Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / run/203e4782-15ed-484f-9517-a1c12654c5bc/upstream tracing / opentracing / endpoint.go

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endpoint.go @run/203e4782-15ed-484f-9517-a1c12654c5bc/upstreamraw · history · blame

package opentracing

import (

	otext ""
	otlog ""


// TraceEndpoint returns a Middleware that wraps the `next` Endpoint in an
// OpenTracing Span called `operationName`.
// If `ctx` already has a Span, child span is created from it.
// If `ctx` doesn't yet have a Span, the new one is created.
func TraceEndpoint(tracer opentracing.Tracer, operationName string, opts ...EndpointOption) endpoint.Middleware {
	cfg := &EndpointOptions{
		Tags: make(opentracing.Tags),

	for _, opt := range opts {

	return func(next endpoint.Endpoint) endpoint.Endpoint {
		return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error) {
			if cfg.GetOperationName != nil {
				if newOperationName := cfg.GetOperationName(ctx, operationName); newOperationName != "" {
					operationName = newOperationName

			var span opentracing.Span
			if parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSpan != nil {
				span = tracer.StartSpan(
			} else {
				span = tracer.StartSpan(operationName)
			defer span.Finish()

			applyTags(span, cfg.Tags)
			if cfg.GetTags != nil {
				extraTags := cfg.GetTags(ctx)
				applyTags(span, extraTags)

			ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)

			defer func() {
				if err != nil {
					if lbErr, ok := err.(lb.RetryError); ok {
						// handle errors originating from lb.Retry
						fields := make([]otlog.Field, 0, len(lbErr.RawErrors))
						for idx, rawErr := range lbErr.RawErrors {
							fields = append(fields, otlog.String(
								"gokit.retry.error."+strconv.Itoa(idx+1), rawErr.Error(),

						otext.LogError(span, lbErr, fields...)


					// generic error
					otext.LogError(span, err)


				// test for business error
				if res, ok := response.(endpoint.Failer); ok && res.Failed() != nil {
						otlog.String("", res.Failed().Error()),

					if cfg.IgnoreBusinessError {

					// treating business error as real error in span.
					otext.LogError(span, res.Failed())


			return next(ctx, request)

// TraceServer returns a Middleware that wraps the `next` Endpoint in an
// OpenTracing Span called `operationName` with server span.kind tag..
func TraceServer(tracer opentracing.Tracer, operationName string, opts ...EndpointOption) endpoint.Middleware {
	opts = append(opts, WithTags(map[string]interface{}{
		otext.SpanKindRPCServer.Key: otext.SpanKindRPCServer.Value,

	return TraceEndpoint(tracer, operationName, opts...)

// TraceClient returns a Middleware that wraps the `next` Endpoint in an
// OpenTracing Span called `operationName` with client span.kind tag.
func TraceClient(tracer opentracing.Tracer, operationName string, opts ...EndpointOption) endpoint.Middleware {
	opts = append(opts, WithTags(map[string]interface{}{
		otext.SpanKindRPCClient.Key: otext.SpanKindRPCClient.Value,

	return TraceEndpoint(tracer, operationName, opts...)

func applyTags(span opentracing.Span, tags opentracing.Tags) {
	for key, value := range tags {
		span.SetTag(key, value)