Codebase list gitolite3 / 4a01370
Merge tag 'v3.6.12' v3.6.12 David Bremner 3 years ago
53 changed file(s) with 2521 addition(s) and 259 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 glp rm -rf /tmp/gitolite.git; umask 022; git clone --bare . /tmp/gitolite.git
0 2020-08-04 v3.6.12 mirroring terminoligy changes
2 install script can now modify #! lines when using a custom
3 perl executable
5 'config' user command allows for config values with spaces
6 in them
8 finally added notes in "t/README" on testing http mode and
9 mirroring, with pre-build helpers for Fedora and Manjaro
11 various bug fixes
13 2019-01-08 v3.6.11 fix security issue in 'rsync' (bundle helper); see commit
14 5df2b81 for more
16 2018-09-30 v3.6.10 fix up boo-boo caused by previous release; see mails on
17 list for details
19 2018-08-07 v3.6.9 prevent racy access to repos in process of migration to
20 gitolite
22 'info' learns new '-p' option to show only physical repos
23 (as opposed to wild repos)
25 2018-07-12 v3.6.8 fix bug when deleting *all* hooks for a repo
27 allow trailing slashes in repo names
29 make pre-receive hook driver bail on non-zero exit of a
30 pre-receive hook
32 allow templates in gitolite.conf (new feature)
34 various optimiations
036 2017-07-02 v3.6.7 allow repo-specific hooks to be organised into
137 subdirectories, and allow the multi-hook driver to be
238 placed in some other location of your choice
6565 Next, install gitolite by running these commands:
67 git clone git://
67 git clone
6868 mkdir -p $HOME/bin
6969 gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin
213213 # contact and support
215 Please see <> for mailing list and IRC
215 Please see <> for mailing list and IRC
216216 info.
218218 # license
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -s
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
6 # This program is meant to re-compile the access rules (and 'config' or
7 # 'option' lines) of exactly ONE actual repo (i.e., not a repo group or a
8 # repo pattern).
12 # Fedora has a huge number of repos, as well as lot of churn in permissions.
13 # The combination of having a large conf *and* frequent compiles were not
14 # working out, hence this solution. Not sure if any others have such a
15 # situation, so it's a standalone program, separate from "core" gitolite,
16 # shipped in "contrib" instead of "src".
18 # SETUP:
20 # It expects to run as a gitolite sub-command, which means you will need to
21 # copy it from contrib to src/commands, or the equivalent location inside
22 # LOCAL_CODE; see non-core.html in the docs for details.
26 # It takes one argument: the name of a file that contains the new ruleset
27 # you want to use. (This cannot be STDIN or "-" or something).
29 # example:
30 #
31 # gitolite compile-1 <file-containing-rules-for-exactly-one-repo>
35 # If the main gitolite.conf changes significantly (specifically, if the
36 # number of effective rules in it increase quite a bit), you may have to run
37 # this command on ALL repos to update their individual gl-conf files.
38 #
39 # (TBD: explain this in more concrete terms)
41 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
44 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
48 # The file given must contain exactly one 'repo' line, with exactly one repo
49 # name, followed by the rules, configs, and options for that repo in the
50 # normal gitolite.conf syntax.
52 # The file must not have any group definitions, though it may use group
53 # definitions already setup in the main gitolite.conf file.
55 # Rules for this repo need not be already defined in the main gitolite.conf.
56 # If they are, they will cease to have any effect once you run this command
57 # - only the rules you supply in the file passed to this command will apply,
58 # and they will be considered to be placed at the end of gitolite.conf.
60 # If the repo does not exist, it must be first created using:
61 #
62 # GL_USER=admin gitolite create <reponame>
63 #
64 # where <reponame> is the gitolite-style name (i.e., "foo", not "foo.git" or
65 # "~/repositories/foo" or "~/repositories/foo.git")
66 #
67 # This, of course, requires the main gitolite.conf to have the following
68 # lines at the top:
69 #
70 # repo [A-Za-z].*
71 # C = admin
73 # Any change to the main gitolite.conf is followed by a full 'gitolite
74 # compile'; i.e., ~/.gitolite/conf/, the main
75 # "compiled" conf file, is consistent with the latest gitolite.conf.
77 use 5.10.0;
78 use Data::Dumper;
80 use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
81 use Gitolite::Rc;
82 use Gitolite::Common;
83 use Gitolite::Conf;
84 use Gitolite::Conf::Store;
85 use Gitolite::Conf::Sugar;
87 my ($cf, $repo) = args(); # conffile from @ARGV, repo from first line of conffile
88 my $startseq = getseq(); # get the starting sequence number by looking in the (common) compiled conf file
89 parse_and_store($cf, $repo); # parse the ruleset and write out just the gl-conf file
90 # (this is the only part that uses core gitolite functions)
91 update_seq($repo, $startseq); # update gl-conf with adjusted sequence numbers
93 exit 0;
95 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
97 sub args {
98 my $cf = shift @ARGV or _die "need conffile";
99 $cf = $ENV{PWD} . "/" . $cf unless $cf =~ m(^/);
101 my $t = slurp($cf);
102 _die "bad conf file" unless $t =~ /^\s*repo\s+(\S+)\s*$/m;
103 my $repo = $1;
105 return ($cf, $repo);
106 }
108 sub getseq {
109 my @main_cc = slurp "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/conf/";
110 my $max = 0;
111 for (@main_cc) {
112 $max = $1 if m/^ +(\d+),$/ and $max < $1;
113 }
115 return $max;
116 }
118 sub parse_and_store {
119 my ($cf, $repo) = @_;
121 parse(sugar($cf));
122 _chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
123 Gitolite::Conf::Store::store_1($repo);
124 }
126 sub update_seq {
127 my ($repo, $startseq) = @_;
129 _chdir("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git");
130 my $text = slurp("gl-conf");
132 $startseq+=1000;
133 # just for safety, in case someone adds a few rules to the main conf later, but neglects to update repo confs
135 $text =~ s/^( +)(\d+),$/"$1" . ($2+$startseq) . ","/gme;
137 _print("gl-conf", $text);
138 }
2222 chdir("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git") or _die "chdir failed: $!\n";
24 my %config = config( $repo, "gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extslave" );
25 for my $slave ( values %config ) {
26 _do($slave);
24 my %config = config( $repo, "gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extcopy" );
25 for my $copy ( values %config ) {
26 _do($copy);
28 # processing one slave is sufficient for restoring!
28 # processing one copy is sufficient for restoring!
2929 last if $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE';
3030 }
3232 # in shell, that would be something like:
33 # gitolite git-config -r $repo gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extslave | cut -f3 | while read slave
33 # gitolite git-config -r $repo gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extcopy | cut -f3 | while read copy
3434 # do
3535 # ...
9393 ------------
9595 This is really just a combination of "upstream" (see src/triggers/upstream)
96 and mirroring (gitolite mirroring does allow a slave to be non-gitolite, as
96 and mirroring (gitolite mirroring does allow a copy to be non-gitolite, as
9797 long as the ssh stuff is done the same way).
9999 The main difference is that gitolite mirroring expects peers to all talk ssh,
126126 4. Do something like this in your gitolite.conf file:
128128 repo @all
129 option mirror.extslave-1 = file:///tmp/he1/%GL_REPO.git
130 option mirror.extslave-2 = file:///tmp/he2/%GL_REPO.git
129 option mirror.extcopy-1 = file:///tmp/he1/%GL_REPO.git
130 option mirror.extcopy-2 = file:///tmp/he2/%GL_REPO.git
132132 As you can see, since this is just for demo/test, we're using a couple of
133133 temp directories to serve as our "remotes" using the file:// protocol.
22 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33 # change these lines to suit
5 gitolite_url=git://
5 gitolite_url=
66 # change it to something local for frequent use
77 # gitolite_url=file:///tmp/gitolite.git
1818 # a semi-permanent area to play in (please delete it manually if you want to start afresh).
2020 # the gitolite source code
21 gitolite_url=git://
21 gitolite_url=
2323 # 3. go to your gitolite-admin clone and make suitable changes; see example
2424 # below. No need to push to the server, yet.
7171 # which will give you a much nicer output. The only issue is if you have
7272 # include files, you will need to put that in the file whose name is sorted
7373 # first!
74 #
75 # Using a non-default ".gitolite.rc"
76 # ==================================
77 #
78 # If your conf needs a non-default `~/.gitolite.rc`, copy the file you need as
79 # "testconf.gitolite.rc" in the root directory of the gitolite-admin clone
80 # where you are running "testconf". (Whether you commit this file to the
81 # gitolite-admin repo, or keep it local/untracked, is your call).
7583 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
7684 od=$PWD
105113 mkdir -p $testconf/.gitolite/conf
106114 cp -a $od/conf/* $testconf/.gitolite/conf/
116 # copy rc from $od, if it exists
117 [ -f $od/testconf.gitolite.rc ] && cp $od/testconf.gitolite.rc $testconf/.gitolite.rc
108119 # compile+
110121 gitolite compile
0 " Vim indent file
1 " Language: gitolite configuration
2 " URL:
3 " (
4 " Maintainer: Sitaram Chamarty <>
5 " (former Maintainer: Teemu Matilainen <>)
6 " Last Change: 2017 Oct 05
8 if exists("b:did_indent")
9 finish
10 endif
11 let b:did_indent = 1
13 setlocal autoindent
14 setlocal indentexpr=GetGitoliteIndent()
15 setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,!^F,=repo,\",=
17 " Only define the function once.
18 if exists("*GetGitoliteIndent")
19 finish
20 endif
22 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
23 set cpo&vim
25 function! GetGitoliteIndent()
26 let prevln = prevnonblank(v:lnum-1)
27 let pline = getline(prevln)
28 let cline = getline(v:lnum)
30 if cline =~ '^\s*\(C\|R\|RW\|RW+\|RWC\|RW+C\|RWD\|RW+D\|RWCD\|RW+CD\|-\)[ \t=]'
31 return shiftwidth()
32 elseif cline =~ '^\s*config\s'
33 return shiftwidth()
34 elseif cline =~ '^\s*option\s'
35 return shiftwidth()
36 elseif pline =~ '^\s*repo\s' && cline =~ '^\s*\(#.*\)\?$'
37 return shiftwidth()
38 elseif cline =~ '^\s*#'
39 return indent(prevln)
40 elseif cline =~ '^\s*$'
41 return -1
42 else
43 return 0
44 endif
45 endfunction
47 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
48 unlet s:cpo_save
0 " Vim syntax file
1 " Language: gitolite configuration
2 " URL:
3 " (
4 " Maintainer: Sitaram Chamarty <>
5 " (former Maintainer: Teemu Matilainen <>)
6 " Last Change: 2017 Oct 05
8 if exists("b:current_syntax")
9 finish
10 endif
12 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
13 set cpo&vim
15 " this seems to be the best way, for now.
16 syntax sync fromstart
18 " ---- common stuff
20 syn match gitoliteGroup '@\S\+'
22 syn match gitoliteComment '#.*' contains=gitoliteTodo
23 syn keyword gitoliteTodo TODO FIXME XXX NOT contained
25 " ---- main section
27 " catch template-data syntax appearing outside template-data section
28 syn match gitoliteRepoError '^\s*repo.*='
29 syn match gitoliteRepoError '^\s*\S\+\s*=' " this gets overridden later when first word is a perm, don't worry
31 " normal gitolite group and repo lines
32 syn match gitoliteGroupLine '^\s*@\S\+\s*=\s*\S.*$' contains=gitoliteGroup,gitoliteComment
33 syn match gitoliteRepoLine '^\s*repo\s\+[^=]*$' contains=gitoliteRepo,gitoliteGroup,gitoliteComment
34 syn keyword gitoliteRepo repo contained
36 syn keyword gitoliteSpecialRepo CREATOR
38 " normal gitolite rule lines
39 syn match gitoliteRuleLine '^\s*\(-\|C\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s[^#]*' contains=gitoliteRule,gitoliteCreateRule,gitoliteDenyRule,gitoliteRefex,gitoliteUsers,gitoliteGroup
40 syn match gitoliteRule '\(^\s*\)\@<=\(-\|C\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s\@=' contained
41 syn match gitoliteRefex '\(^\s*\(-\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s\+\)\@<=\S.\{-}\(\s*=\)\@=' contains=gitoliteSpecialRefex
42 syn match gitoliteSpecialRefex 'NAME/'
43 syn match gitoliteSpecialRefex '/USER/'
44 syn match gitoliteCreateRule '\(^\s*C\s.*=\s*\)\@<=\S[^#]*[^# ]' contained contains=gitoliteGroup
45 syn match gitoliteDenyRule '\(^\s*-\s.*=\s*\)\@<=\S[^#]*[^# ]' contained
47 " normal gitolite config (and similar) lines
48 syn match gitoliteConfigLine '^\s*\(config\|option\|include\|subconf\)\s[^#]*' contains=gitoliteConfigKW,gitoliteConfigKey,gitoliteConfigVal,gitoliteComment
49 syn keyword gitoliteConfigKW config option include subconf contained
50 syn match gitoliteConfigKey '\(\(config\|option\)\s\+\)\@<=[^ =]*' contained
51 syn match gitoliteConfigVal '\(=\s*\)\@<=\S.*' contained
53 " ---- template-data section
55 syn region gitoliteTemplateLine matchgroup=PreProc start='^=begin template-data$' end='^=end$' contains=gitoliteTplRepoLine,gitoliteTplRoleLine,gitoliteGroup,gitoliteComment,gitoliteTplError
57 syn match gitoliteTplRepoLine '^\s*repo\s\+\S.*=.*' contained contains=gitoliteTplRepo,gitoliteTplTemplates,gitoliteGroup
58 syn keyword gitoliteTplRepo repo contained
59 syn match gitoliteTplTemplates '\(=\s*\)\@<=\S.*' contained contains=gitoliteGroup,gitoliteComment
61 syn match gitoliteTplRoleLine '^\s*\S\+\s*=\s*.*' contained contains=gitoliteTplRole,gitoliteGroup,gitoliteComment
62 syn match gitoliteTplRole '\S\+\s*='he=e-1 contained
64 " catch normal gitolite rules appearing in template-data section
65 syn match gitoliteTplError '^\s*repo[^=]*$' contained
66 syn match gitoliteTplError '^\s*\(-\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s'he=e-1 contained
67 syn match gitoliteTplError '^\s*\(config\|option\|include\|subconf\)\s'he=e-1 contained
68 syn match gitoliteTplError '^\s*@\S\+\s*=' contained contains=NONE
70 hi def link gitoliteGroup Identifier
71 hi def link gitoliteComment Comment
72 hi def link gitoliteTodo ToDo
73 hi def link gitoliteRepoError Error
74 hi def link gitoliteGroupLine PreProc
75 hi def link gitoliteRepo Keyword
76 hi def link gitoliteSpecialRepo PreProc
77 hi def link gitoliteRule Keyword
78 hi def link gitoliteCreateRule PreProc
79 hi def link gitoliteDenyRule WarningMsg
80 hi def link gitoliteRefex Constant
81 hi def link gitoliteSpecialRefex PreProc
82 hi def link gitoliteConfigKW Keyword
83 hi def link gitoliteConfigKey Identifier
84 hi def link gitoliteConfigVal String
85 hi def link gitoliteTplRepo Keyword
86 hi def link gitoliteTplTemplates Constant
87 hi def link gitoliteTplRole Constant
88 hi def link gitoliteTplError Error
90 let b:current_syntax = "gitolite"
92 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
93 unlet s:cpo_save
77 use Getopt::Long;
88 use FindBin;
9 use Config;
1011 # meant to be run from the root of the gitolite tree, one level above 'src'
1112 BEGIN { $ENV{GL_BINDIR} = $FindBin::RealBin . "/src"; }
3435 Please provide a full path, not a relative path.
37 <perl-executable> ./install -to <dir>
38 to copy the entire 'src' directory to <dir>, but will replace
39 all of the shebangs with the path to <perl-executable>. This
40 is a way to force gitolite to use some perl that is not
41 installed at /usr/bin/perl.
3643 Simplest use, if $HOME/bin exists and is in $PATH, is:
38 git clone git://
45 git clone
3946 gitolite/install -ln
4148 # now run setup
7582 _mkdir($to);
7683 system("cp -RpP * $to");
7784 _print( "$to/VERSION", $version );
86 # Replace shebangs if necessary.
87 my $thisperl = $Config{perlpath};
88 if ($thisperl ne '/usr/bin/perl') {
89 system("cd $to; grep -r -l /usr/bin/perl | xargs perl -pi -e 's(^#!/usr/bin/perl)(#!$thisperl)'");
90 }
7891 } elsif ($ln) {
7992 ln_sf( $ENV{GL_BINDIR}, "gitolite", $ln );
8093 _print( "VERSION", $version );
2121 my ( $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $refex, $max ) = @ARGV[ 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 ];
23 exit 0 if $newsha eq '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
2325 # / (.*) +\| Bin 0 -> (\d+) bytes/
2527 chomp( my $author_email = `git log --format=%ae -1 $newsha` );
99 # usage in conf/gitolite.conf goes like this:
11 # - VREF/MERGE_CHECK/master = @all
11 # - VREF/MERGE-CHECK/master = @all
1212 # # reject only if the merge commit is being pushed to the master branch
13 # - VREF/MERGE_CHECK = @all
13 # - VREF/MERGE-CHECK = @all
1414 # # reject merge commits to any branch
1616 my $ref = $ARGV[0];
44 # import LOCK_*
55 use Fcntl qw(:flock);
7 my $lockbase = shift; # suggested: $GL_REPO_BASE/$GL_REPO.git/.gl-mirror-push-lock.$SLAVE_NAME
7 my $lockbase = shift; # suggested: $GL_REPO_BASE/$GL_REPO.git/.gl-mirror-push-lock.$COPY_NAME
88 my @cmd_plus_args = @ARGV; # the actual 'gitolite mirror ...' command
99 @ARGV = ();
5050 # fq the ref if needed
5151 $ref =~ s(^)(refs/heads/) if $ref and $ref ne 'any' and $ref !~ m(^(refs|VREF)/);
5252 _die "invalid perm" if not( $aa and $aa =~ /^(R|W|\+|C|D|M|\^C)$/ );
53 _die "invalid ref name" if not( $ref and $ref =~ $REPONAME_PATT );
53 _die "invalid ref name" if not( $ref and $ref =~ $REF_OR_FILENAME_PATT );
5555 my $ret = '';
5959 $ret = access( $repo, $user, adjust_aa($repo, $aa), $ref );
6161 show($ret) if $s;
63 # adjust for fallthru in VREFs
64 $ret =~ s/DENIED by fallthru/allowed by fallthru/ if $ref =~ m(^VREF/);
6366 if ( $ret =~ /DENIED/ ) {
6467 print "$ret\n" unless $q;
8588 sub adjust_aa {
8689 my ($repo, $aa) = @_;
87 $aa = '+' if $aa eq 'C' and not option($repo, 'CREATE_IS_C');
90 $aa = 'W' if $aa eq 'C' and not option($repo, 'CREATE_IS_C');
8891 $aa = '+' if $aa eq 'D' and not option($repo, 'DELETE_IS_D');
92 $aa = 'W' if $aa eq 'M' and not option($repo, 'MERGE_CHECK');
8993 return $aa;
9094 }
102106 p => skipped due to perm (W, +, etc) not matching,
103107 D => explicitly denied,
104108 A => explicitly allowed,
105 F => denied due to fallthru (no rules matched)
109 F => fallthru; access denied for normal refs, allowed for VREFs
107111 ";
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 # read template data to produce gl-perms and gl-repo-groups files in each
5 # $repo dir. Create the repo if needed, using the wild repos create logic
6 # (with a "creator" of "gitolite-admin"!), though they're not really wild
7 # repos.
9 # see rule-templates.html in the gitolite documentation site.
11 # pure text manipulation (and very little of that!), no git or gitolite
12 # functions, no access checks, no possibility of a performance drama (or at
13 # least not a *complex* performance drama)
15 use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
16 use Gitolite::Rc;
17 use Gitolite::Common;
18 use Gitolite::Conf::Load;
19 use Gitolite::Conf::Store;
21 my $rb = $rc{GL_REPO_BASE};
23 @ARGV = `find $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/conf -type f -name "*.conf" | sort`; chomp(@ARGV);
24 # we don't see the files in the exact same order that gitolite compile sees
25 # them, but we don't need to, for the data we are interested in (as long as
26 # you don't break up one repo's data across multiple files!)
28 # XXX We also potentially see more; a conf file may be in the directory, but
29 # not pulled in via an 'include' or 'subconf', so it doesn't exist as far as
30 # 'gitolite compile' is concerned, but here we *do* pull it in.
32 my $repos = '';
33 my $perms = '';
34 my $list = ''; # list of templates to apply
35 my $lip = ''; # line in progress
36 while (<>) {
37 chomp;
38 next unless /^=begin template-data$/ .. /^=end$/ and not /^=(begin|end)/;
40 next unless /\S/;
41 next if /^\s*#/;
43 s/\t/ /g; # all the same to us
45 # handle continuation lines (backslash as last character)
46 if (/\\$/) {
47 s/\\$//;
48 $lip .= $_;
49 next;
50 }
51 $_ = $lip . $_;
52 $lip = '';
54 _warn("bad line: $_"), next if m([^ \w.\@/=-]); # silently ignore lines that have characters we don't need
55 if (/^\s*repo\s+(\S.*)=\s*(\S.*)$/) {
56 flush($repos, $list, $perms);
57 $repos = $1;
58 $perms = '';
59 $list = $2;
61 } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/) {
62 $perms .= "$1 = $2\n";
63 } else {
64 # probably a blank line or a comment line. If not, well *shrug*
65 }
66 }
67 flush($repos, $list, $perms);
69 sub flush {
70 my ($r, $l, $p) = @_;
71 return unless $r and $l and $p;
72 $l =~ s/\s+/ /g;
74 my @r = split ' ', $r;
75 while (@r) {
76 my $r1 = shift @r;
77 if ($r1 =~ m(^@)) {
78 my @g = @{ Gitolite::Conf::Load::list_members($r1) };
79 _warn "undefined group '$r1'" unless @g;
80 unshift @r, @g;
81 next;
82 }
84 flush_1($r1, $l, $p);
85 }
86 }
87 sub flush_1 {
88 my ($repo, $list, $perms) = @_;
90 # beware of wild characters!
91 return unless $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT;
93 if (not -d "$rb/$repo.git") {
94 new_wild_repo( $repo, 'gitolite-admin', 'template-data' );
95 }
97 _print("$rb/$repo.git/gl-repo-groups", $list);
99 _print("$rb/$repo.git/gl-perms", $perms);
100 }
6363 my $repo = shift;
65 my ($op, $key, $val) = @ARGV;
66 usage() unless $op and exists $nargs{$op} and @ARGV == $nargs{$op};
65 my $op = shift;
66 usage() unless $op and exists $nargs{$op};
6868 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6969 # authorisation checks
8080 # key validity checks
8282 unless ($op eq '--list') {
83 my $key = shift;
85 my $val = '';
86 $val = join(" ", @ARGV) if @ARGV;
87 # values with spaces embedded get flattened by sshd when it passes
88 # SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND to gitolite. In this specific instance, we will
89 # pretend we know what the user meant, and join up the last 1+ args into
90 # one space-separated arg.
8392 my $user_configs = option( $repo, 'user-configs' );
8493 # this is a space separated list of allowed config keys
8594 my @validkeys = split( ' ', ( $user_configs || '' ) );
8695 my @matched = grep { $key =~ /^$_$/i } @validkeys;
8796 _die "config '$key' not allowed\n" if ( @matched < 1 );
98 @ARGV = ($key);
99 push @ARGV, $val if $val;
88100 }
90102 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
91103 # go!
105 unshift @ARGV, $op;
106 usage() unless @ARGV == $nargs{$op};
93108 _chdir("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git");
94109 _system( "git", "config", @ARGV );
1111 =for args
1212 Usage: gitolite info [-lc] [-ld] [-json] [<repo name pattern>]
14 List all existing repos you can access, as well as repo name patterns you can
15 create repos from (if any).
14 List all existing repos you can access, as well as repo name patterns (see
15 "wild repos") you have any kind of access to.
1717 '-lc' lists creators as an additional field at the end.
1818 '-ld' lists description as an additional field at the end.
1919 '-json' produce JSON output instead of normal output
20 '-p' limits output to physical repos only (no wild repo regexes!)
2122 The optional pattern is an unanchored regex that will limit the repos
2223 searched, in both cases. It might speed up things a little if you have more
2425 =cut
2627 # these are globals
27 my ( $lc, $ld, $json, $patt ) = args();
28 my ( $lc, $ld, $json, $p, $patt ) = args();
2829 my %out; # holds info to be json'd
3031 $ENV{GL_USER} or _die "GL_USER not set";
3435 print greeting();
3536 }
37 print_patterns(); # repos he can create for himself
38 print_phy_repos(); # repos already created
38 print_patterns() unless $p; # repos he can create for himself
39 print_phy_repos(); # repos already created
4041 if ( $rc{SITE_INFO} ) {
4142 $json
4849 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5051 sub args {
51 my ( $lc, $ld, $json, $patt ) = ( '', '', '', '' );
52 my ( $lc, $ld, $json, $p, $patt ) = ( '', '', '', '' );
5253 my $help = '';
5455 GetOptions(
5556 'lc' => \$lc,
5657 'ld' => \$ld,
5758 'json' => \$json,
59 'p' => \$p,
5860 'h' => \$help,
5961 ) or usage();
6466 require JSON if $json;
66 return ( $lc, $ld, $json, $patt );
68 return ( $lc, $ld, $json, $p, $patt );
6769 }
6971 sub print_patterns {
1414 use Gitolite::Conf::Load;
1616 =for usage
17 Usage 1: gitolite mirror push <slave> <repo>
18 gitolite mirror status <slave> <repo>
17 Usage 1: gitolite mirror push <copy> <repo>
18 gitolite mirror status <copy> <repo>
1919 gitolite mirror status all <repo>
2020 gitolite mirror status all all
21 Usage 2: ssh git@master-server mirror push <slave> <repo>
22 ssh git@master-server mirror status <slave> <repo>
21 Usage 2: ssh git@master-server mirror push <copy> <repo>
22 ssh git@master-server mirror status <copy> <repo>
24 Forces a push of one repo to one slave.
24 Forces a push of one repo to one copy.
26 Usage 1 is directly on the master server. Nothing is checked; if the slave
27 accepts it, the push happens, even if the slave is not in any slaves
26 Usage 1 is directly on the master server. Nothing is checked; if the copy
27 accepts it, the push happens, even if the copy is not in any copies
2828 option. This is how you do delayed or lagged pushes to servers that do not
2929 need real-time updates or have bandwidth/connectivity issues.
3131 Usage 2 can be initiated by *any* user who has *any* gitolite access to the
32 master server, but it checks that the slave is in one of the slaves options
32 master server, but it checks that the copy is in one of the copies options
3333 before doing the push.
3535 MIRROR STATUS: The usage examples above show what can be done. The 'status
36 all <repo>' usage checks the status of all the slaves defined for the given
36 all <repo>' usage checks the status of all the copies defined for the given
3737 repo. The 'status all all' usage is special, in that it only prints a list of
3838 repos that have *some* error, instead of dumping all the error info itself.
4040 SERVER LIST: 'gitolite mirror list master <reponame>' and 'gitolite mirror
41 list slaves <reponame>' will show you the name of the master server, and list
42 the slave servers, for the repo. They only work on the server command line
41 list copies <reponame>' will show you the name of the master server, and list
42 the copy servers, for the repo. They only work on the server command line
4343 (any server), but not remotely (from a normal user).
4444 =cut
4848 _die "HOSTNAME not set" if not $rc{HOSTNAME};
5050 my ( $cmd, $host, $repo ) = @ARGV;
51 $host = 'copies' if $host eq 'slaves';
5152 $repo =~ s/\.git$//;
5253 usage() if not $repo;
5455 if ( $cmd eq 'push' ) {
55 valid_slave( $host, $repo ) if exists $ENV{GL_USER};
56 # will die if host not in slaves for repo
56 valid_copy( $host, $repo ) if exists $ENV{GL_USER};
57 # will die if host not in copies for repo
5859 trace( 1, "TID=$tid host=$host repo=$repo", "gitolite mirror push started" );
5960 _chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
7980 trace( 1, "mirror: $_" );
8081 }
8182 }
82 # save the mirror push status for this slave if the word 'fatal' is found,
83 # save the mirror push status for this copy if the word 'fatal' is found,
8384 # else remove the status file. We don't store "success" output messages;
8485 # you can always get those from the log files if you really need them.
8586 if ( $glss =~ /fatal/i ) {
8687 my $glss_prefix = Gitolite::Common::gen_ts() . "\t$ENV{GL_TID}\t";
8788 $glss =~ s/^/$glss_prefix/gm;
88 _print("gl-slave-$host.status", $glss);
89 _print("gl-copy-$host.status", $glss);
8990 } else {
90 unlink "gl-slave-$host.status";
91 unlink "gl-copy-$host.status";
9192 }
9394 exit $errors;
100101 _chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
101102 my $phy_repos = list_phy_repos(1);
102103 for my $repo ( @{$phy_repos} ) {
103 my @x = glob("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-slave-*.status");
104 my @x = glob("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-copy-*.status");
104105 print "$repo\n" if @x;
105106 }
106107 exit 0;
107108 }
109 valid_slave( $host, $repo ) if exists $ENV{GL_USER};
110 # will die if host not in slaves for repo
110 valid_copy( $host, $repo ) if exists $ENV{GL_USER};
111 # will die if host not in copies for repo
112113 _chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
113114 _chdir("$repo.git");
115116 $host = '*' if $host eq 'all';
116 map { print_status($repo, $_) } sort glob("gl-slave-$host.status");
117 map { print_status($repo, $_) } sort glob("gl-copy-$host.status");
117118 } else {
118119 # strictly speaking, we could allow some of the possible commands remotely
119120 # also, at least for admins. However, these commands are mainly intended
126127 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
128 sub valid_slave {
129 sub valid_copy {
129130 my ( $host, $repo ) = @_;
130131 _die "invalid repo '$repo'" unless $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT;
132 my %list = repo_slaves($repo);
133 _die "'$host' not a valid slave for '$repo'" unless $list{$host};
133 my %list = repo_copies($repo);
134 _die "'$host' not a valid copy for '$repo'" unless $list{$host};
134135 }
136 sub repo_slaves {
137 sub repo_copies {
137138 my $repo = shift;
139 my $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.slaves.*" );
140 my $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.copies.*" );
140141 my %list = map { $_ => 1 } map { split } values %$ref;
142143 return %list;
156157 my $repo = shift;
157158 my $file = shift;
158159 return unless -f $file;
159 my $slave = $1 if $file =~ /^gl-slave-(.+)\.status$/;
160 my $copy = $1 if $file =~ /^gl-copy-(.+)\.status$/;
160161 print "----------\n";
161 print "WARNING: previous mirror push of repo '$repo' to host '$slave' failed, status is:\n";
162 print "WARNING: previous mirror push of repo '$repo' to host '$copy' failed, status is:\n";
162163 print slurp($file);
163164 print "----------\n";
164165 }
166167 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
167168 # server side commands. Very little error checking.
168169 # gitolite mirror list master <repo>
169 # gitolite mirror list slaves <repo>
170 # gitolite mirror list copies <repo>
171172 sub server_side_commands {
172173 if ( $cmd eq 'list' ) {
173174 if ( $host eq 'master' ) {
174175 say repo_master($repo);
175 } elsif ( $host eq 'slaves' ) {
176 my %list = repo_slaves($repo);
176 } elsif ( $host eq 'copies' ) {
177 my %list = repo_copies($repo);
177178 say join( " ", sort keys %list );
178179 } else {
179 _die "gitolite mirror list master|slaves <reponame>";
180 _die "gitolite mirror list master|copies <reponame>";
180181 }
181182 } else {
182183 _die "invalid command";
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
5 use Gitolite::Easy;
7 =for usage
8 Usage: ssh git@host newbranch <repo name> <new branch name> <based-on ref name>
10 Create a new branch and set it to existing branch or tag. You should have
11 write access to that branch.
13 NOTE: runs "git branch arg-2 arg-3" in repo given by arg-1, which means you
14 should NOT prefix arguments with "refs/heads/" or "refs/tags/".
16 ----
18 This is for people who have restrictions on what files they can "touch". When
19 you fork a branch and change a file, even if you changed only the files you're
20 allowed to, gitolite thinks you changed *all* the files in the repo because
21 the "old SHA" is basically empty.
23 This helps get around that by first creating the new branch, so that you can
24 then push to it.
26 To enable this command, add it to the rc file as a 'command'.
28 TODO: handle deletes also (less commonly encountered and left as an "exercise
29 for the reader" for now!)
30 =cut
32 usage() if not @ARGV or @ARGV < 3 or $ARGV[0] eq '-h';
34 my $repo = shift;
35 my $newbr = shift;
36 my $oldref = shift;
38 _die "you are not authorized" unless can_write($repo, "W", "refs/heads/$newbr");
40 Gitolite::Common::_system("git", "branch", $newbr, $oldref);
(No changes)
2828 (2) Add 'rsync' to the ENABLE list in the rc file
33 TBD
3530 =cut
3732 =for usage
4237 Admins: see src/commands/rsync for setup instructions
4439 Users:
45 rsync -P git@host:repo.bundle .
40 rsync git@host:repo.bundle .
4641 # downloads a file called "<basename of repo>.bundle"; repeat as
4742 # needed till the whole thing is downloaded
4843 git clone repo.bundle repo
5045 git remote set-url origin git@host:repo
5146 git fetch origin # and maybe git pull, etc. to freshen the clone
55 TBD
48 NOTE on options to the rsync command: you are only allowed to use the
49 "-v", "-n", "-q", and "-P" options.
5751 =cut
6155 # rsync driver program. Several things can be done later, but for now it
6256 # drives just the 'bundle' transfer.
64 if ( $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND} =~ /^rsync --server --sender (-[-\w=.]+ )+\. (\S+)\.bundle$/ ) {
58 if ( $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND} =~ /^rsync --server --sender (?:-[vn]*(?:e\d*\.\w*)? )?\. (\S+)\.bundle$/ ) {
66 my $repo = $2;
60 my $repo = $1;
6761 $repo =~ s/\.git$//;
6963 # all errors have the same message to avoid leaking info
8074 exit 0;
8175 }
83 _warn "invalid rsync command '$ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}'";
77 _warn "Sorry, you are only allowed to use the '-v', '-n', '-q', and '-P' options.";
8478 usage();
8680 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
7070 compile(@args);
7272 } elsif ( $command eq 'trigger' ) {
73 my $s = $args[0];
74 _die "trigger section '$s' not found in rc"
75 unless $s eq 'POST_COMPILE'
76 or $s eq 'POST_CREATE'
77 or ( exists $rc{$s} and ref( $rc{$s} ) eq 'ARRAY' );
7378 trigger(@args);
7580 } elsif ( my $c = _which( "commands/$command", 'x' ) ) {
152152 $soc ||= 'info';
154154 my $git_commands = "git-upload-pack|git-receive-pack|git-upload-archive";
155 if ( $soc =~ m(^($git_commands) '?/?(.*?)(?:\.git(\d)?)?'?$) ) {
156 my ( $verb, $repo, $trace_level ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
157 $ENV{D} = $trace_level if $trace_level;
155 # simplify the regex; we'll handle all the reponame nuances later
156 if ( $soc =~ m(^($git_commands) '?/?(.*?)'?$) ) {
157 my ( $verb, $repo ) = ( $1, $2 );
158 trace( 2, "git command", $soc );
160 # clean up the repo name; first extract the trace level if supplied
161 # (and no, you can't have a trace level *and* a trailing slash).
162 $ENV{D} = $1 if $repo =~ s/\.git(\d)$//;
163 # and then the git-daemon-compatibility trailers
164 $repo =~ s(/$)();
165 $repo =~ s(\.git$)();
158167 _die "invalid repo name: '$repo'" if $repo !~ $REPONAME_PATT;
159 trace( 2, "git command", $soc );
160168 return ( $verb, $repo );
161169 }
1919 ssh_fingerprint_file
2020 ssh_fingerprint_line
22 update_hook_present
2123 );
2224 #>>>
2325 use Exporter 'import';
234236 chomp($repo);
235237 $repo =~ s/\.git$//;
236238 $repo =~ s(^\./)();
237 push @phy_repos, $repo unless $repo =~ m(/$);
238 # tolerate bare repos within ~/repositories but silently ignore them
239 next if $repo =~ m(/$);
240 # tolerate non-bare repos within ~/repositories but silently ignore them
241 push @phy_repos, $repo;
239242 }
240243 trace( 3, scalar(@phy_repos) . " physical repos found" );
241244 return sort_u( \@phy_repos );
242245 }
246 }
248 sub update_hook_present {
249 my $repo = shift;
251 return 1 unless -d "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git"; # non-existent repo is fine
253 my $x = readlink("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/hooks/update");
254 return 1 if $x and $x eq "$ENV{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/common/update";
256 return 0;
243257 }
245259 # generate a timestamp
346360 my $in = shift;
347361 -f $in or die "file not found: $in\n";
348362 my $fh;
349 open( $fh, "ssh-keygen -l -f $in |" ) or die "could not fork: $!\n";
363 open( $fh, "ssh-keygen -l -f $in 2>&1 |" ) or die "could not fork: $!\n";
350364 my $output = <$fh>;
351365 chomp $output;
352366 # dbg("fp = $fp");
7272 trace( 2, $repo, $user, $aa, $ref );
7373 _die "invalid user '$user'" if not( $user and $user =~ $USERNAME_PATT );
7474 sanity($repo);
75 return "$aa any $repo $user DENIED by fallthru" unless update_hook_present($repo);
7677 my @rules;
7778 my $deny_rules;
304305 }
306307 if ( -f "gl-conf" ) {
307 return if not $split_conf{$repo};
308 return if not $split_conf{$repo} and not $rc{ALLOW_ORPHAN_GL_CONF};
309310 my $cc = "./gl-conf";
310311 _die "parse '$cc' failed: " . ( $@ or $! ) unless do $cc;
383384 push @ret, $i;
384385 }
385386 }
388 # add in any group names explicitly given in (GIT_DIR)/gl-repo-groups
389 push @ret,
390 map { s/^\@?/\@/; $_ }
391 grep { ! /[^\w@-]/ }
392 split (' ', slurp("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE}/$base.git/gl-repo-groups"))
393 if -f "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE}/$base.git/gl-repo-groups";
386394 }
388396 push @ret, @{ $groups{$base} } if exists $groups{$base};
389397 push @ret, @{ $groups{$base2} } if $base2 and exists $groups{$base2};
390 for my $i ( keys %{ $patterns{groups} } ) {
391 if ( $base =~ /^$i$/ or $base2 and ( $base2 =~ /^$i$/ ) ) {
392 push @ret, @{ $groups{$i} };
398 if ($type eq 'repo') {
399 # regexes can only be used for repos, not for users
400 for my $i ( keys %{ $patterns{groups} } ) {
401 if ( $base =~ /^$i$/ or $base2 and ( $base2 =~ /^$i$/ ) ) {
402 push @ret, @{ $groups{$i} };
403 }
393404 }
394405 }
187187 next unless $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT; # skip repo patterns
188188 next if $repo =~ m(^\@|EXTCMD/); # skip groups and fake repos
190 # use gl-conf as a sentinel
191 hook_1($repo) if -d "$repo.git" and not -f "$repo.git/gl-conf";
193 if ( not -d "$repo.git" ) {
190 # use gl-conf as a sentinel; if it exists, all is well
191 next if -f "$repo.git/gl-conf";
193 if (-d "$repo.git") {
194 # directory exists but sentinel missing? Maybe a freshly imported repo?
195 hook_1($repo);
196 } else {
194197 push @{ $rc{NEW_REPOS_CREATED} }, $repo;
195198 trigger( 'PRE_CREATE', $repo );
196199 new_repo($repo);
239242 # first write out the ones for the physical repos
240243 _chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
241 my $phy_repos = list_phy_repos(1);
243 for my $repo ( @{$phy_repos} ) {
245 # list of repos (union of keys of %repos plus %configs)
246 my %kr_kc;
247 @kr_kc{ keys %repos } = ();
248 @kr_kc{ keys %configs } = ();
249 for my $repo ( keys %kr_kc ) {
244250 store_1($repo);
245251 }
283289 # warning: writes and *deletes* it from %repos and %configs
284290 my ($repo) = shift;
285291 trace( 3, $repo );
286 return unless ( $repos{$repo} or $configs{$repo} ) and -d "$repo.git";
292 return unless -d "$repo.git";
288294 my ( %one_repo, %one_config );
104104 # -> config = bar
106106 for my $line (@$lines) {
107 $line =~ s/option mirror\.slaves/option mirror.copies/;
107108 if ( $line =~ /^option (\S+) = (\S.*)/ ) {
108109 push @ret, "config gitolite-options.$1 = $2";
109110 } else {
186187 for (@$lines) {
187188 my $skip = 0;
188189 $skip = 1 if /^= *begin testconf$/;
190 $skip = 1 if /^= *begin template-data$/;
189191 # add code for other types of blocks here as needed
191193 next if $skip .. /^= *end$/;
4646 cache_control('start');
4747 }
49 # remove entries from POST_CREATE which also exist in POST_COMPILE. This
50 # not only saves us having to implement an optimisation in *those*
51 # scripts, but more importantly, moves the optimisation one step up -- we
52 # don't even *call* those scripts now.
53 my %pco = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $rc{POST_COMPILE} };
54 @{ $rc{POST_CREATE} } = grep { ! exists $pco{$_} } @{ $rc{POST_CREATE} };
4956 for my $repo ( @{ $rc{NEW_REPOS_CREATED} } ) {
5057 trigger( 'POST_CREATE', $repo );
5158 }
60 # process rule template data
61 _system("gitolite compile-template-data");
5262 }
5464 sub parse {
1616 use strict;
1717 use warnings;
19 $|++;
1921 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
7272 test it and make it work please let me know.
7474 * funnily enough, this even works with mirroring! That is, a master can
75 push a repo "foo" to a slave per its configuration, while the slave thinks
75 push a repo "foo" to a copy per its configuration, while the copy thinks
7676 it is getting repo "bar" from the master per its configuration.
7878 Just make sure to put the Alias::input line *before* the Mirroring::input
79 line in the rc file on the slave.
79 line in the rc file on the copy.
8181 However, it will probably not work with redirected pushes unless you setup
8282 the opposite alias ("bar" -> "foo") on master.
66 use strict;
77 use warnings;
9 my $git_commands = "git-upload-pack|git-receive-pack|git-upload-archive";
109 my $hn = $rc{HOSTNAME};
12 my ( $mode, $master, %slaves, %trusted_slaves );
11 my ( $mode, $master, %copies, %trusted_copies );
1413 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5150 $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} = 1;
5251 trace( 3, "redirected_push for user $1" );
5352 } else {
54 # master -> slave push, no access checks needed
53 # master -> copy push, no access checks needed
5655 }
5756 }
7271 # now you know the repo, get its mirroring details
7372 details($repo);
75 # print mirror status if at least one slave status file is present
76 print_status( $repo ) if not $rc{HUSH_MIRROR_STATUS} and $mode ne 'local' and glob("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-slave-*.status");
74 # print mirror status if at least one copy status file is present
75 print_status( $repo ) if not $rc{HUSH_MIRROR_STATUS} and $mode ne 'local' and glob("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-copy-*.status");
7877 # we don't deal with any reads. Note that for pre-git this check must
7978 # happen *after* getting details, to give mode() a chance to die on "known
8079 # unknown" repos (repos that are in the config, but mirror settings
81 # exclude this host from both the master and slave lists)
80 # exclude this host from both the master and copy lists)
8281 return if $aa eq 'R';
8483 trace( 1, "mirror", "pre_git", $repo, "user=$user", "sender=$sender", "mode=$mode", ( $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ? ("redirected") : () ) );
8685 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
87 # case 1: we're master or slave, normal user pushing to us
86 # case 1: we're master or copy, normal user pushing to us
8887 if ( $user and not $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
8988 trace( 3, "case 1, user push" );
9089 return if $mode eq 'local' or $mode eq 'master';
91 if ( $trusted_slaves{$hn} ) {
90 if ( $trusted_copies{$hn} ) {
9291 trace( 1, "redirect to $master" );
9392 exec( "ssh", $master, "USER=$user", "SOC=$ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}" );
9493 } else {
95 _die "$hn: pushing '$repo' to slave '$hn' not allowed";
94 _die "$hn: pushing '$repo' to copy '$hn' not allowed";
9695 }
9796 }
9998 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
100 # case 2: we're slave, master pushing to us
99 # case 2: we're copy, master pushing to us
101100 if ( $sender and not $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
102101 trace( 3, "case 2, master push" );
103102 _die "$hn: '$repo' is local" if $mode eq 'local';
107106 }
109108 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
110 # case 3: we're master, slave sending a redirected push to us
109 # case 3: we're master, copy sending a redirected push to us
111110 if ( $sender and $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
112 trace( 3, "case 2, slave redirect" );
111 trace( 3, "case 2, copy redirect" );
113112 _die "$hn: '$repo' is local" if $mode eq 'local';
114 _die "$hn: '$repo' is not native" if $mode eq 'slave';
115 _die "$hn: '$sender' is not a valid slave for '$repo'" if not $slaves{$sender};
116 _die "$hn: redirection not allowed from '$sender'" if not $trusted_slaves{$sender};
113 _die "$hn: '$repo' is not native" if $mode eq 'copy';
114 _die "$hn: '$sender' is not a valid copy for '$repo'" if not $copies{$sender};
115 _die "$hn: redirection not allowed from '$sender'" if not $trusted_copies{$sender};
117116 return;
118117 }
142141 trace( 1, "mirror", "post_git", $repo, "user=$user", "sender=$sender", "mode=$mode", ( $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ? ("redirected") : () ) );
144143 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
145 # case 1: we're master or slave, normal user pushing to us
144 # case 1: we're master or copy, normal user pushing to us
146145 if ( $user and not $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
147146 trace( 3, "case 1, user push" );
148147 return if $mode eq 'local';
149 # slave was eliminated earlier anyway, so that leaves 'master'
151 # find all slaves and push to each of them
152 push_to_slaves($repo);
154 return;
155 }
157 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
158 # case 2: we're slave, master pushing to us
148 # copy was eliminated earlier anyway, so that leaves 'master'
150 # find all copies and push to each of them
151 push_to_copies($repo);
153 return;
154 }
156 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
157 # case 2: we're copy, master pushing to us
159158 if ( $sender and not $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
160159 trace( 3, "case 2, master push" );
161160 # nothing to do
163162 }
165164 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
166 # case 3: we're master, slave sending a redirected push to us
165 # case 3: we're master, copy sending a redirected push to us
167166 if ( $sender and $rc{REDIRECTED_PUSH} ) {
168 trace( 3, "case 2, slave redirect" );
170 # find all slaves and push to each of them
171 push_to_slaves($repo);
167 trace( 3, "case 2, copy redirect" );
169 # find all copies and push to each of them
170 push_to_copies($repo);
173172 return;
174173 }
182181 return if $lastrepo eq $repo;
184183 $master = master($repo);
185 %slaves = slaves($repo);
184 %copies = copies($repo);
186185 $mode = mode($repo);
187 %trusted_slaves = trusted_slaves($repo);
188 trace( 3, $master, $mode, join( ",", sort keys %slaves ), join( ",", sort keys %trusted_slaves ) );
186 %trusted_copies = trusted_copies($repo);
187 trace( 3, $master, $mode, join( ",", sort keys %copies ), join( ",", sort keys %trusted_copies ) );
189188 }
191190 sub master {
192191 return option( +shift, 'mirror.master' );
193192 }
195 sub slaves {
194 sub copies {
196195 my $repo = shift;
198 my $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.slaves.*" );
197 my $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.copies.*" );
199198 my %out = map { $_ => 'async' } map { split } values %$ref;
201 $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.slaves\\.sync.*" );
200 $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.copies\\.sync.*" );
202201 map { $out{$_} = 'sync' } map { split } values %$ref;
204 $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.slaves\\.nosync.*" );
203 $ref = git_config( $repo, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.copies\\.nosync.*" );
205204 map { $out{$_} = 'nosync' } map { split } values %$ref;
207206 return %out;
208207 }
210 sub trusted_slaves {
209 sub trusted_copies {
211210 my $ref = git_config( +shift, "^gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.redirectOK.*" );
212 # the list of trusted slaves (where we accept redirected pushes from)
211 # the list of trusted copies (where we accept redirected pushes from)
213212 # is either explicitly given...
214213 my @out = map { split } values %$ref;
215214 my %out = map { $_ => 1 } @out;
216 # ...or it's all the slaves mentioned if the list is just a "all"
217 %out = %slaves if ( @out == 1 and $out[0] eq 'all' );
215 # ...or it's all the copies mentioned if the list is just a "all"
216 %out = %copies if ( @out == 1 and $out[0] eq 'all' );
218217 return %out;
219218 }
222221 my $repo = shift;
223222 return 'local' if not $hn;
224223 return 'master' if $master eq $hn;
225 return 'slave' if $slaves{$hn};
226 return 'local' if not $master and not %slaves;
224 return 'copy' if $copies{$hn};
225 return 'local' if not $master and not %copies;
227226 _die "$hn: '$repo' is mirrored but not here";
228227 }
229228 }
231 sub push_to_slaves {
230 sub push_to_copies {
232231 my $repo = shift;
234233 my $u = $ENV{GL_USER};
235234 delete $ENV{GL_USER}; # why? see src/commands/mirror
237236 my $lb = "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/.gl-mirror-lock";
238 for my $s ( sort keys %slaves ) {
239 trace( 1, "push_to_slaves: skipping self" ), next if $s eq $hn;
240 system("gitolite 1plus1 $lb.$s gitolite mirror push $s $repo </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &") if $slaves{$s} eq 'async';
241 system("gitolite 1plus1 $lb.$s gitolite mirror push $s $repo </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1") if $slaves{$s} eq 'sync';
242 _warn "manual mirror push pending for '$s'" if $slaves{$s} eq 'nosync';
237 for my $s ( sort keys %copies ) {
238 trace( 1, "push_to_copies skipping self" ), next if $s eq $hn;
239 system("gitolite 1plus1 $lb.$s gitolite mirror push $s $repo </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &") if $copies{$s} eq 'async';
240 system("gitolite 1plus1 $lb.$s gitolite mirror push $s $repo </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1") if $copies{$s} eq 'sync';
241 _warn "manual mirror push pending for '$s'" if $copies{$s} eq 'nosync';
243242 }
245244 $ENV{GL_USER} = $u;
2121 line like this:
2323 option umask = 0027
25 * Anytime you add or change the value, if there are existing repos that
26 would be affected, you will need to do a manual "chmod" adjustment,
27 because umask only affects newly created files.
2529 =cut
4848 # corresponding pub keys would already be set ok so step 2 in the
4949 # upstream server setup (above) will not be needed.
5050 # 2. needless to say, **don't** declare the repos you want to be
51 # transparently proxied in the gitolite.conf for the slave.
51 # transparently proxied in the gitolite.conf for the copy.
5353 use Gitolite::Rc;
5454 use Gitolite::Common;
5757 use strict;
5858 use warnings;
60 my $git_commands = "git-upload-pack|git-receive-pack|git-upload-archive";
6160 my $soc = $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND};
6362 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00 #!/usr/bin/perl
11 use strict;
22 use warnings;
4 $|++;
46 # program name: expand-deny-messages
4749 if ( $ref =~ m((^VREF/[^/]+)) ) {
4850 my $vref = $1;
49 my $vref_text = slurp( _which( $vref, 'x' ) );
50 my $etag = '(?:help|explain|explanation)';
51 $vref_text =~ m(^\s*# $etag.start\n(.*)^\s*# $etag.end\n)sm
52 and print STDERR "Explanation for $vref:\n$1";
51 if ($ref =~ s(^VREF/NAME/)()) {
52 print STDERR "You're apparently not allowed to push '$ref'";
53 } else {
54 my $vref_text = slurp( _which( $vref, 'x' ) );
55 my $etag = '(?:help|explain|explanation)';
56 $vref_text =~ m(^\s*# $etag.start\n(.*)^\s*# $etag.end\n)sm
57 and print STDERR "Explanation for $vref:\n$1";
58 }
5359 }
5561 print STDERR "\n";
1818 # - assumes you don't have a subdir in keydir called "__split_keys__"
21 # that, you will then need to make a dummy push to the admin repo to add
22 # them back. If all your **admin** keys were in split keys, then you lost
23 # remote access. If that happens, log on to the server using "su - git" or
24 # such, then use the methods described in the "bypassing gitolite" section
25 # in "emergencies.html" instead of a remote push.
2720 # SUPPORT
2821 # -------
2922 #
4134 mkdir __split_keys__
4235 export SKD=$PWD/__split_keys__
44 find . -type f -name "*.pub" | while read k
37 # if we're coming from a gitolite-admin push, delete all *.multi, and rename
38 # all multi-line *.pub to *.multi
39 if [ "$GL_REPO" = "gitolite-admin" ] || [ "$GL_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS" = "1" ]
40 then
41 find . -type f -name "*.multi" | while read k
42 do
43 rm -f "$k"
44 done
45 find . -type f -name "*.pub" | while read k
46 do
47 # is this a multi-key?
48 lines=`wc -l < $k`
49 case $lines in
50 (0|1) continue
51 esac
53 base=`basename $k .pub`
54 mv $k $base.multi
55 done
56 fi
58 # now process *.multi
59 find . -type f -name "*.multi" | while read k
4560 do
4661 # do we need to split?
4762 lines=`wc -l < $k`
4964 (0|1) continue
5065 esac
52 # is it sane to split?
53 base=`basename $k .pub`
67 base=`basename $k .multi`
68 # sanity check
5469 echo $base | grep '@' >/dev/null && continue
5671 # ok do it
57 seq=1
72 seq=0
5873 while read line
5974 do
75 (( seq++ ))
76 [ -z "$line" ] && continue
6077 f=$SKD/$base@$
6178 echo "$line" > $f
6279 # similar sanity check as main ssh-authkeys script
6582 echo 1>&2 "ssh-authkeys-split: bad line $seq in keydir/$k"
6683 rm -f $f
6784 fi
68 (( seq++ ))
6985 done < $k
71 # now delete the original file
72 rm $k
7386 done
1515 my $RB = $rc{GL_REPO_BASE};
1616 _chdir($RB);
18 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19 # skip if arg-0 is POST_CREATE and no arg-2 (user name) exists; this means
20 # it's been triggered by a *normal* (not "wild") repo creation, which in turn
21 # means a POST_COMPILE should be following so there's no need to waste time
22 # running this once for each new repo
23 exit 0 if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'POST_CREATE' and not $ARGV[2];
2518 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2619 # if called from POST_CREATE, we have only a single repo to worry about
4538 my $creator = creator($pr);
4740 my $gc = git_config( $pr, '.', 1 );
41 my $ac = `git config --file $RB/$pr.git/config -l`;
4842 while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each( %{$gc} ) ) {
4943 next if $key =~ /^gitolite-options\./;
5044 $value =~ s/(@\w+)/expand_group($1)/ge if $rc{EXPAND_GROUPS_IN_CONFIG};
45 my $lkey = lc $key;
46 next if $ac =~ /^\Q$lkey\E=\Q$value\E$/m;
5147 if ( $value ne "" ) {
5248 system( "git", "config", "--file", "$RB/$pr.git/config", $key, $value );
53 } else {
49 } elsif ( $ac =~ /^\Q$lkey\E=/m ) {
5450 system( "git", "config", "--file", "$RB/$pr.git/config", "--unset-all", $key );
5551 }
5652 }
1010 use strict;
1111 use warnings;
13 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 # skip if arg-0 is POST_CREATE and no arg-2 (user name) exists; this means
15 # it's been triggered by a *normal* (not "wild") repo creation, which in turn
16 # means a POST_COMPILE should be following so there's no need to waste time
17 # running this once for each new repo
18 exit 0 if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'POST_CREATE' and not $ARGV[2];
2013 my $EO = "git-daemon-export-ok";
2114 my $RB = $rc{GL_REPO_BASE};
23 for my $d (`gitolite list-phy-repos | gitolite access % daemon R any`) {
16 my $cmd = "gitolite list-phy-repos";
17 if ( @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'POST_CREATE' ) {
18 # only one repo to do
19 $cmd = "echo $ARGV[1]";
20 }
22 for my $d (`$cmd | gitolite access % daemon R any`) {
2423 my @F = split "\t", $d;
2524 if ($F[2] =~ /DENIED/) {
2625 unlink "$RB/$F[0].git/$EO";
27 } else {
26 } elsif (! -f "$RB/$F[0].git/$EO") {
2827 textfile( file => $EO, repo => $F[0], text => "" );
2928 }
3029 }
1010 # permissions changes for wild repos) and then you should not delete it.
1111 [ "$1" = "POST_CREATE" ] && [ "$4" != "perms" ] && rm -f $GL_REPO_BASE/$2.git/description 2>/dev/null
13 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 # skip if arg-1 is POST_CREATE and no arg-3 (user name) exists; this means
15 # it's been triggered by a *normal* (not "wild") repo creation, which in turn
16 # means a POST_COMPILE should be following so there's no need to waste time
17 # running this once for each new repo
18 [ "$1" = "POST_CREATE" ] && [ -z "$3" ] && exit 0;
2013 plf=`gitolite query-rc GITWEB_PROJECTS_LIST`
2114 [ -z "$plf" ] && plf=$HOME/projects.list
2215 # since mktemp does not honor umask, we just use it to generate a temp
2417 tmpfile=`mktemp $plf.tmp_XXXXXXXX`
2518 rm -f $tmpfile;
27 (
28 gitolite list-phy-repos | gitolite access % gitweb R any | grep -v DENIED
29 gitolite list-phy-repos | gitolite git-config -r % gitweb\\.
30 ) |
31 cut -f1 | sort -u | sed -e 's/$/.git/' > $tmpfile
20 if [ "$1" = "POST_CREATE" ] && [ -n "$2" ]
21 then
22 # just one to be done
23 repo="$2"
24 grep -v "^$repo.git$" $plf > $tmpfile
25 if gitolite access -q $repo gitweb R any || gitolite git-config -q -r $repo gitweb\\.
26 then
27 echo "$repo.git" >> $tmpfile
28 fi
29 else
30 # all of them
31 (
32 gitolite list-phy-repos | gitolite access % gitweb R any | grep -v DENIED
33 gitolite list-phy-repos | gitolite git-config -r % gitweb\\.
34 ) |
35 cut -f1 | sort -u | sed -e 's/$/.git/' > $tmpfile
36 fi
3338 [ -f $plf ] && perl -e "chmod ( ( (stat('$plf'))[2] & 07777 ), '$tmpfile')"
3439 mv $tmpfile $plf
00 #!/bin/sh
2 # TODO: look at the commit in which *this* line was added, and see the changes
3 # to the other scripts. We need to make those changes here also, but I'm too
4 # lazy right now. Plus I'm not even sure if anyone is using this!
26 # Update git-daemon and gitweb access using 'option' lines instead of special
37 # usernames.
2024 # This is useful for people who don't like '@all' to be literally *all* users,
2125 # including gitweb and daemon, and can't/won't use deny-rules properly.
23 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24 # skip if arg-1 is POST_CREATE and no arg-3 (user name) exists; this means
25 # it's been triggered by a *normal* (not "wild") repo creation, which in turn
26 # means a POST_COMPILE should be following so there's no need to waste time
27 # running this once for each new repo
28 [ "$1" = "POST_CREATE" ] && [ -z "$3" ] && exit 0;
3027 # first do the gitweb stuff
4040 $hook =~ s/\..*//;
4242 my @codes = split /\s+/, $codes;
43 next unless @codes;
45 # this is a special case
44 # bail on disallowed hook types (but warn only if @codes is non-empty)
4645 if ( $repo eq 'gitolite-admin' and $hook eq 'post-update' ) {
47 _warn "repo-specific-hooks: ignoring attempts to set post-update hook for the admin repo";
46 _warn "repo-specific-hooks: ignoring attempts to set post-update hook for the admin repo" if @codes;
47 next;
48 }
49 unless ( $hook =~ /^(pre-receive|post-receive|post-update|pre-auto-gc)$/ ) {
50 if (@codes) {
51 _warn "repo-specific-hooks: '$hook' is not allowed, ignoring";
52 _warn " (only pre-receive, post-receive, post-update, and pre-auto-gc are allowed)";
53 }
4854 next;
4955 }
51 unless ( $hook =~ /^(pre-receive|post-receive|post-update|pre-auto-gc)$/ ) {
52 _warn "repo-specific-hooks: '$hook' is not allowed, ignoring";
53 _warn " (only pre-receive, post-receive, post-update, and pre-auto-gc are allowed)";
54 next;
55 }
57 push @{ $repo_hooks{$repo}{$hook} }, @codes if @codes;
57 push @{ $repo_hooks{$repo}{$hook} }, @codes;
5858 }
6060 for my $repo (keys %repo_hooks) {
110110 [ -x $h ] || continue
111111 if [ $type = args ]
112112 then
113 $h $@
113 $h $@ || { [ $0 = hooks/pre-receive ] && exit 1; }
114114 else
115 echo "$stdin" | $h
115 echo "$stdin" | $h || { [ $0 = hooks/pre-receive ] && exit 1; }
116116 fi
117117 done
3131 # R = @all
3232 # RW+ my-company/ = @developers
3333 #
34 # option upstream.url = git://
34 # option upstream.url =
3535 # option upstream.nice = 120
3636 #
3737 # * to force a fetch on the server shell (or via cron), run this command:
5454 # repo github/CREATOR/..*
5555 # C = @all
5656 # R = @all
57 # option upstream.url = git://
58 # option upstream.nice = 120
59 # config url.git:// = git://
57 # option upstream.url =
58 # option upstream.nice = 120
59 # config url. =
6060 #
6161 # Now you can make local, read-only, clones of all your github repos with
6262 #
0 # instructions for running the tests
1 ============================================
3 ============================================
2 # Pre-requisites
4 Install the following packages:
6 * Manjaro (and probably Arch):
8 pacman -S perl-json perl-json-xs apache
10 * Fedora (and probably CentOS):
12 dnf install -y perl-Test-Harness perl-JSON perl-JSON-XS httpd httpd-tools
14 * others:
16 (TBD)
20 ======================================
22 ======================================
524 Please run the tests ONLY on a userid where it's ok to LOSE DATA.
1130 has more details. Alternatively,
1231 will help you try out gitolite if
1332 you want to play with gitolite safely.
36 ======================================
38 ======================================
40 The http and mirror tests require a lot more preparation, including commands
41 and/or scripts to be run as root, so they're not invoked when you simply run
42 "prove" as above.
44 ## Manjaro
46 1. Create 3 users: sam, frodo, and gollum (`useradd -m`).
48 2. Assuming you're running the tests using a local user called `g3`, run
49 `visudo` and add the following line:
51 g3 ALL = (sam,frodo,gollum) NOPASSWD: ALL
53 Test this by running this command from within `g3` and making sure you get
54 the correct results:
56 sudo -u sam -i pwd
57 # should print /home/sam
58 # similarly make sure frodo and gollum also give correct results
60 The mirror test will not run if this does not work. That does not mean
61 *mirroring* will not work; only the test suite depends on this feature.
63 3. Manjaro does not, by default, add $HOME/bin to $PATH, so you will need the
64 following on at least sam, frodo, and gollum:
66 # copy-paste this into a root terminal
67 for u in frodo sam gollum; do
68 grep '$HOME/bin' /home/$u/.bash_profile || echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/$u/.bash_profile
69 done
71 Again, test this by running:
73 sudo -u sam -i echo '$PATH'
75 and making sure the output starts with `/home/sam/bin:` (and similarly for
76 frodo and gollum).
78 4. Take a look inside `t/manjaro-root-smart-http-test-setup` to make sure
79 everything looks sane (because you have to run it as root!!), then run it
80 as root.
82 5. Now you are ready to run the last two tests:
84 GITOLITE_TEST=y prove t/smart-http
85 GITOLITE_TEST=y prove t/mirror-test
87 ## Fedora
89 1. Create 3 users: sam, frodo, and gollum (`useradd`).
91 2. Assuming you're running the tests using a local user called `g3`, run
92 `visudo` and add the following line:
94 g3 ALL = (sam,frodo,gollum) NOPASSWD: ALL
96 Test this by running this command from within `g3` and making sure you get
97 the correct results:
99 sudo -u sam -i pwd
100 # should print /home/sam
101 # similarly make sure frodo and gollum also give correct results
103 The mirror test will not run if this does not work. That does not mean
104 *mirroring* will not work; only the test suite depends on this feature.
106 3. Take a look inside `t/fedora-root-smart-http-test-setup` to make sure
107 everything looks sane (because you have to run it as root!!), then run it
108 as root.
110 4. Now you are ready to run the last two tests:
112 prove t/smart-http
113 prove t/mirror-test
115 vim: ft=markdown
88 # test 'gitolite access'
99 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11 try "plan 216";
11 try "plan 254";
1313 confreset;confadd '
1414 @admins = admin dev1
199199 gitolite access c1 u2 +; ok
200200 gitolite access c1 u2 C; !ok
201201 ";
203 confreset;confadd '
204 repo foo
205 R = u1
206 RW = u2
207 RW+ = u3
209 repo bar
210 R = u1
211 RW = u2
212 RW+ = u3
213 RW+CDM = u6
215 ';
217 try "ADMIN_PUSH set4; !/FATAL/" or die text();
219 try "
220 gitolite access foo u1 +; !ok
221 gitolite access foo u2 +; !ok
222 gitolite access foo u3 +; ok
223 gitolite access foo u1 C; !ok
224 gitolite access foo u2 C; ok
225 gitolite access foo u3 C; ok
226 gitolite access foo u1 D; !ok
227 gitolite access foo u2 D; !ok
228 gitolite access foo u3 D; ok
229 gitolite access foo u1 M; !ok
230 gitolite access foo u2 M; ok
231 gitolite access foo u3 M; ok
233 gitolite access bar u1 +; !ok
234 gitolite access bar u2 +; !ok
235 gitolite access bar u3 +; ok
236 gitolite access bar u1 C; !ok
237 gitolite access bar u2 C; !ok
238 gitolite access bar u3 C; !ok
239 gitolite access bar u1 D; !ok
240 gitolite access bar u2 D; !ok
241 gitolite access bar u3 D; !ok
242 gitolite access bar u1 M; !ok
243 gitolite access bar u2 M; !ok
244 gitolite access bar u3 M; !ok
246 gitolite access bar u6 R; ok
247 gitolite access bar u6 W; ok
248 gitolite access bar u6 +; ok
249 gitolite access bar u6 C; ok
250 gitolite access bar u6 D; ok
251 gitolite access bar u6 M; ok
252 ";
0 #!/bin/bash
2 # gitolite http mode TESTING setup for Fedora
3 # - Probably works for CentOS also; if someone tests it let me know
4 # - Use the comments to create a version for your distro if needed
6 # CAUTION: This script needs to be run as root, so you best eyeball it at
7 # least once to make sure you know what changes it is making.
9 # WARNING: clobbers /usr/share/httpd/gitolite-home, and also creates 7 http
10 # users with trivial passwords FOR TESTING.
12 # HOWEVER: if you remove some of that, especially the part that creates test
13 # users, this *should* work as a quick "setup gitolite http mode" script.
15 # CAUTION: This script assumes the httpd.conf file is pretty much the default
16 # "as shipped" version. If you fiddled with it, this script *may* break.
17 # It's on you to determine if that is the case and manually simulate the
18 # actions of this script. It's not that hard, and anyway it's just once (for
19 # a given server) so it's not too bad.
21 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23 cd ~apache
24 # should be /usr/share/httpd; you may want to check just to be safe
25 export GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME=$PWD/gitolite-home
27 [[ -d gitolite-home ]] && {
28 [[ $GITOLITE_TEST != y ]] && {
29 echo "If you're OK with clobbering $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME, please rerun with
30 environment variable GITOLITE_TEST set to 'y'."
31 exit 1;
32 }
33 }
35 rm -rf gitolite-home
36 mkdir gitolite-home
38 # setup apache conf for gitolite
39 cd /etc/httpd/conf.d
40 [[ -f gitolite.conf ]] || {
41 cat > gitolite.conf <<-EOF
43 ScriptAlias /git/ $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-source/src/gitolite-shell/
44 ScriptAlias /gitmob/ $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-source/src/gitolite-shell/
48 <Location /git>
49 AuthType Basic
50 AuthName "Private Git Access"
51 Require valid-user
52 AuthUserFile $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile
53 </Location>
54 EOF
55 }
57 # get the gitolite sources
60 if [[ -d /tmp/gitolite.git ]]; then
61 git clone /tmp/gitolite.git gitolite-source
62 # I do this because I have to test stuff *before* it gets to github, so I
63 # can't simply clone what's on github. Instead, I use a local
64 # world-readable bare repo cloned from my dev environment.
65 else
66 git clone '' gitolite-source
67 fi
69 # make the bin directory, and add it to PATH
70 cd gitolite-source
71 mkdir $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/bin
72 ./install -ln $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/bin
75 # come back to base, then run setup. Notice that you have to point HOME to
76 # the right place, even if it is just for this command
78 HOME=$GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME gitolite setup -a admin
80 # insert some essential lines at the beginning of the rc file
81 echo '$ENV{PATH} .= ":$ENV{GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME}/bin";' > 1
82 echo >> 1
83 cat .gitolite.rc >> 1
84 \mv 1 .gitolite.rc
86 # create users "admin" and "u1" thru "u6" for testing
87 htpasswd -bc $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile admin admin
88 seq 6 | xargs -I % htpasswd -b $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile u% u%
90 # fix up ownership
91 chown -R apache:apache $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME
93 # restart httpd to make it pick up all the new stuff
94 systemctl restart httpd
136136 $t = join("\n", sort (lines()));
138138 cmp $t, 'bar.git/config: bare = true
139 bar.git/config:[foo]
140139 foo.git/config: bar = f1
141140 foo.git/config: bare = true
142141 foo.git/config:[foo]
0 #!/bin/bash
2 # gitolite http mode TESTING setup for Manjaro
3 # - Probably works for Arch also; if someone tests it let me know
4 # - Use the comments to create a version for your distro if needed
6 # CAUTION: This script needs to be run as root, so you best eyeball it at
7 # least once to make sure you know what changes it is making.
9 # WARNING: clobbers /srv/http/gitolite-home, and also creates 7 http
10 # users with trivial passwords FOR TESTING.
12 # HOWEVER: if you remove some of that, especially the part that creates test
13 # users, this *should* work as a quick "setup gitolite http mode" script.
15 # CAUTION: This script assumes the httpd.conf file is pretty much the default
16 # "as shipped" version. If you fiddled with it, this script *may* break.
17 # It's on you to determine if that is the case and manually simulate the
18 # actions of this script. It's not that hard, and anyway it's just once (for
19 # a given server) so it's not too bad.
21 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24 # Unlike Fedora, Manjaro's default httpd.conf does not contain a wildcard
25 # include for stuff in conf.d; they're all explicitly included, so we need to
26 # include gitolite.conf.
27 cd /etc/httpd/conf
28 grep ^Include.*gitolite.conf httpd.conf ||
29 printf "\n%s\n%s\n" '# gitolite http mode' 'Include conf/extra/gitolite.conf' >> httpd.conf
31 # Again, unlike Fedora, Manjaro's default conf does not come with cgi enabled.
32 # In fact, the directive is both commented out *and* inside an "IF" block for
33 # some other module. Since I don't plan to be an expert on apache, I will
34 # punt by including the required LoadModule line before the first LoadModule
35 # line that is not in an "if" block (i.e., not indented).
36 grep '^LoadModule cgi_module modules/' httpd.conf ||
37 perl -i -pE 'say "LoadModule cgi_module modules/" if /^LoadModule/ and not $flag++' httpd.conf
40 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
42 cd ~http
43 # should be /srv/http; you may want to check just to be safe
44 export GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME=$PWD/gitolite-home
46 [[ -d gitolite-home ]] && {
47 [[ $GITOLITE_TEST != y ]] && {
48 echo "If you're OK with clobbering $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME, please rerun with
49 environment variable GITOLITE_TEST set to 'y'."
50 exit 1;
51 }
52 }
54 rm -rf gitolite-home
55 mkdir gitolite-home
57 # setup apache conf for gitolite
58 cd /etc/httpd/conf/extra
59 [[ -f gitolite.conf ]] || {
60 cat > gitolite.conf <<-EOF
62 ScriptAlias /git/ $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-source/src/gitolite-shell/
63 ScriptAlias /gitmob/ $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-source/src/gitolite-shell/
67 <Location /git>
68 AuthType Basic
69 AuthName "Private Git Access"
70 Require valid-user
71 AuthUserFile $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile
72 </Location>
73 EOF
74 }
76 # get the gitolite sources
79 if [[ -d /tmp/gitolite.git ]]; then
80 git clone /tmp/gitolite.git gitolite-source
81 # I do this because I have to test stuff *before* it gets to github, so I
82 # can't simply clone what's on github. Instead, I use a local
83 # world-readable bare repo cloned from my dev environment.
84 else
85 git clone '' gitolite-source
86 fi
88 # make the bin directory, and add it to PATH
89 cd gitolite-source
90 mkdir $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/bin
91 ./install -ln $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/bin
94 # come back to base, then run setup. Notice that you have to point HOME to
95 # the right place, even if it is just for this command
97 HOME=$GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME gitolite setup -a admin
99 # insert some essential lines at the beginning of the rc file
100 echo '$ENV{PATH} .= ":$ENV{GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME}/bin";' > 1
101 echo >> 1
102 cat .gitolite.rc >> 1
103 \mv 1 .gitolite.rc
105 # create users "admin" and "u1" thru "u6" for testing
106 htpasswd -bc $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile admin admin
107 seq 6 | xargs -I % htpasswd -b $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME/gitolite-http-authuserfile u% u%
109 # fix up ownership
110 chown -R http:http $GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME
112 # restart httpd to make it pick up all the new stuff
113 systemctl restart httpd
9090 git add keydir; ok
9191 git commit -m 6keys; ok
9292 git push; ok
93 /To frodo\@localhost:gitolite-admin/
93 /To localhost:gitolite-admin/
9494 /master -> master/
9595 sleep 5
9696 git rev-parse HEAD
117117 cd sga; ok
118118 empty; ok
119119 git push; ok
120 /To sam\@localhost:gitolite-admin/
120 /To localhost:gitolite-admin/
121121 /master -> master/
122122 sleep 5
123123 git rev-parse HEAD
144144 cd gga; ok
145145 empty; ok
146146 git push; !ok
147 !/To gollum\@localhost:gitolite-admin/
147 !/To localhost:gitolite-admin/
148148 !/master -> master/
149 /gollum: pushing 'gitolite-admin' to slave 'gollum' not allowed/
149 /gollum: pushing 'gitolite-admin' to copy 'gollum' not allowed/
150150 git rev-parse HEAD
151151 ";
192192 cd fga; ok
193193 empty; ok
194194 git push; ok
195 /To frodo\@localhost:gitolite-admin/
195 /To localhost:gitolite-admin/
196196 /master -> master/
197197 sleep 5
289289 cd fr1
290290 empty
291291 git push
292 /frodo: pushing 'r1' to slave 'frodo' not allowed/
292 /frodo: pushing 'r1' to copy 'frodo' not allowed/
293293 cd ..
294294 git clone sam\@localhost:r1 sr1; ok
295295 cd sr1
334334 cd fr1
335335 tc b
336336 git push
337 /frodo: pushing 'r1' to slave 'frodo' not allowed/
337 /frodo: pushing 'r1' to copy 'frodo' not allowed/
338338 cd ..
339339 git clone frodo\@localhost:r2 fr2; ok
340340 cd fr2
440440 cd nvsfrodo
441441 empty
442442 git push origin master; !ok
443 /FATAL: frodo: 'sam' is not a valid slave for 'nvsfrodo'/
444 ";
443 /FATAL: frodo: 'sam' is not a valid copy for 'nvsfrodo'/
444 ";
6565 lines="
6666 repo gitolite-admin
6767 option mirror.master = frodo
68 option mirror.slaves-1 = sam gollum
68 option mirror.copies-1 = sam gollum
6969 option mirror.redirectOK = sam
7171 repo r1
7373 RW = u2
7474 R = u3
7575 option mirror.master = sam
76 option mirror.slaves-1 = frodo
76 option mirror.copies-1 = frodo
7878 repo r2
7979 RW+ = u2
8080 RW = u3
8181 R = u4
8282 option mirror.master = sam
83 option mirror.slaves-1 = frodo gollum
83 option mirror.copies-1 = frodo gollum
8484 option mirror.redirectOK = all
8686 include \"%HOSTNAME.conf\"
106106 # goes on frodo
107107 lines="
108 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a slave
108 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a copy
109109 repo lfrodo
110110 RW = u1
113113 repo mboth
114114 RW = u1
115115 option mirror.master = frodo
116 option mirror.slaves = sam
116 option mirror.copies = sam
118118 # frodo thinks someone else is the master but sam thinks he is
119119 repo mnotsam
120120 RW = u1
121121 option mirror.master = merry
122 option mirror.slaves = frodo
122 option mirror.copies = frodo
124124 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a master and redirect is OK
125125 repo lfrodo2
129129 repo nnfrodo
130130 RW = u1
131131 option mirror.master = gollum
132 option mirror.slaves = frodo
132 option mirror.copies = frodo
133133 option mirror.redirectOK = all
135 # sam is not a valid slave to send stuff to frodo
135 # sam is not a valid copy to send stuff to frodo
136136 repo nvsfrodo
137137 RW = u1
138138 option mirror.master = frodo
139 option mirror.slaves = gollum
139 option mirror.copies = gollum
140140 option mirror.redirectOK = all
141141 "
145145 # goes on sam
146146 lines="
147 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a slave
147 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a copy
148148 repo lfrodo
149149 RW = u1
150150 option mirror.master = sam
151 option mirror.slaves = frodo
151 option mirror.copies = frodo
153153 # both think they're master
154154 repo mboth
155155 RW = u1
156156 option mirror.master = sam
157 option mirror.slaves = frodo
157 option mirror.copies = frodo
159159 # frodo thinks someone else is the master but sam thinks he is
160160 repo mnotsam
161161 RW = u1
162162 option mirror.master = sam
163 option mirror.slaves = frodo
163 option mirror.copies = frodo
165165 # local to frodo but sam thinks frodo is a master and redirect is OK
166166 repo lfrodo2
167167 RW = u1
168168 option mirror.master = frodo
169 option mirror.slaves = sam
169 option mirror.copies = sam
170170 option mirror.redirectOK = all
172172 # non-native to frodo but sam thinks frodo is master
173173 repo nnfrodo
174174 RW = u1
175175 option mirror.master = frodo
176 option mirror.slaves = sam
176 option mirror.copies = sam
177177 option mirror.redirectOK = all
179 # sam is not a valid slave to send stuff to frodo
179 # sam is not a valid copy to send stuff to frodo
180180 repo nvsfrodo
181181 RW = u1
182182 option mirror.master = frodo
183 option mirror.slaves = sam
183 option mirror.copies = sam
184184 option mirror.redirectOK = all
185185 "
9494 /52c7716..ca37871 next -> next/
9595 tag u4/nexttag; glt push u4 --tags
9696 /To file:///foo-pc/
97 /\\[new tag\\] u4/nexttag -> u4/nexttag/
97 /\\[new tag\\] u4/nexttag +-> +u4/nexttag/
9898 /\\[new branch\\] ca3787119b7e8b9914bc22c939cefc443bc308da -> refs/partial/br-\\d+/
100100 checkout master
111111 glt fetch u1
112112 /From file:///foo/
113113 /new branch\\] dev/u4/u4master -> origin/dev/u4/u4master/
114 /new tag\\] u4/nexttag -> u4/nexttag/
115 /52c7716..ca37871 next -> origin/next/
114 /new tag\\] u4/nexttag +-> +u4/nexttag/
115 /52c7716..ca37871 next +-> +origin/next/
116116 checkout master; tc u1ma1 u1ma2;
117117 /\\[master 8ab1ff5\\] u1ma2 at Thu Jul 7 06:23:20 2011/
118118 tag mt2; PUSH u1 master; ok
173173 # Verify hooks are removed properly
175 confreset;confadd '
175 confadd '
176176 repo foo
177177 RW+ = @all
178 option =
178 option = ""
180180 repo bar
181181 RW+ = @all
184184 repo baz
185185 RW+ = @all
186 option =
186 option = ""
187187 option = second
188188 ';
190190 try "ADMIN_PUSH repo-specific-hooks-02; !/FATAL/" or die text();
192192 try "
193 ls $rb/foo.git/hooks/*; ok; !/post-receive/
193 ls $rb/foo.git/hooks/*; ok; !/post-receive.h0/
194194 ls $rb/bar.git/hooks/*; ok; !/pre-receive.*first/
195195 /pre-receive.h00-second/
196 ls $rb/baz.git/hooks/*; ok; !/post-receive/
196 ls $rb/baz.git/hooks/*; ok; !/post-receive.h0/
197197 !/post-update.*first/
198198 /post-update.h00-second/
199199 ";
215215 PUSH admin master; ok; /master -. master/
216216 /hooks/pre-receive.h00-second/
217217 !/hooks/pre-receive.*has args:/
218 /hooks/pre-receive.h00-second has stdin: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cc7808f77c7c7d705f82dc54dc3152146175768f refs/heads/master/
218 /hooks/pre-receive.h00-second has stdin: cfc8561c7827a8b94df6c5dad156383d4cb210f5 cc7808f77c7c7d705f82dc54dc3152146175768f refs/heads/master/
220220 cd ..
6161 /1 file.*changed/
6262 git push
6363 ok
64 /Initialized.*usr.share.httpd.gitolite-home.repositories.t2.git/
65 /To http:..admin:admin.localhost.git.gitolite-admin.git/
64 /Initialized.*gitolite-home.repositories.t2.git/
65 /To http:..localhost.git.gitolite-admin.git/
6666 /master -. master/
6767 ## various ls-remotes
6868 git ls-remote `url u1 gitolite-admin`
8080 ## push to u1:t2
8181 git push `url u1 t2` master:master
8282 ok
83 /To http:..u1:u1.localhost.git.t2.git/
83 /To http:..localhost.git.t2.git/
8484 /master -. master/
8585 git ls-remote `url u2 t2`
8686 ok
5050 cd gitolite-home
5151 git clone /tmp/gitolite.git gitolite-source
5252 # NOTE: I use a bare repo in /tmp for convenience; you'd use
53 # 'git://'
53 # ''
5555 # make the bin directory, and add it to PATH
5656 cd gitolite-source
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use 5.10.0;
4 use Data::Dumper;
6 # this is hardcoded; change it if needed
7 use lib "$ENV{PWD}/src/lib";
9 use Gitolite::Test;
11 BEGIN {
12 $ENV{G3T_RC} = "$ENV{HOME}/g3trc";
13 put "$ENV{G3T_RC}", "\$rc{ROLES} = {
14 FORCERS => 1,
15 MASTERS => 1,
16 READERS => 1,
17 ROOT => 1,
18 TEAM => 1,
19 WRITERS => 1
20 }";
21 }
23 use Gitolite::Rc;
24 use Gitolite::Common;
25 use Gitolite::Conf::Load;
27 # permissions using role names
28 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30 try "plan 1163";
31 try "DEF POK = !/DENIED/; !/failed to push/";
33 # basic push admin repo
34 confreset; confadd '
35 # order is important for these next few repo group definitions, because an
36 # individual repo may pick and choose any combination of them, and they should
37 # apply sensibly. In this example, "BASE" is pretty much required; the others
38 # are optional.
40 # if you want someone to have "ultimate" power over all refs in the repo,
41 # add them to the ROOT role.
42 repo @BASE
45 # add this to the repo group list to allow personal branches
46 repo @PERSONAL
47 RW+CD dev/USER/ = TEAM
48 - dev/ = TEAM
49 RW+CD refs/tags/dev/USER/ = TEAM
50 - refs/tags/dev/ = TEAM
52 # add this to the repo group list to control tagging for release versions
53 repo @RELEASES
54 RWC refs/tags/v[0-9] = RELEASERS
55 - refs/tags/v[0-9] = @all
57 # (the basic set of access rules continues)
58 repo @BASE
59 # Note that "FORCERS" here, even though they have RW+CD,
60 # 1. cannot touch other users personal branches or tags if you added
61 # PER_BR to the repo group list, and
62 # 2. create a release tag unless they are also in RELEASE_TAGGERS if
63 # you added TAGS to the repo group list
65 RWC master = MASTERS
66 - master = @all
68 # Note you can define "@all" to have the READERS role, and then this will
69 # effectively be public (albeit authenticated public) readable.
72 =begin template-data
74 repo base = BASE
75 FORCERS = u1
76 MASTERS = u2
77 WRITERS = u3
78 READERS = u4
80 repo baseroot = BASE
81 ROOT = admin
82 FORCERS = u1
83 MASTERS = u2
84 WRITERS = u3
85 READERS = u4
87 repo basepers = BASE PERSONAL
88 FORCERS = u1
89 MASTERS = u2
90 WRITERS = u3
91 READERS = u4 u5
92 TEAM = u1 u2 u3 u5 u6
94 repo baserel = BASE RELEASES
95 FORCERS = u1
96 MASTERS = u2
97 WRITERS = u3
98 READERS = u4 u5
99 TEAM = u1 u2 u3 u5 u6
101 repo baseall = BASE PERSONAL RELEASES
102 ROOT = admin
103 FORCERS = u1
104 MASTERS = u2
105 WRITERS = u3
106 READERS = u4 u5
107 TEAM = u1 u2 u3 u5 u6
109 =end
110 ';
112 try "ADMIN_PUSH set1; !/FATAL/" or die text();
114 # now we step outside tsh, into pure perl
116 sub _access {
117 push @_, 'any' if @_ < 4;
118 my $ref = pop;
119 $ref =~ s(^)(refs/heads/) if $ref ne 'any' and $ref !~ m(^(refs|VREF)/);
120 push @_, $ref;
122 return access(@_);
123 }
125 sub ok {
126 say STDOUT (_access(@_) !~ /DENIED/ ? "ok" : "not ok");
127 }
128 sub nok {
129 say STDOUT (_access(@_) =~ /DENIED/ ? "ok" : "not ok");
130 }
132 nok qw( base admin R );
133 nok qw( base admin W master );
134 nok qw( base admin W notmaster );
135 nok qw( base admin W refs/tags/boo );
136 nok qw( base admin W refs/tags/v1 );
137 nok qw( base admin W dev/admin/foo );
138 nok qw( base admin W refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
139 nok qw( base admin W dev/alice/foo );
140 nok qw( base admin W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
141 nok qw( base admin + master );
142 nok qw( base admin + notmaster );
143 nok qw( base admin + refs/tags/boo );
144 nok qw( base admin + refs/tags/v1 );
145 nok qw( base admin + dev/admin/foo );
146 nok qw( base admin + refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
147 nok qw( base admin + dev/alice/foo );
148 nok qw( base admin + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
149 nok qw( base admin C master );
150 nok qw( base admin C notmaster );
151 nok qw( base admin C refs/tags/boo );
152 nok qw( base admin C refs/tags/v1 );
153 nok qw( base admin C dev/admin/foo );
154 nok qw( base admin C refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
155 nok qw( base admin C dev/alice/foo );
156 nok qw( base admin C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
157 nok qw( base admin D master );
158 nok qw( base admin D notmaster );
159 nok qw( base admin D refs/tags/boo );
160 nok qw( base admin D refs/tags/v1 );
161 nok qw( base admin D dev/admin/foo );
162 nok qw( base admin D refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
163 nok qw( base admin D dev/alice/foo );
164 nok qw( base admin D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
166 ok qw( base u1 R );
167 ok qw( base u1 W master );
168 ok qw( base u1 W notmaster );
169 ok qw( base u1 W refs/tags/boo );
170 ok qw( base u1 W refs/tags/v1 );
171 ok qw( base u1 W dev/u1/foo );
172 ok qw( base u1 W refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
173 ok qw( base u1 W dev/alice/foo );
174 ok qw( base u1 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
175 ok qw( base u1 + master );
176 ok qw( base u1 + notmaster );
177 ok qw( base u1 + refs/tags/boo );
178 ok qw( base u1 + refs/tags/v1 );
179 ok qw( base u1 + dev/u1/foo );
180 ok qw( base u1 + refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
181 ok qw( base u1 + dev/alice/foo );
182 ok qw( base u1 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
183 ok qw( base u1 C master );
184 ok qw( base u1 C notmaster );
185 ok qw( base u1 C refs/tags/boo );
186 ok qw( base u1 C refs/tags/v1 );
187 ok qw( base u1 C dev/u1/foo );
188 ok qw( base u1 C refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
189 ok qw( base u1 C dev/alice/foo );
190 ok qw( base u1 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
191 ok qw( base u1 D master );
192 ok qw( base u1 D notmaster );
193 ok qw( base u1 D refs/tags/boo );
194 ok qw( base u1 D refs/tags/v1 );
195 ok qw( base u1 D dev/u1/foo );
196 ok qw( base u1 D refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
197 ok qw( base u1 D dev/alice/foo );
198 ok qw( base u1 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
200 ok qw( base u2 R );
201 ok qw( base u2 W master );
202 ok qw( base u2 W notmaster );
203 ok qw( base u2 W refs/tags/boo );
204 ok qw( base u2 W refs/tags/v1 );
205 ok qw( base u2 W dev/u2/foo );
206 ok qw( base u2 W refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
207 ok qw( base u2 W dev/alice/foo );
208 ok qw( base u2 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
209 nok qw( base u2 + master );
210 nok qw( base u2 + notmaster );
211 nok qw( base u2 + refs/tags/boo );
212 nok qw( base u2 + refs/tags/v1 );
213 nok qw( base u2 + dev/u2/foo );
214 nok qw( base u2 + refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
215 nok qw( base u2 + dev/alice/foo );
216 nok qw( base u2 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
217 ok qw( base u2 C master );
218 ok qw( base u2 C notmaster );
219 ok qw( base u2 C refs/tags/boo );
220 ok qw( base u2 C refs/tags/v1 );
221 ok qw( base u2 C dev/u2/foo );
222 ok qw( base u2 C refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
223 ok qw( base u2 C dev/alice/foo );
224 ok qw( base u2 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
225 nok qw( base u2 D master );
226 nok qw( base u2 D notmaster );
227 nok qw( base u2 D refs/tags/boo );
228 nok qw( base u2 D refs/tags/v1 );
229 nok qw( base u2 D dev/u2/foo );
230 nok qw( base u2 D refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
231 nok qw( base u2 D dev/alice/foo );
232 nok qw( base u2 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
234 ok qw( base u3 R );
235 nok qw( base u3 W master );
236 ok qw( base u3 W notmaster );
237 ok qw( base u3 W refs/tags/boo );
238 ok qw( base u3 W refs/tags/v1 );
239 ok qw( base u3 W dev/u3/foo );
240 ok qw( base u3 W refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
241 ok qw( base u3 W dev/alice/foo );
242 ok qw( base u3 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
243 nok qw( base u3 + master );
244 nok qw( base u3 + notmaster );
245 nok qw( base u3 + refs/tags/boo );
246 nok qw( base u3 + refs/tags/v1 );
247 nok qw( base u3 + dev/u3/foo );
248 nok qw( base u3 + refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
249 nok qw( base u3 + dev/alice/foo );
250 nok qw( base u3 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
251 nok qw( base u3 C master );
252 ok qw( base u3 C notmaster );
253 ok qw( base u3 C refs/tags/boo );
254 ok qw( base u3 C refs/tags/v1 );
255 ok qw( base u3 C dev/u3/foo );
256 ok qw( base u3 C refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
257 ok qw( base u3 C dev/alice/foo );
258 ok qw( base u3 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
259 nok qw( base u3 D master );
260 nok qw( base u3 D notmaster );
261 nok qw( base u3 D refs/tags/boo );
262 nok qw( base u3 D refs/tags/v1 );
263 nok qw( base u3 D dev/u3/foo );
264 nok qw( base u3 D refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
265 nok qw( base u3 D dev/alice/foo );
266 nok qw( base u3 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
268 ok qw( base u4 R );
269 nok qw( base u4 W master );
270 nok qw( base u4 W notmaster );
271 nok qw( base u4 W refs/tags/boo );
272 nok qw( base u4 W refs/tags/v1 );
273 nok qw( base u4 W dev/u4/foo );
274 nok qw( base u4 W refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
275 nok qw( base u4 W dev/alice/foo );
276 nok qw( base u4 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
277 nok qw( base u4 + master );
278 nok qw( base u4 + notmaster );
279 nok qw( base u4 + refs/tags/boo );
280 nok qw( base u4 + refs/tags/v1 );
281 nok qw( base u4 + dev/u4/foo );
282 nok qw( base u4 + refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
283 nok qw( base u4 + dev/alice/foo );
284 nok qw( base u4 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
285 nok qw( base u4 C master );
286 nok qw( base u4 C notmaster );
287 nok qw( base u4 C refs/tags/boo );
288 nok qw( base u4 C refs/tags/v1 );
289 nok qw( base u4 C dev/u4/foo );
290 nok qw( base u4 C refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
291 nok qw( base u4 C dev/alice/foo );
292 nok qw( base u4 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
293 nok qw( base u4 D master );
294 nok qw( base u4 D notmaster );
295 nok qw( base u4 D refs/tags/boo );
296 nok qw( base u4 D refs/tags/v1 );
297 nok qw( base u4 D dev/u4/foo );
298 nok qw( base u4 D refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
299 nok qw( base u4 D dev/alice/foo );
300 nok qw( base u4 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
302 nok qw( base u5 R );
303 nok qw( base u5 W master );
304 nok qw( base u5 W notmaster );
305 nok qw( base u5 W refs/tags/boo );
306 nok qw( base u5 W refs/tags/v1 );
307 nok qw( base u5 W dev/u5/foo );
308 nok qw( base u5 W refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
309 nok qw( base u5 W dev/alice/foo );
310 nok qw( base u5 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
311 nok qw( base u5 + master );
312 nok qw( base u5 + notmaster );
313 nok qw( base u5 + refs/tags/boo );
314 nok qw( base u5 + refs/tags/v1 );
315 nok qw( base u5 + dev/u5/foo );
316 nok qw( base u5 + refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
317 nok qw( base u5 + dev/alice/foo );
318 nok qw( base u5 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
319 nok qw( base u5 C master );
320 nok qw( base u5 C notmaster );
321 nok qw( base u5 C refs/tags/boo );
322 nok qw( base u5 C refs/tags/v1 );
323 nok qw( base u5 C dev/u5/foo );
324 nok qw( base u5 C refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
325 nok qw( base u5 C dev/alice/foo );
326 nok qw( base u5 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
327 nok qw( base u5 D master );
328 nok qw( base u5 D notmaster );
329 nok qw( base u5 D refs/tags/boo );
330 nok qw( base u5 D refs/tags/v1 );
331 nok qw( base u5 D dev/u5/foo );
332 nok qw( base u5 D refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
333 nok qw( base u5 D dev/alice/foo );
334 nok qw( base u5 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
336 nok qw( base u6 R );
337 nok qw( base u6 W master );
338 nok qw( base u6 W notmaster );
339 nok qw( base u6 W refs/tags/boo );
340 nok qw( base u6 W refs/tags/v1 );
341 nok qw( base u6 W dev/u6/foo );
342 nok qw( base u6 W refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
343 nok qw( base u6 W dev/alice/foo );
344 nok qw( base u6 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
345 nok qw( base u6 + master );
346 nok qw( base u6 + notmaster );
347 nok qw( base u6 + refs/tags/boo );
348 nok qw( base u6 + refs/tags/v1 );
349 nok qw( base u6 + dev/u6/foo );
350 nok qw( base u6 + refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
351 nok qw( base u6 + dev/alice/foo );
352 nok qw( base u6 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
353 nok qw( base u6 C master );
354 nok qw( base u6 C notmaster );
355 nok qw( base u6 C refs/tags/boo );
356 nok qw( base u6 C refs/tags/v1 );
357 nok qw( base u6 C dev/u6/foo );
358 nok qw( base u6 C refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
359 nok qw( base u6 C dev/alice/foo );
360 nok qw( base u6 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
361 nok qw( base u6 D master );
362 nok qw( base u6 D notmaster );
363 nok qw( base u6 D refs/tags/boo );
364 nok qw( base u6 D refs/tags/v1 );
365 nok qw( base u6 D dev/u6/foo );
366 nok qw( base u6 D refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
367 nok qw( base u6 D dev/alice/foo );
368 nok qw( base u6 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
370 ok qw( baseroot admin R );
371 ok qw( baseroot admin W master );
372 ok qw( baseroot admin W notmaster );
373 ok qw( baseroot admin W refs/tags/boo );
374 ok qw( baseroot admin W refs/tags/v1 );
375 ok qw( baseroot admin W dev/admin/foo );
376 ok qw( baseroot admin W refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
377 ok qw( baseroot admin W dev/alice/foo );
378 ok qw( baseroot admin W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
379 ok qw( baseroot admin + master );
380 ok qw( baseroot admin + notmaster );
381 ok qw( baseroot admin + refs/tags/boo );
382 ok qw( baseroot admin + refs/tags/v1 );
383 ok qw( baseroot admin + dev/admin/foo );
384 ok qw( baseroot admin + refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
385 ok qw( baseroot admin + dev/alice/foo );
386 ok qw( baseroot admin + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
387 ok qw( baseroot admin C master );
388 ok qw( baseroot admin C notmaster );
389 ok qw( baseroot admin C refs/tags/boo );
390 ok qw( baseroot admin C refs/tags/v1 );
391 ok qw( baseroot admin C dev/admin/foo );
392 ok qw( baseroot admin C refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
393 ok qw( baseroot admin C dev/alice/foo );
394 ok qw( baseroot admin C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
395 ok qw( baseroot admin D master );
396 ok qw( baseroot admin D notmaster );
397 ok qw( baseroot admin D refs/tags/boo );
398 ok qw( baseroot admin D refs/tags/v1 );
399 ok qw( baseroot admin D dev/admin/foo );
400 ok qw( baseroot admin D refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
401 ok qw( baseroot admin D dev/alice/foo );
402 ok qw( baseroot admin D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
404 ok qw( baseroot u1 R );
405 ok qw( baseroot u1 W master );
406 ok qw( baseroot u1 W notmaster );
407 ok qw( baseroot u1 W refs/tags/boo );
408 ok qw( baseroot u1 W refs/tags/v1 );
409 ok qw( baseroot u1 W dev/u1/foo );
410 ok qw( baseroot u1 W refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
411 ok qw( baseroot u1 W dev/alice/foo );
412 ok qw( baseroot u1 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
413 ok qw( baseroot u1 + master );
414 ok qw( baseroot u1 + notmaster );
415 ok qw( baseroot u1 + refs/tags/boo );
416 ok qw( baseroot u1 + refs/tags/v1 );
417 ok qw( baseroot u1 + dev/u1/foo );
418 ok qw( baseroot u1 + refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
419 ok qw( baseroot u1 + dev/alice/foo );
420 ok qw( baseroot u1 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
421 ok qw( baseroot u1 C master );
422 ok qw( baseroot u1 C notmaster );
423 ok qw( baseroot u1 C refs/tags/boo );
424 ok qw( baseroot u1 C refs/tags/v1 );
425 ok qw( baseroot u1 C dev/u1/foo );
426 ok qw( baseroot u1 C refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
427 ok qw( baseroot u1 C dev/alice/foo );
428 ok qw( baseroot u1 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
429 ok qw( baseroot u1 D master );
430 ok qw( baseroot u1 D notmaster );
431 ok qw( baseroot u1 D refs/tags/boo );
432 ok qw( baseroot u1 D refs/tags/v1 );
433 ok qw( baseroot u1 D dev/u1/foo );
434 ok qw( baseroot u1 D refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
435 ok qw( baseroot u1 D dev/alice/foo );
436 ok qw( baseroot u1 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
438 ok qw( baseroot u2 R );
439 ok qw( baseroot u2 W master );
440 ok qw( baseroot u2 W notmaster );
441 ok qw( baseroot u2 W refs/tags/boo );
442 ok qw( baseroot u2 W refs/tags/v1 );
443 ok qw( baseroot u2 W dev/u2/foo );
444 ok qw( baseroot u2 W refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
445 ok qw( baseroot u2 W dev/alice/foo );
446 ok qw( baseroot u2 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
447 nok qw( baseroot u2 + master );
448 nok qw( baseroot u2 + notmaster );
449 nok qw( baseroot u2 + refs/tags/boo );
450 nok qw( baseroot u2 + refs/tags/v1 );
451 nok qw( baseroot u2 + dev/u2/foo );
452 nok qw( baseroot u2 + refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
453 nok qw( baseroot u2 + dev/alice/foo );
454 nok qw( baseroot u2 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
455 ok qw( baseroot u2 C master );
456 ok qw( baseroot u2 C notmaster );
457 ok qw( baseroot u2 C refs/tags/boo );
458 ok qw( baseroot u2 C refs/tags/v1 );
459 ok qw( baseroot u2 C dev/u2/foo );
460 ok qw( baseroot u2 C refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
461 ok qw( baseroot u2 C dev/alice/foo );
462 ok qw( baseroot u2 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
463 nok qw( baseroot u2 D master );
464 nok qw( baseroot u2 D notmaster );
465 nok qw( baseroot u2 D refs/tags/boo );
466 nok qw( baseroot u2 D refs/tags/v1 );
467 nok qw( baseroot u2 D dev/u2/foo );
468 nok qw( baseroot u2 D refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
469 nok qw( baseroot u2 D dev/alice/foo );
470 nok qw( baseroot u2 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
472 ok qw( baseroot u3 R );
473 nok qw( baseroot u3 W master );
474 ok qw( baseroot u3 W notmaster );
475 ok qw( baseroot u3 W refs/tags/boo );
476 ok qw( baseroot u3 W refs/tags/v1 );
477 ok qw( baseroot u3 W dev/u3/foo );
478 ok qw( baseroot u3 W refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
479 ok qw( baseroot u3 W dev/alice/foo );
480 ok qw( baseroot u3 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
481 nok qw( baseroot u3 + master );
482 nok qw( baseroot u3 + notmaster );
483 nok qw( baseroot u3 + refs/tags/boo );
484 nok qw( baseroot u3 + refs/tags/v1 );
485 nok qw( baseroot u3 + dev/u3/foo );
486 nok qw( baseroot u3 + refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
487 nok qw( baseroot u3 + dev/alice/foo );
488 nok qw( baseroot u3 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
489 nok qw( baseroot u3 C master );
490 ok qw( baseroot u3 C notmaster );
491 ok qw( baseroot u3 C refs/tags/boo );
492 ok qw( baseroot u3 C refs/tags/v1 );
493 ok qw( baseroot u3 C dev/u3/foo );
494 ok qw( baseroot u3 C refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
495 ok qw( baseroot u3 C dev/alice/foo );
496 ok qw( baseroot u3 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
497 nok qw( baseroot u3 D master );
498 nok qw( baseroot u3 D notmaster );
499 nok qw( baseroot u3 D refs/tags/boo );
500 nok qw( baseroot u3 D refs/tags/v1 );
501 nok qw( baseroot u3 D dev/u3/foo );
502 nok qw( baseroot u3 D refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
503 nok qw( baseroot u3 D dev/alice/foo );
504 nok qw( baseroot u3 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
506 ok qw( baseroot u4 R );
507 nok qw( baseroot u4 W master );
508 nok qw( baseroot u4 W notmaster );
509 nok qw( baseroot u4 W refs/tags/boo );
510 nok qw( baseroot u4 W refs/tags/v1 );
511 nok qw( baseroot u4 W dev/u4/foo );
512 nok qw( baseroot u4 W refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
513 nok qw( baseroot u4 W dev/alice/foo );
514 nok qw( baseroot u4 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
515 nok qw( baseroot u4 + master );
516 nok qw( baseroot u4 + notmaster );
517 nok qw( baseroot u4 + refs/tags/boo );
518 nok qw( baseroot u4 + refs/tags/v1 );
519 nok qw( baseroot u4 + dev/u4/foo );
520 nok qw( baseroot u4 + refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
521 nok qw( baseroot u4 + dev/alice/foo );
522 nok qw( baseroot u4 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
523 nok qw( baseroot u4 C master );
524 nok qw( baseroot u4 C notmaster );
525 nok qw( baseroot u4 C refs/tags/boo );
526 nok qw( baseroot u4 C refs/tags/v1 );
527 nok qw( baseroot u4 C dev/u4/foo );
528 nok qw( baseroot u4 C refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
529 nok qw( baseroot u4 C dev/alice/foo );
530 nok qw( baseroot u4 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
531 nok qw( baseroot u4 D master );
532 nok qw( baseroot u4 D notmaster );
533 nok qw( baseroot u4 D refs/tags/boo );
534 nok qw( baseroot u4 D refs/tags/v1 );
535 nok qw( baseroot u4 D dev/u4/foo );
536 nok qw( baseroot u4 D refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
537 nok qw( baseroot u4 D dev/alice/foo );
538 nok qw( baseroot u4 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
540 nok qw( baseroot u5 R );
541 nok qw( baseroot u5 W master );
542 nok qw( baseroot u5 W notmaster );
543 nok qw( baseroot u5 W refs/tags/boo );
544 nok qw( baseroot u5 W refs/tags/v1 );
545 nok qw( baseroot u5 W dev/u5/foo );
546 nok qw( baseroot u5 W refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
547 nok qw( baseroot u5 W dev/alice/foo );
548 nok qw( baseroot u5 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
549 nok qw( baseroot u5 + master );
550 nok qw( baseroot u5 + notmaster );
551 nok qw( baseroot u5 + refs/tags/boo );
552 nok qw( baseroot u5 + refs/tags/v1 );
553 nok qw( baseroot u5 + dev/u5/foo );
554 nok qw( baseroot u5 + refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
555 nok qw( baseroot u5 + dev/alice/foo );
556 nok qw( baseroot u5 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
557 nok qw( baseroot u5 C master );
558 nok qw( baseroot u5 C notmaster );
559 nok qw( baseroot u5 C refs/tags/boo );
560 nok qw( baseroot u5 C refs/tags/v1 );
561 nok qw( baseroot u5 C dev/u5/foo );
562 nok qw( baseroot u5 C refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
563 nok qw( baseroot u5 C dev/alice/foo );
564 nok qw( baseroot u5 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
565 nok qw( baseroot u5 D master );
566 nok qw( baseroot u5 D notmaster );
567 nok qw( baseroot u5 D refs/tags/boo );
568 nok qw( baseroot u5 D refs/tags/v1 );
569 nok qw( baseroot u5 D dev/u5/foo );
570 nok qw( baseroot u5 D refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
571 nok qw( baseroot u5 D dev/alice/foo );
572 nok qw( baseroot u5 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
574 nok qw( baseroot u6 R );
575 nok qw( baseroot u6 W master );
576 nok qw( baseroot u6 W notmaster );
577 nok qw( baseroot u6 W refs/tags/boo );
578 nok qw( baseroot u6 W refs/tags/v1 );
579 nok qw( baseroot u6 W dev/u6/foo );
580 nok qw( baseroot u6 W refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
581 nok qw( baseroot u6 W dev/alice/foo );
582 nok qw( baseroot u6 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
583 nok qw( baseroot u6 + master );
584 nok qw( baseroot u6 + notmaster );
585 nok qw( baseroot u6 + refs/tags/boo );
586 nok qw( baseroot u6 + refs/tags/v1 );
587 nok qw( baseroot u6 + dev/u6/foo );
588 nok qw( baseroot u6 + refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
589 nok qw( baseroot u6 + dev/alice/foo );
590 nok qw( baseroot u6 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
591 nok qw( baseroot u6 C master );
592 nok qw( baseroot u6 C notmaster );
593 nok qw( baseroot u6 C refs/tags/boo );
594 nok qw( baseroot u6 C refs/tags/v1 );
595 nok qw( baseroot u6 C dev/u6/foo );
596 nok qw( baseroot u6 C refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
597 nok qw( baseroot u6 C dev/alice/foo );
598 nok qw( baseroot u6 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
599 nok qw( baseroot u6 D master );
600 nok qw( baseroot u6 D notmaster );
601 nok qw( baseroot u6 D refs/tags/boo );
602 nok qw( baseroot u6 D refs/tags/v1 );
603 nok qw( baseroot u6 D dev/u6/foo );
604 nok qw( baseroot u6 D refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
605 nok qw( baseroot u6 D dev/alice/foo );
606 nok qw( baseroot u6 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
608 nok qw( basepers admin R );
609 nok qw( basepers admin W master );
610 nok qw( basepers admin W notmaster );
611 nok qw( basepers admin W refs/tags/boo );
612 nok qw( basepers admin W refs/tags/v1 );
613 nok qw( basepers admin W dev/admin/foo );
614 nok qw( basepers admin W refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
615 nok qw( basepers admin W dev/alice/foo );
616 nok qw( basepers admin W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
617 nok qw( basepers admin + master );
618 nok qw( basepers admin + notmaster );
619 nok qw( basepers admin + refs/tags/boo );
620 nok qw( basepers admin + refs/tags/v1 );
621 nok qw( basepers admin + dev/admin/foo );
622 nok qw( basepers admin + refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
623 nok qw( basepers admin + dev/alice/foo );
624 nok qw( basepers admin + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
625 nok qw( basepers admin C master );
626 nok qw( basepers admin C notmaster );
627 nok qw( basepers admin C refs/tags/boo );
628 nok qw( basepers admin C refs/tags/v1 );
629 nok qw( basepers admin C dev/admin/foo );
630 nok qw( basepers admin C refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
631 nok qw( basepers admin C dev/alice/foo );
632 nok qw( basepers admin C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
633 nok qw( basepers admin D master );
634 nok qw( basepers admin D notmaster );
635 nok qw( basepers admin D refs/tags/boo );
636 nok qw( basepers admin D refs/tags/v1 );
637 nok qw( basepers admin D dev/admin/foo );
638 nok qw( basepers admin D refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
639 nok qw( basepers admin D dev/alice/foo );
640 nok qw( basepers admin D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
642 ok qw( basepers u1 R );
643 ok qw( basepers u1 W master );
644 ok qw( basepers u1 W notmaster );
645 ok qw( basepers u1 W refs/tags/boo );
646 ok qw( basepers u1 W refs/tags/v1 );
647 ok qw( basepers u1 W dev/u1/foo );
648 ok qw( basepers u1 W refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
649 nok qw( basepers u1 W dev/alice/foo );
650 nok qw( basepers u1 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
651 ok qw( basepers u1 + master );
652 ok qw( basepers u1 + notmaster );
653 ok qw( basepers u1 + refs/tags/boo );
654 ok qw( basepers u1 + refs/tags/v1 );
655 ok qw( basepers u1 + dev/u1/foo );
656 ok qw( basepers u1 + refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
657 nok qw( basepers u1 + dev/alice/foo );
658 nok qw( basepers u1 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
659 ok qw( basepers u1 C master );
660 ok qw( basepers u1 C notmaster );
661 ok qw( basepers u1 C refs/tags/boo );
662 ok qw( basepers u1 C refs/tags/v1 );
663 ok qw( basepers u1 C dev/u1/foo );
664 ok qw( basepers u1 C refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
665 nok qw( basepers u1 C dev/alice/foo );
666 nok qw( basepers u1 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
667 ok qw( basepers u1 D master );
668 ok qw( basepers u1 D notmaster );
669 ok qw( basepers u1 D refs/tags/boo );
670 ok qw( basepers u1 D refs/tags/v1 );
671 ok qw( basepers u1 D dev/u1/foo );
672 ok qw( basepers u1 D refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
673 nok qw( basepers u1 D dev/alice/foo );
674 nok qw( basepers u1 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
676 ok qw( basepers u2 R );
677 ok qw( basepers u2 W master );
678 ok qw( basepers u2 W notmaster );
679 ok qw( basepers u2 W refs/tags/boo );
680 ok qw( basepers u2 W refs/tags/v1 );
681 ok qw( basepers u2 W dev/u2/foo );
682 ok qw( basepers u2 W refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
683 nok qw( basepers u2 W dev/alice/foo );
684 nok qw( basepers u2 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
685 nok qw( basepers u2 + master );
686 nok qw( basepers u2 + notmaster );
687 nok qw( basepers u2 + refs/tags/boo );
688 nok qw( basepers u2 + refs/tags/v1 );
689 ok qw( basepers u2 + dev/u2/foo );
690 ok qw( basepers u2 + refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
691 nok qw( basepers u2 + dev/alice/foo );
692 nok qw( basepers u2 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
693 ok qw( basepers u2 C master );
694 ok qw( basepers u2 C notmaster );
695 ok qw( basepers u2 C refs/tags/boo );
696 ok qw( basepers u2 C refs/tags/v1 );
697 ok qw( basepers u2 C dev/u2/foo );
698 ok qw( basepers u2 C refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
699 nok qw( basepers u2 C dev/alice/foo );
700 nok qw( basepers u2 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
701 nok qw( basepers u2 D master );
702 nok qw( basepers u2 D notmaster );
703 nok qw( basepers u2 D refs/tags/boo );
704 nok qw( basepers u2 D refs/tags/v1 );
705 ok qw( basepers u2 D dev/u2/foo );
706 ok qw( basepers u2 D refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
707 nok qw( basepers u2 D dev/alice/foo );
708 nok qw( basepers u2 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
710 ok qw( basepers u3 R );
711 nok qw( basepers u3 W master );
712 ok qw( basepers u3 W notmaster );
713 ok qw( basepers u3 W refs/tags/boo );
714 ok qw( basepers u3 W refs/tags/v1 );
715 ok qw( basepers u3 W dev/u3/foo );
716 ok qw( basepers u3 W refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
717 nok qw( basepers u3 W dev/alice/foo );
718 nok qw( basepers u3 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
719 nok qw( basepers u3 + master );
720 nok qw( basepers u3 + notmaster );
721 nok qw( basepers u3 + refs/tags/boo );
722 nok qw( basepers u3 + refs/tags/v1 );
723 ok qw( basepers u3 + dev/u3/foo );
724 ok qw( basepers u3 + refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
725 nok qw( basepers u3 + dev/alice/foo );
726 nok qw( basepers u3 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
727 nok qw( basepers u3 C master );
728 ok qw( basepers u3 C notmaster );
729 ok qw( basepers u3 C refs/tags/boo );
730 ok qw( basepers u3 C refs/tags/v1 );
731 ok qw( basepers u3 C dev/u3/foo );
732 ok qw( basepers u3 C refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
733 nok qw( basepers u3 C dev/alice/foo );
734 nok qw( basepers u3 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
735 nok qw( basepers u3 D master );
736 nok qw( basepers u3 D notmaster );
737 nok qw( basepers u3 D refs/tags/boo );
738 nok qw( basepers u3 D refs/tags/v1 );
739 ok qw( basepers u3 D dev/u3/foo );
740 ok qw( basepers u3 D refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
741 nok qw( basepers u3 D dev/alice/foo );
742 nok qw( basepers u3 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
744 ok qw( basepers u4 R );
745 nok qw( basepers u4 W master );
746 nok qw( basepers u4 W notmaster );
747 nok qw( basepers u4 W refs/tags/boo );
748 nok qw( basepers u4 W refs/tags/v1 );
749 nok qw( basepers u4 W dev/u4/foo );
750 nok qw( basepers u4 W refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
751 nok qw( basepers u4 W dev/alice/foo );
752 nok qw( basepers u4 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
753 nok qw( basepers u4 + master );
754 nok qw( basepers u4 + notmaster );
755 nok qw( basepers u4 + refs/tags/boo );
756 nok qw( basepers u4 + refs/tags/v1 );
757 nok qw( basepers u4 + dev/u4/foo );
758 nok qw( basepers u4 + refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
759 nok qw( basepers u4 + dev/alice/foo );
760 nok qw( basepers u4 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
761 nok qw( basepers u4 C master );
762 nok qw( basepers u4 C notmaster );
763 nok qw( basepers u4 C refs/tags/boo );
764 nok qw( basepers u4 C refs/tags/v1 );
765 nok qw( basepers u4 C dev/u4/foo );
766 nok qw( basepers u4 C refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
767 nok qw( basepers u4 C dev/alice/foo );
768 nok qw( basepers u4 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
769 nok qw( basepers u4 D master );
770 nok qw( basepers u4 D notmaster );
771 nok qw( basepers u4 D refs/tags/boo );
772 nok qw( basepers u4 D refs/tags/v1 );
773 nok qw( basepers u4 D dev/u4/foo );
774 nok qw( basepers u4 D refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
775 nok qw( basepers u4 D dev/alice/foo );
776 nok qw( basepers u4 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
778 ok qw( basepers u5 R );
779 nok qw( basepers u5 W master );
780 nok qw( basepers u5 W notmaster );
781 nok qw( basepers u5 W refs/tags/boo );
782 nok qw( basepers u5 W refs/tags/v1 );
783 ok qw( basepers u5 W dev/u5/foo );
784 ok qw( basepers u5 W refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
785 nok qw( basepers u5 W dev/alice/foo );
786 nok qw( basepers u5 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
787 nok qw( basepers u5 + master );
788 nok qw( basepers u5 + notmaster );
789 nok qw( basepers u5 + refs/tags/boo );
790 nok qw( basepers u5 + refs/tags/v1 );
791 ok qw( basepers u5 + dev/u5/foo );
792 ok qw( basepers u5 + refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
793 nok qw( basepers u5 + dev/alice/foo );
794 nok qw( basepers u5 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
795 nok qw( basepers u5 C master );
796 nok qw( basepers u5 C notmaster );
797 nok qw( basepers u5 C refs/tags/boo );
798 nok qw( basepers u5 C refs/tags/v1 );
799 ok qw( basepers u5 C dev/u5/foo );
800 ok qw( basepers u5 C refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
801 nok qw( basepers u5 C dev/alice/foo );
802 nok qw( basepers u5 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
803 nok qw( basepers u5 D master );
804 nok qw( basepers u5 D notmaster );
805 nok qw( basepers u5 D refs/tags/boo );
806 nok qw( basepers u5 D refs/tags/v1 );
807 ok qw( basepers u5 D dev/u5/foo );
808 ok qw( basepers u5 D refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
809 nok qw( basepers u5 D dev/alice/foo );
810 nok qw( basepers u5 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
812 ok qw( basepers u6 R );
813 nok qw( basepers u6 W master );
814 nok qw( basepers u6 W notmaster );
815 nok qw( basepers u6 W refs/tags/boo );
816 nok qw( basepers u6 W refs/tags/v1 );
817 ok qw( basepers u6 W dev/u6/foo );
818 ok qw( basepers u6 W refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
819 nok qw( basepers u6 W dev/alice/foo );
820 nok qw( basepers u6 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
821 nok qw( basepers u6 + master );
822 nok qw( basepers u6 + notmaster );
823 nok qw( basepers u6 + refs/tags/boo );
824 nok qw( basepers u6 + refs/tags/v1 );
825 ok qw( basepers u6 + dev/u6/foo );
826 ok qw( basepers u6 + refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
827 nok qw( basepers u6 + dev/alice/foo );
828 nok qw( basepers u6 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
829 nok qw( basepers u6 C master );
830 nok qw( basepers u6 C notmaster );
831 nok qw( basepers u6 C refs/tags/boo );
832 nok qw( basepers u6 C refs/tags/v1 );
833 ok qw( basepers u6 C dev/u6/foo );
834 ok qw( basepers u6 C refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
835 nok qw( basepers u6 C dev/alice/foo );
836 nok qw( basepers u6 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
837 nok qw( basepers u6 D master );
838 nok qw( basepers u6 D notmaster );
839 nok qw( basepers u6 D refs/tags/boo );
840 nok qw( basepers u6 D refs/tags/v1 );
841 ok qw( basepers u6 D dev/u6/foo );
842 ok qw( basepers u6 D refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
843 nok qw( basepers u6 D dev/alice/foo );
844 nok qw( basepers u6 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
846 nok qw( baserel admin R );
847 nok qw( baserel admin W master );
848 nok qw( baserel admin W notmaster );
849 nok qw( baserel admin W refs/tags/boo );
850 nok qw( baserel admin W refs/tags/v1 );
851 nok qw( baserel admin W dev/admin/foo );
852 nok qw( baserel admin W refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
853 nok qw( baserel admin W dev/alice/foo );
854 nok qw( baserel admin W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
855 nok qw( baserel admin + master );
856 nok qw( baserel admin + notmaster );
857 nok qw( baserel admin + refs/tags/boo );
858 nok qw( baserel admin + refs/tags/v1 );
859 nok qw( baserel admin + dev/admin/foo );
860 nok qw( baserel admin + refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
861 nok qw( baserel admin + dev/alice/foo );
862 nok qw( baserel admin + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
863 nok qw( baserel admin C master );
864 nok qw( baserel admin C notmaster );
865 nok qw( baserel admin C refs/tags/boo );
866 nok qw( baserel admin C refs/tags/v1 );
867 nok qw( baserel admin C dev/admin/foo );
868 nok qw( baserel admin C refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
869 nok qw( baserel admin C dev/alice/foo );
870 nok qw( baserel admin C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
871 nok qw( baserel admin D master );
872 nok qw( baserel admin D notmaster );
873 nok qw( baserel admin D refs/tags/boo );
874 nok qw( baserel admin D refs/tags/v1 );
875 nok qw( baserel admin D dev/admin/foo );
876 nok qw( baserel admin D refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
877 nok qw( baserel admin D dev/alice/foo );
878 nok qw( baserel admin D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
880 ok qw( baserel u1 R );
881 ok qw( baserel u1 W master );
882 ok qw( baserel u1 W notmaster );
883 ok qw( baserel u1 W refs/tags/boo );
884 nok qw( baserel u1 W refs/tags/v1 );
885 ok qw( baserel u1 W dev/u1/foo );
886 ok qw( baserel u1 W refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
887 ok qw( baserel u1 W dev/alice/foo );
888 ok qw( baserel u1 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
889 ok qw( baserel u1 + master );
890 ok qw( baserel u1 + notmaster );
891 ok qw( baserel u1 + refs/tags/boo );
892 nok qw( baserel u1 + refs/tags/v1 );
893 ok qw( baserel u1 + dev/u1/foo );
894 ok qw( baserel u1 + refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
895 ok qw( baserel u1 + dev/alice/foo );
896 ok qw( baserel u1 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
897 ok qw( baserel u1 C master );
898 ok qw( baserel u1 C notmaster );
899 ok qw( baserel u1 C refs/tags/boo );
900 nok qw( baserel u1 C refs/tags/v1 );
901 ok qw( baserel u1 C dev/u1/foo );
902 ok qw( baserel u1 C refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
903 ok qw( baserel u1 C dev/alice/foo );
904 ok qw( baserel u1 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
905 ok qw( baserel u1 D master );
906 ok qw( baserel u1 D notmaster );
907 ok qw( baserel u1 D refs/tags/boo );
908 nok qw( baserel u1 D refs/tags/v1 );
909 ok qw( baserel u1 D dev/u1/foo );
910 ok qw( baserel u1 D refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
911 ok qw( baserel u1 D dev/alice/foo );
912 ok qw( baserel u1 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
914 ok qw( baserel u2 R );
915 ok qw( baserel u2 W master );
916 ok qw( baserel u2 W notmaster );
917 ok qw( baserel u2 W refs/tags/boo );
918 nok qw( baserel u2 W refs/tags/v1 );
919 ok qw( baserel u2 W dev/u2/foo );
920 ok qw( baserel u2 W refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
921 ok qw( baserel u2 W dev/alice/foo );
922 ok qw( baserel u2 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
923 nok qw( baserel u2 + master );
924 nok qw( baserel u2 + notmaster );
925 nok qw( baserel u2 + refs/tags/boo );
926 nok qw( baserel u2 + refs/tags/v1 );
927 nok qw( baserel u2 + dev/u2/foo );
928 nok qw( baserel u2 + refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
929 nok qw( baserel u2 + dev/alice/foo );
930 nok qw( baserel u2 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
931 ok qw( baserel u2 C master );
932 ok qw( baserel u2 C notmaster );
933 ok qw( baserel u2 C refs/tags/boo );
934 nok qw( baserel u2 C refs/tags/v1 );
935 ok qw( baserel u2 C dev/u2/foo );
936 ok qw( baserel u2 C refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
937 ok qw( baserel u2 C dev/alice/foo );
938 ok qw( baserel u2 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
939 nok qw( baserel u2 D master );
940 nok qw( baserel u2 D notmaster );
941 nok qw( baserel u2 D refs/tags/boo );
942 nok qw( baserel u2 D refs/tags/v1 );
943 nok qw( baserel u2 D dev/u2/foo );
944 nok qw( baserel u2 D refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
945 nok qw( baserel u2 D dev/alice/foo );
946 nok qw( baserel u2 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
948 ok qw( baserel u3 R );
949 nok qw( baserel u3 W master );
950 ok qw( baserel u3 W notmaster );
951 ok qw( baserel u3 W refs/tags/boo );
952 nok qw( baserel u3 W refs/tags/v1 );
953 ok qw( baserel u3 W dev/u3/foo );
954 ok qw( baserel u3 W refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
955 ok qw( baserel u3 W dev/alice/foo );
956 ok qw( baserel u3 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
957 nok qw( baserel u3 + master );
958 nok qw( baserel u3 + notmaster );
959 nok qw( baserel u3 + refs/tags/boo );
960 nok qw( baserel u3 + refs/tags/v1 );
961 nok qw( baserel u3 + dev/u3/foo );
962 nok qw( baserel u3 + refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
963 nok qw( baserel u3 + dev/alice/foo );
964 nok qw( baserel u3 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
965 nok qw( baserel u3 C master );
966 ok qw( baserel u3 C notmaster );
967 ok qw( baserel u3 C refs/tags/boo );
968 nok qw( baserel u3 C refs/tags/v1 );
969 ok qw( baserel u3 C dev/u3/foo );
970 ok qw( baserel u3 C refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
971 ok qw( baserel u3 C dev/alice/foo );
972 ok qw( baserel u3 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
973 nok qw( baserel u3 D master );
974 nok qw( baserel u3 D notmaster );
975 nok qw( baserel u3 D refs/tags/boo );
976 nok qw( baserel u3 D refs/tags/v1 );
977 nok qw( baserel u3 D dev/u3/foo );
978 nok qw( baserel u3 D refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
979 nok qw( baserel u3 D dev/alice/foo );
980 nok qw( baserel u3 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
982 ok qw( baserel u4 R );
983 nok qw( baserel u4 W master );
984 nok qw( baserel u4 W notmaster );
985 nok qw( baserel u4 W refs/tags/boo );
986 nok qw( baserel u4 W refs/tags/v1 );
987 nok qw( baserel u4 W dev/u4/foo );
988 nok qw( baserel u4 W refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
989 nok qw( baserel u4 W dev/alice/foo );
990 nok qw( baserel u4 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
991 nok qw( baserel u4 + master );
992 nok qw( baserel u4 + notmaster );
993 nok qw( baserel u4 + refs/tags/boo );
994 nok qw( baserel u4 + refs/tags/v1 );
995 nok qw( baserel u4 + dev/u4/foo );
996 nok qw( baserel u4 + refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
997 nok qw( baserel u4 + dev/alice/foo );
998 nok qw( baserel u4 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
999 nok qw( baserel u4 C master );
1000 nok qw( baserel u4 C notmaster );
1001 nok qw( baserel u4 C refs/tags/boo );
1002 nok qw( baserel u4 C refs/tags/v1 );
1003 nok qw( baserel u4 C dev/u4/foo );
1004 nok qw( baserel u4 C refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1005 nok qw( baserel u4 C dev/alice/foo );
1006 nok qw( baserel u4 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1007 nok qw( baserel u4 D master );
1008 nok qw( baserel u4 D notmaster );
1009 nok qw( baserel u4 D refs/tags/boo );
1010 nok qw( baserel u4 D refs/tags/v1 );
1011 nok qw( baserel u4 D dev/u4/foo );
1012 nok qw( baserel u4 D refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1013 nok qw( baserel u4 D dev/alice/foo );
1014 nok qw( baserel u4 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1016 ok qw( baserel u5 R );
1017 nok qw( baserel u5 W master );
1018 nok qw( baserel u5 W notmaster );
1019 nok qw( baserel u5 W refs/tags/boo );
1020 nok qw( baserel u5 W refs/tags/v1 );
1021 nok qw( baserel u5 W dev/u5/foo );
1022 nok qw( baserel u5 W refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1023 nok qw( baserel u5 W dev/alice/foo );
1024 nok qw( baserel u5 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1025 nok qw( baserel u5 + master );
1026 nok qw( baserel u5 + notmaster );
1027 nok qw( baserel u5 + refs/tags/boo );
1028 nok qw( baserel u5 + refs/tags/v1 );
1029 nok qw( baserel u5 + dev/u5/foo );
1030 nok qw( baserel u5 + refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1031 nok qw( baserel u5 + dev/alice/foo );
1032 nok qw( baserel u5 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1033 nok qw( baserel u5 C master );
1034 nok qw( baserel u5 C notmaster );
1035 nok qw( baserel u5 C refs/tags/boo );
1036 nok qw( baserel u5 C refs/tags/v1 );
1037 nok qw( baserel u5 C dev/u5/foo );
1038 nok qw( baserel u5 C refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1039 nok qw( baserel u5 C dev/alice/foo );
1040 nok qw( baserel u5 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1041 nok qw( baserel u5 D master );
1042 nok qw( baserel u5 D notmaster );
1043 nok qw( baserel u5 D refs/tags/boo );
1044 nok qw( baserel u5 D refs/tags/v1 );
1045 nok qw( baserel u5 D dev/u5/foo );
1046 nok qw( baserel u5 D refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1047 nok qw( baserel u5 D dev/alice/foo );
1048 nok qw( baserel u5 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1050 nok qw( baserel u6 R );
1051 nok qw( baserel u6 W master );
1052 nok qw( baserel u6 W notmaster );
1053 nok qw( baserel u6 W refs/tags/boo );
1054 nok qw( baserel u6 W refs/tags/v1 );
1055 nok qw( baserel u6 W dev/u6/foo );
1056 nok qw( baserel u6 W refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1057 nok qw( baserel u6 W dev/alice/foo );
1058 nok qw( baserel u6 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1059 nok qw( baserel u6 + master );
1060 nok qw( baserel u6 + notmaster );
1061 nok qw( baserel u6 + refs/tags/boo );
1062 nok qw( baserel u6 + refs/tags/v1 );
1063 nok qw( baserel u6 + dev/u6/foo );
1064 nok qw( baserel u6 + refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1065 nok qw( baserel u6 + dev/alice/foo );
1066 nok qw( baserel u6 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1067 nok qw( baserel u6 C master );
1068 nok qw( baserel u6 C notmaster );
1069 nok qw( baserel u6 C refs/tags/boo );
1070 nok qw( baserel u6 C refs/tags/v1 );
1071 nok qw( baserel u6 C dev/u6/foo );
1072 nok qw( baserel u6 C refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1073 nok qw( baserel u6 C dev/alice/foo );
1074 nok qw( baserel u6 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1075 nok qw( baserel u6 D master );
1076 nok qw( baserel u6 D notmaster );
1077 nok qw( baserel u6 D refs/tags/boo );
1078 nok qw( baserel u6 D refs/tags/v1 );
1079 nok qw( baserel u6 D dev/u6/foo );
1080 nok qw( baserel u6 D refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1081 nok qw( baserel u6 D dev/alice/foo );
1082 nok qw( baserel u6 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1084 ok qw( baseall admin R );
1085 ok qw( baseall admin W master );
1086 ok qw( baseall admin W notmaster );
1087 ok qw( baseall admin W refs/tags/boo );
1088 ok qw( baseall admin W refs/tags/v1 );
1089 ok qw( baseall admin W dev/admin/foo );
1090 ok qw( baseall admin W refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
1091 ok qw( baseall admin W dev/alice/foo );
1092 ok qw( baseall admin W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1093 ok qw( baseall admin + master );
1094 ok qw( baseall admin + notmaster );
1095 ok qw( baseall admin + refs/tags/boo );
1096 ok qw( baseall admin + refs/tags/v1 );
1097 ok qw( baseall admin + dev/admin/foo );
1098 ok qw( baseall admin + refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
1099 ok qw( baseall admin + dev/alice/foo );
1100 ok qw( baseall admin + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1101 ok qw( baseall admin C master );
1102 ok qw( baseall admin C notmaster );
1103 ok qw( baseall admin C refs/tags/boo );
1104 ok qw( baseall admin C refs/tags/v1 );
1105 ok qw( baseall admin C dev/admin/foo );
1106 ok qw( baseall admin C refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
1107 ok qw( baseall admin C dev/alice/foo );
1108 ok qw( baseall admin C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1109 ok qw( baseall admin D master );
1110 ok qw( baseall admin D notmaster );
1111 ok qw( baseall admin D refs/tags/boo );
1112 ok qw( baseall admin D refs/tags/v1 );
1113 ok qw( baseall admin D dev/admin/foo );
1114 ok qw( baseall admin D refs/tags/dev/admin/foo );
1115 ok qw( baseall admin D dev/alice/foo );
1116 ok qw( baseall admin D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1118 ok qw( baseall u1 R );
1119 ok qw( baseall u1 W master );
1120 ok qw( baseall u1 W notmaster );
1121 ok qw( baseall u1 W refs/tags/boo );
1122 nok qw( baseall u1 W refs/tags/v1 );
1123 ok qw( baseall u1 W dev/u1/foo );
1124 ok qw( baseall u1 W refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
1125 nok qw( baseall u1 W dev/alice/foo );
1126 nok qw( baseall u1 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1127 ok qw( baseall u1 + master );
1128 ok qw( baseall u1 + notmaster );
1129 ok qw( baseall u1 + refs/tags/boo );
1130 nok qw( baseall u1 + refs/tags/v1 );
1131 ok qw( baseall u1 + dev/u1/foo );
1132 ok qw( baseall u1 + refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
1133 nok qw( baseall u1 + dev/alice/foo );
1134 nok qw( baseall u1 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1135 ok qw( baseall u1 C master );
1136 ok qw( baseall u1 C notmaster );
1137 ok qw( baseall u1 C refs/tags/boo );
1138 nok qw( baseall u1 C refs/tags/v1 );
1139 ok qw( baseall u1 C dev/u1/foo );
1140 ok qw( baseall u1 C refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
1141 nok qw( baseall u1 C dev/alice/foo );
1142 nok qw( baseall u1 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1143 ok qw( baseall u1 D master );
1144 ok qw( baseall u1 D notmaster );
1145 ok qw( baseall u1 D refs/tags/boo );
1146 nok qw( baseall u1 D refs/tags/v1 );
1147 ok qw( baseall u1 D dev/u1/foo );
1148 ok qw( baseall u1 D refs/tags/dev/u1/foo );
1149 nok qw( baseall u1 D dev/alice/foo );
1150 nok qw( baseall u1 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1152 ok qw( baseall u2 R );
1153 ok qw( baseall u2 W master );
1154 ok qw( baseall u2 W notmaster );
1155 ok qw( baseall u2 W refs/tags/boo );
1156 nok qw( baseall u2 W refs/tags/v1 );
1157 ok qw( baseall u2 W dev/u2/foo );
1158 ok qw( baseall u2 W refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
1159 nok qw( baseall u2 W dev/alice/foo );
1160 nok qw( baseall u2 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1161 nok qw( baseall u2 + master );
1162 nok qw( baseall u2 + notmaster );
1163 nok qw( baseall u2 + refs/tags/boo );
1164 nok qw( baseall u2 + refs/tags/v1 );
1165 ok qw( baseall u2 + dev/u2/foo );
1166 ok qw( baseall u2 + refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
1167 nok qw( baseall u2 + dev/alice/foo );
1168 nok qw( baseall u2 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1169 ok qw( baseall u2 C master );
1170 ok qw( baseall u2 C notmaster );
1171 ok qw( baseall u2 C refs/tags/boo );
1172 nok qw( baseall u2 C refs/tags/v1 );
1173 ok qw( baseall u2 C dev/u2/foo );
1174 ok qw( baseall u2 C refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
1175 nok qw( baseall u2 C dev/alice/foo );
1176 nok qw( baseall u2 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1177 nok qw( baseall u2 D master );
1178 nok qw( baseall u2 D notmaster );
1179 nok qw( baseall u2 D refs/tags/boo );
1180 nok qw( baseall u2 D refs/tags/v1 );
1181 ok qw( baseall u2 D dev/u2/foo );
1182 ok qw( baseall u2 D refs/tags/dev/u2/foo );
1183 nok qw( baseall u2 D dev/alice/foo );
1184 nok qw( baseall u2 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1186 ok qw( baseall u3 R );
1187 nok qw( baseall u3 W master );
1188 ok qw( baseall u3 W notmaster );
1189 ok qw( baseall u3 W refs/tags/boo );
1190 nok qw( baseall u3 W refs/tags/v1 );
1191 ok qw( baseall u3 W dev/u3/foo );
1192 ok qw( baseall u3 W refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
1193 nok qw( baseall u3 W dev/alice/foo );
1194 nok qw( baseall u3 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1195 nok qw( baseall u3 + master );
1196 nok qw( baseall u3 + notmaster );
1197 nok qw( baseall u3 + refs/tags/boo );
1198 nok qw( baseall u3 + refs/tags/v1 );
1199 ok qw( baseall u3 + dev/u3/foo );
1200 ok qw( baseall u3 + refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
1201 nok qw( baseall u3 + dev/alice/foo );
1202 nok qw( baseall u3 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1203 nok qw( baseall u3 C master );
1204 ok qw( baseall u3 C notmaster );
1205 ok qw( baseall u3 C refs/tags/boo );
1206 nok qw( baseall u3 C refs/tags/v1 );
1207 ok qw( baseall u3 C dev/u3/foo );
1208 ok qw( baseall u3 C refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
1209 nok qw( baseall u3 C dev/alice/foo );
1210 nok qw( baseall u3 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1211 nok qw( baseall u3 D master );
1212 nok qw( baseall u3 D notmaster );
1213 nok qw( baseall u3 D refs/tags/boo );
1214 nok qw( baseall u3 D refs/tags/v1 );
1215 ok qw( baseall u3 D dev/u3/foo );
1216 ok qw( baseall u3 D refs/tags/dev/u3/foo );
1217 nok qw( baseall u3 D dev/alice/foo );
1218 nok qw( baseall u3 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1220 ok qw( baseall u4 R );
1221 nok qw( baseall u4 W master );
1222 nok qw( baseall u4 W notmaster );
1223 nok qw( baseall u4 W refs/tags/boo );
1224 nok qw( baseall u4 W refs/tags/v1 );
1225 nok qw( baseall u4 W dev/u4/foo );
1226 nok qw( baseall u4 W refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1227 nok qw( baseall u4 W dev/alice/foo );
1228 nok qw( baseall u4 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1229 nok qw( baseall u4 + master );
1230 nok qw( baseall u4 + notmaster );
1231 nok qw( baseall u4 + refs/tags/boo );
1232 nok qw( baseall u4 + refs/tags/v1 );
1233 nok qw( baseall u4 + dev/u4/foo );
1234 nok qw( baseall u4 + refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1235 nok qw( baseall u4 + dev/alice/foo );
1236 nok qw( baseall u4 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1237 nok qw( baseall u4 C master );
1238 nok qw( baseall u4 C notmaster );
1239 nok qw( baseall u4 C refs/tags/boo );
1240 nok qw( baseall u4 C refs/tags/v1 );
1241 nok qw( baseall u4 C dev/u4/foo );
1242 nok qw( baseall u4 C refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1243 nok qw( baseall u4 C dev/alice/foo );
1244 nok qw( baseall u4 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1245 nok qw( baseall u4 D master );
1246 nok qw( baseall u4 D notmaster );
1247 nok qw( baseall u4 D refs/tags/boo );
1248 nok qw( baseall u4 D refs/tags/v1 );
1249 nok qw( baseall u4 D dev/u4/foo );
1250 nok qw( baseall u4 D refs/tags/dev/u4/foo );
1251 nok qw( baseall u4 D dev/alice/foo );
1252 nok qw( baseall u4 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1254 ok qw( baseall u5 R );
1255 nok qw( baseall u5 W master );
1256 nok qw( baseall u5 W notmaster );
1257 nok qw( baseall u5 W refs/tags/boo );
1258 nok qw( baseall u5 W refs/tags/v1 );
1259 ok qw( baseall u5 W dev/u5/foo );
1260 ok qw( baseall u5 W refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1261 nok qw( baseall u5 W dev/alice/foo );
1262 nok qw( baseall u5 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1263 nok qw( baseall u5 + master );
1264 nok qw( baseall u5 + notmaster );
1265 nok qw( baseall u5 + refs/tags/boo );
1266 nok qw( baseall u5 + refs/tags/v1 );
1267 ok qw( baseall u5 + dev/u5/foo );
1268 ok qw( baseall u5 + refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1269 nok qw( baseall u5 + dev/alice/foo );
1270 nok qw( baseall u5 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1271 nok qw( baseall u5 C master );
1272 nok qw( baseall u5 C notmaster );
1273 nok qw( baseall u5 C refs/tags/boo );
1274 nok qw( baseall u5 C refs/tags/v1 );
1275 ok qw( baseall u5 C dev/u5/foo );
1276 ok qw( baseall u5 C refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1277 nok qw( baseall u5 C dev/alice/foo );
1278 nok qw( baseall u5 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1279 nok qw( baseall u5 D master );
1280 nok qw( baseall u5 D notmaster );
1281 nok qw( baseall u5 D refs/tags/boo );
1282 nok qw( baseall u5 D refs/tags/v1 );
1283 ok qw( baseall u5 D dev/u5/foo );
1284 ok qw( baseall u5 D refs/tags/dev/u5/foo );
1285 nok qw( baseall u5 D dev/alice/foo );
1286 nok qw( baseall u5 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1288 ok qw( baseall u6 R );
1289 nok qw( baseall u6 W master );
1290 nok qw( baseall u6 W notmaster );
1291 nok qw( baseall u6 W refs/tags/boo );
1292 nok qw( baseall u6 W refs/tags/v1 );
1293 ok qw( baseall u6 W dev/u6/foo );
1294 ok qw( baseall u6 W refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1295 nok qw( baseall u6 W dev/alice/foo );
1296 nok qw( baseall u6 W refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1297 nok qw( baseall u6 + master );
1298 nok qw( baseall u6 + notmaster );
1299 nok qw( baseall u6 + refs/tags/boo );
1300 nok qw( baseall u6 + refs/tags/v1 );
1301 ok qw( baseall u6 + dev/u6/foo );
1302 ok qw( baseall u6 + refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1303 nok qw( baseall u6 + dev/alice/foo );
1304 nok qw( baseall u6 + refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1305 nok qw( baseall u6 C master );
1306 nok qw( baseall u6 C notmaster );
1307 nok qw( baseall u6 C refs/tags/boo );
1308 nok qw( baseall u6 C refs/tags/v1 );
1309 ok qw( baseall u6 C dev/u6/foo );
1310 ok qw( baseall u6 C refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1311 nok qw( baseall u6 C dev/alice/foo );
1312 nok qw( baseall u6 C refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );
1313 nok qw( baseall u6 D master );
1314 nok qw( baseall u6 D notmaster );
1315 nok qw( baseall u6 D refs/tags/boo );
1316 nok qw( baseall u6 D refs/tags/v1 );
1317 ok qw( baseall u6 D dev/u6/foo );
1318 ok qw( baseall u6 D refs/tags/dev/u6/foo );
1319 nok qw( baseall u6 D dev/alice/foo );
1320 nok qw( baseall u6 D refs/tags/dev/alice/foo );