Codebase list golang-github-mattn-go-ieproxy / 97950de
If we do fallback to WinHTTP, set both proxy and proxyByPass because they are logically a pair John Rusk 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 10 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4747 defer globalFreeWrapper(defaultCfg.lpszProxy)
4848 defer globalFreeWrapper(defaultCfg.lpszProxyBypass)
50 // Changed, next 2 lines, so if that if we always set both of these (they are a pair, it doesn't make sense to set one here and keep the value of the other from above)
51 newProxy := StringFromUTF16Ptr(defaultCfg.lpszProxy)
52 if proxy == "" {
53 proxy = newProxy
54 }
56 newProxyByPass := StringFromUTF16Ptr(defaultCfg.lpszProxyBypass)
57 if proxyByPass == "" {
58 proxyByPass = newProxyByPass
59 }
50 // Always set both of these (they are a pair, it doesn't make sense to set one here and keep the value of the other from above)
51 proxy = StringFromUTF16Ptr(defaultCfg.lpszProxy)
52 proxyByPass = StringFromUTF16Ptr(defaultCfg.lpszProxyBypass)
6053 }
6154 }