Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / c504454
Merge pull request #198 from basvanbeek/master tracing/zipkin updates (new kafka collector) Peter Bourgon 8 years ago
19 changed file(s) with 1052 addition(s) and 425 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1616 // received from an endpoint.
1717 var ErrBadCast = errors.New("bad cast")
19 // ContextCanceled indicates the request context was canceled.
19 // ErrContextCanceled indicates the request context was canceled.
2020 var ErrContextCanceled = errors.New("context canceled")
2222 // Chain is a helper function for composing middlewares. Requests will
255255 )
256256 return nil
257257 }
259 func (c loggingCollector) Close() error { return nil }
1111 ""
1212 )
14 // Client is a wrapper arround the etcd client.
14 // Client is a wrapper around the etcd client.
1515 type Client interface {
1616 // GetEntries will query the given prefix in etcd and returns a set of entries.
1717 GetEntries(prefix string) ([]string, error)
3232 return nil, err
3333 }
35 // intial node retrieval and cache fill
35 // initial node retrieval and cache fill
3636 instances, eventc, err := p.client.GetEntries(p.path)
3737 if err != nil {
3838 logger.Log("path", p.path, "msg", "failed to retrieve entries", "err", err)
1313 hot spots, and diagnosing errors. All microservice infrastructures will
1414 benefit from request tracing; sufficiently large infrastructures will require
1515 it.
17 ## Test Setup
19 Setting up [Zipkin] is not an easy thing to do. It will also demand quite some
20 resources. To help you get started with development and testing we've made a
21 [VirtualBox] image available through [Vagrant] (*The box will require about 6GB
22 internal memory*).
24 First make sure you've installed [Vagrant] on your machine. Then you can
25 download and run the [Vagrant] image like this from the command line:
27 ```
28 # create a new directory to store your vagrant configuration and image files
29 mkdir zipkin
30 cd zipkin
31 vagrant init bas303/zipkin
32 vagrant up --provider virtualbox
33 ```
35 [Zipkin]:
36 [VirtualBox]:
37 [Vagrant]:
39 You probably need to adjust the `Vagrantfile` configuration to meet your
40 networking needs. The file itself is documented so should not be hard to get
41 configured. After the change you can reload your box with the updated settings
42 like this:
44 ```
45 vagrant reload
46 ```
48 As mentioned the box is quite heavy and may take a few minutes to fully boot up.
49 To get into the box connect through ssh and use `vagrant` for both username and
50 password.
52 The following services have been set-up to run:
53 - Apache ZooKeeper (port: 2181)
54 - Apache Kafka (port: 9092)
55 - MySQL Server 5.5 (port: 3306)
56 - Zipkin Collector (Kafka, MySQL)
57 - Zipkin Query (MySQL)
58 - Zipkin Web (port: 8080, 9990)
60 To inspect if everything booted up properly check the log files in these
61 directories:
62 ```
63 /var/log/zookeeper
64 /var/log/kafka
65 /var/log/mysql
66 /var/log/zipkin
67 ```
69 The individual services can be managed with the `service` command:
70 - zookeeper
71 - kafka
72 - mysql
73 - collector
74 - query
75 - web
1777 ## Usage
00 package zipkin
2 import (
3 "encoding/base64"
4 "errors"
5 "fmt"
6 "math"
7 "math/rand"
8 "net"
9 "strings"
10 "time"
12 ""
14 ""
15 ""
16 )
2 import "strings"
184 // Collector represents a Zipkin trace collector, which is probably a set of
195 // remote endpoints.
206 type Collector interface {
217 Collect(*Span) error
22 }
24 // ScribeCollector implements Collector by forwarding spans to a Scribe
25 // service, in batches.
26 type ScribeCollector struct {
27 client scribe.Scribe
28 factory func() (scribe.Scribe, error)
29 spanc chan *Span
30 sendc chan struct{}
31 batch []*scribe.LogEntry
32 nextSend time.Time
33 batchInterval time.Duration
34 batchSize int
35 sampleRate float64
36 sampleSalt int64
37 logger log.Logger
38 }
40 // NewScribeCollector returns a new Scribe-backed Collector. addr should be a
41 // TCP endpoint of the form "host:port". timeout is passed to the Thrift dial
42 // function NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout. batchSize and batchInterval control the
43 // maximum size and interval of a batch of spans; as soon as either limit is
44 // reached, the batch is sent. The logger is used to log errors, such as batch
45 // send failures; users should provide an appropriate context, if desired.
46 func NewScribeCollector(addr string, timeout time.Duration, options ...ScribeOption) (Collector, error) {
47 factory := scribeClientFactory(addr, timeout)
48 client, err := factory()
49 if err != nil {
50 return nil, err
51 }
52 defaultBatchInterval := time.Second
53 c := &ScribeCollector{
54 client: client,
55 factory: factory,
56 spanc: make(chan *Span),
57 sendc: make(chan struct{}),
58 batch: []*scribe.LogEntry{},
59 nextSend: time.Now().Add(defaultBatchInterval),
60 batchInterval: defaultBatchInterval,
61 batchSize: 100,
62 sampleRate: 1.0,
63 sampleSalt: rand.Int63(),
64 logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
65 }
66 for _, option := range options {
67 option(c)
68 }
69 go c.loop()
70 return c, nil
71 }
73 // Collect implements Collector.
74 func (c *ScribeCollector) Collect(s *Span) error {
75 c.spanc <- s
76 return nil // accepted
77 }
79 func (c *ScribeCollector) loop() {
80 tickc := time.Tick(c.batchInterval / 10)
82 for {
83 select {
84 case span := <-c.spanc:
85 if !shouldSample(span.traceID, c.sampleSalt, c.sampleRate) {
86 continue
87 }
88 c.batch = append(c.batch, &scribe.LogEntry{
89 Category: "zipkin", // TODO parameterize?
90 Message: serialize(span),
91 })
92 if len(c.batch) >= c.batchSize {
93 go c.sendNow()
94 }
96 case <-tickc:
97 if time.Now().After(c.nextSend) {
98 go c.sendNow()
99 }
101 case <-c.sendc:
102 c.nextSend = time.Now().Add(c.batchInterval)
103 if err := c.send(c.batch); err != nil {
104 c.logger.Log("err", err.Error())
105 }
106 c.batch = c.batch[:0]
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 func (c *ScribeCollector) sendNow() {
112 c.sendc <- struct{}{}
113 }
115 func (c *ScribeCollector) send(batch []*scribe.LogEntry) error {
116 if c.client == nil {
117 var err error
118 if c.client, err = c.factory(); err != nil {
119 return fmt.Errorf("during reconnect: %v", err)
120 }
121 }
122 if rc, err := c.client.Log(c.batch); err != nil {
123 c.client = nil
124 return fmt.Errorf("during Log: %v", err)
125 } else if rc != scribe.ResultCode_OK {
126 // probably transient error; don't reset client
127 return fmt.Errorf("remote returned %s", rc)
128 }
129 return nil
130 }
132 // ScribeOption sets a parameter for the StdlibAdapter.
133 type ScribeOption func(s *ScribeCollector)
135 // ScribeBatchSize sets the maximum batch size, after which a collect will be
136 // triggered. The default batch size is 100 traces.
137 func ScribeBatchSize(n int) ScribeOption {
138 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.batchSize = n }
139 }
141 // ScribeBatchInterval sets the maximum duration we will buffer traces before
142 // emitting them to the collector. The default batch interval is 1 second.
143 func ScribeBatchInterval(d time.Duration) ScribeOption {
144 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.batchInterval = d }
145 }
147 // ScribeSampleRate sets the sample rate used to determine if a trace will be
148 // sent to the collector. By default, the sample rate is 1.0, i.e. all traces
149 // are sent.
150 func ScribeSampleRate(f float64) ScribeOption {
151 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.sampleRate = f }
152 }
154 // ScribeLogger sets the logger used to report errors in the collection
155 // process. By default, a no-op logger is used, i.e. no errors are logged
156 // anywhere. It's important to set this option in a production service.
157 func ScribeLogger(logger log.Logger) ScribeOption {
158 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.logger = logger }
159 }
161 func scribeClientFactory(addr string, timeout time.Duration) func() (scribe.Scribe, error) {
162 return func() (scribe.Scribe, error) {
163 a, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
164 if err != nil {
165 return nil, err
166 }
167 socket := thrift.NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout(a, timeout)
168 transport := thrift.NewTFramedTransport(socket)
169 if err := transport.Open(); err != nil {
170 socket.Close()
171 return nil, err
172 }
173 proto := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(transport)
174 client := scribe.NewScribeClientProtocol(transport, proto, proto)
175 return client, nil
176 }
177 }
179 func serialize(s *Span) string {
180 t := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
181 p := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(t)
182 if err := s.Encode().Write(p); err != nil {
183 panic(err)
184 }
185 return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(t.Buffer.Bytes())
186 }
188 func shouldSample(id int64, salt int64, rate float64) bool {
189 if rate <= 0 {
190 return false
191 }
192 if rate >= 1.0 {
193 return true
194 }
195 return int64(math.Abs(float64(id^salt)))%10000 < int64(rate*10000)
8 Close() error
1969 }
19811 // NopCollector implements Collector but performs no work.
20114 // Collect implements Collector.
20215 func (NopCollector) Collect(*Span) error { return nil }
17 // Close implements Collector.
18 func (NopCollector) Close() error { return nil }
20420 // MultiCollector implements Collector by sending spans to all collectors.
20521 type MultiCollector []Collector
20723 // Collect implements Collector.
20824 func (c MultiCollector) Collect(s *Span) error {
25 return c.aggregateErrors(func(coll Collector) error { return coll.Collect(s) })
26 }
28 // Close implements Collector.
29 func (c MultiCollector) Close() error {
30 return c.aggregateErrors(func(coll Collector) error { return coll.Close() })
31 }
33 func (c MultiCollector) aggregateErrors(f func(c Collector) error) error {
34 var e *collectionError
35 for i, collector := range c {
36 if err := f(collector); err != nil {
37 if e == nil {
38 e = &collectionError{
39 errs: make([]error, len(c)),
40 }
41 }
42 e.errs[i] = err
43 }
44 }
45 return e
46 }
48 // CollectionError represents an array of errors returned by one or more
49 // failed Collector methods.
50 type CollectionError interface {
51 Error() string
52 GetErrors() []error
53 }
55 type collectionError struct {
56 errs []error
57 }
59 func (c *collectionError) Error() string {
20960 errs := []string{}
210 for _, collector := range c {
211 if err := collector.Collect(s); err != nil {
61 for _, err := range c.errs {
62 if err != nil {
21263 errs = append(errs, err.Error())
21364 }
21465 }
215 if len(errs) > 0 {
216 return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
217 }
218 return nil
66 return strings.Join(errs, "; ")
21967 }
69 // GetErrors implements CollectionError
70 func (c *collectionError) GetErrors() []error {
71 return c.errs
72 }
tracing/zipkin/collector_internal_test.go less more
0 package zipkin
2 import "testing"
4 func TestShouldSample(t *testing.T) {
5 type triple struct {
6 id, salt int64
7 rate float64
8 }
9 for input, want := range map[triple]bool{
10 triple{123, 456, 1.0}: true,
11 triple{123, 456, 999}: true,
12 triple{123, 456, 0.0}: false,
13 triple{123, 456, -42}: false,
14 triple{1229998, 0, 0.01}: false,
15 triple{1229999, 0, 0.01}: false,
16 triple{1230000, 0, 0.01}: true,
17 triple{1230001, 0, 0.01}: true,
18 triple{1230098, 0, 0.01}: true,
19 triple{1230099, 0, 0.01}: true,
20 triple{1230100, 0, 0.01}: false,
21 triple{1230101, 0, 0.01}: false,
22 triple{1, 9999999, 0.01}: false,
23 triple{999, 0, 0.99}: true,
24 triple{9999, 0, 0.99}: false,
25 } {
26 if have := shouldSample(, input.salt, input.rate); want != have {
27 t.Errorf("%#+v: want %v, have %v", input, want, have)
28 }
29 }
30 }
00 package zipkin_test
22 import (
3 "encoding/base64"
43 "fmt"
5 "math/rand"
6 "net"
7 "sync"
84 "testing"
9 "time"
11 ""
136 ""
14 ""
15 ""
167 )
18 func TestScribeCollector(t *testing.T) {
19 server := newScribeServer(t)
9 var s = zipkin.NewSpan("", "service1", "avg", 123, 456, 0)
21 timeout := time.Second
22 batchInterval := time.Millisecond
23 c, err := zipkin.NewScribeCollector(server.addr(), timeout, zipkin.ScribeBatchSize(0), zipkin.ScribeBatchInterval(batchInterval))
24 if err != nil {
25 t.Fatal(err)
11 func TestNopCollector(t *testing.T) {
12 c := zipkin.NopCollector{}
13 if err := c.Collect(s); err != nil {
14 t.Error(err)
2615 }
28 var (
29 serviceName = "service"
30 methodName = "method"
31 traceID = int64(123)
32 spanID = int64(456)
33 parentSpanID = int64(0)
34 value = "foo"
35 duration = 42 * time.Millisecond
36 )
38 span := zipkin.NewSpan("", serviceName, methodName, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
39 span.AnnotateDuration("foo", 42*time.Millisecond)
40 if err := c.Collect(span); err != nil {
41 t.Errorf("error during collection: %v", err)
42 }
44 // Need to yield to the select loop to accept the send request, and then
45 // yield again to the send operation to write to the socket. I think the
46 // best way to do that is just give it some time.
48 deadline := time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)
49 for {
50 if time.Now().After(deadline) {
51 t.Fatalf("never received a span")
52 }
53 if want, have := 1, len(server.spans()); want != have {
54 time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
55 continue
56 }
57 break
58 }
60 gotSpan := server.spans()[0]
61 if want, have := methodName, gotSpan.GetName(); want != have {
62 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
63 }
64 if want, have := traceID, gotSpan.GetTraceId(); want != have {
65 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
66 }
67 if want, have := spanID, gotSpan.GetId(); want != have {
68 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
69 }
70 if want, have := parentSpanID, gotSpan.GetParentId(); want != have {
71 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
72 }
74 if want, have := 1, len(gotSpan.GetAnnotations()); want != have {
75 t.Fatalf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
76 }
78 gotAnnotation := gotSpan.GetAnnotations()[0]
79 if want, have := value, gotAnnotation.GetValue(); want != have {
80 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
81 }
82 if want, have := duration, time.Duration(gotAnnotation.GetDuration())*time.Microsecond; want != have {
83 t.Errorf("want %s, have %s", want, have)
16 if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
17 t.Error(err)
8418 }
8519 }
87 type scribeServer struct {
88 t *testing.T
89 transport *thrift.TServerSocket
90 address string
91 server *thrift.TSimpleServer
92 handler *scribeHandler
21 type stubCollector struct {
22 errid int
23 collected bool
24 closed bool
9325 }
95 func newScribeServer(t *testing.T) *scribeServer {
96 protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
97 transportFactory := thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(thrift.NewTTransportFactory())
27 func (c *stubCollector) Collect(*zipkin.Span) error {
28 c.collected = true
29 if c.errid != 0 {
30 return fmt.Errorf("error %d", c.errid)
31 }
32 return nil
33 }
99 var port int
100 var transport *thrift.TServerSocket
101 var err error
102 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
103 port = 10000 + rand.Intn(10000)
104 transport, err = thrift.NewTServerSocket(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
105 if err != nil {
106 t.Logf("port %d: %v", port, err)
107 continue
108 }
109 break
35 func (c *stubCollector) Close() error {
36 c.closed = true
37 if c.errid != 0 {
38 return fmt.Errorf("error %d", c.errid)
11039 }
111 if err != nil {
112 t.Fatal(err)
40 return nil
41 }
43 func TestMultiCollector(t *testing.T) {
44 cs := zipkin.MultiCollector{
45 &stubCollector{errid: 1},
46 &stubCollector{},
47 &stubCollector{errid: 2},
48 }
49 err := cs.Collect(s)
50 if err == nil {
51 t.Fatal("wanted error, got none")
52 }
53 if want, have := "error 1; error 2", err.Error(); want != have {
54 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
55 }
56 collectionError := err.(zipkin.CollectionError).GetErrors()
57 if want, have := 3, len(collectionError); want != have {
58 t.Fatalf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
59 }
60 if want, have := cs[0].Collect(s).Error(), collectionError[0].Error(); want != have {
61 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
62 }
63 if want, have := cs[1].Collect(s), collectionError[1]; want != have {
64 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
65 }
66 if want, have := cs[2].Collect(s).Error(), collectionError[2].Error(); want != have {
67 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
11368 }
115 handler := newScribeHandler(t)
116 server := thrift.NewTSimpleServer4(
117 scribe.NewScribeProcessor(handler),
118 transport,
119 transportFactory,
120 protocolFactory,
121 )
123 go server.Serve()
125 deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Second)
126 for !canConnect(port) {
127 if time.Now().After(deadline) {
128 t.Fatal("server never started")
70 for _, c := range cs {
71 if !c.(*stubCollector).collected {
72 t.Error("collect not called")
12973 }
130 time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
131 }
133 return &scribeServer{
134 transport: transport,
135 address: fmt.Sprintf("", port),
136 handler: handler,
13774 }
13875 }
140 func (s *scribeServer) addr() string {
141 return s.address
77 func TestMultiCollectorClose(t *testing.T) {
78 cs := zipkin.MultiCollector{
79 &stubCollector{errid: 1},
80 &stubCollector{},
81 &stubCollector{errid: 2},
82 }
83 err := cs.Close()
84 if err == nil {
85 t.Fatal("wanted error, got none")
86 }
87 if want, have := "error 1; error 2", err.Error(); want != have {
88 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
89 }
91 for _, c := range cs {
92 if !c.(*stubCollector).closed {
93 t.Error("close not called")
94 }
95 }
14296 }
144 func (s *scribeServer) spans() []*zipkincore.Span {
145 return s.handler.spans()
146 }
148 type scribeHandler struct {
149 t *testing.T
150 sync.RWMutex
151 entries []*scribe.LogEntry
152 }
154 func newScribeHandler(t *testing.T) *scribeHandler {
155 return &scribeHandler{t: t}
156 }
158 func (h *scribeHandler) Log(messages []*scribe.LogEntry) (scribe.ResultCode, error) {
159 h.Lock()
160 defer h.Unlock()
161 for _, m := range messages {
162 h.entries = append(h.entries, m)
163 }
164 return scribe.ResultCode_OK, nil
165 }
167 func (h *scribeHandler) spans() []*zipkincore.Span {
168 h.RLock()
169 defer h.RUnlock()
170 spans := []*zipkincore.Span{}
171 for _, m := range h.entries {
172 decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(m.GetMessage())
173 if err != nil {
174 h.t.Error(err)
175 continue
176 }
177 buffer := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
178 if _, err := buffer.Write(decoded); err != nil {
179 h.t.Error(err)
180 continue
181 }
182 transport := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(buffer)
183 zs := &zipkincore.Span{}
184 if err := zs.Read(transport); err != nil {
185 h.t.Error(err)
186 continue
187 }
188 spans = append(spans, zs)
189 }
190 return spans
191 }
193 func canConnect(port int) bool {
194 c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", port))
195 if err != nil {
196 return false
197 }
198 c.Close()
199 return true
200 }
0 package zipkin
2 import (
3 "math/rand"
5 ""
6 ""
8 ""
9 )
11 // defaultKafkaTopic sets the standard Kafka topic our Collector will publish
12 // on. The default topic for zipkin-receiver-kafka is "zipkin", see:
13 //
14 const defaultKafkaTopic = "zipkin"
16 // KafkaCollector implements Collector by publishing spans to a Kafka
17 // broker.
18 type KafkaCollector struct {
19 producer sarama.AsyncProducer
20 logger log.Logger
21 topic string
22 shouldSample Sampler
23 }
25 // KafkaOption sets a parameter for the KafkaCollector
26 type KafkaOption func(c *KafkaCollector)
28 // KafkaLogger sets the logger used to report errors in the collection
29 // process. By default, a no-op logger is used, i.e. no errors are logged
30 // anywhere. It's important to set this option.
31 func KafkaLogger(logger log.Logger) KafkaOption {
32 return func(c *KafkaCollector) { c.logger = logger }
33 }
35 // KafkaProducer sets the producer used to produce to Kafka.
36 func KafkaProducer(p sarama.AsyncProducer) KafkaOption {
37 return func(c *KafkaCollector) { c.producer = p }
38 }
40 // KafkaTopic sets the kafka topic to attach the collector producer on.
41 func KafkaTopic(t string) KafkaOption {
42 return func(c *KafkaCollector) { c.topic = t }
43 }
45 // KafkaSampleRate sets the sample rate used to determine if a trace will be
46 // sent to the collector. By default, the sample rate is 1.0, i.e. all traces
47 // are sent.
48 func KafkaSampleRate(sr Sampler) KafkaOption {
49 return func(c *KafkaCollector) { c.shouldSample = sr }
50 }
52 // NewKafkaCollector returns a new Kafka-backed Collector. addrs should be a
53 // slice of TCP endpoints of the form "host:port".
54 func NewKafkaCollector(addrs []string, options ...KafkaOption) (Collector, error) {
55 c := &KafkaCollector{
56 logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
57 topic: defaultKafkaTopic,
58 shouldSample: SampleRate(1.0, rand.Int63()),
59 }
61 for _, option := range options {
62 option(c)
63 }
65 if c.producer == nil {
66 p, err := sarama.NewAsyncProducer(addrs, nil)
67 if err != nil {
68 return nil, err
69 }
70 c.producer = p
71 }
73 go c.logErrors()
75 return c, nil
76 }
78 func (c *KafkaCollector) logErrors() {
79 for pe := range c.producer.Errors() {
80 c.logger.Log("msg", pe.Msg, "err", pe.Err, "result", "failed to produce msg")
81 }
82 }
84 // Collect implements Collector.
85 func (c *KafkaCollector) Collect(s *Span) error {
86 if c.shouldSample(s.traceID) {
87 c.producer.Input() <- &sarama.ProducerMessage{
88 Topic: c.topic,
89 Key: nil,
90 Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(kafkaSerialize(s)),
91 }
92 }
93 return nil
94 }
96 // Close implements Collector.
97 func (c *KafkaCollector) Close() error {
98 return c.producer.Close()
99 }
101 func kafkaSerialize(s *Span) []byte {
102 t := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
103 p := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(t)
104 if err := s.Encode().Write(p); err != nil {
105 panic(err)
106 }
107 return t.Buffer.Bytes()
108 }
0 package zipkin_test
2 import (
3 "errors"
4 "testing"
5 "time"
7 ""
8 ""
10 ""
11 ""
12 ""
13 )
15 type stubProducer struct {
16 in chan *sarama.ProducerMessage
17 err chan *sarama.ProducerError
18 kdown bool
19 closed bool
20 }
22 func (p *stubProducer) AsyncClose() {}
23 func (p *stubProducer) Close() error {
24 if p.kdown {
25 return errors.New("Kafka is down")
26 }
27 p.closed = true
28 return nil
29 }
30 func (p *stubProducer) Input() chan<- *sarama.ProducerMessage { return }
31 func (p *stubProducer) Successes() <-chan *sarama.ProducerMessage { return nil }
32 func (p *stubProducer) Errors() <-chan *sarama.ProducerError { return p.err }
34 func newStubProducer(kdown bool) *stubProducer {
35 return &stubProducer{
36 make(chan *sarama.ProducerMessage),
37 make(chan *sarama.ProducerError),
38 kdown,
39 false,
40 }
41 }
43 var spans = []*zipkin.Span{
44 zipkin.NewSpan("", "service1", "avg", 123, 456, 0),
45 zipkin.NewSpan("", "service2", "sum", 123, 789, 456),
46 zipkin.NewSpan("", "service2", "div", 123, 101112, 456),
47 }
49 func TestKafkaProduce(t *testing.T) {
50 p := newStubProducer(false)
51 c, err := zipkin.NewKafkaCollector(
52 []string{""}, zipkin.KafkaProducer(p),
53 )
54 if err != nil {
55 t.Fatal(err)
56 }
58 for _, want := range spans {
59 m := collectSpan(t, c, p, want)
60 testMetadata(t, m)
61 got := deserializeSpan(t, m.Value)
62 testEqual(t, want, got)
63 }
64 }
66 func TestKafkaClose(t *testing.T) {
67 p := newStubProducer(false)
68 c, err := zipkin.NewKafkaCollector(
69 []string{""}, zipkin.KafkaProducer(p),
70 )
71 if err != nil {
72 t.Fatal(err)
73 }
74 if err = c.Close(); err != nil {
75 t.Fatal(err)
76 }
77 if !p.closed {
78 t.Fatal("producer not closed")
79 }
80 }
82 func TestKafkaCloseError(t *testing.T) {
83 p := newStubProducer(true)
84 c, err := zipkin.NewKafkaCollector(
85 []string{""}, zipkin.KafkaProducer(p),
86 )
87 if err != nil {
88 t.Fatal(err)
89 }
90 if err = c.Close(); err == nil {
91 t.Error("no error on close")
92 }
93 }
95 func TestKafkaErrors(t *testing.T) {
96 p := newStubProducer(true)
97 errs := make(chan []interface{}, len(spans))
98 lg := log.Logger(log.LoggerFunc(func(keyvals ...interface{}) error {
99 for i := 0; i < len(keyvals); i += 2 {
100 if keyvals[i] == "result" && keyvals[i+1] == "failed to produce msg" {
101 errs <- keyvals
102 }
103 }
104 return nil
105 }))
106 c, err := zipkin.NewKafkaCollector(
107 []string{""},
108 zipkin.KafkaProducer(p),
109 zipkin.KafkaLogger(lg),
110 )
111 if err != nil {
112 t.Fatal(err)
113 }
114 for _, want := range spans {
115 _ = collectSpan(t, c, p, want)
116 }
118 for i := 0; i < len(spans); i++ {
119 select {
120 case <-errs:
121 case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
122 t.Fatalf("errors not logged. got %d, wanted %d", i, len(spans))
123 }
124 }
125 }
127 func collectSpan(t *testing.T, c zipkin.Collector, p *stubProducer, s *zipkin.Span) *sarama.ProducerMessage {
128 var m *sarama.ProducerMessage
129 rcvd := make(chan bool, 1)
130 go func() {
131 select {
132 case m = <
133 rcvd <- true
134 if p.kdown {
135 p.err <- &sarama.ProducerError{m, errors.New("kafka is down")}
136 }
137 case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
138 rcvd <- false
139 }
140 }()
142 if err := c.Collect(s); err != nil {
143 t.Errorf("error during collection: %v", err)
144 }
145 if !<-rcvd {
146 t.Fatal("span message was not produced")
147 }
148 return m
149 }
151 func testMetadata(t *testing.T, m *sarama.ProducerMessage) {
152 if m.Topic != "zipkin" {
153 t.Errorf("produced to topic %q, want %q", m.Topic, "zipkin")
154 }
155 if m.Key != nil {
156 t.Errorf("produced with key %q, want nil", m.Key)
157 }
158 }
160 func deserializeSpan(t *testing.T, e sarama.Encoder) *zipkincore.Span {
161 bytes, err := e.Encode()
162 if err != nil {
163 t.Errorf("error in encoding: %v", err)
164 }
165 s := zipkincore.NewSpan()
166 mb := thrift.NewTMemoryBufferLen(len(bytes))
167 mb.Write(bytes)
168 mb.Flush()
169 pt := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(mb)
170 err = s.Read(pt)
171 if err != nil {
172 t.Errorf("error in decoding: %v", err)
173 }
174 return s
175 }
177 func testEqual(t *testing.T, want *zipkin.Span, got *zipkincore.Span) {
178 if got.TraceId != want.TraceID() {
179 t.Errorf("trace_id %d, want %d", got.TraceId, want.TraceID())
180 }
181 if got.Id != want.SpanID() {
182 t.Errorf("id %d, want %d", got.Id, want.SpanID())
183 }
184 if got.ParentId == nil {
185 if want.ParentSpanID() != 0 {
186 t.Errorf("parent_id %d, want %d", got.ParentId, want.ParentSpanID())
187 }
188 } else if *got.ParentId != want.ParentSpanID() {
189 t.Errorf("parent_id %d, want %d", got.ParentId, want.ParentSpanID())
190 }
191 }
0 package zipkin
2 import "math"
4 // Sampler functions return if a Zipkin span should be sampled, based on its
5 // traceID.
6 type Sampler func(id int64) bool
8 // SampleRate returns a sampler function using a particular sample rate and a
9 // sample salt to identify if a Zipkin span based on its spanID should be
10 // collected.
11 func SampleRate(rate float64, salt int64) Sampler {
12 if rate <= 0 {
13 return func(_ int64) bool {
14 return false
15 }
16 }
17 if rate >= 1.0 {
18 return func(_ int64) bool {
19 return true
20 }
21 }
22 return func(id int64) bool {
23 return int64(math.Abs(float64(id^salt)))%10000 < int64(rate*10000)
24 }
25 }
0 package zipkin
2 import "testing"
4 func TestSampleRate(t *testing.T) {
5 type triple struct {
6 id, salt int64
7 rate float64
8 }
9 for input, want := range map[triple]bool{
10 triple{123, 456, 1.0}: true,
11 triple{123, 456, 999}: true,
12 triple{123, 456, 0.0}: false,
13 triple{123, 456, -42}: false,
14 triple{1229998, 0, 0.01}: false,
15 triple{1229999, 0, 0.01}: false,
16 triple{1230000, 0, 0.01}: true,
17 triple{1230001, 0, 0.01}: true,
18 triple{1230098, 0, 0.01}: true,
19 triple{1230099, 0, 0.01}: true,
20 triple{1230100, 0, 0.01}: false,
21 triple{1230101, 0, 0.01}: false,
22 triple{1, 9999999, 0.01}: false,
23 triple{999, 0, 0.99}: true,
24 triple{9999, 0, 0.99}: false,
25 } {
26 sampler := SampleRate(input.rate, input.salt)
27 if have := sampler(; want != have {
28 t.Errorf("%#+v: want %v, have %v", input, want, have)
29 }
30 }
31 }
0 package zipkin
2 import (
3 "encoding/base64"
4 "fmt"
5 "math/rand"
6 "net"
7 "time"
9 ""
11 ""
12 ""
13 )
15 const defaultScribeCategory = "zipkin"
17 // defaultBatchInterval in seconds
18 const defaultBatchInterval = 1
20 // ScribeCollector implements Collector by forwarding spans to a Scribe
21 // service, in batches.
22 type ScribeCollector struct {
23 client scribe.Scribe
24 factory func() (scribe.Scribe, error)
25 spanc chan *Span
26 sendc chan struct{}
27 batch []*scribe.LogEntry
28 nextSend time.Time
29 batchInterval time.Duration
30 batchSize int
31 shouldSample Sampler
32 logger log.Logger
33 category string
34 quit chan struct{}
35 }
37 // NewScribeCollector returns a new Scribe-backed Collector. addr should be a
38 // TCP endpoint of the form "host:port". timeout is passed to the Thrift dial
39 // function NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout. batchSize and batchInterval control the
40 // maximum size and interval of a batch of spans; as soon as either limit is
41 // reached, the batch is sent. The logger is used to log errors, such as batch
42 // send failures; users should provide an appropriate context, if desired.
43 func NewScribeCollector(addr string, timeout time.Duration, options ...ScribeOption) (Collector, error) {
44 factory := scribeClientFactory(addr, timeout)
45 client, err := factory()
46 if err != nil {
47 return nil, err
48 }
49 c := &ScribeCollector{
50 client: client,
51 factory: factory,
52 spanc: make(chan *Span),
53 sendc: make(chan struct{}),
54 batch: []*scribe.LogEntry{},
55 batchInterval: defaultBatchInterval * time.Second,
56 batchSize: 100,
57 shouldSample: SampleRate(1.0, rand.Int63()),
58 logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
59 category: defaultScribeCategory,
60 quit: make(chan struct{}),
61 }
62 for _, option := range options {
63 option(c)
64 }
65 c.nextSend = time.Now().Add(c.batchInterval)
66 go c.loop()
67 return c, nil
68 }
70 // Collect implements Collector.
71 func (c *ScribeCollector) Collect(s *Span) error {
72 c.spanc <- s
73 return nil // accepted
74 }
76 // Close implements Collector.
77 func (c *ScribeCollector) Close() error {
78 close(c.quit)
79 return nil
80 }
82 func (c *ScribeCollector) loop() {
83 tickc := time.Tick(c.batchInterval / 10)
85 for {
86 select {
87 case span := <-c.spanc:
88 if !c.shouldSample(span.traceID) {
89 continue
90 }
91 c.batch = append(c.batch, &scribe.LogEntry{
92 Category: c.category,
93 Message: scribeSerialize(span),
94 })
95 if len(c.batch) >= c.batchSize {
96 go c.sendNow()
97 }
99 case <-tickc:
100 if time.Now().After(c.nextSend) {
101 go c.sendNow()
102 }
104 case <-c.sendc:
105 c.nextSend = time.Now().Add(c.batchInterval)
106 if err := c.send(c.batch); err != nil {
107 c.logger.Log("err", err.Error())
108 }
109 c.batch = c.batch[:0]
110 case <-c.quit:
111 return
112 }
113 }
114 }
116 func (c *ScribeCollector) sendNow() {
117 c.sendc <- struct{}{}
118 }
120 func (c *ScribeCollector) send(batch []*scribe.LogEntry) error {
121 if c.client == nil {
122 var err error
123 if c.client, err = c.factory(); err != nil {
124 return fmt.Errorf("during reconnect: %v", err)
125 }
126 }
127 if rc, err := c.client.Log(c.batch); err != nil {
128 c.client = nil
129 return fmt.Errorf("during Log: %v", err)
130 } else if rc != scribe.ResultCode_OK {
131 // probably transient error; don't reset client
132 return fmt.Errorf("remote returned %s", rc)
133 }
134 return nil
135 }
137 // ScribeOption sets a parameter for the StdlibAdapter.
138 type ScribeOption func(s *ScribeCollector)
140 // ScribeBatchSize sets the maximum batch size, after which a collect will be
141 // triggered. The default batch size is 100 traces.
142 func ScribeBatchSize(n int) ScribeOption {
143 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.batchSize = n }
144 }
146 // ScribeBatchInterval sets the maximum duration we will buffer traces before
147 // emitting them to the collector. The default batch interval is 1 second.
148 func ScribeBatchInterval(d time.Duration) ScribeOption {
149 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.batchInterval = d }
150 }
152 // ScribeSampleRate sets the sample rate used to determine if a trace will be
153 // sent to the collector. By default, the sample rate is 1.0, i.e. all traces
154 // are sent.
155 func ScribeSampleRate(sr Sampler) ScribeOption {
156 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.shouldSample = sr }
157 }
159 // ScribeLogger sets the logger used to report errors in the collection
160 // process. By default, a no-op logger is used, i.e. no errors are logged
161 // anywhere. It's important to set this option in a production service.
162 func ScribeLogger(logger log.Logger) ScribeOption {
163 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.logger = logger }
164 }
166 // ScribeCategory sets the Scribe category used to transmit the spans.
167 func ScribeCategory(category string) ScribeOption {
168 return func(s *ScribeCollector) { s.category = category }
169 }
171 func scribeClientFactory(addr string, timeout time.Duration) func() (scribe.Scribe, error) {
172 return func() (scribe.Scribe, error) {
173 a, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
174 if err != nil {
175 return nil, err
176 }
177 socket := thrift.NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout(a, timeout)
178 transport := thrift.NewTFramedTransport(socket)
179 if err := transport.Open(); err != nil {
180 socket.Close()
181 return nil, err
182 }
183 proto := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(transport)
184 client := scribe.NewScribeClientProtocol(transport, proto, proto)
185 return client, nil
186 }
187 }
189 func scribeSerialize(s *Span) string {
190 t := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
191 p := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(t)
192 if err := s.Encode().Write(p); err != nil {
193 panic(err)
194 }
195 return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(t.Buffer.Bytes())
196 }
0 package zipkin_test
2 import (
3 "encoding/base64"
4 "fmt"
5 "math/rand"
6 "net"
7 "sync"
8 "testing"
9 "time"
11 ""
13 ""
14 ""
15 ""
16 )
18 func TestScribeCollector(t *testing.T) {
19 server := newScribeServer(t)
21 timeout := time.Second
22 batchInterval := time.Millisecond
23 c, err := zipkin.NewScribeCollector(server.addr(), timeout, zipkin.ScribeBatchSize(0), zipkin.ScribeBatchInterval(batchInterval))
24 if err != nil {
25 t.Fatal(err)
26 }
28 var (
29 serviceName = "service"
30 methodName = "method"
31 traceID = int64(123)
32 spanID = int64(456)
33 parentSpanID = int64(0)
34 value = "foo"
35 duration = 42 * time.Millisecond
36 )
38 span := zipkin.NewSpan("", serviceName, methodName, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
39 span.AnnotateDuration("foo", 42*time.Millisecond)
40 if err := c.Collect(span); err != nil {
41 t.Errorf("error during collection: %v", err)
42 }
44 // Need to yield to the select loop to accept the send request, and then
45 // yield again to the send operation to write to the socket. I think the
46 // best way to do that is just give it some time.
48 deadline := time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)
49 for {
50 if time.Now().After(deadline) {
51 t.Fatalf("never received a span")
52 }
53 if want, have := 1, len(server.spans()); want != have {
54 time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
55 continue
56 }
57 break
58 }
60 gotSpan := server.spans()[0]
61 if want, have := methodName, gotSpan.GetName(); want != have {
62 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
63 }
64 if want, have := traceID, gotSpan.GetTraceId(); want != have {
65 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
66 }
67 if want, have := spanID, gotSpan.GetId(); want != have {
68 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
69 }
70 if want, have := parentSpanID, gotSpan.GetParentId(); want != have {
71 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
72 }
74 if want, have := 1, len(gotSpan.GetAnnotations()); want != have {
75 t.Fatalf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
76 }
78 gotAnnotation := gotSpan.GetAnnotations()[0]
79 if want, have := value, gotAnnotation.GetValue(); want != have {
80 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
81 }
82 if want, have := duration, time.Duration(gotAnnotation.GetDuration())*time.Microsecond; want != have {
83 t.Errorf("want %s, have %s", want, have)
84 }
85 }
87 type scribeServer struct {
88 t *testing.T
89 transport *thrift.TServerSocket
90 address string
91 server *thrift.TSimpleServer
92 handler *scribeHandler
93 }
95 func newScribeServer(t *testing.T) *scribeServer {
96 protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
97 transportFactory := thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(thrift.NewTTransportFactory())
99 var port int
100 var transport *thrift.TServerSocket
101 var err error
102 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
103 port = 10000 + rand.Intn(10000)
104 transport, err = thrift.NewTServerSocket(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
105 if err != nil {
106 t.Logf("port %d: %v", port, err)
107 continue
108 }
109 break
110 }
111 if err != nil {
112 t.Fatal(err)
113 }
115 handler := newScribeHandler(t)
116 server := thrift.NewTSimpleServer4(
117 scribe.NewScribeProcessor(handler),
118 transport,
119 transportFactory,
120 protocolFactory,
121 )
123 go server.Serve()
125 deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Second)
126 for !canConnect(port) {
127 if time.Now().After(deadline) {
128 t.Fatal("server never started")
129 }
130 time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
131 }
133 return &scribeServer{
134 transport: transport,
135 address: fmt.Sprintf("", port),
136 handler: handler,
137 }
138 }
140 func (s *scribeServer) addr() string {
141 return s.address
142 }
144 func (s *scribeServer) spans() []*zipkincore.Span {
145 return s.handler.spans()
146 }
148 type scribeHandler struct {
149 t *testing.T
150 sync.RWMutex
151 entries []*scribe.LogEntry
152 }
154 func newScribeHandler(t *testing.T) *scribeHandler {
155 return &scribeHandler{t: t}
156 }
158 func (h *scribeHandler) Log(messages []*scribe.LogEntry) (scribe.ResultCode, error) {
159 h.Lock()
160 defer h.Unlock()
161 for _, m := range messages {
162 h.entries = append(h.entries, m)
163 }
164 return scribe.ResultCode_OK, nil
165 }
167 func (h *scribeHandler) spans() []*zipkincore.Span {
168 h.RLock()
169 defer h.RUnlock()
170 spans := []*zipkincore.Span{}
171 for _, m := range h.entries {
172 decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(m.GetMessage())
173 if err != nil {
174 h.t.Error(err)
175 continue
176 }
177 buffer := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
178 if _, err := buffer.Write(decoded); err != nil {
179 h.t.Error(err)
180 continue
181 }
182 transport := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(buffer)
183 zs := &zipkincore.Span{}
184 if err := zs.Read(transport); err != nil {
185 h.t.Error(err)
186 continue
187 }
188 spans = append(spans, zs)
189 }
190 return spans
191 }
193 func canConnect(port int) bool {
194 c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", port))
195 if err != nil {
196 return false
197 }
198 c.Close()
199 return true
200 }
22 import (
33 "encoding/binary"
4 "fmt"
5 "math"
46 "net"
57 "strconv"
68 "time"
810 ""
9 )
11 var (
12 // SpanContextKey represents the Span in the request context.
13 SpanContextKey = "Zipkin-Span"
1411 )
1613 // A Span is a named collection of annotations. It represents meaningful
5047 if err != nil {
5148 return nil
5249 }
50 portInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(port, 10, 16)
51 if err != nil {
52 return nil
53 }
5354 addrs, err := net.LookupIP(host)
5455 if err != nil {
5556 return nil
5657 }
57 if len(addrs) <= 0 {
58 return nil
59 }
60 portInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(port, 10, 16)
61 if err != nil {
58 // we need the first IPv4 address.
59 var addr net.IP
60 for i := range addrs {
61 addr = addrs[i].To4()
62 if addr != nil {
63 break
64 }
65 }
66 if addr == nil {
67 // none of the returned addresses is IPv4.
6268 return nil
6369 }
6470 endpoint := zipkincore.NewEndpoint()
65 binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(addrs[0], (uint32)(endpoint.Ipv4))
71 endpoint.Ipv4 = (int32)(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(addr))
6672 endpoint.Port = int16(portInt)
6773 endpoint.ServiceName = serviceName
6874 return endpoint
9399 s.AnnotateDuration(value, 0)
94100 }
96 // AnnotateBinary annotates the span with a key and a byte value.
97 func (s *Span) AnnotateBinary(key string, value []byte) {
102 // AnnotateBinary annotates the span with a key and a value that will be []byte
103 // encoded.
104 func (s *Span) AnnotateBinary(key string, value interface{}) {
105 var a zipkincore.AnnotationType
106 var b []byte
107 // We are not using zipkincore.AnnotationType_I16 for types that could fit
108 // as reporting on it seems to be broken on the zipkin web interface
109 // (however, we can properly extract the number from zipkin storage
110 // directly). int64 has issues with negative numbers but seems ok for
111 // positive numbers needing more than 32 bit.
112 switch v := value.(type) {
113 case bool:
114 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_BOOL
115 b = []byte("\x00")
116 if v {
117 b = []byte("\x01")
118 }
119 case []byte:
120 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_BYTES
121 b = v
122 case byte:
123 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
124 b = make([]byte, 4)
125 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
126 case int8:
127 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
128 b = make([]byte, 4)
129 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
130 case int16:
131 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
132 b = make([]byte, 4)
133 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
134 case uint16:
135 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
136 b = make([]byte, 4)
137 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
138 case int32:
139 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
140 b = make([]byte, 4)
141 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
142 case uint32:
143 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
144 b = make([]byte, 4)
145 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
146 case int64:
147 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I64
148 b = make([]byte, 8)
149 binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(v))
150 case int:
151 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
152 b = make([]byte, 8)
153 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
154 case uint:
155 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I32
156 b = make([]byte, 8)
157 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
158 case uint64:
159 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_I64
160 b = make([]byte, 8)
161 binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(v))
162 case float32:
163 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_DOUBLE
164 b = make([]byte, 8)
165 bits := math.Float64bits(float64(v))
166 binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, bits)
167 case float64:
168 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_DOUBLE
169 b = make([]byte, 8)
170 bits := math.Float64bits(v)
171 binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, bits)
172 case string:
173 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_STRING
174 b = []byte(v)
175 default:
176 // we have no handler for type's value, but let's get a string
177 // representation of it.
178 a = zipkincore.AnnotationType_STRING
179 b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", value))
180 }
98181 s.binaryAnnotations = append(s.binaryAnnotations, binaryAnnotation{
99182 key: key,
100 value: value,
101 annotationType: zipkincore.AnnotationType_BYTES,
183 value: b,
184 annotationType: a,
102185 host:,
103186 })
104187 }
2424 // •
2626 const (
27 // SpanContextKey holds the key used to store Zipkin spans in the context.
28 SpanContextKey = "Zipkin-Span"
2730 //
2831 traceIDHTTPHeader = "X-B3-TraceId"
2932 spanIDHTTPHeader = "X-B3-SpanId"
208208 }
209209 return nil
210210 }
212 func (c *countingCollector) Close() error {
213 return nil
214 }
3434 options ...ServerOption,
3535 ) *Server {
3636 s := &Server{
37 ctx: ctx,
38 e: e,
39 dec: dec,
40 enc: enc,
37 ctx: ctx,
38 e: e,
39 dec: dec,
40 enc: enc,
4141 logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
4242 }
4343 for _, option := range options {
118118 b := make([]byte, len(testbody))
119119 _, err = response.Body.Read(b)
120120 if want, have := io.EOF, err; have != want {
121 t.Fatal("want %q, have %q", want, have)
121 t.Fatalf("want %q, have %q", want, have)
122122 }
123123 if want, have := testbody, string(b); want != have {
124124 t.Errorf("want %q, have %q", want, have)