Codebase list golang-github-containers-buildah / 8e58ba3
Add unconvert linter and apply fixes Signed-off-by: Sascha Grunert <> Sascha Grunert 4 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 5 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2222 - staticcheck
2323 - structcheck
2424 - typecheck
25 - unconvert
2526 - unparam
2627 - unused
2728 - varcheck
4041 # - prealloc
4142 # - scopelint
4243 # - stylecheck
43 # - unconvert
568568 cmd.UnshareFlags = syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS | syscall.CLONE_NEWNS
569569 requestedUserNS := false
570570 for _, ns := range spec.Linux.Namespaces {
571 if ns.Type == specs.LinuxNamespaceType(specs.UserNamespace) {
571 if ns.Type == specs.UserNamespace {
572572 requestedUserNS = true
573573 }
574574 }
183183 }
184184 // In case we're using caching, decide how to handle compression for a cache.
185185 // If we're using blob caching, set it up for the source.
186 var maybeCachedSrc = types.ImageReference(src)
187 var maybeCachedDest = types.ImageReference(dest)
186 maybeCachedSrc := src
187 maybeCachedDest := dest
188188 if options.BlobDirectory != "" {
189189 compress := types.PreserveOriginal
190190 if options.Compression != archive.Uncompressed {
300300 if err != nil {
301301 return nil, "", err
302302 }
303 var maybeCachedSrc = types.ImageReference(src)
303 maybeCachedSrc := src
304304 if options.BlobDirectory != "" {
305305 compress := types.PreserveOriginal
306306 if options.Compression != archive.Uncompressed {