Codebase list fwupd / 16e2b4c
trivial: Do not try to load tree_index.sgml in the documentation We don't have a hierarchy file, so it's somewhat of a mystery how this ever was generated. Richard Hughes 7 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 0 addition(s) and 10 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
6262 </partintro>
6363 </reference>
65 <chapter id="object-tree">
66 <title>Object Hierarchy</title>
67 <xi:include href="xml/tree_index.sgml"/>
68 </chapter>
7065 <reference id="libdfu">
7166 <title>libdfu</title>
7267 <partintro>
2020 </para>
2121 </partintro>
2222 </reference>
24 <chapter id="object-tree">
25 <title>Object Hierarchy</title>
26 <xi:include href="xml/tree_index.sgml"/>
27 </chapter>
2924 <reference id="libfwupd">
3025 <title>libfwupd</title>