Codebase list golang-github-go-kit-kit / deafecd
Toward a modular (HTTP) client Peter Bourgon 8 years ago
15 changed file(s) with 380 addition(s) and 296 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22 import (
33 "bytes"
4 "encoding/json"
54 "net/http"
65 "net/url"
76 "strings"
8 "time"
8 ""
1010 ""
12 ""
13 ""
12 ""
13 ""
14 httptransport ""
1415 )
1617 // Add is the abstract definition of what this service does. It could easily
17 // be an interface type with multiple methods. Each method would be an
18 // endpoint.
18 // be an interface type with multiple methods, in which case each method would
19 // be an endpoint.
1920 type Add func(context.Context, int64, int64) int64
21 func pureAdd(_ context.Context, a, b int64) int64 { time.Sleep(34 * time.Millisecond); return a + b }
22 func pureAdd(_ context.Context, a, b int64) int64 { return a + b }
23 func addViaHTTP(addr string, newSpan zipkin.NewSpanFunc, c zipkin.Collector) Add {
24 // TODO make & use addsvc HTTP client
24 func proxyAdd(e client.Endpoint) Add {
25 return func(ctx context.Context, a, b int64) int64 {
26 resp, err := e(ctx, &addRequest{a, b})
27 if err != nil {
28 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", err)
29 return 0
30 }
31 addResp, ok := resp.(*addResponse)
32 if !ok {
33 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", client.ErrBadCast)
34 return 0
35 }
36 return addResp.V
37 }
38 }
40 type httpClient struct {
41 *url.URL
42 codec.Codec
43 method string
44 *http.Client
45 before []httptransport.BeforeFunc
46 makeResponse func() interface{}
47 }
49 // TODO this needs to go to package client
50 func newHTTPClient(addr string, cdc codec.Codec, makeResponse func() interface{}, options ...httpClientOption) client.Endpoint {
2651 if !strings.HasPrefix(addr, "http") {
2752 addr = "http://" + addr
2853 }
3055 if err != nil {
3156 panic(err)
3257 }
33 u.Path = "/add"
35 return func(ctx context.Context, a, b int64) int64 {
36 var buf bytes.Buffer
37 if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(map[string]interface{}{"a": a, "b": b}); err != nil {
38 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", err)
39 return 0
40 }
59 c := httpClient{
60 URL: u,
61 Codec: cdc,
62 method: "GET",
63 Client: http.DefaultClient,
64 makeResponse: makeResponse,
65 }
66 for _, option := range options {
67 option(&c)
68 }
69 return c.endpoint
70 }
42 req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), &buf)
43 if err != nil {
44 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", err)
45 return 0
46 }
72 func (c httpClient) endpoint(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
73 var buf bytes.Buffer
74 if err := c.Codec.Encode(&buf, request); err != nil {
75 return nil, err
76 }
48 span := zipkin.NewChildSpan(ctx, newSpan)
49 defer c.Collect(span)
50 span.Annotate(zipkin.ClientSend)
51 zipkin.SetRequestHeaders(req.Header, zipkin.NewChildSpan(ctx, newSpan))
52 resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
53 span.Annotate(zipkin.ClientReceive)
54 if err != nil {
55 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", err)
56 return 0
57 }
58 defer resp.Body.Close()
78 req, err := http.NewRequest(c.method, c.URL.String(), &buf)
79 if err != nil {
80 return nil, err
81 }
60 var response struct {
61 V int64 `json:"v"`
62 }
63 if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&response); err != nil {
64 log.DefaultLogger.Log("err", err)
65 return 0
66 }
83 for _, f := range c.before {
84 f(ctx, req)
85 }
68 return response.V
87 resp, err := c.Client.Do(req)
88 if err != nil {
89 return nil, err
6990 }
91 defer resp.Body.Close()
93 response := c.makeResponse()
94 ctx, err = c.Codec.Decode(ctx, resp.Body, response)
95 if err != nil {
96 return nil, err
97 }
99 return response, nil
70100 }
102 type httpClientOption func(*httpClient)
104 func before(f httptransport.BeforeFunc) httpClientOption {
105 return func(c *httpClient) { c.before = append(c.before, f) }
106 }
1111 //
1212 // This function is just boiler-plate; in theory, it could be generated.
1313 func makeEndpoint(a Add) server.Endpoint {
14 return func(ctx context.Context, req server.Request) (server.Response, error) {
14 return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
1515 select {
1616 case <-ctx.Done():
1717 return nil, server.ErrContextCanceled
1818 default:
1919 }
21 addReq, ok := req.(*request)
21 addReq, ok := request.(*addRequest)
2222 if !ok {
2323 return nil, server.ErrBadCast
2424 }
2626 v := a(ctx, addReq.A, addReq.B)
28 return response{
29 V: v,
30 }, nil
28 return addResponse{V: v}, nil
3129 }
3230 }
1919 // way to manipulate the RPC context, like headers for HTTP. So we don't have
2020 // a way to transport e.g. Zipkin IDs with the request. TODO.
2121 func (b grpcBinding) Add(ctx context.Context, req *pb.AddRequest) (*pb.AddReply, error) {
22 addReq := request{req.A, req.B}
22 addReq := addRequest{req.A, req.B}
2323 r, err := b.Endpoint(ctx, addReq)
2424 if err != nil {
2525 return nil, err
2626 }
28 resp, ok := r.(*response)
28 resp, ok := r.(*addResponse)
2929 if !ok {
3030 return nil, server.ErrBadCast
3131 }
1010 _ "net/http/pprof"
1111 "os"
1212 "os/signal"
13 "reflect"
1413 "strconv"
14 "strings"
1515 "syscall"
1616 "time"
1818 ""
19 ""
1920 stdprometheus ""
2021 ""
2122 ""
2526 thriftadd ""
2627 ""
28 ""
2729 kitlog ""
2830 ""
2931 ""
3638 )
3840 func main() {
39 // gRPC transitively registers flags via its import of glog. Here we
40 // define a new flag set, to keep those domains distinct.
41 // Flag domain. Note that gRPC transitively registers flags via its import
42 // of glog. So, we define a new flag set, to keep those domains distinct.
4143 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ExitOnError)
4244 var (
43 fwd = fs.String("fwd.http", "", "if set, forward requests to this addsvc (HTTP)")
45 proxyHTTPAddr = fs.String("proxy.http.addr", "", "if set, proxy requests over HTTP to this addsvc")
4446 debugAddr = fs.String("debug.addr", ":8000", "Address for HTTP debug/instrumentation server")
4547 httpAddr = fs.String("http.addr", ":8001", "Address for HTTP (JSON) server")
4648 grpcAddr = fs.String("grpc.addr", ":8002", "Address for gRPC server")
5254 )
5355 flag.Usage = fs.Usage // only show our flags
5456 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])
55 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
5758 // `package log` domain
5859 var logger kitlog.Logger
9091 zipkinMethodName := "add"
9192 zipkinSpanFunc := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(zipkinHostPort, *zipkinServiceName, zipkinMethodName)
94 // Mechanical stuff
95 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
96 root := context.Background()
97 errc := make(chan error)
9399 // Our business and operational domain
94 var a Add
95 if *fwd == "" {
96 a = pureAdd
97 } else {
98 a = addViaHTTP(*fwd, zipkinSpanFunc, zipkinCollector)
100 var a Add = pureAdd
101 if *proxyHTTPAddr != "" {
102 codec := jsoncodec.New()
103 makeResponse := func() interface{} { return &addResponse{} }
105 var e client.Endpoint
106 e = newHTTPClient(*proxyHTTPAddr, codec, makeResponse, before(zipkin.ToRequest(zipkinSpanFunc)))
107 e = zipkin.AnnotateClient(zipkinSpanFunc, zipkinCollector)(e)
109 a = proxyAdd(e)
99110 }
100111 a = logging(logger)(a)
102113 // `package server` domain
103114 var e server.Endpoint
104115 e = makeEndpoint(a)
105 e = zipkin.AnnotateEndpoint(zipkinSpanFunc, zipkinCollector)(e)
107 // Mechanical stuff
108 root := context.Background()
109 errc := make(chan error)
116 e = zipkin.AnnotateServer(zipkinSpanFunc, zipkinCollector)(e)
111118 go func() {
112119 errc <- interrupt()
124131 defer cancel()
126133 field := metrics.Field{Key: "transport", Value: "http"}
127 before := httptransport.Before(zipkin.ToContext(zipkin.FromHTTP(zipkinSpanFunc)))
134 before := httptransport.Before(zipkin.ToContext(zipkinSpanFunc))
128135 after := httptransport.After(httptransport.SetContentType("application/json"))
136 makeRequest := func() interface{} { return &addRequest{} }
130138 var handler http.Handler
131 handler = httptransport.NewBinding(ctx, reflect.TypeOf(request{}), jsoncodec.New(), e, before, after)
139 handler = httptransport.NewBinding(ctx, makeRequest, jsoncodec.New(), e, before, after)
132140 handler = encoding.Gzip(handler)
133141 handler = cors.Middleware(cors.Config{})(handler)
134142 handler = httpInstrument(requests.With(field), duration.With(field))(handler)
226234 "trace_id", strconv.FormatInt(s.TraceID(), 16),
227235 "span_id", strconv.FormatInt(s.SpanID(), 16),
228236 "parent_span_id", strconv.FormatInt(s.ParentSpanID(), 16),
237 "annotations", pretty(s.Encode().GetAnnotations()),
229238 )
230239 return nil
231240 }
242 func pretty(annotations []*zipkincore.Annotation) string {
243 values := make([]string, len(annotations))
244 for i, annotation := range annotations {
245 values[i] = annotation.Value
246 }
247 return strings.Join(values, " ")
248 }
22 // The request and response types should be annotated sufficiently for all
33 // transports we intend to use.
5 type request struct {
5 type addRequest struct {
66 A int64 `json:"a"`
77 B int64 `json:"b"`
88 }
10 type response struct {
10 type addResponse struct {
1111 V int64 `json:"v"`
1212 }
1919 // Add implements Thrift's AddService interface.
2020 func (tb thriftBinding) Add(a, b int64) (*thriftadd.AddReply, error) {
21 r, err := tb.Endpoint(tb.Context, request{a, b})
21 r, err := tb.Endpoint(tb.Context, addRequest{a, b})
2222 if err != nil {
2323 return nil, err
2424 }
26 resp, ok := r.(*response)
26 resp, ok := r.(*addResponse)
2727 if !ok {
2828 return nil, server.ErrBadCast
2929 }
0 package client
2 import (
3 "errors"
5 ""
6 )
8 // Endpoint is the fundamental building block of package client.
9 // It represents a single RPC method on a remote service.
10 type Endpoint func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error)
12 // Middleware is a chainable behavior modifier.
13 type Middleware func(Endpoint) Endpoint
15 // ErrBadCast indicates a type error during decoding or encoding.
16 var ErrBadCast = errors.New("bad cast")
55 ""
66 )
8 // Request is an RPC request.
9 type Request interface{}
11 // Response is an RPC response.
12 type Response interface{}
148 // Endpoint is the fundamental building block of package server.
159 // It represents a single RPC method.
16 type Endpoint func(context.Context, Request) (Response, error)
10 type Endpoint func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error)
12 // Middleware is a chainable behavior modifier.
13 type Middleware func(Endpoint) Endpoint
1815 // ErrBadCast indicates a type error during decoding or encoding.
1916 var ErrBadCast = errors.New("bad cast")
44 "net/http"
55 "strconv"
7 ""
78 ""
89 ""
4445 ClientReceive = "cr"
4546 )
47 // AnnotateEndpoint extracts a span from the context, adds server-receive and
48 // server-send annotations at the boundaries, and submits the span to the
49 // collector. If no span is present, a new span is generated and put in the
50 // context.
51 func AnnotateEndpoint(newSpan NewSpanFunc, c Collector) func(server.Endpoint) server.Endpoint {
48 // AnnotateServer returns a server.Middleware that extracts a span from the
49 // context, adds server-receive and server-send annotations at the boundaries,
50 // and submits the span to the collector. If no span is found in the context,
51 // a new span is generated and inserted.
52 func AnnotateServer(newSpan NewSpanFunc, c Collector) server.Middleware {
5253 return func(e server.Endpoint) server.Endpoint {
53 return func(ctx context.Context, req server.Request) (server.Response, error) {
54 span, ctx := mustGetServerSpan(ctx, newSpan)
54 return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
55 span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
56 if !ok {
57 span = newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
58 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, span)
59 }
5560 span.Annotate(ServerReceive)
5661 defer func() { span.Annotate(ServerSend); c.Collect(span) }()
57 return e(ctx, req)
62 return e(ctx, request)
5863 }
5964 }
6065 }
62 // FromHTTP is a helper method that allows NewSpanFunc's factory function to
63 // be easily invoked by passing an HTTP request. The span name is the HTTP
64 // method. The trace, span, and parent span IDs are taken from the request
65 // headers.
66 func FromHTTP(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(*http.Request) *Span {
67 return func(r *http.Request) *Span {
68 traceIDStr := r.Header.Get(traceIDHTTPHeader)
69 if traceIDStr == "" {
70 // If there's no trace ID, that's normal: just make a new one.
71 log.DefaultLogger.Log("debug", "make new span")
72 return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
67 // AnnotateClient returns a client.Middleware that extracts a parent span from
68 // the context, produces a client (child) span from it, adds client-send and
69 // client-receive annotations at the boundaries, and submits the span to the
70 // collector. If no span is found in the context, a new span is generated and
71 // inserted.
72 func AnnotateClient(newSpan NewSpanFunc, c Collector) client.Middleware {
73 return func(e client.Endpoint) client.Endpoint {
74 return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
75 var clientSpan *Span
76 parentSpan, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
77 if ok {
78 clientSpan = newSpan(parentSpan.TraceID(), newID(), parentSpan.SpanID())
79 } else {
80 clientSpan = newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
81 }
82 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, clientSpan) // set
83 defer func() { ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, parentSpan) }() // reset
84 clientSpan.Annotate(ClientSend)
85 defer func() { clientSpan.Annotate(ClientReceive); c.Collect(clientSpan) }()
86 return e(ctx, request)
7387 }
74 traceID, err := strconv.ParseInt(traceIDStr, 16, 64)
75 if err != nil {
76 log.DefaultLogger.Log(traceIDHTTPHeader, traceIDStr, "err", err)
77 return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
88 }
89 }
91 // ToContext returns a function that satisfies transport/http.BeforeFunc. It
92 // takes a Zipkin span from the incoming HTTP request, and saves it in the
93 // request context. It's designed to be wired into a server's HTTP transport
94 // Before stack.
95 func ToContext(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
96 return func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
97 return context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, fromHTTP(newSpan, r))
98 }
99 }
101 // ToRequest returns a function that satisfies transport/http.BeforeFunc. It
102 // takes a Zipkin span from the context, and injects it into the HTTP request.
103 // It's designed to be wired into a client's HTTP transport Before stack. It's
104 // expected that AnnotateClient has already ensured the span in the context is
105 // a child/client span.
106 func ToRequest(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
107 return func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
108 span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
109 if !ok {
110 span = newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
78111 }
79 spanIDStr := r.Header.Get(spanIDHTTPHeader)
80 if spanIDStr == "" {
81 log.DefaultLogger.Log("msg", "trace ID without span ID") // abnormal
82 spanIDStr = strconv.FormatInt(newID(), 64) // deal with it
83 }
84 spanID, err := strconv.ParseInt(spanIDStr, 16, 64)
85 if err != nil {
86 log.DefaultLogger.Log(spanIDHTTPHeader, spanIDStr, "err", err) // abnormal
87 spanID = newID() // deal with it
88 }
89 parentSpanIDStr := r.Header.Get(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader)
90 if parentSpanIDStr == "" {
91 parentSpanIDStr = "0" // normal
92 }
93 parentSpanID, err := strconv.ParseInt(parentSpanIDStr, 16, 64)
94 if err != nil {
95 log.DefaultLogger.Log(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, parentSpanIDStr, "err", err) // abnormal
96 parentSpanID = 0 // the only way to deal with it
97 }
98 return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
99 }
100 }
102 // ToContext returns a function that satisfies transport/http.BeforeFunc. When
103 // invoked, it generates a Zipkin span from the incoming HTTP request, and
104 // saves it in the request context under the SpanContextKey.
105 func ToContext(f func(*http.Request) *Span) func(context.Context, *http.Request) context.Context {
106 return func(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
107 return context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, f(r))
108 }
109 }
111 // NewChildSpan creates a new child (client) span. If a span is present in the
112 // context, it will be interpreted as the parent.
113 func NewChildSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) *Span {
112 setRequestHeaders(r.Header, span)
113 return ctx
114 }
115 }
117 func fromHTTP(newSpan NewSpanFunc, r *http.Request) *Span {
118 traceIDStr := r.Header.Get(traceIDHTTPHeader)
119 if traceIDStr == "" {
120 log.DefaultLogger.Log("debug", "make new span")
121 return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0) // normal; just make a new one
122 }
123 traceID, err := strconv.ParseInt(traceIDStr, 16, 64)
124 if err != nil {
125 log.DefaultLogger.Log(traceIDHTTPHeader, traceIDStr, "err", err)
126 return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
127 }
128 spanIDStr := r.Header.Get(spanIDHTTPHeader)
129 if spanIDStr == "" {
130 log.DefaultLogger.Log("msg", "trace ID without span ID") // abnormal
131 spanIDStr = strconv.FormatInt(newID(), 64) // deal with it
132 }
133 spanID, err := strconv.ParseInt(spanIDStr, 16, 64)
134 if err != nil {
135 log.DefaultLogger.Log(spanIDHTTPHeader, spanIDStr, "err", err) // abnormal
136 spanID = newID() // deal with it
137 }
138 parentSpanIDStr := r.Header.Get(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader)
139 if parentSpanIDStr == "" {
140 parentSpanIDStr = "0" // normal
141 }
142 parentSpanID, err := strconv.ParseInt(parentSpanIDStr, 16, 64)
143 if err != nil {
144 log.DefaultLogger.Log(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, parentSpanIDStr, "err", err) // abnormal
145 parentSpanID = 0 // the only way to deal with it
146 }
147 return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
148 }
150 // func fromContext(newSpan NewSpanFunc) func(context.Context) *Span {
151 // return func(ctx context.Context) *Span {
152 // if span, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx); ok {
153 // return span
154 // }
155 // return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
156 // }
157 // }
159 //// NewChildSpan creates a new child (client) span. If a span is already
160 //// present in the context, it will be interpreted as the parent.
161 //func NewChildSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) *Span {
162 // parentSpan, ok := maybeFromContext(ctx)
163 // if !ok {
164 // return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
165 // }
166 // var (
167 // traceID = parentSpan.TraceID()
168 // spanID = newID()
169 // parentSpanID = parentSpan.SpanID()
170 // )
171 // return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
172 //}
174 func setRequestHeaders(h http.Header, s *Span) {
175 if id := s.TraceID(); id > 0 {
176 h.Set(traceIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
177 }
178 if id := s.SpanID(); id > 0 {
179 h.Set(spanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
180 }
181 if id := s.ParentSpanID(); id > 0 {
182 h.Set(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
183 }
184 }
186 func maybeFromContext(ctx context.Context) (*Span, bool) {
114187 val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
115188 if val == nil {
116 return newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
117 }
118 parentSpan, ok := val.(*Span)
119 if !ok {
120 panic(SpanContextKey + " value isn't a span object")
121 }
122 var (
123 traceID = parentSpan.TraceID()
124 spanID = newID()
125 parentSpanID = parentSpan.SpanID()
126 )
127 return newSpan(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID)
128 }
130 // SetRequestHeaders sets up HTTP headers for a new outbound request based on
131 // the (client) span. All IDs are encoded as hex strings.
132 func SetRequestHeaders(h http.Header, s *Span) {
133 if id := s.TraceID(); id > 0 {
134 h.Set(traceIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
135 }
136 if id := s.SpanID(); id > 0 {
137 h.Set(spanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
138 }
139 if id := s.ParentSpanID(); id > 0 {
140 h.Set(parentSpanIDHTTPHeader, strconv.FormatInt(id, 16))
141 }
142 }
144 func mustGetServerSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) (*Span, context.Context) {
145 val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
146 if val == nil {
147 span := newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
148 return span, context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, span)
189 return nil, false
149190 }
150191 span, ok := val.(*Span)
151192 if !ok {
152193 panic(SpanContextKey + " value isn't a span object")
153194 }
154 return span, ctx
155 }
157 //func getID(h http.Header, key string) int64 {
158 // val := h.Get(key)
159 // if val == "" {
160 // return 0
195 return span, true
196 }
198 //func mustGetServerSpan(ctx context.Context, newSpan NewSpanFunc) (*Span, context.Context) {
199 // val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
200 // if val == nil {
201 // span := newSpan(newID(), newID(), 0)
202 // return span, context.WithValue(ctx, SpanContextKey, span)
161203 // }
162 // i, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 16, 64)
163 // if err != nil {
164 // panic("invalid Zipkin ID in HTTP header: " + val)
204 // span, ok := val.(*Span)
205 // if !ok {
206 // panic(SpanContextKey + " value isn't a span object")
165207 // }
166 // return i
208 // return span, ctx
167209 //}
169211 func newID() int64 {
0 package zipkin
2 import (
3 "net/http"
4 "strconv"
5 "testing"
7 ""
8 )
10 func TestFromHTTPToContext(t *testing.T) {
11 const (
12 hostport = ""
13 serviceName = "foo-service"
14 methodName = "foo-method"
15 traceID int64 = 12
16 spanID int64 = 34
17 parentSpanID int64 = 56
18 )
20 r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
21 r.Header.Set("X-B3-TraceId", strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16))
22 r.Header.Set("X-B3-SpanId", strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16))
23 r.Header.Set("X-B3-ParentSpanId", strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16))
25 sf := MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
26 cf := ToContext(sf)
28 ctx := cf(context.Background(), r)
29 val := ctx.Value(SpanContextKey)
30 if val == nil {
31 t.Fatalf("%s returned no value", SpanContextKey)
32 }
33 span, ok := val.(*Span)
34 if !ok {
35 t.Fatalf("%s was not a Span object", SpanContextKey)
36 }
38 if want, have := traceID, span.TraceID(); want != have {
39 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
40 }
42 if want, have := spanID, span.SpanID(); want != have {
43 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
44 }
46 if want, have := parentSpanID, span.ParentSpanID(); want != have {
47 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
48 }
49 }
51 func TestSetRequestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
52 const (
53 hostport = ""
54 serviceName = "bar-service"
55 methodName = "bar-method"
56 traceID int64 = 123
57 spanID int64 = 456
58 parentSpanID int64 = 789
59 )
61 r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
62 setRequestHeaders(r.Header, NewSpan(hostport, serviceName, methodName, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID))
64 for h, want := range map[string]string{
65 "X-B3-TraceId": strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16),
66 "X-B3-SpanId": strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16),
67 "X-B3-ParentSpanId": strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16),
68 } {
69 if have := r.Header.Get(h); want != have {
70 t.Errorf("%s: want %s, have %s", h, want, have)
71 }
72 }
73 }
00 package zipkin_test
22 import (
3 "math/rand"
4 "net/http"
5 "strconv"
63 "sync/atomic"
74 "testing"
129 ""
1310 )
15 func TestAnnotateEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
12 func TestAnnotateServer(t *testing.T) {
1613 const (
1714 hostport = ""
1815 serviceName = "some-service"
2320 c := &countingCollector{}
2522 var e server.Endpoint
26 e = func(context.Context, server.Request) (server.Response, error) { return struct{}{}, nil }
27 e = zipkin.AnnotateEndpoint(f, c)(e)
23 e = func(context.Context, interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return struct{}{}, nil }
24 e = zipkin.AnnotateServer(f, c)(e)
2926 if want, have := int32(0), int32(c.int32); want != have {
3027 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
3734 }
3835 }
40 func TestFromHTTPToContext(t *testing.T) {
41 const (
42 hostport = ""
43 serviceName = "foo-service"
44 methodName = "foo-method"
45 traceID int64 = 12
46 spanID int64 = 34
47 parentSpanID int64 = 56
48 )
50 r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
51 r.Header.Set("X-B3-TraceId", strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16))
52 r.Header.Set("X-B3-SpanId", strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16))
53 r.Header.Set("X-B3-ParentSpanId", strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16))
55 sf := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
56 hf := zipkin.FromHTTP(sf)
57 cf := zipkin.ToContext(hf)
59 ctx := cf(context.Background(), r)
60 val := ctx.Value(zipkin.SpanContextKey)
61 if val == nil {
62 t.Fatalf("%s returned no value", zipkin.SpanContextKey)
63 }
64 span, ok := val.(*zipkin.Span)
65 if !ok {
66 t.Fatalf("%s was not a Span object", zipkin.SpanContextKey)
67 }
69 if want, have := traceID, span.TraceID(); want != have {
70 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
71 }
73 if want, have := spanID, span.SpanID(); want != have {
74 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
75 }
77 if want, have := parentSpanID, span.ParentSpanID(); want != have {
78 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
79 }
80 }
82 func TestNewChildSpan(t *testing.T) {
83 rand.Seed(123)
85 const (
86 hostport = ""
87 serviceName = "my-service"
88 methodName = "my-method"
89 traceID int64 = 123
90 spanID int64 = 456
91 parentSpanID int64 = 789
92 )
94 f := zipkin.MakeNewSpanFunc(hostport, serviceName, methodName)
95 ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), zipkin.SpanContextKey, f(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID))
96 childSpan := zipkin.NewChildSpan(ctx, f)
98 if want, have := traceID, childSpan.TraceID(); want != have {
99 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
100 }
101 if have := childSpan.SpanID(); have == spanID {
102 t.Errorf("span ID should be random, but we have %d", have)
103 }
104 if want, have := spanID, childSpan.ParentSpanID(); want != have {
105 t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have)
106 }
107 }
109 func TestSetRequestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
110 const (
111 hostport = ""
112 serviceName = "bar-service"
113 methodName = "bar-method"
114 traceID int64 = 123
115 spanID int64 = 456
116 parentSpanID int64 = 789
117 )
119 r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
120 zipkin.SetRequestHeaders(r.Header, zipkin.NewSpan(hostport, serviceName, methodName, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID))
122 for h, want := range map[string]string{
123 "X-B3-TraceId": strconv.FormatInt(traceID, 16),
124 "X-B3-SpanId": strconv.FormatInt(spanID, 16),
125 "X-B3-ParentSpanId": strconv.FormatInt(parentSpanID, 16),
126 } {
127 if have := r.Header.Get(h); want != have {
128 t.Errorf("%s: want %s, have %s", h, want, have)
129 }
130 }
37 func TestAnnotateClient(t *testing.T) {
38 t.Skip("not yet implemented")
13139 }
13341 type countingCollector struct{ int32 }
33 "io"
55 ""
7 ""
86 )
10 // Codec defines how to decode and encode requests and responses. Decode takes
11 // and returns a context because the request may be accompanied by information
8 // Codec decodes and encodes requests and responses. Decode takes and returns
9 // a context because the request or response may be accompanied by information
1210 // that needs to be applied there.
1311 type Codec interface {
14 Decode(context.Context, io.Reader, server.Request) (context.Context, error)
15 Encode(io.Writer, server.Response) error
12 Decode(context.Context, io.Reader, interface{}) (context.Context, error)
13 Encode(io.Writer, interface{}) error
1614 }
66 ""
8 ""
98 ""
109 )
1514 // properly-tagged fields.
1615 func New() codec.Codec { return jsonCodec{} }
18 func (jsonCodec) Decode(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, req server.Request) (context.Context, error) {
19 return ctx, json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(req)
17 func (jsonCodec) Decode(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, v interface{}) (context.Context, error) {
18 return ctx, json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(v)
2019 }
22 func (jsonCodec) Encode(w io.Writer, resp server.Response) error {
23 return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
21 func (jsonCodec) Encode(w io.Writer, v interface{}) error {
22 return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v)
2423 }
22 import (
33 "net/http"
4 "reflect"
65 ""
2524 type binding struct {
2625 context.Context
27 requestType reflect.Type
26 makeRequest func() interface{}
2827 codec.Codec
2928 server.Endpoint
3029 before []BeforeFunc
3231 }
3433 // NewBinding returns an HTTP handler that wraps the given endpoint.
35 func NewBinding(ctx context.Context, requestType reflect.Type, cdc codec.Codec, endpoint server.Endpoint, options ...BindingOption) http.Handler {
34 func NewBinding(ctx context.Context, makeRequest func() interface{}, cdc codec.Codec, endpoint server.Endpoint, options ...BindingOption) http.Handler {
3635 b := &binding{
3736 Context: ctx,
38 requestType: requestType,
37 makeRequest: makeRequest,
3938 Codec: cdc,
4039 Endpoint: endpoint,
4140 }
5655 }
5857 // Decode request.
59 req := reflect.New(b.requestType).Interface()
58 req := b.makeRequest()
6059 ctx, err := b.Codec.Decode(ctx, r.Body, req)
6160 if err != nil {
6261 http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
1111 ""
13 ""
1413 jsoncodec ""
1514 httptransport ""
1615 )
2827 return 3 * i // doesn't matter, just do something
2928 }
31 endpoint := func(_ context.Context, req server.Request) (server.Response, error) {
32 r, ok := req.(*myRequest)
30 endpoint := func(_ context.Context, request interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
31 r, ok := request.(*myRequest)
3332 if !ok {
34 return nil, fmt.Errorf("not myRequest (%s)", reflect.TypeOf(req))
33 return nil, fmt.Errorf("not myRequest (%s)", reflect.TypeOf(request))
3534 }
3635 return myResponse{transform(r.In)}, nil
3736 }
3938 ctx := context.Background()
40 requestType := reflect.TypeOf(myRequest{})
39 makeRequest := func() interface{} { return &myRequest{} }
4140 codec := jsoncodec.New()
42 binding := httptransport.NewBinding(ctx, requestType, codec, endpoint)
41 binding := httptransport.NewBinding(ctx, makeRequest, codec, endpoint)
4342 server := httptest.NewServer(binding)
4443 defer server.Close()