Codebase list golang-github-go-openapi-validate / 4371adb
[skip ci] update debian/gitlab-ci.yml (using pkg-go-tools/ci-config) See: Gbp-Dch: Ignore Aloïs Micard 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 24 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 # auto-generated, DO NOT MODIFY.
11 # The authoritative copy of this file lives at:
2 #
4 image: stapelberg/ci2
6 test_the_archive:
7 artifacts:
8 paths:
9 - before-applying-commit.json
10 - after-applying-commit.json
11 script:
12 # Create an overlay to discard writes to /srv/gopath/src after the build:
13 - "rm -rf /cache/overlay/{upper,work}"
14 - "mkdir -p /cache/overlay/{upper,work}"
15 - "mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/srv/gopath/src,upperdir=/cache/overlay/upper,workdir=/cache/overlay/work /srv/gopath/src"
16 - "export GOPATH=/srv/gopath"
17 - "export GOCACHE=/cache/go"
18 # Build the world as-is:
19 - "ci-build -exemptions=/var/lib/ci-build/exemptions.json > before-applying-commit.json"
20 # Copy this package into the overlay:
21 - "GBP_CONF_FILES=:debian/gbp.conf gbp buildpackage --git-no-pristine-tar --git-ignore-branch --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir=/tmp/export --git-no-overlay --git-tarball-dir=/nonexistant --git-cleaner=/bin/true --git-builder='dpkg-buildpackage -S -d --no-sign'"
22 - "pgt-gopath -dsc /tmp/export/*.dsc"
23 # Rebuild the world:
24 - "ci-build -exemptions=/var/lib/ci-build/exemptions.json > after-applying-commit.json"
25 - "ci-diff before-applying-commit.json after-applying-commit.json"
2 #
3 ---
4 include:
5 -