Codebase list facter / ab025bb
Revert "Revert "(#12864) Windows: get primary DNS from registry"" This reverts commit 753f3a4a1659b3f1d2a4dd5a44b8f8d09b23d0e4. Josh Cooper 11 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 122 addition(s) and 14 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5151 Facter.add(:domain) do
5252 confine :kernel => :windows
5353 setcode do
54 require 'facter/util/wmi'
54 require 'facter/util/registry'
5555 domain = ""
56 Facter::Util::WMI.execquery("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").each { |nic|
57 domain = nic.DNSDomain
58 break
59 }
56 regvalue = Facter::Util::Registry.hklm_read('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters', 'Domain')
57 domain = regvalue if regvalue
58 if domain == ""
59 require 'facter/util/wmi'
60 Facter::Util::WMI.execquery("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").each { |nic|
61 domain = nic.DNSDomain
62 break
63 }
64 end
6065 domain
6166 end
6267 end
0 module Facter::Util::Registry
1 class << self
2 def hklm_read(key, value)
3 require 'win32/registry'
4 reg =
5 reg[value]
6 end
7 end
8 end
9797 end
9999 describe "on Windows" do
100 it "should use the DNSDomain for the first nic where ip is enabled" do
100 before(:each) do
101101 Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("windows")
102 require 'facter/util/registry'
103 end
104 describe "with primary dns suffix" do
105 before(:each) do
106 Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns('')
107 end
108 it "should get the primary dns suffix" do
109 Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == ''
110 end
111 it "should not execute the wmi query" do
112 require 'facter/util/wmi'
113 Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).never
114 Facter.fact(:domain).value
115 end
116 end
117 describe "without primary dns suffix" do
118 before(:each) do
119 Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns('')
120 end
121 it "should use the DNSDomain for the first nic where ip is enabled" do
122 nic = stubs 'nic'
123 nic.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns("")
103 nic = stubs 'nic'
104 nic.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns("")
125 nic2 = stubs 'nic'
126 nic2.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns("")
106 nic2 = stubs 'nic'
107 nic2.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns("")
128 require 'facter/util/wmi'
129 Facter::Util::WMI.stubs(:execquery).with("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").returns([nic, nic2])
109 require 'facter/util/wmi'
110 Facter::Util::WMI.stubs(:execquery).with("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").returns([nic, nic2])
112 Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == ''
131 Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == ''
132 end
113133 end
114134 end
115135 end
0 #!/usr/bin/env rspec
1 require 'spec_helper'
2 require 'facter/operatingsystem'
3 require 'facter/util/registry'
5 describe Facter::Util::Registry do
6 describe "hklm_read", :if => Facter::Util::Config.is_windows? do
7 before(:all) do
8 require 'win32/registry'
9 end
10 describe "valid params" do
11 [ {:key => "valid_key", :value => "valid_value", :expected => "valid"},
12 {:key => "valid_key", :value => "", :expected => "valid"},
13 {:key => "valid_key", :value => nil, :expected => "invalid"},
14 {:key => "", :value => "valid_value", :expected => "valid"},
15 {:key => "", :value => "", :expected => "valid"},
16 {:key => "", :value => nil, :expected => "invalid"},
17 {:key => nil, :value => "valid_value", :expected => "invalid"},
18 {:key => nil, :value => "", :expected => "invalid"},
19 {:key => nil, :value => nil, :expected => "invalid"}
20 ].each do |scenario|
21 describe "with key #{scenario[:key] || "nil"} and value #{scenario[:value] || "nil"}" do
22 let :fake_registry_key do
23 fake = {}
24 fake[scenario[:value]] = scenario[:expected]
25 fake
26 end
27 it "should return #{scenario[:expected]} value" do
28 Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.stubs(:open).with(scenario[:key]).returns(fake_registry_key)
30 Facter::Util::Registry.hklm_read(scenario[:key], scenario[:value]).should == scenario[:expected]
31 end
32 end
33 end
34 end
36 describe "invalid params" do
37 [ {:key => "valid_key", :value => "invalid_value"},
38 {:key => "valid_key", :value => ""},
39 {:key => "valid_key", :value => nil},
40 ].each do |scenario|
41 describe "with valid key and value #{scenario[:value] || "nil"}" do
42 let :fake_registry_key do
43 {}
44 end
45 it "should raise an error" do
46 Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.stubs(:open).with(scenario[:key]).returns(fake_registry_key)
48 Facter::Util::Registry.hklm_read(scenario[:key], scenario[:value]).should raise_error
49 end
50 end
51 end
52 [ {:key => "invalid_key", :value => "valid_value"},
53 {:key => "invalid_key", :value => ""},
54 {:key => "invalid_key", :value => nil},
55 {:key => "", :value => "valid_value"},
56 {:key => "", :value => ""},
57 {:key => "", :value => nil},
58 {:key => nil, :value => "valid_value"},
59 {:key => nil, :value => ""},
60 {:key => nil, :value => nil}
61 ].each do |scenario|
62 describe "with invalid key #{scenario[:key] || "nil"} and value #{scenario[:value] || "nil"}" do
63 it "should raise an error" do
64 Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.stubs(:open).with(scenario[:key]).raises(Win32::Registry::Error, 2)
65 expect do
66 Facter::Util::Registry.hklm_read(scenario[:key], scenario[:value])
67 raise_error Win32::Registry::Error
68 end
69 end
70 end
71 end
72 end
73 end