Codebase list gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd / 42eeb7e
Support newest developer build of gnome-shell. Jens Lody 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
11 "uuid": "@uuid@",
22 "name": "Panel OSD",
33 "description": "Configuring where on the (main) screen notifications will appear, instead of just above the message tray",
4 "shell-version": [ "3.10", "3.12", "3.14", "3.16", "3.18", "3.20", "3.21.3" ],
4 "shell-version": [ "3.10", "3.12", "3.14", "3.16", "3.18", "3.20", "3.21.3", "3.21.92" ],
55 "localedir": "@LOCALEDIR@",
66 "url": "@url@",
77 "version": "@version@"