Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / 286fe7a
Service Discovery support for etcd v3 (#663) * Service Discovery support for etcd v3 This adds a go-kit/kit/sd implementation for etcd/clientv3. All tests except the client_test were ported over. I have removed the client tests because they are more problematic with regards to etcd v3. The etcd maintainers switched to protobufs in v3 and placed those generated messages under internal/, which would cause issues trying to reference it (see This makes stubbing clientv3.KV more difficult without burying the implementation behind interfaces to remove the direct dependence on those internal packages. Features in use with v3: - Support for etcd/clientv3.Watcher - Support for etcd/clientv3.Lease (TTL) - Username/password support * - dead code cleanup - moved global structs inside of test functions since they are not used anywhere else - moved unused Err variable - removed error return type from close() - added doc comment Robin Harper authored 6 years ago Peter Bourgon committed 6 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 879 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 "context"
4 "crypto/tls"
5 "errors"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 )
12 var (
13 // ErrNoKey indicates a client method needs a key but receives none.
14 ErrNoKey = errors.New("no key provided")
16 // ErrNoValue indicates a client method needs a value but receives none.
17 ErrNoValue = errors.New("no value provided")
18 )
20 // Client is a wrapper around the etcd client.
21 type Client interface {
22 // GetEntries queries the given prefix in etcd and returns a slice
23 // containing the values of all keys found, recursively, underneath that
24 // prefix.
25 GetEntries(prefix string) ([]string, error)
27 // WatchPrefix watches the given prefix in etcd for changes. When a change
28 // is detected, it will signal on the passed channel. Clients are expected
29 // to call GetEntries to update themselves with the latest set of complete
30 // values. WatchPrefix will always send an initial sentinel value on the
31 // channel after establishing the watch, to ensure that clients always
32 // receive the latest set of values. WatchPrefix will block until the
33 // context passed to the NewClient constructor is terminated.
34 WatchPrefix(prefix string, ch chan struct{})
36 // Register a service with etcd.
37 Register(s Service) error
39 // Deregister a service with etcd.
40 Deregister(s Service) error
42 // LeaseID returns the lease id created for this service instance
43 LeaseID() int64
44 }
46 type client struct {
47 cli *clientv3.Client
48 ctx context.Context
50 kv clientv3.KV
52 // Watcher interface instance, used to leverage Watcher.Close()
53 watcher clientv3.Watcher
54 // watcher context
55 wctx context.Context
56 // watcher cancel func
57 wcf context.CancelFunc
59 // leaseID will be 0 (clientv3.NoLease) if a lease was not created
60 leaseID clientv3.LeaseID
62 hbch <-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse
63 // Lease interface instance, used to leverage Lease.Close()
64 leaser clientv3.Lease
65 }
67 // ClientOptions defines options for the etcd client. All values are optional.
68 // If any duration is not specified, a default of 3 seconds will be used.
69 type ClientOptions struct {
70 Cert string
71 Key string
72 CACert string
73 DialTimeout time.Duration
74 DialKeepAlive time.Duration
75 Username string
76 Password string
77 }
79 // NewClient returns Client with a connection to the named machines. It will
80 // return an error if a connection to the cluster cannot be made.
81 func NewClient(ctx context.Context, machines []string, options ClientOptions) (Client, error) {
82 if options.DialTimeout == 0 {
83 options.DialTimeout = 3 * time.Second
84 }
85 if options.DialKeepAlive == 0 {
86 options.DialKeepAlive = 3 * time.Second
87 }
89 var err error
90 var tlscfg *tls.Config
92 if options.Cert != "" && options.Key != "" {
93 tlsInfo := transport.TLSInfo{
94 CertFile: options.Cert,
95 KeyFile: options.Key,
96 TrustedCAFile: options.CACert,
97 }
98 tlscfg, err = tlsInfo.ClientConfig()
99 if err != nil {
100 return nil, err
101 }
102 }
104 cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
105 Context: ctx,
106 Endpoints: machines,
107 DialTimeout: options.DialTimeout,
108 DialKeepAliveTime: options.DialKeepAlive,
109 TLS: tlscfg,
110 Username: options.Username,
111 Password: options.Password,
112 })
113 if err != nil {
114 return nil, err
115 }
117 return &client{
118 cli: cli,
119 ctx: ctx,
120 kv: clientv3.NewKV(cli),
121 }, nil
122 }
124 func (c *client) LeaseID() int64 { return int64(c.leaseID) }
126 // GetEntries implements the etcd Client interface.
127 func (c *client) GetEntries(key string) ([]string, error) {
128 resp, err := c.kv.Get(c.ctx, key, clientv3.WithPrefix())
129 if err != nil {
130 return nil, err
131 }
133 entries := make([]string, len(resp.Kvs))
134 for i, kv := range resp.Kvs {
135 entries[i] = string(kv.Value)
136 }
138 return entries, nil
139 }
141 // WatchPrefix implements the etcd Client interface.
142 func (c *client) WatchPrefix(prefix string, ch chan struct{}) {
143 c.wctx, c.wcf = context.WithCancel(c.ctx)
144 c.watcher = clientv3.NewWatcher(c.cli)
146 wch := c.watcher.Watch(c.wctx, prefix, clientv3.WithPrefix(), clientv3.WithRev(0))
147 ch <- struct{}{}
148 for wr := range wch {
149 if wr.Canceled {
150 return
151 }
152 ch <- struct{}{}
153 }
154 }
156 func (c *client) Register(s Service) error {
157 var err error
159 if s.Key == "" {
160 return ErrNoKey
161 }
162 if s.Value == "" {
163 return ErrNoValue
164 }
166 if c.leaser != nil {
167 c.leaser.Close()
168 }
169 c.leaser = clientv3.NewLease(c.cli)
171 if c.watcher != nil {
172 c.watcher.Close()
173 }
174 c.watcher = clientv3.NewWatcher(c.cli)
175 if c.kv == nil {
176 c.kv = clientv3.NewKV(c.cli)
177 }
179 if s.TTL == nil {
180 s.TTL = NewTTLOption(time.Second*3, time.Second*10)
181 }
183 grantResp, err := c.leaser.Grant(c.ctx, int64(s.TTL.ttl.Seconds()))
184 if err != nil {
185 return err
186 }
187 c.leaseID = grantResp.ID
189 _, err = c.kv.Put(
190 c.ctx,
191 s.Key,
192 s.Value,
193 clientv3.WithLease(c.leaseID),
194 )
195 if err != nil {
196 return err
197 }
199 // this will keep the key alive 'forever' or until we revoke it or
200 // the context is canceled
201 c.hbch, err = c.leaser.KeepAlive(c.ctx, c.leaseID)
202 if err != nil {
203 return err
204 }
206 return nil
207 }
209 func (c *client) Deregister(s Service) error {
210 defer c.close()
212 if s.Key == "" {
213 return ErrNoKey
214 }
215 if _, err := c.cli.Delete(c.ctx, s.Key, clientv3.WithIgnoreLease()); err != nil {
216 return err
217 }
219 return nil
220 }
222 // close will close any open clients and call
223 // the watcher cancel func
224 func (c *client) close() {
225 if c.leaser != nil {
226 c.leaser.Close()
227 }
228 if c.watcher != nil {
229 c.watcher.Close()
230 c.wcf()
231 }
232 }
0 // Package etcdv3 provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd v3. If
1 // you use etcd v3 as your service discovery system, this package will help you
2 // implement the registration and client-side load balancing patterns.
3 package etcdv3
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 "context"
4 "io"
5 "time"
7 ""
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
11 )
13 func Example() {
14 // Let's say this is a service that means to register itself.
15 // First, we will set up some context.
16 var (
17 etcdServer = "" // in the change from v2 to v3, the schema is no longer necessary if connecting directly to an etcd v3 instance
18 prefix = "/services/foosvc/" // known at compile time
19 instance = "" // taken from runtime or platform, somehow
20 key = prefix + instance // should be globally unique
21 value = "http://" + instance // based on our transport
22 ctx = context.Background()
23 )
25 options := ClientOptions{
26 // Path to trusted ca file
27 CACert: "",
29 // Path to certificate
30 Cert: "",
32 // Path to private key
33 Key: "",
35 // Username if required
36 Username: "",
38 // Password if required
39 Password: "",
41 // If DialTimeout is 0, it defaults to 3s
42 DialTimeout: time.Second * 3,
44 // If DialKeepAlive is 0, it defaults to 3s
45 DialKeepAlive: time.Second * 3,
46 }
48 // Build the client.
49 client, err := NewClient(ctx, []string{etcdServer}, options)
50 if err != nil {
51 panic(err)
52 }
54 // Build the registrar.
55 registrar := NewRegistrar(client, Service{
56 Key: key,
57 Value: value,
58 }, log.NewNopLogger())
60 // Register our instance.
61 registrar.Register()
63 // At the end of our service lifecycle, for example at the end of func main,
64 // we should make sure to deregister ourselves. This is important! Don't
65 // accidentally skip this step by invoking a log.Fatal or os.Exit in the
66 // interim, which bypasses the defer stack.
67 defer registrar.Deregister()
69 // It's likely that we'll also want to connect to other services and call
70 // their methods. We can build an Instancer to listen for changes from etcd,
71 // create Endpointer, wrap it with a load-balancer to pick a single
72 // endpoint, and finally wrap it with a retry strategy to get something that
73 // can be used as an endpoint directly.
74 barPrefix := "/services/barsvc"
75 logger := log.NewNopLogger()
76 instancer, err := NewInstancer(client, barPrefix, logger)
77 if err != nil {
78 panic(err)
79 }
80 endpointer := sd.NewEndpointer(instancer, barFactory, logger)
81 balancer := lb.NewRoundRobin(endpointer)
82 retry := lb.Retry(3, 3*time.Second, balancer)
84 // And now retry can be used like any other endpoint.
85 req := struct{}{}
86 if _, err = retry(ctx, req); err != nil {
87 panic(err)
88 }
89 }
91 func barFactory(string) (endpoint.Endpoint, io.Closer, error) { return endpoint.Nop, nil, nil }
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 ""
4 ""
5 ""
6 )
8 // Instancer yields instances stored in a certain etcd keyspace. Any kind of
9 // change in that keyspace is watched and will update the Instancer's Instancers.
10 type Instancer struct {
11 cache *instance.Cache
12 client Client
13 prefix string
14 logger log.Logger
15 quitc chan struct{}
16 }
18 // NewInstancer returns an etcd instancer. It will start watching the given
19 // prefix for changes, and update the subscribers.
20 func NewInstancer(c Client, prefix string, logger log.Logger) (*Instancer, error) {
21 s := &Instancer{
22 client: c,
23 prefix: prefix,
24 cache: instance.NewCache(),
25 logger: logger,
26 quitc: make(chan struct{}),
27 }
29 instances, err := s.client.GetEntries(s.prefix)
30 if err == nil {
31 logger.Log("prefix", s.prefix, "instances", len(instances))
32 } else {
33 logger.Log("prefix", s.prefix, "err", err)
34 }
35 s.cache.Update(sd.Event{Instances: instances, Err: err})
37 go s.loop()
38 return s, nil
39 }
41 func (s *Instancer) loop() {
42 ch := make(chan struct{})
43 go s.client.WatchPrefix(s.prefix, ch)
45 for {
46 select {
47 case <-ch:
48 instances, err := s.client.GetEntries(s.prefix)
49 if err != nil {
50 s.logger.Log("msg", "failed to retrieve entries", "err", err)
51 s.cache.Update(sd.Event{Err: err})
52 continue
53 }
54 s.cache.Update(sd.Event{Instances: instances})
56 case <-s.quitc:
57 return
58 }
59 }
60 }
62 // Stop terminates the Instancer.
63 func (s *Instancer) Stop() {
64 close(s.quitc)
65 }
67 // Register implements Instancer.
68 func (s *Instancer) Register(ch chan<- sd.Event) {
69 s.cache.Register(ch)
70 }
72 // Deregister implements Instancer.
73 func (s *Instancer) Deregister(ch chan<- sd.Event) {
74 s.cache.Deregister(ch)
75 }
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 "errors"
4 "testing"
6 ""
7 ""
8 )
10 var _ sd.Instancer = (*Instancer)(nil) // API check
12 type testKV struct {
13 Key []byte
14 Value []byte
15 }
17 type testResponse struct {
18 Kvs []testKV
19 }
21 var (
22 fakeResponse = testResponse{
23 Kvs: []testKV{
24 {
25 Key: []byte("/foo/1"),
26 Value: []byte("1:1"),
27 },
28 {
29 Key: []byte("/foo/2"),
30 Value: []byte("2:2"),
31 },
32 },
33 }
34 )
36 var _ sd.Instancer = &Instancer{} // API check
38 func TestInstancer(t *testing.T) {
39 client := &fakeClient{
40 responses: map[string]testResponse{"/foo": fakeResponse},
41 }
43 s, err := NewInstancer(client, "/foo", log.NewNopLogger())
44 if err != nil {
45 t.Fatal(err)
46 }
47 defer s.Stop()
49 if state := s.cache.State(); state.Err != nil {
50 t.Fatal(state.Err)
51 }
52 }
54 type fakeClient struct {
55 responses map[string]testResponse
56 }
58 func (c *fakeClient) GetEntries(prefix string) ([]string, error) {
59 response, ok := c.responses[prefix]
60 if !ok {
61 return nil, errors.New("key not exist")
62 }
64 entries := make([]string, len(response.Kvs))
65 for i, node := range response.Kvs {
66 entries[i] = string(node.Value)
67 }
68 return entries, nil
69 }
71 func (c *fakeClient) WatchPrefix(prefix string, ch chan struct{}) {
72 }
74 func (c *fakeClient) LeaseID() int64 {
75 return 0
76 }
78 func (c *fakeClient) Register(Service) error {
79 return nil
80 }
81 func (c *fakeClient) Deregister(Service) error {
82 return nil
83 }
0 // +build integration
2 package etcdv3
4 import (
5 "context"
6 "io"
7 "os"
8 "testing"
9 "time"
11 ""
12 ""
13 ""
14 )
16 func runIntegration(settings integrationSettings, client Client, service Service, t *testing.T) {
17 // Verify test data is initially empty.
18 entries, err := client.GetEntries(settings.key)
19 if err != nil {
20 t.Fatalf("GetEntries(%q): expected no error, got one: %v", settings.key, err)
21 }
22 if len(entries) > 0 {
23 t.Fatalf("GetEntries(%q): expected no instance entries, got %d", settings.key, len(entries))
24 }
25 t.Logf("GetEntries(%q): %v (OK)", settings.key, entries)
27 // Instantiate a new Registrar, passing in test data.
28 registrar := NewRegistrar(
29 client,
30 service,
31 log.With(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr), "component", "registrar"),
32 )
34 // Register our instance.
35 registrar.Register()
36 t.Logf("Registered")
38 // Retrieve entries from etcd manually.
39 entries, err = client.GetEntries(settings.key)
40 if err != nil {
41 t.Fatalf("client.GetEntries(%q): %v", settings.key, err)
42 }
43 if want, have := 1, len(entries); want != have {
44 t.Fatalf("client.GetEntries(%q): want %d, have %d", settings.key, want, have)
45 }
46 if want, have := settings.value, entries[0]; want != have {
47 t.Fatalf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
48 }
50 instancer, err := NewInstancer(
51 client,
52 settings.prefix,
53 log.With(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr), "component", "instancer"),
54 )
55 if err != nil {
56 t.Fatalf("NewInstancer: %v", err)
57 }
58 t.Logf("Constructed Instancer OK")
59 defer instancer.Stop()
61 endpointer := sd.NewEndpointer(
62 instancer,
63 func(string) (endpoint.Endpoint, io.Closer, error) { return endpoint.Nop, nil, nil },
64 log.With(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr), "component", "instancer"),
65 )
66 t.Logf("Constructed Endpointer OK")
67 defer endpointer.Close()
69 if !within(time.Second, func() bool {
70 endpoints, err := endpointer.Endpoints()
71 return err == nil && len(endpoints) == 1
72 }) {
73 t.Fatalf("Endpointer didn't see Register in time")
74 }
75 t.Logf("Endpointer saw Register OK")
77 // Deregister first instance of test data.
78 registrar.Deregister()
79 t.Logf("Deregistered")
81 // Check it was deregistered.
82 if !within(time.Second, func() bool {
83 endpoints, err := endpointer.Endpoints()
84 t.Logf("Checking Deregister: len(endpoints) = %d, err = %v", len(endpoints), err)
85 return err == nil && len(endpoints) == 0
86 }) {
87 t.Fatalf("Endpointer didn't see Deregister in time")
88 }
90 // Verify test data no longer exists in etcd.
91 entries, err = client.GetEntries(settings.key)
92 if err != nil {
93 t.Fatalf("GetEntries(%q): expected no error, got one: %v", settings.key, err)
94 }
95 if len(entries) > 0 {
96 t.Fatalf("GetEntries(%q): expected no entries, got %v", settings.key, entries)
97 }
98 t.Logf("GetEntries(%q): %v (OK)", settings.key, entries)
99 }
101 type integrationSettings struct {
102 addr string
103 prefix string
104 instance string
105 key string
106 value string
107 }
109 func testIntegrationSettings(t *testing.T) integrationSettings {
110 var settings integrationSettings
112 settings.addr = os.Getenv("ETCD_ADDR")
113 if settings.addr == "" {
114 t.Skip("ETCD_ADDR not set; skipping integration test")
115 }
117 settings.prefix = "/services/foosvc/" // known at compile time
118 settings.instance = "" // taken from runtime or platform, somehow
119 settings.key = settings.prefix + settings.instance
120 settings.value = "http://" + settings.instance // based on our transport
122 return settings
123 }
125 // Package sd/etcd provides a wrapper around the etcd key/value store. This
126 // example assumes the user has an instance of etcd installed and running
127 // locally on port 2379.
128 func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
129 settings := testIntegrationSettings(t)
130 client, err := NewClient(context.Background(), []string{settings.addr}, ClientOptions{
131 DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
132 DialKeepAlive: 2 * time.Second,
133 })
134 if err != nil {
135 t.Fatalf("NewClient(%q): %v", settings.addr, err)
136 }
138 service := Service{
139 Key: settings.key,
140 Value: settings.value,
141 }
143 runIntegration(settings, client, service, t)
144 }
146 func TestIntegrationTTL(t *testing.T) {
147 settings := testIntegrationSettings(t)
148 client, err := NewClient(context.Background(), []string{settings.addr}, ClientOptions{
149 DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
150 DialKeepAlive: 2 * time.Second,
151 })
152 if err != nil {
153 t.Fatalf("NewClient(%q): %v", settings.addr, err)
154 }
156 service := Service{
157 Key: settings.key,
158 Value: settings.value,
159 TTL: NewTTLOption(time.Second*3, time.Second*10),
160 }
161 defer client.Deregister(service)
163 runIntegration(settings, client, service, t)
164 }
166 func within(d time.Duration, f func() bool) bool {
167 deadline := time.Now().Add(d)
168 for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
169 if f() {
170 return true
171 }
172 time.Sleep(d / 10)
173 }
174 return false
175 }
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 "sync"
4 "time"
6 ""
7 )
9 const minHeartBeatTime = 500 * time.Millisecond
11 // Registrar registers service instance liveness information to etcd.
12 type Registrar struct {
13 client Client
14 service Service
15 logger log.Logger
17 quitmtx sync.Mutex
18 quit chan struct{}
19 }
21 // Service holds the instance identifying data you want to publish to etcd. Key
22 // must be unique, and value is the string returned to subscribers, typically
23 // called the "instance" string in other parts of package sd.
24 type Service struct {
25 Key string // unique key, e.g. "/service/foobar/"
26 Value string // returned to subscribers, e.g. ""
27 TTL *TTLOption
28 }
30 // TTLOption allow setting a key with a TTL. This option will be used by a loop
31 // goroutine which regularly refreshes the lease of the key.
32 type TTLOption struct {
33 heartbeat time.Duration // e.g. time.Second * 3
34 ttl time.Duration // e.g. time.Second * 10
35 }
37 // NewTTLOption returns a TTLOption that contains proper TTL settings. Heartbeat
38 // is used to refresh the lease of the key periodically; its value should be at
39 // least 500ms. TTL defines the lease of the key; its value should be
40 // significantly greater than heartbeat.
41 //
42 // Good default values might be 3s heartbeat, 10s TTL.
43 func NewTTLOption(heartbeat, ttl time.Duration) *TTLOption {
44 if heartbeat <= minHeartBeatTime {
45 heartbeat = minHeartBeatTime
46 }
47 if ttl <= heartbeat {
48 ttl = 3 * heartbeat
49 }
50 return &TTLOption{
51 heartbeat: heartbeat,
52 ttl: ttl,
53 }
54 }
56 // NewRegistrar returns a etcd Registrar acting on the provided catalog
57 // registration (service).
58 func NewRegistrar(client Client, service Service, logger log.Logger) *Registrar {
59 return &Registrar{
60 client: client,
61 service: service,
62 logger: log.With(logger, "key", service.Key, "value", service.Value),
63 }
64 }
66 // Register implements the sd.Registrar interface. Call it when you want your
67 // service to be registered in etcd, typically at startup.
68 func (r *Registrar) Register() {
69 if err := r.client.Register(r.service); err != nil {
70 r.logger.Log("err", err)
71 return
72 }
73 if r.service.TTL != nil {
74 r.logger.Log("action", "register", "lease", r.client.LeaseID())
75 } else {
76 r.logger.Log("action", "register")
77 }
78 }
80 // Deregister implements the sd.Registrar interface. Call it when you want your
81 // service to be deregistered from etcd, typically just prior to shutdown.
82 func (r *Registrar) Deregister() {
83 if err := r.client.Deregister(r.service); err != nil {
84 r.logger.Log("err", err)
85 } else {
86 r.logger.Log("action", "deregister")
87 }
89 r.quitmtx.Lock()
90 defer r.quitmtx.Unlock()
91 if r.quit != nil {
92 close(r.quit)
93 r.quit = nil
94 }
95 }
0 package etcdv3
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "errors"
5 "testing"
7 ""
8 )
10 // testClient is a basic implementation of Client
11 type testClient struct {
12 registerRes error // value returned when Register or Deregister is called
13 }
15 func (tc *testClient) GetEntries(prefix string) ([]string, error) {
16 return nil, nil
17 }
19 func (tc *testClient) WatchPrefix(prefix string, ch chan struct{}) {
20 }
22 func (tc *testClient) Register(s Service) error {
23 return tc.registerRes
24 }
26 func (tc *testClient) Deregister(s Service) error {
27 return tc.registerRes
28 }
30 func (tc *testClient) LeaseID() int64 {
31 return 0
32 }
34 // default service used to build registrar in our tests
35 var testService = Service{
36 Key: "testKey",
37 Value: "testValue",
38 TTL: nil,
39 }
41 // NewRegistar should return a registar with a logger using the service key and value
42 func TestNewRegistar(t *testing.T) {
43 c := Client(&testClient{nil})
44 buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
45 logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(buf)
46 r := NewRegistrar(
47 c,
48 testService,
49 logger,
50 )
52 if err := r.logger.Log("msg", "message"); err != nil {
53 t.Fatal(err)
54 }
55 if want, have := "key=testKey value=testValue msg=message\n", buf.String(); want != have {
56 t.Errorf("\nwant: %shave: %s", want, have)
57 }
58 }
60 func TestRegister(t *testing.T) {
61 // Register log the error returned by the client or log the successful registration action
62 // table of test cases for method Register
63 var registerTestTable = []struct {
64 registerRes error // value returned by the client on calls to Register
65 log string // expected log by the registrar
67 }{
68 // test case: an error is returned by the client
69 {errors.New("regError"), "key=testKey value=testValue err=regError\n"},
70 // test case: registration successful
71 {nil, "key=testKey value=testValue action=register\n"},
72 }
74 for _, tc := range registerTestTable {
75 c := Client(&testClient{tc.registerRes})
76 buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
77 logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(buf)
78 r := NewRegistrar(
79 c,
80 testService,
81 logger,
82 )
83 r.Register()
84 if want, have := tc.log, buf.String(); want != have {
85 t.Fatalf("want %v, have %v", want, have)
86 }
87 }
88 }
90 func TestDeregister(t *testing.T) {
91 // Deregister log the error returned by the client or log the successful deregistration action
92 // table of test cases for method Deregister
93 var deregisterTestTable = []struct {
94 deregisterRes error // value returned by the client on calls to Deregister
95 log string // expected log by the registrar
96 }{
97 // test case: an error is returned by the client
98 {errors.New("deregError"), "key=testKey value=testValue err=deregError\n"},
99 // test case: deregistration successful
100 {nil, "key=testKey value=testValue action=deregister\n"},
101 }
103 for _, tc := range deregisterTestTable {
104 c := Client(&testClient{tc.deregisterRes})
105 buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
106 logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(buf)
107 r := NewRegistrar(
108 c,
109 testService,
110 logger,
111 )
112 r.Deregister()
113 if want, have := tc.log, buf.String(); want != have {
114 t.Fatalf("want %v, have %v", want, have)
115 }
116 }
117 }