Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / 319c1c7
Consistency updates - metrics/prometheus: pass thru XxxOpts structs consistently - addsvc: stdlib log redirects to gokit's PrefixLogger (reverse to prev) Peter Bourgon 8 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 69 addition(s) and 68 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1313 "time"
1515 ""
16 stdprometheus ""
1617 ""
1718 ""
1819 ""
2324 kitlog ""
2425 ""
2526 ""
27 ""
2628 ""
2729 ""
2830 ""
4446 // `package metrics` domain
4547 requests := metrics.NewMultiCounter(
4648 expvar.NewCounter("requests"),
47 statsd.NewCounter(ioutil.Discard, "requests", time.Second),
49 statsd.NewCounter(ioutil.Discard, "requests_total", time.Second),
50 prometheus.NewCounter(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
51 Namespace: "addsvc",
52 Subsystem: "add",
53 Name: "requests_total",
54 Help: "Total number of received requests.",
55 }, []string{}),
4856 )
4957 duration := metrics.NewMultiHistogram(
50 expvar.NewHistogram("duration_ns", 0, 100000000, 3),
51 statsd.NewHistogram(ioutil.Discard, "duration_ns", time.Second),
58 expvar.NewHistogram("duration_nanoseconds_total", 0, 100000000, 3),
59 statsd.NewHistogram(ioutil.Discard, "duration_nanoseconds_total", time.Second),
60 prometheus.NewHistogram(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
61 Namespace: "addsvc",
62 Subsystem: "add",
63 Name: "duration_nanoseconds_total",
64 Help: "Total nanoseconds spend serving requests.",
65 }, []string{}),
5266 )
5468 // `package tracing` domain
6074 // `package log` domain
6175 var logger kitlog.Logger
62 logger = kitlog.NewPrefixLogger(kitlog.StdlibWriter{})
76 logger = kitlog.NewPrefixLogger(os.Stderr)
6377 logger = kitlog.With(logger, "ts", kitlog.DefaultTimestampUTC)
64 kitlog.DefaultLogger = logger // for other gokit components
65 stdlog.SetOutput(os.Stderr) //
66 stdlog.SetFlags(0) // flags are handled in our logger
78 kitlog.DefaultLogger = logger // for other gokit components
79 stdlog.SetOutput(kitlog.NewStdlibAdapter(logger)) // redirect stdlib logging to us
80 stdlog.SetFlags(0) // flags are handled in our logger
6882 // Our business and operational domain
6983 var a Add
2222 func TestMultiWith(t *testing.T) {
2323 c := metrics.NewMultiCounter(
2424 expvar.NewCounter("foo"),
25 prometheus.NewCounter("test", "multi_with", "bar", "Bar counter.", []string{"a"}),
25 prometheus.NewCounter(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
26 Namespace: "test",
27 Subsystem: "multi_with",
28 Name: "bar",
29 Help: "Bar counter.",
30 }, []string{"a"}),
2631 )
2833 c.Add(1)
4247 func TestMultiCounter(t *testing.T) {
4348 metrics.NewMultiCounter(
4449 expvar.NewCounter("alpha"),
45 prometheus.NewCounter("test", "multi_counter", "beta", "Beta counter.", []string{}),
50 prometheus.NewCounter(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
51 Namespace: "test",
52 Subsystem: "multi_counter",
53 Name: "beta",
54 Help: "Beta counter.",
55 }, []string{}),
4656 ).Add(123)
4858 if want, have := "123", stdexpvar.Get("alpha").String(); want != have {
6171 func TestMultiGauge(t *testing.T) {
6272 g := metrics.NewMultiGauge(
6373 expvar.NewGauge("delta"),
64 prometheus.NewGauge("test", "multi_gauge", "kappa", "Kappa gauge.", []string{}),
74 prometheus.NewGauge(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
75 Namespace: "test",
76 Subsystem: "multi_gauge",
77 Name: "kappa",
78 Help: "Kappa gauge.",
79 }, []string{}),
6580 )
6782 g.Set(34)
2121 // NewCounter returns a new Counter backed by a Prometheus metric. The counter
2222 // is automatically registered via prometheus.Register.
23 func NewCounter(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, fieldKeys []string) metrics.Counter {
24 return NewCounterWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help, fieldKeys, prometheus.Labels{})
25 }
27 // NewCounterWithLabels is the same as NewCounter, but attaches a set of const
28 // label pairs to the metric.
29 func NewCounterWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, fieldKeys []string, constLabels prometheus.Labels) metrics.Counter {
30 m := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
31 prometheus.CounterOpts{
32 Namespace: namespace,
33 Subsystem: subsystem,
34 Name: name,
35 Help: help,
36 ConstLabels: constLabels,
37 },
38 fieldKeys,
39 )
23 func NewCounter(opts prometheus.CounterOpts, fieldKeys []string) metrics.Counter {
24 m := prometheus.NewCounterVec(opts, fieldKeys)
4025 prometheus.MustRegister(m)
4226 p := map[string]string{}
4327 for _, fieldName := range fieldKeys {
4428 p[fieldName] = PrometheusLabelValueUnknown
4529 }
4730 return prometheusCounter{
4831 CounterVec: m,
4932 Pairs: p,
6952 // NewGauge returns a new Gauge backed by a Prometheus metric. The gauge is
7053 // automatically registered via prometheus.Register.
71 func NewGauge(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, fieldKeys []string) metrics.Gauge {
72 return NewGaugeWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help, fieldKeys, prometheus.Labels{})
73 }
75 // NewGaugeWithLabels is the same as NewGauge, but attaches a set of const
76 // label pairs to the metric.
77 func NewGaugeWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, fieldKeys []string, constLabels prometheus.Labels) metrics.Gauge {
78 m := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(
79 prometheus.GaugeOpts{
80 Namespace: namespace,
81 Subsystem: subsystem,
82 Name: name,
83 Help: help,
84 ConstLabels: constLabels,
85 },
86 fieldKeys,
87 )
54 func NewGauge(opts prometheus.GaugeOpts, fieldKeys []string) metrics.Gauge {
55 m := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(opts, fieldKeys)
8856 prometheus.MustRegister(m)
9057 return prometheusGauge{
9158 GaugeVec: m,
9259 Pairs: pairsFrom(fieldKeys),
11279 // determined at collect time by the passed callback function. The callback
11380 // determines the value, and fields are ignored, so RegisterCallbackGauge
11481 // returns nothing.
115 func RegisterCallbackGauge(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, callback func() float64) {
116 RegisterCallbackGaugeWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help, prometheus.Labels{}, callback)
117 }
119 // RegisterCallbackGaugeWithLabels is the same as RegisterCallbackGauge, but
120 // attaches a set of const label pairs to the metric.
121 func RegisterCallbackGaugeWithLabels(namespace, subsystem, name, help string, constLabels prometheus.Labels, callback func() float64) {
122 prometheus.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(
123 prometheus.GaugeOpts{
124 Namespace: namespace,
125 Subsystem: subsystem,
126 Name: name,
127 Help: help,
128 ConstLabels: constLabels,
129 },
130 callback,
131 ))
82 func RegisterCallbackGauge(opts prometheus.GaugeOpts, callback func() float64) {
83 prometheus.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(opts, callback))
13284 }
13486 type prometheusSummary struct {
1111 )
1313 func TestPrometheusLabelBehavior(t *testing.T) {
14 c := prometheus.NewCounter("test", "prometheus_label_behavior", "foobar", "Abc def.", []string{"used_key", "unused_key"})
14 c := prometheus.NewCounter(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
15 Namespace: "test",
16 Subsystem: "prometheus_label_behavior",
17 Name: "foobar",
18 Help: "Abc def.",
19 }, []string{"used_key", "unused_key"})
1520 c.With(metrics.Field{Key: "used_key", Value: "declared"}).Add(1)
1621 c.Add(1)
2631 }
2833 func TestPrometheusCounter(t *testing.T) {
29 c := prometheus.NewCounter("test", "prometheus_counter", "foobar", "Lorem ipsum.", []string{})
34 c := prometheus.NewCounter(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
35 Namespace: "test",
36 Subsystem: "prometheus_counter",
37 Name: "foobar",
38 Help: "Lorem ipsum.",
39 }, []string{})
3040 c.Add(1)
3141 c.Add(2)
3242 if want, have := strings.Join([]string{
4858 }
5060 func TestPrometheusGauge(t *testing.T) {
51 c := prometheus.NewGauge("test", "prometheus_gauge", "foobar", "Dolor sit.", []string{})
61 c := prometheus.NewGauge(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
62 Namespace: "test",
63 Subsystem: "prometheus_gauge",
64 Name: "foobar",
65 Help: "Dolor sit.",
66 }, []string{})
5267 c.Set(42)
5368 if want, have := strings.Join([]string{
5469 `# HELP test_prometheus_gauge_foobar Dolor sit.`,
7085 func TestPrometheusCallbackGauge(t *testing.T) {
7186 value := 123.456
7287 cb := func() float64 { return value }
73 prometheus.RegisterCallbackGauge("test", "prometheus_gauge", "bazbaz", "Help string.", cb)
88 prometheus.RegisterCallbackGauge(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
89 Namespace: "test",
90 Subsystem: "prometheus_gauge",
91 Name: "bazbaz",
92 Help: "Help string.",
93 }, cb)
7494 if want, have := strings.Join([]string{
7595 `# HELP test_prometheus_gauge_bazbaz Help string.`,
7696 `# TYPE test_prometheus_gauge_bazbaz gauge`,