5273 <message>
5274 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="161" />
5275 <source>1:16 closer</source>
5276 <translation>1:16更接近</translation>
5277 </message>
5278 <message>
5279 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="162" />
5280 <source>1:16</source>
5281 <translation>1:16</translation>
5282 </message>
5283 <message>
5284 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="163" />
5285 <source>Fill</source>
5286 <translation>填</translation>
5287 </message>
5288 <message>
5289 <location filename="../src/StatusBar/StatusBar.cpp" line="164" />
5290 <source>Previous</source>
5291 <translation>上一步</translation>
50575292 </message>
50585293 </context>
50595294 <context>
50605295 <name>TutorialStateAxisPoints</name>
50615296 <message>
5062 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="26" />
5297 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
50635298 <source>Axis Points</source>
50645299 <translation>轴点</translation>
50655300 </message>
50665301 <message>
5067 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="29" />
5302 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="36" />
50685303 <source>Axis points are first defined to
50695304 define the coordinates. Step 1 -
50705305 Click on the Axis Points button</source>
50715306 <translation>首先定义轴点以定义坐标。第1步 - 点击Axis Points按钮</translation>
50725307 </message>
50735308 <message>
5074 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="33" />
5309 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="40" />
50755310 <source>Step 2 - Click on an axis or grid
50765311 line with known coordinates. An axis
50775312 point appears, with a dialog window
50805315 <translation>第2步 - 单击具有已知坐标的轴或网格线。出现轴⏎点,带有一个对话窗口,用于输入轴点坐标</translation>
50815316 </message>
50825317 <message>
5083 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="39" />
5318 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="46" />
50845319 <source>Step 3 - Enter the two coordinates
50855320 of the axis point and then click Ok.
50865321 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
50885323 <translation>步骤3 - 输入轴点的两个坐标点,然后点击确定。twice重复步骤2和3两次,直到创建三个轴点</translation>
50895324 </message>
50905325 <message>
5091 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="47" />
5326 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="54" />
50925327 <source>Previous</source>
50935328 <translation>上一步</translation>
50945329 </message>
50955330 <message>
5096 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="53" />
5331 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateAxisPoints.cpp" line="60" />
50975332 <source>Next</source>
50985333 <translation>下一步</translation>
50995334 </message>
51015336 <context>
51025337 <name>TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract</name>
51035338 <message>
5104 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="26" />
5339 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="33" />
51055340 <source>Checklist Wizard and Checklist Guide</source>
51065341 <translation>清单向导和清单指南</translation>
51075342 </message>
51085343 <message>
5109 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="29" />
5344 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="36" />
51105345 <source>For new Engauge users, a Checklist Wizard
51115346 is available when importing an image file.
51125347 This wizard produces a helpful checklist of
51145349 <translation>对于新的Engauge用户,在导入图像文件时可以使用Checklist向导.此向导会生成一个有用的步骤清单,用于跟踪数字化图像文件。</translation>
51155350 </message>
51165351 <message>
5117 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="34" />
5352 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="41" />
51185353 <source>Step 1 - Enable the menu option Help /
51195354 Checklist Guide Wizard.</source>
51205355 <translation>步骤1 - 启用菜单选项帮助/清单指南向导。</translation>
51215356 </message>
51225357 <message>
5123 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="37" />
5358 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="44" />
51245359 <source>Step 2 - Import the file using File /
51255360 Import. The Checklist Wizard will appear
51265361 and ask some simple questions to
51295364 <translation>第2步 - 使用文件/导入导入文件。清单向导将出现,并询问一些简单的问题以确定图像如何被数字化。</translation>
51305365 </message>
51315366 <message>
5132 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="43" />
5367 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
51335368 <source>Additional options are available in
51345369 the various Settings menus.
51375372 <translation>其他选项可在各种设置菜单中使用。本教程结束。祝你好运!</translation>
51385373 </message>
51395374 <message>
5140 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="50" />
5375 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateChecklistWizardAbstract.cpp" line="57" />
51415376 <source>Previous</source>
51425377 <translation>上一步</translation>
51435378 </message>
51455380 <context>
51465381 <name>TutorialStateColorFilter</name>
51475382 <message>
5148 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="26" />
5383 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="35" />
51495384 <source>Color Filter</source>
51505385 <translation>颜色筛选</translation>
51515386 </message>
51525387 <message>
5153 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="29" />
5388 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="38" />
51545389 <source>Each curve has Color Filter settings that
51555390 are applied in Segment Fill mode. For
51565391 black lines the defaults work well, but for
51585393 <translation>每条曲线都有颜色过滤器设置,可以在分段填充模式下应用。对于黑线,默认值工作正常,但对于彩色线条,可以改进设置。</translation>
51595394 </message>
51605395 <message>
5161 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="34" />
5396 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="43" />
51625397 <source>Step 1 - Select the Settings / Color
51635398 Filter menu option.</source>
51645399 <translation>步骤1 - 选择Settings /ColorFilter菜单选项。</translation>
51655400 </message>
51665401 <message>
5167 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="37" />
5402 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="46" />
51685403 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve that will
51695404 be given the new settings.</source>
51705405 <translation>第2步 - 选择将给出新设置的曲线。</translation>
51715406 </message>
51725407 <message>
5173 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="40" />
5408 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="49" />
51745409 <source>Step 3 - Select the mode. Intensity is
51755410 suggested for uncolored lines, and Hue
51765411 is suggested for colored lines.</source>
51775412 <translation>第3步 - 选择模式。对于无色线条,强烈建议,而Hueis建议用彩色线条。</translation>
51785413 </message>
51795414 <message>
5180 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="44" />
5415 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="53" />
51815416 <source>Step 4 - Adjust the included range by
51825417 dragging the green handles, until the
51835418 curve is clear in the preview window
51875422 <translation>第4步 - 通过拖动绿色手柄来调整所包含的范围,直到在下面的预览窗口中曲线清晰。该图显示了下面值的直方图分布。when完成后单击确定。</translation>
51885423 </message>
51895424 <message>
5190 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="54" />
5425 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateColorFilter.cpp" line="63" />
51915426 <source>Back</source>
51925427 <translation>背部</translation>
51935428 </message>
51955430 <context>
51965431 <name>TutorialStateCurveSelection</name>
51975432 <message>
5198 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="29" />
5433 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="40" />
51995434 <source>After the axis points have been created, a
52005435 curve is selected to receive curve points.
52015436 Step 1 - click on Curve, Point Match, Color
52035438 <translation>在创建轴点之后,选择曲线以接收曲线点。步骤1 - 单击曲线,点匹配,颜色拾取器或分段填充按钮。</translation>
52045439 </message>
52055440 <message>
5206 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="34" />
5441 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="45" />
52075442 <source>Step 2 - Select the desired curve name. If
52085443 that curve name has not been created yet,
52095444 use the menu option Settings / Curve Names
52115446 <translation>第2步 - 选择所需的曲线名称。如果曲线名称尚未创建,请使用菜单选项设置/曲线名称来创建它。</translation>
52125447 </message>
52135448 <message>
5214 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="39" />
5449 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="50" />
52155450 <source>Step 3 - Change the background from the
52165451 original image to the filtered image
52175452 produced for the current curve, using the
52225457 <translation>第3步 - 使用菜单选项“视图/背景/过滤”图像将背景从原始图像更改为为当前曲线生成的过滤图像。这种过滤可以实现本教程后面讨论的强大的自动算法。</translation>
52235458 </message>
52245459 <message>
5225 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="47" />
5460 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="58" />
52265461 <source>If the current curve is no longer visible
52275462 in the filtered image, then change the
52285463 current Color Filter settings. In the figure,
52305465 <translation>如果当前曲线在过滤图像中不再可见,则更改当前的颜色过滤器设置。在图中,橙色点已经消失。</translation>
52315466 </message>
52325467 <message>
5233 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="55" />
5468 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="66" />
52345469 <source>Previous</source>
52355470 <translation>上一步</translation>
52365471 </message>
52375472 <message>
5238 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="61" />
5473 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="72" />
52395474 <source>Color Filter Settings</source>
52405475 <translation>彩色滤光片设置</translation>
52415476 </message>
52425477 <message>
5243 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="67" />
5478 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveSelection.cpp" line="78" />
52445479 <source>Next</source>
52455480 <translation>下一步</translation>
52465481 </message>
52485483 <context>
52495484 <name>TutorialStateCurveType</name>
52505485 <message>
5251 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="26" />
5486 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="36" />
52525487 <source>Curve Type</source>
52535488 <translation>曲线类型</translation>
52545489 </message>
52555490 <message>
5256 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="29" />
5491 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="39" />
52575492 <source>The next steps depend on how the curves
52585493 are drawn, in terms of lines and points.</source>
52595494 <translation>接下来的步骤取决于曲线如何绘制,就线条和点而言。</translation>
52605495 </message>
52615496 <message>
5262 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="32" />
5497 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="42" />
52635498 <source>If the curves are drawn
52645499 with lines (with or without
52655500 points) then click on
52675502 <translation>如果曲线用直线绘制(带或不带点),然后单击下一个(直线)。</translation>
52685503 </message>
52695504 <message>
5270 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="37" />
5505 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="47" />
52715506 <source>If the curves are drawn
52725507 without lines and only
52735508 with points, then click on
52755510 <translation>如果绘制的曲线没有直线且只有点,则点击下一步(点)。</translation>
52765511 </message>
52775512 <message>
5278 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="45" />
5513 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="55" />
52795514 <source>Previous</source>
52805515 <translation>上一步</translation>
52815516 </message>
52825517 <message>
5283 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="51" />
5518 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="61" />
52845519 <source>Next (Lines)</source>
52855520 <translation>下一个(行)</translation>
52865521 </message>
52875522 <message>
5288 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="57" />
5523 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateCurveType.cpp" line="67" />
52895524 <source>Next (Points)</source>
52905525 <translation>下一步(点数)</translation>
52915526 </message>
52935528 <context>
52945529 <name>TutorialStateIntroduction</name>
52955530 <message>
5296 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="26" />
5531 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="33" />
52975532 <source>Introduction</source>
52985533 <translation>介绍</translation>
52995534 </message>
53005535 <message>
5301 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="29" />
5536 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="36" />
53025537 <source>Engauge Digitizer starts with
53035538 images of graphs and maps.</source>
53045539 <translation>Engauge Digitizer从图形和地图的图像开始。</translation>
53055540 </message>
53065541 <message>
5307 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="32" />
5542 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="39" />
53085543 <source>You create (or digitize) points along
53095544 the graph and map curves.</source>
53105545 <translation>您可以沿着图形和地图曲线创建(或数字化)点。</translation>
53115546 </message>
53125547 <message>
5313 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="35" />
5548 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="42" />
53145549 <source>The digitized curve points can be
53155550 exported, as numbers, to other software tools.</source>
53165551 <translation>数字化曲线点可以作为数字输出到其他软件工具。</translation>
53175552 </message>
53185553 <message>
5319 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="41" />
5554 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateIntroduction.cpp" line="48" />
53205555 <source>Next</source>
53215556 <translation>下一步</translation>
53225557 </message>
53245559 <context>
53255560 <name>TutorialStatePointMatch</name>
53265561 <message>
5327 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="26" />
5562 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="35" />
53285563 <source>Point Match</source>
53295564 <translation>点匹配</translation>
53305565 </message>
53315566 <message>
5332 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="29" />
5567 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="38" />
53335568 <source>In Point Match mode, you pick
53345569 one sample point, and Engauge
53355570 then finds all matching points.
53385573 <translation>在点匹配模式下,您选择一个样本点,然后Engauge找到所有匹配点。步骤1 - 单击点匹配模式。</translation>
53395574 </message>
53405575 <message>
5341 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="34" />
5576 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="43" />
53425577 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53435578 points will belong to.</source>
53445579 <translation>第2步-选择新点属于的曲线.</translation>
53455580 </message>
53465581 <message>
5347 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="37" />
5582 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="46" />
53485583 <source>Step 3 - Click on a typical point.
53495584 The circle turns green when it
53505585 contains what may be a point.</source>
53515586 <translation>第3步 - 点击一个典型的点。when当它包含可能是一个点时,该圆圈变成绿色。</translation>
53525587 </message>
53535588 <message>
5354 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="41" />
5589 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
53555590 <source>Step 4 - Engauge will show a
53565591 matched point with a yellow cross.
53575592 Press the Right Arrow key to accept
53605595 <translation>步骤4 - Engauge将显示一个黄色十字的不匹配点。按右箭头键接受匹配点。重复此步骤,直到没有更多的点。</translation>
53615596 </message>
53625597 <message>
5363 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="50" />
5598 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="59" />
53645599 <source>Previous</source>
53655600 <translation>上一步</translation>
53665601 </message>
53675602 <message>
5368 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="56" />
5603 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStatePointMatch.cpp" line="65" />
53695604 <source>Next</source>
53705605 <translation>下一步</translation>
53715606 </message>
53735608 <context>
53745609 <name>TutorialStateSegmentFill</name>
53755610 <message>
5376 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="26" />
5611 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
53775612 <source>Segment Fill</source>
53785613 <translation>线段填充</translation>
53795614 </message>
53805615 <message>
5381 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="29" />
5616 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
53825617 <source>Segment Fill mode places several
53835618 points all along the line segments
53845619 of a curve. Step 1 - Click on the
53865621 <translation>线段填充模式在曲线的线段上放置多个点. 第1步-点击线段填充模式.</translation>
53875622 </message>
53885623 <message>
5389 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="34" />
5624 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="42" />
53905625 <source>Step 2 - Select the curve the new
53915626 points will belong to.</source>
53925627 <translation>第2步-选择新点属于的曲线.</translation>
53935628 </message>
53945629 <message>
5395 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="37" />
5630 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
53965631 <source>Step 3 - Move the cursor over a line
53975632 segment in the desired curve. If a
53985633 green line appears, click on it once
54025637 </translation>
54035638 </message>
54045639 <message>
5405 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="45" />
5640 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="53" />
54065641 <source>Previous</source>
54075642 <translation>上一步</translation>
54085643 </message>
54095644 <message>
5410 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="51" />
5645 <location filename="../src/Tutorial/TutorialStateSegmentFill.cpp" line="59" />
54115646 <source>Next</source>
54125647 <translation>下一步</translation>
54135648 </message>
00 #!/usr/bin/python3
22 import os
3 from pprint import pprint
3 #from pprint import pprint
44 import sys
55 import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
44 # (which is handled below)
66 function main {
7 languages=(ar cs de en es fr hi it ja kk ko pt ru zh)
7 languages=(ar cs de en es fa_IR fr hi it ja kk ko nb pt ru zh)
88 for language in "${languages[@]}"
99 do
1010 merge_one $language
00 function main {
1 languages=(ar cs de en es fr hi it ja kk ko pt ru zh)
1 languages=(ar cs de en es fa_IR fr hi it ja kk ko nb pt ru zh)
22 for language in "${languages[@]}"
33 do
44 move_one $language
00 #!/bin/bash
22 function main {
3 languages=(ar cs de en es fr hi it ja kk ko pt ru zh)
3 languages=(ar cs de en es fa_IR fr hi it ja kk ko nb pt ru zh)
44 for language in "${languages[@]}"
55 do
66 prepare_one $language