Codebase list gnome-maps / 8728d17
Remove intltool markers from .appdata and .desktop Closes #104 Marcus Lundblad 6 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 15 addition(s) and 15 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22 <id>org.gnome.Maps.desktop</id>
33 <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
44 <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
5 <_name>GNOME Maps</_name>
6 <_summary>Find places around the world</_summary>
5 <name>GNOME Maps</name>
6 <summary>Find places around the world</summary>
77 <description>
8 <_p>
8 <p>
99 Maps gives you quick access to maps all across the world. It allows you
1010 to quickly find the place you’re looking for by searching for a city or
1111 street, or locate a place to meet a friend.
12 </_p>
13 <_p>
12 </p>
13 <p>
1414 Maps uses the collaborative OpenStreetMap database, made by hundreds of
1515 thousands of people across the globe.
16 </_p>
16 </p>
1818 <!-- Translators: Search is carried out on OpenStreetMap data using Nominatim.
1919 Visit and click
2020 your language to see what words you can use for the translated search. -->
21 <_p>
21 <p>
2222 You can even search for specific types of locations, such as “Pubs near
2323 Main Street, Boston” or “Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
24 </_p>
24 </p>
2525 </description>
2626 <screenshots>
2727 <screenshot type="default">
2828 <image></image>
29 <_caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></_caption>
29 <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></caption>
3030 </screenshot>
3131 <screenshot>
3232 <image></image>
33 <_caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></_caption>
33 <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></caption>
3434 </screenshot>
3535 <screenshot>
3636 <image></image>
37 <_caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></_caption>
37 <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words --></caption>
3838 </screenshot>
3939 </screenshots>
4040 <provides>
00 [Desktop Entry]
11 Version=1.0
2 _Name=Maps
3 _Comment=A simple maps application
2 Name=Maps
3 Comment=A simple maps application
44 Exec=gapplication launch org.gnome.Maps %U
55 Icon=org.gnome.Maps
66 Terminal=false
77 Type=Application
88 StartupNotify=true
99 Categories=GNOME;GTK;Utility;
10 _Keywords=Maps;
10 Keywords=Maps;
1111 DBusActivatable=true
1212 MimeType=application/vnd.geo+json;x-scheme-handler/geo;application/;application/gpx+xml;
13 _X-Geoclue-Reason=Allows your location to be shown on the map.
13 X-Geoclue-Reason=Allows your location to be shown on the map.