Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / 513eb6d
log/levels: mv to deprecated_levels Peter Bourgon 7 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 192 addition(s) and 192 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 package levels
2 import ""
4 // Levels provides a leveled logging wrapper around a logger. It has five
5 // levels: debug, info, warning (warn), error, and critical (crit). If you
6 // want a different set of levels, you can create your own levels type very
7 // easily, and you can elide the configuration.
8 type Levels struct {
9 ctx *log.Context
10 levelKey string
12 // We have a choice between storing level values in string fields or
13 // making a separate context for each level. When using string fields the
14 // Log method must combine the base context, the level data, and the
15 // logged keyvals; but the With method only requires updating one context.
16 // If we instead keep a separate context for each level the Log method
17 // must only append the new keyvals; but the With method would have to
18 // update all five contexts.
20 // Roughly speaking, storing multiple contexts breaks even if the ratio of
21 // Log/With calls is more than the number of levels. We have chosen to
22 // make the With method cheap and the Log method a bit more costly because
23 // we do not expect most applications to Log more than five times for each
24 // call to With.
26 debugValue string
27 infoValue string
28 warnValue string
29 errorValue string
30 critValue string
31 }
33 // New creates a new leveled logger, wrapping the passed logger.
34 func New(logger log.Logger, options ...Option) Levels {
35 l := Levels{
36 ctx: log.NewContext(logger),
37 levelKey: "level",
39 debugValue: "debug",
40 infoValue: "info",
41 warnValue: "warn",
42 errorValue: "error",
43 critValue: "crit",
44 }
45 for _, option := range options {
46 option(&l)
47 }
48 return l
49 }
51 // With returns a new leveled logger that includes keyvals in all log events.
52 func (l Levels) With(keyvals ...interface{}) Levels {
53 return Levels{
54 ctx: l.ctx.With(keyvals...),
55 levelKey: l.levelKey,
56 debugValue: l.debugValue,
57 infoValue: l.infoValue,
58 warnValue: l.warnValue,
59 errorValue: l.errorValue,
60 critValue: l.critValue,
61 }
62 }
64 // Debug returns a debug level logger.
65 func (l Levels) Debug() log.Logger {
66 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.debugValue)
67 }
69 // Info returns an info level logger.
70 func (l Levels) Info() log.Logger {
71 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.infoValue)
72 }
74 // Warn returns a warning level logger.
75 func (l Levels) Warn() log.Logger {
76 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.warnValue)
77 }
79 // Error returns an error level logger.
80 func (l Levels) Error() log.Logger {
81 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.errorValue)
82 }
84 // Crit returns a critical level logger.
85 func (l Levels) Crit() log.Logger {
86 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.critValue)
87 }
89 // Option sets a parameter for leveled loggers.
90 type Option func(*Levels)
92 // Key sets the key for the field used to indicate log level. By default,
93 // the key is "level".
94 func Key(key string) Option {
95 return func(l *Levels) { l.levelKey = key }
96 }
98 // DebugValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the debug log
99 // level. By default, the value is "debug".
100 func DebugValue(value string) Option {
101 return func(l *Levels) { l.debugValue = value }
102 }
104 // InfoValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the info log level.
105 // By default, the value is "info".
106 func InfoValue(value string) Option {
107 return func(l *Levels) { l.infoValue = value }
108 }
110 // WarnValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the warning log
111 // level. By default, the value is "warn".
112 func WarnValue(value string) Option {
113 return func(l *Levels) { l.warnValue = value }
114 }
116 // ErrorValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the error log
117 // level. By default, the value is "error".
118 func ErrorValue(value string) Option {
119 return func(l *Levels) { l.errorValue = value }
120 }
122 // CritValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the critical log
123 // level. By default, the value is "crit".
124 func CritValue(value string) Option {
125 return func(l *Levels) { l.critValue = value }
126 }
0 package levels_test
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "os"
5 "testing"
7 ""
8 levels ""
9 )
11 func TestDefaultLevels(t *testing.T) {
12 buf := bytes.Buffer{}
13 logger := levels.New(log.NewLogfmtLogger(&buf))
15 logger.Debug().Log("msg", "résumé") // of course you'd want to do this
16 if want, have := "level=debug msg=résumé\n", buf.String(); want != have {
17 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
18 }
20 buf.Reset()
21 logger.Info().Log("msg", "Åhus")
22 if want, have := "level=info msg=Åhus\n", buf.String(); want != have {
23 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
24 }
26 buf.Reset()
27 logger.Error().Log("msg", "© violation")
28 if want, have := "level=error msg=\"© violation\"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
29 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
30 }
32 buf.Reset()
33 logger.Crit().Log("msg", " ")
34 if want, have := "level=crit msg=\"\\t\"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
35 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
36 }
37 }
39 func TestModifiedLevels(t *testing.T) {
40 buf := bytes.Buffer{}
41 logger := levels.New(
42 log.NewJSONLogger(&buf),
43 levels.Key("l"),
44 levels.DebugValue("dbg"),
45 levels.InfoValue("nfo"),
46 levels.WarnValue("wrn"),
47 levels.ErrorValue("err"),
48 levels.CritValue("crt"),
49 )
50 logger.With("easter_island", "176°").Debug().Log("msg", "moai")
51 if want, have := `{"easter_island":"176°","l":"dbg","msg":"moai"}`+"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
52 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
53 }
54 }
56 func ExampleLevels() {
57 logger := levels.New(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stdout))
58 logger.Debug().Log("msg", "hello")
59 logger.With("context", "foo").Warn().Log("err", "error")
61 // Output:
62 // level=debug msg=hello
63 // level=warn context=foo err=error
64 }
log/levels/levels.go less more
0 package levels
2 import ""
4 // Levels provides a leveled logging wrapper around a logger. It has five
5 // levels: debug, info, warning (warn), error, and critical (crit). If you
6 // want a different set of levels, you can create your own levels type very
7 // easily, and you can elide the configuration.
8 type Levels struct {
9 ctx *log.Context
10 levelKey string
12 // We have a choice between storing level values in string fields or
13 // making a separate context for each level. When using string fields the
14 // Log method must combine the base context, the level data, and the
15 // logged keyvals; but the With method only requires updating one context.
16 // If we instead keep a separate context for each level the Log method
17 // must only append the new keyvals; but the With method would have to
18 // update all five contexts.
20 // Roughly speaking, storing multiple contexts breaks even if the ratio of
21 // Log/With calls is more than the number of levels. We have chosen to
22 // make the With method cheap and the Log method a bit more costly because
23 // we do not expect most applications to Log more than five times for each
24 // call to With.
26 debugValue string
27 infoValue string
28 warnValue string
29 errorValue string
30 critValue string
31 }
33 // New creates a new leveled logger, wrapping the passed logger.
34 func New(logger log.Logger, options ...Option) Levels {
35 l := Levels{
36 ctx: log.NewContext(logger),
37 levelKey: "level",
39 debugValue: "debug",
40 infoValue: "info",
41 warnValue: "warn",
42 errorValue: "error",
43 critValue: "crit",
44 }
45 for _, option := range options {
46 option(&l)
47 }
48 return l
49 }
51 // With returns a new leveled logger that includes keyvals in all log events.
52 func (l Levels) With(keyvals ...interface{}) Levels {
53 return Levels{
54 ctx: l.ctx.With(keyvals...),
55 levelKey: l.levelKey,
56 debugValue: l.debugValue,
57 infoValue: l.infoValue,
58 warnValue: l.warnValue,
59 errorValue: l.errorValue,
60 critValue: l.critValue,
61 }
62 }
64 // Debug returns a debug level logger.
65 func (l Levels) Debug() log.Logger {
66 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.debugValue)
67 }
69 // Info returns an info level logger.
70 func (l Levels) Info() log.Logger {
71 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.infoValue)
72 }
74 // Warn returns a warning level logger.
75 func (l Levels) Warn() log.Logger {
76 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.warnValue)
77 }
79 // Error returns an error level logger.
80 func (l Levels) Error() log.Logger {
81 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.errorValue)
82 }
84 // Crit returns a critical level logger.
85 func (l Levels) Crit() log.Logger {
86 return l.ctx.WithPrefix(l.levelKey, l.critValue)
87 }
89 // Option sets a parameter for leveled loggers.
90 type Option func(*Levels)
92 // Key sets the key for the field used to indicate log level. By default,
93 // the key is "level".
94 func Key(key string) Option {
95 return func(l *Levels) { l.levelKey = key }
96 }
98 // DebugValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the debug log
99 // level. By default, the value is "debug".
100 func DebugValue(value string) Option {
101 return func(l *Levels) { l.debugValue = value }
102 }
104 // InfoValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the info log level.
105 // By default, the value is "info".
106 func InfoValue(value string) Option {
107 return func(l *Levels) { l.infoValue = value }
108 }
110 // WarnValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the warning log
111 // level. By default, the value is "warn".
112 func WarnValue(value string) Option {
113 return func(l *Levels) { l.warnValue = value }
114 }
116 // ErrorValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the error log
117 // level. By default, the value is "error".
118 func ErrorValue(value string) Option {
119 return func(l *Levels) { l.errorValue = value }
120 }
122 // CritValue sets the value for the field used to indicate the critical log
123 // level. By default, the value is "crit".
124 func CritValue(value string) Option {
125 return func(l *Levels) { l.critValue = value }
126 }
log/levels/levels_test.go less more
0 package levels_test
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "os"
5 "testing"
7 ""
8 ""
9 )
11 func TestDefaultLevels(t *testing.T) {
12 buf := bytes.Buffer{}
13 logger := levels.New(log.NewLogfmtLogger(&buf))
15 logger.Debug().Log("msg", "résumé") // of course you'd want to do this
16 if want, have := "level=debug msg=résumé\n", buf.String(); want != have {
17 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
18 }
20 buf.Reset()
21 logger.Info().Log("msg", "Åhus")
22 if want, have := "level=info msg=Åhus\n", buf.String(); want != have {
23 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
24 }
26 buf.Reset()
27 logger.Error().Log("msg", "© violation")
28 if want, have := "level=error msg=\"© violation\"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
29 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
30 }
32 buf.Reset()
33 logger.Crit().Log("msg", " ")
34 if want, have := "level=crit msg=\"\\t\"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
35 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
36 }
37 }
39 func TestModifiedLevels(t *testing.T) {
40 buf := bytes.Buffer{}
41 logger := levels.New(
42 log.NewJSONLogger(&buf),
43 levels.Key("l"),
44 levels.DebugValue("dbg"),
45 levels.InfoValue("nfo"),
46 levels.WarnValue("wrn"),
47 levels.ErrorValue("err"),
48 levels.CritValue("crt"),
49 )
50 logger.With("easter_island", "176°").Debug().Log("msg", "moai")
51 if want, have := `{"easter_island":"176°","l":"dbg","msg":"moai"}`+"\n", buf.String(); want != have {
52 t.Errorf("want %#v, have %#v", want, have)
53 }
54 }
56 func ExampleLevels() {
57 logger := levels.New(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stdout))
58 logger.Debug().Log("msg", "hello")
59 logger.With("context", "foo").Warn().Log("err", "error")
61 // Output:
62 // level=debug msg=hello
63 // level=warn context=foo err=error
64 }