Codebase list golang-github-go-logr-logr / 1f4ef89
Merge pull request #12 from liranp/master Fix misspellings in README Tim Hockin authored 3 years ago GitHub committed 3 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
7575 **V-levels give operators an easy way to control the chattiness of log
7676 operations**. V-levels provide a way for a given package to distinguish
7777 the relative importance or verbosity of a given log message. Then, if
78 a particular logger or package is is logging too many messages, the user
79 of the package can simply chang the v-levels for that library.
78 a particular logger or package is logging too many messages, the user
79 of the package can simply change the v-levels for that library.
8181 ## Why not more named levels, like Warning?
139139 Kubernetes codebase):
141141 - `klog.V(4).Infof("Client is returning errors: code %v, error %v",
142 responseCode, err)` becomes `logger.V(4).Error(error, "client returned an
142 responseCode, err)` becomes `logger.Error(err, "client returned an
143143 error", "code", responseCode)`
145145 - `klog.V(4).Infof("Got a Retry-After %ds response for attempt %d to %v",