Codebase list fig2ps / upstream/1.3.2
Import Upstream version 1.3.2 Luis Paulo Linares 3 years ago
12 changed file(s) with 2221 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 %.1: %.pod
1 pod2man -c '' $< $@
2 bin/fig2pdf:
3 cd bin;ln -s fig2ps fig2pdf; cd ..;
4 doc/fig2pdf.1:
5 cd doc;ln -s fig2ps.1 fig2pdf.1; cd ..;
7 build: doc/fig2ps.1 check
9 check:
10 perl -c -w bin/fig2ps
12 install: build
13 cp bin/fig2ps $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/fig2ps
14 cp fig2ps.rc $(DESTDIR)/etc/fig2ps/fig2ps.rc
15 gzip --best -c doc/fig2ps.1 > $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/fig2ps.1.gz
17 install-home: build
18 if test -d $(HOME)/bin ;\
19 then cp bin/fig2ps $(HOME)/bin;\
20 ln -s $(HOME)/bin/fig2ps $(HOME)/bin/fig2pdf;\
21 ln -s $(HOME)/bin/fig2ps $(HOME)/bin/fig2eps;\
22 cp fig2ps.rc $(HOME)/.fig2ps.rc;\
23 else echo "You should have a $(HOME)/bin directory";\
24 fi;
26 clean:
27 rm -f `find . -name "*~"`;
28 rm doc/fig2ps.1;
0 fig2ps
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # this program is copyright 2004 by Vincent Fourmond
3 # you can modify and redistribute it under the terms of the Gnu public licence
5 use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
7 my $help = 0;
8 my $packages = "";
9 my $packages_add = "";
10 my $gv = 1;
11 my $doc_class = "article";
12 my $doc_option = "a4paper";
13 my $pre_beg_commands = "";
14 my $post_beg_commands = "\\pagestyle{empty}%\n";
15 my $keep_ps = 0;
17 # wether the extension of the target file is ps or eps.
18 my $eps_output = 0;
20 my $inputfile = 0;
22 my $force_special = 0;
24 my $keep = 0;
26 my $bbox = "gs";
28 my $dvips_options = "";
29 my $dvips_tmp_options = "";
31 my $pdf = 0;
33 my $pre_add = "";
35 my $help_text = <<"FIN_AIDE";
36 Usage:
37 fig2ps [-h|--help]\tPrints this help
38 fig2ps [options] file.fig Converts file.fig into ps using LaTeX for texts.
39 --[no]gv runs or not gv at the end;
40 --packages=pack1,pack2,... packages to be used
41 --add=pack1,pack2,... supplementary packages to be used
42 -k|--keep wether to keep or not the temporary files
43 --bbox=dvips|gs|a,b,c,d method for the bounding box
44 --input=file use file as a TeX template (\\input file)
45 --dvips=s options to go to dvips
46 --preamble=s add string to the preamble
47 --[no]pdf wether fig2ps should produce ps or pdf output
48 --eps wether the extension of the target file is eps or ps for postscript
49 --keepps when producing pdf, tells to keep the intermediary ps file
50 --[no]forcespecial forces every text object to be exported as special, that
51 is processed with LaTeX.
53 See the man page for more details.
57 ###############################################################################
58 ############################# read config ####################################
59 ###############################################################################
62 if ($0 =~ /pdf/ ){ $pdf = 1;}
63 if ($0 =~ /eps/ ){ $eps_output = 1;}
66 my $sysconfigfile = "/etc/fig2ps/fig2ps.rc";
68 my %conffilehash = ( 'PACKAGES' => \$packages, 'ADD' => \$packages_add,
69 'DOC_CLASS' => \$doc_class, 'DOC_OPTIONS' => \$doc_option,
70 'FORCE_SPECIAL' => \$force_special,
71 'INPUT' => \$inputfile, 'GV' => \$gv,
72 'PREAMBLE' => \$pre_add,
73 'KEEP_PS' => \$keep_ps);
75 if(-f $sysconfigfile) {
76 readconfig($sysconfigfile,%conffilehash);
77 }
78 else {
79 print "Warning : the system-wide configuration file is missing\n";
80 }
82 my $persoconfigfile = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.fig2ps.rc";
84 if(-f $persoconfigfile) {
85 readconfig($persoconfigfile,%conffilehash);
86 }
89 GetOptions('help|h' => \$help,
90 'packages=s' => \$packages,
91 'add=s' => \$packages_add,
92 'gv!' => \$gv,
93 'keep|k' => \$keep,
94 'keepps' => \$keep_ps,
95 'bbox|b=s' => \$bbox,
96 'input|i=s' => \$inputfile,
97 'dvips=s' => \$dvips_tmp_options,
98 'pdf!' => \$pdf,
99 'eps' => \$eps_output,
100 'preamble=s' => \$pre_add,
101 'forcespecial!' => \$force_special
102 );
104 if ($help) { print $help_text;exit;}
105 # added 23/04/04, Vincent Fourmond
106 $pre_beg_commands.= $pre_add;
109 my @Packages = (split (/,/,$packages));
110 my @Add = (split (/,/,$packages_add));
112 my $header;
114 if($pdf)
115 {
116 #for fonts !!
117 push @Packages, "aeguill";
118 }
120 prepareTex();
123 # modified (Vincent Fourmond 20/10/2004), to account for several
124 # file conversions in the command line :
126 if(@ARGV <=0)
127 {
128 die "You need to specify at least one fig file to work on";
129 }
131 LOOP:
132 foreach my $file (@ARGV)
133 {
134 # (Vincent Fourmond 8/11/2004):
135 # we first need to check wether the file does exists;
136 # then, if it actually does, if it is a full (or relative) path
137 # or if it's only a file without any directory spec:
139 if (! (-r $file)) {
140 warn "$file is not readable - switching to next\n";
141 next LOOP;
142 }
144 my $saveDir;
145 if($file =~ /^(.*)\/(.*?)$/ ) {
146 chomp($saveDir = `pwd`);
147 chdir $1;
148 $file = $2;
149 }
152 ($pstmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/;
153 ($figtmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.fig2ps.tmp.fig/i;
154 ($pstmp2 = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/;
155 # we need to remove the spaces in the latex name, else it doesn' work at all
156 ($textmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.fig2ps.tmp.tex/i;
157 ($logtmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.fig2ps.tmp.log/i;
158 ($auxtmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.fig2ps.tmp.aux/i;
159 ($dvitmp = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.fig2ps.tmp.dvi/i;
160 if($eps_output) {
161 ($psfile = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.eps/i;
162 }
163 else {
164 ($psfile = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.ps/i;
165 }
166 ($pdffile = $file) =~ s/\.fig$/.pdf/i;
168 # we need to remove the spaces in the latex name, else it doesn't work at all
169 # the same for dvi, log and aux files...
170 $textmp =~ s/ /_/g;
171 $logtmp =~ s/ /_/g;
172 $auxtmp =~ s/ /_/g;
173 $dvitmp =~ s/ /_/g;
174 # we need it as well for pstmp, since it is included in the TeX file
175 $pstmp =~ s/ /_/g;
178 my $fig_file = $file;
180 if($force_special)
181 {
182 $fig_file = $figtmp;
183 make_special($file, $figtmp);
184 }
186 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
187 if(system "fig2dev -L pstex \"$fig_file\" > \"$pstmp\"")
188 {
189 die "Problems with fig2dev pstex";
190 }
192 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
193 $commande = "fig2dev -L pstex_t -p \"$pstmp\" \"$fig_file\" |";
195 open PSTEX, $commande;
196 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
197 open TEX, "> $textmp";
200 my $tail = "\\end{document}\n";
202 print TEX $header;
204 while(<PSTEX>)
205 {
206 print TEX;
207 }
208 print TEX $tail;
209 close PSTEX;
210 close TEX;
212 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
213 if(system "latex \"$textmp\"")
214 {
215 die "Problems with LaTeX";
216 }
218 mkPS();
220 if($pdf)
221 {
222 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
223 system "epstopdf \"$psfile\" --outfile=\"$pdffile\"";
224 }
227 if(!$keep)
228 {
229 print "Deleting temporary files...\n";
230 unlink $figtmp,$pstmp,$pstmp2,$textmp,$dvitmp,$logtmp,$auxtmp;
231 if($pdf) { unlink $psfile unless $keep_ps;};
232 }
235 if($gv )
236 {
237 print "Starting gv\n";
238 if($pdf) {
239 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
240 system "gv \"$pdffile\"";
241 }
242 else {
243 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
244 system "gv \"$psfile\"";
245 }
246 }
247 # (Vincent Fourmond 8/11/2004) we go back to the old
248 # directory...
249 chdir $saveDir if($saveDir)
250 }
252 ###############################################################################
253 ############################ make fig special #################################
254 ###############################################################################
256 sub make_special {
257 my $input = shift @_ or die "Not enough args";
258 my $output = shift @_ or die "Not enough args";
259 open IN, $input;
260 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
261 open OUT, "> $output";
262 while(<IN>)
263 {
264 if (/^4 /) # if this is a text
265 {
266 my @data = split / +/;
267 if ($data[8] & 2) # already in special
268 {
269 print OUT;
270 }
271 else {
272 $data[8] ^= 2;
273 print OUT join ' ', @data;
274 }
275 }
276 else {
277 print OUT;
278 }
279 }
281 close IN;
282 close OUT;
283 }
287 ###############################################################################
288 ############################# prepare header ##################################
289 ###############################################################################
292 sub prepareTex {
294 if($inputfile) # use a common style
295 {
296 my $file = `kpsewhich $inputfile`;
297 print $file;
298 open FILE,$file;
299 my @lines = <FILE>;
300 close FILE;
301 if(grep /\\documentclass/,@lines > 0) {
302 # we have already document class
303 $header = "\\input{$inputfile}\n";
304 }
305 else {
306 $header = "\\documentclass[".$doc_option.
307 "]{".$doc_class."}\n";
308 $header.= "\\input{$inputfile}\n";
309 }
311 # adds the add packages, (Teteph...)
312 foreach(@Add) {
313 if(/\[(\S+)\](\S+)/)
314 {
315 $header .= "\\usepackage[$1]{$2}\n";
316 }
317 else {
318 my @_add = split ':';
319 my $pack = pop @_add;
320 if(@add> 0)
321 {
322 $header.= "\\usepackage[".join(',',@add)."]{$pack}\n";
323 }
324 else
325 {
326 $header.= "\\usepackage{$_}\n";
327 }
329 }
330 }
332 # for the use of colors...
333 $header.= "\\usepackage{color}\n";
334 if($pdf) {
335 $header.= "\\usepackage{aeguill}\n";
336 }
338 }
339 else # builds "by hand" the package list
340 {
341 $header = "\\documentclass[".$doc_option.
342 "]{".$doc_class."}\n";
344 foreach(@Packages,@Add) {
345 if(/\[(\S+)\](\S+)/)
346 {
347 $header .= "\\usepackage[$1]{$2}\n";
348 }
349 else {
350 my @add = split ':';
351 my $pack = pop @add;
352 if(@add> 0)
353 {
354 $header.= "\\usepackage[".join(',',@add)."]{$pack}\n";
355 }
356 else
357 {
358 $header.= "\\usepackage{$_}\n";
359 }
361 }
362 }
364 }
365 $header.= $pre_beg_commands."\n\\begin{document}".$post_beg_commands;
366 }
367 ###############################################################################
368 ############################# make PS #########################################
369 ###############################################################################
372 sub mkPS {
373 $dvips_options .= $dvips_tmp_options;
374 if($pdf)
375 {
376 $dvips_options = "-Ppdf ".$dvips_options;
377 }
378 print "$bbox\n";
379 if($bbox eq "dvips") # we are using the -E option of dvips
380 #to make a tight BB
381 {
382 # added quoting of filenames (Bug#242463)
383 if(system "dvips $dvips_options -E \"$dvitmp\" -o \"$psfile\"")
384 {die "Problems with dvips" ;}
385 print "Using divps for the bounding box\n";
386 }
387 else {
388 my ($LLX, $LLY, $URX, $URY);
389 if(system "dvips $dvips_options \"$dvitmp\" -o \"$pstmp2\"")
390 {die "Problems with dvips" ;}
391 if($bbox eq "gs") { # we let gs compute the Bounding box
392 # we specify the paper size to be b0 so that there is no problems
393 # with outbound items
394 $commande = "gs -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=bbox -sPAPERSIZE=b0 ".
395 "\"$pstmp2\" < /dev/null 2>& 1|";
396 open BBOX, $commande;
397 my $found = 0;
398 while(<BBOX>)
399 {
400 if(/^\%+BoundingBox/)
401 {
402 s/\%\%BoundingBox\: //;
403 ($LLX, $LLY, $URX, $URY) = split / /;
404 $found = 1;
405 }
406 }
407 close BBOX;
408 die "Problems with gs" unless ($found == 1);
409 # Ajout d'un pixel autour de la figure, pour le confort de la
410 # visualisation avec 'gv' (Alex).
411 --$LLX; --$LLY; ++$URX; ++$URY;
412 }
413 else {
414 ($LLX, $LLY, $URX, $URY) = split /,/,$bbox ;
415 }
416 open IN, $pstmp2;
417 open OUT, ">" . $psfile;
418 while (<IN>) {
419 if (/^\%+BoundingBox/) {
420 print OUT "%%BoundingBox: $LLX $LLY $URX $URY\n";
421 }
422 else {print OUT}
423 }
424 close OUT;
425 close IN;
426 print "Using $LLX $LLY $URX $URY for the bounding box\n";
427 # (Vincent Fourmond 4/10/2004) : print the actual size of the image
428 print "Image is ". .1*int(10*(-$LLX + $URX)/(596. / 21.)).
429 "cm wide and ".
430 .1*int(10*( - $LLY + $URY)/(596. / 21.)). "cm high\n";
431 }
432 }
436 ###############################################################################
437 ############################ read config files ################################
438 ###############################################################################
441 sub readconfig {
442 my $file = shift @_;
443 my %options = @_;
445 open CONFIG, "$file";
446 my $line = 0;
447 while(<CONFIG>)
448 {
449 $line ++;
450 while( /\\$/)
451 {
452 chop;
453 chop;
454 $_.=<CONFIG>;
455 }
456 if ((!/^\#.*$/) && (!/^\s*$/) )
457 {
458 (my $name, my $vals) = /(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)$/;
459 if((grep /$name/,keys(%options)) > 0)
460 {
461 ${$options{$name}} = $vals;
462 }
463 else {
464 print "Warning : line ".$line." of file ".
465 $file." not understood\n";
466 }
467 }
468 }
469 close CONFIG;
470 }
(New empty file)
(New empty file)
0 fig2ps.1
0 .\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man v1.37, Pod::Parser v1.14
1 .\"
2 .\" Standard preamble:
3 .\" ========================================================================
4 .de Sh \" Subsection heading
5 .br
6 .if t .Sp
7 .ne 5
8 .PP
9 \fB\\$1\fR
10 .PP
11 ..
12 .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP)
13 .if t .sp .5v
14 .if n .sp
15 ..
16 .de Vb \" Begin verbatim text
17 .ft CW
18 .nf
19 .ne \\$1
20 ..
21 .de Ve \" End verbatim text
22 .ft R
23 .fi
24 ..
25 .\" Set up some character translations and predefined strings. \*(-- will
26 .\" give an unbreakable dash, \*(PI will give pi, \*(L" will give a left
27 .\" double quote, and \*(R" will give a right double quote. | will give a
28 .\" real vertical bar. \*(C+ will give a nicer C++. Capital omega is used to
29 .\" do unbreakable dashes and therefore won't be available. \*(C` and \*(C'
30 .\" expand to `' in nroff, nothing in troff, for use with C<>.
31 .tr \(*W-|\(bv\*(Tr
32 .ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p'
33 .ie n \{\
34 . ds -- \(*W-
35 . ds PI pi
36 . if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
37 . if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
38 . ds L" ""
39 . ds R" ""
40 . ds C` ""
41 . ds C' ""
42 'br\}
43 .el\{\
44 . ds -- \|\(em\|
45 . ds PI \(*p
46 . ds L" ``
47 . ds R" ''
48 'br\}
49 .\"
50 .\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
51 .\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.Sh), items (.Ip), and index
52 .\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the
53 .\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion.
54 .if \nF \{\
55 . de IX
56 . tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
57 ..
58 . nr % 0
59 . rr F
60 .\}
61 .\"
62 .\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
63 .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
64 .hy 0
65 .if n .na
66 .\"
67 .\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2).
68 .\" Fear. Run. Save yourself. No user-serviceable parts.
69 . \" fudge factors for nroff and troff
70 .if n \{\
71 . ds #H 0
72 . ds #V .8m
73 . ds #F .3m
74 . ds #[ \f1
75 . ds #] \fP
76 .\}
77 .if t \{\
78 . ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
79 . ds #V .6m
80 . ds #F 0
81 . ds #[ \&
82 . ds #] \&
83 .\}
84 . \" simple accents for nroff and troff
85 .if n \{\
86 . ds ' \&
87 . ds ` \&
88 . ds ^ \&
89 . ds , \&
90 . ds ~ ~
91 . ds /
92 .\}
93 .if t \{\
94 . ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
95 . ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
96 . ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
97 . ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
98 . ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
99 . ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
100 .\}
101 . \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
102 .ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
103 .ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
104 .ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
105 .ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
106 .ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
107 .ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
108 .ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
109 .ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
110 .ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
111 . \" corrections for vroff
112 .if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
113 .if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
114 . \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
115 .if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
116 \{\
117 . ds : e
118 . ds 8 ss
119 . ds o a
120 . ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
121 . ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
122 . ds th \o'bp'
123 . ds Th \o'LP'
124 . ds ae ae
125 . ds Ae AE
126 .\}
127 .rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
128 .\" ========================================================================
129 .\"
130 .IX Title "FIG2PS 1"
131 .TH FIG2PS 1 "2004-10-21" "perl v5.8.4" ""
132 .SH "NAME"
133 fig2ps, fig2eps,fig2pdf \- Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all the text
134 marked as special with LaTeX.
136 .IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
137 fig2ps [\-h|\-\-help]
138 .PP
139 fig2ps [\-\-[no]gv] [\-\-packages=\fIpack1,pack2,...\fR] [\-\-add=\fIpack1,pack2,...\fR]
140 [\-k|\-\-keep] [\-\-bbox=\fIdvips|gs|a,b,c,d\fR] [\-\-input=\fIfile\fR] [\-\-[no]pdf]
141 [\-\-dvips=\fIs\fR] [\-\-eps] [\-\-[no]forcespecial] file1.fig \fI{file2.fig ...}\fR
142 [\-\-preamble=\fIs\fR]
144 .IX Header "DESCRIPTION"
145 fig2ps is a little perl script which takes advantage of the \fBpstex\fR
146 and \fBpstext_t\fR export formats of fig2dev to format the text inside a Xfig
147 figure using LaTeX. fig2pdf does the same, but ensures that the ps file
148 producted converts nicely to pdf and actually performs the conversion.
150 .IX Header "OPTIONS"
151 .IP "\fB\-\-[no]gv\fR" 4
152 .IX Item "--[no]gv"
153 Tells wether to run gv at the end of the script to see the result.
154 On by default.
155 .IP "\fB\-\-keep\fR" 4
156 .IX Item "--keep"
157 Use this option if you want to keep the intermediate files used by fig2ps. May
158 be useful for debugging...
159 .IP "\fB\-\-packages=\f(BIpack1,pack2,...\fB\fR" 4
160 .IX Item "--packages=pack1,pack2,..."
161 Sets the package list to be used to \fIpack1,pack2,...\fR. For packages taking
162 arguments, you can use the syntax \fI[arg]package\fR, which so far does recognise
163 only one argument, or the newer syntax \fIarg1:arg2:arg...:package\fR, which allows
164 for an arbitrary number of arguments.
165 .IP "\fB\-\-add=\f(BIpack1,pack2,...\fB\fR" 4
166 .IX Item "--add=pack1,pack2,..."
167 Adds \fIpack1,pack2,...\fR to the existing list of packages. The same
168 recommandation applies for packages with arguments.
169 .IP "\fB\-\-bbox=\f(BIdvips|gs|a,b,c,d\fB\fR" 4
170 .IX Item "--bbox=dvips|gs|a,b,c,d"
171 Chooses the method to determine the Bounding Box:
172 .RS 4
173 .IP "\fIdvips\fR" 4
174 .IX Item "dvips"
175 Tells fig2ps to run divps with option \fI\-E\fR to generate a fitting bounding box.
176 This will work on many cases, but might fail if there is not a lot of text.
177 .IP "\fIgs\fR" 4
178 .IX Item "gs"
179 Tells fig2ps to use gs with option \-sDEVICE=bbox to get the bounding box. I
180 never saw it fail so far.
181 .IP "\fIa,b,c,d\fR" 4
182 .IX Item "a,b,c,d"
183 Specify your bounding box by hand.
184 .RE
185 .RS 4
186 .RE
187 .IP "\fB\-\-input=\f(BIfile\fB\fR" 4
188 .IX Item "--input=file"
189 Uses file as a template for the Tex file, that is, do not print out a list of
190 packages, but instead include file using \einput file. There is only two
191 exceptions: color is always included (after \einput), and aeguill is used
192 for pdf output.
193 .IP "\fB\-\-[no]pdf\fR" 4
194 .IX Item "--[no]pdf"
195 Whether the output of fig2ps will be pdf or ps. On when the program names
196 includes \*(L"pdf\*(R", as for instance fig2pdf.
197 .IP "\fB\-\-eps\fR" 4
198 .IX Item "--eps"
199 Change the output default extension from .ps to .eps. This is on by default if
200 the program is called as fig2eps.
201 .IP "\fB\-\-dvips=\f(BIs\fB\fR" 4
202 .IX Item "--dvips=s"
203 Passes \fIs\fR as options when running dvips.
204 .IP "\fB\-\-keepps\fR" 4
205 .IX Item "--keepps"
206 Tells fig2pdf to keep the intermediary ps file after converting to pdf. It is by
207 default removed.
208 .IP "\fB\-\-[no]forcespecial\fR" 4
209 .IX Item "--[no]forcespecial"
210 Forces the special flag of text in the fig file, so that every single text
211 is processed through LaTeX.
212 .IP "\fB\-\-preamble=\f(BIs\fB\fR" 4
213 .IX Item "--preamble=s"
214 Adds the string \fIs\fR in the preamble of the LaTeX file generated, that is,
215 before the \ebegin{document};
218 Many of the command-line options are pre-definable in either the global or the
219 user configuration file. Global configuration is overridden by users'
220 configuration which is overridden by the command line options. Here is a list of the
221 variables you can define:
222 .IP "\fBPACKAGES=\fR\fIpack1,pack2...\fR" 4
223 .IX Item "PACKAGES=pack1,pack2..."
224 Defines the basic list of packages. See the \-\-package command-line argument for
225 the handling of packages arguments.
226 .IP "\fBADD=\fR\fIpack1,pack2...\fR" 4
227 .IX Item "ADD=pack1,pack2..."
228 Defines the supplementary packages. This option doesn't make any sense in the
229 global configuration file. Be careful that this option will be overridden by the command
230 line, thus, a ADD=\fIsomething\fR and a \-\-add=\fIsomethingelse\fR will add only \fIsomethingelse\fR
231 to the package list, and not \fIsomething\fR+\fIsomethingelse\fR.
232 .IP "\fBDOC_CLASS=\fR\fIclass\fR" 4
233 .IX Item "DOC_CLASS=class"
234 Sets the document class used by LaTeX.
235 .IP "\fB\s-1DOC_OPTIONS\s0\fR=\fIoptions\fR" 4
236 .IX Item "DOC_OPTIONS=options"
237 Sets the options for the document class.
238 .IP "\fB\s-1FORCE_SPECIAL\s0\fR=\fI0|1\fR" 4
239 .IX Item "FORCE_SPECIAL=0|1"
240 Sets or unsets the default for option \fB\-\-forcespecial\fR.
241 .IP "\fB\s-1GV\s0\fR=\fI0|1\fR" 4
242 .IX Item "GV=0|1"
243 Wether to run \*(L"gv\*(R" at the end of the conversion or not.
244 .IP "\fB\s-1INPUT\s0\fR=\fIfile\fR" 4
245 .IX Item "INPUT=file"
246 See the \fB\-\-input=\f(BIfile\fB\fR option. Especially comes in useful in the users'
247 configuration files.
248 .IP "\fB\s-1PREAMBLE\s0\fR=\fIstring\fR" 4
249 .IX Item "PREAMBLE=string"
250 Identical to the \fB\-\-preamble=\f(BIs\fB\fR option.
251 .IP "\fB\s-1KEEP_PS\s0\fR=\fI0|1\fR" 4
252 .IX Item "KEEP_PS=0|1"
253 See the \fB\-\-keepps\fR option.
254 .SH "FILES"
255 .IX Header "FILES"
256 /etc/fig2ps/fig2ps.rc, \fI$HOME\fR/.fig2ps.rc
257 .Sp
258 You can also give a look at \fI/usr/share/doc/fig2ps/examples\fR to give you few
259 ideas. For now, the example(s) are quite limited...
260 .SH "SEE ALSO"
261 .IX Header "SEE ALSO"
262 \&\fIxfig\fR\|(1), \fIfig2dev\fR\|(1), \fIlatex\fR\|(1), \fIgv\fR\|(1), \fIgs\fR\|(1)...
263 .SH "AUTHOR"
264 .IX Header "AUTHOR"
265 This little script has been written by Vincent Fourmond, from on an original
266 idea of Seb Desreux (the first script is for private use, and used the eepic
267 export of xfig, which is severely limitated), improved by a few others...
269 .IX Header "BUG REPORT"
270 Send bugs or comments to \fIVincent Fourmond <\fR>
0 =head1 NAME
2 fig2ps, fig2eps,fig2pdf - Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all the text
3 marked as special with LaTeX.
5 =cut
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 fig2ps [-h|--help]
11 fig2ps [--[no]gv] [--packages=I<pack1,pack2,...>] [--add=I<pack1,pack2,...>]
12 [-k|--keep] [--bbox=I<dvips|gs|a,b,c,d>] [--input=I<file>] [--[no]pdf]
13 [--dvips=I<s>] [--eps] [--[no]forcespecial] file1.fig I<{file2.fig ...}>
14 [--preamble=I<s>]
16 =cut
20 fig2ps is a little perl script which takes advantage of the B<pstex>
21 and B<pstext_t> export formats of fig2dev to format the text inside a Xfig
22 figure using LaTeX. fig2pdf does the same, but ensures that the ps file
23 producted converts nicely to pdf and actually performs the conversion.
25 =cut
27 =head1 OPTIONS
29 =over
31 =item B<--[no]gv>
33 Tells wether to run gv at the end of the script to see the result.
34 On by default.
36 =item B<--keep>
38 Use this option if you want to keep the intermediate files used by fig2ps. May
39 be useful for debugging...
41 =item B<--packages=I<pack1,pack2,...>>
43 Sets the package list to be used to I<pack1,pack2,...>. For packages taking
44 arguments, you can use the syntax I<[arg]package>, which so far does recognise
45 only one argument, or the newer syntax I<arg1:arg2:arg...:package>, which allows
46 for an arbitrary number of arguments.
49 =item B<--add=I<pack1,pack2,...>>
51 Adds I<pack1,pack2,...> to the existing list of packages. The same
52 recommandation applies for packages with arguments.
54 =item B<--bbox=I<dvips|gs|a,b,c,d>>
56 Chooses the method to determine the Bounding Box:
58 =over
60 =item I<dvips>
63 Tells fig2ps to run divps with option I<-E> to generate a fitting bounding box.
64 This will work on many cases, but might fail if there is not a lot of text.
66 =item I<gs>
68 Tells fig2ps to use gs with option -sDEVICE=bbox to get the bounding box. I
69 never saw it fail so far.
71 =item I<a,b,c,d>
73 Specify your bounding box by hand.
75 =back
78 =item B<--input=I<file>>
80 Uses file as a template for the Tex file, that is, do not print out a list of
81 packages, but instead include file using \input file. There is only two
82 exceptions: color is always included (after \input), and aeguill is used
83 for pdf output.
85 =item B<--[no]pdf>
87 Whether the output of fig2ps will be pdf or ps. On when the program names
88 includes "pdf", as for instance fig2pdf.
90 =item B<--eps>
92 Change the output default extension from .ps to .eps. This is on by default if
93 the program is called as fig2eps.
95 =item B<--dvips=I<s>>
97 Passes I<s> as options when running dvips.
99 =item B<--keepps>
101 Tells fig2pdf to keep the intermediary ps file after converting to pdf. It is by
102 default removed.
104 =item B<--[no]forcespecial>
106 Forces the special flag of text in the fig file, so that every single text
107 is processed through LaTeX.
109 =item B<--preamble=I<s>>
111 Adds the string I<s> in the preamble of the LaTeX file generated, that is,
112 before the \begin{document};
114 =back
116 =cut
121 Many of the command-line options are pre-definable in either the global or the
122 user configuration file. Global configuration is overridden by users'
123 configuration which is overridden by the command line options. Here is a list of the
124 variables you can define:
126 =over
128 =item B<PACKAGES=>I<pack1,pack2...>
130 Defines the basic list of packages. See the --package command-line argument for
131 the handling of packages arguments.
133 =item B<ADD=>I<pack1,pack2...>
135 Defines the supplementary packages. This option doesn't make any sense in the
136 global configuration file. Be careful that this option will be overridden by the command
137 line, thus, a ADD=I<something> and a --add=I<somethingelse> will add only I<somethingelse>
138 to the package list, and not I<something>+I<somethingelse>.
140 =item B<DOC_CLASS=>I<class>
142 Sets the document class used by LaTeX.
144 =item B<DOC_OPTIONS>=I<options>
146 Sets the options for the document class.
148 =item B<FORCE_SPECIAL>=I<0|1>
150 Sets or unsets the default for option B<--forcespecial>.
152 =item B<GV>=I<0|1>
154 Wether to run "gv" at the end of the conversion or not.
156 =item B<INPUT>=I<file>
158 See the B<--input=I<file>> option. Especially comes in useful in the users'
159 configuration files.
161 =item B<PREAMBLE>=I<string>
163 Identical to the B<--preamble=I<s>> option.
165 =item B<KEEP_PS>=I<0|1>
167 See the B<--keepps> option.
169 =cut
173 =head1 FILES
175 /etc/fig2ps/fig2ps.rc, I<$HOME>/.fig2ps.rc
177 You can also give a look at I</usr/share/doc/fig2ps/examples> to give you few
178 ideas. For now, the example(s) are quite limited...
180 =cut
182 =head1 SEE ALSO
184 xfig(1), fig2dev(1), latex(1), gv(1), gs(1)...
186 =cut
188 =head1 AUTHOR
190 This little script has been written by Vincent Fourmond, from on an original
191 idea of Seb Desreux (the first script is for private use, and used the eepic
192 export of xfig, which is severely limitated), improved by a few others...
194 =cut
196 =head1 BUG REPORT
198 Send bugs or comments to I<Vincent Fourmond <>>
200 =cut
0 #FIG 3.2 Produced by xfig version 3.2.5-alpha4
1 Landscape
2 Center
3 Inches
4 Letter
5 100.00
6 Single
7 -2
8 1200 2
9 0 32 #87ceff
10 2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
11 1725 900 3900 900 3900 2850 1725 2850 1725 900
12 3 0 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 0 10
13 1875 1350 2175 1050 2700 1125 3150 1500 2925 2025 2400 2100
14 2700 1575 2025 1800 2100 2250 1875 1350
15 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
16 1.000 0.000
17 3 0 4 1 25 10 50 -1 20 3.000 0 0 0 10
18 4425 1350 4725 1050 5250 1125 5700 1500 5475 2025 4950 2100
19 5250 1575 4575 1800 4650 2250 4425 1350
20 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
21 1.000 0.000
22 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 3525 1425 75 Fig2ps is able to treat correctly all kind of drawings that \001
23 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 135 3675 1425 270 you can make with Xfig and also to format text nicely using\001
24 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 135 1335 1425 660 including your own...\001
25 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 1380 1425 3225 You can use equations:\001
26 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 165 3420 1725 3675 $ f(x) = \\int_0^\\infty \\frac{\\sin(xu)}{u} \\mathrm{d}u $\001
27 4 0 13 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 105 570 1425 3975 Colors...\001
28 4 0 11 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 930 1425 4200 Simply enjoy !!\001
29 4 0 32 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 930 2700 4200 Simply enjoy !!\001
30 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 3630 1425 465 \\LaTeX{} with any \\texttt{package} you would want to use\001
0 %!PS-Adobe-2.0
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13 %!
14 /TeXDict 300 dict def TeXDict begin/N{def}def/B{bind def}N/S{exch}N/X{S
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18 landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div hsize
19 mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[
20 matrix currentmatrix{A A round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}forall round
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34 sub Cy .1 sub]/id Ci N/rw Cw 7 add 8 idiv string N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N{
35 rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub/rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B/G{{id gp get/gp
36 gp 1 add N A 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B/adv{cp add/cp X}B
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1038 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add
1039 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb}
1040 bind def
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1042 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def
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1052 %
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1096 2004 1856 l 1995 1823 l 1986 1786 l 1975 1746 l 1964 1703 l
1097 1953 1659 l 1942 1613 l 1930 1568 l 1919 1524 l 1909 1483 l
1098 1899 1446 l 1891 1415 l 1885 1390 l 1880 1372 l 1877 1360 l
1099 1876 1353 l
1100 1875 1350 l cp gs col0 s gr
1101 % Polyline
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1135 4586 1977 l 4581 1959 l 4575 1938 l 4569 1914 l 4562 1887 l
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1137 4503 1659 l 4492 1613 l 4480 1568 l 4469 1524 l 4459 1483 l
1138 4449 1446 l 4441 1415 l 4435 1390 l 4430 1372 l 4427 1360 l
1139 4426 1353 l
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0 #FIG 3.2 Produced by xfig version 3.2.5-alpha4
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25 4 0 0 50 -1 0 10 0.0000 6 150 1380 1425 3225 You can use equations:\001
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