Codebase list glance / 6e3ced8
Switch to opensuse-15 nodeset opensuse-150 nodeset is referring to openSUSE 15.0, which is still in maintenance but openSUSE 15.1 has been released already. "opensuse-15" is going to refer to the "latest openSUSE 15.x" build released and working for OpenStack going forward, so add this nodeset and use it by default going forward. The new job tempest-full-py3-opensuse15 use the opensuse-15 nodeset, change tempest-full-py3-opensuse150 to tempest-full-py3-opensuse15. Change-Id: Ia76b107a137a39716253631e5a8d294f7ee9614e (cherry picked from commit e45d5e3b9259620914ff3e3c5fa67dd23de1879c) Andreas Jaeger 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
283283 irrelevant-files: *tempest-irrelevant-files
284284 - tempest-pg-full:
285285 irrelevant-files: *tempest-irrelevant-files
286 - tempest-full-py3-opensuse150:
286 - tempest-full-py3-opensuse15:
287287 irrelevant-files: *tempest-irrelevant-files
288288 periodic:
289289 jobs: