Codebase list gnome-maps / 4469817
osmConnection: Use '1' for permission instead of 'yes' Use the correct value '1' instead of 'yes' when posting the authorization form. This fixes a regression making OSM OAUTH setup to break with recent updates on breaking the old incorrect behavior. Fixes #386 Marcus Lundblad 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
316316 oauth_token: this._oauthToken,
317317 oauth_callback: '',
318318 authenticity_token: token,
319 allow_write_api: 'yes',
319 allow_write_api: '1',
320320 commit: 'Save changes'
321321 });
322322 let requestHeaders = msg.request_headers;