Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / 7b0e27d
Metrics - Cloudwatch v2 (#668) * Enable using counters as the other types * For completeness - gauge<->histogram * Create metrics/cloudwatch2 pkg * Address PR comments * Comment around prebuilt zeros StatisticsSet * Address PR comments Nelz authored 6 years ago Peter Bourgon committed 6 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 581 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 // Package cloudwatch2 emits all data as a StatisticsSet (rather than
1 // a singular Value) to CloudWatch via the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK.
2 package cloudwatch2
4 import (
5 "math"
6 "sync"
7 "time"
9 ""
10 ""
11 ""
12 ""
14 ""
15 ""
16 ""
17 ""
18 )
20 const (
21 maxConcurrentRequests = 20
22 )
24 // CloudWatch receives metrics observations and forwards them to CloudWatch.
25 // Create a CloudWatch object, use it to create metrics, and pass those metrics as
26 // dependencies to the components that will use them.
27 //
28 // To regularly report metrics to CloudWatch, use the WriteLoop helper method.
29 type CloudWatch struct {
30 mtx sync.RWMutex
31 sem chan struct{}
32 namespace string
33 svc cloudwatchiface.CloudWatchAPI
34 counters *lv.Space
35 logger log.Logger
36 numConcurrentRequests int
37 }
39 // Option is a function adapter to change config of the CloudWatch struct
40 type Option func(*CloudWatch)
42 // WithLogger sets the Logger that will recieve error messages generated
43 // during the WriteLoop. By default, no logger is used.
44 func WithLogger(logger log.Logger) Option {
45 return func(cw *CloudWatch) {
46 cw.logger = logger
47 }
48 }
50 // WithConcurrentRequests sets the upper limit on how many
51 // cloudwatch.PutMetricDataRequest may be under way at any
52 // given time. If n is greater than 20, 20 is used. By default,
53 // the max is set at 10 concurrent requests.
54 func WithConcurrentRequests(n int) Option {
55 return func(cw *CloudWatch) {
56 if n > maxConcurrentRequests {
57 n = maxConcurrentRequests
58 }
59 cw.numConcurrentRequests = n
60 }
61 }
63 // New returns a CloudWatch object that may be used to create metrics.
64 // Namespace is applied to all created metrics and maps to the CloudWatch namespace.
65 // Callers must ensure that regular calls to Send are performed, either
66 // manually or with one of the helper methods.
67 func New(namespace string, svc cloudwatchiface.CloudWatchAPI, options ...Option) *CloudWatch {
68 cw := &CloudWatch{
69 namespace: namespace,
70 svc: svc,
71 counters: lv.NewSpace(),
72 numConcurrentRequests: 10,
73 logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
74 }
76 for _, optFunc := range options {
77 optFunc(cw)
78 }
80 cw.sem = make(chan struct{}, cw.numConcurrentRequests)
82 return cw
83 }
85 // NewCounter returns a counter. Observations are aggregated and emitted once
86 // per write invocation.
87 func (cw *CloudWatch) NewCounter(name string) metrics.Counter {
88 return &Counter{
89 name: name,
90 obs: cw.counters.Observe,
91 }
92 }
94 // NewGauge returns an gauge. Under the covers, there is no distinctions
95 // in CloudWatch for how Counters/Histograms/Gauges are reported, so this
96 // just wraps a cloudwatch2.Counter.
97 func (cw *CloudWatch) NewGauge(name string) metrics.Gauge {
98 return convert.NewCounterAsGauge(cw.NewCounter(name))
99 }
101 // NewHistogram returns a histogram. Under the covers, there is no distinctions
102 // in CloudWatch for how Counters/Histograms/Gauges are reported, so this
103 // just wraps a cloudwatch2.Counter.
104 func (cw *CloudWatch) NewHistogram(name string) metrics.Histogram {
105 return convert.NewCounterAsHistogram(cw.NewCounter(name))
106 }
108 // WriteLoop is a helper method that invokes Send every time the passed
109 // channel fires. This method blocks until the channel is closed, so clients
110 // probably want to run it in its own goroutine. For typical usage, create a
111 // time.Ticker and pass its C channel to this method.
112 func (cw *CloudWatch) WriteLoop(c <-chan time.Time) {
113 for range c {
114 if err := cw.Send(); err != nil {
115 cw.logger.Log("during", "Send", "err", err)
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 // Send will fire an API request to CloudWatch with the latest stats for
121 // all metrics. It is preferred that the WriteLoop method is used.
122 func (cw *CloudWatch) Send() error {
123 cw.mtx.RLock()
124 defer cw.mtx.RUnlock()
125 now := time.Now()
127 var datums []cloudwatch.MetricDatum
129 cw.counters.Reset().Walk(func(name string, lvs lv.LabelValues, values []float64) bool {
130 datums = append(datums, cloudwatch.MetricDatum{
131 MetricName: aws.String(name),
132 Dimensions: makeDimensions(lvs...),
133 StatisticValues: stats(values),
134 Timestamp: aws.Time(now),
135 })
136 return true
137 })
139 var batches [][]cloudwatch.MetricDatum
140 for len(datums) > 0 {
141 var batch []cloudwatch.MetricDatum
142 lim := len(datums)
143 if lim > maxConcurrentRequests {
144 lim = maxConcurrentRequests
145 }
146 batch, datums = datums[:lim], datums[lim:]
147 batches = append(batches, batch)
148 }
150 var g errgroup.Group
151 for _, batch := range batches {
152 batch := batch
153 g.Go(func() error {
154 cw.sem <- struct{}{}
155 defer func() {
156 <-cw.sem
157 }()
158 req := cw.svc.PutMetricDataRequest(&cloudwatch.PutMetricDataInput{
159 Namespace: aws.String(cw.namespace),
160 MetricData: batch,
161 })
162 _, err := req.Send()
163 return err
164 })
165 }
166 return g.Wait()
167 }
169 var zero = float64(0.0)
171 // Just build this once to reduce construction costs whenever
172 // someone does a Send with no aggregated values.
173 var zeros = cloudwatch.StatisticSet{
174 Maximum: &zero,
175 Minimum: &zero,
176 Sum: &zero,
177 SampleCount: &zero,
178 }
180 func stats(a []float64) *cloudwatch.StatisticSet {
181 count := float64(len(a))
182 if count == 0 {
183 return &zeros
184 }
186 var sum float64
187 var min = math.MaxFloat64
188 var max = math.MaxFloat64 * -1
189 for _, f := range a {
190 sum += f
191 if f < min {
192 min = f
193 }
194 if f > max {
195 max = f
196 }
197 }
199 return &cloudwatch.StatisticSet{
200 Maximum: &max,
201 Minimum: &min,
202 Sum: &sum,
203 SampleCount: &count,
204 }
205 }
207 func makeDimensions(labelValues ...string) []cloudwatch.Dimension {
208 dimensions := make([]cloudwatch.Dimension, len(labelValues)/2)
209 for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(labelValues); i, j = i+2, j+1 {
210 dimensions[j] = cloudwatch.Dimension{
211 Name: aws.String(labelValues[i]),
212 Value: aws.String(labelValues[i+1]),
213 }
214 }
215 return dimensions
216 }
218 type observeFunc func(name string, lvs lv.LabelValues, value float64)
220 // Counter is a counter. Observations are forwarded to a node
221 // object, and aggregated per timeseries.
222 type Counter struct {
223 name string
224 lvs lv.LabelValues
225 obs observeFunc
226 }
228 // With implements metrics.Counter.
229 func (c *Counter) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Counter {
230 return &Counter{
231 name:,
232 lvs: c.lvs.With(labelValues...),
233 obs: c.obs,
234 }
235 }
237 // Add implements metrics.Counter.
238 func (c *Counter) Add(delta float64) {
239 c.obs(, c.lvs, delta)
240 }
0 package cloudwatch2
2 import (
3 "strings"
4 "testing"
6 ""
7 ""
8 ""
9 )
11 func TestStats(t *testing.T) {
12 testCases := []struct {
13 name string
14 vals []float64
15 xMin float64
16 xMax float64
17 xSum float64
18 xCt float64
19 }{
20 {
21 "empty",
22 []float64{},
23 0.0,
24 0.0,
25 0.0,
26 0.0,
27 },
28 {
29 "single",
30 []float64{3.1416},
31 3.1416,
32 3.1416,
33 3.1416,
34 1.0,
35 },
36 {
37 "double",
38 []float64{1.0, 9.0},
39 1.0,
40 9.0,
41 10.0,
42 2.0,
43 },
44 {
45 "multiple",
46 []float64{5.0, 1.0, 9.0, 5.0},
47 1.0,
48 9.0,
49 20.0,
50 4.0,
51 },
52 }
54 for _, tc := range testCases {
55 t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
56 s := stats(tc.vals)
57 if tc.xMin != *s.Minimum {
58 t.Errorf("expected [%f]: %f\n", tc.xMin, *s.Minimum)
59 }
60 if tc.xMax != *s.Maximum {
61 t.Errorf("expected [%f]: %f\n", tc.xMax, *s.Maximum)
62 }
63 if tc.xSum != *s.Sum {
64 t.Errorf("expected [%f]: %f\n", tc.xSum, *s.Sum)
65 }
66 if tc.xCt != *s.SampleCount {
67 t.Errorf("expected [%f]: %f\n", tc.xCt, *s.SampleCount)
68 }
69 })
70 }
71 }
73 type mockCloudWatch struct {
74 cloudwatchiface.CloudWatchAPI
75 latestName string
76 latestData []cloudwatch.MetricDatum
77 }
79 func (mcw *mockCloudWatch) PutMetricDataRequest(in *cloudwatch.PutMetricDataInput) cloudwatch.PutMetricDataRequest {
80 mcw.latestName = *in.Namespace
81 mcw.latestData = in.MetricData
82 return cloudwatch.PutMetricDataRequest{
83 // To mock the V2 API, most of the functions spit
84 // out structs that you need to call Send() on.
85 // The non-intuitive thing is that to get the Send() to avoid actually
86 // going across the wire, you just create a dumb aws.Request with either
87 // aws.Request.Data defined (for succes) or with aws.Request.Error
88 // to simulate an Error.
89 Request: &aws.Request{Data: &cloudwatch.PutMetricDataOutput{}},
90 Input: in,
91 }
92 }
94 func TestSend(t *testing.T) {
95 ns := "example-namespace"
96 svc := &mockCloudWatch{}
97 cw := New(ns, svc)
99 c := cw.NewCounter("c").With("charlie", "cat")
100 h := cw.NewHistogram("h").With("hotel", "horse")
101 g := cw.NewGauge("g").With("golf", "giraffe")
103 c.Add(4.0)
104 c.Add(5.0)
105 c.Add(6.0)
106 h.Observe(3.0)
107 h.Observe(5.0)
108 h.Observe(7.0)
109 g.Set(2.0)
110 g.Set(5.0)
111 g.Set(8.0)
113 err := cw.Send()
114 if err != nil {
115 t.Fatalf("unexpected: %v\n", err)
116 }
118 if ns != svc.latestName {
119 t.Errorf("expected namespace %q; not %q\n", ns, svc.latestName)
120 }
122 if len(svc.latestData) != 3 {
123 t.Errorf("expected 3 datums: %v\n", svc.latestData)
124 }
125 for _, datum := range svc.latestData {
126 initial := *datum.MetricName
127 if len(datum.Dimensions) != 1 {
128 t.Errorf("expected 1 dimension: %v\n", datum)
129 }
130 if !strings.HasPrefix(*datum.Dimensions[0].Name, initial) {
131 t.Errorf("expected %q in Name of %v\n", initial, datum.Dimensions)
132 }
133 if !strings.HasPrefix(*datum.Dimensions[0].Value, initial) {
134 t.Errorf("expected %q in Value of %v\n", initial, datum.Dimensions)
135 }
136 if datum.StatisticValues == nil {
137 t.Errorf("expected StatisticValues in %v\n", datum)
138 }
139 if *datum.StatisticValues.Sum != 15.0 {
140 t.Errorf("expected 15.0 for Sum in %v\n", datum)
141 }
142 if *datum.StatisticValues.SampleCount != 3.0 {
143 t.Errorf("expected 3.0 for SampleCount in %v\n", datum)
144 }
145 }
146 }
0 // Package convert provides a way to use Counters, Histograms, or Gauges
1 // as one of the other types
2 package convert
4 import ""
6 type counterHistogram struct {
7 c metrics.Counter
8 }
10 // NewCounterAsHistogram returns a Histogram that actually writes the
11 // value on an underlying Counter
12 func NewCounterAsHistogram(c metrics.Counter) metrics.Histogram {
13 return counterHistogram{c}
14 }
16 // With implements Histogram.
17 func (ch counterHistogram) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Histogram {
18 return counterHistogram{ch.c.With(labelValues...)}
19 }
21 // Observe implements histogram.
22 func (ch counterHistogram) Observe(value float64) {
23 ch.c.Add(value)
24 }
26 type histogramCounter struct {
27 h metrics.Histogram
28 }
30 // NewHistogramAsCounter returns a Counter that actually writes the
31 // value on an underlying Histogram
32 func NewHistogramAsCounter(h metrics.Histogram) metrics.Counter {
33 return histogramCounter{h}
34 }
36 // With implements Counter.
37 func (hc histogramCounter) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Counter {
38 return histogramCounter{hc.h.With(labelValues...)}
39 }
41 // Add implements Counter.
42 func (hc histogramCounter) Add(delta float64) {
43 hc.h.Observe(delta)
44 }
46 type counterGauge struct {
47 c metrics.Counter
48 }
50 // NewCounterAsGauge returns a Gauge that actually writes the
51 // value on an underlying Counter
52 func NewCounterAsGauge(c metrics.Counter) metrics.Gauge {
53 return counterGauge{c}
54 }
56 // With implements Gauge.
57 func (cg counterGauge) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Gauge {
58 return counterGauge{cg.c.With(labelValues...)}
59 }
61 // Set implements Gauge.
62 func (cg counterGauge) Set(value float64) {
63 cg.c.Add(value)
64 }
66 // Add implements metrics.Gauge.
67 func (cg counterGauge) Add(delta float64) {
68 cg.c.Add(delta)
69 }
71 type gaugeCounter struct {
72 g metrics.Gauge
73 }
75 // NewGaugeAsCounter returns a Counter that actually writes the
76 // value on an underlying Gauge
77 func NewGaugeAsCounter(g metrics.Gauge) metrics.Counter {
78 return gaugeCounter{g}
79 }
81 // With implements Counter.
82 func (gc gaugeCounter) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Counter {
83 return gaugeCounter{gc.g.With(labelValues...)}
84 }
86 // Add implements Counter.
87 func (gc gaugeCounter) Add(delta float64) {
88 gc.g.Set(delta)
89 }
91 type histogramGauge struct {
92 h metrics.Histogram
93 }
95 // NewHistogramAsGauge returns a Gauge that actually writes the
96 // value on an underlying Histogram
97 func NewHistogramAsGauge(h metrics.Histogram) metrics.Gauge {
98 return histogramGauge{h}
99 }
101 // With implements Gauge.
102 func (hg histogramGauge) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Gauge {
103 return histogramGauge{hg.h.With(labelValues...)}
104 }
106 // Set implements Gauge.
107 func (hg histogramGauge) Set(value float64) {
108 hg.h.Observe(value)
109 }
111 // Add implements metrics.Gauge.
112 func (hg histogramGauge) Add(delta float64) {
113 hg.h.Observe(delta)
114 }
116 type gaugeHistogram struct {
117 g metrics.Gauge
118 }
120 // NewGaugeAsHistogram returns a Histogram that actually writes the
121 // value on an underlying Gauge
122 func NewGaugeAsHistogram(g metrics.Gauge) metrics.Histogram {
123 return gaugeHistogram{g}
124 }
126 // With implements Histogram.
127 func (gh gaugeHistogram) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Histogram {
128 return gaugeHistogram{gh.g.With(labelValues...)}
129 }
131 // Observe implements histogram.
132 func (gh gaugeHistogram) Observe(value float64) {
133 gh.g.Set(value)
134 }
0 package convert
2 import (
3 "testing"
5 ""
6 ""
7 )
9 func TestCounterHistogramConversion(t *testing.T) {
10 name := "my_counter"
11 c := generic.NewCounter(name)
12 h := NewCounterAsHistogram(c)
13 top := NewHistogramAsCounter(h).With("label", "counter").(histogramCounter)
14 mid := top.h.(counterHistogram)
15 low := mid.c.(*generic.Counter)
16 if want, have := name, low.Name; want != have {
17 t.Errorf("Name: want %q, have %q", want, have)
18 }
19 value := func() float64 { return low.Value() }
20 if err := teststat.TestCounter(top, value); err != nil {
21 t.Fatal(err)
22 }
23 }
25 func TestCounterGaugeConversion(t *testing.T) {
26 name := "my_counter"
27 c := generic.NewCounter(name)
28 g := NewCounterAsGauge(c)
29 top := NewGaugeAsCounter(g).With("label", "counter").(gaugeCounter)
30 mid := top.g.(counterGauge)
31 low := mid.c.(*generic.Counter)
32 if want, have := name, low.Name; want != have {
33 t.Errorf("Name: want %q, have %q", want, have)
34 }
35 value := func() float64 { return low.Value() }
36 if err := teststat.TestCounter(top, value); err != nil {
37 t.Fatal(err)
38 }
39 }
41 func TestHistogramGaugeConversion(t *testing.T) {
42 name := "my_histogram"
43 h := generic.NewHistogram(name, 50)
44 g := NewHistogramAsGauge(h)
45 top := NewGaugeAsHistogram(g).With("label", "histogram").(gaugeHistogram)
46 mid := top.g.(histogramGauge)
47 low := mid.h.(*generic.Histogram)
48 if want, have := name, low.Name; want != have {
49 t.Errorf("Name: want %q, have %q", want, have)
50 }
51 quantiles := func() (float64, float64, float64, float64) {
52 return low.Quantile(0.50), low.Quantile(0.90), low.Quantile(0.95), low.Quantile(0.99)
53 }
54 if err := teststat.TestHistogram(top, quantiles, 0.01); err != nil {
55 t.Fatal(err)
56 }
57 }