Codebase list gnote / 6d7270e
Fix the app-id Hubert Figuière 3 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 105 addition(s) and 105 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1 app_data_in_files =
1 app_data_in_files =
22 app_data_files = $(
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <!-- Copyright 2013-2021 Aurimas Cernius <> -->
2 <component type="desktop">
3 <id>org.gnome.Gnote</id>
4 <metadata_licence>CC0-1.0</metadata_licence>
5 <project_license>GPL-3.0-only</project_license>
6 <_name>Gnote</_name>
7 <_summary>A simple note-taking application</_summary>
8 <description>
9 <_p>
10 Gnote is a simple note-taking application for GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to capture your ideas, link them together using WikiWiki-style links, group together in notebooks and some extra features for everyday use.
11 </_p>
12 <_p>Notes can be printed or exported as HTML documents.</_p>
13 <_p>Gnote also supports synchronization, making it simple to use it on multiple devices.</_p>
14 </description>
15 <screenshots>
16 <screenshot type="default" width="624" height="351">;do=get&amp;target=gnote_main_window.png</screenshot>
17 </screenshots>
18 <url type="homepage"></url>
19 <url type="bugtracker"></url>
20 <url type="donation"></url>
21 <url type="translate"></url>
22 <update_contact></update_contact>
23 <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>
24 <releases>
25 <release version="40.0" date="2021-03-26">
26 <ul>
27 <li>Translation updates</li>
28 </ul>
29 </release>
30 <release version="40.rc" date="2021-03-13">
31 <ul>
32 <li>Use reverse-domain convention for naming desktop and search provider files</li>
33 <li>Refactor D-Bus support to reuse the connection established by GtkApplication</li>
34 <li>Update AppData file format</li>
35 </ul>
36 </release>
37 <release version="40.beta" date="2021-02-21">
38 <ul>
39 <li>Add accelerator Ctrl+D for insert timestamp</li>
40 <li>WebDAV sync no longer uses wdfs</li>
41 <li>Make insert timestamp plugin work again</li>
42 <li>Fix crash when synchronizing immediately after configuring</li>
43 </ul>
44 </release>
45 <release version="40.alpha" date="2021-01-10">
46 <ul>
47 <li>Change shortcut for find first/next to Ctrl-G/Ctrl-Shitf-G</li>
48 <li>Change icons and remove labels from find next/previous</li>
49 <li>--search will raise existing search window or open a new one (issue #21)</li>
50 <li>Fix opening of context menu (issue #16)</li>
51 <li>Fix newly enabled addin not working for opened notes (PR #11)</li>
52 <li>Fix find previous match</li>
53 <li>Fix changing sorting not always works</li>
54 <li>Fix GTK criticals upon exiting the application (issue #43)</li>
55 <li>Fix few memory leaks</li>
56 </ul>
57 </release>
58 <release version="3.38.0" date="2020-09-19">
59 <ul>
60 <li>Fix occasional crash when closing</li>
61 <li>Note rename optimisation</li>
62 <li>Fix autolinking when renaming note with no links to it</li>
63 <li>Fix logic inversion for unfiled notes</li>
64 <li>Fix invalid Mallard markup in manual</li>
65 <li>Allow selecting local sync folder directly in drop down (fixes issue 41)</li>
66 </ul>
67 </release>
68 <release version="3.37.0" date="2020-04-18">
69 <description>
70 <ul>
71 <li>Use $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for client side decoration</li>
72 <li>Minor synchronization performance improvements</li>
73 <li>Fix crash in case of exception when creating manifest during synchronization</li>
74 <li>Fix synchronization lock file expiration</li>
75 <li>Make tests cleanup created temp files</li>
76 </ul>
77 </description>
78 </release>
79 <release version="3.36.0" date="2020-03-15">
80 <ul>
81 <li>Required Glibmm version now is 2.62</li>
82 <li>Fix a number of crashes during synchronization</li>
83 </ul>
84 </release>
85 <release version="3.35.0" date="2020-02-23">
86 <description>
87 <ul>
88 <li>Added manual for Online Folder synchronization</li>
89 <li>Lowered gspell requirement to 1.6</li>
90 <li>Fix possible crash when removing tags</li>
91 <li>Required C++ standard is now C++14</li>
92 <li>Added 64-bit version D-Bus functions GetNoteCreateDateUnix and GeNoteChangeDateUnix</li>
93 </ul>
94 </description>
95 </release>
96 <release version="3.34.0" date="2019-09-21"/>
97 <release version="3.33.0" date="2019-05-12" type="development"/>
98 <release version="3.32.0" date="2019-03-17"/>
99 </releases>
100 <translation type="gettext">gnote</translation>
101 </component>
data/appdata/ less more
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <!-- Copyright 2013-2021 Aurimas Cernius <> -->
2 <component type="desktop">
3 <id>org.gnome.gnote.desktop</id>
4 <metadata_licence>CC0-1.0</metadata_licence>
5 <project_license>GPL-3.0-only</project_license>
6 <_name>Gnote</_name>
7 <_summary>A simple note-taking application</_summary>
8 <description>
9 <_p>
10 Gnote is a simple note-taking application for GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to capture your ideas, link them together using WikiWiki-style links, group together in notebooks and some extra features for everyday use.
11 </_p>
12 <_p>Notes can be printed or exported as HTML documents.</_p>
13 <_p>Gnote also supports synchronization, making it simple to use it on multiple devices.</_p>
14 </description>
15 <screenshots>
16 <screenshot type="default" width="624" height="351">;do=get&amp;target=gnote_main_window.png</screenshot>
17 </screenshots>
18 <url type="homepage"></url>
19 <url type="bugtracker"></url>
20 <url type="donation"></url>
21 <url type="translate"></url>
22 <update_contact></update_contact>
23 <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>
24 <releases>
25 <release version="40.0" date="2021-03-26">
26 <ul>
27 <li>Translation updates</li>
28 </ul>
29 </release>
30 <release version="40.rc" date="2021-03-13">
31 <ul>
32 <li>Use reverse-domain convention for naming desktop and search provider files</li>
33 <li>Refactor D-Bus support to reuse the connection established by GtkApplication</li>
34 <li>Update AppData file format</li>
35 </ul>
36 </release>
37 <release version="40.beta" date="2021-02-21">
38 <ul>
39 <li>Add accelerator Ctrl+D for insert timestamp</li>
40 <li>WebDAV sync no longer uses wdfs</li>
41 <li>Make insert timestamp plugin work again</li>
42 <li>Fix crash when synchronizing immediately after configuring</li>
43 </ul>
44 </release>
45 <release version="40.alpha" date="2021-01-10">
46 <ul>
47 <li>Change shortcut for find first/next to Ctrl-G/Ctrl-Shitf-G</li>
48 <li>Change icons and remove labels from find next/previous</li>
49 <li>--search will raise existing search window or open a new one (issue #21)</li>
50 <li>Fix opening of context menu (issue #16)</li>
51 <li>Fix newly enabled addin not working for opened notes (PR #11)</li>
52 <li>Fix find previous match</li>
53 <li>Fix changing sorting not always works</li>
54 <li>Fix GTK criticals upon exiting the application (issue #43)</li>
55 <li>Fix few memory leaks</li>
56 </ul>
57 </release>
58 <release version="3.38.0" date="2020-09-19">
59 <ul>
60 <li>Fix occasional crash when closing</li>
61 <li>Note rename optimisation</li>
62 <li>Fix autolinking when renaming note with no links to it</li>
63 <li>Fix logic inversion for unfiled notes</li>
64 <li>Fix invalid Mallard markup in manual</li>
65 <li>Allow selecting local sync folder directly in drop down (fixes issue 41)</li>
66 </ul>
67 </release>
68 <release version="3.37.0" date="2020-04-18">
69 <description>
70 <ul>
71 <li>Use $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for client side decoration</li>
72 <li>Minor synchronization performance improvements</li>
73 <li>Fix crash in case of exception when creating manifest during synchronization</li>
74 <li>Fix synchronization lock file expiration</li>
75 <li>Make tests cleanup created temp files</li>
76 </ul>
77 </description>
78 </release>
79 <release version="3.36.0" date="2020-03-15">
80 <ul>
81 <li>Required Glibmm version now is 2.62</li>
82 <li>Fix a number of crashes during synchronization</li>
83 </ul>
84 </release>
85 <release version="3.35.0" date="2020-02-23">
86 <description>
87 <ul>
88 <li>Added manual for Online Folder synchronization</li>
89 <li>Lowered gspell requirement to 1.6</li>
90 <li>Fix possible crash when removing tags</li>
91 <li>Required C++ standard is now C++14</li>
92 <li>Added 64-bit version D-Bus functions GetNoteCreateDateUnix and GeNoteChangeDateUnix</li>
93 </ul>
94 </description>
95 </release>
96 <release version="3.34.0" date="2019-09-21"/>
97 <release version="3.33.0" date="2019-05-12" type="development"/>
98 <release version="3.32.0" date="2019-03-17"/>
99 </releases>
100 <translation type="gettext">gnote</translation>
101 </component>
0 data/appdata/
0 data/appdata/
11 [type: gettext/glade]data/ui/shortcuts-gnote.ui
22 data/
33 data/