Codebase list golang-github-go-stack-stack / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

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# stack

Package stack implements utilities to capture, manipulate, and format call
stacks. It provides a simpler API than package runtime.

The implementation takes care of the minutia and special cases of interpreting
the program counter (pc) values returned by runtime.Callers.

## Versioning

Package stack publishes releases via [semver]( compatible Git
tags prefixed with a single 'v'. The master branch always contains the latest
release. The develop branch contains unreleased commits.

## Formatting

Package stack's types implement fmt.Formatter, which provides a simple and
flexible way to declaratively configure formatting when used with logging or
error tracking packages.

func DoTheThing() {
    c := stack.Caller(0)
    log.Print(c)          // "source.go:10"
    log.Printf("%+v", c)  // "pkg/path/source.go:10"
    log.Printf("%n", c)   // "DoTheThing"

    s := stack.Trace().TrimRuntime()
    log.Print(s)          // "[source.go:15 caller.go:42 main.go:14]"

See the docs for all of the supported formatting options.