Codebase list facter / 3f2e478
(maint) Use RSpec 2.9 expectations We have RSpec 2.11 listed in the project Gemfile but CI is still using 2.9. This commit switches the expectation syntax to the older version for compatibility. Adrien Thebo authored 11 years ago Josh Cooper committed 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
205205 end
206206 end
208 it "(#20236) is vmware when dmidecode contains vmware and lspci returns insufficient information", :focus => true do
208 it "(#20236) is vmware when dmidecode contains vmware and lspci returns insufficient information" do
209209 Facter::Util::Resolution.stubs(:exec).with('lspci 2>/dev/null').returns("garbage\ninformation\n")
210210 Facter::Util::Resolution.stubs(:exec).with('dmidecode').returns("On Board Device 1 Information\nType: Video\nStatus: Disabled\nDescription: VMware SVGA II")
211 expect(Facter.fact(:virtual).value).to eq("vmware")
211 Facter.fact(:virtual).value.should eq("vmware")
212212 end
213213 end