Codebase list gbrainy / d7f6bb5
Widget.SizeRequest() was made obsolete in Gtk 3.0 Jordi Mas 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
646646 void OnActivateToolbar (object sender, System.EventArgs args)
647647 {
648648 int width, height;
649 Requisition requisition;
651 requisition = toolbar.SizeRequest ();
649 Requisition minimum_size, natural_size;
651 toolbar.GetPreferredSize(out minimum_size, out natural_size);
652652 app_window.GetSize (out width, out height);
653653 toolbar.Visible = !toolbar.Visible;
662662 Preferences.Set <bool> (Preferences.ToolbarShowKey, toolbar.Visible);
663663 Preferences.Save ();
664664 }
665 app_window.Resize (width, height - requisition.Height);
665 app_window.Resize (width, height - natural_size.Height);
666666 }
668668 void OnVerticalToolbar (object sender, System.EventArgs args)