Codebase list gamine / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

License for the gamine.c is GPL3+. See README.sounds for the
sound copyright. See README.pencil for the pencil copyright.
See README.locale for the locale copyright.

Gamine is a game designed for 2 years old children who are not able to use mouse
and keyboard.

The child uses the mouse to draw coloured dots and lines on the screen and keyboard
to display letter.

Let youngest children discover how to move mouse and use keyboard

You need gstreamer-1.0, gtk3 (with devel package), hicolor-icon-theme.

Build without install gamine:
% make pkgdatadir=`pwd`

Build and install gamine:
% make PREFIX=/usr SYSCONFDIR=/etc
% make install PREFIX=/usr SYSCONFDIR=/etc

Build man page (you need docbook-to-man package):
% docbook-to-man gamine.sgml > gamine.6

Uninstall gamine:
% make uninstall

Configure gamine:
There is 5 keys in /etc/gamine.conf:
- width of the line draw bug cursor: line_width
- font weight of text: font_weight
- object (square, ...) weight: object_weight
- background music: background_music
- timer color change: timer_color_change

Use gamine:
% gamine
