Codebase list golang-github-avast-retry-go / HEAD

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# retry

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Simple library for retry mechanism

slightly inspired by


http get with retry:

    url := ""
    var body []byte

    err := retry.Do(
    	func() error {
    		resp, err := http.Get(url)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		defer resp.Body.Close()
    		body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err

    		return nil


[next examples](


* [giantswarm/retry-go]( - slightly
complicated interface.

* [sethgrid/pester]( - only http retry for
http calls with retries and backoff

* [cenkalti/backoff]( - Go port of the
exponential backoff algorithm from Google's HTTP Client Library for Java. Really
complicated interface.

* [rafaeljesus/retry-go]( - looks good,
slightly similar as this package, don't have 'simple' `Retry` method

* [matryer/try]( - very popular package,
nonintuitive interface (for me)


1.0.2 -> 2.0.0

* argument of `retry.Delay` is final delay (no multiplication by `retry.Units`

* function `retry.Units` are removed

* [more about this breaking change](

0.3.0 -> 1.0.0

* `retry.Retry` function are changed to `retry.Do` function

* `retry.RetryCustom` (OnRetry) and `retry.RetryCustomWithOpts` functions are
now implement via functions produces Options (aka `retry.OnRetry`)

## Usage

#### func  BackOffDelay

func BackOffDelay(n uint, config *Config) time.Duration
BackOffDelay is a DelayType which increases delay between consecutive retries

#### func  Do

func Do(retryableFunc RetryableFunc, opts ...Option) error

#### func  FixedDelay

func FixedDelay(_ uint, config *Config) time.Duration
FixedDelay is a DelayType which keeps delay the same through all iterations

#### func  IsRecoverable

func IsRecoverable(err error) bool
IsRecoverable checks if error is an instance of `unrecoverableError`

#### func  Unrecoverable

func Unrecoverable(err error) unrecoverableError
Unrecoverable wraps an error in `unrecoverableError` struct

#### type Config

type Config struct {

#### type DelayTypeFunc

type DelayTypeFunc func(n uint, config *Config) time.Duration

#### type Error

type Error []error

Error type represents list of errors in retry

#### func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string
Error method return string representation of Error It is an implementation of
error interface

#### func (Error) WrappedErrors

func (e Error) WrappedErrors() []error
WrappedErrors returns the list of errors that this Error is wrapping. It is an
implementation of the `errwrap.Wrapper` interface in package
[errwrap]( so that `retry.Error` can be
used with that library.

#### type OnRetryFunc

type OnRetryFunc func(n uint, err error)

Function signature of OnRetry function n = count of attempts

#### type Option

type Option func(*Config)

Option represents an option for retry.

#### func  Attempts

func Attempts(attempts uint) Option
Attempts set count of retry default is 10

#### func  Delay

func Delay(delay time.Duration) Option
Delay set delay between retry default is 100ms

#### func  DelayType

func DelayType(delayType DelayTypeFunc) Option
DelayType set type of the delay between retries default is BackOff

#### func  LastErrorOnly

func LastErrorOnly(lastErrorOnly bool) Option
return the direct last error that came from the retried function default is
false (return wrapped errors with everything)

#### func  OnRetry

func OnRetry(onRetry OnRetryFunc) Option
OnRetry function callback are called each retry

log each retry example:

    	func() error {
    		return errors.New("some error")
    	retry.OnRetry(func(n uint, err error) {
    		log.Printf("#%d: %s\n", n, err)

#### func  RetryIf

func RetryIf(retryIf RetryIfFunc) Option
RetryIf controls whether a retry should be attempted after an error (assuming
there are any retry attempts remaining)

skip retry if special error example:

    	func() error {
    		return errors.New("special error")
    	retry.RetryIf(func(err error) bool {
    		if err.Error() == "special error" {
    			return false
    		return true

The default RetryIf stops execution if the error is wrapped using
`retry.Unrecoverable`, so above example may also be shortened to:

    	func() error {
    		return retry.Unrecoverable(errors.New("special error"))

#### type RetryIfFunc

type RetryIfFunc func(error) bool

Function signature of retry if function

#### type RetryableFunc

type RetryableFunc func() error

Function signature of retryable function

## Contributing

Contributions are very much welcome.

### Makefile

Makefile provides several handy rules, like `generator` , `setup` for prepare build/dev environment, `test`, `cover`, etc...

Try `make help` for more information.

### Before pull request

please try:
* run tests (`make test`)
* run linter (`make lint`)
* if your IDE don't automaticaly do `go fmt`, run `go fmt` (`make fmt`)

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