Codebase list gnome-user-docs / 323bdf2
Ubuntu note about GNOME Classic prerequisite Closes: #142 Gunnar Hjalmarsson 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 8 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
7272 <section id="gnome-classic-switch">
7373 <title>Switch to and from GNOME Classic</title>
75 <note if:test="!platform:gnome-classic" style="important">
75 <note if:test="!platform:gnome-classic !platform:ubuntu" style="important">
7676 <p>GNOME Classic is only available on systems with certain GNOME Shell extensions
7777 installed. Some Linux distributions may not have these extensions available or
7878 installed by default.</p>
79 </note>
81 <note if:test="!platform:gnome-classic platform:ubuntu" style="important">
82 <p its:locNote="Translators: Ubuntu only string">You need to have the
83 <sys>gnome-shell-extensions</sys> package installed to make GNOME Classic available.</p>
84 <p its:locNote="Translators: Ubuntu only string"><link style="button"
85 action="install:gnome-shell-extensions">Install <sys>gnome-shell-extensions</sys></link></p>
7986 </note>
8188 <steps>