Codebase list golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient / 8e8780f
Add how to use in bluebreezecf 8 years ago
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88 I am about to use OpenTSDB, but currently there is no useable go-sdk for OpenTSDB. So I
99 develop the opentsdb-goclient for convenience according to the [OpenTSDB Rest API Doc] (
11 ###Current support rest apis
11 ###How to use sample
12 If you want to see how does the sample (sample.go) run, you can execute the following commands:
13 ```shell
14 cd $GOPATH
15 mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
16 cd $GOPATH/src/
17 git clone
19 vi sample.go //Use the real host and port of an existing OpenTSDB in Line 30: NewClient("")
20 go run sample.go
22 ```
24 ###Current supporting rest apis
1225 ```shell
1326 GET /api/aggregators
1427 GET,POST,DELETE /api/annotation