Codebase list fastqc / eabeb6b
Give advise how to easily prepare source tarball Andreas Tille 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 8 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 fastqc for Debian
11 -----------------
3 The following .jar files were removed and are substituted with symbolic links to the .jars in the distribution.
3 By using a not yet released version of uscan from Git
5 fastqc-0.10.0/jbzip2-0.9.jar
6 fastqc-0.10.0/sam-1.32.jar
5 git://
8 All .svn directories were removed from the source tree.
7 the following changes to the upstream tarball were approached:
9 1. Removal of .jar files
10 fastqc-*/jbzip2-0.9.jar
11 fastqc-*/sam-1.32.jar
13 2. Removal of all .svn directories