Codebase list facter / f42896d
(#14764) Stub architecture fact when Windows facts run on Linux Previously the Windows specific tests were failing when run on Linux (but not Mac or Windows), because the processor fact always runs Linux, Aix, and Solaris specific commands, causing the architecture fact to be loaded, which loads the hardwaremodel, which was recently changed to use WMI to retrieve the processor architecture instead of using RbConfig. This commit just stubs the architecture fact until the processor fact can be fixed to conditionally execute those commands based on the current kernel fact. Josh Cooper 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1515 def load(procs)
1616 require 'facter/util/wmi'
1717 Facter::Util::WMI.stubs(:execquery).with("select * from Win32_Processor").returns(procs)
18 # This is to workaround #14674
19 Facter.fact(:architecture).stubs(:value).returns("x64")
1921 # processor facts belong to a file with a different name,
2022 # so load the file explicitly (after stubbing kernel),