Codebase list golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror / aa5e577
Remove constraints unnecessary since buster * Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev. * golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror-dev: Drop versioned constraint on golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev in Depends. Changes-By: deb-scrub-obsolete Debian Janitor 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 Priority: optional
88 Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
99 dh-golang,
10 golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev (>= 1.0.0~),
10 golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev,
1111 golang-any
1212 Standards-Version:
1313 Vcs-Browser:
1919 Package: golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror-dev
2020 Architecture: all
21 Depends: golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev (>= 1.0.0~),
21 Depends: golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap-dev,
2222 ${misc:Depends},
2323 ${shlibs:Depends}
2424 Description: Go package for representing a list of errors as a single error