Codebase list facter / 9f01fe7
(#12147) Remove Darwin 6-specific iphostnumber fact The iphostnumber fact only resolves on version 6 of the Darwin kernel. This commit removes a fact that only exists on an unsupported platform. (aka Jaguar). The official minimum supported version is 8 (aka Tiger). Darwin 6 was replaced with Panther in October 2003. Jeff Weiss 12 years ago
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lib/facter/iphostnumber.rb less more
0 # Fact: iphostnumber
1 #
2 # Purpose: On selected versions of Darwin, returns the host's IP address.
3 #
4 # Resolution:
5 # Uses either the scutil program to get the localhost name, or parses output
6 # of ifconfig for a MAC address.
7 #
8 # Caveats:
9 #
11 Facter.add(:iphostnumber) do
12 confine :kernel => :darwin, :kernelrelease => "R6"
13 setcode do
14 %x{/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName}
15 end
16 end
17 Facter.add(:iphostnumber) do
18 confine :kernel => :darwin, :kernelrelease => "R6"
19 setcode do
20 ether = nil
21 output = %x{/sbin/ifconfig}
23 output =~ /HWaddr (\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w)/
24 ether = $1
26 ether
27 end
28 end