Codebase list fasm / b65116a
New upstream version 1.71.58 Tomasz Buchert 7 years ago
11 changed file(s) with 1129 addition(s) and 79 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
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1 ; flat assembler interface for Linux x64
2 ; Copyright (c) 1999-2016, Tomasz Grysztar.
3 ; All rights reserved.
5 format ELF64 executable 3 at 400000h
6 entry start
8 include ''
10 segment readable executable
12 start:
14 mov [con_handle],1
15 mov esi,_logo
16 call display_string
18 mov [command_line],rsp
19 mov rcx,[rsp]
20 mov rbx,[rsp+8+rcx*8+8]
21 mov [environment],rbx
22 call get_params
23 jc information
25 call init_memory
27 mov esi,_memory_prefix
28 call display_string
29 mov eax,[memory_end]
30 sub eax,[memory_start]
31 add eax,[additional_memory_end]
32 sub eax,[additional_memory]
33 shr eax,10
34 call display_number
35 mov esi,_memory_suffix
36 call display_string
38 mov eax,96
39 mov edi,buffer
40 xor esi,esi
41 syscall
42 mov eax,dword [buffer]
43 mov ecx,1000
44 mul ecx
45 mov ebx,eax
46 mov eax,dword [buffer+4]
47 div ecx
48 add eax,ebx
49 mov [start_time],eax
51 and [preprocessing_done],0
52 call preprocessor
53 or [preprocessing_done],-1
54 call parser
55 call assembler
56 call formatter
58 call display_user_messages
59 movzx eax,[current_pass]
60 inc eax
61 call display_number
62 mov esi,_passes_suffix
63 call display_string
64 mov eax,96
65 mov edi,buffer
66 xor esi,esi
67 syscall
68 mov eax,dword [buffer]
69 mov ecx,1000
70 mul ecx
71 mov ebx,eax
72 mov eax,dword [buffer+4]
73 div ecx
74 add eax,ebx
75 sub eax,[start_time]
76 jnc time_ok
77 add eax,3600000
78 time_ok:
79 xor edx,edx
80 mov ebx,100
81 div ebx
82 or eax,eax
83 jz display_bytes_count
84 xor edx,edx
85 mov ebx,10
86 div ebx
87 push edx
88 call display_number
89 mov dl,'.'
90 call display_character
91 pop eax
92 call display_number
93 mov esi,_seconds_suffix
94 call display_string
95 display_bytes_count:
96 mov eax,[written_size]
97 call display_number
98 mov esi,_bytes_suffix
99 call display_string
100 xor al,al
101 jmp exit_program
103 information:
104 mov esi,_usage
105 call display_string
106 mov al,1
107 jmp exit_program
109 get_params:
110 mov rbx,[command_line]
111 mov [input_file],0
112 mov [output_file],0
113 mov [symbols_file],0
114 mov [memory_setting],0
115 mov [passes_limit],100
116 mov rcx,[rbx]
117 add rbx,8*2
118 dec rcx
119 jz bad_params
120 mov [definitions_pointer],predefinitions
121 mov [path_pointer],paths
122 get_param:
123 mov rsi,[rbx]
124 mov al,[rsi]
125 cmp al,'-'
126 je option_param
127 cmp [input_file],0
128 jne get_output_file
129 call collect_path
130 mov [input_file],edx
131 jmp next_param
132 get_output_file:
133 cmp [output_file],0
134 jne bad_params
135 call collect_path
136 mov [output_file],edx
137 jmp next_param
138 option_param:
139 inc rsi
140 lodsb
141 cmp al,'m'
142 je memory_option
143 cmp al,'M'
144 je memory_option
145 cmp al,'p'
146 je passes_option
147 cmp al,'P'
148 je passes_option
149 cmp al,'d'
150 je definition_option
151 cmp al,'D'
152 je definition_option
153 cmp al,'s'
154 je symbols_option
155 cmp al,'S'
156 je symbols_option
157 bad_params:
158 stc
159 ret
160 memory_option:
161 cmp byte [rsi],0
162 jne get_memory_setting
163 dec rcx
164 jz bad_params
165 add rbx,8
166 mov rsi,[rbx]
167 get_memory_setting:
168 call get_option_value
169 or edx,edx
170 jz bad_params
171 cmp edx,1 shl (32-10)
172 jae bad_params
173 mov [memory_setting],edx
174 jmp next_param
175 passes_option:
176 cmp byte [rsi],0
177 jne get_passes_setting
178 dec rcx
179 jz bad_params
180 add rbx,8
181 mov rsi,[rbx]
182 get_passes_setting:
183 call get_option_value
184 or edx,edx
185 jz bad_params
186 cmp edx,10000h
187 ja bad_params
188 mov [passes_limit],dx
189 next_param:
190 add rbx,8
191 dec rcx
192 jnz get_param
193 cmp [input_file],0
194 je bad_params
195 mov eax,[definitions_pointer]
196 mov byte [eax],0
197 mov [initial_definitions],predefinitions
198 clc
199 ret
200 definition_option:
201 cmp byte [rsi],0
202 jne get_definition
203 dec rcx
204 jz bad_params
205 add rbx,8
206 mov rsi,[rbx]
207 get_definition:
208 mov r12d,edi
209 mov edi,[definitions_pointer]
210 call convert_definition_option
211 mov [definitions_pointer],edi
212 mov edi,r12d
213 jc bad_params
214 jmp next_param
215 symbols_option:
216 cmp byte [rsi],0
217 jne get_symbols_setting
218 dec rcx
219 jz bad_params
220 add rbx,8
221 mov rsi,[rbx]
222 get_symbols_setting:
223 call collect_path
224 mov [symbols_file],edx
225 jmp next_param
226 get_option_value:
227 xor eax,eax
228 mov edx,eax
229 get_option_digit:
230 lodsb
231 cmp al,20h
232 je option_value_ok
233 or al,al
234 jz option_value_ok
235 sub al,30h
236 jc invalid_option_value
237 cmp al,9
238 ja invalid_option_value
239 imul edx,10
240 jo invalid_option_value
241 add edx,eax
242 jc invalid_option_value
243 jmp get_option_digit
244 option_value_ok:
245 dec rsi
246 clc
247 ret
248 invalid_option_value:
249 stc
250 ret
251 convert_definition_option:
252 mov edx,edi
253 xor al,al
254 stosb
255 copy_definition_name:
256 lodsb
257 cmp al,'='
258 je copy_definition_value
259 cmp al,20h
260 je bad_definition_option
261 or al,al
262 jz bad_definition_option
263 stosb
264 inc byte [edx]
265 jnz copy_definition_name
266 bad_definition_option:
267 stc
268 ret
269 copy_definition_value:
270 lodsb
271 cmp al,20h
272 je definition_value_end
273 or al,al
274 jz definition_value_end
275 stosb
276 jmp copy_definition_value
277 definition_value_end:
278 dec rsi
279 xor al,al
280 stosb
281 clc
282 ret
283 collect_path:
284 mov edi,[path_pointer]
285 mov edx,edi
286 copy_path_to_low_memory:
287 lodsb
288 stosb
289 test al,al
290 jnz copy_path_to_low_memory
291 mov [path_pointer],edi
292 retn
294 include ''
296 include '..\..\'
298 _copyright db 'Copyright (c) 1999-2016, Tomasz Grysztar',0xA,0
300 _logo db 'flat assembler version ',VERSION_STRING,0
301 _usage db 0xA
302 db 'usage: fasm <source> [output]',0xA
303 db 'optional settings:',0xA
304 db ' -m <limit> set the limit in kilobytes for the available memory',0xA
305 db ' -p <limit> set the maximum allowed number of passes',0xA
306 db ' -d <name>=<value> define symbolic variable',0xA
307 db ' -s <file> dump symbolic information for debugging',0xA
308 db 0
309 _memory_prefix db ' (',0
310 _memory_suffix db ' kilobytes memory, x64)',0xA,0
311 _passes_suffix db ' passes, ',0
312 _seconds_suffix db ' seconds, ',0
313 _bytes_suffix db ' bytes.',0xA,0
314 _no_low_memory db 'failed to allocate memory within 32-bit addressing range',0
316 include '..\..\'
317 include '..\..\'
318 include '..\..\'
319 include '..\..\'
320 include '..\..\'
321 include '..\..\'
322 include '..\..\'
323 include '..\..\'
324 include '..\..\'
325 include '..\..\'
327 include '..\..\'
328 include '..\..\'
330 segment readable writeable
332 align 4
334 include '..\..\'
336 command_line dq ?
337 memory_setting dd ?
338 path_pointer dd ?
339 definitions_pointer dd ?
340 environment dq ?
341 timestamp dq ?
342 start_time dd ?
343 con_handle dd ?
344 displayed_count dd ?
345 last_displayed db ?
346 character db ?
347 preprocessing_done db ?
349 buffer rb 1000h
350 predefinitions rb 1000h
351 paths rb 10000h
1 esp equ +rsp
3 macro pushD [arg]
4 {
5 common
6 local offset,total
7 offset = 0
8 lea rsp,[rsp-total]
9 forward
10 offset = offset + 4
11 if arg eqtype eax
12 mov dword [rsp+total-offset],arg
13 else
14 mov r8d,dword arg
15 mov [rsp+total-offset],r8d
16 end if
17 common
18 total = offset
19 }
21 macro popD [arg]
22 {
23 common
24 local offset
25 offset = 0
26 forward
27 if arg eqtype [mem]
28 mov r8d,[rsp+offset]
29 mov dword arg,r8d
30 else
31 mov arg,dword [rsp+offset]
32 end if
33 offset = offset + 4
34 common
35 lea rsp,[rsp+offset]
36 }
38 macro add dest,src
39 {
40 if dest eq esp
41 add rsp,src
42 else
43 add dest,src
44 end if
45 }
47 macro mov dest,src
48 {
49 if src eq esp
50 mov dest,ESP
51 else
52 mov dest,src
53 end if
54 }
56 macro cmp dest,src
57 {
58 if dest eq esp
59 cmp ESP,src
60 else
61 cmp dest,src
62 end if
63 }
65 macro use32
66 {
68 macro push args
69 \{
70 local list,arg,status
71 define list
72 define arg
73 irps sym, args \\{
74 define status
75 match =dword, sym \\\{
76 define status :
77 \\\}
78 match [any, status arg sym \\\{
79 define arg [any
80 match [mem], arg \\\\{
81 match previous, list \\\\\{ define list previous,[mem] \\\\\}
82 match , list \\\\\{ define list [mem] \\\\\}
83 define arg
84 \\\\}
85 define status :
86 \\\}
87 match [, status arg sym \\\{
88 define arg [
89 define status :
90 \\\}
91 match , status \\\{
92 match previous, list \\\\{ define list previous,sym \\\\}
93 match , list \\\\{ define list sym \\\\}
94 \\\}
95 \\}
96 match arg, list \\{ pushD arg \\}
97 \}
99 macro pop args
100 \{
101 local list,arg,status
102 define list
103 define arg
104 irps sym, args \\{
105 define status
106 match =dword, sym \\\{
107 define status :
108 \\\}
109 match [any, status arg sym \\\{
110 define arg [any
111 match [mem], arg \\\\{
112 match previous, list \\\\\{ define list previous,[mem] \\\\\}
113 match , list \\\\\{ define list [mem] \\\\\}
114 define arg
115 \\\\}
116 define status :
117 \\\}
118 match [, status arg sym \\\{
119 define arg [
120 define status :
121 \\\}
122 match , status \\\{
123 match previous, list \\\\{ define list previous,sym \\\\}
124 match , list \\\\{ define list sym \\\\}
125 \\\}
126 \\}
127 match arg, list \\{ popD arg \\}
128 \}
130 macro jmp arg
131 \{
132 if arg eq near eax
133 jmp near rax
134 else if arg eq near edx
135 jmp near rdx
136 else if arg eqtype [mem]
137 mov r8d,arg
138 jmp near r8
139 else
140 jmp arg
141 end if
142 \}
144 macro call arg
145 \{
146 if 1
147 match =near =dword [mem], arg \\{
148 mov r8d,[mem]
149 call near r8
150 else
151 \\}
152 call arg
153 end if
154 \}
156 macro salc ; for fasm's core it does not need to preserve flags
157 \{
158 setc al
159 neg al
160 \}
162 macro jcxz target ; for fasm's core it does not need to preserve flags
163 \{
164 test cx,cx
165 jz target
166 \}
168 use64
170 }
172 macro use16
173 {
175 purge push,pop,jmp,call,salc,jcxz
177 use16
179 }
181 use32
1 ; flat assembler interface for Linux x64
2 ; Copyright (c) 1999-2016, Tomasz Grysztar.
3 ; All rights reserved.
5 O_ACCMODE = 0003o
6 O_RDONLY = 0000o
7 O_WRONLY = 0001o
8 O_RDWR = 0002o
9 O_CREAT = 0100o
10 O_EXCL = 0200o
11 O_NOCTTY = 0400o
12 O_TRUNC = 1000o
13 O_APPEND = 2000o
14 O_NONBLOCK = 4000o
16 S_ISUID = 4000o
17 S_ISGID = 2000o
18 S_ISVTX = 1000o
19 S_IRUSR = 0400o
20 S_IWUSR = 0200o
21 S_IXUSR = 0100o
22 S_IRGRP = 0040o
23 S_IWGRP = 0020o
24 S_IXGRP = 0010o
25 S_IROTH = 0004o
26 S_IWOTH = 0002o
27 S_IXOTH = 0001o
29 init_memory:
30 mov eax,esp
31 and eax,not 0FFFh
32 add eax,1000h-10000h
33 mov [stack_limit],eax
34 xor edi,edi
35 mov eax,12
36 syscall
37 mov r9,not 0FFFFFFFFh
38 test rax,r9
39 jnz no_low_memory
40 mov [additional_memory],eax
41 mov ecx,[memory_setting]
42 shl ecx,10
43 jnz allocate_memory
44 mov ecx,1000000h
45 allocate_memory:
46 mov edi,[additional_memory]
47 add edi,ecx
48 mov eax,12
49 syscall
50 mov r9,not 0FFFFFFFFh
51 test rax,r9
52 jnz no_low_memory
53 mov [memory_end],eax
54 sub eax,[additional_memory]
55 shr eax,2
56 add eax,[additional_memory]
57 mov [additional_memory_end],eax
58 mov [memory_start],eax
59 ret
61 no_low_memory:
62 push _no_low_memory
63 jmp fatal_error
65 exit_program:
66 movzx edi,al
67 mov eax,60
68 syscall
70 get_environment_variable:
71 mov ebx,esi
72 mov rsi,[environment]
73 compare_variable_names:
74 mov edx,ebx
75 compare_character:
76 lodsb
77 mov ah,[edx]
78 inc edx
79 cmp al,'='
80 je end_of_variable_name
81 or ah,ah
82 jz next_variable
83 sub ah,al
84 jz compare_character
85 cmp ah,20h
86 jne next_variable
87 cmp al,41h
88 jb next_variable
89 cmp al,5Ah
90 jna compare_character
91 next_variable:
92 lodsb
93 or al,al
94 jnz next_variable
95 cmp byte [rsi],0
96 jne compare_variable_names
97 ret
98 end_of_variable_name:
99 or ah,ah
100 jnz next_variable
101 copy_variable_value:
102 lodsb
103 cmp edi,[memory_end]
104 jae out_of_memory
105 stosb
106 or al,al
107 jnz copy_variable_value
108 dec edi
109 ret
111 open:
112 mov r12d,esi
113 mov r13d,edi
114 call adapt_path
115 mov eax,2
116 mov edi,buffer
117 mov esi,O_RDONLY
118 xor edx,edx
119 syscall
120 mov esi,r12d
121 mov edi,r13d
122 test eax,eax
123 js file_error
124 mov ebx,eax
125 clc
126 ret
127 adapt_path:
128 mov esi,edx
129 mov edi,buffer
130 copy_path:
131 lods byte [esi]
132 cmp al,'\'
133 jne path_char_ok
134 mov al,'/'
135 path_char_ok:
136 stos byte [edi]
137 or al,al
138 jnz copy_path
139 cmp edi,buffer+1000h
140 ja out_of_memory
141 ret
142 create:
143 mov r12d,esi
144 mov r13d,edi
145 mov r15d,edx
146 call adapt_path
147 mov edi,buffer
150 cmp r15d,[output_file]
151 jne do_create
152 cmp [output_format],5
153 jne do_create
154 bt [format_flags],0
155 jnc do_create
157 do_create:
158 mov eax,2
159 syscall
160 mov esi,r12d
161 mov edi,r13d
162 test eax,eax
163 js file_error
164 mov ebx,eax
165 clc
166 ret
167 close:
168 mov r13d,edi
169 mov edi,ebx
170 mov eax,3
171 syscall
172 mov edi,r13d
173 ret
174 read:
175 mov r12d,esi
176 mov r13d,edi
177 mov eax,0
178 mov edi,ebx
179 mov esi,edx
180 mov edx,ecx
181 syscall
182 mov ecx,edx
183 mov edx,esi
184 mov esi,r12d
185 mov edi,r13d
186 test eax,eax
187 js file_error
188 cmp eax,ecx
189 jne file_error
190 clc
191 ret
192 file_error:
193 stc
194 ret
195 write:
196 mov r12d,esi
197 mov r13d,edi
198 mov eax,1
199 mov edi,ebx
200 mov esi,edx
201 mov edx,ecx
202 syscall
203 mov ecx,edx
204 mov edx,esi
205 mov esi,r12d
206 mov edi,r13d
207 test eax,eax
208 js file_error
209 clc
210 ret
211 lseek:
212 mov r12d,esi
213 mov r13d,edi
214 mov edi,ebx
215 mov esi,edx
216 xor edx,edx
217 mov dl,al
218 mov eax,8
219 syscall
220 mov esi,r12d
221 mov edi,r13d
222 ret
224 display_string:
225 mov edi,esi
226 mov edx,esi
227 or ecx,-1
228 xor al,al
229 repne scasb
230 neg ecx
231 sub ecx,2
232 mov eax,1
233 mov edi,[con_handle]
234 mov esi,edx
235 mov edx,ecx
236 syscall
237 ret
238 display_character:
239 mov r12d,esi
240 mov r13d,edi
241 mov [character],dl
242 mov eax,1
243 mov edi,[con_handle]
244 mov esi,character
245 mov edx,1
246 syscall
247 mov esi,r12d
248 mov edi,r13d
249 ret
250 display_number:
251 mov r14d,ebx
252 mov ecx,1000000000
253 xor edx,edx
254 xor bl,bl
255 display_loop:
256 div ecx
257 mov r15d,edx
258 cmp ecx,1
259 je display_digit
260 or bl,bl
261 jnz display_digit
262 or al,al
263 jz digit_ok
264 not bl
265 display_digit:
266 mov dl,al
267 add dl,30h
268 mov r10d,ecx
269 call display_character
270 mov ecx,r10d
271 digit_ok:
272 mov eax,ecx
273 xor edx,edx
274 mov ecx,10
275 div ecx
276 mov ecx,eax
277 mov eax,r15d
278 or ecx,ecx
279 jnz display_loop
280 mov ebx,r14d
281 ret
283 display_user_messages:
284 mov [displayed_count],0
285 call show_display_buffer
286 cmp [displayed_count],0
287 je line_break_ok
288 cmp [last_displayed],0Ah
289 je line_break_ok
290 mov dl,0Ah
291 call display_character
292 line_break_ok:
293 ret
294 display_block:
295 jecxz block_displayed
296 add [displayed_count],ecx
297 mov al,[esi+ecx-1]
298 mov [last_displayed],al
299 mov r13d,edi
300 mov eax,1
301 mov edi,[con_handle]
302 mov edx,ecx
303 syscall
304 mov edi,r13d
305 block_displayed:
306 ret
308 fatal_error:
309 mov [con_handle],2
310 mov esi,error_prefix
311 call display_string
312 pop esi
313 call display_string
314 mov esi,error_suffix
315 call display_string
316 mov al,0FFh
317 jmp exit_program
318 assembler_error:
319 mov [con_handle],2
320 call display_user_messages
321 mov ebx,[current_line]
322 test ebx,ebx
323 jz display_error_message
324 push dword 0
325 get_error_lines:
326 mov eax,[ebx]
327 cmp byte [eax],0
328 je get_next_error_line
329 push ebx
330 test byte [ebx+7],80h
331 jz display_error_line
332 mov edx,ebx
333 find_definition_origin:
334 mov edx,[edx+12]
335 test byte [edx+7],80h
336 jnz find_definition_origin
337 push edx
338 get_next_error_line:
339 mov ebx,[ebx+8]
340 jmp get_error_lines
341 display_error_line:
342 mov esi,[ebx]
343 call display_string
344 mov esi,line_number_start
345 call display_string
346 mov eax,[ebx+4]
347 and eax,7FFFFFFFh
348 call display_number
349 mov dl,']'
350 call display_character
351 pop esi
352 cmp ebx,esi
353 je line_number_ok
354 mov dl,20h
355 call display_character
356 push esi
357 mov esi,[esi]
358 movzx ecx,byte [esi]
359 inc esi
360 call display_block
361 mov esi,line_number_start
362 call display_string
363 pop esi
364 mov eax,[esi+4]
365 and eax,7FFFFFFFh
366 call display_number
367 mov dl,']'
368 call display_character
369 line_number_ok:
370 mov esi,line_data_start
371 call display_string
372 mov esi,ebx
373 mov edx,[esi]
374 call open
375 mov al,2
376 xor edx,edx
377 call lseek
378 mov edx,[esi+8]
379 sub eax,edx
380 jz line_data_displayed
381 push eax
382 xor al,al
383 call lseek
384 mov ecx,[esp]
385 mov edx,[additional_memory]
386 lea eax,[edx+ecx]
387 cmp eax,[additional_memory_end]
388 ja out_of_memory
389 call read
390 call close
391 pop ecx
392 mov esi,[additional_memory]
393 get_line_data:
394 mov al,[esi]
395 cmp al,0Ah
396 je display_line_data
397 cmp al,0Dh
398 je display_line_data
399 cmp al,1Ah
400 je display_line_data
401 or al,al
402 jz display_line_data
403 inc esi
404 loop get_line_data
405 display_line_data:
406 mov ecx,esi
407 mov esi,[additional_memory]
408 sub ecx,esi
409 call display_block
410 line_data_displayed:
411 mov esi,lf
412 call display_string
413 pop ebx
414 or ebx,ebx
415 jnz display_error_line
416 cmp [preprocessing_done],0
417 je display_error_message
418 mov esi,preprocessed_instruction_prefix
419 call display_string
420 mov esi,[current_line]
421 add esi,16
422 mov edi,[additional_memory]
423 xor dl,dl
424 convert_instruction:
425 lodsb
426 cmp al,1Ah
427 je copy_symbol
428 cmp al,22h
429 je copy_symbol
430 cmp al,3Bh
431 je instruction_converted
432 stosb
433 or al,al
434 jz instruction_converted
435 xor dl,dl
436 jmp convert_instruction
437 copy_symbol:
438 or dl,dl
439 jz space_ok
440 mov byte [edi],20h
441 inc edi
442 space_ok:
443 cmp al,22h
444 je quoted
445 lodsb
446 movzx ecx,al
447 rep movsb
448 or dl,-1
449 jmp convert_instruction
450 quoted:
451 mov al,27h
452 stosb
453 lodsd
454 mov ecx,eax
455 jecxz quoted_copied
456 copy_quoted:
457 lodsb
458 stosb
459 cmp al,27h
460 jne quote_ok
461 stosb
462 quote_ok:
463 loop copy_quoted
464 quoted_copied:
465 mov al,27h
466 stosb
467 or dl,-1
468 jmp convert_instruction
469 instruction_converted:
470 xor al,al
471 stosb
472 mov esi,[additional_memory]
473 call display_string
474 mov esi,lf
475 call display_string
476 display_error_message:
477 mov esi,error_prefix
478 call display_string
479 pop esi
480 call display_string
481 mov esi,error_suffix
482 call display_string
483 mov al,2
484 jmp exit_program
486 make_timestamp:
487 mov r13d,edi
488 mov eax,201
489 mov edi,timestamp
490 syscall
491 mov eax,dword [timestamp]
492 mov edx,dword [timestamp+4]
493 mov edi,r13d
494 ret
496 error_prefix db 'error: ',0
497 error_suffix db '.'
498 lf db 0xA,0
499 line_number_start db ' [',0
500 line_data_start db ':',0xA,0
501 preprocessed_instruction_prefix db 'processed: ',0
809809 mov [counter],1
810810 times_loop:
811811 mov eax,esp
812 sub eax,100h
813 jc stack_overflow
814 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
812 sub eax,[stack_limit]
813 cmp eax,100h
815814 jb stack_overflow
816815 push esi
817816 or [prefix_flags],1
13031302 push ebx
13041303 jmp stop_while
1305 data_unicode:
1306 or [base_code],-1
1307 jmp define_words
1308 data_words:
1309 mov [base_code],0
1310 define_words:
1311 push define_data_word
1312 jmp define_data
1313 data_dwords:
1314 push define_data_dword
1315 jmp define_data
1316 data_pwords:
1317 push define_data_pword
1318 jmp define_data
1319 data_qwords:
1320 push define_data_qword
1321 jmp define_data
1322 data_twords:
1323 push define_data_tword
1324 jmp define_data
13061325 data_bytes:
1307 call define_data
1308 lods byte [esi]
1309 cmp al,'('
1310 je get_byte
1311 cmp al,'?'
1312 jne invalid_argument
1313 mov eax,edi
1314 mov byte [edi],0
1315 inc edi
1316 jmp undefined_data
1317 get_byte:
1318 cmp byte [esi],0
1319 je get_string
1320 call get_byte_value
1321 stos byte [edi]
1322 ret
1323 get_string:
1324 inc esi
1325 lods dword [esi]
1326 mov ecx,eax
1327 lea eax,[edi+ecx]
1328 cmp eax,[tagged_blocks]
1329 ja out_of_memory
1330 rep movs byte [edi],[esi]
1331 inc esi
1332 ret
1333 undefined_data:
1334 mov ebp,[addressing_space]
1335 test byte [ds:ebp+0Ah],1
1336 jz mark_undefined_data
1337 ret
1338 mark_undefined_data:
1339 cmp eax,[undefined_data_end]
1340 je undefined_data_ok
1341 mov [undefined_data_start],eax
1342 undefined_data_ok:
1343 mov [undefined_data_end],edi
1344 ret
1345 define_data:
1326 push define_data_byte
1327 define_data:
13461328 cmp edi,[tagged_blocks]
13471329 jae out_of_memory
13481330 cmp byte [esi],'('
14121394 dec esi
14131395 add esp,4
14141396 jmp instruction_assembled
1415 data_unicode:
1416 or [base_code],-1
1417 jmp define_words
1418 data_words:
1419 mov [base_code],0
1420 define_words:
1421 call define_data
1401 define_data_byte:
1402 lods byte [esi]
1403 cmp al,'('
1404 je get_byte
1405 cmp al,'?'
1406 jne invalid_argument
1407 mov eax,edi
1408 mov byte [edi],0
1409 inc edi
1410 jmp undefined_data
1411 get_byte:
1412 cmp byte [esi],0
1413 je get_string
1414 call get_byte_value
1415 stos byte [edi]
1416 ret
1417 get_string:
1418 inc esi
1419 lods dword [esi]
1420 mov ecx,eax
1421 lea eax,[edi+ecx]
1422 cmp eax,[tagged_blocks]
1423 ja out_of_memory
1424 rep movs byte [edi],[esi]
1425 inc esi
1426 ret
1427 undefined_data:
1428 mov ebp,[addressing_space]
1429 test byte [ds:ebp+0Ah],1
1430 jz mark_undefined_data
1431 ret
1432 mark_undefined_data:
1433 cmp eax,[undefined_data_end]
1434 je undefined_data_ok
1435 mov [undefined_data_start],eax
1436 undefined_data_ok:
1437 mov [undefined_data_end],edi
1438 ret
1439 define_data_word:
14221440 lods byte [esi]
14231441 cmp al,'('
14241442 je get_word
14551473 word_string_ok:
14561474 inc esi
14571475 ret
1458 data_dwords:
1459 call define_data
1476 define_data_dword:
14601477 lods byte [esi]
14611478 cmp al,'('
14621479 je get_dword
14981515 call mark_relocation
14991516 stos word [edi]
15001517 ret
1501 data_pwords:
1502 call define_data
1518 define_data_pword:
15031519 lods byte [esi]
15041520 cmp al,'('
15051521 je get_pword
15451561 call mark_relocation
15461562 stos word [edi]
15471563 ret
1548 data_qwords:
1549 call define_data
1564 define_data_qword:
15501565 lods byte [esi]
15511566 cmp al,'('
15521567 je get_qword
15651580 mov eax,edx
15661581 stos dword [edi]
15671582 ret
1568 data_twords:
1569 call define_data
1583 define_data_tword:
15701584 lods byte [esi]
15711585 cmp al,'('
15721586 je get_tword
8585 cmp eax,edx
8686 jae out_of_memory
8787 mov eax,esp
88 sub eax,100h
89 jc stack_overflow
90 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
88 sub eax,[stack_limit]
89 cmp eax,100h
9190 jb stack_overflow
9291 cmp byte [esi],'('
9392 je expression_value
160160 ret
161161 parse_block:
162162 mov eax,esp
163 sub eax,100h
164 jc stack_overflow
165 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
163 sub eax,[stack_limit]
164 cmp eax,100h
166165 jb stack_overflow
167166 push [current_line]
168167 mov ax,bx
366365 jmp skip_parsing_contents
367366 skip_parsing_block:
368367 mov eax,esp
369 sub eax,100h
370 jc stack_overflow
371 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
368 sub eax,[stack_limit]
369 cmp eax,100h
372370 jb stack_overflow
373371 push [current_line]
374372 mov ax,bx
824822 cmp byte [esi],'('
825823 jne expression
826824 mov eax,esp
827 sub eax,100h
828 jc stack_overflow
829 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
825 sub eax,[stack_limit]
826 cmp eax,100h
830827 jb stack_overflow
831828 push esi edi
832829 inc esi
557557 jne next_directive
558558 repe cmps byte [esi],[edi]
559559 jb no_directive
560 je directive_ok
560 je directive_handler
561561 next_directive:
562562 mov edi,ebx
563563 add edi,2
567567 mov ecx,ebp
568568 stc
569569 ret
570 directive_ok:
570 directive_handler:
571571 lea esi,[edx+ebp]
572 call directive_handler
573 directive_handler:
574 pop ecx
575572 movzx eax,word [ebx]
576 add eax,ecx
573 add eax,directive_handler
577574 clc
578575 ret
580577 preprocess_line:
581578 mov eax,esp
582 sub eax,100h
583 jc stack_overflow
584 cmp eax,[stack_limit]
579 sub eax,[stack_limit]
580 cmp eax,100h
585581 jb stack_overflow
586582 push ecx esi
587583 preprocess_current_line:
3232 ; cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence
3333 ; (including the GNU Public Licence).
35 VERSION_STRING equ "1.71.57"
35 VERSION_STRING equ "1.71.58"
11 Visit for more information.
4 version 1.71.58 (Dec 08, 2016)
6 [+] Added a 64-bit ELF executable version of flat assembler for Linux. It has
7 no extended capabilities compared to regular versions, it just simulates
8 the 32-bit environment to allow running the assembler on systems that
9 support only 64-bit executables.
412 version 1.71.57 (Sep 26, 2016)