Codebase list golang-github-jdkato-prose / 99216ea
Update GRS score Joseph Kato authored 5 years ago GitHub committed 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
134134 | Name | Language | License | GRS (English) | GRS (Other) | Speed† |
135135 |---------------------|----------|-----------|----------------|-------------|----------|
136136 | Pragmatic Segmenter | Ruby | MIT | 98.08% (51/52) | 100.00% | 3.84 s |
137 | prose | Go | MIT | 75.00% (39/52) | N/A | 0.96 s |
137 | prose | Go | MIT | 73.07% (38/52) | N/A | 0.96 s |
138138 | TactfulTokenizer | Ruby | GNU GPLv3 | 65.38% (34/52) | 48.57% | 46.32 s |
139139 | OpenNLP | Java | APLv2 | 59.62% (31/52) | 45.71% | 1.27 s |
140140 | Standford CoreNLP | Java | GNU GPLv3 | 59.62% (31/52) | 31.43% | 0.92 s |