Codebase list golang-github-go-playground-validator-v10 / e8d470c
Merge pull request #229 from go-playground/v8-development Add FieldNamespace and NameNamespace + string comparison optimizations Dean Karn 8 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 298 addition(s) and 135 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
308308 Benchmarks
309309 ------
310 ###### Run on MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 using Go 1.5.1
311 ```go
312 $ go test -cpu=4 -bench=. -benchmem=true
310 ###### Run on MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 using Go version go1.5.2 darwin/amd64
311 ```go
312 go test -cpu=4 -bench=. -benchmem=true
313313 PASS
314 BenchmarkFieldSuccess-4 10000000 162 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
315 BenchmarkFieldFailure-4 2000000 678 ns/op 400 B/op 4 allocs/op
316 BenchmarkFieldDiveSuccess-4 500000 3079 ns/op 480 B/op 27 allocs/op
317 BenchmarkFieldDiveFailure-4 300000 3584 ns/op 880 B/op 31 allocs/op
318 BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccess-4 5000000 345 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
319 BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailure-4 2000000 650 ns/op 400 B/op 4 allocs/op
320 BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccess-4 1000000 1188 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
321 BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailure-4 1000000 1088 ns/op 432 B/op 6 allocs/op
322 BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccess-4 2000000 689 ns/op 160 B/op 6 allocs/op
323 BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailure-4 1000000 1290 ns/op 592 B/op 11 allocs/op
324 BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccess-4 2000000 911 ns/op 80 B/op 5 allocs/op
325 BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailure-4 1000000 1446 ns/op 624 B/op 11 allocs/op
326 BenchmarkStructPartialSuccess-4 1000000 1221 ns/op 384 B/op 10 allocs/op
327 BenchmarkStructPartialFailure-4 1000000 1764 ns/op 800 B/op 15 allocs/op
328 BenchmarkStructExceptSuccess-4 2000000 941 ns/op 336 B/op 7 allocs/op
329 BenchmarkStructExceptFailure-4 1000000 1237 ns/op 384 B/op 10 allocs/op
330 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccess-4 2000000 970 ns/op 128 B/op 6 allocs/op
331 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailure-4 1000000 1560 ns/op 560 B/op 11 allocs/op
332 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccess-4 1000000 1542 ns/op 176 B/op 9 allocs/op
333 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailure-4 1000000 2147 ns/op 608 B/op 14 allocs/op
334 BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccess-4 2000000 847 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
335 BenchmarkStructSimpleFailure-4 1000000 1497 ns/op 624 B/op 11 allocs/op
336 BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccessParallel-4 5000000 257 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
337 BenchmarkStructSimpleFailureParallel-4 2000000 586 ns/op 624 B/op 11 allocs/op
338 BenchmarkStructComplexSuccess-4 300000 5104 ns/op 496 B/op 29 allocs/op
339 BenchmarkStructComplexFailure-4 200000 9840 ns/op 3400 B/op 71 allocs/op
340 BenchmarkStructComplexSuccessParallel-4 1000000 1540 ns/op 496 B/op 29 allocs/op
341 BenchmarkStructComplexFailureParallel-4 500000 3478 ns/op 3400 B/op 71 allocs/op
314 BenchmarkFieldSuccess-4 10000000 176 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
315 BenchmarkFieldFailure-4 2000000 727 ns/op 432 B/op 4 allocs/op
316 BenchmarkFieldDiveSuccess-4 500000 3220 ns/op 480 B/op 27 allocs/op
317 BenchmarkFieldDiveFailure-4 500000 3823 ns/op 912 B/op 31 allocs/op
318 BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccess-4 5000000 368 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
319 BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailure-4 2000000 699 ns/op 432 B/op 4 allocs/op
320 BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccess-4 1000000 1265 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
321 BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailure-4 1000000 1182 ns/op 464 B/op 6 allocs/op
322 BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccess-4 2000000 739 ns/op 176 B/op 6 allocs/op
323 BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailure-4 1000000 1368 ns/op 640 B/op 11 allocs/op
324 BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccess-4 2000000 965 ns/op 80 B/op 5 allocs/op
325 BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailure-4 1000000 1561 ns/op 688 B/op 11 allocs/op
326 BenchmarkStructPartialSuccess-4 1000000 1285 ns/op 384 B/op 10 allocs/op
327 BenchmarkStructPartialFailure-4 1000000 1879 ns/op 832 B/op 15 allocs/op
328 BenchmarkStructExceptSuccess-4 2000000 1038 ns/op 336 B/op 7 allocs/op
329 BenchmarkStructExceptFailure-4 1000000 1330 ns/op 384 B/op 10 allocs/op
330 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccess-4 1000000 1081 ns/op 128 B/op 6 allocs/op
331 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailure-4 1000000 1737 ns/op 592 B/op 11 allocs/op
332 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccess-4 1000000 1790 ns/op 192 B/op 10 allocs/op
333 BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailure-4 500000 2431 ns/op 656 B/op 15 allocs/op
334 BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccess-4 2000000 950 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
335 BenchmarkStructSimpleFailure-4 1000000 1672 ns/op 688 B/op 11 allocs/op
336 BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccessParallel-4 5000000 271 ns/op 48 B/op 3 allocs/op
337 BenchmarkStructSimpleFailureParallel-4 2000000 670 ns/op 688 B/op 11 allocs/op
338 BenchmarkStructComplexSuccess-4 300000 5828 ns/op 544 B/op 32 allocs/op
339 BenchmarkStructComplexFailure-4 200000 11382 ns/op 3912 B/op 77 allocs/op
340 BenchmarkStructComplexSuccessParallel-4 1000000 1739 ns/op 544 B/op 32 allocs/op
341 BenchmarkStructComplexFailureParallel-4 300000 4682 ns/op 3912 B/op 77 allocs/op
342342 ```
344344 How to Contribute
755755 return false
756756 }
758 if len(url.Scheme) == 0 {
758 if url.Scheme == blank {
759759 return false
760760 }
77 )
99 const (
10 dash = "-"
1011 blank = ""
1112 namespaceSeparator = "."
1213 leftBracket = "["
8586 return current, kind, false
8687 }
88 if len(namespace) == 0 {
89 if namespace == blank {
8990 return current, kind, true
9091 }
262263 fld = typ.Field(i)
264 if len(fld.PkgPath) != 0 {
265 if fld.PkgPath != blank {
265266 continue
266267 }
272273 }
274275 customName = fld.Name
275 if len(v.fieldNameTag) != 0 {
276 if v.fieldNameTag != blank {
277278 name := strings.SplitN(fld.Tag.Get(v.fieldNameTag), ",", 2)[0]
309310 func (v *Validate) parseTagsRecursive(cTag *cachedTag, tag, fieldName, alias string, isAlias bool) bool {
311 if len(tag) == 0 {
312 if tag == blank {
312313 return true
313314 }
364365 tagVal.tag = alias
365366 }
367 if len(key) == 0 {
368 if key == blank {
368369 panic(strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(invalidValidation, fieldName)))
369370 }
5151 TopStruct reflect.Value
5252 CurrentStruct reflect.Value
5353 errPrefix string
54 nsPrefix string
5455 errs ValidationErrors
5556 v *Validate
5657 }
5960 // Example: had a triple nested struct User, ContactInfo, Country and ran errs := validate.Struct(country)
6061 // from within a User struct level validation would call this method like so:
6162 // ReportValidationErrors("ContactInfo.", errs)
63 // NOTE: relativeKey can contain both the Field Relative and Custom name relative paths
64 // i.e. ReportValidationErrors("ContactInfo.|cInfo", errs) where cInfo represents say the JSON name of
65 // the relative path; this will be split into 2 variables in the next valiator version.
6266 func (sl *StructLevel) ReportValidationErrors(relativeKey string, errs ValidationErrors) {
6367 for _, e := range errs {
64 sl.errs[sl.errPrefix+relativeKey+e.Field] = e
69 idx := strings.Index(relativeKey, "|")
70 var rel string
71 var cRel string
73 if idx != -1 {
74 rel = relativeKey[:idx]
75 cRel = relativeKey[idx+1:]
76 } else {
77 rel = relativeKey
78 }
80 key := sl.errPrefix + rel + e.Field
82 e.FieldNamespace = key
83 e.NameNamespace = sl.nsPrefix + cRel + e.Name
85 sl.errs[key] = e
6586 }
6687 }
7394 field, kind := sl.v.ExtractType(field)
75 if len(fieldName) == 0 {
96 if fieldName == blank {
7697 panic(fieldNameRequired)
7798 }
79 if len(customName) == 0 {
100 if customName == blank {
80101 customName = fieldName
81102 }
83 if len(tag) == 0 {
104 if tag == blank {
84105 panic(tagRequired)
85106 }
108 ns := sl.errPrefix + fieldName
87110 switch kind {
88111 case reflect.Invalid:
89 sl.errs[sl.errPrefix+fieldName] = &FieldError{
90 Name: customName,
91 Field: fieldName,
92 Tag: tag,
93 ActualTag: tag,
94 Param: blank,
95 Kind: kind,
112 sl.errs[ns] = &FieldError{
113 FieldNamespace: ns,
114 NameNamespace: sl.nsPrefix + customName,
115 Name: customName,
116 Field: fieldName,
117 Tag: tag,
118 ActualTag: tag,
119 Param: blank,
120 Kind: kind,
96121 }
97122 default:
98 sl.errs[sl.errPrefix+fieldName] = &FieldError{
99 Name: customName,
100 Field: fieldName,
101 Tag: tag,
102 ActualTag: tag,
103 Param: blank,
104 Value: field.Interface(),
105 Kind: kind,
106 Type: field.Type(),
123 sl.errs[ns] = &FieldError{
124 FieldNamespace: ns,
125 NameNamespace: sl.nsPrefix + customName,
126 Name: customName,
127 Field: fieldName,
128 Tag: tag,
129 ActualTag: tag,
130 Param: blank,
131 Value: field.Interface(),
132 Kind: kind,
133 Type: field.Type(),
107134 }
108135 }
109136 }
177204 // FieldError contains a single field's validation error along
178205 // with other properties that may be needed for error message creation
179206 type FieldError struct {
180 Field string
181 Name string
182 Tag string
183 ActualTag string
184 Kind reflect.Kind
185 Type reflect.Type
186 Param string
187 Value interface{}
207 FieldNamespace string
208 NameNamespace string
209 Field string
210 Name string
211 Tag string
212 ActualTag string
213 Kind reflect.Kind
214 Type reflect.Type
215 Param string
216 Value interface{}
188217 }
190219 // New creates a new Validate instance for use.
240269 func (v *Validate) RegisterValidation(key string, fn Func) error {
241270 v.initCheck()
243 if len(key) == 0 {
272 if key == blank {
244273 return errors.New("Function Key cannot be empty")
245274 }
305334 errs := v.errsPool.Get().(ValidationErrors)
306335 fieldVal := reflect.ValueOf(field)
308 v.traverseField(fieldVal, fieldVal, fieldVal, blank, errs, false, tag, blank, blank, false, false, nil, nil)
337 v.traverseField(fieldVal, fieldVal, fieldVal, blank, blank, errs, false, tag, blank, blank, false, false, nil, nil)
310339 if len(errs) == 0 {
311340 v.errsPool.Put(errs)
325354 errs := v.errsPool.Get().(ValidationErrors)
326355 topVal := reflect.ValueOf(val)
328 v.traverseField(topVal, topVal, reflect.ValueOf(field), blank, errs, false, tag, blank, blank, false, false, nil, nil)
357 v.traverseField(topVal, topVal, reflect.ValueOf(field), blank, blank, errs, false, tag, blank, blank, false, false, nil, nil)
330359 if len(errs) == 0 {
331360 v.errsPool.Put(errs)
384413 errs := v.errsPool.Get().(ValidationErrors)
386 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, errs, true, len(m) != 0, false, m, false)
415 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, blank, errs, true, len(m) != 0, false, m, false)
388417 if len(errs) == 0 {
389418 v.errsPool.Put(errs)
405434 m := map[string]*struct{}{}
407436 for _, key := range fields {
408 m[name+"."+key] = emptyStructPtr
437 m[name+namespaceSeparator+key] = emptyStructPtr
409438 }
411440 errs := v.errsPool.Get().(ValidationErrors)
413 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, errs, true, len(m) != 0, true, m, false)
442 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, blank, errs, true, len(m) != 0, true, m, false)
415444 if len(errs) == 0 {
416445 v.errsPool.Put(errs)
429458 errs := v.errsPool.Get().(ValidationErrors)
430459 sv := reflect.ValueOf(current)
432 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, errs, true, false, false, nil, false)
461 v.tranverseStruct(sv, sv, sv, blank, blank, errs, true, false, false, nil, false)
434463 if len(errs) == 0 {
435464 v.errsPool.Put(errs)
440469 }
442471 // tranverseStruct traverses a structs fields and then passes them to be validated by traverseField
443 func (v *Validate) tranverseStruct(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, useStructName bool, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, isStructOnly bool) {
472 func (v *Validate) tranverseStruct(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, nsPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, useStructName bool, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, isStructOnly bool) {
445474 if current.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !current.IsNil() {
446475 current = current.Elem()
456485 sName := typ.Name()
458487 if useStructName {
459 errPrefix += sName + "."
488 errPrefix += sName + namespaceSeparator
490 if v.fieldNameTag != blank {
491 nsPrefix += sName + namespaceSeparator
492 }
460493 }
462495 // structonly tag present don't tranverseFields
469502 // is anonymous struct, cannot parse or cache as
470503 // it has no name to index by
471 if len(sName) == 0 {
504 if sName == blank {
473506 var customName string
474507 var ok bool
479512 fld = typ.Field(i)
481 if len(fld.PkgPath) != 0 {
514 if fld.PkgPath != blank {
482515 continue
483516 }
492525 }
494527 customName = fld.Name
495 if v.fieldNameTag != "" {
529 if v.fieldNameTag != blank {
497531 name := strings.SplitN(fld.Tag.Get(v.fieldNameTag), ",", 2)[0]
499533 // dash check is for json "-" means don't output in json
500 if name != "" && name != "-" {
534 if name != blank && name != dash {
501535 customName = name
502536 }
503537 }
505 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Field(i), errPrefix, errs, true, fld.Tag.Get(v.tagName), fld.Name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
539 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Field(i), errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, true, fld.Tag.Get(v.tagName), fld.Name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
506540 }
507541 } else {
508542 s, ok := v.structCache.Get(typ)
522556 }
523557 fld = typ.Field(i)
525 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Field(i), errPrefix, errs, true, f.CachedTag.tag, fld.Name, f.AltName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, f.CachedTag)
559 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Field(i), errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, true, f.CachedTag.tag, fld.Name, f.AltName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, f.CachedTag)
526560 }
527561 }
528562 }
530564 // check if any struct level validations, after all field validations already checked.
531565 if v.hasStructLevelFuncs {
532566 if fn, ok := v.structLevelFuncs[current.Type()]; ok {
533 fn(v, &StructLevel{v: v, TopStruct: topStruct, CurrentStruct: current, errPrefix: errPrefix, errs: errs})
567 fn(v, &StructLevel{v: v, TopStruct: topStruct, CurrentStruct: current, errPrefix: errPrefix, nsPrefix: nsPrefix, errs: errs})
534568 }
535569 }
536570 }
538572 // traverseField validates any field, be it a struct or single field, ensures it's validity and passes it along to be validated via it's tag options
539 func (v *Validate) traverseField(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, isStructField bool, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
573 func (v *Validate) traverseField(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, nsPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, isStructField bool, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
541575 if tag == skipValidationTag {
542576 return
560594 return
561595 }
563 if len(tag) > 0 {
597 if tag != blank {
599 ns := errPrefix + name
565601 if kind == reflect.Invalid {
566 errs[errPrefix+name] = &FieldError{
567 Name: customName,
568 Field: name,
569 Tag: cTag.tags[0].tag,
570 ActualTag: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][0],
571 Param: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][1],
572 Kind: kind,
602 errs[ns] = &FieldError{
603 FieldNamespace: ns,
604 NameNamespace: nsPrefix + customName,
605 Name: customName,
606 Field: name,
607 Tag: cTag.tags[0].tag,
608 ActualTag: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][0],
609 Param: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][1],
610 Kind: kind,
573611 }
574612 return
575613 }
577 errs[errPrefix+name] = &FieldError{
578 Name: customName,
579 Field: name,
580 Tag: cTag.tags[0].tag,
581 ActualTag: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][0],
582 Param: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][1],
583 Value: current.Interface(),
584 Kind: kind,
585 Type: current.Type(),
615 errs[ns] = &FieldError{
616 FieldNamespace: ns,
617 NameNamespace: nsPrefix + customName,
618 Name: customName,
619 Field: name,
620 Tag: cTag.tags[0].tag,
621 ActualTag: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][0],
622 Param: cTag.tags[0].tagVals[0][1],
623 Value: current.Interface(),
624 Kind: kind,
625 Type: current.Type(),
586626 }
588628 return
602642 return
603643 }
605 v.tranverseStruct(topStruct, current, current, errPrefix+name+".", errs, false, partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag.isStructOnly)
645 v.tranverseStruct(topStruct, current, current, errPrefix+name+namespaceSeparator, nsPrefix+customName+namespaceSeparator, errs, false, partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag.isStructOnly)
606646 return
607647 }
608648 }
610 if len(tag) == 0 {
650 if tag == blank {
611651 return
612652 }
636676 continue
637677 }
639 if v.validateField(topStruct, currentStruct, current, typ, kind, errPrefix, errs, valTag, name, customName) {
679 if v.validateField(topStruct, currentStruct, current, typ, kind, errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, valTag, name, customName) {
640680 return
641681 }
642682 }
646686 // or panic ;)
647687 switch kind {
648688 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
649 v.traverseSlice(topStruct, currentStruct, current, errPrefix, errs, diveSubTag, name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
689 v.traverseSlice(topStruct, currentStruct, current, errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, diveSubTag, name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
650690 case reflect.Map:
651 v.traverseMap(topStruct, currentStruct, current, errPrefix, errs, diveSubTag, name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
691 v.traverseMap(topStruct, currentStruct, current, errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, diveSubTag, name, customName, partial, exclude, includeExclude, nil)
652692 default:
653693 // throw error, if not a slice or map then should not have gotten here
654694 // bad dive tag
658698 }
660700 // traverseSlice traverses a Slice or Array's elements and passes them to traverseField for validation
661 func (v *Validate) traverseSlice(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
701 func (v *Validate) traverseSlice(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, nsPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
663703 for i := 0; i < current.Len(); i++ {
664 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Index(i), errPrefix, errs, false, tag, fmt.Sprintf(arrayIndexFieldName, name, i), fmt.Sprintf(arrayIndexFieldName, customName, i), partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag)
704 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.Index(i), errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, false, tag, fmt.Sprintf(arrayIndexFieldName, name, i), fmt.Sprintf(arrayIndexFieldName, customName, i), partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag)
665705 }
666706 }
668708 // traverseMap traverses a map's elements and passes them to traverseField for validation
669 func (v *Validate) traverseMap(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
709 func (v *Validate) traverseMap(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, errPrefix string, nsPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, tag, name, customName string, partial bool, exclude bool, includeExclude map[string]*struct{}, cTag *cachedTag) {
671711 for _, key := range current.MapKeys() {
672 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.MapIndex(key), errPrefix, errs, false, tag, fmt.Sprintf(mapIndexFieldName, name, key.Interface()), fmt.Sprintf(mapIndexFieldName, customName, key.Interface()), partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag)
712 v.traverseField(topStruct, currentStruct, current.MapIndex(key), errPrefix, nsPrefix, errs, false, tag, fmt.Sprintf(mapIndexFieldName, name, key.Interface()), fmt.Sprintf(mapIndexFieldName, customName, key.Interface()), partial, exclude, includeExclude, cTag)
673713 }
674714 }
676716 // validateField validates a field based on the provided tag's key and param values and returns true if there is an error or false if all ok
677 func (v *Validate) validateField(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, currentType reflect.Type, currentKind reflect.Kind, errPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, valTag *tagVals, name, customName string) bool {
717 func (v *Validate) validateField(topStruct reflect.Value, currentStruct reflect.Value, current reflect.Value, currentType reflect.Type, currentKind reflect.Kind, errPrefix string, nsPrefix string, errs ValidationErrors, valTag *tagVals, name, customName string) bool {
679719 var valFunc Func
680720 var ok bool
697737 errTag += orSeparator + val[0]
698738 }
740 ns := errPrefix + name
700742 if valTag.isAlias {
701 errs[errPrefix+name] = &FieldError{
702 Name: customName,
703 Field: name,
704 Tag: valTag.tag,
705 ActualTag: errTag[1:],
706 Value: current.Interface(),
707 Type: currentType,
708 Kind: currentKind,
743 errs[ns] = &FieldError{
744 FieldNamespace: ns,
745 NameNamespace: nsPrefix + customName,
746 Name: customName,
747 Field: name,
748 Tag: valTag.tag,
749 ActualTag: errTag[1:],
750 Value: current.Interface(),
751 Type: currentType,
752 Kind: currentKind,
709753 }
710754 } else {
711755 errs[errPrefix+name] = &FieldError{
712 Name: customName,
713 Field: name,
714 Tag: errTag[1:],
715 ActualTag: errTag[1:],
716 Value: current.Interface(),
717 Type: currentType,
718 Kind: currentKind,
756 FieldNamespace: ns,
757 NameNamespace: nsPrefix + customName,
758 Name: customName,
759 Field: name,
760 Tag: errTag[1:],
761 ActualTag: errTag[1:],
762 Value: current.Interface(),
763 Type: currentType,
764 Kind: currentKind,
719765 }
720766 }
731777 return false
732778 }
734 errs[errPrefix+name] = &FieldError{
735 Name: customName,
736 Field: name,
737 Tag: valTag.tag,
738 ActualTag: valTag.tagVals[0][0],
739 Value: current.Interface(),
740 Param: valTag.tagVals[0][1],
741 Type: currentType,
742 Kind: currentKind,
780 ns := errPrefix + name
782 errs[ns] = &FieldError{
783 FieldNamespace: ns,
784 NameNamespace: nsPrefix + customName,
785 Name: customName,
786 Field: name,
787 Tag: valTag.tag,
788 ActualTag: valTag.tagVals[0][0],
789 Value: current.Interface(),
790 Param: valTag.tagVals[0][1],
791 Type: currentType,
792 Kind: currentKind,
743793 }
745795 return true
283283 structLevel.ReportValidationErrors("Inner1.", errs.(ValidationErrors))
284284 }
286 func StructValidationTestStructReturnValidationErrors2(v *Validate, structLevel *StructLevel) {
288 s := structLevel.CurrentStruct.Interface().(TestStructReturnValidationErrors)
290 errs := v.Struct(s.Inner1.Inner2)
291 if errs == nil {
292 return
293 }
295 structLevel.ReportValidationErrors("Inner1.|Inner1JSON.", errs.(ValidationErrors))
296 }
286298 type TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner2 struct {
287 String string `validate:"required"`
299 String string `validate:"required" json:"JSONString"`
288300 }
290302 type TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner1 struct {
292304 }
294306 type TestStructReturnValidationErrors struct {
295 Inner1 *TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner1
307 Inner1 *TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner1 `json:"Inner1JSON"`
308 }
310 type Inner2Namespace struct {
311 String []string `validate:"dive,required" json:"JSONString"`
312 }
314 type Inner1Namespace struct {
315 Inner2 *Inner2Namespace `json:"Inner2JSON"`
316 }
318 type Namespace struct {
319 Inner1 *Inner1Namespace `json:"Inner1JSON"`
320 }
322 func TestNameNamespace(t *testing.T) {
324 config := &Config{
325 TagName: "validate",
326 FieldNameTag: "json",
327 }
329 v1 := New(config)
330 i2 := &Inner2Namespace{String: []string{"ok", "ok", "ok"}}
331 i1 := &Inner1Namespace{Inner2: i2}
332 ns := &Namespace{Inner1: i1}
334 errs := v1.Struct(ns)
335 Equal(t, errs, nil)
337 i2.String[1] = ""
339 errs = v1.Struct(ns)
340 NotEqual(t, errs, nil)
342 ve := errs.(ValidationErrors)
343 Equal(t, len(ve), 1)
344 AssertError(t, errs, "Namespace.Inner1.Inner2.String[1]", "String[1]", "required")
346 fe, ok := ve["Namespace.Inner1.Inner2.String[1]"]
347 Equal(t, ok, true)
349 Equal(t, fe.Field, "String[1]")
350 Equal(t, fe.FieldNamespace, "Namespace.Inner1.Inner2.String[1]")
351 Equal(t, fe.Name, "JSONString[1]")
352 Equal(t, fe.NameNamespace, "Namespace.Inner1JSON.Inner2JSON.JSONString[1]")
296353 }
298355 func TestAnonymous(t *testing.T) {
377434 errs = v1.Struct(val)
378435 NotEqual(t, errs, nil)
436 Equal(t, len(errs.(ValidationErrors)), 2)
379437 AssertError(t, errs, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.Inner2.String", "String", "required")
438 // this is an extra error reported from struct validation
439 AssertError(t, errs, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.String", "String", "required")
440 }
442 func TestStructLevelReturnValidationErrorsWithJSON(t *testing.T) {
443 config := &Config{
444 TagName: "validate",
445 FieldNameTag: "json",
446 }
448 v1 := New(config)
449 v1.RegisterStructValidation(StructValidationTestStructReturnValidationErrors2, TestStructReturnValidationErrors{})
451 inner2 := &TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner2{
452 String: "I'm HERE",
453 }
455 inner1 := &TestStructReturnValidationErrorsInner1{
456 Inner2: inner2,
457 }
459 val := &TestStructReturnValidationErrors{
460 Inner1: inner1,
461 }
463 errs := v1.Struct(val)
464 Equal(t, errs, nil)
466 inner2.String = ""
468 errs = v1.Struct(val)
469 NotEqual(t, errs, nil)
470 Equal(t, len(errs.(ValidationErrors)), 2)
471 AssertError(t, errs, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.Inner2.String", "String", "required")
472 // this is an extra error reported from struct validation, it's a badly formatted one, but on purpose
473 AssertError(t, errs, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.String", "String", "required")
475 fe, ok := errs.(ValidationErrors)["TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.Inner2.String"]
476 Equal(t, ok, true)
478 // check for proper JSON namespace
479 Equal(t, fe.Field, "String")
480 Equal(t, fe.Name, "JSONString")
481 Equal(t, fe.FieldNamespace, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.Inner2.String")
482 Equal(t, fe.NameNamespace, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1JSON.Inner2.JSONString")
484 fe, ok = errs.(ValidationErrors)["TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.String"]
485 Equal(t, ok, true)
487 // check for proper JSON namespace
488 Equal(t, fe.Field, "String")
489 Equal(t, fe.Name, "JSONString")
490 Equal(t, fe.FieldNamespace, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1.String")
491 Equal(t, fe.NameNamespace, "TestStructReturnValidationErrors.Inner1JSON.JSONString")
380492 }
382494 func TestStructLevelValidations(t *testing.T) {