Codebase list golang-github-go-logr-logr / d731630
Add some test cases Tim Hockin 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 74 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
494494 Complex6: 6i,
495495 },
496496 exp: `{"complex1":"(0+1i)","-":"(0+3i)","complex4":"(0+4i)","Complex5":"(0+5i)","Complex6":"(0+6i)"}`,
497 }, {
498 val: TjsontagsComplex{},
499 exp: `{"complex1":"(0+0i)","-":"(0+0i)","Complex5":"(0+0i)"}`,
500 }, {
501 val: TjsontagsPtr{
502 Ptr1: newStr("1"),
503 Ptr2: newStr("2"),
504 Ptr3: newStr("3"),
505 Ptr4: newStr("4"),
506 Ptr5: newStr("5"),
507 Ptr6: newStr("6"),
508 },
509 }, {
510 val: TjsontagsPtr{},
511 }, {
512 val: TjsontagsArray{
513 Array1: [2]string{"v1", "v1"},
514 Array2: [2]string{"v2", "v2"},
515 Array3: [2]string{"v3", "v3"},
516 Array4: [2]string{"v4", "v4"},
517 Array5: [2]string{"v5", "v5"},
518 Array6: [2]string{"v6", "v6"},
519 },
520 }, {
521 val: TjsontagsArray{},
522 }, {
523 val: TjsontagsSlice{
524 Slice1: []string{"v1", "v1"},
525 Slice2: []string{"v2", "v2"},
526 Slice3: []string{"v3", "v3"},
527 Slice4: []string{"v4", "v4"},
528 Slice5: []string{"v5", "v5"},
529 Slice6: []string{"v6", "v6"},
530 },
531 }, {
532 val: TjsontagsSlice{},
533 exp: `{"slice1":[],"-":[],"Slice5":[]}`,
534 }, {
535 val: TjsontagsMap{
536 Map1: map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
537 Map2: map[string]string{"k2": "v2"},
538 Map3: map[string]string{"k3": "v3"},
539 Map4: map[string]string{"k4": "v4"},
540 Map5: map[string]string{"k5": "v5"},
541 Map6: map[string]string{"k6": "v6"},
542 },
543 }, {
544 val: TjsontagsMap{},
545 exp: `{"map1":{},"-":{},"Map5":{}}`,
546 }, {
547 val: Tembedstruct{},
548 }, {
549 val: Tembednonstruct{},
550 exp: `{"Tinnerint":0,"Tinnermap":{},"Tinnerslice":[]}`,
551 }, {
552 val: Tembedjsontags{},
553 }, {
554 val: PseudoStruct(makeKV("f1", 1, "f2", true, "f3", []int{})),
555 exp: `{"f1":1,"f2":true,"f3":[]}`,
556 }, {
557 val: map[TjsontagsString]int{
558 {String1: `"quoted"`, String4: `unquoted`}: 1,
559 },
560 exp: `{"{\"string1\":\"\\\"quoted\\\"\",\"-\":\"\",\"string4\":\"unquoted\",\"String5\":\"\"}":1}`,
561 }, {
562 val: map[TjsontagsInt]int{
563 {Int1: 1, Int2: 2}: 3,
564 },
565 exp: `{"{\"int1\":1,\"-\":0,\"Int5\":0}":3}`,
566 }, {
567 val: map[[2]struct{ S string }]int{
568 {{S: `"quoted"`}, {S: "unquoted"}}: 1,
569 },
570 exp: `{"[{\"S\":\"\\\"quoted\\\"\"},{\"S\":\"unquoted\"}]":1}`,
497571 }, {
498572 val: TjsontagsComplex{},
499573 exp: `{"complex1":"(0+0i)","-":"(0+0i)","Complex5":"(0+0i)"}`,