Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / 8388e13
Add tests and remove dead code Peter Bourgon 8 years ago
7 changed file(s) with 142 addition(s) and 140 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 addsvc/addsvc
1 cover.out
3 # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
4 *.o
5 *.a
6 *.so
8 # Folders
9 _obj
10 _test
11 _old*
13 # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
14 *.[568vq]
15 [568vq].out
17 *.cgo1.go
18 *.cgo2.c
19 _cgo_defun.c
20 _cgo_gotypes.go
21 _cgo_export.*
23 _testmain.go
25 *.exe
addsvc/.gitignore less more
0 addsvc
102102 type httpClientOption func(*httpClient)
104 func before(f httptransport.BeforeFunc) httpClientOption {
105 return func(c *httpClient) { c.before = append(c.before, f) }
104 func before(funcs ...httptransport.BeforeFunc) httpClientOption {
105 return func(c *httpClient) { c.before = append(c.before, funcs...) }
106106 }
22 import (
33 "encoding/binary"
4 "errors"
54 "net"
65 "strconv"
76 "time"
98 ""
119 ""
1210 )
1412 var (
1513 // SpanContextKey represents the Span in the request context.
1614 SpanContextKey = "Zipkin-Span"
18 // ErrSpanNotFound is returned when a Span isn't found in a context.
19 ErrSpanNotFound = errors.New("span not found")
2015 )
2217 // A Span is a named collection of annotations. It represents meaningful
3227 parentSpanID int64
3429 annotations []annotation
35 //binaryAnnotations []BinaryAnnotation
30 //binaryAnnotations []BinaryAnnotation // TODO
3631 }
3833 // NewSpan returns a new Span object ready for use.
5252 func AnnotateServer(newSpan NewSpanFunc, c Collector) server.Middleware {
5353 return func(e server.Endpoint) server.Endpoint {
5454 return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
55 span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
55 span, ok := fromContext(ctx)
5656 if !ok {
5757 span = newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
5858 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, span)
7373 return func(e client.Endpoint) client.Endpoint {
7474 return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
7575 var clientSpan *Span
76 parentSpan, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
76 parentSpan, ok := fromContext(ctx)
7777 if ok {
7878 clientSpan = newSpan(parentSpan.TraceID(), newID(), parentSpan.SpanID())
7979 } else {
105105 // a child/client span.
106106 func ToRequest(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
107107 return func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
108 span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
108 span, ok := fromContext(ctx)
109109 if !ok {
110110 span = newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
111111 }
112 setRequestHeaders(r.Header, span)
112 if id := span.TraceID(); id > 0 {
113 r.Header.Set(traceIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
114 }
115 if id := span.SpanID(); id > 0 {
116 r.Header.Set(spanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
117 }
118 if id := span.ParentSpanID(); id > 0 {
119 r.Header.Set(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
120 }
113121 return ctx
114122 }
115123 }
147155 return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
148156 }
150 // func fromContext(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(context.Context) *Span {
151 // return func(ctx context.Context) *Span {
152 // if span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx); ok {
153 // return span
154 // }
155 // return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
156 // }
157 // }
159 //// NewChildSpan creates a new child (client) span. If a span is already
160 //// present in the context, it will be interpreted as the parent.
161 //func NewChildSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) *Span {
162 // parentSpan, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
163 // if !ok {
164 // return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
165 // }
166 // var (
167 // traceID = parentSpan.TraceID()
168 // spanID = newID()
169 // parentSpanID = parentSpan.SpanID()
170 // )
171 // return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
172 //}
174 func setRequestHeaders(h http.Header, s *Span) {
175 if id := s.TraceID(); id > 0 {
176 h.Set(traceIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
177 }
178 if id := s.SpanID(); id > 0 {
179 h.Set(spanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
180 }
181 if id := s.ParentSpanID(); id > 0 {
182 h.Set(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
183 }
184 }
186 func maybeFromContext(ctx context.Context) (*Span, bool) {
158 func fromContext(ctx context.Context) (*Span, bool) {
187159 val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
188160 if val == nil {
189161 return nil, false
195167 return span, true
196168 }
198 //func mustGetServerSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) (*Span, context.Context) {
199 // val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
200 // if val == nil {
201 // span := newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
202 // return span, context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, span)
203 // }
204 // span, ok := val.(*Span)
205 // if !ok {
206 // panic(SpanContextKey + " value isn't a span object")
207 // }
208 // return span, ctx
209 //}
211170 func newID() int64 {
212171 //
213172 //
tracing/zipkin/zipkin_internal_test.go less more
0 package zipkin
2 import (
3 "net/http"
4 "strconv"
5 "testing"
7 ""
8 )
10 func TestFromHTTPToContext(t *testing.T) {
11 const (
12 hostport = ""
13 serviceName = "foo-service"
14 methodName = "foo-method"
15 traceID int64 = 12
16 spanID int64 = 34
17 parentSpanID int64 = 56
18 )
20 r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
21 r.Header.Set("X-B3-TraceId", strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16))
22 r.Header.Set("X-B3-SpanId", strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16))
23 r.Header.Set("X-B3-ParentSpanId", strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16))
25 sf := MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
26 cf := ToContext(sf)
28 ctx := cf(context.Background(), r)
29 val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
30 if val == nil {
31 t.Fatalf("%s returned no value", SpanContextKey)
32 }
33 span, ok := val.(*Span)
34 if !ok {
35 t.Fatalf("%s was not a Span object", SpanContextKey)
36 }
38 if want, have := traceID, span.TraceID(); want != have {
39 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
40 }
42 if want, have := spanID, span.SpanID(); want != have {
43 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
44 }
46 if want, have := parentSpanID, span.ParentSpanID(); want != have {
47 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
48 }
49 }
51 func TestSetRequestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
52 const (
53 hostport = ""
54 serviceName = "bar-service"
55 methodName = "bar-method"
56 traceID int64 = 123
57 spanID int64 = 456
58 parentSpanID int64 = 789
59 )
61 r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
62 setRequestHeaders(r.Header, NewSpan(hostport, serviceName, methodName, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID))
64 for h, want := range map[string]string{
65 "X-B3-TraceId": strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16),
66 "X-B3-SpanId": strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16),
67 "X-B3-ParentSpanId": strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16),
68 } {
69 if have := r.Header.Get(h); want != have {
70 t.Errorf("%s: want %s, have %s", h, want, have)
71 }
72 }
73 }
00 package zipkin_test
22 import (
3 "net/http"
4 "reflect"
5 "runtime"
6 "strconv"
7 "strings"
38 "sync/atomic"
49 "testing"
611 ""
13 ""
814 ""
915 ""
1016 )
18 func TestToContext(t *testing.T) {
19 const (
20 hostport = ""
21 serviceName = "foo-service"
22 methodName = "foo-method"
23 traceID int64 = 12
24 spanID int64 = 34
25 parentSpanID int64 = 56
26 )
28 r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
29 r.Header.Set("X-B3-TraceId", strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16))
30 r.Header.Set("X-B3-SpanId", strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16))
31 r.Header.Set("X-B3-ParentSpanId", strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16))
33 newSpan := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
34 toContext := zipkin.ToContext(newSpan)
36 ctx := toContext(context.Background(), r)
37 val := ctx.Value(zipkin.SpanContextKey)
38 if val == nil {
39 t.Fatalf("%s returned no value", zipkin.SpanContextKey)
40 }
41 span, ok := val.(*zipkin.Span)
42 if !ok {
43 t.Fatalf("%s was not a Span object", zipkin.SpanContextKey)
44 }
46 for want, haveFunc := range map[int64]func() int64{
47 traceID: span.TraceID,
48 spanID: span.SpanID,
49 parentSpanID: span.ParentSpanID,
50 } {
51 if have := haveFunc(); want != have {
52 name := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(haveFunc).Pointer()).Name()
53 name = strings.Split(name, "ยท")[0]
54 toks := strings.Split(name, ".")
55 name = toks[len(toks)-1]
56 t.Errorf("%s: want %d, have %d", name, want, have)
57 }
58 }
59 }
61 func TestToRequest(t *testing.T) {
62 const (
63 hostport = ""
64 serviceName = "foo-service"
65 methodName = "foo-method"
66 traceID int64 = 20
67 spanID int64 = 40
68 parentSpanID int64 = 90
69 )
71 newSpan := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
72 span := newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
73 ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), zipkin.SpanContextKey, span)
74 r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
75 ctx = zipkin.ToRequest(newSpan)(ctx, r)
77 for header, wantInt := range map[string]int64{
78 "X-B3-TraceId": traceID,
79 "X-B3-SpanId": spanID,
80 "X-B3-ParentSpanId": parentSpanID,
81 } {
82 if want, have := strconv.FormatInt(wantInt, 16), r.Header.Get(header); want != have {
83 t.Errorf("%s: want %q, have %q", header, want, have)
84 }
85 }
86 }
1288 func TestAnnotateServer(t *testing.T) {
1389 const (
2399 e = func(context.Context, interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return struct{}{}, nil }
24100 e = zipkin.AnnotateServer(f, c)(e)
26 if want, have := int32(0), int32(c.int32); want != have {
102 if want, have := int32(0), atomic.LoadInt32(&(c.int32)); want != have {
27103 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
28104 }
29105 if _, err := e(context.Background(), struct{}{}); err != nil {
30106 t.Fatal(err)
31107 }
32 if want, have := int32(1), int32(c.int32); want != have {
108 if want, have := int32(1), atomic.LoadInt32(&(c.int32)); want != have {
33109 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
34110 }
35111 }
37113 func TestAnnotateClient(t *testing.T) {
38 t.Skip("not yet implemented")
114 const (
115 hostport = ""
116 serviceName = "client-service"
117 methodName = "client-method"
118 )
120 f := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
121 c := &countingCollector{}
123 var e client.Endpoint
124 e = func(context.Context, interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return struct{}{}, nil }
125 e = zipkin.AnnotateClient(f, c)(e)
127 if want, have := int32(0), atomic.LoadInt32(&(c.int32)); want != have {
128 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
129 }
130 if _, err := e(context.Background(), struct{}{}); err != nil {
131 t.Fatal(err)
132 }
133 if want, have := int32(1), atomic.LoadInt32(&(c.int32)); want != have {
134 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
135 }
39136 }
41138 type countingCollector struct{ int32 }