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Takao Fonts
(c) 2010-2015 Takao Fonts Maintainers Team

About Takao Fonts
The Takao Fonts are a font family based on the IPA Fonts, the IPAex
and the IPAmj Fonts. Its purpose is to make it possible to maintain
and release the fonts by the community with changing their names.
See for detail.

Families of Takao Fonts
### Takao Fonts

| Font Name     | File Name         | Base Font   |
| ------------- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| TakaoGothic   | TakaoGothic.ttf   | IPAGothic   |
| Takao PGothic | TakaoPGothic.ttf  | IPA PGothic |
| TakaoMincho   | TakaoMincho.ttf   | IPAMincho   |
| Takao PMincho | TakaoPMincho.ttf  | IPA PMincho |

### Takao Ex Fonts

| Font Name     | File Name         | Base Font   |
| ------------- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| TakaoExGothic | TakaoExGothic.ttf | IPAexGothic |
| TakaoExMincho | TakaoExMincho.otf | IPAexMincho |

### Takao Mj Fonts

| Font Name     | File Name         | Base Font   |
| ------------- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| TakaoMjMincho | TakaoMjMincho.otf | IPAmjMincho |

According to IPA Font License Agreement v1.0, derived programs of IPA 
Fonts must be licensed under the terms and conditions of the same 
agreement. For that reason, Takao Fonts are licensed under the IPA 
Font License Agreement v1.0. The file 
IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt includes the whole sentence of the 

Takao Fonts can be installed with the same way as IPA Fonts.
Installation examples are on

Modifications to IPA Fonts
 * Change names of fonts "IPA" to "Takao" to fulfil Article 3 
   Paragraph 1 (4) of the IPA Font License Agreement v1.0.
 * Change value of underlinePosition in post table to -20 to fix the 
   problem underlines are hidden inputting Japanese characters with 
   ibus-anthy or scim-anthy.
 * Add the URL of Takao Font Project to name table.
 * Add the copyright notice of Takao Font to name table.
 * Change value of VendID to Takao in OS/2 table.
 * Fix typo "Regulare" in Styles (SubFamily) string.
   Reported to the upstream on 2015-03-02.

These modifications are made by a script made from one for ORCA Font 
developed by Good-Day, Inc

Developing programs and created files in addition to fonts
According to Article 3 Paragraph 1 (1) of the IPA Font License 
Agreement v1.0, we must distribute "(b)any additional file created by 
the font developing program in the course of creating the Derived 
Program that can be used for further modification of the Derived 
Program" together with derived fonts or be made available online or 
mailing to distribute derived fonts of IPA Fonts. We distribute the 
script described above and files created by the script in another 
archive file. It can be downloaded from following URL. It's named 

How to replace Takao Fonts to IPA Fonts
According to Article 3 Paragraph 1 (2) of the IPA Font License 
Agreement, we must enable the recipients to replace the derived fonts 
to IPA Fonts. To fulfil this restriction, replace instructions as 

 1. Access
 2. Choose and download IPA Fonts.
 4. Install these fonts. Installation examples are on
 5. Uninstall Takao Fonts.
 6. Change settings in your OS and/or applications to use IPA Fonts if 
    needed. See manuals of them to know the way.

Additionally you can install both IPA Fonts, IPAex Fonts and Takao 
Fonts and switch them as you like on many OS.

If you install Takao Fonts with package management system built in 
your OS, see the document of Takao Font package file used by your 

Also, IPA Fonts which were used to generate Takao Fonts are included in 
the file "takao-fonts-additions_<version>.tar.gz" described above.

You can redistribute Takao Fonts under the IPA Font License Agreement 
v1.0. Be sure to fulfill Article 3 Paragraph 1.
If you create packages for package management systems, provide a 
method for install the IPA Fonts and IPAex Fonts using the same 
package management system.

How to bulid Takao Fonts
To build Takao Fonts, TTX/FontTools(
is required. On Debian/Ubuntu, you can install it by:

    $ sudo apt-get install fonttools

Steps to build on generic Linux systems:

  1. Get Takao Fonts source

         $ bzr branch lp:takao-fonts


     Download takao-fonts-additions_*.tar.xz from
     and extract it.

  2. Build

         $ cd takao-fonts/
         $ make

You will get font files under "release" directory.

About ttx files
The "*.ttx" files in this archive are generated by the build process.
They fall under the files "any additional file created by the font 
developing program in the course of creating the Derived Program that 
can be used for further modification of the Derived Program" described 
in Article 3 Paragraph 1 (1)(b).
Because generated using IPA and IPAex Fonts, these are under IPA Font 
License Agreement 1.0.

After build run, "ttx/*.diff" are also generated. You can review it
to see what was actually changed from base fonts.

Making a new release (for maintainers)

  1. Check new upstream release

         $ make scan

  2. If there is a new release, update upstream font version and set
     takao fonts revision in "VARS" file.

  3. Download the new release

         $ make download

  4. Build

         $ make build

  5. Create release files

         $ make release

  6. Upload compressed files under "release".